08/19/1985 - 5183OFFIQAL QTY �NCIL 1�IIJDlA QXJNQI� 1�EETING At)GUST 19, 1985 FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING PLEASE SIGN NAME ADDRESS AND ITEM NUMBER INTERESTED IN NAME ADDRESS DATE: August 19, 1985 ITEM NUMBER -- ------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------- - - ------------------------ - -------------------------------------------------- 1, V �� V �^ / ' +/ r . � �Z�'/ .�Ih° . �L /�V���y� /✓./Ll/�-/ �� p %% -eirti.C�� �- j�� ( � �-at'.-l�-ec ,`7v-C w .t/ !� / ? � ' v = ".S —' �C,t,Yy,_ � ( e� - � L� FRIDLEY CI TY COUNCIL a �� Following are the "ACTIONS TAKEN" to be taken by the noted Departments. Please type your answers on the T1911 by Noon, August 28 (Disk 03, Directory 1, Category 26, Appropriate date) . Just replace "Action Needed" with "Action Taken", no need to print it out. Please call Mary Lu for any assistance needed. ------------------------------------------------------------------ CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION: Barbara Rocher, Human Resources Commission CITY MANAGER--ACTION TAKEN: Mailed Certificate APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Council Meeting, August 5, 1985 Minutes adopted as presented ADOPTION OF AGENDA: Adopted as Submitted OPEN FORUM, VISITORS: (Consideration of Items not on Agenda - 15 Minutes) No Response PUBLIC HEARINGS: Public Hearing on the Rev ocation of a Liquor License to Ralph S. Virgillo, Raffaele's Supper Club (8298 University Avenue N. E. ) . . . . . . . . . . . . No Action for 30 Days CENTRAL SERVICE--ACTION TAREN: No action will be taken for 30 days . . . . 1 - 1 D . Council Meeting, August 19, 1985 PURLIC HEARINGS (Continue : Pa ge 2 Public Hearing on Review of Changes to Chapter 205 and Chapter 6 of the Fridley Code - Zoning ....... 2- 2 X Public Hearing closed � � PUBLIC WORRS--ACTION TAREN: Consideration of First Reading of Ordinances on next agenda. OK OLD BUSINESS: Consideration of Second Reading of an Ordinance Under Section 12.07 of the City Charter to Vacate Streets and Alleys and to Amend Appendix C of the City Code (SAV �85-04, Heartland Corporation) . . . . . . . . 3 - 3 A Ordinance #840 Adopted PUBLIC WORRS--ACTION TAREN: Proceeding with vacation CITY MANAGER--ACTION TAREN: Published Ordinance in Fridley Focus Consideration of Second Reading of an Ordinance Amending Chapter 126 Entitled "Houses of Prostitution, Public Nuisance", Sections 126.02, 126.03, 126.04, 126.05, 126.06 an�3 126.07 . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Ordinance #841 Adopted CITY MANAGER--ACTION TAREN: Published Ordinance in Fridley Focus Consideratian of Variance Request to Reduce Curbing Setbacks, 1241-72nd Avenue NE, Determan Welding, by Richard Swanson (Tabled 8/5/85) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Variance approved PUBLIC WORRS--ACTION TAREN: Inf ormed appl icant of Council approval , _��„n,ci 1 Meeti ng, August 19, 1985 Page 3 nr r� nr�t�Tt+t'n� �!�/1T1��.�ue�.l� Consideration of Appointment to Human Resources Commission (Tabled 8f5/85j . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Tabl ed ' PUBLIC �WORRS--ACTION TAREN: Item placed on next agenda NEW BUSINESS: Receiving the Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting of August 7, 1985 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 - 7 Z A. Consideration of Special Use Permit, SP#85-09 to Allow Construction of a Second Accessory Building, a 24' x 20' Shed with an Attached Breezeway, 1341 - 64th Avenue NE, by John Rau....... 7- 7A Planning Commission Recommendation: Approval & 71 - 7K with Stipulations Council Action Needed: Consideration of Recommendation. . � Approved with stipulations PUBLIC WORRS--ACTION TAREN: Inf ormed appl icant of Council action with stipulations B. Consideration of Setting a Public Hearing on Final Plat, P. S. #85-03, Great Northern Industrial Center East, by Alfred Nelson (and Special Use Permit SP #85-08, Burlington Northern byJon Monson) ...................................... 7A - 7E Planning Commission Recommendation: Approval & 7L - 7P with Stipulations Council Action Needed: Set Public Hearing for September 9 , 1985 Set and approved PUBLIC WORRS--ACTION TAREN: Proceeding with setting up the .publ ic hearing f or September 9, 1985 Council Meeting, August 19, 1985 I�E�1 BUSINFSS (Co*�tinue (Planning Commission Minutes Continuec3) C. Item from Appeals Commission Meet�ng of July 23, 1985: Consideration of a Variance Request to Reduce the Setback of an Industrial Building to a Residential Building, 6951 Central Avenue NE, John J. Ripsin, Jr .................................. 7Q - 7T Appeals Commission Recommendation: Denial & 7U - 7Z Council Action Needed: Consideration of Re camm enda t i on Item tabled PUBLIC WORRS--ACTION TAREN: Item placed on next agenda for consideration Consideration of Setting Public Hearing Date to Consider Modifications to City of Fridley Housing Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Appr ov ed PUBLIC WORRS--ACTION TAREN: Public Hearing Set for October 7, 1985 Council Meeting Pa ge 4 . . . . . . 8 - 8 A Consideration of a Resolution Authorizing Changes in Appropriations for the General Fund, Revenue Sharing Fund, Cable TV Fund, Home Ownership Fund, and the HRA Fund for the Year 1984 ........ Resolution #64-1985 approved CENTRAL SERVICES--ACTION TAREN: Made changes in funds as approved . . . . . 9 - 9 C , Council Meeting, August 19, 1985 Page 5 NEW BUSINESS (Continued) Consideraton of a Resolution Authorizing Submission of the Grant Application an Execution of the Grant Agreement--Anoka Tri-City Alcohol Cou�termeasure (A . T. A. C. ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Resolution #65-1985 approved POLICE DEPARTMEN�-ACTION TAREN: Grant submitted to other cities for Council action. Clai m s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Appr ov ed CENTRAL SERVICE--ACTION TAREN: Paid claims Estimates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 - 12 L Appr ov ed CENTRAL SERVICE--ACTION TAREN: Paid estimates Licenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 - 13 R Appr ov ed CENTRAL SERVICE--ACTION TAREN: Issued Licenses ADJOURN: CouNC�� MEETING. Au�usT 19, 1985 ' : . :► �► ► � ii PAGE 2 PUBLIC HEARING ON REVIEW OF CHANGES TO CHAPTER 205 AND CHAPTER 6 OF THE FRIDLEY CODE - ZONING ....... 2- 2 X 1 / : ► CONSIDERATION OF SECOND READING OF AN ORD{NANCE UNDER SECTION 12.07 OF THE CITY CI�ARTER TO VACATE STREETS AND ALLEYS AND TO AMEND APPENDIX C OF THE CITY CODE (SAV �85-04, HEARTLAND CORPORATION). . . . . . . . 3 - 3 A CONSIDERATION OF SECOND READING OF AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 1L6 ENTITLED ��HOUSES OF PROSTiTUTION, PUBLIC NuisarvcE", SECTIONS 126.02. 12b.03, 126.04, 126.05, 126.06 Arvo 126.07 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 4a CON5IDERATION OF VARIANCE REQUEST TO REDUCE CUR3ING SETBACKS. 1241-72ND AVENUE NE. DETERh1AN WELDING. BY RICHARD SWANSON (TABLED 8/5/85) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 - 5G COUNCIL MEETING. AUGUST 19. 1985 1 1 : 1 •► ► � Pas� 3 CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENT TO HUMAN RESOURCES CoNwt � ss � oN (TaB�EO 8/5/85) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 ► . : ► '�1 RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE PLANNiNG COMMiSSION MEET I NG OF AUGUST 7, 1985 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 - 7 Z A. CONSIDERATION OF SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP�85-09 TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A SECOND ACCESSORY BUILDING. A 24' X 20' SHED WITH AN ATTACHED BREEZEWAY, 1341 - 64TH AVENUE NE. BY .JOHN RAU....... 7- 7A PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL 8 71 - 7K WITH STIPULATIONS COUNCIL ACTION NEEDED: CONSIDERATIO�J OF RECOMMENDATlON. B. CONSIDERATION OF SETTiNG A PUBLIC HEARING Ot� FINAL PLAT. P.S. �t85-03, GREAT NORTHERN INDUSTRIAL CENTER EAST. BY ALFRED NELSON (AND SPECIAL USE PERM�T SP �85-08. BURLINGTON NORTHERN BY �ON MONSON) ...................................... 7A - 7E PLANNING CONLMISSION RECOMMENDATION; APPROVAL b 7L - 7P WITH STIPULATIONS COUNCIL ACTION NEEDED: SET PUBLIC HEARING FOR SEPTEMBER 9. 1985 COUNCIL MEETIN6. AUGUST 19, i985 1 � • 1 •► ► � �PLANhING COMMISSION MINUTES CONTINUEO) C. ITEM FROM APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING OF JULY Z3. 1985: CONSIDERATION OF A VARIANCE RE�UEST TO REDUCE TNE SETBACK OF AN INDUSTRIAL BUILDING TO A;RESIDENTIAL BUILDING. 6951 CENTRAL AVENUE NE. JoHt� J. R�PS�N. JR .................................. 7Q - 7T APPEALS CONLMISSION RECOMMENDATION: DENIAL 8 7U - 7Z COUNCIL ACTION NEEQED: CONSIDERATION OF RECOMMENDATION PA�E 4 CONSIDERATION OF SETTING PUBLIC HEARING DATE TO CONSIDER MOQIFICATIONS TO CITY OF FRIDLEY HOUS I NG PLAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 - 8 A CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CHANGES fN APPROPRlATIONS FOR THE GENERAL FUND. REVENUE SHARING FUND. CABLE TV FUND. HOME OWNERSHIP FUND. AND THE HRA FuNQ FOR THE YEaR 1984 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 - 9 C COUNCIL MEETING. AUGUST 19. 1985 1 • : I► 1 •► ► � PAGE 5 CONSIDERATON OF A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SUBMISSION OF THE GRANT APPLICATION AN EXECUTION OF THE GRANT AGREEMENT--ANOKA TRi-CITY ALCOHOL COUNTERMEASURE (A.T.A.C. ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 CLAIMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 EST I MATES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 - 12 L L I CENSES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 - 13 R :1 �� : \ THE MINUTES OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF August.5, 1985 1. Tf� MIN[Ti'F,S OF T� RDG'�JI�R MEETII� OF Z� FRIDLEY CITY OOUNCIL OF AUG[)ST 5. 1985 �e Regular meeting of �e Fridley City Council was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Mayor Nee. PLIDC� OF ALLEGIANCE: _ Ngyor Nee 1ed the Cb�a�►cil and audienoe in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL • l�ENBII2S PRESII�]T: Mayor Nee, onuncilman Goodspeed, ��cilman Fitzpatrick, �uncilman Schneider and Co�mcilman Barnette NENBIIZ.S AB SENT • None APPROVAL OF MIN[TI'ES • OOUNCIL NIEETIIVG. JULY 15 , 1985 : Nl�TION by Councilman Schneider to approve the minutes as presented. Seoonded tr� Co�cilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, N�yor Nee declared the motion carried tmanimously. ADOFrION OF AGII�: NDTION by Coi.mcilman Barnette to ad�pt the agenda as presented. Sev�nded by ��cilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, I�yor Nee declared the motion carried �animously. OPEN FORUM. VISITORS• �here was no response fran the audienoe �nder this item of busiress. PUBLIC HEARINGS• NDTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to waive the reading of the public hearing notice and open the public hearing. Sewnded b� Cotulcilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearing operied at 7:37 p.m. Mr. I�hrk Burch, Assistant Public Works Director, stated this a vacation for a p�rtion of the University Service road west loopback at Holly Shopping Center. He stated this invalves only the portion around the site of the vnce exister� c$s station and the ease�nent running parallel to University Avenue woul.d renain. No persons in the audience spoke regarding this proposed vacation. NDT]DN by Co�cilman Fitzpatrick to close the public hearing. Seconded by Gb�mcilman Schneider. Up�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, I�hyor Nee declared -1- ��_ )�. I 1 • :. �!' _� � the motian carried umanimously and the public hearing closed at 7:38 p.m. C1I,D BUSII�SS • 2. URDINANCE 1�. 839 UNDER SECTION 12.07 OF THE CITY Ci�ER TO VACATE STREETS AND ALLEYS AI�ID � AME1�ID APPETIDIX C OF THE CITY CODE ( SAV #85-05 , TED C. SHIRI�EY) Mr. Mark Burch, Assistant Public Works Director, stated this vacation invalves an exchange a� property between Mr. Shirley and the City in order to provide a wider turning radius in �nj�ction with �e improvenent af 5th Street. NDTION by C��cilman Goaispeed to waive t�e seoond reading of Ordi nance No. 839 and acbpt it an the seoond reading and orc3er publication. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried tmanimously. �la:�i: i��1►�� 3. OONSIDERATION OF FIRST REI�DING OF AN ORDII�NCE UI�IDER SECTION 12.07 OF THE CITY C�ER TO VACATE STREErS AND ALLEYS AND TO AMEND APPENDIX C OF THE CITY OODE (SAV #85-04. I�'�ARTIAI�ID QORPORATIOI� (TABLE� 7/1S/85) : rDTION by Councilman Barnette to waive the reading and apprwe the ordir�nce upon first reading. Sewnded b� Co�cilman Schreider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, l�yor Nee 8eclared the motion �rried tuzani.mously. 4. QONSIDERATION OF FIRST RF�ADING OF AN ORDINANCE REOODIFYING TI� FRIDLEY CITY CODE BY AMENDING SECTIONS 126.02, 126.03. 126.04, 126.05, 126.06. AND 126 .07 • Mr. Herrick, City Attorr�ey, stated these prop�sed �nendnents are the results of suggestions made by Judge Lord. Mr. Herrick stated he felt the amenc�nents would make the ardinance less susceptible to a constitutional c�all enge. Nl�TION by Councilman Schneider to waive the reading and approve the ordinanoe u�pon first reading. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried ur�animously. 5. RECEIVING THE PRELIMINARY 1986 BUDGET AND SETTING Pi1BLIC HEARING FOR SEPTEMBER 9. 1985• I�. Qureshi, City Manager, stated this proposed preliminary budget represents an increase of 2.9$ over the 1985 budget. He stated the total gerieral fuid is $6,966,046 in additian to special revenve, debt servioe, and capital project ftnds. Mr. Qureshi stated no r�ew programs are being added and the City is, essentially, mairrtaining the servioes prwided in the 1985 budc�et. -2- • I�I 1 • i t •• M?TION by Cotmcilman Barr�ette to reoeive the 1986 prelimir�ry budget and 9et the publ ic hearing f or Septenber 9, 1985 . Sewnc3ed by Co�cilman Gooclspeed. Upon a vaioe vote, all vo�ting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried ur�animously. 6. RECEIVING TE� MINUPES OF Tf� PLA�NG QONA'IISSION MEErING OF JIJI�Y 17. 1985: 6-A. QONSIDERP,TION OF SPDCIAL USE PERMIT, SP #85-05 TO ALLaW EXTERIOR �RAGE OF MATERIAIS AAID EQUIPNIEN�, 7773-7779 RANCI�RS R(�D N.E.. BY DON 9CI-IIIJSSER• Mr. Burd�, Asst. Public Works Director, stated this is a request for a special use permit to permit �e outsic3e storage a� equipnent and materials at 7773- 7779 �nchers Road N. E. He stated the Planning Commission has reoommended approval of this request with the stipulation that the petitioner work with the City staff for additional landscaping to be c�omgl eted b� th e fal l o� 1985 . HDTD�N by Co�.mcilman Goocispeed to o�ncur with �e �nanimous recommendation of �e Planning Catmission�'and apprwe special use peimit, SP #85-05, with the stipulatian that the petitia�er work with the City staff for additional landscaging to be �mpleted b� the fall of 1985. Seconded by Councilman Barr�tte. TJp�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 6-B. �NSIDERATION OF IDT SPLIT RE4UEST, IS $85-05 T� SPLIT ONE I!)T INPO FOUR LOTS � BE USID FOR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENC�S. 6771-6781-6791-6795 BROOKVIEW DRIVE N.E. BY J.A. MEI�IICVELD & Mr. Burd�, Assistant I�iblic Works Director, stated this request is to split Lot 2� Block 1, Brookv iew Sewnd Addi ti on i nt o f our 1 ot s to be use d f or single fanily residenaes. He stated the P�.anning Commission reoommended appraval with t�e stipulation that the three �ark fees be paid and the lot split be re�rcied at the Co�mty befare building permits are issued. Mr. Burch stated the City would ask the petitioner 000perate with any proj ects alang 67th Avenue, as far as util ity ease�nents and assessnents. I�yor Nee questimed why the property was being split instead of platting it. N�. Burd� stated it would be quicker to spl it the lot rather than gl at it. Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, stated it seens to him the City's policy, in the past, has been to require a glat except where sameone had a parcel of land and wanted to split o�f or�e building site. He stated he dic�'t recall where a lot split was allaaed of a paroel for four building sites. He stated, hvwever , he i s not :�y i.ng th is cannot be done . Mr. Qureshi, C�ty Manager, stated the ordinance requires property can be split if �e legal description is simple. He stated, in this wse, the lot splits are quite easy to describe. He stated his only concern is that the proper utilities are prwided sinoe there are rb utilities to 9erve the two -3- r• 1 I�i / • • 1 � middle lots. He stated in order to build on these lots, it would be neoessary for the petitioner to provide utilities, and also to obtain a survey of �e four lots in order to get exact dimensiazs. 4he petitioner stated he was aware utilities had to be provided to 9ervice the lots. PDTION by Cotmcilman Goodspeed to ooncair with �e ulanimous recom¢nendation of the Planning Commission and approve lot split, LS �85-05, with the follaaing stipulatiazs: (1) three park fees be paid; (2) the lot spl it be reo�rded at the �tnty before building permits are issued; and (3) that final dimensions of the lots meet City code. Seoonded by Councilman Fitz�atrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motian carried imanimously. 6-C. QONSIDERATION OF IlJT SPLIT RE4UEST, LS �85-06 I�11�ID TO BE USED FOR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES. 4000 MAIN STREEr N.E.. BY EVELYN �RNELIUS• Mr. Burc�, Assistant Public Works Director, stated this is a request for a lot split in order to make an additional building site. He stated the Planning Comnissian revonmended apprwal with stipulations for p�yment of the park f ee; reoording of the lot spl it at the Co�ty; and f inal dimensions of the lat split meeting the City oode. Mr. Q�rnelius, the petiti�r�er, stated he would like to eliminate Parcel A fran this lat split. Cbtmcilman Fitz�trick asked if this was done, haw c1 ose the south wall of Mr .�r rel ius' hane woul d be to th e pr ope r ty 1 i ne . Mr. Q�rr�eli�.is stated it would meet the cvde requirements of ten feet. He also stated he would like the park fee deferred until such time as a building permit is issued. NDTION by Co�mcilman Fitzpatrick to ooncur with the uzanimous rec�onmendation of the Planning Commission and approve lot split, LS #85-06 with the follaaing sti�ulations: (1) park fee bev�nes due and payable if and when there is a building permit issued on Parael B; (2) the lot split be rewrded at the Co�nty before any building permit is issued or prior to October 15, 1985; and (3) the final dimensions of the lot split meet City code. Sewnded b� Co�mcilman Barnette. Mr. Qureshi, City Mar�ger, advised Mr. Cornelius that if the park fee is deferred, the aost may be different in the future in wmp�rison to what he would pay now. Mr. Cbrnelius stated he wasn't worried as he woulc�'t be the ane builcling on the lot. UPON A VOICE V(7I'E TAF�1 Q�l �iE ABQJE MJTION, all voted aye, and Mayor Nee declared the motian a3rried. 6�. R�'VIEW OF CF�NGFS � C�HAP�ER 205 ADID CI�PTER 6 OF TF� FRIDLEY CITY �DE-ZOIJING. AAID SEr PUBLIC HEARING FOR ALIGUST 19 , 1985 : NDTION by ��ncilman Scfir�ider to set the public hearing for August 19, 1985 -4- . • � ia� t • • r to review dzanges to Chapter 205 and Chapter 6 of the Fridley City Code. Se�nc3ed by Co�cilman Fitz�trick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, t�yor Nee declared the motion carried �animously. 6-E. ITEMS FROM APPF.Ai S apNff�lISSION MEbTING OF JULY 9. 1985 : � 1. OONSIDERATION OF VARIANCE UEST � INICRE�SE MAXIMUM PERCEN!' OF ARFA OF IOT TO BE OOVERED BY MAIN ArID ACCES90RY BUIIaI1�S. 4650 MAIN STREET N.E.. M.J. KEEFE: Mr. Burch, Asst. Public Works Director, stated this varianoe is requesked to increase the maxim�n lot area ooverage in order to add additional office spaoe. He stated the Appeals Commission reoommended approval of the varianoe with the stipulation that a 15 foot bikeway/walkway easement be dedicated along Main Street. M�T�1 by �umcilman Fitzpatrick to c�oncur with ti�e �nanimous revonmendatian of the Appeals Conunission and grant a variance to increase the maximiun peroerYt of the area o�f a lot to be �vered tr� main and accessory buildings fran 40$ to 41.45$ at 4650 N�in Street, with the stipulation that the aaner dedicate a 15 foot bikeway/walkway easement along Main Street over an al ready exi sti ng util ity easement. Seooncied by Councilman Goodspeed. Up�n a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried una nimously . E-2. CONSIDERATION OF VARIANCE REQLJES'r � REDLICE UIRID SErBAQC FOR CURBING FROM 5 FEET Zt? 2 FEET FROM THE MAIN BUILDING. AAID FRC)M ALL PROPEl�l'Y LII�.S. 1241 72I�ID AVENUE N E. BY RICF�RD SWAN90N• Mr. Burch, Assistant Public Works Director, stated the petitioner is requested a varianc� to reduoe the required setback for curbing from five feet to two feet in order to allow for better maneuverability of large trucks on this site. Mr. Burch stated staff has been working with Mr. Determan to bring his property up to c�ode and a developnent agreement was prepared. It was staff's suggestian this agreenent be a stiFulation of the varianoe. I�h. Zbm Detennan, represeryting Determan Welding and Tank Service, stated they are in agreenent with �e issu�e to o�rnrert the existing ditch to pipe culvert s�stem with desicp�s appra�ed b� the City and Rice Creek Watershed District. He stated, hawever, far then to acoept all future responsibility f� the maintenanoe and reglac�nent was tnfair. Mr. Burch stated the develognent agreenent indicates Determan Welding would install and mairYtain the wlvert for a ten year period. He stated these plans are �ntingent �on ap�prwal by the Rice Creek Watershed District. Mr. Qureshi stated if they propose to install the piping at thei r own expense aocording to the CYty's and the Watershed District's standards, and mairrtain it far ten years, he felt this was fair. -5- COiINCZL MEEI'ING OF AUGOST 5, 1985 1�. Qureshi asked if the additional property they will be able to use, as the result of installing the giping, is alI on their land. Mr. Burch stated part of this property is owned i,x Harstad's. He stated he believed Mr. Determan and the property awner to the west have been in negotiati�s far �e property. Mr. Zbm Determan stated this property in question has multiple owners invalved and in order to even start proceedings to purchase additional property, it required at least $2,000. Mr . Qurest�i asked haa th ey pr opose to go on someone el se' s 1 and w ith out their permissim. I�. DeteYman stated they would�'t put in the p�pe, ulless they can buy additional property. Councilman Schneider stated if it was possibl e to obtai n addi ti onal progerty, then the variance may not be reeded. Mr. Determari stated if thEy purchase additianal land, the property on the west side would be used for enpla�ee Farking. Mr . Qureshi suggested perhaps there should be some addi ti onal inf ormati on sut�nitted so this iten be tabled. PDTION by Councilman Schneider to table oonsideration of this variance request until the riext meeting and direct staff to provide further information and work with the petitioner to identify other possible alternatives rather �an a varianoe. Seaonded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voiae vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried tula nimously . NpTION by Councilman Schneider to receive the minutes of the Planning Gomnissian meeting of Jul.y 17, 1985. Seo�nded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voiae vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 7. RDCEIVIlJG THE MINUI'ES OF THE CABLE TEI,EVISION QOA'AIISSION MEETING OF JULY 18, 1985: MJTION by Councilman Schneider to receive the minutes of the Cable Tel�visian C�rcnissicm meeting of July 18, 1985. Seoonded by Councilman Bar�tte. Upon a voioe vote, aIl voting aye, l�yor Nee declared the motion �rried imanimously. 8. QpNSIDERATION OF SIGN PLAN FOR 5301 EAST RIVER ROAD FOR EAST RIVER ROAD BUSINESS CEIJ�ER• Mr. Burc�, Assistant Public Works Director, stated the East River Road Busir�ess Center has submitted their sign plan which meets all the code requiranents. I�e stated, basically, there are two kinds of signs, one for major t,enants and another for minor tenants. Mr. Burch presented colored photos of the proposed sic�s. rDTION by Co�cilman FitzFatrick to appra�e the sicpl glan for the East River -6- �J� � i� � • � � r� Road Busir�ess Ckriter at 5301 East River Road N. E. Seconded by Councilman Goaispeed. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, I�yor Nee declared the motian carried �u�animously. 9. �-SIDERATION OF AN AGREII� BE'IWEEN Tf� CITY OF FRIDLEY AND ANOKA COUNTY �9MMUNICATIONS WORKSHOP, INC. TO PROVIDE CERTAIN SERVICES TO FRIDLEY RFSIDENrS • NDTD�N by ��u►cilman Schrieider to authorize the Mayor and City Manager to enter into this agreement between the City and the Anoka County �cm�nicatiais Workshop, Inc. Seoonded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 10 . RE�90LiTrION I�. 62-1985 � APPf�C7VE AN ENERGY PRUGRAM A1�ID AUTHORI ZE THE �ITY OF FRIDIEY TO ADVERTYSE FOR BIDS F'OR A HOUSE DOC'POR 0(7N�RACP�R• Mr. Burcfi, Assistant Public Works Director, stated the City has been working with Minnegasoo and Northern States Power rn enerc� progra�ns. He stated the house doctor �xogran is f�nded b1r Minn�egasao where a personal energy audit is made c� hQnes and reaomnendations and repairs are made to the ho�ne. He stated Northern States Power's oontributian is through neighborhood energy workshops and three have been sc�eduled this fall whic� a�noentrate m three r�ei�borhoods in the aenter part of the City. Gbi,ncilman Schneider asked if other residents oould garticip3te if they don't live in these reighborhoods. Mr. Burch stated they are initially starting in these Farticular �ic�borhoocls, but if you 1 ive outside these areas where the w�kshops will be oonchicted, you would be weloane to attend. He further stated the house cbctor progra�n is City-wide. O��cilman Sd�neider also felt that Anoka Community Action Program, Inc. should be aware o� what is being done in these programs in order to avoid any c�uplicaticn of servioes. NDTD�N by ��cilman Schneider to adopt Resolutirn No. 62-1985. Seooncied tr,� �Lmcilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, l�yor Nee declared the motian �rried unanimously. 11. RF.90LITrION NO 63-1985 APPROVING IAT SPLIT $85-02. FOR PARKING AND BUILDING EXPANSION. 6161 HIGHWAY 65 N.E.. ST. ANI'fiONY VILLAGE CENrER: Mr. Burch, Assistant Riblic Works Director, stated the Shorewood Inn has been working with Mr. Saliterman to obtain additional property to expand their parking facilities. He stated plans have been worked out for this area invalving sosne c3�anges and imprwenerits far 13�e site. He submittea a si te pl an f or the Shor aaood Inn. Mr. Herrick, CYty Attorr�ey, asked if they are prooeeding with both Phase I an phase II. Mr. Laaell Airas of Milo Architects°`and Engineers (representing Shorewood -7- • I�i • • !'� Inn) stated they are prooeeding with Phase I only and planning to add to the kitc�en area, close in the ala�ve that is now open and add 35 to 40 more dining seats with an outside seasonal deck. He stated, in the future, whid� will require additia�al parking, they glan the additian of a banquet wing, pius extensive iriteriar renodeling. O�incilman Sc�r�eider asked if they w�exe aware c� the park fee to which they answered in the affinnative. NDTITJN by Cotncilman Sc�neider to ad�pt Resolution No. 63-1985. Sea�nded b� Cbu�cilman Barnette. Up�n a voioe vote, a11 voting aye, IN�yor Nee declared the motiaz carried unanimously. 12. RECEIVING RESZt3�TI0N OF BARBARA KOCHER FFtOM TI� HIJMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION ADID APPOINI'I�'Nr TO HUMAN RES�URCE5 OONiMISSION: NDTUJN by Q�taicilman Schr�eider to reaeive the resic�natian of Barbara Kocher fran �e Hunan Resources Commission. Seoonded by Councilman Goodspeed. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unatzimously. M�TION by Councilman Barnette to table this appointment. Seconded by Gb�cilman Gooclspeed. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, I�yor Nee declared the motim c�rried �manimously. 13. C�,AIMS: NDTD�N by CAtncilman Fitzpatrick to authorize payment of Claims No. 3681 through 4018. Seoonded by Gouncilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, l�yor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 14 . LIC'ENSES • NDTION by �uncilman Barnette to apprave the lioenses as sul�nitted and as on file in the Livense Qerk's Offioe. Se�nded b� Ootmcilman Sc3�rnider. Up�n a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. � 15 . EST IldATES • NDTD�1 by O�uncilman Schrieider to apprwe the estimates as suls�itted. Herrick & Newman, P.A. 6279 University Ave. N. E. FYidl ey, NN 55432 For Legal Serviaes re: Pasd�ke Project as of July 3, 1985 . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1,500.00 9nith, Juster, Feikena, N�lmai & Haskvitz 1000 ID6 C�nter Minneap�lis, NN 55402 � � / , �� I.'M 1 • i!� Fbr Legal Servioes Rendered by City Prosecutor for April, l�y, and J�ne 1985 ...... $ 19,512.50 April, 1985 $6,950.00 I�y, 1985 6,512.50 Juze, 1985 6 ,050 .00 Hickok & Associates 545 Indian Motuid Wayzata, I�nryesota 55391 Moore Lake Restor ati ai Pr oj ect II-Inspecti a� II Prafessiasal Servioes far i�riod Ending 6/30/85 ...$ 1,936.44 M�ore Lake Restoration Project II-��neering II Prafessimal Servioes far F�riod Ending 6/30/85 ...$ x&s�alt 700 Industry Avenue Anoka, M�l 55303 38.71 Str eet Impr w enent Pr oj ect ST 1985-1& 2 � � l�rtial Estimate No. 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 97,021.70 Hydroann, Inc. Box 129 Nor th B ranch, NN 55056 Water & Sewer Proj ect #150 Fartial Estimate No. 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 23,762.45 O�ncrete Curb Co. 771 Ladybi rd Lane Burnsville, NN 55337 1985 Gbncrete Curb, Gutter and Sidewalk Project F�rtial Estimate No. 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 3,321.20 Se�nded b� Oouncilman Fitz�trick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, A�yor Nee declared the motian carried �animously. ADJOURNMENr• M�TION by Councilman Schneider to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by ��ncilman Barrette. Up�n a voioe vote, all vating aye, lrhyor Nee declared the moti on carried tmanimously and the Regul ar Meeti ng of th e Fr i dl ey Ci ty �ulcil c� August 5, 1985 adjourned at 8:45 p.m. Respectfully sutmitted, -9- �„� � i�1 • � � r L•,� Carale Haddad William J. Nee Secretary to the I�yor C� ty �tazcil � � CITY OF FRIDLEY MEMORANDUM T0: NASIM M. QURESHI, CITY MANAGER FROM: SID INMAN� DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL SERVICES SUBJECT: RAFFAELE'S LIQUOP.. F000 AND ENTERTAINMENT LICENSE OATE: AUGUST 1, 1985 As you are aNare, we were informed by the State of Minnesota early in the year not tu issue a license to Raffaele's due to the fact that they were behind in their taxes to the State. Shortly after receiving that documentation, I reteived a call from the Fie1d Officer of the Department of Revenue who verbally okayed the issuance of the licenses. I have now been inforried by the Minnesota Department of Revenue that in fact while the taxes were paid, the checks were not good. Therefore, Raffaele's is still in violation of the Minnesota Statute 270.72. They have directed me to instituate procedures to rera ve the license. I have called Mr. David P. Newman, City Attorney's office, end he concurs that we should proceed with the revocation process and will be forwarding a tir�e line to �e for our review. Please be aware of the fact that I have contacted Raffaele's and informed ther^ that we will be taking this action and recomr�ended that they call the State Department of Revenue in order to correct the situation prior to the City removing their license. SCI:sh cc: Karen B. Swanberg, Tax Examiner Ellen Duncan. License Clerk . �;^ �� CITY OF FRI DLEY CI�'ICCE:�TF:R • �*s?I l'\i\'ERSITI'A�'E.n.E FltIDLEI'.,11!�tiESOTA55-33' • PHOKE:thl_��'I-�.s�ii �ugust 2, 1985 Mr. Ralph S. Virgillo Rai'faele's Supper C1Lb 829e Ur.iversity Aver.ue Forthea�t Fridley, Kinnesota 5:�32 Dear Mr. Yirgillo: The Departmer.t of Revenue has informed the City of Fridley that you are currer.tly in violation of Minnesota Statute 270.72 wh:ch reqcires that all St�te ar�d local taxes be paid prior to the issuar,ce of the liquor licenses. You ahould be auare of the fact that if in fact this 1� the case, yoL are als� in violation of Cit}• of Fridley City Code, Chapter 6C3.09� which also requires that all tax oDliga:ions De pa�d prior to the issuance of 2 liquor licer.se. Based on the sDove facts, tt�e City of Fridley is hereCy� notiryir,E yoL ttat ve are instituting precedures to revoke your licerse Da�e� on Sectior. 6Q3.18 of the City Code and this letter serves as xr:tter. r.ctice to you of Lrat fact. Please De atiare that on RuEust 19, 1g65 at Lhe re�:lar City Council meetir.s at 7:30 in the Cit�• Hall of the City of Fricley, N.ir,nesota, there vi21 De a puClic hearirg to deter�ine whether or not the City c� FriCley sra:l revoke yoLr liquor lieer.se. Ye are askir.� for ycur atter.dar,ce and De preF�re� to discusES the particular charges. If yoL tave any questions re6a^dir.g Lhis aetter, please feel free to call me or hs. Rarer. SWar.berg of the Y.ir,nesota DeFartaent cf Fever.ue. I voLld encourage yoL to consi:lt xitt, ar. attorr,ey atoLt yoLr lE€�1 right_ ir. this matter. It yoL fail to atter.� ttis hea.�:r.E, thE City �ay i�e�iately revoke yoLr licer.se. Sincerely. Sidr.ey C. Ir�ar. Lirector of Ce�tral Service� SCI:�� ec: M.r. Nasis H. Qureshi, City rar.sger City Council k.r. Karer Sl:anberg, Tax Ex�iner !'.r. Virg:l C. Fierrick, City 6ttorney 3/G��/6 1A ��° - � CITYOF FR! DLEY CI\'IC CE:�TI.R • h.� �l t �l�'ERS1T1' A�'E. n.E. FRIDLEI'. !�111tiESOTA �S-t?: • PHOf�E i61_► �' I�?s�u ♦ugust 2. 1985 Ns. 1Caren Sxanberg, Tax Exatiner N.ir.nesota Deyart¢er.t of Rever.ue Special Procedures Group Tax Co�Fliance Livisior, Cer�ter.nlal Office Building 65E Cedar St. PaLl, N.ir.ne�ota 551C1 Dear Raren: Attached is a copy of the notif'ication that we have giver. to AaJ'faele's Restaurant reEarcir.g the revocation of the liquor licer.se. Tt�e City Attorney� Mr. Davic P. I�evaar.� has ir.structe� me tc vrite yoL a letter ar.� ask trst ycL preser.L to the City prior to t1:e AuF�st 1y� 198; he2rir.E xritter. doc�er.taticn of tbe ncr.�.ay�er.:., Sncludir� the asoLnt anc the type of taxes not pai�. He a:sc War.te� me to infor� you tr.at you or a me�t-er of staff aay De called upor. to er.ter oral testisony at that time. Please let ae kr.ac if tii� is a =rct�ec ar.d if yoL ar.�• que�tions regar�ir.g Lr.i� matter. Sincerely. Si�ney C. Ir�ar. Director of Certral Service� SCI:sL ec: r.r. fiasic Y.. Quresii� City l�S�r�ger Ciiy Cour.cil !'.r. Y:rg�l C. HerricY,� C:ty Attorr,ey 3/G/2/25 1B r (, 1 \ CITY OF FRIDLEY � ' M E M 0 R A N D U M � ', � T0: ALL DEPARTMENT HEADS FROM: SID INMAN, DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL SERVICES SUBJECT: LICENSES FOR RAFFAELES SUPPER CLUB, INC. DATE: MARCH 7, 1985 I have attached copies of "Notices of Denial for Tax Clearances" I received from the State of Minnesota for Raffaeles Supper Club, Inc. notifying the City that Raffaeles Supper Club, Inc. may not be issue or renew any licenses. Please do not accept any fees or renew/issue any licenses for Raffaeles Supper Club, Inc. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please give me a call. SCI:sh Attachments 1C 1D STATE OF MINAtESOTA DEPARTMENT OF REVENDE TO: CityHall N OTICE 6431 University Ave. I�E Fridley, Mr 55432 O F D E N I A L RE: Raffeeles Supper Club, Inc. F O R T A R , 8298 li ni versity A ve. Fridley, b:h 55432 C L E A R A N C E Minnesota Identification rurr,ber: 5903659 Type or Nart�e of License: Food Establishment License Renewal Date: hiey 1, 1985 Please be edvisea that the above named taxpayer has not cocnplied with 1he requirerr�ents of ll:innesota Statutes 290.92 and 297A. . ?herefore, pursuent to the provisions of i�;innesota Statutes 1984, Chapter 502, Article 8, Section 2(270.?2) (Tax Clearance; Issuance of Licenses), you are hereby notified that any license for the above naa�ed taxpayer may not be issued or rene�ed until such tin�e es a tax clearance certificate is issued from the Department of Revenue prior to the renew�al date of the license. The taxpayer has been advised of this action and has been given the opportunity to con,ply with the statutory requiren,ents or protest this action by requesting a hearing before the Office of Administretive Heerings. You will be notified of the final deterrr�inalion. Sineerely, �'� � ���,�.� haren B. Sw�anberg, Tax Exeminer Niinnesota Departn,ent of Revenue Special Proced�es Group Tax Cort.pliance Division tiBS:Pcek:G irEND 7D: Jahn Flora, Public Works Director I�END FROM: Janes Robinson, Planning Coordirr�tor rEND nATE: July 24, 1985 R�ARDING: Changes Made to the Zoning Code Attached is a oop� o� the ci�anges made to CY�apter 6, Commissions, and Chapter 205, Zoning Code o� the City Code. Basically, the d�anges invalved clarifying areas of confusion within the code and o�rrecting typoc�aphical errors. �ese c3�anges were reviewed b,� Kay Erickson, Legal Intern, before going to the July 17, 1985 Planning Catanission meeting where they were approved with some minor revisions whic� are included in your oopies. It would be appropriate for the City CAt�cil to re�riaa these dzanges at their August 5, 1985 meeting and also set a public hearing f�r their August 19, 1985 meeting. JLKIsk C-85-63 2 2A PLANNING COMMISSIDN MEETING, JULY 17, 1985 5. PAGE 11 Mr. Robinson stat d this lot was located just west of Main St, and south of 40t; Ave. The prop al was to take the existing lot and split it into three sections. He state � taff would recommend the following stipulations Zf the lot split was approved� (1) park fee; (2) the lot split be recorded at the County prior to any bui�.ding permit beinv issued or prior to Oct. 15, 1985; •(3) finalsurveyed dimens�Qns of lot split meet city code. MOTION BY MR. MIN1t�N, SECOND�D BY MR. SIELAFF, TD RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF LOT SPLIT REj?UEST�`,��1L"""""".S. M85-06, BY EVELYN CORNELIUS, TO SPLIT THE EAST HALF OF IAT 1� AUDITOR'S �DIVISION NO. 39 IN41D THREE SECTIONS, ONE SECTION BEING THE NORTH 20 FEET F THE EAST XALF OF LOT 1, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISIDN NO. 39 TO BE ADDED TO LOT 4, BLOC 1, WILSON ADDITION, THE SECOND SECTION BEING TXE SOUTH 75 FEET OF TNE NDRTH 95 ET OF THE EAST HALF OF LOT 1, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 39, AND THE TNIRD S TIDN BEING TNE SOUTH 90 FEET OF THB EAST HALF OF IAT 1, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION , 39, ALL TO BE USED FOR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES, THE SAME BEING 4000 !/AIN S EET N.E., WITN Tt1E FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS: 1. PARK FEE 2. THE LOT SPLIT BE RECORDED AT TNE IS ISSUED DR PRIOR TO OCT. 15, 19 3. FINAL DIMENSION OF IAT SPLIT MEET UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CHAIRP CARRIED UNAItiIMDUSLY. TY BEFORE ANY BUIL�ING PERINIT CODE. OQUIST DECLARED THE MOTION Mr. Oquist stated this would go to City Council on Aug. 5. REVIEW OF CHANGES TO CHAPTER 205 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE - ZONING: Mr. Robinson stated these were changes that had to be cleaned up in the code. He stated he would review the changes page by page with the Commission. Pa�e 55 & 71 Under 205,07.5.A(3) and 205.21.7.A(2), Parking Requirements, the Commissioners agreed that the words "filed by the City" should be added to the sentence. Page 56 Under 205.07.6.D(2), Drainage and Grade Requirements, the Commissioners recommended the Engineering Staff relook at the maximum scope (grade) as they felt maybe the 1:10 (lp%) grade was too restrictive. Paqes 61L 53, 64, 5b, 67, 69 - Uses Permitted with a Special Use Permit Mr. Robinson stated that at this meeting, they had recorrmended approval of a special use permit for screened exterior storage of materials. He asked if the Cormission felt a special use permit should be required for exterior storage of materials and equipment that is screened or just be required for unscreened exterior storage. 2B PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, JULY 17, 1985 PAGE 12 The Comnissioners agreed this was a concern and Staff should do a little more research into this. Some factors that might be considered are (1) adjacent land use; (2) size of storage area; and (3) visibility from right of way. Mr. Robinson stated the City Building staff was recommending that in R-3, all comnercial and all industrial zoning, concrete curb and gutters be required in �the parking lots. They have done some investigation and it has been found that the gutter portion is really not any more expensive because it is laid with a machine. The City feels this would be a good requirement to have. The Comnissioners agreed with this requirement. MOTIO.N BY MS. GABEL� SECONDED BY MR. KONDRICK, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL THE APPROVAL OF THE CXANGES TO CHAPTER 205 OF TNE FRIDLEY CITY CODE — ZONING ALONG WITH TNE RECOMMENDED CHANGES AS DISCUSSED ABOt�E BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION. UPOA' A VDICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE—CXAIRPERSDII' OQUIST DECLARED TNE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. RECEIVE JUNE 6, �985, HUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION MINUTES: ---� MOTIDA' BY MR. MINT 'V, SECONDED BY MR. KONDRICK, TO RECEIVE THE JUNE 6, 1985, HUMAIv RESOURCES COM SSION MINUTES. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE—CHAIRPERSON OQUIST DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNAIJIMOUSLY. 7. RECEIVE JUWE 10, 1985, EN GY PROJECT COMr�1ITTEE MINUTES: MOTION BY MR. SIELAFF, SECON�F,'D.BY MR. WELLAIJ, TO RECEIVE TXE JUNE 10, 1985, ENER�' PROJECT COMMITTEE MIRUTE� UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AY� VICE—CXAIRPERSON OQUIST DECLARED THE MOTIDN CARRIED UNA1tiIMDUSLY. 8. RECEIVE JUNE 11, 1985, COMMUNITY DEV`�LOPMENT COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTIOlV BY MR. OQUIST, SECONDED BY MR. NTON, TD RECEIVE THE JUNE I1, 1985, COMMUNI2'Y DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MINUTE . UPON A VOZCE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, V N10TION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 9. RECEIVE JUNE 13, 1985, HOUSING & REDEVEL RPERSON OQUIST DECLARED THE T AUTHORITY MINUTES: PIOTION BY MS. GABEL, SECONDED BY MR. KONDRICIct„ TO RECEIVE THE JUNE 13, 19E5, HDUSIhG 6 REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES. , UPDA' A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE—CHAIRPER�ON OQUIST DECLARED TNE MOTIOIJ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4 G � :� � \ ar�anission shall aet a date for hearing thereon and shall hear such persons as want to be heard, either in person or by agent or attorney. Notioe of such hearing shall be mailed not less than ten (10) days before the date o� hearing to the person or �ersons who file the aFpeal, ano to all adjacent property owners within a 200 foot distance of the requested variance location. Within a reasonable time after the hearing, the Appeals Catursttee shall make fts reoa�nenaations or appravals s�ject to vonaitions of Section 6.07.6; ann forwarn a oop� af such reoo�ranendation or apprwal to the City Qo�ci1 through the Plaru�ing Cc�anission. 6. Varianoes in 1�1 Zoning. In resi3ential (R-1 ZAning) areas the Appeals Commission has the authority to approve variunces when all the follawing conditions are met: A. �here is �aninbus agreenent of the Appeals �mission. B. Zhe staff ooncurs with the recommen6ation of the Appeals �sssion. C. �e general public attennin9 the meeting or responding to the notice of public hearing have no objection. D. Zhe petitioner is in agreenent with the reaonIIner�tion. When the above �nditions are not met, the variance�request must be chunneled through the normal variance procedure for final aFproval by the City Council, with a policy review by the Planning CoaQnission. 7. Reoord of Action Taken. A. �he Appeals OarQnission shall provide for a recorn of its grocaeecing which shall include the minutes of its meeting, its finci.ings and the rec�onIInendation or aFpraval on each matter heard by it, subject to the oonciition of Section 6.07.6. B. The Commission recommendation or approval shall be in writing anci shall oontain a f inning of f�ct as to: (1) The public p�licy which is served by the require�ent. (2? The practical difficulties or unic,ue circ�stances of the property that cause undue hardship in the strict apgl ication of the requi re�ent. (3) Any oonditions that attach to the varianoe. 8. Action of the C+o�cil. �he tb�cil shall at its next regular meeting af ter receiving the reoaanendation of the P.�peals Co�nission with a p�licy review by the Planning Ca�Trsssion, decide on the action to be taken. 9. Lapee of Variance by Norz-use. Whenever within one (1) year after granting a variance, the recipient of the variance shall not have ,�or:r..enced the work as peu;,ittea by the variance, then such variance shall beoome null and voin unless a petition for extension of time in which to complete the work has been grar.ten by the oomnission. Such extension sr�all 6.0�. 2C 6-7 20. Dwelling. A residential building, or portion thereof, but not incl uding hotels, motels, boarding, roaning or la3ging houses, recreational vehicles or tents. . 21. Dwelling, Multiple. A building or p�rtion thereof desic�ed for occugancy by two (2) or more t�nil ies 1 iving indepen�ently of each other. 22. Dwellireg, One-Fa�ily. A c3etached building desic�ed exclusively for occupancy by one (1) faQrily. 23 . Dwell ing, RW�F�ily. A building desic,g�ed exclusively for occupancy by two (2) families living indepenoently of each other. 24. Dwelling Dnit. A single �it praviding oomglete inciepenc3ent living f acil ities f or one (1) or more persons includ,ing peananent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, 000king and sanitation. 25. F'aanily. An individual or two (2) or more persons related by t�lood, marriage or anoption, including foster children and bonaf iae domestic servants, subject to the follawing oonditions: A. Abre than five (5) unrelaten persons living in a dwelling unit shall not constitute a fanily. B. P. groLp home which is a federal tax exempt nonprof it organization shall not oonstitute a fa�ily if the total persons other thar, the live-in staff or princi�l occup�r►t exceecis f ive (5) . 26 . Garage, Beavy Duty Re�.i r. A place where najor repair of motor vehicles is conoucted for ve}-,icles licensed at category "G" or above or similar weight equi�ment. 27. Garage, Private. An acoessory building or acoessory p�rtion of the principal building which is used to store motor vFhicles or other personal property of the resicrent. 28. Garage, Public. A building used for the sale of r�ew or useci motor vehicles or where motor vehicles are garkeci or storec for a re; uneraticn or where motor vehicles are repaired within the structure as a service ac�cess�ry to the mair. use. 29. Garage, Repair. A plaoe where major repair of motor vehicles is oonductea, including engine rebuilding or reo�nditioning and c�ollision servioe incl uding boc��, frane or fenoer straightening and overall painting of mctor 205.03.29. 2 � 205-4 F. Eas�nents for bicycle ways shall be pcovided on those lots desic�iatea along trail �rriaors as noted in the City's Bicycle Way Plan. �e City will designate the required width of e,a�ents and elevations for grades at the time a building is aonstructed on the pcoperty. �e bicycle way shelf will praiide the owner with an app�oximate finish grade for a bicycle way. G. Where the front yard setback of existing buildings is //within a distance of 100 feet on b�th sides of a structure to be erecten ano is more// g�si�,L than the minimiun front yard eetback reouired and said ex�Gt�na bu��d��as are with?n one tlLn�rF'Q i1�Q) fE�P_t OII either slde �f d�tructi�rp tn be erected. then the 9etback for //such a building// thp ne�a str�ctLre can be six (6) feet more or less of this mean c3epth of ttL adiacent structures but in no case shall it be less than the required f ront yaro setback. =n the case where one of the ad ja n pro�xrties is va �ht� an ass�med setback of thirtv-five (35) fePt wi 1 1 � �- �. H. In oomputing the depth c� a rear yard for any building where the rear lire of the lot adjoins an alley, are half (1,/2) of the width c� the alley may be included as rear yard depth, provioed that the actual rear yard depth on the lot shall not be less than twenty (20) feet in any residential district and not less than twenty-five (25) feet in any other district. I. Ab land shall be alterea ann no use shall be pennitted that results in water r�m-off causing flooding, erosion or deposits of minerals on adjaoent properties. Storntwater run-off f ro[n a developed site will leave at no greater rate or lesser quality than the stormwater run-off from the site in an undeveloped oondition. Stormwater run-off shall not exceed the rate of rtm-off of the �c3e�veloped land for a 24 hour storm with a 1 year return frequency. Detention facilities shall be designed for a 24 hour storm with a 100 year return frequency. All nui-off shall be p�roperly channeled into a storm drain water oourse, p4nding area or other public facility desic�ed for that purpose. Any change in grade affecting water run-off onto an adjaoent property must be apprwed by the City. J. Z9�e stanciards establisheo herein serve, a¢nong the other purposes of this �apter, to pravic3e each structure located on ar�� land, a building site suitable .:o its particular neec3s as well as aciea,uate areas of oper: spaoe between ti-,at structure and any adjaoent building, and as cleened suitable or aFpropriate to each building or structure and thei r respective uses. It is also deened a purpose herein to provide standards which encourage uses of land and the erection of buildings anci structures in areas which are open, unplatted or without any substantial nunber af buildings locateci therein, as are of a type, size, style and aesic� as are c3eeneci by ti,e City and its inhabitants to meet the needs and the purposes of residential, oa�nercial or industrial uses; and, to enarle an aar�er tc make a reasonahle use o� a paroel of land reoorcied or apprcyven prior to the enactment of this Chapter and is therefore, smaller or different in type, size, style or desi� f ror.�. that otherwise 205.04.4. 2 E 205-13 205.04.7. 2 F (2) On the primary structure, chimneys, flues, belt oourses, sills, pilasters, lintels, ornamental features, oornioes, eaves, bays, autters anci other simil ar projections are pennitted, pravidec3 that they do not extend more than two (2) feet into the required yard anc3 in no instance in the residential districts, any nearer than three (3) feet fran the lot liu�e. '(3) Decks, unenclosed porches, canogies and steps to building entrances may exten3 not more than ten (10) feet into ariy required front or rear yaro setback anci not more than three (3) feet into ar�� required side yaro, provided they do not extend nearer than five (5) feet to any lot 1 ine. (4) On existing structures, vestibules may extend not more than f ive (5} feet into the required yarias prwiaen they are only one (1) story and cb not exceed f if ty ( 50 j squa re f eet. (5) Open work fire baloonies and fire escapes may extend not more than one and one-half (1-1/2) feet into the requirea yaro. (6) A fe�ce boraering side and rear lot lines shall be no more than seven (?) feet in height in any residential district or eight (8) feet in height in any other nistrict. (7) A fence, wall or ar�� natural hedge or closely planteci vegetation that forms a barrier shall not exceed f our ( 4) feet in height withir. the limits of the front yarci in all resi3ential districts. ( 8) A f ence, wall or ar.y natural hedge or cl osely Fl antea vegetation that foims a barrier shall not exceeo a heic�ht of thirty (30) inches if within ten (10) feet of a ciriveway access for a clistance of 10 feet in each direction fron the ir�tezsection of the property line and street ri5ht of way lirie in all resicientia,l districts. (9) On oorner lots, no glanting or structures sh�ll impe6e vision between a height of thirty (30) inches anci seven (7) feet above the curb line in the vision safety zone. (10) In no ca9e shall a fence or similar barrier impede �+hi�i�lar vision or cause a hazaro�us oondition to exist. B. Acoess across the boulevarfi is restricted to driveways and sidewalks. C. Fa.s�ents for sidewalks shall be permittea at a minimtun width of five (5) feet tmless includeo with a bicycle wa�� trail, et which time the eas�*�ent wil l be a minimtun f if teen (15 ) f eet in width. 7. 4LIAi�i'I'1' FI�N��II�'I�L In oraer to assure oompliance with these environr,�ental 5uality Q�'� stanalarc�s, the City �uay require the owr�er or o�rator of ar:y use to o�nc3uct such investigations and tests as may be rer,uired to show adherence to the environmental quality stanaaras. Any 205-T5 4. SPE(SAt� USE PSRMIT A. Purpose. Rhe purpose of this Section is to proviae the City of Fridley with a reasonable degree of discretion in cietermining the suitability of oertain designaten uses upon the general welfare, public health and safety. In making this dete�riination the Ci.ty may o�nsioer the nature of the land up�n which the use is to be located, the nature of the adjoining land or buildings, the effect upon traffic into and fror,. the premises or on any adjoining roaas, and all such other factors as the City shall reasonably deen a requisite of oonsic3eration in determining the effect of such use. For the ry� sP of rec4rding, the ternL �.� �[�se Penn� t a� ��nd� t� onal Use Perm� t shal 1 be said �o mean one and thQ same pursuant to M.S.A. Section 462.3595, ,g�iyisi_ 0�4. B. Application. Whenever this Chapter requi res a Special Use Permit, an application in writing must be filed with the City together witr, such filing fee as may be established by the City Council and shall be acoo�npanied by a site glan or other doc�nentation as requi red by the City. C. Ref'erral Zb �e Planning Caimission. The application and related file shall be referred to the Plannir,g Commission for stuciy concerning the effect of the proposed use on the Canprehensive Plan ar►d on the character and cievelognent of the neighborhooci. Zhe Flanning CaiIInission shall hold an official public hearing within sixty (60) days of the oate of f il ing such petition. D. Hearing. A notioe of public hearir.g shall be published in the official new�per at least t� (10) days but not more than thirty (30) days prior to the oate of the hearing. E. Action By 7t�e Planning Catmission. (1) Notices shall be mailed to all owners of property within 200 feet of the paroel included in the request not less than ten (10) da}�s nor more than thirLy (30) days prior to the hearing. Failure of a property owner to receive notioe shall not inval.idate any such proceedings as set forth within this Q�apter. (2) The Ccs�r:ission shall make its recommendation to the City Oouncil within sixty (60) da��s of the date of hearing of the petition to the Planning Catm�ission or withir. sixty (60) days of ar�� o�ntinuance of such matter granted at the apgl icant' s written r�.�uest. F. Cb�mcil Actioa�. (1) Appraval: In oonsiclering apFilications for Special Use Peanits tmcier this Oode, the City Cbuncil shall o�nsider the 205.05.4. 2 G ti• M�` i ti . �. 205-20 205.07.5 2 H R-1 District i il) )�e dwelling shall have a garage attached thereto having a floor area not less than 396 square feet. ((2) ) R�e f iru.shed floor level of the upper level is not more than six (6) feet above grade. (e) A two (2) level dwelling unit having the upper level situated wholly or partly in the roof space provided: ((1) ) The gross floor area of the f irst level above grade shall be not less than 864 square f eet. ((2)) Each bedroo�n located in the upper level shall have a minimm c� 120 square feet of floor area. ((3) )�he dw�lling shall have a garage attached thereto having a floor area not less than 396 square feet. (2) For lots less than 9,000 square feet, the dwelling shall have a first floor area of not less than ?68 square feet exclusive � acoessory buildings or ar: attachen garage. C. Ba.9ene�t. All one-family dwellings oonstructed on vacant lots, as of January 1, 1983 shall have a basement except if located in a flood plain area. �: � � �,_ • �• �; a„�s���.. A. General Prwisions. (1) A minimtm o� two (2) off-street g3rking stalls shall be providea for eadi dwelling unit. (2) Ttie required parking stalls shall not be located in an�� portion of the requi reo f ront yarn exceFrt on a dr iveway or harcisurfaoea parking spaoe apprwed by the City. (3) All driveways ana parking stalls shall be set back three (3) feet frar. ariy property line except as agreea to � ��g by adjaoent property aariers a*+� f�?ed with t1?Q Citv. B. Garage Requir�ents. (1) All lots having a minimm lot area of 9,000 sr,uare feet or resulting fran a lot split shall have a d�uble garage. (2) All lots having a lot area less thar 9,000 square feet and greater than 7,500 sruare feet sh�l have a single garage. (3) Rhe above requirenents shall satisfy the off-street parking stall requirenent. � • �• r y �r r. � � 205R1-5 . �. � ., ,. � y i� • • �. A. Aarking Requirenents. (1) Existing Facilities: (a) At least one (1) off-street parking stall shall be prwided for eadl dwelling unit. (b) Z'he required parking stall shall not be located in any portion of the requi red f ront yard, except on a driveway or harcisurfaved parking spaoe approved by the (�ty, and set back a minim� c� three (3) feet f rcm the side property line, except as agreed to by adjacent property o�wr�ers. (c) A garage shall satisfy the off-street parking stall requirenent. (2) All driveways and parking stalls shall be surfaoe6 with blacktop, ooncrete or other hard surface material aFproved b� the City. B. F�cterior Storage. (1) Nothing shall be stored in the r�quired f ront yard. (2) All materials shall be kept in a building or shall be fully screened, so as not to be visible fran any public right of way except for stacked f irewood, boats, and trai.lers glaoed in the side yar6. (3) �he C�ty shall require a Special Use Permit for any exterior storage o� materials, except for B(2) above. �. l�ef use. All waste materials, refuse or garbage sh�11 be contained in closed oontair,ers as required unaer the chapter entitlea "h'aste Disposal" of the Fridley CYty �de. D. Drainage and Grac3e Requirenerits. A f inished gro�.md grac�e shall be established such that natural drainac�e aw� fran all buildings is provided. The follawing minim�m criteria shall apgly: (1) Rtie �rsnim�m elevation of f inished grade shall not be less than or�e-fourth (�/4) inch rise per horizont�+l foot of setback measuzed f rar. curb grade. (2) R�e City may specify a minimiun finished ground grade for any structure in oraer to allaw proper drainage and a minimun top of footing elevation to allow for oonnection to (Yty utilities. The maxim �m s� o�e (graae) on a drivewav �, u" not e��n, �•� 0(� 0$) ��ve estahl; s� c�rb arade. E. Landscaping. �e fallowing shall be minimn criteria for landscaping: (1) Sodding and landsczping shall extend across the enti re f ront yard an8 sic3e yarcas, i.ncluding the boulevard. 205.07.6. 2 � R-1 District � . ,. � w u••�. 205R1-6 rigi�t-of-way except for stacked firewood, boats and trailers glaced in the sic3e yarn. (3) The Gity shall require a Special Use Permit for any exterior storage of materials, except for �j� above. C. iaef u�e. All waste materials, refuse or garbage sha11 be contained in closed oontair�ers as required under the Ct�apter entitled "Waste Disposal" of the Fridley City Ooc3e. D. Drainage Ar�d Grade Requirements. A finished gro�o grac3e shall be established such that natural dra.inage away from all buildings is provided. The following minimun criteria shall apply: (1) T'he minim�m elevation of f inished grade shall not be less than one-fourth (l,/4) inch rise per horizontal foot of setback measured f ron. curb grade. (2) The City may specify a minim�un fir.ished ground grade for any structure in order to allow proper drainage and a minim�.m top of footing elevation to allow for oonnection to City utilities. E. Larx3scaping. Zl�e follawing shall be minim�m criteria for landscaping: (1) Sooding and lanc3scaping shall extend across the entire front yard and side yarcis, including the boulevard. ( 2) All open a reas of ar.y site, except f or a reas used f or parking, drivciaa�•s or storage, shall be sodded, seede6 or have vec,�etative �over. (3) All uses shall pravide water facilities to yard areas for maint�ar,ce of lanc3scaping. (4) All vacant lots, tracts or parcels shall be properly m�►intair,ed in an orderly maruyer free of litter or j�mk. F. Maintenaiice. It shall be the responsibility of the property owner to ensure that: (1) Ewery exterior wall, foundation and roof of an� building or structure shall be reasonably watertight, weathertight ano rodentproof and shall be kept in a good state of mair�tenance ana repair. Exterior walls shall be mairitained f ree f rcm extensive dilapidation due to cracks, tears or breaks of deteriorated glaster, stucoo, brick, wood or other material that gives evidence of long neglect. (2) The protective surfaoe on exterior wAlls of a building shall be mairitair�ed in good repai r anci pravioe a suf f icient o�vering and protection of the structural surface against its deterioration. Witr�out lvrsting the generality of this Section, a prote�c�tive surfave of a buildin9 shall be dee:�ed to be out of repai r if : 205.08.6. Z J R-2 District 205.R2-5 �. n oot P►reas. (1) 1�►n efficitncy a contains not lcss tJ� eouare feet of floor � t?�ere may or s�ay� not I st r uct ure cbntai ning ; ,*or F tt,ar, tventy-f iv e � f i ci ency uu ts. ?arbnent 16 a dti+elling unit vhich dn 100 aquaTe feet or �oze than 5Z5 rea in a�+ul tipl e d�e11 ing in vhicD e a eepezate bec.iroa�. In any one �1� our (4) dwellino units or a►ore, not peraent (25i) of the unit6 shall be (2) Exoept for efficiency apartments, each cingle bedroafl d+ellinc ur.it �hn'.1 oontain not less ti�a:. 525 ec,�aze feet in total floor area a»d not lesa thar� 650 eguaze feet in total floor area for tsro {2� Cedroazs. �br �nits ocnLaining more thar; tWO (2) becirov�:s, the total floor area is increasec not 1 ess than 125 so,ua re f ee�t mor e f oz ead� aodi ti on�1 be dr oar�. fl�rthez, m roQ: thEr�ir. designted as a b�ecso� or ac�ually ueeo for reqular 6leeping purFoees shall ocntain Iess than eight} (80) equare feet af floor aree exclu6ive e� valls ar�d pa rti ti ons. �. I.iving spsae. '�e d+elling structure 6ite and each dw►elling unit therein is aesic�ec to prwi6e aoeeuate an� healthful residenti�l living spaoe to itF occvpants. Eac?, �ut therein sT�all be designed to pc w i oe 1 iv i ng 6pa ae acarn►ooa ti ons of not 1 ess than 2 0 0 eq ua re feet of floor �rea for eact aQ.1t ano 125 equare feet of floor area for ea� R,inor in the tnit. .: �L :» �• �.,•�.��.; 71. Aed�x.�ion c� Ae rkir�g. Nher. sha; n by the a�•F1 i cant that t reo,uireo for pazkinc, sta116 due to proPoseo use oz other oonsioerations ?braship, teouction of F.arkir� 6ta116 t}�,at a3ecuate o�er. spaae is prwided requi reo stalls. B. Addi ti mal Pa rking. he provi�ions of 6pace the pa rti cul a r na tu r e of the vould be an unnecessary woul c be al l a�ec pr ov i oe o to meet tJ�e total nu-�ber o� i+'he�: the provi�ions for F.arking �r.aoe reouireu for 6pecific district �es is inadequate, the City may reguire e�ditional off-street parking to be pcwided. C. Fgrking Ratio. (li �►t I ebst or�e and one-hal f(1-1/2 ) spa oe s pe r one (1) ,- bedr o� �ni t, pl us one-hal f(�/2) spa c�e f or ead� a6di t i onal �� C� �� ����� �� �� � �� 6edroa:. per dWe11 ino unit. (2) 1►t least one (1) off-6treet parking 6pace shall be pcovi6ed for ead� ladging roa� c� a hotel or II�ctel, F1us or�e (1) aoditional spaoe for each fau (4) units of � i,otel or a�otel aamples. 2K 205.09.5 I�3 District Pf►R�'.ING Rk� � Dti2'�2� 205P3-S i�i �r�cu�:ap parking spaoes will be prwic3en as estahlished in TaYale 55A of the State Building Cocie. D. Desic,� Require�nents. (1) Drainage. All driv�aays and parking areas, except those for less than four (4) vehicles, shall be grac3ed aca�rciing to a c3rainage plan which has been apprwed by the City. (2) Li9hting. Any Iighting used to illuninate an o�f-street parking area shall be shaded or diffusea to reflect the light away frwn acijoining pro�,ert�• anG traffic. (3) C1�rbing. �he entire perimeter o� all parking areas in excess of four (4) stalls, acoess driveways, truck laading spaoes or other haro surfaoe areas that handle motor vEhicle traffic shall be curbed with a poured six (6) inch high ooncrete curb � tPr• (a) C�rbing shall be required around safety islanos. (b) C1�rb cuts an6 ranps for the handicapped shall be installed as required by State law. (c) Construction shall be in ac�rdance with curbing sgecif ications on f ile at the City. (c3) �e City may exenpt curbing: ((1)) Where the parking lot directly abuts a sic]etivalk which is sufficiently higher than the gracie of the parking lot and satisfies the curbing r equi renents. ((2) ) Where the City has appr oved f utur e exparLSion. (4) Driv�aay Reguire;�ents. (a) A maximm ciriveway width of thirty-two (32) feet at the curb opening, excluding the entranoe radii, can be aonstructeci. (b) The parking aisle shall be a minimum of twenty-five (25) feet in width for Lwo-wny traffic ana eighteen (18) feet in width for one-way traffic. (c) The e6ge of the curb openir,g to_ a rking area �aith four (4) or more stalls shall not be closer to the nearest p�rtion af a street right-of-way intersection than sever.ty-five (75) feet, or tw�thir� (2,/3) of the lot width, whichever is sn�ller. (d) Where a"T" intersection exists, a drive may be located opposite the enci of the interoepted street. (e) Zt�e minimm driveway angle to the street shall be sixty (60) degrees. 205.09.5. 2 L R-3 District 205.R3-6 205.12. P H7BLIC FAQLI'T� DISIRICT RD�JIATDQVS r c±a,►�; : ::��.1 !, A. P Districts include such land areas, waterw�ys and water areas which are owr�ed, o�ntrolled, regulated, used or proposed ta be used by the City of Fridley or other g�verrn�ental body. B. A P district is autanatically desic�n�ated at the time of land purchase for the principal uses set forth in Section 205.12.2. C. A P district, upon renaval of public use, reverts back to the original zoning that was on prior to the taking for such use. �, • �l` ?� A. Pr1IlC1� 08ES• Zfie following are principal uses in P Districts: autamatically the property (1) Public buil dings and uses. (2) Public parks, playgrounds, athletic f ields, golf caurses, airports an� parkinq areas. (3) Public streets, alleys, easements and other public ways, highways and thorougtifares. (4) Public drains, sewers, water lines, water storage, treatment an6 punping facil ities and other publ ic util ity and servioe facilities. (5) Ter�porary public housing required and designed to relieve a critical h�using shortage. (6) Other public or nonprofit uses as are necessary or inci3ental to a public use. B. Acoessory Uses. Zhe follawing are acaessory uses in P Districts: � (1) Dwellings or c3welli.ng units for enplayees having duties in connection with any prenises requiring th�l to live thereo�n, including far�ilies of such gr,ployees wher, living with then. (2) Solar energy devices as an integral part of the principal structure. (3) Activities or ev�ts for profit which are approveci by the City O��cil ano are of lurstect time duration ano under lease agreeaent with the appropriate goverrrient body. C. Oses Pemiitted With A Special Use Pennit. Zhe follawing are uses pern�a.tte6 with a Special Use Permit in P Districts: (1) Utility oan�nies having transforlr�ers, p�nping stations and substaticns subject to the following minimum reauirenents: 205.12.2 P P[JBLIC FAC7LITIFS DIS�tICT GENII21�1L F32��ISIONS , ti� ?� 205.P-1 ZM (2) At least one (1) handicap off-street garking sgace shall be prwided f or each f if ty ( 50) spaces or f raction there�. D. Desic,� Requiren�ts. (1) Drainage: All drivaaays and parking areas, exoept those for less than four (4) v�icles, shall be graded aco�rding to a drainage plan which has been apgraved by the City. . `2, ���� • � Any lighting used to illuninate an �f-street parking area shall be shaaed or diffused to r�flect the light away from the adj oining property anc3 traf f ic. (3) Curbing: The entire perimeter of all parking areas in excess of four (4) stalls, acoess driveways, truck loading spaoes or other hard surfaoe areas that handle motor vehicle traf f ic shall be curbed with a poured six (6) inch hic� ooncrete curb � Q1i�.t�• (a) CX.irbing shall be requirea arotmd safety islands. (b) C�.irb cuts and rarps for the hanfiicapped shall be installed as rer�uired by State law. (c) Construction shall be in aco�raance with curbing specif ications on f ile at the City. (d) The City may exanpt curbing: ((1)) Where the parking lot directly abuts a sic3ewal k which is suf f iciently higher than the grade of the parking lot and satisf ies the curbing tequirenents. ((2)) Where the City has approved future expansion. (4� Driveway Requirenents: (a) A maxim�m ciriveway width of thirty-two (32) feet at the curb opening, excluding the entrance radii can be oonstructed. (b) The parking aisle shall be a minimum of twenty-five (25) feet; in wic�th for two-way traf f ic and eighteen (18) feet in wic3th far one-way traffic. (c) �e eage af the curb opening shall not be closer to the nearest portion of a street right-of-way intersection than seventy-five (75) feet or two-thiras (2,/3) of the lot width, whichever is snaller. (d) Where a"T" intersection exists, a drive may be located opp�site the end of the interoepted street. (e) �e minimm drivaaay angle to the street shall be sixty (60) degrees. 205.13.5. Z:v C-1 District 205.C1-5 205.14 CL-2 C�AL BUSIl�'S.S DISII2IQ R�tTi,ATIONS l. L� PERMITI� A. PL�IlC�� DS@S. Zhe fallawing are principal uses in C-2 Districts: (1) All uses allaaed under C-1 Principal Uses and CR-1 . Princi�l Uses of this Ct�apter. (2) Office facilities, includinc� c�eneral business offices, corporate headquarter facilities and major employment of f ioes. (3) Theaters, lodges and assg��ly facilities not including drive-in theaters. (4) Cananercial recreation, pool hall5, bowlin,g alleys and h�alth & fitnes_�e�ters not including massage parlors. (5) Restaurants, npt including "drive-ins". (6) Vocational trade schools, business schoals, v�llec�es or tmiversities. (7) Mortuaries. ( 8) Off ioes. (9) Day care oenters. � � (10) Hotels and motels. (11) Museuns anci art galleries. (12) Department stores and variety storess. (13) Other retail, wholesale or service activities which de�l directly with the customer for whom the goods or services are furnishea and are simil�r to those specif ically allowed abave. (14) Hospitals, clinics, nursing hrnes, convalescent homes and hcmes for the elderly. (15) Liqu�r stores, selling package goods. (16) Banks or other financial institutions. B. Acoessory "Jses. �he follvwing are acoessory uses in C-2 Districts; (1) Signs. (2) Off-street p3rking facilities. (3) Off-street loading facilities. (4) Laboratories, such as medical, dental or optical, and other nonoffensive laboratories acoessory to permitted uses on the property. (5) Storage of inerchandise, s�lely intended to be retailed by the principal use. (6) Solar enerc,�y devices as an integral part of the principal structure. 205.14,1. CL2 DISZRIQ R�UL�ATICNS . ti� �� 205.C2-1 20 205.14.5. 2 P (e) �e speculative parking ratio will be usea for all C-2 District �r.ixed uses unless the awner agrees to enter into a writt� agreenent, in reaordable f orm, with the City, in which the awner represents to the City what the ratio of all uses in the building will be. Upon this happening, the parking ratio for the building wi11 be c3eternur�ed on a pro-rata basis by the parking ratio per the nu�ber of square feet for each type of use which the owryer represents will be located in the building. . Af ter exec�rt.ion of this agreenent, any changes to the specifiect uses wi11 require a special use permit fro�n the City. (2) At least one (1) hanaicap off-street parking space shall be prwided f or each f i.f ty ( 50 ) spaces or f raction thereaf. D. Desi� Requirenents. (1) Drainage: All driveways and parking areas, except those for less than four (4) v�icles, shall be graded aco�rding to a drainage glan which has been approved by the City. (2) Lic�tin9. Any lighting usen to illuninate an o�f-street parking area shall be shaaed or diffused to reflect the light away froa�ii the adjoining property ano traffic. (3) Clirbing: The entire perimeter of all parking areas in excess of four (4) stalls, acoess drivesaays, truck loading spaoes or other hard surface areas that hancile motor vehicle traffic shall be curbed with a p�ureca six (6) inch high ooncrete curb � ��• (a) C�rbing shall be required around safety islanas. (b) Gtirb cuts and rarps for the handicappea shall be installed as requi red by State 1�. (c) Construction shall be in ac�rdance with curbing specif ications on f ile �t the City. (d) Zlle City ma�� exer�pt curbing: : ((1)) Where the parking lot directly abuts a sic3e�walk which is sufficiently higher than the grac3e of the parking lot � sati sf ies the curbing requirenents. ((2�� Where the City has approved future expar�sion. (4) Driv�aay Fequirenents: (a) A maximu:� driv�aay width af thirty-two (32) feet at the curb opening, excluding the entrance radii can be oonstructec. 205.C2-6 205.15. (2) At least one (1) handicap off-street parking sgace C-3 District shall be pravided f or each f if ty ( 50) spaces or f raction thereof. D. Desic� Requirenes�ts. (1j Drainage: All drivaaays and parking areas, except those for less than four (4) vehicles st�all be graded according to a drainage plan which has been approved by the City. �2j ����: . Any lighting used to i1l�minate an o�f�street parking area shall be shac3ed or diffused to reilect the light away fr�n the adjoining property anc3 traffic. (3) Clirbing: �e entire perim�eter of all �arking areas in excess of four (4) stalls, acoess driveways, truck loading spaoes or other hard surf aoe areas that handl e mot,flr veh icl e t raf f ic sh al l be curbed with a poured six (6) inch high ooncrete curb � ��• (a) t�rbing shall be required arouma safety islands. (b) C1,irb cUts anci ranps for the handicapped shall be installed as r�uired by State law. (c) Consttuction shall be in ac�rdance with curbing specifications on file at the Gity. (d) Tt�e City may exenpt curbing: ((1)) Where the parking lot directly abuts a sidewal k which is suf f iciently higher than the grade of the parking lot and satisf ies the curbing r�ui rHnents. ((2)) Where the City has approved future exp�arLSion. (4) Driv�aay Feo,uirenents: (a) A maxin�.m driveway width of thirty-two (32) feet at the curb opening, excluding thP entrance raclii can be aonstrueten. (b) The parking aisle shall be a minimum of twenty-five (25) feet in width for two-way traffic and eighteen (18) feet in width for or�wny traffic. (c) Tt�e edge of the curb opening shall not be closer to the nearest portion of a street right-of-way intersection than seventy-five (75) feet or two-thiras (?,/3) of the lot width whichever is snaller. {d) where a"T" intersection exists, a drive may be located op�osite the e�d of the intervepted street. (e) Zt�e min�mm driveway angle to the skreet shall be sixty (60) oegrees. 205.C3-6 2Q 205.15.6. 2 R C-3 District (5) All parking and hard surfaoe areas shall be: (a) No closer than twenty (20) feet from any street right of-way. (b) No closer than f ive (5) feet f rom any side lot line, except f or a common drive approved by the adjoining property awners and the City. • (c) No closer than f ive (5) feet f rom any rear lot line unless adjacent to an alley, then the setback shall be increased to f ifte� (15) feet. (d) No closer than five (5) feet from the main building. (e) Curbed with minimm driveway access radii of ten (10) feet to match the existing street curb. (6) Laading cbcks: (a) Outsic3e loading docks shall be located in the rear or side yard and be properly screeried. (b) The space needeo for the loac3ing docks must be adequate to handle the loading and unloading needs, without obstructing the put�lic ric�t-af-way. (7) Off-street parking shall be pravideci for all vehicles ooncerned with aryy use on the lot. (8) All parking facilities of 100 oontiguous sFaoes or more shall be subject to interior landscape improvenents as appraved by the City. (9) Parking lots with more than four (4) parking stalls shall be striped. (10) Slifficient o�ncrete area may be required for motorcycle g3rking in addition to the required vehicle parking stalls. (11) Bike racks may be required by the City in an area that is oorrvenient to each major building entrance ana will not disrupt pedestrian or vehicular traffic or fire lanes. (12) Safety sic�s, markings and traffic control d�vices may be required to pranote vehicular and pedestrian safety. 6. LAt�IDSQ4PE R�UII2II�NI5 I�IDSCAPE A. All open areas of any site, except for areas used for �U�Is parking, driveways or storage shall be landsca�.%ed and be inoorporated in a lanciscape plan. B. 4he lanciscape plan shall be suYamitted f or approval by the City and indicate the location, size and species, and method and quantity of all proposed plants incluc3ing desic�ation of any existing vegetation which is to be renoved or which will renain with oonstruction. C. Undergro�md lawn sprinkling systens shall be provided to mairitain the lawns and landscaping within the boulevards, front and sic3e yard areas. 205.C3-7 � � �,_ ; �• �• �,�'a: �.� A. Bef 9ht. ,;�ding heic,�t shall be a maxim�m � three (3) stories, but not to exceea forty-five (45) feet. B. FScterior 1Katerials. 7rie type of building materials used on exterior walls shall be face brick, natural stone, specif ically designed precast aoncrete, factory fab�icaten and finished metal frane ganeling, glass or other materials appraved by the Gity. :; : : ��_ : �• �; �„i�„��.� A. Reductian Of F�rking. Reduction of parking stalls may be allawed when the pravision of spaoe required for parking stalls, c�ae to. the particular nature of the proposed use or other oonsiderations, would be an iauyeoessary harc3shig. Adequate open space shall be provicied to satisfy the total n�iber of required parking stalls. s. Additional Parking. When the provisions for parking space required for specific district uses is inadequate, the City may require that additional off-street parking be provioed. C. Parking Ratio. (1) At least one (1) off-street parking space shall be prcnrided for each 250 square feet of building floor area. ( 2) At 1 east one (1) shall be gravi3ed for ther eof . D. Desi� Requirenents; (1) Drainage: handicap off-street garking space each f ifty ( 50) spaces or f raction All drivc�rays an6 garking areas, except those for less than four (4) vehicles, �shall be graded ac�raing to a drainage F.lan which has been apprwed by the Gity. (2) Lic�ting: Ariy lighting used to illuninate an �f-street parking area shall be shaded or diffusect to reflect the light away from the adjoining property and traffic. (3) Glirbing: The entire perimeter of all parking areas in excess of four (4) stalls, acoess drivciaays, truck loading sgaoes or other harn surfaoe areas that handle motor vehicle traffic shatl be curbeo with a poured six (6) inch hi� �ncrete curb � � tar• (a) C�rbing shall be required aro�md safety islancis. 205.16.5. 2 S CR-1 District � �i�� i ' �• i• a �� ►. � • �• �• � �� ►. 205.CR1-3 basis by the parking ratio per the nunber of square feet for each type o� use which the vwner repr�ents will be loca ted in the building. After execution of t.his agreenent, any changes to the specif ied uses will requi re a special use pennit f ran the C�ty. (8) At least one (1) hannicap off-street parking spaoe shall be providec3 f or each f if ty ( 50) spaces or f raction thereof. D.' Desic,y� Requirenents: - (1) Drainage: All driveways and garking areas, except those for less than four (4) v�icles, shall be graded acoording to a drainage glan which has been appraved by the City. (2) Lightin9: Ariy lighting usea to illuninate an o�f-street parking area shall be shaded or diffused to reflect the light awa�� from the adj oining property and traf f ic. (3) Curbing: The entire perimeter of all parking areas in excess of four (4) stalls, acoess driveways, truck loading sp�oes or other hard surfaoe areas that handle motor vehicle traffic shall be curbed with a poured six (6) inch hic� ooncrete curb � s�,��i• (a) G�rbing shall be required around safety islands. (b) C�rb cuts and ramps for the handicapped shall be installed as required by State laba. (c) Construction shall be in acoordance with curbing specifications on file at the City. (d) The City ma�• exempt curbing: ((1)) Where the parking lot directly abuts a sidewalk which is sufficiently higher than the grade of the parking lot and satisfies the cuzbing requirenents. ((2)) Where the City has a�proved future ex{�ansion. (4) Driveway Requirsnents: (a) A maximun drivew�ay wiut,h of thirty-twc (32) feet at the curb opening, excluding the entrance radii can be oonstructed. (b) The parking aisle shall be a minimum of twenty-five (25) feet in width for two-way traffic and ei�teen (18) feet in width for orie--wny traffic. (c) T'he edge of the curb opening shall not be closer to the nearest portion of a street right-of-way intersection than seventy-five (75) feet or two-thirc:s 205.M1-7 2T All drivc�aays, paxking areas and loading docks shall be surfaoed with b�lacktop, ooncrete or other hard surfaoe material approved by the city. B. Exterior Storage. (1) All materials and oa;unercial equipnent shall be kept in a building or shall be fully screened so as � to be visible frc�n ar�y public right of-way or adjoining property ' of differ�t district. � ( 2) The City Cb�mcil shall requi re a Special Use Permit for ariy exterior storage of materials. C. laef use. All wa.ste material.s, refuse or garbage shall be oontained in closed oontair�ers as required under the chapter entitled "Waste Disposal" of the Fridley City Qoc3e. D. Scree�ing. (1) Screening shall v�nsist of a sol id f ence or wal.l not less than six (6) feet high in the side and rear yard and a maximim of four �4) feet high in the f ront yard and shall not extend to within fifteen (15) feet of any street right-of-way line. Plantings may also be required in addition to, or in 1 ieu of fencing. The type, size �and location of such plantings must be apprwed by the City. (2) Plantings shall not be glaved so as to obstruct lines of sight at street oorners and driveways. (3) The screening requirenents shall be satisfied by the use of a screening fence or glanting screen ac�rdir.g to the fallowing standarcls: (a) A screening fence shall be attractive and compatible with the principal building ano the surrou¢�ding land use. (b) A glanting scree� shall �nsist of a closely graar: heoge, a raw of trees, evergre�s or other vegetation appraved by the Gity. (c) If the topography, natural growth of vegetation, permanent buildings or other barriers meet the standaras for screening as apprwed by the City, they may be s�.sti tuted f or al l or pa rt of the screening fence or glanting screen. (4) Screening of off-street parking shall be required for: (a) Any off-street parking area visible frrn a public right-ot-way. (b) Any drivaaay to a parking area adjoining a public right-of-way. (c) Any parking facility between the building and f rontage street must be screened f ror� the street by a hecige, s�l id f ence or closely grawn pl anti ng st r i p a t 205.17.7. 205.M1-9 2U 205.18.5. 2 V M-2 District basis by the parking ratio per the nunber of square feet for each type of us�e which the owner represents wi11 be located in the building. After execution of this agreement, any changes to the specif ied uses will requi re a special use permit f ram the City. (8) At least one (1) handicap off-street parking spaoe shall be provided f or each f if ty ( 50 ) spaces or f raction thereo�f . D.� Desic� Require�nents: (1) Drainage: All driveways and parking areas, except those for less than four (4) vehicles, shall be gracied acwrding to a drainage plan which has been appraved by the City. (2) Li�ting: Any lighting used to illuninate an o�f-street parking area shall be shaded or diff used to re�lect the 1 ight away f ro�n the adjoining property and traffic. (3) C�ubing: R�e entire perimeter of all parking areas in excess of four (4) stalls, acoess driveways, truck laading spaoes or other har8 surf ace areas that handl e motor veh i cl e tr af f i c shal l be curbed with a poured six (6) inch hic,� c�oncrete curb � 9li�tQL • (a) Clirbing shall be required arotmd safety islands. (b) G�rb cuts ana ranps for the handicappen shall be installed as required by State law. (c) Construction shall be in aco�rdance with curbing specif ications on f ile at the City. '(d) The City may exenpt curbing: ((1)) Where the parking lot directly abuts a sic3ewalk which is sufficiently higher than the gracie of the parking lot and satisf ies the curbing requirenents. ((2)) Where the City has approved future expansion. (4) Drivaaay Requirenents: (a) A maxi.mun drivEway width of thirty-two (32) feet at the curb opening, excluding the entrance radii can be oonstructed. (b) The parking aisle shall be a minimum of twenty-five (25) feet in width for two-way trsf f ic and eighteen (18) feet in width for or�way traffic. (c) Tt�e edge of the curb oper.ing shall not be closer to the nearest portion of a street right-of-way intersection than se�vent�-five (75) feet or tw�thirc�s 205.M2-6 (1) Radio or television antennas exceeding a height of twenty (20) feet abwe the ciaelling roo�. (2) Any use not specifically permitted in the preceeding paragraphs of this Section. �- �� � �• �C?„i���r► ; �i� �1�: : r�.'� �. LOt AiE8. A lot area of not less than 7,500 square feet� is required. B. I�t Widtb. (1) 2lze wic�th � a lot shall not be less than sixty (60) feet at the requi red setback. �nrner � ot� s�> > n4t be 1 esG than ��,x�,,v�-five f6K) feet at the reauired setback. (2) Where a paroel of land is less than sixty (60) feet in width, but not less than fifty (50) feet in width the side yard reguirenents can be reauoea to a five (5) foot minim�un on each side subject to the following conditions: (a} Z�e c3istance between any attached garage or other acoessory buildings is at least tesi (10) feet. (b) The distance between any building and the living area in an adjaoent building is at least f ifteen (15) feet. (c) The distanoe between the living areas in any two (2) adjaoent buildings is at least twenty (20) feet. C. Lot Oo�verage: Not more than twenty-five percent (25$) of the area of a lot shall be covered by the main building ano all accessory buildings. D. Setbacks: (1) Front Yard: A front yarn with a c3epth of not less than thirty-five (35) feet is required. (2� Side Yard: ZWo (2} side yarcis are requi red, each with a width of not less than t� (10) feet, except as follvws: (a) h�7�ere a house is built without an attached garage, a minimm si3e yard requirenent shall be ten (10) feet . on one side, and thirteen (13) feet on the other side, so that there is acoess to the rear yard for a detached garage and off-street parking area. (b) Where a house is built with an attachea garage, the side yard aajoining the attached garage or acoessory building may be rec3uced to not less than five (5) feet, provided the height of the garage or accessory building on that side is not more than f ifte� (15) feet. zos.zi.5. 2 W S-1 District • • a• �• a i� F. �. �• �,«• 205.51-3 (3) C�rrer Lots: (a) �e side yard width on a street side of a oorner lot shall be not less than seventeen and one- half (17.5) feet. When the lot to the rear has f rontage along a side street, no accessory building on the o�rner lot within twenty-five (25) feet of the oommon property line shall be closer �to said si3e street than thirty (30) feet; provided however, that this regulation shall not be interpreted as to reduce the buildable width of a corner lot to less than twenty-five (25) feet. (b) Any attached or unattached accessory buil ding which opens on the side street, shall be at least twenty-five (25) feet fra� the �operty line on a side street. (4) Rear Yard: A rear yard with a depth o� not less than twenty-f ive percent (25$) of the lot depth is required, with not less than twenty-five (25) feet permitted or more than forty (40) feet requi red f rcm the main building. � � • � • �• �• s �a ►. A. Height. No building shall hereafter be erected, reo�nstructed, altere6, enlarged or maved, so as building height limit of thirty (30) feet. B. Mininnm Floor Area. constructed, to exceed the A o�ne-f anily ci�ael l ing unit shall have a nsnimun f i rst f loor area of 768 square feet of living spaoe. 7. PERFOF� STAI�IDARDi6: A. Parking Requirements. (1) At least one (1) off-street parking stall shall be prwided for each dwelling unit. (2) No parking stall shall be located in any portion � the front yard, except on a driveway or hardsurfaced parking sgaoe, appraved by the Gity, and set back a mini.mun of three (3) feet frcrr. the side property lir�e, except as agreed to � ��j,ng by adjaoent property ow��ers a�'7 f i 1� Wi_ � t� C� tv. (3) A garage shall satisfy the off-street garking stall requirenent. (4) All drivaaays and parking stalls shall be surfaoed with blacktop, c�oncrete or other hare surface material approved by the City. B. Euterior Storage. (�1) Nothing shall be storeci in the required front yard. 205.21.7. S-1 District � �� • a• �• � �� �. � . ,. � v� �� � • �. 205.51-4 2X _t� ,. [�,; � r+fo`�Ti�� ��! AN �INAIVCE UI�F.R S�CTDDN 12.07 OF THE CITY CHARTER 'I�0 VA�'ATE SZREEIS ADID ALL�,'YS A1�ID TO ANIIJD APPENDIX C OF THE QZ'Y �IIEE Zlie City ��mcil of the City of Fridley c3�es ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Fbr the vacation of a street and utility easement described as follaws: All that �rt of University Avenue West Service Road (loop back) lying within Lot 18, Block 5, Rice Creek Plaza South Addition. All lying in the North Half of Section 14, �30, 1�24, City of Fridley, Ootmty of Anoka, Minnesota Be and is hereby vacated. SECTION 2. Said street and utility ea�nent was dated Septenber 19, 1967 and recorc3ed on F+ebruaiy 6, 1968 as Docunent No. 306574 at the Anoka O�unty Reoorders' OEf ioe. SECTION 3. �e said vacation has been made in conformance with Minnesota Statutes and pursuant to Section 12.07 of the City Charter and Appendix C of the City Qode shall be so aanended. PASSID ArID ADOPPID BY ZIiE QTY aX)NCII� OF 'I'fiE QTY OF FRIDLEY �iIS DAY OF , 1985. WII,LIAM J. NEE — P�lYOR AZTF�ST: SIDNEY C. TNMAN — GITY CLERR Public Hearing: August 5, 1985 First Reading: August 5, 1985 Seo�nd Reading: Publish: Heartland (SAV #,85-04} � C ,' � • � � ; • • ~ • � � s,' c 1 rt ,� �\ � s • � �� �.�: • n, � � �t „ A./ l.." ' ' ���° ' v�. '� � Z� , � 3'A �`�o� , � • JQ� �� � :�� � � ,� Z ,► � �9 � •• � � ,., ,.S . : '� . ' .�,' i� .� • � � � � ' 40�� �; �� � ;•�F Qv ir � ' � .i � s F 2 d 19 � S � ;o ��1 - �� ? ,r.,. . ��2o h ��� y6 � • � . ; ,�,: • . , � .., r ,Y / .. 2 s . ���! � ��,` �. ��' � ; � 7/0' _ � ��� � �' � 1 ' � • V . . : • • ' .�c-�1 ��'� z�a � x �- r = .. = �..7� ,._ . 3S1 � s � ' • !- �io . � :'�' oi � � ! s.j so 31! � f �1 ��S � ,w •� � ti • • - � . ��, . � ' • �� ? � ` . � 61 �'o i •• F' � ,. � o o. s ,. Z1 �•�sj Q o , . .« • w• . ��� / Ii sl . ,..,;' .r � 1— o� 70 310 3'po �li� �� SIlo �/y �: �►' y�,LbO�: 4 � Vi � � 2 3 - 3 0 . - y ! /C .. � .:= So � �' �, � • � '�2 � ' = Z ' � �� ' �'' ' " . r i '� . • � -. � � :�*� _ � .� 7 � ' 'N .. ii ss �i ia s� � ` t •21�+t 2,�� � � / _ � 0 ♦ � �� - .. ��� r� � O ` • �� 1 6 .. � � � b � �3ss � , ���'� � �� .�9 � • �, f � �'� • � 6 TH . b ` .. , , • (z+oo) 7� 3 J �72 37� 3 , ;� (� ~ • .; / � � ,� • E ;o � � � � � '� = � ' iI . l /t // f. ' ` �t�� � `�� I ' ' � �; e � � ' ... , .. ... ... ,.. ... �. ,.. 1 _ � i � � oo �� I%' C � e � RE , � � � ► � 52 ,. �o ,3S'S 36S 3!� ' y�� y i : ,1• I O' . I ►J M I� /1 I N� ♦ � . �� �. •� -`„ „ _•"' — . �'— - •," - . � Eitf �1'ii- STATE At� H 16N WAY N 0 � ��- . . 1 P�oQT�oN eEi� P�R rrc�v aF,� ��� �41NTq/NEp SAV #85-04 Heartland Corp. . J SAV #85-04 Heartland 4 ORDINANCT N0. — 1985 AN ORDINANCE RECODIFYING THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE BY A!�'sNDING CHAPTER 126 ENTITLED "HOIISES OF PROSTITOTION� PQBLIC NUISANCE", SECTIONS 126.02, 126.03, 126.04, 126.05, 126.06 � AND 126.07 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY DOFS ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 126.02. DEFINITIONS The terms used in Seetions 126.01 through //126.07// 126.0g shall have the meaning herein given: 126.03. ACTS CONSTIT[JTING A NIIISAli10E 3. Any building or portion thereof and all movable property used in conducting or maintaining a public nuisance shall be enjoined and abated as provided for in Sections //126.04// �,Q� through //126.07// 12�,.Q$• 126.04. NOTICE Notice of any convictions described in Section //126.02// 126.0� of this Chapter shall be sent by United States mail to the o�wner of record, al1 other interested persons or parties of record, the oecupant of sueh building or portion thereof and shall be filed with the County Recorder's Office en - permitted by law. Sueh notice shall be deemed sufficient as to all interested persons, including persons or parties not of record or unknown, that the building, or a portion thereof, is being used for purposes eonstituting a public nuisance. 126.05. INJUNCTIVE REMEDIES 1. Whenever any county attorney, eity attorney or resident of the City has reasonable cause to believe that any person Within the City is violating Section //126.02// 126.0�, he or she may by verified petition seek a temporary injunetion in district court in Anoka County. No temporary restraining order or preliminary injuction shall be issued without a prior show cause notice of hearing to the respondents to be heard. Personal service of the shoW cause order and of the petition made as in civil actions on the named respondents, or upon any of their� employees or agents found within the State, shall constitute sufficient notice. Sueh show cause order for hearing may be returnable on the third day from the date of service as to a respondent who is present in this Sta.te, and on the fifth day as to a person not a resident or not found Within this State. 126.Ofi. TRIAI., ORDER AND ABATEI�TT 1. Pursuant to the Rules of Civil Procedure, the court may also order the trial of the action on the merits to be advanced and consolidated with the hearing on the motion for a temporary injunetion. Proof of any of the circumstances enumerated in Section //126.02.2// 126.0�.2 shall //be conclusive// �,�eate a rebLttab?e nresLOtion as to the existence of a public nuisance and the court shall order the abatement of the nuisanee. Page 2-- Ordinance No. - 1985 126.07• COHTEMPT Whoever violates a restraining order, temporary iqjunction or abatement order granted under Sections //126.02// 126•0� through //126.07// ,126.08 may be adjudged in contempt of court and punished aceordingly. In addition, if any defendant fails to perform an ordered act, the court may direct the act to be done in accordanee With Rule 70 of the Rules of Civil Procedure. PA.SSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF � , 19 85 WILLIAM J. NEE - MAYOR ATTEST: SIDNEY C. INMAN - CITY CLERK First Reading: August 5, 1985 Second Reading: Publication: 4A APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING, JULY 9, 1985 PAGE 6 3. VARIANCE REQUESTS PURSUAt�T TO CHAPTER 205 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE TO REDUCE a . � � _ , equest y lc r wanson, - n venue .., r� ey, n. �MOTION BY MR. PLEMEL, SECONDED BY MR. BARNA, TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED TXE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 8:03 P,M. Chairperson Gabel read the Administrative Staff Report: ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REPORT 1241 - 72nd Ave. A. PUBLIC PURPOSE SERVED BY REQ�IREMENT: Section 205.17.Sd requires that all parking and hard surface areas shall be no closer than five (5) feet from the main building. Public purpose served by this requirement is to protect the building from unnecessary maintenance :lue to v�hicles hitting the building. Section 205.17,5b requires that all parking and hard surface areas shall be no closer than five (5) feet from any side lot line except for a comnon drive approved by the adjoining property owners and the City. Public purpose served by this requirement is to reduce visual pollution in front yards, in areas adjacent to lot lines, and to separate parking with landscaped areas. B. STATED HARDSHIP: "We need the extra space for room to manuever the large trucks and ser�i-trailers which are essential to our business." C, ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REVIEW: There are two separate variances requested involving two separate con- struction phases, Phase I involves construction of a 50 by 82 s�uare foot metal building and a 85 by 130 square foot masonry building along with the installation of Curbs in front of the existing and proposed structure nearest to 72nd Avenue. Phase II involves the construction of a parking lot along the entire west side of the lot. 5 5A APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING, JULY 9, 1985 PAGE 7 The petitioner wants to place all new curbs 2 feet off buildings and pro perty lines to allow him as much space as possible to manuever trucks and equipment. His building setbacks are adequate to install all curbs and parking surfaces to code. , We feel t�e petitioner must prove his hardship to the degree necessary to warrant the granting of the variances. Phase II (the west parking lot) is not scheduled for completion until June 1988. Therefore, any variance granted for that phase should be extended to an appropriate date. Ms, Gabel stated she was puzzled about this variance request 5ecat�se, to her knowledge, the Appeals Commission has never granted a variance for somethinq that was in the future. Mr. Robinson stated this was a unique situation in that the Citv Staff has been trying to work with Mr. Determan to come up with soMe type of phasing that would accorrmodate him in bringing his property up to code. Mr. Robinson stated the Comnissioners had a letter to Determan Weldinq and Tank Service which was a developmer.t agreement they have been workinq on for Mr. Determan. Staff wou�d like t� have this as a stipulation of the variance. Mr. Robinson stated that basically two buildings are involved, The main issue was the parking. Presently there is limited parking. 5ixty-three parkinq stalls are proposed along the west end of the propertv. The City has no problem with the 50' x 82' building going ahead as planned, but before the 85' x 130' building can be built, variances must be approved and Rice Creek Watershed District ruling on the company's plans to pipe and fill ditch section. Mr. Determan stated he was in disagreement with several of the items stipulated in the development agreement. Had he received the letter before he paid the 5100 to file for the variance, he would not have filed for the variance. M�. Betzold stated that what really concerned the Appeals Commission at this ti�e was the setback for the curbing from 5 ft. to 2 ft. Why did Mr. Determan want this variance? Mr, Determan stated that land was very expensive. They are lookinq at about 1800 ft. of curbing. With 5 ft. from the fence, that represented about 1/2 acre of land, and land was too expensive to put between a fence and a curb, By the original building, it was 70 ft. back from the right of way. If they take 5 ft. off the curb, it would be very difficult for the trucks to qet through. He just felt that land was too expensive and valuable to be put between a fence and curb, He needed more land to get the things done he wanted to get done. Ms. Gabel suggested the Comm�ssion review the development agreement with Mr. Determan to find out what he was in agreement with an� what he was not in agreement with. APPEALS COhMISSI�N MEETING, JULY 9, 1985 PAGE 8 1. The City agrees to issue a building permit for a 50' by 82' building provided the company issues to the City a$20,000 performance bond to remain open and availa6le to the City until all improvements related to this agreement and to plans dated 5-17-85 including landscaping, parking, drainage, and other improvements are completed. Bond is to be provided prior to any building permit being issued. Mr. Determan stated he had no problem with this stipulation. 2. Provide two handicapped parking stalls each 12' by 20' in size with anpropriate signs before occupancy permit for 50' by 82' building is granted. Mr, Determan had no problem with this stipulation, 3. Remove tanks stored outside of fence by July 31, 1985. Mr, Determan had no problem with this stipulation. 4. Reduce items stored above screening fence height by July 31, 1985. Mr. Determan stated he could hot do that. The typical size for a tank was °' by 21' long. Some vertical tanks are 30' - 40' high. Even laying down, they are 13-14' high. Mr. Robinson stated the City was just concerned about the visibility from the right of way. Ms. Gabel suggested that in the future, as Mr, Determan got rid of tanks and as he got more tanks that he try to put the taller tanks in the rear. Mr. Determan stated they do try to have the larger tanks in back. 5. Clean area in storage yard for temporary parking by Sept. 1, 1985. Mr. Determan stated he could not agree to this stipulation. It was too soon. He wou]d need at least two more months. 6. Upon approval of variances related to 85' by 130' buildinq and Rice Creek Watershed District ruling on company's plans to pipe and fill ditch section, the City will issue a building permit for said 85' by 130' building. Mr. Determan stated he was told by Mr, Flora and Mr. Burch that this was handled last•year. Ms. Gabel stated there was nothing the Appeals Commission cauld do about this. The petittoner would have to discuss this with Mr. Flora and Mr. Burch. 5B � 5C APPEALS COMMISSIO�� MEETING, JULY 9, 1985 PAGE 9 7. If Zice Creek Watershed District does not approve the company's ditch plans, then the company will provide a curbed, hardsurfaced parking area with 63 stalls, constructed per code, in the existing storage area. This parktng shall be provided before any occupancy permit for the 85' by 130' bui'lding is granted. If ditch plans ' approved� then items 15 and 16 of �tF�is memo prevail. Mr. Determan stated he was in agreement with this stipulation. 8. Complete 50' by 82' building - Sept. 1985 Mr, Determan stated the date should be changed to Nov. 1, 1985. 9. Complete 85' by 130' building - Dec. 1985. Mr. Determan stated this sh�uld be changed to fall of 1986, 14. Provide landscape plan for north side to include street trees and vines on fence by Sept. 1, 1985. Mr. Determan was in agreement with this stipulation, 11. Landscaping, including automatic sprinkling on north and south sides of building installed - May 1986. Mr. Determan stated this was an unreasonable request. 12. Access to temporary parking must be from the south or hardsurface apron, approved by City, shall be provided at north gate. Mr. Determan stated he was basically in agreement with this. The agreement he had with Phil pommer was to either take the qates out or snap them on. If there was a complaint with dirt being on the street, he would take care of the problem. 13. Convert ditch to 72" afpe culvert system -•)une 1988. Mr. Determan stated he would agree to this if the City would qet him the permit they promised him last year from the Rice Creek Watershed District. 14. The company agrees to accept all future responsibility for the maintenance and replacement, if necessary, of the proposed 72" piqe culvert system. Mr. Determan stated this was a ridiculous request. To put it in at his expense and maintain it was ridiculous. 5D APPEALS COhMISSION MEETING, JULY 9, 1985 PAGE 10 15. Pravide parking, hardsurfaced and curbed, per code, for employees - June 1988, to be located over present ditch area. 0 . 16, provide parking, hardsurfaced and curbed, per code, for after-hours pick-up - June 1988, to be located over present ditch area. Mr. Determan stated he was in agreement with this sti�ulation. Ms. Gabel stated that the Appeals Comnission was not a planning bod,y and did not have the staff at this meeting to answer t�e questions they would need answered before they could tack on the development agreement as a stipulation. She really felt this needed to be worked out with the people who participated in it and pro5ably the City Council who has more authority. She stated the Appeals Comnission should just address the variances and if it should be contin- gent upon something, they could do that, Mr. Betzold stated that even though t�e Appeals Corrmission was going to only look at the curbing, was it Mr. Determan's intent to go ahead with the variances recognizing that he would have to deal with the develop�ent agreement with the Ci ty? � Mr. Determan stated he would like to go ahead with the variance request, and he would try to get some things waived with the City, MOTIDN BY MR. BAR�1'A, SECO!tiDED BY MR. BETZOLD, TO CIASE THE PUALIC NF..riRING. UPO�ti' A VOZCE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSOIi GABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CIASED AT 8:53 P.M. Mr. Barna stated he would be inclined with this particular type of business and this particuiar site to say that 5 ft, between the curb and the fence or building was just wasting 3 ft, of space. It was not merelv a situation like a small business development. There were quite a few warehouse areas in the northwest corners of the City where there are 2 ft.curbs or less. In this type of business where they are talking principally about trucks, a 5 ft. curb was not going to stop the truck from backina into a building. A 5 ft, curb or 2 ft. curb would not make much difference. As far as the driveway width, �dhen pulling a 30 ft. tractor and trailer, he would rather see a 40-45 ft. driveway than a 35 ft, driveway. He would be in favor of a 2 ft, setback from the building and from the driveway. Mr. Betzold stated that considering the nature of the cargo that would be on the trucks, he would be inclined to try to make sure the drivers of th�se trucks have ample space to maneuver. He was concerned about possible parking spaces, but that was something that could be addressed by the City Council, He felt this land was also somewhat unique to the extent that at such time Determan Welding was not doing business tf�ere any more, a successor business would probably be using t�e property for a sinrilar-type business. He did not think the variances on the land in this case would lock in and cause somethin� contrary 5E APPEALS__COMMISSI�t� MEETI�lG, JULY 9, 1985 PAGE 11 to what the code says. Recognizing that there is a lot of other things in the agreement that needed to be addressed, these could be addressed at City Council. He would be in favor of the 2 ft, curbing. Mr. Plemel stated this certainly was a unique-type business. This tvoe of business was not ever qoing to be a beautiful spot, and 5 ft. or 2 ft, would �not make that much difference. Because of the uniquenes5 and nroblems, he would urge staff to make accomnodations wfierever possible. The aetitioner was apparently trying to clean up the site and provide more storaqe. Ms. Gabel stated that in terms of strictly the variances, the nature of this business, and the type of material tfiat is handled, she, too, would rather see ther� have a wider dreiveway. Regarding the matters in the development agree- ment, she felt these should be handled by staff and City Council because, as she had mentioned earlier, the Appeals Commission does not have the inform�tion or the staff present to explain what has haopened. M.^T.O': BY MR. BET20LD TO RECOMN.E'�D TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF THF. VARIANCE F�';-_'E: : ED AS Tb TH£ EisIS:ING HAIN B.'ILDIh'G Al�'D TNF. CURBING TNAT WOl'LA TIE IA'TD TN£ £�'ISTItiG STR:'�TJRES; AIPD THE DEh'IRZ OF TXE VARIA.'�CE FOP. THE CL%RBI�1G THAT RF.LATES 7�� F�'T;'R£ DF:?':APMr':T D:� TXE GROi.:'tiD5 TNAT IT IS PREP!nTL'RE AT THIS TIf!F TO B£ SEEt�ING THOSE VARIAIJCES. M.0°': �!�' DIED FOF. LF+Cf: OF A SECOND. M�TI�•'� B!' MR. BAR.'1A, SECOhDED BY MR. PiEP�!EL, TO RECOMME::D TD CIT}' COt'.fiCIL A�PR��'AL OF TN£ VARIAtiCES AS REQliESTED B_'T TXi,T TNE AA.EnS TNi+T ART' DIRECTL}' RE:.A:'£� T�� TH£ DIT:N. CLOS:.'RE BF. C0.4TI!�';,E."::' UPO'� APpRO�':,L BY TiiF' RICE CRE'Ei' hnTEF.: N.£P L'ISTRI�T; ?b PR��'IDE A FL'TL'RE EXTE.':SIOti (IF P.ECOM."£.':DL':i B}' TN.F CT"'}' ATTOR:�£�') OF TNE VARIA':CE L'ti�'IL I988 WITH THE COA!PLFTIDh' OF TN£ PPFS�'.':"' PLR';':ED E?�?;,.'�570!� A':D CO":TIivCE�'T UPO� A DE:'ELOP"'ET'T AGREEME':T BETWFEI: TN.E CITY A':P T1iF. P£:ITIDA'ER. UPOS A l'JIC£ VOTE, ALL VOTI'�� AYE, CHA:RPERSD�ti GABEL DECLARED TNF. MD.TIO.': CARRIED Ul�n';IMO:'S:.}'. AD,lOURi��'E'�T: �ND:''.�.': B�' N.R, BAr2�:,, S£COtiDED BY MR, B£TZOLD, TD ADJOL'R'� TN.F. MEETI:+G. UPO.': � VCIC£ V0:'E, ALL VD:'I!�G AYE, CHAIRPERSON GAB£L DECLRP.£D THE JuLY 9, 19P�, ,�PPEF�S COM�'ISSIO.'1 M.Z'E:Iti� ADJOJR1tiED AT 9:15 P.M. Respectfully subr;itted, '�}�t j Y r_ � n,' f�' .. �. ynne a a Recording Secretary Yariance 5 � 1241 - 72nd Avenue NE Determan Welding ' � � Ward 2 - - . � � � CENTE�t � SEG��-- • • ' , . i :i-. a . . t � _, . � —,�o ... � �"' ' •: •: .: •' „" � c •I ::. •:ti•: � .:.. . �.��� :::. , a � �♦ � •: : :' :�. : ' : :, . t � � 1: �•: � . :•: � ;• • •�•: . : /� �' • �� ' : �► ��i i . ���: � c � —'!' j.'-{� ."� �`s) i:�: :�: '�: : :� : : : :: \i � � : . ��"%O j '�wr� �i i : •• •i�:�: i � . . . .•i � � �� • � . ; �...c : : : •. �::•: : � :; ; : : : �f 2 �0 ! : :.. .:•:. : : : :�: . : : :•. :•: .r , � � ,, .�•R � // lJS •��! � .•� . .•: . • .•. : ! . . 7 a • . •�•.::.... . � t � � � � I�4i t ��1� .� a J�Y r i i • : • • �• • �: •�: : •• :�• :i • i�•'•� �• :�. .1 � �J ♦�i .2 M �✓ _ !)' � /M I' 7 �'i � �'�'.'.�_,..�`.'.'.'.'. : :'�'i .'�'.': : :�;�: � • .w �� •�• • � � r ""'� • '•:�:}; ;�;: '-':;r�:ti-w:;:��'�'• . �, . , . . 4 )Y ' :•:: : • 72�0 � .. :•:: . � � . . :•: :; � � .. ::�'•::�: �: : :� v.� Nd} :wf?:i;::• �:•:::::::•: .�v,�.:•.�i .•.,►..i� � ` � �� � •1 . : ::J �M/� �► �/iIw'I Nirwr ,`• -� �r.'e��Tr �•: . : : . � �� � � if ` i ��. .'i . : i i `1 � � .� � • • • • . . • • r ' 720I �'' �'���f � :.�: • 3 � t--- -: ,�;; — --- ,� ",.�. =! �;---.,,�—, . .AYE.'-•.• ... ^^� = � �, , Z � � � �'YJ01Lr � �'r � � � � � Z� �I r �i t� �2 %� �t « � � CI , I�r i/t� � t l71� � : _,.. AUDITORS ` _� _ � ' .T1g -G'� �DD/�/ON�' _ �� . r- �Q ,. �Sc •- z � ' A _ �J � � i ' ,' �' • t �/� � t +"� �� �AJ � �� �i/�� � _ ' ��si N0. 88 3 . � � . ..��. _ ` � � Q a,. .r. �� ��� � � T �� ~ , /I� Y /�� � , -�'�� �- `I� ~ r r �' - � :7� t_ � , --r,ii � , � i � n - , , . ` � ,� � � , � ` t i l�rr � ( (ac s ; _ � ' .»� ts }�� �; Z ^.-.� : .�.•,�.. 4 � � � , j� ; g �'• � 9� � � ! �, � .., !I � � • . f � ` 7/O/ � ' �t ��t�1 112�5 ItSD ��• It�t Y , � -.--- --- - � , , -- '-� —��VO�i� - �- Aif�. ' .. �, �,.. _ 1 �SL � (�.r , � ., ��t � a � � . �t -ef. ' �' � 11 �'"" 12, � rt�+' .� ��' : ��'n � � t170 lLoo �t� riio �� 1�3. a�o� "��q�r-1� t _ -<- � _j __ �' , :.� . . . , � - . . .... �. W � �` � � - _ _ . 1-- '-- _ c -�_� _ ` � , �__ �„' �i - j'-ti, ��- � _ `� __� ' � 1 --..� __``` �, _ �., , � � Y � _'��``-` `'- � .j . � � �y • � � `_� ` _ t � �„` , � - ! - � � � ti ' S v �.,,;' _ - , � Q` • , '���.�►'�J �_- ; � 1 � • 2 �� L�I.i lIl• '��► � !� ; �.3 S � .,.:r, .,,.:. : O• t'ri rti � N O IO': •'[t -- �so .:. L 9 70 < ' _ � . I ` S � v.r L v� 1 � � 1 Z� Variance 1241 - 72nd Avenu ��ES G Ileterman Welding Ward 2 i' Vl:; •` �� . . � �' .� ;� �..,_�. .r � � :� � i r T,.r— _ � . ;r , �, � 'i ' \� ��; i;.4 : �`' i , � �� _"_ 1,� f + ,� � ` . \ : � I' ! � \ '\ ` ' i : � `,` . � � .'��� . � ``\ �` � � � � .{ '' � � � ` � ` \ . ` ` \ i . I \ �: � . ( i ' ' . � 1 � � . \ , � �i � \ \ _ � �l` I \ � � � 1 � � � ', i � � 1 \ ' : : ► I � � ,I � : � 1 \ , . �• ; '�f � '� - - - - - � . � � �. �f` -� - - � i � ! � \ •' ,' � �' 1\ � 'I� � � — t = � — � . _ � I 1, � `\ \ \ ' �_ t-i . 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Tabled August 5, 1985 . �ERM APPOINlEE EXPIRFS RF�IGNIl�IG IrENBII2 SJ1�1N RFSUJRCES 4�I�A'BSS D�N 4-1-86 Barbara Rocher 7650 Jadcson St. I� (H) 786-0944 3/�/u/� CITY OF FRIDLEY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, AUGUST 1, 1985 CALL TQ OROER: Chairwoman Schnabel called the August 7, 1985, Planning Comnission meeting to order at 7:39 p.m. . ROLL CALL: Members Present: Ms. Schnabel, Mr. Oquist, Mr. Minton, Mr. Kondrick, Mr. Saba, Mr. Wellan Members Absent: Ms. Gabel Others Present: Jim Robinson� Planning Coordinator John & Sue Rau, 1341 - 64th Ave. N.E. Bob Calderon, 6441 Central Ave. N.E. Al Nelson, Burlington Northern Jon Monson� 5200 Wilson Rd. �Y401 B, B. Chapman, Barton Aschman Assoc. APPROVAL OF JULY 17, 1985, PLANNING COf�IMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY MR. WELLAN, TO APPROI�E TXE JULY 17, 2985, PLANh'ING COMMISSION MINUTES AS WRITTEN. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHASRWOMAIJ SCHNABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 1, PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDERATION OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP #85-09, BY JOHW RAU: Per Section 0, ., , o t e ri ey ity o e o a ow �e construction of a second accessory building, a 24' by 20' shed with an attached breezeway on Lot 2, Block l, Spring Yalley Addition, the same being 1341 - 64th Avenue N.E. MOTION BY MR. MINTON, SEC ONDED BY MR. SRBA, TO OPEN THE PUBLZC HEARING. ON SP #85-09 BY JOXN RAU. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CXAIRWOMAN SCXNABEL DECLARED THE PUBLr HEARING OPEN AT 7:a0 P.M. Mr: Robinson stated this property was located just north of 64th Ave, and east of Highway 65. It was zoned single family and was adjacent to light commercial to the west. The proposed building would be in the rear of the lot with approx. 50/50 split between shed and breezeway. No driveway was proposed to the structure. He stated the only stipulation Staff would recommend was that this building not be used as a primary garage. Mr. Robinson stated there have been no objections from the neighborhood. 7 7A PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, AUGUST 7, 1985 PAGE 2 Mr. Minton asked what this building would be used for. Mr. Rau stated he originally intended to build a 24' x 10` shed but decided ta add 10 more feet for a breezeway. He stated the shed would be used strictly for storage of lawnmower. garden equipment, etc., and a boat. 'Mr. Bob Calderon, 6401 Central Ave., stated he was a neighbor� and he had no objection to this building. MOTION BY MR. SABA, SECONDED BY MR. KONDRICK, TO CLOSE TH£ PUBLIC HEARING ON SP �85-09. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CXAIRWOMAN SCNNABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 7:44 P.M. MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK, SEGI�NDED BY MR. �INTON, TD RECOMMEND TD CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF CONSIDBRATIGW OF A SPECIAL vSE PERMIT, SP K85-09, BY JOHN RAU, PER SECTION 205.07, 1, C, 1 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE TO ALLOW TXE CONSTRUCTION OF A SECOND ACCESSORY BUILDING, A 24' BY 20' SHED WITH AN ATTACNED BREEZEWAY ON LOT 2, BLOCK 1, SPRING VALLEY ADDITION, TXE SAlNE BEING 134I - 64TH AVENUE N.E., WITH TXE STIPULATION TXAT THE BUILDING NOT BE USED FOR MOTOR VEHICLES. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCXNABEL DECLARED TNE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMDUSLY. Mr. Robinson stated this item would go to City Council on Aug. 19. 2. PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDERATION OF A PRELIMINARY PLAT, P.S. �85-03, GREAT , eing a rep a o a that par o e quar er o ec �on ,-,- and of the NE quarter of Section 27, T-30, R-24, Anoka County, that lies Southerly of the Southerly right-of-way line of Interstate Highway No. 694, Easterly of the Easterly line of the Plat of Great Northern Industraal Center, Fridlel, Northerly of the Northerly line of Lot 1, Block 1, Midwest Addition and Westerly of a line 92.9 feet Westerly of and parallel with the center line of the Burlington Northern Inc. main tracks as it now exists. Containing 12.4 acres more or less. MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY MR. SABA, Tt� OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING ON �I85-03, GREAT NORTHERN INDUSTRIAL CENTER EAST, BY ALFRED NELSON. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARF:D THE PUBLIC iIEARING OPEN AT 7:47 P.M. Mr, Robinson stated this proposal involved approx. 12.4 acres located south of 694 and west of the Burlington Northern railroad spur. It was in a plat of land that is rapidly developTng. The zoning for the entire plat was M-2 (heavy industrial) and the proposed use of mini-storage would fit into that zoning. 7B PLANNIWG COMMISSION MEETING LAUGUST 7, 1985 PAGE 3 Mr. Robinson stated access to the plat would be through 53rd Way onto Industrial Boulevard which would be extended in a new street (Ashton). He stated two existing railread spurs would remain as outlotz dividing the site into two distinct tax parcels. Mr. Robinson stated the only stipulation was the park fee be paid before the �plat is recorded, and the petitioner has agreed with that stipulation. Engi- neering on the development is being worked out with city staff, and they feel all requirements will be complied with with no problems. He stated the third item on the agenda was a public hearing for a special use permit ►rhich was related to the business proposed for this proeprty. Mr. A1 Nelson, Burlington Northern, stated this was formally o�erating property which was not included in their original plat of the industrial park. Concurrent with the interest in developing the property plus the fact that the operating use of the property has been released freeing it up for development purposes, that was the reason for platting the area. Ms. Schnabel askec� if � rlington Northern was selling the property. Mr. Nelson stated they are selling the 7+ acres, leaving 3+ acres which they will also be selling. MOTION BY MR. SABA, SECONDED BY MR. MINTON, TO CIASE THE PUBLIC HEARING ON PS. #85-03. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING �YE, CXAIRWOMAN SCXNABEL DECLARED TNE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 7:57 P.M. MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY MR. OQUIST, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL TXE APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY PLAT, P.S. N85-03, GREAT NORTHERN INDUSTRIAL CENTEP. EAST BY.sLFRED NELSON, BEING A REPLAT OF A LL THAT PART OF THE SE QUARTER OF SECTION 22, T-30, P.-24 AND OF THE NE QUARTER OF SECTIDN 27� T-30, R-24, ANOKA COUNTY THAT LIES SOUTFiERLY OF THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT—OF—WAY LINE OF INTERSTATE HIGHWAY NO. 694, EASTERLY OF THE EASTERLY LINE OF THB PLAT OF GREAT NORTHERN INDUSTRIAL CENTER, FRIDLEY, NORTHERLY OF TXE NORTHERLY LINE OF LOT 1, BIACK 1, MIDWEST ADDITION AND WESTERLY OF A LINE 92.9 FEET WESTERLY OF AND PARALLEL WI1F1 THE CENTER LINE OF THE BURLINGT1�ti NORZHERN INC. MAIN TRACKS AS IT NOW EXISTS. CONTAINING 12.4 ACRES MORE OR LESS, WITN THE STIPULATION TXAT THE PARK FEE BE PAID b�FORE THE PLAT IS RECORDED. UPO17 A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCXNABEL DECLARED THE MOTIN CARRIED UNANIlJOUSLY. 3. PUBLIC HEARIl�G: CONSIDERATION OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP #85-08, BURLINGTON HE , BY J S er ect�on ., , o e rl ey i y o e o a ow ex erior s orage of materials and equipment on a strip of land generally located West of the Burlington Northern Railroad tracks and East of the Great Northern Industrial Center Plat. All lying in the South half of Section 22, T-30, R-24 and in tf�e North half of Section 27, T-30, R-24, County of Anoka, Minnesota. 7C PLANNING COMMiSSION MEETING, AUGUST 7, 1985 PAGE 4 MOTIDN BY MR. WELLAN, SECONDED BY �R. OQUIST, TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING ON SP I185-08�BURLINGTON NORTHERN, BY JON MONSAN. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CXAIRWAMAN SCXNABEL DECLARED TfIE PUBLIC XEARING OPEN AT B:00 P.M. �Mr. Robinson stated this proposal was for Lot 1, Block 1, and Lot 1, Block 2, of the proposed plat. It involved use of approx. 7.3 acres. lhe building area was 127,930 sq, ft. Lot coverage was 37X, and nine parking stalls were proposed for the plan. Mr. Zobinson stated the proposal was for outside storage of recreational vehicles. The storage facilities would not be visible from any public right- of-way except possibly from 694 and that visibility would be limited. Mr. Robinson stated the petitioner has completed a landscape plan with screening of parking areas, drives, and storage area. Staff's only stipulation was that the landscaping plan and screening be worked out with staff. Engineering is proceeding with a plan for on-site drainage. Concrete curb and gutters will be around the perimeter of the site. Mr. Jon Monson stated they are purchasing the property from Burlington Northern. He stated it was a somewhat broken up site in terms of efficiency with the Burlington Northern railroad spur going through it. Fortunately the spur is used infrequently (1-2 times a month). The spur which goes to Plywood Minnesota is currently not in use at all, and they have requested that Plywood Minnesota take it out. Plywood Minnesota does not use it, but they want to leave their options open. Mr. Kondrick stated that regarding the railroad spur, do they want the gate to run across the tracks on each side to prevent the trains f rom going through or do they want gates to run parallel with the tracks? Mr. Monson stated that was a good question, and in their negotiations with Burlington Northern, they have expressed their preference for putting gates across the tracks. From a property standpoint, Burlington Northern would be in favor of it, but from an operational standpoint, they would not. Whether it goes like that or whether they end up putting up a moving gate parallel to the tracks is a matter of negotiation at this time. They feel their preference for the perpendicular placement of gates was not unreasonable due to the infrequency of trains and the proximity of the gates. Mr. Kondrick stated that regarding open storage, is the property going to be fenced on all sides? Mr. Monson stated, yes, because security was of prime concern to them. They are the only mini-storage company in the area which alarms every door. This doesn't apply to the outdoor storage except for the fact that they use a parking lot type of gate access to get on the site. They not only have chain link gates that close after 9 p.m, until 7 a.m., but they also have a computer 7D pLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, AUGUST 7, 1985 PAGE 5 system where a person has to register his/her personal code to get in and out, and then they also have data on file as to who comes and goes. Mr. Wellan stated that with a double gate system at the �ailroad spur, what kind of problems could they run into as far as fire or police emergencies? �Mr. Monson siated that because they prefer the perpendicular gates, there would not be a problem. There might be more of a problem in the case of a power outage that would preclude easy access across the tracks. That was not to say the fire trucks could not access from Plywood Minnesota or along the railroad right-of-way because it looks like there is good access from all around the property. Mr. Kondrick asked if there were provisions in the contracts with the renters ' that prevented the renters from storing chemicals. Mr. Monson stated, yes, they do have provisions in the lease agreement that prevent the storage of any materials that are dangerous in any way. Mr. Kondrick stated he had a concern relative to vandalism. It seemed that areas along railroad tracks were extremely vulnerable to vandalism and that type of thing. Mr. Monson stated they have experienced being by railroad tracks at their St. Louis Park facility. That faci]ity is within 100 ft. of the tracks. They feel more comfortable in Fridley than in St. Louis Park because in Fridley thev can put up an 8 ft. high chain link fence while in St. Louis Park they can only put up a 6 ft. fence. However, they have not had any problem in St. Louis Park-- probably more problems with kids in the neighborhood than with transients. The site is very clean, the garage doors are alarmed, and even if there is unauthorized entry, what persons can do on the property is very limited. If they try to get in a unit, as soon as the lack is cut or the door opened, an alarm will go off. He stated they have 3M monitor system, and they have a good working relationship with the City of St. Louis Park so that if and when help is needed, the police will respond. They do not want to endanger the resident manager so they do ask for that type of support from the city. Ms. Schnabel asked about lighting. Mr. Monson stated they use a high pressure sodium light which is spaced so they can light not only the perimeter but alsa the interior aisle �rom the lights on the building. The unique feature they have is the covered aisles which are lit on the ceiling. Ms. Schnabel asked about electrical outlets, water, or drains available to the renters. Mr. Monson stated that in the rental agreement they try to make it clear that these units are for passive use only and are not intended as a workshop area. That disrupts the whole purpose of mini-storage. So, no, the renters will not have access to water. If a renter wants a light in his/her unit, it will cost so much extra. Because of the way tfiey are configured and because of 7E PLANNING COMMISSION MEE7ING, AUGUST 7 1985 PAGE 6 their operating hours, the use and requirement of electricity is really kept at a minimum. They do have outlets that a renter has access to for a trouble light. There are no interior drains. All the water leaving the site will go down into the middle of the drive aisle which is 40 ft, wide in the middle and 25 ft. wide on the outside and then channeled away to a catch basin. Ms. Schnabel asked about the offtce/residence and snow removal. Mr. Monson stated there w111 be an office/residence where the resident manager will leave. They do have their own maintenance vehicles, but sometimes they have to contract with larger vehicles for snow removal. In case of heavy snowfall, the snow is hauled out to another dumping ground, Mr. Monson stated the gate hours are 7 a.m, to 9 p.m, and the office hours are 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. MOTION BY MR. SABA, SECONDED BY MR. 1NINTON� TO CIASE TKE PUBLIC HEARING. UPON A VDICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWD!�tAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC XEARING CLC?SED AT 8:42 P.M. Mr. Oquist stated he was impressed with this proposal and was very impressed with the security. MOTION BY MR. OQUIST, SECONDED BY MR. MIb'TON, TO REC0I�LMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL pF CONSIDERATION OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP I185-08, BURLINGTON NORTHERN, BY JON MONSDA', PER SECTZON 205.18.2, C, 9 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE TY? ALLOW EXTERIQR STORAGE OF MATERIALS AlVD EQUIPMENT ON A STRIP OF LA1VD GENERALLY LOCATED WE'ST OF THE BURLINGTON NORTXERN RAILROAD TRACKS AND EAST OF TNE GREAT NORTHERN INDUSTRIAL CENTER PLAT. ALL LYYNG IN THE SOUTN HALF OF SECTION 22, T-30, R-24 AND IN THE NORTH XALF OF SECTIDN 27, T-30, R-24� COUNTY OF ANOKA, MINNESOTA� WITN THE STIPULATION THAT THE LANDSCAP£ PLAN BE APPROVED BY THE CITY. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CXAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIEn UNANIMDUSLY. Mr. Robinson stated that at their Aug. 19th meeting, the City Council will set a public hearing on this item for Sept. 9, so the special use permit, the plat, and a sign variance will all go to the City Council on Sept. 9. 4. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENi COMMISSION REVIEW: Mr. Oquist stated that as the Planning Commission members knew, in the past the members of the Community Development Commission have had the problem of the lack of direction for this commission. He s�ated they have again had a lengthy discussion and feel they are really nothing more than a mini-Planning Comnission. Things they normally would have done in the past have more or less been taken over by the HRA, so the Community Development Comnission is somewhat lost as to what direction their commission should go. 7F PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, AUGUST 7 1985 PAGE 7 Mr. Oquist stated he attended the City Council conference meeting on July 29. He stated it was a very good meeting. 7hey talked over some things, and the City Counctl still likes the neighborhood concept idea, even though the Community Development Comnission has discussed it twice and rejected it twice. He stated the Council gave him a pamphlet on "mother-in-law apartments" w�ich is a problem that is going to have to be addressed in the city. City Council wants the Community Development Comnisston to look at the golf course issue. 7he City Council also talked about the possibility of a community service officer working out of their area, but he was not sure what that would involve. Mr. Oquist stated these are nice individual ideas, but the Commission does not want individual project direction. These kinds of ideas should have been passed down to the Community Development Commission during the year when the Commission needed projects. What the Go�ununity Development Commission is really after is some direction--a charter of the Commission's responsibilities. The Comnunity Development Comnission had been looking at the possibiltt�� of being a liaison between the City and the NRA or subcommission to the HRA, but the City Council did not think that was very viable. Mr. Oquist stated they also discussed that it has been 10-12 years since the reorganization. The Community Development Comnission was made up of three other commissions that were consolidated into one. The City Council has heard other comments about Environmental Quality Comnission and Energy Commission having similar issues. Ne thought the charge was for the Planning Commission and staff to review the commission structure. He felt the size of the Planning Commission right now of seven members was a nice size and made a very workable commission. If they were to decrease the number of commissions, he did not think they would want to decrease the size of the Planning Comnission. Maybe other members would have to be appointed to the Planning Commission by the City Council. Ms. Schnabel stated she had been giving this subject a lot of thought after reading Mr. Flora's memo to Mr. Robinson and the Planning Commission members, She had the following ideas: (1) That thP Planning Commission take a look at the various components of the city and its needs and try to redefine, if they can, those specific areas they feel as citizens and residents they would like to have an opportunity to study, review, or oversee, and to make recommendations to the City Council. For instance, the business community and the City's relationship with the business comR+unity. There is no commission that deals specifically with the business � corrmunity. (2) That�they do some research with other communities and find out if there are areas other communities are active in that the City of Fridley ts not. They could possibly assign this task to the Community Development Commission. Mr. Oquist stated the other question was: Do they feel the current commissions are adequate? 7G PLAP�NItJG COMMISSION MEETING AUGUST 7 1985 PAGE 8 Mr. Minton stated that even if they did feel the current comnissions were adequate, it was a good idea to periodically review the commission structure-- maybe every five years. He thought the two ideas Ms. Schnabel had were good, Another thing that toncerned him was that some of the most important issues that come before city government are things the comnissions do not review. Ms Schnabel asked Mr. Oquist if the Communit� Development Commission would be willing to contact other communities and call about the structuring of those commissions. Mr. Oquist stated he would take this back to the Community Development Commission and see if they were willing to do that. Maybe staff could provide the commission with a list of communities to contact. He stated the Community Development Commission might even invite each commission chairperson to a meeting to give a short presentation on what his/her commission does. Ms. Schnabel stated it would be great if the Community Development Commission would take on the project of reviewing the whole co�nission process and making recommendations. 5. RECEIVE JULY 1, 1985 PARKS 6 RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES: MDTION BY MR. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY MR. OQUIST, TO RECENE TXE JULY 1, 1985, pARKS 6 RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAZRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. The Commission members expressed some concern about where the money goes that is received for park fees and how much money is brought in f►"Theyaasked fees. The purpose of these park fees was for park improvements. staff to provide the Commission with the park fund and balante sheet. Mr. Saba stated he would like to see a plan of proposed park improvements. Mr. Kondrick stated he woul�i try to get this information for the Commission. 6. REGEIVE JULY 2 1985, ENERGY PROJECT COMMITTEE MINUTES: lypTION BY MR. SABA, SECONDED BY MR. MINTON, TO RECEIVE TNE JULY 2� 1985, ENERGY PROJECT COMMITTEE MINUTES. UPON A VOICE VDTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCHIJABEL DECLARED THE MOTZON CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7H PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, AUGUST 7 1985 PAGE 9 7. RECEIVE JULY 11 1985 HUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSIO� MINUTES: 8. 9. MOTION BY MR. lYID1TON, SECONDED BY AIR. SABA, TO RECE.LVE JULY lI � 1985� FIUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION /NINUTES. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOlNAN SCXNABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. � RECEIVE JULY 11 1985 HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 1�INUTES: MOTION BY MR. OQUIST, SECONDED BY MR. WELLAN, T1D RECEIVE THE JULY 11� 1985, HOUSING 6 REDEVELOPMENT AUTXORITY PlINUTES. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VO27NG AYE, CHAIRWOlKAlJ SCHNABEL DECLARED TK8 MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. RECEIVE JULY 23, 1985 APPEALS COMMISSIOro MINUTES: MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY MR. MINTION, 11� RECEIj�E TXE JULY 23, 1985, APPEALS COMMISSION MINUTES. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CXAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED TXE MOTIQN CARRIED UNAIJIMOUSLY. 10. OTHER BUSINESS: a. Satellite Dish Ordinance Ms. Schnabel stated she read in the City Council minutes that the Satellite Dish Ordinance had been tabled because of questions the Meyor had raised. The Commission members expressed concern that this ordinance had been tabled and asked staff to research why this ordinance was being held up and report back to the Commission at their next meeting. AD,lOURNMENT: MOTICk1' BY MR. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY MR. OQUIST, TO ADJOURN TNE MEETZNG. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE AUGUST 7, 1985, PLANNING COMMISSIDN MEETING ADJOURNED AT 10:10 P.M. Res ctfully submitted, � �� ynrre a a Recording Secretary • r��, � Ti_ �- C le i5 . 1`, �z � �� ^�-'L �.4 � � O �� � � � 1 r iu �u �Dw� Q H 1 (�, Ep \ • �— '� SP #85-09 7 J EK�' � John Rau C./ �TA � t A t U HtGM W/!Y {�p, � * , _ �+e;i ^ �: - . -- - : - - - _ - A, _. 1��• . rzoo �:�►�o �L�o `' �Ls°��o rxsz �4qo �< « , .�;''i r� i �• . Il _ �`' 2� 3° � : /` 3� 3� 13s6 . 37(� /4 00 +� � .ro `�r�Q �J ° e - e � ��4 G+3% ��� t'k H � � - a �; v� �- , Q .: � � •� r; ♦� • , ��� d 6��2 � ��� 7 � W � •� (� "J � � .: � �� W �' . �_ , — �3qi ' � 88 � � •s � 637�9 ` L��L �2 ; o 63 Li= �_ ��� , • ,A �, . �v:�� Z� � �- � .. ��c • 6 •rs b O �3i1 �. � O .J ,� L ,�� , ` I � �� � : .� � � - '� �,t - •� ""csrs - I.9 o i ;�y� ,s� � .,•.,�� ��► e � V� `J �� �a, Q °. .,,4 ��f. DD. j � ''=a .- . ,,� • z � i , � �, • . - �i y ,� . �. , , t !� � ; �o ��, � .. �' ; .� � _ . �;� • r � � f2c�_: 1�! � s � � C zs � � �� ..�, i V ,� � � V '�'' - r� _- � � - ' M'' - . - � R iC E / � � . � lsu.� , . _ �zq; � 7 - . 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Rip 'n, 3300 Bass Lake Road, Brooklyn Center Tom Taylor, 1 1 Oberlin Cir. S. Leonard Rence, 628 Brigadoon Place N.E. Cynthia Mabel, 14 Norton Ave. Don Elias, 739� C certo Curve N.E. APPROVAL OF JULY 9, 1985, APPEALS COMMISSI 'd MINUTES: MOTION BY MR. BARNA, SECONDED BY MR. PLEMEL, COIaMISSION MINL'TES AS WRITTEN. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON UNANIMOUSLY. APPROVE THE JULY 9, 2985, APPEALS DECLARED TXE MOTIDN CARRIED 1. VARIANCE REQUEST PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 205 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE TO REDUCE D 0 ��vnr+ �w�v�T, rnc �w�c tstltvt, oy5t C.tN►KFL AVENUE N.E. (MEDTRONIL`�-�ARl�ING—L-OT equest y o n , ips�n, r., ass a e oa , roo yn en er n. 5429) ' MOTION BY MS. GEROU, SECONDED BY NR. BARNA, TO OPEN THE PUBLIC XEARING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 7:32 P.M. Chairperson Gabel read the A�ninistrative Staff Report: ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REPORT 6951 Central Avenue N,E. A. PUBLIC PURPOSE SERVED BY REQUIREMENT: 7Q 7R APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING, JULY 23, 1985 PAGE 2 Section 205.18.3.D4.d requires whenever any industrial district is adjacent to or adjoins on any other district, permitted buildings and uses, except automobile parking and loading spaces, driveways, essential services, walks and planting spaces shall not be closer to the boundary line of a residential district than fifty (50) feet. � Public purpose served by this requirement is to provide adequate open "buffer" areas be}ween zoning districts for aesthetic and development reasons. 6. STATED HARDSHIP: � This location chosen by Medtronics; other sites �n the area would adversely affect other uses of total planned facility." C. ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REVIEW: This building would be constructed in the N.E, corner of the Medtronics parking lot. The building is planned to be 14 feet by 22 feet. If the Board recommends approval, th� ;taff reco�rnnends that you stipulate that it have a brick exterior and that a curb be placed around the structure to separate it from the parking lot. Mr. Moravetz stated that Mr. Phil Rustad, 5568 Danube Rd. W., one of the co- owners of a duplex on Norton Ave, had called the City. Mr. Rustad had said he did not see any problem with the variance request but would like to review the location a little bit more and would call back. Mr. Moravetz stated he had not received another call from Mr. Rustad, and Mr. Rustad was not in the audience. The petitioner, Mr. John Ripsin, stated he was with Evergreen Land Service Co., a consulting real estate firm, that buys land for utilities when they have an excess need. He stated this would be a single story structure similar to the one put in by Georgetown Apartments. He stated the exterior of the building would conform to the area. Ms. Gabel asked Mr. Ripsin to explain the purposP of the building. Mr. Ripsin explained that the new high technology that Northwestern Bell is , going to develop throughout the whole metropolitan area, as we]1 as nationally, is going to utilize fiberoptics and digital equipment that will allow them to transmit both visual and voice comnunication very fast. It is a new technology that will allow for better communication facilities for the whole area, not just for Medtronics. Mr. Ripsin stated this was stationery equipment. The equipment is left in the building, and there is an equipment operator who checks the equiprnent maybe once a week. There is very little activity in any of these types of facilities. Ms. Gabel asked why this site was chosen, 7S APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING, JULY 23 z 1985 PAGE 3 Mr. Ripsin stated this site was chosen because it is in the middle of a service area for Northwestern Bell. It was chosen because Medtronic was agreeable to leasing this particular piece of property in this location to Northwestern Bell. � Ms. Cynthia Mabel, 1214 Norton Ave., stated she was a h�r.ieowner of a single �family home. She asked why this building had to be on this site. She stated she felt there were other locations on the parking lot that would be just as suitable away from the residences. She stated the reason for city ordinance is to pratect homeowners and their property values. She stated she was definitely opposed to this building in this location. Mr. Don Elias, 7390 Concerto Curve N.E., stated he owned property at 1240-42 and 1250-52 Norton Ave. He stated ordinances are for a purpose; and even though he had no real objection to the building, he felt the City should stick to its ordinances. Mr, Barna stated he would like to see a full plan of Medtronics' total planned facility, because this location did not seem like the best place for this building. He could see some visual affect along Central Avenue. The building at Georgetown Apartments was completely invisible from anyone except a few residents in the southerly building. This building would be sticking right up towards Central Avenue and would be visible to everyone driving by. Ms. Gabel stated there has to be other areas around a given vicinity where a building could be located. She was very much opposed to putting this type of facility this close to a residential neighborhood. Mr. Ripsin stated there were other sites. One was down along the railroad tracks by the transmission line, but the transmission line would interfere with the operation of the facility. They also talke� ta Onan, and Onan was willing to give them a site, except Onan has to dig up an area because of the creosote pit from the old pole company. Mr. Barna asked if it was necessary to be close to Central Avenue. Mr. Ripsin stated� yes, it was. He stated the telephone cables run along Central Avenue. It becomes more costly the farther away they get from the telephone cables. Mr. Barna stated he was also opposed to *_his building being so close to a residential neighborhood. He couldn't see why this facility couldn't be closer to the Medtrnnics building as�actually Medtronics and Onan are going to be the major users. He could not see why the major users were getting the less impact. He would feel more comfortable if this was more to the south side of the parking lot. Mr. Plemel stated he felt parking lots are never very beautiful. He could see why Medt�ro nics would want the facility located on this corner, and he could not see where this low building would cause any visual harm. 7T APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING, JULY 23 1985 PAGE 4 Mr. Plemel stated Northwestern Bell could build this building 40 ft, farther south without a variance. Would that really make that much difference as far as visual pollution? !�!O_ TION BY MR. PLS'MEL� SECONDED BY MS. GEROU� TD CLOSE TXE PUBLIC XEARING. . UPONA VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTINC AYE, CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 8:09 P.M. Mr. Barna stated he could only visualize other telephone company substations he has seen which look like big brick buildings. and he just did not feel this wauld be a very appealing-looking building. Since he did not have Medtronics' site plan and did not know what other areas there were where this building could be placed, he did not feel he was in a position to grant the variance. Ms. Gerou stated she felt the building was too close to a residential neighbor- hood, and with the neighborhood opposition, she would vote to deny the variance. Ms. Gabe] stated she also was opposed to the variance, because she did believe city ordinances had a purpose and that purpose was to protect the character of the residential neighborhood. She Felt there was room on the parking lot to put the building elsewhere. She did not think there was a defined hardship, and again she felt perhaps it was encumbent upon the heavy telephone users in the area to cooperate in some way to bear the brunt of the building, rather than the people who will benefit so little. MOTION BY MR. BARNA, SECONLED BY MS. GEROU, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL DENIAL OF VARIANCE REQUEST PURSUANT T1U CHAPTER 205 OF TXE FRIDLEY CITY CODE Tt� REDUCE TAE SETBACK OF AN INDUSTRIAL BUILDING AA7ACENT TD A RESIDENTIAL BUILDING FROM 50 FEET T1D 10 FEET ON THE SE 1/4 OF SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP 30, RANGE 24, ANOiCA COUNTY, TF/E SAME BEING 6951 CENTRAL AVENUE N.E. (MEDTRONICS PARKING IAT) . UPON A VOICE VOTE, GABEL, GEROU, BARNA, VOTING AYE, PLEMEL VOTING NAY, CXAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED TAE 1NOTION CARRIED. Ms. Cabel stated this item would go to City Council on Aug. 5. 2. VARIANCE RE�UEST PURSUANT�O CHAPTER 205 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE TO REDUCE RTI�'!�^} P'1 C77 1r �r-���r r:r� �o� JIUIVTISKUUIC wHr. �rcequest Dy David Kondric , tony roo ay, rtdley, n. . � lNDTION BY MR. BARNA, SECONDED BY M GEROU, TO TABLE TXIS ITEM UNTIL THE AUGUST l3TN APPEALS COMMISSION MEETI AT THE REQUEST OF THE PETITIDNER. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAI�pERSON GABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. � �� 9 9 � . . �.� ;�.sl • •`.�. � �.�. r � :,� -r.� c .r �. � J• � '�'�+ ' - s•+Y , I . II.o J' �`-f" / ` � •. : � ^c r..._.� �' -s • •r .�"M �ti . : �' �z,� i � T �24r ��I����' 2 j hn: .Ripsin7� 'JE ; 51�, ntral Ave. 4�• • 2 . � , ,'1�f29 ri� e . •'sr:° - �., E ��. , -w • r . . . 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QURFSH I, QTY NF�INAGIIt FROM: SANP�N�iA ORIxJNO, N'g1NPGII�3JT ASSISTANT SiJ&TE(�: CITY O�UNQL' S SE��TING QF PIJBLIC HEARING L1ATE �D �ISIDF�R APA20JAL OF QTY' S AN�NDED HGtJSING PLAN DATEs AUGUST 14, 1985 In Dearnber 1981 the City Cotmcil apprwed a Housing Plan, �der Chapter 462C of the State laa governing Municipal Housing programs. �e Plan was a general descriptian of �e developnent o� housing in Fridley, specific housing needs, population data; and, the gernral direction the Gity would take to meet current and f ut ure housi ng needs .'Ihe adopti on of the Pl an all aaed the Ci ty to dev el op and acfiinister specific prograns for housing mortgage bonds. 'IlZis Plan is now outdated. The data section cannot substantiate current and projected housing needs, trends, ar any specific housing programs that may be suhnitted �der the Plan. Zherefore, the Plan r�eeds to be amended by the City dotmcil. �is aQnenc3ed Plan would also be serrt to the Metropolitan Council for thei r approval . State law dictates that a public hearing must be held to approve the amended Plan with notioe � the hearing published in the City's official riewspaper 30 davs prior to the hearing. Based on the staff's projected timelir�e for axnpletion of the amended Housing Plan, it is reo�mnenc3ed that the City Cotmcil set October 7, 1985 as the publ ic ha�ring date to review and consic3er apprwal af the a�nended Plan. A oopy of the Public Hearing notive is attached. r�o►ri� oF �var�c e�na� QTY OF FRITLEY QXJNI'Y OF ANOI�1 STATE OF i�IlJE50TA Nlyl'I(� IS BIItFBY GIVFN that the City Council (the "Council") of the City of Fridley, O��ty of Anoka, State of Minnesota, will hold a public hearing on Monday, October 7, 1985, at 7:30 p.m. , at the City Hall, in Fridley, Minnesota, relating to the madification of the City's 1982 Housing Plan pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 462C.03, as amended. Zhe modif ications to the Pl an updates data relating to housing needs of the City and its plans to meet those needs, methods of financing housing, minimum qualifications of lending institutions particiFating, and the use and issuance of residential mortgage revenue bonds. All interested gersons may appear at the hearing and preserit their views on the aunnenc�ed Plan orally or in writing. BY ORDQt OF ZiiE QTY Q'XJNC�L Qerk-Treasurer Publication dates: Auc3ust 26, 1985 Septeqnber 2, 1985 8A E crrY oF �xm�,� MEI90RANDOM 'l�0: NASIM M. 40RESF3I, (T!'Y MANAGIIt F�'1: SID INI�t�, DIRDCTOR OF C�NI.RAL �I�.S , SZl&7ECT: Bi]�GE.T 7RANSF�RS — 1984 n�'E: At7GUS'r 7, 1985 Attached are o�pies of budgetary transfers needed for the fiscal year encung Deoanber 31, 1984. �hese transfers effect four funds, that being the General Fund, the Revenue Sharing Fund, the Home Ownership FUnd and the FiRA Ftind. One general overall comment regarding these budget allocations revolves aro�d a change in the GFiQA Guidelines that was effective last year. Zhey have naw changed the guicielines to require that the City Council must act on the individual subtotals within each division. Zt�is acoo�mts for a majority of the c�anges. Within the General FUnd, itens one through f ive real ign the amounts of money within the divisions which are a result of the change in law mentio�ed abave. Iten 6A is an excess expenditure of $35,000 which is a result of the legal work cbne on the massage parlor. Zhe souroe of the revenue for that is shawn in 6B which is the Fmergency Reserve. Iten 7A, the Planning Deparatment is the expenditure for the Block Grant moriey and the revenue souroe is shawn under 7B which is the Block Grant Revenue. Last year in the General Fund, the Public Works Budget which aontains two different budget allocation changes. 1) Is for the additional seal coat, joint and crack expenditures that were made and the souroe of f�ding is a transfer from State Aid. 2) The change in responsibility of the Parks mai.ntenanoe fror. the Parks Budget to the Public Works Budget that is shawn in 8A and 8B. Within the Revenue Sharing Fund iten n�nber 9 is a reflection of an expenditures within the divisional lines. Itesns 10 anci 11 are a reflection of setting up the HRA Budget. As in gast years, we do not bucZget the HRA �nd until after the year is over and we use the actual revenues and expenditures to display these funds. It is neoessary for us to have a budget for HRA due to the fact that their activity is reflected on our balance sheet because of the interrelationship between the HRA and the City of Fridley in terr.�s of thei r f inancing and bonding. Would you please review these budget changes and place the appropriate resolution on the r�ext ager�. 9Q : sh 3/0/�/15 9A R�[,pT�ON N0. _ 1985 A RFSQ�U'I'�l AU7ii0RIZ II�]G �NGFS Il�l APPROPRIATIONS FOR 'BiE GIIVERAI� �lI�, REVIIVUE SHARIl�G EUI�, CABI�E ZV FUI�, HO[�+� C�+INER�IP FL1AD, AAID TSE HRA �IAD FOR �E YEAR 1984 WHEREAS, MFOA requires that all line itens within divisions reflect a favorahle aco�unt balanoe in the Annual Report, and WHERFAS, the City of Fridley legal servioes experuie8 $35,650 for prostitution pcosecution, and WTiERFAS, the City of Fridley spent $264,600 of Block Grant money, ana W'HF�2F'�S, the City of Fridley spent $81,200 for seal ooating, joint and crack work, and WHERFAS, the City of Fridley realic�ed $787,032 of expenditures frcn the P4rks Depa rtznent to the Publ ic Wor ks Depa rtment, and WHF,RF.AS, the City e�enc3ed $50 out of the Revenue Sharing Fund for Revenue Sharing Handbook, and . WHERFAS, the Hcme Owr�ership Fund had expenditures of $56,500 which needs to be budgeted for, and . WHF�2E�S, the City of Fridley is required to establish a set of HRA accounts for the proper budgets; NCW, �lERg�pRE, BE IT RE SQNID, that the Buogets of the following divisions and f►�ds be amenoed as f ol laws : Iten � 1 City l�Sanager 2 Assessing = 3 _Civic CQnter �!� :: i 1►�• ;• •• •� Supplie � and Other Charges Capi tal Outlay Persanal Services S1�p1 ies ano Other �arges Personal Servioes Supplies and Other Servioes $ -250 250 7,400 -7 ,400 -2,900 2,900 4 F�gineering Personal Servioes -400 F�rsonal Servioes -9,700 Stiipplies ana Other C�arges 9,700 Capital Outlay 400 ��ut,u i I{.1T3 IdO. Item �31�.L 5 Naturalist � 6B Reserve 7A Planning - 1965 SA Public Works SB F�rks 7B Block Grant Rlock Grant Personal Servioes S�glies and Other �arges Personal Servioes S�pplies and Other Q�arges Usea for Legal Used for Legal Suppl ies Capi tal Outl ay Supplies and Other Charges S�glies and Other Charges Trnnsfez frcm State Aid Transf er f ror.i State Aid Personal Servioes S�pgl.ies and Other Charges Capital Out,lay Personal Servioes S�ppl ies anci Othez Qzarges C�pital Ourtlay �!►1 .: �t 1►u ;- -� - RE'VII�[JE 3�RII9G FUI�ID �ro�:iations 9 Slipglies anci Other Charages Funa Balanoe � Page 2 500 -500 900 34,750 -900 -34,750 215,700 48,900 -59,900 -21,300 59,900 21,300 313,297 309,304 164,431 -313 , 297 -309,304 -164,431 $264,600 $215,700 48,900 $264,600 $ 50 -50 $ --0- � RFSCLt7TI0N N0. - 1985 . � �i� �.����: �� ' � J��� ; .,. .. . � Iten � 10 Personal Servioes S�gl ies and Other CY�arges : �fl�!�. Intergoverrmental ; ���i. ;.,. •• •� 11 Public Works Capital Outlay Transf er Out : �1���t Taxes Intergoverrmental Revenue Interest on L�vestments Misoellaneous Rent Inocme Sale of Property F1ind Balanoe Rage 3 $ 44,500 12,000 $ 56,500 $ 56,500 $110,500 115,000 500,000 $725,500 $120,000 5,000 70,000 10,000 190,000 330,500 $725,500 A21.SSID AAID ADOFI'ID BY g]E CITY Q�JNCII� OF �iE CITY OF FRIL�L,EY �iI�S DAY OF , 1985 NF�YOR - k'II�LIAM J. NEE �ti --`MY�.��', QTY Q+ERR - $IDN�'y C. Il�N 3/?/3/1 9C RFSQ,UTI1pN Np. - 1985 RESCY,iTrI0�1 AD�HORIZ ING SUBMISSION OF ZHE GRANT APPLIC�ITICXd AAID E�QJTI(�i OF �E GRANT AGREII�IT - ANOI�, TRI-QTY ALQ'�ICH, a RE �A. T. A. C. ) . WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota will make grant funds availabl'e for DWI enforoe�nent measures to local law enforcement agencies to begin October 1, 1985 and end Septenber 30, 1986; and WHEREAS, the cities of Blaine, Coon Ragids and Fridley are desirou� of prwiding a 000rdinated caoperataive approach to T�VI enforoanent; ancl WHEREAS, a joint powers agreement is in place which will allow for a 000rdinated enforcanent effort; and WHEREAS. the City of Blaine and the City of Coon Rapids agree to allow the Ci.ty � Fridley to ac�ninistratively 000rdinate the A.T.A.C. grant. N(�1, 7f1E'�;Ft7RE, BE IT RESCLVID, that the Gity of Fridley act as one of three sponsoring units of government and one of three grantees for the project titled Anoka Tri-City Alc�hol C�ountermeasure (A.T.A.C.�. �e A.T.A.C. project is to be oonducted in the City of Fridley by the Fridley Police Departrnent during the period frcm October 1, 1985 through Septenber 30, 1986. James P. Hi11, Public 5afety Director, is hereby authorized to apply to the 5tate of Minnesota Department of Public Safety for funding of the project and execute such agreenents as are necessary to implenent the project on behalf of the Fridley City O�uncil. PASSID AI�ID ADOPrID BY �iE QTY �tJNCIL OF '�iE CITY OF FRIDLEY 'I'FIIS 1�AY OF , 1985. WII.LIAM J. NEE - N�,YI�R ATI�ST: SIDNEY C. INMAN - QTY Q,ERK 3/7/3/6 10 FQR CQNCU�RENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- ESTIMATES � 2 r . August 19, 1985 Herri ck � Newrt�an, P. A. 6279 Univexsity Av�ue N.E. FYidley, 1rN 55432 For Legal Serviaes Rendered far July, 1985 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 2,376.85 �Hydro-Con Inc. Box 129 North Branch, M�l 55056 FII�tAL FSTII�,TE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 7,691.29 Water � Sewer Project #150 Killmer Flectric 7901 Brooklyn Boulevard Brooklyn P�rk, NN 55495 FINAL ESTII�TE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 42,880.00 Mi ssi ssi ppi Str eet L ic�ti ng Proj ect H 6 S As�alt 700 Industry Avenue Anoka, M�T 55303 Street Improvenent Project ST 1985-1&2 Partial Estimate No. 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 36,64b.06 A1 br ed�t Ir r i ga ti on 1408 W. Gbunty Road C Roseville, MJ 55113 Partial Estimate No. 1 Mississippi Street Irrigation Project ....$ 9,222.98 HERRICK 8c NEWMAN, P.A. •ifORNEVS AT LAW V�NGiL C. NEAI�iCK OAV�O / MEWMAN »�+ESE SC�MECKOE�ER August 13, 1985 12A ei?9 UNI�'ENSi7v ,��EN��E N E. FRID�E�. M�NNESOTA SSS32 57t•3850 � City of Fridley Civic Cznter 6431 University Avenue Vortheast Fridley, MN �5432 July Retainer: HOURS IN EXCESS OF 30 AT $70.00 PER HOUR: $16��.00 S 507.�0 EXPEUSES ADVANCED: Mary Ann Marks: S 12.25 District Court (Filing Fee re Superamerica):$ 37.00 Hennepin County Sheriff (Deposit Fee re Superamerica): $ 75.00 Liberty Title Company re Superamerica: S 106.00 Refund from Hennepin County Sheriff re Superamerica: -$ 41.80 2�6 xerox copies: S 30.90 BALANCE DUE: $2376.65 1 T0: Henor�ble Mayo� and Cit� Cauncil Cttv o? Frid!ey 64;,1 Uriversity Aver,ue N.E. Fridley, Mirneso'.a 554';2 CIIr 0� FRIDIE! EN6?NEE�IN6 DEFAR?M:NT 64�1 UNI�'EkSITY Al'ENJE N.E. F(iID! Er, MINh�SDiA 5543? DATE: AU6ilST 19,198� 12B RE: E�ti�ate N�. 5 tFIt�A:? Per�od Enair,g: AJ6t;�' 15, l9�5 For STAiEMEN? G� M,rikt, - MATEr AN:; SEMEF PkOJEC? i:5u � -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CGNTkACT I?EM Es!i�ate� Ur:t Qua^!it; Frice � ---------------------------------------------------- I 6' Duct�;e F�pe B' Du�::le F:pe 2(�' Duct�;e �ipe o' 6ate Valve 8' 6ate Va�ve 2�' 6ate �'alve 6' Hrd. Asse�. Mro'o.�'. il�� FiltC� B' - ?: lr': Decree 6en� 8'rE'xb° Tee 2U•X:i�'TB' Tee 8'l8'z6' Tee ?0'i:o'xo' Tee 2u' - 9'v Oeg�ee Bene Drain4ield kock for Hydrmt 1' Lopper Servi�e Lonnection: 1' Coppe� Se.►vice Pipe L�ea� l Ofyy Re���e and FEp;��e Concrete CurL Co��c^ Ezc�v�tion 6rarula� BorroM 6' P��� SeM. Ser. Connectio� 6' PV� Service Pipe B• Pt;. (0-10'1 B'PV� 11G-i�"} 8'l�' Yyes 4• PVL �er�:,e Co^nectior. 4' P�'C Service Pipe e'iC' WYES 6rir.uiar Bedding Cor.struct Ma^hole �IJ SJS �,« LLJ.: G � � J , � � 4 2 1 6 , � 1! 2 .0 Lu�;; 5c:� �J 100ii 1�' J i�J t,it� !b� , � 2 bu S 25 bl HYd•D.CF.� 1!lC. bcA 1:4 NC��� 5!d!iC�� hfi. 5.`�:'�0 -------------------------------------------------------------- QUf+!r?IT'r ?Hi� T�TA_ 11hIT ES'1MH?E TDTaL AM;;�_!�' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10. UC� 12.UG .;.�C� 325. U•"v �5u. G�U �,O��.UG 1, 25G�. 04 300.Gu 1J�..�.OG aOV. �}J B7�.Ov 2?i.�. Uu 87u.OG 78u.0"v 1U.00 1�5.Q0 6.OQ 509.38 e.oi G.9:� Q.U2 i�.�ti �V.V�t� 1C.:G i?. C': 3u.0U 10.UG 6.00 35.U0 Q.O1 SC.UC Lin. ft. Lir. Ft. lin. ft. Ea�h Eat� Eac" Ea�h Ea�h Ea�h Each Ea:h Each Ea�h Each Cu. Yd. Each Lln. FC. L�:�y �lY� Lin. ft. Cu. Yd. Cu. Yd. Ea:t, Lio. ft. Lin, ft. �lr. �t. Each Each Lin. F:. Ea�r Cu. Yd. Lin. ft. 19� U � G C� V 1 U U 0 0 Q U 0 U O �� J G 0 0 � U G t! G G U tJ 0 0 619 EE� 216: 5 .l J 1 : � 4 � . 0 6 � 1.; J 1LJ 1 0 4756 U 5 Z80 110 7G0 2 2 5U J r, J'� e,,oc.c�o 1:,•, �:G. Q:: 5E, 60:�. 0�: 1,6:5.Gu � �'�l'. �'� 6,0�.:.6u 6,75:.u:� 6Uu.G� 60G. :��i 6�:�.Gu 1,75u.uQ G. U�i S.:�J.10 1,SE�:.Uu 13G. C�.� 3;5.U0 7JJ. ��O ��y.�e �. ��U 4,?d�.�`� ..f; E� . Jti l.B�-"v.0� ►,10!;.6U 9, 4 � ��. :�'v /� �, Gl�J� U�J � C . C��; �;�r, .lvv� Vv 1'�� fi(1 6. 6:� : � ��)L'. �'�' � ie Into E:isting Manhole ay 36' RCP Casing (Class V! 2' Live T�p ' 9U Degree Bend oC�li.ation 7' RCF 8' Manhole ' 1nsul�tion anhcle Coneectson ------------------------- O1AL 3 50.00 100 45.00 1 1,425.00 1 30Q.00 2 750.00 �SG 34. C�0 4 125.00 b� 2.00 ! 400.OG ------------------------ Each 0 Lin. Ft. 0 EuA 1 Each 3 Eun 2 lin. Ft. 332 E�cfi 4 Sq. ft. 0 Euh i --------------------------------- 12C 2 1OO.OV 152 6, 84:�, OC 1 1,425.40 3 90:�. QO 2 1,500.Ov 332 11,?66.0^ 1 2,9J�.00 O O.OL 1 4R:�.Ou ----------f15:�,8::.78------------- ISUMMA�Y: Orsgin�l Contratt A�ount Contrut Additions Lontrut Qeductioas Re►•i sed Contrut Aeount V�Iue Co�pleted To O�te A�ount Retiined l5Z) LeSS A�ount P�id Previously AMOUN? DUE THIS ESTIMATE IAccount Code t513-OQ-0001 I CfkIIF1CATE Of TNE CONTkACTOk 5:2�,/�0.78 f:�,45�.00 fO.00� f15C�,9Q4.7A 7IJJ�BaJ.TB f 0. OG 51��,134.49 f1,b41.?9 I hereby certify tAat the rork Qerfor�ed and the aaterials Supplied to date under the ter�s of the co^tract 4or this pro�e:t, md ali �uthorited c��nges thereto, Aave an a�tual va;ue under tAe can!ra;: of the ��o;,nts 5hGM11 on this est��ate (�nd the 4ina1 quartit�es on the 4ina1 esti�ate are carrect>, and tnat tt,:s esti�a'_e is just and corrett �nd no ' part of the 'A�ount Due This Es+i�ite' Ais beec received. By -\`����----- - -------------�-��b�r Date �!�'41E�-s?-- -------- - Contractor's Aut�o*ized Representat�ve ;Title? CER1]�ICATE OF THE EN6INEEF I here�� certi4y that 1 �ave prepared c,r ezaei^ed this es.i�ate, and tha: t��e [cetr;cte� is ertitlee :c aar�e',t �f :Ais esti�ate under the �ootr�tt for re4ererce project. CIT� OF fRIGLEi, IN5PEC10k 8► ----� -=- --' - --- - ---=�'�-��--�. CAe;ke9 By ���� ,�- �u�L_ Date __ ��_/�� �� Respectf�.ly 5u6`itted, --- --------------------- ---------- r o. Fior1,F.E. � PuC?i� Morks Di.•e.tor 12D . QTY OF FR IIL EY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARZ'�]T II�1G IN EF�:ING DIV IS ION 6431 University Avenue N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 554342 August 19, 1985 Honorable Mayor and City Coimcil City of Fridley % Nasim M. Qurest�i, City t4anager 6431 University Avenue N.E. Fridle�, NN 55432 Council I�nL�ers: �• � • i a,, i��;� We hereby sutmit the Final Estimate for Water and Sewer Project #150 for Hydrocon Inc. , Box 129, North Branch, M�] 55056. We have vieaed the work under contzact for the construction of Water and Sewer Project �150 and f ind that the same is substantially camplete in acoordance with the oontract cbcunet�ts. I recommend that f inal payment be made upon acceptance of the work by your Honorable Body, and that the one-year vor�tractu�al maintenanoe bond commenoe on the date listed. Respectfully sutmitted, Jahn G. Flora, P. E. Puhlic Works Director JT: jmo 3/6/9/14 Prepared b�: � � Qzecked by : �i��i%r � 12E 12F August 19, 1985 . Zb: Public Works Director City of Fridley • �• � •� �, 1��• 1 . • a • �;• ►�!�•_ �_ �� � ?��]I' '����y � We, the �dersig�ed, have inspected the above mentioned project and f ind that the work required bi► the wntract is substantially complete in conformity with the glans and specifications of the project. All deficiencies have been o�rrected b� the o�ntractor. Also, the work f or whicx, the City feels the oontractor should reoeive a reduced pLice has been agreed upon by the oontractor. So, therefore, we reco�unend to you that the City appra�e the attached FINAL FSTIMATE for the o�ntractor and the one-year maintenanoe bond, starting f r an the ci3y of the f inal inspection, that being August 15, 1985. � -8�. �,-,--� � Thcxnpson, Construction Inspector � ����� � Cor�tractor Representative, (Title) JT:JND 3/6/9/12 �t�gust 19, 1985 Water and S�aer Project �150 �•� �� � •�.�ly� • �1. Zt�is is to oertify that items of the work shawn in the statement of work certif ied herein have been actually furnished and done f or the above mentioned projects in acoordanoe with the plans and specifications heretc�ore approved. ZY�e fir�al c�ntrack a�st is $153,825.78a� t�e final pay�ment o� $ 7,6 91.29 for the imprwenent praject would caver in full, the ocrntractor's claims against the City for all labor, materials and other work done by the coritractor �mder this project. I declare �m3er the penalties of perjury that this statement is just and corre�ct. Hydrocon Inc. � .��.��/L • - . . . , _ . Contractor Representative (Title} JT: j m4 3/6/9/11 �2G 12H CITY OF FRITX.EY fl�gineering Departrn�►t 6431 University Avenue, N.E. Fridley. Mirv�esota 55432 • Dete: 8/19/85 _ � 530-00-000 ��i(�/i�ahh� Zp: Honorpble Mayor and City Go�cil RE: Est. No. 1 (Final) City of �Yidley � Per. i�ding �- - -- :-- 6431 University Ave�ue, N.E. F�= Mississippi Street Li�htingProj. FYidley, Minnesota 55432 Killmer Electric i•� - 7901 Brooklyn Blvd. Brooklyn Park, MN 55445 �l�Q�SAitY: Original Contract Anrx�t Contract Additions — Q�arige Ozc3er Nos. - Contract Deductions — �ange Order Nos. -- Revised Contract Amo�a�t Value Ca�leted To Date StTS ZOTAL Amo�t Retained (10�) (Si) Less Amo�mt Paid Previously N�DUNT DI1E 'I�iIS i�'i'II�1A'IE .►�:•11 : r • y.� .. �: �•r►• : � �2,sao.00 ; --------- i--------- t 42,880.00 fr 42,880_.00 t _42,880y00 - S--------- i�_--- S� 42_880 00 __ I hereb� oertify that the Work perf ormed and the materials supQlied to date� �der terms of the oontract for the reference project, and all authorized changes� thereto, have an actual value �a'►der the v�ntract of the amounts sham on this estimate (and the final quantities of the final estimate are correct), and that this estimate is j�st and rect part of the "Arnount Due Tt�is Estimate' t�as been reGeived. �y,�,✓ V �) � . Date � — i d � � Bl' 't - - ntra r's Authorized Representative (Title) x;� : � y, _ .� �; I hereb� certify that I have prepac�efd�is estimatethimdersthe o�ntract for efer��e oonttactor is entitled to paymen project. CITY OF FRIDLEY, INSPEt."IUR BY Q�ecked By: : t � � Date Respectf ully S1�mitt.ed, City of FYic�ey HY ` J . ora, P.E. Di ar of Publ i c Wor ks �z� CITY OF �tILLEY ' PUBLIC WO�2i�.S DEPARZl+�TT IIVG IlV EIItING DN IS ICJN 6431 University Avenue N.E. FricIley, Minnesota 554342 August 19, 1985 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Fridley % Nasim M. Qureshi, City Manager 6431 University Avenue N. E. Fridley, M� 55432 Co�mcil Memi�ers: .�:i Ly �� Mr_ ��. ���171i We herd�y sutmit the Final Esti.mate for Mississippi Street Lighting Project for Killmer Electric, 7901 Brooklyn Blvd. , Brooklyn �ark, NN 55445. We have viaaed the work under �ntract for the construction of Mississippi Street Lighting Project and find that the same is substantially complete in acoordance with the oontract docunents. I recommend that final payment be made upon acceptance of the work by your Honorable Body, and that the orre-year o�ntractual maintenanoe bond cannenoe on the date llstedl. Respectf ully sutmitted, Jahn G. Flora, P. E. Publ ic Works Di rector JT: jmo 3/6/9/14 � Pr epar ed b� :� t'� f���`�--- �� Checked b�. �- 12J August 19, 1985 . Zb: Public Works Director Ci ty of Fr idl ey ' �•� •� �, /��• 1 . • a • •:• MISSISSIPPI SI'RF.ET LIC��TING PRO►7ECT We, the �dersic�ed, have inspected the above mentioned project anci find that the work required b� the ooritract is substantially complete in r.onformity with the plans and specifications of the project. All deficiencies have been c�orrected b1► the oor,tractor. Also, the� work for which the Gity feels the oontractor should reoeive a reduced price� has been agreed upon b� the oontractor. So, therefore, we reoommend to you that the City apprwe the attac:hed FINAL F�TI[�TE for the �ntractor and the one-year maintenanoe bond, stai�ting from the day of the f inal inspection, that being August 15, 1985. � � ampson, Construction Inspector / ���-� �� P- Contractor Representative, (Tit1e) JT:JHD 3/6/9/12 12K Pu�gust 19, 1985 12L Mississippl Street Lic�ting Project M�1:� : Y •, ►.1 •�,.IY: t 4N': �is is to oertify that items of the work shown in the stateme�nt of work certified herein have been actually furnished and done for the above mentioned projects in aco�rdanoe with the glans and� specifications heretofore apprwed. Zt�e final oontract wst is $42,880.00 and the final payment of $42,880.U0 for the imprwenem project would caver in full, the oontractor's claims against the City for all labor, materials and other work d�one t7y the contractor ta�der this project. I declare �c3er the penalties of perjury that this statement i5 just and correct. Rillmer Electric � CL� �/ � � Contractor Representative (Title) JT: jtno 3/6/9/11 `� FOR CONCURRENCE BY TNE CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 19, 1985 GAS SERVICFS Ari Mechanical Sezvives Inc. 9420 I�ndale Avenue Sa�th Hloanington, [rN 55420 By: Clarenoe Stueve A. Birr3er & Son, Inc. 120 E Butl er West St. Paul, NN 55118 Horw itz , Inc. 5000 North County R�oad #18 Minneap�lis, MJ 55428 G�IERI�L �OI�T�RACTOR Langer Construction Co. 54 East Mor el and Avenue West St. I�ul, MT 55118 Soott Olmstead Builc�ers 11261 Qui nn Str eet N. W. Goon Rapicis, NN 55433 Reliable Builc3ers Inc. 10543 Pierae Street N. E. Blaire, [�N 55434 St. Croi x Pool s, Inc. 13481 North 60th Street Stillwater, M�] 55082 8y. Richard Binder By : C. L. Col er By: Thanas M. Langer By So�tt Olmstead By: So�tt Holm By: Lla�d W. Sc��motter �'ATII� A1 askan Ai r Condi ti oni ng, Inc. 1200 Chestnut Avenue North Minreap�lis, Md 55403 By: R. D. Stevens A. Bi, cler & Son, Inc. 120 E. &rtl er West St. F�ul, MV 55118 Hotw itz . Inc. 5000 North County Road #18 Minneap�l is, irN 55428 � GarlsorrPeterson, Inc. 7557 North Impetial Drive Brooklyn P�rk, Md 55443 By: Ric�ard Binder By : C. L. Col er By: Elaire Carlson -- LICENSES 1 3 A Wnl l ian Sandi n • F9. bg. -Htg. Insp. Wil l ian Sarxli n Pl bg. -Htg. Insp. Wil l ian Sarxii n Pl bg. -Htg. Insp. Darrel Qark Qiie� Bldg. Ofc. Llarrel C�ark Ch.ie� Bldg. OFc. Da�rel Qark Qz:i e� B ldg. Qf c. Dai�rel C1ark Qzue� Bldg. OFc. Willian Sarx�in Pl tg. -Htg. Insp. William Sandin Pl bg. -Htg. Insp. Wil l iam Sar�di r, Pl bg. -Htg. Insp. Darrel Clark Qii� Bldg. CJEc. � FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- LICENSES � 3 C � August i9,1985 RESIDENTIAL RE�TAL PROPERTY �_.lt��; � r,� � � � J�� 4� i��+ �'':��./a� . ;. . . Wayne R. 'I�o��son 7339-41 Able Street 7339 Able Street N.E. Fridley, !�l 55432 . Stanley R. Meinen 7349-51 Able Street 3223 W. Owasso Blvd. St . Paul , NII�] 55112 Tt,eodore or Delois 7365-67 Able Street Truehl 6044 - 4th St. I� Fridley, NQT 55432 Diane Schutz 7379-81 Able Street 7379 Able St. I� Fridley, I�IIv 55432 Rot�ert Ho]mquist 7401-03 Able Street 3608 Ac�niral Lane t�ls, I�R3 55429 Zbdd B. fvechtlnann 7417-19 Able Street 5872 Washington St.I� Fridley, I� 55432 Donald Ross 7447-49 Able Street 4207 Fillmore St. I� G�l�bia Heights, I+II�I 55421 Dd-Ray Builders 7479-81 Able Street c,lo Ed Chies RR �2 Stanchf ield, I� 55080 Sa�ne awner bs above 7495-97.Able Street SaQne awner as above 7501-03 Able Street S�a�ne owner as above 7513-15 Able Street Sa�ne awner as above 7527-29 Able Street S��e cwner as abov�e 7539-41 Able Street Sane vwner as above 7553-55 Able Street Same aamer as above 7565-67 Able Street Same awner as abave 7579-81 Able Street 1 12.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 1 12.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 _ FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CtTY COUNCIL -- LICENSES 13 D t � August 19,1985 RESIDENTIAL REhTAL PROPERTY Same arner as above 7595-97 Able Street Daniel G. Nelson 6070 C�ntral Ave. (r) 6080 Central Ave. I� Fridley, !�1 55432 Same a�ner as above 6070 Central �►ve. (f) Charles L. Borton 655Q Central Avenue 3204 Gettysburg Av. N New Aope, !Ql 55427 Prithipal or Bash Singh 7325-27 Central Av�ue 2 Spring Farm Lane St. Paul, IrII�I 55110 Steven M. Mir�dlin 7335-7 Central Avenue 4526 Pleasant Drive St. Paul, l�l 55112 Paul and �san Chik 5012 Clearview Lane 14453 Portland Ave. S. Burnsville, l�IIV 55337 � Raymond Anderson 6428-30 Dellwood Drive 6426 Dellwood Dr. � Fridley, MQv 55432 Stuart W. Anderson 6409 East River Road 999 - 41st Ave. I� Col�.urbia Heights, !Ql 55421 Rirk � Carol Herraan 243 Ely Street 610 - 57th Ave. I� ' Fridley, I+II�T 55432 IKarvin C. Breiland 295 Ely Street 17720 Durant St. I� Ham Lake, P4�1 55304 Max L. Peterson 7320-22 �►ert Court 2801 - 16A Street N.W. New Brighton, !�1 55112 Sartaj ar�d NeetaSahni 7335-37 �ert Court 1551 Ca¢nelot Lane 2� Fridley, !Q1 55432 B ar�d B Investment 1301-03 Fireside Drive c,/o Michael A. Brotan 26 East Golden Lake Road Circle Pines, !�] 55014 R. H. Larson, FPB,! 2 2�.00 �s.ing Insp. 1 12.00 1 12.00 1 12.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 1 12.00 1 12.00 1 12.00 1 12.00 1 12.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 ' I = FOR CONCURRENCE 8Y THE C{Tlf COUNCIL -- LICENSES August 19,1985 RESIDENTIAL RENTAI. PROPERTY !������ � _� � �, � � �. J�' �- �+ =j��::�:�?�= . :. . . Clarence Larson 1321-23 Fireside Drive 6650 Vernon Ave. S., �120 Ddina, �II�T 55436 David and Janet Parke 7843-47 Firwood Way Route 1, Box 74 Re�ville, 1�1 56284 Rodger arx3 LaVearle Carey 7657-61 Firw�ood Way 10270 Miss. Blvd. AW Coon Rapids, 1�] 55433 John R. 2ielinski 7889-91 Firwood Way 7889 Firwood Way I� Fridley, N�1 55432 Clarence or Lillian Fischer '1893-97 Fizwood Way 7897 Firwood Way I� • Fridley, r4�1 55432 Stuart W. Anderson 539 Glencoe Street 999 - 41st Ave. I�, #202 Col�unbia Heights, !�l 55421 Harland Berry 7095-99 Hickory Drive 6965 Hickory Cir. t� Fridley, NAI 55432 Carver Park Rentals 421-23 Ironton Street Randy Craaell & Paul Roenig 7312 Lilac Lane bccelsior, I�1 55331 David H. Hag�neister 735 Rimball Street 6608 Quebec Ave. Mpls, I�] 55428 Marvin Breiland 196 Longfellvw St. 17720 Durant St. I� Ham Lake, I�l 55304 Forest Cornelius 4020-22 Main Street 4020 Main St. I� Fridley, NII�I 55421 John M. & Maureeii 4571-73 Main Street Vachuska 4930 Madison St. I� Mpls, 1�4�1 55421 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 1 12.00 1 12.00 1 12.00 1 12.00 2 24.00 1 12.00 1 12.00 1 12.00 2 24.00 13E � = FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- INCENSES i 3 F � August 19.1985 RESIDENTIAL REhTAL PROPERTY � . � �.� •, � � }�� 4. a+ � • ���./a�� �..1�!x: - • ;• . • Auren E. Rerntop 5835 Main Street 201 Mercury Dr. I� Fridle�, 1�Il�] 55432 John Chura 5971-73 Main Street 5973 Main St. I� Fridley, NII�I 55432 Joseph & Lynn Pilon 5981-83 Main Street 4732 Debra Court Shoreview, I�] 55112 S. R. and Savitri 1230-32 Norton Avenue Mac3ireddi 11542 Gentilly R�ad Maple Grove, I�IIV 55369 Carver Park Rentals 1237-39 Norton Avenue Randy Crowell 7312 Lilac Lane E�ccelsior, I�] 55331 G1�rmeet or Daleet Gandhok 1280-82 Norton Avenue 2 S�ring Farm Lane St. Paul, N�] 55110 Tho�nas Shier 1295-97 Norton Avenue 1715 Heritage La. I� New Brighton, !� 55112 Mike Flannery 132b-28 Osborne Road 21 - 104th Ave. AW Coon Rapid.;, NQI 55433 Chester Perkerwicz 1342-44 Osborne Road 7370 Cor,certo Cr. I� Fridley, 1�II�I 55432 Victor or-Delorise Daml 174-76 Pearson Way 9412 Flint��od St. 1�W Coo�n Rapids, I�I 55433 Wayne or Marita Larson 6315-17 Pierce Street 1216 Banfill Circle Brooklyn Park, IrII�] 55444 2 24.00 1 12.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 . 24.00 2 24.00 2 24.40 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 � � � FOR CONCURRENCE 8Y THE CiTY COUNCIL -- LICENSES August 19,1985 RESIDENTIAL REhTAI. PROPERTY !.i�!�; � • �� �. _ � �. )si 4� �+ � "' ���./a� : . :. . . Sa�ae owner as above 6325-27 Pierce Street Do� Jot�nnes 6373-77 Pierce Street 1620 Rice Creek Rd. Fridley, NII�I 55432 Arthur B. Quiggle III 101 Pilot Avenue 1906 Stinson Pkwy. Mpls, IrII�I 55418 Thomas E. and Margaret A. 1441-43 Rice Creek Rnad Brickner 6170 Heather Place Fridley, 1�] 55432 Andrew Rociscak 1631 Rice Creek Road 1419 W. Danube Rd. I� Fridley, lrII3 55432 - Denise L. SYnith 6496-98 Riverview Terr. 6492 Riverview Terr. Friclley, I+�3 55432 Ray or porothy Burchett 6100-02 Star Lane 6100 Star Lane I� Fridley, I�AI 55432 Vernon Lindberg 6140-44 Staz Lane 1897 Stinson Blvd. New Brighton, I�4v 55112 G& G Building 6421-23 Starlite Circle Gary & Carl Wellmer 8457 Riverview La. N. Brooklyn Park, I�V 55444 Ed and Doris Chies 7337-39 University Ave. 7651 Centr al Ave. I� Fridley, l�i 55432 Steven Chies 7349-51 University Ave. 8624 Mi.ss. Blvd. AW Coon Rapids � NII�I 55433 Ed and Doris Chies 7361�3 University Ave. 7651 Central Ave. I� Fridley, NaJ 55432 2 24.00 2 24.00 1 12.00 2 24.00 1 12.00 2 24.00 1 12.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 � � 0 � � 13H _ FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- LICENSES � August 19.1985 RESIDENiTIAL RENTAL. PROPERTY !.1►i�; .� ' �'� �, _ � �. 1�� }- �I�+ �' :.�.la� . ;. . . Sa¢ne awner as above 7373-75 University Ave. lmland �1. Little 5780-90 2 1/2 Street 9240 ifiiv. Ave. AW Coon Rapids, 1rII�1 55433 �7dward Otrenba 5057 3rd Street 5567 E. Danube Rd. I� Fridley, N�1 55432 Gerald Geisinger 5181-83 3rd Street 6018 - 2nd St. t� Fridley, IrII�T 55432 Jaseph Sinigaglio 5�9�-93 3rd Street 4715 - 3 rd St . I� Fridley, I� 55421 J and B Properties 5339 4th Street c/o Willi�n J. Frauly 169 Croam Rd. i� Fridley, l�] 55421 Stephen T. ana Doreen 5357 4th Street Lischalk 5357 - 4th St. I� Fridley, NII�1 55421 Richard H. Rappes 5370 4th Street 3129 Webster Avenue Mpls, I�1 55416 William t�e�ther 5860-6? 4th Street 643 Rosedale Rd. I� Spring Lake Park, 1�1 55432 Irene Aodg�s 5908-10 4th Street 5908 - 4th St. 1� Fridley, IrAI 55432 Dallas H. Schute 5365-67 Sth Street 159 - 53rd Ave. NE Fridley. l�II�i 55421 Raymond J. Lafave 5373-75 5th Street 5375 - Sth St. I� Fridley, l�1 55421 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 1 12.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 1 12.00 2 24.00 1 12.00 � FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- LICENSES � . August 19,1985 RESIDENTIAL RENTAL PROPERTY � • • :_ � � �_ J�� 4� �+ ' �;��./a� : ! �I►i�; - • :. . . Timothy Fietek 5346-48 6th Street 15 - 10?.nd Ave. AW Coon Rapids, IrII�i 55433 Thanas Gliadon 5361--63 6th Street 6230 S�nrise Dr. I� Fridley, l�'�l 55432 Tho�nas Gliadon 5371-73 6th Street 6230 S�nrise Dr. 1� Fridley, 1�] 55432 Sa¢ne owner as above 5381-83 6th Street Lonnie Burgess 5600 6th Street 6151 - Sth St. I� Fridley, NIIJ 55432 . Renneth R. Hafner 5612-14 6th Street 6051 - 6th St. I� Fr idley ► r'A1 55432 Darlene D. Benson 5618-20 6th Street 6051 - 6th St. I� Fridley, !�l 55432 Sames Reynolcls & 5738 7th Street Thom�.s Frazee 520 Plymouth Bldg. Mpls, t�II�i 55402 Robert M. I�ssell 217-19 57th Place 3025 3ersey Ave. No. I�ls. NIIV 55427 Ronald & Jennifer Groat 70-80 63 lI2 Way 5107 Woak3ale Ave. Edina. I�RJ 55424 SaR�e owner as above 90-1Q0 63 1/2 Way Raj Dhir 1313-23 73rd Avenue 13304 Fordh�n Ave. Ap�le Valley, I�] 55124 Dennis Kugler 1560-64 73 1/2 Avenue 8331 T�errace i�r3. I� Spring Lake Park, 1�T 55432 2 24.00, 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 1 12.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 731 �� = FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CtTY COUNCIL -- LICENSES � 3 K J August i9,19$5 RESIDENTIAL RENTAL PROPERTY ___ R,1���: -� _ �;� ! . !� � �, )►� �- � _ : " �:.�./�� : • ;. . • Riverwood Apt. t+�nt• 5960-80 Anna Street c,/o Dori Ar�erson 3319 Beld� Drive I�ls, i��i 55421. Bruce A. & Donna 6542 Central Avenue Bondaw 6616 Central Ave. I� Fridley, I+Ai 55432 33 91.00 4 36.00 �ssell E. Beck 7150-2-4-6 Central Avenue 4 7527 Van Buren St. I� Fridley, N�1 55432 Bong and Piau 7190 Ces�tral Avenue c/o Dai-Shen & Grace Hong 2298 - 17th St. I�W New Brighton, NW 55112 . Zl�eodore W. Holsten 6551 Channel Raad 3213 �bwnview Ave. St. Anthony, [�I 55418 Same aaner as abave 6571 Chvu�el Road Filister F�terprises 5640 East River Roar3 5750 Fast River Rpad Fridley, I�A1 55432 S�ne awner as above 5660 East River R�d S�e cywner as above 5684 East River R�ad SaQne awner as above 5''20 East River Raac3 Same awner as above 5740 East River Road Saane vwner as above 5760 East River Rna�d Sa�ae aanez as above 5780 East River Road Saane owner as above 5800 East River Road Saane awner as above 5820 East River Road Saar�e awner as above 5840 East River Road 36.00 4 36.00 11 49.00 11 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 49.00 109.00 109.00 109.00 109.00 109.00 109.00 109.00 109.00 109.00 109.00 ' � FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- LI C E N S E S 13 L August 19,1985 RESIDENTIAL RE�TAL PROPERTY �.1���� ! .: �.� � =_ 1 � �. 1�1 4- �i=� � ' +I'.�./�� : • ;• . • Same vwner as above 5860 East River Road Jo Ann Cirks . 6551 East River R�a�d 5har-Ann Properties 3948 Central Ave. I� Col�unbia Heights, I�1 55421 Five Sands Develop. Co. 7805 East River Roa�d c/o Midw�est Management 7100 Wayzata Blvd. Mpls, NIlV 55426 S�ne vwner as above 7825 East River Ii�ad Sacne vwner as above 7845 East River R�oad Same vwner as above 7875 East River Road Sa��e vwner as above 7895 East River Road Leonard E. Dailey 8191 East River R�ad 3621 - 68th St. North Scottsdale, AZ 85251 Moore Lake Partnership 5701 Highway #65 c/o Zycon Management 321 [fiiv. Ave.SE Mpl s , 1�A1 55414 Richard L. D��sey 6341 Highway #65 10415 - 28th Ave.N. Plymouth, NII� 554a1 Arnold C. Flmquist 6370 Highway t65 1420 County Road J Shoreview, lr4�1 55126 Same c�mer as above 6393 Highway #65 Same vwner as above 6417 Highway #65 Zbm 14aam�s 430 Ironton Street 304 Ironton St. I� Fridley, I�T 55432 Duane Paul Zbllefson 4030 Main Street 548 - 105th Lane AW Coon Rapids, I�1 55433 42 109.00 11 49.00 59 143.00 59 59 59 59 5 143.00 143.00 143.00 143.00 36.00 32 89.00 10 49.00 15 55.00 7 7 3 36.00 36.00 36.00 3 36.00 =I FOR CONCURRENCE BY TME CITY COUNCtL -- L,ICENSES 13 M JAugust 19,1985 RESIDENTIAL RENTAL. PROPERTY �.,i►►�; ! .= y �,� ! :_ f � .. 1�� 4. � : • �:.h�a+ : . ;. . . Milton J.� Ellen B. Aughes6670 Lucia Lane 4410 Douglas AVe. So. Mpls, �I 55416 SaQne awner as above 6680 Lucia Lane Same awner as above 6690 Lucia Lane Lynde InvestmentCo. 910 Lynde Drive c/o Robert P. Shapiro 9601 Oak Ridge Trail Hopkins, I�1 55343 SaQne awner as above 950 Lynde Drive Sa¢ne o�,mer as above 990 Lynde Drive Moore Lake Partnership 995 Lyr�de Drive c/o Zycon Mgmt. Co. 321 Univ. Ave.SE I�ls, NII�] 55414 Arno E. & Marjorie J. 7400 Lyric Lane Rosin 7400 Lyric La. I�,f2 Fridley, I�II� 55432 Clayton & Muriel Tarn�an 6019 N,ain Street �209 Grar►d Ave. So. Richf ield, A'II�' S5423 Richard T. & Suzanne Feist6021 Main Street 5117-6thSt. I� Colim�bia Heights, l�l 55421 Gerald F�gdahl 6035 Main Street 6875 Madison St. I� Fridley, NII�I 55432 Robert & Rathleen Andres 117 Mississippi P1. 3368 - 118th Ave. I�W Coon Rapids, !�l 55433 Chris Jelevarov 160 Mississippi P1. 6477 Riverview Terr. Fridley► l�Al 55432 16 57.00 16 16 11 11 11 32 57.00 57.00 49.00 49.00 49.00 89.00 8 49.00 4 36.00 4 36.00 4 36.00 4 36.00 4 36.00 / � FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CtTY COUNCIL -- LIC E N S E S � 3 August 19.1985 RESIDENTIAL REhTAIL PROPERTY !.A��: � ., y �� ! � .. 1�� 4• �� ��;�.���� • ;. . . Canadian Financial Housi.r�g Corp. 1117 I�rguette Ave. #200 Mpls, 1�1 55403 � Cfiris Jelevarov 6477 Riverview Terr. Fridley, I�B�1 55432 460 Mississippi St. 103 231.00 6471-77 Riverview Terr. 3 36.00 Hezman Rice 6111 Star Lane Qnega Management, Inc. 5217 Wayzata Blvd.#51 Mpls, NIN 55416 4Yamas Wolff 5770 2nd Street 5269 Matterhorn Dr. Fridley, IrII�] 5542� Fst. Berton N. Cross 5801 2nd Street c/o Douglas J. Peterson, atty. 6401 Univ. Ave. I� Fridley, NA1 55432 Virgil Baune 5851 2nd Street 7215 Zane Ave. No. Brooklyn Park, NII�I 55429 David or ShirleyBurg 5866 2nd Street 2291 Lois Drive New Brighton, 1�1 55112 Douglas Properties 5980 2nd Street c/o Douglas Jones 2505 Silver Lane I� Mpls. NR�l 55421 Herbert A. Aaker 6061 2nd Street 8842 North Brook Ave. Brooklyn Park, I�A1 55428 R�odger 6�I�aVearleCarey 6530 2r�d Street 10270 Miss. Blvd. C,oan Rapids, 1�1 55433 Gerald A. & Sonia C�aimont 6551 ?.nd Street 2187 Lakebrook Drive New Brighton, Mt3 55112 18 61.00 8 49.00 3 36.00 11 49.00 4 36.00 4 36.00 4 36.00 4 36.00 7 36.00 � J�� FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CiTY COUNCIL -- �ICENSES � 30 August i9,1985 RESIDENTIAL RENTAL PROPERTY !.����; ! � �,� �, � �. J�� 4- �I�+ � ' �:.� �a� : . :. . . A1 Bates 5783-5 2 1/2 Street 724 - �st Ave. l� Mpls, 55421. Robert Johnson 5810 2 1/2 Street 2980 Znspiration Dr. Colorado Springs, 00 80917 T�omas L. & Joan A. Lee 5846 2 lj2 Stteet 1318 Preston Lane Hopkins, IrIIV 55343 Herbert Aaker 6060 2 1J2 Street 8842 North Brook Ave Brooklyn Park, IrIIV 55428 Arnold C. E]mguist 4901 3rd Street 1420 West County R�d J Shoreview, I�II�I 55126 S�ne awner as above 4913 3rd Street Same awner as above 4921 3rd Street Same cywner as above 4939 3rd Street Satc� awner as above 4949 3rd Street Milton R. Carlson 5035 3rd Street 5035 - 3 rd St. I�, #6 Fridley, I�II�1 55421 Herbert Zwirn 5900 3rd Street 5900 - 3rd St. I� Fridley, I�J 55432 John B. Rasmussen 5955-65 3rd Street 8855 - 230 Street East Lakeville, I�1 55044 Nbrwood � Braithwaite 5974 3rd Street c,/o News Realty 7412 Lyndale Ave. So. Richfield, I�1 55423 Gilbert & Carol Shipshock 5320 4th Street 2124 - 40th Ave. 1� Col�unbia Heights, 1rAI 55421 2 24.00 4 36.00 6 36.00 4 36.00 7 36.00 7 7 7 7 7 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 3 36.00 4 36.00 4 36.00 4 36.00 � n � t FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- LNCENSES � 3 August i9,1985 RESIDENTIAL REhTAL PROPERTY !.1���; � _� M �.� ! =_ 11 � 1�. U�1 4� �+ : ' �:.�./a� : . :. . . Duane or Marguerite ScYiwas 2525 �118th Ave. t� Coon Rapids, 1rB�] 55433 Margaret Hendley 118 Craig Way I� Fridley, MN 55432 Eugene F. Welter 5704 - 56th Ave. No. Mpls, I�1 55429 Jaanes S. Burnsan 20980 Sycamore St. AW Cedar, IrII�t 55011 Herbert A. Zwirn 5900 - 3rd St. I� Fridley, NIIV 55432 Richard Zlcaczik 12323 Gladiola AW Coon Rapids, I�l 55433 Canddian Financial Housing Corp. �117 Marquette Ave., �200 Mpls, NQ] 55403 S�ne vwner as above Saane awr�er as above San�e owner as above Same awner as abave San�e awner as above Saane awner as above Saane awner as above S��mie oMmer as above 5347-49 4th Street 5800 4th Street 5370 Sth Street 5378-84 Sth Street 5410 5th Street 5450 Sth Street 6303-OS Sth Street 6311-6329 Sth Street 6337-6339 5th Street 6347-6365 5th Street 6401-6403 Sth Street 6409-6427 5th Street 6431-6433 Sth Street 6437�455 5th Street 6459-6461 5th Street 3 36.00 4 36.00 3 36.00 4 36.00 4 36 . 00 6 36.00 2 24.00 16 2 16 2 16 2 16 Z 57 .00 24.00 57 .00 24.00 57.00 24.00 57 .00 24.00 � _ ' FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- �ICENSES � 3 Q August 19,1985 RESIDENTIAL RENTaL PROPERTY !.i���; � _� �.� ! =_ a. _ � ►. )�� 4� �� : " �;��./a� : . :. . . Same vwner as abave S�a�ne a�►izer as above De�nis Rmit & Johanna Luciaw 3158 Arthur St. I� Mpls, t� 55418 Marck Inv. Co. c/o J& L Mgmt. Co. P.O. Box 26113 Mpls, lrIId 55426 Same owner as above Same c�mer as above Same awner as above Ddward & Patricia Daw 312 East 32nd Street Sioux Falls, � 57105 Hawthorne Mgmt.,Inc. St. Anthony Main, #503 219 Main St. SE Mpls, i�V 55414 Virgil Baune 7215 Zane Ave. No. Brooklyn Park, NII�I 55429 Fdric Associates c/o Edward Anderson 5024 Norntiv�dale Ct. Edina, I�IIV 55436 Roger E. Meyer & James E. George 2261 Fairoak Ave. Anoka, lrII�1 55303 Geozge W. Rnoll, Jr. 1923 - 40th Ave. I� N�ls, I� 55421 6465-f>483 Sth Street 6487-b489 5th Street 5460 7th Street 1050 52nd Avenue 1090 52nd Avenue 1120 52nd Avenue 1170 52nd Avenue 359 57th Place 190 59 1/2 Way 191 59 1/2 Way 1200 72nd Avenue 16 57.00 2 24.00 34 93.00 16 57.00 16 16 16 8 57.00 57.00 57.00 49.00 12 49.00 12 49.00 42 109.00 1230-2-4-6 72nd Avenue 4 36.00 1270 76 72nd Avenue 4 36.00 1 FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CtTY COUNCiI -- LICENSES � 3 R � August i9,1985 RESIDENTIAL REhTAL PROPERTY !.1 �?�� ! _: �:� • =_ l � 1�. J�1 4� �1�+ . �:.��/�� : • :. . • Duane Bethune 3916 -,Sth Ave. l�,r�oka, 1�A] 55303 B & B Investment c/o R. Bayer & M. Broton 26 East Golden Lake Road Circle Pines, 1�T 550149 C & V Associates P.O. Box 12358 New Brighton, I�AT 55112 Donald Peterson & John Behun 1607 Bunker Lake Blvd. I� Anoka, I� 55303 Hansen Properties C/o Lynn D. Hansen P.O. Box 32233 Fridley, I�4�1 55432 M. A. Biddle 4800 Cedar Lake Rd.S. Mpls, I�T 55416 Walter Ruckes 1340 - Ninth Ave. So. St. Cloud, NII�1 56301 361 74th Avenue 371 74th Avenue 389 74th Avenue 415 74th Avenue 350 75th Avenue 211 79th Way 231 79th Way 8 49.00 4 36.00 11 49.00 11 49.00 11 49.00 8 49.00 7 36.00 �