06/14/1982 BOE - 00012906`IIIL tII?NTES OF TfIE �P]TINOID bUriRD OF R.EVIEST [IEETIIQG OF JUfTE 14, 1982
���e L.,ucc� o� c,ev�e.� tieecing was reopenea by tiayor tdee at 7:3�5 p.m.
PTEi'�ERS PRFSII]T: t'ayoz t�ee, Councilman Fitznatrick,
Councilman Schneider and Councilmar.
sarnette �
I+1�I1B�,S AESEt]�i': Councilrnan Hamernik
ilayor Ylee stated this meetznq was continued in order that the Assessor's
oi-fice could fnrther ceview the questions xaised at the rlay 24, 19E��'. meeting.
The IIoard of Reviev� then proceeded in handling the follaaing itens.
t�R. V7ILF�71IIi DOYLE - 6551 C]�II�,EY DP.IVE:
fir. Herrmann, City F,��essor, stated the Board of Review had acted on this
matter at the t;ay 24, 1922, there�cre, na action was required at this
f.r. Herrmann, City �vssessor, stated P?r. Cichy made his grievance known at the
last meeting, but didn't a�pear before the Board. He stzted �is ofiice
recora�ends no change in the value.
tK7PI0I? bv Councilman B�rnette to concur with the recommendation of the Citv
Assessor's Oifice that there be no change in the value of this pro�erty.
Seconuec. by Councilnan Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, riayor
P�ee declared the motion carried unanimously. �
SI?OR..r'[�ODD II'��;, I?7C. - 61b1 HIG:i��F�Y ;kGS_
IIC7PI0II by Cowzcilr:.an Schneider to concur with the recora;enuation of the City
Ivssessor's Oifice that thexe be no change in the value oi this property.
Second� by Councilnan P.arnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Itapor
t7ee declared the motion carried un�nimously.
G�?:GE IS il] FP.IDLLY -�71d L'AST RIZ,� fd�AD;
I?(7PI01] by Councilr�an Fitzpatrick to concur with the recomnendation of the
City Assessor's Cffice to reduce the value on this property from $551,46D to
$507,43�J. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vore, all voting
aye, �Iayor T.ee declaied the motion carned unar�,nously.
I1F;. b?I_r,L7l,Ii T[TP.;:OUI.T - 7601 PPSC�in001] PF,AC�:
Ilr. 'IUrnquist stated the Assessor's Office did come out to his home and he
received a letter fror� them saying they could recor.mend no change in his
valuation, haaever, he disagrees.
tir. 'Ilzrnquist stated a ramt�ler zn tt�e ar�� �ahich sold for $98,2�� is valuec+
laaer than his hor,� wki;ct� sold for $91,960. He stated his home is value at
lOG% of what he paid for it. [7r. Turnauist stated when he bouoht his home, �
he couldn't afforci the ramUler an:] yet the value placed on this hone is l�wer
then his home.
[�ir. �rnquist felt there was a lot of emphasis placed on the square €arx.age
that is fznished off. He felt he should be assessed at 9D% to 930 like
everyor,e else in the area.
� �"� R�'
l:r. ZUrnauist stated a rambler also costs more to 6uild. [,r. Herrme.nn, City
tssessor, stated a split entry costs more because, when looking at the square
footage, you he.ve two levels of living area. He stateG what t1r. il�rnquist is
'_ooking at is more square footage in the rambler thar. the square footage in
�is home.
"r. 'ilirnquist st�ted there is a 20H square foot difierence and all builders
�y it is r,rore expensive to build a rambler.
„r. Herrmann, City Assessor, stated the rar.�bler is a�sessed at $A3.11 a
square foot plus $E.3Q a square foot for finished area in the basement and
the split entry is assessed at $44.76 a square foot plus $9.�� a square fooc
for the finishecl basement area.
Ilayor Nee stated he is uncomiortahle witx� the ��gures regarding the value of
these hones when one recen�iy sol:: for $98,27Q carrying a value of $85,76n
anc� another sold for $9i,6�-ri carrying a value of $91,90�J.
,Ir. Yerrr:ann, City Assessor, stated this is not unusuzl and you can tal:e
idenrical har,ies and find ug to a$4,O�J�J difference in the value. He statecl
he fzlt the appraiser didn't overrate the home and, therefore, reco�;endeu no
change in value.
Co�uicil��tian Fitz�tricY, felt referring back to th� sale price of these homes
is confusing the issued. He stated there may be a single argurn�nt that chis
home has been overvalue,d but asioe from the sellino, price, he believeG the
marl;et value of this hone, upon which the ascessed value is based, has been
arrived at the same as all other homes in the City.
Councilman Schneider asked �ir. Herrr,iann if he had an}� reason to dispute the
figures [ir. Turnquist was quotzng. bIr. Herrr,�ann stated �ie talked to the
�ilder of ar,e particular home and if they laoked at the tining, the builder
ry lilcely loet money on the hone.
�.r. Y_errraann stated they look at a home and at the recomnendec7 rates to
a�szss everyone cr,ually an;: not at the sale price of a hame.
IICYPIO'i? Uy Councilrnan Fitz�atricl; to concur caith the recommendation of the
Cit�1 Assessor and recorunend no chanqe ia the value of this pro�erty.
Counciln�n Fitzpatrick stated he �aas sure the nar6;et value of this home was
arrived at on the sarie basis of others in the City.
:ouncilr�n Schneider stated he would agree that if they ad�ust the value
,,ased on sale price, it would be uniair to all the other persons 4�ho had the
�u1es applied on the square footage basis but, on the other hand, it is
v�rsuasive when soneone comes in and states there are homes that sold for
:;ore and are vaiued at less.
t�IO2I by Councilman Schneider to ac3�ust the market value on I�Ir. Turnc{uist's
property from $91,�(33 to $S7,OD�. Seconded by Councilnan Barnette. Upon a
voice vote, Councilraan Schneider. Councilman IIarnette and riayour P?ee votei, in
favor of this motion. Councilnan Fitzpatrick voted against the motion.
flayor Pdee declared the motion carned by a 3 to 1. vote.
�., DIIIC�IS f37ELi� - 8215 RIVE,FVIEC; 'i^EI2P�ACE:
�, Herxmann, City AssessoL, stated he was xequested to come up with figures
- this pro1�erty was valued as one buildingg site, as conpared with the value
ar two buildinc sites.
�ie stated the �zlue for t�ao building sztes would be $90,800, as co�cp�red with
a value of $9i,300 for one building site.
- r r
so� �� or rWvr��� r�;^rrr�c oF Jrmr� 14, 1,U�
Pir. Roelke stated, in order to build on these
7,600 square feet and the lots are not this
need variances in order to build on the lot,
se�arating the lot.
r�� �
sites, the lot area should be
size. He pointed out he would
haaever, he has no intention of
t7�I027 by Councilman Fitzpa�:rick to assess this property as though it was a
single lot an� reduce the value from $96,80L� to $91,�00. Secondec] by
Councilman Schneioer. [Ipon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Nee declare�
the r,iotion carrie� unan�r�ously.
i'ii;. h1TI:E FAL�C'A - 56�5 L7FST °„AVAP,IA"7 PASS:
Councilman Fitzpatrick stated this is a case where the value was determined
to be$71,000, ha�ever, �i� sale price a feta ;lonths ago was $86,BGD.
P7o action was ta'r.erx E�y �he Board of Review on this �roperty at this
particular meeting as they had recorimended it be referred to the County
Assessor's Office at the P,iay 24, 19�2 meeting.
iLT;. LEIF HIIIF:I.�CSEfI - 643a PSVEh'�7IE7 i�F,�',ACE:
P.o action was takFn on Yhis rtem as the Board of Review tool: action at the
!Ia}� 2a_, 1982 neeting to refer it to the County I�sessor's Office.
iiF,. AL,BP•] iR'SLA7EK - 6n3[; F1VEP.VIEf7 �'�CE:
t:OTIOrI i�y Counciiman �rnette to concur Fvith the reconnendation of the City
i�ssessor'c Oifice that there be no change in vzlue on this pro�erty.
Seconded by Council*�an Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all votinc� �ye,
iiayor i�ee declared ti�e r,�otion carried unanimously.
ti�^,. RICI-IF�I2D III�p.P.IS - 7701-7741 611�I?1 S'IPwLT:
I1r. rarns stated he first wancec; to thank the Public Safety Director, Ji:��
Hill, for his cooxraLicar� rc5araing some of the problems they have had at
t:ain and 77�h. fir, Harris statec+ regarding the properties at 7717, 772(3,
778� anu 779G f:ain Street th�t the ninutes of tl�e Board of Peview Ileeting of
I:ag 2n, 1982 be amended to reflect the statement that the land is being
valued as if it could be built up to 4Qo. I1r. Harris stated his question to
the City !i��,nager had been if this could be done.
[ir. Harris stated the City Planager's ans��rer should be reflected in the
nunutes. Pir. Qureshi stated his an.,�wer is re£lected on Page 6 of the f'Iay 2�,
19°2 rrunutes.
IIr. fiarns stated his response was if they couldn't use the property to that
full effect, perhaps another look should be taken at value placed on the
property. t2r. Harris stated on Page 11 of this evening's agenda booklet,
conparable land szles don't reElect special conditions of groperty at the
tune of sale. He stated the �rticular sale at 78�0 l•lain had Class I fzll
which was sold with the �ro,nerty and this $9,4�Fi figure reflects was only the
purchase pnce bu* the isll r�af�eri��h :�e stated there are special conditions
with everyone oi ti�tise �arceis not reflecteci in the sq�are foc�taRe price,
tZr. Harris stated he has problens with he figures shaan on Page 12 oi the
agenda booklet. He stated on the property at 7751 Elm Street there was some
"funny noney" going on with that because of the continuGl tradina every year
of the property,
t7r. Fiarris stated fihe sale of the parcel at 778�J t'lain doesn't reflect the
special conditions that it was an addition to the existxng structure next
cioor; thereiore, it is an inf-lated price on that property. He pointed out
almost all the sales Yk-ive special conditions not reflecte� in the prices.
__.. .��.�� ��a�eU uie a�LUal cost of the building at 7731-�1 tiain Street was
$9�,9�JD and they can substantiate these fi9ures. He stated the properties at
77�i1, 77��3. 7731 and 7741 are the properties wluch he disagrees znost �aith the
vaiues p7aced on them.
ii0TI0II by Councilman Schneider to wncur with the reco�nendation of the City
sessor's Office to sustain the values placed on P9r. Harris's properties.
econded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting a�Te, tlayor
ee declared the motion carried unaninously.
hIR. JEROIIE BAr?ICR - 1331 i4F'.ADOG1t•IOOP.:
tI0TI0Ii by Councilnan Barnette tca enncur with the recommendation of the City
Assessor's Office that there be no change in the value of this property.
Seconded by Counciln�an Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, PSayor
�'ee declared the motion carried unanimously.
ISRS. RUTf1 I•x77R2UtI - 1251 NORZUi,T AVEb1[TE:
Pir. Herrmann, City I�ssessor, stated Pirs. Norton was advised she had the full
right to be heard, but the Assessor's Office wouldn't reco,unend any reduction
in the value of her property, t1r. Herrmann stated he hasn't received ar,y
further response from tirs. tdorton and felt she was satisfied with the value.
t;0i'IOIi by Councilman Schneider to concur with the recor,eaendation of the City
Fssessor's Office that there be no change in the value of this pro�erty.
Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. [Jpon a voice vote, all voting aye, �?ayor
Nee declared the mocion carried unanimously.
Pu. [:ICE��.EL I-L�'CS,II'. - 8245 P.IVEI;VIES7 ^1PStF',ACE:
�r. Herrr��aru�, City Assessor, stated a visit was made to tir. Heller's property
nd it ��as explained ha� they arrived at the value. He stated the vaiue on
Lots 22 ana 23 could be raised and reduce the value on Lot 24; haaever, the
total value figure vrould rer,iain the sare.
ilr. Herrmann stated after revieoring these figures, tir. Hel]er felt they
should leave it like it was originally valued.
t'_0'PIOPT by Councilman Fitzpatrick to concur with the reco;nraendation of the
City Assessor's Office that there be no change in the value of this pronerty
and for it to be valued as originally subnitted. Secondec3 by CouncilMan
Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Iiayor tiee declarecl the notion
carriec3 unanunously.
iir. Hermann, City Assessor, stated I1r. PSikulak was sent further information
regarding land values.
tfOTIOtd by Councilnan 5arnette tn c�nc,ux with the recomrnendation of the City
Assessor's Office that there be reo change in the value of this property.
Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Pdayor
i�ee declared the motion carried unanunously.
'•�IOid by Councilman Schneider to concur with the recormendation
'�ssessor's Office to reduce the value of this property from
3634,7Q�J. :econded by Councilrnan Fitz�trick. [)pon a voice vote,
aye, [layor _'�- = declared the r.iotion carried unanunously.
Ji-�!'LL JL .,� _ �.�.u,�vi.l.� �.t�c,,t.lt, ;7`1t2EEL CF',STI17Gu Fv1D
G.T.E. - -
of the City
$703,1OL� to
all voting
� - ��
, �,
� oF �vz�•,7 P•i�EPING OF JUIIE 14, i9sz
I;OTI02d by Councilman Fitzpatrick to receive the letter of protest from
Property Tax Research Company on behalf of b,inneapolis Electric Steel
Castings and G.T.E. S�Iaania. Seconded try Councilman Rarnette. Upon a voice
vote, all voting aye, P7zyor t�Iet declared �,cs r�tzon carried unanunously.
IRr. Herrmann, City Assessor, pointed Qut that 'riinnea�olis E�ectric Steel
Castings is not located in Fridley.
I70TIOt1 by Councilman P.arnette to concur with the reconmendation of the City
Assessor's Office that there be no change in the value of the G.T.E. Sylvania
Property. Seconded try Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting
aye, itayor Nee declared the motion carrie� unaniriously.
AiID JUtI� 9, 1982:
fI0TI0I; by Councilman c�rnette to receive the letter of protest from Fi;C Corn.
and deny the request for chunge in the classification. Seconded by
Councilran Fitznatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, I�Iayor D1ee
declared the motion carried unanL-nously.
P,L1TOUlv �[ i,�z'1dT:
LIO''i'IOI1 by Councilnan Fitzpatrzck to ad�ourn the meeting. Seconaeci by
Councilman Schneider. Lt�on a voice vote, all voting aye, [iayor I�ee and the
�3oard of P.evieca iieeting of June 1��, 19�2 zd�ourned at 8:55 p.m.
Res�ectfully subnitted,
���'c t� � � _ �,� b-L ����
Carole Haddld
Ftecording Secretary
Approver3: June 21, 1982
/ /� � 4
/ � ('���--(�t.�.K' � �"-`�--
William J. �ee