12/01/1980 - 5357OFFICIAL CITY COUNCIL AGENDA '; REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 1, 1980 � . �Ii; FRiDL�Y Ci�'Y C4UNC I L• . � � REGULAR PwIEE�tIf�dG - DECEh1�ER 1, 1980 - 7:30 P,P9, ��i�:l�;r► f ti : )i:. nr.�;�; i��� r�; � i lr�; �?�:; ��G! LG'�; ► ���c �.�;F Ti-;�_ „E+,Cl�IOiIS �`�:LDCD", �t_�ns� .E�nvc vau<< ���sw�z� � �ACk�, I(�I TlfE �I`i Y 1�A1�JAGE�2 � 5 OFFICE �Y THE �'�EDtJESD�11�' �CFOKF THE hJEXT R�GULAR CC�u;�L I L MEE'� I t�G , THANK YOU.� ���c��,6e v�� /9�0� PUBLIC WORKS REGULAR ��EETING, OCTOBER 2�, 198� Approved REGULAR 1�EETING, i�OVEMBER 1%, 1980 Approved ADOPTIO�J OF AGEiJDA: Adopted as submitted OPC;J FORU�1, V I S I TORS : �CONSIDERATION OF ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA - 15 �IINUTES) No Response OLD BUS I �JESS : SECOND READING OF AN ORDINANCE ON VACATION REQUEST, SAV �`8J-09, PETITION �g-19`�� TO �ACATE 1� FOOT ALLEY, Gt�OO BLOCK BETWEEN 2ND AND �� STREETS� � � � � � . . � � � 1 Ordinance No. 723 Adopted ACTION (�EEDED: Proceed with vacation of a17ey 0 � 0 PUBLIC WORKS BLIC WORKS � 'PUBLIC WORKS � ;PUBLIC WORKS i�E��i ��iSI�ESS �CONTINUED) SECOND READING OF AN ORDINANCE ON VACATION REQUEST, SAV #80-10 -ro VACATE ONE FOOT DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT, 71�5 AsHTON AVENUE, RICHARD �r�ALTZ� ��� Ordinance No. 724 adopted ACTION NEEDED: Proceed with vacation of easemen� SECOND READING OF AN ORDINANCE ON VACATI4N RECIUEST, SAV #5�-11, PETITION #9-1980 -ro VACATE SIX FOOT ALLEY EASEMENTS, OAK GROVE AND i�I00RE LAKE PARK ZND ADDITIONS� � � � � � � � � � � . � � � � � � � Ordinance No. 725 adopted ACTION NEEDED: Proceed with alley easement vacation SECOND READING OF AN ORDINANCE ON VACATIC�N REQUEST, $AV �1g�°I2, QETITION ,#10-1�30 To VACATE A�LEY� EASEMENTS, B�ocK 9, BERLIN ADDITION, OWNED BY I��1NNEAPOLIS ��iATERWORKS, � . , � � � � � � � � � � � Ordinance No. 726 adopted ACTIOfd NEEDED: Proceed with alley easement vacation � � � � � ,,, SECOND READING OF AN ORDINANCE ON VACATION REQUEST, SAV �t�O-13 TO VACATE ALLEY AND THREE STREETS, BLOCKS Z, 3, 4 AND 5, BERL I N�iDD I T I ON, BURL I NGTON i�ORTHERiV .,,.., Ordinance No. 727 adopted ACTION NEEDED: Proced with alley and street vacation 2 3 4 5 0 � IC WORKS �iTY P�IANAGER � 'UBLIC WORKS � 'UBLIC WORKS � OLD BUSI;JESS (CONTINUED) �� ,..1� -,�-r.: .'. �''- �-tt r:, ^, �- 'l� ::"i f?rl ny •r �-r: r� � n,•,- r .. � r , - _. � .. ' ... ._... . . . �r :' . • �* �._ �. � �.. . ; . � .: .'.�_ 1 �,..'. �: t , ,.. .-� ... .�...t :_ � 4:_' { �U�iVEY, iyllNi�ESUT/� IRA(JSrER KAILWAY ( iAB�ED 11/1%/�0) ��� E- 6 G � Final plat approved �vith stipulation ACTION NEEDED: Inform MN Transfer Railway of Counci7 action � CONSIDERATION OF DAY CARE CENTER APPLICATION — ��R� AND MRS� PAPKE �FROM ���EETING oF 11/li/�0)� � . � � . . % Item tabled io next me2ting. City Attorney� to submit written opinion ACTION TAKEN: This�item wi11 be Tisted on the �genda of December 8, 1980 �JE'�1 BUS I �VESS : RECEIVING �,�T� �OMMISSION r`iINUTES OF ;�OVEr�IBER 13, 198J,,.,,►��,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8-8K 1. Consideration of CATV Commission being incrc�ased from five to nine members .................................. 8- 8A CATV Recommendation: Approval Council Action Needed: Consideration of recommendation Mr. Ed Kaspszak, CATV Comm. made arg ument for 9 member Cable Comm. Administration to discuss possibility of ad hoc committee with the CATV Commission ACTION NEEDED: Make arrangements for meeting with CATV Commission 2. (Item 6) Considera�ion of CATV Budget and agreement ............................................. SB - 8K CATV Recommendation: Acceptance and approva7 Council Action Needed: Consideration of recommendation Item tabled. Administration to bring back estimate on franchise revenues � ACTION NEEDED: Put item back on agenda when estimate completed . , . . 't1BLIC WQRKS IUBLIC WORKS 'UBLIC WORKS 'QLICE DEPT. ETING. DECEMBER 1 1'JE�� BUSIl��ESS �CONTINUED) �'t�il� f' . - - 7 � -r' T - T ' � . . _ . . , . t . , . .. � .. . ., .� .. ,. . .. ., ..� . TH� �RE-1;EV I EW i�CQU I REMENTS OF FR ID�EY ` S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN HAVE BEEN SATISFIED� ������ Resolution No. 124-1980 adopted ACTION NEEDED: Inform appropriate parties of Council action 0 � � . �. rH�t �t • . � CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR REPAIR ON ��ELL ��0� l� � � � � � � � � � � . . 10 - 10 C Resolution Na. 125-1980 adopted ACTION NEEDED: Proeeed with advertising for bi�1� • RECEIVING BIDS �ND AWARDING �ONTRACT FOR 1981 INDUSTRIAL TYPE TRACTOR ��IDS OPENED 11/21/80)� ��. Counci� received bids. Awarded to contract to low bidder-- Midway Tractor and Equipment Company ACTION �lEEDED: Inform aTl bidders of Council action . 11 --11 A RECEIVING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT FOR ANIMAL �ONTROL iBIDS OPENED II�ZS�$O)� � � � � � � � � � � � � 12 - 12 � Received bids. Awarded contract to low bidder--P4APSI ACTION P�EEDED: In�form all b�dders of Council action . IFINE�N IFIP�RNCE ,� , �-. _; FINRP�C CITY MANAG �EG�LAR �EETING, DECEM�ER �, 198� I�Et'! EUSI�'�ESS �CONTINUED) LL� ,. , 15 _�t i �'�� � � . � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � Approved _ ACTION NEEDED: Pay claims . LICENSES , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , � , , , , 14 — 14 A Approved ACTI0�1 NEEDED: Issue licenses 0 ESTIMATES. � �. ► ,� . . � � � � � . _.� . �, . ►_ , _. . ._ ,._ � ,_15 - 1�i..�?. ' Approved ACTIOPJ NEEDED: Pay estimaies . , COMP�U,d I CAT I ON : �'�ETRO �`:�ASTE CQNTROL COMMISSION� APPOINTMENT TO SERVE ON �DV I SORY �OARD � , � . � , , � � ► � , , , � � � , , 16 — 16 i� Received commun9cation and directed City f�anager or his designee to represent the City. ACTION NEEDED: Inform Commission of Council appointment ADJOUR;"d 9:38 PM %f�i��.i:Y �I i � CGUtdCi�. ;�E�T�P� ; �'E:t:�1SE� STGi� �'f��fiE AD�7RC�S �ND I7'E:P�1 1�i�1i�3EK Ii1'ii:R::STfi�? Sf�i LAI��: � ���MC � �D�S;CS� � ITEE�1 �iU��1�3��t _____.-..�_�_.. :..��___-�-,�_____.__._.._��__ -� �,r7i7__=�.-,Q.�s �:�::��,�Q;��.�oy �C;u___ .��,___�__'_-f �J.o % r� C,/�'`� '7 _� ;I c� �/ l.l�?,�e�. sf 6'Q ! s% lo � �_ � . �� ;C t( � / i � ( � � ! 0.7. � 1 � ' -�_____ w' C'�� �X_,________�_..._.._.V..._._..._. .•-;, n l� �- ; �"��,le`'� _ c� � �t/ %.��. �., , � � �.� /5 a t_ ;� �- ���I �"� � �zoo1J s �+:1 � , �',� � r �--- %� �, ,',L U' . ,.�_ � -- ._ ..--- � �i� r� �. � J 0 THE MINUTES OF THE REGUL�R ME�TING OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COJNCTL OF OF OCTOBER 27, 1980 � � ?J1 THE MINUTES OF THE•REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL OF OC706ER 27, 1980 The Regular Meeting of the.Fridley City Council was called to order at 7:34 P.M. by Mayor Nee. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Nee led�the Council and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: Councilman Fitzpatrick, Councilwoman Moses, Mayor Nee, - Councilman Schneider and Councilman Barnette MEMBERS ABSENT: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES: - ' RE�ULAR MEETING, OCTOBER 6, 1980: MOTION by Councilman Schneider to approve the minutes as presented. Seconded by Councilwoman Moses. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ADOPT:ON OF AGENDA: Councilman Schneider requested the following item be added to the agenda: "Receiving Communication from Roger and Bette Papke, RE: Variance to the Life Safety Code for O�.eration of a Day Care Center.° MOTION BY Councilwoman Moses to adopt the agenda with the above, addition. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, �11 voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the �notion carried unanimously. � _ :,, � OPEN FORUM, VISITORS: Mr. Ed Wilmes extended his thanks to Mayor Nee for the kind remarks and comments made about him and the Islands of Peace in recent literature that was distributed in Fridley. He further thanked Mayor Nee for his recognition of Representative Simoneau 'and other volunteers and businesses who are too numerous to mention. He , stated because of all these people, the Islands of Peace is successful. Mr. Wilmes stated professional peopTe have been out to the Isiands of Peace and spent days and weeks preparing suggestions in regard to the grasses and plantings and preparing a map showing details on what should be planted. He stated there was a biologist from the Department of Inierior who made a study regarding the fishing potential, which is limited, and every effort should be made to encourage fishing on only a small part of the recreational area and confined to a designated area. ' He stated input was also received from persons in soil conservation with the I Department of Agriculture. He felt if the City didn't recognize this help and input from these professionals, they would be wrong. He didn't feel the City Manager or Parks and Recreation Director could spend 20 minutes touring the Islands of Peace and make their decision on what or what shouldn't be planted, and what trees should remain and what ones should be removed. Mr. Wilmes stated they have a problem regarding the wood on Chase's Island which ; should be moved to the reception center and hoped the City would give them assistance in moving this wood. He further noted the Council discussed the possibility of some assistance with the burglar and fire alarm system and hoped something develops soon in this area. ALLEY VACATIONS - OAK GROUE ADDITION AND MOORE LAKE PARK 2ND ADDITION: Mr. Dave Fuerstenberg, 1601 - 66� Avenue, appeared before the Council regarding vacation requests for the vacation .of the alley easement in Oak Grove Addition and Maore Lake Park 2nd Addition. He stated it was his understanding, from information he received from the Planning Commission and staff, this item would be before the Council this evening. ; �_ c���,, cJ .. ... REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 27, 1980 PAGE 2 Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated the Council took action at the October 20 meeting to set the public hearing on these ailey vacations fnr November 10, 1980. Councilman Schneider stated he has talked to Mr. Fuerstenberg regarding this matter and he wished to begin construction and questioned if this wouTd be a problem. He pointed out there is 100% petition for the vacation and the Planning Commission did recorrmend approval. Councilman Schneider asked how close Mr. Fuerstenberg would be from the lot line, �with the vacation and Mr. Fuerstenberg indicated he would be about 13 feet. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, asked Mr. Fuerstenberg if all the alley easement came from his property. He stated six feet is from his property and six feet obtained by a quit clain deed. Councilman Schneider asked if a building permit could be issued so Mr. Fuerstenberg could put in the footings. Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, asked if Mr. Fuerstenberg obtains the entire width of the alley by vacation or quit claim deed, if that was sufficient to meet the setback requirements of the code. Mr. Fuerstenberg indicated he had a drawing of his olans which he could present to the Council. Mayor Nee stated, since this wasn't a regular agenda item, the Council would hear discussion later in the meeting, which was acceptable with Mr. Fuerstenberg. OLD BUSINESS: RESOLUTION N0. 110-1980 TO ADOPT THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER CORRIDOR CRITICAL AREA PLAN - CITY OF FRIDLEY FROM MEETING �F OCTOBER_6. 198� : Mr. �lora, Public Works Director, stated, as discussed at the preceding meeting, there were two issues before the Council,,;:pne was the adoption of the Critical Area P1an��and the �ther was the adoption ot the :Zoning Code which implemented the Critical Area Plan. Mr. Flora stated, in talking to the Metropolitan Council, it is necessary to adop't the Critical Area Plan, however, the City can delay the zoning requirement which implements this plan to a later date when the entire zoning code is reviewed. Councilman Fitzpatrick asked about the extent of the area involved and if that wou'd be adopted now, with the plan, or considered with the zoning. Mr. Flora stat2d the Critical Area Plan was adopted by state statute and all the City is doing is implementing this into the City's plarr. He explained the ciritcal areas have already been established as this plan pertains to Fridley. Ne stated one of the concerns brought up at the last Council meeting was the effect on exiting properties in the critical area. Councilwoman Moses asked if homes in the critical area were totally damaged, if they could be rebuilt. Mr. Flora stated they could not without complying with the zoning code or applying for a variance or special use permit. MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to adopt Resolution No. 110-1980. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Mayor Nee felt, in the third paragraph of the resolution, it seems to imply the City is adopting the zoning concurrent with the Critical Areas Regulations. Mr. Flora stated what is inteded in this paragraph is to say the City is revising the zoning code and when this is done, the critical areas zoning will be r�viewed. Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, felt the resolution would stnad, without including this paragraph. MOTION by Councilwoman Moses to amend the Resolution by deleting the third para- gra��h. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, ail voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. . ? RESOlUTION N0. 111-1980 RE UESTING A FURTHER EXTENSION OF THE DUE DATE OF FRIDLEY'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR SUBMITTAL TO THE METROPOLI7AN COUNCIL TABLED OCTOBER 6 1980 : Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated when the.Comprehensive Plan was discussed at the last meeting, it was brought to the Council's attention that there was an amendment procedure being considered by the Metropolitan Council. He stated the Metropolitan Council wil1 not reach a decision regarding this amendment procedure , until January, 1981. Mr. Flora stated this'resolution requests a delay for final-, v REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 27, 1980 �L9 �3 PAGE 3 submission of the City's Comprehensive Pl�n to the Metropolitan Council, in order to allow`sufficient time for processing o; ;:,�e amendment procedures. Councilman Barnette asked if other cities were making similar requests. Mr. Flora stated it seems they are trying to delay submission of their Comprehensive Plans, until a decision is made by the Metropolitan Council on amendment procedures. Councilman 5chneider noted the Metropolitan Council's staff is now considering three different alternatives for amendments and seems the request would be proper at this time. MOTION bi% Councilman Schneider to adopt Resolution No. 111-1980. Seconded by Counci7��Mn Sarnette. Upon a voice vote, all vuting a�ye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS: FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE TO VACATE STREETS AND ALLEYS, SAV #80-04, PETITION N0. 5-]980, 6500-6600 BLOCK BETWEEN EAST RIVER ROAD AND HICKORY DRIVE: MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to waive the reading and approve the ordinance upon first reading. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee dec7ared the motion carried unanimoutily. FIRST READIPlG OF AN ORDINANCE TO VACATE STREETS AND ALLEYS, SAV #80-05, PETITION N0. 4-1980, 5200 BLOCK BETWEEN LINCOLN AND BUCIIANAN STREETS: MOTION by Councilman Schneider to waive the re,ading and approve the ordinance upon first reading. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice�vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee dec7ared the motion carried unanimou:aly. FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE TO VACATE STREETS AND ALLEYS, SAV #80-06, PETITION N0. 6-1980, 5500 BLOCK BETWEEN 6TH AND 7TH STkE£TS: MOTIO::�r Councilworflan-Moses to wa:vc t�;L res4:ing and a;.,::���:: the-:ordinance upo�i - first reading. Seconded by Councilman Schneidur. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE 70 VACATE STREET� AND ALLEYS, SAV #80-07, PETITION N0. 7-1980, 4800 BLOCK BETWEEN MAIN AND 2ND STr2EETS: MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to waive the reading and approve the ordinance upon first reading. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE TO VACATE STREETS AND ALLEYS, SAV #80-08, IN VACATED 57� AVENUE, 5750 - 3RD STREET, EDWARO S. JONAK: MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to waive the reading and approve the ordinance upon first reading. Seconded by Councilwoman Moses. Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated the Gity is comnunicating with the owner regarding some assessment costs and will have a reply before the second reading of the ordinance. Mr. Jonak questioned the costs and Mr. Flora stated it would be about $ZO a foot and wanted to make sure when he seils the property that the buyer is aware of the water and sewer assessment. Mr. Flora stated there is also a park fee and it would be appropriate for the Council to receive this fee when the lot split is approved, or delay collection of the fee until such time as the property is being developed and a building permit issued. Mr. Jonak asked if the park fee was collected when the lot was platted. Mr. Qureshi, • City Manager, explained this plat never paid any park fee because the ordinance wasn't in effect at that time. He stated the lot split will create a buiTdable parcel and a park fee is required. UPON A VOICE VOTE ON THE ABOVE MOTION, all voted"aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 2y4 REGULAR MEETING OF OCT08ER 27, 1980 RECEIVING THE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF OCTOBER 8, 1980: RECEIVE METRONIC ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET: Mayor Nee noted the Council had previously taken action on this Environmental Assessment Worksheet, PAGE 4 MOTION 5y Councilman Schneider to receive the minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting of October 8, 1980. Seconded by Councilwoman Moses. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. � RECEIVING THE CHARTER COMMISSION MINUTES OF MAY 6, 1980: Ni0TI0N by Councilwoman Moses to receive the Charter Commission minutes of May 6, 1980. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Wee declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING THE CATV COMMISSION MINUTES OF OCTOBER 9, 1980: MOTION by Councilwoman Moses to receive the minutes of the Cable Television Commissian Meeting of October 9, 1980. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF EXTENSION OF LEASE FOR SORT RECYCLING CENTER TO NOVEMBER 6, 1981: Mr. Q��r�shi, City Manager, stated the recycling center was providing a valuable service to the co►�nunity and felt the operation has improved since it began. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to enter into the lease for another one year period. Seconded by Councilwoman Moses. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. N0. 11 ING FU� � � - — - Y -� Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, explained this resolution authorizes the required transfers from the Public Utility Fund and Special Assessment Fund to three bond funds for purposes o.f ineeting debt service requirements for 1981. He pointed out two of these bond funds have tax levies on file at the County which will be cancelled. MOTIDN by Councilman Schneider to adopt Resolution No. 112-1980. Seconded by � Councilwoman Moses. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the moiion carried unanimously. ION N0. 113-1980 EXTENDING MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated Win Stephens Datsun North, Inc. feels they are not going to be able to complete their project within the original time frame and are, therefore, requesting an extension of the time period. Mr. Richard Garry, representing Win Stephens Datsun North, Inc., explained the availability of funds wasn't as big a problem as the high interest rates and stated they had to change their plans, but, hopefully, are now ready to proceed in the next few days. MOTION by Councilwoman Moses to adopt Resolution No. 113-1980. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voiing aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. DAVE FUERSTENBER6 - RE: ALLEY VACATIONS: Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, stated he would suggest Council not authorize the administration to issue the building permit, unl.ess it.seems virtually certain the vacations will be approved. He felt, if the building permit were issued, � , r . REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 27, 1980 .,' i t e 7 PAGE 5 The City is then telling Mr. Fuerstenberg to go ahead with the construction and this is contrary to the code and requires a varianr,e and notification of adjacent property owners. He stated, although there is no formal procedure for allowing Mr. Fuerstenberg to proceed, he didn't have a problem with an informal agreement that he may proceed with construction 9n order to beat the co7d weather. He felt if the Council was going to proceed with the vacation, and noted there was a 100% petition in favor, he couldn't see a real problem, barring any unforeseen conditions. � Mr. Herrick asked Mr. Fuerstenberg if he inteded to build anything, other than putting in the footings, before November 10, i980. Mr. Fuerstenberg stated he hoped to begin construction on the addition before this date and presented his plans to the Councii. Mr. Fuerstenberg stated he would agree to the easements requested by the City. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, felt Mr. Fuerstenberg ceuld proceed with construction at his own risk, however, the permit woald not be issued unti] the vacation is approved. He explained it is for Mr. Fuerstenberg's benefit to go through the , legal process for vacation of the right-of-way to make sure it is done properly. � Mr. Qureshi stated at the meeting next Monday he wants to give the Council a full pict�re of the property and, hopefully, when the hearing is held on November 10, 1980, they can also have a first reading of the ordinance. Mr. Fuerstenberg stated he didn't foresee any problems and Mayor Nee questiorted if any of the Council Members had any problems with this item, to which there was no negative response. CLAIMS: MOTION by Councilman Schneider to authorize payment of Claims No. 297405 through 300601. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Up�n a voice vote, ail voting aye, Ma�yor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. LICENSES: _. . j ►�t�t7tnN by Counci'.:^^;^ Moses to-approve �.".�"..icenses as submitted and as on file i in the License Clerk's Office. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all�voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ESTIMAT�S: MOTIOV:by Councilman Fitzpatrick to approve the estimates as submitted and as follow: Pavemasters, Incorporated 1420 Sunfish Boulevard Anoka, MN 55303 FINAL Est. #2 - Lock Park BikewayJWalkway Project $ 793.00 Smith, Juster, Feikema, Malmon & Haskvitz i250 Builders Exchange 81dg. Minneap4lis, MN 55402 For legal services rendered as Prosecuior for $ 2,670.00 the month of September, 1980 Talle, Herrick, Munns & Goodrich 6279 University Avenue N.E. Fridiey, MN 55432 Services rendered for the month of Sept. $2,219.65 Including GTA & Win Stephens $2,250.OQ $ 4,469.65 The motion was seconded by Counc•ilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Ma�yor Nee declared the motion carried unaniomousiy. REC�IVING COMMUNICATION FROM ROGER AND BETTE PAPKE RE: VARIANCE TO THE IIFE SAFETY CODE FOR OPErZATION OF A DAY CARE CENTER: MOTION by Councilman Schneider to receive the corrmu�ication and direct the admini- stration to investigate for a response within t,wo weeks. Seconded by Council�n `��l REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 27, 1980 PAGE 6 Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ADJOl1RNMEtJT : MOTION by Councilman Schneider to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Councilwoman hbses. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the Regular Meeting of the Fri�ley City Council of October 27, 1980, adjourned at 8:38 P.M. Respectfully submitted, � Carole Haddad Secretary to the City Council Approved: 0 William J. Nee Mayor f � . THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR �1tETING OF THE FRIDLCY CITY COUNCIL OF OF NOVEMBER 17, 1980 � �y�� TNE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL OF NOVEMBER 17, 14i30 � The Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Council was called to vrder at 7:35 p. m. by Mayon Nee. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: ; Mayor P�ee led the Cauncil and audience in the Pledge of A�legiance to the Flag. � ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nee, Councilman Fitzpatrick, Councilwoman Moses, Councilman Schneider and Councilman Barnette P1E��QERS ABSENT: None Mayor Nee welcomed the Fridley Girl Scou���s who were present in the audience to observe the Council meeting. • � APPROVAL OF MINUTES; PUBLIC HEARING MEETING, NOVEMBER 10, 1980: MUTION by Councilwoman Moses to approve �he minutes as presented. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote> all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ADOPTION OF AGENDA: � Councilman Schneider requested the follovring items be added to the agenda: � Discussion of the Ua,y Care License Appli�.ation by Roger & Betty Papke; and Consideration of Mid-Block Street Light :�tandard - E. Danube Road. � MOTIOf� by Councilman Barnette to adopt tihe agenda with the obove additions. seconded by Councilwoman Moses. Upon a'ti:%oice vote, aiT v�'ii`ng aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. OPEN FORUM, VISITORS: � , There was no response from the audience under this item of business. NEW BUSINESS: � FIRST READING DF AN ORDINANCE ON VACAT70N �UEST, SAV #80-09, PETITION ; #8-19£30 TO VACATE 12 FOOT ALLEY 6000 BLOCK BETWEEN 2ND AP�D 2-1/2 STREET, HYDE PARK MOTIOfJ by Councilman F�tzpatrick to waive the reading and approve the ordinance upon first reading. Seconded by Councilwoman Moses. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ! FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE ON VACATIO�! REQUEST, SAV #80-10, TO VACATE ONE ' FOOT OF A 12 FOOT DRAINAGE AND UTILITY �fiSEf+IENT, 71Q5 ASHTON AVENUE, RICNARD ', WALTZ: j t MOTIQN by Councilman Fitipatrick to waive the reading and approve the ordinance ; upon first reading. Seconded by Councilwoman Moses. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor PJee declared the motion carried unanimously. fIRST READING OF AN ORDI�JANCE ON VACATION Rf�UEST, SAV n80-11, PETITION �9-1980 TO VACATE SIX FOOT ALLEY EASEMENTS: OAK �,ROVE AND MOORE IAKE PARK 2ND ADDITIONS: MOTION by Councilman Schneider to waive the reading and approve the ordinance , upon first reading. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 0 rf��;�� ,:, .l J REGULAR MEETIi�G OF WOVEMBER 17, 1980 FIRST READI�JG OF AN ORDINANCE ON VACATI FAGE 2 TI MIlJNEAPOLIS WATER WORY,S: MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to waive the reading and approve the ordinance upon first reading. Seconded by Councilwoman Moses. Upon a • voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. FIRST READI�JG OF AN ORDINANCE ON VACATION REQUEST, SAV �80-13, TO VACATE NORTHERN: MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to waive the reading and approve the ordinance upon first reading. Seconded by Councilwoman Moses. Upon a voice vote, all voti.ng aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. GONSIDERATION Of FINAL PLAT, PS #80-02, REGISTERED LAND SURVEY, MINNESOTA TRANSFER RAILWAY COMPANY: Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, stated he has met with several representatives of the various railroads and had a lengthy discussion, and requested this ite.n be tabled until the first meeting in December. Mr. Herrick stated he felt they may have reached a solution, but the company may want some assurances from the City, if the park fee is paid, there wouldn't be another assessment at the time the property is developed, He stated other matters were discussed that seemed reasonable, however, the representatives wanted an cpport��nity to go back and talk to their clients. MOT�ON by Councilwoman Moses to table this item to the first meeting i.n .. nA�ember.. .Seconded by Councilman SCht1e'.�9?". !lpon a voice vote, all vot��g ` aye, M1tayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING THE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF OCTOBER 29, 1980: CONSIDERATION OF RE4UESi FOR SPECIAL USE FERMIT, SP �80-11, T0 ALLOW � " ! Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this request for a special use permit i is made by Dr. Gilbertson to use the property at 7599 University Avenue as a psychiatric clinic for out-patient counseling. Ne explained this wauld be a use allowed in an R-1 zone, with a special use permit, and the Planning j Commission has recommended approval of the request. Mr. Flora stated Dr. Gi1bertson is a licensed psychologist, a resident of + Fridley, and his business would be on a low profile. He stated Dr. Gilbertson ; plans no changes in ihe structure and there would be no traffic congestion in ; the area from this business. ; Mr. Flora further explained staff would be working with Dr, Gilbertson on screening and parking, and a small sign probably would be put up on University � and Osborne to identify the business. Mr°. Flora stated Dr. Gilbertson has visited all the property owners, covered in the public hearing announcement, and explained his operation and has received no adverse comnents. No persons in the audience spoke regarding Dr. Gilbertson's request for a i special use permit. v 2J.� REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 17, 1980 PAGE 3 Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, pointed out that clinics are allowed in an R-1 zone, with a special use �ermit, but felt> if this �vas approved, there should be some specific restr•ictions imposed as 7e has seen �Nhere a stivation like this couid snowball; as in other communities, where you have many residences be�ng converted to commercial uses, CounciTman Barnette asked if he had any partners in his clinic. Dr. Gilbertson stated he had no partners, but may incorporate for tax purposes. Councilman Barnette,asked Dr, Gilbertson if he had any objection if it was stated this clinic would be solely operated by him. Dr, GiTbertson stated, as he told the Planning Commission, he would abide by any conditions. He pointed out there would be no structural changes to the dwelling and has talked with the staff regarding six parking spaces, which f•1r. Boardman feTt was adequate. He felt he could abide by stipulations to operate in a Tow pmfile manner. Mayor Nee asked if anyone would be living in the dwelling.: Dr. Gilbertson stated he is only in the office about 20 hours per week, and depending on the need for some kind of security, he thought perhaps a student could live in the basement, but hasn't activley contemplated anyone living there. Mr. Qureshi asked what provisions were be�ing made to screen the property on the South side. Dr. Gilbertson stated ths�re is shrubbery and a fence on the South side of the property, however, �ie planned to replace the existing fence . Mr. Qureshi fett, if the Council wished t� approve this request, the specia] use permit should b� alTowed for a two ye_�r period and for a specific purpose. Further, there shouTd be six off-street �,,?rking spaces provided, with screening, , and there should be no on-street parkin:5_���d �hQ City would post "No Parking Signs" if there ��ras`a problem that war;anted it. • � 'riuiION by Couneiiwoman Mo`5es to grant spe�"5a1 use permit, SP #80-1I, with the following stipulations: (1) That this structure 5e re$tricted for use as an out-patient psychiatric counseling clinic; (2) That no changes be made � to the existing structure; (3) That the applicant work with the Planning Department on the landscaping and fencing of the parking lot; (4} That six off-street parking stalls be provided, with no on-street parking; and (5} Thvt this special use permit is granted for a two year period and is to be re-evaluated at the end of that time. Seconded by Councilman Bar.nette. !Jpon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the mction carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilwoman Moses to receive the minutes of.the Planning Commission I Meeting of Qctober 29, 1980. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice ; vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATTON OF 1981 HOLIDAY ANQ CITY CQUNCIL MEETIPJG SCHEDULES: Counciiman Schneider asked why the Council was not meeting on November 2 an� why ii�ey are meeting on December 21. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, pointed out there are five Mondays in November and since November 2 is close to election, a meeting wouidn't be scheduTed for that date. He stated, as far as December 2I is concerned, this could be changed if the Council did not wish to meet on this date. MOtIOtJ by Councilman Schneider to adopt the Council meeting schedule, with the amendment to delete the Council meeting on December 2I, 1981. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. � 3C►�;, __ _ _ _. _ _ _ REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 17, 19E0 • PAGE 4 MOTION by Councilman Schneider to adopt the Holiday Schedule as submitted with optional holidays as proposed. Seconded by Councilwoman Moses. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimous1y. MOTION by Councilwoman Moses to delete the December, 19II0 Conference Meeting. Seconded by Councilman Schneider, Upon a•voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF CONTINUING THE PROPERTY A�dD CASUALTY INSURAi�CE PROGRAM FOR 1981 WITH TRANSCOfviINENTAL BROKERS: Mr. Inman explained the City, when they bid their property and casualty insurance in 1979, had an aption to renew the contra,:t for a one, two, or three year period. He explained the City has receive�i a quote from Transcontinental Brokers for coverage for 19E31 which is $7,936 less than the exact same coverage in 1980. Ne stated his recommendation would be to continue the City's 1981 insurance with Transcontinental Brokers as the cost is lower and there is an advantage of staying with the same broker to eliminate problems of overlaping claims. Also, staying with one agent elim`nates the administrative cost of ' familiarizing a new agent with the City's internal insurance policies and practices. . Mr, Qureshi, City Manager, felt because there was a decrease in the cost, it was prudent for the City to exercise their_opt'�on, as noted in the bid, to cant9nue ' the property and casualty insurance progran, for 1981 with Transcontinental � 6rokers. Mr. Richard Aune, of the Rice Creek Agencyr stated, if the City were to continue the bid, next year he wouldn't be allowed to bid as Home Insurance takes the position that once they have an agent writ�ng with them they will no longer bid with any cther agent. He felt what thF: City would be doing in the future is elininating all competition. ' Mavor Nee stated it seems to him if thPJ didrt't exer���P ±he�r option, they :�ou?d`' � be penalizing Transcontinental-Brokers for initiating a savings of over $7,000. � Councilwoman P1oses felt the Council was here to represent the Community and � should get the best services for the least amount of money. ' Mr. Aune stated he is looking at the futur°, and the City will not have any competitive bids and won't know if they arP getting a good price. Mr. Qureshi pointed out not many companies are writing insurance for municipal- ities so there are other programs and options cities are looking into for coverage. Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, stated he would have a question if Home Insurance is the only company that is going to bid in the future. He explained if two or more agents appraach Home for the right to bid and the same quote is given to all agents, the Gouncil would have the same situation, as in the past, where two or more a;;ents both 5id the same company and the same figure. He stated the Council is not choosing insurance companies and price, but choosing agents. He felt, in this case, all the Courcil could do is check out the agencies and their r•ecord to determine where they think tney would get the best service. ' Mr. Qureshi stated representatives from Trariscontinental Brokers and Rice . Creek Agency were both to be present at th;s meeting, however, the representative from Transcontinental Brokers was delayed g�tting here and thought perhaps this item should be tabled until later in the me°ting. MOTION by Councilwoman Moses to ,'table this �tem to later in the agenda.. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote> al? voting aye, Mayor Nee dec}ared ' � the motion carried unanimously. ��� REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 17, 1980 PA6E 5 RESOLU7IOfJ N0. ll5-1980 CERTIFYING COMPLETION OF AGREEMENT CONDITIONS; VILLAGE GREE;; PROJECT : —'- Mr. F1Dra, Public Works Director, stated the City had an agreement with the Canadian Financia] Corporatior to construct Uillage Green and in giving them a special use permit for that construction, stipulations were that Sections A� B of the agreement would be accomplished. ��Ir. Flora stated that Mr, Richard Kahn of the Canadian Financial Corporation requires a statement of completion ft�om the City so he can close out the project with the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency. h1r. F1ora stated staff has found a few deficiencies, but these cannot be corrected uniti next spring and felt, if necessary, the 515,000 bond �vould cover the items that needed to be corrected. He felt the areas that shouid be looked at are the landscaping and a-review of the drainage pond weir to insure that it wi11 work correctly. Mr. Flora stated there is also a problem in the parking area in front of the high-rise which has small dips in the asphalt where there was standing water. He stated an overlay has been placed in those areas, however, he is not sure the Frobiem has been canpletely corrected. Mr. b�ard, representing Canadian Financial Corporation, stated the greatest prob�em was with the weir and they are not really sure until spring if the remedies made will work. Mr. �lora stated staff is working close]y with Mr. Ward on the drainage for ' ' the pond. He explained there has to be some work done to establish a small ` ditct: or drain line on the East slope of the pond. - Mr. Qureshi stated it should be written ovic exactly what is expected and felt � ±!,cr� was no question on the birdbathing a��;; landscaping, hawever, the poridfifly area should be graded to basically slope to tfie Eas� property line and a ditch created and if there are any water spots, additionai biack dirt and material be obtained to level them for a good growth next spring, and, further, steps taken so the wier will be functioning properly. MOTION by Gouncilwoman Moses to adopt ResoTution No. 119-1980, subject to an agreement on the stipulations, as prepared by the administration, outlining the items to be corrected. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. OLUTI01� N0. 120-1980 AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE SPLITTING OF S ADDITION: MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to adopt Resolution No..120-1980. Seconded by Councilwoman Moses. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye: Playor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION t�0. 221-1980 AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTIfJG 7NE SPLITTING OF SPECIAL ASSESShtENTS ON PARCEL 1200, PART OF LQTS 2 AfJD 3, AUDITOR�S SUBDIVISION N0. 78: MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to adopt Resolution No. 121-1980. Seconded by Councilwoman 4loses. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee dec]ared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTIOP� N0. 122-19£30 ORDERING PRELIMINARY PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AP�D . ES7IMA7ES OF THE COS'TS THEREOF: STORM SEWER RND DRAINAGE PROJECT �I32: MOTION h� Councilman Schneider to adopt Resolution No. 122-1980. Seconded by Councilman Barnet*e. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the mation carried unanimously. �.., 3t?� REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 1�, 19�0 �J�. 123-1980 RECEIVI S� PAGE 6 � PP,ELI"SINARY REPORT AND CALLIP�C, FOR A' :ONSTF;uCTION OF CE�AIN I�1PROVlE�11EN��S: PROJCCT �132: MOTION by Ccuncilman Schneider to adopt RESOlution Plo. 123-19�0. Seconded by Councilman (3arnette. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye; tM1ayor Nee declared the m�tion carried unanimously. DISClJSSION OF THE DAY CARE LICEPdSE APPLICATION 8Y ROGER AND BETTE PAPKE: Mayor (�ee stated last week a recommendation was received from the Fire Inspection Departnient to deny the variance requested by Roger and Bette Papke. hir, Papke explained they have deadbolt locks on two doors in their home and when they applied for the day care license, the Fire Department recommended , this be altered so it would not require a key to open the doors. He stated he felt this wasn't relevant to their operation of the day care center. Ptr. Papke explained the deadbolt is, essentially, not used during the day, but for security at night. He stated> normally, during the day there are parents coming and going and the door isn't locked at all, Mr. Papke felt, in the report from the Fire Inspectian Department, their operation was not identified as a small private home operation as opposed to a l��rge day care center. Ms. Terry Nagle, representing Anoka County. stated she works with the County on the licensing of day care centers and '!�at Mrs. Papke's operation is not a day care center, but a day care horr�e fos five children or less. She stated ' their rules or regulations would provide �: different requirement, depending on the number of children. She explainea if there are 10 or less children, the operation is classified as a day care home, and not a day care center, . wlticti must r��e�t other codes within �!re G�rtr��unity. She stated their license standard doe� ,:,,,, ;,�;;; ess the life sa`�t;: code being enforced in Fridley. i4s. Nagle stated, by law, their agency must notify the City when it is tfieir intent to license. She explained they are, to some extent, in conflict with the City requirements as Mrs. Papke needs their license recommendation and wishes to comply, but by their standards is not required to have another type of lock. ; Councilman Schneider questioned Ms. Nagle if she was saying the Department of Public Welfare does not, by reference, require any of the life safety code regulations to be met. Ms. Nagle stated not at this point. Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, stated if there is a question as to whether the fire safety code applies, perhaps this matter should be referred to him for a response, hoafever, if the question is should the Council waive a rule that does apply, this would be a consideration by the Council. Cour,cilmar Schneider felt the question is if the provision of the life safety code applies in this particular situation. Mr. Herrick stated he was not prep�red to answer until he has all the facts. Mr. Herrick stated this matter was referred to him in an oral fashion where he was asked whether the City could waive a requirement and he stated he didn't think the City should waive the requirement, but the question as to whether the specific rule applies in this situation was not addressed. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to request the City Attorney to review the req.�irements for licensing of a day care home with respect to.the Department of Fublic Weifare's rules and the Fire Safety Code. Seconded by Councilwoman Moses. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor tlee ded ared the motion. carried unanimously. ,: � � _ _ ___ __ _ _.. _ _ t �n� REGULAR MEETIIJG OF WOVEP1aER 17, 19�0 � PAGE 7 COf�SIDERATION Of CONTIhJUI�lG TNE PROPERTY ANO CASUALTY INSURANCE PROGRAM fOR 19E31 WITH TRANSCONTIPJEWTAL 6ROKERS (CONTIPdUEO FRUP•1 EAR�IER IN THE P4EEiING): Mayor Nee explained Mr. Aune had raised the question of whether or not the award of insurance for 19E1 should be opened again for bids. Mr. Dale Madtrath, representing Transcontinental Borkers, stated last year the City bid the insurance coverage for a three year period. He stated they were low on the total bid, except for the umbreiia which was awarded to another agency. Mr. Nadtrath stated the insurance premium for 1981 would be lower than for 1980. Mr. Aune pointed out he was told by Home Insurance they wouldn't quote for any other agent, buC.th� writing agent. Mr. Hadtrath stated a letter would have to be obtained indicating the bid should be made available for all agents. Mayor Nee stated it seems the question is whether or not in changing corr�anies, the City is obliged to go out again for b~:ds. Mr Herrick stated there is no legal requirement the City go ou': for bids for `� insurance. He stated, however, from a po1icy standpoint, the City has adopted � : a policy of going out for bids on insurance because they felt that was the way to obtain the lowest premium. MOTIOPJ by C9uncilwoman Moses to direct the administration�to exercise the City's option to continue the property anci casualty insurance program for 1981 with Transcontinental Brokers, subject to them obtaining a letter from Home Insurance stating they will not fore�:lose on any other agent submitting a bid. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Mr. Aune stated he wanted cla'r�f;�at;�n ;f:,t+ae City :� 3cali�g with an insuY4711.0 com�an.y or a broker. , Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, stated, as he would inter.pret it, the City is dealing with a broker and the option is exercised on the basis of tf�e insurance package of companies they bid. He stated he would fully expect, w hen it is opened again for bids, there would be mor= than one agenz bidding one company. He stated, if it turned out the agents used the same companies, submitted the same package, and the dollar amount was the same, the Council would have to decide to which agent the bid would be awarded. Mr. Nadtrath pointed out the City cannot deal directly with Home Insurance, but has to have an agent or broker. UPON A VOICE VOTE TAKEN ON THE ABOVE MOTION, all voted aye, and Atayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION Of MID-BLOCK STREET LIGHT STAPJDARD - EAST DANUBE ROAD: Councilman Schneider stated several weeks �go he received a request for a mid-block street light on East Danube Road. He explained this street has a slight curve and hill and on both sides there is either park land or vacant property. Councilman Schneider stated he has talked with persons in the area and has signatures supporting installation of the iight. , MOTION by Councilman Schneider to authorize the installation of a mid-block street light on East Danube Road on the vacant lot across from approximately a70•� : REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 17, 19£30 PAGE 8 5497 E. Danube Road. Secorided by Councilman fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, t�layor f�lee declared the motion carried unanimously. CLAIMS: MOTION by Councilman Schneider to authorize payment of Claims No. 316300 through 318W06. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. LICENSES: MOTION by CouncilY�oman Moses to approve the�licenses as submitted and as on file in the License Clerk's Office. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vate, all voting aye, f4ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ESTIMATES: � . MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to approve the estimates as submitted. Talle, Herrick, Munns, & Goodrich 6279 University Avenue N.E. �. Friciley, MiJ 55432 For legal services rendered for s the month of October, 1980 $2,153.55 . Halvorson Construction 422' - 165th Avenue P�.E. Wyor�aing, MN 55092 : Qartial Est. #9 - 1980 Misc. Conc. C'��rb_.& - - � � Gutter Contract $ 855.00 � Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. � � ADJOURNMENT: h10TI0N by Councilman Barnette to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Councilman � Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Council of November 17, 1980 adjourned at 9:50 p. m. Respectfully submitted, Carole Haddad William J. Nee Secy. to the City Council Mayor Approved: � � 1 Of2DINANCE N0. AI� ORDINANCE UNDER SECTION 12,07 0� THE CITY CHARTER �0 UACATE STREETS RND ALLEYS AND TO AMEND APPENDIX C OF THE CITY COOE - The Council of the City of Fridley do ordain as fvllows: SEC�'ION l. For tp�e vacation of an alley easement described as follows: All that part of a 12 foot alley easement in Block 7, Hyde Park, located in the North Half of Section 23, 7-30, R-24, City of Fridl��y, County of Anoka, Minnesota. 8e an� is hereby vacated except that the City of Fridley retains easements for drainage and utility purposes. SECTION 2. The said vacation has been made in conformance with Minnesota Statutes and pursuant to Section 12.07 of the City Charter and Appendix C of the City Code shall be so amended. PASSED BY 7HE CI7'( COUNCTL OF THE CITY OF FFtIULEY TNIS DAY OF , 3980. ATTEST: MAYOR - WILLIAM J. NEE ACTING TY CLERK - NA IM M. QURESHI Public Hearing: First Reading: Second Reading: Publish: t�ovember 10, 1980 Paovember 17,_.1,�8Q � 0014A/0840A File SAV #80-09 ORQINANCE N0. AN ORDINANCE UNDER S£C7ION 12..07 OF 7HE CITY CHARTER TO VACATE STREETS A�vD AL�EYS AND TO AMEND APPENDIX C OF THE CITY CODE The Council of the City of Fridley do ordain as foliov�s: SECTION l. For the vacation a drainage and utility easement described as follows: The Northerly one foot of a 12 foo� drainage and utility easement located on the South prop?rty line of Lot 9, Block 2, Hillcrest Addition. All lying in che South Half of Section 10 T-30 - R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Minn. SECTION 2. The said vacation has been made in conformance'with Minnesota Statutes and pursuant to Section 12.07 of the City Charter and Appendix C of the City Code shall �e so amended. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCtL 0� THE CITY ur- "rklutCY THIS DAY OF , 1980. ATTEST: ACTING CITY CLERK - NASIM M. QURESHI Public Hearing: First Reading: Second Reading: Publish: November 10, 1980 November 17 1980 � �ile SAV #80-10 �� 7 � ORQINANCE N0. AN ORDINANCE UNDER SECTION i2.07 OF THE CITY CHARTER TQ VACA�(E STREETS AND RLLEYS AfVD ;r0 ANEND APPENDIX C OF TNE CI7Y CODE The Council of the City of Fridley do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. For the vacation of an alley easement described as �Follows: The 6 foot aT1ey easement along the Easterly iirie of Lots 1, 2, 3 an� q, Black 1, Oak Grove addition, and the 6 foot alley easement along the West side of Lot 12, Block l, Moore Lake Park 2nd Addition, located in the North Ha�f of Section l3, T-13 - R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota. Be and is hereby vacated except that the City of Fridley retain 10 f��et of the Westerly Section of the alley right-of-way for drainage and utility easement. SECTION 2. The said vacation has been made in conformance with Minnesota Statutes and pursuant to Section 1�.07 of the City Charter and Ap}�e+�dix C of the City Code sha7 ; be so amended. � PASSED BY THE CITI� �OUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF , 19�0. A4AYOR - WILLIAM J. NEE ATTEST: ACTING CITY CLERK - NA IM M. QURESHI Public Nearing: First Reading: Second Reading: Publish: N�vember 10, ]980 �:�uembe�l�,.--�9 0014A/0843A File SAV #80-11 ORDINANCE N0. AN ORDINANCE UNDER SECTION 12.07 QF TNE CITY CHARTER TO VACATE STREETS ANQ ALLEYS AND T� AMEND APPENDIX C OF THE CITY CODE. � The Councii of the City of Fridley do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. For the vacation of an alley easement described as follows: All that part of a 12 f oot alley easement in Biock 9, Berlin Addition, located in the South Ha�f of Seetion 34�, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota. SECTION 2. The said vacation has been made in conformance with Minnsota 5tat:�tes and pursuant to Section 12.07 of the City Charter and Appendix C of the City Code shall �e so amended. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDIEY TNIS __ DAY OF , 1980. MAYOR - WILLII�:M J. NEE ATTEST: ACTING CITY CLERK - NASIM M. QURESHI Public Hearing: First Reading: Second Reading: Pub1 i sh : Q014A/0844A November 10, 1980 Navember ll 19$0 0 � File SAV #80-1?. L� j ORDINAPJCE N0. AN ORDINANr,E UNDER SECTION 12.07 QF THE CITY CNARTER TO VACATE STREETS AND ALLEYS AND TO AMENO APPENDIX C OF THE CITY CODE The Council of the City of Fridley do ordain as follows: SECTION l. For th� vacation o` ar, alley easenient and thru streets, QerTin Addition, described as follows: l. 40 1/2 Avenue N. E. between the Southerly extension of the East line of Lot 6, Blcck 2, and the Easterly right of way line of the former �orthern Pacific Railway Company (Burl-ngton Northern, Inc.). 2. All of the alley in Slock 4. 3. Al1 of the unnamed street bet►��een Lots 1 to l0 inclusive, Block 3; and Lots ? io 5, inclusive, Block 4. 4. All of the unnamed street between Lots b to 10 �nclusive, Biock 4; ar,� ±^t� 1� to 8��c?ws�ve, Block 5, all according to the recorded plat thereof. All lying in the South Haif of the Section 34, T-3Q, R-24, City of Fridley, County of P..noka, Minnesota. SECTION 2. The said vacation has been made in conformance with Minnesota Statutes and pursuant to Section 12.07 of the City Charter and Appendix C of the City Cotle shall be so amended. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS , 1980. Y - WILLIAM J. NEE ATTEST: ACTING C Y CLERK - NA IM M. QURE� Public Hearir�g: First Reading: Secand Reading: Pubiish: November 10, 1980 November 27, 1980 DAY OF 0 0014A/0845A File SF1V #SO-13 and � TH� [:11Y i:He° i-.� � / , r` �e„� � . ss'� � �;� � � r,..�:: L�J �i�;�:Ci'�� 3��'� � �;a� �, �,�� ,�..:,� �� , a�,, �, ���.,� �'�, �.� ..� �. � t;:� �;: �; �,� � ,� � �. �;� �' �DATE November 24, 1980 IFROM D.P.W �UBJECT G. F Minnesota Transfer Railway� Plat, PS #80-02 `� � i "r' o J� f ~� _.i °'�;� �e.� , 1 a �' �� �- -��__T.-; c _�` ~ ���i: ��" 1* y��� TO Nasirn M. Qureshi, Ci :�'7����A419t�1�t'��: ACTtON I INFC). I have discussed the Minnesota Transfer Plat, PS #80-02, request with the City Attorney and John Jensen fron Minnesota Transfero Mr. Jensen indicates tha± they are agreeable to the park fee, if the City would identify wh�c�� of the bikeway easements are required in a northwesterly di recti on wi tiii n the p1 at. - We }�ave r�ev ;�wed the bi keway requi rements w � tn our bi keway pi an , a���u ` '` feel ti�at an easement along the service drive �s the most practicable ' raute to ta{<e in the area. 7herefore, our initial request for a bike- way easement along �he University Avenue right-af-way can be elininated, We can make this. adjustment at the �ouncii neeting scheduled for Decem- ber lst. Mr. Jensen indicated that Minnesota Transfer is desirous to pay the park fee at the time of the fina� plat acceptance. I had written thern a letter indicating a three percent park fee would be required in cash at the time a building permit was applied for, based on the market value at that time. Since they are desirous to pay the fee naw, we should de- termine a value of these two parcels in order to establish the park fee. The simplest method would be �� take the City's assessed value and apply an adjustment fact�r. Rnother method we could cansider would be re- questing Minnesota Transfer to abtain an appraiser which ti�e City wou7d ap�rove of, and use the figure that i�e would identify. Recommer�d the City Council delete the requirement for a bikeway easement along lJniversity Avenue, whic)i was included in the iirst consideration or the preliminary plat, and a method for determining the park fee be established. JGF:ik rIT't U?' 'i�P�IDLLY A t>I�I1I�iiING ��Gu�'�`. �:�IOi•; i��i? �T:[i;G �„�Pi'I�;i�]F3T''R 2�I' � 1980 .I.�[, TO .�nD:,Ii: Cha_� rriar� Harris called the Se�tember 2�, 19�'0, 1'l.annin� Commission meeti�'�� to ��rder a�: 7=30 p.m. , ROIIL JF�IJ3'1�,,� � f�Zerr�bers Pre ��ts Mr. Harris, I"r. TreuenfE�ls, i:Rr. Oquist, Tts. Hughes, ``�,. Mr. V`Jharton, M�. Schnabel� (axr. C 7�35) T�'r• Svanda 6 �� Mer�bers Absents *`-�one . Others Present: �er�ol.d Boardman� City Planr_er � Mrs. y°�. E. Green � 732o ME�lody Drive Jack Gr�en, 7320 P�lelody Drive . Mary �Zatt�on, 732� Symg�onY �t. N.E. � John Jensen:? ��tinn. Tr2nser RailVray Co. , 2�71 `*-.University A�%e. , St. Paul, T+Ii:zn. . M.R. Coulsom,��'�311 n�'Iissi�sinpi Steve Bergerson'; �.>,732fl �E1'�i�o Terrace Ja.nles Bergerson, ; f20 TErri�o Teri ace Gerald Danle, 73�o it�e].o{:.�r Urive N.E. � Ter.r.y Kasen, i�Iinnesotia_ ��ol-�u��ion Con�rol AgencY ' Tim Scherkenbach, i��?inne�Mn-�a Pol��:ticn Contrcl y�°ncy �ary,Perl:et, Envi�^,,^��':'��;:1. En�=�,�Pring, & i�la:ks��-- ment, Ltd. Mr. Perkins, M°dtron�.c �^�'``�:. Car1. Remick, Arcnitectual �li3:ance APPROVAL_QF_SLPT��BLR _10,_ 1980_, _PL�.NNZtiTG_GOi�rtil�.7ISSI.C?ii i�'II:�tUTES: , _ _ . . .. _ _-_ __ - _ _ - -_ _ �- __�..-.:---- MOTTC�N by P+�r. Oquis�t, seconded by !�1s. Hughes, to a�pr ve �he Septem- ber 10, 1980 Planning Conimi_ssion minutes as ti^�ritten. - UFON A VOSCF VOTE, AL� VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HA.RRIS � DECLA TriE MOTIOi�1 C`aRRSED UNE�NIi�IOUSI�`-Y_._�`` �, PUBLIC _KEt�RI:�G P. S.._ #80-0. ,__ REGI.STFi��D _I,aND�SURVEY� BY_1`,�INNESOTA TRANSFEn R.4:LL�'J�� �� ._ ,_ ' Being a re��lat of Parcel �800 describecl __ _. ... . ._.. . . .__ as: Th� NE 1/'�c of t�le S'�'�1 1/4► exceg�; t?:° East �50 feet therEO�'; The Nor1:h 50 f'ee :: of the SE 1/� oi the S'�^J1/� lying l�test of �ne �:ast 150 feet thcreof', all lyir_� in tre South Hasf of Sec �ion 11 � T-30, R-2�, City of F'ridley, �;enerally located alon.g �he University Avenue �ast Service Drive, and 73rd Avenue N� MOTIOI� by i��r. Wharton, seconded by Mr. TrEUenfels, to open the Pub1.� c Hearing. UPON A VOjCE VOTE, ALL VO^1Z�tG AYE, CHAIFt;1`iAI� NARRIS, DECLARED THy PLTBLIC fi�AF.ING, OPENED r1T 7:35 P.P:i. � � PLATdT�ING CONiMISSIOI`1 MEETING� 5�.�'PTFP�IBEP, 24, 1980 __ PI' 1VIr. i3oardman stated that they }iav� received �his request from Minnesota Tran�f���r Railw3.;� Compary, primarily, because they are looking at sellin�; the prcpert;� to thr�:e different property owners. The problem vras that they could not sell off the different sections of property the way tha� it is lai.d out. because it was s�ill one parcel. Actually, he stated it is two different parcels� th�.s one, and the parcel on the west, east side� of Carter Day. Therefore the Minnesota Transfer Rai�way Company, h�.d to get a.registered land survey, in ��rder to split the parcels, into different sections, listed as A, B, C, D� and E., as shown on page 22. This is the reason they have come in and requested th�.s platting before this Commission. Mr. Harris questioned if there was a reprE.sentative of� the petitiorter in the audience. Mr. Jensen came iorward, and introduced ha.mself as the Chief . En�ineer. Pllr. Jensen stated, that basica'�1y, as Mr. Boardman had explained, that several years ago, the p arent Company, advanced them money, to acquire several h�andred acres of praperty. At this time, the parent company, feels tr.at it is in -�heir best interest �, to ha� e the proper�y in the parent companys nanie. Therefore, ne explained, they are deeding the property, to the parent company. In order to prepare proce�edzr�gs, and have them recorded, they required a registered lan� surv°y. Mr. Harris qaesi.�oned. M��-•. Boardman, ��. �� �re wa� a=:1c�essa.ty fc;� any easemen�s': M r. Boardman stated that the Engineering staff had looked at this, and yes they felt there was a necissity f�.�r easements. He stated that on tract `C', ior road purposes shou�d be a minimum of 66 feet wide. He s�ated that is usu�.tly the requirement �or an industrial road. He stated that the City should have also, some bikev}�ay- walkway dedication easemen-�, along University Avenue, on Tract 'A'. This easmtnt for the bi.kev�ay-walkway, he sta�ed, should be 15 feet. �long 73rd Avenue, also, he stated the easemen� far a bzkeway- walkway easement would be 15 feet. He stated that there has been a location of corri.c�ors for the bikeway-walkway but that there has not been anything in detail as whethe� �his would be located on the north� or the south side of 73rd. Mr. Oquist questioned where the road easement would be in tract `C'? Mr. Boardman stated that the road easement is tract °C', this would be the whole -tract. He stated that is whE�re the existing service road is. M s. Hughes questioned if she was•correct, in that there waG no correlation between �he description of what is deeded here, to the A, B� G� D� and E. tracts? 6C l?'.�,^��ti�IT:^dC, ..C;���it"�tI �;�IUN _T�9rI:TiFtr�, iLl''I'E?Yii�i?R 2�r., ..'����... _..------ PA Mr. . Eaar.•dmaiz s�tated that �;he descr. ipti or� on the pr.oper-ty, is for the en-t.:i.r.�: ai�ea. Re€;ar.dir�� �;ric le-i;tc:r �ri p�.{;e 2:?., t� Mr. ��ureshi, i;hi_= :'9 �tcx�c: pii.�cc; lyir.�; to th�.� r��re;; � o_(' Car. tei~ I)��.y, woulu be tract 'B' , ��x�a -�r�� 2.1►�� acrc: 7�arccl ���L the cor.�ncr o�' '7�rc1 and University averiue, ��vould be tract '!�' . The 49 ac.r•e parcel to the east of Car�l:er Duy i:=� not �hovm on pa�e r?. He further stated that there h�ts been some question by the en�in�ers or. staff, whether there should be some add� �t� or.,�l ri�Y:t of way for• the intersection of 73rd., if �:hey w�uZd go to a five lane zntersection in that area. n�cause �f this question from the engineering staff, Mr. Boardman s'tated that he wolzld like that left open � unti.l they reach the City Council, bec<�.use by then the staf'f would have made a decision. l!Zr. Harris questioned if Mr. Jer�sen, had discussed the needs for easements with tn� City's staff? Mr. Jensen stateci that no, he had not, but that he wou�_d feel, tha� if it were n�cessary to have the easements, he would thi�k tha� would'nt be a problem. I�Ir. Treuenfels s'cated tr.at he was a littlE: confused, ta how much in acreage� was actually involved�t Mr. Boardman statF�d tha�ti the �9 acres ly�.r.g easi� of Car•ter Day is not included i:� this plattino, as they �vere ablE to deed this without a regist�I:ed land survey. Chairman Harris q�ae.stio;l�ct if there were any other questions? Mr. Gr�en of 7320 P�Zelody Drive, n'. E. came forward and s�ated that he understood tha-� at sometime back, tha� there was a covenant, of some sor� of r�s�rictions, regarding.ho�v close, any of the industrial plant� coul.d build to 73rd street. He questioned zf anyone present knew if -that was true, an.d if so woulcl �this transfer of land 'na�re ar.y effect, on whether they coul.d build cl.oser to 73rd, or �•r��ald it char�ge in any �vay the covenant, or restrictions on how close they cou�d build to '�3rd? M r. Harris stated that what Mr. Green must be re�err�ng to, would be the required s°tback between the two di:Cferent zonings. M r. Baardman sta�Led that must be true, b�cause he is unaware of any covenant Uut that the zoning requires a 100 foot setback. Mr. Green questioned then that 100 foot setback would not change wi�h this deedin� of the land? Mr. Harris sta�ed tha� no this re.quest does not change the 100 foot setback zoning requirment. • 6� �?LAI`1NTNG_,COM�!!ISSI0�1_MEETING, SFFTEMBER 24� 1980 _ _ __..._PA MOTIOIV by M r. Tr�uenfels� seconded by M r. Oquist to close the Public- ficarzn�. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIR1tiZ��1V HARRIS� DECLARED THE PU BLIC HEARING CL�JSED AT 7:�6 P.M. , M s. Hu�hes stated that this is the first +ime, that she has had to deal with registering to record and canvey the property, and that it is not a rezoning, or approval of a plat, so she questioned what criteria should be used in judging this item. b7r. Harris stated that if in fac� the applicaxit meets the platting requirements in the City's zoning code� that is really the criteria by which �his is judged. Also he stated, that.they must insure� that the Ci.ty has all the necessary easements, and dedications, that are needed. M s. Hughes questioned �rhat they were really approving here, if it was a preliminary plat, or a final pla'�? Mr. Boardman stated that the P lanning Comnission approves preliminaxy plats, and that the City Council approves final plats. Mr. Harris stated that because this is M-? zoning, they require that the lot size be a minimum af 1z acres, a�l�i a17� the paxcels here, do meet that req��irement. � . Ms. Hughes questioned what ihey could put on plat'A' with a 100 foot setback, or are they looking at having to rezone it? Mr. Boardman sta�ed that they might have to rezone it some-time into the future, but ior right now, the� meet all the requirements for an industrial zone. He stated that plat 'A', is about 22 acres, and that could have a pretty good sized building pu� on it. Mr. Harrzs stated that the question before the Commission, on this item, is whether their petition meets the City's platting ordinance, and it is �.ncumbent upon the Commission, to make sure that the petition er mee�ts the platting ordinance, and that also all necessary easements� and d�dications are included, �o meet the needs af the City. Ms. Hughes stated that at this point the only question she has is whethPr they would be approving something that might have tb go� through different procedures, such as a variance. Mr. Boardman stat;ed that with the required setback, they could still put a 30,000 to 40,000 square foot building on Tract "A". . MQTION by Ms. Schnabel, seconded by Mr. Wharton, to recommend to the City Council approval of the P.S. #80-02, Rz�istered Land Survey D Minnesota Transf�r Railwa (;om a.n : Being a replat ox Parcel 4800 described ass The NE 1 4 of the SW 1/4� except �he East 150 feet thereof; The North 50 feet of the SE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 lying West }.>.i,Ili'�i';I:I`IG GOf;]I��Z:>SION fJfI;ET1NG, SEPI'I;NlI3LI; 11b, -_ �3U _ __PAG �,�._.____.__ _._- -.- ��f '�:hc E;�.;; � 1�0 fec�; tY�er!:�f, a17. 1yi.n� in tYic South Half. of Section 11, T-�O, �1?_�:I�1-, Ci�t�;,r of T�'r.if��.t.y, {;c�nt.r�-117_y 1_oc:��ted a.J.on�; tr�e Unive .r;;i. �.y �'1vc:riu�� Ea.,:,t >F�rv:ice Dx•ive, anci '13rc� t'�venue, P1. E. , with tlie �oll.a,rrin�; ;;tipulations, as r�:que�tc:cl L�y the staff': A. For plat 'C' , that the ro�.d cledication be 66 feet. B. For area labeled ' A' , and '�' , the bi ke��ay deciicatiion be for 9.5 fee-t:. C. For the area label.ed 'A' , any necessary roadv�ay rignt of sva;l• UPON A VOICE VOTE, Pi:L VOTING AYE, C:iAIkMAIV HARKT5 DECLARED THE P+lOTTOi1 Pt'1�Si.D lii�l��ivl:i:,iOuS�Y. Cha? rman Harris s�atPd �hai' this item would go to the City Council. October 6th, for set-ting of the Public Hearirlg foz• November 10, 1;�80. PUBLIC HEARING: SFECIAZ USE PER1��1IT, SP;#80-1_0, BY PJIARJORIr� F.� COULSOI�1 : Per Section 20�. 051 , 2, A. f of the �'ridlev �ity Code al.lov� the cor.s�:ructi�n of a second accessory b�ailding, a 24 x 26' de�t,ached garage, to be located on Lo� 8, Block 2, T�JIea r�rlQnds �.ddition, the same being 811 Mississippi Street. MOTZON by iv� . (r11��.,rton, seconded by Ms. Hu�hes, to open the Public Hearing. �sPON A VOICE 'TUT�;�ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRr��N HARRIS, DECLARED `,;�' =�: �°.iBL1C HEARIi:� ��'EI��D aT 8:05 P.M. - Mr. n�ardman s�a�ed th�t �he reques� as described, will be located ta the rear if the hous��'�, with acess out anto Jackson street. Mr. �iarris questioned if th��,petitioner�ad anything to say? `p�$t. T:�: Co1soM stated that she had'�o�hing to say. Mr. Oquist questi.oned whether she ti� s going -to t�se the new garage for s�l.orage? � N,s. Coulsom stated that she ;�rould wa,�t �;�,, use -�he new garage for her car, as the house the way she had purc�iased itt has the g�ragE righ� under her neighbors bedroom window� aiFi;� she wanted to g�t away from that. She s-tated tha� Uhe has no �`l:aris at this time on what she would want to do �vith the existing ��'�;�.rage. She sta�ed tha� also it will be easier to enter, onfio Jackso�,� �than onto Mississippi street, as she no�v does. '�.�, n�r. Boardman stated that he has not had an opportunit��to t��k to �Is. Coulsorn, about th.;_s, .but t���,t there are future p��,ns to have a bike�vzy-�valk�tilay alon�; �9ississippi 5�,,��t. He stat� tha� �lley llad a� one time a b_�l�ervay-�valn�vay alor�� �tlie ;, t;reet � bu� that the Coun-�y �vid�n�d the �;raf'iic lanes, and r�moved the bike�vay walk��ay al'on� tha�t lane . fie stated tha�c they have been lookin at 1;he possibility quite carefully, on hovr to get a bikeway-�valkw uE � /Q S ;'r.c4l� r r, / !,j l 1�:;�*'r��'��f KPF/�1.4� �'����`�' . ��� . . � � � � PS #IIO-02 ' Reg. Land�Survey • Minn. Transfer �� � f f . � , , , ,(3 �,� � � � y;�^r� t� �e :�,� y ` • C EG%£R i � . —_ ; � �.� � - -' - ,.�".�.'_..,.,.�� � . 3 - � F 'i � �..^ � 1 �. -�- -- � . 3f9.9'sx _.�_..�.� � ci •.r , ;�� a� � �� '�w_.... -- - ---- � ;� ; ' _ _. , _ _ .� � _ � _ _ .= �. _ _.. :_ � 0 ` � �-- -- -�r f — — — ^; �,! � � � � G 2 S +� � ,�y � � ' rs � ^ � � � � -. � � � � �� ,> �� � , f� �, ,R� .' � . � , ;y= ,� j+—t S� �,±,,,� l � C., i .. �� -. , � �- ; '. � � �". , � ` � �• / � r ��°,.J �. � : i � . i ' •�l i i E� .:�:' � � !„t� �:� ' �'� �' F ��, �.��: ;� ��.� � � � .� ' � . . � �t. + * I I � ; � � � . � 1 . � 1 �=�-;--;� �.-J=.:- � - / i a+ � Ti;: . � � � , 1 i`Q� . ,; , , . �: , � �� + ' ' � j ' . �Qa') w ! ti� , ' � �v~ I � � �ft. I • .; ,� � �1 � ' �� . i a� : � `: . � .,M1 �:_„� I t .;. . ,� ., r � . •: �' '� �.-- lS � ,� � � � � �;,.;� ; � < P ,.., � � (�; ��-:,,� y f�r��� a�� � . f � �;, �, :�,�;., . 1 ="rv�'Jc`-t����tTT"` ;�`` �; � �� I ' � � �/� •.F:-�'_.:_ �,� _ (.... ��, i i . , � ' ' � I � i �1 ' , ,� � � � ; ..:..... q/.�J .. _ _f_ }-__.__.-.---- T - , --- - , ,� ' ; - • ; � , �� � �.�� � . , . ,� . , , _ _ . _ w_,�_____ r�.�� �#�v�SGTa .. _- - -__.__ _ _ _ .. __ _, �T R A iV S E�t - . �'.' �: -, •� _.__ � _. _..��. _ . _ . �, i.�Y__ ` ._ �_ —.� ,.,.,.. . �:.i t'-'�-t•�_ i ! - ... ... '--�_'-�_.. _._.�._.�__��.t�% I- -.._ ___1_. . ' . /rrl�:JJ�. -�. �' �...'..... .. ___..� ._.. ._.___-� . .._.. _.___ .. _�.._ - +-_.�--""�.' .,. �f[� ..:.i .� s Y•N' ' . . ,. . , r 1' rt'- j- - � � ° , y✓ �� i,i!s^!:� �• • �q� •••.. ' � .�r .P.� f:sr.:' T.• i e . ._.. -- - -- . _ ___ _ _ _ ._ � ,.: in =_ . � ," �' �` :, , -►�,� �. �N�Y 400 7/sr. qvE . �t- ; r P � `� � �Cy .cti� �yL��'� �i .. ! . . . ,..,,. J , ;''f � . ,��, . ,, . . .. R ,.: � ' %� r�, . ,..���. ,. '` , >'� . . � :.�� �. ��: r '�� � � � � ':;i . 7 �� �� ���"�� ��.T- � � �►�,�� �.�.::M:�.: �:;' 6A31 UNiVEF151"fY AV�NU� tl.k:., F�IDCcY, hlltitdF:S07A SS4,:? October 10, 1980 ;: j.: John Jensen, Chie� Engine�r `,,� Minnesota Transfer Railway Com�any 2071 University Avenue j� Saint Pau1, Minnesoia 55I04 Subject: Minnesota Transfer - Park Dedication Dear Mr. Jensen; 7ELEPNOAI{' ( 812)5Tf-3450 The City of Fridley has received a rec�uest to approve ihe p7atting of your property along Universi.ty Avenue East Service'Dr�ve and 73rd Avenue N.E. ` City Ordinance tVo. G33, am2nding Chapier cll of the City Code °re- ' quires th� dedication of land or cash p�ayment equiv�lent of thre�-� °'� percent (3�oj of the gross area ofi property subdivided fnr park dec�i- cation. The option of a land dedication �r cash payment is at ihe discretion of the City". I� is the City's desire�to obtain cash pay- ment. Accordingly, upon apnlication for a builc�ing permit on each separate lot, a cash payment will be paid equivalent to three aercent (3%) of the value of the gross area of the lot prior to the issuance of th� bui7ding permit. The City vri71 hold a pu�lic hearing on 1Vovember 10, 1980, as the first step in approving this plat for final filing. Un- less any comments to the conirary are received by that date, we wili continue to pracess the request. . ' Request this agreement be�filed with your property documents and pro- vided to any purchasers or developers of this plat. Thank you. Very truly yours, JONN G. FLORA, P.E. Public Works Director � JGF:ik � , ' r 5 (� v 0 CONSIDERATION OF �AY CARE CENTER APPLICATION - P�R� AND MRS� PAPKE �FROM 1`�EET I NG OF i�OVEMBER 17, 1980) .'� 7 0 � Ci ty of I'r. i�llc�y cnmv car�z�� �zc�"J� h1[::s'rzrl� - Tuur�st�n,�, rrovt�;rzE�r.rz 13, 19�U ' Page 1 C'r�!.T�, � Tr � �>I�7r•; R • Chai.rman Weaver called the Noveml�cr 13, 19£30 CATV Commission meeting to or.der at 7:30 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Burt Weaver, Duane Peterson, Harold Belgum, Ed Kaspszak P1er,��rs T�sent: Larry Chevalier Others Present: Clyde Moravetz, City of Fridley Mark Scott, ACCW Terry O'Connell, Northern c.ablevision Jane Bremer, STORER APPROVAL OF CAZV COMMISSION MIP7UTES: OCTOBER 9, 1980 Mr. 2�Ioravetz ir.troduced a letter from Mr, C':onnell regarding the definition of "leased access channel" (pursuant to reqtiest made by Mr.•Kaspszaic at last meeting). MOTION by Mr. Eelgum, seconded by Mr. Peters-3n to accept the letter as an attach- ment to the mir.utes. UPON A VOICE VQTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN WEAVER JECLARED THE MOTION CAR:IED UNAIv'IriOUSLY. MOTION by M�. Belgum, seconded by Mr. P�:::�rson, to appro�Te the.October 9, 1980 CATV Commission minutes as written and wi�.�; attached letter, iir3iv �. VOIGE �vcy�i.'�, �1liL VOT.T_::C :�:::, c:iiAIRt�IA�: ::y�"�`,yr DECLARED-�:3� :iGTION CARFtIED iJNANIMGUSLY . .1. RECEIVE OPERATIONS UPDATE FROM NORTHERN CABLEVISION: This matter was tabled until Mr. O'ConneZZ's arrival. 2. RE�IIEW COMPLAINTS RECEIVED BY COMPANY: This matter was tabled until Mr. O'Connell's arrival. 3. CONTINUE DISCUSSION ON CABLE SURVEY: 4. CQNTINUE DISCUSSION ON NEEDS ASSESSMENT: Chairman Weaver suggested that the matter of the su?-vev be tabled until the next meeting as Mr. Chevalier• was absent. Mr. Belgum stated that the survey is for what is going cn now and tlie needs assessment is for future pZanning. Mr. Kasoszak zeported that �ince coming back from tne seminar in Madison, Wiscons.in, he had u . whole new outlook in terms of the survey an� the Commission should be thinking about the wholF: refranchising process, part of which is needs assessment and the survey. He suggested that, starting in Janua.ry, the Commission have 2 meetings evezy other month and that the extra meeting be just For the refranchising process. He al-so suggested to ge� the City Council involved. Mr. rioravetz reported that the franchise is up for renewal in November 1982 but 6 months before that it has to go t}ie City Council. Iie further said it should be wrapped up in the fall and winter of 19E31. Pir. Be].gum said there was ncy need to limit this acitivity to 5 people aiid C}:airman Weav�r liked the idea of extra meetin�s. Mr. Moravetz recommended that the City Council r�cruit a i�ast Commission member for a year or so. Mr. I:aspszak sai.d this would be for refranchising pur�oses only and the Co�funission could have �1I1 i.iiterim Conunittee of 7 1riC1t1ii1.Tlg 1� Council and 1 past member: ' , r.n�ru r�r�r�rs`7nta r�r:►:TT�1c - riov�mt>��r �3, 1��;� - P,�� 2 8 � �9r. Y;�.,�,_;;.,ty, �;u�)c7c,.;tc<I zccruiti.n�� a Counci.l m�_�inbcr likc L•'d NncrnicY, and a past . � ��ruf,�:�� lir:�� Lr�r:��;r.r� fi;���itc:��, )t•+ri�r;;, or T4�m Myr'a. � C,t_„ni�,_,iu�� r. � � t9r. Fs��1��urn said he ie7 on the Community Sc}�ool I�dvisory Cotrm�i.ttee and suggested �-' << ;,,�_irrl ;he��t li_kc th�ir�; (,z k�ttzr,-;�ions like: does it provide hcalth t�.. t n�� . �>Yr)�jY�:�i'1'; � J;r:y l Lti.1C�t1 it4liaYG.1C.;:i � c'i(1[��.C''%111U11� c:lTl(� VOC�1t;lOI111. j�rOcjL'c11TIS � SOG2cl1. SC'YV1CC:i � etc.). t�ir. P:asr�`�zaY, said !,3 and #�l could be �art of the overall re£r�nchising proccss. Ete said that wYiilc Y:e was in 2ladison, he talked to Jim Frehner, STORER, who will be coming to to�fm anc� would like him to meet the Commission.� Mr. Kaspszak said he writing U rcport on the seminar, in ac?dition to the tapes he purchased, and hopes to havE> it done by December lst. At this time, Mr. O'Connell arrived with Ms. Bremer, Director of Community Relations for STOFtER. After further discussion, there was a I�OTION by Mr. Kaspszak that the CT.TV Co;:�'�ission r�.�;�:est t:h•� Cit,� '�o�ir.ci.l to *�t:n tlnder a.dvisement that the Commission be increased from 5 to 7 members For the following reasons: (1) state of the art; (2) cable TV is growing rapidly and existing paXttime Corcanission members cannot keep up with it; (3) cable TV costs are rising in all areas to the company, its subc�cri.bers and participants and this requires more attention than it is receiving; (4) the.CATV Comriission members feel that the refranchising process may be as complicated, or more so, as the original franchise agreement and we need more assistance; and, the Co�nission wou:_d like the appointments in place by February l, 1980, and tYiat the City Council �i��k 2 past members to serve on an interim basis until 2 permanent members can b� appointed. i�10TION FOR AMEPD_MEP1T by Mr, Belgum, seconded by Mr. Kaspszak, thac the CATV Comm�ssion be increased from 5 to 9 m�nbers, UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTI�1Ca AYE, CHAIRP�N WEAVER DECLARED THE NiOTION FOR Ai�END�iENT CARRIED UNANIP40USLX. MOIION by Kaspszak, seconded b�' Mr. Belgum • that the CATV Ccz:�mission request the City Cc.°zzcil to take under advisement that the CATV Commis.5ion be �ncreased from 5 t:o:9 znemJ�ers f.or the following reavons: (1) state ot Tne art; :"l�) cai�ie TV is ar.����� �_��� rapid�y and existing pai��'� :"� Commi- ssion members canriot keep up witiz it; (3} ca}�le TV costs are riszng in all areas to the company, its subscribers and participants and this reauires more attention than it is receiving; (4) the CATV Commission members feel that tne refranchising process may be �s complica�ed, or more so, as the original franchise agreement and . we need more as�.istance; and, the Commission �aould like the appointmenLS i_n place by February l, 19�1, and that the City CoLUicil ask 2 past members to serve on axi intexim basis until 4 permanent members can be appointed. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE,, CHAIRr�N 6VEAVER DECLARED THE r10TI0N CARRIED UNANIb'iOUSLY . Chairman Weaver instructed Mr. Moravetz to send a letter to the City Manager and the Council regarding this motion. rir. O'Connell reported that he had received a copy of the Coon Rapids questionnaire. 5. RECEIVE INDIVIDUAL REPORT ON ACTION ITEMS: Chairman Weaver - School Board: Chairman Wea.ver reported that he, Mr. O'Connell and Jackie Lens met in late September and that Ms. Lens was committed to getting some of the school board recap on public accass before the first of Nc�vember. bfr. O'Connell reported that it is on the air, "School Board r9inutes" (30-minute program) and that D'I�.ke Buckley is worl:ing for them and hosting the program. They are suggesting that high sci�ool students get invol.ved as the teachers are not wilZing to vol�nteer tlleir time. Eie said information �bout the ACC6a will be going out to the students, Ms. Bremer said one of the keys for success here is to ha��e television recognized as a legitimate education media. Mr. Belgum asked her if our St.ate Department recogni�es it as such and she said it does not. Nlr. i3clgum then asked he.r if she had anythin�T in' �ariting that would be a good examk�le o£ what cable TV is trying to do. She has a recent ��rticle From Cablevision Magazine an3 something prepared by Nortiicrn C.�ilevzsion and sile will geL- tlte article to hiin, . . � ' C71'TV Cn�ii9T�iSInIJ P41;f:TTT1� - Novc�mbcr 13r 1.9�0 �� Pagc 3 p t .� _._-- -.—__�...._ O ( i Mr. O'C<>nr�cll rc��orteci tiiat t_hcl �a.rc worki.ng }i,zrd to get Lhc li.brary channcl off - i.t�r� rjr<,urr-f. 'I'li�,�� ��r�� w�>r�}:in�J �•iitt� M:�rk ac��tt, thc Uni.vcrsity of Minn�::;ota, and 11no1;,_�-(1��rnscy Coinmuni.ty Colle��c. Ife rej�ortcd ti►at thcre are very few library channr_ls around thc n�ition. Uuane F'e'.�:�rr;un -- 1'u.t�lic Ttccec:, - f�:ciucation arid 1'rom�tion: Mr. Petcrson re��ortc�3 that Sc:��ol I�i.:�tr.icr #�16 had macle 3 proc�r_�im, so far. He said two of the t�achcr� are using their equipm���nt to tapc school functions for the program. They have a pubiic relatio��s p�rson coming into the studio and doing the whole progran+. This is on a tzial basis and they will be doing their own survey with the schools to get fecdbacic. Harold Belgum - Public Access and Civic Orgar_izations: Mr. Belgum reportE�d that he has been meeting with Will to see if a g.roup of 5enior citizens can run these m�tr}�i_nn �;?h� <�n��nl_nr� r>Ynrt?^;�Tn� ,fC�Y S�'i110Y C1t1Z<'I'1S . He said Joe rTorth, an E?XFJ?rt in St. Louis Park, is,available if we can get 6 senior citizens interested, Mr. North will come on a regular weekly basis and provide help. 6. OTHER BUSINESS: Mark Scott - ACCW Budget and Agreement: Mr. Scott reported that there is an ACCW Board of Lirectars meeting on November �2, 1980 and that the budget r-equest to the City ha:= not been formally approved by the Board. Attached to the budget request are fi»ancial statements for the first 3 quarter to the end of October and an estimated statement through the end of the year. He said they plaii to have a financial statement every month. After further discussion, MOTION BY Mr. Kaspszak, ��econded by Mr. Peterson, ta accept and recommend to the Ci+:y Council the ent.ire ACCW Bu.dget and Agreement. UI'ON A VOIC�: VOTE, ALL VOT�t1G AYE, CHAIRI�IA:< WEAVER DECLARED THE MOTION CARF�IED 'JNANTMOUSLY. (SEE ATTAGI��D) 1. RECEIVE O�ERATION IIPDATE FRn� 1�O�THERN CABLEVISION: Mr. O'Connell reported that the response has been varied regarding the neti� "Free Preview" service provided to subscribers and the new movie channel guide. Their present policy is not to make separate guides available but the poii.cy could be changeci depending on customer acceptance of the guide. He reported that Northern has a recap show for School District #14 - weekly Frid?ey Community News - and the response has been favorable. He reported that all construction has been completed caith free connection in the new-built neighborhood within 45 c3ays. They have changed underground construction to an Anoka-based company and have had no problems with them. He also reported that the Rice Creek people will not aTlow cable to be built there. 2, REVIEW CObIPLAINTS RECEIVED BY COMPANY: Mr. O'Connell read several of their response cards and a complaint letter and discussed hoca Northern has handled them. ADJ�URI�T�IENT : MOTION by rir. Belgum, seconded by Mr. Kaspszak, to adjourn. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VO'I'ING AYE, CHAIF•I�lI�N �+IEAVER DECLARED THE CATV COMb�ISSTON MEETING OF NOVE�IBER 13, 1890 ADJOU^.NED AT 9:45 P.M. Respectfully submitted, C��` ��� �7a,�� �' . - , `-._. deb Niznik - C Recording Secrctary r,. . ''.� ;� � j'1 , , �,..., �� � �.. ,�. �, 7 � � � / �'i , : �I !� '� e r E. c.: :i , , � . . . ,., ,:! -� . :...�' , i.l �. _� i� � � , + "1 (1 j i i' � r� ` . r [ � � i "q ,�`� �1 ' 1 �' ` ' � r'� } ; �� � � ! ' � {� �� F � �� �.7 ':� .. a. . � .. .! .� .. . � . : . '�-.i �_ . { l y� C, . � t, �. � Jg . .� . 4' .i � f�~ id F7 / . _ . � �j b !1 aI �iJ f..',J --------_ _--.__ _-- ---- �.i�-= --- `' � � v ,/'� =`'', �( � f "' e ,� ,��, � Q '`.� � �' ��/� a �! tz � �J' �� `4� @� il � V ��va � i� \:�,1 `ts � � • J �A[? n q �^ " . . +s� +-,v ^� t - � \ �IP 1f � ` � � � • �^6 i� 0 II� t� �i� 1� y�+7 � (���) ���'�'� �� City Mayor ano City Council: �_. _. _ . � �.__._ ,___ � --' . / � � �`` _-_.—__.._. /� . `, � _ .,�- � � � .._______ � �-.. E ; � } Nove,nber 10, 1980 The Anoka County Communications Workshap is appraaching the City of Fridley for o�erating expenses for fiscai y�3ar 1981. Since the 4Jorkshop began functioning with a coordinator in Sep�ember 1979, we have increasec the community`s awareness of public access, trained many individuals and groups in the use of video equipment and hetped produce thousands of hours of local programming that is seen on Channe? 12. It �i s im;��rtant i or the 4Jorkshop to conti nue , i ts ori gni al thre�, go�ls : educating the public about their right to ac.cess, training people in the use of video equipment and progran�ming the access channel. During the com- ing year there are ttivo primary goa7s for the Workshop; to increase our vis- ibility in the community and to broaden the financial support we receive ft^om the comr���n�ty. Members of the Workshop have been speaking to local civic groups and then holding traininy sessions for these groups in the studio. Through October 1980 the ti•larkshop has raised $2,551.00 vrith its Tele- thon, membership dues, donations, and class f�es. Some of this money has gone for operating expenses. The Workshop is hoping �.o raise additional funds to eventually purchase a color portapak for the community's use: 1981 BUDGET R�.QUEST $13,200.00 720.00 900.00 235.00 270.00 $15,325.00 Salary Nealth Benefits Matching FICA Telephone Insurance 7he salary figure represents a ten percent cost of living raise. The Workshop expects to raise the operai;ing funds far print;ng, office supplies, travel ex�>enses and equip�nent. Nor'thern CahleVision has supplied the Work- shop with studio space and equipmcnt, raw t��pe, equipment maintenance.ai�d office s{�ace. Idithout the support of the City, Nortnern GableVision and the �c � , . - �,,.._ � vol unteers v�rho F�ork at the Workshop f ubl i c Access i n Fri dl e�y woul d cease to er,i �t. . The t•lorkshvp �oard wishes to ex�ress its appreciation to �he City and th� Cable Cornmission for �heir support in the past. 4Je hope the City will be able to continue its support in the future. Thank you for your time and consideration on our budget. � MS/sl 0 0 SincErely, //�"�4 �' - �j ('�,-� �drk SCOti Chair person 8 I� 1.'in.�acial StaLr.:�enl fur 12/.',1/7�) - U3/�i/�0 ;;alr:, ' C b� 12!3 1/7'% ;cc .i.. IriCU"lC : .:J.zy. Lti�es Tclethon Gifts t'orks:�o� Ot�:er Tot�l Tncone Fa;penses: t•Iages Telep�one Insurance Ofiice Sup�lies Printino Ta�es �qu ip:ne;� � t•fisc. Total E::per.��° Taxes Payable: Fed State �'IL "� Total 2ai:es Payable Balance as ot �3/31/80 0 5C�OC.O� ��c.00 0.00 O.GO Zz.ao 4�. 40 2566:83 5�.41 O.OQ 4.Q5 0.00 0.00 149.43 '24.99 3z2.97 153.30 39G.24 rir�L �uartcr 3�5`J.3! 513G.G0 8995.3Z � -- _ ... zao3.7�. .. . _ . bl�s1.6� 802. 47 �. 5329.13 c i'it��:�icial �t�ttcractit for 0:3/�.1/3�1 - (16/�U/,0 i3��ance a� of 03/31/�C) Inco^ir : City Ducs Tcicthon Dues � I'atra Gifts �dor�:sho� Other Total income Er.penses: T: aoe s Telephone insurance Office Supplies Printing � T�Yes �quipner.t tiisc. Total �:�enses , Taxes Payable: Fed State FIC.a Taxes :ayable Total Balance for 06/30/80 � 0.0� O.OQ 47U.OG 571.00 O.OG 0.00 12.0�? 220�.14 6Je�t7 0.00 1`ie 71 i3.3S Q.Ofl 59.95 ��1.3b Sccon-1 QusrCCr 5329.13 IQ53.00 b382.13 2733.20 3648.93 2b8.26 131.40 339.60 �39.26 2�09.37 � Fi.n�ncial .^.�1t.c:.�;c:�t for I:a1� ncc a:, of: (16/3U/3U Tnco:lc : Gity :% L' i:: 5 fcict:ion Giite, j:or�:s:.o� Otl�er . Total Income �xpenses: '.�:'ages Telephone Insur4nce Ofii.ce Supal.ies Printing ?,'.aiztena:�ce iaxes �quip:nent r:isc. xot�l �;:pense� 0 ^ta::es bayable: � . Fe� State FI�n lotal Taxes Pa�able Balancc as of 09/30/80 /30l � 5Gi)�.UU 1�;.Oi► G.ou O.OJ 0.00 I01'i.00 261�.39 59.9; 219.00 �2.s7 9�3.03 a.o� 25.25 0.0� �J. 00 2�JU �.67 6210.00 9119.67 3�65��3 _ 6054.t4 315.53 160.9Q 4�4.35 SS0.7� ., SI73.3S UG i,.'`" ]•�1T1%lllGl.�.l ii:<li:C^lf��t: ,�.u:;r;tc:ry Uf 1�:r(:C ��ll::i"LCi:i clll(1 �T2C'. ii0�1�`.El ualance a, of 12/31/7') Inc��-�c : City Ducs Tel.et:z•�n Dues : �;tra Gi£ts t•;orl:shops Qther Total Income �;penses: t�*aoes Telephone Insurance Off ice Supp�_iYs 2�ia in �e:�ance Printin; Taxes EquiprienL 24isc. � Total E::penses Taxes Payab2e: Fed Statc F IC=� Total Ta:ces Payuble Balancc as of 10/31/&0 0 1�000.00 3�0.00 47�.00 571.00 25�00 22.00 1027.00 3�59.31 12461.00 163 20.31 S15?.62 2ft'. 0 36 269.0� C�i.83 (loQO 12 �.3£3 25.25 " �^`3.38 �g7.ss '�r� 9439.67 b8S0.64 1004.42 SO1.00 � 12b1.52 2765.9� 4113.70 0 �• � *q'"'^w � `�,'1'I�'_.'t'":J I'I;":.�;I.".1, ::T".T'•"' ':T I'n..', l.0/31/�U. - UI/U3��:,1 ,,, ... ��:� 4113.7U ��I�.ATICC �� OL LU�✓llvU It1C0.^..0 . Ci7.tlr ���/�% Juc:� i�.�U (c!ur:s collected) Telet`ion Q. UU Gifts 0.00 ?:orlcs?io� G.UO Other � � 250.00 (t�.P,. Class) To �al Inco;�e 268. G0 43�1.7U I�:penses: t�raoes Teicp.�one Insurance Of f ice Sup�l �es 21azttLenar.ce PrinCino Taxes Equig:�ent i�iisc. Tota3 U::pe�:.^rys � Tuxes Payable: � Fe �. State rxc�� lotal ia�:es Pagable �S�Iik1T�:D B:1Ix'1itiCE AS OF 01/03/81 2915.65 38:94 50. 0�� 0.00 0.00 0.0� 0.00 0.0� 0.00 26��. �.5 �ss.so 3�3.40 gI 1 2004,�9 23b5.ii . . 712.05 1654.06 �,,,,.. . � ncrt:��:r��:�;�r This a�;rc�E�m��rit, m:�cic �incl �ntr.rcd in[:c� this day oE ______� � 198U, hy and bucwcc�n tlic City of 1�ridlc}�, a �li»itesot�i r��unic•ipal carporati�n, in the Coeirlty of /�nok��, State of_ htinnc�5ota, her.einaftt:r referred to as "the City", and Anoka County Communications Workshop, Inc., a nonprofit corporation in the County of Anoka, State of Minnesota, witnesse.th: For and in consider3tion of the promiscs, covenarts, terms, and provisions herein contained, the parties hereto mutually agree as follows: 1. Periad of Agreement. This agreement for a 12 month period, shall be . effective Janu��ry 1, 1981 throti�}� Dece*.nher 31, 1981 , iantess otherwise terminated Uy either party with 30 days written notice. Upon termination of the agreement, all uncommi.tted portions of the grant shall be returned to the City. Final determination of any such uncommitted amount shall be as determined and agreed upon by the City Manager and Anoka County Com- munications Wor'.�cshop, Inc. . 2. Responsibilities of Anoka County Communicatic�s Workshop, Inc. Anoka County Communica�ions Workshop, Inc. agrees to provide, on behalf of the City, services to Fridley residents as follo��s: a. To educate :n�mbers.�of the pub2ic to the potential uses of video communicatians in the community. b. To provide training and technical assistance that wzll promote citizer. use of availa.ble cablecasting fac�ilities as a non-commercial means ot communication. ° e. To serve as a resource center for information, materials, and equipment relating to the use of video as a communications medium. d. To serve as a receiving, holding, and disbursing entity for monies intended to promote non-commercial citizen use of the video medium. e. To provide at the request of the City, assistance to City staff in the programning of its government access channel, at no additional cost. � 3. Anoka County Communications Workshop, Inc. further agrees to keep and maintain a qualified staff of personn�l, both paid and valunteer, necessary to perform the services herein set forth. 4. For the period �f this agreement the City will grant to Anoka County Communications tJorkshop, Inc. the sum of Fifteen thousand, three hundred and twenty-five dollars ($15,325). Said amount shall lie payable in two equal amounts on the first business day ot January and July, beginning January l, I981. 5. Anoka County Communications Workshop, Inc. shall kEep accurate and com- plete records of all financial transactions and st��zll provide to the City, on a quarterly basis Piarcti 1, 1981, June 1, 1981, September l, 1981, De- cember 2, 1981, and again on Januazy 15, 1982 a complete written financial report of its c�perations during the period of this a�;reement. Said records shall include an accounCing•sysCem mlintained in a gei�erally acc�pted man- ner, includin�, iE applicable, the filing of proper tax returns to the Federal ai�d Stat�- �overnmcnts, such as payroll tax returr�s or corporate inconte tax returizs (or permi.tted al.ternates) .. Ui�on request, said records shall be avail.:iblc for inspecti��n by the City Manaf;er, or his designee,. 3J ' u K mc�m}>cr�: ��f thc., Cc�uncil., and CZblr Cr>mmission mc�mh��rs durin�; rc};utar business h��ur��. 6. Anoka County Commtinications 4lorks}io�, Inc. sh�ill provide to the City a written rcport of its operationril activiti.e�, incluclin� whatever data wi l l cis:s i�,� lhc Ci tv i n ev:�l urit: i t�f� thc �f Tccti vcnc�;s oE thc t�nok.� County Comtz�u��i��r►Ciuns [dc>rk�.fioi�, Inc. in tii� provisic�rz oL the services herein set forth. Said ret�ort wil]. he providcd to tlte City within sixty (60) days after completion of this Ahreement. Anoka Cou�ty Communications Workshop, Inc. will also provide interim progress rc�ports of its operational activ- ities March 1, 1981, June 1, 1981, September 1, 1981, and December I, 1981. 7. Anoka County Comr�iunications Workshop, Inc. shall indemnify, save and'hold harmless the City and all of its officers, agents and employees from any and all claims fer losses, injuries, damages, and liabilities to persons or. pr�i>crt,� o�ca:;ic�r.�d .:l:ol.l;� or in �art b;� tYlc �icts or omissions of Anoka County Communications �dorkshop, Inc., its agents, officers, employee�, members, guesCS, patrons or any person or persons associated with Anoka County Communica::ions Workshop, Inc. for any purpose. . 8. Insurance. Anoka County Communications Workshop, Inc. will provide proof of liability insurance,_naming the City as an additional i.nsured in an amount and form as approved by the City Manager. 9. Anoka County Corir�iunications Workshop, Inc. sh�:I1 provide to the City documentation th�t it has obtained nonprofit ehempt status from the Federal Internal Revenue Service and the State of Minnesota Department of � Revenue. 10. It is unders*_vod and agreed that no alteration or variation of the terms - of this i��r�_�::����: shall ue va��ci unless m�.::� �a writing and signed �y �hc " ' parties hereto. � 11. In the event af a breach by Anoka Count� Communications Workshop, Inc. of . the terms or conditions of the Agreement, the City shall nave, in additior. to any other legal recourse, the right to terminate this Agreement forthwirh. In witness whereof, the parties have caused the Agreement to be executed by their proper officers, thereunto duly aurhorized. Witness: Witness: CITY OF FRIDLEY NASIM ri. QUItESHI - City Manager WILLIAM J. NEE - Mayor ANOKA COUNTY COMPiUNICATIONS tn'ORKSH�P! I:3�• Title �,.,,' _ �:, . r•r: •r ��� __ r.: �'. .�p.. R"'^ �„'> �-4. �� �..��.. . �3E6`�"��..�. � �� ,. ; � �� � i � �1� r , „ � F,.�,� � .., ;. .., ,,. , ,«� ,.r., . 1 �:�.: i� i .J um L�,.sm50 `l� �lJ a�.i �:'` d u���a. t,.��i � �1� ..._. 0 � �'a � �:: ��;�'tt.�'r�3 �� �i'+.� � L,a`:�t,. ? , i �' �'.., �� G � „_�r Aa.....: �i � .. .. �aYt RO i:4 n.P.V�l. R�r ._r,s. :,.r .. �,) ;... .. t tJovember 20, .1�II0 Comprehensive F']an i:u�l��. �� TO �_.�;1 � , �i i'/ i` ACTiQM! 1NFC�. Our finai completed Comprehensive P7an ►ras io be sunmitted to the Metro- poli�an Counc�i? on fdavemb�r 1, 19�Q, which was extended from July lst. On (�ovember 3y 1980, i requested an exf;ensi�.,� af our subm�ittal dai:a to May I, 1981, because o� the t��tro Council's ;�]ar�s to ch�nge the Compre- hensi ve P1 an ����endment �,rocedi�res e �te were infarmed on U����c,m�,er ?.9, Z980 �`;���t �he Metro Council's positior► is to grant orlF� .o.ne submi�;tal extension, �nd therei'ore tvill not h�nor our second reci�est. We are continuing to review the land use maps within the Comprehensive Plan to elimi,���.te sti,eets and use codes which are not connected to dis- trict area uses. This change should allow tf�e City sufficient flexibi- �ity in administerin� the plan. Any procedures estak�lish�d by the f�letro Cot�nci l 4vi l l have to be addressed once �:hey are for���al i zed, Since �6000 of additional funds for the Ciiy's Comprehensive Plan develop- ment are still under T�letro Council contr�l, it may be prudent to submit our plan as soon as practicable The City Courcil can approve a resolu- tion forrnal i z; nq the cai��prehensi ve P1 an at the December lst ►neeting. Suggest this item be included in the Council Agenda. JGF:ik 9 ,� � RESOLUTIOPI N0. - 1980 A RESOLUTION CERTiFYIP�G TIIAT TFIE PRE-P,EVIEl1 REQUIREh1ENTS OF FRIDLEY' S COP�!PREHEtJSIUE PLAN NAVE BEEN SATISFIED WHEREAS, the Metr•opolitan Land Planning Act requires local governmental units to prepar2 comprehensive plans and submit them to the Metropo7itan Council for review; and WHEREAS, response Act; and this plan entitled Fridley Comprehensive Plan represents the of Fridley to the requirements of the P�etropolitan Land Planning WHEREAS, this plan was adopted by the Fridley Planning Commission on August 22, 1979 following a public hearing with required legal notice; and WHEREAS, this plan was sent to Anoka County, Hennepin County, Ramsey County, School District �4, School District No. 11, School District No. 13, School pistrict 16, the City of Blaine, the City of Brooklyn Park, the City of Spring Lake Park, the Ci�y of Brooklyn Center, the C�ty of Columbia Heights, the City of hlounds Uiew, the City of Coon Rapids, the City of Minneapolis and tMe City of New 3righton for review and comment on March 20, 1980; and WHEREAS, this p�an was considered and accepted, but not adopted, by the _ Fridley City C�uncil on this date; and WHEREAS, this plan shali be transmitted to Anoka County, Nennepin County, Ramsey County, School District 14, School District Pdo. 11, School District No. 13, School District 16, the City of Blaine, the City of Brooklyn Park, the City Spring Lake Park, the City of Brooiclyn Center, the City of Columbia Heights, the City of Mounds View, the City of Coon Rapids, the City af Minneapolis and the City of New Brighton concurrently with submission to tt.e Metropolitan Council for f ormal review under the Metropolitan Land Planning Act. Be IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Fridley that the City Manager is authorized and directed to submit this plan to th? Chairman of the Metropolitan,Council for review under Section 473.17.5 of the P�letropolitan Land Planning�Act. PASSED ANO ADOPTED SY THE CI1'Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF t=RIDLEY THIS GAY OF , 1980. . MAYQR - WILLIAM J. NEE A7TEST: ACTING CITY CLERK - NASIM M. QURE HI PUBLISH: 0072A/0892A 9 �', 9� ___ . _..�.._ ._�___.�. ...... - ���:.:'c.� rv cT�: - f� � � : �; � ��' � � .�'a"�" i`:,: -1 _ �__ ' � �" x �"' �' ._ � p .� � �. "1 ;, �, rrnr� � rr� .. 1 r % '� P -" � :': � � r y_:., ¢ .::<^.m ii �.::mu9 h.1 k.a' k as,) L+` 47 b t_....; .r—��' v - � � � . . � � , 6'�idcri�t"��:..�c'���6t.��L.la��4 F . j" <.S :. .. , . �TE itover�ber 20, 19�0 hiE1�0 N0. ;#80-139 ` R0�.1 D.P.��. Planning- Jerroid Boardman TC7 ACTION fi�FO. J°.,��CT John Flora Cornprehensive Plan X As you know, tl�e Metrepolitan Council has denier our request for an extensioi� for submiti,al of ti�e Comprehensive Plan. _• What this means is that the Pfetropolitan Counci', can withold additional fund� (appi�oximately �G,000.00) that i:h�y have set as�de for the City to cover adG�tionai costs on the preparation of the Comprehensive Pa<;n dacument:s if these docume�;,s are not submitted by� ":�verr�ber� 1� 7980. We �:�f '�:w�:� some f;�;;:u;?��ty on this-:��� if it is submitted as soon as possible, k�e should be able to subm�t the dacument to the �ity Cot�ncil for ap�roval with requesied map cf�anges for their Decer�ber �, 198'.� i7�L�ezltl9 if �•ie can get an indication from the City Council on the direction the.y wi�:.r3 to pursue. The amendment process has stili not �eer� cleaned up yet and may event�.�al�y affect our zon�ng pr�cess. JLB/de ' ^�;.r^, �; . �. o, � \� f��,. � �� . „ , % �', . 1, � < , ,�. �� {--. r } � �� �- � r- �� , . � � . � � .,,..:.,,` ,.�,, ,1,,�1��,v11.: ��LIN (:ll\YJ 0 Mr. John G. Flora, P.E. Public ��lorks Director City of Fridley 6431 University Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mir�nesota 55432 9C M�1lc��lit�)n C,C)�.t ��.,� 3�)0 Metro �quarC L'u�ldin�l Sevc;ntf� �ir��r;1 un�J ilc�k���r1 ;;tr,;�,; Spint f'aul, Mlfl(lE.`�iOfU JJIU1 Telephone (612) 291-6A53 Office of 1he ChairrY�ar� Navember 14, 1980 Subject: Ci�.y of Fridley Long-Term Extension Rea_uest M�i:ropolitan Council Referral File No. 8746-2 Dear Mr. Flora: _ Thank you foi: your letter of November 3, 1980, requesting a second �xtension to the deadline for submittinq the Fridley Comprehensive Plan to the Metropolitan Council. Your letter and accompanying city counca.l resolution 3ated October 27, 198Q, indicate that the comprehensive plan has been completed and reviewed by all appropriate neighboring communities as required by the Metropolitan Land P�.annina Act. Based on provisions of the Act pertaining to extensions, the Cauncil ado�ted a"Policy for Extending M�tropolitan Land Planning Act (P•�LPA) Submiti:al Deadlines." This policy sta�es that "only cne extension may be granted to each local govern- ment." Fridley has already requested and rec.eived one short•- term e�tension cahich establishes a new su�mittal deadline of November 1, 1980. For this reason it will not be possible to grant a second e�tension. Addii�ion�lly, as I am sure you apprecia�e, to grant Fridley a second extension contrary to Council policy developed after public hearings would set a precedent �al�.ich would open the door for a host of second and perhaps third e�tensions. � � understand the reason for your r.equest is your r.oncern reqarcling th^ plan amendment proccdur�s being considered by the COL111C11. You�- COT�CCrIl is valid, but it is not w�ique to th� Ciiy oL i'�-iclley. Rs you :�r.e ��wai-e, �the r7etropolitan Coui�cil h�is '�eld public .Zearinc�s i:o c�ather local governm�nt canunents c�n ±:he ori.e�iiicil c�raft sei� of procedur.cs. As a re�sult ot t)lo::c com,:ic�zts, i-tle Council is revisinc� its draf� procedur�s. , Mr_. John G. I'lora - 2- November 14, 1980 Foll.owinc� the r.e.clra�ti.ng, anoiher series of public hearings wi�11 be �eld. The Council hopes to actopt a set of plan , amendment pr_ocedur_es by this Decernber, after providing • additional apportunities £-or you i:o cc�mment. I stronqly encour_age Frzdley to abide by its amended submittal deadline, and continue to actively participate in the Council's plan amendmer.t procedures process. � Sincerely, C�-�-�' �� Charl�s Weaver Chairman CW:im cc: t�Tilliam �!. riee, Mayor PZasim M. Qureshi, Acting City Clrrk . Marc?_a Pennett, "�etropoli�:an Cour:cil Representative _ 9D � =r�� r :�•r�r o.~ / .... - �' � �t�� . i;_; f ..�.; ��6� �t.� l.� : :F�� ��' �.: � , � �".� T � �A • � .. fl y .,� ;. * ,.,y �, r.,. r. t +.y �;�, �^-� r ,,,. � . , �r� E �:�J +.:/ i rss 4 aes :�i L.r � . ..�,' � � h �"a � ,.�: �l,� -.,..�� � . . � _ 10 $ Y'�Fi � b�. c...� r� a�-�. �'!.� �8 ��'.' :. i �-p `-' . .• y..,,.:. : �t� .,,.�_,,, .. )�TE Noven�ber 20, 1`a30 P,Ot�t U.P.W. ��h G F r�_ U�,►��^1' Repair of 41e11 No. 10 TO �i,�jm i�_(1�.��_nchi r�tf �1,,.,;,yo _ ��.�__ �.��:,. 4leil No. 10, l��cated at Locke Park, is a sf�� 11ow, 199 feet deep,well located in the ground area above tl�e SP�akopee formation. This v�ell has a screen s��ction in lieu of an open end oecause of the sand and grav.lin tnis area. /�ccordingly, the screers have become plugged. with encrustations, thereby reducing the vc'ume of water obtained and pump efficiAncy. Aci�ior� INFG- Five years ago, �his well was cleaned due to similar development of encrustaiions �n the screens. Corrective action will probably eXceed $10,000. Fund> are avai ] abi e i n the Uti 1 i ty Fund for f;hi s re�ai r►ti�orko Recorru�end the City Council adopt the attac,hed resolution to repair Well No. 10. JGF:ik Attach. � 0 RESOLUTION h0. - 1980 RESOLUTION TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR REPAIR ON WELL N0. 1Q BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Fridley, as follows: 1. That it �s in the interest of the City to award bid contract for the following items or materials: RFPAIR OF WELL N0. 10- 6911 UNIVERSITY RUENUE NE, FRIDLEY 2. A copy of the specifications for the above described items and materials, together with a proposal for the method of purchase and the payment thereof have �een presented to the Council by the City Manager and the same are herehy approved and adopted as the plans and specifications, and the method of acquisition and payment to be required by the City with respect to the acquisition of said items and materials. 3. The purchase �f said items and materials a�, described above shall be effected by sealed bids to be received and opened by the City of Fridley on the 13th day of January, 1981. The Cit1 Manager is directed and authorited to advertise for the purchase at said items and materials be seaied bid proposals under notice as provired by law and the Charter of the City of Fridley. Said not�ce shall be pubiished at least twice in the officiaT r�ewspaper of the City of i-ridl:ey. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL QF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY T�iIS DAY OF , 1980. ATTEST: � � � MAYOR - WILLIAM J. NEE • ACTING CITY CLERK - NASIM M. QURESHI 0 oo�z��o�3agA P�ge 2-- RESOLUTION N0. 1980 CITY OF FRIDLEY BID NOTICE FOR REPAIR OF WELL N0. 10 - 6911 UNIVERSITY AVEPJUE NE, FRIDLEY The City Council of the City of Fridley, Minnesota will accept sealed bids on Repair of Water Well No. 10 on the 13th day of January, 1981, until 11:00 a.m. on said date at the Fridley City Hall, 6431 University Ave�ue NE, Fridley, Minnesota 55432 (telephone, 571-34501. Al1 bids must meet the minimum requirements of the specifications. Failure to comply with ihis section can result in disqualification of the bid. Each bid shall bn accompanied by a certified check, cashier's check, cash or bid bond, made payable without conditions to the City of Fridley, Minnesotas in an amount of not less that five percent (5%i of the bid, which check, cash or bond shall be forfeited if bidder neglects or refuses to enter into Contract, after his bid has been accepted. ' The City reserves the right to accept the bid v<<hich is determined to be in the best interests of the City. The City resErves the right to reject any and all bids ar�d waive any informalittes or te�hnical�ties in any bid received withaut explanatinn. The City Council also reserves the right to consider s�ch factors as time of delivery or performance, experience, responsi�ility of the bidder, past performance of similar types of items or mate,°ials, availability of products and other similar factors that it may determir�e to be in the best interest of the City. Copies of the specifications and general conditions may be examined in the office of the Director of Public Works, or copies may be obtained from this office. All bids must be submitted in sealed envelopes and plainly marked on the outside REPAIR WELL N0. 10. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF , 198Q. Nasim M. Qureshi City Manager PUBLISH: Q072A/0889A 10 � ��°— �� ;� ,_ �� _..,. �' 1 ---�' ,� �>� �'��+�.`��'' �� T���� �� ��;��� t �� � � .A:1'� A �' ,�.�}.A IV��`�,�.L�`�'�.,n' ��I�T�T�.,� � November 19, 1980 M Italph Vollanan_ _ JECT g��uesting Perniiss�on �.o Advertise for the Repair of jy'ell �10 Located at 6911 University Avenue N.E.� r+ 9!^'46 r ����,���r;�����������' TO John Plor� TI x The pwitping capaci�y of ZVell #10 has dropped from 900 GPAi to approximate�y 4Q0 GP�I. �Ve feel ��hat the screen of this we11 is plugged up with incrustatioTls from the hard �aater. tVP wi11 have to water je� 4his screen so tha� we can briazg the pwit�,�.^.a capacity back �o approximd�C�; 1000 GPM. The possihle re pairs to the pur�p and the overall water jetting and development of the well will possibly cos'.: us morP than �10,000, so I feel we should advertise for bids. In 1y75 we a7.so had to do a major iaell development similar to what we are doing today. It is very typi.cal of this type of screened well to need t� be taater jetted every five years or so to clean the screen again. Sa it is not an unusual situation. It also seems that the more a well of this type is pumped, the more incrustation that develops. 'This may be because of the minerals in this Lype oi water that is being pw�ed through the screen. lVe feel that with th;s type of developmen� it will bruig ��'ell #10 back to being a good ���ell a�ain. (Please see enclosed m�terials on tlic repai.rs to 1VelI #10.) 10 C INFO CITY OF FRI�LEY MEMORANDUM T0: NASIM QURESNI, CITY MANAGER ' �P.Ot�I: GORDON MlI DDAG, PURCHAS I NG AGENT SUBJECT: AWARDING OF CONTRACT FOR ONE (1) 1981 I(�DUSTRIAL TYPE TRACTOR OA7E: NOVEMBER 26, 1980 ' Bids for ane (1) 1981 Industrial Type Tractor were opened on November 21, 1980 at 11:00 a.m. Attached is a summary of the bids received. Midway T�•actor and Equipr�ent Company was low bidder. The Park - Department has advised me that the investigation of the bid proposal meets the s�ecif�cations and recommends the awarding of the contract be given to Midway Tractor and Equipment Company. Following is the bid from Midway Tractor and Equipment Company: ,Cost of tractor $13,828.00 . Cost of broom, MB cable wrapped 3,510.00 Cost of plow�blade � � 1,600.00 Total Cast of tractor, attachments and insiailation �18,938.00 GJM/mz � � �� N ' �o �1.- s_ > v .- c� o R- +-� +� �= L c .- tn U Qi � S-. rt3 r- � C; i «S � E k- F- � •r O "CS rti � O � U ' -�- O ^ -N W O fn r-. L? S.- rt3 U . . � � 1 +� � QI ►-� � v: tn S- aJ N C� •r QJ r- 02$ r$.. i-� r Q1 O r- N • � RS -� . Z Q �C m �--. > F- N � r z w � j � � 1 � �� E G � c� 0 � � o �o � �� � o W . . . � � c� � �. c 'co o � � - C� � � lf) ' V t.t) t'� � : . � � 1 4 � �i. CA OJ G}l lL W p 30' S..i `M M � � C]_ � C] W `O r-- }r tt. O rn r-� O . r � 023 � Ltf a p. �- ►1 .. } ►-~-� ' � , N C] }"' U � O O C � � p C.�3 O O C � w V J � O lC � �w M � C�O � Y � � J O � M M C p Z -Q �- r Z � V � .-+ z�� , �° 0 r J f-- q .� V r ,�-� � H Q% � . n � ,-� � �- M M S- i r'- � O S- '"J �3 �, Gt -� I3 � --� � � .�� �c';��r-- o � o � ��1-� S.- rt3 �O � O S cn -+-� :-) +> QJ C: '-- r N � � � S.. � (U �F-� QJ +� � Q7 1 ' c1 c� 3 � .3 4 � N O O O � O O O O �--� O r CO cn r- O cn ci- r O N 2� CJ � «S ct' � � M 'i7 O ^ TJ � -s-� M J r-- � � � OI � • OI ��r "C3 �" s- o °o o a a �� ( . z - ' ¢ u�- o � cv ¢� o � 0. d' 00 :O . tn +� r- V1 1� p � O� � v� O � � . . U N ^ r6 rt3 - � t/� C� N M 'a � N TJ ..�J L r r � a '� 0 � O 1--� L V • N t� � �n 'y G[ Ci� '� � �J � � q0 t�^ N � f--1 i c� o 0 , c� o o �-- ¢ • . � > r� cn � In CO M ,v . r � Ol d' � � r - 'a l0 � ~ o r -o � w �u d � 0 1-- � � t/) Y Q p >- G C� L C W l`1 _> L� _J � titi — � � Q }"" —� w O w � d H � a� c 0 � fl . �n i � � 11�. << �. � �- , <� {': 1: �}''_. t: i- 4` 4i; i; !: _� �- i- 4? i; f; �! : �F � if ������=�� ,� a,o��? Pt�L��� ��PART��fl�i ��� �� � � � ' ���',; ICity of Fridle� c Ao�,� F,; Min�1��p�a 1,;.. - x�„ . � ��1�., ' 1.l J.r �TE NOVEMBER 25, 1980 OM JAMES P. HILL, P�JBLIC SAFETY DIR�?,�,�,,.. BJECT (f� NASIM M. 1981 ANIMAL CONTROL BIDS 0 12 i �.�? �.�� � ;i= � TO ACTION INFO ;ESHT, CITY MGR. X Enclosed you will find the official bids for the 1981 Animal Control Contract. You wil]. note tr,�t there were two respondents to our advertisement for bids, that �eing Blaine Midway All Pets, and MAPSI. Insofar as MAPSI is the J_owest bidder, it is my recommendation that this _ company be awarded the contract for 1981. JPH/sh �. � T� � .�: ;: u . � - � ;�, o v� co � � � ( �� `� � � � � 3 .� . O � +� J� � a � r--i Vf O � z .-I O S-1 � d i r � � `� ci) aS � O f�- p cn U m .� p ,-� o w •-1 O r"J � {-{ O O �a •-� O O V � !d `� G c^d �C � � � L F ��� �� � <� �-+ r� � ►-. . � � � f � t� v;� � l I o i x � � � � �y` ri y °o � �� � � U � � � �? � �. � i,"'), O q� — '�, cr, cv . W � ���� r�• � � -a--- :T >' " {y� �iJ r � Ul � S�i V„� J C�3 r .�N.! O�� SJ � C7 � � Q � I ��,p p �4 O .-, r-+ 1 Q �� C� = l �;, p � tZiJ O `'� � a � }� � � � I � � � � ,� . � �M� : � rC O O Ol � . «� O 0. � �1' SY' �Y' �t' -�I r-1 } H O r-i �-I I G r-I r-1. rl V} �!?� � �-i V� tJ�� J H [1] � rG i � v � ± o � '� H S- -F�% � N U1 2 � _ � > US O tiS "'� i UI O �� ' O . 5y • rC� �+ • �� Z �. ttf (�7 \, rd CS N\ G7 6, U r� IQ nio � ., �, � d' M V' �J � d' M c':� (51 t? t? �is � (5� ti?• L'} r-y : � N � lJ C: Cil � ,,.� w . rIi •ri 4-I d ya :7 W c7 •�-1 x 'J � '.�u U ul �� U � r� C5 r � ,� •J � � .S; ( � CJ U �� U U � c�r c� w �'' ' 1 Nz °' c> r `n V' r- C�_ �M . � � ' Q C ln �I tY) n u� ' 'S l/� 14'� u7 . . 'U �.-_ ��� � � Q � QJ �j � � - � C r- i1` r_� � ' .t- r— .� i/1 l/) rci CT r.5 C1. li� r-- r-- C) r:- cf Q�1. LO .-- Rl -_ tn '�� i � � 1 � � ! '_ �� r � ) � � 12 � 1 . � � i l; � , ._,.._., , s . -� � , :1 �: r , ,� � �i��:���rnbcr F,, �i 9�,�� I2 B d. �� . f �, 3 x..' #. 8431 UNIVERSITY AVEMUE N.E., FRIDLEY, MIN��IESOTA 55432 TELEPHONE ( 612)571-345-0 P1APS I 506 - llth Ave. No. Mpls., MN 55411 :i�,r� ., i �. 7�t�u i:i'-� ;�f r'ri�;r-y :s req�.;�sfi;r_r, �ias �or Ani;r��l �aLro? S�r;�ice Fot- , � v c S �� r; z ����^� 1 1 G�1 �I,r; r;;:�: :Y��,er 31 i��i . �,ie y�c•::-� cf-F 'i_+Fi ��t�.t,, r.0 J .ni;�. .l , �� 4 , �u� � �c.,... � !1';e D°�Ot•; i lC�.ls'e� !'E+1n�� Gtl ��tltflc"iZ2�J dnt�ild� t"E:C'.i"!T"�Ri?!'ii: ifit' �i"1?�T,c�l i.r,n�r��l ��rvicE,� ;n �h-� �it;; of �'r���ey. tvalu� �,on :.i il ba bas�d or, ���s2 �fi���°e_ i� a�! ;i�ti��r, to oth�r factors, �u:n as fa:�? �t�e� of t,h� coi;�r�,cto�•, history ef h.r�;�ane c:3��e of ar;;:na?s ar,� c�^���13i„ts. Tt�e F:,�i�r,,icu fi;ur�s ri:� ro�: binu the City oz' ;=ri.:ljef tct ��:�tirtain th�t 1°vel of servic�. Se� attached �pecif,cations. Fa �r=o i B�ur�r;.,.z .� ?,t� �:<<�1 C�str•uy � n�. ?t�jt;rECi F�n�r�:�l% Pi tQ C��se � S��ciai Serv�ce 1040 hours C� _�1, f�(� h�'. ��� days @ � ��day 138 anirrals @ �,Gs�... anima7 64 ca11 s@�� C} �__cai 1 6,4 cal l s@_��-i �C,� ��1 Z T4TAt_ _ ����o, Q� _ ��� ao -- a_ �,��. o d - �____�a , o° � ��l��i� , Ol� t �� �� �i�t5 l':'�� i?�' ?.�C�?�i.4� U�t1 ��� :�� �,.��'�. C� �0`:�r1F:?�" G�., lt�hn Mt' t�z Fri;i1E?y/ �.;�v f�al?. �.l 1 bi r�� r:us � be :<<bmi ��1:��c! i n sea� ec± envel ope� ai�d ��? a i n!y ��arlced �� ,he �: , �� o:, ts ;��s �� ; tr, a;, ��.�.� c:�:;�� �,�o Tfi xur±her ;n;c�ra�,,tzon is nr�de�, pl��se ��ntac:t �:t� at :.71-Za50, pxter.��an 'I33. ; `� , , r , Si r�c�r�� �y, RJ�__ ����'.�--�-�' -!�' � - �Z���� �,��� , , �Cm}�any_il�KNr�G!��.��i� l"�IU���� �. . Ac+ ci r e s s_.�0� �� �__.. �%a�,..._��1.� � G�rr.�n � . �;i ���,;� Tel ephone ... � �'/ �- -.�.37 �( l'�� r'urchasing ��,�;E�,tt � Dai:e_____—. _ /���5��'Q __ _._..___. . . G,ii��/ ��► � : ..� . ; , W1 ;� A. �' . � � ,�� f, t;r,,;�;r�� ��' n; 19`�0 � � .� � ,�- °;� .' £ : � : 6431 UN�IVERSITY AVENUE N.E., FRiD�EY, MINMESOTA 55432 T�LEPHONE ( 812)571-3a5o Blaine Midway Al1 Pets 10911 Radisson Rd. NE Blaine, MN 55434 � �; ar .::i�': ifii 1:It.�jl iJ� �.��r�i..� lf. r�3��1'I���:T1:7�i 1J�1!J� �l,ll� r..r�i{I:�ii FaV:�n� ��t^v1C�' f0?^ i�:� ;;��? r.^,f i�:3 i_; t�.r L� 1;� �?ar�u:�r�.Y' ;, i G�l t�;r�uc�h Dec�.irber 3T , 1 Q51 . 1�'1u 4hlC!'�: i�IC;I'Y'�.i t'�_'i�tC� i.il °�t7i:;d?"£.'Ci o.t1�iUGj ic!Lt'(,21"L��i:`�i ?01' �111P,ia� ( t�r�� c: ,;� ' { a ��'y' �J� Fr1:.'.i° . C\%wl�.t�t�rr: �rr� i� FJ° i:'d��C; ':�n � �e:•� � c::; �;� ..i� C, ;' or, tt���e -r 9 y::�•t�s i+: u;iii ti;;r� �c �t?��:� � actors, st;::h as faci? i ti es �f t�1� C�iri.i'ci�'+`.,^�l'., fli ;t'.i7Y'4 C� �ILilid�'' �.�.�'E', tj� t,,1'���%.t?�. dli�: CGmr1�a?i1�S. ..� r. �: i<<d i:r:: �i ��� c�� Fr•��dlev to ra�rtain ��li ES����IO.f;P� 77 jL31"•°.� i't� `�l '! _ th2t lE'.�e? ;�f ��YViCe. �e2 �t�.4V��l:d ::;��C1fi�at+n��S. Patral Boaruin� Rry l:!!dl_ �'r.'.S r Y'�!`�� 10�0 nGUI`S r_,tL���ti hr. _ $����?��' 948 days @ .��,11_Z:.'__—�ay = �_�� � � � 33 an i rn,� � s�.�.2?t� 1�'•'�% rsi �.ai =�_�_ '�_�� in.ji:rea r;���maT j ,� . tiite CasE &�'t ca!1s �'- ��/- .—�-ti —cail j�.y,/}� , .��i�lr.3 � � C��,�Z �4.' �� GG � 1 S �_!—.---, s_. �� '.-G� 1 1 .___ .` _ �—.—_ A�� fi�lr.n�,,�! 1S '7�� i� �,C D�. i✓�5'�-c 1C Ta��L � � � D � J2� .� � � � �/l 7, 3"c+ P� li �1 R, �,� y{ — �c P - �_____�-.�, n--L _ � _��; • c�-z� �__�� y �� YT 1 �_ � ' � l � , � / � ; � � t .: l - (1 Ya ('. � � � n i �- 1 �' "� ' ! '� �?c,s ���i. �,�. a�r_e}.t.��u un..�l �I:�_ A.t�. �n Icfe:r,..�r �.�, <930 at h= Fr;c�i�y �'i i:Y N � 11. a i� �� u5 I��llS t t'iC SUFJ17il i. �:cij ?�1 Sf.'� l t?G f.'i:1��4 � G��l J r,l- ii(i ��i L. i �l iy iii<Sf n�Cl Otl i.�i� .� r t� 0 EI t� ? Ci° t`: 1�'1 hil l i; i� �^i�Cl �;�C �_ If �urti�2!� i►r�;��°rn<�i�n i� r�eec�:�d, ;,i�?�e conta.� ;;+e at 57�-:3��5G, �:x'��r�siun �33. S i r �e re 1;j , �Y.�J` ��� -"�-- `�---�'.�' ---- Ccn���.:ny_��'f_-c�-.�,-.� �1r��.��-ti��������� , � Ar!�rr.s s 1C � / / �G?���.yr�--� I�'• �J• � � Gord�n J.�t; d�•„� Tc:�1 e� h�r� �?�.3�. --- F�ci•cr,�s�ng 1`,<�:�;�t , Dat��__�,1��_�' / �/1 _ / GJ!�S/'s h � ��=; '- ; ��t> �.o� co�icur�F�cr�cE BY THE ClTY C4UPlClI. - LIC�rs�s DI�CLh1BER 1, 19�30 G715 SI:RVIC],S 71PPROVED BY Nielseri !lerzf�ing & 11ir Cond, Inc. 6442 Penn 1lvenue South WILLIANI SI�i1DIN Richfield, t-9t7 55423 By: Gary Challern Plbg.-Htq. Insp. Riccar �ieati�g & �1ir 11425 Goldenrod N.�9. Coon Rapids, P�L7 55433 By: Jeff Arent Rum River Plumbing & Iieating 800 Indusfiry 7lvenue Anoka, T�uJ 55303 By: Randel Petersen GEPIERAL CONTRACTOR August Cederstrand Company 966 Central Avenue T1.E. Minneapolis, h1N 55413 E & E Construction 1623 First Avenue Anoka, M�1 55303 John's Construction Inc. 8540 Fiastings Street N.E. Blaine, MN 55434 HEATING . Riccar Heating .& Air 11425 Golderlrod i1.P�. Coon Rapids, MN 55433 By: Douglas Cederstrand By: Wayne O. Erickson By: John Dahl By: Jeff Arent Rum River Plumbing & Heating 800 Industry Avenue Anoka, MI1 55303 By: Randel Petersen GAS SERVICES Golden Home Service 13901 Excelsior Boulevard P4innetonka, MiJ 55343 By: Doug Golden Sr. 47ILLI1IM SAFiDIPI Plbg.-Htg. Insp. tJILLIAPI S71P7DIN P1bg.,=Htg. Insp. DARREL CLARK Chief Sldg. Off. DARREL CLARK Chief Bldg. Off. DARREL CLARJ; Chief Bldg. Off. WILLIAr1 SANDIN Pyhg. -Fitg . Insp . WILLIAM SANDIN Plbg. -iItg . Insp. WII�LIAM SANDIN Plbg. -Iitg. Insp, ly �--~ � 14 A ����:; - �^���+ F'.OR CONCU[ZRLi�1CC �iY TFlE CIT`( COUNCIL — LICE,��SES .�____ �ecember 1, 19�0 . �pe of License: B�r_ Ap�roved By: Fees: Christmas Tree Lots � . Frostop Drive-In Sherman tlanson Robert A. Aldrich $100.00 7699 Hwy. ��65 N.E. Fire Inspector • Fridley, P�1n. 55432 � Swings Spurette John Swingdorf Robert A. Aldrich $100.00 � 6435 E. River Rd. Fire Inspector : Fridley, Mn. 55432 . � � ., . �: r.. _ ��r / r�i�, -� --�'v F.os� c��c;u���t_�icE �Y -rc�i� c��rY coutic�t� — ESTIf��ATES - -._... � ___�__. ��c�M�_1. _ ' � Smith, Juster, Feikema, Ma}mon & Naskvitz 1250 Quilders Exhannge Bldg. �1i nneapol i s,�ii nnesota 554U2 For legal services rendered for the month of October, 1980 N.D.H. Asphalt, Inc. 700 Industry Avenue (a.GJ. Anoka, Minn. 55303 FINAL Est. No. 4- Street Imp. Project St. 1980-1 FIfdAL Est. No. 3- Street Imp. Project St. 1J80-2 Alexander Construction Co. 14561 Johnny Cake Ridge Road App1e Va11ey, MN 55124 FINAL Est. No, 1- Street Imp. Project St, ?930-3 � • Slurry Kote Service, Inc. 2I4�0 - I47th Avenue North Box 221 Rogers, MN 55374 Payment of 10% retainage - 1980 Slurry Kote Project $2E,485.76 $17,366:27 $ 2,4�O.Q0 $43,852.03 �8G,906.14 $ 1,085.00 1� STATEMENT SMITN, JUST[R, FEIKFM,A, MA( MON &�ASKVITZ � � ATTQRNEYS AT .LAW � 1250 BUILDERS [XCHANGE BLOG. MINNEAPOLIS, MINNE50TA 55402 339-1481 SUBURBAN OFFICE FRIDLEY rCity of Fridley �l 6431 University Avenue N. E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Attention: Mr. Nasim Qureshi, L City Manager J CJr1� �� P4EASL: RETURN TMIS POHTION WITN YOVR PAYMENT DATE � ' � � � BALANCE FORWARDED r=ROA". LAST STATEMENT 11-17-80 Fr,r legal services rendered as Prosecutor for tt;e Ci�y of Fridley during Oct�ber, 1980� Representation of City of Fridley in 16 jury trials and 28 court trials. (43 hours). Processing complaints including citizen inquiries and preparation of 40 formal complaints and review of records, (13 hours - 30 minutes). Conferences regaraing D6�I arrest procedures �nd miscellaneous legal opinions. (2 hours�o 7F��a1 Time (58 hours - 30 minutes). October, 1�80 Retainer $1,300,00 $1,300.00 Time in excess af 30 hours (2.8 hours - 30 minutes). 1,140.00 $2,440.00 SMITH, JUSTER, FEIKEMA, MALMON & HASKVITZ ATTORNEVS 1�T LAW 15 A ].5 B CTi'Y OI' k'I:iDLT'Y . i�.n�,ineerin�; De�artment . 6431 University Avenue Fridley, rSinnesota 5�43'l . Date: November 20, 1980 T0: Honor�ble Mayor and City Council RE: Est. �io. 4(FINAL� (Fznal) City of Fridley Per: Ending Novenber 2�, 1� 980 ' 6431 University Avenue N.�. . �Or N.D.N. Asphalt, It1C. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55432 i= 700 Industry Avenue N.W. Anoka, P�iinn. 55303 STI�TEi•iENT OF ��'ORK St. 1980-1 Gontract Item �,�r� Sod Re�nove Conc. Curb & Gut .Il.� ���s.�r_h��� �_(.f.� �" Concrete Walk trta te r � A re ate Base (Class V Bi Mat for Task _ Ftearin Course ��1ixtur� Bi nd�r Course 1�1i xture �i tcrrninous h�at for t�i x� 1%" 2341 t�!ear Ovzrlav Cleari_ng & Grubbinq Eiuck Excavation Granul ar Borro�,a CO�tTP�ACT . �aLe Unit ti.ties Price r___, _______..__:_ ln ?40, �,�� ,� �� 1, 900 190 5._,.�1� 8.,875 220 5.021 � PP.aGRESS anti�} ' uanta.ty is Est. To Date ,� .. ► 7,155 ��_ � 2 , 080 2,�080 „y.,,, 2,54C 2,540 �' — 5 . 00 ,_$� 1.40 � 7.585 0 Z�205 �10.75 2,000 10.75 0 1,502.37 �.-...4..._.... To Date 8 .588..�� . 5 827 . � �-- 5.400.Qn__ 2,340oGCi 23,253,75 9�,880000 2,413.0� 39 . 2 75�.QQ_, 10,619000 � 16,150047 1�i,49�.44 '7°52. i0.00 '� (' ' �� 15 C sur��-��E�Y : Oriyina1 Cori�iract Amount ' Contr�zct /lddi�ions - Change Order Nos.^L�� Contract Deductions - Change Order fdos. Revised Cortract Amount Val ue Comp�i eted to Date SUB TOTAL Amuunt f�etained {10;�) Less Amount: Paid Previa�usly At�lOUfJT DUE THIS ESTIP�IAI"E CERTIFICATE OF THE CONTRACTOR a ?oB,.Z�.q1 � 50 ,.E�z2 9 . 4 Q., � $ �5�,,422�31 $ 242.112.25 � 242,112.25 � -0- � 215,b26.49 � 26,485.76 I hereby certi fy that tf�e ti�aork perforrred and the materi al s suppl i ed to date under terms of t.he c�ntract for reference pr�ject, and all authorized changes thereto, have an actual value under the conz��act af �he arr�unts shoam on t��is estimate (and tl�e final quantities of ihe fiii�l estimate arz Gorreci), and � �hat thi_s est�ma:te is just and correc� and no; part of the Af�OUNT pUE THIS .�.STI- h1FlTE has �^�^ ��ceived. . By ��r , ; :�/ / �, 1 � f ( � �--- � l , � :!! `� r,�--. � � � �t ��tir�G-1`�, � � � Da te f � � � i - � Ci Con"tractor s P,u�horized Representative Title) CERTIFICATE OF THE ENGIC�EER � hereby certify that I have prepared or examined this esti►nate, and that the contractor is entitled to payment of this estimatz under the contract for re- ference project. . ' CITY Of= FRIDLEY, xCJS�F T4R �---- � ay � ���� �_. C� ��� �� � �'= ..��� J � � Checked E�y . cf=i� ,(� -d`.t��� . Date /� �'f - �'U Respectfully submitted, . CITY OF �RIpLEY - av � � ' �-.�— . C �(�Hi'd G. FLOft�1 Fc�t�lic 4lorks Director � CITY OF FRIDLEY PUBLIC t•lORKS DEPARTh1EtJT ENGINEERING DIVISIOU � 6431 University Avenue N.E. Fri dl ey, ��ii nnesota 55432 tdoven�ber 20, 1980 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Ft~idley c/o Nasim M. Qureshi, City Manager 6431 University Avenue Northeast Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Council Membet•s: CERTIFICATE OF TNE Ef�GINEER 0 We hereby subr�it the Fina1 Estimate No. 4 for Pd.D.H. Asphalt Company, Inc., 700 Industry llvenue Northwest, Anoka, �9innesota 55303, for Street Improve- ment Project Sto 1980-1. , Oricinal Contract Change Order No. 1 Char.�ge Order No. 2 Revi sed Con tract A�tount Fir�al Cons}ruc�.ion Cost St. 1y80�1 15 U $208,792.9I - 5,445,40 45,184,00 $259,422.31 . �242,1I2,25 Less Estimate Noo 1 $ 68,792.10 Less Est�mate No. 2 34,483.92 Less Estimate No. 3 112,350.47 215,626:49 AMOUPdT DUE FINAL ESTIMA7E P�O. 4' $ 2b,485,76 We have vie4ved the work under contract for the construction of Street Im- provement Project Sto 1980-1, and f�nd that the same is substantially com- plete in accordance Hri�th the contract documents. I recommend that final payment be made upon acceptance of the work by your Honorable Body, and that the one-year.contractual maintenance bond commence on tiie date iisted. Respecifully ��ubmitted, . /� j, �%:� �, _ .,� ��.�-- ,i�QHN G. FLORA, P.E, '�-� Pub� i c 4Jarks ll� rector � � �� � Prepared by: ,�.�---- ',C� (;? tti \ ' � �---� - Yn � Checked by: �i����-_�. - November 20, 1980 STa 1980-1 CEpTIFICATE OF TNE C�f•1TRACTOR , :� �- 15 E This is to certify that items of the work shown in this statement of work certified herein have been actually furnished, and done for the above mentioned projects in accordance with the plans and specifica- tions heretofare approved. The final contrac�t cost is $242,112.25, , and the final payment of $26,485.76 for the street improvement project would cover in f�ll, the contractor's clairn� against the City for all � . labor, u�di.er�ials, Gnci ��i�ei work-done }y ���r� contractor under this projecto I declare under the penalties of perjury ihat this statement is just and c�rrect. a N.D.H Asphalt Company, Inc. � �� , � � /, /' � , ��! �� 1 / � , 7 ; ,n �� � /' / � , L �- , 'l,,t r �� l %' i�'.,..�-. � � - / ti�� � � � 1 WILLIAM Q. MILLER Vice President � i . Novernber 20, 19�U T0: Public 4Jorks Director City of Fridley � REPORT ON FINAL INSPECiION FOR STREET INPROVEP�IENT PROJECT STo 1980-1 We, the under�igned, have inspected the above mentioned project and find that the work requlred by the contract is s��bstantially complete in con- formity with the plans and specifications of the project. All deficiencies have been corrected by the contractor. Also, the work fior which the City feels the contractor should receive a reduced price has been agreed upon by the contractor. So, therefor��, we recommend to you that the_City anprove the attac'r��� FINAL ESTIf�ATE for the contractor and the one-year r�aintenance bond, starting from the day of the final inspecti��n, that being Novenber 20, I980. � � ' �? � (7h' c �n �� �-0E�-'ZENTGR�F • Construciion Inspector � ' ;° /� � 'J ;'.. ���' � `rr!;' � �. ! 1 � � ' / � /,�4 �/�� � .ti.�'`"",� � ��• � ���� '�✓�-�''�-.�� L� �• �WILLIAh1 Bo h1ILLER Contractor Representative 15 F d � r . 15 G � � CT1'Y U1� Ff?TDL.:Y � � , Fnf;i.neer. in£; Dr.p� rti�ent � . � 6/�31. li.^.;.versit:y Avc�ilue � • � Fr:ictley, 24iiulesota 55432 � ' l�ac:e� ldovember 20, 1980 . � F.st. r]o. 3 (FI�JAL) (Final) 10: �tonorabl.e t�ay�r a;id C:i.ty Council �" fJovember 20, 1980 City of Fridley Per. Endin� 6431 University lvenue N.E. k'or . riinneagoZis, Minnesota 55432 , N.D.H. Asphalt, I11C. =700 Industry Avenue N.4J. ' • Street Imp. Proj. St. 1980-2 � , Anoka, ��1�� 55303 ' �Tr,Trr.�;�r,7' pF' j•?�n?; . • . CO;tTP.�`�CT YP.OGP.r.SS _ ConCzact Ite:a 's ���ai:�� U�ni�-�uanLity Juantity Elmoiint Qu�nti.t'ies' Yrice �Lhis Est. To Date To Date a 1 ve [3S2X�..d.l�'"�` °n t- [i r 4 �"""_z Q - - • ,. ;,,, _ _ �rtl - Topsoi 1 Borro4r 0 2341 Binder Course Mixture Bi t milious t�tat for Mi xti�r .�_ 4 75 CY � 460 (1: ��.. SY�. . - 0 ' � 2 993.42 1Q,476.97 _ 9,700 7,275.00_ 11 250 16�t875.00 _ 460 �� 2,185.0� - �. _ .. _. . _. i . . � 1-� I • J • ...._ - - - � � � � � . • ' ...��..� . .�... $173,028.9 t `!'OT:1L . � _ .. _ _ . SU�„�ARY : Oric�inal Contract Amount Contract ticfditions � Change Order Nos. Contract Deductions -- Change Order Nos. Revised Cantract Amount Value Comp?eted ta Date SUa TOTAL Anount Retaincci (10;�) Less Amount Paid Previously A��(Ot1�dT DUE THIS ESTIP�tATE CERTIFICATE OF iHE CONTRACTOR . :` � 147,�2=�Q, 00 $ � $ 167�, 93Q, 00 .._.,, $ 173 028.94 .,, $ 173,028.94 $ -0- $ 155,662.67 � $ 17,366.27 _ I hereby certify that the ��1ork performed ahd the raterials supplied to da�t�: under terms of �he contr•act for reference project, and all authorized chan,�s thereto, have a�i actua] value under the contract of the amounts sho:�m on tFis estimate (and t`�A final quant�t�es afi' tne final estimate are correct}, ar,d � that this est��ate is just and correct and no part of the At�90UNT DUE ThI:�-ESTI- MATE has De°!? ±�?ceived. � ��� ///,II � , ,� ` i J�'! 'f 1 �/t ! � / . �/� ` � j/ I � � ,� / ` �,i� . I � � � � � V Qy J ;: �- � �_�. -,-. '-� • ��� ��'�:4 v-•-� t,` V Dat2 �� -- � � Contractor s Authorized Representative Title � CERTIFICATE OF THE ENGINEER I hereby certify that I have prepared or examin?d ihis estimate, and ihat the contractor is entitled to payment of this estimate under the contract for re- ference project. , ' CITY OF FRIDI,EY� PECTOR � gy . C? ' (� i-�, � r• � _ `.�- Checked Qy , �i!�/s? ��,��c�-��� Date ,�.Z� -f'<f Resoectfully submitted, � • CITY OF FRIDLEY , . , �. �� E3� -'«,.�-- Ji,1t(P; G. FLURA ,r�(�i�hl i c L�lorks Di rector 15 Es � CITY UF FRIDLEY PUQLIC 4lJRKS bEP/1P,T!-1F�dT ENGINECRING DIVISIOiV 6431 University Avenue N.E. Fridley, Minnesata 55432 November 20, 1980 Honorable Mayc�r and City Council City of Fridley c/o tJasim M. Qureshi , City P�anager 6431 University Avenue Northeast Fridley, P�innesota 55432 Counci 1 P�embers : . CERTIFICATE OF THE EfdGINEER r We hereby submit the Final Estimate No. 3 for N.E.H. Asphalt Company, Incorporated, 700 Industry Avenue Northwest, Anoka, Minnesota 55303, for Street Imnrovement Project St. 1980-2. Oririnal Contract Fin;zl Construction Cost St. 1980-2 Less Estimate No. 1 Less Est�imate Pdo. 2 Amount Paid Previous7y � 39,865.58 115,797.09 $167,930.00 $173,028.94 �155,662.67 . AMOUNT DUE FINAL ESTIMATE NOo 3 $ 17,366.27 We have viewed the work und2r contract for the construction of StreeL Improvement Project St, 1980-2, and find that the saine is subst�ntially complete in accordance with the contract documents. I recommend that final payment be made upon acceptance of the ��rork by your Honorable Qody, and that the one-year contractual maintenance bond commence on the date listed. - Respectfully su�mitted, � ,�;�j /-���..�.�- � 0 N G. FLORA, P.E. Public Works D�rector � I Prepared by�---� ., (� i't-� _ �� ` ��i Checked by: ��''�/�::....-�f ,.��� ).�. �_��J" ?5 I ..:.�' November 20, 1980 ST. 1980-2 '` . � 15 J C�RTIFICATE OF THE CONTRACTOR This is to certify that items of the work shown in this statement of work certifiied herein have been actually furnished, and �one for the above mentionPd projects in accordance with the plans and specifica- tions heretofore approved. The final contract cost is �173,038.94, and the final payment of $17,356.27 for street :mprovement projects would cover an full, the contractor's claims against the City for a11--., labor,-materials, and other work done by the contractor under this project. I declare under the penalties of perjury that this statement is just and correct. ' N.D,H. Asp�alt Company, Inc. ; /�� ,�' /• /;'� , , ;� �' ?,' , , n �; (, f,`,�„�(`� �i�.tV : �� ! / l � -�� � . �', ILLIAM a, MILCER Vice President � ` November 20, 1980 T0: Publ i c t�Jorks Di rector City of Fridley REPORT ON FIfdAL INSPECTION FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1980-2 We, the unders�gned, have inspected the above mentioned projects and find that the tirork•required by the contract is substantially complete in conformity ���ith the plans and specifiications of the project. A71 deficienci��s have been corrected by the contractor. Also, the work for which the City feels the con�ractor should receive a reduced price has been agreed upon by the contractoro So, ther�tore; we FINAL ESTIh1ATE for starting fram the 1980. � recommend to you that th� City approve the attached �the contractor and the one-year maintenance bond, day o-F the final inspection, that be�ng November 20, r---•� ; � ` �; �-�� ( ' l !� � ., e-� ; �: � �- �.� /'� �' �--E1EC ZEIJTGRAF � . Construction Inspector � /< < i� �/ ' � � � . � � ,� ,? � ���, J , (�� . r, „ � � i �,, �,�.�--. � i � „�,-t, LdTLLIAhi Bo NIILLER Contractor Representative 15 '< �� ' � 15 L crrY r�t� � i�t:� t�r.t:Y i:n•,� f nc•c•t' I ii;�, 17:•}�nr t inc•��C Gh:il Uni.vr�i-:: i.t.y l.vc•nuc , ).'r.id7.c�y, tii.�inc :ol�► 55�►32 Unte; Noven�ber 20, 19r;0 . . ' ' 20: }:unoraUlc 2•ta�or .���d Ci.t'y Council ' itl;: F:st. ilo.,`.�(Fj�Eil� CFin�zl) Cl.ty of. kri.ciley 1'cr. l:nd�.ng__[�LO�LL.�Q.••19?0 6431. Univcr�i�y !'�vciiue N.I:. � 2'or t•fi.nneapol.is, �linncsota. 55432 Alexander Constructian Co. 1r�561 Johnny Cake Ridge Road Appl e Va l l ey, t�Pd 55124 • . � S�. 1980-3 . �`���'1'T"T`�T (1?. ���r�. . ,...�.... _-�,�_...........--_:_.._..,_.:...._�.._. _.__ � '.."� .. Ci1; :1':'.i:CT YF;OG`r:ESS Contract Iteia �J J•l::�1.�:4 Unit �l��i��nti.c}� �uant�Ly A:nount r}u�ntitic,^ PrS.ce Tl>;� l:st. To Date To I::�Ce 'alve Qor. Ad,iustm�nts _ 3 ea•_� 75.0� ._. 3 � 22z��00 . _'���.t Fr��._ � f2inc Cast.in_�_ _ 3 ea._ —_11.��99 � 3 3�' ,00 - �nor� Eu�.4`rat-;,�n _ �1,Qq��Y �q __1.408 1,408 _ _ 3,942,40 _ ,emove Cr,ncrete Cur� � Gutt�r � 150 L.F ?_.00 �.�sa_��__�__G_u�i��-(�-�.-� 1} 6 3-`� 0 L- F� 4, 6 5 :; e� 20 <<".G� � 12.00 . re a1:e Base - Class V 4,100 Ton � 4.45 _ �341 6ir,der CoursE ij�ixture ____� 1,�00 7on 9.75 _ :ii tunii nous h:�t.eri al tor f�ii x�__� 66 Ton _ i�0.00 _ �'ark�.n� �ot Hard S�,�f• .° ;: �� _.-- .,.3Qs'%_.�..�Y �4�_._=.._ , - �.. = . - , ,.. _ _ ._ _a .._ r"arce Acc�.'for Gradinc� ` , er. hr. ] . . � �-- • i./• / .�1. • . � / . .�. 1 � _ \ ._ --- �-----.--- - ,., _._. __._ `_ ___ -- --• � ..._...�......___.� - - - _.... � �_.._.�..__-- .'OT�1T, 1 :71 ..- . - �12 1Q4:71 �. � 1 ■ , _.:___..::..__......_..--- �f30,90G.14 w-_��------------ SUf1i�AR'{ ; Ori�i���l Cui�tr�ic:t /1n,uunL Contr��ct lldditiar�� - Changc Ordcr tJos. Cc�ntr�ct Deduci.ior�s - Ch��n��e Order Nos. Revised Cuntract Amount Value Comp��teci to Date SU6 TOTAL Less Air,ount Paid Previousiy At�OU��T DUE TNIS ESTI��HTE CERTIFICATE OF TNE CO�ITRACTOR $ 104,70Z,5Q � $ � 10�:707050 $ 80l906.14 _ $ 80,905.14 $ � $ 80,906014 15 f�i 1 I hereby certi �ti� th�t th� ��aor�k perform�d and �'1ie r�a'teri al s supp"1 ied' to �date --- under terms of the contract for refe.rence pro,;ect, and ail authorized changes thereto, have an ac�:ual value �!nder the contr��ct o� the amounts shotiti�n on t'i�s estimate (and ti:�� final q��antities of the fir�al estimate are correct), and that this estii�� te is just and correct and ne par�t of the A��iOUNT DUE THIS �STI- MA7E has been i:�GPI VP.d. • Ey ��C� ���Y_rZ^� /'�,� ��, �e �r �'S . Qate /� �¢ -�G Con�ractor s Author�,�ed Representa�ive Ti�le) CERTTFICATE OF TNE EhGIP1EER I hereby certii'y that I have prepared or examined tt�is estimate, and that the contractor is entitled to payment of this estimate under the contract for re- ference project. CITY OF FR�DLEY,, �dSPECTOR � / � [� �� �- � Y�-'�' � � r� � - y � ��.� Checked Qy /i`���Ji.�� �� � Qd�� �/ v� '�' ��l� Respectfully submitted, CITY OF �RIDLEY ., . . . `� �/��„� t3Y_ ��_ /J(�il�, (�, fI.OR�1 r`�T'�::�lic t���•ks Uirecfi.or CI1Y OF FRIDLEY f'U(�LIr, „�f�f;S Ul�f'/11<T��1[��lT EWGI��EERING OIVISIOPI . 6431 Univer�ity /�venue �d.E. Fridley, hlinnesota 55432 t�ovember 20, 1�80 Honorable Maycr and City Council City of Fridley c/o tdasim P�. Qureshi , Ci ty Manager 6431 University Avenue Northeast Gouncil f�lembers: CERTIFICATE OF THE E�drIPJEER We hereby subm�t the Final Estimate Pdo. I for Alexander Construction Company, 14561 Johnny Cake Ridge Road, Apple Valley, ��1innesota 55124, for Street ImFrovement Project St. 1980-3. OriGinal Contrac� Final Construction Cost St. 1980�' AMCJPdT DUE FII�AL ESTIt�ATE Pd�. 1� $104,707.50 $ 30.,906.14.. $ 8U,906.14 We have vievred the work under contract for the construction of Street Improvement Project St 198Q-3, and find that the same is substantially complete in accordance with the contract documents. I recommend that final payment ae made upon acceptance of �he work by your Hvnorable Body, a��d that the one-year contractual maintenance bond commence on the date listed. Respectfully submitted, �z��� ONN G. FLORA, P.Ee Public Works Director Prepared by: �.._ C� � !� ` - �-� Checked by: f/ �j:�� -t-�-�- __� C 15 r� � . 15 0 t�ovc�tnber 20, 19�0 St. 19�0-3 CFRTIFICATE OF THF CONTRACTOR This is to certify that items of the work s,�own in this statement of work certifie� herein have been actually fu�,nished, ard done for the above mention�.d project in accordance with vhe plans and specifications heretofore approved. The final contract co�� is $80,906.14 and the . �. final payment of $8U,906.14 for the street ',mprovement project would .cover i n fui i, the con tractor's cl ai �ns aga� ��s i the Ci ty for al l l abor, materi�ls .�n�i �other� wark done by the ce�i;rac�or urder this projecto . I cleclare under the penalties of perjury that this �tatemeni is just and correct. Alexander Construction Company �� (,�Ci� n/' �'1.�1.�./'� Gi! L� �%��" �S � Contractor Representat�.ve T�tle ��ovcriber 2�Q, 19�0 T0: Publ i c 4lorks Di rector Ci ty of Fri d] ey REPORT O�d FIf��1AL If�SPECTiGN FOR STREET IP�PRCVEP�IENT PROJEC � ST, 1980-3 15 P We, the undersigned, have inspected the abo�e mentioned projects and find that the work required by the contract is substantially complete in conformity ��rith the plans and specifications of the project. ' ' All deficiencies have been corrected by the contractor. Also, the work for which the Gity feels the contra�tor should receive a. reduced price has been agree�i upon by the contractor. So, the�°efore, we recommend to you that ihe City ap�rove the attached FINAL ESTI"�cHTE for the contractor and the cne-year m�i�itenance bend, .. starting frv��: the day•of the fi11d1 ?n��AC�'?ri�'t� that hc�n; November �i, 1980. �"� �? � : � �,v`�.� t• n c. �-�DEL�ZE�TGfZAF Construction Inspector l �e�_ C�.�,�-���..� v: � { Pr �-s Contractor Representative Tit2e 1'C}E7ROPOLITAfI tUAITE " ' CC�� 1T��L ' CUfflfili/110f1 � lwsn Ci�+��s fi�c><a 350 (TIETRO/pUf?RE BLDG. 7TH& ROi,ERTITR:ETJ lAif1T PaUL (T1f155101 612 222•a i�23 .� ���iPd �.� 1�TOVHTI�E'.r' 21. � 1.98 � The Hanorable William J. Nee City of Fridley 6431 University Ave. N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Dear 5ir: ' The Metropolit�n Waste Control Ca�nission is desirous of i*�res�-�: ng and exr�anding its ca�municatians with the over 1b0 Iocal units cf g�v�,rnm�en� it serves in t�.e se��en cc�unty r.!etropolitan area. t�hen the Metrcpolitan Sewer Act was enacted by tne legislatuYe ov�Y a decade ago, it provid�. for t�.e establisY�nent of 5��� Service Area Advisozy Boards (SSAAB} fcr the rn.;tFcses of reviewing, carmenung and advi�ing the Ccmrission on it; v-�ious activities. The Ccnm�ssion �uld like to re-ac�i��ite these ser,vice area advisozy boards, i_here_fore we wr�uld like to su<x�est t.ha� you and your council appoint a� of the council or an e�nplayee to serve on this Advisory �oard. T�:e responsibilities of the Advisory 13oard would be tr� review and c-�.�ment on s1:eh mattt.xs as the cost allocai�.on syst�n, oberating b�gets, capital ir.��rov�nt prograir�s, air/water quality s�-.andards, nzture wast�ra�PZ st..�ndarc�s and related operat?ng and capi�al costs, and other suc�� ni3t-��rs that c�uld require revi� �and �nt. Ir� addit � on, mar:y of the problem.s and rrisunde.rstandings that oc.�ct:s irc�n time to tirn� m��- be bett� handled in this prcress. We would appreci.ate it vesy much i� your apt�cint�nt can be made hy Janua.iy �.0, 1981. If you nave any c;,�estio. s, please call Mr. Anthcny C. Gnerre at 222-8423. �'his suggested �rocedures is not intended to be a�ornal organi�ation with d��ision r,iaking or �licy pcx�vec�-°s, for tha� •,�:ild i� coritrary �o the la=as cr the Sta�-e n�hich im�ose upon t.�:e C.�rmission tilese respansibilities. Rath�x, this is an effort to gain the ad�Tice Gnd ]�cwledge of the c^�rn�riti�s and to s.'�are with the c�z��*tunit �es facts and �x�.xtise avaiiab� e to the Comnission in as e.xF�clitious a;�v-ay as g�s5ibie. Your coopt�xation or_ this matter will be greatly appreciated and shoul3 proE�i�e a gre�:.ter opx�ort;uzi.ty to serve tY:e people of this region in � m�re prc.�ductivz and ef�icient m�ru:er. i�t�c:�e� is a schedule id�r_tif_Y ��g conarnu�i �i� with.:.n �ch ser�aice are�.. Bera�:se of the variatior.s in sizn, each SS.�PB may ��rell set up 3i.fferent precedures and ;�eti.r:c� schedu.les; we �,aoula hc�.e tt:at these �,�uld at leas � be s�ni.-annu�:l meeti�as by e�ch. Vz..Yy t-xul.y yo�ars, .- �-'' ' �i .. ��� � ��, S�lisbur`r �c3�rw C�l?ZTk�.il SA:pd ec. C�.��m.iss��ner representin� service area 16 cor�uNrr�s � s�v�x s�rlvzcc� � No. 1 AYden Hilzs Mc�cli.cine Lake • B�-z'���d P4endota Heic�hts � Brooklyn Center Minneapolis ' Col�bia Heights New Hope ��- Nort.h O�a]cs Dell� �Toz�th St. Pau1 �� O�kdale Falcan Heights Plylrouth Forest Lake Richfield Forest Lake �tup. Robbinsdale Fridley Roseville Gc�n Lake St. Anthony Golden Valley , St. Lo�� �.� Park Hilltop � St. Paul. Hopkins Shoreview H��° Vadnrazs Heights Lake Elmo West St. Paul Lsndfall. White Bear Lake Iaudexdale White Bear �tap. Lilydale Willernie Little Canada �b�, N1al�t.c�r�edi � Mapl�w�od 16 �