11/23/1981 - 00013063;� 1 THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR h�EETIPJG OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CDUNCIL OF NOVEMBER 23, 1981 The Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Council was called to order at 7:35 p. m, by Mayor Nee. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Nee led the Council and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALI . MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Councilman Fitzpatrick, Councilwoman Ploses-Martin, Mayor I�lee, Councilman Schneider and Councilman Barnette None REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 9, 1981: MOTION by Counc�lman Schneider to approve the minutes as presented. Seconded by Councilman F�'.zpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unaniinously. A�OPTION OF AGENDA• Counc�lman Schneider requested an item be added: "Discussion on directive regarding in,7ury-on-duty pay," MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to adopt the agenda with the above addition. Seconded by Counc�lwoman Moses-Martin. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unam mously. OPEN FORUM, �ISITORS: There was no response from the aud�ence under this item of business. PUBLIC HEARINGS ISSUANCE OF $1.100,000 IPlDUSTRIAL MOTION by Councilwoman Moses-Plartin to waive the reading of the public hearing notice and open the public hearing. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearing opened at 7:38 p. m. P�r. h1ark Haggerty, representing the Rice Creek Company, appeared before the Council regardtng the issuance of industrial revenue bonds for their pro,7ect. He stated the proposal was for the construction of a offtce/ warehouse building to be located �ust north of Rice Creek Road on Old Central. Mr. Haggerty stated, however, the contractor/developer had a ma,7or heart attack and is in the process of re-evaluating his priorities, therefore, they do not know where they stand at this point of time and requested the Council continue the item for another month. � , MOTION 6y Councilman Barnette to table and continue this item to January 18, 1982. Seconded by Councilwoman Moses-P9artin. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, � P4ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously, 2 REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEP1BER 23, 1981 PAGE 2 ED PROJECT FOR ISSUANCE OF $1.950.000 INDUSTRI IPAL INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ACT, PIINNESOTA ST MOTION by Councilwoman Moses-Martin to waive the reading of the public hearrng notice and open the public hearing. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearing opened at 7:42 p. m. � Mr. Mark Haggerty appeared before'the Council representing the developer, as well as the future owners of this pro�ect. He stated the proposal �s for the construction of a build�ng in the southeast quadrant of 73rd and Un�versity Avenue. A1r. Haggerty submitted a new design which he felt was improved, but has, basically, the same traffic design for the Council's review. He stated they have provided more parking and segregated the traffic flow, however, the square footage is the same. Mr. Haggerty further stated no variances will be needed in order to provtde the proposed 90 parking spaces. h1r, Haggerty explained the rents will have to be substantial in order to make this work, even with tax exempt financing. He requested Council consider g�ving preliminary approval for the resolution to authorize the tax exempt status and they would work on the site plan. Counc�lwoman Moses-f4artin asked if he had a corrunitment from a bank to locate to this site. f4r. Haggerty right now the bank which has shown an tnterest in locating in this building felt the rents were stagyering, however, there is another bank interested in the event the ones who originally planned to locate there step out of the p�cture. � hlr. Fiaggerty stated Gopher Securities Inc. feel comfortable they can place the bonds, however, they do have an alternative method of financing based on the bank renting 20% of the space. Councilwoman Moses-Martin stated she liked the new plan much better, but was concerned if there might be a stacking problem. Mr. Haggerty stated the curb cut closest to 73rd Avenue would only be an entrance and no exit provided at this drive. P1ayor Nee asked his estimate of the number of people who will be employed at this location and the increase in the tax base. Mr. Haggerty stated about 15 persons would be employed with a payroll of about $300,000 annually. He stated the actual cost of the bu�lding construct- tion cost would be $1,200,000 to �1,300,000 and the increase in assessed value would be about 43% of that figure. Mayor Nee asked if the proceeds from this issue of industrial revenue bonds would go for land acquisition. Mr. Haggerty stated the Soo Line is contrib- uting the�r land for an ownership interest �n the building. No persons in the audience spoE:e regarding the issuance of these industrial revenue bonds. � MOTION by Councilwoman Moses-Martin to close the pub7ic hearing. Seconded by Counctlman Fttzpatrick. Upon a votce vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carr�ed unanimously and the public heartng closed at 7:55 p. m. � REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 23, 19II1 PUBLIC HEARING ON APPRO�AL OF NORTH AREA REDEVELOPMENT PLAN PAGE 3 OWE� MOTION by Councilwoman hioses-P1artin to waive the reading of the public hearing notice and open the public hearing. 5econded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearing opened at 7:55 p. m. Mr. Boardman, Ctty Planner, stated what they are proposing is the establish- ment of a redevelopment district located in the north portion of Fridley, south of County Road 132 and west of Um versity Avenue, not including the North Park area. He stated this area is primarily an undeveloped section of land. D1t°, Boardman stated the proposal is to establish a redevelopment district in order to establish a tax increment plan. He stated the criterta used in establishing the redevelonment district is that it is a blighted area because of the soil cond�tions; the land in the pro�ect area would not be made available for development without financial aid; and the plan conforms to the general plan of development in the City and would be sound for the needs of the City. Mr. Boardman stated the Housing and Redevelopment Authority has met regarding this redevelopment plan, as well as the Planntng Commission. He further stated the plan was submitted to the County Board and School Districts 11 and 16. He stated they have received no response from the school districts. Councilwoman Moses-Martin stated if the area were to develop into residential, she wondered if the school districts could handle the extra students. f`4r. Eoardman stated the school districts were given information on the effect it would have on the taxing �urisdictions, but haven't responded or asked any questions. Councilman Schneider asked, if a redevelopment district and tax increment district is established, and the developer doesn't proceed with the plans, what would happen? i�t^. Boardman stated if a developer pulls out of the pro�ect, the tax increment district would still remain and any amendment to the plan would have to go through an amendment process. Playor Nee asked if establishing the redevelopment area reduces the discretion of the property owners in the area. P4r. Boardman stated if the property cwner chooses to use some sudsidy from the Housing and Redevelopment Authority, then the Housing Authority has the control, however, if the owner develops without any assistance, he can develop it without �ontrols of the H�A: Mayor Nee also asked in establish�ng the redevelopment distrtct �f the City �s turning over authority in this area. Mr. Boardman stated the City still has the authority to rezone it. Mr. Boardman stated the reason the redvelopment district is divided into piiases is to satisfy the conditions of the State law. He pointed out if there are considerable changes in the plan and figures, it would be necessary to go through the amendment process. f4r. 6oardman stated, based on esttmates, 87% of the land would cost more to tmprove than would bring a fair price on the marY.et. Mr. Hamernik, 6740 Monroe Street, asked if there were any plans for property acquisition in the redevelopment area. ' � � , REGULAR P9EETING OF NOVEMBER 23, 1981 PAGE 4 Plr. Boardman stated they weren't so much interested in property acquisition, but rather to assist private owners tn promottng develcpment. Ne stated, at this time, he didn't foresee the Nousing and Redevelopment Authority getting involved in any property acquisition. i�1r. Namernik asked the life of thts redevelopment district an� Mr. Boarcman state� it is for 25 years. He stated under the tax increment fir�ancing d�strict, there is no control on the dormancy, hawever, if there is no � act�vity in this area,tn five years after establish�ng, the CQUnty Auditor has the option of raising the certified assessed value. Mr. Hamernik asked if there was a limit as to what revenuen can be collected and not utilized and are these required to te put 6ack in the 4istrict wh�ere they were collected. Mr. Boardinar stated the revenues have to go back irtc the district where they were established, and the Housing and Redevelopment Authoi°ity can turn surplus money back to the du trict or they can hold tt up to the 25 year limit, and have a scheduled payback to tne tar,in9 lurisdictions. iNr. Boardman stated if the pro�ec'_ is comnleted after 10 years, at that time, they can maKe a�etermination on what they need to pay-off the �ond and turn over the surpluses. f1ayor Nee asked if there was no development in five years, if they could eliminate the district. Mr. Boardman stated the Housing and Redevelopment Authority can eliminate the district at any tii;e, as long as no bonds r�ave been sold, however, they would have to im tiate this action. Councilman Schneider stated at some point in time it was mentioned trat so�;�e of the Ci±y's legal staff might be involved in this pro�ect and asked if th�s could be put �nto the record whether he is or is not financially irvolved. Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, indicated he would be f�nancially involved if the , project proceeds and would probably have a minority interest. He stated if there is any legal advice the Cauncil wanted, they can chose to get i� from someone else and felt Carl Plewquist, and mem�ern of his fi rm, viould be capable of providing this service. No other persons in the audience spoke regarding the North �rea Redeveleprent Plan. �10TION by Councilwornan Ploses-P�artin to close the public hearing. Secer.ded by Ccuncilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a veice vote, all voting aye, P1ayor �ee declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hear�rg closed at 8:20 p. m. ' 4 PUBLIC HEARING ON ESTABLISHMENT OF TA}; IPlCREM�P!T 7ISTRICT IP! MOP,TH P,REA.: MOTION by Councilwoman Moses-Martin to waive the reading of the public hearing notice ar3d open the public hearing. Seconded by Councilmar Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Maycr Nee declared the motion carried unaniinously and the nubiic hear�ng openeu' at 8:20 p. m. Mr. Boardman, City Planner, stated a tax increment district is established as a means of financing public improvement so that the private development can happen. He stated Chapter �73 of the State laiv esta6l�shes the criteria to be met in sett�ng up a tax increment district. � Mr. Boardman stated after reviewing results of soil borings and findings of appraisers, tt was felt the only way the C�t� will be ab7e to aet development in the near future is by a tar, increment district to prov�de some assistance. He stated tPn s was all lazd out fairly mrell tn the minutes rec�ived by the Council; the documentatior, o° the appraiser and engineer; ard the private developers who spof.e 6efore the Housir,g ard Redevelopment Authority. REGULAR MEETING OF NOUEMBER 23, 1981 PAGE 5 P1r. Boardman stated one of the things talked about was how to esta6lish the tax increment pro�ect and to give a layout of one of the development pro�ects. He stated the pro�ect referred to in Phzse I is the one submit- ted to the Planning Commission and Council which calls for construction of a 360 unit apartment build�ng. He stated the rest of the area, Phases II, III, IV and V, were arbitrary phases established and were given some kind of a plan layout. He stated they are looking at a combination of commercial or industrial development for these other phases, w M ch may be su��ect to change and would require an amendment to the plan. Mr. 6oardman stated the assessed value is $2,149,425 and it is ant�cipated ' the assessed value of the district will increase, based on industrtal development if all yoes to tndustrial except Phase I, and looking at an increase tn assessed value to $25,498,891. He stated this is based on 40% lot coveraye. Mr. Boardman stated the actual frozen assessed value will be 1981 figures, payable in 1982. �ouncilman Schneider asked what impact Nr Boardman sees in regard to tax increment districts, if the rules on determining assessed value changes. Mr. 6oardman stated if the assessed value changes, the amount to taxes gained are based on the mill rate so the mill rate will have to change also to 6alance th�s out. Councilman Schneider stated tf the Legislature changes the formula for mill rate and there is no longer a lar5e State aid and schools are given the author�ty to levy, these tax increment districts would have a larger negative effect on the school districts. Mr. Boardman stated establishing the district doesn't have any effect on the schools, but they do lose in the fact that over the 25 year period the assessed value tsn't tncreasing. hir Qoardman stated the County didn't have any negative comments regarding ' the establishment of this tax increment district, but felt the City should probably look at grow�ng potatoes in this area instead of trying development. He stated, bas�cally, their reaction was they don't have any say in the City's development plans. Councilman Schneider stated, in the spec�fic proposal for Phase I, the numbers ind�cate they are looktng at $1,2GO,D00 to $1,3D0,000 for improvement of the property, and assum�ng the development would take place, tt would come under an industrial revenue mortgage. Mr. Boardman stated all they are talkin� about here is assistance by soil correction and drainage, however, with the improvement they have the poten- tial bonding over a 20 year period for $3,000,000. Councilman Schneider felt there are really three things involved in the Phase I development which is the land improvement and correction of the soil; potential assistance to the developer in regard to the financing; and using some of the �ncrement to help the 20% subs�dy for the housina program Councilman Schneider asked the proposed estimated value of Phase I before and after development. Mr. Boardman stated the estimated assessed value would be $3,908,853 and the existing assessed value is �164,360. Mayor Nee stated the essence of the proposal is, if the public becomes ' involved, development will take place that Unll increase the assessed value ana that public participation would be financed by a diversion of the excess tax collection. The quest�on is whether or not to use the tax �ncrement tool to help with soil corrections and drainage to make land in this area developable. REGULAR MEtTING OF NOVEMBER 23, 1981 PAGE 6 Mayor Plee asked P1r. Boardman if all the property owners �n the area ��rere contacted. He stated all the ones he talked vilth ind�cai;ed their support, but he hasn't contacted all of them, He stated the peT•sons present at the Housing and Redevelopment Authority meeting were Mr. Paschke and Mr. Schroer. Mayor Nee asked tf they had heard from the o�vner of Ca6a Realty. f�r. Boardman stated they haveri't expressed their thoughts one way or the other, dnd he hasn't personally contacted them. � Mr. �ave Harrts appeared before the Council and stated he �s one of th� owners of the property outlined �n Phase I and Phase IV. He talked about the need for assistance in this area because of the poor soil conditions and the cost for soil correctton would exceed the value of the property. Mr. Harrts stai.ecl he has provided inf�rmation to staff to substantzate the sozl problems ii� the area and felt the C�t}� should provide a vehicle to make the land developable. rlr. Harr•is stated the pro,7er_t in Phase I is about an $11,OOD,O�JO bu�]ding project. He stated right now i,he total tax generated on the parcel �s $20,000 u year on the �vest portion and believerl, vriih the pro�ect, ��I�:,,000 in taxes would be generaied. Mr. H�rris stated it is tnconceivable to consider thts property for any other+ype of development because the cost_ to put in lots on the pPria�eter would be astronomical. Fle stated the proposcd mulz�-family development �rr��uld �ase 18;� of the land rather than correcting �0%, �f the land was used for indvstr�al developmeni,. Mr. Boardman stated over 80% of the property meets the test of the require- ments for i.ax tncremert distrtct �n that the land plus the cori°ection costs w�ll be more than the fair markei value. ' Mr. Rober•t Schroer, n90 Rice Creek Baulevard, stated mar�y soil tests �riere taken i�i thts area ancl, in sorne area, I,here ts 22 to 25 feei_ of peat creating the soil and drainage problem. f1r. Schroer felt, in order to develou this area, the help they Zre look�ng for is very irnportant because he is airaid Lf3e are� vaouldn't develop. He felt, under the tax incremenc discrict, i.her�e would be some author��y on what cou7d be developed �nd this vioulcl be an asset to t'�e City. Mr. Haniernik, 6i��U Monroc Sireet, asked the payback period on the improve- m?n�:s tl�izi. wouid be put �n under Phase I, based on the proposed housing units. Mr. Boardman stated they are looking at a payL�ack period fo� the d�st,rict as a whole and the district can be establishr��' for 25 years. He Telt, at this time, they �re iook.tng at a 25 year paybr��k plar�, but a lot depends on hoNr quickly development occurs. Mr. Hamernik asked if the improvements would be put �n the entire area whether there is a pianned development or not. Mr. Boardman si.a�ed ��hey have plans for the Phase I developmenc and niay have development in other locations, but actual dollars generated through the tax increment district go into one pool. He stated, generally, each ind>>ndual pr�,7eci. is not caken separately, but taken as a whole distrirt. � Mayor Nee stated tf Mr. Harris' building was bu�lt, the increase in value could contribute to the development somewhere else in that district. Mr. Hamernik stated he was looking at some comparison in cost of payback if that was a separate district. Mr. 6oardman stated if it was a separate district, it would probably be a 15 year bond. REGULAR P�EETING OF �JOVEMBER 23, 1981 PAGE 7 Mr. Hamern�k asked how much tax �s generated on the parcel now and how much tax will be generated when the pro�ect is completed. h1r. Harris stated the taxes on the property now are $20,000 a year and when the pro�ect �s completed, based on S11,OOD,000 constructton costs, the tax would be about $4�3,000. Mr. Hamernik asked if they were looking at a 15 or 20 year tie-up of that property, as far as any governmental unit realizing any benefit from taxes. Mayor Nee stated �t is hoped they could start the payback before the end of the 15 or 20 year period. Mr. Hamernik stated he has some concern that the Council, in recent years, has allowed a number of tax increment districts and the reason for his concern is that some properties have been taken off the tax rolls by H.R.A. acquisition and felt this is a hidden cost not considered when talking about what is happening in these tax increment distrtcts. He further stated if they are looking at a range of 15 to 20 years where no governmental unit would realize any increase in income, the rest of the residents have to supply the services to whatever aoes in there and witYi a num6er of tax increment districts, this could be su6stant�al. Mr. Hamernik stated when you get into the question of school districts, this proposed pro�ect could provide a number of students and thereby demand substantial support to educate these children. He stated he is wondering if the Council considered all the ramtfications and, in establish- ing these tax increment districts, if they have been well thought out. Mr. David Harr�s felt we should look at this as an asset and how to develop an asset. He stated this community has been recognized as a very sta6le community and if sometfnng is not done to allow development, the City is going to lose these �obs. He stated the only way he can see it is to create a tax increment district to provide this area to expand and attract new tndustry to the community. Mayor Nee stated there has been discussion about the potential residential area delivering more burden in terms of requirement for service than the per capita aid for schools �ustifies. He felt if that was the case, they would press the Housing Autherity to make an early payment back to the �urisdictions, and he stated the City would like monies for the police service as soon as feasible. P1ayor Nee stated he didn't think there was a good answer, but the purpose is to build some tax base for the community. Mr. Hamernik stated he didn't want to come off as against development, but th� main reason for h�s concern is on how they get the development. He stated he is sure there are a lot of residents in the City that aren't familiar with tax �ncrement districts and it is one of the issues they will have to address �n the near future, and wanted to make sure this process is throughly thought out and covered. fdo other persons �n the audience spoke re9ardtng the establishment of this tax increment district in the North Area. MOTION by Councilwoman Moses-Martin to close the public hearing. Seconded by Counc�lman Schneider Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Playor f;ee declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearing closed at 9 25 p. m. � ' ' ����1 \ PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF NOUEMBER 23, 1981 PAGE 8 5 RECEIVING PLANNING COhiMISSI0P1 MIPJUTES OF NOUEMBER a, 198L• �� COfVSIDERA7I0N OF REZOPJING REQUEST, ZOA ;�81-p5, TO REZOfdE FROP1 M-2 TO ID H t�10TI0N by Councilman Barnette to set the public hearing on this rezon�ng request for December 14, 1981. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick Upon � a voice vote, all voting aye, Ma;,�or Nee declared the m�tion carried unanimously. D10TIOPJ by Councilwoman Moses-Mart�n to receive the m�nutes of the Planning Comm�ssion Meeting of Novem6er 4, 1931. Seconde� 6y Councilman Fitznatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carrietl unanimously. S RECEIIrING CHARTER COMMISSION MINUTES OF OCTOI3ER 6, 1981: NlOTION by Counrtlman Fitzpatrick to receive the minutes of the Charter Commission Meeting of October 6, 1981. Seconded 6y Counc�lman Schneider. Upon a votce vote, all voting aye, Mayor Piee declared the mot�on carried unanimously. � RECEIFT OF AGREEME?I7 FOR N�BO, FEHLING FdJD FEHLIf;G PERTAIfIIN; TO COPJSiFI�CTIGti OF iiPi CFFiCE BUiL'u'ItiG GiJ HILL'vJifiC RGP�G Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated this agreenient has been proposed between the C�ty and the partnershi� of Plybo, Fehl�ng and Fehling regarding a proposed office building complex. hir. Qureshi stated there ts also another agreemen± being submitted between the City and f1r. Ted Burandt regaru�ng the rczanirij of property �rivolveci in the ofiice buildiriy coropler.. � hir. Qureshi stated Ms. fdybo has stgneci tf�e ayreemer�t, 6ut Mr. Burandt has not and hasn't returned the agreement to the C�ty. Mr Qureshi stated a list of opt�ons was gt��en to Mr Burandt on what rould be done wtth his property and the Counctl has received a note regardina this matter. P�is. ,�lybo appeared before i.h� Council and indicated thiey are vrork�ny wiih ti�e ii vestors rigfit now for the sale of bor�ds, and ielt the process could be cor�pleted within 30 day. Mr. Qureshi pointed out the government ts cons�derrng changes in the tndustrial revenue hond statutes and if there are changes, th�s may limit them from gett�ng final approval by the Council Mr. Oureshi reviewed the options avatlable to Mr Burandt regardina his property which would be for him to urait until financing can be secured for the development of this office buildinq by Nybo, Fehl�ng and Fehling, the City can purchase the property prior to the comrm tment on f�nanc�ng, he can proceed and itx up the extsttng strur_ture on the property, he can tear down the existing structure and build multi-family according to the requirernents of the Zo m ng Code; or be gtven the rezon�ng with the condition of removing the existing structure and not tie it im m�th the property to the south. � Mr. BurandL stiated if there ts sorne reason f�1s. fJyL,o can'�, obtain frnanc�ng and build this ofiice complex, the Council is i.y�ng h�m to ner proF�erty which he doesn't want. He stated the proposal to rezone the property is his number one priority. P�r. Burandt stated rezoning the pr�perty wouldn't prohib�t the Hous�na and Redevelopment Autho�°ity from huyinq the hroperty, as it would have to be rezoned anyway for the Nybo developmenL. Mr Qlareshi stated the Council's posit�on is they don't feel it is in the best interests of the City ot rezone a parcel that would only accomodate a small office building. ��� REGULAR hIEETING OF NOVEMBER 23, 1981 PAGE 9 �ouncilman Schneider stated his position a71 along is that he doesn't intend tovotE for a rezoning unless the entire package can proceed and the office building be constructed. Mr. Herrtck, City Attorney, pointed out if there was a votP taken on the rezoning this evening and it was defeated, the matter of the rezoning couldn't be brought bac� up again for six months. Mr.Boarrlman, City Planner, stated the Housing and Redevelopment Author�ty has extended the right of development for 60 days and at that time, Ms. Ny6o stated they should have the issue of financ�ng resolved. Mr. Burandt indicated he would be willing to wait h�s 60 days to find out if P1r. �Jybo has secured financing 6efore action �s taken on the rezo m ng request. MOTIO�J 6y Councilman Schneider to direct the administration to have the matter of the second readin9 of the ordtnance to rezone P1r. Burandt's property, and any further informatton, placed on the Council's agenda for January 18, 1982. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Piayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. � CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION GIVING PRELIMINARY APPROVAL TO A PROJECT � � a+] No action was taken on this resolut�on as the public hearing was continued by request of the petitioner. PRELIh7INARY APPROVAL TO A PROJECT UNQEP, THE MOTION by Counc�lwoman Moses-Mart�n to adopt Resolution No. 129-1981. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ION fJO. 130-1981 CALLING FOR A PUBLIC FIEARING ON A PROPOSAL FOR A F HEARING (COLUh1BIA PA P1r. Qureshi, City Manager, stated staff has been in contact with Columbia Park Clim c and they haveshown an interest �n developing a clinic in Fr�dley. He stated they are looking at two sites, one �n the Center City pro,7ect, and one next to Unity Hospital. Mr. Qureshi stated their Board has met and indicated a strong desire to proceed with plans for a clim c in the Center City area, and felt this would provide a starting point for the Center City project. MOTION by Councilwoman Moses-Martin to adopt Resolution No. 130-1981, setting the public hearing for December 14, 1981. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the mot�on carried unanimously. , 1 �� RESOLUTION ND. 131-1981 GIVING FINAL APPROVAL FOR 1,250,000 INDUSTRIAL � �EVELOPf+IENT REVENUE NOTE FOR 1981 WWH PROPERTIES PROJECT): f�1r. Herrick, City Attorney, stated he has reviewed the preliminary draft, but was not presented with a copy of the final draft and was not sure if there v��ere any changes made. He felt the resolution could be adopted, sub�ect to approval of the final form. � U `� � 12 1� �Y4 1 � 1� � L REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 23, 1981 PAGF 1D MOTION by Ccunr_�lwoman Moses-Mart�n to adopt Resolution No. 131-19�1, sub,7ect to approval of the final form by the City Attorney. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Llpon a voice vote, all votin� aye, Maycr Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION N0. 13?-1981 APPROVING THE NORTH AREA REDEVELOPP1ENT PLAN• MOTION by Councilman Barnette to adopt Resolution fVo. 132-1981. Seconded by Councilwoman Moses-Martin. Mayor Nee questioned if approval of this resolution would remove from the Council the r�ght to rezone or not to rezone property. f�1r. Herr�ck, City Attorney, felt he would have to do some further research into this matter. Mr. 6oardman stated the Housing and Redevelopment Author�ty couldn't go ahead and develop a pro,7ect, �f it required rezonina, without the Cour�c�l's approval. He stated he has never seen any legislatton that gave the Housing and Redeve7opment Authority the power or rezoning. Councilman Schneider stated he does have a concern and would like to know where the control really rests. UPON A VOICE VOTE TAKEN ON THE ABOVE MOTION, Councilman 6arnette, Cou��cil- woman P1oses-Martin, Councilman Fitzpatrick and P4ayor fVee voted in favor of the motion. Counctlman Schneider abstained from voting. Playor Plee declared the motion carried by a�4 to 1 vote. RESOLUTION N0. 133-1981 APPROVING THE TAX INCREMENT PLAPJ OF THE NOF.TH AREA REDEVELOPh1ENT AREA: MOTIOf; by Councilwoman Moses-Martin to adopt Rlesolution 4Jo. 133-1981. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, h1ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. EXEGUTION DF WITF; �OLCP'6IA MOTIOIJ by Counc�lman F�Itzpatriick to adopt Resolution No. 13�-19�1. Seconded by Councilwoman Moses-Martin. Upon a voice vote, all votirg aye, hiayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. CGNSIDERATION OF OPJE YEAR EXTENSION - ANIMAL CONTROL CONTRACT MOTION by Councilwoman Moses-Martin to author�ze the extens�on of the a m mal contro1 contraci with NAPSI for a one year period. Seconded by Councilman Fttzpatrick. Upon a vo�ce vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. CLAIMS: 1'�IOTIOIJ by Councilman Barnette to authorize payment of Claims No. 306776 through 324N10. Seconded by Co�uncilman Fitzpatricl�. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motien carr�ed uranimeusly. LICEPlSES: � MOTION 6y Councilwoman Moses-Martin to approve the licenses as su6mitted and as on file in the License Clerk's Office. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 3 U �: REGULAR h1EETING OF NOVEP1BER 23, 1981 PAGE 11 ��f' ACONSIDERATION OF A TEMPORARY ON-SALE BEER LICENSE - FRIDLEY LIONS CLUB• MOTION by Counc�lman Frtzpatrick to approve a temporary on-sale beer license, and wa��+e the fee, as requested by the Fridley Lions Club in a letter dated IVovember 20, 1981. Seconded by Counc�lman F3arnette. Lpon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. � � ESTIMATES: "��TIOfV by Counc�lman Schneider to approve the estimates,as subm�tted. A71ied Glacktop Company, Inc. 10503 - 89th AvenuE iVorth Maple Grove, hIN 55364 FIPJAL Est. 't,2 - Project St. 1981-10 Halvorson Construction 4227 - 165th Avenue fJ.E. Wyomtnq, MN 55092 Partial Est. ,�8 - 1981 Misc. Concrete Curb & Slab Construction Boda Construct�on Company, Inc. 12325 Cloud Crive Pd.E. Mp1s., f�1N 55432 Partial Est. #2 - Repairs on 1.5 Million Gallon Reservo�r Eugene N. H�ckok & Assoc , Inc. 545 Ind�an Mound Wayzata, MN 55391 Professional Services - 1981 hloore Lake Restoration Pro,7ect Bonine Excavating, Inc. 1263E f�lain Street Rogers , F1N 55374 Partial Est. #1 - S& W Pro,7ect #134 Crosstngs, Inc. P.O. Box 10 Pr�or Lake, hiN 55372 Parttal Est. #2 - Moore Lake Resotration Pro,7ect (St. Sew. Divers�ons) S E W 132 Smith, Juster, Feikema, Malmon & Haskvitz 6441 Un�versity AVenue, iJ.E. Fridley, P1N 55432 For leqal services rendered as C�ty Prosecutor for ihe month of October, 1981 $ 2,396.96 $ 2,236.00 $ 4,486.98 $ 2,188.11 $66,003.78 $42,956.34 $ 3,984.60 Seconded by Counc�lman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Playor fJee dec7ared the motion carried unanimously. � � , � � � REGULAR hIEETING OF NOVEMBER 23, 1981 DISCUSSION - INJURY-OIV-�UTY PAY: PAGE ] 2 � " � Mr. Quresh�, Ctty h1anager, stated it has been brought to the C�ty's attention that in�ury-on-duty pay is aga�nst the State statute. He stated an opinion has been received from the City Attorney in Hopkins indicating �t is illegal and a memo was received frorn the League Labor Relations regard�ng the legality. Counctlman Fitzpatrick felt it may be in order to contact the State representatives. Councilman Schneider felt an opinion should �e obtained from the City Attorney. Mr Qureshi stated an opinton should be forthcoming from the Attorney General's Office, therefore, no action was taker at this time. AD�OURNMENT: N10TION by Councilman Barnette to ad�ourn the meeting. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, hiayor PJee declared the motion carried unantmously and the Regular Meeting or the Fridley City Counc�l of November 23, 198] ad�ourned at 1D.20 p. m. Respectfully subm�tted, ' /.. / {l' ,,�T 'F"Q-°L"'��, A.iAiy/4. Carole Haddad Secy. to the City Council Approved: �ecember 7, 1981 �I �- �� I � � " � ���� ��•� ;��' �� � ����Ni �. � Willtam J. Nee� Mayor �