04/02/1984 - 00012303._. �_�11�4,e. �_ ;sr�_:S u �, • i • � ��Ii�L��1ti
The Regular Meeting of the Fndley City Council was called to order at 7:38
p.m. by Nlayor Nee.
Mayor Nee led the Council and the audience in i.he Pledge of A13egiance tc
the Flag.
P�IItS PRFSIIVT: Mayor Nee, Council�r�n Earnette, Councilrian Schneider
Councilman Hamernik and Councilman Fitzp�trick
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Mayor r7ee stated both the City and the Fi;�ance Officer have received a
significant award and asked the City Manager, [�r. Qureshi, to explain these
Mr. Qureshi stated the City has received ai� award for Comprehen�ive Annual
Financial Reporting. He stated this awarc7 is given by th� Natianal
Munici�al Finance Officer's Association of the Unitecd States an�9 Canada ic�r
excellence in financial reporting. Mr. Oureshi stated I'riciley is one of
the very few communities in the nation wha has been awarded this
certificate and it points out the City is tryii�g tc keep their finar,ci�l
reporting to one of the highest standards anc� was able to ma.�ntain this
� standard three years in a row.
Mr. qureshi stated a financial achievement award was given by tr.is sar��e
organization to the Finance Officer, Richard Pribyl.
Mayor Nee and the Council members extend their congratulataons to �ir.
Pribyl, the finance staff, and achninistration for these accomplishmerits.
P90TION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to adopt the agenda as 1�resentec.
Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, M�yor
Ldee d2clared the motion carried unammousiy.
There was no re5ponse from the audience uncler thls itPm of busiraess.
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MOTION by Councilman SchneicJer ta waive the readir.g of the public hearing
notice and open the public hearing. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon
a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried
unanimously and the public hearing opened at 7:43 p.m.
h1r. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this proposal is for a residential
plat on the property bounded by Arthur Street and south of Rice Creek and �
formerly the Rice Creek School property.
Nlr. Flara stated the plat consists of 29 lats, five of which were set aside
for park area, He statea, however, during the Planning Commission hearir.g
on this plat, there was considerable discussion regarding a park in this
nel9hhorhood. Mr. Flora stated the school currently provides a
recreational faczlity for �rsons in this area and these facilities will no
longer 6e avaslable wxth development of this plat. He stated the residents
felt the lots proposed for a park area were inadequate to maintain the
level of recreational services for this area so it was requested the City
look at ad�acent property in the Gena-Rae Addition for additional park
Mr. Flora stated, duxing tYsis negotiation period for additional property,
Mr. �lombery came in to c�evelop an adjacent area to the west as resic3ential
lots. He presented a sketch showing the location of Mr. Brickner's lots
and the location of the lots groposed by Mr. B1omL-�erg.
Mr. Flora stated the City is attempting to purchase property in the Gena-
Rae Addition for a park which would provide a 2.2 acre park for
neighbarhood resiclents. Mr. Flora stated, based on this concept, the
Planning Commission recommended approval of the plat at their March 14,
1984 meeting.
rtr, Flora stated Mr. Brickner could then construct residences on the 29 �
lots, as originally proposed. He further stated, along with Mr. Erickner's
plat, a road system can be prooided which will allow construction of the
park, the develoFanent of- Mr. Blomberg's nine lots to the west, and open up
the large lats to the north for future lot splitting. He stated this also
hzoulcl provide access from the variaus areas being served to the �rk.
Councilman Schneicler questianed the intentions in regard to the park
property, He stated his concertt is t�,e situation which arises by approvai
of this glat; that is, the recreational facilities provided on the Rice
Creek School property will vanish.
Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated the Council authorized staff to initiate
negotiations tor acquisition of p�rk land. fie stated he anticipates the
City woulci be able to acquire the property this year and, with adequate
f-undinq provided, the park woulc] be at ieast �rtially completed in 1985.
He stated the tennis courts and ball fields would, realistically, be
avaiiable an 19E35, provicling the City has control over the 1and.
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Councilman Schneider stated he would like ta attach a tin�etable as to �ahen
the �rk facilities would lae available to resic+ents in the area.
Mr. Qureshi stated the City is presently negotxating with the owner for
acquisition of the property; however, the City cloes have the right of
�ninent domain, but would prefer working with tl�e aarer and this may t�e a
little longer period of time.
Councilman Schneider stated he didn't want to get into a situation where
the school is torn down and the recreational Pacilities are gone and the
� land f�r �rk purposes isn't under the City's control so there would be
several years of waiting for these recreatiorial facilities to be completed.
Mr. Qureshi stated he felt the most they woulcl be looking at is next year
and didn't feel it would go beyond th�t date before the recrea�ional
facilities are available.
Mr. Joe Menth, 1388 66th Avenue, stated the fences around the tenru.s courts
have been taken down. He stated he also had a cancern regard�ng the
Mayor Nee suggested to Mr. Menth his concern on the assessments be
discussed this evemng under the item oi the public hearzng on the
Mr. Myron Ostlund, 1400 66th Avenue, statec his aoncern is primarily where
the roadway will be constructed in respect ta the end of his lot.
Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated the roac3way is a11 on the Gena-P,ae
property and wouldn't be on Mr. Ostlund's lot,
Councilman Schneider asked Mx. Ostlund if he hac7 any L�lans in the future of
splitting his lot. Mr. Ostlund stated he felt, at this time, he taould ]ike
to maintain the large lot.
� Councilman Schneider questioned why the Eer�ces az�€d the recreational
facilities at Rice Creek School were beina tarn down.
Mr. Flora stated the Parks and Recreation Commission had recommended that
the Parks and Recreation Departrnent remove all the recreational equxpment
at the school property.
Councilman Schneider stated he felt ths action shoulc3 have been concurred
with by the Council hefore any removal of i.hese tacilities began.
No other persons in the audience spoke regardrng triis plGt.
N10TION by Councilman Schneider to close the public hearing. Seconded by
Councilman Parnette. Upon a voice vote, all veting aye, Mayor Nee declar.ed
the motion carried unanimously and the public henring closed at 8:08 p.m.
MOTION by Councilman Hamernik to waive the reading of the public heacing
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notice and open the public hearing. Secondeci by Councilman Schneider.
Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried
unanimously and the public hearing opened at 8:08 p.m.
MOTION by Councilman Schneider to receive petition No. 3-84 in opposition
to this vacation. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, all
voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated the purpose of this vacation
request is to make a new building site at 6994 Fridley Street. He stated
there are currently two cul-de-sacs in the area, one on Anoka Street and �
one on Pridley Street anc1 this property would abut the existing cul-de-sac
on Fric�ley Street anci the vacation of the 30 foot platted 67th Avenue.
Mr. Flora statea all the utility companies were contacted and Northern
States Paaer is requesting a five foot utility easement along tl�e south and
east property lines af Lot 1, Block 2 and they will then move their line to
that easement. Mr. Flora statecl the City would like a ten foot easement
alon9 the south and west boundaries to leave open the option of putting in
a water line irom Fridley Street to Anoka Street to provide a future loop
to that systan.
Mr. Flora stated the Planning Commission recommended approval of this
v�riance with st�pulations reqardinq the easements and the vacated portion
of the property be combined with Lot 1, Block 2, Oak Ridge Addition and
recorded with the County.
Mr. Curt Larson stated he is in the process of purchasing this property,
with the option that he can build on the lot.
No persons were present who circulated or signed the petition opposing the
MOTION by Councilman Schneider to close the public hearing. Seconded by
Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor I+iee declareci '
the motion carried unanxmously and the public hearing closed at 8:15 p.m.
MOTION by Councilman Schneider to waive the reading of the public hearing
notice and open the public hearing. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. Upon
a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried
unanimously and the public hearing opened at 8:16 p.m.
Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this is a petition to amend the
street zmprovement pro�ect ST 1984-1 to include 66th Avenue from the
cul-de-sac to P.rthur Street and Creek Park Lane from Central Avenue to
Arthur Street.
Mr. Flora indicated that the total estimated cost of this street
impr�vement is $276,894.
Mr. Flora stated the cost for Mr. Brickner's plat on 66th Avenue is
estimated at $4,477.43 per lot for the street and $720.00 per lot for the
storm sewer, the estimated cost per lot on Creek Park Lane is $5.468.OD for
the street and $720.00 for the storm sewer and the lots on Arthur Street
woulc7 �x:y orLly for the storm sewer at an estimated cost of $720.00 per lot.
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Mr. Flora statea the cost to f4r. Blombexg's plat oi� Crec-k Park Lane a5
estimated at $7,066.6$ per lot for street and $933.34 per lot L-or "tornz
Mr. Flora stated the costs for the proposeu park segment is estimated at
$24, 857.OQ for the street and the estimateci cost for the storm sewer is
$907.20 per lot. He stated the cost of the street surfacing zs to be
spreacl half to the south side and half tu the narth sic7e and the stc�rm
sewer will be assessed to the north side of the street, as a detention �nd
will be constructed in the proposed park area. Mr. Florz state� thE
estimated cost for the street surfacing �nd right-ai-way costs for the
proposed new building sites is $6,251.40 ger lot.
Councilman Schneider asked if any other praperties, besides i:he frve shown
on the map presented, and the ones in Mr. Brickner's and Mr, Blomberg's
plats, would receive any assessment for these im�rovements.
Mr. Flora stated no other properties woulcl receive an assessment, except
for the ones located in the two plats and the five properties shown on the
Mr. Brickner, 6249 Ben More Drive, stated he H�as or�ginally c�uotecl an
estimated cost of $147,000 for these improvements and he is now looking at
the cost of $281,000 for street, sewer, and water,
Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated the uifference is when the plat
was originally gresented, they were thinking ahout a cul-de-sac, but now
are looking at construction of 66th Avenue all �he way from Old �entral to
Arthur Street.
Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated the figures originally estimated were
also tiased on only 24 lots, not 29 lots. He stated dxainage costs were not
considered in the original estimate as well as the ca&t of construction of
the road to the west.
Mr. Erickner stated this development isn't feasible ior him at these costs
for the improvements,
Councilman Schneider stated it seems unfair, in his mind, for Mr, Brickner
to �y for the development of Mr. &lmnberg's Froperty if the extensaan of
the road to develop Mr. Blomberg's property is addir�g more costs to the
project. He stated it seems they have three different pro�ects; Mr.
Brickner's plat, Mr. Bl�nber9's plat, and the �rk prc7ect. He stated he
could see where the park project is part of- Mr. Brickner's respansi611ity,
but can't see where Mr. Brickner should Ixay for some of the cost to develop
M3r. Blombcrg's property. Mr. Qureshi stated the costs for h1r. Bl�mber�'s
lots are almost $2,000 higher than for Mr. Brickern's lots,
Mr. Joe Menth, 1388 66th Avenue, stated he has written a letter- ta Mayor
Nee and Councilman Schneider regarding thzs �ro�ect ana to make the Council
aware of his concerns and the imFact on his property.
Mr. Menth read the letter he had sent and reviewed his concerns.
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He stated his back y�xd would abut another street which would actually be a
liabllity to him, and pointed out the improvements made to the back of his
home which included extensive landscaping, a fountain, a raised garden, and
Z deck.
He statea he is concerned he may be assessed a large amount of money for a
street that may be a detriment to him and the developers stand to benef it
at his expense. Fle stated he would recommend the assessments to his
property be directec� to the developer. Mr. Menth stated the additional
financial burden created by the development would force him ta leave
because of the added assessments. �
MOTION by Councilman Schneider to receive the letter he has received from
Mr. Joe Menth. Seconded by Councilman Fitz�trick. Upon a voice vote, all
�oting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously.
Nlayor Nee stated he knows Mr. Menth's reaction to the plat relates to the
assessment so they probaLly should discuss �.t at this point even though
this isn't the assess[r�ent hearing.
Ms. Qureshi, City t�fanager, stated the Council has heard similar comments in
the past, however, people's econanic structure changes and they do wish to
split their property. He stated the Council has, in the past, alloweci
deferment af the assessment until the property is actually split. Mr.
Qureshi stated if this is Mi. B4enth's desire, he felt this coulol be done,
if the Council wished.
CourAcil�ran Fitz�trick stated what is actually being done is not deferring
the assessment, but simply deferring the payment with interest. Mr.
�ureshi stated an assessment would never be �id on this pro�rty unless it
is split.
Mr. Menth �sked how his taxes would be affected by being located across the
street frmr a�rk. f�r. �ureshi, City Manager, stated the value of his
property zs, basically, determined on the qt�ality of the structure and the ,
housing in the area.
Mr. T4enth asked if he could aet something in writing regarding deferment of
the assessment. Mr. 4ureshi stated when the Council approves the
assessment, a stxpulation could be made that the assessment be deferred
until ttae lot Ys split.
P1r. Myron Ostlund, 1400 66th Avenue, stated it would be a nice gesture to
have the assessnent on his lot deferred, as he doesn't have any current
plans to split his lot.
Mayor Nee stated he could voice his opinion as to whether or not he wanted
the assessment deferred at the time af the assessment hearing.
Mr. Ostl�nd stated his biggest concern this evemng was to fina out if the
road woulcl go on his lot.
Mr. Blamberg stated he wasn't really happ3 with the estimates presented,
but was not gregared at this point to give an answer whether he wished to
proceed. He stated he would like an opportunity to further revaew the
figures as he felt they were out of line.
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P9r. Roy DeMars, 1464 Mississippi Street, questior�ed sahat lots would be
Mr. Qureshi stated only the lots shown on the map would be assessed and
thes would be the lots in Mr. Erickner's ar,d Mr. Blombero's plats plus the
other five lots on 66th Avenue. Mr. Qureshi stated that H9r. DeMars
wouldn't be assessed for this improvement.
No other persons in the audience spoke regarcring this proposed impravement.
� MOTION by Councilman Schneider to continue the public heariny until the
next regular meeting. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice
vote, a7.1 voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously.
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MOTION by Councilman Schneider to waive the reading of the public hearing
notice and open the public hearing. Seconclea by CounciTman �Iarnernik. Upon
a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee dec7.arec± tYie motion carried
unanimously and the public hearing opened at 9:10 p.m.
Mr. Flora, Public N7orks Director, stated thts hearinq is for the water and
sanitary sewer portion of Mr. Brickner's and Mr. Blomberg's plats. f3e
stated the estimated wst of this improvement is $237,34�.
Nr. Flora stated the estimated cost far water and sewer laterals on 66th
Avenue 1s $4,834.58 per lot; the estimated cost cn Arthur Strect is
$4,296.00 per lot; and the estimated cosi� on Creek Park Lane for i�ir.
Brickner's portion is $5,428.00 per lot.
P4r. Flora stated the cost on Creek Park Lar.e for f�ir. Blomberc�'s plat is
$2,900 per lot for sewer lateral only on two of the lots in this �roposed
plat as they have previously been assessed for water latera]s. The
estimated cost for water and sewer laterals for the remainir�g lats is
$6,628.58 per Iot.
� Mr. Flora stated, in the proposed �rk se�ent, one-half of the cost of th�
water and sewer laterals will be assessed to the proposed �rk �roperty in
an estimatecl amount of $20,850.00 and, on the north side, the estimated
cost of water and sewer laterals is $4,170.1�0 per lot.
t9r. Flora stated ':he pro�ect calls for the extensian of sewer ur:�] water on
66th Avenue from the cul-de-sac to Arthur Street anc] on Creek Park Lar.e
from Old Central to Arthur Street completing a full waterloop.
Mayor P�ee stated he felt the developers would have to review these fiyures
to see if they wish to proceed with the develolanents.
No persons in the audience spoke regardiny this improvement.
N4TION by Councilman Schneider to continue the publtc hearing untii the
next regular meeting. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote,
all voting aye, Mayor Plee declared the motion carried unanimously.
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MOTION by Councilman Schneider to table this appointment to the Energy
Conanissian. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all
votinq aye, M�yor Nee declared the motion carned unanimausly.
Mayar Nee stated Iast week there was an amendment proposed to eliminate
"Commons Park" from this ordinance and the Council has received a memo from
the staff rec;arding why Comirons Park was retained in this ordinance.
Mayor Nee askec� if there was a motion to delete the amendment and include
Cammons Park ir� tl�is ordinance. There was no action by the City Council to
change their actior�from the last meeting.
MOTION by Counci�man Schneider to waive the reading and adopt Ordinance No.
811 on ttie second reading an order publicatzon. Seconded hy Councilman
Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion
carned unanimously.
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MOTION by Councilman Schneider to waive the reading and approve the
ordinance upon first reading. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a
votce vote, all voting aye, Mayor bjee declared the motion carried
MOTION by Councilman Schneider ta receive the minutes of the Charter
Conmussion Meeting of February 27, 1984. 5econded by Councilman Hamernik.
Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried
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MOTION by Councilman Hamernik to receive the bids for repair of Wells No. 6
and 8.
United Pacific
: �• �� •
St. Paul Fire/Marine
��i1�. _ i _ � • ':.
(Bids Continued)
Well #6
Sec. I
Sec. II
Sec. III
' �'1'AL
Well #S
Sec, I
Sec. II
Sec. III
4-6 weeks
4-6 weeks
- ��
PAGE 9 � '�'
tapril 4, 19II4
r7ay �, 19g4
April 4, 1984
May 4, 1984
* Bid price on new 1 1/2" new shaft and new 10" coliunn pipe.
Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, M�yor
Nee declared the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Flora, Public Works Directox, e�cplained that their bids included the
improvement for increasing the water production of these two wells. St was
planned that wath an expenditure of approxin�tely $55,000.00 the City wculd
effectively he placing another well on line.
� I�70TION by Councilman Hamernik to award t£�e contract for the repair and
modification of Wells No. 6 and 8 to the lrnv bidder, Layne Minnesota in the
amount of $13,701.50 for Well No. 6 and $14,131.00 fox Well No. 8.
Seconded by Councilman Fitzp�trick. Upon a voice vote, all vUting aye,
Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unaninausly,
MOTION by Councilman Hamernik to approve Change Qrder Na. 1 in t:he amount
of $4,047.50 with Layne Minnesota to increase the shaft and columr. pipe
sizes in Well No. 6 for a revised contract amount of $17,749.90 for Nie11
No. 6. Seconc7ed by Councilman Schneider. L1�wn a voice vote, all voting
aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously.
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Mr. Inman, City Clerk, stated this resolution is necessary to uccomplish
the appropriation chanqes and ad�ustments for the 1983 budget. Mr. Inman
then reviewed the changes covered under th�.s resoiution.
Ni0TI0I� by Councilman Schneider to aaopt Resolution No. 46-1984. Seconded
by Councilman flamerna.k. Lpon a voice vcte, aIl vating aye, �^ayor T1ee
declared the motion carried tananimously.
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MOTIG�N by Councilman Barnette to adopt Resolution No. 47-1984. Seconded by
Councilman 5chneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee
declared the motion carried unanimously.
MGTIQN by Councilman Fitzg�trick to adoPt Resolution No. 48-1984. Seconded
t�y Councilmari Schneider. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Nee
declared the motion carriec� unanimously.
13. CL�AIMS:
IyYJTION by Councilman Barnette to authorize payment of Claims AIO. 085F01
through 090Q05. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all
voting aye, Mayor Nee declared Ehe motinn carried unanimously.
N1�TION by Councilman Schneider to approve the licenses as sulanitted and as
on file zn the License Clerk's Office. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik.
Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried
MOTION by Councilman Fitzpstrick to approve the estimates as submitted.
Smith, JuSter, Feikena, D7aliron & Haskvitz
6401 Umversity Avenue N.E.
Fridley, MN 55432
For Legal Services RerKlered as Prosecutor
for L�ecember, 1983
Layne F4innesota Co.
3147 Califarnia Street N.E.
Minneapolis. MN 55418
FID7AL estimate - Well #11
E, A. Hickok & Associates
545 Indiart Mound
YJayzata, MN 55391
Moore Lake Momtoring Program
Pro£essional Services for N�arch 1984
$ 6,300.00
$ 644.25
Seconded Cy Councilman Schneider, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Niayor
Nee declared the motion carried unanimously.
PAGE 11 "�
MOTION by Councilman Schneider to adaourn the meet�ng Seconded 6y
Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee
declared the motion carried unanimously and the Regular P;eeting of
the Fridley City Council of April 2, 1984 ad�ourned at 9 25 p.m.
Respectfully su6mitted,
�� �'�
Carole Naddad
Secretary to the City Council
Approved Apr�l 16, 1984
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William Nee