10/04/1976 - 5724� II� � � � ' � ' ' � �� ' ' ' JANET KONZAK ADMINISTRATIVE ASStSTANT REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 4, 1976 ' � � TNE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL OF OC70BER 4, 197E ' � ' � � , ' �J ' ill � � �� � � � � 158 THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR PIEETIF�G OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUPlCIL QF QCTOQER 4, 1976 The Reguiar f1eetinn of the Fridley City Counci] of October n, 1976 was called to order at 7:39 p.m. by Mayor flee. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIAP�CE P1ayor Nee ]ed the Council and the audience in sayin� the Pled�e of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CAlL: P1EP16ERS PRESEP�T: Councilrnan Fitzpatrick, Councilman Starwalt, Councilwoman Kukowski, Councilman Hamernik, and P1ayor Plee. t1EPiBERS AQSEP�T: P�one ADOP7IOP� OF AGEPIDA: MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to adopt the anenda with the addiiion of an item: "consfderation of abatement at 650 Ely Street PI.E.". Seconded by Counci7woman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, ail voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. OPEN FORUh1, VISiTORS: No onP from the audience wished to address the Council. PUBLIC HE{1RIf�G: PUBLIC HEARING ON FIftAL ASSESSP9EP�T ROLL FOR S70RP9 SEI��ER IMPROVEP1ENT PROJECT N0. 120: ,10TIOPJ by Councilman Fitzpatrick to •vaive the readinn of the Public Hearing notice and ooen the Public Hearinn. Seconded by Council«oman Kukowski. Unon a voice vote, all vo*ing aye, �1ayor Ilee declared the motion carried unanimously and the Public Hearing opened at 7:41 p.m. P1r. Dick Sobiech, Public 4lorks Director, then ]ed the discussion stating that this was a final assessment ro]1 for Storm Sewer Improvement Project fto. 120 which consisted of storm sewer pipe installation and some grading on some tax forfeit properties generally iocated at 52nd Avenue and Pierce and Fillmore Streets. This imnrovement was initiated at the request of Anoka County in order to improve these tax forfeit properties in anticipation that upon im�rovement they would be olaced for �ublic sale and for future development. 6tith this in mind, the City staff worked with Anoka County to perform the grading and installation of storm sewer pipe. F?r. Sobiech also �ointed out that the assessment per lot resulted in an approximate finure of $771.19. . P9ayor P�ee asked if there were any questions and there was no response. MOTION by Councilman StarwaTt to close the Public Hearing. 5econded by.Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, P1ayor Nee declared the mot'cn carried unanimou.�ly and the Pub]ic Hearing closed at 7:4R p.m. OLD QUSINESS: RESOLUTIOPJ N0. 101-197F - CONFIRNIMG ASSESS�1ENT FOR TFIE TREAT�1EFlT AfiD REMOVAL OF TREES 1976 TABLED SEPTEt1BER 27, 1976 : Mayor Nee stated that there was a public hearing on the matter and asked if anyone had any questions regarding the subject. I t1r. 4Jilliam Tonco, 5925 Hackmann Avenue, stated that reqarding his prooerty, the tree � that was planted is a boulevard tree and not his responsibilit,y. Mr. FJasim Qureshi, i City P1anager, stated that the City did not ori�inal]y plant the tree; however from the the information he had, the tree was planted 18 inches inside the nroperty and � before the tree ►�ias removed, the majorit,y of the tree was on P1r. Tonco's property. �ir. QuresF�i asked Dr. Dan Huff, Naturalist Department, if the proper procedure was followed in the removal of the tree and Dr. Huff responded that it was. Dr. Huff � stated that the tree was planted by the developer and that this was simply a mistake , � � f�� _ I59 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETIPJG OF O�TOQER:4, 1976 PA6E 2 in planning since it was planted on private property. Playor Nee stated that he believed the City had a certain responsibility in ihe matter and asked Mr. Tonco how he would feel about a fifty-fifty payment split and he commented that it would be better than nothing. MOTION by Councilman Starwalt ta approve the assessment cost of the particular tree in question being split one half by Mr. Tonco and one half by the City. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all votina aye, Playor Nee deelared the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Nee asked if there vrere any further discussions renardinn the matter and P1r. Steven Wieber, 6005 5th Street �l.E., spoke statin� that he attended the public hearing the week before and voiced his opinion in opp�sition of his being assessed. Councilman Hamernik then proceeded t� comment that after some discussion arith P1r. Wieber, it was his position that the City followed the normal procedures in carryinn out an assessment such as this, and the fact was that notification was sent to the former owners. Councilman Hamernik stated that he indicated to P1r. 4tieber that he hoped Mr. Wieber would handle this as an assessment anainst his propert,y. Mayor Nee then asked Pir. Virgil Herrick, City Attorney, his opinion regarding this and P1r. Herrick stated that if valid notice was niven to the property �wners arho own the.property at the Lime, that would be binding on anyone avho buys the oronerty. Ne further pointed out that it is the oblination of the person that is sellin� the nropert,y to notify the person a�ho is buying it, and that P4r. 4lieber may have a claim aclainst the former owner, but he didn't think P1r. blieUer had a claim aqainst the City. Dlayor Wee commented that the tree was red marked; hawever, f1r. blieber stated that he did not notice the trees when he bought the house. Mr. Herrick asked ttr. Wieber if he knew where the former nwners �;�ere livina and he commented that the rezltor informed him somewhere in Ohio. However, there was a sister livinn in town. Dr. Huff asked Mr. Wieber ti��hy he did not contact the Ci±.y and inquire who was croinq to pay for the removal at the time the tree was removed, t�layor Nee then gave itr. t�lieber a copy of the research that was d�ne. P1r. 6runsell, Finance Director, urned the Council to adopt the resolution at this time and said the Council could always take action between now and November 15i:h, or so�netime thereafter, regarding the assessir,ent; as this was the last meeting and his office was required to certify the charnes to the County by October 10, 1976. Councilman Hamernik stated that he would be in favor of this. f1ayor Nee stated that if further interaction by Mr. Wieber was to be done, perhaps an amendment could be made in the next few weeks and to advise Councilman Hamernik of any details. MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to adopt Resolution Na. 101-T976. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Playor Plee declared the motion carried unanimously. NEfrJ BUSINESS: CONSIDERATION OF FIRST READING OF AN ORDINAMCE AUOPTIM6 THE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAI YEAR 1977: — MOTION by Councilman Hamernik to waive the readinq and adopt the ordinance on the first reading. Seconded by Council�voman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all votinn aye, Playor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION N0. 102-1976 - DFTERMINING THE P�ECESSI7Y OF AND PROVIDIPJG fOR A TAX LEVY ; IN EXCESS OF PlORP1AL CITY !�HARTER TAX LI�IITS: MOTION by Councilwoman Kukowski to adopt Resolution No. 1Q2-1976. Seconded by Councilman � Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all votinn aye, Playor Plee declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLl1TI0N �10. 103-1976 - CERTIFYIPJC, TAX LEVY REQUIREP1EMTS FOR 1977 TO THE COUNTY OF ANOKA F R COLLECTIOfJ: — MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to adopt Resolution Plo. 103-1976. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, a11 votinq aye, Mayor P�ee declared the motion carried unanimously. � I� � � � � '� Il�i� { _ Iso REGULAR COUNCIL MEETIMG OF OCTOBER 4, 1976 PAGE 3 DISCUSSIOM REGARDING POSSIBLE P1EETIPJC, OF CITY COUNCIL 41ITH DISTRICT P�O. 14 SCHOOL BOARD TO DISCUSS ITEF1S OF COOPER 'fIOP! AND COPIMON INTEREST: Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated that there were a number of areas whereby they are cooperating with the school board and school administration and perhaps a meeting of the City Council and school board to explore the areas of further eooperation and future policy directian would be helpful. Councilwoman Kukowski then sugnested a meetinR date sometime in November. Councilman Fitzpatrick stated the meetinn dates of November 4th and 18th would be acceptable. MOTTON by Councilman Fitzpatrick directin� the City Plananer to forward the letter to Chairman Sangster of the School Board. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanir�ous]y. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE PLAPiP1ING COMP9ISSION MEETIPlG OF SEPTEMBER 22, ]976: E. R. SWANSON; ZOA #76-03, 73RD AVEN�JE & CEPJTRAL: MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to set the n�atter for Public liearing on Plovember 8, 1976. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. CEP�TRAL TOWNHOUSE ADDITION; P.S. #76-08, E. S4JANSOPd AND � TOUlNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT PLAPIS, T. �76-03: MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to set the matter for Public Hearing on November 8, i976. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upo.n a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. E. MADSEN; L.S. #76-06, 246 RICE CREEK BLVD.: P1r. Sobiech, Public 4lorks Director, stated that this was a request by Mr. Madsen to split existing parcels of property at 250 Rice Creek Boulevard. tie further pointed out that ihe reason for the request for the 1ot split is to better describe the property line in its relation to some existing dwellings. The Pianning Commission recommended approval of the lot split request with the stipulation that an agreement be provided by the property owner. r1r. Sobiech then asked if there was a representative present, and �1r. Madsen stated that he had nothing further to add -- only that it is a mutually agreeable situation between Mrs. �lurphy and himseif. MOTION by Councilman Hamernik to approve the lot split. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Playor Plee declared the motion carried unanimously. F. J. VOTH; L.S. #76-07, 5801> 5805-5809 ARTHUR STREETS: Mr. Sobiech, Public Works Director, stated that this was a request for a lot split to portion off a large parcel of property in three buiiding sites,and the Planning Commission did recorranend approva]. MOTION by Counci]man Starwalt to approve the lot split, alloH� the building permit on lot two and after he works with the property owner and prospective buyer to resolve: (1) the garage encroachment, {2) the 20 foot street easement, and (3) the ownership of the shed on park property, then allow the permit on lot one. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all votinc� aye, PTayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. I CQtdSIDERATION OF APPEALS COP1P1ISSION MINUtES OF SEPTEMBER 15, 1976: M. PIAYER; 7431-7433 ABLE STREET: ! �10TION by Councilman Hamernik to concur with the recommendation of the Appeals I Commission and grant the variance. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a � voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Plee declared the motion carried unaniroously. � MO7ION by Councilman Starwalt to receive the minutes of the Planning Comr�ission meeting of September 22, 197b. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Uuon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. I�� { � , REGULAR COUNCIL MEcTING OF OCT06ER 4, 1916 PAGE 4 CONSIDERATION OF ACQUIRING TAX FORFEIT PROPERTY- ADJOIPIIPIC PfORT�i IP�NSBRUCK PARK AND TRANSFERRING PARK PROPERTY ALOP�C, RICE CREEK EAST OF CENTRAL TO AP10KA COUPlTY: Mr. Quresht, City Manager, stated that.on the proposal for the property that is east of Central along Rice Creek, basically the amount the City is asking the County to pay for is what the City's cost for the property is, which works out to be $9,062.79. Also, on the acquisition of tax forfeit properties next to Innsbruck Plorth Park, the proposal is to acquire all the property except only acquire 12 feet access easement on Lot 1, Block l, Carl Peterson Addition. Councilman Starwalt indicated maybe we should acquire that lot also and then later make a determination to sell portions of Lot l, Block 1, Carl Peterson Addition, also Lot 42, Auditors Subdivision #92, and a1so acquire all these lots outright so that any of these properties can be sold, especially these two loi.s. � Mr. Qureshi indicated that once the property is acquired, there might be some resistance ; from the people to sell these properties because they would think the City was disposing of some park property, even though the City is buyinc� these properties with the intention of selling it, and this route might be finarcially better for the City to follow. � MOTION b,y Councilman Starwalt to approve the Memorandum of Understanding with the ; addition of Lot 1, Block l, Car1 Peterson Addiiion, and the amendment of the assessment � ficjure to $9,318.82. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, all votinq ; aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF AN AGREEI�IENT BET4IEEN THE MIN�dESOTA DEPNRTPIEPlT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND THE CITY FGR THE IPlS?ALLATION OF AN ARTIFICIAL AERATIOPI SYSTEP1 APlD A FISHING PIER AT MOORE LAKE: � � MOi"ION by Councilman Starwalt to approve the ac�reement. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, �1ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST fOR FUNDS TO SUPPORT TH� �lORTH SUBURQNfd FAP1ILY SERVICE CEMTER: MQTION by Councilwoman Kukowski to table the matter unt-il the next meeting. Seconded by Councilman 5tarwalt. Upon a voice votE, al1 vutinq aye, Playor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSTDERATION Of REQUEST BY COUNCILMEh16ERS Kl7KOWSKI AP,D HAMER�IIK TO ATTEND THE NATIOCdAL LEAGUE OF CITIES 1976 COfIGRESS IN DENVER, COLORAD�, PlOVEh1BER 28 - DECEMSER 1, 1976: MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to approve the attendance of both councilmembers at the conference. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION N0. 104-1976 - SETTING AN ELFCTION FOR COIINCILP1EP16ER - WARO II: MOTIO�d by Councilman Fi'�°.�atrick t.o adopt Resolution No. 104-1976. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Ui'on a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION N0. 105-1976 - DESIGP�ATIPlC; POLLINC PLACES AND APPOINTING ELECTION JUDGES FOR 1�HE NOVEMBER 2, 1976 GENERAL ELECTIOPJ: MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to adopt Resolution No. 105-1976. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, P1ayor Plee declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTIOPd by Councilman Starwalt to amend the pay for election judges to $3 for head judges and $2.50 for regular judges. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION N0. 106-1976 - APPROVING P1HD FINAL CONSTRUCTION PLAPlS FOR TRAFFIC PJOISE ATTENUATORS; I.694 FROP4 P4AIN STREET TO ITH STREET: '� ~ MOTION by Councilman fitzpatrick to adapt Resolution No. 106-1976. Seconded by Council- woman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all votinc� aye, P1ayor Pdee declared the motion carried unanimously. � ! � �' � � � � � � � � � � � � � 162 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 4; 1976 PAGE 5 RESOLUTION N0. 107-1976 - CONFIR�IIPJG ASSESSP1EPaT FOR STORPI SEWER IPIPROVEPIENT PROJEC7 N0. 120: MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to adopt Resolution tlo. 107-1!�76. Seconded by Council- woman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all votinn aye, ttayor Ptee declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTIOPd NQ. 108-1976 - CERTIFYItlG CHARfES TO T}lE COUP±TY AUbITOR TO RE LEVIED AGAINST' CEP,7AIN PROPER IES FOR C LLECTI PI l•�TH�HE �AXES P�Y ,5 E I;! 1977 41[EDS : MOTION bv Councilman Hamernik to adont Reso�ution P1o. i08-i9?G. Seconded bv Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all votino aye, tlavor fJee declared the motion carried unanimously. Councilman Starwalt stated that he ���ould like to recommend that a r�inimum administrative charge be considered before next vear. R�SOLUTION N0. 109-T976 - CERTIFYIPIG CERTAIP! DELIflOUE'!T kIATER AfID SEt•!ER CHARGES TO THE CQUNTY AUDITOR FOR COLLECTIOfd !•fITH TNE 1977 T!?XES: t90TI0Pd by Councilwoman Kul<owski to adont Resolution "Io. 109-1976. Seconded by Counci]man Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all vo*inn aye, f1ayor �lee declared the motion carried unanimously. CLAIP1S : t10TI0N by Councilwoman Kukoa�ski to �ay the Claims �fo's. 17077 - 17]88. Seconded by Councilman Namernik. Upc,n a voice vote, all votin� aye, 'layor Piee declared the r!wtion carried unanimously. LICEP•lSES; P4C'7I0"! by Councilman St.arwalt to a�nrove the licenses as submitted and on file in the License Clerk's Office. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, all votin� aye, Mayor fdee declared the motion carried unanimously. COtVSIDERATION OF ABATEP1EIJT AT 650 ELY STREET fI.E.: Mr. Qureshi, City P1ananer, st�ted that a complaint had been filed a�ainst this nroperty for clean-up and there was a<:onviction, but the conviction had been annealed by the property owner and the arneai will be heard in Ptovember. PtOTIOf! by Councilman Fit�natrick to seek a declarator,y judnment to find G�C' Ely Street P�.E. a public nuisance and auihori;�e abatement. Seconded ba CounciTman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, a11 voti,ng a3e, P1,:,yor Plee dec]ared the motion carried unanimouslv. ADJOURP�h1ENT: P10TIOf� by Councilnan Nam��rnik to adjourn the mee*ina. Seconded by Councilman Fitzratrick. Upon a voic�> vote, all votin� a,ye, t1a,yor ftee deciared the rrotion carried unanir.�ously and the P,enu:ar Meetinn of the Fridle,y City Council of October 4, 1476 adjourned at 9:3� p.m. .• Respectfully submitted, � Dorothy C. Green Council Secretary � Approved: i ( � ' • _ 4lilliam J. Plee �1ayo r , � 1 i i � � � - " ' MEMO T0: DEPARTMENT HEADS Following are the "ACTIONS NEEDED" by the Administration. Please have your answers back in the City Manager's office by Wednesday Noon, I� Qctober 13, 1976. Thank you _ FR�DLEY CITY CQUI�CIL - REGULAR MEETIrJG -� OCTO�ER 4, 1976 � 7:30 P�, P�. � 7:40 P.M. , � PLEDGE O� A�LEGIA�,CEi ROLL CALL: Al1 Present �DOPTIOy OF AGEN�a: Added item re��arding "Abatement at 65Q E7y Street N.E." City to seek )eclaratory Judgement to find 650 Ely Street a public nuis3nce and authorize abatement. ENGINEERING ACTION PdEEDED: See that Declaratory Judgement is fiied. Work with Attorney's office. 0°Efd FORUM, VI S I10RS : ��ONSIDCRATIUN 0� ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA —�5 l�1NUTES) � PUBLIC HEARI i�G : PuB�rc NEARING QN FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR STORM SEWER IMpROVEMENT PROJECT N0� IZI�� , . . . , . � , . . � . 1 — 1 A. public Hearing closed . FINANCE NO ACTION NEEDED (Resolution No. 107-1976 confirming was adopted) � � � I� � � FINANCE � � REGULAR MEETIPJG�*� OCTOBER 4�� 1976 PAGE 2 OLD BUSINESS; CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING ASSESSMENT - FOR THE TREATMENT AND REMOVAL. OF TREES (�.y76), ...��� 2- Z.B Reso7ution No. 101-1976 adopted, Cost at 5925 Hackman Avenue is to be sp�it between Mr. Tonco and the City ACTION NEEDED: Inform Mr. Tonco of Council action and process resolution (VEW BUS I ��ESS : CONSIDERATION OF FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE BUDGET F�R THE FISCAL YEAR i977 AND � CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION DETERMINING THE NECESSITY OF AND PROVIDING �OR A TAX LEVY IN EXCESS OF (�ORMAL CITY � CHARTER TAX LIMITS � � FINANCE � � '�� AND CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION CERTIFYING TAX LEVY REQUIREMENTS FOR 1977 TO THE COUNTY OF ANOiCA FOR COLLECT I ON � � . � � . � � � � � � � � � � . . . . Ordinance adopted on First Reading. Resolution No. 102-1976 adopted Resolution No. 103-1976 adopted .....3-3D ACTION NEEDED: Put Qrd�nance back on nex�: regular meeting for second reading Process resolutions as adopted. � • � � I' � CITY MANAGER �_ � REGULAR �1EETI NG,� OCTOBER 4; 1976 � �� � � PAGE 3 NEW BU$INE�S CCONTTNUED� DISCUSSTON REGARDTNG POSSIBLE MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL WITH DI.STRTCT ��0. 14 SCHOOL B�ARD TO DISCUSS ITEMS � OF CO�PERATION AND COMMON TNTEREST� � . � , , . . � . � � � �} Council suggested the dates of November 4th or November 18th to meet with the Schooi Board if dates satisfactory with them. ACTION NEEDED: Forward letter to School Board suggesting meeting with City Council and suggesting either of the above mentioned dates. CONSIDERATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION �IINUTES I'�EETING OF SEPTEMBER ZZ, 1�76� ���.��� FOR . , , . , . , �-5LL 1� E� R� SWAMSON; ZOA �'76—�3, �3RD AVE �& �ENTRAL • 5- 5G PLANN I NG COMM , REGOi�M�Ni1AT i p(� : APP�ov� & 5v h _� CO�1NC I L ACT I ON REQU t R F�p.: SET FUBL I C NEAR I NG FOR NOVEMBER S, 19%6 . Public Hearing was set for November 8, 197b ENGINEERING ACTION NEEDED: Make necessary arrangements for public hearing � ENGINEERING � , 2� CENTRAL TOWNHOUSE ADD I7I Of�; P, S. #�G—O2�, E, $WANSON; AND R. .. 5G - 5K TQ�[NHOUSE DEVELOPMENT PLANS, �i,#�%��03, & 5V . . . .. P1.ANNING COMr], _RECOMMENDATTON; CONTT,NUED GOUNG I L ACT I ON REQU I R,�n ; SET PUBL. TC �iEAR I NG FoR NOVEMBER �, 1976 Public Hearing was set for NOvember 8, 1976 � ACTIOIY NEEDED: Make necessary arrangements for public hearing. � �� '� � ENGINEERING � , � � ENGINEERING ` � ENGINEERING � I � ENGINEERING I REGULAR MEETIf'dG, OCTOBER 4, 1�76 � PAGE 4 �IEW BUSINESS CCONTTNUED) �PLANNTNG COMMTSSTON MINUTES CONTINUED) 3� E� MADSEN: �,$. ���i-Q6, Z46 RICE CREEK BLVD. � PL�NNING COt�TM, RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE _ _ _ _ . . . _ __ CQ(N T 7ION REQUTRED: CONSIDERATTON OF RECOMMENDATION Lot Split approved ACTION NEEDED: Inform applicant of Council approval 4, F,J, VOTH; L.S, #76-07, 5801, 5�05-5809 ARTHUR STREETS � � � � � � . � � � � • � � � � PI ANNI NG COMM � RECC':`1MENDATI ON : APPROVE LOT $PLIT ,�Ol1NGIL ACTION REQUIRE]�.: CQNSIDERATION OF RECOMMENDATION Lot Sp7it approved ACTION NEEDED: Inform applicant of Council approval 5� � 5R & 5W-5X � 5R - 5S & 5Y 5� APPEALS �OMM I SS IflN MEET I NG OF SEPT . 15, 1976 .. 5Z - 5LL A. E � R. SWANSON; 73RD & CENTRAL � � � . . . , 566 - 5GG gPP�ALS COMM. RECOMMENnATI0�1: APPROVE CQl�NCI� AGTION �iEQU1RED; TABLE TO �ONSIDER WITH REZONING, PLAT & TOWNHOUSE DEVEL,OPMENT ACTION NEEDED: Put back on agenda when rezoning piat and townhouse development are discussed. $. M�,. M��rER; .74s1^%�}33. :ABLE STREET. . . t . . 5GG � 5II s C R A�PROVE & 5LL �,p�A�. QMM. ECOMMENDATTON; ���IL AGTTQj�,RECJIITRED: CONSIDERATION OF RECC?MMENDATION Variance approved ACTION NEEDED: Inform applicant of Coucil approval � . ,� � � 1 @�NANCE; � , � � ENGINEERING � � • REGUL�AR MEET�NG, OCTQ�ER� 4, 1476 . � � PAGE 5 NEW BUSINESS CCoNTrNUED) CONSIDERATIQN OF ACQUTRI�NG TAX Foa��r-r PROPERTY ADJOINTNG NORTH INNSBRUCK PARK AND TRANSFERRING PARK PROPERTY ALONG RICE CREEK EAST OF CENTRAL TO ANOKA COUNTY � � , � � .�. �. � �. � , � . , . . . . . � . . 6 — 6 N Council approved acquiring property as proposed with addition of Lot 1, Block 1 ACTION NEEDED: Work with Anoka County and execute Memorandum of of Understand�ng CONSIDERATION OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEt� THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF (VATURAL RESOURCES AND THE CITY FOR THE INSTALLATION OF AN �IRTIFICIAL AERATION SYSTEM AND A FISHING PIER AT �IOORE L4KE� . � � . , � � � � � � � � % — % K Agreement approve ACTION NEEDED: Execute agreement and forward to Dept. of Natural Resources CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST FOR FUNDS TO SUPPORT THE , NORTH SUBllRBAN FAMILY SERVICE CENTER� � . � � � � , , � , � � This item was tabled CITY MRNAGER ACTION NEEDEQ: Put this item back on the October 18, 1976 Agenda. .__' '�� I�,� i�� • �1 . REGULAR I�EETI(�G,� OCTOB.ER 4;� 1976�� � � PAGE 6 NEW BUSrNESS (CoNYrrvuEn) CONSIDERATTON OF REQUEST BY� COUNCIt..MEMBERS KUKOWSKI AND HAMERNIK TO ATTEND THE NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES 1976 CoN�RESS IN DENVER, COLORADO, ��OVEM�ER Zg - DECEMBER 1, 1976. , , , , , , � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Request approved CITY MANAGER ACTION NEEDED: Make registrations and travel arrangements. , FINA�iCE Il , FINANCE � ! CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION SETTING AiJ ELECTIOii FOR �OUNCI L f�EMBER - I�ARD I I . � � � . � � � • � � � � • � 1� - 10 A Resolution No. 104-1976 adopted ACTION NEEDED: Proceed as authorized CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING POLLING PLACES AND APPOINTING EL�CTION �UDGES F4R THE NOVEMBER Z, 19%6 GENERAL ELECTION. . � . . . . . . . � � . 11 Resolution I�o. 105-1976 adopted with amendment that Head Judges be paid $3/hour and the other judges are to receive $2.50 per hour ACTION NEEDED: Proceed as authorized -11F i � • � � ENGINEERING � � � FINANCE � REGULAR NJEETTNG, 4CTOBER 4, 19?6 �� �� PAGE 7 (VE�f BUS �NES� CCoN-r rNUEn� CONSTDERATION OF A RESOLUTION APPROVING �'�HD FINAL . CONSTRUCTTON PLANS FOR. TRAFFI� NOTSE ATTENUA70RS; 1.694 FROM �'�ATN �TREET TO %TH $TREET� � � . � . . � � � . . IZ - 12 B Resolution No. 106 1�6 adopted ACTION NEEDED: Proceed as authorized CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING ASSESSMENT FOR STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT f�0. 12�� �, �.���. 13 - 13 A � �r�esolution No. 107-7976 adopted ACTION NEEDED: Proceed as authorized �� CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLt1TI0N CERTIFYING CNARGES TO I', � THE COUNTY AUDITOR TO BE LEVIED AGAINST CERTAIN ' PROPERTIES FOR COLLECTION WITH THE TAXES PAYABLE � � I� � li � 'i IN 19%% CWEEDS) , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , � . . . . . , 14 - 14 C Resolution No. 10$-1976 adopted FINANCE ACTION NEEDED: Minimum administrative charge to be reviewed. Process resolution 0 REGULAR �1EETING, 4CTOBER 4: 1976 . . . . . : . PAGE 8 NEw BUSIPdESS CCoNrrrvuED} CONSIDERATTON OF A RESOLUT�ON CERTIFYING CERTATN DELINQUENT WATER AND SEWER CHARGES TO THE COUNTY aUDTTOR FOR �OLLECTION WITH THE 1977 Tax�s� ..�.•.�� 15 — 15 G Resolution No. 109-1976 adopted � ACTION tJEEDED: Proceed as authorized �LAIMS, . � , . . . � � � � � � � � � . � . . � � � � � � � �16 Approved ACTION NEEDED: Pay claims �ICENSES � � � . . . , � � � � � � � . . . . � � � . . . . � 1% — 17 B Approved ACTION NEEDED: Issue licenses 0 ADJOUR�� t .. � , FRIDLEY CITY COt1NCIL MEETING I' P��ASE SIGN NAME AApRESS AND ITEM NUMBER INTERESTED IN DATE: , y NAME ADDRESS ITEM NUMBER II �===�=ae=�¢=a ----�-_..-..-__..__---s-�_--_-_.._--_...._--��-___..=_=c-___aaae=�=�=aaaa=os-== a�=oa `_ ' -^-�.._.._-..__..------ ----- ------�--..-.._ -____. _ ..__.. � a�_ ' _ �� � � �( �I �s� 5������ � � z / 0 � 3 y� � �a � lo %o o � � - - � A � rr, .�rr.�s�o�a�+!�� � N���.. ,.: L! ��� ' L.-`.a..i►. • � ,1, s'� I, 2, 5 A �� � � . � � r t� � ',' . �I � � � � � �i � �! MEMO T0: NASIM QURESHI, CITY MANAGER, AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: MARVIN C. BRUNSELL, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER/ FINANCE QIRECTOR SUBJECT: FINAL ASSESSMEN7 ROLL FOR STORM SEI�ER IMPROVEME��T PROJECT N0. i20 DATE: SEPTEMBER 2, 1976 Storm Sewer Improvement Project No. 120 involves the installa- tion of storm sewer in order to make certain 7ax Forfeit proper- t-ies marketable at public sale. These lots are located in Marian Hiils Addition and Marian Hil�s 2nd Add�tion. Lots i2, 13, 14, 15, and 16, Block 1, Marian Hills Addition, were assessed equally at a cost of $771.i9 per buildabie iot. Lot T, Biock 1, Marian Hills 2nd Addition, is large en�ugh for two building sites. This lot also required much more fill and grading work before the storm sewer could be installed. For this reason, ihe assessmen� for ihis 1oi wi11 be $771.19 for grading for each buildinq site, and $771.19 for storm sewer for each building site, a total of $3,084.76. This work was done by the County Engineer's office and members of the C�ty of Fridley staff. 1 lA CITY OF FRIQLEY ANOKA COUNTY, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF HEARING OF ASSESSMENT FOR STORM SEWER IMPROUEMENT PROJECT NQ. 120 Notice is hereby r�iven that the Council of the Ci�y of Fridley will meet at the City Nail in said City on the 4-th day of October , 1976, at 7:30 o'clock P.M., to hear and pass upon a11 objections, if any, to the proposed assessments in respect tc the follow�ng improvement, to-wit: � STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT N0. 120 The proposed assessment roll for each of said improvements is now on file and open ta public inspection by ail persons interested, in the office of the Clerk of said City. At said hearing the Council will consider written or oral objections to the praposed assessments for each of said improvements. The general nature of the improvements and each of them is the construction of grading, storm sewer and drainage facilities, and related appurtenances located as follows: � Lot 1, Blk. l, P�arian Hills 2rid add'n, and Lots 12-16, Blk. 1, Marian Nills Add'n The area proposed ta be assessed for said improvements and each af them is ali that land benefited by said improvements or each of them and lying within the general area above noied. Said improvemenis wi11 be assessed against the properties within the above noted areas in whole or �n part proportionately to each of the Tands therein contained according to the benefits received. A property owner may appeal an assessment to the district court by serving notice of appeal upon the City Mayor or Cierk within twenty (20) days after adoption of the assessment and filing such no�tice with the district court within ten (10) days after service upon the Mayar or Clerk. DRTED THIS 13th DA1' OF September , 1976, BY ORDER OF THE CITY CQUNCIL OF T��E CITY Q� FRIDLEY. MAYOR William J. Nee RTTEST: CITY CLERK Marvin C. Brunsell Publish: Fridley Sun on September 15 and 22, 1�76 0 � �I � RESOLUTIQN N0, i976 RESQl.U7IOh CaNFIRt9INC ASSESSM�NT FQR TH� TRER7h9EtdT AND REMOVAL OF TREES (1976) BE IT RESOLVEO by the City Councii of the City of Fridleys Minnesotas as follows: ', � 1. �TF�e City Cl�rk has v�ith the assistance of the nat.uraiis� heretofore selected by ttiis Council for such purpose, calculated the proper amounts to be � speciaily assessed for �he � - - � � i � � TREA7MENT AND REMOV{�L OF TREES (�976) in sa�d City against every assessa�le iot, pi�ce, or �a.rcel of land �n ..�� -� accordance wZth ihe provisi�ns Q�' law9 and ha� prepare� a.nd �ile� with the City C1erk tab�!lated statements in dupiicate st�awing the pr�per descri�tian of each and ev�ry lot, piece, or �arcel of land ta be ��ecially assessed and the amoun� caiculated against ti�e same. 2. Notice has been dula� published as required by �aw tha� �his Gauncil w�i�7d meet in �eguiar ses��on at this tim� and place �Q pass on the proposed assessmento 3. Said proposed assessment has at all times since its filing been open to inspection and �opytng by all persor�s interes�eds and an apportunity h�s been given �o a�i in��rested pe�^s�ns to present �heir object�anss ifi anys to su::h proposed assessment, or to any �tem thereofs and no objections have been �iledo �xcept . ; ;�,�.. 4o The amount �pecified in the prop�sed assessmeni are changed and altered as fol 1 o�rs : . � 5. This Council �inds�that each of �he iots, pieces, or parcels of land enum- erated in said proposed assessmen� as� altered and mo��fi�d h+as and is specially benefited by the � � �I �� � TREATMENT AND REt90VAL OF TREES (1976) in the amount in said proposed assessment as altered and modified by the corrective roll in the amount set oppasite the desci��ption of each such lot, piece, or parcel of land, and that said amount so set out is hereby 7evied against each of the respective ]ots, pieces, or parcels of land therein described. 6. Such proposed assessment as altered, modified, and corrected is affi�,r�ed, adopted and confirmed, and the sums fixed and named in said proposed assess- ment as altered, modified, and corrected, with the changes and altera�ions herein above made, are affirmed, adopted and confirmed as the proper special assessments for each of said lots, pieces, or parcels of land respectively. �• 2 � Page 2-- RESOLUTI�N N0. 1976 � ' ; 7. Said assessmer�t sa affirmed, adopted, and confirmed, sha�l be certified to by the City Clerk and filed in his office and shall thereupon be and con- stitute the special assessment for the : 9. 10. .TREATMENT AND REMQVAl. OF TREES (1976) The amounts assessed against each lot, piece, or parcel of land shall bear . interest from the date hereto untii the same have been {�aid at the rate of seven and one�half (72) per cent per annum. Such assessment shall be payable in five (5) annual installments payable on the ist day of January in each yeary beginning i�i i:rre year ]9%7 and conY tinuing until all o� said installments shall have heen paid, each instailment to be collected with taxes collectible during said year hy Lhe Counl;y /�uditor. The City Cl�rk is hereby directed to make up and file in the office o�F the County Auditor of Anoka County a certified statement �i the amount af ali such unpaid assessments and the amount which will be due thereon on �he lst day of January in each year. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY TNE CITY CQJNCI(_ OF TNE CITY OF FRIDLEY 7NIS DAY Q�' � ATiEST: 19760 CITY CLERK - P�arvin C. Brunsell P�IAYOR - wILLIA(�( J, P1EE , 2 11 � � � INFGRMATION REGARDING TREE REMOVAL ' . 2E • Lots 16-189 Block 2, Nyde Park (6Q05 5th Street) Steven & Filoma IJieber . On 6-1]-75 tree marked for removal and tree removai notice sent to ��rbara Uppoie On 7-28-75 property checked by Na�uralist Dept - non-compliance � On 7-27-75 Weiber made agreement to purchase property (according to Rose �fteaT Es�a�e) On 8-6-75 a search was made on the pr�operty9 no mention of �;ree removai was made as no work had been dane and no obligation had been �ncurrede � On 8-8-75 property rechecked by i�aiuralist Dept - ��on-compliance Deed io bdieber dated 9-25-75 and he moved in on 9-29-75 (according to homestead affidavitj The work was done in early October 197.5 and a bi1Z was sent. Notice of li�aring on a`ssessment roll sent to Wieber on 9-i4-7�. Note: To �he best of our knowledge Mre hicber did not contact anybody even after he receiued the hearjng notic�t � � Lot 3, Block 2, Parkview Manor (5925 Hackman Avenue) Wiiiiam i"onco According to Dan Hufif this tr�e was planted ]z fee�. in on T�r�co`s property. � It might nave grawn aver onto thQ blvd. Dan said you might want to note that thi s was the only �ree �f�a� �uas pl anted �i�at fai• back. . � �.� __ � . -;.� '� � . �.- � ��� �. ��-- � � � lii , ORDIP�ANCE N0. 3 ' AN URDINANCE ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR i977 7HE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY HEREBY OROAINS: SECi10N 1: That the annual budget of the City of Fridley for the fiscal year � beginning January 1, 1977 whi ch has been submi tted by the Ci ty Manager and modified and approved by the City Council is hereby adopted; the total of the said budget and the major divisions thereo� being as follows: ESTIMATE OF REVENUE General Property Tax Licenses Con tractors �usiness Other Permi ts Grants and Shared Taxes Charges for Servi ces Fines and Forfei tures Interest Earnings Ren t Uther Misc. Revenue Insur�nce Refund (Police and Fi're Pensi ons ) Trans fe rs Seal Coating State Aid Surplus Revenue Sharing Fund Liquor Fund Othe r General Fund Surpl us TOTAL: GENERAL FllND State Ai d Funds Taxes Taxes TOTAL OTHER FUNDS TOTAL ALL FUNDS GENERAL FUND $1 ,935,072 9 , 809 53,245 7 ,400 66,380 794,776 75 ,240 63,OOU 59,50U 10 ,000 16,000 57 ,000 36 ,U00 40 , 000 200 , 505 85,OOU 3,750 68,665 �,581 ,342 APPROPRIATIONS General Government Legislative $ 107,398 City Management 187,473 Finance (Election, Account- ing, Assessor) 225,307 Ci vi c Center 103,857 Public Safety Police 556,420 Fire 248,527 Civi1 Defense 18,327 Public Works Commun i ty De ve 1 opmen t 211, 298 tnginee ring and PuFlic Works Maintenance 720,767 Recreati on Naturai i st 73,663 Parks and Recreation 628,305 Keserve lOQ,000 3,581,342 UTHER FUNDS STA7E A1D FUND $ 282,494 State Aid Construction CIVIC CENTER BOND FUND 35,868 Debt Servi ce $ 2�32,494 r :.: CAPITAL PROJECT FUND 45,U00 Capital Improvement Revolving 45,000 $ 363,362 $ 363,362 $3,944,704 . $3,944,704 _ , II , I ' ORDINA�lCE N0. : SECTION 2: That the City Manager be directed to cause the appropriate accounting ' a entries to be made in the books of the City. '' PASSED AND ADOPTED t3Y THE CITY COUNCIL OF TNE CITY OF FRIDLEY. THIS DAY OF , i976. � � , ATTEST: r , CITY CLERK - MARVIN C. BRUNSELL � Publi c i�earing: September 20, 1975 First Reading: _ Second Reading: � Publish: I 1 � 1 ��1 � r . � � � MAYOR - 'r�ILLIAM J. NEE 3A � � , � � RESOLUTION N0. 1976 A RESOLUTION DETERMINING THE NECESSITY OF AND PROVIDING FOR A TAX LEVY IN EXCESS OF NORMAL CITY CHARTER TAX LIMITS BE IT RESOLIIED, By the Council of the City of Fridley as follows: � SECTION i: That the Council of the City of Fridley he retofo re received from the City t�anager a proposed audget of the City of Fridley for the year 1977 which proposed �udget when examined evidenced the necessity of an additional tax levy , in excess of the City Charter limits and, accordingly, there was then adopted on the 2nd day of Au usg �`, i976, a res�lution declaring the necessity for an additional tax levy and specifying the purpose for which such additianai tax � � , � � ' r � � L� r � ' ' levy �s required. FURTHE R, The CounciT proceeded to hold public hearings pursuant to these (3) weeks published notice in the official newspaper of the City. That such public hearing was held on the 20th day of September, �976 and all persons inter- ested therein were afforded an opportuni ty to be heard and make objecti ons , i f any there be, to the budget as then proposed. That after such hearing and after fu] 7 discussion of the contents of the budget and a11 objections thereto the Council fur�her proceeded ta corr?ct and amend the budget in such way as was deemed necessary by the Council to be in the 6est interests of the City; and after such corrections and amendments the Council did pass and adopt by Ordinance on first reading on the 4th day of Gctober , 1976 a 6udget for the City of Fridley for the operation of its business during the year 1977 a copy of which budget is attached liereto for reference purposes as EXHIBIT "A". SECTION 2: Further, upon the examination of such budget originaliy proposed, corrected, and amended and adopted by the City of Fridley on the 4th day of Uctober , i976, it reasona6ly appears, and the Council does not find that the tax levy necessary to pr�vi�e monies for the operation of the bus�ness of the City of Fridley during the year 1977 under said budget, is and wi11 be, when computed in accordance with law, in excess of ttie normal City Charter limit of ten (10) milis on each dollar of the assessed valuation of the property in th� City, but that, nevertheless, it is reasonable and to the b�st interest of the City in orde r to pt^ovide for the proper operation of the business and functions of the City during the year 1977, to exceed s uch normal Ci ty Charter tax 1 evy 1 i mi t, and to levy taxes ihe reof sufficient to provide the monies necessary to the operation of the business of the City in accordance with said budget. SECTION 3: That to p rovide money in accordance with the needs and purposes of the budget of the City for the year 1977, taxes shall be levied in accordance with 1 aw suffi cient �o provi de monies provi ded for any purpose herein shal l be appropri ated to and used for any other purpose, except as might otherwi se be authori zed by 1 aw, ei ther under the general law of the State of Minnesota or the City Charter of Fridley. 0 RESOLUTION N0. 1976 (CON7I�UED) $ 1,974,563 For the General Fund $ 36,600 For Debt Service Fund - Civic Center Bonds $ 45,920 Capital Improvement Fund $ 2,057,083 PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CZTY COUNC�L OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS ATTEST: DAY OF CITY CLERK - MARUIN C. BRUNSELL , 197b YOR - WILLIAM J. NEE 3C � i ' RESOLUTION N0. 1976 RESOLU7ION CERTIFYING TAX LEVY REQUIREMENTS FOR 1976 II , TO THE COUNTY OF ANOKA FOR COLLECTION i BE IT RESOLVEt7, That the City of Fridley certify to the County Auditor , of the County of Anoka, Stat� of Minnesota, the follov��ing tax levy.to be I� levied in 1976 for the year 1977. , GENERAL FUND Normal Levy � OUTSIDE LEVY LI��1ITS ' � 1,6I4,��4 Item "A" - Judgements 3,275. Item "C" - Compliance v�ith 1975 or 1976 Minresota Laws 7,700. Item "E" - Public Pensions 106,824. Item "G" - Matching Funds 73,262. Item "N" - Decreased Non-tax Revenues 69,392. Item "0" - Qecreased Mobile Home Tax 9,131. Item "T" - Increased Industrial and Commercial Development 85,270. ' �item "U" - Tax Abatements 5,695. 3D � Sub 1'otal 360,549. � TOTAL GENERAL FUND 1,974,563 Debt Service - Civic Center (Outside Levy Limits) 36,600 � Ca ital Im rovement 45,920 P P ' TOTAL 2,057,083 � � ' ' BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the amour�t herein certified with respect to the Public Employees Retirement Association is in the amount required by the law. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CIiY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS ATTEST: DAY OF , ].976 ' CTTY CLERK - MARVIN C. SRUNSELL • �, � ' ' 'L�]:�7411��I:lu��►1�1� '�i � � � , i � 1 � Discussion Regarding Possible Meeting of City Council with District No. 14 School Board to Discuss Iiems of Cooperation and Common Interest 4 �Y jM .N � {fi � � '°' .,..^. • ' �� . . � .. .,.;- � �� � � � I � � � �,�� I R I � . . ' ' X�, �ITIf OF FRIDLi�I� 6431 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N.E., FRtDtEY� MINMESOTA 55432 Mr. Gordon W. Sangster, Chairman District 14 Board of Education 7169 Riverview Terrace N. E. Frid]ey, Minnesota 55432 October 5, 1976 TELEPHONE { 812)571-3450 RE: P1eeting Between District 14 School Board and Fridley City Council to Discuss Items of Cooperation and Comrnon Interest Dear Mr. Sangster: The City Council, ' directed me to write a with the City Council. at iheir Council Meeting of October 4, 1976, letter inviting the School Board Members to meet , At the Council Meeting, it was discussed that the City/School quarterly mee�ings have been good to help establish cooperation and rapport between the staffs of t�he two bodies, but the City Council felt there was a need ' to have � meeting with the whole School Board to discuss the policy and direction for cooperation between the two governmental units in such items as follow: I� ' Use of each others faci�ities; coordinatian in the recreation area; public buildings security; public facility use by community groups; public service projects; etc. The City Gouncil is available to meet with the District 14 School Board 1 at the City Hall on the following dates: November 4 or November 18, 1976, or the Council is open to other suggested ti'mes or locations more convenient to the School Baard Members. ' ' II ' ' � Thank you for your consideration. Yours truly, �I� �.�' �' Nasim M. Qureshi NMQ/ms City Manager ���0�!�T���N��CC: Superintendent Hansen � . Distr�ct ]4 Schoo] Board Members u ' m 6��` � 2 4�6_�ytU , 1� , ' ' , ' L� � �-�, �' CITY OF FRIDLEY PLANNING COi�lNiISSIOIJ M�ETING SEFTEMBER "22, 1976 PAGE 1 CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Harris called the meeting to order at 7:37 P.M. ROLL CALL: Members i'resent: Harris, Bergman, Langenfeld, Schnabel, Shea Members Absent; Peterson pthers Present; Ray Leek, Planning Aide APPROVE PLkNNING COPSh:ISSIaN r1TArUTES : SEPTEMBER 8, 19�6 Mr^. Schnabel staf.,ed she iaould I�ke to affi.rm cn pa�e 2l;, item �3, the date set for the joint meeting with the City Cot�ncil on 1�0' Iots. She said she was sorry she hadn't bAen able to set up the meetin� earlier, and November 2?nd would be fine with her. She added she appreciated it being set up and would get in touch with the appro�riate peop�e. ASOTION by La.ngenfeld, seconded by Snea, that the Planning Commission minutes of September 8, 1976 be approved as written. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, �he motion carried unanimously. CONTINUID: PUBLIC HEARINC: REZC��IN � R�^:tJEST, ZOA ;�76-03, BY EVERT R. SWANSON: Rezanp Lot 19, except the East Iq0 feet thereof, and except the � West 17 feet taken for highiaay purposes, from C-1 (general office and limited businesses), and the ti�lest 11.�7,71� ieet of Lot 18, from R-1 (single family dwelling areas), all in Aaditor's Sub-division No 129, to R-3 (general multiple family dwellings), to aZlow a c�ndominium-type develop-� ment, the same being located at the intersection of Central Avenue and 73rd Avenue N.E. Public Hearing c].osed. Mr. Evert R. Swanson, property owner, and I�Sr. A. R. Olson, architect, were present. MOTION by Bergman, seconded by Zangenfeld, that the Planning Commission reopen the Public Hearing on a rezoning request, zoA �T6-03, by Evert R. Swanson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairperson Harris deciared the Public Hearing open at 7:1�3 F.M. Mr. Leek stated the.re was no further inuut from Sta.ff other than what was discussed at the last meeting. Chairperson Harris asked if the Fire MarshaZ had looked at the plans, and Mr. Leek replied he had and there was no problem with it. 5 ' t Plannzng Commission P�eeting - September 22, 1976 Page 2 Mr. Swanson stated he now had. some elevations to show, and invited the interested parties to view them� which they did. , Mr. Bergman asked if Mr. Swanson would be in agreement with the stipulation that if this was approved, these t�wnhouses would be owner-occupied. P�r. Swanson answered he would be. Mrs. Shea asked if anything had been done to move those condaminiums back, as one had been only 20� from the residential property line. Mr. 01son stated the plan he had before him shovred a 26' setback and a 30' , setback, and pointed out on the plar,s where those setbacks were. Mr. James Hinrichs, 7355 Hayes St. N.E., askeci what the term "condominium" meant, and if it was any different than a totimhouse, and if one was more desirable than the athPr. �Ir. Swanson said that although the notice did read this was a eondomznium-type deve�opment, which was owner-occupied apartments, this project was ac�ually a townhouse deve2opment. He said the occupants would own the land that their particular part of the building was on, and would have their own yards and pati.os. Mr. Leek commented that there was no definition for the term "condominium" as such in the City Code, but it did define toVmhouses and the development in question fit that definition. iir. Hinrichs stated they were trying to keep the value of the neighborhood up, and he wouldn�t object to a townhouse development. Mr. Larry McCabe, 7328 Hayes St., N.E., stated that he had two petitions to px�sent. He explained that one was in disagreement with the re�oning and was signed by two neighbors, the other was in favor of the rezoning zai.th stipulations and had 18 signatures. Chairperson Harris read the first petition, which stated; SA We the undersigned group, heretofore �,o oe known as "neighbors", hereby agree to the rezoning of the property known as Lot 19, exc�pt the East 190 feet thereof, and except the West 17 feet -taken for highway purposes, from C-1 (general offiee and limited businesses) and the West 147.7�. feet of Lot 18 from R-1 (single family dwelling areas), all in Auditor's Subdivision No. 129, to R-3, subject to the following stipulations concerning the construction, occupation, and maintenance of said property: I. No structure shall be constructed any closer than currently indicated on the pl.ans dated 9/8/76 and retained by the "neighbors". 2. All structures exceeding 1(one) story in height, shall be con- structed at a minimum distance of 35 feet from the bordering property line of the neaxest "neighborrr� 3. The "neighbors'� shall not be bnrdened with any assessments, levies, or taxes of any kind, now planned, or planned in the future, as a result of the construction, occupation, or maintenance of the above described property, as the result of good or poor planning on the part of the developer or the City of Fridley, for a period of up to 5(five) years following the completion of said construction. The costs of all assessments, levies, or taxes shall be borne by the developer, and/or the City oi FridZey for this period. AZso, if any assessmer.ts are now planned, the "neighbors" would like to be�informed of them at this time (9/22/76). � Planning Commission Meeting - September 22� 1976 0 , � ' Page 3 Chairperson Harris noted that petition had 18 signatures. He then read the folla�rzng petitian: We the undersigned group, heretofore to be knodm as "neighbors", hereby disagree to the rezoning of the property knoym as Lot 19, except the East 190 feet thereof, and except the West 17 feet taken for highway purposes, from G1 (general office and limited businesses), and the- West 11�'j.7it feet of I,ot 18 from R.-1 (singl� faraily dwelling areas) a11 in Auditor�s Subdivision No 129, to R-3. Mr. Harris noted that patition had two signatures. ' MOTION by 5chnabel, seconded by Bergman, that the Planning Commission receive the two petitions. Upon a voice vote, alI voting ay�:, the motion carried. unanimously. ' ' , � � 5B Chairperson Harris asked Mr. Swanson if he had any concerns about the stipulations, and he answered that. the only one would be the second stipulation requiring a tt�o-story structure ta be a minimum distar.ce of 35 ?eet from the bordering proper�y line of the nearest neighb�r. rSr. Olson asked if it was the i.ntent of the neighbors to question the 26f setback which he indicated or� the nlans. Mr. McCabe stated that at �he time the pe�ition was put together 35' was arbitrary, and tne general feeling at that time iaas since they did not have an�r idea of the exterior oi the buildings they did not want just a large strai�ht wa1Z any closer than 35� to their property lines. He expla5.ned they had asked a Vreelc ago for an idea of the exterior or tota�. hezght of the townhouses, but hadn't gotten any help at that time. i�Ir. Olson stated tnat the i;otal complex, including floor plans with details and elevations had been drawn up according to the City�s reQUirements for setbacks. He adde:� tha-t the measurements on the plans wPre actually a little in excess af the riinimuris which �,rere required. � Mr. 5wanson asked if the neighbo.rs would have the sarie complaint if it was a , two-st,Qry single-farr�.ly dwelling that was being constr.ucted. AIr, MeCabe said they intended to t�ring this in as a matter of arbicration, although 35' was in agreement among the ne�.ghbors. l�ir. Hlnrichs comriented they just didn'+ t�ant an ' IDS Totaer next to their �ack doors. rir. Swanson stated he understood that, �,nd the buildings wouldn�t be �.ny higher than a.ny other two-story dwel.ling would be. �Mr. Hinrichs pointed out that there presently weren't any two-story dwellings in their area. , ' ' ' ' , Mr. Olson stated he wanted to paint out that the enti.r2 project would be meticu- lously 2andscaped, and it was possible to brzng a tall building down in height by the planting of tress and so forth. He added they should also bear in mi.nd that this wauldn't be a s�raight wall going ap as there would be areas on the second floor �.hat would cor►e out two to four feet, there would be windows that would project out, and so forth. Mr. Hinrichs stated that the building on the Southeast corner did not follow their stipulations� and asked that the architect reconsider ar,d move the building over five feet and in nine feet. Mrs. Schnabel noted that Mr. Olson had mentioned there would be extrusions of two to four feet on the second floor elevation, and asked if those extrusions would extend over the 26 foot setback. rir. Olson replied they zrould not, and said the ground line of the building might possibly have more than a 26' setback. Ii � Planning Commission Meeting - September 22, 1976 � ' ' � ' � , � � Page � 5 C Chairperson Harris stated it would be a good idea to nuriber the documents, and identified the petition in favor of the rezoning with stipulations as Exhibit A, the petition in opposition as Exhibit B, the color-coded layout plan as �chibit C, anci the floor plans as Exhibit D. Mr. Langenfeld stated he taould like to point out tha-� when a husband and wife signed a petition, it was counted as one signature and not two, and Chairperson Harris said that T,�*as correct. t•ir. McCabe explained they Vrere just aiming for a representative as a property otimer, whether it vaas one or both. Mr. Hznrichs siated that in their petition, they agreed to the pIan dated 9/8/76 with stipulations, and noted trat there was a discrepancy between tnose plans_and the plans Mr. SkTanson had with him. Mr. Swanson commented that.the pl.ans had been revised, and the one dated 9/8/76 t�ras obsolete. Mr. Hinrichs said he would like the petition to be changed to read "the plans as shown in exhibit C", and Chairperson Harris said it would be so noted. Chairperson Harris said he wished to speak to siipulation #3, and commented that he haped it i•rould be good planning. He said that concerning a guarantee that there would be no assessments or levies against that property, he wasn't quite sure what the neighbors were drivi.ng at. AIr. P��cCabe explained they were talking about assessrients or levies that would be a direct result of that project. Mr. Langenfeld said he also felt the;T meant if there h�ere major s'reet improvements within that area as a result of this cons�ruction, the neighbars did not wished to be assessed because of thai. r�r. McCabe said that was correct. Chairperson Harris asked if there was any proposed construction or assessments � far this axea, and Nir. Leek rep� ied not i:o his knoialedge. I�1r. Harris asked if the storm sewers were in, and Nir. Swanson said he believed they were. Mr. Haxris asked if there were storm sewer assessments now, and was told that there were on Hayes. I�ir. i�ZcCabe stated that they felt that the assessments ' that vlere in no� ��ere paid for by the neighbors, and if new ones arose they didn't wani to split the d�fference with the ne�* people and let them get a free ride. NIr. Langenfeld commented that one of the fzznctions of the Planning ' Commission was not to become an assessor, but the possibility could exist • where this might be beneficial to the tax situation and be a reverse situa�ion. � Chairperson Harris stated the reason he brought this point up was because the Planning Commission couZd r.ot make any agreements or commitments for the City; that was up to the City Council. He added that from his past experiences with the Council, he thought it tiaou�d be difficult to get the City to agree to that , last stipulation. NIr. 1�cCabe stated that the word "City" could be eliminated from the petitiozi. rSr. Harris sai.d that would have to be an agreement between Mr. Swanson and the City, if he would consider making such an agreement. rir� 1 Swanson commented that to his knowledge there were no assessments against this property at the present time. Mr. Harris explained the neighbors didn't want additional expenses because of the development for street impravements or � modi£ications in the street to facilitate traffic or excess drainage of storm waters, and things like that. , � ' � ' Planning Commission Meeting - September 22, I976 Page 5 5D Mr. Langenfeld said he noted that one individual was concerned about a large wall adjacent to his home, and pointed out that the request they were considering was changing this area from C-1 zoning, and wiih that type of zoning something could be constructed that would be much more unfavorable. ' Mr. Hinrichs asked if ihis property could be used as rental at a Iater date if the project goi half completed and the money ran out or the units didn't sell for some reason. He was �concerned that construction costs would be cut , t� get the costs of the building dok*n to be used for rental. Mr. Swanson said that anybody who owned a piece of property had the right to rent it out; bu�t that was not h�s aiM. He added that if they couldn't be sold and had to be rented out, it �rrould be better than having them stand empty. Mr. Leek � commented that there was nothing in the ordinance that prohibited rental. Mr. Langenfeld stated this brought concern to him �rhen it had come up previously, beeause he didn't see how it could be stipulated that it be only owner-occupied. , 2�ir. Hinrichs said in that case he would like his name taken off the petition in agreement with tne townhouses and be put on the opposition one, and not risk Mr. Swanson missing h�s iarget. Mrs. Shea said that at the last meeting NIr. ' Hoffineyer had stated that they would build one bui�ding to sell, and wouldn't start on another ur.til 80% of it was so�d. T•4r. Swanson said that was correct, and he couldn't afiord to rent them anyway. ' � , ' � � , � � , � Mr. McCabe said he thought they were worried about the intent, and at what point Mr. Staanson ��rould say is 2. turning point and decide they couldn't be sold and just throw some�hing up t,o rent. Mr. Harris explained that once the townhouse development plans were approved, they were tied by building permit to a specific type of cons-truction and could not cieviate in major ways from that type of construction. Mr. McCabe said they were concerned beeause the townhouses were going to be two stories high, and in spite of the redwoad ience the occupants wou�� be able to see the two junk yards, trailer court, auto dealers, etc. in the area, and were wondering what was going to sell these units far $�O,OQO to $6�,OOQ since there was nothing on �he order of a swimming pool or other luxuries planned. He said that seemed like a steep price for what they were gettzng. Mrs. ScYinabel stated that she had read a copy of the report that came out recently by a study group formed by �he I�ietropolitan Council concerning housing in the metropolitan area. She informed the Commission and the citizens that the current situation in housing was v�ry critical in the metro area, and a single-family home was a rare fi.nd these days. She said that if they could compare wha� you got for $1t0,000 in a single-family home today with what you got for the sar.ie price in the late 1950's, they taould be amazed at the difference in the qua�ity of housing that is available. She added that there is a market for housing and a very strong demand for it. rirs. Schnabel said that there were many people who reached the point where they didn't wish to have a greai deal oi maintenance in a private dwelling of their own. She said she thought that basically the main concern right now was whether or not to �rant a rezoning on this property. She stated that their concerns as neighbors were well justified, but she thoughi they had to let Mr. 5wanson worry about how this would be marketed and who would buy it. According to the stndies, she said, there is a great demand for this type of housir.g; single family houses are so expensive and the amount you are getting is so liitle in comparison to what it was tha� there is a great demand for the to��house concept. She added that there probably was a market that many of them didn't realize, but if they checked with other builders or realtors they would find there was a definite market. Planning Commission Meeting - Septe�ber 22, 1976 Page 6 rir. Bergman asked tirhat the code requirement was for setback of a townhouse structure from R-1 property� and 2�Ir. I,eek said it was 15� with appropriate screening. Mr. Olson poznted out that they were 26' from the property line on the East sid� and 30' on the other side, so they were in excess of the code by quite a bit. Chairperson Harris as�;�ed Mr. Swanson if he would be agreeable to moving that building f'rom 30' to 35' from �he R-1, and t•1r. Swanson said that should. be discussed wi.th ihe architect. r7r. Olson said that would decrease the distance between buildings !t and 5 by 4', and there �roul� also be four feet less green area. Mr. 07.son asked if it i,�as the Plannzng Commisszon's suggestion that the architect restudy buildings 5 and 6 according to 35' instead of what the present codes required. Mr. Harris said he couldn't spea'_�c for ihe whole Commission, bui in his own opinion he thought it �rould enhar�ce the property if they had a liitle more space on those particular sides. He said there wauld then be 31r between the buildings, and it would mean shif+�ing 5 and 6 to the North. Ntrs. Schnabel asked what that would do to buil�ing �6 on the Zdest property line, and t;r. Qlson stated that would be reduced by roughly 9'. 1ir. Olson said he wou].d like to point out that across Central Avenue to the Zdest was some unenvironmental property, and if he lived in the neighborhood he would welcnme the proposed development on the suggested site rather than thinking what could be developed on the site in lieu of the 1;ownhouses. Mr. Sw�nson stated �;hat if it went c�mmercia� the ne�_ghbors woul.d have the back yards of stores facing them, with those large garbage containers ar.d a lot of debris. Personally, he said, he couldn't see crhy anyone �:ould object to it. Mr. John Young, 73!�3 Hayes Street V.E.� stated that he didn't think they ti�rere against the developmenta He said they were agreeable to it in their petition� but wanted to make sure it Uras a good development and aesthetically pleasing. rlr. Swanson said that question had come up before and l�e had dane all he could to assure the neighbors on that poir.t. rir. 07-son pointed out that once the plans were accepted, that is what had to be deve�oped. Iie said that these p7.ans also carried an architectural sta.np with a state registration nuirber, so the architect zaou�d not be willing to jeop�rdize his own profession and would see that the plans were carried out as propose�. l�ir. McCabe said tie kTas basically reassured about stipulations one and two, but would like a little further reaction from Mr. Swanson on tlie assessment end oi it. He added that he couldn't see any benef�t to the neighbors from any assessment that had anything to do wit,h ihe development. Chairperson Harris said he was wondering if there was 2n area assessment for storm sewers, and that got to be a rather technical quest.ion as to wnether it benefits the total area ar whai area it benefi�s. He sai� that was why storm sewers were taken on a general area assessr�ent. He added that if the storm sewers were in, and the streets, sewers and water were in, he couldn't see any future improvements. Mr. Swanson sai_d that he didn t t knoca if cne person could be individually taxed and not the commtinity, He added that no matter what went in on that propert�r, the same thing �,rould app3�y, wheth�r it was commercial or residenti.al. Mr. McCabe asked if 2•ir. S:,ra;°�son would or would not be willing to pick up the tab for any future developra�nts that taere related to the project, and Mr. Swanson replied by asking how ati individual could commit himself to paying for improve- ments ttiat would benefit tho whole area. He added he didr.'t foresee any coming up. Air. Hinrichs said that !�ir. S��anson couldn't foresee any� but asked what would happ�n if the sewers weren't big enough tc handle a11 the water from these units. SE , Planning Commission Meeting - September 22� 1976 Page 7 Mr. 5wanson said that if the area was commercial they mighi have the same problem. Chairperson Har:is suggested clea.ring up the matter of what could be constructed in a commercia.Z district� and �r. Leek read the permitted uses for C-1 districts. 5F Mr. Langenfeld asked if Staff had prepared an admi.nistrative report on this, and Mr. Leek replied they had not. Mr. Langenfeld asked if they had found any problem with drainage, and P�Ir. Leek said no such situation had been mentioned to him. Chairpersen Harris said he had talked to Tir. i3oardman earlier in t:�e evening and asked if the administrative departments had looked at this, and Mr. Boardman said they had. Nir. Haxris said he had asked if there were any comments or docurae�tation, and apparently there wasn't any. Mr. Michael Virnig� 1365 73rd Avenue N.E,, asked how fa�r back the screenii�g would be off the property Iine. rir. Leek said the code dicin't stipulate that� but just stated 15' with the landscaping located en the R-3 property. Air. Virnig said that he had a fence on his property at the present tzme, and was wondering if there wou�d be i;wo fences just 6" apart with no maintenance in between. He said he was also �,Tondering how far the fence would extend, because if it extended too far he w�uld have a proble;n going in and out of his driveway. Mr. Harris said the ience could not extend 7' in heigrt all the way to the street. Mr. Leek read from the City Code ti�rhich stated nothing would be allowed to impede vision, and Mr. Langenfeld commented that Staff would make certain th-.t the fence woulu not be a visua� barr.ier. Cha�rperson Harris said t�at with regard to the two fences together, h� hoped that �;he tiao ad.joining neighbors cou�.ci woric that out. rir. Virnig asked if there coulr� be some stipulation on comple�ion of the fence after initia,tion of -t"le project, and ."ir. S�ti1anson said t�at they V�ould do the landscaping on each building after it taas constructed, l�irs. Schna�el asked if he Vras talking about the landscaping surroundir,� the building itself, and Mr. Swarson said yes. Mrs. Schnabel asked about trie landscaping of the exteriox portion of the property runnii�g around the property lirie itself. rir. S��rarison replied. they would do all the landscaping for a particular building out to tl�e lot Iine for each building. r7rs. Schnabel said ttzat one ef the nei�nbors was concerned because he was surrounded by buildings number 1 and 5, .and asked if the lanciscaping would be done around building number 1 upon its completion� and finish the laridscaping around building number s when it uras completed. Mr. Swanson said that was right, and ad�ed that up until that time his back yard would have the same view it had r�ght now. Mr. Langenfeld commented that particular pice of property would remain in its natural state until construction commenced. rirs. Schnabel sta-ced she was still quite concerned dbout stipulation number 2 in the petition agree�rg with the rezoning. �he said she didn't think they had answered that to the satisfaction of the petitioners or the builder or the arckiitec�, and she feZt they were leaving something hanging in mid air if they didn't address themselves specifically to the problem oi the 35' setback ihe petitioners were request�.ng. rtr. Olson said that the plans, �mown as exhibit C, met all setback requirements, and asked if it was now also part of the require- ments to meet stipulation nur�ber 2 of �xhibit A. rir. Young, speaking £or the , Plannin� Commission Nieeting - September 22, 1976 Page 6 5 G neighbors, sazd they felt if it was within the code they would strike stipulation number 2 from their petition and would go along wi.th it as planned. MOTIOiJ by Langenfeld, seconded by Shea, that the Planning Commission close the Public Hearing on thz rezoning request, ZOA #76-03� by Evert R. Swanson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairperson Harris declared the Public �iearing closed at 9:1l� P.P�I. � MOTION by Langenfeld that the Planning Commission recommend to Council approva;. of rezoning request, ZOA i�76-03, by Evert R. Swanson: Rezone Lot 19, except the Fast 190 feet thereof, and except the ��Jest 17 feet taken for hightray purposes, from C-1 (general office and limiLed businesses), and the West 147.71� feet of Lot 18, from R-I (single family dVrelling areas), all in Auditor's Subdivision No 129, to R-3 (general multiple fa�nily dwellings), to a11aw a condominium-type development, the same being located at the intersectzon of Central Avenue and 73rd Avenue N.E. with the #'ollowing stipulationss 1) Every effort be made to maintain the setbacks as shoVm in exhibit C, and 2) All the necessar-,� studies be made on behalf of the assess-. ment procedure. r1rs. Schnabel said she thought that perhaps the stipulations were premature. She sazd this hearing �ras strictly on the rezoning request, and thought consideration of the stipulations might fa11 under considerati.on of the prelirinary pla� or the to�rnr.cuse developrnen� plans. i-7r. Lan�en�eid a�reed. r1r. Lan�enfeld �1EidDrrD the ivI0TI0N to recommend approval of the rezoning request ZOA �`76-03 by Evert R. Swanson without the stipulations. Seconded by Bergrnan. r�Srs. Schnabel said she thought it :�rould be wise to point out that the majority of the adjacent neighbors did cor.cur with the rezoning request as indicated by their petition. UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC Fi�ARING: CONSIDEF,ATION Oly A PROF'OS� PRELII�iTNARY PLAT, P.S. �76-08, CENTRkI, TO�di�HQUSE `+ DITIQ'�T, BY �ii��.i �. S6��A�tiSOI� :!? replat of Lot 19, except tne Easi 190 feet thereof', and except tne �Jest 17 feet taken �'or highway purposes, and the �:est 1�t7.7l� feet of Lot 18, a11 in Auditor's Subdivision No. 129, to allow the development of a 36 unit townhouse site, the same being �ocaied at the intersection of Central Avenue and 73rd Avenue N.E. Air. Evert R. Swanson, property owner, and Mr. A. R. Olson, architect, were present. r10TI0N by Schnabel, seconded by Langenfeld� that the Planning Commission open � the Public Iir�aring on consideration of a proposed preliminary plai, P.S. �76-08, Central Toi•mhouse Addition, by �`vert R. Swanson. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye� Chairperson Harris declared the Public Hearing open at 9:20 P.ri. 1 1 �� � Planning Commission Meetzng - September 22, 1976 Page 9 5H I Chairperson Harris stated that this would entail a new legal aescription, and , Mr. Swanson asked if that meant puttir�g it 3.nto simpler language. Mr. Harris replied yes� they would just be cleaning up the legal description. ' Chairperson Harris asked Mr. Swanson if he had a replat plan, and he replied he had no other documents o�her than what had already been discussed. Air. Harris asked if he was replating, and 1�1r. Swanson replied not that he lrnew of. Mr. Zangenfeld pointed out the Planning and Zoning Forrn on page 27 of the agenda, signed by P�ir. Siaanson. Prir. Harris noted he had also paid tre fee. I•'s. Harris said he was wondering why a replat was needed, and asked ii somebody at Staff Ievel had requested a replat. Mr. Sw2nson said he didn't know. r•Ir. Leek said he had no other information other than what was in the agenda. Chairperson Harris said he thought they would be bringing the legal description into one lot because they had parcels of two different lots, and the �egal description �ras very t�.nwieldy the wa� it read now. MOTION by I,angenfeld, seconded by Bergman, that tne Planning Corrl+ni.ssion close ' the Public Hearing on consideration o£ a praposed preliminar�r plat, P.S. 77b-08, Central ToVmhouse Addition, by Evert t�. Swanson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairperson Harris declared the Public Hearing closed a� 9:30 P.i�1. ' CJ ' , � ' ' � Mr. Langenfeld said it t•ras his opinion that since they were �ackj.ng the specifics as far as the replat description, they could not make a decision. Chairperson HarriS said he thought it taould be proper at th�s time to recommend approval ` of the preliminary plat, if that was the Commissien's wish, and refer to exhibit C. MOTION by Langenfeld, seconded by Shea, that �the Plar.ning Commission reco�iend to Council approval of a proposed preliminaxy plat, P.S. �76-C�8, Central Townhouse Addition, by E1er-t R. Swanson, as inaicated in e�iibit C: �, replat of Lot 19, except the Eas� 190 feet thereof, and e�:cept ihe '�7est 17 feet �aken for �iighway purposes, and the tiaest 1l.�7.71t feet of Lot 18, aIl in Auditor's Subdivision No 129, to allow the development of a 3b unit to��nhouse site,' the same being located at the intersection of Central. Avenue and ?3ra Avenue ia.E. Mrs. Schnabel stated that she �aas a little upset trzat Staff rad na lmowledge of what was goin� on at �his point, and that the Chairman of the Comm�ssion did not have any information on this either. She said she felt Staif should have informed the Chairman sin�e the person who normally services the Comrnission couldn't be present. She added that she felt they were shooting in tne dark� and didn't really know for sure what ;�as intended. She said she could noi vote in favor of the motion because of that. Mr. Leek said he appreciated Mrs. Schnabel's concern, and said that part of the fault was he had failed to ask the appropriate questions during his briefing. He stated his understanding was that the situation was understood, but apparently it wasn't. Mr. Harris commented that it hadn�t occurred to him to delve into it further. ' Mr. Langenfeld said he was certain�.y in agreement with Airs. Schnabel, but since this would be a simplification of a legal description he didn't think it snould be something that should hold back anything they had already started moving ' forward. Mrs. Schnabel stated that was just an assumption as to what this was abotzt; it appeared that nobody knew for sure what the request was really for. C_' Planning Corrmiission P•ieeting - September 22, 1976 Page 10 5I Chairperson Harris said he agreed with rir. Langenfeld, and as long as the reeommendation woulc3 be tied to exhibit C, he �icin't see where there was any problem because that located the buildings, the landscaoing and ever�,�ihing on the property. Mrs. Schnabel �aid that.was really relevant to item 3 on the agerda� ax�d ?�Ir. Harris stated that they could a11 be tied together. Mr. Bergman stated he -thought there was more involved in the preliminary plat than what the,y were discussing. For example, he sazd, he would like some additional confirmation on utilities, an,y easement requirements a.nd drainage problems. He stated that witn that in mind he.feli it zaould be proper to defer action ori -this item until they got a prelimi.nary plat with those tnzngs checked out by adrlinistration. rir. Langenfe7.d stat�ed he wisned the; would have a Staff Report available when they took on projects such as this. Mr. Langenfeld tidITHDREIrI THE MOTIOId. NfOTION by Bergman, seconded by Schnabel, that the Planning Commission table the consi�eration of a propesed prelirninary plat, P.S. ,�76-08� Central Tcwn- house Addition, hy E��er.t R. Swanson, subject to receipt of a preliminary plat including St3ff input �;ith rega: d�o d:^ai.nage, uti? it�es, and also rPVa.eLz of ass�s;ment-type items i_ncluding streets, curbs, sewer, and i�*ater relati.ve to 73rd St. Upon a v�ice vote, a11 votinb aye, t::e motion carried. una�r.,�ously. Chairperson Harris stat.ed tl�at this item wauld be tabled until Gctober 6t:�, and iriformed �Ir. Staansen t'r.� s ac�t;�on �aou? d proba'�ly not delay hi�n because the City Council w�uld have to set a hearing for the rezoning. T-�76-03� TO�hTNHOUSE DFs"JELOPi�'EivT PZ�NS, BY EVTRT R. Sf�1ANSONz 36 Unit Townhause Development for Central TownY:ouse .hddit•�one NOTE: S�e Appeals Comrrtission minutes of September 1K, iy76, with the recommendation to Council tr�raugh the Planriing Commissi_on of approval of the variance from 5 acres to 3 acres for this to��nheuse development. Mr. Evert R. Swanson, pronerty owner, and rir. A. R. Clson, axchitect, were present. � Chairperson Harris asked what size, initially, the trees in the l�.ndscaping would be. Mr. Olsan replied the lan�sc.aping wou�d be a combination of berm, fence, and trees; ihe�.usaal type of planting. He stated the trees kTouZd be ' recommended b.y a nursery, the evergreens being about four to six feet. Mr. Olson added thai the other types of deciduous i.rees WOli�C� vary i.n size accorciing to species. I�Irs. Shea noted there were trees on that property now, and asked � if an� effort would be made to t.ry to save thefi. N1r. Olson replied that every effort would be made to try to maintain as many as possible. Chairperson Harr�s asked what the exterior fi.nish on the buildings would be, � and Mr. Ol.son replied ihey intended to use te�ctured one-eleven, which was a commercial wood siding. He added that the buildings would be stained, which would weather better than paint, and the roo�s would be regular asphalt shin�les. ' Mr. Swansan added there would possibly ba some brick facing on the lou��er paxt 01' the buildings, ar.d anything other than whai was shown on the plans would just be an improvement in al�pf�ar�rce. f:I Planrting Commission Meeting - September 22, 1976 Page 11 � Chairperson Harris asked in what direction the gaxages were going to face, Mr. Olson replied that would vary accordi.n� to what particular building he ' was referencing. He showed the Commission on the plans the different ways the garages were situated, thereby not having a long row of garage #'ronts � the street. ' � ' and on Mr. Bergman stated he i•rould like to know wh2t the $20,000 difference was between a$40,000 and $bO,QOQ toy�nhouse, and particularly if there were any plans to . use different construction materials between that range of price. He was wondering if this was zncluding or excluding fixtures and appliances, or if the difference had to do �*ith the size of the units, and so on. Mr. Olson said that a lee�ray of �20,OOd was established because they had no contractua7. estimates as �.o what it would cost to build a building, and with inflation prices for building costs were changing tremendously. �ie said this was more or less a figure to t�rork with. rTr. Olson added -that a$�0,000 house might have no brick� one bedreom and one bath� w'nereas a$60,000 home might have brick� two bathrooms, three bedrooms, etc. Nr. Swanson added ihat the intention was no-t to cheapen any of the construction. ' Mrs. Schnabel asked if the guest parking would be in the center areas between the garage areas, and iSr. O�son replied it w�uld, and also aprons taere provided in front of the garages for additional parking. �irs. Schnabel notec3 that ' these were single car stalls, and asked where an occupant would park his second car if he had oneo :ire Ols�an said he woul.d have to p3rk it. i� front of his first. ear's parking stall. i�iz�s. Schnabel said her concern stemmed from the , fact th at if an owner had two cars �zd one had to sit au�, and if they or someone else had guesis over, there could be a probiem with�congestion of cars in that area. She added that the.re migh� be a safety hazard as far as fire trucks and aribulances gettir_g in and ont. P�z•. Olsan sai.d there would be ample , room on the street where cars could alsa park, but he didn'� lrnow if the TownY�ouse Association i•rould alloz,� parking there. , , ' Cha�rperson Harris noted on page 31t oi i�he a�enda -�he plans stated 36 single garages, 108 single aprons, and a-tota7. of ll.��t parkirg spaces, He asked Mr. Olson if they were proposing 11�1� parking spaces �ra_thin the development, and rir. Olson s�ca�i;ed that according to his plan th�.t �aas ccrrect. rlrs. Schnabel asked if he cauld i.dentif;y where those 108 apro�s were, and I�fr. Olson said he would have to p�ead a.gnorance. Chairperson Harris stated that if this was reco;��rnended to Council for approval, it would be in order to stigulate that a more de�ailed parking and plat plan layout be provided than what they ha3 now as exhibit C. , Mr. Bergman said he would like to pay some reco�;nition and compliment to Air. Swanson and T�Ir. Olson because they had put a lut of thought into the plans, and the plans re�resented good and professional efforts in most cases. He ' added that they had obvzously spent a great deal of time on them and had done a good job. 1 ' ' 5J r10TI0N by Bergmar., seconded by Schnabel, that �he Planning Commission recommend to Council approval of T-#�76-03, Townhouse Development Plans, by Evert R. Swanson: 36 Unit Townhouse Development for Central Tc�wnhouse Addition, referencing exhibits C& D, and with the understanding that this is townhouse construction intended fo: owner occupancy� with two stipulat��ns: i , �_J � , ' Planning Commission Meeting - September 22, 1976 Page 12 1. That as the property is deveZaped from builda.ng 1 through subsequent btzzldings, the landscaping, including fencing, be completed as construction sfi,ages are comp�eted. 2. That prior to Council view the parking progosal be clarifieci with regaxd to identifying the total par.king as indicated on exhibit C. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 5K PUBLIC HEARING: RE20i1ING RE�UEST: ZOA �r`76-Q5, BY 1,�7Yi�1AP1 SI��ITH: Rezone the F.asterly 200 feei of Lot 13, except the Pdortherly 30 feet thereof; also the Easterly �0 feei thereof, Auditor's Sabdivision No. 89, froM R-3 (general mul.tiple family dwellings), to C-1 (local business areas), or C-2 (general business axeas), to allot•: the construction of a speculative building to be used for offices and assemblies, generally located on the South side of Norton Avenue N.E. where it intersects taith Central Avenue N.E. Mr. Leroy B. Smith, property o�,mer, and I�4r. ��3yman Smith, attorney, were present. 1�40TION by Schnabel, seconded by Shea, that the Planning Cor�uaission open the Public Hearing on a rezoning request, ZOA #'j6-05, by Gdyman Smith. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairperson Harris decZared the Public Heax�ing o�•�n a�; 10:C�. ' Mr. Leek sta�ed that there wzre a couple of concerns th � S�.aff had regarding this, and was some�hat uncertain about hot� they feel it should go. He said that �Ir. Boasdman and 2�Tr. Clark felt that ideally the area in ouestion should be industrial. since it is surrounded 'oy industr�a� (he referrzd the Cor,�mission ' to the m.aps on pages 1�0 and 1�1 of their agendas); hotaever, there were presently single-family dwellings in the area. PZr. Zeek sayd the feeling had been expressed that i� there �as an ideal location for an apartment structurs in ' the ci.ty, that would be it. He added that there was no one recommendation regarding the property as far as Sta�f was concerned. , ' � � , ' u Mr. V,iyman 5mith stated that Mr. Leroy Smith had owned this lot for more than a�ifteen years, and the taxes and assessments Tf�Ere noia $900 a year. He said that in spite of Statf's suggestion that this �rould be ideal for apartmen�s, the properiy has been for sale ier an apartmen� site for 15 years and no one had put together a package where it could be developed for apartments. He said that something had to be done znrith it, a.n�' Mr. Leroy Smith thought there was a need for some retail shops to serve the public that is in that area. Mr. �r7yman Smith stated there was a very defini�e market in Fridley for an assembly room that wedding parties could rent and public assemblies convene. He said the assembly room woulc3 be on the second floor, and that could also be modified into offices if there was a need. He stated tnat probably this would be an oific building, as Mr. Lervy Smith was talking about finding a place for accountants and that type of thing. ��e presented the Commission wiih a rough sketch oi the floor plan of the buildin;. NIr. Langenfeld stated this request confused him a bit. He said there was nothing wrong with a rezoning request from R-3 to C-I OR C-2 (one or the other�, but , Planning Commission Meeting - September 22� 1976 Page 13 5 � he had never seen a request like this before. Mr. Wyman 5mith said this had come about because he had filled out the form C-1, had seen Da.rrel Clark, and Mr. CZark had suggested rnaking G-1 or C-2. He stated he thought C-2 gave them a little more selection, but they would be satisfied with G-l. Mr. Langenfeld noted that a"speculative" building was mentioned, and said that implied this building would go up and if it didn't work out something else tirould be tried, and so on. P4r. Liyman Smith said that the term speculative in the market meant that there iaasn't a buyer. He said it would be financed and built, and then a buyer �rould be found to o�m the building. Mr. Bergman referred to the map on page 1�1 of the agenda, and asked if alI of the property in the Frhite rectangle �ras now undeveloped or unoccupied. hir. Leek replied that portions of that property contained single-far,iily�dwellings and an apartment building. Mr. Bergman referred to page l�0, and asked what the present use was of lots 9, 10, 13 and an,y other large portions of that property. P�'.r. 1,dyman Sraith answered that lots 10 and ].3 were vacant, and lots 6, 7, 8, 9 and 12 were all single-family houses. He said th�re were a total of eleven residences on Norton, and south of that property was Medtronics. Mr. Bergman asked what the zoning t.*as in the area circled on the map on page 1�1, and P�Ir. Leek replied it was zoned R-3 and had been changed to that in 2963. Mr. Z�tyman Smith state�' thai the zoning at one time was C-1, and that the residences on Norton had been there a long time. Cindy riabel, 121� Alorton 4venue NoE., stat.ed that eve:yone on the block fel� it was a residential area. She said that two years ago it was all open, and now Medtronics had a parking lot right next to her yard. She said sr.e was wondering zanere parking ior the proposed building would be, and she assumed they had plans for both lots. Nirs. I�`�.bel state� the proposed plans would certainly d�teriorate the neighbornood, and added that the houses were not old as her house had been built in 1961. Mr. Leroy Smith stated he just owned that one piece of property; the other property s,Tas in litigation and he had nothing to do with that. He said that it would just be an office building of �0' X 110', consisting of two floors, and there would be plenty of space on the lot to accommodate the bu.zldzng and the parking, Mr. Jerry Sympsan� 1175 Norton Avenue N.E., asked if i�r. Smith had sat down rand figured out how many vehicles could be parked in this space, Chairperson Harris said he would like to clarify one thing; they could not use the rest of the lot for parking in total. He explained there were certain green area and setback requirements that the City required. rlr. Ronald J. Risk, 750 Ione, Spring Lake Park, asked what pPrcentage of the lot would be allowed for parking. Mr. Leek read the City Code which sta�;ed that o�'f-street parking stalls shall be provided zn ihe ratio of one stall for each three seats provided in such an assembly hall. He explained that if tne hall would accommodate 300 peopla, that would necessitate 100 parking stalls, and that didn't include office parking. Mr. Bergman determined that 8 additional spaces would be required for the office, or a total of 108 parking spaces would be necessary in total. Chairpsrson Harris said that if they tried to have a meeting hall and an office together, it would be awfully tight; but zf the building was used totally for offices they might make it on parking. Mr. Risk asked if the street could be utilized for parking since Old Central wasn't a very busy street in the evening, and Mr. Harris replied they did not encourage on-st;reet parking. � Planning Commission Meeting - September 22, 1976 Page Z� 5�1 Mr. Earl Dunbar, i2�5 Nortor, Avenue, asked wher.e the access would be. Chair- �erson Harris replied it could be on eiiher one or both streeis, probably both, but there was a minimum distance from the corner that the driveway could be. Mr. Leek stated that was 75' from the right-of-way. �I � Mrs. JoAnn King, 1301 Norton Avenue N.E., stated she was opposed to this building because sne thought it would �be an invasion of her privacy. She explained she had just lost many trees to the Dutch Elm Disease which rnade her lot less private than it was, and she felt there would not be enough parking places and , she would have cars lined up in froni of her house and she didn't want that. I�r. Dunbar sai� they were talking about an assembly ha11 where liquor would be consumed, and this meant 100 cars coming in and out of that lot wi�tkithe people being in no shape to drive. He said he was worried those people would find a street that was a dead-end street, and would r�zn into problems turning, their vehicles aroundy and so fortn. He stated he didn't see where this would be af any betterment to the a-rea, and he was totally opposed io any type of assembly place. A1rs. Mabel stated that even if nothing was preser�ti�r b�ing done about the lot next to thZS or.e, since it would be zoned Comrierciai eventually another typ� of building �rould go up ana there wouldn't be parking for �hat, either. She added she felt they were opening tzp a whole bag of problems. Mr. idyman Smith stated taere would not be an,y parking problerns, and the p�an �aould be buil+ ,-rithin. code. He .explained when t'r�eY talked about the nur�ber of 300 for assembly, this was because the code had se� tha�; as r�aximum. He continued that i.f the assembly hali worKed ou� ana Uhis bec�me practical and �easible as a business venture, it �,rould ha�Je to be rneasured down. rie said if there iaas only roam for 70 cars, then there ��ouZd only be spaces for 50. He added that the code had been very careiully dra�m to accommodate this sort of thing, and these plal�s were flexible. He said t.hat NIr. Leroy Smith was not asking to put up a P�:cDonald's Drive-In� and he had to do something with the lot. �1r. Wyman Smith said that it seemed �o i�irn that an oifice building would be an improvement over almost anything �hey could have there, and he thougnt it was feasible and practical. • Mr. Dunbar said that to cite an exal-nple, the Frontier Club had a parking lot, and yet any night of th� week 25 to ].QO c�.rs could be found parked on Central Avenue and the side str2ets, and tearing up and do�an Central like it was a race track. He said tnat this wouic3 be the same type of assembly place with the same type of clientele� and asked how they could keep the cars off the streets. rir. Wyman Smith stated he was fa-niliar with tihe Frontier Club, and explained that was grandfathered in before the code was updated. He said the code was now changed, and this zaasn't going to be a Frontier Club. He added that at ihe present time there was only one piace to go ir. Fridley- for a wedding party, and a community of 3�,000 deserved to have a community building that could be used for that purpose. He stated that NSr. Leroy Smith might change his mind, and if he could rent both floors for ofiices he would. 1�Ir. Bergman said his observation was that a key hang up on the rezoning request was with the idea of the assembly hall. and a cancern as to the type of activity Plannin� Commission Meeting - September 22� 1976 Page 15 that wou2d go on there, and the traffic over-flow and traffic problems. Mr. Bergman said that Mr. Smith was right in saying the code would restrict what he could buzld there �� thin the constraints of how much parking they could work out of the lot, which apparently hadn't been worked out yet at this point. He said that secondly, it would seem c�nceivable that there was some risk on I�r. Smith's part in thai this zoning reqi�est could get approved and that wher. he worked out the amount of parking spaces available with setbacks and green areas as required by �ode and city administration, he might find there weren�t enougYi p�rking spots to accommodate the building. Mr. Bergman said he would then have to be restricted to that, so there was some risk involved in not having this all put together at this point. He added that it would seem the assembly ha1l which would need Z00 parking spaces was out of context kith the s�ze of �he property, i�r. L�uis C. Gray, 1170 Norton Avenue N.E., stated that he felt the traffic problem was the greatest concern because it �*oLld vary, and he was also iaorried about drunken d��ivers in the area. Ruth J. Norton, 1252 I��rton Avenue N.E., said she was against the assembly hall because the amoun� of cars going to a place like �hat couldn't be determined. She said �ney felt it would be a terr�ble thing to have in their residential area with all those people drinking and causing the residents problems they shouldn't have to put up with. Mr. Langenfeld asked under V�hich category the•assembly hall would fa1.I, ' C�l or C-2. Nir. Leek rep�ied it could be either; and the difference depended on the capacity of the ha11. He explained that under 3�� would be C-1 and over 3QQ would be �-2. � ' � � � ' 5N Mr. Bergman said they �ere considering Central Avenue as one boundary street and a primar•ily residential street, on the other side of the property as a boundary, and this add�d some additional concern to the parking situaiion. He stated that �he code requir�ment�for �ihe asscn:bly hall which was one stall for each seating capacity oi three was a code riinimum r�quirement, and in a condition whexe parking ti�as a p�rticular problem Council could request something additional to that. Iie explained he �aas referring back to the assembly hall and a capacity of 300. He said the code might say a minimum number of parking stal]s of 100, but it was entirely conceivable that with a capaci,ty of 300 there could be 300 cars, and that would be taken into consideration. �ir. Risk stated that at tlze last four weddings he had attended, there were usually three people per car and many times two couples per cax. He said that if some of the other halls were looked at that had a capacity for 300 people, that many cars wouldn't be found in the parking lot. He add.ed that he didn't see any conflict between the dffice parking and the hall parking because the office would be closed at ?�:30 or 5:00 and assemblies didn't staart until 7;30 or 8:00, ' Mrs. King stated she thought the building would stick out like a sore thumb in that area because all the residences were one story structures with large trees. She felt it should come down to a one-story building to fit in more ' aest,hetically with the neighborhood. Mr. Smith explained that it was a split- �ntry building, so �rould actually be only a stary and a half. ' Planning Commissi�n Meeting - September 22, 1976 Page 16 Mr. Langenield said he wished to point out to the Commission and the citizens that he fully realized the situation the property owner had here because he was getting tired of paying taxes on property he couldn't utilize; however, the whole intent on this rezoning was to build the office spaces and the assembly hall with hopes to sell the property and make a profit. After that, he said, the Lord only lanew what this would turn into. He stated he was definitely against the assembly hall part of the proposal. � Chairperson Harri.s asked P•ir. ti�yman Smith if he recalled what the circumstances were when this property was rezoned from C-1 to R-3. r.r. Smith replied that wen� way back very early before Highway b5 *aas put through and Old Central was the main thoroughfare, and that area was one of the business sections. He said he suspected it was zoned R-3 by the first major comprehensive zoning p�an. Mr. Leek said he would have to disagree wi�h that to the extent that it was rezoned to R-3 in 19b3. Mr. Harris asked I�r. Leroy Smith if at one time he had contemplated an apartment structure on tt�at property, and he replzed yes. He said they had the pla.�s all dra�m for both lots for �2-units. �1r. Wyman Smith said he thought someone who had a.n option to buy the land may have instzgated the rezoning. Mrs. Schnabel said �she felt they Vrere kind of_grasping in the dark here. She stated she wauld feeZ much more comfort,able in making a decision on this if they could se� the actual architectural plans on this. Mrs. Schnabel stated s::e felt the petit�oner hims�lf was unclear ir� a r,u��nber of a� �as, and she would prefe_� that they continue this discussion at another time tahen the petitioner had actual plans which could be seen by the Co�-�u~nission and the neighbors showing the number of par�cing stalls, office spaces, etc. She said that at this point they t-aere being asked to grant a blanket rezoning on something the petitioner himself is not c�.ear on wha-t i�e �;ants to do. Mr. Leek said that in answer to the question regarding zonir.g, the ordina.nce which was passed in August, 1963, changed that area in question from R-1 to R-3. He then read to the Commission the code on setback requirements to adjacer.t districts. The rear yard could not be less than 25', lahere a side yard abuts a street of a corner 1ot the side yard requirement was a minimum of 35', and the other side would be 15'� Chairperson Harris noted it would be very difficult to fit that building on the 1ot, and agreed with r�rs. Schnabel thai he would also like to see a plat plan of the building. Mr. Wyman Smith asked why Staff hadn't worked this out with them. He stated they paid $ls5 for this request and thought that Staff should communicate with them and work it out with them. Mrs. Schnabel asked if Staff had given them copies of the code pertinent to C-1 and C-2, and i�Ir. Z�dyman Smith said they were offered fi,hat information. He stated it was true they didn't know exactly what they wanted, but their aim ��as to try to use this lot. He said that if this possibility didn't make any sense, they would iry something else. He explained that r1r. Leroy Smith wanted to have some lrnowledge if this could be rezoned before he hired an architect, as that usually involved a commitment of more than $1,000, and he wan�ed to avoid that until he found out if this proposal made any sense. He siated he thought t:�ey needed to work with Staff on this, and explained that he hadn't actually asked them for any help to this point. Mr. Langenfeld stated that he thought they could relate to item #it as a rezoning 50 � Planning Commission Meeting - September 22, 1976 Page 17 •S P � �� LJ � � � � request, and not actually a construction approval, and could take it from there with stipulations. Mr. Bergman said that with parcels of land of substant�al size and of continuous zoning and without concerns for parking capacities, he would agree with Mr. Zangenfeld. However, he said, with a parcel of land this small and with the kind of proposed occupancy that had been mentioned, he thought concerns were logical in regard to the kind of acti.vity and the parking question. He adde� tha� with concerns for those two items he personally didn't feel in a position to feel positive about the rezoning at this point. Mr. Langenfeld noted that the fee was $155, which was a sizable amount of money. He said he agreed with Mrs. Schnabel in trying to obtain more concrete ideas for the uses of this property, rather thar� denying outright the request for rezoning. He said he also felt they were in the dark with regard ta this item. Mrs. Schnabel explained she �ras not necessarily asking the petitioner to go out and spend $1,000, but with the information that hacl come out at this meeting and i•rith review of the zoning ordinance trith regard to putting the building on this particular site, she thought ihe petitioner himself could possib�y come u.p with a structure the size he �,ianted and that would fit the setbacks the City required. She thought he also might T�aant to put a little more thought into if he still wanted to pursue the assembly hall idea �.rith the knowledge of the parking requirements. A4rs. Schnabel said that perhaps if she hadn't heard an assemhly hall kras p_lanned.s she would be a?.ittle more disposed to act on the rezoning, but in light of what the neighbors had said she �rould be reluctant to vote for a rezoning. She added s.ze �JOUld be r�ore inclined to vote for a tabling moiion to give i,he petitioner time to reassess the situation. Mr. Langenfeld agreed completely, and said t,hat at this poznt his vote taould also be a denial. He suggested �.hey could come up with a better idea that would be more feasible. rSr. Sympson stated that he real�.zed P�ir. Smith had owned the lot for 15 years � and wanted to get his mon�y out of it. He said that if �ir. Smith could dra�: up a plan and make it at�Lract�ve and fit on the lot with no parking problems, this i�ould be completely agreeable. He added that then he trould have no , < objection to the rezoning, and would be in favor of anything that would bring less people into the area. , LJ � � � � Mr. I,eroy Smith stated tha� he thought the building would fit in completely with what was along Central Avenue and with Medtron�.cs. He said they had been asked to bring a surv2y and a rougn plan9 and ihat is �,*hat they did. He stated that he hadn't anticipated any problems with the neighbors and c3idn�t want any probl�ms with them. He added that he could see no use in tabling this, and said he would like to withdraw the request. Chairperson Haxris siated he wished Nir. Smith would consult with his attorney before he made that request. Mr. Wyman Smith stated tnat an attorney only did what his client requested, but ne did wish to poirt out that one concern his client had was trying to do some- thing this fall before the frost came in. Chairperson Harris said that before he closed the 1'ablzc Hearing he ioanted to mention that he had been playing with some figures and he could only get abou�, � PZanning Commission rieeting - September 22, 1976 Page 18 5 Q � 12 �r 13 parking spaces cn that lot along with the building, with the requirsd seibacks and green areas that must be maintained. He stated that even in the parking lot the City required a parking stall to be 10' x 20R in size, arzd there must be a place to back oui of 2S' to get out of the parking stall. He said thai in trying to lay it oui several different ways, the maximum he could get iri parl:in� stalls �aas 12 or 13. Mr. Risk said they mzght as we_ll thro�a away the plan that vras submitted since it wouldr�'t fit, and would try to come up with a building that would fit on. the lot �nd meet codes. He stated that they werE trying to avoid a time lapse, at�d once it was rezoned it c�rould be ea�y to fi� a building on there, Chair- person Harris said tha.t he couldn't in good consc�.ence voie for a rezoning without ?mowing tiahat would be on �here. Mr. Langenfeld asked if this request would be gcod for six months if it Vras � tabled, and Chairperson Harris said ihat ti,ras correc�, but if it was denied the petitioner could.not returr? for six months to rnake another request. Mr. Bergm�n asked tahat affect the removal of the request ��rould have with re�ard , to fee, and rir. Harris said the peitioner would lose the fee. i-�r. Leroy Smith stated that since he would have nothing to lose, he t�ould like the request to be tabled. � � � � , ' � � ri0TI0N by Bergman, seconded by Shea, that the Planning Corunission close the Public Hearing or� Rezcnin� i equc�st ZC� ,�,�75-��, by ���-�7a:: Smith. Upon a voice vote, all voting a�Te, Chairperson Harris declared the Public Hearing closed a�t 11:25 P.ri. MOTION b� Schnabel, seconded by Bergman, that the Planning Gommission table Rezoning Request ZOA #€76-05, by Tr.�an Smit�, ur_til the r.ext meeting. Upon a voice vote, all v�-ting aye, the motion carried unanimously.' LOT SPLIT REQUEST: L.Sm ��76-06, BY EVERETT i�IADSEI�a Split Lots 9 and 10, Block , Rice Creek Plaza tlorth Audition, so �tr�e new property line runs at an ar�gle 6.l�0 feet from t?�e existing North,�rest�rly corner of Lot 1Q� to 36 feet northeasterly of the ��;esterly I�.ne of Lot 9y as per survey of record with the City, Parcel A describirig the nei,r lot iine for Block 10, 2lt6 Rice Creek Blvd. N.E., and Parcel L describing the new lot line �or Block 9, 2�0 Rice Creek Blvd. Iv.E. NIr. Everett Pladsen was present. He staf,.ed ihat he was the ot�rner of Parcel A, and this requ�st iaas a mutually �greeable situ�tion between the two neighbors. He explained he had this house built wt�en ne was in Los Angeles, and the builder made a mistake. He stated he felt it �ras a logical request. Mr. Leek said that it was Staff's opinion �hat the request made sense, and was not objectionable to them. Mr. �ergman asked ii both owners of Parcels A and B were present, and Mr. h�adsen stated thai the awner of Farcel B, Mrs. Murphy, was not interested in attending the meeting, rir. Bergman asked if there was anything in writin�; from her, and Mr. l�fadsen said he was told that wasn't necessar,y. :�ir. Bergman stated that from what he could see, approva]_ of this request would reduce the size of Parcel B, Planning Commission Meeting - September 22, i976 Page 19 and the owner of Parcel B ought to therefore testify in writing that she agrees to the shrinking of that prvperty. Mr. Madsen said he hadn't known it was necessary to have her signature, but he would get it. Mr. Madsen asked if it was any concern of the Planning Commission or the City Council the amount of funds that would exchange hands. Chairperson Harris explained that in i�innesota it would be necessary to give Mrs. Niurphy a dollar and other valuable ctinsiderations to make it legal and binding, but it was no concern of the Planning Commission or Co�ancil how much money exchanged hands. MOTION by Sl�a,, seconded by Schnabel, that the Ylanning Commission recommend to Council approval of Lot Split Request L.S. �{76-06, by Everett Madsen: Split Lots 9 and 10, Block 1�, Rice Creelc Plaza North A�dition, so the new property line runs at an-angle 6.1�0 fe�t from the existing Northwesterly corner of Lot 10, to 36 feet northeas�erly of the ;aesterly line of Lot 9, as per survey of record with �ne City, Parcel t� describing tne new lot line for Block 10, 2l�6 Rice Creek Blvd. N.�., and Parcel B describing the new lot line for Block 9, 250 Rice Creek Blvd., N.E., with the stipulation that Mr. Madsen obtain a writien statement from Mrs. Murphy stating this is a mutually agreeable situation. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. LOT SPLIT RE��'J�ST: I..S. �'76-07 B� FR.�NK VUTH: Spli�i th�> G�est 210 feei o_ Lot 9, Auditor's Subdivision dJo. 1�9, ir.io three parcels as follows: Parcel �(5801 Arthur Street N.E.) The South 80 feet of the ;vest 210': Parcel 2(5805 Arthur Street N.E.) The North 80 feet of the South 120 feet of the tidest 21G feet: Parcel 3(5��9 Axtrrar S�reet iv.E.) The jTesi 210 feet of Zot �t9, except the South 16G feet thereof: aSimeasured along the Ydest line of said Loi 1�9, and all parcels subjec�� to an easement for road pu.rposes over the West 30 feet. Mr. Frank Voth was presen�. Mr. Leek s�ated that Staff had no problem with the loi split itself, but fe�t there were two considerations. He said that Staff feit perhaps this should go to ihe Parks and Recreation Commission as currently the garage on Parcel #3 was two feet on park property, and also, �here was a road easement of 20' going through the middle of that garage. He added this was al1 zoned R-l. rir. Voth stated tnat Mr. �a r7rs. Jacob Wiens had lived on the property since 194Q, a.nd �,hey would like to be able to straighten out the matter of the gargage and the lot split. However, he said, at the current time they had rtr. Wiens' abstract being contir.ued at Anoka Title, and added that wasn't done for many years. He showed the Commission�rs on the survey where Mr. Wiens' property was, and which property was now being dedicated by Darrel Farr as park proFerty. rir. Voth stated that he hould like to take care of the matter of the lot split first as he 1�•ished to build a house this fall, and wouid .immediately thereafter take care of the other matter at a later date folloiaing any recommendations from Council. Chairperson Hari•is commented that the lot sizes appeared to be more than adequate, and asked if there was any necessity for drainage or utility easements. Dir. Voih 5R Planning Commission rieeting - September 22, 1976 Page 20 replied that services were in and pawer lines were up. Mr. Bergman statea that he raas of the impression that the intent here was to establisiz Paxcels one and two for building purposes, and that these parcels were on the East side of Ar�hur Street; ihe garage infringement was on the wildlife center; and the park dedication from Darrel Faxr was on the East end o� the property. I�Ir. Voth said that was correct. Mr. Harris asked if access would be off of Arthur Street, and rlr. Voih replied that was correct. Mr. Bergman asked Mr. Voth if he had been talking to City A�ministration with regard to the right-of-way and the infrin�ement, and Air. Votn answered 'ne had. Mr. Leek said that actually there were three consides•ations, the third being the minor consideration of the sned. I�Ir. Voth explained that ��. Wiens did not use the shed, but did keep up the maintenance on it,in order to keep up the appearance, even though it was not on his property. Mr. Bergmar� asked if it was t�1r. Voth's intention to get back to Darrel Clark regarding alternatives for the tk�o considerations, and ��r. Voth said he would. N;rs. Schnabel asked who ot,med Iot 1�5 to the North, and Pir. Voth replie� that was park area. NOTIOPI by Bergman, seconded by Langenfeld, that the Planning Corirnission recommend to Ciiy Council approval of Lot Split Request L.S. �'76-07 by Frank J. Vo-th: Split the �dest 210 feet of Zot l�9, Auditor's Subdivision No. l�9, into three paxcels as folle;�s: Parcel 1(5801 Arthur Street N.E.) The South 80 feet of the �•Jest 230�: Parcl 2(5�30� kr-t,hur S�Lreei, Iv.E,) The IJorth F30 feet of the South 120 feet of the West 210 feet: Parcel 3(5��9 �rthur Street N.E.) The West 210 feet of Lot 1�9, except tne South 160 feet thereof: all measured along the West lir.e of said Lot 49, and all parcels subject to an easement for road purposes over the ���est 30 feet, and request,ing of I�ir. ��otn continued communicaiion with City Adriinistration concerning tti�.o semewnat related ele:rents: 1) rignt-of-�ray, a.�d 2) infrin�ement on park property. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carr�ed unanimously. 5S MOTION bar Bergman, seconded by Langenield, that the Planning Commission direct the encroachment of the garage on Parcel �#3 to tne Parks and Recreatior� Comrnission. Upon a voice vate, all voting aye, the motion carried unanir�ously. Chairperson Harris declared a recess at 11:50 P.i�. and recor,vened the meeting at I2 : IO A.I�I. 1�tijRITTEN SURVEY POLICY Mrs. Shea noted that this was the same informati.on that had been received at the last meetinga and the Commission had just requested that it be made into written policy. MOTIQN by Langenfeld, seconded by Shea, that the Planning Commission concur with the Administrative Policy on Survey Requirement:: as.written. Upon a voice vote, all vot�.ng aye, the m�tion carried unanimously. Planning Commission Meeting - September 22, 1976 Page 21 REVIEW OF PROPOSID MAINTENANCE CODE MOTION by Shea, seconded by Bergman, that the Planning Commission table the review of the porposed maintenance code until the next meeting. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. CONTINUED: DISCUSSTQN ON GARAGE REQUIREr1EidTS FOR SINGLE FAI�IILY HOI��S MQTION by Langenfeld, seconded by Bergman, that the Planning Commission receive the Planning Review on Single Fariily Garge Req,airements. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously�. MOTION by Langenfeld, seconded by Shea, that the Planning Commission table the discussion on garage requirer�ents for single family homes until the next meeting. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, tne r�iotion carried unanimously. CONTI1tiTUED: HU2�iAN DEV�'LOP;�IENT GOALS AN�D OBJFCTNES MOTTON by Bergman, seconded by Schnabel, that the Planning Commission table ' the discussion on Human Development Goals and Objectives•until the next meeting. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the moticn carri�•3 unanim.ously. RECEIVF. HIJI�•IAN RESOURCES COi-�IZSSION riINUT�S: SEPT�'I�iBER 2, 197b TIOTION by Shea, seconded by Schnabel, that the Planning Go�nrnission receive the minutes of the September 2, 1976 Human Resources Coznmission meeting. Mr. Langenfeld noted on page �l the review on goal areas for human development, and stated he titiTas glad to see somebody was iaori:ing on it. He asked if this was actually going to be proposed to the Planning Commission, and A4rs. Shea replied it taas simply their input to the Planning Commission. h1r. Langenfeld commented t,hat the Pzanning Comriission should bear this in mind when they discussed Human Development Goals and Objectives. I�1r. Bergman suggested it would be pertinent to request S�aff to include pages 51 and 52 of the Human Resources Cotnmission minutes in the next agenda under the discussion o#' goals. Chairperson Harris said tha� with regard to the Teen Center, they have had several meetings and were drawing up the bylaws and articles of incorporation to operate under. He stated they had met and looked at the facility, and it was his opinion that the facility was very inadequate. rir. Harris said they were endeavoring to work with the District 11� schools to obtain a different location, but were meeting with some resistance from their siaff. He added that hopefully this project would be off the ground and they would be able to hold elections for their Board early next month. _ UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVE APPEALS CONI�iISS ION riINUTES : SEPT��f3ER 15, 1976 ri0TI0N by Schnabel, seconded by Bergman, that•the Planning Commission receive sr I � . ! Pla.nning Commission rieeting - September 22, 1976 Page 22 5 i� �I � the minutes of the Sep�eMber 15, ].9?E �ppea3s Commission meeting. Chairperson Harris commented that it seemed to hirn that Iately they had been getting a lot of petitioners �through here that weren't very wel�. pre�ared. UPON A VOICE VOTr.� al.l votirig aye, the motion carried unanimausly. Mrs. Shea stated that she didn�i; want to irisult anybody, but she did have a complaint about �his Corr�-n�ssion. Sre sa�d she thought they wasted a lot of time because the Commissianers did not go to look at the property that wa� to be discussed beforehand, and she f.elt that maybe they could do their home- work a litt7.e bit better. � 1�Ir. Bergman said that he would like, through the minu�es, to request of City Administration that steps be taker. to more promptly type and provide mirnites from the Comrnunity Development Corunission. For example, he said, their meeting was a week ago tonight, and he dzc�n't kno�� why their minutes ' cou7_dn't be before this Cor►mission �rith that amount of time to t,Tpe them. Hs requested that some attention be given to that. ADJOURNNSENT : P�i0TI0:+ by Langenfeld, secanded b;r Shea, that t}7� r�eeting be adjourned. Upon a voice v�u�, a�.l vcting aye, Chairp�rson Harr�s �ecla.red the a�anning Ccmmisszon meeting of September 22, 1976t adjourned at 12:32 P.P;. by urianimous votpo Respect#'u�ly subrnit ted, �,\ ' % . ! � / � '�� � � S2�erri 0'Dorinell � Recording Secretary i , �r ` _ _ _ � f. �/ _F�it.t ✓c/! ' ,.• �:o.:,:�;�..: � .: .. , , ��, . :�,� ,.:. �� 5 V v�ra, k��%�y,ix. ;,?�-,,.� E.R. SWANSON; ZOA #76-U3, �_—.-,;;. ... , j� P.S. 7G-03, T 7G-03 � Variance �., i �f � � h%ancurr ., � t� . Ek%;" �,��� �'t +� :� =� . :`� %�.� �, �' •f'� �"� ti.�� �,;. .�- •�:,,, .w.,� n . \� ,✓ `� 1/'i'rK`r , .I . i�j�:t .� 'n/ ti �. �/� �G f':h GVi '�t C i! n i w r � � . �✓^ ,J /� Jiw_.Z+,`f �`""�`"�a/• �, <) �y� .1_Z,f _ v+e , � �•`� _..Jo :, �„�,,,,, � . y � y � __ ,_ .. --__� ..:.�.. - -- � `` � � S ` �:'n ! "3 _ y •r� �� � � �= �v 3 w �, �� %:.Z �2r 4 �� �"� r �: ' � ��,:o sr...-: �L't 4� "�.2. , � �r �"'Sp � —�1_!'�-- -.S � io� 'I � ).•• - .. 1P.�:r>yw 40 ' �- ' 6j� � �. � � `I,, : P .�`r, : , i f=-. `�� -s `` ` . �., �'' >� a � �, �,.,,�,.�� . 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F� rl : � . . ._ - C: ._I . _ . . �. � .. . . . . _ ..J t , ..a '. r-� c- 4 ^_ c: ! � �� •.� \ . \ ��' ,-��, . � � �, Cy ' J ��, �'�, . . ,\ �` �� ` m� W` i,i6 `��. �`�i -- Ji ._ 1, �, i � S6. '. V� v„ , \, \ x p s w � . ut �� � : a a � �� � - -.�.:��_- ' � �Y N-C��vt• . �, � d i .t ' i;� � � � � � � l � o z� �1- � �: z �� � d• O' �: 1 �1 hl 1`,, Q,. �: r � u� � �1. Q� w. N � �4 a; a�. �� �� � � E, Madsen L.S. #7b-06 � � H 246 � 25Q Rice Creek w-.�? Boulevard a a `_ fD � r.. : � Qr� �w,.. x -% � > Q � � ` t- � � J d N G � � m �� ; �J � M�.� � � Q t � C � 0 c (� ' to � , � � � � ' n , � �\ ` ��� . \` � �. � ,\ � � �, `� � �J � •, O� l� �! 1► /.- � /% /- ` i- i � 1 ' ' ' ' � ' � � , i , - � � � � � ' September 27, 1976 CITY OF FR(DLEY 643i University Avenue N.E. Fridfey, MN 55432 Attention: City Council Members Gent�emen: This lefiter is to advise Council M�mbers that the Lot Split.Request #L:S. #7b-06 by Everett Madsen appearing as Item #5 on the Planning Commission's Agenda of September 2?_, 1976 is a mutually agreeable situation between the owners of the two properties involved. #L.S. #76-06 was approved by our Planning Commission on Wednesday, September 22, 1976 with the stipulation that a Letter of PAutual Agreement on the part of the owners of both properties involved be furnished to the Council before their October 4ih, 1976 meeting. Please consider this letter as compliance wifih that stipulat+on. It is understood by both of the undersigned that approval by Councii of #L.S. #76-06 does not constitute the transfer of titles, or change in legal description of the properties irvoled, rather said approva! would make it possible for the undersigned to file the Lot Split Application wi�h Anoka County, at which time legal description changes, and title transfers would take place. EM/MRM/hhk S' erely, � � ,J`�!������ Everett Madsen 246 Rice Creek Blvd. Fr i d I ey, h4N 55432 _� � < <r��.%' ` ���:,� "''� �' ` , �.: _c-� � , i � � � ��!�, Mat^gret R. Murphy ,�r , J.--�^=-- 250 Rice Creek Bivd. - � Fr i d I ey, h1N 55432 5X � ' � � � . � 5 _ -� � . . Y � . ... � . . . F.J. Voth, L.S. #76-07> 5801, 5805 - 5809 Arthur Street ' ? � , �I/ /� /. i � , , � , i �/� - , � . .�. � / /1 p -/ . �/ /' // I� ' !�//✓%� r/ //%�( 7j �%� '�'f ��L�. ��i'% �!✓� ��L ' i 1 / I I t ! / , ..�` �s �. 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APPROVE APPEALS COMMISSI01� MINUTES: AUGLST 10, 1976 � r10TI0N by Kemper, seconded by Barna, that the Appeals Commission approve the minutes of the August 10, i976 meeting as written. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the mation carried unanimously. � � � L 1. ,REQUEST FOR A VA}3:IAPdCE OF' S�:CTION 205.053, Ii, B( 5a) , FR�LE`� CITY CQDE, T(i REIIt3CE THE REQUIRED 17 � FEET FOA A STDE YARU WIDTH C'1 A STREEi SIDE Or A CORT?ER �OT 10 l�j � FEET TO A.T_�I.�Oit� TH� COIVSTRUCTION cr A 1la: FT. BY 27 FT. ADDITION TO AN EX�.STIPIG STr�UCTURE, LQCATED O7d LO1 11� BLQCiC 3� RIC� . CREEK TERKACE PLAT 6� t^H� SAN',.r� BEITvG 6b75 �„ASriINGiON STiiLJT ?y.E., FRIDLEY� MINNESOTA. (Request by :ir. David Skjervold, 6875 Washir.gton S�reet N.E., Fridley, Min.nesota 551�32). pSOTION by Baxna, seconded by Kemper, to open the Public Hearing. Upon a voice vote, a7.1 voting aye, ihe motion carried unanimously. kD1�iINISTRATIVE STAFF REPORm A. PUBLIC PURPOSE SERVED BY REQrJIREMENT: Sectior� 205.053, 1�, B(SA) Corner lot side yard setback of 17.5 feet for living area of structure. Public purpose served Uy this section of +.,he code is to maintain a higher degree of traific viszbilitf and reciuce the line of sight eneroachment into the neighbor's front yard. B. STATED HARDSHIP: Family needs more space. The addition they propose is the best possible plan considering their needs and plans for �the fnture. C. ADMTNISTRATIVE STAFF REVIEW: The verifying survey shows a street side yard setback of 28.8 feet. An addition on that side of the house would reduce the side yard setback to 5z i � ,� , � � Fridley Appeals Commission Meeting of September �5, 1976 Page 2 11t.8 feet. A variance to 11.�.5 feet has been requested to allow for any error in survey or construction. Alihough this proposed construction would limit "building line of sight" vision for neighboring properties, the exisiing house is over 60 feet from the South proper�;y line. The addition would not impair vision across the corner in the "vision safety control" area. Staff feels that the neighbo�s concerns should be considered first in tnis matter� but staff has no objection to this variance request. NOTE: Subsequent to Public Notices being sent, a verifying survey with the addition drawn io scale was submitted. The drawing indicated that the owner intpnded to also encroach into the fron-t yard by 2 feet. Tnerefore a front yard variance, Section 205.053, 4, A, irom the required 35 feet to 33 feet, as well as a side yard variance is required to build as planned. The owner asked if he couldn't include the front yard request with thzs request. Staff gave the petitioner a list of all neighbors within 200 feet and asked that all those on the list sign an agreement to kaive the 10 day notification requirement. It was explained that perhaps the Appeals Commission ��ould then be willing to consider bo�h the front and side yard variance requests at this time. I✓ir. Skjervold stepped forc�,=ard -�o present his request. He stated that they had a�cided over the winter tnat�they wanted more space in �;neir house, but they didn'i ti�ant to rnove and leave the community they were in. He showed the Commission a p2an and photographs of the existing nouse and explained where the addition s�ould be. He explained the roof would be the same as the house, and there would be a patio in the S�utheast corner. r1r. Skjervold told the Commission that after they applied for the variance, they found out their addition would also be encrcaching into the front yard and City Staff had informed him the only thing they could do would be to apply for another variance or have all the neighbors sign a waiver. He presented the Commission with that waiver. r10TI0N by Barna, seconded by Kemper� that the Appeals Commission receive the � waiver for the 10 day notification period concerning the front yard variance and signed by 22 of r1r. 5kjervold's neighbors. Upon a voice vote� all voting aye, the motion carried unanimeusly. � � � � Ghairperson Gabel checked the signatures against the mazling list, and found that all of the neighbors withir. 200 feet had signed the waiver. Chairperson Gabel asked how many children they had, and NIr. Skjervold replied they had three children; 2 boys ages 12 and 8, and a girl 5 years old. Mr. Skjervold explazned the addztion would be a family room with full basement underneath for storags and a game room, and there would also be a large walk-in closet. Mrs. Gabel asked if this connected to the kitchen, and Mr. Skjervold repzied the entry would be through the kitchen to the family room. Mrs. Gabel asked about the trees, and rir. Skjervold replied that one was in danger, but he had been advised by a nursery man that it could be moved. Mr. Skjervold showed where the front steps were, and explained how they would bring the roof out two feet over the �ront steps for prot,ection from the weather. . 5 AP. � Fridley Appeals Commission Meeting of September 15, 1976 � Page 3 He showed on a diagram how ihe eave would extend over the steps. Mr. Barna asked if this was going to be contracted out, and Mr. Skjervold replied it would be. MOTION by Kemper, seconded by Barna, to close the Public Hearing. Upon a voice vote� all voting aye� the motion carried unanimously. , MOTIOPI by Kemper, seconded by Barna, that the Appeals Commission approve the, variance requests for both the side yard and froni yard setbacks as presented. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 2. REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 205.1�2, 1 FRIDLEY CITY CODE, TO REDUCE THE MITIIMUP4 ACREAGE FOR k TOi�NHOUSE DEVELOPr�1ENT FROM 5 ACRES TO 3 ACRES, LOCATED ON LOT 19, F.XCEPT THE EAST 190 FEET THEREOF, AND EXCEPT THE tivrST 17 FEET TAKEN FOR HIGHT�:kY PURPOSES, PRESENTLY ZOPJED C-1 (GEIJERAI, OFFICE AidD L��IITED BUSINESSES), AND THE i�TEST 11�7.74 FEET OF LOT 18, PRESENTLY ZONED R-1 ( SINGLE F��1ILY Dt^7ELLING �%EAS ), ALL IN AUDITOR' S SUBDIVISION NQ. 129, ALL OF SAID PRCPERTY IS NOt�a IN THE PROCr.SS Or BEING CONSIDLRED FOR REZONING TO R-3 (GENERAL �4ULTIPLE FAMILY DT1�IELLINGS), THE SAt�IE BEING LOCATED AT THE INTERSECTION OF 73� AVENUE N.E. AND CENTRAL AVENUE N.E. (ftequest by Evert R. Swanson, 258 Windsor Lane, New }3righton, blinnesota, 55111� ) . MOTION by Baxna, seconded by Kemper, to apen the Public Hearing. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. ADI�fZNISTRATIVE STAFF REPORT A. PUBLIC PURPOSE SERV�`LD BY REQUIREh�dT: Section 205.153� requiring five (5) or more acres for a toimhouse development. Review of code indicated a conflict between 5 acre request and area/unit request. After staff discussion it was suggested that perhaps the public purpose served by this section of the Code was to provide an adequate number of units h*hich make the aiiiliated townhouse association econom�.cally #'easible. B. STATED HARDSHTP; Restriction would make owner-occupied townhouses impossible. C. ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REVIEW: This request is being presented at this iime in order that the variance and rezoning requests may be presented to Council at the same time. This would eliminate the request having to be returned to either one or the other Commission if only one aspect were handled first. As nearly as staff can determine, the five (5) acre requirement evolved from an estimate of the minimum number of units that would be required to make the iownhouse association economically practical. The other portions of the code limit lot coverage and regulate open areas. (See Section 205.11t3, A& B). Staff feels that the petitioner should show how the proposed development will,in fact, provide for a townhouse assoeiation which will not be an excessive burden of the occupants. ii �� f _ ��� Fridley Appeals Commission Meeting of September 15, 1976 Page !t 5 CC Mr. Evert Swanson� property owner� and Mr. Albert Hoffineyer, architect, appraached the Board to explain the request. r:r. John Young, 73L�3 Hayes St. N.E.; Mr. Jim Hinrichs,, 7355 Hayes St. N.E.; 1-ir. Michael J. Virnig� 1365 73rd Ave.N.E.; and Mr. Lawrence McCabe, 7328 Hayes St. N.E. also stepped forward to vi.ew the plans. � Mr. Hoffineyer showed the Commission and the interested parties a col.or-coded plan for the townhouses, and explained what the different colors represented. He stated they were proposing si3: buildings with six units each, so there would � be a total of 3b nnits in all. He explained that they would be putting a#'ence all around so people wouldn't walk through, and would be landscapi.ng behind th�s fence so there would be complete screening from the adjoining property. He said they were proposing that this be built in stages, going in sequence from � one to six, and sho�red on the plans where building �1 would be located. He said they hoped to do this over a period of about on� year. Mr. Hoifineyer was asked if these buildings would be classified as iownhouses, and he replied that they would be ok*ner-occupied condominium to�mhouses. He explained they would cosi between $It0,000 and �60,000, and could have one, two or three bedrooms. He was asked if he t,ras tal.king fcur or five people per unit, and he answered that there probably taould be no more than four people to a unit. He said that as far as traffic and znterierence with the neighborhood k�ent, the amount of people that these townhouses would generate wouldn't make a signi£icant differencz. He explained they wanted this to be a comimanity unto itself, and they didn't warzt kid:, tr�snping threugh thers. He shoa�Qd tshere th� fence would be, and explained it would be eight feet high. Mx�. Holden stated that seven feet was the limit, so NIr. Hoifineye: said_ they would make it seven feet. �Sr. Hof�meyer was asked zf there irould be rental with option to buy, and he replied there would not be. rir. rlcCabe noted that ?f there were four people in ever� u.�it, there would be a total of 1��. people on three acres, and thought that would be quite crowded. Mr. Hoffineyer said that if they didn't rezone, they Aould go commercial and put in an office building or a restaurant with a parkirig lnt in tne back. �ir. 1Toting asked when the iencing would go up, and rSr. Hoffineyer replied it would go up first. He added that they �aanted to save as many trees as possible. Chairperson Gabel asked if there would be any tot lots, arzd Pdr. Hoffineyer answered there wouldn't be, as they didn't want to encourage children. He adcied that there wouldn't be welfare people in there or a lot of kids. I�ir. AlcCabe commented that he found it hard to believe that anyone would want to invest $1�0,000 to $60,000 in a townhouse with a junk yard across the street. Mr. Hoffineyer explained they SJOUId be putting up a buffer. Air. Hoffineyer explained that they had a fle�:ible plan. He said they had a � basic split-entry plant with one bedroom, one bathroom, a kitchen, Iiving room and dining room. He said they could expand those units with options and they could have a loft, another bathroom upstairs, a recreatian room, etc. He � explained that a person could even finish it himself; buying a shell and expanding as the need axose. r1r. Ho.ffineyer stated that they wanted these units to be attractive, and he was concerned about the surrounding neighborhood. He stated � � � � Fridley Appeals Commission Meeting of September 15, 1976 ' Page 5 5 DD they were also concerned about the junk y�ar� and had Knutson, Eberhardt, Edina ftealty and others look at it and they all recommended the townhouses be fenced 3.n. Chairperson Gabel explained to the interested paxties that everything Mr. Hoffineyer did would have to meet City Code and wculd be inspected periodically. Mr. Holden commented that �he code didn't say he had to have a fence, but they would encourage it. Mrs. Gabel noted that could be a stipulation. NIr. Young asked ii that could be put in writing, and Mrs. Gabel said it could be. Mr. Young asked if these could end up being built over a period of three or four years, and Nir. Hoffineyer replied it iaas possible but i�t wouldn't be a very good nroject if it had to oe dragged ou� ihat ].ong. I�ir. Young asked if there were people interested in the townhous�s at tihe present time, and Mr. Hoffine�*er replieci there were. 2�Zr. Young asked if the zoning was the same for rentals as owner-occupied� and i�Ir. Holden replied it iras. tdfr. Hoffineyer siated that the people who moved ir.to these units would also � be concerned about what happened to the rest of the property, and that is where th e flak �,�ould come from. He said the people i.n the first units could say "you're not living up to your proposal", and ta.ke hzm -to eourt. Mrs. Gabel asked if tr�ere wouldn°t be a Toi�mhouse Association that could step in, and Mr. � Hofflneyer replied absolutely. 2�ir. Holden asked if the number of units would Ue su:fficien�, enuugn �o generat� capi��a1, «ri:l I�I� . Hof.fineyer repl�ed it was aII proporiiona+�e and all related to the size of the development. He expl.ained he � had !t2 units in Wayzeta on a liLtle less acreage than this, and there were no problems. He added it had been suggested that a Legion Club be put on this property, but he though� that was not the nighest a�d best use for the property. ' He stated that towrhouse units fit very well in thez°e because they taere a buiier, and a lot of thought had gone in�o thi.s. � � � Chairperson Gabel pointed out tha� even if P�4r. Hoffineyer resorted to renting the units a� some tirne, the rent i�aould be high. PJIr. Hoffineyere agreed, and added that they wouldn't even gc ahead and build ntunber one if 80/ wasn't sold beforehand. He stated that Knutson t•rould give them a lean on the whole thing, but they wanted t� preseJ.l 80i� af tne entire project. He said that each one r of these buildings ��Tould run about $250�OCi0 to �300,00o apiece, and if they had to pay interest on all 36 �.t once it wouici realiy add to the price of the project, so they wanted to make it s�mple. Mr. Swanson said that the land was originally purchased to put a warehouse in there about four or five years ago, and commented that, they couldn't afiord to just have the land lay idle. Mr. Virnig stated that the condensity of the area had him bothered, and thou�ht � it was quite a bit on t.hree acres. rir. Hoffrneyer said he knew Mr. Virnig would like to see si.ngle fsmily dwellings or gardens in there, but that wasn't realistic. He stated that single family dwellings were not economically feasible. '� Mr. Young asked if thef were gaing to do anything with the rest of the property, � and Mr. Hoffineyer replied they were going to malce the property presentable enough to make ihe uni�s salable. i � � I� Fridley Appeals Commission Meeting of September 15, 1976 Page 6 5 � EF 1 � � � Mr. Virni� said he was also worried about what would happen during construction, and Mr. Young raised the problern of the dust and wondered about the length .of time the buildings would be under construction. 2'Ir. Hoffineyer replied that there would be sorre dust, but they didn't really know for how 1ong. He added that they wanted to move the projec� as fast as possible. rir. McCabe noted that Mr. Hoffineyer had mentioned that he could build anything he wanted commercially, and asked if that was true. Chairperson Gabel said that it was zoned that way. PIr. i�icCaoe commer.ted that h� couldn't see where commercial would be that bad, and r2rs. Gabel pointed out tl-�at a shopping area might generate a lot more traffic. � Mr. Holden asked if anyone had any other questions in regard to the plan layout, or any concerns with the design of the buildings� and ?�Zr. AlcCabe replied -they ciidn't �mow that much about it. Nir. Hoffnieyer stated they would have to make � them attractive enough that they would sell, and explained he had been in the architectural business since 196� and had done a lat of prejects, � Chaa.rperson Gabel asked P�lr. Holden if he didn'�t think this would raise the valne of the homes in tihe neighbonc��od, and he replied that it was a buffer, it was less de.nse than what th.e code required, and ti-ie trafiic it would generate would be extremely low. Mr. Kemper said that it seemed zv him that the properties , would be increased more by this than by the development of some commercial pr �:periy. � ' � � LJ Mr. Virnig stated that he thought everybody's cor.cer� taas that this i�rouldn't be a low-income t�ype of project, and A'Ir. Ho.ffineyer again stated that they would cost betti,reen $��0,000 and �60,00�. Mr. 3�emper asked if this satisfied the neighbors, and P�Ir. Virgig replied that as long as he �cnes� P•ir. Hoffineyer had to take this in steps with the Cit�T Council and if �.t met all City codes, and if there iaere any major deviations he would have to came back for approval� Y�e would be satisfied. Chair�erson Gabel said tha�, in terms of renfi,, if these units were rented they still would not be for lot�rdincome families. Mr. Hoffineyer added that they wanted to ha.ve a�;ood communzty. � �rir. Barna �plained to the neighbors that the TOT^mh�use Association was almost like a city withi.n a city. He said it was a group of people banded togetrier to maintain the townhous�s and grounds on a group basi.s, and when peaple bought a townhouse they were locked into the Townhouse Association. Mr. PicCabe said that they did not have the majorit,y of the neighbors wifi,h them tonight, and asked at what point would be the last time for them to say "No" to this project and stop the whole thing. Chairperson Gabel informed them that would be at the City Council meeting, and told them it would be a good idea to attend the next Planning Commission meeting and voice their opinions there a1so. Mr. Kemper pointed out that all they were doing at this meeting was talking permission to reduce the coverage. Mr. Kemper said he would like to know if everyone's concerns had been discussed and satisfied. He asked Mr. McCabe if his concerns about density had been � 1 Fridley Appeals Commission Meeting of September 15, 1976 Page 7 satisfied, and Mr. rScCabe replzed that as long as it met code he would have to be satisfied, �ut he still thought it would be heavy. He said he had no more questions on this at this time, but would like more of the neighbors to come in. Mr. Young asked about the fencing, and if it would be just a verbal commitment. Mr. I:emper said no, it would be in writing. i�1rs. Gabel pointed out that they could make that a stipulation when it came before tne Planning Commission. Mr. Kemper ini'ormed the interested parties that they should be sure to get as �� ' many of the neighbors as were interested in this to come to the Planning Commission meeting, and he said 'ne would also encourage thern to look at the alternatives because obvi.ously the owners were going to develop thzs. He explained th��.t i:hzs proposal would be attractive to the neighborhood and I�� � increase the property values, or it could 'oe developed into something tahich would be more appropriate to the exisiing zoning such as a warehouse. Mr. Kemper added that he would also suggest they �ake the time to visit some I' � totanhouses. The neighbors asked where they we� �, and P�Zr. Hoffineyer and Mr. � St�ranson gav� them directions. Mr. Barna added that anotyer point to consider , would be that there would be more �eople paying taxes to the City of Fridley. � � , i � i � I Chairperson Gabel asked what it would cost the people for the Toi,mhouse Association, and T�Ir. Hoffineyer said it would be $28 a month. Mrs. Gabel asked if there z,ras a speciiic organization these peaple t•lent to, a.�d :?r. Swanson said they had direci,ors and so forth, and had meetings once a month. He explair�ed that all the xesidents wera �relcome �o a�tend the meetings a.rd object to an��thing they didn't like, For instance, he said, if there ti:Tas inadequate 5110:,7 removal or the grounds taeren'i kept up, they could voice their opinions. He said that motorcycJ.es and snoi�obiles ZJeren't allowed to drive around on the grounds, and gaxbage cans couldn't be left outside (they must be zn the garage). He explained tY:at; this would be a lot neater than with regular residents. Mrs. Gabel asked if' they t•rould become a member of an alr�ady established organization, and rir. Barna said tnis would be an individual association. I��rs. Gabel asked if they t�roulcl have gtzidelines, and Mr. Hoffineyer replied they would have the bylati�Ts. Mrs. Gabel asked t-:ow they were going to iorm this to get finarlcing, and TIr. Ho£fineyer replied that the people in there didn't determine this assoc?ation; it was determined before the project was built. iirs. Gabel ask�d if the first building �Tas constructed � and the residents paid the �28 and the snaw tiJas very heavy for a month, wou�d that be enough to .take care of all of the snota? rir. Hoifineyer replied that it was flexible. r1r. Virnig said that the proposed project would prol�ably be more beneiicial as far as property value than anything else that could go in there. 2•Sr. NlcCabe said that one of their primary interests was tfYat it wasn't a welfare projec�. rSOTION by Barna' seconded b,y Kemper, to close the Put�Iic Hearing. Upon a voice vote� a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. r1r. Kemper stated that the matter before them was reducing the minimum acreage from five acres to three acres, and that provision seemed to be there because of a concern by the Totanhouse Association. He said he felt that three acres was certainly satisfactory for a Townhouse Association, and for want of any statistics he had to accept that. 5 FF � Fridley Appeals Commission i�eeting of September 15, 1976 � � ' , �� ' ' C � C ' � � � � � ' , Page 8 5 GG Mr. Barna stated he had no objection, and was satisfied with the cost require- ments per unit. Mr. Kemper added thai he bel�eved the plans that were presented were quite well thought out and he was �mpressed. Chairperson Gabel stated that the traffic patterns ��ere well planned, and she would rather see the townhouses on ihat property than some type of business. MOTION by Barna, seconded b3r Kemper, that the Appeals Commission recommend to Council approval of the varzance to reduce �the minimum acreage for a townhouse development from five acres to three acres. Upon a voice vote� all voting aye, the motion carried unanir�ously. 3. REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE AS FOLL0.�1S: SECTION 205.063, l�D, TO REDUCE THE BACK YARD SETBACK OP�I A DOUBLE FROPITAGE LOT, FROi�I 35 FEET TO 18.�5 FEr,T, TO ALIA?'d THE CONSTRUCTIOPd OF A DETACHED GAR.kG�, OI� LOT 13, BLOCK 2, HAGEL' S�IOODLANDS, THE SAI�� BETi�G 71�31-7It33 ABLE STREET N.E., FRIDLEY, I�•iINT�dESOTA. (THIS PROPERTv IS ZOIdED R-2, T:�IO FA.AIILY D:��LLING AREl�S). Request by I�ir. Marvey Mayer, 71�31 Able Street N.E., Fridley, Minnesota 55�32. MOTION by Barna, seconded by Kemper, to open the Public Hearing. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. ADr�IINISTRATTVE STAFF REPORT A. PUBLIC PURPOSE SERVED BY REOUTREMF.�VT: Section 205.063, l�D, requirement of 35 ft. rear yard setback on a double frontage lot. Public purpose served by the requirement is to alloi�a for adequate open rear yard axeas should any of the buildings in a double frontage block face the "rear". B. STATED HARDSHIP: Petitioner states tha± he laid out his proposed �arage directly in line with the garages to th� soutr, and north of his property so the setback from the house to ttie garage would be the same as his neighbors. C. ADriINISTRATIVE STAFF REVIETfJ: In June of 1975s Portfolio Realty was granted 10 similar iront yard variances from 35 feet to 2Q.5 feet. These garages have been constructed. This request is for a garage with an attached porch, that is twice the size of the neighboring garages and a slightl3� greater variance. The difference of 20.5 fee� io IB.1�5 feet could be made up by moving the garage closer to��the house. The petit�oner's garage plans shotia a three car garage which would increase the lot coverage to 2�t%. Staff feels that there is not sufficient hardship shown to warrant the variance to 18.1�5 feet, and that �he 20.5 f4ot setback should be mainiained. The difference of ttao feet could be mad� up between the dwelling and the garage itself. Please note that due to the R-2 zoning, this request must proceed through the Planning Comrnission and City Council. 1 Fridley Appeals Commission Meeting of September 15, 1976 Page 9 5 H N I , , ' � Mr. Mayer approached the Boaxd and stated that last y�ar garages were put up to the South and North of him, and he had lined up his proposed construction with the rest of the garages. He said he wanted his to be two feet larger, so it would be 2�' x�0', with 10' for an extended porch. Mr. Holden explained that this �ras a double frontage lot, and all the adjacent properties had also gotten variances. Chairpersor. Gab�l asked if there was some reason he could not line up his s�ructure ;:z�;n the others, since there was a difference of two feet (the other gara�es had 20.5' setbacks, and I�Ir. Mayer was requesting a setback to 18.l�5'). He replied he preferred it this way. r1r. Holden explained that when this was measured, P•1r. Mayer had measured how close it was to the house and the code measured from the street. He asked Mr. Mayer if it would be possible for him to move it back two fee�, and NIr. riayer replied he supposed he could. He added thst it burned him up that the other garages went up last year and he had never been notified. Chairperson Gabel said he should have received a notice. Mr. Kemper noted that on the suxvey there z,ras 20' bet��een the gara�e and the � house, so if the g�.rage was moved t�ro feet closer to the house there would be 18� between the two struc�ures. Mr. Nlayer �aid if that �Tas what he had to do, that is what he would do. Mr. Kemper said there were several alternatives: � 1) accep� the proposed plan, 2) move the garage back two feei so the street edges lined up, or 3} make the gaxage the same size as the neighbor's. Mr. Mayer objected to the third alternative as he said that would be too narrow. � P4rs. Gabe1. sai� they �drere talk;ng about th� line of sight, and kTere just asking if it would matte-r to I�Ir. 2•Zayer ii it was movea oack two feet. NIr. Mayer replied he could do that. Mr. Kemper asked if there were going to be two parking stalls, and Mr. Mayer replied that was correct. He said he was going to put in a 9' door and a 16� door. Mr. Kemper asked I�Sr. P�ayer to show him where the partition would be� and Mr. Mayer drew it in for him. A�r. Kemper rloted that there was room for three cars, and as}:ed Vahat the plzrpose was of the 10' x 21�t' area. I�ir. PZayer replied he wanted to put an extended roof over that for a covered patio. He added it could be used for parking, storing a boat, or krhatever. He explained that part would have a roof, but not be enclosed. Air. Kemper asked if there were codes required ior the construction of a car port, and I�ir. Holden ansiaered they would be the sarie as the rest of the building. rSr. Kemper asked how many cars there were between the two fami�ies pres�ntly in the double bungalo�,r� and Nir. rlayer answered that �;here were three at this time. Mr. Kemper asked how long the curb depression was, and TSr. I�1a�rer replied he didn't know for sure, but there were two 3epressed curbs. Chairperson Gabel asked how much hard surfacing he would have to have, and hlr. Holden answered only whsre the cars would be driving. tir. Mayer showed on the diagram hoi,r he p� anned to go, out at a diagonal, and rir. Holden said that would be fine. 2•irs. GaUel askcd if he would go along with making this 20.5 rather than the 18.�.;�, ancl F•ir. riayer replied he would. P20TION by Kemper, seconded by Barna, to close the Public Hearing. Upon a voice vote, aIl voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. ` Fridley Appeals Com¢nission 1�eeting of September 1�, 1976 Page l0 5 II � , � Mr. Barna �nd Mr. Kemper agreed they had no objections, as long as the setback was 20.5 feet to coincide with the neighbor's. MOTION by Kemper, seconded by Barna, that the Appeals Commission recommend to Council approval of the vaxiance request to reciuce the back yard setback from 35 feet to 20.5 ieet. Upan a voice vote, alZ voting aye, ths motion carried unanimously. !�. INFOR �ATIOPJ FROf�i ACTION TAKEN BY COUIJCIL AT THE AUGUST 16, 1976 COUNCIL I�1�,ETIidG ON APP:�LS COriMISSIOiv ITE�:S . ' MOTION by Barna, seconded by Kemper, that the Appeals Commission receive excerpts from the Council meeting. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye� the motion caxried unanimously. � ' �� , � � I�ir. Kemper said he z�rould like to discuss the variance requesi by Mr. Burkholder which had gone fro� the Appeals Commissiori to Council. He said the Appeals Commission had talked about Barry Blower and joint parking, put apparently it surfaced again at the Council meeting. NIr. Barna stated that the City had contacted the owner of the business and he had said he thought jo9nt parking would create mor�e problems than it was �rorth, and then the Counci7. approved the request. Mr. Holden said the owner had informed him that as far as parking went, ihere was a pecking order, etc., and the owner nad gotten in contact ��rith i�1r. $urkholder and told him a joint agreement would rzot be in order. Rir. Barna noted that the only change from t.;e �,p�.,eals �or,�iission recommendation vras that the City Council did uphold the solid curUing. 5. EXCERPT FRO�I COa�i�NNITY DEVELOPP�fEI1'� COI�i�IISSTON 24TNUTES QF AUGUST 10, 1976 ON ZOIdITdG COD:� i�.EVI�.',� Oiv GI�tAGES MOTION by Barna, seconded by Keriper� that this item be tabled unti.l there was � a full Commission. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried tuzanimously. ' 6. h1EM0 TO APPEALS CO2•�iISSION N1E"'IBERS FROi�'I RON HOLDEFZ REGA.TiDING TNCREASED FEE FOR VARIAn'C� RE�UiSTS FROP�1 15.00 to �U.00 , �i0TI0N Uy Barna, seconded by Kemper, that the Appeals Commission receive the memo from Mr. Holder� on the increased fee for variance requests. Upon a voice vote, all voting �ye, the motion carried ia2;animously. � , � II 'I II Mrs. Gabel said that she hadn't realized that all the Staff wasn't salaried, and now +hat she saw a breakdown she understood and felt i.t was reasonable. Mr. Kemper said that one thing I�irs. Gabel had bro�tght up previously was that she felt it was excessive when it came to the smaller requsst� and he ihought her suggestion had been to charge less to the R-1 and more to commercial. Nfrs. Gabe1 said she stil� #'elt that w�y because the homeowners and R-1 zoning LJ 1 , � Fridley Agpeals Commission Meeting of September 15, 1976 Page lI paid the taxes in the City. She added that nottiT that she understood where the casts were coming from, they were justifiable. P•ir. Holden stated that if it was salaried staff the cost would probably be reduced from $25 to $I8, so the reduction wasn�t that great. Hir. Holden said that 2nother i:�ing about the difference bet;aeen the $15 and $50 fee was some of the homeo��mers felt that for that price they could Iook over their plans again, and they are more serious about their variances. i�Irs. Gabel said her concern was for the person who could barely scrape toaether the money and legitimately needed the vasiance, to whom the $5Q would be a burden. I�ir. 'rIolden said that was true, but the cost of that person's addition ��as probably about �l�,000, and he felt it i�as justified. 5 JJ Mr. Barna said he would like to comment that at the September 13th Council meeting , they approved zhe first reading of an ordinance reducing the fee for a second a�illi�.ry building (Special Use Permit) from �120 to $80 because this generally involved residential pr.operty. He stated that siaff cost was justified for ' the �80, and it z�ras also justified for the $50 variarzce request fee. 'rIe said it �aou�d cosi a p�rson more to put in a second gara�e than it would to get a variance on the property. P•irs. Gabel commented tnat was encouraging. � � � LJ �� � ' '� li � , ' , � Mr. Barna in£ormed thE mem'aers of the Commission that I��;I had gone to the City Gouncil meeting zai.th a beautiful architectural dra��ing of the proposed building. He said that along the rear property line they are putting a�' redwoo� fence, and olive trees where there are no trees. He commented that the neigh%or io i;he rear once aga:in creai�ad siatic 'oy complaii:ing �o his Counc�.l.man that- he iaouid like to have sornething in tiariting, so it was -tabled until the next mee�ing. He said that hopefuliy by the t-�me i.t carie up again, some a.rrangement t,�ould be r�ade bet�aeen the two parties. 2?r. Barna expla,ined they t•rere sinking down a por�ion of the building so it �Tould slope and make the building much less objec-L-ionable� Mr. Barna stated that he would appxeciate it if on business concerns that came through the Appeals Coinmission, they ?.�ere required to have some t�•pe of a building drawing. He explained that sometimes the CorrL�nisszoners had. t,o go out and do on-site inspecting, and didn't feel that should be reauired. P•Irs. Gabel agreed they didn�t altaays have the information t�ey should. Nlrr. Holden said they would encourage dxat�ings being provided on elevations �nd corunercial property. rir. Barna asked if it would increase the City's cost to require these or to check over the dra:rings, and i�Sr. Holden replied there might be a sma11 arlount oi time involved, but the time that t�rould be saved on this end would make it worth it. rir. Ho�den informed the Corunission that apparently the Planning Commission was going to be revietaing and tr,yin� to establish a ti:Tritten policy with regard to snrveys. He explained ti�;hat tne present polic,y was, and stated that at some point it should be established that with two, three or four times the distance from tYze property lir,e a consent, from the n�ighbor shoulcin't be necessary. Chazrperson GabEl said the Planning Corimission had decided that since the cost of a survey could run from $200 on up, the City caus sometimes laying a burden on the catizen. She explained that someti,-nes Staff could determine what the property lines were, or there was a survey in the file or a release could be signed by the neighbor. P1r. Holden commented there was a point when it became � Fridley Appeals Commission Meeting of September i5, 1976 P�P 12 5 �K ridiculous to have to ask the neighbor when the structure would be 20' from the property 1ine. Mr. Holden said another point he would like to bring up in regard to two or three items that the Appeals Commission handled Iately, was that the City had started to receive flak that the Public Hearin�s were getting aw°ully long and winded, and sometimes points were heard over and over. He said �hat the request by N�cI car:�e to mind. He suggested the .Commission try to limit the discussion or cut i� off at a point where it was becoming redundant and make a decision. Chairperson G�.bel said she thought this was a result of people in the past sa�ring they didn'� get heard. I�Ir. Holden stated this wasn't a criticisrt� bu� just a point of interest. ADJOURi�I2�'fENT : I�IOTION by Kemper, seconded by Baxna, that the Appeals Co�ission r�eet�ng of September lZ, 1976 be adjourned at 9:55 P.1°1. Upon a voice vote� all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, ��6,�r� � ) l `/,��,��p�,.f', Sherri 0'Donnell Recording Secretary � I� � '��`� �u ��� `'a�� �: `�-�. u' ����'��:`'� FOR: � Nt'aR`��"—T�/I7�VOR-- -_. ;: . � u . , •;. � i i • i • � �1 �� -�i, �30 �, C U:: t! � � � �! L�- �' o UJ ��; �,' —� �� � �: d t; t , � , � „ .., ... �� a 120. 00 . 3 ; � ; , d, i � � �, , , : � �, r -' �, � •, � i � 7 V D � o , , ,� o� �o -' i- � 120.00 G 229� � s., •: �,.- 2o.s .. 3�c •;t �`� 3 2o.t ' . 2 8_o S . � 00 N � °a� s o � o,� ii `� _. t�t �=, ._.i :� o Dero�-es �ron rnot`�ut-ne.n� Le�a.1 d�s�r�p��on � �.o�- 13, B�oc1-c 2, NAGE1 �S WO�DLAtyDS, 1�nok,u Cavrt'ry � M�hneso'ca ' :. :.,,' '�j::, - G.-,. ,:._L II� r , .. .. .. :\.�. ,.^�r .�;�.^ � �1.. J �.,. I....�.. ,��:��r �.ane . �> - _. �, n�,�� ss4�+i } '� �'n ' V` � 30 � � o j' � X ' d m �� � � , '� 5 LL I herNby cer;iiy th:,t this is a true and correct repreientation ci a s�_���•:�y of ��� "��� I ihe I��und�ri_�5 of thf: abov� desCrit�ed i�jnd and of the location of ali huildi�igs, �p I if an�, ti��•�ro�, a�d ali visibte encroachments, if an„ from or on sa:d land. _ �� S:�ak - Pacr :' A<. S.trt�[yed by m^ T}�is ____�i.__-`��._..._ d�ty oS _-- AV�,'------- • 191.�2. ' I�� 5 F - Z`� �I �__ � . C�-- -!/! �-.-�i'�-��_.,�EL_ � a!�'�_.�.____._ Sr.ale ' P.,�nn. Reg. No. .v_IQ`�.�g- �_�. 1'1 "��, � L UFFICr t�f= TfIE GITY �lAj'�ACER ' 1 � .CITY OF FRI�L�Y � MEMO ra0. r�a-� 24 . Respond by: 9/?..9/76 r'1Ef'lOR(�(J�U(�i Ft�QM TNE CITY P�Ai�AGER con�. to: � TO: FINAt�CE DIRECTOR � llATE: SEPTEh1BER 2i, 1976 . R�; THX FORFEI7 PROPERTY ADJO1tJIf�G INNS�RUCK P/�RK A(�Q TR/1NSFER OF PROPERTY ALOi�G RICE CREEK 70 ANOf:A COUtJTY . I�ttached �s the material I rece�ived firom Anoka County. Thi$ will be on the Council Agenda of Qctober 4, 197G. Please see �hafi appropriate action is ta{:en to compiete the action on this item. ThanE: you for ��our ass�sta►�ce. hi�Q/ms � CC: D� ck Sob� ecf� Mervi n Herr►�ann Chuck B�udreau T0: PdASIt� P4. QURESNI, CITY MAVAGER DATE: SEPTEMBER 30, 1976 ' The County Board took action on Septen�ber 14, 1976 to approve the land transfer. The Fri dley Ci ty Counci 7 �aok prel �r�i nary acti on on May 10, 1976 to approve the t ran s fer. �� �� I have drawn the a�tached MEMORANDUM OF UN Dt RSTANDI NG se �ti ng forth ti�e datai i s of the transaction. I believe it is advisable to set forth the details in a document of some type as this is quite a complicated transaction. All of the affected staff people at the City have had a chance to review th� memorandum and are in agreement as to the details. I suggest the Gouncil give approval to the MEMORANDUM OF UyDERSTANDING. It may not be necessary for both part�es to sign the document, if that should present a prob�em. MARVIN C. BRUNSELL ASST. CITY �1GR./FIN. DIR. MCB:sh � 0 I ' • �� � � �_� � � MEMORANDt1M OF UNDERSTANDING 6A September 25, 1976 RELATING TO THE TRANSFER OF PARK PROPERTY BETWEEN TtiE COUNTY OF ANOKA AND CITY OF FRIDLEY I�HEREAS there is a desire on the part of Anoka County and the City of Fridley to exchange certain properties, and WHEREAS there is a need to set forth in writing all of the details of the agreement reached by the two parties regarding this exchange of property. Said agreement is reconfirmed as set forth within this memorandum of understanding as follows: 1. The City of Fridley will deed to the County of Anoka the following described pro- perties: Lot 1, Parcel 62�, Auditor's Sub. No. 1Q; Tract A, Registered Land Survey No. 3; Parcel 10 and Parcei Z00, Section 13. 2. Prior expenditures made by tf�e City of Fridley on the above properties were as foilows: Parcel 10, Section 13 $1,962.71 Parcel 200, Section 13 140013 Lot 1, Aud. Sub. No. 10 4,689.95 Tract A, Reg. Land Survey Noo 3 2,270.00 $9,062.79 Total cash payment to be made by the County of Anoka to the City of Fridley is $9,062.79. 3... The County of Anoka agrees to deed to the City of Fridley the following described parcels: Lot 41, Parcel i920; Lat 42, Parcel 1940; Lot 47, Parcel 2220; Lot 48, Parcel 2250; Lot 52, Parcel 2570, Auditor`s Sub. �92 and a i2'walkway easement on Lot l, B�ock 1, Carl Peterson Addition. 4. The special assessments owing on the parcels to be deeded to the City of Fridley are as follows: Lot 41, Parcei 1920, Aud. Sub. #92 $ 683.82 Lot 42, Parcel 1940, Aud. Sub. #92 2,287.57 Lot �i7, Parcel 2220, Aud. Sub. #9`L 824.82 Lot 48, Parcel 2250, Aud. Sub. #92 513.8�1 Lot 52, Parcel 2570, AudP Sub. #92 1,118.09 5,428.11 It.is understood the City of Fridley will assume the special assessments on the above proper�ies deeded to the City of Fridley in total amount of $5,428.11. 5. All of the Lots in Auditor's Sub. #92 are to be deeded to the City of Fridley outright, on a non-restrictive deed. This memorandum of understanding has been drawn to reflec� the County Board's action of September 14, 1976 and the City of Fridley Council's action of May i0, 1976. Witness Representative for Anoka County ' Witness � Representative for City of Fridley „..""', , � . ' , � ,: ...� � . �sy= � i. � i� ,. ii ^ � U ; v ” 1 (1 U v: � .,, K j I V ,t � J � � ��i� :nt'<i ,G - ,t..,�, !� �� w:"'.n::... �^ �� 6. ' yJ '��" < U�" �< v' <K`^< <{`i N�' UU ~�.0 .x.Cpi� �t � �, .� ' � , � . � � � ^. • ' . ' I ' � �I t f i ! i � � �� � � � ��. 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N .,�> a^- ( _ �"V �''.L_ �--- � � � 7 �a'i �" -� � � � �, � ti �� � ��� h � � �------"_ ' �� � °+ I � � �'' L�l . � �� ! ;��z- � �•� 1.. :.r.- :� ,�( `'-�� 1 t�� ',� V t • �.'�l � • '� . . � .: : .� . -� �. � � - .:�: � � : . � � . . .••, • � • , •� • , � • . , � •.. � . .•-' •, , -,►� , . ,- � . •. .. 0 I��� � ���� `� ♦ _. .� by eminent domain and the County hereby requ�sts the Gounty � , Attorne; to file the necessary petition ther.efore and �0 6 D proseeute such action to a successful conclusion or until it . is abandoned, dismissed or terminated by the County or Court. ,� , �� � , � ,, ��: � � ' � � � ' � t ,�� � ' Commissioners O'Bannon, Fields, Burman, Kordiak and Johnson voted "yes". Moti�n carried. Resolutions declared adopted. 4. Cammissioner Fields made motion awarding.the bid for two (2) single ar.le trucks c�ith sno�a ploc��, caing and sander to Blomauis� Tnternational Trucks, Inc. based on their lowest responsible bid of $50,328.00 and further authcr�z�d t�lat only one {1) � truck be traded in and that the second truck be made available to the County Park Department. Based on this, the net cost for the two (2) new �rucks will be $45,468,.�0. Cammissioner�Johnsan seconded the motion. Commissioners O`Bannon, Fields, Burman� Kordia}c �nd Johnsan voted "yes"� �tatian car�ied� 5. Commiss�.oner Burman made motion referring the petition si.gned by residents in the area of the Centennial School Complex in Blaine and Circle Pines ta the Highway Cor.unitteee Com- � missioner Kordiak secondsd the motioii. Commissioners O'}3annon, Fieldse Burman, Kordiak az�.d Johnson voted "yes". Motio� carried. Commissioner Johnson made motion awarding_the bid for Central . Dictation Equipment to t�lahl � inlahl in the �mnunt of $35,379, subject to the approval of the CountX I�.ttorney as to form and legality. Commissioner t3urnan secanded the motion. Cammissianers O'Bannon, Fiel_d� � Burrr�an, Ko�_dia?� �,.zd Johr�soz� vo�ed "yes" . rSation ca�:xied. Commission�r ,�ordi�l� pxesented the Park Cammittee Report: / ,:.. ! 1. Commi�si�r�er O'Bannon z�ade notion authorizing the Parks Departmer.t ta acqui�e property an Rice Creek from the City of Fridl.ey as follows : ��: �� Y,, .,,� � u i ,� �. � �� � , /,. n "� ! ,1 ' .�� �� ; Parcel Auditor's Subdivision �lOj Lot 1, � Registered i,ando Tract Survey �3, Tract AF Parcel 200, Section 13B � � Parcel i0, Sec�ion 13, for a total price of $9,062.79� and further authorized the transfer of tax forfeited lots to the City of Fridley as follows; Lot #`41, Parcel 1920; Lot �42, Aud. Sub. �92, Parcel 1940; Lot �7 Parce2 2220; Lot r48, ParceZ 2250; Lot �52, Pzrcel 2570; and 12 foot walk easement on Lot n]., Bl.ock l, Carl Peterson 1�idditicn. Commissioner hozdiak seconded the motion. Commissioners O'IIannon, �Fields, Burman, Iiordiak and Johnson voted "yes". riotion cazried. r Cummissioner Kordia}: made motion enclors:ing Commissioner Johnson's �'� recommendation to establi.sh an Ad Hoc Committee for the purpose of studying economic/physical development planning for the County and , � • 1 � � � - � � � � � ' � � i ' r � � � Commissioner O'Bannon made motion amending the previous trans� ference of tax forfeited lots 41, Parcel 1920; Lot 47, Parcel 2220; Lot 4�, Parcel 2250; Lot 52, Parcel 25?0 to the City of Fridley at the regular County Board Meeting of May I1, 1976 to provide that subject properties are designated for general public use rather than specific park use� Commissioner Kordiak seconded the motione Com3n�ssioners 0'Bannon, Fields, Kordiak and Johnson voted "yes"e Motian car.r.ied. STATE OF NtINI�IESOTA) .. ) SS COi1NTY OF ANOKA ) I, Ralph L. McGinley� Executive Secretary to the .Count� Baard of Commissioners, Anoka County, Minnesota, hereby certify that Y have comnared the foregoing copy of the Motian of the Count�y �oard o� said County with the origi.nal record thereof on file in �the Ac�miriistration O.ffice, Anoka County, Minnesota, as statEd in the minutes of the proceedings of . said Board at a meeting duly he�.d on Sept�mber 14, 1976, and that the same is a-�rue and corre�t copy of said originaZ record and of the whole thereofo and �h�t said Motion was duly passed by said Board a� sa�d meeting. 19760 Witness my hand and seal this 17th day of September�, Fxecutive Secretary 0 0 6E I� I � , � r .: PUQLIC HLARli•�G MEETJt!!'� Of t•U1Y 10, 1976 PA6E i: Last week the City '•ianager asF:ed the question, "Is the City 9oinq to bc billed for any pai�t of this projrrct?". t•1y anst•�er ►•ras a ve�•y firm "No", and it has not channed since. It rias never ti�e intenC Lo infr�in�e on thc ter,payers. h1r. !lilmcs �•ecited tiie histury of the trec planCinq pronram and ti:e anencies that worked t�ith the pro<Iram to mal:e it a success. t•1r. 41iln;es concluded hiS.re�iari:s b;i inviting the Cc�uncil r;embers Lo attend t(ie proni•am. CO(dSiDCR�TIO'•J OF RESO!.L'TIO'; �JO. Q3-197G SUPPORTIP:G REb Cf:OSS VOLUt7TECR TRR�JSAORT:�TIO"1 _ —_-_____ -- - - - -------------•- --------------- --�. - — -- — -•---- ----�-- •- SE"�' I CE�_ Counciiman Star:•;a1t said that �vhen i•fr. SCOf:t t11'(?S�fiLC(� tF115 at the prelin:inary ��;ee±in�, �' he asked 'nim s•rhether ti�ey rr�re considerir,� a �oilc3�e cha>�ne on the trips, and the anst•:ei- was no. They hac: otl�e�• plans. Counci)��an Star•�•�alt saiJ he eras not cpposirn the plan. � t � � i E : � MQ7IOP� by Counr.i]mzn Fitz,aa±rick to adopt the Resolution Nc. �43-?976. Spcondc�d by Councili•,on:an Y.u'r.c,��:ski. t!pon a vuice vote, all votina ave, 1layor Nee decleared the n�otiai carried u��anir;ously. Cb!'i1U!•IICATIO:J FP,OIi CI71' OF PLYI;pUil! I•�I;YOi HILDE: Ahicl:[!'+.E�IT TO ASSOC. Gr r����p�. �S��iir •---- --- - - - — ------_ RYI(i.1.i� uGf!'�f��n�'," __-------- ---__�_�_------•------------- �tuch discussioi�� ensi,�;l ove�� tlie r,iatter of rem�esentation by tf;e lar�er citics vers�rs the smal?er ones, and the other be�;efits that do accrue from the er:�anization. DISCUSSiC�� �?��=",R�IPii_?10E_C�ic�l: PARF_: �layor P;ee said tllat tf;e Ctt�,- t9ananer had i•aised the �uestion of tt,e tr•unsfer vf ti�e lands to the Co:mty. T+ie Co�mty recei:�ed se�r�� bondirn authurity tu acquir� p.rOr�r*_� 0►: C1C2 �1'�Ci: dlld th:Y h%v�: b2�i1 expert�nn uS t0 tt:rti COntt'01 Of iht �;t'Ori�t'tY Ll.ut 1S �ii5t 0{ 1,C1:C:"d� i:�OCICt i?7CE �Pt'Cr: OV�t' i`.0 tfi��li� ��i�� i7E' h<1VC' �E'E!2 Yi?`_•�lStlll� )(, cli1C� .i;'.jill^ ��:C••;? �li[:, rC.C?tI d Ccl'i:dlf; di?✓1:11i Uf j?l!t?��C i!?VL'S�p'.GYt h}' iElC C1�7ZL':?� t1f ri"iCi�B��: dISC� � � lf; i5 Q01!!J tp UC US(?t� dt:Li !idl':c� nS t? COU))t:y O}E('� �{ It)�p�li'ft'.`! l.%tE'YI� r:e sl�c±;1u �,�� �I�e ir,:�=stn�er.i; back ti�e �,ity )�as i���c��, t•;t�ich is abo�t S��,QO'1 in ii�e pi•oneri:y. T:��ei-e a;,e �, cr,u;;le o� addiiional ?ots 4•�!�ici� are ta�-for�feit, and �;� :•rould re��ucst that it ii;ey tal:e t{�e pi-op�rt,y ov2r, ti�ey pa_y u> at least ihe mone;, thaC �!ould i<�z����arse us for tt;e specia� dSSC'S51!i('llt$ aoainst t►�e arope:•�y. r�ayo�� ri�c� st�,ted tl?a� he fi::s beer� r;ar}:ina a19i;h ti�e Ccu�lt�� Coi,�u�issiorers, an� i,:i.'i I°�r. U' Bann�?i., �nd L•e i i:ui c�:tec! tha i he has been puaf; i na fvr thi s, and ii Li�ere is so:n� {:i��d of c^�;ser,s,�s on ihe Co�c�cil`s par*, ti�aC �:e thouid be nursuina tl,�s, Lh�n WC Cdil 00 d}1Pc�:� anci �:�,�rk !?llt :Ofi:� F:111'� of dil o�YCC�'1P.(it 1•!1 ��I tf1C County. The U[B O� thc a� r.a :;u!il d L�e avai 1 ab i� to the pt�bl i c. The !i�. ,or s tated that ne hc[�ed i.he Ci �:� co.i?d g�t s+^;:�e r:,o�;�-�� ;�i±h ti•.�ich the C�t;� ceuld a�quire other park facilit�es. A�2 tfiat �rc a�•e lc�:;�;in'�� �or nos.! is �Z coi�sen;us �rcrri thc Council. :tOiiU'! i�y Cour�ciierc�;.•;n i:uknr�,ki to direr.� t��e ad�ninistration tio disaiss the land situ�tion �rii.ti the �;,���ot,r.iaff> narttes. Seconrkd by Courcilu�an Starrralt. U��on a voic�� vote, all voi�n� ayc, 14ayo�• �d�u�. d�cla�-er thc n,etion carricd u�ianimousl,. ,1QJ7U^:';' iECJ�i : A1071iif; by i;ouncil�:�ei,::n Y.ul:o::�ski to adj�i,�•ti the meetin�. Seconded h� Co��ncilr�an Ha:r,:rr,ik. U�?n;i a vc.ice v.�te, all vr.tinn aye, t'a��or fle2 declared thr nzeetino aF the Frid�t�y City Council of hlay 10, 191E; ad.iaur-�ied at 10:05 P.'1. Respectful;y subo�ittecl, John Chern•r;n Co;;ncil StcrrtarY A.nproved: 61i T 1 i a��i J, Wee !taya r � 6F � � \. , Page I�, I MiNUT�,s or T�,� I2f.GlJI_1!R P11RY.S Ithlb RECf?� A710(J COtrit�T5S10(d f�10ETTNG JANt111RY 27, i97G 6 , , t�ir. }larstad explained th�t Lhe 49'ers Committee had at�T:horized him to drav� up a set of plans and maFe an estim��te ot the cost. He s�id the estimate had to be submitted to the SLate 6y Friday, January 30th. He said thc�re a�as a slight possibility that same par•ti�l funding ot' this project might be available based on it being a [3icentennial projeci:. . 'l�ir. Harstad continued by saying that the sites they liad looked at th�t morning had a loi; of inerit. Ho�rever, is is on fill ground, so if that ti•rere v�hcre it ��ould .be built, i:he footinys, etc. �•rould have to be desi�ned diffei°ently. The loca�.ion �is at Eas1: I•1oore Lake be�ween the tennis courts artcl the lake. Hc cited a number o� reasons ti��l��� ii; �-rould be a good location, i.e., ne>>° refi�esl7ment s�;and, parkiny, etc. �t�ir. Qob Petersoi� exp1ainc:d ihat ai; the last meeting the Con�mission had made a m�t�on sta�:ing i;i��.y vrouid supi�art any site t�:hich a�as agreeable to the 49' ers, the �and anc� i}�e City Si;aff. 1�ir. Henry Peterson indicated the East i�iaore Lake location seemed 1;o bc �gre�.�le to Pa�l 6ra•rn, as being the least disru}��:ive. tir. Kinsmin � n�eni.;ioned it ti•�o:�ld be a good location for a bandstand as many ppople �•lould see it as they dro��e dotiln f�igh��fay tt65. �The con,mission ac;vis�d I�9r. I�enry Pete�°son that his next step should be to contact t��r. Paul L3rotvn und asf: him to t�rri �e a letter to �:he City f�;a��ager indicai:ii;g his a�pro��a� of the site. The next steps are the Planning Cor,lii11SS10il and then tf�e City , Co��!,ci 1. 7976 C�?�'!�?SS::�� (°'�rETIP;G C�TES . ' 1•10TIOA' 13Y SE1iGLR, seco..ded by Ilarrzs, to chaz�ge the m�etin� datcs of the Parks ancY Recreat.io?� Can,:russion back io 1•5ondays for. the rest o� �97b. 1•1o�s.o�7 carried. ' � , �l t�trs. Se�ger re�;uested that since the meetinc;s are sho�;rn on the 197G calendar as b�i ng un Tuesda;rs , a mai 1 i iic� e>:pl ai ni r�g the chang� to �;o>>days be sent al on� �,�i tl� tl�e S�r71lcJ and Su,��„�er Qul i�tin to ihe resiaents of Fridley. LCil�fi2 Of� RESI�,h;�TIO+� 1�]p7'TON L'�' I�T;I�:lIS, seco^ded h_ y Seeger to receive ihe 1�?tter of r�siqraiion from ?'auI 13ro:��n ��i�a' concz:.^ i;�.th Izis dec_i.sior. iti=ith re]uctance, and su��e:;t tl?at c�-h�n the Cit� Cot2:�ci1 �rzd s*aff decic'e to il�vo?t�e themsel��cs in th�. sel�ct:io.� ��rocess of a replace- emtr� for 2'c3u.7 L�roc:���, tl:�t the i'sxks and Jze-.creation Co�:��rtiss.ion Le considered to be a partiaJ. scre:°��inc7 grott�.� for th=s select�on. 1•lation ca��r.;:ed. h1r. i'E�terscn, c�n b�half o�- the Co»����issior�, as{;ed the seci°ei;ary to convey to �� , iir. Gr���;n i;l;e�i►^ L�s� ti��ishes and success in his ne�•� e��ileavor. �� . RjC� C?�f_i E: - LIRO L?1KES �:EGIOP!AI_ PAf;K � �� —'----- ------- �.�.. ; ; P1r. T�rkildson �,�as p� escnt, alonc� �•; �th Plessrs. t?'Can��o�i �nd Huff, to discuss 4 t}:e Li���� l.a�:�� f:�c,:onal Park p►�oi�ct. Ileo:��l�ir.;c� t:hat in 1��7� /liio{:a (:c�i�nty conducteci ���� �` a com{����f;c�n;iv� si.c�cay ti•!ith f:��msey �,��lnL.v tnrounh :: ;jc�int pc��•rers acireeriei�t., and came � k up �•;ifi.h �� �,;et; �1 pl<<r� for ��e Rice C�,eel: corriuor a; ith �`� porti�n �•;I�ich ii�ve�lves thc .'� ' ' Citiy of 1�r;iilt�Y- Fic� h,7<i b��ou�l�i: aloi��� sc�►�:c u�apS �•ri�ir,f� he shu►:c�d t� i:l�e r.o�rmission. �:° ' � Ne ex{�l; in;�:! ;!m are�is ►a��icl� r;c�►�e a]re��ci�- iii public u<;e. ilc� sa�ct tifcir cbjective ,^" +, �'` t•�as Lo r��caic thi: cor�°:dor a�l t��e ti•;ay cioti•�►� to Ptal�nc�m:�n I'��rl: 1ro��i l.ino Lakc�s. �•�,:� � , t; ' ' �� , w 1 �i i . � � � � � � � � � I � � p1IPlUTCS_O1;;filF RLGU1./1h P/1RKS AhiD riCCR��TIOrJ C01���1ISSION f�1EETIPIG JAPItIARI' ?7, �976 �6 H ' t�essrs. 0'Qan;�on and Torkild;on sh��:ed the commission on the map the areas which need ta be obta i ned i n o�°der i:o comp�l ei:e thc corri dor Lo Malinoman . They expl a i ned tha1: they �,r.�►;t to trade Fridley's holdir.�s in Rice Creek Park for i2 acres of tax forfeit property in �•�orth Innsbruck. 7hey sho�•red i.}�e commissioners on thcir maps, the areas in f�or'�h Innsbrucl: which are even+:«ally c�oin� to be turned over i:o the City and indicated i:h�y wanted to make more land th�re, currently in their• cont;rol, available t� the City. 7f�cy, in turn, �•:�nt the area in Rice Cree�k Park. Mr. Tc�r4;ildsoii indicatcd Lhat it need not necess�rily be a cf�an�e in title, but -perhaps �"ti�,orkii�g a�ree,»ent". They nec�d control af al�l the land bcr�lerin7 the creek, so i:hat they ��1n make trails> parking facilities, etc., available to the public. They assur�d tl�e co�nmiss�io� that this will be a non-motorizecf corridor. pr. (�ut'f stated t"at the City tianager had reques�ed him to usk the Coun�y i?:�ti-: n�uch m��ney they ��ou1 d be a�i 11 i ng tu add to the acqui 5i ti on cost of Rice Creek, as t�e ci�icin't reel it ��:��s an even trade. He said tFie 1:c�tal for all acquisii:ions and �?end�i►�g asses�ments amou;��ted to appt°oximate�y $29,�ti0. t�,i~. 0'f3a.nnon replied that i:he tax forfeit land they had, could be p�ri on sale for $29,000; ti��t he had heen hclding it since 1962. �t�'�°. Peterson aa�; Se� r��s�r, . 0' ��npon and i'orl;i ldson that th� pro�:er p, ocedure �►•roul d f�e for Dr. i-luff to �et �to�ether wi Lh i�1r, aro;��r,, and, Yri th the Ci ty I�1a�ag�r' � ' concurrence, �•;t'ite a prop�sal. The next s�tep 4�;ou1d be Par�:s Con,r;ission, �;i��ironn.:n- ; t.al Com�:�iss�ior, Pianr.ir.g Con,���issian and City Co�!ncil. Or. Huff said he �•rould talk ! 1:o tV,e �ity ��lunag�r and explai�i �ne County ��-ould like a proposal tivhereby tf;G�first ; ��;ni ce ��rou � ci be an cu �ri gi��� s��?a_p of� the tt•:� properti es wi tho�.��t an exchan�e o r �.»��ey, ���nd s�condl��, i i ii�e Cou��ci 1 ti�ou ►d not agrte ��o ����ai:, then a coc�era �i �^ agr���:,.:�nt E t� use tl�e 1Gnd. _-------_ ��AU S,vti�t CLUQ Nir. Jim �lem;� �,����. present a�: the r��ei�ng to requcst finai�cial he;p fro��i the Par{.s a��.d 'r<e��reati an Dep�rti,�ent for Iii s progt�am. }�e stated he ��roul d al so 1 i ke to see hi s pt�oyr-aE�� i.�teqi,ated i n �o the 4�arks ui�d Recreat � on pr°ogran�. P^:r. Kl e�;ip e>:- �lair�=c' t.l�<,t �che s�:�;+,�.��inn levels �rP brok�n do�;an into �:hree gro«E�s, i.e., 1'i, f3, a��d C, a;;a �lso Ucccrc+ing to a5e. I'e sa�id tl���y are ci�at�tereci no�•r �in ��riGley-Sprir� LG�e �'ark an� i:h�y have coaches at tlle pools at b�th jur�ior higfls. t�1;°. Petcrson sugc�osted I�1r. K1emp contact h1r. Te�� N�}�r�i��g o{ the F.Y.S.�. anc{ see i f thc i r• orc;3n ; zr: t�i on �-lo�al a be i r�ter�s �ed i n hel pi ►�g the�,� or Lc�I�.l llt� ti1Ci11 und�r thei r e�ii nc� . t-ir. �'etcrsan ti�en sur,ges �ed t�1r. K � er�� co�al d come L.�.ck to the Co�r��i� i ss i on »iCCt111�,J 1{�t�t" li?:'eting t•;ith tt�e F.Y.S.A. �l�e ncx1: r�gul ar me��t � ng �.��i 11 be hel d on t4onday, F�bruary 23r�+ at 7:30 p.m. i n the Cl assroori of Ci ty Nal 1. I:esl�ecLfully subi�litt�d, �,' � G' ,�' .:�`�, . � ._ <.���;f-__� ,; ,, ,!� JGdy l�1��<<t:t, Secreta�,y to thr C�nn;�ission i . __._ 4 ' I� I � � T0: FROM : CITY OF FftIDLEY MEMORANDUM NASIP� M. QURESHI , CITY MANAGER, AND CITY COUNCIL MARVIN C. BRUNSELL, ASST. CITY MGR./FI�V. DIR. SUBJ�Cl': AERATION EQUIPPSENT FOR MOORE LAKE DATE: SEPTE��BER 29, 1976 On June 21 , 19i6 , the Ci ty Counci 1 adopted a resoluti on requesti ng a fifty percent grant or cost sharing from the Minnesota Department of ��atural Resources for the instal7ation of an artifical aeration system and a fishing pier for the east side of Moore ! ake. The estimated cost of the artifical aeration system was $3,528 and the cost of the fishing pier was estimated at �3,000. , ' The State has responded by offering the attached agreement. The agreement provides that the S�ate would pay the fuli cost of the aeration equipment, no4� estimated at $3,753.17, with the City assuming � the full cost of the fishing pier and other expenses associated with the praject. The State would retain oi�rnership of the aeration equipment rather than the City of Fridley. � � i ' , _1 As you know, the Fridley Lions Ciub made a danation of $2,748 towards this project. It is assumed this mor�ey would be used for the fisizing pier and other related expenses. The action requested at this time is the Council's authorization to enter into an agreement wiih ihe State of Minnesota for the purchase and installatio�� ofi the aeratior� equipment. MCB:sh 7 ' I , , • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' � , ' • ' , � � , ' ' .. . . . . . / Il STATE OF DiINNGSOTA DEPARTbfEAT OF NATURAL RESOUF:CES AGREEFtENT THIS AGRF:EhiEN'I', A4ade this day of , 1976, between the State of 6finnesota, acting by and through the Cor:unissioner of the Department of Natural Resources, hereinafter r.efcrred to as "State", and the City of Fridley, hereinafter referred to as the "City'!. WITNESSETEI : WI-tEREAS, The Commissioner of Natural Resources is authorized urder M.S. 105.484 to assess the needs for lake improvements and allocate state- aid funds for said imp�ovements; and {V�jEREAS, Dioore Lake is prone to periodic kintex fish kill causing the loss of game fish; and R'liEREAS, Aerators maintain open water in the winter Lo aid in oxygen- ation of the water and there£ore provide oxygen for survival of game fish; and iVHEREAS, City park development on these lake shore lands located in the Twin City Dtetropolitan area will insure heavy demands for sport fishing opportunities; and WHEREAS, The City plans to construct a fishing pier in Dioore Lake; and N'HEREAS, The City is willing and aU1e to provide the administrative, supervisory and contracting services for the proposed improver,;ents contcm- ' plated herein; and WfiEREAS, "Permit" as used herein means the pernit issued by the Depart- ment of I�atural Resources, Division of W'aters, for work in public waters; and WHEREAS, "DhR'f as used herein shall mean the Department of i�atural Resources,' Division of 14aters. NOi� THEREFORE, It is agreed by and between the parties hereto: I. WORK The City shall ir,stali aeration equipment in Atoore Lake in accoxdance with installation plans attached hereto and made a part hereof and provide the i� � � � � ' � '. � � , � � � � � folloi.ing in connection therewith. (i) The City shall install and suppiy adequate electric po�ner to operate the aerator motors and blowers. (2) The City shall protect the motors and bloti�ers from vandalism and the c�•eather. (3) The City shall provide for maintenance and repair of the aerator equipment. (4) The City shall purchase the aerator ec�uipment, but taill be reim- bursed therefore tvith said equipment becoming the property of the State, all as hereinafter provided. Permit 76-6399 issued by the DNR for this project, and all matters contained therein shall become incorporated hexein and made a part hexeof by reference. II. GRAA'f-IN-AID The State agrees to reimburse the City for the cost of the aerator equipment as specified in the biil�of materials report prepared by Clean-Flo Laboratories Inc. of Hopkins, hiinnesota, attached herein and r�iade a part hereof, but not to exceed $3,753,17. Upon reimburser,�ent to the City, said aexator equiprnent shall become the property of the State. Payments to the City may be made in the fa2lowing rnantter: Partial payments may be made, the first thirty (30) days after commencenent of the "tVork" and thereafter each succeeding thirty (30) days. Provided, for reimbursement purposes, the City shall submit invoices, in tri�licate, for the cost of the "V4'ork" paid, together with a full report of the "liork" completed in conjunetion therewith. Costs are subject to the approval of the Department of I�atural Resources. III. SPECIAL PROVISIONS The City agrees that in the hiring of common or skilled laborers for the performance of any "V;ork" under contract, or any subcontract hereunder, neither it nor any contractor, material supplier or vendor shall engage in any discriminatory employment practices as such practices axe de£ined in M.S. 1974, Section 363.03 and 181.59. The City shall indemnify, protect, and hold harmless t}ie State from aIl claim, cause or action which may result from the construction or operation of the acrator equipment. -2- 7B 0 � 0 , i 7C IV, TERNi This agxeement shall become effective on the date hereof and shall con- tinue in effect until b1ay 31, 1977 unless terminated for other grounds as pro- vided herein. "Terminated" as used in this paragraph refers only to the time for installation. V. TERAtINATIOV: ABANDO\fifENT This agreement is subject to cancellation by the State "with cause". "ti4ith cause" shall mean that the City is not performing the "{Vork" herein in accordance with the terms of the permit, or the "ti9ork" performed is in violation of any provision of the permit or terms hexein. Further if the aerator equip- ment is used less then the time which would otherwise be necessary for preventing winter kill in each of two consecutive years, the 5tate may, at its option con- sider the "{Vork" abandoned by the City and recover the aerator equipment. IN WI7'NESS tVHEREOF, T}�e parties hereto have executed this agreement as of the date first above written. CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA By blayor By Clerk -3- STATE OF btINNfiSOT/1 D�PARTr1ENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES ROBERT L. HERBST, Commissioner By C. B. BUC�IA�\�, Deputy Commissioner � . � � ' � I � � ' � �����W��� Ju�e 7� 197� Steven Olson, Env.�ronr��t�i.ist C1ty Oi Fx'ldley 6�31 University Av�nue N.E. Fridley, 2�iinnesota Dear bY. dlsoa: '��.---�',:�,� �'i 7D Clea�i-Fto L�UoraLor�es, Inc. 434 2 5►+wov' OAK ROAO Hopkins, hlis�n. 55343 You raay b� interested to kna� that th: �virar�n'-�a�, �.zality I.��- ot�s.tory o� Pnr� Charlotte, a division oi Gen�ral Develo�n� Corporation,. ra.n -Les�s on three s�tsatiiied canals in Por� Cha.rl.�tie c��z'3.n3 � Cle�- Flo Aerati.an%C3.zcnl��inn s�rstenz z�ith t�� Ke�ro sys�r�� �:3 t.h� Ki.z;de g��- Poxa-t�3. tubir�; �.era.taon sys�m last ia1�.. lnxe� ca�c�r cana.l.s ��� usec� as tuitreated contsals, EnviranW°nt�.l. Gi-�ality La.bo��ayy has s� of t� bzst test eg,ui�nt av-ai7.able in th� co�.intry fcr �es�ina ua�`�.ex qual�.ty. Qur �oal �as to brind the Water in �t.�e c�? , be��er water qti��y �t�n t.he uater in th� 2�rbar iato �hi� th�;� k�x� �'la�ring in orc�.��- 4� ��4-� - EPA xe�;aire.�-°nts. This included a re^ov�. of bo�tn� �D, axi incr�as� in dissolv�3 o.xygen, P...nd � reduc�ion o� �oxic gases. � C� ' � � � The Clean.-Flo Aera��.on�Circu?3.tio� syst� destx�2tifie� the ua��r �x:2 oxygexia�ed �.t to such �.n extent that i ��_� the EPA reouire�n�s t�it,�in 2=T rours. ln6 A3nde syste�, us� tNi.ce th� horse�a•��r o� ti� �le�-F1a sys �t� severely da::sa�m,�c1 -�i� t�ater qu�a.i.�y, reversing �t�p a�:y�zna-�ia�z r�duc�io� po�en�i�l� eliyi�.�ing dissealved oay��n,, �3 r���.n�; �axic bo�;c� gases ?n �rith t� surfaca uater for a p�rio3 oP f�.ve dsys, �.fier uh�.c.� tZm� �:ater qu2lity �aas tk� sa� as in t�e Clean-�'? o tre�ted •�zna7... After t�rty c��;.�s of o��tion �here kas no no�iceable diif�~�-e�c� bet��pn the �z�e_r tre�:t�d by th° Kembzro syst�. �3 tha �ater �in t'�� con�rol c�..a�s. Yo�a caa obtain flirth�� info�tio� on t��is by c�I1i� I•ire BiL Wi1c� of the Enviro�°n'�..al. Quality L�.bo=ato ,� at (81.3)-629-9?�37. �iis �ddress i� Envira��n''�al �alj.ty Iaboratory, 590°D Nor'r,:n�est Olea�a BIv3., Port G�r.:c...��t�� Florida 33952• •� Eest xe�ards, � ^ :, � :, t� -�- ���.,� � � Rober'� L. L-a.�n�, P±-esident � '' RLL:a'. enc. Lafze Rc��c~�zt�.an, I�TdcuS.tn�.cc�. waate ��:atie�. ��-tati.v�=., Sc�1.cn;nu►:g Puo�. CeccL:-lcaus. i,t:?%?;f°i•213! ! (,�UVt�a{iViV ' P���e 1 of�► . . + � ' ���;.y r+a ���m June 3 197G i ��e�n-� �o �.abara�aries, �nc• 6oh � __ � . s�e bel 7 E � TNT� HOPKINS MINNESOTA �t� f.0.6 9�'� o're t ake � _ `_ .� `� `1 2-4 weeks , � To D�livs7 . ; Steven Olson, Env:ironmentalist + City of Fridley j6431 Lniversity Avenue N.E. ' y L Fridley, itinnesota -� � We ore plrased to qvote cs follows. Your inq�iry Quonriry Dexr�p�ion Pr'�� � 2 each 1/2-Hp oilless piston-type aeration/ � circulation systems, complete and ; instaZled, including trenching. In- ! cludes 115 vo�t 60�cycle AC conpress r ' systen with thermal overload relay, � pressure relief valve, pressure gaug , weighted tubing, outdoor receptacle " in steel cabinet taith baked-on grey enamel finish, locking T-handle, 2 microporous ceramic diffusers. YSI rlodel 51B � YSI riodel 5075 Calibration Chamber ' I'SI 5739 Dissolved O�:ygen Probe and rie�brane cai.th Fotassiw� Chlori�ie Kit j YSI 5740 50` Cable Total Due by � Amaunt ,149.0� 604 . J_ $ ,753.1 � � ' from ; - � � C�ean-�o ���oratories, YnC. c HOPKINS MINNESOTA r�`rsA..•� �� � � To ' Steven Olson i City of Fridley ��� June 3, 7.97G Sei ] �- t..�,� _. hkM q�ot.�roore Lake r.o.e arw.ry 2-4 weeks . L J � We ore plcosed to quote os fol!ows. Your inquiry .m.� Quoro7ry � Dewipr:r.n Pric� � � Clean-Flo Maintenance and Linited tdarrant i i j Clean-Flo LaUoratories, Inc. warrants aIl ; equipment to be free of defects or po r workmanship. Tiie equipment will be intaine � in �oorking cor.dition and worn or defe tive parts repaired or replaced �aithout ch rge ` for one year after installation. Cus omer ! asscmies responsibility for safe-guard'ng � and protecting the equipment at the 1 ke � site. � � Diffusers are guaranteed not to plug r � �l�g whe� used with Clean-Flo compres ors iunder standard conditions, and wi13 b repairec� or replaced if clogging occu s � �.�ithin three years af purchase. All warranty clair�s c�ust be presented through an auti�or;_zed dealer. All � �aarranty clai:�s must be factory app.ro� ed __ _ � ey Amovnt _ . _. . _. _ . .. . .. . ..__ _...- � ; QUOTATION i ' � t,om � � ��ean-��o �a�oratories, �nc. ' ± HOi'KINS MINNESOTA i ; _ A A L� � To � Steven Olson � City of Fridley I L J , � We ore pleo:ed 'to quo�e os (ollows. Your inq�iry Quontiry Dewipi�o� �,�� Na Paye 3 of 4 o,,, Junc 3. 1976 ,.,T. Se' 7 G � Fps9 1�°ore Lal�-e 2-4 weeks D�fiv�ry RK. ' I ti��+ in writing before being honored. The e are no other warranties expressed or implied other than those specifically stated herein. Customer to provide electric service to cabinet and pay all electrical power costs. Special Guarantee C1ean-Flo Labor_atories, Inc. guarante s that if the equiprient is ru�� continuo sly, on a year-around basis without interu tion, n.o fish '�ci.11 will occur, or maney wil be refunded in full, and equipment will e returned to Clean-FZo and will beco*�e the property of Cle�n-Flo Laboratories, I c. c, . • ; � QUOTATlO�! , � irom x • �A�c`�Yk-�.' �O �..c.��0�'�1�OX'I�S, J�riC. i . HOPKINS MINNESOTA i ��� .� 11- ..� - = "— � io � Steven Olson City of Fridley • Pafie �� of 4 My��r r+o po,. Jun^ � 797(', % T.,m. Se' �� — n;�.. 9�,. . r.o.s �oore LaY� Oali+ery ._i—`+ P P � � We cre pleosed to q��o!e os fcl:or+s. Your inq�iry , Q�o�tiry Dex+�p�ion Prica Terms: Option A: 1/3 do�•m �aith purchase ordcr, balance upon a.nstallation of equipm nt, plus sha.pping charges for YSI equip�ent. Option B: 4% discouat for pa}�2nt in full with purcha e order ($3,603.00), plus shi ping charges for YSI equipment. /,^�;..r eY j" '✓�..�Z� ` ` �:�. �-. Robert L. Laing, Pre ider.t 0 . ,.•i � ti,��,:��'�;I �.rr �'°r�"�3�...`,�, a,�s � � � %F . . .�,-h f +�fY�' 1 �^1 �V.'.f ... \ '+i . n f y� � . ./ y� �� N ¢ ���� f j . r �s,. "' 'a i Y..� � ' . p . - � �, . ; r �„ , Y r � La�'Y?� +�-r J+- . a y r„r t��. T� f :. 1.. >` 1 -• `� � � .. .. '� ez.a" �- �` T�'+ f - T ' .� �l' y ; ��f`' 1 � 5-P�� Y wC .Y ..�, `S' ' �„ x �,4 �- . � F f A ...� ��� ° �_ yi` 3.`nt �-�• �C^_'?.Y�r� �� �....�- . a. �. G ' ,� . t,4 � ,� � � ,� .� � � j ir } . a' � H �� 1 C .o p�^w��r.rC. � t�sk'�+ ,#� .. �� /,. • r �r �._ . R- C � a. � �+e-� � �g���'' .. �Y v- � "' r -ya � C Ny � i �. � S'�. ti � ��j �� - . ! . � �. �:sl 0. y-. '� .�' : �j . J 7 l`.A�'�'.... �; 7 I : � _/ -. � C�� fy! .Y'lr � � "^�, ��} I . 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' '`� C1�. �y�: ;ti y. .y t' � ..}J„ - f :A �.ta Y" � r '-�• 1 �.a� i-, 4 ,� � 't �': '�'C � .{ .. . y��� ' � `L� � _ _ � ti ` �_ " . . ��,��rti,f ��• � I � ie-�-"���j ...�� - .�y •r�r'<-��,j.'. � �i.i ._ � �\. z' I., ��.j-'_,,,,�?� "+�r a�. ? . .. � TY � _ ` . �?� } q� - � F,`_ ...k r�:�'' �` � .� c . 't �>`,� �r .. , f�, _J: � �� ,.,- fi ��. . v -�:�� �k k. r � _ _ .� r. "ry�- �tr.:i ..w _ �+'t"'!"�� � ,�'IY"j 't �;.^ ' f ' . Y ��y _ 4r`C'�� � I� >:f�.,�� �-�, � � :� � _� _.�.,. � '" ,c�� �.� �"ti P�' : � �` � =r .'.. '1 t. �-.,, ... K�+�-ny, t ' 4,r��: �. �+.. ; t` . 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T' �`�; ` 4^�..�,,,�. a�'�' �-• .,, Zr .R .-• r ��„� sa a }- _ i '�-�G,�,;� . � `.�.-' y.>� .�',� `'��s.°.4t! _ � �', � �- .�a�.��Ps't�., _ e.a.� � r`"�' Y .1 � '�+ts. ,� � f' ��+} ,y.'�a �` � °r''�'a;�'�. ,� " -r^� '� �:;� �, �„� � .. .�� � '� ..:L^�._� a' �:h K'�' � �`� `t` ✓ d,�, �p � - J . M �,/ � f�. "�/ ws . �rr! • ' . � 7J � �� �I� I ' ttLSOLU�I�ro�v� r`�o. s��-i��� RL:SOI.U'1'lOti' ]:I:QUt:STI\G 50 PI:RCI:ti'1' COS'I' SIfA1tING l�RO;�I 7'!lr AtINi�i1;SQ'I'n 1)lil'/11t7'i•SL'N'1' OI� NA7'l1It��1, RI:SOUI2(:liS 1�UR 7'iil; INS'1'/ll.I.,l�'1'IO;�! O1� /1;� A1Z"1'lI�1CIAL /1}:1z�1'I'IO;v/C1l:CU1,117'1.0�1 SYS'I'1�1�9 /liv]) /1 1�ISf1J,�'G ]'I1:lt FOR 'I'1I1: L/�S'1' SI.111: 01� ;�1001t1: LI� Y. L Wlll.ilZl.i/iS, the e�jstcrn portio�� of P•laorc l.a}:c i_s exten- - sively used as arecreational area, pr.incipally for. fis}iin� and s���inunin�; a�ld 1�'IIERLAS, the City of I'ri.dley maintains parl: faciliti.cs on T9oore Lake; and 15'I�T'R�AS, severe ��inters ha�Te periodically resulted i�i a f�,sh wa_nter}:ill thereb�� shifting the predomi.nant £ish popu]_at-ion to a�1 undesa.rabJ.e rot�gll fisli species; a�.ci 1VtlER1:AS, the City of I=ridl.ey is interested in improving � the recrcatio�ial value and the prevention o� fish winterkill in east I�ioore Lake; and � � � 1�'H�REASS t3�e ASinnesota Department of Natural Resources man�ges Dfooxe Lake throu�h xcutine S�:OC�lIlb with g�.aie fish; and 11'IIER��AS, artif_icial aexation/circul.ation s��stems ha�-e den�onstr�.i.ed tl�e abi.lit;� to destratify lakes in the st�mmer and to ��revent fisll �aiiiter�ill; and 1VHER�/�S, "fishing piers" have been shoitin to increase the recrea�i�nal va.lue of a I.ake for fisl�i_11b I�Irrposes; a�1d 11rI-iLR�AS, fihe Cit�� of Fridley has n;ade apl�lication to tlie ne��art�ment of Natural P.esotzrces for a permit to 1,�ork ' i�n pub].ic wat.crs; and lti'}IEP.EI�S, the cost t:o instal.l and � aeration/circulation syst.cm is �S,52S a fishing pier is �3,�OQ. I11OI11.�OT the artificial and tlie cost to builc� � N011', T}ILP.�POR�, �E IT rI:SOLV�D that the Cit�� of Fridley ltereby rec�uesLs 50 perce�lt cost S]I��1'ltl�; irom tlie �fiii�iesota DC}��2t)11CIlt of ;�atural Resaurccs for thc installation of �ul , artifici�il :�cratio�i/circulation system and a fisili�ig picr for the east side of. Tioore Lake. ' J1ll01'TL"•ll I3Y TIIL C1TY CUU\CIL OI� 'TI1L• CI'11' 01� 1�1�IDLL1' T11IS � A'fT1:ST: 21st Dll�' OP June , 1976. I�i "UR - l�'1LL]nl�l J. NLIi i'1'Y Gl,li1:K - Ai�llt\�]N C. RI:t1�\�I:�LI, � ��,,.,, . June 21, 1976 Dear T�r. C;ui.reshA, The Fridl.e� Lions havc requested tha� the mor.e,y donat��? to the cits= of Fridle;� for aeration of ��core La�:e, be used to purchase equipment f'rom Clean-F'10 LaborL,tcries, Inc. at �;3L?_ S�:ad v Oa.k Road �' o�l� ins, �±innc so ta . Thar.�� � ou, �ri�.le�� Lions ?``23*nar� A I�Iielsen, Fresi�ent � � l�it.�.►- �.���p c� /IGC',��G�� ��i`'�- �'%'t�� `�9 .._-----_ 0 7� ' 1 ' cit of � y coon rapid� Mayor Will iam Nee City of Fridtey 6431 University Avenue North East Fridtey, Minnesota 55432 Dear Mayor Nee: September 20, 1976 0 , As you know, Coon Rapids sponsors the North Suburban Family Service Center which serves as a large part of Anoka County and its immediate environs. The City of Coon Rapids has consistently subsidized programs at the Family Center to the amount of an average of $30,000 a year over � and above grants and fees coilected. You may not be aware of the degree to which residents of your community use the services of the North Suburban Family Service Center. Our records indicate that 140 Fridley families witl have used the counseling services at the Center in 19%6. It is projected that 200 o�F your residents witl use the counseling services in 1977 at a total cost of $5000. Of that amount, fees and grants will cover cnly $3E00. ' Our records indicate 220 teenagers and young adults from Fridley will have used the Nucleus Clinic in 1 �76. It is prajected that 300 of your young people will use these Clinic services in 1977 at a total cost of $4$�0. Of that amount, fees and grants will cover $3��0. The total , anticipated deficit for 1977 as a result of usage by your residents witl be $2300. � • , ' ' ' ' ' Mayor Nee: We respectfully ask you to cover the anticipated deficit in 1977 and any future years when grants and fees do not cover the entire cost of services. In the event that you are not familiar with the services performed at the Center, may I take this opportunity to invite you, the members of your City Council and their families to the open house on Sunday, October 1 Oth . The Center will be open for tours between noon and 5:00 p. m., with the formal dedication ceremonies at 2:00 p.m. I hope that you will be able to attend . f:ii�r..e Dictating Lhis letter Georc��. hz�� been admitCed to Norch Memorial Ha_:pitai for �urq.�ry. You may er.pect .� follow-up call from one of our li�uncilmembers. John Cottin�ham C:ily Montz�r Si ely, 2.. ,�[.(�f�_ 't'c J � � v~ George J . White Mayor devard, Coon Rapids, Minnesota 55433 (612) 755-2880 Consideration of Request by Councilmembers Kukowski and liamernik to Attend the National League of Cities 1976 Congress in Denver, Colorado, November 28 - December 1, 1976. e 0 � --� RESOLUTION N�. - 1976 A RESOLUTION SETTING AN ELECTION FOR COUNCIL f9EP9BER - WARD II ��}{EREAS, there will be a General Election in the Cit,y of Fridle,y on November 2, 1976, and WHEREAS, there is a requirement to hold an Election for the office of Council Member in Ward II for a three year term, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that aursuant to the Charter of the City of Fridley (Chanter 4, Section 4.03 as amended), the Council hereby provides for and calls the General Election of the City of Fridley to be held in the City of FridleY on Tuesday, the_2nd day of November, 1976, at which election, electors of the Ci��y shall vote and cast a baliot with respect ta the office of Council i�lernber in tdard II, and thereafter the candi- date receiving the highest number of votes far the office at such election shall be deemed the elected official for said office, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that in addition to the City's General Election, to be held in Glard II, there wiil also be a state-wide electiori and ' That the City Clerk shall give at least fifteen (15) da,ys notice of the time and niace af holding such election, the names of the candidates who have filed, and of the offices to be elected, bv nostinq a notice there- of in at ieast one public nlace in each voting nrecinct, and bv nublishing ' a natice thereof at least once, nrior to said Genera7 Election, in the off icial ne►�rspaner of the City, ' � ' ' ` ' , ' ' ' ' The pol1ing p1aces for said General Election shall be as follows: ulard 1 Preci nct 1 Ward 1 Precinc� 2 Ward 1 Precinct 3 Ward 2 Precinct 1 Ward 2 precinct 2 Ward 2 Precinct 3 Ward 3 Precinct 1 Ward 3 Precinct 2 t�Vard 3 Preci nct 3 l�loodcrest School 880 Osborne Roa� Hayes School 615 f1i ssi ssi pni Ci tv Flal l 6431 University Avenue Senior High School 6000 i�l. Moore Lake Drive Rice Creek Schooi 6666 Arthur Street North Park School 5575 Fillmore Riverarood School 715Q Fast River Road Stevenson School 6050 East River Road Roslyn Park tdeslevan Church 5300 6th Street l0 RESOLUTIQN N0. - 1976 PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF , 1976. � ATTEST: ��� R C � M RVIN C, BRUNSEL MAYOR - 6�IILLIAM J. NEE l0 A ' 1 1 � --, �I I_ � ' �J �i� FROM: CITY OF FRIDLEY M E 61 0 R A N D U M NASIM P9. QURESHI, CITY MANAGER, a'JD CITY COUNCIL MARVIN C. BRUNSELL, ASST. CITY MGR./FINo DIR. SUBJECT: PAY FOR EL�CTION JUDGES DATE: AUGUST 25, 1976 ' The present rate of pay for election judges is �2.00 per hour for regular j�udges and $2.50 per hour for head judges. This rate of pay was established in November, 1970. We have made a survey of '' pay for election judges in other corrmunities in the Twin City area our size. (See attached comparison.) , � ' ' • � ' � � � � It is a iittle hard to compare the rates exactly because some of the cities pay on a flat rate basis rather than an hourly basis. However, the rate of pay in other comnunities seems to average about $2.55 per haur for head judges and $2.33 per hour for regular judges . T recommend that we set tne rate of pay for head election judges at $2.75 per hour, and $2.25 per hour for other e�ection judges. The spread in pay rates between the head judges and regular judges is not as great, on the average, in other comr�unities. Some communities pay the head judges and the other judges the same rate per hour. However, the head judge has conside rably more responsibility than the regular judges. The head judge is actually in charge of the election at that precinct, and in addition is responsible for con�pleting all the necessary forms , etc. The suggested pay rates are part of the attached resolution. MCB:sh P.S. Please see the attached letter signed by several election judges. 11 a/25��6 � i i ELECTION JUDGES PAY - CITIES COMPARIaaLE IN SIZE TO FRIDLEY 1l A BLAINE -$3.00 per hour for head judge �2.75 per hour for regular judgES COON RAPIDS -�3.Ot� oerhour for ail judges � COLUt+I6TA HEIGHTS -�3.00 per hour for liead judges ._ $2.50 per I�our for regular judges BROOKLYN CENTER - 1� flat $45.00 fee is paid for head judges A fiat $40.00 fee is paid for regular judges liead Judge recei ved $7. QO extra for County ;leeti ng Regul ar Judges recei ve $2. 00 extra for electi on meeti ng BROOKLYP� PRRK -�2.50 per hour for head judges . $2.25 per hour for regul ar judges Bt1W'VSVILLE - Rl 1 judges recei ve $2. 50 per i�our � EDIN� -$2.30 per hour for° all judges I�ead judge rec�iv�s an extra �3.50 (This is for picking up supplies.) ' CRYSTAL - a2.�0 per hour for all judges I�tA�LEl�f00D -$2.25 per haur for head j udges � $2,00 per hour ror regular judges t�iINNETOl�KA -�2.75 per t�our for head judges �2.25 per hour for regular judges . ' � f�EW NOPE -$2.20 per hour for all judges ., Nead judge received an extra $10.00 , PLYMOUTH -$2.50 per hour for all judges ROSEVILLE - A flat $35.00 fee is paid to all head judges (per day) A i'lat �30.00 fee is paid to all regular judges (per dav} I � � � 0 _ ,_________ S;- /���� z /1� ?'�.`.�� -�,� .. �/� , F�1�' `� i L ''Q' -� / � �L� �%--�: �'.-�--- -�-�.�.��� � �G� � - . , �� -�- ; ��.���� �� ���-� �,���. � s � � �,��� , � ��� , � �z �-2-c�� , �� ..�.-.�.� ^ , % �-c� .�r Ji� / ♦ � i�� �`-�'--�. c'-�2�-.� ��/ ^��� � ��� ���J .� . l�.- ��-.�i� � / f�� . .�"--�-�. � �=-C� �`�"� � G�.� - �'� ����� �, y � .��.� / 1.� r L % � ;. ���� .{ � ��.� �{.�. \ �. � ��,/�'i"l. �" .•,r ���'r�J/�.�(',�.1� LL'�'�!�[i' i/ ' / � �/ L �C'/ jN "' ��.�( � �ti��� � � �� ���� �- � �-- �c'�_.�__�, J_��-��.�,�,7 ���2�a���C��� . �. ��.�%�� -� �< "�:t� � �� , e:��7�r.: ; �� %�-L �t;�t�G ��w � /�J . �' � � � ���� � ���� �� � ll B ' � � � RESOLUTION N0. RESOLUTION DESIGNATING POLLING PLACES AND APPOINTING ELECTION JUDGES FOR THE NOVEMBER 2, 1976 GENERAL ELECTION. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Fridley; Anoka County, Minnesota, at a regular meeting thereof on SECTION 1. SECTION 2. That on the 2nd day of P�ovember, there shall be an election for ti�e purpose of voting on the fellowing: GE�dEP,AL tLECTION That the polling places for said election shall be as follows: � Ward 1 Precinct 1 Ward 1 Precinct 2 Ward l Precinct 3 Ward 2 Precinct 1 � Ward 2 Precinct 2 Ward 2. Precinct 3 k�ard 3 Precinct 1 � Ward 3 Precinct 2 Ward 3 Precinct 3 Woodcrest School Hayes School City Hall Fridley Sr. High School Rice Creek School North Park School Riverwood School Stevenson School Roslyn Park Wesleyan Church SECTIQN 3. That the polling places wil� be open from 7:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. SECTIG'N 4. That the fol�ew�ng people are hereby appointed to act as judges for said election except that the City Clerk is hereby authorized to ap�oint qualified substi±utes in cases of conflict of interest as set forth in Chapter 4, Section 4.05 of the City Charter. tdARD 1 PKEC I��CT 1 *P9arilyn Beck Nancy Londroche Marie Hughes Betty Baldwin Doris Tallaksen Carolyn Nolmen Barb Tangren Betty Forster Evey Podesvwa Karen Evans Clifford Ness Carol Schneider R 7391 Symphony f�E R 7361 Jackson NE R 7331 Baker NE R 7371 Lyric NE R 7311 Symphony NE R 7310 Tempo NE D 7368 Symphony NE D /53� Tem�o NE D 7542 Tempo NE D 7558 4th St. NE D 7327 Taylor NE U 7663 Jackson fdE 784-2151 7$4-8875 784-6898 754-2175 7�4-7311 786-8981 /f34-0578 784-8360 786-0916 7t34-157'l 786-2$65 784-5201 11 C ' � Page 2 Resoiution # i976 11 D WARD 1 PRECINCT 2 *Joyce McClellan Dorothy Houck Shirley Kohlan Marlys Johnson Pat Noimes �onnie Kuzyk Mary Sullivan Alice Anderson Mary E. Storley Evelyn Selenski Gloria 4Jellan Lois Hines WARU 1 PRECTNCT 3 *Velma Pinks Ardella Buss Alice Mol Margar•et Powell Charleen Swanson Gloria lvers Ros�lla Amar Sharon Hippen Vi Lind f�lathilda Rose Johnson Laverne Br•azi I Rosalie fiaiing WARD 2 PRECINCT 1 � *Jenny Locker Betty Brezney Alice Peterson � Caroline Svendsen Theodora Sasek Lorrie Cook � � � , � Gerri Engdahi Rita Pierce Muriel Pomeroy Eunice Grier Kay Beihoffer Doris Reiners WAKD 2 PRECINCT 2 *Helen Shaffer Alice Turner Marian Smith Chris Aasland Nancy Newport Gladys Luhman D 6749 Kennaston NE U 750 Overton tJE D 236 Rice Creek Bivd. NE � 850 Pandora NE D 67U0 Kennaston NE D Z80 Rice Creek �lvd. hE R 522 66th Ave. NE R 220 tti ce Creek Bl vd . PdE R 414 Rice Creek Terr. NE R 'L18 69th Place NE R 6/93 Uvertcn NE R ts70 Kice Creek Terr. NE R 5973 5th St. NE R b050 5th St. NE R 251 Syl van idE R 6241 Sunrise NE R 601U 5th St. NE R 6271 Trinity NE D 6121 Sunri se �JE D 464 57th Place NE D 6�21 Trinity NE D 5940 5th St. P�E D 5529 6i;h St. NE D 380 66th Ave. NE D 5664 Jackson P�E U 690 59th Ave. P�E D 5665 Jackson NE D 5741 W. Moore Lake Or. NE D 5701 l�lashington NE D 5761 W. Moore Lake Dr. NE tt 5897 Washington NE R 609 Bennett NE R 5836 Jefferson NE R 6360 Monroe NE R 6259 Baker NE R 5i35 Bennett NE R 6805 Channel Rd. NE R 1685 / 3rd Ave . IvE R 1611 66 12/ Ave. PdE R 1330 69th Ave. NE R 6630 Stinson NE R 1611 66th Ave. NE 571-1560 571-3249 574-042b 571-1454 57]-7923 571-5683 571-119� 571-3491 571-5429 571-/542 571-4141 571-11R6 571-324� 571-6222 571-1996 571-6241 571-1679 571-9726 571-1318 5/4-9474 571-36�48 571-1393 574-�528 571-9462 571-7563 5/1-3806 571-4455 571-60�0 574-9818 57i-6984 571-3092 571-3650 571-4U66 571-2856 5/1-1555 571-3367 574-96�6 784-7696 57i-8541 5/4-0362 571-1546 5/1-�37s/ �, Page 3 Resolution # 197b WARU 2 PRECIf�CT 2 CONIIf�UED I � � �J ' � Elizabeth LaVigne Karen Bjorgo Pa� Anderson Phyllis Ries Joan Swenson Marsha Antal 4JARD 2 PRECINCT 3 �Bev Kinsman Jean Wagar Edna Erickson Carolynn Bland�ng Marlene Sonstegard Georgine Henkel Judy Engebretson Lois Foard Mariys �isowski Dorothy Oden Adeline Swanson Marguerite Walinski k►ARD 3 PRECI�;CT 1 *Yvonne Sprungman � Naida Kruger 8etty Bon i r�e Jo E. Caron � Elaine Nielson Myrtle Morphew � Connie Samuelson Janet Crego Joan Palmquist Evelyn Holtze � Jordis P1ittlestadt i�ina Maeser i � � ' WARD 3 PRECINCT 2 *Pat Dittes Alene Johnson Joann Roetering Evelyn Horn Uarlene Vallin Sabina Mostrom Barb Gohman Delores Christenson Pat Gabe1 Mildred �uck Bobbie Johnson Joanne Dwinnell D 6690 Lucia Lane NE D 6675 Anoka NE D 6631 Lucia Lane NE D 66t�0 Anoka �E I b�88 Channel Rd. fdE D 1310 75th Ave. NE R 1348 Hillcrest NE R �940 Stinson hE R 6Q56 Woody Lane PdE R 5653 Regis Trail NE R 1 Z49 Hathavray NE R 134U Hillcrest NE D 5216 Taylor NE D 5228 Piei°ce fvE D 5180 L�ncoln NE D 5899 Hackmann NE D 5835 Central Ave. PdE D 6021 Central Ave. NE D 7255 East River Road NE U 12y Rickard Rd. NE D 601 Glencoe NE D 600 Hugo NE 0 7144 Riverview Terr. fJE D /94� East River Road PIE R /800 East River Road fdE R 7t354 A1 den GJay NE R 139 Glen Cr. Prkway. NE R /680 Alden tlay NE K 6940 Hi ckory Dri ve fdE R 6972 Hickory NE R 6291 Riverview Terr. NE R 6490 Riverview Terr. NE R 182 63 1/2 Way N� R 159 63rd Way NE R 1�9 6� 1/Z Way NE K i31 57th Place NE 571-1493 571-6i60 574-0203 571-7227 574-9506 784-9011 571-07b4 57]-4660 571-3600 571-0145 571-4Z51 571-5713 �71-6960 571-5941 571-83�1 571-5506 5/1-7638 574-1514 5/1-1354 571-0934 786-8321 784-8216 571-6608 784-6536 571-7980 571-3205 571-7693 571-2180 57i-9172 571-44U6 560-3853 560-1630 566-5219 560-1�99 560-2707 574-0038 D 151 62nd Way NE 560-1564 D 173 Kivers Edge Way NE 560-5959 D 5947 'L 1/Z St. PdE 571-12�8 D 5960 Anna NE 56605665 U 123 63 I/2 Way NE 561-9375 ll 6060 2 I/2 St. NE 571-9533 ll E � Page 4 Resolution # WAKD 3 PRECINCT 3 *Jean Johnson Doris Larson Veronica Olstead Betty Nelson Germaine Wohlsfeld Ginnie Velin Mrs. Laverne Roseth Bev Miller Sharon Reemsta Jean Mi11s Linda Tatley Gladys Syverson 1976 D 136 Horizon CircTe NE D 5432 Horizon Drive fdE D 537/ Altura ��E D 5129 Horizon Drive NE U 15/ Crown �d. NE D 5iU5 Norizon Drive NE R 4532 2nd St. NE R 4U1 5�rd Ave. NE K 101 53rd Ave. NE R 5090 :�rd St. NE R 115 Hor�zon Circle NE R 117 53rd Ave. NE 560-5257 560-4166 560-4669 560-558y 560-5477 560-�/42 560-6967 560-5616 560-5933 560-5469 560-3771 560-6959 SECTION 5. That the following judges are appointed to act as chairmen of the Election 8oard for the precincts designated and shall have the duties set fior in Section 203.23 o�f Minnesota Statutes. � SECTION 6. Ward 1 Precinct 1 Ward 1 Precinct ? Ward 1 Precinct 3 Ward 2 Precinct 1 Ward � Precinct 2 Ward 2 Precinct 3 LJard 3 Precinct 1 Ward 3 Precinct 2 Ward 3 Precinct 3 Marilyn Beck Joyce h1cC1 el 1 an Velma Pinks Jenny Locker Helen Shaffer Bev Y.insman Yvonne Sprungman Pat Dittes Jean Johnsor Compensation for said judges h�il1 5e paid at the rate of 52.z5 per hour for the regular judges and $2.75fior the chairmen of the Election Qoard. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TNE CiTY OF FRIDLEY THIS WILLIAivi J. NEE - MAYOR��' � ' ATTEST: MARVIN C. BRUNSELL - CTTY CLERK 11 F �•0"s �\ --cl,N� . . t `�'�.�...� '�1S�!� � :t ;J !!..� - . �-�"4.r�+� �'��vi. � �.�w.,jt �..'e> -"`��.✓t�1ff� .�,,,, . _ ,.�;,�iL 'y . T STATE OF MlNMESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS DISTRICT9 3485 HADL.EY AVENUE NORTH BOX 2050 NORTH ST. PAUL, MINN. 55109 Senternber ti2, 1976 .���;r. ivasi,m �ureshi Cler:� ::�nager ���31 University �venue ^Iortneast Fridley, �:-iinnesota 55l+32 In re�ly refer/ to� 319j S . :� . �tii� J —�+� \ �Q�:'' J iJ / Construction Plai�s, �Si�ecial Provisions, anc' �eso1_t?tion For:ns ;':�itnin � ridley fren: ;:�in Street to 7th titr�et Dear �+.'Ir . �?ureshi : Transmftted herec•�iti�. are cor.stru.ction �?J_ars, resolution iorr�s, a?zd s�necial �JI'Ojr1 s�on� relatin� to the �r.onosed loca��.on an�! constructior. on the above referenced pro�ect i.Tit�:in the corpor�t�e Iimits of your n�unicipality. If agreeable to you, will you n�ease nlace ti�3s matter for consideration on the agenda of an early councii meetinF for its approval and after execution of resalutfan forms, return one certified co�y o� each resolution to this office. ti'ill you kindly advise this office when this matter cvill be cansidered by your council. " This Project is scheduled for �ettir� on �c�:ober :%ti, �;76. Since Sta�e Statutes rec�uire rur.icinal consent nrior to oper_in� o€ �ids, it is imperative trat c.�e have these reso3utions in our possession griar to pc-cob�r 15, 1976. � ' Sincerely, ���� � K.it. �'cPae District �ineer � ' � Tnclosures Form 21330 {�.-67, i-74 T.ev. 3-75) AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ,.,.�, ��: , �, 12 • i � I , � � � � ' r . � , � RESOLUTION APPROVING hIIID FI,vAL COiV- I2 R Fo�m 1� 2523 (5-76) STRIICI'ION PL�!WS FOR TRP.FPIC NOISE S•P• G285-41 (69�393) ATI'EMIATOKS; I. 694 HROM MAIN ST. ged.Proj. I 694-5 (67) 226 TO 7171 S'PRF.�T R E S 0 L U T I 0 N At a(regular)(special) meeting of Che City Council of the City of FridLev , duly held on the day of , 19 76 , the following Resolution was offered by , ; to wit: ; seconded by WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Highways for the State of Minnesota has caused to be prepared: plans, special provisions and specifications for the impro��ement of Trunk Highway No. 393 , renumbered as Trunk Highway No. 694 , within the corporate limits of the City of Fridley , from �tiec Main Street to 7th Street in Fridley ; and, WHEREAS, said plans are on file in the Otfice of the Departmont of Highways, St. Paul, Minne- sota; being marked, labeled and identified as: S.P. 0285-41 (69�393) - — : and, WHEREAS, said special provisions are on file in the Ofiice of the Department of Highways, St. Pau1, Minnesota; being marked, labeled and identified as: S.P. d285-41 (69�393) , and which, together with, the Minnesota Department of Highways Standard Specifications for Highway Construction, dated January 1, 1972, as amended by Minnesota Department of Highways Supple- menta! Specifications for Highway Construction, dated April 1, 1976, will govern, and which are on file in the of=ice of the Commissioner of Highways, constitute the specifications for said improvement of Trunk Highway No. 393 , renumbered as Trunk Highway No. 694 ; and, WE�,REAS, copies of said plans and special provisions as so marked, labeled and identified are also on file in the Office af the City Clerk; and, WI�REAS, the term, said plans and special provisions, as hereinafter used in the body of this Resolution will be deemed aad intended to mean, refer to and incorporate the plans and special provisions in the foregoing recitals particularly identified and described; and, WiIEREAS, the Commissioner of Highways desires in the interest oF public safety that any and all parking of vehicles, if auch parking is permitted within the corporate limits of the City of Fridlev , on asid Trunk Highway No. 393 , renumbered as Trunk Highway No. 694 � will be parallel with the curb adjacent to the highway and will be at least 20 Eeet from any crosswalk. Page 1 of 2 Pages. I, � Eat�n MItD 2523 (G-74) � � � � r ' ' ' 12 B hOW. TfiBN, BE IT RESOLVED that said plana and special provisiona for the improvement of Trunk Highway No. 393 , renumbered as Truak Highway No. 694 , within the corporate Iimita of the City of FYidl.e , be and hereby are approved. - BF, IT FURTHER RESOLVEI7 that the City of Fridley does hexeby agree to requirc the parking of all veh3cles, if such parking is permttted within ttie corporate limits of said City, on said Trunk Highway No. 393 � renumbered Trunk Highway No. 694 , wi�l be parallel with the curb adjacent to the highwa.y, and at least 20 feet from any crosswalks on all public streets intersecting said trunk highway. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the elevations and grades as shown ii1 said plans and special provisions are hereby approved and consent is hereby given to any and all changes in grade occasioned by the construct3on uf Trunk Highway No.�,, renumLered Trunk Highway ro. 694 , in accordance crith said p.lans and special provisions. Upon the call of the roll, the following Resolution: and, the following voted in favor of the voted against the adoption of the Resolut�on: �rhereupon the mayor �nd/or the presiding of£icer declared the Resolution adopted. Dated: , 19 76 Mayor Attest City C2erk STATE OF MINNESOTA ) � - ' C011NTY GF Anoka ) ss, ) CITY OF _ g,-; d7 PY ) I do hereby certify that at a(regular)(special) meeting (of which due and legal notice was given) of the City Couacil of the Citp of _�idley , Mianesota� on the daq of , 19 76 ; at which a majority of the members of eaid Council were preseat, Che foregoing Resolution �.as adopted. Givea under my hand and aeal this day of , 19 76 Page 2 of 2 Pagca. City Clerk F I � � � � , ' � ' r t . 13 RESOLUTION N0. - 1976 RESOLUTION CONFIR�ING ASSESSMENT FOR STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT N0. 124 BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Fridley� Minnesota, as follows: 1. The City Clerk has with the assistance of the enginee�s heretofore selected by this Council for such purpose, calculated the proper amounts to be specially assessed for ihe STORP4 SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT N0. 120 in said City against every assessaale lot, pieces or parcel of land in accordance with the provisions of iaw, and has p�epared and filed with ihe City Clerk tabulated statements in duplica�e sho�ring �he proper description of each and every lot, piece, or parcel of land ia be specially assessed and th� amount calculated against the same. 2. �otice has been du�y published as required by 1aw that th�s Council wauld mee� in speciai session at this time an� piace �o pass on the proposed assessment. � 3. Said proposed assessment has at all times since its filing been open to inspection an� cepying by 3ii persons interesteds and an opportunity has bpen gfv�n to a11 �nteres�ed persors to prese�t ihe7r ob�ecti�ns, i� any, to such proposed ass�ssment, or to any item thereofs and no objections have been fil�d; except • A y 4. The amounts specified in the proposed a�sessment are changed and altered as foliows: � 5. This Council finds that each of th� lo�s, piecess or parcels of land enumerated in said proposed assessment as alt�red an� modified was and is specially ben��ited by the � , � �J STO�M SEWER IP1PROVEMENT PROJECT N0. 120 in the amount in said proposed assessment as altered and modified by the corrective roll in the amount set opposite the description of each such lot, piece, or parcel of land, and tha� said amount so set out is hereby ievied against each of the respec�ive lots, Fieces, or parceis of 7and therein described. PAGE Z -- RESOLUTION N0. _`,_ - 1976 o• Such proposed assessments as altered, modified, and corr adopted, and confirmed, and the sums fixed and named in saidd are affir�ed, assessment as altered, R�odified, and corrected with the changes and tfons herein above made, are affirmed, adopted, and confir proposed special assessments for each of said lots s a�tera- pectivel med as the prouer Y. , pieces or parcels of ]and res - 7. Said assessmen� so affirmed, adopted, and confirmed sh by the City C]e�k and �i1ed in his office and sha11 thereube certified to stitute the specia] assessment for Aon be and con- : � 10. STORM SE�EH IMpRpuEMENT PP.OJECT h0, jzp The amounts assessed against each io� inierest from the date hereof until thePsane9have�beenj a�dland shall bear seven and one-�alf (72) per Cent per annum, p a� the rate of Such assessment shall be payable in one (1) annual i contbnuing untilsaTjaof� aidn•iflst in the year )g7%S nandllment ,:- installment to be co]lected with taxesncollectibleVdurin� said' �he County Auditor. g �d year b,� the The City Clerk is hereby directed io make up and file in th County Auditor of Anoka Count a�ertif' e office of the such unpa�d assessments and the am�unt wh�chtw�ilebe duetti�erm0unt Qf aj� lst day of January, eon on the PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCI� QF THE CI7Y OF FRIDLE DAY QF Y TNIS , 1976. ATTEST: CITY CLERK Marvin C. Brunsell � 0 MAYOR William J. Nee l3 �� MEMO T0: NASIM QURESHI, CITY h1ANAGER, AND CITY COUfJCIL FROM: MARVIN C. BRUNSELL, ASST. CITY MGR/FIf�. DIR. SlJBJECT: CERTIFICATION OF DELIP�QUENT WEED CHARGES TO THE COUNTY FOR COLLECTION DATE: SEPTEMaER 30, 1976 The attached resolution is for the purpose of certifying unpaid weed cutting charges to the County for collection with the taxes due in the year 1977 (one instal7ment). All of the property owners have been billed, and have had a reminder sent to them. The last notice stated the bill would be certified to the County if it is not paid and an 8% penalty will be added. A1� af the charges on t";� resolution are for w�rk �one in 197b. 1�R A RESOLUTIUP� N0. - 7 �76 ftESULUTION CEIZTIFYIP�G CHARGES TO THE COUNTY AU�ITOR TO EE LFVIED AGAIP�ST CERTAI�J PROPERTIES FOR COLLECTII�W llITli THE TAY,ES PAYAQLE IN 1977 (WEEUS) WHEItEAS, a nuisance condition has been found to exist on the lots listed below, . 4dHEREAS, the orrner of such property was given notice to abaie such nuisance, and 4lHEREAS, the ovrner of such property did not abate such nuisance and the City of Fridley, under authority of Section 14�.23, Minnesota Sta1;e Statute of 19�3, did therefore abate the nuisance at a total of �2,312.i2 Plat �3914 54155 54155 54155 54158 54162 54 I 62 54169 55i 8� 55255 55255 55255 55�55 552:i5 5�255 55�55 5525:i 55255 55341 5534i 55341 55341 y5341 55341 55341 5534 I 5534( 5534� 554II0 55480 55�ts0 55480 55480 554ts0 557 54 55754 55/54 55754 55754 557 54 55/54 Parcel 4�6Q 11Z0 113U 1400 2180 920 114u 23U0 �zo 10 50 100 150 200 250 �00 350 4Q0 140 160 18U 620 640 660 68U 70U 72U 74U 550 600 8U0 �50 y00 950 10 2U 60 70 F30 90 120 r Unplatted Seciion rl� Aud. Sub. r25 Aud. Sub. r25 . Aud. Sub. ;=25 Lot 18, �ud. Sub. �77 Lat 10, Aud. Sub. ��9 Lot 13, Aud. Sub. n89 Aud. Sub. �155 Lot 7, Block 2, Brookview 2nd � Lot l, Block 1, Carison's Summit Manor r�nnex 2nd Lot 2, Block I, Carlson's Sum:;�it D1anor Annex Znd Lot 3, Bl ock 1, Car I son' s Sumn;i t t�lanor Annex 2nd �ot 4, �lock 1, Carlson's Sunu7it Manor Annex 2nd Lot 5, Bl ock 1, Carl son' s Sur:�mi t hr1anor Annex 2nd Lot 6, Block i, Carlson's Sunu�7it Planor Annex 2nd Lot l, 61ock 2, c;arlson's Sun�mit t�lanor Aiine>: 2nd Lot 2, 61ock 'l, Carlson's Summit Manor Annex 2nd Lot 3, 61ock 2, Carlson's Sun�;,�it �lanor Annex 2nd Lot I, 61ock 1, Central View P1anor Lot 8, B1ock 1, Ce��tral Viea� P;anor Lot 9, �lock 1; Central Vie�•J I�'anor Lot 9, 61ock 2, Central V1�1N ��ianor Lot lU, 5lock 2, Central Vie�•� %1anor Lot l�, Block 2, Central View �tanor Lot 12, Block Z, Centra] Vietv �ianor Lot 13, 61ock 2, Central Vietv P1anor Lot 14, 61ock Z, Centrai Vie�•� Pianor Lot 15, L�lock Z, Central View Manor Lot 11, 61ock Z, Commerce Park Lot 12, Block 2, Commerce Park Lot 16, 61ock 2, t;ommerce Park Lat 17, 3iock 2, Coi�u��erce Park Lot 13, 61ock 2, Commerce Park � Lot 19, Glock 2, t;ommerce Park Lot 1, 61ock l, tast Ranch Estates 2nd Lot l, Glock 2, East Ranch Estates 2nd Lot 5, 61ock 2, East Kanch Estates Znd Lot 6, Glock 2, East Ranch Lstates 2nd Lot 7, Glock 2, East Rancli Cstates 2nd Lot 8, Glock 2, East Ranch Estates 2nd Lot �, alock 3, East Ranch Estates 2nd $ 479.52 7 ti . 84 36.42 78.�4 24.30 24.3Q 48.60 48.6U 24.30 10.90 10.90 10.9� 10.90 10.92 7 U. 92 10.92 IO.y2" 1U.92 12.12 12.12 11.16 11.24 11.24 11.24 11.24 11.26 11.26 11.26 iT.50 11.50 1t.50 11.50 11.52 1i.52 36.08 36.08 36.08 36.08 36.10 36.1U 36.10 � Page 2 Resolution No. - i976 � � � � � � � 557 54 55995 56161 56161 56161 56161 561b1 5G161 561b1 56161 5b215 56215 56215 56215 5b215 5630tS 563 U3 5630II 5b30� 5G427 5642/ �6427 5679� 5G;• 93 56793 56793 5b79� 56793 5G/93 55793 571�y 571 �9 57304 57593 57593 57593 • 5� 593 57593 57593 57593 575y3 57593 57722 59060 59060 59140 5914U 59140 y9140 591�2 54151 130 3y00 GO 150 160 4y0 560 5%0 650 660 4�0 500 700 74U 780 6345 8480 8�95 89U0 l00 250 3U0 960 1010 1060 l91U 19G0 2U10 2060 Z11 U 900 1690 10 555 �620 3505 38U5 3b10 4768 5363 5425 543U I10 �a 50 595 650 655 2z63 510 l30U Lot 4, B1ock 3, East Ranch Estates 2nd Lnts 4-6, alock 19, Fridley Park Lot 4, 81ock 2, Harris Lake Estates Lot 13, �lock Z, Harris �ake Es�ates Lot 14, 61ock 2, Narris Lake Estates Lo� l, Block 4, Harris Lake Estates Lot 8, Slock 4, Harris Lake Estates Lot 9, Block 4, Narris Lake Estates Lot 17, B(ock 4, Harris Lake Estates Lot 18, �lock 4, Harris Lake Estates Lot 1/, Block l, Hil�crest Addition Lot 1B, B�ock 1, Hillcrest Addition Lot 7, Biock 2, Niilcrest Addition Lot 3, Block 2, Niilcrest Addition Lot 9, �lock 2, Hillcrest Addition Lots 29 &;�0, 81ock ls, Hyde Park Lot 18, Biock 2�, Hyde Park Lot I, Block 25, Hyde Park Lot 2, 61ock 25, Hyde Park Lot 1, Biock 2, Johnson's River Lane Lot 2, �1ock 2, Johnson's River Lane Lot 3, 61ock 2, Johnson's River Lane Lot 2, Block 2, Meadowmoor Terrace Lot 3, Block 2, Meado „oor Te��race Lot 4, Qiock 2, Meadot�7oor Terrace Lot 27 , Block 2, Pleadown�oor Ter�race Lot 22, 6lock 2, Meadowmoor Terrace Lot 23, �lock" 2, f�leada�vmoor Terrace Lot 24, B1ocF: 2, P�'eado�:m�aor Terrace Lot 25, B1ock 2, Meado��rmaor Terf°ace Lots 16 - 3U Block 3, Unaway Lots 3Q & 31, Block 1, Oi�away Lot 1, Block i, Pearson's lst Lot z6, Block C, Rivervie4v Heigf�ts Lots 4u & 4�, Block J, Kivervie��� Heights Lots 18 & 19, 81ock P, Riverview Neights Lot 2y; 61ock Q, Kiverview Neig!�ts Lot 30, Block Q, Riverview fieights Lots 3� 4, �lock U, Riverview Hei,fits Lots 3'l R� 33, �lock i�, Kiverview Heights Lot 5, 61ock X, Kiverview Neights Lot 6, Block X, Rivervie�� Heights Tract B, Registered Land Survey �19 Lot 1, alock 1, 5ilver Uaks Outlot A, Silver Uaks Lot l�, Block 4, Spring arook Parh Lot 29, Block 4, Spring arook Park Lot �0, t3lock 4, Spring arook Park Lots 7&�, Block 12, Spring Brook Park Lot l, 61ock 2, Spring Valley Aud. Sub. �l0 q3.20 36. 42, 24.3U 24 . ;30 24.30 24.30 12.14 12.16 1�.14 12.16 �z.�4 12.16 12.12 12.12 t2.16 48.60 24.30 24.23 24.32 12.12 12.12 12.16 3.02 3.02 3.02 3. 02 3.02 �.02 3.02 3.04 88.56 24.3U 24.30 1z.14 24.30 ' 24.:�0 12.14 1'L.1 b 24.3U 24.3Q 12.14 lz.l6 24.30 12.14 12.1G 'L4. 30 1�.14 12.16 24.30 24.30 24.30 $2,312.12 14 E _ � Page 3 Resolution No. - 1y76 PASSED AND ADOPTED.SY T}iE CITY COUP;CIL OF TNL- CITY OF FRIDLEY Ttt I 5 -- - -- ._ ___ DAY OF _ . __ _____ _._._..,_ 197 6 . ATTEST: s CI�fY CLERK — P1ARU4(V C. � BRll�dSELL t�iAYOR — WILLI%1t�1 J. NEE ����� y . 14 C 15 T0: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: CITY OF FRIDLEY MEMORaNDUM NASIM M. QURESHI , CITY �4ANAGER, AND CITY COU�CIL MARVIN C. BRUiVSELL, ASST. CITY i�1GR./FIfJ. DIR. CERTIFICATION OF DE!_If�JQUE�T 4JATER AND SEWER ACCOUNTS TO THE COUNTY FOR COLLECTION SEPTEMBER 30, 1976 The attached resolution is for the purpose of certifying delinquent water and sewer accounts to the County for collection the taxes due in the year 1977. All of the p roperty awners have be�n notif�e� of the•fact their utility bills are being certified to the County, and have been given an opportunity p.ay. In addition, regular delinquent notices have been sent throughout the year. ihe p�nalty shown on this resoltuion is in addition i�o the regular penalties that accrue on utili�y bills. The larger bills, for the most part, are apartment 5uildings. Ther2 is also one business establishment and one trailer park on the list. All of the delinquent charges were certified one year ago, and if taxes on the property are beirg paid, the City is receiving tnat money. All of the charges on this resolution are for a year, or less, of utility service. MCB:sh 15A RESOLUTION N0. A RESOLUTIOI3 CERTIFYING CEI2TAIN DL'LINQUENT WATER A:'riD SEWER CHARGES TO THE C�UNTY AUDITOR FOR COLLECTION WITII THE 1977 TAXE5 WIiEREAS, certain water and sewer charges for the City of Fridley are delinquent in paynent, and, WIiEREAS, Section 7 of Ordinance Number 113, Section 1.02 of the City Charter provides for certifying delinquent charges to the County Auditor for collection with the taxes. NOW, THEREFOR�, BE IT RESOLVEll that the City C1erk is hereby authorized and directed to certify the following charges to the County Auditor for collections with 1977 taxes due and pa}able in the year 1977 to wit: A11 these noted in Schedule "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference. : PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS DAY OF 1976 BY THE CITY COL'NCIL, CITY 4� FRIDLEY, ANOK:� COi3NTY, MIN�7ESOTA. ATTEST: MAYOR - William J'. Nee CITY CLERK - TREASURER-Marvin C. Brunsell � � CODE District �� 1 � 1-001-4724-41 1-001-4803-81 � 1-001-4851-91 1-001-4861-72 , ]_-001-5957-92 � 1-042-4656-51 1-�002-4744-91 � 1-002-4875-01 1-002-5825-81 � 1-003-4627-02 � 1-003-4775-01 1-003-6011-91 � 1-031-0190-11 '1-032-0070=51 1-034-0070 31 � 1-034-0090-91 1-042-6210-11 � 1-045-5060-11 1-067-5048-11 1 1-067-5073-91 � 1-080-5765-51 1-080-4627-61 � 1-Q95-Q173-51 1-096-6711-01 � 1-101-0172-81 � 1-115-6260-21 , 1-126-6160-01 � ' D�LINQUENT WATER & SEWER ACCOUNTS CERTIFIED TO COUNTY - 1976 15 B ADDRESS ; AMOUN'T PEI3ALTY TOTAI 4724 - 2nd Street NE 4803 - 2nd Street NE 4851 - 2nd Street NE 4861 - 2nd Street N� 5957 - 2nd Street NE G656 - 212 Street NE 4744 - 212 Street NE 4875 - 21z SCreet NE 5825 - 2j2 Street NE 4627 - 3rd Street NE 4775 - 3rd Street NE 6011 - 3rd Street NE 1S0 - 52nd Way NE 70 - 62 z Way NE 70 - 63 2 Way NE 90 - 63% Way NE 6210 Alden Way NE 5060 Clearview Street NE 5048 Aughes Avenue NE 5073 Hughes Avenue NE 5765 Main Street NE 4627 Main Street NE 173 Pi1ot Avenue NE 6711 Plaza Curve NE 172 Riversedge Way NE 6260 Starlite Blvd NE 6160.Trinity Drive NE $ 47.52 157.87 100.45 59.44 104.37 118.89 212.50 108.63 171.01 75.42 256.96 136.69 157.39 90.44 153.03 189.96 90.12 171.57 77.21 144.24 151.16 133.55 249.76 162.69 12G.00 62.14 200.43 4.76 $ 15.79 10.05 5.94 10.43 11.89 21.26 10.87 17.11 7.54 25.70 13.67 3.5.73 9.04 15.31 19.00 9.02 17.15 7.73 14.42 15.12 13.35 24.98 16.27 12.40 6.22 20.05 52.28 173.66 11p.50 65.38 114.80 130.78 233.76 119.50 188.12 82.96 282.66 150.36 173.12 99.48 168.34 208.96 99.14 188.72 84.94 158.66 166.28 146.90 274.74 178.96 136.40 68.36 220.48 � DEI.INQUENT WAT�R AND SEWER ACCOUNTS CERTIFI�D TO COUNrY - 1976 (Continued) � CODE ADDRESS AMOUNT PENALTY District �E 1 (Continued) � 1-131-0129-61 129 Ventura Road NE $ 150.05 $ 15.01 1-135-6501-71 � 1-135-6503-51 District �f 2 1. 2-331-5851-51 , 2-331-5960-31 2-332-5430-41 � 2-332-5609-91 � 2-334-5608-84 2-334-5821-91 � 2-335-6862-61 2-335-6867-11 � 2-340-0588-51 � 2-344-0339-34 2-346-0742-21 , 2-349-1621-31 2-352-1054-31 � 2-352-1466-51 � 2-352-1490-51 2-354-0390-61 � 2-356-0741-01 2-356-0801-71 � 2-377-6536-11 I � 2-377-6583-33 I 2-378-5260-41 ` 2-392-6610-11 2-392-6800-12 I � 2-403-5578-01 , 6501 East River Road 6503 East River Road 5851 - 4th Street NE 5960 - 4th Street NE 5430 - 5th Street NE 5609 - 5th Street NE 5608 - 6th Street NE 5821 - 6th Street NE 6862 - 7th Street NE 6867 - 7th Street NE 588 - 54th Avenue NE 339 - 57th Piace NE 742 - 5$th Avenue NE 1621 - 61st Avenue NE 1054 - 64th Avenue NE 1466 - 64th Avenue NE 1490 - 64th Avenue NE 390 - 66th Avenue NE 741 - 68th Avenue NE 801 - 68th Avenue NE 6536 Arthur Street NE 6583 Arthur Street NE 5260 Buchanan Street NE 6610 Channel Road NE 6$00 Channel Road NE 5578 E. Bavarian Pass NE 42.42 184.76 90.66 111.74 94.57 136.83 66.32 13.16 94.14 195.40 171.58 22.09 242.G3 174.59 118.26 149.07 122.65 54.89 121.15 119 . 86 82.60 93.06 141.08 168.28 65.91 116.28 4.24 18.48 9.06 11.18 9.45 13.69 6.64 1.32 9.42 19.54 17.16 2.21 24.27 17.45 11.82 14.91 12.27 5.49 �2.11 11.98 8.26 9.30 14.10 16.82 6.59 11.62 TOTAL 15 C $ 165.06 46.66 203.24 99.72 122.92 104.02 15Q.52 72.96 14.48 103.56 214.94 188.74 24.30 266.90 192.04 130.08 163.98 134.92 60.38 133.26 131.84 90.86 102.36 155.18 185.10 72.50 127.90 j DELIN UENT WATER AND .SE[dER. ACCUUN'1'S CERTIFIEll I`[J-(%vIIfl'1�- ly7o (�onLinuea f � CODE ADDRESS Al`10UNT PENALTY � District �l 2 (Cantinued) � � �' 2-404-5527-11 5527 E. Oberli.n Circle NE $ 70.26 $ 7.02 2-412-1247-92 12G7 Gardena Avenue NE 151.38 15.14 I' � 2-418-0940-51 940 Hathaway Lane NE I37.80 13.78 I 2-465-6283-91 6283 Kerxy Lane PTE 114.50 11.46 ' 2=470-5185-31 5185 Lincoln Street NE 104.34 10.44 � 2-470-5225-51 5225 Lincoln Street NE 145.15 14.51 2-478-6860-51 6860 Ma�ison Street NE 209.79 20.97 ;� 2-482-0368-92 36$ Mississippi Street NE 54.89 5.4�' 2-482-0431-21 431 Mississippi Street NE 89.95 8.99 ' 2-482-1645-21 1645 Mississippi Street NE 50.9C 5.10 , 2-487-6856-01 6856 Monroe Street NE 182.40 18.24 2-502-6535-01 6535 Uakley Street NE 87.81 8.79 � 2-515-0920-11 920 Overton Drive NE 265.47 26.55 2--515-6740-61 6740 (7verton Drive NE 140.98 14.10 1 2-517-6361-22 6361 Pierce Street NE 196,24 19.62 � 2-520-5650-91 5650 Polk Street NE 1,994.39 149.43 2-521-114U-51 1140 Regis Lane NE 117.40 11.74 � 2-522-6330-31 6330 Quincy Street NE 111.43 11.15 2=526-5163-31 5163 Rainier Pass NE 1?.8.15 12.81 � 2-532-0537-51 537 Rice Creek Terrace NE 80.91 8.09 � 2-532-0880-81 880 Rice Creek Terrace N� 162.38 16.24 2-536-1390-51 1390 Skywood Lane NE 148.24 14.82 ,� 2-549-5311-72 5311 University Avenue NE 78.89 7.89 2-549-6205-41 6205 University Avenue NE 140.14 14.02 � 2-549-6225-01 6225 University Avenue NE 1,Q32.59 103.25 �, � 2-549-6251-72 6251 University Avenue NE 133.58 13.36 2-553-5500-81 5800 Washington Street NE 102.52 10.26 i. , 2-557-5928-11 5928 Woody Lane NE 73.72 7•38 2-558-1615-71 1615 Woodside Court NE 127.05 12.71 ' $ TOTAL 15 D 77.28 166.52 151.58 125.96 114.78 -159.66 230.76 6D.38F 98.94 56.00 200.64 96.60 292.02 155.08 215.86 2,193.82 129.14 122.58 140.96 89.00 178.62 163.06 86.78 154.16 1,135.84 146.94 112.78 81.10 139.76 DFLZNQUENT WAT},R ANA SEWER ACCOUNTS CERTIFIED TO COUNTY - 1976 (Continued) � CODE ADDRESS AMOUNT PENALTY District 4�3 i3-645-7303-42 7303 Able Street NE $ 47.95 $ 4.79 3-645-7327-63 7327 Able Street NE 110.00 11.00 � 3-645-7365-92 7365 Able Street NE 27.10 2.72 ''I � 3-645-7365-93 7365 AUle Street NE 65.22 6.52 3-645-7417-73 7417 Able Street IvE 22.11 2.21 '� 3-645-7440-81 7440 Able Street NE 196.87 19.69 3-645-7449-93 7449 Able Street NE 10.25 I.03 ' 3-645-7463-04 7463 Able Street I�E 63.60 6.36 � 3-645-7465-84 7465 Ab].e Street NE 58.28 5.82 3-645-7497-05 7497 Able Street NE 27.27 2•73 ' 3-645-7497-06 7497 Able Street NE 11.52 1.16 3-645-7555-93 7555 Able Street NE 24.98 2.50 � 3-645-7567-56 7567 Able Street NE 33.72 3.38 � 3-645-7595-11 7595 Able Street NE 14b.08 14.60 3-646-7857-33 7857 A7.den Way NE 160.03 16.01 � 3-647-7$70-52 7870 Apex Lane NE 62.57 6.25 3-650-7689-01 7689 Bacon Drive NE 152.80 15.28 � 3-660-�233-41 233 - 69th Avenue NE 150.84 15.08 3-660-1360-71 1360 - 69th Avenue NE 118.22 11.82 ' 3--667-0036-61 36 - 70th Way NE 186.52 18.66 '�, � 3-675-1565-31 1565 - 73rd Avenue NE 53.04 5.30 3-676-0361-01 361 - 74th Avenue NE �30.82 53.08 '� 3-676-0372-71 372 - 74th 1�venue.NE 118.76 11.88 3-677-1501-81 1501 - 75th Avenue NE 147.72 14.78 , � 3-683-0321-02 321 - 79th Way NE 627.58 62.76 � 3-6�4-7551-31 7551 Central Avenue NE 165.19 16.51 3-684-7651-41 7651 Central Avenue NE 127.48 12.74 � 3-685-0614-41 614 Cheryl Street NE 109.06 10.90 �� TOTAL � S E $ 52.74 121.00 29.82 71.74 24.32 216.56 11.28 69.96 64.10 30.00 12.68 27.48 37.1Q 160.68 176.04 68.82 168.08 165.92 130.04 205.18 58.34 583.90 130.64 162.50 690.34 181.70 140.22 ].19.9G' CODE ADDRESS � District �13 (Continued) 3-688-0165-41 165 Craigbrook Way NE � 3-692-0670-61 670 Dover Street NE � 3-697-6835-01 6835 East River Road 3-697-7221-01 7221 East River Road , 3-697-7513-71 7513 East River Road 3-697-7517-33 7517 East River Road � 3-652-7740-51 7740 Beech Street NE � 3-700-7790-61 779Q Elm Street NE 3-700-7791-51 7791 Elm Street NE , 3-700-7847-91 7847 Elm Street NE 3-702-0681-11 681 Ely Street NE ' 3-7I7-0560-01 560 Glencoe Street N� , 3-717-0611-91 611 Glencoe Street NE 3-723-7400-11 7400 Highway 4� 65 NE � 3-737-0570-42 570 Ironton Street NE 3-740-7310-91 73I0 Jackson Street NE ' 3-742-0532-43 532 Janesville Street NE � 3-742-0533-33 533 Janesville Street NE 3-742-0533-34 533 Janesvi�le Street NE I3-742-0585-01 585 Janesville Street NE 3-742-0598-51 598 Janesville Street NE 1 3-752-0541-01 541 Lafayette Street NE ' 3-759-0231-81 231 Longfellow Street N� 3-759-0231-82 231 Longfellow Street NE , 3-759-0305-91 305 Longfellow Street NE �3`764-1401-31 1401 Meadowmoor Drive NE 3 764-1437-11 1437 Meadowmoor Drive NE ,� 3-764-7635-81 7635 Meadowmoor Drive NE � ' AMOUNT $ 22.74 104.26 74.04 146.14 8.05 24.84 73.33 77.03 57.68 4.47 24.09 49.34 187.67 15,693.74 150.67 103.92 86.72 65.15 56.67 93.25 127.34 138.03 80.96 77.79 85.67 210.02 63.97 30.25 PENALTY $ 2.28 10.42 7.40 14.62 .81 2.48 7.33 7.71 5.76 .45 2.41 4.94 18.77 1,569.38 15.�7 10.40 8.68 6.51 5.67 9.33 12.74 13.81 8.10 7.77 8.57 21.00 6.39 3.03 TOTAL l5 F $ 25.02 114.68 81.44 160.76 8.86 27.32 80.66 84.74 63.44 4.92 26.50 54.28 2J6.44 17,263.12 165.74 114.32 95.40 71.66 62.34 102.58 140.08 151.84 89.06 85.56 94.24 231.02 70.36 33.28 � DELINQUENT WATER AND SEWER ACCOUNTS CERTIFIED TO COUNrY - 1976 (Continsed) � CODF ADDRESS A�fOUNT PENALTY . DistricC !� 3 (Continued) '� 3-766-7442-91 7442 Melody Drive NE $ 148.59 $ 14.85 3-767-1502-81 1502 N. Timber Ridge NE 18.39 1.83 � 3-767-1509-12 1509 N. Timber Ridge NE 9.33 .93 ' 3-767-1513-51 15I3 N. Timber I:idge NE 41.27_ 4.12 3-768-1163-71 1163 Norton Avenue NE ].57.15 15.71 , 3-771-7350-21 7350 Pine Tree Lane NE 112.96 11.30 3-772-0400-61 400 Osborne Road NE 99.56 9.96 , 3-777-8121-21 8121 Ruth Circle NE 104.82 10.48 � 3-778-7376-51 7376 5tinson Blvd NE 179.55 17.95 3-785-7300-71 7300 University Avenue NE 697.61 69.76 , 3-785-7320-32 7320 University Avenue NE 292.46 29.24 � 3-788-7630-52 i 1 1 I 1 1 1 ���1 �1 7630 Van Buren Street NE 199.58 19.96 TOTAL 1� G � $ 163.44 20. 2?. 10.26 45.34 172.86 124.26 109.52 115.30 197.50 767.37 321.70 219.54 J X' J x � x ..� x -� � c� tD I�. i� 00 00 6� d� � O � .`1� � � � .� �! = � - � c.0 1� I� 00 cX� �_ Q'� G'� OO � "> � "� � "7 � '� > � • � LO c.0 t� 1`� 00 00 Q'� C77 � O �--a � � � F--+ � �--+ � � � t� t0 t� t� 00 00 O� G� � O � �. ± �" _ � � 1'� �L �. � � � (� . � � � �7 Q � ' � � � � � � � � � � O � � � � � . �� � � � � � � . �..�.� � �: �� � � � L.L. � � � �i� tD c.� 1� 1� 00 OO G� � O O . Lt:,! Ct LJ d W CJ W G�J W �' �D t� 1� � 00 00 O� Q� O O Q � � � Q � Q � Q 0. tD cD 1� 1� 00 CXJ O� � � O U O U O t-) O V O • V O - c.C� tf� t'� !�, 00 . 00 Cn � O � . (x� � N �l `�'z N A� � N � �- N a1 � N . c.0 CD � I�, I� t� CO 00 00 O� � � O O O � �-- C� � �- Q �' >- ct � � �C c �- �D c0 t� I� I� 00 OO - 00 � O� U'� O Q� . 00 O� O LIST OF LICENSES TO BE APPROVEL� BY�THE CITY COUNCIL AT THF. b1EETI�'G 0_ F OCTOBER 4, 1976, --------_�— TYPE OF LICENSE: � 17 BY� " APPROVED BY: FEE: SERVICE STATION Jim's Country Boy James E. Mears 1301 Mi.ssissippi Fridley, Minnesota 55432 CIGARETTE: Jim's Country }3oy James E. Mears 1301 Mississippi Fridley, Minnesota 55432 FOOD ESTABLISI-A7ENT Jim's Country Boy James E. Mears 1301 blississippi Fridley, Minnesota 55432 OFF SALE BEER ,�___.� Jim's Country Boy James E. Mears 1301 A4�ississippi Fridley, Minnesota 55432 FOOD ESTABLISI-Il�IENT � . . et- �----. Oriental House Restaurant -Irene L.Y. Song 5865 University Avenue N.E. Fridley, bfinnesota 55432 Page 1 of 1 Robert D. Aldrich Fire Inspector � ' Darrel Clark Building Inspector James Hill Public Safety Dir. Steve Olson Health Inspector James Hill ' Public Safety�Dir. Steve Olson �Heal.th Inspector 60.00 25.00 i4.56 (Pro-Rated) 0 35.00 14�56 - (PranRated) LICENSFS TO BE APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL AT THEIR REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 4, 1976 GENERAL CONTRACTOR APPROV�D BY David Curry & Sons 5125 East Ztain Lake Boulevard Darrel'Clark Minneapolis, Mn. 55429 By: David Curry Com. Dev. Adm. Roger Harju Construction • 2718 Coon Rapids Boulevard Darrel'Clark Coon Rapids, Mn. 55433 By: Roger Harju Com. Dev. Adm. l7 A NEW NEW � MULTIPLE D.lELLIt1G LICE�lSES TO T3E APPR�VED: 1� B I Period September 1, 1976 to September 1, 1977 �i ' O61NER � ADDRESS UNITS FEE ' APPROVED EY: Kent E. Welter 5370 - 5th Ste NE 3 $15.00 R. D. Aldrich !� ' S704 - 56th Ave. No. ' Fire Prev. Mpls, Mn. 55429 . �Richard K. Check 1200 - 72nd Avee NE 42 47.00' R. D. A3.drich 1821 Sumter Ave. Ne Fire Prev. Golden Valley, Mne 55427 � James J. Parnon 361 - 74th �vee NE $ 15.00'', R. D. Aldrich 1675 Grand Ave. � ' Fire Prev. St. Paul, Mne 55IOS • � Peter J, Neururer 390 - 57th Place NE 4 15.00 R. D. Aldrich; 6501 - 74� Ave. No. Fire Prev. - , Mpls, ,in. 55428 � . ` ' ' � � . . � � •. � � � , � . . , , . ' . . � � ' ,