04/28/1980 CONF MTG - 5668� ��.. � FRIDLEY CITY COUNCiL CO�VFERE�lCE i�EETI����G APRIL 28, 1980 1. Preliminary Discussion - 1980 Budget Fire Department Police Department 2. Control of Junk, Litter and Junk Cars on Residential Property 3. Other �,�� � �J �, �'� `�; f _, ,� ,, z, ,� , � J_, . � . . AN }� - -. . . . . . �� .� > .�..': . . ... - t.. :J". � • '. - -- . . . . . . �.' .. y ' . . r j .� : . .. A .: . . �"I ' • . i �y. . _ .- _____I__..-. ._-_ � � .:. s • Administrative Buclpst FUr�CT10r�AL PROGRA�1 STRUCTURE PRU�RA1�1: DEP/iRThiENiAL PRO�RAM STRUCTURE . FI R� NJ��II c�l I STRATI O`� F+a:�c�io��: P:�olir Safaty Pro,arar� Grou��: Fir� D�.�art;,��n�: Fir� Cat�gory: Fir� Pro��pction Givisicn: Pr�sra�r� Uir�ctor: Fir� Cni?f Program f��ar,a7er: Fii^� C��i�f _ Program.Objectives: To provide an efficient organization to save lives and property from fire, accidents •and natural disasters, Maintain good public relations with various civic groups and �the citizens of Fridley. c Maintain existing level of service continually year around at a cost of b=.=-".. Description: 1. Equipment Used: Office equipment, training manuals, and other administrative aids. 2. Manpower Needed: Fir2 Chief, Oeputy Chief, Two Assistant Chiefs, Three Captains and office Secretary. � 3. General Tasks Involved: Prepare annual budget. Submit regular reports to the City Manager. Prepare press releases. Conduct tours of the Fire Department. Attend meetings of civic organizations. Attend meetings of fire groups such as: Minnesota State Fire Chiefs, Metro Paid Fire Chiefs and North Suburban Mutual Aid Associaiion. Weekly staff ineetings. Arrange attendance at Regional Schools, State Schools and others including Memphis Instructors' Conference and National Fire Protection Association. ' Clientele: Direct � Members of Fire Department; •' vi5itors to the Fire Department; members of civic organizations How Served: Direct super•vision of Fire Department staff. Indirect All other City departments Work closely with and assist police and building inspecti�n departments; assist others when needed. 1981 Work Load Chan9es: Develope new training programs. Expand efforts to develope new concepts, ideas, and programs to meet program objective. • Future Work Load Chan�es: There will possibly be a sligh� increase in work load. Alternatives: 1. Reduce the number of reports submitted. This budget request is: [� Higher than \ Equal to [� Lower than the inflationary factor. This program request represents: �'lmproved service Remarks: U Sustained service �Jileduced service . :�, � �- � ,� �9 .� �...'�� � � � i � � _ . �- , Administraiive Budpet fUP�CTIUNAL PROGRAPi STRUCTURE PROGRA��: DEPART�hEPiTAL PROSRAM STRUCTURE I=IRE T�aIVIfJG Functio,�: Public Safet;r Proyra� �ro�.��: Fir� D�;�ar��n?nt: fir� Cat�;ory: Fir:: Pr���c�i�n �ivisi�n: , � Program Dir�ctor: Fire Crii�f Progra,� �9ana��r: Fire C��izf ' - Program_Objectives: ' • To insure that the fire department personnel maintain a high degree of proficiency in " fire suppression and rescue operations. To keeep abreast of the lst techniques used . � in these evalutions. Maintain existing level of service continually year around at a � cost of � � ` � Description• l. Equipment Used: 1 Fire Pumpers, 1 Aerial Truck, 1 Ladd�r,Truck, 1 Rescue Squad, 1 Grass Rig and 1 Rescue Boat. Slide Projector, 16 MM Movie Projectors with sound, - Preplan Drawings and Training Manuals. 2. Manpvwer Needed: Fire Chief, Deputy Chief, 2 Assistant Chiefs, 3 Captains, and 34 Firefighters. 3. General Tasks Involved: Perform all the evolutions used in fire suppression, overhaul and salvage. Perform evolutions used in all types of rescue: water rescue and recovery of bodies from lakes and the river; rescue of persons from burning structures; extrication of persons from automobile wrecks; first aid for tk►ose that are burned. Ten of the members are trained emergency Medical Technicians. Clientele: Direct ' Approximately 32,500 residents living in Fridley and approximately 1,200 residents of Hilltop. All of the Commercial, Industrial properties, Schools, Nursing Homes, Ghurches within our boundaries. How Served• More efficient procedures used at the fire or rescue scene. Indirect Those Traveling through Fridley and Hilltop on the highways. Better handling of extrications from autos and truck; also high level of aid for injured. 1981� Work Load Changes: More emphasis is required in special hazard areas. Upgrade emerency medical skills necessary. Future Work Load Changes: NeM� Technology, products, and processes will require new techniques and competencies. Alternatives• 1. Continue existing training programs. 2. Increase efficiency of training programs by use of new equipment and methods. 0 This budget request is: [] Hi gher than [�] Equal to [� Lower than the inflat�onary factor. This program req�aest represents: (Y� Improved service Remarks: (_f Sustained service �] Reduced service � ,, �'i�'t,➢� i�.���� �, ��,� �'�f � � � ���i � Administrative .;., Budnet FUPJCTIONAL PROGRAM STRUCTURE PROGRA��I: DEPARTMENTAL PRO�RAM STRUCTURE. , FIRE PREVEiJITQN �F!anction: Publ ic Saf�ty Prograai �Grou�: Firz Deaart�ent: Fire Cat�gory: �ir� Pro�e:,tion Jivision: �, Pro�ram Director: Fire Ci�ief Program t�lanag2r: Deputy C?�i�f IProgram Ob�ectives: ! To provide and maintain a� inspection program for fire hazards in commercial, , � ' industrial and multiple dwelling occupancies within the City of Fridley. To provide � � fire safety education to citizens, industry and commerce through such vehicles as ; � school education programs, assistance in "In Plant Fire Brigade Training," and to act ' as a resouce function to assist.in special hazard prob em so vin-�g. '�o—ma�ntain ' adequate records of fires, fire losses and other mattens relating to fire investigation. ?o conduet investigations as to the cause and origin of fires and explosions. To cond�ct investigations of incendiary and suspicious fires. To supervise licensing of service stations, multiple dwellings and Ghristmas tree sales lots. � � , s i � ; ? � -: � I i � + i i To provide thses services continually year around at a c6st of ;. ,' to maintain existing level of service. Oescription• 1. Equipment Used: Audio visual training aids and demonstration units and devices. 2. Manpower Needed: One full-time firefighter and additional part-time help as needed and available. 3. General Tasks Involved: Develop clear, concise programs aimed at ed�cating various age levels and classes of people. This includes printed materials, lectures, films and fire demonstrations. To conduct in depth investigations into the causes_and origins of fires. In the case of incendiary or arson fires, to interact wiih the Fridley Police Department and the Major Crime Investigation Unit in the prosecution of such cases. Clientele Direct Several hundred local firm employees; department heads and personnel acting in cooperative effort in various areas of equal concern architects and builders; dwellers of multiple occupancy buildings. How Served: By providing enforcement and education ir► current standards and trends relating to fire prevention and life safety. Indirect Approximately 32,500 residents. ( � � By providing a safe environment in regard to fire safety. 198� Work Load Changes: Continue Construction of industrial Development raises need for inspections as does the aging of existing buildings in the City. �reater demand for Code interpretation and advice on special processes and hazards. ; Futre Work Laad Chan�es: Inspections, plan reviews and fire investigatio�s wili all continue to increase in the coming years. Although some leveling off on plan reviews should occur, the need for and demand of the other functions of the fire prevention bureau will increase. Alternatives: 1. Continue the program at the sane level of funding, which in fact would repr2sent a decreasing level of service. 2. Increase the level of serviGC by making availat�le additio.nal personnel. 3. Reassign some of the functions of the Bureau. This budget request is: � Higher than � Equa1 to [] Lower than the inflationary factor. This program request represents: � Improveci service Remarks: [� Susi;ained service �} Reduced service � .�. , ������������� '�`���'�`���� �� � AJministrative tiudpei FUPaCTIO�JAL PROGRAM STRUCTURE PRO�RA�rt: DEP/1RTMEP�TAL ('RO�RAP1 STRUCTURE . FIRE SUPPRESSIOiV ' Function: Public Safety Pro�ram Grou�: Fire Cat�gory: Fire Prot�ction Program Director: Fir� Ci�ief � Proyram Objectives: Program Ma��a�zr Oz�arimen�: Fir2 Divisian: Fire Chief ' To save lives and property through prompt, efficient extinguishment of fires. Maintain existing level of service continually year around at a cast of � Descript:on• 1. Equipment Used: 4 Fire Pumpers, 1 Aerial Truck, 1 Ladder Truck, 1 Rescue Squad, T Grass Rig and.l Rescue Boat. . 2. Manpower Needed: Fire Chief, Deputy Chief, two Assistant Chiefs, three Captains and 34 Fire Fighters. 3. 6eneral.Tasks Involved: Protection of life is given the first consideration in any er�rgency. Size up starts at the tirrre of the alarm. Knowledge of the type of siructure involved, weather condition, time of day, contents of building and the number of people that might be involved, also exposures. Preplanning plays the a iarge part in how the emergency will be handled. Prior knowtedge of building involved, built-in fire protection such as sprinklers and standpipes; size of the water mains, location of hydrants. Many evolutions are carr?ad out simultaneously: checking to make certain no one is burned injured, trapped, or in the path of the fire; laying hose lines, ventilating and attacking tha fire. If the fire is beyond the capailities of the department, or all of our fire fighting force will be tied up for a long period of time callin9 for mutual aid. Salvage and overhaul follow attacking the fire. Investigation as to the cause usually begins before the fire is extinguished. On the scene investigation is conducted by the Deputy Fire Chief; in his absence, the highest ranking officer at the scene does so. On larqe loss or suspicious fires the Chief Officer calls in the local police, the Anoka County Crime Bureau and the State Fire Marshal's office. In the case of small fires salvage may consist of vacuuming up the water of the floor and using a deodorant to kill the smoke odor. On large fires it is usually necessary to cover openings in the roof, broken windows or doors with plastic. After the fire it is necessary to drain the hoses (wash them if dirty) and place them back on the truck. Cleaning of all equ.ipment used and filling air mask tanks is done at the station after the fire. . Clientele: Direet Indirect Approximately 32,500 Fridley residents, Those traveling through Fridley and approximately 1,200 Hilltop residents. and Hilltop on the highways. t4any All of the Commercial and Industrial properties, of the autos and trucks involved Schools, Churches, Nursing Homes and the in accidents or fires are Hospital within the two cities. Sixteen non-residents of the two other cities that may call on us for mut�al aid. cortanunities. liow Servad: By making Fridley a fire safe community. Savi�g the residents' money by having a good fire rating. 198�1 Work Load Changes: By providing a safe environment for travelers through the city. We anticipate a 5% increase in the number of response made by the Department. Future 4:ork Load Changes: As Fridley grows in population and new structures, so does the workload. Another factor is that buildings and appliances grow older and so does the poiential for fire. Alternatives: Increase level of service by manning station around the clock. This budget request is: ❑ Higher than �] Equal to [] Lower than the inflationary factor. This program request represents: (� Improved service Re►narks : U Sustained service [� Reduced service : �. �''��� �.��� ,�, �,� .� �.�.��' � � � � �� � : �� '' ' A�iministraYiv� . Budget � FU;`JCTIO��AL PROGRA�t STRUCTURE PRO�RA�1: DEPART��1E^�TAL PRO�R�M STP.UCTURE FIRE INVESTIGATIONS � Function: Public Safety Program Group: Fire Department: Fire Category: Fire Protection Division: ��� Program Director: Fire Chief Program P�anager: Fire Chief Pro �r�m Ob'ec_�tives: — --- lo provide necessary data regarding fire cause and origin, to ascertain, determine and predict future trends with regard to arson, incendiary fires and fire causes. This information is necessary to evaluate ordinances, regulations, eic. that . impact on f.i res. Description: � 1. Equipment lfsed: Office equipment, .traini.ng manuals, cameras, film and seientific� aids to fire investigations. "„ 2. Manpower Needed: Deputy Chief, special detail of firefighters as needed. � 3. General Tasks Involved: Provide for comprehensive inve�tigations and supporting data and records of fire, fire losses, cause and.origin of fires. Clientele: Direct Residents of City and Hilltop How Served: Better ordinances, codes and regulations toward developing and maintaining a fire safe environment. 1981 Work Load Chan,c�es: New program initiation. � Indirect Law enforeement agene�-es; insurance investi�gators Develope information and evidence to assist in criminal and civil law cases. � Future Work Load Chan es: New technology, products, and processes a11 impact in this area as does the economic structure nationally. Alternatives: 1.. Continue to try and�identify ir� Fire Prevention Program. 2. Only develope cause and origin. 0 This budget request is: ❑ Higher than � Equal to [] Lower than the inflationary factor. This program request represents: � Improved service Remarks: ❑ Sustained service [] Reduced service ■ 0 � ,+ . ' ►` . . �' � � . • ., � 0 , �x: ��' ��, �"k :.f;:.� � i � s � 3 ! ' • : �[ t i• ; �'' 4�'l.� '�.7 :� ,�, � �� 3 tr`� � � ;i� � Y -�3 a �.'''�. � � ?� � � � '- Administrative � • . , Sudpet �'U�JCTIOMAL PROGRAM STRUCTURE PRO�RAR4: DEPnRTf1ENTAL PRO�RAM STRUCTURE AUf�II fJ I STRATI ON t� . 'y '1 ' :,/ r. Function: Publ ic Safe�y r �-:,yrur,� Gr�u�;: Pol i:,� Category: Police Service Proyram DirecLor: Puulic Safety Director � Program Objective:_ Jepartme�it: Pol icQ Oivision: Proqram i�lanaqer: Puol ic Safety Director To plan, organize, direct, control and coordinate the personnel and material�of the Police Oepartment; to coordinate the activities of the Fridley Police Department with other governmental agencies. To use the stated activities to provide the City of Fridley with an above average level of Police service at a operating cost of b Description• • 1. Continuing review and evaluatian of efforts of a11 departmental divisions in meeting with various division heads, singularly or collectively, adjusting programs as necessary for top efficiency. Manpower requirements include the Public Safety Director, a Captain, and a Secretary. This program will be supported by Division Commanders in other programs. Equipment consists of normal office supplies and space for these persons, availability of statistical data contained in the Techniciai Support Division, and contact with City Officials is essential to the program function. 6eneral tasks involved are to supervise and provide policy direction for all sublevels of supervisory personnel. To review and direct all internal investigations of complainst received regarding members of the Department. To review and recorrnrend final disposition in all administrative functions. To maintain an accurate account of departmental expenditures consistent with approved budgetary accounts. to prepare and present with supporting data a departmental budget. To serve as the official departmental representative to the general public, political and City Administrative leaders. • 2. 3. 4. Clientele: Dirett Indirect City�Manager, Political and Comnunitj+ leaders, The remaining individuals in the Police Cor►gnand and Supervisory officers. Police Department, all City Department Heads, other governmental agencies, and the general public. How Served: � . Leadership is provided to the aforementioned Oepartmental personnel to effectively utilize their resources to provide an acceptable level of Police service to the community. 1981 Work Load Changes: State and Federal requirements, increased susceptibly to Civil suits, increased Public demands both in volume and desires for more individual attention, increased group and individual attention desires of employees, have all Deen reflected in 1980. 7here is every reason to believe this will continue in 1981 requiring continuous analysis and initiation of required chances to maintain organizational efficiency. Future Work load Changes: The work load is expected to accelerate until the corrrnunity is fully developed, both residential and industrial, and the economy is stabilized. ' . . Alternatives• 1. 2. 3. pny reduction in the present staff will result in ineffective control and fragmented efforts. It will further result in citizen complaints as well as inability of the staff to complete work assignments due to lack of coordination and lack of policy level leadership. To hold at the current level is becoming increasingly difficult with the continued increase in responsibilites and expectations of both internal and external components. Many tasks are either not being done or suffering considerable time lag. Increase organizational manpower with one additional office assistant in Informational Services and five additional police officers in the field. This budget request is: ❑ Higher than [] Equal to � Lower than the inflationary factor. This program request represents: ❑ Improved service Remarks: � Susiained service [] Reduced service � FUNCTIO`tA� PROGRAM STRUCTURE PRO��RAt4: IF�FUI;��IA�fIOidNL • SERVICL-S Administrativ�: Budpet OEPARTMEP�TAt PRO�RAM STRUCTURE Functier:: Publie Safety Program Group: Police Category: Qolice Service Pragram Dir,�ctor: Public Safet� Director Program Manager: �� D?partment: Police • Divisron: � ' Lt, TecVi. Services Div. ProQram Objectives: To provide support fncluding records, communication. operational information and research to all elements of the Department. To deai wi[h the public who inquiries of, or report to the Police Station, incidents andJnr information. To assist Che Police Officers to the extent of the project members capabitities and to relieve the Police Officer of ctericai and support duties. To code reports and operate computer terminal. To comply with ex[ensive State and federal reporting requirements. To monitor city and public works alarm systems, to monitor and assist police, fire and public works on three radio channels. To maintain existing level of servite year around at a cost of j , Program Oescription: 1. Equipment Used: Document storage, office space, computer terminal, alarms, three radio systems, duolicative equipment, furniture, and equipment in the records area and communitations office. It also consists of prupert� storage rooms located in other areas of the City Civic Center or at remote locations. 2. Manpovrer Needed: One Police Technician as a supervisor, one Tech. assistant, four office assistants with some part-time typing aid, and partial time of a Division Commander. 3. Generat Tasks Involved: A 24 hour per day, seven days per week operation of the Police facility to serve the public, law enforcement personnel, anC oth�r city departments. A continual processing of all written report5 including filing and dissemination of information to various internal recipients as well as exter�al locations where applicable. Clientele: pirect Direct Clientele consits of the Supervisors and officers of all Internal Units and the general public who initiate calls or appear at our facilities. How Served• Jndirect Our City Officials and employees who receive reports from our Department. The other por�ion of the publit who are indirectly benefited by the statistical information as well as other City Uepartments, insurance companies and accident investigative firms who rely on copies of reports. Through the processinq of reports to convert them to an orderty and retrievabie record system. Assist personnel in performance of administrative type tasks. Assist the public in receiving the proper source of service relating to their request. Participate i� some of the technical duties of the Departnent. Assist the public by directing them to the appropriate individual or agency with their concern, whether law enforcement related or ott�erwise. 1981 Nork �oad Changes: The most time Consuming Report to process is the. "Driving under the Inftuence" case. In this area alone. the number of DUI's have al•��ost tripled in the first 3 months of 1900 over the first tiiree months of 1979. There is every reason to believe that the aork load of this program will continue to increase based on past history. It is recommended that an additional office assistant be added to this prooram. The technician assistant can tfien be assigned to Field ODerations and serve as a 6ackup to Informational services. Alternatives: 1. Continue the pro9ram at the same level, despite increase demands. 2. Continue the program at the same level with sugqested chanqe. 3. Pick up work load with Police Officers who would be at a considerable higher salary range and reduce response to the public in tlie field and endanqering public safety. 4. Reduce the service to the public by closing the police facilities durina a period of time. This alternative would hinder the public frcm contacting a City employee 24 hours a day, stop the monitoring of the trouble alarms fer lift stations, alerting � anA dispatching public works personnel during emergency conditions (severe weather, s�ow, etc.) and a severe reduction to the general good o+itl to the public. The work loa6 would also create inc�ease during the day due to backlog of night shifts. This budget request is: ' �] Hi�her than �( Equal to - [] Lower than the inflationary factor. This program request represents: ❑ Improved service Remarks: �Sustained service [� Reduced service n . � �'���;�.���� ����. ����� 3��3 � Administr�tivt. . �udpet FUP�CtIO�VAL PROGRANI STRUCTURE PROGRAt4: DEPARTt�i€NTAL PROrRAM STRUCTURE � SPtC II�L � ROJ�.CT� Ui�IT rur7ctiun: Fuulic Safet,� Fr�gru�t� Group: Folice Category: Police Service Program Dir`ctor: Public Safety Director Program Manager: Program Objectives: �2pa�-tm2nt: Pc 1 i ce Division: Lt. Tech. Services Div. To provide service to the overall police effort in the form of specialized functions, dutes and programs. To serve as a coordination catalyst of various departmental tasks. To develop, implement and supervise numerous public projects such as bike lectures, rodeos, patrol; crime awareness seminars, crime prevention programs; public information presentations, plice training; puhlic tours and neighborliood projects. This unit is also responsible for the police,library. To maintain existing level of service year around at a cost of b Description: 1. Equipment Used: FiTing cabinets, office space, re7ated furniture and equipment and audio-visual equipment. 2. Manpower Needed: One Coordinator and one Technician. Two full time and one part time fed�rally funded persons, and Special Assignment Personnel as avaiiable, plus partial time of a Division Commander. 3. General Tasks Involved: A 24 hour per day, seven days per week operation of the Police facility to serve the public, law enforcement persunnel, and other city departments. A continual processing of all written reports including filin9 and dissemination of information to various internal recipients as well as external locations where applicable. Clientele: Dirett Indirect All members of the Fridley Police Department, Other portion of public who are a11 of the residents and businesses who have indirectly benefited by the involvement with the Crime Prevention and traininq provided the department Awareness Programs, the students of schools and Reserve personnel and provided and the participants in civic groups to which indirect information through speakers present the pro9rams. programs of public relations. How Served• Netessary training is provided to Departmental and Reserve to maintain the desired • level of professional standards. Information is provided to citizens to safeguard , agains� burglaries and other crimes, safeguard against traffic and home accidents. Continuting research is done by the unit in the area of new programs and new traininG availabie in an effort to maintai� as previously stated the level of professianal standard required. Public and School presentations. Neighborhood projects are coaducted. • � � 19ii1 Work Load Cha�ges: Due to the success of 1980 programs and increase public awareness, plus Federal funding, additional �vork load demands are anticipated. In additional, this unit has been unable to implement the much needed vandalism project due to high demands in other areas and for lack of personnel. Future uork Load Changes: It is anticipated that the unit will continue to be in high demand in the areas of its ongoing program. It is also known that new programs could be developed which aould require expanded person hours. Alternatives: 1. Continue the pro9ram at the same level. • 2. Increase the level of service by adding more people and equipment. 3. Decrease or abolish the unit. Remarks: 7he Special Operations Unit in the past six years of operation has sho�an a marked increase in various programs. It has detected through the officers contact with the public a very definite need for this type of program. They have become involved in teachin9 situations with the general public and have become involved with businesses in an effort to pr.ovide througli businesses, the information necessary to prevent burglaries, to prevent shoplifting, and r�ithout a doubt the program has been very wetl accepted by the generla public with the City of Fridley. 7here is aiso a stron nred t r_ed;�ce huralaries and vandalism jn the connr,unity. s budget request is: ❑ Higher than �Egual to [] Lower than the inflationary factor. This program request represents: []Improved service Remarks: �Sustained service �] Reduced service � . �'���f�,�,i��'� ,��.i��a_V�a� �J�3 � - � . Admini�tr;�liv�: - ' ' , . pudpet _____.� F'UNCTIONAL PROCRAM S7RUCTURE PRUGRAf4: DEPARTP�ENTAL PRO�RAM SiRUCTUftE FI�LU OPERATIUNS F;;�,c�i�r: Pul�1 i� Sufe�y Progra.m Group: Pol ice Department: Pol ice Category: Police Service Divisio►}: . Program �irector: Puolic Safety Uirector � . ! 0 Program Objectives: Prograrn �lanager: Dep. Public Safety Director ..._ _ � To promote community safety and security through prevention of crime, enforcement of law and protecting life and property, providing services to the comnunity, preserving the peace, appret�ending criminals. To maintain existing level of service continually year-around at a cost of b Program Description: 1. Equipment consists of � fully equipped marked squads, two unmarked squads and special• use vehicles such as trail bike., jeep and snowmobile; office space within.the Police Department, a holding cell, a squad room equipped with locker5 and bulletin boards for Lhe use of the officers and the necessary furniture for the supervisars. .2. Manpower consists of one Department Public Safety Director, three police sergeants, 3 police CPLS, and 18 police officers. 3. The General Tasks: a continuing program of providing police officers for the various law enforcement and emergency needs of the City on a 24 hour basis, seven days per week. Clie�tele- Oirect Dfrect clientele consists of approximately 32,500 residents of the City of Fridley and a11 of the Dusinesses located within the City of Fridley. How Served: Indirect All persons visiting, transiting, or working with-, in the City. Assistinq other City departments with certain aspects of their fie]d projects. Services provided Dy a continuous patrol of the streets and areas of the City on a 24 hour basis, seven days per week to provide the residents and property owners with a community that is safe and desirable to live and work in. This indirectly provide5 visitors, transients and people wQrking within the City with the same safe and desirable tonditians. ' 1981 Work Load Changes: i980 a�ork experience reflected what appeared to be a much higher public exp�ction by the general public to solve individual citizen pr�blems. There has also been a , significantly high stress place upon police officer due to public expectations Qlus an increased violance factor by arrestees. It is highly recemmended that five additional police afficers be added to this program, in addition to one technician from informational services. Future Work Load Chanqes: The wark load is er.pected to accelerate unitl the community is fully developed, both residential and industrial, and the economy is stablized. ' � Alternatives: . . � 1. 2. 3- � 4. , Maintain the same level. In evaluating the present strength of tfie Police Department and in consideration of the demand for service by the public in 1979, this course is not recommended and could have a direct effect on public safety. To reduce the patrol strength would detract from the services provided and directly affect the crime rate and traffic enforcement as well as establish conditions for a higher etement of risk to the welfare of the public. It also would result in an increase in citizen complaints. To :liminate the Police Department, contract with the Sheriff's Office or another agency to patrol the City. 7he anticipated contractual estimated cost for coniractual services would� based on preliminary figures, exceed the Police Department budaet by approximately 25ro indirect cost. This would not take into consideration the indirect cost of the County tax collected to provide manpower necessary or the loss of direct citizen input in this, plus loss of city control. Nighly recomnend adoption of recommendation to increase tfiis program by five police officers and one technician, � This budc�et request is: [�Higher than [] Equal to [� Lower than the inflationary factor. 7his proc�ram request repre�ents: �] Improved serv�ice Ren�arks : �Sust;ained service [] (teduced service , , �'���� �.��.�� A. �:9 .�, �'��' � � � _3 �3� � . Administr�tiv�: . Budpet FUPiCTIO�dAL PROGRAM STRUCTURE PR06RAt�: DEPARTMENTAL PRO�RAM STRUCTURE . I(dVESTIG'�TIUN Funetion: {'ubl ic Safety Nroyrai�i Uroup: Pol ice Depart�sient: Pol ic�, , Category: Polic� S2rvice . Division: . � Program Director: P�aulic Safety Director Program Manager: �t. Teci�. Services Div. 0 i Prograrn Objectives: . To provide continuzd investigation of criminal activities, apprehension of criminals, recovery of stolen property, and review and preparation of cases for court and liaison with other criminal justics agencies. To maintain the existing level of ser�ice year-around at a cost of b Description• � 1. Equipment Us2d: T+vo unmarked squad cars, photographic equipment, crime scene equipment, two offices and the necessary furniture to make this office space functional. •• 2. Manpower Needed: One sergeant, one officer and one technician, plus partial time of a Division Commander. 3. 6eneral Tasks Involved: A continuing program of conducting followup investigations into crimes that have occurred in the City which includes intervieMring and interrogating witnesses and suspects. Coordinating investigations with personnel of other agencies and providing crime scene investigation which includes photography and other specialized services at the scene. To coordinate investigative efforts with flutside investigative agencies. Clientele• Direct Consists of victims of crimes which require followup investigations. Also consists of , all the City law enforcemnt personnel and other appropriate City employees such as the City Attorney and City Prosecutor. Now Served: indirect Consists of other police agencies, the various law enforcement connected agencies, the co�rt and the of our City and other cities who may benefit by the findings of the investigations. Investigators provide followup investigation into crimes which are initially . investigated by the partol officer in an effort to detect and apprehend the offenders and recover the property if stolen. Indirectly they provide assistance and ' ioformation to the agencies and personnel outside of our jurisdittion in an effort to enhance investigations and provide and interchange of informatian: 7981 ktcrk Load Changes This unit was required to process a 5.5X increase in juveniles referred to juvenile tourt from 1978 to 1979. With the advent of a newly created DUI statute and a nearly tripling of DUI arrest the first 3 months of 1980 over the first 3 months of 1979, this unit has been hard pressed ta comply with the Supreme Court 36 hr. rule. Many z�iminal cases now go without the completion of investigation that the public should �emand. In addition, civil mandated investigations of applicants such as weapons applications is greatly increasing. �uture Nork Load Changes: . There would appear to be a continuous increase in the requirement.of this unit. At this time we are simply trying to maintain work quantity at an acceptable level. By attrition the sergeant will be replaced with a police officer. In addition the Tech. Services Commander will supervise and work in this program. Note: The two police officers could be CPL's at no additional City expense.. ' � Aiternatives: 0 1. Continue at the same level, with continuous decrease in service. 2. Modify the program by assignment of two officers and one technician. 3. Reduce or abolish the function, resulting in loher clearance rates, higher personal cost to the citizen, and dissatisfaction from the con�nunity. 4. Increase sworn or civi�ian o2rsonnei to 7his budget request is: ❑ Nigher than �Equal to ove end product. [] Lower than the inflationary factor. This program re�uest represPnts: [� Improved service Remarks: �.�sustained service �] Reduced service T v � , � . �' � � � �3 .�--1 ��.�� � �i .�� �'��' � � � � � � � ' � ' Administrative � � �. Bud�dt FUr�CTIOPJAI. PROGRAM S7RUCTUftE PR06RAi1: DEPARTMErJTAL PRO�RAM STRUCTURE . TRNFFI� UNIT S.T.E.P. � Function: Public Safety Program Group: Police aepart�,�ent: F�lic� I Categ�ry: Police Service Division: Program DirECtor: Pu��lic Saf�ty Director Proyram Manager: � � Program Ob ject i ves : F�?.� G r7/' M F` r rt r rv ATr r� �'o,> / q� / •'�i - To reduce the number and seriousness of accidents occurring tin Fridley. �To maintain ; tiexisting level of service year around at a cost of b_ ° Destription• ' { 1. Maintain an ongoing review and evaluation system for current accidents•and expand the I ddta base to incorporate this information in order to control the enforcement program. i2. Establish geographical areas and type of offense which are the causitive factors in accidents using public information techniques to publicize the program and results. � ' f 3. Manpower requirements will consist of two permanently assigned patrolmen and 2080 hours per year of additional patrol time by various patrolemen, all being supervised '} by 2080 hours per year of various sergeants time. 1 4. Equipment consists of two patrol squads, two radar units, one breathalizer unit, three alert kits and the normal compliment of equipment within the patrol squads. one squad will be painted in a distincitive manner to further publici2e the STEP program. ' 5. &eneral tasks involved are to implement the traffice enforcement program dictated by statistical analysis, to meet periodically to formulate methodologry, resolv2 complaints, and keep informed as ta possible changes. Accurate reporting is critical and will be anali2ed as the program progresses. Clientele: Direct Citizens of Fridley. tbra Served : Indirect All persons using roadway,s. i. High enforcement concentration of roads with high accident rate. 2. Reduction in the No. of traffice deaths and serious injury. 198{ Work Load Changes: 'fhere was a 86� increase of DUI arrest alone from 1977 to 1978. Much of this is attributed to the efforts of the step unit. Traffic volume increase is projected at a rate of 10% due to growth on northern Anoka county with a corresponding w�rk load increase. � future Work Load Changes: � It is anticipated that after a total three year period from the point of inteption, � this program could cease in its current status. The function could be reverted to �' part of the patrol function with attention in a broad area of traffic � enforcement/accident investigation. ' Alternatives• � . ' 1. Keep program at same level. ' 2. Reduce 1eve1 of program. � � 3. Increae level of program. 4. {lbolish program. � 5. Broaden function of program to include accident investigation and related tasks. This budget request is: ' ❑ Higher than � Equal to [] Lower than the inflationary factor. This program reCUPS� t"P�rP�?ntS: ❑ Improved service Remarks: [� Sustained service �] Reduced service 0 - — . �'���'..-��:��,�� �,��.�..'�,���� ��� 1 . • kdministr��tiv�. • � ' . Budpet FUP�CTIOMAL PROGRAM STRUCTURE PROGRA��: DEP/1RTMEN7AL PRO�RAM STRl1CTURE . VULUf��TEER SE:RVICES Functior,: Publ ic Safet, "ro�ra�:� ,�ou�: ('ol ice Department: Pol ice. . Category: Police Service Division: ��, Program Director: Public Saf�ty Director Program Objectives: Program Manager: De�. Public Safety Director To provide volunteer service by various community components in assisting the law enforcement function and establishing a system of self help. To establish a closer rapport and provide a foundation for a career. To ,aintain existing level of service year around at a cost of $ Description: 1. 2. R�grJ� Establish Public Safety unit with specific tasks established. Maintain an ongoiny Scout Law Enforcement Post within the Lae Enforcement Function. 3. Organize various city's neighborhood group to be the eyes and ears for ploice and establish a neighbor help neighbor approach. 4. Clientele: Increase corrnnunity/government communication flow. s Direct Law enforcement personnel and ather city employees and political leaders. Those citizens directly working on these projects. � Indirect All citizens of the community to make the city an even better place to live and work. How Served: . 1. Public Safety Reserve to serve as a major back up to public safety personnel in times i of emergency or unusual condition� 2. Explorer post to establish foundation of a career and assist police in the broad aspects of task, both in the station and in the field. 3. Establish neighborhood groups to assist police as well as self help. 1981 Work Load Changes: An end to in CETA personnel will increase the need for and use of volunteers. A vehicle should be purchased or donated for this program. Future Work Load Changes: It is anticipated that this program will expand in all arease due to increased cost to cities and reduced revenue sources relative to full time personnel.. ` Alternatives: 1. Maintain program at current level. 2. Increase participation and effectiveness of program. 3. Abolish program. This budg�t request is: � . ' ❑ Higher than f�Equal to [� Lower than the inflationary factor. � This program request represents: �Improved service Remarks: ❑ Sustained service (] Reduced service __ . - , , � �I�''� ,�.7�.?�,�J� ,�aG�.��►�..���� ��� � Administrative . ` . Budpet FU��CTIQNAL PROrRAM STRUCTURE PRO�RRfq: pEPARTP�IENTAL PROrRAM S7RUCTURE E1NIh1E1L COidTI�UL Fut�ction: Publ ic Safety Nroyra�ri uroup: Pol ice Uepartment: Pol ice Category: Police Servicz . Division: . Program DirActor: Pu�lic Safety Director Program Manager: Proqram Objectives: To provide a means of controlling animals within the City by ordinance enforcement and public education. To provide service capable of handling various complaints involving the handling of znimals whether live, injured, dead, including the disposal and/or boarding of said animal. To maintain exiSting level of ServiCe Continudlly year-around at a cost of b Description• , l. Equipment is provided by the cnntractor selected to provide the �ecessary animal • • control service. 2. Manpoaer FJeeded: 1980 needs have shown that the current ieveT of operatfan with orte vehicle and four hour person day basis is adequate. , 3. 6eneral Tasks Involved: Include patrolling the City streets, issuing citation, • �earrting or eommunicating with owners of animals consistituting violations and capturing, containing, transporting, boarding, and releasing to owners or otherwise disposing of ali unlicensed animals found in violation of Chapter 302 of the City Code. . . Clietele• Direct Owners of animals found in violation of Chapter 302 of the Fridley City Code and any other seekina service fram the Animal Control Officer. Injured and lost animals are treated, protected a�d returned to owners. tiow Served: Indirect All citizens of Fridley who from time to complain about 7aose animais, baricing dogs, or report dead or injured animals or other violations of the City Code. Citizens are protected from dangerous animals and excessive barking. l. By four haurs of street patrol each day at varied times concentrated at areas which have genPrated citizens complaints coordinated through the Police Department. 2. By accomplishing conformity to the Fridley City Code through issuance of citations. 3. Sy providing education as to the content of the Fridley City Code by verbal tommunications aith violators and school lectures to students on animal care. 1981 Work Load Changes: 'No Chances Expected Future Nork Load Changes: • It would appear that at this point that the level of service that is presently maintained would be adequate for several years. Alternatives: � 1. Redute the level of service, which is undesirable. 2. Maintain the present level which we feel would suffice for the present and for some distance into the future. � 3. Dispense ►vith contr•actual service and take over all of the aspects of animal control with the hiring of personnel and purchasinq equipment. This step at this point is not justified economically and it is felt that the currer�t situation of contracting for ihis personnel and equipment is much more desirable. 4. Increase the level of service which does not appear to be justified at this time. This budget request is: ' ❑ Higher than � Equal to [] Lower than the inflationary factor. This program request represent�: ❑ Tmproved service �ustained service [�Reduced service Remarks: ► ., � �, � r Iltlrninistr;�livc Rud�ot FUP�GTiUP�I�L t�FiO�RArd STRUCTUIZC �'RUG{tAl�l: pEPARTt1ENTlIL PRO�RIIF4 S7RUCTUfZE CIVIL UEFttJSE r Function: Publie Safety Proyram uroup: Civil Uefense Uepartment: Police Cat�gory: Pt�li�e �ervice Uzvision: •, Progra„r �►i���.�ctor: Civil Uefz��se Uirector Progra�n itilanager: Civil Defense Director eci,ive5: To plan and coordinate emergency operations with other governmental agencies, local, state and federal, and the population of the City during natural and man made disasters. This objective shall include providing an adequate outdoor warning � system, an emergency operations center and specialized training of personnel as needed to maintain an adequate civil preparedness posture. • To provide these services continually year-round at a cost of $ to maintain existing level of service. Oescription: 1. Equipment Used: Offite equipment and audio visual training aids. 2. Manpower Needed: One Oirector and one secretary, plus special function assignments of several city personnel and volunteers. 3. General Tasks Involved: Up-to-date plans are developed and maintained which provide for th2 efficient and effective dealing with a disaster within the community. Also promotes specialized training that is available to personnel assigned Civil Defense functions. Provides and maintains an adequate outdoor warning system composed of audible sirens a� various lacations throughout the City. Clientele: Direct -Citizens of �ridley How Served• I�direct Department heads and personnel who head the various services required in the Civil Defense organiiational structure and the local government. . �By coordinatir�� operations wt►en By coordinating operations when mobilized mobilized t� �ea7 xith naturai or to deal with natural or man made disasters, man made disaste�r�, ay assisting in by assisting in enrollments for special enrollments fo+r special training, training, disseminating infornation to the disseminating i�fonmation t� the public through the various news media. public thro�gF� the variaus news r►�dia. 1981 Work Load Changes: The predictabl� work load should increase. Any major change would be the result of a disaster or a,�-eater federal emphasis on C.D. Additional emphasis will be placed on assisting in �radustriai schools, and Medical Facility Oisas�er plans. It is also hoped that a I�e��vicEuai Ftnm�owner Di�aster Plan program will be deve7oped. An increased nu�er af trained sky�,►arn persons is also planned. Future Work Load Changesc i Th�s progra� functions in the role of coordinating and acting as a resource base.. It � is anticipated that rre rrill cantinue to examine the federal programs and seek ' additional fed�ra� funding over previous leveis in order to bring knowledge and disaster plans d�rre t� the individual citizens. � Ailternatives• 1. Maintain same levei of activity. ' 2: Increase lewel of activity to bring practical applications down to the public. 3, Discontinue t'he funttions and reassign the responsibilities. - �emarks• . During disaster er�ergencies, records should be kept of time spent in disaster • � ; functions by City employees. We may be able to qualify for reimbursement under � ? ; federal disaster assistance oroaran�s, This bud�et request is: � � [� Hi gl�er than F� Equa] to � Lower than � the ini'lationary factor. This �►�agram request represents: ,�Im��r�ved scrvice Item� rks : U Sust�iried sei�vice [� Reduced se�°vice