12/13/1976 - 00014642THE MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC HEAR7NG P1EETIPaG DF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL OF DECEMBER 13, 1976 The Public Hearina Meetinq of the Fridley City Council of December 13, 1976 was called to order at 7:32 p m. by Mayor Nee. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE � Mayor Nee led the Council and the audience rn sayina the Pledqe of Alleaiance to the Flan ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT Playor Nee, Councilman Hamernik, Councilwoman Kukowski, Counc�lman Starwalt and Councilman Fitzpatrick MEMQERS ABSENT None A�OPIION OF AGENDA Mayor Nee stated that he w�shed to add to the a�enda, corresrondence from Ms Pat Ranstrom renardina °Counc�l Support of Ms Pat Ranstrom for Apoointment to Metro Council Park and Open Space Commission,"at the end of the meetinn. MDTION by Counc�l�voman KukoUtski to adopt the anenda as amended. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik Upon a voice vote, all vot�na aye, Playor Nee declared the motion carr�ed unanimousl,y. Mr Qailey Tiller, 1535 Gardena Avenue N E., stated he had some matter to discuss with the City Council. Councilman Starwalt told Mr. Tiller that he believed the public � hear�nn would not run very lona and if he wanted to wait around, f;he Council would be rece�tive to hearinq what he wanted to say. P1r Tiller stated that he would be happy to wait PUQLIC HEARINGS• PUBLIC HEARIN(; ON FINAL PLAT SUB�IVISIOP! P.S. �76-09, DELEIER A�DITIDN, BY DONALD N.E. MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to waive the readina of the Publ�c Hearinn notice and open the Public Hearinq Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowsk� Upon a voice vote, all votrn� aye, Playor Nee declared the motion carried unanimousl�/ and the Public Hearinq opened at 7:36 p.m P1r Dick Sobiech, Puhl�c Works Director, stated that this u�as a consideration of a f�nal plat from res�dential R-1 and multiple dwellinn R-3 property nenerally located between J3rd and Onondana at about Lakeside Drive. The proposed nlat consists of three residential ' lots and four parcels that wiil be zoned R-3. The more southerlv �ortion, that abuttina 73rd Avenue, is zoned R-3, that a6uttrna Onontlana Street is zoned R-3. Mr Sobiech further po�nted out that the intent of the developer at this time �s to develop all seven lots �nto s�nnle fam�ly res�dential as has been done to the west with the completion of the Jim Lund Estates. However, it should be noted that with the combtnation of lots, a multiple dwellinn complex could be possible.The Planninq Commtssion did recommend anproval of the plat wrth the stipulation that certain easements be � obtained �n order to comnlete the road pattern in the area tonether with the stipulation that if, in fact, the R-3 property was develooed multiole, nrov�sions be made to direct the traffic out to 73rd Avenue away from the residential area He also stated that the lots in the southerly half are only 72 25 ft in width of lot frontaqe The code calls for 75 ft. but �n this part�cular case �n order to utilize the property to his best advantaae, the developer is prouosina four 72 ft oarcels of property. He further- stated that even thouqh there are only 72 ft frontanes, the lot area is well in excess of the 9,000 s�. ft. PUBLIC HEARIN� MEETING OF DECEMBER 13, 1976 PAGE 2 Mr. Sobiech added that this proposed plat relates to the lot split request last P1onday evenrna where the property �ust to the west of the proposed plat requested a lot split At that time, the stipulation of a lot split request was the acauisttion and dedication of certain roadway easements In this particular case, �f the lo� salit was approved together with the plat, they would ask the developer to proceed w�th ne�otiations for the rema�m nq minor acqu�sit�on for the proposed roadway. Mr. Sobiech stated that he believed Mr �on Leier was present. He also stated that at the present time, they �have one-half of the needed right-of-way. Mayor Nee then asked the Council if anyone had any questions and Councilman Starwalt stated that althouqh he did not have any questions as the development of the area seemed logical and straiyht-forward, he did not recoanize anyone in the audience and asked if there was anyone present who wanted to comment on the sub,7ect There was no response MOTION by Counctlman Starwalt to close the Publlc Hearinq on the cons�derat�on of the ftnal plat Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all vottnn aye, Mayor Nee declared the mot7on carried unam mousl,y and the Public Hear�nn closed at 7•43 p.m. HEARING ON FINAL PLAT SUBDIVISION P S. #76-07, ROTTLUPJ� OAKS, BY ROTTLUND COMPANY E MOTIOPd by Cauncilman Starwalt to waive the readina of the Public Hearinn notice and open the Public Hearing. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski Unon a vo7ce vote, all votinn aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the Public Hearinq opened at 7:45 p.m. Mr Sob�ech stated that this was a proposed plat near East P,iver Road and nenerally in altgnment with Ely Street. The attempt is to replat some existin� lots and the purpose is to provide better use of the existinq property. The terra�n in the area with Sprin� Brook Creek going throuqh there, does have an impact on the ad�acent orooerties The petittoner has requested from the City a replat of the area in order to better utilize � the property. Mr Sobiech pointed out that the property is, in fact, zoned P �., but there is a trend in the area for residential construction and as a matter of fact, the construction would be residential �n nature Thts would be consistent with the pronerty that has been developed to the north of the proposed plat. There was, however, some discussion at the Plamm �g Commission meetinq reqardinq setbacks and front footaqes The petitioner initially developed a�ronosed nlat which had ten lots on it There was some �roblem in that the ma�ority of the lots did not have the minimum 75 ft, lot coverane at the buildinn_ setback The petitioner then redrew it, eliminatinn one lot and came un wtth a pronosal that the Planninn Commission did recommend for annroval. However, the proposal before the Council at present, cons�sts of m ne lots, and the ma�ority of the properties now meet the %5 ft. frontane at the bu�ldrnn setback Mr. Sobiech further stated tha± in order to obtain the minimum front footaae, the pet�t�oner d�d have to set back the buildin�s a5 ft from the �ropertv line and that is 10 ft. in excess of the requirement of a minimum 35 ft setback. There are, however, two pronert�es--one 65 ft and the other 70 ft. where the minimum setback is not maintained. Mr. Sobiech stated that the netttioner has been workinn with the proper�v owners Councilman Fitznatrick stated that most of the questions durinn the discussion before the Planninq Commission had to do with the lot width and the build�na setback, and that seemed to have been taken care of by reducina the total nlat bv one lot �Mayor Nee then asked if there were any auestions from the audience and there was no response. He further proceeded to connratulate whoever nut �t to�ether MOTION hy Councilman Fitzpatrick to close the Pub1ic Hearrn� on the consideratton of the final plat Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski Uoon a a�oice vote, all votinn aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the Public Hear�nn closed at 753 pm. �: � � PUBLIC HEARING MEETIP!(; OF DECEMBER 13, 197F PAGE 3 Mr Sobiech then stated that the next item, Item No 4 on the Anenda, is in con�unction with the aforement�oned item and more than likely the vacation of the street should be brouaht toaether with the re�lattinn as they are tied tonether He further stated that what he was lookinn for was a January 3rd apnroval of plat and second read�nn of the vacation ordinance Everythrna would be on the �anuary 3rd A�enda PUBLIC HEARING ON STREET AND ALLEY VACATIOf! RE�UEST SAV #76-06, BY ROTTLUf4� COMPANY, INC TO VACATE ELY CIRCLE, GEPIERALLV LOCATED BET!��EEN RUTH STREET APJD EAST RIVER ROAD, � NORTH OF LIBERTY STREET N.E MOTION by Councilman Fitzoatrick to walve the readina of the Public Hearinn notice and open the Public Hearina. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski Uoon a voice vote, all vot7na aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the Publ�c Hearin� opened at 7:5n p.m. Mr Sobiech stated that thts was a formaltty with the nro�osed plat rn that it is a replat of the existmo oro�erties and the utilization of the roadway rinht-of-way into the proposed �lattinq He further stated that one of the thinns that must be done is to vacate the present street r�nht-of-way. At the present time, there is no existinn sewer, water, storm sewer, nower, nas, etc. Mayor Nee then asked if there were any comments from the Council or the audience, and there were none, P10TION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to close the Pu61ic Hearina on the vacation request. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski Uoon a voice vote, all votinn aye, f1ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the Public Hear�nn closed at 7.55 p.m PUQLIC HEARING OPd FINAL PLAT SU6DIVISION P. S�76-11, REAL ESTATE 10 ADDITIOfd, BY FRAPJCIS J GIRDLER, GEPdERALLY LOCATED L�1 THE P1E �UADRAflT OF I.F�a AP1D HIGHWAY 65 N.E : P90TION by Councilman Starwalt to waive the read�na of the Public Hearinq notice and � open the Public Hearinn. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski Upon a voice vote, all votin� aye, P1ayor Nee declared the motion carried unam mously and the Public Hear�nq opened at 7 56 p m Mr Sobiech stated that this is a pro�osal to nlat a narcel of nronerty located on H�llv�nd Road The nroposed nlat was before the City a couple of years ano when there was an intent by ihe deveioper to cons±ruct a real estate office buiTdinq The nroposal will be a clarification of lenal descrintion for a oarcel of nroperty, instead of havina to deal wTth the metes and bounds descriotion throu�hout the historv of the oarcel with the construction. It has been su�aested that it 6e nlatted in order to net by with the Lot 1, Block 1 addition tyne leaal descrintion. Mr. Sobiech then continued to state that one of the stipulat�ons to the prev�ous recommendat�on for a plat approval was the dedication of an easement in order to serve th�s parcel of prooerty with sanitary sewer from the sewer in Polk Street. He further stated that at present they have the sewer easement dedication. It was dedicated in con�unction with the recently approved nlat--,7ust to the north of the oroposed plat. Therefore, at this time, they do have the necessary easement that is needed and what is presently before the Cit,y Council is the nlat±inn of th�s parcel of propert,y for the clarification of leqal description w�th the understandinn that the proposed development in thP area �s for a real estate office Mr, Sobiech also pointed out that although the propert�es to the north and to the south are zoned P,-3 mult�ple dweliin�; the property undEr consideration �s zoned CR-1, wh�ch does permit the office buildtnq proposal. Mayor Nee then proceeded to ask if anyone had any quest�ons. Councilman Starwalt � stated that he did not; however, he stated that in view of the Plamm �� Commission's Minutes, there was considerable discussion and he believed that the persons that had questions were well satisfied at the time. He further stated that the aforementioned is rr�ov�nq toward the development of the area and it appears loqical and straiqht-forward. MOTION by Councila�oman Kukowski to close the Public Hearinn on the final plat. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all votinn aye, Playor Nee declared the motion carried unan�mously and the Public Hearina closed at 8 r11 o.m PUBLIC NEARING MEETTNG OF DECEMBER 13, 1976 PAGE � Mr Bailey Tiller, 1535 Gardena Avenue N E, spoke to the City Council renardinq Seniar C�tizens and the cost of water. The cost of water bern� �50 or more for citizens that have a narden and elm trees which they water. The citizens are charned for water that does not qo into the sewer svstem P1r Tiller then asked that the Council consider a cheaper rate for sewer and water. Mayor Nee then asked Mr Tiller how would he describe a particular household, Everyone �in the household over 65� Mr Tiller stated that the Council will have to include those people whether they are Senior Citizens or not as they deserve a consideration also, a�ain, reauestin� that a plan be worked out so that the people are not charaed for water that is not aoin4 down into the sewer. Mayor Nee stated that this has come up for discussion in the past However, thev are not sure how to improve it tn a practical way. He further stated that this would again 6e discussed at the Counci1's conference meetinn. Councilman Starwalt then asked P1r Tiller if he had appeared before the Human Development Commission, and he responded that he had not P9r Tiller stated that the Councilmembers are the number one people in the City, and he believed that the Council would not turn him down. Councilman Starwalt then stated that there is a lon� standinn policy of not bypassing the citizens committees, the commissions, etc , as they play a very important role in the qovernment of the City P1r. Tiller commented that speakrnn honestly, he had no faith in the different commissions Mr. Tiller then stated that he would like to see some action taken for Senior Citizens low cost housinq He stated that now was the time to do somethinn There is land laying idle that has not been used for years Lastly, Mr. Tiller stated that December 18th and 19th is "Food for Fr�ends Day" and if the Councilmembers would aet �n touch with other councilmembers in Anoka County to do somethinn to spread the word He asked the Council to get in touch with Pat Brennan, phone 571-5035, so they can have ' a successful "Food for Frlends �ay." Mayor Nee then proceeded to thank Mr. Tiller for comina down to talk to the City Council. PUBLIC HEARING ON FINAL PLAT SUBDIVISIOPJ P.S. #76-10, INNSBRUCK VILLAGES SECDND ADDITION, BY �ARREL A. FARR DEUELQPP1EPIT CORP., GENERALLY LOCATE� NQRTH OF PIORTH INNSBRUCK DR NE AND WEST OF THE BLACK FOREST A ARTMENTS: MOTION 6y Counc�lmar� Starwalt to waive the readina of the Pu61tc Hear�na not�ce and open the Public Hearing Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion car•rted unanimous�y and the Public Hearina opened at &:15 p.m. Mr. Sobiech stated that the Innsbruck V�lla�e Secorid Addition is an extension of an existtnq plat called Innsbruck Villane. Several months a�o, the plat Innsbrucl< Village was approved inttially which consisted of anproximately 25 structures of four untts each. He further stated that upon apProval of the final plat, the developer proceeded wtth some final drawinqs and enatneerinq r_alculations trV�nq to better utilize the property. He came up w�th a utilization of the propertv with the development of 22 units Everythinn to the west of the property line which ts the qeneral property 11ne of the apartment complex, is the then re-approved nlat with the 22 townhouse structures of four units each. 'The petit�oner ts proposinq to util�ze a portion of the apartment bu�ld�na qroperty together with an outlot of the oriatnal Inrisbruck plat to develop two additional structures for a total development of 24 structures. To ensure that the property is maintatned, the parcel of property wh�ch was des�qnated an outlot in the Innsbruck Village plat would be transferred to the apartment buildinq and the apartment complex would in turn be added to the total townhouse complex Fle stated that what was before the Counctl this eventnn was the process necessar,y to anprove a plattrn� of townhouse structures into two blocks of four lots each There will be some transfer of property to ensure that certain area requirements still are maintained for the existrn� apartment and the proposed townhouse development. Mr Sohiech stated that f1r �im London was present to answer any questions LJ �` � ) PU[3LIC HEARING PIEETIN6 OF DECEM6ER 13, 1976 PAGE 5 Mr J�m London, Darrel A Farr Oevelopment Corp , stated that theV had a technical problem when workinq on the final plat and they had the prelim�nary approval for Outlot B, Innsbruck North The publication did not say anythinn about Outlot A, the Black Forest property, and after talkinn with Staff; it was sua�ested that they take their chances and come back with the second addition plat. Mr. Sob�ech proceeded to show the C�ty Counc�l a sketch. Mr Nasim Quresh7, City Mana�er, then asked Mr. Sobiech to ao over what recreat�on facilities are beinq provided. P1r. Sobiech stated that there will be a tot �ot installed together with the construction of two ten m s courts Mayor Nee asked if there were any comments, and there were none. Mr. Bailey Tiller asked if perhars some of the land could be held 6ack and made into a"winter vaonderland" i e, sktina, toboqnam nq, etc. Councilman Starwalt stated that they �ave us a b�a p�ece of land to the north, a total of 22 acres, which came out of these neootiations. MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to close the Public Hearinn on the f�nal plat Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski Upon a voice vote, all votinn aye, P9avor Nee declared the motlan carried unanimously and the Public HearTnn closed at 8:46 p.m. PUBLTC HEARING ON FINAL PLAT SU6DIVISION P.S #76-05 K NORTN REPLAT 3RD MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to waive the readina of the Public Hearina notice and open the Public Hearina. Seconded by Counci7woman Kukowski. UPon a vo�ce vote, a17 votinq aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unam mously and the Public Hearinq openeri at 8 47 p.m. Mr Sobiech stated that this was a proposal to replat part of the existina townhouse area Third Addition, an area that was oria�nally set up for sinale car qaraqes. The proposal is to provide the replattina that would allow construction of double car aarages There were some comments at the Planninn Commission meetinq where the Town- fiouse Association had some difficulty with their Architectural Control Committee of what was beinq proposed in the area--double car qaraaes for a certain number of units. What it amounts to is that in place of the previously approved four stnnle car garages, there will now be two doubles and two singles for each of the blocks of which there are six One of the other stipulations from the Architectural Control Committee is that the units have gara_qe door openers and that the un�ts 6e placed five feet further back from the str�et than the or�q�nal bui7dinqs, all six narane build�nas be positioned in front of their respective housinq units, and that additional parkTnci be provided in the Fifth Add�tion with the construction of additional townhouses to the south. The Planninq Commiss�on did recommend approval to the City Council Mayor Nee stated that in looktn4 on the map, he cannot tell how they relate to anything else. Mr. Sob�ech stated that the developer thouqht it more economically feasi6le to market the already proposed um ts w�th double car aaraaes than sinqle car qaraaes, and th�s was the problem w�th the Townhouse Associat7on in that they believed there would be a prob7em w�th the market values of the existinq to�dnhouse deve7opment. Mr Steve Kessel, 5525 East Bavarian Pass, stated that when he purchased the property two years aqo, he was told that everythinq would continue the same--the nara4es vaould be single However,stnce that t�me, they have qone to double aaraaes Mr Kessel feels that the double qarages will tlecrease the property value, plus the fact that 7t is a very narrow road � � �� PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF DECEMBER 13, 1976 PAGE 6 Counctlman Starwalt stated that if Mr Kessel is talkina about a two aarape unit and a single garage unit at the same monetary value with certain other fixtures and so forth, he could see a difference; but there surely will be a reasonable dollar difference between the umts Mr. Kessel stated there w�ll be a def�m te �ncrease in the pr�ce, however, he realizes as a single homeowner after buy�nn a home two or three years a�o, �t is bound to �go up in price. Councilman Starwalt asked where the tenm s courts were qo�nq to be built. Mr. Jim London stated that one of the stipulattons is that the tenm s courts be built after the completion of five structures or twenty units Mr London then proceeded to show the City Council a draw�nq. Mayor Nee then asked �f anyone was interested to come up and take a look at the drawina. Mayor Nee asked Mr. Kessel lf he had a chance to 6e heard by the Assoc�at�on. P1r. Kessel stated that he had not, and that he is on the Architectural Control Committee. He missed the particular meetinq that the Association had. Mr Terry M. Wiley, 5571 East Bavar�an Pass, stated some of the concerns of the residents, reiteratrng what Mr. Kessel talked about, addrn� the reduction of qreen space between the units and the overlap concern The point beina that �f someone is sell�ng a u m t wtth a double car qarage, someone with a sinale car aaraqe is at a definite disadvantaqe in that most famil�es have two cars. Also, the removal of the additional area from the parking pool is of further concern, in that you are taktna a space that can be used by any of the residents, by their quests, and by non-residents directly away from the parking area that is outside Also, there is concern for the children passrnq hetween the garages Mr. Jack Lindstrom, President of the Innsbruck North Townhouse Association, stated that the Executive Committee did not turn down this proposal He also stated there are four members on the Committee and the vote was three to one to accept the proposal. He further s�ated that he is not Urorkina for the developer but �t is his rntention �o always work for the best interest of everyone in the development. Mr. Gary Odegaard, 5519 Fast Bavarian Pass, stated that he was not in favor of the proposal. Mayor Nee asked Mr. Virgil Herrick, City Attorney, the Council's concern renardina the mat�er. Mr, Herr�ck stated that he frankly d1d not know; hoh�ever, he believed that certain documents wtll have to 6e reviewed i.e., by-laws of the Assoc�at�on This 7s not really the City's responsibility to enforce He further stated that he would like a chance to give some thought as to what the C�ty's role would be on this prior to the Council takina any final action. The stand may well be a personal matter as opposed to a Council matter, and probably the only role that the Counc�l has would be if there is a modification of the oriqinal plan that was approved by the City Council. Mayor Nee then asked if the Gouncil had ever approved a deta�led plan Mr. So6�ech stated they have and it is on file Mr. Herrick stated that he believed there are two broad considerations� (1)that tfie Council should make in the sense of 1ookinq at the area physically and determim nq whether the proposed chanqe is qood or bad, and (2)Mr Herrick stated that he could work with Mr. Sob�ech between now and the next meetinq, and also review the document and the proposed plat change, and will aive the Council a memorandum ihat will spell out �what responsibility the Council has, and also he will make some comments as to what obliqations the developer has to the present unit owners Mr. Lorrn E. Woods, 55�{2 East Bavartan Pass, stated that everyone out there did receive notice from the C7ty that the replat was under consideration Mayor Nee asked tf there were any comments or quest�ons and there were none MOTION by Counctlman Starwalt to close the Public Hearina on the final plat Seconded by Councilman Fttzpatrtck. lJpon a voice vote, all vot�nq aye, Playor Nee declared the mot�on carried unam mously and the Public Hearinq closed �t 9 44 n m. NL 1 PUBLIC HEARING M'EETING OF DECEMBER 13, 1976 PAGE 7 COPJSIDERATION OF COUNCIL SUPPORT OF MS PAT RANSTROM FOR APPOINTMENT TO METRO COUNCIL PAR16 AN� OPEN SPACE COMMISSION: Mayor Nee stated there was a request to support Ms. Pat Ranstrom for an open�nq in the Parks and Open Space Commiss�on of the P9etropolitan Council. He further stated he had rece�ved a 7etter from Ms Ranstrom wh�ch was self-explanatory, The Metropolitan Council has published a request for people to serve on this Commtttee Ms. Ranstrom took the init�ative to contact members of the City Council and seek support for herself. MOTION by Counc�lwoman Kukowsk� to adopt a"letter of support" for Ms. Pat Ranstrom. Seconded by Councilman Hamer m k. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unam mously. SNOW REMOVAL• P1ayor fdee stated that a man called him reaarding the snow removal flier that was recently circulated and questioned the way the ordinance reads as it is too vaque, and m�hen w�ll it be enforced� The qentlemen also stated that he has parked on the street many t�mes at his own risk and that th�s is too broad. He further asked that language such as "with�n 3 days after a 1" snowfal�," or somethinq else be used. Mr Herrick stated that he believed past Councils have qone throuqh a variety of approaches to this problem He further stated that it is difficult to say prec�sely when one may be towed away. On the ether hand, Mr. Herrick bel�eved it was drawn broad enough so as to put one on notice that he may be towed away at any time. Mayor Nee stated that people park thei°e so they can visit Is that a violation� P�r. Herrick responded that it is a violat�on when it interferes with the remova] of snow He also stated that he weuld do some checkinq as to what the lanquaae of the mcdel ordtnances are Also, it is possib7e to ttahten up the 7an4uage, but that makes it less flexible and would probably end up makinn it more restrictive on the tndividua7 homeowners than it is at the present time. Mr Herrick further stated that in the past, the Council adopted it with two thoughts in mind: (1) of having an ordinance that would permtt a removal of cars when it interfered w�th the cleaning of the streets and, (2) with the hope of not being overally restrictive as far as parking, and when you take these two ob�ectives, you end up with having someth�ng that is not toa predictable He stated that he was sure that �t could be made more precise but perhaps lose some flexibility and would proba6ly, of necessity, make it more restrictive as far as parkina qoes. Councilman Starwalt stated that �f the vast ma,7ority of the people can cope with the little problem, the qentleman should be able to Mayor Nee siated that he wanted a leqal ordinance write it--�ust give him the substance Mr Qureshi stated that it would be reviewed. ADJOURNMENT Mr Herrick stated that he would MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to ad�ourn the meetinct. Seconded by Councilman Hamer m k Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the Public Hearina meetinq of the Fridley City Council of December 13, 1976 ad,7ourned at 10 09 p.m. Respectfully submitted, � ,( ��/� �� \ G ��V,�-�.�`, � Dorothy C, Green Secretary to the City Council Approved /a/��/7l0 � �°� � �i'�?�r, � William J Nee Mayor � � �