RES 1977-19 - 00007079F1 RESOLUTION NO. 19 -1977 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PRE - APPLICATION BLOCK GRANTS FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 31-) WHEREAS, pre - applications for Housing and Urban Development Community Development Block Grant funds for fiscal year 1977 are now being accepted up to February 18th, 1977; and WHEREAS, the programs outlined in the Comm nity Development Block Grant pre - application are consistent with the City of F,idley's comprehensive planning; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the Cii�y of Fridley has held a public hearing on the pre - application and has recommended to the City Council the approval of the Community Development Block Grant pre- application; and WHEREAS, the City Council has held a publick hearing for citizen input on the Community Development Block Grant pre-application; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Fridley hereby approves the Community Development Block Grant pre- application attached as Exhibit A, and authorizes Jerrold Boardman, City Planner to prepare a full application for a $130,000 direct grant if invitec to do so by the Housing and Urban Development area office. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITI OF FRIDLEY THIS 14TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1977. ATTEST: �0 D2CITY CLERK - MARVIN C. BRMSELL 36 Resolution No. 19 -1977 EXHIBIT "A" OMR Apprnvol No. 29-8021{ STANDARD FORM 424 PAGE 2 (10-75) FEDERAL ASSISTU,CE 2. ArFU. M1U'LaLw 3. STATE [. RUDDER CANT-3 APPL4 AFPIJCA• al ILGpFf4 1. TYPE AI PPLLGI'7fd ❑ I S. CAE •A Cay S. DATE Ymr ewntA day ACT: @I n APPL!CAae!{ CATION Year mp 19 FlER ASICRED 19 ➢fmru<:. Np;IFICAa7id G7 _ .... hm -Tor F -E'C.t Ai'iic -s u:my 4. LEDAL APPLICAIITYRECIrI£6i 5. FEOERA! EMPLO`rER ICE.WIHi ATiON NO. tApplinn N,at : City of Fridley - 6901200 G 4 IP Il µ ID 1 h. Oloiusiicn ultl a <. sevm /P.D. Du a 6431 University Avenue N.E. PRO- h. TITLE d. C.I, : Fridley a. C :.r.y : Anoka GRAM 1. slag a pin s. zip ete.: 55432 Fedlal Community Development A. Caabn Pa. INS. Jerrold L. Boardman 571-3450-x-171 Cc!M,AJ Block Grants A nk_Aaae Na! __ � Grpn� �a 71ILE AND DZSnFoCN CF APPLIC,%N7% PI 8. T'IYE OF Fridley Flouring Rehabilitation Program LShb Y.- L.a,aur :Y nUi.n beery (See Section IV for brief description) nu, - E -4:y r -Snuel D11a ' FSFxal Fe pm+ 1] Gs:na 6nM oPPaLr+ rte L•tfn `1 9. TYPE OF ASS :STANCE 1 1 V.0, end D- Ircnnce 64oDamsdal Cnat E-CN[r Eat., nnpeo- Flra D^ :<!.O>Ktl a 1 I 1C. AREA OF PROJECT IMPACT (Hamra of nine., < addim, 11. ESTI: /,MED IUM- 12. TVF2 OF APPLICATION Sam "'. Mu) S'R Ci PE 'OYS A.p:.a, F:altAan f- av :maeq.gim City of Fridley DEnEFITINC 2100 "" pal D- Caella iao sae., aPN +Pr +b Is",® 11 PNPOSED FI tNWIG 14. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS CF: 15. TYPE OF CHANCE (Fa„¢n a, un) Daus Cn= (Sxnjvl: B ao 111 !✓J@a y: DEPAL < ,N a. APPLRANT PROTECT ' :y. oS Frir C n Di t. 3 FI•a.n;e C "clop b. AlPLIL•Yf .CO E�aanlla%m P STATE ,09 15. P%OJSCT START 17. PROJECT DATE Ymr moMA daY CURATI..I 6 *l+er aDD.o- I. LOCH. .0.1 19 2,)., *fA+ m+p =a kNC+(e) Q1] J& ESTIMATE' nATF To Ym, n-L!, dub 19. UISTINO FEDLNAL IDCNTIFICATIDN NUI.:o ER aF. SUEN.EIT %D TO FEDERAL AGENCY p 19 77 2 18 1 N/A ! T➢TU 3 13 onn .oa 2D. FEDERAL AGENCY TO RECEDVE REQUEST (h'mna, Ci :v. S+<: e, ZlP Od) 21. REMARKS ADDED HUD_ ilinneapollis -St. Paul Area Office 55 435 6 Fall El M. 22. u. To Oo h,d of `1 t:arlwta and hziel, b. If m._.md ty 0,40 odall, A-1 %!a .'elinCnp abmilld, punuml Ic No aa- xFapvm x[II O ell* In Nis p,e+�Jli: a'i +n /a JpliJfica an Hr:(1i.:3 L %rplp, b aMrppriab tltall�.jnaaln and ma.,,,al <M a:l :chef: ,JO,n. Wt¢ci� <d TIRE Vca nd mrrmL ISe dxaa'.,t Ci APFLICRNT CERTIFIES Luly e"U,"ZJ Sy IF: ¢ma::na W. +' ^.lie (1) Metropolitan C re P until ❑ ❑ THATa Ila lnb;Ant a:. la, <;. :.a x:a r-.np'Y MN e, al :Ana: a. �Ln,.a a ua im"ll- Agency ❑� la :n.nn- W Minnesota State Planning O n [ :p :n 23. a. TIED NAME JcD TiT3 h. LONANRE� c DATE 5131.4➢ Ym, monlA duy PEPurY'NG Sm 1 TAT :VE Jerrold L. Boardman City Planner c'� �J.1/. I %SET W',l (V'1✓ 1D 24. A^SENC'T NALM1E 25. AFPI-o". Sao, meMh daY LGN RECEIVED - 14 25. OfICANIYATIOU,U. UNIT V. ADMINISTMTI' /E OFFICE Sa. FLOEe.>L APPLCATION IDENTIFIGVIOA 29. ADDRESS 3O. FEDER.". 2CANT ID- rvnFl: TIOII 31. ACTION TAKEN 32. FUNDING Yoe, ;;;a my Ot. Y <cr mocq daY [. MYA1.3ED, e. FEC:PAL 5 .00 31. ACTION DA _17 FTA9ntJC GAT_ IT S. RJECTEO b. AFnIVpaf ,DD __ 35. CONTACT FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMi 36. Y,u, -ul), day TION (A Cmel ¢v.A. 11eph n. nuns „) (DING I] e. RETC(NED FDR a. GTATE .00 DATE 19 dw LCCAL .0., 37. REMARKS AODEO Za ALIEhODE:17 ri ❑ 4. 0EFERRFD c OTHER A0 I. TOTAL E .00 �,. ❑ a. VlITNCR^f1 Yes ON. 3% In Win, .JCw Ilion e:.y Cmmtala r.i.ld fmm 1 rinq'. �iduM. ran- h. FEDERAL AGENCY ! -S5 mIltIAL II a¢wq rawva Is Luf uWal pmhicn: n: Pad 1, "'Do C m' it A -0S, (Name and fc:cDAent ne.) FEDEILll A.CENCY II M[wena 4 Day md.. M55 ACTION 424 -101 - STANDARD FORM 424 PACE 1(10 -25) Jordwali d by GSA, Fadmd ffiamy •en[ Cs,edr P19 SECIIGN 1TV- CMARGS (Phasz>eje>cue the proper ite;n,lumbcrjroR S,,tic 1,11 or 1L, it uppiicable) Section 1. Item 7 (description of project) 1. The development and enforcement of a Housing pia ntenance Code - $24,000 This program will provide for the development o a Housing Maintenance Code and its enforcement within primary focus neighb rhoods 4`1 and 112, as laid out in the Comprehensive Housing Plan. It will entail approximately 409 residential structures and 664 households. Approximately 487 of the households in these 2 neighborhoods are low or moderate income househ9lds. 2. The development of a Rehabilitation Grant Progralm - $100,000 This program will provide grants for rehabil.itafaion of housing in primary focus areas O1 and #2, as laid out in the Compr,e ?,ensive Housing Plan. The grants will be directed primarily to those households living on low and moderate incomes, and will supplement the Rehabilitation Loan Program and Section 8 Program, already Operating in the community. The program will also correspond to the 1976 Street Inprovetacnt P :o ram in primary focus area ;12 and the 1978 Street Improvement Program scheduled for focus area 111. 3. The development and operation of a Housing Maint Dance Resource Center and Workshop - $6,000 ' This program will provide important information egarding rehabilitative construction and maintenance of housing units and alSo workshops for the benefit of the resident. This program would be a requirement for anyone receiving grant monies under the proposed Rehabilitation Grant Program and would be open to everyone STANDARD FORM 424 PAGE 2 (10-75)