03/19/1979 - 5741i ti L , .�n� THE MI@UTES �f "fflL P,EGULAP, MEGTIiJ; 0� THE FEI�LFY CITY CDUIVCIL OF f9RRCfl 19, 7974 The Reyular Iteetiny uf the Fridiey City Council u:as called to order by Mayor Mee at 7:32 p.m. ' PLEDGC 0;= ALLEGrANC[: '. Mayor tvee led the Counr,il ard audience in the Pled9e of Alleyiance to the Flag. � � � ROLL ChLL: I ME�4�ERS PRESENT: Councihr.an Fitzpatrick, Counciloro!oan Mo,es, Mayor Nee, Co�ncitoian Schneider and Councilman [3arnette MEMf3ER5 A6SENT: None � PRESENT�'�TiO"! OF PLF�OUE - FRIDLEY HIGH SCHOOL STATE IJR[STLI"�G CHA?1PIQiJS:_ ��� Mayor Nee stai:ed it was a nleasure to give reco9nition to the Fridley Tiger - 4lrestliny Team of 197g r;ho brougnt honor to the community by winniny ihe . � Class AA Charnpionsh�ip. In the absence of the Nead Goach, Mr. Frank, vmo Hias unabie to attend this eveniny, as he �aas involved ir� ?:he grade school �riresCling program, Mayor Nee presented the plaGue to Mr. �dalt lJenholz and the Fridley Wrestling Capt:ain, Steve Phi7lips. PROCL4t4ATI0PI=LEAGl1E OF '.d0I4Ei_: VOTEPS_ IJEEK, ,'4NRCR 25 TiIRCUGH I�iARCH .'.1 : MOTION by Counc�ilrar. Fir�p�ti-ick to �aaive the readin9 and appr•nve the issuar�c- uf` r.h.e Ci��ocl�;iati'>n proc?o�r:n� ihe r=k of i?ar:l-:. 25 throoy!i �darch 3i as thP � �Su� o I���.,en ho _rs 4'eek. Seconded by Loar�cil�nzn Schnrider. Vpon a vnice ��otc, ali �:�oting ays, h'�yor Nue dec',ared �he motion carried unan�m�;��.;;ly. liPPFO'lf,L 0� i•iiA;UiF�S: kEGULAR MEE7IPl6, FE6RUARY 2'0, 1979: MOTION by Councilman 6�rnette to approve the minut_s as presen�ted. Seccrded by Councilman Schne;der. Upon a vc�ice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declamd the motiun �::arried unanimously. A00"TI(iltl OF AG�NI)A: MDTION by Councilman Fitzpatric4: to adopt tihe ayenda as sunmitted. Seconded by Councilwo,nan hioses. Upon a veice vete, all votin9 aye, Playor P;ze de- clared the motion carried unaniincusly. OPEf! FORU1, VISITOkS: 1"here was no response from the audience under this item of business. PU6LIC HeARRJGS: 7�U!LT LIOUOF. LICENSE TO FICEI: MOTION by Councilworan �ioses to waive the readin9 of the pubiic heariny notice and open tl-,e public hearing. Seconded by C,oimciliaan Schneider. Upon a voic� vote, all voting aye, Piaycr Nce declared the motion carried unanimousiy and thz public hearing opened at 7:39 p.m. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated the stafif ha; no F�,rob7ems with the�issu- � arice of this license and reco^�nends approval. Councilman Schneider questioned if 1:his o;as for both an on-sa'le and ct'f�- sale licznse, as listed in the Folice Pepartn���-�nt's report. I i1 ,• - REGULAR MEFTING OF hWRCH 19, 1979 PAGE 2 �� f�r. Erun,cll, City Ciei�k, sta�ted it �is for• an ori-sale 'licr:nsc .inty a.;id aiould be a transfer of the license. flo persoris in the audience spoke Por or against tMs license appl�ication �I MOTIO"t h1' Councilman 6arnetie to close the public hearin9. Seconded 6,y Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all votiny aye, P1ayor ldee de- �� clared the inotion earried unan�imously and the public hearing closed at ! 7:41 p.n. �ii�� rr uvnnxnir_ nei nni nu_eni G mn1,l_IhTF1'1[f�"fiNf P4AJ T I iGLI�R I iC,FPlSG Tl� R�N MOTION by Councilman Schneider tio waive the readin9 of the public hcaring notice and open the publ�ic hearing. Seconded by Councilman 3arnette. Upon a voice vote, all vctinq aye, Mayor Plee declared the niotion carried unaniinously and the public heariny openeA at 7:41 p.m. Mr. 6runsel7> City Clerk, stated this is.for the transfer of an on-sale malt liqi�or license. - No persens� in the audience spnke for or against this license application. MOTIOPI by Cr,uncilman 6arenCte to close the public hearing. Seconded by Councilin�n Pitzpatr�ick. Upon a voice �rote, all votin9 aye, P7ayor Flee declared th2 motior czrried unznimously and the public hearing cicsed at 7:43 p.n��. OLD 6USINfSS: CONSIDERATIDI._OF AFPGINTh1�h7TS TO.CITY COI4"1tSS`ONS TAL�LE'J 3/5/79): Afl� RECEItI � c`"�°F U"� F°�t411 CTTY A7f�'NEf, ��SPGII f'�RPICK '1�IE`1+1.�,RCH 7. I!ild 'F� y5��i! hOt,1T 1 i T T _Tj'll P(1 i(,�_i,i'7' !. '..:_ �' GI'115510�: D10TIOtJ by Councilman Schneider te rer.aive the memo fro;n the City Aticrney dated ilarch 7, �1979 reyardinq the recent aopoin.nent to �he Police Civil Service Co�n��ission. Secer�ded by Councilv,�oman tdoses. Uj:on a voice vote, all votin9 aye, Fiay�or P;ee declared �t'r.e motion carr7ed unanimous1y. �4ayor IJze stated, iii ligh± of thc memo, it o-+ould be �ir order to move for reconsideraiion of the appe5ntmenl; t� this Comm�ission. �40TIDN by Covncilman Schneider to reconsider th2 appointment to the Police C'rvi? Service CoiS�ii uion. Seconded by Councilwon'ian Moses. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Yee declared the R�otion carried unaniinously. Councill,�or.ian '�7oses felt, liecause the �Council justi receieed the information from the City Rttorney this pas`. weeken:l, ttra*_ the ap�>o�irS�m�rrt to the Police Cominission should be tabled to the next re9ular meeting. �1DT1CId 6y� Councilwoman Mose-> to table th2 appointment to the Police Conunission unt�il the next reaular meeting. Seconded by Councilman Pitz- patrick. Upon � voice vote, all voting ay�, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. �LOTION by Councitmnn Fitzpatric'r, to table the appointmeriCs to *_he fluman Resources Conmission until tLe next requ1ar meeting. Seconded by Cuuncil- marc SchneiAer. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor �Jee declared the motion carried unanimously. . - NEV! 3USI{4ESS: RECEIVIiJG THE PIANNIfJG COhiN�ISSION f4INUTES OP F[3RUARY 28, 1979 � ■_ � �Ol REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 19, 1979 PAGE 3 �O.,rn,UNSTY ��VELCPM4!!T 11I�r'UTE� 0 FE�r' 4f:Y 13_l9.'�: [3:KC�'aY��'iLKldAI' SIRIPING OfJ NiISSISSIP?:� S�fI:EET ,iNO �O;CORfVE ROkO: .. .. . �� The Ceuncil received the minutes of' the Planning Coi�niission of February 28, ' 1979 and considered tne recoranendation of the Co��nruunity Cevelopment Commission �� to wntinue the bikeway syste�n or, t-0ississippi Street, o-;ith offi-street _; biking and an alternate bikeway route for Osborne Road to use 73rd Fivenue. ' Mr. Sobiech, Public 47orks Director, statzd this item relates to the problem � of striping on Mississippi Street and Osborne Road. He stated Mississippi � has already been striped for a fou�•-lane system and, therefore, a conflict �: �� developed with the previously existin9 striped bike lanes. { � Mr. So6iech stated the Coinnuni?y Developnient Comnission has recommended � that t4ississippi remain as a bike�;�ay/��;alkr�a`l system, as it was noted that this street is the main east/west rou*e in the comnunity. It was felt, whe*_her or not it is desiynated as a bike rouie, it would still be used by bicyclists. Mr. Sobiech stated, therefore, ?his route should 6e nade as safe as pcssible and recommend�d proce2ding with the handicapped ramps and makiny use of additional boulevard area for thc bikeway/wa�lkway system. Mr. Sobiech stated a differen` situation exists o� Oshorne Road. He stated there are no side�:�ali:s on the north side and the City �rould have ±;o work with Sprinn Lake Park regardirg a bikeway on the north side of Osborne Road He poir+_ed out tha* there is a°St. Paul Idater Easement" on the north side of Osborne �vhich may be a pessibilitY for having a. bikeorsy in this area. Mr. Sobiech stated the County is considerir.g, in the fu�ure, the improvernent of Osborne Road and felt the 6iketaay/vralkway rysteo•� should be considered at this time. Fle ;taCed, in the interim pzriod, it wa; suggested that bicyctists be directed do���n 73rd Avenue, as i� is wider and duesn't haue as much traffic as Osburne Road. . � h1r. SoCiech si:at:cd there are roonies hudnei-d fer� ccntrzctual services in the strret mainten�ance Ludr,es and 'eii r.t:e f,ity should p�'oczed ��rith '� the handicapped ramps to br cor�structed on 1lississippi, and tihcn i°eview � what monies would be availabl� for sJidening the sidewalk area on D"i;siss5ppi. Councilman Schneider yuestiened Lhe cost involved. P^r. Sobiecn rtated it would be approximately $lO,GCC for the hzndicapped ramps. Mr. Scbiech stated, if Council approves, v;oi-k would begin on the r•amps, as soon as o-reather permits. Mr. Sobiech s*ated, he felt, there wzs a 9reater confl ict 6ebr�ee❑ ihe vehicular traffic and the bicyclists than there would be betwzen the bi- cyclist and pedestrian, and ch�� Cit, snoi!ld try and make i± as safe as possible for use bcth by bicyciirts arid pedestriar.s. NOTIDN by Counciiman 6arnette to concur o-iith the reconmendation of the CommuniT.y OeveloprnvnY Coipmission to continue the 6ikeway system on Mississippi Street, wiih off-sCreet bikin9, and an alterna_e biker:ay route for Osborne Road would be the use of 73rd Avenue. Sec:onded by Councilr,ian Fitzpatrick. Councilman Schneider stated he �:�ould agreP that Mississippi has to 6e part of the bikeway/walkway system, but his concern was about the safety. He stated he couldn't believe the State regulations are so rigid *hat they can't be changed. . �. Mr. Sobiech staCed that the staff would give periodic repo��ts and monitor �� this situation so that they don't get into a dangerous situation. Councilman Fitzpatrick stated he shared Councilman Schneider's concern, but did feel there was less conflict between the bicyclist and Yhe pedes- trian on the sidewalk than for the bicyclists aiid veh�icles on the sti-eet. � I � i r;;', REGULAR MEETING QF MARCH 19, 1979 PAGE 4 He stated, at i:his point, tnere ar-e ralative2y few ped�strians, however, iP the situat�on chrir�ges, he felt �they taould have to have another alternative. hir. Qui-eshi, City Manager, poir�ied out the Council has the option to acqu�ire additicnai righi-ef-way. _ hlayor Nee asked, if the City marks Miss�ssippi for bike teaffic, if th2y had 'u higher liability. Dir. Sobiech ir�dicated there was nothirig in t.he State stutui:a that prohibfts bi4:es from 9oing en the sidewatk and siated the City would on�ly be signing to alert people that this is a bil:e route. The City Attorney stat2d as tong as it is just providing access on the sidewalk, it wouldn't increase the City's liability.. UFOPd A VOICE VOTE TA.KE�� ON THE A,60VE Pi0TI0N, all voted aye, and M1iayor flee declared ihe mption cai°ried unanimously. TAN WASTE COP�TI20L �4r. Sobicch, Public ldorks Uirector, stated the City has been workiny �aith the h1etropolitan 'Aaste Control Cornniss�on regarding use of th�air existing sanitary sz���er interwctor easement for constru^_tion of Fshton Avenae from 64th '�,dey to 61st 4day. He stated he felt this area was r�eally un- useab1e fior other types of activ9tie5 and the Metrupolitan h�'aste Control Co���mission indicated *_here ��vau1d be no prob?em, �f certair prec.autior.s are fcllo�xed. Mr. Sobie�h steted this ayreerient reflects theii- concerns and that tliese iierc�s have been incorporated into the str�et improvement spec�fica*icns to ersure tliat the City's contrac�o�- is aware of the i°e- quirements io p=•o�ect the interceptvr line durin� construction. Mr. Sobiech ststt�ti the acrear.;ent has 6sen Neviewed by the City A,Ctorrey and he ceuid see no pro6leins o-iith it. � MOTIO"d by �eur,ci7r�an Fitzpatrick to auihorize the executior, oP the agrce- ment betwe?n the h',erropoil'tan }laste Con�!-�,rol Coramission and the City for the const�vcCicr of Nshton ltvenue (Si. 1979-1). Scconded by Council��aoman N�oses. Upan a voice vote, all voting.aye, Mayo-r P;ee declar�ed the m�±ion carried wir,nimou>ly. RESOtLIII hfOTIOA 6y Counci�iman Schueider to adopt Resolut1on i'l�. 42-�1974. Seconded 6y Councilrnan P.arr,ette. Upon a vo'ice vcte, ali voting aye, Fiayor Plee declarecl the mot.i�r� caeried unania:ously. RECETVIh�G R�NOP.T FROPi STAPF ON THE COPICEPTS OF SELFINSUIdG,NCE: RESOLUTION N0. 43-1979 IPi SUPPORT Of ^1UIJIGIPAL SELF-INSURAP;CE ON A P�OLSNG [?.AS I S : -- ----- --------- — MOTIOY by Councilmar Fitzpatrick to receive the report fro�n staff re9arding the concept of self-ins��irance. Secondr_A by Coancilinan Schneider. Upon a voice vo*e> all votiny ay2, Mayor Nec declared the motion carried unani- mously. �%�r. 6runse7l, City Clerk, stated, at some point of tim�, the Council should spend time i�eviewiny this report, but the question tliis evening v�as the matter of the resolution. He�stated the resolution before ti�e Council for consideration is for support of tYio bills eegarding self-insurance. Ne stated the proposed bills 6efore the Leyislature o-rould allow thc City to seif-insure individually or as a group. _. REGULAR MEETING OF NJIRCH 19, 197g PAG[ 5 Mr. 6r�e�se11 stated, if Council adopts th�is resolution, St woalcf, in no way, bind them to go to self-insurance. In answer to a question by Councilman Schneider reparding claims, Mr. ¢runsell stated the City o-�ou7G nct self-insut�e on lia6�ility because of the defense cast. � Councilwoman Moses yuestioned, if th2 Legislature acts iavor�al;ly on these biils, and the City wishes tn get fw-ther inEO �this maCtc�r, if they viould review past clairis. 11r. Grurisell sLated this inf'orir,ation r�ould he prcpaeed � for the Council's review. i, Mr. Qureshi, City Manayer, stated; if the Council feeL tihey would like tBe authority to self-insure, they should consider action to adopt the reso- lution in support of these bills. f•layor Nee noted thaC the Senal:e File num6crs of tfie bi71s were r�ot included in tn� resoluticn and tiiouyht perh�ps this should be included. MOT10"� by Counciln�an Fitzpatrick to adopt Resolution Mo. 43-1979. Seconded by CouncSlwonari h'roses. Upon a voice vo;e, all voting aye, Mayor Nae declaeed the motion carr�ied unanimously, 44_ 1979 APPROV1,tiG P,G[7 AUTF!ORRII;G ST MOTIOf! by Counc�ilman Schneider to adont kesolution No. 44-1979, and a�athorize the Mayor and C�ity Manager to sign the contract. Seconded by Ceuncil;�an Barnette. Upon a voice vote, ali votiny aye, t^:3ycr Nee declared the niotion carried unani�uously. P,ECrIVIflG RESIGNkTIOR FRGf4 h1pP.Y=O 00¢c(�,^{� �{UMP.n� pr5�I1R5ES C0."�i?'ISSIO''E: MO?IO,J by Coiercili�an ;:;n^<�dcr to r.c^ive tn °esi:;er�li� n; i;a do Cot;s�.n froin the Human fFSeurces Cn��.���s.,n. Secon�-�+ hy �o�!ncil,ve�T°r ^�o - t1p�n a voice vote, all votiny �ye, M?yor IJee deciared the motion c�ri°ied��nanimouslv LiCEP15FS: NOTION by Ccuncilman Schneid2r to �pprcve the licenses as subntittecl and as on file in the License Clerk's Gffi�e. SeconCeu hy Courici;man Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, tlayor nee decln��ed ttw motion cari-ied unanimously. CLNIMS: MOTION 6y Counci;man 6arnette Yo autnorize payment of Claims Nu. 060316 khrouah 072506. Seconded by Councilman Schncider. llpon a voice voie, zll voting aye, Mayor ��ee declared the inotion car-r9ed uraninously. ESTII�iATES: MOTIO"J by Councilman Qarnette te approve the estim,ates as submitted. Weaver, Ta11e & Herrick 6279 University /tvenue N.E. Fridtey, MN 55432 For services rendered as City Attorney for �ebruary, 197y Smith, Juster, feikema, Malmon & Haskvitz 1250 6uilders Exchange 61dg. Kinneapol�is, MN 5540'L For services rendered as Prosecutor for February, 1979 $1,857.95 $1,£340.00 _�3 ��� � FRIDLEY CITY COUNC i L RFGULAR P�EFTING - P�1ARCH 19, 1979 - 7;30 P,. f�, r�Er�o To: DEPARTf4ENT HEADS FOLLOWING ARE THE ��ACTIOi1S NEEDED", PLE/1SE HAVE YOUR ANSWERS BACK IN THE CITY P•�ANAGER�S OFFICE BY THE L`�EDNESDAY BEFORE THE NEXT REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. THANK YOU, (���x,�� ���%J _ i TO FRIDLEY HIGH SCHOOL STATE !"IRESTLING CHAMPIONS Presented PROCLAMATION: LEAGUE OF i'IOMEN VOTERS !`�EEK — MARCH ZS THROUGH P�IARCH 31 Approved APPROVAL OF P1If�lUTES: REGULAR P'�EETING, FEBRUARY Z6, 1979 Approved ADOPTIOf�; OF AGEPJDA: Adopted as submitted OPE�! FORUf-1, VISITORS; �CONSIDERATION OF ITEMS NOT ON AGENi�A — IS ��1NUTES) No Response � __ E REGULAR M NG PUBLIC HEARIiJGS, 979 PUBLIC IiEARING ON AN ON-SALE INTOXICATING MALT LIQUOR LICENSE TO FICEK INVESTMENT, INC, �DAVID E� AND LAVERNE �� FICEK) FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 31� OSBORNE ROAD I�IORTHEAST iDBA BIG B'S)� , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Opened.7:39 P.M., Closed 7:41 P.M. � ACTION NEEDED: se issued later in meeting under Item 10) PUBLIC HEARIN6 ON AN ON-SALE r�ON-INTOXICATING P'�ALT LIQUOR LICENSE TO RONNIE�S �AR, INC, ��AMES D� AND RONNIE P�, HENNESSEY) FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT Z��O MISSISSIPPI STREET iV.E. �DBA RONNIE�S BAR)� ,, Hearing opened at 7:41 P.M., Closed at 7:43 P.M. ) ACTION NEEDED: License issued iater in meeting under.Item 10) OLD BUSIfJESS: � � � CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENTS TO_CITY COMMISSIONS iTABLED 3/5/79) , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Item tabled to next regular Council Meeting ACTION NEEDED: Put item back on next regular meeting . PAG 1-lA �� 3-3E IPUBLIC FINANCE REGULAR MEETING, MARCH 19, I9%� NE;� BUSINESS: PAGE 3 RECEIVIN6 THE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF FEBRUARY Z�i, 1979, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 4 - 4 Z Community Development Minutes of February 13, 1979.......4R - 4Z Bikeway/Walkway Striping on Mississippi St. & Osborne Road ......................................4D - 4F ; &4R-4Z Gommunity Development Comm. Recommendation: Continue bikeway system on Mississippi St. with off-street biking, and an alternate bikeway route for Osborne Rd. be the use of 73rd Avenue P7anning Comm. Recommendation: Concur Council Action Required: , Consideration of recommendation Council concurred with Commissions ACTION NEEDED: Proceed as authorized CONSIDERATION OF EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN P'�ETROPOLITAN �JJASTE CONTR�L COMMISSION AND.THE CITY OF FRIDLEY FOR THE CONSTRUCTION.OF ASHTON AVENUE (ST, 1979-1) , , , , , , ; , , , , , , , , � . , , , , , , . 5 - 5 N Execution of agreement approved ACTION NEEDED: Nave agreement executed and forwarded to Metropolitan Waste Control Commission ' CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE SPLITTING OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ON PARCEL SOO, PART OF LOTS Z AND 3, AUDITOR`S SUBDIVISION I`�0� �9, AND PLATTING INTO TRI-�0 ADDITION�. , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 6 - 6 D Resolution No. 42-1974 adopted ACTION NEEDED: Proceed as authorized 0 � FINANCE �FINANCE ICITY FINANCE FINANCE r`�Ei'� BUSINESS iCONTINUED) CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF MUNICIPAL SELF-INSURANCE aN A POOLING BASIS, , , , , , , , , , , , , 7 - 7 I Resolution No. 43-1979 adopted. Report from staff on concept received ACTION NEE�ED: Forward resolution to appropriate legislators (include senate file numbers in resolution) ; CONSIDERATION OF A PESOLUTION APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING SIGNING THE AGREEMENT ESTABLISHING �'JORKING CONDITIONS, I'IAGES AND HOURS OF EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY ��UNICIPAL �IQUOR $TORES FOR THE YEARS I9%9 AND 1980� ,,., $—$ Q Resolution No. 44-1979 adopted ACTION NEEDED: Have agreement executed and forwarded to appropriate parties RECEIVING RESIGNATION FROM MARY �0 DOBSON, HUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION. � , , , , , , , , , , , , , , � � � 9 Resignation received ACTION TAY.EPJ: Opening has been added to list of new appointees needed LICENSES, � � . � � � � . � � � � � . � . � � � � � . � , Approved ' ACTI-0N NEEDED: Issue licenses �LAIMS� � � � � � � � � � � � , � � . � � � � � � . � � , Approved ACTION NEEDED: Pay claims 10-loF 11 ESTIMATES� , � � . � � , , � � � , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 12 - 12 B Approved ' — FINANCE, ACTION NEEDED: Pay estimates t� 1 � : • FRIDLEV CITY COUNCIL MEETING PLEASE SI6N NAME ADDRESS AND ITEM NUMBER INTERESTED IN NAME ADDRESS DATE: P�arch 19, 1979 ITEM NUMBER -- ----------------- -------------------------- � ___------_------_------__------__-----____� w S ii l/�P , r-- � �a �J� �. . � � - �-�� a . �� � s�� � �' /lll� �` ._ _� � (p n, �� � �� FRIDLEY CITY COUNC 1 L RFGULAR f�EETIfJG - f�1ARCH 19, 1979 - 7;30 P,. f9, � PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE; . PRESE�JTATION OF PLAQUE: TO FRIDLEY HIGH SCHOOL STATE !�RESTLING CHAMPIONS PROCLAMATION: LEAGUE OF i'�OMEN VOTERS !`IEEK - MARCH ZS THROUGH P�ARCH 31 APPROVAL OF MIf�lUTES: - RE6ULAR �'�EETING, FEBRUARY �6, 1979 :_ __... ADOPTIO(! OF AGENDA: OPE�! FORUP-1, VISITORS, iCONSIDERATION OF ITEMS N�T ON AGENDA - 15 MINUTES) � , REGULAR MEETING. PUBLIC HEARIiJGS; PUBLIC IiEARING ON AN ON-SALE INTOXICATING MALT LIQUOR LICENSE TO FICEK INVESTMENT, INC� �DAVID E� AND LAVERNE �� FICEK) FAR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 31% OSBORNE ROAD NORTHEAST �DBA BIG B�S) � � � , , , , , , , , , , , , 1 - 1 A PUBLIC HEARING ON AN ON-SALE P�ON-INTOXICATING P�IALT LIQUOR LICENSE TO RONNIE�S $AR, INC� ��AMES D� AND RONNIE P'�� HENNESSEY) FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATE➢ AT Z��IO MISSISSIPPI STREET i�I�E� �DBA RONNIE�S BAR)� �,.�, Z OLD �USIPJESS; . CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENTS TO CITY COMMISSIONS (Taa�ED 3/5/79) , , , , , , , , ,, , , , , , , , , , , , , 3 - 3 E REGULAR MEETING NE;J BUSINESS; 19,�1979 PAGE 3 RECEIVING THE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF FEBRUARY Zs. 1979, . , , , , , , . , , . , , , , , , , , , . 4 - 4 Z Community Development Minutes of February 13, 1979.......4R - 4Z Bikeway/Walkway Striping on Mississippi St. & Osborne Road ......................................4D - 4F &4R- 4Z Community Development Comm. Recommendation: Continue bikeway system on Mississippi St. with off-street biking, and an alternate bikeway route for Osborne Rd. be the use of 73rd Avenue . Planning Comm. Recommendation: Concur Council Action Required: , Consideration of recommendation CONSIDERATION OF EXECUTION OE AGREEMENT BFTWEEN r�ETROPOLITAN WASTE CONTROL COMMISSION AND.THE CITY OF FRIDLEY FOR THE CONSTRUCTION.OF ASHTON AVENUE (ST, 1979-1). , . , , . � , . , . , , , ,� . . , , . . , , 5-5H CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE SPLITTING OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ON PARCEL SOO, PART OF LOTS Z AND 3, AUDITOR�S $UBDIVISION P�O� �J, AND PLATTING INTO TRI-CO ADDITION�. , � , , , , , , , , , , , . 6 -,6 D � ��E�^I BUSINESS �CONTINUED) ' CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF MUNICIPAL ' SELF-INSURANCE ON A POOLING BASIS, , , , , , , , , , , , ,_7 - 7 I CONSIDERATION OF A PESOLUTION APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING SI6NING THE AGREEMENT ESTABLISHING GiORKIN6 CONDITIONS, I`iAGES AND HOURS OF EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY MUNICIPAL �IQUOR $TORES FOR THE YEARS 1979 aND 1980, ,���- 8 Q RECEIVING RESIGNATION FRONi MRRY �0 �DOBSON, HUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION� � , , , , , , , ,,, , , , , , , , , 9 LICENSES� � � � � � � � � . � � � , . � � � � � . � � � � IO - IO F �LAIMS� � � � � � � � � � . � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 11 ESTIMATES� , � � � � � � � � � , � � � � � � � � . � � � � � IZ - IZ B �, I 1 ; �� ■ .. n� THE MINUTES DF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PRIDLCY CITY COUNCIL OF FEBRUARY 26, 1979 The Regular 14eeting of the Fridley City Council was calied to order 6y Mayor Nee at 7:42 p.m. � . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: .. Mayor Nee led the Council and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nee, Councilman Barnette, Councilman Schneider, Councilwoman Moses and Gouncilman Fitzpatrick MEMBERS ABSENT: None APPROVRL OF MINUTES: REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY 5, 7979: MOTION by Councilman Schneider to approve the minutes of February 5, 1979 as presented. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING MEETING, FEBRUARY 12, 1979: MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to approve the minutes of February 72, 1979 as presented. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all vot— ing aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ADOPTION OF AGEN�A: ' Mayor Nee requested two items be added at the end of.the agenda: (1) Communi- cation from Judge Forsbera and (2) Financial ReNort - Re: Islands of Peace. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to adopt the agenda wi�th the above two amend- . ments. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. � � OPEN FORUM, VISITORS: - Mr. Tom Idyhra appeared before the Council regarding Ethnic Day in Fridley and requested the Council �onsider adoption of a resolution designating March 37 as Ethnic Festival Day. Mayor Nee stated the Council would take up the matter of the r�esolution later MOTION by Councilman Barnette to waive the reading of the public hearing notice and epen the public hearing. Seconded 6y Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Slayor Nee declared 1:6e motion carried unanimously and the public hearing opened st 7:45 p.m. � � Mr. Sobiech, Pub7ic Works Di mctor, explained the proposed improvement con- I sists of signalization at TH 47 and 69th kver,ue. He stated, over a number of years, tne City has heen aware that this intersection was hazardous and __"—_'_—._ ___. _.__ ._ . ._._. , ..s.__._... . _ ... .. _ __ .._ . . . . . . .. _. .._. _. _. __ ' I1 i �, - REGULAR MEETING Of FE6RUARY 26, 1979 PAGE 2 '� this was discussed with the State and County �n an attempt to have a signal � installed. Mr. Sobiech stated the narrow median strip doesn't provide the proper protection and pointed out the fact that this is the only ingress and � e9ress point for residents on the West side of University. P1r. Sobiech stated the response from the State, to date, is that al.though �, the signal is warranted, it is prioritized lower than other si9nals in the ' metropolitan area. He pointed out that the State has only installed signals �, '� where they have received Federal participation, and is reluctant to proceed . � in this case with the typical cost sharing approach because of the low prior- i : itY. � � Mr. Sobiech explained, therefore, the purpose-of the hearing this evening � was to receive input from the residents on the proposed signa7ization at , this intersection and to determine if they would be willing to share in the cost. � I � v Mr. Sobiech stated the proposed cost sharing for this improvement would be 75% from governmental agencies and 25,".= from surrounding Groperty owners. He explained the totat estimated cost is 5704,000 and the assessment per residential lot would be about $250. t4r. Sobiech stated the Woodcrest 6ahtist Church would also be assessed, which would amount to eight single family lots, or $2,OD0. � Mr. So6iech stated, in order to make up the remaining costs, the City would contribute $25,000 from the General Fund and Anoka County, £25,000, because of Columbia Arena which adds to the traffic: He stated, even though the State, at this time, indicated they didn't want to partiripate, this matter will still be pursued and it is hoped they would contribute about i25,000. Mr.�.Sobiech pointed out, if there is an extension of the regional trail system across Locke Park and tyino into Locke Lake, there would be an influx of bike and pedestrian traffic so the State would have to pay their fair �, share. Mr. Subiech stat2d, at this time, the costs are estimates and it :` `` is hoped the bids would come in lower, but felt the $250 per lot was a realis- tic figure. � Mr. Brunsell, City Clerk, stated this assessment coutd be spread over a 10 year period at an interest rate of 7 1/2,%d, if the property owner so desired. He stated, if the resident wished to pay it at the time of the assessment hearing,�then no interesi would be due. � Councilwoman Moses asked if Anoka County is willing to go ahead with the signalization. Mr. Sobiech stated only the State reco9nizes the low priority, but the County has 6een supportive of the City regardiny signalization at �this intersection. Councilman Schneider questioned what the wst w�uld bz to the City, if they waited until the State installed tne siynal. Mr. Subicch stated, if the State irstalled the signai, the Federal governmant would pick up 576,000 and �the remaining costs would be split 50/50 bet�;een tfre State a�id City. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated the City's centr�ibution, in the.past, for signalization on State hi�hways in the last few year; has been in the area ofi �4,OOQ-$5,000. However, in this case, the City's contributimi would be about $25,C00. � Mr. SoSiech poir�ted out Chat this sigr�al is lisCed 53rd or the State's prior•- ity list�and they generzlly install 12 to 79 signals p�r year. M�1-ION by Councilwor�•an �hoses tio rzceive petitiimi i�1-19;9 fra'n r�=sid^nts on the west side of University in favor of tiie siynalizatior. Seccnded by — f� ,• REGULAR MEETIPIG OF FEBRUARY 26, 1979 Councilma❑ Schneider. PAGE 3 MOTION by Councilman Barnette to receive the tetter froin Richard Stanton, dated Fe6ruary 26, 1979, regarding the signal, Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. � . � � Mayor Nee stated the Council is not trying to.push this signalization, but wanted to hear comments from the residents on this approach. He stated, if the residents feel the financial arrengement isn't acceptable, then the City probably won't proceed. He stated the Ccuncil normally doesn't order in a project unless over half of the people in the assessment district h3ve petitioned for it. � Councilman Ba�rnette stated he lives in the neighborhood and this matter of signalization was something that was brought up to him from people on both sides of University. He stated, from reviewing correspondence, the City has made every effort with tne State to try and get�a signal at this inter- section. He felt the proposal from staff was a good idea to try and get the signal as economically as possible. Councilman 6arnette stated that every- one he has talked with was in favor of the proposal. � Mr. Michael Kuzyk, 280 Rice Creek Blvd., stated he lived in the area when University was proposed to be a duat lane highway. He stated 9;he State promised the residents two things; a stop light at no cost to the residents and a walkway to go from the east to the west side of University. He stated neither one of these have been done and even though he complained about the speed limit> it hasn't been lo4�ered. Mr. Kuzyk stated he wanted a signal at this intersection, but didn't think he should be�taxed for it. He stated he would go along with the majority, but is against pay.ing for the signal. Mr. Kurzyk questioned why Columbia Arena isn't going to be taxed on a lot for lot basis. . Mayor Nee stated the City is going to request the County participate in the cost for thi, ;ignat, but don't have any assurances they will do so. Mr. Jim Gagnon, 561 Rice Creek Blvd., stated he didn't believe that, just by installation of the signal, it would help the traffic problem. He pointed ou± that u9th is not a thruu9h street and felt, if you put a traffic light at this intersection, the traffic you will have in the area would be more detrimental than crossing the intersection. He felt, when signalization is installed, it.increases traffic hazards. He stated, for the thousands of cars that use Uni�versity, it means contending with anotlier traffic light and didn't think anyone traveling north and south would be in favor of the signal. Mr. Gagnon stated, when you 9et semi-trucks stopping at this light, the noise and pollution level will go up. Mr. Gagnon felt there should be a service drive on the west side of University all the way to 73rd Avenue. He fe't it hard to believe that a street that services two dead end areas would benefit from signalization. . Mr. Sobiech, Public 'Aorks Dirnctor, stated the service drive on the west is a possibility, however, there will be commei-cial and industrial develooment in this area and the City would want to minimize the impact on ihe residents to the south of th5s development. Mr. dack Krichen, 238 - b9tn Plare, stated he sees children every morning trying to cross the highway and pointed out that people on the v;est side cannot make use of the facilities on the east side oi' University, because of the danger of crossing the hi9hway. He stated he would like to 6e able .� to cross safely at this intersection and s�pported the proposal for the sig- nal�zation. • Mrs. Peterson, 277 Rice Creek Blvd., stated ;he has seen, this past year, where two school 6uses Y�ere almost invo7ved in an accident at this location � I i �,.� , _ _ ._ _ _ . _ , � REGULAR MEETING Of FE6RUARY 26, 1979 PAGE 4 � � ' �. �� and felt, one of these days, iC is going to happen. Mrs. Peterson Felt the yuestion of signalization bears a lot of consideration, but felt she should�nct be taxed for it. Councilman 6arnette stated he feels exactly as Mrs. Peterson does, 6ut that this isn't the point now as the Statc will not install signals at this time He felt the City has tried everythiny they could to have the State install this signal and it now appears this wcu7d be the only immediate solution. Mrs. Peterson felt they should not wait until there is a serious accident before action is taken, but indicated she was opposed to the fact that they have to pay for it. She stated, however, if the majority is in favor, she would go along with the proposal. Mr. Robert fiagelin, 545 Rice Creek 61vd., stated he was in favor of the pro- posal primarily because �250 is not much to pay for his children's lives. He felt the signal should be installed before someone is killed. � Mayor Nee stated that-Senator Schaaf has introduced special iegislation that, if the City pays for the signal, they could be reimhursed. He stated the problem is that the Highway Department opposes this at the hearing. IJ Mr. Jim Cass, 273 Rice Creek 61vd., stated he agreed with t4r. Hagelin's comments and was in favor of the signalization. Mr. derry Plaeckelbergh, 425 Rice Creek Bivd., stated the question of signal- ization at this intersection has 6een talked about in the neighborhood a long time. He pointed out that 69th Avenue is the only intersection on University Avenue atl the way through the City that doesn't have a signal. Mr. Maeckelbergh stated that children do go back and forth across the highway and would agree with Mr. Nagelin that 5250 is a small cost to pay fur insurance. Mrs. Bet±y Schweppe, 260 - 69th Avenuc, indicated she would go along with Mr. Gagnon's comments regarding the service road. However, if this couldn't be done, she felt the $250 was nothing to pay for the lives of their children. Mr. Ernie Harper, 257 - 69th Averue, questioned why this intersection was so low on the State's list of priorities. Mr. Sobiech stated it is based on the accident rate and traffic counts, as compared with other intzrsections in the metropolitan area. Mr. Harper felt possibly *hey should close the median and have a service drive on the riest side of University>� but indicated, as of now, he is wide open on the proposal. . Councilwoman Moses stated she wo�ld like to get the matter of the service road concept dealt with and asked�about this possibility. Mr. Qureslii, City Manager, stated the question is how much interest there is in this concept and stated, from past experience and input it is not a viable alternative. hir. Lawrer.ce Anderson,.220 Rice Creek Glvd.,�stated if property on the west side of University was going to be developed by the County for park purposes, what about a walkway over the hiyhway for people on both sides of the high- way to use the facility? Mr. Qureshi, City Manager; stated the State's er.perience with �r•alkway over- passes has been v2ry poor, ais people do not use th2m. He pointed out also that the cost for the signaiization or a walkm�ay v�ould be a6out the same. �4r. Anderson stated it �^rould appear. that possibly the service road has some merit, if the crossing coald be eliminated at 69th Avenue. r �;� REGULAR 14EETING OF FE6RUkRY 26, 1979 VAGE 5 Mr. qureshi felt it would be the choice of the peopte, if tney felt this. wouid be a better solution. He stated, however, there is also the time factor involved for emergency vehicles, if the inediar were ciosed. Mr. Qureshi Stated the matter of closing the median was discussed eight or nine years ayo and the neighborhood, at that time, was not in favor of it: however,.the feeling of the residents may�have changed. Councilman Schneider asked Idr. Anderson if he was in favor of this propQSal for si9nalization, not taking into account the matter of the service road. Mr. Anderson stated he wouid be�in favor of the signalization. Mr. Arden Foss, 467 Rice Creek Blvd., stated he lives on the east side of University and indicated he was very much in favor of this proposal for 5ignalizaCion. Mrs. Kathy Pattock, 401 Rice Creek Blvd., indicated she was in favor of the signalization. Mr. Bilt Zaie, 242 - 69th Avenue, stated he was in favor of the proposal and would go along with the £250 assessment. Mrs. Jean Reveling, 181 - 69th Avenue, stated this was a dangerous inter- section and something had to be done and indicated she was in favor of the proposal. Mrs. Gasper, 501 Rice Creek Blvd., stated she was in favor of the proposat. Mr. Kuzyk, 280 Rice Creek Blvd., stated he was� against it, but will go along with the majority, providing they lower the speed limit to 50 MPH. � Mayor Nee stated the City has an apptication in to the State for reductior, of the speed limit. . Councilnwn Barnette stated the people should know the Council is very con- cerned about the speed limit, hoo-iever, because it is a State highway, they determine the speed. I-0r. Ron Andrle, 255 Rice Creek Blvd., pointed out, even if there was a service drive, chil�dren will still be crossing University and felt they have to think of them and stated he was in favor of the signal. Mayor Nee requested, by a show of hands, how many were�in favor of the proposal for signalization. About�27 perscns indicated they were in favor. By a shcw of hands, about three indicated they were opposed. Councilman 6arnette, who lives in the area,.indicated he was in favor of the proposal. Councilman Schneider stated he is, reluctantly, for it, since it could possibly set a precedent. Councilwoman Moses stated she would be in favor of the proposal, as she felt most of the people wanted it. - Councilman Fitzpatrick indicated he would be in favor. He stated, if an accident occurs at this intersection, many people all over the City would be hurt and felt, it was not only in the in!erest of the neighborhood, but a much wider.area to support this proposal as long as the residents in the area are willing to assun� the assessnient. M07ION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to close the public hearing. Seconded by Councilman Schneider.� Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the pu6lic hearing closed at 8:55 p.m. Mayor Nee stated normally the Council vrould not take action on this item / � I I I i I _ REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 26, 1979 PAGE 6 until next week, but if they would like construction started this season, the Council could take action at this meeting. MOTION by Councilman Barnette to adopt Resolution Y,3fi-1979 and o��der the signalization imnrovement at TH 47 and 69th Avenue, Improvement Project 1979-5, as early as possible. Seconded by Counciltvoman Moses. Upon a voice vote, all vnting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously ,� ;; �. (: MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to waive the reading of the public hearing � notice and open the public hearing. Seconded by Councilman 6arnette. Upon ' a voice vote, all veting aye, Mayor Nee declared the rcrotion carried unanimously � and the public hearing opened at 8:56 p.m. Mr. Sobiech, Pubiic Works �irector, stated the vacation is requested in order to allow Yiking Engineering tio enclose a storage dock at 7740 Beech Street N.E. The request is to vacate the easement for drainage and utilities that was retained when Gutmaood Street was vacated, except tl:at part of the easement needed by the utility companies which lies betwcen Blocks 5 and 6, Onaway Addition, and bounded on the north by the westerly ex!ension of the north line of Block 6, Onaway Addiiion, and bounded on the sou±h by the westerly extension of the.south line of Lot 11, 61ock 6, Onaway Addition, � Mr. Sobiech stated the Planning Commission held a public hearing and has recommended approval of the vacation, except that part actually needed by �the utility companies. � ��, No persons in the audience spoke for or against this proposed vacation. �� MOTIOP� by Councilman Schneider to close the public hearing_ Seconded by � Couneilman 3arnette. Upon a voice �rote, all voting aye, Mayor Plee declared � the motion carried unanimously, and the public hearing closed at 9 p.m. i MOTION by Councilman Schneider to waive the reading of Che public hearing notice and open the public nearing. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice wte, all voting aye�, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearing opened at 9 p.m. � Mr. SoSiech, Public 4lorks Gii•ector, stated this is ±he proposed final plat for the 5th Addition in the Innsbrucl; North Townhouse Development. He stated the plat was previously considzred about t�ao years ago and is now be=ore the Council �•tith a litt7e different design concept and re- duction in the numbcr of units. He stated wnat is proposed at this time is developrr�nt of 7II townhouse units. 4,iith this development, there will. be a final density of 636 units in the various phases that have taken place. - Mr. Sobiech stated the Planning Comrnission held a hearing and recommended approval vrith certain stioulations. These stipulations wzre that a memorandum of agraement be reached an9 s�igned by the Innsbruck fdorth Townhouse Association and the Darrel I'arr �evelopment Corpoi•atior; that affidavitis be filed riith the plat on noise problerns similai- to the 4ih Addition; that appiroval be obiained from the Rice Greek Watershed District; that a performance bond for the exterier development be placed ��iith the City; and thaY the aialktvays be comple*ed and 1ighted and all other walk- ways wiYhin all other plats and all other easeinents f-or oial%ways in all other plats be finalized with this piat at a timetable to be set. f4r. Sobiech fz12, in order to tie up loose ends, several items should be included with this firal ple.t such as the devel�per ��iill plat and drvelep 73 tiot,�nhuuses'; water, semer and ctorm set��er should be cqrstructied ; r, _-_ ..-T REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 26, 1?79 PAGE 7 to the City's plans; suggest that the requirement�for the developer to instal�l tennis courts, as outlined in the Innsbruck Village p1aY., 6e eliminated and inst:ead an anrount of §20,000 be given to the City; insure that all easements are o6tained for the pathways together with completion of the lighting system; developer inust sntisfy certain landscaping and spacin9 requireinents and must satisfy a11 present owners; the City is not responsible for.construction of noise barriers or maintaining them; developer should pay the cost of sealcoating because of the high amount of construction in this area and there should be a performance bond in the amount of $5,DOD to cover the sealcoating and landscaping items; � there should. be a performance bond in the ainount of $8,000 from the developer to the Townhouse Association to take care of any other items that may�come up. Mr. Sobiecfi stated, in the 1976 plat, there was money escrowed for in- stallation of the tennis courts, however, the costs now have risen since 1976. Mr. Farr stated he wou7d like to see the $15,000 used for tennis courts �' in the Innsbruck North area. He stated there is a site on the City's . park land and that was intended where they would be installed, '.. Councilman SchneiGer stated his recollection was, when the money was ' escrowed, that the location was yet�to be determined, Ne stated he believed the City and developer errored and there is no obvious place now to.put the tennis courts. - Mr. Farr stated the site that was discussed at staff level was�just to the northwest of the Black Forest Apartments. He stated it is land 'chat was dedicated to the City as park land. Councilman Schneider stated the staff is recomnending an amount of $20,000, instead of the 515,000, because of the rise in costs, and the location of the tennis courts is a problem.the Council wilt have to face. Mrs. Elaine Hurrenel of the Tormhouse Association ;tated they are interested �� in having the tennis courts and feels the perfect spot would 6e the �'� recreational area that is presently being used by the children as a I' tot lot. � � � �, .Mr. Sobiech stated the original agreement was for two tennis courts on � pu6lic park property and at a location to be determined by the City. �� He stated it has been suggested thaC the courts be constructed on vacant � property north of North Park School. , Mr. Stephen Tollison, 5538 Meister Road, stated when the discussion '� came up before, there was more talk about cost than location. Mr. � Tollison stated, in the replat in 197G, the tennis courts were to be lo- '' cated in an area at least continuous to the Association to service the - people that live in that area. He stated nothirig was said that they had � ' to 6e side-by-side. He stated the 6oard of �irectors of the Townhouse � Association would reconmend that the area where the tat lot is now be � used for the tennis courts. � ���. Councilman Schneider stated he talked with the residents on East Danube and they are against tennis courts at this location. Mr. Tollison stated he felt the location at North Park School would be far from what they talked abnut, as the discussion was specifiic that the idea of the tennis courts �•ias to ±ake care of, primarily, the reo- reationa7 needs of people in the area. Councilnian Schneider stated the general policy of the City is to require developers to dedicate money or land for recreational facilities and it doesn't mean that they wili be built�right in that location. Mr. Tollison felt the idea was that they were to be built in close proximity. - '77 RfGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 26, 1979 . PAGE 8 Councilman Schneider stated they probably hav8 a disagreement between � ��' tfie Townhouse Association and single�family residencAS, as the persons '�, in the single family residences seem to prefer location of the tennis �. courts at North Park School. . - Councilman Schneider felt this location tends-to make the tennis courts more open to eveiyone, instead of the location behind the Black Forest Apartments roihich tend to make Chem more private. � Mayor Nee stated the Council could explore the actual site in the next few weeks, as the final plat doesn't require that the site be determined, '. only that the rnoney be escroaed. � ��� Mr. Qureshi, Ci+y Nanager, questioned why the Townhouse Association hadn't requested recreation facilities for this particular plat. Mrs. Hummel stated the Association felt they should have some area of open space for recreational use. � Mr. Tollison suggested they could put another tennis court adjacent to the one they now have, but then it becomes�too restrictive which really wasn't their intert. , Councilman Fitipatrick felt that> while the Association and developer might have negotiated with each other, the City does have a City-wide policy and didn'tfeel it can be settled exclusively with the Townhouse Association and the developer. . � Councilman Schneider asked if the tennis courts were not to be built � in the boundaries where the To�r�nhouse Association would like them, if � they would prefer a court in the 5th Addition. � � Mr. Tollison felt the Association really didn't addrnss this question. Ne stated tha�y negotiated with P7r. Farr on what kind of recreational . facilities they wanted. He felt the tennis courts are a separate item }. znd have to be handled separately. . „� '� �4r. Far��° stated he felt this plat is part of a planned developmsnt and didn't feel they should have to contrib�:te any additional monies. He pointed aut that he didn't feel the $20,000 for the tv+o tennis courts was totally out of lin� in light of what they ha�m already contributed. Councilman Schneider stated, if the Townhouse Association, knows they don't want tLe tennis courts in the 5th Nddition> the Council could proceed with the plat. Counci'man Schneidzr asked Mrs. Hurrmel and Mr. Tollison, rerresentatives of the Too:nhouse Association, if they were satisfied �,�ith che agreeo��ent witn Mr. Farr, the developer. 3oth indicated tney concurred with this agreement. . . Councilman ScYmeider referred to tiie landscaping mquirements and reference to leaving the trees. Mr. Fai•r stated ne looked at this plat with 9reat detail to set consiruction limits, and ¢e2ting any requirements the City has, to in�ke sure they don't intrude on the area that they stat2d wculd remain "natural". �� Mr. Sobiech sCated they have discussed with Mr. Farr a different technique for grading and excavation and they intend to do a sitr, at a tiime�and noY the entire.�ai°ea ard, in this ayay, shuuld have better control. Councili�zn Schneider asked if the City had any control to insure that the trees Viould be left. t-0r. Herrick, City Attorney, stated this could be inade part of the ayreement 7h REGULAR MEETING Qf FEBRUARY 26, 1979 PAGE 9 that no construction or changing the topography'would take place on the outlots. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated, realisticatly, they would only be preserving the outlot areas. Mr. Farr felt the easiest way to approach this is to make an exhibit to the development agreement showing construction limits. Mr, Herrick stated, from a practical standpoint, he woutdn't want to see restrictions imposed that are not pracEicat to enforce. Ne felt possibly, when the building permits are submitted, that the developer's representa- tives and the City's engineering staff could agree what areas are practical to maintain in their present condition. � Mr. Qureshi stated the agreement could be amended to add that the developer will work with the City staff to set up practical construction limits. Mr. Herrick stated something could 6e added to the effect that the owner and City Engineer will agree on construction limits prior to issuance of building permits and that the area outside the construction limits witl not be disturbed or the topography changed. No other persons in the audience spoke regarding�this plat. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to close the public hearing. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the rtation carried unanimously and the public hearing closed at 10 p.m. Since this item for consideration of approval of the final p1at, Subdivision P.S. q78-07, Innsbruck North Townhouse P;at 5 and Townhouse Development T-q78-01, was on the Council's agenda for later in the meeting, action was taken at this time. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to approve the final plat for Subdivision P.S. M78-07, Innsbruck North Townheuse Plat 5 and Townhouse �evelopment T-H78-O7, Fountain Oaks, subject to the agreemen't before the Council. Seconded by Counciiman 5arnette. . � M07ION by Councilman Schneider to amend the agreement, concerning this plat, by adding an Item 12 with the follo�ding tentativelanguage, subject to review of the City staff. "That the owner and City Engineer will agree on construction limits prior to �issuance of building permits and that the area outside the construction limits will not be d�isturbed or the topography changed". Seconded by.Louncilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Ptayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Qureshi, City Flanager, asked if the matter of the tennis courts would be addressed at this time. � Mayor Nee stated the way the motion reads is that they will not require more tennis courts, recognizing that the two additional courts might not be within their development. Councilman Schneider questioned the representatives from the Townhouse Association if they understood o-�hat this motion covered. Both Mrs. Hummel and Mr. Tollison indicated they I:new there wouldn't be any requirement for a tennis court in the 5th Addition. UPON A VDICE VOTE TAKEN ON THE MAIN P10TIOi;, all voted aye, and Mayor Nee declared the moti�on carri?d w�animously. � Councilman Schneider stated he appreciated �4r. Farr's cooperation with the Toianhouse Association. . � ■ �� 'r J REGULAR MEETING OF FE6RU/1RY 26, 1979 PA6E 10 PUBLIC HEFlRING ON f?[ZONING REQUFST; ZONING ONOINANCF AF1[PlD1dGNT #�78-07, 6Y ----------------._ -------------___.--------- RDRERT SCNP.OER1 TO f2EZOt-0C COLtiMf3TA INDUSTRIAL PARY. FR11h] i�7-1 10 f�1-2 AfVD C-2: . h10TI0N by Councilman Schneider to riaivz the rcadinos of the public hearing �� not�ices and open the public hearings. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. ��. Upon e vo9ce vote, all votin9 aye, �9ayor Nee declared the mot�ion carrled ��, imanimously and the public hearing opened at iD:05 p.m. ��, Mr. Sobiech, Pubiic Works Director, stated this is a request on a final � plat for property generally located south of 73rd Avenue bet�reen Universitiy ���. and the ra�ilroad tracks. He stated the piat consists of two blocks, one � with 13 lots and, generally, 12 lots in the nther. It is proposed that ' there will 6e C-Z and M-2 property in the plat. f�1r. Sobiech stated ' the M-7 properties would be the four larger lots abutting the�railroad tracks. The Plannin9 Cort�mission has held a public hearing on this request and has recomr:�ended aporuval. He stated Che Commi;siun has recommended a 35 foo± setback along "A° street, instead of the reQUired 100 feet, with Yhe under- standing there would be a 100 foot setback from 73rd on Lots 1 through 4 in the M-1 zone. This would allo�r for loading areas to be located ±o the rear of the property. Idr. Sobiech statnd the drair.ane is to flow from the north 1;o the sotrth, with a proposed pond on the south area, outside of this plat. He sta±ed the Planning Cornnission indlcated vLere should also be appeoval from the Rice f,reek Watershed District fcr drainage of this plat and that the developer's engineer is wo�^kirg witii the '�datersh�d D�strict. Mr. Sobiech ste±eG the Cortan?ssicn a�lso reccnm�andeA tf!e sou+,h 15ne of tlie �� ' plat be moved to coieciGe with the exSStiny utility easement. P1r. Sebiech .. ° � stateti an easement �should be requ�^>ted ror the area souih of the plat � � for the option of access from 69th ar 73rd Avenu�s. T1r, Qureshi, City M1?anager, stated the City �o���sc't want an access road designed to carry truc'v, traffic. Ir this plat, m�i�at th� City is seeking is to have an access easement to keep al�l options open. Mr. Tim Munn, owner of nrop�arty on thc west side cf the Burlington PVorthern raitroad tii'acks, asked if he would b^ assessed for any improvernents in this plat. Mr. Sobiech stated all improvements for this plat wculd Le paid for by the developer and P1r. f4unn's prope�°ty aould not be affecTed. Councilman Fitzpatrick questioned �If the Ciiy was dependino teo much on the Watersh�d D�isirict to review *hc plat and word�areri �if tne City is closely ma�itoring the dr�inage. i1r. Sobiech stated tY:e C,ity is trying to adopt 'the rules and requlat�ons of the Watei-shed 'Jistc�ict and thesc requlati�o^s will also satisfy the City'S concei-ns. Councilman Pit-<paii'ick felt the C.ity snaulc bc r.oin`ident fha+ the r�les and reyulations of ±h,e b!atei°shed Districc are as sUns tiv�:e as ths City , wants then ta Ce as he fieli-, with property firther Plortli, ihe Cicy probably acCuatly requireC n;ore than ;�hat the Wate�°shed District's regclatians would have prcvided. i4r. Sobiech staied that, eventua�ll;y, ih�s wste:� woUld end up in Lod:n Lake so the City, as �aell �s �the Clatershed Oi>trict, viill be ve��y sensit�ve to this matt.er. Councilo-:oman f4oses asked if the 35 fooi setback off ofi Uuiv�rsity weuld be ', � tfie norinal setback fior a ho�se. '� ;;r; REGULAR MEETING OF FE6RUARY 26, 1979 PF�GE 11 i�r. Sobiech stated. the Zonin9 Code requires 700 feet from a right-of-way line which is across from a comnercial zone. He stated this is supposed � to be for protection of the commercial properties from the industrial. Mr. Sobiech s�tated he didn't think there would be any impact on the cominercial areas from this industrial zone. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated, if the 35 foot setback is alloo-�ed, the stipulation should be that no loading docks would be permitted in the front, but would have to 6e at the rear of the property. Councilman Fitzpatrick�stated he objects to creating plats that immediately require a variance. He felt there is something wrong wiih the ordinance, if a variance is required on a new p7at. . 14r. Sobiech indicated they have a large amount of property they are dealing with and felt they have better control and an idea on how things wi11 develop and that, perhaps, the Zoning Code needs review. He felt it is an offsetting of objectives since, 6y allowin9 the 35 foot setback, the loading docks will be located to the rear of the property. Louncilman Fitzpatrick stated, in reference to the sensitivity of the drainage problem to the fJorth of this area, that he didn't want to go on record that�this area isn't sensitive. He pointed out, however, he had the experience in the past of seemingly fol7owing the rules and finding them inadequate. Mayor Nee stated he would interpret the ponding areas as a show that the City is sensitive to the drainage. � No other persons in the audience spoke for or against this plat or the rezoning. tdOTI{7M by Councilman Schneider te close the public hearings. Seconded by � Ceuncilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, ail vnting aye, Playor Nee declared � the motion carried unanimously and the public hearings closed at 1G:38 p.m. ��� NEIJ BUSINESS: � � READI�G Of Aid ORGItIANCE FOR MOTION by Counci7woman Mcses to waive the reading and approve the ordinance upon first reading. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unaninwusly. � CONSIDERATION DF FIRST RElIDING OF API ORDIMAPlCE FOR REZONING REQUEST; �I ZOfJING ORDINAfICE AMEfl�MENT ZOA €7g-p7, gy ROBERT SCIiP,OER: � Fi0TI0N by Councitr�ian Qarnette to Viaive tne reading and approve the ordinance Iupon first reading. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, Iall votiny aye, Mayor Nee declared the nrotion carried unanimously, � COiJSI�ERATION OF APPROVRL OF FINAL PLAT: PBFl1Mln�nrv cimnr�ir�.�.� �� „-,,. ,._ Action was taken on this item earlier in the meetin9, after the public hearings were held. � RECEIVING THE hiI�IUTES OF 7HE POLIf,E CIVIL SERVICE COP1�NISSIOPo MELTIf�G OF FEL�RUFR'f 5, 19j9; - _._ MOTION by Councilman Schneider te receive the minutes of the Police Civil Service Connnission l�teeting of February 5, 1979. Seronded 6y Mayor �'Jee. Upon a voice ��ote, all voting aye, Mayor �lee declared the motion carried unanimously. s' � v- RFGU!f�R MF[TIPJG OF fE3RUARY 26, 1979 � PAfE 12 RECE:VIf1G THE MIPlUTES OF THE CHARTCP. COhiMISSSON �4E[71NG OF JANllARY 2, 1979: P10T10iJ by C�uncilr�an Pitzpatrick tn rece�ve the minutes of the Charter Commission Pteeting of January 7_, 1979. Seconded by Counei1man Scl'ineider. Upon a voice vote, all votiny ayc, Mayor Nee deciared the nrotion carried unanin:ously. RESOLUiIOP! N0. 30- b1 r I?OJECT UIdDER RECEIVING L[TTEIiS FhOi-0 HON@Yb1EAD PP,ODUCTS DATED f-EL'RUARY 22 AN� �E�RUARY �s, 1�979: � �40TIDN by Councilnian Fitzpatrick to receive the letters dated february 22 and February 23, 79'9 From Honeymead Products Cormany. Seconded by� Councilman Schneider. Upor a voice vote, all votiny aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Steve �acobs, of Uain, Kalman ar.d Quail, appeared be�ore the Council to ans�der any quest�ion, eeGardiny this industrial revenue tond issue. Mr. Harold Groh, Vice-President of Honeymr.ad, ti�ias also present to ans����er any questions of the Cuunril. � Mr. Grah explained that Honeyniead is a division o�� Farmers Union Grain T2rniina7 1�ssociatien. He s[ated ihat f:he letter tt;e �ou�;cil received, dated reb�ruary 23, is for guaranteeir,g the repayment of ;he 6onds. Pir. Jacobs stated this bond issue would be to finanr.2 a porticn of the �� � ecst of censcructioo of builcings and additions to lioneymezd's er.isting . . facslity in fr�idle�. 14r. Jacohs stated Lheir int;entior norr is �to underwr'te the issce and sell �' the bo��6s 'to p•-ivate casnaltq canpanies on a lo��g-term hasis. 41e stated, � � however, hecause the bonds wouldr.'t be :narketeG tor a�xmtller 6D-90 d�ys, they woald liI<n the alte�native of having a public c�ffe�•in9, `f tl�e;; cant�ot 6e placed privltely. Pfir. Jacobs stated, if this was don2; t�ney e�ro�lc com2 bar,k to thie Council. Mr. 9runsell, C�i�ty Clerk, sta";ed z ler�e part o` the bend �issue erocld yo into machine;-y and this is wny the City asked for ihe gaaranl:ea. t9r. Herrick, City Flttorney, siai:ed he v�ould give legal o�;iuions t�s far as the peelimi �ary appl�icat�on v:as concerned and t-.�ar,tEd the record to �t�o���, that while he �s doina th�is, it is ur.derstood Chat the for7n nnd ror,te,t of tYie u'ndei-tv���ting doeun:ents ara subject to thc approval oF batn pnrties. �4i'. Qureshi, City f4anaper, st�ten it the Cnur.cil �rishvd to precee-n a:ith� this item, he would ��e<:om�end it he sul�iec[ to the fo'llo���9+iy stipula�i�ris: (7) Full faith of the Farm�es ihiiori 6rz�in Ter�rinal "ssociation behind ih:e bomjs; (2) It vrould 'c� a ori'��ate p1acing or' tl��e bunds, �r `hey caen^t plac� them y�rivately, i�.hev can coro_ back te Council for � review; (3) Subject, to docun:en�s 6Piz�g rcvie-ned by the City F;,`,arne�'s of�Fice; and (4) SuCjcct Yo the agrcement of the stipulatlons in a letter dated PeCi°uary �2, 1979 regardiny landsczoing and sct�eeninr. h1ayor Plee stated, if the ��anr.ei�•s Unior, Grain TE�rriir�al Assor.5ati^r, ?s going to yuarantce the bonds, hc f,fils to sec the conccrn c:� pr-�ivate �� placer:ent. � M11r. Nerric� felt 'tnis �s sonci;9ia! z di`fe�°�nt situetion as iL �nvnl.v:.�s equipn?ert and not real estate. hir -.�,nte;! out that thi. .,p�cia� •�urpose equipa�en� is not secured by a n�o,'*_ :ige and, tmder cnr�ni� ci,-cu:rscences, this n�a� cause hiia to be con eirec, 6ui. wiEh rull gunt i-rc of �-,�i Farmers U��iion ,f,i-ain 'et ��inal Pssoi.�.t�ion, -. = clats i-el ikve his c�acern s:ri �.re�rhat. Nr, iierrick fclt this would I-�e an issu� tliat aould be br_iter off so1d pr-i�ateiy. i F^ REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 26, 1979 PAGE 73 Mr. Jacobs stated he understands the Counci]'s and staff's concern regarding placement of the�bonds, but �aanted ta emphasize the dynamics of interest rates and cash floo: in the insurance market are substantial and significant. He stated they prefer to place the 6onds privately, but wanted to have the flexibility to go on the public market. MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to adopt Resolution No. 30-1979, giving preliminary approval to Industrial Revenue Bonds for Fariners Union Grain Terminal Association (NOneymead Products Company) and authorize execution of the agreement with the following stipulations: (1) Full faith of the Farmers Union Grain Terininal Association behind the bonds; (2) A private placing of the bonds, if they cannot 6e placed privatety, then this matter should come back to Council for a review; (3) Subject to documents. being reviewed by the City Attorney's office; and (4) Subject to the agreement of the stipu7ations in a letter dated � Fe6ruary 22, 1479 regarding landscaping and screening. � �, Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, ' Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. , RECESS: Recess called by Mayor Nee at 11:02 p.m. RECONVENED: Mayor Nee reconvened the meeting at 71:76 p.m. A77 Council members were present. UPDaTE OF ANOiCFl COUNTY PARK AND OPEN SPACE PLAN IN FRIDLEY 6Y DAVE ,' TORKILDSON, DIRECTOR: � �' Mr. Dave Torkiid,on, �i;-ector of ±he Anoka County Parks and Recreation, � appeared before the Council regarding the County's pai,k and open space ' plan in Fridley. '. Mr. Torkildson stated,.in m�der to get funds, it is necessary for the City of Fridley and Counties of Anoka and Ramsey to approve a hlaster Plan. He stated it is hoped�they could review the plan to, ho�efully, obtain some positive action from tbe Council at the next Cowicil meeting. Mr. Torkildson stated the Legislature is considering a request from the Metropolitan Council for funds for the regional.park system. Mr. Torkildson reviewed some of the plans for the trail system througl; Fridley and stated that part of this master p7an would be that the City would accept the r'act that the regional trail would be passing ao-oss or through City-owned property. He stated the trail system they are proposing is one of the first major regional trailways in the metropclitan area. Mr. Torkildson presented some slides on the Anoka County Park System. He ' stated he would like the Council to revic��i the fdaster Plan and if they - have any questions, he would be happy to review them. . �. '� Mayor Nee pointed out that on Rice Creek lJay, the trail is shown going down the street and questioned if tf,at was essentia7 to the pro9ram. Mr. Torkildson stated they woiald like to be able to say they could get all the way to the Idississippi River. He felt it was pro6ably essential they briny people all the way to the river, if they.were going�to have any.trails at all. REGULhR M�f_TI.NG OF FEf3RUARY 26, }979 %iGF 14 Mr. Qureshi stated that most of tiie tund.that these ti•ails are propo,ed for are, basicaliy, public land except wi�en you 90 a+est of the railroaA tracks. He stated tihere are residents in this araa that could be concerned. Councilman Fitzpatrick stated he was also concerned about the use of Rice Creek 4Jay as part of the trail system. Mr. Tork�ldson st<teA, since there is park property alony thc railroad tracks to [he church on Missi,sippi Street, perhaps�Lhis could be used as an alternative. He stated this could be worked into th� ISaster Plan. Mo action vraz taken at this time in order to give Cow,cil an oppo'rtanity to review the plan. CONSIDERATION OF FXECUTION OF AMFG7MENi TO AGRCENENT 4lITH METROPOLITAN --- ----------------------- ----- CDUilCP REGF.R�IilG RECEIFT 0� tGANDAlO^Y PLANNRdG FUilUS: MOTIOfJ by Councilmar. Schr.e�ider to a�:*.hcrize execut.ion of the am�ndment to the agreement ��ith the Metropolitan Council renarding receipts of mandatory planning funds. Seconded 6y Councilmar. BurnetCe. Upon a voice vote, all vot�ng aye, Mayor Nse declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION PlO. 31-1979 PFSIGNATIIdG h1ARCH 31 FlS @Tlj�@IC FEST]VAL �AY: MOTS�,� by Ceuncilr:�,an Schn�ider to adopt Resolution fJu. 31-1979. Secorded by Councilwoman �doses. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Piayor Nee declamd tne mo±ion carried unanimously. R@SOLUTI(�N A�O. 3�-1979 OP,C6RING it�^�PROVG�•tEhlT, APPR01'AL OP PLAItS AND OR�ERING — ---- A�'CRIISE �fJl `�lJk P.IUS: I!4TFR �Pf� Sf_! �' 'rP?OVC iu i Fit(!��CT �,:170_ MOTION 6y Councilnan 6arnettc to adopt Resolution �to. 32-i979, Seconded �.� by Cour.cilman SchneSder. Upon a vuir_e ��ete, all voting aye, Mayor Nee . declared the motion carried urmnimously. � < RESOLUTIO�d P10TIOP! 6y Courcilinzr. Schneider to aGept Resolution F!o. 33-1979. Seconded by Councilrran 3arnette. Upon a voice vote, all voYin9 ay�e, f4ayor Nee declared the motior. carrieti uraninously. � RESOLUT?O�d N0. 34-7979 RE6ARDThtG GkrA� RIVER P,OAD_SPUR P.OUTE D"tSIG�dkTiON 0� EkST RIV[k RO:iD ���.^,�:?�il OF I-G9�: — -- --- - MOTIO°! by Ceu�ncilrari Fitzpatricl: to adopt Resolu'Cion ldo. 34-1979. Seconded by Councilma.n [;arneti:e. Lpen a voice vote, ali votiny aye, Plsyor Nee de- elared ihe motion r.�i�ried unar,imously. RESOLCTION t�0. 35 t�4 I U'-II^ I Ii�� APlU DIP�CTINC 7�L SFi STTI �� 0_SPF rRL FSSE+S�i IiS l)i f;",i 'i. 41J; �'� Ici Gr LO 4 1__J11L � L2.n1�'S� �,P:;'. 7:;8_ Councilmsn Sd'�,ecider as4:ed tlao_ tocatimi. Mr. Brunsell stated it etas at 73rd and Pin�Cree Lane. N.OTIOfJ by Council:nan Schneid�r to adopt.Pesolution tdn. 35-1979. Seconded Coiuici1wno'�an D1oses. Upon a voice vote, al�l voting aye, Mayor hlee ric- clared the motion carr-ied cnanir�i�usly. CO".`.I_JCFV;TIOfd CF_A_POI:9�iF1_f{TS TO CITY CCi i`�iISS_DPlS: PLPNPIIP�S CD_,iiiISSiON_ 110iI0I� by Counciln.an Fitzpatrick to no�ninate Richard Harris fer r2app�int- rnant to the Plannii�g Co��rr,iss�on. SFCOnded by Council�nan �arnette. Upen a voice vote, all voting aye, P",ayer Nee �eclared the n��otion carried unani- mousl�. _;;i ;i � REGULAR MEETING GP.FEBRUARY 26, 1979 �PAGE 15 COMI9UNITY DFVELOPf7ENT COPfMIS5I0N: MOTION by Counci:lman Schnerder to nominate Ken Vos for reappointm2nti to � the Community Development Commission. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. . PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION: Councilvioman Moses noninated Barbara Hughes for appointment to the Parks and Recreation Commission. Councilman Barnette nominated Robert Peterson for reappointment to the Parks and Recreation Cortunission. Upon a voice vote, taken on the nominations, Councilwoman Moses, Council- man Fitzpatrick, Councilman Schneider and Mayor Nee voted for Barbara Hughes. Councilman Barnette voted for Robert Peterson. Hayor Nee de- clared Barbara Hughes appointed to the Parks and�Recreation Commission by a 4 to 1 vote. Councilman Fitzpatrick stated that Mr. Leonard Moore, Jr. was not interested in reappointment to the Parks and Recreation Commission. Councilman Fitzpatrick nominated Dave Kendrick for appoiniment to tAe Parks and Recreation Coinmission. Councilwoman Moses nominated Gordie Wilson for appointment to the Commission. Councilman Barnette nominated Jim Becker for appointment to the Commission. Councilman Barnette atso nominated Robert Feterson for reappointment to the Commission. Councilman Schneider stated he didn't feel qualified to vote on the candi- '�� dates since he didn't have information or r�sumes. Councilman Fitzpatrick felt it might be well to have resumes on the persons �'� who haven't served in the past. j MOTION by Councilman Schneider to table the vote on the Commissioner to replace Leonard Moore, until the interested parties submit resumes. Seconded by Councilwoman hloses. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Idayor Nee declared the �riotion carried unanimously. APPEALS rOMMISSIDN: MOTION 6y Councilman Fitzpatrick to nominate Pat Gabel for reappointment to the Appeals Conmission. Seconded 6y Councilwoman Moses. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declaeed the motion carried unanimously. P10TION by Councilman Barnette to nominate Aler. Barna for reappointment � to the Appeals Commission. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. U�on a voice vote, ail voting aye, Ptayor IJee deciared the motion carried unani- mously. � ENVIRONMEMTAL QUALITY COMt41SSI0N: . " Pi0TI0N by Councilman Fitzpatrick to nominate Jim Langenfeld for reappoint- �_ ment to the Environmenta7 Quality Co�nmission. Seconded by Councilman , Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the , motion carried unanimously. - !., � MOTION 6y Councilman Fitzpatrick to table the other appointment to tne ... Environmental Quatity Cor:nissior,. Seconded by Comuilwoman 14oses. Upon � a voice vote, all votiny aye, Mayor D;ee declared the motion carried ! unanimously. � I t';, REGULAR MFESING OF PEGRUnRY 26, 1479 PAGE 16 HU"iAN P.ESOURCES_COh":PdSSION_ M07ION by Counci7man Fitzpatric4; to nominate Peter Treuenfels for apl%oint- ment to the Human Resources Comm�issior�. Seconded `vY Councilwoman Moses. lJpon a voice vote,� all voting aye> Piayor t2ee declared tiie motion carried ur�animou;ly. - 140TION Gy Councilman f-itzpatrick to ta61e the other appointment (Thiele's position) until later. Seconded 6y f,ouncilinan Schn^_ider. Lpon a voice vote, all voting aye, f4ayor fEec declared the imtion c-:rried u���ar�imously. CABLE TELEVISION CDMMISSIO"�: MOTIOA 6y Councilman Schneider to nominate Ed Kaspszak for reappoint- ment to the Cable Television Commission. Seconded by C�uncilman FiT.zpatrick. Upon a vo5ce vote, alt voting aye, Piayor Nee declared tne motion carricd unanimously. MOTIOti by Ccunr,ilman BarnetCe to nominate Larry Ch�valier for reappoint- ment to the Ca61e Television Comni�ssion. Secor�ded 6y Counr.ilman fitzpatrick. Upen a voice e�ote, all vo�cin9 aye, Mayor Nee decla.red the motiari carried unan�imously. . FBIDLEY ROUSiNG NIJD REPEVFL.OrMFNT P.UTNORITV: No action a+as taken at this time. POLICE CD^4�1iSSI0'J: t40TICN by Councilman Fitzpatricf: t:o ta61e the appo-intment to the Police Co;nmission until the tira� when the oi;her appointr.ent�s are considered. SeeonGed by Councilman Garnette. Upon a voice vote�, .:11 voiin9 aye, Mayor Nee declar•ed the motion carriecl �.��animo�asly. h",ayor Nee s�Cated he theught Ed Wamern�k would be int_rested in serving on the f-olice Conniss�on. � f.PP07NT'r'��r"_^lTS= CITY �h�i'LOYEES: ��7�pN by �ourcilm.,n 6a n�tte to car,cur u th the �o,oinrmenis uf the City''''•ana�cr -or the er��IOym�nt of G�ile.n D�r,ean as a PcceWtion�st/License Clerk at 4665 per month, effective Febru„ry ?_1, 1979; the em;�loy*o��nt of Ann Rczir�an as a Liq��or Clerk at 54.11 per hour, �P�ecti�re �ebruiry 72, 1°;9; arid th� appo�i�nbnent of Robert Aldrich as Fire Chief at S[4,b0U per year, effective F9a�rch 1, i979. Se�onded hy Counc�iirk.n Schneider. Upon a voice vote, atl votin9 aye, P�ayo�� Nee declared the ir�otion carried unanitnously. � CLAIIdS: MCTIt7N L�} �omciliri�n F� _patria *, �ut��r�ze ��a� -,t of Cluii,. t�o. 053997 t��t�9h 0�4 Rp, accon.i d b: Co�� i�man S Yr�idcr. '��oi� a vrice _ voCe, ail voting aye, ?tayor PlEe d�.:laie., �he :�iotie ie.eric� i��nin;oi,sly. LiC-4lSGS: MOTIOP! by Gouncilman Sc�:ieia r to �ppruve the i� �r-es as sa'-mi*Ced and as on file:�in the Ltcense Cle�r:c s Ofiiee. Seccr�.,t�, by Ccui.:iln�an t3arnet'te. Upon a vo-ice vote, all votiny aye, fSayor idee declared the mocio:� carried unanirously. C)f-'�Uiii�k� OP+ fR0_t JU�1GL f:4 s�i.a:_ f4ayor ldee si.atc��i he had a di�cusicn '+a�T.h Larry C�ann�rs in ml?ich he in- riia�l:ed h� ;ras interested in r�r?�ir�ti��.�r�t tr� the Cre.rter• Ce,r-ssion. ^�a7�ir Nee sCatede in che k�in9 �ait�h ,uu9e �oi;uer9, he fo:end out tle rattier is stil�l opcn. Pt<tioi .ce st ,.ed he �F�I? Larry Co;rsi-s e:oulc be a real asse* tn �he LharLer Co^�n�iss�ioi� an�� ii� the Counnl �nshed, they coeld subu��it; Yi:s narae for considerution. Rs, REGULAR MEETING OF FE6RUARY 26, 1979 . PAGE�17 MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to direct the administration to in- - form Judge Forsberg that the Council recommends Larry Commers be � considered for appointment to the Charter Conmission: Seconded by � � Councilman Schneider. Uoon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Plee '� declared the motion carried unanimously. , FINANCIAL REPORT RE: ISLANDS OF PEACE�• � � ' Mayor Nee questioned the expenditure paid for�boat repair and asked � if payment could be made from this fund. 'i Mr. Brunsell, City Clerk, stated from the information received from ''� the State, if expenses are related to the Islands of Peace project, � there is no objection. . ��; Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, feit it might be best to have a statement from the architect on what he expects in additional expenditures. ! Mr. Brunsell stated staff could get an estimate on what it will take . '� to finish the project and report back to�the CounciL I ADJOURNP7ENT: � ����. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by � Councilman 6arnette.. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee ' declared the�motion carried unanimously and the Regular Meeting of ' the Fridley City Council of February 26, 7979 adjourned at 72:22 a.m. ' Respectfully submitted, ; Carole Haddad Wi7liam J. Nee � Secy. to the City Council Mayor '� Approved: ; I � ; i PROC LAPfIAT I0N WHEREAS, March 21�, 1979 marks the beginning of the 60th year of the League of Women Voters of NYinnesota; and WHEFtEAS, the League Of l+Iomen Voters, which was £ounded in 1919 primarily to help the women voters of Minnesota to carry out their new responsibilities, has in fact assisted r�en and women voters alike; and WI-IEREAS, the League of �4omen Voters has provided non— partisan information on candidates and ballot issues prior to elections through countless candidates and issues meetings, registered voters, and encouraged informed voting and helped generations of women understand the structure and function of government; and t'7I-IEREAS, the League of Women Voters of Fridley was est— ablished in 1960 to this same end; and k7HEREAS, the League of ��domen Voters, while nonpartisan in relation to candidates and political parties, has studied and acted upon many issues of government in the public interest; ZVHER.EAS, the League o£ Women Voters of Fridley has streng— thened local government in Fridley through its work on such issues as parks and recreation, planning and zoning; charter, transportation, library, and recycling studies; NOW, THEREFORE, G+IE, Mayer Nee and Members of the Fridley City Council, by the authority vested in us, hereby proclaim March 25 through NIarch 31 0£ this year 1979 as League of Women Voters 4�7eek. PJe there£ore call upon all citizens to give the League of Women Voters o£ Fridley in the coming year their continued interest, cooperation and support so that they may continue their program which bene£its us each and every one.. Signature C1ty of Fridley March 1 L 1979 LEAGl1E OF WOMEN VOTERS OF FRIDLEY FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA b%16 7th St. N.E. March 9, 1979 Mayer V�illiam Nee Fridley City Council Members City Hall Fridley, Minnesot.a Dear Mayer Nee and City Council P�Iembers: The League of V�omen Voters o.f b7innesota is observing its 60th anniversary this year. It was sixty years ago March 2t�th that the Legislature granted women the vote for presidential electors. For 60 years the League in Minnesota has been an active forae in promoting good government. At the local level, the Fridley League is marking its 19th year of service to the community. The Fridley League would like to.��xpress our thanks to you and to the citizens of Fridley for your interest, cooperation, and support of our league activities. i�Ve,would like to request that the City of Fridley set aside the week of �Iarch 25th as Fridley �Lea u�e of 1�9omen Goters Week. The focus of this week will be to say tTank you to our friends for past support and to ask them to continue their interest and support as we strengthen our efforts to meet our goal of better government through a more informed and participating citizenry. Attached is have prepared �o arrange a formal coverage would be � AHiiiefed with tha Leaquo ot Women Yoters o( fhe 0.5. a copy of the proclamation which we r your signatures. �de would like to signin� ceremony so that newspaper possible. Sincerely, �1Z�1.� ce� , Patricia Brennen President ( .LK � e+o.4+til�y�-�e<.ac-r.,e, / / J Ul T'�fl l8 :Jt. C 1211t1E,' � 2 Pinance Chair�man ^�. � l f'UI3LIC Ft[i1RING ' . ' 6[FOKE 711[ CITY COUNCIL . � TO l�1HOM IT MAY COP�CERN: Notice is hereby given that the Council of the City of Fridley v�i11 hold a public hearing at the Fridley City Hall, 6431 University Avenue North- � east on Monday, March 19, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. on the question of issuing an Or. Sale PJon-Intoxicating ' Ma)t Liquor license to Ficek Investment Inc. • (David E, and LaVerne J. Ficek) for the property. located at 317 Osborne Road Northeast. (dba ' Big B's) Anyone having an interest in this matter should make their interest kqown at this public hearing. � hiARVIh! C. BRUNSELL � CITY CLERK • • Pub'lish: March 14, 1979 • � n 1 TE �r,jfa�otft� , ..'74 ; �� a�,��; y_..., � f[c� POLd�� ��5��1�3TMECdT Application for Non-intoxicating City of �ridley i'�linneso�a arfd Off Sal"e lt Liquor License !f�7 11 ������A�'�J��9Y�u�� TO � INEO X Pursuant to your instructioris regarding an investigation of applicants for licenses involving the sale or dispensation of liquor and/or non-intoxicating malt liquor, be advised that I have concluded my investigation on receipt #944.91 an application by the Ficek Investment Corporation for the on and off sale non-intoxicating malt liquor. This investigation is involved relevant to the sale of Big B's Pizza, 317 Osborne Rd., Fridley, to the Ficek Investment Corporation. , According to prior procedures, I proceeded to check out the applicants who are incorporate under the name of the Ficek Investment Corporation. The President of the Corporation is David E. Ficek, h�s home phone number is 636-2367 and he is a resident of 1849 Stinson Blv New Brighton. The Secretary of the Corporation is Laverne J. Ficek, phone number and address the same. Be advised that neither individual has a criminal record of any kind. Ms. Jan Hill of the New Brighton Police Department, states that there is no record extant of any sorE on Laverre J. Ficek, David E. Ficek, or the persons named as personai reference Mr. Ted Bray of 1939 Serendipity Court, New Brighton, or of Mr. Don Brown of 1861 Stinson Blvd., New Brighton. Further conversation with Ms. Jan Hill of the New Brighton P.D. indicates that Mr. Ficek is a well known builder of luxury homes. Initially a check of the application for the on and off sale non-intoxicating license in- dicated an a6sence of a certain amount of information on the application. It was returned by,myself and subsequently returned to this office, corrected. I discussed the matter of the license tvith Mr. Carl J. Newquist, the City Prosecutor. Mr. Newquist stated that he �, knowledgeable of the Ficek Investment and he noted that he was aware that Mr. Ficek was a contractor, adding his own personal opinion that the man was honest and of good character. Inspection of the premises of Big B's Pizza indicates that it is a clean, well run, family type restaurant. The majority of the trade seems to be of the thirty year old or forty year old bracket accompanied by young children. The restaurant does serve beer, however, there was no evidence of any gaming equipment or of any gambling present. A personal inspection of the Ficek residence was conducted at 1849 Stinson Blvd. The residence could be described as a quality home, apparently well kept in a quality . neighborhood. hiy inspection yielded no contact with neighbors WI1D were apparently not hoine, however, in view of the complete absence of any negative aspects involving h1r. Ficek or Mrs. Ficek, I did not pursue further inquiries in the neighborhood. Based upon this information, I can see no police reasons for objecting to the issuance of the license in question. � ., . PUQLIC HEIIRI�G � BE(=ORE THE ' ' CITY COUNCIL � � 70 4lHOP4 IT MAY CONCERN: � � Notice is hereby given that the Council of the • City of Fridley o-iill hold a public hearing at the � ' Fridley City Hall, 6431 University Avenue Plorth- east on P�onday, P4arch 19, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. on the question of issuing an On Sale Non-Intoxicating Malt Liquor license to Ronnie's 6ar Inc. (James D. and Ronnie f�. Hennessey) for the property located at 240 6lississippi Street Northeast. (dba Ronnie's Bar) Anyone having an interest in this matter should make their interest kno�•rn at this pub7ic hearing. MARVIN C. BRUNSELL � CITY CLERY. Publish: March 14, 1979 � � 2 [�3 M E M 0 R A N D U M March 7, 1979 MFS10 T0: Nasim Qureshi City Manager MEMO FROM: Virgil C. Herrick City Attorney SUBJECT: Appointment to Police Civil Service Comnission After the recent appointment to the Police Civil Service Commission, I was reminded that the appointee is a member of a local school beard. This raised the question as to whether these two positions are compatible. Minn, Stat. 5419.02 prescribes the eligibility of inembership for the Police Civi1 Service Commission, This Section provides in part as folloas: "No commissioner shall, at the time of his appo3ntment or while serving, hold any elected office under the city, the United States, the State of Minnesota, or any public corporation or political subdivision thereof, or employment under the city, or employment under a police department of any city, other than as a member of a civil service coffiission for firemen or other municipal personnel". The Minnesota Attorney General's Office has ruled as follows: "A member of a police civil service commission may not hold office of trustee of a school district, and if such person is elected to and qualified for the office of schooI trustee he automatically vacates the office of police civil service co�issioner." Op, Atty. Gen. 358-E-1, July 18, 1438. I checked with one of the assistant attorney ganeral's, who advised me that Minn. Stat. �122,02 states that school districts are public corporations and he agreed that the two offices are incompatible. ION WILL L1,1 COUNCIL I v 3A ' ��'•' APPOIflTE� PRESENT MEMBERS EXPIRES APPOINTEE �TERM EXPIRES PLANNING COMMISSION (Chapter 6)(6 Members- 3 Year Term) eral Richard Harris 4-1-79 Richard Harris 4-7-gz irperson 6200 Riverview Terrace N.E. 6200 Riverview Terrace N.E. (H.560-2491) H.560-2491 hairperson James Langenfeld nv. Qual. 79 632 Way N.E. ommission (H.560-1969)(g,332-2316 irperson LeRoy Oquist nunity 1011 Hackman Circle °lopment (H.571-0415}(6.482-3635) airpersai Robert Peterson rks & 480 Rice Creek Blvd. creation (H.571-8278)(B.571-6628) irperson Virginia Schnabel eals 1527 Windemere Circle N.E. nission (H.571-3318} hairperson Ned Storla uman 7548 Alden Way N.E. esources (H.571-6726) 4-1-79 4-1-81 4-1-79 4-1-81 4-1-79 (Chairman will be chosen 4-1-82 _by Env. Quality Comm. �hairman will be chosen 4-1-82 b.v Parks & Rec. Comm. �Chairman will be chosen 4-1-82 by Human Resources Comm. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSIOI� (Chapter 6}{5 Members - 3 Year Term) LeRoy Oquist 1011 Hackman Circle N.E. (H.571-0415)(B. 482-3635) Connie Modig 1330 Hillcrest Orive (H.571-�550)(B. 293-3874) Sharon Gustafson 437 Rice Creek Blvd. ('H.574-9582) Kenneth Vos 990 - 68th Avenue (H.571-2246) Alfred Gabel 5947 22 Street N.E. (H.571-1288)(6.561-8800) 4-1-81 � :� � :� 4-1-79 Kenneth Vos 4-1-82 990 - 6IIth Av n� (H.571-2246) 4-1-81 EXPIRING COMMISSION POSITIONS TERM APPOINTEE PRESENT MEMBERS EXPIRES APPOINTEE TERM EXPIRES PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION (Chapter 6)(5 Members 3 Year Term) Robert Peterson 4-1-79 Barbara Huqhes 4-1-82 480 Rice Creek Blvd. 548 Rice Creek Terrace N.E. (H.571-8278){6,571-6628) H.571-61821 Robin Suhrbier 5564 East Danube Road N.E. (H.574-0939) Betty Mech 1315 66th Avenue N.E. (H.574-1197) Leonard A. Moore, Jr. 8301 Riverview Terrace (H.784-7762) Jan Seeger 324 Ironton Street N.E. (H.784-7441) � :� 4-1-80 4-1-79 David P. Kendrick 4-1-82 280 Stonybrook Way H.57 - 35 4-1-81 APPEALS COMMISSION (Chapter 6)(5 Members - 3 Year Term) Virginia Schnabel 1527 Windemere Circle (H.571-3318) Patricia Gabel 5847 22 St. N.E. (H.571-1288)(6.784-7595) Richard C. Kemper 6736 7ih Street (H.571-9788)(6.866-5002) 4-1-81 4-1-79 Patricia Gabel 4-1-82 5847 22 Street N.E. H.571-1288)(B.784-7595 4-1-81 James Plemel 4-1-80 6864 Channel Road N.E. (H.571-0026)(6.421-4760x1126 Alex P. Barna 4_�_79 560 Hugo Street N.E. (H.784-5468) Alex P. Barna 4_1_82 560 Hu o Street N.E. N.784-5468 : EXPIRING COMMISSION POSITIONS PRESENT MEMBERS TERM EXPIRES APPOINTEE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION (Chapter 6)(5 Members - 3 Year Term) James Langenfeld 79 632 Way N.E. (H.571-1969)(332-2316) Bruce Peterson 7503 Tempo Terrace N.E. (H.786-9898)(6.853-5041) Marvin Hora 6750 4th Street (H.574-9879) Lee Ann Sporre 295 Ironton St. N.E. (H.786-4237) Connie Metcalf 860 W. Moore Lake Drive (H.571-3596) � PAGE 3 C APPOINTEE TERM EXPIRES 4-1-79 James Lanaenfeld 4-1-82 79 63 � Wav N. E. (H.571-1969)�332-2316) 4-1-80 . 4-1-79 Gordon L. Wilson 4-1-82 7310 Memor Lane N.E. H.784-19581 4-1-81 4-1-80 HUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION (Chapter 6)(5 Members - 3 Year Term) Ned Storla 7548 Alden Way N.E. (H.571-6726) 4-1-�9 Peter Treuenfels 4-1-82 � 5460 N.E. 7th Street (H.561-83181 David Thiele 4-1-81 7300 Tempo Terrace Resigned 1/8/79 (H.784-3663)(B.344-7419) Mary Van Dan 6345 Baker Avenue N.E. {H.571-3177)(560-3050) Marlyis Carpenter 6528 Ben More Drive (H.571-4170) Mary. Jo Dobson 1636 68th Aven. N.E. (H.571-5456) 4-1-81 4-1-80 � :� Resigned 3-8-79 4-1-80 EXPIRING COMMISSION POSITIONS PAGE 4 3 D TERM APPOINTfE PRESENT MEMBERS EXPIRES APPOINTEE TERM EXPIRES CABLE TELEVISION COMP4ISION (Code Section 405.28)(5 Members - 3 Year Term) Edward Kaspszak 7317 Hillcrest Drive N.E. (H.571-0441)(6.332-6951) Harold Belgum 191 Hartman Circle (H.571-1191) Burt Weaver 928 Rice Creek Terrace {H.571-4327) Carolyn Blanding 5653 Regis Trail N.E. (H.571-5653) Larry Chevalier 6906 Hickory Drive (H.571-7147)(B.332-1241) :��d�s] 4-1-81 4-1-81 4-1-80 Edward Kaspszak 4-1-82 1317 Hillcrest Drive N.E. _ H.571-0441 (B.332-6951) 4-1-79 Larry Chevalier 4-1-82 6906 Hickor Drive • H.571-7147 6.332-1241) FRIDLEY HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (5 Members - 5 Year Term) Elmars A. Prieditis 6-9-81 6031 Benjamin St. N.E. (H.571-7230)(8.332-1401) Russel Houck 750 Overton Drive (H.571-3249) Pastor Arnold Stone 6950 Hickory Drive (H.571-9394) Larry Commers 5212 St. Moritz Drive (H.571-8925)(6.544-9321) Carolyn Svendsen 6171 Kerry Lane (H.571-6060) [�sII:Y7 .�: 6-9-79 . � :1 . • :� EXPIRING COMMISSION POSITION TERM PRESENT MEMBERS EXPIRES APPOINTEE POLICE COMMISSION (Chapter 102)(3 tlembers 3 Year Term) Tim Breider 7550 Tempo Terrace (H.786-5341)(Bs. 574-1622) Jean Schell 5198 St. Moritz Drive (H.571-3283} Elizabeth Kahnk 209 Rice Creek Blvd. (H.571-2108) MAYOR PRO TEM Councilman Barnette 4-1-79 4-1-80 4-1-81 PAGE � 3 E , APPOIfIT�� TERM EXPIRES 4-1-82 12-31-78 Councilman Dennis Schneider 12-31-79 ANOKA COUNTY LAW ENFDRCEMENT COUNCIL (1 Representative and 1 Alternate) Councilman Hamernik, Rep. 12-31-78 Councilman Schneider, Repr. 12-31-79 Councilman Fitzpatrick, Alt. 12-31-78 Councilman Barnette Alt 12-31-79 SUBURBAN RATE AUTHORITY (1 Member and 1 Alternate) Councilman Hamernik, Member 12-31-78 Councilwoman Moses, Member 12-31-79 Councilman Barnette, Alt. 12-31-78 Councilman Barnette, Alt. 12-31-79 NORTH SUBURBAN SEWER SERVICE BOARD (1 Representative and 1 Alternate) Councilman Schneider, Rep. 12-31-78 Councilman Barnette Repr 12-31-79 Councilman Barnette, Alt. 12-31-78 Councilman Schneider, ii7t. 12-31-79 ASSOCIATION OF METROPOLITAN MUNICIPALITES Councilman Fitzpatrick 12-31-78 Councilman Fitzpatrick 12-31-79 Councilman Schneider 12-31-78 Councilwoman Moses 12-31-79 SCHOOL DISTRICT #14 COMMUNITY SCHOOL ADVISORY COUNCIL Councilman Barnette 12-31-78 Councilman Barnette 12-31-79 SCNOOL DISTRICT rr13 REPRESENTATIVE Councilman Fitzpatrick 12-31-78 Councilman Fitzaatrick 12-31-79 CITY OF FRIDLEY PLANPIIniG COP�!dISSION t�^.F'ETIAIG - FSBRUARY 28, 1979 CALL TO ORDLR: Chairman Harria celled the February 28, 1979, meeting of the Planning Commission to order at 7:45 P.M. ROLL CALL• Membera Present: Mr. IIarris, Mr. Storla, Ms. Schnabel, Ms. Modig (in place of Mr. Oquist) N�embers Absent: Mr. Oquist, Nm. Peterson, Mr. I,angenfeld (arrived at 8:15 P.M.) Othera Present: Mr. Eoardman� City Planner 1. APPROVE PL.qP1NING COD".N!ISSION NSNLITES: JANUARY 24� 1979: MOTION by Nis. Modig� seconded by Mr. Storla� to approve the January 24� 1979, minutes of the Planning Co�mriiasion as written. UPON A VOICB' VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CfiAIRMAPi HqRRIS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIEU UNANIT40USLY. 2. RE�UEST FOR A LOT SPLIT L.S. �j''j9-Ol, BY P+_ARVIN AND ROEERT ERICKSQPI: Split oiP the Westerly 7.g9 feet of Lct 10� Fuditor's Subdivision No. 9' to make two building sites for double bungalows, the same being 1285-87'and 1295-97 Sdorton Avenue N.E. b;OTIOPI by Mr. Storle� seconded by Ns. Schnabel, to table lot split request, L.S. 9-01. This item tebled at the petitioners request. UPOPI A VOICE VO'PEy ALL VOTIRT^v AYE� CI3AIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE N:OTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. �. CONTIPNED; PROPO.cED CHAIdGES '_^0 CHAP'!'ER 20�'j. 'LONIS;G: MOTION by Ms. Schnabel, seconded by Ms. Modig, to receive minu+ec from Member Commissions on proposed chan�es and to receive the minutes of the Co�unity Development Commission of November lh� 197g. UPON A VOICE VO?'E� qIS, VOTING AYE� CH.9IRMAN AARRIS DECL4RED T:� A?OTION CARRIED [II�IANI!�fOUSLY. M,r. Poardman stated he had gone throu�h the minutes of the Appeals Conwission and the Community Development Co�mnission and recorded th�ir recomv!ended changes in his book. The Environmental C�uality Co�.issiori had not made any specific recorunendations, so they could discuss tho�e minutes later. Ns. Aoardman si�g�ested they go throu_qh the book page by page, the way the Co�mnissions did, and they could discuss as they went slong. Mr. Fiarris egreed. - hir. IIoardman stated they could then go back and make additional corru�nents or chauges After they had gone through the whole book. 4 PLANNING COM�tISSION MF�TING� PEPP,UARY 28� 1979 PAGE 2 � A Ms. 6chnabel suggested they receive the minutes on the agenda first and then go back to this. MOTIOP! by Ms. Schnabel, seconded by Mr. Storla� to continue the proposed changes to Chapter 205. Zoning, until the end of the meeting. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTIfiG AYE� CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4. RECEIVE HUMEIN RESOURCES COMMISSION MITTUTES; FEARUARY 1� 1979: MOTION by Mr. Storla, seconded by h!s. Schnabel� to receive the February 1� 1979, I�uman Resources Co�ission minutes. Mr. Storla stated that NLs. S�ranson had reported on the activities of the Fine Arts Committee. Her report was very acurate. Also� on the last page of the minutes, Mr. Storla noted that there wss s training program on Februery 24th for the new Memorandum oP Agreenent. The training session lasted about 8 hours and the Human Resources Commission will discuss it tomorrow. UPON A VOICE VO'I'E� ALL 40TING AYE, CHAIRMAIV HARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNAPIIMOUSLY. 5• RECrIVE APPEALS COb"S"SSSION 2�IIIdU`Ir S: FEBRUPRY 13� 1979: MOTION by Ms. Schnabel, seconded by Ms. Modig, to receive the February 13, 1979, Appeals Co�ission minutes. Ms. Schnabel stated they had spent quite a bit oP time discussing the request on the substandard lot on 2nd Street. Tbis request had come before the Appeols Cot�ission in November, it went through the Planning Coa�ission and the Planning Commission had reccmn:ended to Council that the request be tabled Por 90 days. The 90 days is up� and Council had asked Appeals to review the request again because they had received two new pieces of information. After revi,etring the request� the Appeals Co�nission decided they were on target the £irst time. Mr. Harris asked what the new info:mation was. Ms. Schnabel stated that in November they were told the house wns condemnsble, that the City viewed the house as a condemnsble piece of property and the City would be inclined to condemn it and would order it torn down. It turns out that in fact the City does not look at that piece of property in that light nt all and thinic that the buildir.g is reha6ilitable. They were also told verbally at the Dlovember meeting that approval of buildin� on this property probabl,y would not effect the court case. They were told thai this was the opinion of tlze City Attorney. A week or so later� they received a letter from the City Attorney in which he said it probably could effect the court case. Ms, Schnabel stated that their ieeling was tHat there would have to be so much renovation done if it was to be just renovated. The structure orignially rras a chicken coop and at some point someone moved into it. It is in bad shape and structurally it needs a lot oP work. The Appeals Commission felt that by permitting this to be done� in e sense, they really would be going at e lot. renovation rather than allowir.� buildin� oa a b0 foot lot. As b?r. RarnA ststed on pqge 8 of the minutes, it would be a rehaUilitation of the lot rether than a rehaUilitation of the house, as opposed to startir.g out with a vacant 4D foot lot and Allewing something to be buill; on it. They i'elt this was a real distinction. They did not feel this would prejudice the court case becauee of thiy distinction. PLANNING CONL�ffSSIOid MEETING� FEPRUARY 28� 1979 PAGE 3 �� Ma. Schnabel also noted that in this case, this was rehabilitation that the neighbors wAnted� and in the other cases, the nei�hbors did not want it. Mr. Harris stated he agreed with Mr. Herrick that it would have a bearing on the case. Ms. Schnabel stated their distinction was tbat most of the other 40 foot lots were empty and are currently empty. This lot had been occupied by e structure that people have been living in for 20 some years. They looked at it as rehab- ilitation, as opposed to allowing a new structure to be built on an empty 40 foot lot. The Coimnission recommended to Council again� that this petition be approved. Ms. Modi� stated that if they were going to tear it down and start over, it would be a vacant lot at some point. Ms. Schnabel stated it would be vacant £or only a mi.nimal amount o£ time. It�s not like it was always vacant. Mr. Harris stated that it anpeared to him that the Building Inspection Department said that it was a marginal building at best. Nfr, Harris stated that the mirutes stated that Mr. Clark said that the electrical, heating and plumbing was not all that bad. Structurally, the floor joists were over spanned, the ra£ters were over- spanned, and it was hard to tell what was in the walls. Ns. Harris noted that the setback of the exist3n.� structure was 20 feet fr� the street. N,s. Schnabel stated the setback £or the proposed structure would be 30 feet. Mr. Harris stated he was concerned about several things here and asked Mr. Board�ran when the City first had a building code. Mr. Boardman stated he thought it came around 1959 or 1960. Mr. Harris stated he wondered how they got into this place and how they got services such as electrical and plumbing. It had to be inspected by the State Electricsl Inspector. _ Mr. Boardman stated the old files did not contain much inYormation to help on this question. Mr. Harris stated that the existing house boarders on being unfit for human habitation. Ms. Schnabel stated it probab]y was and the City would not allow it to be rented ou� again� but the owner could live in it iP she wanted. Mr. Harris Asked if the house was present]y vacant. Ms. Schnabel stated it was. Mr. Harris asked whst Pdr. Herrick's opinion was on this. Ms. Schnabel read R portion of the letter from Mr. Herrick dated November 24, 1979 as follows: PI�RAIt1ItT; rq1�T4TSSI0;7 I��TIiIG, T'�:!RIJARY 28, ].979 - PA.GE h 4 C "As you and the ir.emUers of the P,oueals Co:nmi,sion�knoa, tlie grc�nt:n,a, of a variance is diecretlor.,sr;� o�ith the City. It �?�ou).d be donc or.ly snc�re there �ire unique circumstancec that impo.;e a hard;hip apon t�e o•anAr:, of the property. Thi� hard- ship must be one that �rra not self-inpuced or sesumed when the U�er ocouired the property. In this narticulttr circumstauce, it Rppears that there is a dilapid:ted house on a!+0 foot lot. Thi�, of course, is a non-con£o:min�� us� under our existir.g ordinance. Generally speaking, r.on-conforming uses are not to he encoura�ed. The inte*:t in allo�.�ir.p a non-conforming use is to permit the owLer to use the property for its useful Iife aad then to have it removed. . In thia particular case� it would app�ar that the City's options �aould be two: 1. To declare �he buildin� ur_fit for habitation and hazardo�is and have it re:�o•red. 2. To grant the reauest for variar.ce and allow the constructior. of e new building. � The msrits of the two alternatives should be cons?.dered by the Appeals Ce�iss=on an3 t?�e Ccuncil before makin� the Yina1 clecicion. I believe that the grantin� of tk:e reo+.iest might Fell create so^!e proble:� fcr ths City as far �,s ezisting and future reoueats £or con.tructzen on !�0 foot x�r�els. If it is �rsnt,ed� the Ci�y �roul.d h�v? -co i;ake a r.esz�ion t��at the circur..s�a^ces �n this case were differeni:: 1) because there c,es �l:c�ady a house on•i;nat lot; which created a substantialZy greater 'r.ardshi.n on t!:e owner than in thcse sitt:at.�c?is t�here the lot c,�as vacar.t; 2) thet th� g.•anti:�� of i;he v�,riance ;;a, co^;,wtible with tt;e nei�;nborhood 2,nd �aould net ha��e an ec;ver�e ef.°.ect en the prOT>E'."L� �•a1w�; of i;he adjaceni properties or ih� health, �;,fety a.r.d ZJ6�.fgr� ef the currc.�n�ins reside•^.tia1 area. In order to ar�ze succeasfull.y- ti�e la�ter poin�t� it *,-o•,tld be nseesssry to Y:zve fac+s a�:d fi�ures th��t �:o�..1d diiicrenti�.te the ne5.ghborhocd in this situation from neiahber:�ocls where ot�er :equests hav� b�e;, �;ade." h;s. P?p3ig rnoted tY:at there �,ere otl�er tiouses nesr �here or, 4p fcot lots. ids. Schnabel stated there kere si�; on tha� bZo�lc iecludir.g one im.r:e3iately a�',��cent. 2�?r. ?:arris 2aked if th�.e waa any� sv�ilable vtcun;, property on either side e� this 1ot. Z`�S. �Ct:Iti?�:CZ .�iii'tCG� f:^.2`.'C ?�igF 170 D40_)ET.`�,V c^,V^11Q��C� ttlE!TE uI'@ ]i0`:SL'i C_^. t?OL_1 S=QC'S a::d the a:e to t:?e no.th is a�0 ioot lot. "'_r� i;o�?se c� tl:e 40 foot: �o� is si^z�ar, to the grono;�3 structu.c. !{r. 'i�rr_s <4.r.ted t'�e;t _:, th�_s p�rt5.r.t�.lc.r case, tl•eir .re • d �,; � CUC`_�ii.li c^,tilOt; F:.^S 't�:0 �`CS of t•lie eli,er;:at.i•�es a��a�.la? lc. T�i. �:'.�1[!9i'E�. .^•`.�^..1:CC7 t.l@y (31!'1 :iC't S°c7 ^u'^.;f U}LlE1P i;:l�� 1;0 C0. 1f 'i;Y?C� �C'Fi 1t �:':�:`�� 1i t:�ould L•eca::e a r.u;icnce� t; t:���c�r3 •�nc? c•ou'1c: ha•�e 1 deCer:iorati�ig effrc` oa '-,?�e cei.`�i;:orho�� . 1'^, ;'arri, e•tntcd l;e vns co�ce;•ned that Chi� $,LV�i:]L:OYi lian e.tisted for 20 y?ars ;�+:d no'tt�i�.i� �.,;;� rto�:c tircui; it� tL;i' .i.n 1;?:�r; dag nnd „c, :,coplc �:cr;: livin3 in chfc;en caons. ' PLANNIIPIG COMMIS$ION i�EGTINC, FLBRUARY 28, 1979 PAGE 5 4 D Ms. Schnabel stated that the other side of it wsa the fact that the present.or,ner was in a nursing home and she has a potential h�er. We don�t know her Pinancial circumstances� but maybe she needs the money. Physically, she is unable to do ariy- thing with the property herself. IP they denied this� they would be placing a burden on her. Mr. Langenfeld stated that in approving this request, the Appeals Commission should note the special circumstances eo as not to set a precedent. Ms. Scl�abel stated they felt this was a unique situation from other 40 foot lots because this had a structure on it where the other 40 foot lots were vacant. Ms. Schnabel reiterated Mr. Barna's statement that this was really rehabilitation of the lot. Ms. Modig asked if this would go on to CounciL Mr. Harris stated it would. Mr. Harris noted they had tabled the item in Riverview Heights. Ms. Schnabel stated they had because the petitioner was not prepared. Mr. Boardman stated they had received another reguest in the same area,_just north of this one. Mr. Boardman suggested that the °lanr.ing Co�nission recommer.d a moratorium on building in that area. Mr. Harris stated they would have to discuss that issue� �nd make a recomvnendation to Council. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECI,ARED N.(YPI011� CARRIED UidATdI.TdOUSLY. 6. RECEIVE CO?�.ML�PIITY D�9EiAPP�'N'?' i+!IIQC*I'�S: FEBF.iJARY 13� i9�9; MOTIOY by Ms. Modi�, seconded by Dfr. Iangenfeld, to receive the February 13, 1979, Community DeveZopment Co�nission minutes. Mr. Langenfe2d stated that on page 3� the seccnd para�raphl Ns. L�oards.an stated there vras an alternative route to Osborne Road by dropping down and usinb 73rd Ave. es soon as possible past �ast River Road. Mr, I,angenfeld asked what they meant by "as soon es possi.ble past East River Road." Ms..Modig stated they were concerned about the changing of the strippin� on Mississippi and because they k+.ave a lot of bike traffic, they want to �et something going on this. Scco?�ding to the way the bikeways were set up, there was the possiUility that c?�anges would have to be made with reroutir.g and they wanted to get going on the alternatives. h"r. Boardmc�n stated that the word "past" maybe shouldn�t have been used. They meant to say " usii� 73rd Ave. as soon as possible to connect up to I:ast River Road." N,r. Eoardman stated they could use Co:mnerce or they do have bike easements i� behind the industrial properties that go up to OsUorne. Ti�ey will have to use Osborne a little btt, and could probably keep soul;h of Osborne on some easements, to Qet across the tracts. It looks 2ike Osbarne Road will go to four lnnes in that area too. So they had betCer starc planning right now to �et down to 73ra. �hey ean go on the street on 73rd. PLANNING COi�ffSSION i�ETIPIG, FEPP,UARY 28� 1979 PAGE 6 � E Mr. Fiarris stated if they get the singlization oa 69th which Council apparent�y passed on Monday night� that would helo. Ms. Modig stated she £elt strongly sbout something being done about the bikeway ou Mississippi. The County said thef should have four lanes of traffic available there, but they allow parkin� so they still have only t*ao lanes of trai'fic� aud bicycles beaides. In the minutes� they indica�ed they would like to see smnething done about taking over the boulevard area between the sidewalk and the �treet and allow the bikes to go there, either on one side oY the street or the other. Mr. Harris stated that use of the boulevards was not a panacea either, because that puts the bicycle and pedestrian tra££ic side by side. How could they keep them separate? Mr. Boardman stated that right now, on 73rd they don�t have the type of trafYic that they would need to go off-street. But they should plan to go off-street at a later time. Mississippi Street would have to be of£-street� on the sidewalk. Mr. Harris asked iY it would be wise to mi�c pedestrian trafYic with bicycles. Mr. P.oardman stated they could blacktop it, mark it with strippir.g and mark it bikes or pedestrian, and try to keep them separated that way. He didn't know if it would work that well, but they don�t have room for bikes on the road. Their only alter- native would be to eliminate PQississippi Strea� as a bikeway system. Ns. Iangenfeld stated he would be against a combined bikeway�pedestrian system near the senior area- Mr. Harris and Ms. Modig agreed with ts. Langenfeld. Mr. Boardman stated they had also talked about having the bikeway on one side and the walkway on the other, but they would still have the use oS that facility for pedestrian. If anyone wants to get to Holly Center, they would have to cross over to the north side. idr, Boardman stated that during the revitilization of the down- town area, they could plan the bike and walkway system into the srea. b1s. Modig stated she would like to see the parking taken off� but they couldn�t take the parking away from the residents. Ms. N:odig asked 3Y it was used as a four lane road. Ms. Schnabel stated it wss. Mr. Harris stated that in the futuxe they might have to limit parking. UPON A VOICE GOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CN4IRAfAPI FIl1RRIS DECLARED THE N.OTIOr7 CARRIID UA?ANIMOUSLY. Ms. Schnabel stated they should act on the motion on page 3 of the minutes. MOTION by Ais. Mndig, seconded by D;r. Storla, that the Plannin� Commission recom�nend that the bil;eway syste� ue continued on I,fississi�pi Street with off-street Likin.;� and to recommend that an alternatiG�e bikeway route for OsUorne Road Ue the use of 73rd Avenue as soon as possible past Et�st River FoAd. t�e. Scl�nabel aslced if in the recot:ar�endation for D".issiesippi Street they were taking a position as to where it should be. PLANNING COt9�fIS5I0�I MEETIi�G, I�'EPRUARY 28, 1979 PAGE 7 4 F N,s. Modi3 stated the position was to £igure out so�e alternative to what they have. They had mentioned the boulevard or having it on only one side of the street. There really wasn�t a great solution to any of it. Hopefull;,r, they can find some type of solution because e�en if they tAke the biYeway system off, people will still use it for bikir.g er.d that could be dangerous. Their opinion wss to do something to eliminate as nuch danger as possible. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VCTING AYE� CHAIRMAt1T HARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION CAFiR� 7• R�CEIV� ENVIRO?�'hiES�'AL QLIALITY COPS4ISSIOP] MISIUPES; JANUARY 16 1979; MdI'IOiQ by hL*, I,angenfeld� seconded by Iss. Schnauel� to receive the January 16� 1979, Environmental Quality Cor.miission ninutes� ar.d the letter dated January 12� 1979 Prom John Boland of the Metrouolitan Council, and also the letter dated January 5� 1979 from Claude C. Schmidt oi the Netropolitan Airports Co�ission. Mr. Langenfeld stated that most of the minutes were items that had been discussed last time. Mr. Harris referred to the motion on page 7 regarding'the letter Prom the Charter Commission. Mr. Langenfeld stated they had received the 2etter and had discussed and acted upon it. Mr. Langenfeld stated thet the Commi�sion�s next serie� of minutes would answer a lot of these items. Mr. Iangenfeld asked Ms. Boardman if there s�as an ordivance regard'Sng junk cars because they had a situation where there were 4 or 5 cars parke3 for over two years. Also, there was a problem with multiple occunancy in one part oi a dwelling. People were moving out because some yow7g people were creatin� a multiple li.ving situation. Cou1d a�ythiag be done? D"r. Boardman stated if the vehicle was operable and had a current licensey they could not do anything about it. Ns. Eaardman asked Nr. I,aqgenfeld where it was located and stated he would have someone look into it. D7r. Langenfeld stated it was located at 100 63? 4;qy. Mr. Langen£eld stated the letters from the I,etropolitan Council and the Metropolitan Airports Comm�ssion were replies from letters he had wr�tten to them. UPOTITA^VOTCE VOTE� ALL VpTIidG AYE� CHAIRP•1APd T.LqRRIS DECLA.RED TF1T�,' MOTION CARRIID 8. R.ECEI�'E EP^�,?iGY PROJECT CON�T•1ITT�r, D1I_TIITI'ES; Jf11QUARY 1'7� 1979; MO'PION �y b1r. I,an�enfeld, seconded by Ma. Schnabel� io receive the January 17, 1979� Energ„v Praject Com;nittee minutes, Mr. Storla asked what 0 and P stood for on the last page D4r. FIarris -stated that "0" meant oi.l and "F" meant propar.e. PLANNING COi�9ISSI0Pi MEF,TINU, FELRi7AR'1 28, 197� PAGE S Mr. I,angenfeld stated that the Mr; Anderson mentioned in the top paragraph of page 3 was with HiinnigasCo, not NS:'. Mr. Lsngenfeld also noted that on page 6 oP the minuteo� in the fiPth para�raph, "12,000 hours" should read "24�000 hours". Mr. Lan�enfeld stated concern was expressed at the last meeting regarding the goals and objectives, and deciding exactly what their goals should be. It was very easy to get sidetracted on technical things. They will discuss goals at their next meeting. 4G Mr. Harris brought the fifth paragraph on page 8 to the attention of the Commissioners. This paragraph referred to the Energy Agency. UPOPI A VOICE VOTE� AI,L VOTING AYE� CHAIRMqN iL9RRIS DECLARED THE 240TION CARRIED UNAYIIMOUSLY. 9. COPITINU�`D; P??OPOST��'D C`�'.?dGES TO CF.APTER 205. ZONING: Mr. Boardman stated that tBe followir.g recommended changes were sade by the Appeals Co�ission and the Co��.wity Development Commission: 205.01 PURPO� Pa�e 1� first paragraph: "morals". 205.02 coars Appeals Commission recommended they delete the word Page 1� �r12: Appeals Commission recos�ended they delete this statement altogether. Ms. Schnabel stated they felt this wss wordy and really didn't say aqything great and the goals should say crhat the Zoning Ordinance can do and this state- ment doesn't do that. The Coi!Qnissioners concurred. Page 1, �3: Appeals and Coffinunity Development reco�mended this statement read: "To promote sound land management and�or redevelopment o£ the co�unity". The Commissioners concurred. Page 1, �4; Planning Com.mission reco�ended they delete the word "ensure" and insert the word "promote". Page 1� #5: Plar.ning Commission recom:nended they delete the word "secure" and insert the word "promote". Page 2, ;;�7; Plannin� Co:omission recoanner.ded they delete the word "assure" snd insert the word "promote". Psge 2� ,�9; Mr. Boardman stated they sr,ould delete word "and". gnd insert word "an". Page 2, �10: Appeals and Community Development recommended they delete word "up�rade" and insert the word "icaintain". The Commissioners concurred. PLAPR;ING CONS�SSSION P.I�ETIRG� F'EPRUARY 28� 1979 . - PAGE 9 205.03 DEFIPIITIONS Page 2� yE3 APARTt�P]T: Appeals recoaunended this definition be retained. It had been deleted. Mr. Eosrdman stated it was deleted because they ielt the definition of apartment was clear and they didn't need it. Ms. Schnabel stated theJ felt when a reference was made in the text to something speciPic like "apartment", there should be a definition for it. Mr. L�oardman stated some terms were common enough that they felt it didn't need to be deYined. Ms. Schnabel stated that since there was a definition far hotel and motel� there should be a distinction made and a definition for apartment. Mr. Boardman stated he had no problem with retaining it. The Co�issioners agreed to retain the definition of apartment. Page 2� New #3 AP,TERIAL STR�TS: Community Development recommended they change the Y,eading to read: "STFtEETS, ARTERIAI.". They also recommended they delete the word "thoroughfare" and insert the word "transportation". a Hi The Co�issioaers concurred. Page 2, �4 AUTOMOBILE MAJOR REPAIR: Community Development recomiended they change heading to read: 'b`IOT RO VEHIC.T� M.�'JQR REPAIR". Mr. Harris stated that ��ould include motorcycles, snowmobiles�outboarci motors, automobiles, tractors� etc. ?'here is a big diPference between tearing down a motor- cycle engine and a autor.�obile engine. Mr. Boardman stated that if there were going to change that to motor vehicle, they should have a definition of motor vehicle. They would limit the size when they get into what a garage is. Mr. Harris stated that was fir.e as long as they covered it somewhere. The Co�issioners concurred tbey needed a de£inition for notor vehicle. Page 2: Community Development questioned whether they needed a definition for "NOTOR VEHIC� NSivQP REPAIR" . N.r. Boardman stated he did not feel that was necessary becsuse ar�ythin� not covered under major repair would come under minor repair. The Co�issicners concurred. � Page 2, 1,�5 AUTO'.�10BIi�E S�tVICE STATIOPd: Ca�:unity Development recommended tliey change tbe heading to "MOTOF VEeIICI,E SERVICE STATION". Plsnning Commission reconmended the definition Ue chsnged to read as follows: "A plc�ce �anere fuel and other essential services related to the operation of motor vehicles��Y'S re;,a_led directly to the public on premises� including minor servicing and repair, but not including motor vehicle msjor repair. PLAPIPTING COP�A4I�SION P+�ETIIIG� PEERUARY 28, 1979 PAGE 1_ 4 I Page 3, lst paragraph: Coummunity Development recormnended they delete this para- B�Ph • The Co�3ssioners concurred. Mr. Harris asked where they were handling self-service garsges. Mr. Boardman stated that would come under the dePinition af motor vehicle major repair. Page 3, Old #6 AUTO WRECKING OR JUNK YARD; Appeals had a question regarding this. Ms. Schnabel stated Apoeals wanted a deYinition for "AUTO SALVAGE, AUTO WRECKING".. Mr. Boardman stated that would come under deiinition �43 �rtrvtc YAxD, Ms. Sebnabel stated that first of all they wanted "Junk Yard" redefined and secondly, they didn't think that '�JUNK Yt1RD'� necessarily applied because most people use the term "Auto Salvage" in their title. Na�. Boardman stated his su;gestion was that they use the wording "J[TPIK YARD; AifPO SALVAGE:" and then say junk yard would include auto wrecking yard and auto salvage yard� but does not include uses that are entire�y within enclosed buildir.gs or City Council appreved recycling ce�iters. They do not want to have batteries� iron scraps� etc.� which is normally what rrould te classified as a junk yard. He felt they pretty well covered that with this dePinition. Ms. Schnabel asked if auto salvage wasn�t reall,y different from a junk yard. Mr. Boardman stated that the main thing they lock at there was not the definition of what a junk yard is but the naiure of the operation. If there was outside storage of inoperable vehicles, wh3ch we call junlc vehicles, that's in the definition. Therefcre, even though they are salvagable� they don�t �elvage them within that yard or repair them within that yard. An auto salvage yard hoid those vehicles and sells those vehicles for salvaPe elsewhere. T�That they have in effect� is an operation where they haul in ineperable vehicles for sale for salvage.to be repaired. Ms. Schnabel stated she fel{; the dif£erence from a junk yard was that in that case, an automobile remains in tact� wherea� in a junk yard it would be torn apart in d3fferent pieces. T7r. Doardman stated it was still the same type of operation. They are storing iv- operable vehicles on a site and whether you have an auto wreckin� yard where they break down those parts for stora�e or you have an suto salva�e yard where they don't break down tY:ose parts for stora�e ar:d they sell the vehicle as Z p�rt, he vould look at it in the same manner as having batteries, old tractors or whatever. He . wishes tlzey had never allowed them in. Mr, Langenfeld sta'.•ed they could insert the words "nature of operr�tion° at the beginnir� of the definition, and in Old �6 insert the words "see Definition �N#3"• A1s. Schnabel ststed the Appeals Commission felt there should�be n separate definition for "AUTQ .",AL6'AGF� q!TPO t•!RECKIiJG" PLANNITIG COA�IISSION M�TING, FEBRUAIiY 28, 19', 9 PAG� 11 1� `� Mr. Bonrdman stated that Coc�unity Development had recommended they eliminate junk yard Prom the code. ^_"hey�re saying that a junk yard is no longer a le�;al use in any zone. They are existing non-conforming uses, but there is no longer a provision for S�eciel Use Permits. Mr. Harris stated they were a fact oY life. 2+�s. Boardman stated they had the authority to zone them out of the co�n.mity. Did they Want them in the community? They ean establish the standards of the cotmnunity. Mr. Harris stated they would then be a non-conforming use with no provision for a Special Use Permit� but now they do provide for tbem? Mr. Boardman stated that was the case. Mr. Harris suggested they put a question mark on this item and he would talk to Council and see what they wanted to do. Page 3, nTew �5 BASEMENT: Co�aunity Development stated they had a definition for "EAcEMENT" and a definition for "CELLAR" They reco�ended having only one definition. D;r. Boardraan stated he felt they did need two dafinitions. The Connnissioners concurred. � Page 3; Co�unity Developr�ent reco�ended the addition of a definition for "BIKE4dAY". The definition would read as follows: "A designated snrface for use of bicycles". . The Coimnissioners concurred. Page 3, �10 BUILDING: Appeals reco�nended they delete the word "chattels". The Ca�issioners concurred and recommended they insert the wvrds "property of any kind". Page 3� Old #11 BUILD.43LE AREA; Appeals recoimnended they retain this definition. Page 3� �13 CELLAR: Appeals recommended they deleL-e this de£inition. N'.s.�Schnabel stated they did not need this definition because it was not used a�ywhere else in the text. Mr. Boardman asked if they used "LASEDLTdT" any�rhere else in the text either. He recommended they put a question mark by "BASEr�NT'� and see if it was used in the text. Page 4� �14 CFL't,^1S,'EL: _ Community Pevelopment recommended this definition read as follows: "The natural or srtificial depression of perceptible extent� with definite beds and �anks to confine and conduct water either contiaously or periodically." cot�a�¢�szorr Page 4, #15 CIiURCH: Comr�unity Development recowmended they delete the words: "together with its accessory buildings and uses," Mr. F.arris asked How they hattdle accessoiy buildings for a church. Mr. Boardu�an stated it was an allowable use. Page 4, �],6 COLLEC:OR S1Tt�"�T: Community Development recoumended the heading be changed to read; ��S7itEET� COLLECTOR". They also recor�ended they delete the word thoroughfare and insert the word "transportation". The Co�issioners concurred. Page 4, �}18 COMPpTII�I.�; MY'. fiarris questioned this definition. Mr. Boardman stated the reason "Compatible" was in there was that later on they put in a clause that the City Sta£f would determine whether something was com- patible or not, to the area. Mr. Fiarris stated some of these were judgement calls. Ms. Schnabel suggested they use the dictionary definition. Mx'. Harris suggested they put a question mark by this dePinition and come back to it. Page �+; Appeals reco�ended they insert a defi.nition for "COS�OPRIRT�'t�" between �18 and �19, Page �+, �19 CCRIQER LOT: Conmmunity Development recommended the heading be chan�ed to: "LOT, COR�R . Page 4, ��4 DOU5I,E FItONTAGE LOT: Appeals and Com.munity Development recomrended this definition read as follows: "A lot which has opposite lot lines un two non-intersecti7g streets. noth street lines shall be considered as fror,t yards." Also chanoe heading to read; "LOT, DOUBLE FRpP;TAGE". The Co�nissioners concuxred, Page 5: T26 Dt;:�LLItiG� LIiff�: (A^.CTi�R_IN-LqL�1 APARTD�A"I'); pppeals Coc:mission recommended they delete the words "N.tYPAER-IN_LAW ,qpqg�p,*�;�+�from headi.ng. Co�unity Development Conunissior, reco�uaended they delete �•rord "si!�qle-family" ar.d insert word "one-family". itiIr. Board�n noted that in ot)zer defi,^.itions, the ppoeals Com�ni�sion had recommeaded the use of "sin�le-far,�ily" rather than "one-family", The Appe�Zs Commission also recommended they delete the words: "within one p,eneraticn . Mr. Boardm�n stated that in deleting the words "within one generation" they wculd loose control as to who would use thai: apart.rr.ent. 'Phey shouid have control because otherwise they w.ill have a two unit home in � sin�lA fami�y area, i£ that apartment is rented to ,just anyone other than a"mother-in-lau". 4 IC PLANNING COt"�9ISSIOPI h'w'ETITdG� FEP,RJA.RY 2�?� 1979 PP.GE 13 � � Ms. Schnabel asked why they would want to control it as long afi they weren't doing anything. Mr. Poardman stated that in the first place� if they were going to have a two unit dwelling, it shouldn't be in q single family area. If they set up two apartments, they are setting un a duplex, and by allowin� a"mother-in-lew" apartment� they would be opening themselves up to it becoming a duplex. t�. Harris stated that without the code allowing for a mother-in-law apartment, people would still do it without the control of making sure it was properly ventilated, etc. Mr. Boardman stated that by allo���ing it they have the potential of having two families in one structure, which would change the density ellowed in that area. Mr. Harris stated that old people do exist and eome families have the need o£ having them live with them, and they cannot ignore that fact. They cannot throw the old folks out onto the street. Mr. Boardman noted that the idea of duplexes had been discussed and it was decided thr�t they would not be allowed ir. an R-1 area even with a special use permit. '_T'he City Council stated they wa:ated to eliminate duplexes in R-1. 2�Ir. Boardman asked iP they should require a special use permit for "mother-in-law" apartments in R-1. Na'. Harris stated that would one way of controlling it. Mr. Boardman steted that once the special use permit was granted, they still had no w�y of controlling it. . Mr. F.arris suggested they rethink the_r definition of their whole R-1 area and put a question mark by it and he v�ould talk to Council and see what they war.t. Mr. Boardman stated he had no problem.with limited dwellings because that is happening all over. Mr. Harris noted thet from the ener�,ry, standpoint, it might not be right to eliminate mother-in-law apartments. Mr. Langenfeld noted that the Ener�y Project Committee might well recommend that families join together to conserve energy. Mr. Boardman a�reed that the single family home was not ener�y efficient. Mr. Boardmar. stated that Community Develop�ent had recom�ended the use of the term "one-Yamily" ar.d Apueal� had recommended the use of the terra "single-fami7��". Fliiich way did they want to go? Mr. Boardman noted that they did use the term "1;wo-family". Mr. Harris asked how tney used it in the idaintenance Code: Ms. Schnabel statc�d tney used "or.e-femily". Put throughout the zoning code text they used the term "sin�vle-fa�ily". The Couwiissioners decided that t'�e term "one-family" should be used throus;hout the text nnd t!�e use of "�iagle-fa:nily" a�uid be chan�ea to "one=fa�nily" in the text. PLANi1IT1G COt�IISSIOTd 2dEGTIT:G, I'E°RUARY 28� 197y PAGE 14 4 r� Page S, #30 PSdELLING UNIT: Appeals Commission recoffunended this definition be changed to read the same as the Maintenance C a1e dePinition for Dwelling Unit which is as Yollows: "A single unit providing complete independent living facilities for one or more persons includin� permanent provisions for liviug, sleeping� eating, cookin� and sanitation." The Commiasioners coneurred. Page 5� �31 FAMILY: The Appeals Co�mnission recommended this de£inition be changed to read the same as the A7inneapolis de£inition for Pamily which is as £ollows: "An individual or two (2) or more persons relnted by blood, marriage� or adoption� including foster children and bonafide domestic servants employed on a full time basis by the famil;, in tk:e dwellin� unit, living together as a single house- keeping unit in a dwelling unit and also including roomers, provided that the famil,y plus the ro�mers shall not exceed a�total of five (5) persons, nrovided further that the limit of five (5) persons shall not apply for the entire groun living in the dwelling unit consists of persons related by blood, marriage, or adoption� including foster children and domestic servants� or a£amily consisting of parents and children nnd other persons who all live together as a sir_gle housekeeping unit (not as landlord an3 �enant)� sharing all expenses o£ the family, and who are members of a federal tax-exempt non-proiit organization; provided the total nwnbers of persons other than parents and children shall not exceed five (5) in number." The Commissioners concurred, Ms. Schnabel suggested Mr. Boardman check to see if the State law says 5 or 6. Mr. Boardman stated that applies to group homes and was covered in the dePinition. P8�e 5, ��32, #33, #3�+, �35, �36: Delete the word "means" from all these definitions. The Co�issioners concurred. Page 5� #37 GARAGE� PRIVATE: Tbe Planning Co�nissioners recommended they delete the words "recreational equipment by the resident of the property" and insert the vords "other personal property of the resider.t." Page 6, �38 GARAGE, PUBLTC; Mr. }3oardsan recommended they delete the words "other than a private garage". The Commissioners concurred. Page 6� �39 GARAGE� REPAIR: The Appeals Com�nission had questioned this definition. Ms. Schnabel stated that Appeals felt that ��39 and �h0 was very similar to t�4 and �5. N's. Poardsan state3 that the difference was that this was the place of an activity, where �4 and ;�5 was the activity. Page 6, �40 Gr;RAGE, LAR^E REP9IR: The Commissioners concurred. Change heading to read "Gl1F,AGE, HEAVY DUTY REPFlIR" Page 6� Old ;�27 GCF.ST ROOM: Retain this definitiotx bacause it is used in the text. The Cnmmissioners concurred. PLAN?FIPI� COI��fISST09 MEFJTIDIG� FEP.RUARY 28, 1979 � - PAGE 1`, 4 r•� Page 6, #�t2 HOME OCCUPATTO.T1: . Na�. FIarris questioned this dePinition and whether they could enPorce it. Mr. Langenfeld stated that insurance companies used a very similar definition. N&�. Eoardroan stated that they have enYorced it and had left out parking which �rauld be inserted. The C�i.ssioners agreed to the definition. Page 6, Old �29 EOSPITAL OR SANTTARIUM: It vas receommended they retain this definition. Page 6� Old #30 HQTEL: It was recoffinended they retain this definition. Page 6, �;43 NNK YARD: They had put a question mark on this earlier in tbe discussion. Page 6, �+4 KENNEL: Mr. Boardman stated th�t in the old ordinance a kennel is not allowed in a residential area. In other wcrds, if a resident has three or more dogs or cats, that wo�.zld be dePined as a kennel, and a kennel is not allowed in a residential area. 'I'herefore, a resident cannot have 3 or more cats or dogs. b?ore than 3 cats would be classi£i.ed as a kennel. If they allowed a lot owner to have more than 3 dogs, he would have to get a kennel license and there would have to be some control over the operation of that kennel. Mr. Harris stated he did not like the idea of allowing anybody to man more than 3 dogs in any residential zone� other than puppies. Mr. Boardman stated they had problems with this before and had discussed allowing kennels with controls such as nlacement of the kennel on the lct, etc. He had no problem with not allowing kennels in resider.tial zones. �'he old ordinance does aot allow it. The Commissioners agre2d to retain the old deYinition and insert.the words "and cats". Page 7� �E45 �:����L: cor��fEPCIAL: The Commissioners agreed to delete this definition. Page 7, Old {�32 L4EORATORY: It was recommended they retain this deYinition. Page 7� n�48 LOCAL STRE�'iS: Charige heading to read: "S2�2EETS� LOCAL° and delete the word "thoroughfare" and insert the word "transportation". Zhe Coumiissione*s cozicurred. Paee 7� T46 L;VII�G AP,��: The Commissioners agreed to change this definition to read as follcws: "The r.rea of a building designed to be used for ].ivin� pur- poses sucii as Ledroor�,�, diuiL� roo�ns, living rooms whict� are :�sed for f'ar.�ily purposes. PLANNInG COPR•1ISSIOiI P-,'E�',TIPIG, FEP,RUqRY ?_8� i979 pacE 16 4� Pege 7, #49 L(YP; Community Development Cocnmiscion questioned this definition. ' Mr. fIarris stated that he did not feet thst "B" was a correct statement and suggested they should change the heading to building eite. hir. boardman x•ead the deYinition £ron the building code for "lot". The Co:runissioners agreed to change the word "lot" to "building eite" and Mr. Ilcardman will check with Darrell Clark to see if that would be a problem. MOTIO=d by :ds. Schnabel, seconded b,y Mr. Iangenfeld to cortinue the proposed changes to Chapter 205. Zoni.ng until the nex.t meeting. UPON A VOIC�' VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CiiAIFiMAId HARRIS DBCLARID �HE MOTION CARRIED UNANIb:OUSLY . 10. OTi�R BUSINESS: Mr. Langenield asked if Council had taken a�y action regarding their recou,mendation to keep fee increases to 7�. Mr. Aarris stated they did have a consensus of opinion. Tl:ey did reach tzn agreement. Mr. Langenfeld asked if they would pick up the Central City Uevelopment on the next agenda. Mr. Harris stated they had starte� on it aud there was nothing for them to do. Mr. Boardman stated he would keep them informed. Mr. Storla noted they had not read the tax increri�ent financing at the time they voted. D1r. Harris stated that was correct and before the Planning Coffinission took r�n ofiicial stand� they would want to discuss it. Ee requested it be put on the next agenda. Mr. Boardman stated he would take care of thai:. Mr. Harris stated they wEre getiing a lot of reqcests to Luild single femily imite on substandard lots ir. the flood plain area of Rivervieta Heights. He asked how many parcel:; were available there. P�'�. �oardman stated there were around 7 or 8 building sites in the actual flood p1Ain area. Mr. Iiarris steted that :in drivin� throunh the:e, he noted thst everyone of them had a proUZem of some sort. They are startin` to 6et a lot of requests because buildinr� sites in P'ridley are sho��t. Thev presently heve two requests and the building sitee are 50 by 117 whicS i.s a pretty smnll let. 4P PLANP7ING COh4ffSSI0N hfEETIidi,, FEfsRU4i2Y 28, 1979 - PAGE 17 Mr. Langenfeld etated he thought they were going to handle them on an individual basis. He did not feel they could start denying nrna. They had never denied beYOre. Mr. Harria stated he felt the City should set a policy on it as to what they will and will not allocr. He felt they should pass a resolution askin,q Council to declare a moratcrium on building permita on the flood plain in Riverview Heights, until they could get some data together and set up some criteria for what they would allow there. Ns. Bwrdman stated that the criteria wr3s already established and iP they could meet the requirements, they could 'cuild. Mr. Langenfeld noted that in ell previous requests in that area� he had stated that the burden was on the petitioner, not the City. Ee was in favor oi a moratorium� and suggested Mr. Harris approach the Council and discuss it with them. MOTI0:7 by Ms. Schnabel� seconded by Mr. I.an;enYeld� the Chairman of the Planning Commission approach the Council at their next regular meeting to discuss with Council the possibility of declaring a moratorium or. building in Riverview floal plain area until such time as data can be collected and a study made to determine whether or not building should be permitted in that area in the £uture. Mr. Iangenfeld stated he aovld like the moratorium established £or 60 days. They would be helping the person who want to build on it by making them wait so they don't get was9ed away. Mr. Boardman noted tht�t the data was already collected and would like to know exactly what data they want. Ee stated they could look at the alternatives for development. ' , Nir. Harris stated they should just go to Council and ask them what they want to do wi-tb these lots. Ns. �oardman suggested they request a moratorium on all develooment in the Plood plain and that the City should look at the possibility of putting an option on the acquisition of all o£ the houses in the flood plain area when they come �sp for sole. Ms. Schnabel stated she did not 13.ke the idea of the City getting into that kind of business. � PFr..Eoardman stated that in order to make.the �rea a buildFble area they have to Yill it and the problen is that it is happening piecemeal in a rzndom pattern which causes drainage problems. Ii the City purchased the entire area� tore down the existing homes and filled the whole area at once� they could resell the lots as buildable lots. M.^,. Schnabel �tated that raaybe the citizens of Fridley did not want that. Mr. Harris stated they would have to talk to CouneiZ. UPQN A VOICE VOT�'� ALL VOTIn'G AYE� CI3AIEiN:�1N AAti'iRIS DEC7�ARED Tfi� 2dOTI0:V CARRIED UNANr[�10USLY. �� 4 R �� "' �y �, � .3 � ��, cor�uNixY nEV�.oPr�x cor�russzox MEETING FEBRUARY 13, 1979 ML�MBERS PRESENT: LeRoy Oquist, Connie Modig, A1 Gabel, Kenneth Vos, Sharon Gustafson MEMBERS ABSENT; None OTHERS PRESENT: Jerrold Boardman, City Planner CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Oquist called the meeting to order at 7:37 p.m. APPROVAL OF JANUARY 9 1979, COMMONITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION NfiNUTES: MOTION by Kenneth Vos, seconded by Connie Modig, to approve the January 9, 1979, Community Development Co�ission minutes as written. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Chairperson Oquist declared the motion carried unanimously. 1. BIKE LANE STRIPING ON MISSISSIPPI ST. AND OSBORNE RD.: MOTION by Connie Modig, seconded by Kenneth Vos, to receive the memo dated 1/31/79 from Dick Sobiech to Nasim Qureshi, a letter dated 1/19/79 from Paul Ruud,County Engineer, to Dick Sobiech, and a letter dated 5/27/75, regarding Bike Lane Striping on Mississippi St. and Osborne Rd. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Chairperson Oquist declared the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Boardman stated that back when the Bikeway/Walkway Project Committee was meeting and when the committee foxmulated their report, the city was aware that at some time the County would say that they had to get the bikeway off the county road systems, i.e., Mississippi St., Central Ave., and Osborne Rd. The reason the city was using those bike systems in the first place was because the county road systems were the only systems to use to get across the railroad tracks. They were missing something if they did not use those systems or at least get the right of ways of those systems. At that point in time, the city said, o.k., the amount of traffic on those road systems wasn't that much of a detriment to have an additional cost of off-trail bike systems, Ndw, the County had repaved Mississipgi St. and 4S COMM[TNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MEETING, FEBRUARY 13, 1979 - PAGE 2 had made it a four Iane traffic street, eliminating the bikeway system on Mississippi Street. The city was now at a point where they had to decide what to do with the bikeway system--whether they wanted to keep the system on Mississippi St., whether the bikeway system should be moved off to a different location, whether they even wanted to maintain the bikeways systems on the county road systems. Mr. Boardman stated that right now there were sidewalks along Mississippi St. and eventually there would be sidewalks along Osborne Rd, and Old Central Ave., depending on the arrangements that could be made. With that type of arrangement, the city would probably want to have some type of off-street bikeway built right into the sidewalk. However, that wouLd be a very expensive process. It was a matter of time of whether they wanted to do that or try to figure out a different type of system. Mxssissippi Street was a very important road because it was right in the center of the city and it crossed over from East River Road to connect up with the New Brighton bike system. Mr. Oquist stated he did not think having the sidewalk for a walkway and bikeway was a very good situation, especially with the opening of the senior highrise where more elderly people would be using the sidewalks along Mississippi St. Mr. Boardman stated that what would probably have to be done would be to remove the boulevard and blacktop between the curb and the sidewalk and stripe it to allow for both bikes and pedestrians. Ms. Modig asked if there was any way of getting funding for this. N.r. Boardman stated it was possible, but he did not know �.hat funding was available at this time. Most of the funding for trail systems was for recreational trails. Mr. Boardman stated they were just going to have to assume that people were going to use Mississippi St. for biking no matter how dangerous it was. What the city had to do was make it as safe as possible for that use for both pedestriais and bicyclists. Up to this point in time, the bikeway system on Mississippi St. had been quite successful and people had used it a lot. He felt they needed Mississippi St. as an integral part of the bikeway system. Mr. Oquist stated it seemed the only choice they had was to change the boulevard into a bikeway if they were going to retain Mississippi St. as a bikeway system. Mr. Boardman stated the problem was that between the present sidewalk and the existing curbing there were telephone poles and fire hydrants, and you could not expand on the other side of the sidewalk without taking people's property. 4T COMMUNiTY DEVELOPMENT CONI�IISSION MEETING FEBRUARY 13, 1979 __ - PAGE 3 Mr. Boardman stated that the county had not yet done any overlays or striping for four lanes on Osborne Rd. and Central Ave., and the bike systems were sti11 on those roads. However, it was soiaething the city had to be thinking about. On Central Ave., there were no curbs so there was the possibility of a wide shoulder on that street. Mr. Boardman stated there was an alternative route to Osborne Rd, by dropping down and using 73rd Ave. as soon as possible past East River Road. On the north side of Osborne, there was the "St. Paul Water Easement", so there was the potential of having a bikeway there. The only problem was that most of that easement was in Spring Lake Park. Mr. Boardman stated the reason he had brought this information before the Commission was because the Commission wanted to be aware of any changes in the bikeway system and because there were going to have to be some changes made in the future. He felt with Mississippi St. they might have to go to off-street biking and just designate it as a bike route. He could not see any other means of handling it at this point in time. Ms. Modig stated that the advantage of having bike route signing might make motorists more observant of bicyclists. Ms. Gustafson stated that with parking being allowed on Mississippi St., it made it more dangerous for the bicyclists. MOTION by Connie Modig, seconded by Sharon Gustafson, t City Council through Planning Commission, that the Bik continued on Mississippi St. with off-street biking. A that an alternative bikeway route for Osborne Rd. be th s on AAT OURNMENT : t East River Road. oum�end to so. to recrnnmend vote, all vot MOTION by Connie Modig, seconded by A1 Gabel, to adjourn the meeting. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairperson Oquist declared the February 13, 1979, Community Development Commission meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Respectfully submi ted, t r. ( /y. (�/ Lyn Saba Recording Secretary n � � qrr� iiin vr.� ..�„��, To 1J. Qurc�i61 , CITY OP f'RIDLEY 4 U GR31 University N, C. � Minnoapolis Minn. 55421 612-560-3450 L J 711.H,L-bn»c—f,i:-a_i{zi\n� on Pf'ississil�pi St. SU6J[CT 1•� 9.���{q��j l � � DA1'F �f�l/79 � . ��_ _ Please Ue advised we havc agai.ti requesCed Anoka County to str.ipe , bilce lanes on [lie referenced streets. Please notr tUe attached correspondence in whic(i they are of the opinion tiiat otf-sl:reet systems ivould be more appropriate. They also indi_cate that Che suggested stripin� of tl�e center 10' would not- Ue alloro�cd. _ . . . .._ I pass tliis on to you for informal-ion purposes. _ . _ _ .._ _ ___ __.. DS/J _ _ __ _ __ __..._. _ __.__ ._ _._ -- _ _ - - __ - - _ __ ..._ . . .___.. SIGNATURE � � � ��-�-����� R E P L Y: . . ----- .. -� ---_.... .._____--- - �. ._._..._. . ... . -...._..-_.. ___ . . . DATE, SIGNATURE � RE{�LILI:'S CU?Y—(:ETAI)J fO:a Y011�l' FlL;S i 0 . � � V ff .. .,, � � : �, , ;,.- � ,� ��� i . --�-"'" COU �l�Y �F ANOKA Drpurtnreill oj I(i,1/t�rrq•.r . Paul K. /tut��l. l/i�;li�r�ir Lir,r,i�trrr . COURT HOUSE AN01<A, MINNESOTA 55303 612-421-4760 January 19, 1979 1rir. Richard N. Sobieeh, P.E. Public UJorks Director 6431 University Avenue N.r,. Fx�idley, T.4innesota 55432 Regarding: Bike Lane Striping on C.S.A.H. #6 (P.4ississippi Street) .� and C.S.A.H. /f8 (Osborne Road) Dear Dick: We have studied the traffic aspects relating to the above topic as noted in your letter dated January 9, 1979. In checking ivith the 1�:'Cinnesota Department of Transportation we found that striping the center 10 feet of these routes is not advisable. It would act as a barrier and restrict entrances and exits to and from residences (and other adjacent land uses) to right turns only. Also, the 10 foot 'turn lanes are too narrow; they should be 12 feet ��ride. According to design criteria from the Minnesota State Planning Agency four foot wide bike lanes are inadequate. In 1975 we jointly revietiti�ed traffic volumes and considered turning movements on these routes. At this time we agreed that the striping of four lanes (accomnli�hed in 1978 subsequent to our studie>) provides the Uest facility for traf£ic available on the existing road surfaces. You'll recall that vae placed a new surf.ce on A�ississippi Street in 1978 from T.Ii. ii47 (UniversiLy �lvenue) to C.S.A.H. ff35 (Ceni;ral Avenne). It would Ue impractical to modify striping on this new sw�face. Considex•ing the above facts, we feel that Uicycles may use the roadway, providing they obey 'l;he ru].es of the road, and it can serve both vehicles and bicycles. One option the Cit.y may consider is oUi:ainin�, permission to consl;ruct a det.�ched Uil:eu�aY on the "St. Yaul VYater Eascn:ent" along C.S.A.H. 1/8 (Osborne Rond). This �vould be snfer for bi.c,ycle.. 49e believe i.t is advisable to provi.de det•:tched road facil.ities for Uic.�rcle use ce;peci�ll.y in arens, such ns your City, �vl�ere m.uly vel�icles u�e ttie rondw��' amd inerease the ha:.are3 for Uicycli_st . t r1. 'r'_ � -ea.a..- . . . � .�n� �. \. ....�wu}<.v� ,� � � May 27� 1975 ,Airaka G'vrr��l� �1 e,��r ��t�rre�Tt` v f �l���rw�r�s - Pau1 K. Rui<d, Highmny Enginecr Anoka Counry Court Ifouse • Anoka, Minnesoln 55,703 Tekphou: 6I2-421-47G0 City of Fridley 6431 University Avenue N.E. Fridiey.� pfinnesota 55432 Attention: Scrrold IIoar�nan ' Planning Office Subject; Bilceway/Tdalkway Systems Plan Gentle�nen: A copy of your Bi�eway/Wallcway System Plan for the City of Fridley was delivered to our cffice cn :9ay 2, 1975� which did not allow us adequate tirae to reviec: the docuvent and prepare a cammentary on our review in time for your Tiay Sth dead2ine that was requested. We have� as of this date� attempted to review the document and trust that the coccnents that we make at this time will still bc useful to you in the further preparatioR and development of your Bil:eway/ LTalkway Systa�n for the City of Fridley. Our office concurs in the necessity for the development of a system of trails for not only tlie City of Fridley but also the neigh6oring communities ar.d even- tually the metropolitan area and a state-wide system. Sde expect that the incerest in the develo�nent of this systero will increase as time foes on,and we will be at[empting to c:ork with each of the co:;�vunities to provide for utilization of porticns of the County hiohway system where the location of a bike trail along our hi�hways is feasible fror.i the standpoint of capacity and safety. i�rith these thou,r,hts in mind,�ae would offcr a fec� cocmnents concerning the system that you havc proaosed,as shrnon on the map zncluded in the report on page 33. T}ie location of bil:e lanes alon� the existin� County highwny systcm wi[hzn Ghe City of Pridlcy, we realizc,nrovidc some �;ood throu�h connections. In sevcral instances tl�ey also provide the onLy controlled crossings of Trutilc ifi�;:iway� s �A and GS, and alsc cirossin�s oC the Burlin�ton Northern Railroad within the City of Fridley. Sdithin thc past wecic we have been in on a mecting with the State lii,r,lnaay 17epsrdnent rclative to tl:c intersections of OsUorn Road and Pfississippi Strcet wiCh T nmk'1li;hway q7� �o you are awarc of [hc pzoblems and conccrns that must bc dca1C't;ith in designin; and constr�ctin� [hcsc intcr- secCions to adc�.;u��c1y h�ndic ti�c vchicular traffic��nd also Co providc for Lhe safe p�ssa�e of Uicycle anci pedesCrian L'raffic. 4X ctcy oF Frialcy May 27, 1975 Pagc 2 We are concerned that, as additional develo�nent occurs within the City of Fridley and within tlie neioIlJOL'�it� adjacent cor.ununities�'the traffic volUrnes on s[reets such as Osborn Road, pfississippi Street and Old Central, which are vital parts of your proposed systcm, wi11 increa�e to a point whcre four lanes of vehicnlar traffic will be required and there will be a lirnited area, if any� remainin� on Ghe paved surface for a bicycle lane. 41ith this in mind� we would suggest strongly that whcrever possible you 2ook tor altcrnative rou[es for your bicycle paths or lanes off of the County hi�h�aay sy,tem, so that as the traffic builds up this chanoe in system at a later date �ai11 not be a problem tor either the Ci[y of Fridley or the Coun[y of Anolca. In Peviewing the Uike trail systems for neighboring cor�nvnities, such as Coon Rapids� Columbia Heishts and New Bri�hton which are attached in Appendix C in the report� we note.that the City of Coon Rapids has laid out their primasy system in a fashiori�to�[hat of tfie City of Fridle of their routes are along County roads. We expect�thatetraffic on�thesehroutes wiFl also increase in the future and they will be faced with the same type of prablems I have described previously. We note with interest that the cities of Colianbia lieiohts and New Brighton have, in some instances� located their bicycle rou[es alon� County highways. T1ie najority of their routes� however, are located along city streets away from the heavily traveled routes, thereby not creating proolems for traffic on the heavily craveled roads, but a2so pro_ vidino for a safer bicycle path or lane on streets that have more residential traffic characteristics. Tn reviewi.ng the reco:nnendations that were prepared by your Bikeway/Tdalkway Co�nittee, as listed on pages 5 and 6 of the report� we would lil<e to state that our traffic signal section is in the process oE reviewing each of the signalized intersections along the County hi�haay system, as required by State and Federal hi�hway re�ulations. One of the specific items being reviewed in this inventory is an enirneration of deficiencies that exist regarding pedestrian tra€fic facilities. We would expect that this report wi11 be completed and re- vfewed within the next few months so that some oF the ftems that you note in Items 1 and 2 of your recor.unendations caill havc been studied and a solution of 3ny deEiciencies that are fuund �oill be addressed, As ve have stated previously, we will worlc eaith you on [he indication by S�r������r of bike Ianes along [hc County highway system. f•7e expece that our Traffic Ucn.�rc- men[ will be mee[ino with you wi[hin the next r.ionCh prior to tl�e start of any striping alon� thc County roads within the City o[ I'ridley. 41e wish to nal:c clear the tact that the installation of the strApin�; to provide for bicycle lancs at this tiiac docs not guarantee that the bike lane can be main[ained along the CounCy roads if necd for the full paved midth to safely and atic- qua[ely handle vehicular traffic necessitate, the striping of tl�e roadway for four lanes of traftic at somc future da[e. If you tiave any questions or cor.Jnen[s concerning the items cluded in this lettcr in response to your report, �ae caould to sit down with you to revicw the rcport in more detail, poxnts that wc havc raised. . Very t ��y yours, / �� /� � that havc bcen in- °FPreciate a ehance and to c�:plain [lic 4Y 5 MEMO T0: Nw.�m M. Zwceeh,i,, C.i�y Manageh MEMU fRUM: RicGuvcd N. Sob�.ech, PubZc:c Ulohh.s a.i�cec,t� N DA7E: Mah.ch 15, 1979 SUBJECT: Agneemerr,t w.i,th Me.#icapa�i.tan Wcca�e Cawtn�2 Cammi�a.Lon (h1(UCCj PQeas e no.te a�tacked agheemev�t w.ith MWCC neycucding ub e a 5.the,ih. ewi�s�i,ng 3aw�%cUC.y 6P�u1Ph .i.�tit¢Jcce��tah ea6emen.t soh covV.,�tlruc�con ub Aah,ton Avenue bnom 64.th UJay �si b)�s.t (Uay. Y.Cecwe be adv.i�ed �lia,t .the naaduxcy .impnavemerr,t ha�s been pne- v�.ou.e2y onde�ced undvc S.t�ree.#: Impnavemen,t Pxojec.t S�. 1979-1. Pne.P,imi.ncUCy di�sewse�avta w.i�h MUICC .i.ndc:ea.te .tha,t #Giejce ehou.2d be no pnob2em wi.th .t12e eona.t�cue.tion as ,the xoadway w.i.t4u;n .the,uc .i..n.tte�ccep.ton ea�emen�t �.b ceJ�ta,Cn �necau.ti,ona ane gaP.eowed. The a,ttaehed ayneemev�t nes2eata .the cancehna os �iie MUICC. I.t bhou,ed be �a.i,v�.ted ou,t .tha.t .t{ze .i.te_ma o5 coneehn have 6een �.n- cahpoha.ted �.rvto .the a�icee.t .imt�Kaverrien,t �pec,c:s�ca�:ows .to ervswce .the C.�ty'a eon.t�cac,tan .i.a awcv�e o5 ,the hequ,i�remen.�is �ta pno�eat �the .i,n.tencep.ton Eine dun,i.ng eovu�.t,tuc.t,ion. Th.e ay�ee,i.a.�eu.Lion� � xeqcci�ce a r�ehsolunance band and .�w�wucnce .io pnu�2e,t ba�h �the C.i.ty and �he h{WCC. I.t .i�s nequea�ed .t`1e C-i.ty Caunei.2 eaws�.den. execu,t,i.on os �he ayneemen.t a.t .ilre negu.2a�r meetiny os Mah.ch 19, 1979. RNS/jm PARK CENTER l. T O ol m �� 5� i.�! �T� J I ��� w ; I ,.. . � _.s., '^ .� � a � °' ,�..� `v^' \\ v/ n �+ ^ � .aQ V/ �n � � • _`• ., ` 4%�.�]'lVx �. /I / � , � ,', � � 1 � �� ii c � � . . '', .I„� ,........ .��' �� `� �� ,� � � ,, o,q� � i � n. (((��� ' 4�� /�� !� � O / i« e� �� •RK I ��� �ru o �'° �_—_ � MOLb e r��:�:.::_�... �,,,� , �_t;_...�,.i � i ii �� � ' .+,+i_`5�,�+. �1 a _ i� ', „��N - c E � . l i; I i: r� �� " � J j 4r, .,. .., I i i _' 1 (s � InI ,.^ a.. .. _ � � ' 1I .., .... � I' uu ;�. ,o� z� I � I �� .... � _� � I 1 " � i 1'�)4 I� I II •`• [:' `5900 cJ �% -.�-,���_ � � � 1 �' '� ��\�J/' j , ! 'I I "'�._ ..',.e .. `.l`..'. ��� '' 1 I � �.I ' I � Cl� . . � � � � �� � � l.__ILJ � �y ��''�. c � I 1� I I I `f l; .`:l.',> � , �i IJ -_____' I I � �L LJ«;�.�%�� i' ! ji �lj�/ \q�� � � � �� �/ ����ua We � � �" • r v� vi �i a_ . I I 1 i 1 5100 ; ,Q, '�,..� �; , . ,,.,..� a� ,� �;� �� /��� I 1111IrI� euo...uu�.vo� /�.+• 1� •� �� � ��� �,....�. _ .. i� � i � 3500 ,, ., ��. ,;: ,�� .. ,;; .�o.....�.. ,,, ;� �,, —: ; �a�-� �� � �� • � „ nc� t�.. ..P j� � 5A �����,..':, - , ( At_� � EitE'�MJWEV � �aE I j . �o . J�: eeno a�e �R. � « (+ V s� t �, ::,. �,.... G 1\ ., C J C J '" • .. - � �� �,. I, . ^ an. ( a • � I. ��y �,f_. I a��� �vaxu� � �• � 0�—..— �'L ..Ilw �- �J r��'' -- � � , �� � �J�lL1JfJ �-` I��� 111[111:�}�-:: MI4CC/FRI➢LGY Ashton Avenue AGREIMI:NT, � THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered.into this day of , 1979, by and between hietropolitan Waste Control Commission, a metropolitan commission established pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 13, Laws 1975, (MSA 473.501 et seq), whose address is 350 Metro Square Building, Saint Paul, Minnesota hereinafter referred to as the "COhfMISSION" and City of Fridley, a municipal corporation of the State of Minnesota, County of Anoka, herein- after referred to as tlie "CITY". . WITNBSSETIi: WHEREAS, The City proposes to construct a 9 ton road called Ashton Avenue on the sanitary sewer interceptor easement located in the Plat of Fridley Park in tlie City of Pridley, County of Anoka, State of htinnesota; and WIIER&AS, City shall receive street easements for construction of the roadway from fee owners of the property. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of thc mutual covenants con- tained herein, the parties hereto agree as follows: l. The City proposes to construct a 9 ton road called Ashton Avenue according to plans attached hereto as Exhibit "A"�and the specifications attached hereto as �xhiUit "B" and by reference made a part hereo£ hereinafter sometimes referred to as the Project. The plans and specifications have been reviewed by the Commission who has verified that the road- way construction will not create any additional loading of a harmful nature on Yhe existing sanitary sewer line in place and owned by the Commission if adequate precautions are taken during construction of the roadway (note Paragraph B-20 of the Special Provisions of the specifications for the Project). 2. The City agrees to construct tHe Project called Ashton Avenue in such a rnanner as not to interfere wi.Yh Uie operati.on and maintenance of tlie Comntissio�i's existing sanitary sewer. 3. Not less tlian seven (7) days prior to tlie commencemeiit oi � the Project, the City agrees to give ivritten notice to the Commission of its inteiition to commence cwistructio�i of Llie road, said noticc to Ue directed as follows: llirector of Constructimi Metroliolitan IV:istc Contral Commission 3S0 Alctro Squ;irc Iluilding sc. r:��i, r�� ss�oi • �. . 5G 0 Agrecment _Z_ NliYCC/Pricllcy . Ashton Flvenue 4. The City hereby grants to the Commission the right to enter onto its property and any casements and rights-of-way that it may have o6tained for the construction of the Project for ., the purpose of inspecting any aspect of thc construction and all sewer connections for the purpose of determining whether such are in compliance tiaith this Agreement. 5. The City agrees to require its contractors to keep the sur- face of tl�e ground over all the work specified in this Agree- ment, or adjacent thereto, in the position and condition required by the Commission's Resident Engineer and to refill, at its own cost and expense when so directed by the Commission, any settlement or erosion in the backfilling of any surface graded 6y it, or its agents or contractors, due to any cause whatsoever. 6. The City agrees that if the sanitary sewer lines of the Cnmmission are damaged, impaired or destroyed by its actions or thase of its contractors, agents, employees or inviYees, whether such damage is caused by negligence or not, it will pay Yhe reasonable cost of any repairs or reconstruction.made necessary by such action. 7. The City agrees and covenants that the.City shall at all times protect tlie Commission, its members, officers, agents, servants and employees from, covenants and agrees to i�idemnity and hold harmless the Commission and its members, officers, agents, servants and employees against any loss, damage, destruction or impairment of its sanitary sewer or otl�er pro- perty or any injury or death of any person that may be occasioned by any cause ���hatsoever in connection with the construction of said roads, The City releases tlie Cwnntission, its members, ofiice'rs, agenYs, servants or employees irom, agrees tliat the Commissimi, i.ts mem6ers, officers, agents, servants and employees shall not Ue liable for and covenants to liold harmless the Commissimi, its mcmbers, officers, agents, ser- vants and employces against any expense or damages i.ncurred ; because of any lawsuit or occasioned by any other cause rrhatso- ever in co�inection with the construction of said road. 1'1ie City agrees that in any cwitract it shall let covering thc per- formance of the work l�crein provided, iC will require tliat its <�ontracY.or s1�a11 corry comprehensive linbi.lity insurance taiLh pci•sonal injuiry limits siifficient to adcyuaticly i.udcnuii.fy all losses in a sufYicicnt amounL to protcct Uoth thc Com- mi.ssiou .n�d tLc Cit��, hy mcnns of a contracfual li.;ibili.ty cudor:ticwcnt: attachel Yo au�l madn :i p;irt. of,stul� po.iicy, anci _ .3. . Slon ana th� �wCC�tr ��en � be �urnlsh�a AgY� me � mis commc�ced ps1�ton cY�of shall foY bY th� . C y�c;oYC work called �o ��aVe eXeititc the the parties heYe t above WY . OF� an� year flYS, p� S 1VHLRE �OM�IISSI 7N �j1�� �,��menti the aaY �4ASZE C��TR�L foYespinS AS Mg'1R�POLI'fA� toY ApPrp°�d as to foTm. egal �oun5el 0 A n'lnlstra BY tS �z� BY ts iai Yman CIZY �F FuIDLLY �e _ vi1 lam �y ts ayo� . , Naslm N`. utes 1 �Y �itY rianag�r Its � _� � j�R �ER ��0����� .� NS PA�i� i> .� _19__ � Qo�a \�. �0 �� ` ` ', �=3- `\ +1 Y� �s � , 1, 7i' 1� ``, � , , 1 1` �. :, C . ; J �� ...- �` � 4 � N U? � �� 0 . �+`�q�A��� � M^� J�,� ,�,�-_- r 2 ��^".,. e'�,'S ' .�y ' —•• , S�� �� a J�re���,n°'ee�°`wa�✓• _ . _. r-n'. exs by u5e �� 5 ecifleaT�� neer e iPe �e �ozaPa e�.ea ccepti U1� to the above ��1 �e co�a� ed A.�.� tren�'macl,iY'e � in a� ati�n °� one Ya�el ba s�t�l c1 yibratO� p�aen an ebotrom of � m�xu?a`m deo wi�h tionY�at�304�' . Al� ba ek ele a ion.of � a�� to g5 ° �oncrete '�� ne St�dard used d th , dens�.�' porced as 51,orm by meas Q to to a min� �1 be Stan� Sd �d as�ets � all be Fai o�e°, acc° �a °back e 1 41pe sl� ts, and �°�' sewer P a �en er °� b� u'g' �de ta1 t� �' �pOVe )°�' Gon�=ete o f�01 i an ransitlon Sydexed � t1leTef�T � Yeinf °r�ed en �enteT �1 Yadl a 51�a11 b t�� 11 be �de d� 9i �� dc peCla1 $ eaca° a a d ti nal 1'a�en . acc�r�' c e `'n� �e fia anae of Ylpe INS ��''T1.25fl6 StTU�ted � e _ 1/2'� 1�w � b} o� ��T� B� basins sh l�o`b ng o� Q„ be 5"19 � o,�es az'a 2506 �d �e f� S�'a11 bht e3ge� ed bY pmanh Z,�¢�1` casting Straia act �vi$1on5 of e aa,�ted � a oj th lp �oo tch bas1ns ett em nt ��d �e th ��iec' .�e top °� rade �ahen es �d �a ola an`/ S f�15hed g d�e manlaG 1�es t° av �tior Sha1� . un . Cpntra aa�nst- ,�e .�yter�a ino 0 omp��tl�p m elevatlOn � �ast �On�re�� ole �as hanU� ures• �asting t°of16, Z-t1�e b'�tom °f �is�aelemeai Stzere diTe�t� of �� a o£ taas'1'° e x 0."ix�d a StanY r�e° Stxuc�lOn e e� Wh y minim t op eT 12�� �aal5tr��ti�n °r e e i�lde � °�'b Yixlos bet�r 1a e ent e`� 5e�aeY con �y xinama;�1y to n ineer• be mudded a�til appT� of � nep essary bY t�a djustmeU eS � 111 ° s d o ac� h pf �4" be1o�o t�p �� .�e �astings '�'e Str"'mix shall be s, t� a deP ana bet"e e tor. �Y axotmd �e Ying a relocate� �ai bairiSt uctuecti n• d to be Yem��'ea � of the cone 5 S ate cat� basins of 1��' o�elcd �ai 6� f� a ol A�o � os �e re0.u�Temen �ated b far re�rodelln� e by to e fo� �h basin� ae�s g� re0.Lii Y � osux� o f t�' e stil�ctuT d SroutinS as r��ol�s �Y �at � ting ail con�P��.�� ad'}� re4°1 r esrents °f 1 1� m�Ol� � d�t � 4 3 in�l,es or le aroun bas t to tl1e botto�n o£ catch b��sins ma`terial �1d catch . yll existin� �lol�s in�*Or .,he p1�, depthu°a jiomn��e l��aest Plt'� s catch Uasins }" a sl�all be mea- ust all m:an�lole_ and sliall aa7 , nict�l co�*e ctor �isions• olaY? . .�e Co»tra S ecial Yro tall temP �ait:h. these P �e and ll�ic ii�gitzee� • .��� Cpitt7actor sliall PxO�l�te�l tiy ol tion �<hexe diTc _ � �zson»` � �x�s$�T � will be �ranted to the Contractor for not being p��itted to open new streets to construction for this reason. uire the placement of two lifts ad �,istments, driveway Those streets under this Gontract that re0. leted prior to the of bitwninous shall be scheaand all estoration is co �t �ring the eonstruction, .l���p�g' wearing � placement of the second and �eaC n�T�t °�hali� me thof thesfina pro- placement of the final mat, lete p street basis. visions to ensure the cont�nuous an o king c1�Y °n a street-by- wearing course prior to ending anY letion of the conta �o Q course on any street, PP pn �yys �ahere inclement weather may affect t e co and comp ineex prior to commencement of fi�al i"at lete construction of the final �aearino yy7, must be obtained from the Eng �onstruction on said street. costs occasioned by this uired by the Contract shall be completed No direct compensation ��lltork reqidered for any s�heduling proceduxe. 1979. � on or before August 15, . UfU, F1�IPL01'I�IENT OPPORTWITl' ortunity B-19 lo ent Opp The Contractor iJill be required to exercise Enual Emp Ym practices as set £orth bY the blinnesota DeparYment of High�aay Standards. 1'ASTER CO�TROL CO��SISSIO:V INTERC.EPTOR LII� B_Zp EXISTING 96" b9ETR�POLITfV'� � aae is „ sewer interceptor o«'nEa by f��GC The aligtnent and &'Y' There exists in Ashton Avenue a 96 RCP sanitazy onsible £or tne olitan ��aste Control Commission �`� shall not be resp the Aletrop as sho��n on the plans. The City approximately o£ the Contractor to locate tne recautions to protect the P1Pe exact location. It shall be the responsibilit}' pipe 9n the field and take all necessary P its membexs, during construction. rotect the City and the rn�ce, The Contractor s}'aser�antsll d e ploy ees from, covenants and agrees teni�der°li officers, agents, al�;ent of loss damage, destruction or i�P erson that and hold harnless the City and tlie �i��CC'and its memb�r -`��e h of anY P servants and employees againsT�anTty or anY 1n7ury its sanitary se�aer or other p P officers, � be occasioned by any cause whatsoever inana hetAI��CC,1its�ne�be s��ction o`- a rees that t3ie City dnd the rn�cc, its m°mbexs, ra1d, 'I1ie Contractor releases the City servints or employees from, � oents, servants officers, agents, servants 1nd employees shall not be liable for and covenan hold halo ees a,au st aziydeapensPeCor dana esbincurredlb��2use of any lawsuit • and em� Y � occasioned by an)' �t�ler cause whatsoever in coruiection 1��ith the construction noted to adec�u�tel}' ind�nu said road• it �SU2an�Er�`itli personalea�1)uryalimit has 2 S}lall carr)' comprellensi� liabillt} �rotect both the City 1lld the ��+�I;,, ti> all losses in a suFfici.ent. amount t.o I means of a c��1t.rlctural l.i.ability endorseme3it attached to v�d made 1 rt. ot Ni of tlic aUove sliall be part of. t�lc contract policy. Core shall be tal:en t:o adjust 1;lie maniioles in aceordance �aa.th arag 5-10 0{ t}�� speciCications. assc�ciated costs sl�all Ue considered incidental tio tlre pro�ec . i � — �.- SPFCIAL pRi pVjp� NS bIVISION B - GEA�El2� � UIR�^�I��g B'1 INSPECI'IOy OF SI TE (biV-1205) ST. 1979-2� 2 �Xf� /!a ! I""' �j �e Project site inspection sha1l be of DLV-1zD5 with t}�e addition that, ea h bidder�s}iouldtvisit the site of the proposed iaork and fully ac �e Provisions there relatina 9�lnt himself with the existino o�o construction and labor, and should the £acilities involved t a conditions performance of the Contracte difficulties and restrict �� h�elf as to fazni.liarize himself ivith �e bidder shall attending the Contract Ibctunents. the ITrawino th°r°ugh1Y examine and The Contractoreb, Special Provisions, and all other In no way be relieved of y�e executlon of receive or e �Y obligation imder it due to his failurettoh�l ��e anY form or legal inst acquaint himself lvith the conditions thereruexistin to visit the site•and have been n notice as a resultmthereofon £acts regardino g• The City will be o which lie should B-2 IN. SUREWCE C�RqGE The Contractor shall protect t}le � the lower limits of iv}iich shall not beclesst hanb�25010001for including accidental death to Y lnsurance, £or each person in an �y Person and subject to the saine�lvn��' one accident. �OUTit not less than $500,000 on accowit of any The Contractor shall also protect the �roject iaith in the sum of not less than $150,000 for an shall take out and maintain co �'°Perty Dama�e Insur�Ce of D4innesota mpensation in urancecasa equir d1ebContractor and he shall also carry what lnsu�.ance is necessai anY lass by fire, lightnin Y tlie State S�'ance shall cover g� tvind, theft or an > Y to cover �e �otmt of �` project until it has beentaccept deb �zS in- �e insurance coverage shall be a City wi11 not reimburse the Y ttie �ity an� Contractor for the pPemiumsby �� �ity. T�1� S-3 AIVARD OF CO\'TRACTS (r1V-1302) The award of Contract shall 6e in acwrdance tY2th the provisions of hG�(-I302 except that the aiaara of Contract, if it be ail�arded, i�11� be n�ade witliin thirty (30) cale�idar day, after tlie opening of Proposals. B-4 RETiJRV OF PROPOSAL GUAR�.'�Ty ( 1304 � n'�� ) The retiiin of pro �osa1 of Dn'-1304 � €uaranty shall he in accorci�nce ivitli tlie P lolls for thirt �xcept t]�at tlie �tiaranty of the second loi,� bidder m;� Y �30) days. rovis y be helcl � 1�-5 SLTI'E2IN171'I)rV'CT: � � � — SUP1iI.VISIO\' (61V-1506) T7iis sectio�i i,�ill be �iccording to the provi:sions oE ALV-1506 except as mocii�- fSed be].ow. � flie Coiitract:or sliall, durin�; his daily �rogress, kcep on liis iti�ork :,r ��, 5 !i R[SOlUTION P10. - 1979 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE SPLITTING OF SPECIAL ASSESStAEhTS ON PARCEL 500, PART OF LOTS 2 AND 3, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION N0. 89, AND PLATTIfdG INTO TRI-CO ADDITION WHEREAS, certain special assessments have been levied with respect to certain land and said land has subsequently been subdivided. ' NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED as follotias: . That the assessments levied againsAudhtor�s1Subd9vasion�No. 89,cmay andt�shall Parcel 500, Part of Lots 2 and 3, be apportianed and divided and replatted as follows: Original Parcel Parcel 500, Part of Lots 2 and 3, Auditor's Subdivision No. 89 Fund Regular SA W #34 SW �24 5S #24 SS #89 ST. 1968-16 SW #88 (Sewer) SW ¥88 (4dater) Trees 1978 Division of Parcel Approved Lot 1, Blk. 1, Tri-Co Addition Lot 2, Blk• 1, Tri-Co Addition Lot 3, Blk. 1, Tri-Co Addition lot 4, 61k. l, Tri-Co Flddition Fund Regular SA 41 #34 SW �24 SS #24 SS �89 Regular SA 41 #34 SW �24 SS �24 SS #89 Re9ular SA W �34 ST. 1968-16 SW �24 SS �24 SS �`89 SIJ r88 (l•later} Re9ular SA lJ �34 S7. 1968,16 SIJ �24 SS �`2h . � . SS. #189 SN �;88 (Set�er . SlJ �f£38 (lvater) Oriqinal Amount paid Paid $ 123.33 },170.75 1,198.79 Pai d ' 11,721.14 2,970.40 155.50 17,339.91 Oric�inal' Amount Paid Paid $ 12.33 117.07 119.8II Paid ' Paid $ 12.33 117.07 119.88 Paid Paid Paid t� 12.33 117.07 719.88 570.62 Paid Paid Paid $ 12.33 117.07 119.88 2,407.06 669.73 PAGE 2 - 1979 RESOLUTION N0. — Lot 5, E31k. 1> Tri-Co Addition Lot 6, Blk. l, Tri-Co Addition Regular SA W #34 ST. 1968-1B SW #24 SS #24 SS �89 SW #88 (Sewer) SW #88 (Water) 7rees 1978 • Regular SA W #34 S7. 1968-16 SW #24 SS #24 SS #89 S4J #88 (Sewer) Sld #88 (Water} � ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF fRIDLEY THIS , 1979. ATTEST: l7� $ Paid Paid Paid 60.44 573.68 587.41 7,011.67 1,089.48 155.50 Paid Paid Paid $ 13.57 128.79 131.86 2,302.41 64�.57 , 17,339.91 — DAY OF MAYOR t4illiam J. Nee CITY CLERK Marvin C. Brunsell ..v,�. • 7i.. . .. . . ._ . , � • CEC�TER • I � . . . . , . . • . �S� ``A`-�-' . • • • -2?Nrt../495'% ; ' . �•-_ 5 =�� � �;PAR`< ' . . - Ci/ frd'e �� r� � ie� l�_"•`„%^ �p� �-ie ....� C�.f.. . ov • . � � � .[ !��y � �-' � 't ) 0 ' � `� I r�'(��yh � 1 '� •i. . . . � . , .t '�1� /���� nh . � , � �. ` � � . . E. A �,� � X1S 23L�S1.6� . � O � � � �� � - .. � � . � . _ � ti �s ,S �� r�a ,91 �ao\n � , a ; I i � P•%735 rSf.! . � � , » an ao �� a��+o � _�?=�^ ii� '� � d O' 92 /Pf. . . ��m� . . io rt : � � 8.-�T . - _ _ � p G'/J .srlt-�rY17s"' �( � T /�lO.O. . "_ rS,Z •••1 I L 290.0' �sv1) � _ ' � • . S.pii Aarrica3'lefi�ns/K. zir„6. �'o� � P-C. '�'� � - /iliane.roT.3lnAvs!ri�I ,g��* . � • _ �"�SQ�'. � �a.,f,/4<.f/..:,�jl�,��.i :+p� Q oi . 2�. . . . � i : � � ... � � ._ �. ^-- . . � ._... • A �-->s�-. y � . ' ..: ...._:-'-��=--.3l�nd"=-• 'i. �.»,r.._ ' - _ .. .... . � 1«� ' � 0-9 v ; 1 �Lm� . -. � � ✓, /.,� .� f ��!� DjnnPJO/A Ocer ' . . E;, /';. r� t � °� ( € . . `�1 i Ca. , Iirc . SU � fl --oo ''" '• -. . � �, ,�, AUDtTQRS __ - ; _ � , � n' � `f ... � / � �SSOJ � l �, . . . > 2 � '+,s... , . �Ww<O.CC.!�t<KiLJ . O.. � � �,,. � � �1M% ._ I.9sNr. � � p i�� �i� . � � ..... N ' ! � � T� t, ` i . O'�-' Se°C /l010 ` � � ' "_ "". .. ' . ! t � . . .-- _' ' '...s.'" v.� e.. :. i.. � 1 ° . � � " _ . `' — ....:..�v> -... . � p+i � "'-.a n_ 90—.. ...._c . �3 � ' • CJO ) � i- i: �.. �/1f- _ „� � �'� . .zon -.. h C P»//F 'l! 7 � jl .. f Z�.9 - ; - � r It �y'v� fL.%�% (8!i� -\C� y \ ' o: �'� ^�1 (' 7�� 8 i''a QE s . ��^ t. �> u n � � �`. S . : :.c) �19i � � � / I � `� g i �! . iJ�.-�/c �rN..�fed nj � � ` C7 ?� • . , i`� . . �`" '�'-/,?5.'.........��a _. z • . <,�L_�[-� ' '}�,__ ��__ �» ;�, L. �..`L�, .,�� =�y--- -- r ;i � . ,...a�—!?i...�.... o�i�iV11 �VrJ"� '{,t HYL}:.;.... � . � ... K �M_ ..� . .. ' li J� 1 •� . '' ' ��%'�U.= �� (�s�l : , : � %' � '� •r iS.:�� . i \ s � � < . /ii i, , r - � ' � � � ioso) (�o�a) �/i� 5 ,�� F 2 � �`���.5^�. ' fl � `�. : i i (n.�oJ � `Z , c C ; . :.. - : : 0,3?�l S :.. _...zeor...... ._1 . f � i . _ I - n„ -- --� c � � I �� . �t n n n • ' ----•---- ..... `' -. ..... ,>, . -_ �__i , '� � •, ...... . KI/./1NM . . ZOS� .... ....tl>��r � . �% . l_ __ � . . . . ��•' � . , -.. . . �1 �. . � -.�_ . `".��.� . �� `' ' ... � t, r A t ( ?�_ . 'L'r`�l�nlli�'�S-f13_� ---' `�'---�. . .... .. • . � �`�` _"_ .... .. Portion of Auditor's Subdivision No. &9 from arhici, , 1ri-Cb; Addition �•ias platted tii: . . . __ ..__ _.. . .. _ ._... . -T— . / . .�'_`_7J.E'3•iS55�6 . . .__ ..'._._,......_.._ . . .. � . , �[ :r'�? 4�iCelruC . —617.7G— r.�,.�,� � _� � ' 72 N� � _ �JVENU� — — — - � �.:.-- =aco �,.I — .� �szea �.�r�,� r,s.os iss.o� ' — � w � � : ' q9 � � f ; --- � I2�Q � o � � � '�'� y � . { � � --, m � � � ;�? �-?�;� 4 ��;z,; ^ �, � - ,., �ZS� ,_. �, ,;I, ;� , . ;f � j I - : � „'o � �' '' - ----- � :: ---- � � �o �,� ; z 1 � Z , ae,•,::iz �, � �ll � � � /� i .=�--'f`r.,,,�k�. �e�3�:1•' �` y5o:C3 j J /' �' "_ ; a. _<k�a. ' ` rc"_''^I1.o.'%'S3'£. I . - ' �iod7 �n¢ C� �o�P� eti' $�� d.�Sy 5 u��crs So.a:.�i-cn'•'):- `�. s \\ i �ill�c.6;. !/; !% �' � . � I`h . ` • . � . � u, u c:s:v_ 9�} � � ti �� ( l... — ;f.�..00 �� . � �� `�..L' L_� .� 1r3.0> s }��-^'i'� � ; i C�9 i, r � -_ex :.. s ; .i.•. �� 3c.CJ.-«-C 9-�u � �`�� i h� - 6 O ��`-S?.G!-�� .,.-.,.:c_ pgr::;.w 5- o-' '%�� F :: .. . O.G_ . � .:, " , : M� cn :-_. i`� � s �WT.I rsrn.ea%'"_'__ w isA t- �� $.f3°55'27"71 ' �.,�.s.� srai ✓ L� �� O i .,...'.Y,C'i..1 ��/l-�--� _� �t � o r__'"' (`, .v .; ` �I� ;� �}� J I c. N �O �1'_'� rn i.ee /�3,�!�-. ✓a�;a69 � 3 c�� � :� � �^.c. ���j �• �,•' i \ r"cl ' � ; � � � . � ' i: : : i!'f. 2 �-, . y����" i I 1 � ^ = � .. I � ���f \\ ' _ _" %+ -�c^ ^ - ` � � i �:\ �;50'Od ` {r _..i � ...•, ' I � � tu :, y� � � _nx,� ��_"_" �-� ���� ; �� �',,�- ::� �K� �:s�;•a��3-�: i `` � , , ; : , •_. . � . ,; � . U �.�� � ' �c�v ,,, ; . . � r , �.�,'� oo-- � . U . �'� � . . � �i ,?}�o$ Z� � � p . ��, ;�� � �.:c.° ° I� 1 0 `? C r � ` � O O �";' � i � f�'���'� � JD ��c� , I d��;� rylSb � I ;4 . �; �i . ! ;< ( ,s I / d : � ,=�.o, Ra.oi � . �. � =�_'u'w— I —�z�.c�— -� �,°z . —2oaoT— � S.S3':.6'S9'%J. 3C 5.54"�'"59'�N/. �.S�ut,� 1:'nz o;' !ci 3, Gudifor's SciSdrv�>ian Ifo. 89 . � �°° TRI-CO ADDITION .�„ , � • ..�•� , .::.... u MEMO 70: NASIM QURESHI, CITY t�ANAGER, AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: �FINqNCE DIRECTOR� ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER/ • SUBJECT: REASSESSMENTSLANDIREPLRTTING FOR THEGMARCHII2, 1979 pGENDA . DATE: MARCH 6, 1979 4Je are requesting that the Council approve the resolution splitting the special assessments on Parcel 500, part of Lots 2 and 3, Auditor's Subdivision No. 89, and apportioning into Tri-Co Addition. lat and the plat The Council has previously approved Maps Photiaing the area hnvolved are�attachedAnoka County. MCB ps Atis. � „�,. ,.. , � , �� TABLE B 1979 RESOLUTION N0. ___ . ESOlUTION IN SUPPORT OF f4UNICIPAt SELF-INSURANCE ON A POOLING BASIS AR , WHEREAS> The City of Fridley has experienced large increases in the cost of insurance, and ton Brooklyn Center, Brooklyn Golden Valley, Minnetonka, WHEREAS, 7he cities of Bloomin9 d�scussions of ihe Park, Coon Rapids� Crystal, Edina,.Fridreliminary urchasin9 insurance, Richfield and St. �eratively self in�supin9 or jointly p possibility of coop and be possible for these cities +AHEREAS, It appears that it may ta realize appreciable savings through cooperative self-insurance> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESdLVED, The City Council of the City of Fridley urgently requests the Legislature to pass either general or special legislation to authorize these cities to cooperatively self-msur their risks. `PASSED AND NDOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCiL DAY OF ,__— FRIDLEY TNIS _,_— ATTEST : CITY CLERK - hiARVIN C. F3RUNSELL OF THE CITY OF 1979 MAYOR - WILLIAf4 J. NEE �u_pU71 0 �� CREYISOR > AVPfh1DIY. lI 7�liLG A R;J �. JAtd 2 � 1919 Benedict, t�anes. Brataas and Staplea intzoduced-- GONlivttR6E lSessrs• �w��eYSOn�. the Committ'ee on � S, g, No. 291= Refer=ed to • p pi[F tor an act i esmittin9 sefi oYernment; P oint cetatin9 to locat 9 2uthorizin4 � 1478. Z o; heaith benef�`��esota St3tutes +7�* . 3 insura�cQ ance; arendiny 1i ynd ChaPte� 4 seti insk.71_616: Subdivtsion 5 S��tion a �ection. . . by addin9 6 � STATE Of K1N11ES�TA= 7 • . ��pI,TED 6Y iHE LEGISLRT��� flF TH S�ction 471.�I6, g BE IT 1.478r 4 Section 1. Kinnesota Statutes lp Subdivision 1, is anended to cead: IL 47L.bI� IG��UP IM5�1R1�t;CE� GDVERt�ofgovern�enta[ 12 Subdivision 1. SBIDDING FEQUTREfl.I other bodY otitical subdivesion, oc anY LaN to Purchase 9roaP -.I3- su6div[sion, F p��t�� authoc�zed by tntending to I4 cocPOrate and a�s e�p S' covidinq o� �e io� lo ecs and P 15 insur��- otectinns and benetEts ior L6 P[o`�idc such 9rouP insur�nce P� its cmPloYecs shal[ enter into a contcact tor 17 25 or m�cc of contract or reneN anY such gfouP insurancr. PoticY or 16 and nN�tdi�9 thc.contract t° th° 19 s+ithout callin9 ior bi�1s i ponsible biuder bY waY ot c�mPetitiive biddin9 2D loNCSt c'� rovi,[on o{ set�ices 21 9roeedures stsiiar fio those tor thc P � Hlnnesota St:��.��4°:; ].?71. Scction 16.D7. 22 2nd sur�,lic� t�nJ°r �on::i61e Uidder 73 SuSdivisions 1. T� 4 znd 5- Lowr,st tent . � , . — . Tnu�c n (co�y�li�uco ' � corPOrat ion svbntt!-in�t • y, mcai�s thc insurr.r o.r_setvlce Pla ' a>:vensco . . Z thc-taxt�t-Pfem��m-rate-or-�hc-{"a�rest-elir.r9�`�or' ' � Yn_tc tce.r�'s��+tt-�w�i-�h-"tkt-� r- re'rf-i eec t"ro-ns-�f-o-r g o-nd-r'r:r�-t�-i-n' rr'rme7-d�rtrm--me.orts-�?�h ' q thc-tarrrn�'-zrrc�-n'd'Timi-sira4-'rrc-x Cd-�c-de' 5 "rcr.-nfr.R-tQr7°rat"ro�s-�atktrr'rt ttet-5arerrtatrt�cf tnsurerrtrr-scs"'r � 6 t�r'rs-�'f Q l e-'i-tti tk-�rt-� e e-e�td-trY� b-as'rrtcsr-rr. "• t he-ri-74rFT'aNa�ed-artct 7 �fii..E-�tr-'ve-f-i�nartci-s4FY-��C#s-tffrrY"" � �sck-ar "rrY�'eC�'�rt'-'rtre-adntRtstrabsarc . 8 ST'C'—CSP?b}'C'_Q�`3riC'FS, �efi insurance vlan whieh y o-{--tlr_-7cf-iV-Y"trr-�"e'fr�recLtr_oc___-------'_'--- =� _ i� authorized to do business ___--^----- 10 o4fers the Iowest cost+__J �he govcrnmentaF unit to be _ __--'�_"-- I1 this state, and is a�e:�`a oY� �___�-- `- erfocmin9 the admin�strati=�_of __-----"__ _. _ ----------" ' lZ eaPable of satistactor� Y accordance with the bid ths po[icy o� contract in__!___---�_-"'-- o{ an 13 ------"--`_--shall 3iean in the cas�-____ I4 sPecit i:ations� ^Cost`___,_� -----'--'_-- -_" _�--'-""--- in the case of ser�rice ptan ------- __---'_" ' the Premium rate, ---_- and • 15 insurer. ^--,-_____-----'- and r isk taS<[n5: -------- the char9e tor-ernen�___�_____.-- LG eorPOration_.----__----_------�ansc the sum of the eost af ---__ _ ._.� _ _--�------- �7 Tn tha case o{ selt_ins�rance P�_^-__' _—_— ^ -_-!- includin9 Provision_{or fstinated incucred buti 18 Paid claiu�s�_---__'_ - rter�. adninistrati�=c`°sts_r 1q unPaid claims-?t the end of the---,-------chan4En9 2D and pceniur� for_ezcess _covera4e_ The cost oi '-r also be considcred in detecmintn9 the 21 'rtt±urcrs P�?`ns n'Y eS-err.d� . 22 loxest �retsi-m�-rate-trr"t'�-Faxcs4-ckue-�SC'`•"��iP��Provided . z3 H'sk'�,¢�rp•,5 cost. The a9`�rQ9ate vaFUe oi bene , 24 by a �ontract enteced into aiter Ju�Y 1+ 1q73 sha�� aot be than those Provided bY the pceexist�n9 contract �a� 25 tess rauP Z6 �nless a maJOritY of the enVtoYees cove�ed undcr the� g Z� insurance p�:�� and voting on the question a9ree to 28 �eduction in the be�ciits� if the e�nP(oYees are not 29 represanted bY an exct�isive rePresentative Pur�uant to � 3D seetion 174.67. or [b1 unlcss th��.publie enPioY�� 9�d.the exclusive representativc ❑f the cnDloYces ot an aPProPriatc 31 uant to section 173.57. . 3Z barSOiinin9 �i�i�� certiticd Pur� tl�� �,}nrccato 33 agter. to a reduction in th� ��+�eElts. (cl 'L `/-0671 <RLVISOA � n (co�� +� i � .{o[nc� emP[oY�� uhQ has retirc6 1 vaiue ot beneflCs ot anY to.clauso �n� ' � Z• Jha�� �ot, in anY event, be reduced pursuant 3 oC (�1. unl� s I�e h1s inJivldual�Y ��reed.to th_e 7}�is subdivision shall not prevent a ---------_ k reductlon. ^`__—'—�,.�— a� cenewin9 a c�ntraet "—�_----those Drovided bY a 5 governmental_unit froy E�teC'tr�m ____------ . .._------ _�--- � providin4 ditf��enti b�°�t�t�__.--- pf the neH contract —^~! contract, if the be�eS_ �ts__—�----- C���de UY 7 Preexistin9 „_�—_----"— of thos___?_._�,___.�- g are at least the actuarial'e9u�va�ent_^_� nount ot the reduced b�� q the Previous contrnct or^the a--�!_-------- �b}� , . ---"'"'_ ---"— ot c t au��.------"' e (a o �s a9reed to under the Pro`�isions_----- [encc LO —"''— � actuariat equiva ---""_"__ i o n . .l�.-- ""—'r this subdivis r_—_ as for Puraoses of . I 1 F o r P u r P o s e s fl f^.___.._—°--'` —___-- ~�` deternined in the san`manner ---- I2 sha t f b---_.-'------_"""_� _.._-----' �3 chaPte� 62E_ more �� yo such contcact �eed be sub��tt�d to b�d � 14 �,g nonths. unless fue a�y �Eason than once verY I5 tre4uentlY the Pceniu� �6 Hhatsoeverr a 50 Percent or gteater ch�n9� in 17 under tne poticY coniract Fs provided. cequired or lg indlcated. �� ratesr �t Khen an insucec ProPOSes an inc�ease 19 at Hith an a99re9ate eiaims � 2p shall accoeaanY ft.s vroPO� � � . zI �ecord tor the aPProPriate Period that exPiains the . lthen a contcact is resubmitted tor 6ids ZZ proPOSed increase. tihe 23 the a9ste9ate claims record shait accamPanY Sp�cifications to[ thc contract. [s 24 Chapter 471, 25 Se�. 2- NEnnesota Statutes 1`77g* , Z6 a�en3�d �Y addfn5 � sectioo to rea�= home rulc [4T1.6171 Su�Jivis_inn 1,^ � _tltutorY_or_-- � z7 ____-- or . ch3rtcr citY or countY or_schoo[ district.---_ 26 __--------'— � endent PolicY �akin_9 29 �--__ Jr__thcreot havin9 ind�N_--`----- j-----�._ ~'maY bY o[dinanee or resolution inst�un=ntalitY _.___ . 3D and at>ProPC,iatiin9^author itY=__-----^_"_'--"' _�--^ � 31 sclt insure fo� anY,em(>IoYCn c�atth henetits___r^�y=olf ---_--'__ sha[t Providc a(t�bnnef its`��I�ich arc 3t inr,urance P�?� ___---^'----'"_`--- inuP he�lth+in�ur^,nce 33 �cnuicci by._�aw_LO bc Pfevlded AY`� __.---___--.__ . 3 0 ' cRr:visna > g-UU71 • � cn 7 insurancr, P��n� shatl be'certiitled a_ Scif __------""_' d�Auctions foc 1 Policics_�_—__.—.-----' �nvinvice uaga__._.________�---- • — � ,ection !�7_C.OS�__ —__--_�_--- enefit 9[an • 2 . Provided^bY�__----___�a—��tt""in�urcd health L���,1__ �ruraosr. ot tundin9 __,-__.°--'__ ot section 3 Yh c P _�_----'—"---- e n� i ri 9 p r o v i s i o n' _—�--�--- r" _J. ,Ub.lect to thr, F iC �r"_.--- n o t b e __-------"" y 'ha�� __----�__ ---- �----�--"—^— 5 GOA.23, su�`iivisio�_� StatutorY��wt�o�1e �,uie Subd. 2. AnY tN° or n�r�_�—.---- Schoot districts o� 6 ---"--"---�"' — _ -- p� �oi�nties o�`___._------- otieY makin4 � c ha r t e r c i t i e s__—_—__'__.— Y-__---"—'�-- ' 8 i�st�unentalitics thereot havin9 inde.Pend_ent P _— ^ �inttY sett insure foc anY �.������� �� �-�� __�— — naii .1 __.,,�.--'.._._ —"'_"_ i3tinS author itY __--_____.-- q and aoProP�__l—�.---` to the same_�enui[eai�ts � 19 emPloYe� heal-Yh 6eneilfs_SUb=eC�__.----_ . ---"` � selt insueer under subdivis.ion 1. i n d i v i d u a I �,__-----"— __---� 11 as aO __,�------�---" y INUCU ni �r�u . Tnu�� n. " � ni��o <�r.viseR > . �•' t�U3 FEO 5 1379 �u�derson, IIened'zct and Pffs. Stapl�s v1Cro�uced-- Messxs. � to the �o� ttee on {:OMI`hEFCE ' � RefeiYCCi � S. F. No. 403: p bilt ter an act Seif 1 overnment; p�rmittin9 {ocal 9 authorizin9 . ielatinn to �p�a� 5pve�nments: Statut�s � Z insurance i�� ar:ending t5innesota and 4* 3 ootin4* 5ubdivisions r,71r by � 4 insurance P 6Dk.CZ, an� Cl�aPter 15�g,..Sections Z and 3; 5 ' G �a.^3.� Subdivis�on i addin9 se�t�°ns. 8 F THE STAT= CF 4ihitESOT�= ENPC'fcJ °Y THE LEGISLATUR.E 0 Section 60k•^2+ q hE iT 1918, Section ?- �T��QSCta��Statutes . 10 • 11 Subdivision 3, Is a:�ended to read: a9�e�ment , Sub�. 3. lLCSURA�:CE.l "Snsurance^ is anY 12 a ��,nsiderationr undeetakes to 13 wherebY one FartY, for 14 a Spe�itied amount a9��nst ioss o� o� tp do some act ot value to jndemnifY znotlter to 15 damaae trom specified causes� ----------_' such loss or dar,a'ce. A Pro4rar ot 1.6 :he assvred in case ot t�nd or Ponl � 17 self i�surance_`Setf_ins�rance revolvin9------ 16 esi.abl is:�ed under_section 6_is'not in urance_ —'�"�"` � St:�tlltCS In�n� SCCt'ton bOh.u2r � -----Sk�� z, 1!innesol� l9 tp read: ,' ��� t, amendca or �0 �uUdivision CCIIPANY.1 "ComP�lny�• , r,. ICL?`P4t1Y liR 1�SUfiANCL' 21 Sub�. corPOralion. 22 "lnsurance comv�t�y" inCiuocs cvcrY insurcr� 23 business trust,r ei :+ssnci�tion en9�9ed In ia:;urance as 1 n��T�BLC%f11 �GOPlT INUED) 7n-0070 «CVISGk >: - but docc: not inctudc =`Poli�lcnl subdivislon .. ' . ----- r�lat,lir,hin9ra Pool under . ,1 rrincioal, -'-_------- ___ .. .� 2 provldi�4 selt_ir.sur^ncc °<<_---'----__. --- . ' 3 seetion G, s�bdivie_1on^3- Seetion 79.C1. -'-------r----Flinnesota Statutes 19�II• 4 Sec. �. ead: ' 5$ubdivision 2. is �tt:endcd tio r anY Subd. Z• 11l:SURER.1 �h� Nord ^�nsurer^ means 6 �tcense tssued bY tne , 7 insur�nce c:.rrier authorized bY insucana� to transact the 6usiness ot this statP- It does not g commissiene� af �,^ � q workers` ceR;pen-ation insurance �� Set{_insuca���_°l � IO include a Potitica[ subdivision P[ov[di�9-_-_^ -_—__ . . --- �n�eG ,ectiioa 6, subdivcsion 3' �1 est261ishir.s_a Pcol_ ___Jta`utes 197C, Sect'scn 74•�1i , 12 ^ Sec- k• Mlnnesat� �3 Subdivision 3a is ac�endec to read: „ mezns ' Su6d. 3. [ItJSt%R��C`•1 Fhe word "ins�rance 14 Snsu�ance coverin9 anY 15 Korkers° cov�aer.sztion insucance and ted from insucin4 16 Dart of the �iabiiitY of on emp(oY�� exemp . . . for compensations as Pro�'ided in section 17 his ItahilitY self insurance IE 776.181. P� Pro9�ar of selt_insurancer-_-__-_- -_is�ot 19 revolvinn fund or pool estabiished under °eC�io� 6 �p insurance- 7B� C 471. �5 Sec. % Ainnesota Statutes 1° hapter 21 • _ _ z2 amended bY ad�in4 1 sectiort to cea�� Untess_th_e . (471.`-'�1 ICEFIP:ISI�rS.l Subdivisien 1__^_, z3 � ections b znd 7 � otherwises as used_in 5_-_--- }ven � Zy context_indfcates`___ih-s scction have� the`���O1n4_ 3__� .. Z5 the^ter'ns ZcfineA_in_----'-------------' _ 26 thein. . � i������s a statut.orY � � � . —°-S�br. 2.. ^Pollticxl subdivision�------°-- ,. 27 --------° --- o� �n instrua.cr.t�lity z�y o[ homer[ule-eha�trr CitY,Of`COU;l1-Y_____________________.- � z9 thcrcof_havin9_i��dcPCndcnt PolicY_'�al<in5 and aPProPCiating . 30 cuthoritY• rlf lnsur^ncu lund ut --°'-'SuUd. 3. "POOI" m��ans anY 5______----___--- 31 --°--___---- t r't::F; c^,t;�bltstrr.d a2 aqrocincn[ icr_thr-ccciProenl i�ssu�nPtion^°Y-°--°- co^ec�9�- �3 l,y'�� annnq_tt+o_or r.'orrYi'ofltic�V_:_ubdivl�`iuns_tet_ 'L TA[SLL A (COWT 7�- 0670 <RCV! 5:11: > ' • • 1 0( thcir rr_nrctivc^r[sk'+ c n h��,ter 4�1. is ' . ^---'Sr.c. h. I!innr.sota Slalute� I 17�• � • 2 . read: . 3 amended bY addin4 a sectten to _ a ��.71.°iill f�ELF iP15UF.AkC�.I Subdivision 1� 4 orainance or resoiution o4 ��t` g politicai suboivision maY hy_-----_{lal�ilitY of the 6 aoverninn body+_elt_insure :�na_!n-t---_--_---_°'=_ �9�nts � 7 polit[caI subdivision and its officcrs, emP[o±�es. _-_``- ��- 466. sections 3��U.95 an� 34�.U�1 g and se[vants under-chaPtcr_------__ trom its torts q and other lak� tor dama9�'_ resulting----`-`-------- . 10 inc�udina turts_for_which thc political_subdivision_t�a-r 4mvtoYees� ao?nts and 11 Ir�munitY and tfiose ot_its ofticets'_r----------------- 12 scrvants'--A PolitSca! subdivision_maY bY^or�'in3nce o�--_` ts ao�e����'4 bodY e.xtend_the coveca9e of its� . 13 resolution °f_�----- ----------- -- 14 se4f insurance to aiforo protection_�n excess_ot a�v - -----'------- established bY taw but unless � 15 limitations on_liabilitY---°`-----°"----- `eztendin9 esotut�on ------'�------ liir.itations onA�iaLititY shali IG er.PCess1Y Provided in the_ordin�nce.or __ � 17 the eoverager^thc-statutocY_____ ______-------' -----_— „ political subdivision � lp not Se deered to �ave_been waived_its 9ovetnin5 bcdy ---'�--or�yi�iance or resofution of_----------------to anY ot • lq c�aY 6Y --_----°-'--_"---' - dam�9e _-`---'_ � ZO provide ioc selt_i_nsurance^sainsL risk_of--- _ — --'----^-�- tia6ilitY ezposurcr or a9ainst anY 21 its arovertY+ for any___--°---------------- ___-- ��2 other r'isk_or hazard and maY. throu9h_its self_insaranc -- ------ Ioc insurin9 ❑nY of_its^otticers 23� Preqram, Previde covera9�---------`-------'_ 24 or emPlavices aoainst anY_Fisk or hazacd_ ------- -----Su��. �. p.POlitic:+l SUbdlYl5�Of1—T�RY_eSL�bI1SIl a self 25 ---------'""---- oT the-tund 2G insurance revolvin9_tund__`The`initial amo�nt_----__------ � 27 shall L•e det.crmir.cc_bY_th� 9overnin9 �o^Y__ lhe So�ernin9- �rces��rY to n�int.ain the 2t bodY ��;iS'�UPC�rooriate the anount---------'--------"--_«_--- tg fund at llle te�y�_1 sPecii_ied in'Lheyo�dinancc_or_reloluLion �p estabii^hicv it.__�xPenJitures_1ror._the_tund naY Uc ciade 31 for= ---r ��� p��,nent uf loss�_- 37 _-..-------'-- ittont fbl Costs o( dcten:;n a��dYlneestig�'-'--- 33 ._________-'-_-----_'__ 3 '19-OL' 70 anJ dr.ducti6lc a:noi���ti_r"I'�� cn�_metcial � (cl Frr.nlu'�s_-___-"'-_-------- .. . Z •in;uranc�• }y_PU�ch:ttir.d ior a ri-1c_ . . _ --- �ontrot activitic__ ;n`� -'-- 1di Cest ot losa -'-----"_`_"--" �ornercla[ 3 --------------- tonaritY borne 6y_----'----� (�} nnY othcr costs_c�---"--------°---- . 4 ___ ----°-------- � insurance paliciesi 5 lnsurers un�ier convcntiona______________" 3 �ee:nent oi -'---Subd. 3. F Pcot maY be established`bY^ 9 ions. The pool maY covcr 6 --'---°----'- ----"_``-� 7 anY tuo or more`POlitical subdivis ---_---s'me_limitations e the^same rieles and_shall be suU�Ject to^the^°- ------�- g as thosa ¢�UT�'<<`ted undr.r sabd�v'_�°ns 1-and 2_ ihe Poo� ` ---- _ �YI`TMS c�t��fished`bY the politica{ shal{ be`OGf.f3L(.d under_--°°"-"-----ool. The bYlaws and 10 ------------ — i� the V ------------ 11 subdivisions_that Participate _______---fovidc for bYlaw 12 the a9reenent_estabtishin9 tt��`pool maY P_-----`-r--- �mendment without unanimous consent of_atl Pool re"�bers. �3 ------"----------articipatir4 in the_fun� maY -^-- ��o� the 000l^with Po�ets and 14 The political_subdivisions P_ ______ _`_'---^---- '15 establish a'JOint bcard_to mana-' --r---_--- --- --- « A Pctiticat^su6division � v to the Pool a�l anounts ].6 duties as,deemed_apProvr�a°e-°' -------`-_� I7 Partici?at�nq_in the Poof shall ?a'_---_-_--_ --- ool and _------� ��s�ant to the bYlaws ot_the P th� Paol ior ati 18 assessed aoainst-it_P________________.-_ -__________- 19 maY Hithdrzw onlY �fter_it has reimbursed_---- ---ef the Zp amounts for_hicl}_it_is o6ii4ated_un�e{ th„ticnot i���ea_e . 21 aqcecment. The_estaUlishR�ent_of a p�pO�___-----��ove the ZZ the lia�ilitv_linits of anY !�c:nber of the naol -----_ 23 ti'nits^°st1�'fishcd-bY_law ior that 4oar.rnn�ntal unit---- - -----""'"' rovided in tllis seeticn__P°��S shall 24 Except as_etherwise_P-------------^--° , 25 be 9ovr.r�ned bY_sECtion 4'il: 5_ --'_----- � -----Suti�. 4. � P���ticol subdi.visien r.�,aY_b�'_resot�tion _- 6nnd5 LO PfUVicC Cot7CY (leCAed tD 2�' __..__"__"__ -____'_`__- ° - pblic.ntion ---"-°"------- oiaint�in � 27 issue qencra�----------------- �ol� cr to---_-_-__-- --------' �rlf insursncc�iund or P_---'----- „ �ctaUlish�a __-'-- tevct. or to �•Y 2G _'--------- ,t 1 ��.quired ---------__ � scll insurance fund ot Fnel,___-----"-'�clt insutanec tund 29 ---"-"---°--------" , v�ble irom � _-------`------' 30 the+clains or Jud9mc�t_ F_----- -"------' _ 31 or c�ool. ,Thc bonds_snall-Lc_issucd^an°--ecur�`�-��---°-__ � esci�DL that. no ��Ie.cCion shall --° c.'7 � t ---° pcfOfd;�ncc r:itli Gh:�i,tor .-_-_-__'.--'--"-.."~--- 32 ---°_-------°---""_. pl5 , .g . - 33 bcyrcquired urdcr sucticn_. ^-__.- , <,��:visr.R > . 0 , . 79.�D070 i � 1 2 3 4 5 <RCl'ISCR > . n�t��uL�xn' (co�inKUCU) �S. llothing in t.his s�ction_ hall ba_cQn_tru�_d $uhd. . --------------.._ . to limitylho vo�+r.r_�t nrc�olitical_suLdiUfancc ccmc�anY oarticiP�tr.+a` a mcmber in a mutual_ins-°^----°--__ ornani'ted unaet'.cha�:ter 6GP. or to excf�an4�--reciPrncal o� . ---'---`-'-------`�� authorized bY chaPter_71_- interinsur�,nce co�tracty- --------c - Chapter 471r i� 6 -'---$ec. 7-^ Mir.nesota Stt:CULes 1.7:;, � amended 6Y �i����� � section to cead- 1��SUlthA1C[I POOL•1 Prior 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 f471.c.,Z� IRE\'LE4! CF JC1�1T SELF • the to the Tormxtion of a Poots there__fi�+�t_b�'`5���'��tted to__� comnissioner of Insurance ayco�p « te �ritten proposal_ot the Poel's over:�.ticn. includin9_Y��__�}ot_i imited to_ ad�inistration, ctains adJUStin9._n��nbe[ship� . caPitati2ation. and Provision for_P�YRent_ef c(ains exceedinart�'ie P0°��$ ass°ts. The_con�iss�Qner_sha[E_review {he pronosal within 30 daYS aftec_receipt_to as_�re_that proo°r insurance techntques and crocedures _are_included_in the^Pr���"�� aTtcr_r_4ie++,_the cermi_sioner_sn�ll_ uE�it w.ritten com�;ents or recoc��endations_[eoarding_the FroP�_a� 9 {p each participatin9_POlit:ical_subdivision_--F-�h �oof Zp shalt Tile with tbe co���issioner ot_insur`�{o`nnP`�SCfibed� ZI t"arch 1 oi ezch 1'ezr a written_report_in__Th�_reao`Y shatl 22 bY the cainmissioner a_ to_its condition------------------- P3 �inelude a d�tailed_St_tFrent_of_sssets and liabilities__the 24 amount and chzrsctcr of the husinc?s t�ansacted,_and thc 25 �oners_reser�ed ai�d_ex[+encied durinq the`P�evious Year_ 5 RESOLUTION N0. �� 1979 A RESO�SHING WORKONGNCONDDTIONS�RWIG�ORASTORES FORF7HEPYEA SS ESTABLI OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY MUNICIPAL L 1979 AND 1980 Water, Taxicab, Livery, 5pring Helpers and Inside WHEREAS, Beer, LDq;oe�SSop11�ednSales DrHepresentative of the Liquor Ambulance and Vending Employ of Fridley, has presented to t�ond�tions,�wages andy ees Union, Local No. 792, as bargaining employees of the City ta the working of Fridley, of Fridley various requests relata�gLiquor Stores of the City hours of employees of the Municip and WHEREAS, The City of Fridley has presentedo a�t�onsreWa9eSSand hours lo ees relating to working of Fridley, and �n�on and to the emp Y. of employees of the Municipal Liquor Stores of the �� y have met and WHEREAS, Representatives of the Union and the City negotiated regarding the requests of the Union and the ��resen atives of WHEREAS> A9 ro osed changes in the existing contract 6etween reement has now been reached between re the two parties on the p P the City and the Union. e the City Council that the Ma�eement KOw, THEREFORE, BE IT �ESOLVED, Y Manager are hereby authorized to execute the attached g and the CitY relating to working conditions, wages and hours of Municipal (Exhibit "A") of Fridley. Liquor Store Employees of the City OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY THIS ATTEST: DAY OF _ CITY CLERK - MARVIN C. BRUNSELL COUNCIL . 1979. MAYOR - IdILLIAM J. NFE 1979 11ND 19E0 LA60R AGItEFM[PaT QET4IEEN LIQUOR UN ' • INDFX , � . , � � ....1 ,,......• ARTICL[: I — PURI'OSE OF FIGR[Ci•1FNT . . . . . . . • • , . . . . . . . 2 ARTICL[ II — REGOGIJITION . • • , • • ' ' ' ' � � � �� � � � . 2 .,,,.......• ARTICL[ III — DEFItJITIOf�S. . . . . . . . . . . • , . . . 3 . ARTICLE IV — Eh1PL0YER SECUP.ITY . . . • • • • • • ' ' ' ' ' � � • • • . • .•3 � " AR7ICLE V — Et1PL0YER AUTHORI7Y . • • • • • • ' ' ' ' � � � .. • • . . . : � ARTTCLE VI — UNION SECURITY.: . . • • • - • • • ' ' ' ' � � � � • • . � GRIEVANCE FROCEDURE . . • • AR7ICLE VII — SE7TLEMEPlT OF DISPUTES, . • . • . . • . 6 ARTICLE VIII — SAVII�GS CLAUSE . . . . • • • � • • • ' ' ' ' . . • . • • '. . 6 RRTICLE IX — PICKET LIPdE . , . . . . . . . . . . . • • • ' . 6 ARTiCLE X — 03TAIiVIt�G INJURY COi1PE;`dSATIOTd PA'ffhEfJTS . . • • • • : : : : : . 6 ARTICLE XI — MILITARY SERVICE. . . . • • • • ' ' ' ' . �. . • • . • . 7 ARTTCIE XII — SENIORITY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . . . 7 ARTICLE XIII — BOND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • . . . . . 8 ` ARTICLE XIV — VACA7IOiJS. . • • • • • • ' ' ' ' ' ' � � � � • • . 9 ARTICLE XV — HOURS 0� kORK . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . • ' . . . . . .10 — SICK LEAVE • • ' ' ` ' ' � � � � � � � � ARTICLE XVI • ' . . . . , . �� ARTICLE XVII — NOLIDAYS . . • • • • ' ' ' ' ' ' � � � � � • . . . . • . .�� ARTICLE. XVIII — CfiLL—IN—TI<<1E . . . . . • . . . . . . . . • . . . . .12 ARTICLE XTX — PAY RECORDS. . . . • • • • • ' ' ' ' � � � � • •. ". . • •12 ARTICLE XX — LERVE OF A13SEi�CE . . . . . . • • • • ' • ' ' ' ' ' • . ,,,..13 .. ....... ARiICLE XXI — DISCHARGE. . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . .14 ARTICL[ XXII — JURY PAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 • ARTJCLE XXIII — SEV�RAidCE P11Y • . . . • ,. • . • . � • • • • . . . . . .j4 I�RTICLF XXIV — FUtJ[RAL LEAVE . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . .14 ARTICLE XXV — {I[ALTFI (1•'�U �;;ELPARE :>�NEFIfS. . . . . . • . . . . . • . . . . .15 ARTICLE XXVI — RATLS OF FAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . „ ........15 nrz��ic�.E zsviz - ��u�;n� io,� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � . . . . �.A60R AGRE[if�E1i7 � „ . • 6ETWECy . . � CIiY OF FRI �LEY . , � �• �D .. • � � 1"AXICAa� BEER, LIQUDR, SOF� DRIYiY., SPP.IPIG tidATER, LIVERY, Fii[3ULANC[ AP�D VEf1DING DRIV[RS� �LLLOCALANOS 792 GRIVEftS> NELPERS, A?�D II�SID'c [t1PL0YEE5 lIldIO,`I> qRYI.CLE I PUR?OSE OF AGREEFIENT � 1979 bei:vieen � P1arch l�, •----- "this NGRtt��i`�tj �s enterLd �nto as �� � an� the 3EER> 1-IR���> . the CITY OF FRIDLEY, hereinafter �alled the EIl�LOYER, • . A1��3ULANCE Fi:U VENDII�G DRI\�[FS, 50rT D"nINK, SPRIivG `l11TER, TAXICA3, LIVERY> LOCAL IdO. 792> ��LLICD SF�LES DFiVERS, NFLPEP,S, }�vD IidSID� EIiPL0YEE5 UF�IO;d, . liereinafter called the UllOid. It is the intent and purPose of i;his AGREFt4cl�T tio: �,ocedur�s {or the resolution of disputes concernin9 tnis �.� � �S'�dl>�15�7 j•� n . . �ctatio» and/or �pplication; and ' I�GREF.t'i�PiT'S intetiP' . ' �ari:ics` a9reenrnt upon tcrms and con�jitions 1.?. Place in �aritten i'orm tl�c E • �of ctii�ploy�n::nt for the duration of.this nGl:fEl'�i:i�T. � RE�OG;4iTI0N � the exclusive representatiVe, ARiICLE II the U�10;� as for all 2.1 The Et4Pl.0YER recog�lizes Section 179•71* Su���v�s�on 3, • • 'under i1innesota SLatues, o� ��assifications; liquor personnel in the foliowing J � ' 1. Fu11 Time Liquor Clerks ' ' � '� 2. Part 7ime Liquor Clerks : �. the UNION are unable to ag C2z as to the. o� class , the issu2 shall ' 2.2 Ip the event. the �tr'PLOYLR and inclusion or exclusion of a ne�•i or modified J determinaiion. � submitted to the f3ureau of trie�tiation Services for be . S rin9 �'later, Taxica�, Livery> ARTI.CLE III. DEflidiTlOtyS Soit Drink� P Liquor> F;clp�rs and 3.1 . UNION:. The E3eer, j,�llie� Sales Drivers, pmbulance and 1�°����n9 Drivers,. . , ees Union, Local t�o. 792. S r�n9 �aater> •� Inside Emp1oY L�aUOr, Soft Drint;> P •� 3.2 UPtION MEh15Ef.: A member ot the (3eei'� TaxicaU, Livery> A�r.bulance and Vending Drivers, Allied Sales Drivers> ees Union, Local IVo. 792. Helpers, and Inside Employ recogn�zed harhainin9 unit. g.3 EI'�PLOYEE: A member of the exclusively �t,t' �nt .. DEPI�RTPiENT : The Ci ty of Fridley Liquor �eP 3.4 ' g., EI�1I'LOYLR: 7he City of Fridlcy o{ `rid7ey E l•�nr�nc�[I:: T��� City uor, So 3.6 CITY 1�1�NF�GER OR LIQUOR STOt: �o�ntcd Uy the Geer> Liq U��ON pfF10ER: Officer elected or aPf � pl-ivers, • ' 3.7 Livery, Antbulance and 1ei�din9 S � in9 4!ater> Taxicab, ces Union, t.ocal �:o . Drink, P' ' flllicd 5ales llrivcrs, 1lelpers, and Inside Employ � � 7�2. " „ . . . •'�� YI . I • • j " OVER711i[: l•lork perfor m��{ ati the� express Iauthorization ofi tihe Et4pL0'fER 3.B ;p excess of the employee's schcduled shift• the willful � ta r�port for duty> g,g S7RIK[: Concerted action 1n f�>>�n� e of work, slovz-down, or .' absence from one's position, th° Sti0{>Pa9 art from the full, faithful and ProPer �. a6stinence in +•+hole or �n �' lo r`on� for the purposes of inducinq� � performance Of the duties of emp lp the condit�ons or compensation or or coercing a cnan9- . influencing jo m°n.t. the rigti�s, priviled9°s or obligations of �mP Y exclusive of any 3. 10 BASE RATE OF PA1': The employ°e�s mont'nly rate of PaY . special a}�o;�ances. • the employee's regularly sciieduled 3.11 COIiPENSATORY TIt4�: Tir�� off during :.. ual in �;1I�2 to overtime �•+or�ed. a��+,;ian of i,lork sciiedule e9 ee upon honorable sep 3.12 SEVE2Fd�CE PAY: Paym'nt �^ac�e to an employ � .employr�ent. 3.13 SENIOR ITY: Seniorit}' is measui�e� by len9th of continuous service v�ith the Liquor Stores of 1:he C��y of �ri��ey. ARTI.CLE IV Et�1?LOYER S[CURITY , 'fhe UNIOt1 agrees tiiat clurin9 the 1 i fe of i:hi s AGRF.EI�i��;T i t�•ii 11 not cause , � .„ a�°ticipate in or supp��'� any stri{:e, slo�•r-do�;n or oti�er ini:erru}�t�on encoiu a9� � P of m�,in�C1-ferencc �:ith the no�•r.:al functions of the El'�PLOYER. (iIZiICI_E V Fi•'iPL01'FR n�f����I"fY • �t 1te and ' 5.} 7he EF�iLOYER retains Che fl�ll and unresLricted rigiii; Lo op-' �tablish functions. managc a11 alanprnacr, facilitics> and equipn��n�; to c.; dnd pro9rams ; Co set and amcnd Uud9ets; to determinc the utilizaCion , to c..tabli;h �u��i tnodif)� thc org��niz�itional sCruc .�n�e, of f.t:clmolo�) > � ,crscmi�cl ; to establisli to sciccL, clir��ct, tind dct.e�'minc Ciic niuubcr of 1 ..3- � — claim of' a11e<1 ecf violation of ttie aiayc and liour p.rovisions of this 7.2 1�Y , � ricvancc of any kind, to be valid and (1GREEI1Ef�7, or any other claiur_d g . to reccive consideration, must �e filed in ��iriting bY the employee or his repmsentative specifying the details of the alle9 ed v i ol ati on , ti•+i th the Et4PL0YER within the thirty (30) days after the re9 ular paY daY for th2 period in a�hich the violation occurred. Th�s TICLE XXI.aP7h tihirty dischar9e cases which shall be considered under AR : (30) day limitation shall not apply ti-rhere there is collusion bet�veen the EtM1PLOYER and.the employee to violate the contract. � from tiie int::rpretation, of, or adherence to, 7.3 My controversy arising the tenns and provisions of this AGREEf4ENT or othen�+ise> may be settled by negotiation betvreen the UYI0�1 and the Et�PLOYER: If the controversy � cannot be settled �aithin ten (10) days of the date of notification of Et4PL0YER, such controversy can be referred to an aiijustment panel in � accordance ti•+ith and unGer the provisicns of la;v. . �,q It is the.intention of the pari;ies that the p rocedure establisfied in this AGREEPiEtyT for the idjustment of disp�tes shali be in accordance �•�ith laa� applicable to inw�icipal corporations ai�d its e,nploYees. That the n�ai�s {or dete rn�ination of all disputes, complaints or yrievances specified hercin, expressly includ�n9 all strikes, stopp�9�s� lockouts. a��� ,ny and all claims, dc�nands or acts arising therefrom> ar�' `�nd SI`,,11 , i�itii the requii•ements, of the la�i. heither part� � be in confori.�i�y instii:ute any p�roceedings in a courl: of lae; or equity, or to con;�el arbitration, coni:rary Lhcrcio. This provision shall bc a co�n;iletc , defense to any aci:ion institui:ed contrary to tnis ncr,r.�:i1EPl7. �<;- � ci U SAVING� CT��USE ' �/[innesota ARTICLE VIII the State ot ect to the laws of tr� Uniti�� States, F�MEN� Shall be �h�s AGREEMLNT Ls subj �ovision of thls �GR� o{ rridley• In the event any P � se final and the City etent jurisdiction from who to law bY a court of comP rovided, such held to be contrary W�th�n the time P � eal has been ta�en , ENT shall continue judgement or decree no PP rovisions of this AGREEM be renegotiated at the written provisions shall be voided. All ot erroVlsion may . in full force and effect. The voidedp request of either partY • ,_ ARTICTE IX PICKET LINE la�, an emP�oYee ; 9.� Except as }5 other�vise Provided or required of hlm bY is not obliged to pass througll a Pt�ket line authorized by the Taamster J�int The UNION a9rees to do all in its power to effect a settleme�t Council No• 32' other Union. of any controversy Which might arise with any UBTAINING INTURY COMPENS�TION pAY MENT S ARTICLE.X �e �n �llt�ining injury compensation The E�nployer Will cooperate �vith the emplo} St and legal claims. p�ylnents {rom his insurance carrier {Or �u tile laws • ARTICLE 7;I MILIT�I�Y S�RVICE - Su�)ect to m � -6- � - , , . . AR7ICLE XII SEP►IORITY . . . . er hereby does recognize seniority ri9hts to this extent that: }Z,1 The Emp1oY ' be on the basis of p, Employee. layoffs and return to service may � shall � � t as noted in "d° belo�d. Seniorlty � . �length of service excep days has • • not aPP�Y on return to service if more than ninei.Y �90� elapsed since the employee ��as laid off. th of service - : � g, [mployee prometions and demotions b'e based upon len9 all else bein9 equal i.e., performance on the job be satisfactory �n � the viet� of the Ei�iPLOYER. �m }oy�e do°s not establish senioritY ri9hts uniil he shall ha�'e C. P . worY.ed a totai of sii: (6) monLhs• residents of the City of Fridl°Y D. Excepl: as to present job incumbents, +ol.�� �. � S�»}� be gi�'en preSerence in matters of layoffs and return to : all else being eqi�al. � E,. Seniority i-i9hts does i1oL include tenure.� t am�ng �, SenioritY shall not app1Y Zo P�+'t �;16�' em }o)ees excep then,scl ves . AFTICLL" XIII GOidD ' , ct the L'h1PL01'fR requiiL en��ploycc to give bond, premiir,n on sanL shall 6c Shoul . p1id I�y thc [t•1PL01'[I2. „ _ � ' . �7- : ARTICL[ XIY VnC1i7.Ia1S � for the City for a ��:� Lach employee of the City �•rho }�z; ��iorked re9ularly , period of not less than tti•ielve (12) successive months is entitled to a Vacation pay shall be conputed vacation away from employnr_nt l��itih paY• ' ••at ih2 re9ular rate of pay to vifiich such em�loyee is entit}ed. An months is entitled to ' employee taho has ��ror4:ed a minimum o.f t�•+elve �12� lo ee viho one (1} viorl:day of vacation for each month so t•rorked; an emp Y has t�iorY,ed eighty-four (84) successive moni;hs is entitled to one and one- , ��) �•iorkdays of vacation for each rrr�nth e•rorked beginning rrith the half ( z . lo ee ��tno has 'eighty-fiftn (85th) montih of consecutive employment. An emp Y worked one hundred ei9htY (lfi�) successive months is entitled to one . and tt��o-thirds {1 2/3) v+orkdays of vacation for each month tooened ye�nt17ng • Ytith the one hundred eigh�y"f�rst (181) montl� of consecut�v IPn�gyr Except �vhere oti�erwise provid°d by a9reectint bet�•�een the City and the employee. no more than trrenty (2�) days vacation may be taken �p any one calendar year. ' � . '►q.?_ The oldest man in order of seniority shall have first prefierence in selecting his vacation time from a schedule posted by the Eh1Pl0YF.R. " � � P1a lst ofi each year. If a selection Such selection shall be mad� bY y is noti made t�y !4ay lsC, vacations shall be on a first coiTr° �irst served Uasis. ' . 1Q.3 Ii an employee is laid off oi• is drafticd �1t�0`r�iti1����,U��i,tedcSta'tesefense � tanr4:, or voluntarily cnters F1ilita�y Se���ce • Govern:;��nt> he shall receive.vac�tio�� pay ��� the basis of one-tti•�elfth (1/1?i ot tne vacation pe��iod for each n��ntl� or Por�ion thci�cof ��iorked if emplo>'eci ' p�,,�r six (6} months, bui. noC to cacccd �uiy longer ��eriod, than granted fior a Sull year's +!ork. �fl- _ uits or his�employu�nt is � �n.� in the evenL a rc9u1ar full time cmployec q d for any reason �ihat:oever, he shall receive his earned vacation severe . . . P�Y• . . . ' • '• tIOURS OF i16RY. AR7ICl.E XV � t as to tnose emploYees v�hosc duties such as Assistant to the 15.1 ExceP rmnt are and may be �S fAanag°-�' or Supervisor and �•ihose hours of emploY the regular work roved by the City and the eroployee. agreed upon and app eriod of forty ���� week of all reyular full time employees shall be a p ht (8) hours per day �n a zr week in each �•�eek consisting of ei9 ' tiours p rovided that Saturday may be a rrork day for an five (5) day r�orK �•�eek, P ` � receding days of ihe v+eek. �}1 emplo)�e° �n place of any of the oth..r p � 40 hours per ���e�= andlor in excess of t�me �,iorked in excesa ofs �llybe paid for at the rate of one and. hours Per d y� eig'�t��� raie, providzd �nat overtime . one-i�alf (1z) times the strai9ht time hourly' on the tirae actually � as •computed ut the end of 1:he i•:eek shall,be based only rL�,ious daY• i�ior�:ed and does not include the additional rates paid oi� any P � erforms ti+orE: in accordance tirith tiie above noted scnedule �y e;�ployee ��rho P eriod is deemed a re9ular • of hours durin9 a re9ularly estaUlished �^�ork P � ei�son �•r!�o is 2mployecl to perforn ti�or}: on a fu11 tire eriployee and an,/ P ce or one • temporar)' basis as a replacement for a sicl; or injured employ . on leave of aUsence or othei7;ise, or Lo n�ei the denti��se°ployce1esioi . • ciurin9 so catled peal: hotms is deemed to �r a p`'� t�are a list of its may ancf sh�ll p '�{ . nurposes of record kec��i ng> tVie Ci ty �� o it i atc regular full tin•�c employiCS, copies of �vllich shall Uc posLed in api ' �.. �IO�� fro,n tin�.� to tir�.to places in the Liquo�- Sto�'e ai�d pi•o�'icled to the Ui�'a,t �}Ily seniorit:y list {;eep the san� cin,rent: and ,��t���,t�. n 5�narai:c 1 shall bc pre��arec( and posted., , . ,.9 _ ___ _ . . unavoiclaUle, n� • , r Except in cases of einergency or �•+���� it is clearly 'i,,2 lar emploYees on the employces shall work overtin�c until all regu seniority list have worked the,full .time. . • . ' LEAVE for a period of . AR1'ICLE XVI SICh ular}y fior the City .. lo ee of the City viho has ��+orked reg from� � Each emp Y not less tlian six (6) successive months is entitled to sick leave ular rate of pay uted at the reg ' Sic4: leave pay shall be comp . '� em?�0y�nt Y�}th Pay� ee ti+ho has a�orked a minimum of six . lo ee is entitled. An employ �umu�ative to ���»�h such emp Y (() months is entitled to.one (1) day of sick leave for each month aiorked> lZO) earned ndred t�•ienty (120) days of sick leave. After one had i�ion`alnvacation shall to•one hu � day and unused days of sick leave have accur�ulated, one:� � S earned and unused. three (3) sick leave day 6e granted to an emPloyee tor every (,S"of sick leave'have ' after ninety (90) earned and unused ��J S�ck . The emploYCe T��� elect, three (3) . � aay additional vacai.ion for every on� ppe accumulated,•to receive one i ) s earned -and unused. Sick leave days shall nati accu.milate beY leave daY ai d , the Ci �y ���ay 120). Before any sick leave•compensation ls p hundred t��enty � em loyae ��+�10 ��as �ce° absent more than ned bY a comP��ent physician or otner request�and is entitled to receive fran any P ����.�� (3) days in succession, a certificate si9 - ' ��i: certifyin9 ta the tact that the absence ��'zs Zn .x��t11dtiononi �� l�ess tnedical attend.� . also reserves i:he riynL �to have �t� e s��cli exarainati�o» and nai: othei7rise. The City erson c1a�a>in9 ��Seitce by reason'of sickness;_ �},� sickness at i��y t1°�� °i 11�y � , necessary t.o ve�°i fy n�ty bc.made �+he11 tihe City deen�s the saaie reasonabl) , t> an competent person designated by " � be made in bche.lf of Lhc ���J y y y only. llo��r2ver cliii»ccl a��� �»a5 � �ickness o{ tlic e�����7oy� Lhe Cit.��. Sick lea��e is to be used tor the ecifieci uses: (1) serious , iC1, �c��, �n�y be usecl foi• the follov�in9 S�' ' � eci al use ciays cannoi � �:1J0 S1Ci: (11J5 � � j . � , �,�ousc. (?) Sri^iotFS iliness of child. '(hc -P �}lc �1'� i��cliuF ill+tcss of thc. •y •, , arc nnt tised> y bc accumulatccl frcxu onc ycar to Lhc ncxt. ai�d if i.h�.y , -10- , ... {n the normal sick leave accumulation. • p�TZCLE XVIT IiOLIDAYS a ror p�ew Year's. Day � ' 11 reccive full p Y m 17.1 All re�ular full timc employces sha �uly 4; th� lasti 14onday in 14aY; Independence Day> ,lanuary 1; t�lemori a1 ��Y+ the fourth Labor Day, the first l4onday in September; ihanksgivin9 Day, . rsda in November; and Christmas Day, December 25; provided when tVew 'fhu Y �U�y 4; or Christmas�Day, Year's Day> January 1> or Independence Day, pecember 25; falls on Sunday, the fo1lo�r��n9 day shall be a holiday. 17.2 In addition to the above six (G) fiolidays, there tiaill be four (4.} floating holidays. ARTICLE �,VITI CALL-I�d-TiN,E � E�ployees shall receive full pay for all time spent in the service of EM�PLOYER. 4Jhen a regular employe� is called bac4: to rrork, and more �.han one (1) hour has elapsed since his vrork p�riod end°d, he shall be guaranteed a minimum of three (3) 2 hours ovei�time , exce t as agreed to bet��reen the indiv5dual, t�:.o � ) � p hours pay � �•+�th no break �n • EIiPLOYER and the U;�IO�d. If an employee is cailed to r�ork ear1Y erfnrmed is considerec� service before his regularly scheduled ti:orl< �ieriod si:arts, t•rork p _�1,� a nannal ovcrtime for thc periud of tin�e actually ��rorked. F�R7ICLE XIX PAY RECORDS " �nd quitting time The City siiall maintain a satisfactory record of the starting of employees, v+nich shall be accessible to the Qusiness Representative of the UNIOiI ati dll times. ' . , . . ARTICLE XX LE�1VE OF 111i3SENCE , • ' ran�t tine necessary tim° off v+itiiout pay or 20.1 7iie City agrees io g , • discrimination or loss of seniority to any re9ular full tim2 employee � • designated by the U(VION to attend conventions or to serve in anY capacity on other official union business. , pp,2 ExceQt for timti off for business as provid°d above, an employze desiring leave of absence fror,� ti�e job shall secure ti�ritten permission from botn � the U�lIO� and the City. failure to complY v�ith tnis provision shall result in loss of seniority rights of t!�e employee involved, and subjects i:he. eimloyee to discipline by loss of pay, suspension, disciiarge or ol:nereaise as is deem°d appropriaie by the City. An ecr,�loyee ��ino is unable to ��rork . because of sic};ness or injury may obtain a leave of absence upon written ' notice to tne City and written verifica tion of iiis condition by a com2etent mec7ical authoi•ity. t•ti�ere the conditioi� of tne eriployee Il �eavetioftalbsence is unable to act for himself, the U:1IO�y may ap�1Y for su in his bchalf. Failtn'e to ma}:e such applicati_on ti�+ithin a rcasonable p�-�'���� of tim� and iiot to excecd fifteen (15} days froin the first �iay o� a5seilce> � suUjects i:he en�;�loyee to a{z{?ropriati� discipline by the City. InabilitY . to t•:ork becausc of sicl:ness o1' injurY, s���111 not result in loss of senio?'��)' rights. . 0 -12- AR7TCLC XXI DISCIIARGE • . ' lo ee ��+ill be sus.pended or ctischarged 4�ithout Exccpt as fur.ther provided, no ecr� Y ' just cause, and the City will a9rce to 9ive at least one (1) 1°anoticenneed be' in a+riting of any complaint against such e�r,�loyee. P10 warning given ifi the cause of discharge is drunkenness or dishonesty rihile on duty. Further, v;henever the condition of the employee is such that the City does not deem him able to properly perform the duties and functions of his employni�nt, the City may relieve him from such duties riithout notice and shall give notice » diately rrithin tt•renty-four (24) hours that the employee has been relieved, � but if thereafter it is established and d°termined that the employee was in fact able to perform his duties then the employee shall suffer no loss of vrage or compensation by reason that the City relieved him of his duties: The City � shall send to the UfdION within trrenty-four (24) hours after suspension or . discharge ofi an em�loyee, a copy �f the discha��ge notice, vlhich shall contain the reason for thz suspension or discharge. If the en�ploYee feels tnat he has b2en unjustly dischar,ed, the U\IOPd may protest thereof w�th �he City and the mati�er shall be i�eferred for. settlemer.t bet��reen the Cit�� and the U'tdIO�l. Such prol;est by the Ui�IO.�', to be valid For consideration, shall b2 in �•n'iting a»d delivered to ihe City ti�rithin five (5) days of dischar,e. 0 ..1,- 0 r•�� 0 ARTICLE XXIT JURY PAY a all re9ular full time lt shall bc understood and �9reed that thc City sha11 P Y a and his employees,serving on any jury thc differencc in salary bet�•iecn jury p Y regular salary or pay a+h�le in sucn service. . � ARTICLE XXIII SEUERANCE PAY �_..,...�..�o „av will be paid an em lo �ee upon honorable separation of em 1 in accordance with the followin : an em�loyee_with fortv-eiqht (48) or n cash based lvP cnn52CUtlV ive mo `" f Pmnlovment wi1 half (1 2) d� °f . pp,TICLE XXIY FI:�IERA,L LEAVE : �"In the case of death occurring in the ir..n°d�ate family of an employee, such an emE:loyee nay be er.cused �ro��i,or4; fo� up i.o thre2 c�ays li�:�ii C'.O�l�6�D��L1 ti;:� off gra�ited by th� City Fianager if additional ii�ns is needed.. Ti1is tim� oi'f shall noz � subject th° erployee to loss of pay•' For ti�is purpose, members of the ir:n��>i��e �ouse , c��il d (�iatural family of Lhe er::ployee are consid:.�red to be �he follo��+in9: Sr � or ac{o�ted), parent, 9randP�r�»�-� brother, sistcr> n�oti�er-in-law or fatner-in-lari. AP.TICLE �XV HEALTI! AIvD tdELFI;� [;;E;;EFITS 25.1 The Citp ���ill p��y the cost of the employees share of the present health and welfare ancl life insurance plan, nat t� �hceed the amount in �rticle 25•2• -14 - 25,2 7he City will pay up to a maximum of forty nine dollars $�9 per month towards hospitalization insurance for the year 1979, and v+ill pay up to an additional five dollars .($5) per, month for the permanent employees hospitalization insurance for the year 1980. 25.3 No health and welfare benefits are to be �aid on part time employees. ARTICLE Y,XVI RATES OF PAY Full Time Clerks Part Time Clerks In addition to the above �un�i)�e amount the N ..or�rant �5%� d5 calculatE � of RATE�AY lst 6 Months After 6 Months After 1 Year lst 6 Months After 6 Months for 1980, the Ci YEA� 9 $4.39 5,19 $5. �16 $4.48 4.72 i 11 Pa: YEAR 19II0 $5.17 5.44 $5.73 $4.71 4.96 /Saint Paul Consumer Price Index exceeo: uar 1, 1979 to Januar 1, 1980, with a °�) for the year 1980. • , ARTICLE XXVII DURATION ' This Agreement shall be effective as of the.first�day of January, 1979, and retroactive to January 1, 1979; in all respects, and shall remain in full force and effect until the 31st day of December, 1980. � In witness whereof, the pa�°ties hereto have executed this Agreement on this day of , 1979. - CITY OF fRIDLEY . h1AY0R - WILLIAPt J. NEE CITY MAiVAGEf h1• Qlll— `ES��I T[AM11S7ER LOCAL 792 GUSI:5ES5 IIGGN7 - S,';I1:Rk_N II JOIINSON �r or� vn�., i,i� c�� ?�,t-r���t n� _ '.. I% � _ -^`'c..,-�^^- C '_ - — .�-U^�`-u . - . P9ARUlN �[iRl�'Jtii l l � n,5� .. C1T1' PiGli./FSN.DiR. � CITY OF FRIDLEY MEMORANDUM Tp; NASIM M. QURESHI, CITY MANAGER AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: MARVIN C. BRUNSELL, ASST. CITY MGR./FIN. DIR. SUBJECT� STOREMEMPLOYEESLISHING WORKING CONDITIONS FOR LIQUOR DATE: MARCH 15, 1979 The attached contract covers two permanent and several part time liquor employees. The only changes in the contract relate to wages, the City's contribution towards hospitalization insurance, and the tying of severance pay to unused sick leave. The top wa9e ratar�o�;mefemployee $4P72yperfhourhe This compareslwith $5•4$ per hour and a p and $4.48 for the year 1978. For the year 1980, the top wa9e rate or a full time employee would be �5.73 per hour and $4.96 per hour for a part time employee. The 1979 rate is an increase of 5.4% over 1978. The 1980 increase is five percent over 1979> however, the �ercenttofrthedamounttther the year 1980, the employees will receive eighty p Consumer Price Index increases above five percent with a naximum total salary increase of seven percent. rmanent employees. The City will contribute up to a maximum of $49 per month in 1979 and 54 per month in 1980 towards health and welfare benefits for pe. This comapres with $45.30 for the year 1978. seve�ance payvto�unused shckcleavect remain the same, except for.tyin9 MCB:sh 1636 - 68th Ave. N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 March 8, 1979 City Council City of Fridley 6431 University Avenue N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Dear Council Members: Please accept my resignation from the Fridley Human Resources Commission. Regretfully, I cannot devote the time and energy that I would like to on Commission matters due to holding two jobs and taking a class at the University of Minnesota. ' of ineta Itkhas beenna valuablecexperience and pleasurePtonworkt ;� on tfie Commission. � � Sincerely, ', ���� ��� i Mary Jo Dobson i r.0� CONCURRCI�ICE M rch 1I9,. �g� ,r COUNCIL Appro� a By � Tvpe of Licens—e-�- Food Establishment Brothen Inc. 7501 Commerce Lane N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Burger King #231 6410 University Ave. NE Fridley� MN 55432 FMC Corporation 4800 Marshall St. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55421 Chuck's Meat ' 620 Osborne Rd. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Dairy Queen i St. N.E. 280 Mississipp Fridley, Mn. 55432 Fridley Convalescent Home 7590 Lyr�Mn�.an55432 Fridley, Hong Kong Kitchen 242 Mississippi St. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 House of Lords g298 University Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 McDonald's of Minn. 5831 University Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 McGlyn Bakery 755 53rd Ave•55432 fridley, �.• Maples Lanes 6310 Highway #65 N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Pappy's Foods Co. Inc 7g7g Beech St. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Pizza Hut 255 57th Ave. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 �� Rolf Brothen - LIC�'JSES Donald M. Smith R.W. Neland Canteen Corp. Chuck Klein Ernest L. Fitch J.Jidliski Karen Kam-Haw Kwan John G. Purmort Keith A. Ferestad Norman C. Berglund Mary J. Savelkoul Jack F. Woods William C. Ferril � m Steve Olson Health Inspector Steve Olson Health Inspector . Steven .Olson Health Inspector Steve Olson Health Inspector Steve Olson Health.Inspector Steve Olson Health Inspector Steve Olson Health Inspector Steve Olson Health Inspector Steve Olson Health Inspector Steve Olson Health Inspector Steve Olson Nealth Inspector Steve Olson Health Inspector Steve Olson Health Inspector r Fee• , 35.00. ;' 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 3.5.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 TYpe o�e' Food Establishment Cont. The Pop Shoppe 785 53rd Ave. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 The Learning Tree Center I5310 MonrMn St55421 Fridley> Totino's 7350 Commerce Lane N.E Fridley, Mn. 55432 Live__ S_ta�k George Olson 612 Lafayette St.N.E. Fridley> Mn. 55432 Private Gas Pumps Anderson Trucking Co. 7600 CentMnl A55432 E Fridley, Fridley Terrace Mobil Pk 7400 Highway H65 N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 p,W, Harstad Const. 7101 Highway #65 N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 � Clifford Waughtel Douglas M. freeman F.Roger Springfield Pillsbury Co. George Olson Patrick J. 0'Donnell Mary C.Bellin9 Atton R. Johnson Midland Coop. Inc. Dean J. Johnson Interstate 694 at Main St.N.E. Fridley> Mn. 55421 Park Const. 7900 Beech St.N.E. fridley, Mn. 55432 Unity Hospital 550 Osborne Rd.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Wickes Furniture 5353 E.River Rd. Fridley> Mn. 55432 D.E.Prairie Dale H. E91and Stewart Lossing Appro�?' � Steve Olson Health Inspector Steve Olson Health Inspector Steve Olson Health Inspector Steve Olson Health Inspector Darrel Clark Building Inspector Robert D. Aldrich Fire Inspector Darrel Clark Suilding Inspector Robert D. Aldrich Fire Inspector Darrel Clark Building Inspector Robert D. Aldrich Fire Inspector Darrel Clark Building Inspector Robert D. Aldrich Fire Inspector Darrel Clark Building Inspector Robert D. Aldrich Fire Inspector Darrel Clark Building Inspector Robert D. Aldirch Fire Inspector Darrel CTark Building Inspector Robert D. Aldrich fire Inspector Darrel Clark Building Inspector Fee:10 A 35.00 35.00 35.00 10.00 20.00 20.00 zo.00 20.00 20.OQ 20.00 20.00 TyPe o�icense: Refuse Collector Robt. L. Christen Truck 3501 Silver55418d Mpls. Mn. ITarco Of Minn. dba MCC 10041 Polk St. N.E. Blaine� Mn. 55434 P1etro Refuse Inc. 8168 W. 125th St. Savage, Mn. 55378 Walter`s Disposal 2830 101st Ave. N.E. Blaine, Mn. 55434 Hilger Transfer, Inc. 8550 Zachary Lane Maple Grove, Mn. 55369 Lofgren Sanitation Serv. 9100 Flanders St. N.E. ,Mpls. Mn. 55434 Gallagher Serv. Inc. 1691 91st Ave. N.E. Blaine, Mn. 55434 B� Rosemarie Christen Uennis McGraw William T• Butler George Walter Darlene L. Klatke Harland Lofgren Richard Gallagher Browning Gerc�s�Ind. Of P9n. David Bergan 9813 Flying Eden Prairie, Mn. 55434 Retail Gasoline Sales F{o�1y 66 b500 UnivMnsit55432 N'E. Fridley, Riverside Car & Truck Wash 6520 E. River Rd Fridley� Mn. 55432 K.E.Waterbury Randall Olchefske Steiger & Gertzen Garage E. Gertzen 6519 Central Ave. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Vending Machines John A. Bathke Aamco Transmissions 940 Osborne Rd. N.E. Fridley, P1n. 55432 AnorO_ V2__� Steve Olson Nealth Inspector Steve Olson Health Inspector Steve Olson Health Inspector Steve Olson Health Inspector Steve Olson Health Inspector Steve Olson Health Inspector Steve Olson Health Inspector. Steve Olson Health Inspector Robert D. Aldrich F�re Inspector Darrel Clark Building Inspector Robert �. Aldirch Fire Inspector Darrel Clark Robert D. Aldrich Fire Inspector Darrel Clark Building Inspector Steve Olson Health Inspector Fee ld � 50.00 ,o �� 50.00 ,� �� 50.00 65.00 50.00 170.00 60.00 .� �i .1 1� 15.00 type of License: 8-�-'- � — '- Vendin Machines Cont. Riverside Car & Truck Wash Randall Olchefske fi520 E.River Rd. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Steiger & Gertzen Garage 65T9 Central A55432 E Fridley, Mn. Lorilynn Images 6898 ChanMnl R55432E. Fridley� E. Gertzen Lori L. Stewart Holly St. Hair Stylists Lois Hunt 6574 Univ�nAve55432 Fridley� Micro Control Co. Eleanor Hamilton 7956 MainMnt'S 432 Fridley� Twin City Fed. Sav. & Loan R.D. Wood 5205 CentMnl A55421 E Fridley� IN,g, Fuller, Electro Cote Ray 0. Nelson 5220 Main St. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55421 Donlyn Mfg. 7331 Baker St. PI.E. Fridley> Mn. 55432 Ilomae Hans�n Baker Rhodes Warehouse Sale Sandra L. Freeman 6235 Highway#65 N.E• Fridley, hin. 55432 Champion Auto Stores pouglas Draska 6471 Univ�n Ve55432 Fridley� Fridley High School Jack R. Ambler 6000 W. Moore 55432d fridley> Mn. Powdour Pouf Beauty Salon 6251 Univ.Ave. N•E• Fridley> Mn. 55432 Larson Mfg. 7421 CoimnMn e 55432N'E Fridley� Sandy Bennett g, Paudelcziek APPr�� Steve Olson Health Inspector Steve Olson Health Inspector Steve Olson Health Inspector Steve Olson liealth Inspector Steve Olson Health Inspector Steve Olson Health Inspector Steve Olson Health Inspector Steve Olson Health Inspector Steve Olson: Health Inspector Steve Olson Health Inspector Steve Olson Health Inspector Steve Ols�n Health Inspector Steve Olson Health Inspector Fe� 15.00. 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.60 60.00 15.0( 15.0 00'S� 00'Sl . 00'S1 00'S� OD'S� �p•9l 00'S1 00'S� uW `�a�p�aj Z£b55 ��My6�H 00£L } 9# o� `�p uospnH nw .0 ualltl aa�Mla� •uW `�alP4a3 .�al� Z£b99 . �LU(1 OL59 u u"�l�aN •and uoslaN ao��ads I ana�S o� �uLea � aadedLleM uosL� ualltl `�atPta� ,�allnW � Z£tr55 ��Mu��N LQ89 00'S� 11 �❑ .�o'��adsul uana'kS uos10 ao'��adsul uara'kS uosi� ao��adsul uana'�S uos1.0 ao��adsul uana� uos�0 ao��adsul U�la� uos�0 an �o��adsul uana� uos�0 ao��adsul �ana� uos1.0 ,�o��adsul uena� uosLO ao��adsul u��ea� _..,�c �aLLnW .� ualitl ua 1, ltl ,�a l lp� ' C ,�a l ln� . r ua l ltl aallnw .� uaLltl u��mS .� uo4 �y,Cz��aMed a�uae9 ;��z� l 3�N 59 �a'�oW aau�l,UnS ,uW �felPla3 lZo � le� W uo� a ln� a .uW �falPt,�3 LZbSS •,�S uteW OZZS 3 � o� �a�tn� e H � uWua�l00£L Z£tr59 �a'k ��a s�a d o� tln'�a�P�.�� S�'� n .U� ��CaIP�'�� Z£b59 .`d q�LS �$' ' uau�ti�•� �,z�uno ,uW �felPF, LZb99�, e��ua� LO ,�.N �� ����pu5 s.�� � � Fa lP \�u{1 � Type of License: � fridley Convalescent Home Allen J. Muller 7590 Lyric Lane, Fridley, Mn. 55432 H.6. Fuller, Electro Cote Darrell Babcock 5220 Main St. N.E. Fridley,Mn. 55421 Food Establishments Grace Lutheran Church 460 75th Ave. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Woodcrest School 880 Osborne Rd. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Unity Hospital 550 Osborne Rd. N.E. (EXEMPT FROM FEE) Rev.Daniel Fleicher 6ary G. Erickson Dale H. Egland Anoka County Delvelopmental Richard Bro Achievement Center 6633 Arthur St. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Redeemer Lutheran Church(LCA)Arnold M, Stone 61 Mississippi St. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 North Park Elem. School 5575 Fillmore St. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Fridley Jr. High 6100 W. Moore Lk. Dr. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Quinton Larson Patricia Rue Fridley Senior High School Patrica Rue 6000 W. Maore Lk. Dr. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Hayes Elem. School Patricia Rue 615 N.E. Mississippi St.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Parkview Elem. 6085 7th St. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Patricia Rue Approved By: Steve Olson Health Inspector Steve Olson Health Inspector Steve Olson Health Inspector Steve Olson Health Inspector Steve Olson Health Inspector Steve Olson Health Inspector Steve Olson Health Inspector Steve Olson Health Inspector Steve Olson Health Inspector Steve Olson Health Inspector Steve Olson Health Inspector Steve Olson Health Inspector Rice Creek Elem. School Patricia Rue Steve Olson 6666 Arthur St. N.E. Health Inspector Fridley> Mn. 55432 f l0E 15.00 15.00 Type of License: _ � Food Es_tab�ishmPnts Cont (EXEMPT FROM FEE) Stevenson Elementary School Patricia Rue 6050 E. River Rd. Fridley> Mn. 55432 Fridley Assembly of God 472 Osborne Rd. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 G.Mark Denyes Woodcrest Baptist Academy Clarke S. Poorman 6875 Univ. Ave. N.E. Fridley> Mn. 55432 Grace High School 1350 Gardena Ave N.E. Fridley> Mn. 55432 Beer�? Big B's 317 Osborne Road Fridley, MN 55432 Ronnie's Bar Inc 240 Mississippi St. Fridley, MN 55432 Public Drinking Place Ronnie's Bar Inc 240 Mississippi St. Fridley, MN 55432 Wayne P. Lago Ficek Investment Inc. David Eicek, Pres. James Do Hennessey James Da Hennessey pppra_ ved By-- Steve Olson Health Inspector Steve Olson Health Inspector Steve Olson Health Inspector 5teve Olson Health Inspector James P. Hill Public Safety Director 3ames P. Hill Public Safety Director James Po Hill Public Safety Director Fe 10 F 33.32 16.67 300000 �nw orr�cEs WEAVER, TALLE & HERRICK GHARLES A� WE�`�ER NERMAN L.TPILE VIROII G. HERRIGK qOBLRT MUNNS WILII.�M K.GOODRIGM DOUGL/�5 E. NL�NT TIMOTMY E.GASH�N VCH City of Fridley Febxuary Retainer 9 hours Council Meetings Z hours Staff Meetings 6 hours Conference with Staff 10 hours Memos and Legal Research 2 Meetings re Housing Rehabilitation Preparation Bill for "Housing Finance; Revenue Bonds Pteparation of Release-6025 3rd St. Research and Memo re NSP Transmission Lines Rasearch re Vetexans Preference 2 hours Citizens Inquiries 29 hours COURT MATTERS: A. J. Chromy vs. Eridley (Preparation of Statement ofs eTe) Fridley vs. Coon Rapids �wers to (Amendment of Complaint; Hedlund vs. Fridley (Research and Trial Memo) Fridley vs. Stavanau (Unlawful Detainer Action) Interrogatories) ERPENSES ADVANCID: Clerk of Court (Filing Fee re Stavanau): 53 Xerox copies @$.15 per copy: gAI,ANCE DUE: 31B EAST MPIN S1AEe� ANOKA.MINNESOTA 55303 421-5413 02%9 UNIVEASIYY AVENUE N.E. FRIDLEY. MINNESOTA 55�132 5��-3�50 INVOICE N0. 6704 $ 1,300.00 50.00 150.00 250.00 75.00 25.00 7.95 $1,857.95 Type of License: Vending Machines Cont � Fridley Senior High School Bernie Pawelczyk 6000 W. Moore Lake Dr. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Skywood Hallway 5251 Central Ave. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55421 Unity Hospital 550 Osborne Rd. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Bernie Pawelczyk Bernie Pawelczyk Lynwood Manor II Nursing Bernie Pawelczyk Home 5700 E. River Rd. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Commerce Park Off. Bldg 7362 Univ. Ave. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Shars Snack 5207 Central Ave. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55421 Country Kitchen 280 57th P1.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Bernie Pawelczyk Bernie Pawelczyk Don C. Smith Dick's Fridley Auto Parts Al1en J. Muller 7300 Central Aven N.E. Fridley,Mn. 55432 H.B. Fu71er Co. 5220 Main St. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55421 Fullerton Metals Co. 5170 Main St. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55421 Sunliner Motel 6881 Highway #65 N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 A1len J. Muller Allen J. Muller Allen J. Muller Nelson Wallpaper & Paint Co Allen J. Muller 6570 Univ. Ave. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Hudson Oil Co. of Delware Allen J. Muller 7300 Highway #65 Fridley, Mn. 55432 Appro_ ved. B�: Steve O7son Health Inspector Steve Olson Health Inspector Steve Olson Health Inspector Steve Olson Health Inspector Steve Olson Health Inspector Steve Olson Health Inspector Steve Olson Nealth Inspector Steve Olson Health Inspector Steve Olson Health Inspector Steve Olson Health Inspector Steve Olson Health Inspector Steve Olson Health Inspector Steve 07san Health Inspector FE 10 � 30.00 15.00 30.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 75.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 12 B STATEMENT SMITH,.IUSTE ATTORNEYS q7LM0 N& NASKVITZ 1250 BUILOERSN�NN SOTA 55402 MINNEAPOLIS, 339-1481 �City of Fridley Avenue N. E. 6431 University Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Attention L CJN Mr. Nasim Qureshi, City Manager YLEASE PCTURN TXIS PORTION WITM YOUR PPVMENT o • SUBURBAN OFFICE FRIDLEV � J � BALANCE �ATE • FORWARDEDFROMlASTSTATEMENT 3-08=79 the GetylofeFridleyrdurin9dFebrua�ryeC197g.for Representation of City of Fridley in 19 jury trials (26 hours). Processing complaints including citizen inquiries and preparation of 70 formal criminal complaints (17� hours). Total Time - (432 hours). $�,300.00 February, 1979 Retainer $1,300.00 Time in excess of 30 hours 540.00 $1,840.00 (13�) „ ., ' . ,s � Gs .. ,--,,.: � . 4C �' f,j /�///`�---'���� ,FI' i . Y£'C 7� J' 0\ l� ,. _��� ��.a_nnn� MON & HASKVITZ - � : _.. .�.,ntiow�avs nr �nw _ - ..._.'.I:C '