The publ�c hear�nq was called to order by f4ayor Plee at 7.38 P.M on May 10, 1976.
P�ayor Nee v�elcomed the audience and invited them to �oin w�th the Council in the Pledqe
of Allegiance to the Flag
Counc�lwoman Kukovrski, Councilman Starwalt, Councilman Flamernik,
f1ayor Nee and Councilman Fitzpatrick
fJo n e
f-1ayor fJee stated there were several items to be added to the anenda. There betnn no 06-
7ect�ons, the aqenda would now include a resolution of suoport for a pronosed trans�ortation
serv�ce by the Red Cross �n Fridley, some remarks b�✓ �1r Ed blilmes reqardinn the
Bi-centen m al tree plant�n9 pro,7ect, the third �s a communication from the City of
Plymouth regarding an amendment to the Leaque of Plinnesota h1um cioalities Bylaws, and
the fourth is a discussion regarding Rice Creek Park Mayor Pdee called for any other
add�tions There were none
P90TION by Councilwoman Kukowski to adopt the aqenda with the additions outlined by the
P4ayor Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all votrnct aye, Playor Nee
declared the motion carried unanimously
f10TI0f! by Councilman Starwalt to waive the read�na and open the Publ�c Hearrna.
Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski Upon a voice vote, all votinn aye, P9ayor Pdee declared
the motion carried unanimously.
The Public Works Director stated this was a request to rezone Lot 17, Block 2, Central
View "lanor, to make the zoning consistent with ad�oinina property A recently rezoned
portion of Lot 18 was rezoned to allow a commerc�al sales oneration for antiqtae and
classic automobile parts. The rezoning request was explained in terms of the two lots
that were affected as well as in the context of the overall zonina classiftcation.
The pur�ose of the rezoninq was to prevent endinq up with a small, undevelopable lot The
Planning Commission on April 7th approved the rezontnq.
f"QTI0�1 by Councilman Starwalt to close the Public Hearinq Second by Councilwoman
Kukowski Upon a voice vote, all votina aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried
f10TI0N by Councilman Fitzpatrick to wa�ve the readinn and open the Public Hearino.
Seconded by Counc�lwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all votinn aye, �layor Pdee
declared the motion carried unanimously
The Public 4lorks Director stated the proposal is to plat eleven stnqle family residential
properties between Talmadge Way and 75th Way West of East River Road What is pronosed
is that a roadway be provided through the plat and to tie into the existinq Osborne
Road to provide the properties North and South of the intersection a means of makina use
of this �ntersection and the appropriate sianal�zation. The �lat has been rev�ewed with
the Anoka County Highway Deoartment to incorporate additional rinht-of-way to allow
rui°ther improvement of the intersection of East River Road and Osborne Road. The plat
shows 11 lots, eight of them South of Osborne Road, and three lots to the fdorth.
Cop�es of correspondence between Leiqh Investments and the St. Paul b�ater Department
indicate there is no problem with the potential property owners makinn use of the
property of the St. Paul Public Water Works, but there are certain continaencies such
as no permanent structures and it is to rema�n as a areen, onen space The problem
with the property is that without the use of the Water Department nroperty the three
lots North of Osborne Road do not meet the 9,OOD foot requirement Lot 1 is 7,70�,
Lots 2 and 3 are 8,000 feet With the �ncorporatton of the propert`�, the lots become
12,D00, 13,OD0, 12,000, and 9,000, and 9,000. We then come up with the requirement
It should be potnted out that the Water Department did indtcate they reserved the rinht
to remove their permission at any time, and in discuss n� this with their staff they
did not foresee any use of this other than for underqround pipina.
�The Public Works Dtrector then said �hat if we do proceed with final plat approval,
the approval of the plat should note the variances on three of the lots
If we get approval with the assumption that the properties can be so used, and then the
Water Department removes permission we then end up w�th sub-standard lots, and we would
recommend that this be taken into account The Plannin� Commission considered the �lat
at a public hearing and recommended approval.
Some further background is that in 1972 the same area was considered for a plat, and �t
ts basically the same plat and it was approved at that time, and for some unknown reason
it was not recorded. We tried to stay with that format in antic�pat�on of the use of
Osborne Road and the East River Road
There wtll be another stipulation -- sidewalks We would requ�re that they a�ve us
sidewalk easements for the bikeway and pathways.
Councilman Fitzpatrick inqutred if the St. Paul Water Works owned the land or simply
has an easement on it The Public Works said they had tried to make a determination
as to who had the prior rights there, and it ended up with the St Paul 4later Departmert;
but whether they have a deed �n hand for it, he didn't know
Counc�lman Fitzpatrick said the auestion here is what is the easement for7 In the future
they might see some other use for tt. The Public Works Director sa�d the nresent use
of the easement �s for the water pipes that form the main supply line from the river
to Ramsey County, and in talking with the staff they don't see any chanaes in that res�ect
�The C�ty Attorney said thts raises a good question As he understands the plat, that
property ts not within the plat. In his opin�on the question of who owns the fee t�tle
to that should be researched, and, in fact, how can you consider it a part of the lot7
Mr. Doyle said that what we have done is talk to the St Paul bJater Ulorks concernin�
the private use of the land behind or over the St Paul Water Works pro�erty, and they
have �ndicated to us they wtll grant full use of the property but theV will exclude such
things as buildings As far as green areas and garden space they will nrant full use
of the property on an individual basis They reserve in a st�pulation these thrnas
because it is quite obvious that if a homeowner should come alonn and decide to erect a
garage or begin storing used cars on the property, or someth�na of that nature, then they
would withdraw permission to use the property There are some other properties to the
East in another village, Spring Lake Park, which are actually usinq the St Paul 4later
Works property for front y a rd space now It is a situation where they have to run
driveways across the property. It would be strictly backyard usaqe
Councilman Fitzpatrick said that as far as
the 9,000 feet, that is commonly done all
property, but in this case he said he was
easement or somebody else's property
usinq easement areas as a part of fiaurinn
over Many people have easements on their
confused as to whether it is simply an
The Public Works Director said we would have to say �t is someone else's �roperty
There is another alternative, he sa�d, and that is to �ust divide th�s area �nto two
roperties and come up with two lots North of the Osborne Road, and then we wouldn't
ave any quest�on even without the permitted use of the biater �epartment property The
lots would be 9,000 square feet.
Councilman Fitzpatrick said he didn't mean to raise that quest�on because the owner has
certainly cooperated with the Osborne Road go�nq throu�h the plat, 6ut that he �ust
wanted to clear up the difference beto-�een propert�es that have an easement on them, and
that which is somebody else's property whtch �s not the same thinn
The Public Works D�rector agreed, and said that the top North l�ne of the proposed olat
is the South line of the St. Paul Water Works property
Councilman Starwalt asked that if �n effect we are saying if we adopt the plat, we
have got three sub-standard lots for which we should have to consider as separate action
sometime down the road? Mayor Nee said he dtdn't understand houa this fits into the
rest of the area, that the diagram is not the way the street runs.
ti ',
Discussion centered on the alignment of certain streets, the matter of access to some
other intersect�ons, and some street easements The Publtc Works Director said one
reason for the street alinnment was to improve the intersection aliqnment of existinq
Osborne Road and the Mayor asked if the County would aqree to that. The Publtc
Works Director satd yes, and there were letters that this was aareeable;and,there will
be certa�n improvements to this area between 1977 and 1979
Mayor Nee inquired if the intersection w�ll be chanqed whether or not this plat is
adopted, and the Pub7ic Works Dii°ector said yes They would like to net into the
left-turn lanes, medians for left-turns, etc
Councilman Starwalt asked as to what ts likely to happen to traffic on Talmadoe and
75th Way if the signal�zation is chanqed, and the Public Ulorks Director stated that
as of riqht now the people have no other alternative. They must come on East River
Road, but by planning for th�s roadway to real�nn Osborne and provide for siqnalization
the people w�ll have easier access to East River Road, and a safer access to East
River Road. The Public Works Director remarked further and illustrated traffic patterns
in the area and how both �ntersections could be protected.
The City f4anager stated this plan was considered anproved about four years aqo.
Mayor Nee asked whether we are �ncurrina a larqe public cost by virtue of the
convenience of the plat, or are we noing to do it anyway�
Councilman Fitzpatr�ck stated that the petit�oner came tn w�th a cul-de-sac plan, and,
that the or�ginal proposal was a cul-de-sac from the West.
The Public Works D�rector sta*ed the City would work with the �etitioner. He came
in with a cul-de-sac, and did not qet �nto the over-all street planninq.
The Mayor sa�d that the minutes stated "., if it didn't come in thts way., " and
Councilman I=itzpatrick said he didn't understand that point etther.
The Public Works Director replied there were several alternatives of try�nq to save
a house and a qarage, and there was a shift �n the alinnment of five to ten feet in
the area, but now, the alignment fits into the scheme
Mayor Nee sa�d that what occurs to him is that if we are havina a hiqh public cost
to realign the intersection of Osborne to save lots 3 and 4, he would rather qive
the variance to lots 3 and 4, if you are qo�nq to realian Osborne anyway.
The Public Works Director said that wrth this alignment there is no difference �n
any public cost associated with the imarovement, and there will be an upqradinq
from East River Road to U m versity, particularly at the �ntersections a�here there
are turn lanes and other tmprovements such as siqnals. The plan is to try to
utilize the controlled intersections from these lots
P�ayor Nee inqu�red as to what the impact would be on the f�ortheast quadrant, and the
Public Works D�rector r�plied that �t would be the taking of a trianqle, aporoximately
40 feet of which now is ,7ust open s�ace The existing structure is further to the
East and still would be 25 to 30 fe�.t away.
Councilman Hamernik said the alignment of Osborne would be five feet to the South
It is in additicn to what is recommended here
The Publ�c Works Director said that when the plan was first drafted there was a
shift of dimensions, and what the Planninq Commiss�on had was not the alinnment
that had been proposed in either one of them It r�as a matter of nettina the
dimensions properly set
Mayor Nee asked if that is reflected on the plat now, and the Public Works Director
said that this one is the correct one
Councilman Hamerm k asked about the antictpated time schedule, and the Public Works
D�rector replied that it has been programmed for 1978 and 1979. Playor PJee asked if
there were any further comments by any one, and there was no response.
MOTIOPd 6y Councilman Fitzpatrick that the public hear�nn be closed. Seconded by
Councilman Hamerm k Upon a vo�ce vote, all voting aye, P1ayor Nee declared the
motion carried unanimously
MOTIOP! by Councilman Starwalt to open the public hearing and to waive the readinq
of the notice Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye,
Mayor Nee declared the mot�on carried unanimously.
The Publtc Works �irector stated this was a request to vacate a portion of Johnson
Street North of 53rd Avenue Northeast and basically abuttinq 1391 53rd Avenue
Northeast. The request was made to allow the construction of an attached qaraqe
from approximately two to three feet off from the existin4 East property line of
1391 53rd Avenue There was etther the need to go through a variance or request
the additional property which all would be attached to 1391 53rd Avenue Northeast.
Several years ago the Northerly half of Johnson Street was vacated, and at that time
the petitioner was asked to aaree with the vacation request and declined at that time,
but now they want to proceed with it, and this was heard before the Planninn
Commission at their April 21 meetrng The Planninq Commission recommended approval of
the vacatton with the sttpulation that the City retain a drainaqe and uttlrty
easements on the Easterly 20 feet of the proposed vacation
The Public Works �irector said hlrs Prestemon was present.
Councilman Starwalt asked as to what ts the nature of this riqht-of-way East of the
property, and the Public Works Director replied that at the present time there are
telephone facilittes and a water main.
Mrs Prestemon stated that a Standard Oil Pipe line qoes throunh the front of the
property, East and West, going riqht down, following 53rd. Councilman Starwalt asked
tf this would create a problem with drainage gettinq into qaraqes, and �f there was
a ltmit to which they could not go below. The Public Works Director said th�s was
the reason they wanted the easement. The drainage would depend on how it was
graded, and at this potnt it is only for the extension of the attached naraqe in
having it closer to the East line.
The City Attorney said he didn't know whether it is torrenced property or abstract
property, but that the petitioner should see an attorney about the matter after the
Mr. Tom A16ertson said he originally requested the vacation that is now part of his
property, 6ack about four years ago on Skywood Lane.
Councilman Fitzpatrick asked if he was on Lot One P1r Albertson said that was
correct. He received the original vacation of Johnson about four years ago Qas�cally,
the only stipulations known to him at that ttme was that 20 feet was for the ut�lities
and easements and he could not build any type of perinanent structure or it If he
dtd so, and something went wrong, he would take all loss
As far as drainage and everything, it is a natural drainage to the Western boundary
of Innsbruck. So far there hasn't been any problem of drainage So far as enou�h
footage to do addittonal construction, that 20 feet is immaterial It would be
very senseless to build any permanent structure. So, P1r. Albertson had no nroblem at that � mE
of securing hts property at all, and for Mrs Prestemon's sake he hones we will sa,y
yes; give Mrs. Prestemon the okay so th,ey can qo through and fim sh buildinq on the
Councilman Starwalt said he had indicated to one of the parties that as a peneral
rule we never act on a request such as this on the evening of the hearin4 except in
rare cases and then with reasonable Justification
P1ayor Nee asked if there was a pro6lem, and Mr. Tom Albertson said they would l�ke
�to get started as soon as they could. The Public Works Director said that normally
it would be 6rought on next week, and that if it would not 6e out of order there
would be no problem of approving it at the first readina Councilman Hamernik asked
the Public Works Director if he was satisfied there were no drainage problems in the
area, and the reply was that there were no dra�nage problems; that with the easements
they could handle any problem.
MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to close the public heartnq Seconded by Councilwoman
Kukowski Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried
MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to suspend the rules and cons�der this the first
readtng of the Ordinance for the vacation of the untmproved Johnson Street as contained
in the agenda. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye,
Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously
PA�E 5
The Public Works D�rector stated there was goinq to be a representative of the
Highway Department who would respond to the consideration of this resolution. This
was in regard to the public hearing that we had the other night on the addendum to
the noise barrier that was to be constructed, and at that time there was some concern
expressed over the approval of final plans. The Highway Department did contact
those people, and he was to be here tonight Perhaps we could go on to the next item
and then come back to th�s when the gentleman from the Minnesota Highway Department
Jam ce Seeger asked the Council if they would like to have her qive the minority
report, and she also distributed a report to the Council members.
MOTIDN by Councilman Starwalt that the excerpt of the minutes of the Park and
Recreation Commission meeting of May 3, 1976, and the minority report be received
Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Nee
declared the motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Nee stated that the minutes should show the Council had one meetinq on the
Comprehensive Plan, an informal meeting.
Mr. Moen, Chairman of the Springbrook Park Foundation, said that he proposes the plan
as subm�tted and referred to in his letter of April lst 6e considered for approval.
Mayor Nee asked if this was an amendment to it, and Mr Moen said the amendment was
covered by his letter of Apr�l 30th and it referred to paragraph 3 on page 13; that
it removed the phrase ". . and without reimbursement.. " and substttuted "..with
reimbursement that shall be agreed upon between the parties concerned "
Counc�lman Starwalt tnen addressed Jam ce Seeger and said that tn the special meetinq
of the Parks and Recreat�on Commission the minutes show that some things were not
approved, and that he noted there apparently was quite a lenqthy faceted discussion,
which ultimately arrived at four stipulations which passed by a three-to-one vote,
and that you were the only dissenting vote, Mr Moen was not present. My questton is:
lJhat parttcularly, of those four dtsturbed you Or did all of them.
�an�ce Seeger said that all of them did.
Discussion centered on the contingency budqet of ten per cent, and the maintenance
costs as to where the funds would be forthcom�ng from and in what proportion
�anice Seeger stated the discussions at the meeting were lengthy and fruitless and
confusing. Councilman Starwalt said he dtdn't understand some of it either. P1ention
was made of escrow funds, of performance 6onds The lack of performance would be
a basis for vacating the lease, and it was not passed, said Councilman Starwalt. He
further said that we had strong promises that if the City would sign the lease the
Foundatton would do all sorts of things, that on the basts of the aqreement with the
City the foundation sa�d they would have a very, very successful fund raistng activity
and they would be able to accomplish the things they are so hiqhly in favor of, but
those things had not come to pass, and it sounded like two or three members of the
Park Board were not conv�nced, and that he was not c�nvinced that the funding was
as successful as what he had been told it would be.
Jam ce Seeger said that a great deal of funding is await�nq the Council's decision
tonight. Councilman Starwalt asked for some fiqures as to the amount. Mr. Moen
said it is pretty hardlfor him to tell you what amounts in dollars we are going to
get from the different groups that they are approaching. We are doing this without
something in hand and something that has been accepted by the Council, and it is
impossible to go ahead You have it in the planning of the goals and the amounts
of money. If we exceed the goals we will be able to do more than we had in the plan
Councilman Starwalt inquired �f Phase One of the plan were approved would it requ�re
a commitment of �27,000 in time and effort7 He asked whether the money was funded
or was it a voluntary effort? Mr. Moen replied that they had $27,000 �n real money,
and the matching donations or funds would 6e in labor, donations, and so forth
Councilman Sta�°walt pointed out that the $27,000 ts a federal fundinq subject to matchinq
funds, and with that in mind, how much of the matchinq $27,D00 is assured at thts iime.
Mr Moen said he couldn't show any of this at the present time, and that they can't
g�ve you anythtng unless we have a chance to seek for it. Mr Moen said they had
definite plans and defim te sources of funding, and that there will be a finance
committee working on it. Counctlman Starwalt said this is the same story he has heard
over the last year-and-a half; that if we would sign the five year lease then they
can go out and make contacts and the money will roll in
Mr. Moen said that $27,000 is in, and Councilman Starwalt said no; the $27,000 came
from federal sources, and that he was talking a6out money from private funds, private
individuals, these sources. He was not talking about tax money, federal monies
Mr. Moen said that was correct, and at thts t�me they are at a stalemate and would
like to go ahead He said they have two years to match the $27,000 and that they will
be able to do it by that ttme
Mayor Nee commented that there is no real hazard to the treasury. Councilman Starwalt
replied that he hoped that was right; that inrtially the City was asked to provide a
fourth of the $52,OOD, and the City su6stantially declined on that Councilman
Starwalt also said that you have asked us once and you have asked us again, and are
you telling me that if this plan is approved you won't ask us for another nickel?
Mr Moen replted they were going to do the very best they could to get the paper work
going, and with your help I think we can, and he believed that he speaks for the rest
of the Committee.
Item Four of the report was discussed generally Mayor Nee stated he felt the plan
was a good one.
Councilman Hamer m k said he would have to agree with Item Three in the statement
and that according to the plan this would be completed at the end of the five year
period. There is no indication as to whether or not there would be cont�nuous
fundtng if the plan ts successful as stated, and that the City could plan on an
obligation of $66,000 a year, and he thought this was s�qm ficant in that if the plan
is accepted as stated the City would have to anticipate assuming those obliqations
Further, that if we are not going to do it then maybe we should not have the citizens
spendtng their efforts on planning tt. If we accept the plan as stated, we are giving
a preliminary acceptance of it.
Councilman Fitzpatrick said that if what Cowncilman Hamer m k said is true of adopt�n�
the plan, then it is already true in that we have given the Springbrook Foundation
the five years' time to plan a program, that he agrees w�th the Playor that we have
options at other times, but he didn't think that in adopting this plan we are
committing ourselves to a continual program and that the contract wrth the Sprinqbrook
Foundation -- the plan -- is inconsistent with the Springbrook Foundation.
Councilman Hamernik said that he looked at Item Three as addressing itself to that
potnt, and these are the concerns and considerations we have to make He also said
that if the plan is accepted he would have to exclude Phase 2, and upon Counc�lwoman
Kukowski asking why, Councilman Hamernik said that he is not ready to accept or say
the C�ty ts willinq to underwrite the obligations Counc�lwoman Kukowski remarked that
we are not saying that
�iscussion ensued among the Council members, and Councilman Starwalt sa�d he would
have to agree with Councilman Fitzpatrick, and that at a conference meeting he said
the same thing. We approved the concept of Phase One sometime 6ack; that Phase Two
ts actually a very, hazy, tremendously fine dream, but the accomplishments and the
capabilittes of that are not outlined, and that he indtcated he would not be willtng
to vote for Phase Two in the document.
Discussion ensued on the matter again, and Councilman F�tzpatrick said that Councilman
�Starwalt was being consistent in that Councilman Starwalt didn't voie for the
Springbrook contract to begin with Councilman Fitzpatr�ck said that he did not
feel that in voting to approve the plan he is committing h�mself to any more than
he committed h�mself at the time of the forming of the foundation; that it is not
inconsistent wtth our original plan, whatever that was, and that he anreed with
Mayor Nee that it was not a commitment to operate a continu�ng nature center.
Mayor Nee said it seems to him that we have approved in principle the layout and
the development concept, unless there are some changes, and that he thought it was
well done
Counctlman Hamer m k asked if we approve Phase One, and everything qoes smoothly and
Phase Two comes along and is approved, and then according to the plan we may have a
$200,D00 building among other things, and the five year lease ts terminated and
they do not desire to continue, then where do we go from there
Councilman Fitzpatrick sa�d that if the plan is so successful that tt is able to carry
out the program of achieving the lst phase, then it is unlikely that they would
discontinue their efforts if they have done that well in that ttme; but even �f they
did, he would agree with the Mayor that that doesn't mean we have a prior commitment
to assume the program
Mayor Nee stated that the plan should not 6e pre,7udged because there is some doubts
about their ability to do it
MOTION by Councilwoman Kukowsk� to accept the comprehensive plan for Springbrook
Nature Center as amended by letter from Mr Moen dated April 3,(;, 1976. Seconded by
Councilman Fitzpatr�ck
Councilman Hamernik said that after reading the plan and readtnq the agreement he was
of the opinion there was some doubt on the part of the Foundation as to their success
The terms in the agreement are fairly well set out, but yet there is a paragraph
in the plan where they wanted the City to assume a part of the obliqations, and this,
he said, ts what put some doubt in his mind as to their success or antic�pated success;
and if there was any doubt that this is where it came from that probably it is ,7ust
the way the report came across and tmhat the foundation was attemptinq to do was what
instilled doubt tn his mind.
A roll call vote was taken on the motion. Councilman Fitzpatrick voted aye; Mayor
fJee voted aye; Counc�lwoman Kukowsk� voted aye; Councilman Starwalt voted nay, and
Councilman Hamernik voted nay Playor Nee stated that the roll call vote showed a
three-to-two vote in favor of the plan ., and the motion carried.
The Highway Department Representative said he was not ask�ng any questions, but there
were some concerns expressed and he would explain them. He said they had sent out
a questionnaire to the first, second, and the third row of homes askinn if there had
been enough information given for them to make up their minds concerm nq the matter
From the whole of Cheri Lane they got 6ack only one neqative response, and the Highway
representative said that he talked to him and obtained the reasons for not wanting
the barrier, and there were two of them. The man, Mr. A6rams was a truck driver and
when the big rigs pass his place they blow their horns and he wanted to be able to
wave to his buddies. The other reason was that when he went campinq out in the
country, it took him a couple of nights to get used to the quiet before he could
get some sleep The Highway Department representative said that he suqqested to
Mr. Abrams that the noise abatement barrier would so reduce the noise that Mr A6rams
would be able to fall asleep sooner on his camping trips, but Mr. Abrams dtdn't
agree with that.
The Highway representative showed a plan of the area and the results of the question-
naire were indicated on it He explained how the survey was conducted and gave
statistical results of it.
He said this is the final plan, and once it is approved it is qoing out for bids,
about two weeks' time, and the construction is ready to start in late �une or �uly.
He satd that when they qet the questionnaire done they want the City Council and a
year after the barrter is built another questionnaire will be sent out on it in order
to measure the benefit Mayor Nee said that the Council would appreciate that and the
Council appreciates the work already done
MDTION 6y Councilman Starwalt to adopt Resolution No. 42-1976. Seconded by
Councilwoman Kukowski Upon a roll call vote, Councilwoman Kukowski voted aye;
Councilman Starwalt voted aye, Mayor Nee voted aye, Counctlman Hamerm k voted aye;
and Councilman Fitzpatrick voted aye. Mayor Nee declared the roll call vote was
unanimously in favor of the resolution and the motion carried.
The City Council then took up the matters that were added to the agenda.
Mr. Wilmes sa�d that last week he had come before the Council and made a presentation
of the proposed tree planting pro�ect at the Islands of Peace. Today we have had a
meeting with the Naturalist, the Pu61ic Works Director, Park Foreman, and the Planner
There are some details that we can work out to give you a more detailed planning of this.
The architect was contacted at the meetinq today, and tomorrow morninq we will have
the deta�ls to present to the people involved
Last week the City Manager asked the question, "Is the City go�nq to be btlled for
any part of this pro�ect7" My answer was a very firm "No", and �t has not chanaed
since. It was never the intent to infringe on the taxpayers
Mr. �lilmes recited the history of the tree plantinq oro�ram and the aqencies that
worked wtth the program to make it a success. Mr. Wilmes concluded his remarks b�i
inviting the Council members to attend the pro�ram. �
Counctlman Starwalt said that when Mr Scott nresented this at the preliminary meetinn,
he asked him whether they were considerin� a milea�e charne on the tr�ps; and the
answer was no. They had other plans. Councilman Starwalt said he was not opposina
the plan.
MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to adopt the Resolut�on PIo. �3-'976 Seconded
by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all votina ave, �layor Nee decleared
the motion carried unanimously.
�1uch discussion ensued over the matter of representat�on by the larner cities versus
the smaller ones, and the other benefits that do accrue from the oraanization
Mayor Nee said that the Cit+i P1ananer had raised the auestion of the transfer of the
lands to the County. The County received some bondinn authority to acquire proner±y
on Rice Creek and they have been expectrna us to turri control of the oronertv that
is East of Central alona Rice Creek over to them, and we have been resistrno it
and saytng there has been a certain amount of public investment �y the c�tizens of
Fridley; and if it is �oinq to be used and named as a CountV n�ece of oronerty then,
we should get the tnvestment back the City has made, which is about $9,Q00 �n the
There are a couple of additional lots which are tax-forfeit, and we would renuest
that if they take the property over, they pay us at least the money that would reimburse
us for the spectal assessments aaainst the property
Mayor Nee stated that he has been workina with the Coun±v Commiss�oners, and viith
Mr. 0'Bannon, and he indicated that he has been pushinn for this, and it there is
some kind of consenses on the Council's part, that we should be pursuinn this, ther
we can go ahead and work out some kind of an aareement with the County. The use of
the area would be available ta the public. The Playor stated that he hoped the Cit��
could get some money with which the C;ty could acquire other nark fac�lities. All
that we are lookina for now is a consensus from the Council
P90TIOfJ by Councilwoman Kukowski to direct the admi m sCration to discuss the land
situation with the appropriate parties. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt Upon
a votce vote, all voiing aye, Mayor PJee declared the motion carricd unanimously
MOTIOP! by Councilwoman Kukowski tc�
Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, all
the Fridley City Council of f�ay 10,
� Respectfully submitted
John Chegwyn
Cou�cil S Gretary
—i'��(/l. `_1�;CL`�/?
Approved June 7, 1976
ad,7ourn the meetina Seconded bV Councilman
voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the meetinn of
1976 ad,7ourned at 10 D5 P"1
�,�,�����- ����
William J fJee