05/21/1984 BOE - 00012268TEIE MINLTT'F's OF TElE L�RD OE REVIEW NI�F"i'TNG OF MAY 21 , 1 g$4
The Board Review Meeting of May 21, 1984 was calied to ordtr at 7:35 �a, m.
by Mayor Nee.
Mayor Nee led the Council and the audience ir, the Pledge of Allegi�nce ta
the Flag.
� NIEMBII25 PRFSFSTP: Mayor Nee, Council�ran Barnette, Councilm�n Schneieler
Councilman Hamernxk and Cawtcilman Fitz�tr�cY.
Mayor Nee stated the Council would conduct twa meetings thzs eveninr�, one
being the meeting of the Bo�rd of Review which is a procedure establishecl by
5tate law to review values placed on propertxes in the City, and the other
meeting is the regularly scheduled meeting uf the Counc�l.
Mr. Leon Madsen, City Assessor, introducer] Nir. Gordc�n Starkey and Mr, A1
Barck of the Anoka County Assessor's Offzce. �?r. Madsen stateu' th� City is
required to review at least 25� of the pro�rties in the City each year, He
stated the area reviewed this year was praperty frcxn I-694 south.
Mr. Madsen stated there has been no £ixecl set ai rutes applied this year, �s
the City has switched to a computerized appraasal s_�Stem, He st�ted the
computerized appraisals are seen in a sanesahat difier�-nt light �han in thE
psst. He stated there will be som� increases, as well as some decreases in
the value of properties, so it will not be strictly on u percentage basis.
Mr. Madsen stated the State law prescribes c:,e Citp be at 10�� oi m�rket
value. He stated it has been hard to do thi� because the crsteria they usc
in establishing the value xs due a year or nbre prior co the assessment. He
stated this year the City is at approximately 90.4� af market value basec on
� the County's last sales ratio study.
The follaaing persons appeared before the Cauncrl and raisec� ques��aras a�out
the values placed on their property:
61r. Ramesh Gupta, 5495 Danube Road, stated the market value uf :��.s hame
increased by $11,700. He stated he had finished his basement at z cost of
$9.100, but the value added for this fimshing was over $17,000. He stated
he questioned the difference in what he actually paicl for refinisl�inq hls
basement and the amount which was added to his market value.
P1r. Madsen stated the property is valued at $142,400 with $30,3QG in land
value and $112,1Q0 on the home. Mr. Madsen stated this is a spli� entiq
home with 1,645 scZuare feet on the ground levei, and l�st year's vaiu� was
$130,700. Mayor Nee stated this question un the value can be referrecl to
staff for further study, but it comes down tc a£inal analysis whether the
Assessor feels the home is worth $142,4�0.
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NIC�TION by Councilman Schneider to refer this iten to the Assessor's Offfice
for review and a report on June 4, ]984, Secanded by Councilman Barnette.
Upon a voice vote, all voting ape, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried
mr. Gary Boyex, 5589 6tYi Street, stated the value on his property went up
from $72,200 to $82,200 and he felt this was too high.
Mr. Nladsen stated the staff had attempted several times to obtain access to
this property to conduct an inspection, but to no avail. He stated there
was no response to the notices left or letters sent so an arbitrary �
valuatian was placed on the property because they were unable to inspect
this �roperty. Mayor Nee stated it would be a good idea to work out a time
when the assessor's Office could revzESa the property.
Mr. Medsen suggested Mr. Boyer call for a time that is convenient for them
to review the progerty.
F�IDTIOt1 bp Counciiman Fitz�trick to refer this item to the Assessor's Office
for rev�ew and a report on June 4, 1984. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik,
Upan a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried
Mr. Richard Schillinger, 240 Rice Creek Boulevard, had phoned the City
Assessor, Mlr. Madsen, and indicated he would be unable to attend this
meeting, but wanted it on record that he ob7ected to the value placed on his
Htr, Madsen stated thts pro�rty really does not have the access to the creek
because it l�as silted completely. He stated, in addition to this property,
there may be others with this same kind of problem and he would like to
treat all these praFerties the same,
MDT`IQN by Councilman Hamernik to refer this item to the Assessor's Office
for review and a report on June 4, 1984. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. ,
Upon a vaice vate, all voting aye, Mayor P1ee declared the motion carried
Prtr. A1vin Gi11, 1401 Kerry Circle, stated the value placed on his property
is $190,400 and the values glaced on the other seven homas on Kerry Circle
average $1Q6,243. He stated he couldn't see where his home should be valued
over $84,000 more than others on his street. He statecl he made a comparison
of comparable homes in the area and the highest value he �ound were
$143,OOQ. Mr. Gill stated there has L�een an 82� increase in the value since
Mr. Gill stated a hiqher �r square foot cost is used in evaluating split
le�vel ho:nes, k,ut the fact is that such a small portion of his home is, in
essence, split level that it doesn't seem fair to base it on the square
footage for a split level. He stated his logic is there isn't anyway he
could sell his home for more than $84,000 as compared with others in the
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Mr, Madsen stated there is quite a difference in d�he rate used far
appraising split level homes as opposed to ramblers. He stated, in the
past, the rate for a rambler was used and another figure added for split
factor, He stated by goinq through the computer s�stem, with�ut tryirdg ta
force figures, it becames distorted in the sys�em as you g�t into 1arc�er
Mr. Madsen stated they have not devisec� a system ta take care of this
paxtzcular problan, as the computer is programmed to assess splgt level
hwnes on a different basis.
� Mr. Madsen stated there have been sales iii the general aeea thaL �;auid
support the value placed on Mr. Gill's pro�erty.
Councilman Schneider stated he would be ir3tereste�' in cc,mparables if this
house was valued on the basis of a rambler �nstead oE a split level.
HYJTION by Councilman Schneider to refer tlzis item to the Assessor's Offic�
for revlew and a report on June 4, 1984 an comgarabLas for this year �nd
last year. Seconded by Councilman Hamermk. Upon a voice vote, all votzn�;
aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanirr�usl�.
Mt, Chatles Sitzan, 1360 Fireside Drive, stated he has a split entry home
and the value placed on it is $84,400. :Fe suated homes on his area r,ave
been selling at $69,0�0 and $74,000 v9nich are, more or Iess, comparable 'ea
his home. He stated he didn't believe his ham� wou].d sell For the value
placed on his property.
MOTION by Councilman Schneider to refer this item to the Assessor's Office
for review and a report on June 4, I984. Secon�ted by CouizcYlman
Fitzpattick. Upon a voice vate, all voting aye, Mayor Nee c�eclaree� the
motion carried unanimously.
Mrs. Judy Engebritson, 5216 Taylor Street, questioned what consicieration was
� given to the homes on Taylor Street due to the ex�anszon oi SkywaoclP4a�1 and
the fact that their vic�a is naa to look inta ma�ei r.ocros. She statecl this
expansion has had an impact on the value of the homes on her axea anrl a
neighbor couldn't sell his home $2,000 over the market value because ui the
e�ansion at Skywood Ma11.
Mrs, Engebritson stated the value on her property k-ent down ^a1,70D irom
$83,900 to $82,2Q0, however, others in the azea went down $3,000 to $5,000.
NIr. Madsen stated this property was always valued as abutting commercial
Mrs. Engebritson stated the property crvmers in the area are the ones wYao ure
taking a loss and they are not even able to sel"1 th�ir homes for market
MOTION by Counczlman Hamernik to refer this item to tl;e F�ssessor's Ofilce
for review and a report June 4, 1984. Seconded by Councilman Schneicier.
:• • •. • � . �. .
U�n a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried
P7r. Tim McCauley, 5234 Taylor Street, stated he has the same concerns as
t��irs, ES�gebritson and felt the motel being construated at Skywood Mall has
destroyed the market value af his house. He stated he actually had a$3,500
reduction in value, but people are unable to sell their homes in the area.
Mayor Alee stated if this is having a real impact, swne ad�ustrnents will have
to be made.
P"DTION by Councilman Hamernik to refer th15 ltem to the Assessor's Of£ice �
£or evaluation and a report on June 4, 1984. Seconded by Councilman
F'itzpstrick. Upon a voice vo�e, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the
motion carried unammausly.
Mr. Bertan Cross, 5801 2nd Street N.E., stated the value he questioned was
the amount of $6,400 placed on a 40 by 130 foot vacant lot whzch is not
buildable. He stated the lot doesn't even belong to him, but is his son's.
Mr. Madsen state� this �rticular lot is in the name of Berton and Robert
Cross. He stated Berton Cross owns an apartment building ad7acent to the
lot and they have always assuaned this 1ot was part of the apartment building
and the other two lats and it was valued accordingly.
M?'. Robert Cross indicated he ob�ected to the value placed on this lot.
MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to refer this iten to the Assessor's Office
far review ancl a report on June 4, 1984. Seconded by Counciiman Hamernik,
Upon a vaic�e vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried
Ntr. Don Cisar, 540 Cheri Circle, felt he should be given s�ne consideration
on his property because of the rioise an the area from the highway. He
stated the value this ye�r is $59,500 and last year it was $60,100 so it has �
gone dawn, however, he statec3 he is unable to have his windows open in the
swc¢��er due to traffxc noise. He asked for the same consideration as was
gxven the properties located acrass the street Prom his home.
Ni�TION by Councilman Hamermk to refer this item to the Assessor's Office
for review and a report on June 4, 1984. Seconded by Councilman Schneider.
Upon a voice vote, all votino aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried
Mrs. Heather Swanson, 73I 58th Avenue, stated she felt the value of $88,7p0
placed on their home was too hi9h. She stated this home was on the market
this year for $79,900 and was dropped to $75,000 and still didn't sell and
they decided to buy it fran hex p3rents for $7$,000. Mrs. Swanson stated
the Veterans Administration had an appraisal of $88,500, however, this
irrcluded a n�er of improvements to be made.
Mr. Madsen stated the home was inspected in 1981 and changes could have
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taken place since this time. He stated he wauld l�ke t-he opportunaty tu
again inspect this home.
MOTION by Councilman Hamernik to refer this it2m to the Assessor's Of£zce
for review and a report on June 4, 1984. Seconded by CounciYman Schne.�der,
Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared tl�e motian cryrried
Mr. Chris Zelevarov, 6477 Riverview Terrace, questioned the aalue placec� an
property he owns at 160 Mississippi Pl�ce. He stated it is valued at
$264,400 and felt it was too high and woGii� like it reviewed.
Mr. Madsen stated the Caunty does establish market values ivr aparunent
buildings on the structures and the City es�rtblishes the land value. He
stated the County Assessor has inspected tk]is proFerLy.
Mr. Starkey, representing the County Assessor's OPfice, stated there is one
four unit building that is brand new and anather. fout unit building or� the
property for a total of eight units. He stated he discussed this wiih the
owner and assumed he was in aqreement with the vaiue. He stated scame
consideration was given on one of the buxldings because it wasn't feElly
MOTION by Councilman Fitz�trick to record the protest by Mr. Zelcvarov.
Secor�ed by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all votiny aye, Mayor
Nee declared the motion carried unanimously,
C7r, Michael Soyer, 159 Longfellaa Street, statec� he felt the valixe of his
property was too high in light of the comn�crcia7 properLy an both sides of
his home. He stated the value went down $1,000 fxam h59,100 to $58,T00, but
properties ad7acent to him are not being maintained.
Mr. Boyer stated, as it stands now, the value is tc�o high; howeeec, xf ihe
commercial properties are cleaned up and maintained, he woulcl l�e satisifie�
with this value.
Mayor Nee stated staff woulc] check into having the cor�nercia] areas cleaned
Mr. Leonard Bensex, 154 Longfellaa Street, stated he hacl the same �r:Gl�lems
as Mr. Boyer. He submitted pkrotos and a aail :�ample from the commerciai
praperty, Mr. Benser stated he was satis�fied with the v�iue of his
property, if these areas are cleaned up,
Mr. Frank Job, 52D9 and 5250 Taylor Street, stated he has the same prol�lem
as the other residents in the area of Skywood I•7a].I wit�? the construction of
the motel faca.lity. He felt this creates a problem and decreases market
values in the area. He stated he had his hame for sale and r3xopped th�
price $10,000 and still couldn't sell it.
MOTION by Councilman Hamernik to refer this item to the Assessar's Otfice
for review and a report on June 4, 1984. Seconded by Councilman Barnette.
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Upon a vaice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the s�ation carried
Mr. M. Jaroslawski, 5201 Tayior Street, felt the neighborhood should have
some compensation in the future because of the motel construction at Skywood
E7ayor Nee questioned if he wished the City to reexamine the value of his
property. M'ir. Jaroslawski stated he is not complaining about the value, but
felt they shoulc7 be given some future consideration regarding their property
values because of the e3spansion of the ma11. '
MDTI(�N by Councilman Barnette to continue the Board of Review meeting to
June 4, 1984. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. ilpon a voice vote, all
voting aye, Niayor P7ee declared the motion carned unanimovsly and the Board
of Review Meeting of b'lay 21, 1984, ad7ourned at 9:25 p.m.
Respectfully suYxnitted, /��
�� �
Carole Haddad William J. e
Secretary to the City Council Mayor
Appraved: June 4, 1984