01/19/1981 - 00013346�� 1 THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR �4EETING OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL OF JA�d�ARY 19, 1981 The ftegular Meeting of the Fr�idley City Council was called to order at 7 38 p. m by Mayor fJee. PLE�GE OF ALLEGIAtdCE: Mayor Nee led the Council and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT MEP1BERS N6SE�VT APPROVAL OF MINUItS. Mayor Nee, Councilman Fitzpatrick, Councilwoman Moses, Counctlman Schneider and Councilman Barnette None REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 5, 1981. fhOTION by Counc�lman Barnette to approve the m�nutes as presented. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unan�mously. PUQLIC HEARING, �ANUARY 12, 1981_ hlOTIOfI by Councilman Schne�der to approve the minutes as presented. Seconded by Councilwoman Moses. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, f1ayor Nee declared the iaot�on carried unanimously. PRESEPdTATIOfJ OF CCRTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION - RICHARD SCHMIDT, VOLU�;TEFR FIREFIGHTER; Since flr. Schmidt was not present to receive a certificate of apprec�ation for h�s services as a volunteer f�reftghter from February, 1972 to October, 19�0, this cert�f�cate will be forwarded to him. ADOPIIOfJ OF AGENDA h�ayor Plee requested that �tems 5 and 6 be reversed on the agenda. Pi01I0fJ by Councilman F�tzpatrtck to adopt the agenda with the above amendment. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, P1ayor Nee ueclared �he motion carried unanimously. OPEPd FORUPi. VISITOP,S Senator pon Frank appeared before the Cour�cil and stated he would welcome any input from the Council for the upcoming Legislative sess7on. Senator Frank stated he had an opportunity to talk wtth several persons frorn the League of Women Voters and they had questions regarding park development. Senator Frank stated he is here this evening rega}°ding the ,7oint powers agreement with Anoka County for the Islands of Peace and is concerned about parks. DLD BUSIfJESS. � CONSIDLRATION OF APPOINTMENTS TO CITY COMP9ISSIONS (TABLED 1/5/21 cor�r4UfdITY DEVELOPP1ElVT CQMPIISSION• P�tOTIOiJ by Counc�lman Schneider to nominate LeRoy Oquist for reappon;tment to the Commun�ty �evelopment Commission. Seconded 6y Counctivroman Moses. LJ ' � . 1� REGllLAR MEETING OF JANUARY 19, 1981 PAGE 2 MOTION by Councilman Schneider to cast a white ballot for the reappointment of LeRoy Oquist to the Community Development Commiss�on. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Counc�lman F�tzpatr�ck to nominate Alfred Gabel for reappo�ntment to the Community Development Commissior� Seconded by Counc�lman Schneider. � MOTIOfJ by Councilman Fitzpatrick to cast a white ballot for the reappointment of Alfred Gabel to the Gommunity Oevelopment Comm�ssion Seconded by Counc�ltvoman P1oses. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor fJee declared the motion carried unanimously. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION. MOTION by Councilman F�tzpatrick to nonnnate Jan Seeger for reappointment to the Parks and Recreation Commission. Seconded by Counc�lman Schneider h1DTI0fd by Councilman Fitzpatrick to cast a wh�te ballot for the reappointment of Jan Seeger to the Parks and Recreat�on Commission. Seconded by Counc�lman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, P1ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. APPEALS COMMISSION: Mayor Nee stated that neither Virginia Schnabel nor R�chard Kemoer wished to be considered for reappointment h901I01V 6y Councilman Schne�der to nominate ,lean Gerou for apporntment to the Appeals Commission. Seconded by Councilman 6arnette. MDiION by Councilman Schneider to cast a white ballot for the appointmert oF �ean Gerou to the Appeals Commission. Seconded by Councilman Barnett�. Upon � a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor fdee decalred the motion carried unan�mously. MOTIOfd by Councilwoman P4oses to table the appointment to Richard I<emper's seat on the Appeals Commisston to the next regular meeting. Seconded by Counctlman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor fdee declared the motion carr�ed unanimously. EfJVIR011MEiJTAL QUALIIY COMP9ISSION: MOTION by Councilman Fitzpi.arick to reappoint Lee Ann Sporre to the Env�ronmental Quality Cornmission. 610TION FAILED FOR LACK OF A SECOPJD Playor Plee requested, and Council concurred, with tabling this appointment to the next recular raecting HUP1Aid RESOURCES COMf9I5SI0N: MOTi�N by Counctlman Schneider to nom�nate Mary Van �an for reappointment 'o the Human Resources Comrnss�on. Seconded by Councilwoman P1oses. f�10TI0P! by Councilman Schne�der to cast a wh�te ballot for the reappo�ntment of Mary Van Dan to the Human Resources Commiss�on. Seconded by Councilwoman i�toses Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, f1ayor Nee declared the motion carriecl unanimously. It was noted that Wa;me Saunders dald not wish to be reappointed to the Commissicr. � MOTION by Councilman Barnette to nominate Brian Godspeed for appointment to the Human Resources Commisston. Seconded by Councilman Schneider P10TION by Councilwoman Moses to nonnnate Gwen Reber for apoointment to the Human Resources Cominiss�on. P10TIOfd FAILED FOR LACK OF A SECOhI�. �2 REGULAR P1EETING OF JANUARY 19, 1981 PAGE 3 Councilwoman Moses stated Ms. Reber was not aware a resume was needed and in view of the fact the Council doesn't have this information, she felt it would be in order to table this appointment. MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to table the appointment to Wayne Saunders' seat on the hiuman Resources Commission until the next regular meeting. Seconded by Councilwoman Moses. Upon a vo�ce vote, Councilman Fitzpatrtck, Councilwoman Moses and Councilman Schneider voted in favor of the motion. Mayor Nee and Councilman 6arnette voted against the motion Mayor Nee declared the motion carried by a 3 to 2 vote. ENERGY COP41�1ISSIDN: PlOTION by Councilman Schneider to nominate Jerry Chichosz for reappointment to the Energy Comm�ssion. Seconded by Counctlwoman Moses. P90TIOfd by Councilwoman Moses to cast a white ballot for the reappointment of Jerry Chichosz to the Energy Commission. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanirnously CABLE IELEVISION COMMISSION: MOTIOfJ by Councilman Barnettie to nominate Burt Weaver for reappointment to the Cable Television Corrmission. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. ��101ION by Councilwoinan Moses to cast a white ballot for the reappointment of Burt Weaver to the Cahbe Television Comm�ssion. Seconded by Councilman Schne�der. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, P�ayor Nee declared the motion carr�ed unanmiously. MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to nominate Harold Belgum for reappointment to zhe Cable TelevTSion Commission. Seconded by Counci7man Schneider. PdOTIOfJ 6y Couricilwoman f1oses to cast a white ballot for the reappointment of Hurold �elgurn to the Cable Television Commisston. Seconded by Councilman Scrine�der. Upon a voice,vote, all vot�ng aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unami��ously. HJUSIfdG AN� REDEVELOPMENTiAUTHORITY i�'layor iVee stated he would reappoint Elr�iars Pretdtt�s to the Housing and Redevelopment Authortty. MOTIOfJ by Councilman Schneider to concur with Mayor Nee's reappointment of Elmars Prieditis to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority. Seconded by Councilman Barnette Upon a voice vote, all vot�ng aye, Mayor Plee declared the motion carried unan�mously. POLICE CO�1f9ISSI0N: P10TION by Councilwoman Moses to nom�nate Elizabeth kahnk for reappotntment to the Police Comnnss�on. Secended by Councilman Schneider P10TI01! by Councilwoman Moses to cast a white 6allot for the reappointment of Elizabeth :ahnk to the Police CommTSSion. Seconded by Councilman Scheider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unammously. Counc�lman Schne�der suggested send�ng a letter of thanks to the people who submitted resumes. � � � � �� REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 19, 1981 PAGE 4 Councilman Barnette stated, in talking with Sharon Gustafson, a member of the Commum ty Development Corrmnssion, it was felt this Commission really doesn't have any specifi c direction. Mr. Jerry Boardman, City Planner, stated t�e Commu m ty �evelopment Commiss�on has such a broad scope and looks at everything that affects commun�ty development. He felt this scope should be narrowed 6ecause environmental concerns, park and recreation concerns, and housing and development really fall within the scope of the Community Development Comm ss�on and �t mak�s 1t difficult to handle Councilman Schneider felt the Center City Pro�ect would be an area to receive tnput from the Comnunity Development Commission Mr. Boardman stated the Housing and Redevelopment Authority �s involved in this area and has more authortty than an advisory commission, but felt it would seem �logical for the Community Development Corrmtssion to also be involved Mr. Boardman felt the only problem they might have �s the time element, as the process of the Comnunity Development Commisston is completely different than the Housing Authority process. P�lr Qureshi, City P�anager, stated the Coriununtty Development Commission was given the task of reviewtng condominium conversions and questioned how this was proceeding. Mr. Boardman stated they are in the process of completing their review and are also looking at the industrial revenue bond issue. Mr. 6oardman stated he didn't necessarily want staff to come up �a�th all matters the Commission should review, but ts trying to work with them to set up goals and a direction to follow. NEIJ BUSINESS: �3 RECEIVIfdG PLANNING COP7PIISSION NIINUTES OF JANUARY 7, 1981: � A CONSIDERATIOPJ OF REQUEST FOR SPECIAL USE PERMIT SP � VETERINARY EMERGENCY CLINIC IN MOON PLAZA SHOPPING C � ' � 12 TO ALLOW A t�lOTION by Counc�lwoman Moses to table thts ttem to February 2, 1931. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a vo�ce vote, all voting aye, P�ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. c� � T� REZOfdE FROM C-2 to M-1 �"lliRGf1VUJLp LLUfII riruvurn�iuniivu f11YU JCRY1l.Lp /1J1-/LJ1 I.UPIPILRI�L 1.1f�l.LL EAST, WINFIELD DEVELOPMENTS, INC.: MOTION by Counctlwoman Moses to set the public heartng on th�s rezom ng request for February 9, 1981. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, ali vottng aye, f4ayor Nee decl�red the motion carrie�'unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to receive the minutes of the Planning Commtssion f�leeting of January 7, 1981. Seconded by Councilwoman Moses Upon a voice vote, all vottng aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carr�ed unanimously. L� RECEIVING CHARTER COPIPIISSION MINUTES OF fJOVEMQER 18, 1980: M110TION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to receive the minutes of the Charter Coinmission hleeting of November 12, 1980. Seconded 6y Councilwoman Moses. Upon a voice vote, all voting ay2, P�iayor Nee declared the motion carried'unanimously 14 V � REGULAR I4EETING OF JANUARY 19, 1981 RECEIVING 60PJD BIDS ANC AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF BONDS REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT OPEPdEQ JANUARY 19, 1931 at 4:3 r PAGE 5 CENTER CITY FICATIONS Mr. Boardman, C�ty Planner, stated earlier today bids were received and opened for the issuance of bonds for the Center City Redevelopment Pro�ect He further stated six btds were received and a computer run was done on the best b�d and the Council now has the report before them. fir D�ck Ehlers stated, about the time the sale was set for the bond, the index was about 11-z% and it is now down to 10.62%, a signifi cant �mprovement �n the bond market. Mr. Ehlers directed the Council's attent�on to the bid summary sheet wher� the bids were ranked P4r. Ehlers stated the f�rst bid by John quveen & Company, Inc. has an �nterest rate of 8.544o which is a good rate. He noted there was a lot of interest in the sale, as six bids were received, and in previous sales, only two and four b�ds were received. Mr. Ehlers stated the tax increment will pay for the debt service on the bonds and given the current cond�tions, the chances of the tax increment not paying the debt service are minimal. Mr. Ehlers stated the �nterest ranged from 8.54% to 3.72% and felt this points out the advantages of going to a public sale with securities because of the cor��petitive nature. i�1r. Ehlers presented a resolution for the Counci7's consideration, which was prepared by the bond counsel, awarding the sale of the bonds to the wininng b�dder, MOTIOfJ by Councilman Barnette to receive the bids and adopt Resolution ido. 5-1931, awarding the 6id to John Nuveen & Company, Iinc. Seconded by Councilwoman f�1oses. Upon a votce vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the mot�on carried una m mously. CONCERNS BY CARL PAULSOfJ REGAR�ING POLICE AN� OTHER f1ATTERS• P1r. Carl PauTson, 430 57th Place, commented about the erosion in the Police Department and felt, where matters of public safety are concerned, the respons�bil�ty rests with the Council in making a survey. P1r. Paulson's second 53rd and Highway 65. ts possible. concern was the traffic hazard at the intersection of He felt, with the aid of htghway personnel, a solution �ir. Paulson's th�rd concern was world events which are beyond the people's control. He stated the events with Iran represents a sign of the times and the handwriting is on the wall. RECEIVIfJG I�ERATION E FOl1NDATIDN: JOIPdT POWERS AGREEMENT WI7H APdO f�10TI0PJ by Councilman Fitzpatrick to rece�ve the resolution from the Islands of Peace Foundation dated �ecember 11, 19G0 in support of a,7oint powers agrecmer;t between the City and County for the purpose of establ�shing and developing a Regional Park. Seconded 6y Councilwoman Moses. Upon a vo7ce votP, all voting aye, P�1ayor flee declared the motion carried unam mously. � 1 � �J R[GULAR h1EETING OF JANUARY 19, 1981 PAGE 6 Mr. Qureshi, City P1anager, stated the proposed �oint powers agreement with Anoka County has been presented to the City's Parks and Recreation Commission an� they have reviewed it several times and approved the agreement which is now befor� the Council. Mr. Qureshi stated the Commtssion wanted the County to pay for the cost of installat�on of the security alarm system and, therefore, it }s proposed to add this to Section III-A, Item 5. � Playor Nee stated he had suggested adding on a condition that provides the County will also fulfill the obligations, under the State grant, and the City Attorney has worked out thts language Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, stated a change is proposed in III-A, Item B, the second paragraph. �D�i the second line of the second paragraph, the words. "tn its sole discretion" are to be striken and the last sentence of thts paragraph is to read as follows: "The County may make the fac7lit�es on the sub�ect property available to such third parties, including by lease of the sub�ect property, with concurrence of the City" Mr. Herrick stated a further paragraph should be added to III-A, Item 3, to read as follows: "The County acknowledges the Ctty has certain obligations pertatning to the use of sub�ect property that have been incurred through the use of State grants. The County agrees to operate the sub�ect property in accordance vn th the State obligations" Mr. Hei°r�ck stated the resolut�on received by the Counc�l this evem ng from the Islands of Peace Foundatton has an indication of their intent to terminate the exist�ng lease, however, he felt, if the �oint powers agreement is approved, it should 6e contingent on recetving a termination of the lease wtth the Islands of Peace Foundat�on. f�r. �oudreau, Director of Parks and Recreation, stated he suggested to the � Islands of Peace Foundation that the steps they were to take would be to terminate the lease and support the �oint powers agreement, and their attorney has submitted the resolution now before the Council Senator pon Frank questioned what funding has been rece�ved from the State and what is anticipated in the future for the Islands of Peace Foundation. � Mr. Qureshi stated the State Legis1ature approved, in 197�, $150,000 towards a 6uilding on the Hayes River lots. He stated, prior to this ttme, LAWCON funding was received and used to acquire the property with 50% pa�d from Federal funds, 25% from State funds and 251 from City funds. Mr. Qureshi stated the future plan is to acquire additional property along the r�ver, adtth Federal funds, under the Great R�ver Road Pro�ect. Senator Frank asked who would submtt the request for State funding. Mr Qureshi stated the �oint powers agreement allows the County to take over the maintenance of some of the area the City actually owns Ne stated, as far as funding for the regional park, the request for funds would be made by the County. Councilman Barnette stated he has talked to members of the Islands of Peace Foundation and thier concern is, tf and when this area goes to a regional park, the Foundation feels they should remain as sub-committee of the County because as a non-proftt Foundation, there are funds available only they can receive. 16 � � REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 19, 1981 PAGE 7 MOTION by Counc�lwoman Moses to approve the �oint powers agreement with Anoka County, w�th the proposed changes under III-A, Items 5 and 8, contingent on termination of the lease agreement with the Islands of Peace Foundation. Seconded by Counc�lman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF ACCEPTING EASEMENT FROP4 NSP ALONG HIGHWAY fJO. 65: h10TI0N by Councilwoman Moses to approve the easement agreement with PJorthern States Power for a b�keway easement throught thetr property. Seconded by Councilman Schne�der. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Plee declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF ASHTON AVENUE EASEMENT AGREEMENT, BURLI�lGTON NDRTHERN. I Nir Herrick, City Attorney, stated there was some controversy whether the City had to acquire some additional easement for the construction of Ashton Avenue. He stated the argument made was the easement existed because of past activities and the use and maintenance of �t by the City. Ne pointed out the State statute states �f an easement �s used for a period of 15 years and mainta�ned by a governmental body for six years, it becomes a public road, however, the other proviston states it doesn't apply to property ad,7acant to a railroad, if it is berng used fo�r the�r operating purposes, Mr flerrick stated another question was if the City could assess the railroad 6ecause ihe property ad,7acent to �t benefitted by the street. He stated the City's argument was tt did benefit, however, Burlington Plorthern argued there wasn't any benefit. Mr Herrick stated he and staff felt a reasonable solution was not to pay [iurltnyton Northern for the easement and, in turn, they would not be assessed for the street He stated, if the matter went to court, the City would have to establish that the property does benefit, He pointed out the property is shallow and it would be difficult to develop, and substantial variances would have to be grai�ted in order for any construction to proceed. Councilman Schne�der asketl who would be paying for the street improvement. Mr. Qureshi stated the proposal would be to keep the assessment the same on the West stde and any cost along the East side would be taken out of State Aid Funds. Couricilman F�tzpatrick asked what portion of the total assessment would be paid by private property owners, and P9r. Qureshi stated about one-half of the cost. P�ayor Nee potnted out Burlington Northern states the property isn't worth anythtng and yet they are using tt. Pir. Herrick stated he wanted to leave the impression with the Council that he doesn't nnnd goiny to court with this matter, but is recommeridin9 this is a good settlement tn terms of cost. Counc�lma�� Barnette asked if there ever were any plans to connect Elst Avenue as a direct route across the C�ty. Mr. Qureshi stated it wou]dn't be practical because of the cost. � � , � 1 �,� � � �l�a � r) � REGULAR ��IEETING OF JANUARY 19, 1981 PAGE 8 Councilman Barnette pointed out the day may come when Stevenson School is one of two elementary schools in Fridley and the people living in Sylan H�lls, who have students going to Stevenson, would have a much more simple route tf 61st Avenue was extended. Mr. Herrick stated, at one time, there was strong opposit�on to such an extension. He stated he didn't know what the requirements would be for a pedestrian bridge, in terms of obtain�ng approval from the Publ�c Service Comm�ssion and Bur1ington Northern, 6ut felt this would 6e cheaper than extendtng the street for motortzed traffic. Councilman Barnette stated he felt the primary purpose would be for motorized traffic. Councilman Fitzpatrick felt people do talk about this, but felt it probably was only a matter of curiostty. MOTIDP� by Councilman Fitzpatrick to table this item on the Ashton Avenue easement agreement with Burltngton Northern, Inc. Seconded by Counci1man Schnteder. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, P1ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATIDN OF SETTIfJG PUBLIC HEARING FOR FLOOD PLAIP! ORDINANCE MOTIOW by Councilman Fitzptar�ck to set the public hearing for February 9, 1981. Seconded by Councilwoman Moses. Upon a vo�ce vote, all votin9 aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTIOfd N0. 6-1981 AUTHORIZING SIGNING AN AGREEMEPIT FOR CERTAIN EMPLOYEES REPRESENTE� BY LOCAL N0. 49, AFL-CIO (PUBLIC WORKS AND PARKS) FOR 1982 TD BE INSERTED IN MAS7ER CONTRACT FOR 1981-1982) f�10TI0N by Councilman Barnette to adopt Resolution No. 6-1981 Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, h�ayor Nee declared the nmtion carriec� unanimously. I DIRECTOR TO P10TION by Councilman Schneider to adopt Resolution No. 7-19i31. Seconded by Counci1man Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Plee declared the motion carrted unan�mously. RECEIVING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT FOR REPARIS TO WELL N0. 10 Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated three bids were received for repair te Well No. 10, and the lowest b�d was from Bergerson-Caswell in the amount of �7,937 Mr. Flora stated the City hasn't been completely satisfi ed, in the past, with work done by 6ergerson- Caswell, however, this bid is $2,321 lower than the next b�d, therefore, they are recommended the bid be awarded to them. Mr. Herrick stated the City may re,7ect all bids and readvertise, however, if one of these bids were accepted, other than the low bid, the City would have to establish that the low b�dder is not a res�onsible b�dder Mr. Flora did m dicaie there would be superviston by the City personnel wh�le ihe well is being repaired. ir �' i REGULAR NIEETING OF JANUARY 19, 1981 PAGE 9 MOTION by Councilman 6arnette to receive the bids for the repair of Well fJo. 10 and award the contract to the low bidder, Bergerson-Caswell in the amount of $7,937. GEWERAL SPECIFICATIONS Equip , Labor & Platerials Repa�r Sepcifications. Rubber line shaft bearings 1-11/16 bottom 5 ft. line shaft w/sleeve 1-11/16 by 10 ft, line shaft w/sleeve Sleeves (only) 10"x10' suction ptpe T+ C 10"x10' column pipe, T+ C 10"x5' column pipe, T+ C Top special drtve shaft Complete set of bowl bearings Pdew impellers hieadshaft - size 1-11/16" St�iffing box bushings, 1-11/16" [3ox pump packing, 1-11/16° Iinpeller wear rings Bowl shaft Aligning sp�ders 4�0 gal7ons of Hudro Hib 20 degree' 25 lbs. granular H T.H. Qowl assembly Bowl assembly Allowance on old bowl assembly Water level indicator: Column shafts ;� pipe Column shaft Column pipe Well Development (1) �2) f ;) Disinfecting: Test pumping TOTAL Af40UNT OF BID starting date. complet�on date: 6IU BOND Seconded by Councilman Fttzpatrick mot�on carried'una m mously. BERGERSON- CASWELL, INC. .11 11 14.00 ea 95.00 125.D0 50.00 140.00 190.00 140.00 50.00 250.00 300.00 300.00 20.00 18.OD 90.00 280 OD 60.00 600.00 50.00 1,975.00 (-200.00) 100.D0 150 .00 300.00 500.OD 500.OD 96D.OD 100.OD 1&0.00 $7,937.00 KEYS WELL DRILLIfJG 1,95D.00 23.00 ea 100,00 lc^5.00 40.00 275.00 310.00 240.00 150.00 210.OD 250.00 200.00 45.00 25.00 8D.D0 195.00 �.00 650.OQ 50.D0 2,300.00 (-lOG.00) 5D.OD 175.00 460�00 750.00 5D0.00 800.00 200.D0 200.00 * $7,9�5.00 LAYNE MI�INESOTA 1,700.00 25.00 ea 100.00 122.00 33.00 10.00 291.00 261.00 225.D0 115.00 250.00 10.00 30.D0 20.00 150.00 200.00 10.00 730.Q0 50.00 � 2,355.00 (-lOD.00) 50.DD 200.00 500.D0 � z,ono.00 1,350.00 748.00 350.00 1n0.�0 �11,975.OD *NOTE• In re-adding I came up with a to�tal o� $10,258.00 10 days 10 days 1 week 45 days 3 weeks �'-6 weeks St. Paul Fire & Contiroental Ins. United Pactftc P�ari ne - 5% � 5� 5% Upon a vo�ce vote, all vot�ng aye, Mayor Nee declared the �40TION by Councilwoman Moses to concur with the � � APPOIPJTMENT CITY EP1PLOYEE � NAME T POSITIOId Diane Valen Interpret�ve Specialist 2118 f�lanitou Avenue Parks, Recreation and St. Paul , MfJ 55119 fJatural Resources Dept, appointment EFFECTIVE SALARY �ATE �1216 �anuary 12, per 1981 Mon th REPLACES From Temporary to Full Time Seconded by Counctlman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared � the mot�on carried unam mously. � P� � � � �� � i� RCGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 19, 1981 ION OF TEMPORARY TRAILE PAGE 10 IT FOR OFFICE SPACE_USE Mr. Flora, Pu61ic Works Director, stated this request is from Target to temporarily locate a double trailer behind their warehouse for a t��o year period to sattsfy their office expansion requ�rements. Mr. Flora stated Target was asked tf they had considered an extens�on of their building and they ind�cated there wasn't a need. Counctlwoman Moses stated she would be tnterested tn knowing why they need the trailers and would l�ke to have them come �n and expla�n the purpose of the trailers. M�TI�N hy Gouncilwoman Moses to table this �tem to February 2, 19Q1. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all vot�ng aye, Mayor Nee declared the mot�on carried unanimously. RECESS: MOTION by Councilwoman Moses for a five minute recess. �econded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all vottng aye, MayoF° Nee �eclared the motion carried unanimously, and a recess was taken at 9.27 p. m RECONVENED: Mayor Nee reconvened the meeting at 9:35 p. m. All Council members were present. LICEWSES: MOTION by Councilwoman Moses to approve the license as submitted and as on file in the License C1erk's Office, with the exception of the fi ve rental properties which are not in compliance with the code, as 1 u ted in Mr. Flora's memo of January 15, 1981. Seconded by Gounc�lman Schne�der. Upon a volce vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the moti,on carried unannnously. ESTIMATES: P10TIOPJ by Councilman Schneider to approve the estimates as submttted. Sm�th, Juster, Feikema, Malmon & Haskv�tz 1250 Builders Exchange Bldg. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 For lega1 services rendered as Prosecutor for the month of Decem6er, 1930 Nerrick & PJewman, P. A. 6279 Un�versity Avenue N. E. Fridley, MN 55432 Serv�ces rendered for the month of December, 1980 $1,356.60 Including Win Stephens Datsun North $3,750.00 � � 2,700.00 � 3,606.60