12/17/1984 - 00012071� �� ,� • • or,�_.. ui . • � •_ �_� �� 1� _ � � « ur .' The P.egular meeting of the Fridley City Council was called to order at 7:40 p. m. by Mayar Nee. � �.� • � a Mayor Nee led the Cauncil and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Fl ag. ROLL CALS,: � MEN,�F.�tS PkFSENT: Mayor 1`dee, Councilman Barnette, Councilman Schneider, Councilman H�nernik and Councilman Fitz�trick P4ENBEF2S ASSFNT: None �� �� i�iL iR i T a7 u�i I � TY �� A COTJNCIL MEE7'ING, DECENBER 3. 1984: NI�TION by Councilman Barnette to approve the minutes as presented. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee c�clared the motion carried unanimously. P,DOPTTON OF AGEI�II3A: Co�cilman H�nernik re�uested an iten be added: "Discussion on Speed Limit on Osborne Road". NDTTOIv by Counciin�an Schneider to adopt the agenda with the above addition. Seconded by Councilman Fitzp�trick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Nk7yor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. OPEN FORUM, VISTTORS: � There was no resp�nse fran the audience under this iten of business. QL➢ BUSINESS 1. (pNSIDERATION OF REOUEST BY KIM L. OLSON, NORTH STAR VIDEO REGARDING SIGN (FROM 12/3/84)• Mayor Dlee statec� this itan came before the Council because a question was raised on the valiclity o£ the ordinance. He stated, under normal circ�anstances, the item would come before the Council in the form of a varian� request, He statea an opi.nion was requested fran the City Attorney which the Council ncw�r has before then. Plr. Olson stated he is the sole aaner and proprietor of North Star Video in P1oon Plaza and has leased s�ce pre✓iausly occupieci by SOS Office Fqutpnent. He stated he felt the sign, which was used by SOS, could be -1- i� y ui a�_ �•�« ur • _� rertorded sinoe his business is different that the prc,ducts marketed bp SOS OPfice FYluignent. He stated no other changes woulc7 be made in the sign other than to have the wording changed. Mr. Olson stated when he oontactecl the sign wrn�riy for this to be reworclea, he was advised the sign was norrconforminy sicyz and apprwal was ne�ed frrn� the City. Mr. Olson stated he has invested everything in th;.s business and it is critical to have the sign reworded and this rnisunderstanding cleared up. Councilman Barnette asked if there was any mention of the sign at all when he leased this building s�ce. P1x. Qlson ;;tated the landlorc3 suggested he talk to the aaners of SQS OfYice Equipnent regarding the sic�n. He further stated the first time the aaner of the center saw the siyn plan he didn't recognize it as sanething he had sent out. He stzted he was told by the manager of Moon Plaza that he could use rhe sign, P7ayor Nee stated the question is whether or not the use of the sign is subject to a varianoe. Mr. Harrick, City Attorney, stated he concurs with the Assistant City Attorney's opinion and any disagreenents woul.d probably be between the O�uncil and owner of the shopping center rather than with Ns. Olson. He stated the aaner of the center agreed to a sign plan anu it is correcL to assune that when there is a change in tenar_t, the City shoul� reasonably expect tite aaner to corsEorm to his plan, rather than a remodiflcation or reuse of the existing si�. He stated it was their a�nion tliat, while ii is probably true that changing the messzge on a siyn would be permitcea under a norrcoxrEorming use, it is the shopping center aaner's ablxgation to change the sign and bring it into conEormity with the sign plar be suYxnitted to the City. He stated it is hoped there might be smie reasonable interim settlement so � that Nir. Olson isn't put out of business while the issue is heing resolved between the City aru� the owner of the shopping center. Cnuncilman Hamernik asked the cost of doing a tace l�ft on the sign. I�1r. Olson felt it would probably be about $1,OOG. i��r. Glson sLateG he purchased the sig� fran the previous tenant, SOS OPi2rz Fk�u7.�ierit. Councilman Barnette asked if the si� ooul� be changed with a stipul�tion that N3r. Olson nzust conle into oo�nplianoe with the siyn plan of Lhe cen�_c�a� within a certain amount of time. t9r. Hernck s�atec� this would be zn cl�!e power cf the Council. Mr. Herrick stated he didn't believe a vzri�_r.� was rec�uired because the size and sha� of tlze szgn are not beinc� changed, only the rnessage. He stated his con�rn is not with changing the nessage, buc i rrn1 tne standpoint of interpreting che orali,�r_oe because of tYie s�yn plan agreEmeiiL the City has with the aaner oi the shopping center. Piayor Nee stated he felt the ordinance needecl clarificatlon as he didn't -2- � -���;�, r � �:� s�� �� i • � M� i: • � : , kriow how the agreenent coulc7 be errEorced the way it is now written, Mr. Herrick stated possibly the ordinance needs some clarification to specifically state when there is a non-conforming use and a change ot ownersYiip or a change in the type of business being conducted, the corrEorming use w�7.1 cease. He felt when the City enters into an agreement, there has to be sane length of time stated when there would be a oonversion. Mr. Herrick stated to sett-1e this situation, Mr. Olson could be allowed to use the sign for a�eriod of time and, in return, he or the owner would agree to bring the siyn into oor�ormance within a oertain specif ied period af time. Mr. Olson stated when he applied for a five year loan to open this busines�, the sign was �rk of the plan shaan to the loan company and felt he wouldn't want to make any changes before this five year period. Mr. Gus Doty asked in what way the present si� was in violation of the sign orcltinance. blayor Nee stated it was too large. Mr. Herrick stated the question is whether the grandfathered prw ision ceases when you have a new aaner, new type of business, and nEta message on the si�. Mr. Olson stated he understands the aqreanent exists between the aaner of the shopping center and the Citp, but didn't have ariything to do with him. r1r. Herrick stated it has everything to do with him as long as he is a tenant in the center. Mr. Herrick felt the owner or a representative for the shopping center should come in and let their intentions be knaan regarding their agreement to the sign plan and when they intend to put it into effect. Councilman H�nernik stated he woulch�'t be comfortable with allaaing Mr. Olson to use the sign for ariy period over two years. He felt to allaa the existing sign to wntinue for another five years is �ust making a mockery oY trie sign ordinanoe. Mr. Olson stated he didn't feel five years would be an unreasonable length of time. Councilman Hamernik stated if D7r. Olson was uncomfortable with a two year time period, hE would then recornmend this it�n he tabled until staff has a � chance to cliscuss the matter with the shopping ce�rter aaner. NDTIDPd by Councilman H�nernik to table this iten to the next regular meeting for a re�.rort fran staff. Seconded by Councilman Fitzgztrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting ape, Mayor rlee declared the motion carried unanimously. NDTION by Councilman Schneider to roquest staff to rEVi�a the current sign ordinanc�, specifically norrcoriEorm�.ng uses and change in messages, and to s�ake recommendations what can be done to enforce siqn plans f rom the shopping centers and to provide a check list on what has to be done. Secanded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee �eclared the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Olson stated he dict�i't realize a vote had been taken to table and would like to oonsider the two year time limit. Mayor Nee suggested he bring up this itan �ter the� have f inished with the other agenda. Txaard the end of the meet�.ng this iten was discussed further: -3- �� LJ N�\ UI_�_\. • �71._41:�.� _ 7� NDTION by Cnuncilman Barnette to renove this it�n fran the table. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, r'iayor Nee declared the motion carriecl unammously. Nrr. Olson stated he agreed with the two year time limit in orc3er to bring the sign inte c�aplianae with the code. NDTION by Gouncilman Hamernik to allow P�r. Olson to maintain the present sign size for a period not to exceed two years (3anuaxy 1, 1987), or if he is no longer in business be£ore this tune, the permission to maintain that sicyi would be terminated. Seconded ty Councilman Barnette. Upon a voace � vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 2. RESOLUTION N0. 136-1984 TO APPRWE SUBDIVTSION, LOT SPLIT. LS #84-02. 7922 RANCHER' S ROAD N. E. , BY GERAI,L) PAS(�IKE ( TABLID 4/16/841 : Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this resolution is necessary in order for a lot split to be recorded which was approved by the Council on April 16, 1984. Mr. Flora stated indirectly as:ociated with this actzon is a bill for $330 for cleaning the sanitary manholes at 7820 University and 8010 Rancher's Road. Mr. Flora stated there was also a stipulatiari made by Council for an agreenent to be recorded at the County to allaw tenants of Lot 1, Block 2, East Ranch Estates to use gzrking facilities of Lots 4 through 8, Block 3, University Industrial Park and vice versa. He stated the City has a co�y of the agxeanent, Lut it has not been filed witka the Caunty. NDTION by Councilman H�nernik to adopt Resolutior No. 136-I984. Seconde� t� Gouncilman Barnette. [�r. Herrick, City Attorney, stated he would contact Ntr. Paschke's attorney for the original oop� of this agreement so the city could process it for recording. Mr. Flora stated in orcier to pravide f-or adequate �rking, it is dependent on the recording of this agreanent. � Tt was the concensus of Council if the cost for cleanin� the sanitary manholes was not p�id, it would t�e assessetl. U1�N A VOI� VOTE TAI�I ON `IIiE ABWE NDTION� all votec� aye, and Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unammously. l�Iy�di7ib��L�Y� •• • •� �•�• � •• _�i _ «_ � _ • � i � � � •;���u�?�� � y : � Mr. Lloyd Lund, Deputy Director of the Etnergency Sexvices Divi�i�n for the Nlinnesota Dep�rUnent of Public Safety and h�r. �lan Alwrn, Hazardous [�iaterial 5pecialist, preserited information regarding the hazardous materials response team, Mr. Lund stated the State has tried to imprwe their caps6ilities for handling hazarci�us waste incidents and, in 1982, an executive order was issued for the Dep3rtrnent of Public Safety to coorainate with other State -4- C� � �>, � -� ��� •�,y ui • � « ui: • • ; , aaencies in order to better respond to emergencies irivalving hazardous waste materiels, Mr. Lund stated a great deal of traimng has been done in this area and, in 1984, the Legislature authorized a program for a State hazardous waste materials van to help local governments. He stated the Departrnent of Agnculture, Fbllution Control Agency, and the Dep�rtrnent of Transportation have trained personnel and equignerit in the event they are called upon to give assistance in a hazardous waste acciderit. Mr. Lund stated Mr. Alcorn would er.plain the procedures and what was available. Mr. Alo�rn stated, to imgl anent the h�cardous materials response team, there are two cars with the Department of Tran�portation, one car with tne De�rtrnent cf Agriculture and on� car in the Pollution Control Agency to respond to hazardous waste incidents. He stated the van would contain sophisticated equipnent to support local �urisdictions in the event of a hazardous waste energency. Mr. Alcorn stated 22 persons went through their tra�.ning progran and out of these, 15 will be members of a response team. He stated the other seven persons would 6e based in the State cars. Mr. Aloorn stated PncU.ey had a meriber of the Fire Department participate in this traamtag. Mr. Alcorn stated they are here this evening to obtain support and commitment fram local 7urisdictions to permit the persons trained in hazarcious waste procedures to be orrcall as a menber of the hazardous waste response team. He stated this is a pilot program only and they would be asked to atterid quarterly drills and safety meetings, Mr. Alcorn stated a bill w�.11 be presented to the Legislature to permit the IInergency Seivi�s Division of the Departrnent of Public Safety to recover ariy costs incurred for handling any ha�ardous waste spills or accidents. He stated, as oi now, a person would be otrcall approxunately on� every seven weeks and the van would be placed on the prenises wnen this person is ort-call. He stated they would also like permission for this person to go outside their �urisdictional Lroundaries. Councilman Schneider asked what type of help they coula lend to the City. Mr. Alcorn �tated persons are prwided with the expertise to assist local jurisctictions in malciny decisions. He stated in Fridley, there is a very well-established hazardous material handl�.ng progr�n in the Fire De�rtinent. He stated the reason for the whole effoxt ie a lot of communities in the metropolitan area do not have the necessary equipment to respond to hazarclaus matenels acciclents. Qouncilman Schneider asked if the Ci.ty has an evacuation plan. Mr. Robert Aldrich, Fire Chief, stated it is almost impossible to set up an evacuation gl.an because there are so many variables. He stated you really need to analyze an incident based on the �acts at that time. Mr. Aldrich stated they� are trying to get the sirens set up so they can be activated independently in the event only a certain section of the City needed to he evacuated. Mr. Lund stated it is felt the van would also be a -5- � r� i �J � •��1� _ VI�I� � � M_yl: • good training tool to familiarize personnel on the equipment used in hanclling hazarcbus waste emergencies. Councilman Schneider asked if there was an accident on the railroad if the City would know what is in the yard or the contents of the rars. Mr. Aldrich stated there is a daciunent on the train that identifies every car and what it contains, Those that have hazardous materials have to be specially marked, and the railroacl knaas wnat is in every car, Mr. Hill, Public Safety Director, stated the Fire De�rtment has acoepted the responsibility for hazarcious ,naterials work. He felt the specially equipped van would prwicse a la�ck-up for the City. Alr. � Aldrich stated Haaard Svnonson �rtici�xtecl in this hazardous waste tr«imng and, essentially, he is given the training as a trade-off to use his sexvices if and when he is needed as a manber of triis response team. Councilman Hamerruk asked how many weeks out of tYie year this individual would be orrcall. Mr. Aloorn stated about once evexy seven weeks. rir. Lund stated they do intend to train more �ersonnel and the frequency ior thsn to be orrcall would become less. Mayor Nee thanked Mr. Lund and Mr. Alcorn for their presentatiori and information on the response team. � i •tu� • ��• _.�•'��u� � Y4: Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated this informal hearing was callea tc obtain the feelings of the property aaners regarding the improvenent of 5th Street between 61st and 63rd Avenues. Mr. Qureshi stated the road was constructed in 1961 and is showing sone signs of deterioration and felt it would be prudent to make unprwanents and save the irivestrnent in the road. He statecl some State A�.d Funds would ba available to finance this imprwanerit. He stated it is proposecl to use the existing base and mat and to add concrete curbing on each sicae and a � sid2walk on the east side between 61st and 63rd Auenues. He stated tliere is st�ficient right of-way to make this imprwenent. Mr. Qureshi stated the cost of the imprwenent is estimated at $60 a foot and would sugqest the property aaners �y only the cost of the curbing and the balanoe would come fran State Aid funds. He state� this wauld make the assessnent to the property aaners less than $15 a foot. Mr. Bill Suns, 6281 5th Street, asked if the east side of the stxeet would be widened. Mr, Qureshi stated the street would be widened more to the west than the east. He stated the improvements would be made within the right-of-way which naa exists. Mr. Sims asked about the financing. P9r. �ureshi atated it could be f u-iance� over a ten year period at an interest rate of about 9 1/2�. Mr. Henry Koester, 6141 5th Street, asked who would naintain the sidewalks. Mr. Qureshi stated the present City policy is the City would maintain the sidewalks. � d _ �� � � ,'1 �__+' •Y J� I �. �_ � �I SL� _.S _ � : � Mr. Koester pointed out he has tree roots in his sewer line and is on the list to have the line replaced. Mr. Qureshi stated this item would be checked before the unprwenent is ci�ne and xf it is in the City's right-of- vray, it would be oorrected. Mr. Gus Doty stated he was representing the awners of four of the properties on 5th Street. He asked if the plan was for 5th Street to be widened to serve as a main oorric�r for tr�fic fran the new Target offioe builciing. Mr. Qureshi stated the street would be widened to the west, but within the City's nght af-rray and no addLtional property is planned to be taken frczn the property aaners. Mr. Doty asked if the� intended to match up 5th Street both north and south of 63rd Avent�. Mr. Qureshi stated that is the intent if there is enough right cf-way available. Mr. Doty asked if 5th Street would be double lanes both ways. Mr. Qureshi stated it would be single lane traffic with s�ce for xarking on bath sides. Nir. Szms asked haa soon oonstruction would begin. Mr. Qureshi stated it is hoped to begin �nstruction the beginm.ng of b7ay and lt would be completed in about three months. Mayor Nee statea a public hearing would be held before proceeding with the unpravenent. Mr. Koester stated one of the reasons the street deteriorated in the last few years was because of the heavy truck traffic when the medical center was built, He felt �ossibly the Ca.ty should pick up more than 75� of the cost since he felt it was the trucks that led to the detetioration of the street. Mayor Nee stated more details on financing would be given at the public hearing arid Nir. Koester cou7.d bring up this iten at that time. /! � _ �!._il' • • � •V�_. •� • �• �: � .., � � '� • • � :� • � i�� • • • 1 •���, •.�' � • I �_ Mr. Flora, Public Worlss Director, statec] this is a request for a special use permit to allaa an addition to the east portion of Unity Hospital's oomglex. Mr. Flora stated, if this speci�l use permit is approved, staff would recommend that Madison Street be widened all the way to the emergency entrance, N�r. Flora stated the Planninq Commission recommended approval of this special use perrnit with the stipulations that the g�rking lot expansion on the west enc� of the property be wmgleted with related stipulations by August 31, 1985; hospital will take necessary steps to ensure adequate parkxng during construction; additional landscaping to be provided on Madison Street; a$10,000 performanoe bond be prwided; and Madison Street Ce widened to the ambulance entranoe. Nlr. Flora state� the hospital staff did not ob�ect to the suggestion to widen I�7adison Street to prw ide a hetter -7- � �� ��i _ 41_ � � yM..�4��..� . acoess into the facility, Councilman Hamernik stated it appears the tindemng of P7adison Street would be a siqnificant expenditure. P7r. Flora stated this isri't a substantial �st in relation to the oost of the additior., Ni�TION by Councilman H�nerni.k to ap�we special use permit SP�84-22 with the follaaing stipulations: (1) �arking lot expansion on the west end of the property to be oampleted with relatecl stipulations by August 31, 1985; (2} hospital will take the necessaty steps to ensure aclequate �rking during construction, i.e. reallocation of sFaces; (3} adc3�.Lional landscaping to be prwided on Madison Street; (4) prwide the City with a$1000 performance bond; and (5) the City recommends Madison Street be wiaened ta the ambulance entrance. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. U�ron a v�ice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 5B. CONSIDERATION OF VACATION OF PAE2T OF 67TH AVENUE. SAV #84-06. AT 6689 ANOKA S'TREET N. E. BY PATRICIA AND MARY KUTA: NDTION by Councilman Schneider to set the public hearing on this vacation req�st for Januaxy 7, 1985. Secorx]ed bp Cr�uncilnran Barnette. Upon a voic� vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unammously. 5C. TTEM FROM HUMAN RESOiIRCES COMMISSION MEETING OF NOVENIBFS2 1. 1984: TACxE HOUSE/Bi1NFILL TAVERN RIIAOVATION: Mr. Minton, representing the Hwnan Resources Commission, stated the Commission has been discussing Locke House anci consider this an extremely good asset for the community. He stated they realized how fast triis structure was deteriorating and, as �rt of their wark plan, thc� have made several recommendat�.ons to presezve tl�is histencal structure in the Ca.ty. Mr. Minton stated a n�nber of alternatives rrere dr�an and several meetings � were held with Mr. 7.brkildson, Anoka Cnunty Farks and Recreation Director, and the Anoka County Historical Society. He stated it was felt Alternative No. 1 was favored by the County which would be to accelerate the County's restorati.on schedule and prwide funding for naintenance. Mr. Minton stated the majority of the Commission favored Alternative LIo. 2 which is to sell or lease the property to a private g�rty. He stated this alternative would involve less public funds and several persons huve indicated an interest in locating in this building. Mr. Minton stated it is felt this alternattve should be suYznitted to the Cnunty so the building can be restored and preserved, r�r. Brian Goodspeed stated when this idea was brought up, the County Park De�artrnent's conoern was not to have something in the building that would haxm the nati:re of the park. He statea it was his feeling the County woulchi't want to put any type of business in this structure that would generate more than a iew �atrons a day. MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to aaopt Resolution No. 137-1984--A Resolution Requesting the County of Anoka to E�;pedite the Renovation of the Bar�f ill Tavern/Locke House. Seconded ]x �nuncilman Barnette. � � � i" k LI i � " �. �, �� i _ ui � � � �. • •:, Mr. Qureshi, City Nkinager, felt �erhaps a cover letter should be sent along with the resolution indicating a chanae of use may require zoning changes or there may be traFf ic implications. Nfr. Minton stated he dich�'t think it would hurt to have a cover letter to indicate that if the structure is going to be used for a business, it would involve s�ne zoning changes. fIe stated their preference is that it would be under tight control oonEormuig with the historical period and with the �rk. Cbuncilman H�nernik felt there should be a cover letter expressing some of the oonoerns and whatever is done, it would have to be in compliance with � the zomng codes. UFON A VOICE VOTE TAI�N ON �3E ABOJE NDTION, all voted aye, and Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. h1�TTON 6y Gouncilman Fifzg�trick to direct staff to send a cover letter with the above resolution expressing the Council's concerns for zoning and traEfic. Seconded by Gouncilman Ha¢nermk. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, NJayor Nee declared the motion carned unanimously. MDTTON by Councilman Hamernik to receive the minutes of tne Planning Commission Pneeting of Nwanber 28, 1984. Seconded tr3 Councilman Schneider. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unarumously. . �� u •� • • i_ 'u_ ��� ��. Y . . i • , �: • L�i� �� � - - Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated Superamerica recently purchased the Sig Wheel property on the southeast corner of £ast River Road and Osborne ` Road. He stated they are renodeling this building to bring it into c�omglianae with the �ode. P7r. Flora stated it was sugyesteci to Superamerica they contact the County � regarding imprwenents on East P.�.ver Road at this intersection. He stated Super�nerica representatives met with County representat�.ves and the County has a Mc�norandtun of Understanding wlth Superamerica which indicates they antici�te an eas�nent for road purposes will be acquired that will not exceed 30 feet of the Super�nerica property on East River Road and will not exceed 20 ieet of Super�nerica property ad3acent to Osborne Road. He stated it is also understood that the necessary driveways and landscaping would be brought into conEormanoe with the code when the intersection is approved. Ntr. Flora stated it would be appropriate for the Ccruncil to authorize a special use permit, specifica7.ly to Super�nerica for use of this building as a seiv ioe statton, since the original special use permit was issued to Big v7heel. NDTION by Councilman Fitz�atnck to approve the request by Super�nerica for a special use permit to use the property at 7451 East F.iver Road as a gas station. Se�r�ded by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, N'�ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. � � � y A 41 �1 � M__y�C_.� ' �' � � �1 �y •1 ' �� IT. Y U ��\��L�•�]C\7�I�;A7G��A 7. � 9. Councilman Hamernik stated a report was received regarcling the speed limit on Osborne Road as a result of a resolution �ssed by the Cotuzcil last year. He stated he felt the resolution was misinterpreted and questioned if thE City is forced to o�n�ly with the State's recon�nendation. Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated the �innesota Department of Transportata on has criteria to evaluate the speeds and their response was to leave the speed 1 units as the� now exist, Mayor Nee felt it might be appropriate to request the reason for their decision. Mr. Hill, Public Safety Director, statect it is sanewhat conEusing as it appears they authorized the change, yet everything is still the same. He stated he would check into it further with a report back to the Council. �• u ;� • • z••.�� • • • � . :_��, . • r. NUTTON by Councilman Schneider to authorize the City Naanager to sell Lot 16, Block 1, Blrniberg Estates for $22,500. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carriea unanimously. P�IVING REFORT ON A RECYCZ,IIQG PROGRAM IN FRIDLEY DATED DECEMBER 12, 1984: NC)TION by Councilman H�nerru.k to receive the report. Secorided kry Councilman Schneider. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, h7ayur Nee declarecl the motion carned unanimously. aONSIDERATION OF METl� WAS`PE CON.CROL AGREEMET7T N0. 67: NI�TION by Councilman Fitz�trick to approve Agrec3nent No. 67 with the P��etro Waste Control Cwnmission. Seconded ky Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unammously. � �• n_S;_ _�� • •: � �� a ��� . Mr. Hil.l, Public Safety Direetor, statec] two pro�cisals were received for the arnmal control �ntract. He stated one proposal was iron r1AP5I and the other was fran White Bear Lake Animal �ntrol Sexvices. Mr. Hill stated the primary w st to the City is for �trol and h'fAPSI is proposing a wst of $14.50 per hour and Gdhite Bear LeJte Control Services is proposing a�st of $17.50 per hour. Mr. Hill stated MAPSI's oast is $3.00 per hour laaer and the3 are also dropping the $100 a month administrative fee. Mr. Hill stated the City hasn't had ariy sic�nif icant problens with NAFSI wer the last year so would recommend the Czty oontinue their contract for animal oontrol sexvioes for 1985. N1�TION by Councilman Barnette to apprwe the oontract with Mi.nnesota PnimaL -1� �, _ �s�w� � � f� � _ �� 1� i�i y � �_«_V!� • Patrol Sexvioe, inc, to provide animal control services to the City for 1985. Seconded L� Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Dlee declared the motion carned unantmously. 11. LICIIdSES MOTION by Councilman Barnette to apprwe the licenses as sulinitted and as on f ile in the License CLerk's OL-fice. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. U�n a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 12. ESTINIATES: NY�TTON by Councilman Fitz�atrick to apprWe the estimates as su}initted. Monette Construction 2050 White Bear P.venue St. Paul, MN 55109 Fridley Garaqe & Storage Facility Parta a7. Estimate No. 5 National Store Fixtures 2517 Ddorth Waconia Circle N,E, East Sethel, MN 55005 Store Fquipnent and Tnstallation for Friclley Liquor Store Tlated December 11, 1984 $ 98,804.75 $ 59,552.61 Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried w7aiumously. 13. CGAINLS: N1�TION by Councilman Hamernik to authorize payment of Claims No. 326E12 through 349Z03. Seconded tr3 Councilman Fitz�atrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting zye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to ad7ourn the meeting. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Pdee declared the motion carried unaninously and the Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Gouncil of December 17, 1984 ad�ourned at 10:02 p, m. Respectf ully sukmitted, �t�s�W— [��d�-e�..�(_ Carole Haddad Secretary to the CiL-y Council Approved: -11- William S. Liee Mayor �