07/26/1982 - 5273FRIOLEY CTTY COUNCIL 1�EETING � . PLEASE SIGN �AME ADDRESS AND ITEM HUM�ER It�TERESTED IN DATE: July'26, 1982 NAME a� 7`� v � K � 1�-,� � L �l . � �-�eo � ;�� �`��. �Lil :^ . ADDRESS � ITEM NUMBER ___� -___-__- =_�= = ___����___-_--___-�_�--__ �'�-� �o, // 7 T% s�-- aU �: '10�.7 / �C'�S'�,I ��-/�/ V ✓ � �� �. > ,� FRIDLEY C{TY COUNC { L JULY 26, 1982 - 7;30 P.M, MEMO TO: DEPARTMENT HEADS FOLLOti�ING ARE THE '�ACTIONS �JEEDED��. PLEASE HAVE YOUR ANSWERS BACK IN THE CITY MANAGER�S OFFICE BY THE WEDNESDAY BEFORE THE NEXT REGULAR COUNC I l. MEET 1 NG � THANK YOU . 1���� ��,���� .._ �EET I NG 0'F .iULY 1�, 1982 Approved as presented A�OPTION OF AGENDA; Adopted as submitted OPEP; FORU�"►, V I S ITORS : �CONSIDERATION OF I7EMS NOT ON AGENDA - 15 iiINUTES) No response ����� ��)S 1 h�ss : ; CONSIDERA7ION OF FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE ON � ; SAV #��Z-O� FOR VACATION OF PART OF 4TH STREE7 �d�E�; �� HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY. . . � � . � � � � . � 1 - 1 C Ordinance approved on first reading �PUBLIC WORKS ACTION NEEDED: Put ordinance on next agenda for consideration of second reading. PUBLIC WORKS IPUBLIC WORKS P1EW BUSINESS (CoNTi�uEn) RECEIVING PLANNING �OMMISSION MINUTES OF �ULY 14, 1982� � 2— 2 � A. C�nsideration of Request for Special Use Permit, SP #82-08 by James H. Cross, to allow construction of a second accessory building, a 22'x24' attached garage at 6271 Jackson St. N.E . ............................... 2- 2 A and (From Appeals Meeting of June 15, 1982) Consideration of a Front Yard Variance for this garage from 35' to 2F - 2H 11' .............`....... ... . .. Planninq Commission and�Appeals Commission�������������� & 2I-2J recoromendation: Approval Counci Action Needed: Consideration of recommendations Special Use Permit and Variance granted ACTION NEEDED: Inform applicant of Council action B. Consideration of Vacation Request, SAV #82-02 to vacate street r.ight of way at 5600 4th Street to allow the construction of a 4-plex by S& R Investment Co..... 2 A- 2B Planning Commission Recommendation: Approval Council Action Needed: Set Public Hearing for August 16, 1982 Council set public hearing for August 16 ACTION NEEDEQ: Make preparations for public hearing C. (From Appeals Meeting of June 15, 1982) Con- sideration of a Variance to allow construction of a 22'x38' attached garage at 5312 Altura Road N.E., Robert G. Kishish ..... .............. ................. 2 K- 2 0 Appeals Comm. Recommendation: Approval over neighbor's objection ' Council Action Needed: Consideration of recommendation ariance granted ,PUBLIC WORKS AC7ION NEEDED: Inform applicant of Council approval 'UBLIC WO_RKS �OUNCIL MEETING, �ULY 26, 1982 Pa�� 3 NEW BUSINESS (CONTINUED) CONSIDERATION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH DARREL A� FARR DEVELOPMENT CORP� FOR BLACK FORREST APARTMENTS� �,�, 3- 3 H Council authorized agreement - ACTION NEEDED: Have agreement authorized and forwarded after receipt of Condo Conversion Fee RECEIVING BOND BIDS AND AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF �ONDS FOR SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUND BONDS OF 1982 AND TAX INCREMENT REDEVELOPMENT BONDS OF 1982 tBIDS OPENED �ULY Z6, 19�2) AND CONSIDERASION OF A RESOLUTION �WARDING THE SALE OF �625,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION TAX INCREMENT REDEVELOPMENT BONDS OF 1982: FIXING THEIR FORM AND SPECIFICATIONS: DIRECTING THEIR EXECUTION AND DELIVERY; AND PROVIDING FOR THEIR PAYMENT AND CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION AWARDING THE SALE OF $I,�ZS,OOO GENERAL OBLIGATION SPECIAL ASSESS- MENT FUND BONDS OF 1982: FIXING THEIR FORM AND SPECIFICATIONS: DIRECTING THEIR EXECUTION AND DELIVERY, AND PROVIDING FOR THEIR PAYMENT� �.���� 4- 4 M Bond Bids were received Resolution No. 63-�1982 adopted awarding sale of $625,000 bonds and Resolution No. 64�1982 adopted awarding sale of $1,425,000 bonds SERVI E ACTION NEEDED: Proceed with awarding of bonds, their execution and payment CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING �OINT AND COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT FOR USE OF FIRE PERSONNEL AND EQUIPMENT--NORTH SUBURBAN REGIONAL MUTUAL AIDE ASSOCIATION� � � � , � � � � � � � � � � � . � . , . , 5 - 5 F Resolution No. 65-1982 adopted - 'IRE DEPT. ACTION NEEDED: Have agreement executed and forwarded to Association with original signed copy to Central Service CENTRAL NEW BUSINESS (CONTINUED) �LAIMS� � � � � . � � � � t � , � � � � � � � � � , � �1�'irf���•approved _ . ACTION NEEDED; Pay claims � LI CENSES � � � , � � � � � � � � � � . � � . � � � � � Licenses approved CENTRAL SERV ACTION NEFDED; Issue licenses ESTIMATES� � � , � � � � � � � � � , � � � � � � � . . ' Estimates approved {CENTRAL SERV ACTIOlV NEEDED: Pay estimates tPUBLIC WOR � 7-lI . . . _ CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENT AND MANDATE TO NEGO?IATING COMMITTEE FOR CABLE TV REFRANCHISING� ��� 9 Council nominated Mr. Adrian Herbst, legal council to Cable Commission Clyde Moravetz, staff representative to Cable Commission Mayor Nee Councilman Schneider to serve on Negotiating Co�nittee, along with two members of Cable Commission which the Commission will appoint. ACTION NEEDED: Inform Cable Commission of Council appointments ADJOURN: s:25 P.r�. , FRIDLEY CITY COUNC I L � JULY .26, 1�82 �- 7,3Q P,M, PL�DGE OF ALLEGIA!�CE;� APPROVAL OF MINUTES: � �EETING �F �ULY 1�, 1982 A�OPTION OF AGEND�: OPEPJ FORUP1, V I S ITORS : tCONSIDERATION OF ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA - IS i�IfVUTES) °dE'�1 �!.lS I NESS : CONSIDERATION OF FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE ON SAV #�uZ-OI FOR VACATION OF PART OF 4TH STREET N�E�; iiOUSING AND REDEVELOPMEt�T AUTHORITY� � � � � � � � � � � � 1 - 1 C PJEW BUSINESS (CoNTiNU�n) RECEIVING PLANNING �OMMISSION MINUTES OF �ULY 1�, 1982, � 2— 2 Q A. Consideration of Request for Special Use Permit, SP #82-08 by James H. Cross, to allow construction of a second accessory building, a 22'x24' attached garage at 6271 Jackson St. N.E . ............................... 2- 2 A and (From Appeals Meeting of June 15, 1982) Consideration of a Front Yard Variance for this garage from 35' to 2F - 2H 11' .................... ... .............. & 2I-2J Planninq Commission and�Appeals.Commission recommendation: Approval ounci ction Needed: Consideration of recommendations B. Consideration of Vacation Request, SAV #82-02 to vacate street right of way at 5600 4th Street to allow the construction of a 4-plex by S& R Investment Co..... 2 A- 2B P1aRning Commission Recommendation: Approval Council Action Needed: Set Public Hearing for August 16, 1982 C. (From Appeals Meeting of June 15, 1982) Con- sideration of a Variance to allow construction of a 22'x38' attached garage at 5312 Altura Road N.E., Robert G. Kishish ..... ........ .... ................. 2 K- 2 0 Appeals Comm. Recommendation: Approval over neighbor's objection ' Council Action Needed: Consideration of recommendation , COUNCIL MEETING, �ULY 26, 1982 NEW BUSINESS (Co�TiNUEn) PAGE 3 CONSIDERATION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH DARREL A� FARR DEVELOPMENT CORP� FOR BLACK FORREST APARTMENTS� ���� 3- 3 H RECEIVING BOND BIDS AND AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF �ONDS FOR SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUND BONDS OF 1982 AND TAX INCREMENT REDEVELOPMENT BONDS OF 1982 �BIDS OPENED JULY Z6, 19�2) AND CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION AWARDING THE SALE OF �625,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION TAX INCREMENT REDEVELOPMENT BONDS OF 1982: FIXING THEIR FORM AND SPECIFICATIONS: DIRECTING THEIR EXECUTION AND DELIVERY; AND PROVIDING FOR THEIR PAYMENT AND CONSIDERATION 0� A RESOLUTION AWARDING THE SALE OF $1,425,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION SPECIAL ASSESS- MENT FUND BONDS OF 1982: FIXING THEIR FORM AND $PECIFICATIONS: DIRECTING THEIR EXECUTION AND DELIVERY, AND PROVIDING FOR THEIR PAYMENT� ������ CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING �OINT AND COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT FOR �SE OF FIRE PERSONNEL AND EQUIPMENT--NORTH SUBURBAN REGIONAL P�UTUAL AIDE ASSOCIATION� � � � , � � � , , , � � , � � , � � � � , � 4-4M 5-5F PdEW BUSINESS (CoNT1�uEn) CLAIMS�� � � � , � � � � , � � , � � � � � � � � � � . 6 �ICENSES. , . , � � , � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � % - 7 I ESTIMATES� � � � � � � � � � � . . . � � � � � � � � � S - H E CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENT AND MANDATE TO �VEGOTIATING COMMITTEE FOR CABLE TV REFRANCHISING� .�� 9 ADJOURN: , RgE MIlJ[Tt'F5 OF ZIiE FRIDLEY CIT'Y OOUNCIL ME�TING OF JULY 12, 1982 The Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Council was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Nee. PLmGE OF ALLDGIANCE: lyayor Nee led th�Council and audience in tlze Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. F�7I,L CAi�: MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nee, Councilman Barnette, Councilman Schneider Counci]man Fitzpatrick an�d Councilman Hamernik MEI�ERS ABSII�: None APPF2CNAL OF MIIJtfl'F5 - OO�tJNCIL MEETINC; r JtAJE 21, 1982 : MOTION by Councilman Barnette to approve the minutes as presented. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the mation carried unanim�usly. ADOPTION OF AGE'd�IDA: MOTI4N by Councilman Fitzpatrick to adopt the agenda as presented. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. OON�LAII� - CAB LIC;ENSING: Mayor Nee stated he had received a canplaint pertaining to cab licensing fran a Fridley cab c.�anpany awner, and would discuss this at the end of the meeting. OPII3 F'ORUM, VISI�RS: There was no response from the audienoe wxier this item of business. PUBLIC AEARINGS: 1�PUBLIC HF..ARING Ol�l RLVIIV[TE SHARING FI7AID5 kC?R 1983: MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to waive the reading of the public hearing notice and open the public hearing. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the rrotion carried unanimously arxl the public hearing opened at 7:32 p.m. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated the purpose of this public hearing is to receive any public input regarding the allocation of the revenue sharing funds. COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 12, 1982 PAGE 2 1�lr. Qureshi then reviewed the proposed budget for allocation of the 1983 revenue sharing funds which amountec3 to $280,000. The areas in which these funds would be used would be City Management, Police, Fire, Naturalist, and Parks and Recreation Departzaent. Mr. Qureshi stated there has been a decline in the amount of revenue sharing funds receiv�eci arxi it is proposed to draw frala the reserve that has been built up in the revenue sharing fur�d. No persans in the audienae spoke regarding the proposed budget for use of the 1983 revenue sharirig func3s. ._ 1�7t'ION by Council�aan Fitzpatrick to close the public hearing. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declazed the motion carried unaniiaously and the public hearing closed at 7:35 p.m. 2 PUBLIC HEARING 0l+1 VAf,'ATION RDQiJEST, SAV #82-01, FRIDLEY HOUSING AND RIDEVQAPMFfi]'P AtiiHORITY: AI�ID OONSIDERATION OF 64�1 AVENUE RII,OCATION: I�IOrI'ION by Concilman Aamernik to waive the reading of the public hearing notiae and open the public hearing. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all v+oting aye, Mayot Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearing opened at 7:36 p.m. Mr. Flora, Pubiic Works Director, stated the area of the vacation is just south of Mississippi Street and east of University Avenue and involves a section of 64th Avenue between 4th and Sth Streets; 4th Street between 64th and part way dawn to 63rd; and the I2 foot alley in Block 4. Mr. Flora explained a vacation of properties was necessary for construction of a mec3ical clinic and the relocation of 64th Avenue. Ae stated the Housing and Redevelopment Authority has reached an agreement for the purchase of Mr. Doty's property arid meetings have been set up with other property owners. Mr. Flora stated there was some question, at the Planning Canmfssion Meeting, regarding a guarantee for access to the existing bu�iness so they would be able to renain open during the process of the relocation of 6 4th Avenue. He stated every action will be taken to Ieave an access open during the construction period. Mr. Flora stated the Planning Co�amission recommended approval of the vacation request with the stipulation that the vacation be published only as the Housing and Redevelopment Authority aoqiaires the property and that, if legally advisable by the City Attorney, the HRA enter into whatever legal agreenaents are necessary for access. COUNCI� F1F_ETING OF JULY 12, 1982 PAGE 3 l�ir. Flora statec3, at this point, the vacation of 4th Street is necessary in order to allaw construction o� the clinic. Mayor Nee asked haw the Housing and Redevelopment Authority felt about this vacation. [rlr. Flora stated the BRA did make a motion to approve the relocation of 64th Avenue, however, there was sane discussion regarding the timing. He statec3 there has always been a proposal for the clinic and the proposal for an office building was discussed simultaneously. He stated, since that time, the clinic plans have materialized and the office building is still under discussion, therefore, the eRA discussed whether 64th Avenue should be relocated because of the office building for which there are no firm plans. Councilnan Schneider stated the Chairntian of the HRA made a camnent that he didn't know haw the HRA got catunitter3 to this plan. Councilman Schneider stated, as he looked at the plans, he believed it was a plan agreed upon by the HRA and staff. Mr. Flora stated, in order to get the necessary increment, a certain amount of construction is required. Ae stated, to align and provide the parking and access to the City Aall, a certain location is requirec7. Councilman Schneic3er statecl he was under the im�ression this was processed a�nd the HRA ar�d staff felt it was appropriate, hawever, he was taken back by the ca�anent of the Chariman of the Housing and Redevelopnent Authority. Mr. Boarclman, City Planner, stated he was also taken back by the Chairman's comments because they had gone through several months of planning and staging with the clinic. He stated, when they looked at the overall area, they wanted to develop so spaces created were exciting and they talked about developing plaza and this was the basis they went out for oanpet�tion of landscape architects. Mr. Boardman stated Co3�bia Park Clinic liked the site south of City Hall and in order to develop the type of facility they wanted in the Center City project, staff workec7 very closely with them on the plan. ee stated one of the considerations wonld be a public plaza and would like to see a caramit�nent from the ARA that it will be a very well-developed area. He felt, once the clinic and office building are developed, there is a chaace to have a nice restaucant and more offices ir� the Center City project. Mr. Boardman stater3 this plan has been in the process and reviewed by the HIzA on more than one occasioc� and it was his understanc3ing the HRA did approve the overali site plans and that was the direction they proceeded with the plans for the clinia Mr. Tim Signorelli, representing Columbia Park Clinic, stated they have enjoyed an exciting relationship with the City in their plans for construction of the medical facility. He stated they did have concerns and worked closely with the city in development of a site plan for the overall area. Ae stated they w�ent through several revisions in order to aoca�anodate everyone's needs and would be greatly concerned if they had to go back to the drawing board to revise the site plan to accommo8ate 64th Avenue. 8e stated th�y develaped the traffic flow for 64th being curved and if this takes place, after the clinic is constructed, it may create same problems for their �xitients in getting to the clinic. C10(TNCIL M� OF' JULY 12, 1982 PAGE 4 Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, stated he felt what happened was the plan was subcnited to the ffi2A for concept appraval. Se stated, when this approval was given, it set a nm�ber o� things in motiori incluc3ing the clinic plans. He stated this development was goinq forward in two areas, one dealing with the clinic and the other dealing with the persons who were proposing the office building. He stated it was unfortunate that both didn't come to a conc7,usion at the same time.� Mr. Herrick stated, from a Iegal standpoint, there wasn't any final approval by the HRA, but because there was this concept approval and because a number of peo�Ie maved focward on the plans, it puts the HRA and the Ca�ncil in a�t'i'sitia� that, technically, you may not be committed to it, but fran a moral standpoint, there is a catmitment. He stated that is the clanger of giving a concept or preliminary approval when people are spenclin9 a lot of money on the planning. Counci]man Barnette asked that all the businesses be kept informed so they will knaw haw long they can remain at their locatioci. Mr. Boardman stated he has talked with Mr. Ryan several times regarding this matter. He statea Mr. Ryan has requested they delay any appraisal on his pra�erty for as long as possible and to which they have agreed. He stated they have an agreement that buildings, including Mr. Ryan's, wou2d be torn c'lo�m when the clinic opens and this would be July of next year. He stated, as far as the Hardel's property, their attorney has contacted the City and asked that they proceed with condemnation of the property. Mr. Boarc�an stated he has a meeting scheduled with them for tomorrow to see if an agzeement can be reached. Mayor Nee asked about relocati� of the businesses. Mr. Boardman stated they haven't started any relocation action at this point, however, they have sent notices to the people in Mr. Doty's building advising them what was taking place. Mayor Nee asked if they were prepared to make a commitment to Mr. Ryan until next July. Mr. Boarc�man stated they are not in any hurry to acquire Mr. Ryan's praperty and he wants it clelayed and they will do eo. Cau►ci]m��n Fitzpatridc questioned whether the vacation includes the alley. Mr. Aerrick suggeste8 this not be vacated at this time and not until the r�r+aining properties are acquired as it is not essential to the clinic that the alley be vacated. He suggested part of 4th Street, except the north 100 feet be vacated and the balance be held until such time as the other properties are ac�guired. No persons fraa the audience spoke regarding this vacation request. MdI'ION by Councilman Schneider to close the public hearing. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, aI1 voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearing closed at 8:05 p.m. aocn�cu, 1�-rn� oF JoL�r �2, 19s2 PAGE 5 __..�. 3 pc�.�c e�xr�c P+o� a�E zo � 2u, � a��, FS'1�BI.ISHIl�IG 8E(.'PION Z11.045, 8H� IOT LII�iF�: � !�►iTON by Cau�ciln� Bamernik to �ive the reading of the public bearing notioe ar�d open the public hearing. SeconBed by Councilman Bnrnette. t�poci a vcioe v�ate, all vcting aye, i+layor Nee declared the motion carried ta�animously anc] the public i�earirg opened at 8:06 p.m. Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this change adds a new paragraph regarding zero lot lines in R-2 ard R-3 zoning distcicts. Ae stated staff i�as reviewed the vatious methods of ac]opting a zero lot lfne pravision and felt it would be �,est placed in the platting ordinanoe. Councilman Hamernik questionea the restrictions under Article II, Section 5 of the Covenants, Cor,ditions and Restrictions. He felt there should be sane restrictions, but because of the way this is worded, it is probably too restrictive. Mr. Aerrick stateci they would review this language and tcy to clarify it. Mayor Nee stated the zero lot line concept makes double ownership of a duplex possible. No persons in the audience spoke regarding this change in the platting ordinanoe. MOrl'ION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to close the public hearing. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared th�ation carried uu�animously and the publfc hearing closed at 8:12 p.m. OLD BUSINFS.S: ORDII�ANCE N0. 752 AMF',�IDII�1G t�iAP"i'gt 603.11 OF �iE FRIDLEY CITY tX�E OONCF.RNII�1G 7I�E SAI.E OF INPDXICATII�G LIQUOR ON S[7PIDAY: Mdi'ION by Cancilman Schneider to waive the second reading of Ordinance N0. 752 and aaopt it on the second reading and order publication. Seconded by Councilman Aamernik. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanim�usly. NF3�T B'USII�TF�S: 5 tbNSIDERATION OF FIRST RFADII�IG � AN ORflINANCE AM�'.�IDING CHP.PTE�t 211 0� FRIDLEY CITY CODE II�ITLID "PI�ZTING" BY ADDII�IG NII�v SE7CTION 211.045 At�ID AM�]DII�G O�.�D S�TION 211.045 BY MAKIIJG IT 211.046: MOTION by Councilman Schendier to waive the reading and approve the orc3inanoe upon first reac3ing. Seconded by Councilnan Fitzpatridc. Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, stated �hen the Council gives final approval of thfs ordinance, they should apprave the oonvenants and restrictions and advise staff they will use those until such time the staff comes and requests they be changed. B+e stated these covenants will not be part of the orc3inanoe, but approved by the Council arid not c�anged unless it caaes back before the Cour�cil for c.��ges. L1i�1 A VOICE VO�i'E TAKFT] CN 18E �iBOVE M�tTOTT , all wted aye, and Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 22, 1982 �j RECENIl�IG Pt�ANNING C�+IISSION lRII�][Ti'F5 0� Jt81E Z3, 1982: b A rr� ����s Krr�vr�s oF � �o, �9s2: Fvr�nac s�vic� o�zp,�riaNS: PAGE 6 !!s. Barbara Huges askec7 that the Council reconsider their action not to fund servioe organizations. She stated she is concerned about all these organizations that provide eervioes to the City. Ms. Hughes stated the main reasori she would like the Cocmcil to reconsider their action was because of the timing and the short time in which this decision was nade. She stated many of these organizations have spent a great deal of time preparing sophisticated proposals for funding, therefore, she asked the funding be continued this year. She felt, if funding were to be disoontinued, it should be phased out over a period of time. She stated, because of the Federal and State funding cuts, it was ir�ortant for the City to oontinue funding these agencies. Ms. Hughes stated what was asked was quite minimal and that the citizens of the City were the most im�ortant resource. She requested the Council reconsider and get the rankings fram the Hu�man Resources Cammission to qo through the prooess that has been started. 1Ws. Mary van Dan, Charinan of the Human Resources Cammision, stated she was ooncerned that a few days before their scheduled fanding review, they were fnformed the Council had decided to eliminate all funding for the caming year. I�ls. van Dan stated the H�anan Resouroes Catunission decided they wanted to canplete the ranking process and studied all the presentations. She stated each agency who submitted a request for funds spent a great deal of time preg�ring a budget and having sudits ccmpleted. lrls. van Dan stated ehe rea2izes because of Federal, State, and County cuts, the City has to reduce their budget, but requested the council reconsider that those cvts not be instituted inm�ec3iately. ' Ms. van Dan stated she has all the funding requests and the Commissfon's recarur�endations, ff the oamcil wishes to review them. She stated that North Suburhan Family Services Center, the Southern Anoka Community Assistance, and Alexandra Aouse all scored high on services to the residents of Friciley. She stated the total a�nount requested was $I0,500. l�ayor Nee stated, as he recaZls, these groups were advised last year there was a substantial question whether funding would be provided for this y�ear. 1rls. van Dan stated she is oonoerned with peo�Ie and with priorities, when a trash can for a park costs $300 and $19,000 is spent for lighting tennis oourts�and wondered if there were other aternatives to consider rather than cutting funding for these aqencies. Councilman Schneider statecl they have looked at sc►�ne of the specifics which Ms. van Dan mentfor�ed. He statea, it was the opinfon of the Parks anci Recreation Director that the van8alism, by leaving the lights off, �uld outw�eigh the vost of the lighting. OpUNCIL 1�ETII�1G OF JOLY 12, 1982 Mayor Nee stated it c,�ae dawn to the point responsi.bility to provide certain things nice, funds may nat be available. PAGE 7 where the Council has direct and while other things may be i�lr. Dick Younq, a manber of the Parks and Recreation Oaamission, stated he was a little upset with the Council`s action not to provide funding this year. Mr. Young called attention to the Jayoee's creed which states "service to humanity is the best work of life". He statecl he, as well as others present, have always been one of the fortunate to have the necessities in life. He stated he didn't knaw if the Council fully realized the service the Southern Anoka Ca�muu�ity Assistance provides to Fridley. He stated at Christmas in 1980, 244 families and 81 senior citizens were pcovided food and in1981, 318 families and 125 senior citizens were provided with food. He further stated in 1980, 50 children received toys and in 1981, 567 children received toys through this agency. He also stated in February, March, and April of this year, 76 families froca Fridley received some form of assistance. Mr. Yaing felt there is a definite need to provide this funding, as the people are the backbone of this vonmainity and their needs have to be met. Mr. Young felt if people don't receive the assistance they need, there would be m�re problems with abuse and shoplifting. Mayor Nee stated, as long as the Human Resources Commission made a recoqmierx3atian, it would oertainly be part of the budget deliberations. Mr. Molly Freeman, representing Alexandra House, stated she wished to reiterate the oomnents made by the others. She stated they are trying to diversify their sources for funding. She stated when you approach the private sectar, ane of the questions they ask is what kina of community support they receive. She asked that the Council reconsic3er their action. Mr. Peter Treuenfels, a member of the Human Resources Commission, stated he was taken back with the Concil's timing and if they really wished to cut off any funding, the organizations should have been notif ied sevedral months ago so they wouldn't have spent all the time filling out tbe applications. Mr. Treuenfels stated the Cammission submitted a list of goals and objectives which was agproved by the Council and one of these was the funding of service organizations. He statecl, if the Council had been determined not to fund these organizations, it would have been nice to let the Camnission know that this was one of the goals and objectives they didn't have to consider. Mr. Treuenfels stated on the question of whether or not the City should be in the business of funding sevice organizations, he felt these organizations should be supported. He felt the City has an ethical and moral obligation to fill the gap because of reduced funding by the Federal and State governments. �fJNCIL MEErING �' JiJLY 12, 1982 PAGE $ I�ir. Brian Goodspeed, a manber of the Human Resources Cammission, stated last year when the C�mussion made their reca�ener�dations for funding, the Council gave more then was recommended. He felt sameone picked up the Iogic that you have to give all or none arx3 was willing to take the heat, ff red�ictions were made. He stated he would like to second everything Barb Hughes and Mary van Dan stated. Mr. C,00ctspeed felt cuts could be made in other areas of the City so that funding oould be provided to these agencies. Councilman Barnette stated he qe�estioned whether the City should be in this funding business. 8e stated he was oonoerned about how they solicit and knows everyone probably has a group they feel should receive funding, however, he felt the City shouldn't be in this business. Counci).m�v► Schneider stated there is no question that all the agencies are worthwhile and needy organizations. He stated it c�nes down to the question on what is the City's role and, traditionally, it hasn't been the role of the City to be involved in htanan servic�e organizations. He stated they are looking at significant cuts and it becomes a hard decision to make on where these cuts should be made. Counci].rnan Schneider stated no matter what you do someone will feel the cuts so it canes down to a priority question. Ms. Lee Carlson, Norih Suburban Family Services Center, stated une.m�loyment gces hand-in-Y�and with child abuse. She stated other cities have used different ways to increase their funding limit. Mr. Ironan, City Clerk, stated he was aware of what Ms. Maxwell was referring to concerning levy limits and this has been done in Fridley. Council.man Kamernik stated he appreciated what these agencies have been doing and felt it was a very good cause. He stated it seems the unc7erlying question and oonoern was, if funding was going to be cut, why wasn't it done earlier. Councilman Hamernik stated, when the Council looked at these funding requests, it was a way for an organization to get started and there was no guarantee for continuation and evaluation was to be on a year-to-year basis. Ae stated he appreciated the comments and will take them into oonsideration. Councilman Fitzpatrick stated he understands the Auman Resources Camunissioti is going to proceed with making a recaranendation regarcling the funding of these agencies and would agree with Mayor Nee that they are only at the beginning of the budget process. He stated, when that recatcnendation oocnes through, ft will be looked at again. Mayor Nee statecl when the A�nnan Resources Coiamission's recommendation is received, it will be v�nsiderecl and balanced agair�st the other de�nands. � B ITF�?S FROM APPFALS �'afISSION MII�UTES OF JUNE 15, 1982: VARI�NCE TD AT�OW �TSTRt)CTION 0�' A DDCR ArID NEW FI�iJT DOOT AT I15 71-1/2 WAY NE, D(��IAI� NIELSII�1; Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this is a request for a variance for the property at 115 71-1/2 Way NE. Mr. Flora stated the existing building was constructed in 1956 with a 35 foot front yard setback, however, in 1976, 9 feet of this property was taken for street OOCTNCIL N�ER�NG OF JULY 12, 1982 PAGE 9 Mr. Flora stated the amec wished to build a 12 foot deck and f ront step off the fros�t o� the dwelling which w�ould leave a 15 foot front yard. 8e stated the ac7jacent structures to the east and west are aver 100 feet fram this addition so this deck should not encroach into their 'line o� sight". Camcilman Fitz�trick stated the chief purpose of the ordinance is to keep people fram projecting into the front yard and obstructing the view of neighbors. He stated he would agree with the Appeals Cammission that they can't have a lot of decks in front yards and, in most cases, this would be true. Be felt, hawever, this was a different case and the "line of sight" of the neighbors isn't being harmed and didn't believe the neighbors made any objection to this request. MOTION by Council.nan Fitzpatrick-to approve the variance for the front setback to be 15.91 feet instead of the requires 25 feet to allow the construction of a deck and a new front door at 115 71-1/2 Way NE. Seoonded by Counci]man Barnette. Upon a v�oioe v�ote, all wting aye, Mayor Nee declared the nation carried unanimously. MOF1'ION by Councilman Schneider to receive the Planning Commission minutes of June 23, 1982. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, a11 v�oting aye, 1�layor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. � RDCENIl�IG CABLE ZELEVISION OOt►'II�ISSION M1NUI'ES OF JUNE 17, 1982: MOTION by Councilman Hamernik to receive the minutes of the Cable T�elevision Catunission Meeting of June 17, 1982. Seconded by Councilman Sahneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Dick Young asked about the fees being charged by Northern Cablevision and pointed out the fees are lawer in other suburbs. Councilman &vnernik stated he brought this conoern to men�bers of the Cable �elevision Ca�unission and was assured that Northern is charging a fair fee for the servioes. Mr..Flora, Public Works Director, stated they have been looking at the figures very closely and for the amount of channels they receive, the residents are getting a very good rate. v�'�RF.SOLUTION 1�. 61-1982 APPR(NING 7xiE AU'If10RIZING SIGNING �IE AG�REFI�III�TT ESTABLISHING 6iARKING �NDITIONS, tng1GF5 AND iiCX1RS �' EN�'i�YEES OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY FIRE DEPAR'I1�fP FiOR �3E YF,ARS 1982 AND 1983: Mr. Bob Atc7rich, Fire Chief, stated this is a continuation of the previous aollective bargaining agreement with the International Association of Firefighters Local No. 1986. He stated the major change and modification is this paticular agreement is a shorter work week. He stated by reassigning hours and re-alocating some of the econom ic resources, they are naw providing manning in the station 24 hours a day, 5 days a week. Ae stated there are no changes beyond that and felt it was a fair contract for all parties ooncerned and would recarunend appraval. MO�i'ION by Councilman Schneider to adopt itesolution Nc. 61-1982. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voive vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unani.mously. �CINCIL N�TING OF Jt7LY 12, 1982 PAGE 10 ;� RESOLUrTO[J NU. 62-1982 ODNFIRM7NG APPOrN'1�N�S TO �E CITY OF FRIDLEY �'�iISSIONS FOR ZSE YF,AR 1982: 1 �/ 11 12 !lOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to adopt Resolution No. 62-1982. Seoonded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, a2,1 voting aye, 1Kayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. �onan�aar: crrY �: M�'I'ION by CounciLnan Schnefder bo wncur with the follawing appointment by the City Manager: I�ME F�'FFXTIVE P�OSITION S�Ai�ARY D�ATE Gale L. Arx7erson Office Assist. $935 July 12, 604 North Lexington Parkway Folioe Dept. per 1982 Month REPLA� ..__.__.___._ Michele Zwicicy Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voioe vote, all v�ting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ��5�: MOri'TON by Councilman Barnette to approve the licenses as submitted and as an file in the License Clerk's Offioe. Seconded by Councilman Aamernik. Upon a voioe vote, all v�oting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ��: MOTI�t by cauncilman Fitzpatrick to approve the estimates as submitted. Palda & Sons, Inc. 1462 Dayton Avenue St. Paul, Ngi 55104 FINAL Estimate No. 1-1982 Concrete Joint & Crack Resealing Project 4Win City Striping 4416 Hiqizia�d Ro�d Minnetonka, I�N 55343 Partial Estimate No. 1-1982 Street Striping $31,263.59 $ 1,200.00 1 `� i� QOUNCIL I�EPING OF Jt�Y 12, 1982 :.. � • y. �. � �. Reys Well Drilling Cam�any 413 North Lexington Parkway St. Paul, I�N 55104 Partial Estimate No. 1- Repair Well #3 MaQuire M�echanical Service, Inc. 20715 Hold Avenue West Lakeview, 1rII�i 55044 Partial Estimate No. 1- Water & Sanitary Sewer Project 136 8errick & NEwrnan, P.A. 5279 University Avenue, N. E. Fridley, 1rA1 55432 For Services Rendered as City Attorney for the Month of June, 1982 PAGE .11 $11,722.50 $10,674.00 $ 3,828.35 Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. �: MDTION by Councilman Schneider to authorize payment of Claims N0. 152776 through 190M45. Seconded by Council.man Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all v�otirig aye, Mayor Nee c7eclarecl the motion carried unanimously. oo�n�rr - c�,8 r�c�sn�c: Mayor Nee stated he received a complaint from the local cab company owner that the City doesn't enforce their cab licensing on intruding cab companies, but it is enforced against Fridley's cab company in other cities. Ae stated the point was made the City should have license fees fram all cabs coming into the City or else not charge the Fridley campany a license fee. CounciLnan Barnette questioned haw this could be regulated. Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, stated that is one of the problems and another problem is the local cab canpany probably doesn't have enough equipment to adequately servioe all the residents of the City. He stated, as he recalled, the feeling in the past was they can't prohibit cabs fran other cities coming into Friclley because they then woulc3n't be providing adequate cab service to the residents of the City. Mr. Herrick stateci there may be same merit in checking with the League of Minesota Cities to see what might be worked out. QOtJIaCIL 1�FTII+IG OF JULY 12, 1982 I�E,TII�S - CANCQ,L�: PAGE 12 �____._ Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, statea the Council hac7 set up a meeting date ta meet with the Energy and Enviromnental Quality Caamissions, however, because of the members being out of tawn, they cannot make this meeting date. He stated he ass�mied then the Council woulc�'t have a meeting next Monclay. ADlTOUI�H►'�iP: MOTION by Councilman Barnette to adjonr� the Counclman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all declared the �rotion carried unanimously and the Fridley City Council of July �2, 1982 adjournecl a Respectfully submittec�, Carole Aaddad Secretary to the City Coucanil Apraved: meeting. Seconded by voting aye. Mayor Nee Regular Meeting of the t 9:30 p. m. William J. Nee Mayor 1 a�� n�.� AN OtiUII�NCE �DER SFXTI�i 12.07 OF RSE CITY CHARTSR TO VAiCATE SIREETS 111O ALi.EYS AlO TO AMEND APPEI�IIDI% C OF 'IDE CI'1R �E The Gouncfl of the City af Fridley do ordain as follaws: SBCTI� l. For the vacation of street right-of-�way, described as follvws: That part of 4th Street N.E. adjacent to the Southerly 34.5 feet af Lot 4, ar�d all of Lots 5. 6, ar�d 7, Block 4t and that part af 4th Street N.E. adjacent to Lots 8, 9, 10, 11, and the Southerly 26.3 feet of Lot 12, Block 5, all in Ree's Addition to Fridley Park, all lying in the South ealf of Section 14, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley County of Anoka, Minr�esota. � Be anci is herd�y vacatec7. SBCTI(�1 2. Zt�e said vacation has been made in confocmanoe with Minnesota Statutes and pursuant to Section 12.07 of the City Charter and Apperciix C of the City Code shall be �o aQnended. PASSID ADID ADOP'I'ID BY 7IiE CI'1'X OF FRIDLBY '�IS DAY OF , 1982. WILLIAM J. NEE - MAYI�R ATPF�S'T: SIDNF� C. II�1N - CITY CLERR Public Hearing: July 14, 1982 First R�eading: Seoond Reading: Publish: - SAV #82-01 �� l .../ „ -- 000+ ...�o. � . � ; .. r iiV� •r��w� � � N � _ � � �e� • � e� , �r-I ...' W `��'I # �� l.oca'�ion � �' SAU #82-01 F.ridley HRA e : _„ !q� l�f[ �� � nJLJlJ!J�JL�I � '� �'s N � �I� � ' I y1 f� � ��s �� �' a � A�M�' (I�.�a' �'�� � t—�j� >u• a; �, n �...�. t.n��. � s'�la ,�� 7 ( ���A � � �� ! � ;— �f -�; �..�—�-� w. �L•...5 L _�t_,� � ` ,/ s ij . � I��, s _ � s u•�'�w� ,h�r:8�; .c.�� �a 1' - J J/ � � = J�.�� �. � t ����. 6� � I � w ��i�l: "� �'a. .: 1 �' ����, � �I t � + �aJ/ ` � , t�' - � � � o \ � � �+� ��. � . r� "rc : �� �J; � , ���� i «����', � f ��,� �� : � _ _ w.. rt.� _ Y � � " � ��� � � ���� .i � � s� ' � .a «� _ 1 I�MOK� CO. 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'�. •w�, . , ,:. a 2 CITY OF FRIDLEY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, JULY 14, ]982 CALL TO ORDER: Vice-Chairperson Oquist called the July 14, 1982, Planning Commission meeting to order at 7:31 p.m, ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mr. Oquist, Mr. Saba, Ms. Gabel, Mr. Svanda, Mr, Kondrick, Ms, van Dan Members Absent: Ms. Schnabel Others Present: Jerrold Boardman, City Planner James Cross, 6271 Jackson St. N.E. Jim Benson A. Oscar Carlson S & R Investment Co. APPROVAL OF JUNE 23, 1982, PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES: lNOTION 9Y MR. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY !►�2. SABA, TO APPROVE THE JUNE 23� 1982, PLANNING COMMISSIDN MINUTES AS WRITTEN. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� VICE-CHAIRPERSON OQUIST DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIl�JOUSLY. • 1. PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDERATIOP� OF A RE UEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT P 82-08, 8Y JA ES . C OSS: Per Section 0. 5, ,, o t e r� ey ity Co e, to a ow t e cons ruction of a second accessory building, a 22' x 24' attached garage on Lot 4, Block 1, Irene Henry Addition, the same being 6271 Jackson Street N.E. (Variance granted 6/15/82, subject to approval of specia] use permit) M�ION BY MR. SABA, SECONDED BY PlR. SVANDA� TO OPEN TFIE PUBLIC HEARING ON SP #B2-08 BY JAMES X. CROSS. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTZNG AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON Oj1UIST DECLARED THE PUBLIC XEARING OPEN AT 7:33 P.Al. Mr. Boardman stated this lot is the iast Iot on Jackson Street. It is a dead-end street with a cul-de-sac. Ne stated the request is for the addition of a second garage. 7he request to the Appeals Commission on June 15 was to construct the new garage and turn the existing garage into a living area which would require a variance from 10 feet to 5 feet from the north property ]ine, because the existing garage as it is now is 5 feet off the property line. At that time, the neighbors were not opposed to the construction of the new garage, but were opposed to the 2A PLANNING CON�IISSION MEETING, JULY 14, 1982 PAGE 2 existing garage being converted into living space and requested that both garages be used as garage space. The petitioner had stated he had no problem with allowing the existing garage to remain a garage. This then required his coming in for a special use permit, because the code doesn't allow second accessory structures of 200 sq. ft. without a special use permit. Mr. Boardman stated the petitioner is requesting a specia7 use permit for the construction of a new garage and to allow the existing garage to remain a garage. He stated Staff has no problems with this request. He felt it was appropriate since this house is at the end of the street and the setback variance in front was granted by the Appeals Commission. The petitioner, Mr. James Cross, stated this was the only location they had on the lot to build an additional garage, and they really need the storage space, The only alternative would be to store their vehicles in the yard or on the street. lHOTION BY 1�2. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY JNR. SABA, TO CLOSE TFIE PUBLIC XEARING ON SP �Y82-08 BY JAMES X. CROSS. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON O(1UIST DECLARED TXE PUBLIC AEARING CLOSED AT 7:41 P.�. MOTZON BY MR. SABA, SECONDED BY MS. VAN DAN, TD RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP �82-08, BY JAMES X. CROSS, PER SECTION Z05.051, 2� A� OF TJ'lE FRIDLEY CITY CODE� TO ALLOW TXE CONSTRUCTION OF A SECOND ACCESSORY BUILDING� A 22' X 24' ATTACHED GARAGE ON LOT 4� BLOCK 1, IRENE AENRY ADDITION, TXE SAME BEING 6271 JACKSON STREET N.E. (VARIANCE GRANTED 6/IS/82� SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF SPECIAL USE PERMIT). UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTSNG AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON OpUIST DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANZMOUSLY. Mr. Boardman stated this request would go to City Council on July 26. 2. VACA7ION REQUEST• SAV #82-.02, BY S& R INVESTMENT COMPANY: Vacate that portion of unused right-of-way aajacent to the west si e of Lots 13, 14, and 15, Block 4, Hamilton's Addition to Mechanicsville, (highway turn-back), to allow the construction of a 4-plex, the same being 5600 - 4th Street N.E. (Appeals Commission recomnended a�proval of variance on June 29, 1982) Mr. Boardman stated this property is located on 4th Street where the service drive connects into 57th Ave. It is a corner property. Ne stated the State originally had control of the right-of-way all along the service drive. but the State recently turned all that property over to the City of frid�ey. The City of Fridley does not need the property so at the request of the petitioner, Siaff is recommending this property be turned over to the property owner, but that the City maintain a 10 ft. boulevard easement. 2� PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, JULY 14, 1982 PAGE 3 Mr. Boardman stated the proposal is for a 2-level, 4-plex with tuck-under garages. This pr�posal went to the Appeals Comnission on June 29 for approval of two variances--a front yard setback from 35 ft. -0 30 ft. and a sideyard setback from 35 ft. to 25 ft. Both variances were approved by the Appeals Conmission and are bing submitted to City Counci7. Mr. Boardman stated it was Staff's reco�nendation to approve the vacation and turn the property back to the property owner to make a more usab]e ]ot. Ms. 6abe1 stated the Appeals Commission has approved variances before for the development of this piece of property; but because of financing falling through and other things happening, no development has taken p]ace. She felt that if there is now someone who can do something with that lot, it would be a good thing for the City. MOTION BY MR. SVANDA� SECONDED BY1�lR. SABA� TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF VACATION REQUEST, SAV l�82-02, 8Y S& R INVESTMENT COMPANY TO VACATE THAT PORTION OF UNUSED RIGHT-OF-WAY ADJACENT 2�0 TXE WEST SIDE OF LOTS 13, I4, AND I5, BLOCK 4, XAMILTON'S ADDITION TD 1HISCXANZCSVILLE, (XIGHWAY TURN-BACK) , TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 4-PLEX� THE SAME BEING 5600 - 4TF1 STREET N.E. (APPEALS COMMISSION RECOMMENDF.rJ APPROVAL OF VARIANCE ON JUNE 29, 1982)iWITH TXE STIPULATION THAT THE Cl2Y RETASN A 10 FOOT BOULEVARD EASEMENT. UPON A VDICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON OQUIST DECLARED 1'NE 1NOTION CARRIED UNANIMDUSLY. Mr. Boardman stated this request will go to City Council on August ]6. 3. LOT SPLIT REQUEST: L.S. #82-04, BY A. OSCAR CARLSON: Split off the Aester�y 8 feet of the vacate�aTey adjacent to Lots 20, 21, and 22, Block 7,Onaway, and add it to the Easterly 8 feet of vacated alley adjacent to Lots 5, 6, and 7, Biock 7, Onaway, the same being 7753 Beech Street and 1752-56 Elm Street N.E. Mr. boardman stated there was quite a history as to how these two buildings were connected. He stated the proposal is to purchase the building that has been spread out across an alley and covers two lot areas, one off Beech Street and one off Elm Street, and then split the building, turning over a portion of the building on Lots 21 and 22 to the building on Lots 6 and 7. Mr. Boardman stated where the problem comes in is that because they are putting a new lot line in and ti�ere was never a zero lot line variance for a building setback to a property line (which was not necessary at that time, because the property in between was owned by the building owner), the petitioner is also going to have to request a variance. Because of scheduling. there is somewhat of a problem with the variance procedure and it would be mid-September by the time it gets to City Council. The reason for this is the meetings of the Appeals Commission and Planning Commission do not jive in order to get it to the City Council by the end of August. If the Planning Commission approves this lot split, he would suggest they recanmend the lot sp]it request be conditioned upon the variance approval by the Appeals Commission. 2C PLANNING CON�1ISSION MEETING, JULY 14, 1982 PAGE 4 Mr. 4quist asked why the twa walls couldn't be knocked out �nd the area turned back into an alley. Mr. Jim Benson stated he has been involved back to the time these buildings were connected and is noN,,,�epresenting Keith Boulais and A. Oscar Carlson, who are the new owners. He�stated that when the two buildings were connected together, the walls were constructed of concrete masonry, the floors are poured concrete floors, so it is fully improved real estate. He stated that when you are inside the building and passing from one building to another, you hardly realize the buildings were ever separated. He stated it would be too expensive to tear u� the concrete floor, concrete walls, and roof, so the 7ogic is just to detach the bni]ding and bring it back and concrete the wal] up, making virtually two separate buildings again. This would create a zero lot line situation, which is common in the Onaway District. He stated the two buildings were origina7ly bui]t separately, so everything is separate--parking lats, uti7ities, water mains, etc. 1�lOTION BY J►JR. SABA, SECONDED BY l�IR. KQNDRICK, TO RECQMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF LOT SPLIT REQUEST� L.S. l�82-04, BY A. QSCAR CARLS�IV� TD SPLIT OFF TXE WESTERLY B FEET OF TXE VACATED ALLEY ADJACENT TO LOTS 20, 21, and 22, BLOCIC 7, ONAWAY, AND ADD IT TO THE EASTERLY 8 FEET OF VACATED ALLEl' AAJACENT TO IATS 5, 6, AND 7� BLOCIC 7� ONAWAY, TXE SAME BEING 7753 BEECX STRBET AND 7752-56 ELM STREET N.E., BASED UPON TXE APPROVAL OF TNE ZERO LOT ISNE VARIANCE BY TXE APPEALS COMMISSION. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� VICE-CNAIRPERSON OQUIST DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANSMOUSLY. Mr. Boardman stated the zero lot line variance request will go to the Appeals Comnission on Aug. 10, and then both the variance and the lot split request will go to City Council on Aug. 15. 4. RECEIVE JUNE 15, 1982, ENVIRONMENTAL (�UALITY COMMISSION MINUTES: JNOTION BY 1►Q2. SVANl�A, SECONDED BY MR. SABA, �0 RECEIVE TXE JUNE 15� 1982� ENVIRONMEN2AL QUALTTY C(aIKMISSION MINUTES. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CXAIRPERSON OQUIST DECLARED TXE 1NOTION CARRIED UNANIMOVSLY. 5. RECEIVE JUNE 17, 1982, HOUSING 6 REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES: 1NOTION BY MS. GABEL, SECONDED 8Y JKR. SVANDA, TD RECSIVE TXE JUNE 17� 1982, IiOUSING 6 REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 1�IINUTES. UPON A VOICE VOTE� .�lLL VOTING AYE� VICE-CXAIRPERSON OQUIST DECLARED TXE MOTION CARRIED UNANII►lOUSLY. 6. RECEIVE JUNE 22, 1982, ENERGY COMMISSION MINUTES: 1NOTION SY 1►�. SABA� SECONDED BY 1KR. KOiVDRICK� TO RECEIVE TXE JUNE ?2� 1982� ENERGY COMMISSION J�lINUTES. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL YDTING AYE, VICE-CIiAIRPERSAN OQUZST DECLARED THE MOTIDN CARRZED UNANI!lOUSLY. F�7 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, JULY 14, 1982 PAGE 5 7. RECEIVE JUNE 24, 1982, APPEALS COM�IISSION MINUTES: 1�IDTION BY 1�lS. GABEL, SECONDED BY 1►JS. VAN DAN� TO RECaSVE TAE JUNE 29� 1982, APPEAIS COMMISSION !�lZNUTES. UPON A VDZCE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CXAIRPERSON OpUIST DECLARED THE 1NOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 8. RECEIVE JULY 1, 1982, HUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION MINUTES: 1�IDTION BY a1S. VAN DAN, SECONDED BY J�IS. GABEL, TO RECEIVE TXE JULY 1, I982, fNMAN RESOURCES COMMZSSION AlZNUTES. Ms. van Dan states she had gone to the July 12 City Council meeting, because the City Gouncil had received the Planning Comnission's June 23 minutes which included a motion and discussion regarding the funding process. She stated there were a number of very impassioned, good presentations fran the public. She stated Barbara Hughes spoke representing the citizens of Fridley as well as a board member of one of the organizations. Dick Young, President of S.A.C.A., gave an excellent presentation, and there was a representative from The A7exandra House. She stated a number of organizations gave presentations. She stated both Peter Treuenfels and Brian Goodspeed from the Human Resources Cortmission spoke, and she also spoke. Ms, van Dan siated they were a]1 really emphasizing two areas: (1) The fact tbat tf�e City Council's decision not to do any fundinq was done so suddenly after all tf�e applicants f�ad gone througf� a very lengtfiy and expensive process of pre- senting funding requests, If the City Council fe]t they were not qoing to do any funding in 1983, they should have given prior notice; although the Mayor and the Council members did indicate they felt it was an understood fact that city funding was not going to be an ongoing permanent funding process and that it could be stopped. She stated somewhere along the line communication has not been the best, because she felt it was understood there would be funding if funds were available, but no one expected the funds to be cut short so unexpectedly. (2) They questioned priorities and respectfully requested the City Council to sincerely review same of the things being considered in the 1983 budget and to remember that people are the most valuable human resource in the conmunity and anything the City can do to maintain the dignity and the welfare of the citizens of the community should be considered. Ms. van Dan stated that in the July 6 Parks & Recreation Commission minutes, Dick Young had questioned the validity of the City providing funding for the city band and Northeast Chamber Ensemble. She stated she had not been aware there was that kind of funding. Ms. van Dan stated one of the important things in the funding process is that the Commission encourages the organizations to go out to every possible source of funding, and these organizations do. However, many funding grants are based on comnunity support, such as matching grants, so if the car�nunity does not give anything, the organizations lose doub]e. 2E PU4NNING COMMISSION MEETING,�JULY 14, 1982 PAGE b Ms. van Dan stated that at the City Council meeting, she had the feelinq that a1] the Council members understood the concerns being expressed nnd indicated they may really give this serious consideration at the time of budget review. Ms. van Dan stated the Human Resources Commission members have all expressed the opinion that the�funding review process is the most interesting meeting of the whole year. Stt� felt if the Carmission has been asked to take on the responsibility of reviewing funding requests, they should be involved in the whole process for any type of city funding and not just the service organizations, Ms. van Dan stated the Human Resources Ca�nission really felt very strongly that S.A.C.A. is a very worthy project and should get as much support from the City as possible because 50� af those served by this organization cane from Fridley. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTZNG AYE, VICE-CXAIRPERSON OQUIST DECLARED ?'HE MOTIDN CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 1NOTION BY 1HS. VAN DAN� SECONDED PY l�IS. GABEL� TQ CONCUR WITN THE MOTIDN 1MADE BY THE XUMAN RESOURCES COININISSIQN AND TO RECOMMEND TO CiTY COUNCIL THAT, DEPENDING UPON TXE AVAILABILITY OF ANY FUNDING MONIES, S.A.C.A., CENTRAL CENTER FOR FAMILY RESOURCES� AND TXE ALEXANDRA HOUSE RECEIVE TXE AMa[INT OF MONIES REpUESTED: S.A.C.A. - 52,500 CENTRAL CENTER FOR FAMILY RESOC7RCES -�5,000 TXE ALEXANDRA XOUSE - S3,000 UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CNAIRPERSON OQUIST DECLARED THE MOTIDN CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 9. RECEIVE JULY 6, 7982, PARKS & RECREATION C4MMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY 1�2. KONDRICX, SECONDED 8Y MR. SABA, TO RECENE TXE JULY 6, 198?, PARKS & RECREATZON COMMISSION MINUTES. UPON A S�OICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� VICE-CXAIRPERSON OpUIST DECLAR£D THE MOTION CARRZED UNANIMOUSLY. ADJOURNMENT: MOTZON BY MS. VAN DAN� SECONDED 8Y l�iR. XONDRICK� TO ADJOURN TXE lNEETING. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� YICE-CHAIRPERSON OQUIST DECLARED THE JULY Id� 1982� PL�INNING C0�lMISSION 1NEETING ADJOURNED AT 9:1D P.M. Respectful]y subm'tted� .�C-C ynn Sa a Recording Secretary 2F APPfAIS OOI9+lISS�10 IrSSTIlQG - dtTl�E 15. 1�62 P�t� 4 ia tiis plana and Mr. tishisb ��cpl�ai�d t�at 2�s bad ipolasn vith pid tb�t xirs gLss could b� pnt in a tir� �a11. Mr. Eiabisb intsr�st in uaing sucb Kindows aa t2�.t Mo�ild allox soae liglnt gangs. Ths xindosrs it� tbs bons� �au3d bs blocbed o!i arid gyp add�d that a 13 z 16 foot dining sr�s t�vld bs addsd to tbs rs� Mr. Plamsl asbsd irho �aald bs doirig the iark and Mr. lCiahisb s t� tiniahing bimsslt but �uld oont,ract for soms of it. Cha if �r. 1Cishish sigbt just t�ar the �xisting garags doim Mr. Clark xho lndioatsd an �o ooss intc t�hs ua�d. He r ot th� bouas. �d'b� wauld do tiroaan Gab�l aslasd ro sa id hs �roul,d . Mr. Barna asla�d if' b� sanld haw aaaesa to ti� back ya ugh a garags door �nd Mr.:.l�isbiah saird hs wuld. Ci�ais�o�an Gabel as the aams slding �u1d bs avaS.Lable and Idr. Eiabish �a�d it �aa bnt t ir �ras conaid�ring stuaaoing the s�ct�ri�or, but whatsvsr �s did h� eo skr it cons�st�aL. Mr.ud l�rs. Itadsraon. r�sighbors o! t2�s Eiehis�a� i+sr� aslosd to oom� foriard. Nrs. Anderaon indicat�d that ti�ir ooepLir}� uu tbat tiis addition xoul,d b�ing it too cloae to tt� prop�rt� Iins, sspeci�lly xith tbs rsof overhang. She also lelt t�at it i+ould cut the �valnr o thsir propert�y to which Chairwomzn Gabsl reaponded t�i�at Irir. l�iahisb' a i�OVing tbe looks of his proparty �rould ir,orsase� rsther than decreass� �e #alus o! thsira. Mr. 1Cishish addsd that ths City liannsr aaid bs would sro�Mith tbes on 2andaeaping to laaep the propsrty looking nice. I�. Anderaon addsd that be fslt it �+ould alao crsats a watsr problen. Chaii-rroman Gabsl aaid �t.hat swn if ths var3incs xaa danied l�lr. 1Ciahiah oov�,d still build ti�e garags st tx� teet ov�sr. 5Ls aalasd Mr, and I�s. Ilnderaon if tbey aonl.d diacusa this ti� the Kiahish'a to make it more palatabls and Mrs. Anderaon asl,d th�y felt it'"s+as �uat too close. Appropriste drainit�g ahould be ussd. I�DTION by Ma. Gerou. a�onded by l�Ir. BRrna � to closs the public hearing, DPON A VOICE YOTE � ALL VOTIld AYE, CHAIFtWI�MAN GA�L DECIIRED Ti� PUBLIC i�AR�IG CIASID AT 8�05 P.K. ChairWOm4n G+�bel stosd that it bs noted ia the record tbat a valid i�►rdahip had been estsbl hed. She asksd Mr. CLrk lf tbs ewi re ql ass windows �+sra squiv�nlent in fet,y �rith the fire �►all and Mr. CLrk aaid thep �re. I+fDTIOI� by . Earna, aecondad t� Mr. P'lamel � fi.b�at the Appeala Commisaion recoa�and to the Ci Council. through tbe Pl.anning Commiaaion� approval of the varixnce to reduc the aide y�rd aetbnck for an atG►ched garage fro� the required 5 fset to 3 leet ta allo� Lhe conatruction o! a 22 feat by 38 feet attsched garage on Lot 32, Hlock 6� Carlson's S13mmit IS�►nor Soutb� the saae being 5312 Altura Road N.E. xith the stipu2ation that the north �+all be a fireirall �ith 5i8 inch type x gypaum board snd thst ar�y xindoxa i.A ths nortii �all bs firs sate steel mesh xindowa. OPON A YOICE YOTE � ALL VOTING AYE, CHA3RWOMAN GA�L DECI�ARh„D THE MOTIAN CARRIED UNANIl�USLY. � 3. 2G ♦PP'�IlI3 COI4IZ3SZON �SETIlIG - JONS 15. 1962 PAGE 5 I�TmN by I�. P1ems1, sscondsd bpr Ms. Gsrou, to op�n tbs publio bsaring. UPDN A K3I�B 110�3 �.ALL 11pTIl�TG A� � CAAIItWOMAN GA�L DBCL�IRF.D T� AiBL� �ARING OPEN wT 8t3�0 P.M. �►n�aras�►� s� x�pox�r 6271 Jackean Street lI.E. 11. Pt78LIC PURPOSE SERVED BY REQUI�MENT: Section 205.053, 4A, zequires a front yard set�adc of not less than 35 feet. Public puzpose served by this requirement is tc allow for off-street parkinq Mithout encroachinq on the public riqht of way and also for sesthetic vonsideration t� reduce the building "line of sight" encroachment into the neighbor's front yard. AND�/OR Section 205.053, 4B, requires a minimum 10 foot side Yard adjoining living area. Public purpose served by this zequirement is to maintain a minimum of 20 feet between living areas in adjacent structures and 15 feet between garages and living areas in adjacent structures to reduce exposure to oonflagration of fire. It fs also to allow for aesthetically pleas�ng open areas around residential structures. B. STATED HARDSHZP: "Only location whexe I can build a garage of the size needed." C. ADMII7ISTR.ATIVE STAFF REVIF3�l: This home is located at the end of Jackson Street and there are no other hames that front cn Jackson south of the petitioner. The petitioner wants to build an attached garage in front of their exis ting house and have the acoess door face norfih and utilize their existing driveway. They would also like to keep their existing garage of which they will be requestinq a special use pezmit. If the front yard varianoe is granted and the special use permit denied, they will then nee8 to c:oisvert their exiting garage to livinq area and they will need a side yard variance for it. If the Board approve& these requests, We woul�d recauanend that no windvws be placed on the north wall of the converted qarage. l4r..Jaass H. Cross. 6271 Jackson Strset 10.T.. Fridley. Hinneaota �aa present. l�r. C'lark auppli�d Co�isaion membsrs xith aerial and current photographs of the propert�y. Nr. Clark expLined that I4r. Cross xishes to conatsuct a two car g�rags xitii the drivexay off to tbe north and Ioeep his exiating garage !or mi�csllaneoua atorags. Zb do tbis �s xould need a apecl,al use permit for tbe aeoond garags. Mr. Cl,ark auggeatsd tbat the Conmdissi.on members deal tirith ¢�ch iasues separate�r. ge �aid that ths r�ortherly neighbor had called and atafAd they �ould rather ses the old garage left aa a garage and not a�de into living quarters. Hr. Croas said t�hat alt,hough tbey plan to build • double garage thsy �,PPEAIS COI4SISSSDN I+�ETII�iG - JIINE 15. 1982 PAGE 6 iatsnd to inatall a s3a61s door a�d Mr. Croaa to •atahliah tbe Lardabip taaiLr, boa� trailsr and s aingL nss it !or sLorags. Ch�irrroman Gabel asloed and bs aa3d he haa t2iree vrhiclss, a camping `araB+• Mr. Croas aalosd tl�at the variance requeat to rsduvs t�e aide yard sstback trom 10 tNt to 5 tset on tbe living side o! t2ie� dwelling so the sxiating garage can be conv�srt�d to living arsa be atruck from ths r�qusat. He aLtsd that tbsy either trant to go ahead rith t�e garagsa and obtain a apscial nae psrmit or stsy Mith vhat tbsy have nax. Hs added that ths ma jority of ti�e s+�rk i+�ould bs dons by thsmasl�sa. ChairWOman Gabsl indicstsd that there kaa no one xho irould be Sspact�d by tbe viaual ciiange bscauae of �ers ti�e dtirsllirig is locatsd. MD�TID�N by Hr. P1sme1, aeaonded bq I+Ia. Gsrou. to close tbe public hearing. UPON A VOICE YOZE,A7.L YOTIldG AYE � CHAIl7WOMAN GA�L �CURID Ti� PUBLIC HEARING CLOSID AT 8:27 P.M. Z4�e iiardahip eatabliahed is t21s need for stor�►ge of v�ebiclss. MOTmN bq Ma. Gerou, aeconded by Mr. Plemel� to grant the variance rsqueat to rsducs t1�e iront yard setback from the required 35 tt. to 11 ft. to a11oW tbs constructivn of a 22 it, by 24 Yt. attached garage, aubject to tbe approval or a specia2 nse per�i� for a aecond asseasory building at 627'1 Jackson Street N.E., F5rldlsy. Hinneaota. OPON A YOICE YOTE� ALL VOTIldG AYB, CHA�tWOMAI3 GAREL DECIAR� TiiE MOTION CARRITD UNAN�iOUSLY. PIOTION by Ma. Gsron, aeconded by Nr. Barna� to der�y the rsqueat to reducs t�e a3de yard setbnck lrom 10 feet to 5 feet on the living aide of ths d�relling� eo the exiating garage can bs convsrted to living area on Lot 4, Block 1� Irer�e 8�nry Addition, the sane being 6271 Jackaon Streat NE� baaed on the petitioners requeat and the neig2�bor's objectioaa. IIPON A YOICE VO�� A7.L YOTIl�iG AYE. CHAIRWI�NAI3 GABEL D�SCIARID Ti� MOTION CARRI� UNAN]I�f00SLY. Chairwc Gsbel requeated that Mr. Clark have avai.l,abls for each Commiasion �smber at s-.�ext etisig a copy of the �morandum dated Auguat 2, 19')9� from Mr. Hereck to t�s.,��lrey City Council xhich dealt varisnce information. Cha ir�m`n Gabel addre s aoming into Hr. Clark'a o AppeAls Co�nisaion. I�h�. C prepars, but it the Commiss peopls to follox.(i.e. have hardabip� and �hat to expec 1 � 11: �I„I�I� the subjeot of�a g a handout avai].abls for people ica on hox to prepare for sn appes►rance before the lg k�ati�-t�t he doea i.ndici►ts to people hoK to io e�d,he would drax up a short checkl.iat for othe alterriat�v�aa been conai�dered� xhat ia the � �{ ?l�TION �r Hr. Barria, seconded by Mr. Pleme to sdjoura. UPOY..A YOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRWOMAN (3AHE',L DECLARED THE EAIS C4MMISSION M[sE? G OF JtJNE 15� 1982� ADdWRNID AT 8s45 P.M. � Pat Von M�acb Record�g Saoret�ry � ...b, ^ N � � o � ,g �i��,/- __ � ...� iri� ; � � � .....,. � _ � �=�.� � � �� � L 1 � SP #82-08 James Cross and variance � �� � � �.�.� � �:���:: .,._... '*r�'��_ �,����......�. �'j(l ir# eaurwa � c NEtarts STREET MA.P-CITY OF FRI DLEY � � �c.�oo L � ���ZC ���� �K 2J � �v � S � � �� � . S � \. I , � � f � � . '---�_. I i '�- ` � , /'� �-- C�y4�� � , C�-i�,CG� �diaaLd, tor t� r�oord. �oLd agairut t� �ot3oa bcaua� o! t� ' par�o�d�nos tbat �d,sht a�t tor bail,diag d�eks in i�aAt �ards, vbiob d�cisian a2r t�lt abonld t�► t� Cit�► Coae�cil. �d b�caua� s� Mas onst� lbat a ��1P � a•stab21a2rd. S� �xplaie�d tdat tbis itss Mo�uld b� r�t�►rr�d Council and wald app�ar oa tb�ir agrnda on J�n�1 12. 19�2. � 2. �� ��'. P7sms1. asconded � Mt. atrna, to opsn th� public hearing. OPON A Y�OIC6 11�1E� AI.L VOTDi1G AZB. CHA�t1�i0l�SA1� GJI�L L1SCLlRBa TH� PUBLIC HF.ARIrIG OP6N AT ?�4? P.K. �DMZN?S TRIITIVE S T11FF REPORT 5312 I1ltuza A�ad 1��E� ll• PLBLSC PURPOSE SERVED By RE UIRF�I�TT -----._-- Seetion 2d5.053, 48, �4, requiras a minianum 5 foot side yard adjoininq an attached garaqe. Public purpase served by this requ�rement is te provide space betweeri ir�dividual �tn�cturet to reduoe conflaqration of fire, to provide access to the rear yard for emerqenci�� =nd to Iimit the condition of cz�avdiaq in a residential neighbcrhood. 8. STJITF:D HJ►RDSHIP: 'with existing side door steps� I��d a 22 foot wide qarage for adec�uate storage of cars and other accessori�s," C• 11DMINISTRATNE 57AFF REVIp�t; If the Soard approvea this request, the staff suggests that the Board •tipulat� that the north wall of the propcsed garaqe have no openings and t�►at the exterior vall be S/8 ineh type X gypsum board. �. ae�d l�s. Robert 1CiabisD. 33u ut� �a x.R., l�ri,d2sy, 1� s�er� pres�at. l�. CLrk provided tbe Cou�iasian eeaDsrs xith an a�ri�al photo8:'aPb. curraat pietnrss and. proposed aonstruction p2�►s. Chair�oman Gabel asksd it 't.� reduction of the garag� to a]2 toot : 24 foot storage area u�on.]d allo� th� bui2,ding to bs Lrg�s snough to 6� aonaldorsd •n aeceasory nae ao that a spseial na• psr�rit xas raquSr•dt Nr. C2ark snpl.a2nsd tisat ths eXi�ting house �+ith tbs Pi'oPosed 'addition alrsost mesta tAs 2� aaucimua cov�arage ao to stay und�r ths 25� lot ooveraga tlut d�+s123ng �nld hav� to b� reduced. Nr. �iahiab sxp].aS�sd tbat Ds ovnsd tbre• vshic2es, snovmcb3la� boats. canoes all o! x2iicb requirs aAr� stora� spac� tban hs prssent,�y has. Chairvoa� Gabsl •slasd about ths viado�rs 2K 2L ��►ss oo�.ssno�o resrn�c -� �� �� r�c�s a ___.__.. Sn t� pLn� ar�d Mr. �ish �zpLi�d tbat � bad spoba vitb !!r. Clark vho •a�+d t�t virr 6Ls• oo�n.ld br pnt !u a fir� rall. 1�. Lisbisb L�dioat�d sa 3at�r��t ia nalas saoh �rind,ow as tLat tiotil+d all� �os li�Dt to oor lnto t,h� �d tbat�a� 1� z L6, ��� ns� wou]d b blocl�d e!Y and �ypavard. 8� SaQ ar�a �vld b� sdd�d te t� r�ar a! t6� boua�. �( e. l 7 a� 1 as l a r d v! a w a l d b� doing t� �arlc ar�d l�h�. iisi�i.sb �ald ��ov1d do t� tit►ishing bits�lt but �vld oontract !or sor of it. Cbairwcnaa Gab�l asl�d !! -l�. LiahLb aSgDt jwt t�a,r t?� �xiating 6aragr dovri and b� aaid ��ou]d. I�. Eartsa •a1�d if b� sanld hav+� acc�ss to t2� b�a� �srd throu�h a garagr door a►ad l�r.: Liabiah said � roaLd. Chsir+ro�ean Gab�l aslosd it tb� aa�r •idine vonld b� av+�ilabL and Mr. tiabisb wid it waa bot tt�at b� va• aonsid�ring atuaool,na th� sst�ri,or� but �aLvrr � did � wuld sab it consLl�at. l�.and l�s. Itad�rson, n�igbbors ot t� [ishisb'�. iwr� asbd to oom� lorward, lsr�. And�r�on indicat,�d tbat ti�ir oo�Liet �as tbat tb� addition irould t+�ing S�'i"oo cYoss�`io�"�b�ir'op±r�j`i�i�. �s�c�Ia�,y"`����..�Pp`���ver.ha�n9.. � 3hi a�.�'rt f�ia C 1L �+vu1'd__�__y't t�iq �ln�,�f t!» ir ,propsr t, f. to vh ieti Cha irvo�ean Gabl r�spondsd t.bat 1�Ir. 6lahiab'a L�roring t?�s �.00lc's ot bii propsrty �auld ir�orsa�s� rathsr than d�araas�, th� �ralur of tb�ira. 1�. Iisbish add�d tbat th� Cit,� �'lar,n�r said b� xould wrk �ritb tbsa on Lndaoapin� to losep tD� prop�rl�y looicing nie�. �. Mderaon addsd tbat bs l�lt it wul,d also arsaL a xat�r probl�s• Cha�-�roman Gab�l said tl�at �v�n 4! ths varl.ancs waa d�nisd J�Sr. 1Cisbish oov]�d •till build t2�e garag� �ust t� fsst ovirr. St�s aslad Nr. and 1�s. Md�rson S! tbey could d iacuss this vit?i tbs tishiah• s to sa i� it mors paL Ltal� and 1�ra � �ridarson aaid th�y l�lt it vas 3ust too cloa�. APProprLts draining ahould bs ussd. �TI�N � Ms. Gerou, secondsd t�+ I�. Hi►rna. to alos� t2�s public besring. DPON A 110ICE VD1'S� ALL N�TD�tG AYB. CKATR'�AMAN GA�L DECIIRED TI� P'DBLIC }�.ARDdG CLOSID A? 8�0� p.M. . Chsirwoman G+�bel a�ked that it b� notsd Sn tbs raoord tbat a valid h�rdshfp bad been eatsbliibsd, She ask�d Mr. CLrk !t th�ewire qj855 y?�ndovs x�r� �quivalont iri safst�y wit,b t�s lirs wll arid Nr� Cl+ark said they �r�, I'1�TION �► rir. B�rna� aeconded � Mr. p2emsl. tbat ths Appeals Commisaion reco�end ta tas Cit�y Council� through tbe PLnr�iag Ca�,isaion. approval o! the vsriance to reducs tbe a�ds yard sst,baok for an sttached garags froa the requir�d s f��t to 3 tsst. ta allox ths aonstrvetiQn of a 22 faet t� 38 faet att�ched garags on Lot 32. � B�ock 6� Carlaon's �ait IS�.nor Soutb� tbe sar�e bsing 5312 Altura Road N.E. with tbs stipu].aticn tb+�t tha nortb wall bs a tire►�ra11 �►it,D S/8 incb typs x gypavm board and t2ut �►r�y wir�doxa ia t2�e nortb �ra11 b� firs safs ateel mesb xindoxs. UPON A 1�CE V0� � ALL VDTIliiG AYF � CAA 77t'b►�N.�1 GAE�L DECI�}t�D TKE HOTIOK CARRIID UNAN IMOUSL7. � t�N$ ERATIAI� OF A YA$�10E REt�TSST. P[TF�4I11A1T 'ro Cxep'►^�`it x�K n� � gomTrv � � _.. -- � ..✓ u � M.�. , � : .. r (�lw •r��w � N � f � Loc�T �oN _. � � _ � f � � � � ..! w�. _°�t� � _ „ _ ;� � � . � _.. . ,� � , �..� �' I �� � � — ��.w .o �� z. � t.. 5312 Altura Road Variance ��� A..�J� ' . � �r � _ � � � � �Q. A N rlif , !� lT�. J+1 r il _1� _ i, s. � � ... � � � ,�.d ��� .�"� \�-�.�.� ��..�.r�r• j�%J /�t,,\ ��� �e.riisit _L�1 �'1 i1 �1��/`y�.i'— � sM•�ra�• M `5 ' i CQW1A1� � t 1[IYMI� � I STREET MA.P-CITY OF I FRi DLEY I'' _ ., o �aaa s,asa � �. ,� ..,�, .� � �.�. • M I j , .. ti:�,; . � _ _. ' � � ./.. � i�. /� `, ; �.� , -� . . , . , . i. 1• �r:. t,'~ t����: �'�a ��li/ ' �•}. i ...__ .. �''� _; . f :: 5312 Altura Road -- . ��. - Variance � . . �� . `� ' . . - � �';�i ' � • '�; �. _; ; , - - _ - . . . . . "' #:� - ' _ - ' �- , . ` .��. � � . . , � � � ; t �� • �: �� r . ; 4 _ ar : r.,�„ • �.G y , . � S �,, i �� ..f � �, � ` } , •; +} ' + 'YL • � �� t•'� - . • , - • s . `� ?;:-' . � � . t . � =:.z / C r . ;.�_ � . , :; � . � '=" 3 E' j i �' :y ..�� �( � � , - _ f x�. , � t _ . : 7a � . �: . � , ��,.Y� 3 � c-1 f �pp�TtDIJ , pKOP�SED � 3_z'1—�� K K - • S�aps „ a !�' . , . �� ."'� : �� . : ,' � � . -, � .. - _ � - : � _-� � - . . . {� �- - -- .- --- --- - -- -_ - � . ( i.�f � �; r_.r. � ....t� f. c � r i . �`. . � `L o � i. `•� �' . �; . � _ �� ,;'� � i � �, : i : �' �e '•- i - �• ! �• �� �- 1 : - -���' : � � � . `` - i ; �;•�.. ~; . � . � ". `i L'. �:: , c- ;: �: ,_ ; ,� - : � � � �� � � �� �- � � �- � - —. ,� — — ._._ ._.. _.__ ____ _. _.. � _ � � ' . �j�"JL ���'' � Fc� n��;: T �? � . � i � {f y _ ��s ^.' r/ . r :''a' � _" i ` T � � . �,. � � ; � c7 s � . - ` , _ �,-- : % i • i 2� J���, � 1ZT. v J.�GI '.�J�il7 J: �.�1: Z. �...�..��...J 'J:���' �'.. "'• ..��t� :.� �J..:.T��" v� � �� � ���1...�Tr� �n - -_ .r�.Y=, _ ... �.�.�� ' '_N . ~r.v . _ r ' .- -- =r i: ---�• -. -.-... ... �.auT�'�!�• �.----- � iZ�i: ��''.�......w �J . �..�� ':�y.�L��.�.ci:..� -ri .:...��.J._ _._�C '_.��_ _.��� . � i.�:1 -_ . �a^. � � _;:G .r a: Ca . . . ,. _ . . �i'r..� . .,.,;:'1 ` _; : _; ^ � .. � _ . 7: :. ._ _ '." .' c.^.: : . �� �.0 ._ � • _ � - J . enc����^i: .. : ��_l� _.._���s .:r.�.. _::..'•:r-�1� . . _ . .. , . ; � ; .. �---►►-r.r..t.+----<---.,�._...,_...,-.---•---•:._�..�_..---....-r— .-�-�-- •------ • ---�------- , �.r—�..�.��- • • --- �..- . . . _. _......_ ... ._ . _ _ .:: _. .�..._�.._...w��.r�...�_..._ _�, ......�.� fZG• - . � -- - -- � ,. u1 � N M u ! � s_" jE �--_____..,.. � ii .. r1D��T��N • i ' + ``' „o � ' �0 1'I E �'� `'Y • - � ,~ � � ` � 3 �C - f'. � Z r ' • ' s�.rs K ' ' ��✓ _ - tl � .� �' —� _" � � . - :' . � � '. �l�« ..K'• ; �.r. . . : �; : . � �s�Y� � : . . � � �, � � - � - . � � ,N, ' 1�1 �� � ' — � � ^' V d � �� � '° n �'� j '`�= � I ._ : � . . � • . - � ! . - ., �-_ _ � _ -.. . . . � � 2G - - : . f ! ` — .-= — . — --=� �Z D� - - -- -- --- -- --- — -'� { :;, � ' �:!?_'-�r•t��.a. � �%i"/! �r �Fc�!hc'r: T' ~�? � 1(vD� ��� �{ = r. , ' , � = 1�' - O N L '.'.` � Z� 4 � � .t:.r ScAS.E �"= ZD � � N l M r U � . � II 3 BTATE OF lIIPNESOTA DEVEI.OPl�NT AGREII�NT COVNTY OF Ali0R1► Detveen: ibis Agreemeat, a�de this�dap of July, 1982, by and Darrel A. Farr Development Corp.. • lSinnesoia Corporation, its successors aad assigns. hereinafter eslled "Farr"; aad the City of Fridley, � Municlpal Corporation. located ia Anoke County, Minnesota. hereinafter called, "Fridlep". Ia consideratioa of the �utual covenaats herein contained. the parties hereto agree as follws: 1. Farr intmds to convert to eocdominium ownership a 258 unit apartment project located in Fridleq. Minnesota, legally deQCribed in Ezhibit A. attached hereto and mde a part of this Agree�eat, co�oaly knova as the "Black Forrest Apartments". In connectioa with said eonvercion. Farr agrees that it vill perfo� each and cvery covenant and agreement eontained ia the "81ack Forsest Condominium Policq Regarding Reaters", attached hezeto and made a part of this Agreement� as Ethiblt B. 2. Ia eonsideratioa of the performance by Farr of sald covenants and agreements contained in F�chibit 8, Fridley acknowledges that the convezsion to eondominiums of the Black Forzest Apartments is esempt from the moritorium placed on coadomiai►� coaverclons by Fridley Ordiaance Chapter 217.01 thzough 217.04 because Farr had obtained a Dona fide sortgage commitmeat prior to the effective dste of said ordinance. 3. Should Farr feil to perform all of the covenantc and agre�ents conteiaed ia Euhibit B during the time aecessary to convert said �partmeata to coDdomini� ovnership, Fridley maq obtain an lnjuactioa or other judicial remedy to compel tampliance vith taid covenanta aad agreements. IN iiITNESS T�FIEREOF. the partlts hereto bave executed tl�is Agreement oa the daq and year first above vrittea. DARREL A. iARR DEVELOPMENT CORP. CITY OF FRIDLEY Ey: Na���c■ � N.wrru.. ��►. , �T01�N[�! �t YM � N7t Ip,�v[��T �NtiN M.� tR�DLl� WNM(LOTA/i�u Its �I� �� / � ��I LJ N[1111�CR � N/MwN, ��. �TOAM[�{ �1 4M {i1f w��tN� �Ar1M b.� IA10{jV.Y1NM���T� {� i 3A STATE OF IQI�ESOTA ) ) se. COUNTY OF ANOBA ) l�` Oa this .�� ,dap of , 1982, before �e, a �otary Publie vithio aad for sald County persc�ally appeared ^�-�__�,��_�'? ���e persoaally knwn� viio, Deing by me dulq svorn did say tAat be is the � �� �.Q�k DARREL A. FARR DEVEIAPi�NT COSY.. the corporatlon aamed in the fosegoing instr�ment. and that the seal affised to said instrument is the corporate seal of caid corporation. and tiut said instr�ent vas signed aad oealed in behalf of said t�poration by �uthority of its Soard of Directors •nd said '� �- acknowledged .sid instr�ent Lo be the free act �nd deed of uid corporatioa. ��"`� JAN S. GLADEN__ � 1 NOTAR� PUBLIC - MUNNESOfi �'�.�� HENNEPIN COUNTY ��My Cpmmissi0� E+cp►!s June 10 1 STATE OF ?lINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY �F ANORl, ) On this day of , 1982, before me e Notary Yublic vithia and for •aid County, personelly •ppeated , to ae personally knovn. vho. being by me duly svorn, did say that he is the of the CITY OF FRIDLEY. the municipal corporstioa named in tAe foregoing inatrument. and that the seal affixed to said instrument !s the corporate seal of eaid corpor�tion. and that said tastr�eat vas �igned and sealed in behalf of said corporttion bp authoritp of its Soard of Direc[ors aad caid aekawledged said instrumeat to be the fsee sct and deed of said corporation. � 3B EXHIBIT A Out2ot A, Innsbruck Vi2lages, Anoka County, Xinnesota, and Outlot A, Innsbruck lvorth, Anoka Cour�ty, Minnesota, except that part legally described as fo22ows: Beginning at the most westerly corner of said Ovtlot A, Innsbruck North; thence North Q6 degrees 39 minutes 11 seconds East along the Westerly Iine of said Outlot A, Innsbruck North, a distance of I60 feet; thence South 1 degree 39 minvtes II seconds West a distance of ?26.27 feet more or Iess to a point in the westerly 3ine of said Dutlot A Snnsbruck North, distant 260 feet sovtheasterly along said Iine from the point of beginning; thence northwester2y along said 2ine to the point of beginning. '� - EXHIBIT B 3 C Dear i�e are taking this opporteinity to announce the conversion of the Black Forest Apartments from its present rental status to condominium ownership. Enclosed you wiI2 find the official Notice of Condominium Conversion. Since many of the residents in the building have enjoyed living here and may wish to continue to do so, we are pleased to offer a very attractive resident purchase program. This program is ovtlined on the attached summary headed Resident Benefits Program. Our sales consultants, Eric Bundlie, Lau O'Connor, Ginny Au2, David Christenson, and Bill Shaw, wi11 be contacting you to discuss your individual sitnation and preferences along with a11 aspects of the conversion at your convenience. In the event you decide not to purchase an apartment at the Black Forest, we have adopted a policy which we hope wi1l minimize the impact of this conversion on you. This policy was worked out between Dennis Schneider, your city councilman, the Declarant, and other city officials. This po2icy is summarized as fol2ows: I. The period of time which yov could be required to vacate your apartment has been extended beyone the requirement af the Min»esota statute. NO RESIDENT WILL BE REQUIRED TO MOVE FOR AT LEAST SIX MONTXS FRQM THE DATE OF THZS NOTICE. In addition, if you are elderly, handicapped, or are experiencing fi»ancial hardship, this period is extended far beyond the state requirement. The exact period as it relates to you is specified in '„ the attached Notice of Condominium Conversion. � 2. To assist in defraying the cost of moving, a payment � in the amount of $Za0 wi11 be made to you. 3. We wi11 have personnel at the Black Forest Apartments " to assist you in Iocating other housing. These personnel wi11 be available during normal business hours and at least two evenings a week until 8:00 p.m. A summary of .the items enclosed in this notice are: I. Notice of Condominium Conversion. 2. Resident Benefits Program. 3. Copy of the Purchase Agreement for the purchase of your unit with aZ1 attachments thereto. As indicated above, our sales personnel wi21 be on-site from 11:00 a.m. to 7:�0 p.m. Monday thru Friday and from noon to 5:00 p.m., Saturday and Sunday to answer any guestions which you may have. Their phone number is We want you to understand that we plan to do everything possible to provide a pleasant transition from rental occupancy to condominium ownership. Sincerely, FARR MARKETING, INC. n 3D !�� '� 3E NOTICE OF CONDU*lINIUM CONVERSION The Minnesota Uniform Condominium Act (the "Statute") requires that this Notice,.be given to each of the tenants and subtenants of buildings which�are being converted to the condominium form of ownership. In accordance with the requirements of the Statute, we, Farr Marketing, Inc. (the "Declarant") are giving you this written notice of our intent to convert the 258 unit complex known as the Black Forest Aparttaents, located at 1601 North Innsbruck Drive, Fridley, 1�Iinnesota, to condominiums. The statute requires that certain minimum periods of time be given tenants before they can be reguired to terminate their tenancy and vacate their unit. (Notice Period). In an effort to assist tenants who do not choose to purchase, the Declarant has chosen to expand the time which tenancy can be terminated and you couZd be req�ired to vacate, as follows: E.Iderly: If you are 72 years of age or older, you wi11 be able to continue to rent at the B1ack Forest Apartments for as Zong as you choose. If you are 62 years of age and less than 72, you wi11 not be required to terminate your tenancy and vacate your unit for at Ieast 18 months from the date of this notice. The statvtory requirement for a1I tenants 62 years of age and older is 180 days from the date af notice. Xandicapped: (As defined in Minnesota Statute 129A.01) If you are handicapped with a 2imited income as defined by IIUD standards, you wi1Z not be required to terminate your tenancy and vacate your unit for at Zeast 18 months from the date of this notice. If you are handicapped and yovr income exceeds Iimited income as defined by HUD standards, you wi11 not be required to terminate your tenancy and vacate your anit for a period of I2 months from the date of this noti ce . � The statutory requirement for a11 handicapped persons is I8� days from the date of notice. 3F Financial gardship: If you are the sole holder of the lessee's interest in your unit and have become unempZoyed within the Iast six months, you wi11 not be required - to terminate your tenancy and vacate your unit for a period of 8 months from the date of this notice. If you jointly hold the Iessee's interest in your unit and one of the lessees has become unemployed within the past six months, the Zessees will not be required to terminate tenancy and vacate the unit for a period of 8 months from the date of this notice. If you are receiving welfare benefits or other 1ow income assistance and are currently unemployed, yau wi1Z not be required to terminate your tenancy and vacate yovr unit for a period of at least 10 months from the date of this notice. Others: If your situation does not meet any of the above described classifications, you wi1l not be required to terminate your tenancy and vacate your unit for a period of 6 months from the date of this notice. Financial hardship cases are not covered by the statute; accordingly, the minimum time frame under the statute wovld be 120 days. A11 leases in effect on the date of this notice wi1Z be honored. It should be understood that: 1. You may not be required by the Lessor to vacate your unit during the above described notice period except by reason of non-payment of rent, waste, or conduct which disturbs other tenants peaceful enjoyment of the premises. 2. The terms of your tenancy may not be altered during said notice period, except that if you are in possession of your unit, you have the right to vacate your unit upon 30 days prior wri tten notice to the Lessor. 3. Rent 1evels raay be adjnsted by the Lessor during the above described notice period with 30 days prior written notice to you. ,, The statute grants certain other rights to tenants as follows: I. If you are the hoZder of the Zessee's interest in your vnit, you Bave an option to purchase yovr anit, on the terms set forth in the Purchase Agreement attached to this Notice, for a period of 60 days after delivery or mailing of the Notice to you. If the holder of the lessee's interest in the unit fails to exercise this option to purchase during that 60 day option period, the Declarant may se11 the unit to any other person; however, during the 180 days following the expiration of the 60 day option period, the unit may not be sold to any person other than the holder of the lessee's interest at a price or on terms more favorable than those offered under the attached Purchase Agreement. 3G 2. If the Declarant conveys the unit to another person in violation of your 60 day option to purchase the unit, your rights are as fo11 ows : a) If you are in possession of your unit, the sale of your '- unit to any other person within yoeu 60 day option period wi11 not affect your option to purchase the unit. b) If you are nat in possession of yoar unit, and if the buyer has no �n`owledge that the unit is being conveyed in violation of your option, than your option to purchase the unit wi11 be extinguished; this does not affect your ri9hts to recover damages for a violation of your option. c) Regardless of whether you are in possession of your ruzit, if the unit is sold to another person who has knowledge of the violation of yaur option, your option to purchase the unit wi11 not be affected. 3. You are entitZed to know that the on1� significant restrictions which wi11 be imposed on the use and occupancy of your unit are as follows: a) The unit may be used onIy for single family residential purposes, and not for business, commercial, transient or hotel pnrposes. b) The RuIes and Regulations of the Owners' Association may regulate or prohibit the keeping of pets on the condominium property, and may impose other reasonable restrictions on the use of the property. c) Units may be rented or Ieased by owners onZy for terms longer than 60 days, no unit may be sub-leased, portions of a unit may not be Ieased or re»ted, aZ1 leases must be in writing, a copy of the Iease must be furnished to the Owners' Association, and a11 Ieases must contain a provision stating that they are subject to the provisions of the Declaration governing•the condominium and the Br�-Laws and Ru1es and Regulations of the Owners' Association. d) No person under the age of 18 years will be allowed to own any unit, or occupy any unit on a permanent basis. 4. No repair work or remodeling may be co�rcnenced or undertaken in your nnit or other areas of the building during your notice period un3ess reasonable precautions are taken to insvze your safety and secnrity in possession of the premises. 5. Failuxe by the Declarant to give this Notice is a defense to a 1egal action for possession of your unit. If �ov wish to rearain es a resident beyond the period described above, We wi11 be pleased ta discuss the matter with you. If you have any questions concerning the attached documents, please co»tact our sales representatives at the telephone number set forth beZow. DECLARANT: FARR MARKETING, INC. By: 4600 Lake Road Robbinsdale, Minnesota 55422 Business Phone: 536-9936 3� 4 EHLERS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. FINANCIAL SPECIALISTS IRST N/►TiDNAI-SOO IINE CONCOUFISE 50� MARQUETTE AVE. MINNEAP0115. MINNESOTA 55402 338-8281 IAREA CDDE 6121 July 19, 1962 NOTICE TO BIDDERS RE: S2,050,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONOS (Consisting of $1,425,000 G.O. Special Assessment Fund Bonds of 1982 and a625,000 G.O. Tax Increment Redevelopment Bonds of 1982) CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA SALE - MONOAY, JULY 25, 1982 Moody's Investors Service, Inc. has confirmed the rating of "Aa 1" on the above bonds. EHLERS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. financial Advisors � .,_ � � � I . I � � � 4A After due consideration of the bids, Councilmember introduced the following resolution, the readitig of whieh had been dispensed with by unanimous consent end moved its adoption: ItESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION AWARDING TRE SALE OF �625,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION TAX INCRE- MSNT ItEDEVELOPMENT BOND3 OF 1982; FIXING THEIR FOBM AND 3PECIFICATtONS; DIRBCTIIdG THEIR ERECUTION AND DE- LIYERY; AND PROVIDING FOR THEIR. PAY- MENT. BE 1T RESOLVED B,y the City Couneil of the City of Fridley, Minnesota, as follows: l. The bid of to purehase �625,000 General Obligation Tax Increment Redevelopment Bonds of 1982 of the City described in the notice of sale thereof, is hereby tound and determined to be the highest end best bid reeeived pursuant to duly advertised notice of sale and shall be and is hereby accepted, such bid being to purchase such bonds et e price of E plus aecrued interest to date of delivery, such bonds to bear interest as follows: Year 1985 1986 198? 1988 1989 1990 1891 Amount � 5,000 5,000 5,000 15,000 15,000 25,000 30,000 Rate Year 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 199? 1998 1999 Amount Rate =35,000 40,000 55,000 so,000 70,000 85,000 95,000 85,000 The sum of � , being the amount bid in exeess of ;613,000, shall be ecedited to the bond sinking und hereinafter created for the Redevelopment Bonds. The City Manager is directed to retain tt�e good faith cheek of the suecessful bidder pending completion of the sale and delivery of the bonds. The City Maneger and the financiel consultants are directed to return the checks of the unsuccessful bidders forthwith. 4B 2. The City shell forthwith issue and sell its General Obligation Tax Increment Iiedevelopment Bonds of 1982 (the 'Bonds") in the prineipal amount of f 625,000, dated Au�ust 1, 1982, the Bonds being 125 in number and numbered 1 to 125, both inelusive, in the denomination of ;5,000 each, bearing interest as above set farth, all interest payable February 1, 1983, and semiennually thereafter on August 1 and February 1 in eaeh year, and whieh Bonds mature serially on February 1 in the amounts and in each of the years 1984 to 1999, es set forth in paragraph 1. All bonds maturing after February 1, 1994, are subj"�Lt to prior redemption on said date and any interest payment date thereafter at par plus aeerued interest. 3. Both principal of and interest on the Bonds shall be pavable at ar�d the City shall pay the reasonable charges of said bank for its serviees as paying agent. 4. The Bonds and the interest eoupons to be thereto attached shall be in substantially the following form: No. s5,000 UNTTED STATFS OF AMBRICA STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF ANOBA CITY OP FRIDLEY GENERAI, OBLIGATION TAX INCREMENT REDEVELOPMENT BOND OP 1982 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, acknowledges itself to be indebted and, for value received, hereby promises to pay to bearer the sum of FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS on the lst dey of February, 19 , and to pay interest thereon from the date hereof until the princi�at amount is pa di et the rate of percent ( 9i6) per annum, interest to maturit,y payable February 1, 1983, and�se a nually ther— a ter on the lst day of August and the ist day of February in each ,year in accordanee with and upon presentation and surrender of the interest coupons hereto attached as they severally become due. Both principal of snd interest on this bond are payable at the in eny eoin or currency of the United States of America which on the dete of payment is legal tender for public and private debts. All bonds of this issue maturing after February 1, ]990, are subject to prior redemption on said date and an,y interest payment date thereafter at par plus accrued interest. This bond is one of an issue of bonds in the total principal amount of �625,000, all of like date and tenor except ss to maturity, interest rate, redemption privilege and serial number, all issued by the City for the purpose of providing funds to defray the expenses ineurced and to be incurred in financing publie improvement costs within e Tax Inerement Financing District, Qursuant to and in full confirmity with the Constitution and laws of the State of Minnesota, including Minnesota Statutes, Sections 462.521 and 273.71 to 2?3.78, end the Home Rule Charter of the City, and is payable primeril,y from tax increments resulting from tax levies upon the increased value of property within said Projeet as pledged in a certain Tea Increment Agreement exeeuted by the City and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Fridley on September 13, 1979, but constitutes a general obligation of the City and, to provide moneys for the prompt and full payment of said principal and interest as the same become due, the full faith and eredit of the City is hereby irrevocably pledged, and the City Council will levy ad valorem taxes� if required for such purpose, which taxes may be levied on all of the taxable property in the City without limitation as to rate or amount. IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED AND AECITED that all acts, conditions and things required b,y the Constitution and laws of the State of Minnesota and the Home Rule Charter of the City to be done, to happen and to be performed precedent to and in the issuanee of this bond heve been done, have heppenecl and have been performed in regular and due form, time and manner es required by law; and that this bond, together with all other indebtedness of the City outstanding on the date hereof and on the date of its aetual issuanee and delivery does not exceed any constitutional, statutory or eharter limitation thereon. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, by its City Council, has eaused this bond to be executed by the facsimile signature of the Mayor end the manual signature of the City Manager and sealed with e facsimile of the corporate seal of the City and the interest coupons hereto attached to be executed and authenticated by the facsimile signatures of said officers, all as of August 1, 1982. (fecsimile signature) Mayor (manuel si nature) rty anager (facsimile seal) (Form of Coupon) No. �j On the lst day of February (August), 19 , the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, will pay to bearer, at the the amount shown hereon for interest then due on its General Obligetion Tax Increment Redevelopm ent Bond of 1982, dated August I, 1982, No. (facsimile signature) Mayor (faesimile si nature) Z`ity Manager 4C 4D 5. The Bonds issued hereunder and the first series of Tax Increment Bonds issued February 1, 1981, or additional Redevelopment Bonds similarly suthorized and issued shall be payable from the General Obligation Tax Increment Itedevelopment Bonds of 1981 Fund (the "Tax Increment Itedevelopment Bonds Sinidng Fund") previously created, and the City hereby pledges to said fund the proeeeds of any speciel assessments hereinafter levied and all tax increments from the Projeet Area in whieh the Project finaneed by the Tas Inerement Redevelopment l3onds (the "Projeet") is loeated and received by the City f�81n the Housing and Redevelopment Authority pursuant to the TaX Inerement Agreerfient (the "Tax Inerement Agreement") exeeuted by the City and the Authority on September 13, 1979. If any pavment of prineipal or interest on the Tax Increment Redevelopment Bonds shall become due when there is not sufficient money in said fund ta pay the same, the City Treasurer shall pay such principal or interest from the genera2 fund of the City and such fund may be reimbursed for such advances out of proceeds of tax inerements and tax levies when received. 6. The tax increments, including any excess tax increments as defined in Minnesota Stetutes, Section 273.75, Subdivision 2, received from the Project pursuant to the Tax Increment Agreement are hereby irrevocably appropriated and pledged to the Tax Increment R.edevelopment Bonds Sinking Fund previously authorized and affirmed by this resolution and for the payment of the principal of and interest on any additional bonds similarly authorized and issued. 7. It is hereby determined that the abovementioned tax inerements will produce st least five Qercent in excess of the amount needed to meet, when due, the principal and interest payments on the Tax Increment Redevelopment Bonds. The City Maneger is directed to file a certified copy of this resolution with the County Auditor of Anoka County and obtain the certificate req»ired by Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.63. 8. It is hereby determined that the Projeet to be �nanced b.y the Tax Increment Bedevelopment Bonds will directly and indirectl,y benefit the abutting property, and the City hereby eovenants with the holders from time to time of the Tax Increment Redevelopment Bonds as follows: (e) The City will cause any assessments for the Project to be promptly levied so that the first installment will be collectible not later than 1984 and will take all steps necessary to assure prompt collection. The City Council shall cause all further ections and proceedings relative to the making and finaneing of the Project financed hereby to be taken with due diligence that are required for the eonstruction of each im- provement financed wholly or partly from the proceeds of the Bonds and for the final and velid levy of any special assessments and the appropriation of any other funds needed to pay the Bonds and interest thereon when due. (b) In the event of any eurrent or anticipated deficiency in any gcants, funds, investment ineome, tax increments or special assessments pledged or appropriated for payment of the principal of and interest on the Bonds, the City Council will levy ed valorem taxes in the amount of said eurrent or anticipated deficieney. 4E (e) The City will keep eomplete and accurate books and records showing all reeeipts and disbursements in connection with the Project, any special assessments, pledged funds, tax increments, or any taxes levied therefor and other funds appropriated for Band payment, and all collections thereof and disbursements therefrom, mone,ys on hand and balanee of eny unpaid assessments. (d) The City will eause its books and reeords to be eudited at least annually by qualified public sccountants and will furnish eopies of such audit reports to any interested person upon request. 9. It is hereby determined that the Project financed by these Tax Increment Bedevelopment Bonds has a reletionship to the comprehensive municipal plan and that the Projeet has been previously referred to the Planning Commission under the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.356, Subdivision 2 and Minnesota Statutes, Seetion 462.515, and a written opinion of the Planning Commission is on file in the office of the City Clerk. 10. The City Manager shall obtain a eopy of the proposed legal opinion of Messrs. Wurst, Carroll and Pearson, P.A., of Minneapolis, Minnesote, approving the Tax Inerement Redevelopment Bonds, whieh opinion shall be complete except as to dating thereof and shall cause said opinion to be printed on the Bonds together with a certificate to be signed by the facsimile signature of the City Manager in substantially the following form: I herebvi certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct eopy of the legal opinion executed by the above named attorneys, except as to the dating thereof, which opinion has been handed to me for �ling in mv office prior to the time of bond delivery. (facsimile sig►nature) City Manaqer City of Fridley, Minnesota The City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to execute such certificates in the name of the City upon receipt of sueh opinions and to file the opinions in the City offices. il. The Tax Increment Redevelopment Bonds (Phase II) shall be executed on behalf of the City by the facsimile signature of the Mayor and the manual signature of the City Manager, and the interest coupons shall be executed and authenticated by the printed facsimile signatures ot the Mayor and City Manager, and the facsimile of the eorporate seal of the City may, but need not be, printed thereon. The Bonds, when fully executed, shall be delivered by the City Manager and the City 'IY�easurer to the purchaser thereof upon receipt of the purchase price, and the purchaser shall not be obligated to see to the proper application thereof. The City Manager is directed to file a certified eopy of this resolution with the County Auditor of Anoka Count,y and obtain the certificate required by Minnesota 3tatutes, Section 475.63. 12. The Mayor and City Masrager are hereby authorized end direeted to eertif,y that they have examine�J the official statement or prospectus prepared and eirculated in eonnection with the issuance and sale of the Tax Increment Redevelopment Bonds and that to the best of their knowledge and belief said statement is a complete and aeeurate representation of the faets and representations made therein as of the date of said official statement or prospeetus as it relates to the City. The offieers of the Cit,y are hereby authorized and directed to prepare and furnish to the purchaser of the Bonds and to the attorneys approving the same, eertified eopies of proceedings and records of the City relating to said Bonds and to the �nancial eondition and effairs of the City, and such other certificates, affidavits and transcripts as may be required to show the facts within their knowledge or as shown by the books and cecords in their eustody end under their control, relatin� to the validity and marketability of the Bonds and such instruments, including anV heretofore furnished, shall be deemed representations of the City as to the faets stated therein. The motion for the adoptior� of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Councilmember , and upon vote being taken thereon, th� followint; voted AYE: and the following voted NO: whereupon said resolution wes deelared duly passed and adopted. Approved and signed this � day of July, 1982. eyor ATTEST: City Manager 4F �� G After due eonsideration of said bids, Member introdueed the tollowing resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLIITION NO. BE30LUTION AWARDING TRE 3ALB OF =1,425,000 GENERAL /JBLIGATION SPECIAL ASSF.SSMENT FIIND BONDS OF 1982; FIXING THEIR FORM AND 3PECIFICA- TIONS; DIRBCTIIdG THEIR EXBCUTION AND DELIVERY; AND PROYIDING FOB THBIR PAYMENT. BE 1T RESOLYED By the City Council of the City of Fridley, Minnesota, as follows: 1. The bid of to purchese �1,425,000 General Obligation Special Assessment Fund Bonds of 1982, of the City described in the notice of sale thereof is hereby found and determined to be the highest and best bid reeeived pursuant to duly advertised notice of sale and shall be and is hereby aecepted, sueh bid being to purchase sueh bonds at a price of 3 plus aecrued interest to date of delivery, such bonds to bear interest as o ows: The sum of � , being the amount bid in excess of �1,397,100, shall t>e credited to the bond s�nking �'und hereinafter created. The City Manager is direeted to retain the good faith check of the successful bidder pending eompletion of the sale and delivery of the bonds. The City Manager is directed to return the checks of the unsuccessful bidders forthwith. 2. The City of Fridley shall forthwith issue and sell its General Obliqation Special Assessment Fund Bonds of 1982 (the "Bonds") in the principal amount of 4H ;1,425,000, dated August 1, 1982, the Bonds being 285 in number and numbered 1 to 285, both inclusive, in the denomination of s5,000 each, bearing interest as above set fath, all interest payable February 1, 1983, and semiannually thereafter on August 1 and February 1 in eaeh year, and which Bonds mature serially on February 1 in the qears and amounts as follows: Year 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 Amount w ����oo 125,000 95,000 120.000 120,000 110,000 135,000 125,000 Year 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 Amount =120,000 90,000 60t000 45,000 15,000 30,000 15,000 30,000 15,000 All bonds maturing after February 1, 1994, are subject to redemption on said date and any interest pay ment date thereafter at par plus accrued interest. 3. Both principal of and interest on the Bonds shall be payable at and the City of Fridley shall pay the reasonable charges of said bank for its services as paying agent. 4. The Bonds and the interest coupons to be thereto attached shall be in substantially the following form: No. $5,000 iJNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF ANOHA CTTY OF FBIDLBY GENERAL OBLIGATION SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUND BOND OF 1882 RNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS That the City of Friciley, Anoka County, Minnesota, acknowledges itselt to be indebted and, for value received, hereby promises to pay to bearer out of its Special Assessment Fund, the sum of FIYE THOUSAND DOLLARS on the Ist dav of February, 19 , and to pay interest thereon from the date �ereof until the principal ernount is paid at the rate of percent ( %) per annum, interest to maturity pa,yable February 1, 1983, an s�nnually ther— ea�ter on the ist day of August end the lst tley of February in each year in accordance with and upon presentation and surrender of the interest eoupons hereto attached as they severally beeome due. Both prineipal of and interest on this bond are payable at the in any coin or currency of the United States of America which on the date of pa,yment is legal tender for public and private debts. All bonds maturing after February 1, 1994, are subject to redemption on said date and any interest payment date thereafter at par plus eccrued interest. This bond is one of an issue of bonds in the total principal amount of s1,425,000, all of like date and tenor exeept es to maturity, interest rate, redemption Qrivilege, and serial number, all issued by the City for the purpose of providing money to defray the expenses ineurred and to be incurred in making local improvements, and in anticipation of the eollection of speciel assessments, as authorized by Seetion ?.12 (d) of the Home Rule Charter of the City and Qursuant to and in full eonformitV with the Constitution and Laws of the State of Minnesota, and is payable primarily from special assessments against Qroperty soecielly benefited thereby, but eonstitutes a general obligation of the City and, to provide mone,ys for the prompt and full pa,yment of said principal and interest as ti�e same become due, the full faith and credit of the City is hereby irrevocably pledged, and the City Couneil will levy ad valorem taxes, if required for sueh purpose, which taxes may be levied on all of the taxable property in the City without limitation as to rate or amount. I7' IS HEREBY CERTIFIED AND RECITED that all acts, eonditions and things required by the Constitution and laws of the State of Minnesote and the Home Rule Charter of the City to be done, to happen and to be Qerformed precedent to and in the issuance of this bond have been done, heve happened and have been performed in regular and due form, time and manner as required by law; and that this bond, together with all other indebtedness of the City outstanding on the date hereof and on the date of its aetusl issuance and delivery does not exeeed any constitutionAl or statutory limitation thereon. IN WI'TNESS WHEREOF, the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, by its City Council hss eaused this bond to be executed by the facsimile signature of the Mayor and the menual signature of the City Manager and sealed with a facsimile of the eorporate seal of the City, and the interest coupons hereto attaehed to be executed and authentieated by the facsimile signatures of said officers, all as of August 1, 1982. (Facsi m ile) Mayor ity anager (SEAL) (facsimile seal) 4I �� J (Form of Coupon) No. � On the lst dav of February (August), 19 , the City of FridleV, Anoka Coanty, Minnesota, will pay to bearer, out of its General Obligation SQeeiel Assessment Fund Bonds of 1982 Fund at,,,�he the amount shown hereon for interest then due on its General Obligation Special Assessment Fund Bond of 1982, dated August 1, I982, No. (Fa csi mile) Me,yor (Feesim ile) City Mer►ager 5. The City Manager shall obtain a eop,y of the proposed approving legal opinion of Messrs. Wurst, Carroll and Pearson, P.A., of Minneapolis, Minnesota, wfiich shall be eomplete except as to dating thereof and shall cause said opinion to be printed on each Bond, together with a certificate to be signed by the facsimile signature of the City Manager in substantially the following form: I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of the legal opinion executed by the above named attorneys, exeept as to the dating thereof, whieh opinion has been handed to me for filing in m.y office prior to the time of bond delivery. (facsimile signature) ity Manager City of Fridley, Minnesota The City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to execute such certificate in the name of the City upon receipt of sueh opinion and to file the opinion in the City offiees. 6. The Bonds shell be executed on behalf of the City by the facsimile siqnature of the Mayor and the manual signature of the City Maneger, and the interest coupons shall be executed and authenticated by the printed facsimile signatures of the said officers, and the facsimile of the corporate seal of the Cit,y may, but need not be, 4 !: printed thereon; provided, however, that the signatures of both the Mayor �nd the City Manager may be facsimile signatures, duly authenticated by the manual signature of an officer of the Bsnk of hereby desi�nated authenticating agent pursuant to Minnesota tatutes, eetion 475.5 , Subdivision l, and, if the bonds are to be so executed and authenticated, the bond form set forth in paragraph 4 hereof shall be modified as follows: e) Substitute the follawing paragraph for the final paragraph of the bond: "IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of Fridley, Anoka County, has caused this bond to be executed by the facsimile signatures of the Mayor and the City Manager and with the facsimile of the corporate seal of the City imprinted thereon and the interest coupons hereto atteched to be executed end authenticated by the facsimile signatures of said officers, and the manual signature of its duly authorized Authenticating Agent on the reverse side of this bond, all as of August 1, 1962." b) Add the following on the reverse side of the bond: "This Bond is one of the Bonds of the series designated herein issued pursuant to the resolution authorizing its issuance and delivery." Bank 0 As uthent�cating �ent By Its Authorized O icer The Bonds when fully executed, shall be delivered by the City to the purchaser thereof upon receipt of the purehase price, and the said purchaser shall not be obligated to see to the proper application thereof. ?. The bonds issued hereunder shall be payable from the Special Assessment Funds, as established by Section 7.12(d) of the Citv Charter and pursuant to all the Qrovisions of said seetion provided that if any payment of principal or interest shall beeome due when there is �ot sufficient money in said fund to pay the same, the treasurer shall pay such principal or interest from the general fund of the City and such fund shall be reimbursed for any advences out of proceeds of assessments or special taxes when callected. 8. It is hereby determined that the estimated collections of special assessments which will be available for the payment of said bonds will produce at least five percent in excess of the amounts needed to meet when due the principal and interest payments on the bonds and no ad valorem taxes are reguired at this time. �L 9. The City Clerk shall deliver to the Count,y Auditor of Anoka County a certified copy of this resolution and obtain his certificate in aecordance with Section 475.63, Minnesota Statutes. 10. It is hereby determined that the Improvements to be �nanced by the Bonds tvill directly and indirectly benefit the abutting propertV, and the City hereby eovenants �vith the holders frorrL�ime to time of the Bond as follows: (a) The City will cause the assessments for the Improvements to be promptly levied so that the first installment will be collectible not later than 1984 and will take all steps necessary to assure prompt colleetion. The City Couneil shall eause all further aetions and proceedings relative to the making and finaneing of the Improvements financed hereby to be taken with due diligence that are required for the construction of each Improvement financed wholly or partly from the proeeeds of obli- gations issued hereunder, and for the final and valid lev,y of special essessments and the appropriation of eny other funds needed to pay the obligations and interest thereon when due. (b) In the event of any eurrent or antieipated deficiency in said grants, pledged funds, investment income or special assessments, the City Couneil will lew ad valorem taxes in the amount of said current or anticipated defieiency. (e) The City will keep complete and accurate books and reeords showing all receipts end disbursements in connection with the Improve- ments, the grants and pledged funds and any taxes levied and the assess- ments levied therefor and other funds appropriated for their payment, and all eollections thereof and disbursements therefrom, moneys on hand and balance of unpaid assessments. (d) The City will eause its books end records to be audited at least annually by Qualified public accountants and will furnish eopies of such audit reports to any interested person upon request. il. The officers of the City are hereby authorized and directed to prepare an�J furnish to the purchaser of the Bonds and to the attorneys approving the same, certified copies of proceedings and records of the City relating to the Bonds and to the financial condition end affairs oi the City, and such ather certificates, affidavits and transcripts as may be required to show the facts within their knowledge or as shown by the books and records in their custody end under their eontrol, relating to the validity and marketability of the Bonds and sueh instruments, including any heretofore furnished, shall be deemed representations the City as to the facts stated therein. 12. The Mayor and City Manager are hereby authorized and direeted to certify that they have examined the official statement or prospectus prepared and circulated in conneetion with the issuance and sale of the Bonds and that to the best of their knowledge and belief said statement is a complete and accurate representation of the facts end representations made therein as of the date of said offici8l statement or prospeetus as it relates to the City. The motian for the adoptian of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Member , end upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: and the following voted against: whereupon said resolution was declared duly psssed and adopted. eyor Attest: City Clerk 4� FIRE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: July 9, 1982 MEMO T0: Nasim Qu�hi, City Manager 82-7-4 � y� FROM: Robert D. Aldrich, Chief .���it�• RE: North Suburban Mutual Regional Aid Agreement Attached for consideration and approval of the City Council is a copy of the new agreement between the members participating in the North Suburban Regional Mutual Aid Association. This new agreement is in the form of a Joint Exercise of Powers agreement and was prepared principally to expedite signing of the members. The agreement language has been simplified, and a number of redundancies removed. It also spells out the insurance requirements of the members. I have included a resolution which is necessary for the City's participation and two copies of the contract for proper signatures. RDA/el �� � 5A •�r:. � . • . :r •;�:�� � � � :�• � •� � •�••:�• �- ��: i:. '�• �ti� •;' �•- ��•.:• � i:� � ��� �• �:� �••� ��:�• •�� • ,. � �,. �� � • r � • � BE IT RE90LVID by the Camcil of the City of , as follaws: WiIEREAS, the City of is a member of the North Suburban Regional Mutual Aid Association and its Fire Chief is its suthorized representative, and; ti�HERFAS, a mutual nee8 exists between m�ers of the North Subu rban Regional Mutual Aid Association to share and assist one another in the areas of fire suppression, prevention, training, public education, arson investigation, disaster control and mitigation, and; V�TE3tF'AS, the City of considers it to be in the best interests of the City to enter into a mutual agreement with the other members of the North �burban Regional Mutual Aid Associatic�. 2�3W, 2HF,REFORE, BE IT RESOLVID, that the City of enter into agreement with the North SZaburban Regional Mutual Aid Association and hereby authorizes its Mayor and City Clerk to sign such an agreement. PASSF� AND P,DOPTID BY �IE CITY OOt3t0CIL OF �lE QTY OF ZiiIS DAY OF , 1982. ATTEST: � 1 i' : � •�1.':�•. C'':eiJ I: �'�' 1`'+' •- " 1' 'r'.: � 4;r � �� 1 f' I: '� ;�',/1: �1,:_I_I��:�: ; �H ���� .1}�1�: . 1� , Z�M : M��;I I• �+ Tt�e City recognizes that it has suthority pursuant to the provisions of the Joint Exercise of Pawers Act, Sec. 471.59, Minnesota Statutes, to enter into an agreenent to jointly and coo�eratively exercise a p�wer carmion to each of the oontracting pow�ers, the result being to establish a regional Mutual Aid Association representative of the various communities with authority and responsibilities relating to fire suppression, fire prevention, training, public fire education, arson investigation and natural and man made 8isasters oommon to all vommunities, together with power and authority to implement such servioes as set forth. II. DEFII�IITION oF ZEta�S For the purposes of this Agreement, the terms defined in this section shall have the meanings given thesn. �ibc7. 1. "Party" means a governmental unit which is a party to this Agreenent. S��bd. 2. "Eligible party" means a governmental or oorporation unit which is entitled to become a party to this Agreement, at its own option. The eligible parties are the m�nUers of the Narth Suburban Regional Mutual Aid. Subd. 3. 'Requesting party" means a party which requests assistance fran other parties. �bd. 4. "Resporxiing garty" means a garty which provic3es assistance to a requesting party. Subd. 5. "Assistance" includes fire personnel and equipment. -1- 5B S1�bd. 6. "Requesting offici.al" means the person who has been designated by the requesting party to request assistance fran other parties. S�ibd. 7. "Responding official" is the person who has been designated by a party to determine whether and to what extent that party should provide assistance to a requesting party. S��bd. 8. "�nergency" means sudden and unforeseen situation requiring imnediate actio�n. III. PARTIFS The parties to this Agre�nent shall oonsist of the members of the North Suburban Regional Mutual Aid Association. Opon the adoption of a resolution by its governing body, an executed copy of this Agreenent shall be forwarded by ti�e member party to the Secretary of North Suburban Regional Mutual Aid Association together with a certified capy of the resolution authorizing the Agreement. The Secretary of North Suburban Mutual Aid Association shall maintain a current list of the parties to this Agreanent and, whenever there is a change in the parties to this Agre�nent, he shall notify the designated responding official of each of the parties of such change. (\' i��r;r1_I�; . S1ibd. 1. Each party shall designate, and keep on file with the Secretary of North �burban Mutual Aid Association, the name o£ the person of that party who shall be its requesting official and responding official. A party may designate the same pezso�r► as bath the requesting official and the responding official. A party may designate alternate officials to act in the absence of the official. S1abd. 2. Whenever, in the opinion of a requesting offfcial of a party, there is a neecl for assistance from other parties to assist the requesting party, such requesting official may, in his discretion, call upon the _2_ 5C 5D resp�nc7ing official of any other party to furnish assistance to and within the bo�aries of the requesting party. It is the intention of the parties to this oontract to coonerate in ti�e e�veit of an emergency by malcing available to a requesting party necessary or requested fire f ightinq equipment and personriel (without imdue c]elay) . � biibd. 3. Upon the recefpt of a request for assistance from a party, the responding official for any other party may authorize and direct the Fire Department personnel of the responding party to provide assistance to the requ+esting party. Whether the resp�nding party shall provide such assistance to the requesting party and, if so, to what extent such assistance shall be provided shall be determined solely by the responding off icial (subject to such supervision and direction as may be agplicable to him within the governmental structure of the party by which he is employed). Failure to provide assistance will not result in lfability to a party. S�3bd. 4. When a responciing party provides assistance under the terms of this Agreanent, it may in turn request assistance from other parties as "back- up" during the time that it is providing assistance outside its boundaries. Subd. 5. Whenever a responding party has provided assistance to a requesting party, the responding official may at any time recall such assistance or any part thereof to the responding party, ff the responding official in his best jucigment deans this necessary to provide for the safety and protection of his own com�nity. �bc7. 6. Wh� a responc7ing party supplfes equipment anc7 personnel to a requesting party, said equipment anc7 personnel shall remain under the direction and control of the responding party; shall be paid by the resp�nding party; shall be protected by�the Worker's Compensation of the responding party= and shall otherwise be deened to be performfng their regular duties for -3- SE the responding party. However, the responding party shall undertake to 000rainate with tY�e requesting party the assistance wh�ch it provides. �bd. 7. A responding party shall be responsible for its own personnel, equipment and supplies and for injuries or death to any such personnel or c�aQaage to any such equipment or supplies, except that unused equipment and supplies shall be returned to the responding party by the requesting party when circ�unstances permit this to be cbne. &.ibd. 8. The requesting party shall not be responsible for any injuries, losses or damages to persons or praperty arising out of the acts of any of the personnel of a responding party nor shall the tesporx3ing party be responsible for injuries, losses or damages arising out of the acts of any of the personnel of the requesting party or the personnel of any other responding PartY• S��bc7. 9. Technical servioe and assistance of non-emergency nature may be requestec3 and or provided by the parties to this Agze�nent. V. II�19[AtANCS Each party to this agreenent shall maintain insurance policies covering personal and public liability in the amount of not less than $300,000 for each of the above mentioned risks and Worker's Compensation for its personnel. Said policies shall oover dvnage or injury caused by negligent operation of its vehicles while operating under the terms of this agreenent outside of its vorporate limits or contract areas. Each member shall furnish the associ.ation with a Certificate of Insurance on the policies in foroe. DI. At�D T�0�1 Any party may withdraw at any time upon thfrty (30y days' written notice to the Secretary of North S��burban Mutual Aid Assxiation; such a party may becarne a party if later entering into this Agreeanent. The Secretary of North -4- 5F Suburban Mutual Aid Association shall thereupon qive notice of such withdrawal� and of the effective date thereof, to all other parties, as ,_, hereinbefore provided. VII. BF'F'�LTIVB O�TB �is �reenent t�,�ll become effective on July l, 1982. .,... IN WI�ESS %k3ERDOF,'tl�e �dersigned� on behaZf of their governmental unit, have executed this agreenent pursuant to authorization by the City Council of the City of ori the ,� day of , 198 . North Suburban Regional Mutual Aia Associati� BY President City of BY It's Mayor � Secretary � It's City Manager or Clerk -5- � f�R CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL _ ���j� CL�►Iii �ur��E�s 188566 - 203UO3 0 � � 7 FOR CONCURRENCE 8Y THE CiTY COUNCIL — LICE�iSES July .26, 1982 Type of License: B� Approved By: Fees: Food Esta6lishment � Park Pizzeria & Pasta Nicholas L. Homan Steven J. Olson -� $36.00 317 Osborne Rd. N.E. Health Inspector � Fridley, Mn. 55432 t - Vending Machine � Lampert Lumber Coca Cola Bottling Steven J. Olson $25.00 7600 Hwy. #65 N.E. Health Inspector Fridley, Mn. 55432 . • 0 0�,- 7 A F.OR CONCURRENCE SY THE CITY C�UNCIL — r.�csta,Es JULY 29, 1982 GEi3ERAL C�IITRACTOR Nl. J. Arndt Construction Co. 2808 Sherwood Road Minneapolis, Pl2J 55432 By: Marlan J. Arndt Barkley Construction 1111-24th Avenue N.E. l+�linneapolis, MI1 55418 By: Harold Barkley Canningham-Limp Company 1400 'rJorth Woodward Birmingham, I�tichigan 4t3011 By: Walter Vanliatter Sarry Fluth 16325 County R�ad 14 E]k River, 24N 55330 By: Barry Fluth t3orth Star Services - A Div. of Chof Inc. 688 Hague Avenue St. Paul, tu3 55104 By: Verne Butler, Jr. Twin City Door and i7indow Co. 200 Lumber Exchange i31dg. Minneap�lis, P4N 55401 By: Frank Florentine IiEATI P7G Al1 Season Comfort, Inc. 55 riound Street I3ew Brigh�on, M1J 55112 By : Richard I,arson D& D Anderson Heating & Plur.tbing Route #4, Box 254 Cambridge, ti;7 55008 By: Darius Anderson Ryan Air Conditioning, Inc. 9240 Grand Avenue South Minneapolis, t4I1 55420 By: Thomas J. Ryan APPR.7VED BY LIARREL CLARI: Chi ef Bldg . Ofc , DARREL CLARK Chi ef Bldg . Of c. DARREL CLARK Chief Bldg. Ofc. DARREL CLARI: Chief Bld�. Ofc. DARR�L CLARIC Chief Bldg. Ofc. DARREL CLARK Chief Bldg. Ofc. jiILLIAPI SAIdDIN Plbg.-litg. Insp. 4JILLIAM SAIJDIN Plbg . -Iitg . Insp. �IILLI1�.t! SAtiDI27 Plbg.-Iitg. Insp. � 7B FAR CONCURRENCE 8Y THE CITY COUNCiI. - LICF�lSES .,Hesidential Rental Property - July 26, 1982 Oi�1NER LOCATION �F BLDG . 0!3ITS PEE APPROVED gy Serton N. Cross Box 26 Howard, SD 57349 LeRoy Nolmen 5816 Second St. NE Fridley, MN 55432 Wayne b Lois West John 6 3anet West 255 Craigbrook Way NE Fridley, MN 55432 5801 - 2nd ST. NE .... � 5816 - 2nd St. NE 6001-03 - 2nd St. NE Chester Gromek 6511 - 2nd St. NE 3600 - 36th Ave. NE Minneapolis, MN 55418 Progressive Properties 6541 - 2nd St. NE Duane Narog 1465 N. Danube Rd. NE Fridley, MN 55432 Gerald N. b Sonia Guimont 6551 - 2nd St. NE 2187 Lakebraok Dr. New Brighton, MN 55112 Progressive Properties 5770 - 2� St. NE Duane Narog 1465 N. Danube Rd. Fridley. MN 55432 Albin Johnson 5810 - 2� St. NE RR �1, Box 59 Cushing, WI 54006 Albin Johnson 5800�- 2� St. NE Same as above Robert F. McDonald 5900-- Z� St. NE 1212 Sluebill Bay Rd. Burnsville. MN 55337 Robert F. McDonald 5908 - 2� St. NE Same as above Robert F. McDonald 5916 - 2� St. NE Same as above Dale b Bernadette Knott 5980 - 2� St. NE 2000 Fairway Dr. Minneapolis, MN 55421 4 �36.00 1 �12.00 Sieven J. Olson, Environ. Ofcr. m 2 $24.00 " 4 $36.00 " 5 $36.00 " 7 �36.00 " 11 $4�.00 " 4 $36.00 4 $36.Q0 R m 7 $36.00 " 7 �36.00 " 7 $36.00 " 4 �36.Q0 " 7C FAR CONCURRENCE BY THE CiTY COUNCIL - LICENSES . Besidential Reptal Propertq - July 26, 1982 OidATER LOCATION OF BLDG. U!JITS FEE APPROVED gy Bigos Properties 5200 - 3rd St. NE 11 Z49.00 Steven J. Olson Ted Bigos Environ. Ofcr. P.O. Box 22464 Robbinsdale, MN 55422 Same as above 5201 - 3rd St. NE 11 �49.00 " Same as above 5230 - 3rd St. NE Same as above 5231 - 3rd St. NE Same as above 5260 - 3rd St. NE Same as �bove 5261 - 3rd St. NE Same as above 5290 - 3rd St. NE Same as above 5291 - 3rd St. NE J 8 8 Properties 5339 - 4th St. NE William J. Frawley 169 Crown Rd. Fridley, MN 55421 J b B Properties, Inc. 5644 - 4th St. NE Gordon Y. Jorgenson, 6121 Excelsior Blvd. Minneapolis, �1N 55416 Roy E. Erickson 5900-02 - 4th St. NE 4325 Vincent Ave. N. Minneapolis, MN 55412 Irene Hodges 5908-10 - 4th St. NE 5908 - 4th St. NE Fridley, MN 55432 Gerald E. Foss 5940 - 4th St. NE 2055 - 103rd Ave. NW Coon Rapids, MN James S. Burman 5318-84 - 5th St. NE 20980 5ycamore St. NE Cedar. MN 55011 Craig or Bette Jane Scott 5400 - 5th St. NE 5400 - 5th St. NE Er;dley. MN 55421 ' Page 2 11 11 11 11 11 11 2 �49.00 �49.00 $49.00 $49,00 $49.00 �49.00 $24.00 7 $36.00 2 $24.00 1 12.00 2 24.00 4 3b.00 4 36.00 �� � �� � � � �� �� �� �� �� �� �� � FAR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL — LICENS�S . Besidential Re�tal Property - July 26, 1982 Oi+1I1ER LOCATION OF BI,DG. U!�1ITS FEE APPROVED BY Obert 6. � Elizabeth M. 5420 - 5th St. NE 4 �36.00 Steven J. 01son, Anundson Environ. Ofcr. 3217 Wendhurst Ave. NE Mpls, MN 55418 .... ._ Clifford Leary s 6262-64 - 5th St. NE 2 24.00 " 1062 Highview Dr. New brighton, MN 55112 David Lubet 5361-63 - 6th St. NE 2 24.00 " 2532 Joppa Ave. St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Same as above 5371-73 - 6th St. NE 2 24.00 " Same as above Kenneth franko 15780 125th Ave. N. Dayton, MN 55327 Same as above Bigos Properties Ted Bigos P.O. Box 22464 Robbinsdale, MN 55422 Same as above John A. Saccoman 451 - 54th Ave. NE B�idley, F1N 55421 Donald D. & Mildred M. Johnson 7381 Meiody Dr. NE Fridley, MN 55432 Paul Lubratt 580 - 69th Ave. NE Fridley� MN 55432 Donald & Audrey Leier 519 - 3rd Ave. NW New Brighton, MN 55112 5381-83 - 6th St. NE 5612 - lth St. NE 5640 - 7th St. NE 215 - 53rd Ave. NE 305 - 53rd Ave. NE 451-53 - 54th Ave. NE 360-62 - 57th Ave. NE 270 - 67th Ave. NE 1591-93 - 73rd Ave. NE Page 3 2 24.00 ]1 49.00 11 49.00 4 36.00 7 35.00 1 12.00 2 24.00 1 12.00 2 24.00 0 � �� � �� � �� �� �� �� 7E FOR CONCURRENCE 8Y THE CITY COUNCIL — LICENSES . flesidential Re�tal Propertp - Julq 26, 1982 OWNER LOCATION OF BLDG. UAiITS FEE � APPROVED BY B b B Inves bnents 371 - 74th Aver NE 4 �36.00 Steven J. 01son Rudy Sayer & Environ. Ofcr Michael A Brotin 26 E. Golden Lake Rd Circ?e Pines, Mn 55014 Donald Peterson & 351 - 74th Ave. NE 11 $49.00 " John Sehun 1607 Bunker Lake Blvd. Anoka, MN 55303 Same as above Same as above Dennis Iwago 961 Pandora Dr. NE Fridley, MN 55432 Theodore or Deloris Truehl 6044 - 4th St. NE Fridley, MN 55432 Christopher Chin 1641 Chatham Ave. Arden Hills, MN 55112 Mrs. Virginia Ridinger 5330 Howard Point Rd. Excelsior, MN 55331 Channel Rd Gen. Prt. 10301 University Ave. Blaine, MN 55434 Same as ab�ve Raymond Anderson 6428 Dellwoad Dr. NE Fridley, MN 55432 George J, b Nell Davis 6501 Xerxes Ave. N. Minneapolis, MN 55430 Filister Enterprises 5150 E. River Rd. Fridley, MN 55432 Same as above 389 - 74th Ave. NE 415 - 14th pve. NE 7349-51 Able St. NE 7365-67 Ab1e St. NE 7379-81 Able St.NE 6600-04 Central Ave. 6551 Channel Rd. NE 6571 Channel Rd. NE 6428-30 Dellwood Dr. NE 6210-20 E. River Rd. NE 5640 E. River Rd. NE 5660 E. River Rd. NE Page 4 11 $49.00 " 11 $49.00 " 2 $24.00 " 2 $24.00 " 2 $24.00 2 $24.00 d m 11 $49.00 " 11 $49.00 " 1 $12.00 " 2 $24.00 " 42 $109.00 " 42 $109.00 " 7F FAR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL — LIC,�JtiISES 8esidtntial Remtal Yropertq - Julq 26, 1982 OWNER LOCATION OF BLDG. UPTITS FEE APPROVEp BY Filister Enterprises 5680 E. River Rd. NE 42 �109.00 Steven J. Olson 5750 E. River Rd. Enviro. Ofcr. Fridley, MN 55432 Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as above B & B Investments Michael A. Brotin 26 E. Golden Lake Rd. Circle Pines, MN 55014 Clarence Larson 115Q - 107th Ave. NE Blaine, hSN 5�43r 5720 E. River Rd. NE 5740 E. River Rd. NE 5760 E. River Rd. NE 5780 E. River Rd. NE 5800 E. River Rd. NE 5820 E. River Rd. NE 5840 E. River Rd. NE 5860 E. River Rd. NE 1301-Q3 Ffreside Dr. NE 1321-23 Fireside Dr. NE �age 5 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 2 $109.00 �109.00 $109.00 $109.00 $]09.00 $109.00 $109.00 $109.00 $ 24.00 2 $ 24.00 � �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� . . 7G FAR CONCURRENCE 8Y THE CITY COUNClL — LIC�VSES .,8esidential Reptal Property - July 26, 1982 O�,IIZER LOCATION OF BLDG. U*TSTS FEE APPRO��ED BY Dimitrios Arvanitis 7871-75 Firwood Way NE 1 $12.00 Steven �l. Olson, 7875 Firwflod Way NE Environ. Ofcr. Fridley, MN 55432 Kirylo � Walter Czichray 7879-81 Firwood Way NE 2 24.00 " 147 Craig Way NE Fridley, MN 55432 Viola Froneyberger 7883-85 Firwood Way NE 1 12.OG " 7885 Firwood Way NE Fridley, MN 55432 John R. Zielinski 7889-91 Firwood Way NE 7889 Firwood Way NE Fridley, MN 55432 A. P. & June Nichols 7091-93 Hickory Dr. NE 6949 Hickory Dr. NE Fridley, Mt� 55432 Norman E. Shultlheisz 6341 Highway 65 NE 1256 8th Lane Anoka, MN 55303 Bigos Properties 5100 Horizon Dr. NE Ted Bigos P.O. Box 22464 Robbinsdale, MN 55422 Same as above 5101 Horizon Dr. NE Dean Nordahl 421-23 Ironton St. NE 10665 Northmark Dr. Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Arno�E. & Marjorie J. Rosin 7400 Lyric La. NE 7400 Lyric La. NE, #2 Fridley, MN 55432 Forest Cornelius 4020 Main St. NE 4020 Main St. NE Fridley, MN 55421 Bruce J. Herrick 4551 Main St. NE 4551 Main St. NE Fridley, MN 55421 Page 6 1 12.00 3 36.00 10 49.00 5 35.00 5 36.Q� 2 24.00 8 49.00 I 12.00 1 12.00 �� �� �� �� � „ �� �� FAR CONCURRENCE 8Y THE CITY COUNCiI. — LiCENSES n�ea.t.�t{�l ltentAl Preeertv - Julv 26. 1982 7H OidNER LOCATION OF BLDG. U!�'iTS FEE APPROVID BY Daniel Wintersteen 6661 Main St. NE 2 =24.Q0 Steven J. Olson, 6661 Main St. NE Envi�on. Ofcr. Fridley, MN 55432 Clayton d� Muriel Tarman �'�i019 Main St. NE 4 36.00 " 7209 Grand Ave. So. Richfield, MN 55423 Robert Genin 1261-63 Norton Ave. NE 2 24.00 " 10060 Jay St. t�W Coon Rapids, M1� 55433 Lubratt Properties 1295-97 Norton Ave. NE 2 24.00 " Paul Lubratt 580 - 69th Ave. NE Fridley, MN 55432 Mike Flannery & 1326-28 Osborne Rd. NE 2 24.00 " D�nald Clobes 21 - 104th Ave. NE Coon Rapids, MN 55433 Victor or Delorise Daml 174-75 Pearson Way 1JE 2 24.00 " 9412 Flintwood St. NW Coon Rapids, MN 55433 Robert D. Shimanski 6335 Pierce St. NE 2 24.00 7458 Hayes St. NE Fridley, MN 55432 Jerame Wraneschetz 6355 Pierce St. NE 1 12.00 " 6355 Pierce St. NE Fridley, MN 55432 Quane Levandorlski 6361 Pierce St. NE 1 12.00 5351 Pierce St. NE fridley, MN 55432 Gary & Cynthia Braam 2441-43 Rice Creek Rd. NE 1 12.00 " 1441 Rice Creek Rd. NE Fridley, MN 55432 713 Company 221 Satellite La. NE 12 49.00 " Phillip Tenenbaum & Edward Bialik 26 Western Terrace Golden Valley, Mh 55426 Page 7 FAR CONCURREIVCE 8Y THE CITY COUNCIL — LICDVSES _ Besideatial Rental Provert9 - Juls 26. 1982 7I OWNER LOCATION �F BLDG. iJidITS FEE APPROVED By George Winiecki 5150-56 Star La. NE 1 $12.00 Steven J. Olson, 2732 Highway 10 NE Environ. Ofcr. Moundsview, MN 55432 William & Sandra 7432 Concerto Curve 1 18.00 " Ouellette 2933 Valerie La. P�ew Brighton, MN 55112 Page 8 fQR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL - EST I N'iP,TES. Smith, Juster, Feikema, Malmon & Haskvitz 1250�Builders Exchange Building Minneapolis, MN 55402 For legal services rendered as City Prosecutor fQ�the month of June, 1982 � E. A. Hickok and Associates 545 Indian Mound Wayzata, Pitd 55391 Professional Services - Moore Lake Restoration Project for June, 1982 C. S. hicCrossan Inc. P. 0. Box A.D. Osseo, h1N 55369 Partial Estimate #1 Street Improvement Project 1982-1 Partial Estimate #1 Street Improvement Project 1982-2 PicQuire Mechanical Service, Inc. 20715 Nold Avenue West Lakeview, P1N 55044 Partial Estimate #2 - Water & Sanitary Sewer Project 136 $ 4,525.00 5 2,255.53 ,$77,309.19 $ ?.,507.32 � 5,059.70 : • � STATEMENT SMITH, JUSTER, FEIKEMA, MALMON di HASKVITZ ATTORNEVS AT LAW 1250 BUILDERS EXCHANGE BLOG. MINNEAPOLIS. IuI1NNESOTA 55402 339-1481 SUBURBAN OFFICE FRIDLEY rCity of Fridley —i 6431 University Avenue N. E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Attention: Mr. Nasim Qureshi, L City Manager J CJ� �L</1if RtTY1�M TM�� �ORTIOM �ITM tQYR ►A11MtpT DATE � � � � BALANCE FORWARDED FRO!N LAST STATEMENT 7-15-82 For legal services rendered as Prosecutor for the City of Fridley during June, 1982. Representation of City of Fridley in court 6-02-82 (Anoka); 6-03-82 (Fridley); 6-03-82 (Columbia Heights); 6-09-82 (Anoka); 6-10-82 {Columbia Heights}; 6-14-82 (Fridley); 6-16-82 (Anoka); 6-]5-82 (fridleyj; b-21-82 (Fridley); 6-23-82 (Anoka); 5-24-82 (Golumbia Heights); and 6-30-83 (Anoka) for 10 Omnibus Hearings, 24 Jury Trials and 48 Court Trials. (65 hours - 30 minutes). Preparation of 51 misdemeanor criminal formal com- plaints and nine gross misdemeanor criminal farmal complaints and miscellaneous citizen office conferences. (22 hours). TOTAL TIME (87 hours - 30 minutes). �une, 1582 Retainer �1,650.00 $1,650.00 Time in excess of retainer (57 hours - 3E� minutes) 2,875.00 $4,525.00 S�NiT1i.3U5TER, FEIKEMA, MALM 1� H VIT2 •rrewM��s w� �w� . . . July 5, 1982 Eugene A. Hickok and Associates, Inc. Hydrologists — Engineers 545 Indian Mound Wayzata, Minnesota 55391 (612)473-4224 Mr. John Flora City of Fr idley 6431 University Avenue N. E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 STATEMENT Re: Professional Services - June, 1982 Moore I,ake Restoration Project . TOTAL AMOUNT DUE -------------------------------- $2,255•53 Respectfully submitted, EUGENE A. HICKOK AND ASSOCIATES, INC. � � .( E. A. Hickok, P. E. President INVESTIGATIONS • REPORTS • DESIGN • RESEARCH � �Q � �I � i V t!]' � A � H w � � � y"� �� �I � � � � � � C�.� 0 +� H �k � � i� � e�i � � (!� • ^` • • . . . . S � � � O � � �r et' �t � M � w w H v E9 69 H � � � A V � 8 � � � U . � � � � • • • �j '.�-} '�' � 01 H et P4 � � '' U2 A � � � � � � M l,Nf� M W� ' . . , ►� '- `' W �p � �1 .- � 0 O O p . . . � d' `' 'r' M � � � t+ � � G H � R" �"'' H ���.?, � � � R. � � � � � � � b � Tl� W � H � H 3 0 �C �c � C7 H C5 � � � � H � �j � � a � N N �"+ � N H N N q� �y A U` C� C'3 C'3 �1 C3 � � ' � O � � H H � � H ~ � � U� s� � O � 8C N �O . � d� � .� 69 .. � H � � C V .�✓� � � � �g� * . � rtiooxE � �ro�rox �o�cr �- 8 D �a���B� �� Date J 6, 1962 CONSULTANT A�gene A. Hickok & Associates, Inc. Period 06 01 82 to 0 30 82 COI3TRACT - S�CTION TASK N0. ITD�I SELL� OF ITII�f COST _+ ENGINEgtING/SOIL FILTRATION G2.2 Blueray Copies E. A. Hickok 8c Assoc. $ g.00 WATII� tgTAI�ITY — I� 62.6 Le.boratozy Anal�eis, 6/04/82 2 List A�$37.00 $ 74•00 G6.6 Le.boratory Analysis, 6/04/82 2 List B�$69.00 207.00 G2.6 Ieborator,y Analysis, 6/22/82 2 I�ist A�$37.00 ?4•00 G2.6 Iaboratory At�.lysis, 6%22/82 2 List B�$69•00 207•00 � � 20TAL RIIN�tJRS�A��I�E: $571.00 : MOORE IAKE RESTORATION PROkT�CT 3- SiI�A'iA�Y OF SALARIES AND AED�[iRSAE'LF5 Dete J 6, 1962 CONSU31rANT �agene A. Hickok & Asaociates, Inc. Peri 0 01 8 to 3 82 (1) i2) t3) (4) i5) S�C IT ON� TASK N0. S LRY C0.ST (+) REINIBURSABLES (_) COST G2.1 $1,045•17 $ $1,045•17 G2.2 3�0•30 9•00 3�9•30 G2.6 562.00 562.00 G2.8 45.15 45•15 � i i � f TpTAI, $1,971.62 FEE 14•4� �$ 283.9t TOTAI, COSTS �R INVOICE PURPOSES $2�255•53 MEMqRANDUM CRY OF FRIDLEY � 6431 UNIVERSITY AVE. N4 FRtOIEY. MN.. al�i43E t6'1� d7'1-9450 MEMO T0; FROM: SUBJECT: OPFICE GP THE GITY MANAGEFt NASIM M. GUI4ESM1 July 23, 1982 THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY MANAGER CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENT AND MANDATE TO NEGOTIATING COMMITTEE FOR CABLE TV REFRANCHISING At its meeting of Thursday, July 22, 1982, the CATV Commission recommended to the City Council that the following persons be appointed to a negotiating team to deal with Northern Cablevision in the matter of franchise renewal: 1. Two members from the City Council 2. The Chairman and Vice Chairman of the CATV Commission 3. Mr. Adrian Herbst, Counsel to the CATV Commission 4. Mr. Clyde Moravetz, Staff ta the CATV Commission It is also necessary to give the committee a mandate to negotiate on behalf of the City of Fridley. The City Council, of course, retains final authority for the approval of the franchise ordinance, the rate ordinance, and the franchise agreement (contract). Thank you. NMQ/WCH/ms �