03/13/1978 - 00014241y_
MARCH 13, 1978
7he Public Hearing Meetin9 of the Fridley City Council was called to order
at 7.37 p. m. by Mayor Nee.
� Mayor Nee led the Council and aud�ence in the Pledge of Allegiance to the
MEMBERS PRESENT: Councilman Barnette, Counc�lman Schnetder, Mayor Nee,
Councilman Hamernik and Councilman Fitzpatrick
MQTIQN by Councilman Hamernik to adopt the agenda as presented. Seconded
by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Playor Nee
declared the motion carried unanimously
MOTION by Councilinan Fitzpatrick to wa�ve the reading of the Public Hearing
Notice and open the Public Hearing. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon
a voice vote, all votin9 aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously
and the Public Hearing opened at 7•41 p.m.
� Mr. Sobiech, Public Works Director, stated this hearing covers street
improvements on Meyers Avenue from the Burlington Northern Railroad tracks
to Hillcrest and improvement of Hillcrest Avenue from Meyers Avenue to
Htckory Drive.
Mr. Sobiech stated the property owners have requested the tmprovement of
Pleyers Avenue and, alon9 with this improvement, the C�ty staff �s recommending
the improvement of Hillcrest Avenue Mr Sobiech stated Hillcrest would
serve as a service drive to collect traffic and allow access onto East
River Road via Hickory Drive.
Mr. So6tech stated Meyers Avenue would 6e constructed to the standards of
a normal City street, with concrete curb and gutters. The estimated cost
per front foot is $24.74 and estimated side yard cost is $3 99 per foot.
Mr. So6iech stated, because Hillcrest would be a service drive, construction
is �dtfferent with concrete cur6 and gutter on ,7ust the east side and the
west side would have a machine placed asphalt berm. Since benefit is only
to properties on the east side of HZllcrest, the total assessment is to be
absor6ed by the east properties. The estimated cost per front foot is Q46 00
and estimated side yard cost is $2.29 per foot. Mr. Sobiech further stated
one lot on H�llcrest Avenue will not have curbing as this is a double
frontage lot and the estlmated front foot rate ts $1�.37.
, Mr. So6iech stated the developer recognizes that the persons who would be
assessed a side yard probably wouldn't benefit at all and the developer will
pay that assessment for Lots 1 through 1Q, Ostman's Third Additlon and
Lots 9 through 15, Block 7, Hillcrest Addit�on.
Mr. Sobiech stated the City has received correspondence from Anoka County
�ndicating concurrence with the City's recommendation for H�llcrest as a
service drive to minimize access onto East River Road.
� i'A I
Mr. Abe Nichols, 6949 Hickory Dr�ve, stated he plans to put a double
garage on the property where the proposed roadway �s located and didn't
believe there would be enough space. He stated, Mr. Berry, who owns the
ad�oining property, has checked into this and felt there was about 22 feet
which is not enough for the roadway
Mr. So6iech stated the City does have a 30 foot easement for that
property which was given at the time the double bungalow was constructed.
Mayor Nee asked if land would be needed from Mr. Nichols for the roadway.
Mr. So6iech stated the C�ty would have to acquire additional land to the '
east and about 20 feet is anticipated.
Mr. Berry stated, according to the City codes, 35 feet would be necessary
on the side of his property where the proposed roadu�ay would be located
and that he couldn't have a road on three sides of his property.
Mr. Don Lennox, 7201 East River Road, voiced concern about the type of
homes that would be constructed. He pointed out there were several in
the area whtch did not come up to code as far as stze and no garage
Mr. Quresh�, City h4anager, pointed out, on new plats, it is required to
have at least a 75 foot frontage and 9,000 square feet of land with
provision for a garage He stated, however, on parcels of land platted
before 1955, a home could 6e built on a 50 foot lot, without a garage.
He further explained the size of the home is also reduced on the smaller
Mr So6�ech, Public Works Director, indicated the developer has plans
for replatting and if this proceeds, the homes built must conform �rith
the exi,ting code which would require a 75 foet lot and a larger home.
Mr. Tim Munn presented a preliminary plat for replatting of the lots and
stated they do meet the 9,D00 square feet requirement. He explained his
plans for construction and that he hopes to sell these homes for about '
Mr. Jerry Mickley, 7075 Hickary Drive,�,uestioned the drainage in this area
Mr Sobiech stated the land drains towards the east and into the existing
drainage d�tch along the Burlington Northern railroad tracks. He indicated,
however, a review would be required of the drainage by the Rice Creek
Watershed District.
Mr. Mickley indicated concernabout a future water problem and quest�oned
the assessment procedure should it be necessary to install a storm sewer.
Mr. Sobiech stated the City doesn't anticipate any additional storm sewer.
He expla�ned, however, all properties draining into a drainage distr�ct
would be assessed, if the need d�d arise for a storm sewer.
Mr. Mickley also voiced concern on the type and size of homes that would
be constructed.
Mr. Sobiech stated, if there is a replat by the developer into 75 foot
lots, it is almost inherent they would have to build larger homes.
Councilman Barnette asked Mr, Lennox if the preliminary plat submitted
answered some of his questions.
Mr. Lennox stated, if they proceed with the proposed plat, he didn't have '
any ob�ections He expla�ned his basic concern was that they have a decent
type home constructed.
Mrs. Barbara Thompson, 7155 East River Road, indicated she was not in
favor of the improvement. She stated she d�dn't need Pneyers Avenue and
couldn't see why she would have to pay for it
Mr. Sobiech stated there �s the potential that M�rs. Thompson's property
could 6e split and developed.
Mrs. Thompson indicated she had no intentions of spl�tt�ng her property
and the reason she moved to Fridley was to have a larger lot. She stated
the cost for this improvement would cost her more than vrhat her house is
assessed for.
P4r. Hermann of the Assessor's Office explained how the assessments would
be spread over the affected properties.
Mr. Steven D'Quinn, 7135 East Rtver Road, questioned the need for constructing
Mr. Sobiech explained the impact on East R�ver Road, if only Meyers Avenue
was constructed.
Mr John Kehner, 7129 East R�ver Road, �ndicated if thts tmprovement
proceeds, he would have to move out of Fr�dley as fi nancrng, for moderate
tncome people, was received from the Plinnesota Finance Agency which made
it possible for him to purchase his home
Mrs. Roberta Lund, 7035 Hickory Drive, stated she could see no need for
the construction of Hillcrest.
Mr. John Lund, 7035 Hickory Drive, indicated he was not opposed to new
development, but felt the access shouldn't be d�wn t� Hickesry Dr�ve,
but to investigate another access to East River koad.
Mr. So6iech explained the petitioner dtd not petition for Hillcrest,
however, this is the City's total concept for improvement of East R�ver
� Road and, therefore, it is being proposed along with the improvement of
Meyers Avenue.
Councilman Fitzpatrick questioned the total assessment to P1rs Thompson's
property. This would amount to approximately $13,200
Councilman Barnette indicated he was sympathetic to P•9rs. Thompson's
position as this would be a large assessment for her property He
stated it is true it raises the market value, but she has no intentions
of splittin9 the property at this time.
M�TIOPI 6y Councilman FZtzpatrick to close the Publ�c Hearing on consideration
of Street Improvement St. 1978-1, Addendum #1 (Meyers/Hillcrest Area).
Seconded by Councilman Hamer m k. Upon a vo�ce vote, all votrng aye, Playor
Nee declared the motion carried unan�mously and the Public Heartna closed
at 8:47 p m.
MOTION 6y Councilman Fitzpatrick to watve the reading of the Public Hearing
Nottce and open the Public Hearing. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik Upon
a voice vote, all vottng aye, Playor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously
and the Public Hearing opened at 8.47 p. m.
Mr. Sobiech, Public Works Director, stated th�s improvement for sewer and
water is to be coordinated wtth the street improvement for the P1eyers/Hillcrest
Area. The esttmated front foot rate for sewer lateral is �13 �7 and
estimated cost for water lateral is $11.14 per front foot.
Mr Sobiech stated, tn constdering the improvements, it must be realized
the potential of the existing oroperties. He pointed out, according to the
codes, there are three possible buildtng sites on P1rs. Thompson's property
Counc�lman Fitzpatrick indicated �t is platted for only two sites.
Mr Sobiech stated there �s a potential for three sites.
P1r. Kehner, 7129 East River Road, felt the City was carryrn� this a
little too far
Mr Sobiech pointed out the City tr�es to plan as best they can for the
total vacated area in order to make it as convenient and less costly for
all the residents.
He expla�ned, if service wasn't provided for the potential development
of property, and in the future it was developed, it would 6e an add�tional
expense for the City to supply the services required.
In discussing Mrs. Thompson's property, it was brought out she could
plat the property for two parcels, with a lot off East P,iver Road and one
off Pleyers Avenue. This would save some of the costs, however, in the
future, P1rs. Thompson would not be able to spl�t the property into three
MOTIOPJ by Councilman Fitzpatrick to close the Public Flearing on consideration
of sewer and water improvement, Pro�ect �124, (P1eyers/Hillcrest Area).
Seconded by Councilman Hamernik Upon a voice vote, all voting aye,
Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the Publtc Hearing
closed at 9 02 p. m.
P90TION by Councilman Schneider to wa�ve the reading of the Pu61ic Hearing
Notice and open the Public Hearing Seconded by Councilman Barnette
Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried
unanimously and the Public Hearing opened at 9:02 p. m.
Mr. Sobiech, Public Works Director, stated this improvement was requested
by the School Board of D�strict No. 14 for stdewalks on the East side of
7th Street from 61st to 63rd Avenues.
Mr. Sobiech stated the School Board recognizes a certain portion of
benefit to them and have indicated a cost sharing of 50% for the cost
of the impravement.
He explained the est�mated cost of $18,000 is for sidewalk constructton
only and there would have to be some relocation of facilities in Commons
Park regardTng the bail fTelds and remodiftcatTOn of the sprrnkler system.
P�r. Sobiech stated, �n talking with the Parks and Recreation Director,
it is estimated the cost for relocation of certa�n facilittes would amount
to about $10,D00
h1r Robert P�erce, member of the School Eoard, appeared 6efore the
Council regarding this item P1r. Sobiech explained h1r Hedren, Business
Affairs Director for the School 6oard, was unable to attend as he was out
of town this week
Councilman Schneider questioned the annual costs to the City for
ma�ntaim ng this sidewalk and questioned the cost for snow removal.
Mr. Sobiech stated it is estimated the cost for snow removal would be
about �300 per year.
Counc�lman Schneider asked if the property otvner affected by this
sidewalk was notifi ed of the hearing. f1r. Hermann stated this property
owner would not be assessed, therefore, no notif�cation was given.
Councilman Schneider felt, because this sidewalk a�ould be adjacent to
Mr. Saunders' property, they should be not�fied.
Mr. Pierce indicated he was not aware that facilities had to be relocated
in Commons Park. He indicated he could not speak for the School Board as
to a+hether or not they would go along with the additional costs.
PAGE 5 � 1
Councilman Schneider questioned how the C7ty determines the need for a side-
Mr. Sobtech stated one consideration �s areas of htgh traffic volume, however,
usually they are installed by request of residents in an area. He pointed
out, at this t�me, the City does not have a sidewalk implementation program.
Councilman Hamerm k stated this sidewalk would t�e into the Senior C�tizen
development on the lv'est side af 7th Street.
Mr. Pierce stated the Riverwood and Gardena Schools are currently being
appraised, however, the School Board is looking to the point that possibly
Parkview School might have some community use.
Mr. Sobiech stated he believed this quest�on of a sidewalk on the East s�de
of 7th Street was mentioned at the Parks and Recreation Commission meeting
and a negattve reaction was received. They suggested a different location
mainly �n the area of the Jum or High complex. P1r. Sob�ech stated, however,
it would then be necessary to acquire easements through private property
In d�scuss�ng the addittonal costs, Mr. Qureshi, C�ty Manager, ind�cated
there would definitely be a$2,000 min�mum cost for relocation of the
sprinkler system and trees, however, the item regarding the ballfields
could be checked into further.
MOTION by Councilman Schneider to continue the public hearing unt�l t!�� ;;e;t
public hearin� meetinq i.n April 3, 1978, and direct staff to notify the ;�rur;erty
owner, Mr Saunders, and prepare costs on the additional items involved
Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatr�ck. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye,
Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unam mously.
Mr. Brunsell, City Clerk, stated this resolution is submitted for the
Counctl's cons�deratlon for authorization of certain paynFnt oF claims, an thout
prior Council approval, as outlined in the resolution
Mr. Brunsell stated, as noted in the commun�cation from the C�ty Attorney,
the Charter does provide that the Council may, b�� resolution or motion,
provide for the regular payment without specific individual authorization
by the Council of salaries and wages of regular employees, laborers, and
fixed charges which have been previously, duly and regularly incurred.
Mr. Brunsell stated, at the present time, ihere is no written Council
poltcy other than the City Charter, regarding payment of claims
Councilman Schneider stated he could see the rationale of this request,
except for Item (,7) �n the resolution which covers advances to employees
for attending conventions or conferences.
Mr. Brunsell indtcated in the resolution, this refers to the advance of
funds for all �tems that could be paid, before the conference 1s held. He
stated this could be changed, however, and his main concern is to know
what is the Council's policy and to have it set forth in writing.
Councilman Schneider felt possibly a reasonable limit could be put on
this item.
^10TION hy Councilman Fitzpatr�ck to adppt Resolution No 26-1978 with
thea�'dition of the wor�ls "not to exceed �500" under Item (,7). Seconded
by Councilman [3arnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee
declared the Motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Nee felt, if the Council advanced these funds, there should 6e
agreement on the part of the 49er's as to what would be expected from
their organization.
Councilman Fitzpatrick �ndicated he had no ob�ection to contributing to
this cause, �f the funds are spent in the way intended, but felt there
should be further documentation
Mr. Brunsell stated this is being requested, as apparently there were
some problems last year, when b�lls were presented for payment Mr.
Brunsell stated, in talking with the auditors, they felt since this was
an author�zed expenditure in the budget, the funds could be submitted
to the 49er's as long as there was action taken on the Council's part.
He stated the City would receive an accounting for the funds, after the
event is over.
Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, indicated he would check into this further
and receive some documentation signed by the officers of the 49er's
regarding the use of the funds.
MOTION by Councilman Fttzpatrick to table this item. Seconded by
Councilman Schneider. �pon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor fJee
declared the motion carr�ed unanimously.
MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to authorize payment of Claims No. 068A40
through 068897. Seconded by Counctlman Hamernik Upon a voice vote, all
voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Larry Dobson appeared before the Council regarding the status
of the "Wild �n Fr�d7ey" brochure He exp]a�ned, when th�s proposal
was presented to the Counc�l last fall, the cost figures were �,10,000-
$14,OOD. He stated a company in Florida will do the ,7ob for $7,5D0.
He questioned the Council if the City would purchase the entire pro�ect
from h�m so that it would actua7ly be a City project tnstead of the
City ,7ust having an ad in a magazine. He explatned, if the City is the
contractor for the brochure, bu;�nesses that placed courtesy ads could
write off the cost as a contribution. If they are ,7ust buying advertising
space fromh��n,it is not a deductible experise.
Mayor Nee felt the cost for the ad is a 6usiness or advertising expense
and asked how it would be different if it was a contribution.
Mr pobson stated it is apparently a problem with several bus�nesses
regarding their budgets and where the funds would be taken from.
Mayor Nee stated technically then, the City would be a seller of
advertis�ng space.
Councilman Schneider stated Mr pobson's proposal would indicate that
the brochure is a City publication and for a given donation, businesses
would get their name in the oublicaton.
Mr. Dobson stated, basically, the ads are public service type so it doesn't
change their character to any extent. He felt, however, without this
change, the project would still be completed. Mr. Dobson questioned the
time limit as far as the City is concerned.
� I
Mr. Qui,eshi, City Manager, stated it was hoped the mailing of this
brochure could be coordinated with the March newsletter. However, since
this was not the case, tt is hoped this brochure could be delivered with
the June newsletter.
Mayor Nee fe1t, if the City accepts Mr. Dobson's proposal, theoretically,
the City is selling space in the brochure
Mr. Quresh� stated, up to th�s point, the C�ty has taken the responsi6illty
only for delivering the brochure. However, if they proceed with Mr. Do6son's
proposal, the City is then providing a service.
Councilman Hamernik felt, if the City was to proceed w�th Mr. Dobson's
proposal, they would have to 90 out for b�ds He indicated he was
surprised at the reduction in the cost and hoped the quality was maintained.
Mayor Nee requested Mr. Brunsell to check with the bus�nesses involved to
determine how they felt it would be more advantageous for the City to be
the contractor for the brochure, as proposed 6y Mr. Dobson
Mr pobson felt he had no problem in proceeding with the brochure as long
as there is a middle of May deadline.
MOTION by Councilman Schneider to receive the letter from Larry Dobson
dated February 27, 1978. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick Upon a
voice vote, all vot�ng aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Nee questioned the needs of the City regarding votomatic machines.
Mr. Brunsell, City Clerk, ind�cated he felt the City had suffi cient
machZnes, and Mayor Nee requested that the C1ty Glerk so respond to the
County's letter.
P�OTION by Counc�lman Hamernik to ad�ourn the meeting. Seconded by Councilman
Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion
carried unam mously and the Public Hearing Meeting of the Fridley City
Council of March 13, 1978 ad�ourned at 9:55 p. m.
Respectfully submitted,
Carole Haddad
Secy. to the City Council
Approved: �4J� I ��1
Will�am J. Nee
P1ayo r