10/17/1983 - 00012435�s 1 n
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OCTOBE 17. 1983
The Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Council was ca7led to order at 7:32
p.m, by Mayor �Iee.
67ayor Nee led the Council and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the
MEMBERS PRESIIVT: Mayor Nee, Councilman Barnette, Counclltn�n Schneider �
Councilman Fitz�trick and Councilman Hamernik
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MOTION by Councilman Barnette to approve the minutes as presented.
Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor
Nee der_lared the motion carried unanimously.
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MOTION by Councilman Schneider to correct the minutes by adding the Roll
Call and indicating all Council members were present. Seconded by
Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, MIayor Nee
declared the motion carriec7 unanimously.
MOTION by Councilman Schneider to approve the minutes with the above
correction. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, all
voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carned unanimously.
P7ayor Nee xequested an item be added: "Consideration of a Resolution
Co�nending Staff for a Job Well-Done in Regard to the Open House Held for
the Center City Pro�ect."
MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to adopt the agenda with the above
addition. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting
aye, Mayor �3ee declared the motion carried unanimously.
Thexe was no response from the audience under t,his item of business.
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P'�TION by Councilman Schneider to continue this item to 8:00 p.m, Seconded
by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee
declared the motion carried unanimously.
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�Ir. Walt Berdnik, General Manager and Mr. Bill Lanqendorf, Vice-Presic�ent
and General Manager of the Minnesota Area for Storex Cable Televisian were
piesent regarding issues the Council wished to discuss with them anU the
Cable Television Commission members. Members of the Cable Televi�ion
Commission who were present were Barb Hughes, Ea Kapszak, and Duane
Mayor Nee asked Councilman Schneider to open the dtscussion regarding some
of th2 issues for which he was concerned.
Councilman Schneider stated he worked on negottations for the franchise so
he has some concept as to what is contains. He stated, over the last
several months, he has been disturbed over what he perceives ta be a latent
disregard Eor some of the key issues in the Eranchise.
Councilman Schneider stated nothinq has been sent to subscrihers which has
the Cal�le Company's current phone number on it, as requYred by Section
405.073 of the franchise ordinance. He stated he had difficulty reaching
them when he had a problem.
Councilman Schneider stated the franchise agreement, Section 401, page 1H,
� concerns the delivery of the highest quality of cable service. I3e stated,
up until Friday, he had a continuing problem with his own service, as did
many of his neighbors, He stated this now has been partly corrected.
He felt the Cable Company wasn't livzng up to providing the highest quality
of signal and service to all subscribers.
He stated, as far as testing standards, he assumes others also have the
same problems.
Councilman Schneider stated the franchise agreement, page 32, provides that
Storer shall furnish the Cable Coimnlssion with business reports advising
them of progress made an utilization of channels, ete. He statec� he dicln't
believe there was any notification to the Commission prior to rearrangement
of all the channel structure,
He stated under Section 707, page 36 of the agreement, Storer is to
maintain a sufficient repair force of technicians. It states maintenance
techniaians will be on duty £rom 8:00 a.m. to 8;00 p.m. Monday througi�
Friday. He stated when his problem first occurred, he made ntunerous phone
calls and was informed no one would be on after 5:00 p.m., unless his set
was completely out.
He stated other persons received the same stoxy when they called.
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Councilman Schneider stated there are provisions to assess Storer for
clan�ages for failure to comply with any conditions of the franchise and he
questions if they should start this process.
Councilman Barnette stated he had received several phone calls in regard to
the recabling where cables wexe left in the street. He stated he was
contacted by persons working with other organizations; namely, the
telephone company, and they indicated they couldn't get away with the
hazardous problem created by leaving these cables, He stated it took a
considerable amount o£ time before he could reach anyone that could give a
satisfactory answer. He stated the answer they finally did receive was �
someone would get back with him in the morning. He stated when he heard
about the potential danger, he felt action should have been taken right
Mayor Nee stated his reception is bad and, as far as the maintenancer the
service leaves something to be desirec3.
Ms. Hughes stated the Cable Commission has heard some of these comments
mentioned in a casual way, but none have been formally brought before the
She stated the Commission has not acted on any of these isues because, in
essence, they were rumors or at least unsubstantiated. She stated the
Conunission, at the last meeting, was aware of some of these issues and they
are here as well for information. She stated she would ask for formal
complaints if they want to proceed further.
Mayor Nee asked if the Conmu.ssion recexved notice of the change-over.
Ms. Hughes stated they haven't, as yet, received notice, but felt the
information will be forthcoming. She stated because of some change in
personnel and their budgeting process, the October report wasn't received.
She stated the Commission has not had any formal complaints that weren't
resolved at the com�ny or City staff level in the last year.
Mayor Nee asked how the cable reception was in her home. Ms. Hughes stated �
the problems in her home have been more in terms of production problems and
not transmission problems.
Mr. Peterson stated his cable reception was satisfactory.
Mr, Kaopszak stated he has good reception, but had a problem on Saturday
and called and it was cleared up in two hours.
Mr. Berdnik stated, as the Council knows, he is new to this district. He
stated he would lzke to respond to the questions brought forth, and woulci
be happy to discuss them futher on a one-to-one level.
He stated, as far as the problem with the picture quality in their system,
if they ar made aware of it, they do respond. He stated they have found,
�.n some areas, where they had complaints about poor quality of the picture
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it has heen due to some illegal equipment being used in addition to their
cable. He stated they are working to correct these problems. He stated,
in some cases they are not being called about problems, therefore, they are
no able to deal with then.
Mr. Perdmk stated he was proud to tell the Council L-hey have completed the
re-build. He stated, unfortunately, what occurred was through his own
negZigence by not notifying the Comrnission. He stated the technician had
come to him and stated he was going to bring the channels up over the
� He stated the technician was ecstatic over completing thzs change-over and
he told hzm he did a great job accomplishing what he had done in brznging
on the additional channels.
He stated, as he stands before the Council and Conunission, he was wronq in
that they neglected to inform the Co�nission.
Mr. Berdnik stated, as far as the maintenance program, he felt they will
see marked improvement in the picture. He stated there may be a bad piece
of cable or connection to a home an there is no way to monitor it, unless
they are notified so the problem can be corrected. He stated they are
taking their amplifiers and making sure they are performing to their
Mr. Berdnik stated they have technicians on-duty 24 hours a day. 7 days a
If someone calls, they will get the answering service which, in turn,
relays the message to the technicians, I3e stated the way it is supposed to
work is if they get a call after 8:D0 p.m. regarding picture transmission,
a truck would be disg3tched the next day. He stated, in emergency cases,
the techniczans are there to correct the problEm. He stated if there is a
problem with a converter, it would be tak�n care of the same day they
received the call.
� Mr. Berdnik stated he received two �one ca11s and responded to both on the
matter of the cables being left in the streets. He stated, in both of
these cases, the cable was running par�11e1 to the street and was not in
the street.
Mayor Nee stated what they were referring to was cable left in the streets
and on the ground, Mr. Berdmk stated the two ca11s to which he referred
are the only ones he was aware of,
Mr. Berdnik stated a new brochure has been printed and mailed to all
subscribers and it does contain the phoiie nwnher for Storer.
�IZ. Berdnik stated they are experiencing diFficulty with the answering
service, however, he was told this was the best available which does
concern him.
Councilman Schneider stated he observed the old cable on the ground
disconnected. Mr. Berdnick stated it was possible this could have occurred
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and apologized for it. He stated what they did was an overbuild and
physically took all new cable and hardware and energized the new cable and,
after the cutover was campleted, the old cable was taken out. He stated
the purpose was to serve the residents better with a minimal disruption of
Mayor Nee thanked the representatives of the Cable Comg�ny for replying to
the Council's concerns. He also congratulated them for the work they have
done for the public access group in providing them with a fine studio,
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t+1�TION by Councilman Hamermk to waive the reading of the public hearing
notice and open the public hearing. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon
a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried
unammously and the public heaxing opened at 8:05 p.m.
Mr. Inman, City Clerk, stated the public hearing is on the request by
Skywood Mall (Fair Oaks Pro�ect) for a$7,000,000 industrial revenue bond.
He stated, with completion of this pro�ect, it would generate about 125 new
�obs and an annual payroll of $1.2 million. He stated in addition to
providing office space and new shopping s�ce, there would be a motel and
the estimated generated taxes upon completion of the pro7ect is $275,0�0 to
$300,000 per year. He stated the City has reviewed the financial data and
finds it to be an extremely solvent organization and recommends approval.
P4r. Mark Haggerty su�nitted a layout of the new pro�ect area and a drawing
of the front elevation, He stated they have met with residents of the area
and some are here this evening.
Mr. Aaggerty stated they had some revised architectural plans come in as
late as Friday, The reason for this was to take in some of the concerns of �
the neighborhood. He stated one of the changes would be 20,D00 square feet
of oifice sp�ce. He stated, in addition, there would be 65,000 square feet
of m�tel plus 11,000 square feet for banquet facilities in the basement of
the motel and 3,300 square feet for a restaurant and courtyard and pool.
Mr. Haggerty stated there will be extensive landscaping.
P4r. Haggerty submitted a�nphlet showing the type of operation the owners
have at the Fair Qaks Motel located in the southern area of Minneapolis.
Mr. Haggerty stated he felt the area needs a tremendous amount of-
improvement and this pro7ect would enhance the entire area and $5,500,000
would actually be put into the pro�ect.
Mr. Haggerty stated hlr. Darwin DeRosier is a principal and one of the
owners who will be in this venture. Mr. Haggerty stated when he and Mr.
DeRosier met with the xesidents, their biggest concern was the rear
elevation, and the entrances in the back have been reduced from 17 to 3.
He stated another of their concerns was the traffic, but he felt with the
new semiphores, they should accommodate the additional traffic. He stated
there is adequate parking since there are over 400 stalls.
Cptmx'rL NLETING OF OL'iOBER 17 1983 P E
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Mr. Haggerty stated another concern of the residents, their biggest concern
was the rear elevation, and the entrances in the back have been reduced
from 17 to 3. He stated another of their concerns was the traffic, but he
felt withthe new semiphores, they should accommodate the additional
traffic. He stated there is adequate parking since there are over 400
Mr. Haggetty stated another concern of the residents was noise. He stated
the restaurant and matel will operate without a liquor license and hopes
this will keep down the noise level. He stated the motel will be family-
oriented and banquet facilities available in the bas�nent. He stated the
� building will only be two-stories high so there shouldn't be any view
restrictions from the neighbors on the hill behind. He stated they have
strived to acco�iodate all the concerns of the residents.
Mr. Haggerty stated a letter has ben received from the Fridley Chamber of
Commerce endorsing the p1an for the Skywood Mall pro�ect.
The letter indicated they felt the addition would benefit the m,all area and
existing businesses,
Councilman Hamernik stated $5,500,000 would go taaards actual costs of the
project and asked where the balance would be spent.
Mr. Haggerty stated of the $1,500,000 balance almost $400,000 is to pay
undenariters; another $100,000 in costs such as printing and official
statements and attorney's fees; capitalized interest of another $700,000 to
$800,000 which would cover the interest cost during construction before
rents are generated from the motel; and the balance is a dept xeserve to
cover any defaults in event of non-paymenL of the bonds.
Mr. Bud Kuether, 5268 Taylor Street, stated he believed he has been here
four times to get the hzll behind Skywooc3 Mall fzxed,
He stafied they were also here regarding noise in their area. He stated
� there will be noise at the motei whether or not they serve liquor.
He felt by putting in a motel, it would compound the existing traffic
problem. He stated it is almost impossible to get on or off Central into
Skywood Mall. He stated the motel will generate more taxes, but it will
make it a hardship for persons who want to qeL up the hill to their
residences. He stated it will also be hard for persons trying to get into
7tain City Federal.
Mrs. Judy Engebretson, 5216 Taylor, questioned whether the parking would be
adequate. She stated the situation there now is that you can hardly get
through the �xrking lot and felt, with the motel and banquet facilities,
she wondered if there is sufficient parking. She stated there are also
plans to bring p�rking to the back of the matel and she thought commercial
developnent would r�nain taaards the front facing Central Avenue. She said
it seems commercial development is coming closer and closer to their homes
because there now will be traffic to tYte rear of Skywoocl Mall.
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Councilman Barnette asked Mrs. Engebretson what she had now in her back
yard as a buffer. She stated they had put up a fence, but that is now gone
hecause of erosion anc1 currently have planted lilacs. She stated they have
to retain their view in order to keep any value to their property.
Councilman Hamernik asked Nir. DeRosier if they have any plans to maintain
the hill.
Mr. DeROSier stated the hill is a problem and they would like to do
something about it, but would need some expertise in this field. He stated
they would want something that is aesthetically pleasing.
Mayor Plee stated the question this evening is not whether or not they could �
build the motel because it is propertly zoned, but whether the City wants
to permit the issuance of industrial revenue bonds. He felt it hinges on
whether or not the Council thinks it would generate more �obs and payroll
and provide a greater tax 6ase.
A gentleman in the audience asked about then aplying for a liquor license
in the future.
Mr. DeROSier stated he doesn't want a liquor license. He pointed out there
are restrictions on the land lease to the Ground Round and no one else on
that property can have a liquor license. He stated the lease runs for 15
years and Ground Round has indicated they wouldn't release their hold to
serve liquor. He stated the covenants, haaever, wouldn't restrict anyone
from bringing in their own liquor for events in the banquet facilities.
The gentleman stated he has a concern because he lives in the area and has
young children. He stated this complex would be right in their back yard,
50 f-eet from their property.
Mr. DeROSier stated the plans were changed, a£ter meeting with the
residents, because of their concern over the entrances 1n the back. He
stated they have reduced the entrances to three which are required for fire
purposes. �
Councilman Barnette asked Mrs. Engebretson if she would be able to see into
the motel from her home. She stated she isn't on the same level, but the
home on the corner will be lower because there is a significant drop in the
slope of the hill.
Mayor Nee asked �Irs. Engebretson if she had a suggestion haa she would like
this land used. Mrs, Engebretson felt she could live with an office
building or restaurant. She stated right now they are talkzng about
changing a 6 day operation to a 24 hour a day operation.
She stated she is a little leary of what kind of people the motel would
attract into the area because of the small children in their neighborhood.
She stated she is concerned about the additional traffic, as she doesn't
see where they have sufficient parking facilities now. She stated she
fully understands it is zoned commercial, but never really expected
anything like this to come about. She stated she wished somaone could tell
her what it is like liv�ng with a motel as a back door neighbor.
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h1r. DeRosier stated traffic to a motel is usually not during the peak
traffic periods and motels don't create the greatest traffic probleros,
Mrs, Kuether stated what really should be happening is samething to improve
the traffic stivation.
A gentleman in the audience stated he would like to see an office complex
in this area. Mr. DeRosier stated an office camplex in order to survive on
that corner would have to be five-stories high, whereas the motel would
only be two-stories.
� Councilman Schneider asked if the motel would be sprinkled, Mr. DeRasier
stated the motel, as well as the mall, would be sprinkled.
MfJTION by Councilman Hamernik to close the public l�earinq, Seconded by
Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, i�iayor Nee declared
the motion carried unanimously and the public hearing closed at 8:50 p.m.
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Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated he talked to Mr. Ingram and
informed him of the Council's direction to look at 100 square feet of
signage for service stations. He stated Mr. Ingram indicated he would like
the Council to process his application, as originally submitted, and take a
vote on it.
Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, stated the Council would have three
alternatives to either approve or deny the request or approve the request
for something less than what is being requestecl.
Councilman Hamernik stated the current request is for a 183 square foot
sign and the petitioner has indicated he does not desire or doesn't request
approval for a 100 square foot sign.
� Councilman Hamernik asked if there was any possibility for reconsideration,
if they deny t,he variance request. He stated he wauld like to leave P4r.
Ingram the option of changing his request, but convey to him the request
for a 183 square foot sign would not be acceptable.
MOTION by Councilman Barnette to deny the vanance request to increase the
rna�cimtun size of a free standtng sign for 7600 Umversrty Avenue as filed by
Kenneith Ingram. Seconded by Councilman Schneider.
Mayor Nee stated if the above motion �sses, he would take a motion from
anyone voting on the revailing side to have it brought up again for
reconsideration in the event the petitioner decided to reduce the square
footaqe he is requesting for the sign.
U1�N A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried
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MOTION by Councilman Barnette to table this item to the next regular
meeting. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting
aye, hlayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously.
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N10TION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to waive the second reading and adapt
Ordinance No. 789 on the second reading and order publication. Seconded by
Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared �
the motion carried unanimously.
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Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this ordinance is based on the
Blaine ordinance covering new hazardous waste facilities. He stated it
addresses the facilities for hazardous waste storage and treatment. He
suggested this be referred to the Planmng Commission for their review.
Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated the last time the Council discussed the
issue, the approach was to adopt the ordinance on first reading and then
refer to the Planning Canmission and the Planning Cammission can refer it
to the Envirormiental Quality CommYSSion, if they desire.
P7r. Eerrick, City Attorney, stated the Pollution Control Agency adopted the
criteria that had to be met in order for a hazardous waste site to be
approved. He suqgested staff obtain copies and transmit those to the
Plamm�g Commission, as he felt it might be possible to strengthen the
ordinance by incorporating some of those limitations,
MOTION 6y Councilman Schneider to waive the reading and approve the �
ordinance upon first reading. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a
voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried
MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to refer this ordinance to the Planning
Cammzssion for their recommendation before the second reading. Seconded by
Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee
declared the motion carried unanimously.
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Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated the Assembly of God Church is
requesting a pernit to place two trailers on the ad�acent property aaned by
Unity Hospital to be used for classroans for Sunday School. He stated the
church is planmng on constructing a new facility and needs some space to
hold their classes until the new building is completed.
He stated it is proposed to locate the trailers on the east property line
between Unity Hospital and the church.
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2he representative of the Assembly of God Church stated the trailers would
be white alumintan purchased fran Hilltop Trailer Sales and would be used as
classrooms. He stated they currently use three classrooms at Unity
Hospital, but still need additional sp3ce. He stated they plan to start
construction on their new facility next spring.
MOTION by Councilman Hamernik to grant the request for a house trailer
permit for two trailers to be used for classrooms for a two year period.
and waive the fee, as requested by the Assernbly of God Church. Seconded by
Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee
declared the motion carried unanimously.
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Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated there are actually three requests
for this �rcel of property involving a special use permit, a lot split,
and variances.
Mr. Flora stated Superamerica is proposing a service station on the
southeast corner of 73rd Avenue and Highway 65 and to split this parcel
lnto two (Parcels A& B), with the service station located on Parcel A. He
stated at this time, they have no plans f-or develognent of Parcel B.
Mr. Flora stated in con7unction with this develo�znent, a service drive or
loop back is proposed. He stated, if they proceed with the loop back, it
would mean a variance is necessary on the lot size and setbacks.
Mr. Flora stated the Plamm�g Camnission heard the request for the special
use permit which is required in orc7er to construct the service station in a
C-2 zone, and recommended approval of this special use permit. The
Planning Conmussion also recommended approval of the lot split, L. S. �83-
04. with the stipulation that a 15 foot bikeway/walkway easement be
retained along 73rd Avenue and rPmoval of the existing Naegele sign on the
property upon lease termination.
Mr. Flora stated the P.ppeals Commission addressed the vanance requests to
reduce the lot setback from the required 20 feet on the side yard to 15
feet and to reduce the rear yard setback from the required 20 feet to 11
feet and to reduce the lot size from the required 1-1/2 acres to 1.35 acres
on Parcel A and to reduce the lot size from the required 1-1/2 acres to
1.05 acres on Parcel B. He stated these variances were sub�ect to
easements of record, as well as adequate landscaping being installed, and a
15 foot bikeway/walkway easement being dedicated.
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P7r. Schuette, of Ashland Oil, Columbus, Indiana, was present representing
Superamerica. He submitted a drawing of the service station proposed for
this property.
Councilman Schneider asked the size of the building. Mr. Schuette stated
it would be 3,800 square feet plus a canopy over the gas piunps. He stated
they have no plans, at this time, for the other parcel. He stated they
plan to have the Superamerica store in operation before they put the other
�rcel up for sale, He pointed out, with the service drive, it would
probably n�ake the other �rcel more saleable and the service road would
separate the two p�rcels.
Mr. gureshi, City Manager, asked if the road would be constructed to City �
standarcls. Mr. Flora stated Superamerica would build the road and then
dedicate it to the City and it would be built to City standards.
Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, asked if a 10 foot green area could be provicied
between the bikeway/walkway and the parkinq lot and if the southeast
p3rking stall could be eliminated for safety reasons, Mr, Qureshi stated
the additional green area is to provide for snow storage and better
Councilman Schneider stated, as he understands, originally Superamerica
wasn't supportive of the road.
P4r, Schuette stated he understands it was the staff's recommendation for
the loop back, as recommended by Mr. Boardman. He stated they weren't
supportive of this in the begznning to dedicate 50 feet ot right-of-way all
the way arow7d. He stated the �re they looked at it, and with a little
persuasion, decided to go along with it. He stated other things have come
up such a the corner cut which he didn't knaa about until today, but they
have no ob�ection to it.
Niayor Nee questioned what could be put on the other lot, if the lot split
is approved.
Mr. Flora stated a small commercial structure could be placed on the �
parcel. He pointed out, until this year, the City had allowed a minimum of
3/4 acre lot for that type of develognent.
Mr. Qureshi stated that in the �st, if the property met standards and if
some dedication of the property has been requested, the Council has not
even required a variance. He pointed out the City is taking some of the
property for the road and public purpose since it will be dedicatec3.
Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, stated the same things may be accomplished by
having the road put it and not being dedicated to the City whereby it
6ecomes a private driveway and then a variance isn't needed as they would
have the proper size.
P7r. �hareshi stated the point is whether the City wants this to be a public
road. He stated he felt, for the type of use, it would be better for it to
be a public road. He stated if it was to be a private roadway, the
�inx�r , MEETING OF OCiOB .R 17. 1 83 PAGE 12
variances would not be needed. He stated staff felt that to leave it as a
private road would not be good and would not serve the public purpose.
Mr. Schuette stated there is no reason why they couldn't put in the 10 feet
of green area between the bikeway/walkway and the parking lot. He stated
they could also live with eliminating one p�rking stall in order Lo provide
a better view.
Councilman Schneider asked haa likely it is that Parcel B woula develop.
Mr. Herrick stated there are quite a few buildings developed on one acre
� lots in the City.
Mr. Haggerty stated he felt it would be feasible and viable that this
�arcel would develop.
MOTION by Councilman Schneider to concur with the recommendation of the
Planning Commission and grant special use permit, SP #83-Q9 for
Superamerica with the following stipulations: (1) a 10 foot green area !�e
provided between the bikeway/walkway easement and the parking lot; (2) the
southeast parking stall, as outlined on the drawing, b eliminated for
safety reasons; and (3) the road constructed be properly built to City
standards. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting
aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously.
MOTION by Councilman Schneider to concur with the recommendation of the
Planning Commission and grant lot split, L. S. #83-q4, to Superamerica in
order to make two building sites at 7201 and 7299 Highway #65 N.E.
Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye,
b7ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously.
P70TION by Councilman Schneider to concur with the recommendation of the
Appeals Commission and grant variances to Superamerica to reduce the
�rking lot setback and lot area at 7201 and 7299 Highway #65 N.E., seith
the following stipulations: (1) sub�ect to easements of record; (2)
� subject to adequate landscaping; and (3) dedication of a bikeway/walkway
easement. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting
aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously.
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Mr. Flora, Pu61ic Works Director, stated Mr. Lyons is requesting a specia3
use permit to construct a service repair garage in an industrial zone at
7948 University Avenue. He stated the repair garage would be located in
one of the back buildings along Ranchers Road and the petitioner is
proposing to use two bays within the develoianent for the garage.
Mr. Flora stated such a use is permitted in a C-2 zone with a special use
, �_ � ,
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He stated the Planning Commission recommended approval of the special use
permit sub�ect to the following stipulations: (1) no outside storage of
garbaqe containers; (2) no outside repair oP cars; (3) no overnight storage
of cars outside the building; and (4) staff review of the special use
permit after one year. Mr. Flora stated it is recommended, if Council
approves this special use permit, they may want to authorize it for a three
year period, with staff review after one year.
N1s. Flora stated there are some items that need to be addressed regarding
the Iandscaping between the two ad�oining parcels and the pylon sign is too
close to the curb and needs to be set back. Also, the parcels need to be
combined into one tax statement.
Mr. Aldrich, Fire Chief, stated the applacant contacted him before he
proceeded with this request and he doesn't anticipate any problems. He
stated this is a sprinklcd building.
MOTION by Councilman Hamernik to concur wxth the recommendation of the
Planning Commission and grant special use pernut, SP #83-1D, for a repair
garage to be located at 7948 University Avenue with the following
stipulations: (1) no outside storage of garbage containers; (2) no outside
repair of cars; (3) no overn�ght storage of cars outside the building; and
(4) the special use permit be granted for a three period, with staff
revic�aal after one year and, if there are no problems, it could be extended
for another three years by Council action. Seconded by Councilman
Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the
motion carried unanimously.
MOTION by Councilman Barnette to receive the minutes of the Planning
Commission Meetings of September 28, 1983 and October 5, 1983. Seconded by
Councilman Schneider, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor tdee
declared the motion carried unanimously.
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Mr. Flor�, Public Works Director, stated bids were received and opened on
October 5 for the Civic Center sprinkler syst�n, He stated the low bid was
received £rom Schwickert's Inc. and it is recommended the contxact be
awarded to th�n.
MOTION by Councilman Hamernik to receive the bids for the Civic Center
sprinkler system.
• • • �
Firebird Sprinkle Protection Co.
New Mech Tndustries
Grinnell Autanatic Sprinkler
Olson Fire Protection
Gorham-Oien Mechanical Inc.
Hayes Contractors Inc.
Industrial Sprinkler Corp.
: � � .t y
5% - St. Paul
50 - Federal Ins.
5% - Inland Ins.
55 - Inland Ins.
50 - Wausau Ins.
5a - United Pacific
$ �TAL
��.1� �. • ���:�; •:
�7idwest Fire Frotection Inc.
Viking Automatic Sprinkler
National Aukomatic Sprinkler
5� - United Fire &
5� - Chubb Group
5� - Continental Ins.
5% - American Institute
pAGE 14
Secorxied by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor
Nee declared the motion carried unanimously.
M6TIOA1 by Councilman Hamernik to award the contxact for the Civic Center
sprinkler system to the low bidder, Schwickert's Inc, in the amount o£
$15,800. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all votinc�
aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carriec7 unammously.
� Y •� �• •• •• ••�'a i 4 u7dYt� 1 � �I i • • �
M�TION by Councilman Schneider to adopt Resolution No. 98-1983. Seconded
by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, a13 voting aye, Mayor Dlee
declared the motion carried unanimously.
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Mayor Nee felt this was a viable pro�ect and stated he is always beinq
asked why they don't have a good motel in the City.
Councilman Hamernik stated he felt a motel is needed to support business in
the City and promote development. He stated he wished to address the
concern of the neighbors regarding the hi11 behind Skywoocl Mall. He asked
if a plan can be required from the developer which would detail the
landscaping and maintenance proposed either before or when the building
permit is issued.
[9r. Q�reshi, City Manager, stated this is a concern of the neiqhborhood and
would hope the developer would have a design and landscaping to protect the
property. He stated some professional help may be needed in this area in
order to avoid continual maintenance problems.
Councilman Schneider stated he thought the plan for the motel eras good,
however, is sym�thetic to the residents there. He stated, frankly, he
didn't know of anything better to be developed on this property. He stated
it is zoned properly and seems to be a good use of the 1and.
MOTION by Counctlman Hamernik to adopt Resolution No. 99-1983. Seconded by
Councilman Sarnette. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, t�9ayor Nee declared
the motion carried unanimously.
MOTION by Councilman Hamexmk to instruct staff to work with the developer,
as p�rt of the building permit process, to �rovide a system where the hilA
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behind Skywood Mall could be properly protected and maintained in the
future. Seconded by Councilman Fitzp�trick. Upon a voice vote, all voting
aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously.
gF., OL.� TION N0. 100-1 $3 i,T,T� FOR A PU T.IC HEARTN�' ON A PRO�GAT
Mr. Inman� City Clerk, stated a public hearing was held for issuance of
$4,000,004 in xndustrial revenue bonds under Frank Shear and Associates.
He stated Johnson Printing has requested the issue be split and to have
another issuance in the name of Johnson Printing for the equipment.
Councilman Hamernik asked the total amount of £unds they are requesting.
Mr. Casserly, representing O'Connor and Hatuian, stated the amount will be
about the same as requested previously, around 4,2 or 4.3 million. He
stated if they didn't proceed in thYS manner, it would be necessary to go
into a series of bonds; however, this way there would be a shorter term on
the bonds.
MDTION by Councilman Hamernik to adopt Resolution No, 100-1983, and set the
public hearing for P3ovember 21, 1983. Seconded by Counczlman Fitzpatrick.
Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried
• •, • , 1 _ �� ��UIU �I�!� �.
MOTSON by Councilman Schneider to adopt Resolution No. 101-19E�3 commending
the City staff for a �ob well-done in regard to the Grand Opemng held for
the City Community Plaza and Community Park. Seconded by Councilman
Fitzp�trick. Upon a voice vote, aIl voting aye, hlayor Nee declared the
motaon carned unanimously.
MOTION by Courtcilman Barnette to authorize payment of Claims No, 271503
through 288M11. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all
voting aye, Mayor Nee declarecl the motion carried unanimously.
P10TION by Councilman Hamernik to approve the licenses as submitted and as
on file in the License Clerk's Office. Seconded by Councilman Schneider.
Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried
MOTION by Councilman Fitzp�trick to approve the estimates as subnutted.
Herrick & Newrnan, P.A.
6279 University Avenue, N.E.
Fridley, Minnesota 55432
For legal services rendered as City
Attorney for the month of September, 1983
��il\ _ -_ _\� � ���1�:.�
•� .
Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor
Nee declared the motion carried unanimously.
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MOTION by Councilman Barnette to ad�ourn the meeting. Seconded by
Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor �1ee
declared the motion carried unanimously and the Regular Meeting of the
Fridley City Council of October 17, 1983 adjourned at 10:05 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
�z�� %�����
Carole Haddadz`��'�.�-
Secretary to the City Council
Approved: November 7, 1983
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William , Nee
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