05/12/1980 - 00013546k �� V
The City Council met as the Board of Review and the meet�ng was called to order
at 7 3D p.m by Mayor Nee.
Mayor Nee led the Council and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the
MEMBERS PRESENT Mayor Nee, Councilman Fitzpatrick, Councilwoman
Moses, Councilman Schne�der and Councilman Barnette
Mayor Nee stated the Council would now be meeting as the Board of Review and
upon concTusion of th�s meetinq, the pu6lic hear�ng meetinq of the Council
would be opened.
He stated the meetinq of the Board of Review is required by State law to meet
and review market values of properties and to hear objections of property
owners. He pointed out the Council has the power to make an adjustment in the
market value, either up or down within certain limits.
Mayor Nee stated, after the property owners have been heard this evening
and, if they feel they have not been treated fairly, a formal ob�ection
should be made in order to protect their r�ght of appeal.
Mayor Nee stated every property in the City is physically assessed every
four years at which time the records are brought up to date. This means
that one-fourth of the property in the City had an on-site inspection and the
balance of the property is reassessed according to a formu7a prov�ded for
in the State requlations.
Mr. Iverson, 4519 2nd Street, stated he objected to the rise in the value of
his property, as he felt it was unwarranted. He stated no improvements
have been done to the property for the 18 years he has lived there, except
to keep it clean and paint it.
Mr. Iverson stated he didn't feel the property is worth $42,500 and abjected
to the increase from last year which was $33,500
Mr. Herrmann explained the lim�ted value last year was $33,500, but the
estimated value was $36,600, which is approximately a 13% increase over last
year's market value. Mr. Herrmannstated he felt this wouldn't 6e an over-
evaluation of this property. Councilman Barnette asked Mr. Iverson if he knew
of any homes in hts area that have been sold and the price for which they
were sold. Mr. Iverson indicated he was not interested in this matter.
Councilman Schneider potnted our, by State law, the City is required to assess
property on what they consider is a fair market value
Mr. Iverson stated he o6jected to the value 6eing raised when no improvements
have been made to the property.
Mayor Nee state this item could be referred back to the Assessor to obtain
figures on the sale price of comparable property in the area. Mr Iverson
felt this would be satisfactory with him, and wished the Council to check
into the matter further
Mrs. June Sentyrz, 129 Crown Road, stated she felt her property is valued for
more than it is worth. She stated the value was raised about $9,OD0 this year
Mrs Sentyrz stated, wtth her husband retirinq next year, the taxes would be
so high they would be taxed out of their home.
� �,
Mayor Nee pointed out, even though the value is raised, it doesn't necessarily
mean the taxes would be increased. He explained what the City must arrive at
is the fair market value of what the home would sell for if it was placed on
the market. Mr. Herrmann stated the value did go up $9,900 to $47,200. He
also pointed out the average home in this area sold for $53,80D so didn't
feel the property was overvalued.
Mrs. Sentyrz stated she didn't realize if one home in the area sold for $65,000
� it would have a bearing on the value of other homes. Mr. Herrmann explained
if one home had sold at a much higher price it probably had some additional
features to bring such a price, but if most of the other homes were sellinq in
the $50,000 -$55,000 range, this would be the 6asis for determing the
market value.
Mayor Nee asked Mrs. Sentyrz if she wished to reg�ster an ob�ection and have
the Assessor's office check into the matter. Mrs. Sentyrz stated her questions
had been satisfactorily answered.
Mrs. Lindberg, 5216 Pierce Street, questioned the r�se in the market value of
her home. The value 7ast year was $52,800 and this year it is $59,400
Mayor Nee asked Mrs. Lindberg if she felt her home would sell for $59,400 Mrs
Lindberg stated she felt it would beamuch lower figure.
Mr. Herrmann stated, he felt, if the mill rate stays the same, Mrs. Lindberg's
taxes would remain about the same or possibly go down
Mayor Nee explained the changes made by the Legislature in the homestead
credit and an increase in the market value doesn't necessarily mean taxes
would �ncrease. He stated, if Mrs. Lindberg didn't fee1 her home was worth
the value placed on �t, the Assessors' office would review it. Mrs. Lindberg
stated she would like this reviewed.
� Mr B. A. Westeren, 5222 Pierce Street, stated he has the same complaint as
he didn't feel the increase was justified. Mr. Westeren stated h�s home is
960 square feet, which is small in today's market, and didn't feel it should
be compared with the larger homes.
Mr Westeren stated he wasn't complaining about an increase, but felt this was
too much, and requested the City review the value placed on his property.
Mr Walter Iskierka, 6170 Starlite Boulevard, voiced a complaint on the value
placed on his property. He felt the value of his property went down $10,000
because development adjacent to h�s home has ruined his property. He pointed
out his garden and fence have been ruined because of the development of the
lots ad�acent to his property.
Mr. Herrmann stated the value 7ast year was �43,600 and this year �t is $48,900.
Mayor Nee stated the Ctty has no power to enforce prtvate covenants, but Mr
Iskierka does have the right to go to court to enforce those covenants.
Mr. Herrtck, City Attorney, stated if the plat had drainage easements and these
were filled by the developer, Mr. Iskierka would have the riqht to take action.
He stated the City doesn't have the authority or means to enforce the disputes
between neighbors and, if the situation is as bad as he states, he felt Mr.
Iskierka should consult an attorney.
� Mr. Herrmann stated a protest was received on the value placed on the Barry
Blower property. He stated an appraisal 6y Mr. Haines, representinq Barry
Blower, was a little less than the City's, however, Mr. Ha�nes felt th�s may
be acceptable with the company, but wanted an opportunity to consult with them,
therefore, wanted the protest noted at this meetinq. Mayor Nee suggested this
item be kept open, and �f they wished, a protest could be filed at the next meeting
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Mr Herrmann stat� a protest was a7so received from Rapid Oil Change and this
should be noted for the record. Since the County determines the value of service
stat7ons, the protest could be heard at this level.
Mr. Herrmann stateia protest was received from Leonard and Mary Lind, 1620
75th Avenue regarding the market value of their home. He stated the Linds
were unable to attend the meeting this evening and called to register the protest
so it could be noted for the record.
Mr Herrmann stated he felt staff could give the Council the further tn-
formation requested in time for the next meeting, and therefore, the
following act�on was taken.
MOTION by Councilman Barnette to continue this hearing of the Board of Review
unt�l the next meeting on May 19, 1980. Seconded by Councilman Schneider
Upon a voice vote, all voted aye, and Mayor Nee declared the motion carried
unanimously. This meeting adjourned ai 8.z5 p m.
Respectfully su6mitted,
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Carole Haddad
Recording Secretary
Approved June 2, 1980
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Willi J. Nee