Mayor Nee called the public hearing meet�ng of the Fridley City Council to
order at 7:30 P M.
Mayor Nee, Counctilman Barnette, Councilwoman Moses,
Councilman Schneider, and Coun�ilman Fitzpatrick
MOTION by Councilman Schneider to adopt the agenda. Seconded by Councilwoman
Moses. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried
MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to wa�ve reading of the public hearing
and open the hearing. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice
vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously
and the public hear�ng opened at 7:35 P.M.
Mr. Sobiech stated that this was a request for rezoning at 6330 and 6370
Central Avenue, Lots 2 and 3, Block 1 of Herwal Rice Creek Terrace. The
request is to rezone from the existing M-1 to CR-1 which is general office
and l�mited bustness to allow construction of an office building. The Plan�iing
Commiss�on had a public hearing on July 11, 1979, and recommended to Council
approval of the rezoning request with a couple stipulations. The first
st�pulation is that the draina9e plan be approved, secondly that adequate
screening be provtded between this property and adjoim ng residential to the
west and that a landscaping plan be submitted for approval. The drainage
plan would have to be approved 6y the Rice Creek Watershed. There are
representatives from the request here to answer questions.
Councilman Schneider stated that the question of whether the property had
been rezoned before had come up at the Planning Commission public hear�ng.
He asked if it had previously been rezoned.
Mr. Sobiech stated that this was from the origtnal zoning back in 1956.
Mayor Nee asked what the chances were that the drainage problem could
be resolved? Mr. Sobiech stated that it was pretty good because there is an
existing drainage swale which he felt sure Rice Creek Watershed District would
want to maintain, and then incorporate with some additional pondtng on the site
to ensure that litter and debris don't get into Moore Lake, and also to
ensure that the runoff rate �s not increased with development. Tiiis would
protect not only the Moore Lake area but also the res�dence to che west. One
of the basic rules that the Rice Creek Watershed is following is to ensure
that the runoff rate wtth development does not increase over what is existing
prior to development.
Mayor Nee stated that then it was a matter of catching it before it reached
the duplexes He asked if Mr. Sob�ech was convinced that could be done and if
the ditch was presently working?
Mr. Sob�ech stated that the ditch was working to the extent that it handled
a certain degree of storm. In the proposed plan, there are certain areas that
are already available for ponding together with the ditch itself and the parking
area and certain roof areas. He was certain they would require on-site ponding.
Councilman Schneider asked how deep the ponding area would be?
Mr. Sobiech stated that after a rain it shouldn't stay for more than a
couple of hours. He stated that hopefully it would not be any deeper than
one foot. They would maintain a minimal depth with the usage of six inches
across the whole parking lot.
Mr. Quresiii asked if this was the property between Zebart and Midwest Van
' Mr. Sobiech stated that was correct.
Mr. Qureshi asked if it would be a single story offi ce building?
The petitioner, Mr. R. C. Witt, stated that it would be a story and
a half.
Councilman Schneider asked Mr. Witt if he had conducted the necessary soil
Mr. Witt stated that he was waiting until he was sure the rezoning would be
Mr. Qureshi stated that if it has a htgh water table he did not think they
would be able to put too much into the ground.
Mr. Witt stated that there would �ust be a frost footing in the ground and
the rest would be built on ptles.
Mr. Qureshi stated that if the water table was only 2 feet they might have
a problem. Mr. Witt stated he would have to check that out
Mr. Sobiech stated that based on the schedul�ng of construction for the rest
of the season, they had put the first reading up for consideration th�s evening
' Councilman Schneider asked Mr. Sobtech to review what would be permissible
�n a CR-1 zone.
Mr Sobiech stated that a CR-1 would allow general offtce and limited business
such as real estate, lawyers, medical, etc. Mainly small offices. Limited
retail such as optical shops and laboratories. A retail such as a 7-11 would
not be allowed.
Mr. Qureshi stated that he was concerned about the sotl conditions and w�th
the htgh water table they cannot fill it. He stated that the Counctl was
aware of the problem they had with the four-plexes on Pierce Street. He would
encourage the proposed builder to investigate those types of things and coine
up with a drainage and development plan that would be cons�stent w�th the
netghborhood and also provide draina�,e protection for the ad�oining properties.
He would like them to keep a lot of open area rather than allowing them to
build with the maximum 6u�lding area.
Councilman Schnetder asked if we were better off with a CR-1 zone or an M-1 zone.
Mr. Qureshi stated that we have a lot of commercial property open now that is
available for development. M-1 is much more ltmited. We have a lot of
Councilman Schneider stated that he was concerned about the tmpact on the
res�dences and felt that the water table problem would be the same
problem regardless of wether it �s commercial or ir�dustrial. The
, bu�lder may have a problem but he felt thts was an opportunity to get the
zo m ng in ltne with something that would be more amenable to the ne�ghbors
to the rear.
Mayor Nee agreed that the CR-1 would be better.
Counc�lwoman Moses asked if Mr. Qureshi was suggesting that before the final
approval the builder would get a soil test and work out a drainage plan?
Mr. Qureshi stated that he was suggesting they go ahead w�th the ftrst reading
but 6efore the second reading, after the 6uilder real�zed whether or not the
Council was amenable to the rezo m ng, it would be encumbunt upon the builder to
really check these thin9s out.
Mr. Sobiech stated that the problem with the drainage plan was that it had to
go before the Rice Creek Watershed Distrtct. He asked Mr. Witt if they had
gone before the Rice Creek Watershed D�strict yet�
Mr. Witt stated that they had not yet. There was no way of pushing those
Mayor Nee asked what the proposal was that they had given to the Rice Creek
Watershed District? Mr. Witt stated that he was not sure, that his engineer
was handling that.
Mr. Sobiech stated that before the builder spent too much money on drainage
plans, he wanted a feel�ng for the rezoning.
Mr. Witt stated that a topographical survey and submitting the plan to the
Rice Creek Watershed cost him about �2,D00.00 He did not want to do a topo
until he knew it would be rezoned.
Councilman Schneider asked if that had actual bearing on the rezoning which is
the question we are address�ng here?
Mr Herrick stated that he didn't think so, but it would be considerate of the
Council to potnt out that they may have some problems on it. Mr. Herrick stated
that he would like to comment on the Mayor's question about the Watershed. He
suspected that the Watershed District had some pretty typ�cal requirements for this
kind of development and it may not 6e so much what the builder proposes as to
what the District says what must be done if they are going to construct this
kind of building there. It is a matter of them being able to meet certa�n
cr�ter�a, the most �mportant one would be that no more water leave the property
after �t 7s developed than is leaving in its present state. That would
obviously call for some on-site storage. What the Distrtct will probably requ�re
ts that the developer devise �he means to meet that test and then they will examine
it and if it is satisfactory they will give their approval. He d�dn't think the
fact of it's being industr�al or commercial would make a great deal of difference.
They would still need the same criteria.
Mayor Nee stated that a lessor amount would be covered with the commercial
Mr. Herrick agreed.
Councilman Fitzpatrick stated that the owner was petitioning for rezoning and �t
seemed to him that their action was to decide whether the change in zom ng
was 6eneficial to the City and to the area. It seemed to him that it was. In
the final analysis that was the only thing they were acting on.
Mr. �erry Wraneschetz, 6355 P�erce Street NE., came forward and stated that his
home was located �ust tn back of the proposed office butlding. He realized that
sooner or later something would be built there but would like to bring to their
attention the 6ad water table level tn this area and the concerns of himself and
his neighbors that if this is not handled very carefully, their yards would be
under water whenever there is any heavy rain. Another concern was that there were
quite a few children in the neighborhood and they wanted to make sure that if
the ponding area was deep it should be fenced in or something to keep the kids out.
He stated that because the water table was so high, if they went down three or
four feet to build the ponding area, it would �sut fill up wiih water anyway.
He felt there was a lot to be concerned about.
Mayor Nee explained that the City would require a certa�n amount of roof storage
and that roof water would be metered off and also the City would require a certain
amount of storage in the parking lot which would also be metered out. He felt that
rather than a pond it would be more of a marsh. Hopefu1ly there would be enough
space below his property to catch �t and hold it.
Mr. Wraneschetz stated that he realized that the developer had to made it econo-
mically feas�ble but they would like the developer to 6uild some krnd of buffer
or screening between the property to the west and the proposed office 6uilding.
They would like a tall fence to make it more attractive and to screen;out
the noise because when the leaves fall off the trees they would be looking at
a 6utlding.
Mayor Nee asked of they would prefer the corr¢nercial zoning or the industrial zo m ng.
Mr. Wraneschetz stated that he would be more in favor of an office than a
plant. But he did want it done carefully.
Councilman 5chneider asked what the setback from Mr. Wraneschetz's property
would be if it were zoned industrial?
Mr. Sobiech stated that it would be 100 feet but that could 6e parking lot.
, MOTION by Councilman Barnette to close the publ�c hearing Seconded by Councilman
Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the public hear�ng
closed at 7:55 P.M.
Councilman Schnetder asked why the proposed building was set so far to the
Mr. Witt stated that was to make room for the ponding area.
Mr. Sobiech stated that it was mentioned in the Planning Commission minutes
that it would be better to have the parking lot further away from the residence.
Counctlman Schneider asked if the rezo m ng were approved and the buildtng permtt
issued, what steps would be taken to ensure that the drainage plan that Rice
Creek approves is followed?
Mr. Sobiech stated that no building permit would be issued without approval
of Rice Creek Watershed �istrict.
Councilman Schnetder stated that he was concerned about durin9 the actual
construct�on phase.
Mr. Sobiech stated that the Building Inspectors and Engineers of the City
, would be out on the s�te and also the residents could keep an eye on it
Councilman Schneider stated that this was a more sensitive area and he felt the
- grade elevat�ons should be double checked prtor to the footings yoing in, etc
Mr. Sobiech stated that in this case they could stipulate that with the rezoning.
Mayor Nee asked if this could dra�n to the street rather than the 6ack?
Mr. Sobiech stated that might be difficult because it is a little low and the
water would come back around into this same ditch anyway.
Mr. Sobiech stated that the lst reading of the ordinance was approved last week
contingent upon the agreement in the agenda. A meeting was held this past week
and attended by the petitioner, the neighbors and a member of Council. A
consensus was reached and an amendment to the agreement was distrtbuted to Council
thts evening.
Counctlwoman Moses stated that she attended the meeting. The neighbors in
, attendance were Mr. Jorgenson, representing his tenants, and Mrs. Mathisen.
The ma�or concern was that if Mr. Donut was allowed to operate on a 24 hour
basis, Super America mtght do the same. Therefore they wanted to make sure that
Super Amer�ca had no recourse to change their hours to a 24 hour operat�on.
If that was the case, it was more agreeable to Mrs Mathisen, but Mr. Jorgenson
wanted to talk to hts tenants about it. She stated that tn talking to some of
Mr. �orgenson's tenants this evening, another concern surfaced. Apparently,
there is a pro6lem with vandal�sm in that neighborhood in addition to the traffic
problem from the theater and the residents are concerned that any business that
operates on a 24 hours basis will attract more people into the neighborhood
and cause addittonal problems.
One of the netghbors, Carl Paulson, came forward and stated that the agreement
was that the operation of a 6usiness in that building would be limited to 11.00 P.M.
He stated that there would be considera6le opposition by the people if they are
allowed to operate on a 24 hour basis.
Councilwoman Moses stated that she did not feel that a Mr. Donut would attract
the kind of people who would cause problems, but it was d�fficult to convince
the people in the neighborhood of that.
Ms. Mathisen stated that she was concerned about an increase in the
vandalism problem if they were allowed to be open all night. She felt
that all the people who signed the peition signed it for a reason.
Councilman Barnette su9gested a compromise of an approval now with a reivew
in one year. At that time, if there are problems, they could rescind those
hours and go back to the 11 00 P.M. closing.
Mr. Herrick stated they didn't require licensing for a donut shop as such.
His problems was that as long as this property is zoned commercial, if we
permit 24 hour operat�on on one, he would have a difficult time permitting
it at one location and not permitting it at another. Conceivably, the City
might amend the zoning code to require a Special Use Permit if a correnercial
or industrial facility were to operate 24 hours a day. That would give some
flexibility. As of right now, however, we don't have that. On the basis of
the present ordinances, he did not see how they could allow a 24 hour
operation across the street, for example, the Country Kitchen was at one time a
24 hour operation, and not on these lots. Also, further down on University the
pancake operations are open 24 hours a day. The zoning there is similar to
these three lots. He felt that since it was presently zoned commercial, and they
want an establishment that meets all the requirements of the code, and they
want a 24 hour operation, and we are permitting other places to do it,
they could go to court and court would order us to do it.
Counc�lwoman Moses referred to Super Arierica and asked if they could be
open 24 hours if they wanted.
Mr. Herr�ck stated that SuGer Amertca was different because they came to the
City asking for certain concessions and in return fnr those concessions, they
agreed to l�mit thetr operation hours.
Councilwoman Moses asked if we could then control the 24 hours because of the
variances needed?
Mr. Herrick stated that the variances did not have to be granted unless a
hardship was shown. They would have to look at what could be constructed
there wtthout variances. If economical use of the lots can be made wtthout
variances, then the Council �s not required to grant the variances.
Councilwoman Moses asked if the current building met all the necessary
Mr. Sob�ech stated that it did not. It is um que property 6ecause it is
surrounded by three right of ways which indicate certain setback requirements
right off. He was not sure if Rapid Oil met the setbacks or not. It was
a small building.
Mr. Herrick stated they would have to take the three lots and sketch out what
would be builda6le without the variances.
Counc�lwoman Moses referred to Councilman Barnette's proposal and stated
that she thought the,y should reverse it and start wtth the 11:OD closing and at
a later t�me consider the 24 hour operation.
Mr Herrick stated that �f variances were required, the City could couple
them with certain requirements that could be upheld if there were valid
reasons stated.
Councilwoman Moses asked if they would then have to tie the hours with approval
of the var�ances?
Mr Herrick stated that would be one alternative.
l -�
l 1
Mr. Langseth, the petitioner, came forward and stated that they d�d accomplish
something at that meeting. He also stated that they did not wish to be restricted
e�ther. He stated that much time had been consumed in finding the best use for
the property. He felt they had certain rights as the zom ng ordinance stands.
However, they would like to cooperate. He stated that their posit�on on the
24 hours operation was that they did not wish restrictions upon the development
they're putting on the property, not only from an economic standpoint but from
the tenants standpoint. He did not feel they were here to bargain. They were
attempting io give the C�ty a good building on a unique piece of property and
much ttme has 6een spent �n trying to develop is as best as possible.
Mayor Nee asked Mr. Langseth tf they had tnquired of Mr. Donut what their
reaction would be not being open for business between the hours of 11 00 P M.
and 7:00 A.M.?
Mr. Langseth stated that he had and Mr. �onut would not be interested in
negotiat�ng that type of agreement.
Mayor Nee stated that �t appeared that the problem was that the petitioner
would not agree to a contract to limit the time and also there was a problem
of perceptton of threat in the neighborhood. He informed the pet�tioner that if
a vote was called and it were de m ed, the petitioner could do nothing with �t
for six months. The alternat�ve was to table the item, w M ch would gtve the
petitioner could do nothing w�th �t for six months. The alternative was to
table the item, which would give the pet�tioner time to revtew the sttuation.
Mr. Langseth stated that they were requesting variances in the petition,
not necessarily predicated upon the 24 hour petition.
Mayor Nee stated that this discussion was in regards to the rezoning and the
quest�on of variances was later in the agenda.
Mr. Langseth asked �f the petition to rezone �ncluded the question of a
24 hour operation.
Mr. Sobiech informed the petitioner that once a rezon�ng issue is brought up,
there is a desire to know why the rezoning is requested and there may or
may not be consensus to allow the rezoning based on that knowledge.
Mr. Langseth stated that he would prefer to see the item tabled rather than
killed Th�s would give him ttme to seek legal council and also, he would like
to hold another meeting in order to reach another agreement with the neighbors.
Mr Jorgenson staied that the people in his building were concerned about the
24 hour operation and they would have no ob,7ection to the building if tt
were limtted to closing at 11:OD P.M
MOTION by Councilwoman Moses to table the request for rezontng. Seconded
by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee
declared the motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Nee informed the petitioner that the City would ,7oin with him in
sponsoring a meeting.
' MOTION by Councilman Schneider to waive the 2nd reading adopting Ordinance #697,
declaring surplus property and authorin ng surplus property and authorizing sale
(excess Regts Lane Right-of-way) and order publication. Seconded by Councilman
Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all votrng aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion
carrted unan�mously.
Councilman Schneider stated that he would like to attach siipulations to
the rezoning ordinance per the Planning Commission recommendations.
Mr. Herrick stated it would be better to attach the stipulations to the
building permit.
MOTION by Councilman Schneider to approve the lst Reading of Rezo m ng ZOA
�79-05, at 6330 and 6370 Central Avenue. Seconded by Councilman Barnette
Councilman Schneider stated that for the record he would like to indicate that
with the rezo m ng that Staff would ensure that an adequate drainage plan �s
approved by the Rice Creek Watershed District and the City Staff, and that the
developer be required to provide adequate scree m ng between his property and the
ad�oining residential area either by fencing or landscaping, and also that the
Staff and Inspection Department be aware of tPie extreme sensit�vity of the
area and make sure that extraordinary inspections take place during the construc-
tion phase.
Upon a�ioice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the mot�on carried
Mr. Sobiech stated that the City has been improving an alley and
assoctated with that alley improvement the ad�acent property owner requested that
our City Contractor improve the parking lot for him and then assess those
improvements to the property. Those assessments would take place at the time
the alley improvements were assessed. We have on flle an agreement signed by
the property owner agreeing to recetving these assessments and what this would
do ts tt would allow the City to pay the contractor for those improvements by
addtng �t on to the ex�sting contract.
MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to approve the Change Order #1, 1979
Miscellaneous Concrete Curb & Gutter Contract to Mr. David Halverson
in the amount of $3,314.00. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a
voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carr�ed unanimously.
MDTION by Councilwoman Moses to concur with the City Manager's appointment of
Kathleen Williams Se m or Word $762 August 20, 1979 Reallocation of
1705 143rd Avenue Processing per Clerk Typist Posi-
Ham Lake, MN 55303 Operator Month tion in Engineering
Seconded by Counctlman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee
declared the motion carried una m mously.
MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrtck to pay the estimates.
EDS Construction Co.
360 Larpenteur Avenue West
St Paul , P1N
PARTIAL Estimate �`�} - Munic��al
Garage Addition $18,622.00
Halvorson Construct�on
4227 - 165th Avenue N.E.
Wyoming, MN
PARTIAL Estimate �8, 1979 Misc.
Concrete Curb & Gutter Contract
Allied Balcktop, Inc.
3601 - 48th Avenue North
Mtnneapolis, MN 55429
FINAL Estimate No. 1, Pro,7ect ST.
$ 4,314 00
Mr. Qureshi stated that Councilman Schneider had a concern and the property
owner executed an agreement wh�ch states that he will protect and maintatn
the retain�ng structure and he would like the Council to be aware of the
agreement and authorize it so they could file it against the property so the
new property owner would be aware of these stipulations.
Councilman Schneider stated that this was �n regards to construction on
Mayor Nee asked �f the present owner agreed to this?
Mr. Qureshi stated he did,
MOTION by Councilman Schneider to concur with the agreement with DAB Inves-
tments, Inc. dated August 7, 1979. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon
a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried una m mously.
MOTION by Councilman Schneider to ad,7ourn the Public Hearing Meeting of the
Fridley Ctty Council of August 13, 1979. Seconded by Counc�lman Barnette.
Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee decl�lred the meetin9 adjourned
at 8:45 P M.
Respectfully submitted:
�� � /��
Kathy Shelton
Recording Secretary
Attest g/10/79
���C��Ct.fnc� ]� �fj "' �'- �. _°—
William J. N e