05/08/1978 - 5405PETER FLEMING ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT PUBLIC HEARING MEETING MAY 8, 1978 r . �' J � TNE MINUTES OF THE QOARD OF REVIE4d MEETING OF MAY 8, 1978 The annual Qoard of Review Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p. m. by Mayor Nee. PLEDGE OF RLLEGI.4tdCE: Mayor Nee led the Council and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the F]ag. COUNCIL MEhiBERS ATTEfdDIfdG: P1ayor Pdee, Councilman Barnettc, Councilman Schneider, Councilman Hamernik and Councilman Fitzpatrick COUNCIL MEM6ERS AQSENT: None OTHERS PRESENT: Mr. Nasim Qureshi, City Managei° Mr. Mervin Herrmann, City Assessor Mr. Leon Madsen, Deputy City Assessor Mr. Marvin 6runsell, City Clerk Mr. Gayie Leone, County Assessor Mayor Nee stated the Counci] will actually be holding two meetings this evening. The first one being the.Board of Review, with the Public Hearing Meeting of the City Council to follow. Mayor Nee stated the purpose of this meeting is to hear from property owners who are seeking an adjustment to the assigned assessed value placed on their propei°ty. Since this is the first step of the process, he stated that those who wish to protest should be on record. Mayor Nee asked the City Assessor, Mr. Herrmann, to explain how he arrived ai ihe assessed values. Mr. Herrfnann stated they tried to get as close as possible to market value on the properties. He stated, under state law, each year a minimum of one-fourth of the properf:ies in the City are physically reevaluated and a percentage increase applied to the balance of the properties so that reasonable equality is retained for all properties. Mr. Herrmann stated, this year, land values were increased 10%; values on residential structures were increased 7%; and on commercial and industriai, 3%. Mayor Nee stated the Assessing Department continually crosschecks the validity of the assessed value established on their appraisals and they have a remarkable history of accuracy. ITEM N0. 1- GERALD fiFRI.OFSKY, 1365 HTLLWIND ROAD N. E. : Mr. Herlofsky stated the market value of his property has gone from �2II,000 to $47,2U0 in two years which is more than a 7% increase. He stated he did put on a small addition costing �3,ppp, but didn't feel the value should have gone up that much. Mr. Herrmann reviewed the values for the last several years beginning with 1972 to the present time. He noted that the new value was increased by 7.83%. Mr. Nerlofsky stated he couldn't understand why his taxes �re going up more than 7%. He questioned if taxes were affected by the freeway barrier in front of his home. He felt the taxes should be reduced because of this barrier as the noise has doubled. Mr. Herrmann stated in 1977 the value was reduced by 5% because of his locaiion in relation to the freeway. �i I C� '� ,! . ., BOARD OF REVIFW MEETIfdG OF F1AY 8, 1978 PAGE 2 � Mayor Nee stated the area of discretion of (,he Council is whether or not the estimated market value reasonably reflects the true market value, and if it comes within 93 or 94% of r,�hat Mr. Herlofsky believes his home would sell for Mr. Herlofsky stated his home is much older than others in his neighborhood and that neighboring property o��rners have not had their values increased as much as his. Mr. Herlofsky pointed out some comparisons of his home with a neighboring home and felt the value placed on his pi°operty was not in line. Mr. Herrinann suggested that P1r. Herlofsky contact him so that they may review the questions he had regarding the value of his property. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to continue the action regarding property at 1365 Hillwind Road to May 15, 1978. Seconded by Councilinan Qarnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ITEM N0. 2- RICHARD HARRIS, 6300 RIVERVIEW TERRACE: Mr. Richard Harris stated he has never received the assessment notices for his properties, other than his place of residence. He stated the notices are sent to the property location, not the property owner, and objected to this. He felt, if the County could find him to send his tar, notices, they certainly could also send the assessment notices. He stated, by sending the notices to the buildings, his tenants receive them which puts him in a very awkward position. Mr. Harris stated he has asked for the assessment notices to be mailed to him, however, this still is not being done. ; Mr. Leone, County Assessor, stated Mr. Harris should contact his office to 1et them know where he wants the assessment notices sent. Mr. Harris stated the County has been told this at other Board of Review hearings. Mr. Herrmann, City Assessor, then reviewed the values placed on Mr. Harris' properties. Mr. Harris stated his reason for attending the hearing was to get figures on i the values placed on his properties, and stated he hasn't had an opportunity to review the figures. I Mayor Nee advised Mr. Harris if he had any other questions to come before the Board of Review, these could be brought up after the recess. Mr. Herrmann stated he would meet with Mr. Herlofsky to answer his questions and possibly get back to the Council before the end of their Public Hearing meeting. P10TION by Councilman Schneider to recess this meeting to the end of the Public Hearing meeting. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, P1ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. RECESS: A recess was called by Mayor Nee at 8:05 p.m. RECONVENED: Mayor Nee reconvened the Board of Review meeting at 12:55 a.m. All Council members were present. MOTTON by Councilman Barnette to receive the challenges in correspondence from FMC, Sears, Fridley Terrace and the Grain Terminal Association. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. _ _--- � . . ti:. � BOARD 01= REVIEW MEETING OF MAY £3, 1978 PAGE 3 N10TION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to continue this hearing of the Qoard of Review to May 15, 1978. Seconded by Counci1man 6arnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the rnotion carried unanimously. ADJOURNM[NT_ MOTTON by Counciiman Schneider to adjourn the rneet�ng. Seconded by Councilman 8arnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, f�layor Nee declared the motion carried unanir�ously and this portion of the Board of Review Meeting was adjourned at 12:57 a.m, Respectfully submitted, Caroie Naddad Secy. to the C�ty Council Approved: William J. Nee Mayor �3 '(II(= Iii�P.III�> (iF II;f_ I'ULI.JC IICP,R11;(� !-iiClll;;, OF 'CIIL' i'f21Di_f:l' C17Y f.f1Ul�riL UI' F�P�Y i:, 197� . Tl�e Pub]ic Iicaring I,er�t.in� o� thc f-ridlcy City Council t•�as callecl to ordr.r at £;:05 p.in. l�y i�iayor (�cc. PLF:UGE Of' l�,l_lt:rlf�,�;CC: The ('ledye of Altc:giance 4•�as said at the beginning c�l' the t3oa�•d of Reviev� t�ice �i ny. ROLL C/1LL: t•1Et1f.FRS !'kf.SLPI7: Councilman Fii:z�atrick, Councilroan F!an;r.rni4;, t^ayor tdee, Couf�cilriar� Schneider ar�d Counci)n,<,i� L'arn�tte hfEhiBERS !�L'SE(;T: t;one ADOPTIOiJ GF AGFI,D�: t�ayor F,ee requested an ite� be added to "Rcceive the Bids on the ne�o engine for Fire Pumper 3II2". 1�07IOtt by Councilman Fitzpatrick to move the pub]ic hearing on the Hyde Park Arca rezoning to an earlier time on i:he agenda. Seconded f�y Co�n;cilman J Namernil;. Ih�. Sobiech, PuUlic llorks Director, askec' that this item be considered around �:30 p.m. as the City Planner, Jerry [3oardman, t:ould be present at that time. I�OT10t� by Cu��ncilroan Fitznatric}; to adopt the agencla as amerded hy adding the item to Reccive the �ids on the ne:r engine foi� Fire Putnper 3P8 and changing the order of Lhe ayenda on i;he Hyde Par(: area rezoning. Seconded by Couticiliz�a�t Ha7�ernik. Upon a voice vote, all VOtlllc� aye, I'layor P;ee de- clared the mation carried unanimously. PU6UC NFIIRI(;GS: PUBUC HEARItdG (lfd 1(1P(�OVEhi[flT: STRE[T If�f'RQVEPiE�dT f ROJECT ST. i978-1, A�DE��Dlit•1 s2: i--' V' t�fOTION by Counci lcian fiamerni k to ���aive the readi n� of the Pub1 ic Ncari ng notice and o��en the Public tlearin9. Seconded by Councilman Garnette. Upon a vaice vot.e, all votiny a��e, Mayor t;ee declared the moLion carried unani- mously and the f'ubiic Nea��ing opened at £3:09 p.m. MOTIOP� by C.ouizcilman Har�iernik 1:o receive the letter from Viking Chevrolet daied Ptay 2, i978. Secondcd hy Councilnran Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, t•tavor t�ee cicclared the r�otion carried unanimously. Fir. Sobiech, Public t?orks �irector, st:ated i:his is a prelir.�ina��y impro��e- menC hearing to aiscuss the ir�;�rove�i;ent of a ccrtain portion of the University Avenue <<�est �er��ice d��i��e fi�om 83rd A��enue to approxin;��tc�ly 560 ieet sout(�. htr. Sobiech statcd thc ser��ice drive t•;oulil be ext:encicd past, and adjacent to, the ilouse of I.ords resta�n•ant. He SLdLCCi a petition ti�ras recei��ed from the o�����er of the Nouse of Lords indicating thc desire io have the ro�d��:ay im- provcmenC, ihe road;:ay� �:ould be impro�-ed to a<<�idt11 of 3G f�et �ti�ith concrete curb and gutter. The estimated cost per front foot is �45.45. Flr. Sobiech stated, in the l�ttet• nhich the Cou�ici] rcceived fror.� 1'ikin9 Chevrolet. thcy ha�•e in.ticat.cd a desire to extend t.his imp�•o��anc°nt. tIe St3tcd the City At.torney Iws indicated the Couiicil could r�:ceive the corres�tiondcncc and prc+vidc for th�� c�trnsi�n of this im��ro��r.:�ent. to the South, but shoulci yet tion,c c?ocurienC fror� Vikinc� Chevrolet indicnling a , t�taiver of the he:u'ii�g natice i�egarding ti�e exiension. Co�mcilman Ilamcrnil: questioi�ed if aily other prop�rty o���ncrs ���ould havc to bc notificd. --- - __ _ . __ _ _ . _ _____ _ . _ ___ _. _ _ ..._--� - --- .- ------ __ _----_ _ *._ � . _: _ �—_ _. _ ----- ,. . � ;:. 95• • PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF MA1' 8, 1978 � Page 2 , Mr. Sobiech stated they are the only property owners that would be assessed. He stated Viking Chevrolet also owns property to the north, but he is referring to the property to the south of the House of Lords. Councilman Hamernik also noted that Viking Chevrolet would like to extend the service drive to the north. Mr. Sobiech stated this would actually be another location and Viking Ghevrolet could begin processing, but felt they might want to develop some more plans. i�� Mr. Wyman Smith, representing Viking Chevrolet, stated he talked with Mr. , Isaacson regarding the extension and they would like it extended both to the south and north. He stated the property to the south would be opened up by having the frontage road go alT the way to the Datsun dealer and the frontage road to the north going ali the way to the county road. Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, stated if the extension involved other property owners, besides Viking Chevrolet, it would be nece'ssary to call another public hearing. Mr. Purmort, owner of the House of Lords, indicated he would be in favor of having the frontage road all the way through. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated the City would want a petition and would have to hold another public hearing for the additional improvement requested. He suggested that Mr. Purmort and Mr. Isaacson get together to petition for the entire street so another public hearing could be held, Mr. Qureshi felt the Cauncil could close this public hearing, but not order the improvement, pending the outcome of whether or not the service drive would be further extended. MOTION by Councilman Hamernik to close the Public Hearing. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a Voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee de- � �-, clared the motion carried unanimously and the Public Hearing closed at 8:20 p.m. �' PUBLIC HEARIN6 ON STREET AND ALLEY VACATION SAV #78-01, BY JOSEPH SINIGAGLIO; GENERALLY LOCATED BETWEEN THE a700 BLOCK AND 4800 BLOCK ON 3RD STREET N.E.: MOTION by Councilman Hamernik to waive the reading of the Public Hearing notice and open the Public Hearing. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimous- ly and the Public Hearing opened at 8:22 p.m. Mr. Sobiech, Public Works Director, stated this is a request to vacate 48th Avenue N.E., adjacent to and south of Lot 16, Block 1, Plymouth Addition and adjacent to and north of Lot 30, Block 8, Plymouth Addition; east of 3rd Street N.E. and west of University Avenue N.E. Mr. Sobiech stated staff has no objection to the vacation, but would want ta retain certain easements for access to the storm and sanitary sewer lines. The Planning Commission recorrmended approval of the vacation, with the stip- ulation that appropriate easements for storm and sanitary sewers be retained. Mr. Qureshi pointed out that the access would have to be maintained. Mr. Sinigaglio stated part of this would be mostly lawn area. (� Councilman Fitzpatrick stated the person to the north would maintain his portion ias an access to the garage. No other persons in the audience spoke for or against this vacation request. MOTION by Couneilman Fitzpatrick to close the Public Hearing. Seconded by Councilman 5chneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motian carried unanimously and the Pubiic Hearing closed at 8:25 p.m. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated he wanted to make sure both praperty owners understood that they are to maintain the vacated right-of-way. Mayor Nee suggested staff check with the property owners involved to make sure they understand what is expected as far as maintenance, before action is taken by the Council at the next meeting. . _ __ .__. �._. . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __.. `,. ' �6 � PUaLIC HEARING MEETING OF MAY 8, 1978 Page 3 PUBLIC HEARING ON ZONING ORDINAiJCE AME�DMENT ZOA #78-03, BY THEODORE QURANDT, REZONE fROM R-3 TO CR-1> 941 HILLWIND ROAD: MOTION by Councilman Schneider to waive the reading of the Public Hearing notice and open the Public Hearing. Secor�ded_by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Atayor Nee dec]ared the motion carried unanimously and the Public Hearing opaned at 8:29 p.m. Mr. Sobiech, Public Works Director, stated this is a request to rezone property at 941 Hillwind Road from R-3 to CR-1 to allow the property to be used as a real estate office. He stated the site was previously a single family dwelling. �I Mr. Sobiech stated, basically, the office would be in the garage area and the remainder of the house would be used as a model home. He stated the Planning Commission recommended approval with certain stip- ulations regarding fencing and location of the driveway. Mr. Sobiech pointed ' out that on Page 4E of the agenda book there was a plan sho�aing the parking arrangement and that the Planning Commission recommended the driveway be , on the north side, providing there is more room on that side of the property. He stated the Commission wanted to insure there was access io the rear yard to provide the adequate parking stalls. � Mr. Sobiech stated.a performance bond should be required in an amount to cover the cost of the parking lot and driveway improvements. Mr. Burandt stated there is about 79 feet on the south side of the property and about 13 feet on the north side. Councilman Schneider asked, when the home was originally constructed, if it was intended to be used as a single family structure. Mr. Sobiech stated, he understood, it was to be used as a single family dwelling. Councilman Schneider stated he has quite a concern as little by little that corner of property is being rezoned from R-3 to CR-1 and wondered about the affects to the existing single family dwelling in the area. Mr. Burandt stated he is now in the process of purchasing the property to which Councilman Schneider referred and has coniacted the property owner. Mr. Burandt stated the present property owner was not aware the zoning was R-3. He thought it was already commercial zoning and indicated, if he had known otherwise, he wouldn't have bought the property. Counci7man Schneider felt a survey should be required of the dwelling on the lot, proposed for rezoning, to sljow where the driveway and parking lot should be located. Mr. Qureshi stated, if the property is rezoned, it does meet the area re- quirements; however, if use was to be made of the existing building, and if the inforr�lation Mr. Burandt stated was true, several variances would be needed. He felt Councilman Schneider's suggestion to have an exact survey of the existing buiiding should be done to find out the exact footage. No persons in the audience spoke for or against this rezoning request. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to continue the public hearing on rezoning request ZOA #78-03 until such time as a survey on the parcel in question can be obtained. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Sobiech pointed out the reason the rezoning is before the Council is that Mr. Burandt is already using the structure as an office building. Mayor Nee felt perhaps Mr. Burandt would also have further information on I � }a--r� � �ry r �; PUQLIC HEARING MEETING OF MAY 8, 1R78 Page 4 � the property he wishes to purchase when this item is resubmitted to Council. PU6LIC HEARING ON FINAL PLAT,_PRELIMINARY SURDIVISIQN P.S. �78-01, TRI-CO MOTION by Councilman Schneider to waive the reading of the Public Hearing natice and open the Public Hearing. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the Public Hearing opened at 8:40 p.m. Mr. Sobiech, Public Works Director, stated this plat involves a subdivision in the vicinity of 72nd and Central Avenue. He stated the plat is laid out for six lots; four of which are proposed for four-plex units and the balance of the lots to be used for multiple units. Mr. 5obiech stated discussion at the Planning Commission meeting noted certain access stipulations to limit access to only one access onto Central Avenue since it is quite heavily traveled. He stated there would be a common drive- way for Lots 1 and 2 and the access for Lots 4, 5 and 6 would be from 72nd Avenue. Mr. Sobiech stated the possibility was discussed of the petitioner acquiring the property, shown as the exception on the plat, to perhaps develop a better plat. The petitioner has indicated the property owner did not wish to sell the property which means there will have to be an access easement which will have to be noted on the p1at. Mr. Sobiech stated there are sanitary sewer and water lines to service the lots, however, staff would recommend that the pians and specifications be reviewed by the Engineering Department and that certain monies be escrowed to make inspections on those facilities. Mrs. Ruth Norton, 1251 Norton Avenue N.E., questioned the easement to the existing house and if they weren't allowed to drive on it. Mr. Sobiech stated, it is his understanding, that if there is an easement for that house, the petitioner would trade for access to 72nd Avenue. 6 Mr. James George, representing Tri-Co Builders, stated, to his knowledge, he was not aware of any formal easement of record for that property. He stated they were told they would have to provide an easement for that exist- ing property and came up with an access to 72nd Avenue and abandon the two driveways that presently lead onto Central Avenue. Mr. Sobiech stated the half section map does aot indicate an easement for the existing property. Mr. George stated it is their intent to provide a driveway of equal quality which is now existing, until the multiple site is developed, at which time there will be a surfaced parking lot. Mayor Nee asked if the petitioner would give the owner of the "exception" a legal easement. Mr. George stated this is their intention. Mayor Nee stated, on the map, there is no easement shown to serve Lots 1 and 2. Mr. Sobiech stated, with the issuance of the building permit, signed doc- uments would be obtained exchanging the easements. Mr. Nerrick, City Attorney, stated there would have to be something shown in the abstract where the owner of Lot 1 would have a reciprocal right to use the driveway that is on Lot 2 and vice-versa. Mayor Nee stated, if the plat was approved as it stands, each lot has a right to an access. Mr. Herrick stated the Planning Commission did recommend the plat be approved : � - . � ,; � � :, . � �� � � Q ; , PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF MAY 8, 1978 Page 5 ' on the condition that there be only one access. He felt this requirement � of a combined driveway for Lois 1 and 2 could be put in the final plat. , Mrs. Norton asked if this plat would adjoin the property at 7112 Old Central, and Mr. Sobiech stated the plat would surround that property. He stated he was surprised the petitioner hadn't contacted Mrs. Norton, the fee owner, regarding access, since there seems to be some confusion on the access to the exisiing property. Mrs. Norton stated Mrs. Berglund, who lives in the house, was contacted> but she never was contacted. Mrs. Norton then reviewed the plat and it was pointed out where the proposed access would be for the existing house. Mr. Sobiech felt, perhaps since the property owner hadn't been contacted, this should be discussed further between them and the public hearing con- tinued. .Mr. Herrick stated it would first have to be determined if there is a formal easement for entrance onto Central. If there is no easement> the owner of the property should be happy to accept whatever easement the petitioner is wiiling to give. Ne stated, however, he didn't know what the facts were and the questions couldn't be answered this evening. Councilman Schneider stated he would feel more comfortable with a sketch on generally what the layout would look like. Mr. Determan, who owns Determan Welding on 72nd Avenue> stated his business is located across the street from this proposed plat. He stated he would 7ike to see a means of the City keeping the apartment house tenants from parking on the street. He stated he would like to see a fence on the south side of 72nd Avenue to salve the problem. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to continue the public hearing until such items as the question of the easement are cleared up and to be brought back to Council at the staff's discretion. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, ai1 voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING ON ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT ZOA #78-02, BY MARQUETTE STATE BANK, RELONE FROM M-2 TO C-2; 225 OSQORNE ROAD N.E.: MOTION by Councilman Barnette to waive the reading of the Public Hearing notice and open the Public Nearing. Seconded by Councilman liamernik. Upon a voice vote, a]7 voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the Public Hearing opened at 9:10 p.m. Mr. Sobiech, Public Works Director, stal:ed this is a request from Marquette State Bank to rezone property in the Northwest quadrant of Main Si;reet and Osborne Road from M-2 to C-2 to al]ow coristruction of a bank. Ne stated the most Southwesterly lot of the proposed plat is proposed to be rezoned to permit a bank at this location. Mr. Sobiech stated the Planning Commission did hear the item and recommended approval of the rezoning request. Mr. Sobiech stated the bank proposed for this location would provide ail services of a full-service bank, except for closing on loans. He felt one of the stipulations required with the rezoning would be a plan regarding the landscaping, grading and drainage. Mr. Laing, representing Marquette State Bank, presented a proposed pian of the bank. He stated the primary egress would be behind the bank onto Main Street. He stated they envision most of the traffic coming in from Osborne Road and using the drive-in facilities. ' � �1r. Laing stated they attempted to find a iocation that is accessible and not have some of the problems they now have at their main bank on Central and 53rd Avenue. PUBLIC IiEARING MEETING Of MAY 8, 1978 Page 6 He pointed out they have been in contact with St. Paul Water Works regarding the easement and they are aware what they can and cannot do as far as blacktopping. He stated they would be meeting with them the end of the month on the site plan. Mr, laing stated a significant amount of fill is needed to bring the site up to grade and have the building at an elevation they want. Mr. Sobiech stated one of the requirements of the Zoning Code is that there be screening between the parking lot and adjacent right-of-way. Mr. Laing stated he didn't envision that would be any pro6lem. Mr. Laing submitted a proposed drainage plan for the site. Mr. Sobiech stated they are proposing the drainage be•directed to ihe North and ponding provided on the site to the North. Mr. Laing stated this would not be their land, but it was suggested they work out the drainage plan in conjunction with Mr. Schroer's parcel. Mr. Schroer felt the drainage problem could 6e resolved by working witM the City. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated it looked like 60-70% of the area on the site would be blacktopped. Mr. Laing felt this was not uncommon and many banks were building on a smaller site with comparable blacktop areas. Councilman Hamernik asked, with the 31 parking spaces, if this was the most blacktop they planned to put into the site. Mr. Laing stated this was correct because of this being a detached faeility, and they visualize about 75% of their traffic using the drive-in facility. He stated the emphasis on on-site parking and lobby use is not necessary in this case. Ne stated, if, in the future they were allowed to change to a full service bank, they would try to expand the size of the building. A gentleman in the audience commented that he didn't think, because of the different elevations in the area, ponding could be pravided. Mr. Sobiech explained the drainage would have to be worked out for either detention or retention of the run-off from this site. No other persons in the audience spoke regarding this rezoning request. MOTION by Councilman Flamernik to close the Public Hearing. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the Public Hearing closed at 9:28 P.M. Mayor_Nee stated the Council would get to the question of the plat for Marquette State Bank, after tFie public hearing on the rezoning for the Hyde Park area. PUEiLIC HEARING ON ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT ZOA �f73-04, BY THE CITY OF FRIDLEY TO ESTAaLISN A NEW ZONING DISTRICT, S-l; GENERALLY LOCATE� FROM 57TH PLACE TO 61ST AVENUE N.E. AND UNIVERSITY TO P1AIN STRE[T: MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to waive the reading of the Public Hearing notice and open the Public Hearing. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the Public Hearing opened at 9:29 p.m. Mr. Jerry Boardman, City Planner, explained the processes involved leading up to this request for rezoning. He stated there were concerns of residents in the Hyde Park area on the zoning problems. Ne stated, in order to make 1 99 ' IUU PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF MAY 8, 1978 Page 7 everyone aware of the zoning problems, public hearings were held to explain wMat the zoning meant as far as the houses and businesses in the area were concerned. He stated a neighborhood council was established of about 16 people who were home, apartment and business owners within the Hyde Park area and meetings were held in which they discussed the problerns and future planning as to what concepts the people wanted for their neighborhood, Mr. Boardman stated, from these meetings, came the idea of establishing a special zoning district for Hyde Park area which would do several things. It would change the present legal non-conforming status of residences in the neighborhood to establish a residential character of the neighborhood and protect the property rights of the neighborhood as mu�h as possible. He stated, once this material was put together, a public hearing was held by the Planning Conunission to discuss the special zoning district. The Planning Commission recummended approval of the special zoning district for the Hyde Park area. Mr. Boardman explained the reason the special zoning district is proposed is that there are situations in the neighborhood where the conditions of a regular R-1 zoning district cannot be met. He stated some of the differences between this special zoning district and an R-1 zone involve the existing uses. He stated the residents wished to allow the existing uses to continue so as not infringe on property rights of owners in the area. He stated, under this ordinance, the non-conforming uses woutd be allowed to continue and could be rebuilt to their present allowable setbacks, if they were damaged or destroyed. He stated they could not, however, increase the size of the structure. Mr. Boardman stated the special zoning district would allow the existing multiple and commercial uses to remain, but they could not expand nor could there be any new multiple or commercial units. Mr. Boardman stated the lot area size would be set at 7,500 square feet. This would pertain to new as we17 as o]d lots. The lots would not be less than 60 feet, but could be 50 feet, if the lot was platted before 1955. He stated lot coverage, setbacks, building heights are primarily the same as the normal R-1 zoning district. He stated the minimum floor area was reduced from 1,020 feet to 768 square feet. He pointed out these are the primary changes and differences between the special zoniny district and the P,-1 zoning district. Mr. Boardman stated, under site improveinents, the Cii:y is attempting to try and improve the exterior development of the area. Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, stated he reviewed the ordinance and made several suggestions for changes and assumes they have been incorporated into the ordinance. Mayor Nee raised the question of including the three residential dwellings on the South side of 57-1/Z in this special zoning district. Mr. Boardman stated this was discussed by the Planning Commission at the public hearing. However, the staff recommended these lots not be included as it avas felt those properties should be deve]oped as commercial and shouldn't continue as residential uses. Councilman Fitzpatrick questioned if the lots would develop commercially, as they are presently being used for residential, and because of their size, he didn't really see it as a potential commercial development. He felt spot zoning didn't apply in this case because it is contiguous to the area in question. Mr. E. Gurbord, 5847 2-1/2 Street N. E., stated he has lived in this area for 30 years and has a 40 foot lot and the oniy way he can sell it is to have it zoned commercial. lO1 � . PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF MAY 8, 1978 Page 8 He stated someone could come in and buy several lots to develop as commercial property. He indicated he was opposed to the rezoning and wished his land to remain commercial. Mr. E3oardman stated the problems Mr. Gurbord may have is that his residence is presently a non-conforming use and, if something happened to his home, he could not rebuild. Ne felt the only way he could sell the property commercial is to have several adjacent lots sold also. Ms. Theresa Abitz, 216 57th Place, indicated she didn't want her property to 'i remain as commercial, as she didn't have any way of selling it unless it was , rezoned to residential. She stated, even with the adjoining property, there isn't enough for commercial development. She spoke in favor of the rezoning. Ms. Helen Szyplinski, 233 57th Place, indicated she was definitely in favor of rezoning back to residential. Mr. Martin Dykhoff, 5810 3rd Street, indicated he was in favor of rezoning back to residential. Ms. June Perleberg, 5948 2-1j2 Street, indicated she was in favor of the rezoning back to residential. Mr. William C. Zawislak, 2630 Grand St. N.E., stated he was against the re- zoning. He stated he sold his lots as commercial property on a contract for deed and now they are qoing backwards with the rezoning to residential. The lots which Mr. Zawislak were referring to were Lots 21, 22, and 23, Biock 21, between 5807 and 5832 3rd Street. Mr. Bob Waralin, 6024 2-1/2 Street, indicated he was in favor of the rezoning. He stated he has lived at this address since 1958 and has seen the area sit in limbo. He stated about 75% of the residences are sinyle family homes and felt, if the rezoning was approved, people would improve the area. He stated the majority of the residents were in favor of the rezoning and feels it would be a mistake not to go ahead with it. Mr. Otto Tauer, 5866 2nd Street, stated he became involved on the volunteer committee and anyone who owns property in this area would probably be better off to have this rezoned residential. He stated he believes the Hyde Park district is destined to be a residential area and spoke in favor of the rezoning. Mayor Nee questioned the amount of residential uses in the Hyde Park area. Mr. Boardman stated about 85 to 87% is residential, which includes the multiple uses, and it may be even higher than that figure. He stated most of the vacant lots are not large enough to develop as commercial, unless more than one lot was acquired. �As. Darlene Smith, 8302 4th Avenue, Lino Lakes and owner of property at 5981 Main Street, stated she received notice that through some government program certain people would be eligble for financing to improve their homes. She felt, if the taxes were lowered, people would use that money to improve their property. Mayor Nee explained the State law binds the City on not being able to have unequal taxation. Ms. Smith asked if the taxes would be lowered if area was rezoned from commercial to residential. Mr. Boardman stated he understands the taxes remained the same when the area was rezoned to commercial, but is not certain how the taxes would be affected, if it is rezoned back to residential. May.or Nee stated it would affect the market value of the property and if the market value goes up, chances are the taxes will also go up. ` � •, �� ,� ; _ _ . � � . .. .� f)� i PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF MAY 8, 1978 Page 9 Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated if the quaiity of the area increased, this would tend to have the effect that her property would become more marketable and if that is true, taxes would go up. Mrs. Pearl Bradley> 5861 W. Moore Lake Drive and owner of properties at 5900- 59�8-5916 2-1/2 Street, stated she was in favor of the rezoning. Mr. 7ed Marr, 6055 2-1/2 Street, stated he was definitely in favor of the re- zoning. Mr. Bob Ecker, 5940 3rd Street, stated he was in favor of the rezoning. ' Ms. Pat Gabel, 5947 2-1/2 Street, stated a lot of compromise was put into this rezoning. She stated there are nearly 200 structures in the Nyde Park area being used for residential purposes and three commercial structures. She stated, with the present commercial zoning, people cannot add on to their home because their homes are non-conforming uses. She felt this should be taken into consider- ation regarding the rezoning. Ms. Gabei stated she was in favor of the rezoning. In a show of hands on how many persons were in favor of the rezoning, about 20 persons indicated they favored rezoning to residential. On the other hand, two persons indicated they were opposed to the rezoning. Mayor Nee advised the residents that action on this rezoning would be taken at the next Council meetiny on Monday, May 15, 1978. ; MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to close the Public Hearing. Seconded by Councilman Qarnette, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Playor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the Public Hearing closed at 10:20 p.m. RECESS: A recess was called by Mayor Nee at 10:20 p.m. RECONVENED: The Public Hearing Meeting was reconvened at 10:38 p.m. All Council members were pi°esent. PU6LIC HEARING ON f'INAL PLAT, PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISIOfJ P. S. 78-03, EAST R/1NCH ESTATES 3RD ADDITION, E3Y MARQUETTE STATE BANK: UENERALLY LOCATED IN 7HE NW QUADR4PdT OF MAIN STREET ANb OS60RNE ROAD: MOTTON by Councilman Hamernik to waive the reading of the Pubiic Hearing notice and open the Public Hearing. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all vating aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the Public Heariny opened at 10:38 p.m. Mr. Sobiech, Public Works Director, stated this plat involves a replat of the Northwest quadrant of Osborne Road and Main Street. The proposed plat calls for three lots. lie stated Lot 2, being the most southwesterly lot, was under discussion for rezoning. Currently, Lot 1 is occupied by Frank's Nursery and one of the stipulations of the Planning Commission was that Lot 1 be recorded as part of the platting for frank's Nursery. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, questioned the zoning on Lot 1. Mr. Sobiech stated it was zoned M-2, however, a special use permit has been issued for the outside storage. Ne felt it sho�]d all be zoned commercial and made into one parcel and the Planning Commission wanted to insure that it is properiy described as one parcel. h1r. Sobiech stated the Council has a plat before them which indicates a substandard lot and staff reco�nends it be approved and attached to the other property to insure there aren't any substandard lots. L_____..._.__._,__`_.._'.1.____ ._...-._"" IU3 ' PUQLIC HEARING MGETING OF MAY 8, 1978 Page 10 Mr. Sobiech also stated, in order to properly serve Lot 2 for sanitary sewer, additional easements would be needed, as recommended by the Planning Comnission. Mr. Sobiech explained there are some code requirements that have to be met such as certain screening requirements between districts and a drainage plan. He stated the architect for Marquette State Bank has drafted a drainage proposal which is satisfactory with staff, but wasn't discussed with the property owner. He stated staff is looking for a drainage plan that would retain or detain the run-off. Mr. Sobiech stated the question was raised if it would be possible to minimize some of the blacktop by reducing the number of service drive-in lanes or parking stalls. Mr. Laing, representing Marquette State Bank, stated the convenience factor is paramount to their operation and having the ability to expand to that number of parking spaces is important. He stated it is conceivable they could come up with some additional green area. He stated, basically, they want as much customer accessibility as they can possibly get. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated the staff would work to resolve the drainage problem and he wanted to make sure there is a reasonable zoning separation area between the properties. He stated that Lot l does not meet the code so it should be processed as a rezoning and attached to the oiher parcel. No persons in the audience spoke for or against this proposed plat. MOTION by Councilman Namernik to close the public hearing. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the Public Hearing closed at 11:00 p.m. PUBLIC HEARING ON FRIDLEY COMPRENENSIVE PARKS AND OPEN SPACE PLAN: MOTION by Councilman Scfineider to waive the reading of the Public Hearing notice and open the Public Hearing. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Boardman, City Planner, stated Mr. Leek of the Planning Department wouTd present a short slide presentation which covered pictures of various park facilities in the metropolitan area. Mr. Boardman then reviewed the Comprehensive Parks and Open Space Plan with the Council, outlining the highlights of the Plan. In reviewing the goals and objectives, he stated, although they are broad, it gives direction on what the City wants the park facilities to be in the future. Mr. Boardman stated, when they first started working a Comprehensive Parks and Open Space Plan, the City was divided into 13 neighborhoods and Project Committees were set up by the Parks and Recreation Commission for these neighborhoods. Mr. 8oardman stated they have had both good and poor response from the Project Comnittees. Mr. Boardman stated the section regarding the needs of the neighborhoods was based on population, age groups, etc. He stated the summary of findings was based on the inventory and analysis. Mr. Boardman stated, at the public hearing meeting held by the Planning Commission on this plan, there was a feeling the Plan was negative. The Commission requested there be a statement in the Plan, before the Sumnary of Findings, to point out some of the strengths of the parks and recreation program, rather than the negative aspects. Mr. 6oardman siated he felt they do this with the initial statement under the Sur�nary of Findings. ' � � �� �,:� � __ . __ -- - _ �_- - __---� - ---- ___ _ ---_-�-- _ _ --- -_ _ -. _ �_ _ � £ Sb � �. V � i � � PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF MAY 8, 1978 Page ]1 . , Mr. Boardman stated the policies and recommendations were based on the objectives. He stated, hopefully, these recominendations will be followed in implementation of the Plan. Ile felt the Plan gives the Parks and Recreation Director and Council some direction to follow in development of a park system for the City. Mr. 6oardman stated there was a page and map in the P1an covering acquisitions, but at the request of the Planning Commission, it was taken out. He stated, when the public hearing was held before the Planning Commission, there were a number of residents in the Nyde Park area who opposed acquisition in their area. Mayor Nee asked if this was the only area where acquisitions were proposed. Mr. Boardman stated there were several other areas and reviewed these with the Council. Dr, Boudreau, Parks and Recreation Director, felt this Plan provides a g�ideline to a future park system. He believed the Plan gives the City the flexibiiity to develop a truly good system of parks and open space for the City. He stated staff would be recommending a site plan before any park goes in and felt they have had very positive results in the Benjamin-ariardale area. In referring to Page 7 regarding visual areas and facilities, Councilman Barnette brought up the question of snowmobile areas, bike routes and golf, which was left out entirely. He stated another area might be cross-country skiing. Dr. Boudreau stated they do develop cross-country ski areas in the winter months and also provide instruction. He stated, last year, the Sears property was used for snowmobiling. However, he is not sure this is a prime responsibility of the Parks and Recreat�on Department to provide such facilities as there are ordinances which discourage the use of snowmobiles in the City. Mr. Boardman stated, regarding the bike routes, eventually they will be in Locke Parl<, but currently City streets are beiny used. Councilman Barnette asked if they planned to pursue the golf activity. Dr. Boudreau stated they would like to do a complete study before any recommendation was brought back on a golf facility. He stated they would like to look at the cross-benefit to the community arid if it could be self-sustained. Councilman Fitzpatrick felt the Plan has more of an inventory and some generalized goals and objectives and noi really a Plan. He cited, for instance, taking out the acquisition part is an example of what he is referring to. He stated, as he read this, he kept looking for the Plan and didn't feel he ever came across it. Councilman Fitzpatrick referred to Page 8, where neighborhood parks are described by the radius of a circle. He felt they should be described more by barriers rather than radii. As an example, he pointed out there is an area South of �ocke Lake that, according to this map, would seem to be fully serviced by two neighborhood parks and partially serviced by a third one, which, in fact, is not serviced by any. He felt the map was misleading on how the City is served by neighborhood parks. He stated he also agreed with the Planning Commission's comment that the Plan is negative as he felt it left that impact. He felt, if the Council is accepting a document for what it is, then this is fine, but if this is the definitive statement on what their Parks and Open Space Plan is, he is.not prepared to take action on it. _ � � � . . , i _ _ .. _ _ _ __ _ - :_ __ _ . . , � • ' 10 � �� I j PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF MAY 8, 1978 Page 12 . Councilman Schneider stated he generally felt it was a well-written document. He stated he was sorry to see the part on acquisition removed from the Plan, even though it is the more controversial part of it. He stated he also felt the Plan was somewhat negative. Ne stated, in rereading it, it is negative to some extent, but not sure it �vould serve a whole lot of purpose, if it �aas concentrated on the good points. hle stated attention had to be drawn to the � , weak points and not sure that this is the wrong approach. ,� Councilman Schneider also felt the maps on Pages 8 and 9 were misleading. ; Councilman Schneider stated, in reviewing the summaries, in a few cases, the schools that will be closing were still left in the Plan. Mr. Boardman stated the schools were not taken into consideration when referring to park acreages. Mr. Leek explained that the acreage was not adjusted in the considerations. Councilman Hamernik stated he had commented on the Plan at the Planning Commission hearing and in going over the Plan, the question in his mind is really what they are going to do with it. He felt the proposal was very general and, basically, any specific change or addition in implementation of the Plan has to be brought before the Council for approval and it would involve, to some extent, a fair expenditure. He stated he hoped, if the document is adopted, some of the things in the Plan don't come back to haunt the Council. He stated he felt more comfortable with the Plan presented this evening than the one presented to the Planning Commission. He stated, as far as the portion on acquisition, most of the reference has 6een removed and felt, for completion of the Plan, acquisition should probably be considered in some areas; however, the manner in which it was approached originally caused the great degree of concern. He felt acquisition could be part of the considerations in development of a park system. He felt they originally tried to be too specific in areas of acquisition. Mayor Nee questioned whether or not this was an adequate procedure for the public heariny or if the Plan should be circulated. Mr. Boardman stated the Plan was circulated to the service organizations, but didn't know if a public hearing notice was sent out for this meeting. He stated there was a notice sent out, however, for the public hearing before the Planning Cor�xnission. Mr. Boardman stated, before the Plan is submitted to the Metropolitan Council, there will be a public hearing on this as well as all the other plans developed which comprise the overall comprehensive plan for the City. Mayor Nee questioned how the Plan would be used. Mr. Boardman stated the main purpose of the document is to give direction on the way to go in implementation of some programs. He explained this plan does not commit any funding, but the document that would involve acquisition and any spending would be the capital improvements plan. ; Councilman Fitzpatrick stated he would really like to see a colored map ; of what areas realistically are served by neighborhood parks. � Mr. Boardman felt this was a good point and a map would be needed showing ; where the barriers are and showing what kind of access problems they have. Councilman Schneider stated, in looking at this Plan, one would say there isn't any need for the Plan and everyone has a park nearby and yet we know this isn't true. � � s- r ' � � , : . „ ..__ ____. _ _._-- . = � _ __ . _ ___ _ ___ ___- -- __ --- -_.__ --___ . __ _____ _, ; l�� i PUQLIC HEARING MEETING ON MAY 8, 1978 Page ]3 � Mr. Otto Tauer, 5866 2nd Street, stated he had hoped "barriers" meant that there should be a distance between a person's home and a park. Mr. Tauer reviewed the complaints he had about the park adjacent to his property. He stated he had to call the Police Department three times in the last week. Mr. Tauer stated at the public hearing meeting before the Planning Commission on the Parks and Open Space Plan, citizens were angry abo�t acquisition for Skyline Park because they thought their homes were going to be taken. He stated the citizens want the park to be located on the Burlington Northern property, West of Main Street. Mr. Tauer stated, in his situation, he measured the distance from the wall of his residence to the fence, a�hich was 29 feet and another 15 feet or so to the slide in the park. He stated there is no way he can live with that. He feit the park now was inadequate and if it can't be enlarged, it should be moved to Main Street. Mr. Tauer stated in checking the petition circulated in 1971 for Skyline Park, he found out the park was supposed to be located somewhere else. He felt the park �aas inadequate and there are too many kids in the park. Mr. Tauer stated the residents are going to form a neighborhood council regarding the park facilities and he is happy the City is recognizing that ' something should be done to the parks, i No other persons in the audience spoke for or against this proposed Parks and Open Space Plan. MO7ION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to continue the public hearing on the � ; Comprehensive Park and Open Space Plan io the first meetiny in June. Secorided by Councilman Schneider, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, � Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING ON AN ON-SALE LIQUOR LICENSE AND A SUNDAY LIQUOR LICENSE TO � 8ARL0, iNC. bJILLI/1M J. MchTURRAY AfJD GUI�O CAPPELLETTI FOR THE PROPERTY ' In!`nTf"n n�r r�nrn ��r..��i�n., ,—.'��'.---->__--. __ . _ — _ r , MO7ION by Councilman Schneider to waive the reading of Public Hearing notice. and open the Public Hearing, Seconded by Councilman Qarnette. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the Public Hearing opened at 12:13 a.m. Mr. Brurisell, City Clerk, stated the various City departments have recommended approval of these liquor licenses. He stated the only question is what would have to be done to the building itself. t�lr. Wyman Smith stated the applicants are aware what has to be done inside the building to bririg ii up to code. He stated he doesn't really represent them, but Mr. Saliterman. He sta�ed Mr. Saliterman has talked with the applicants on ite+»s they want done and feels this wi11 be campiied with. Mr. Srnith stated, in talking with Mr. Sobiech and P1r. Qureshi, they will come up with a plan for improvements that v�ill gradually be completed. He anticipates there will be some additional blacktopping and more green area. The applicants for the liquor license presented a tentative floor plan for their business. Mr. Cappelletti stated they would have a family�type restaurant serving American and Italian foods. He stated they plan to have a meeting room to accommodate groups from 50 to 100 persons. No other persons in the audience spoke for or against the issuance of these liquor licenses. • MOTION by Councilman Schneider to close the public hearing. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the Public Hearing closed at 12:25 a.m. 1 _ _ ___ __ _ _ _ _ � ' � ; 107 i PUQLIC HEARING MEETING OF MAY 8, 1978 Page 14 PUE3LIC HEARING ON A NON-INTOXICATIDlG MALT LIQUOR "ON-SALE" LICENSE 70 CA[3ALLERO, I�dC. JOHN 0. EIKELAND AND YJ1TfIRYN IUaY EIKELAP�U FOR THE PROP MOTION by Councilman Schneider to waive the reading of the Public Hearing notice and open the Public liearing. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye> Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the Public Hearing opened at 12:26 a.m. Mr. arunsell, City Clerk, stated this is a request for a 3.2 beer license, and the applicants are not applying for a wine license, which was previously held. He stated the various City departments have recommended approval of the license. Councilman Hamernik questioned if the requirement for a sprinkler system would apply, if there is no intoxicating liquor sold. Mr. Sobiech stated this requirement is in the intoxicating liquor license ordinance. Councilman Hamernik asked if they were planning to maintain, basically, the same type of operation. Mr. Eikeland stated it would basically be the same, with probably some changes in the menu. No persons in the audience spoke for or against the issuance of this license. MOTION by Councilman Hamernik to close the Public Hearing. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the Public liearing closed at 12:29 a.m. NEW BUSINESS: CONSIDERATION OF PREAPPLICATION FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT: Mr. Boardrnan, City Planner, stated this is a preappiication for a community development block grant which they are proposing be submitted to HUD on May 15, 1978. Mr. Boardman reviewed the requirements which had to be met in applying for the grant. Ne stated the fact sheet states the amount of funds applied for which is $1,500,000. Mr. Boardman stated they must identify a need in a neighborhood strategy area. He stated this involves two or more activities that are in direct relation to each other. Mr. Boardman then reviewed the area covered by the application for the community block development grant. He felt what NUD is looking for under the block grant program is a neighborhood service center or lease of Parkview School. Ne stated the City will be submitting an application for a multi-year program. He felt HUD would probably look at the application and drop the City to a single purpose program and maybe fund one item. P1r. Boardman stated, before the preapplication is submitted, staff would want to expand in the area of needs and problems and submit more information. MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to approve the preapplication for the community development block grant. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ._._._.__. .._.._.._ ._ _._..... _...__.�._.,_._,...._...___.....____ . _,_____.. .____ \ w ' , � � .__ _ .._-.._ _...._.._._ _.._____._�..__._. .___'___.. .....___ .4 .._�'.._.. _ i �O� i ; PUB�IC.HEARING MEETING OF MAY 8, 1978 Page 15 CLAIMS: j . ', MOTION by Councilman Qarnette to authorize payment of Claims No. 121A30 i through 123993. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, � all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ; RECEIVING QIDS FOR NEW ENGINE FOR FIRE PUP1PER 388: iMOTION by Councilman Schneider to receive the bids on the new engine for Fire , Pumper 388. Seconded by Counciiman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously . MOTION by Councilman Schneider to award the bid to Interstate Detroit Diesel, the 7ow bidder meeting specifications. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Mayor Nee stated he felt this equipment from Detroit Diesel takes a special oil since it is a two-cycle engine. Mr. Brunsell, City Clerk, stated the City does have other equipment manufactured by Detroit Diesel. UPON A VOICE VOTE TAKEN QN THE MOTION, a1i voted aye, and Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT; MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Counciiman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Nee decTared the motion carried unanimously and the Public Hearing Meeting of the Fridley City Council adjourned at 12:55 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Carole Haddad Secy, to the City Council Approved: William J. Nee Mayor P � MEMQ �0: DEPA�TMENT HEADS Fol]owing are the "ACTIONS NEEDED". Please have your answers back in the City Manager's office by Wednesday Noon, May 17, 1978. ; r� �J� f BOARD OF REV I EW AND PUBL I C HE�R I PJG MEET I NG — MAY 8, 1978 , INANCE 0 'UBLIC WORKS 0 PUBLI� WORKS BOARD OF REVIE�� f�EETIi�G — 7:3� P, M, PLEDGE OF ALLEG I A!dCE : ;;_ � �._- BOARD OF , REV I EW � � � � � � � � � � � . � � � � � , � � � 1 - 1 A Received Correspondence from FMC, Sears, Fridley Terrace Trailer Park, GTA Tabled Board of Review Meeting to May 15, 1978 ACTION NEEDED: Bring back this continued item on May 15, 1978 agenda PUBLIC NEARING MEETING ADOPTION OF AGENDA: Add: Receiving bids and awarding contract - New Engine for Fire Pumper 388 Pt1BLIC HEARINGS: PUBLIC NEARING ON IMPROVEMENT: STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST, 1978-1, �DDENDUM �2� � � � � � � � � � � � � � 2 Opened at 8:09, closed at 8.21. Received letter from Viking Chevrolet ACTION NE�DED: Put resolution on next reguiar agenda tor consideration PUBLIC HEARING ON ST2EET AND ALLEY VACATION SAV �r%$-01, BY .JOSEPH SINIGAGLIO; GENERALLY LOCATED BETWEEN THE 4%OO BLOCK AND �%OO BLOCK ON 3RD STREET ���E� �������� 3- 3 D Opened 8:22, Closed 8:25. ACTION NEEDED: Put Ordinance on next regular agenda for consideration of first reading � . " 1---- J I`UBLIC WOR I C WO BLIC WOR IC WOR PA�� 2 PUBLIC HEARI�dGS (CO�dTI,dUED) F�UBLIC NEARING ON ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT d0A #78-03, BY THEODORE BURA�dDT, REZONE FROM R-3 �o CP-1, 941 N I LLW I ND ROAD . , � . . � , , . . ► . . . . : , 4 — 4 E Opened 8:29 P.M. Continued until survey is obtained ACTION NEEDED: Put this Continued Public Hearing back on the agenda when the survey has been obtained � i�UBLIC NEARING ON FINAL PLAT, PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION E� � S� ��73—01, TR I-�0 ADD I T I ON, BY TR I-�0 BU I LD ERS, 1 vC �, GENERALLY LOCATED SOUTH OF 72rvD AVENUE AND ��EST OF CENTRAL AVEkVUE PV � E � � � � � � � � . . , . � � . . . � � � . 5 — 5 D Opened 8:40 P.M., Continued and to be brought back at staff's discretion ACTION NEEDED: Bring this Continued Public Hearing back at future date PUBLTC HEARIiVG ON ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT ZOA �%�-�Z, BY i'1ARQUETTE STATE BANK, REZONE FROM i'�i-2 TO C-2; 225 OSBORNE �OAD I� � E � � � � � � � � � � . � � � � � � � � � � - 6 � Opened 9:10 P.M., closed 9:28 P.M. ' AC7ION NEEDED: Put zoning ordinance on next regular meetang for consideration of first reading Pi1BLIC HEARING ON FINAL PLAT, PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION P�S� 73-03, EAST RANCH ESTATES 3RD ADDITION, BY �'��ARQUETTE STATE BANK; GENERALLY LOCATED I N THE i�I�I QUADRANT OF i�IAIN STREET AND OSBORNE ROAD� . , . ... � � � � % - % D Opened 1q:38 P.M., closed at 1i:00 P.M. • ACTION NEEDED: Put consideration of final plat on next regular meeting for consideration • . 'UBLIC WORKS iPUBLIC WOR '`FINANCE FINANCE PA�E 3 E'UBLIC NEARI►dGS (CO�JTI�JUED) I�UBLIC HEARING ON ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT ;�OA #�73—i�4, BY T4E �ITY OF FRIDLEY TO ESTABLISH A i�IEW LON I fJG D I STR I CT, S-1.; GENERALLY LOCATED " 1=ROM 5%TH PLACE TO 61ST AVENUE ��E AND UNIVERSITY 'f0 �IA I N STREET � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � g — $ M Opened 9:29 P.M., closed at 10:20 P. � ACTION NEEDED: Put Ordinance on next regular agenda for consideration of first reading � i�UBLIC HEARING ON FRIDLEY COMPREHENSIVE PARK �4ND OPEN SPACE PLAN � � � � � � � � � � � . � � � � � � � � � Opened 11:00 P.M. Continued to first meeting in June ACTION NEEDED: Put on conference meeting list for discussion and continued public hearing on agenda of first meeting in June for consideration , IPUBLIC HEARING ON AN ON—SALE LIQUOR LICENSE AND �A SUNDAY LIQUOR LICENSE TO BARLO, INC� ���ILLIAM .J� I�'�CMURRAY AND GUIDO CAPPELLETTI) FOR THE PROPERTY �OCATED AT 6259 EI I GHWAY ��� i, � E� iDBA PLAZA VI LLA) ���� 10 — 10 A Opened 12:13 A.M., Closed 12:25 A.M. ACTION NEEDED: Put liquor license on next regular agenda for consideration PUBLIC HEARING ON A P,ON—INTOXICATING i''IALT LIQUOR f�ON—SALE'� LICENSE TO CABALLERO, INC� �JOHN O� EIKELAND AND KATHRYN KAY EIKELANt�) FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT %61O UNIVERSITY AVENUE N�E� �DBA CABALLERO SANDWICH $ALOON ) � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � • � 11 Opened 12:26 A.M., Closed 12:29 A.M. ACTIOf� �1EEDED: Put license on next regular agenda for consideration . i�EW BUS I �JESS : 0 PAGE 4 CONSIDERATION OF PREAPPLICATION FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOC K GRANT � � �. � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � , � � IZ Approved UBLIC WORK ACTION NEEDED: Proceed with preapplication as autharized 0 �LAIMS� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � , 13 Approved FINANCE ACTION NEEDED: Pay claims as approved � IRE DEPT. RECEIVING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT - NEW ENGINE FOR FIRE PUMPER 388 Bids received and contract awarded to Interstate Detroit Diesel ACTION NEEDED:. Notify bidders of Council action ADJOUR�J; � �z:55 A.t�. � � :,, . . . . ;��`;.,..`.: .� j'-=�-:'-�: .j . i� :� G,/ � r, � �� ,/ . ._.. �Il..,... ..- ..� . :o- _� . % .., � � ` .�. - . ,�....�- ����� � �� � � VlKING CHEVR��.ET, Inc. � CH EVRa►LET . May 2, �978 City Council of Fridtey Fridtey , Mn 55432 Dear Gentlemen: Telephone 786-6100 7501 Highway b5 N. E. MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55432 �le received your notice of hearing on improvements relative to extending the frontage road 560 feet south from 83rd street. N�e w�ouid appreciate the City Council at this time to cansider extending the frontaae road another 425 feet south to the edge of the golf driving range. This is a six acre parcet owned 6y Vikin,q ChevroIet that ��e are consiciering deveToping the parceT when we get the street improvements compieted. At this time we also respectfully request the Council to consider extending the ftrontage road north from 83rd street to the Y.M.C.A. site. Very tr.«1_y yours, �._ / �c.�� �-a—�. s =�� K.G. Isaacson MEMO T0: Nasim Qureshi, City Manager MEMO FROM; Robert Hughes, Fire Chief MEMO DATE: May 8, 1978 , MEMO SUBJECT: Eids for new engine for Fire Pumper 388. Bids Qpened Friday May 5, 1978 at 11:00 a.m. There were three bidders: Cummins Diesel Sales Inc. Interstate Detroit Diesel Mack Truck Inc, ,. Curronins Diesel Sales Inc. Does not meet our specifications. Specifications called for a minimun of 265 Horse Power. j' I recommend that the bid 6e a��arded to Interstate Detroit Diesel. They fiave the engine in siock, and will install it irronediately. , Mack Truck Inc. 6id was $3,479.00 higher that Interstate Diesel. I have checked with several Fire Departments tflat �ave converted their gaso]ine powered trtacks to Detroit Diesel, and tfiey have 6een weii satisfied. 0 RS •v `C7 � .� r'7 C�S } m 0 W Z W Q O N C� H m N a N d' � � M � � ►-� Z ?- � W W rJ Z Y p r-+ U �ZU' � � C� Z fY LL. W 1- N �.�.. d � � 1 O m :�i �.1.� � o � U aC d taJ � W � L�.. E � O O �� n r- � � � � w :.�1 Q� � � •r � � � Q O N '� � w N �t-� � N � O C.) � +� _ «S L i ttf 3 �1-> N 0 U "C7 � � L. m Y U � � V '� N •r o\° 4-- LC� .r. �i-� i N U i � 'l7 '0 N r N m 41 i. 4- Z7 O '0 N a E 'Ct flS C Z rt3 � . 0 c c o • v► �.- a� N � r-- +� r 'G c� A '.-� N a�+�� v o � C N •e- N .a Gl �Cn E Q1 � . C L1 !-� W N . � y G1 •-- � i- +� �� +'�-� o ''o 0 0 0 E-� E �o � �t O O O O � N O tD O N to d M N O O O. O Q O ' O O d- tD � DO n 1� ct' 1� L� 0� t!') ' al Cf' O O ' � C► tn �— .— r— c� r- � El�Ef} � •� �4 . . "C7 r- r- G1 N � r- N N c6 Y •r •e— +� (J O ' C3 in � �/i Q.. � `i`� � '1"' Q � .� _ _. �1"' _ _ •1� � �� ,� � I.ri �t- +.� � 'N cr� ns c� � CV N Q1 (V O N,� U C� +� N .Y e-- N � � U 4- �— � O = � .�C �F-� • C O •r- O C � O cC3 C� �Om �U U �\ `C� �F-� M S.. ?�\ S.. V Ln C7 S- 00 r- N+� l(� . N C � Ln +.� � r- � �CS O U 64 � O«S d L � Z r- � � O 03 E � � � c z w c� F-- ►-. r-- U � � . tn N ►-+ O 41 Z •r +� U v� p a� M � • N 'p r r GJ +� i LY r e� > •r- �F-� tn NQ � ONO ��1t7 .M rZ1 +��N U C �� N C 00 N i-� �i' �� Z N rtf 1� _ C] O 11') ►-+ O� �n �r Ln � 00 t1') E.) t� � •r N M Ql �G C r C] > d-� � U+� N �-+ •r- �:.. CJ X r rti IA Z � 1/) r .i � � . Nr-- O��N �d � i.. d r � e� C U 0� rtf 1n W F- 3•r- N t..) � .� a S_ � > r-- fCf EO • N e- t/> at tA d CAIl� C E 01 O :-� O.-- U Cn N cL r� M- �l0 �i-> C� C]. rtf '- O •r- r- Z1 UNLLtn r^+N� �N� Nf� W C� 0 �r .. ¢... �. f: ��'6 � �. � y.�c ,�,�� . FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETZNG PLEASE SIGN NAME ADDRESS AND ITFM NUMBER INTERESTED IN DATE: May 8, 1978 NAME ADDRESS ITENS NUP�BER __ ________------______________���_____________—_____—____________»_��______—_—_____ __—_� ____=� y� � � � -� ��� �.�,� � � � __�1 5 � � � �y . ��.�n--� �`'.� �? � _ �' �'D d - 9O - S -�> �(o _ � i � �a ' p 5 �- _ . � �� � � ��- s��� ���� �, f . � � ��� �G , .s i2Q��� � � �' � l � _ S 7 :� �'r--'-�--c s� `YL� `�. c �go � ��l-� ��lU � r (S� D • , S-��'7�� ��� �� i. � _ � ._, ,� f ,:� �' �- �i � %I ;� �"' � � � ��- S,� . ��. , l t ��� � / ,� �� ,��� ;��. � . �� �C � u ' , � r., . . - • . ._ I t/ � . 7 � �� ��-, % '% '� �u'-�` . z� J � �,�,; /� .. -� � �' �-� �°--� �� /�r—��. G� _ ��Y D ����CCn—rt .�''!.i �,�-� � /� ���� � - , ' �%. s� ,� �-vr . �- , /� � � �� �� ��-� �� � � ��z�q7 .5�, ns�,� �iu� f�-�,� �_� `7 (1 � (iu..��/t. U.1�.j � ��r-�v � nl�� � s�y� ���sT�/,�. �' �. � . � �• �`.=._� s -s.o 7 ' LJ .L �� � �' � � �/ � �8 � �i�-�� t� ��� �����'�--5 ���5' � �� � �� � ����� � � ��% � �° ,���.� ��' ' � %-�� �b �� , �1����n��� ���� i ��ii����/���!//%e� I //�.��'�'� " , ��� �. � �� � ����� � -�-�,�,� � � � L � .L P : :� avll I'orm 3--Clerk's Posted I�'otice A���,�SM[El�TT NC)`�''ICE NOTICE IS H�REBY GIVEI�T, That the Soard of Review—�it�#�6Xa of the �� tVy----- of Fridley ;n Anoka Caunty, Minnesota, will meet at the office of tlie Clerk in said Ci �,,.v , a{; 7:30_o�cloc �lL P.�12., on MondaY , the 8th day of �ay , 1978, for the purpose of reviewing and correcting the assessment of said Gi ty for the 3 ear 1978. All persons considering tl�emselves aggrieved by said assessment, or who wish to complain that the l�ropert3� of another is assessed too low, are hereby noti�ied to appear at said meet- ing, and show cause for having such �ssessment corrected. � No coniplaint that another person is assess�d too low will be acted upon until the person so assessed, or his agent, shall been natified of su�h coinpiaint. i i: k v �' t Given under my hand this 22nd,�,,,�day of March _ , 1978, - ♦ Clerk of the Ci ty _ o� Fri dl e� °Applies oniy in cities whose cnarters provide for a Board of Equalization, � lA Form No. 14.F. 4—Notice to Claek of Meetina of Bnard of � o�cE aF couiv� �ssESSOR �"�� BLANK FaoM���c� TO THE CLERK OF THE. . . . . ��.ty . . . .. .... .. .. .... .. .OF. . . . . .. .Fri d12y. . . . . .. . . .. . . .. .. ..... . .. .. .. ... • ...........Anoka ..................................COUNTY, MiNNESOTA: N07'7CE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That rhe......8th �(P�onday) day of .............. MaY-----........�........_......., 1978. ar.. �� 30......o'civck......P ...1V1., has been fixed as the clate for the meetinrg of the Board of Reviecu—*���ic�l��a��o�i� (Stslia oat oa�) —in your ......................Ci ty f� �� y�. This meeting should be held in your oflcce as pravided by law. Pursuani to the provisions of 1Ylinnesota Statutes Sectiorz 274.01, you are rer�uiced ta gir�e notice of said meeting by publication and posting, r�at lutec thcm ten days prior to ihe date of said rr�eting. Given under my hcmd this ................... 20th.......�.day of......---i4arch.----........_.......... ....... 1978. .., . ��.. ........._ ............ ..�-�:::..................�... �ayT'e'�'Leone '��� sag..� .....................A.rlQkd................................counry. A�innesora •Applies only to cities who:s charke� proridss for a Boerd of 6qud'aat�on instead of a Board of Rsview. 0 -_-_ �=�---- � 01"FICIAL PUt�LICATION CITY OF FRI Ul,EY (EXI�IBIT A) NOTICE OF }IEARING 0�! Ir1PROVEAtENTS r. STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1978-1, ADDENDUM #2 tiVHEREAS, the City Council of the Citg• of Fri.dley; Anoka County, Minnesota, has deemed it expedient to receive evidence pertaining to the improvements here:inafter described. NO{V, THEItEFORE, NOTIGE IS HEFtEBY GIVEN THAT on the 8th day of. May , 1978 at 7:30 a'clock P.hi. the City Council w�l.l meet at the City Hall :.n said City, and wi11 at said time and place hear all parties interested in said impxovements in whole or in part. � The general nature of the ir,�rovements is the cons�ruction (in the lands and streets noted below) of the follo�aing iir,provements, to--ti�it: CONSTRUCTION ITEM Street improver�ents, including grading, stabilized base, hot-rnix mat, concrete curb and gutter, sidewalks, storm seurer system, water �nd sanitary sewer services and other facilityes located as folloeas : - University Avenue West Service Drive; From 1:he Cente�^line of 83rd Avenue to a Point Approximately 56p�FeEt South ESTINiATED COST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . � 3 8 ; 2 0 0 THAT TI-� ARE,� PROPOSED TO 5E ASSESSED FC�R SrlID IhSPROVE�IEtiTS IS AS FOLLO{dS: Fox Gc�nsrruction Item abeve ------------------------..__________�..____ All of the land abutting upon said streets named above and all lands wy_thin, acij ac�nt a.nd abuttin� thereto. All �f said l�;nd to be assessed prop�rtionately accoxding to the be;�efits a�ceived by such zrrproverlen�. 2 T7iat should the Ceunci.l pxoceed caith saici impr�vements they ��ill consider �acti separate i.m•r�rovements, ,e::cept zs hercafter athex7,�ise provided Uy the Council a11 under t.ie following autliority, t�-��ri�: Atinnesota Statutes 1961, Ch�p 4er 429 •ar.d 2aws amendatory theriof, a,.d in canformity �ai tii the City Chart•er. DATIiD TfiIS 7 Oti� P,AY 0� �,c �ri� , 197g , SY ORD:iR OF TiIE CITY COU�tCIL. AS:11'OR -WILLIAM J�. i1�E � , Publish: April ''9, 1978 . Apriil 26, :L978 . -'� =��"�`�` � PUBLIC FiEARING , � 3 � BEFOR� THE � CITY C(��NCIL 70 I,IHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of the City Council of the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 643J University Avenue Northeast on Monday, May 8, 1978 in the Council Chamber at 7:30 P.M. for the purpose of: . Vacation of part of a street, SAV �78-01, by Joseph Sinigaglio, described as follows: Vacate 48th Avenue N.E. bet�reen 3rd Street N.E. and UnivErsity Avenue N.E. that lies adjacent to and south of Lot i6, B1ock 1, Plymouth Addition, and adjacent to and north of Lot 30, BTock 8, Plymouth Additiorz, located in the South Half of S�ction 26, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, Cuunty of Anoka, Minnesota. � Generally located between the 4700 block and 4800 block on 3rd Street �:.E. Anyone desiring to be heard wri�h reference to tF�e above matter may 6e heard at this tim�. Publish: April 19, 1978 April 26, 1978 r 4lILLIAM J . NEE �tAYOR � _ __-���� t:--- W //4 CORNER sEC. zs _ ..__. __ � ,� �! i �, , �tn � i� � . G x48� 7VQ a Z � _ V� � '4�1�,� ���8 �� -�g�7 � �3� � ,. . �8a4, :�$�s ;,.. � � 9 8 � 3 . . -a3� . � , � .: a� `' �! -- � � � � � /9 _ ti /1 4 . �iB . �/3 : y,'. is i i4 ..�.._.'__� v_ . _. � ?.1P��� � �� ,7OS: � It 0 � � /2 , i:n33O . � �rt 9: y � ���� � Q7�� . v 9 p . +' � `4 ��� � � ��7�� ¢ . Z� : . � � 'qzZ� r �-�f74o . � ' Zf �4��2. �4��7- - ' �, - i/� �'T 1� Q 7�Z 4. y ! .� °4l ` �. ,�, �, � : •• • _ �, - ;�6��-'' , s4 � ♦ �J � �l 6;t 5 - t 4�6� 4 ��63 _ , ;, 465(,- 4G.�S,,, � � jq6"44 . •+ � .� �� ' 4�� ��� , . � � Q �32 � ' � �S �� 7� �---- , , 49 TN: _._ . � � ,�.3� , �. � co �� C`�.V1^ . •��VJ4 a •t '3 i t ' ? ��-�f--- --���a- �-�nt�( � � rr -� 8 5 6 ' as � --; � � �, . a��a � , q�4 � a,Z Q�;32 7 I ; � 4 �Izo �q�is .9 .��Q .' ,. ` � F � 3r �O � " � /S�. �r a � 4 8 I t�. 'f ,I<J� ., 3J h 5 -47$0-; � �19 � � I. s � �4 4- . � T62 '-��`Q ! - � a T� �, ` . 4 7� 3 , , � � d r�44 , � !1� � ,-, y ' � _ _ . �� 3 ' aT)7 d7��.o � ,'$i',D 7 47 t 2 �,7 � , � / 7 ry� -� 7�Z--- .�i7o q _ �,� : . .�.,� ; �.,� .,.. '4655 - 46� � � r� � i \ • , -�bg 4648- . f �►4 �;�9 Qb3� . � 'a�� � �c;�z - ______� ,. , 4 �<3 � �,� 4 , ,, ,, � 3A SAV #78-Oi JOSEPH SINIGALIO r ' � _. _-_ 1.-- . -��YE� ---- �1 � --�,r�. s"�� �, � ` � to '��'C� � � » >� • , ,a�$�-- , 1 ,----.---� , w � 3 y r � 9� Y � '� � �i vz, F`� r 3 -$ er:y,�- - --•� - -- ; - vj ° �a� g - --�----= ?' --:._. . �$;��", ����3 _ .--- f .} . '� �g�6 TS . ..` ...u`= . _a �� � , � 4 fl�� - ------. ;:� z{ q g9�� `� - f-� � ' -- �� u� - , =-�s�4 : ; �-!� �- _�8�� _ ..---�; � i:-4�z-r- „ 4�i�- ---'o�� " .4�'S ��'o ��', 4�15 ,r -��; r �g /3 .! _i ����,� �� ----�-`_, , „3 , � , `'�4�3� . ; � � O ,t � �c AL T ��J�ii. ;�' \ w' -' - -/i t. • � � �^,�- � ��71�1�� p47aa� 3 �7�q_ ' �7��_ � ��� � ` �f��-6� ;�. . _4? �� `�' ' : � �4�%�4 . u� r= o � �ZL�� . .. � � �- ?� 2 � 4 T r -- ). .. �� � ?2 0 -0 709 - ' ,1 „ - �4�tQ � �7 a � ,�� ; -: � 7� a_ � , /�0 Y �. , ,.,. ,;..,, ;Q6�S 4b�0 i .1 � t y _ 46s�7-' -4b�2= ���,�i - �463� '4t� � ,� �4��a- . , 4t�;i, �6z� r� � , r , --� f ' • . , .,�p./; y 4 _ r r�z�fC ----iti t,,1� - ±: 1� � ' -� ' ^' '. � 2! � � �' j -c$7 f�r- - - l----? • q_ ZT 4 -•�i � (� - - -; - • - : � � 1 . _:_q 7.r,�f __� . i I� :' ;�' _ -. _ 8- -- �; . s 9 ,�" • -Q7�7 _ "� - -�.-}- Ie i! � � ;s ;r�.,U q7f5 ;;�3' � ,g - �---**- ?a3- -- :f�:. " � ,�- � � . : .,,,.� ; . ---- �, t, . ;: �.,�.�� 4 - =ri�,�T " ;,�a:,. � � 29 o a ?' �. �6f 5- ---_----� : _..._.._ t . �4GR63 - - �; ---.. ��46�,1 __ _.1__._ � -dC.39 • _. � . . � �! t�Z7 . ' _; � " CITY O1� �'RIDL�Y � ------__-__ PL�'�PJIdIIdG COMt�1T�aTUi�1 P-1I;i:�i'IIdG -�-::.��.�:�. . . M11I2CH 2.?_ 1 - � CnLL TO O1�n�;R: �� Chairperson Harris called t;he March 22, 1g78, Plannin� Commission meeting to order at 7:37 P.M. . ROLL C 1�LL Members Presen�: Members Absen�: O�hers Present: Shea, BerGman, Harris, Gabel, Langen�eld Peterson/Suhrbier Schnabel, Gabel representing Jerrold Boardman, City Planner I�PPROVr PL.�?IdII�TG COI��[ISSION MINUTES: l�II�RCH 8, 1973 0 MOTION by Ms. Shea, seconded by Mr. Lan�enfeld, to approve the March 8, 1978, Planning CoMmission minutes. t�:r. Langenfeld askec� tha1; the vrords ��and City Council" added to �he last sentence of t}1e third P aragraph on P age 9, so that the sentence t�ou �d read, "H� fel� that �he ,vho�_e situation ���as very interesting because he ti�as getting the feeling that any time a citizen �l�ante� to request somethin ; that coi_ild be hard to oet, that person coul:i apply for �� Specail Use Permit anc� bec;az�se of �he legal aspec�s they i:rould be able to be �r�nted �he Permi� and they <<rould Yiave the Commissian and City CounciZ ��li�kedr� t rr . U3?Jid !� VOICP VOTE, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. �i''he minutes tivere approved a1; 7:39 P.Ni. 1. CONTIT?U�D: V�':CA�'IOTt RT'?UEST�/1V ��,�8-01 , BY JOS.�P?� SIPIIG:�LIC;; VAC:ATL 4�3th AV�J`;U� ?;i: �D�:1C�1�`'1' T0, E�i1� SOt7`'i�I� OF LOT 1, B`LOCi� l, PL�r7oLTTtI I�DDITICN; AI`dD ADJt:CE1�T TO AI'dD NOfiTH OI' LOT 30, BLOCI� 8, PLYTIOUTII ADDITION; E�ST OF 3rd STREET Iv'E APdD �'JEST CF UPyIVERSTTY AV�NUE IJE. . J�Ir. Boar•dman indica�ed that �he starm and sanitary se�ver Iines in the si:reet �•�ere presently being used by the City of Columbia lieigh�:s. Fie said �h��t util.i �y easer�ents vrould have to be maintained at the time of the vacation. He said the easements �vould involve the north 25 fee� of the lot to be vacated. . Mr. .5ini�alio said �hat he n�d been to1� previous to th� meeting tha� ihe storr� aii� sanitary se�ver Zines ��rere in use. Iie said thdt he s�;ill ��anted to request the vacation of 48th Ilvenue P1� as stated in the request. 0 pi,!'�t1NiPJC C,�t�i?�(ISSiOtI MErTTP1C - MARr,H z2 1 8 Pa e 2 , Chairperson Harris over the easement, over it. Ms. Gabe� t�ranted to put a drive�vay over the utilities. ind.zcated that Nir. Sin:i�alio could put a drive<<ray ' 3 � but that he couldn't buil.d a permanent structure know v�ho ;��ould be responsible if Mr. Sinifialio the easement and then the City tivanted access to Chairperson Harris said that it would be �Lhe homeo��rners responsibility. Mr. Sinigalio said that he had talked to Mr. Nathan Geurts v�ho v�as the adjacent land orrner. rir. Geurts had sa.id that he ti��as in agreement vrith the vacation as Iong as he could mai�.tain access to his rear yard. MOTION by PZr. Langenfeld, seconded by Ms. Shea, that the Planning Commission recom�end approval of Vacation Request, SAV �78-01, by Joseph Sinigalio: Vacate 48th Avenue NE (Adjacent to, and South of I,o� 16, Block i, Plymouth Addition; and adjacent to and North of Lot 30, Block 8, Plymouth Addition; East of 3rd Str.eet NE and 1'lest of University Avenue TtE) ��rith the stipulation that ui:ility easements for storm and sanitary sev�er lines be retained. UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, the r�oticn carried unani�ously. 2. PUEZIC HEARIPdG: COntSID�':R�TIOAt OF RE�iTEST FOR SPECIAZ iTSE PEP,i�Im, SP i�.7i3-03,� ?�X T-? �R�7�Y D. ROLSm��D: P�R FRIDLEY CITY CODL, S'�.CTIQPd 205.051 , 2, r1, TO ALI�O;'! r1 S:COND ACCESSORY BUILDING, A TUCI�-UriD�R GARAGE, TO BL COPISTRUCTED AL�NC j.'IITH A NE�! HOUSE, LOCAlED ON LOT 15, ATJD THE SOUTHERLY 15 FE�T OF LOT 14, BLOCK 12, PLYi�;OUTH ADDITION, THE SAM� BETIdG 4b00 2nd ST�E�T NE. MOTION by Mr, Langenfeld, seconded b,y Ms. Gabel, to open the Public Hearin;. Upon a voice vote, al1 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. lhe Public Hearing vras opened at 7:5i P,ti. Mr. Boar:�man explained that this request for a Special Use Permit one part of a t�ro-part request. He said that the next request ;ras for a Lot Split that �rould result in twa single family lots. He said th�t there ��r�s presently a garage on the prop�rty that rtould incorporated ti�ith the construction of the ne��� hcuse and tuck-under �arage. was be Mr. Rolstad i.ndicated that hzs far:�ily had tv�fl cars, t�vo pick-ug trucks, two boats, four motorcycles, and tti+ro latismmoi�rers. He said that he� def�nitely needed the additinnal garage spac� so he could Utore everythzng inside a building instea� of in the yard. n A r �' -1 u� � � � � � 00 rr :3' C tD � G (D 60' 40' 40' 38.12 � � �, «' V / � "� N r�''r ' r r'�, cn o � o ct rr � rr rr o � • ft -- t� �rv o` W � 00 � 'o � � u� � (o ; r- £i � � I � �► ' ► 1- I I � � � j , � i � i � I i � . � � � � I � ov � � � � � � � � University Avenue NE � r�J PUBLIC NEARING BEFORF THE ' �CTTY COUNCIz TO tdHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of the City Couneil of the City of Fridley in the City Nall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on f�1onday, May 8, 1978 in the Council Chamber at 7:30 P.i�. for the purpose of: � � Consideration of a rezoning request, ZOA #78-03, 6y Theodore Burandt, to rezone from R-3 (general multiple family dwellings), to CR-1 (general office and limited business), Lot 1, Block 1, Hillcrest Addition, to aliow a model home to be used as a sales office, located in the South Half of Section 24, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota. �. Generally located at 941 Hillwind Road N.E. Anyone desiring to 6e heard with re-Ference to the above matter may be heard at this time. Publish: Apri1 19, 1978 April 26, 1978 0 WILLIAM J. NEE MAYOR � 4 _-- �-�� ---s { ' ___- l ^'��`• ' , ,� . � � �. � }4...' . • . , :.y f�=7�. ... � .��. � . i� :vL. , .,._; ; . . ti, - THEODORE BURAN�� ;4 ;��:� -_ ZOA # 7 8- 0 3 . 941 Hillw,ind Roac�;;- I1E �;�4A •J 3 • . , ' . . _r.� - . . . . T �'a*� ' • • . . ' ' � ,��` . • ' .. . . . . . � � � �j . .. ✓ - . . . , ! • "'('., - � �..,f � �.. 3� • . . � ' , . j. , / �a� � � / • _ . . � �� , � ' H' //q CORN � �' / _ � . � : f. ' _ � �; �+ «. �,.t �.. SE?:'/ .24-^ �,,., �/ .••' .,, s,, •�,,.6 } . . � �/ ��/J�(, . • `' ' / `\ ' . l � I .9- l�l! � �. . . .IS l �'. . i\,.. 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'�°o t�t ., � :i� • .... _.-.---•-- :�:_ �_,__ _ �� �•3��' � - ' ` - . __.. . � ... _, y� 7-+- �� (, • � 4.._ ._.._... ... . .... � . --� ---_.----._. ,< 5$p9 �,, � . __ , . Np �� ~ � f� � � � ---�----.___._ � � -.�,�,,;,- - � �� « ..... .......... � ..... . �7ou, .. :«�-- �.. . _� _ � , \ ) �~ ,,��: _... ......- .. ......... '���'---. . ._ . , _ ,'�:=Ol . f %�Iri.• ,,�• t � � � � � � � . ....... •� ��� � '> IIiI1Y"11/� .. .' • � . . .�'�_ . � J �".". •• Jor a1� . � � �,� ,_ ...i.i""----- •-..\. ....... � ,.;y. / 3SC1 � � � - . _ , I � � . ... , �k::�.�. � lilio� �� �.Y�J • i'1�I41,1J'J1.1•IIr �;��r,r,i:,;,�_v�r r►;,;,,rrv<< -- �►�,c�� ���. �y�� ��a�,e ru �,—"'""'' . ' Mr. Lain�; said that they v�o�aldn't ha�e safe-cie o�it boxes. Iie also � 4B �aid ttiey vrouldn't be able to disperse loan proceeds on the premises. Mr. Lain� said tha.t they cranted to b�rin� �he character of the bank buildin� located a� 52nd 2� Central out to the neti�r loca�ian. He said tHat the buildin� ��rould either be a rrood/stane ex�erior or a stucco exterior. He said it tivould definitely be an ati;ractive addition to the community� � ' Chairperson Harris asked if there vro� ld be problems �vith the particular intersection of Commerce Lane (P�1ain Street) and Osborne Road. i Mr. Boardman said �hat they didn't �.nitially foresee any major problems. � Ms. Schnabel said �hat she rras some�•rhat concerned about customers exiting from the bai�l� at that point;because of the speed that cars turn onto Commerce Lane. She said that because of the ti}�ay the street tvas set up, it i•ras quite easy for cars to accelerate as they turn the corner. � •Mr. Boardman said there ti�ras enough setback and he didn't feel there ����ould be a lot of problems exiting at that point. . Chairperson Harris asked if r�ir. Lairig ti•ras a�vare of the requirements of the St. Paul �Va�er l'Jorks. ; A2r. Laing said tha� �hey ti�rere at��are of the requirements. He said 'that they <<reren't planning on generating that much traffic. He said that the bank ti�rould have limited capabilities, . MOTION by r1r. Langenfeld, seconded by P•7s. Suhrbier� to close the Public Hearin�. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. The Public Hearing tivas closed at 12:09 P.M. t�Ir. Langenfeld said that it seemed that it tvas the trend of the area to '.shac•r grorrth. He said that the City should be cautioned to the fact that�they did no� :�rant another 53rd & Central established at that poini. MOTIOPZ by Mr. Lan;enfeld, seconded by Ms. Suhrbier, that the Planning Commission recommen� approval of �he Rezoning Request, ZOA #78-02, by Marquette S�ate Bank: Rezone the Lot 2, Block 1, of the Proposed Plat, P.S. tr78-03, East Ranch Estates Third �lddition, from M�2 (heavy industrial areas) to C-2 (general business areas) �o allo�v the development of the propnrt3r for a Com�r�ercial fiank9 loca�ed at 225 Osbor•ne Road NE. UPON � VOIC� VOT�, all voting aye�;the mo�ion carried unanimously. .� �. PUIiLTC �t::I�RINC: R�?ONING r,r��rraT 7,OA ;` £3-03 BY TI�rODORr BI1RAnTDT: REZUNi: I'RC��1 R- j Gi:ua;:Rll.L P•iUL`1'IPLc: i� 1'L�iILY DidELLI1IG.`.'� `1'0 C�-1 (GENERAL OrFICL �'1ND LI1�IImrD BUSI:1;';S) � LOT 1, BLOCK 1, HILLIYIND ADDITION � TO ALLO;'! r'1 1�IOD ' 1IOI�IE TO I3E US�D AS A SALES OFFIC� � THE 511I�1E i3�ING 941 HILL;�IND RO1�D NE ,�,,,. P'%1►;�idI11G C�1�f?�1T"SI(�J�1 T�1?�T;TSI?C - APRII� 1 1 3 Pa C 21 .� - �{ � MUTION by t�ir. Oquistf seconded by Mr. Lan�enTeld, to open the Public . IIearin�. Upon a voice vote, all. votin� a.ye, �;he motion� carried unanimously. The Public Hearing ti�ras opened at 12; 13 P.P�i. Mr. Boardman said that the property v;as located n�rth of the Real Estate 10 building on Hilltirind Road. He said that the �ropoced operation Yrould be similar to the operation on University Avenue for Capp Homes. Mr. Boardman said that in looking at �he plan, there ti��ere things that vrould hdve to be changed. He said tha� P�Ir. Burandt plar.ned to use the existin� ','lausau home. He said that the manner in 1�rhich the drive vray and parking ti�ras indicated ti�rould have to be vJOrked on so that it tit�ould meet all the codes. Mr. Boardman said tha� the property �vas present).y zoned R-3 and it had to be rezoned in order to have a real estate office located at that site. Mr. Burandt said that he purchased the buildin� for a real estate office. �He said it tirould be used by Lampert iiomes. Mr. Burandt said that he had �ried to buy some adjoina.n� land but�the property o�vner �las not interested in selling t�1s. Schnabel�sho<<red conce;rn abc�ut �he elnvation of the land. She felt that possibly Mr; Buranc�t•ti�aould have to construct some type oi retaining ti�rall. Mr. Burandt said that the existing garage area of the house would be used as offices. Ch�irperson Harris asked if the drivetii�ay of the proposed real es�ate office could be located an the other side of the property than the plans in�icated. Mr. Burdandt said that there tiras an equal amount of room on bo�;h sides. Mr. Baardman felt it would be better to have the driveti:iay to the parking area enter into tr.e property on the North side and have parking in �he rear area. He some screenir.� cauld be u�i�ized bettiveen the driveway and the residential structure. . Mr. Oquist said ihat he felt th� drive���y ttould be better loca�ed on t�e South side of the proper�y, neYt to the Real �state 10 establishmen�.. Mr. Boardman said that he ti�roizld ,�ant to look at the property a�ain before deciding t�rnere exactly ihe drivecray should be located. � Aii�. Burand�; said that he preierred to have �he drivevlay on the South but he tvould a�reE to do �vhatever the Staff decided �vould be best. 0 PLP+11T3T1?� C,fl��.�� �I�PT 1�(r;1;�PIT�T('. - APRIT� 19 1 ��i Pa e 22 �� Y� _- _.___ w � _ i 4 D I Chairper�on Harris asked how � vride the lot �vaso Mx. �urandt �aid that the �urvey he had indicated that the lot p�as �37.90 �eet. - Mr. Boardman said that a sketch of the �ite sho���ed that there would be approxir�ately 25 feet on the Isorth side of the building and 12 feet on the South side of the buildin�. He felt that the drive��fay should be put in on the North side of the property. Chairperson Hurris said that due to that fact� the possibility of having the driveti��ay located ta the North of the property and using proper screening should be the rra.y to go.� � � Mx•. Boardr.ian read the requirements for trle use of scr2ening as district . separations. He said that a 100°o screening fence vrould have to be installed that ��rould be setback from �he front of the house, back alon� th�_ property line. Mr. Burant didn't feel it ti��ould look very nice� but agreed he tia�ould do as indicatec3. MOTION by ��r. L angenfeld, seconded by Ms. Schnabel, to close the Public Hearing. Upon a voice vo�Le, all voting aye9 tYie r�otion carried unar_ir�ously. The Fublic Hearirlg rras closed at i 2: 39 A.P�I. MOTION by P�ir. Oquist� seconc�ed by Mse S�zhr.bier� that the Planning Coz�Mission recor�r�end approval of the rezon.in� re�uest, Z01� #78-03, by Theodor.e Burandt: Rezone fro:� R-3 (gen�ral m�.zltiple f�r.:ily d��rellings) to CR-1 (general office and limited busin.ess)� Let 1,,Black 1' Hi�.Irrind Addition, ta allo:�r a model home to be used a� a sales office� th�e sar.!e being 9L�1 Hillt��ind Road R1E i�rith ihe stipulations that fencin� be put on the Nor-th si�e startin� at the front of the house and that the drive�,vay be moved to the North side of. the pro�erty vrith rear yard parliirl; (providing there is more room :neasured on that side of the propertya UPON A VOICE VQT�, all voting aye, the motion carried unans.mously. $, RFCrIVE P11RKS � R'�CREATION CGt�'I'�tISSIOT�T I��INUTES: T�ARCH 27, 1973 MOTION by ri5. Suhrbier9 second�d by J�fr, Lan�enfeld, that th.e Planning Commission recEive the i�iarch ?_7, 197�3a Par��s & Recreation Commissi�n minutese Upon a voice vote, all.votin; aye, the moiia,n carri_ed unanimausl,y. The miiiutes ��rere received at 12:4�. �.ri. � 9. RFCETV� HilT1AN P, ;SOURC'�S COMMISSIOTI t�,TNZJT �'S: �PRIL 6 z 1�378 MOTION by P�Ir. Storla, seconded by rir. Oquist � i;hat the Planning Commassion receive the April 6, 197$, minutes of the Human Resources Commission. 3 : ......,..�.,....--...._,..._......_____.....,..�.,....-..w.- ' � � � , � �""""'�� �"""'.+�e�, � yj � Y....._`..�,'� ' � i y .. _ ..." .. _ _ _ f %t � � t ` ; � ! t � ' , c j � � � i � i� � � �I I � ; . � ' � � . c � � ' rv , T _ � _ � - � �.�� , ,� 9 . �. . .... r : t � . � �. : y �A 'r �.�`_ : � ` i� � � ; : ` J ( • ' � • . i > __ _� ______---- ... __._ .__ ti � - - � 1 � " . � ;. ,. � � . . ; ' . + j � ;�caq�^���id��� T � �. . � � � � ��v ' { 7 1 . 1 Q�_' , � c��-��. { , � �,-�� � � , , � ��� r � .� ���� + ; ; �'': � ��; � � ; ; f� ,� E--�3--�� '� � � � 1` '� . , ; .� 3� ----�i t l�--- ; —�--� �. / ` �;��f Pos' �ay� .- ../ �:.,....._.......�.........�.._._ ���:.,.._�...........�_...__� — • -�.�n� ' . 4E _ -.-��;�t�.�, ____ PUBLIC NEARING BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that th�re will be a Public Hearing of the City Council of the City of Fr-idley, in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast an P4onda�r, May 8, 1978, in the Council Chamber at 7:30 P.M. for the purpose of: Consideration of a Final Plat, P.S. #78-01, Tri-Co Addition, by Tri-Co Builders, Inc., being a replat of Lots 2 and 3? Auditor's _ Subdivision No. IIy, except the Eas�erly 82 feet of the tdesterly 8i0 feet of the North 65 feet of the South 157 feet of Lot 3, and except the tJest 90 feet of the �ast 290 feet of Lot 3, said Easterly 290 feet being measured from ��orth to South Quarter line of Section 12, T-30, R-24, subject to an easement for road purposes over the North 30 feet of l.ot 2, and over the Ea�t 50 feet of Lots 2 a�d 3, all located in the South Ha1f of Section, T-30, R-24, City uf Fridley, County of Anoka, P9innesota. ` Generally located Sauth af 72nd Flv�nue N.E. and C,fest of Central Av�nu� N.E. Approval of this plat may have the potential of future assessments on the adjoining property due to utility and roadway improvements required this plat. Anyone desiring to be heard with reference to the above matter may be heard at the above time and place. �tILLIAM J. NE� MAYOEt Publ�sh: April 19, 1�78 April 26, 1978• �►� . . '_ \ . :i._ . �, ... .. .. y � _ �l� *; .. � ��, y ; r J rj r1 , ' -' ! : �/T i'r � r � , �,�' `d� . . t i r d 4 � - { � i .�� / . t. � t , j l, '3'c� 6� � , t, T . . .1 4. � `` f �.. ��'� � F '' . , - � �-� . � � /�� _ . . � _. ilt ` ',7� �( r � � � � � -•� /- `� ��N � . . . . -�-� � `"�� . . ' � . . ., . _ R t J ' \� ��. , . .. , ,� . .. � H � . t" . i �.-�. „ • . , . .. . . .. .: . . ' � / p` " S t , • t .. . .i. _ . 1 � y _ 1 i� j:'- i'J - .�. . . .. 'ri� � _ rl :S: . .. . . � � ,. . , .. , . , . , � : . . -�.� .. .; � .�, F.. . . . . . ..... ._.,- .. ... �... ..� ^ ( �,A.� . . �. 1 � � ... �' ,.�. . , ._ � .. f . . . .� . . ... .�s:.s....a.w.w+.e.�.- � , - . � - i ,A. '� „�t ' . nt �' r r. y ts ��. , s r< r .. . . ••w . .I . .S�ur..:._ ..ac�.S..a � 3 � w� - 'f t ` ," e � •. . .. f _. i�t� _ _ _ 1 C Y .Y:�. .c�.r..r .. - '( 7 ' ; . - .. , . . . ed-,.•! ( 2 . vr .�i�. ,.. . : ...... .. .. �r �.n . . .i � .., ' ._ ,.-. :�.v a>.�.�. �r '4 r .��.. rt : c} �t ,: s � . . . :�:.. <�_....,.. - .. . .. . � � ) ,. � . ...t- k... _,�,.. , �4.:...ecs. ..,.x.� _. ...,6 . .>,., e:_,_. ...�..�:.� �.. .. �...' _..,. � •'. r..,_ ...'��-.:ktk. � � .. . : r .rt .. Fs' J" ,. �. �•^ . �-'i" a .t � .!f ✓ , � � . � . . _ � . .12 �.r . :. . . : . . . � __ . �, . �- . _ ' $. { �.� - CENTER = uy r : r . _ . _ . _ . � - -,� -�.,Z�I i4 �. L39S I---'-• SE�i.f._� '�I '' �� ��{- T ' �,h. d�'r.��Y ► ..� �°, P4R .t�..,, . � 1: �, �� 1 t � � � ,� .� ,..... r ( � � 1 r.rots � Oaor G'o. , I�c. 7 t 9� AUDtT�F� ... in-�- (�.n} 7 t51 zo � ,, �..,.,d ►ii w�./.A 4 . 7101 i � �� - � 1. '��.. .. . � ,_ _ 1_ � � f isz <� � '� S �- � � � I 63�� ,,��- l��O ss G .� J� D � G-,oJ ,is�,v..o,ra.r„�c� � s,,�. 3 - n Sre► Nvte� � p �f ..�o...`.......�,y..._.. ..•no �..__... . �,.e ......'t' �za• :� 9aa ' :� � _ _ ���� �zzo �� �: C .c.. � ' _ ��..::?` :''�.`:�o� -_��=� .-. •�= � � /i�IHdCJO d �If dYSflYY� � ,.� �� o �ar.4f /�c. �/inco�� //�f,r�i► � : . .. � .., . .. .. . . .� . .:. 0 _" ,�.. _ �� � .�►305 �� ` � -= z � � �. . .. � w . ��,,� � �IJ.� LU ` � ' � Geiwye B �Ra,µ " �' � � �,'"0O% �• �/A� (soo) � � �� � � . • , �? i � .Q��-`,� . � � - � � .�+. s . . � i ��- � �5"0O� 1 (s�l �. CSOC�' ' e � � ! .... __20 . . .1- a �' � � � � � � � � �� � ��' �i 1239 . �---"-------- ��) (/O� oJ 1 � I {/o fa) ►i7o izoo+ � tzt4 � ` '�� ���. I . ' 00 %) (SLS� -\C a P�./,le' 7 8 ����9�%�M, t2�5 125t �'�? • 130f ��r. ����.�xr � . ..�o� : . } ..... ' ,.�. , (.,�,� . ` . �3 � .. � .. �r.r'._. ....»,s ......._ �(�).. .. !0 7t11 �� ��1 � r�.�r.�� Q . - -1��... -� Rf u .. ..,._.:T�,v�.. ��ti�:r----- 5 B �'LANNING C0�9rtIS�I(�1 MI:ETINC - �PRIL 5, 1978 �'ACE S MOTION by rtr. Peterson, seconded by Mr. Langenfeld, to continue the public hearin� to thr_ next re�ular meeting on Apri.l 19, 197fi in order to check with the Village of Ea�an regarding this operation; to check with property owners • in the area regarding their feclinbs on the pr.oposed use; �nd a report from the Public Safety Department as to �he traffic. Upon a voice vote, a?i vot- ing aye., the motion carried unanimously. � 3. F'Ul3TIC HrliP.l�IG: CCF.1SIDrRATI(Y•] OF A PROPOSi.D PRELITiL'�,ARY PI,AT, P. S. �678-01, TKT-CO ADDITIQ�, ];Y TRI-CO I�L'7T_1)1:°S, 1�1C.: BLI2dG A R�PLAT OF LOTS 2 AND 3, �UllITOR'S SL'i3DIVI�iC)�J ir'0. 89, L\C1•:P'i' TlU' EASTERLY 82 F�ET OF TH� WESTERLY 810 i`�GT OF TItE NORTH 65 F'E�T OF THE SOt!T�1i 157 ,�'EET OF LOT 3, AND EXCEPT TH� W�ST 90 F�ET OF Tl?r EAST ?_90 FE�T OF i3OT 3, SAID EASTERLY 290 FEET BEING r4;ASURFD FROl1 THE rIORTfl TO�SOUTH QUARTik LINE OF SrCTI�V 12, SUBJECT TO A.^t EASEi�iT FOR P.OAD PURPOSES O�ER THE NORTI� 30 I'�ET OF LQT 2, AND OVER ' TIi� EAST 50 FEET OF LOTS 2 AND `3, GL'NERALLY LOCATED SOUTH OF 7 2Nll AV�dL'E N. E. AND EAST OF CL�iTRAL AVLNUE N. E. MOTION by 2�lr. Peterson, seconded by Ms. Gabel to open the Public Hearing. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. The Public Hearing was opened at 8;25 P. M. Mr. Boardman stated this is a plat involving sfx lots generally Iocated South of 72nd Avenue and East of Central Avenue. He indica.ted ttiere would be four- plex units on five of the lots with a multi-unit comple:c on the other lot. Mr. Boardt;ian stated access would be through an easement shown through Lot S. Iie e�cplair.ed it :�s intended to have that area for parking and garages pro- vided on either side of that access. Mr. Boardman stated on Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 they eaould Iike to rninimize access te Old Central as much as possible and have maximum access trrough one access onto 72nd Avenue. He felt, in order to accomplish this, they would have to Ioolc at the design of the structures. Mr. Boardman felt this could be done on Lots 2, 3 and 4, but �aould possibly have to have access from Lot 7. on to Old Ce�ttral. Mr. James George, representing Tri-Co BuiZders, stated ther.e is, at the present time, a driveway entering onto Old Centr.al and they are changin g this to 00 into the multiple site. Mr.. George st-ated the fact of not havin g access onto Old Central comes as a ���, airprise. He stated it was their intention to have a com�ion driveway between ��� Lots 1 und ?. and Lot 3�aould access to 72nd �venue. Mr. Boardman aske3 if any attempts were made to purchase the existin g house. . Mr. George stated the property owner was contacted, but did not wish to seli her property. Mr. H�rris asked if the Ciry could Iive with one access onto Old Central. Mr. Boardman inclica�ed he coulcin't see a proUlem wi�h one access, but woul.d question any other access when Calking about fuu.r-plexes. Mr. P��terson yu��stioncd if the p�ti[ioner obtained a permit from the Gounty to .�cress onto Uld G��n[ra1 wl,ich is a Co�:nty roaci. 0 PL7�t�1��►���COM;�ISSION MI.T:TT.IdG - APRIL 5, 1978 _- _ PAGE d 5 C Mr. Boardman stated this would be necessary, however, the County generally accepts the recommendations af- the City. Mr. liarx'is questioned why so much of Lot S is cut off. Mr. George explained there is a 30 foot sewer easement that cannot be built on. He stated they moved the access over where thc paved surface orould be i.nstalled so that' , garages could be put in the wider area which would also serve as a screening area for the four-plexes. Mr. Jim Determan, 12�+1 72nd Avenue, stated he oc,ms r_he welding shop across the streer from wtiere these apartments would be constructed and was opposed to them. • He stated he has dogs on his premises to protect his property and felt, with the apartments, complaints would be received on the dogs barking. Mr. Determan also stated the parkin g problem is so bad on the street that he cannot get into his.businc.ss. He felt, if the apartments are constructed, he would like•to see a fence between 7?nd and the buildings to keep Qeople from parkin g on the streets. Mr. Harris explained that the parcel is zoned R-3 which allows for apartments to be constructed, and the Zoning Code provides for off-street parkin g. Mr. Determan indicated he wanted to make the Cotmnission aware of the problems they have had with the parkin g. Mr. Boardman felt if they had mar.y problems witY� ttie street parking, the area would have to be signed. N o other persons in the audiPnce spoke for or against this proposed preliminary plat. MOTION by Nir. Langenfeld, seconded by Ms. Gabel to close the Public Hearin�. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. The Public Hearin g was closed at 8;47 P. M. Mr. Langenfeld requested clarification on ho�a the road would be constructed. *ir. $oardman stated it is his underst.3nding that w�en ehe in d ess�e�ress is put in, g3rages wauld be constructed alon g this as this �oould be part of thz access in the par'�cing lot. He stated the parking shouid be 2rranged to eliminate as many accesses as possible on to Old Central. . r.OTICIIV by rir. Peterson, seconded by Tir. Ber�nan, that the P�.anning Commission recommend approv�l of the Proposed Preliminary Plat, Y. S. ��75-01, Tri-Co Additi�n, by Tri-Co Bu�].ders, 'tnc, with no more than one access onto O1d Lentral and th<1t staff work caith the existin� property owners to alleviate the parking problems on Central by proper signin�;, fencin g, etc. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the moCion carried unanimously. G. Pl11iI.IC 21TAP.� G: PAF1:S �4\D OPi�I SPACi; P'L�1�1 Mr. }Iarris explained the public hc:arin g this evenin g is for the Parks and Gpen Sp�ce Plai�. lie st�ted, hotaever, persons are present from the llyde Park area and di.d��' C know if tl�4y wisl�rd to disrtiss thc� llycic� 1'ark Man re�;:�rdi►�g Clte zoi�in�; tind strcrt issue wl�i�_li is sch���iul�d for a public hearing l�e�£ore the Conm�issi��n an :iprii I9, 1978. I _ , �`� 'ON '�fi'�f 5'� � , ' � , ----- • -.R6c- - Z I .�� J.. � �`cl��J1N�� Cl`IC'� TRI-CO ADDITION P.S. 4�78-01 � D � � � -------- _ ,v ` .._ .___.�-- -- °— - - . . I � i I 'r � ,` n � � . �. , I. . ..._._ . I _ �_ _'. � . . _... __._. _ � '- - _-' - ... _ . __. .. _. _ . � � ' i � I ~ ci � �°n 'r, � C - r an %ri� a �'f 0 � 7 � I - � M - � � c> � ''� o , ; J; � °m m o i � � V , V . I �. � � — � � - �---� �---- �—� , i I "9 i .on� '------------------- , 86 ,9£ 'r ', � ( .ec� I '� i — ;ti91-- �� j �_ «. i� I � � '� � Q . I N j i + / � W 1 � I Q I o �a � > t: � � c� , ' .d. � ; i J�j � _ F �s? � — " . `� a � - i � � ' ,n" '^ o �' d .,. a+ms i ^ h� I �" � - 1�� m� • • . 1 ' � _ 1 �b� � 0'p4'� ! -i _ {79 � "_ � I � O� .�._..�-.�._._..�._._._._�_: __'__.�._. ._. _._ . � r � \ � ` � , \ I � � ' i . � � . tl yS A2SV11.•JV$ ..8 Y^ (' . ; • ; 1 .4£1 . i� �. ._.._.�._.._._._--_.__._..._.— ___ � -�. ._ _.__'_" _ I .._._�.—._ I � ( � �. � � � . �.1 .. ^. _.. �_..' i i � ( � � � � � �----�-1N3w35v3 5�5�3d�3 SS3p� ' � p.�-', . i� _�..__. .._..�..�.. � ..� ��JC � �� i . i W L�� � � 3z ! � i � i N � ! N ------------- ; -u� �, � � � �, � , � - � � f � � � � ; , , . - -- --� � j ! ot .� . N �. , � J i � ',' C ; z ,st—� , ' j � i -- �' I I � i �- � I __-__----------- � � -� d� j i i .I � � ! ` L- -- '` _ .,�s-- _ ; �� 1 � N ' � � � I . � � - � ". i � �; ��� , � . ' ' � � � � + � I (V N I � OO � . _ �.�...r�..��. -� [ 1 � ' i• � , ---• __._ _. I � I � � ' I � � � ' � i � -- � — - � ! •,��i.._ -- '�. -,ab- 'i � „- wtl�. _� .. .... ._ � � PUBLZ�C NEARING 6EFO�RE THE CITY COUNCIL � 6 70 WFlOM IT i4AY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of the City Council of the C7ty of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 IJniversity Avenue IVortheast on �4onday, P4ay $, i978 in the Councii Ghamber at 7:3Q P.M. for the purpose of: Consideration of a rezoning request, ZOA .�78-02, by Marquette Staie Bank, io rezone the.�roposed Lot 2, Block 1, East Ranch � Estates Th� r•d Adr�i tion, from P��-2 (heavy - ' • indus�rial area) ico C-2 (general business . . area), to aliow t}ie� development of the � praperty for a commercial 6ank, located in the PdortF� lial f of Sect� on 1 I, T-30, • . R-24, City af Fridley, County of Anoka, � ri; ►,n�sota . � � Generally located at 225 Gsborne Road N.E. Anyone desiring to 6� heard a�itf� reference to the above matter nay be heard at the above time and place. WILLIAM J. NEE i�'fAYOR Publish: April 19, 1978 April 26, 1978 0 � \ \ 7 7 � w�'�y 0 � , , MARQUETTE STATE BANK ZOA #78-02 � 22S Osborne Road NE � � . 1 �%'�' �' �� �� �✓(j�L/Y � '�'�l' �.. V u 6q �+l " � � � � �/ 1 \ � 3 • _ ��.� �,,�..� . , ��- s, � .:z,`,' � ::�3 .���;� _ _..._� .....__.� __ .�..� .__ �`---• � ,,\;' , ��._ __ _ .. �. . � 1- : ;., , < ,':r�;�� . -- — -- __ __ —. -- • •--- --- — - _ ._.. --:,V : ; . ,.�• � ,�''`� �� : . �� ` ` }-�='',� � 'u1r+�ry . - ' � ` . � \ • �' y �-• � _____ � : � ` �: � � h � 5 4 �> � �\ � � , ? � a,,.,r,�' ti` A � � � ___---� WAtT1N» � �; , ' 'lA� � .�,�,���r�� \ � --' ,� � ,°-''��%'� .z��ii�ew� �Y_~ � ",i � ,� ��� 7 ,. "\ , 1 2 > � t�NNG ON , . _ .T , � � � � � � � �: � 1� ^ �'i �✓ . � ' ''� t t `: , • r i ��,��:�' � i�. . `� �� f � � � - ! 1 � al � . '� . � �0� . , r� 1: `, � . . ��� .�,,y»" �K�N�� � , •�i �y . �3 _ � �'' ti`^1'�Tr: i� i i ti j' '; � �. -• . ` � ► . ' � � � �ti � .. `� � +l'� � t� �� ' �'`�, :�� t: �:,J � � 1 � � _� � t �j �: .`.i �'� , ; ` � <<. '� 'L_ti Gf r � ,. � � , .;. . fi - 1 � , . i ' � :� � `<;` _. __ . . �. �� .�r. �� �• � • � ;� � � �-✓"- �^!.7'LO , � t �t � `�, "! !� � �. `.` �i ' , Y"�^�� � r, •�' ' � i ` � • � � �•i , ..:'i �; , °-�.� � . , 1 , - •� , , r �. `x . ` , � rs • • I � � '. - �� '�.� _��� r4 ;, ,� �1�i 1 ' �` J,� i.` • �. .;.4t:+ .t` `�` ' \. \ ` .; \. . ��, �:.��'� �� j� � ��. \��...'\ . .,L ` � �� � � . ' . � . � . .� � , ; � . .� � .1` Y . � _ > ._„�rµ ► ` : y.- • ' `�'� '� � . � �.r�.il� ��r %`r ��� - '` 76,�' .� � �:\';. � -� � p5� -- �"°_"-� �' + �. �' ��� 'r►.w�.",.".�!."�"'��, � � . '\v�Y-• !n _--. t� . ' • ,� --�".- ' 0 � / r . / �� �� `ItL'k).-�r�Ci75•F FftG1UCy C,N �`i.f'F?t07(. j,�'J.AGI�ES •r j ' \, - /� , C�t�t�( �hi�ii,�'� j7GjF�f;?�Y� �"t'.. Or4�ll�� ' r"I�lc�-Ey 0 � � i ,� Yz". r:� I �,�� .' � . ��; ' �✓(�, ,. \' ; ; � 0 PI,/11INIidC� rr,piP�T"ST�P? t�f^??TIT1G - IIPRIL 19 1 £3 ' p� e 1. . - � _---- -- _.�.: �-- � G B _ _ �.�. . ; 14r. }3o��rdman pointed out that the plating request ��ras bein� made by the M�rque�te State Bank for Mr. nob Schroer. He said that i.t �vas Mr. Schrocr'.s proper�ry and Lot 3 ti��ouTd remain under his' ovrnership. Mr. Lain� said that the proposed bank ��ould be considered a detached facility, iie said it �roul� be close to a�ull-service bank. IIe said the only thing that they �von't be able to do r�ould be to close on�loans.. He said that the plan that he ���as shoti�ra.n� indicated the maxiraum of their needs. � Chairperson Harris said that at the present they ��rer� mostly concerned with the e�ress and entrances of the bank. - 1�IOTIOI�1 by t�:s Schnabel, seconded by Mr. Langenfeld, to close the Public Hearin�. Upon a voice vo�;e, a11 voting �ye, the motion carried unanimously. The Public Hearing t��as closed at i 1: 52 P.M. • MGTIOPd by t�is. Schnabel, seconded by P�r. Zangenfeld, that the Plar�.nir.g Commission recommend approval on the consideration of a prelir�inary �l�t P.S. ;�78-03, East Ranch Es�ates Third Additi�n, by Tiarquet�te State Bank: Replat of the P�tor�hti�:est �uadrant of 1•7azn Street and Osborne Road ti:3_th the stipulations that Lot 1 be recorded as part of the pla�ing for Frank's Nursery; that the sanitary se��rer easement be srioti�m fol�ot=rir�g the North property line; and that a seti��er easement; be given across I,ot 3 ti�rith acess to Lot 2. UPON A VOICE VOTr� all voting aye� the motion c�ied un�zimousl.y. 6. PUBLIC H?�A?�INGs RrZO?`1Ii�TG ?�EOT?�;ST,�?0� 1`78-0�� �Y �-ltii?�UE �'T'� S'iA", ;, $t�ilI�: R�'.ZOI�TF Tli� LO`I' 2s t3LU�i� 1 s���=--�`�;}-y;~P1tOPCSiD I'LAi� P.%�. ;r'(�0'>� EAS1 RI�dC�i ESTt'�`1�'LS THIRD ADDITION, FR0:1 F�1-? (HE11VY IiVDUSTRIAL AREAS) TO C-2 ( G�NER.EIL BUSIT�IESS ARE tiS) TO ALLO,'! THE D�VELOPP�iEI�1T OF TIiE PROP�,RTY FOR A COIYiP�iERCIAL B�21K, ZOCATED AT 225 OSBORNE R�AD I�TE MOTTON by Nir. Langenield, seconded by P1r. Oquist, to open the Pu�lic He�in�. Upon a voic� vote, all, voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. The P�ablic Hearing lvas apened at 11:55 P.�`�e MrQ Lzing shotived the Commission the plan of the proFosed banii. :ie said it t:lould look Iike a sm�ll version of a full-5ervice bank, He said that there ��ou1d �� three lobby tellers on �he insid� an��l at least tti�ro drive�in tellers on the autside. He said ther� would be approximately four des��s in the lobby area for cust�mer s�rvices. He said that:ti��ith the exception of closin�; ].oans, they tvould func �ion the same as a full- service Uank, r Chairperson Harris asked if they �vould have safe-deposit boxes located on the premises. � PLAiI11T11r C()MP�iI. �aI()I( 11I;;�;I'I.I�d� — r'1PRTI� 1�, 1978 Pa �e 20 . __.C, __...�._...._,,,w. Mr. La�:������F�i���that they ��ouldn't have safe-deposit boxes. IIe also ' said they vroul.dn't be able to di��cr�e loan proceeds on the premises. � 6 � Mr. Laing �aid that they ti�ranted �o brin� the character of the bank buildin� located at 52nd � Central out to the ne�,v Iocation. He said tHat �he buxldin� �rould either be a vrood/stone eYterior or a stucco ex�erior. He said it vrould defini�ely be an attractive addition to the community. ' . Chairperson Harris asked if there tiT�ould be pr�blema t��ith the particular intersection of Commerce Lane (I�Zain Stree�L) and Osborne Road. Mr. Boardman said tha� they didn't initially foresee any major problems. ihs. Schnabel said tha-� she ti�ras somecahat coricerned about customers ef�.ting from the banl� at that point because of �he speed that cars turn onto Commerce Lane. She said that because of the ti�ray the street tia�as sei; up, it ��ras quite easy for cars to �ccelerate as they turn the corner. Mr� Boardman said�there ti�ras enough setback and he didn�t feel there tvould be a Zot of prob].ems exiting at that poin�. Chairperson IIarris asked if Mr. Laing �vas a�lare of the requirements of the St. Paul �'Jater 1`lorks. 1�ir. Laing s�id that they i�rere a���are of the requirements. He s�id that the�r �reren�t plannin� on generating that r.:uc.h traffic. He said that the bank tiirould have li�ited capabilities. P40TIOr1 by r4r. Langenfeld, seconded by t•is. Suhrbier, to close the Public Hearing. �Jpon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. ihe Public Hearing yras clos�d at 12:09 P,M, Mr. Langenfeld said that it seemed that it ,�ras ��he trend of the area to 'sho�.v grolrth. He said tha.� the City should be cautioned to the fact that they did not tirant another 53rd & Central est�blished at that point. MOTION by r2r. Langenfeld, seconded by Ms. Suhrbier, that the Planr�ino Com�ission recoMmend approval of the Rezonin� Request, LO.A1 t78-�2� by Marquette State Bank: Rez�ne the Lot 2, Bl.ock 1, o� tlze Proposed Plat, P.S. f{7$-03, L'a�t T�anch Estates Third Additicn, from M-2 (heavy industrial areas) �o C-Z (general business areas) to allo�r the developmen� of the property for a CaMmercial Bank, located at 225 Ostorne Road I�TE. UPQN A VOIC� VOTE, �l� voting aye� �he motian carried unanimouslye 7. PUBLIC_ _ Ii��'1RIN �: �i;?ONING R?;�U�ST Z011 :`,� £3-0 BY TFI�OI}C?RE Bt1R�'�r;DT: R� LUNL FR'OI�i R-3 G�:i�:�;� �L PIUL'1'IPL:� Fiu`�1ILi� D:i��LLING� `1'U CR-1 (GENERAL Oi�I�'IC.� A',�ID LIiiITED BUSIi1�SS). LOT 1, BLOCK 1� HILL�"JIND ADDITION � TO 1�LL�'�! � 1�IOD�L IIOP�IE TO B� USED AS A SALES OFFIC� THE S�1E BLING 91�1 HILL;'JIND ROAD N� � _ --- - --- -_-�..�:z_ . PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CzTY couNCZ[. 70 ��lNOM I1' t•1AY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that there will be a Rubl'ic Counc�i of the City of Fridley in the City Nall at b431 Hortheast on 14onday, May 8, 1978 in the Council Chamber purpose of: � Hearing of the City University Avenue � at 7:30 P.M, for the Consi.deration of a FinaT Plat, P.S. �78-03, East � Ranch Estates Third Addition, 6y i�tarquette State Bank, being a• replat of t�iat part of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest • Quarter of Section 11, T-30, R-24, Anoka Gounty, t4in►�eso�a described as follows: Co�encirg at tFie inters�ction of the nor�hwesterly right of z�ay line of OsbornQ Road, as the same is now laid out an travel ed, and tlie ►�rest 1 i ne of sai d Secti on 11; thence N 51 °03' 20'.' -� E, along said righ� of ti�ray line, said 6earing is assumed, 364.27 feei; thence on a tangential curve to the lef�, having a radius of 20 feet, cen�rai angle of 8i°23`54"; a distance of 28.41 feet; thence N 30°20'34" !d, tangent to last described curve, 37.66 feet, . thence on a tangentialcurv� ta t�e ieft, having a radius of 66i.5Q � feet, central angle of 16°O1'01", a distance of 184.92 feet; thence N 46°21'35" F7, tangent to last described curve, �Ib8.3b -Feet; thence on a tangential curve to the right, having a radius of 254.52 feet, central angle of 45°l9'S5". a distance af 2Q1.37 feet, th�nc� I� 1°O1'40" t•1, tangent to last describ�d curve, to the nor�h ?ine of� Lot 5, Auditor's Su6divisian TJo. 77; then�e eas�erly, along said north line, 33 feet �to the north�rest corner of said Section ll .and the actual point of beginning; thence S:1°O1'40" Ea distance of 53,14 �� feet; thence on a tangential curve to ihe left, having a radius of � 221.52 feet, a distance of 175.26 feet; thence S 46°21`35" E, tangent to the last described curve, 168.36 fe��; thence on a ta�gentzal curve to the right, having a radius of 694.50 feet, a distance of 194.15 feet; thence S 30°20'34" E, tangent to last described curve, £i3.24 feet ta the centerline of said Osborne Road; thence N 51°�3'26" E, along said centeriine, 62.45 feet, thence IV 75°22`00" E, continuing along said centerlir.e, 312.10 feet to the Southwest corner af the plat of East Ranch Estates First Addition; thence N Q'47'30° tJ, along the west 7ine of sai� p1at, 431.18 feet to the north iine of said Idprthwest Quar�ter of the Tdorth;i�st Quar�er; then PJ 89°59'30" t�l, aiong said North line, a di�tanc� of b98.12 feet to the actual poir�t of b2ginning. Subject to Osborne Road, St. Pa�l ��later l�lo�ks easem�nt, road easemertt along north line and the e�esterly line and oth�r easemeu�ts of r•ecord, if any, a11 located in'the North Half of Section 11, T-30, R-24, C�ty of Fridley, County of Anoka, ��linnesota. Generally located in the 1��orthwest Quadrant af 1-lain Street and Osbarne Road. � Anyone desiring to be heard with reference to the above matter may be heard� at this time. WILLIAM J. NEE Publish: April 19, 1978 MAYOR Apri] 26, 1978 7 � �, 0 � � � cwnvEa tiSEG n . - �` i�i �'\ EAST RANCH ESTATES 3RD ADDITION P.S. #78-03 . �V �2300\ � � � � — ;:;'=— `----- ^� \ j • (zsoo) �v �ti_� w w cavNe'n scr n � � 7A ��� � cir:l ., . �,� � � �: -r • , • � ' _, ••;, ..,.��-� _',. . �~ * SBORN :PLAl+4'„•'�.;.� : ' a.! c:L z; � -"'- " . _- ' �.° �' I ��lr _ `, _�-�. re�r �r::' r - 1 i3 !' `',.�DRH� ' � ; : ? _ �° � . :'y-% - � - .� ' � p 6 - �, . .:,a�. � S � >� i 1 i+ �;p`�'���1 �w� `?-t �*- L...- r ' �� � >>v '_ "�.Y-���€i_.�`� �:ti'r �' �_ �G' • . z Q: r: c;.r �C-� .+t e � Jy� ::� . %� -_ ._ul....� �.. ' _ -� f� ,.•4 � • h c �i Q ' • `jTN i' ,�';. _ ..�c� .... :.�:• 7 ?i ` ` � --- - ^� r .. , z;, `: �^-si.?�• . n _ r • . , I F- - . , . . ' ` � t . . N � a � � • •�: I• � . � .. . _. .. .J /� . . : r � {�y1 _�� __��._.a _ � �� � i > , , . R:�--•- _ : Z , . : -r--_ap- � � JC U,, . w � •'! � w • ... . . . .,. _ . - '" -- Z �. _ f. .. .�vNo�y ' . . . r _.. Z - .. ' ,. , ,,,,,, .. , _ . .. . 1 � , . ry� w , F- ' t ' �" . , . . W __.d . - r _'. W �,I � . � _. �__. _a__ ' � ' � � t + , s �' r F . ' _.a_' . .. m_ _ N �s y __ y II � a,_ + _ ' V ' S � . �r- -. ...m _ . r . ..y . -. r-- _ !-� � �, � a mO�..l�� • � ' x _�_1 � ` � _N �'°.'- � , _..a -' �j; ��iia ' h � _ ( � � �c. �.x}4 __r._"_.r'__ .d. _ . - � 2 \ ::, a.a:, ` �. . � '�� '. :� •• � + �%� ' :. " �; �V::Ci ' a . r - : . . . � ' _ � . , � ... . y�.. ._..�..__(�. ' _..,.._.-_—_ 75TH-,MI�:�NE--<;----._ o ; � : ` �• " V I O Z� '•3_ �. _ t,t� � � rt� •� t� .� I T •1 � . � 4 . . • `. u . � I _1ax.. _'J_ i'_._'�N . ' Ni _ '_'{ � . �c.. • , ,� � � , M. �. � . � .o , � i. !"� �— '-�! -� 74 TN � AvE. NE - r � c� � . .. � .�' , y���:, . i = ' 3 . n , s . t� �"�s, , `. \ ; a^..3ti`. : ~;�� �'� y!�` • '`i�_. � � M� r+` '•:ti' . +. t 4J �` �' a " ^�%..�: � '� �. __ � `�a � Zi . • � �, • r � • .� �. � �� a .:. ';,•�•��-�'; ° ; " =' � ` , :.�..; . Y..� `'�r, . `Y �'�' ..so , y .:� � �'•�i �i ��. � + a` C. �• . I . ` ' " �a.�r] ��. ;.Y• + +:��T � ; ' r su.-✓ ��;� � + ': W� 'v • `' f,. . ;; ..r��.�:s . �; �:,A;, c.: �;z� �: : � . ..-..r �o: .� i = � , a ,� � �j � � �: �� ♦1 •.. � ., :•� ._ M• ^ � i: �' ' ., � � t � , � 1 . 1 ' ar� {t'� r �. N a . �. � r . .i. i y t � .. ' i . : .i� i � � . � �� •' }� � ' s� � , .. �• ..- a.... _. ...... . . a , ; ; , a . , ' '� ��i ' . 1. s •.�� x; �ti .0�• .7 .ti � i �, � .r .. - ' ,..• „73R0„ -�.i. �.. � . � i � .. .. 1'1�P �i1� 1 I1�i (;ur•�r, �.;�:� i c�r� M!'�1';7'l f7�i -- IIYK �.L �`J � �`j (t5 �'rip;$ l� • MOTION--��,�:��. -��chnabel, seconded by Mr. Storla, that the Plannin� 7 B Commis,ion recommend anproval of the con�iderati.on of a proposed prelimin�ary plat, P.a. �/78-02, Harrier's I'iryi; Addition, by t7. J. li�rrier, Jr.: being a replat �f Lot 25, Revi �ed I�udil;or's Subdivi�ion No. 23, except thase pieces platted as Johnson's River Lane Addition �n d Patterson Addition, subject to road ea.sements, located in the 6400 Bloctc an the ;'Jes� side of Rivervie<<r Terrace NT.� with the stipulation that the covenant of deed tivill require referenc;e to the � maintenance of' the road and the ma�ntenance and operation �f lift , � station be the responsibility of the property o��rners of Lot;s 2,3 & 4 amd that all the necessa.ry utility an.d drainage easements be included in the final plat. UPON A VOICE VOTE, a11 votin� aye9 the moti•on ca.rried un 5. PURLIC II:;P.RING: ��OT�SID?RAmION (��' A PR�LIi�7IP�?11RY PLA�I' P��,.,a 8-0 : i r , - ri 1n-,,c• m i ' � � r r,nT -� r„ r-; :,ASI. P.l1i1GII ��SIE:11_�,.� 1L�I:;J !`�'t):�I7'I0: , BI ��1_�:�.�J'��'T", Slt�.,l.:' F3'�:I.��-t— � Replat. of the i�iortn�rre�t �uacirant of I�iain atreet and Osborne Road. (See Public Hearing notice for complet� legal descript:�on). MOTIOTd by r4s. Schnabel, seconded by Mr. Lan��nfeld, to open the Public Hearing. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, i;he motion ca�ried ' unanimously. The Public Hearin� ��as opened at 11:38 P.�7. Mr. Baardman explained that the property being discussed v���s Lo'� 2 of Blocli l of the East Ranch Ls�ates Thira �ddition. He s��id that there tivere some condi.tion that City ,a�ould like t� have pl.aced on the pl��zt if approved. He said that Lot 1 should be included as a portiQn of I�'rank's Nursery. Mr. Boardman said �hat there �vas a�ecrer easEm�nt along 77th `�ray. He said that it ran ulorzg the groperty line. He said that �hers tiras also easement on both sides of the s�reet right-of-t��ay, H� said that the easenents should be indica�ed on the final p�at. Mr. Boardman said �hat the se�ver servicing S�ot 2 had to go through Lot 3, so some ease�ent vrculd have to be indicated. Chairperson Harris reminded the Commission members that there was also a rezoning xequest that ti>>as tied to the replat. Mr. Roarc'anan pointed out on a dra�i�i.ng e�actly tirhere the ingress and egress t�rould be for the proposed Bank. Mr. Lain�, President of Aiarquett� State }3ank, shorred the Commission the proposed Banl� plans. He indica�ed on the plar �ahere ti�,�y planned to have drivei=lays and hoti�r the planned traffic flotiv tirould occur. Mr. Board�an said that ihe only zoning that ti��ould be requested to have changed ���ould be Lot 2. . .�;.,. - . . . , ' PI,A1dPJ71�t� ^C"di��T ;"I�A1 1�frrTTTIr -/1PRIT, 1 1 f� . P�� e 1 . . �-=.�_..�.�- - _ = . . 7 C t�fr. Poarc2Mun �ointed out that the pl�ting request ��ias bein� rr,ade by the t�t�rque�;te atate Bank for 1�ir. �ob Schroer. Iie �aid that it ti�ras Mr. Schroci•! s property and Lot 3�vould rer.tain und�r his ov�nership. t�tr. Lain� said that the proposed bank v�ould be considered a detached facility. Iie said it ��rould be close to a full-service bank. He said the only thin� that they ti��on't be able to do <<rould be to close on� loans.. He said that the plan that he �t�as sho��rin� indicated the maximum of their needs. Chairperson Harris said thut at the present they vrere mostly concerned �vith the egress and. entrances of the bank. MOTTOId by t�is Schnabel� seconded by .1�1r. Lan�er_feld, to close the Public Hearin�. Upon a voice vote, all votin�; aye, the moticn carried , unanimously, The Publzc Hearing r�as closec� at 11:52 P.ri. � MOTIO,i by i�Is. Schnabel, seconded by r�ir. Langenfeld, that the Planning Commission recommend a�nroval on the consideratioi� of a prelir�inary plat P. S. ;F78-03, East Ranch Esta�;es Third l�dditian, by 2•iarpuette �tate Bank: Replat of the T�orthr;es� �u�drant of t��ain Street and Osborne Road �:;iLh the stipulations that Lot 1 be .�ecorded as part of the plating for Frank's RTursery; that the sanitary se�rer easemen� be� shol�m £ollot�ring the North property line; and that a setirer easer�ent be giv�n across Lot 3 tirith acass to Lot 2. . UPON A VOICE VOT�, alI voting aye, the motion carried unanimousiy. 6 Pi7??LIC ?irARI?`?G. RnZCi�1T.•iG R?��t!TSm, ?OA �,���`-7a--02LRY Mt ,�t1��T_� 5��: � • �1P�, T' rPr' r�,n►r,;, BA�__�:___�i{ • P,�:,ZOT�; r� T,'-T� LOT c� BLOCI� 1, OF `1'H:� FRGPOS�D PL�T, P. a, i:='78-03, ��S1'• R11TdCH ESTi1TES THIRD ADDITION, rROM P�i-2 (HEAVY INDUSTRIAL A�2EAS) TO C-2 ( GENERAI, BUSIIIESS �`�RE11S) ;TO ALLO;'; THE DEVELOFP�iENT OF T:�iE PROPERTY FOR �1 COI�1t�iERCIIiL BANK, �LOCl�TED �T 22� OSBORNE ROAD NE ; , MOTION by �ir. Langenfeld, seconded 'py Mr. Oquist, to open the Public �i�arin�. Upon a voice vo�e, alZ voting aye� the mction cz.rried unanimously. The Public Hearing i�,ras opened at 1 1; 55 p�r7� Mro Laing sholved the CoMmission the:� plan of the proposed banka He said it t�ould look like a small version 'of a ful.l-serva_ce bank. He said that there ��.ould be three lo�by tellers on �;he inside and at 1eas1; ttvo drive-in tellers on the outsi�e„ He said trere ivc�uld be �pprox:imate�y four desks in the lobby area for custorner services. He said tha� �vith the exce�tion of closing loans, they tivould function the same as a full- service bank, . ; . � Chaa,rperson Har.ris asked if they ti��ould have safe-deposit boxes located on the premises. . , � , . , �.. ��� � � !-�_ � � L,..-..! 0 U ou EAST RANCH ESTATF.S 3RD AD�N. �P,S.' �78-03� -- � � 7 D <h:�.����.!, ��r�fs� ,r.'Cf/r�r� ,�" `r"% �`%i .� i c� _ _. __ ,�if�r� _.. � :y».;;:�,�. — 61 GG6 'bl'6•S Z �� St°'a � � ??�LLV ___ � . , . ` , � , , . ff F� �� 1• �: , 1 �..\ N . �� � ^� N ` Q � � � w � `1; $9 "E L�,i �. \ ��0� � .� . � 1 � �� , . � , � y � O 1 • �` ' 1 �. � � � � ,1 h'r�� � • � �. � � • oo'E�• . � .J o � ,�, t__ ._h . '.. __.. . ... . -- . .. ,� , , , � N, � � �--�` \�� � ," . :. . � L? ..,i '_ . : �� � ., . � "' , `, � �..yd.�� ��� � � � Q � �: � '�;1 . �„`° ' , - � � � . '`�� \ � � j � . , � ; � ' "1 . Jtiv.`� ' . �-�-�°i • �_ .� �"�I � \� � � � . 1 • . sr,,�, u,' '=� ° s-, t� � o ^\ M •�•, �� !•�.�wA � , 'v � � _ � � 'V' , . O �\ � ' ' `,\ � � �� + %-' �".� -Y� � L � '�' 1 ` �/\ n . � i \:��_�;•�n�� � ,'� �4 � • 5` .s � p �g <<l ti1 : a•1 -" � .- � � `,� , A�l , `�° � �� � ` � °� �I 1°3� `�, `` •"°' /�/•:h<•.��:y';.. . � � � �1 ` �� +,�,�' �_ �`` ^ p ! �� .�o � i ' ~ r' 1 1 ��, �� �>� � � .� ..l�.0 , / :.o` � \ �v a �b 4' (� i < r� �: �� > � � ' ' � �.r1.��'` ��' �° 'ti , � � �6 \ / 'o ,~,p�� \\ f �o. O�' / 'r. r ,/1 + � � \ / '1 � u ✓ _` • �. � � , L' i � � . . ^��� , . ` • �-� _. ..r.. �` .._ . . : . . . ^ 4� , X�'�� • � �1 . `O �W . ,.�' , � r . I� `\ � � �i�. (�c �� /� � �•e t, , . • fE • � ,� �n 1.1��=���'� J;' ,, i ;� r FF � r tF+� `' � /� . / `�� .;" '� �,/; � �� /,;ti . . . , N:r�r: ;��i � � �•-' "�. ''�� r'. ,� . � ,' t � .. 1v f ,'^ . � rf�S-'�°�t1- •yc /`� . � ,j II���tr.• . ��+ir:.; a��": i ,.,.:�,•, . . ' ��.:. � ��� , ,4 � ___. _ __ --------_—. ..�� . , IIIA' ,�• ,I ._ ...,..._.___._./ -._.._....._ __ ____ ' ( .. .r � ' ' { '� I ���� .' `A � ' �� i ':4 �'� , .i� , ' .1 �( �' .1 • f. Y,� . � ;� � .....i_�� � . ,.�ly•��� ' • . ' . - . . l` , � �1 ` I � t r �' ti f) PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE iHE CI7Y COUNCIL TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notic is hereby given that there will be a Public Nearing of the City Council of the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue, Northeast on Monday, May 8, 1978, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber for the purpose of: � �Consideration of a rezoning request, ZOA fi78-04, by the Eity of Fridley, to esta6lish a new Zoning District, S-1 (Specfal Zoning District) and to rezone the following proFerty to this district: 0 Blocks 5, 6, 7 and 8, Hyde Park Addition, from � R-2 (t4•ro family dwelling areas) to S-1 (special . . zoning district), and Block 9. 10, 24 and 23, Hyde Fark, from ft-3 ' (gen�ral multiple family dweliing areas) �o S-1 (special zoning district), and Blocks ll, 12, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27 and 28, Hyd2. Park from G-2 (general 6usiness areas; to S-1 (special zoning district, and ' Blocks 1 and 2, Gity Vieti�r Addition, from C-2 , (general 6usiness areas),to S-1 (special zoning district, all lacated in�thQ North Half of Section 23, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, Coun�ty of Anoka, Minnesota. The purpose in creating a new zoning district is to make the zoning consistent with nzighborhood development. Genzrally located frc�m 57th Piace N.C. to 61st Avenue N.E.9 and University to �iain Street. � Anyone desiring �o be heard �vith reference to the above matter may be heard at the above time and place. � WIL�IAM J. NEE MAYOR • Publish: April 19, 1978 April 26, 1978 -��' �t3 � L._--_._.,.,.-�% �--,___� � ,�.� ,... • � _ ,._�.:- -- .. , _ , i��to oy' �`6061 bcbo" � r;°o ��c z�o'�` ^� .z�o: -�;, .g A <<� , � � h`' e Z " � � ` • . 6p7� � � i ; ,. n �; .. • H' _ �� .i � , �449 to;s9 -- � - . . EnN! �' � 6� 3$ 4��3o b�.3b b0�-i -bci6o _ . �, ,>., r s� , �3� 605► - � (,ozi h��2 6035 �032 hbq� bo50 .. ": , , q _ , � , 603� 6440 . , � � � 60 �� "- b031 �c�Z4 _. __. n bp z� ,�', :� , , . j � hOl$-- (,02� -- b03�� �' , 10017 � - (�Q,17 lo'J1� ..; ! , t6Q�� '/i/ � " �,0►2 - . ." 6ot5� 6b20 .....1._ , , , -bo►i ,. hoo9 -- -boo�4 6ots�,--- .: _ _ ' _6or, .i� . � i: ,� �Oo6 ; _• -� 60�0 _ �.. - ._ . /�. „ � c • .= • ' .. i ,� �. ,60oy ' bo�` 6000 - 25t kAO�-- -b!1 7 . _ .� . , �y �,000 , � ; , F.. � � � i� .� -, . ,t: 0 W � ' +� s .4 0 ! /lf�l ,[i:l � • ro �( . �� � 5`�3$! _... 596� ..e � So57 5�i.�o ' z�+ - � ., 3 ��'f-r3 59an-q� - 59,�,5 59� � � ; •- � , 54�s __ 5q3e-3B- 5a�5 c;9�42 5p�[� `� �'933 ' � . " 5a� z-- `, � 59Z4 ' S92 5 5`�' ? � � 5��4-- w _ �� s �9'► � -- ; S�Z� - � �. ' -� -59�b - �- 59i7 _ . . .__. �"�Y1 - - ' � ^ 590 8 , �� r�9 JQ 5o�a , j q59�5 . V. , � ; �; �'t 5��0 ` � � I � .:�+J �tnp tt� �T9� • i 51SO .�',�i"{� - 5�3TH ..� p � 5�7r � N >� ����: 5.�.�.'�'�� � 5 r3:.5 � �.� � r����r ��a�� -- ; 58�'H '�3,�, �QR e � � _ !i'�� i ��'.°��' 4 � �� � -. _ ; , e - �Q�p ��:5 r ; �59��- � "",'� , ; ' . � 5974 - 5Y73.— � � : ; � � 594� ,. , :� .� ; r .. �r 5945 ��� ^ 5965-5Y � �• � ; L � ♦ _�� • ��' . - 5926 5Sa£.: ' � ., �• . � , J� �� � . 1� ' .. ` r - : -- r�. ?,� � {. W 5caz5 - � ��1.^p-� - �% - � "" � � � � y�,>.t 3_ i: .:sa.ti . L° �O .� � 9i`� � /9 - -rj�� 3 G � : � - - - __� . � �-- —i.1 '� h' 590� ��'o� 1- 4�qE � , ,, cn s - �; ; cn 4 , , ,;. , �V��J��� C�.�. ° � � . P � e_yl Y � � �' , SR�g � �� . _. G�-= f� , , � �`� i>- !!� 5�_'C! E �- ; r .s , .:^ t f � 5��`' � � � • H I'►0� �� j � �' , �� •- , ;�: �8��� '-� :� u Lh f. � �� JF,�� ' -" �- ,�_ �• ., • �::�.� AI�C�lUE ----i N.F. ' :: . - �., ,. ` ..•��. ' 5791 2x$ ', ; 5730 � � , � ; � � 5T8�� .� . - .� ��' 'j. , t 5 I�.� ' r;?' , ' W; � , 1 ;� ` ` , �f •( I •- - ,,t .; ��;'. _t �' ♦ I� �r•r', . . �.' ��t �2L�� � f'�27ti ��b : , � �',�56 N � : � 559 F� - N � ��34 / .�82g 5�Zo �atio _ $��10-- 5'1 d 0 � � .� 1 � • � �� :�IGJ „1O - S7bI SI,I� : �• 3 �: � �: + •) � �� i .' t y� i . . . ' .. ' ','" . . . . �� . •"! � �� ���; ��; �'�; �_�� �3� 2nr � .�4t 0 � PI,/11111TT;r �;�tfi�(I' ; ;T�il M?;??TIP1G - APRIL 19 1 £3 Pa . e � , _ -��«_�= _ -- - 8 � t�is. Schnabel raid� that her reason� of recommendinb denial vras based on the many ;t;a�ed concerns. She said that she v�as concerned abou� the he��lth, safei;y, and rielfare of the adjacent pro��erty ot�mers and partl.cularly the safety and ��elfare of the prospective customers that vrould be u�in� the particul.ar faczl.ity in that area. She said she ti�raU not onposed to a Disco Center, but she was opposed to it.going into the pr�rticular location. She said that it vras not a compatible use with the rest of the surrounding properties. � UPON A VOICE VOTE, Mr. Oquist, Ms. Schnabel, Mr. L angenfeld votin� aye; t�fr. Storla and Ms. Suhrbier votin� nay; rir. Harris abstaining� the motion carried. Chai rperson Harris indicated that he abstained his vote because he tivas an affected property ot�mer. i�ir. Rozr�an thanked the tti�o commission members that voted in his favor. Iie said that he felt very sorry for the people that u�anted the Disco denied. He said tha� they l��ere denying something that tit�as 'really needed. He felt it ��ras tiMe to quit saying that teens tivere all bad. He said that the teens today are the citizens of tomorro��r. • He felt that the problems �rith the society �Jas more t�rith the parents than vri�Lh the teens. tfr. Oc�uist said that the members of the Co:nmission DID NOT deny the disco center. They denied the request because of tivhere P�Ir. Rozman ���anted. tha� disco located. He indicated that there ���ere pro'pleMs ��rith many of the teens today and �hat l�as apparent in any schooi parkinr lot � perso� ;�ould t�rant to o�serve. He said that because the members of the Commzssion erere concerned citizens that they t=rould prefer to see the Disco Center located at a more accessible and better control.led Commercial site. 3. . PU�3LIC H'�1�RTT�G: R�ZOT�TIT�?G RF�UEST Z^A �r 8-0 ��ITY OI' FRIDL�Y: •TO ESTE�LIS�I x Ai�';; 'LGivIi�G DIS`1'R1C , �" ��' ���I, ZOT;ING DISTRICT) AND TO R:ZONE iliE FOLLO';JII�TG PROP�RTY TO THIS DISTRICT: BLOCKS 5s6,7 �: s, HYDE Pr'�Ri� ADDITION FRCi�i R-Z (T:`IO F�•1ILY Dti'J�LLING AR�AS) TO S-1 ; AT�TD BLQCiiS 9,10, 24 & 23, HYD� PA��, FRC�i�1 R-3 ( G�NERAI, MULTIPLE T�1,�SILJ D't7EI,LIT�1G AREaS) TO 5--1 ; AND BLOCKS 1 1� 12, Z1 , 22, 25, Zf�, 27 8: 28, HYDr Pt?RK, rROr� C-Z ( G�NERI�L BUSINESS AREAS) TO S-1 ;�PiD BLOCKS 1& 2, CITY VIEI'1 ADDITIC�`;, FRO��: C-Z (G�I�1::R� BUSTN�SS �R �AS) TO 5--1 , G�I1�R�LLY LOCATED Fh�P�i 57th PL�'�CE NE TO 61 ST AVL�NUE IIF,; AND UNTVLRSITY AVLNUE TU MAIN STREE•I'. AZOTIOPd by rir. Lan�enfeld, seconded by Ms. Schnabel, to ,�pen the . Public I�Iear:in� . Upon a voice vote, all vatin�; uye, the motion ;carried unanimously. .The Public Fiearing ti�;as openad at q:04 P.M. . ,�._ � PT,IITIPIT�1� r,r't�1�TT�; ;I��1 1`4?;?;TT1�JG -/1PR?L 19, 1�7B Pa�;e 10 '• �.-�-����.�:;- -_- ° Mr. Laardr���n sai,d that the Hyde Parl� area ha� had a nur�ber of � specific problem� in the pa�t. Iie said that hard:hips ���E;re put on thc re�iciential homes in the area ���hen 1/3 of �he area �tas rezoned tc Go:nmercial in 196g. He said that the residential homes tvere classified as non-conformin� use.. �-ie said {;hat a resident group vianted to knoti�� �rhat could be done to correct the problem. He said that �i��o mcetings �Trere held v�ith the residents in the area and at� thoUe r�eetin�s the re�idents chose a 16 member nei�;hborhood council. He �aid t;hat six meetin�� ���ere held ti�rith the neighborhood council at t�hich tr.ey decidec� upon the Ordinance that the Commission had before them. . t�Ir. Boardman said that the Hyde Park area vras a unique situation. He said it t�ras decided upon to call the area a Speci.al Zoning district. FIe said that the neigh.borhood council v�anted the zoning set up so that people ti��ould be able to utilize their existin� facilities and if they ti•rere over 50/ destroyed, they ivould be a1loti•red to rebuild to their present code restrictions. He said that the neighborhood generally t�t�ntcd te be reclassified as a single-family area. They ��anted to reta�.n the characterzstics of a singZe-family area. He said that further �ult�ple drrelling develop�ents ��roul.d be restricted hoti�rever the prnse:�t � ultiple and cor�r�ercial property o��rners 1��ould be allo�ved to zaaintain their establishments. He said that because.of the conditions of that type of zoning they had to go to a Special Zbniz�g district. . t�lr. F3oa.rd�v.�z read through the special features of the Ordinance. He e�plain�c? several points of the Ordinance as he read through them. Mr. Robert Young of 5807 3rd Street Nu saia that it ��ras dependent on the rezonin� of the area as to :��hat type of street rras put in on Third Street. xe said that he rlas presently Coinmercial but if that � ea was rezoned to S-1 he d.idn�t feel they should have to pay for the comroercial street. Mr„ .Boardman said that it �vould be a decision that City Council �tlould have to handle. Chairperson Harris said that there ��as definitely a difference bett��een a reJidential street and a commerciai street. He said that the commercial s�reets l�ere nine-ton streets and the residential streef;s �vere four-ton streets. He said that it t�rould be a determination thai �vould have to be made by the City Council. Mr. T3oardman said that there vrould be no street improvements staried before the 4onin� ;�.as determined. He said that any measuring that tivas takin� place ���as determinir..� the property Iines. 0 Mr. Boardman expllined that the type of street that ti�rould go into a particular area ��rould be cietermined by �he City Council. He said that �vith the S-1 District, there ��rould be no more expansion of businesses in the area. He said �hat the eYistin�; �u� inesses tivould be allo��red to rem�in. iie said that �,� �vould have to be determined at that time if the existin� businesses rrou�d put a load an a residential street. He said ii it ti�ras det�rmined tha.� the busines�es tivould put a load on a resi.�?entia.l street, thc�n the �treet .��rould be made a commercial street. Mr. Boardman ag�in said that it ��ould be a City C�u;�ci1 decision. � � PT,AP11�i�I1G C,�1�(MI> ;T�t�1 M^?;TI?1r - 11PRII. 19, 1978 . Pa�t� 1 1 .. -�-:�� _�._ _ y , Mr. Ron 1�7cClain of 6007 i�iain Street PT�� said that he had already attended an asseU�ment mee�:in� at City IIall. He said that his assessraent for a Commercial. atreet t��ould be appreximately �j28.61 and the residential streets v�ould be approximately �bB.61. Ms. Gabel saidthat it cras the street improvement project hearing, She saicl that the figures t;hat Mr, I�IcClain had v�ere approximate co�sts. Mr. Boardman said thi s'> l�as not the assessment hearing. Iie said that everyone viould be ati�rare of the fact crhen the assessment public hearin� trould be held' Mr. L. A. Mu�gli of RR i#2s North Branch, P�IN, v�anted to know tivho the rezonin� of ihe Hyde P ark area v�as requested by� He said that no individual should have to go out of their ti�ray to find out t�1ho made a certain request. Mr. Muggli said that in most of the discussion that he had heard so far the term ��resid�ntt' rras freely used. He said that the �erm "property ot�mer'� should be used� Any rezoning or street improvements or anything else tixias the concern of the property ov,mers and not the residents that lived in the buildings. : Chairperson Harris said that a petition �iras su�amitted tc Ci�y H aII requesting the rezoning of cer�ain areas. Mr. P�Iuggli pointed out that at the time the area �ras zoned commercial, the property o�aners ti�;rere no� informed that they ti�rould be considered non-conforming uses. Mr. rzu��si ti�ranted to kno�=� if the Special Zoning �vould prevent a proper�y o:vner from recourse if he �vould 1x�ant to build on a piece of property that ���as formally zoned cammercial, but ivith the rezoning would be made residential. Chairperson Harris said that property ov�ners ��aould neve� lose that right to recourse„ Mr. Muggli tivanted to knoti�� � f�he city ordinance said that a person could not build on a 40 foot lot. Chairperson Harris said that it was a City policy. Mr. Muggli indicated that t�e City vras then preventing�someone from doing somethin; tivith a piece of property that they o�xrned. . � . PLPSI�IITIIC, C�it�i?dI�:;I�Id 1�i�:F.TI11G - APRTT� 1 1 � Pa e 12 ' . 1fr, i�lu�;�I`�:``���7id that he owned a tf0 foot lot vlhich was a corner lot. $ E He said that he 'isn't permitted to do anythinr; with that l�t, but that he vroula be asae�sed far street improvement:� for that lot. He said that he pay� taxes on that 1ot bui; he ��ill can't ao anythin� with the 101:, iie didn't like the iciea that the City officials v�rere telling him that he can't bui].d on �;hat piece of property, but he has to pay - every time the City officials decide to do Uomething ���ith the praperty or the area. He vranted to knovr if there ��ras a solution, � � . Chairperson Harris said that at any time, a citizen had the optio n to appeal any ruling made by the City of Fridley. Mr. Boardman said that all the notices for Public Hearings are alvrays sen� to the property o,�rners and not to the.residents. Ms. Gabel said that in terms of the rezonin�, no one vras asking for anything special. She said they merely ��ranted to protect and preserve their �roperty. She said that many pEOple �vere living in over- croe�ded conditions because they can't afford to move out of the area and they can't add-on because they are considered non-conforming use - and it t��as not perMitted. Ms. Gabel pointed out that everyor.e that served on the neighborhood co;nmittee <<rere residents of the area an.d property o��mers. Mso Gabel indicated that there crere 200 dtivellings in the Hyde Park area that ��ere used as residential and there �vas three businesses plus Northr�estern Bell. She said that she �•ras speaking irz favor of the rezoning. Ms. Calquire of 5780�2z .Street NE said trlat she ��ras in favor o� the rezonint;. She ti�ranted to kno��� about the use of �he property that tiTras oti�med by Burlington on the �'Jest side ef Niain Street. � Mr. Boardman said �hat the City had a letter from the Sup�rintendent of �Burlington on the ti.eed probl.em that has exis�ced on that property. The Superintendent said th�t anyone rrho had problems �t�ith that property should call him directly. He said that they ti��ere conscious of the ��reed problem. Ms. Calquire said that she d�ralked throu�h ihat area every day and v�as contin�:ally surprised b3* the conditions oi the area. She said she couldn't understand ti�hy the residents a1lol�ed the r.ondition to continue. She felt that there shou:�.d be more pri�.e on Lhe part of t�ie residents or ther,e should be some mo�;ivation from City Hall to get that area cleaned up and izept cleaned �up. . .� Chairperson Harris said that lvas �vhat the �vhole thing was about, He � said that ti�ras ��:hy they �vere at Ci1;y Hall that night - to clean up t�ie Hyde Park area. Mr, Oqui��_._indicated �hat the residents should work with and through ,8 F the nei��r�flod committee. � � Ms. Calquire ��ranted to knoti�� ti�rhat could be done about a parcel of land located at the intersection of 2nd S�reet, 2� Street and the part of 57�z� Street that joins the tt�ro. � Chairper�on Harris said that any improvements on that piece'of land rloulci have to be requested by the adjacent land oti��ners; hotiTrever, he said th�t Staff could contact those land ovrners. Mr. BoardMan said that a part of that intersection v�as included in the street imrpovement plan for the area. He said that he would look into the possibilities of that piece of land. Ms. Calquire said that she r�asn't interested in a vacation, but she ielt that perhaps the City of Fridley could clean up that land and improve on the ��nature�' �hat ti�ras already present there. Mr. Boardr�an said that he ��rould look into the matter. Mr. Trocke said that he tivas in favor of the rezoning and the planr_ed improvements for the area, He said that the vray the ordinance vras set up, no one in the Hyde P ark area ti�rould be hurt. He said that the present landlords ���ould be permitted to rebuild their multiple d:�rellings should they�be destroyed; he said that the commcrr,ial owners ���ould be permil;ied �o rebuild their establishments should �heY be destroyed. He said that the Commitiee 1�;as basically tryin� �o make t'r:e area a residential neighbor.hood and since the maj�rity of the dtirellin�s ��ere residential, he felt it s�ould be rezoned. i�r. Ben r. Carman of 5955-zz Street NE said that he ti�ras in favor of rezonin� the area to resic'�ential. • Mr. John Bachand of 5945 �nd Street NE spoke in favor of the rezonin�, He'said that he also t�antcd to see Burlington clean up their part of the area. He said that the residents in zhe neighborhood are continually having to clear? up their yards of tumble tve�ds and litter. Ms. Peg�y Neti��land of 584�-�2� Street N� said that she r�orlted on the comm�ttee and ���as very Much in favor of the rezoning. She said that everything had been discussed at length and many com�romises had to be made, �io�•rever, she felt i� uras a vrorthti��hile project and she really �t�anted to see the rezonin� take place. A pe2•son in the audience said that he o.�rned a vacant lot in the Hyde Park area. He ti�:anted to knoti�� ��rhat he could put on that�lot: , Mr. Boardmans� said that the only allourable use t��ould be a single family dtlelling� � Y � z � 1 • F _ - • . ��"'^. . . ��,nrrrrTrrr r,�r-ir�T ;:;T�T�1 rarrTlrTr _ ��Pr.i, i �; � �7� . . . ����zE � �� . ....._. Mr.. Lan�enfeld said th�t it tivas really nice ta see the citizen� �rou� to�ether, and ti•rith the City, meet and approach a common:goal - to make �he Hyd� Parlc area a better place in ��lhich to live. He indicated that notit� they ti�ere all joined to�ether, the citizens shouldn't le� the City for�et i:hat they exist. �G U Ms. Schnabel �aid that there had been a lot of give and �ake done among the property o�rners and residents, vrho have been invoi.ved in the meetin�s of the nei�hborhood �raup, She felt that everyone had vrorked hard to come up ���ith the plan that had been presented. She.camplimented them an the stru�;gles they have nad. She said they had demonstrated a very valuable thino for the CoMmuni-ty ' ?gr. I�'rank Gabrelcek felt that property zoned c�mmercial trere much more valuable than residential properties. He ti��as no� in favor of the rezonin�. A person from the audience suggested that the people presently o�:rning vacant lots could have the decision as to rrhe�her they ke�t the lo�s com�nercial or rezoned them to residential. Mr. Boardman said that ihe purnose of the r�zoning r•raU t� stablize the area and to start getting a residential quality into the area. . Ms. There�sa Abitz of 216-57th Place iVE said that she t*ranted to be included in the ar.ea to be rezoned� Mr. Boardman saa.d that Ms. Abitz's problems �srith her property tivere realized by City Hall. Hocrever he said ihat it �:as more logical to leave that parti.cular property as commercial zoning. Chairperson Harris suggested th�t Staif give the request by tisa Abitz some close consi�eration. 1�4s. Abitz said that she iranted to sel1. he�.^ house. She said she �vould have a buyer ii the land raas zoned residential. She saici that no one �vas interested in her house a� long as it lvas zoned commercial. Ms. Schnabel said that the only thing that ti��as happenin�; on the prcperty as commercial rras that the hemes an the lots erere deteriorating, She� said that if the lo�t ��ras zened residentiaZ, a� least th.e e::isting structurz could �e up�raded, . Mr. Joseph Zizak of j791-2� Stree� 2yE vranted to know tivhy curbin�s were being put into the area. � Chairperson iiarris said that it tivas a policy of the City of that all the streets in Fridley <<rou�ld be upgraded t�;ith curbs He said that the policy ��ras adopted fifteen years a�o. Fridley and gut�ers. MO'.PION by t�(r. Lan�enfeld, seconded by 1�Ir. S�orJ.a, to close the Public Hearin�. Upon a voice vote, a11 v�otzng aye9 �he motion carried unanimausly. The Publ�c FIearin� ���as cl osed a� 10: 37 P,M. Chairper �on Harri: said that undex Seci;:ion ?_0 j.2?_�3 L�nd�ca�in item 2 A should have the .��ord ��socidin�" changed to �'�rass�'. Mr. Boardman said that he �rould make that change. Chairperson Harris complimented staff on their induigence in v�orking t�rii;h the nei�hborhood. He said he tvould lil� to see tha� type of cooperation spread out through the rrhole City of Fridley. Mr. Oquist said that the Committee did an excellent•job. He reminded that Committee to keep very active and promote their neighborhood. �. Ms. Schnabel said that she rras still concerned about 2�Is. Abitz�s property. She said that she had mixed feelings on the subject. She said that spot rezonings should not'be encouraged. Ho���ever, she felt that the property oi�rner ti�ras being penalized in the sale oi her pro�erty. -She also said that if the adjacent property tiras deteriorating that perhaps by changing it to a residential zenin� ti�ould enable them to update the property because they crould be qualified to receive funding. Ms. Schnabel said ihat if the zoning tix�asn�t chan�ed and someone t�ranted to buy the property to develop as residential, financing trould be very difficult to ob�ain. Mr. Boardman said that it tivould be very hard to promo�e residential developr�ent on that 1and becauUe of its loca.tion. Ms. Schnabel said that Cor�merc�.al developers lrould be very limited as to t;�hat could be put on tha-c piece of property because of the size of �the parcel of land. Mr, .Boardrian said that he vras concerned about the property oymer holJever the total development of the propert;y should also be ' considered. He said �.t had to be dec:�ded urhether to promote commercial development or residential. MOTION by P•Zr, Lan�enfeld, seconded by ri�. Suhrbier, that the Planning Commission recom�end approval of the Rezoning R�auest, ZOA f#?8-0�., city of Fridley: To establish a netiv Zoning District, S-1 (Special � :l,oning District) and to re�one the follo���in� pr. operty to this district: Blocks 4� 6, 7& 8 Hyde P arl� �lddition from R-2 ( ttivo f amily d��Jelling areas} to 5-1; • Blocks 9,10,21� & 23, �Iyde Park� from R-3 Cgeneral multiple family draellin ; areas� to S-1 ; Blocks 11, 12, 21, 22, 25: 26, 27 & 28, Hyde P arl�, fro�n C-2 (general business areas) to S-1; and Blocks 1& 2, City.View Additiony from C-2 (ger.eral business areas) to 5�1, . . g�ner:�lly loc�ted from 57th Place NE to 61st 1�venue NE, and University Avenue to 2�iain Street. PI,AIINI3IG C�i�t�•1T �r��rr ta�; �T',TING -�!PRST., 1 1 �� � Pa e 1�, •" Mr. Lan�;enfeld caid that he �vas fu7.ly a�vare of the problem r�:�Arding g j Ms. /1b�.1:z' c propcy ty but he �elt that it could Ue the start o� a movement to;��ardy �pot rezonin� and he �vasil't; in a�reemcnt ti��ith that concept. . Ms. Schnabel said that the City Counci.l could be alerted of the problems of the lots and perhaps they may have some solution that the�P�.ar_ning Cor.►mission had not thought af. � UPON A VOTCE VOTE, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Eoardman said that Mr. Ray Leek s�ras the City Staff representative to the Iiyde Park area. • rn T_ r n �� 1�' �'�D PP,?�LI".�tT?TAR�� PIfP, i�, PUBLIC fi,�,.�RIi�:r� CG.i.�ID_.,Rt_TIOP: Or �� PROPO.�� � PsS' �'7;�(��� ;_�"1��??T.";�A?1� j'1?7j�1� :�:.��I��IQ:'TS �1 ���� �j� Tir._pi��:�.ni� '�s J BLIi��G A R�,PL:�`l' OF LC�i�' 259 R:�VISLJ AU�ITUR' �5 �TJ�DIVISIOi1 i30� . 23� EXCi�i'T TiIOS� PI�Ci,S PLATT'LD I�S JOHIdSOTd' S RZV�R L'�'�U �DDIZr ON AND B,4TTER.."�ON ADDITION, SULJECT TO ROl�D rAS��IyPITS, LOCAT�D IN THE • 6�-00 BLOCY ON TIiE �IES�' SIDE OT' �IVERVIE,'J TLRRACE NE. MOTION by rir. Lan�enfeld, seconded by AZs. Schnabel, io open the Public Hearing. Upon a voice vo�e� all voting aye, the moti:on carried unanimously. The Public Hearing tisras opened at 11:11 P.M. � Mr. Baardrnan said that �he U'roposal 1uas for the develo�ment o.f four residential lots. He said that �hree of ].ots tirere beino pranosed for du�lex lots and the fourth lot� ti�ras the ex�.stent Jud�e Jo�znson's property along ti.e river Uank. He�, sai,d that the ex�sti.�g p.roperty vtas zoneci R-3 and �he lot si.zes being proposed rrould meet t'r�e code requirer�ents. t�r, Harr� er 17ould provide privatP easemEnt for access into the area. r�r. 13oardMan said �hat he weuld also provide pr2vats sanitary se�rer systems. ' i l�r. Boardm�,n said ihat the City of 'rridley �voula �=�an�t certain conditians on the property as laid out ti•�ith the private road�;:ay and private sewer syste�s. He said that the City in no r�uy l;rould ta��e o��er the r�aintenance af the private access ur_less it ��ras devel.oped to City Code. hlso he said that tre cleani.ng Qf the lift stations tivoula have to be a private operation also. He indicated that lift s�ations �rould have to be provided. � M�, Boardman said tnat the area 1�rould fall ir. the critical flood �reas of the Code and all tYie setbacks ti�rould have to be 100 feet, Chairperson Harra.s 1ti�ant�d t0 knora if the e:�isting structure could remain . at its pre�ent. location. � _ Mr. Harrier said that the garage 1�rould most likely it �vould Ue talcen clov.n and the existing house. s ; have to be rnoveci. IIe said th.a�: a ne�v gara�e Moulci be added to � w ORDINANCE N0. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 205 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE BY ADDING SECTION 205.22 S-1 SPEC"lAL DISTRTCT The City Council of the City of Fridley does ordain as follows: Chapter 205; Zoning,is hereby amended by adding the following Section 205.22 ' entitled S-1 Special District: 205.22 S-1 S?ECIAL DISTRICT 205.221 Title This ordinance shall be referred to as the "Hyde Paxk Neighborhood Ordinance" in short form. 205.222 Purpose The purpose of this special zoning district is to: 1. Change the present "legal, non-conforming use" status of the residential dwellings in the neighborhood to a"conforming- use" status; 2. Re-establish residential character in the neighborhood; 3. Protect the ,property rights of all present landowners as much as possible, while promoting the general development of the neighborhood; 4. Establish a zoning system for the nei�hborhood that will encourage residential investment and developmenC in Hyde Park. 205.223 District Boundaries � � SPECIAL DISTRICT TITLE PURPOSE The iiyde Park Neighborhood shall comprise Lots 16-30, Block :; ar.d BOUNDARIES all of Blocks 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11; Lots 16-30, Bluck 12; Lots 16-30, Block 21; and all of Blocks 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27; and Lots 6-10, Block 28 of Hyde Park Addition; Lots 1-13, Elock 2; and all of Block 1, of City View Addition, in the City of Fridley. 205.224 Uses Permitted 1. Principal Uses One family dwellings 2. Accessory Uses A. Private garages or other accessory buildings. Only one accessory building in excess of 240 square feet is allowed per site. One additional accessory building is allowed provided it does not exceed 240 square feet. � Any accessory building in excess of the above requirements (square footage or numbers of buildings) requires a special use permit. • All accessory buildings must be permanently attached to a foundation and may not be used for home occupation. All garages, whether attached to, tucked under, or detached from the main dwelling, are considered to be an accessory building. B. Privately owned recreational facilities, such as swi�ing pools, tennis courts, which are for the enjoyment and con- USES PERMITTED 0 r 0 1 Ordinance No. -2- Chapter 205, Section 205.22 venience of the residents of the principal use and their guests. C. Customary home occupations including renCal o£ rooms for occupancy to not more than two persott� per do�elling unit. 3. Existing t3ses A. All existing uses wfll be classified as permitted uses within the zoning deistrict on the present property which they occupy. B. Existing uses other than one family dwellings: In the event that the main structure is either damaged or destroyed, the existing use will be allowed to rebuild but shall rot exceed the size or setbacks o£ the exi.sting s'tructures. Alterations may be made when they improve the livabi.lity, provided they will not increase the number of dwelling units or the bulk of the building. C. Existing one family dwellings: Existing one family dwellings that do not conform to the conditions of this ordinance will be allo�aed to continue as a permitted use. In the event that the�main structure is either damaged or destroyed, the existing use will be allowed to rebuild to the setbacks of the ex�sting building or to the allowed s2tbacks of the zone. Alterations and additions will be allowed when they improve the livability, provid�d they meet the required setbacks as stated in this Chapter. 4. Uses Excluded A. Radio or television antennas ex.ceeding a height of 20 £eet above dwelling raof. B, Any use not specifically permitted in the preceeding para- graphs of this Section. EK , 205 225 Lot Requirements and Setbacks , Yards, lot sizes and open spaces shall be as required in this section LCT REQUIRE- for one-family dwell.ing in the Hyde Park Special Zoning District. MENTS A.�ID , SETBACKS ' 1. Lot Area A. A lot area of not less than 7,5�0 square feet is required. 2. Lot Width A. The widCh of a lot shall not be less than 60 feet at the required setback. B, Where a parcel of land is less than 60 feet in width, but not less than 50 feet in width, and comprises one or more , full sized lots or parts thereof, on a subdivision or plat recorded before December 29, 19�5, and the minimum width of a lot as originally msde is less than 60 feet, and it is no longer practical to require a greater width, the minimum required lot width can be lowered to allow a building on � this parcel with the side yard requirements reduced to five (5) feet ainimum on each side subject to the following conditions: - No. -3- 05, Section 205.22 1) The distance between any attached garages or other accessory buildings is at least 1Q feet. 2) The distance between any buil�ing and the living area in an adjacent building is at least 15 feet. 3) The distance between the living areas in any two adjacent buildings is at least 20 feet. Lot Coverage Not more than 25 percent of the area ef a lot shall be covered by the main building and all accessory buildings. Setbacks A. Front Yard: A front yard with a depth of not less than 35 feet is required. B. Side Yar3: Two si.de yards are required, each with a width of not less than 10 feet except as follows: 1) Where a house is built without an attached garage, a minimum side yard requirement �all be 10 feet on one side, and 13 feet on the other side, so that there is access to the rear yard for a detached garage and off- street parking area. 2) Where a house is built with an attached garage, the side yard adjoining the attached garage or accessory building may be reduced to not iess than 5 feet, provided the height of the garage or accessory building on that side is not more than 15 feet. C. Corner Lots 1) The side yard width on a street side of a corner lot shall be not less than 17.5 feet. When the lot to the rear has frontage aleng a side street, no accessory building on the corner lot within 25 feet of the common property line shall be closer to said side street than 30 feet; provided however, that this regulation shall not be interpreted as to reduce the buildable width of a corner lot to less than 25 feet. 2) Any attached or unattached accessory building which opens on the side street, shall be at least 2S feet from the property lfne on a side street. D. Rear Yard A rear yard with a depth of not less than 25 percent of the lot depth is required, with not less than 25 feet permitted, or more than 40 feet required, from the main building. 205.226 Building Requirements 1. Height • No building shall hereafter be erected, constructed, recon- structed, altered, enlarged, or moved, so as to exceed the building height limit of 30 feet. 2. Minimum Floor Area A. A one-family dwelling unit shall have a minimum first floor area of 768 square feet of living area. 8L BUI].DING REQUIRE- MENTS ■ � Ordinance No. _4_ Chapter 205, Section 205.22 205.227 Parking Requirements 1. Parking Ratio At least one off-street parking stall shall be provided for each dwelling unit. 2. General Provisions A. A properly maintained hard surfaced driveway is required for each dwelling ur.it. B. The required parking stalls shall not occupy any portion of the front yard. 205.228 Landscaping 1. Grade Requirements A finished ground grade shall be established such that natural drainage away from all buildings is provided. The following minimum criteria shall apply: A. The minimum elevation of finished ground grade is to be not less than � inch rise per horizontal foot of setback measured from curb grade. B. The maximum elevation of the finished ground grade to be � not more than 4H inches above the establish�d curb grade. C. A different finished grosnd grade may be establihsed upon application therefor for approval by the City Engineer's Office of the City if such diff.erent elevation ia found not to adversely affect surface drainage to or from adjoining property. D. The City Engineer may specify a minimum finished ground grade for any structure in order to allow proper connection to City utilities. 2. Site Improvements A. Sodding and landscaping to extend across the entire front yard and side yards. B. The boulevard, and rear yard are to be properly maintained. C. All structures, walls, fences, walks, steps and other exterior develogments shall be maintaiaed in a good state af repair, and kept free from dilapidation by cracks, tears or breaks, or from Ctie deterioration of maCerials and their protective coverings which give evidence of long neglect. ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF , 1978. MAYOR - William J. Nee ATTEST: CITY CLERK - Marvin C. Brunsell � Public Hearing: First Reading: Second Reading: Publish........ 8M 0 PARKING REQUIRE- MENTS LAND- SCAPING ,, _ _ .._. _. _ . cv� ;IVE PARKS P L�Fs.N 0 0 0 ❑ � CITY OF FRIULFY PUf3LTC !IE/1RIPdG (3LFORE 1�I�E CITY COUNCIL . • TO l�Jii0h1 IT I�/�Y COi�CERrd: Notice is hereby �iven that �;he Council of the City of Fridley �viil hold a public hearing at the Fridley City Ha11, 6��31 University Avenue ,�orth- east on i-1onciay, �-1ay �, 1973 at 7:30 p.m. on the c�uestion of issuing a regular On-Sale Liquor and -a Sunday Liq�aor Lice��se to �arlo, Inc. (t��illiam J. Met•iurray and Guido Ca�pelletti) for the pro- perty located at G259 ;{ighv�ay ,�G5 Nortf�east. (dba Plaza Villa) Anyane haviny an interest in this matter should make tf�Eir inter•est known at this public hearing. P'(ARVIN C. GRt;idSCI.L CITY CLERi: � Publish: Apri1 26, }.978 c .. . 1� s G 0 ,. � � �'� POI.I�E �EPt4RiEV1E�'� � ��t.DlF} , �`J �• ��� ;;' City ofi �ridl�y �°�,�`�'a IVf inne�uta � �ATE MARCH 31, 1978 _ �� M JAr��S P. HILL �UBJECT LIQUOR LICE PLAZA VILLA -,�- A�'PLI CATI ON .� � � � TO NASIM C�URESI�I MARVIN BRUNSELv 10 A ACT10�!� IVFO %- The Police Department portion of the investigation ior a liquor license application regarding the above applicant has been completed. Based on the findings of the police investigation, I recommend approval of this application. JPH/pr 0 0 0 _-��:-`-:-.- -� ° CITY OF FRIDLEY PUEiLIC HEAftIPdG E3EFORE 1�HE CITY CUUNGIL • r 11 TO l�FiO�I IT MAY COtdCERN: Notice is hereby given that the Council of the City of Fridley will hold a public hearing a� the Fridley City Nall, 6431 University Rvenue North- east on Monday, P�1ay 8, 1978 at 7:3Q p.m. on the question of issui;�g a Non-In�oxicating Malt • Liquor "On Salv" Licerse to Caball�ro Inc. (John 0. Gi kel �nd and Kathryn f:ay �i kei and) -�or the proper•ty loca�:ed at 7510 Uni vers i ty Aven�.�e North- • east. (dba Caballero Sandwich Saloon) Anyane having an interest in this matter should make theii� interest kno�rm at this public hearing. NlRRVIN C. BF:UNScLL CITY CLERK Publish: !�p►°il 26, 1978 ❑ 0 � • . � 0 u .� COP�SIDERATION OF PREAPPLICATI0�1 FOR C0���1MUNITY � DEVELOPP•1E;�T BLOCK GRA;�T . iTNE MATERIAL ON THIS ITEM IS IN YOUR AGENDA ENVELOPE) . �--- �_ �.F-B��-�CONCURRCNCE BY THE CITY COUNClI. - C�.AIP�1S , 13 , ►1AY a, 197$ � 9 CLA I M(VO , 121A30 TO i�1Q , 123993 . ' . . 0