05/14/1979 BOE - 00013836i__.I
The City Council met as the Board of Review and the meet�ng was called to order
at 7 40 p.m 6y P�1ayor Nee.
P1ayor Nee led the Council and audience in the Pledqe of Allegiance to the Flag
MEh1BERS PRESEPdT: Playor PJee, Councilman Barnette, Councilman Schnetder
Councilwoman Moses, and Councilman Fitzpatrick
P1ayor Nee explatned the Council was meeting as the Board of Equalization for the
purpose of considering the question of whether of not any particular piece of property
in the City has not been fairly assessed.
He stated, if the Council finds that the market value is not properly established
or there were errors in calculations, they are empowered to make ad,7ustments.
hiayor Nee stated, if any persons wished to make a protest and do not find sat�sfaction
from the Council, it is still important to make thei�� feelings known since they
have to be on record at th�s meet�ng in order to ta4:e the�r appeal further to the
County level and possibly the State level
P9r Herrmann, City Assessor, explained, in order to determine the market value,
sales are checl.ed to determine what property is selling for in the City. '�^r
Herrrnann reviewea the forr��ulas used to deternnne assessed value for single family
homes, both which are homes;,eaded and non-homesteaded, and for commercial and
tndusi.rial properties.
P9r. Herrmann stated the Legislature may eliminate the "limited value" and if they
do so, there would also be quite a different program for homestead credit
He explained, however, at this time they couldn't guarantee what would happen �n the
Mr. H,7almet° Anderson, 1491 Rice Creek Road, stated he felt the valuation for his
hoire was too high.
Mayor fJee asked if he felt the house wouldn't sell �or vahat is established as the
market value.
Mr. Anderson stated he believes it keeps goina up, but still felt it was too high
Mr. Herrmann stated there was a value for $36,OD0 placed on this property which
includes the lot. He explained a good portion of the value is for the lot as it is
a lot that could be developed into two lots. He stated the home is valued at
$24,60D and the lot at $11,400 for a total valuat�on of �36,000. He si,ated the
value last year was $27,Q00 and not only has the home increased �n value, but the
City was on the low side for older homes.
Mayor Nee stated that the increase was more than the 1D% allowed by State law
Mr. Herrmann stated the limited value would only increase 10%. He stated if the
law remains reyardiny "limrted value" the taxa6le value would be about �2,700 more.
Playor Nee explained that the Council has to make a finding that it �s not l�kely
that Mr. Anderson could get �36,000 for his home, if he were to sell �t,
before they can, theoretically, make an ad,7ustment
Mr Herrmann also pointed out this home was in the area that was phystcally re-valued
this yer.r, He stated the law prov�des that at least every four years a home must be
physically appra�sed and re-evaluated.
P1a,�or Nee stated Mr. Anderson is on record as question�ng the value placed on
and could, therefore, appeal to the County. He cautioned, however, if the value
was ad�usted, it could posstbly go up instead of doHm.
f1r. Herrmann stated, if the Council w�shed to continue this to another date, they
miqht possibly know what action the Leqislature is qoing to take as far as the
l�mtted market value is concerned.
NIGTION by Councilman Schneider to refer this rnatter to the staff for further discussion
and report Seconded by Councilman Barnette.
Councilman Fitzpatrick felt the decis�on tn the end would have to be based upon a
finding that the property has been overvalued and not simply that the value went u�
too much over the one year period.
UPON A VOICE VDTE TAKEN IN THE ABOVE h10TI0N, all voted aye, and P�ayor Nee declared
the n�otion carried unantmously.
Mr Lyle Kleven appeared before the Council to protest the value of his property,
the North Star Beverage, at 785 - 53rd Avenue N E He stated that the building
was constructed in 1977 and the valuatton is probably $9D,000 over what they actually
had tt built for and it is only 2'z years old.
He stated, if they had known before that the valuation would be as such, they
probably would have gone for muntcipal bonding.
Mr Herrmann explained this property was valued like any other property of that
type, �ust for the real estate, and not for the personal property or machinery.
Mr f+ladsen, representing the City's assessing department, reviewed the square footage
of the various areas in the building, and expla�ned the figures used �n arriving
at the market value.
f�1r. iCleven stated he didn't have any cornplaints on the land valuation, but
on the value of the 6uilding. Ne felt, if everythina was takEn out of the building,
there was no way you could come up with that value.
Councilman Schneider questioned how they are assessed per square foot on warehouse '
P1r Madsen stated it depended on the type of construction and the wall height and
that the assessment might run between �13-$14 a square foot for the warehouse
Mayor Plee felt the argument that the market value is more than the cost to
construct the building applies to everyone in the City.
f+lr Kleven stated they were talkiny about a 32% tncrease. P1r. Herrmann po m ted
out that last year's value was �379,300 and th�s year it is $412,200.
Mr. K,leven stated
to, but felt the
of the build�ng.
there isn't anythtng else in the City to compare this business
valuation is too high in comparison to the cost for construction
I�ayor Nee stated his personal feeling is that the assessor probably came close
to being correct, but would have no ob,7ection to submitting this to the County.
Councilman Barnette stated if P1r. Kleven feels this is excessively high, the
next step would be to appeal to the County for them to look at it and they probably
have similar facilit�es in the area to make a comparison.
Mr Herrmann stated thar the staff wouldn't mind taking a second look, but ,
didn't feel they would cone up with any different figures.
Mr Qureshi, City Manager stated tiie company has registered an ob,7ection so it
does guarantee them the right to go to the County
��10TIOU by Councilman Schneider to refer this matter back to the staff for a report.
Seconded by Councilwoman Moses. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee
declared the motton carried unantmously.
P1r. Ronald f+IcCla�n, 6007 Main Street, appeared before the Council and stated
he felt the value of his property was too high, He stated the value �s up
$2,500 which he felt �s excessive oi� a 40 foot lot that can't be built on.
He stated the previous value was $2,202 amd the new valuation is P�4,700.
Mr. Herrmann stated there are two lots side-by-side and they were considered
as one bu�lding site, with a total value of the two lots and home of $35,500
He stated the property is also in the area which was physically reviewed this year
P1r. Herrmann stated, if the two lots were valued indiv�dually, the value would
be higher on the one with the structure, and lower on the vacant lot.
hir. McClain also pointed out that the value of the home �ncreased over 56,000.
P10TION by Councilman Fitzpatrick that there be a review of this matter, in light
of the value placed on the vacant lot, and report back to the Counc�l. Seconded
by Councilwoman Moses; Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Playor Nee declared
the rnotion carried unanimously.
P�r f�lcClain stated he is under the medical assistance program, and you cannot
have a home valued over $28,500 or you are disqualified for the assistance.
Mr. Tim Chies, 7513 Able Street, stated he works at the care center in New
Brighton and knows this �s a great concern, where people exceed the State
maximum requ�rements, and are forced to sell their homes �n order to obtain
medical assistance.
Mayor Nee stated the staff was directed to su6m�t a report and the Council will
then review it.
Mr. Leanard Lind, 1620 - 75'th Avenue, stated he felt there was a discrepancy
in the valuations as his value went up to $45,000 and last year it was �38,700.
Mr. Herrmann� Ctty Assessory stated the home is 24 x 44 feet wtth a total square
footage of 1,056 with a 24 x 24 garage and was definitely sure the value was not
over the market value. He stated the increase of about 16% is typical of what
other property owners are experiencing.
Mr. Lind stated he noted homes in other areas were gett�ng an agricultural exempt�on.
Mayor Nee questioned Mr. Thurston, representing the County Assessor's Office,
if the market value was affected in an agriculture land district. Mr. Thurston
stated it didn't affect the market value, but that there was an additional
agricultural State aid credit.
Councilman Schneider questioned if there was any property in Fridley which qualtfied
for the Agricultural credit. Mr. Herrmann stated that there wasn't any in the
Mr. Lind questioned �f he would be able to discuss this with the County Assessor.
Mayor Nee stated they would acknowledge Mr. L�nd's protest regarding his market
vabue so he would have the prerogatave of go�ng to the County.
MOTION by Councilman Schneider to acknowledge the protest by Mr Lind regarding
the value of his property Seconded by Councilwoman Moses. Upon a vo�ce vote,
all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unan�mously.
Mr. Tim Chies, 7513 Able Street, appeared before the Council regarding the �ialue
placed on his ten double bungalows.
Mr. Chies stated the value of each un�t was ra�sed about $3,500. He felt the
rents should be based on 1% of the market value and indicated he would like to
keep the rents reasonable and didn't feel they should have to be increased
because of the increase �n the market value.
Mr. Chies felt you can't assess a double bungalow as you would assess a single family
home as these buildings generally depreciate, rather than appreciate, because of the
extra wear and tear on the buildings from people moving in and out. He felt the
market value should be based on the rent and the taxes should be in proportion to
the amount of rents collected.
Mr. Herrmann, City Assessor, felt the properties were not avervalued.
Mr. Madsen, from the C�ty's assess�ng department, stated on that part�cular
street they had seven sales each averaging about $50,000. He stated, based on
the sales, he would see a market value of $60,500, w�th about $5,000 less if there
wasn't a garage.
Mr. Herrmann felt the value wasn't any higher on these praperties than what
Mr. Chies would be asking for the m�f he were to sell the properties.
Mr. Chies indicated he couldn't argue w�th that point alone
the Council's point in establish�ng market value. He felt,
be some reforms and that it shouid start on the City Tevel.
and could understand ,
however, there should
Mayor Nee suggested that Mr. Chies attend the budget hearings of the various
governmental �urisdictions and school district and pointed out that only 16%
of the taxes collected go to the City.
MOTION by Councilman Schneider to receive the letter of protest dated April 20,
1979 from Duane and Karon Narog for property at 1465 North Danube Road. Seconded
by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared
the motion carried unan�mously.
MOTION by Counc�lman Schneider to concur with the staff recommendation to
reduce the total estimated market value on the property at 1465 North Danube Road
from $41,100 to $88,400 based on the reasoning put forth in the memo from staff.
Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a vo�ce vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee
declared the motion carried unanimously.
MGTION by Councilman Schneider to receive the four letters of protest received ,
by the Board of Review from Sears, Wickes Furntture, Strassburg and Company
representing Fridley Terrace Mobile Home Company and Determan Welding.
Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatr�ck. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye,
Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously.
MOTION by Counc�lman Fitzpatrick to continue this meeting of the Board of Review
until next Manday evening, May 21,1979. Seconded by Councilman ScYm eider.
Upon a voice vote, a]1 vot�ng aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimous7y.
Respectfully submitted,
�l, Z'�1.�4 i.e:_. ���C. �f(.[rC'�--
Carole Haddad
Secy. to the City Council
William J.
� i I