08/05/1985 - 5182� OF'FICIAi, QTY �INC',IL PGIIdi� Q7UNC�IL 1rEETII�]G AUGUS'P 5 , 198S 0 � . . . . _...�. ._ . . . t' ; � .� • . fRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING i , , pIEASE SIGN NAME ADDRESS AND ITEM NUMBER INTERESTED IN W1TE: �/5/85 . �F ADDRESS � ITEM NUMSER sr ssssssssscs=^cz��n:a=:acnccc===�==_aaaa===c=�a=a¢c�c=cac=canc=casssszssaaaecc==c-c----••- �, � ; , s5/�ae�c�d � J -/ / .� r i �i , �dlu� L�. ��/1f_%�.S j 1 I� �I �� ir ���o ����- �-�. � �� �, �, ii�_ , D, 7- 6� , � r 0 COUNCIL MEETING, Au�usT 5. 1985 ��. 1 �1��i►1���i PAGE 2 CONSIDERATION OF FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE UNOER SECTION 12.07 oF THE CITY CHARTER TO VACATE STREETS AND ALLEYS ANO TO AMEND APPENDIX C OF THE CITY CODE (SAV �85-04, HEARTLANO CORPORATION) (TAB�ED 7/ 15/85) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 CONSIDERATION OF SECOND REAOING OF AN ORDINANCE UNDER SECTION 12.07 OF THE CITY CHARTER TO VACATE STREETS. AND ALLEYS AND TO AMEND APPENDIX C OF THE CITY CODE ( SAV #85-05. TED C . SH i RLEY ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 3 B �I . : ��1►1�►� CONSIDERATION OF FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE RECODIFYING THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE BY AMENDING CHAPTER 126 ENTITLED "HOUSES OF PROSTITUTION. PUBLIC NUISANCE". BY AMENDING SECTIONS 126.02. 126.03. 126.04, 126.05. 126.06 AND 126.07 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 4 B COUNCIL MEETING. AUGUST 5. 1985 1 � �. 1 •► 1 � PAGE 3 RECEIVING THE PRELIMINARY 1986 BuoGET AND SETTING PUBLIC HEARING FOR SEPTEMBER 9, i985 . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE PLANN(NG COMMISSION MEET I NG OF JULY 17, 1985 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 6 I I A. CONSIDERATION OF SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP�85-05 TO ALLOW EXTERIOR STORAGE 0� MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT, 7773-7779 RANCHERS RoAO NE. BY DON SCHLOSSER ........................................... 6 - 6A PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: APPROVA� 8 6M - 6P WITH ONE STIPULATION. � � COUNCIL ACTION NEEDED: CONSIDERATION OF RECOMMENDATION B. CONSIDERATION OF LOT SPLIT REQUEST, LS#85-05 TO SPLIT ONE LOT INTO FOUR LOTS TO BE USED FOR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES, 6771-6781-6791-679� BROOKVIEW DRIVE NE. BY �. A. MENKVELD 8 ASSOCIATES............ 6 I PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL 8 6Q - 6S WITH STIPULATIONS COUNCIL- ACTION NEEDED: CONSIDERATION OF RECOMMENDATION COUNCIL MEETING. AUGUST 5. 1985 ► � : 1 •► ► � (PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES CONTINUED) C. CONSIDERATION OF LOT SPLIT RE�UEST. LS �85-06 LAND TO BE USE� FOR SiNGLE FAMILY RFSIDENCES. 4000 MA�N STREET NE. BY EVELYN CORNELIUS............ 6I - 6� PLAN(�ING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION; APPROVAL b 6T - 6V WITH STIPULATIONS COUNCIL ACTION NEEDED: CONSIDERATION OF RECOMMENDATION D. REVIEW OF CHANGES TO CHAPTER 205 AND CHAPTER 6 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE--ZONING. AND SET PUBLIC HEARING ....................................... 6J - 6K PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL WITH DELETIONS COUNCIL ACTION NEEDED: SET PUBLIC HEARING FOR AUGUST 19, 1985 - E. ITEMS FROM APPE/lLS COMMISSION MEETING OF .1ULY 9, 1985 E-1. CONSIDERATION OF VARIANCE RE�UEST TO INCREASE MAXIMU�; PERCENT OF AREA OF LOT TO BE COVERED BY MAIN AND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS. 4650 MAIN STREET NE. M..1. KEEFE .......................... APPEALS COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION; APPROVAL WITH ONE STIPULATION C4UNCIL ACTION NEEDED; CONSIDERATION OF RECOMMENDATION PAGE 4 6W - 6Y g 6FF - 6GG COUNCIL MEETING. AUGUST 5. 1985 ► . : ► +► ► �� (PLANNING COMM. MINUTES--APPEALS COMM.--CONTlNUED) E-2. CONSIDERATION OF VARIANCE REQUEST TO REDUCE REDUIRED SETBACK FOR CURBING FROM 5 FEET TO 2 FEET FROM THE MAIN BUILDING: AND FROM ALL PROPERTY LINES. 1241-72ND AVENUE NE, BY RICHARD SWANSON ..................................... APPEALS COMMISSiON RECOMMENDATION; APPROVAL OF 7HE VARIANCES W1TH STiPULATIONS COUNCIL ACTION NEEDED: CONSIDERATION OF RECOMMENDATION PA�E 5 6Z - 6EE $ 6HH - 611 RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE CATV COPMIISSION MEET I NG OF JULY 18. 1985 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 - 7 G CONSIDERATION OF SIGN PLAN FOR 5301 EasT RIVER ROAD FOR EAST RIVER ROAD BUSINESS CENTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 - 8 J COUNCIL MEETING. AUGUST 5. 1985 PAGE 6 CONSIDERATION OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF FRIDLEY AND ANOKA COUNTY COMMUNICATIONS WORKSHOP. INC. TO PROVIDE CERTAIN SERVICES TO FRIDLEY RES 1 DENTS . . � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 - 9 C CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE AN ENERGY PROGRAM AND AUTHORIZE THE CITY OF FRIDLEY TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR A HOUSE DOCTOR CONTRACTOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 - 10 C CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION APPROVING LOT SPLIT #85-02. FOR PARKING LOT AND BUILDING EXPANSION. 616i H��HwAY 65 NE. ST. ANTHONY UILLAGE CENTER ....... 11 - 11 B COUNCIL MEETING. AUGUST 5. 1985 1 . � A ! �► ► � PAGE 7 APPOINTMENT: HUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION . . . . . . . . . . 12 - 12 A CLAIMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 L I CENSES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 - 14 L EST IMATES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 - 15 B :� � :► ,�� . . . ...... . r..... . : ..: .. � . . � .� . . � � 7 . - S . . . . . . '�"� '' . � . A� . . . . � . - . . . ,M . .i... 7NE MINUTES OF THE FRIDLEY CITY C�l'NCIL MEETI�G OF JULY 15, 19E5 � � � � � � � ;- . : :: � � � � � � �� � � �� � T . . � .. � . � . . . - E . . . . . . . . . � . � � . . � � . . i .. � . � . .. .. . � . . - . . � . j. .. . 4.1 ��!�.l�:r. �.- :i ; 5r�i t� �a+��!,. ��- :i • n ��� �,�ij�t. 1L Z�e Regular meeting of tr�e Fridley City Q��mcil was wlled to o�der at 7:32 p.m. by Mayor Nee. PI.mGE OF ALIEG7ANCE • . i�yor Nee led the Council and audienoe in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL• IrEI�BERS PRFSFNT: Mayor Nee, ��mcilman Goodspeed, O�tncilman Fitzpatrick, muncilman Schneider and Co�mcilman Barnette N'ENBII2S ABS�1�iT: None P�TION• NATIOI�,L CII7WN WEEK, AUGUST 1- 7. 1985 • I�yor Nee stated he has issued a proclanation proclaiming the week of August 1 throuc� 7, 1985 as National Qaan Week. He stated this is sanething that has been done aver the last several years as requested by interested citizens. APPROVAL OF MINITI'ES • OOUNCIL I�E,TING. JLTLY 1, 1985 • �e fallaaing o�rrection was made on F�ge 6, paragra�h 6, to change 80$ to 300$ . I�DTD�N by Councilman Fitzpatrick to approve the minutes with the above a�rrection. Seo�nded by Co�cilman Barnette. Up�n a vaioe vote, all voting aye, I�hyor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ADOPTION OF AGEI�IDA: NDTD'JN by do�cilman Sdi�ider to adopt the agenda as presented. Seconded by ��ncilman F'itzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee decl ared the moti on � r ried �manimously . OPEN F'0lR�JM. VISI�RS • Mr. Dd Wilmes, Islands of l�aoe, inctroduoed Ms. Sue Rissinger who will be in ci,arge af prograiming for the Islands of F�aoe. Ms. Rissinger atated she graduated in May frcm �e University o�' Wisconsin, Stevens Fbint, with a degree in forestry and an enphasis in recreation. She stated she was hired to set up recreational programs for the Islands of Peaoe and glans to meet with groups using this facility to find out what they need. She stated they would a�ntinue the use c� the pontoon boat with some interp�etative messages on the Mississippi River. She stated she would like mrnthly nature meetings. Ms. Kissinger stated she hopes to have a rnwsletter s� people in the a�mn�nity knaa what is hap�pening at the Islands of Peaoe. She stated she was exci ted about her r�w posi ti on and i f any one -1- 1. 2. �� ��. ����. • l�i has any ideas to please oontact her. Ms. R.issinger stated she wants to knaw what the peogle want and to prwide �en with what t�ey need. Mr. Wilmes stated a brodzure has been published about the Islands of Peaoe and the inspi red dreaQn, which f ram its meage r begi nni ngs, became a ba si c reality �at can only becnrne a ha].lmark in Americ,an Society. He stated, in the past moriths, he has dorie a lot of research and met with the American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Disab�led Veterans, Metropolitan Council and labor organizations, as well as menbers of the �ederal park system, and asked about the idea that the Islands of l�ace beoome a national meinorial for �e handicap�ped. He skated he has been assured by these agencies they would o�operate aru7 hopes he has more time to pursue this further. He stated he would like to share the progress of the Islands of Peace with other areas. He stated he would like the woperation of the City, County and State tvwards this r�tional manorial. He stated he would exert every anve o� hi s ef f or ts tvwards rntional reooc�iti on f ar �e Isl ancls of Fe ace . He stated he would need help naw fran everyone, but they have his word this will happen. .i • ��,. _ PUBLIC HEARING ON VACATION REQUEST SAV �85-04. TO VACATE PORTION OF �1NIVERSI'i'Y SERVI(� i�D WEST ( IUUP BACR) . HF�ARTLAI�ID �RP'ORATION: Mayor Nee stated there was an incorrect publication of notice for this hearing and staff has requested the iten be tabled to the r�ext meeting. I�TION by Councilman Barnette to table this iteqn to the next Council meeting. Seo�rxled by Cotmcilman Sd�neider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, l�yor Nee c3eclared the motion aarried �a�animously. PUBLIC HEARING ON VACATION REQUEST SAV �85-05, TO VACATE STREET �c;�n�tnL4Y. PAAT �F 63RD AVEN[]E. TID C. SHIRI�E,'Y: NDTD�I by O��cilman Barrette to waive the reading of the public hearing notioe and open the public hearing. Se�ncied by CAUncilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearing opended at 7:44 p.m. Mr. Fl�a, Public Works Director, stated this is a request to vacate an eicjlt foot strip of property near �e irrtersection of Sth Street and 63rd Avenue. He stated the City plans to improve 5th Street and desires to obtain a triangular eas�nent fran the o�rr�er property which would provide a snoother transitian af the cvrb line. He stated the vwner, Mr. Shirley, w�ould, in turn, re�eive a small portion of property along the northerly bouldary line as a return with this vacation fran the City for the road ric,�t-of-way ala�g �th Street. Mr. Flora stated the Planning Caimission has reviewed this request and has reoo�mended apprwal. rDTD�I by C��ncilman Goocispeed to close the public hearing. Sevonded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion aarried tufanimously and the public hearing closed at 7 : 47 p. m. -2- 3. 4. �� ��. � �:�-�n+�l,_ � • lu �1_� : _ _�i� - � Mr. Flora, Aiblic Works Director, skated this resolution was tabled at the last meeting. He stated he and the City Attorney, Mr. Herrick, hav e reviewed this resalution and made a d�ange in Iten 1 by substituting the words "a3ninistrative expenses" for "operational". He stated this identifies expense items which are oompatible with the joint powers agreenent. PDTI�JN by Co�cilman Fitzpatrick to adopt Re�olutia► No. 61-1985. Seoonded by Co�mcilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion �rried �a�animously. ���_ u • • • • i y • • • � �• « • a��. i • � �� � • 1 i� � ►• • �i' 1 �1 �� �i�l� `1 • �. 1 1 � �i� 1 1 l�yor Nee stated he felt this ordinance is rather broad and needs to be ref ir�ed. M�TD�N by Councilman Fitzpatrick to refer this item to the staff to be broucj�t badt with t3�e a�nsic3erations that have been discussed. Seoonded by ��cilman Schneider. Up�n a vcuoe vote, all voting aye, Ngyor Nee c3eclared the moti on oar ri ed �a�animaasly. 5. O�N.SIDERATION OF FIRST RF�IDING OF AN ORDII�]CE UNDER SECTION 12 . Q7 OF THE �rrv r-r��rr*�u an vn�AmF cruF� ATUn Ar.r.F.YG ANn mo 1�.MEND APPENDIX C OF THE CITY �DE ( SAV #85-04 HEAR'IZAAID OORPORATIOI� : NDTD�N by Cbuncilman Fitzpatrick to table this iten. Seoonded by O�u�cilman Schneider. Upon a vaioe vote, all voting aye, I�yor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 6. �1-SIDERATIQV OF FIRST RF�ADII� OF AN ORDII�NCE UNDER SECTION 12.07 OF THE �TTV f`�IDS7i�F:12 Tf� VA(`ATF: �`i'RF.F.TG AA1T) AT.i.F.YS AND TO AMEND APPENDIX C OF THE CITY �DE ( SAV #85-05 � C. SHIRI�,'� : 1�DT�i by G�o�ncilman Goodspeed to waive ihe first reading and approve the ordir�anoe upon first reading. Se�nded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 7. R�7CEIVING THE MINCTrES OF TEiE CAZV QONIl�IISSION 1�E,'TING OF JIJt� 20. 1985: I�DTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to receive the minutes of the Cable Televisiai Camnission Meeting of June 20, 1985. Seoonded by Councilman Sd�neider. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, l�yor Nee declarec7 the motion carried unanimously. 8. C�ONSIDgiATION OF C�ANGE ORDER I�U. l. V�17�R & SANITARY � PIiL�TEGT �150 AI�ID R�'IVING PErITION I�. 15-1985 F�M BURLINC�TON I�RTE�RN RDQUES'rING E�ENSION Z�D SPORM S�n1ER 1��IN: M�TION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to rece�ve Petition No. 15-1985 from _3_ ��_'�• / YI�! 1�. �,' Burlington Northern requesting extensivn to storm sewer main. Seconded by Q��ncilman Sd�neider. Up�n a vaioe vote, all voting aye, I�yo�r Nee declared th e moti ori aa r ri ed �ani.mously . I�. Flora, Aiblic Works Director, stated there are two items involved with this c3�ange arder. He stated the first iten is to add a fire hydrarit to the front of the Holly Shopping Center. He stated new pavenent is being installed and the Fire �ief has suggested a hydrarit be installed in front of the shopping oenter befa�re this is cbne. Mc . Flora stated the other iten in this d�ange order was petiti oned f or by Burlington Northern Railraad. He stated it ir�volves an extension of the storm sewer main along Industrial Boulevard to Ashton Avenue. He stated this would alla�► storm water f rom the new developnent of a mini-storage facility to flaw to the City's systen. NDTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to approve Change Order No. 1 with Hydro--Con, Inc., Hox 129, North Barnac�, l�nnesota 55056 for the follo�wing additions to Water & Sewer Project #150: (1) install a fire hydrant at Holly Shopping Ceriter for a tntal o� $7,975; and (2) install 450 lin. ft. o� 27" RC:P Storm Sewer $ 4C.B. far a total of $19,478. Z'he total a¢nount of this d�ange order is $27,453. Seoonded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried umanimously. 9. R�IVII� AN AGREEMENT FROM MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR NRNBACK P�JPERTY • Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated the Minnesota Department of Transportation has turned back oertain hic�wric�t-of-ways to the City. He stated the prooessing of transfers has been gartially completed and the Gb�cil has a map showing whidz properties are to be turned back. Mr. Qureshi, CYty N�nager, stated the City has no d�oioe whether or not to aooept these ric�t-�-ways, i�wever, the City is now currently maintaining then. NDTD�I by ��mcilman Fitzpatrick to ap�xa�e the turnbadc of �ese properties to the City from �e Minnesota Department � Transportation. Seoonded by do�cilman Sc�neider. Upon a vaioe vote, all voting aye, I�yor Nee declared the motion carried t�animously. 10. I S: PDTIDN by Councilman Schneider to authorize payment of Claims No. 3415 �roucjz 3680. Seoonded by �inc.ilman Fitzpatrick. Up�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion �rried unanimously. 11. LICIIdSFS PDTD�N by �imcilman Barnette to aplxove the licenses as sutmitted and as on file in the Lioense Cleric's Offioe. Se�nded by O��,s�cilman Fitzpatrick. -4- �.�� � Y�����. � . Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 12. F,STIMATFS: IrDTIDN by ��cilman Shcneider to apprae the estimates as sul�nitted. JOLY 15, 1985 Herrick & N�n, P.A. 6279 University Ave. N. E. FYid1Ey, NN 55432 For Serviaes Rendered For Month QEJu�e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1,650.00 Concrete C�rb Co. 771 Iadybi rd Lare Burnsville, NN 55337 1985 Misc. O�ncrete Curb, (�tter & S idew al k Pr oj ect l�rtial Estimate No. 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 8,146.25 Hydro-Con Inc. Box 129 North Brand�, MV 55056 Water & Sanitaty Sewer Project #150 Partial Estimate No. 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 4,593.25 Se�nded by Q��cilman Barnette. Up�n a voive vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion aarried Lmanimously. AA70URAI�]T • MJTION by Councilman Schneider to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by ��cilman Barnette. Up�n a vaive vote, all voting aye, I�yor Nee declared the moti on ca r ri ed tmanimously and the Regul ar Meeti ng of th e Fr i dl ey Ci ty Gb�ncil � July 15, 1985 adjourned at 7:55 p.m. Respectfully sutmitted, (� rol e Haddad Will iam J. Nee Secretary to the I�yor C7ty Gbtmcil -5- PUBLIC HEARING BEFOP,E THE CI7Y COUNCIL Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of the City Council of the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on Monday, �uly 15, 1985 in the Council Chamber at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of: Consideration of a Vacation request, SAV #85-04, by Heartland Corporation, to vacate all that portion of the University Service Road West, (loop back) lying within Lot 18, Block 5, Rice Plaza South Addition. Any and all persons desiring to be heard shall be given an opportunity at the a5ove stated time and place. WILLIAM J. NEE MAYOR Publish: July 22, 1985 July 29, 1985 Heartland _� 1A MOTION BY Mt. SABa, SECONDED BY l�t. KONDRICK, TO RECOr4 TO CITY COUIVCIL APPROVAL OF SPECI�►L USE PERMTT, SP 4�85-07, TENS-BRENNY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, BY JOSEPH Mr�ERTENS: PER S ION 205.18.1, C, 9 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE, TO ALLOW OUTSIDE ST GE OF MATERIALS Ah'D CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT ON LOT S, CABA REAL �DBITIQI�1� WITH THE FOLLOWING STIPUTATIONS (I) PETITIONER W WIT1i STAFF TO COMPLETE AN APPROVED LANDSCAPE P1s1N INCLUDIlVG ING AROUND STO;�AGE YARD: (2) ENTIRE STORAGE AREA TO BE FIIVCED SCREENED WITH APPROVED VINYL OR WOOD SLATS AND VINES AND FENCE BE EIGHT FEET HIC�i; (3) PETITIONER WORK WITH ENGINEER IlVG DEPaRT T TO COMPLETE AN APPROVED DRAINAGE PLAN; (4) SITE PIAN TO BE REFI TO MEET CODE PRIOR TO COUNCIL MEET IlVG AND REVIEW WITH STAFF BEFO COUNCIL HFs'1RING; AND (5) A$25,000 PERFORMANCE BOND OR LETTER OF C IT BE SUPPLZED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF A BUILDING PERMIT . UPON A VOIC VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE CHAIRPERSON OQUIST DECIARED THE MOTION IED UNANIMUUSLY. Ms ertens was advised that this special use permit was issued to ertens-$renny Construction Company, and not the owners of the property. 4. V�G�TION RE UES SAV '�85-04 $Y HEARTIAND CORPORATION: Vacate all that portion of the Uni rvice Road West (loop back) lying in Lot 18, Block S, Rice Plaza South Addition: Mr. Robinson stated this is a request to vacate the loop back portion of the west service drive at Holty Shopping Center. He stated the portion of the service drive on the east boundary would remain as right-of-way. He stated the vacated loop back would be used for additional parking area, Ms. Gabel stated the vacation or elimination of this loop back should be done in an orderly fashion so as to not create a.greater traffic problem. She pointed out traffic has grea=l;' fnereased �azieing access problems to ttie shopping center. MOTION BY I�t. SAB�►, SECONDED BY l�dt. KONDRICK, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APpROV�L OF VACATION REQUEST, SAV �r85-04, BY HEaRTLAND CORPORATION: V�G�TE ALL TNe1T PORTION OF THE UN NERSITY SERVICE ROAD WEST (LOOP BACK) LYING IN LOT 18, BLOCK S, RICE PIAZA SOUTH ADDITION. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON OQUIST DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANII�DUSLY. 5. REVIEW OF SP ��84-20 ZWIN CITY HOMES INC BY Rr1NDY QtOHNKE• Section 205.15.1, C, 3 of the Fridley City Code, to allow t tinuation of a mobile home sales lot under new management rcel 2681, Section 12, the same being 7625 Viron Road N. E.• I�. Robinson stated the ission had asked that this special use permit be reviewed at the t meeting in June, 1985. 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Pll lying in the North Half of Section 14, �30, R-24, City of Fridley, Gounty of Anoka, Minnesota Be and is hereby vacated. SECTION 2. Said street and utility eas�nent was dated Sept enber 19, 1967 and recorded on February 6, 1968 as Docunent No. 306574 at the Anoka County R�eoorders' Off ice. SECTION 3. Zhe said vacation has been made in conformance with Minnesota Statutes and pursuant to Section 12.07 of the City Charter and Appendix C of the Gity �de shall be so amended. PASSID ATID ADOPrID BY ZHE QTY �UNC,II, OF �iE CITY OF FRIDLEY �iIS DAY OF , 1985. wi'r,r•IAM J. NEE - I�1YOR AZ'I'E5T : SIIaNEY C. INNIAN - QTY Q,ERR Public Hearing: First Reacting: Second Reading: Publish: Heartland (SAV #85-04) 2 o�n�� r�o. AN OR'DINAN� UAID�'.R SEQ'IQN 12.07 OF THE CITY QiARTER TO VA(�1TE S�tEEZS ArID ALI.E;YS ADID TO 11A'IIVD APPENDIX C OF T8E QZ'Y �DE �e City O�u¢�cil of the City of Fridley c3oes ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Fbr the vacation of a street ric�t-of-way c3escribed as follows: that part of 63rd Avenue lying within th� plat of Sandy Terrace, except the City retains a drainage and utility easement on the west 6 f eet. All lying in the South Half of Section 14, ZL30, �24, City of Friciley, ��mty of Anoka, blinnesota. � Be and is hereby vacated, subject to the above-r�entioned exception. SECi'ION 2. Zhe said vacation has been made in conformance with Flinnesota Statutes ano pursuant to Section 12.07 of the City Charter and AF��endix C of the City �c.ie shall be so amended. PASSID AI�ID ADOFIID BY glE QTY alUNCII, OF �iE QTY OF FRIDLEY �iIS DAY OF , 1985. WILLIAtS J. IgE - r�1Y0R AZTEST : smt�� c. nvr� - cs� a,� puhlic Hearing: 7/15/85 First ReGcting: 7/15/85 Seoond Reading: Publish: Ted Shirley SAV #85-05 3 �� , : - - _ _ , ,. ' __ - -�t�Ui�iT � � -T.: -- � i'ATE • � '-�►+fl 3 A � ct i�.:�:�: --- -,, r... � �' ; I, i`�' ,..- : � r �' TEQ C. 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Judge Lord has reviewed our amended ordinance and has subsequently dismissed this case against the city. Prior to the dismissal of this case, Judge Lord's office had suggested some additional minor amendments to our ordinance which we indicated we would fulfill. The attached amendment for council action is a result of Judge Lord's suggestions. JPH/sa INFO X ORDINANCB N0. - 1985 AN ORDINANCE RECODIFYING THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE BY AMf3NDING CHAPTER 126 ENTITLED "HOUSES OF PROSTITUTION� PIIBLIC NUISANCS", SECTIONS 126.02, 126.03, 126.0�, 126.05, 126.06 AND 126.07 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 126.02. DEFINITIONS The terms used in Sections 126.01 through //126.07// 12b.08 shall have the meaning herein given: 126.03• ACTS CONSTITtiTING A NIIISANCB 3. Any building or portion thereof and all movable property used in conducting or maintaining a public nuisance shall be enjoined and abated as provided for in Sections //126.0�1// 126.05 through //126.07// �$• 126.04. NOTICE Notice of any convictions described in Section //126.02// 126.0'� of this Chapter shall be sent by United States mail to the o�wner of record, all other interested persons or parties of record, the oecupant of such building or portion thereof and shall be f iled with the County Recorder's Off ice en - permitted by law. Such notice shall be deemed sufficient as to all interested persons, including persons or parties not of record or ur,known, that the building, or a portion thereof, is being used for purposes constituting a public nuisance. 126.05. INJUNCTIVE AEMEDIES 1. Whenever any county attorney, city attorney or resident of the City has reasonable cause td believe that any person within the City is violating Section //126.02// 126.0�, he or she may by verified petition seek a temporary injunetion in district court in Anoka County. No temporary restraining order or preliminary injuction shall be issued without a prior show cause notice of hearing to the respondents to be heard. Personal service of the show cause order and of the petition made as in civil actions on the named respondents, or upon any of their employees or agents found within the State, shall constitute sufficient notice. Such show cause order for hearing may be returnable on the third day from the date of service as to a respondent who is present in this State, and on the fifth day as to a person not a resident or not found within this State. 126.06. TRIAI., ORDER AND ABATEI�T 1. Pursuant to the Rules of Civil Procedure, the court may also order the trial of the action on the merits to be advanced and consolidated with the hearing on the motion for a temporary injunetion. Proof of any of the cireumstances enumerated in Section //126.02.2// �26.0�.2 shall //be conclusive// ereate a rebuttable nresum�tion as to the existence of a public nuisance and the court shall order the abatement of the nuisance. 4A Page 2-- Ordinance No. - 1985 126.07. CONTEMPT Whoever violates a restraining order, temporary injunetion or abatement order granted under Sections //126.02// 126.0� through //126.07// 126.08 may be adjudged in contempt of court and punished accordingly. In addition, if any defendant fails to perform an ordered act, the court may direct the act to be done in accordance with Rule 70 of the Rules of Civil Procedure. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COiJNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF , 1985 WILLIAM J. NEE - MAYOR ATTEST: SIDNEY C. INMAN - CITY CLERK First Reading: Second Reading: Publication: 4B corriczu ru�i�.uon) 5. �� cnr o� r�msz, ro�c.ic �arzca In conformance vith Section 7.04 oP the Citq C6arter, the foll wing City Hanager�s preliminary budget for fiscal year 1986 will be submitted to the Citq Council at t6e eugust 5. 1985 City Council Meetiag. GEl1HRAL Fti� B3TI!!�?� YE9�OS Taxes and Special Asses�ents: Current Ad Oalor� Delinqueat, Penalties, Forfeited Special Assessments Licenses and Permits: Licenses Permlts Intergovertnental: Federal State - Homestead Credit (Current Ad Valorem) Local Government Aid All Other Charges for Services Fines and Forfeits Interest on Investments M.iscellaneous Revenues Other Financing Sources: Nunicipal State Aid Fund Revenue Sharing Fund Liquor Fund SOTAL flEY�108S 1fD 0� PDA�CI� SCAECBS Fund Balance: Designated for Replacemeat of Fixed Assets General Fund Surplus TOTAL FUI� BALL(� rOTIL GE/BR1L POIID SPSCIAI. BEYHIIIB PUi�3 Be�enue Sharing Fund State �id Fund CaQle 17 Pund ?Oi�l. SPHCLL SSY�IIH FillID3 I� ��'�a'�1��:�ii�i�tj Ci�iC Center Bond Yund Property Tax - Curreat Ad Valorem Interest lOT�1. D�? S�YIC� PUlm3 C�PIT�I. P�OJSC? FU1�S Capital Zapra�e�ent IunQ Property Taz - Current Ad Valorem Interest Other Fiaaacing Sources: Gerseral Fund TOT�I. C►PI?�i. PYOJ�Ci PQ1mS NASIM !f. QDRESHI, City lfarsager � 2,671.290 48,992 4,900 1$4,874 775,552 30,827 367,395 1,888�870 210,000 121,828 160,462 290�000 54�000 142,863 232 � 652 50,000 = 6,53�,505 150,000 281,541 S �31.5�1 a 6,%6.OM6 232.652 414�462 55�098 = T02,212 34�485 6.666 i �1,151 4�1,100 55�284 12�600 = 111,98� Legislative: Citq Council Planning Commissiona Other Commis�ions City !lanagement: General Manager Personael Legal Central Services: Elections Finance Assessing C1vic Center Police: Police Civil Defenae Animal Control Fire: Public ilorks: Code Enforcement Planning Technical Engiaeering Traffic Engineeriag Street Lighting Storm Drainage Public ilorks Naintenance Recreation: Naturalist Aecreation Reserve: = 755�3� 342.560 617,895 2�099,806 478,901 2�293,833 583�495 39u.172 � 6,966.0#6 232,652 414,462 55,098 = 702,212 = M1.151 t 111,98� � CITY OF FRIOLEY PLANNING CONatISSION MEETING, JULY 17, 1985 CALI TO ORDER: Yice-Chairperson Oquist called the July 17, 1985, Planning Commission meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mr. Oquist, Ms. Gabel, Mr. Kondrick, Mr. Minton, Mr. We11an, Mr. Sielaff (for Mr. Saba) Members Absent: Ms. Schnabel Others Present: Jim Robinson, Planning Coordinator ' John Flora, Public �b rks Director Mayor Bill Nee Dennis Schneider, City Councilman gob Barnette, City Councilman Brian Goodspeed, City Councilman Charles Boudreau, Parks & Recreation Director Mary Schreiner. Parks & Recreation Commission Dan Al1en, Parks 8 Recreation Correnission Don Schlosser, 7773 Ranchers Road Jack Menkveld, 1299 Mississippi St. N.E. Evely� & Forrest Cornelius, 4020 Main St. N.E. APPROVAL OF JUNE 19, 1985, PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES: MO.TION BY MR. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY MR. MINTON, TO APPROVE THE JUNE 19, 1985, PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES AS WRITTEN. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON OQUIST DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 1. TABLED 6/19/85 BY PETITIONER: PUBLIC NEABING: COP�SIDERATION OF A SPECIAL , _ , „ er ec �on .,, o t e r� ey i y o e o a ow exter�or storage of materials and�equipment on Lot 6, Block 2, East Ranch Estates Second Addition, the same being 7773-7779 Ranchers Road N.E. 1NOTION BY MR. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY MS. GABEL, TO OPEN THE PUBLIC XEARING ON SP 1l85-O5. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON OQUIST DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 7:36 P.M. 6A1 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, JULY 17, 1985 PAGE 2 Mr. Robinson stated this involved an industrial site located on the southeast corner of Ranchers Road and 77th Ave. Zoning was M-2, heavy industrial, and adjacent to it was a commercial zone. He stated the petitioner was asked to screen the storage area whicf� he has done with a 6 ft, high cyclone fence with webbing. At this time, he would like to bring the property up to code by gettinq a special use permit which is required for outside storage. The anly stipulation Staff would recommend was additional landscaping in the general area of the boulevard to be completed by fall. He stated Staff would work with the petitioner on this. Ms. Gabel asked what kind of materials the petitioner would be storing. Mr. Schlosser stated it was a machine shop so they are storinq aluminum scrap and steel scrap before it is hauled away. wooden chip pal?ets and wooden barrels. Mr. Kondrick stated that when machining, they have to use oil to make the cuts. He.asked if there was any danger of the oils and cuttinq aids from spilling and contaminating the ground in the area of the water run-off. �4r. Schlosser stated that at any one time they would have 3-4 55 gallon drums of virgin or used oil on the premises. Some material can �e recycled or picked up and hauled away. He stated they have applied for an EPA permit to dispose of this material. Most of the r�aterial is stored inside. It is not a very flammab?e material. The coolants they use are water soluble and under prope- treatment can be discharged down the drain. M�TION BY MR. KONDRZCK, SECONDED BY MR. MINTON, TO CLOSE Tf1E pUBLIC HEARING ON SP l�85-O5. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON OQUIST DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 7:42 P.M. MOTION BY MR. MINTON, SECONDED BY MR. KONDRICK, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP #t85-O5, BY MACNINING, INC., BY DON SCHIASSER, PER SECTION 205.18.1, C, 9 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE TO ALLOW EXTERIOR STORAGE OF MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT ON LOT 6, BLOCK 2, EAST RANCH ESTATES SECOND ADDI- TION, THE SAME BEING 7773-7779 RANCHERS ROAD N,E „ WITX TyE STIPULATIO�i THAT THE PETITIONER WORK WITH CITY STAFF FOR ADDITYONAL LANDSCAPING TO BE COMPLETED BY THE FALL OF 1985. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTLtiG AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON OQUIST DECLARED TXE MOTIDN CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Oquist stated this item would go to City Council on August 5. 2. PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDERATION OF A PRELIMINARY PLAT, P.S. #85-02, �4EADOWLANDS �, e�ng a rep at o ut ot , ea ow an s Secon i ion, e same e�ng � Kenneston Drive N,E. � PLANNI�JG CONIMISSION MEETING, JULY 17, 1985 PAGE 3 MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY MS. GABEL, TO OPEN THE PUBLIC XEARING ON P.S. #85-02. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON OQUIST DECLARED TNE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 7:44 P.M. Mr. Robinson thanked the peop�e in the audience who were at the meeting for the discussion of this item. He stated they were invited to the public hearing to help give the City some direction on what could be done to improve this park, He stated Ron Ley, a consultant from TKDA,was at the meeting to address the er+gineerin9 concerns. Mr. Robinson stated the park was located just north of Mississippi St, and south of 68th Ave., bordered by Kennaston St., 68th Ave,, and 67th Ave, He stated the park is approximately 9.9 acres which is quite large for a neighborhood park. The area in general is R-1, single family. He stated there has been a good deal of recent single family development in the area. Along with the park, they are also looking at the future direction for the area and, along with park development, there could be some additional road development. He stated the people had been invited to the meeting to look at some plans �nd discuss those plans. Mr. Robinson stated the park has very bad soils and is characterized by a high water table, some right near the surface, and in some areas, a few feet below the surface. He stated there is a lot of peat in the area--up to 8% ft, of peat found from soil borings. The general concept is to make the park more usable, improve the drainage, improve the soil situation, where they could have an activity area such as tennis, play areas, tot lot,.etc., on good soil, To do this would require lowering the water table and stabilizing the areas under the activity areas. One way to do this was through a pond. He introduced Ron Ley who ��ould discuss the engineering requirements and how some of the alternative plans were arrived at. Mr. Ley stated the City h�red TKDA to lcok at the site which has sor�e water and soil problems. When they looked at the site, it was in the spring around h1ay, and he was surprised that the park could even he functional as a park because of the standing water. Mr. Ley stated soil borings were taken, and there was up to 8-8}-: ft, of peat in one of the borings. They had the City take some e1e�:ations to determine some of the drainage characteristics, the storm se�rer, and the ditch. He stated their objective was to provide the same facilities that are there now and to ir,corporate them into a layout that was functional as a recreational facilitity and would be usable after it was drained and stablized. To do that, they came up with three different possibil#ties. He stated both the Comnissioners and those in the audience had a copy of these three schemes. He explained each of the alternatives to the Commission and the audience. ��• , PLANP�IP�G COMMISSION MEETING, JULY 17, 1985 PAGE 4 Mr. Ley stated that at this point, their interest is to find out which scheme the City is interested in pursuing. They recommend Scheme "A" as being the best engineering approach to solving the drainage and foundation problems. Mr, Robinson stated the City has suggested that some lots be sold off as part of this redevelopment. Depending on the scheme, 5-9 lots are suggested to be sold. Ms. Gabel asked that as far as road and utility assessments, who wou7d pay for the assessments? Mr, Robinson stated there would be no assessments to existing home owners. Also, as far as development of the park, there would be no assessment to existing home owners. There could be an assessment for the road to the new lots. Ms. Gabel asked Mr. Ley the cost of the different schemes. Mr. Ley stated the cost estimates were as follows: Scheme A - approx, b350,000 Scheme B - " 400,000 Scheme C - " 425,000 Mr. Ley stated these were total costs for the development of the park, the street, and utilities. Ms. Gabel asked Mr. Robinson what he anticipated the lots could be sold for. Mr. Robinson stated that lots in Fridley average 520-25,000. 7hese would all be standard sized lots and all would meet minimum code requirements. Mr. Oquist asked for comments from people in the audience. Mr. Ed Berntson, 925 Mississippi St., stated that shortly after the City was incorporated in 1949, there was a plan to develop the northern part of this park area. The City was petitioned for building permits �nd the City denied them because the g m und would not sufficiently support single family homes. The land lay idle for some time. At a later date, another group petitioned the City to build in the same area. The plan was for several multi-story apartment houses. This petition was also denied by the City because of lack of suitable underlay under the building sites. If this proposition goes through and the lots are sold, how does the City plan to overcome those deficiencies of lack of proper underlay for building? He stated he believed if just the park was developed and the drainage was improved, there would be little opposition by the neighborhood. Nowever, they are opposed to the selling of the lots on the low grade. Dr. Ken Vos, 990 - 68th Ave., stated his house was the last one buily on the corner of the park. He bought his property from Michael Servetus Unitarian Church. In the contract, they put in that the lot had to be buildable or it would revert back to the church. In digging footings, they had to go down 19 ft, to get the peat out, and he must be at least 6 ft. higher than the park on the north side. If he was going to buy any lots in the City of Fridley, he . � PLANNING COMMISSION MEETINGi JULY 17, 1985 PAGE 5 would make sure the lots were buildable. If they are not buildable, the City is going to get them back. Dr. Vos stated he was at the meeting to address two major issues: (1� the selling of park land in general; and (21 the improvement of Meadowlands Park. Dr. Vos stated the selling of park land was not an acceptable way to raise revenue. He itated he would give a couple of scenarios of some things that have happened in Fridley parks over the last couple of years. He stated they have had a problem with Moore Lake East. The City could come in with a plan to sell off lots north of the beach to pay for some of the development in Moore Lake East, but he did not think anyone would agree to that. Another problem was Moore Lake West. They could sell about 7 lots in the Moore Lake Sand Dunes area, to help pay for improvements to Moore Lake West, but he did not think any- one would want that. A third example would be Commons Park. He stated that in these park areas, selling park land to build revenue has never been discussed, so why is it being discussed now? Dr. Vos stated the selling of park land was a decision that should be made with extreme caution and a lot of community input. In his perspective, extreme caution has not been demonstrated. A� velopment plan has been drafted by a consulting firm with City suggestions. Community input prior to this meeting was non-existent. Dr.Vos stated the Parks & Recreation Commission must have looked at these plans, and was there any reason why the Parks & Recreation Commission did not seek comnunity input before these plans were brought before the Planning Commission? It seemed to him that the role of good government was to ask the owners of the park, the taxpayers, if it was a good idea to sell park land. Dr. Vos stated the second issue he wanted to discuss was the actual improvement of the park which he did not think was as important as the selling of park land. From his informal survey of the neighbors who have property on the park, two suggestions most corrmonly given were (1) to improve the pa rk by doing a major change in the water problem; or (2) to admit the park has peat and Nater problems and develop the park with natural improvements such as trees, but leave it green. Dr. Vos stated he would like to address the water pr�blem. Right now his back yard, after a heavy rain, acts as a city holding pond. There is also a home- owner at 891 - 66th Ave. whose back yard also acts as a holding pond for the city. He also has an open storm sewer pipe in his back yard. So, drainage is a concern to the neighborhood, and it should be addressed. He stated he saw the whole problem as drainage but not necessarily the selling of lots and improving the park. In fact, he felt the selling of park land could increase the drainage problems, not decrease the drainage problems. • Or. Vos stated he would like to present a petit�on of 50 names to the Planning Commission. He stated he talked to every home owner either on the park or across from the park. The petition stated: "We recognize the need to improve Meadowlands Park. However, we do not accept selling current park land to pay for improvement costs::° 6E PLANNING COM�tI55I0N MEETIN6, JULY 17, 1985 PAGE 6 Dr. Vas stated his recomnendation for action by the Planning Commission was to recommend to the City Council that all the plans presented at the meeting were unacceptable since they involve the selling of park land and that they should get some input from the citizens as to the best way to go. Mr. Minton asked Dr. Vos on his opinions for park development. Dr. Vos stated that in walking through the imnediate neighborhood with the petition, he got two kinds of responses: (1) Some said there should be some improvements to Meadowlands Park as nothing has been done for a period of time; (2) Some said they like the park the way it is. They know there is a water problem and drainage problem, but with some minor construction, they would be happy with the park. Or. Vos stated he thought there should be some improvement to the park but not to the kind of costs being talked about at the meeting. He thought the City needed more citizen input into this. He felt there were some things that could be done that would not cost that kind of money. There are still parts of the park that are not going to be usable for 12 months of the year. Dr. Vos stated he just did not like the idea of raising revenue by cutting park land. Once they do that, they set a precedent. If it is done here, he could see some other parks in Fridley where they could do the same thing. It was not the mentality he wanted to see the City get into. Mr. Jeff Gustafson, 6558 Oakley St., stated he lived adjacent to the park. He stated he also had a petition to present to the Planning Commission. He stated his petition was passed throughout the City in different areas in order to get the opinion of people who did not live right on the park to see what they thought about selling park land fo r commercial usage. He stated that out of 69 people he talked to, 68 signed the petition which stated: We, the undersigned, residents of Fridley, are opposed to the plans to replat part of Meadowlands Park for private use. We are further opposed to any attempts by the City of Fridley to restructure the use of any park land. We feel this is a serious threat to the quality of life that we enjoy in this city." Mr. Gustafson stated that, as far as the park itself, he would agree it did need some improvement and something had to be done about the drainage. He stated the City has to look very carefully at which areas are high and which areas are low in the park. But, the point they are trying to make is that they will not stand for the selling of park land. Mp2ION BY MR. MINTON, SECONDED BY MR. KONDRICK� TO RECEIVE PETZTION NO. 16 AND PETITION NO. 1] . UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VIG�-CXAIRPERSON OQUIST DECLARED TXE MOTIDN CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6F PLANNI��G COMMISSION MEETING, JULY 17, 1985 PAGE 7 Ms. Mary Schreiner stated she was the Vice-Chairperson of the Parks & Recreation Commission. She stated she agreed with Dr. Vos that park land should not be sold for development purposes because of financing. She stated that the Parks & Recreation Commission had discussed the alternative plans for Meadowlands Park at their last meeting, and it was the concensus of the Comnission that they have a neighborhood meeting to get input from the citizens. Staff was directed to set up a puhlic hearing for their next Commission meeting in August, but then they found out that the Planning Commission was havi�g a public hearing. Ms. Schreiner stated that as a member of the co�nunity, not as a Commission member, she would choose Scheme A with the exclusion of selling any property because the City Council has directed TKOA w�o have more expertise, and they know how to handle the problem of the ponding. The ponding area seemed to be a marvelous way to take care of the bad element and put it into a usable park area. Mr. Frank Sinna, 6542 Oakley St., stated he wanted to know why the park couldn't be improved without the selling of park land. Mr, Robinson stated the City was not saying park land had to be sold. They are just presenting some options which do include the selling of some park land.which would help defray the cost of park development. In terms of planning, no one's mind is made up, and that was the reason for the public hearing--to help get some input so they can give some direction to the City Council on how to proceed. Perhaps there could be a scheme where no lots would be sold, but that was not one of the options being presented at the meeting. Mr. Jeff Gustafson stated that those who signed the petition were not saying they were not in favor of improving the park; they were simply saying they were not in favor of seeing park land sold. He stated that when he first moved into his home, he had asked the City to sell him 40 ft. of park land along his property so he could take care of the land, put up a fence, in order to make the property more presentable. He was told the City could not sell park land to private individuals, that it was dedicated as park land by the builder and therefore could not be sold. He stated he made several attempts to purchase property, and that was what he was told every time. It was disturbing to him, because now the City was turning around and wanting to seTl park land. Mr. Chuck Mann, 6611 Jackson St., stated he wanted to see a plan without lots being involved. Why does park land need to be sold in order to improve the park? Mr. Richard Cis, 891 - 66th Ave., stated he was the owner of the property men- tioned by Dr. Vos with the storm drain in his back yard. He has problems with it year round. He stated he was in total agreement that no park land should be sold for the development of the park, He would even rather see the storm drain remain in his back yard as much as he hated that. Any plan for improving the park would have to include draining it somehow. If water continues to be dumped into the park, there will always be a swamp. 6G PLANNING COf�'IISSION MEETING, JULY 17, 1985 PAGE 8 One citizen stated he brought a petition around Oakley St., and it was the general opinion that the residents did not want to see the street go through. They want Oakley St. to remain a deadend street. He also would want the street to stay as it is. They like the privacy it gives them. Mr. Sid Inman, 6747 Overton Dr., stated he also had drainage problems in his back yard from time to time. He stated that a lot of the yards around the park have water problems. He stated the City is interested in doing something for the park, and he thought it was unique that the citizens are being given the opportunity to give their input. They should act now and say what they really want done to the park. Mayor Nee stated he wanted the people to know that the City Council members were very concerned about neighborhood input. He stated what was beirg discussed at this point was engineering and overall schematics more than detail. He did not know why the lots were even put in the plan, but what they are really talk- ing about is the overall concept, and if the development could be worked out without the lots, that was fine. No member of the City Council had any special reason for wanting to sell off park land. Councilman Goodspeed stated he had heard several comments about why there wasn't more input from the cvrrmunity, and that was the reason for this public hearing. Mr. Peter Eisenzimmer,6535 Oakley St,, stated he also liked the privacy of the dead-end street. He would like the street left as it is, and he felt it was unfeasible to build on the lots that were being mentioned. Mr. Bill Doyle, 6551 Oakley St., stated that as he understood what was being said by the City was that they should look at the total picture. decide how to improve the p,ark, and then decide what to do about selling park land. He stated he wanted to reiterate that the neighborhood was strongly opposed to the selling of lots. That decision should be made first, and then they can discuss how to improve the situation in the park. Councilman Schneider stated there were a number of issues involved here. but he thought the best thing the neighborhood could do was give the City a sense of what they would like to see developed. Dr. Vos stated he would like to refer to the public hearing notice which stated: "Public Hearing: Consideration of a Preliminary Plat, P.S. #85-02, Meadowlands Park by the City of Fridle.y". He stated this was not a public hearing on park improvements or citizen input; it was a public hearing for the preliminary plat. That was why in his presentation he said there should have been some citizen input before the public hearing on the preliminary plat. Mr. Oquist stated he agreed this was not the place for citizen input on what should be done with the park. That probably required discussions of a citizen committee. Those type of discussions should have taken place before this public hearing on the preliminary plat. Ne was a little surprised the public hearing on the preliminary plat was before the Planning Commission before any of these other discussions had taken place. PLANNIWG COM�IISSION MEETING, JULY 17, 1985 PAGE 9 MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY MS. GABEL, TO CLOSE TXE PUBLIC HEARING ON P.S. H85-02. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON OQUIST DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CIASED AT 9:02 P.M. Mr. Oquist stated he thought they fiad gotten a little lost as to what public hearing was actually for. He was not sure they w what should be done with the park. They have gotten som the consultants and some input f rom the ci,tizens, but it input because the citizens have not had the opportunity themselves before coming to a public hearing. He stated should go back to the Parks & Recreation Comnission and back to the Planning Commission when there is a concensu to what they would like to see done in the park. ere ready to e good input th1S discuss f rom was not a concensus to discuss this among maybe the park issue then it can come s of the citizens as 6H Mr. Kondrick agreed. He stated this issue should come back to the Parks & Recreation Commission where it belongs. The interest in the Parks & Recreation Commission is to change the park from what it is into something that is more usable and more fun for the residents. Before this had all happened, the Co mnission had wanted to have a public hearing at their August meeting. He stated they would like to have that public hearing and have the issue of the preliminary plat continued until they have gotten more input f rom the citizens. Then they can come back to the Planning Commission and City Council with some recommendations as to what can and should be done with the park, Mr. Minton stated he supported t4r. Kondrick's concept of deferring this issue. He felt both the discussions they have had at this meeting and the engineering information was important, but now it was important for this to go back to the Parks & Recreati'on Commission in order to get some neighborhood input. Ms. Gabel stated she also agreed. She had been very confused with this whole discussion. MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY MR. MINTON, TO TABLE PRELIMINARY PLAT, P.S. i185-02, MEADOWLANDS PARK, BY THE CITY OF FRIDLEY, AND THAT THE ISSUE OF PARK DEVELOPMENT AND DESIGN BE RESUBMITTE'D TO THE PARKS � RECREATION COMMISSION FOR MORE INPUT. Mayor Nee stated the City Council was the only body that can authorize a replat, and as far as he knew, the City Council did not authorize the City to petition for a replat of public land. He stated that in order for the City to sell park land, the City has to have a public hearing in order to find an excess. The City Charter requires the City Council to have a public hearing to hear all comnents and find if there is an excess for the purposes for which the land was donated. None of that has happened, and he did not know why the public hearing on the preliminary plat was before the Planning Comnission. He had also thought the public hearing was to discuss the park improvements. 61 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, JULY 17, 1985 PAGE 10 3. LOT SPLIT REQUEST: L.S. #85-05� BY J. A. MENKVELD & ASSOCIATES: Sp1it Lot 2, BTTocTc 'T; �rooTcv ew�econ3�'ddi tion int�our otsT' ;�wo 7�fo'o�E i vts, one 81.5 foot lot and one 82,29 foot lot, to be used for single family residences, the same being 6771-6781-6791-6795 Brookview Orive N,E. Mr. Robinson stated the lot was located just to the west of Brookview Orive, north of 67th and bordering on 68th Ave. This large lot was zoned R-1 as most of the area is. He stated the proposal was to divide the lot into f���r single family lots. Each meet the minimum of 75' lot width. The only variance needed for the houses would be 1ot area. None are 9,000 sq. ft. If the Planning Commission approves the lot split, they will automatically approve the variance for the lot area. Mr. Robinson stated Staff would recommend the following stipulations: (1) park fees- 3; (2) the lot split be recorded at the County prior to any buildinq per- mits being issued. Dr. Vos stated he would be very happy to see single family homes in this area. The houses Mr. Menkveld is building now have improved the area tremendously. MOTION BY MR, KONDRICK, SECONDED BY MR. WELLAIV, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF ?AT SPLIT, L.S. �85-05, BY J. A. MENINELD & ASSOCZATE5, TO SPLIT LOT 2, BLOCK 1, BROOKVIEW SECOND ADDZTION INTO FDUR IATS, TWO 75 FOOT LOTS, ONE 81.5 FOOT IAT, AND ONE 82.29 FOOT LOT TO BE U5ED FOR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES, TFIE SAME BEING 677I-6782-6791-6795 BROOKVIEW DRIVE N.E „ WITN THE FOLLOWINC STIPULATIONS: 1. PARK FEES (3) 2. TNE LOT SPLIT BE RECORDED AT TXE COUNTY BEFORE BUILDING PERMITS AP.E ISSUED. The petitioner, Mr. Menkveld, expressed some concern that he would not be able to obtain a building permit and begin building on the first lot before the lot split was recorded at the County. Mr. 0 uist stated he would recommend the Cit Council work out some arran ement so t e�eti t�oner can ui on e� rst o e ore e o sp >>s recor e UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CXAIRPERSON OQUIST DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Oquist stated this item would go to City Council on Aug. 5. 4. LOT SPLIT REQUEST: L,S, # 85-06, BY EVELYN CORNELIUS: Split the East half of o , u i or s u�v�s�on o. ln o ree sec �ons, one section being the North 20 feet of the East half of Lot 1, Auditor's Subdivision No. 39 to be added to Lot 4, Block 1, Wilson Addition, the second section being the South 75 feet of the North 95 feet of the East half of Lot 1, Auditor`s Subdivision No. 39, and the third section being the South 90 feet of the East half of Lot 1, Auditor's 5ubdivision No. 39, all to be used for single family residences, the same being 4000 Main Street N,E. 6J PLANNING COMMISSIOt� MEETING, JULY 17, 1985 PAGE 11 Mr. Robinson stated this lot was located just west of Main St, and south of 40t, Ave. The proposal was to take the existing lot and split it into three sections. He stated Staff would recommend the following stipulations if the lot split was approved: (1) park fee; (2) the lot split be recorded at the County prior to any building permit beinQ issued or prior to Oct. 15, 1985: (3) finalsurveyed dimensions of lot split meet city code. MOTION BY MR. MIN?nN, SECONDED BY MR. SIELAFF, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF LOT SPLIT REpUEST, L.S. �85-06, BY EVELYN CDRIVELIUS, TO SPLIT THE EAST HALF OF IAT 1, AvDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 39 INT1� THREE SECTIONS, ONE SECTION BEING THE NORTH 20 FEET OF THE EAST HALF OF IAT 1, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 39 TO BE ADDED TO LOT 4, BLOCK 1, WIISON ADDITION, THE SECOND SECTION BEING TXE SOUTN 75 FEET OF TNE NORTH 95 FEET OF THE EAST HALF OF IAT 1, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 39, AND THE TXIRD SECTION BEING THE SOUTX 90 FEET OF TNE EAST HALF OF LOT 1, AUDITOR'S SIIBDIVISION NO. 39, ALL TO BE USED FOR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES, THE SAME BEING 4000 !lAIN STREET N.E., WITH TfIE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS: 1. PARK FEE 2. TNE IAT SPLIT BE RECORDED AT TNE COUNTY BEFORE ANY BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED OR PRIDR TO OCT. Z5, 1985 3. FINAL DIMENSION OF LOT SPLIT MEET CITY CODE. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON OQUIST DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED 'J?�'A.tiIMOUSLY. Mr. Oquist stated this would go to City Council on Aug. 5, 5. REVIEW OF CHANGES TO CHAPTER 205 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE - ZONING: Mr. Robinson stated these were changes that had to be cleaned up in the code. He stated he would review the changes page by page with the Commission. Pa�e 55 & 71 � Under 205.07.5.A(3) and 205.21.7.A(2), Parking Requirements. the Commissioners agreed that the words "filed by the City" should be added to the sentence. Page 56 Under 205.07.6.D(2), Drainage and Grade Requirements, the Commissioners recommended the Engineering Staff relook at the maximum scope (grade) as they felt maybe the 1:10 (lp%) grade was too restrictive. Paqes 61z 63, 64, 66, 67, 69 - Uses Permitted with a Special Use Permit Mr. Robinson stated that at this meeting, they had recomnended approval of a special use permit for screened exterior storage of materials. He asked if the Cormission felt a special use permit should be required for exterior storage of materials and equipment that is screened or just be required for unscreened exterior storage. 6K PLANNING COMMISSIQN MEETING, JULY 17, 1985 PAGE 12 The Commissioners agreed this was a concern and Staff should do a little more research into this. Some factors that might be considered are (1) adjacent land use; (2) size of storage area; and (3) visibility from right of way. Mr. Robinson stated the City Building staff was recommending that in R-3, all commercial and all industrial zoning, concrete curb and gutters be required in the parking lots. They have done some investigation and it has been found that the gutter portion is really not any more expensive because it is laid with a machine. The City feels this would be a good requirement to have. The Comnissio�ers agreed wi�th this requirement. MOTION BY MS. GABEL, SECONDED BY MR. KONDRICK, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL THE APPROVAL OF THE CHANGES TO CHAPTER 205 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE - ZONING ALONG WITH THE RECOMMENDED CHANGES AS DISCUSSED ABOVE BY THE PLANNING COMMISSIDN, UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON OQUIST DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. RECEIUE JUtJE 6, 1985, HUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY MR, MINTON, SECO.NDED BY MR. KONDRICK, TO RECEIVE THE JUNE 6, I985, NUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION MINUTES. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON OQUIST DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7. RECEIVE JUNE 10, 1985, ENERGY PROJECT COMMITTEE MINUTES: MOTION BY MR. SIELAFF, SECOhDED BY MR. WELLAN, TO RECEIVE THE JUNE 10, 1985, ENERY PROJECT COMMITTEE MINUTES. UPON A VDICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON OQUIST DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED U;4ANIMOUSLY. 8. RECEIVE JUNE 11, 1985, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY MR, OQUIST, SECONDED BY MR. MINTON, TO RECEIVE TKE JUNE 11, 1985, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MINUTES. UPON A VOICE V02E, ALL VOTING AYE, t/ICE-CHAIRPERSON OQUZST DECLARED TNE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 9. RECEIVE JUNE 13, 1985, NOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES: MOTION BY MS. GABEL, SECONDED BY MR. KONDRICK, TO RECEIVE THE JUNE 13, 1985, HOUSING 6 REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES. UPON A YOICE VOTE, ALL VOTZNG AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON OQUZST DECLARED TNE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. s� PLANNIr�G COMMISSI�N MEE7ING, JULY 17, 1985 PAGE 13 10. RECEIVE JUNE 18, 1985, ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY 1NR. WELLAN, SECONDED BY l�II2. KONDRICK, TO RECEIVE THE JUNE 18, 1985, ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY G1�MMISSION MINUTES. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON OQUIST DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIE'D UNANIMDUSLY. 11. RECEIVE JUNE 25, 1985, APPEALS COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY MS. GABEL, SECONDED BY MR. KONDRICK, TO RECEIVE THE JUNE 25, 1985, APPEALS COMMISSION MINUTES. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL V�TING AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON OQUIST DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANI.MOUSLY. 12. RECEIVE JULY 9, 1985, APPEALS COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY MS. GABEL, SECONDED BY MR. MINTON, � RECEIVE THE JULY 9, 1985, APPEALS COMMISSION MINUTES. UPON A VOICE VO'lE, ALL VO:ING AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON OQUIST DECLARED THE MOTIO:V CARRIED UNANI�IOUSLY. 13. OTHER BUSINESS: Mr. Robinson stated that included in the agenda was a letter to Joel Katz, District 5 Traffic Engineer, MnDOT, which relates to intersection signaqe and marking.. He stated that as a follow up to this letter. there will be a meeting related to traffic speeds on Highway 47 and 65 at 9:00 a.m, on Thursday, July 25, at Fridley City Hall. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY MS. GABEL, TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CXAIRPERSQN OQUIST DECLARED TXE JULY 17, 1985, PLANNING COMMISSION l►�'ETING ADJOURNED AT 10:30 P.M. Respectfully su itted, _ , y aa Recording Secretary ? '%% � ��!'�%//��� �, � � .� , ��iii�� � � � �� - ' il /� f ' . ►, � �- � --�i ►�� � . _,�s�r� _ �- ..� : :�! A. 7: Tl: C� �`��.; - - _.__..� . � p0 � �� � � • •. ��, --- 3 � , ., . °G ' ' 16. �V � 4 0 ard � � Q � Machi ing 1�!t',., ��,. _ � p � . W , SP ,�8 05 .. , -- t � • v ; • , 7773- 79 8aii`c,#�ersR : �^ "''v — ' �' ` � > i � � , ; t ` � � � � t • . W . .�` c s ♦ , , + / � I� ♦ �r.- � � • � ►, . , � � O ' � • � .. :- � t . � J ♦ � ; � -- - --� , � . � - • . � ,c� �'� � ' •�• r! �' �� � � i ' .� ���� -: � : R�SE[ �, W � t � , , } .. ., _ , � Q � ; . 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'� LOCA ION 11AA� f � � � � N� � � � o� r� � �� � � � � � r � i n z� — L.S.# 85-05 6 $ 6791-6795 BrookviewDrNE �8..� �v�kv�l�i���Ward I fV _ � � (o�,� ,Qv� 1V�. � p G � 6T MEMO T0: John Flora, Public Works Director MEMO FROM: Jim Robinson, Planning Coordinator g%�- MEMO DATE: July 30, 1985 REGARDING: Lot Split at 4000 Main Street N.E. � Planning Commission reviewed the above referenced lot split request at their July 17, 1985 meeting. At that time they approved the request with stipulations. Two stipulations which were agreed upon but are not reflected in the minutes are that the shed on the proposed lot line between Parcel A and 6 be removed upon approval of the lot split and that Parcel A be combined with the lot to the North at the same time the lot split is recorded. Please make the Council aware of these additional stipulations. JLR/dm M-85-67 1 L.S. #85-06 6 u 4000 Main Street Evelyn Cornelius � Ward 3 .,yj,� !� � _ ... , E.�/� GORti�� � � ��.c. �s�r— � 3'�E'C.3I ' r, ' � �YJr As�rl. - � �O � M - -- 3 -,.�. ..� � ��� - � ,� , . . I-. ° �� -� - - � , � - � _ Z - � ---- - . ,,.} ,� ` � • � V '� - -- -_ ? � ! _ Z ,� � � r � s 3 � L3� � •_ � � ��_ �� _,__ � , , , ,� , ,. :� .,_ z .� _ � _. I_ i 1.,.�.. �e .�. �v s� A„ � f, — - - ���L � �r� 9 i � y J. ,j _. - �7H . � i/ , .. • - M . 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Ir� I; j ' � t 2s ,t Zs �: 2 K� 1 � ,, � ! �� .� • ?�! , . � ;� s 2� � � r � ' � ` � s z s X —s - ;;� �� ' �vi�����' �:s:� ' I !v 7 � 2f � ��' �ii� �� 'M 7 '�I 7 �_.� j' a z� • a � � . �; I 'b � � 1t !• Z u �. � i. � I �� s. � _ . LOCATIOIV 11A�►P L.S. #85-06 6 V 4000 Main Street Evelyn Cornelius Ward 3 N1AI N S��-ET N 6W APPEA�S COMMISSIOP� MEETING, JULY 9, 1985 PAGE 2 1. VARIANCE REQUEST PURSUAt�T TO CNAPTER 205 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE TO INCREASE BIDI�JGSF � , h NTE 9R 8 E F , SSUB- ISION 9, E EI G I eques y. J. Kee e, a�n ree .., rl ey, n. MOTION BY MR. PLEME'L, SE'CONDED BY MR, BETZOLD, TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON GABEL DEC?.ARE'D TNE PUBLIC XEARING OPEN AT 7:35 P.M. Chairperson Gabel read the A-!min�strative Staff Report: ADMINISTRATIiIE STAFF REPORT 4650 Main Street N.E. A. PUBLIC PURPOSE SERVED BY RERUIREMENT: Section 205,18.3C.1a requires that the maximum percent of the area of a lot allowed to be covered bv the main building and all accessory buildinqs is forty percent (40�) for a single story 6uildinq in an M-2 zoning. Public purpose served by parking, open landscaped areas. B. STATED HARDSHIP: this requirement is to provide for adequate areas, and to limit congestion of industrial Increase of personnel and business needs has made new office space in present location imperative. C. ADMIP�ISTRATIVE STAFF REVIEW: This addition will fill the space between two existing office projections out the east side of the manufacturing plant. It will, however, cause them to exceed the lot coverage by about 12 percent (from 40� to 41.45%). The addition, because of its location, will not occupy any space necessary for adequate green area. If the Board reco�nends approval of this rectuest, the staff recommends that you stipulate that the owner dedicate a 15 foot bikeway easement along Main Street on top of the existing 20 foot storm sewer easement. Mr. Robinson stated the variance was caused by a proposed new'addition, 5,504 sq. ft. in area. It does increase the lot coverage to 41.45%, As was indicated in the Administrative Staff Report, Staff would want a 15 ft, bikeway easement over the existinq storm sewer easement. 6X APPEALS COhMISSION MEETING, JULY 9, 1985 PAGE 3 Mr. Keefe stated what they want to do is expand their office facility. The Ewilding was orginally designed for the expansion, so the addition will be expanded across the front and it will blend in with the rest of the building. He stated they need the additional office space so they can handle the business they presently have and any future business. _ Ms. Gabel ask�d if there would be adequate parking with the addition of the new office facility. Mr. Keefe stated that has already been addressed, and they �ave adequate park- ing for both the present and future expansion. Mr. James Sanders, 4639 Main St., stated his only concern was if there were going to be any additional driveways connected to the addition. Mr. Keefe stated the present driveway into the plant will remain, and there will be no new driveways. MOTION BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MR. BARNA, TO CLO.SF. TKE PUBLIC HEARING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARF.D TH£ PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 7:44 P.M. Mr. Betzold stated that as the staff report indicated, the proposed expansion . of this building is not going to occupy any space that is necessary for the adequate green areas. Considering the size of this project and what the company is tryinq to accomplish, �t did not seem offensive to the intention of the code. They are trying to line up the two buiTdings and to restrict them to 40% might cause more probl�ems for them in building, plus it might be a mo�t point in the future if they do expand and purchase more �rOp2t"ty. He stated he would be in favor of recommending approval of the variance. Mr. Barna stated that as long as they are continuing the same front buildinq line and are not increasing the visible lot coverage as far as anyone could tell, he would be in favor of recommending approval of the variance. Mr. Plemel stated this was a very minimal request. He liked to see business in Fridley prosper, and he had no objection the the variance. Ms. Gabel stated she agreed with the statements made �y the other commissioners. MOTION BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MR. BARNA, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF VARIANCE REQUEST PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 205 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE TYJ II�CREASE TXE MAXI!NU."! PERCENT OF THE AREA OF A LOT TO BE COVERED BY MAIN AND ACCESSORY BUIL•DINGS FROM 40� TO 41.45� ON THE NORTX 4I8 FEET OF LOT 1, AUDITOR'S SUBDNISION l�79, THE SAME BEING 4650 MAIN STREET N.E., :1ITH TXE STIPULATIQN TXAT TXE OWNER DEDICATE A 15 FOOT BIY,Eti'AY EASEMENT ALONG MAIN STP.EET. Mr. Jim Oeterman, Determan Welding & Tank Service, stated that when the City put in a bikeway in front of his property on 73rd Ave. last year, he was assessed �11/foot. He wanted the petitioner to be aware that a cost might be involved with this easement if a bikeway is built. �� APPEALS COMMISSI�N MEETING� JULY 9, 1985 PAGE 4 Mr. Keefe stated that if there were any costs involved, he would have to have more specific information before he could agree to this stipulation. Ms. Gabel stated the Appeals Commission was not able to address that question specifically. They did not know the circumstances concernino Mr. Determan's situation. She stated Staff could check into this and have the r�atter addressed at the City Council meeting. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED TNE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Ms. Gabe1 stated this item would go to City Council on August 5. 2. UARIANCE Rg UEST PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 205 OF TNE FRIDLEY CITY CODE TO Il�CREASE , , TiT - � eques y o n .� ingman,� - -2 dy � r� e,y, n. . ., ,'NO:'IOh BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MR, BARNA, TO OPEN TXE PUBLIC HEAP.II:G. UPOh A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEti AT 7:52 P.M. Chairperson Gabel read the Administrative Staff Reaort: ADMLNISTRATIVE STAFF REP 70 - 62 1/2 Way N.fl. A. PUBLIC PURPOSE SERVED BY REQUIRETIENT Section 205.04.6a.4 requires tha�'on existing structures, vestibules may extend not more than five (5� feet into the required Front yards provided they are only one (?j story.and do not exceed fi*ty (50) square feet. � .� Public purpose served by this requirement�is to lessen the encroachment into the neighbors' front yard "line of sight" and to allow for aesthetically pleasing open areas around residential structures, B.- STATED HARDSHiP: "I am puttTng a basement under the existing home which is only 20 feet wide and"makes it too narrow to make a good and safe entr�nce to the house and basement. The stair well would have to extend into the living room if only a 10� by 5' entranceway is constructed and would not give me room for steos. I would like to build a 8' by 10' foyer on the front of my house to allow room to place the stair system outside my existing house." � 6Z APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING, JULY 9, 1985 PAGE 6 3. VARIANCE RE UESTS PURSUAN7 TO CHAPTER 205 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY C�DE TO REDUCE , ,; J S , , - . equest y tc r wanson, - n venue .., rl ey, n. �MOTION BY MR. PLEMEL, SECONDED BY MR. BARNA, TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 8:03 P,M. Chairperson Gabel read the Administrative Staff Report: ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REPORT 1241 - 72nd Ave. A. PUBLIC PURPOSE SERVED BY REQ�IREMENT: Section 205.17.5d requires that all parking and hard surface areas shall be no closer than five (5) feet from the main building. Public purpose served by this requirement is to protect the building from unnecessary maintenance :lue to v�hicles hitting the building. Section 205.17,5b requires that a11 parking and hard surface areas shall be no closer than five (5) feet from any side lot line except for a common drive approved by the adjoining property owners and the City. Public purpose served by this requirement is to reduce visual pollution in front yards, in areas adjacent to 1ot lines, and to separate parking with landscaped areas. B. STATED HARDSHIP: "We need the extra space for room to manuever the large trucks and semi-trailers which are essential to our business." C. ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REVIEW: There are two separate variances requested involving two separate con- struction phases. Phase I involves construction of a 50 by 82 square foot metal building and a 85 by 130 square foot masonry building along with the installation of curbs in front of the existing and proposed structure nearest to 72nd Avenue. Phase II involves the construction of a parking lot along the entire west side of the lot. saa APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING, JULY 9, 1985 PAGE 7 The petitioner wants to place all new curbs 2 feet off buildings and property lines to allow him as much space as possible to manuever trucks and equipment. His building setbacks are adequate to �nstall all curbs and parking surfaces to code. We feel t�e petitioner must prove his hardship to the degree necessary to warrant the granting of the variances. Phase II (the west parking lot) is not scheduled for completion until June 1988. Therefore, any variance granted for that phase should be extended to an appropriate date. Ms. Gabel stated she was puzzled about this variance request 5eca��se, to her knowledge, the Appeals Commission has never granted a variance for somethinq that was in the future. Mr. Robinson stated this was a unique situation in that the City Staff has been trying to work with Mr. Determan to come up with so�e tyoe of phasing that would accomnodate him in bringing his property up to code. Mr. Robinson stated the Commissianers had a letter to Determan Weldinq and Tank Service which was a developmer.t agreement they have been workinq on for Mr. Determan. Staff wou�d like to have this as a stipulation of the variance. Mr. Robinson stated that basically two buildings are involved. The main issue was the parking, Presently there is limited parking. Sixty-three parkinq stalls are proposed along the west end of the propertv. The City has no problem with the 50' x 82' building going ahead as planned, but before the 85' x 130' building can be built, variances must be approved and Rice Creek Watershed District ruling bn the company's plans to pipe and fill ditch section. Mr. Determan stated he was in disagreement with several of the items stipulated in the development agreement. Had he received the letter before he paid the 5100 to file for the variance, he would not have filed for the variance. Mr. Betzold stated that what really concerned the Appeals Commission at this time was the setback for the curbing from 5 ft, to 2 ft. Why di� Mr. Determan want this variance? Mr. Determan stated that land was very expensive. They are lookinq at about 1800 ft. of curbing. With 5 ft, from the fence, that represented about 1/2 acre of land, and land was too expensive to put between a fence and a curb. By the original building, it was 70 ft. back from the right of way, If they take 5 ft. off the curb, it would be very difficult for the trucks to get through, He just felt that land was too expensive and valuable to be put between a fence and curb. He needed more land to get the things done he wanted to get done. Ms. Gabei suggested the Commission review the development agreement with Mr. Determan to find out what he was in agreement with and what he was not in agreement with. 66B APPEALS COhMISSI(1N MEETING, JULY 9, 1985 PAGE 8 1. 7he City agrees to issue a building permit for a 50' by 82' building provided the company issues to the City a S20,000 performance bond to remain open and available to the City until all improvements related to this agreement and to plans dated 5-17-85 includinq landscaping, parking, drainage, and other improvements are completed, Bond is to be provided prior to any building permit being issued. Mr. Determan stated he had no problem with this stipulation. 2. Provide two handicapped parking stalls each 12' by 20' in size with aopropriate signs before occupancy permit for 50' by 82' building is granted, Mr, Oeterman had no problem with this stipulation. 3. Remove tanks stored outside of fence by July 31, 1985. Mr. Determan had no problem with this stipulation. 4, Reduce items stored above screening fence heiqht by July 31, 1985. Mr. Determan stated he could not do that. The tyaical size for a tank was °' by 21' long. Sor�e vertical tanks are 30' - 40' high, Even laying down, they are 13-14' high, Mr, Robinson stated the City was just concerned about the visibility from the right of wdy. Ms. Gabel suggested that in the future, as Mr, Determan got rid of tanks and as he got more tanks that he try to put the taller tanks in the rear. Mr, Determan stated they do try to have the larger tanks in back, 5. Clean area in storage yard for temporary parking by Sept. 1, 1985. Mr. Determan stated.he could not agree to thzs stipulation. It was too soon. Ne would need at least two more months. 6. U¢On approval of variances related to 85' by 130' buildinq and Rice Creek Watershed District ruling on company's plans to pi�e and fill ditch sectinn, t�e City wiil issue a building permit for said 85' by 130' buald�r�g. Mr. Determan stated fie was told by Mr, Flora and Mr, Burch that this was handled last year. Ms. Gabel stated there was nothing the Appeals Commission could do about this, ihe petitioner would have to discuss this with Mr. Flora and Mr. Burch. scc APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING, JULY 9, 1985 PAGE 9 7. If Zice Creek Watershed Oistrict does not aqprove the company's ditch plans, then the company will provide a curbed, hardsurfaced parking area with 63 stalls, constructed per code, in the existing storage area. This parking shall be provided before any occupancy permit for the 85' by 130' bu1'lding is granted. If ditch plans approved, then items 15 and 16 of this memo prevail, Mr. Determan stated he was in agreement with this stipulation. 8. Complete 50' by 82' building - Sept. 1985 Mr, Determan stated the date should be changed to Nov, l, 1985. 9. Complete 85' by 130' building - Dec. 1985. Mr. Determan stated this should be changed to fall of 1986. 10. Provide landscape plan for north side to include street trees and vines on fence by Sept. 1, 1985. , Mr. Determan was in agreement with this stipulation, 11. Landscaping, including automatic sprinkling on north and south sides of building installed - May 1986, Mr. Determan stated this was an unreasonable request, 12, Access to temporary parking must be from the south or hardsurface apron, approved by City, shall be provided at north gate. Mr. Determan stated he was basically in agreement with this. The agreement he had with Phil Dommer was to either take the qates out or snap them on. If there was a complaint with dirt beinq on the street, I he would take care of the problem. 13. Convert ditch to 72" ofpe culvert system -�lune 1988. Mr. Determan stated he would agree to this if the City would cet him the perMit they promised him last year from the Rice Creek Watershed District. 14. The company agrees to accept all future responsibilitv for the maintenance and replacement, if necessary, of the proposed 72" pioe culvert system. Mr. Determan stated this was a ridiculous request. To put it in aL his expense and maintain it was ridiculous. . � � APPEALS CONMISSION MEETING, JULY 9 1985 PAr,E 10 15. Provide parking, hardsurfaced and curbed, per code, for emnloyees - June 1988, to be located over present ditch area. � 16, provide parking� hardsurfaced and curbed� per code, for after-hours pick-up • June 1988, to be located over present ditch area. Mr. Determan stated he was in agreement with this stioulation. Ms. Gabel stated tfiat tfie Appeals Cortmission was not a �lanning bodv and did not have the staff at this meeting to answer the questions they ►vould need answered before they covtd tack on the development agreement as a stipulation. She really felt this needed to be worked out with the people who participated in it and probably the City Council who has more authority. She stated the Appeals Comnission should just address the variances and if it should be contin- gent upon something, they could do that. Mr. Betzold stated that even though the Appeals Comnission was goinq to only look at the curbing, was it Mr, Determ3n's intent to go ah�ad with the variances recognizinq that he would have to deal with the develop�ent agreement with the Ci ty? Mr. Determan stated he would like to go ahead with the variance request, and he would try to get some things waived with the City. •'NOTIO'�' BY MR. BAf?tiA, SEC05DED BY MR. BETZOLD, TO CLOSE THE PJP,LIC XF�►R.':G. L'PC5 A VDICE VOTE, ALL VOTI:�'G AYE, CXAIRPERSOIti GABEL DECLARED ':HE P�BLIC HEARItiG CLOSED A�' B:53 P.:►!. Mr. Barna stated he would be inclined with this particular ty�e of business and this particular site to say that 5 ft, between the curb and the fence or building was just wasting 3 ft. of space. It was not merelv a sftuation lfke a small business development. There were quite a few warehouse areas in the northwest corners of the City where there are 2 ft.curbs or less. In this type of business where they are talking principally about trucks, a 5 ft, curb was not going to stop the truck from backina inLo a bui�ding. A 5 ft. curb or 2 ft, curb would not make much difference. � As far as the driveway width, �dhen pulling a 30 ft, tractor and trailer, he would rather see a 40-45 ft, driveway than a 35 ft, driveway. He would be in favor of a 2 ft, setback from the buiiding and f rom the driveway. Mr. Betzold stated that considering the nature of the cargo that would be on the trucks, he would be inclined to try to make sure the drivers of th�se trucks have ample space to maneuver. He was concerned about possible parking spaces, but that was something that could be addressed by the City Council. He felt this land was also somewhat unique to the extent that at such time Determan Welding was not doing business tf�ere any more, a successor business would probably be using the property for a similar-type bus�ness. He did not think the variances on the land in this case would lock in and cause somethinn Contrary 6EE APPEaLS COMMISSI�tJ MEETI�IG, JULY 9, 1985 PAGE 11 to what the code says. Recognixing that there is a lot of other things in the agreement that needed to be addressed, these could be addressed at City Council. He would be in favor Of the 2 ft, turbing. Mr. Plemel stated this certainly was a unique-type business. This tvpe of business was not ever qoing to be a beautiful spot, and 5 ft, or 2 ft, would not make that much difference. Because of the uniqueness and nroblems, he would urqe staff to make accomnodations wfierever possible. The oetitioner Was apparently trying to clean up the site and provide more storaqe. Ms. Gabel stated that in terms of strictly the variances, the nature of this business, and the type of material that is handled, she, too, would rather see ther� have a wider dreiveway. Regarding the matters in the develov�ent agree- ment, she felt these should be handled by staff and City Council because, as she had mentioned earlier, the Appeals Commission does not have the inform�tion or the staff present to explain what has haopened. MC"':O': BY A!R. B�'TZCLD TO RECONM.£SD TO CITY COC'NCIL APPA.OVAL OF THF. VARIANCE rt;-:'E�:£D AS ?Y� THE E:iiS�I.':G MAIW B�'ILDI":G AND _TXF. CL'RBIyC TNAT WO('LD TIE Iti'"O THE EXISTI.":G STR'_'�:JRES; A�'D TKE DEtiInL OF THE :'ARIAtiCE FCP. THE CL'RBI!:G THnT RF.LFiTES T� F''T;'RE DF:�' ;vPwE':T ON TX£ GROC:tiDS TNAT IT IS PA.E!!A�'L'RE' AT TXIS TI14F. TO 9E SEEhIyC THOSE' VAP.IA.tiCES. MO^'.ON DIED FOR L:,CK OF A SECOND. MCTI'?': BY MR. BAR':A, SECO:'DED BY MR. PLE!!EL, TO RECOw"!EYD TO CITY COC.ti'CIL AFPR�YAL CF TN£ VnRIAYCES AS REQ:.'ESTED B:'T TNAT THE AREi+S TNnT AR£ DIR��7'L}' R...��ATBD TO TH£ DI "'CN. CLtiS� P.E BF. CO:ti ; I:�'„E :'T L'PO:� APpRO �'AL BY TF F. RICE CREEF' WATEF.SXED �ISTRI�T; ?L� PR�:'IDE A FCT�'RE EXTE.':SIOti (IF P.£CO.M.'.'£.':DL'D BY TF?F CI"'f' ATTOA_'�£Y) OF TNE VARIAI'�E L:S:^IL 19B8 WI?N TN£ CO�!PLE:ION OF TN£ PPFSF.`:T PLn.':.":ED EXPn:ti'SIOA AtiD COI�'='INGE:YT L:DO.'ti A DE:'E'LOP.�1E!�'T AGREEM£.ti'T BET'w'FEIti TN.E CITY A.":D TNE P£TITIdNER. UPOh A i'OICE VO�E, ALL VOTItiG RYE, CHA:RPEF.SON GABEL DECLAR£D TNF. MOTION CARR: ED LRJA4IM.Oi;SZ.Y. AD,lOU R'�M� E N7 : MO^,0.'; B1' :+lR. BAR:�A, S£COSDED BY MR. BETZOLD, TO ADJOL'Rti TN.E MEETI::G. UPO:� A VOiC£ I�02'E, ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLRP.FD TNE JULY 9, 19P�, APPEALS CO!�:►!:SSIOti M£ETItiG ADJOL'Rti'ED AT 9:15 P.M. Respectfully subriitted, , - :��t � Y r L .,v �r � . �. ynne Sa a Recording Secretary �� � .� ;� 4 . � � s�,8oiv�s�oN � , Z ;� . �_r,,. l_ �.. , � o � . ... .� Z_..._____.; __._ to,.�__ ___:„- _ _ _ ��____ , � . � �� h � • a� � �'� o a v � 0 � '� ' �------------ ;` . � O �I -1� ro, • —�, Z � � ( J � � � � , m ' .� I � ' �d -tsi'--.-� ` � ;� :, '� � � ; � � �� � �t`�:_*_"'_--------- - - - - �� ..• •flfrr Rt�.«..... • � . • i J i� �� �i � , � ar �� Variance , �� 4650 Main Str t F F M.J.Keefe � Ward 3 ' - ' -y•� �� - . _ � , 9 � 2 . �� �� � � � � �.� - �� . . �. � • . l . . � . i ►� � ! �— --- � f , �i-io�/a>w S►E..:C� . . S�" . . � + • • 1 • � I '� , � t �y. (-Lt-7/� , �� � p�"�/ 1, � !♦ • . • ♦ �`�•lI �� �1�-f* ri � . - + w rr-s . - � M,.�. • �-s.► - , � R . 1- --f i Variance 465o Main Street 6 G G --� �—===- M J � ---__ _ . . 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': �: '=ii .� 1� , �t • ��}�11a" � � � � = :, , ' •j � � � � j= �� � � � :`� f , , � � t"i� i _ j . �„ - - i �, � � I ' . - L+---J i , 7 CITY OF FRIDIEY CATV ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING, JULY 18� 1985 CALL TO OROER: Chairperson Peterson called the July 18, 1985, CATV Advisory Commission meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. � ROLL CALL: Members Present: Duane Peterson, Barbara Hughes, Ed Kaspszak . Members Absent: Burt Weaver� Ralph Stouffer Oti�ers Present: Clyde Moravetz. City of Fridley Chris Wegemer, Storer Cable Dawn Gilbertson, Storer Cable APPROVAL OF JUNE 20, 1985. CATV AOVISORY COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTIOti' BY MR. KASPSZAK, SECONDED BY MS. XUGNES, TO APPRO:'E THE JL'YE 20, 1985, CA:'V ADVISORY COIY!:�ISSION MINUTES. Mr. Wegemer stated that on page 6, item l.d., second line, "assistant manager" should be changed to "manager". UPOA' A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSOh PETERSON DECLARED TNE MI'uL•TES APPROVED AS AME:�'DED. ADOPTION OF AGENDA:� MOTIa!� BY MR. KASPS2AK, SECO:VDED BY MR. XUGXES, TO APPROVE TNE AGE.ti'DA AS SC'BMITTED. UPOti A VDICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON PETERSON DECLARED THE MOTIO.': CARRIED UNANINOUSLY. l. RECEIVE OPERATIOt�S UPDATE FROM STORER: a. Subscriber Privacy Policy (continued f rom last meeting) Mr. Wegemer stated he had a memo to the CATV Advisory Commission dated July 18, 1985, clarifying the subscriber privacy provisions of the Federal Cable Act vs Fridley Franchise Ordinance. He stated that it generally has been the company's view that where the new federal law conflicts with local law, federal would normally take precedence. However, because in Fridley they are not in the practice of selling subscriber lists, nor do they plan to do so in the immediate foreseeable future, it would Seem oointless for them to contest the matter. They would suggest that the upcoming franchise renewal talks would be an ideal oppoetunitv to discuss this any any other provisions of the Cable Act which concerns the Comnission. 7A CATV ADVISORY CONMISSION MEETING, JULY 18, 1985 PAGE 2 Mr. Moravetz stated he had contacted both the City Attorney, Dave Newman, and the Nerbst 8 Thue Law Firm. Both had basically echoed the same corments. There is a public franchise, but it is merely a public franchise granting Storer the authority to conduct business in Fridley. As far as the subscriber list, since the City doesn't have an on-going list, by law the City wouldn't be required to make it public information. b. Request for Reimbursement for Underground Work on Mississippi St.; West Side of Trunk Highway 47 Mr. Wegemer stated that because of the City's been informed of a project to commence in the of Mississippi b University. StorLr is being underground at the'foliowing estimated cost: redevelopment, Storer has spring of 1986 on the corner asked to place their cables $6,843 labor �666 materials 3 tf,SUy Mr. �►egemer stated they did one other part of the projett last year for which both Northwestern Bell and NSP were reimbursed� but Storer was not reimbursed. Ne stated they are now asking for the Cortmission's support that Storer be reimbursed for their costs for this project. The rationale for reimbursement is that ultimately Storer will not be paying for it but the cable subscribers. He stated that as representatives of the cable subscribers� the Commission members had to ask themselves these questions: 1. If the project is benefitt�ng 100% of the residents of the City, is this really an indirect form of taxation on a minority--the cable subscribers? 2. If they are going to tax a minority of residents like that, there didn't seem to be any more rationale to tax cable subscribers than to tax subscribers of the Star 8 Tribune. 3. If NSP is going to be reimbursed for this project, Storer Cable would request equal treatment even though the City does have the authority under the franchise ordinance to have the cable company bear all the costs. Mr. Moravetz stated the project in question is the Mississippi St. widen- ing in the Center City area. Last year the area between UnSversity and 1th St., which previously had overhead utilities, all went underground at a cost of $7�-75,000 to NSP. However, in the l�SP franchise it does state that if any street is cut through or widened necessitating relocation of overhead to undergro�.,nd or vice versa, the City will reimburse them as part of the overall construction cost of the project. S�nce Storer's cables were overhead, they also had to relocate underground at a cost of $17,000 for which Storer was not reimbursed by the City. Mr. Moravet2 stated they are talking early spring utility work on the west side of University and Main St. NSP has submitted an expense of 585,000 to do the work. They will be entering into an agree�ent with the City in which they will be reimbursed �85,000 maximum. 7e �ATV ADVISORY COMMISSIOti MEETIi,G, 3ULY 18, 1985 PAGE 3 Mr. Moravetz stated Mr. Wegemer is asking that Storer be reimbursed for $8,509. He stated that as Mr. Wegemer had stated, it was clearly covered in the franchise that any work that has to be rerouted will be done at Storer's expense. Mr. Moravetz stated he looked at this as a so�ewhat different type of construction. It is something that is already there and the only reason it is being moved underground is to beautify a certain area of the City that the HRA �s requiring. He stated it did seem somewhat unfair that NSP and other utilities get reimbursed, Storer has already expended 517,000 last year when other utilities got reimbursed for their expenses. Ms. Hughes stated it r�lly did not seem like fair and equitable treatment. She stated �nother thino that influenced her was the fact that Storer was not being �iven a choice in this matter. She asked Mr. Wegemer that if NSP were not removing the poles, would Storer be proposing to put their cables underground? Mr. Wegemer stated that if NSP were not removing the poles, they would probably keep their cables above ground. MOTICti BY MS. XUGHES,SECONDED BY MR. KASPSZAK, TO ENDORCE TNi COVCEP� OF STOP.ER CA13LE BEING R£IMB:,'RSED FOR RELOCATION COSTS ON TNE BASIS OF E� �'AL TREAT.+lE:VT AMONG UTILITIES A.YD FRA':CHISEES IR THE CITY OF FRIDLEY AND TNE FACT THA T STORER NAS NO CHOIC£ IN THIS MA TTER. UPO'ti A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON PETERSON D£CLARED THE MOTIO:V CARRIED UtiA.'�IMCUS�Y. MOTION BY NS. XUGHES, SECONDED BY �YR. KASPSZAK, TO RECEIVE TXE OPERATIONS UPDA TE FROM STORER. UPOti A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSQN PETEFc.SON DECLARED TH£MOTION CARRIED L�ANIMOUSLY. 2. LOCAL ORIGINATION (L.O.) UPDATE (continued from last meeting) Mr. Wegemer stated this was a continuation of a prior discussion when they talked about local news and some of the other things Storer would like to become involved in. He stated that in looking at a number of other cable systems across the metro area, in Bloomin�ton, for instance, sporting events are handled by an educational access group, t�orthwest Suburbs and Minneapolis do not have local origination so obviously in a number of cases sporting events have to be done by members of the community who are interested in doing it. Mr. Wegemer stated there were two reasons why they would like to begin the shift toward getting out of the "rut"of certain programning such as sporting events for the high school: (1) It does use a lot of their personnel time--time they could be devoting to other events in the corvnunity which may have just as much, if not more, interest; (2) It puts 7C CATV ADVISORY COM�4ISSION MEETI��G, JULY 18, 1985 PAGE 4 a lot of wear and tear on their equipment to be hauled around week in and week out. Mr. Wegemer stated he has asked Dawn Gilbertson to meet with the schools between now and September to look into ways in which the educators� possibly students, possibly ACCW, and any willing volunteers in the community can pick up some of the high school programning events. Mr. Kaspszak stated h�s concern was with what kind of programning would replace sports. He stated a lot of people subscribe to Channel 3 and 12 only because of sports. Me had a strong suspicion that if they eliminated sports as a regular program in the future, their subscriber base would falter. He would be concerned with sports programming beinq left up to a volunteer group. He stated the schools are not going to pick up the sporting events, because of budget problems. If the ACCW picks it up, that is going to be done on a volunteer basis which could be very unpredictable. Mr. t�iegemer stated the Cortnission might want to consider a transition period where one of Storer's employees would help get volunteers together, be on site to supervise the production, and be co�itted to it for a certain period of time. Ms. Hughes stated she was rr�re interested in what kind of local origination would be done. There are some people who would not turn the television set on to see anything in the line of sports. She stated a lot depended on what kind of local origination they would have. Was Storer thinking of doing something different? Mr. Wegemer stated it was hard for them to make any commitment on program- ming until they can succeed in getting out of the sports prograr�ming, Then, they would need some time to come up with ideas and see what they could do. They would like to see Fridley go in the direction Bloor�ington has and that was that many of the high school sports fu�ct�ons, school board meetings, etc., are covered by educational access. and then L.O, is free to cover Chamber of Commerce meetings,League of Women Voters, Jaycees, and other types of civic groups that do not get much exposure but do have a community interest. Mr. Kaspszak stated before he could approve or disapprove of this concept, he would like to see a plan put on paper. He would like to have Storer set up a meeting with ACCW to present a proposal to them, and he would like to attend that meeting. Mr. Moravetz stated that as far as enlisting ACCW's support plus expecting them to do all the production and editing, ACCW does not have the manpower, As far as teaching people who are interested in doing something on a routine bas�s, there were a number of people at ACCW who would be willing to assist initiaily. 7D CATV AOVISORY COMMISSION MEETING, JULY 18, 1985 PAGE 5 Ms. Hughes stated there were some really valuable things out in the corimunitu that needed to be reported and given some exposure. She stated those type of things could actually be more valuable than football games. It may not have quite as wide an audience in terms of numbers, but she would,like that idea as something to be developed to replace sports. She could see it done with less time and less staff per event because those meetings are going to last 1-2 hours instead of the 3-4 hours for a sporting event. She stated that if it turned out that no one wanted to delete sports events, then she would hope that the company would recog- nize that and go back tc it, but she had a lot of sympathy in tryinq to get out of that type of programming in terms of employee productivity. In the end, they want something that is locally produced and features local programming. Mr. Kaspszak stated that if Storer were to establish an advertising program around their programning, they would find it a lot easier to sell time around sportin, events than around a civic or community grouo meeting. Mr. Peterson stated there were two different ideas here--L.4, on one slde and access o}� ��e other. He has always considered L.O, to be the "professionals" because it is tlieir job on a full-time basis. Access is made up of people who are more unprofessional. He would be concerned about the quality of prograrr�ing going down hill because of the lack of experience. 3. RECEIVE SECOr1D QUARTER 5� USE FEE: t4r. ��oravetz stated this was the same for�at as in the past as approved by the Comnission. MOTIOS BY MS. XUGHES, SECO:�DED BY MR. KASPSZFiI!, TO RECEI:'E '_'NE S�CC:tiD Q;.'AR:'EP. 5� �SE FEE. UPO:� A VOICE VJTE, ALL VO:I1'G AYE, CNAIRPERSON PEI�'RSO.': DECLARED TNE MOTIO.': CARRIED LNAtiI.MOJSLY. Mr, Peterson asked if it would be possible for the Commission to receive a monthly total of subscribers. Mr, Wegemer stated he would be happy to provide that information for the Comnission. 4. RECEIVE ACCW REPORTS: MOTIO�Y BY �lS. XUGHES, S£CO.YDED BY MR. KASPSZAK, TD R£CEIVE THE FOLLOWING ACCW REpORTS: DIRECTOR'S REPORT (MAY - JL?lE) PRODUCTIO.N STATISTICS ( JAti. - MAY) COORDINATOR'S REPORT (MAY - JL'NE) PROGRA.MS PRODL'CED (MAY) FINANCIAL REPORT (MARCX - JCPlE) QUARTERLY FINA1tiCIAL R£PORT (1NAP.. 31 - JUNE 30) 7E CATV AOVISORY COMMIS5I0�� MEETI�.G, JU�Y 18, 1985 PAGE 6 UPOl7 A VDICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CXAIRP£RSON PETERSON DECLARED TNE MOTIOti CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5. RECEIVE 11PDATES ON: a. Regional Channel 6 Mr. Moravetz stated he read to the Commission at the last meeting the names of the peopje who were recommended by the Cable Board and, as far as he knew, were the official first body of the Board of Directors of the Channel 6 entity. He had also announced that Northwest Access Center was going to be contracted to be the play-back for Channel 6 initially. He stated that was not necessarily the case; however, that was the direction they were moving, Mr. Moravetz stated the 13 member Board of pirectors will be establishino the bylaws, operating rules, etc., of the entity. From there, they will get into the actual programning of the channel. b, Minnesota Cable Comnunications Board Mr. Moravetz stated the Minnesota Cable Comnunications Board has been terminated as of the end of June. Their last meeting was June 14 at which time they scheduled a special meeting on June 28 to make the final reco�mendation for the Channel 6 Board. He stated announced at the last meeting that as far as he knew it was goint to be the Dept, of CoRxnerce that is going to be approving cable franchises and renewals. `•^=�jON Bl' MS. HUGN£5, SECO�tiDED BY MR. KRSPSZAK, TD RECEIVE TN.E L'PDA"'ES O'� R£G: D:tiAL CHA'::tiEL 6 AA'D TXE NI!►WESOTA CABLE COM.MUIVICATIONS BOARD. UPO": A:'OIC£ VO:E, ALL VOTI:VG AYE, CKA:RP£RSON PETERSOti DECLAPED TY.E MC::Oti CARRI£D iJl`AtiI.HOUSL}'. 6. REVIEW PROPOSED AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND ACCW FOR FISCAL YEAR 1986: Mr. Moravetz stated this agreement was similar to the agree�ents in the past. ACCW is again asking for 40= of the 5% franchise fee. Ms. Hughes stated that on page 1, Item #�4, the phrase, the sum of the equiva- lent of 2% of the gross revenues, or 40k of the 5b franchise fee from the current cable company to the City" seemed redundant. Mr. Moravetz stated that verbage has been in the agreement in the past, but he agreed it was redundant. Ms. Hughes suggested they delete "the sum of the equivalent of 2% of the gross revenues, or". 7F CATV ADVIS�RY COMMISSION MEETING, JULY 18, 1985 PAGE T MOTION BY MS. HUGNES, SECONDED BY MR. KASPSZAK, TO RECOMMEND TO CSTY COL� CIL TXAT TXE PXRASE, "TXE SUM OF THE EQliIVALENT OF ?� OF THE GROSS REL'EhUES, OR" BE DELETED FROM ITEM 4 ZN THE AGREEN�rT BETWEEN THE CITY JWD ACCW FOR FISCAL YEAR 1986." � MOTIO!� BY MR. KASPSZAK, SECONDED BY MS. HUGNES, TO ACCEPT TNE AGREEMENT BETW££ti TXE C7TY ANB ACCW FOR FISCAL YEAR I986 AND RECOMXEND Tt� TXE CITY COUNCIL THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE AGREEMEYT AS AMENDED. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTI.'VG AYE, CHAIRPERSON PETERSON DEC'ARED TX£ M.O_TIO'�' CF,A.RIE� LtiA.rI!70USLY. 7. DISCUSS 1986 CABLE BUDGET: Mr. Moravetz stated that last year it was the general concensus of the Commission that they might want to make some recommendations in some areas of the budget. He stated he was bringing this up at this time in order for the Comnission to provide input, if any, for the 1986 budget year. Mr. Kaspszak stated they are approachirg refranchising t�me, and the Cortr�ission might have to spend more time in terms of education leading up to that process. Perhaps the Corrmission should recommend more money be added to the budget for education. MO�'IOti' BY MR. KASPSZAK, 5£CO:�'pED BY MS, FlL'GNES, ?t� RECO!�M£YD TEfA:' DC�E TC' TN. F. X£IGN:'ENIYG OF REFRA.'�CHISIhG ACTIVZTY, BECAC'SE OF TXE 1994 CABLE COM!!"':ICATI^":S POLICY ACT, TH£ RESCIR'DItiG OF CN.APTEP. 236 ELIMI!�'ATIN� Tf?E M.I"::�PSCTIi CF,.BLE COM"!�'.�'ICATID."�S BOnRD� R.ti'D TN.E E5:'r+BLZS�:7.':G OF tiEtt' RC•t cS AtiD A.E�'_'Ln:'I�:IiS� TI:F. CATV ADVISORY COM!fI5SI0:� FEELS IT IS GC�INv TO N£ED FlOF.E £DUCATI�tiAL I�LFORMA"'IO,: A'�D TRAI':I.yC TXA.": I.ti 1985 A'tiD, THER£FORE, RE�L'ESTS TNAT $3,000 BE ADDED TD TN.E 1986 BL'DG£T TO BE ALIA�:,.TED AS !�EPDFD. UPO'ti A VOIC£ VOTE, ALi VOTING AYE, CffAIRPEP.SON PETEAS�N DF,CLAA.ED THE MC'I'ICI.': CnRRIED UNAti'IMC:;SLY. 8. OTHER BUSINESS: Mr. Kaspszak stated he would like to express a concern. He stated that Channel 20, HBO, has a policy that it does not show R-rated movies durinq certain periods of time. Yet, at 7:00 p.m., some of the things he has been seeing on Channel 20 put certain magazines such as Playboy and Penthouse to shame. He stated it really bothered him. If he had youngsters. it would be enough for him to cancel his premium services. He stated maybe nothinq could be done about it, but why does the policy say R-rated movies.will not be shown during the family hour, but yet at 7:00 p.m., they are showing that stuff? Mr. Wegemer stated that by contract, 7:00 p.m, was the time HBO,started showing R-rated movies, but Mr. Kaspszak was right, it was probably too early, espcially in the summer. CATV ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING, JULY 18, i985 PAGE 8 Mr. Kaspszak stated he just felt it was a bad trend. If anything is going to kill cable TV as far as premium service, it is this kind of thing. ADJ4URNMENT: MOTI JN BY HR. KASPSZ�IK, SECONDED BY XS . AUGXES, TO AA70URN THE P!E'ETING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AY£, CXAIRPERSON PETERSON DECLAR£D TXE JULY I8, 1985, CAT'✓ ADVISGRY COM1�lISSION MEETING ADJOURNED AT 8:40 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ynne Sa a Recording Secretary 7G � OtQECTDRATE $ .__ _ _ o: . ' � OF � �-��e0o PUBLIC WORKS -�'`t ��_ c�no� � =' f R�DL.�Y MEMOAANDUM �'. __ - - - .._.....��..._..�. �at� 7/31/85 .-- -- ���r t�r John Fiora, Public Works Director �v��ECt � East River Road Business Sign Plan � — Pw 85-238 -� !O �:t�p� ���0 - _.._ _ , -� Nasim Qureshi, City Manager _ ---�-_---- --- __-�. � _ — --� — _.__ _,.,_ We have received the building sign plan for all of the four buildings to be completed within the River Road Business Center on tfie east side of East River Road south of Wickes. ihe sign plan submitted is in accordance with Chapter 214.14 of the City Code. Recomnend the Council approve the'sign plan for the River Road Business Center. JGF:jmo 8A du'Monceaux larkin Architects • Planners • interior DesJgners DATE: PROJECT: SUBJECT: ATTN: July 30, 1985 River Road Business Center Signage Program Mr. Jim Robinson, Planning Dept. Signage package applied to each of four buildings at River Road Business Center and consists of the following program: 1. Main Entries: For major tenants (10�000 S.F. and larger): . Occurs @ corners of bldg. identified by main entry with glass dome. (Sign can be illuminated). . . Consists of major tenant identification, maximum S' high covering maximum area as defined below. . Located above window band (see elevation 3/A3). . Size- SS S.F. each major tenant. . Must be approved by City Staff 2. All Entries . Typical at all tenant entries. . Occur at each end of typical entry courtyard and identified by entry with half moon glazing above as well as main entries. . Consists of 2' x 4' framed aluminum panel with lettering. . Located on brick panel above window line between entry door and glazing band. See elevation 2/A3. . Size- 8 S.F./ tenant typical. 3. Truck Dock Area: . Occurs at each tenant docking area typically. . Consists of tenant identification painted on service door and bay number painted on each O.H. or grade door. . Size and location. (See elevation 9/A3). 4. Project Sign: . Occurs at each of two main entries to project. . Consists of brick sign with surface mounted letters set in brick planter, (See 10/A3 � 11/A3). S. Project Address: . Free standing numerals, silver in color,3'-0"in ht. . Lfiatedron building face above window band. t . du'Monceaux Larkin and Associates, inc. Suite 102, 4801 West Slst Street, Bloomington, MN 55437 612,831-184•4 River Road Business Center 8 B du'Monceaux larkin Architecfs • Pianners • inter�x DesJgners �� � - C � � ,� � t i--' , � � `,' lC t ��..� ��'� T� '� -,'.. 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SJ ��'(�utC,� 1� ic'�.:�1 `J►(oF.v��' � a sc�cE�� '. i ' —„— a-_...-.�-�- —.,. � otiiECT�FZAYE ---- o� t OF � ,�Ip�o PUBLIC WORKS - ='- .�- _. - ��� MEMORANDUM � — f �Fi ��T� 7/30/85, � r�/ �__--- -- ��r ��r Clyde �v��tC1 �f6ravetz, Cable Administrat City - ACCW 1986 Agreement �______ _ _ PW 85-234 !O _�____—_ John Flora, Public Works Directc _ .:, �o� �� o ..._ . -� _.__ _� --- -,_ _ _ __ ____ The following is a list of monies received from the City by the Anoka County Communications Workshop. This money is intended to promote public access programning in Fridley and the �nounts are being charged against the CATV Fund (5'_ Franchise Fee received from Storer Cable): For the year to receive 2'. f rom Storer. 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 198 5 _ � _ $ _ � _ $ _ $ _ $ - S 8,000.00 � 5,000.00 15,325.00 17,109.00 20,000.00 20,579.48 22,000.00 (Estimated) 1983 the City and ACCW entered into an agreement allowing the ACCW of the 5`: Franchise (use) Fee or 40�� of the cable revenues received The proposed 1986 agreement is worded basically the same as the past three One Year Agreements were, with the ACCW. As noted in an earlier memo, the Cable recommended approval of the agreement redundant wording in one section. CVM:jmo Commission, at their July 18th meeting, with the suggested deletion of some - - �.� r 4-� f�� i.�w.�� - i�� ��� � �� OtAEGTO1�AiE - --- � A o: ' d OF � ,��ppo . � PUBI.IC WORKS _�`�' �,� c'TM� �� - f fZ� DLEY M E M O Ci A N p U M �'._ __ - — ---_ r ��T� �/19I8� � - - - - - — ---- ���r ���. Clvde Mc�ravetz, Cable �v��tCf Admin. 1. 1986 CA'V R��cget R�ouest ?. ACCW 196c Agreer�e�t r�ith the City � �- -- -- - - F� R�-_�� — � _ •o _ _ _ .:,�o� ����c _ . _-� '��sin Qureshi � �it�_ Mana�er _ __� throu � John F�,�re I ��;, • --- � -_ -- -- - — — - — -� -- — - - _. Or. .Ju:y 1e, 1985 the Cable Comnission reviewed the 1985 CaDIe Budget ar.d discLSSe� the �g86 needs. 'tT�e i.o¢tsission suEgest adding �j�00C.00 to Acct. No. 423',G (Conferences ar.d School). fieir mot:on wa� as folla+s: NC:ION by t+r. Raspszak. �econded Dy !!s. Hughes, to recom¢end to thE City Co►.ncil tAat due to Li:e heightenir.g of tr.e rEfrarchising activity, Cecause of the 198v Czble Camm;.r,icat:ons Pol icy Act, an� the rescir,ding of Ca�ter 236 eli¢inatir.g the M.:nr.esota CaCle Commur..cations Baard an� estaDlishing new r�les ar.0 reg�lations, tre Comaission feels the nee� to have aore educational infor¢ation ar.d train:r.g than in 1985 and therefore re�uests ar. aC�itional �3,OOG De added to the 1g86 cable Dudget to De aliocated as r,eeded. UPOf� A VOICE VOTE, ALL VC':ING AYE� QiA.RPERSCN PETERSON �ECLAFEL ':H� MCTION CARRIED Uhi,!`:l�JS►.Y. They offere� no commer.t:, auggestior,s or recoccer,Cation� for tt:e bal ar.ce of the budge �. Also at their July 18 meeting the Comaission recomsen�s approval of the �986 ACG� - City A�eement vhich i� Dasically �orde� tAe same as this yeor:: a�ee�ent. T?�ey s�gest deleting part of a redundant ser.tence in �ECtic-. 4. TT►e:r aotior. va� as follows: MGTION by ks. Hughes, secon�ed by I�. 1Caspszak, to recomcend that ir. itea i4 of the 6greeaer.t, �econ� line, the vords "the si:a of Lte eQuivalent of 2S of the g�oss rever.ues, or" be deleted. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VGT�IG AYE, Ci�AIRPERSQv PETERSON LECL/+FE. TNc !�:'ION CARRIED UNAKIlUUS1Y. l�JTIOT1 by Mr. 1Caspszak. seconded by Hs. Hughes� Lo recommer.d to City Cour.cil the acceptar.ce of the propose� a�e�er.t be�eer. the City ar.r fCt�i for tbe fiscal 1986 as amended. UPON A VOICE VQT£, ALL VOTING ATE. Q�IAIRPERSON PETERSON DECi.AREL ':nE lUTION GRRIED UN�NIl�USZ.7. CVk:�mo Attachments ec : 1985 ACt�i Fil e 1985 Ca bi e Fi na nce Fil e 9B AG REII�t E*TT This agreemenc, made and entered into this day of , 1985, bv and between the City of Fridley, a*iinnesota municipal corporation, in the County of Anoka. State of *tinnesota, hereinafter referred to as "the Citv", and �noka County Co�nunications Workshop, Incorporated, a non-profit corporation in the County of Anoka, State of Minnesota, wi[nesseth: For and in consideration of the promises, covenants, terms and provisions herein contained� the pazties hereto mutually agree as follows: 1. Period of Agreement. This agreement for a 12 month period, shall be effective January 1, 1986 through December 31, 1986, unless otherwise terminated by either party �,Tith 90 days vritten notice. Upon termination of the agreemen[, all uncommitted portions of the Rrant shall be returned to the City. Final determination of any such uncomrr,itted amount shall be as decermined and agreed upon by the City "tanaqer and Anoka Coun[v Cor,ununications h'orkshop, Inc. 2. Responsibili[ies of Anoka County Co�unications Workshop, Inc. ACCW aQrees [o provide, on behalf of the City, services to Fridley residents as follows: a. b. c. d. e. To educa[e members of the public [o the potential uses of video communications in the community. To provide traininR and technfcal assistance that will pramo[e citizen use of available cablecasting facilities as a non-commerci�l means of communication. To serve as a resource cen[er for infozmation, materials and equipmen[ relating to the use of video as a corcnunications medi�. To serve as a receiving, holding and disbursing entity for monies intended to promo[e non-commercial citizens use of the channel. To provide at the request of the City, assistance to City staff in [he programming of its government access channel, at no additional cost. . 3. Anoka County Cocmnunications Workshop, Inc, further aRrees to keep and maintain a qualified staff of personnel, both paid and volunteer, necessary to perform the services herein set forth. 4. For the period of this agreement the City will grant to Anoka County Comr.:unications Workshop, Inc. �he sua� of the equivalent of 2y of the qross revenues, or 40y of the 5X franchise fee from the current cable comoany t� the City. Said amount shall be payable in quarterly equal amounts on the first business day of January, April, July and October, 198fi, with any excess funds payable in January, 1987. 5. Anoka County Coam�unications Workshop, Inc. shall keep accurate and complete records of alI financial transactions and shall provide to the City, on a quarterly basis April 1, 1986, July 1, 1986, October 1, 1986, and February 1, 1986, a complete written financial report of its operations during the period of this agreement. Said records shall include an accountinq system maintained in a generally accepted manner, including, if applicable, the filing of peoper tax returns to the Federal and State governments, such as payroll tax returns or corporate income tax reCurns (permitted alternates accepted). Upon request, said records shall be available for inspection by the City !�anager, or his designee, members of the Council, and Cable Com::,ission members during regular business hauzs. AGRE�IL:�T Page 2 6. ACCW shall provide to the City a written report of its operational activities. including whatever data will assist the City in evaluating the effectiveness of the ACCW in the provision of the services herein set forth. Said report will be provided to the City within sixty (60) days after completion of this agreement. ACCW vill also provide interim progress renorts of its operational activities April 1, July 1, October 1, and February 1. 7. A^CW shall indemnify, save and hold harmless the Cfty and all of its officers, agents and er,iployees fram any and all claims for losses, injuries, dama�es and liabilities to person� ot prcaperty occasioned wholly or in part by the acts or omissions of ACCW, iis agents, officers, employees, members, Ruests, patrons or any person or persons associated with ACCh' for any purpose. 8. Insurance. ACCW will provide proof of liability insurance, nar�in� the Citv as an additional insured in an amount and form as approved by [he Citv *ianager. 9. ACCk shall provide to the Ci[y documentation that it has ob[ained non-profit tax-exenpt status from the Federal In[ernal Rc��•enue Service and the State of "linnesota Department of Revenue. , 10. It is understood and agreed ihat no alteration or variation of the terms this agreemen[ shall be valid unless made in writing and siQned bv the parties hereto. 11. In the event of a breach by ACC�+' of the terms or conditions of the ARreement, the City shall have, in addition to any other leRal recourse, the rif�ht to terminate this Agreement for[hwith. In witness whereof, the parties have caused the Agreement to be executed by their proper officers. therunto duly au[horized. i:itness: Witness: CITY OF FRIDLEY f- Nasim M. Qureshi Citv *�IanaRer �.'illiam J. Nee �tayor / , `� �'- �,t� " = -y�� f . rk A. Neuman-Scott ACCW Chairperson , /���,/! •^` / 7� � � �� '• ���J,J f � �i� -�1 � t `�� LYJI��i ��. - Janes J. Bauer ) A�CW Treasurer J 9C AFS(LO?I01 N0. — 1985 RPSCLUTIOk TO PROCEED YITH TiIE F'AILILE2 R£SIDENTI�IL E/EaGT COflSER9ATI010 PRQJECT YHEREIIS. the Ninnesota Public Otilitie� ComIDission (MPUC) has passed legislation �hich alla►s the loca; public utilities to distriDute Conservation Imprwe�ent Prograd (CIP) monies to participating mur.icipalities (City of F7�S�ley) for the support of energy oonservation programs; and 1iHr.'iiE�. t�:e FriCley Ener�y Project Committee ar.d the PlanninE Commission a�ypert Lhe F�i�ley Aesider.tial Con�ervation Project (F. R. E. C. P. ); and WHD3E�. the Fridley Residential Energy Cor,servation Project has a House Doctor componer.t rr.ich is partially funded by Minnegaaco and a Neighborhood Energy �iorkshop oomponer.t wr.ich is partially lLndeC by NSP; and YiHERE1,S. the f�n�ing fr� tt:e aDove mentioned utilities is contir,g�er.t upon trE execution of a�eer,er.ts bet�een Lhe City and the utility coepa-les; ar.d NHEREAS. the House Doctor component vill require hiring a contractor to perform weatt,erization for income eligible resident�. N0� ,� FF� EFOR E. BE IT R FS Q.V ED by th e Ci ty Co un cil of th e Ci ty of Fr 1 C: ey . t o authori2e the fo:la+ir�g: 1, me progra� cor.cept ar.d inter.t as prwided for in eacr of tre agree�er,�. betweer. the City and the utility co�parles. 2. Staff to execute those a�e�er.ts vith the utility com�arles. 3. Appraval of the Dudgets for eact pro6ra� �which include utility mor.ie�. Depart�ent of Ener�y and Econoeic Develop¢er.t grar,t mor,ies and Fridley monies. 4. Staff to pro�ed witt Lhe rece�sary steps to cor.tract witr+ a qualified contractor Lo perform House Doctors. PASSEZ ANi ADOP?ED BY TNE CITY COUNCIL OF T}?E CITY OF FRID;.E`_' THZS DA:' OF �_ t 9 � WIl,LIAk J. NEE - h1�70R ATTEST; SIDtrEY C. D�1HAN - CITY CLERR 3i7i2i2o 10 lEt� T0: John flora. Public Korks Director MEHG FROH: Jim Robinson. Plannipg Coordinator lgiZ DATE: July 31. 1985 RFLARLINC: Fridley Residential Energy Conservation Project The Fridley Reaider.tial Energy Conaervation Pro�ect (F. R. E. C. P. ) i� now developed to the point where Council revierr and approval of key components is needed. I am enclosing material for authorization to pc�oceed xhich includes a resolution. oopies ot agree�enta v1U: utilities, apecifications for HousE Doctor contractor and a map vith schedule for the Neighborhood Enerby ilorkshops. Approval at the August 5th Council meeting would enable us to proceed in a timely aanner. Yitt� this reso:ution ve are requestiag apprwa2 of the program� the DudEe!. Lhe authorization to sign a�eements witb the utility compar.ies and to take Lhe nece�sary steps to eontract vitt: a pual iSied contractor. Negotiations have Deen successfully oompleted vith Doth Minnegasco ar,d N�P. Upor. Council approval of the reso;ution staff vill execute tte attact:ed contracts viLr Hinnegasco to fund the House Doctor Program and with NS� for Lhe Neighborhood Energy liorkshops. The House Doctor prograa yill prwide lar cost weatterization imprcveaEnts for approximate:y 70 low ar.d moderate income households. After Council approval of the enclosed specifications, ve will De proceedir.g vitt Lhe necessary ateps to hire a eontractor to perform the House Doctor pr�gra�. 1?ie Neigt�Dorhood Energy Workshop� vill be held on Lhree Saturdays Lhis Fall and xill be open to all hcmea+ners regardless of income. The focus of the program is on oo�t effective erergy savicg weatherization tecr�r.iques xhich individual s can use on their wn bames. Ye are planning three vorkshop� this Pall. concentrating on threE nei�iborhoods in the cer,ter part of the City. Attached ia a maF of thE target areas and a calendar of ineetiag dates. iie cLose thia area for our initial thrust duo to the p�ter.tial tor good participaLion. Based on trE atrensth of tbe lalock captain aetvork and the centralized location of m�r.y older har�es �re feel Ener�► iiorkshops would De sucoessful in tbis area. JLR/dm M- 85-6 9 10A � N.E.W. TARGET AREAS lst Area Sept. 28. 1985 2nd Area Oct. 26, 1985 3rd Area Nov. 23, 1985 • � ~•.�;. . • �.�' ~� 1 _ Y , .�{ t `- - � - - ' � � ooi � �� � "' - , 1�,� ` _ _ ;� ��.; � _ � _.. • ' � �:�� � , � ' i __ ��• � � L11� � ,., _ . � �..._ -- _ _ . .�. ..� �_. „v,�„a — osr.k -• �....r�_ i' • �twC�'t -__ Oin�C�• ► 'i �r• �.� r � . \ � T V'� �..� ! 1� •• �" �,L 4�_ r � � a��� � ' ' -" . i ; � ==•- `• ' , J S' — � �;..- �. �! - � _ _ � � �--- �s 1 -- � - �� `- . _ _ ' �' � - �� � =_— .; � � _ _ L '~:N' , �,� � - _� ;�-�„�,� _ - � _ -_�` _ �.,s�' _ � " , _ ' _ -� � , ; �~'�`: : . -�:_ '�'� — . -_t � .�.. I ,,. , _ _ , i , - - : _ _ w•�.- - ►E � ' � ( 1 --• i "— � _ _ � � � ' � L '- �� ' ' - �• • r .. , � � O / O 'I : .- �' •. • ' ' ^•_ � � I j ' � � �"�c ��f� �h �• S"� �.+— _ ` , I t r�� :� f��... .. '�. : , �' : _ • - N 2nd area ;.; � 1 st area ::::; ��_ ; I , N � j=i�y� � � �Lj • �1 • • • � . � _ 7 ����.'-�T:�l�l<l•� �Yj���i-� _. •1 'i � " _; = - - 591 houses ::;: 692 houses};. ' • �o;,' T,' ; � : �. , 3rd area ; . ; = i ' _ - .... . . . . �.. i � � _� . .�; 470 houses - - ' - �• - . . „ � � _ � - - . ' _ ' -- ' � 1. .� Ctlr 11_, o - � ,.� � • O1�_ _ i _ i �.1 ^'s � f� � ! , ,;�: - �;� - - � � ) ' , � ► _ " '' "' '�: . .�.. -ti ,i � ' F i � - - � t 1 I'. . . • , � - � _ I , '�{.s�j � � � ' i �.. � . � ,--� / ,': � - _ r � - - . � � ` ����---. `'.� , .. __ � 47 -r'. � � ( � .� •-- ' •�.• '_ 0lp, - . , - 1- -- _ ' t"' , , � . .w� � . � � � .r. � � � � I , t � � ' -_ �t �f d2i �: � ,-,_ \ /;�z , � ._i"^ � �-1-�_ , _ _ � i_ _. _ '' � � - - . , — - .- � . r� -- t• ' ,,/� - -__ ,'� � � +o}i � ` _- - � i_ ��i . ,.r� _. i . I� i �. - ---� - . . . ,I ; _ � I � _,.-�.:.....: _„ --- .... �•• � 0 � 7 ' � � - f�" _ _ _ ,_ �: ��� �w _ — _ � . .\• �� � C� • � . !.i' • • � �', i . ._� ,'�' : • � � _ • �, .. �� � � 1 `' S�i =� " � �' � 1 � . • � � .� ' it�' - i'�, ' • �I • = L_S_ . ' ' _' _��. - � � 1 :� ��' � � - ' �l� _=- _ �'- =__ = _ ' - _= _� _�- - - _: � � —,_— �s � �= i �_. _ =: -_���__ -• -_ _�-- , � ._ _ _ �=' _ _--' _ e:: : a-• r_�.-�:. _ c: : }. i:-= s� _ _:� - sTS' -- €�- - F:: -- �' � �"� .� ' � . � SiT=: � T� � " = �� � � '� I'� 1 ='. '_ �T�',�� _ �.� "y�' � g�_' ' � ;_.�.._ -= �' � �'� =+ �/:.i. _' �i. " L:T' = _ �•. �- L� _ =,� �� 'z, �"��.� 'iL.' � �:_ �.S �� _ ' .�� - .. � � - / . . - _ _- V _ � � - �5��' � _ E.; � r.�� q � �� � L: n�' �.' S'S = s_�• _?_—' � � C � �'� ' i CC� _ 7-=' ' � .. "' ' � � � !.: . i ' S . ' _�. "_ C �. _ - � �'. ' �� • ��f ���� 1 , -.;•� STREET 1AAP-CI�Y Of �== � ,�' _ �—_ '��= FRIDLEY �= = � � : .�. --�- - _ � ----..�..-: = =. _ ===-= ; u. . _.. ._. = � � - ;� 1 ��, � �' � A., ��;�, � � �' °� �' I}II � �',li I,i'i t �`? � - '�` � � =--� � � � ')I �� !� � I��� ; � �� � � `� I � ,� , I � ' N °° . v� :'� � ' �y c� . L1l. � ,i'+ �j( ��) III; � , �, . ��.� ��!w � ����� o , _ - ; � , ���, ' ) • .. ( � � �`� �i�� � icv Lti � C.� j � �, �;; � . I I I i ,, �,� � Q ' Illi�, �''�II`Y.;;n+ � � 3 7 I f s� �,� ��1 M-� �rr. . , i .. �D � �� w=� �� I;i � � ' Y W ��� i w I ( w � a f ��) .•li Exhibit D �� � �� �� �� e :Q; �:� , :� W. � , � �u,� �'.�, � � � i Q! • � �� � oc; W= �. �� , z w= � I O ' �i 10C III lill � ' �i 1 lijj� I ; c�i • � i {{�,�i�� N !� �'y��� � �I� II� ( � ;� ��, � � '� I ,, , �. 1'� I � . ���il�I ,�''�, Iij' � � � I ` `�� i I � I � � ' I I �' � �) N �1N � ---r--- � i���l'� N' � , I � . II 1� �� i A, ' �v I ({ i��� � ,� : ?1 1 � N. � Q► C C + � r •+ al _ C L � O A �.► �.+ v o O i0 C �J �� �n u � O S Q7 1 1 _ _ = m a 0 � � � �T w � �� �oo w so 0 L N QI �1 � r W 2 Z ., , W S Z 6C RFS(LIITIOH N0. - 1985 RE30LOTIOS APPRCAING A SIIBDIVISIOIf, LOT SPLIT, L. S. #85-02, TO SQBDIV ID8 PAitT OF LOT 17 , AIIDITOR' S SQBDIO I3IOA N0. 88 �TO 1Y0 ADDITIOpAL PARCELS TO BE SQ.D TO SHORF�i00D IAR R�RTAIIRAidT FOR PARBII�IG AND BOII.DL�Ii(i E%PANSI011 AT 6161 HICfiiAY #65 N. $ WHEREAS, the City Council approved a lot split at the March 18, 1985 meeting; a nd WHEREAS, such appraval was to subdivide part of Lot 17, Auditor's Subdivision No. 88 into txo additional parcels to be sold to Shorewood Inn Restaurant for parking and building expansion at 6161 Highr+ay #65 N. E. ; and WHEREAS, the City has received the required Certificate of Surveys from Max Saliterman; and WHEREAS, such apprwal will enable Max Saliterman to sell part of Lot 17, Auditor's No. 88 as two seperate parcels to Shorexwod Inn Restaurant for parking and building expansion. NaMI, THEREFORE, BE IT RFS2VED that the Cf ty Covncil direcLs the County oP Anoka to record this lot split Within six months of this approval or such appraval shall become null and void. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCII, OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF 19 WILLIAM J. PIEE - MAYOR ATTFS T: SIDNEY C. INMAN - CITY CLERR 3/7/2/21 St.Anthony Village Center � � � St.Anthony Village Center 11A !L'MG 1�D: John Fiora, public liorks Department I�MD FR OH: J im Aobi n�o n. Pl anni pg Coordi na tor !�!� DATE: July 31. 1985 AFT,ARDING : Re�olution �pproviag Lot Spl:t for Max Sal iterman The development plan� for Shorerood Inn �ave prooeeded Lo the extent that it. would De in order Lo pass a resolution to apprwe L. S. I85-02. Outstanding items vhlch include a �oint drive�a�y agreement beQreeen Shorevood Inn and Saliterman. a oomDirsation of Lax paroels I aad II, Rice Creek Water Shed approval. revised �ite plan vith landscaping and easements for existing ut111tie, are e1U�er oomplete cr are prami�ed to De available for the August 5� Council meetiag. A� you will recall Planning'a desire for aite developaent included the reworking of the aervice road to include one way ingresses from both the North and South. 2bis concept vould imprwe safety by relegating all egress Lo a drivaray Ea�t of the Sear� building. A portion of the service road vould al�o be put into landscaping. The aite plan wh:ch we prcpose is attached. It vould be appropriate to compare thia with the new sLD�ittal wh.ich should �e available Nonday ni�t. Lastly. Lhere is atill an outstanding park fee of =203 �• 71 vhi ch �hou] d De pa.id prior to reoording. JLR/ dm Attac%. !� 85-6 8 � A � 3 V � � � W J �r . �lt J W �,,.. � � . . `, #: r= . �_ . , ' �� -f� ;�• • M r��� � � � �: � � ,� � ,` �; P� �. � � a i. ''- i, .: �y �1 St.Anthony Village Cen*.er 11B Rt�E ��.�.K R� V ' r -� � � �i . ��. • � � . . •� ,. .�, ;r. • r . . . �,, � !� - �' ,- l �� _. �;.. . . �• � • �' . � < < � .� � � � • .�` y � ��� � • � ' tI � � •Sit� �i r./►" r �''_.,'•. � � �� ' .e ' i O . - .� -- " �• . . �' Q r � "'�.� � ' 8 .';�' ! I � ..;y J � J 1 � � �� � �� � ■ =l ` FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL —' APPOINTMENTS � � August 5, 1985 ZIIt�9 APPOIl�TI£E FJ�IRFS RFSIGNIl� I£MBD2 HTM4IC i�ESQ7RCF,S CDM�IISS ID�h 4-1-86 Ba�t ba r a Kocher 7650 3adcson St. t� (H) 786-0944 3/ 1/21/ 12 � � .�� /�c�.S— U , . OL�{ � �c `�K�GK�, _ - ' �" i�i�z � ' /�- ���x a►.� �— �.,u.�. �,u-C.�P i� '� � ' � ���� , , �� . � r // • 7'C,�''..ac /��'�`'`-� ' � ��� � • � � . . . _ ��� . ' � � �� . ���r.�,�.� �� ,�' '� . . �,,� (,�,�,�-�c� � , . C/�''``�`' . L� , � . �, �� �- - � � -•� _.g �� ���� .1..� � . : �. 12A = FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL Auqust 5, 1985 Type of License: Auctioneers Quickie Aution Service Rt. 2 � Rogers, Mn. 55374 Cigarette Burlington Northern Diesel Shop 80 -44th Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Burlington tJorthern Crew Office 80 -44th Ave.N.E. Fridley, P1n. 55432 Burlington Northern Main Office �0 -4Gth Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Food Establishment Oriental Groc. & Gifts 6440 University Ave.Pl.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Vend�ing P1achines Acme "1eta1 Spinning 98 - 43rd Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Burlington Northern Diesel Shop 80 -44th Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Burlington Northern Crew Office 80 -44th Ave. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Burlington Northern Ptain Office 80 -44th Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Champion Auto Stores 6523 University Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 � David E. Christian "1n.Viking Food Serv. Approved By: ►, � �. -- LICENSES James P.Hill Public Safety Director James P. Hill Public Safety Director Mn. Vil:ing Food Serv. James P.Hill Public Safety Director Mn. Viking Food Serv. James P. H�ill Public Safety Director Kyung Sook Choi Mike Mokita Mn.Viking Food Serv. Mn.Viking Food Serv. Mn. Viking Food Serv. Douglas Kreske Fees: $20.00 $12.00 �12.00 $12.00 $45.00 $15.00 �120.00 $60.00 �75.00 �15.00 - FOR CONCURRENCE BY TNE CITY COUNCIL -- LICENSES r AUGUST 5, 1985 �g� sERV ic�s Hapres Contractors, Inc. ililliam Sandin 1010 Currie Avenue P1 pg. -Htg. InsP• !linneapolis, 1!� 55�03 BY: Douglas J. Hap►es . a�y g. Menne ��Son Heatiag, Plumbin6 � Cpoling Boac 293 F. j„�� Wyaming, M� 55092 By: Gary r_ruFaet, t`ONTAACTOR paul S. Grapr Co. , Inc. 1301 Cannon Circle Faribaul t� I+N 55021 Jorgenson Construction 1g6ug Stutz Street Wyaming, rN 55092 Ren's Roof3ng Compar�+ 36 00 Mi nneh aha Av enue Minneap�l is, M�I 55406 Pete's Repair Inc. 6608 - 59� Avenue North Crystal, I�'N 55428 gy: Paul S. Gr�y By: Stan Jorgenson gy: Phyllis Green By: Pete Perusse Schmidgall Construction Co., Inc. 13605 Vincent Avenue South By, Robert L. Schmidgall Burnsville, !TI 55337 • J, g, ;Xredenborg Construction, Inc. 7685 CorPorate Hay By; paul Gavic Eden Prairie, Ml 553uu Telle Construction 39q� _ �pth Avenue South Minneapolis, I�A1 55407 By : Dua ne K. Tel l e AT Ganley's Heating � A/C Service Inc. 2yp� _ gOth Avenue North ay; Revin Ganley Brooklyn Park, M8 55u�4 Hayes" Contractors, Inc. 1010 Currie Avenue !linoeapolis, Ml 55�03 Hy; Douglas J. H�y►es Gary F. Menne � Son Heating, Pl�bing � Cooling Box 293 By : G�'Y F. I„!e nne Wyaming, t�N 55092 cT_r:tu FRECTORS Rauf man Sign ComFa4Y 3ti5 Wa�inBton Avenue North Hy. Daniel J. Raufman Minneapolis, MI 55�01 ililliam Sandin Pl bg. -Htg. In�p. Darrel Q ark Chief Bldg. Ofc. Darrel Cl ark Chief Hldg. Ofc. Darrel Qark Chief Bldg. Ofc. Darrel Cl ark Chief Bldg. Ofc. Darrel Cl ark Chief Bldg. Ofc. Darrel Clark Chief Bldg. ��• Darrel Clark Chief Bldg. Ofc. William Sandin pl bg. -Htg. Insp. william Sandin Pl bg. -Htg. Insp. Xilliam Sandin Pl bg. -Htg. Insp. Darrel Cl ar'k Chief Bldg. Ofc. � FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- LI C E N S E S � 4 C �� August 5, l9$5 RESIDENTIAL REhTAL PROPERTY VER LOCATION OF BUILDING UNITS FEE APPRdVED BY R. H. Larson, FPB/ Housina Insn. Mortimer 8. Sturdevant 7301-03 Able Street 7301 Able Street N.E. Frfdley, I�1 55432 Mettson Properties 7325-27 Able Street 10267 �iv. Ave. N.E. Blaine, I�1 55434 John 6 Rathleen Ba�unhofer 7463�5 Able Street 608 Jefferson Cir. Marshall, !�1 56258 Dick W. Marquardt 6588-92 Centzal Avenue 6586 Central Ave. 1� Fridley, I�V 55432 Gregg C. Hinz 6600-04 Central Avenue 6640 Central Ave. I� Fridley, 1� 55432 John tiaim�ar►g 140-42 Charles Street SOS Windenere Drive Plytmuth, NN 55441 George J. � Ne1lDavis 621t}-20 East River �ad 6501 Xences Ave. N. Mpls, IrIId 55430 Kenny & Leta Thornton 7325-27 Evert Court 5571 E. Bavarian Pass Fridley, IrIN 55432 Marvin R. Joppe 7330-32 Evert Court 3220 Dakota South St. Louis Park, 1�A1 55416 Richard Fudali 7833--37 FiYwoc�d Way 500 Brodcdale Tbw�ers Mpls, I�I 55430 Michael. Betz 7865--69 Firwr�o�d Way 2712 Z�errace Drive Burnsvi.11e, !�] 55337 Rirylo � Zita Czichray 7879-81 Firw�ood Way 147 Craig Way I� Fridley, !�1 55432 Viola Froneyberger 7883-85 Firw�ood Way 7885 Firwood Way I� Fridley, l�IIv 55432 -1- 1 12.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 1 12.00 1 I2.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 1 12.00 � _ FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CtTY COUNCIL -- LI C E N S E S � 4 D � August 5, 1985 RESIDENTIAL RENTAL PROPERTY OWNER LOCATION OF BUILDING UNITS FEE APPROVEQ BY R. H. Larson, FPE/ Delores Pone�sa 1260-62 N�rton Avenue 2 24.00 Nousing Insp. 1327 Hillcrest Dr. I� Fridley, I�AI 55432 Rabert Genin 1261-63 Norton Avenue 10060 Jay St. AW C.00n Rapids, I�1 55433 Susan K. Williamts & 1270-72 Norton Avenue Philip D. Rostad 5568 W. Danube Ra. I� Fridley, !�l 55432 Robert D. Shimanski 6335 Pierce Street 7458 Hayes St. I� Fr idley, IrIN 55432 Douglas P. Tanner 6355-57 Pierce Street 2206 St. Anthony Blvd Mpls, I�T 55418 Jerry Jacobson 6401 Pierce Street 3846 Indeperdence New Hope, NAl 55427 George Winiecki 615�56 Star Lane 2732 Highway 10 I� Abur�ds View, I�v 55432 Rar�dy C. Anderson 7396-98 S��hony Street 11340 S�nset Ave. I� Circle Pines, IrII�I 55014 J. Tt,o�r�s � M. Rolodjski 7389 Van Buren Street 832 - 96th La. Blaine, NR�I 55434 Sylvia Aolmen 5816 2rid Street 5816 - 2nd St. NE Fr idley, !�i 55432 Jerry L. McNurlin 5936-38 2r�d Street 250 Sj�lvan La. I� Fri.dley, !�l 55432 R+obert A. Bosman ' S940-42 2nd Street 281 Sylvan La. I� Fridley, t�] 55432 Wayne b John west 6001-03 2nd Street 255 Craigbrook Way Fridley, IrII�] 55432 -2- 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 1 12.00 1 12.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 ' FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CtTY COUNCIL -- LICENSES � 4 E � August 5, 1985 RESIDENTIAL REhTAI PROPERTY QWN_ER LOCATION OF BUILOIN6 UNITS FEE APPROVED BY Andres Wlasiuk 5111-15 3rd Street 1 12.00 R. H. Larson, FPB/ 5115 - 3rd St. I� Housing Insp. Fridley, I�l 55421 N.B.C. Properties 5141-5143 3rd SEreet 7635 Alden Way I� Fridley, I�I 55432 Charles Haussler 5839-41 3rd Street 5684 Jackson St. I� Fridley, 1rII�1 55432 Beverly Mattson 5824-22 4th Street 102b7 Univ. Ave. I� Blaine, 1�V 55434 �th L. Magnuson 583t�-32 4th Street 12� Wash.So., #302 I�ls, P'IIV 55401 Gary Muske 5850-52 4th Street 2321 Stinson Pkwy. I�ls, 1�V 55418 Roy E. Erickson 5900-02 4th Street 4325 Vincent Ave. N. i�ls, I�T 55412 Ellert Ihlan 5924-26 4th Street 5924 - 4th St. 1� Fr idley, 1�4�1 55432 Gerald R. Foss 5940 4th Street 7691 Central Ave. I� Fridley, lrIIV 55432 Clifford Leary 6262-b4 3th Street 1062 Highview Drive New Brighton, NII�I 55112 Rabert J. Auber 5335-37 bth Street 5335 - 6th St. I� Fridley, I�1 55421 Joim A. Saccair�n 451-53 54th Ave. t� 451 - 54th Ave. I� Fr idley, lrII�1 55421 _ Meyer & Joanne Broder 276 78 58th Avenue 278 - 58th Ave.I� Fridley, l�II�1 55432 �� 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 1 12.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 1 12.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 1 12.00 1 12.00 1 12.00 � � � FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CtTY COUNCIL -- LICENSES � 4 F August 5, 1985 RESIDENTIAL REKTAL PROPERTY LOCATION OF BUILDING UNITS FEE APPROVED BY R, H. Larson, FPB/ • Housing Insp. Frederick E. Schultz 114-16 62rxi Way 2 24.00 120 - 62n3 Way I� Fridley, !�I 55432 Wallace l�odcer 7419 McRinley St. I� Fridley, IrII�I 55432 Gary Muske 2321 Stinson Pkwy. I�ls. IrN 55418 Gary Muake 2321 Stinson Pkwy. Mpls � lrII�] 55418 Gary Muske 2321 Stinson Pkwy I+�ls, I+�I 55418 50-60 63 1/2 Way 15ffi-ffi 73rd Avenue 1591-93 73rd Avenue 1590-94 73 �/2 Avenue -4- 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 % '� �� FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CtTY COUNCIL -- LICENSES �� C" � August 5, 1985 RESIDENTIAL RE�TAL PROPER7Y �WNER LOCATION OF BUILDING UNITS FEE APPRO��E[� BY R. H. Larson, FPE; Missi.ssippi K�tual Group 6501 Channel R�ad 4 36.00 Housing 1nsp. cfo Ms.Shelley Brottlund Z000 Plymouth Ad.,203 MinnetoNca, �1 55343 &uoe c�rner as above 6531 Ci�nel Iaoad Nathan Sci�►artz 101 Charles Street 591b Medicine IJc. Ii�. l�ls, !�l 55422 SaQne amer as abave 179 Chazles Street Same amer as above �80 (�arles Street J and S Enterprises 7673 East River A�ad c/o S. Severson or J. 1Cxh 6�90 Rivecview 7�err. Fri.dley, !QI 55432 A.P. i June Nichols 7091-93 Aickory Drive 6949 Rickory Dr. I� Fr idley, I�4v 55432 Bigos Properties 5100 Hor izon Dr ive c,/o Ted Bigos P. O. Booc 22A6 A Aobbi.nsdale, MA1 55422 Same owner as above 5101 Horizon Drive S arid S Irnestrnent Co. 5475 Main Street Box 12554 Ne� Brighton, !Q1 55112 Same a�mer as abo�ve 5495 Main Stzeet Allan C. Kattson 120 Mississippi P1. 6270 Riverview T1ezr. Fridley, !�I 55432 Lang-Nelsm Associat� 155-175 Satellite Lane c�o Barb Ferrari �601 .F�ccelsior Blvd. , �650 l�ls, !�l 55416 Same owner as above 195 Satellite Lane Donald E. l�eefe 201 Satellite Lane 2425 Brooicridge Ave. l�ls, l4�1 55422 -5- 4 12 12 12 4 36.00 49.00 49.00 49.00 36.00 3 36.00 5 36.00 5 36.00 12 49.00 12 49.00 4 36.00 33 91.00 20 65.00 11 49.00 � , � FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCI� -- LI C E N S E S� 4 H August 5, 1985 RESIDENTIAL REKTAL PROPERTY _ OWNER �OCATION OF SUILDING UNITS FEE APPRC����(� BY 713 C R. H. Larson, FPE; ��y 221 Satellite Larie 12 �9.Q0 Housing 1nsp. P Z�enenbatmi i E B' al ' k . . i ic 26 Western Ave. �blden Valley, l�II�l 55A26 Aoger Blesi i Ralph htard 2812 - 64th Ave. N. Brooic]yn Center,l�II�t 55430 Gordon i Betty Aspenson 17 R.ice Cree�c Way Fridley, I�: 55432 Chester Gramek 3600 - 36th Ave. i� !�'ils, I� 55418 Progressive Properties c,/o Duane Narog 1465 N. D�anube i�l, PE Fr idley, MII�; 55421 Sa¢��e cr�rner as abave John L. C.or�da 5237 InterlachenBlvd. I�ls, MW 55436 Jerry ar�d Barbara McNur 1 in 250 SYlvan Iane Fr idley, !�l 55432 Roger 81esi 2812 - 64th Ave. N. Broaklyn Center,I�] 55430 Dale aryd Bernadette 1Cnott 2000 Faitway Drive l�ls. l�l 55421 John D. Miller 5009 thiv. Ave. I� 1+�1s, !�N 55421 � Same owner as above S�ne owr�er as above Same a�mer as above 5848 2nd Street 6510 2rd Street 6511 2nd Street 6541 2nd Street 5770 2 1/2 Street 5800 2 1/2 Street 5820 2 1/2 Street 5924 2 1/2 Street 5980 2 1/2 Street 4965 3rd Street 4985 3rd Street 5005 3rd Street 5025 3rd Street -6- 8 49.00 3 36.00 4 36.00 5 36.00 11 49.00 4 36.00 4 36.00 7 36.00 4 36.00 11 49.00 11 11 11 49.00 49.00 49.00 /, �` FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- I.tCENSES � 4� August 5. 1985 RESIDENTIAL RENTAL PROPERTY LOCATION OF 6UILDING UNITS FEE APPROVED BY R. H. Larson, FPBI 9 00 giqos properties 5200 3rd Street 11 +� • Housing Insp. c,/o Ted Bigos P.O. Box 22464 Rabbinedale, l�T 55422 Smae awner as above Sa¢ne owner as above San�e owner as above Saane aaner as above SaQne a�mer as above Sa��e owner as above Saane aaner as abave Willard C�i.nnnt 5980 - 3rd St. I� Fridley, NQI 55432 Wayne Johnson 11610 - 53rd Ave. N. plyitiouth, N�1 55442 John L. Jensen 6070 - 6th St. I� Fridley, N�i 55432 Naeen Qureski S & R Investment 4506 Orchard Ave. N. t�ls, l�l 55422 Vernon S. Hoium arr] Duane A. Otterness 925 Dain Zbw�er Bldg. i�ls. lMIId 55402 Wayne Johnson 11610 - 53rd Ave. N. Plynxwth. I�+II�1 55442 Ja�nes L. P�eng ' 6 West Logan W. St . Paul , I+II�I 55118 5201 3rd Street 5230 3rd Street 5?31 3rd Street 5264 3rd Street 5261 3rd Street 5290 3rd Street 5291 3rd Street 5980 3rd Street 6051-3-5 3rd Street 5419 4th Street 5600-06 4th Street 5644 4th Street 5400 5th Street 5428 5th Street -7- 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 4 49.00 49.00 49.00 49.00 49.00 49.00 49.00 36 .00 3 36.00 4 36.00 4 36.00 7 36.00 4 36.00 4 36.00 - � � FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CtTY COUNCIL -- �ICENSES � 4 J August S. 1985 RESIDENTIAL RE�TAL PROPERTY LOCATION OF BUILOING UNITS FEE APPRC�1'ED BY Ro�coe 9nitt► 5451 Sth Street 32 89.00 R, H. Larson, FP�, 370 North Arm Lane Housing Insp. Mourrl, !QI 55364 l�enneth Frar�co 5612 7th Street 15780 - 125th Ave. N. Dayton, !Q3 55327 Sarr�e o�rr�er as abave 5640 7th Street Bigos Properties 215 53rd Avenue c�o Ted Bigos P.O. Box 22464 Rai�t�insdale, M�l 55422 Sarne a�mer as abave 305 53rd Ave�ue Clarence Rezac 251 57th Place Place North Properties 1315 Rice Creek Ri I� Fr idley, !�, 55432 Daniel S. 0'Neill 390 57th Place 390 - 57th Pl.t�, i2 Fridley, !�A] 55432 John G. elahoski 105 58th Avenue 895 Orange Av. E. St . Paul , !rW 55106 Wicklaw Properties 150 59 1/2 Way c/o Mr.John Ward 27 Grovel ard Z�err . I�ls, l�II� 55403 Fit Bar �terprises 151 59 1/2 Way 5217 Wayzata Blvd., �212 Mpls, MII�I 55416 Reshetar Systeas 1441 73rd Avenue Gary D. Reshetar/Mike Taylor 4707 Lyndale Ave. N. l�ils, !�l 55430 RHM Investrnent Cfl. 1619 73rd Avenue c,/o Z and S Mgmt. Co. 6005 wayzata Blvd. - St. Louis Park, I�T 55416 � 11 49.00 11 � 7 7 49.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 4 36.00 7 36.00 12 49.00 12 49.00 18 61.00 24 73.00 =j FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL alaGtlST 5, 1985 Herrick � Newman, P.A. 6279 University Ave. N. E. PYidley, IrN 55432 -- ESTIMATES For Legal Serviaes re: Pasc�ke Project as of July 3, 1985 . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 9nith, Juster, Fleikeaa, Malmon i Haskvitz 1000 II�6 Cleriter Minreap�lis, MI 55402 1,500.00 For Legal Servioes Rendered by City Acosecvtor for April, May, and Ju�e 1985 ...... $ 19,512.50 April, 1985 $6,950.00 May, 1985 6,512.50 Jtne, 1985 6.050.00 Iiickok & Associates 545 Indian i+btnd Wayzata, Minresota 55391 Moore Lake Restoratian Project II-Inspection II Professianal Servioes far Period Ending 6/30/85 ...$ 1,936.44 Moore Lake Restoratian Project II-E�c�neering II Prafessior�al Servioes far Period Ending 6/30/85 ...$ H 6 S Asphalt 700 Lxiustry Ave�ue Ar�oka, [rN 55303 38.71 Str eet Impr w enent Pr oj ect ST 1985-1 & 2 l�rtial Estimate No. 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 97,021.70 Hydroa�n, Inc. Box 129 North Branch, IrN 55056 Water & Sew►er Project #150 Rartial Estimate No. 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 23,762.45 doncrete (�rb Co. 771 Ladybi rd Larie Burnsville, IrN 55337 1985 Cbncrete C�rb, Q�tter and Sidewalk Project Fhrtial Estimate No.' 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 3,321.20 15 HERRICK & NEWMAN. P.A. �no�NCrs �T uw •t7� UNiV[Rf�T' AV[NUE N.[. , FRIOLEV. MINNESOTA SS4�2 r11�Y�1 C. MpRIC� �71.7�i0 DAV�O ►. M[wr�ti JAYp [ �CMY[CI(r[►[A VCH July 10, 1985 City of Fridley Civic Center 6431 liniversfty Avenue rartheast Fridley, MN 55432 PLEASE RETURN UPPER PORTION WITN PAYMENT iNVOiCE �'� fTA7EMENTf AnE DUF UWN RECCi�t �NTCR[6T w�ll <[ CMA�GEO � ON UN►A.O �Al/1NC[f AT TM[ R�T[ Oi � Oi 1� �CR YOMM 8�/07/10 Legal Services Including Reviea- 85/07/10 of Preliminary and Final Drafts 85/07/10 of the following documents: 85/07/10 Loan Agreement; Pledge 85/07/10 Agreement; Mortgage, Security 85/07/10 Agreement and Fixture Financing 8�/07J10 Statement; Disbursement 85/07/10 Agreement; Assignment of Rents 8�/07/10 and Leases; Subordination, 85/07/10 \ondisturbance and Attornment 8�/07/10 Agreement(s); Certificate as to 85/07/10 Incumbency, Proceedings, 85/07/10 tio-Default, No-Litigation and 85J07/10 other matters; Arbitrage 85/07/10 Certificate; Issuer's Statement 85/0,/10 of Election; Opinions of various 85/07/10 counsel; Attend Council Hearing 85I�7110 re Preliminary and Final 85/07/10 Approval re Paschke Project as 85/07/10 of July 3, 1985 85/07/10 I\��OICE N0. 349 (PASCHKEI T AL BALAtiCE DLE RE FEES: $1500.00 1500.00 �a � � 15A 3498 /76-1 . . iTATEMENT 15B iMITH, JUSTER, FEIKEMA, MALMON � HASKViiI ATTOqwEVSI►T LAw • 1000 I05 Center f?� n ee rttmry�m��t�,�� MINNEAPO(,IS, w11NNESOTA fS�01 i�f-1��1 �City of fridley b431 Unlversity Avenue N. E. frtdley. Minnesota 55432 Attention: Mr. Nas1m Qureshl. . L C1ty Manager car� OATE � •aa��a �a�vw� sw�� ►����w ��ew �ww �����w♦ � fUBUflBAN OFFICE ' FRIOLEv 1 J � SAVINCE t FOfiWAfi lEU fROM ASj 51/1TE NT 7-10-85 for legal serv�ces renc�ered as'�rosecutor ior the City ' of Fridley during June. 1985. Representation of City of Fridley in Court 1n Moka on 6-04-85, 6-11-85, 6-12-a5. 6-18-85, 6-25-II5 and 6-26-85 for 57 jury trials and on 6-13-85, 6-20-85 and 6-27-135 for 27 court trials 1n Columbia lteights. 91.5 hours. Preparation of 48 misdemeanor fornwl canplaints and 17 gross misdemeanor criminal complalnts and miscellaneous office and phone conferences Nith police and cltlzens. 27.5 hours. TOTAL TIME (ll8 hours) (June, 1985 Retainer) s1,650.00 s1,650.00 71me 1n excess of Retalner (8$ hours) 4,400.00 s6.05U.00 FOfiWAROEO fItOM LAST STATEMENT 7-10-85 For legal se�vlces rendered as Prosecutor for the City of Frldley during Apr11. 19f35. Representation of City of Fridley 1n Court in Moka on 4-02-85, 4-03-85. 4-09-85. 4-10-85. 4-16-85, 4-17-85. 4-23-85, 4•24-i35 and 4-30-85 for 99 jury trlals and on 4-11-85. 4-18-85 and 4-25-85 for 53 court trials in Columbia Heights. 108.5 hours. Preparatlon of 47 misdemeanor formal complaints and 18 gross misdemeaoor criminal complalnts and miscellaneous office and phone conferences wlth police and citlzens. 27.5 hours. TOTAL TIME (136 hours) (Apr11, 1985 Retainer) s1;650.00 s1.650.00 7ime in Excess of Retainer (106 hours} 5.300.00 • �6.950.00 FORWAROED ffiOM LAST STATEMENT 7-10-a5 For legal services rendered as Prosecutor for the City of Fridley during May, 1985. Representation of C1ty of Fridley in Court in Moka on 5-06-85. 5-07-85. 5-08-85, 5-14-85. 5-21-85. 5-22-85. 5-28-85 for 234 pre-jury trtal conferences and on 5-09-85, 5-23-85 and 5-30-85 for 32 court trials in Columbia �ieights. 96 hours. Preparation of 83 misdemeano� fornwl complatnts and 15 gross misdemeanor c�iminal complaints and miscellaneous office and phone conferences Nith poltce and citizens. 31.25 hours. TOTAL TIME (127,25 hoursj (May, 1985 Retainer� 51,650.00 51,650.00 Time in excess of Retainer (97.25 hours) 4,862.50 56,512.50 SMITH, JVSTEQ, FE�KEM/q, MALMON i HASKVITI ��tMrf�� At ���