01/21/1985 - 5166. � • • . �, fRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEE'�ING PLEASE SIGN NAME ADORESS AND ITEM NUMBER INTERESTED IN DATE: January 21, 1985 NAME ADDRESS � ITEM NUMBER _________________________________________________________________________=_____=___-=_________= ,a� ' � C/ Is�.+t.► 1 ��'"/ i� h U 3 r'��:",� r� f'j O d J� %< /� � s?o R t� /.� �!� ����t�5"� ��l�..' ,�'� �d� �' -�` . .,�.. �' �751� � ,�.� _ �'f . y, �x r z:�;�-� a — ��, � �-� � s yv � p e� �cs r cJ r+� , I COUNCIL MEETING. JANUARY 7, ty85 �,1 :�► ► PAGE 2 CONSIDERATION OF SECOND READING OF AN ORDINANCE . AMENDING SECTtON 4.06 0� THE FRIDLEY ClTY CHARTER. ...:.. 2 CONSIDERATION OF CITY COUNCIL APPOINTMENTS TO ENVlRONMENTAL �UALITY COhiMlSSION AND HUMAN RESOURCES COh1M I SS I ON (Tag«o 1/7/85) , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 3 CONSIDERATION OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN DAYTON HUOSON CORPORATION AND THE ClTY OF FRIOLEY REGAROING !HE VACATIOM AND RELOCATION OF ABLE STREET AND CONSIDERATION OF SECOND READING OF AN ORDINANCE VACAT ! NG PART OF ABLE STREET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - � 0 COUNCIL MEETING. JANUARY T. 19�5 ► • : �` ► PAGE 3 , CONSIDERATION OF FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE VACATING PART OF 6lTH AVENUE. SAV #�84-06. 668y ANOKA STREET NE. ' t. BY PATR I C I A AND MARY KUTA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. - 5 B 0 c CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION DEEMING MINIMAL NEED FOR SPECIAL AND EXPRE55 REGULATION OF CERTAIN SAUNAS AND CONSIDERATION OF FIRST REAOING OF AN ORDINANCE RECUDI- FYING THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE BY AMENDING CHAPTER 116 ENTITLED "PUBLIC SANITATION FACILITIES" SECTION 116.01 ... 6- 6 B CONS{DERATION OF THE PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION TO NAME THE NEW PARK ON THE RICE CREEK SCHOOL S I TE "CREEK R 1 DGE PARK" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 - 7 -A COUNCIL MEETING. JANUARY 7, 1y85 ►�. : 1► ► •► ► � PAGt 4 � CONSIDERATION OF LEASE AGREEMENT WITH FRIDLEY � HOUSING AUTHORITY FOR 214 MISSISSIPPI STREET �_; iL � (1UOR STORE ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � . 8 - 8 B . CONSIDERATION OF CHANGE ORDER N0. 3. FRIDLEY IiARAGE ANO STORAGE FACILITY. MONETTE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. I N THE AMOUNT OF �56.436 .25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 - 9 B 0 CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PRELIMIN- ARY LAYOUT FOR (MPROVING 1.694 BETwEEN T.H. 100 AND I-35W /�ND RE�UESTING CERTAIN DESIGN FEATURES BE � INCORPORATED.INTO THE CONSTRUCTION PLANS . . . . . . . . . . 110 - 10 D COUNCIL MEETING. JANUARY 7, 1y85 PAGE 5 ��I_ 41��� �4 �, r,i ; �r, 1 : ; ���+�M��. • r�i � �� �! 4� !�. ��.w� �;• I��l.�++ �e R�egular meeting of the Fridley Ci.ty ��mcil was called to order at 7:30 p. m. by Mayor Nee. , PLmGE OF AI�L�DGIANS�: Mayor Nee led the Co�cil and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Fl ag. 1�UL CALL: 1MEN�ERS PRE'SIIVT: Mayor Nee, O�Lmcilman H�nernik, �tu'icilman Fitzpatrick, O��mcilman Schneider, O�uncilman Barnette, and Qo�cilman Elect Goodspeed MEI�ERS ABSF3VT: None * • � ;,�� /: • u �� l �14 �r.1�, r v� _� 4. � «_u�= _ ; . . MOTION by Councilman Schneider to apprave the minutes as presented. Seo�nded by �uncilman Barnette. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. � �� ��r �+�;: M •,� . .*.4. . . « �• _•���� •, . � i: ; : ► ,�r�. *_ �� ,l� � � E�IARD J. FITLPATRIQC, WARD III Mr. Sid Irman, City C1erk, aaninistered the Oaths of Office to the newly elected officials, Brian Goodspeed and Edward Fitzpatrick. • : .��+���: �,� • � i � a_ a�� J; �+� . : u�_:�� ; ����� « : !� 1� v�4 � .4 ��� Mayor Nee, on behalf of the do�cil and citizens of Fridley, presented a plaque to EWarcl Ha�nernik in appreciation for his outstanding efforts while serving the c�aren�nv.ty as a menber af the ��cil. Mr. Harnernik thanked the residents of Ward i for giving him the opportunity to serve as their representative. He stated it was an interesting and challenging experience. Mr. Hanernik extended thanks to the C�ty Manager, Mr. Qureshi, and the City staff for their sup�port. Ae also thanked the Council and wished them the best of luck in the future. -1- �� a� ���+��r�. • i �� .: �+ « �+SI . .. 4 �i : �' : _ � � �� � �_ � � ► !� �;� • �I�1� r� ���� \ � �`.�. �� M •�i11�4 ��\ e ,�� � � +��M �. ��iM�4 ��� Mayor Nee presented a oertificate of appreciation to Brian Goodspeed for his �ervioes on the Hunan Resource damnission and Planning Commission. Mayor Nee then irivited Council members Fitzpatrick and Goodspeed to make any acoeptanoe speeches or oa�unents they wished. Oouncilman Fitzpatrick thanked the voters of Ward III for their continued support. He stated he looked forward to continuing work with the other �uncil manbers and weloo�ned Brian Goodspeed as a new ment�er af the O�uncil. Qoimcilman Goodspeed stated he wished to th the faith instilled in him and extended thanks transition f rcm the Qamiission to the Qo�cil he looked forward to working with all menbers ;�• �y �� �, ;!l�i���� ank the residents of to the O�uncil fo sud� a snooth one. of the Oouncil. Ward i f or r making the He stated Mayor Nee requested the follawing iten be added: "R+eoeiving a Letter f rom the 49er's R�egarding the Use af HRA Property for their Carnival." MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to adopt the agenda with the above addition. Seoonded by ootmcilman Sclu�eider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ��±� �� �t 1� I M� __���;�� Mr. John Gargaro, �airman of the Fridley Chamber of Commerce, appeared before the O��cil regarding certain requests to assist the City in the retention and cl�velopnent af busiriess in Fridley. Mr. Gargaro asked that the City's Economic Developnent Commission be expanded to include a menber of the Fridley �a�nber of datuneroe, p�ssibly to serve as an ad hoc menber. He stated the Ch�nber would 1 ike a closer tie with the City and the eoonomic c7e�velopnent in Fridley, and felt they could oomribute to this developnent. Mr. Gargaro stated the Ch�nber would also like the Council to appoint a menber of the City staff to attend the Board meetings and Ger�eral Membership meetings on a permanerit basis. He stated, presently, Mr. Bill Hant attends these meetings. Mr. Gargaro requested the Qouncil consi.der glacirig the Chamber of Commerce affice somewhere in the City Hall as he felt they should work much closer with the City to psanote business and developnent. Mr. Gargaro subanitted a letter whicfi outliryed thege requests and asked it be reoeived by the Cbuncil for their o�nsideration. Mayor Nee stated the Oouncil w�ould like to review the feasibility of the itens requested by Mr. Gargaro. MJTION by do�cilman Fitzpatrick to receive the letter f ram Mr. Gargaro, -2- 1• 2• �� 1�. � 4���M��, �� 1: �. : �+ ' � Chairman of the Fridley Chamber of Commerce, dated January 7, 1985. Seoonded by ��cilman Sdzneider. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. � 1�_ �� ; : 4. . y �� *�_ � � 1,. �, 4*� . 1 �_ • _ �I�i�l� �,, y_ �_ ��+ 1 • �i �r� . � �� � �'r i s�4 .� I�DTION by ��ci.lman Barnette to waive the reading of the public hearing notioe and open the public hearing. Seoonded by �uncilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearing open�ed at 7:43 p. m. Mr. Walt Stanaalt, Q�ainnan of the Ct�arter Oatmission, stated a presentation was made by the Ci.ty staff to the Qlarter O�mission which pointed out the burden of ineeting all the legal requirenents, in the time plled for by the C�arter, from the closing of filings to when the election was held. He stated this was discussed by the Commission and they were agreeable to change the filing period. He stated letters to this effect were serit to the maj or pol itical parties and they reoeived positive f eedback f ran then. Mr. Starwalt stated this reoa�nended change was passed unanimously by the (2zarter Oa�unission which increases the time by 10 days frcm the last date of flining to the election. No other persons in the audienoe spoke regarding this proposed change in the Charter. Ni�TION by �uncilman Sc�neider to close the publ ic hearing. Seconded by �imcilman Barn�ette. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearing closed at 7:46 p. m. 1. L• • f ._e � � � \ /: _i • � • i 1 �: -* -- i.1 � ' � : /��l l . . . : • : , � f e. ��f �+. , ' i 4;. _i ; ,1/ u�i�.�. ;t �..: NDTION by �uncilman Sc�►neider to waive the reading of the publ ic hearing notioe and open the public hearing. Seooncied by Cb�cilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearing opened at 7:46 p. m. Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this is a request to vacate the renaining portion of 67th Avenue between Fridley and Anoka Streets. He stated last year the �uncil vacated part of this street between Fridley Street and the alley. Mr. Flora stated this request is made so property owners at 6689 Anoka Street can obtain additional property to be used as open space or garden area. He stated staff has no problen with this vacation except that a 15 foot utility easement be retained in the vacated portion and the vacation be reoorded at the O�imty. No persons in the audienoe spoke regarding this p�oposed vacation request. -3- ��. ��� u� .�4���. �. : �l .� �+ ' ' M�TION by Oo�cilman Schneider to close the public hearing. Seconded by oo�mcilman Barnette. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearing clo�ed at 7:48 p. m. �I�� : 1,1 , K •���. �� C._ �.\ �� � i�_ � � � ��. �. : � � �l� ��;, M_ ; yl�l�l� 1�, "�_ � ��� 1 . • � ; 1� a' �4 «:: C�4 : MUTION by Councilman Schneicler to waive the reading and approve the ordinanoe upon first reading. Seoonded by O�uncilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unani.mously . � � �/�,. 4, _ u���l �+4 • M.I _ � � �!� � �,� u � � � u _ � • � __ �I: _ � 4A. �S��RATTOIQ OF SP�ECTAT jjSF' p�MTT �$4-25 � ALI�QhT REOPEi�11� c�' A SERVICE STATION AT 6500 UNIVERSITY AVEN[TE, MAT PROPEk�IES. BY JANlE.S Z�APP: Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this special use pertnit pertains to property located in the northwest corner of University Avenue and Mississippi Street. He stated there are also varianoes associated with this property which wi11 be heard by the Appeals Qacsnission. Njr. Flora stated this lot was glatted in 1957 as part � the Holly Shopping Center and the service station �nstructed in 1959. He stated a special use peYmit was granted to Phillip's Petroleun dompany in 1972 and the station operation was dis�ntinued in 1981, therefore, the legal rr�rr cor�forming use status was lost. Mr. Flora stated the Appeals Oamiission tabled action on the variances as questions were raised regarding the HRA's plan for this intersection. He stated the Planning Commission considered the special use permit and addressed the use o� this property for a Sparks T�e-Up facility, with the option of using gas pimps as required by a covenant on the property. He stated the petitioners have entered into a purchase agreeqnent to buy this property from Phill ip' s Petrol e�n and pl an to lease it f or the Sparks' operation and need the special use permit in order to proceed. Mr. Flora stated the Planning Ca�ission felt this type c� business on this particular site was not consistent with upgrading of the downtown developnent area and would only add to the traffic congestion at the intersection. He stated the planning Caimission has, there�fote, reooq�anended denial o� this special use perniit. Mr. Flora stated the serviae station itself has not been in operation since 1981. He stated a lot more traffic currently utilizes this intersection, with opening of the Old Country Buffet and impravenerits made to the shopping center. �4- �� 1�► u� .�l M�. �. /: �t _: �+ Mayor Nee stated he felt the whole area is really a prob�len. He also asked about the nature o� the oaver�ant. Mr. Flora stated the oavenant was that this property oould only be used f or a gas serviae station and other purposes related to gas service stations. lrir. Herrick, City Attorney, stated not only is a special use permit needed for this property, but also there are substantial varianoes if the requested use would be made o� this site. Mr. Flora stated a total o� s�ven variances were needed to meet the City' s oode which involved setbacks f ran the street right of-way, reduction of lot area, �rking lot setbacks, drivaaay setbacks, and to reduce the widths of the parking stalls. Mr. Flora stated the preliminary plans for this intersection calls for widening the Mississippi to the r�rth which would involve the taking of sosne aF this property. do�cilman Barnette questioned the difference in this site and the one currently being used by Dr. Ryan's across the street. Mr. Flora stated the property where Dr. Ryan's is located is aaned by the HRA and is temporarily being leased for an autamotive repair shop. He stated the use is being atlaved until plans are developed for this iritersection. Mr. Flora stated there also may be scme taking of property along the south side af the Mississippi Street. �e petitiorrer was not present at this meeting. NDTION by ��cilman Fitzpatrick to ooncur with the tmanimous reoa�iendation of the P'lanning Catunission ar�d deny special use permit #84- 25 mainly for the traffic reasons and the points of ingress and egress relative to the public roads. Seoonded by ��cilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, aIl voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ���, �� -�* !, G !�_ � 4 �?�,�_.� :.: • �� { .��ui� � � � ��� � . �±� a� � '� � � ��. � � )� ,�� 4� � ��+►l 1_ .► �i a� � � ?►I?� � �._C N,. �_�4� � M; y4 ��4�� Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this is a proposal to split aFf the northerly 35 feet � Lot 4, Block 1, Aaco Industrial Park and add it to lot 3 and Lot 2, except the northerly 50 feet, to be used for parking for a Nautilus Fitness Center. He stated a company from Colorado Springs is expandinq in the metropolitan area and proposing to oonstruct a two story 30,000 square foot facility which would include a lap swimming pool, sauna and day care facility on the first floor; and nautilus equi.gnent, a running track, and aerobic spaoe on the seoor�d floor. Mr. Flora stated the Planning C�onunission recommended approval of the lot sglit with stipulations regarding payment aF the park fee, registering the lot sglit with the dounty, and that the renair�der af Lot 4 be ao�nbined with Lot 5 to create a buildable site. _� �� �� � 4�--�MI�1�. • l; �t : i M�TION by Councilman Goodspeed to concur with the recommendation of the Planning Camiission and grant lot sglit, L. S. #84-12, with the following stipulations: (1) payment of park fee o� $221.38; (2) register lot spli�t with the Qounty, upon appraval or prior to issuance o� a building permit; and (3) the renainder of Lot 4 be oanbined with Lot 5 to create a builclable site. Seoorydea by do�cilman Sdzneider. Upon a voioe vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Nee declarecl the motion carried unanimously. 4C. (Y�TSTi�FRATTf�N OF rAI' SPLIT RmL1ESI'. L. S. �4-13 'I1D MARE "O" g��' LOT LII� BEIWEF�N EA(�i SIp� OF DULTBLE BUNC'�AIAW. 739�-7398 ��NY �`i'RFET. BS' RA�V ATID�R�' Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this is a proposal to split this property into a zero lot line duplex which is allawed in a R-2 zone. He stated the purpose is to allaw each unit to be sold se�rately. Mr. Flora stated the Planning Commission recommended approval with the stipulations that a park fee be paid, the lot sglit be registered with the O�unty, and a declaration of covenants be recorded with the County and sutmitted to the City. r�rrzaN � cb��u� cooas�ea to concur with the recommendation of the P'lanning Ca�¢nission and grant lot sglit, L. S. #84-13, with the following stipulations: (1) payment af park fee of $750; (2) register lot split with the County; and (3) record with the County and subRnit to the City, a declaration of covena.nts for the properties. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatricic. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ' 4D. TmFM FI�M 1�pP�A� mMNLS.ST MINCITF'S OF NOVEN�ER 27 , 91 84 : � TF'Qi'FT) VnRTAR� 'Ib MAXIMUM iARF Fpprr,�r,F. ��nRTDy1�Y'F A1� �T VARIAN(�. 7210 EASr RIVER li�D BY LARRY C.f.�A1�TP0�I • Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this is a request for varianoes for property at 7210 East River Road to increase the maxim� allaaable area for a garage frcm 1,000 square feet to 1,440 square feet; to allow the square footage � a garage to exoeed the first floor area of the house; to increase the height o� an acoessory building f ran the maximun 14 feet to 23 feet; and to increase the maximtun square footage for all accessory buildings fram 1,400 square feet to 1,440 square feet. Mr. Flora stated the hardship indicated by the petitioner was to enable him to store his many vehicles in a oovered garage. He felt this would improve the looks of his property. � Mr. Flora stated this lot is probably one of the larger lots in Fridley at wer 29,000 square feet and if the varianoes were allawed, it would also be the largest garage on private property in the City. Mr. Flora stated the neic�bors were o�ntacted and were not opposed to the varianoes and indicated they vaould rather see this adc3ition than a separate -6- 5. �� 1� K v����r�. �. /: �; .: ;4 acoessory building on the lot. Mr. Flora stated the Appeals C,ommission felt the hardship wasn't really wp11-defir�ed and it was sanething the owner had created himself. Z'hey also felt granting the varianoes may set a preoedent. He stated the motion to allow the variances failed in a tie vote. Mr. Richard Hillsdale, 61 Alden Circle, stated he was the owner of the property behind this parcel and indicated he had no objection to the varianoes. NDTION by douncilman Fitzgatrick to grant the variances to increase the maximun allowable area for a garage from 1,000 to 1,440 square feet; to allvw the square footage of the garage to exceed the f irst floor area of the house; to increase the heic�t of an acoessory bui.lding f ram the maxim�mi 24 feet to 23 feet; and to increase the maximiun square footage for all accessory buildings frcm 1,400 to 1,440 square feet for property at 7210 East River Road N. E. Se�on�ded by ��cilman Barraette. �uncilman Fitzpatrick stated even though there is a�nsic3erable departure frcm the o�de, it is to the benefit of the petitioner and his neighbors in this particular case. Ae stated this is a large lot and set far back fram East River Raad and a separate acoessory building behind woulc3 be very close to the �operty to the west. Mr. Flora stated the City has been attempting to support the C;ounty in obtaining additional right of-way for the proposed imprwenent af East River Road and suggested a 15 foot easement be given along East River Road. �uncilman Fitzpatrick stated if the petitioner has no objection, he would add this as a stipulation. Mr. Clanton, the petitioner, stated he had no objection to the eas�nent. NI�TION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to amend the above motion to add the stipulation that the petitioner grant the City a 15 foot easement for bikeway/roadway impravenents along East River Road. Se�nded by Councilman Barryette. Upon a voioe vote, all wting aye, Mayor Pdee declared the motion carried unanimously. UP�1 A VOICE VOTE TAi�N C[�1 ZfiE 1�IN MOTION, all voted aye, and Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. MQTION by Gouncilman Schneider to receive the minutes of the Planning CJomnission Meeting of Dec3e�nber 19, 1984. Secor�ded tr� �uncilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all wting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ���► �� _C 0 �i� • � !� ),. � � ' �� ��I�yy��,l� �� � �i�� �,I� =-N��. u�. �� � ��� 4 v M)TION by douncilman Fitzpatrick to r�cminate ��cilman Schneider f or rlayor -7- �� a�. �i�� ��. • � �� .: �+ • � Pro Tan for 1985. MOTION by Councilman Barnette to cast an unanimous ballot f or the app�intrnent of do�cilman Sc3u�eider as Mayor Pro Ten for 1985. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee c]eclared the motion carried unanimously. : � �,: : �� ���M � . �+���� �.« _ vi��+ �� a�. . Nl�TION by Councilman Barnette to appoint Councilman Schneider as R�epresentative to the Anoka Glounty Law Enf orcement Council . Seconded by Q�uncilman Goodspeed. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. � 1=.�;=�� �: 4 ;.�M,�; 44 1�llTTON by �uncilman Fitzpatrick to ap�oint Mr. Hanernik �o oontinue serving as a Representative for the Suburban Rate Authority, even though he is no longer on the �uncil. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. M�TION by Councilman Barnette to appoint John Flora as Alternate to the Suburban Rate Authority. Seoonded by douncilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all wting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. �•\+4! �����1�i, 7��� f 1 _1`! � :�i��� MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to appoint Councilman Barnette as Representative and Co�cilman Scfineider as Alternate to the North Suburban Sewer Servioe Board. Seconded by �uncilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. j�c.gCrTATTON OF ME,'T�POL•TTAT�1 j�TNTCTpA,T_'i_'TFSS M�OTION by Councilman Barnette to appoint Councilman Fitzpatrick and Councilman Goodspeed to the Association of Metropolitan riunicipalities. Seoonded by Qo�cilman Schneic3er. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion c�rriecl unanimously. �«, � • � �4� 4 � �� v�v! 1� �M�1 .�. � • � � /� `_� � _ i�:i��:��� 1�llTI0N by Cb�mcilman Schneider to appoint Councilman Barnette to School District #14 C�ununity School Advisory Council. Seconded by Councilma.n Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, aTl voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. � qfgi(Y)T. DT�`i'RTCT �13 REPRESEI�T'ATIVE: NDTION by ��cilman Schneider to appoint Councilman Fitzpatrick as the Representative to School District �13. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried ur�animously. -8�- �� 1�, r u� .�!►��. • � �� .; �+ l���I•� _M..� � � �4� 4 � • ; _ �� ��!��! _:. �M\/� NDTI�] by Qouncilman Fitzpatrick to appoint Councilman Goodspeed as the Representative to School District #16. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voioe vote, all v�oting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. _: C,1 �, u���i�!_.'�i��: u' a�M '� 4 Mi0TI0N by Councilman Barnette to appoint Councilman Fitzpatrick as Representative and Councilman Schneider as Alternate to the League of Minnesota Municipelities. Seconded by �uncilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. � _ « R%N\. � � ��iY�M_ ��\ 4�_ 4�! __i ��� � y_ 4—� M �* � .� _ i �� �•�'� � e,�\ �\. ��iV�4 �A MUTION by Councilman Schneider to nominate Virginia Schnabel for reapp�intment. 7here being no further nominations, the follawing action was taken: MOTION by Councilman Barnette to cast an unanimous ballot for the reappointment af Virgini.a Sc�nabel to the Planning Cflnmission. Seconded by CAUncilman Sd�neider. Upon a voiae vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. �� uWi. )�1 4 � �►�� � ;Mi�t� •},M�u �.� NDTICRV by do�cilman Sc�neider to nominate Dr. Reru�eth Vos for reap�pointment to the �nnunity Develognent Oo�rdnission. Zhere being no further ncminations, the follawing action was taken: MOTION by Councilman Schneider to cast an unanimous ballot f or the reappoinbnent of Dr. Vos to the C�cranunity Developnent Oo�rQnission. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ': �; ;,i� ; «+—� ��� •!1v��M .����� MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to nominate David Rondrick for reappointrnent to the Parks and Recreation Ocmnission. Zhere being no further r�cminations, the follawi.ng action was taken: MOTION by Councilman Fitzgatrick to cast an unanimous ballot for the reappc�intrnent of David Rondrick to the Parks and Recreation Commission. Seoonded by Go�cilman Goodspeed. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declarecl the motion carried unanimously. I�DTICJN by (b�cilman Barnette to r�cminate Mary Schrein�er for reappointment to the Parks and Recreation O�nission. -9- �� a� r u� _� ��. � : �l ; �+ ' � 7here being no further r�cminations, the follawing action was taken: MOTION by Gouncilman Barnette to cast an unanimous ballot for the reappointrnerit af Mary Schreiner to the Parks and Recreation Cbmmission. Seconded by Councilman Sciu�eic3er. Up�n a voiae vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. APPEAIS dONIlKISSION: M�TIotd by Cbuncilman Fitzpatrick to rnmi.nate Fat Gabel for reappointment to the Appeals Uatanission. � �here being no further rrminations, the follawing action was taken: MOTION by Councilman Schneider to cast an unanimous ballot for the reappointment of Pat Gabel to the Appeals Commission. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. I�DTION by ��cilman Fitzpatrick to naminate Alex Barna for reapp�ir�tment to the Appeals OoctIInission. �here being no further naninations, the follvwing action was taken: MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to cast an unanimous ballot f or the reappointment of Alex Barna to the Appeals Commission. Seconded by Oo�cilman Barnette. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. F'N7tr!'RC�Ti'AT. Q[tAT.TTY �jT_�gION: MfJTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to table the appointments to this �nission. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee c3eclared the motion carried unanimously. II�GY mA'A"lISSION: MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to nominate Bradley Sielaff for reappc>intznent to the Er�erc,� Oamiission. Zhere being no further r�cminations, the following action was taken: MOTION by Councilman Barnette to cast an unanimous ballot for the reappointment of Bradley Sielaff to the Energy Commission. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. M�TION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to rnminate Dale �anpson for reap�oir�tment to the �erc� Gatmission. �ere being no further r�cminations, the follawing action was taken: -io- �� �� M u� .��MM►. �. : �1.; �+ ' � MUTION by Councilman Schneider to cast an unanimous ballot for the reappointment of Dale Tho�►pson to the Energy Commission. Seconded by Councilman Fitzgatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. +1 )v4 � : � _� 1�tM��� �r�T' v'i����l�� MOTION by Councilman Fitzgatrick to table the appointments to this Uat�nission. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. : � . 4� _�1� � \ ��i4�M �1, M�'I'ION by Councilman Sc�neider to rxxninate Barbara Hughes for reappointment to the Cable Television �mnission. �here being no further rrominations, the follawing action was taken: MOTION by Councilman Schneider to cast an unanimous ballot f or the reappointment of Barbara Hughes to the Cable Tel evision Commission. Seo�nded b� Cbtmcilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. M�'rION by �uncilman Barnette to rxmi.nate Ed Kaspszak for reappoir�►erit to the Cable Te].evision O�crenission. �here being no further ncminations, the follawing action was taken: MOTION by Councilman Barnette to cast an unanimous ballot for the reappointsnent of Ed Raspszak to the Cable Television O�mmission. Seconded by �uncilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee decl ared the motion carried unanimously. � K� ?� + � �. _ �!� ; �� �►��+ � 4u1�+�� �_ �4. � � �_4 Mayor Nee reappointed Carolyn St�endsen to the HRA. NDTI�t by �uncilman Barnette to ooncur with the reappointment of Carolyn St�endsen to the Fridley Housing and Redevelopnent Authority. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared fhe motion carried unanimously. ��, «_ ��,�i,�r ��i� M�TION by dotmcilman Fitzpatrick to naninate John Hinsverk for reappointment to the Fblioe �ission. Zhere being no further mninations, the follawing action was taken: MOTION by Councilman Barnette to cast an unanimous ballot f or the reappointment of John Hinsverk to the Police Commission. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee -11- �� J� 1 �� .� ��. • � �l .: � . . declared the motion carried unanimously. �� ,�J . � ��� � � � t�!� : _�4�. � � A��� � � ��� : 4 � � : 4 � � h+\� ; �� `:1-_ a;�:_; � �:.4 : �4.�� � yM I�L7i'IpN by �uncilman Barr�ette to adopt Resolution No. 1-1985 designating Ed Haanernik as Director and John Flora as Alternate Director to the Suburban Rate Authority. Seoonded by Cbuncilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voive vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. (� RF,.Slii7}i'TQTj TjQ 2-1985 DESIGNATING OFFICIAL DEPOSITORIES FOR THE CITY OF FRIDI,EY• . ' M�TION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to adopt Resolution No. 2-1985. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. : '.• . � !-� �.� � N�'._. ��. ; � � � ��?.�- '; e � �� ; ti.� � t � M�TION by �uncilman Barnette to adopt Resolution No. 3-1985 naming the Fridley Fbcus as the o�ficial newspaper. Seoonded by �uncilman Schneider. Up�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. : `_• . � ! � � � � ._ r�►�. 4�1�, u� : ��� �l 14i:_�+; • •� 1�� �� _�_ ►,�� NDTION by douncilman Barnette to adopt R�esolution No. 4-1985. Seconded by ao�cilman Fitzpatrick. Cotmcilman Schneider felt possibly the nunber of oo�erenc�e meetings should be increased. dotmcilman Fitzpatrick also felt there should probably be more conference meetings during the budget period. M�TION by �uncilman Barnette to amend the above resolution be adding �he dates of January 28 and August 26 as Conference Meetings. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. Upon a voioe vote taken on the main motion, all voted aye, and Mayor Nee c3eclared the motion carried unanimously. ; � •� �• •' •;� � � '� �t ��_� ' ;� '_ •� .�� � u;.4_ � y�� _ !�'1�4� � '�4� _� v�'5���/_ui?!�� ���! �_ 4 �_ • : 1�Y,)TION by CoLmcilman Barnett to adopt R�esolution No. 5-1985. Seconded by ��cilman Sc�neider. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. � � �� . 1�M �i\ �.� • ' � � _ �' _ AI��. 4t � s_ 4 �.G > ;_ ti� � : ��� \ � � K 1� r�_ � � 1�. � � 4*� u�.. �4�� � 4r1 ��A.�i�_�. � � � � � � �l ' s� / V _ \l�_ -12- dOt]NCIL I�ETIl� OF JANUARY 7, 1985 �4's �+� u��i��/_ V��!�� ' �! �_ 4 � M�TION by Co�cilman Sc�eider to adopt Resolution No. 6-1985. Seconded by ��mcilman Barnette. Upon a voioe vote, all v�oting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. � �l« ���\. � � � � 4 e �. � � � � e �i� 4 4 �_ �_ i � � \� � •l� �. i \I� � �I� �►��I � yM�%\� .. l��*�� s M � �� �. s�M �� � Se�_ .� : i�+ +/: It was the o�noensus of the do�mcil that they supported this request f rom Mr. Don Betzold, President, Fridley 49er Days, Inc. dated January 3, 1985 and asked the letter be re�erred to the HRA for their action. M�TION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to receive the letter frrnn the 49er's. Seoonded b� O��mcilman Schneider. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. M7I'ION by do�mcilman Fitzpatrick to forward the letter to the HRA indicating the oouncil supports this request. Seoon3ed by Oouncilman Schneioler. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 12. .Qr$IN1�� M�TION by douncilman Sd�neider to authorize payment of Claims No. 347M75 through 361Z03. Seoonded by ��cilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 13. ?.TC'FNSF:S; NDTION by C��mcilman Barnette to apprave the lioenses as sutmitted and as on f ile in the Lioense Qerk' s Off ioe. Sec�orxied by O�uncilman Schryeider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 14. F�rrr�tAmF�• M�TION by Co�cilman Fitzpatrick to apprave the estimates as suk:mitted. Herrick & Newman, P.A. 6279 University Avenue N. E. Fridley, NN 55432 For Legal servioes rendered by the City Attorr�ey for the month of Novenber, 1984 $ 1,926.25 Invoioe No. 2928 of Devanber 13, 1984 Legal Servioes, re: Paschke-II7B $ 375.00 Invoiae No. 2929 of Deoenber 13, 1984 Legal Sezvioes, re: River Road-Il2B $ 1,500.00 -13- �� �� y�- ��i�. �� l; �l _: �� I� Aickok & Associates, Inc. 545 Indian Nbtuld Wayzata, NN 55391 Moore Lake Restoration Project II Professional Servioes - Navenber, 1984 $ 2,134.50 � Sevonded by O�tuicilman Sc�u�eider. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ;i `���i:i ; � ui�+���# MOTION by Councilman Barnette to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by ��cilman Sciu�eider. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Cb�cil of January 7, 1985 adj ourried at 8: 40 p. m. Respectf ully sutmitted, C�role Haddad Secretary to the City Council Approvecl• -14- WiII ian J. Nee Mayor 1 ATTACHED IS A COPY OF THE ARTICLE REGARDING THE STORM DRAINAGE UTILITY PU6LIC HEARING AS IT APPEARED IN THE WEEK OF JANUARY 14, 1985 FRIDLEY FOCUS � iA Draina e system cost� is topic of hearing . � g Sor*n drairu�e maL+tenaaae "Fa esampk. � p�tint lot "M t!rc dtY it truturi4� rs �pQeoicl� oauld m�t Awne� �Warer.s� d t!e ned bpnflKt . ard Nt proder�v tncwred by cztatrs more �rstet runo(f t�an Mortn dtairute �Yrirm is �et• owners le� tl►an AaU ar muc�. tAe envuw�meot �td P'oM'Itl� �torrn .�trr runa[! wll �r Me •�as� �RJ 01 tllt YrM �Ite. �0 tmt oider and �a rad of � trtter aorord,n� to aty ofticub aoncern ovcr �atunuNlY ��ler bp,c a( � puDbc lrarin� m� oworr pay� • Iti�f+er kr." kvd af munta�ance,"tatl L1tY A storm drsin��e uWity Yuabty. ofbcial� aLo lelkvt Monday. Jan 11 st 7 iD p m at eaplainea JoM Flaa. fl�dky'� Y+�tr* tii++m a+� ••�- �b �� °0� b�°�� �t Flidiey' �lwuld take meY- fhdkY Clly Hall ifiort �+es direclor d puDtk �rdis� � mercv! devebDment Aat a{ro veioped duclur�� �realel �re�lJandr �o Uut �r�tet Oow b �N! ee �ddnsied +bn� w+cb larly. a i�rn Wr'cd b+� the dty interd� b pq bt creates nwre rue�of( than � VV� an �dd+t�onal burdm m amau+t ot �rater inlo the staTn teur'd�d and Ihe utderpound Me aoru invdved. anaU parcd. �o It too Incvn a Ne ryttem—a Morm draina�e �ruer rysem Taa t1empt pwlet � reNur�ed C1ty afficia4 hsve prupoa,d • Ai�l+rr amount,•• Ar �ddrE utilitY �nU Ae1D aWevWe h�+ie propertles �ouid alio Eetin "P'eoDk are tnoR aoK�er�ed � rtorm drauu�e utlWY, a M on�wl rtortn QraU►aie Vr�m+��� �MY �� Nan evet �Dout watet puaUty tntlwd �r1ucA tlxy s�y Y de• i�restment of ova fs mil[an DY Slorm �ainate maintenance "N'u.A a rtorm drairu�e uWi• �nd Ne environment;' stid �p�ed a provde an equluDie Flidley dtuau oeed� to pe ean Ee funded Dy en)rr , prvp- b• �ww1C Oe �a�edy �or►�Ne f�a rNl Adp w addr� tlioM w�y W meel tl►e cosU d riorm p�'alec�e'd• �cc'a'd+riY a oty d' !riY ��DDroacA pasa+d an PaY �r�irr control �nd matntmaMe fici.ls Moreover. J that mvat. RaO��' values or s uuLty �p� amount ot Water Uxy oontnbute mncerns .. 'Rr ne�r u4lity (ee W�l! De Da,xd merwt u not prote�cted. u wtiU cat V�+�'� �+� ��e A pop- b lAe iystem, ntJ�er t�ar►an the Recent �ute letial�tJ�on tn�n- en t!rc amaurn d �atsr tMt it �cmefl�rtWlwabteplace.theY e�Y tsx �pprwc� would �e- value d tAeu property,.. rd d�les cnies b poy incrsared �tl/! AOR1dDrMR LO �IiY �DaJI Flara. �1te�UOn b t1rc oualitr an0 Auc�a►ied icw 1he q�en. MY� �p p,R,�t d Ne caru A uWity 8ecaure d�n loc�rsd Ouanuty d ar[�ce wat�r roo- o(( O�w w ����r! 1�r�� t f � � r � y � � � �e�u � � � �''. !�, * • w«k o� Jan. t�. tOas vo�. 1. tro. �4 PUBLIC H�ARfHG /► �pectel pudlt hw- Inp On Storm Or�tru�p� �tllrty v�lll be hsi0 On .I�r1- uary 21 st 7:30 D m. r 1h� Frtdfey CNk GrAK. AI�O MM110 �f{f10 {.�1 �� lA ,�J.•. �, �: , �' ,_. • •.� 1 �• M • ��� � ' 1 ►:1 • �� M �� � � �1• I 1� •; . . �. � Y i� • •. �. � . . � r. 1 1 ►; M •• M • 1. M • • 1� �1 � � � • •.� ' 1 •I • 216.01. SlVPM WATIIt DRAII�4IGE UPII.ITY The municipal storm sewer system shall be operated as a public utility pursuant to t+linnesota Statutes, Section 444.075 from which revenues will be derived subject to the pravisions of this (�apter and Minnesota Statutes. Zlie storm water drainage utility will be part of the public works department and �der the ac�ninistration of the public w�orks director. 216.02. RFSIDENTIAL O�UNAI.ENr FAG'NR A Resiaential F�uival�t Factor (REE') is the ratio of the average volume of nanoff generated by one (1) acre of a given land use to the average volume of nazoff generated by one (1) acre of typical single family residential land use, during a standard one (1) year rainfall event. 216.03. IJ�D USE Q.ASSIFICA'I'Itk�l Z�e REF' values for various land uses are as follaws: Q,�SSIFICATION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I�1AID USES Ceneteries, golf oourses, Park facilities Single faQnily and duple�c residential Public and private schools, caR�ity center I�ltiple faQnily residential, churches and goverrcnental buildings Cort�nercial, industrial properties Improved vacant 216.04. S'i�OFd�! WATgt DRAII�iE FEE RFF 0.25 0.75 1.00 1.25 2.50 5.00 as assic�ed For the purpose of calculating storm water drainage fees, all developed one family and duplex parcels sYia].1 be oonsidered to have an acreage of one-third (l,/3) acre. �e storm water drainage rate shall be $5.25 per quarter per R�'.-acre. 216.05. C�I15 T�e Co�cil may adopt p�licies re��de� bY the public works director, by resolution, for adjustment of the storm �ratez drainage fee for parcels based upon hydrologic data to be supplied by property owners, which data des�anstrates a hydrologic response substantially different f ram the standards. Stich a,djustsnents of storm water dra,inaqe fees shall not be made tetroactively. page 2 — orainanoe rlo. ?16.06. EXS+�TI�1S 7l�e following land uses are execpt fram storm water drainage fees: 1. Public rights of r�ay. Z. Vacant, �inprwed land with gramd oover. ' 216.07. PAYl�T�Tr CF FEE Statenents for storm water drainage fee shall be computed every three (3) tronths ancl invoiced by the finance department for each acoo�mt on or about the tes►th (lOth) c3ay of the month following the quarter. �h statenent shall be due on or before the last day of the month in which the statement is mailed. Any prepayment or averpayment of charges shall be retained by the City and applied against subsequest quarterly fees. 216 .0 8. itEC1�I�tLATIC�1 C�' FEE If a property aar�er or person responsible for paying the storm water drainage fee questions the correctness of an invoioe for such charge, such person may havllth�desedirector madet ithin twelv�e (12) months ofrtnailirig outhe invoihce �question by the City. 216.09. PF��LTY FOR I�1TE PA�+�3�tT Each quarterly billing for storm water drainage fees not paid when due shall incur a penalty charge of ten percent (10$) of the art�t past due. 216.10. CEF�ZFICATION CF PAST DOE FF.F,S CN TA?�S Any past due storm water drainage fees in excess of ninety (90) daYs past due on October 1 of any Year maY be certif ied to the Co�ty Auditor for collecton with real estate taxes in the follawin9 year pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 444.075, �ivision 3. In addition, the City sha11 also have the right to bring civil action or to take other legal renedies to oollect unpaid fees. PASSID AI�ID ADOPI'f9 BY ZiiE QTY �JIJCIL (F ZiiE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY pF _ , 1985 � ATl£5T: SIDNE'Y C. II�t�N - QTY Q�EEtR WILI�IA[: J. I�E - MAYOR 1B 1C �1NI`ING CO''L`715�1u r+r.cia��+ YLV+.�+�+W •• --_- _� ?!r. Kondrick aske if any correspondence has been received from per- sons who vere twti ied of this lot split. ?�r. Robinsoa stated he has oot received any c ents either in favor or against the lot � plit. !!r . 1lnderson. the pet tiones. ststed he v�ould have the de:latation of covenants dravn up by n attorney. ?UTION BY Mt. KOTIDRICK, ECONDID BY !R. ?IIt�?ON� TO RECOI�AID APPROVAL OF LOT SPLIT REQUEST, L. S. 84•13. BY RAh'DY AI�'DERSOr TO SP'[.IT OFF THE S OVIHIItLY 36 FEET OF LOT S BLOCK S, ?�LOAY !lr�NOR, TO MAKE 0 FEET LOT LINE BET�IEEA FACH SIDE OF A DOUSLE BUIr'G1LOG1� THE SAME BEINC 7396-7398 • SYN�HOh? STREET N. E. � iIITH FOLLO4lING STIPUIJ+TIONS: 1� ppyT�.T? OF PARK FEE F$7 S0. 2. REGISTER LO? SPLIT WI THE COIJNTY. 3. RECORD WI'i!i THE COUIrTY ND SUBMIT TO Zi1E CITY� A DECIARATION OF COVENAA?5 FOR T}ff PR PERTIES. upph A VOICE Vf7TE� ALL VOTING AYE� CKAIItiiOMAN SCHI�ABEL DSCLIRED ?HE MOTION GRRIED UNANIrDUSLY. 4. COT.?IT�'t'ED: DISCL�SSION OF Ar ORDIhANCE RECODIFYING THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE BY ADOF'IliCG A�� C1'L�+PTER Z16 E1�'IITLED "STOR"� W�TER DRaIti�GE UTILITY": ?!r. Flora� Public iiorks Director, stated in 1982� the State Legislature passed a statute requiring surface vat'er aanagement of all land in the metropolitan area. He stated the legislation formulated the Six Cities Watershed Hanagement Organization vhich� together vith the Rice Creek ylatershed District, encompasses surface water managemenc for all of the City. ?�r. Flora stated the intent of this legislation is to awnage the sur- face vacer quality and quantity of runoff. He stated secent develop- ments in the City have been required to establish surface vater detention ponds and filtration systems and many of these ponds are oz have become the City's iesponsibility to maintain and opeTate. Mr. Flota stated the City's storm vater sys[em is not complete, but that which ia in place is at least 20 years old and the required naintenance of this system will increase over the yeass. He staced the greatest re- turn on the City�s investment in the sYL�hin~�uTe birin �and smallnacale maintenance by inspec[ion� cleaning. pa 8• Pa 8 c onstruction to keep the facilities oQerating tt an acceptable level. �. Oquist asked the cost per year for maintenance of the stozm vater *• system. I�. Flora stated it is estimated the cost is betveen 5110,000 to 52�,�0. ?�r. Floza stated staff is suggesting the e:tablishment of a storm vater f und to handle expenditutes connected with this system similar to the Utility Fund for the vater system. He stated fees vould be charged to , categories of land use based upon the intensity of storm water runoff, vith each contzibuting a fair share. 1D FUT.TII`G COAL"QSSION MEETIrG DECE?�ER 19 1984 PAGE 9 ?�r. Flora ststed an analysis was made of the land uses to coa�e up vith a residential equivalenc factoz on vhich the charges vould be based. He stated, basically, for zesidential properties the �ee vould be 51.75 per quarter or $7.00 per year. Mc. Schnabel asked where the funda vere coming from nw to isintain the storm vater system. ?t. Flora stated these come from the General _ hnd . . ?�is. Schnabel questioned vhat vould be different if mcnies from the General Fund vere not used. ?�. Flora stated vith a separate storm vater system fund. it would provide the means to maintain the syatem vithout competing vith other programs or projects furded from the Ceneral Fund. Ifr . Kondrick asked I�r. Flora hov much money he felt vould be generated by establishing this fee for the storm vater system. I�. Flora stated it is estimated about 5150,000 vould be collected. i6r. Kondrick stated in the final analysis, it vould pe a tax. l�r. Flora stated the only vay to generate n�oney is through a fee or tax. He stated they have tried to make thic fee equitable jnd those vho gener- �te a�ore storm vacer vill pay according!y. l�s. Schnabel questioned the life expect+�ncy of a storm sever. ttr. Flora scaced it is about 60 to 80 years� eut this doesn't mean money vouldn't be spent on it. He stated preventive maintenance aust still be done in order to save the City's original invescment and. at some point� you have to look at major seconstruction. t�. Flora stated the cstablishment of a storm vater system fund vould identify specific funds for a pazticular purpose so it can be assused the system vould be aaintained. t2s. Schnabel asked ?�. Flora vhen this proposal vot�ld De implemented. Mr. Flora stated it is hoped approval could be given in January io Dfllings would begin the aeCOnd qua=ter. collectible vith the third quazter. I�r. Oquist stated it is the domino effect that bochers him and possibly every department providing a service vould begin charging a fee vithout =aising taxes. ?�. Flora staced many cities are going in this direction and some charge for snov re�ooval. street lighting, etc. He stated it is hoped Fzidley vouldn't find this necessazy. ' i�r. Kondrick felt by establishing such a fee, it tskes the pressure off those zesponsible foz spending the City•s money wisely and aives them a caz[e blanche. iie stated the City is able to handle this expenditure ewv using funds from the General Fund and didn't understand vhy they had to have a fec. ?�r. Floza stated by having a fee, these funds are designated for a • specific purpose. He stated the cicy envisions the requirements for stor m vater msnagement to inczease substaatially in the coming yeazs. pt,/�t�R`ING COK"QSSION l�ETING DECEI�BER 19 1984 paCE 10 S. ?!r. Floza stated it is hoped to hold the line on taxes and attempt to maintain the City's investment in the storm water syttem by eollecting fees from pzoperties vhich are causing the problea� ?!r. Flora stated he vould like input and comments from tbe Planring Commission for submission to the Courcil. He felt their coneer�+s should be addressed so the Council is avare of their opinions. l�r. Minton stated vhile this is definite�y a means of raising additional revenue, he vould saise the question if they need 5150,000 moze and if this is the best vay to raise it. tk. Schnabel stated her concern vas the establishment of a precedent by having + separate fee for specific City maintenance pzoblems. She felt this �y open the door to other fees being charged to proPerty ovners for other City �intenance zesponsibilities. She questioned if it'is a concept being started because everyone is afraid to raise taxes or doesn't vant to�take on the responsibility. !�. Kondrick staced he vould question vhat happens to the S150.000 in the General Fund vhich vas being used for the storm wateT syccem� if a fee ia im osed. He stated he felt the fee vould take the respon- P siDility from those vho are in charge of the City's funds and �ive t em a car[e blanche. He stated he didn't knov if taxes vould be reduced if the fee is imposed and ano[her consideration is the fee could also be raised. l�Ls. Schnabel asked Mr. Flora what vere the projected repaira andoaain' tenance pzoblems for the next 10 yeara. J�r. Flora stated open j pipes vould be repaired and there vould be increased ditch and ponding maintenance. The Commission thanked It. Flora for his presentation and for providing furthez inforrtation and ieput. MOTION BY ?�R. OQUIST � S BFR 8 1984 HOUSD�G APID Il p gy }gt. KOh'DRI(i�. TO RECENE TiiE NOM1TEM- ELOPMEh? AUTHORITY �N1TfES. UpON A VOICE VO'TE, ALL VO'TIN AYE� Ct1ADtWOM�+N SCHI�BEL DECIARED TNE ?�qTION CARRZID IJIv'�NII�l�USLY. 6. RECEIVE PARK b RECREATION COM`�S ION l�IINL'TES : N0�'Et�ER 20 1984 : , pp�T_ IpN gy Zit. KONDRICK, SECONDID B?�R. NTELSEN, TO RECENE THE iIWEM- SER 20. 1984 PARK AND RECRFATION CO .ISSION iIINITI'ES. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VO?�1G AYE, I�OTION C1�RRIED UI�ANII�JUSLY. SCHI�+BEL DECIJ�iRID THE lE � � 1F PlANN1NG COMMISSIO�� MEETING. NOVEMBER 26. 1984 `PAGE 10 5. DISCUS510N OF AN ORDINANCE RECODIFYING THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE BY ADOPTJNG A N 1 � '.,u • . Mr. Robinson stated that in 1982 State Legistature passed a ttetute requiring surface water management of all land in the metro erea. This legislation formulated the Six Cities Matershed Management Organi2ation which together with the Rice Creek Watershed �istrict, encompassed the surface water manage- nent for all of Fridley. The intent of this legislation is to manage the surface water quality end quantity of run-off. Mr. Robinson stated the City's storm water system is not complete. but much of that whith has been implaced is 20 years old. Accordingly� the required maintenance of the storm water tystem will increase in the years ahead. yr. RoDinson stated cities can set up their own utility companies for storm water. ana that is what is Deing proposed in this ord�nan�e. He stated the City of Roseville estaDlished a storm water drainage utility this year. Every devel- opment in the City of F�idley would have a storm water utility fee tacked onto its water bill and the fee would be paid puarteriy. The amount would deDend on the area and the land use. Basically a single family home would pay S1.75/mo. or 7.00/yr. Other land uses would pay Dased on the product of this Resi�ential Equivalency Facor times acreage time rete. There aere also some possibilities for some treCits for industriel and tortmerciel properties. �� Mr. RoDinson stated he thought the storm water utility was a good idea. because it would not raise taxes and there would be no assessments for system maintenance �nd upg�ading. Ms. Schnabel stated that on page 69 of the a enda. there was a sheet entitled "Preliminary Storm Orainage Utility Budget" �f rom the City of Rlchfield). The budget included spring and fall sweeping and sumner sweeping. Was the Lity of Frid)ey gofng to have thase Lhings. too? Is the tity going to also have ieaf pick•up? Mr. Robinson stated he did not know the answer to that question, Mr. Saba stated that if the money for storm water system maintenance currently comes out of the general budget� why can't that continue? He stated he saw this storm drainage utility as another way to increase revenue without saying the City will increase taxes. If part �,f the budget is going to go for storm water system maintenance. why not tell people up•front and let them know that taxes �re �eing increased in • minor amount for this type of maintennnce and continue to take the money out of the general revenue as the City has been 'doing? He did not see why another fee should be tacked onto the water/sewer bilt. This could snowball. and wfiat is to stop every detrimental'function fro�* toming up with � special fee on the water/sewer bill? Ms. Schnsbel had talked ..about leaf pick-up. Seriously, that could be the next fee tacked onto the water/sewer bill. Then a street cleaning fee. etc.. etc. � Mr. Minton stated he ag�eed with Mr. Saba. He did not like the principle of revenue enhancement through this n�ethod. If the City is going to increase its revenue, the regular �venue of doing that is through the property tax, Me did not think there was a good basis for charging a special fee for this type of detrimentel strvice. 1G PLANNING COM4'ISSION MEETING. NOVEMBER 28, 1984 PAGE� 11 Ms. Schnabel read the following excerpt from "Why is a utiltty nFeded?" in �terials from the City of Roseville (page 64 of the agenda): 'Today, storm waier tosLs are paid for using general tax money--property taxes. ThesE new tosts. when combined with the nearly 5200�000 Rosevillt �nust spend for ongoing ttorm drainage maintenance each year. represer.ts e major expenditure of tax inoney. Roseville must find a way to n►eet these �ising costs in e fair and equitable manner without adding additional burden to the property tax rolls." She stated that what they are saying is they are replacing a tax raise with this storm drainage utility. and it is the same thing. Mr. Saba stated the concept was tnteresting� but he did not really go.alono with it. It was a non-tax deductible fee. It was not a cne t�ne fee. This fee would be collected annually forever. They are creating a fund of mcney for the city government to spend because it is there. Jt is like a department budget. if the departme�t �as 550�000 that has to be spent that year or the department wi)1 lose the money. that department will definitely find a way to spend the money. The money is easier to spend if it is there already in a pool than if you have to justify it or request iL or budget it. Ms. Oquist stated he tended to agree with Mr. Saba. This was a surcharge that was going to be there all the time. The fund is going to be estabtished ta spend; whereas, if the money had to be budgeted� the money would be used more i logicatly. � Ms. Schoabel staLed that if,this fee is passed and a fund is created. how is the City going to spend this mor.ey they are saving? What kind of services are going to De given the citi=ens in exchange-•better snowplowing� for example? Mr. Minton StateC it was important to maint�in the infrastructure and keep it in good shape� and it was important to pay for that maintenance. Dut he would rathcr have the City do it more openly. Mr. Rcbinson stated Fridley is unique in that there are a lot of ponds in the city. There is • iot of maintenance needeC on a pond--the filtration svste-. erosion problems, a�ow►ing, etc. Mr. Oquist stated that a lot of the ponds have been around for a long t1me. and the maintenance on those ponds is ongoing and has been ong�ing. So. that type of money could come out of generel funds. This fee sounds like �t �s tntended for storm sewers and tearing up streets to repair storm sewers. So. the City needs to set aside some money just in case they need to do that. ' Ms. Gabel stated that Mas the kind of information that would be useful to the Comnission. Are there storm sewers that indeed are damaged and need to be ' repl aced� soon? . Mr. Minton stated a question that could be asked is: What would be done in � the future that is oot being done now? 1H PLAN'�II�G COMMISSION MEETING,NOVEMBER 28 1984 PAGE 12 Mr. Oquist stated that the citizens of f�idley pay taxes to �aintti� their . storm seaers. •nd now the City wants to set aside more money to repair the storm sewers. What will the citizens get in return? He stated he would pay s1/yr, if the City wouid save him s1/yr. on �is taxes. •, Ms. Gabel asked if there were any plans that show what the City has to do in the next 5-10 yQars on the storm sewer system and what is it going to cost? If the City's sewer system was aging� what does that mean? What k�nd of � repairs will be done annually on the storm sewer system? What are the pro- jected repairs in the next 10 years? Right now. there Mere too many unanswered questions for her to make any kind of decision on this. Mr. Minton stated he would like to knoN sor�ething about the life expe�tancy " of a storm sewer system, �f Fridley's system is 20 years old. that is not very old for a storm sewer system. MOTIO�N DY MR. MIN?bN, SECOit�DED BY MR. 5118A, TO CON?INUE DISCUSSIQN GN TN£ ST! pRl7 NA?fR DRAIN�G� U?ILITY A? TNF NEX? MEiTING. ilPON 11 VOICE VOTE, AI.L VOTING 11YF, CNAIRf�►CY�:A1V SCH1�A8£L DECLJIRiD TNE NOTIDN CARRI ED UNJN 1 MOLISLY. 6. RECEIVE OCT08ER�1, 1984, HOUSING a REDEVELOPME��T AUTHORITY MINUTES: MD'I0� BY MS.GAB£�i:'DNDED 8Y Mf'. SAbA, TO R�CEIVE ?Hi OCT. 11, 2984, NDUSING i RE'DEVPIAP 1:T 11UTNORITY MINUTES. 17PON � YOICE YI�TE, � CJIRRI ED UNAJ� I!lDUSLY. 7. RECEIVE OCTOBfR 9, 1984 MOTID:�' 8Y MR. OpI1IS?, SECON C�01i�:.'T� 1 TY DEV�LOPI�ff'AT COPlJ':I UPON 1l VDICE Y�?£, �LL YOTING CARRI ED UNAt` I MDUSLY. AY£, CNAIRIJOMAti SCNh.�1BEL DECI.ARF'D ?HE NO?SON 1TV oFVFIOPMEtn COMM.ISSION MIf�UTES: SY MR. MINTQN, T'0 RF'CiIVE' ?HE OC7. 9, 1980, �N MINUTFS. 8, RECEIYE OCT08ER 15. 1984. ENYIRO��ME CNAIR1dOM14JV SCXNABEL DECIJ4RED THE PlD:IOI: Np1'IQN SY 1(R. NIELS£N, SECON►DED �Y PIR. �1V IV D I�AT11L QUALITY G�D1D'lISSION MINfJ'1 =�DlV A VOICE VOTE, 1lLL VOTING 1l2'F, GIRRIED UNJWIllOUSLY. « - - � UALITY CON!�ISSION MINUTES: ,?D RiCiIVE THE OCT. 16, 19B4, SCtL'dJ18EL D�CLARiD TNE KO?ION � �.J � �� � •.� � �• • � �t�] O�I� AI��II�IG SECTION 4.06 CE' �3E FRIDLEY CITY �ARTIIt _ ( I�iII�.TIONS At� ELDLTIQ+IS) - , (QTY O�E SDCTIQ�I F MI9C.) ' �E QTY OO�IJNCIL CF 7�i�E QTY QF FRIDLEY DOES OF�AII�1 AS FUI.Tl.�1S: �at the following section of the Fridley Charter be a�nended as follcws: 4.06. NOMII�ip►TIONS BY P�'ITTION- The mode of election of all elective officers provioed for by this Charter shall be by petition. Zl�e name of any elector of the City shal l be pr inted upon the ballot whenever a petition as hereinafter prescribed shall have been filled in his/her behalf with the City Qerk. �ch petition shall be signed by at least ten (10) electors qualified to vote for the office in question. No electoz shall sign petitions for more candidates than the n�aciber of places to be filled at the election, and should he/she c3o so his/her sic�ature shall be void as to the petition or petitions last filed. All nanination petitions shall be in the hands of the City Clerk not more than one hundred thirty (130) days nor less than one hundred (100) days before the general election at which time the filings shall be closed. 4i,e City Qerk shall prepare the ballots with the names of the candidates for an office in a manner to be provided by ordinance. Each petition, when presented, must be accompanied by a five dollar (S5.00) filing fee. (Ref. �ecia.l Election 4/1?,/60, General Election 11/3/64) PASSID ArID ADOPTID BY �IE CITY CXXJNCIL CF �IE CITY QF FRIDLEY 2IiIS _____, DiAY pF , 1985. WII,LIAM J. I�E - 1�fAY0R ATIf'ST: SIDNEY C. IN�'1F�,N - CITY CZ�IItR Pub1iE Hearing: January 7. 1985 First Reading: January 7, 1985 secona Reaairig: R�blish: � _ t FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL �• APPOINTMENTS' 3 JANUARY 21, 1985 (Tabled January 7, 1985) , �, ..• � � �• • i �� v• • •• � � • HII�N RES�Rf,�'S �SSICN � ►„• �..• r �. �-1-88 RFSIGN� !�'£PBIIt .. '-., Maynard Nielscn 7144 Riverview R�ezrave (H) 571�608 4-1-88 Richaza SVanda 1521 Wooctside O�urt (8) 571-5154 4-1-86 Peter Tre�enfels 5248 Horizon Drive (H) 572-8229 4-1-87 Brian C,00dspeed 731 Rioe CYeek Z�erraae (H) 571-4822 4 /�;DAYTON HUDSON CORPORATION Eugene M. Link �I 777 Nicoilet Mall Minneapolis. Minnesota 55402 612�370-6948 612/370-6578 January 10, 1985 Mr. Nasim M. Qureshi City Manager City of Fzidley Civic Center 6431 Univezsity Avenue Northeast Fridley, MN 55432 Dear Nasim: Enclosed are two copies of the Street Relocation Agreement with the changes we discussed last Monday and with all exhibits attached. The primary change was in Paragraph 2.c., which now provides that the new street will be constructed to applicable industrial standards if Target decides to use the street for truck traffic. Since Target would probabovided only use a portion of the street for such traffic, I p that only the portion so used would be constructed to industrial standards. The officer who would normally sign this agreement is out of the office until Monday, so I am sending unexecuted copies at this time. I will have the agreement executed on behalf of Dayton-Hudson next week and send you executed copies to be signed on behalf of the City at the City Council meeting. Sincerely, ���. L � Eugene M. Link Attorney EML/bas Enclosure cc: Mr. Dick Brooks Mr. Virgil Herrick 0 71L.1/011085 STREET RELOCATION AGREEMENT This agree�ment entered into as of ��; •�ietween the City of Fridley ('City") an8 Dayton fludson Corporation, a Minnesota corp�ration ('DHC• ) . R E C I T A L S 1. DHC conaucts a warehouse operation upon property owned by DHC in the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota. The western boundary of DHC's property abuts Able Street. 2. DSC intends to expand its business and in furtherance of that plan has entered into purchase agreements to acquire pro- pexty lying to the west of Able Street, which property is described on attached Exhibit A. 3. The exp�ansion of DHC's business will require the vacation of Able Street as it is currently located. 4. The expansion of DSC's business will bring significant economic benefit to the City. 5. As an inducement to DHC to acquire the additional pro- perty, and in recognition of DHC's reliance thereon, the City is willing to vac�ate Able Street upon the terms and conditions con- tained herein. � In cor►sideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, the parties ac�ree as follows: 4A l. In the e.vent DHC decides to expand its operation in such a way as to reguire the vacation of Able Street, DHC shall notify the City thereof. Upon such notification, and following �omple- tion of the replacement street contemplated by this Agrgement, the City shall vacate Able Street NE from 73rd Avenue NE to Locke Park. The exact location of the portion of Able Street to be vacated is described in attached Exhibit 8. 2. DHC agrees to provide a replacement street in accordance with the follc�wing: a. D�IC shall dedicate to the City, for the benefit of the general public, a street across the real property described in attached Enhibit A. The street shall be laid out in a north- south direction and shall run from Locke Park on the south to 73rd Avenue Ni: on the north. The exact location of the replace- ment street sl�all be determined by DSC. b. Di3C shall provide, at no cost to the City, a 50 foot easement for �public street and utility purposes for the portion of the replac�ement street which runs across the property described in :Exhibit A. With respect to that portion of the replacement street which runs across that property which is currently the right-of-way of the Minnesota Transfer Railway Company, DHC shall assign to the City the easement agreement between DHC and Minnesota Transfer Railway Company in the form of tttached Exhibit C. DHC and the City shall cause Minnesota Transfer Rail.way Company to enter into the supplemental agreement referred to i.n Paragraph 1 thereof and to dedicate an easement 2 4S J 4C for street and vtility purposes across the property designated in accordance With said agreement. c. The replacement street shall be fifty (50) feet in width and will be constructe8 to substantially the same.standards as the portion of Able Street being vacated; provided that, if the replacement. street or a portion thereof is to be used by DeC for truck traff`ic, the portion so used shall be constructed to the industrial standards applicable to such traffic. d. Al:l costs of land acquisition, construction and per- mits shall be �paid by DHC. �. No�twithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, DHC shall not be relieved from any requirements for obtaining any permits which may be required by city ozdinances or by other governmental boc]ies. 3. The terms of this Agreement shall automatically terminate if DHC has not, notified the City of its decision to exercise its right to have Able Street vacated as provided in Paragraph 1 hereof within four (4) years of the date of this Agreement. 4. The C:tty warrants that all hearings and other procedural steps necessa�cy for the vacation of Able Street have been completed, that the City has full power and authority to enter into this Agreement and that this Agreement is a binding obligation of the City, and that, upon the completion of the replacement street, �ble Street shall be deemed vacated without the further act or approval of a,ny par ty. . 5. The C:ity agrees to execute and deliver such other dccu- ments as may be necessary or convenient to place the vacation of 3 �� 0 Able Street into the public zecords or to otherwise accomplish the objectives of this Agreement. In Witness, whereof, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed as; of the date set forth above. DAYTON HUDSON CORPORATION ( "DHC" ) By - Its By Its 4 CITY OF FRIDLEY ("Clty" ) By I ts Mayor By Its City Manager 4D EXHIBIT A property befnq acquired by DeC: The Nor.th One 8alf (N�) of the Southeast One Qua=ter (SE�) i:XCEPT the West Six eundred Seventy-five (675) feet AND EX(:EPT tbe East Fifteen Hundred Seventy (15�0) feet of the West Twenty-two Hvndzed Forty-five (2245) feet thereo:E, Section Eleven (11), Township Tbirty (30) North, Range :�wenty-four (24) West. AND The East Fifteen Hundred Seventy (157Q) feet of the West Twenty-two Sundred Forty-five (2245) feet of the North One Half (N�) of the Southeast One Quarter (SE�) , Section Eleven (11), Township Thirty (30) North, Range Twenty- four (24 ) West. m 4E EXHIBIT 8 Description of Able Street to be vacated: The Easterly fifty (50) feet of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NE�SE�), except the Northerly sixty (60) feet, of Section Eleven (11), Township Thirty North (T30N), Range Twenty-Four West (R24W) and the Easterly fifty (SO) feet of the Northerly fifty (50) feet of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SE�SE�) of said Section Eleven (11), Township Thirty North (T30Nj, Range Twenty-Four West (R24W). 4F , V 718.1/120684 EXHIBIT C STREET EASEMENT AGREEMENT Agree�ment made this 3�t day of ?'ece�ber, ?99I� between MINNESOTA TRArfSFER RAILWAY COMPANY, a Minnesota Corporation, Grantor and DA►YTON-AUDSON CORPORATION, a Minnesota Corporation, Grantee. RECITALS: 1. Grantee i:. the owner of a parcel of real estate (hereinafter referred 1:o as "Parcel 1") located in the City of Fridley, Minnesota upon which Grantee has constructed improvements for a warehou.�e operation. Tbe western boundary of Parcel 1 abuts Ab1N Street. 2. Contempor�sneously herewith, Grantee has purchased from Grantor a parcel of real estate (hereinafter referred to as "Parcel 2'"), which parcel abuts the western boundary of Able Stre�et, so that Able Street lies between Parcel l and Parcel 2. 3. Contempor�nneously herewith, Grantee has also purchased from a third party the parcel of real estate (hereinafter referred to as "Parcel 3") lying to the west of Pazcel 2. 4. Parcels 1. 2 and 3 are legally described on attached Exhibit A. 5. Grantee intends to expand the i:nprovements on Parcel 1 and construct additional improvements on Parcels 2 and 3. The : time at wbich the improvements will be constructed has not yet been determined. 6. In order to construct�the improvements on Parcels 2 and 3► it will be necessary to obtain the vacation of Able Street and to relocate the street to a new lo�ation on Parcel 2 or 3• hG � �. Grantor is the owner of the railroad right-of-way lying adja- cent to the southern boundary of Parcels l, 2 and 3. 8. The purpose of AbZe Street fs tc provide access to the pro- perty lying to the south of Grantor's right-of-way and the relocation of Able Street will require the construction and dedication of a new street across the righz-of-way, including tbe construction of a crossing across Grantor's spur tracks located on the right-of-Way. 9. The parties desire to create an easement across the right-of- Way for street and utility purposes so that the relocation of Able Street may be accomplished at a location and at a time to be determined by Grantee. In consideration of the covenants contained herein and other valuable consideration, the parties agree as follows: 1. Grantor hereby grants and conveys to Grantee an easement for street and utility purposes over nnd across the portion of the right-of-way owned by Grantor described in attached Exhibit 8. The exact location of the street within the ease- ment area sha12 be determined by Grantee. After Grantee has made such determination, the parties shall enter into a supplemental agreement setting forth the location of the street and releasing the remainder of the easement area from the encumbrance of thi"s easement. The supplemental agreement will be recorded in the acpropriate real estate records. 2. It is currently anticipated that the street to be constructed will be approximately 50 feet wide. Aowever, Grantee may designate and construct a wider or a narrower street, or a pedestrian oz bicycle path, as directecl by the City of Fridley. In addition, Grantee s:�all have no obligation to construct a street and Grantee may e2ect not to designate and - constrnct a street if it is not required to do so by the City . of Fridley, or for any other reason. 3. The cost of constzucting the street shall be paid by Grantee. �7 4H 0 4• This easement is assignable by Grantee to the City of Fridley. Grantor agrees to dedicate the designated property to the City of Fridley for a public street and Grantor shall execute and deliver any further instruments necessary to accomplfsh such dedication. Grantor shall cooperate with Grantee and with the City of Fridley and shall use its best efforts to obtain any governmental approvaYs necessary to � construct and maintain a crossing across the spur tracks located on the right-of-way contemplated by this Agreement. Grantor agrees to do all other things reasonably necessary to accomplish the relocation of Able S treet. . 5. This easement shall inclu8e the right to enter upon the pro- perty described in E xhibit B for the purpose of constructing the street at the designated location. 6. This easement shall run with the land and shall be binding on and shall inure to the benefit of the parties hereto, their heirs, successors or assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date set forth above. MINNESOTA RAILWAY TRANSFER DAYTON-HUDSON CORPORATION COMPANY "Grantor" 'Grantee" / A i By v� By Name �o« u. Fo�,�,�• Name E.A. Burkhardt , �,�� ,�j,o.nr Title P:esident Title : _ I L � ►c�o� . and fy �1 l�v� ti�� and By ! �� Name wil;iom P.;�j. Name Gordorf orbes :�s,sronr Secrt�ory Title Secret�ry Title This instrument was drafted by: 3 Dayton-Hudson Corporation 777 Nicollet Mall Minneapolis, MN 55402 4I • � 1E J State of "�r`'SC�'a County of AA��'Y . .. . The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 3:st day �f nece^ter. 1SSL__ by E.A. Burkhardt and by Gordon Forbes, respectively the President and the Seczetary of MINNESOTA TRANSFER RAILWAY COMPANY, a Minnesota corporation, on behalf of the corporation. State of County o '� . . • • I , . , � . �� %� i ^/_.a.!'/ ,i•-..t C. � � �i�lotniy Public �, ' "� HARRY E. MAITLAND 'i � ���:�� NO1A�t R1�lIC � Y��SO1A � �y:�� unMs:r COU� � : R•,v cc"""iuion �:oh� bn. 2�. 19l7 The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this '� 1985 by •d • � � � U and W,c,C[.�dm� 7' %�tac- , respectively the � t� OPts nnd the ��'� of DAYTON-HUDSON CORPORATION, a Minnesota corporation, on behalf of the corporation. � r'� Bo:Eo:a � F:ic�ion ... ��-�• MOt��� rutuC—ramtSOT� �1 � NcNn►:aiN coi�Nt�r Mr eon,e:7s�io� .:p��a Mor 1�. 19lS � � Notary Pub ic EXHIBIT A TO STREET EASEMENT AGREEMENT The following described property according to the duly recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Anoka County, Minnesota: Parcel 1: Parcel 2: Outlot One (1) • in Block One (1) , Fridl,ey Industrial Park Plat 1. The North One Half (N�) of the Southeast One Quar�er (SL�;) EXCEPT the West Six Hundred Seventy-five (675) feet AND EXCEPT the East Fifteen Hundred Seventy (1570) feet of the West Twenty-two Hundred Forty-f ive (2245) feet thereof, Section Eleven (11), Township Thirty (30) North, Range Twenty-four (24) West. Parcel 3: The East Fifteen Hundred Seventy (1570) feet of the West Twenty-t�ao Iiundred Forty-five t2245) feet of the North One Half (N�) of the Southeast �ne Qua:tet (SE�;). Section Eleven (22), Township Thirty (30) North, Range Twenty-four (24) west. � 4� � � EXHIBIT 8 TO STREET EASEMENT AGREEMENT The North Fifty (50) feet of the South One iialf (S�) of the Southeast One Quarter (SE;) EXCEPT the West Six Hundred Seventy-five (675) feet thereof; Section Eleven (11). Township Thirty (30? North, Range Twenty-four (24) West, according to the map or plat thereof on file and of reccrd in the Office of the Register of Deeds in and for the County of Anoka and State of Minnesota. 4L a � � � �t - :� � .... , _ . � _. i . � ' '�.. _1_ � - ----- - - ---- , ._� , � . � ��. � : , ��. � __ � � .-, .'O, �:� r": ' V �- � � • ��� �. � � � � o, �, -- - - --- � �- _ -- _ � � 0 f. '�- _.— i �.r u�iwn� -- � • . ;•..-� . t.. . . • »�.�� . s� ; , � =; � ---- • � � ` `�s- 1� - �.�. � • � I�r• .�.^- . � � ' �� � �I 4 � � .� .— • 4� � i � �� �.� �� . ��` � �1 � 1 �! � � . V !' � � i � v �i i� � � ~� � ` " � � � � � . � � � � �i � � `� �y'� .. _ , , _ ...� �! r � . � � �i � �� s �� � .. � , !i `� � � . ��' ; . I=e !� . ( ! •' r � �,� ., �, ti �, , ✓� ��� � ��� �.i�`',� . i ;.:,�,., ; � ! . `_'�--�--"-';.'i: ai� wiw .nri _ aiut _ .. _—�'i;'J -...r....- , � a , � • � T.. � � �.. � /`� � l�l' . � � � � ii � ' �1 � �i . . ;�`' � ; ` �-�� � • t T� , � _ � . �ly,� o . ; �� � O�INAtJCE AA. AN Oi�INI�E LIADER SDCTION 12.07 OF THE CITY CH�1ItTER '1�0 vA�C'ATE STREEIS AI�D AId.F.'YS AAID TO AM•EtdD APPEAIDIX C OF '1�E CITY O�E ' . �e City Council of the City of Fridley does ordain as folla��: SDC�IpiJ 1. For tne vacation of a street anu utility ease��ent cescribea a�s follaw�: Able Street - 73rd Avenue Souti� to Lo�4;e Park. (Origi:�1 ease�►ent for street anc3 utility purposes �ras filea on 12-1-G9 ana is ciocu�;�~�t no• 6605d.) 1�11 lying in the south half of Section l, ''i'-30, I�24. City of Friclley• Ca�nty of Anol�,a, Ilinnesota. S�'IO;I 2. � The vacation of said street is made subject to the terns ana conditions of that certain street relocation agreenent entered into bet-�ieer� the City of Fridley ana the Da�'ta� Ij�on Corpor�tion dated • SL•'Cl�IO:� 3. Zme said vacation has been n4c;e in conforr.��nce �•�ith Ilinne�ota Statutes a�ic1 �ursuant to Section 12.07 of the City Charter 4nu A�endix C oi the City Cooc sii�.11 be so zrienuec'• P11SSID 11tID ADOPl'ID BY 't�E CITY 00[7I�CIL OF Zii� CITY OF FF.II)LCY Z�JIS DI►Y p�� , 1985. �7ILLIAi i J. 2�i. - l�il1YOR ATI'G�: SID2Ti1' C. ItZ;A:3 - CITY CL.EFiiC Ainlic i�earing: November 5, 1984 First Reading: November 5, 1984 Secona Reading: Riulish: Able Street 0 4 �� � � _ � � �,�;� �LA�,►��54�.05 �: Targe�1 _ -- s• _ . - 46 �. • � -� - �� i..� �''--� l� °` � � �-��1J�� ����- - - - �..� � . y � ..�. ,�� .. _ • � • _ . • _ .;, � w ,,� ... ...�. ...: �. �;ti •I ..... •.�., -- i -- ..,... ._ .�.. _� ... � .�.... ,�.. ,i .. : � �... fl� � o.�n ■ov ,� ,, .. « ........ � 4li I ��r M �MM�Y I , �� � � _ '1 � �'"�� _ _ ���� � w��N• 1�1� ��� : ��• r� --�� � i � �; w;./�.W.• 0 ..�. � • �. „,�:.�.;� �;� �' o �. � �, �; ; �� �i0 ;• � �, ��: i; .�. — � � �' .� � 7� �� � � \ - �r �w .. . ��r �� i.. }° : �A!!�. M,A i �I � . , s .:. : -._. . » ;r�:.....r;� � .•�;,-YY�11,,•. r, ...» : t i • Mw�c1 •� 1� I � ..+•�•, ���i�l��s�7�f•. !. , i ��• � I ' �� �� 1� �1 �V ~ � . �� J� �. ` Y I� � C� f f • •'�, �� � �� ' � .a � � !� ' ' C n..«..�r . � �r+�fA•. • � I�� �N�N• ���� �.� . . .r VI :�MN^�y r.... �wr�_w.�' �� — � H� •1 �� � .�. A• ��._�� ��n i A��� M1M�� a� • w...� �.+• � w�.. � I � ►�� � � ��r�• w • �..� � !»•M� r � � � a I � ' I M� • • Y�� i 1 •. . � � ���. w..�. �r.�. � M . .... � i1i ,, �_!, �- � e_ _ _ ^ � q _ _ _��- _ �• ; _ __ __�- j + ��• ';i .. .».. � p .... `� • `� /� � `xR�� � ���K y ,A` . • .�...: - _ � � L� ,� �n i r��N I1 Q i' G � • " .� r � ����. �. .- I' ' � 'd�e•a■�, • ° �' � � i'c6 0 � � � ■,�. � � ' ' . - F � •, �c�;,�o , n C . e . , -� ° •,�,• I E � •r �,� � Q ' i' � � �' w p � ' C G l► �' Q ••• � I} «....«. .� ,� O a C O � �� � • C n II h «•.....�. .�. � '` � ',;o •�"� - � .•. � �, .► • � C �► C C � < <i C :, ' : s •� .:. ^ a :. � � a,► � G � �? � C .. � n n 0 –_�y �.w, -'^— . ���� Ii J (� ' 1 I . T .,� ` �_� � c� . , � �': ' — ., . �� J,r � �1 � � i �• � • �' YM i ••� � . � � � �� _. �a � � � r ;�; / � ,� �. �.. �,,: � = G ;-�, I�., % j , :� � . . t .�, :«.. ;:, � �i' _ � . ' •-;, " �,� � ! I;i ;... � .. �� v� , �1.� • � V `• � • �, '•w �•� , AY� � / � • � �I;� I � C• �/A� J �' • w I •w.� ��. II' 1 •• . �•�•� f` �Y i r''.i �' ,� II '�� � . i 1�1� �', 1 u`�i LJ„�� rnr• �� i� � � ....• �) � �1R �A 1�I • III � i 1� � �1I�.�. � ..� �w 1 w w.� M �� � � 1`\ � n I � .r• I, +_- ;;_ _ •� � ;; ., ; .� ..` ^ r •��• S�OO���w A� J � . i .� . `. • � � • %// i � � -� ��' J., - • ; • I �•. �N�N , . � � r� �- � �..� • • r .• �� � ��s - S •• •�• \ •• �• � S �ti• Y��• ' ,� 1 � � • y t �M� ' i_�,,,_ w�. � "�' � � . . . � .. � $ � i� i � � � � �� _ 1` 3: � : � � •- i W.I ��� ! � � ��� • sr� U _..«� �' �t��� �TL � �� «• j� ,�.... .. •.. �.. r �w b ' ' L C �4 'f'�J��ai�•'i�li ' � �.�. •� . �� ' GG •r�r-... . ....�..... /— Q�' -- i: *l�r'-• ..�.. � • } L : i ::....� ' .�..� ; J'.. •� � t�...�:j��rtl_:i+�• -.., .� Ciy/M�f { I1 1 1 f t�= j-f t f • twr.w r� •. �. �i �Y� �i 1�• � L �.ww • D. l��� �w� ( � � `� �. ��.. :.' � t��� „ i n;� ...a .,.. � 5 oRnn�ucs �o. UI ORDIlit10E IIADER 38CtZON 12.07 OF THfi CIT? CHARSE$ !0 YACATE STREETS A�D �I,LETS �ND TO Al�KD •PPBNDIZ C 0! TS8 CITZ CODB '. . Tbe City Council of Lbe City ot Fridley doea ordain a.s tollowa: SECTION 1. For tbe •acation o! a atreet easement descriDed a� follows: 67th Avenue adJacent to Lot 30� Block 2, Oak Grove Addition. All 2ying in tDe North Aalf of Section 13� T-30� R-24� City ot Fridley, County ot lnoka� Minnesota Be and i� bereby �acated ezcept that the City retains easementa over the entire atreet vidth tor utility and drainage purpose�. SECTION 2. The aaid vacation hss been made in conformance with Minnesota Statutes and pur�uant to Section 12.07 of tbe City Charter ana Appendix C of the City Code ahall De so amended. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIl. OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF , 1985. NILLZAM J. NEE - NAYOR ATTEST: SIDNEY C. II�IHAN - CITY A.ERK PuDlic Hearing: January T, 1g65 Fir�t Reading: Second Reading: ' Publi�b: SAV �84-06 - Kuta 5A PLAN�r!�G COMNIS3�Or� MEETI_NG. NOvEMBER 26. 1964 PAGE 9 TNE �OLLOWI�►G S�IPULA?IQNS Di INCORPORaI?ED INTO a PL�N �R 1tSVIFh DY ?XF PI.�lNI. �NG CO1l1r.I5SI0W DY J[1NE 2, 2 9 B S: "• 1. CURB 11LL 1iJIRD SCRFACi'D 1Vt�A5 MITN JI 6 INCH PDUJiFD �NiCJiETE CURB, RE'PJ�IR OR 1t�PLIC'F DklAGED NRBING. ?. PROVIDE JI NJI�D SLlRF/10E i�OR AZ.L ARiJIS di11►G USED 8Y VFNICLE5. 9. PROt'IDE A S FT. SE?BACK FROK THE B�IS�IAG i�OR PJIRIiING 11RE'AS. I. IiFDUCE YENICI� �NTfWVCP TO 32 FT I�JIJtIMJ!! J�'IDtX. \ TXF FOLId►7NG STIPULI�ION TD DE COY�7�1'ED DY Jt1Ni 1. I9B5: 2. PROL'IDE MORi �NDSGPING, FSPFC211LLY �LOl►G OSBORti'F. VPO�M1 JI VDICE VC?�', �Z,L VO?ING YE', CAIIIRWDAl111� SCHNABiL DEC1J`R£D THE MO:IOti GIRRIED UNJ1l�IMDUSLY. M5. Schnabel stated there was sti 1 the question of whether or not this was a replacement of the sign end thence� in terms of the Sign Ordinance. would require a va��ance. Section 2i4.13 f the Sign Ordinance shculd be reviewed again Dy Staff. She would feel comfo taDle leaving this decision up to Staff. 4. VACATIOh RE 'EST: SAV •84-06� BY PATRICIA AND MIApY KUTA: Vacate 67th Avenue a �ace�t to ots an � oc . a �ove �i�on� alo�o with vacated 1/2 alley. to be used for open area at 6689 Anoka Street N.E. Mr. Robinson stated this was a single fan�ly house located off a cul-de-sac bounded Dy 61th Ave. o� the north and Anoka St. o� t�e east. The prorosal was to vacate 67th Ave. fro� Anoka St. to the vacated aliey and to utilize Lhe property as open space. A similar proposal came before the Planning Co�+�*�ssion iast spring for the property direttly to the west. and that portion of 61th Ave. was successfully vacated. Mr, Robinson stated Staff had no problems with this vacation request. The only stipulation was that a utility easement be retained within the area for a water line. The City wi11 draw that up and notorize it at Ciiy Hall. He stated the ordinance sho�i:d also be recorded at the County, and the petitioners wiii need a new survey. liOTIO� B}' MR. S�BA, SECONDED DY MR. OpUIST, TO Ri'CD!!Y.Er:D TO CI?'}' COU.rCIL �P— PRJ�':.L Of VJICA?ION RF'DUEST, 511V :8I-06, 8Y PATRSG: 11t`D, �lARY l:US1�, TO Y1lCATE 67TH �VERUE N.S. �LVACFti? ?O LO?5 ?9 161D 30, BLOCK ?, OAY. GP.OV£ �DDI?IO�, �LDA'C b►S?H VJICJITED 1/2 �L�'Y, TO 8i USiD FOR OPi1► 1URE1� A? 6689 �N01U ST1i£E? N.F., MITH TH£ iDLLOt+'ING STIPULA"'I0�5. '� j. 11 flllL•TY F1tSEXiJ�'? �E' 1tF?�lI1�FD IN THE YACA?tD POR?IGN. ?. TNE ORDINAACE Di' 1iFCORDED AT SNE GOUJr'?Y. � Vpp(` � VOICS YO?E� �S.L VO?SNG �YF', CN1lIRWOPla1.'� SCNI►ABEL DEC?.ARFD ?Ni �lD:IDI•' GRRSED �1J`1WIMOUSLY. ' pr7'LOT / � ` . � ri.n i.+/� •%� ` . `/ _ . . � �. • ' � , �.: . _ ' �' / �� . � 'SAV � �6 �CuLa � , - . • �, _ �� - .!o' ,� �. � ' ' • . . • : . . . '' � �. � . . � - ' ., . . , �,- � „t w,,. 3�.<< . ....% . � • ! � r` •� :`. . :~.. J. �� ' . • • . . .• • . . . •" . . •�. . . ' .f •`*:'', a.. �- . i .• ` !�CAT�O�/ �iCL�y . _ • . � ; ..`• : � • . .� , • •: • � . EE�����r• 'REO:ICS�Ce:�LV� � " _ • • , � •+i. i � �. t � ' . iq �i: �,4 ,�p "'a �� ° K91., c• e .+ I n �.a: e�ss � . • �r S�t+ �rJO s �� Z � ' �� 13 �/ ' 2 .3 . . . ��� � �c� � . �2 �� . � :. �65 Q � 16oS itli �ii� 163t . . d _� �3 ��s 'p���� �'�b' s s� ,,, , � /!/ ' «� • 6 rnt�� u4i-- 6�.� 6�� ii�.S- i � ,«S+� ! � r '�. 2 j � S �2�S 9 — Z Z G , � `�•� S 2�-. -« lo�f. Z� 663 � G �t - � �� .� r 20 : : ' 6�33 ° � -•t �� •r� ,.. �j� � ii ¢� . � < <a0 - :-{ C�- - - �44t1 i i� � -, a 6 6 T�i W AVE. . �s-8� �, W �d9s - - bs� 263$9 -2� Z� 2 � �9 . _ :— � -�$r� � - — • �- J � o ��Sl� � ��t 2 7 4 ►= 4 4 Z 5 � 5 SL� `2 Z 3- cA- r s.�3 � Y- 65X�- � J S�' .s!� 6�,1 Z tz 6�54 C � 5 � iv a sz5 i� � �;• � �� zo bS� �53� „A ,�„ . , . � 66 1/2 AVE. N.E, g W l: M\I i0 Jl/ Jy ilJ '- i �9 • � W �,1•: • �cc�o 2 'e N .� . �� �. . N. E. ' � u u s• I �. sy.K :' �� �, . \ s } Jili� i ' . v . ,i-' . . �.. :_: G�� . . � t :�- . I 1 '....• � � ,S � /2 � -3 tsi }- �z �''�►S: :� - : � 6� T - , ' • 4 . � 1 / /,! /� •e. •.,.' �,�� i� . � , . / 0 . � /7 '� S � B � ' 8 � 7 • . . � / � /S i se Z �s / � _ ►�35 �445 �� 1655 � ►�15 � �95 : - • . ,. ; ���� , .r�- l�` � . �0: �T. A{Q HW1F- N0. fsE3Cr- - --��,,'► ,:� t s '' __,-- � . ;: . . � , . . , . .. . • E // RHER � � • ' - � ' � _�; ��- � . :. �%I .i � � ' ./.� � • .. ' • •t • � , - •�-� ••�• �• �a i�� -{ , ' . .• ' ' ',t .t• i'±,,:i .. ••�•��►1 •' � � ' � �� � .•. . . Y ' _ . • ��1 . �.. � _ -t • -�� - • • . .i . •��t ~• ��.��•t0 � . t .. . _ ;.- :. -• �.: :r :.•; ',.�'..RGtAND SN. ANOERSON " �. �:: �:'• _ . � - . ,. -�: . }.•. �•' _ . �..•• � .'� ." , � y p � � .�� a• �. � r ' • - . • •• ' •'-�I 'i r� . � : � . . COun+t Y SUR,i� / �.�I _ ` .. . A✓ /'1 � . �. ' • . � � y, v : ' . t ' - ` �ii'II I . , . . ' _ � z . � r . • . �IMG:'� �'X"�T1� A1• �ESOjA � . �rI•i �I _ ' � . : �` � �' ' s � : ' ..' �Z `. : . .► ' , � • � I "� T . 1 :7 • � , . . • - �. � •r . . .. t�: .w '/ _ , Y ' ' � • : . /: , . . . : •. .` :� . �. ' . ' � � v j ,' t ' p �,' .'; � ' � ' ' . , � • � ,. .� � . .' '_ • . �• : •i. �.r'..'•i.' : %,i1 �'. .• , �f . ` �• . .: . . -� •.� � . . . • ' i . � �� �•t� •, • •+•►',•IrI -�i••s•..�? ��i�.�, -'�., . , ,'• � ' . � ,` � ; 1►N1�4 C. MlAA�C11 oav�e �. �N+�v�r►M yWl� !. �Cw�C�tMrlA HERRICK ac NEWMAN. P.A. �tTOw��� �� u►w Mr, JaIDes P. Hill Yuhlic Safety Director City of Fridley 6431 University Avenue Northeast Fridley, Minnesota 55432 ItE: Sauna Licenses January 15, 1985 �r» uM�vaw��n �www M.t /1110�l�, MINN[lOTA ii�i= �71 •7�i0 Dear Jim: Enclosed y ou will find a draft of a proposed amendment to Chapter 116. The purpose is to exempt certain saunas from licensing under C apter 125. It is my undetstanding that you will put this in�th�ofi�olporate customarily used b� the City. However, I would uYge Y the "Whereas Clause" in whatevet format you use. S�ncerely yours, ,i �\., l�Newman DPN:CF Enclosure 0 � RF��TI'IQI I�D. _ — 1985 �q1 DEp�III� MII�IIMAL NEID FOR SPECIAL 1�ID EXpRFSS R�7I�,TIQ�I Q' (�kII1 SAL1I�°LS �- - WHERFAS, the City Ca�cil of the City of Fridley has deemed that there is minimal reed to prwic3e sp�ecial and express regulation of saunas which are operated in conj�ction with certain s�aimaing pcols due to the fact that said saimas are generally licensed t�der C�aP'tez 116 of this code �a a�e to the belief that these types of sa�as are generally not susceptible to operation as a site for acts of prostitution, illicit sex and xcasions of violent crimes. �� ��g.•pgg� gg IT g�9dLVID by the City Council of the City of Fridley that Section 116.02 of the Fridley City Code be a�en� bY �di�ce. PASSID ArID ADOPTID BY 7�iE QTY �L � �iiE QTY OF FRIDLEY �IIS � � _ , 1985. ATPF�T: SIDI�Y C. II�N - CITY CL.Ei2R WILLIAM J. I�E - MAYOR 6A •:-.� � �• • � AN ORDII�N(E RDCXDIFYZI� T� FRIDLEY QTY OCDE BY AI�,.ADII� CHAPTER 116 ENTITLED 'POBLIC SANITATION FACILITIBS�' �IGN 126.02 � �E QTY C�TNCIL C�' ZiiE QTY OF FRIDLEY DOES OF�AIN AS FC�ril.�IS: 116.02. I.ICEI�].SE RBQOIR� ��`� 1. No person shall own, c�erate, maintain, lease or be responsible RnQUIRID for any public steam bath, public heat bathing room or public suntanning roan, �less a license shall have been obtained f rom the City, pursuant to this Chapter. Also, no person shall vwn, operate, maintain, lease or re�t to ar►y other person, or in any way provide or service a public portable rest room within the City of Fridley ta�less a license shall have been obtaineci from the City, pursuant to this C�aptez. 2. Any •sauna" as defined by Section 125.02 of this Code and which meets all of the follawing requirements: A. Is Iicensed under this Chapterf and B. Is oontructed adjacent to and is operated in conjunction with a s�►imning pool having a minimur► surface area of 750 square feet and which pool is licensed under Section 115.03 of this coae; ana C. �ere is not a separate r.harge in�osed for the use of this "sauna"s shall be exe�t from the requirenents of Chapter 125 of this Code. p�SSID pI�ID ADppTID gy �iE CITY �UNiQL �' �iE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS I:AY QF � 1985 WILS.IA['9 J. I�E - MAYOR ATIfST: `11� I� � M M ]I- . First Reac3iny• secona I�aaing: Publish: . � . RKS 6 RECREA�ON COMMISSION MEETING, DECEMBER 18, 1984 3. Mr. Flora stated there was no fear of any toss of park �nai�tenance support be ause all they have done is move six pe ople across the hall. They used t have three divisions in Public Works.�ach divisio haseitsu' divisions-- reets. Water, Sewer, and na� Pa�ks. own foreman, ut all report to one supervising superintendent. Mr. flora stat that through this reorganization. they hope to get some improvemen in equipment and operation and personnel supervision. They als� look f rward to making some improvements in the total operation of the parks. Si ce they now have control of al1 the resources of the garage and people. they hope to be able to do some things a little better. Ralph Volkman, Supe intendent of the Public Works Dept., used to be in the Parks Oepartemen about 1Q years ago. so he has a good knowledge and experience in pa operation. He felt that next year. they should be able to see some i rovements, and that is Lheir goa�. Mr. Kondrick stated he d had some toncerns in the beginning about this reorqanization� but e now felt confident in the ability of the City to make the adjustme t and take care of the needs of the park areas. He also felt the increased anpower was going to make a difference in terrt�s of how things were do e. Or. Boudreau stated one impor' and a half since they have sw bickering back and forth betN going to make the people work responsibiiity, and not jusi ant the responsibility. or Sewer's respon thing they have seen in the last month ed over is that the nitpicking and divisions has been reduced. This is e as s team, that Tt is the C1Ly�S �ark's responsibility. or Wate�s ibility. etc. Dr. Boudreau stated that in the mon to know this new operation a little efficient operation. Ol0 BUSINESS: and a half they have been getting tter. he has seen an overall more a. Naming Park - Rice Creek School Mr. Flora stated the street adjacent to the new park area is Creek Park Lane. The name of the plat is Creek Ridge Plat. MOTION 8Y llfR. YOUNG, SEC�DNDED M' l�t. 1lLLEt�� Z'D RECO!l1�ND TO CITY pOAUNCIL TiIAT TXE AiEi+� FARK BE tVall�D CREEK RIDGE PARK. �7P'CY�1 A VGICE WTE, 1LLL VDTD+iG 1lYE. C6AIR?ERSON KONDItSCX D�C?�IRED THE 110TSQN GIRRIED UNIINIMOUSLY. b. Meeting Dates for 1985 Dr. Boudreau stated the meeting dates for 1985. He stated Mr. flora will Cortmiss n members had a list of tentative These me Ling dntes Were all on Mondays. not be ab e to attend the Comnission meetings 7 � �� � �� � `.1 i .s •�� , , . ' o�.' � �. f • � J r : s . . : .. : � �� w �� i . � :. �' _ .� r � t � (�" •N Y� /� f� s•«acs C�►[ • `s 1 , �c �---� �--� .� � � }�� r.��c• i' �� i � 1 (� r � � 1� \-�� �� L�r l�V� � i �� ��`� � ' : .wc c.=^ �IMM�°�,�-�_ �-- ,�, �� ._ � . _: � � �0�_�0 "' , sf�., Y.�c: :�o: � ti -. .. � '�`�•`� � c� ; �' � � -� � �-?0�-���-. ,. � �- .. � �;;;� � �� � ' �� + -1 �-- -- �--� , � � , �,;� � • . •, • . (.�� ..; � � ^ C t � � .r i '� � e.' c R��E C EEK/ �', ' v: � `� .. :.: � � ♦ / � • `�� ►A�K,•� �i � � �. �� . � a,. � . . � � , ' �� �' ' � � S� � _ ' � � � •;;� �+ � . � : , t FW BR�Gr�C. % A 0 H �_ � � .� � • � • f�.� � ���„�. ' •vEv.lE � .r I " �� �� I T1� 1� - • '��� •• �� •vt�Y� �'R �/ CRE[r �"�� ��c0�t � t►t� ����� f �J.�����M���..�•� r�St SS o� J ♦ � �;: . . - . • . „ O O f h �[atNt• �� , � �VE ��C[ C\�l� � ��ORa C • p�r t�• (qf, ♦ Y V Y • t � � w '^ • 3 W r T M �• E �t Z � . . t • � i � � � : ` °- � 0 a • � ., a . tt�• t� �.' �..������•�0� ����� \ S��E[T (��►/�V ��������� �" Y � a•• t�. t' ��'.Al � ► '� � � y • � �� w � MARR IS � � �� ' PONO , • 0 ��, � �' s . = %� ` •` ` �- i s 1 s � � � r '� V t � , ..r ` e i :�rt►oT � � . . E C�[[a .�0�0 -1� u i � � �` � �� �/ � • � O � f : r'. � • [ � � � . � . • ! _ �� � � v � � . IfC6l � � lo�� �r � • � 1 •I � • � � � � �► � � � E r . s�.� •r � p� _ � � � (y• �1?Y17��+ 1 - r - �►is Agreenent, made this 13th clay of December, 1984, by an8 between the Fridley Housing and Redevelop�ent Authority (hereinafter c3esignated as "Lessor") and the City of Fridley thereinafter c3esi�ated as 'Lessee') . Wl'1td��S� t �at the Lessor, for and in oonsideration of the terms, covenants, rents anci oonditions, herein mentioned, to ��ia �a ��orn�a � r�ssee, does hereby demise and let on to said Lessee, and the said Lessee does hereby hire and take fram the Lessor the follawing c3escribed premises situated in the City of Fridley. Co�ti' of Anoka, State of Minnesota, tro-wit: 214 Mississippi Street N.E. Iat l, Block 1, Sylvan Hills Plat 6 Zb have and to hold the same just as it is, without liability on the part of the Lessor to make alterations, and imprwenents or repairs of ariy kind in and about the c3esnised prenises, except as and if otherwise set forth herein, for the term of three years fran the 1st daY of Janua=Y� 1985. The Lessee shall have the right to terminate this Agreenent, without liability, two years fram the above date. At the end of the three year lease period the parties may exercise ore year extensions upon mutually agreeable teims. 1. Lessee agrees to and with Lessor to pay Lessor as and for the re�t for the above-mentioned prenises the s�n af $63,750.00 payable in monthly installments of S3,770.83 each month, in advanoe, m the f irst day of each and every month during the full teun of this lease at the of f ice of the Lessor or at such other plaoe as Lessor nay in writting designate. In addition to the rent specified in the preceding paragraph, Lessee agrees to provide for the cleaning of the building's interior, the maintenance of the si3ewalks and the ugkeep of the lawn. �uther. the Lessee shall pramptly Pay the costs of all utilities, including but not limited to, electricity, natural gas� telephone, sewer, water and refus� renwal. Zl�e Lessee agrees to prwide all snaa reroval for the parking lot which is imrndiately adjaoent to and which servioes the denised propetty. 2, Lessee shall procure insurance on tlze o�ntents of the building during the t,enn of the lease. 3. Lessee oovenants anc7 agrees that it will make no structural change or major alteration without the Lessor's consent, which consent shall not be unreasonsbly withheld. 7�e Lessee further oovenants that it will promptlY FaY fot any such alterations, tegairs or maintenance made to the demised pcoperties so that no mechanics liens will be filecl against the propertY• 4. It is aclaivwledged bY the Parties that the Lessee is making $ 90,000 in i�ro�,ener,ts to the property in anticipation that it will have the enj oyment and use of this property for the full three year term of this lease. . , Hvwever, c7ue to the fact that the property is located within a tedevelopnent district, it is agreed that the Lessor may teaninate this lease priot to the expiration of this three year period. In the event the Lessor does so terminate ti►is l�� earl���i�sedtuponFthefractior�alsamountrofrthe mnount of these � taiexpired lease at the time a� tern►ination• 5� �e parties hereto mutually agree that the Lessor will not be obligated for any relocation °°sts �F°n te�n�na�on of this lease. , 6. Lessee agrees to pay for all special requirenents for utilities such as ,gas, steam, water and electricity. 7, �e partfes hereto mutally agree that if the demised premises are partially or totally destrayed by fire, or other hazards. then Lessor r�aY� but is not obligat�ea to, repair and restore the der�ised prer.ises as soon as is teasonably practical► to substantially the same c.bn�lition in which the c3�mised pre�►ises were before such c3aanage. g. Any tracie f ixtures. equipnent and other propertY installed in or attached to the demised prer,ises by or at the e�cpense of the Lessee sha11 renain the property of the Lessee and the Lessor agrees that the Lessee shall have the right at any time and fram time to time to rerove any and all of its trade fixtures, equipment and other property which it may have stored upon or affixed to the c3anised prenises; prwic3ea, however, that in the event of such =enoval, Lessee shall restore the prenises to s�stantially the sa�ne oor�dition in which the prenises were at the time Lessee took possession. 9. The Lessee agrees to pramptlY notify the Lessor of any dangerous oonditions in the prenises by the Lessor. 10. �fie Lessee agrees to vacate the prenises on or before the terminatilf clate of this lease or any renewa2 or extension as prwic3ed in this lease. the Lessee fails to vacate on or before the required date. he shall be liable to the Lessor for any and a11 losses incurred by the Lessor as a result of such failure. Upon vacating, the Lessee agreesrt�ol�l� �a �d teareexcepted. oo�dition at the oa�enoe��ent of the tenancy► 11. If the Lessee shall make default in any covenant or agreenent to be performed by it and if after written notice from Lessor to Lessee, such default sha11 continue for a period of f ive (5) days or if the leasehold interest af the Lessee shall be tahen on execution or other process of law► or if the Lessee shall petition to be or be declared bankrupt or insolvent acoording to law, ther►► ana ir► anl' of said cases, the Lessor nay immediately or at any time thereafter, without further notice or denand, enter into and up�n said prenises or any part thereof and take absolute possession of the sa�ne fully and absolutely with such re-entry workin9 a forfeiture of the rents to. be paid ana the oovenar►ts to be perf°rme� bl' the ���e for the full term o� this lease and at Lessor's election, Lessor may either lease or sublet sucii prenises or any part thereof on such tentis ana conditions and for such rents and for such time as the Lessor maY re�son�bly ele�t �d af ter crediting the =es�t actually c�ollectec7 bY the Lessor fron such re-2etting, the Lessee, its respective heirs, legal representatives, sucoessors and assig�►s, anci interests shall be liable to the Lessor for any balance renaining due on the rent or � f�� �� r�esf��� �bsolu�teSposse�ssion ofssaldlpremisesafree fram any s�sequent rights of the Lessee. �at in the event of default by t]�e Lessee, Lessee shall oompensate the Lessor for all reasonable attorneys fees, ex�enses and costs incurred by -the Lessor fn either reaoquiring possession of the property or for bringinq an action for reoovery of �a'►paid rent. In the event that the Lessee vacat;es the permises and defaults in any of the tern�s of the lease without giving formal notiae of teanination of the Lessor has a ric�►t to re-enter and take possession of the prenises. 12. Wherein in this lease it shall be required or permitted that notice or c3er,�and be given or served by either PartY to this lease to or on the other, such notioe or demand shall be given or served and shall not be cieened to have been given or served unless in writing and forwarded by mail addressed as f ollows: Tb the Lessor: Fridley Housing and Re3evelopnent Authority 6431 University Avenue N.E. Fridley. Minnesota 55432 Zb the Lessee: Fridley City Mana9er fridley City Hall 6431 University Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mirv�esota 55432 Such addresses may be chan9ed from time to tim�e by either party by service of notioe as above prwic3ed. 13. �e Lessor and the Lessee agree that all of the provisions hereof are to be oonstrued as oovenants and agree;►ents. 14. kfiere ap�propriate, singular terms include the plural► and pronouns of one gender inclu3e both genc3ers. II� WI�'F5S WHF�tDOF, the Lessor and Lessee have caused their respective i�es to be subscrit�ed to this lease on the �Y � Lessors: Fridley H.RA. �� Larry Commers . • I� hai rman Lessee: City of Fridley �� William J. Nee Its Mavor ��� � -� p�qECTORATE a oF pu���c woRKs ''�N � MEMOAANOUM R1 DL 1/Z/85 . T( 0� _` . Mark L. 6urch, �E CT st.Oir.Pub.Wks. !O John �lora, Dir.Pub.Wks. FRIDLEY GARAGE b STORAGE FACILITY CHANGE ORDER N0. 3 1 .'o °a 9 ..� ��o = �= - — �--= PW 85-01 • �C t ipN �w� 0 — - -- _____ - This change order allows the addition of the folloft g items which are necessary for the completion of the Police Garage and Storage Fac�l y 1. Twelve light fixtures forrtLhePrest ofathenfacility butsmust9purchaseres from Rice Creek School fo these 4' fixtures. 2, Fou� electrical relays for the unit heaters, which were omitted from the specifications. 3, Additional insulation for Lhe ramp over the police parking area. 4. Fill required to bring the Target parking lot area uR to grade. The cost of this fill is to be reimbursed Lo the C�ty by 7arget. MLB:jmo • Attachment g PUBLIC NORBS DEPARTl�NT Engineering Divialon CITY OF FRIDLEZ Fridleq� Minaesota December 18� 1984 Monette Conatruction, Iac. 2050 White 8ear Avenue St . paul � !QT 55109 SubJect: Change Order �3� Fridley Carage and Storage Facility Ge ntlemen: 9a ?ou are hereby ordered� authorized and instructed to modify your contract for the Frid2ey Garage and Storage Facility by modilying tbe tollawring: ADDITIONS �� 1. Furnish 12 additioaal interior light fixtures 2. Furnish and i�stall � relays on unit �eaters for draft induced Pans. 3. Furni�h and install 12 additional 4 x 8 aheets of 2* atyrofoam insulation for ramp area of roof. 4. Extra Fill . 6/�/14 ODANTITZ Lu�p Sum Lump Sum Lump Sum 9.665 CuYd DNIT PRICE = 340.00 = 131.00 ; 276.50 5.75 TOTdI. C[iANGE ORDEA #3 (ADDITION) ORIGINAL CONTRACT PRICE CHANGE ORDER �1 i,DDITION) CHANGE ORDER �2 (ADDIT20N) CHANGE ORDER #3 (ADDITIOH) REVISED CONTRACT AMOIIHT �II�iT = 340.00 = t31.00 ; 276.50 =55�688.75 +� 56,436.25 ♦�39�,700.00 t= 8,7�0.00 •� 7�331•00 +a 56,436.25 =467�207.25 � Monette Construction� 2AC. Page 2 Cbange Order i3 Fridley C�rage and Storage Facility • � Subeitt�d and approved Dy John G. Flora, PuDlic Morks DSreetor.on,tDe day of . 1984. . .. . � .i �� a � � �. � �r�.... . Praparsd by � .. ✓ Checked by ��//Kt�� John G. Flora� P.E. Public iiorks Director - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Approved and aceepted thia day of ,__, 1984 Dy Nonette Conatruction� Inc. !lONETTE CONSTROCTION CO.� INC. gy Title - - - - - - - • - - - - - - - - Approved and accepted this day of . 1984 Dy tbe City Council of Fridley• Minneaota. 6/4/t� 0 ii211lam J. Nee !layor Hasim N. Qureshi. City Manager 0 _� t f R! DLE.Y 10►YE 1/3/85 �r— sv��ECt 1-694 IMPROVEMENT p�qECTORATE OF puB��c woRKs MEM01aANDUM — o � j,� • o � .� °� o° - _ _. �_ . � �- Pw 85-02 a:t�p� �w�o -- - - — __.�... __.__. — Minnesota Deparbnent of Transportation is P�epaftnrePortiNenhavePreceivedwindicates4 between T.H. 100 and I-35W in 1987/88• 7he d P they will be widening the east and wesLhDdirections.t�Thisewillabe�accomplishedh ten foot shoulders on e�ther side in bo Dy removal of the existing grass medians n�dofetheCBu9lingtonhNorthern Railroadnbridgeer. In addition, plans call for the replaceme Lo accomodate the two additionallanes and provide for an additional two �ailroad tracks. Within the MnDot analysis, they have identified fon5 aaUesto eccnom�cereasonseandatheesign noise levels but do not plan to ini7wotofathesetareas (south side between Menards and need for additional right-of•way. Matterhorn and the north side between Matterhorn and County line) are within the L�ty of Fridley. At our initial meeting, Ne addressed Lhe need fo�ro ecteWdBrooklynyCenteDehasCSUbmitted in the Mississipp� River bridge portion of the D 3 a resolution to MnDot requesting this item be incorporated in their construction drawings. MnDot desires a resolution from the Council aonrandnincorporatesithe Gity s concernhfor the project. Attached is the necessary resolut Dikeway/walkway across the Mississippi River and the naise levels within the City lim�ts. Recomnend the Council approve the attached�resolution. �GF:jmo Attachne�ts a$savrioa xo. - �985 ♦FFROOING ?EB PRII.I1�lDiAR? LA?OIIT FOR INPROYDiG IIiTBRS?�T8 aic�y�T 694 BETiiEEN ?.H. 100 �HD I-35w ApD REQ�$3TI11G CERTAIN DESIGN PE�iDRBS BS IIiCORPORATBD Ili?0 !HE CONSTROCTIOH PLUiS. . �, MAEREAS� the Commissioner of tbe Department of Tranaportation has prepared a preliminary layout for Lhe iaprovement ot' a part of Trunk High�ay pumber 393 rentimmbered as Trunk Highxay No. 69u Within the corporate limits of tbe City ot Fridley, from the Nest Corp. Limita to East Corp. Limita; and seeks the approval thereot, and WHEREAS, aaid preliminary layouts are on file in the Office of the Department ot Transportation� Saint Paul� Minnesota, Oeing marked� labeled, and identified as Layout No. 15 S.p• 0285-47. S•p• 27 87 -12 and S.P. 6285-93 (694=393) rrom T.x. 252 to T.x. 35�1. i�HEREAS, tbe City Council tri�hes to assure that detailed eonatruction plans being developed Dy the Minnesota Department of Transportation for the project vill contain certain design features to as�ure (1) the proper and safe operation (2) it'a integration With the comprehensive plan for the City and (3) coordinate rritb the needs and plans along tbe Missi�sippi Aiver corridor. NOY THEA. BE IT RESOLYED, that aaid preliminary layouta for the improvement of aaid Trunk Highway within the corporate limita be and hereby are approved With the folloWing atipulation�. 1. The addition of a pedestrian/bicycle trail tacility to the I-694 bridge across the Hississippi River. 2. Appropriate noise abatement measures be included rrithin areas S5 and N6. PASSED tND �DOPTED B? T8B CIT? COIINCII. OF THE CITY OF PRIDLEY TBIS TH DAZ OF , 1g8 . YIl.LIAM J. NEE - NAYOR �TTEST: � $IDNET C. INMAN - CITi Q.ER1C 6/3/3 10 A SP 2787-12 SP 0285-47 I-694 IMPROVEMENT 10 � SP 6285-93 �.<< " � _ : i 47 e � ::t:; �; 3� 'o ��� • k � ��� � ;� :'� �ti� :F'� .:: � �:::� :.; .1...�[: , . "j s' . ;;y :��w �.iw.i�icJi.��.i:' � s :l � .`': • .. � .: �� �' . ; � � '•': T -'C`-� �.'�;-� 7 •, • ,� � ��•:: � � 7�' :i �.. s. ..... ...... .. �:�\ � MISSI3SI►/t ST. ` � 'Py, �;�T••:::•:::-. :::':�: ''�:;•'•:'�.'nRO=:-;:7►vE� ��� �:•',c' FRIDL�� � � r .. ARDEI` a�er'.. .... .: ;;' 252 • ro►. �0.22� '�`. � HILLS k� � t 6 :,: ng 10 ror. eo z AVE � N. �� ;�;' ... 1 i �. � � , ��O �� Ru�h � �� r" r � li�00I � � . • . , �� '" �� � La1ce 'i t r � o� Lake :,. , .i: � : �i ' x�N n � - :, oun ` ". �:i� � :%i J. ;\ � OI� � ll�Tr sT. 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'.; ifTM: ':� AVE �► •• � IfTN A11E L E � ;�: , ....... :.a : ..� � : � � � 5 ' L�ER D � < \ • . f �ii 1 0� .�. �+ < � I . � .l, �!f . ......... � - - L �n SCA�E: ONE MILE iv PROJECT LOCATION MAP 10=+-12 = 12'—+-12' � X �S rinrG- 0 �10'- n rt RECONSTRUCTED /-694 0' 12' 7 2 � � 9 12'--t-10 i 0C I I I h Z xixno� x3sv�x ' �.�xno� ��xo N Z � � 1 I Z 1 c� Z I � N � r— Z � � (-�� 1N3W3110adWI ti69-I tsZ Nl !- a ~ � w z w , N Q � \ � . � � � < � � m m � a !Od 3�`11 da;�'11S / co � W W � v� , . ,` V ... � � N O ti �� � Z . � � W � W U N � J t!0 NliONd311VW � Q, � Z Z � f � . \ t se Hl �r � i M � �� Lt Hl N N ' r I � I vs i 0 10 D I � i RBSOI.IITION N0. - 1985 . A RESOLUTION APPROVING A 3IIBDIVISION, LOT SPLIT, L.3. #84-12, TO SPLIT LOT QFF TH8 NORTHERI.Y 35 FSET OF LOT �, BLOCK 1, PACO INDUSTRIAL PARR, AND ADD IT TO LOT 2, 8%C$PT THE NORTHERLY 50 FEET, ALONG WITH LOT 3, BLOCR 1, PACO INDUSTRIAL PARK, TO BE USED AS ADDITI08AL LAAD FOR PARKING, TH8 SAME BEING 7200 IINIVERSITY AY$NIIE N.$. WHEREAS, The City Council approved a lot split at the Janauary 7, 1g85 meeting; and WHEREAS, auch approval Was to split ofP the Northerly 35 Peet of Lot 4, Block 1, Paco Industrial Park, and add it to Lot 2, except the Northerly 50 feet, along with Lot 3, Block 1, Paco Industrial Park, to provide additional parking for proposed development at 7200 IIniversity Avenue N.E. WHEREAS, the City has reeeived tbe required Certificate of Survey f rom Winfield Development, Inc, and WHEREAS, such approval Will provide parking for an industrial building site. NO�F1, THEREFORE, BE IT RESCLVED, that the City Council directs the County oP Anoka to record this lot split Within six months of this approval or else such approval sha11 be null and voici. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS TH DAY OF , 1g85. WILLIAM J. NEE - MAYOR ATTEST: SIDNEY C. INMAN _ CITY CLERK 3/7/1g/1 Winfield Properties 11 11 A Mr. Flora sta ed with the opening of Target's office building and the medical ce ter's plans to expand their space, there will be a substantial inc ease ia traffic at this intersection. Re ateted it will affect the afety going into the shopping center at this aervice drive. - Ms. Gabel stated s ce Old Country Buffet opened in Holly Center, there is constant a consistent traffic and she couldn't imagine doing anythfng that ould add to the burden of the traffic problem. M�TION BY PR. KONDRICK SECONDED BY Ir6. CABEL, TO CLOSE THE PUSLIC HFARING ON SP #84-25, T PROPERTIES, BY JAMES TRAPP. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL V�ING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSID AT 43 P. M. I�. Oquist stated he was no concerned about the traffic as he felt this type of business wouldn t generate a lot of traffic. He stated he was not sure of t!�is type f business on this site since they are workiag to upgrade the downtow area.' I�. Kondrick stated he would a e this would not be the type of business he woubd like to see on this cor r. He stated, however, he didn't feel the traffic would be a problem. Ms. Gabel stated she does feel ther is a traffic problem and a service station would add [o the problem. S e stated she was also concerned es she fel[ chis was no[ the [ype of usiness they �anted for the down- town area. 1�. Minton stated, considering the plan ng and use of the downtown area, this would be inconsistent. He didn't f 1 the traffic would be a problem. MiTION BY Mt. OQUIST, SECONDED BY igt. KOND ICK, TO DENT SPECIAL tiSE PERMIT, SP 4f84-25, MAT PROPERTIES, BY JAIYES TRr1PP, ER SECTION 205.15.1, 3E, OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE, TO ALLOW THE REOPENI OF A SERVICE STATION ON THE SOUTH 120 FEET OF LOT 18, BLOCK S, RICE CREE PIAZA SOtTTH, THE SAME BEING 6500 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N. E. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOM�IN Sd�Qv��BEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMJUSLY. � 2. LOT SPLIT REQUEST: L. S. �84-12� BY WINFIELD DEVELOPERS. INC., (ATTN: RICI: M�RTENS): Split off the Northerly 35 feet of Lo[ 4, Block 1, Paco :� Industrial Park, and add it to Lot 3, 8nd Lot 2, except the Northerly SO feet, the additional land to be used for parking for 7200 University Avenue N. E. I�. Robinson stated this lot split fnvolves a piece of land in the Paco Industrial Park on the west side of University, north of the Community Park. He stated the proposal is to split off approximately 35 x 269 feet of Lot 4 and add it to Lot 3 and pazt of Lot 2, Co be used for additional � ► ( 11B �LANNING COI�QSSION MEETING DECEMBER 19, 1984 PAGE 7 parking for a 30,000 square foot Nautilus Fitness Center. ltr. Rob- inson stated the land is needed to satisfy the parking requirements. I�h. Robinson stated it is recommended a park fee of $221.36 be paid; � the lot spli[ to be registered vith the County; and the remainder of tLot 4 � be combined With Lot 5 to Create a buildable lot. I�. Rick Martens, owner of the property, atated they have a letter of agreement and are finalizing plans with Nautilus Swim and Fitness to be located on this site. He stated they are a company out of Colorado Springs and based on the research he has done, he felt they were a very well-organized and well-managed company. He stated the company is aware of the licensing requirements and that they have to provide a letter of credit and surety bonds. I�. Martens submitted a proposed drawing for this buflding which would be two stories. He stated on the first floor would be a lap swimming pool, ahirlpool, saunas, offices and a day care facility. He stated the second floor would contain a running track, aerobic workout area and all the nautilus equipment. Ms. Schnabel asked I�. Martens if he was in favor of combining Lot 4 with Lot S. He stated he would prefer not to do it, but would agree to the stipulatfon. MOTION BY Mt. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY ?�t. OQUIST, TO RECOA4��ND ApPROVAL OF A REQUEST FOR A LOT SPLTT, L. S. �i84-12, BY WINFIELD DEVELOPERS, INC. (RICK MARTENS) TO SPLIT OFF THE NORTHERLY 35 FEET OF LQT 4, BLOCK 1, PACO INllUSTRIAL pARK, AND ADD IT TO LOT 3, AND LOT 2, EXCEPT THE NORTHFRLY 50 FEET, THE ADDITIONAL LAND TO BE USED FOR PARKING FOR 7200 UN NERSITY AVENUE N. E., WITH THE FOLLaWING STIPUTATIONS: 1. PAYMENT OF PARK FEE OF $221.38. 2. REGISTF.R LOT SPLIT WITH THE COUNTY, UPON APPROVAL OR PRIOR TO ISSLWhCE OF A BUII.DING PIItMIT. 3. THE REPSAII�flER OF LOT 4 BE COtBI:�ED WITH I.OT 5 TO CF;EATE A BUILDABLE SITE. �UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECIARID THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. LOT SPLIT REQUEST: L. erly 36 feet of Lot 5, between ea�h sfde of a - Street N. E. �84-13 RANDY ANDERSON: Split off the South- B1 k S, Melody Manor, to make d zero lot line doub bungalow, the same being 7396-7398 Symphony - l�. Robinsoa staied this lot spl is for property at 7396-7398 Symphony , Street for a 0 lot line wt►ich is a owed in this particular zone (R�2). He _ stated it is proposed to split this ouble bungalow in order to allow each side to be sold separately. I�. Robinson stated it is recoaunended a k fee of $750 be paid; the lot spli[ to be registered with the County; and a declaration of coven- ants be submitted to the City and recorded w h the County. � • ± WINFIELD PROPERTIES Rlo�1h lri+t g�' Lol 2, B/ak 1, Poro I�aFirfriol � 11 C . •�Sou lh /mr q�^ ffK no►:Yi So � atl {[i/ ?, B/er,F 1, . . ��ro I�usrau� Ft�r. 1 p �/ T � E• x � E 24C• 36 p � � �_ - 8, r Yis'!'drya►d %fbocb lr�e � uo � , '. ,,' � ' � , � . � , W � � ' � � � „� ' R rta • 3�, S67 S� �!� � ( h;� �� 4 ' i e } vY � : , ( + : � � . � ::1 , � � i -y - _ '.A - ---- � � .� ,� � � 4 � Areo = 47, 903 s� �� P � � �, . � - � • � i , V ,( ;_ _ � � . G �,, t` ; � r `� � � `,I r �5• � � � ' � � � o , ' e �—` I O . � � � �` /�►ao - 93Bf s� � � � - e► : � Q 4 � � � k �� `� � 5a� /�rx qr�ie A/ar�li i5 �eef 4�'�0�4 � I 1 � � ,, IO ? � A�ca= 37, 9�! s�� A ; � � �� " .°a � � I V � Q 3 G •C �W ` � � ` I W � 4 � i � ; 1 � / � � o � � � �� eQ � � . � � � . --> . M I � � \i t : ( � � , � ` ' � � \ . L H � - ,, �, �� � �Irl4= 46, 953 s� � � � � ._ ; t � � - :. � � �.,, , `, .� I � � � v �•� • . _ L „ __ _ � � " '� s . � ��� - ,. , ; i r . � . . y.tr ; �� �"`�� • ' M ' , } � � , L � \ i � � ', � .is v � v 4 � = RF�9CLUTIQd N0. _ - 1965 R�SR,UTION AU�IORIZ IlVG PARTIQPATION IN ZHE ()ONTROL UATA � BUSINFSS ADVISQt�S, INC. JOINT Q�MPAI2ABLE WORR�i SIUDY ._ WHERF'�AS, Minnesota Statutes 417 .991 enacted in 1984 requi res all pol itical subdivisions i.n the State to establish equitable compensation relationships aanomg its engloyees; and WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Area Management Association, the Coalition of Outstate Cities, the Minnesota Municipal Utilities Association and other related public jurisdictions desire to meet the requir�nents of the law through a joint job evaluation study; and Wi�i'AS, the M�etropolitan Area Management Association in consultation with representatives of outstate cities and af ter meeting and conf ering with representatives of organized labor screened and selected Goritrol Data Business Advisors, Inc. as the oonsultant to perform the study; ar�d WHEREAS, the cost of the study is to be divided among the participating jurisdictions in the following manner: Each entity will pay a base charge of R'hree �'housand Dollars ($3,000) and a charge per eqnployee of Thirty-five Dollars ($35) per person. NGW, �iERF��ORE, B�E IT RFSQGVID by the City Cotmcil of the (�ty of Fridley that it hereby appraves partici�tion of the City in the Joint Comparable Worth Study to be o�nducted by �ritrol Data Business Advisors, Inc. BE IT FUIaHER RF�CLVID that the sun of $7,365 based on the above specif ied formula be transnitted to the City ot Golden Valley, Minnesota which city has offered to serve as the fiscal agent and oontractor for the duration of the study. PASSID AND ADOI�E,D BY THE QTY �JNCIL OF ZiiE QTY OF FRII�EY THIS DAY OF , 1985. AT1.�'.ST: r S� C� J1M1'YYY � 1.11 i ��1 �,/ %��7�.j WII�LIAM J. I�E - N�,YOR � 12 A ,4 • ;�. :: � ` � �� �j� � � ��tro�oliton Ar�c� f�lanac��m�nt A�facic�tion � . ,. � ,, of the Twin City Area January 8, 1985 . TO: _ ALL JURISDICTIONS PARTICIPATING IN JOINT COMPARABLE WORTEi S'rUDY FROM: William S. Joynes, Chairman MAMA General Labor Relations Committee SUBJECT: �INAL COST DETERMINATION AND SAMPLE RESOLUTIO[v At long last I am finally able to provide you with the specific dollar cost to your organization for the Comparable Worth Study being conducted by Control Data Business Advisors, Inc. The contract costs have been alloted in the following manner: 1. Three thousand do�lars ($3,OOO.QO? base charge for each jurisdiction, and 2. Thirty-five dollars ($35.00) ior each employee. This is on the high side of our original estimate due to several factors. The first is the fact that we have chosen to buiid in a contingency of ten percent to provide foc possible legal consultation or other unforeseen problems. Secondly, we have had to develop more original survey information than anticipated due to the variety of occupational areas represented in our study group. If all goes well, the project should enjoy a surplus at its conclusion which would be ret�rned to the participants in proportion to their original costs. I would also like to deFine for you the definition of a j�risdiction, that is, one that must pay the $3,000.00 base fee. Obviously each individual city will be considered one entity and will be defined to include employees who work for libraries and Housing and Redevelopment Authorities. AI1 utilities, regardless of the degree of autonomy from the city, will-be considered separate entities and will be subject to the $3,00.0.00 base charge. Hospitals will be similarly considered. The reasan for this was two-fold. One, it was necessary to develop sepacate occupational survey materials for utility and medical positions which, in fairness, the cities should not be asked to subsidize. Second, it was virtually impossible to determine which utilities were autonomous or operated by individual cities. A waiver of the $3,000.00 base charge to a utility because it was a part of the city would have been difficult to discern and unfair. �B FINAL COST DETERMINATION -2- January 8, 1985 AND SAMPLE RESOLUTION I have attached to this explanation severa2 items Eor your. information: � • � ' 1. If you have not as yet passed a resolution of participation the attached is a sample form which you may use. 2. Accvrate as to this date, a list of all participating jurisdictions. Additions and deletions to the list will occur in the next several weeks and you will be updated. 3. The final page contains an estimate of the amount owed by your individual jurisdiction. The data on number of employees has been gathered from a number of sources. I am sure yau will advise us if we have credited you with too many. We sincerely hope you will adjust accordingly if the estimate is too low. As you are aware, the study has already commenced and many of our employees are actively involved in developing the initial survey materials. Each month all jurisdictions will receive a monthly update on the status of the project. If you require any additional information please feel free to contact the author at the City of Golden Valley, 545-3781. WSJ:hfc cc: Joint Comparable Worth Personnel Committee Attach. 0 CITIES PARTICIPATING IN JOINT COMPARABLE WORTH STUDY Albert Lea Alexandria Anoka Apple Valley Bemidji Benson Blaine Bloomington Brainerd Breckenridge Brooklyn Center Brooklyn Park Burr►sville Champlin Chaska Circle Pines Cloquet Columbia Heights Coon Rapids Cottage Grove Crookston Crystal Deephaven Delano Eagan East Grand Forks Eden Prairie Edina Elk River Excelsior Farmington Fergus Falls Forest Lake Fridley Golden Valley Hastings Hopkins Inver Grove Heights Lakeville Lino Lakes Litchfield Little Falls Mankato Maple Grove 1/8/85 = 88 Cities Maplewood ' Mendota Heights hfinnetonka Minnetrista Moorhead Mora Morris Mound Mounds View New Brighton New Hope New Ulm North St. Paul Northfield Oakdale Orono Ortonville Plymouth Prior Lake Ramsey Redwood Falls Richfield River Falls Robbinsdale Rochester Roseville Rosemount St. Anthony St. Cloud St. James St. Louis Fark St. Paul Park St. Peter Savage Shakopee Shoreview So. St. Paul Stillwater Thief River Falls Wayzata West St. Paul White Bear Lake Winona Woodbury 12C � UTILITIES PARTICIPATING IN JOINT COMPARABLE WORTH STUDY ; Anoka • Brainerd Buffalo . Chaska Elk River Grand Marais Hutchinson Marshall Moorhead 1/8/85 = 18 Utilities Mora . '' New Ulm North St. Paul Owatonna Princeton Shakopee Thief River Ealls Virginia wells ---------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER ORGANIZATIONS PARTICIPATING IN JOINT COMPARABLE WORTH STUDY Metropolitan Airorts Commission 1/8/85 = 1 Other Organization . � � E 12 D .;� „p.:.�.�-_-=- � , :.� ,7.��.A � ' ''�!� . •� 'i � 12 E fYl�tropoliton Ar�a t�ar�ac��m�nt Arfocic�tion of tl�E� i �•::� � ' ;�;��� ;�.���• January 8, 1985 • ! . Mr.=Nasim Qureshi City Manager City of Fridley 6431 University Avenue NE Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Dear Mr. C�ureshi : The fee assessed to your jurisdiction for participation in the Joint Comparable Worth Study of the•Metropolitan Area Management Association and conducted by Control Data 8usiness Advisors, Inc. is as Eollows: BASE FEE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 3, 000 . 00 119 Employees* x$35.00 per employee ..S 4,165.00 Search and screening of consultant ....� 200.00 TOTAL DUE . . . .$ 7,365.00 This fee is due upon receipt of this statement. YOUR CHECK SHOULD BE MADE PAYABLE TO THE CITY OF GOLDEN VALLBY AND FORWARDED ALONG WITH A COPY OE THIS STATEMENT TO: Mr. Wil2iam S. Joynes, City Manager Chairman, MAMA General Labor Relations Committee City of Golden Valley 7800 Golden Valley Road Golden Valley, Minnesota 55427 *If tfie number of employees in your jurisdiction is incorfect please make-the appropriate adjustment and extension to the statament fowarded along with your check. � � FOR CONCURRENCE 8Y THE CITY COUNCIL January 21, 1985 Type of License: � Approved By: -- LICENSES . Cigarette _ Skywood Inn Skywood Mali James P. Hiil '� 5Z01 Central Ave. N.E. A Mn. Partnership Public Safety Director Fridley, Mn. 55421 U�ed Motor Vehicles Bargain Auto Sales Gerald F. Smith James P. Hill 7300 Central Ave.N.E. Public Safety Director Fridley, Mn. 55432 Vend i ng P1achi ne Skywood Inn Skywood Mall John Flora 5201 Central Ave.N.E. A Mn. Partnership Public Works Director Fridley, Mn. 55421 . . � . f Fees• $24.00 $150.00 $150.00 14 ` FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- LICENSES 14 A r � JANUARY 21, 1985 GAS SERVICES Farmer's Heating & Coolir�g, Inc. 1308 E. 96th Street Bloomington, NIIJ 55420 G�ENERAL CONTRACI'OR Wes tern Remode lers 2529 Nicollet Avenue l�inneapolis, NII�T 55404 PUBLIC SWIMMING POOL Skywood Mall (Skywood Motel) 5201 Central Avenue N.E. Fridley, NQ1 55421 � By: C. B. Jones By; Sheldon Goldman By: Darwin DeRosier APPROVED BY . WILLIAM SAt7DIN .Plbg.-Htg. Insp. �• - � . DARREL CLARK Chief Bldg. Ofc . � e Same ,' FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- LICENSES January 23, 1985 RESIDENTIAL RENTAL PROPERTY OWNER LOCATION OF BUILDING UNITS FEE APPROVED BY RESIDENTIAL RENTAL PROPERTY Andres Wlasiuk 5111-5115 - 3rd Street 1 $12.00 5115 - 3rd St. NE Fri�ley, MN 55421 Don�Johannes 6373-71 Pierce Street 1 12.00 6373_ Pierce St. NE Fridley, MN 55432 CONDOMINIUM Realty Mgmt. Serv. 1601 N. Innsbruck Dr. 149 50.00 Black Forest Condo Assoc. 2001 Killebrew Dr., #308 Bloomington, MN 55420 The Association - Condo #8 6489-95 Riverview Terr. 4 20,00 Charles Burnside 6491 Riverview Terr. NE Fridley, MN 55432 - •-R.H. Larson, - �Dep.Chief � � �� �� �� �� �� �� 14B ' FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL " ESTIMATES JANUARY 21, 1985 Monette Construction dommpany �050 White Bear Avenue bt. Paul, M�I 55109 Friciley Garage & Storage Facility j Fgrtial Estimate No. 6 Hickok & Associates, Inc. 545 Indian A'iotuid Wayzata, I�N 553 91 Moore Lake Restoration Project II Pr�essional Servioes - Deoesn�er, 1984 Iayne Miru�esota Oompary 3147 California Street North Minneapol i.s, M�l 55418 Well arx3 Punp No. 9 Partial Estimate No. 1 � w $ 26,209,69 $ 1,578.41 $ 10,744.00 . :� 1 4 15