06/04/1984 BOE - 00012254�
I ���95
The meeting of the Board of Review, which t�as contxr_ued from P4ay 21, 1y84,
was called to order by Mayor I3ee at 7:40 p.m.
Mayor Nee led the Council and audience in the Pleo�e of Allegaanee tic tue
Mayor Nee, Councilman IIarnette, Couneglraan Schneider
Councilman Hamernik and Councilman FzLtipai,rick
h90TI0N by Councllman Schneider to approve the ninute� of the Board of ,eviev�
Meeting of May 21, 1984 as gresented. �eeonded U37 Gounc�.Lti2an Hamernilc.
Upon a voice votFl, all voting aye, Mayoa^ Nee declai^e1 thE �3ozion ozrr°ied
Mayor Nee stated this meeting had been canl;�nuea i"rom Nlay �'1 as �+uestions
were raised which required a report from the Assessoa�"s Office, iie stated,
after reviewing the report, he felL the Assassor's Cffiee did ati
exceptionally good job in review and co�parasons ui pr�perties oix wn�ch
questions liad been raised.
The Board of Review took action reSarding the f'ollowing properties:
Ramesh and Sashi Guota - 5495 West Danube ;toad:
Mr. Madsen, City Assessor, stated an appi^azsal z�ras �nade on this praperty and
comparisons made of four similar �roperties. P1r. P4adsen stated thE ev�nence
� of the comparables supports the value of ��742,400 placed on the propertp� aEici
would recosmend no change in the market v21ue. Mr. I�ladsen stated the owner
was notified of this reeommendation.
N,r, Gupta was not present to offer any comments rebarding the
MOTION by Councilman Schneider to sustaitz the oalue of W142,400 �laced on
this property ds recommended by the tlssessur's Office. Secondes by
Councilman Barnette. Upon a voic� vote, a�? voting aye, Mayor Nee declarecl
the motion carried unanimously.
Garv and Wanda Bover - 5589 6th Street:
Mr. Madsen, City Assessor, stated this property was one where they coulcn"t
gain admittance and an arbitrary appraisal was dorse on it. I�e stated, after
the May 21 mEeting, they were able to oUcain access to tne property and
found a number af improvements, but these stzll wouldn'c Lnerease the vaiue
up to $62,200.
Mr. Madsen stated a change, therefore, is recomn;cnded ln this valce to
reduce it by $4,300 from $82,20D to $77,g00.
MOTIO[S by Couneilman Fitzpatriek to susta�zs Che reduction zn value c�i' +;his
property at 5589 6th Street and reduce i�: by w4,�00 from ;$82,200 t.0 ;,�7,)00.
Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a vo2ee vote, a11 voting aye, �iayor
Nee declared the motion carried unanimously.
Richard and Severlv Sehillin�er - 240 Rice Creek Boulevard:
246 � 240 Rice Creek Boulevard:
Mr. PRadsen, City Asses�or, stated a review was made of this praperty and it
was found t6at the creek Coesn"t flow t+y this property. He stated there
isn�t any vrater at all between Lhe property and what had been an island
k*hich is now low, wet land. He stated he didn't feel this should be
considered a creek lot at this time.
h2r. lyadsen stated the two properties immediately io the north of this �
property at 236 and 230 Rice Creek Boulevard also have the same problem and
felt their value should be reduced since they wouldn�t be considered creek
Plone of the owners of these three properties were present at this meeting.
MOTIGN by Cauneilman Hamernik to concur with the recommendation of the
Assessor's Office to reduce the values of the properties at 240, 236, and
23D Rice Creek Boulevard as follows:
240 Rice Creek Boulevard - reduce value from $13�+,600 to $127,000
236 P,ice Creek Daulevard - reduce value from $174,900 to $106,600
23U Rice Creek F3oulevarcl - reduce value from $ 87,6Q0 to $80,400
Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye,
Nayar Nee deelared the mation carried unanimously.
�llvin R. and P9arv J. Gill - 1401 Kerrv Circle:
Nfr. !�fadsen, Citiy Fssessor, stated in reviewing this property, it was
approached zr� two different directions. He stated comparisons were made of
similar properties irt the area and the value of $190,400 cou3d be supported.
Hov�ever, because the current method of valuation unequally values split
level homes r,�hEn they apgroach the 2,000 square feet area, some work has �
been done over the last few weeks t� coi^rect this inequzty and, using this
seans, caould recammertd the value he reduced from $190,400 to �5175,50D.
Mr. & Mrs. G�11 were preser�t zt the meeting and indicated the}� had no
ob,�ectian to the value of �175,500.
P40TION by Councilman Sehueider to coneur with the recommendation of the
Assessor's Off�ce to reduce the value an the property ai 1401 Kerry Circle
from p1g0,40Q to �175,50Q. Seconded by Councilman Fiarnette. Upon a voice
vote, a11 voLin� aye, Naycr Nee deelared the motion carried unanimously.
Char7es A. Bitcan -��t0 Fireside Drive_
Mlr. Nadsen, City Assessor, stated this property was reviewed and it was
found there were a number of items in the home that weren't aetually
completed. He also statecl the house is a split entry, but the basement is
not a typteal split foyer in that the grade slopes up to the rear, and the
rear basement windows are s�a11.
Mr. Madser stated he would recommend a reduction in value by $2,500 from
$84,460 Lo :�F,1„906.
MOT70[Q by Cour�cilman Schneider to concur with the recommendation of the
Assessor's Offzce to reduce the value �f the property at 1360 Fireside Drive
by 9�2,500 from $84,40� to ."�81,900. Seconded by Couneilman Barnette. Upon a �
va�ce vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee deelared the motion carried
Aaron and Judith Enzebretson - 5216 Tavlor Street:
.i � �
Mr. Pladsen, City Assessnr, stated this home >.s a fairly Lypical s�izt entry
design and, basically, felt the home or ne�ghbornood hac:n't ehar.ged sinca
last fall.
He stated there were three sales in the ne�gl�borhood ;;fsat u*oixld sup�ort the
value of $82,�00.
He stated the owner of this property, as w�11 a� the properties ut 52�4 und
5250 Taylor Street, had brought up the quest:r�n of tn�e ilote2 �nd ha�,� a,hzs
has affected the value of their homes.
hir. Madsen stated he feit it was too earl�r to tell wlaat aifeet the motel
would have ot� these prc�;rties.
Mrs. Engebret�on stated her home is smaller t1�an the 1?ome ac 5c^3;� Tay-:iat�
Street and yet has a higher value. Mr, I��iudsen sLated the hor�e at S?_34
Taylor is a rambler and P?rs. Engebretson's l�ome is a sp1rL eucry mi�7leh is
more practically developed into 1ega1 livang egace and i:as a hi6her caluc
whieh is something proven in the market.
Nlrs. rngebretson stated she rtauld disagree as �he felt older �eople aao��ld
tend to shy away form the steps in a split enLry hon�e.
P4r. Madsen stated the elosest comparable home �_s one located down the sLreet,
from tYris property and is also a split entrg anct reeenUly solcl for yj3,500
and has a value af $g2,gD0 on the propert,y.
Mayor Nee stated the County Assessor'� Offiee coula rev�ewt her �r�perr.y if
she felt she wasn't satisifed witYi the City's vaJue.
P4r, Madsen stated it would be necessary foi� chcm La f'i1e a reGuest for th�
County to teview the property.
MOTTOtv by Councilman Hamernik to concur with the reoo�nr�ei2datxcn aa the CiLy
Assessor'� Offiee and sustain the value placed on t1�is praperty at 5�16
Taylor Street at $82,000. Seconded by Couneil�azi Fit2patriek, Upon a voice
vote, all voting aye, hlayor Nee declared the motaon oarried unam mousl3r.
Timothv and t�larv Jo MeCaulev - 524u Tavlor Sa`,reez:
hir, Madsen, City Assessor, stated this property was rev�.ewec lool�ing aL the
physical aspects and the neighborhood situatsot2, He sfaLed, as far as th�
neighborhood is coneerned, he would Feel the s�me way as txpressed for the
property at 5216 Taylor Street and would recor��rnend no chan�e in the valve r,F
hir. MeCauley stated if the comparisons were mzde wzUh other homes that htve
a motel in their back yard, theu he would support the value. He scated,
however, he agrees they can�t really tell che irnPact of the motel at �his
time, but his coneern is several hoc�es o❑ il�e block that have been for sale
have not sald.
Councilmar. Hamernik questioned how the homes that border Iicily Center were
appraiseci as eompared to this area. MIr. Macisen statea aUout the sarcie Lyne
of evaluatioi� was done for both of these ae°eas :tart;rig from a base f�r tr,e
land and take into eonsideraion some effeets Yhat, do Icnow nave an luipacr, on
rnarket value.
- 3-
_q �� � p
�OTION by Counellman Hamernik ta cancur with the recommendat�on of the
Assesscr's Office and recommen� no charge in the value of the property at
5r3� Saylor Stx�eet. Seconded by Couneilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote,
a11 v�tzrtg aye, Mayor Nea declareci the motion earriEd unanimously.
Rerton N. Cross and Robert M, Cross - Lot 18. Block 2�. Hvde Park:
Mr. Madsen, City Assessor, stated they reviewed this property and have
consiclered 21l three lots as one parcel at least until there is some change
�n ownershzp.
MOTSON 6y Councilraan Fitzpatrick to coi�tur with the recommendation of ihe
Assessor's Gffice that there be no change in the value of $6,4D0 placed on
i.iiis lot. Seconded by Cauncilnan Schr,elder. Upon a voice vote, all vottng
aye, Mayor Nee declared the noiion carraed unanimously.
Donalcl F. Cisar�._-�40 Chera Circle�
Mr. Madsen, City Assessor, stated this property was reviewec3 and a decibel
reading taken to check noise levels. He stated prc,perties of similar value
and an ihe neighbonc�,od were also compared.
Mr. P4adsen stated, basPd on sales information and noase level readin�s, the
Assessnr's OFfice wouZd recommend no ehange in the ealue placed or. this
MOTION by Caunr,ilL�an Hamernik ta eoncur with the reeommendation of the
Assessor's �JJ'iiee and make no change in the value placed on this property at
54� Cher� Circle. Seconded by Couneilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all
vct�n� aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carraed unanimously.
Carl �:ne Dolores Larson (Heather Swanson} _ 7�5 58th Avenue:
Nr, Madsen, City Assessor, stated a review was made of this property and
Lhere are a number of items �n need of improvement in order to bring ttie
property up to it:, fu11 r�ierket potential. He stated, therefore, a reduction
af �5,900 is reccmmended from $8n,700 to $82,800.
P40TI0[� by CGUi�cilrnan Hamernik to concur with the recommendation of the
�ssessor's Gffice to reduce the vzlue of this property at 735 58th Avenue by
�r5,9L�0 from �88,700 to �;B2,SQD. Secondecl by Couneilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a
voiee ��ote, all votxng aye, r5ayor Nee declared the motion carried
Chras �ielevarov - 160 P7ississ3ppi Place:
f1r. Madsen, City Assessor, sT,ated this item was referred to the County
Assesscr's Of�'ice for their review of the property and they recommended no
et�ange i¢� ttae value.
MOTSON by Councilman Fitzpatriek to sustain the �a1ue placed on this
property at 166 Mzssissippi PlacP, Seconded by Councilman Hamernik, Upon a
vaice vote, all voting zye, l�9ayor Nee declared the motion carried
P4iehael Bover - 159 Lon�fellow:
t?r, lwadsere, Csty assessor, stated the concern of this property ewner was the
oor�ciitian of the industrial area ad�acent to his property and this has been
ref'erred to the Public Works Department,
N!OTION by Couneiiman Fitzpatrick. to sustain the value placed on the property
� � M ���
at 159 Longfellow. Seconded by Couneilma❑ �arnette. UpUn a vozce vote, a31
voting aye, Nlayor Nee deelared the motion carried unanzraausly.
Leonard Benser - 154 Lonefellow:
hlr. Madsen, Gity Asse�sar, stated the coneern oi 1;Y;1: pro�erty owner c�as tbe
same as h�r. Bayer's at 159 Lortgfellow regar�irig the %ndustrial property.
MOTIOh� by Couneilman Fitzpatrick to susta�r� t7ie valcr� pl�ced an the properi.y
at 1514 Lor�fellow. Seconded by Couneilmae Schnez�ler. IIpon a vaice vote,
� all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motio.� carriea unammously.
j�jilllam and Gloria Job - 5250 Tavlor Street:
Mr. Madsen, City Assessor, stated theg r�rrre not able to ga�n zceess tio
review the Znside of this praperty, Yiowevei^„ com�arisUr�s were madc o: three
other homes �n the area. He stated he would recomwet<d che vaiue of ;1D%,50D
be sustained.
Mr. Francis Job statec� his brother owns Lhas propertiy ard he �s uvw aut of
the cauntry,
MOTIOIv' by Councilman I3amernik to coneur witn the recomrnendatior� af the
Assessor's Offlce and make no change in 1,}�c v�1ue of $10(,500 p�aced on c;��s
prc�Perty at 5250 Taylor Street. Seconded Uy Couucilzaan F'itzpatr�cic. UFoi� a
voiee vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee deelareQ the mot�on carrsec�
Francis and Ann Job - S2p9 Tavlor Street:
Mr. Madsen, CiL'y Assessot', stateci this pro�ert; F;as r•eviewecl and � t Nras
founcl there were sorr�e lmpruvements in t,he basement sinae the lhst
inspeetion, He stated they would not narmally piclt-up LY�is amproveneni;
until tYre City's next scheduled ix�speccion uihich wvuld Ue it� 1y�iu,
therefore, the value is understateci as the Yiouse noia stanus. Nla^, t�iadsea
� Stated they would recommend the value of y>103,40G pla�ed on the Z�,�c,gerty be
l�r. Job stated if he ean�t sell it For mark2t vait�e, cbvlousi;�, �i isii'�
worth that niueh. He stated he had this home up fc,r sale and hacl ta cla�op tne
price 410,OG0 down to ^y�97,000 anci he would i?_nance 31: �,L 8� interest ada�
still could not find any buyers.
Mayor Nee felti perhaps the Cbunty shoulc� i°eJ�ew� ihis praper�}� ior axi
Covncilman L�arrFette thou�ht all the property o�rners on Tayloi Street :na;;
vrant a review of thEir property by the Couei:r.
N?r. Starkey of the County Pssessor's Gffiee �taL'eci af z3; k+as reviewed by che
County, they wculd either recommenci no chari�e. a decrease, or passi�ly zn
inerease. IIe stated if the property owners *,rlshed co pr�ceed 40 l�ave tr,e
County r�eview their propet^t�e�, it would Lc- necessary to subiait a letter
stating they disagreed with the vaiue placec� w� the prorerty.
Councilman Hamernik stated he didn't f'eel they ooulcn deu] 2ny dif'a'erentily
with t.his property than any of tYae others o�i Tay)or StireEt. IIe ielt if tk7e
prcperty owners still had coneerra, they eeui_d �aE:e v�easki•es f:o have a i�eaieti�
by the County.
� NSOTIOI+J bq CouncilnYan Hamern�k t� sustaii� 9;he recomensnr;atiiot! oi the
Assessor's Office and recommend no change ln ihe vulue of $103,�+00 placec on
th�s pro�ierty at 5209 Tay]or Street. See�nced bp Couneilr�an Barnette.
Upon a voice vote, all vot�ng aye, Mayor blee deelared the motlan carrled
Mayor Nee felt it should be rnade a �ratter of record that soa�e pro�,erty
owners on Taylor Street did not agree wiL-h the values placed on their
praperti�s and thelr rights were protecCed in order for them tu appeal to
f,he Gounty.
I�iOTIGDI by Cour.cilrn2n Parnette to ad�ourrt the meeting of the Board of Review.
Seccdned by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Ldpon a voice vote, all voting aye,
Niayor Nee declared the motio�a carried unanimously and the Soard of Review
Nieeting of June 4, 1984 ad�aurned at II:,O p.m.
Respect:ully submitted,
Car��id ������
Eeoor•din� Secretary
kpproved: June 18,_1984
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