09/24/1979 - 5644i�Er�o To : FINANCE FINANCE G'C� 0 FRIDLEY CtTY COUNC 1 L REGULAR ��EETI��1G - SEPTE�'�BEr� 24, 1979 .- 7:3� P, T�, DEPARTMENT HEADS � FOLLOWING ARE TNE "ACTIOi`JS NEEDED"� PLEASE HAVE YOUR ANSWERS SACK IN THE CITY iiANAGER�S OFFICE BY THE �'�EDNESDAY BEFORE THE NEXT REGULAR COUNC I L MEET I NG . THANK YOU .( Q� .�3 � ': APPROVAL OF i�I�1UTES: . � REGULAR P`�EETING, $EPTEMBER 1�, 1979 � �: ' Approved ADOPT I0�1 OF 1�GE��JDA : Added: Discussion of Problems with Restoration of Landscaping Due to Cable Television Installation �' OPE�J FOi�Ufy1, VISIT�RS: t�ONSIDERATION OF ITEf�1S NOT ON AGENDA - 15 P`�1NUTES) Comments on visit to Fourmies, France by Duane Prairie PUBLIC HEARI;yGS: PUBLIC HEARING�QN ASSESSMENT ROLL FQ� �'�ATER AND � SEWER I�IAINS LATERALS AND SE2VICE CONNECTIONS� ��.� .. 1- 1 A Opened 7:40 P.M. Closed 7:55 P.M. Resolution No. 108-1979 adopted (See Item 15) � . NO ACTION NEEDED PUBLIC HEARING ON AS5ESSt�ENT ROLL FOR TREATMENT ' AIVD REP�OVAL OF TREES (1979) � � � . � � . � � � �� � � . � 2 - Z � Opened 7:55 P.ht. Closed 8:00 P.P�. Resolution PJo. 1a9-1979 adopted (See Item 16) P�0 ACTION NEEDED PUBLIC WORKS �ITY MANAGER �ITY MANAGER PUBLIC WORKS � REGULAR P�IEETING. 'EMBEF OLD BUS I PJESS : � . � � � CONSIDERATION OF FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CABLE TELEVISION ORDINANCE � iTABLED 9/10/79. 9/17/79), . , , , , �, .�. . . , . . . . 3 — 3 B First reading adopted with amendment on Section 405-06 Corporate Treasurer - ACTION NEEDED: Amend ordinance and prepare in final form for consideration of second reading on agenda of October 1-, 7979 CONSIDERATION OF SECQND t�EADING OF AN ORDINANCE �MENDING �HAPTER 11, SECTION 11,1� OF FRID LEY . GITY CODE �ELATING TO FEES �I��ULTIPLE DWELLINGS). .��. y Ordinance No. 700 adopted � � ACTION NEEDED: Publish ordinance in Fridley Sun . idEW �US I ��ESS : � CONSIDERATION QF FIRST READING OF AtJ ORDINANCE ADOPT I NG THE B;IDGET FOR T�iE . F�I SCAL YEAR 19�0 �����. S Adopted on first readinc� � ACTION NEEDED: Put ordinance on next regular agenda for consideration of second reading CONSIDERATION OF STATUS OF ASHTON AVENUE� ������. 6 Residents expressed concerns with condition of Ashton Ave and requested a�noise study for East River Road•and opposed widening of Street ACTION NEEDED: Notify school distri�ct tha�C Ashton is going ta be a two�way street. Request Anoka County to conduct a noise pollution reading on East River Road.: .. - � � � . _ � . . . � :,' : . . -._ , , ;, ;_ DISCUSSION OF PROBLEP1S W1TH RESTORATION OF LANDSCAPING DUE TO CABLE TELEVISION INSTALLATION. ;1 0 � IC WORKS IC WORKS WORKS tZF ��j AL R P��TINGy �EP E'yin�R ���, 1�7� '- i'JEW BUSI�JESS (CONTINUED) � RECEIVING PLANNING COMMISSION %�1NUTES OF SEPTEMBER I2, 1979 , , , , ,, , , , , , , , , , , e , . , , . , , . , 1. Consideratian of Request for a Special U�se Permit, SP #79-11, to A71ow Installation of Self-Service Gas Pumps in Conjunction with New Convenience Center by Allan M. Johnson of Jim Miller Real Estate, 7A _ �T 7751 East River Road .......... ......... ........... Planning Comm. Recommendation:1Denial of�request. & 7P, 7Q Councii Action Required: Consideration of recommendation . Item tabled to next meeting . ACTIO(� NEEDED: Put on agenda of October 1, 1979 2. Consideration of Vacation Request, SAV #79-04 by Allan M. Johnson of Jim Miller Rea7 Estate 71 _ �� (7751 East River Road) ............................. P.C. Recorr�nendation: Approval with stipulatians �& 7R, 7S Council Action Required: Set public hearing for October 15, 1979 Set public hearing for October 15, 1979 ACTION NEEDEd: Make arrangements for public hear�ng 0 „7-7Y 3. Appeals Commission hlinutes of August 28, 1979....... 7T - 7Y Consideration of Request for Variances to Reduce Minimum Lot Area and to Reduce Requirement of 20' Between Living Areas on 60' Lots to Allow construc- tion of Two Dwellings in CPR-2 Zoning, by Excaiibur Homes, Inc. (8125 & 8133 Riverview i'errace)......... 7T - 7V A.C. Recommendation: Denial of Request & �X� �Y Councii Action Required: Consideration of .recommendation Request denied • ACTION PJEEDED: Inform applicant of Coun�il action 0 0 � .AR ��EETING, $EPTEMBER 24, 1979 �,:.�:.. �ia PAG E 4 i�E�� BUS I�ESS iCONT I NUED ) � i' �� �.' ��� RfCE IV I NG THE CHARTER COMMI SSION {�IINUTES OF . � ��IAY 1. 1979 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 - 8 D Minutes recieved � � 'UBLIC WORKS ACTION NEEDED: File minutes for future reference 'UBLIC WORKS I �C WOR KS CONSIDERATION OF A LETTER OF REQUEST FOR � EXTENSION OF TIME ON SPECIAL USE PERMIT ISSUED-A - � YEAR AGO, SP �73-10, TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF i�EW NOME IN CPR—Z ZONING, BY ALLAN B� STAHLBERG , �aOS3 RIVERVI EW TERRACE) , � � �- �` � . � � � � �. � � . � � 9 — 9 � Request for extension granted � ACTION NEEDED: Inform applicant of Council action . CONSIDEftATION OF COMPREHEPJSIVE DEVELOPf�1ENT PLAN AND SETTING PUBLIC �iEARING FOR �CTOBER 15, 1979� ��,� 10 � Comprehensi� Development Plan received and public hearing set for October 15, 1979 � ACTION NEEDED: Make arrangements for public hearing CONSIDERATION OF CITY OF FRIDLEY BECOMING A P'�EMBER OF THE ��ORTH �"�ANAGEMENT COh1MITTEE � � � . � � . � . � . � 11 Memarandum recieved IC WORKS �!0 ACTION �VEEDEQ C C�E�JV BUSIr�E$$ (CONTINUED) • ZEAPPLICATION OF REVISED PACO INDUSTRIAL PLAT DUE � ' TO $URVEYOR � S ���1 STAKE. � � � e � � . o , � . � � . . � . IZ — 12 A Reapplication approved � UBLIC WORKS ACTION PdEEDED: Have Plat executed by Mayor and-City P�anager and forwarded to appropriate persons 0 CONSIDERATION OF AN INDEMNITY AGREEMENT VJITH THE . CITY OF I��1NNEAPOLIS REGARDING �GDVANCED DRIVERS TRAIfJING �OURSE� � � �. � � � � � � � � � � , . � . � � � 13 — 13 C Approved OLICE ; RCTION NEEDED: Have agreement exe�uted and forwarded CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION �iUTNORIZING AN AGREEMENT � �ETW�EN THE STATE OF ��1N��ESOTA DEFARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND THE CITY OF FRIDLEY �S�T'�E,P,)� .��.��� 14 Resolution No. 107-1"979 adopted � OLICE ACTION fJEEDED: Have agreement executed and forwarded to State CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION CONFIRMIPJG ASSESSMENT FOR 1979 �'c'�ATER AND SEWER I�'�4I NS, LATERALS AND SERV I CE �ONt�ECT IONS � , � � � , � � � � � � � . � . � � , 15 — 15 A Resolution No. 108-1979 adop�ed . INANCE ACTION NEEDED: Proceed as authorized - [NANCE INANCE IINANCE FINANCE PUBLIC WORKS' , . �,_....w� �....�� f�lE�r� BUSI�JESS (CoNTir�uED) . CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR THE TREATMENT AND REMOVAL OF TREES (1979)� �. 16 - 16 A Resolution No. 109-1979 adopted . ACTIOiJ NEEDED: Proceed as authorized � � Ct� i r�s . , , , .� , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 17 Approved ACTION NEEDED: Pay claims LICENSES, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 1� - 13 A Approved � ACTIO(� NEEDED: Issue licenses ESTIMATES � , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 19 - 19 B Approved � ACTTON NEEDED: Pay estimates RECEIVING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT —�'IALKING BRIDGE �`�ATERIAL ��PENED SEPTEPRBER 14, 1979). � . � � � � 20 Bids received and contract awarded to Continental Custom Bridge ACTION NEEDED: Inf�rm bidd�rs of Council action ;i 1 ; ; • - --- _ � _.� _- ______ � _ � ��� �� - �g�� � � � y � 9 — o�,,,e� �� � � ��� � ,. ��.°'� ` , . �,,,,�-� �_ s-�-/'�'�;;;'�/'�.�1,. �-�'`�,t';�;,.-�,. �N �...:.��-��' c.�-�,i��' ��' � '�--� �,.-�., f ,,/ t-.`�-�,'-� ✓-�=C,�f �' � � -� : "C`" � � �:�-a�-�.11,� ����r�-.-���.�--�,..� �. a,�..�.. �� � � �� ' ��t„� � �j,�„�c, �.c,��rt�- .. �'� ��� �� � � � /l"�ir�-. `�,. ,!��- • � _ �n ,���,.�' � � . �-� � .�.- �,� ,��.���7„� 1%� i ,.�,�" ,� �� �s I� r ��e1�+9' � � � �y 1,.� . f. "C--" f,� ..•'��'C.- -' i µ, `,i '! /° d./'�i .i:��+s.". �f;s''_�F2P.�.�(itJ�%.�? fK'./C�.. f7 -; � a . . ' .. ,�:- '{'F��? 4-j;.._:�t �.;='� r c �. /?;. , �� _ ,,..a°'� r1� t .�' � r-, .: � .. G,:�� ''�� � .. f ✓'° . ' � : �.^ a . �.. f /`� �/ � �'�� , ,..��1 � � � �.� t ,L,,,�,.�,.r�i,�,` 1 � �������� � � �ti��� �� ,�� � �����;-� � ��� �� ,������ �� � ��... �..� -�, r. �� , � _ _ � `� �,�v�-•- �...% � �� � f '` r � /j�/..,(L ' .�� %F-�� ��'e' � "�:� � //Q^ '� � �,.� �J � �' �`'�`'A/ `� � � ' � ' d ,. .. ... ..< - . . / � ��'� � �� �t� ,,,,�-��. �-�` � . . �/ ,i "' �.. � ;�'`�r'�.•. ,t r ti..rw:�+ � f r z:. ` « C�,;e�, ., , \�� � � a.-°4. • M � .. : �2. � �#!..«: � . �j� °k l / �ilJ �-., _ �r,} ,� �: �`�,�✓ _�.✓ r`� � � � _ � ,�Z �-��-��c- i� . �/���� �/j/��// n / ///j '��,.� �/ / ��C,��/` �/ � � 1 / � � _ // , ' �`'"�:. '-�'���`y %f ( 'r ��j� �f�/%/f� I' '. ' ! � �:'/ :,.. . T�.' / � � K+(A � / `(� ` I✓ � f C (/ ,/ ?48 THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIDLEY'CITY COUNCIL OF SEPTEMBER 10, 1979 The Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Council was called to order at 7:40-P.M. by Mayor Nee. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Nee led the Council and audience in the Pledge of Allegi,ance to the Flag. � ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nee, Councilman Barnette, Councilwoman Moses, Councilman Schneider, and Councilman Fitzpatrick MEMBERS ABSENT: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES: PUBLIC HEARING MEETING, AUGUST 13, 1979• MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to approve the minutes as presented. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. REGULAR MEETING, AUGUST 20, 1979• MOTION by Councilman Schneider to approve the minutes as presented. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ADOPTION OF AGENDA: One item was added under "Licenses" as follows: "Consideration of an Auctioneer's License for Charles Weinberger". MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to adopt the agenda with the above amendment. Seconded by Councilwoman Moses. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. PROCLAMATTON - CONSTITUTION WEEK, SEPTEMBER 17-23, 1979: MOTION by Counciiman Schneider to approve the proclamation proclaiming the week of September 17-23, 1979 as Constitution Week. Seconded by Councilwoman Moses. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. OPEN FORUM, VISITORS: There was no response from the audience under this item of business. PUBLIC HEARING: NG ON PROPOSED PROJECT FOR ISSUANCE OF $1,000 MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to waive the reading of the public hearing notice and open the hearing. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearing opended at 7:43 P.M. Mr. arunsell, City Clerk, stated this project involves a$1,000,000 industrial revenue bond issue of which $680,000 would be used for building purposes, $275,000 for equipment, and the balance for other costs. He stated the purpose of the bond issue is to cosrplete an expansion project at Medtronic and with this expansion, it would provide approximately 60 additional jobs in the corrrnunity and will generate taxes the same as any other industrial property in the City. _1 _� 249 REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 10, 1979 � PAGE 2 Mr. Brunse]] stated there was no obligation on the part of ihe City, as far as the guaranteeing of these bonds. He pointed out that the City's name is on the bonds, but there is no liability or obligation for the City in connection with the industrial revenue bonds, but they have to be given Council approval . in order for the bonds to be issued. He stated there is a resolution for the Council to consider later in the meeting which would give preliminary approva7 for issaance of the bonds and indicated that the State must approve the application. '� Mr. Richard M1unn, Assistant Corporate Treasurer for Medtronic, stated, Iwith these bonds, Medtronic wishes to complete a building that was started t_.; several years ago, He stated they have done a cost benefit analysis and decided to go ahead with compietion of the expansian, contingent on receiving industrial revenue financing. He stated two-thirds of the revenue from these bonds would be for improvement of real estate which would go toward the tax base, and the other portion would be used for equipment. Councilman Schneider questioned what physical improvements would be made. Mr. Nunn stated the floor, ceiTing, partitions and plumbing and electricat would be installed. Mayor Nee explained the procedure for industrial revenue bonds is made available through the State and Federal government a� a means of helping cities build their tax base. He stated it is a technical procedure that makes this financing of such an improvement more feasible, as it saves the interest costs. He explained that the City has approved the issuance of industrial revenue bonds for other local manufacturers with good credit backing. Mr. Nunn stated they intended to sell the bonds as a private issue to one purchaser. No other persons in the audience spoke for or against the issuance of these industrial development revenue bonds. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to close the public heairng. Seconded by �� Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearing closed at 7:48 P.M. OLD BUSINESS: CONSIDERATION OF RE UEST FOR SPECIAL USE PERMIT SP #79-09, FRIDLEY METHODIST CHURCH 666 MISSISSIPPI STREET TABLED 8/20/79 : Councilman Schneider stated, in his last conversations with the people involved, it was pretty much of a stand-off regarding the issue.of the driveway. Councilman Barnette stated he talked with Mr. Ferguson and Pastor McChesney and he was left with the feeling that there might be some middle ground for moving the driveway. Councilman Barnette stated he suggested possibly there were some members of the congregation who were cement contractors and could do the work involved in moving the driveway. He stated that Pastor McChesney stated he would talk with Mr. Ferguson further on this matter. Mr. Frank Ferguson, 6810 Monroe Street, stated they have talked this over, and as far as the church is concerned, they are happy with the driveway the way it is now. He stated it would be up to the church to pick up the cost for moving the driveway, unless the City wishes to contribute to the cost. He stated he felt the cost for moving the driveway could be sizeable. Mr. Ferguson stated Pastor McChesney had talked.to him regarding the idea, but the costs factor is the key point. Councilman Barnette questioned the staff if they knew what the cost would be, if the labor is assumed by the church. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, felt the cost to take out the existing curb and change the driveway would be over $2,000 which wouid inciude labor. 250 REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 10, 1979 PA6E 3 Mr. Qureshi stated, if the Council so desired, they could approve the special use permit, contingent upon the driveway being moved, and let it be the choice of the applicant if they wish to do it. He stated the City can work with them on how the work should be done, if they wish to relocate the drivewdy. Mr. Rejman, 633 Bennett Drive, stated he felt there wasn't any other solution to the problem except to either chain off the driveway or move the driveway exit so the cars wouldn't go past his house. Councilwoman Moses stated she did drive through the parking lot this past week and stated herinclination was to go out the driveway to Bennett Drive, rather than making a U-turn in the parking lot and exiting on Monroe. She stated she can see Mr. Rejman's point that the driveway should either be chained or moved. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to grant Special Use Permit SP #79-09 with the following stipulations: (1) That the driveway access on Bennett Orive be either gated off during the hours that the day care center is in operation or the driveway be moved; (2) That the proper fence be installed by the first day of business; and {3) That a vegetation barrier be planted between the church property and the properties located west of the church, which is to be completed by the Spring of 1980, and the plantings to be approved by the staff. Seconded by Councilman Barr�ette. Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, stated the motion did not indicate the minimum amount of distance the driveway should be moved and asked if the Council wished this included or wanted it to leave it up to the staff's discretion. Councilman Schneider fe't this c�uld be left up to the staff. He stated his intent of the motion was either that the driveway be gated or moved. UPON A VOICE VOTE TAKEN ON THE MOTION, all voted aye, and Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ORDINANCE N0. 699 AMENDING CHAPTER ill OF THE CITY CODE OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY ENTITLED LICENSING FOOD ESTABLISHMENTS AND FOOD VENDING MACHINES: h10TI0N by Councilman Fitzpatrick to waive the second reading of Ordinance No: 699 and adopt it on the second reading and publish. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS: � CONSIDERATION OF FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 11, SECTION 11.10, OF FRIDLEY CITY CODE RELATING TO FEES MULTIPLE DWELLINGS): Mr. Brunsell, City Clerk, stated the City is increasing its inspections of multiple dwellings which were previously inspected primarily for fire, but now the inspection will include other items, as well as general maintenance of the building. He stated the last i�crease in the fees was in 1976 and the primary reason for the increase now is because of the amount of inspections that are being made on the buildings. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to waive the reading and approve the ordinance upon the first reading. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING TNE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF AUGUST 22, 1979: CONSIOERATION OF SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP #79-08 TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF DOUBLE BUNGALOW IN R-1 ZONING, BY EXEMPLAR, INC. 7582-84 ABLE STREET : MOTION by Councilwoman Moses to receive the letter from Exemplar, Inc. with- drawing their request for a special use.permit. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 251 REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 10, 1979 ' PAGE 4 CONSIDERA7ION MQTION by Councilman F9tzpatrick to set the public hearing on this rezoning request for October 15, 1979. Seconded by Councilwanan Moses. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to receive the minutes af the Planning Cor�nission Meeting of August 22, 1979. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF REGISTERED LAND SURVEY FOR SOUTHERLY 40 ACRES OF SEARS PROPERTY: Nr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated this registered land survey is brought before the City Council in order to simplify the legal descriptfon of the property that the City is acquiring frnm Mr. Schroer known as the "Sears property". Mayor Nee questioned if this was a p1at. Mr. Qureshi stated it is a registered land survey that eliminates the need to describe fihe parcels by metes and bounds. . Mr. Nerrick, City Attorney, stated it is in the nature of a plat. He stated Nhat would happen, for instance, taking into account the property the City is purchasing, when you describe it by metes and bounds, you have a legal description that is approximately one page long. He stated what the registered land survey would do is to use a description called Tract A of this reqistered land survey, and whatever number is assigned to it, and do the same with Tracts B and C. He stated in order for this to be recorded at the County, it has to be approved by the Council. f MOTION by Councilwoman Moses to approve the registered land survey. Seconded � by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. C�NSIDERATION OF PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO CABLE TELEVISION ORDINANCE: Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated the Cable Television Company representative already had other comnitments and was, therefore, unable to attend this " �eeting and requested this item be tabled to the next meeting of the Council. F107ION by Councilman Barnette to table this item to the next Council meeting. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Nee stated the staff has researched the definition of "gross revenues", specifically the Minneapolis definition, and he thought the Council might wish to compare this definition to the City's. Mr. Will Loew-Blosser, Cable TeTevision Access Coordinator, introduced himself to the Council and stated he had just moved to tnis area from East Lansing, Michigan where he was the Cable Television Coordtnator for the public schoo)s. He stated his job was to assist members of the public in making cable television programs and he hoped the people of Fridley would take advantage of the resources , available to them. ! Mayor Nee asked if he had contacted the schools. Mr. Loew-Blosser stated he � had made initial contact with them and hopes to make further contact with the on Wednesday. PRESENTATION OF PLAN FOR FMC PROPERTY BY ANOKA COUNTY PARK DIRECTOR: This item will be considered later in the agenda when Mr. Dave Torkildson, Anoka County Director, arrives at the meeti�g. .. 252 REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 10, 1979 PA6E 5 CONSIDERATION OF REVISED NSP EASEMENT THROUGH LOCKE PARK ALONG RAILROAD TRACKS ANO DELECTION OF EASEMENT ALONG RESIDENTAIL PROPERTY SOUTH OF IOCKE PARK: Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated the easement that was indicated earlier used part of the Metropolitan Sewer easement in Locke Park and when they were contacted, it r�as learned they have plans for another sewer pipe in this area so they requested that the NSP poles not be put in their easement area. Mr. Qureshi stated, therefore, three poles will have to be shifted south, necessitating the need for additional easement and felt there should be additional compensation to the City. He stated NSP has agreed to give up to a E15,400 credit to the City in the Center City Project Area. t�TIOty by Councilman Barnette to approve the revised N5P easement through Locke Park along the railroad tracks and deletion of the existing transmission line easement along residential property south of Locke Park and authorize the Mayor and Manager to execute the necessary documents. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. TION OF HOME OWNERSHIP PROGRAM UNDER TITLE I OF THE HOUSI Mr. Boardman, City Planner, stated the City has received contracts from HUD on approval of the home ownership program. He stated this approval is based on the condition for the environmental assessment statement and at this time, th�y are still going through some of the paperwork and an agreement will have to be approved with the Housing Authority so they can operate the program. Mayor Nee stated the program would consist of a grant that would permit acquisi- tion of sub-standard homes and remove them in order to build new homes on those sites. He stated the grant was applied for under the City's name, but the City lacks the statuatory power to accomplish this and that is the reason for transferring the jurisdiction to the fri�dley Housing Authority. MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to approve the home ownership program under Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, stated he and the staff have reviewed this program and future procedures that would be followed. He stated there are some decisions that will have to be made, as they proceed with the program, are some decisions that will have to be made, as they proceed with the program; but felt, as it looks now, the program is very workable. Mayor Nee asked if any of the areas have been identified for this program. Mr. Boardman stated they did some initial reviews of about 16 properties, however, they are proceeding with caution because of the amount of funds available which is $120,000. He stated there are two sites in the Hyde Park area where they have talked with the owners and will possibly try to negotiate with them. P10TION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to authorize the Mayor and the City Manager to enter into the agreement of cooperation with the Fridley Housing and Redevelopment Authority for completing the home ownership program. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Wee declared the motion carried unanimously. GIVIfJG PRELIMINARY APPROVAL TO AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN MOTION by Councilman Barnette to adopt Resolution N��-98-1979. Secondec . py Counci3man Schneider. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 253 RE6ULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 10, 1979 PAGE 6 RESOLUTION N0. 99-1979 SETTING AN ELECTION FOR COUNCILMEMBER FOR WARD II AND DESI6NATING POLLING PLACES FQR 7HE NOVEMEDER 6, 2979 ELECTIOPd: MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to adopt Resolution No. 99-1979. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION N0. 100-1979 TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR WALKING BRIDGE MATERIAL: MOTION by Councilman Schneider to adopt Resolution No. 100-1979. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting eye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION N0. 101-1979 DIRECTING PREPARATION OF ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR 1979 SERVICE CONNECTIONS: MOTION by Councilman F�tzpatrick to adopt Resolution No. 101-19�9. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION N0. 102-1979 DIRECTING PUBLICATION Of HEARIN6 ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR THE 1979 SERVICE CONNECTIONS: MOTION by Councilman Schneider to adopt Resolution No. 102-1979. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimousTy. ' BE h10TI0N by Councilma� Barnette to adopt Resolution No. 103-1979. Seconded ' by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee �. declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION N0. 104-1979 DIRECTING PREPARATION OF THE FINAL ASSESSP1ENT ROLL FOR TREATMENT AND REMOVAL OF TREES 1979 : MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to adopt ResoTution No. 104-1979. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION N0. 105-2479 DIRECTING PU�LICATION OF HEARING ON THE PROPOSEQ ASSESSMEPdT ROLL FOR THE TREATMENT AND REMOUAL OF TREES 1979 : MOTION by Councilman Schneider to adopt Resolution No. 105-1979. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Councilman Schneider made reference to the resolution's Notice of Hearing regarding Lot 1, Block 1, Van Cleaves Addition. He stated there is a lot split on file at the County, which was not approved by the City, and the legal description apparantly exempts the West 14.2 feet of this Tot. Mr. Brunseii, City Clerk, stated the 14.2 feet.is about six years tax de- linquent. He stated this proper�y was owned by Robert Van Cleave and he apparent2y kept out this 14.2 feet when he seid property to the Erickson's._ � We stated this 14 feet would probabiy go tax forfeit, and in order to clear the records, suggested brinying a lot split to Counci7 for their approval - to get the assessment in the right place. He stated, on the City's books, they don't have this 14.2 feet because a lot split was never approved by the City. He stated the assessment should be on this 14.2 feet, since this was where the tree was located that was removed. 254 REGULAR MEETIN6 OF SEPTEMBER 10, 1979 PAGE 7 MOTION by Councilman Schneider to amend the assessment roll to indicate the westerly 14.2 feet of Lot 1, B1ock 1, of Van Cleaves Addition instead of Lot 1, Block 1, Van Cleaves Addition. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. CLAIMS: MOTION by Councilman Schneider to authorize payment of Claims No. 210530 through 248950. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all ' voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ) LICENSES: MOTION by Councilman Schneider to approve the licenses as submitted and as on file in the License Clerk's Office. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATIOtJ OF AN AUCTIONEER'S LICENSE - CHARLES WEINBERGER: Mr. Brunsell, City Clerk, stated a request was received for a special one day license for an antique auction at the Skywood Mall on September 16, 1979. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to approve the license for the auction as filed by Charles Weinberger. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanirtwusly. ESTIMATES: MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to approve the estimates as submitted: Halvorson Construction 4227 - 165th Avenue N.E. Wyoming, MN 55092 PARTIAL Estimate #9, 1979 misc. Concrete curb & gutter contract $3,585.00 Patch Erickson, Madson, Inc. 2311 Wayzata Boulevard MInneapolis,. MN 55405 August supervision - Municipal Garage Addition $ 200.00 Seconded by Councili�oman Moses. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. INTROOUCTION - KIM JONNSON Councilman Barnette introduced Kim Johnson, a former Fridley graduate who attended Winona State and is receiving a degree in Urban Affairs. Mr. Qureshi stated Mr. Johnson would be working with Jerry Boardman and will be doing research, as part of his internship. PRESENTATION OF PLAN FOR FMC PROPERTY BY ANOKA COUNTY PARK DIRECTOR: � Mr. Dave Torkildson, Anoka County Park Director, appeared before the J Council regarding the County's plan for purchase of FMC property for park purposes. 255 REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 10, 1979 • FA6E S Mr. Torkildson stated the Metropolitan Council has gone on record requesting Anoka County to put together a Master Plan to preserve what river frontage is left in the County, and the County has come up with a plan for this. Mr. Torkildson presented information showing what the County is proposing for the FMC property. He stated the site is approximately 56 acres and bike/ hike trails are proposed, along with picnic areas. The Financing is proposed from the Great River Road Project with 75% being � funded by the Federal government and 12�% funding each by the State and Metropolitan Council. C� Mr. Torkildson stated there would have to be an agreement between the City and County for fire and additional police protection which would be charged against the County. Councilman Schneider said his concern would be that it locks the City out of putting in future tax land. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated the City still has a lot of industrial land and the question really is if the Council feels it is an asset to the community. Counci7woman Moses felt this was a good plan, but, in her mind, she could visualize a high-rise type of development for this property, even though it would have to be rezoned. ' Councilman Schneider questioned what portion of the land in the City is non-tax producing. Mr. Boardman stated he felt the City is about average, or possibly a little be7ow, as corr�pared to other corr�nunities. . Councilman Fitzpatrick felt an irt�ortant consideraiton is the fact that . Fridley is built six miles along the Mississippi River and yet has very _. ; little public use of it. Mr. Qureshi felt you have to look at the long range impact of an,y development. He stated this park system would connect with the Minneapolis system and the Rice Creek trail system. Councilwoman Moses questi,oned if this could be developed along with some housing. Mayor Nee stated the staff did prepare such a plan a few years ago which was to acquire the property and plat it for multiple use, reserving frontages and access points on the river, He stated, however, you would have to rely on private deve7opers and actual realization of the plan may never take place. He felt, with the proposed plan for park purposes, it would pretty well happen as proposed and like the idea of a lot of people having access. Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, stated it seems to him the City wasn't losing much in present tax dollars, but probably losing a lot in potential tax dollars. He stated, from a commercial or industrial standpoint, the City can afford to have this property used for non-revenue producing purposes. He felt the major question is that this property is some of the little residential property that is left in the City and questioned if there is a need for -, additional residential development, or if the Council is satisified with what remains, and then p]an on developing some additional commercial and industrial � property, with very little residential. � Councilman Fitzpatrick stated the City does have a need for residential, but rea�istical7y he didn't think the like7ihood of tF�is property developing that way was very great. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated that FMC does not want residential property next to them because of their type of operation. Mr. Torkildson stated that FMC was pretty much in favor of this proposal for use of the land for park purposes. REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 10, 1979 PAGE 9 Councilwoman Moses indicated she hated to see the housing eliminated, but ` realized FMC did not want residential on this property. Ma�yor Nee stated the County is requesting concurrence by the City with their proposed p•lan. MOTION by Councitinan Fitzpatrick to concur with the County's plan to acquire the FMC property, through a grant from the Great River Road Project, for park purposes. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. - Mr. Qureshi stated they would work with the County regarding joint agreements for the County to pay the City for providing fire and other such services to them. Councilwoman Moses stated her only other concern was feedback from the residents of Fridley. UPON A 40ICE VOTE TAKEN ON THE MOTION, all voted aye, and Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Councilman Schneider to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Councilman o____ii_ u--- - '•-s-- .._�_ _�. .._�___ _.._ ..--•-_ •�-- �--�___� i�- _._�'_- �i 1 MEMO T0: NASIM M. QURESHI, CITY MANAGER, AND CITY COUNCIL. FROM: MARVIN C. BRUNSELL, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER/FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR THE 1979 SERVICE CONNECTIONS - DATE: AUGUST 31, 1979 The lateral charges made under this assessment roll are made under the authority provided in Ordinance No. 113 and under Resolution No. 86-1962. Each of the properties has connected on to City water or sewer without having paid a lateral charge. This assessment is figured in two ways, either using today's average lateral charge, or using charges that were leviQd in the general area at the time the lines in question were installe�, plus accrued interest to the present time. The assessment rate used on the affected properties is the lower of the above two formulas. With the exception of two property owners,al'1 o��ners af properties involved in this assessmer�t ro11 have signed agreements agreeing to the principle of these lateral charges. . No agreement Mas been signed for the property at 1723 Stinson Boulevard, Lot 11, Block 1, Amber Oaks Addition, but the property owner has deposited an escrow in the amount of the assessmerit here at the C�ity. This prop�rty is located in New 8righton, but is connected to Fridley water and sewer lines. No agreement has been signed for the portion of Parcel 6000, Section 11, which is being purchased by Anoka County, but they have deposited an escrow in the amount of the assessment here at the City. The lateral assessments for the following properties will be held over till 1980, as the work is not yet completed and there may be some allowable credits on the properties: East 250 feet of West 500 feet of Lot 1, Auditnr's Subdivision No. 89; Lot 3, Block 1, P1arion Terrace Addition; and Lot 4, Block 1, Marion Terrace Addition. t MCB ps lA CITY OF FRIDLEY ANOKA COUNTY, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF HEARING ON ASSESSMENT FOR WATER AND SEWER MAINS, LATERALS AND SERVICE CONNECTIONS ' Notice is hereby given that the Council of the City of Fridley will meet at the City Hall in said City on the 24th day of September, 1979, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the proposed assessments in respect to the following improvements, to-wit: 1979 WATER AND SEWER MAINS, LATERRLS, AND SERVICE CONNECTIONS NOT HERETOFORE FURNISHED ANQ AVAILABLE The proposed assessment roll for each of said improvements is now on file and open to public inspection by all persons interested, in the .office of the Clerk of said City. At said hearing, the Council will consider written or oral objections to the pro- posed assessments for each of said improvements. The general nature of the improvements and each of them is the construction and furnishing of sewer mains, laterals;�and service connections and water mains, laterals, and service connections in and to the praperties, as follows: � Part of Parcel 6000 Section il Parcel 2420 � Section 24 E. 250 ft. of W. 500 ft. of Lot l Auditor's Subdivision No. 89 Lot 22, Block 1 Alice 4Ja11 Addition Lot 3, Block l East Ranch Est�tes 3rd Addition Lot 4, Block 1 East Ranch Estates 3rd Addition Lot 30, Block 8(+ 2 of vacated street) Hamilton's Add'n;to hlechanicsVilie Lots 20-22, 61ock 3 Onaway Addition Lots 23-26, Block 3 Onaway Addition Lots 1-4, B1 ock 4 Ona�;ay Add i ti on Part of Lot 14, Parcel 106Q Meloland Gardens Addition Lot 11, Block 1 Amber Qaks Add'n (New Brighton} The area proposed land benefited by above. to be assessed for said improvernents and each of ihem is all �hat said improvements or each o�F them and is the same as th�se listed Said improvements wi11 be assessed against the properties within the above noted areas in whole or in part proportionately to each of the lands therein containeci according to the benefits received. � PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TNE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY Ot= —_ - , 1979. . ATTEST: MAYOR Wiliiam J. Nee CITY CLERK Marvin C. Rrunsell � Publish: F'ridley Sun on September 5 and September 12, 1979 � � ME��10 T0: �NASIM QURESHI, CITY MANAGER, AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: MARVIN C. BRUNSELL, ASST. CITY MGR/FIN. DIRo SUBJECT: FItdAL ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR THE TREATMEtJT APJD REMOVAL OF TREES (1979) DATE: SEPTEP1BER 20, 1979 The charges made under this assessment roll are made under the authority provided in State Statutes Chapter 18.023 and Chapter 104 of the City Code. There is a flat $25.00 administrative charge added to each parcel of land in addition to the contractor's charge. 7he City and State absorb 50� of the contractor`s cost on residential property. The assessment will run for five years with seven and one-half (72) percent interest per annum. The roll includes work done in the latter part af 1978 and the work done in 1979. The property owners have had a minimum of six t�veeks to pay the bills before being certified to the County. Some of them have had almost a year to pay the charges. MCB/eh 0 2 �. CITY OF FRYDLEY AP�OKA COU��TY, MIt��dESOTA NOTICE OF HEARIf�G OF ASSESSMENT FOR TREATMENT AND REMOVAL OF TREES (1979) � 2A Notice is hereby given that the Council of the City of Fridley will meet at the City Hall in said City on the 24th day of September, 1979 at 7:30 o'clock P.M, to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the proposed assessments in respect to the following improvement, to-wit: TREATMENT Af�D REC�OVAL OF 7REES (1979) .� The proposed assessment roll for each of said improvements is now on file and open to public inspection by all persons interested, in the office of the Clerk of said City. At said hearing the Council will consider written or oral objections to the proposed assessments for each of said improvements. The general nature of the improvements and each of them is the treatment or removal of trees located in the City of Fridley. Lots 31-34, Block K Lots 44-46, Block S �d,14.2' of Lot 1, Block 1 Riverview Heights Riverview Heights Van Cleaves Addition The area proposed to be assessed for said im�rovemen�s and each of them is all that land benefited by said improvements or eacl� of them and is the same as those listed above. Said improvements will be assessed against the properties within the above notice area. A property owner may appeal un assessment to the district cour� by serving notice of appeal upon the City Mayor or Clerk within tr��enty (20) days after adoption of the assessment and filing such notice with the district court within ten (10) days after service upon the Playor or C1erk. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY 4F FRIDLEY THIS ?Oth DAY OF September , 19790 ATTEST: CITY CLERK - Plarvin C. Brunsell Publish in the Fridley Sun: � September 5th and 12th MAYOR - I�JILLIAPI J. (dEE � :+� . NUP�FRIC/il_ OfZUf_R Of' 1'lIE ('RO{'OSED CAf3LE Tf"L.CVTSION � � (i�iu��ii�i��n��Fiii��%1FN f�S �S ri�co�-�r�1f'�1f)ED !-0{� �Nf'KUV�L RY TIIE C/l[iLE �frLEVISIU� CUt•1MISS'IUN !iT �fIIFIIZ 1-1G-/J t�FC7ING . �105.01 Crcation �'He--6}�y-e�-Fr�d�ey-���ds-��a�-�be-esps���E��e�;-e�e�a��e�-a�d-ma�r��e�apEe e€-a-�en������y-a��e��a-�e�e��s}o�-s�ts�e�-se�����-�Eie-6���t-e#'-��}c��ey-�5 ee�5}s�e��-w}�b-�We-�a��+E-���e�es��-a�c�-s�eE�#��ea���-r���N-�He-es�a���sb- t��r��-a��-}�ea���y�-ma�p�e�a�ee-e�-te�e�r�s�e�-se.��r}ee-w��bip-��e-6� �y-e� ���c��ey. ' The Fridley City Council does ordain that it is in the public interest to ermi� the use of public ri hy t_o-F=a��s and easements for the construction, mai ntenance and�erati on of cabi e corrmuni cati ons sysf.ems under the terr�s of the iallowing Franchise Ordinance; said Publie Purpose bein specifi- ca11y the enhancement of communications t��i-thin ihe.City, and the expansion af communications opportun�ities outside the City. Se��ian 405.011, Subdivis�ion 9:� � 9. "Gross s�bsE�-��e�= revenues" a�e-�e�e��es-de���ec�-€�d�►-�e���a�=-sa�- sEr�-be�-se���ees;-Ne�-�-���-����a�-ad�e���s���;-�ease-Eba��e�-�ees;-e��oL�ep �ees-�e���e�-��et�-�et�--s��5���er=��e���ee5,�sha11 mean any and a11 compensa- tion and oi:her consiciet°ation collected ar received, or in an� manner gained or deri ved by the comp�ny frorn the o erat:i on af i t� c��a1 � te7 evi si on ser- vi ce,. i ncl udi nq but noi: 1 i«�i f:ed ta advet°ti s-i ng, 1 easeci channe'I fees and Qri c�nat� on or access cabi ecasti nc� c�erati ons for ���i�i ch a per-�ro rc� am or per-Gl�annel charge i s r.ade, t�ri �:11�i r� �:he co�ora�tr.? 1 iiri ts of the C-i ty �f . Frf dl ev4 as such cornorai;e 1 im i ts no�� exi s� or mav b� es �;abl i shed t��ereafter. '10. "Grass Sys�em Revenuc�s" sf�al 1 mea�� a� and `al l c,ornaensaf.�i on or other . � _ r .�_._.__.__�_______________ ____..__. consi derati on co1 �l ecfed or r�cei v�� or i n���y mann�t° �feri ved f�y t�ie com ar�y or an,y s«bsidiary, _ho�id�in_ co�Y,par�y or° si�� s�icliary of �aicl hc�lcli � co�any, from t:f�f� o:�er��Ci on o�� i�ts cabi e tel evi si �n scr�v�i ce, i i�cl ucii ncj�bui not 1 imi -cec# ta adverfii s�i i�, n;er�char�.di se sal es ,�1 eased c,_ianne7 �fees ancf cri gi - nati or c�r access cat�l er.asi:i nr o�et�•at�i ans ��oi~ 4viii ch . a er- ��,orrac� o�� er- _ _ _ __._ ___L_____�- - ----_.� _..� �._—.___�? _.. chart��e�! charc�e. i s mad� y���i thi n�the c"orpara�:� �I i n��i ts c� ��:he Ci t�y a;- Fri d i e_y. � Or fol1owing �,�ording froin proposed hlinneupol�is ordinance: Sec�:ion �05.(111, Subdi�1is�on 9 9. "�ross Re>>c�t�uc"slLall me�►� a11 revenue der�ived. clir�ctl� or indirec_�� by fi.l�e Co���pai�y, i�ts affi )�ate5, suhsidiaries, pai �nt> ar�d anY person ir wl�icll_ �flE'_ �i?I1���111�/ �1dS d�lllltlClcl�^111i;Ct'('5�;�_ ft'0111 Ol" lll COili'1C?C�TOiI 1'Ji �;�1 t:flE? 0 L't'ii— �___� _ _ ,_�__.----------------- ___ .-------- --__-----------------P----- 1:ion_o�P t.he call:le con�s�iianic:atio;i syst°{Il_C}f3VL'Y'i1CC{ i;>Y :I:il�iS o�°d�inat��:e��i�ovided.z . _.___ how�v�r> a11�_i�c_veni�es, s1�a11--i.�cl�i��,� hut not L):' IIIIIli:�Cl t0.?.__�clS1C--SU��SC,}�-ibe�° -- ---- --- -- —. ___. — _ _ --- — - -- - -- - - --_ serv�ce i,�on�!;1�� ie�e�__,r,a�j cableif�ec�s, _in�_ta�ll�t:ior} �Znci r.�col�n,�ction f�cs� -- -- -- - __ _ __ ._ 1e�scd c hanne {__i ees,_c�o1�v��rter ren�,a�) s� � tud io i�c »i:al�I�i�vcir�cti on _ec;t�i.}?m��nt_ .--- -- . _------ - and ��c�r ��n�tel , f c���s�_ ar�c! ?elv_ei°l ��_�_r�c�_tievc��ii����;_ �ind t_hat _th i s_sf��l_l i��_t_� ticl �ic;e any ta,c�s__oti_servicc5_--i ui t�7sf��d l�y i:hc� (nin��,i�i.y_I�nr��ir� _�mpo� ���1_ci_�►_cctly__�{�m►� ._, -----_ _ _ _. _ _ _ ��i�y.. �ut�sci �h��r_ or_ u,��)---1'-y_--�I�c� �t_��t��y__ci,i�'__c��__oLh���_,g�yerr���i�rt:al ut11_���)�cl . r.al�lc�ct��ci_I�y tl�c� (:oi,l�ai�y �n.l�t�h,,1..f of'__;�icl._Jc��Jc�i_��n�.�nt,�.l_��nl� � page two NUI+IERICAL ORDER OF PROPOSEO CAaLE TELCVISION QROIP�ANCE AMENQt�IE�tTS 405.05 payment to the Ci� On or befare 111�ri1 J. of cach year follo�v;in�he co�nmencement of cablecast- i n�, i.he coi�an _ shal 1�a,�to_ �:he Ci tY a t�se fee ec�ual to i i ve �erce«t�/ of tt�e anr�ual �JY'OS�S�•�111 reven��es rcce��vea by th� com an for serv�ices provi ded VJ1 tlll il the Ci t� cl�iri n �;hc�r_ecedi ric� cal enda��ar. "fhi s fee �dyl?lt'tl�t shal 1 be i n addi ti an to an o�chc�r�tax or �}�ayment o.red to the Ci t� b� the con!pany. In i:he event that an��a}�meni:_�s no1: made by April 1 as rp ov7ded above, .�nterest oi� the airoun�: du� shall accrue fron� such date at the annual rat� of 125;-:� of the lo�aest "�'ri�i�n'` commercial lendinq rate estal.il i sried by a►iy 1=ri dl� bank at the 1;i me dei �i �iq_ue_nc�, _occurs . U�on �f�e _ei:i ti on of ihe cam�an� a��d a sho���i nc�thai; _i � i s i �� the publ i c int�re�t to do so , tl�e Ci ty Gour�ci 1 ma�,_ �� a 4/5 affi ��mati ve vote, ►vai ve col 1 E�cti on of al 1 a�_ an � 1�art ofi �L;�a_t�ort� on of tl�e �a�n�ent requi red� thi s sec ti oi� �i.;iat i s a1:i;ri bu ta�l e to con��cns��:i on ��ece� ved l� the COII?'Ldi'� from ii:s c�blecastiilc�o��ei�ations �for wl�.icl� a per-1�r.o�ram or er-chant7el char�� i s niade. ~ � .A�05. 051 Use .Fee Qedi cGti on Al l moni es t,ecei ved _b� the Ci ty from the companv under Seci;i on 405.05 of thi s ardi nance shal 1 be sec�re�ated. f��om the General Fund and used b� the Ci��oY' �ur pos�s of CAT'J Y�e�ul ati on and other_ ac�;i �,ri i;i es di rectl y re- lated to achieving the public ur��oses for which this l=ra��chise is grant- ed. 405.06 Audit At the time of i ts annual use fee �a C� a detai 1 ed fi nanci a) staten7ent ant sho�raing Gross�stem Reve�iues as ►nent the repared defined company shall i'i1e with the y a Certif7ed Public Account- erei ri ., The company sl�al l al so fi 1 e any furthe►� fi nanci al i nform�.ti on i n i��ard to tl�� company, i ts subsidia.ries, its holdinc� com an or its subsidiaries Gvhich ma� be requir- ed by the City Manager to assure com liance wi�Lh the terms of this Ordi- nance. 405.251 Additional Se�vices On or t�efore the fi rst da,y o, f Apri 1, 1979, and on or befo�,e �;}�e fi rst d� o�ri 1 of eaci� succeedi n�_�ear, the com4��j y sha.l 1 sul���ri t to tf�c Ci � Counci 1 a� an for tiie comi n� vear' s operati ons vrh�i ch shal l contai n the fol 1 ovJi nc� i nfor�mati on : 1. The�ir��osed num�er of channel s i:o be provi ded and the a11 ocati on o i those cf�ani�e l s to s�?ec i f i ec( _uses ,_i ncl uc1- iiiq p��o�osed n�iml_ic�N of ch�n�ie�is co_ be devot:ed to nctr,or4: ai�fi 1� a ceci tel ev ��,i oi� si:a�;�i o4�s> I1Q11 ��e�.v,orf: i nde��endent~ televisiofi stations,�ii�c}�,r;ii� ecit�c_�t.+or�a1 t��1evision sta- ti oiis , anci cl�� rinc�l s to Ue devoted �i:o i ocal`Iyo ur�i qi i�ated progr�inis �nd_leasc�d chaiinel uses.—�~ • 3A � Page three � NUMERICAL ORDER OF PROPOSED CIIBLE TL-LEVISION ORDIN�1�lCE 11��{ENDMENTS 2. An estimate of the total number of cablecastinc�hovrs er �ree!% er channeli-af�ich �;he coma�ny�ro��oses to devote to local programmi nc , and a�eneral descri �l:i oi�, of the t.Ypes of 1 ocal E?��ograms i t �ro oses to ori g7 i�ate_. � 3. A descri tion of its proposed advertisinc�ragram. 4. A stat�ment of the use and availabi1�it� of fac�ilities b local political candidates. 5. A descri�ion of any pl an for Provi di n�a FP9 niul ti pl e� stereo ai�d musi c channel s. 405.252 Studio Facilities channels and }ex svstem and Tl�e compan� shal l construct , mai ntai �l and o�erate � col or studi o and p�°o- duct�i on faci 1 i t,y tvi tE�i n tiie Ci t�! �l i r;ll �S . Ai: the rec�u°st of the Ci t Counci 1, tl�e compa��y shal 1 SLl�llll t�0 i 1: �� � a p1 an for E�� eel or--��a�}8 �H-E�e-E�HS�:1�Hei;ec�-���i����-�:he-e���.__ �I,}�-�}�r�-��iaa�-�f�e�d�e-��e►�s-s�e� a�, �;Ill S�dCl � 1 �y �dhi ch shal 1 i ncl ude � desci�i��1.i on of studi o si ze, ty��e of faci 1 i ty, i_echrii c�al equil�mer7�, hours and t�m� i t u�i 11 be ope�°a�;ed and estimatcd constr�ict�o�� or r�econs'r.r��iction time. The com- pai��s_.pl_an shal 1�il s�__i ncl ud_e. i nform��ti �ri__on�__h���_i t S�I�i 1]_{1Lc"�.1I1�:.�1��..1L pr��cr vY��,�ki r�c� ��nc1~i_t�i on i i; ec�u�:�i�����»t to l�c�� t� �c�c��,_I_4S�s.�.L4.L'i�).1�-d�1D11- cablecas�in� and b_access chani�el users. Said plan sha11 be subjeci to the apprcval of the City. The coi�ipany shall execute a performance bond payable to the Cit� 1;o insure eer���e�}e�-a�-aeeo��ar�ee-w-t��-���s-��a� com �l i ance i�ai tfi th� s secti on. Respectfully submitted, ' ; 1, �,� . �� E ���� ; CLYC� V. MQRAVETZ Staff �epresentative to the Cable Television Commission Note: The underl i ned �°ef1 ec�;s Crossed out and regular ordinance. 1/1�/79 new verbage. �ype refl ects exi sti ng vei�bag� of �� 1 ORDINANCE N0. AN ORDINANCE AMENDiNG CHAPTER 11, SECTION 11.10, OF FRIDLEY CITY CODE RELATING TD FEES (MULTIPLE DWELLINGS) THE COUNCiL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: CHAPTER 11, SECTION 11.10 Fees Chapter 11 of the City Code shall be amended by,adding the following: Code # Subject 220 Multiple Dwellings Fee a) $20 minimum for i or 2 rental units b) $30 minimum per building with 3 Co - 7 -un-i ts c) $40 per building with 8 to 12 units per building d) $40 per building with over 12 units plus $1.50 per unit for every unit ove r 12 220.1 The fee schedule applies to individual apartment buildings regardless of the number of buildings.in the apartment complex. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF , 1979• WiLLIAM J. NEE, MAYOR ATTEST: MARUIN C. BRUNSELL, G1TY CLERK First Reading.... September 10, 1979 Second Reading...September 24, 1979 Publish.......... m � 0 ,• P" '. .: _ . . i ORDINANCE NO•. . AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING TtIE BUDGEt FOR THE FISf,$L YEAR 1980 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIOLEY HEREBY OROAINS: SECTION 1: That the annual budget of the City of Fridley for the fiscal year egb�'�inn'�ng January 1, 1980 which has been submitted by the City t4anager and modified and approved by the City Council is'hereby adopted, the total of the said budget and the major divisions�thereof being as follows: ESTIMATE OF REVENUE GENERAL�FUND APPROPRIATIONS General Property Tax �2,379,808 Generat Government Special Assessments 8,300 Leg- is�ative � 126,427 Licenses General and Financial Contraciors 12,800 Mananement 541,337 Business 79,045 Civic Center 129,811 Other 3,600 Public Safety Permits 86,650 Police 1,304,746 Grants and Shared Fire and Taxes 1,367,855 Civil Defense 369,369 Charges for Services 102,960 Public 6torks - Fines and Forfeitures 85,000 Code Enfor�ement and Interest Earnings 129,250 Planning 281,146 Other Misc. Revenue R5,550 _ Engineering and Public Insurance Refund (Police " � Works Maintenance 887,891 and Fire Pensions 96,101 Recreation " • Transfers Na- turaTist and Seal Coating 55,Q00 Parks and Recreation 1,012,857 State Aid Surplus 56,000 • Revenue Sharing Fund 230,000 ' . Liquor• Ft�nd 85,0�0 Oth?r '-0- General Fund Surplus 115,125 Reserve � 285,OQ0 TOTAL: GENERAL FUNU 4,938,044 ,438,04� OTNER FUt1dS SPECIAL RFVENUE FUNDS Cbm Dev Block Grant 120,000 � 120,OD0 STEP Fund 121,OQ0 �2�,ppp Teen Center Fund 12,500 .� 1[,500 State Aid Funds � 3?_8,000 • 328,000 Revenue Sharing Funds 230,000 23C,000 DEE3T SERVICE FUhOS Civic Center Qond Fund 39,524 39,524 CAf'ITAL PROJECT fUtdOS � Capital Improvement Fund -79, 00 79,I00 TOTAL:: OTHER FUNDS �. 930,124 $ 930,124 TOTAL: ALI. FUNDS 'S,86g,168 � 5,868, 68 SECTION 2: That the City Manager be directed to cause the appropriate ,. accounting entries to be made in the books of the City. PASSEO AND ADOPTED 6Y THE CITY COUNCIL OF TNE CJTY OF FRIDLEY TNIS DAY OF• , 1979. _ ATTFST: WILLIAi� J. NEE - t•U1YOR CIIY CLERK - Pt�RI�I�d C. l3RUNSCLL Puhlic Ilear�inq: September 17, 1979 FirsC Ri�;.diny: Second R�>adinq: ,�..____..... _ ... . . _�...__ __. 5 � 0 0 i � ' ; 0 F ASHTO�J ,qVE�lUE 0 � % CxTY Or FRIALFY PI,ANN7NG COMMISSION M�rTING - SFPT.rMI3FR 12 1.979 . . �- CALL TO ORDEI2: Chaixman �iarris called the September 12, 1979, meeCing of the Planning Conunission to order at 7:40 i' .M. ' _ ' ROLL C1�I,L : • Members Present: Ms. Schnabel, Ms. Hughes, Mx. Treuenfels, Mr. Harra.s, . Mr. Langenfeld, Mx. Dquist (arrived after roll call) Members Absent: None ., Others Present: Jerxy Boardman, City Planner, Bill Deblon, Associate City Planner APPROVE YL�siNING CQrTMI55I0N r1EETING MI�;UTES : AUGUST 22 1979 : MOTION by Mr. Langenfeld, seconded by Mr. Treuenfels, to approve the August 22, 1979, minut;es of the Planning Commission. , UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTII�TG AXE, CHAIP�N IIARRIS DECLAIZED THE MDTION CARRIED UIvANIMOITSLY . 1. CONTIIvTUED: PiJP�LIC �?E4RING CONSIDFRATI0�1 OF A REC�UES�' E'012 A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP. �k79-lt) �:?�CALIBUP i:01"MF.S I`C.: PPr Sec.tion 2G5.157, S, D, af the Fridley City Code, to allow the consi:xuction oi ttiao dwellings on Lots 27-30, Block S, Riverview Heights, ii1 C°R-2 zoning (Flaod Plain), the same being 8125 and 8133 Riverview Terrace N.E. rir. Boardman recommended to the Planning Con�mission that this item be tabled until .� further notice. ' � MOT.ION by Ms. Iiughes, secanded by Mr, Langen�eld.to t4ble the request for a Special Use Permit, SP. ,��79-10, F�calibur Homes, Inc., untit fuxth:er notice. Ms. Schnabel pointed out that there wexe a number of interested.homeownexs in the audience and they had been faithful to follow thzs item. She thought perhaps they might have some questions trat should be discussed. TSs. Iiu�hes. withdxew hex motion, Mr. I.,�zgenfeld wirhdzew his second. Mr, liarris explained that this item had been contimaed for sevexal meetings noca and that they are tabeling tllis iL-em a.nd tal:ing no furth�r action until Chc petitioner renelas his special use request. Tt�e affecred homeo�aners will be renotif-ied oi such action. MOT:COh by Pis. 2iu�hes, seconded by Tir. Langenfeld, to table Lhe request- for a 5pecial iJse Permit, SP. %79-10, L�:cali�bur. Ilomes, Inc., unti.J_ fuxther notice. tTI.'pN A VQIC� VOT�, ALL VOTING AY�, C1iATI:MI�IV ILAP.RIS ll,`:CLLzR�D �:ii� �lOTION CAfiitIED UNANIr10t) SLY . C1i�ii7��aT� linrris �ai.shed to liave it noted ttilr ttie affect:ed liomeowners will. Ue notif:ied of :�n�r f_urLlicr. �icti.an on thi.s il:em. : . 'I�NNING COMMtSSZON Mi?rTING. SEPmII�3ER 12, 1979 ' PAG� 2 7 A 2. PURLIC IIF.ARING: _ CONSIDI:Rl�T30N Or A Ri:QUrST POR A SPI:CIAT., t3SE PP'RMIT SP. ��79-11 13Y ATL�N M. ,TOIIT�SON, JIM t�1T.T.LI_:IZ REAL P.STA7'1.: Pcr Section 205.101, 3, E, of the lridley Ci.ty Code, to allow �he installation of self-scrvice gasoline pumps in conjunction with a new convenience cent�r, to be located on Lot 2, Block 1, Pearson's Second Addition, along with Outlot A, Pearson's Second Addition, the same being 7751 Eas� River Road N.E. � Mr, Boardman explained that the proposed itemwas located on East River Road, just south of the Meadow Run Apartments, and north ot Apache:Txailer Sales. The access into this property�tas suppose to be developed by all agreements on the joint driveway between this property and Apache Trailer Sales. �,ro moxe conditions are that there be no disturbance of the creelc or creek area and to place scxeeuing in the front. The store area will be approximately 15,000 squaxe feet. It is zoned properly, but tihe Special Use Permit is reyuired for installation and operation of the gas pumps to '- go along with the proposed fast-food store. The other re.quested permit,:w� for a drainage and utility easement vacation. Mr. Boardman also said the joint driveway entrance would be the only entrance allowed. The developer, Allan Johnson, explained the proposal. .'� Mr. Johnson said they are proposing to construct a convenience center with a fast- � food store. They feel it is necessary to install a coupl.e self-service gas pumps for the customer coming to the store for a loaf of bread, or whatever. This does not mean a setup like Holiday or Super America. The gas servi.ce is �, low profile operation and should not increase traffic. He went on to say the building will have 15,000 �quare . feet, there «as adeyuate parking plus room for good traffic flow. Mr. Johnson felt . this development would compliment the City oi Fridley. . Ms. Sch;�abel asked where excatly tihe pumps would be located. Mr. Eoardman showed �ahere the pumps are to be located and said they were work_ing on some type oi barriex protection and better dzrect tra�fic flow to the pumps. Ano�her possible change w'.as elimination of the driveway goi�.zg axound. and just having Uack-in - delivery for the various facilities. This would keep delivery trucks out of the customer txaffic flow. Ms. Schnabel aslced wliat the egress was o�f of East ltiver Road. ' Mr. Boardman said itt+�as 25 fee�y which is the normal access'width. ' Ms. Schnabel aslced if L-hi.s driveway �aas shared with Apache Txailex Sales . Mr. Boardman said yes, Uut itwas used primarily for entrance to Apache's storage axea , and not by its customers. Ms. Schnabel aslced if this size clriveway would creata problems for entering off of Last River Road. _ Mr. Boardman said no, a 25 foot driveway all.otas for two-way traftic. Ms. Sctinabel aslced how many stores and what sizes tl�ey would be a:.e planne3. rir. .T0�1115011 said the co��v�nience food store wou].d be approxi.mate�ly 3,500 sc�uare feet, witli �he rest being a�.v�.��:a up from 1,OOQ to 4,000 square fect per store. Tis. SCIlI1ciUC� asked whaL- types of stores �aould be �oing in and it they had any commitnients. ' � �M"': �. f i PL,�iNialNG COMMISSION 1�[r)3TING ST;PTLMI3�R 1.2,. 1979 PAGE 3 7 B Mr. Johnson said they would not be duplicating the shopping center to the north, but fe1C it would service the area to the wesC of this property. The only store contacted so far was Tom 'i'iiumb, but there was no firm commiLment trom them. Ms. Schnabel said the shopping center north of here was suppose to have a coimnitment fxom 7-11, but it did not go through. This commiL-ment was part of the reason ior giving that shopping center the okay. Mr..J�hson said he had a representative from Tom Thumb wiCh him,tonight and he could answer.those questions better. � Mr. Oquist arrived late and asked to have the entrance/joint driveway explained again. Mr. Boardman did this and also said there was some concern on drainage and runroff in- to Lhe creek. He stated itwas the policy to develope rententa.on and ponding areas and there are 3 potential areas above the bank that can.be used for this. Thesa will have traps on them to stop all undesirable elements from going into the cxeek. The City w�ill Ue using a policy similar to the Rice Creek Watershed policy, which states the developer w�srequired not to increase that amount of run-off as compared to the un- developed piece of property. Thiswas one of the requirements in obtaining a buildin; • permit. . ASr. Boardman said the asphalt is 20"feet from the property line and there:�9�s,an additional 45 feet betore it-meets the county roadway system. It is above the ditch area. Ms. Hughes asked about the parking in the xear. Mx. Boaxdn�an said thatwa,�� primarilq employee parking. Ms. Hughes aslced if the rear driveway was removed,�?r3s: there still acc�ss for �delivery. Mr. Boardman said yes, but the architect has not h.ad time to study the proposed changes. I�e said he was conc�rned about run-o�f from th� back parlcing axea and it being so close to the creek bank. However, with the 3 proposed retaining areas the rate of run-off would be monitozed in accoxdance w;�th City policy. Mr. Langenf�.ld asked if the emission of the,gas pumps puts it in the Special Use � P�rmit request. rlr. 13oardman stated yes, any installation of a gas pump service in the district needs a Sp�cial Use Pern�it and the permit entails the entire property. • Mr. Treuenfels asked wl�at the consequences �aould be if the gas pumps were installed or not insta2.led. � Mr. Johnson said the consequence i.f they are installed would be explained by Tir. Ricics of Tom Thumb, xf they are not installed they don't have any real course of action, but �aould still be able to build the center withouL- the 5pecial Use Permit. Mr. Drew Ricl:s, in ch�tr�e of gasoline �perations for Tom Thumb, sL-ated from past � e�pe�iences the�* have not had any safety rrohlems. The equipment mcets all require- men�s �f the State rixe riarshall, The ptunps are Lhe latest equipment with digiCal re�dout. It has a remote control rui� from wi.L-l�in tlie store, on whicl� tiiere are swit:clies to shut oL-f one pump, all pumps or tlie cnLire console as tlie situation warxants. Tticre i.s �2 ti.re exCi.il�uisher as requi.red by tlie �.�timps. '�om Tliu�nb llas been �'I,ANi�T.rIG COMMISSION MT:I:T.ING SEPTT:MPT:R 12 19T9 PAGE 4 �� C involved with tliis type of operation si.nce 1974 and have had n� uccident3 or safety vi.oluL-ions . •� Ms. Schnabel asked what the planned hours of operaCion wouid be fox the store. Mr. Ricks replied, 7:00 A.M, to 11:00 P.M., possibly opening at 6:00 A.M. to service the��morning commutors. , Ms. Schnabel asked if Tom Thimb had run a traffic survey of the area. Mr. Ricks said no. , Ms. Hughes asked if Chey had numbers on the gas operation, for instance from their other stoxes. Mr. Ricks said they are not like Sup�x America who pumps 100-700,00 gallons per month. They pump 40-45,000 gallons per month. The grocery operation was the mai�1 convenience item and �he gasoline _ for customers already in the store. This should average between 100 to 150 gas sales per day. He said there will be 2 double pumps, wi,.th 4 hoses total. . Mr. Boarclman said the permit does not set the quanti�y of pumps that can be installed. Mr. Oquist asked Mr. Boardman if a Special tIse Permit w�.s granted and Tom Thumb did . not go in, could a gas station go in then. Mx. Boardman sai.d a conda_tion for the permit would be to have the pumps used only � in conjunction with a,foods store. Mr. Oqui.st asked if this development was cantingent upon the Special Use Permit for gas pumps. ., • Mr. Johnson stated probably. rir. Ficics said this �aas the preferxed route fox Tom Trumb. T'tie last 14 out of 15 stores opened liave been developed this way. �- Mr. Johnson said they feel this : the future of the convenience food stores and they a xe loolcing fox sites ta develap as such. Mr. Oquist asiced what per_centage the gas would have in the business. Mx. Johnsoiz stated pexcentage wise it wasnot great. The total amount of gasoline, 45,000 gallons, was small and only an added convenience fox the store customex. Ms. I�u�hes aslced i� Ghere wexe other stores like Lhis one in �xidley and what pxoUlems they had. T.t ���as decided Couzitry Boy, located on Plississippi Stieet and OId Centxal, was the only one i.ii tli� axea, rir. Boardman said Lhexe had been no problcros with this one, except tor site �imitations. • Pis. liu�;hes aslced if the g�ates used to catch paper debris, etc. w�re designed to stop ci�emical pollut�uzt;s. . � Pir. lio�tLdman said L-liey use tlle same design as the .Rice Crcek idat:erslied, and were desi.gllC�i PI.LINNING COMMISS70N M1:1:TZNG, SI:PTEEMI3L:R 12� 1979 ___ _________—_—_PAGE 5 7 D for this. The Eiltering system was supposed to work quit�e�well. Mr. Langenfeld asked if �he convenience cenL-cr could go in without rhis permit. F. Mr. Boardman said yes, if ttiey get the yacation xequest�fox.the easements�. Mr. Langenfeld asked about outside lighting around the pumps. Mx. Ricks xeplied they e:se a single pole cPntered betw�en the 2 pumps with mercury vapor lights. One large arm comes out over each pump and lights up the entire parking area. There was also, if City policy allows, a Tom Thumbc �ign on tihe boule- vard with 2 directional lights. , �Mr. Langenfeld asked if the glare would affect the neighborhood. . Mr. Ricks said no. They have used this system in other residential areas and have had no complaints. A11 lighting was directed in towaxds the centex. � Mr. Treuenfels asked 9.n v iew of the President's energy policy on holding down im- parts, could he explain why the purchase af gasoline should be made more convenient. Mr. Ricks sai.d as far as an energy impac� he had no real thoughts on it. This is ' only a custoMer convenience and if-fhey wanr-it they will buy it here or .go - somewhexe else. �Ms. Schnabel asked if they would be able �o continue their gasoline supply. Mr. P�icks xeplied tha� would not be a problem. rir. ,7ohnson pointed out that gasoline only stations are hav�ng problems keeping open. He felt we have to I.00lc for alt�rnativcs and this type of development was one of them, the local neighborhood st�re with gas. . Ms. Schnabel said one of h�r main concerns the fact that this w�s.supposed to t�e servicing�the neighborhoad, especially the one west of i:he site, and you have to cross East Riv�er Road, m�aning you 11ave to have a ca� to get ta it. Mr. Johnson said the tlaf�i.c flow was heavy, but it comes in spurts anti you could walk across East Rivex Road at other times of the day. � Mr. Boardman said this Wa,s truc, other than your peak periods, 9.t coas xelatively easy to �et off and o�i �ast Ri�=er P.oad. The traffic ilar� «a-s axound 13,000 cars per day. � Mr. .JO}1I1S011 said the question ��a�not tl�e center, Uut tt�e gas pumps. ThEy will not inclease the traffic flow, but �ahat problems will they cause if they are there. Mr. Treuenfels asked if an air hose would be provided for the bicycZist. DSr. I:icics said it �vas undecided yet. Ttiey have L-ried thern aC 2 locations buC could not l:ce�� them lon� enough to see if thcy raorlced. Tliey have had so many stolen tliey liave almost given �ip on .this idea. Mr. Qquist askcd �aha�. percent�gc of tlie sales figures W�;S £zom gas. Mz. Ricics repli_ed Lefoxc 6 montlis a�a at �.50 a�allan, sales were 30%, no�,r �t $1.00 0 a g��l lon it i� n�:� ��0-50%. - PLflNNING COMMISSI.ON MC�TING SrPTTT'I13ER 12 19%9 � PAC); 6�7 E Mr. Oquis� Also wanted �o know how many customer buy gas anly. � Mr. Ricks Said less tlien 20%, most customcrs are repeat custo,nera. Mr. Boardman aslced it there was a possiblity of putting a brid�e across the creek to get foot traffic from the apartments. Mr. Boardman didn'L- know if this was feasible and would have to check with the architect, DNR and possibly work with ' the apartme�t complex owne� fox cos� sharin�. Also, Mr. Boaxdman was interested in the possibility of a bicycle easement. . . . Mr. Harri.s expressed concern about ttie storage tanks and the amount of room left tor the delivery tankers to maneuver around the pumps without hitting them. Mr. Ricks stated the 2 tanks are located under the o�ncrete pods. Each tank holds 12,000 gallons and all of this Was in accordance with the State Fire Cades. Mr. Boardman said there was enough room to maneuvex the tankers without cauSing � any problems. Ms. Schnabel stated one concern with the development to the noxth was tratfic making a ri;ght-hand turn. The developer had been required to install a right- hand turn l��ne. She suggested this should Ue looked into. Mr. Johnson said he felt that could be woxked out. Mr. Boardmari said this wassomething that would have to be taken up with engineering and Anoka Cc�unty. There i_s a deep ditch along �ast River Road at this point, p2us easements to consider. ITe stated there taas 45 - 50 feet from t�ie road to the easement, ar�d a small shoulder that could possibly be utilized. Mr. Schnabel said they had be�n promised a foods store in Lhe center to the noxth and thi.s d9_d not come about. . ' Mr. Ricks pointed out that Tom Thumb has op�ned 4-5 storas in th.e last 5 yeaxs, and has had i:b close onl�r l, cahich was re�ocated in �he same area. Mr. Johnson said it cotild be a possible conL-ingenc}� to have a conveni�nce food siore.if thi,s Special Use Permit was granted. Mr. Harris opened �he floor to the audience for discussion. Mr. John Dunphy, 155 5tonybxoolc Way, said he was very interested in this development. His �irst concern was satety. Mr. Dunpliy said peoply who do not live along this road do not ��ealize how hazardous it ����• T}iere seems to be an acciden� every I to 2 weelcs, rnainlS� caused by someone making a left-hand turn and getting rear ended. lie felt this development �aould seri_ously complicate the safety of this area. Air. Dunp�iy= also ielt concern about the size o£ tlie entrance. Iie stated the average garage �nt�ance �+'�� 22-24 feet anfl they would be tr.yi.n�; to get trucics .i.ii and out ouL' on a 25 foot ��ide driveway. He pointed out when the building nota occupied by Apaclie Trailcr Sa1es caas constxucted, any furtlier develapment in the neighborhood would be low-keyed in nature. Gas stations i_n particular were mentioned at tl�at tinie as bein�; coi�trary L'o this idea. Fie poi�lted out thzt nur.lerous statxons along �ase Fiver Road t,�ere closcd and thai this coimnuni.ty ���'-snot in dixe x�eed of an addi�ional �a;s staeion. Air. I)UII���ly 11so stated tlie last- quicic service food stoxe ii1 tlie area wen� out of bixsiness because of' lacic of patzona��. I'LANNING �CdMMxSSION MT:ETING_, SFPTP:N[T3ER 12} 1979 PAGE 7 7� One more poi.nt Mr. Aunphy was questioning was Che drainage pxoblem. �Ie asked Che archi�ect how much of the land would be covered with asphalt. The architect, Mr. SLephen Horts, replied m�re then SO;o but less tliexz 75%, with:.the area i.n the nortti-norehwest corner bein� left in its natural state: Mr. Dunphy was very skeptical as to how the amount of run-off for the site would not increase when the site Was covered with asphalt. Mr. Dunphy said the additional xun�off coming from upst��eam by all the land covered wit}i asphalL- was causing severe erosion � problems on his land. • , ' Mr. Haxxi�� explained that gallonage would increase, Uut the rate at which the _ increased gallonage was allowed to run off would be controlled. � Mr. Dunphy� expressed concern about the lighting. He felt more prooi was needed to show t1-�at illumination from �his site would not affect the nearby residential homes at l.l or 12:00 at night. H� was curious as to what the pealc hours of this store: would be. . Mr. Ricks said �eak hours are £rom 6:30 - 8:00 A.M. and 4:00 - 7:00 P.M. Mr. Dunphy pointed outthis coin.cides with the peak hours on Eas� River Road and this taould mean 150 - 200 cars trying to make left or right hand turns, xaising the risk �actor on this road. Mr. Dunphy's last concern was that i� th�is p�rmit was granted, would this mean future real estate in the neighborh�od would be introduced and cause even more hazards . Mar3� Marti:n, 133 Stonybroak I�day, said she had a letter irom neighbors, Mr. & Mrs . Ll.oyd My�r�s, Jr., 132 StQnybroolc Way, that L-hey �aere opposed ta this developmen� als�. ' MOTION by i�s . Hughes, seconded by Mr. Lange».f-e:ld to �^eeeive the letter. Ul'ON 1� VOI(�E �'OfiE, ALL VOTING AY�, CFa,ATRI�' �i�RIZIS D�CL�RED `rHE MOTION CASi�RZED UNANIr10USL5' . Ms. riartin questioned if there was room for the turning Iane, if constx'ucted, in front oi: the t�:ailer business. Mx. Boardman said yes, there �'�� at least �+5 feet from the fence to the driveway. Ms. MarL-in pointed out that the trucks using thi�s dri��eway now fox Apache Trailer deliveries turn by her hoiite on Stonyvxook, back across F.ast River Road and into the driveway. This Wa=�alxeady a tratfic liazard. She als� staCed the land in this axea Wasvery wet and questioned the safety of �utting gasoline storage tanks in th� ground. � Tsr. Ricl:s said that Was�ahy concxete pods aie required above the tanks to l�old the tanl;s do�an. .He said they have built in areas oi r.igt� �aater table befoxe and the oue foot of concxete t�a5enou�h weight, this���s again S�ate I'ire Code. Ms. Piartin e�pressed COl1CCI:i1 on tlie safeL-y. Cliild�:en would Ue attemPting to czoss L-lie xoad �JI11CI1 �a�i;;,danger�as, pltis the additional saiety problem of cars tryinQ to turn. Tis. P�iartin sai.d you car�noL ui�dexstand how dif�icult it ,�a�s to dtive this raad saiely unlcss you have lived on it. Ms e ri�rr.�.�t quest�ioned t:he proposed screenin�. a 9 e �NN�tNG COMMTS�ION MT�F.TING SI:PTEMIlrR 12 1.979 p��� � Mx. �oardman said i.t would be relatively low trees And hedges because of the power lines. lie also pointed out the scxeening would be 65 Leet from the xoad- way surface, above the ditch and would not be a dri.ving hazard. Ms. Martin said the late store tiours, 11:00 P.M., was to late for a residential. area because of car related noise cause by the pumps. Deb�•i.s and lighting were additional concerns. ":_ She concluded by saying she was very much against the development and felt they did not need an�ther. station sexvice. Jim Black, 7824 Alden Way, spoke next. Mr. Black's largest concexn was again safety. He felt any development that would increase the driving hazard should n ot be built. Iie drives this road daily and knows the hazards. Mr. Black said the road speed Wa� not enforced dur.ing rush hours and Yee ��S personally afraid of the txaffic at that time. His other safety concexn was for childxen attemptin g to cxoss �ast Rivex Road to get to Che store. He feared some child would get killed attempting to cio so. Mr. Bud bziedzic, 161 Craigway, said this area had been discussed before for a possible car dealership and was discoura.ged then because of traffic safety. lie felt there would be more cars coming and going from a food store then a car store. He �a.ted that during peak traffic hours, children are getti.ng on and otf buses and this dev�lopment would cause additi�nal hazards. He asked if there would be amusement machines for the kids i.n the stoxe. Mr. Ricks said no. He asked about possible gas spillage. Mr. Ricks said witih the advent of the au�omat�c shut-�off nozzles, spillage '�. ve.ry raa-e and smalle He stated the tanlcers are so closely regulated by state laws Y.ha� this was not a hazarci. Mr. Ma.rk Srenny, 260 Stonyba��ook Tday, was concerned wi�h the �ain run-off. - He said the Rice Greek Watershed system can haxidle a 1 inch rain, but what about a 2 or 3 inch rain. 7G Mr. Thoir�as �Tayes, 170 Craigbrook Way, questianed xiot only tr.affic safety, but the fire hazard that coul.d be caused Uy the pumps. He felt some input Uy the City Fire pexsonne� was needed. Mrs. Kate Kem��er, 1758 Alden GJay, said s��e could not axpress enough the hazards of driving on �ast Rivex Road. • ' Mr. Lennie Saniuelson, 1800 East River Road, wished to votnpliment the petitioner on his proposed develoPmen�. He said h� felt the area had no con:plaints against the proper use of the zoning, meanin� the conveni.ence center, but had one agairist the possible issuance oi a Special iTse Permit for �as pumps. He felt tl�e use of these permits had been aUused by the City and stations issued Lhem. �here�s� no fullo�� itp and many �as stations are now eye sores. T�lary rfartin aslced even ��aith all the satety features and state laws how do you keep that one person from filling his La��lc up �aiien he l�as a lighted cigarette in liis mouth. Ma-. llarris �sl:cd Lhe petitioner it he �aished to coimne�lt on some of these questions. tfr. Jn]ulson sai.d tie t�ras aware tiic store, not the puiups only, �aould incxease, tr�iffic in Lhis aXea. Secoxldly li� said ch�.ld.r.en'kE'-re nat cncour.3�;ed -�r"all2�w4�i'to loi.tcr in � �� coNrt�zssioN Mrr�xNC, .srr.r.rr�rR iz, 1979 " PAGL 9 � 7 f�� Lhe stor�a. Tl�ey are L-reated as customers, buy their items and leave. He said some of �the questions will be answe�red when they come in for their building - pexmit, bu� thou�ht t}ie gas pumps would be bene£icial. IIe commented that fire hazards �are ext-remely uncommon now and could not think af any he had heard of in the lasC 5 years. Mr. Rick:: commented again tliat there are no special at�ractions geared for children,. they do not allow loitering, and.chi.ldren axe �reated as customers on1y. �He said as far. as the fire hazard p4rtaining to lit cigaretCes, this is why the consoJ.es are opexated from �aithin the store. If the s�oxe operator sees any . hazardous activity at the pump he can shut down immediately until the hazard has been eliminated. . MOTI.OI3 by Mr. Langenfeld, seconded by Mr. Treuenfels, to close the Public Hearing. UPON A VOIC� VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CIiAIRMAN I-1ARItI5 D�CLARED TEIE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. PUBLIC HEAP.ING CLOSED AT 9:30 P.M. Mr. Langenfeld sai d he had some comments to make. The first being even with all the cont��Is, gas will be spilled and it will go into the creelc. Second he questioned the feasibility on the drainage statements. He wanted m�re proof that l'.hey woul�3 wark. Thirdly he did_question attractive nuisances, besides games, that would attract the children. He also said there could be v�rious types of occupanci��s under this z�ning. His last comment was whether or not thexe was a need �or T:his type of occupancy. Ms. Hughe:� questioned if Lher.e aould be room for a right-turn lane or would it i.nterfere wxth 77th Avenu�. � Mr. Boardman said there was room, it wauld depend on how much stacking room you xequired. � Both I�fs. Schnabel and l�ir. Treuenfels comment�d that all comments on this develop- � ment had been negative and the neighborhood �el.t ttie need was not here for it. Ms. Schnabel commen�ed that the neighborhood has to.live with the traffic problem and they felt this development waould increase it. They also seem to feel th�t they would uot use the conveilience ��tore if built. � Ms. Hughes pointed out that the pet:itioner is assuming this will be a viable business ventuxe, but caith 2 major 1.raffic barriers, �as.t River Road and the creek, she t�onders if they t�ave xeally studied the area to see if it will work. MOTION by ]�Is. Schnabel, seconded by Mr. Langenf.eld, to reconunend to CounciZ denial of the rcquest' far Special Use Permi.t, SP. ,�E79-11, By Ailan M. Johnson, to allow the installation of self-service �a;oline pumps in conjunction with a new con- ven�i.ence center. Mr. I��irris asl�ed for specifi.c dcnial xeasons. Pis. Schnabcl said the main reason would be the traffic hazaxd increase, in particular the txaffir. increase of 150 - 200 cars daily tliat c�ould be using the �as_pumps. Mr. Langeui'eld concurred taith t2x�t but also adcled L-hat in a memo dated August 2, 19i5, f�'om t.l:e City At;torney a Special Use Pe1.7nit: iuusL meet special crnlda.ti�ns �nd stand,.irds, J'hese bein�; L-liat it must protec� tlie pctblic's l�e�zlth, safcly, con- VC111P.I1CC an.d welf-ara; iL mus� a�7oi_d traffic conjesti.on or ll�zards or otiiex danf;exs �r.nt�rrztic co2�TSSZOrr Mr�:r.rNC, si,rTr���rR �.2L �.9�� � rnc� io 7 I And also promote conformity with u3e wi.L-h othcr adjoininb property and uses in tlie dist-rict as a whole. Mr. Lan��ni•eld ielt this �ermit dicl not conform to � '� ttnse conditiore and tha� W�s grouncis Lor denial. Mr. Ilarris pointed out that the de:iial of the permit is to be based on the quesCion of gas pumps. tIe added s,�fety problems with the gas trucks delivering gas would be another reason for de�iial. Ms. Schnabel said point 3 was good since a specific delivery and maneuverability plan for gas delivery had not been shown. She also wanted to add the fourth reason for denial. If there��asn't: a need �for additional pumps, and this was ,-,. not proved otherwise by the petiti��ner, the permit should be denied. Mr. Oquist asked if the permit was denied and a convenience food stroe was built without pumps, could a ri.ght turn Lane be required on the building permit. Mr. Boardman sain no. Mr. Oquist felt this would be a tr�iffic hazard not caused by the gas pumps but the convenience center. Mr. Harris stated the four reasons for denial. 1. Txaffic safety due to inc�-ease traffic because of gas pump p�tronage. - 2. Iizcompatabili.ty with the neighborhood. ' 3. Safety problems with the �;as txuctcs delivery gas. 4. Need.,�or additional g�s sE.rvice in area w�as not proven. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VQTING AY�,, CHATRN�1Id HARI:IS DECLARED TH� P�OTXON C�it2RIED UIQANIMOUS LY . �Mr. Harris ir�farmed the p4titioner this was only a reca�iendation to the Council, and �t goes befo�e the Council on SE,ptember 24, 1979. 3. VACATION RrQiJ�,ST, SAV �k79-04, RX ALLAN M. JOI�NSON, JiI�� M.T.LLER REAL ESTtjT�: Vaca.te the 10 .�o�t•easemenL on the �ast side of Lot 2, Pearson's Second Addition and xelocate on the Ea>t side of Outlbt A. Pearson's Second Addition, generally I.ocated at 7751 Eas t River P.oad N or o- Mx. Iiarris stated this was an a.nfo7-�ial Public Iieari�.�g. Mr. Boardman e�plainecl thaL tlie prc:sent easement ior drainage and utilities locatecl,on Lot 2 would be vacated and rededicated al.on�; tlie eastexn boarder of Oui:lor A. .l�t present thea-e axe no utilities there and it would be mainly used foY possible future access L-o tliesE. lots by the Cit�. ris. Schnabel as?ced if the 2 parcel� were owned by the same owx�er. Mr. Boardman said }•es . Ms, Schnal.�e�. asi:ed i£ tt�e property joining tl�e nera easement ].ines would have to hook ui> and follow these easeuients. Pir. T3na'rdman stated ��o, tlic main a-eason �o�- the eascine�irs is �o alloca access to each ��ropcxGy f:or se�,�cx, �aater, etr_ ,, that is tleedel by that property. Tliis p�operty �nd tiie pzope�rty to the ncxtli alr�ad}i li�vc� Lheir. necessary sex�vices esL';�blishc:d. . i . e . . - . � . . :_;�;,��,,� ;�.. � tr��, i .. � . � , . „ :. PLATINYNG COTIMISS7"ON MrLi'I:NG, S}sP'�T'�li;l'sR 12,,,, �.975 P�GE 11 MAry Martin aslced it the vacation goea throu�h can the lots be aold separACely. Mr. Boardman sai.d we would ask for a re-dedicaCion by the developer, the ease� mentb would go back to their original position. MOTION by Ms. Schnabel, seconded by Mr. Treuenfels to recommend to Council approval of the J�cation Request SAV ��79-04, with the stipulation that if the lots were ever to be sold separately the easements would revert back to their present location to nllow servi_ce to botli parcels, and re-dedication of the easement along the easterly ].ine of Out1oL-� A.� � UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN i�ItRIS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UN?ZvIMOUSLY . . Chairman Harris declared a recess at 1.�0:16 P.M. and reconvened the meeting at 10:33 P.M. 4. DISCiTSSION 0� TAE FORM.ATT_ON OF A PERMf�NENT ENFRGY COMMISSION Mr. Boardman infoxmed the commission that this item has been conti.nued and they should decide what they want to do with it. Mr. Harxis aslced rir. Langenfeld to give his thoughts on this subject hecause he chaired the original �nergy Sub�committee: 7 .� � Mr. Langeni'eld said he would like to see a permanent commission established. He said tlie purpose of the commission would be to worlc with the city staff ox unit coordinator during the oncoming eizergy crisis and d.ecisionso He stated he had not talic recently to the othez coi�.;nittGe m�mbers but they did want to stay toger..hu.- and he felt thei.r talents in this axea should be utili.zed. I�ir. Langenfeld said he was personally opposed to a continuation oi a sub-committee or a citizen's conunittee. He said he would not pur.�icipate on a citizen's cammittee. Mr. Oquist asked i.f this corrmlission �aould be a member of the.Planning C�mmission: Mr. Lan�enfeld said ii we follow the present ordinances it could become a member. P1s. Iiughes pointed out that it could possibly be a member dependin� on wha� type of-items are bein� discussed by the commission. Mr. Langenfeld said he could possibly Ue a soxt of a liaison person, so the co�nissi.on �4�ould be proper.l�T represented. �le felt witl.z a commission the members would liave more prestz�;e, whe-.reas a ci�iz,en's cammittee mi�ht not give the commis- sion the attention and mamentum it will xequire. �Sr. Iiarris said he could see i:he advanta�e of having a per_son on the Planni_ng Conuuissi.on representin� the energy questions. All sub-commissions are concei-��ed sometlo�v ��iY.h energy. 1Te suggested perliaps the Community Development Commission ` A11CI L11Cigy Conunission could be incorporated to�etlier. 2�ir. Lan�;exlfeld saicl }ie t;hotiglit the I,nergy Commission would have enough ta do wirh- out being a wei�;l�t on another canunission. Also the Conm�unit�y Dcvelopment Commi.ssior. deals �aith �ther qu�stions besides ener�y. �fi . ltarx is said thex c are tua��y pxoposals t?iat an ener�;}* representative could tielp �,��t�;I i.� on tlie P1211111�.11�; CC)i1llI11S51(�ll. Sucli as trznsportatio�, li�liti.ng on � ne�a 0 �'LANNxNG COMMISSION M(:T:TINC;,, ST:PTI,Mi3rR 12,, 1979' __ _ ' PAGI: 12 �' Y development, L-he proposed chan�es in the zonin� ordinnnces, or could have had inpue on.the Com�rehensvie Plan., . �. . Mr. OquisL- aslced if there was enough work for nn Energy Commission to do on a m�»Chly or yGarly basis. " � Mr. Soardman sai.d that depends on how deep the Cit-y Council wants to go, meaning commitment �f additional staf-f hours. A commission is fine as far as making a � xecorrnnendation, b�Y. the work and implementation of the xecoimnendation wss done by the staff. The Enezgy Sub-committee has already meritioned an energy city co- oxdinator which means someone on staff was xequired to do the work. Mr. Langenfeld stated someone on staffwas going to have to work on the enexgy problems anyway. and this would give it some coordination. Mr. Boardman said there are possible enexgy funding programs coming thxough by the federal government that the City would be able to compete for. He asked, do you want a c ommission to review these proposals or funds and how much of that would be done by the commission or the st-aff. He said there would be a lot of work, coming out o£ the Planning Department, and he will not be d�ing any extra hiring to handle this extra work load. Mr. Harris said someone will have to do this work. Energy is one of our most serious ques�ions our country has and it should be addressed as soon as poss�.ble. Mx. Langenfeld said he fought very hard getting-t�e ?nvironmental Quality Commission ' organiz�d. He was ex-officio on tlzat coi�unission for ovex a year with the results being a complete ?�eoxganization of the commission strur_ture. This was brougtit about through full citizen participation and felt the establi.shm�nt of this �conunission would be very beneficial to the City of rridley. Mr. Harris ask�d if ex-officio persons were al1o�,�ed under ehe new structure. Nbc. Boardn.an said it doesn`t say yes or no. It could be written as the Planning Cotmnission raants and the ordinance changed. However, he felt, if you have a�.l ex-of_ficzo member why not have a full member inste«d. Ms. Iiti�hes aslced why tl�e Enva.roximental Quality Commission did not handle this problem. Mr. l3oardman said this i.s a very specialized ar�a arid the pe��pie involved are . very specialized in that area. He saici it would be a great loss to lose tliose persons by keepin� it at a sub-corru-nittee status. Some of the members are nation- wide known for �heir lcnowledge in the encrgy field. Mr. Oquist said that loss could Ue _ bad also iL these people are not used pxoperly. '.Cherefo�e they must laave SOIl1C sort of direction so they Icnoca why they are �iere and what' they can do. Mr. l3oardcnan a��eed �aith tliis, they o.ill need .o�ne sort of a program and this conu�iissi,on should decide what that should be. Ti1. Har.zis �hou�ht it would be l�eneficial to have an Ener�y Commission in opea'�tion �ahe» t�r�rin� t:o obt�iin some �f tl�e pote»tional funds , It would sha�� tllat tae lilve tlie personnel �o utili_ze L-he gr�ii�t monies ef�ici.ently. 0 PLANNING COr1M7SST.ON MT'sGTING ' , PAG� 13 i 7 L Mr. I3oardman said yes that is txue. He said iE therewas Any type of commission or ci.tizen �;roup, we would be ahead. lie sCated t►e•�was in £avor of thi.s idea ' UuL wantcd to make sure the �nergy Commis�ion had enough direcCion and area to operate in. Iie st�1l-ed it thc Planning Commission wanted the staff could set up•a. separate section for the code which would be on L-he rnergy Conunission. Tl�ey would layout the format, scope and.membe�ship brealcdown, etc., draw up an ordinance change and bring it back to the Planning Commission for approval. Mr. Harris said the Planning Coimnission members shonld think of the dixection, gaals and objectives for this riew commission. After they have finalized it, he would br�ng it to Council as a compleLe package. ' Mr. Boardman �eminded the members to bring their report by the Envi:ronmental Project Committee to the next meeting. 5. REC�IVE COMMUNITX DEVT;LOPriENT COMMISSION MII`TiJTE5: AUGUST 14, 1979 MOTION by Mr. Oquist, seconded Uy Mx. xreuenfels, to receive the Community Develop- ment Commission minutes of August 14, 1979. � Mr. Oquist said they talked at the September 11, 1979, meeting again about the rental propexty question. He said it is going to take a long time to come to a decision on it and they have asked the City sta�f to contact Mr. Hexrick on the legalities of it. He said a decisiox� thx'ough the courts may take 2 or 3 years. ' He also said they discussed alleys and toolc a tour of them last night. They were abl.e to pinp�int whi.ch alleys should be vacated or not by the City and what �type ot direction to talce on thi_s. A decision should L�e made at the next meeting. UPON A VOTCE VOT�, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIR�'�tAN IiAItRIS DLCZ.ARLD TH� MOTION CAItRIED UNANIriOUS LY . 6. RECk IV� P�RY.S �: I'S;CREATIOTI COMMISSIOI�I MINUTT:S :.AUGUST 15 1979 MOTION by Ms. Hughes, seconded by Mr. TreuenLels, �o receive the Parks and Rec- xeation Commission minutes of August 15, 1979. Ms. Hughes said they will be starti_ng discussionsragarding goals, ideas, etc, mainly foi the banefits of the new members. Sh� said they will be setting up some joii�t meeL-iizgs caitl� the Tlunian Resource an� k,nv3.ronmental Quality Commissions. UJ.'ON A I�dICE VOT�, ALL VOTII�TG AY�, CIIAII'.M�1I�T IiAP.RIS D�CLAI2�D TIiE �SOTI.ON CARItI�D tNL�I�I�iOUSLY . 7. ItT�Cr1VT APPLATS COr5�1ISS�ON r1INUT�S : AUGUST 21i 1979 MOTIOAT by Ms, Schnabel, seconded by Mr. LangenLeld to receive the Apgeals C�mmissa.on mi�lutes of August 21, 1979. UPON A VOZCT; VO�ES ALL VOTING AY�, C�TAIP.1�u1N IIAI:.I:IS DECLAR�D TkIE MOTIOI� CARZtT�D UN�,T.VZr10USI�Y . II. CON'l'TN[13:D : I'P.0)'OS1�A CIIAIvGI?S TO CiIA1�Tl:P. 205. 7,ON71vG .. rtOTION by Mr. Trcuczifcls, seconded by Mx. Oquist to cvnLinue tliis irem until �11P. IlC.7i1: 1110E'.� 111U' . / ly' i'T.�1NN7NG COt�iMT.SS70N MI:1:7.'ING ST:PTIrMT31:R ]?. 1979 ' PAG� 14 ' UPON A VOIC� VOT�, ALL VOTING AY1:, CIIAIRMAN 11ATtRIS D�CLN3ED T1I� MOTION CARIZI�D UIdANIMUUS LX . . r 9. OTIILR P,i1SINF,SS : Mr. OquisL said tlie Conununi�y Developmeut Commission had received a peCiti.on for a request by Glencoe SL-reet residents to install a cul-de-sac on the end of their � street. 7'his peti_tion had been xeceived by the Council and passed on to them. The purpose of the petition was L-o stop thru tr_a�fic �oing to the store at the corner of • East River Road and Glencoe SCreet, plus possible crime situati.ons. He said they al-so received 2 counter petiti.ons from the neighboring streets, staL-in� it would increase . traffic on their streets. He said since the petition came directly fxom Council, what course of action should they talce. Mr. Harris said the Planning Commission will review theix reconunendation and it sh�uld follow normal channels. ._._______.__ Mr. Harris said he had passed out a lettex to each member from the Government Training Center for a seminar on energq. Anyone from the Planning Commission or sub-coumiissions could at�end and the tab will be paid for by the City. MOTION by Ms. Hughes, seconded by ATr. Treuenfels to allow coirnnission members to attend the seminar c��ith the expense being paid by the City of Fxidley. Psr. IIarris asked ii anyone wished to at_tend L-hey should Iet Mr. Boardn�an know in the mornix�g . UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAII'.�Z�t�I ITl`�RRIS D�CLt�P,ED TH� MOTION C.A.RRIED U;� �NI2•SOUS LX , Mr. Oquist aslced �hat the memoranclum from Virgi_1 Herrick, dated August 2, 1979, regar= ding �he dXfference bei_ween granr:ing a Special. Use Pernlit, variance or re-zoning �e placed on the next agenda. • Mr. Roarct��lan said tl; had a m�moxandum from tlze City �Sanager to the Human Resource Commiss:�on. �'his is a. request for ilie co�YUni.ssian to establish pr�orities when obtainin� �unds and tiow Chey shauld be used. ri0TI0N by 2�Tr. '.Cxeuenf.e:ls, seconded by Mro Oquist, to rece?ve the memorandun from th� Ci�y T1aiYagez to ttze T�uman ]tesource Comsnissi�n. r1r. Trc�uenl'els said tlie Iluman Resource Conmlission did noC meet 1ast. time and thexeiore w��s unuble to discuss it, Uur will da so at Lheir next meeting. Mr. IIar.ris askecl ta h�ve tl�e Iluman Resource Conimission discuss it fixsL before the Ylanning Cor�unission �LCtcd on i_to UJ.'ON A VOIC� VOTL, l�L�. VOTZATG AYE, C1IA:CI'.MAN %iAItRTS DECLEi?'.�D TFII: MOTT(?�I CAI�I:]:ED UI�AIvIT10t1S 'LY . . ..�„�,,,,..::. i v �'LANNiNC COZ�Q�tSS�ION MI�I�TING, SRPTTTIT3T.R 12, 1979 pACr 15 Mr. Boardrnan alno passed out a notice of a Public Ilearing.before the Blaine Planning and Zoning Commission. ' • � MOTION by Mr. Lan�enLeld, seconded by Ms. llughes, to xeceive and discuss the notice of a Public Hearing before L-he Blaine Planning and Zoni.ng Commtssion. Ui'ON A V02CL VOTE, ALL 'JOTING I�YE, C�3ATIiMAN H,1�.itRiS DECL.ARED TIiE MDTI013 CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Boardman explained the area o£ discussion was located on Highway 47 and 85th Avenue. He said they were concerned with the drainage of�this development because it will drain • into Spring Brook. Coon Rapids has pxomiseci ponding when they develop, this area and it is hoped Blaine will do the same. lle said the staff will keep an eye on it and�re- gort to the Planning Commission. Mr. Boardman also reported that they had received contracts from HUD on their Large Family Housing Progxam. They wenL- before Council on Monday with a xesolution t� allow the estabZishment of contracts between IiUD and the City of rridley. It is a$120,000 grant available to iamilies of 5 members or more. He said the monies will be used to buy and repair 2 stxuctures and build 5 new structures. These are individuai homes and not townhouses. 10..REC�TVE �NVIRdI��4EN�AL QUALZTY COMMISSION MIN[TTFS: AUGUST 21, 1979 MOTTON by Mr. Langenfeld, seconded by Ms. Schnabel, to receive the Environmental Qualitq Commission minutes of August 21, 1979. Mr. Langenfels wanted to point out tlie mol:ion on pa�,� 2 regaxdixzg :receiving information on the relocation of Highway 10. He also pointed out trie discussion o� page 3 xegarding the North rSanagement Committee. Iie said they did not have enough information:at pxesd ent to call a PuUlic Hearing. �. rir. Boardmaz� said sonieone from staff will be aCtendi_ng these meetings and recei.ving all documents on it. UPON A VOICE �'OTE, ALL Vd�:'ZNG AYk�, CII.AIRML�N Ii.Al2I;IS D�CLAItED TIiE MOTION CAP.RIEn i7I�ANIM4USI�Y . . ADJOUR1�fi�F\TT MO.T.ION by 21r. Treuenfels, seconded by Mr. Ocjuist to adjouxn the Septembex 12, 1979, meetinU of the Planning Commission. - UPON A VOTCE VOT�, ALL VOTING AY�, C�i11IRMAN IiLaItRIS D�GLIIRBS TIIE MEETII�?G ADJOURN�D AT 11: 59 � .�i. I'.espectfully submi.t�ed, � t.1 ^ �7 IGC.�, t r�_.�'�" ' - <.. _ � Y<�zuLa I,onv, l:ecai�d:in� Secretaay .�. I • O �o�l•rc�: 01- ��i�I�j,�c �n:ARI�G BEI��I?1: 'I'IlI: 1;1.'{I�1: PT,A\� [:�G /1\D ZO\:[�G C0�•�'��fI5SI0N , �. � . PI,i;!1SI; T/iKli :�0'I'TCL' that the F'lanr?ii�� and Zon�.n� C�r}�:iissi.on of t}Ie Ci �y o.0 I3laine, Atij1nesota ����ill lietd a publi.c near�.r:g on i,I1G �ollowing application: . . . CASr: 79-59 - Suhciiv:ision �1PPLIC:I�T: B.?�. L. D�.velc,pm�;nt Corpor: �ion by f:cn tijielson LOCATION: SSth Avenue and T.H. 47 � PETITIOV: The � appl icant t��ishes to �t�bdi�� ide 6. 27 ac�es -i» �o �4 lot's :ini.ended for develol-�»ent of reiail trade/�ervice businesses. The present zoiiing o_f. the parcel is B-3 (General 13usiness� ; r�o change in zoning is xec�uested. TI3E StIRJECT Pr'��ZCEL 1S :�IORE T'AFTICtILARI.l DESC�ZIBED f�S: . That part of Seci.ion 31, To3.•nshi.p �7., Range 23, Anoka County, Minnesota lyir�� ��:estexl.y of t��e :`�es�:erly xigh�c-o£=i.ay line of S4ate Hi�hi�ay A�a. 47 and .ti�rtherl}' of t}je �orfherly� riaht- of l�ay line of ESi.h Aven��e. HEAR7;�G DATE � TIi�9E: Said hearing ��'ill take pl_ace on 1''ec�nesday, Sel�temher 12, 1979, at the BIai77e City HaII Cot,nci.l C}:a:�!bers, locai.ed at 915U Central A1�enue N. E. , Blaine, Niinllesot3 at S:00 p.m� All interested persons ar.e in�-i�ed Lo attend und be heard. Persons 1�ho ma;� halre quest7 o11s may call Denartment of CoMmt�nity Develc�pmel�r, City. of P>la:ine 784-G700. JoyceTti,�istol, City Clerk Dated: �1u�ust 2S, 19?9 F'liblished i�l the Blai.ne-Sp��ing Lal:e Pax}: "Liie" - f�l�aust 31, 1979 i! . .'■ �� � ' 7P 0 City of Fridley Planning Commission September 11, 1979 Fridley City Hall � . 6431 University Avenue N.E. � , Minneapolis, MN 55432 ' . Gentlemen: - � Tn regard to the request for a Special Use Permit, S.P. #79-11, by A11en M. Johnson to allow the installation of self-service gasoline pumps � at 7751 East River Raad N.E. in Fridley, Minn�sota, we wish to state that we are very much opposed to the issuance of a permit for this purpose. The traffic situation along this area of East River Road is already at a dangerous leve1 and continuing to get worse because of the development of the area east of East River Road and no access across the BN tracks except at 77th Way N.E. This causes much delay and lane switching because of people turning into 77th from East River Road. � A convenience store wiZl generate more of the same only a 150 yards north of 77th and the addition oT gas pumps will make the traffic si�uation impossible. We would also ce�nment that even a eonvenience stor� is a very po�r choice for i:il l S 1 ocati ���� as Lh,ere i s no pedes tr�i an �r�4�ss i n� (wi th a 1 i ght } north of Osba•rne Road a�c� th� store wi11 create: an attractiV2 'nuisance for children living west af Eas� Riv�r Road. These children will be trying to cross this raad ir a very cod�gested and dang�rous area. . We are writing this letter because we must be out o-f town on the date of the hearing but want our protes'c knov�n. � LEh1: am �. Yours tru�y, � r , ; � G .��.����` � �Z�%:-�� . ���,...-,-� L1oyd E. and Mildr�d J. Myers, Jr. � 732 Stonyl�roak Way �J.E. � �ridley, Minnesota � A y �is;..e' // �.'�/3N s�i� 7;�9�/9,x ., � " v � / , i .. . t :�� � �. - F :. • ( .� - � \ ����i�� :l. . � e•: :_kq"'da!` �z3 Z2l 2�� � 'w �� I!c 5f i}, : �� re :_:._.._..., � _ -� �;, /0 � e i - � . ,ti ?c •• . ;. . .: ., t ; ` w f : ^ J� .�4'�/[ar (t'fdt.w��... r+'� � ' 1 O � � . ^ � ��. \ • .. . . - . . . . ' �)/ � � .. � --Y.. 4.. j1......CG'-4 ..... . N7'fd . ' � . 'ti , �y 7.6 � '1 )sv if- r �o� �+�GSL �FII�. \ <�s.t �.�:: d . • �/ �- "- . , .' ".�Y.fY "_f �u ~' .� 9 I o..��,� �, / . f ' ..� ,zr.. . . .� -. , -� ..�,. :.,z .'v � � . �j . ......-, r.�.,. � .. .s-�, 1 �'', f.!'., � ''' ; � � i ` i� h � � � � . ' ,. -..,» ..-Y 9 • k 7� �� f �j `% I � ��1� i - +_) . �-.�_ � �;,�;. � . � � '�` ,.:: :_ ` ,, ��.� � : I �~ 1 t ,r `�;� `- '„� SP #79- and SAV #79-04, by ..-: •� � ,'C ;�, �eM � = _! �t `j � ` �:� � _ 11an Johnson for Jim Miller Real 'f -.� t , = , � �T�-z � ; C�tate. Lot 2 ; . , _ , . r . � r : , Block 1, and Outlot ` � '�- � ` � , tit - , � � _ ' �� �earson `�s Second Add j � � ition � � >. ,�`:. � tR,�� r :�: 2 ' ;� � I�" y.�x� �i��e s fl ., � o � ,� ,..,, ,.--.•- ,_._�_ + ,�i. L " � !� i � r Z , � r � , t � c � '1, �"' y ��� / p � / r j.��' q. r� ,�L �" z s � �.'', t� ��i �, 8L i'�1 i0 t. � er �L a k2 �{9p i � �r ' 1 ,r I ) , ,� , b •c '_ d�• � -� � 41 � � " _ , + ` . Y . I 4J �P�. /! X o ,/Q� _t�' _. L � ' •� I f . . v ;� -''. � b �. ... i .^: ` � . . - , ° � . ..y '. y t+ /� ' - ;� , y� �- .: �-. i�: •4� �r5� .- '� _ 7 ' i._ \ i���(ir Fi�-` � .. �� . � � •. � �� � �. .'^� _7 . _. o .� - ✓� ,. �� y .r �. r - i ;` � �Y�\`,,. 4-.. �`� _� 4 �-. .�+ _/ 7,= � . . � -'r. 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' .. 7 0 i �3� �� �`, � �_�� � w 1/1 `OO r� . - u�, C� z`-�'; Q, ��Ct��� 9� r� , , �'� Ep t. ��� 3 `�Q r V.� �� ` � _;. � r, : ,f� - �, �- ,P [Y' "� ��yy `' ��`' `a �^£ ,� A:: �. '� � �,i �j f �� � .. � lD o �j , !Z. d'� j, , • . .. " •,` . _ �'."a.. F �i,. �J �� y. t� • . . d" .,r,l.�, . , . �� . .. ,,,.,. 7��. /�tJ % .:g� � \c � .' ��� , � � a^ ^�'` ., � , / . .� ' • �..�.��, CITY OF FRIDL�Y APPEALS COI�MISSION MEETING - AGUSUT 28, 1979 CALL TO ORDER: Chairwoman Schnabel called the August 28, 1979, meeting of the Appeals Commission to order at 7:35 P.M. ROLL CALL: � � Members Present: Mr. Kemper, Ms, Schnabel, Ms. Gable, Mr. Barna Members Absent: Mr. Plemel � Others Present: Darrel Clark, Building Inspector , APPROVE APPEALS CONLMISSION MINUTES: AUGUST 14, 1979: Mr. Barna noted a correction in the minutes. Page 10, paragraph 7 reads, .... in case of a sudden flood someone woul.d be trapped . e., it should zead, .... in case of a sudden flood someone could be trapped ... MOTION by Mr. Barna, seconded by Ms: Gabl_e, that the Appeals Commission minutes of August 14, 1979, be approved as corrected. LTPON A VOICE VOT�, ALL VOTING AXE, CHA�R�4'�i�'flsN S�TINt1B�L DECLAI'�.ED TH� MOTIQN CARRIED t�:JANIMOUSLY' . � 7T �• CONTIAZUFD � RE• UEST I'OR Vl�"��t�ltiC;�S PU:['�SU�'NT TU C�L�n�TI2 2�J5 OF '�Hy r�:IDL�i' CI�'Y COPF:� _ �_..�_. TO REDiJris '1:liF 2�:LPZII>�IIM T,QT [;l�F� T�Rt�M `L'TI��RE UIF'��'D �7500 SQUAF�E FEET FOR LOTS PLAT�iD B}�FO�.; DNC::vu�T`i: 29 ?�3�5� I'�J �i..ri��;- .`�n+T.?�(`} ��`F� l ��i�i�i�a:0 1:�1D`'JGL�'.ti3� l;T'�UIF.I:NLti,NT TH�11 'I'HEI�E BT 20 ��; �"P ��,�'tFEi.�?�T i�1:�ri2�G P,l��:�'.S 0� ?±D47;.�.''!�'.1_ �T?F'?�„TNGS ON �?�".: nAI:C�I: OF I�NL� 60 FEET_ Oi'� LESS�7_l� �=�:1:�T11.�T� ,10 �'1 L�", `i0 t.,L7 C;iJ �7'lI� GONS'1'ItUCT:�ON OF TWO DL�LLINGS IN CPR-�7_ lO�71.�G :t�L,�011 PLA3:.YT 4 TtiF S?i•1� k3? 1:r7G�t3J.25 /�.Nt� 8133_ P.NuP�VIEW TEl2RACE N,Eo (Rec;uest Uy Exc�.libur Homes, lnc., 1G6i�NaL. °Oth Street, Spring Lake P«ric, Minnesota 55432). The petitioner, or anyo;7e represunting tiie p�titio.z��r., wex:e not preseni. at the meeting. Ms. Schn.abel reminderl the commi_ss9.on and ��uc�i�aica ti�at a.t the August i4, 1979, Appeals Commission meeting this Public He�zing was rabled until this m�eting. MOTIOi�i by Ms o Gable, secondec3 by �%r. Kemger to ::emoti*e tl�a..s a.tem from th�. table to allow fur_ther discussion on il�e xe<;uests. UPOPJ A VOICE VCTE, ALL VQTING AYE, CHAIRT��OMAT? SCHNI�EL DECL�lII?�D TH� MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Ms. Schnabel aslced Mr. Clarlcif he could fill tlie commission and audience in on the current status of this xe:;uest. Mr. Cl.arlc said there were 2 items of concern in tlie minutes. One pertained t�� fire walls and the otlier to drainage. As far as the fire wall is concerned the building code does not re:;uire fi_re walls if the building is 5 f_eet or more from the lot line. Tt�e building code is bein� met by buildiz.� the two houses as proposedo However, tir. Cl��rlc felt there cotil� be s�zne danger in buildi_n�; the 2 sl-.ory homes so close to- getkicr witti �egards to the possibility oi' fire spreading from tt�e locaer level p� 7U APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING AUGUST 28, 1979 ' PAGE 2 one home to the upper level of the other home. Mr. Clark also said that the onZy drainage plan that he has seen would not work. He went on to explain that the petitioner had called on Monday asking questions about building one home on the 4 lots. He was called back on Tuesday by the Planning Department to see if he still wanted to be on the Appeal's agenda, and he said yes. Mr. Clark assumed the petitioner would have been here tonight and he or' the staff had not heard contraxy to that. � Ms. Schnabel asked if anyone in the audience was representing the petitioner and there was no response. , Mr. Clar.k said that since this commission is only a recocrsnending body and since the petitionex is not here, he felt that �he conunission should take action and he would recommerid denying the petition. Mr. Clark felt that even if the peitioner brought in new evidence of feasibility to the Planning Commission or Council that the de- � velopmexit would not work or look right. MOTION by Mr. Kemper, secunded by Ms. Gable to deny the request for variances pursuant �o Chapter 205 of the Fri.dley City Code, to reduce the minimum lot area from the xe- �luired 75G0 syuare f�et for lots platted befoxe December 29, 1955, to 5584 s_,uare feet:i and to r_educe the requirement- that there be ?_0 feet between living areas of adjacent dwellings on any parcel. of land 60 feet or less in wiclth, �0 10 feet, to allow the construction of two �wellings in CPR-2 zoning (flood plai.nj, the same being 8125 and 8133 Riverview Terrace N.E. Ms. Schnabel asi:ed tryc a��dienc.e i� t�hey l�ad anyth�.:ig to discuss or com•neTrt -• on at tlzis time. Ms. Sch.nabel e�plained to �he aucii_:.nce tnat �his boar� was recommen- ding to Cauncil to deny this request and i_t is up to the petitioner to decide what he wants to tio before zt gets �l:o Couiiri]_o 1'f the Council concurs witli their decision then the petiti.en�x cannot present tt�is request before Council fox� 6 months. � Mr. Clark said he (petition�r) coulcl still btzild one hous� on the 4 lots but ��ou.l�i still need a Special Us� Pernrit anct that requ�st raould come t;efo�e ttie Pl��nnirrg Commision aL a later datc. . Tlze audience aslced when the Plannixzg Com.mis� i.c,n me�ti.ng ��ras . T�Is . Schnabel stated it would be on t�Iednesday, Septerr:ber 12, 1979, and �lza+� they (hc�meo�aners) are not given Written notzce but it iU• an oper. meetin� to ai�yoize. Ms. Sclinabel fe1L- that ai: the Septemt�er 1'I_th mc.c�t.i.ng the petii:ionez tao�?ld be able to show tllem ea.actly wliat he ir�tends to do, mcani.ng the �ossitai_litq of a single family dwellin� o�z the 4 lots. The Parpose of the Pl�z�nin� Coznmissi.on meeting is mainly to deci.de �ahether ox not he wi.11 be able to build in th� fload plain area, and not with the hcuse or houses ha proposes to bu.ild. rir. Cliester Sc�iack, 685 Glencoe S�reet N.�., asked if the peitioner would have to build the house on a higher slopea Ms. Schnabel said it tiYould have i:o be above the flood plairi level, rir. Schacic was concerned that �iis house wot�ld Ue lower and have a drainabe problem. Mr. Cla.rlc thought that the En�ineE�xing Department would have a dxainage plan drawn ug to advise the Plannir.g Commission at the S���?tember 12th meetir.g. Mr. Sch.acic also asked if Tri.dley had considercd buyii7g the lots to use as a natural catcll basin. Mr. Cl��rlc said he was not aware o.f. any pl.an. f / APPEALS COMMISSION N1�ETING AUGUST 28, 1979 � � PAGE 3 Mr. Schack said he hated to see someone get stuck with some land they could not use and this would be a good way to use th.e lots. IIe said he would be willing to cut the weeds on t�is side o� the catch basin and thou�ht the homeowner on the other side felt the same. Ms. Schnabel felt that decision should come from the Planning Department or Council and recommended that he contact his Council representative, Ed Fitzpatrick. Ms. Schnabel asked for any further comment from the board members. Mr. Barna said he would have to agree with the motion because he felt he hadn't heard of any hardships from the getitioner that he had not created himself. He also firmly ' felt that the building of 2 honies would create a safety hazard ta the public health � and welfare. UPON A V�ICE VOTE, ALIa VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL ilEGLA.RED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANINOUSLY. Ms, Schnabel said that this rec�uest should go to Planr�ing Conunission on September 12th and to Coe�ncil on September 24th, Counczl can set a Public Hearing if they want. . 2° RI:CExVE MI�,?�JORATTDUI� FRU�1 VIi2G.T.L C o HrRI'.�C�1,�Z� C,T_TY A�'I'ORI�?I_Y� DATEa AtJGUST ?., 1979, ISSU�: ���Fit�T �RE T.kIP PROC�I�tTP��L L�ND SUBSTL'-���TIVE RF Ul.l.tL"M�NTS TIiA.T rNST BE COMi'LILD ;' -- ,_._.._.._�...�� ..._.�.�.�.. kTITH IN Gl�.fLrIT��'�G A SI'i�CIEiL U�L PI:i'.S•53�T�� VAZI�"�\CF�OR A RE-70NING CH�'�NGE? i MOTION by Mr. Barna, seconded by ��Is, Gable to receive the memorandum from Vi.rgil C. Her� icT: � UPON A VUiCE �T�TE, A'LL VOITNG tiYE, CSiAllti�(�M.l�Iv' SCIiNl�.�3E7:, pECLL�REll `C�E MQTIJN C.SRP�IED tTi�1A1�IM0UST�Y z Ms. Schnabe]. asked if thexe were a�-�y thou�hts or conunents on tiie memorandum. Ms, Gabel said she hac� o��� ranunent. She had notl_cGd i:hat t.he courts liad done some kind of a svain� arovnd wi1�h regards to cc�nside.ring �conom.i.c feasi.hility when con- sidering a request. Pxior to this you cauld ;::ot use CC�IZOI111.0 feasibility as a determinirig iactor. St�� also noted tYi�t tli� tppeals Commissic,n acc.r,rding to this. memoran.dum couid impas� s�ipul�tians �ahe��eas before tizey questi.oned a.f. they could do this or not. Ms. Schx�abei said she l�acl not; been abl�, to cc�rnpare this with the �ld guidelines yet. Mr. Kemper asl�ed if tliis should be consic�e��ed as sam� soxt of guidelines. Ms. Schnabel said yes, that i�.z tha hopes it would help claxify some issues in the past and also help in future issues that would be pertinent towards a recommendation. She �aent on to say t11e I'I.annin; Coznmission x'eceived it at the end of their last meeting, but did not d9_scuss it. Mr. I:emper_ said he had not had time to really look through it. Mr. I3arna tiad xead through it and said he had no comment ta malce on it at this time. ..�. � � • . , , � ; � � ;• :� —, �� a . � � J ` �, 5� `�'�^ � - � f '�,� � f - , , i � , ,, tr , ,.. 7, � \p • � ;f �r r`•'\ 5�,5 ` ` � ����5�°� ���`- '] l% .� �G ; �9 ` �� ; Z� , -\�� �,7JIZ<Z�i��, �,A., ��,,, � 3� / /� ^ � * � _�" ,s�'� �\%�, 1{'�� � � �S.Ag .�,�3 � �'\ � (, � .. P,1 ,; �� ti y �'�` �c.b� .e�fi` � i ����%t • � � � �... ,�j! /n v . ieol%H.i � LS� 0 6\ -,`i a � � . ^ � ��3 p� ` SP #79-10, Excal i�aur Homes, Inc. 1� .a .. � � ZZ ., Au�; su . i4 � � � � `• . • , �u �- ;�, � =�" , �,���— lJ,.. �� , ��T—`� , �i o> - •` �, +��.- � - � { N4� CO 15RE:V �, � j � r '3°a� o�q s�� � . j . „ • � � � ��, �� ; r �,.� �� 5, , ,,, -. � , a� 5�. , , � �� � � . , � ;, 'o � ., j� y � � \ � ` � v s0 '����\ • " �� ��'� � '� � Z� _ � y ' � _c�J! ' t�a) �� , t� , � � � t r !� � ,�) � `, ,de,r�I � �� 4tsy.� 6�1��?, �° T .iizs a,,,y-n . 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'1 . . a�- ',�` - ' SP #79-10 - Excalibur Homes, Inc. �rl► • a�c�u . �,,,i� ��,�����„����,u C,�{l:17'!1 C�.�. �K;1 Jl:1 nf ,�,�,��„ ,���• .�.,.��������i .2D' `I.nncl ��jurrc��or . `Thcater `11uilJirr�,�. `�1nc�k��. "lllinnc•sc�ta. ,5.53�3 lA61�1 �'d 8. ' �t AG� f10ME Q,tdqG FOYER ' u a4' aQa�E �87,rn�. r l��: �O� 7'0 o ra hic �uryey ar�d Propnse� G'raa'ing f�/�n P9 P `ar � . . r r. n�r� r� rn. �/�'1 A II"�^ J A/�^ 7"l��i u�•u ur�� f�hin d' /<f�u�iryih;c �ur.ry ,n•� �w•r<� ty�di� dnd r/w././ ht ustli /oye/Grr �/!. %ri1•%�ia�i/r P�' tLi•.c�r �1���'u� Af�i�il !1 l999 fw' ;✓ls �'7CYfJ, h/uc% .ri� onl/ /a/s ?Yr30 b:'ucf .5' al( rii (!t p/✓� o!' H/Y!/�'Y/FiN //E/6//7:i, !lii<i�u C�x�n/y� Al�iuio.ro/n. � ��E� �'✓ �� / N U� / `� / / ^ T ; ��'� . r �. �� ! .� -�' �J'% \ \ \\ � . �\\ � . � � ��\ ,��3� . d: �� /�° �, ��R : /� , {� / j 6 / .'✓ ` y' �l. ♦ � � � : �l �„_"- " cV � �. � �. °�'- n ,� 4� a� �\ � ��. � ` �3 � j i� {' `�\\ ` � � n .7 • \i ; L � �` ,'l / i`t, i o - �'�} � � C ������ 1 C?? C� \' � �� T �' L� � �i� CYZ � ` \ t�, � ,__ 1 � \ ° ,. _� � k' �a�i�� . � , � � , ,c�v �. CJr3 \ �1 � y�- � \ � ,_� \ n � ti ti o , o' ' -, • i -.� �� =s --�- f 0 U �� � ___ . �- �> ���i � � �� � �, c-.'l E r�..�• z 7Y � .. � � � € � I,, 1� NG.V.D ✓e�%,cn/ Dofu�n ,(6zP.�) • Oenofes F.�f/�np E/evof.onr t Pf �8=7/ � Ocno%J f'�gJUrrJ E/�vv! onr eench,�a,�:r � . Fi�e /lyJ�on/ (f�P ��adur/�n� nu1J p/ Ibe init�sccfian o%� /�ive�v�ew . 7e�race ar�d Fei.^��on/ Sfi'Cef E"levofian � B�5 0.� �eet �� � ig � �� � � _- v- n-� � �,�'i^��%� i `- i ,'' i i � i ) ^ �� t. �..� tJ; \i� li • �. � � / `\ ` ��� �/ ��� ,i ��� \� � ^ � � �� i � �'�� �� � 1 ai 9ti2 � l � \ \ , - ` �• c}tnRr.t.l� ca;�;Y��sszoN ,��r�a�:rxza� _..__ Ma�...s, _�-�'�� C�LT� TO QRDEit 0 � Chairperson. Ash cal.led 1;he mee�ting�to order at '���0 P.M. • ROLL C!`�LL ME?�IBERS PRESE:IIT c , . . Clifford Ash., Pe�:er Treuenfels, llavid Berg, Charles 7�anger, Bob Pierce � Irene ��taertens � Sue Nagengast, Jcan Sch�llo David Schaaf� Fr�ancis �.dam van Dan � ME�IBERS ABSEI��T: .Wa? � Starwalt� Tim Breider� Larry Commers, � Ken.neth �3rennen, Johri S��anson A.PPP�)VE CHAR.2'ER_CO",'I:;IT aST�N i��:CNUTES $ _ - MQT70N �vas m�.de by �lls � Na;er����.��'� tn apF�'c��e the &Zarch G, 1.979 minu�tes. P�'ir. I3��g sc��anczc�d �the ;�Io��.az�o U�on a vaice vate, all vr�fi�� a.5��ct -�k�e ;`�fn��_ox� ��zl.ss�c� Laz�.az�.���.o�s�.�o � I;iO`.t'�:t�N v�as muclY by� :�'ir. :L,ang�:r �c� a1?a�r"a`�e i;r�c �'��r�.�. 3� 29`79 TA121U'UBS � ��rl�`e �.�Y f:LiE?�'.°1i�t-'� S ;:��ty�:,.Ia.C3.C,.'.i� �1av .�'IC� i �.CIi. �T�C321 d V'O1GE' YTa�e al'1 vc��i,::_��� ayc �-rhe ivlc��f;ic�r� ���.�^�:z.cd ia�xaa�.�.rac��.s:�yr. 1. I�C`PC�RT Ij��O::,: QF��'IC,{�'liS: , �- r � � , .'- ,,-�, -�; ` n �%GflliTllSSi.Gi� �Yia�.�,l=�e�° �on A� ?Z si��-���a �i,h�, i, h� �ti�'�'�e.0 �c� , r� e�uha� t�i,. novr lias ��l���c� rie�v r.leri�b`rs ia7. -�,he �cr;:�c�n c��' i4�ix�. �:?uvi.c± Schaa:� k and P�2r. La�:�a°S� �c:a;�mer�. 2. P� �� ,�d �3U 5:i_ T� i:'; 5;� a Th�re s���as rara net^r L�:�a�iacss �Lc� z c,��r�.bo � � <�-r*,r . CTL? �IT,���z,�,SSt �,. Discu:�sior. cn PuL�1_ic Iiear_in� ni�etin� ��zc't possible chariUes tn the Cityy Cha2-l•er. R2r, l!,;;1� state�i that :[ro;n the ].��st mee�t;ir�g, i'� ���as decideci that �h� Gomr�i�si.o:� :.�ho«l�� talv� �t.h� fif��eer� ���z�a.eu; �cction� �f possi.t:�le c1��;ui;;e� to �he Char�t,��r azicl s�I.i�t �tl�e��1 up ini,o t}i� ee sulicorf;m�.ti:c�c�::, �rho coul.d -t:rieri br.�rz;; bacls �,n in-depth r�poz i;. � 0 0 �tzn� i�iav l � l��y $ A Mr. [�sh s�ated tha�L he and Mr. S�anger had di.vided. the issues in�o '�hese t:hree suUcomrnit-l;ees c Mr. �'iexce r item �/10 "Sl-�ould there be a fair campaign practices . section7° � � �.tem #�12 "Ref . Section 205 - Should there be a ehange on how vacanci�s of unexpired terms of Councilmen are filled?" item ��13 "Should there be an automatic recount on� close elections?" ' - Mr. Starwalta item ,�1 "Should the P�Iayor and/or Ar�ministration give a S-Late o� the City It'lessage annually?" item �2 "Rei. Section 2.07 - A�'t°r setting their ,:�salar�.es, should �the Council. members stand for re-�lection befare receiving the increase?" � item �� "Silould �here b� a lzcni.t on e�pendi�ures . . f�x° �a�}��c�ner�ta ta a �e�tit�.o��.?�" . � i��m ��7 "�ilc�ulc� �he �`�unca.� increase in size now t�a't �'�`idl��i i.� ir�u.�h Iaa:gE��:' �h�n v,�h�rb th�; Charte�° r� �a i"1ciS c�CiQ�J��C�'.: . �`�CrI�3 7�� ���}�til7;�..�. 11���1s��r Gi:`t:�','L�'`'.t`,.�. }�E1c�,�.^i.�.S y�sOII?iillt�f.'£'S m ��;c. ��a�F� a ti�xa��:zr�.,�'i��.�x� ��.�v ;�, �x� �.s rejus��_cation l�ec�ss�,x�y �'�� �'L�zt;hea� ex�_��:e��e�'�" �tczn �r �.1 "�r��uld �11e Ck��a�-i.�r l��ve sorne ;,k�ing on c:�l��.x.c;�s ca�' Gc�unci�. mc;n��c;r� �a.r�r,� �a��f;�y E���.?ni.ni.s�ratioil?" i�#:em ,��1 a ;�k�ou�.c� �t:he G�u�.c�_1� or_ �tl�e Char�ter Comm`�.U�inn s�«trc� �l�hc� �oti��Jex° �Lr }Za�t� aclvtsarSj G'Z.G'C�1.OT1S? 1�ZrF I�� enn�,��.� i��m �t�� "S?��u�.c� �t���tic ��.�y P;� ^�a��4t,�r �c1^v� �l:o.�;a].ly at �hc }>.1���.���x r: u:� t.l�.e G�.t�� C:�l�:a.��l a r�1�U.l��in�' the jab poli�ta.cal`? `� , �itezi: �t1�� "Sht�ul.c� Fach Gaur�cil meml:�er and iF�ayor ap�?a�x�-� c�n� memb�r t� each 1?oard ar Commission sub j cct to trte 1'�r'I��p�` � S ap�rova]Y?" "Sllould the �Tayor� � also apPoin�� rnembci•.a ta Ci�la.l Service subject to the appr�va.l of �tk�e Cit� Council?" Pa�e_� Charter Commission_Meetin,�,�, May 1, 1979 $ B Ii. Repor�l: from Subcommittees - , P�Ir. Pa.erce s�ta,�ted that he did not expec�t �;hat they would be havin� a lot of ineetin�s� so that if anyone was interested in '- the subcommi�ttee he �vould send them a notice of the meetings. Mr. Pierce s�rated tha� they had managed to have a brief ineeting this evening; and that they hoped ta have another meeting at the end of tliis month� or early nex�t month. i�r. Pierce further stated that ��.s a subcommit�ee, they would either arrive at the decision to c�ffer a recammendatian to the Commission for a � ' change, and -�heir rata.onal�F or come with a recammendation for • no change to -the Charter. � MOTIOi1 was made by i�7r. Berg �;o tabte i�em �6 vrha_ch reads, "Should there be a 1.imit on �he nuzn�er of tex�ms a�erson can serve on the Ci-ty Coun.c�.l`?" o I��otior� vras seconded b.y Mr. Langer. Upon a voice vote all voting aye, 3.�;em r'�6 was tabled unanimously. I�IOTION vras mi��.de by t�ir. 33�r�; ta tab�_e i't�rn i�� �^�rY�ic7Z reads, "Ref o Sec�tian 7.0.?. -- tih�u�ci �k�l�.er� �e a la�n17.� c�n uhe �o�ey snerit in ac�di�xc�r� �v '�hE ma.� 1�.�.�ii�t�� �:�.arz`: �urn��l�_i���; la.��e limit doliar a.ncrc:asas :i�n. the Lud��et -Ga �:�e ra�c c��f zn��.at�.o� plt�s 1�� 2�ercen V?'„ ��iafiiar�. `��as :;s�cc�n��d l�;jr 1'���� e I`a�;t�;?;;as�. Upon a " va� ce �rc�te Y �41�_ �c��; �ag aye P i���n� ,��'� vr�s ;�a��.ed urz;.�x�aim�c�usl.y. , TYZOTION v�au i��z�� ��r i�l7�:°. ���.a�:�.f ��o �t�:LY��_�: a.�em it�} vrl�.ich �caa.s, << � Can ��7ez:sa��i Ibci.d mc�r� t;l��.r.�� c�ne e:�.eG�Uxe��e c7�'�:�.c�?,° i,ia`�ic�r� �vas seccix�a.�d by �;i��o 1?�:c.nc�s �dajri van L�azla Upcn � va�_ce v���, al.l va�i.r�v a�,Te, j�Y�.G i',�o�:i�n to t:able i.tc�a ��`� :[����s�:�. un;;,.n.zmotksly. Di.;sGLi a:�iori ex}..�vec�. a�L �lZe �o�aa_� o�' ei_��k�ic��° ���e Ci��y Couz�ci.l ar the C1-�ar_ �er Comni�.s;°�.c�n i�.�}�v�iz�; �h� p�vae� �i,o ?�.azr<; �n �.dv�_sarv el.ectian. P�Zs. Iva{;cn��.s�!. que;��ioneci the Gcazr�rna.,_>;��.on or� Ct���,rter Section �f2.OS Vaca�°zcies in the Gouncil. Discussic�n ensued. ,ti907'IC)i�t ti^�ras rn�idc� b;T ?,Tr.. 7.'r.cucniels for the Commissi.on to seek a legal'c�p7_niori, �nd on preceaent if ar�y� ozi �he Charter S�ction �'t?.05 Vt'�CAlVC7:LS IN �'HL COUI�CTL ���orcla.n� a:£ 'good cause' , xound in �i;lae senter�a� "c�r by reasnn ol the fai�.�?� e of ax�5r counca.lman wi�hc7lz�i, �oa.d ca�zse.." With the idca of samcone v�i_th �oad cause such �s an a�:cidcrx�t may no�: bc: �ble to be recnoved. Dlation was secc�i�cled U,y r'i �. Na;;r:r.�;as�. Up011 a ��o�.ce vc,•te �].�. votin� aye, 'Lhe i�iot:i.on p,��;;;ed UI�a?�ic;�ou::�:l.y. 0 Pa�'e 4 Charter Commissian Meetin� '_ Ma.y 1�_ 1979_ $ � Re�arding thc� topic of the Cii:y Council vacancies, I�fr. Berg s'ta�ed that he fel.t there wa� apt to -be iess trouble, by leaving the vacancy unfilled tha.n �t;o have the Council fill it. He further sta�ed that 1:h�re si;i.11 was representation in the Mayor" and the Councilperson at Large. Alsa tha`t if �he Council were politically .� polarized in their attitude, they wouldn't be abl.e to agree on a Council replacement anyway. � .• n�r. Pierce si;ated that he agreed with ;�lr. nerg in that view- poin�;. Also he pointed out that things that had to be done woul.d be donE� such aU budget etc., and things that weren't " of necessa.ty would not be harmed by wa.a.ta.n.g. Mr. Schaa�' st�ated �hat he fe�t because af the cost and the low voter turnouf, in a specia.Z electi.ox� he �ranciered what would be accolnplished . It�r. F�°ancis Adam �an I1ar1 sta�ed �ha� h� �'e�_t it shauld be searched out on v,hai; 'i,v c�o if -�he�°� ��r�r_e mu1-ta�p�e �racancies on the Council in vrl.Zich ever.-� there raay na� be a quarv.� �ta decl4re a vacancy. Mr. Ash s�ca�ca that �hi ��tc���i.c an CcYunca.�. �ya�;�:3cST iiad been assignc:d ta M:��. P�.ei�c.e�`s su��car�nm�.���� �'c�r �i,hem �� t�r_i�; bacl� �heir �rapc�sal� �'ic� �>>aggc�,�;:iaz�s. �v1i e Ash. :�'�zz�t;het stu�ea tha% in �he ��is-tF �t;hE�T i��.d givez: th�;iz� �ropo:�als to �k�e Coiz��ac�l a� a package, ins���d ui o1:.c �zc��cas�1 at a tin7e. lv2x. I?ierce �� ���ted -t�.at he �.�Zsc� �;c�ul_� 7_i]�e �tia deal �ti=i�h �? ]_ the -Lo�:�.cs a.s a p� ��Lag� F unl.ess sa:jae�i2i.r�� d�:�re:lmt����:d �h��.t ��rould nced to Uc s�_i�.�l��. nu�; �'ar c�u:�clt �.�t�.ex��ta.c?n. IvIOTJ�UI�_Uy ��Ir. �'�.ezc� t� aclj��.xxx� far �:he mar�tt�s af JuneA July� and I'�ugust, r;a�� seco7�.d.�d L�r il�r. Lax��;ez . Upon a vaice vot�, a1�. v�ti.ng aye, �hc �,�1a�:ian ��a;�s�d uz��zimous7 y, . �. Q�'HLi? BU�rNESS a �!L. Updated list of Chazier Commission n�enibers. (See ���.�:�achr�ent) � 0 Pa�e ,�__y_____..._ �harter Commi.�sion. f�Reeti_n f�[a 1�, 1979 Mr. �scha�.f wa�ted 1;o si:at� �ha� there is a Bill now for automati.c recount for all illinnesota municipal elec�ions that looks like there is no douU-t wi11. pas:�. I3ecause the 13i11 provided for .. certai.n perce:�.ta�es, and different numbers when a recount wauld be call�d �or. Mr. Schaaf s�ated that he would get the part�cuZar pe:rcentages, a.nci numbexs to ttle Commission. 1�20TION by �is. �rlaertcns to adjourn. Seconcled by iir. Treuenfels. Upon a voice �vote� all voting aye, the meeting adjourned at , 9:25 P.M. � The next meet'Lng vrill be Sep�:ember 4, �.979 � Res�ectfully submit�ed,. �y r;` �,�-_-�`-�" �/ �-�..-�%2-�X, �� �v- Elaine Reed Recozding S�ci�etary At-��.chmen�t . � . �� �'� ��8-�a _ �.zL> `--o` . . � 'ti` y". ��' � % �: � / ' � , ,� , , � �� . - ''� � i�� �-� -� � .-� z%t..� - _ � > � �� �r��-� ���'� . �� ,.� � �.�. � ��� , �� �. ����° - �'i �� � �� i��� � �, S S Y � =� � / % .��` .. . ._._�...�r�` ��� ,����:��. �:::;��f�� � _, _ _ ., ,,,, , .�,I , l /� li�� .� ,r� . ,.�jj� �`rf',} ,, � � i '=!'�l/ �� . ��< �� ,. ���,� '' . . 6431 UNIV�F�51TY � Allan �. Stahlberg 305 89th Avenue Iv.E. Blaine, Mn 55432 Dear Mr. Stahlbe^g, � 9 �'► . . ., ��°�°'� �'�- .��'�����; : ..�._...�... � . AVEhlUE td.�., FRIDLEY, RAItdP1ESOTA 55432 TELEPHONE ( 812)571-3450 Navember 20, 1978 CITY COUNCIL �ICTIOP� TtIKCt� I.OTICE p;� Oct�»e�° 23, 1978 , thc f=rici? ey Cz ty �ounci 1 n�i��E�ic�ially aG���}•u:�cu your 7�enuest �=ar SP i�7�-10 for 8053 Riverview Terrace (�.E. ti•�i�tFr ��he s��pulat�io�,s �7 �s��d be1ct��. Pleas� re���c:��! '���e r��Led stipulatioi�ss s�gn �cfie s�Ga�:emenf bel��-r, i�ll� i"�tGY�it Oile CGF:�� ti0 tilC? �1 �J� 0� i t"i (�7 �:;�. �i j�OU i1-.��C' c�.t"tJ/ �GCS�:iOnS iP.CJc.!"C�l�l� i,�le c1�?01`4 �Ci.1t?il, (?�CuSF ca1'! �1�2 C.c;;r;>>ir.r,i��y� D�ve�Ic�;:�r���t,� 0;=fice at: 57I--r ;:i0. JLF/cIe St�ntl «f_� or�s_: Ncn� 0 ,,�� �" �;,,v �<. c�. `�„l��i..����� p�. Q �� r . „ "',�A l�' �w�A`,�: '� .-,:. �:� «,� ��C�?1^C'i,Y, � �� �� � '�,�f ���� . ,! ; , f yy�� y� �rtii._;�g Pr�.,� v'�. �� � g�'';�„*+.r+`�,9'4�.�!'-�vc;a+or�'"' "JCRk�OLG L . 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U - �` � � � --- . . . , � � , �� ` - d 4: X p� l . o +��' i��$�,h.l--�}g.g-- �QO : : Q b , '�' o• � �• . 0 � , , ,�, .' .�, ��r' �.� � 8�� � $� . ' � O� , .7�' . ''�' , _ , •l• r I � : � � -p ��� F:� °"'�� ' � �, � t a � � ' -�.'"".�-- . , , --- . .� 9 a �,,,.— `� � � cS� � . � �� �� . o � . . s► G , 1 -! Q � , � -� � � �,. .,- : (,� ,�. - .,- r � . cI� � � � "D ��-� '" SemeR�' p,'Y� F y' 3 . �y; � � `J � Ea ��.,� .�, � �t � � � �,., p � �„� � £ �t i I ; t� �,� ,� �$�� . � , � 7� C'`� � t r.'� � f;'�i°. / n. "' f . � 5.. w Y..y � � � :� : €,`,?� t . ? �. ��:;C� $.� �•} `�! � t:.�' -.� � � n � ° ° �',5 f ��� f .,,---�'"� �`$�-� � - ' � o � ,,,r---"''" ,..i J�,,,; �- .� -v�,,, ;".. �.,,. i � '� � � y, � ��, .,--�'.r . . _ �o ° � � � � , o� +��� � .--"'"-�' �h a�� 3.s' � .`J ....z�.o" !� �� 0 l .�: � : ... •.��n�e �+�' 3� "`� _ -11��7~ ;. .� � j � '� � � .. `: � ���r��� ec���i�,�� �t���t thit� eurre�. plan, ax r r�?,v�.F��� �-:�*,� �ri :�, .�.�-�e� bg ;,p£s cr �zt��:c:,: �� ciii�.:c.� �; f,�F'�... '�,:i:�f'31 :'.aa �:a;:3�' � F'aP3 �4 (�tl�.� 1iG't��3tEiI`i�f� rr � �' � •a�=�'t�=` iw:'b�'vi �'<:3 �x`"."v"r� G:�' ti�la �tr t€a !�� ..:� , " ,:,� t�:;-i� ' .n � /, � �. : / ,g � j .` s f• � r � . . .i.._ , ..;...+� ..�. , _ .«.,_w"���, ...�--^ -...:..,t._..�......-..,..,.w.a.v.,..,W-•.,�-..�- � / l "-' �;''� . � � � ° � �..,..,,....,.-.........,,,_,.,__. � . , .o� R . - _ . . . . 0 I ■ 1 � �o CONSIDERATION OF GOP1PREHEt�SIVE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FaNJ� SEiTI NG Pl1BLI C HEAR I NG FOR a��fo�E� i�� 1979 11 MEMO T0: Na�;im M. Qureshi, City Manager MEMO FROM: Jer•rold L. Boardman, City Planner MEMO N0. : #7��-40 MENiO DATE: Se��tembey� 20, 1979 RE: Nor•thtown Corridor Management Task Force ' This is ta inform you that I have been attending the Northtown Corridor Management Task Force meetings. The last meeting was held on September 11, 1979. I inforrr�ed them at that meeting that I would be sitting in at the management meetings for infarmation purposes since the location of the route selected would have some impact on the City. I wi11 be receiving the informa- tion for all management task force meetings and vrill continue to attend any future meetings. JLB/de SllitVf:_YUf?S CEfZTII�IC/iTE OF CORF',FC7IUP1 TU T�IIE P(_/IT 01= P/t('0 7t;DUSTRIilf_ P�f2K 1� f'ur�uant Lo i;he provisions of Chapi:er 50�.174, L�ars oi I�9innesota, T957, I, I{o����rd t�t. ftoc,�r�rs, the uii�ler�ignE�c1, a regi;��ered �urveyor in and for i;he State oi� (�9i nricsota, cicc1 arc as fol l o��as : Th�.t Z prepared tf�c �1 at oi' P�co Indu ; tri al Park da�;c:d Fti��ri 1, 1979, fi 1 ed on June 2�, 1971, in the oifiice of Rey�istrar of Titles, Anol:a County, �Ylinnesota tn book ��.of plat�, page 2U2. . I her�:�ay certi fy that sai d pl at conf:ai ns errors in i;l�e fo11 owi ng parti cul ars ta Y111:: 1. The 4rest f�ou �dary 1 i ne sho�•r, a di stance of 1389.11 feet, del ta angle of 7° U2` 20" a�d chord bearing of N 4° 42' 1B" b!. 2. The sauth tau�nUat�y 1in� shovrs a dis�ance of 215�?_0 iee� and 113Q.34 feet. 3. ihe east bound«ry 1 i r�e s hoals a c�i stance o F 404.10 i cet. 40 1�he ner°th-;au�tl7 Ucuiiclary li�;es o� l_c�ts G t[�t��� 109 E�lock 1, starting a�aith the eas�t 1 i«c of sai d 1 ��t G �tn�� �rocecdi nq ��cst shot�i d7 stances of 376.43 feet� 327.32 �i�e��i;, 352.63 fie�t� 353.24 �=c�'c� 327.�:7 f�eei, unci 385.97 fee'c. 5. "i�h� c(el'c�°� a.n��,�e a�� LhQ t�,c�i lin� of Lot 10g G1c�Clc 19 shot�<<s 1° 57' 21". -G. T}�e so��t,� k���!���ar,y 'I�in� c�i Lo(: 10� E31c�cI: 1; sf���.�,�� a disi.at�cv of 185.34 � fc��t �i�� ti�e s�«�h bos�,�c����y 1�irEc� of Lai: C, f��acl: Ig sh��a�°s a distznce of 300. UO fi��et. 'l�h� s�iu ���l�:�t �is E�,c.����1��� cor���;,i:ea �in �I��e �E�c�i'la�?�t�i� pa.���Lir.!�iars �:o ����i-�: �. ��1�.: 4!1(`:S'� i:+�}i,i?ri�;.V"`\! ��°41"t�.' SFiCtI.�Ci S��it'i'�` c1 QiSt.ctC1C;�.'. f1"I �i(7�i� � j. 'fE'�?f;s CiE?�i:d 'tii"I��C' �- �: �- t � • .,� [� 4" 4�` 22<< 4� . 07" � .��:7 i �" �'.t1t1 CEiJI'G: h;�di' i;l, �� . .. 2. T�he so���:i? f�7��sF��ai�a� 1�i r��: s'r� ��1 ei �hc���� ��i s�.�,�7 ;� ��; ?_I5e 3?_. �� ue� ar�d 11 �9.9� re�t. :ie 'ff�cs ia�;�� b��,r��i;:i~y 1'iri� �i�����1� cE7c�:�t a c i�;i:t{nce a�� ��'�-��0 fie�L. �;. ii:^ (iC)t'�.i�. c;?:.iC�; t:}G'f.ii�Cic;r)/ �i(i:'.S (?i �..O�S l? 'C�"t�"L! ZQ� �'l0ui: �y St:ct�'"��'lCl� 4`d'[i;il 'tfl° � C� � tA, ��! 1 i�'� �? i' 4:��� Cj L. C) i. C c'. �� C� N; i;; C'; �. c- � -� � � l- ., ��, r. ?(' �'� "�Cl":`.�:�.1. 4`,'u..>�', Fli, l� C� $�.t")'sl C�15l.c:f�C:.:S 01 ..�.1.'-! �ic�c;i,, ::'O,e ;2 ��c�e�;; ,,3�..C�3 i��:��f:� :��3:;<2�; �?c�et.s ;()i'.�f % i'�ci; ae�t� 3�5.�)7 �ieef.. 5. 'rl�-� de`1��� «r;c=1e c;E� �:I���� ��,��� ;�i�?c; c��" E_�i; i{), E�1cat:f: �, >ho�il�i b� T° �i` 1G". U. �ifl� 50:.'�Cil F:;);4l1�'ctk'1'' illi� 0'i� �„tli. �i�� l.�iC) ': �'�' ; " '-�°-r g C. '� s���0:. � c� SI,G°,1. <� C�iS i.a��.;C C� �i i� . i';? T.?:?i.: i:.l;i_i "i;itC' ; Ol�'i;i1 �;0'�'fltidl`�` �'111��.' O�� Lot v� �� C�(:i:� � Si1C�l(7 Ci Ci101�! u' � _ „ ry - � �l�j:��Li�`i`.:! ���� [_t':i.(..l �j�i_'i��l.. ' �� �)�i.�.C'_C1: CC:i:t '�i�:)f`.t' i�y ��ilQ -^� �/ �-;G— ' ` r\ � �..-; `,., • `.,; j � 4 • `i 'c'.: ""- l`",/ i ^/, ',4� '_ " � � f"'" /.F__ -.�,_ / f�� �� ��i�� c �i. ,;ia� :�,�yor� I�'`j% j_�j:i� ..__—__ SL�ii:c oi C'iri�n�:si�tu � (fl�' i't�)(:?�`C C�:I';,'!�I (.;l�..t' C�l CG+';`l'i.t?pll 1;0 tili� �;��il: Oi ��c1CC� iil�tUS';.1"11� ��<:1"{: �1t3$ �:?C'.11 �:i��i)1��(?1r� �:� (:,,r "�iif' ���I �E;� l�ul!�;G�I i l)1' � i'�l Ci i �`!�`�, i����l!��i1CS:ii;c1, 1t �i i'i:�]!J7 cli' IIi�C'j:l iltf 'i;i;E`1'c'0�:�, , , , • ,. - . fl�'��. 's:i�l:; � �• ,. (� :�' Ul � � %�., C1�(Y C:C���(`�;i;i(_ Oi I�RIf)�_���' [3y_.._____.:, . 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'�,.� ._ � .°• r'f. — �--_ _.__ - - . � ' � 3. ' . � � �. < �/ f t,f� ( fJ"/ � . �/ � - � � . �� � �Z — c i t_.4 � t,r �(_�_. "°—_ m r: � •` � - — — — , _ _ . _ . ,..::� ....,,,, . 7�.. . �:: r ., ,1 .. I . ii _ + � _ � �:i; _ -''_ .i'��rc�r` ... l�' t t I � I J.�+ � (C S�� i �� - c,t � �P j� w i� � r"� _; Ui '� 9�.I'' „i � '; i C, I I I.. i'.. � �..� .' � .f ," I i i i .., .. .�_" � r "" � _ . , - � � '; --__ __ _ _ �. ---- __ .____� � - ___ _._,_... _� _� , ... . I _� . � _ _ .__--- ° .: � - --- __.-_— _ -. ' - ...:_--- : ��� TC��---. - i 4 � .,. ,- _ . - 7 -- «� -- _ . , �a .� n -. � �.. . ..... . _ /. .. _, . - ,,. . .__. _ . . .r . ,i __ , . .. . .. 4:�... � . . .. r . .. ..i)�7� � . .. ,� :`t�:. �1 �. , .}' . e. ' �'� iV I .t. :•� 1�.�1� . ��i;�ii.i,. f; t,�.r�.� . . l, ', r; : � _ �, ,, .'��� '� � 1 � 1� :1 ' . i�h:-i1.�r� i��ii��i�i�ii�� �',.�`� ��"T ,� i: �i, u:� 'li J r E' I� ��� i', i �1 j' c,,, . , ., , , . ; ; __ __ ,_ , 4 . _. , . ___. ... . . �_ . _. ��� ( 4 ._ s • - / \ '� � � I ' `�-- --- � ={ 1C �: < � o-�'-.� '? f-� r, �,; ,` �l `t �\ 4=��.a A _e � „�� a:: ,: �,�\ �~, � . c;' w, L �/ �� _Y"_ � �. ;i :.'{ .I:��. f: '�. 12 I1 � �- , �, �'� �!. �`p`� �.,��� � � :,:r. � �� ��, A �� • /'. � p Q.;' . 1��'�,0 L 1 G,�); �7 ,, "�; ; �-,��"` � i�: ;°�. �. y i< ;� _ - Catr� �o� �ra���y ��i11f1E.' st�t� ATE S�PTEMH�R 13, :1979 R�M �AMES P. FiILL, PUBLIC SAFETY DIR. UBJECT � INDEMNITY AGREI;MENT �':�:� _..�, c�� i� 'i.k 5.�;: �� �^ TO 13 ACTtONI INFO NASIM M. QUR�SHI, CITY MGR.� X( X Attached is an Indemnity A�reer�t�nt 1.�et.c�ae�n the City of Fridley and the City o.= Minn��polis, ta hold �Ll�� Ci�y o� Minx�eapolis harmles� �ti7ith ��espect tc� gerzex��1 I.ia�:�ility while cor�du.cting an Advan.ced Dr_�vers Traini��g Coursc� 3�oz: sel�cted Cit�y em�p7.oyees e It zs ou� inter�� at �r�.:i..� t�_�.c� ���o ���n.� ri �tlz.�ai.r:�tazn Qi f3_vc Police Of�ficers t� tiz:_, Ad�Taxzc;c�d Dri.T��rru� `:t�x�asrx_i.n� �ou:�:af-:e This wi.11 comple�e our ac3van�;� d�fensiv� uri�ri.n� tr��.i.�i.ng for th.e entire Pol�_c� Departn�c::n�. �h� r�zra���i_1�, t��F�_c��r_-r havE9 xec.eived thi.s tiainiizg ;_�:�c�uc,}� a pr.�i�;�%�, c� acr.�;a1 }:ha-E. �_s izc� 1c�n.g�r ir_ business in Ario}:a �ov.n�y 0 Zf ouz �ivc nf�_�.c,�r� �ind �t.his sch�c�l ta i�� o� si.gnif�.c�nt value, the Cit� Safety Cammzt��,�� may rE�.'Gan�rz.ez�d selected City em�-aloyees to �:�t�Ler�d this sc�-�oai h��sPd an jol� iurac��Ei�n or a�cia�i:t rF�co.rds in th� ��z �u� e o :Ft is �'Fqu��teri tha�. th� Gity GaLai�z�i1. �u�tYx�r:izc the �ity P�lanager to e��ecute thi�:� ac�reei�t�-�r�-c , JPH/sh Attachmer.t . ��I.D��"� �,� i �,_� �,r � ; i � r � ,�,tti_'�ird�. � � �R� �� ��,-, . ...' � . . , � . , �I ` . �. :��.� r. .., . �,,. .. .. , ,1� ,;�: ��'`� � �. ,,�''�.,�t�,�� �: �,���,,,, , . ,. - . :���� , , . . . .,., , .,�:�� �, „. ..,;,:. ,; . � .,,,.,., ,. . r... . ���:.�_:, :.,; :,. �,, . ,; ,,,,,;,,, ,;,,;��:�:., To: ' rrom: Date: Subject: .��,��-s ��tL 13 A c/�i� i��,�n � Gsi�� s�,�F��r-�/ • � �q3 I- v.�i<;c,r�s� r�/ ��� N �; � � �� l, [.11=� l� fJ I�� f 11� �1� ��� �(�) (� � f� � l� c,� ,.:_ , . :,� .. , ,� . .. ,, . . M E M- 0 R A N D U 1`1 [�'ilom it �tay Concern City Coordina�or's Office SepLemUer 10, 1979 CiL-y oL L�kes Advailced Driver 'Trai_Tl:in�; ��n �U����, �r �JU <<_�1�� �;��� . �� On Au`ust 3C1, 197�r, L'he i�tinneai�o]_is City CouilciJ_ approved cont�nuation oL tlie Cit}� of L,il:c�s Adv��nced Dri�>cr 'Trai�iinF; I'ro�r<irn. 1'his pri��r�m is jointly �p��nsored b�� th� City of Pii_n«cap�]_i.s ai�d *iintltapolis Ai-ea Vc�c�iti�>nal T�.chnir<�1 Ins� i t���c (,•iAV'1'I) . I?river tz-�3_r_i�it��; wii.l be ��rov�_di�c� by City c;nploy�es t.l�u have becil cc�rtiLie�i by 1�hc Sta.te I)ep�rtr�ent uf Fducat�_on. �� Th-� program �onsist.� of tw;� eigli�-l�our se�mer��s. �'he first ei.ghL-hour , , , . . 5C'��P,iCLlt= :IS tll�? Z�lc`'OCj �Ul?3"f=�?y :111{j 1S ;;:]i:�C'�"ilCQ 1r1.'.l'.1' til('_ 21�3YOiC� �1111�:11 PYO�;L"�Illi. TuiLi_on is ;�30 pet:� sttid�'vi�t. Tl�e secot�d eigl�L-h�ur �,egment is th�. Defa�nsive Dri.ver 'Crair�zn� £rogr<m, c�at7clucte�l at. tlie N�val A�ii Rescrve Centcr at t.he Mi.nileapo_Lis%St. T?a�zl �Int��rz<<�tional E�i_a-��orti. Tiiitioil f�r tliis course is �ls� ;�30 per stucent. '1'he 'Thcoi:y Coza-se must i�� c:om��leCed hefote Che Def��ns�ive Dri_ver 7'rair:in,�, Cnur.se. 1>ef�a-� a cor�c�rat.i_on� ox municipality, outsicl� the City of rl�inlie�i��olis, c.3►� ���3r�icij,�Ce in tl�ie E�rc�gx�<3m t.hey r;�ust: s-i.r,=n r�t7 Indi�mnity Agreemenr. A cuPy of tlii.s a�r�en=�e�lt is atC.aclied for yc>ur rc�view �nd si�n:3ture. Atr. Gc�or�c L�icn�, the i)river Ti-a:ii7in�, Sup�r�=:isor, hras 1�een desi};n�ited to �xl�lr�iil tl:e ��uri-ent drivc�r tr��ining pro�,r�im tc, �17_ i:�t�rest��3 partzes. (i� wi11 also schedulc� the ��orkload and ensure. that thc� i�roper 'ii�demni.ty �greeinei�ts l�:�ve been sigi�ed. ?�Sr. �'ic��1s c_n be contact c at' 34g-��a�3b. --- `> ,�- d'LJ-8..��,,, _ . �.� RcP:la !�[` taclim�nt r���7>�.-L t:. 1�<<�-��� 1 1'��ot;rt3m I�t�n.i.torin, �<< l:v,ilu<ition 1`.S. i'Ir�f�e r�tuxr� all r�i�:�i�d indc���riity a�;r�*_eit:e��tta to Che City Coordie�at��r'a i��fi��, c/Q Geor�,e Vfet1z, 301t�4 City x{=iS, I�,inn�a�olic}, MinnesotA 55415 ���;i:,i r;��;�� �,:tu�:iv ., �,:.�.-� .,,..._._.->� . � � � , 13 � . . ,� e xranr�u�imy r�cru;r•,�aerr�r maae tnis day of , 1979, � • by the Ci__ty__of Fridle , , W1iET2EA5, the City of Minnea��olis is the operator of the City of Lakes Advanced Drivers Training School located at the Naval . Air Reserve facility at 62nd Street and 31st Avenue South, � Minneapolis; and • • ' . � - WH�RfiAS, P4inneapolis Special School District No. 1 provides a portion of the funding for the school through its t4inneapolis Area Vocational Technical Institute; and WII��AS� The City o£ Fridley intends to enroll certain of its officers and em��loyees in the City of Lakes Advanced Drivers Training School; -• NOi9, T7i�I2I:F0I2P;, The City of Fridley , indemnitor, hereby agrees to defend, indemnify and holcl harmless the City of Minneapolis and I4inneapolis Special School District tJo. 1, indemnitees, t}ieir officers, ac3ents and enployees, with respect to , any and all liabi.Iity, loss or damac�e of any nature whatever resulting f_rom suits, clairns, demanc3s, or causes of action arisinq • • out of �r in tl-�e catzrse a£ tlze instructi.on of the �fficers and ' employe�s of indemnitor in tile Advanr_nd Drzvers Training Course; �� ancl for ala. da.rnac�� c�tused b}� i:he negliqent acts ar.d omissions of the �.ndemni.t.or, it.s oi�icer_s, �,ents and employees. Inclerr:ni.tor fui-t.}�c�r statc;s anc3 ae�rees tIiat it has in foree a po�.icy of automobzle li�i�iXity insur�.rice with policy li.mits of: at l.east $100,000/$300,000 f-or L�er_sonal ir.jury or death of any person or r�ersans and $25,000 z=or ��raperty damage and that said • poi.icy or an eruivalent policy will renzitz in fozce and }>e citective to ��rovide such :1n:�uranr..e wit}i a�espect. i:o the use in � t.i�e Advanced Dri.�%ers Traini.ncf Cou��se of any vehicle or vehicles owtied by indemnitor. It1 WtiTiii',SS i�111I'sRI:OI', The Ci.� o£ rr. idle� has caused these ��rese,�t:s to be exec�ited in i.ts bchalf by its j�roper officers lher.ew�t.o duly autiiorizec3 and thei_r. resl�ective cornor.ate seals to be hercunto a.f.fi;:ecl thc day and ycar first above written. l3y � — � zt:s cl�rv t•�nrancr.�:,--Nnsrt�� r��Qvi:�;st�i 11r,ri � Tt:., _�_____-- _...._--�_ �.�---- i � t s s .. �� 13 C State of Minnesota County of. Anoka The foregoing instrument was acknawledged before me this day of , 19_, by (Name and title) , of (Corporate name) ^ ; a(State or place of incorporation) ^ Corporation, an behalf of the corporation. Notary Public , :.r RESOLUTION No. 1979 RESOLl1TI0N AUTHORILING Af� AGREEME(�T BETWEEN iHE STATE OF OF MIf�1NESOTA, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY, AND THE CITY ' OF FRIDLEY (S.T.E.P.) BE IT RESOLVED THAT, The City of Fridley eriter into an agr°eement with the State of h1innesota, Department of Public Safety for trie following purposes, to-wit: To reimburse the City for monies spent for the Selective Traffic Enf�rcement Program (S.T.E.P.), 80-06-04, for addiiiona.l officers to reduce traffic cras4�es within the Ciiy of Fridley through engineering changes, educational progra���s and strict traffic law endorcemeni�> BE IT �URTHER R�SOLI�ED, That the City i�lana�er anci th� Director of Public Safe�y be and they hereby arP authorized to exec��te s��cl� aqreement and any amendment thereto. PASSES Af�D /�DOFTED �Y THG CITY CQU�CIL OF Tf�E C1TY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF , 1 �='79. WILL3:E�fi����J.��(�!L��.__C�;;'rtY{)�� -- AT-(EST: CITY CLE�K — f�fi���?fll�J Co L�ftUf�S�f_.�_� 1� � � 15 RESOLUTION N0. -- 1979 RESOLUTION CONFIRMING ASSESSMECdT FOR 1979 WATER AND SEWFR MATNS, LATERALS, AND SERVICE CONNECTTONS BE I'T RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Fridley, Minnesota, as follows: l. 'fhe City Clerk l�as with the assistance of the engineers heretofore selected by this Council for such purpose, calculated the proper amounts to be :�pecially assessed for tFe 1979 IdATER AND SEt�lER f�IAINS, LATERALS, AND SERVICE GOI�NECTIONS �in said City against every assessable 1ot, piece, or parcel of land in �iccordance with �he provisions of law, and has prepared and filed with the (.ity C1erk tabulated statements in duplicate showing the proper descripiion c�f each and e4�ery lot, piece, or parcel of land �o be specially assessed �ind the amount calcula�ed aguir7st the same. 2. Pdotice has been duly publ�shed �s requ�red by lavr tha� �his Council would meet i n r�g�l ar ,essi an at thi s tlrr�e anc� pl ace -�o pass on t�7e proposed a.ssessment. - 3. Sai d propUS�d assessment has at a11 ti n�vs s i nc� i�E:s �i 1 � ng been open �ta i nspecti on ancf cr;p,�ji ng �y al i p�rscns E r��eres�?,�� � u�d an «pportuni ty has 6een gi ven ta a� "I i� Ges ested �e�sons t�� �re�er� u,:�►e r r ahjecti o�s, � f any, to s��c{� proposeci asseas,�s����t, ar �a an;� �ii�m �:;���rec��s �rd na obj�ctions have t���►i f�?cu; �xccpt � � �. The �n��ou�is �;��c R f� ec! i r� �;f�Ea ��ro�c�s€:e# a�sessm�i;� �r•� c��n��c� and al �ered as fol i o��v� e � 5. TY�� s Ca�ar�c� � f i nci� �,��a#: eac�h c�-� the i c� Gs ,�� ecr:� , ar parc�l s of 1 and enumer_ a�ted in sa�id ��°�pos��i ass�ss�f�:�n�: �s a��:ere� ar�� ��,c�c;���i�d ��s and -is specially ���r�eri ted by t��e 197�' L�J�TER AND SEs�tEft MP,I�S, LATERP�LS., �i(`�D SER`��ICE CO'�NECI'IOi�S - ir� the amour�t �in said pt����sed asscssment as a7�ered a��d n,o�if-ied by Lhe corrective roZl in the amourat s�t apposite the description of each.sucf� lct, p�iece, or parcei of �lar�d, ancl that said a�i�ounf: so set out is hereby levied aqainst e�ch o�i' the respecti��e loi:s, p�ieces, c�r parcels of 7and therein de�scriL�ed. � . 6. S�ich proF�osc�d assess�r,ent as al tere�i, mod�i fii ed, ar� �orrec�ted �i s affi rrTed, aciop�Led, ar�c4 cc�n��'irmed, and tP�e sun;s �f�it:ed ancl f�amed in sa�id proposed assessment a�, al �:�reci, modi fi i ecf , ar�ci cor,rec ted, ��ri �:h the chanc;es ar�u al terati ons herei n at�ove �nacle, are affi►°med, acio�Led, ar�c( conf�irmed �s thc pr�apF; special assess- mE�nts for c�ach of sa�d loLs, pieees, c��° parcels of lanc, r�spective3y. , 15A PAGE 2, RESOLUTION N0. -- 1979 7. 5aid assessment so affirmed, adcpted, and confirm�d, sha�l be certified to by the City C1erk and filed �in his office and shall thereupon be and con- stitute the special assessment for � , 1979 WP,TER AND SE�JER i�ATNS, LA7ERALS, AND SERVICE CGNNECTIONS 8. "fhe amounts assessed against each lot, piece, or parcel of land shall bear -interest from the da�te hereto until the same fiave been pa�d at the rate of seven and one-half (72) per cent per annum. 9. `.�uch assessment shall be payable in fifteen (15) annual installments payable on the firdt day a% Jan��ary in each yeat,, beginning in the year 1980, and ��ontinuiny until a11 af said installments shall have been paid, each instal`{- rnent to be co11 ec �ed ��ri th taxes col l ecti bl e d��ri ng sai d year by the County l�uditor. 10. 'the City C1erk is hereby directed to ma.k� up and fi�e in the office of the I�ounty Audi tar o�F Arol:a County a c�rti Fi ed staiement of' the amount of al l ��uch �mpai d a5sess�>>er,ts and the amount wi�� ch t��i � i be du� �hpreon an tne �Firs� day o�F January in each year. PASS'EI) r1�D �,���TC% B1` `�'F��. CTTY L",t�LtvCI�_ U� �lf-s= �I�i``( JF F�t7C�L�Y T�{�S DAY iar _ --- 9 1979. A7TEST: � CITY C��E4Z�� ��ar�i ri C. Br�fr��e� �i �iA1'QkZ � t�i i f i am �. h�e m =—J l6 RESOLUTION N0. - i979 REti4LUTI0fd CONETRMING ASSESSM�NT FOR THE TREATf✓LI1T AND REMOVAL OF TREES (1979). BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the Ci�y of Fridley, Minnesota, as follows. 1. The City Clerlc has with the assistance of the tree inspector heretofore selected by this Council for sueh purpose, calcuZated the proper amounts to be specially assessed for the TREA`TMENT APdD REN`iOVAL OF TRrES (1979) in said Gity agains� every assessahl� 1ot, piece, or parcel af land in accordance wii;h the provisioris of law, arid has prepazed and filed with the City Clerk tabulatecl statements in dupl�_cate showing the proper description of cach and every lot, pi.EGe, or pai°cel of land �o be special._ly assessed and the amount; calculate�i against the samee 2. Notice rias l�eci�z duly publi.she.d as required by la� that �his Council would meet in regula;^ s�ssion at thi� tzme and pJ.ace Lt� pass on the proposed assessment. 3. Sairl pnopcsed �:r:a�s �ment has at, aa_1 f;a_mes s?_nce its fil_in� been open i;o � insl�eetion ai:3 c���yi�r..g �;,� a11 per��r� irzt�r�sced, �i��. �n oppoi tunity has been �;1_��en to �.7.i int;c .r�:s � ed persozi.l �o pres�:,rtt: t;hez.r ob jections, if any, t;a suci� pro�,�e�aec€ as�.�essm:�z�t, or t.� �zi2y iterr, f:kiEreof , ar�d no objections have bee.� f'�.].e :: excE.�at: �+. Tlle amo�wrt specifi�� it� t!�ie pi�opo:�ed assryr�sinent ��re changed �nd altered as fo:llo�,rs: 5. This C�u�1ei]. fii�d.� �hat c:actl of tY�e la�,s, ��>if:�.�s, ar pa�cc.ls of land ei�umerated in sa.id pr�o�osed asse4>smet��. as alt�i�°e� and modified was and is speci.ally benefited by t;i�e TREAThiEIJT A.PdD RL,P�ZOV�L OI' TREES (1979) in the amount in said p��o��osed assessment as altered and rnodii'ied by the corre�tive roll in the amvunt set oppoUite t;he description of each such lot, piece, or �arcel of l.and, and that said amount so set out is hereby levied a�air�st each of the respecti��e lots, pieces, or parcels of land therein described. 6. Such proposed assessment «s alt.ered, madified, and corrected is affir,ned, adopted a�zd confirmed, and the sunis fixed and r.anied in said proposed assessme«t as alt�red, modi.fied, ar�d correct�c�, with the chail�es and alt.er�zt;ions her�;in above m:�de, �z^e affirmed, adopted and confirrned as the proper special a�,�e.ssment5 for each of said I.ots, pieces, �r parcels of land respecY,ively. Paj�e 2-- RESOLUTION N0. - 1979 7., Said assessment so affirmed, adopted, and confirmed, shall be certified to by the City Clerk and filed in his office and shall tllereupon be and eonstitute the special assessment for the TREATMEIQT AIdD RET�fOVAL QF TREES (1979 ) 8. The amounts assessed against each lot, piece, or parcel of land shaZl bear interest frorn the date hereto until the same have been paid at the rate of seven and arie--haif (7 1/2) per° cent per annum. 9. Such assessment shal?_ be pa,yable in five (5) annua.l installments apayable on the lst, daj� of January in each ye�r, beginning in the year 1g79 and continuin� until all of said installments shall have been paid, each installraent to be collected �ith taxe.:� collectible during said year by the County At?dito..r. 1.0. The City CJ.erlt is heNeby directed to ma�ce up anc� fil.e in the office of the Cotznt,y �luditor of' An��l>a Count� a ce�°�if'ied st_atement for �he amount of all sucl� i.ztipaid as ;ess?�ieni:� a�ad the a,mourii; wiz:�ch t,rill be due thereon on the 1st day oi J�t�uars� :in ca.cr y e�r� a PA��E)} I?ivl? I�D�3PTED }3i` 'I"IIE CT;'Y COL�i�iG3?, U� Ti+E CI`P� �F �1�Iri_,��' 1HI5 DA`.� �L` -!-9? � • P��.t1���; �- ti^?ILLI�P�!' J� N�E� AT`T1� ST : CIT`.Z C,I.E�iI'4 — l�sa:�v�.�a Ca 23r��z�3.��L1 16 � , r � . f__ . ,���� .�_� �:, Y��) F'.Of� CC)NCURFt(=f�1CC: L3Y T(-IL CIT`(. COUNCIL — __� � September 24 a 1979 ' .�-- -- . TyLe of Lir._ense: 6� Ap rp—°�ed ay• 6illards . 18 : LIC�'��ES , Fee: ' American LE�gion Post 303 A1 0'Trimba James P. Hill 7365 Centr�il Ave. N.E. . Public Safety Director' ', ,� Fridley, Mr�. 55432 � .. Cigarette American LE�gion Post 303 F�1 0'Trimba James P. Hill '� . 7365 Central Ave. N,E. Public Safety Direc�or Fridley, Mri. 55432 Meinke's Gr�acery Hut Gordon P�9�in4:e James P. Nill 7�383 E. Ri��er Rd, Public Sa�Fety Director Frid1ey, Mri. 55432 . Sycan;ore Farms Inc. Thomas 7heiscr James P. Hill 6530 E. Rr��er Rd. _ _ Public 5afety Director Fridley, f�n. 554�2 , Food Establishments �' h•1e� nl:e's Gr���;c�ry Hut Goi�u�n f�1�i ri`:� � � St� �Ee (�1 sor� I 7883 E. Ri ver Rcl. He� l�;h � n��e��or �� Fridley, P-9r�. 55�32 I, Off SaIE� �F�er _ h1e7 nl:e's Gr�acery Hu� � Gor�or� M� � nke Jarnes P. F�I�' �i � � 7883 E. Rivc�r Rca. � Pubiic Saiety Director � Fridley, P�ri. 55�-3? Vend�n� I�la.r..hitl�s _ . Sycar��ore F����l7�s I?�c. �old ��1ec;:�� �3�vera��� StEV�� Qlsof� � 6530 E. River Pd. ��ea�th Ins�ec��or Friclley, (�'1ri. 554'2 t�i n S�tephens Da �son C�ca Co� � Steve 0�1 son 7810 Un�iversity �ve. N.E. Health Inspeetor . Fridley, (�1n. 55432 � $60.00 $1?_.00 $12.00 �12.OG $20.�!4 $29.19 $7.5.00 $15.0� %/. � � - ��<:.:_r 1S �-._• A \0 f�.Q(7 CONCUtZf�C:P10E �Y 1'fiE Cf�fY CQUNCIL -. Lrccrrsr.s / SLP`i'Et�3EIt 24, 1979 G�NLI�L CC)I�'IRI�CTOIZ 1�PPROV�D BY Briar Iiomes,� Inc.� 'j691 Centra]_ Avenu� N. L. DARI7GL CLARiC Fridl.ey, MN 55432 � Hy: Jack Jeatx.�an ^� Chief Bldg: Off. , Y . IIrickrier Bitilders Inc. • ' 6249 Ben M�re Drive N.L. DARFtGL CLARY. Fridley, IZN 55432 By: Thomas E. Br.ickner Chief Bldg. ' Off. � Dodge Roofing Company 8732 Central Avenue N.E. DP.RR�L CLARK Blaine, MN 55434 By: L�nnis Dodge Chief Bldg. Off. Ltun��er I:ing Company � � � . 5145 Oliver Avenu� South DARREL CLARK Minne<��olis, P��t1 55419 By: Jerome I�orberbaum Chief Bldg, Off. Zta�n C.ity Izisulation Co, 2310 5nelling I�verzue • DIaRREL CZARK Minneapol.is, Mi�7 55404 f3y: Robe-rt Pollack Chief B1�g. Off.. R. D. WiJ..san Constr.uc>ti.on . � � 372_5 -• 73rd Avenue Nc�rth D�.F:REL C7 ARIC M�_nne�:polis, Mi�. 554�3 By� T:obert Dw G��i1 ��n Chief B.ldg. 'Of.f. 0 ` FQf; COP�CURREPdCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL — ESTI�IATES SEPTEMPER 24, 1�79 -------- Daati�son Construction, Inc. �84,204.45 18G3 So. Ferrv St. Anoka, "�1N 55303 � Partial Estimate #1 - S� & t�! Project No. 128 E.D.S. Construction Company $ 5,9Q6.71 360 Larper�teur Avenue �.�est St. Paul , P�N Partial Estimate #5 - Muni�ipal Garac�e Additian Sinith5 Jtaster, Feikeina, Malmom & Haskvitz 1?_�0 gu i�i ders i.xchGnge 61 d� . I��i nneauol i s, ��P! 55402 For 1 ��a1 ser���i ces refy�iered as �'rasecutor for Aug�.�st.5 1919 Tal l e, F��:�~ri cl; ;� P�"����r�; n�?79 Uil'i v���� �► i;ti� !��J�. f'� e �:. � Fridley, i�i�,! 554�2 Fc�r �lcgal aer�tir�ie�s r�r���red as t;i uy fatter���y ff�r E�u:��as��:�, 1��7� � $ 2,190.00 $ 1 , t69 ,, E i 19 STATGMENT SMITH, JUS'T'ER, F[IKENIA, MALf.40h� & HASKVITZ AT70RNC:YSAT LA1N 1;"50 HUILD�F2S EXCHANGE Bl_DG MINNEAPOLIS, fIINNE50TA 55402 339-1481 SUBUF28AN OFFICE rRIDLEY �City o�i Fridley � 643 i�lni v�� si ty Avenue N. E. Fri d1 cy, P��i rir��sota 55432 _ y At�entic�n: �ir. Nasin� �uresh�, L_ C� ty I'F�at��r���� J C�I�� PLEA::L H:_'fUftN THIS i�()ftT!O(V \V!TFf VOUH 4�A!'��kryT �� UAT� m � � � B4LANCE FC�31� f 1�,C� L c^,JF � I HS i� 5 i �l`E' Ei�IT � 9-11-79 �'OY' ��'C�s:�{ Sf;�t"'��;C;t?� Y'E'i`CI`��iRG`C� ;aS i�i"�JS�Cli'i:Cit" �QY' the C� �L,)/ of Fr i c!1 �_;� ;�id;^� r,�, �, -, <:. , � � i! : y: q�j �%:� A r2e��t x sE ;;i.����i z�� o-!' Ci������ c;f f� sci�����y ir! d�l j�,trv ca=;es n�?c; 2� u�o�trf: f.r��G 4�, V (ar. !-TC;�,�s � i 5 ��,i riu�c.es � . �i"GC�S`�ifi'IC, i;�;?17utu°;f:�::S li1C:�LiC�lf1C�1 C:�i;iZf'Y1 "f{?C.ju11"lf-.'S ���icl �r��:���.�a.��.�sc��� o-;' ��' �rQr°ma�� c�,r�7air�ts o � t� h���r�-s j a � � �C��,c`t� ��iiu � �G'`� �l(?;�i'�. — 1J Ciiilli.d1..25}� r�t��7��;�.w i ;°f :,� �:�`i.�1i'iG�^ �1 �3�Jt���J� $�! q3�0��0 rtlilc'' 'fQ1 ��°:Ci .�'r'� 0't .'�� l��)i.i1"S 22 f��c�u��s ._ 1:� rn�i,���:��� ____89(�rC��, $2,190a0� s;v,�-rti, !u;�rfr:, r-ri«r��nn, nn��naoN � F1�s�<viTz AT1�C�f:NF-YS qT LI44'f 0 � 19A �nw oFrices TA L L E, H E R R I C K & M U N N S HERMAN L,TALLE VIRGI� C:, NFRRIGK ROBE{ZT 1.tUNNS WI�LI/�fd K, GpODRIC:H DOUGI.A'3 F, KLINT TIMOTHV F_. CASHIN DAVID P, NEWMAN VCH City of Fridley l�ugust: Retainer Counci.l Meetings Staff_ Con£erences Memos & Le�;�il Pesearch Spec:ial tJse 7'cr?nzt Title Orinion �-e: Sears Toin.t purchase—Fzre 7�c�pt. Keview of IvSF ease�.�<..i�ts Citizens Inquiries I-112A Memo i: e i��1:t1 � Pleetirig wit:h Boardman Court .�I�pe�r�nce Re: Sta�ranau I�<�nkr�.�ptcy SepCember 2]., 1979 �`�i.t�.�'�J.�',rJ ti�U[-ii'��.i.^��: �i�;1r.a �'otznty St�eri.ff (pa-o �e:}s se�°c��_c:��) 3 phot�7c.o�i.es �t �.15 �=ur cc���y 13ALANC]'��s' I�UE: 7 hours S hours 8 hours 3 hours 3 hours 1 haur 27 I�our� 19 B 3t6 F_AST MAIN STREET ANOttA,MINNESOTA 55303 421-5413 6279 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N.F., FRIDLEY� MtNNESOTA 55432 571-3850 INVOICE No. 6532 " $1,300.00 150.00 18.50 l. 35 $1,469. F35 0 RECEIVING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT - �`�ALKING $RIDGE i�ATERIAL ��PENED SEPTEMBER 14, 1979> �MATERIAL WILL BE AVAILABLE AT MEETING I��ONDAY EVENING) 20