07/15/1985 - 5180FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING PLEASE SIGN NAME ADDRESS AND ITEM NUMBER INTERESTED IN DATE: Julv 15, 1985 NAME ADDRESS - ITEM NUMBER ______________________________________________________________________________________________= L�� L�%I� �� I/.f � ��� � �s I � �� 0 �r� �, i� � FRIDLEY CI TY COUNCIL � JULY 15, 1985 - 7:30 P.M. Followir.g are the "ACTIONS "�"��� � to be taken by the noted Departments. Please type your answers on the TI911 by Noon, July 24 (Disk 03, Directory 1, Category 26, Appropriate date) . Just replace "Action Needed" with "Action Taken", no need to print it out. Please call Mary Lu for any assistance needed. ------------------------------------------------------------------ FROCLAMATION: NATIONAL CL04�'I� WEEK AUGUST I - 7, 1985 Proclamation issued. CITY MANAGER--ACTION TAKEN: Mail ec3 procl amati on to Cl own Cl ub ie�resentatives . APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Council Meeting, July 1, 1985 Dtinutes corrected--Fage 6, Paragraph 6, changeo f ron 80� to 30U� CITY MANAGER--ACTION TAREN: Corrected ninutes a� adopteu ADOPTION OF AGENDA: Adopted as presented OPEN FORUM, VISITORS: Ed Wilmes from Islands of Peace was present to introduce Sue Kissinger who will be doing the programing for the park I Council Meeting, July 15, 1985 Publ ic Hearing on Vacation Request SAV �85-04, to Vacate Portion of University Service Road West (Loop Back), Heartland Corporation . . . . . . . . . Public Hearing tabled to next meeting �OBLIC WORRS--ACTIONS TAREN; Published hearing date and put on next agenda . . . Public Hearing on Vacation Request SAV #85-05, to Vacate Street Right-cf Wa}�, Part oi 63rd Avenue, Ted C. Shirley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Public Hearing opened at 7:44 P.M. Closed at 7:47 P.M. PUBLIC WORKS--See Item No. 6 for adoption of Ordinance on First Reading for this vacation, ok OLD BUSINESS• Consideration of a Resolution Supporting Legislative Changes Enabling the Six Cities Watershed Management Organization to Levy Taxes (Tabled 7/1/85) . . . . . . . Resol ut i on No. 61-1985 adopt ed PUBLIC WORRS--ACTIONS TAREN: Will work with City Clerk (as specified in Resolution) in contacting legislator and.also other appropriate parties Pa ge 2 1 - 1 C 2 - 2 E . . 3 - 3 BI Council Meeting, July 15, 1985 Pa ge 3 Consideration of First Reading of an Ordinance Recodifying the Fridley City Code by Amending Chapter 105 Entitled "Weeds", Sections 105.01 and 105.03 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 4 D Ordinance was referred back to staff for f urther ref inement PUBLIC WORRS--ACTIONS TAREN: Will put back on future agenda af ter suggested changes have been made Consideration of First Reading of ar. Ordinance Under Section 12.07 of the City Charter to Vacate Streets and Alleys and to Amend Appendix C of the City Code (SAV #85-04 Heartland Corporation) . . . . . . . . 5 Ordinances was tabled to next agenda at time of public hearing PUBLIC WORKS--ACTIONS TAREN: Will place item on next agenda or consideration Consideration of First Reading of an Ordinance � Under Section 12.07 of the City Charter to Vacate Streets and Alleys and to Amend Appendix C of the City Code (SAV #85-05 Ted C. Shirley) . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Ordinance adopted on first reading PUBLIC WORRS--ACTIONS TAREN: Placed on next agenda for consider ati on of se cond readi ng I Council Meeting, July 15, 1985 Page 4 Receiving the Minutes of the CAT� Commission Meeting of June 20, 1985 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 - 7 D Minutes were received by Council PUaLIC WORRS--ACTIONS TAREN: Item filed for future r ef er ence Cc:,�ideration of Change Order No. 1, Water & Sanitar�� Sea�er Project #1�0 and Receiving Petition No. 15-1985 from Burlington Northern Requesting Extension to Storm Sew er Ma i n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 - 8 G Petition No. 15-1985 received and Change Order No. 1 approved PUBLIC WORKS--ACTIONS TAKEN: Appropriate parties i nf ormed o£ Change Order appr oval Receiving an Agreement from Minnesota L��rtment of Transportation for Turnback Pro�. t� . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 - 9 F Agreement opproved PUBLIC WORKS--AC'£IOi�S TAKEN: Will proceed with proper recording of deed CIaims . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Appr ov ed �ENTRAL SERVICE--ACTION TAREN: Paid claims I Council Meeting, July 15, 1965 Page S � Licenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 - 11 C Appr ov ed CENTRAL SERVICE--ACTION TAREN: Issued licenses � Estimates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 - 12 A Approved CENTRAL SERVICE--ACTION TAREN: Paid estimates ADJOURN: 7: 55 P. M. COUNCIL MEETING. �ULY 15, 1985 PAGE 2 PUBLIC HEARING ON VACATION REQUEST SAV �85-04, TO VACATE PORTION OF UNIVERSITY SERVICE ROAD WEST � (LOOP BACK). HEARTLAND CORPORATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 - 1 C � PUBLIC HEARING ON VACATION REQUEST SAV �85-05. TO VACATE STREET RIGHT-OF WAY, PART OF 63RO AVENUE. TEDC. SHfRLEY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2E �� 1 : ► CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING LEGISLATIVE CHANGES ENABLING THE SIX CITIES WATERSHED MAP�AGEh1ENT ORGANIZATION TO LEVY TAXES (TABLED 7/1/85) . . . . . . . . . 3 - 3 B COUNCIL MEETING. �ULY 15, 1985 1 � : 1 PAGE 3 CONSIOERATION OF FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE RECODIFYING THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE BY AMENDING CHAPTER 105 ENTITLED "WEEDS". SECTIONS 105.01 AND 105 . 03 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 4 �•D 0 CONSIDERATION OF FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE UNDER SECTION 12.07 OF THE CITY CHARTER TO VACATE STREETS AND ALLEYS AND TO AMEND APPEhDiX C OF THE CITY CODE (SAV �85-04 HEARTLAND CORPORATION) . . . . . . . . 5 CONSIDERATION OF FlRST READlNG OF AN ORDINANCE UNDER SECTION i2.07 OF THE CITY CHARTER TO VACATE STREETS AND ALLEYS AND TO AMEND APPENDIX C OF THE CITY CODE (SAV �85-05 TED C. SHIRLEY). . . . . . . . . . . . 6 COUNCIL MEETING. �ULY 15. 1985 Pa�E 4 RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE CATV COMh115SI0N MEETIN� oF JUNE 20, 1985 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 - 7 � D � CONSIDERATION OF CHANGE ORDER N0. 1. WATER 8 SANITARY SEWER PROJECT �150 AND RECEIVING PETITION N0. 15-1985 FROM BURLINGTON NORTHERN REQUESTING EXTENSION TO STORM SEWER MA I N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 — 8 G RECE I V I NG AN AGREEMENT FROM ��I I NNESOTA DEPARTME�dT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR TURNBACK PROPERTY . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 - 9 F CLAIMS .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l�i COUNCIL MEETING. �ULY 15. 1985 1 . : ► •► ► � PA�E 5 LI CENSES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 - 11 C 0 ESTIMATES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 - 12 A :1 1 ;1 • IYAiI01AL CLOW1 WBBg ADGUSS 1 - 7. 1985 Wiili�m J. Nee MaYor fridlty, MN. WHEREAS, The gift of Zaughter ie one of the characteristica ruhich distinguishee human beings from att other creatures; and WHEREAS. The art of ctor�ning, �hich transmit8 aoy and Zove to persons of att agee. deeires appropriate recognition for the happiness it bringa to our communities; and such deserved admiration has been forthcoming in the form of a ProcZamation for Natinat Clor�n Week and Internat�.onat Ctorun Week; and WHEREAS. These �nasters of mi.rth and merriment. knou�n as ctor�ne. have donated much time. effort and energy to entertaining so many of our Zess fortunate citiaens in orphanages. chitdren'e hospitats. hospitata, homes for the elderly and the retarded. WHEREAS, In these troubled times, rvhi.ch deride peopte. it is heartening to pay tribute to ctorvns. eapeciatly thoee in our community. tvho by vi,rtue of their apeciat tatente. drar� peopte together in the univeraal Zanguage of Zaughter. NOW. THEREPORE. BE IT RESOLVED that I, Wittiam J. Nee. Mar�or of the City of Fridley hereby procZaim August 1- 7, 1985 as BA?IOBAL CLOWB WBB% IN WITNESS fJHEREOF, I have set my hand and caueed the sea2 of the Citr� of Fridtey to be affixed this 15th Day of Juty. 1965. . �' --�/ ---��.�Ci� -----�_ ,�, �� � WILLIAM J N E, MAYOR - �` •„ . TE� MINCTrF.S OF TF� REQJIAR A'�ETING OF Tf� FRIDI,EY CITY QOUIVCIL OF JULY 1, 1985 Zhe Regular meeting of the Fridley City Council was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by M3yor Nee. PLIDGE OF ALLEGIANCE• � Mayor Nee led the Cfl�mcil and audienoe in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CAI�L� • I�ENB�tS PRESIIVT: Mayor Nee, Co�cilman Gooclspeed, O��.mcilman Fitzpatrick, Co�cilman Schneider and Councilman Barnette NENBII2S ABSIIJT: None PRESIIJPATION • HOME INSURANCE OOT�LpANY' S CERTIFICATE OF NlERIT � CITY EMPLOYEES: Ms. Joanne Lar�ey, Technical Representative of the Loss Control Department for Hane Insuranoe, presented a oertificate � merit to the City esnployees for their efforts in rec3ucing accidents. She stated this was the second award reoeived ky the enplg�ees and the City can look proudly at thei r loss vontral efforts. She stated she has been working closely with Mr. Hunt the past three years and the englvyees have the sUpport and o�mnitrnent f rom the aclninistration. She extended oongratulations for a job well-done. APPROVAL OF MIN[TrES: OOUNCIL NiEETING. JUNE 17. 1985: M�I'ION by Councilman Barnette to apprave the minutes as presented. Seoonded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee c�eclared the motion carried unanimously. ADOPTION OF AGEI�IIDA• The following items were added: Consideration of boulevard mawing in �developed oa�Tenercial and industrial areas and Consideration of Waiving 1:30 a.m. evacuation for special event at George's in Fridley. I�TIDN by CAUncilman Schneider to acbpt the agenda with the above add.itions. Seo�nded tr� Co�mcilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried �ani.mously. OPEN FORUM. VISITORS: Mrs. Ken Anderson, 132 River Edge Way, preserlted a petition for removal of bushes in the median on East River Rct�d fran 61st to 63rd. She stated the bushes present a traffic hazard and residents would like then renaved. -1- COUNCIL I+�TING OF JULY 1. 1985 rDTIUN by Cou�cilman Fitzpatrick to reoeive petition #14-1985. Seconded by Cbuncilman Schneider. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, N�yor Nee c3eclared the motion carried w�animously. Mrs. Anderson stated they have talked with the County regarding this problen, haaever, they were advised to contact the City. Mrs. Anderson stated in wiriter the bushes also support the snaa and creates an even larger sic�t barrier. Mayor Nee stated in improving East River Road, it was to make it safer so the City would take a look at this problen. P�TIO�T • GREEK HERITAGE WEEK. 3tILY 1. T�?�UGIiT 7. 1985: N�yor Nee issued a proclanation proclaiming the week of July 1-7, 1985 as Greek Heritage Week and reaoc�ized persons of Greek heritage who reside and conduct their busir�esses in the City. He urged all residents to look with pride on their aan ethnic backgrotmcls. 1. NE,W BUSINESS • OONSIDERATION OF FIRST RF.ADING OF AN ORDI�E REUODIFYING TE� FRIDLEY CODE BY ADOPTING A NEW CHAPTER 208 ETTI'ITLED "SA�ITE DISH ANrII� REGUTATIONS": Mayor Nee stated he had raised some questions regarding this proposed ordir�noe and asked the itan be tabled at this time. MDTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to table this iten. Seoonded by Co�u►cilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously . 2. RE�'C�IVING TI-iE MII�J'I'FS OF TI� PI�INIJING OOI�+II�IISION MEETING OF JUI� 19. 1985: A. QONSIDERATION OF SPDCIAL USE PERMIT, sp #85-06 TO ALI�UW OiTrSIDE }�RAGE OF CONII�IUI3ICATION OOI�UPER DISCS FOR ARF� PHONE SYSTEM� �750 EASr RIVER RQAD . I�RTHWESI'ERN BELL. BY J06EPH WHALEN: Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this is a request for a special use permit on the southern portion of the Georgetawn Apartrnents property. He stated there is a rvw af garages al�g this portia� of the property and the petitioner wishes to oonstruct a 16 x 17 foot building for storage of tele�one equipnent. He stated this building will have a steel door and wi11 be leased f ran the aar�ers of the Georgetvwn Apartment �nglex. Mr. Flora stated, in o�nj�ction with this special use permit, there is a request for varianoes. Mr. Flora stated the Planning Cc�mission reoo�menc3ed apprwal o� this special use permit, with �e stipulations that the exterior materials be anmpatible with adjoininq buildings and oontingent on approval af the varianaes by the Appeals C�mnission, whic� th�y had cbne and would be discussed later in the meeting. NDTION by Cotmcilman Fitzpatrick to grarit special use permit, SP #85-06, to allaa outside storage of oatm�mication oomputer discs for area phone system at 5750 East River Road with the follawing stipulation: (1) That the -2- C�UNCIL 1�'rING OF JULY l. 1985 exterior materiais be �npatible with the adjoining buildings. 5econded by �tmcilman Sdzr�eider. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Nhyor Nee declared the motioa7 carried tmani.mously. B. �NSIDERP,TION OF SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP #85-07 Z�0 ALI�7W OUTSIDE STORAGE OF MATERIAI.S AI�ID OONSTRIlCTION IPMENI' IiOT 5. CABA RF�ALTY ADDITION. ' MAER'I'EN�-B�RENNY OONSTRUCrION OOA'iPANY BY JOSEPH MAERTENS: Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this is a request for a special use permit to allaa outside storage rn property located off Main Street behind Raffele's. He stated this property, as well as the surrounding land, is zor�ed M-2. Mr. Flora stated the petitirner plans to onnstruct an off ice/warehouse and store oonstruction equipnent in the yard in back. He stated the Planning Cannission rev�mnended appraval o� this request with five stipulations whic� he outlined pertaining to a lanc�scpae plan; fencing and screening; drainage glan; refining of site plan; and a$25,000 performance bond or letter of cr edi t. Mr. Flora stated staff would like to suggest an additional stipulation that the building elevations be supplied with indications of architectural character and appropriate building materials. Mr. I�ertens, the petitioner, stated he didn't have a problen with the stipulations as most of then are standard since they have to meet the requiranents of the City oode. He dicii't feel �e stipulation recom¢nended by staff had anything to cb with granting the special use permit, as any exterior building elevations will have to meet the surrounding area criteria. NDTION by Co�.mdilman Gooclspeed to grant special use permit, SP #85-07, with the fallaaing stipulations: (1) petitioner work with staff to oomplete an approved lanci�cape plan including planting around storage yard; (2) entire storage area to be fenoed, with an eic�t foot hic� fence and screened with appraved vinyl or wood slats and vines and fenoe to be eic�t feet high; (3) petitioner work with the Engineering Department to oomplete an approved drair�ge plan; (4) site plan to be refined to meet oode and reviewed with staff; (5) a$25,000 performanae bond or letter c� credit be supplied prior to issuance of a building permit; and (6) building elevations to be supplied, with indications of architectural character and appropriate building materials. Seo�nded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, N�yor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. C. REVIEW OF SPDCIAL USE PERMIT, SP #84-20 � ALLL7W OONrIN[IATIOiN QF' A NnBILE FiONIE SALES IIJT UI�IDER I�W MAI�GEMENr. 7625 VIRON %,li�D N. E.. BY RAI�IDY GROHI�IICE : Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this special use permit was approved in 1984 with the requirement it be reviewed by the Planning Co�missirn at their meeting in Jine, 1985. He stated the itans that r�eed to be addressed, whirh have not been oomgleted, are the filing of a drainage -3- COUNiCIL A'fEETII� OF JULY 1. 1985 easement with the County and City and bringing the existing sign into canplianoe with the oode. Mr. Flora stated the aaner is in the process of ol7taining the r�eoessary sic�atures for �e drair�ge easemer�t and a variance has been requested for the sic�n. Mr. Flora stated the Planning Comanission recommended, in regard to this special use permit, the filing of as drairBge easement with the County and City be acoo�nplished within ten days of the Council's meeting on July 1, 1985 and that the existing sicy� must be brought into oomplianoe with the sicp� oocie and renaved or re-erected within 60 days of the Cotmcil's July 1, 1985 meeting. Mr. Qureshi, City Manac�er, stated the reason for this re�view is because the mobile home sales is an interim use � the property. He stated eventually there probably will be structures built on this paroel. NDTION by Councilman Sc�neider to oontinue special use perniit, SP #84-20, to allaa cantinuatic�n of a mobile hane �ales lot at 7625 Viron Rd. N. E. , with the stipulaticns that (1) filing of �e drainage easement with the County and City be acoo�nglished b� August 1, 1985; (2) the existing sic� be brought into �mplianoe with the sic� ooc3e and renwed or r�erected tr� Septanber 1, 1985; and (3) staff continue to review compliance with the original stipulations on this special use permit and report any violations to the C;o�mcil within the rext year. �e motion was se�nded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, N�yor Nee declared the motion carried imanimously. D. CbNSIDERATION OF SE'ITING PUBLIC HEARING FOR JULY 15. 1985 ON THE MATI'ER OF VACATION. SAV #85-05. Zn VACATE STREE,T RIGI�ILOFLWAY, , PART OF 63RD AVENUE. BY TED C. SHIRLEY• NDT�UN by Co�cilman Gooclspeed to set th public hearing on this vacation request for July 15, 1985. Se�nded b� Coi.mcilman Sd►neicier. Up�n a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried �manimously. E. ITE�NI FROM Tf� HUMAN RESOURCE.S QONQ'IISSION MEETING OF JUI� 6, 1985 : E-1. QpI�L mFt�T10N OF II�IDORSEMII� OF REOONII�Ii�TION OF TE� HUMAN RESOURCES QON�'IISSION REGARDING ALIACATION OF mBG Ft�IDS � Ht�N SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS: Mr. Nli,rYton of �e Hunan Resouroes Comnission stated Co�cil has a manorandLan regarding the Commission's recommendation for allocation of Community Developnent Block Grant f�n3s. Mr. Mir�t.an stated in reviESaing allocatio�ris for �ese funds, in past years, the Cbmnission received information froan all applicants according to a series of questions. He stated this year the Commission met with all organizations requesting f�ding and, at a separate meeting, voted on the allocations. -4- COUNCIL N1EEI'ING OF JULY l. 1985 Mr. Minton stated Southern Anoka Community Assistance received a high prio�ity, as well as the Anoka CA�mty Catm�ity Actio�n program. He stated there were three ootmseling agencies applying for ftmds and more was given to the agenc.y closest to Fridley and who served children. He stated they tended not to approve funding for salaries. He stated SACA requested fu�►ding for salaries, but d�anged the request for ftsiding for food itens. ' Co�mcilman Barr�ette stated Ed Wilmes had oontacted him regarding the Islands of Peaoe request for f�ding some salaries which was not recommended f or appraval . He stated he expl ai ned to him that f undi ng was not giv en f or salaries and Mr. Wilmes had poirrted out SACA rec�eived fLmding for salaries. Mr. Miriton stated, as mer�tior�ed earlier, this has been changed. He stated the C�mission stated that the f�nc1S were not to be used for salaries, but for other goocls to be cRven to the r�eedy. Co�mcilman Schneider stated there was a rather drastic cut for the Senior Citizens which he asked Mr. Miriton to explain. Mr. Minton stated most of the amotuit requested was for f�nding of a staff salary, which was decl ined; haa�ver, the equipnent for the �ngrec�te dining program they felt useful and should be ftnded. Councilman Goodspeed stated he wished to oommend the H�nan Resources Gi�nanission for the new and improved method of determining haw funds should be allocated. He stated he dic�'t receive a single call fran anyone and thouc�t everyone felt they had a fair chance to present their case this year. NDTIDN by Coimcilman Goodspeed to accept the recommendation of the H�nan Resouraes Comnission for the allocation of 1985 CIBG �ncls to the follawing Hunan Servioe Orc�nizations: Southern Anoka Comn�ity Assistance, $5,000; The Alexandra House, $3,000; Anoka Co�mty C�p, Inc., $4,388; North Suburban CAnsuner Advocates for the Handicapped, $550; Fridley Senior Citizen Center, $500; Central C�enter for F`amily Resouroes, $3,000; Family Life Mental Health Clenter, $1,369; and North Suburban Family Servic�ed Center, $1,369. Seoonded tr� (b�cilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, I�yor Nee declared the motian carried unanimously. F. ITEMS FROM APPEAI�S QOI�II�IISSION NiEETING OF JUt� 11, 1985 : F-1. OONSIDERATION OF VAR7ANCE RD�UEST TO INC�tE'ASE MAXIMUM ALd�('J4�,BLE 9QLTARE F'0C7rAGE OF A SIC�]� 7625 VIRON ROAD N.E.. BY PRESIDENr OF M(JBILE HOME USA: Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this is a request for a variance to retain an existing sign of 300 square feet, as opposed to the code requirenent o� 80 square feet. He stated the hardship stated was the sign has been in existenoe for approximately 15 years and without it, �e lot has minimun appeal as a retail sales lot and the desi re to rent by any retail mobile hcme merd�andiser is diminished. -5- COtTNCIL MEE,TING OF JL1LY l. 1985 Mr. Flora stated, prior to 1972, �is sicF► was classified as a�iillboard. He stated in 1972, Castle Mobile Hanes leased this property and petitioned the City to keep this as a busiress sign and was granted a varianoe with �e stipulation the variance was only approved for Castle Mobile Hanes. He stated since that time, the mobile hane lot has had several terjant changes, but has always been a�ales lot. • Mr. Flora stated the Appeals Carmissian reaonsnenc3ed denial � this varianoe. NDTDx] by Co�cilman Sc�neider to o�ncur with �e tnanimous reoommendation of the Appeals Cannission and deny this variance to increase the maximwn allvwable square footage c£ a sic� frcm 80 square feet to 300 square feet at 7625 Viron Raad N.E. Seoonded by Couu�cilman Fitzpatrick. Mr. Ric�ard Donahoo, attorney represerrt.ing the vwner, Mr. Maxwell, stated the sign has been there since the late 60's and Mr. Maxwell has been invalved with this property sinoe that time. He stated, as far as he knaas, the sign was never classified as a billboard. He stated the previous tenants have always felt the sign was essential for that business. He stated both Viking Chevrolet and Lanpert Lunber have signs larger than the oode, and there are other busiresses who have sic�ns much more than 80 square feet. He felt the sign should be allvwed and the variance granted. He stated, as lang as it is being used for the purpose for which it was built, the use o� the sic� should be allaaed to v�ntinue. Co�mcilman Sc�r�eider stated the o�igiml varianve was granted to a specif ic oom�ny that is no longer operating on this property. He stated, when the special use pezmit was issued last year, the stipulation was that the sign be brouc�t into axnglianoe. He stated there are two other mobile hane lots whidl operate in the area that have substantially snaller sic�s. Mr. Donohoo stated there are still sic�s in violation of the wde where they exceed 80 square feet. Oouzcilman Schneic3er stated one exceeds it by 15� and another by 20$, but this exceecls the requirenent by almost 80$. Mr. Donohoo stated the sign has been there a long time and should be grandfather, as it is a very expensive sic�. �tmcilman Schreider asked why they agreed to the stipulations when the special use permit was granted. I�. Donohoo stated the City is asking for a drainage easement on the property that will interfere with te develognexit af the property. He stated they are willing to grant the utility easement, which goes through the middle � the back half � the property, if the� oould have the sic�. Mr. Qureshi, CYty Manager, stated the City didn't construct that utility, but is only maintaining it. He stated if they want it back, the City would not object. Mr. D�nc�hoo stated he felt, in the future, the property will develop in some other way. He stated Mr. Maxwell's lease depends on the variance being r.� •• ia+ i • granted. He stated the lease is for t�ao more years and if �ey had to erect a r�ew si � f or th is peri od, it woul d be very expensiv e. Mr. Maxwell, aaner of the property, stated if the property develops in another manner, whatever sic� that may be installed naw, would again have to be renwed. He felt it would behoave the �u�cil to advertise the business nvw being v�nclucted tmtil such time that busiriess is no lrnger practical or prof itabl e to be operated f ran tr�is property. O��mcilman Schr�eider stated they had years to bring the sicpi into oomglianoe sinc� C�stle Hanes mwed out. He stated when the special use permit was issued last year, it was agreed the sic� would be brought irito axnglianoe. ��mcilman Fitzpatrick stated his rev�llection is the sic� is-n't being used for the purp�se for which it was built. He stated it had been a billboard and, as billbaarci� began disappearing in Fridley, this one beaame a sic�. I�yor Nee stated he is gererally in favor c� signs, but felt this one was pretty large. Mr. D�nohoo asked if �e varianve aould be granted for �e renainder of the lease or two yc�ars. O��cilman Sc�neider stated he would generally go alang with this, however, a year ago it was stated the sic� would be brought into compliance and this hasn't been done. He stated he didn't have any oonf ic3enoe that it would be renwed at the end of the lease. Mr. D�nohoo stated the sicyz has been there 15 to 20 years and felt it was inder the grandfather clause. O�tazcilman Sd�r�eider stated, even if it was legally cgandfathered, they agreed to bring the si� irito oomplianoe. Mr. Donohoo stated his rev�llection was they agreed to apRly for a varianoe, not that they would reduoe the size c� the sic�. Mr. Grohnke, the leasee � the property, stated last year, as far as he can renenber, they agreed to apply for a varianoe. Cbimcilman Sdineider stated it was acgeed the existing sic� must be brought into �nglianae with the �de or a varianoe appraved for excessive sic�n�age. Mr. I�xwell stated they didn't back out of their word as they agreed to apgly fo� the varianoe. �incilman Schneider stated it wasn't until naw that they applied for the varianve which was reoa�nended f or denial by the Appeals Oonmission. Mayor Nee stated the impl ications of this are farther reaching than the sicg�. He stated if the variance is not approved, then the special use permit would not be permitted, since the matter of bringing the existing sign into oompliance or having a variance approved, was one of the stipulations of the special use pennit. UPON A VOICE VOTE TAKEN CN �1E ABOVE MOTION, Councilman Schneider, Coincilman FitzFatrick, Cb�cilman Gooclspeed and Mayor Nee voted in favor. -7- CQt7NCIL MEE,TING OF JULY l. 1985 �uicilman Barnette voted against the motian. Mayor Nee declared the motian c�rried b� a 4 to 1 vote. F-2. �NSIDERATION OF A VARIANC� TO RIDLICE RDQUIRm SEI'BACR OF AN ACCES90RY BUILaING FROM A RIGI�OE�WAY, AI�ID � ELIMII�Z'S THE 5 F'00'r SETBACK OF BUIIaING FRfJM HAi2D SURFACES. 5750 EA�S�T RIVER ROAD. BY JOSEPH T. WHAI�,TI: Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this is a request for a varianve to rec�oe the required setttzck of an accessory building f ran a right-of-way fran 35 to 14 feet and to elimimte the five foot setback of buildings fran hard surfaoes at 5750 East River Road. He stated this varianoe is requested in conjunction with special use permit �85-06 for construction of a telephone storage Y:uilding. Mr. Flora stated the Appeals Carmission has reoatanended approval, with the stipulation that the special use pennit is apprwed and the structure is to be oonstructed of brick materials to match �e existing structures. NDTION by Coimcilman Fitzpatrick to aoncur with the recommendation of the A�peals Ca►mission and grant the varianoe to reduc� the required setback of an acoessory truilding frcm a ric�t-�-way fran 35 feet to 14 feet; and to elimir�te the five foot setback of buildings fran hard surfaoes at 5750 East River Road, with the follawing stipulation: (1) the structure be constructed of brick materials to matd� the existing structures. Seconded by Co�cilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. F-3. CONSIDERATION OF VARIANCE RE4UEST TO RIDtK:E SE,TBAQC OF A DRIVE��Y FROM STREEr RIGI�I�OF-V�1Y IN�ERSECTION, 441 H[J00 STREET N.E. , BY DON CHOUI I�Y1RD • Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this is a request for a varianoe to reduoe the required setback of a driveway fran the intersection fran 75 feet to 29 feet at 441 Hugo Street N.E. He stated the plan proposed is to c�nstruct a six unit townhouse develoFznent m this �roel c� property. Mr. Flora stated the hardship stated was the original plan for this property was not feasible, as the bank would not finance the project because of the garages being detached. He stated this plan calls far tuck-under garages. Cotmcilman Fitzpatrick stated the original proposal was for ten uiits and is nav dawn to six �its whid� he felt was an impraienent. Mr. Flora stated the Appeals Commission recommended approval of the varianoe, with stipulations regarding a landscape plan; drainage plan; ric�►t-of-way dedication; combining Lots 78 and 79; necessary street easements to be c�anted; and o�nsic3eration of a"no parking" ban on one side a� Hugo Street. Mr. Frank Hec�er, 450 Hugo Street, stated their mai.n oonvern is the width c� the street and if there is spaoe for snergency vehicles. He stated the Appeals Commission reconunended "no parking" on one side of Hugo so he � COUNCIL I��E,TIl�]G OF JOI,Y 1. 1985 ass�nes all cars will be parking on his side of the street. He stated he was also cvnoerred with �e 50 foot lot which was proposed for garages in the origirnl glan. He felt it was fine if it would be left as a residential lot, but dic�'t want the additian of two more tnits in the future. Mr. Allen Mattson, the petitior�er, stated the 50 foot lot is incorporated irito this project and will be used for back yard setb�ack and green area. I�yor Nee asked if the driveway is large enough to allvw parking. Mr. N�ttson stated eac�► init would have their aan d�uble driv�aay to the double c$rage so there would be parking spaoe available in the driveway. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated there is existing ooncrete cvrbing on the north end of the street and onve the driveaays are installed, the curbing will be renc�ved. He suggested the street be wideried ten feet to the north and the City pay for the asphalt, with the developer Faying for the a�rbing. He felt, if this was cbne, the "no parking" restriction for rne side of the street a�uld be elimir�ted. Mr. Mattson stated the last �ncioaniniun �nit oomes closer to the lot than on the plans originally suYmitted and he sutrnitted the new plans. He stated, however, this does not involve any variances and meets the code requi ranents. NDTBJN by Co�cilman Fitzpatrick to wncur with the recommendation of the Appeals Commission and grant the variance to reduce the setback of a drivaaay frcro street ric�t-of-way intersection f ran 75 feet to 29 feet on Lots 78 and 79, Block A, Riverview Heights, or 441 Hugo Street, with the following stipulations: (1) landscape plan approved by the City; (2) drair�ge plan be suimitted and appraved by the City; (3) East River Road ric�t-of-way cZedic,ation; (4� Lots 78 and ?9 be oombined with the tawnhome porti�; and (5) neoessary Hugo Street easements be granted to the City. Se�nc3ed b� �ua�cilman Barrette. Upon a voive vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried tmanimously. �e Co�cil reoeived the minutes of the Planning Ca►mission meeting of June 19, 1985. 3. OQNSIDERATION OF A RE90LUI'ION SUPPORTING LDGISLATIVE CHANGES ENABLING THE SIX CITIES 4�1TERSHID MAI�IGF,MENr ORGANIZATION Zn LE�'VY TAXES: Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated when the Six Cities Watershed Management Orc�Znization was created it was with the uiderstanding they oould levy taxes. He stated, reoently, it was dis�vered by the County that the State statute does not authorize this orc$nization to levy tax�es. He stated this resolutiori would support a d�ange in legislation to authorize the Six Gities Watershed Manac�ne.nt Organization to levy taxes. O�uzcilman Barnette asked Mr. Flora what he felt this mic�t be as far as the mills. Mr. Flora stated it would probably be about one-terith � a mill. Mr. Qureshi, (�ty Manaaer, stated berause this orc�anization is uzder a joir�t. _} • r ia� � • � �_L•�}� pawers agreenent, the laa does not Frwide then any taxing authority. He stated the cnly bodies that can tax are goverrmental agencies. Mr. Qureshi poirited out this is an app�irited body with six cities involved so there a�uld be some risk rec�rding the credibility o� the organization. ' Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, asked what is included in annual operating expen�es. Mr. Flora stated it includes mailing, staff salaries, attorney and engineering fees, and all activities associated with the Watershed Manag�nent Organization. Mr. Herrick asked if it included any improvenent projects. Mr. Flora stated, at this p�int, it d�es not include impravenent projects. Mr. Herrick stated, as he �nc3erstands, watershed districts have power to levy taxes for general aciministrative expenses, but if there are any imprwenent projects, the properties found to ber�efit b� such projects would be assessed in the form of a special assessnent. He stated the oonoern he has with �e resolution is it doesn't really spell out annual operating expenses and d�esn't set any limitation an the anamt o� taxes the district voul d 1 evy . Mr. Flora stated, �nder the Six Cities Watershed Management Organization joint powers agreenent, the agreenent authorizes the cities to initiate a budget and sutrnit it to the respective Councils for approval. He stated this is a means of identifying impravenerit projects and haa to proceed with those imprcuenerrt.s. He stated there are ci�ecks and balances in the joint �wers agreenerit. Mr. Herrick felt it should be better defir�ed or a limir�tion as to haw many mi.11s a�uld be levied so that Fridley and other cities wouldn't be giving away authority to tax to appointed persons who are from a different c�mn�ni ty . Mr. Qureshi suggested staff c�eck same of �ese itens further and bring it t�ck to the QoLncil. NDTmN by Co�mcilman Barnette to table this iten for staff review. Seo�nded by Co�cilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee c3eclared the motion carried �animously. 4. RES�LUTION NO 58-i985 APPROVING REGISTERED LAND SURVEY N0. 88 FOR THE ASHI�AI�ID OIL QOMPANY/SLTPERANfERICA• Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, statea in 1983 the Council approved lot split, LS �83-04, for the Superamerica station at Highway 65 and 73rd Avenue. He stated, when the lot split was sulxnitted to the County for rewrding, the Co�ty required Superamerica to prepare a registered land survey to properly record the property due to the length of the descriptio�ns. He stated staff had reviewed the registered land survey to ensure the -10- � � i�+ � • � cbcunent is an e�ct a�py c� the apprwed lot split. He stated, sinoe there is no official resolution specifically appraving the registered land survey, whid� �uld result in future problens in transfer of �is property, apprwal is requested of this resolutian. i�DTD�N by Cou�cilman S�neic3er to adopt Resolution No. 58-1985. Sev�nded by O�uzcilman Barnette. Up�n a voive vote, all voting aye, I�hyor Nee declared the moticn carried �u�animously. 5. RESOLUTION N0. 59-1985 AUPHORIZING TEiE PURCHASE OF PR�PF•RTY (POLICE GARAGE) : Mr. Irman, Ci.ty Qerk, stated the HRA aans land where the Police garage is located and which the City previously agreed to purci-iase fran the HRA. �his resolution is far that purd�ase in the amount �$35,000. NDTIDN b� Co�cilman Barnette to adopt Resolutian No. 59-1985. Seconded by ��cilman Gooci�peed. Upon a vaive vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the moti an ca r ri ed tu�animously . 6. RE9�I,ITrION N0. 60-1985 AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF THE CITY'S $720,000 OONB�'tERCIAL DEVELUPMENr REVENUE I�'ES ( PASCI�CE PRU7ECT IV� ; Mr. Inman, City C1erk, stated the Council approved the preliminary resol uti an f ar issuanve c� these bonci� on May 6, 1985 for �nstr ucti an of an offioe/ward�ouse facility. It is anticipated this would add 30 jobs, with an annual payroll of $700,000. Mr. Ir�nan stated the project has been apprav ed by the Camn issi cx�e r o� Rev enue . NDTION by Coimcilman Goodspeed to adopt Resolution No. 60-1985. Seoonded tr� Co�cilman FitzFatrick. Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated water from the University Inc�ustrial plat was to flaa into a detention p�nd and held before going into the storm systen. He stated Mr. F�sd�ke had a seFarate agreeqnent with the HRA regarding construction of the detention pond to support this dev el ognent . Mr . Fl or a stated, as of now, ther e i s not such a pond and f el t it should be o�nstructed this year. Mr. Irman, City C1erk, stated he talked to Mr. Paschke late this afternoon and it was his irrtentirn to bec�n wnstruction of the pond im�nediately, even though �e agreenent called for it in 1986. Mr. Herrick, (�ty Attorney, stated the timetable agreec3 upon was for 1986 so Mr. R�sdike is not in vialation of the agreenent. He stated some funds are being withheld Lmtil oamgletion of the p�nd. Mr. Qureshi, Qty Manager, stated some grant finds are being held tr� the HRA an will not be released until i3�e pond is oampleted. UF�N A VOI� VO'T'E TAI�I Q�I ZIiE ABOJE I�DTD�N, all voted aye, and Mayor Nee declared the motian c�rried ta�animously. -11- 7. � � •� �� r � � : RDCEIVING PETITION N�. 12-1985 REGARDING SI'REET LIGHT ON BRIGADOON PLACE: M�TION by Councilman Schneider to reoeive the petition No. 12-1985. Se�nded b� (bt�►cilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vo�e, a11 voting aye, I�yor Nee declared the motirn aarried tmanimously. ' Mr. Qureshi, Qty Manager, stated the property avr�ers have agreed to accept an assessne.nt for t�e �st af a street lic�t laated mid�lock on Brigadoon Pl aoe . He stated, as 1 rng a s th e pr ope r ty aw ne r s a r e w il l ing t o a ccept this oost ac$inst their properties, which will be rev�rded, the City has no problem with installing this light. He further stated the street iritersection lic�t at the s�uth cul-de-sac of Bric�adoon Place meets City policy cpverning installation of street lic�ts so there would be no oost to the property aaners far this particular lic�t. APPOINII�III�TrS• CITY EMPLDYEE�: rDTD�N by �u�cilman Fitzpatrick to voncur with the fallowing appointments by the CS.ty Manager : I�,rE L�vid E. Jensen 2 071 F� eanor St. Fhul, NN 55116 JoseFh Grcmek 3600 36th Ave. NE I�inneap�lis, M�I 55418 •�� Y f�. Mai rit ena nve I, Public Works I�i nt . Dept . Pol iae Off ioer Fbl ioe Dept . STARTII�IG SALARY $8.15 Aer Hour $1519 Per Nbnth ST1��RTING L1ATE Ju�e 24, 1985 July 1 1985 . . . •�,. Harl en HarLSOOm Dav id l�cchia Se�nc3ed by Oo�cilman Barnette. Upon a voive vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried �manimously. CONSIDERATION OF CHANGE ORDER AA. 1 FOR h1ATER AI�ID SANITARY SEWER PROJECT I�• 150• Mr. Flora, Riblic Works Director, stated this request b� Burlington Northern Railroad for this change ader has been withdr�an. M�TION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to withdraw this change order at the request � Burlington Northern Railroad. Sev�nded b� O��mcilman Schneider. Up�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 10. FSTZMATFS: -12- COUNCIL NIEETII�G OF JULY 1. 1985 M�TION by Councilman Schneider to approve the estimates as sutrnitted: Herri ck & NEwn�an, P. A. 6279 University Ave. N. E. Fridley, 1MI 55432 � For Serviaes Rendered for I�bnth c� May . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 3,208.48 Ar o�n Constr ucti on P.O. Box 57 Mora, MV 55051 FINAL ESTIl�TE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 24,497.20 85 �ncrete Pavenent Joir�t. & Crack Reseal ing Proj ect H & S As'phal t 700 Industry Avenue Anoka, MV 55303 Street Imprwenent Project ST 1985-1&2 l�rtial Estimate No. 2. . . . . . . . . . . . $ 5,370.40 Hy r000n Inc. Box 129 North Branch, MV 55056 Water & Sewer Project #150 Partial Estimate No. 2. . . . . . . . . . . . $ 58,482.38 Nbnette O�nstruction Co. 2050 White Bear Avenue St. �hu�, NN 55109 Pol ioe Garage & Storage E'acil ity I�rtial Estimate No. 9. . . . . . . . . . . . $ 59,627.00 Hickok & ASsociates 545 Indian Motmd Wayzata, MV 55391 Moor e Lake Rest orati on Pr oj ect Phase II Inspection II - Period Ending May 31, 1985. .$ 221.67 l�por ts & Et� al ua ti ons, E�di ng May 3, 1985 ..$ 17 .11 Seoonded b� Go�mcilman Barnette. Up�n a voive vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motian c�rried unanimously. 11. CGAIMS: NDTIDN by Co�cilman Schr�eider to authorize gayment of Claims No. 003067 throuc� 003414. Se�nded by Co�cilman Fitzpatrick. Up�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, I�yor Nee declared the motion carried un,animously. -13- COUNCIL MEETIlaG OF JULY 1. 1985 12. LICENSES• NDTIDN by Qotncilman Barnette to apprwe the lioenses as sutmitted and as on file in the Lioens�e Qerk's Offiae. Seo�nded b� Co�cilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Nee c3eclared the motion carried u�animously. 13. �NSIDF,IiATION OF BUULEV�2D MC)hTING IN UNDEVELOPID QONA�RCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL ARF.�AS : Mayor Nee stated the Co�cil is in reoeipt o� a meno from Mr. Flora to Mr. Qureshi regarding weed cutting along the boulevards in oommercial and industrial areas. Mr. F'lora stated last year the City moved about a 20 foot width along the main streets of oanmercial and industrial are+as which were undeveloped and fow�d it reduved the anoimt a� debris being d�nped in these areas. Mr. Flora stated staff is looking at an ordinanoe oovering this matter, however, it was felt, in the meantime, they should have a policy on whether they shouid wntinue �e operation this year. He stated there is a lot of c3ebris and waste materials which eventually end up in the storm water systen. He felt, if the cgass is maved, it reduces this danging. I�. Flora felt the o�st wuld p�ssibly be clistributed between the utility fu�d and the storm water f�nd. Mr. Qureshi, City manager, stated there would be some additional cost invalved for t�e City to cb this maaing, but you have to weigh it against the prob�ans of the debris oollecting in the storm water systern. He felt, if �e Co�cil wishes to allaw this cuttinq, it should be restricted to �developed property, as property whicfi is c3eveloped, would be cuttin9 their boul evards . O�u7cilman Gooc�peed stated the Planning Carmissian did discuss, if a fund was established for the storm water systen, if funds would be used to gay for everything. He asked if the prime reason for the maaing would be to protect the storm systen. Mr. Qureshi stated it would be specif ically fo�r the storm water systeqn. He stated this would be an attenpt to mairitain the systen and keep it devent. I�yor Nee asked if this proposal would still be made, if the fund was not available. Mr. Flora stated the request still would have been made for the boulevard mawing. IrDTIDN by Co�ncilman Sc3�neider to authorize and direct the adninistration to initiate a program of boulevard weed cutting in front of undeveloped comnercial and industrial properties. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upan a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried tu�a nimously . -14- �.�.�. � y� �Y1�. � 11 14. �1SIDERATION OF {�IVING 1•30 A.M EVACUATION FOR SPDCIAL B'VENr AT GEORGE'S IN FRIDLEY: Mr. Herrick, C7ty Attorney, stated, in a�njta�ction with Greek Heritage Week, July 1 throuc� 7, there is a group of people fran arotmd the United States and Greeoe who will hold a�rivate celebration at George's in Fridley on July 6. He stated they have asked if �is c}�thering could continue beyond the riormal evacuatian hour o�' 1:30 a.m. Mr. Herrick stated he talked with Jim Hill, Publ ic Saf ety Di rector, rec�rding this matter and Mr. Hill d�ecked with �e Liquor Commission. He stated it was the Gomnission's feeling that because this was a signif icant event on private property and will be closed to the public, there wouldn't be any prolalen. He stated they poiryted out had this eva.nt taken plaoe at an establishment that wasn't liaensed, this would not have been a problen. i� • • � i� NDTION by Councilman Barnette to adjourn the meeting. Gbincilman Sd�r�eider. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor the moti az ca r ri ed umanimously and the Regul ar Meeti ng of th e �i.r►cil o� July 1, 1985 adj ourr�ed at 9: 35 p. m. Respectf ully sutrnitted, Carol e Haddad Wi11 ian J. Nee Secretary to the I�yor City Cotmcil �.. . -. -15- Seconded by Nee declared Fridley City � �: � � � � � � � PUBLIC HEARING BE FOP,E THE CITY COU'�CIL Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of the City Council of the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on Monday. �uly 15, 1985 in the Council Chamber at 7:30 p.m, for the purpose of: Consideration of a Vacation request, SAV �85-04, by Heartland Corporation, to vacate all that portion of the University Service Road West, (loop back) lying within Lot 18, Block 5, Rice Plaza South Addition. Any and all persons desiring to be heard shall be given an opportunity at the above stated time and place. WILLIAM J. NEE MAYOR 1 4. 1A pa MOTION BY Mt. SAB�, SECOIv'DED BY I�t. KONDRICK, TO RECOrQ TO CITY COUI�CIL APPROVAL OF SPECIAL USE PERMTT, SP ��85-07, TENS-BRENN�' CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, BY JOSEPH M�ERTENS: PER S ION 2U5.18.1, C, 9 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE, TO ALLOW OUTSIDE ST GE OF MATERIALS A1� CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT ON LOT 5, CABA REAL ADB�ITIQD, WITH THE FOLLOWIN.G STIPUTATIONS (1) PETITIONER W' WITti STAFF TO COMPLETE AN APPROVED LANDSCAPE PLAN INCLUDIIVG ING AROUIQD STOi�AGE yARD: (2) EIv'TIRE STORAGE AREA TO BE FFTICED SCREEA'ED WITH ApPROVED VINYL OR WOOD SLATS AND VINES AND FENCE BE EIGHT FEET HIQi; (3) PETITIONER WORK WITH ENGINEERIIr`G DEPART T TO COMPLETE AN APPROVED DRAINAGE PLAN; (4) SITE PIAN TO BE REFI TO MEET CODE PRIOR TO COUNCIL MEETIlVG AND REVIEW WITH STAFF BEFO COUNCIL HEARING; AND (5) A$25,000 PERFORM�►NCE BOND OR LETTER OF C IT BE SUPPLIED PRIOR TO ISSUaNCE Ofi A BUILDING PERrQT . UPOr A VOIC VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE CiW IRPERSON OQUIST DECIARED THE MOTION IED UNANIMOUSLY. Ms ertens was advised that this special use permit was issued to crtens-Brenny Construction Company, and not the owners of the property. v�G�TION RE LTES SAV =.85-04 BY HE�RTIAND CORPORATIOh: Vacate all that portion of the Uni rvice Road West (loop back) lying in Lot 18, Block 5, Rice Plaza South Addition: I�. Robinson stated this is a request to vacate the loop back portion of the west service drive at Holly Shopping Center. He stated the portion of the service drive on the east boundary would remain as right-of-way. He stated the vacated loop back would be used for additional parking area, Ms. Gabel stated the vacation or elimination of [his loop back should be done in an orderly fashion so as to not create a.greater traffic problem. She pointed out traffic has grea=l;• fnereased �a��eing access problems to tt�e shopping center. MOTION BY I�t. SAB�, SECONDED BY I�&t. KONDRICK, TO RECOrtMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF VAC�iTZON REQUEST, SAV ��85-04, BY HFr�►RTII�IND CORPORATION: VACx�TE ALL T�WT PORTION OF THE UIVNERSITY SERVICE RQAD WEST (LOOP BACK) LYING IN LOT 18, BLOCK S, RICE PLAZA SOUTH ADDITIOI�. UPON A VOTCE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIR PERSOtv OQUIST DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANII�USLY. 5. REVIEW OF SP i�84-20 TWIN CITY HO�S INC BY RAIv'DY GROHNKE• Section 205.15.1, C, 3 of the Fridley City Code, to a1Low t ntinuation of a mobile home sales lot under new management rcel 2681, Section 12, the same being 7625 Viron Road N. E.• I�. Robinson stated the ission had asked that this special. use permit be reviewed at the t meeting in June, 1985. � .�.1�;. ; .'..y J!' /% „ ` � t � ''/ �� L . 1:� ���+, ��•* i a � S � � 3 lTl�• ? f I � 1'rb f , .,�� I. w!. Q a 1 1 � � � � 1� r� �� f � 3 T � 6tl 'A � p ~ 1� � � .� .r �r nc � .� "� M ' � < 1 � ie q � , ; ■ . �:.,..�o i , ��� � \ .,e�, . � �'� ° ; ��oo �m: . ��, �, e: . ► ,, �s�'� �: � . ,,.,�0a t�:= � a.-. � �a►� .•.•. , -.❖.•.: � -.—.-.•.•.•.•. ii ►���� ♦♦ T ♦�♦ ♦��� �`�♦����������r ►��'�',������j��� . ~ ���������!� �r �� 0 r.�� ���! ( :� I�/s�,6 W / � ) 0 J' i�� ' �'� �C �� � •� :��� ` Q� � � � , s � �� �, � • • c� , ���,o : . ��(�, ^ . : ; 2. �`�.,o� • • ' J �� ' K � 1 s � . `� �.��M � ' A �. � I � �.A •' +� � '• �; `A / ���2 Q v Y l2 � + � `i ' � . S � �;O '�l • � . F c �� , +r . . . � • ,;• , � . ?.�+ "' • _ •Y, = .�t •�°'� �j r-; 2 = s � � .- • � � - _1�� ' �, �' � ' � :�• ... ,. � • �:.:� �- �' . � z9e � L')io- . '�. o: � H i , ,' i � ..+ . '� �� .�► , � � �. ,� , � G� s ���.� %�' N,A v ��1� �, +;ti�� Q • .,•�•" .,,,r� � N ::7s'.� . . . ' �0 ,Zb� �•�4 �, � . �' 220 �� ' ' 1 ,: �S � I ; . • • � i` . • i 'r � ?� � ; 7 �� a. . � ; • 210 i 2�0 O � . �. - �.... q , .... T b� s . , '• o• i �� � � . b �Z..00> • � . . , 1: : 1�t sa .�w _ � ��' ��� ! � �• . , PbRTION BEINIGI ��� � ( I � � � �� .�i .. _ a_.� � ; � • 1 W Z � �� � ,. � � �O 1/y '/C � 69 �� TH . . �� -- CE�tl�+l�Y STATE �1� HICHWAY NO . 1 R T1�1V 8E�N6� �4 �NTq /NEp SAV #85-04 Heartland Corp. . , SAV #85-04 Heartland PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of the City Council of the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on Monday, July 15, 1985 in the Council Chamber at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of: Consideration of a Vacation request, SAV #85-05, by Ted C. Shiriey, to vacate a street right-of-way lying within that part of 63rd Avenue, Sandy Terrace, except the westerly 6 feet to be retained for drainage and utility easement, all in the South Half of Section 14, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota. Any and all persons desiring to be heard shall be given an opportunity at the above stated time and place. WILLIAM J. NEE MAYOR Publish: July 1, 1985 July 8, 1985 2 P1�1��ITG CO*L*ffSSIOI� T�ETING, JUhE 19, 1985 PAGE 8 11. RECEI\'E APPE.�LS COFL*IISSION MIrZ�TES OF JIR�'E 11 , 1985: MOTIO:� BY I•5. GABEL, SEC01�'DED B� I�Ht. SA&1, TO RECENE THE OF THE APPFs�LS COI�.*�SSIOr t�ETII�G OF JUI�E 11, 1985. / UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE CHAIRPERSOr THE MOT I Oh C�1RR IED UNAN I MOUSLY . � 12. OTFiER BUSIhESS: a. TIO� FRO"t THE HU"1�1� RESOI� CDEG FL��1S TO HL'.`'r'+\ SERI'ICE ORGIAIZ�IT S IST DECIARED OT RE Mr. Mincon sta[ed the Human Resources rmission, at thcir Junc.6. 198� meeting, recormnended allocation f CDBG funds [o human ser��icc organizations. hh-. Minton stated the Cor;u�ission et with ever�• group reques[ing funding and questions were ask of each of these groups. I•tr, hondrick asked how the ayilocations this year compare with las[ year's. He questioned [he/�mount given to S�C� and [he senior ci[izens. � Th-. Minton stated more nds were Fiven this y�aT [o counseling agc�nci��s. H�� s[ated SaC� receiv no fun�in� la;[ year as [hcy didn'c ap�,��� and tt�e senior citizens ceived less this year because of [t�� nacure of [hrir =�quest. Ne taced [hey had requested func:in�; for part of a staff's salary an the Commission felt this was an area in vi�ict� tt�e�• did noc vanc [o ecor�e involved. I� . Piinton st ed [he Comr.iission did recorunend, however, funding to CAP for an o treach worker as they felt it was a good service, He staced C�+P as a�vised chis aould be the only year they would consider funding f an outreach aorker. "10?I0� 1 1�. MIATO�, SECO:�'DED BY I�t. K0�'DRIC�, TO EA'DORSE Ah'D FORW„kU TO T� COL'ACIL TFiE RECO"�tEA'D�TIOI� OF THE HL'"1�+1 RESOLTItCES CO�L�SISSIO?� REG1 IKG aLLOC�TIOI� OF CDBG FUh'DS TO HL`1�T SER�'ICE ORG�I;�ILATIO::S. U b. � A�'OICE VOTE, ALL VOTIhG A�E, VICE CH�+IRPERSO� OQL'IST DECI�RED THE I0� G�IED 1JIv�rIMOL'SLY. `':.G�TIOA RE L'ES Sa�' f�85-OS TED C. SHIRL£Y: Vacate a street zight-of-way 1�•i within tha[ rt of 63rd Avenue, Sandy Terrace, all in [he South Ha or. 14, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, Count�• of Anoka, Hinnesota: I�. Robinson stated this vacation Would allow for straightening the existing right-of-way line on 63rd Avenue in conjunction with the improvement of Sth Street. He stated if the City vacates this eight foo[ strip of land they would, in turn, zeceive a small piece on the southwest portion of the intersection of 63rd and 5th which would provide a smoother transition of the curb line. 2A 2B PI�\`;IKG C0�!".ISS_I0� I�ETIhG, JlTiv'E 19. 1985 pA(� g TIO, BY I�R. K0�'DFICl:, SECOA'DED BY Mt. MINTON, TO RECOMT�� TO . C1TY COL'I�CIL APPROVaL OF VAC�ITIOT REQUEST, S�V �F85-OS, BY TED C. � SHIRLE�, TO VACr1TE A STREET RIGHT•OF-W�Y LYIIvG WITNIN THAT PART OF 63RD A�'Eh'UE, SAI�� TERRACE, ALL Ir THE SOL*TH HALF OF SECTIOT 14, T-30, R-24, CITY OF FRIDLEY, COL'rZ'Y OF ANOi:A, MINNESOTA. , UPO� A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTIAG AYE, VICE C}iAIRPERSON OQUIST DECI�RED TFiE MOTIOT CaRRZED UM1I�IMOUSLY. c. H�DE PARh LOT �:IDTHS: 2�. Robinson s[ated the s[aff has reevaluaced lot vidtl� re ire- men[s for corner lo[s in Hvde Park and zecor:�mended a ch Fe in [hc• ordinance to require [he vid[h of corner lo[s not o be less than 65 feet, ins[ead of 60 feet. I�Ls. Gabel stated wt�en there vas a nE•��hbor��oo,:��o�p review- ins this area, their concep[ vas to r,�ak� th��,�-1 in th�• Hyde Park distric[, the sar.;e as othet R-1 propc�Tties in thv Cit�• and sonchow Chis did not happen. / t�. Robinsor, stated [his changc wou]�d aff�ct only a fcv corncr lots and, even as [he�� exis[ [odal; variances vould be re•quir�•d in ord�r [o build on then. / MO"'I �� B� Mt . SAS� , SECOh'DEjY B1 I�t . 1�0�'DF IC� , TO RECO�L�SE�U TO CIT�' COUtiCIL APPRO�'�+L OF �CHr1I�GE I� THE CITY CODE TO R£Ql'1RE T}i£ 1JIDTH OF A COR�ER L II� THE H1'DE P�Rh DISTT.ICT SH.yLL NOT BE LESS TNr1!� 65 FEET THE REQUIRED SETB�CF:. UPOti A�'OICE VOTEfALL VOTII�G AYE, VICE CHAIRPERSO:� OQL'IST DECI�+REU T}iE MOTIOr G:KF��D IJK.a:�IM�I;SL� . �DJOiiF�`�A'T: MOTIO\ B� *&. K01 ICI:, SECO:�'DED BY I`gt. SAB�, TO ADJOURh THE NlEETIhG. UYO:: i+ VOICE VOTE, ALL QTIt�G AYE, ��ICE C1�IRPER50� OQUIST DECIs'�RED THE ,TUTE 19, 198�, PL�I�':�IrG O�L`ffSSIOA MEETII�G ADJOL'FtNED AT 9:55 P. M. Respectful submi[ted, . .� � .' �"'` � t.iz� �i�-eC _ _ Caro Haddad Re rding Secretary 7 � � 1 � CITYOF E fv Dl.�l' L� pue��c woRKs MEMOAANOUM ���� 6/17/85 � - -- L1��1r ��r t�hn Flflr� PLhli[ Work �u��tCT ' Sth Street Improvement �-_ ��►Z �'�° 2 �_ `� — �-= �-_ , PW 85-180 ♦O Nasim Qureshi, City Manager � — — a: t �p� �� p _ . _� — —� - - — --� _ . _� — In the design of the improvement of 5th Street between 61st and 63rd, Staff h�d been working with Gus Doty on the intersection of 63rd and Sth Street. We had been told that Mr. Ooty owned the property and would give us a sTiver from the corner lot on the southwest portion of the intersection in order to provide for a smoother transition of the curb line. We have since found out that he is only a contract purchaser, and as such have gone to the f ee owner and requested this triangular sliver from him. He has agreed to provide the requested amount with the stipulation that the City provide him a portion of property along the northerly boundary line from that which the City retains for the road right-of-way of 63rd . This additional amount does not impact on the existing right-of-way� establishe�s a larger taxable lot and ensures maintenance of the intersection area. If the Council would have no objection to vacating this 8 foot parcel, we can initiate and retain the desiyn of 5th Street as originally outlined. JGF:jm� Entlosu►-es - 2 1 e � 5 i�«:.:.—: �-- 1 `..' � :' ; I;; �` ,..� :� r 1' TE4 C. SH RLEY • � � ��. - ' i'�' . . ' . V ��,�`.� �� � ,� � -_: �• � , � Z� � ' � : � • , .• I � , �— , _. .�, � • � � � I ,, ;. • � . � �.� I � . , � . 64 '� -- � r�� ' " . 'i • :, � �� ; • ' � ' �, r� ' / �� .--•�•' .. . �� . �-�I , , ' '• ; • . ' � "�' :. - �---' �� . - � - - - l-_ , . ....--, , _ � � .--� � s � . � ' ------ ' � -- ` � ��: ; - h , ; ,., , . � .� . � . : � __...., . � .i ' ' � � : . = � � . . ,. _. �, -:--�-- . � ` , `� �—Y . � .. � � . N Q� ';------• — � � � ' ��' i I ,_; � .:. � . . �-. ;:: ;�_ � . : ' � ��� . A�ICE �� r�'� . . - � _ ; � . , . .. :. . » � ITE . _'-', LA�VE •• _ -� . . .64 TH IAV . N.E ' � � ?� . � / � . � �� W :. � — � � – �� '` . � �� 1 a � - � � � �� `�� �: �- � - � � � -� - � ; ADDIT , ,. � I � .� • . . � � . , , ', �� � � ;. . , . —_ . 2 — — �' .. : . � - �� I .'� 1 , � � ,� � -- T-_ i MERCU.RY ... pR�VE � ' , • ` � : . . . , � , . -- ', ' : � ' ' . .. • ` ' .-, �. � .� z. ?3 ; ?` ? , ?C ; � . • � � _ .. . ( .• I"-`'��'�- -�— , . ---_ _ . � . . . . .. , . . '1 � I � , ! � � •" � • QU��� OR , ' .' • • � � r •/ -- • y � - • .� • }• - --�� , I — i•- ,� —,— � r.� .' - —��IV� -�� � � _ _ =-- - --__ - --V __ _ • t � � — �. —� —� . � � Q . •� , . +' , .. . _.- 3 . . ; �. . • . _ � — — . - _' _ I, �.•.� �. '; r . � ` � . ; � . Q-� ., � -- -. .- T 1- W ,: _ __ __. ._ � � - � - _ SUBDIVISIO � . ' , , =I �• - . . � • '• M , • `�� / •��� f� 1 a � +. . . ' • Mr I � • , ; ? , . - ���� • � �tJ . � �� f : .' � ` JSG. ' � � • � . ' �� � , � � � I pR�VE . --- — � � ' j ( f� �s � i �' �� - . •� � N0. 59 � = �.; ' "` ._ ;�._� : -� �, ,: 1- ,, . : ; .. � -� . �a . �O . � , `. . 4 �� �- _Y_ . \ � ` \ .. �1 . ` _ . } , � ' _ � � , � s �J� , I,a: . Y �• � , > Z • • � •` - .. ` « F' = _� . � � � _ V ` ` � 1 :;� ' - \ -� - - � � � . W � -� Q_ �_ �J4 , '� � \� s _ . _ � , . Z � 0 . � .• DRIVE � � .� r: 2�ND. AVE •. v ��� h t . . — -���j �J � • � • •- ••1 • ~ . . ► � _ W , • �; '1 � t f _ ' I • � _ . � ` . � _� _ .s.► _ j' - • •^ r � au�ld ���f .�� 0 .• � •.- � •.1 : t .. L : I 1 � �i. �!/i `r �!a / . . / `� '' /►( 1 I�'lf K •w � �1 S. � ,✓ �•+ � �� /J / �.. � i.:,.- � ; , ., I � '�" • �� ,. :/ . ..' � I I � / ti � � i • 1 � i ' I � /jf t I \ I ( � r ( i �. ' 2 , �� , �i � . � l:' ,. I , � ��". � � ��sc''1 ,1 � �• ' � � , ,.. �� � t� �V ! � l� 1 . � , � �• 3 .�� ..� , .:.. �� � � v � � i : tii ! ' � /lS � .� � '� � � � . . ,• .. . ; ''`''' ,�• � � f• `' '! � �:: ! �,. x ��� -4 . � • I � �� (�� 1 r � � �J � J TED SHIRLEY � 2E I � � , , 1 I 1 . � � � � , � � � � � � � k�� � V � � O �i' � � ., N �� � + . RES�,IITION N0. - 1985 A RFS�,IITION SIIPPORTING LEGISLATI9E CHANGES ENABLING THE SI% CITIES iiATERSHID MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION TO LEVY TAYES WHEREAS, Six Cities Watershed Management Organization was created pursuant to a Joint Pawers Agreement entered into by the City of Fridley; wHERF.9S, the intention of the City of Fridley at the time of the execution of the Joint Po�rers Agreement creating Six Cities Watershed Management Organization was that that organization could separately levy an amount of ta�ces annually to take care of its budget; NUf�i 19EREFORE BE IT RESCLVID by the City Council by the City of Fridley as follows: 1. The City of Fridley supports any necessary legislative changes required to enable Six Cities Watershed Management Organization to levy taxes sufficient to meet its annual administrative expenses follawing approval of its budget all as provided the Joint Powers Agreement creating said Watershed Management Organization. 2. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to forward a certified copy of this resolution to Connie Levi at the Minnesota House of Representatives. PASSID AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COIINCIL OF THE CITY OF FRZDL EY THIS DAY OF , 1985. WILLIAM J. NEE - MAYOR ATTEST: SIDNEY C. INMAN - CITY CLERK 3/7/3/ 1 3 � � CiTYC�' F I�J Dl.�l' O�T� 6/24/85 � _____� • � Q Y �.�' �v��ECT � t��AECTOaATE OF PUBLIC WORKS John Flora, Public MEMOiaANDUM Six Cities Watershed Management Organization or TO Nasim Qureshi, City Manager � o° °o ..� o,gp . �_ - �_ PW 85-192 �: t rp� �w p — - --� -__ — - —� — With the request by the Six Cities Watershed Management OrganiZation to the County to levee taxes for it's operation and maintenance requirements, it was recently determined that the Legislative Statutes did not authorize a watershed management organization to levee taxes. Any funds that were required could only be levied by a local government unit. The Six Cities Watershed Management Organization did contact Connie Levi, author of the Storm Water Management Act, and requested necessary changes be adopted which would allow the local governmental units to designate a watershed management organiiation authority to levee taxes. The attached resolution is submitted for approval by the Council as a means of informing Ms. Levi of the City's original intent and support to initiate appropriate change in the statute. JGF:jmo Attachment LAWSON, RALEIGH � MARSHALL, P. A. LAWYE RS RODERICKA.LAWSON 3880 LAVERNE AVENUE NORTH DONALD T. RALEIGM • RAYMONDO.MARSMA�L LAKE ELMO, MINNESOTA 55042 JOMN SCOTT M�DONALD f6121 777-6960 • ALSO ADMITTED IN WISCONS�N June 14, 1985 Mr. John Flora City of Fridley 6431 University Ave, N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Dear John: F1� REUBEN G•TMOREEN 1912-1967 MILTON L�NDB�OOM 1a25-1936 CMESTER 5. WIl.50N 1915-1977 Enclosed please find a form Resolution for each City regarding proposed legislation which yau requested I prepare. I have not enclosed a Resolution for each City reqarding the levy because after discussing it in detail with Mr. Treska he has now determined that he does not need an additional resolution at this time. Instead what he has determined to do is to pay to each City of the portion of the levy attributable to that City when the settlement is made sometime in the first week of July. At that time each City can in turn turn those funds over to the organization. He dQes not now feel that separate resolutions are necessary. If there are questions ple contact me. Yo rs t uly, Raymond . Marshall ROM/dkp cc: Members Engineer • •.� � • • � Ai� OR'DZNANCE RDC�DIFYING �E FRITi.EY QTY C�E BY A[��EI�IDII� �iAPTII2 105 FNTI'II..ID "WEII)6", S�DQ'ICN.S 105.01 AI�ID 105.03. '�lE QTY O�U?JC�., OF' Z�iE QTY OF F'RII$,EY DOES O1�Il� AS F`�I,CirS: 105.01. PRC�3IBITDCN 1. It shall be �lati►�ful for ar.y awr�er, lessee or occupant, or any ac�ent, ser�: �:t, re��resentative or er.F.layee of ar�� suci: a►-ner, lessee or occu�:.t h� ing oontrc,i cf ar�� occupied or t�occupiea lot or land or ar.}� �rt tt:er�f ir. t�:e Cit}• of Frinley to perrr.it or rr,air.tain on ar:}• lot or lar:o a::� gra,-th af weec�s, grass, brust: or ran�: vc�tation to a greater hEicht t,i�,an ten (10) inches on the average, or an�� acc�-.uZ�ticn oi dead weec.i�, arass or brush, pr to ��rmit the �C�L� GL1G: Of d:,y_ 0���� �£ OI IL'c-tEZ1�5 ? C. WQ �i � O��StZLGt lalt�] � cLttir,c: or re_cv� of the�e z,�,teriz? �. It shall also be �ullak-ful for ar}� such person or persons to cause, suffer or allow poi:on i���, ragweec or other p�isonous F.lar.ts, or plants oetrimental to hE�::.ti. to gra,• on ar;�> such lot or land in such manner that ar.y �rt cf suci: i��}•, ragwee�, or other poisonous or haa::ful weec shall ea-t�:c upon, overha�S or t,oroer ar:�� pu�lic glace or allow to seed, pol l en or to al low an�� other poi sonous pa rti cl es or et ans ti ons t�;Ercfrc;.. tc, t,e c�rriec through the air into any public place. (kc�. 397) , . . . � � .. . . . � - � . . . ., . .• . . _�- •- .. •.-.. - . •- . • .. •- �.� .. .� . ,,.. . . • • � - 105. 02. ATIY .t shall be the d�ty of a�y owner, lessee oz land to cut and re:,ove oz cause to be cu� we�eds, grass, brush or other rank poisonous often a= r��• be necessar�• to eoc:�ly with the 105.01; provioE9 that cutting and zerr.oving vegctation at least o� in ever�• three (3) and Septe-.ber 15 shall be dee^�ed to be a Q�aptez. occupent af an}' lot or and r�.oved all such >t harr..f ul vegetation as provisions of Section such Weeds, grass and Weeks, between Miay 15 co��liance with this PRCH IBITION ���!!�! 4 105.03. Il�TI'F�NfNTIC�] BY CITY � If the r,ravisions of the foregoing sections are not oomplied with, the C�ty WeE6 Znspector or Police De�%artrnent shall servE a written notice upon the awner, lessee or occugant or ar.y person havir.g the care or cnntrol of �� such lot or lano to comply with the pcwisions of this �apter. If thE person upon whm the notice is serveo fails, nec,lects or re�uses to cut ann ieauve or to cause to be c�t af ter the date of such noti oe, or no pe r son can be f ound in the Cit�' of Fridles� who either is or claims to be the owner of such lot or lano, oz who either re�resents or claims to re�resent 6� owr�er� the City KeECi Inspector shall cause such weec�s, grass, brush ano other vegetation on such lot or lano to be cut and re:.wc��jo r�v� �n�� ot�trucr;�r,� to this cutti.n� and the actual oost of such cutting ano za�.wal, plus u� to twenty-five (258) peroent for inspection ano other aoditional costs in connection there�;ith, shall be oertifie� by the City to Anoka O�unty ana shall there�pon become and be a lien upon the property on which such w�, gra�s, brush and other vegetation were located anci shall be aoded to and be�:e ann fonri part of the taxes next to be assessea and levieo upon such Iot or land and shall bear interest at the s�e rate ss taxe� and shall be oollecteo and enforced by the same of f ioer and i n the sar�e monr�er as taxes. ����e �tan�e= when the Citv has pxercised the authoritv _- --.� �• �, - �- -� • �• �• • � � � - • �• =N.• • � •, . � • - . . . � _� - • - . � •-�- . � � .- � .•• •; �=,�• • �=, • �. .- . .-. • � • •, • • ��: • • • � _ • �,- _�! ' • � .� . � • ��- • .� �� ��; �,�� • � - - • - • � - - . - • � - - � � - :,� - �.. • �- - -� • .� • �- -.- •� • •� �' •.•�. •• �- � -• �- �' .- • � �� • - - • � • --• � _� � 1 � - � • • • .♦ . • • • 1 � �� � • _N� � •r �- • •. �� • s�� •- - • � • �- • �- -�• • •' .� • �. �• •� • �- • • � •• �� =� • I: �,- • •�� y �.�� - •��� • _• •� •�a.� • •�' � ', �. � - �� - • � ' � • �• � � ` • • • • � • • •� � • � " • � �' � • - ' - • ��T�tV�TTIO[Q BY CITY 4A 105.04. F�i�L� J�u�}• vi ol a ti on of th i s Q�apter i s a mi s3e��ean�r and i s s ubj ect to al l penalties provided for such violations under the provisions of (�apter 901 of this Co�de. Each day that the violation exists o= oontinues to exist shall be d�e�ed a eeparate offense. ios.oa. 4B • � � ,���., P�,SSID AtrT'i ADOF:ID BY �]E QTIc O�UNQL �F' Zt3E CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS ' LAY OF , 1985 kILLIAA: J. I�E - I•�,�CR ATI'E57 : SI�NEY C. I2u•:�T: - CI i i Q�fP,F: First Reading: Seoono REoding: Publ icati on: 10T2 0 4C PLA����Ir�G COr�r�ISSION MEETING, MAY 8, 1985 PAGE 14 7. 8. PARK E OF 53,616.36 TO 8E PAID PRIOR � ISSUANCE OF A BUILDI PERMIT. PZ.AT TO E RECORDED AT COU�TY PRIDR �10 ISSUANCE OF A BUILDIhc . PERMI T . 9. PROVIDE A OF SI5,00 UP01► A VOICE VOTE, A CARRIED UNAhIMD�SL�'. RFORF:ANCE BOhD OR LETTER OF CREDIT IN THE AJHOU7� T VOTING AYE, CH�IRWD�:A�1 SCM:ABEi DECLAA.ED TNE MOTIO.�' Ms. Schnabel stated this\would go to City Counc�l on May 20. 4. TABLED 2/27!B5: LOT SPLI REQtlEST. L.S. #85-03, BY ROBERT GILSTAD: Split o t P aster y eet, ,�ce��t t e ort er y feet of part of Lot 1, Auditor's Subdivision No. 2(see file for com�lete legal) to be used as a parking lot for the apa ments on Lynde Drive. (Moore Lake A�artments Complex) Mr. Robinson stated this item h�,s been tabled indefinitely. Ms. Schnabel stated they should put some type of time limit on this item. The Commissioners agreed to keep L�, �85-03 on the table for six months. 5. COt�TIt�I'ED FP,OM E�RLIEP, I�� THE h"EETI�l� CONS:��p.ATI�t; OF A SPECIAL USE •`,1 I� J�' s.`5-U4, G1' L'�_��_L ►+, Llf�.,!•v��. Ms. Schnabel stated it did not appear t�at the petitioner was goinU to return, MOTIOh' BY !!R. OpL'IST, SECONDED B}' NR. Y.D't' REy ;1EJT � SP It 85-04 � II.'�'TIL TXE 14EXT MEEa IIC UPD!1' A VOICE VD: £, ALI. VOTIA� AYE, CHAI CARRIED UtiA':I.MD:;SLt'. CF', TD TABLE SPF.:': r� USE PER�'I^' SCXAABEL DF.�L7,RED TN� MD"'1✓': 6. REVIEti' OF AN ORDINA�dCE RECODIFYIN, Tti� FP,?C��Y CITY Cu�E BY ADOPT,'�G A I�Ew' ZN�P�CR 05 Eh;1�l-E6 E C.+ � R�I� P L �:� HAP � E. 05 II� IT t IRETY: � Mr. Nielsen stated he had a problem with this ordinance because the City enforces the ordinance for some people and not for others. He felt the ordinance had no value whatsoever if it is not enforced equally. Mr. Robinson stated that in the past� there has not been much in the ordinance that addressed boulevards, and they wanted to strenQthen the boulevard cleanliness issues so they put somet�ing in the ordinance about the boulevards, _. especially about dum�ing on the boulevards. Mr. Robinson stated Section 105.0� had a timetable for the maintenance of houlevard areas, which was a big change from the first ordinance. 4D PLANNItJG COMMISSION MEETING, MAY 8, 1985 PAGE 15 Mr. Oquist referred to Section 105.04.2, A, B, C, which gave the three cutting dates. However Section 1G5.04.3 stated that "noxious weeks or useless veqe- tation shall be cut so as not to allow growth to exceed a greater height than ten (10) i�ches on the average during these time periods". Mr. Oquist stated the weeds are going to grow higher than 10 inches between each of the cutting times listed. He felt the ordinance should be a little stronger..either the cutting times or 10 inches. whichever comes first. Ms. Schnabel stated she had one concern about cuttinq alonq the boulevards and that was concerning "nesting" areas. In the rural areas, people are asked not to cut on the sides of the roads until certain dates because of nestinq areas. She thought the State had a program that encourages people to not cut until after a certain date in order to encouraqe wildlife. She stated Fridley does have a certain amount of wildlife, and maybe they should be considering the potential problerr of disturbinq nesting areas. This is some- thing that should be checked into. Mr, Oquist referred to Section 105.08 ASSESSMENT, which included the statement: "The actual cost of such cutting and removal, plus up to twenty-five (25) Qercent for inspection and other additional costs..." He stated why say 'up to 25�"? Why not set a certain percentage? How is the City going to �e e�rmine what the "up to" is? It is rather subjective, Mr, Minton agreed. He stated if people have been warned and still do not comply with the notice of violation, then they should have to pay the extra surcharge. The surcharge shouldn't vary. M�'.IO;�' Bl' MR. MI!�TO':, SECO':DrD BY MR. KOtiDRICK, TD RECD�lME.tiD TO CIT}' CO!.'tiCIL APFRJ:'nL OF A.'� DA.DI:'�F►SCE R£CODIFYIA'G THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE BY ADOPTIl:G A tiF.4.' CHnPTER 10S E�TITI.BD "WEED CDA'TROL" A.'tiD REPEALING OLD CNAPT£R 1OS I1� ITS E.'�:IP,ET}', WITX THr RECOM�!EA'DATIOt� THAT THE FOLIAk'Ih'G CHA`:GES BE MADE: 1� SECTIOh 105.04.3 BE MORE SPF.CIFIC R£GARDING TH£ CUTTIh'G TIMF.TABLF. A,'�D TH£ HEIGHT OF NOXIOUS WEEDS A4D USELESS VEGF.TATIDh'--THAT A: NO TIM.E SNDL'LD TNEY EXCEED 10 INCNES. 2. TH£ COhSIDEF.ATIOti OF "NESTII:G" Af?EAS FOP WILDLIFE. 3. CORSIDER DR�PPIFG THE Wt�RDS "UP TD" IR SL'CTIO.': 105.08 ASSESS.'��.:T. UPOti' A VDICE I'O^'£, A:.L :'��^'I!'G AYE,CH.�IRWO".'A�' SCHtiAB£L DECLI,RF.D TNF. MOTIOfJ CARRIED U:►A:►'II�USLY. 7. CO��SIDERATION OF APPROVA�OF SIGN PLAN FOR 7570 HIGHW�,Y �65 N.E. Mr. Oquist stated the Plann l�g Commission has never before been asked to approve a sian plan. Why was�his being brought to the Planning Comn;ssion? Mr. Robinson stated he believed � st the City Council has approved sign plans in the past. The Commissioners agreed they would n�like to qet involved in approvinq sign plans. O1mINAN� N0. AN OT�INAN� UI�ID�12 SFXTIDN 12.07 OF THE CITY CHARTER TO VA(�TE S'IIZ_F� ATID ALLEYS AI�ID TO ANEND APPENDIX C OF THE QTY �DE Z'he City �uncil of the City of Fridley cbes ordain as follows: SECI'ION 1. For the vacation of a street and utility easement described as follows: All that p�rt of University Avenue West Service Road (loop back) lying within Lot 18, Block 5, Rice Creek Plaza South Actdi tion. P11 lying in the North Half of Section 14, �30, F�24, City of Fridley, Qounty of Anoka, Minnesota Be and is hereby vacated. SECTION 2. Said street and utility eas�nent was dated Septaaber 19, 1967 and reoorcied on February 6, 1968 as Docu►�ent No. 306574 at the Anoka County R�eoorders' Off ioe. SEC�'ION 3. �he said vacation has been made in conformance with Minnesota Statutes and pursuant to Section 12.07 of the City Charter and Appendix C of the Gity dode shall be so amencied. PASSID ArID ADOPrID BY �3E QTY aJUNCLI� OF R�iE QTY OF FRIIaLEY �iI�S DAY OF , 1985. WILLIAM J. NEE - r1F,i'OR ATI�'�`T: SIl�NEY C. Il�II�iAN - QTY CT�ERK Public Hearing: First Reading: Seoond Reading: Publish: Heartland � ORDINANGE N0. _. AN O�IN�N� UI�E'.R SF�C.TION 12.07 OF THE CITY (�iARTER TO VAC�ITE S�2F�T5 AAID ALI,EYS Ai�ID TO �1D APPENDIX C OF THE QTY Q�I.IE . �e CYty Cbuncil of the City of Fridley cbes orc3ain as follvws: SECTZON l. Fbr the vacation of a street right-of-way described as follows: that part of 63r6 Avenue 1}�ing within the plat of Sandy Terrace, except the City retains a drainage and util ity easement on the west 6 feet. All lying in the South Half of Section 14, ZL-3C, R-24, City of Frioley, Cb�.mty of Anoka, I�linnesota. � Be and is hereby vacated, subject to the above-r�entioned exception. SE�'ION 2. Zhe said vacation has been made in conformance with rlinnesota Statutes ano pursuant to Section 12.07 of the City Charter and A�:��endix C of the City Oocie shall be so amended. PASSID Ai� ADOFrID BY �3E QTY 0.7UNCSL OF Zi-3E QTY OF F'FtIDLEY �iIS DAY OF , 1985. WILLIAri J. NEE - t•�1YOk �'TEST: s��� c. nar� - ci� a,� pulalic Hearing: First Re�ding: Seoond Reae.ing: Publ isYi: Ted Shirley SAV #85-05 0 7 CITY OF FRIOLEY CATV ADVISORY COPIMISSION MEETING, JUNE 20, 1985 CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Peterson called the June 20, 1985, CATV Advisory Comnission meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Mer,ibers Present: Duane Peterson, Ed Kaspszak, Burt Weaver, Ralph Stouffer Menbers Absent: Barbara HugF�es Others oresent: Clyde Moravetz, City of Fridley Chris Wegemer, Storer Cable Dawn Gilbertson, Storer Cable _ APPROVAL OF APRIL 18, 1985, CATV ADVIS(1RY C�OMNIISSI�N MIfVUTES: MO.^ION BY 1�R. STOUFFER, SECONDED BY MR. WEAVER, TO APPROVE TNE APRIL 18, 1985, CATV ADVISORY COMMISSION MINUTES AS WRITTEN. UPON A VOICE ;'O:"E, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON PETERSON DECLARED TNE MOTION CARRIF'D UNAfl'IMOUSLY. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: MOTION BY MR. KASPSZAK, SECONDED BY MR. STOUFFER, TO APPROVE THE AGENDA WITH TNE ADDITION OF TNE RECEIPT OF TXE JUNE 4TN FRIDLEY CABLE CONSORTIUM MEETING MIR'UTF.S UNDER ITEM #4. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON PETERSON DECLARED TAE MOTION CAIZRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 1. RECEIVE OPERATIONS UPDATE FROM STORER: a. Subscriber Privacy Policy Mr. Moravetz stated a question was brought up by Mr. Stouffer at the April 18th Commission meeting regarding affirmative action versus negative action and whetf�er or not Storer could disclose names and addresses for mailing lists. He asked Mr. Wegemer to give the Commission members an update on this subject. Mr. Wegemer stated both federal and local laws prohibit any use of human habits so ti�ere is no conflict. Regarding whether affirmative action or negative action is required, they have contacted their legal counsel to find out what takes precedence--local over affirriative action or federal o��ar negative action. He stated it may be a moot point since Storer does 7A CATU ADVISORY COMMISSI014 MEETING= JUNE 20 �1985 PAGE 2 not make a practice of releasing subscriber lists, but they will pursue this and bring information back to the next Commission meeting. Mr. Moravetz stated Storer`s �ationwide policy says that unless a subscriber signs a definite "no" form, subscriber names can be used. He stated the local ordinance quite clearly states that without explicit approval from the subscriber, at no time can names be used for any reason. Mr. Weaver stated he would be a little bit concerned about how secure cable data is and what Storer's relationship was regarding the disclosure of cable data. Mr. Kaspszak stated that, realistically, this is public information, and he could get a list of all the subscribers in the Storer syste� whenever he wanted. He stated all he would have to do is walk into Citv Hall and ask for a list of all the cable subscribers in the City of Fridlev. Mr. Weaver stated he wanted to make that request formally and have it recorded in the minutes, He wanted to see if anvone could come in and force the City to disclose that kind of information. If that information is that easy to obtain, then the screws should be tightened so�e place. He stated that, as a citizen, he was making that request to the City of Fridley for a list of all the subscribers in the Storer Cable system. b. Status of FNN Rollback of Service After WCCO dropped FNN temporarily we were without it. However it is now on cable channel 34. Storer is picking it off the satellite directly at this time and will continue to do so. c. Merger Status Mr.Wegemer stated that Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.(KKR), an investment firm will be merging with Storer. He stated there should be no noticeable changes in the Storer system. d. Other Mr. Wegemer stated that at future meetings, the Commission �eribers will he meeting Wayne Rankin, a former assistant manager of a s�stem in Maryland. His system was sold and he came to Minnesota and helped with the transfer of the system in the Northwest suburbs. Mr. Wegemer stated Mr. Rankin is temporarily housed at the Fridley office. MOTION BY MR. STOUFFER� SECONDED BY MR. WEA1✓ER, TD RECEIVE THE OPERATIDh'S UPDATE FRO.M STORER. UPOA' A VDICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON PETERSON DECLARED THF, MOTIDI: CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7B CATV AOVISORY COMMISSIOP� MEETING, JUNE 20, 1985 PAGE 3 2. LOCAL ORIGINATION (L.O.) UPDATE: Item cor►tinued until next meeting. 3. RECEIVE SEMI-ANNUAL TECHNICAL REPORT: Mr. Weaver stated the way the testing is done is tf�at half is done in April and half in October. He stated they have never had any historical data along with the current data. He stated tf�e data as it stands was satisfactory, but what he was looking for was a trend in tf�e data. He stated that sometime before Mr. Wegemer presents the October data, he would like to get together with Mr. Wegemer and/or Mr. Hanson to try to come up with some type of simplistic table that would show these trends. MOTION BY MR. WEAVER, SECONDED BY MR. STOUFFER, TO RECEIVE THE SEMI-ANNUAL TECHNICAL REPORT. UPON A VOICE VDTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CNAIRPERSON PETERSON DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4. RECEIVE FRIDLEY CABLE CONSORTIUM MEETING MINUTES: MAY 7, 1985, & JUNE 4i1985 MOTION BY MR. STOUFFER, SECONDED BY MR. KASPSZAK, TO RECEIVE THE MAY 7 AND JUNE 4, 1985, FRIDLEY CABLE CONSORTIUM MEETING MINUTES. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON PETERSON DECLAP.ED THF, MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5. RECEIVE UPDATES ON: a. Minnesota Cable Communications Board Mr. Moravetz stated that as of June 30, 1985, the Minnesota Cable Communi- cations Board will no longer exist. He stated House File 78b pretty much rescinded the entire Chapter 238, the `ormer cable rules. He stated that rather than to add to this meeting's agenda further discussion of the refranchising, he thought the Commission might want to digest some of these changes. Any reports subnitted as far as state regulations were concerned should be directed to the Commissioner of Commerce. b. Regional Channel 6 Mr. Moravetz stated that one of the final priorities the Minnesota Cable Cormunications Board wanted to take care of was to establish a board of directors to establish a non-profit organization that would establish the regulations and by-laws of the Regional E pntity. A special meeting was set for June 28 by the Minnesota Cable Comr!�unicatiors Board at which recommendations will be made. For the Commission`s information, he would give them a list of tfie people wf�o f�avE Feen suggested for the 13 member board of directors of Regional 6. As far as +.heir intermittent terms or length of terms, that would be established by tfie board of directors after they become the formal board of this entity. He stated there will be two 7C CATV ADVISORY COMMISSIOf� MEETIP�G, JUNE 20, 1985 PAr,E 4 members from the As�ociation of Minnesota Municipalities, one from the ' Minnesota Cable Communications Association, one from Metro Council, one from the Higher Education Board, one from the Minnesota Board of Education, one from Metro Net (Librarv), and six from the public. The names of the people being recommended to date were: � Assoc, of Minnesota Municipalities Minn. Cable Communications Assoc. Metro Council Higher Education Board Minnesota Board of Education Metro Net Public - Jane Bremmer Jack Irving - Mti ke Marti n - Joan Campbell - John Wallace - Ruth Randall - Mary Birminqham - Bill Craig (WCCO) - Jim Erickson - Karen Duschberg (White Bear Lake) - Mary Owaas (Asst. �o Rep, in Henne�in County) - Ann Reft (Rep, from Crystal) - Roger Feterson (Mayor of Cottage Grove) Mr. Moravetz stated this non-profit organization for Regional 6 will contract with Greg Moore of Northwest and their public access organiza- tion will be responsible for the playback for the Reqional 6. c. Metro Area Interconnect Mr. Moravetz stated that agair., there was no quorum at the last meeting. There was some discuss�on, and they decided to take a"wait and see" approach regarding Regional 6, and a meeting will be held in Aug. or Sept. At that time, they will establish some sense of direction as to where that entity wants to go. MOTION BY MR. STDUFFEk, SECONDED 3Y MR. WEAVER, TO RECEIVE THE UPDATES ON THE MINNESOTA CAELE COMMUNICATIDNS BOARD, REGIONAL CHANNEL 6, AND METRO AREA INTERCOtiNECT. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSOh PETEP.SON DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANZMOUSLY. CATV ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING, JUNE 20z 1985 PAGE 5 6. CONFIRt1 DATE FOR NEXT MEETING:" The Commissioners agreed not to meet in July unless there were some important items to discuss. If no July meeting is f�eld, tfie next meeting will be '. Thursday, Aug. 15, at 7:00 p.m. ADJOURl�F1ENT: MOTION BY MR. WEAVER, SECONDED BY MR. STOUFFER, TO ADJDURN THE MEETING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CXAIRPERSON PETERSON DECLARED THE JUNE 20, 1985, CATV ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETZNG ADJOURNED AT F:30 p.M. Respectfully sutm'tted� �� . `. .. � i �' z' � �: :1 � � � t�— ynne a a Recording Secretary � � o�QECTOa�►TE - --- o� � � °F � •� �.�o . PUBLIC WORKS -�_ -- ��TM� MEMpRANDUM � — � F RI DL�Y ��T� 7/10/85 ► — — - --..�_ ���r ��.�, Mark _..._ . .__.__ _____� �ut�Ett e Burch, Asst.Pub.Wks.Dir. Change Order No. 1 for Water 8 Sewer Project �150 PW 85-209 ?0 _ _ — - John Flora, Public Works Direct •'tip� �wrp — - -� — — -- = -�._ Change Order No. 1 for iiater � Sewer Project �150 r+ill allow us to add a fire hydrant supplied by a 6" Natermain to the front of the Holly Shopping Center. This line has been requested by the Fire Department and can best be installed at this time by coordinating this work �ith the Holly Center improvements. Change Order No. 1 also allorrs the addition of a storm ser+er line to service the Burlington Northern Railroad development on Ashton Avenue. The total cost of Change Order No. 1 is �27 ,453 .00. FIl.B:JN.O 3/6/2/� E3 PUBLZC iiORKS DEPARTMENT Engineering Division CITY OF FRIDLEY Fridley, Minnesota 55432 July 15, 1985 PW 85-93 Hydro-Con Inc. Box 129 North Branch, !�W 55056 • Subject: Change Order No. 1, Water � Sewer Project �150 Gentlemen: You are hereby ordered, suthorized and instructed to modify your contract for ilater � Sexer Project #150 by adding Lhe follaaing Work: ADDITION 1. Install hydrant at Holly Shopping Center vith 375 Lin. Ft. of 6" DIP, 6" - 90 Bend� Live- Tap With 6" G.V. and 12" x 6" Tapping Sleeve. Item Unit Unit Price Quantity Amount a. 6" DIP Ln.Ft. � 10.00 375 � 3�750.00 b. Hydrant Each �1�250.00 1 � 1,250.00 c. Live-Tap W/ Each �1�925.00 1 � 1,925.00 12" Tapping Sleeve d. 6" - 90° Bend Each � 300.00 1 � 300.00 e. Mobilization Lump Sum �?50.00 1 � 750.00 a 7,975.00 2. Install u50 Lin. Ft. of 27" RCP Storm Ser+er � 4 C. B. -!gi' s on Ash ton Avenue and Industrial Boulevard Item Unit Unit Price Quantity Amount f. 27" RCP Ln.Ft. � 3�•00 450 3 15,300.00 g. �18" t�i Each �725.00 4 S 2,900.00 h. 2" Styro. Sq.Ft. � 2.00 64 � 128.00 Insul a. i. Tie iato Each - �400.00 1 � 400.00 F�cist. M. H. j. Mobiliza. Lump Sum �750.00 1 � 750.00 �79,478.00 Original Contract Price . . . . . � 123,�56.78 Change Order No. 1 . . . . . . � 27,453.00 Item 1 # 7,975.00 Ite� 2 � 19,478.00 REVISID CONTRACT PRICE . . . . . � 150,909.78 8A Hydro-Con Inc. Change Order No. 1� Water � Ses+er Project �150 ,Tuly 15, 1985 Page 2 � Submitted and approved by John Flora, Public Works Director on the 15th day of July, 1 g85 . Prepared by Checked by L1i'/f����t,� � / � John G. Flora, P. E. Public Works Director Approved and accepted this day of , 7985 by Hydro- Con Inc. Hydro-Con Inc. By Tom Hals, President Approved and accepted this day of , 1985 by the City Council of Fridley, Minnesota WILLIAM J. NEE MAYOR NASIM M. QURESHI CITY MA2QAGER 3/6/4/ 11 :: FIRE DEPARTMENT M E M 0 R A N D U M 0 DATE: July 10, 1985 MEMO T0: John Flora, Director of Public Works 85-7-1 FROM: Robert D. Aldrich, Fire Chief ��-� RE: Improved Hydrant Coverage - Holly Center Currently available to the Fire Department for fire fighting activities at Holly Center are hydrants located on the boulevard to the south and east of the center and one hydrant located in the rear of the center on a dead end main. Additional hydrants are available on the south side of Mississippi Street. Hose lines laid across t�ississippi Street would present significant traffic problems. In view of the considerable construction activity at the center I would like to recommend the installation of an additional hydrant at some midpoint of the center's property. A hydrant installation would greatly enhance the fire department capabilities at this facility. RDA/el 8C ��•---- J .t --�. .— — — — — — -- '� � � �.. . �;: ,,: , . � , , � �:�.,� � __ -.___.�_,-- - _° - ='� � -. ..: . #15C E: � �:'� •:.: ..:...:..�- _�. .::.. , :. E_= ��:' �� � ,Lo� �9 � � —T� 2'► •' ,.�� ,00! , , � �_ � \ � , , � . �+ � �� � -_ ,�C \ • -� ���, � ` ^�N�r �'? � - �• �� '' � � - p--+ 0 .�ai - =--Jd ` ° - I •-- -�. •P J' --��oo i 1� � ` j `~ • � �� 4 b,� _�� �; ��� - a �- �� � � � - ' '� � 't'• ;, , �- � ; � :�. '' �i� _ � . - .�{ �f� �. . ��, �d � �� � � // - f',�, i _ .y J •� � � • , t►�. � _ � � � �' ' �'� Q� �v ti► r• ' '.� 1' '\, �., �� J� `�`� �, y'� - -�:_ ,,- - -- � P` � � r` � . � � E ��� ,J, �4 � �l � . - - \ '� -� �; '� , �� ,1 , ,� � r�J �6 I • I ? (v� � • 1 ' � , � _ ; a, f y}/ r : � ' . � �• . �` ,�. ; „ � � �\ , i,� , .Il. ,`�,-_ . � �,., ' r ��T � � / \ \ �`���1'��`� � �d ` �, t. 4- � , C i � CZTY OF FRIDLEY PETITION COVER SHEET Petition No. 15-1985 IIate Received July 11, 1985 object Burlington Northern P.ailroad requests the City extend the 27" storm sewer main a ong n us r�a v. o s on venue. (SW #150) Petition Checked By Date 0 Percent Signing Referred to City Council Disposition 0 � 8E � � BURUlVGT�ON NORTHERN RAILROAD PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Mr. Mark Burch, City Erqineer City of Fridley - City Hall 6431 University Ave. N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Dear Mr. Burch: Twin Cities Reg�on 176 East Fifth Strect P, O. Box 64960 St. Paul, Minnesota 55164 July 11, 1985 The Burlinqton Northern Railroad'hereby requests that the City of Fridley extend the 27" st�rm sewer main along Industrial Blvd, to Ashton Ave. This will allow storm water from the new devel�pment north of Industrial Bivd, to flaw to The City of Fridley system. The BNRR also reQUests that the cost of the storm sewer line anc� related improvements be assessed against the property. Sincerel , ; " i � , ���ti'�----_ i . J. "Norman Reqional Manager 8F � _'--1 s_ �� _ . • _ � � t K. �� � R.�i' "'•o , .. � .� � . �� . -` , "�: �'_ 't . � • � � �. '`" � i �� � a �� �i : �� I � � ;. � � � �I I � �� � 1 � �� � � � jl � � � 1 �� --- --- - - ------ ---� -!-- =�.� L-- � _-- - - -- - ---1 �---1 � - --- -��=� l_ �_� - - � _ -_ . r .. . � -�- - .. - - -- - --. ... _ .. . - -- - - - -- �� ,� w e" 1 J � � c�noF F RJ DLEY O�tE t�0�1� iu��ECT � 7/9/8 N'. tatREGTORATE � F pue��c wo�Ks MEMOFiANDUM avetz, Eng.Administrati Quit Claim Deed From MnDot to City of Fridley o° o�- � .� ��� ��_ -- � -_` �S� n �' PW 85-208 TO �CT10� IM Q — - --_� John Flora, Public Works Directo --� — - --� _ _� In 1979 the conveyance of the above Quit Claim Deed was authorized by Release No. 119 of the Minnesota Department of Transportation. The State's interest in the title to the majority of lands released since 1929 has not been transferred to the cities and counties. Only during recent years has the processing of transfers been started. It is because of this tremendous backlog that we are just now receiving the deed. Attached is a map illustrating locations of the above referenced properties. In order to maintain and help perpetuate a proper and valid chain of title on behalf of the State and the City, I would recommend early recording. We should inform the Council and recommend approval and acceptance. I will�then prepare the acceptance statement and execute and record the deed. CVM:jmo 0 � t ---� -b-- - � ,� � �` , � ��' . trt�sr•FRI=L�: —<" ���. � `���`y �° .} � VOTNIG �� l000. � _ -;.} � � == ,� � �.. dSTPoCTS ''� ti � OBTRCTS I � Li � ,t "Y �� ' �..�a. Y � ` . . - � I ' � = �. � _ _ _ , _ ... . . = � � .I ... � ;l '-i::: - , � ��, . _ ' __ � "" �_ i_ •• __. �� �. - ` t �_ �-. . : .m. � , ,�, _ . . _ - y ' - :� _ -w = -i .. . `.. � �_ , � �r �'� j . 3 n � ,� - - .__� � t _ - � - ��"„ � 1 2,1 - �� �', � ' '=1 - _ �� , -_-J �Z--� en.-- �• . - � ( . � � � � �� �� • '' _ �� _ ' - `� �' ....r � � ,� � .. t�`I � - -- - r � . � , y � ,..._ � I L �' � r � r� �` �� `�-' +�"'�.c;, . , -- ; . 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Ax�lrl , _ y T 1-_1_ '� �� i ��5. ��.� , .�' _" _ _ -_- � - � - _I . � � \' � � � r�yr'\_�'`�'r-��� �"� _ �'�` � � `= ��: 1 � � ,��ii � ' �4- ' � � � - ' -- � r_,�!. * ,� � _ I..� Y '���> F � � .�/.�� . _' �\�• I' ,' , �i i f _ — � �L i+`�� " _. . , /L��!i � � �'� _ ' { ' i r � _ — + _`--_ ��� �`--�,______��--- --- , j - � T� � '�`� .S _ � � �1 ��--� - �';� " �:� � - �.� � ��=� �---�i � � � _r i I i � � . _ _ _. . _ _ _ .._.�. ..,.. � , ���` __ _ -���{ ' __. . _=_- -•• ._ =_ - a �:::� _ �11� - __ - s� _ �:--. __° _ == _ , *� � �T� _ -. . ___ _ __ :_ - __ - , g �'� - = TIi _ _-_ ` _�_ = _� = _= - = = � N ' t L'. � ' ' � ' � = :: ' `�. _'.�..�.— "� � -�. . _ � �.�' =� � C. 5 = Ci� ^�. � s' �� -,-�-- -- -- _'_~" ='� '_ _~: - �_ : @ �,� _ � ' . �� �' _ : __ - == _ �"' ' _ _ - _- =_' , ':;t�-��.=::.H.-�-:-�j-- __ - = — - =`= = —.. _.. ;; _ _ _ � ! � J,'l'1�� �' Ai c �^w - _ _:� � _ _ -= :;-` _ ��� - _���I. _ =- _ _ : • - _ - - -_• _ °�` :_ - --' _ _ e=_. .. e�� � - %����= ��- - STREET MAP-CITY OF ===__ � .. _;i`�= _�; - FRIDLEY s=�_- p_ _ � ���._ --�_ - _ .�-�....� �- = ==. _ �=-_ _ , _ ... � l 9A R�C00259963 S.P. 0205 (56�156) S. F. OZ10 (100�212) QUl? C4AIh DEED The Stste ot Minnesoia Aavin3 a�quired the real estate �ereinafcer des�riDed for trunk AigAway purposes, an� t�e �ommissioner of Tr�nsportacion of seid Scace hsvin3 deter�ined tAat the saTe is no longer nee�e� by said State for trunk AigAvay purposes, snd that t�e same may be conveyed snd quit claimed to the �ity of Fridley. N'a;, THEREFORE, Upon said �etermination an� pursuant to Minnesote Statutes, Sertion 161.16, Subdivision �, in consi�eration of t�e future maintenance, iTproveTent, or reconstruction by Grantee of s�ch roadv�ys, the Stace of Minnesota, Grantos, by R. P. Bcaun, its CoTTissioner of Transportstion, hereby conveys an9 q�it cla�ms to the [3ty of Fridley, Grantee, for highvay purposes, all its interest in:lu9in� s�y conditions, restrictions, eove�a�ts anj esseTents th�t ru� v:th the lsnd togetAer vith an3 in:ludin� the right of access control as ahov� in Part of Parcel 19 S.P. 0210-01 (100=212) 9�1 snd Part of Parctl 76 S.P. 0205 (56=156-23); except tAat access to Trunk Highvay Ho. 156 renuir,5ere� �7 fro�e tAe lands herein described ahall be restricted as Aereinafter set forth in the reserva:ion clause; in an9 to t�e real estate situate in tAe County of Anoka, State of Minnesota, des:ribed as follovs: P�3e 1 0: 5 � Rr+JJ025122� DES:P:P?ION FOR ?iiE TURN3A�K �F PART OF TR;JI�iK NIGH�iAY N�. 156 REt►'JhBERED �7 TO THE CITY OF �RIDLEY Part of Parcel 19 S.P._0210-o�_iioo�212Z 401 T��t part oi Tract A des:ribed belov: � Tr�ct A. Locs 21 through �0 inclusive, of slock 13, Bamilton's A��itfon to Mec�sniccville, accordin� to t�e plat t�ereof on file an� of rc:ord in t�e office of tAe Registrer of Titles in •n� for �►noka County, Minnes�ta, tAe tltle thereto bein� re�iscere� as evidence� Dy Certificaie of Title No. �3951; v�ic� lies northves;erly of Linc 1 described Delo� an! soutAerly of Line 2 des�ribed Delov: Line 1. Beginnin3 at a poimi on LAe eartT� line ssf 82ock 11 of said Ha-citon's A3iacion to Nect�anicsville, distant 75 teet easc of the nortl�vesc eorner thereof; t�ence run soutnvesterly to s peint on tAe eas: rig�t of vey line of Trunk Hig!�vay No. �7 �s located •nj estsDlis!�ed priot to Jsn�acy 1, 19�5, distant 985 feet sout�erly of Sts intersection vit� a line run parallel vith ��j discant 75 feet southerly oi Line 3 drs_riDed belov anj there terminat9n�; Line 2. Fro� t�e ves: q�arter cornet of Se:cion 23, To.rnship 30 N�rth, Ra��e 2� Hes;, cun sou:herly s2on� the vest line t�ereof, for 1068.72 feet; then:e de!le:t to tAe left at �n a�3:e of 85 degrees �9 mi�utes jB se:onJs for 19].0? feet; tnen�e deflect to t�e left •t an an�le of 3 de3rees 17 R���;es 15 se�on�s for 3073.99 feet; thence deflect to the ri��t at an s��:e of 69 de�rees 02 n�inutes 15 se�on�s for 9:2.�7 feet to the po�nt of Deqinnin� of Line 2 to be des:ribe�; then=e deflect to the lefc �t sn an��e of 90 de�rees 00 minutes 00 se:onds for 200 feet •nd there terminatin3; Line 3. Beginnin� at e point on tAe north anJ sou:� quarter line of seid Se:tion 23, �istant 1Z5�.6 feet souch of the center'af said Se:ticn 23: thence run vsterly at an angle of 85 de�rees 59 minutes OD seconds from said north anj south q�artet line �measure3 fron north to ves:) for ���0 feet an� there terminating; togett�er vith a�l rigrt of sccess eontrol, bein� tAe rig!:t of ingress to a�� egress from that part of Parcel 19 here�n conveye� to cne l�nds a���:ent tAereto. Part_of PaTCel �b S.P. 0��5 (56�156-23) That part of Tract # described belor: Tr�ct A. �e SoutAesst Quarter of the NortAvst Quarter of Section 1�, Tov�:is!�ip 30 Nortfi, Rsnge 2i 1i•st, /►noka County, Minaesota; v�iCh lies De'veen tro lines run parallel vitA •n� dis:a�i 35 fee: a�� 75 feei easterly of Line I des:ribed belov: ps�e � of 5 9C II .� L�ne l. P�om � point on the east •nd v�st quarter line oi Seetion 23, Tovnship 30 NortA, R�nge 2� West, distant 1278.2 itet east ot the vest quarter eorner thereof, run nort�erly •t an �ngle of a9 dcgrees 18 sinutes 00 seconds from seid east •nd rest quartec line (eees�red tro+n vest to nocth) for 33�8.� feet; t�ence deflect to tAe riqAt on a 00 degree 10 •inute 00 tecond curve (delta �ng�e 1 deqree 23 ■inutes 30 seconds) tor 635 feet; t�ence on tangent to said curve for 1t9� feet to the point of De�inning of Line 1 to De descriDed; thence continue on the last dcscriDed course for �15 feet and tAere ter�inatinq; toqether vith all rig�t ot �ccess control, Deing t�e Tight of ingress to �nd cgress from thst part ot Parcel 76 hcrein eonveyed to tAe lands •dja:ent thereto, •long tAe follovin� des:ribed line: Erom tAe point ot beginning of Line 1 des:cibed aDove tun nort*erly along said Line 1 foc 66 feet to tAe point of Deginnin� of the line to be described; thence cun nortAerly •long said Line 1 tor 289 feet •na there terminating. Parcel 276D S.?. 0205 56�156-23} -- -- ------ — --�--- - - 1►I1 tha: pa�t of ihe follovin� described tract: Outlot A, Sylvan Hills, •ccording to the plst thereof on file a�d of re.-ord in the office of the County Recorder in an� for Anoka County, Minnesota; v�ich lies easterly of t�e northerly e:tension of the vest line of Lots 1 to 15 inclusive, Block 5, Hyje Pack. Parcel_2B2E_ S.P. 0205_(�7■156-23) A1l that part of the follovin� describe� tract: Lot 7, 81ock 2, Osborne Manor, accordin� to the pla: thereof on file and of re:ord in tAe office of the County Recorder in snj for Anoka County, Minnesota; vhich lies vesterly of a line run parallel vith and distant 205 feet eesterly of the follovi�� des:riDed line: 8e�inning ac • point on the south line of Section 11, Tovnship 30 North, Range 2� 1ies:, distant 1Z�1.2� feet east of t�e sou:Avest corner thereof; thence run northerly a: an sngle of 89 de�rees 12 �einutes 25 se�onds rith said so�t� se:tion line (vhen eeasured from east to north) for 263.23 feei; trence deilect to tAe left at an en�le of 02 degrees 15 oinytes d0 seconds tor 1346.31 feei; thence deflect to tAe right on a 00 de�rec 1S ei�utc 00 se:on� curve (delta aa,�le D� degree 10 •inytes 30 secon�s) for 170 feet; thence on tangent to said eurve for 1�38.b� feet; thence deflect to tt�e rigAt on a 00 degree 0� a+inuce 59.6 second curve (delta a�31e 00 de3rees �H minutes 00 se�onds) for 961.18 feet; tAence on tangent to said curve for 500 feet and there tersinating. Page 3 of 5 � Pareel 2B2B S.P. 0205 �17•156-�3) All that part of tAe folloving des:ribee tr�ct: TAat part of tAe NortAesst Quartec cf the NortAvest Quarter . of Section 11, Tovnship 30 North� Range Z� Wcst, des:riDeC �s follovs: Heginning •t tAe nortAvest corner of said NortAeast Ouarter of the Northvest Quarters tAence south •long tAe vest line tAeceof ��8.35 feet; thence east ai rigAt angles 99.86 feet to tAe point of Deginning of the tr�ct �ereby to be desc[lDed, v�ich point is on the easterly line of Universicy Avenne; tAence continuing east in • str�iqht line 170.36 feet; thence nortA •t ri9ht •ngles parallel ritA t�e vest line oi said Nor[Aesst Qusrtec of tl�e I1ort�wes_ pLarte� • distsnce of 210.� feet, �nore or less, to t�e cent!c line of OsDorne Roa�; thence soutAveste�ly along t�e center line oi ssid road 169.83 teet, +norc or less, to the eist line of University Ave�ue; thence south elong said east line tAereof 208.7 feet, wore or less, to tAe point of beginning; vhic� lies vesterly oi • line run par�llel vitA •nd distant 205 feet casterly of t�e follovin3 desccibe3 llne: Beginnin� •t • point on tAe south line oi seid Section 11, 3�scant �2��.�� feet east of the sout�vesc corner thereof; thence run northerly at •n angle of 89 degrees IZ Tinutes 25 se�onds vith caid sout� section line (�!�en Tl�SJTlj from eas; to nortA) fo� 263.23 feet; thence defle:t to the left at en •n�le of OZ degrees 15 n+inutes 00 se:onds for 1396.1� feet; tAence deflect to the right on a 00 deg�ee 15 mi�ute 00 se:ond curve (delta �ngle O1 degree 10 min�tes 30 se�onds) foc �70 feet; thence on tangent to sai! curve for 1�38.6� feet; then:e deflcct to the rigAt on s 00 de�ree 01 minute 59.6 se:on� curve (delta •n31e 00 deg:ees 18 R3'1JCl5 00 se�on�s) for 961.18 teet; t�ence on tangent to cei� curve foc 9�0 feet and there terminating. RESERVATIONS CLAVSE Subje:t to the tolloving resttictions and reservations: No a:cess s�ell De perTicted to Trunk Rigfivay No. 156 renumDere� �7 frort: the lan�s herein des:ribeJ �nd conveye� in parcel 19 on S.P. OZ10-01 (100�212), Parcel 76 on S.P. 0205 ;56�156-23) a�d in Parcel Z828 on S.P. 0205 (t7=156-23}; e:cept t1�at access s�all De perritted nort�erly of che point of termination of tAe follovin� des:ribe� line: Seg:�ni�� st • poinc on the soutA line of said Section 11, �istant 12��.2� feet cas: of tAe sautJ�vesL corner chereof; thence run nortAerly •t aa ����e of a9 de�rees t2 �einutes 25 seconds vith s�i�i south section line (vhen �,eas��ej from east to nortA) for 263.23 feet; tAen:e defle:t to t�e left at •n •n�le of 02 degrees 15 minutes 00 seconds for 1396.1� feet; then�e deflect to the riqAt on a 00 de3ree 15 oinute 00 se:ond curve (delta an�le O1 degree 10 �inutes 30 se:onds) for �7p feet; tAence on tangent to said eurve for 1�3B.6� ieet; tAen:e deflect to t�t right on � 0� de3ree 0� minute 59.6 second curve (de:ta angle 00 dr,rces �B minutes 00 se:onds) for 961.18 feet; ihence on tangent to said curve for 161.6 feet and there terminating. Page 1 of S Dsie� t�is e�G� _ day of , 19�5. Apptoved as to form: STATE OP MINNESOTA _�� '' ��I �'*�," DY:��� ��------ Specia; �1`�stanc— ��T:torne neral CoRSissioner of Transportetion � , Seal of the Con+missioner of Transportation STAT� o�' n1N��s�rn ? ss. COJ!:': Y OF RRkSEY ) On th3 s�' 0� day of � ______, 19 .�s, before me, a ti:�ary �b31c vithin end �r said County, personally a^^_are� _�._____�c�' ______ , to me personally knovn to be t�e person w`.� exe:uted the fore3oing 3ns:ru�+ent and v!:o did say that he is the (.'o^��issioner of Transp�rtation) {.zep7-;+��---ssiv�er-�i Ttansp^rtetion sM dulT a�tt�oTiz�J s3e-rt of tt�e't�'�'1351�T� i•�-:-,�•a•�^^'�f the Sts2e of Minnes�t� s�d a:knovledgej the: he exe.-u2e� tr,e fore3oing ins:rument an9 cause� t�e sea] of the Co--issioner oi Transportation to be sffixed t�ereto, by suthority of !��nnes�ca S:acuces, Seccion 16].16, S,,bdivision �, an� as the free a:t an� de�3 of �a�d State. Appca�•e� as to execucion: r ? , , �� � •l,�; �_,_ _�y} �e,�- 5pecial Ass�sc�r,�'�,;torney General Tnis instcu.Tent was drafted by tAe State of Minnes�ta. Departerent of Transportation, R'M Legal Seccion, St. Paul, Minnesota 55155 ___. `__r.�� _�`.�'_� f�G .� � •MM'A•�v•. ♦• . , ... .... ,,.• �.� ' . . > .; � � � — �. i � ; C .,,�,..,,r. . : . : . . �. . . . . . . . . ... ,.: pa3e S of S T�is 3as!ruRent is EX_'"�; fzo^. Stat� Dee� Tax. � 9F �� U FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CiTY COUNCIL JULY 15, 1985 Claims �3415 - �3680 -- CLAIMS 10 � � t FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL July 15, 1985 T e of License: By_ Approved By: AUCTIONEERS -- LICENSES Fees: Michael Servetus Unitarian Connie Metcalf James P. H�ill asking Fees to Society Auction Public Safety Dir. be waived 980 - 67th Ave. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 CIGARETTE Arnold's Benjamin's Rest. James P. Hill $12.00 5895 University Ave.N.E. & Bakery Publ�ic Safety Director Fridley, Mn. 55432 ITINERANT FOOD PERMIT Michael Servetus Unitarian Connie P�etcalf Society Auction 980 - 67th Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn.5432 FOOD ESTABLISHME�JT Arnold's 5395 llniversity Ave.N.E. Fridley, �1n. 55432 Lloyd's Food Products, Inc 7501 Commerce Ln. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 VENDIPIG MACHIPJE Abra Auto Body' 8070 University Ave.PJ.E Fridley, Mn. 55432 Artic Scr•eening 7703 Central Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Burlington Northern Hump Tower 80-44th Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55421 Benjamin's Rest. & Bakery Stuart Appert On Your Nonor Snack Systems of P4n. Inc. On Your Honor Snack Systems of Mn. Mn. Viking Food Serv. asking Fees to be waived $45.00 $37.50 $15.00 $15.00 �..� �� Burlingon Northern (Car Shop) t1n. Viking Food Serv. $45.00 80-44th Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55421 � 11 � FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- LICENSES .J Julv 15. 1985 Paqe 2 _ Vending Machine Cont. Burlington Northern Pull Out Tower 80-44th Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55421 TAXICABS Yellow Taxi Serv. Co. 127 - lst Ave. N.E. Mpl s . Mn . 55431'. Mn. Viking Food Serv. James LeTourneau $60.00 James P. Hill $215.00 Public Safety Dir. �I FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL � JuLY i5, 1985 EXCAVATING Don Weld Plumbing 805 Wind�nere GUrve Plymouth, NIN 55441 GAS SERVICES Commercial Air Conditioning Inc. 2200 Niagara Lane Plymouth, NIIV 55441 Flare Heating & Air Conditioning 664 Mendelssohn Avenue t7orth Golden Valley, NIH 55427 Heating & Cooling Zrao, Inc. 14228 - 23rd Avenue North Plymouth, MN 55441 T.G.S. Mechanical P.O. Box 1123 Minnetonka, r�lN 55345 GENERAL CONTRACTOR J& M Pools & Supplies Inc. 11251 - 96th Avenue North Maple Grove, MN 55369 Statewide Builders 4790 Lakeway Terrace Excelsior, M2J 55331 H EAT I NG Air Refrigeration 330 Division Street Excelsior, P�II�] 55331 Commercial Air Conditioning Inc. 2200 Niagara Lane Plymouth, MN 55441 Flare Heating & Air Conditioning 664 Mendelssohn Avenue North Golden Valley, MN 55427 Heating & Cooling Tao, inc. 14228 - 23rd Avenue North Plymouth, NII�I 55441 T.G.S. Mechanical P.O. Box 1123 Minnetonka, MN 55345 By: Jerry Martin By: Stephen Quade By: Richard Guerre By: Wayne Sinkie By: Thomas Shandley By: Martin Sorenson By: Don Peterson By: George Bizek Jr By: Stephen Ouade By: Richard Guerre By: Wayne Sinkie By: Thomas Shandley 11 -- LICENSES APPROVED BY DARREL CLARK • Chief Bldg. Ofc. WILLIAM SANDIN Plbg.-Htg. Insp. - Same Same Same DARREL CLARK Chief Bldg. Ofc. Same WILLIAP9 SANDIN Plbg.-Htg. Insp. Same Same Same Same ---, > > c =i FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- LICENSES J JULY 15, 1985 Page 2 ROOF I NG Blue Rooster Roofing Co. 3319 Portland Avenue Sou th Minneapolis, MN 55407 George B. Johnson Co. 5410 Girard Avenue North Brooklyn Cen�er, tRI 55430 By: Mark Spoering By: George Johnson DARREL CZARK Chief Bldg. Ofc. Same � - I FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL " ESTIMATES 12 'J JL1LY 15, 1985 Herrick 6 N�n, P.A. 6279 University Ave. N.E. Fridley, M�] 55432 For Servioes Rendered For l�bnth Of J�ne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1,650.00 Concrete C�rb Co. 771 Ladybi rci Lar�e Burnsville, M�l 55337 1985 Misc. Concrete C�rb, C�tter & Sidewalk Project F�rtial Estimate No. 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 8,146.25 Hydra�Con Inc. Box 129 North Branch, NN 55056 Water & Sanitary Sewer Project #150 Partial Estimate No. 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . S 4,593.25 � VIRGIL C. NERRICK DAVID P. NEWMAH JAMES E. SGMMECKPEPEN HERRICK & NEWMAN, P.A. ♦7fONNEYS AT U1W July 11, 1985 City of Fridley Civic Center 6431 University Avenue Northeast Fridley, MN 55432 Past Due Balance: (INVOICE N0. 3420) June Retainer: 12A 6279 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N.E. FRIDLEY. MINNESOTA 55432 57t-3850 $3208.48 $1650.00 BALANCE DUE: $4858.48