04/19/1982 - 00012952�� THE MIPIUTES OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETIPIG OF APRIL 19, 1932 The Fridley City Council b1eet�ng was called to order at 7:35 p. m, by Mayor Nee. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCt: Mayor Plee led the Council and audience �n the Pledge of Alleaiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT� Councilman Barnette, Councilman Schnetder, P1ayor Nee, Councilman Hamernik and Councilman F�tzpatrick MEPIQERS ABSEfJT: fdone PROCLAMATI OfJ : DAYS OF REPIEMBRANCE OF THE VICTIP1S OF THE N�LOCAUST WCEK OF fi,PRIL lII - 2�, ;9C2• Mayor Nee stated he has asked for this proclamation to be prepared and it is consistent with a number of proclamations that have been issued througYrou�th� United Statesl to set aside the week of April 18 through 25 as Days of Remembrance of the U�ctims of the Holocaust. P1ayor flee stated he felt this event shouldn't be forgotten and comes at a time when we should remember the incineratton of untold millions of people, and �ndicated he would stgn and �ssue this proclamation. APPROVAL OF MIP�UTES - COUPJCIL P9EETING OF APRIL 5, 1982: h10TI0N by Councilman Fitzpatrick to approve the minutes as presented. Seconded 6y Counciiman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all vot�ng aye, h1ayor Nee declared the mot�on carried unanimously. ADOPTIOPJ DF AGEN�A: MOTIOfV by Councilman Schneider to adopt the agenda as presented. Seconded by Councilman ilamermk. Upon a votce vote, all vottng aye, hlayor Nee declared the motton carried unanimously. OPEPJ FORUP1, VISITORS: There was no response from the aud�ence under this item of bustness. PUBLIC IiEARINGS• �? PUBLIC HEARIPJG ON AN ON-SALE LIQUOR AfJ� A SUNDAY LIQUOR LICEPJSE FOR THE P10TION by Counc�lman Garnette to waive the reading of the public hearing notice arid open the pub7�c heartng. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the publ�c hearing opened at 7:40 p, m. Mr. lnman, City Clerk,stated Shorewood Inn has comple�ed the requ�rements under Chapter 603 of the code, and approval of the 7icense �s recommended by the Publ�c Safety �irector. He stated the percentage of food sales in relation to liquor salee is 53.2% and Shorewood Inn is working with the Publ�c Works Departmert on zoning and s�te improvements, therefore, staff would recorrmend approval of ihe license. � � � � � � �) ,� a�h COUPJCIL MEETING OF APRIL 19, 1982 PAGE 2 There was no response frorn the audience regard�ng this liquor license for Shorewood Inn. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to close the pu6lic hearing. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, �4ayor Nee declared the motion carried una m mously and the public hearing closed at 7:43 p, m. PUBLIC HEARING Ofd AN ON-SALE LIQUOR AND A SUNDAY LIQUOR LICENSE FOR cnninGr�c Tnir cnnn rrniTOni nvrninr ni r. MOTION by Counc�lman Schneider to waive the read�ng of the public hearing notice and open the public hearing. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, P1ayor Nee declared the mot�on carried unam mously and the public hearing opened at 7:42 p. m. Mr. Inman, City Clerk, stated Sandee's has completed the necessary forms, as requ�red under Chapter 603 , of the code and the Public Safety D�rector has recommended approval of the license. Ne stated that, currently, Sandee's has a 74% ratio of food sales �n relation to liquor sales. Mr. Inman stated Sandee's continuesto wot;k with the Publ�c Works Department on zontng considerations and staff recommends approval of the license, There was no response from the audience regard�ng this liquor license for Sandee's Inc. MOTIDN by Councilman Schneider to close the public hearing. Seconded by Councilman Hamer m k. Upon a votce vote, all voting aye, P1ayor Nee declared the metion carried unanimously and the public hearing closed at 7:43 p. m. IC HEARING ON AN ON-SALE AfJD A SUNDAY LIQUOR ER CLUB, INC., F3298 UNIVERSITY AVENUE PJ. E,. MOTIOfJ by Counc�lman Hamernik to waive the reading of the publ�c hearing notice and open the public hearing. Seconded by Counc�lman Schneider. Upona voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Plee declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearing opened at 7:43 p, m, P1r. Inman, City Clerk, stated Raffaele's has completed the forms required, under Chapter 603, of the code and approval is recommended by the Publtc Safety Dtrector. He stated, currently, the food sales are 73% in relation to liquor sales. P1r. Inman stateo there are no zoning cor�siderations anG staff would recommend approval of the license, There was no response from the audience regarding this liquor l�cense for Raffaele's. P10TIOP1 by Councilman Counc�lman Barnette. declared the motion at 7:44 p. m. � Pl1BLIC HEARING ON AN Hamerm k to close the public hearing. Seconded by Upon a vo�ce vote, all vot�ng aye, Mayor Nee carried unanimously and the public hear�ng closed SIINDAV E FO MOTION 6y Councilman Schneider to waive the reading of the public hear�ng notice and open the public hearing. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearing opened at 7:44 p. m. Ap �R M1 4 rl �'I ",i COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 19, 1982 PAGE 3 Mr. Inman, City Clerk, stated Pulaski's has filed the forms required under Chapter 603 of the code, and approval is recommended by the Publ�c Safety Director. Mr. Inman stated Pulaskt's are in violation of Chapter 603 of the code regarding their food sales �n relation to liquor sales. He stated last year this rat�o was 33;, and they are at 29.95°o for this year. P1r, Inman stated the auditor's report d�dn't specify if this percentage included food coupon sales. The owner of Pulaski's stated this figure did not tnclude coupon sales of food and, if �ncluded, the food sales would only increase by about 2;o, f�layor Nee asked the owner what she thought could be done to increase the food sales. She stated they are expanding their operation and adding banquet facilit�es which she felt would �ncrease their food sales, as they could serve food for a longer period of time �n the evening hours. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, asked tf they would know the full impact of this addition �n six months, and, tf so, possibly the license could be issued for s�x months and reviewed again at the end of this time. The owner stated this would probably be enough t�me and potnted out that the space they have now serves a dual purpose, as once they are fim shed servrng food for the day, they open this area for entertain- ment. She stated about 2,OOD square feet of the 4,000 square foot addition would be used for thr°�r eating or banquet area. No other persons �n the audience spoke regarding the liquor license for Pulaski's. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to close the public hearing. Seconde� hy Counctlman Hamer m k. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Pdee declared the motton carried unanimously and the publtc hear�ng closed at 7.48 p. m. [;, PUBLIC HEARING ON AN ON-SALE LIQUOR AND A SUNDAY LIQUOR LICENSE FOR "� THE FRIDLEY RECREATION dba- MAPLE LAPlES , 6310 HIGHWAY #`65 N. E.: P10TION by Councilman Hamerm k to waive the reading of the publtc hearing notice and open the publ�c hearing. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Plee declared the motion carried unanlmously and the pu6lic hear�ng opened at 7:49 p, m. Mr. Inman, City Clerk, stated Maple Lanes have filed the fo�°ms requ�red under Chapter 603, of the code and they have 45,6i food sales in relation to liquor sales. He stated the Public Safety �irector recommends approval and that Maple Lanes continues to work w�th the staff on zoning and site improvements, therefore, staff would also recommend approval of the license. There was no response from the audience regarding this liquor ltcense for Maple Lanes. P10TIOfJ by Councilman Schneider to close the public hearing Seconded by Counc�lman Hamern�k. Upon a vo�ce vote, all voting aye, Playor Nee declared the motion carried una m mously and the public hearing closed at 7.5C� p. m. � PUBLIC HEARING ON API ON-SALE LIQUOR AND A SUPJDAY LIQUOR LICENSE MOTION by Councilman Flamernik to wa�ve the reading of the public hearing notice and open the public hearirig. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a vo�ce vote, all voting aye, Mayor PJee declared the motion carried unanimously and the publ�c hearing opened at 7:50 p. m. � � � � COUNCIL MEETIPJG OF APRIL 19, 19�32 PAGE 4 Mr. Inman, City Clerk, stated that Ground Round has complied w�th filing the forms required under Chapter 603 of the code, and approval is recom- mended by the Public Safety ��rector. He stated the�r food sales are 56% in relation to ]iquor sales and they continue to vrork with the Pu61ic Works staff on zontng and other cons�derations. Mr. Inraan stated staff would recommend approval of the license. There was no response from the audience regard�ng th�s 17quor license for Ground Round MOTIOfJ by Counci7man Barnette to close the public hearing. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a votce vote, all votiny aye, Playor Nee declared the mot�on carried unam mously and the public hearing closed at i.51 p. m. ( " � PUBLIC HEARIPdG E LI Y LIOtIOR LICENSE MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to waive the read�ng of the public hearing notice and open the public hearing. Seconded by Councilman Hamerm k. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unan�mously and the pu61�c hearing opened at 7.51 p. m. P1r. Inman, City Clerk, stated George's in Fridley has filed the required forms under Chapter 603 of the code, and approval of the license is recornmended by the Public Safety D�rector He stated, currently, food sales are 41.8% in relation to liquor sales, and they are �r�orking with the Public Works Department on code and zo m ng cons�derations. Mr. Inman stated staff wou1d recommend approval of the license. Councilman Schne�der noted that the parking lot at George's in Fr�d1ey is in need of repa�r and there �s a lot of debris and 6roken bottles. � Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated they are wor4:ing with Geor9e's on a number of items, particularly landscaping along East R�ver Road, to clean the parking lot, patch the pot holes, and put in some cur6ing. He stated, however, at this po�nt, they haven't had too much satisfact�on � � Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated there is no quest�on the outside of the property could stand some improvement and they hope to encourage this over a period of time. He stated staff would recammend approval of the license, however, these items should be brought to the owner's attention and staff would like to urork with him to bring the property up to code. The owner of George's stated he realrzes they should have a good presentation as far as appearance, but some time it isn't easily affordable. He potnted out they have ,7ust put on a new add�tion, but realizes there should be outside improvements. He stated, as tar as the broken bottles, th�s is probably an accumulation over the winter monzhs and stated they do send people to pick up the debris. Mr. Quresht suqgested a list of items for them to work on and a time frame when they can be completed. The owner stated right now is not a yood time, as bustness has gone down. No other persons in the aud�ence spoke regarding this l�quor license for George's ir� Fridley. MOTIOPJ by Councilman F�tzpatrick to close the pu6lic hear�ng. Seconded by Counctlman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor fJee declared the notion carried unanimously and the public hearing closed at 8:00 p. m. �; � ,- . _, � � COUflCIL MEETIfJG OF APRIL 19, 1982 PUBLIC HEARING ON AN ON-SALE A SUflDAY LI PAGE 5 LICENSE FOR THE D10TION by Councilman Schneider to waive the reading of the public hearing notice and open the public hearing. Seconded by Councilman Narnerm k. Upon a vo�ce vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unam mously and the public hearing opened at F3;01 p, m, P1r. Inman, City Clerk,stated the Ftreside Rice Bowl has completed the necessary fottns required under Chapter 603, of the code, and approval of the license �s recommended by the Public Safety Director. P1r. Inman stated their food sales �n relation to liquor sales is 89.74%. He further stated they have continued to work with the staff on various zoning con�iderations, and staff recommends approval of the license, Mr. Flora, Publ�c Works Director, stated they are working with the owner on a number of rtems such as landscaping, trash screening, signing, strtp- ing the parking lot, and dra�nage. He stated they are looking at some schedule to obtain compliance with the zoning code. Mr Tam, the owner, stated he would come up with a plan for these inprove- ments, and keep working on the landscaping. No other persons in the audience spoke regarding this liquor license for the Fireside Rice 6ow1. P10TION by Councilman Schne�der to close the public hearing. Seconded by Councilman Hamern�k. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Pdee dec1ared the motion carr�ed unanimously and the public hearing closed at 8:04 p. m. PUQLIC HEARING ON AN ORDINANCE 'AMEfJDING CHAPTER 205 OF THE FRI MOTION by Councilman Hamernik to waive the reading of the publtc hearing not�ce and open the public hear�ng. Seconded by Councilman Schne�der. Upon a veice vote, all voting aye, f°1ayar Nee declared the motion carr�ed unanimously and the public hearing opened at B•1D p. m. Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated the Plann�ng Commission held a public hearing on April 7, 1982, to cons�der amend�ng the Zoning Ordinance by establishing an S-2, Special Zoning District. Mr. Flora stated there are three Hous�ng and Redevelopment Authority redevelopment districts �n the City; the Center City Redevelapment �istrict, the Moore Lake Redevelopment District, and the North Area Redevelopment District. He explained, by establishing this spectal zoning district, it would allow the development of these districts by plan, as it would require a spectfi c plan for development in these districts to be presented to the Planning Commisston and City Council. Mr. Flora stated the purpose of th�s spectal zo m ng district is to allow a mixed use development with�n special redevelopment districts; to allow the maximum flexibility in promotion of the district; and to allow development by a plan which is acceptable and in the best interests of the City and overall district. Mr. Flora stated the Planning Commission has recommended approval of this spec�al zoning district, with the stipulation that staff clarify the language with regard to the uses of various structures within the Redevelopment District. �_J � � � COUNCII MEETING OF APRIL 19, 19�2 PAGE 6 Mr. Flora stated staff has taken thts sttpulat�on into consideration and clarified the language under paragraph 205.235, Uses Al1oN�ed After Plan Development. Mr. Herrtck, Ctty Attorney, stated he 1ooked at this special zo m ng distrtc� as a Planned Untt Development, where development of the distr�ct would not 6e a destgnated use as in other zom ng districts, but by a plan that would be presented to the Planning Commission and Counctl for approval, prior to construction, with a substantial amount of flexibility as to what could be included rn the plan He stated, as far as limiting the use of the bun;lding once it is constructed, he felt, within l�mits, this could be done. Mr. P�1ark Haggerty, represent�ng the owners of the P9adser Building and the Northwestern Bel7 Telephone Building, stated since the special zonrng district is only betng set up for a Redevelopment �istrict, he felt the guidelines and ordinance was appropr�ate. He stated, if the ordinance was extended to areas that are already developed, he felt it would be overbeartng. He stated, as long as it is for new development, they would have no ob�ections. No other persons in the audience spoke regarding establishment of this special zoning distrtct. MOTION by Councilman Fttzpatrick to close the public hearing. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik_ Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearing closed at 8:20 p. m. � fyY1 PUBLIC HEARING ON REZONING REQUEST -03, CITY OF FRIDLEV THE AREA GENERALLY L ON � MOTIDN by Councilman Barnette to waive the reading of the pu�lic hearing notice and open the public hearing. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. L'pon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearing opened at 8:21 p, m. Mayor Nee stated this public heartng for rezon�ng in the Center City Redevelopment District is being held concurrently w�th the hearing to establish a special zoning district, S-2. Mr. Flora, Pu61ic Works D�rector, stated the property involved �n th�s rezoning request is in the Center City Redevelopment District and generally located between Um vers�ty Avenue and 5th Street and from Mississippi Street, south af 63rd Avenue, but excluding the Fridley State �ank property. He stated, currently, there �s a mixture of R-], C-1, C-2, M-1 and P zonings and the request is to rezone them to S-2, Special Zoning District. P9r. Flora stated there �s a plan to construct a medical cltm c and an office building in a portion of th�s area. Mr. Mark Naggerty, representing the owners of the Pladsen Building and � the Northwestern Bell Telephone Building, stated they have no ob�ec- tions to the rezoning stnce it is a redevelopment area. He felt the rezomng �aould be very appropriate to allova m�xed types of uses and also provide control so it is an orderly development of the area under the Redevelopment Dtstrict. ��� l' �' COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 19, 1982 PAGE 7 Mr. Flora stated all property owners w�thin 350 feet were notified of this proposed rezoning to S-2. Nlr. Herrick, C�ty Attorney, stated he represents one of the properties, he had received notice, anc;nore of the owners have any ob,7ection to the rezoning. P1r. Flora stated, with the rezo m ng, it would provtde for a center area to develop into a plaza and a mall effect can be designed and carried all the way through the area to University and Mississ�ppi, He pointed out, with the various mixture of current zones in this area, it would not be possible to obtain the desired effect for the redevelopment. flo other persons in the aud�ence spoke regard�ng this proposed rezoning. h10TI0N by Councilman Counc�lman Hamernik. declared the motion at 8:28 p. m. OL� BUSINESS: Barnette to close the public hearing. Seconded by Upon a vo�ce vote, all voting aye, Mayor Plee carried unanimously and the public hearing closed �� CONSIDERATION OF LOT SPLIT REQUEST, LS #,82-03 � � 1 �3 Mr. Flora, Publ�c Works Director, stated the petttioner called him and stated she could no� be present at the meeting and, therefore, requested this item 6e tabled to May 3. MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to table this item to the meeting of May 3, 1982. Seconded by Councilman Schnetder. Upon a voice vote, all vot�ng aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATIOP! OF A,PPOINTMEfJTS TO ENERGY COMMISSIOP� APJD APPEALS COMhdISSIO"J (TABLED 4/5/82): MOTION by Councilman Hamernik to nominate Leslie Coleman, 6011 6th Street, for appointment to the Appeals Commission. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. There being no further nominations, the following motion was made� MOTION by Councilman Barnette to close the nominations, Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Schne�der to cast an unanimous ballot for Leslie Coleman for appo�ntment to the Appeals Commission. Seconded by Councilman Hamer m k. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unan�mously. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to table the appointment to the Energy Commission. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, P1ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ORDINANCE N0. 749 ESTABLISHING A NEW CHAPTER 217 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY 21 MOTIOfV by Councilman Schneider to waive the second read�ng of Ordinance No. 749 and adopt it on the second read�ng and order publication. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatr�ck. Upon a roll call vote, Councilman Barnette, Councilman Schenider, Mayor Nee, Council Hamerm k and Councilman Frtzpatrick voted in favor of the mot�on and h1ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. � � � �i COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 19, 1982 PAGE 8 NEW BUSIPdESS: �/� RECEIVING PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF APRIL 7, 1982 ��.� � CONSIDERATION OF REZOfdING REQUEST, ZOA ,�82-02, TO REZONE FROM � i'-1S T� C-9S Tfl MAKF 7(1�1TNG ff)PJSiSTFNT WTTN IICF tiF7f1. FF'2(1 � MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to set the public hearing on this rezoning request for May 17, 19f�2, Seconded by Councilman Hamerm k. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ��� Mr. Flora, Pub7ic Works Director, stated this request �s for a special use permit to use a portion of Menard's park�ng lot for nursery sales in the spring and summer months and for a Christmas tree sales lot during the month of December . hlr. Flora, Publ�c Works Director, stated this �tem was before the Plamm �g Commtssion and they recommended approval of this special use permtt for Noble Nursery to use a 50 x 75 foot po�°t�on of Menard's parking lot for the sale of nursery stock and Christmas trees, �n season, Mr. Flora stated Noble Nursery has indicated they would install a wooden fence around the area and a small A-frame shelter for use �n inclement weather. � Mr. Haggerty, representing Noble fJursery, stated he discussed thts spec�al use permit request with restdents in the area and the use would 6e compat�6le w�th the traff�c patterns. �r. Flora stated staff has no problem with th�s request as they would lose only a few parking spaces. He potnted out, however, that there shauld be provtsion made by Plenard's for handicapped parking and another consideratton was the Council vdtll 6e receiving another request shortly for a spectal use permit for a drop-�n bank site on thts property. Councilman Fitzpatrick stated he has some concern about the trafflc flow and the stop sign in the area. Counctlman Hamernik also was concerned if the fence would obstruct a driver's visibility. Mr. 4ureshi, City h1anager, stated �f it is the Council's desire to approve this special use permit, staff can review the site to make sure th�s nursery �s located tn the safest possi6le area of the parking lot. MOTIOPJ 6y Councilman Hamer m k to concur with the recommendation of the Plamm �g Commission and grant Special Use Permrt, SP #82-02, � wtth the provisions that the locatton be studied and possible ad�ust- ments made for traffic visibil�ty in that general area, that this permit be concurrent with the lease agreement f:oble fdursery has w�th hier�ard's which was for a three year period which began November, 1981 and at the end of this time, tt would be necessary to reapply for another special use permit; and that the fence and other fac�lit�es (I r v �d COUPdCIL MEETIN G OF APRIL 19, 1982 PAGE 9 neeaied for this operation be taken down and the area cleaned after the nursery operation in the spring and the Christmas tree sales operat�on in the winter. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the mot�on carried unan�mously. The Council then received the minutes of the Plamm �g Commission ' Meeting of April 7, 1982. � � RECEIVING B �� 6ID BOND I IMPROVEh1ENT P Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated four bids were received for Street Improvement Pro,7ect ST 1982-10 (Sealcoating), and the low bidder was Allied Blacktop of Osseo, Minnesota. P10TION by Councilrnan Schne�der to receive the bids for Street Improvement Pro,7ect ST 1982-10 (Sealcoating). PLAfJHOLDER BID DEPOSIT Allied 61ack Top 5°% 105D3 - 89th Avenue North United Ftre & Casuality Osseo, MN 55369 Bituminous Roadways 2825 Cedar Avenue South Minneapolis, h1N 554D7 Northern Asphalt 11064 Rad�sson Road N. E Minneapolis, MN 55434 5 %� Wasau Insurance Company 5;0 Fidelity & Dep. Co $62,210.68 365,439.74 $68,492.22 B1 ack Top Service Co. 59; 1200 West Highway No. 13 Fidelity & Dep. Co. $70,339.E1 Burnsv�lle, MN 55337 Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting dye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTIOfJ by Councilman Schne�der to award the bid for ST 19&2-1D to the low b�dder, Allied Blacktop rn the amount of �62,210.68. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motton carried unanimously. RECEIVING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT FOR POT HOLE PATCHER, BIDS OPEPIED APRIL 14. 1982 at 11:00 AM. MOTION by Councilman Hamernik to rece�ve the bids for a chassis mounted pothole patcher. Cashiers Ck 1157.10 5� Aetna Casualty 5;o American Druggist VENDOR RGS Industries P1acQueen Equip Stepp Nlfg BRAND P10�EL ThermoLay Th13�75-'20D P-B Loader Model B�-4i Stepp SPH 3J5 TM BASE PRICE $ $20,709.15 $22, 914.00 �23,500.00 OPTIONAL EQL'IPMENT SAAlDING ATTACHP1EfJT 32358.00 Included $1875.00 � � � � COl1NCIL MEETING OF APRIL 19, 1982 GI� BOND Cashters Ck 1157.10 5% Aetna Casualty 5% American Druggist ��G I ' �, � PAGE 10 OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT TOTAL YEAR1_Y COST VEPlDOR SI�E BORAD BRACKETS BID LEASE RGS Industries $ 75.00 $23,142.15 N/A P1acQueen Equip. Not Required $22,914.00 fd/A Stepp Mfg. $250.00 $25,625.D0 PJ/A Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, f�1ayor Nee declared the motion carried unam mously. �`� DGLiVtRY DI�TE 45 days 30 days a/PO 90 days Mr. Flora stated the btds for the chassts mounted pothole patcher were opened on April 14 and three companies su6mitted bids. P1r Flora stated, of the three compa m es bidding, only RGS Industries met the specifications, and recommended their btd in the amount of $23,142.15 be accepted. MOTION by Counc�lman Schneider to award the contract for a chass�s mounted pothole patcher to the lowest 6idder meeting the specifications, RGS Industries, in the amount of $23, 142.15. Seconded by Councilman QarnettP. Upon a voice vote, all voating aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION ND. 29-1982 TO THE METROPOLITAN COUNCIL ID1 OPPOSITION TO THEIR c�rnn�n i.inrrn nnmm�rrnnrniT ni ne.i_ Mr. Flora, Public Works �irector, stated the Leg�slature passed a bill dealing with surface water management in the metropolitan area, th�s past session, however, the Metropolitan Council is preparing to adopt its own storm water management plan which accelerates the formation of watersheds, establishes more Metropolitan Council control over the plans and calls for an increased levy limit to support centralized storm water planning. Mr. Flora stated the Metropolitan Council's proposal would result in increased costs to the taxpayer, especially those such as Fridley, who already have an established watershed dtstrict. �vlr. Flora stated Fridley now has three creeks not included in any overall watershed and is planning to have ineetings w�th the adjacent communit�es to see how to deal with these areas, as they have until �ecember, 1983 to determine a course of action. Councilman Fitzpatr�ck stated he d�dn't feel the problem w�th the creeks is adequately addressed. He felt the Metropolitan Council's proposal might be going around the legtslative process, but something needs to be done in terms of the creeks �n Fridley, as even the one covered by the R�ce Creek 6Jatershed District �sn't adequately taken care of. Mr. Flora stated there is currently a proposal being subinitted to the Rice Creek Watershed District to restudy and prepare a compreh�nsive plan for the distrtct which would establish, not only internal municipal control, but operation and maintenance of the entire watershed d�strict, He felt the State law is forcing them to look at the creeks and to do sornethiny about them. Councilman Schnetder stated he felt there def�nitely was a problem, and very few cit�es liked the response of the Watershed District, but didn't want to establish other agencies of government. }n � � �� � �,i �i Fi COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 19, 1982 PAGE 11 Mr Herr�ck, City Attorney, stated it was obvious the problem of surface water management Nras not getting solved by the municipals acting on their own. He stated it seems the idea of orgainzang along watershed l�nes is the correct �dea, but what role the City, County, and Metropolitan Council will play has to be deiermined, MOTIOP� by Councilman Schneider to adopt Resolution Plo. 29-1982. Seconded by Counc�lman Garnette. Upon a voice vo�e, all voting aye, P^ayor �!ee declared the mot�on carried unanimously. I WELLNER REQUESTIfJG STREET, MDTION by Councilman Hamernik to receive Petit�on �lo. 2-81 from Gus Doty and Gary Wellner regarding improvements. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. EIVING A HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY RESOLUTION PETIIIONIPIG ON P10TION by Councilman 6arnette to receive Petitrnon Plo, 3-82 from the Housing and Redevelopment Authority regarding tmprovements. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all vottng aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carr�ed unam mously. RESOLUT'ION N0. 30-1982 RECEIVING PRELIMINARY REPORT AND RECEIVI MOTIOPI by Councilman Schneider to adopt Resolution No. 30-1982. Seconded by Counctlman Qarnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, h1ayor Nee declared the motion carried ur.animously. �� RESOLUTIOP! N0. 31-1982 ORDERIDlG IMPROVEMENTS AND FINAL PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIP1ATES OF COSTS THEREOF- STREET IMPROVEMENT �ROJECT N0. ST 1982-1: MOIION by Councilman Hamernik to adopt Resolution No. 31-1982. Seconded by Councilman Schne�der. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, P1ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. f' "„�, RESOLUTION N0. 3 3 - � s� � � IPIPROVEMENT. APP MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to adopt Resolut�on No. 32-19�2. Seconded by Councilman Hamer m k. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Playor Nee declared the motton carried unam mously. RESOLUTION N0. 33-1982 RECEIVING THE PRELIMINARY REPORT AND RECEIVING C� � MOTION by Counc�lman Hamerm k to adopt Resolution No. 33-1982. Seconded by Counc�lman F�tzpatr�ck. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unantmously. � RESOLUTIDN N0. 34-1982 ORDERING IP9PROVEMENT AND FINAL PLANS AND MOTION by Councilman Schne�der to adopt Resolut�on No. 34-1982. Seconded by Councilman Hamerm k. Upon a vo�ce vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carr�ed unam mously. � � � � �� � �6 2 �a � ���� �� � � �'� �1 �� � � � COUNCIL MEETIPdG �F APRIL 19, 1982 35-1982 ORDERING �� F� PAGE 12 T, APPROVAL OF PLANS AfdD D SANITARY SEWER PROJECT N0.1;6. MOTION by Councilman Hamer m k to adopt Resolut�on No. 35-1982. Seconded by Councilman Fttzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayar Plee declared the mot�on carrted unanimously. RESOL�TION N0. 36-1982 �IRECTING PREPARATION OF ASSESS�ENT ROLL FOR MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to adopt Resolution No. 36-1982. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all vot�ng aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. . RESOWTION N0. 37-1982 DIRECTING PUBLICAIIOfd OF HEARIPlG ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR STREET ID1PRO�EMENT PROJECT ST. 1981-1 AND 2: MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to adopt Resolution No. 37-1982. Seconded by Councilman Schend�er. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to adopt Resolution No. 38-1982. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Plee declared the motion carried unan�mously. CLAIMS: D10TION by Gouncllman Hamerm k to authorize payment of Claims No. 105408 through 106CD9. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpat�°ick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor P�ee declared the motion carried unanimously. LICE�dSES. MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatr�ck to approve the licenses as subm�tted and 'as on f�le in the License Clerk's Office, �nclud�ng all liquor licenses, wtth the exception of all the ,7unkyard licenses. Seconded by Councilman Hamerm k. Mr. Weiss, owner of Sandee's Restaurant, asked why a dollar figure was reGuested �n the license appl7cation. He felt the percentage figure in relation to food and liquor sales should be sufficient. Mr. Inman, City Clerk, stated the State law regarding l�censes changed as of January 1, and the only thing that �s public on the appl�catton is the name and address of the person applying for the license. He stated the ord�nance refers only to a percentage f�gure, and not a dollar amount, and the City's concern is that the auditor certifies the percentage of food sales in relat�on to l�quor sales. Mayor fJee suggested that Mr. Weiss discuss th�s inatter with the C�ty Clerk, and poss�bly the dollar figure wouldn't need to be included on the license application. �'t_I COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 19, 1982 PAGE 13 The owner of Geroge's in Fr�dley questioned the increase in the license fee. He stated it went up �3,000 from �6,000 to $9,00O3 and felt this was a drastic �ncrease in one year's time. P1r. Quresh�, City hianager, stated the last increase tn these fees was in August, 1977. He stated the Council's position was to try to raise revenue, wherever appropriate, where specialized services are involved. The owner of George's asked if the fee had to be paid in one lump sum. � Mr. Qureshi stated, by collecting this fee at two different times, it would enta�l more cost and m�nimize the�revenue recetved. The owner of Shorewood Inn stated the liquor business isn't as great as it used to 6e and they w�ll have another State tax beginning May 1, and by raising the license fee, it isn't helping, but destroying the�r business. Councilman Fitzpatrick suggested the administration bring �n a report on the impact, if license fees were to be received rn two payments, and th�s item could probably be considered the next time the licenses are issued. P1r. Inman stated the liquor license fee was one of the few that hacln't gone up each year, but others have gone up steadily each year. He stated, however, the same factors were used in determining the increase in the liquor license fee, as were used �n determim ng the increases �n other fees. UPON A VOICE VOTE TAKEN ON THE ABOVE h10TI0N, all voted aye, and Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. Upon Mayor Nee's request, Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, explained a procedure to be used in con,7unction wtth the annual ,7unkyard license � application as a means of working with these establishments to obtain compl�ance with the City codes. Mr. Flora felt perhaps, through the licensing procedure, the Council could stipulate certain conditions which would have to be met in the ensu�ng year or the l�cense wouldn't be favora6ly looked upon next year. Mr. Flora stated at least three letters have been written to all the property owners, numerous on-site inspection made, and discussions on some of the problems at each particul�ar location. He felt, with the issuance of the license, it may be appropriate to discuss compliance w�th the code for these esta6lishments. Mayor Nee asked if the code can't be enforced now, and how the ltcense question would make �t easier. Mr. Flerrick, City Attorney, stated he didn't think there was any quest�on about enforcing the law, but he hasn't been approached. He suggested if there is concern about these businesses, there should be a very specif�c list made of what has to be done to br�ng each property up to code. He felt there should be a meeting w�th these owners, where m�nutes are kept, and the staff reviews, in detail, what improvements must be made, and the owners are given a time period to have the u�ork completed, He stated, if the nnprovements are not made within a certain � per�od of t�me, an action could then be started, with supporting back- ground material , to show the def�ciencies and what they are attempting to accomplish and ask the court for an order for revocatton of the license. COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIf 19, 1982 PAGE 14 Mr. Herrick felt the staff should work Un th his office regard�ng any deficiencies and to be specific where they are requ��ed by the ordinance. Mr. Qureshi suggested tabling the ,7unkyard licenses to the hlay 17 meeting. h10TI0N by Counctlman Fitzpatrick to table the ,7unkyard licenses to the May 17, 1982 meeting for a report by the admim strat�on. Seconded by Councilman Qarnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee � declared the mot�on carried unanimously. The owner of Central Auto Parts felt they didn't have any problems with their operation, but rented some land and have trouble getting their tenant to comply. He stated there are members of the staff in the City that don"t want to see ,7unkyards in business. He felt a loi of negative feedback comes from these sources. n � j __ � � The gentleman stated all of the ,7unkyards aren't creating the problems and ob,7ected to being picked on. Mr. Herrick stated all of these businesses wou7d be reviewed and �f the�r operation didn't have any violations, there wouldn't be any problem. Mayor Nee stated he didn't thtnk he should 61ame the r�ty for the�r pro6lems, but they have to look at it candidly and there are real problems with some of tYie operat�ons in the Crty. The gentleman stated they want to create a good image for the City and feels they have tr�ed to do so. EST�MATES. MOTION by Counctlman Fitzpatrick to approve the estimates as subm�tted, including the estimate from the City Attorney dated April 1, 1982, TKDA 2500 Amerm can National 6ark Bldg. St. Paul, MN 55101 FINAL PAYMENT for engineering servtces for infiltration/Inflow Analysis for Sept., Oct., Nov., & Dec. 1981 and Jan. and Feb. 19&2-- Ayreembnt dated August 4, 1980 E.A. Htckok and Associates, Inc. 545 Sr,d�an Mound Wayzata, MN 55391 Professional serv�ces, h1arch 1982, Moore Lake Restoration Pro,7ect Herr7ck & Pdewman, P.A. 6279 University Avenue fd. E. Fridley, MN 55432 For 1egal services rendered as City Attorney for the month of March 1982 $2,f322.45 `Sl ,713.52 $7,163.67 Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all vot�nq aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unam mously. �� � (�n �7 � COUNCIL MEETING OF NPRIL 19, 1982 COh1MUN I CATI ON : PAGE 15 HOUSING APdD REDEVELOPMEN7 AUTHORITY. REQUEST MEETING WITH CITY COUNCIL: Mr. Flora, Pub7ic Works Nuthority has requested C�ty developinent. Director, stated the Housing and Redevelopment a meet�ng with the Council to discuss the Center MOTION by Counc�lman Barnette to recommend a meeting with the Nousirg and Redevelopment Author�ty for April 26, 1982. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all vottng aye, P1ayor Nee declared the motion carr�ed unan�mously. A�JOURNMENT: MOTION by Counc�lman Fitzpatrick to ad�ourn the meeting. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a vo�ce vote, all voting aye, h9ayor Nee declared the motton carr�ed unanimously and the Frtidley Ci�ty Counc�l hleeting of April 19, 19£32 ad�ourned at 9:58 p. m, Respectfully subm�tted, �-(�Ltc ��— ��!���/� Carole Haddad Secy. to the C�ty Council Approved: May 3, 1982 ���� �,�J�=S •- , , Wtll� m J, Nee P1 ayo r � L_ � �