11/15/1976 - 000146611i.y1
The Reoular P1eetinn of the fridley Citv Council of !lovember 15, 1976 was called to
order at 7 35 p m b�a P1ayor �Jee.
P1a;�or flee led the Council and t!�e audience in sayinn the P]edne of Alleniance to
the Flaq
f1E"16ERS PRESEPJT Mayor Plee, Councilman Hamermk, CouncilNfor�an Kukows�i,
Councilman S*�.arwalt ai�d Counc�lman FitzRatrick
°Uf3LIC �4Ei`,'IflG f1EETIPJf, QF OCIO�FP lb, 197G•
^10TIOfJ b�i Counci lr�an Namerni I: to annrove the mt nutes of the Publ i c Hearrnct Pleetina
of the Fridlev Citv Council of Qctaber 13, 1�76, as submitted. Seconded b�/ Council-
woman Ku!:owski U�on a voice voie, all votinn a+ie, "1a�ior P!ee declared the motion
carr�?d unanimouslv.
"10TI�JfJ bv Councilman Starv:alt za an�rove the ninutes of the Re�ular f1eetinq of the �
Fridlp�� C�t�� Councii of October ��, 197�, as su6mitted. Seconded bv Councilman
Flamernil<. �non a voice vote, all votin� ave, Playor flee dec]ared the motion carried
RE�UL/lF �1EETIfJG DF f10VE�1BER 1, 1976 •
f10TI0"J b�r Council�r�or�an Kuko���ski to aporove the minutes of the Re�ular "1eetin� of the
Fridlev Cit�� Council of flovember l, 1976, as suhrn tted. Seconded by Councilman Hamerm k.
Unen a vn�c� vo�e, all v^tinn �y�, r1a�ror Plee declared the r�otion carried unanimously
P1a�,ror fdee advised that there uaould be an item adcled to �h� anenda {ollot�rtn� Item YS
This will be "Consideration of a Resolution Authori�inn Execution of Anreement �Jo. 58�15
�vhic�i prov�des for the Installa�_ton of Railroa�i (;rade Crossrn� Sinnals at 77th Ulay ^1 E."
f10TI0f! by CouncilU�oman I:ul;ov�s!.i t� adont the anenda as ar�ended. Seconded by Councilman
Star���alt Upon a vo�ce vote, all votrno ave, �1avor P!ee declared the motion carried
Councilr�an F�tznatrick cor�mente�+ briefl�� �hat there Uias a matter for discusston re�ardina
fenc�na between Altura Park and "1r Robert Bishoo's hronert�� at 5�17 Altura Road
f�e said that th�re has been r�aterial �i°evtouslv tn the anenda re�ardinq thts tonic. �
f1r. Go� Qishoo t•tas present to staLe {�is case and answer anv nuestions. Councilmar
Fitznatric{: also sLated that ?here is a ietter sinned bv the forr�er Oirector of °arls
vfhereby he aave f1r Gishop an oncion on the tyne of {encinn thai i��cluded a re�iwood
fence, and f1r Bishon would lil:e to have ',he fenr_2 out in.
P1r. Bob Qishop, 5�17 Altura °oad, stated that 17e has a nroblem �aith the nicket fence
that is un at the nresent i,ir�e in that the sno4� in t!,e t�intertine nresents a oroulem
because there �s no border and the 3' to �' of snoNJ �oes into the drivevtav. Aiso, thz
accumulat�on of narbane that blo��s throunh t�a� rark, �rom the kids �la�nnn there,
and the unnecessary v�eeds �s a �robler�. F!n futher mentioned th�t he had spoken to
Mr. Paul Brown on several occasions reqarding a fence beinn put �n and a lot of promises
were made, but no fence. P1r. Bishop stated that he vras vnll m� to split half the cost
with the Ctty and would ltke to have a fence put uo from the fence that he has in the
backyard towards the street, and he was hopinq the City Council would approve such a
fence in order to preserve the beauty of the park
Counctlman Fitzpatrick stated that he would be in favor of erectina a fence and nav
�half the cost and as far as maintenance aoes, P1r. 6tshon has a❑reed to assume the
maintenance. He further pointed out that the only ob,7ection of the Park Denartment unth
this request is that they do not want to mainta�n a redvaood fence Councilman
Fitzpatrick also stated that one of his chief reasons for sunoortinn the reauest was
that Mr Bishop has been in nossession of a letter for ouite some time believin� that he
has had the option for the past two or three years Councilman Fitzpatrick, therefore,
believed the Counc�l would be ,7ustified tn qranttnn the request for the aforementioned
Councilman Starwalt stated that although he realtzes this is a problem, it is a matter
of goinq beyond what the City has done for different homeovmers under sim�lar c�rcumszances
and the City's policy has been to st�ck with the chain link fence The cha�n link fence
being more durable and earier to mainta�n, he believed this to be a pretty good compromise
Councilman Fitzpatrick's recollection was that bids were tal:en on three optional fences
so there certainly was someth�nn in the works, however he was not sure why it H�as held
up for so long.
Mayor Nee asked if there would be a problem with the fence betng bu�lt on P1r 6ishop's
property and Mr Uirg�l Herrick, Ctty Attorney, responded that he d�d not th�nk so
as long as the Council makes a finding that the fence is being built for the benefit
of the Park
Counctlman Hamerm k asked P1r Bishop to clarify what he meant by maintaining the fence
Mr. Bishop responded that if a wood slat came out, there Niould be no problem in putting
� another slat in.
Counc�lman Starwalt questioned the action(s), if any, by the Pai°I: Goard regarding the
matter and Mr. Nasim Qureshi, City Planager, stated that the Parl: Doard was aqa�nst �t
Councilman Starwalt then stated that they apparently never reacted to the letter nor
the securing of bids.
Councilman Fitzpatrick stated that it was his impress on that they forwarded it to the
Council for some action
Councilman Hamernik raised the question of should f1r 6ishop sell his home, what nos�tion
does that 1eave the City in. P1r. Bishop responded that he suspects his home �s worth
anywhere from $n5,000 to $53,00, and one would assume that anyone who could quaiify for
a loan to buy his home would have some pride in mainta�nrna such a home
Mr. Nerrick stated that he believed it would be looked at as 7ust another private
appurtenance with a new home. However, you would have to rely on the new owners to
maintain it within a reasonable fashion.
610TION by Counc�lman Fitzpatric;< to annrove the request and erect the fence and the City
pay half the cost for such fence Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a roll call
vote, Mayor Nee voting aye, Councilwoman Kukowskt voting aye, Councilman Fitzpatrick
vottng aye, Councilman Hamernil< voting aye and Counc�lman Starwalt votinq nay, P1ayor
Nee declared the motion carried four ayes and one nay
�P1r Qureshi stated that some kind of document would be drawn up and siqned with Mr. Bishop
regarding this.
MOTION by Councilman Hamerm k to waive the reading and adont the ordinance on the first
reading. Seconded by Councilt�roman l:uko�r�sl:i. Upon a voice vote, all votin� aye, f1ayor
Nee declared the motion carried unaniinously.
_ , �
_L v J
P1r. Virgil Herrick stated that at the last meetina he indicated that he would have a
proposed agreement that would limit the use of the property. A draft has been
prepared, however, he has not had an opportunity to discuss this with the appl�cant.
Mr. Herrick suggested to the C�ty Council that they may pass it on the first reading �
and hold the second read�ng unt�l an agreement has been reached and signed by the
Playor Plee, for the benefit of the audience, explained that there is a side agreement
that could be enacted as a condit�on of the rezoning that spells out the many concerns
of the people in the neighborhood with reqard to such thtnns as the fenc m� going in
first, that it be oumer occupied with no rentals, and it really addresses a number
of the quest�ons that the people have Playor PJee asked if there was anyone in the
audience other than the petitioner who was concerned and there was no response.
Councilman Starwalt stated that he believed there were going to be people present on
the sub,7ect Playor Nee proceeded to give the petitioner a cooy of the proposed agreement
P10TION by Councilman Starwalt to Ufaive the reading and adopt the ordinance on the first
reading. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowskt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor
Plee declared the motion carried unanimously.
MOTZON by Councilwoman Kukowski to set a public hearing for December 13, 1976.
Seconded by Counctlman Fitznatr�ck. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee
declared the motion carried unan�mously
T. SKIBA, L S. ;?76-10: �
Mr Dick Sobtech, Public Works Director, stated that thts is a request by petitioner
for a lot spl�t in the general vicinrty of Bacon and Onondaga Streets. The Planning
Comm�ssion did have a heartng on Piovember 3, 1976 and d�d recommend aporoval of the
lot split He pointed out that there was some concern renarding a parcel of property
that appeared not to be included in Lot 11, but after checking with Anoka County, that
parcel is included in Lot 11, and the description as it reads in the Planning
Commission minutes is correct.
f1r Oureshi questioned whether there vtere any additional Utater and sewer assessments
and-f9r. Sobtech responded that they vaere in and assumes the�r hav�4 been assessed
Flowever, the netitioner would assume any of the assessments for i;he develonment of
the property.
f1r Tom Skiba, n010 Bunker Lake Road, was in attendance and stated that he was the
individual reouesting the lot split and he was aware of the assessments and had no
questions at the present ttme.
P10TIOP� by Councilman Starwalt to approve the lot split on the recommendation of the
Planning Commiss�on. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik Upon a voice vote, all votin�
aye, P1ayor Plee declared the motion carried unammousl_y.
Mr Sobiech stated that this is a request by the nronerty owner in an industrially
zoned property at the corner of 4"�rd and P1ain for a variance on the lot coveraae
as it presently ex�sts. He further oointed out that the owner proposes to make
an additiun to their oresent facility which would be nenerally to the west of the
butldina and the rear of the buildinq. The pronosed addi*ion would be constructed
on an existrna retaininn wall Previously, there was a sloned portion of landsca�inq
and basically this was to ensure that the foundation in this oart of the 6uildina
, ,,
would not freeze. P1r_ Sobtech also noted that the basic 6uildinn covers anproximately
50 - 51 % and with the additional proposal, they would be in the neiqhborhood of
about 55 - 56% lot coveraqe. The Appeals Commission did, however, recommend
approval. He also pointed out that the construction of the initial structure was
tn the early fifties prior to the requirements that presentlV exist and he thought
perhaps some additional stipulations with the 6uildinn permit could be made in that
they would work with the Staff to acquire a,7oint parkina aoreement wrth Burlington
, Narthern There is a concentrated narkinq problem �n the area; however, to the
south there is a lot that �s hasically empty all of the time
Counctlman Fitzpatrick questioned the reasons for the nreativ increased on-street
parkina and Mr. Arvid R. Hansen, n30D P1ain Street N E., resnonded it was due to the
fact that there are all kinds of salesmen cominn and aoinn to Burlinnton Northern
Mr. Hansen proceeded to mention that the averaae call of a salesman is 15 minutes
and Burlrngton Northern probably aet 100 salesmen, and they �et approximately
1-0 a day.
Mr. Qureshi stated that a stipulation could be made ��rherein author�zatton be �iven
the administration to work with the property owners to study a plan that would be an
appropriate arrannement on the parktnn oroblem
P�OTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to approve the recommendation of the Appeals
Commission for a variance to increase the lot coveracte, and that the pet�tioner
work with the City Administration to try to alleviate part of the parkinn problem
that exists both along on-street parkina and on property Seconded by Council-
woman Kukowski. Upon a vo�ce vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion
carried unantmously
MOTION by Counctlwoman Kukowsl:i to recetve the minutes of the Plannin9 Commission
Seconded by Councilman Starwalt Uhon a vo�ce vote, all votinn aye, Mayor Nee
declared the motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Nee stated that it would be in order to amend the resolut�on with reference to
1977-d�: Mayor fJee stated that after the plans and specifications and cost est�mates
have been prepared, the item will come back once more for action 6y the C�ty Counc�l at
which ttme a deletion could be made if in the ,7udament of the Council, such a deletion
should be made
Regardinp Channel Road, Mayor Nee stated that the resolution deletes that nart of Channel
Road north of 68th Avenue He then asked �f there ti�as a motion to modify the Channel
Road proposal. Councilman Starwalt stated that he had a pronosal for modification and
it takes into consideration v�ewpoints of some of the people reqarding the sam tar��
sewer He further stated that he would ltke to include the enaineerina all the way to
the end, including the possibility of a cul-de-sac.
Mr Sobiech stated that -if ddring the Counctl's travels throu�h the neiqhborhood, there
are any changes, they cai� add them back in. However, the resolution would order the
final plans and specificattons for this They can be nrepared and they can be deleted
at a later time. They could work with the ad�acent property owners on the sanitary
sewer problem. As it now exists, however, it ts qoinn to be very expenstve Mr Sobiech
stated that he believed it would 6e okay at this ttme to order the imorovement and
nothing would be lost if it was deleted at the next resolution
�Counctlman Starwalt stated that although he realized the next hearinn would not be a
public hearing, he questioned whether there could be a letter notification from the C�ty
to the affected property owners so that they are made aware of the meetinq
Mr. Qureshi stated that it may be more appropriate if the Administration contact these
people personally and give them all of the 6ackqround rnformat�on If they have a
change, they can contact one of the counctlmembers
MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to add north on 68th to Channel Road through the cul-de-sac
Councilwoman Kukowski stated that she vras goinn to second it �ust so they can have the
plans drawn up, rev�ew them, and be in contact with those concerned before a final move
is made on the matter She later u�ithdrew her second and Mayor Nee stated that the
motion failed for lack of a second.
C�' .
P�ayor Nee asked about the sewer problem Mr Sobiech stated that the problem, if it is
a problem, is that the elevation of the lateral in the street is above two to three
homes The people who have the sevaer comina in the mtddle wall of the basement
obv�ously feel it is a problem, however, when it was initially desinned and constructed,
a san�tary sewer pro�ect must take into account the economics tnvolved. If the santtary
sewer is lowered another n or 5' from the very top of the pro�ect, the entire lateral
system would have to be lowered which can amount to hundreds of thousands of dollars.
In summary, P9r Sobiech stated what could be done there would be a lift station con-
structed by the City with the force main out to the lateral in the street from the lift
station,�and the new sa m tary services would be run back to serve the nearest oroperties.
He further stated that when the City qets involved with an improvement of this nature,
it is assessed against the properties and all they ufould be involved in from the City's
standpoint is the construction of the lift stat�on, the force main from the lift
station to the lateral and perhaps the stubs for the services out of the lift station.
Therefore, what has to be determined is whether or not the property owners want to get
involved in the kind of er.pense of a lift station. The Ctty would maintain the ltft
station and the force main The other alternative would be e�ector pumps which are
considerably cheaper and more or less have the same affect. There are several throughout
the C�ty that work very well. He further pointed out that they would have to ao into
the tndividual homes and see exactly what �s not 6erng used
Mayor Nee then asked Mr. Sobiech about Channel Road, the part that �oes east and west,
whether or not there �s a problem with the sewer and can it be fixed. P�r. So6iech
responded that the problem is roots and several pieces of piae which have settled.
They would have to go down and relay those pieces of pipe However, the sewer is
rather, deep there and in order to �aintain that section, they would remove the
anpro�riate sections to make the repair. He further stated that what they plan to do
is to restore the area after the relayinn of the sanitar�r sewer lateral to the improved
section There has been some work done on that sewer line and what has been done is of
a temporary nature.
Councilman Hamernik stated that that would be an im�rov�ment from 68th Avenue to �
P1ississippi Street on Channel Road P1a�or Pdee stated that was correct.
Mayor Nee then proceeded to �o on to Lucia Lane
Councilman Starwalt stated that he had no amendments with reqard to Lucia Lane.
Mr Dennis Schneider stated that he had a question on Luc�a Lane. He commented that
the im�rovement stops �ust in front of the a�artments and after talkina to P1r Sobiech
this date, the concrete curbinn is not in by the apartments, and anparently thts was
because of the problems of the drainane �roblem which have to be resolved once the
area is developed ,7ust to the east f�r. Schneider believed that there is a potential
for sewer assessment norna bacl; down Lucia Lane if the tmprovement comes in. Additionally,
there is a concern from so�e of the residents he sooke with reaardrnq the traffic floaa.
h1r. Schneider's suqnest�on was that when this comes back to the City Council for final
a�proval, hooefully the traffic flow study will be done by then and �f there are
modif�cations at that time, that they be improved or worl<ed on so that the drainaqe
problems can be answered at that ooint tn time and the traffic problems addressed
Mayour Nee thanked P�r Schneider and then proceeded to ao on to 66th Avenue--Central
Avenue to Rice Creek Elementary School He further added that 'rhe City Council had
received a petition on this
P1r L David h�ech, 1315 66th Avenue N.E stated that a noll has been taken since the
last meeting of the residents of the block to see how mam/ Urere in favor and how many
were o�posed (which petition he acknomrledaed vaas before the Counctl tom aht). He �
further stated that from the netttion, it showed about a five to one ratio of those
opposed to those in favor The last three s�nnatures are from the �eople who res�de
near the corner on 66th and Central and althouah he did not know if they should be
included in the poll or not, they wanted to siqn the petition aaainst the pro,7ect.
However, there are twelve sinnatures from the 1300 blocl: on 66th tnat are opposed and
three in favor The twelve sinnatures anainst include two si�n�tures that are the
same but people who own two different houses on the block �1r. flech further stated
that he and members of the blocl< do not consider their street substandard and they do
not want the �mprovements. Also, the nerson who lives on ihe south corner of 66th Avenue
is aninst the improvement; however, he d�ri not si�n the poll
r . '�_
Councilman Hamer m k stated that he ,7ust wanted to pornt out that althounh he �s tn
favor of deletinq 66th Avenue, the petitioners should understand that this will be
cominq up aqain next year and the information as far as ma�ntenance assessments, will
also be availa6le and they will have to consider this anain in the street improvement
Councilman Starwalt stated that it was his renret that most of the people on the list
�did not come to the hearing They did not have a chance to hear the lon� ran�ae pro6lems
and the possible solutions at this point 'iundreds of peo�le over the vears have
en,7oyed the street imorovements oro�rams that have made the City of Fridley an overall
better place to live
Councilman Starwalt asked Mlr. Charles E Carlson, 1399 66th Avenue N E, who is in
favor of the improvement, if he cared to speak on the sub,7ect. Mr Carlson stated
that he and his neighbor across the street have been in favor of a new street with
curbs and gutters from the very beqinninq. P1r Carlson fur+her stated that re�ardina
the cul-de-sac, he believed tt should be put on the school property. He stated that
when he bought the property, there was an easement in the L�eed that said there was
the riqht to put the street to the west stde of the yard which affected h�s lot He
had his attorney at the time look into this and he contact Gertrude Skinner with the
Anoka County Regtster of Deeds and this was cleared up The easement was not on his
property but he assumed that it was probably to the east of htm which would put it on
the school property This, in essence, is where the street would no i` it would run
north and south �f there was a street that ran north and south He further nointed
out that with this easement of 50', the cul-de-sac could 6e nut on that 50' because
the easement is there and in effect until 193n which at that time, can be renevfed for
another ten years--unless the pecple affected wanted to take care of it and dele�e it
at that time. Therefore, it was Mr Carlson's contention that if there is to be a
cul-de-sac at the end of the 61ock, it should be on the school nroperty because of
this easement
Mr. Carlson continued that if the cul-de-sac is put on his �ronerty or his neinhbors
�across the street, the hydrant would have to 6e moved which is an added expense, the
fence that the school has erected alonn the edne of the school ��ard and their ��ards,
would have to be moved if �he cul-de-sac is put where Mr. Carlson'sunnests, neither
of these would have to be meved and he does not see why aood i�oney should be spent
tearin� things down that they don't have.
Mr. Qureshi stated that if the City Council
of the cul-de-sac would have to be resolved
he doesn't know what they desire.
order the improvement, certainly the aroblem
The school has not been apnroached so
P10TI�Pd by Councilwoman Kukowski to amend the resolution deletina 66th Avenue
Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a roll call vote, F1ayor Plee votinq aye,
Councilt�roman Kukowski voting aye, Councilman Fttzpatrick votin�� a++e, Counc�lman Hamernik
votinq aye and Councilman Starwalt votrna nav, flayor Nee declared the motion carried
four a�es and one na,y.
P10TION by Councilman Starwalt to amend the resolution, deletin� Dellwood Drive
Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowsl;i. Upon a voice vote, all votinn a�ie, P1ayor Nee
declared the motton carried unanimously.
Councilman Starwalt stated that he hoped the neople were aware that the street has 6een
patched ear1ter in the year and it is very beat up and is cor�inn into a hiah maintenance
Mr. Mahurin, 6378 Dellwood Drive, stated that in his opinion, there has not 6een actual
maintenance in terms of actual field worl< There has, however, been much work on the
sewer. As far as the patchwork qoes on the street, there has been no patch that would
stand up as a untt of use. He further stated that he has s�nce learned that there are
more people on Dellwood Drive who cannot undertake the expense of the improvement He
also learned that both on Dellwood �rive and Pierce Street, there �s a qreat deal of
housing that is sub,7ect to flood ma Mr. �9ahurtn believed that r�ore time was needed to
see if the cost evaluation that has 6een made is valid Also, the system of repavrncl
�1 � 'B
L.. „�
�,nd the affect it will have on the block wtll add �7,000 to the value of the house
v�hich, of course, t{�e assessors wtll catch the next year
Councilman Starwalt thanked P1r. �1ahurinstatina that he moved that this be deleted ard it
was rearetful that the ma,7ority of the oeople did not benefit from the public hearrng
that was held nor from the d�scussion this eveninn
f1ayor Nee then commented that 41e was auite surprised at the petition Mr. Mahurin �
presented. He had walked the street on Saturday and tall:ed �,vith several people and
Playor Nee stated, now in seeinn the pet�tion sinned by those o�nosed, they are the same
people who talked with him and expressed their approval.
P1r �ohn Carland, 6�16 Dellwood Drive, siated that the netition was brou�ht around
between bJednesday and Thursday.
Mayor Nee stated that he would qo alonn to delete at this time. However, there were
a number of people who are concerned as to whether or not the sewer would be fixed and
�f the improvement noes throuoh, �t �rill be fixed. Fle also stated that he shared
Cauncilman Starwalt's v�ew--that it is a mistake.
Mayor Nee then moved on to Pierce Street- 63rd Avenue to P1ississippi Street. He
asked tf there was any attempt at present to alleviate the �uestion renarding the
Ski Sh�p and f1r Sobtech responded, not at the moment. Hovrever, they have in the
past hae� discussions reaard�nq landscaninn and they do not anticipate havina any
problems with them.
Playor PJee then moved on to Talmadoe Lane - Talmadne ��lay to �sborne 41ay
Councilman F�tzpatric!< stated that at the nublic hearinq, there Nras no one in opposition.
Ma,yor P!ee then referred to Irorton Street - Huno Street to Ashton Avenue
P1r. Sobiech stated that there vtas a concern here reqardin�a the industrial traffic '
and for the trees on that roadwaV and an alternative was attempted to perhaps solve
these problems. However, certain thinas have to be kept in mind Vtherein access has to
be provided certain vacant properties on the southwest corner of Ashton, northwest
and nnr�heast Mr. Sobiech stated that he felt that this vaould be a conttnuation
of thA existina section betvreen the existina streets He further pointed out that
what has now been suqgested ts first of all, increase the priorization of stopping
*he industrial traffic and still nrovide access to the ad,7acent nrooerties. A one-way
street has been �roposed which would allow traffic to the east on Ironton and this
would be a favorable position to save the trees blith this particular proposal,
there is no additional rinht-of-way that is required.
Councilman Fitzpatricl< then questioned how far the one-way would no and P1r. Sobiech
res�onded w�th a one-way between Huno and Ashton in an easterly direction. This
would also provide access for emerqency vehicles. It also provides a continuous
situation for notential maintenance i.e , street sv�eenrna, plowrna, etc P1r. Sobtech
further stated that there were truck traffic siqns posted alonn the roadway and the
enforcement of same would have to be emohasized. Flnother nroposal is a cul-de-sac
at Ashton and at Hu4o. There is, however, a need to acouire some riqht-of-way to the
southeast corner of Ironton and Huao At this point in time, it would be the recommendation
of the Staff to apProve the one-wav s�tuation with a�osittve enforcement against
industrial traffic
Councilman Fitznatrick stated that althou�h the nublic heartnn �s closed, there were
people nresent to dtscuss the sub7ect. �
f�s. LeeAnn Snorre, 301 Ironton Street PJ E, asked the Citv Council what their nr000sal
was for nettina citizan review an the �lan. She believed that if vahat has taken �lace
so far is it, then it is inadenuate. hls. Snorre stated that she received three coptes
of the �ro�osed olan from P1ayor Plee last mnht and it just did not mve her and the
residents much time to revieva it She further stated that there are about 40 neople who
nave said that they consider it their decision and those are the ones who sinned the
pet�tion f1s Snorre sunnested that since the neiohbors refuse to come down to the
Ctt�� Ilall and stay unti1 2(l0 a.m , that P1s. Snorre would be tvillina to host a meeting
with the Council and t�he neinhbors �o discuss these nlans.
f _,� r
P�ayor Nee sugnested that the Council could order the nlans and it would 6e annronriate
to interact with the desiqners to �et some sense and rather than havinn four or five
options, for Ms Sporre to work with them to net two options
Mayor Nee then proceeded to Able Street - 73rd Avenue �_o Locke Park Parl<inn Lot
There was no comment on this
� The next item was Hickory Street - 78th Avenue to 79th Avenue
P4r Sobtech stated that it was recommended that this be out in, however, apnrovino the
final plans and orderina the bids be cont�nqent on recetvrn� the develooment nlan from
the develoner. He apparently has channed his mind from his im tial idea
Ashton Avenue - Ironton Street to Elv Street - no d�scussion.
Osborne l�lay - East River Road to 75th bla�i
Counc�lman Fitzpatrick asked if there was an entrance from the north f1r Sobiech
responded that there was and at the nresent time they can ��ove in and out of 75th - enter
from the north and exit to the south
Ms Beatrice Sorsoleil, ln7 75th blay, auestioned if theV are noinn to widen tl�e str�et
and Mr Sobiech resoonded they are He oointed out that that nortion of Alden 41ay
and 75th is a des�nnated state aid street f1s. Sorsoleil stated that a state aid
street does not benef�t her, it benefits the City f1r. Sobiech stated that �t beneftts
in that the street in front of her roadway is tmproved to meet certain state standards
and the assessments over and above the normal streets are picked un bv siate aid funds
Final assessment rolls for the �ro,7ect would indicate costs assessed for actual benef�t
P�ayor Nee, at this point, stated that the status of the resolution was to delete
� 66th and �ellwood.
Counc�lman Hamerm k stated that he had conversations with peonle earlier reoard�nn
Channel Road and was wonderin� if anyone had not exnressed themselves
Mr. Roy Boone, 656� Channel Road, auestioned whether there ��iere monies set aside for
Channel Road. P4r. Qureshi stated that there were none, however, there r�i�ht be For
66th Avenue and there is a road in between the plat Mr. Boone stated that the necnle
who built thetr home told them the opnosite, however, he had no documentation to suoport
this f�r Boone also raised the point about the parkinn nro6lem on Channel Road and
if some off-street parkina could be provtded in the street imnrovement nronram
P1r Sobiech then stated that without havinn made a deta�led investination, the ansimer
�s yes--the oossibiiity does exist tn the area of the aoartment bu�ldinns. A setback
of the curbinq could be orov�ded to allow par!<tnn off the traveled nortion of the road.
Mr. Boone summed un the d�scussion by statina �f anythin� could 6e done at any t�me
to pursuade the renters to use the oarkrn� that �s �rovided for the off-street, the
pro6lem would not exist
A vtsitor stated that at the north end of Channel Road there are nutte a number of
people not in favor of the street imorovement nronram He commented that wrth
inflation continuinn, we must stop soendinn P1avor Plee stated that it aoes on taxes
for collection and it is the same if the school board made a dec�sion to raise the
�Councilman Staru�alt stated that the cost of yearly hinh maintenances comes out of
every6odies pocket He further nointed out that wit�i a nevi street of a nrooer
design--a twenty to thirty year street--the averaae maintenance would be much less per
year than what is involved in the present street.
Mr John Urista, 6599 Channel Road, stated that he would lil:e the nark�nn situation
at the apartments to be looked �nto and r^avbe try to imnrove the nroperty, Playor Plee
stated that they will do their best, ho�vever, there were no nuarantees
Mr. Georne Maas, 6880 Channel P.oad, stated tf�at he did no all the way up to GGth and
the ma�ori�y of the peonle were onoosed to nuct�nn in curbs hut were not onnosed to
fixinn the street. He believed that there should be r�ore �nnut by the neonie in the
particular areas of what they reallv do m�ant Some do not want curbs, some do not
want the cu,l-de-sac, some do not uiant the street fixed, and soi�e do not even care
However, most of the �eople want the sewer fixed before they do an��th�na
G v' �',r
f1ayor Nee stated the reason for outtina in curbinn is it washes and unravels on the
edqes if they don't. The mat that they put down will last five vears In e�aht
years or so, it starts to aet undercut and that is why they do not want to make an
investment of the res�dents' money in a ptece of construct�on that is not noin� to last.
P1ayor Nee further stated that if r1r f1aas would tell the residents that the sewer will
be fixed before an,ythinn else and the curbin� is there to protect their investment
and thP mat, hopefully theY w�ll be more understandinc� of the situation. Mr. P4aas
resnonded that there was a oossibilitv that this could be done; however, he was
ooposed and d�d not th�nk he could nush an o�posite �oint of view than what he maintains.
f1r Urista, f599 Channel P,oaci, stated that he and others did take a petition up for
the street improvement and the curbs. Ne and others did take a netition up for the
street improvement and the curl�s, and he �vent down about three blocks south; and
there is over 51% on the petition.
MOTION b�i Councilman Starmialt to adopt Resolution f!o 112-1�76 urith the deletion of
u6th Avenue and Dellwood �rive Seconded bv Councilwoman Kukowski Uoon a voice
vote, all vot�na aye, P1a�ior PJee declared the motion carried unantmously.
Playor Nee called a recess at 10 3G p.m.
f1ayor iJee reconvened the meetina at 10:�46 o m.
MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to adopt P.esolution Mo 113-1976 Seconded by
Counc�lwoman Kukowski Upon a voice vote, all votrna aye, "^ayor Nee declared the motion
carried unam mouslv �
Mr Sobiech stated that in their discussion with the East R�ver Road Pro�ect Committee
it was emphas�zed that the City has throu�hout the years, emphasized the reduction of
traffic and safet�� in access on East River Road f1r. Sobiech further stated that
perhaos a re-emohasis to Anol:a County that the Cit�i of Fridley still waintains this
�osii,�on However, reqard�nn the resolution, thereshnuld be some amendments. Bac!<
in 1971 the speed was reduced from �5 mph to �0 mph, which haonened between I 69� and
Osborne Road. At present, 6etween Osborne Road to the north there still exists a
45 mph speed limit. It was Mr. Sobtech's recommendat�on that ftrst of all in the title,
the last sentence should be amended to read, "to the northern City Limits to 30 mph "
In other words, reduce the existinn soeed limit to 30 mph In the fourth WHEREAS, the
first sentence should read more accuratelV in that "the sr�eed limit is established at
40 mnh and �5 mph " In the last �aranraph bemnntnn Hnth fd0<<l, TFIEP.EFDRE, the third line
from the bottom shoud read, "Cit� Limits of the City of Fridley to 30 mph."
MOTION by Councilman F�tzpatrick to adopt Resolution No. lln-197F un th amendments as
recommended Seconded 6y Councilman Hamernik
Counc�lwoman Kukowsl<i, at this noint, wanted to commend the Staff for their wonderful
Counci]man Starwalt statnd that f�e would have to speak a�ainst this as this was �ust �
one of several steps to shift traffic from East River Road to wherever else it can
be shifted
UPON A ROLL CALL VOTE, Mayor Nee vot�nn aye, Counctlwoman Kukowski votinn aye, Council-
man Fitzpatr�ck votinn aye, Councilman Hamernik votinn aye, and Councilman Starwalt
votrn� nay, f1ayor Nee declared the motion carried four ayes and one nay.
(i i
MOTION by Councilwoman Kukowski to adopt Resolution flo 115-1976. Seconded by Council-
man Hamerm k. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, f1ayor PJee declared the motion
carried unanimously
1975, AN� 1976 ON LOTS 40, 45, n6, 50 API� 51, AU�ITOR'S SUB �92
MDTION by Councilman Starwalt to adopt P,esolution Plo 116-1976 Seconded by Council-
woman Kukowski Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Playor Plee declared the motion
carried unanimously
Councilman Starwalt asked if this will help assure clear t�tle to the City, and P1r.
Sobiech stated it would and this is what they have been wa�tina for.
Mayor Nee stated that a resolution considermq crossinq of the ra�lroad tracks at 77th
was the next item to come before the City Council
Mr Oureshi siated that they have been tryinq to get a safe cross mn at 77th U�ay, and
last year an application was made for �rant monies from the Federal novernment
Mr. Qureshi was happy to report that there is an aqreement which was before the Mayor
which basically says that 90% of the cost w�ll be paid b,y other aaenc�es The City has
money appropriated to pay the remarning 10%.
MOTION by Counctlman Fitzpatrick to adopt Resolution No 117-1976 authorizinn the C�ty
to enter �nto an agreement betvaeen the State aovernment and Federal aovernment to propose
a control crossing on the railroad the 77th. Seconded by Councilwoman I<ukowski. Upon
� a voice vote, all votinq aye, f1ayor Plee declared the motion carried unanimously
Mayor Nee stated that the total estimated cost is $69,197, and oF that amount, the City
will pay 10%. Mr. Sobtech stated that this was correct
onnn .
Mr. Sobiech stated that this was before the Counctl approximately th�rty days ago,
at which time i� was �nd�cated that the City Council should have a thirty day
moratorium on the continuation of this pro�ect to further study the tnput be�n� provided
by the Pro,7ect Committee and the Frid1ey Environmental (luality Commission It was
noted at that meeting that the �mprovement aro�ect calls for the improvement on East
River,-Road from Mississippi stree� to the south. P1r Sobiech further stated that
there was some concern expressed by residents throunh the Pro,7ect Committee that
perhaps Staff did not want to become tnvolved in the pro,7ect or become involved to
the extent that the plans were avatlable l�lrth the moratorium, it was the understandina
that they should get toqether with the Pro,7ect Committee renresentatives and try to
determtne what the next step should be.
Mr Sobiech stated that they did qet to�ether with the Pro,7ect Committee and some of
the concerns they had were discussed First of all, there was a discrepancy reqardinq
traffic counts After checkina with traffic consultants, it was discovered that
inappropriate data was used and the 9,000 fiqure was incorrect They have since up-dated
�their records and they are, in effect, in excess of the 9,000 fiaure Mr Sobiech
stated to further qet an idea, if the traffic counts and nro,7ections were accurate, a lot
of data was received from the State of Pltnnesota P1aps were received, indicatinn the
various trafftc counts prenared by them. In 1974, theV projected aoproximately 13,OOD
vehicles south of Miss�ssippi Street and approximately 11,000 vehicles north of
Misstssippi Street and East River Road. In order to verify this, Mr. Sobiech stated
that they took some actual counts themselves and the counts matched with what the
pro,7ections were from the State of Mtnnesota, and he �s very confident that the counts
that they are using and are bein� pro,7ected are "tn the ballpark"
At this po�nt �n time, P1r Sobiech stated that the 4,000 fiqure is inaccurate. He
also pointed out that assuminq the fiaure was correct, how many lanes of traffic would
be required to handle that volume? After checkrna wiYh the M�nnesota Hiqhway �epart-
ment, various district state aid ennineers, FAU oeople, etc , they received ranaes of
a cut-off from a two to a four lane h�ghway from 5,000 all the way up to 8 to 9,D00.
After talking to the FAU people who stressed the safety an�le, they were qoing to
insure four lanes of traffic if traffic �s in excess of 5,000
Another item discussed was the time schedule for the FAU fundinq program 4•lith
federal fundinn, there are certain procedures that have to be followed to insure that
everythinq �s �n proper order i e, certain opportuniiies for public hearings must
be provided, etc. P1r Sobiech stated that at this time, delayinq the pro,7ect would
noc move it alona to insure the federal participatton. From the meeting, all the City
and Pro�ect Committee were tryinq to qet at was to be as honest with each other as
possible and provide whatever information was available. f1r. Sobiech further stated
that after the meetinq, it was recommended that they were to proceed mn th the FAU
funding requ�rements w�th proper notice beinq qiven to the affected parties.
Mr Mike Paripovich, 8200 East River Road, proceeded to thank the f9avor and the City
Council for the moratorium stattnh �t was very useful He further stated that new
data has been received since the last discusston. A report a�as received from the
Mtnnesota Pollution Control Aaency which was conducted studying the noise level on the
road He also commented that he had cop�es for the Council. He stated that what was
be�ng discussed here was relat�ve to wideninn the road 35 to �40'; however, it will
not increase the number of lanes. The second comment he had anticipated would be
that they are already comnlyina to get the speed limit loHrered However, there ts no
guarantee that they are aoina to ❑et the speed l�mit lowered.
Another point Mr Paripovich made was that in dealin� with the FAU funds, this must
be done very carefully He also commented that it was his opim on that the City
Staff were truly concerned with this pro,7ect an�i had the tnterest of the people at
heart P1r Paripovich staCed that if the pro�ect is to proceed in any way, shape or
form, they must have detailed dra�vinns.
P1r Sobiech stated that at this time he believed that they should oroceed throuqh the
process �4r Parinovich stated that he believes the Staff should ao ahead with
the FFlU procedure Fiowever, he wanted to reserve the rinht to come back if the plan
is an obvious failure
Mayor Nee asked f�1r. Sobiech �f this process would be for the Council to express to the
County their desire to be tncluded in a plan for application for federal funds.
P�lr. Sobiech stated that he thouqht so and at this time, corres�ondence should be
d�rected to the County �ndicatina that there is a concern for this pro�ect, urqe them
to proceed with the federal fundinn procedure and to tnsure that pro�er public hearinqs
are held regardino the imorovement.
Mr. P�rinovich stated that he had spoken to people not only in the East River Road
area but from other parts of Fridley and they definitel,y anprove blockinq the plans.
Counc�lman Fiizpatrick stated that he heard some concern, in fact a qood deal, regarding
the safety issue P1r Par�povich stated that there was a deftnite concern for safety.
He further vaent on to say if the s�eed is reduced, there is no need for channelization
because you do not have the roarinn traffic.
Councilman F�tzpatrick asked P1r. Sobiech what the cnances were for havinq the speed
reduczd and Mr. Sobiech stated that it wasverV>very difficult. He nointed out that
when th�y correspond to Anoka Count�r on the resolution, they would request that they
notify the City vrhen the test was noinn to be nlanned and they would encouraqe very
strict enforcement
Mayor Pdee questioned whether the�� consider the noise level. Councilman Fitzpatrick
stated that as far as continuinq puttinq in the tmprovement, it seemed to him they
would have to consider the noise level
P�r. (lureshi stated that he and others are qoina to push for the Ctty's �nterest to make
East R�ver Road safe for the local residents to qet on and off, and to make livrnq
by East River Road more bearable The County's interest ts tryin4 to move thru traffic
PacE i2
on East River Road. Mr �ureshi further stated that if they proceed for FAU funding,
there is a definite requtrement for opportunity for a public hear�ng The publ�c hear�nn
is a requtrement of FAU, and no one can bypass that requirement. He also pointed out
that there was no question that East River Road is ten times more danaerous than any
other road tn the City. P9r Qureshi stated that the Crty and the County have basically
the same tnterests and he believed that there needs to be some burden shared by the
County. He stated that they will do everythinq poss�ble to keep pressinp hard on the
�governmental authorities to lower the speed. A71 the pertinent documentatton will be
supplied. Mr Clureshi stated to P�r Paripovich that maybe heshould make his point
known to them and that perhaps the City needs some help from people like h�m.
P4r Paripovich responded that they will certainly work with the County.
Counctlman Starwalt stated that he certainly admired Mr Paripovich's thorouqhness
and asked Mr. Paripov�ch if he understood that in Councilman Starwalt's opinion, he
was worktnq as a special interest. He proceeded to ask ^1r. Paripovich �f perhaps
instead of workinn in �ust one area, he would expand his scooe to other areas of the
City Mr. Paripov�ch stated that they were set up as a Pro�ect Committee to study
East River Road, hom�ever, at the next Environmental Comm�ssion meetinq he would
address th�s.
Mayor Nee stated that as he could recall from seeinn some minutes, there was
discussion of some designation of East Rtver Road as a oarkway. P1r. Par�povich
stated that there was a motton that was unanimously passed that stated that East River
Road should be considered a parkway Councilman F�tzpatrick stated that the basic
proposal came to the Environmental Commission from the East River Road subcommittee.
The parkway tdea was a motion in the Environmental Commission and it came before the
Council �n two parts. The subcommittee's proposal was one part and that was another
Mayor Nee questioned if the County should be asked to build a four lane road and a
parkway Mr. Paripov�ch stated that he would rather have the parkway �dea and that it
would be a beautiful thing. He believed that the County could net tonether some plans
� to enable him and others to see what they are talkinq about.
Mr Herrtck stated that first of all, nothing can be done without the concurrence
of the County. It is not goinn to be transfierred to a city parkway without the�r
approval. Secondly, he asked what was the defi m tion of a parkway--are we assumrna
that a parkway is a tt��o lane road However, if it is not a two lane road and if it
is a four lane road, then he was not sure r,hat this was not a matter of semant�cs
Mayor Nee stated that he could see considerable ootential for the County Staff to modify
their plan in such a way that makes it more attractive;but to ask them to abandon
their road as it goes throuqh the City, he could not see P1r. Oureshi stated that it
ts a county state aid road and there is already state and federal monies s�ent
MOTION by Counctlman Hamern�k ti�at Staff should direct correspondence to the Count�
tndicating that there is concern for thts pro�ect in its environmental impact on
the ad�acent neiqhborhood especially in the areas of noise, h�nhway landscap�nn and
general aesthetics, and, that the County should proceed vnth the federal fundira
procedure and insure that proper pu6lic hearinns are held regardinq the improvement
Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowsl<i. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Nee
declared the motion carried unanimously
�MOTIOPJ by Councilman Starwalt to receive Petition No.' 22-1�7E Seconded by Council-
woman Kukot�ski. Upon a voice vate, all votinq aye, Mayor Plee declared the motion
carried una m mously.
P10TION by Councilman Starwalt to recetve Petition No 23-1976 from those people in favor
and against, includinq �ellwood Drtve, the Street Improvement Pro,7ect St 1977-1.
Seconded by Counctlwoman Kukowski Upon a voice vote, all votina aye, Playor Plee
declared the motion carrted unanimously.
� ��';,�
Councilman Starwalt made a comment reqard�n� the �]ellwood Drive petition stating that
he believed there has been an �n�usi�ce done to quite a few peoPle who are not aware
of what has been done He further stated that people think they ,7ust stgn a petition
and it is all taken care of. Unfortunately, they have not had the advantage of the
tnput into this and have left themselves out of an education.
MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to receive Petition No. 24-1976 from those people in
favor and agarnst, includinq the 1300 61ock of 66th Avenue, the Street Improvement
Pro,7ect St 1977-1. Seconded by Counc�lwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all votrng
aye, Playor Nee declared the motion carr�ed unanimously.
P90TION by Councilwoman Kukowski to receive the restqnation from Plancy Lambert.
5econded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, f1aVOr PJee declared
the motion carried unan�mously.
Councilman Fitzpatrick stated that he just wanted to br�nq to the Council's atiention
that there was a request at one time from Jim Kordiak to serve on a commission,
however, he was not nominating him at this point.
Smith, Juster, Feikema, Chartered
Suite 1250
Builders Exchanne Buildinq
P1Tnneapolis, Plinnesota 55402
For legal services renderetl as Prosecutor by
Carl Newquist for October, 1976
l�leaver, Talle � Herrick
316 East P9ain Street
Anoka, Plinnesota 55303
For Services Rendered as City Attorne�� for October, 797E
$1 ,756 25
MOTIOf� by Councilman Fitzoatrick to approve the estimates as submttted Seconded b��
Councilwoman Kukowsl:i. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the
motion carried unanimously
MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to aporove the licenses as submitted and as on ftle in
the License Clerk's office. Seconded b_y Councilwoman Kukowski Upon a voice vote,
all vot�ng aye, P9ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimousiy.
P4ayor PJee stated that there was a considerat�on for a license for Christmas tree
sales at 7620 University Avenue P! E., Frank's Plursery.
MDTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to approve the license for Christmas tree sales at
7620 University Avenue N E., Frank's PJursery. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski.
Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, f1ayor P�ee declared the motion carried unanimously.
MOTION by Counc�lman Starwalt to pay Claim Plo's. 17571 - 17921 Seconded 6y Council-
woman Kukowski Lpon a voice vote, all votinn aye, hlayor Pdee declared the motion
carried unantmously.
' �i ' i
MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to ad,7ourn the meetinq Seconded 6y Councilman
Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Plee declared the motion carried
unantmously and the Regular Meeting of the Fridley Ctty Council of November 15, 197G
ad�ourned at 12:00 midntght.
Resp�ctfully submitted,
� � ! �
. �
���� � � �
Dorothy C. Green
Secretary to the City Council
Approved: �a/�,Jj�p
������-� �/t�
William J Nee