07/27/1981 CONF MTG - 5297� s � r FRIDLEY CITY COUiJCIL CONFEREPJCE MEETI�G JULY 27, 1981 1. Review of the R-1 Portion of the Chapter 205 Zoning Code 2. Discussion Regarding 1982 Budget Recommendations 3. Other t - .. �� � � AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER 205 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE GENERALLY KNOWN AS THE FRIDLEY ZONItvG CODE � Public Hearing by The Fridley Planning Commission Septem�ex'--a 4s�� � , 1-1* s----�r' , �}•f;-�,,---�.-o=�-a-� ��� Z2. �S�/� r� 1 ��/!u( T`1P�0 oti �� il�'CE'0 = o r i f in.. / - ti n�>� /,r►,� .r =/° C a �C�/,s� ���.� � � � �. r � ��� �l/����r � ,. ,,�-- � �,;:!�-�/ u,�. �.1�,��u- ��'.i�.Gei� iS,¢ " � �..+2��',Le.� ��IL"�,,.6� C/ � �.r� c`�c� i �� i . i ! � i s � i � . I• � '� � / ��� 205. ZONING 205.Ot. Purposo 71ie (oliov+ing zoninfl p�ovisions and the zoninfl map estat�lished hereby have been enacted ' ' FOQ TNE E P�CMo�t��IC� �,;,;;�.;�,;:cic,i..� p�a^ �+ �°^� �•�u �tw purpose �ea�e�Fe tl�e liealth, safety, morals, comfort, convenience, prosperity, ar�d �eneral wel(are, of lac�d +h�.�h^�..�} the City. , � � , , � 205.02 GOALS These zoninQ regulations are intended to achieve the followinq goals: 1. To develop and promote ideals necessarv to �maintain the economic well being of the community. 2. To promote sound land manaqement and orderlv development of the ,COmmunity. �3. To improve and promote safety in all transportation movements in rthe community. 4. To promote safety from fires and other disasters. 5. To regulate the densitv of .oevelopment in the City to ensure ade uate service b overnmental facilities such as streets, schools, recreation, fire protection, po ice and uti ity systems. 6. To promote the conservation and improvement of the environment . throuqh a desirable and workable arrangement between nafuraT ea ures, land uses and transportation and energy systems. � 7. To conserve the economic value of land and buildings in the community. 8. To promote an economic base capable of supporting a desirable S an ar �-iving or a resi ents. 9. To maintain the City's image. 10. To provide for and maintain a diversity of suitable housing and living environment for a persons. ti�e q�oals and ol y/and ta quide. an based on the "Gomprel�ensive Nlan". j e c t i v e s��f �j(� �Y�''���/ /�i� direct the_ cortununiiy's development � 2Q5."v2 D:Si�itior.s � / /''+f� /"r"'��/ �s . �{p�/r. @, ��� �� f� �� . For !f,��� uu; pose u( this ch:,ptcr, � ., � ..v ' ' . �. , � ' ' 205.02 {'UfpOSA GOALS Uefiniti�ns ��*-G..l.2�L �f/��— � ' / � „ 1. ACCE3SORY USE OR STiiUCTUP,E: !+ subordinate building or use which is located on the same lot�ea-wta+cb. , the rnsin building or use is situated and w�is�i-is reasonably necessary and incidental to the conduct of the primary use oi such buildinfl or main use. � 2. ALLEY: A public ripht-o`-way less than thirty.(30) feet in width which �tfords secondary access to abutting property. 3. ALTERP�ATE ENERGY DEVICES - non-fossil fuel energy devices._ y, � APARTMENT: A room or suite oi �ooms in a muttipl��, � slr ure, which is arranged, designed�e� used or intended to be used as a housekeeping unit . FoR ONE C�) F4M��Y . 5. BIKEWAY: A designated surface for the use of bicycles. �$ BLOCK: That property abutting on one side of a street and lying between the two nearest intersectin� or Interceptinfl streets or nearest intersectinp or intercapting street and railroad right-of-way, waterway, or other ba►rier to or pap in the continuity of development alonq such street. ;� ROOMIN(� OR LODGIN(� HOt)SE : �, # BOAROING HOUSEy Any dwelling other than a hotel where meals or lodgings and meala to� compensation are provided tor five or more persons, not members of the principal family therein, pursuant to previous ananpements and not to anyone who may apply, but not includinp a building haviny ten (10) or more fluest rooms. 8. BOULEVARD: That area between the street surfacing or curb and the pub ic r�g t-o �yay ine, ' NAVINC� A ROOF, L�11.T q 4� BUILOING: Any structure�for the shelter,.s+�ppoFi or enclosure oi persona, animals, aAatials or property of sny kind, . 10 -�- BUILDING HEIGHT: The vertical distances measured trom the average elevation of the finished qrade at the iront of the buifdinfl to the highest point of the root in the case of a flat roof; to the deck line of a mansard root; and to the mean height level between eaves and �idge of a pable, hip or qambrel roof. . Il -}4: BUSINESS: Any occupation, employment or enterprise wherein merchandise is exhibited or sold, or which occupies time, attention, labor or materials, or where services are offered for compensation. 12. CHURCH: A building where persons worship and which is maintained and organized to sustain pu ic a�orship. re ularl assemble for reli ious contro ed by a re igious body 13. COMP�ON OPEN SPACE: Land, water, or a combination of land and water w�thin a p anned residential deve opment which is des� ned and tn en e or e use an en�o ment o residents o the develo r�ent exceat indivi ua ui d�nq ots and and accepted for public dedicat.ion. 14. CONDOt�tINIUM: Structures containinq apartment units which are individuall scld for rivate ownershi without rivate ownershi of any and. The owner shall share ownership of common or shared facilities. 15. CURB GRADE: The established elevation of �the curb in front of the building measured at the center of auch iront. Where no curb grade has been established, the City shall establish such curb level�uixataaL- 16. DISTRICT: A aection o� s,:tions oi the incorporated area of the City for which the regulations and provisions governing !he use of buildinp and �and are uniform for each claas of use permitted therein. 2 `� RE510ENT� AL 4l -�8- DWELLING: A„puilding or portion thereof, �sastdentla but not including hotels, a boardiny and 1e�g+wg-beuses. ROOM�NCa HOMES � TOt�R�ST 4iOME5 , RECf�EAT10NAL VEHICLES OR TENTS. a1,.�-r� ��1n��c�/� 18. DWELLING, LIMITED: A separate dwellinq_unit Ycompletely contained �.r�l�:.,,�% within a sinq — - --- - related to the � �-family structure��i an occupancv imited to c ���nclple occupant by blood, marriage, or adoption. 'r�.�`�`�,`,`�- _ /4'G- a,y �Lt _ ..�JG �1.VC,,,,r�.C,vy,,,T''� O 19. DWELLING, ONE-FAMILY: A detached buildiny designed exclusively for occupancy by one tamily. 20. OWELLING, TWO-FAMiLY: A building designed exclusively for occupancy by two tamilles livinp independently of each other. Z1. DWELLINC�MULTIPLE: A buildij�q or portion thereof dealgned for occupancy by three or more familfes livinp independently of each other. � �eN4���-ocr.++Danc�-b�C �ne-taa+t�y-tac-uv►ag-e.-a+ 22. DWELLING UNIT: A single unit providinq complete indenendent livin facilities for one or more persons includinq permanent provisions for iving, s eeping, eating, cookin and sanitation 23. f AMILY: An Indlvldual, or two o� mo�e persons related by blood or maniape, � 9�4� or adoption, includin foster children and bonafide domestic servants, wit t e o owing exceptions: A No more than five (5) unrelated persons livin4 in a sinale house keepinq unit, 6. Grou___home which is a federal tax exempt non-�rofit organization provided the total number of nersons ot f ive 5 . �3eca$e-o:il�c-0i-�Pcivai�.-Passer}ger-molac-vet�icics,- .oi-w.kiich..� -0ssupar.t:: ot_the -maia-bulldiag.- --2g,--l��A�'i�-RU�Bl.lC:-A-bui lding-a4bes-tha —�utou�.ohil�s.:,-0r-u�hue such..vehicles-arr; pauked.or-st �BC-sala-sv+tAi�-tbe-si�►+�i+� 24. GARAGE, PRIVATE: An accessor buildin or accessor ortion of the princi,pal bui ding which is used to store motor vehicles or other �ersonal property of the resident of the propertv. remuneration, or repair within the structure as a service accessory .to the main use. 26. GARAGE, REPAIR: Place where major repair, such as engine re-�uiTding or recondition�•n9 ot motor vehicles; collision services such as bod frame or fer�der straichtenin and overa patnt�ng o motpr vehicles is conducted. Service limited up to two ton capacity. 27. GARAGE, HEAVY DUTY REPAIR: Place where major repair of motorve �c�les or equ�pmen over a wo on capaci y occurs. 3 �8 � GRADE, FINISH[U GROUNO: Finished average ground clevation along tlie iront wall ot tlie main building. 2q -f�- GUEST fi00t,A: A room occupied by one or more guests tor compensalion in which no provision is made tor cooking, but not inciuding rooms in a dormitory lor sleeping pu�poses primar�iy. 30o Home Occupation: Any gai,nful occupation or profession engaged in by the occupant of a dwelling unit at or from the dwelling unit when carried on within a dwelling unit and not in an accessory building, and which is clearly incidental and secondary to the resi- dential use of the premises and does not change the character there- of! a. Such uses include professional offices, minor repair services, — photo or art studios, dressmaking or teaching and similar useso b. No stock in trade shall be stored outside the building. c. Over-the-counter retail sales are not involved, except for items made on the premises, d. Entrance to the home occupation is gained from within the — structure. e. Teaching shall be limited to six �6,� students at any given timeo f. Da care facilities servin ten 10 or fewer ersons shall — be allowed � . g_ o ome occupation s a e permitted that results in the need for more than two (2) parking spaces at any given time, in addi- tion to spaces required by the occupant (family). h. Occupations requiring the hiring of employees other than the — members of the immediate family shall not qualify as a home occupation. 31 fyr HOSPITAL OR SANITARIUM: An institution open to the public, in which sick patients or injured persons ^ are given m edicai or surgical care; or for ihe care of contagious diseases or incurable patienis. 32 �9r HOTEL: A building designed for occupancy as the more or less temporary abiding place of individuals who are lodged with or without meal�, in which there are six (6) or more guesi rooms, and in which no provisions are made tor cooking in any individual room or suite. ' INTEGRAL PART OF A PRINCIPAL STRUCTURE �I~n � 1 conformit to the princi ap 1 Structure in terms of framing, finishing, and overal use. 6-•R1f�(��AIRE61E+N8-0f1-d klNiE-�'#i�B-:-A��I � -�arislheceot,- � � � ` �se�-tor-wrecking-ot-s{er+Ag-0 � --aAa�Hiflef;-ef-part-s-�efeot; s �oraa� , . JUNK YARD, AUTO SALV terials are bouqht, sold, handled as a arincipal use, and other metals, paper, ra� includes an auto wreckin� inc ude uses that are entire approved recyc ing centers. u xchanQed, stored, I includinq, but not , rubber, wire and ard or auto salva � w�thin enc osed b� limited to, scrap iro bottles. A junk yar e ard, but does no i dinas or City Counci 35. KENNEL: Any lot or premises on which three (3) or more dogs and or cats at ieast four (4) months of age are kept. 3�0 ..a2� IACGRnTORY: A place devoted to experimental study such as testing and analyzing. Manutacturing of product or products fs not to be pormitted wilh(n this definition. �i �3, LIVING AREA: The living area of a building is that area of a building desiQned to be used or actually used tor ` �71Z-Av1-e' living purposes, i -usad,�or-Jamil�r�os��* �t„i- �t'H"'Z' , . e1�i-s�ee4�aee or -builcf+ac�}s; for-the-ters�erary--Pafk+ng-of a corwfner�s' ��2tefi3i�- ��6�t�16--#O���dittg-rv+4Fri+et-mefe- -6�9A62r{iE%R�tlFS!!df#�-iO-�F@V1AHrs � � 38. � LOADIPdG DOCK: Any off-street raised platform on the same lot with Y a bui dinQ or contiguou_s to a_�.roup of buildings, for the temporary � park•ing of a commercial vehicle while oading or unlo -ing merc an ise or ma• eria s on Fia�p a orm. � � 39. LOT: For zoning purposes, , a lot is a buildinq site of at least suttic�ent size to meet the minimum zoning requirements for use, coverage and area, and to provide such yards and other open spaces as herein required. Such a lot shall have frontage on a dedicated or private street, and may consist of: . A. A single lot of record, or a portion of a lot of record; 6. A combination of complete lots of record, and/or portions of �lots of record. C. A parcel of land described by metes and bounds; provided that in no case of subdivision shall any residual lot or parcel be created which does not meet the requirements of this ordinance. 40. LOT, CORNER: A lot which is bounded on two (2) sides by intersecting streets. 41. LOT DEPTH: The horizontal distance between the front and rear lot lines measured in the mean direction on the side lot lines. 42. LOT, DOUBLE FR�NTAGE: A lot which has�opposite lot lines on two (2) non-intersecting streets. Both street lines shall be considered as front yard areas. 43. LOT FROfvTAGE: The front of a lot shall be that boundary of a lot along a publ ic street; and for a corner lot the front shal l be on the shorter lot boundary along the street. If the dimensions of a corner lot are within ten percent (10�) of being equal, the owner may se ec e�ther street lot Tine as the ront To�Tine. �+�� y�4. LOT WIDTH: The hor(zontal distance between the side lot Iinea measured at ripht anpl�s to the lot depth at a polnt equal to the mi�imum depth required tor a iront yard. j 4Er MOBI�E HOME PARK: An approved area {}�eiler-pe�k}tor the parkinp of occupied mobtte homes pwila►s).- _i9: MOTEL • A building or proup ot detached, semi-detached, or attached bulldinqs Contatninp guest rooms or dwellings, esch of which has a separate outside entrance leadin� directly irom the outside of the building, with garage or parking space conveniently located to each unit, and which is designed, used or intended to be used primarity for the accommodation of automobile transients. 47. MOTOR VEIiICLE: Any vehicle which requires a duly authorized state �icense to op�rate. � 48. MOTOR VEHICLE MAJOR REPAIR: • Major repair, such as engtne rebuilding or reconditioning o( motor vehicles; � pllision service, such as body, trame or fender straightening and repair; overatl painting of motor vef�icles. F • 49. MOTOR VENICLE SERVICE STATION: A place where fuel and other essential services related to the operat�on •o mo or ve ic es are retailed direct� to the ,public on the premises not incTuaing mo or vehic e major repair. .� 0 51. NURSING HONE: ���' , • • . . _ . ,.., � A'state licensed facilit used to rovide care for . tne aged and �nt�rmed persons who re uire nursin care and related serv_ iT,_ but not including facilities for the treatment o sickness, in�uries or surgical care. SZ �pARKING STALL: An uea, �ufficient in aize to store one atandard automobile, whlch has adequate access to a public atreet or alley and permitting aatisfactory ingress and epress of an sutomobile. �--PH8N6�H��+E+i�w-Any-peraon: Nmr, ewpo►ation:• • 53. PUBLIC FACILITY: maintained by_City o r facil ity which is or ot er governmenta owned agencie rated or 54. PUBLIC PROPERTY: Any property owned by a public non-profit organi- Zation. 55. SETBACK; FRONT: The minimum distance 6etween the f lot and a structure located on that lot. 6. SETBACK• REAR: The minimum distance between the rear line of a lot and the main structure located on that ot. 5� �, SETaACK; SIDE: The minirnum distance between the side line of a lot and a structure located on that lot. `� ht COLLECTOR: A device or structure used to diation for a useful purpose. ther solar 59 � SOLAR ENERGY: Radiant energy (direct, diffuse and reflected) received rom t e sun. (.O �}- S"OLAR ENERGY SYSTEM: A set of devices whose rimary urpose is to collect so ar energy and convert and store �t or use u p�lfposes incTuding Te`a�'in9— a�Tcn - cooiing o uiTdings and other enerqy-usinq processes, or �pro�uce generated power by means of any combination of _ o Tecting, rans err�ng, or converting so ar generated energy. (o� �8: STORY: That part of a building included between the suriace ot any floor and the au�face of the next floor above It; if t�ere is no floor above it, the space between the iloor and the ceilinq next above it. A basement is a story for the purposes of heiqht regulations i( one half (!Fi►or more of the basementa heipht is above the averafle level ot the adjoinin9 yround. �2 �-STREET: A public or privata thorou�hfare which afforda the principal means oi access to the abuttinp � property. 63. STREETS• ARTERIAL: A street desi ned rimaril to carr traffi between large land use units. � �o�»%t a�E+ 'v'�btr`�- �r. 64. STREETS; COLLECTOR: A street desi ned to carry traffic from local streets to the system of major streets, arteria s and hi hwa s. 65. STREETS; LOCAL• A street of limited continuity used primarily to carr_v traffic to the abuttin�_�operties and higher order streets. �ois 39-� STRUCTURAL ALTERATION: Any change, addition, or modificatio� in construction in the supportiny membera of a building, such as exterior walis, beariny walls, beams, columns. foundations, girders, floo► �oists, roof joists, ntters or truasea. �°1 -d1- STRUCTURE: Anythinfl constructed o� erected havir.p Iocatio� on or unde� pround or attached to � �� �nm�fhinn havinn lecgtien en er �ndA� the AfOUf1d. - • 205.041 � � L•S.:Sisuctuc .. -s#afin��et-ofl� comr��c+n-wai�-b.�e#���u�ur�ie- kedse-t�r�e-�-eeflkas�e�-+o-w��1}i�le � !-skuGtuces.-Ni-_ingl4-sttuC4uce-�sb2El�- �we�l++�g�i�t—sha�4-have-sopara�r;-a�ad-Jadi ' 6 68. TOWNHOUSE: A unit wherein the owner has title to the unit and the underlyinq land with common ownership of the real estate which is not covered by the structure. 69. UTILITY__COMPANY: Any person, firm, corporation, municiaal department or board, duly authorized to furnish to the aublic under public re9ulation, electricity,_gas, heat, power, steam, telephone, telegraph, transportation, sewer or wa er. 70. UTILITY USE: Transmission facilities and structures for electric power, gas water, sewer, te ep one,.rai roa , ra �o or e evision. � �ir=RT.a .C. _ _ ' _ _ • � _ _ "" ' _"� _�_��� � _ � � � � _" ' � � � � ' ' " ' _ � - 7.1. VISION SAFETY ZONE: The trian u area of a corner lot beginning at the intersection of the street curb ines, t ence or - ive feet alon each ri ht-of-way �ne, thence a stra� t ine between the two po i n t s. �s����-- .���y..,���Ly-�� �-S, /�,,, .��� 72. WALKWAY OR SIDEWALK: A designated surface for pedestrian use. 73. WATERWAY: Anv natural or artificial open water passaqeway throu h which surface water flows from other areas before reachinq a final pondinq area. 74. WIND POwER GENERATOR: A windmill that converts wind energy by means of inechanical rotation directly into mechanized or electrical energy. -y�—�- '1$ 35- YARD: An o, en space on the same lot with a main building, unoccupied and unobstructed trom the ground upward, except as otherwise prorided in this �rdinance. 1(� � YAFtD, FRONT: A yard extendinfl a�ross the full widfh of the lot and lying between the ironl line of the lot and nearest Ilne ot the^b�iiding. . PR�NC�P►�- 1l 6s. YARD, REAR: A yard ealending across the full width of the lot ar.d lying betwcen the rear line of the Iot and the nearest line of the prinr,iaai b�ildinc�. 18 5r?. YAHD, SIUE: A yard extending across ihe tull ►vidth oi a lot a�d the main building extending from the front yard to the rear yard ard having a width equal to the shortest distance between said side line ar�d ihe main building. �n�_r�4 GENERAL PROVISIONS GENERAL PROVISIONS 205.0�l1. Declnration ol Policy: 1. In th2 intcsrpretation and application, the provisions o1 this ctiaptdr shall be held to be the minimum requirements tor the promotion of the pubtic health, satety, morals, conven�ence and �vel(ara. OP THE P.E510EUTS O� � THE C�TY. . . . �' �:�'�^'��' Cy� t, 7: No etructure shall ba erected, converted, enlargod, �econstructed or altered, and no structu�e or land ahatl be � ussd for any purpoae no� in any manner whlch is not in conformity with the provislons of this c�apter. •/.-�vocy-b�+ . ��a ��,�,��� 8�ts ,,�,riy9t r+r mtnr,e a pP►manent� �nohctrLCted eacement of ZQ5.042. Separability: It ia hereby declared to be the intention ot the City that the several provisions of this ordinance are separable in aCCOrdance with the followinfl: 1. It any court of competent jurisdfction shall adjudge any provision of this ordinance to be invalid, such Judqment shall not affect any other provisions of this ordinance not specificaily included in said judgment. 2. If any court of competent jurisdiction shall adjudge invalid the applicatlan of any provision o( this ordinance to a particular property, building, or other structure, such judgment shall not aifect the application oi said provision to any other property, buildinp, or structure not specifically Included in said judyment. 205.0�2 .�BC,�� taon-tontorm9ng Uses an� Struciures 1. Any struc;ure or use lawfully �xi:tin� upon the effact:ve date of this Ordinance may be continu2d at the size and in n��anner a! operation exis!ing upon such dale excep as hereinafter specified. OR OS O���E� �N�E2 SPEC�O.L OtSTRICT REQu�0.EMENTS �j`�T'�4��✓.�4�� . 2. Nothing in this Ordinance shall prevent the upgrading of a noncon- forming structure to a safe condition when said struc ure is declared � unsafe by the Building Inspector, rovided the necessar re airs shall not constitute more than fifty percent 50;6 of the fair market value ^. 'vVh^n�rcr ;'�c r.on-�cntorm?nc� use of a structura is changeit to a �sn permiti�d ir. a r;ore re:,t�icted district, �uch use �iia�l not thereattar ba; cl�anred to a use p�rmitted :n a less res;ricted d�strict. 4. YJh^�ev�r a lavifui non-confc�rmir�,y s?�:!�t�:re sha!! have heer. dama�ed by fir�:, flood, axp!osion, earthqu� lce, ��iar, riot, cr 2ct oi God, it may bc n;cc,nstrucled anct used ;s b.^.fore if it be reconstructr:d viiihin h��eiv2 (12) rnon'hs after s�ch cafamity, unles ; the damagc to thr, buildinc� or ;tructure is f fty per cent (50`/0) or mora of iis (a'rr markat v.,lue, (or its ass�ssed �al�.ation) as determined by the Buildinq Inspection Department, in which case the recon�truction �lialt be for � use ir� accorilance v�ith tt» provisions o( th:s Ordi��ance. 5. `IVtenev;:r a Iaw1�:i nor•�-conformi,ig usc: uf a�tructure or land is discontinuc:d for a�eriod of twelve (12) m�nths, any f��t�re uss a( said stru�t�irr, or land sh�ll be in cor.tonnity :vith the provisions of this Ordinance. 6. Such non-conforrnin� use sh^".I not be mov�.d io any .^.tner part of !7i� pa�cel of ianc7 upon :v�i�n the same was con,iuc:ed at tha tirne of t�� adoption ui rhis nruinance. 7. Il��y s�ructure ���hich :vill, under this Ordinar�e, beco�r•e nor,•conf��rn�inp but tor vihich .j buil�irc� perrnit ha� Gee.i la•N��;I� grart�d ��rior to the etfective ciate of this Oru+nanc� or of amendrr.e�its the� etc, m-ry b�; complatrd in ticcor�!ar.ce with �he approved plans; prr_vided eonstrucii��r, is s:art�d wit'r�in si;c (6) months of the e�fECti��a daie of this Ordina�ce or an:endmCnt the+��r�l and continue� to co+npletion v�iihin two (2) years. Such structuro shai! th�3��R�lGf be a Iegaliy oxi:,lin� non-conformin� structure. fl. Norrn.:l m:�?ntenar,ce oi a buildin,,� �r ntiier str�ct�.iro coniainin�� or related b a la�rrful non-centorming us� is perrnitted, includi �g nec�ss31'Y fi0�1-3ifUCtlirai repair:; anJ fnr.icif;ntal alterat+ons wh?c?� do not exten;l or intensi(y the non-cenforming uso. 9. A�lera;;or,s m�y to m�;i^ to a Uulldirr; contlining la�:tul non-cun(orrnir�g re,idcntial un(ts vrhen they wi�l nn;uuv� the iivHbili:y thr,re�l, provl�ir.�•: 2hcy wlll nui lncrea:o th,� ��cimber ot dwclllnp uniis or k�ulk of tho b�.iilding. ' 10. Th� provisions herein for lhe continuanco of non-conlorminc� uses shall noi �revc�nt or intort�re w(th action that m�y be taken to ��batc: a.r,y nui:,ancc in any mann��r pr.nvidcd by law. 11. My structurc, any �urtion uf which i;; siluatc:d unlawiully witliin a putlic strer.t or allcy or other public :vay or thrroughfere, is hereby declared to be a non-cunlurmin� use, whether or not its use is othenvise In conformily with the rc��ulation o( the dislrict in which szid structure is lucated. l�ny s��li siruct��re ;hall be subj�ct to any anrl all ap�,licable requlations herein tor nan-contorming uses excc�pt in the event the City Council sliall requ?rc rerr�oval ut the st�l�CtU►e O► pU!tion tliereoi for a pubtic purpose, in vfiich case such r��q��irement sfiall prevail. �� • • �'�'� ' I '. 205.044 Building Site (3w�o�N� s�TE , 1. No+�i�sha�l be so reduced or diminished, nor shalt any'structure be so Enlarged or moved, as to reduce or diminish the yarCs, lot area or open space required herein in the district in which located. No yard or other open space require� t�erei� for any building shall be considered as providing a yard or open space for any other bui�dinc�,.and no yard or open space on an adjoining lot or parcei of property sha�l be so cor•sidrred as p�oviding a yard or open space on a lot whereon a building is to be erected. . .. + ..s�awe-bat�wae,w-s�ch-sir+ict�-<raac�-ar}y-ad}aseal� ' , . ' �'s-a � � , '�'- •__,,...,�. ..�•,,,. war,c�ucdge�sds�u ic�a-s . � " �iht-a+��t3cr-et-:�► ' ' ei�+,--as.ar _ ur�er�11, • a.noarls..at-�pa-Ci.Ry�aEs+nt+.�pl4aa ^ � ccaau+erc:al usa-or-ind�isi�iaJ-�►ler�rises; :,ci , , 4e-��ewf �. , . � ai-a-parc�I-o�-laf►dfer'��-e�a{j{�e�v c�+aefl aa . r , '�e-st-y+er-AF-�si�+�- . . . i C/�`� 2 . Q!���►]�►"e� '/l�� R-1 lot. 3. Every lot, in order to be built on, shall have at least one line of which abuts for not less than 25 feet along a public street or along a permanent, unobstructed easement of access to the lot from a public street as approved by the City as adequate for the purpose. 4. Where no curb elevation has been established, the City shall furnish such elevations. If elevations are not available, the City shall approve the elevation of the building and the drainage plan before a building permit is issued. �Sidewalks or rovision for sidewalks, a'or thorou hfares and collectors . r�a�,s�6��t�1'�f'.�PY`arf./ The Enpineerin4 Depar will be r wi uired on all T .a buildinq is constructed on the aroaertv. The sidewalk shelf will provide the owner an approximate finish qrade to a future side�valk. 6. Easements for bikeways shall be provided on those lots designated along bikeway trail corridors as noted in the City's Bikeway Plan. The En ineerin De artment will desi nate re uired width of easement and elevation for grade at the time a bui ding is constructed on the �roperty. The bi eway s e wi provide t e owner an approxima e finish grade to a uture i eway pa 7. Where the front yard setback of existing buildings within a distance of 100 feet on both sides of a structure to be erected is more than the minimum front yard setback required, then the setback for the said building can be 6 feet more or less of this mean depth but in no case shall it be less than the required minimum setback. 8. In computing the depth of a rear yard for any building where the rear line of the lot adjoins an alley, 1/2 of the width of such alley may be included as rear yard depth, provided ihat the rear yard depth actually on the lot shall not be less than 20 feet in any residential district and not less than 25 feet in any other district. 9. No land shall be de results in a�ater run-off m�nera s on a �acent channeled into a storm fac> >ty for that pur run-off on to adjacent p elo ed causin drain pose. roper v� a and no use snai� o floodin , erosion es. uch run-oi ter ourse, aondir must be approve or deposits of area or other public �de affecting water � � - .- �-' - � �� iG �.� �1 JLt:rt.riir'l � Cj't. ��s�, .� �t� -2�:r�� /�.V-, � ".�'h, •� ��a�.f—uf� c�- !C v •t �t , / i� • BUII�DING SITE ,�;�::,,,,� �. ,� 2� � ���..,.. �.:-'�-�=- � 0 r 205.045 Accessory �uildings and Structures 1. No accessory building or structure shall be�permitted on any lot prior to the time of the issuance of the building permit for the con- struction of the principal structure. 2. Accessory buildings are permitted in a rear or side yard only with the following restrictions: A. Accessory building structures in the rear yard shall not be any � closer than three (3) feet to any lot line. � 6. Accessor buildin s in the side ards shall not be a than five feet from any ot ine. C. An accessory building within three (3) feet of the bui d�nq sha e considere attache an a par principal buildinq for applyinq setback re4ulations. Unless otherwise herein specified, no accessorv buil exceed the height or the size of the pr�ncipal struct� loser incipal o��ie E. Accessory buildings shall not occupy more than 35 percent of the area of a required rear yard. 3. The building height limits for �rincipal structures established herein for districts shall not apply to. belfries, cupolas, domes, spires, monuments, airway beacons, radio towers, windmills, flag poles, chimneys or flues, nor bulkheads, elevators, water tanks, or poles, towers and other structures for essential services, nor to similar structures or necessary mechanical appurtenances extending above the roof of any building and not occupying more than 25 percent of the area of such roof. �r+av+�a�-N�at--f�e-tfewl-�a,�d-de,�u�-s'+�e . 205 046 Required Yard and Open Space . /, Nqlr�qu i �d yxrd,br�bp�� s�ace/�ay�o ',�' The follo�ving shall not be consi ' setback requirements: A Chimneys, flues, belt courses, sill ornamental features, cornices, eaves, b � re ACCESSORY BUILDING AND STRUCTURES REQUIRED YARO AND � 1 ot' i ��. OPEN SPACE or1m' 'imuw' � �c-1,c ' hment on vara a ilaster, lintel autters and oth similar ro ects rov�ded that the do not extend more than t4r 2 feet into the ard and in no instance in the "R" districts any nearer than three 3 feet from the lot line. , � � �-��" B Yard liqhts and name plate siqns in the "R" districts provided such li hts and si ns are thr e 3 fe-t or more from all 1 t linP and meet size requirements unde apter, iqhts or illuminating arking and loading areas or yards for safet and securit purposes ma e prov�ded w ere necessary, prov�ded that not more than three 3 oot can es o ig intensity is present at the property line. :�� �' ��� � �rC�— �i) 0 C. Unenclosed porches, canopies and steps to building entrances • may extend not more than ten (10) feet into any required front or rear yard setback, provided they do not extend nearer than .�_ two f eet tu the side lot line. 0. Open a�ork f ire balconies and f ire escapes may extend not more than one and one-half (1 1/2) feet into the required yard. a.�✓ E. A fence borderin ' ot lines shall be no more thant �nvhei ht ' � � ) �,.,.� ,., ho;nl,t in anv "' District OP eiqht 8 fee Q in any other district. F. A fence, vegetation in height districts, the vision oro�ertv � wall or any natural hedge or closely that forms a barrier, shall not exceed four within the limits of the front yard in and will rovide for !" " visabili safety zone on corner lots, and 0 foot bac ine within 10 feet of a dr�vewav access manner sna � � a i en�e �► ����� �� u. a hazardous condition to exist. planted (4) feet all "R" In no G. On corner lots, no planting or structures shall impede vision between a height of 30 inches and ten (10) feet above the curb line i� the vision safety zone except as previously allowed. �►s�aca-or�au.�+et-exs �g�(sion-satety-coptra3oae, Flothin�s�►al+�eeree�ed,-i� �efl-E� {�in-tfi�ebsense9t-a-eu�; iha68flEet�r�gf3Ae-9#�#►e�ifl2eF6eciis►gBiF Me-visbn-saleE�contto� zone-descc . �ua�ed-by-t�+e�-si�eat-�lgtal-ai-waY-Jir�as-o�-a- �ocaw-lot-ar�d-a-stralgh�#i�a-f oinir�g-PoiataaaiaidsJgM-of-wa.y said-ciqbt-0i.-way-llaasr,A,nyth+pg �sserst�y-eFested;-pla�edg kRpedsviabn ir► a vision-safety �e-shaN-��ee+►siAe � . racFactad-b� -tnnapiantt�g-or--ramavad-tcom_tda-yisio ,, �►. The boulevard area shall be properly maintained by the adjacent �roperty owner. Proper�maintenance shall include grading and seeding or sodding. Access across the boulevard is restricted to driveways and `3 � dewalks. �,,ff. Easements for sidewalks shal l be permitted at a minimum width of f ive 5 eet un ess inc ude w�th a i eway. trai at w ic t�me it will be a minimun fifteen 15 feet in width. 205 047 Environmental Qualitv 1. Explosives No activities involving tf�e stora e, utilization or manufacture of materials or products such as TNT, dynartiite or ot er exN osives w ic could detonate shall be perm�tted except such as are specifical� licensed bv the Citv Council. a+++�a:e;�-au-hig �N�r��-�e1r-Y�-aa�aeat , -eA�-ser�enen� . • �'�"�'���gc� � f�e'1fA1�@�—�AW{�9F@EI--FA3¢R9S�I�NfFl;-$9i�8Slii{f�l-8iii6F�4�3����' �A8i6S-8Rd-�C)12SC11M'�-AaNai6�f-3Flf�-RU6I8AF�Fl6i&-e?ii�--f936iAF6i8iF18 �1fR�-�✓�I)�-- �TT1• I/ � 2. Radiation and Electrical Emissions No activities shall__b�ermitted beyond enclosed�areas. There shall those from domestic household a� operation at any �oint or_any equ� �c�disturbance. 3. Other Nuisance Characteristics be no electrical disturbance (except �liances) adversely affecting the No noise odors, vibration, smoke, air pollution, liquid or solid wastes, heat, glare, dust, or other such adverse influences shall be permitted �•n any district that wil in any wav have an obiectionab e e ec upon adjacent or nearbyy property. All wastes in all districts shall be disposed of in a manner that is not dangerous .to ublic health and sa ety, nor wi � dama�e _p�u61 c waste transmission or disposa 205.047 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY facilities. Maximum standards shall be as follows: D.��.��rC�-�, �� �-'�s� � r A. Noise•?t�linnesota State requlations(NPC 2).�dopted b_v reference. � �9� J -A;--�ieiee . ,..�. - . -�&BifF— PA73 .............................................................................-6� -a6 ifA-.— :.........................................................................-6�— -�59 '�00-,-r-.-�-T� ..................... ...............................................-56- ..............................................................................�-- , ...................---: — ...........- .--- .................................•I6 -�-tAO 2,4(�0 ............................................ .............................'--�— 2,4A8 4,899 ..............................................................................ti3#— Aye+ �,�^�— .................... ... , ................................................-PB-- /�1Lc �'L(f�4�ii,dea4�i�.-f /Kl�• .�1�-ri1� 6. Odors: Y"Table III (Odor Threshold) in hapter 5, "Air Pollution Manual" a copyriqht 1951 by Manufacturing, Chemist Assn., Inc., District of Columbia . -f-��e,�e— � �-i�s�a�sac�c� . Vihratinn� Blasting", on any structure. l//�'�lariu- � -fSBri�JliBifit4�}-Vi�i�8F1A1t5,-SiiBii-$$-$f@-f3F6tlE8t��y--�£=rMy--f�f6j�--f�vF-#►f�;Vjt" �, ,G: Smoke t�le�surement shall be at the point oi emission. Tne Fiingeiman Smoke Chart published 'uy tl�e United States B�reau of tdines shail be used for the measurement of smoke. Smoke not d;�rker o.► mcre o�aque than No. 1 of said chart may be emitted, provic+ed lhat srnoie not darker or more oQaG;�e than PJo. 2 of �aid chart may ba emitted for periods not lonc�er than four minutes in any 30 mtnute period. These provisions, applicable to visible•gra/ �m�ke, sliall also apply to visible smoke of a different color b�t witti an e�uivalent appsrent opacity. • . � ti rr � /Z Air Pollution: State andards adopted _v re erence. Standard for Ambient Air Qualit �.m�s.�r:=.�, �` i.d.u.ci-�arl�=isi,�-ac�y-0iu:�c-W.ar�isula� . .Rcot�ihitetl^— F. �B! Tox�c Or Noxiou:, FAattcr !�!o use shall, for any period of tirne, discharge r.!;ros� thr, boundari^.� of tho loi whereln tt is IccatP�i, toxic or noxious rtiatter of such concentration as to be �etrirnental to or e��danfler Ihu public health, safety, comfort, or �veitare, or causc� :njury or daina;,e to property or businesses. 4. Ero s i on A. No erosion shall be permitted onto neiQhboring properties or into natural waterways. A propertv owner shall not permit the property to be used or built on without appl_ying all such_ reasonable measures as ma,y be re uired to revent wind or water erosion. he C�ty may require reasonable measures of a propert,� owner or developer to prevent wind or water erosion. B The Citv m� review anv d�velopmant � a� +o ensure }h�t erosion and sedimentation shall be effectively controlled. 5. Water Pollution The discharge of raw sewage, industrial wastes or other pollutants into the waterwavs or lakes of the Cit_y shall be subject to the regu at� ions of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agencv. 6. Solid Waste Sanitarv landfills shall be prohibited. 205.05 ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT 205.OS I -aAi.844. Zoning Administrator - - • .�.r�•.. �.u,�..� i:�r��� .-� - - - _ - - - The Zonin4 Administrator as desiqnated by the City Manager shall �rovi de for: 1. The maintaining of permanent and current records of ordinance including,_ but not limited to all man amendn condit al uses, variances, appeals and applicatiors hereto. 2. The receiyinq, filinq and forwardinq of all applications f amendments, variances, conditional uses or other matters to t aaaroaria e ommissions and ity Council. ����'� _� ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCE�fENT �3 � 3. The issuance of all permits and certificates required bv this. , , ordinance. ' 4. The inspection and examination of all buildinq and land, ar the issuance of written orders required in remedying ar conditions which are found to be in violation of this ordinance. 5. A liaison to the Planning Commission and its member ommiss�ons. �� 6. The ae— rta n 205. 052 enforcement of the decision � to this ordinance. -,�Gi.i�� k A �J E XATI O;V Except where a ditferent zoning classification is established by and under any ordinance tor the annexation of the ai�ected lands, areas hereatter ar,nexed to the City of Fridley sl�all be considered to be in R-1 Districis, and may be chanc�ed wholty or partly to any otlier Dislrict or Oistricts only by an amendment or arnandments a:> provided for herein. Within 90 days sfter the effect�va date of any annexation the City Council st�a�l cause necessary studies to be made for a deiermination of the need, it any, for any change in the zoninfl classi(ication. �isia�-tie�.��-�H-ai � -(-'lactia+r.� r,�xtY-{�4I-da�s-laaae alap��e+w�e- eof-�Me� . . 205.053 Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance The Council, by a 2/3rds vote, may adopt amendments to this ordinance as required: 1. Initiation for Amendment: A. Any person owning real estate may petition the City Council to amend the district boundaries so as to affect the real estatQ._ B. The City Council or the Planninu Commiss motion, initiate a request to amend the text of this ordinance. 2. Application for Amendment: Al l v itions for amendments shall be filed with the City on forms at the �lyt-�'�er _ 3. Referral to the Planning Commission: Al1 petitions for amendments shall be referred to the Planning Commission which shall hold an official public hearing within 60 days of the date of filing such petition. 4. Hearing: A notice of hearing shall be published in the official newspaper at least da s but not more than 30 days prior to the date of the hearing. /O �^ 5. Action by the Planning Commission: A. If the request isf for dist� hange, notices shall be mailed not less than ��a s� nor more than thirty (30) days prior to the hearing to all owners of property within 350 feet of the parcel of land included in the request. Failure of a property owner to receive notice shall not invalidate any such proceedings as set forth tyithin this ordinance. AnN[�(ATION 205.053 AMENDtfEt�T TO THE ZOr� I NG ORDINANCE �¢ 6. The Planning Commission shall make its recommendation to the City Council within sixty (60) days of the date of public hearing or within sixty (GO) days of any continuance of such matter granted at the applicant's written request. 6. Action by the City Council: The Ci ty Counc i 1 may not act on an amendment without of the Planning Commission or until sixty (60) days said proposed amendment has been heard by the Planning the recommendation have elapsed after Commission. A. If the request is for district change, notices shall be mailed �9-�ey�– _not less than ��avs nor more than thirty (30) days prior to the hearing to all owners of property witl�in 350 feet of the parcel of land included in the request. Failure of a property owner to receive notice shall not invalidate any such proceedings as set forth within this ordinance. 205 . OSt� a0i.40. SPECIAL USE PERMR 1 • —�66rW�,- Purpos� � The pu�poae of this section is to provida the City of Frldley with a roaaonable degroe of dlscretlon in determi�inq the suitabllity ot certaln desiflnated uaea upon the peneral weliare, publlc health, and sa(ety. In making thia detsnntnation. whether o� not the special use is to be allowed, ths City may conafder the nature of the land upon wh(ch the use Is to be located, and nature o( the adjoininp land or buildinqs, tha proximity of a similar use, the etiect upo� trafiic into and frorra the premises, or on any adjolning roads, the total number ot similar uses with tha City� and all such other or further factors as the City shall deem a requisite of consideration in determininp the efiect of such use -��r•�r.rtrrsn _ . to ether with such filin fee as ma be established b the Cit Council and sha 1 be accompanied by a site plan, or other documentation as required by the City. 3. Referral to the Planning Commission: The application and related file shall be referred to the Commission for study concerning the effect of the proposed use on the Comprehensive Plan and on the character and development of the neighborhood. The Planning Commission shall hold an official public hearing within sixty (60) days of the date of filing such petition. 4. Hearing: A notice of pu�lic hearing shall be published in the official ne�NSpaper at least �davs but not more than 30 davs prior to the date of the hearing. -�edoq�— 5. Action by the Planning Commission: A. Notices shall be mailed to all owners of property within 200 feet of the parcel included in the request not less than �/0 days nor more than thirty (30) days prior to the hearing. Fai ure of a property owner to receive notice shall not invalidate any such proceedings as set forth within this ordinance. B. The Commission shall make its recommendation to the City Council within sixty (60) days of the date of filing of the petition to the Planning Commission or within 60 days of any continuance of such matter granted at the applicant's written request. �.ri� • ��e �� 6. ��.:.� _ _:.:.: _ : -- -- - - - .•...,_.•..- Council Action val: In considering applications for Pe under this Code, the� City Council shall consider the advice and recommendations of the Planning Commission and the effect of the proposed use upon the health, safetv and qeneral welfare of occupants of surrounding lands, existing and anticipated tr•affic conditions and the effect on values of propertv in the surroundinq area. If it is determined that the proposed use will not be detrimental to the health, safety or qeneral welfare of the _community nor will cause serious traffic congestion nor hazard � nor will seriouslv depreciate surroundinq propertv values, and that the same is in harmonv a�ith the peneral auraose and intent SPECIAL USE of the zoning code. The Cit_y Council may qrant such permit and PER��IIT may impose conditions and safeguards therein by a favorable vote of a majority o� members of the Council. . . , . . . . . . �- T � , �1Nens-�he-rlelat�teR-eR�rhleh-sAal� G � ' e� �u.� o����,� �r. Speciai Us�� Parmits may bc denied by motion �f the Councll nnA surh motion shatl constltuto tliat con�.iltions required fcr appiov�l do not oxist. No application for a Spe�ial Uso Permit which has been denied �vhufly er In part shati be r;;,ubmitted for a perlod of six (6) months trom the date of said or�cr of deniai, except on ne�v � ��ro�ind or ne�v evldpnce or proof of chan�es af condi!ions lound to be valfd by the Nlannin�a Commission. -j, -,�96ri88. Laps>> o} a Spnc;al U�o Permit by Non-u�o. ti"Jhenever :vithtn onP (1) yPar �(ter grantinc� a Speci�i Us� Permit the recipient of tho Specfal Use Permit strel� not have cornpiet�d tha wurk as pPrmitt;:d by th�� permit, then such permit :,hall beco+ne null �nd void uniess a peti!�on fur extenr'son o( ti��;e ii which 4o compl�3tA tha work has been granted. '. . Such exten�ion shall be requestt�d In w�+ting <�nd filed with tt�� ��T��, ac irast t��cnty (2G) days before the e>:piiatio� c� th� oric�inal Sprcial Us� Permit. The request �or exterision st�ali st�te facts show+np a �ood faith attem�t to coniplete tha work permitied in the Special Usa Parrn�t. Such petrition shall be presentcd to tho Plannin� Commissi�n fcr rGvicw and racommcndations which are to 5e submitted to Council 'c� flnal action. 205.055 Variances 1. Appeals Commission The City Council created an Appeals Commission to serve as the board of appeals and adjustment, and to exercise all the authority and perform all functions of said board pursuant to Minnesota Statute 462.351 to 462.364 and operate according to Section 6,��F of the Fridley City Code. ��t�� tiri �- � t�„n:�r Lapse Uf A Spec!ai Us� Permii By N on-Use Board of Appeals And Variances VARIANCES /G �.� , . , : �'''�`� �, —4g5r#8.�r �etilion by Owner A Appeals From Decisions on Code Enforcement A1 any tin�e within ttiirty days, any pro�erty owner :vtio d��t±ms li�msclf agc�rieved by a� a�le�ed error in any order, requirement decisfon or determination m�dr, by an adrninistrative officer in the Enforceri�ent of 'hi ��na�err ;vhich ef(ecls his pro+�erly, may appeai to the 8oard of Appesis by fili�ic� a written appe: � v+ith the Ci y •fha nppeal shail fully state the �rder appealed frorn the facts of ttie matter, and also lhe :nailin�,� �.ddsess of the owner. B. Request for Variances from Zoning Chapter Provisions A property owner m< �rovisions of this ch or oarticular hardshi_ eal the stric Nhere there are reventin be filed with the City and shall state tne excepL and the peculiar and practical d�fficulties claimed a variance. � 3, Recommendations bv Appeals Commission � 1,v��hi�, thirt� !��} days aftcr filin� an appeal from an admini: tratEva order or det�rrninati��n, tha 8e1r+ of �',VPea�� shall set a date ior ha�rin,y tL•ereon and shall hear such persons as v!ith to i�e heard, ' " " �ratw, Moti;:e of such hearin� sh211 bo rtiailed not less than ten {!0) daYS befcr:, .17e ua!e ui hea�:r,� ta ;iie persan rr persons wtio tile tha appeal. dtld t0 d� � adjaeent_ ro ert oarners within a Z00 foot distance location._ Within a reasonab e time, a er Commission shall make its recommendations condition2of Section 6�� of the Fridley Ci of such recommendation or approval to the Planning Commission. 4. Variances in R-1 Zoning � of the requested variance e earing, e ppea s or approvals ���bi ct to ty Code and forward a copy City Council through the QyU� In areas zoned R-1, (,5.� family residential areas) the A eals Commission has t e aut or� o ran �na approva o variances when all of the fo lowing con i ions are me : (1) Th2re is unanimous agreement of the Appeals Commission. (2) The staff concurs with the recommendations of the Appeals omm�ssion. The eneral ublic attendin the meeting or responding to the notice of public hearing, have no o �ec ion. (4) The petitioner is in agreement with the recommendation. 6fle l.l �jr �+vu�i�. � � • --��taC�..... ��..n nn} mG�' the variance request /, � 5. , Record of Action Taken The Appeals Commission shall provide for a wri_, tten record of its � proceedings which shall incl'ude the minutes of its meeting, its findings, and the recommendation or appraval of each matter heard by it. The finding of fact shall contain: A The public policy which is served by requirement. B. The u i remen C. In Cou nc i 1 a .�acen ractical difficulties or unique circumsta hat cause undue_hardship in the strict aaplic recommendinq or approving mav impose conditions to erties. 6. Action by the City Council 0 variance. ine �� sure compliance The Council shall at its next regular meeting, after receiving the recommendation of the Appeals Commission, with a policy review b the Planning Commision, decide on the action to e a en. 7. Lapse of Variance by Non-Use If a�ithin one (1) year after granting a variance, the recipient of the variance has not commenced the work as permitted by the variance, then the variance shall become null and void unless a petition for extension of time in which to complete the work has been granted by the City Council. Such extension shall be requested in writing and filed with the City at least twenty (20) days before the expiration of the original variance. The request for extension sh�ll state facts showing a yood faith attempt to complete the work permitted in the variance. Such petition shall be presented to the Appeals Commission for review and decision. , 20� 5.456 Suilding Permits 1. No construction shall commence until a building permit has been issued indicating that the existing or proposed structure and the use of the land, comply with this Ordinance and all building codes. A. All applications for building permits which will affect the outside dimensions of a structure, shall be accompanied by three (3) copies of a site plan. B. If the site consists of land not a part of a subdivision or land composed of partial lots, the site plan shall be attached to a survey or a registered land survey showing the actual dimensions of the lot, lots or parcel to be built upon. The site plan shall also show dimensions of existing and or proposed ttructures to be erected or structurally altered, their location on the site in relation to the outside boundary, the required off-street parking plan, proposed and existing grades, which indicate drainage considerations, and such other information as may be necessary to provide for the enforcement of these regulations. C. Site plans submitted for all uses except one and two f amily dwellings shall contain lighting and landscape plans, and all site improvements are to be bonded at the rate of one-half (1/2) times their estimated cost. 2. No building permit will be issued unless sufficient construction plans or written description of construction, grading, excavating and filling, as required by the City to assure reasonable structural safety and adequacy of building and finished grades for the proposed use have been submitted and approved. 3. Once construction of the foundation has been completed, a certificate of survey showing the location of the foundation shall be required, before the framing of the structure is begun. VARIANCES �fr— SUILDING PERhtITS � � 4. Parking Lot Permit All institutional, multiple dwellinq, cortmiercial and industrial develo�ments.must obtain a parking lot permit before paving may begin on any park�ng 1`ot bui`Tt`o°r ac e�' on o, a is no a par o a bui din perrn�t. A p an for the parkin lot shall be submitted to ti�e City for approva . his p an s a show t e propose site, structures, access r�ves, o-s ree oa ing spaces, screenin , i in , s ac in spaces, cur ing, rainage, s ripin , an sca in ar �n s aces exis__inq s ructures with�n feet of th sit and avin�, specificat�on. If the proposed plan meets all Citv and State requirements, a parking lot permit shall be issued. 5. Every permit issued by the City under the provisions of this code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not commenced within 180 days from the date of such permit, or if the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is commenced for a period of 180 days. Before such work can be recommenced, a new permit shall be first obtained to do so, and the fee therefor shall be one-half the amount required for a new permit for such work, provided no changes have been made or will be made in the original plans and specifications for such work; and provided further that such suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. 6. Any permittee holding an unexpired permit may apply for an extension of the time within which he may commence work under that permit when he is unable to commence work within the time required by this section �for good and satisifactory reasons. The building official may extend the time for action by the permittee for a period not exceeding 180 days upon written request by the permittee showing that circumstances beyond the control of the permittee have prevented action from being taken. No permit shall be extended more than orice. In order to renew action on a permit after expiration, the permittee shall pay a new full p.ermit fee. -zas.�a_-s�����:+�uuaes , htea.c►t�k�,. s.ti1�y-�a�-�tilt-e -v�'ti.y � -t9tri�-9H�i � rsfrs9� . i+Fe-ee5s��e�l.j�9e� ' . -�!��ine. SF►UeE� the�30#oot t�iotar�ce bo fo4�d t�y�he,z�ir�g-adrx�iwi � . ,- . „ '�*�Y"d►�ge�#-•r+a�eF-st►�p�-trhvl�-�-G�y-�IAlater•-crr�-oaoA�ot--sc�rvec9...�.y-.�.�,vaie � • • e�+r�reMa-e+h � � �-e�+s��s4er� 2v5. 4£r-3l�u.:tutt+F�l;afs�ty . c �• . . �;-a3r�in'r.s�±rrrt•••ft:e.•+elsFe YH. tte#trfa=sc3rff2t�-�ric#��y���.! ,, . . _ � -lda-:�a�.an ' ' . �w:i:u-�-��uc�iil��!-ui•ac�-r,Li.st�lCi,..�y,�����iii���i�-6�6� -�+ef:�;�,s4r-. . . �«s+�+��y�a���,��e-c�r�eei���s-e��,►-ee�� ���►�� ' � ^� ,-t�ls-a , 205.057 Certificate of Occupancy A certificate of occupancy shall be obtained stating that all provisions of this Chapter have been fully complied with, as per Chapter��g' of the Fridley City Code. �� ��:�:�� �-% 205.056 BUILDING PERMITS Sanifary Facilities i Vlater � SupplY � Structural $3fefy � .,. r : :;' . t.i+IY E'asnnQnt 4 Q,•,���;,,a t• � � CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY /� ` 205.058 Enforcement 1. Violation a Misdemeanor; Penalty The o�vner of a building or premises in or upon which a violation of any provisions of this ordinance has been committed, or shall exist; or the lessee of the entire building or entire premises in or upon which violation has been committed or shall exist; or the owner or lessee of any part of the building or premises in or upon which such violation has been committed or shall exist, shall be guilty of a misdeameanor, and subject to all penalties provided for such violations under the provision of Chapter 901 of this code each and every aay that such violation continues. Any such person, who having been served with an ENFORCEMENT 205.061 order to remove any such violation, shall fail to comply with said order ENFORCEF�ENT within ten (10) days after such service, or shall continue to violate any provisions of the regulations made under authority of this ordinance in the respect named in such order. 205.06 DISTRICT PROVISIONS 205.061 Establishment of Districts For the purpose of this chapter the following districts are hereby established within the City of Fridley. . R-1 Districts; or One-Family Dwelling Districts R-2 Districts; or Two Family Dwelling Districts R-3 Districts; or General Multiple Dwelling Districts R-4 Districts; or Mobile Home Park Districts Townhouse Development Districts P Districts; or Public Facilities Districts C-1 Dislricts; or Local Business Dislricts . , . � C-2 Qistiicts; or General Business Di�tricts . C-3 Districts; or General Shoppinq Center Districts CR-1 Oistricts; or Generai Ottice and L�mited �usiness u�stricts CR-2 Districts; or Office, Service and Limited Business Gistricts M-1 Districts; or Light Industrial Districts . , PUD Districts or Planned Unit Development District S-Special Districts S-1 Special District Regulations-Hyde Park Neighborhood Special District 0-Overlay Districts 0-1 Creek and River Preservation Oistrict 0-2 Critical Areas District Said districts are shown upon the zoning map, as adopted December 29, 1955, and amended up to the date of adoption of this ordinance. Said map and all notations, references and other information sho���n thereon, shall be as much a part of this Chapter as if the matters and information set forth by said map were all fully described herein. DISTRICT PROVISIONS ESTABLISHMENT OF DISTRICTS Zv �^�.,��- R-1 UISiR1CT ftLGUIl�TIONS . Z�� � . o-- ��-:-9�rY- Use � Perrni tted �Z O :, c'� i 1.. Principal Uses A. One-family dwellinys �. R6���uJ�d���1,��t�X�c��d�d/�r�����/�►���K!(��►�s����/�ri�/��k`I������ ���/�it��li����l�v��t�►f�d/�t��11��}aX�C���l�����r�6� . a� ���������/������/������/����/¢�p������� (ADDED TO SPECIAL � USE PER��IIT PAR. 3a) B, �,! Townhouses, under the conditions stated under ,iV( ,�}4�/x���iyi�i¢�b��/��JG�������S,i Section ����t� 205.11 of this Coc!e. � 2. Assessory Uses ,/�G� �� ����., "�" � A �''Private c�arage� ��r; �t'.�i��'1�������t��/t��ax��r� ��ll�-f�X�l�w� ���f��`��Y`;%/I�t�,�l'd,���/1i�i/���s���/�f/zr�f�/��1����/fi�V��/��/�;��T��i�d ���/d]�;t�!//���/��ei� i`����XI��'���i�r���'l�J��Z����/��/��X�Y��kil���f �d��1��,'�'�/d���/r�r��/������/z�0/��u�Y`�/f���l shall not exceed 100a of the first floor area of the dwell- in u to a maximum of lUUU s uare reeL. RCS�I,��P.`��$�f1`b'' 4�t�,�Xy��Y� f �f�/� tS��$/�,�/�I���k�f�X��/���l���`�1�¢7��� �i�Wta��'�/� f�t����l�/�i`/VSi�I����i'�/��/I�I��X�1�G����/���1�����/�/�1����r�� ���/���(����1 � B. The total fl oor area of al l accessory ��i,iX�l,i�t��/���;�/�� ��t��i��������Y��dl��l�l���rsd�����sl��Shc���l►�u�`lk�t�1V���a1/���` Y�d��l����������,1 //��X/��������/✓+�i��Y���`/�����1��d/�`��/�=��I��Q 1�1��������/�1��i�l�{���1��1�#�tfi/�=i��/A�l��i��£�;��LX��i���/�i`�/�����Q�i`�R� ;��/��/�v�/��������Y/��,��d.�v��l str�ctures sha]1 r�ot exc,ed a total of 1400 sguare feet. �� c--tu��- �F-��� C. A17 access G. st 3. 14 feet. �, ..c�; i�� �y str•uctures. s � �I - 11 not ex eed a hei t h t o'� D. Bl Pri vately o�vned recreati onal faci 1 i ti es �1��Y�/�� �;y;���,���/���T�,�/;����i�g/��u�,��,� which are for the enjoyment and convenience of the residents of the principal use and their guests. � E. �� Customary home occupations, Prov-i-ded a license is obtained. ,�►��`Iu�d�i��/�H�/�`�'►���1/e�f/������/�' � �1,��►�1����if r� � ,��b/���/r���`�/�i��;�/�`�i�/�e��`��r��/Y���`/dV���X���/r����,1 F. The rental of guest rooms to not more than t�vo persons �er dti�el l ing uni t. D�velling, limited; provided only_one_such unit is provided per ruc as M. Solar encrqy devices r�t31t� an integral pari: of t}�e �rinc p'(c� si:ructure. U�es Permitted �rith a Special Use Pe nnit q///Y�l �`���`���/��f;�/�Y`s���th��j����/���`/;���/��`�����,��r�t�,�/���'��f �6�����l�i�s�l��`P�✓+�r1�ld�l�x��S�nl����,1 A. Acce_ssory_buildin�s, other• than the first accessory buildin�, over 24U square feet. B. Churches, Private Schools. C. �� -�� rivate non- rofit golf course, country club, yacht club, tennis court , swirranir�g pools and additional.recreational uses, �{!;L/p7�M�Q1���1�����!►L/�pS� not an accessory use to the prin- cipal uses in the R-1 District. ,g�u�� (,J �/✓ .c��.�_ f.�,�n•%/`. �� v D. �� Utility companies havi.ng transformers, pumping sta- Lions and subs�ations are subject to the following minimum requirements: • (1) Must conform with surrounding neighborhood ►vith re- spect to setbacks, open spaces, architectural design and also must be screened. • .(2) It must not have any regular employees. (3) The equipment must be completely enclosed in a structure. �l//����X�/�����1�►4�/���/��Q���6��X��/�/����������1����/��/�/8��� �f/���l�d����X/���XI/��1��������/���1���/������Xl��/�����/���n ������X/d��/������1 E. Automobile parking lots for off-street parking spaces for any use on adjacent land, when the following minimum require- ments have been met: . � (1) The minimum front yard setback is z� 35 feet, except where adjacent property has existing front yard setbacks exceeding 35 feet; additional front yard depth may be re- quired. A side yard and rear yard minimum setback of ����/��� ten 10 feet is required. (2) Proper screening, which includes a planting strip, fence, or wall provided on the property. This must be substantial enough to create a physical separation ��/��� between the parking lot and the adjoining properties in- volved and considered acceptable to the City.��d���X� F. Hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, canvalescent homes, homes for the elderly. G. Helicopter L�nding Pad for Nospital. H. Private radio or television antennas exceeding a Relocated from Uses height ot 20 fect above tf�e dwelling roof. _ Exclu ed Eielotiv I. tJind generators and other totiver mounted energy devices. J� Solar enerq,� cfevi.ces not an integral part of princi le structure. ��! P1��d�`/V1��A 4. Addii;ional Restrictions For ���i��` uses, othcr than d'J��XX11�i� princiPal �b`i,�,�t��%���'�,�i=t�A uses ��d/��P��I���Y������/�IGfSP����,�/V��O�/���`u��� requirem�r�ts as to lot size, setbacks, building, parking, landscaping, screening, �pi�1/��,i���T��/�iri�q��,it�T� ei:c., shall be at leasL compara�le to similar uses in other districts, but also subject to additional provisions as provided by the City. i O `� O-I 2- � �r9� Uses Excluded ' A� use a 1.1 ov�ed or excl uded i n a allowed uncier Section 2�5.071 of y other district unless specifica this Chapter. �l R���'�/��`/i���'��d�'����s/��������/���������/�/I�����i�/�f/Z�/����/����� �Ar���Z��d/���fl 2� R��/���/�s��/������������/���`��'i����/�r�/i�Y��/��`�������/���`���`����/�f i�i���/��fi��'��l �� �— � 0 �9rs.-6�3- Lot Requirements and Setbacks <n� 0�3 X��A��/1��l�if���/��i�l���v�l������l�Y��XI/��/��/t���i���`��l�v�/�Y��'�/���;����f ���`/�r���f�c��X�/����X�'�5��/�����f���`/�t�����Q/�'�/���/R�X/���;��`���1 , 1. �Lot Area A minimum lot area of rS�,�IX���/�}��►�/A,�0�0 �' Retain 9,000 �7-,� square feet is required for one dwelling unit, except; s uare feet ,f�040 A. Where a lot is without City sanitary sewer, the minimum �_fLu��-^�y) � required lot area is 18,000 square feet. L-- B�!//l�Y��t��/�/x��/��/�r��/��i/�/��6�A,�������/��`/����/�`����`A��/�����`� ��������iz��id��s�i���i�������i��������i���i����i��ir���a ������i����� - B. As allowed under Special District Regulations or Planned Development District Regulations. 2. Lot 4Jidth � �s�', The width�of a lot shall not be less tt�an � feet at the required set- back, except: (INCORPORATED iNTO SEPARATE ZONE) Rl //NYs��`�/�1���`��X/�f/I �r��/�'�/��/Xe���/�A/���,�/�rS/►����i�,� ���/���������/��i�/��`/���`�/���1 /����d/l �t��/��`/���`��/�ii��`��f,� ��S/�/��i�SQ�����c��i/��`/����/�`e�Pvs�`c1�A/���'��`�/pe�������`/�9�/�t9S�� �rf �/��li�lv�0�11 r��Sd�►"/��`���C���X/�d/������`�/�/��`�����`/►�,�Q�1��/�n� ��r������►/���vi�,��d/ag;�/r��d�i�/�i���a/k��/��/f���� �� A. VJhere a parcel of land is less thari GO feet but not less than 50 feet in 4ridth, and comprises one or more full sized lots or parts there�f, on a suUdivision or plat recorded before Decernber 29, 1955, and t��e minimum width of a lat as originally made is less than 60 feet, and it is no lon�er practical to require a greater a�idth, the mini- mum required lot width can be loti��ered to allovr a building on this parcel wii;h the side yard requirements reduced to five (5).feet minimum on each side sub,iect to the following conditions: (1) The distance between any attached garages or other accessory buildings is at least 10 feeto . (2) The distance bet�•�een any building and the living area in an adjacent building is ai: least 15 feet (3) The distance between the living areas in any two adjacent buildings is at least 20 feet. B. If lot splits are permitted with the lot width less than the required 6�feet, the lot must still meet the most restrictive lot requirements and setbacks; except for the lot area and lot width. ' � C. As a1lowed under Special District Regulations or Plan- ned Development Regulations. , 3. Lot Coverage , Nat more than 25 percent of the area of a lot shall be covered by the main building and all accessory buildings. � 4. Setback requirements A. Front Yard A front yard with a depth of not less than 35 feet is required. � �2 3 ��//���/����/�����/���/���������/���n/����/�/����n/�f/��� 1���1����/���/�dAX/f����/������/��/��X����� B. Side Yard ���iiw����i�i�����i��i�����ir����i�i������i��������i������ ��1�'���l�fl �����/�����`�I f���/��`/d�d�`�I �r��/rG��Y�/�/���/r4�d�i� ��/1 g/f��,�ld�`/�i����/d/t���f��ic't�/����/X 6�/��viu����►�ri�/��S�X X ��/�¢����a��`�/��/d0/f���/�i�/���/���6�ir��/��`��/��A�/�r��/�/����� ��t�/��'1 d�/f���/�v(/���/���'���/��0�/��/�Y►�,�/�l A���ak/��� ��r`���/��dl d/k��/�r����/�v�/�6s�/f����`�/r�������/�/����/��� �i��`��t4�el//N�r�����`�/�i���/���u�����r�/�ii��'�/rS��/��/��/,�vt���`f ��`��C��l��l;��1 �`���t�l;�K�/i�����/��`�r�x���l;��/,����l,�i��r�l�Al���1t�1 (1) A side yard of ten (10) feet is required between any living area and side proper•ty lines. � 2 A side yard of five (5) feet is tached accessory buildings and side uired between at- ruuertv iines� Z� � 3.) Where a house is constructed without a garage ��/x�l��lV�s��'�`1�����/6�6�/fd��tl�����14��,A'►���i�d�u�� side ��►� ����;��'s'���►4�/aii�la/N��/��d;'¢t'l�`�lyard of 13 �►,fl,?� feet ��i���i��n�l►j►��las�l����,�i¢�/r.r'��i��:��,�/��sa�/��1���;�/� fuf����/�1�����S:�s�l(i������/d�/,�r3�'�ldr���/���X�1/k��'lk���X�l✓+�,�YSf �r�1`•/�/�;��1�iXy5�/i���`��►�¢�l is .reyuired. Al //Ni?��s�/�11������/��/���X,t �O��i;:ti�u�s��11t�l�t��+s��li�:l��/��i���K��1/���`���/��/�t���/�P�/�6 B(G/���i�/d��k�9�� a 4��►��c��I� side ��� Yard of ��V���1�¢t��V�� �Y�J1/f��/V��/�/��1`l�l�flX�/fc���/��lvSl��/��c1�/��5� 13 feet �r�/f{'���/��}5��/���y /��/����/i:��,��/r�����/i��/������/��/��5� �`���`/����dl�e��l �tl�¢s����X¢ld c����Y��/���`���/��/���� f��:�+�x/c���� . ��/�'ti!s��Y`t�z�,l !�l//XY�/��'A�/�'��`�/�d�������/�►�/�����Y���/�����r�/c����/�� ��A����/��lys��/X ���/�����lY/�'����/��`�����a�l�I�c�l�����;il�f �Y��/�i��`���/0�/1�Y���/����/��/��J�/t����11�Y���/Z�/����1 � $( Corner Lots (a) The side yard width on a street side of,..� corner lot shall be not less than 17.5 feet.�b�When the lot to the rear has frontage along a side street, no accessory building on a corner lot, wii:hin 25 feet of the common property line, shall be closer to said side street than 30 feet; provided, hoa�ever, that this reyulation shall not be so interpreted as to re- duce the buildable width of a corner lot to less than 25 feet. � c� (.b�) Any attached or unattached accessory building which opens on the side street, shall be at least 25 feet from the property line of a side street, 6�l I���e���6�1G1{�d,�Xd�v���/t���G/��l�S�,�1i1��/,����/�`{���l�i��`�� (Incorporated int �(��'lf��;�1f�`�t�l���l����/��i�1X�r��l��i�l��������1,��1�1������,1 4B (2) above) C. Rear Yard �j� A rear yard with a depth of not less than 25 percent of the lot depth is required with not less than 25 feet permitted or more than 40 f���,,t,� requi red for the mai n bui 1 di ng; ��/,f�,T� X�yi�,i ���t1C �3a'etached accessory buildings may be built not less than three (3) feet from any �`��� lot line in the rear yard not adjacent to a street. D. Double Frontage ��� The building lines will prevail in lieu of rear rd require- ments. �i �' �ristjinc� �!f �60y►'�� �'}o'nt,�� id'���he setback for garage��nd accessory bu�ld�ngs �n the rear yard will be the same as for a front yard in the R-1 District area�C'q�ty� ��q�`] Z� T��l�r'�c���`l��l�ldV���X¢lf�bd�:���1�'b;�l����6/��1 P��`�:/��'►l��`¢�v�� �Y�/��;��5��1��/X/V�►��iX��i�Sf1/��S/v��f,��is��/������/bt�/��Y��f �n/,�f�� 1 w�l�L�r�i���lf �'�s������1/�:V��i�`/1'�ic'/����t,� �'��X/����'A���/�� �►��1�1�'����s��rSil��s�x�Zls"��'���lP��IX{�r�l>1 �'��c'�/s��/t'>y���;F���1,� i���s')��/�i��/����r�/�x4�; r.���l�/l��sri��r���a�/��Y������1��lzis� ��t=Ad �I � Y�s�lr�i��i�l�z0�/��/i=Ms�li��;��iY�I���Y�v��r�,�lfti59�lths�r����� �V�iX X/►ss�J�c��v���r�s�/i��l�=��C/aY��2�;��1f�s�►�u������r�li��/���rs�� ���'/��/��f,��Y��s�����1 205.-8�4 Building Requirements � Z��:���{ �� Height No building shall hereafter be erected, constructed, reconstructed altered, enlarged, or moved, so as to exceed the building height limit of 30 feet from the finished qrade level. � � z,l �►�Vf�t��►�lFd ���/!��?��'r� ��[,�a�� ����.c' �Z.��`�� ��j�'�`'�'y �"�' �' ���/lF��`lX�%��lY���v� ��1�19���Al�s�����lf�u��!r ��/d���l���l�17� ����`/1�,�I��r,�s!�V��/i��4�/,�dt�/Xy���I�'���X,�,��id/f���/X��/�I�X��� � . . . ,,. . . . . . . , �Y►�l���X���d�/�����/fX���/����/v�f/� Q�t�--�e�lf�:��X�/� � X��id/�V�XXIk��I��� ���l��s�►�l���z� i��i�►���/��c��l�6f,'�,��5�����lf�'���li���� .� �����A�d/,i��z� �l//R/���/����`�/ ����X�/d��XX��d/���i�/�f/�Y��`�� ��r1�����/��`lx¢��l��i�XX/����1�1�����d�l�f/�,��Z� ���d���/���,�/��/������/��`��,! z�iiai �_ ����x�im►��xx���i����i���s�������im� ��l�i��x�i�������i�����i�����i���xxi���¢i�i������� ��i���z�i����,��i����i��i����zi�x��,�i�����i��iX���� �a�i��r����i����i��i,�►s�¢�i���x�i��iz�����i�,���i��� �1i�ld���TX���/��s�1X/��a��l�l��,����1�����Y��QI�ri����� i���b���l�/f����l��"��l►���/����1 �Y��r�lz�z/������1�����1 �l//�/�;���x�/��►��X���/�r���/��/�/��x,�i�/1��6�� �����v�/��/�����1����`���8/��`1����1�f��X X /1����/�/��v����� ��/X�4G�a/��u���/�`���/�f/���,�v�d/����l��l��i�/u����`/;��i� X���X�� � �l//i�/��4�/����`�d/�►��xX���/�i���/��'/�i��/���,��/����`� �����ril��/;��s,���/��d����{��1�,�1X���l���X�IYi���l�l�►�ri���� ��ir��i����,��i����i��i�,����i�xm��i����i��i���rs���i��� ���������ix��������������� Rl//Xi��/�►�����r��/�Y��7X/�s���/�/6��`�d�/�����i��� �Y►�����/H��G���l�l�X���l����/���1����1�Y���il?Sz �����`�'/f���l . f!l l/XY�/��v(��H��/fXb��`/�����/�fl�Ys�/►�����`1����`� �A/rs��/��rs�`�/���v�/���c/f���/�ts���/d�`���1 �l //R/�w��/��c��`y/alv��al �r��/►'�ri��/i�����fi/�i��/►������`/�;C��`� ��i�d����/r��h�Xl�/��"/���`�Xyh/,�►�/��s�/�`���/���Or�/��`d��A��,� ��ii�M�¢i�r���i�r��ri;�r��i�►�i��+�i�xr��ia��rri���y� �r'��d�/���x�lk��iri�zia���i�N�r1i���i�y���r�if�g�� ��//K��s!Y►/tsc'd��c�t��/XF�P���o1/�r�/�=1�c�/V�Y�Y���`/�1���`�/�l��Xx/t����/� ��������,�Er�/s��/XZf�/��Nr��'�`/fs�¢1/�t/f1�0��`/l��`t��,l . ��//T�; /f��'s��x��s�/����1�/i����/�/V����� ��/►�,����li��/�i����`��� �����f�/�/,�d�t��`/��: rs/�+�7�/�'���/Z1�d��/X'GT/��f�i��`i�/���i�l P��l �d�`/lb��/X��il��i��/Y�����4fAs�►�►���/���ti;�/�I�¢/v����XX,�c��/�n�XX/Y����/�/fi���,� fX���/��`•s'�ls��l��S�ld ���/�t��j�/7��/��1►����/�P���/��E�;�kh����l��/��¢P�,q���`�d F?tti,�X�� �i��/s%)`i �t�/�������d/u��dd�l �l Xv�l�6►���X�/�����X,�,✓��/i�S�lr�;���t���l���aXl�',i���lfi��t��`/��``��/�Y�r�x,Tl��/X���� �����`C/���i��/���1/t6��/t���� ���l���b�r��il�;`��1��/���G/u���lgV��X X/)6�lEX�� ��u��`�1����1���T u���d�l�fl�������b��dl���a�����1��`/��1�����i���l������,1 r . �� 205.-9aFr Parking Requirements � zo � . ����� �� ���Y���lf'���� �t/l��fi �/���/�f��������/���K���/���ZX/�Ii�TX/��/��������/f��/���i� as���x1���1�t4�i!t z� �� 1. !�l 2. R�����/R��fu�i�t����►��� ��ii�Xxix���i������i�i���s����ix��i����i��i�����i������ f��1�/���XXI ����/�/����d���l ��/�/�����'�/���X Xl ���`����t Bl//���/X���/�`���Xi���s�lf�b�lX��/��a�'��1����ri�/X���l�f��v� ���11�/����/���/►�i���Y/�I��XX/Y����/�1������p�/��'/�/��r��x� �������A/���`���1 , General Provisions �l //R/�Y`����1�/d��������5��/Y���`�/���`����/��`���v���d/��/�`�f ����`��lf0�l ���Y►l���l'���s�l���'�1�r��Y►I �I ���`���t �l//A/��`��G��/��`/����1�t�/����/d�`����►��/����/��'/������1� �������rS��/f��l���Y�lQr4�d ��r��/�r��;t/r��i�s�d,�/�/���`���� S���i�a/��,�e����d/�Ys�dXd/��/�►�Q�/��/K���/,�i���/�������� f�`��►/��¢��dX �����/�rill�ri�l ���"���1 A. A minimum of one off-street parkin�stall shall be provided fior each dwelling unit. B. � The required parking stall shall not ���d��' be lo- cated in any portion.of �/����7T��d the front yard. C. All drivewa s and arkin stalls shall be surfaced w�th b acktop or concrete or ot er approved �iard surface material. � Existing Facilities All existing property in this district occupied by buildings, at. the date ¢�/t�db����r� of this ordinance ,i�t/;t�,i�/Q,��t�,i��/►�,ilX/���f �;f ��/�� st�al�l comply with 9'���� `,c?� .��, P��`Y�v��!R�s�t���`�t��v����/P����►�`�K�i�/�,l Genera Prov�sioi�s,�/{��+/,�dt4r1�Y`�'/��/XY11�� �:•�r�t-t. ,.. 3 �,r,�� /�� y.�u�� !} :Q � �-� ��.�,,��� �J,•c�:s.yn�.Y--���� � `� S ``,., �� .n� J7��C �a,.-- � �'� � „ i�;�.�i�+�,�.a°� . � �� ,�� ,�,f✓ , ��'�" . �� �- � �- _a-,.�L `� � �j • !�� = ���s-G� ' � � � � ,.�v" cK,z�1�'L.tr�� �" �/ � � F�Y��PY F���A1-����F7 � Performance Standards , 7C�.� : t' 1�J �^ i�:lE;�'.." 1. Exterior St�ra e ��'�� �''� — _Q � - – �..'G?�' i�-r. �7' � �� All materials shall be kept in a buildinyo ur lly screened, so as not to be visible fro an_ r� �ht-of'��- .vr` il..�'� .e���,'���L � G� . The City shall require a 'exterior storage � � ��� ��1! sha11 be u b 1 i c �� '����-�. �._ .. �o�. ,� i ecial Use Permit for an 2. Re� All waste materialsz refuse or qarbaqe_shall be containers desiqned for such purposes as req��r of the Fridley City Code. �� 3. Drainage and Grade Requirements ntained in closed under Chapter �r3 /� _/_ " fN ZG M • A finished ground grade ' away from all buildings shall apply: shall be established such that natural drainage is provided. The following minimum criteria A. The minimum elevation of finished grade ��/�� shall be not less than 1/4 inch rise per horizontal foot of setback measured from curb grade. ��//X��/�������/���������/��/���/f�������/�����A/���A�/�� ��/���/����/�n��/��/������/�����/���/�����1�8���/����/���d�� �l/lR/��ff�����/f�������/���di�A/�����1���1��/�����X�����/���� ���a�������1�����t��l���l��������i��l���/����/��������t� O�f�E�/�f/���/����/��/�d¢n/���f¢����/���������/��/�����/��� ��/���������/��f���/���f���/��������/��/��/f���/��������� ��6������ . a. " � The City �������� may specify a minimum finished ground grade for any structure�,s'in order to allow proper draina e and connection to City ut�lities. z< ��;��ll���t���►���i'� �P.E1�R�8RA1't�°�9°���� ) i',,(l17.��P1i���Sfl�lr��4dlJQ►���F�I���f�!1��0�� ►���`��� # �l� ,��`' ��f �'7�'1c-f`"''�. f�'��1:1���'�s�lQ�r�/����1���'41f1 . � � �ll/�i��/i!��'�������l�d�lt����`ly���/���1��1l��1������X�' ��-t.� �il��i�d�V���� "� 4. Landsca in �� � � All o en dr�ve��rays, or tion cover. � areas of any site, except for areas used for storaQe, shall be sodded, seeded or have ve d parkin�, : P� "ta_ 1 'de water facilities to yard areas for main- ��B''. All uses shal rovi ter�ance of 1 andsca i n. . . Q • %d.r .�/��'�� /�^'� �c� �� �t� . � . �l 5. Maintenance It shal l be the ddrY���I � responsi bi l i ty f�i/���/,tN�X/�1��/���s���i�����/���►�����f ���rS�`�l��S/��/����`������l�r�Al►��J1 /k���/��������� of the properi�owner to ensure that: 6. A. All structures, ofiher exterior deve o`� repair. ���alls, fences, walks, steps, drive�vays, and opment shall be maintained in a oc,�od state 6�. Ever�y yard and boulev maintained. i Essential Services rd area of a premises shall be properll v►�,� ���, A. Connection is required on each lot served by a City sanitary_ sewPr. � 6. Connection is required on each lot served by a City water 1_ine. � �—