04/05/1982 - 00012967� THE MINUTES OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 5, 1982 The Fridley City Council h1eeting was called to order at 7.32 p. m. by Mayor Nee. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Nee led the Council and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. �OLL CALL. MEP4GERS PRESEPJT: Councilman Fitzpatrick, Councilman Hamernik, Mayor Nee, Councilman Schneider and Counc�lman Barnette MEMBERS ABSEN7: None PROPOSED PROCLAMATIDN - DESIGPIATING THE WEEK Mayor Nee stated he would issue a proclamation, and prepare it, des�gnating the week o� April 18 through Remembrance of the Holocaust. PROCLAMATION - BUILDING SAFETY WEEK, APRIL 12 - 16. l� - 25 asked staff to 25 as �ays of YS A proclamation was also submitted for Mayor Nee's signature designating the week of April 12 through 16 as 6uilding Safety Week. PRESENTATIOPJ OF CERTIFICATES OF APPRECIATION: Mayor Nee stated a lot of crtizens put in tiine and service to the rommunity by serving on various citizen committees. He stated the Council is very grateful to those persons who have extended themselves � to serve the City and, therefore, wished to oresent them with these cert�ficates of appreciation. The following persons received certificates of appreciation, and the Council extended their thanks to them: � Richard Harris, Planntng Commisston Barbara Hughes, Parks and Recreation Commission Donald Wall, Energy Commiss�on Edward Hamernik, Police Commission Giles McConville, Energy Commission Donald Hippen, Appeals Commission Larry Chevalter, Cable Telev�sion Commission h1ayor Nee stated �ick Harris has probably put in ten or more years �n a very difficult Job and had a substantial effective on how the community developed as Chalrman of the Planning Commiss�on. Mayor Nee stated Don Wall has served the community as a mem6er of the Energy Commtsston. The Mayor stated Barbara Hughes has been involved �n a number of City commissions and instrumental in the development of the first cable televtsion ord�nance. She most recently has been a member of the Parks and Recreation Comm�ssion. Mayor Nee stated Ed Hamernik was concerned with Police needs years ago and offered to serve as a member of the Police Commission, Since Don Hippen, Giles McConville, and Larry Chevalier were rot present ut this meeting, �t was requested then° certificates be forwarded to them. bl �� fj COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 5, 1982 APPROVAL OF MIPIUTES - COUNCIL MEETIfJG, MARCH 22, 1982- PAGE 2 P10TION by Councilman Barnette to approve the minutes as presented, Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motton carried unanimously. ADOPTION OF AGENDA: P10TION by Ccuncilman Fitzpatrick to adopt the agenda as submitted. � Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, a71 voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. OPEN FDRUPI, VISITORS• Councilman Barnette stated this week Fridley has several visttors, students and adults, from our Sister C�ty, Fourmies, France, in and around the City. He asked everyone who may come in contact with them to please extend the�r greetings. PUBLIC HEARINGS: y CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING Ofl REZONI S M-1 T(1 R_� PRl1PFRTV �FNFR41 I V I(1(' Mayor Nee stated this public hearing was conttnued from last Council meeting in order to give staff and Counc�lman Hamernik time to meet with the petitioners and neighborhood residents. He reopened the public hearing at 7.45 p. m. Councilman Hamernik stated he met with the pettt�oners and the residents of the area last Thursday and discussed a num6er of issues that were of concern. He stated they did get a tentat�ve agreernent on a proposal � that would allow for the development of the property w�th three R-1 lots and f�ve R-2 lots, with the understandtng that the R-2 lots would be developed with zero lot lines. He stated, at this meeting, they didn't have an actual layout of the plan, but talked about the concept. Mr. Quresht, City Manager, stated there were a number of concerns from the residents and during the discussion they were cons�dered and mtnimized. He stated the cul-de-sac �s proposed to be shifted more to the East and the R-1 lot, ,7ust North of the existing single family homes, has been more oriented to the cul-de-sac. He further stated the pr000sed double bunyalow was quite a bit closer to the railroad tracks, in the origtnal proposal, and that has been moved to the East for a better altgnment. Pir. Qureshi stated the or�ginal proposal was to have �nly one single family home and seven double bungalows. The proposal discussed at the meeting would be to have three single fam�ly homes and f�ve double bungalows, vdith the understand�ng that the double bungalows would be developed as such that each s�de could be ind�vidually owned. Mr. Qureshi stated to allow that type of use, the Council wouid have to adopt a change in the zoning, and a variance to the setbacks vdould be required, Mr Qureshi stated the residents wanted to make sure that the garages � on the double bungalows were attached or tuck-under, and a minimum square footage required for the double bungalows. He suggested these requirements be convenants on the plat, when it is approved, so it guarantees that the present owners or any future owners meet those standards. COUNCIL f�1EETIPIG OF APRIL 5, 1982 PAGE 3 Mr. Qureshi stated 7f the Council wishes to consider a rezoning, he �vould suggest the rezoning and platting all be accomplished at the same time. Councilman Hamerm k stated they tried to save as many of the existing trees as possible in this development, and felt this proposal does accomplish this end. Mr. Quresht stated the residents were adv�sed this proposal would be � submitted as a whole package and, unless all the conditions are complied w�th, it would not be recommended for approval. He stated tf there were to be any changes, the residents would be adv�sed. Mr. Wellner, the pei;itioner, stated he concurs with the new proposal for development of this parcel. Mr, hlike Larson, 6390 Starlite Blvd „ stated he wished to thank the City Manager, hir. Qureshi, for his work �n coming up with some real alternat�ves. Also, he thanked Councilman Hamernik for co-chairing the meeting, and stated he couldn't speak for everyone here, but felt th�s proposal was a vast tmprovement. He stated the res�dents' fear was the parcel would be rezoned to R-2 and they wouldn't have any control over the developmert, but with the new proposal, he is w�lling to g�ve his own approval. Mayor Nee felt the issue the Counctl will now have to consider is the matter of zero lot lines and asked if anyone in the audience had any problems wrth this proposal. There was no response from the audience. Councilman Hamerm k thanked the residents for the7r pat�ence and for com�ng out and meeting once again, and stated he felt it was a fruitful meeting. MOTION 6y Councilman Hamernik to close the Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a vo7ce vote, � declared the motion carr�ed unanimously and at 7-55 p. m. OLD BUSIPIESS: 2 � publ�c hearing_ Seconded by all vot�ngaye, f1ayor Nee the public hearing closed P9r. Flora, Public Works Director, stated the staff has reviewed the lot split requested, and thesurround�ng area and found a need for the City to provicie access t'b the lots tn the�rearand one of the lots would not n�eet the m�nimum frontage requirement, however, it would meet the square footage requirement. h1r Quresh7, City �1anager, stated the plan submttted by the petitioner for this lot split was in the Council's agenda book. He stated th�s plan did not provide for access to the interior lots and creates one substandard lot. Mr_ Flora stated the plan suggested hy staff would sh�ft the 1 me ten feet to the West and reduce the side yard. Pirs. P�liller, the petiiioner, stated she originally wanted to have two large lots with zero lot l�nes and was advised this probably wouldn't 6e approved as the property ls now R-1 and it would require a rezon�ng. k ��5 �X�i ,'�. COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 5, 1982 PAGE 4 She stated, after ta7k�ng to the surveyor, �n order to have access to her garage and access off 64 1/2, she would need more room. She stated she understands there �s a requirement for a 75 foot frontage, but exceptions have been approved. She felt that, in the future, if the easement becomes necessary, then �t could be considered, however, the possibility of develop�ng that land now �sn't there. f1rs. Miller also po�nted out there is park property there and wondered if this couldn't be used for easement purposes. Mr. Qureshi, City h9anager, stated the City usually obtains the easements when property �s platted. Mrs. f�liller stated, by splitting the property as she has proposed, it eliminates driveways on East River Road because entrances would be on 64 1/2 Way. h1ayor Nee asked Mrs. P1iller how moving the l�nes would affect her. Mrs. Miller stated if the l�nes were shifted, it would encroach on the front of her home and she wouldn't have enough room to enter her garage. Councilman F�tzpatrick stated when a lot split is brought before the Council, it usually has the easements shown on it. Mr. Qureshi stated the proper way to handle this would really be through a p7at because the lot split does not follow any stratght lines, as the ord�nance no rn�ally requires. Counc�lman F�tzpatrick felt the property isn't in a form this evening where it could be spl�t, and rnore accurate drawings should be provided. Mr. Qureshi stated it should be determined if the Counczl wants to spl�t the property or have tt plattetl. He stated platting would require addi- t�onal expense for the petitioner, however, all the easements and other necessary right-of-ways would be shown. If Council wishes to allow a lot spl�t, then staff will bring a map that has all the stipulations shown on it. Mrs. h1iller stated a new drawing was prepared and the north/south lines were changed and the front footage of the lots as shown. These front footages are 138 feet, 66 feet, and the easterly lot �s 64 feet. Mayor Nee stated he felt it would be better for P1rs. Pliller to have the split for only one add�t�onal lot, instead of two. Mrs. Miller felt she should give this further consideration and discussion before making a dec�sion. Councilman Fttzpatrick felt the Counc�l needed a more definite map before any action could be taken. He stated even if they were to agree on someth�ng, it wou7d be hard to describe it. Mr. Herrtck, City Attorney, suggested perhaps the Planning Department should look at zero lot lines for this particular parcel. i�10TI0N by Counci7man Fitzpatrick to cont�nue this request until the next meeting on April 19, 1982. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, all vot�ng aye, Mayor Nee declared the mot�on carried unantmously. @, RESOLUTION N0. �5-1982 TD AUTHORIZE SOLICITATIOP! OF PROPOSAL FOR REN Mayor PJee stated there was discuss�on of Gh�s resolution at the Council's Conference Meet�ng and the question was well explored. � ' � � � 5 COUIJCIL MEETING OF APRIL 5, 1982 PAGE 5 f�OTION by Councilman Schne�der to adopt Resolut�on No. 25-1982 Seconded by Councilman Hamer m k. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Playor P!ee declared the motion carried unanimously. IOPd OF APPOI � MDTIOP� by Councilman Schneider to table the appointment to the Energy Commission. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all vottny aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unan�mously. P40TIOPJ by Councilman Hanernik to table the appo�ntment to the Appeals Commiss�on. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all votiny aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unan�mously. NG � ER 1 OF THE F.'C.C. IN ITSEPJTIRE�Y I MOTION by Councilman Schneider to waiae the second reading of Ordinance Plo. 748 and adopt it on the second reading and order publ�cation, with the amendmenis indicated in the memo from Sid Inman, City Clerk. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Councilman hlamerm k stated at the t�me of f�rst reading of this ordinance he had some questions, and would l�ke to propose the following amendments to the ordinance: MOTIOPJ by Councilman Hamernik to change the proposed Ward 2, Precinct 1 andin�ke it Ward 1, Prec�nct 5 and was proposed as Ward 1, Precinct 5, to change it to Ward 2, Precinct 1 Seconded by Councilman Qarnette. Councllman Hamerm k stated he felt th�s proposed amendment would g�ve � more continuity to the wards. He stated another reason ts that it g�ves improved separation by school districts. He felt, although it wasn't ideal, �t gives a l�ttle better distribution and provides better cont�nu�ty. Councilman Schneider stated the reason he would favor the or�9�nal proposal is because it does follow the lrne drawn by the State. Councilman Hamern�k stated it is left as a precinct l�ne so they st�ll have the seperation. UPDN A ROLL CALL VOTE TAKEN ON THE ABOVE AA1EPdDMENT, Councilman Hamern�k and Councilman Barnette voted in favor. P1ayor Nee, Councilman F�tzpatrick, and Councilman Schneider voted against. Mayor Nee declared the motion failed by a 3 to 2 vote. UPON A ROLL CALL VOTE TAKEN Of! THE P9AIN MOTIOPJ, Councilman Barnette, Counc�lman Schneider, Mayor Nee and Councilman Fitzpatrick voted �n favor. Counc-�lman Hsmernik voted against, P-1ayor Nee declared the mot�on carried 6y a 4 to 1 vote. � CONSIfiERATION OF FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE REPEALING CHAPTER 217 � ee � MOTION by Councilman Schneider to wa�ve the reading and approve the ordinance upon fi rst reading. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpa�rick. f�� � COUNCIL P1EETING OF APRIL 5, 1982 PAGE 6 Councilman Schneider reviewed some findings of fact covering codomin9um conversions. He stated there was a public hearing on March 22, 1982 regarding the matter of condom�ntum conversions, with appropriate legal notice. He stated the metropolitan area, in general, and the City of Fridley, tn part�cular, wiil need a substant�al num6er of housing un�ts for renters in the low and moderate income levels during the 19C0's. Councilman Schneider stated the number of new rental housing starts in the C�ty has declined substantially and the Ctty needs to have 489 add�t�onal units for low and moderate income fam�lies in the next ten years. He stated the vacancy rate for low and moderate income renta7 units has declined from 9.190 in 1975 to 4.9% in 1981 and a vacancy rate of less than 5% is generally considered to be an indication that rental units within the City are �n short supply. Councilman Schne�der stated that Fridley has 3,057 rental un�ts and that of these, 44`/ are contained in f�ve sites having a total of 1,352 units at these five sites. Councilman Schne�der pointed out that �f any one or more of the large apartment complexes were to convert to condorntm um ownership, that conversion would have a very substantial effect on ava�lab�l�ty of rental units for low and moderate income people. He stated resTdents, who are presently renttng low and moderate income um ts, have testified as to the shortage of rental um ts within the C�ty. Findings of Fact Conclus�ons of Law which was presented by Councilman Schneider are as follows: FIfJDINGS OF FACT i. Thatthe City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota �s a home rule city. 2. That the City held a publ�c hearing on P4arch 22, 19�2 at 7.30 P.hl on "An Ordtnance Establish�ng a fJew Chapter 2ll of the Fridley Code, entitled, "Conversion Condomi m um" and Repeal�ng Present Chapter 217." 3. That notice of said hearing was given by publication in the legal newspaper on �4arch 3 and 10, 1982. 4. That the Pt�nneapolis-St Paul metropolitan area, �n general, and the C�ty of Fridley, in part7cular, will need a substantial number of housiny un�ts for renters �n the low and moderate income levels during the 1980's 5. That the number of new rental housing starts �n the City has decl�ned substantially, the number for the past four years �s as follows: 19&1 0 1900 6 1979 4 1978 16 6. That the City needs to have 489 additional units for lo�v and moderate income families �n the next ten years. 7. That the vacancy rate for low and moderate income rental un�ts has decl�ned from 9.1i �n 1975 to 4.9% �n 1981. 8. That a vacancy rate of less than 5% is generally considered to be an indicat�on that rental units vn th�n the City are in short supply. 9. That the City has 3057 rental units and that of these, 44% are conta�ned in f�ve sites having the following number of units to site: Georgetown Apartments Pleadowrun Black Forest River Road East Uillage Green Total: 462 295 25F3 141 196 1352 ' � � ,, CDCNCIL P1EETIPdG OF APRIL 5, 1982 PAGE 7 10. That if any one or more of the large apartment complexes were to convert to condominium ownership, that satd conversion would have a very substantial effect on ava7labiltty of rental units for low and moderate income people. 11. That residents of the Ctty, who are presently renting low and moderate �ncome untts have testified as to the shortage of said um ts within the City. � CONCLUSIOPJS OF LAW 1. That there presently exists w�thin the City of Fr�dley a stgnificant shortage of suitable rental um ts availab1e to low and moderate income indiv�duals or famil�es. 2. That the convers�on of any substantial number of low and moderate income rental units to condominium ownership would increase said shortaye of low and moderate rental un�ts. 3. That the City of Fridley hereby adopts the attached ordinance which prohibits the conversion of rental units to condominium ownerstiip for a period of eighteen (18) months. That during said eighteen months, the C�ty will attempt to determine means of alleviating sa�d shortage of rental um ts and adopt reasonable conditions for condonnnium conversions so as to lessen an adverse impact on the availa6ility of rentalurits for low and moderate income renters. Cour�c�lman Schneider stated the conc9usion is that there presently exists Un t�hTn the Ctty a significant shortage of suitabie rental unrts available to low and moderate income ind�vtduals or families and that the conversions of any substantial number of these rental units to condominium ownership would lncrease the shortage. � Counc�lman Schneider stated, with the first reading of this ordinance, a moratorium �s proposed which proh�bits the convers�on of rental units to condominium ownershtp for a period of 18 months, and durinq th�s time, the Glty wtll attempt to determine means of alleviat�n9 the shortage of rental units and adopt reasonable conditions for condaminium conversions so as to lessen an adverse �mpact on the availability of rental ur�its for low and moderate �ncome renters. Councilman Hamern�k stated he appreciated the findings of fact submitted by Councilman Schnetder, however, he felt Fridley has done very well in providing rentals for 7ow and moderate income persons and, therefore, it shouldn't be stated that Fridley isn't carrying ;ts load. Councilman Hamernik stated he thought the Council has to 6e concerned about the welfare of the people renting the units, but also to consider the long-rarge impact on hous�ng units and rental property in yeneral. Councilman Hamerm k stated he doesn't d�sagree with the need to further evaluate this situation, but ts concerned about putting the 18 month moratorium on condominium conversions. He felt, if they want a moratorium, it shou7d be for a shorter period of time no longer than � year and perhaps for only nine months, Councilman Hamer m k felt the ex�stence of amoratorium may have an impact on developers obtain�ng financing and that potential lenders would cons�der this as lim�ting their options. Councilman Schneider stated he would have no ob,7ections to a 12 month � moratorium and would agree they should expedite the study. MOTION by Councilman Hamernik to amend the above ordinance by chang�ng the length of the moratorium from 18 months to 12 months. Seconded by Councilman Schneicier. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Plee declared the motion carried unanimously. r COUNCIL PIEETING OF APRIL 5, 19�2 PAGE 8 Mr. �ack Horner, represent�ng the Plinnesota Multi-Nousing Association, appeared 6efore the Council regarding th�s proposed moratorium en condomium convers�ons. Plr. Horner stated he has a great deal of fear rn a condomTnium moratorium and, as far as he can tell from reading the documentation, the Council is dealing vn th a situation that hasn't been a problem so far. He pointed out there haven't been any sigm ficant condominium conversions in Fridley, Mr. Honer stated the persons who are d�splaced by condominium converston � have protection under the law. He felt if the concern here is that people w�ll be displaced, they eventually will be anyhow if an owner converts to condominiums. He stated in siudies done by the U m versity of �tinnesota andHUD, it shoUis that 70% to 8D; of the persons who are displaced by condom�nium conversion, end up better off than 6efore they were displaced. Mr. Honer stated he felt that condominium conversion creates a pol�cy to cure problems that might arise in the future. He stated no one wil� invest in housing developments in Frid7ey if th�s moratorium were to pass. He stated �t is often advantageous to bu�ld a unit for rental and then concert �t at some later period of time, and �nvestors won't invest where there is a risk. P1r. Horner stated a 5;,, vacancy is an ideal range so th�s is not a crisis situat�on, He fe]t th�s vacancy rate can't be compared wtth 1975, when there was about a 9% vacancy rate, because there was an oversupply of rental un�ts during this time. He stated there are pro�ections made that there will be a need for more housiny, but one thing about those pro�ections, they always pro�ect they need more housing. f•1r. Horner stated the only value �udgment he sati� was there was a re7ative abundance of un�ts for low and moderate income persons in Fridley. He stated the law states the Counc�l must make a finding there is a � shortage of low and moderate income housing and not an overabundance. Mr. Florner felt the moratorium shouldn't be adopted, but to study the needs without a moratorium. Councilman Schneider stated, w�thout the moratorium, the residents of these rental um ts wouldn't have any protection on condominium conversions. He stated h1r. Horner's comments abaut the housing pro�ections not being accurate is very interesting and he will remember this �n the future. Councilman Barnette stated this gets into the pro6lem of what role the government shouid play in private enterprise. He stated they have played a role in awarding building permits to the owners of the rental units to prov�de rental hous�ng and now when it serves the owner's interests to come back to change the use to condomim ums, he felt th�s was benefic�a7 to the owner, but not in the interests of the renters. He feTt the City does need further study in th�s area and the moratorium is probably a 9ood decis�on. UPON A VOICE VOTE TAKEf� ON THE MAIN P10TION, all votcd aye, and h�ayor Plee declared the mot�on carrted unan�mously. J � � ` � +"� t'1 COUNCIL h�EETING OF APRIL 5, 1982 IDERATION OF FIRST READIPJG OF TO fII 4GA� PAGE 9 TY CODE _ nnTVi MOTION by Councilman Hamernik to wa�ve the reading and approve the ord�nance upan f�rst reading. 5econded by Counc�lman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, al1 voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIUING THE PLANNIPIG COMMISSION MIPIUTES OF MARCH 24, 1982: SPECTAL USE PERMIT. SP F Mr. Flora, Public Works �trector, stated Mr. Perozzi appl�ed for a spec�al use perm7t in 1979 whtch was approved by the Planning Commiss�on and City Council, however, no work was started or any extension applied for and the permit has now expired. Mr. Flora stated, therefore, Mr. Perozzi has made another request for a special use permit for building or his property. Mr. Flora stated the Appeals Commission reviewed this request and granted a variarice for the lot size, and no set back variance was granted this time, as it was not needed since the placement of the structure on the lot has been changed. Mr. Flora stated the C�ty's concern was the dra�nage and there w�ll be swales and acatch basin. He stated the Planning Commission has recommended approval of this special use permit, with the stipulation that the City be satisf�ed that the drainage plan, as descr�bed and d�scussed, would be obtained �n constr�ict�on. Mr. Flora stated the the elevation of the ted above 827 feet the plan proposed. staff's position is that they would like to insure ftrst floor, of this t�vn story structure, be construc- and the drainage �s worked out in accordance with Councilman Fitzpatr�ck stated one of the things that bothered residents was that this proposed structure would 6e high in comparison with the ad,7acent structures. He stated he is sympathetic to the persons who ob,7ected to it, however, what is proposed is totally within the ordinances. Mr. Perozzi, the petittoner, stated he would 6e building the home for occupancy by htmself and would contact the people on either side of him so they would know what he �s proposing. He stated he has ha� some contact with the person to the north, and felt any problems could be worked out, however, he hasn't been in contact with the person to the south. Mr. Perozz� felt they have the drainage vaorked out and it Urouldn't be a problem. He stated he has consulted with engineers and take the�r word that the drainage wil7 work. MOIION by Counctlman Fitzpatrick to concur w�th the unanimous recommenda- tion of the Planning Commission and grant Speclal Use Perm7L, SP h82-�1, with the stipulation that the Ctty staff oversee the proposed dra�nage � from the lot. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee dec7ared the motion carr�ed unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to receive the minutes of the Plannrng Commiss�on Meeting of h1arch 24, 1982. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a vaice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanlmously. �� COUNCIL hIEETING OF APRIL G, 1982 PAGE 10 �',1 COPISI�ERATION OF RECOMP1ENDATIOfJ OF CUf�1MUNITY DEVELOPP1EPJT COMP7ISSION ESTABLISHIfJG A PRO�ECT COMPII-iTEE TO STUDY P�EIGHa0RH00D COPICEPTS: NIOTION by Councilman Schne�der to concur with the suggestion of the Community Development Commission to establish a pro,7ect committee to study neighborhood concepts. Seconded 6y Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the mot�on carried unan�mously. 1 �� i 1 RECEIVING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT FOR PURCHASE OF SEWER JETTER BIDS OPENE� MARCH 24, 1982 : MOTIOPd by Counc�lman Hamernik to receive the bids for a sewer ,7etter and truck. 6ID TRUCK & MOUNTED TRADE-IPl NET COST VENDOR BOND SEWER MACHIPIE ALLOWANCE GASOLINE Flex�ble Pipe Too] Company Qryan Equipment company Inc. VENDOR Flex�ble Ptpe Tool Company St. Paul 1982 P1yers MHV7-15165 F�re/hlar. 1982 Ford C-700 truck �11,495.QD $34,267,00 Federated FMC John Bean Model P1utual 6540 Sewer �et-F C-700 $10,374.34 $a2,822,39 DPTIONAL TRUCK DIESEL DPTIOPlAL SEWER OPTIOP! TO ENGINE-COST DIFFERENCE DIESEL-COST DIF. LEASE-YEP.P,LY 84" CA N/A w/aiesel engine $4,550.00 additional $4,695.00 add, no bid Bryan Equipment 36,48,60 Company Inc. �4,775.00 add�tional �6,44L00 add, months lease Seconded by Counc�lman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all votrng aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Flora, Publtc Works pirector, stated bids were received for a h�gh velocity sewer cleaner and truck chassis, and the bid �ncluded an alter- nate pr�ce for a diesel powered engrne for the sewer cleaner and the truck. Mr. Flora stated �t was felt the diesel truck would not be warranted, at this time, but the diesel pump would be desirable. He stated the low bidder for a P1yers sewer cleaner and Ford truck was Flexibie Pipe Tooi Company in the amount of $38,962, and recommended this btd be accepted. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to award the contract for a P1yers sewer cleaner and Ford truck to the low bidder, Flexib7e P�pe Tool Company for a total cost of $38,962. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a vo�ce vote, all vottng aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unam mously. RESDLUTIDfJ N0. 26-1982 ORDERING PRE'LIP9IPdARY PLAPlS PRELIMINARY PL I SPECIFICA7IONS AND MOTION by Councilman Hamern�k to adopt Resolution No. 26-1982 and Resolution No. 27-1982. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a vo�ce vote, all voting aye, Mayor Plee declared the motion carried unanimously. � � LJ � /�+ �1� �� � e�l � � �� �� � COUNCIL P1EETING OF APRIL 5, 1982 RI PAGE 11 �IRECTING THE SPLITTING AND 'S MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to adopt Resolution No. 28-1982. Seconded by Counc�lman Schneider. Upon a vo�ce vote, all vot�ng aye, Mayor fJee declared the motion carried una m mously. APPOINTMENTS: CITY EP1PLOYEES h10iI0P1 by Councilman Barnette to concur with the follow�ng appointment by the City Manager: EFFECTIVE NP,P�E POSITION SALARY DATE REPLACES Kathleen V. Samora Office $935 Apr�l 5, 1982 Jayne Rasmussen 6114 Star Lane N.E. Assistant h1onth Fridley, MN 55432 (Police) Seconded by Councilman Hamerm k. Upon a vo�ce vote, all vot�ng aye, Mayor f�ee declared the motton carried unanimously. CLAIMS; MOTION by Councilman Barnette to authorize payment of Claims Plo. 060A30 through D93991. Seconded by Councilman Schne�der. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Playor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. LICENSES: MOTION by Counc�lman Schneider to approve the licenses as subm�tted and as on fi1e in the License Clerk's Office. Seconded by Councilman Flamerm k Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the mot�on carried unanlmously, CONSIGERATION OF HOUSE TRAILER PERMIT, JULIAPJ JENSEN, 5946 4TH STREET: Mr. F1ora, Pu61ic Works D�rector, stated there was fire damage to this residence at 5946 4th Street, and they are requesting a temporary permit to park a mobile home trailer at this address wh71e repa�rs are being done to their home. MOTIOfJ by Counc�lman Hamerm k to approve the temporary mobile horne permit Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, hiayor Nee declared the mot�on carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Councilman Barnette to ad,7ourn the meeting. Seconded by Councilman Schneider, Upon a vo�ce vote, all voting aye, Mayor PJee declared the motion carrted unanimously and the Fridley Crty Counc�l Meeting of Apri1 5, 1982 ad,7ourned at 9:25 p. m. F�spee.ttully submitted, i� -� ' -�- � ���{ ,�!� Carole Haddad Secy, to the City Council AppPOVed. pnr�l lq_ 19R7 i 7 � � �� - � � �c.,� �F�,, ��-�-,� ` Will�a� Nee Playor �� ��� k