01/18/1982 - 00013025A� � , ` I� THE 11IfJUTES OF THE ; RIULEY_C?TY COUNCIL P4EETI�JG OF JANUARY 18, 19�2 The h1eeting of the Fr�dley �City Council was cailed to orcer et 7:40 p. m. by Mayor Nee. PLE�GE OF ALLEGIAPJCE: P1ayor iJee led the Council and audtence in the Fledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENI Mayor Plee, Councilman Fitzpatrick, Councilman Hamernik, Councilman Schneider and Councilman Barnette MEfiBERS ABSENT: None APPROVAL OF h1INUTES: REGULAR MEETIfJG, �ANL'ARY 4, 1982: Councilman Schneider requested the following correction be made or Page 9, Item 12, the first paragraph, line four by changina the word "attorney" to "Anoka County Law Enforcement Chairman" b10TI0Pl by Councilman Fitzpatrick to approve the m�nuies w�th the above correction. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a vo�ce vote, all voting aye, Ptayor fdee declared the mot�on carr�ed unanimously. A��PTIOfd �F AGENDA. P10TION by Councilman Schneider to adopt the agenda as submitted. Seconded by Counctlman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor f'ee declared the motion carried unanimously, �ECLARATION - HOCKEY WEEK: Nayor Nee su6mitted a declaratton from the Hockey Assoc�ation of Fridley to Ruth Dunn of the Sun Newspaper regarding Hockey Week. OPEN FORUM, VISITORS: Dr. Boudreau, Director of Parks and Recreation, �ntroduced Mr. Wally �ohnson, Chief Financial Officer of La Maur, Inc., who made a presentation to the Council. Mr. Johnson stated he was here this evening on behalf of La P1aur, Inc. regarding two iiems. Nir. Johnson stated he first wanted to thank the Fridley Volunteer F�re �epartment. Mr �ohnson explained they had a fire in their bui7ding this past fJew Year's Eve and if it wasn't for the fast and extremely professional manner in which the Fire Department responded to the emergency, he felt La Maur would have had a large amount of damage and may have even lost their entire facility. Mr. Johnson stated he felt Fr-idley �s fortunate to have such a group of professionals and w�shed to publ�cly extend their thanks. Mr. �ohnson also made a presertation to the City Council �n support of the community recreat�onal facility. He stated their President feels � this facility would create a sense of commum ty and develop physical fitriess and they were pleased to assist the City in accompl�shing their 9oa1 by contriLuting �5,D00 in support of the recreational pro,7ect. Mayor Nee and members of the Council extendcd laheirthanks to La Plaur for their support. COUNCIL MEETING OF �Af�UARY 18, 1982 WEHRfJE R. CLAYTOfJ - RE: SIGN - RED'S KORNER PIZZA: PAGE 2 Mr. Clayton appeared 6efore the Council regarding hts request for a variance to allow a second pylon sign for a one year period which the Council had den�ed at thelr January 4, 1982 meeting. Mr. Clayton stated he was here this evem ng to ask the Counci7 to reconsider their action and approve the variance for the sign. He stated the Commission had recommended approval for one year and pointed out he is a small 6usinessman compet�ng against giants an the industry. Mr Clayton stated he understands the landlord of the property is working w�th the Planning Commission and changir�g the property and that Anoka County is changing the roadway so he didn't want to spend money for a permanent sign at this time Mr Clayton stated the fabrtcation for the stgn has been there for a number of years and he has painted his name and products he �s serving on it, and then was told he wasn't �n conformance wtth the ord�nance. Councilman Schneider stated the minutes didn't reflect the conversat�on that took �:�lace at the Commission meeting and the Council was under the impression that Mr. Clayton was going to �nstall a new pylon and put up a new s�gn. He stated the Council wasn't aware the pylon was already existing. Mayor Nee asked the Counc�l member from this ward, Counc�lman Fitzpatrick, to check into this matter further and to 6ring it back to the Council at the next meet�ng. PUBLIC HEARIPdG: �, PUBLIC HCARING CN REPLP,i OF INNSBRUCK fdORTH TOWNHOUSES PLAT 5(PS �81-04), GENERALLY LDCATED NORTH OF I-694 6ETWEEfd WEST BAVARIAN PASS Afl� WEST BRENNER PNSS, BY SUBURBAN ENGINEERING, INC.. MOII�N by Counc�iman Schne�der to waive the reading of the public heartng not�ce and open the publ�c hearing. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carrted unam mously and the public hearing opened at 7�55 p. m. P9r. Flora, Publ�c Works D�rector, stated this is a replat of the Innsbruck North lownhouse��. He explained during the placement of structures in the Townhouse Plat some of the garages and bu�ldings weren't exactly surveyed in on the property l�ne and an error was found after they were constructed, therefere, this replat is being submitted so that the exact building loca- ttons would be identified on the map. hir. Flora stated Mr. Farr is responsible for recording the replat with the County and will work with the Townhouse Association to insure the replat would be accomplished without any cost to the Association. flr. Flora stated the Plamm �g Commission recommended approval of the replat, wrth the stipulation that all expenses incurred be borne by the Darrel Farr Corporat�on. Nir. Flora pointed out there are some f�gures in the agenda rnGicating the cost of the replat, Mr. Flora stated, when staff reviewed tYie replat, six �tems were identified that were not completed and originally agreed upon by the developer. He suggested, therefore, �f Council approves the replat, these items should also be included. The President of the Board of Directors of the Townhouse Association stated the barr�er, as he understands it, is partly for traffic control. He stated East Bavarian Pass is a very narrova street and the barrier �s to keep every- one from driving on �t and felt, without the Uarrier, Bavarian Pass would be a very heav�ly traveled street. � � � i n i� _i` �.J � � �.r :� COUNGIL MEETIPIG OF JANGARY lII, 1982 PAGE 3 Mayor Nee asked if the Townhouse Association would oppose removal of the barricade to which the President answered in the affirmative. The President of the Townhouse Associatton stated they have some concerns and one is that they don't want this replat to cost them anything. He stated another concern is what there plat would do to the bylaws. He stated if it affects only the bylaws, this could be handled by the Associatlon, however, if �t affects the convenants, there is the pos- sibility they would have to have approval by 75% of the res�dents He explained their attarney is checicing now if the replat would affect the covenment. Mr. Ray Cumm �gham, representing Darrel Farr Corporation, stated, as far as the cost and expense of the replatting, there would be no expense to the Association, and the Darrel Farr Corporation would pay al1 costs. Mr. Flora stated staff's pr�mary concern �s the F�re Department access to the entire street and aryth�ng that is sat�sfactory for the Fire �epartment and Assoc�ation and acceptable to the Farr Corporation would satisfy this concern. No other persons ir the aud�ence spoke regard�ng th�s proposed repla�. MOTION 6y Counctlman Schnelder to close the publ�c hear�ng on this replat for Innsbruck North Townhouses. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all vottng aye, hiayor Nee declared the motion carried unam mous1y and the public hearing closed at 8:12 p. m. The persons present were advised tha� Council would take action on this replat at the February 1, 1982 Counctl Meeting. UED PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSE� PROJECT FOR ISSUAfJCE OF �1,100,000 RIAL DEVELOPPIENT REVENUE BONDS TD THE RICE CREEK COP1t�ANY UN�ER TH Mayor Nee reopened this public hearing at 8:12 p. m. Mr. Qureshi, Ctty Manager, stated the applicant attorney has called and indicated they are not able to proceed at this tlme and wishes the process w�thdrawn. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to close the public hear�ng for the issuance of �ndustrial development revenue bonds for the Rice Creek Company. seconded by Councilman Hamernik. llpon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the publ�c hearing closed at 8:15 p. m. OLD BUSINESS; UERATION OF SECOND READING OF ORDI TY CODE OF THE Mr. Flora, Pu611c Works D�rector, stated th�s rezoning is directly assoc�ated wtth the Nybo-Fehling proposal to develop ��ir. Burandt's property and other property for commercial office space. � Mr, Flora stated P1r. Burandt at the November 23, 1981 Council meeting had requested Council action on the rezom ng, however, the Council requested he work with Ms, Pdybo regarding coordination of the development of the properties. P,, COUNCIL MEETING OF �ANUARY 18, 1982 PAGE 4 Ms. Nybo appeared before the Council antl stated her financial adv�sor had to leave because of a public hearing �in h1aple Grove. She stated, however, they have a number of insurance companies �nterested in financing their building. She stated she felt it �s a good pro�ect and would be a good addition to the City and they are work�ng towards the successful completion of the pro�ect. Mr. Nybo stated they wished some additional time from the City on this, poss�bly another 60 days. She stated Mr. Burandt is a�xious to have � someth�ng resolved on the pro�ect, and they �e working as fast as possible to obtain the financing. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to table the secontl reading of this ordinace unt�l the second Council meeting in March, 1982. Seconded by Counc�lman Barnette. Upon a vo�ce vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carr�ed una m mously, (see further discussion later �n meeting). NEW BUSINESS: � CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 11 (SIGNS AND PERMITS) AfuD CONSIDERATION OF REVISIfdG CHAPTER 220 (RESI�ENTIAL MAINTENANCE CODE)• Mr. Flora, Public Works D�rector, stated in August, the Council published a condominium conversion ordtnance and specified a license should be obtained for anyone wishing to apply for condomintum conversion. He stated the license fees, as well as annual inspection fees, are now being subm�tted. Mr. Flora stated, if Council approves the ordinance, staff will come back with a rewrite of Chapter 22Q to reflect condominium conversions. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to waive the reading and approve the � ordinance upon first reading, w�th the amendment of Section 217a, subsect�on (d), to change the $20.D0 f�gure to $50.00. Seconded by Councilman Hamerm k. Upon a vo�ce vote, all vot�ng aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carr�ed unam mously. � CONSI�ERATION OF SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP ,�E1-10 TO CONTINUE SALES LOT, 7625 VIRON ROAD. SUEURBAN HOMES. INC. Mr Flora, Public Works D�rector, stated the property in question is located ,7ust south of Osbrone Road and east of Highway 65. He stated a special use permit was issued to this property in 1977 to be renewed within three years. Mr. Flora stated, durtng this period, the property has changed hands and is under a new operation, and it was determtned it should be submitted to the Planning Commission for review. Mr. Flora stated the Planning Commission has recommended approval of the special use perm�t w�th five stipulations. Mr. Flora stated he has talked to the operator of the sales lot, as well as the owner, and was adv�sed the owner has sent a letter agreeing to the stipulations recommended by the Plann�ng Commission. Mr. Flora stated Mr. �ave Narris was present at the Plann�ng Commission Meeting ard suggested a privacy fence be constructed along the north boundary of the two properties and both property owners share �n the � cost for construction of this fence, hir. Flora stated he understands the property owner agrees with construction of thP fence and w�ll share in the cost. ' 1 � � � COUNCIL MEETING OF JANUARY 18, 1982 PAGE 5 Mr. Flora pointed out soine of the stipulations will not be able to be taken care of until this spring and felt the spec�al use perm�t could 6e approved, upon receipt of the letter from the owner �ndicating he will comply with the st�pulations, or actton tabled until the letter is actua7ly recerved. Mr. Qureshi, C�ty Manager, stated the Counc�l could approve the special use permtt for a certain period of time and then revievd it to see if all stipulations have been met. He explatned if there is only a review regardinq the status oftheir mprovements, it wou7dn't be necessary for them to pay another fee or go through th e publ�cation process. M�TION 6y Councilman Schneider to grant special use permit, SP rr81-1Q, for a period of one year w�th the following stipulations (1) The rear area of the lot be cleaned up; (2) Screening be provided for the refuse canta�ner and the propane tank; (3) P4aintenance of hard surface areas; (4) The drainage easenient be resolved with the City Engineer, (5) Both property owners share equally in the erect�on of a fence at the t�me of development of the property to the north, and (6) That staff bring this back before thE Council after the one year per�od for the Council's revtew of comp7iance w�th the stipulations. Seconded by Councilman Fttzpatrtck. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimous7y. RECEIVING THE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF JANIIARY 6. 1982 � fl GONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR LOT SPLIT, LS #81-08, 50 PROPERTY Mr. Flora, Public Works Dire�tor, stated staff has no problems with th�s lot split except to require an additional road and utility easement along the southern portton of the whole property and also an easement on the 25 foot triangle on the corner of F�reside and Old Central. Counc�lman Schneider stated on Page 6A of the Planning Commission minutes there was reference that Mr Nanson consult his legal counsel regarding the park fee on the road and utility easement and was curious if there was a problem. Counctlman Hamernik stated hts interpretation of the statement was because they are charging the park fee based on square footage. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to grant lot split, LS ,'�31-08, 6y Servomatton Corporation, to split off the east 263.96 feet of the r�orth 330 feet of the SE 1/4 of the N6d 1/4 of Sectton 12, T-30, R-24, sub�ect to the south 25 feet taken for 74th Avenue �1, E. (Fireside Drive) so the property can be sold, w�th the following stipulations. (1) That a 16 foot road and utility easement be retained to the south, (2) That a 25 foot triangle easement be retatned on the corner of Old Centra1 and Fireside Drive, and (3) That the cost of water and sewer to serve the new lot spl�t be shared by both parties at the time the serv�ces are requested, which includes the looping of the water line. Seconded by Counc�lman Barnette. Upon a votce vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTIOPd by Co�unc�lman Schneider to recieve the minutes of the Planm rg Commiss�on Meet�ng of January 6, 1982. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. U'pon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the mot�on carried unannrously. � � :�i �� COUNCIL MEETING OF JANUARY 18, 1982 � RECFIVING THE CHARTER COMMISSIDPd P�INUTES OF NOVEPIBER 10, 1981. PAGE 6 MOTION by Counctlman Fitzpatrick to receive the minutes of the Charter Comm�ssion Meeting of November 10, 1981. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. �pon a votce vote, all voting aye, Mayor Plee declared the mot�on carried unanimously. � CONSIDERATION OF COMMUNITY �EVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROJECTS FOR 1982: Mr. Qureshi, C�iy hianager, stated the money involved for community � development block grant proaects �s l�mited and high priority was given to energy and handicapped access. The recommendat�on for community development block grant pro�ects from the Communtty Development Commission was for housing retrofit and weatherization program and Moore Lake Land Acquisition, Councilman Schnetder stated he has some problem with the Moore Lake Land Acqu�sition as one of the pro�ects for the community development block grant funds. He felt, tf all of the tax increment districts were working as well as they thought they would, there may be some worth in acqutring this land, but so far this hasn't been the case. Mr Qureshi, C�ty Manager, stated one of the reasons they talked about acquiring some land was for the potenttal of senior citizen housing, and this may be an area where the City can provide some �ncent�ve for development. Mayor Nee asked what other options were considered for these funds. Ne stated he felt the increment distr�ct should function on its own and it seemed community development mo m es should go where the City doesn't have the tools for something to develop on its own. He stated he would l�ke to see these funds go to the Riverv�ew Hetghts area. Councilman Schneider stated he felt it seemed a more sensible use of � block grant monies to make improvements in the Riverview Hetghts area. He pointed out the tax �ncrement distr�cts haven't done that well and �t didn't seem appropriate to acquire land that ts paying taxes and take �t off the tax rolls when they don't have any solid proposal for the area. Mr Qureshi, City Manager, stated there are homes in the Moore Lake area where people have shown an interest in selling, but staff hasn't proceeded with anything unt�l they know the Council's position. Mr. Qureshi stated he felt there was an �nterest on the part of the Council to promote housir,g for sen�ors. Counci7man Schneider stated there was an interest, but he didn't realize they would propose using community development block grant funds. Mr Qureshi stated th�s is merely a proposal and �t �s up to the Council to decide if they want to proceed in this direction. He thought perhaps the item should be tabled for further review and discussion by the Council. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to table action on the proposal for the Community Development Blcok Grant Pro�ects until the next Counctl Meeting and to d�scuss it possibly at the Conference Meet�ng. Seconded by Council- man Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. � � COUNCIL MEETING OF JANUAftY 18, 1982 MR. BURAN�T - RE: REZONING, 1001 HILLWIPJD ROAD (ZOA �80-02): PAGE 7 At this time, Mr. Burandt appeared at the Council meet�ng and stated he was advised by his wife, who was watchtng the meet�ng on Cable Television, that the Council had tabled act�on on his rezom ng request until March. Mr. Burandt asked that the Council constder acting on the rezon�ng in February instead of March. He felt there wasn't much progress being � made with Ms. Nybo's proposal and stated he has another o`fer regard�ng the property. Counc�lman Barnette stated Ms. PJybo advtsed the Counc�l that her plans for financing would take from 45 to 60 days and based on th�s informatior, the matter was tabled to March. Mr. Burandt stated he was told by Ms. Ny6o it would take two weeks regarding the f�nanc7ng and requested the Council grant no further extens�ons of time. Ne stated he wou1d agree to tabling it to the second meeting in March, but wanted it understood he didn't want it to go 6eyond that t1me. � RECEIVING BIDS AND AWARQIPdG CONTRACT FOR REPAIR OF WELL N0. 4(BIDS nnrnirn � in inal _ Mr Flora, Pu61ic Works �irector, stated bids were received for the repair of Well No. 4 and to clean the well, �f �t was required. He stated the low bidder was Bergerson-Caswell and recommended the bid be awarded to them. MOTION by Counctlman F�tzpatrick to receive the bids for the repa�r of Well No. A. �VEN�OR Layne Minnesota 3147 Californ�a NE Mpls, MN 55418 EH Renner & Sons Inc. 63D0 Industry Ave NW Anoka, MN 55303 Keys Well Drilling Co. 413 N Lexington Pkwy. St. Paul, MN 55104 BON� TOTAL AMOUNT OF 8I� 5% a�24,594.00 United Paciftc Ins, 5% $2�4,�26J0 State Surety Company �24,481.06 S7ARTING DATE Immediate 1-12-82 ti� COMPLETION DATE 60 days 3-1-82 5 days after award 30-40 days Qergesen Caswell Co. 5116 Ir{dustrial St. 51 �21,261.00 14 days 45 days after award Maple Plain, MN 55359 St. Paul F�re & Marine 90 days �f new 6owl assembly Se�onded by Councilman Barnette, Upon a vo�ce vote, all voting aye, fviayor Nee deciared the rnotion carried unan�mously. �� �I� MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to award the bid for repa�r of Well No, 4 to the low btdder, Bergerson-Caswell. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Plee declared the motion carried unantmously. Counctlman Schneider stated the Uniform Condomin�um Act requires a public hearing be held and he felt, therefore, this should be included in the resolution. �u �, � � � � 1 � � � � � CQUNCIL MEETING OF JANUARY 18, 1982 MOTION by Councilman Schne�der to adopt Resolution No. 4-19f32 by Councilman 6arnette. PAGE 8 Seconded MOTION by Councilman Schneider to amend the last paragraph of the above resolut�on, the second 7ine, by insert�ng the words "and ho7d a public hearing" after the work "study". Seconded by Counc�lman Fitzpatrick. Upon avoice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the mot�on carr�ed unammously. UPOP! A VOICE VOTE TAKEN ON THE MAIN MOTION, ali voted aye, and Mayor PJee declai°ed the motion carl°ied unanimously, RESOLUTION fJO. 5-1982 IPI OPPOSITIDN TO COMBINIPJG THE CITY OF P4 IPJ A LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT: Counc�lman Fitzpatr�ick stated what he recalls is the Council requested a resolut�on to the effect that Fridley not be divided into two Senate distr�cts. Councilman Schneider stated he doesn't have a problem w�th the resolution if some language �s added to indicate the desire to keep Fridley in one cont�nguous senator�al district. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to adopt Resolution No. 5-1982. Seconded by Councilman F�tzpatrick. MOTION by Counc�lman Schne�der to amend the above resolution by add�ng the word "and" at the end of the fourth paragraph and the addition of a another paragraph ta read as follows: "WHEREAS, the C�ty Council feels the City of Frtdley shouldn't be divided into more than one senatorial district," and the further add�t�on of the fol7owing words at the end of the last paragraph of the resolution: "and to any redis- tr�cting plan which div�des the C�ty into more than one senatorial d�str�ct". Seconded by Counc�lman Fitzpatr�ck. Upon a voice vote, all vot�ng aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. UPON A VQICE VOTE TAKEN ON THE MAIN MOTIOfJ, all voted aye, and Mayor Nee declared the motion carried una�m mously. LUTION NQ. 6-1982 DETERMPNING� THE NEED TO CONSTRUCT PUBLIC RECREATIONAL MOTIOfJ by Councilman Barnette to adopt Resolution No. 6-1982. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. llpon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unarnimousiy. It was called to the attention of staff that Gardena and Riverwood Schools should also probably be identified by the other names they are known by. -1982 DESIG G ELECTI MOTION by Counc�lman Fitzpatrick to adopt Resolution No. 7-1982. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all vot�ng aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carr�ed unanimously � TO MOTION by Counc7lman Schneider to adopt Resolut7on PJo. 8-1982. Seconded by Counc�lman Hamerm k. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Mee declared the raotion carried unam mously. RFCfIIIITTf1P1 Nfl. q-19R9 RFP!AMTNG a PnRTrnr� oF sT_ 19ft�-2 STREET IMPROVEh1ENT MOTIOPJ by Councilman Hamerm k to adopt Resolut�on �do. 9-1982. Seconded by Councilman F�tzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unan�mously. ' � � COUNCIL MEETING OF JANUARY 18, 19E2 1 � RESOLUTION N0. 10- ORDERING ADVERTISE 1 �� � � r ���, 3 �� � � PAGE 9 APPROVAL OF PLANS AND EOUS MOTION by Councilman F�tzpatr�ck to adopt Reso7ution Plo. 10-1982. Seconded 6y Councilman Hamerm k. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carr7ed unanimously. CLAIMS: h10TI0N by Councilman Schneider to author7ze payment of Claims Plo. 360E12 through 014T04. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all vottng aye, Mayor Nee declared the motton carried unanimously. LICENSES: M�TION by Counc�lman Barnette to approve the licenses as submitted and as on file in the License Clerk's Office. Seconded by Councilman Hamer m k. llpon a wice vote, all voting aye, P4ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanlmously. ESTIMATES: MOTIDN by Councilman Fitzpatrtck to approve the estimates as submitted. Herrick & PJewman, P.A. 6279 Um versity Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 For lega] services rendered as City Attorney for the month of Qecem6er, 1981 Smith, Juster, Fetkema, Malmon & Haskvitz 1250 Builders Exchange Building Minneapolis, MN 55462 � -� For legal serv�ces rendered as Prosecutor for the month of December, 1981 E.A. H�ckok & Assoc�ates, Inc, 545 Ind�an Mound W�yzata, MN 55391 Professional services, December 1981, Moore Lake Restoration Pro�ect $1,993.57 $3,146.25 $4,331.42 Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the mot�on carried unan�mously. ADJOL'RNMENT• MOIION by Councilman Barnette to ad,7ourn the ineeting. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a votce vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimous]y and the meeting of the Fr�dley City Council of January 18, 1982 ad,7ourned at 9:3D p, m. Respectfully submitted, _, ��%l�,�.�w.� �'/��Q-� Garole Haddad Secy. to the City Council Approved: February 1 1982 �;,�� ��C'C��v�` �'�r�.��.� Will�am � ee hlayor ��