09/23/1985 - 5185OFFIQAL QTY QXJNCZL PGF1�TLi�, QXJNQL NEETING SEP!'ENBIIt 23 , 1985 SEPTEMBER 23, 1985 - 7:30 P.M. Following are the "ACTIONS TAKEN" by the Administration for your i nf ormati on. ------------------------------------------------------------------ APPROVAL OF MINUTES: September 9 , 1985 Minutes were approved with an addition and correction CITY MANAGER--ACTION TAREN: Corrected minutes as amended and f il e ADOPTION OF AGENDA: Added: Consideration of Installation of A Street Light on Hillcrest Drive OPEN FORUM, VISITORS: No Response PUBLIC HEARINGS: Public Hearing on Rezoning Request, ZOA #85-02, to Rezone from R-1 to R-2, 5586, 5570, 5560 Fillmore Street NE, by Kent Roessler ....... 1- 1 G Hearing opened at 7:40 PM. Closed at 7:50 PM PUBLIC WORRS--ACTION TAKEN: Placed Rezoning ordinance on next agenda for consideration � Council Meeting, September 23, 1985 OLD BUSINESS• Page 2 � Consideration of Second Reading of an Ordinance Recodifying the Fridley City Code by Amending Chapter 205 Entitled "Zoning", Sections 205.04, 205.05, 205.07, 2�05.08, 205.09, 205.13, 205.14, 205 .15, 205 .16 , 205 .17 , 205 .18 and 205.20 and Approving Exhibit I, Official Title and Summary. ...... 2- 2 F Ordinance No. 842 adopted �ITY MANAGER--ACTION TAREN: Published Summary of Ordinance in Fridley Focus • Consideration of First Reading of an Ordinance Recodifying the Fridley City Code by Amending Chapter 6 Entitled "Commissions" Section 6.07 (Tabled 9/9/85) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ordinance Tabled PUBLIC WORRS--ACTION TAREN: Will add time period for when project has to be completed and bring back for consideration NEW BUSINESS Consideration of First Reading of an Ordinance Adopting the Budget for the Fiscal Year 1986 . Ordinance approved on first reading CENTRAL SERVICE--ACTION TAREN: On the October agenda for consideration of second reading . . . . . . . 7 Consideration of Approval of Final Plat, P. S. #85-03 , Great Northern Industrial Center East, by Alfred Nelson And Consideration of Special Use Permit SP #85-08, Burlington Northern by Jon Monson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Final Plat approved with stipulation. Special Use Permit approved with stipulation. PUBLIC WORKS--ACTION TAKEN: Appl icants inf ormed of Council approval with stipulations 3 - 3 A 4 5 - 5 I Council Meeting, September 23, 1985 NEW BUSINESS (Continued) Page 3 Receiving the Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting of September 11, 1985 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 6 DD A. Considerati on of Special Use Permit, SP#85-10 to A11ow Construction of Second Accessory Build- Lennox II ........................................... 6 - 6A Planning Commission Recommendation: Approval &60 - 6Q with Stipulations Council Action Needed: Consideration of Recommendation. Special Use Permit approved PUBLIC WORKS--ACTION TAREN: Appl icant i nf ormed of Council approval B. Consideration of Setting Public Hearing on Final Plat, P.S.#85-04, Oak River Estates, 7560 East River Road, by Doug Peterson .............. 6A - 6G Planning Commission Recommendation: Approval &6R - 6S with Stipulations Council Action Needed: Set Public Hearing f or October 21, 1985. Public Hearing set for October 21, 1985 PUBLIC WORKS--ACTION TAREN: Arrangements made f or public hearing on October 21, 1985 C. Consideration of Setting Public Hearing on Final Plat, P.S. #85-05, Midwest Addition, Generally located Between Hickory Street and Main Street, North of 81st Avenue NE, by Leonard W. Vanasse .................................. 6G - 6L Planning Commission Recommendation: Approval &6T - 6U with Stipulations Council Action Needed: Set Public Hearing f or October 21, 1985 Hearing set for October 21, 1985 PUBLIC WORRS--ACTION TAREN: Arrangements made for public hearing Council Meeting, September 23, 1985 NEW BUSINESS (Continued) (Planning Commission Minutes Continued) Pa ge 4 D. Consicleration of an Item from Appeals � Commission Meeting of August 27, 1985: Variance to Increase Maximum Allowable Square Footage of a Sign, To'Allow an Existing Sign to be Changed and To Remain on it's present location, 7625 Viron Road NE, Mobile Homes, USA ........................... 6 V- 6Z Appeals Commission Recommendation: Denial &6AA - 6DD Council Action Needed: Consideration of Re comm endati on . Variance denied PUBLIC WORKS--ACTION TAREN: Letter sent to appl icant to bring sign into compl iance in 30 days or legal action may be necessary Consideration of Approving $10,000 Participation in Improvements to Locke Park with Anoka County. ....... 7- 7 C Item tabled and ref erred to Park and Recreation Commission for recommendation PUBLIC WORKS--ACTION TAREN: Ref erred to Park and Recreation Commission Consideration of Joint Powers Agreement for Insta7.lation of Traffic Signals - 69th and CSAH #35 (Old Central) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 - 8 D Agreement approved PUBLIC WORKS--ACTION TAREN: Will have agreement executed and f orward to appropriate parties Council Meeting, September 23, 1985 NEW BUSINESS (Continued) Pa ge 5 Receiving Certificate of Correction to Plat, P.S. #81-02, Heather Hills West, by Tom Brickner ...... 9- 9 C Correction to Plat approved PUBLIC WORKS--ACTION TAKEN: Applicant informed that correction to plat has been receivied Consideration of a Resolution Regarding Lot Split #85-06 , 4000 Main Street NE, by Evelyn Cornelius ...... 10 - 10 A Resol uti on No. 6 9-1985 adopted PUBLIC WORRS--ACTION TAICEN: Appl icant i nf ormed of adoption of resolution Consideration of a Resolution Regarding Lot Split #85-05, 67th and Brookview Drive, by J. A. Menkveld. .... 11 - ll A Resolution No. 70-1985 adopted PUBLIC WORKS--ACTION TAKEN: Appl icant inf ormed of adoption of resolution Consideration of a Resolution Directing Preparation of Assessment Roll for 1485 Service Connections. ...... 12 - 12 A Resolution No. 71-1985 adopted CENTRAL SERVICE--ACTION TAREN: Prepared assess- ment roll as directed Council Meeting, September 23, 1985 NEW BUSINESS (Continued) Pa ge 6 Consideration of a Resolution Directing Publication of Hearing on Proposed Assessment Roll for the 1985 Service Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 - 13 B Resolution No. 72-1985 adopted �ENTRAL SERVICE--ACTION TAREN: Published hearing notice and make arrangements f or hearing Claims . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Appr ov ed CENTRAL SERVICE--ACTION TAREN: Paid claims Licenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 - 15B Appr ov ed CENTRAL SERVICE--ACTION TAREN: Issued licenses Estimates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 - 16 E Approved CENTRAL SERVICE--ACTION TAREN: Paid estimates Consideration of Street Light on Hillcrest Drive ...... 17 Approved installation of street light between ].338 and 1340 Hillcrest Drive at City expense PUBLIC WORRS--ACTION TAREN: Notified NSP of approval of new street light : 8: 45 P. M Cour�ClL MEETING, SEPTEMBER 23. 1985 � : ► Pa�E 2 CONSIDERATION OF SECOND READING OF AN ORDINANCE RECODIFYING THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE 8Y AMENDING �HAPTER 205 ENTITLED ��ZONING��. SECTIONS 205,04, 205.05, 205.07, 205,08, 205.09, 205.13, 205,14, 205,15. 205.16, 205.17, 205,18 AND 205.20 AND APPROVING EXHIBIT I. OFFIC{AL TITLE AND SUMMARY. ...... 2- 2 F CONSIDERATION OF F1RST REACING OF AN ORDINANCE RECOD I FY I NG THE FR I DLEY C I TY CODE BY Ar�Er�D i NG CHAPTEk b ErvT I TLED "CO��M I SS I OrJS" SECT I ON 6. 07 (TABLED 9/9/85) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 3 A : ► CONS I CERAT I Ot�' OF F I RST RtAG I NG OF A�� ORD I���ANCE ADOPTING TNE BUDGET FOR THt FISCAL YEAR 1986 ...,.. . 4 CONSIDERATIOP� OF APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT, P.S.#85-03, GREAT NORTHERh' I�DUSTRIAL CEPJTER EAST. BY ALFREC NELSON A►v � CONSIDERATION OF SPcCIAL USE PERh1lT SP #85-E8. BuRL l NGTON NORTHERh BY �Ora t�10l�SON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-�I COUNCIL MEETING, SEPTEMBER 23, 1985 1 : 1 • � � PAGE 3 RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE PLANNING CON1r11SSI0N MEET I NG OF SEPTEMBER 11 . 1985 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 6 DD A, CONSIDERATION OF SPECI�,L USE PERh11T. SP#85-10 TO ALLOW COt�STRUCTION OF SECOf�D ACCESSORY BUILD- LENNOX fl ........................................... 6 - 6A Pl-ANt� I NCi COMM I SS1�y RECOMMENDAT I Oh : APPROVAL �60 - 6� WITH STIPULATIONS ��_�.1L�ll9 ' F : COf�S l DERAT l Otv OF RtCOMMEfJDAT I 0�� , B. CONSICERATIOrJ OF SETTING Pua��c HEA?ING Ot� FINAL PLAT, P.S.#87-(d4. OAK RIVER ESTl�TES, 756L� E�sT RIVER ROAD, BY DOUG PETERSON .............. 6� - 6G PLA�JN I NG C�," � I ON RECOMMEt�1�AT I 0�� : APPRCVAL �6R - 6S WITH STIPULATIONS ^'�1�I10H NEE�E� : SET PUBL i C HEAk I NG Fo� OcTOaEh 21, 198�. C. CONSIDERATION OF SETTING PUBLIC HEARI��� O�J FINAL PLAT, P.S. #85-05, ��'IDWEST ADDITIOi;, GENERALLY LOCATED BETWEEN HICKORY STREET AND MAfN STREET, NORTH OF 81ST AVENUE ��t. BY LEONARD W. VANASSE .................................. 6G - 6L PLANN I NG CQtf��11 SS1Q�' RECOMME�v�AT I ON : APPROVAL $6T - 6� WITH STIPULATIONS COUNCIL ACTION NEtD�D: SET PUBLIC HEARING FOR OCTOBER 21, 1985 COUNCIL i�1EETING. SEPTEMBER 23. 1985 � : ► •► ► � (PLANhING COMMISSION MINUTES CONTINUED) D. CONSICERATIOrJ OF AN (TEM FROM APPEALS COMMISSION h1EETING OF AuGUST 27, 1985: VARIANCE TO INCREASc MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE SQUARE FOOTAGE OF A SIGN. TO ALLOW AN EXISTING SIGN TO BE CHAN�ED AND TO REMAIh ON IT'S PRESENT LOCATION, 7625 VIr�ON ROAD NE, M081LE HoMES, USA ........................... 6U - 6Z APPEALS COMP•11SSION RECOMMENDATIOI�: DENIAL $6AA - 6DD COUNCIL ACTION NEEDED; CONSIDERATION OF RECOMP1ENQAT I OP� , Pa�t 4 CO��S I CEZAT I ON OF APPROV I f�G $1�. �fl� PART I C I PC�T I OtJ I h I h1P�OVEMENTS TO LOCKE PARK W I TH AlJOKA COU��TY .,...... 7- 7 C CONS I CtRAT I ON OF �0 I NT PO�ti'ERS AGREEMEP�T FOR IN5TALLATION OF TRAFFIC SIGNALS - 69Th APJD CSAH �35 (OLD CENTRAL ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 - 8 D COUNCIL h1EETING, SEPTEMBER 23. 1985 PAGE 5 NE��1 BUS I fJ�SS ( CONT I►yUED ) RECEIVING CERTIFICATE OF CORRECTION TO PLAT. P.S. #81-02, HEATHER HILLS WEST. BY TOM BRICKNE� ...... 9- 9 C CO�JSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION REGARDING LOT SPLIT �85-D6, 4�(�� P�1A I N STREtT NE, BY EVELYN CORtJEL I US ...... lfl - 1� A CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTIOr� REGARDING LOT SPLIT �85-�5, 67TH ANC BROOKVIE�y �RIVE, BY J. A. ��ENKVcLD. .... 11 - 11 A CONS I DERAT I ON OF A RESOLUT I Ofv D i RECT I NG PREPl�iiC,T I 0!� OF ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR 1985 SERVICE CON��ECTIO!:S. .,.... 12 - 1L A COUN�IL i�1EETING. SEPTEMBER 23, 1985 F''r' I NESS ( CONT I NU� CONSIDERATION OF A f�ESOLUTION DIRECTING PUBLICATION OF HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR THE 1985 SERV I CE CONNECT I ONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PAGE 6 13- 13B CLt�tMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Li ct�,sr s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 - 15E3 ESTIr;ATES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . !� , J]� I ! v . 16 - 16 E THE �;IPJUTES OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUP�CIL P"EETING OF SEPTEP'BEP. 9, 1985 1 1 ' • •1 ' ]! I � � •i ' � •• • �1• � li �1• • The Regular meeting of �e FYicIley Gity Co�cil was called to orc3er at 7:30 p. m. by Mayor Nee. • �. c+ • a • « l�.yor Nee led the Council and audienoe in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. �lDLL CAI�L: NEtrBFRS PRESII�7T: Mayor Nee, Cbl.u�cilman Goodspeed, Gb�cilman �tz�trick, (b�cilman Schr�eider and Co�mcilman Barrette Ir£NB F�2S AB SQr'T : Nane APPRDVAL OF MINCTI'ES: OOUIJCIL MEbTIt�. AL1GiJST 19. 1985: NDTIDN by Co�cilman Barrette to apprwe the minutes as presented. Secvnc3ed ty Co�cilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, ali voting aye, Mayor Nee c3eclared the motian carried �manimously. ADOPTIOIv OF AC£I�IDA: NDTION by Co�ncilman S�r�eider to adopt the agenda with th e addi ti on of ar. itsn Consideration of a Resolution Appropriating M�icipal State Aid Funds to Anoka Co�ty Highway Project at 44th Avenue. Secondec3 by Cc�uncilman Barr�ette. ilpon a voioe vote, all voting aye, I�yor Nee c3eclarec the motion ca r ri ed �u�animously . OPEN FORUM , VIS I�RS � �ere was no response fra� the audienoe �nc3er this itaa af busines�. PUBLIC HF�,RINC,S: 1. PUBLIC F�ARII� ON FII�L PiAT, P.S. #85-03. GREAT NJK"�:ERt�_ II�IDUSI'RIAL CENTER EAST. BX ALFRED NELSON AND SPECIAL USE PERMIT. S.P. �85-08. BURLINGTON IJ RTHERN BY JON 1�N.�N: IrD'I'ION by Go�cilman Fitzpatrick to waive the raading of tr�e public hearing notioe and open the public hearing. Seoonded b� Co�cilman Sc��neic3Er. U�n a voioe, all voting aye, I�yor Nee declared the motian carried unanin�ously and the public hearing opened at 7:31 p.m. I�r. Burci�, Assistant Public Works Director, stated this plat is locatec south af 694 and west af t3�e rail road tracks and oovers 12.4 acres wr:ich is zoned heav�� ina.istrial. Mr. Burd� skated the Pla�nning Comanission has recomQnended approval of the plat with the stipulation that the park fee be paid before the plat i� -1- 2. ���� � 1 ��� • `I • S I• �1• • re�rded. Mr. Burch stated another stipulation which should be added is that the tullboard should be renwed. No pers�ns in the audienve �oke re�rding this prop�sed plat. IrD'I'IDN by Co�cilman Fitzpatrick to close the g�talic hearing on pl at, P. S. #ffi-03 for the Great Northern Industrial Center East. Secondea by ��cilman Barnette. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee decl ared th e moti on ca r ri ed Lma nimously . In wnji.nctirn with t3�is glat, the Gb�cil t3�en �nsidered the request for a special use permit, SP #85-08. Mr. Burch, Assisrtant Riblic Works Director, stated the special use permit is requested to permit outside storage of recreation vehicles. He stated a mini-storage facility is proposed and it is the petitioner's intention to also have aJtsic3e storage. Co�mcilman Fitzpatrick asked if it wasn't specifically stated the outside storage would be for recreational vehicles. Mr. Burch stated that was oorrect. Mr. Nbnson stated it was not their intention to lirr,it outside storage to recreational vehicles only, but there would be other outside storage. �e Pl anni ng Caiir. i ssi on recamnended appr ov al c�f th i s speci al use pe nn i t w i th th e st i pul ati on th at a 1 ands cape pl an be appr w ed b� the Ci ty . No persons in the audienoe spoke regarding this request for a s�ecial use �ermit. hDTION by Go�cilman Fitzpatrick to close the public hearing on special use permit SP #85-08. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, I�yor Nee declared thc motian carried tu�animously and the Fublic heariny closed at 7:40 �.�r,. PUBLIC Fff'ARING oN 1986 sUDGh'I' IrDTION by Co�cilman Sc�r�eider to waive the readi ng of the publ ic heari ng notioe and open the public hearing. Semnc3ed ty CA�cilman Goodspeeci. [i�r� a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the mot:on c�+rried unanimously and the public hearing opened at 7:41 p.m. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated the total General Fund budget is $6,966,046 and is less than a 2.9$ increase over 1985. He stated other f�cis in the budget include Special Revenues at $702,212 which represer,t less than a 2$ increase wer last year's budget; Debt Service at �41,151; and Capital Projects at $111,984, which re�esent less than a 2� increcsE ov er 1 ast y ea r' s budget . Mr . Qur eshi sta ted th e number � pe r sonnel woul d r enai n th e sam e, w i th tt, e possibility of adding some community service officers in thE P�lice De � r trnerit . - 2 - COUNCIL [�E,TING OF SEPTII�F'�R 9, 1965 Mr. Qureshi srtated the mill rate, if this budget is ad�pted, wa�ld re�aan at 14 .6 . Mayor Nee stated the Council has been irtvolved, aver the last several months, in the developnerit and review of the budget and to interact with ac�ninistration to bring it to this point. No pers�ns in the audienoe spoke rec�rding this proposed budget. ' NDTION by Co�cilman Barnette to close the public hearing. Seconded by Cb�mcilman Gooc�peed. Cb�,cilman S�reider asked if there would be an oppottunity to make an�� d�anges, af ter this hearing date. Mr. Quresr:i stated the ordinance to adopt the budget would require two readings so d�anges could be made at that time. L'FC)N A VOICE VOTE T1�i�I� QJ �iE ABOJE hDTION, ALL VOTED AYE, AND MAYOk NE�: LaEQ�ARID �E hDTION �R�tIED UIVAh II�U[%SZY. OLD BUSINESS: 3. OONSIDEFil�TIOI� OF A NARIANCE RE4UESZ' � REDCICE Ti� S�'I'BACK OF AN INDUSTRIAL BUILDING ZO A RESIDEI�lI'IAL BUILDING�6�51 CENTRAL AVENUE N.E. BY JOHN J. RIPSIN, JR. TABLED 8/19%85? : I�yor Nee stated the petitioner has requested this item be withcirawn. 4. I�SIDERATIOt� OF APR�INIMENT TG HUM�N RESOURCES QOPM'IIS,�IOh TABLE� 8/19/85�_: Cbu�cilman Goodspeed nominated Peter Pierce for appointment to the Ht�nan Resouroes Comrr.�ission. He stateo Mr. Pierce sutxr;itted a res�ne several mrnths ago and indicated he would �ike to be involved witt� a Cor�ur�i�sion c3ealing with people. I�. Pieroe stated he has lived in Fridley over two years and is a slesnan for Zbmt�stone Pizza. He statea he has fr�e tin�E i n the evenings and wants to becvme invalved in the oorrrtuiity. �ere being no further nominations, Mayor Nee declared the nominations cl ose d. IrDTION by Councilman Schneider to cast an unanimous ballot for the apQ�intment of F�ter Pieroe, 5?Z Rive CYeek Terraoe, to the H�nan Resources Cbrtmissian. Seconded by Councilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried tmanimously. 6. �NSIDERATIOiv OF FIRSI' RF�IDING OF AN ORDII�,NCE REO�DI_FYING Z'E� FRIDLEY CITY O�DE BY AI�I�IDING CHAPI'ER 6 ENI'I'I'I�ID "OOMP'lISI9�N'S" SEC.TION 6,07: Mr. Burc�, Assistant Public Works Director, stated this �ange is recarding the time lapse o� a varianc�e s� that work would have to �r�enoe wit'r�in one year frcm tfie time the varianoe is cgarrted. -3- � 1�, r� ?I . �, '� �`?+�I: 71� Zhe CA�cil felt tfie way the ordinance was worded this was not what was being acoompl ished. !�. Qureshi, CQty N�nager, stated this may be mvered in the State statute and staf f woul d check . 1�DTIDN by Co�cilman Goodspeed to table this iten. Seoonded by Councilman FitzFatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 7. RFX:EIVIIdG Tf� MIN(TI�S OF 2'E� PIAbINING C10MlMISSION ME��'ING OF AUGLIST 21, 1985: A. OOI�S IDERATIOfi OF S�.'ITI NG PUBLIC I�ARI NG ON RE ZOTTI NG RE4UEST , ?C1A #85-02 ZO REZOI� FRON; �1 TO i�2 Z�0 P►LIIJSti 00NSI'RiKTION OF DUPIEX� 5586 . 557Q, 5560 FII.i1�RE STREET N.E. , BY �I RDESSLER: N�DTION by Gb�ci2man Sd►neider t�o set the �.ublic hearing on this rezoning request for Septenber 23, 1985. Se�oncied b� Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carri�d unanimously . B. RDCEIVING RFAONII�SEI�IDATION OF TEIE PIANNING QOP'A9ISSIOh FOR ADOPTION QF TE� SATELLITE DISH ANI'ENNA ORDII�INCE, WITH SiIGGES'Tm CHANGES: Ngyor Nee asked that �is iten be referred to him as he wanted to do some further investic�tians. NDTION by Cfl�cilman Fitzpetrick to refer this to the Mayor for re�ort at some futi.ue meeting. Secnnded by Cotneilman Sc�,r�ic3er. L?�n a voice vote, all voti ng aye, I�yor Nee c3ec1 ared the moti on ca r ri ed �animously . C. ITII�LS FROM APPEAIS QOhQKISSION MEE,'TING OF At)GUST_ 1�_1�85: C-1. OOIvSIDERATION OF VARIANCE REQUESTS ZO BUIID ON LESS TH�1N 1-L2 ACRES AI�ID Tn i�VE A ZERD SID£ YARD_�bTBACK 7$00 EL�1 -,�'I—'_R_EET , B�' JAQC LI I�IDAFiI.: Mr. Burd�, Assisrtant Riblic Works Director, stated this is a request for varianoes to build on less than 1-1/2 acres and to have a zero side yard setback on the rnrth at 7800 F1m Street. i�Y. Burch stated the Appeals ComQnission recommended approval of the varianoe, with �e stiFulation that there be a joirYt driv�►ay easement f rcx;� �e joirit tenants to the building to the south and the north wall be a four-hour rateo fire wall with rio openings. I�. Zbm Taylor, representing Mr. Lindahl, seated Mr. Lindahl aans the building at 7800 F1m Stree�t whid� is �ed for c�fioe and manufac.turing. He stated Mr. Lindahl plans to mo�ve some of the off ices into this new building. He stated they oould have added to the existing building, but decided to keep it aeparate. I�. ZBylor stateci the building at 7800 Elrr. is owned by a �urporatian of two people and this building would be owr�ec: by -4- � 1�. � ��?I�I ��. � ti�Y7��1:_ �1; just Mr . Lirx3ahl. I�. Herridc, Qty Attorney, asked if any utilities or easements would be shared with the property to the north. Mr. Taylor stated it is all aeparate. Mr. Burd� s�ated they have reduoed the size of the building to allaw ro� for this building to have a se�arate drivaaay. I�. Taylor stated that was o�r r ect and th er e woul c�' t be a rieed f ar a j oi rn. dr iv a�ay . Cbtncilman Goodspeed stated he agrees with the oam�e.nts by the Chai rman of the Appeals Corrmissim that ultimately some varianae would prot�4ly have to be issued for this pieae o� property and felt the developer has cooperated and reduceo the size c� his building. IrDTIDN by ��cilman Goocispeed to c�ant the variance requests to build on less than 1-1/2 acres and to have a zero side yard setback on the norti� pro�.erty lire, with the stipulaticn that the mrth wall be a four-hour ratE•c fire wall with no openings. Seac>nc3ed by Councilman Fitzp3trick. U�on a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declareci the motion carried una nimously . C-2. OOI�S_I_I)FF2ATIOIv OF VARIANCES TO I_IJGRFASE N1�IXIMUM [,1��RE F'00'I'AGE OF FREE S'rA2�IDII� SIGh AAID � ELINlINATE THE 5 ---- -- — -- -- — -- - — - F'OOT S�,TBAC�i B�E�h'E� BUIIDING AI�ID i�F�F2D SURFACE ARFA ( MI IJI- SIt�RAGE i��RE HOUSE SPACE� WEST OF _B_URLI NG1bI� NOR`I�iERN TRACKS AI�ID EAST OF GRFAT �R`I'��RN IAIDUSTRIAL PLAT, BY JON NYJI�'.9�h: I�yor Nee stated these variances would also relate to the plat and thE special use pennit which the Cb�ncil held a�.ublic hearing on earlier this evening. t�. Qureshi, CYty t�nager, stated the Cb�cil could consider tt:e varianoes, when thc�• take action on the plat anci special use permit, or oonsioer the varianoes at this time and any action would be a�ntingent u�n approval of the plat. Mr. Ekstr�n, 6401 University Avenup, statec a varianoe to elur,ir�te and five foot setbadc between the building and haro surface area was withdrawn, as it is not needed. He stated tt�e only varianoe to be cnnsiciered is the rne �noerning the free standing sic�. Mr. Burch, Assistant Public Works Director, stated the petitioner i� requesting a variance to increase the size c� a free standing sign frc� 80 square feet to 200 square feet. 1�. Dcstrun stated the Appeals Commission was �,u�easy with this variance request, haaeves, they reooc�izec3 that a hardship existed, but wasr't ir, favor af t�e 200 square foot sicp►. He stated they have rx�w redioed the sic� to 133 square feet and are asking for �e variance fran 80 aquare feet to 133 square feet. Mr. Ekstriun stated in looking at the signage, they aonsidered a wall sicg� and decicied the}� would rather put up a free standing sic� and if this was cbne, thEy wouldn't need the wall sign visible fror,! I-6 94 . -5- ��� 1 y��� 1\ �/ y l��M�� i�� �il� I�. Fkstrun stated both Mr. Irbnson and Mr. Q�apnan are preaerit this evening to answer any questions frcm t�e Cb�cil. I�. Monson stated they wished to place this free standing sign in the Northwest Wrr�er o�f the progerty, just to the east of Plywood Minnesota's proper ty . �incilman Barrette asked what would happen to the billboard. Mr. Monson stated Burlington-Northern's :ale o� property to then excluded the property rn whid� the billbaard is located. Q��ncilman FitzFetrick stated the Council's problem is one of setting a precec3ent. He state� even thouc� they have a strong argument that in an is�lated plat they r�eed this ano�t a� visibility, you also have others who wish to increase thei r sicy�s. He asked about the reductirn of wall signs. Mr. I�bnson stated they would be petmitted a very large wall siyn, if the}� c3�ose to put me up. He stated they would be sati sf ied, if the variance were ganted for �e free standiric sic�, to have rb wall sign visible frc�m 6 94 and only a snall er wal l si c�► on th e bui 1 di ng a t th e mai n entranve . Cb�ncilman Fitzpatrick asked what size wall sign they would need. Mr. I�bnson stated about 6-1/2 x 18 feet or about 120 square feet. He stated it would be at the main entranoe and the free standing sign would be 1,000 feEt to the north, ri�t by the fre�a}�. NDTION by Coincilman Fitzpetrick to cgarrt the varianve to increase the siz� o� a free standing sign fran 80 square feet to 133 square feet with tt�e stipulation that the allvwable wall sign be reduced from what is now permitted to 120 square fee� and, this varianve is a�ntingent upon a�proval af the pl at. Sectinc3ed b� Co�cilman S�neider. Ugon a vaic�e vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee cieclared the motion wrried imanimously. ' C-3. OONSIDERP.,TIOh OF VARIANCE Tt� RIDUCE SIDE YARD SETBACK � AId17W PI�CF.N�NT OF TRAI LER T� BE USID AS OFF I CE ARFA Oh A TEMF�ORARY BASIS, 7879 BEECH SI'REET, BY J. KEITH 4�1RNER: Mr. Burct�, Assisrtant Public Works Director, stated this is a request to temporarily place a tzailer on the property an reduce the setback requirenerns. He stated this business, I�ppy's Foods, is grvwing ra�idly and the� need the sp3oe r�vw and request the trailer for a tl�ree year pericxi. I�Ls. Linda Hanagan, representing the petitianer, stated the trailer would be plaoed on the south side af tfie huilding. She stated they didz't intend for it to beoome a permanent structure, but would serve as a tenporary �lution. I�lr. Qureshi, C�ty _Nhnager, stated the O��cil in the Fast, has allvwed tnE tenp�rary use c� trailers on large Faroels, but felt this was the first tin�e a request was reveived fo�r a snaller paroel � pcoperty. He felt there was less of an impact m the larger Faroels, but a cgeater im�ct to a�joining -6 - � � • i � • -+ • a i. �. . property aar�ers on the snall parvels. 4�tncilman Goodspeed stated this is a o�mpariy that has been in Fridley a long time. He asked Ms. H�anagan if she felt they would have a plan in about two ycyars to s�lve their need for aciditional spaae. I�Ls. Har,ac$n stated this would have to be addressed befare that time as the�• are very crowded ric�t now, haaever, it was difficult to �ut a time �alan on the c�aath. NDTIDN by Co�cilman Goodspeed to apprwe the variance to reduce the side yard setbadc fran 20 feet to 2 feet to allaa the plaoement of a trailer to be used as offioe area m a tanporary basis at 7879 Beech Street with the fallaaing stipulatians: (1) a time limit be established of 26 months; (2) the �nit have State oertificatim far �c3e axnglianoe; (3) the s�i.tth wall be a�e-hour fire rated with no openings; and (4) the variance be for this petitirner only and not far any sut�sequent aa�rs of the �.zo�erty. Secvndeo by Cb�ncilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayoi Nee declared the motirn �rried �animously. N1�TION by Councilman Schneider to receive the minutes of the Planniny Conmission Meeting of August 21, 1985. Secondec3 by Councilman BarnettE. Up�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee c3eclared the motion carried una nimously . OON.SIDERATION OF SIQv PIAN, 7C5 53RD AVENUE N.E. , PIQCWIQC BUILDING: Nbr. Burc�, Assistant Public Works Director, stated a sign plan has beer sutrnitted and reviaaed b� staff and changes mac3e s� the plan riow rneets cod�: requirenents. He s�t.ated staff would revoRmend appra�al c� the si� plan. NDTION by Co�cilman Gooc�speed to approve the sic� plan for 765 53 rd Avenue N.E. Seoonded b�� CoLncilman Fitz�.atrick. Upon a voice vote, all votir,y aye, l�yor Hee declared the motim �arried �animously. CONSIDER.ATION OF APPROVAL OF THE SIX CITIES WATERSHED MANAGEMEI�T ORGANI ZATION 1�86 BLTDGET: At. Burch, Assistant Public Works Director, stated the joint �wers agreenent for the six cities watershed district requires the cities to apprwe the budget. lUTION by Councilman Fitz�trick to approve the Six Cities Watershed Management Organization Budget for 1986 and authorize the payment of f�ridler�'s share af t3�is budget. Seooncied tr� Coincil�ran Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried una ni mously . 10 . NSIDERATION OF APPF20VAL OF SALE OF L�OTS 1�2 AND 3. BI,OCK ]1_EDGEWATEP. GAitDF?�1S : Nbr. Qureshi, City I�nager, stated the CYty had oric;ir�lly reveived bids for -7- �� / 1?I 1 • `I 7 I' �I' the sale c� �ese lots, but they were rejected as it was felt they were too laa. He stated the tuds received f or these lots ranged f ran $10 ,952 to $15,157, and they have now r�egotiated a sle � these lots fat $17,500 ea�. He requested the Co�ncil vonsider selling the lots far �is prive. I�UTIDN by Co�cilman F'itz�etrick to aukhorize the sle of Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 7, Edgewater Gardens for the price of $17,500 each. Seconded by ��cilman Barnette. Upon a vaiae vote, all voting aye, l�yor Nee declared the motion carried �aianimously. I�. Aspenson, who intencis to purchase these lots, stated he wished to start building imnediately rn Lot 3. He stated he would furnish the surveys. Mr. Qureshi, Qty I�nager, statec3 they want to make sure he has clear title bef or e wnst r ucti m i s begun . I�. Aspenson stated he has offered $5,000 down for a3d� lot and one for cash and the balanoe m terms and asked if firt�ncing oould be arranged. I�. Qureshi asked haa lrng he wished the firuncing and Mr. Aspenson stated he would like about rne year. I�. Qureshi stated he felt something oould be worked out. 11. GbN.SIDERATION OF CI-3AIJGE ORDER AA. 1 FOR 1985 MISC. CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER PimJECT : --- — - - - I�r. Burcfi, Assistant Public Works Director, stated this change order is to add wic3er, tapered ran�:s at ir�ersectims to facilitate better slaw remov�;l and make the sic3ewalks mare aooessible for harxlicap�.�ed citizens. MDTION by Cbincilman Schneider to authorize cfiange orc3er No. 1 for the 1985 misoellaneous ac�ncrete a�rb and gutter project in the ano�t o� 55,845 with the �ncrete CLrh Com�ar�� of Burnsville, Minnesota. Se�nc3Ed by Counciln:an Goocipeed. i1p�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motic�r� carriec3 unanimously. � 12. CONSIDERATION OF CHANGE ORDER N0. 1 FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST �, 985-10 ( SEAI�OOATING) : I�. Burcfi, Assistant Riblic Works Director, stated this change oraer would oover se al aaa ti ng f or addi ti a�al ci ty str eet s a nd a 1 so th e g� r k i ng 1 ot a t 8ally Shopping Center. He stated Hally Shopping Ceriter would di rectly pay the o�st for sealaaating their �arking lot. Irt. Qureshi, Qty t+�nager, felt the �xirking lot shouldn't be included in th i s se al voa ti ng pr oj ect . M�TIDN b� Cb�ncilman Schreider to refer �is iten back to staff to elirrir�te sealooating of �e Hally Shopping Center and resuanit the change order t� vover the ac3ditional streets to be sealcoated. Seoonded by Councilman Barr�ette. Up�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, l�yor Nee declared the motion ca r ri ed �a�animously . �� (�CTNCIL hl�,}'I'ZNG OF SEPTEI�ER 9, 1�85 13. �NSIDERATION OF CHAIVGE ORDER N0. 1 FOR MISSISSIPPI STBEET LANDSCAPIN� P�JJECT: ' — �._____..� Mr. Bur�, Assistant Public Works Director, stated this dlange order is requested in order to add topsoil to accommodate the berming al ong Univ er si ty and Mi ssi ssi ppi . l�DTIDN by Councilman Fitzpatrick to authorize change order No. 1 to the Mississippi Street Lanci�caping Project in the amount of $4,080 with Lino Lakes Landscaping of Wyaning, Minnesota. Secnnr3ed by� Councilman Barnette. Upon a voic�e vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried w�a nimously . « � . • �. ••� � _�: •� • :.►::� ►. •.r �• •, • .• •• •.• e+- Mr. Burcfi, Assistant Public Works Director, stated taic�s far the House D�ctor Program were opened on A�gust 28, and three hids were received. He stateci the laaer bidc3er was Enerc� Outfitters, Ltd. in the amount of $28,450 and would rea�r.r;,end ths bid be acoepted. NDTION by CA�cilman Schneider to receive the bicis for the House Doctor Pr ogr ar . A. C. C. A. P. $ 31 ,150 . 00 S. R. C. S30 ,150 .00 F7�erc� Outf itters, Ltd. $28,450.00 Sea�nded b1� Councilman Goodspeed. Upon a voiae vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee cieclared the motion carried �animously. NDTION by Co�cilman Barnette to award the bid f or tt�e House Doctor Pr ogram to the low bidder Energy Outfitters, Ltd. in the amount of $28,450. Seoonc3ed b�� Councilman Sd�r�ider. Upon a voioe vote. all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motim carried �aniruously. 15. QONSIDERATION OF PAYt�Nr, AS PER RE90L�I7I'ION N0. 95 FOR STATE AID PROJECTS_ N0. 02-602-10 FOR IPiPROVF3�IrT OF INrF..RSECTIQN AT 44TH AYEII�E AAID EA�T RIV�:k �2fJAD, IN 'I'� AAfOUKT OF $7�,323.9Z: At1D RESOLtTI'ION I�U. 66-1985 APPROPRIATING MUNICIPAL STATE AID FUNDS TO ANOKA �'� HIGi�niAY PR0.7ECT AT 44TH A�iE : N�. Burch. Assistant Public Works Director, stated this itan is for apprwal � t3�e Ci ty' s por ti on of tfi e pr oj ect c3�ne b� the Gounty at 44 th Av enue . N�. Qureshi, C�ty I�r�ger, stated the City will request a resolution be �.assed to use State Aid f�nds to oover �is cvst. IrD'I'ION by Co�cilman Fitzpatrick to authorize payment of $7.323.97 as the Qty's share for ti�is project. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously . �� CO(I�lCII,l�TII�G OF SEPI'�ER�� _�Q85 IrDTIDN by O�imcilman Fitzpatrick to ac3�pt Resolution No. 66-1985. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motian c$rried �manimously. •}:• • • . •• ►. .;�. � ':•': •� ��+ ':-i. • • � r� � : \1� : � �_ � � � � •' 1 At. 7rman, C�.ty Qerk, revi�aed the d�anges a�vered in this resolutian. bDTIDN by Co�ncilman Sd�neider to acbpt Resolution No. 67-1985. Seo�nded bY� O��cilman Goodspeed. i�n a vaioe vote. all vating aye, I�yor Nee c3eclared the motion carried �animously. 17. RF.SOLUTION I�A. 68-1985 AUI'HORI ZING THE CITY OF FRIDLEY TO E1�TPER INrO AI�1 F.MER(',ENCY MANAGF.I�NT ASSISTANCE GRANI' AGFtEEMEI�' WITH TF� STATE 9F MII�IIdE90TA; .. NDTION by Co�cilman Fitzpatrick to acbpt Res�lutio�n No. 68-1985. Secondeo by Go�cilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee ae c1 ar ed th e moti an w r ri ed imanimousl� . 18. APR�INTl�TT: CITY EMPLOXEE: NDTION by Co�cilman Barnette to v�ncur with the following ap�ointment by the City I�nager: SZ9s►RTIl� STARTING � F06ITI(7N S�ALARY AATE REPL�S _ Debbi Kay Heikke Offi�e Asst. $1,091.81 August 20, Lauri� 4629 Fblk Street Fbliae F�r 1985 Roatc� O�l�rnbia Heic�ts De�.artmer�t Abnth 55421 Seo�nded b� Co�cilman Schreider. [�n a vaioe vate, all votiny aye, Mayor Nee declared the c3�c�ern carric-�d unanimously. 19 . f SI'IMATF.S NDTIDN by Cotncilman Sc3�r�eider to appra�e the estimates as sut�nitted. Herrick & Newrnan, P.A. 6279 University Avenue N.E. FYidle�, NN 55432 For Legal Servioes Rendered as City Attorrrey for t�e lrbnth c� August, 1985 .......$ 1,657.80 Hidcok and Associates 545 Indian Nb�a►d Wayzat�, MV 55391 - 10 - (�OUNCIL I�rING OF SEP'I�F,�2? � 1985 hbor e Lake Rest or ati on Pr oj ect I I Insp. II - Praf . Serv. F�riad End 7/3�/85 hbore Lake Restoration Project II Rpts. � �Val. - Praf.Serv.�r.End 7/31/85 H 6 S Asphal t 700 Industry Ave�ue Anoka, Md 55303 . . . . . . S 291.19 . . . . . S 405.89 Street Lr;pravene.nt Project ST 1985-1&2 FBrtial Estimate No. 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 117.478.33 All ied Blacktop ComFan}� 10503 - 89th Avenue h Maple Grwe, NN 55369 St . Imp. Pr oj . ST 1985-10 ( Seal Coa t) Partial Estimate No. 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .S 44,080.00 Albrecfit Irrigatian 140 8 W. Cbtu�ty Raa d C Roseville, NN 55113 Mi ssi ssi ppi Str eet Ir r i ga ti on Pr oj ect F�rtial Estimate No. 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ Lino Lakes Landscaping 184 0 0 L,exi ngt on Av enue Wyaniny. MV 55092 t�ti ssi ssi ppi Str eet Landscapi ng Pr oj ect l�rtial Estimate No. 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 4,219.42 24,715.83 Sea�nded by Oo�cilman Fitz�trick. Upon a voice vote, all votiny aye, t�yor Nee declared the motion carried �aianimously. 20. �,IC�ISE� NDTION by Councilman Barnette to apprwe the li�enses as sutrnittcd and as on file in the Lioense Qerk's Offioe. Secnnded ty Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carrieci una nimously . 21. ,S'�(,�I� !►DTIDN by Councilman Schneider to authorize p3yment of Claims No. 4257 throuc� 4550. Se�nc3ed by Co�ncilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, I�yor Nee declared the motion carried �►animously. - 11 - COUNCIL !!�TINC OF SEP'IQ'�ER �� 1�Q5 ADJOUFtI�P'�PTI' I�TION by Councilman Barnette to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Cb�cilman Sc�►neicier. Upon a vaioe vate, all voting aye, i�8yor Nee declared the motian carried �u�animously and the Regular Meeting of the Fridl ey City Cb�ncil c� Septenber 9, 1985 adjourned at 8:57 p.m. Respectf ully sutrnitted, Ca rnl e Haddad Will ian J. Nee Secretary to the Irhyor City ��cil APPr w ed : - 12 - Notice is hereby given of the City of Fridley on Monday.$eptember 23, of : PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL that there will be a Public Hearing of the City Council in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast 1985in the Council Chamber at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose Consideration of a Rezoning request, ZOA #85-02, by Kent Roessler, to rezone from R-1 (one family dwelling) to R-2 (two family dwelling) to allow the construction of three duplexes to be located on Lots lA, 1B, 2 and 3, Block 1, Iwen Terrace, the same being 5586, 5570, 5560 Fillmore Street N.E., all located in the South half of Section 24, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota. Any and all persons desiring to be heard shall be given an opportunity at the above stated time and place. WILLIAM J. NEE MAYOR Pub7ish: Septembei� 9, 1985 September 16, 1985 � 1 �. CITY OF FRIDLEY PU1h'ITING CO"�L'�IISSION I�EETItiG, AUGUST 21, 1985 CJ{LL TO ORD Chaizvo�r�an Schn bel called ihe August 21 to ozder at 7:30 . m. ROLL G�LL: 1985, Plenning Commission meeting I�Senhers Present: �S.\Schnabel, Itr. Oquist, T�r. Wellan, I�. Sielaff, Ms , t�@be 1, I�r . Minton MC^bers Absen[: tYLs. Schi�iner Oct,ers Present: Jim Robins n, Planning Coordinator Gerald Iwen 5605 Humboldt Avenue Kent Roessle 10666 University Avenue Richard Heaqi 12323 Gladiola North APFi�(l',':�L OF Ai'Gi'ST 7L1985,LPLqNr'IItiG CO�L*�SSIOti trIIh't'TES: �- Ms. Sct�nabel requesced the following �orrections be made: Page 3. pgragraph 2, change the vo�"formally" to "formerly" page 6� paragraph 3, change the vor "leave" to "live" M(�T I M BY AR . WELIAr , SECO�'DED B� t�6t . MIti"TO�TO APpRO��E THE AUGCST 7, 1985 PIA�:�I�:G CO"�;ISSIO� MIhTT'ES WITH THE ABO�'E C RECTIO?:S, t'P0� A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTITCG AYE, CHAIRk'0*taT S�HI�BEL DECiARED THE MO'I'I0� CARRIED UI�AKIMOUSLY. � 1. R'BLIC N��RITG: CO�SIDER4TIOi� OF A REZO:`�I'�G REQL'EST, ZO� �-8i-02, BY }:E'� FO::��LER: Rezone from R-1 (one family dwelling) to R-7 (two fa-i1�� dwelling) tc allow the construction of a duplex located on Lots lA, 1B, 2 and 3, Block 1, Iwen Terrace, the same being 5586, 5570, 5�60 Fillmore Street N. E., all located in the South half of Section 24, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota. M(�TIO� BY I�t. OQL'IST, SECUI��ED BY I'�. C�BEL, TO OPEti THE PCBLIC HEARItiG 0� Z�+ ,•':85-02 BY KErT ROESSLER. UPO\ A �lOICE �'OTE, ALL VOTIrG AYE, CH.�IRk'0"1�r SCHti:;BEL DECIARED THE - Pl'BLIC HF�RIrG OPEr AT �: 33 P. M. Ph'. Fobinson stated this propert�• to be rezoned is located vest of Fillr.�ore Street and south of Lynde Drive and fnclUdes three large lots. He stated adjacent land is primarily zoned R-1, but there is a mixed band of R-3 and eo�ercial uses along the highkay frontage road. 1 A 1B PLf1hKI�G CO`QIISSION 1�ETING, AUGUST 21, 1985 PACE 2 I�r, Robinson stated the rezoning is proposed in order to conStruct [hree double bungalows wi[h tero lot�lines. He stated all lots are over 26,000 square feet and the code requires only 10,000 square feet for R-2 lots. I�. Robinson presented drawings of the proposed structures to be con- structed on these lots. He stated the estimated market value of each individual unit is $75,000 to $80,000. I�-. Robinson stated there is a large easement on the back portion of these lots and easements along the nor[h and south of each of the property lines so there are sufficien[ drainage and utility easements, as well as a ponding area. He stated the west side of the plat is owned by [he City. t�. Robinscn stated there is a covenant on the pronertv and one of tt,e key points was that this property should remain R-1 detached single family dwellings. He s[ated this covenant can be changed by the netitioner and [he City and would have to be recorded at the County. hh�. Robinson stated, if the rezoning request is approved, the covenant st,ould be amended regarding the building res[ric[ions for single family detached dwellings. He further sta[ed the structures should be built as indicated in the site plen and elevations submitted with the �ezoning a�,plication and to be constructed with brick and wood siding. "Ls. Schnabel asked if tne City had received any response from surround- ing residents regarding this pronosed rezoning. Mr. Robinson s[ated the Cit�� ha; not received any comments. I� . Iwei:, owr.er the sou[h side se��en persons. wa s undec ided . of one of the lots, sta[ed he con[acted residents on of Lynde Drive and received positive response from He stated one resident was not at home and another Ms. Schnabel asked I�. Roessler if he was in agreement wi[h the stinu- lacions, and if the exterfors of brick with wood siding was acceptable. Mr. Roessler stated he would face the buildings with material accept- able to the City, but this may vary slightly from what is shown on [he plans. He stated because they are a custom home builder, it sometimes depends on what the customer wants as these units will be individually owned as a single family dwelling. l�r. Robinson stated the City's goal is to have the structures somewhat uniform to tie them together so you don't have thzee radieally different st��les of homes and also have them be as low maintenance as possible. Ms. Schnabel asked if they presently have buyers for these units. I�. Roessler stated, basically, they are just beginning, but didn't feel the�� would have a problem finding buyers. 1C PIl{A"�I'�G CO'^�SSIO'� hEETII�G AUGUST 21, 1985 PAGE 3 lLs. Schnabel asked if they would star[ construc[ion crior to sales. Itr. Roessler stated they may begin construc[ion on one of [he units. Ms. Schnabel questioned the value of the uni[s. t�. Roessler scated the cost vould be from $65,000 to $85,000 per unit depending on the amount of feacures the buyer would iike in tiie unit. Ms. Schnabel asked if a covenan[ would be included with the purchase agreement which would indicate the responsibilities of tl-.e owners in terms of maintenance of the structures. as vell as the yard and land- scaping. IYSr. Roessler stated there vould be a rider attached to the purchase agreement stating the uniforr�ity of the s[ructure itself and if there was to be any dtastic color change. it has to be signed by both owners of the proper[y. Ms. Schnabel asked if 'he uni[s vould have a common drivewa�•. 14. Roessler s�ated they would probably be aeparated by crushed rock or shruh�ery, ?�r. Robinson stated there ehould be a protective covenant on the exteziozs of the structures and the City's rr►ain goal is los� mainten- ance with possibly aluminum or cedar siding eo it doesn't have to be painted. 1�5r. Roessler atated aluminum or cedar siding gets extremely expensive so it prices them out of the market. He Btated he didn't have a prob- lem with the brick, but did with the aluminum. I�. Minton asked how the restrictive covenant on the proPerty could be changed. I�. Robinson stated the petitioner would draft an amendment to be approved by the City and then recorded a[ the County. Ne stated there is a provision in the covenant itself for changes and, in this case, involves only the awner and the City. I�. WellBn asked about drain tiles for these etructures. r�. Roessler stated these would be installed as they are a standard feature, Ms. Schnabel asked if Mr. Gearman was involved with this developr�ent since he has signed the rezoning request. I�. Iwen stated Mr. Gearman awns tvo lets and he owns one. l�. Roessler is purchasing these lots from them and has signed a purchase agreement, ALs. Schnabel questioned I�'k. Gearuan's role in terms of changing the covenant. IYh�. Iwen steted he vorks with I�. Gearman and there is no ' Problem with it. . Ms, Schnabel stated the Couanission tends to feel a little uncomfortable when s�r�eone other than the owner makes these requesta. She stated, in terms of changing the covenant, she wanted to be sure they vould be protected legally. 1 D PI.AN�ING CO�QiISSION MEETL�C-, AUGUST 21. 1985 __ _ _____ _ PAGE_ 4 _ �ir. Iwen stated the City owns three lots and he owns one of the lots so over 50% of the property owners are nresent this evening. He stated when they platted the land, the covenant was out in at that time just to protect themselves. Mr. Wellan questioned the elevations if they were to have full basemenCs and if it would be necessary to fill the lots. I�. Roessler stated the basements will be down only 36 inches. No other oersons spoke regarding this proposed rezoning request. rfOTION BY MR. OQUIST, SECONDED BY I�&t, MINTON, TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCHAIABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 8:02 P. M. PinTION 13Y P4t, OQUIST, SECOI�3ll�ll BY A4t. SI�:LAFF, TO RLCONIMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF REZONING REQUEST, ZOA ��85-02, BY KENT ROESSLER, TO REZONE FROM R-1 (ONE FArfftY DWELLING) TQ R-2 (TWO FAMILY DWELLING� TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A DUPLEX LOCATED ON LOTS lA, 1B, 2 AND 3, BLOCK 1, IWEN TERRACE, THE SAME BEING 5586, 5570, `560 FILLMORE STREET, N. E., ALL LOCATED IN THE SOUTH HALF OF SECTION 24, T-30, R-24, CITY OF FRIDLEY, COUNTY OF ANOKA, MINNESOTA, WITH THE F(1LLOWING STIPULATIONS: (1) AMEND- TiENT OF COVEPTANT OF BUILDING RESTRICTIONS TO BE DRAFTED BY PETITIOIVER, APPROVED BY THE CITY AND RECORDED AT ANOKA COUNTY PRIOR TO ANY BUILDING PER�ffT: (2) ALL CUVENANT RESTRICTIONS, EXCEPT SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED " CLAUSE, TO BE ADHERED T0; AND (3) STRUCTURFS TO BE BUILT AS INDICATED IN SITE PLAN AND ELEVATIONS SUBMITTED WITH THIS APPLICATION, TO INCLUDE BRICK WITH WOOD/MASONITE SIDING. UPON � VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, GHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Ms. Scfinabel stated this item would go to the City Council on October 7, 1985, ?. NSIDERATION OF A T.OT SPLIT RE ITEST L S. �685-07 BY KENT ROESSLER: Com ' Lots lA and 1B, Block 1, Iwen Terrace and split in half to a11ow a duplex be sold individually, and also Lot 2 to be sp1iC in half and Loe 3 to be s't in half to allow duplexes to be sold individually, the same being �586,��'S��� 5�60 Fillmore Street N. E. -�.. =, Ms. Schnabel stated this requeg_t for a lot s�lit does not need a formal hearing, but there will be an in�o�.�al discussion. P�. Robinson stated this request for a lot`� it is in conjunction with the rezoning request which the Commission has ju ` recommended be an�roved. He sta[ed the purpose of the split is to create six with zero lot lines for the construction of double bungalows. rir, Robinson stated there presently are three buildable lots and, wi the Lot split, it would create six buildable lots so three nerk fees wou id have to be paid . _c�� ; � �ar�� , � . � ' ZOA #85-02 .,, ,,, o � 5586, 5570, 5560 � -'. � Fi 11 m Str3eet NE/ �• � S � :� � ,, K oes ler � ,. • � ---� � ., �. \, . R'.GOLO TfFROCE ` � � ! � � � , • �• . ,_.�.�� � �, 1 _ � i . -� , • i� r• i» j�� t � , � fo� • I w AV �� � � • �• i y �J ► t � t � � u - _ � � ` . ,, � �v j . • I+ � � 0 � W .I , • P aCE I W �r +¢ • l j � � , N -; � 3 � �_ �---+ r :: ' ♦ �! i .r ♦ v N - .i I � � ,� � - Z � • � �� � � I 1 � : .1� � : u - 1 u • � • i� < � • • ♦ � • • • � � i . � .� ' ��� � • • • C I� I � • � ' 1 � • • • ITOR S '•.•. ; -•,+ � .. ... � • • � ... a . � ,�„ _ • r' �k,,, u � � Dl��/I S/ON �"`= "'�' .a�c�-�.,� — - -SlA T,E J �se�zs�srss�c ��s- �•���������♦ ���• . , . , . , . , . , . , . , . , � .,. ,. i . . . . .... �. _ ... � � � : . . � �- • i� � � . . � � �, �Y .Cr n ,; �. I . � .�4. - � p ,�'1� . ` � , C.. [ G W � � . ' � • � a� � �� v � �_ .i ar _. . .. ., �. •• 1 � � ♦ � �. O W l r � i �� �✓ �� �� E ' ♦ � � � .,.., � ' � - , / /� �¢ ,, • -� . � . , ,� / • • . ., r f .1 , ,. Y. . • , z . . . i �.� �"A � ,• I � �- - : _ � 'Z ,� � � ' �� � �. 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Kent Roessler T.�� 1F /T �r " . •� _A' M � I, � �t !� �► '� �M I • �r /j i • ��., .� � ' . .r— �. n �1 : ;'� - , � . � � _ .ar 1� � t •" . q �'� ~._Q�. • . � 1011 loil ' tor� ' �4�� - ' ' 1� a Z � � .�� + 1� M � � � i � �91 101/ ► �� � � � � 1 5 `�'�` 4.�6 �.'!� � S, � . �� � �: . �� � � , i• i �o�l � - -- ' juh � , f4'R' ,L � � _,_ ��.�, '`_ ' �,Gc � 70' - ,� ;" /iw a i l'.7.� T� (iM - �'�i `Q � � ' � � Q � / � ` ` • . r. - .,� �Q� � � f X�l� � � �� M � � �i • •1Y . . . • . ��. � ��ao �� � � R. Arn; � j �� � �� � _ , L4 5�0��^� Yr . �9S � :.��: , � � 9 �0 �:.� . ... � r i �, � � '� 1� � , 1 a� . � `0��1o.r op�lo�o � � ;10� ,io4Q/os��abo � � � i i .� I Y � �~ � i � , � r A . , �`" U/L ERS • � � �� �' t � � r �% � 1111 p�� 0!t•�N I� I lOf.�• V �� � �� • �� � i t ;"•.�, �, �,. �:�..../ ..r.�. �...,. lO�l le �� ��el ���� i�t� �►a I ��4� w �. ,r I , �•.. �ciC �t . •� _�_ i � � ' t f i � � ..�YNOE oR�vE "' -r �J Q, .. /�y :;w j,f: .n.. •t'�� �i r•*. 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I It �"'r� ' i / to4 ! ���5 � v 4'J- �- �'`- •.'!�o/ 71 � q - _ __ +I ,l , -- . . . , ' � �3 -: �3L' _ , — �-' y=.�}?'- ..-�.' i - _ — ___ _� _ , � �, � � - -_ _ _ _ . , � r -- � � - --� ; . � _�V ) I � �r 1 O - �� _ _ _ � _ — '�� �NTE�ST ,-- - _ _ � r � � J i v 1�JU.,t_ � 1uv r v i; i=; G ° •3..ss,to.i s 1 ZOA #�85-02 � � --ov•f9z � 5586, 5570, 5560 -� Fillmore Stre�— •�E� --v'Q�---�.• r---, oot8 �-- ; ,-- - ir�8 � -� Kent Roessl er ;;� SZ ��..��o ;� � .���,r� '"'"'"'r� ' ' ' 1 `� � .S� , �� ; � � , � .. � et ) � , - � � � , � � \ � � � , i ��, •-. `- � � � � , � � � � ��� � � � �� : - � > ' � , C f i � . � Z� . 17° �j � ` � C- , � z � � ` �0 � � ;I � � � , •st � - y , �M �. ;� v ; � 8 .� , � ' � W � �' � ♦ ;I � Q ;� � _ . W � , �' �`� � ' O� g • 0 +�i : Z d h �D ^� � * �,• � � � $ � �� UL '�C�1 '' � ��� � �, � �� ..,, ' v� � �' � '' o �� � � � ` � I ' ' R ' , l� O _ ��� � j �. ` `� � s �� � �• O `J � � ,'� Yr � i Z c�� �---/ - - � � �` ~ ' � � � f � � � �',• � , -.. '��. V��i I ti; \ i ��f a � ��' . �' _ 3 d �^�i � � � l ��� • s� I J � i � � � ° � � h � �M--�� \ � � �.. S � , 5J, i 'S (� —� r� �, CJ � �� O o � � �` b // li 6O �S C, DO 18 Zf 88 N� '\, c ; °' _'. 1� . � � I (�� �', � � �� � � I ' � � V� v� � k\`� � � �� � � � � v �: O � � � W �� � .__ � . ;` � '� � p� � � � �� � o, ;, �. � 0+���' � � \ 1' `� ' C� !I ` � � � �� n c� �j Q y� �° ,�+ ^^ `� p° t �, �9 ° ti \ �i C �' � � Q � !11 � � V � �� . !� �R d !�. Q� N ` ,(p � 00 ,� (o^ g ; �� 2� � -a--- ---�.--, � �,�-----------, « �i' �, v ) y ; � `F �i ` �. � , �y.�.ti� _, � r �$ i( j� t' ` Ei j�-\� j=, � � � • � � I � % �i \ � � � � � , �+,,,,Y � � _ �? rr i� � h - -- _ � 2 y � i � � , i !f � -_�� 8 � -- - a'� i--•. - '�..�..�. a 8 1 ': �` �-� ' , �' i � i ; ; 3 �'' � ' i � � i ` i V , � O� ; ; /C� � � 1 � j � � V 1 P � � �` i Q i . h � ` ; , � Y N � ,:. 1 , � G(„ ze� --o°-'s-- � ----�OOY9----,t � fZ6S--� �``.�r - ' F� '04Z — — "-` o �°y a ` � ( �+�s..5�,s�,i n �� 0 3N 1 S �. ° .' ,,� � � ' � h' l�d � / V —� -�—�� ��� � i �?� � ° � .r.. s� y. � n . _ _ _- _ � __�.��..� : . . . . : � r , , � ,\ �V . � � �ITY Of f RJ DI..�Y O�T� 8/30/85 --- I � p r f►w John F1 ora iv��ECt 0 DtAECTORATE � F PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANt�UM Public Works Director TO Nasim Qureshi, Ci Zoning Code Ordinanc� Change ` o° °o . .� ��o .�� �= _ � _ y� PW85-270 �: r �p� �w p -- — r - - � _,��� - r If the Council approves the 2nd reading of the zoning changes for Ch�p��ers 205 and 6 as presented at the public hearing on August 19,1985, it would be appropriate to also have them approve a short notice of the Ordiranc� change in the City's official newspaper as identified by Exhibit 1. Recommend the Council approve the 2nd reading of the ordinances and order publication as identified by Exhibit 1. JGF:jmo 2 A �.•+� r • « • AN OIRDINANCE RECDDIFYING 7HE FRIIILEY CITY OODE BY AI�'�IDING Q3API'ER 205 II�ITLED "ZONING" SECTIONS 205.04, 205.05, 205.07, 205.08, 205.09, 205.13, 205.14, 205.15, 205.16, 205.17, 205.18 AI�ID 205.20 �iE QTX QO[INCIL OF THE QTY OF FRIDLEY DOF� ORDAIN AS F'OLI�VS: 205.04. C�TER�L F�tOVISIONS 4. BUII�DIIVG SITE G. Where the frorit yara setback of existing buildings is //within a distance of 00 feet on both sides of a structure to be erected and is more// greater �the minimun front yard setback required and ��d ex?sting bLild�ngs are ����th� n ne h�?►�:re�, (� 00) fe2t on e� ther �ide of a struc ure o e erec e. then the setback for //such a building// the new structure can be six (6) feet more or less of this mean depth Qf the adiacent structur__es but in no case shall it be less than the required front yard setback. In the e where one . -a• ��+� i••� • n ••�+ •.« (10) In no case shall a fence or similar barrier impede vehicular vision or cause a hazardous condition to exist. 205.05. AIaMINIS'IRATION AI�ID II��ORCF.N�� 4. SPECSAL USE P�RNIT A. Purpose. The purpose of this Section is to provide the City of Fridley with a reasonable degree of discretion in dete�nining the suitability of certain desic�ated uses upon the general welfare, publ ic heal th and saf ety. In making this detennination the City may consider the nature of the land upon which the use is to be located, the nature of the adjoining land or buildings, the effect upon traffic into and from the preni�es or on any adjoining roads, and al� such factors as the City shall reasonably deem a requisite of �nsideration in determining the effect af such use. For the ���se of r ording, th terms S�ecial Use P�rmit nd �onditional UGe ��;� a1i be sa�d to mean one a�?�7 t}?? �ame_��,rG»ant to M.S.A Sec�on g���l Subdivision 4. 205.07. I�1 Q� FAMSLY T�WII�LIl�1G DISZRICT RflC�ILATIONS 5. PARKING RDQUIRII�ITS A. General Pravisions. (3) All driveways and parking stalls shall be set back three (3) feet frcm any property line except as agreed to in writi_na by adjacent property awners a"„c3 filx7 with t� Ci�. 2B Page 2 — Ordinance No. _ . . :a�:�:►« � ;►ne:�•, B. E�cterior Storage (3) The Gity shall require a Special Use Permit for any exterior storage of materials, except for B�. above. D. Drainage and Grade Requirenents. (2) The Gi.ty may specify a minim�un finished ground grade for any structure in order to allow proper c]rainage and a minimum top of footir,g elevation to allow for connection to City utilities. � �xim�� s� opg ( arad ) on a drive av shall not exceed 1:10 (10� � at�ove estahl�sed cLrb gradg. 205.08. I�'-2 ZWU-FAMILY ix�TII.LING DISIRIGT RDGUI�ATIONS . � �- � i�•��� B. Exterior Storage (3) The City shall require a Special tise Permit for any exterior storage of materia.ls, except for Bj�. above. 205.09. F.L3 � I�IJLTIPLE I�n1II�,ING DIS'�2IGT R�UTATIONS .. . � • �• r• � i� w. D. Desic� Requirenents. (3) Curbing. The entire perimeter of all parking areas in excess of f our (4) stalls, access driveways, truck loading sp3ces or other hard surf ace areas that handle motor vehicl.e traffic shall be curbed with a poured six (6) inch high concrete curb �d _gut er. (4) Driveway Requirenents. (c) The edge of the curb opening to a�ark�ng area with four (4) � more �talls shall not be closer to the nearest portion of a street right-of-way intersection than seventy-five (75) feet, or two-thirds (2/3i of the lot width, whichever is sna].ler. 205.13. C-1 IrUQ�L BUSII�S DIS'i�IRIC� RDGULATTOt3S .. . • a� r• a� i� D. Desic� Requirenents. (3) Curbing. The entire perimeter of all parking areas in excess of four (4) stalls, acoess driveways, truck loacling sg�oes or other hard surface areas that handle motor vehicle traffic shall be curbed with a poured six (6) inch high aoncrete curb �d_q�tter. 205.14. C-2 C�I�TERAL BUSIlVFSS DISZRICT RDGiJLATIONS 1. USFS PERMI'I�.'ID A. Princi�l Uses. (4) Co�ut�ercial recreation, p�� t�� s, boy> > ng alleys and health & fitn[�s� c-ontr?r� nOt includi.ng massage g3rlorS. Page 3 — Ordinance No. ____ ,: : ►. ; a• ; �vi�+►wr.� D. Desi� Regui.renents. (3) Curbing-. The entire perimeter of all parking areas in excess of four (4) stalls, acoess driveways, truck loading spaces or other hard surface areas that handle motor vehicle traffic shall be curbed with a poured six (6) inch high ooncrete curb ��gutter. 205.15. C`-3 GEi�2AI� �OPPING C�1'I�R DIS7i2.iCr REIGULATI�TS :: ; . r.. ; �• : ������+w.� D. Desi� Requirenents. (3) Curbing. The entire perimeter of all parking areas in excess of four (4) stalls, acoess driveways, truck loading sg�ces or other hard surface areas that hanale motor vEhicle traffic shall be curbed with a poured six (6} inch high ooncrete curb �c3 aut er. 205.16. C�1 GE1�TF.RAL OFFICE DIS7�tICT RDGUI�ATI(�IS •. • • a• r a i�+ D. Desic� Requirenents. (3) Curbing. The entire perimeter of all parking areas in excess of four (4) stalls, access driveways, truck loaaing s�aoes or other hard surface areas that hanale motor vehicle traffic shall be curbed with a poured six (6) inch high ooncrete curb �IId gutter. 205.17. 1�1 LIGHT Il�ID[lSII2IAL DISZRICT RDGUTATIO�IS .a : , r►. : a• �: a���►M�. D. Desic� Requirenents. (3} Curbing. The entire perimeter of all parking areas in excess of four ( 4) stalls, acoess driveways, truck loading spaces or other �hard surface areas that handle motar vehicle traffic shall be curbed with a pouren six (6) inch high concrete curb and gut er. . :��:u�:►« � :►i�c;!9 B. Exterior Storage. (2) All materials and com¢nercial equigr►ent s�ial-1 be kept in a building or shall be fully screeneci so as �, to be visible from any public right-of-way or adjoining property of different district. 2C Page 4 — Ordinance No. 205.18. 1�2 HFAVY Il�ID(7S`IItIAL DISlRICT RDGUTATIQNS .. . � • a� i� a�� ti D. Desi� Requirenents. (3) Curbing. The entire perimeter of all parking areas in excess of f our (4i stalls, acoess driveways, truck loading spaces or other hard surface areas that hanctle motor vehicle traffic shall be curbed with a poured six (6) inch high ooncrete curb and u�ter. 205.20. �1 5PEQAL DIS'atIQS � •�� •a�� r. � n r.,«. B. Lot Width. (1) The width of a lot s�hall not be less than sixty (60) feet at the required setback. Corner lots shall not be less than sixty-f ive (65) feet at the reauired setback. fI ;�_:����� « �+ :►i�,:�� A. Parking Requirenents. (2) No p3rking stall shall be located in any portion of the front yara, except on a driveway or hardsurfacec� garking s�ce, approved by the City and set hack a minimiun of three (3} feet f rom the side property lirye, excepk as agreed to in �aritina by adjacent property awners and filed with the City. PASSID AI�ID ADOPTID BY �iE CSTY QOCINCIL OF �iE CITY OF FRIDLEY TH IS DAY OF , 1985 WTI.,LIAhI J. NEE - P+�YOR ATrFST : SIIaNEY C. TNMAN - QTY CZERK First Reading: September 9, 1985 Seoond Reaciing: Publication: 2 D Page 5 -- Ordinance No. EaFiIBIT I OFFICIN. TITLE AND SIII�RY ORDINANCE K0. I. TITLE AN ORDINANCE RECODIFYING THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE BY Al4ENDING CHAPTER 205 EI�ITITLED RZONING*, SECTIDKS 205.04� 205.05, 205.07, 205.08, 205.09, 205.13r 205.1�1, 205.15, 205.16, 205.1�, 205.18 AND 205.21 I I. SUl�Il�iAR Y THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAIDLEY, NI1�i1NESOTA ORDAINS: That the follaWing summary shall clearly inform the public of the intent and effect of changes to the Chapter and shall be published in the official newspaper of the City. A. CEaIERAL PROVISIONS �lhere the front yard setback of existing buildings is greater than the minimum front yard setback required and said buildings are xithin 100 feet on either side of a structure to be erected, the setback f or the ne� stucture can be six feet more or less of this mean depth of the adjacent structures but shall not be less than the required front yard setback. In the case xhere one of the adjacent properties is vacant, an assumed setback of 35 feet xill be used. Ir no case shall a fence or similar barrier impede vehicular vision or cause a hazardous condition to exist. B. SPECIAL DSE PERMIT For the purpose of recording, the terms Special Use Permit and Conditional Use Permit shall be said to mean one and the same pursuant to Minnesota Statutes� Section 462.3595, Subdivision 4. . C. PARRING REQUIREMEKTS The entire perimeter of all parking areas in excess of four stalls or other hard surface areas shall be curbed �►ith a poured six inch high concrete curb and gutter in zoning districts R-3, C-1, C-2, C-3, CR-1, t�-1 and M-2. D. R-1 ONE FAMILY DYII,LING DISTRICT REGOLATIONS All drive�ays shall be set baek three feet from any property lir.e except as agreed to in �rriting by adjacent property oWners and filed with the City. The maximum slope (grade) on a driveWay shall not exceed 1:10 (10x) above established curb grade. E. C-2 GENERAL BOSINESS DISTRICT RSGIILATIONS Principal uses include commercial recreation, pool halls, boKling altey, anri bealth � fi�ness centers not including massage parlors. 2E Page 6 -- Ordinance No. F. S1 HYDE PARB �IEIGHBORHOOD DISTRICT REGULATIONS Corner lots shall not be less than sixty-five feet at the required setback. No parking stall shall De located in any portion of the front yard, except on an approved drivexay, set back a mini�um of three feet from the side property line, sxcept as agreed to in �►riting by adjacent property aWners and fil ed vith the City. III. NOTICS This Title and Summary has been published to clearly inform the public of the intent and effect of tbe City of Fridley Zoning Chapter. A copy of the Ordinance, in its entirety, is available for inspection by any person during regular office hours at the Office of the City Clerk and at the Anoka County Library, Fridley Branch. PASSED AND ADOPTED $Y THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF , 1985. ATTEST: WILLIAM J. NEE - N�YQR SIDNEY C. INMAN - CITY CLERK Public Hearing: August 19, 1985 First Reading: Second Reading: Publication: 2F 3 MEMO T0: Nasim Qureshi, City Manager MEMO FROM: John Flora, Publie Works Director SUBJECT: Zoning Code Changes DATE & CODE: 9/1$/85 PW 85-288 During the review of the Zoning Code by the commissions, it was found that the paragraph dealing with the variance procedure t�as inconsistent with the paragraph within Chapter 6 under the Appeals Commission. The Zoning Code used the term commence Khereas the Appeals Commission Code used the word comDleted. It was the determination of the Appeals Commission that the proper word should be commenced, beeause many projects could not be completed within a one year time frame and they felt that as long as the work was started the variance would be in effect. If the Council has a problem with a completion period, �oth Chapters should be changed to satisfy the concerns. There is no State statute that precludes the City from establishing reviewal or completion periods. Thereforet if it�s desired, the appropriate sections of the Code could be ehanged to read "If, within one year after granting a variance, the recipient of the variance has not commenced the work, as permitted by the variance, and/or the work is not nc�mnl eted w� th1 n t�,o years, then the variance shall become null and void _--- - unless a petition for an extension of time to complete the work has been granted by the Council. " Since a public hearing was had on the Chapter 205 and Chapter 6 changes and the above suggestion is not a significant change, another public hearir,g on this item would not be required. If the Council desires to incorporate this procedure, they could either send it back to the Appeals Commission for eview, or they could amend Chapter 6 to incorporate this ehange at the first reading. If the Council should incorporate this ehange to Chapter 6, they should make a similar motion to amend Chapter 205.05.5G to incorporate the same language during the 2nd reading. JGF:jmo � oRVn�cE No. � •.� r • • • s��,� � �: • n� M �� r • a� i� � •: � • a+• . a r �+� •• i • a�+ • . � �E QTY �O[JNCIL OF �iE QTY OF FRIIg,EY DOFS OF�,IN AS FQLI�GWS: 6.07. APPEAI,S C70MMISSIOi�1 9. Lapse of Variance by Non-use. Whenever within one (1) year after granting a variance, the recipient of the variance shall not have //oompleted// �,�P��?� the work as permitted by the variance, then such variance s�hall beo�me null ana void unless a petition for extension of time in which to comglete the wark has been granted by the oammission. Such extension shall be requested in writing and f iled with the City Manager at least twenty (20) days before the expiration of the original variance. 'Ihe request for extension shall state facts showing a good faith attenpt to �nglete the work permitted in the variance. Such petition shall be presented to the Appeals Qoatm�ission for hearing and decision in the same maru�er as the original request for variance. PASSID ATID ADOPrID BY THE CITY Q7tJNCIL OF TfiE QTY OF FRIDLEY TH IS DAY OF , 1985 A2�'T: SII)NEY C. INM�I - QTY CI�ERK First Reading: Seoond Reading: Publication: WII.LIAtr J. NEE - N4�YOR 3 A 0� g0. _ �r o� ano�r� � emc€r rax ��u.. na�a � giE CITY Q�[JNCIL OF 'l4iE QTY OF FRILY,EY HERFBY OI�IIVS: 1. �hat the aruu:al budget of the Gity of Fcioley for the f iscal year beginning January 1, 1986 which has been sutrnitted by the City Manager and modified and approved by the City Council is hereb�� aoo�.ted, the total of said budget and their major divisions thereof being as fallaws: 2. 2hat the City Njanager be directed to aause the appropriate acoounting entries to be made in the books of the Gity. , . (�ffitAi. PtllD ' SS'1'�'�D RW@I� Taxes and SFecial Assessnents: CUrrent Ad Valoren Delinquent, Penalties, Fbrf ei ted Special Assessnents Lioenses and Permits: Licenses Permits Tntergoverrmental: Feoeral State - HanEStead C[ecit (C�r[�t Ad Valorer,) I.ocal Gwerrment Aid All Other Q�arges for Services Fines and Forfeits Interest on Investments M�iscellaneous Revenues Other Financing Sources: 1�"a;nici�.al State Aid FUnd Revenue Sharing Fi�nd Liquor Ft�nd 7►7�I. R�YH�IIffi 11UD 0'� FII�Pit�@� �CFS fUnd Balanoe: Desi�ted for Reglaoenent of Fixeci Assets General Flu�d SurF,lus ZO►lgfi. FWD BAT.7�1� 1• Y� !�} IJ' �_ ill� � `��:�.M . 'r./}.11 �11� 1. Aevenue St�aring P1a�d State Aid Ptud Cdhle 1V P1a�d '�D'�I. SPD[�AL � PUti16 �>• r �• ���.►. avic oeirt:e� Bad [+�ud Property� Tax - Qurent Ad Valorer. Interest ��I. L'�T SFRVI(B FUt� a�r�. x�r�cr Pvr�s (�pdtal bpcova�it Puna Property Tax - Curr�t Aci Valorer. Interest Gther Financing Sources: General Fund ��% O�PTTI�i. PRC�JfLT Ptil�L16 $ 2,671,290 48,992 4,900 144,874 115,552 30,827 367,395 1,858,643 210,000 121,828 160,462 290,000 54 ,000 142,863 Z:i2,652 50,000 $ 6,504,278 150,000 311,768 $ �61,768 $ 6�966.046 232,652 414,462 55,098 $ 702�212 34,485 6,666 $ 41,151 44,100 55 ,284 12,600 S 111,984 Legislative: City Cbuncil Planning Qanmissions Other Camiissions City Managenesit: General Mar�ager Personnel � Central Servioes: Elections Finanoe Assessing Civic Center Police: Iblice Qvi1 Defense Animal O�ntral Fire: Public Wvrks: Oode Enforoenent Planning Technical Engineering 4iaffic Engineering Street Lighting Storm Draimge Public Works Maintenance Recreation: Naturalist Recreation Reserve: $ 155,384 342,560 617,895 ' 2,099,806 478�901 2,293,833 583,495 394,172 $ 6,966�0�6 232,652 414,462 55,098 $ 702,212 s uLsi $ 111,984 FASSID AND AAOF'PID BY 1iiE QTY QOUNCIL C�' 7HE QTY OF FRIIaT.EY 4HIS _ DAY OF , 1984 AT!'F$ i : SIDt;EI C. IIaiAlr - CI'!'Y Q.IItIC��----- Pur1 ic Hearing: 9/09/85 First R�ning: WILLZAMi J. I1EE - t�YOR n � � ptREGTORA?E 5- . :L OF , °: �` , � e Qo° PUBLiC WoRKS - - _�- C� TY O� � = F(�D(� MEMORANDUM � � _ O�TE 9/5/85 ' --- � � p r t►.w, John F1 ora, Publ i c Works iv��ECT Final Plat, P.S. #85-03 Director !O Nasim Qureshi, City Manager PW 85-275 •:1 �p1 �w p — - --_ — --- — - --� When the Burlington Northern people originally came in to discuss platting this property, we indicated a desire to have the existing Naegele billboard sign located on the property by the railroad and 694 section removed. At the Planning Commission meeting, this item was apparently overlooked. Recommend the Council add the Planning Commission, approved and the Special JGF:jmo the additional stipulation to that recommended by that the billboard sign be removed if the plat is Use Permit for the Mini-Storage Facility is granted. 5 A PLANNING COMMISSYON MEETING L AUGUST 7, 1985 PAGE 2 Mr. Minton asked wR�t this building would be used for. Mr, Rau stated he ori 'na11y intended to build a 24' x 10` shed but decided to add 10 more feet for a breezeway. He stated the shed would be used strictly for storage of wnmower, garden equipment, etc., and a boat. Mr. Bob Calderon, 6401 Cent�C}1 Ave,, stated he was a neighbor, and he had no objection to this building. \ MOTION BY MR. SABA, SECONDED BY . ICONDRICK, TO CIASE TNE PUBLIC HEARING ON SP #85-09. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, C IRWOMAN SCXNABEL DECLARF,D TNE Pi1BLIC HEARING CIASED AT 7:44 P.M. MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY MR. M TOti, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF CONSIDERATIDIP OF A SPECIAL USE ERMIT, SP �BS-09, BY JOXN RAU, PER SECTION 205.07, 1, C, 1 OF TNE FRIDLEY C Y CODE TO ALLOk' TNE CONSTRUCTION OF A SECOND ACCESSORY BUILDING, A 2Q' BY 20' ED WITH AN ATTACNED BREEZEWAY ON LOT 2, BIACK 1, SPRING VALLEY ADDITION, TXE E BEIfiG 1391 - 64TN AVENi�E N.E., WITH THE STIPULATION TNAT THE BUILDING NOT BE US FOR MOTOF, VEHICLES. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAh SCHNA L DECLARED TNE MOTION CARRIED UNAIJIMDUSLY, Mr. Robinson stated this item would go to City Council o Aug. 19. 2. PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDERATION OF A PRELIMINARY PLAT, P.S. #85-03, GREAT , eing a rep a o a that par o e quar er o ec ion ,-,- and of the NE quarter of Section 27, T-30, R-24, Anoka County, that lies Southerly of the Southerly right-of-way line of Interstate Highway No, 694, Easterly of the Easterly line of the Plat of Great Northern Industr�al Center, Fridley, Northerly of the Northerly line of Lot 1, Block 1, Midwest Addition and Westerly of a line 92.9 feet Westerly of and parallel with the center line of the Burlington Northern Inc, main tracks as it now exists. Containing 12.4 acres more or less. MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY MR. SABA, T1� OPF.1�' THE PUBLIC HEARING O*� #i85-03, GREAT NORTHERN INDUSTRIAL CENTER EAST, BY ALFRED NELSOIt. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARF.D TNE PUBLIC HL�ARING OPEN AT 7:47 P.M. Mr. �obinson stated this proQosal involved approx, 12.4 acres located south of 694 and west of the Burlington Northern railroad spur. It was in a plat of land that is rapidly developT�ng. The zoning for the entire plat was M-2 (heavy industrial) and the proposed use of mini-storage would fit into that zoning. 5B PLANNir�G COMMISSION MEETINGz AUGUST 7� 1985 PAGE 3 " �1r. Robinson sta�ed access to the plat would be through 53rd Way onto Industrial Eoulevard which would be e�ctended in a new street (Ashton). He stated two existing railrs�d spurs would remain as outlots dividing the site into two distinct tax parcels. Mr. Robinson stated the only stipulation was the park fee he paid before the plat is recorded, and the petitioner has agreed with that stipulation. Engi- neering on the development is being worked out with city staff, and they feel all requirements will be complied with with no problems. He stated the third item on the agenda was a public hearing for a special use permit Which was related to the business proposed for this proeprty. Mr. A1 FJelson, Burlington Northern, stated this was formally o�eratinq property which was not included in their original plat of the industrial park. Concurrent with the interest in developing the property plus the fact that the operating use of the property has been released freeing it up for development purposes, that was the reason for platting the area. �4s. Schnabel asicee if Barlington Northern was selling the property. Mr. Nelson stated they are selling the 7+ acres, leaving 3+ acres which they will also be selling. MOTION BY MR. SABA, SECONDED BY MR. MINTON, TO C7ASE THE PUBLIC HF.ARING ON PS. �85-03. UPO:� A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING P.YE, CXAIRWOMAN SCNNABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 7:57 P.M, MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY MR. OQUIST, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL THE APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY PLAT, P.S. 1185-03, GREAT NORTHERN INDUSTRIAL CENTER EAST BY�L,FRED NELSON, BEING A REPLAT OF ALL THAT PART OF THE SE QUARTER OF SECTIQN 22, T-30, P.-24 AND OF THE NE QUARTER OF SECTION 27, T-30, R-24, ANOKA CO(INTY THAT LIES SOUTNERLY OF THE SOUTHERLY RIGNT-OF-WAY LINE OF INTERSTATE HIGHWAY ND. 694, EASTERLY OF THE EASTERLY LINE OF THE PLAT OF GREAT NORTHERN INDUSTRIAL CENTER, FRIDLEY� NORTHERZY OF THE NORTHERLY LINE OF LOT 1, BLOCIC 1, MIDFIEST ADDIT`ION AND WESTERLY OF A LINE 92.9 FEET WESTERLY OF AND PARALLEL W71F1 THE CENTER LINE OF THE BURLINGTOIG IJOR4HE12N .FNC. MAIN TRACKS AS IT NOW EXISTS. CONTAINING 12.4 ACRES MORE OR LESS, WITN THE STIPULATION TNAT THF. PARK FEE BE PAID iS:;FORE THE PLAT IS RECORDED. UPOI� A VDICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECL�IRED THE MOTIN CARRIED 'JNANIMOUSLY. 3. PUBLIC HEARI�JG: CONSIDERATION OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP #85-08, BURLINGTON R HERN, BY J S er ectlon ., , o t e r� ey �ty o e o a ow ex er�or s orage of materials and equipment on a strip of land generally located West of the Burlington Northern Railroad tracks and East of the Great Northern Industrial Center Plat. All lying in the South half of Section 22, T-30, R-24 and in the North half of Section 27, T-30, R-24, County of Anoka, Minnesota. 5C PLANNING CONIMISSION M�ETING� AUGUST 7, 1985 PAGE 4 MOTION BY MR. WELLAN, SECONDED BY MR. OQUIST, TD OPEN THE PUBLIC XEARIA'G ON SP #85-08,BURLINGTON NORTNERN, BY JON MONSOIJ. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CXAZRWOMAIV SCFIIVABEL DECLARED TNE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 8:00 P.M. Mr. Robinson stated this proposal was for Lot l, Block 1, a�d Lot 1, Block 2, of the proposed plat. It involved use of approx. 7.3 acres, lhe building area was 127,930 sq. ft. Lot coverage was 37%, and nine parking stalls were proposed for the plan. Mr. Zobinson stated the proposal was for outside storage of recreational vehicles. The storage facilitles would not be visible from any public right- of-way except possibly from 694 and that visibility would be limited. Mr. Robinson stated the petitioner has completed a landscape plan with screening of parking areas, drives, and storage area. Staff's only stipulation was that the landscaping plan and screening be worked out with staff. Engineering is proceeding with a plan for on-site drainage. Concrete curb and gutters will be around the perimeter of the site. Mr. Jon Monson stated they are purchasing the property from Burlington Northern. He stated it was a somewhat broken up site in terms of efficiency with the Burlington Northern railroad spur going through it, Fortunately the spur is used infrequently (1-2 times a month). The spur which goes to Plywood Minnesota is currently not in use at all, and they have requested that Plywood Minnesota take it out. Plywood Minnesota does not use it, but they want to leave their options open. Mr. Kondrick stated that regarding the railroad spur, do they want the gate to run across the tracks on each side to prevent the tralns f rom going through or do they want gates to run parallel with the tracks? Mr. Monson stated that was a good question, and in their negotiations with Burlington Northerr., they have expressed their prefer.ence for putting gates across the tracks, From a property standpoint, Burlington Northern would be in favor of it, but from an operational standpoint, they would not. Whether it goes like that or whether they end up putting up a moving gate parallel to the tracks is a matter of negotiation at this time. They feel their preference for the perpendicular placement of gates was not unreasonable due to the infrequency of trains and the proximity of tFe gates. Mr. Kondrick stated that regarding open storage, is the property going to be fenced on all sides? Mr. Monson stated, yes, because security was of prime concern to them. They are the only mini-storage company in the area which alarms every door. This doesn't apply to the outdoor storage except for the fact that they use a parking lot type of gate access to get on the site. They not only have chain link gates that close after 9 p.m, until 7 a.m., but they also have a cor�puter �� PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, AUGUST 7`1985 PAGE 5 system where a pe'rson has to register his/her personal code to get in and out, and then they also have data on file as to who comes and goes. Mr. Wellan stated that with a double gate system at the railroad spur, what kind of problems could they run into as far as fire or police emergencies? Mr. Monson stated that because they prefer the perpendicular gates, there would not be a problem. There might be more of a problem in the case of a power outage that would preclude easy access across the tracks. That was not to say the fire trucks could not access from Plywood Minnesota or along the railroad right-of-way because it looks like there is good access from all around the property. Mr. Kondrick asked if there were provisions in the contracts with the renters that prevented the renters from storing chemicals, Mr. Monson stated, yes, they do have provisions in the lease agreement that prevent the storage of any materials that are dangerous in any way. Mr. Kondrick stated he had a concern relative to vandalism, It seemed that areas along railroad tracks were extremely vulnerable to vandalism and that type of thing. Mr. Monson stated they have experienced being by railroad tracks at their St. Louis Park facility. That facility is within 100 ft, of the tracks. They feel more comf4rtable in Fridley than in St. Louis Park because in Fridley thev can put up an 8 ft. high chain link fence while in St. Louis Park they can only put up a 6 ft, fence. However, they have not had any problem in St. Louis Park-- probably more problems with kids in the neighborhood than with transients. The site is very clean, the garage doors are alarmed, and even if there is unauthorized entry, what persons can do on the property is very limited, If they try to get in a unit, as soon as the lock is cut or the doar opened, an alarm will go off. He stated they have 3M monitor system, and they have a good working relationship with the City of St. Louis Park so that if and when help is needed, the police will respond. They do not want to endanger the resident manager so they do ask for that type of support from the city. Ms. Schnabel asked about lighting. Mr. Monson stated they use a high pressure sodium light which is spaced so they can light not only the perimeter but also the interior aisle `rom the lights on the building. The unique feature they have is the covered aisles wfiich are lit on the ceiling. Ms. Schnabel asked about electrical outlets, water, or drains available to the renters. Mr. Monson stated that in the rental agreement they try to make it clear that these units are for passive use only and are not intended as a workshop area. That disrupts the whole purpose of mini-storage. So, no, the renters will not have access to water. If a renter wants a light in his/her unit, it will cost so much extra. Because of the �tay tfiey are configured and because of 5E PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, AUGUST 1L 1985 PAGE 6 their operating hours, the use and requirement of electricity is really kept at a minimum. 7hey do have outlets that a renter has access to for a trouble light. There are no interior drains. Al1 the water leaving the site will go down into the middle of the drive aisle which is 40 ft, wide in the middle and 25 ft. wide on the outside and then channeled away to a catch basin. Ms. Schnabel asked about the office/residence and snow removal. Mr. Monson stated there will be an office/residence where the resident manager will leave. They do have their own maintenance vehicles, but sometimes they have to contract with larger vehicles for snow removal. In case of heavy snowfall, the snow is hauled out to another dumpinq ground. Mr. Monson stated the gate hours are 7 a.m, to 9 p.m, and the office hours are 8 a.m, to 5:30 p.m. MOTIOh' BY MR. SABA, SECONDED BY MR. MIN TON, TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCHIJABEL DECLARED TNE PUBLIC HEARING CZASED AT 8:42 P.M. Mr. Oquist stated he was impressed with this proposal and was very impressed with the security. MOTION BY MR. OQUIST, SECONDED BY MR. MINTON, TO RECOMMEND TD CITY CDUNCIL APPROVAL OF CONSIDERATION OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP i185-08, BURLINGTOh' NORTNERN, BY JOR' MONSOti, PER SECTION 205.18.I, C, 9 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE TO ALLOW EXTERIOR STORAGE OF MATERIALS .W�D EQUIPMENT OA' A STRIP OF LAND GENER}ILLY LOCATED WEST OF THE BURLINGTUN NORTN£Rlv RAILROAD TRACKS AND EAST OF TNE GREAT NORTHERN INDUSTRIAL CENTER PLAT. ALL LYING IN TNE SOUTH NALF OF SECTIOIJ 22, T-30, R-24 AND IN TXE NORTH HALF OF SECTIDN 77, T-30, R-24, COUNTY OF ANOKA, MINNESOTA, WITH THE STIPULATION TNAT TNE I.ANDSCAPE PLAN BE APPROVED BX TNE CITY'. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE MOTIOh CARRIEn UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Robinson stated that at their Aug. 19th meeting, the City Council will set a public hearing on this item for Sept. 9, so the special use permit, the plat, and a sign variance will all go to the City Council an Sept. 9. 4. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEI�j COMMISSION REVIEW: Mr. Oquist stated that the Planning Commission members knew, in the past the members of the Commun Development Cottmission have had the problem of the lack of direction for t' commission. He stated they have again had a lengthy discussion and feel th are really nothing more than a mini-Planning Commission. Things they normal would have done in the past have more or less been taken over by the HRA, so the ommunity Development Corrmission is somewhat lost as to what direction their comm sion should go. „•� : � f'1� I'i T8 1 . ' �•�� , � `� ' �` P.S. #85-03 `'\ � ,� � _ � �� � �'�` : ^, � s �t�� Great Northern Indus.FS F ,t �� � -:�_ „__-- �:`'��'---.:: =-.. � _ i Alfred Nelson , -• - -- - - - _ ”' . Icld � T - .:� "=--`--�+'�'RSt,erF -- _" ----�.— � i� rd 1 ' �� �St'aT�' — -.� �fr :).lICi�1���� t -�-•.. ��.-- r. _� �- . .-_ �' � ) • + w,�r _— + �.. • ' 1M�=- - 4�v � � ' � ~ �_ * +-� / � ' t� � �: � -�_ ' �-� .. --- � : r� =-�MO,-W�p-_ _ ---�-_.. �' GREAT � . � �'• -� �--=__:.�„__ _ ' ;- - o„T �or � �" ;_ ` 3 ,: � : I ,� - �—�.�_ _ � � t � ,/ ' ,; �� �� � � w��. 2 ' J'. 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O . / SP#85-08 Burlington Northern Jon Monson // t � � ; i s -`�_— -�—� , ,�, � � i, ��s {..,�.,� r � � � _ � � � --�-- t � s �• � . � f t� 4 ,--t_ _.�-- � � C _.a._ ± � V�� i "- 2 ! �� 51 0 � CITY OF FRIDLEY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, SEPTEMBER 11, 1985 CALL TO ORDER: Chairwoman Schnabel called the September 11, 1985, Planning Commission meetinq to order at 7:36 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Ms. Schnabel, Ms. Gabel, Mr. Minton, Mr. Saba, Mr. Wellan, Mr. Kondrick (arr. 8:f0 p.m.) Mer�bers Absent: Mr. Oquist Otl�ers Presen{:: Jim Robinson, Planning Coordinator Herbert & Judy Lennox, 1461 Pice Creek Rd. Doug Peterson, 4900 County Rd. 18, New Nope Lenard Vanasse, MarLen Development William Pink, MarLen Development Ed Michaels, A& P. Garrett APPROVAL OF AUGUST 21, 1985, PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES: MO:'IP.`� BY MR. MIR'TOti , S£CONDE'D BY MP.. SABA, TO Af'PROVE THE AI'G. 21 , 1985, PLA!�":ING CO'1M.ISSIO.�' MI�'L'TES. The following change was made on page 3, paragraph P, first line: Change the word "value" to "cost". UPO!1' R VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CXAIRFIOMA.1' SCNNABEL DECLAP.ED THE M.IItiCTES APPROt'ED AS AMER'DED, l. PUaLIC HEARING: CONSIDERATI01� OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP # 85-10, BY HE BERT E N X I: er Sectlon ..1, C, 1, of the Fridley City Code, Lo allow�the construc- tion of a second accessory building, a 24 ft. by 30 ft, detached garage on Lot 4, Block 2, Spring Valley, the same being 1461 Rice Creek Road N.E. MOZ'ID:G B�' MR. SABA, SECONDED BY MS. GABEL, TO OPEh' THE PUBLIC HEAF?IPIG OP+ SP #85-10, UPON A VDICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAIC SCHNABEL DECLARED THE PCTBLIC NEARING OPEN AT 7:39. Mr. Robinson stated this property was located just north of Rice Creek Road, east of Old Central. It was zoned single family as were most of the properties in the immediate area. The req�:est was for a second accessory structure which was over 240 sq. ft. The structure would be located in the rear yard. sa PLAtJtJI(�G COMMISSION MfETING, SEPTEMBER 11, 1985 PAGE 2 Mr. Herbert Lennox stated he did plan to use the structure as a garage for cars, a boat, snowmobile and trailer, etc. He did plan on putting a concrete driveway to the structure. Ms. Schnabel asked Mr. Lennox if he planned to do any type of home occupation in the proposed structure. Mr. Lennox stated he did not. MOTION BY MR. SABA, SECONDED BY MS. GABEL, TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARI�ti'G. UPOti A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CNAIRWOMA.ti SCH'tiABEL DECLARED THE PUIILIC HEARING CLOSED AT 7:45 P.M. MOTION BY MR. SABA, SECOtiDED BY MR. WELLW:, TO RECOINMEAD TO CITI' COUR'CIL APPROVAL OF SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP ME�S-10, BY HERBERT LENNOa II, PER SEC'TIOV 205,07.1, C, 1, OF THE FRIDLEY CIT1' CODE TO ALIA15 THE COtiSTRUCTION OF a SECOA'D ACCESSOR}' BC�ILDING, A 24 FT. BY 30 F_T, DETACHF.D GARAGE Oh LOT 4, BLOCK 2, SPRItiG VALLEY, TN£ SAME BEING 1461 RICE CREEK ROAD N,F.., WITH THF. STIPULATIOA' TNAT A HARD SURFACE DRI[BWAY BE INSTALLEP TO THF, h'E�i STRC'CTUA.F.. UPO.:' A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING dYE, CHAIRWOMFiS SCXNABEL DECI.ARF.D TN.E MOTION CARRIED UNAtiIMOUSLY. Ms. Schnabel stated this would go to City Council on Oct. 7. 2. PUBLIC HEARING: COPJSIDERATION OF A PRELIMI�JARY PLAT, P.S. #85-04, OAK RIVER S, � : eing a rep a o ots and 41, Revised Auditor's Subdivision No. 77, Anoka County, Minnesota, except that part replatted as Niemann Addition, the same being 7560 East River Road. MOTION BY MS. GA5£L, SECOhDED BY MR. WELLAh, TO OPE"J THE PUBLIC HEAA.I':G ON P.S. #►85-09. UP05 A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTIIJG AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABE.'., DECL.riP.ED TNE PUBLIC HEARING OPE�' AT 7:47 P.M. Mr. Robinson stated the proposed plat was just west of East River Road and north of existing 75th Way. It involved 8 lots and the land area was a�proximately 3 acres, approximately 2.3 acres of that being platted into new lots. The zoning was single family as were all the properties in the immediate neighborhood. Mr. Robinson stated the proposal was to split the parcels into 8 lots, 7 lots will be used for new homes and Lot 4 with an existi.ng house on it wi71 remain. All the lots exceed the required lot area of 9,000 sq, ft. The smallest lot was 9,525 sq, ft, and the lots ranged from that up to over 16,000 5q. ft. All the lots were 75 ft, or more at the setback wf�ich was req��ired by code. The road right-of-way was 50 ft. wide and this would provide a 36 ft, wide street, . : PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, SEPTEMBER 11, 1985 PAGE 3 with a 7 ft, wide green boulevard on each side of the street. The street was approximately 510 ft. long. This was less than the maximum allowable street length on a dead-end street which is 600 ft.; however, the cul-de-sac was less than full width and it did have a 75 ft, diameter. The full width req�iirement was 100 ft.; however this requirement could be waived if conditions made it difficult to make it 100 ft, Mr. Robinson stated all the uti.lities are available to the lots off Alden Way. The petitioner has shown on his plat the easement so the water line can be looped off Alden Way to the existing lot on East River Road. Mr. Robinson stated the park fee agreement for these 8 lots has been signed-- �1,500/lot or a total of $12,000. Most of the mature trees on the site will remain. Sales of the homes are slated for around $125,000� with the exception of the home on Lot 4, which was perhaps in the $70�000 range. Mr. Robinson stated Staff was recormiending the following stipulations: l. Road easement over the southeast corner of 7501 Alden Way to be granted to the City prior to final plat apnroval. 2. Petitioner agree to assessments for all street and utilities. 3. Boulevard on the south of new 76th Avenue to be maintained by residents of Oak River Estates Plat. 4. All structures except the existing house on Lot 4 to be removed ►�rth the development. 5. Petitioner to provide 200 ft, scale pl�t drawing for recordinq purposes. 6. Rear yard variance on Lot 4 fr�m 40 ft, to approximately 23 ft. contingent upon approval with final plat. 7. Petitioner to provide a double garage with hard surface driveway to existing house on Lot 4 prior to sale of said real estate. 8. Petitioner to work out an approved drainaae plan with Engineerinq staff. Mr. Minton stated that regarding stipulation #3, he questioned�how that was going to be enforc::d. � Mr. Robinson stated he did not know, but there would probably have to be some wording in the purchase agreement at the time of the saie. Staff could consult with the City Attorney on how this could be worded. Ms. Gabel �tated she felt it was more logical io deed that property to the present qomeowners south of 76th and have them maintain it. Mr. Wellan agreed. It seemed more appropriate if the people to the south of the proposed 76th Ave, a�ere agreeable to doing it. Mr. Dou; Peterson stated they had the same problem witF� what to do with the easement to the south. 6C PLANNIWG COMMISSION MEETING, SEPTET'1BER 11, 1985 PAGE 4 Mr. Doug Peterson�stated he had considered putting a street through the middle of the project wh�ch would have provided more lots, but the lots would have been quite ugly. He stated he was open to suggestions from the Planning Commission and, the people in the audience. He stated he did plan to save as many trees as possible for shade and screening. Ms. Schnabel stated that regarding the road easement and the property at 7501 Alden Way, was Mr. Peterson purchasing the corner of that property from the owners? Mr. Peterson stated he has talked to Mr, b Mrs.Lind and they are trving to put something together as an easement. Mr. Doug Peterson stated he intends to remove all the building� �.�hich are mostly sheds on the property, except the house on Lot 4. Mr. Wellan stated he was concerned as to how that older existing house would fit into a new neighborhood with new houses. Mr. Doug Peterson stated the house does not fit in now, but it was in pretty sound shape. It was not economically feasible to either move it or tear it down. The house is a 2 bedroom expansion built in the 1950's with a finished basement. Mr. Phil Lind, 7501 Alden Way, stated that Mr. Robinson had stated the road right-of-way was 50 ft. wide to provide for a 36 ft, wide street. He questioned the need for a 36 ft, wide street when Alden Way is only a 30 ft, wide street. He state� Alden Way has 10-20 times the amount of traffic on it than the proposed 76th Ave, ever will, By getting a variance and making 76th Ave. a 30 ft, street, he might have to lose that frontage on his property which was very important to him. He felt a proposal for a 30 ft, street was well worth consideri��g for two reasons: (1) the safety standpoint. It is a busy corner and it is a �lind corner in one direction; (2j If they took the whole easement away and made that a street, he would have mounds of snow in his driveway. As it is, he and his neighbor have two driveways back to back, and it would be a real hardship with the additional snow. Mr. Lind stated he realized that Alden Way, at the point where"the proposed 76th Ave, would enter, was wiJer, but other than that, Alden Way was a 30 ft. wide street, and parking was allowed right now on both sides. Mr. Robinson stated the standard residential street is 36 ft. Ms. Schnabel stated that on a 36 ft. street, normally there is parking on both sides, but in this instance chances are there wouldn't be and the cars would probably be only on the north side of the street where the houses would be, so it was possible a narrower street would work. Mr. Robinson stated the Engineering Dept, was in the process of designing the street, and the possibility of a 30 ft, street could be brought to their attention, • �J PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, SEPTEMBER 11, 1985 PAGE 5 Mr. Lind stated he would like to see the proposed 76th Ave, come out and turn to the south so it meets the curve at a 90° angle. Ms. Schnabel thanked Mr. Lind for his concerns and comments and stated these would be passed on to the E�gineering Dept. Mr. Ralph Petersen,116 Rickard Rd., stated he lived on the north side of the prpposed replat. He stated he would like io raise an issue concerning the situation with the street and that was that from the existing Alden Wav to the existing ground level, there was probably a difference in elevation of 10 ft, in a relatively short distance. In order to regrade the prooerty for a new street at this point, that was going to cut into the corner of Mr. Lind's property substantially. Mr. Robinson stated that what Mr. Petersen said was true, there would be some regrading of Mr. Petersen's yard to build the street. Mr. Lind stated this was another concern of his. Mr. Ralph Petersen stated there were some fair sized trees that would have to be taken out in order to do the reqr3ding. Probably a tree in Mr. Lind's front yard would have to be taken down also. His primary concern was that he has lived there for a number of years next to this beautiful property with only one house on it. There are some beautiful trees, and he feared that even thouqh the developer has good intentions, from seeing the plat desiqn, he felt they were going to lose more trees than was desire� in this location. The trees range in age fro� 10-15 years to 60-8^ years. so it was indeed a well matured lot. Th�ere was a grove of pine trees, 20-25 years old. in tlie pronosed cul-de- sac that would have to be removed. Mr. Ralph Petersen stated that being a resident of the area, if this pro�erty is developed, he would like to see it develo�ed with an investment that would maintain the integrity of the lot itself and the surroundinQ neighborhood. One suqgestion might be a replat with fewer lots. There are 7 lots p m �osed along the north side of the plat, and there are only 6 lots on, the property adjoining the back of the property, so the lots proposed are somewhat narrower than the ones that exist in the neighbor�hood. Mr. Ralph Petersen stated he was not sure of the setbacks in the rest of the neighborhood, but his setback from the curb appeared to be about 50 ft. Regarding the proposal to leave the existing house on Lot 4, he would recom�end against it. He had some experience in carpentry, and he felt the house was not in very good condition. It was relatively small and the style of the house did not fit in with the neighborhood. The house is not hooked up to city water and sewer, and the septic system was just redone last year. This raised the question: Who will take out the existing well and sept;c tank? Mr. Ralph Petersen stated he would like to see a concerted effort made in maintaining the aesthetics of the property. Aesthetics frequen:!y confl�ct with economics, but he thought the value of that property was very important. NNING COMMISSION MEETING, SEPTEMBER 11, 1985 PAGE 6 Mr. Robert Duebek, 108 Rickard Rd., stated he was in concurrence with what Mr. Petersen had said about the trees. He stated there are many birds and wildlife in the area which they love very much. Losing a lot of trees would really ruin their enjo;�nent of nature. He stated the trees were his main concern,and he would suggest that a stipulation be that the only trees removed in the development be those trees that are in the line of construction. Ms. Schnabel stated that if the property was developed and the street wPs constructed as proposed, regarding the maintenance of the 7 ft. green area which would be on the south side of 76th, would the property owners of the property adjoining that 7 ft. boulevard be willing to maintain the property? Mr. Creamer, 55 - 75th Way, stated he would be willing to maintain it. He stated that currently he has to �aintain it most of the time anyway. He stated he has no back fence so there would be no problem, but it would be more of a problem for the property owners whose back yards are fenced. Mr. Bill Witkowski, 100 Rickard Rd., stated that the homes in the area are predominately single story ramblers. He asked if Mr. Doug Peterson was con- sidering building homes with multiple levels. Mr. Doug Peterson stated that most of the homes would nrobably be 1'� story with split foyers. Mr. Witkowski stated he felt a little uneasy with sinQle family housing all around and then have a bunch of two story houses in their back yards. He just did not think it would look good with the houses in the area. Ms. Schnabel stated that was a good p�int, but the Zoning Code does permit two story homes to be built. Mr. Ralph Petersen stated that ab�ut the middle of proposed Lot 5 and Lot 6, there was an existing driveway that comes in from East River Road. That had an elevation of almost 3�4 ft, at the boundary of Lots 5 and 6. There was a cluster of trees on the north side. He stated that was probably the low spot in the area and in the spring when it thaws, there.was a fairly large pool of water that cou�d extend all the way from the driveway to the north lot line. In the process of digging and distributing dirt and regrading, that will, of course,affect the trees, but what would happen to the low spot? He stated he was concerned because his back yard was an extension of that low spot and he did not want the water to go into his basement. Mr. Robinson stated that one of the stipulations on the replat was that the petitioner must work out an approved drainage plan with Engineering staff. �Mr. Jeffrey Bolz, 124 Rickard Rd., stated he lived behind Lot 4. He stated h e felt that the lots were too long and not very wide for the value of homes being proposed. He also felt the existing house on Lot 4 presented some problems as far as setbacks. Mr. Robinson stated the existing house on Lot 4 could present some problems as far as front yard setbacks for the new homes. 6E 6 F PLANNING COMP1ISSION M,EETING, SEPTEMBER 11, 1985 PAGE 7 Mr. Dennis Ot:em,�140 Ri�kard Rd., stated he agreed with everything that has been said. He also felt that S125,000 homes were not going to fit into a develapment with one old house. Mr. Minton stated he thought the major concern expressed was the saving of trees. Could Mr. Doug Peterson comment on that? Mr. Doug Peterson stated it was a beautiful lot, and he would attempt to save trees whereaer possible. He stated they dig with a back hoe, as opposed to a caterpillar, in order to save trees. Ms. Schnabel asked Mr, Peterson's feelings about reducing the number of lots f rom 8 to 7. Mr. Doug Peterson stated he did not see where that would be possible. Origi- nally, they started out with 11 lots. He stated these 8 lots a11 meet the city's requirements, in fact, exceed all the city's reCUiremer�ts. With special assessments and land cost, the lots are getting close to $25-30�000. he stated it was cost prohibitive to move the existing house. His intention was to upgrade the house. Granted, it would not be a 5�25,000 house, but they do feel these new homes will raise the value in the area. Mr. Peterson stated he would like the Planning Commission to approve the replat as presented. 7hey have worked with City Staff to come up with the most feasible plan. MD.TID.': BY MS. GABEL� SECDA'DED BY MR. KOIVDRICK, TO CIASE THE PUBLIC HF.APIti,'. UPO�ti' A VOICE ['OTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAZR�IDMAR' SCN.NABEL DECI.ARED THE Pf'BLIC NEARING CIASED AT 9:I8 P.1�'. Ms. Gabel stated she r��ally felt the existing house on Lot 4 should be removed. With the exception of that house and having looked at a lot of plats over the years, she felt this was a reasc,nable plat. She sympathized with the concerns about keeping the trees and she would like to see the developer work at that. As far as the design of the houses, that was something the Commission had no control over. She felt the plat was reasonable, and she did think these new homes would enhance the neighborhood. Ms. Schnabel stated she felt leaving the house on Lot 4 would have a negative impect on the development. She also felt they should address Mr. Lind's concerns. Mr. Robinson stated that since Mr. Lind has a direct concern it might be advisable for Mr. Lind to meet with Mark Burch, Asst. Public Works Director, and work these things out. �Ms. Schnabel stated she was still not comfortable with stipulation #3 that the boulevard on the south side of the new 76th Ave, be maintained by the residents of Oak River Estates Plat. 6G PLANNING COMMISSION MEETI��G, SEPTEMBER 11, 1985 PAGE 8 Mr. Robinson stated that if the property owners on the south were willing to maintain the boulevard, perhaps the developer would be willing to install gates for those property owners who have back yard fences. Another property owner on 75th Way with property abutting the boulevard stated he would be willing to maintain the boulevard. He stated he does have a fence in his back yard. Ms. Schnabel stated they realize it is difficult�for people who have lived in a neighborhood for a long time to see a piece of proverty that is vacant go, but they also know that land is very valuable; that they have decreased amounts of land available in Fridley for development. It certainly app����ed that in terms of a plat, it was a reasonable plat and that the develo�er has made every effort to meet all code requirements. From that standpoint, the Planning Commission could not reject the plat. She thought it could be a nice area for the neighborhood. She felt confident that the homes would be of substantial quality, and she could not find any real negatives, other than the existing house on Lot 4. She felt strongly that the house should be removed. MOTID.k Bi' MR. MII�"lON, SECOI�DED BY MR. RONDRICK, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COIINCIL APPR� �'AL OF PRELIM.IhARY PLAT, P.S. It 85-04, OAY. RIVER ESTATES, B�' DOUG PETERSOA', BEI":G A Rf.'PLAT OF LOTS 40 AND 41, REVISED AUDTTOR'S S?'BDIVISIOh' NO. 77, A"�D� COUNTY, MTIVNESOTA, EXCEPT THAT PART REPLATTcD AS NIEM.A.h.: ADDITIOP: , THE SAME BEItiG 7560 EAST RIVEA. ROAD, WITH THE FOLLlXti'I.'�'G STIPUL�iTIOfiS: 1, ROAD EASEMEA'T Oj'EP TN.E SO:'THEAST CORRER OF 7501 ALDEh' WAY TO AE GRA.RTED TD THE CITY PRIOR TO FINAL PLA� APPROt'AL. 2. PETITIDNER AGREE TO .iiSSESS.MEN.^'S FOR ALL STREET AND UTILITIES. 3. I�1' ORDER TO NELP TNE NOM,�OW,tiERS MAI'VTAIN TNE BOULEV�'iA.D ON THE SOUTtI SIDE OF TNE PROPOSED 76TH AVE., THE FETITIOl�ER WILL COIGS.TRC�CT GFiicS IN TXE FENCES OF LOTS SOUTH OF 76TN AJE. THAT ARE ALREnDY FENCE��. 4. ALL STRUCTURES INCLUDING EXISTING HOUSE' ON IAT 4 TD BE REMOVED 4IITt! THE DEVEIAPMENT. 5. PETITIONER TD PROVIDE 200 FT. SCALE PLAT DRAWING FOR RECORDI1dG PURPOSE'S , 6. PETITIDNER TO WORK DUT A?: APPROVED DRAINAGE PLAr� WITH ENGINEERII�G STAFF. 7. PE?ITIONER WILL ATTEMPT TO SALVAGS F.S M.WJY TREES AS POSSIBLE Ill CONJUNCTZOh WITH OPIb'IO:'S OF CITY STAFF. UPOti A VDICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CXAIRWOMWV SCHNABEL DECLARED THE MOTID!: CARRIED UNAIUIMOUSLY. Ms. Schnabel stated this would go to City Council on Oct. 21. 3, PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDERATION OF A PRELIMINARY PLAT, P.S. #85-05, MIDWEST I ION, eing a rep at o e�out eas quarter, except the North 233 feet of the Northeast guarter of Section 3, T-30, R-24. Generally located between Hickory Street and Main Street, North of 81st Avenue N.E., all of which, except the North 670.00 feet thereof, to be used as a site for a truck transfer terminal facility. 6H PLANNING COMMI55ION MEETING, SEPTEMBER 11, 1985 PAGE 9 MOTIC�' BY i?R. MIyTON, SECONDED BY MR, WELLA�', Tb OPEN TXE PUBLIC HEARItiG O!�' P.S. 1fB5-O5. UPOA' A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMA.'� SCHNABEL DECLARED THE PL'BLIC HEARING OPEN AT 9:41 P.M. N;. Robinson stated this property was located to the north of 81st, bounded by Main St. an the east and Hickory on the west. The �roperty was zoned M-2, h eavy industrial, and it was surrounded by heavy industrial zoned land. Mr. Robinson stated the plat called for dividing the property into three lots, a large lot on the south of approximately 16.8 acres, and two additional lots on the north of approximately 6.1 acres each. Mr. Robinson stated that along with the public hearing, the City Council has asked that the Planning Commission discuss the nature of this proposal. Mr. Vanas�e of Mar-Len Development Corp, has exnressed an interest in bulldinq a truck transfer terminal faCi)ity at this loCation, Ti�e truCkinq ca�ipany would be A.�,R. Freight Systems.,which was presently located at 35W and County Road C, east of 35W. They are moving due to limited space at the existing facility, Mr. Robinson stated there would be approximately 48,00� so, ft. of uninsulated warehouse space with offices in the front. The warehouse would be �b�ut 550 ft, long and included 100 bays for trucks. There ►�ould be about 140 employees with an anticipated payroll of �5 million. 7he �roject itself was estimated to have a market value of �2.6 million and would involve $117,000 in tax dollars per year. Mr. Robinson stated the general description of the facility was an over-the- road consumer drygoods truck transfer facility. Betueen 20-30 ten-ton trucks per day would drop off goods at the site, and then there would be approximately 60-70 lesser weight trucks that would transfer the goods to local businesses. S�, they are talking about approximately 90 semi-tractor trailers per day in and �ut of the site. Mr. Robinson stated Staff would recommend the following stipulations: 1. Petitionsrs agree to drainage and road improvement assessment of �292,000 m=nimum. 2. Petitioners agree to work with staff to accomplish an acceptable facade plan. 3. Petitioners agree to work with staff to accomplish an acceptable landscape plan. 4. A park fee for an amount egual to .023 X total square footage of plat to be paid upon approval. 5. Company agrees to n�t allow any truck traffic on East River R�.,ad. Appropriate 2xit signs will be installed directing �rucks to University Avenue. 6. Exterior ligf�ting will not cast light beyond the fence perimeter. 6i PLANNII�G COMMISSION MEETIWG, SEPTEMBER 11, 1985 PAGE 10 Mr. Robinson an estimated stat�d there were some cost of $150,000. soil correction problems on the site with Ms. Schnabel asked if this project had to be approved by the Rice Creek Water- shed District because of the wetlands area and North Park being adjacent. Mr. Robinson stated it did not; however, the City's standards were exactly equal to the Rice Creek Watershed District's standards. Mr. Vanasse, the owner of Mar-Len Development, stated Mr. Bill Pink, the archi- tect designing the project, and Mr. Ed Michaels, Regional Manager for A..N.R. GarreLt, were also at the meeting. He stated he would like Bill Pink to address the architectural plan, and he would like to speak later about the stipulations. Mr. Pin4: showed the Commission2rs the architectural plan. He stated he had presented the plans to the City Council to get their ini*_ial reaction to the project, and there was some concern on the part of the City Council about what a truck terminal operation would do to the neighborhood. He stated this property is zoned M-2 heavy industrial, and there is almost nothinq happening in the neighborhood at this point, so their impact was on adjacent uniroproved land. The City's concern was what would it do to future use. Again, beinc� industrial zoning, they feel this operation is in complian�e with the rules and regulations. The operation is a 24-hour operation, but it is one of the cleanest truck opera- tions in the Twin Cities. The building was only 60 ft. wide and functions by taking the products out of one truck and putting then into another truck--the main reason why the building was so long and narrow. Mr. Pink stated the site will be enclosed by a screened fence and berm ed wlth adpquate landscaping which will make the b��ilding operation invisible to sur- rounding roads and properties. So, there was some question in their mind over the requirement for the building facade. Mr. Pink stated the costs concerning improvement of 81st Ave. are a great concern. The City was to have built a 9-ton road, and they are requesting a 10-ton road. At this time, the 9-ton doesn't even work and it would have to�be repaired, so they are waiting for the City's response about the road. � Mr. Pink stated some of the stipulations worded to him were stronger than those stated at the meeting by Mr. Robinson� and he would like to have those resolved. One stipulation was the landscaping and the other was the lighting. The stipu- l�ion given to him was that the lights be installed on 30 ft. poles, and the stipulation stated at the meeting was "exterior lighting will not cast liqht beyond the fence perimeter". If the requirement was to cut the lightinq off at the property line and eliminate the 30 ft. pole requirement, then there was no problem, but limiting them to 30 ft, poles was a nightmare. Mr. Pink explained the drainage plan to the Commission, stat'ng that a large ponding area was pr000sed for the east end of the site. Mr. Wellan expressed concern about the environmental impact on the dralnage system from oil spills, etc. 6J PLANNI�JG COMMISSION MEETING, SEPTEMBER 11, 1985 PAGE 11 Mr. Pink stated this was addressed in their drainage plan. At the five control points, there will be weirs and separators for run-off that comes from the property. Those separators are in compliance with Rice Creek Watershed District standards and are approved by the Fire Marshall, so the drainage should be very well controlled. Mr. Wellan asked Mr. Vanasse if he would be able to control all of his truckers to take University Ave. to 81st Ave. Mr. Vanasse stated he wanted to point out that a majority of the trucks are not ten-ton trucks. The only ten-ton trucks are the ones tf�at come from over-the- road. All of the city trucks are nine-ton trucks, and those trucks are the majority. The only trucks they need to be concerned about are the over-the- road trucks, and they will come down University to 81st. These trucks do not go anywhere but to the terminal and then back out on the road. Mr. Robinson stated he wanted to make it clear that the intention was not to just deal with the nine and ten-ton difference, but that all the trucks use 81st and University unless there is a delivery to a company in the area. The City does not want truck traffic on any of the other roads. Mr. Michaels stated that was their intent. Mr. Vanasse stated he would like to address a couple of stipulations. He stated that in stipulation #1 there was a drainage and road improvement assessment of $292,000 minimum, When the seller of the property, Midwest Federal, offered to sell the property, they stipulated that the City had a nine-ton graded road in front of the property. In meetings with staff, it was his understanding that the petitioners would be responsible for the incremental difference in the cost of upgrading the road from nine-ton to ten-ton to accomr�odate the over-the-road trucks and line trucks that will cume in from out of ,tate. He had no idea that $292,000 resembled that incremental difference. He stated they are certainly a�illing to pay their appropriate share, but he did not think they were in any position at this meeting to consider a$292,000 assessment against 16-17 acres. He felt this should be up to the assessor, the city, and the l.awyers to decide. He stated he even questioned whether 81st Ave, was even a nine=ton road. Ms. Schnabel suggested that they delete the dollar amount in stipulation �1. Mr. Vanasse stated that stipulation #5 regarding the fact that the Company agrees to not allow truck traffic on East River Road seemed to imply that A.N.R.Garrett would be responsibie for policing that, and he did not think they could agree to that either. They would certainly make their best effort to instruct their drivers not to drive in other areas and would post appropriate signs. �Ms. Schnabel stated she was still a little concerned about what happens with all the water, the underground waters, and drainage off the asphalt, etc. Ms. Gabel stated she wondered if the Parks & Recreation Commission shouldn't be reviewing this proposal in terms of North Park. Maybe they should have an 6K PL�NNIIJG COMMISSION MEETING, SEP7EMBER 11, 1985 PAGE 12 � environmental impact study done in terms of the number of trucks, air pollution, noise pollution, traffic, and the impact on the general environment. Maybe Community Development Comnission should also be looking at this proposal. They are looking at something that is totally new to this area, and they are talking about putting a minimum of 90 trucks out on University plus many employees. In talking about t�e water, her biggest concern was North Park and the impact this facility might have on North Park. She was not comfortable not knowing these impacts. Mr. Vanasse stated all the water from their property will eventually drain into the existing drainage system and none of it will go onto parkland. A run-off engineering plan has been done, and all the water is controlled and is exitina either through an existing storsn sewer to the river or it goes to the existinQ drainage easement which also goes to the river. TheYe are pollution control basins wherever the water exits and also a volume control weir. None of their water goes anywhere except through the system of pollution control and on to the river. They do not have any impact as far as water any more than there is right now. They �re, in fact, providing a control system that says the water will not drain off the property any faster than it does now and will go throuah a catch basin system that will purify it and control the rate it runs off. Mr. Vanasse stated that traffic-wise, he has yet to see more than two trucks at the truck terminal at any given time, and he is there every day. These trucks are distributed over a 24-hour period. Most of the traffic is during off-peak hours. They will not see peak-hour traffic coming in and out of truck terminals. Mr•. Ed Michaels stated that most of the over-the-road units come in between 9 n.m, and 6 a,m. Mr. Kondrick stated he agreed with �ds. Gabel, but his greatest concern was about the water. If he could be assured that the water d►•ainage �rould be controlled adequately, he would be comfortable with that. But, as he did not know enough about it, he would like to see an environmental worksheet done. Mr. Vanasse stated the water drainage will be controlled adequately, and they have done an engineering study and engineerii�g drainage plan that says that. He stated the City should have a copy of the study and the plan. Mr. Pink stated that by city code or Rice Creek Watershed District code or anybody, the final requirement is that the water cannot leave the site any faster than the existing condition, so the run-off will be controlled by a control structure. Because of berms around the property, they essentially have a dike, so he did not understand the Corttnission's worry about run-off. If they are concerned about underground flow, they would not be affecting the under- ground flow because they are working on the surface. Mr. Kondrick stated he would be satisfied with a stipulation that there be an approved drainage plan by the city. Mr. Minton stated noise, air pollution, and traffic were broader problems that went beyond this particular project. 6L PLANNIIJG COMMISSION MEETING, SEPTEMBER 11, 1985 PAGE 13 Ms. Schnabel stated that because the project is in an industrial area, the impact of noise, air pollution and traffic is not as great. MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY MR, SAEA, TO C�SE TXE PUBLIC HEARI�G. UPOh A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CXAZRWOMAIV SCHNABEL DECLARED THE Pi'BLIC HEARING CLOSED AT I1:12 P.M. MOTION BY MR. KONARICK, SECONDED BY MR. SABA, TO RECOMMEND TO CIT�' COUIt'CII, APPROVAL OF PREI.IMINAR�' PLAT, P.S. 1185-05, MIDWEST ADDITION, BY LEOA'ARD hl. VANASSE, BEIhG A PLAT OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER, EXCEPT THR NORTN 233 FEET OF THE NORTNEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 3, T-30, R-24. GEh'ERALLY LOCATED BETWFEI' HICKORY STREET AND MAIh STREE'T, NORTH OF 81ST AVENUE N.E., ALL OF WNICN, EXCEPT THE NORTH 670.00 FEET THEREOF, TO BE USF.D AS A SITE FOR A TRUCh TRAIVSFER TERMINAL FACILITY, WITH THE FOLLOk'ING STIPULATIOI�S: 1. PETITIDA'ERS AGREE TO DRAINAGE AA'D ROAD IMPROVEMEb'T ASSESSMENT. 2. PETITIDNEFS AGREE TO WORK WITN STAFF TO ACCOMPLISN A: ACCEPTABLE L:,NDSCAPE PLAN. 3. PETITIONERS AGREE TO WORF' WITN STAFF TD �iCCO.MPLISH AN ACCEPTABLE FACADE PLAI� . 4. A PARY. FEE FOR A.ti`AMOJNT EQL'AL TO .023 X TOTAL SQUARE FDOTAGE OF PLAT TO B£ PAID UPOh APPROVAL, 5. COMPAI'Y AGREES TO NOT ALLOW A1�'Y TRUCK TRAFFIC, EXCEPT TO CLIENTS, Oti EAST RII�EA ROAD, APPROPRIATE EXIT SIGA'S WILL BE INSTALLED DIRECTIhG TRUCF:S TO ITtiIVERSIT�' AVENUE. (CIT2' ATTOR^IEI' TO DRAFT A DEVELOPM.Eti �' AGREEME:�'T TC BE RECORDED AT TNE COL?NTY FOP. THE ENFORCE- MEtiT OF THIS RESTRICTID��,) 6. EXTERIOR LIGNTIl�G WILL NOT CAST A LIGNT BEYOND THF. FF.NCE PEA.IMETER. 7. THERE WILL BE AA' APPROVED DRAINAGE PLAI� BY TNF. CITY. UPO:�' A VDICE VOTE, SCX!�'ABEL, KOA'DRICK, SABA, WELLAN, MINTON VOTING AYE, GABEL VOTING NA�', CNAIRWOMA:1' SCHA'ABEL DECLARED TNE MOTIO!� CARRIED BY A VOTE OF 5-1. Ms. Schnabel stated this item would go to City Council on Oct..21. 4. RECEIVE AUGUST 1, 1985� HUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTIOti BY MR. MINTON, SECDNDED BY MS. GABEL, TD RECEIVE THE AUGUST I, 1985, HU.MnI�' RESOURCES COMMISSION MINL'TES. UP01 A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMA.�v SCHNABEL DECLAP.ED THE MGTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL�'. 5. RECEIVE AuGUST 13, 1985, APPEALS COMMISSION MINUTES: 1NOTIONBI' MS. GABEL, SECONDED BY MR. SABA, TO RECEIVE THE AUGUST 13, 1985, APPEhZ,.S COhLMISSION MINUTES. UPO�: A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAZRWOMA�. SCHtiRBEL DECLA.R£D TNE MOTIO.l CARRIED URANIMOUSLY. 6M PLANNItJG COMMISSION MEETING, SEPTEMBER 11, 1985 PAGE 14 6. RECEIVE AUGUST 27, 1985, ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COP'IMISSION MINUTES: NOTIO� BY MR. WELLAN, SECONDED BY MR. KONDRICK, TO RECENE THE AUG. 27, 1985, ENVIRC?NMENTAL QUALIi'Y COMMISSION MINUTES. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTII�'G AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCXNABEL DECLARED THE' MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOU,SLY. Mr. Wellan stated there was s�me discussion regardir.g a"kennel" issue. The situation arose because of a complaint filed from a biting incident. A resident of Fridley has 3 dogs and 2 cats, and city ordinance indicates resi- dents can have 2 dogs/cats. A kennel license is required to have more animals. Because the resident lives in a residentially zoned area, he cannot be issued a kennel license. Mr. Wellan stated the Commission had made a motion recommend- ing that Ordinance 101 stay as it is and that no variance be granted for the number of animals allowed and that the Zoning Code not be amended to include kennel licenses in areas zoned other than C-2 or C-3. MOTIDN BY MR. WELLAN, SECONDED BY MR. KDI�DRICK, TD CONCUR WITX THE EN!'IROtiME"�.AL Qi:ALITY C01�L"lISSION AIVD RECOMME!�'D TD CITY COU:JCIL THAT ORDINAN�E I01 STA!CD AS IT IS, THAT NO VARIANCE BE GRA.'�TED FOR TNE NUMBER OF Al�'IMALS ALIAk'ED, A1YD Tf?AT THE ZONING CODE NOT BE AMENDED TD INCLUDE KENtiEL LICENSES IN AREAS ZONED OTHER THAIti C-2 AND C-3. UPOti A VDICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMA!�' SCMVABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UhAIJIMOUSL�'. 7. RECEIVE AUGUST 27L 1985, APPEALS COMMISSION MINUTES: yOTIO:ti Bl' MS. GABEL, SECONDED BY MR. KONDRICK, TD RECEIVE THE AUG. 27, 1985, APPEALS COMMISSIO.ti MIA'L'TES. UP0:4' A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTIN� AYE, CNAIRWD."'A.'� SCNkABEL DECLARED THE MOTIOti CARRIED U!�A.ti'IMOL'SLY. 8. OTHER BUSINESS: a. Parks & Recreation Budget Mr. Kondrick stated that one thing he had found out was that the money gained from park fees goes, and has for quite a few years, into the general fund, He stated he would have more information for the Co�nission at their next meeting. Mr. Minton stated that legally on tf�e books, the money would have to be kept separate. 6N PLANNIfJG C�MMISSION MEETING, SEPTEMBER il, 1985 PAGE 15 ADJOURNMENT: MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY MR. SABA, TO ADJOURti' TNE PlEETING. CTpOK A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CNAIRWOMAN SCXNABEL DECLARED ^HE SEPT. 11, 19AS, PLANNING COFLMISSIOti MEETING ADJDURNED AT 21:40 P.M. Respectfully submitted, � +��4z�-�c.. yn ►re a a Recording Secretary .- Q � � • r���r � � L � � .'��c"'.'. . 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J �� ,r': t�!-�i � e.� r.. �-�-se / �•a /7ir � f �-r-✓ 4. .r s-.r Air � i. ,�j-�► iIy � ii-�s �1+ ••� s r!w � r�a _R,r n� �so � ! if'Cy i�I � RM.,/•Jr �_ v 13 S� .t.v 7•6 � �/�!A. •:t'.tJ _ � � sv APPEALS COMMISSY ON MEETING, AUGUST 27, 1985 PAGE 5 Mr.Betzold stat d he could reconsider his position only based on the fact that this is a corner ot and the fact that it is a swimning pool that is being put there. If anyone lse came in reo,:�esting a variance for a garage �r anythina else, he felt they uld hold their position, considering t�e fact that the fence can still be p up and no one would know the pool is there. Maybe that was sufficient enough say they can still meet the intent of the code. Mr. Plemel stated his fir t thought had been that there was a better place for the pool, but if there is n t a better place, then he would be in favor of the variance. Ms. Gabel stated she agreed to ome extent with what Mr. Betzold had said. If this was going to be attached to he property and was indeed an extension of the existing dwelling, then she would ave a different view, too. However, it was not. She would vote in favor of th variance. MOTIDt: BY MR. BARIVA, SECONDED BY MR. PDFMEL, TO GRAA'T TXE VAP.IAI�CE REQ(%EST PL'RSUAI� �' TO CHAPTER 205 OF THE FRIDLEY TI' C'ODE TO REDi'CE TNE SIUF. YAFD SET— BACF: D'� A CORti'ER LOT FROM 17.5 FEET TO 3 ET ((� FEET kITH 3 FOOT DECI':I."rGJ TG ALIAk' TNE CONSTRUCTION OF A POOL WITH DECK 'G ON LOT 3, BLCaC?' 4, G:.fiIDEIZSO�ti TEA.R.=,C�, THE SAME BEItiG 7458 HAYES STREE.T N. „ WI?H THE FOLLOt�I:tiG STIPC'LATID!�'.S: 1. THE PETI:IOA'EP. CO!�!PL�' WITH b'SP REQUI ME':TS RE'GARDI!�'G THE POk'ER LIA'E O:�' FIRESIDE DRIVE, 2. TXE 7 FT. MAXIMUM. FENCE XEIGNT BE MEASCI D FROM THF. GROC'NI) AT THE LOk SIDE OF THE FE110E. UPOti A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AY�, CHAIRPERSON GABEL `QECLARED THF. .MOTIOI: CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. � 3. CO�JSIDERATIO�� OF A VARIANCE REQUEST PURSUANT TO CNAPTER 214 OF THE FRIDLEY .�1 1 • `• � t� ' i ' 1� � ' �. . � � . ��. . . ul Zng, t. au , n. 55102) MD_TIOlti BY MR. PLEMEL, SECONDED BY MF.. BAR'YA, TO OPEh THE PUBLIC HEARI?JG. UPDIti A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTZNG AYE, CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 8:Z3 P.M. Chairperson Gabel read the Administrative Staff Report: , sw APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING, AUGUST 27, 1985 PAGE 6 ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REPORT 7625 Viron Road N.E. A. PUBLIC PURPOSE SERVED BY REQUIREMENT: � Section 21a,11.2B limits the square footage for a free-standing sign in C-3 zoning to be no more than 80 square feet. Public purpose served by this requirement is to control visual pollution and excessive use of signs in commercial areas. B. STATED HARDSHIP: "The existing sign with trim, in p'ace since 1970, exceeds 300 square feet. Our proposal is to remove the trim, two panels and repaint the copy. Since the property is undeveloped and presently leased for use as a retail sales lot, any other method is not economically feasible. In addition, the proposed sign would be consistent with those signs in the surrounding area." C. ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REVIEW: Prior to 1972, this sign was classified as a b�llboard. In 1912 Castle Mobile Homes leased this property and constructed a sales lot. At that time they petitioned the City to keep the billboard as a business sign and were granted a variance to keep the sign as a business sign with stipulations. One of the City stipulations was that the variance was only approved for Castle Mobile Homes. Since that time the mobile home lot has had several tenant changes but has always been a sales lot. Sizes for some of the other signs in the general vicin�ty of this site are: � Vik'ng Chevrolet - 241 sq. ft. - variance granted in 1983 Lampert Lumber - 144 sq. ft. - variance for 176 sq. ft. in 1983 but denied Hart CuStom Homes - 96 sq, ft. - sign complied at time of installation Al1 Seasons Homes - 92 sq. ft. - sign complied at time of installation If the Board approves this request, the operator still needs to complete the landscaping, meet the 35 foot setback on all trailer units, and return the signed utility �asement. NOTE: The time limit for reapplication of a variance that was denied was removed from the City Code in the 1973 recodification. If the Board would like this statement put back into the code, a directive must be given to staff. ' � 6X APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING, AllGUST 27, 1985 ' PAGE 7 Mr. Clark stated that in 1973, the code read that once a variance was denied� it could not be reapplied for for six months after denial. An excerpt from the code was included in the agenda. In the next printing of the code, this section did not appear, so it has been absent from the code since 1973. He knew that during that time� they have repeatedly told petitioners that there is a six montF. waiting period before reapplying. However, since it is presently not in the code, the petitioner was allowed to repetition for a smaller sign than he originally petitioned for in June of this year. That variance request was for a 300 sq, ft. sign. The Appeals Commission recommended denial and the City Council denied it in July. Ms. Gabel stat�d the Cortmission should discuss this under "other business". Mr. Richard Donohoo stated he was an attorney representing Mr. Jack Maxwell, who has owned this property s{nce the late 1970's. ThQ sign does go back to the late 60's/late 70's, and that particular sign has been used since the early 70's as a retail mobile home sales lot. They have leased the property to various o�erators since that period of time. After the July City Council meeting, they went to Sign Crafters' outdoor �isplay and obtained estimates of what it would cost to bring the sign into conformity. The sign company gave Mr. Maxwell different quotes. To remove the two panels, remove the trim, box in the end steel beams that hold up the sign and repaint the capy would cost �2,500.64. To remove the existing sign and leave existinq I-beams and install new panels for a 3 ft. x 16 ft. (80 sq, ft, ltmit) sign would cost 54,872. To put in one new internally illuminated face sign 3 ft, by 27 ft, and install it on existing I-beams would cost 55,513, Mr, Donohoo stated Mr. Maxwell is leasing the property and the sign to the current tenant, Mobile Homes USA. This tenant has contacted his attorney and claims the sign if reduced even from 300 sq, ft, will have a detrimental impact on his business. Mr. Donohoo felt the tenant would go along with the proposed 160 sq, ft, sign, but from an economical standpoint, they do not feel it made sense to spend more than 55,000 on a pNoperty that is subject to a two year lease. The lease may be renewed and go for a longer Qeriod of�tirne� but as it stands right now the property is being used. I*, is a business sign; they are proposing to r�move the trim, cut the sign down, and they feel it w111 meet the spirit of the ordinance and still be economically feasible, Ms. Gabel stated it was her understanding that the costs incurred with the sign can be passed on to the tenant, Mr. Donohoo stated that was not true in this case. It was not in the lease. In this situation, they will be paying for the alternations to the sign. Ms. Gabel stated that in 1984 at the time SUP #84-20 was passed when the new tenant, Mobile Homes USA, took over, #5 of the nine stipulations was that the existing sign must be brought into cor�pliance or a variance approved for excess footaye. The special use permit was to be reviewed at the first Plannlnq Commission meeting in June 1985. The special use permit has not been approved by the City Council because of the non-comvliance of the sign. 6Y APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING, AUGUST 27, 1985 PAGE 8 Mr, Donohoo stated there were only two of the nine items left--one was for the easement and the other one w�s the sign. The City Council gave them until July 1 to take care of the easement problern and that has been done. They have until Sept . 1 to bring the sign into compliance. He was told that if they re-initiated the appeals process, the time period would be extended. Mr. Donohoo stated the sign right now is a very large sign, and they are proposing to reduce it to 160 sq, ft. Right next door, Viking Chevrolet has very large signage. Mr. Betzold stated the property in question is an undeveloped property, and it is a different situation from Viking Chevrolet. Viking Chevrolet requested a 370 sq. ft. sign and that was reduced considerably. He did not think they could compare the large developed dealership of Viking Chevrolet with an undeveloped lot. They are more comparinq this situatian with the other mobile home sales lots in the area. If the City approves anything larger than the other two mobile home sales lots, those people are going to come in wanting bigger signs also, and the City would have to give it to them. Ms, Gabel s�ated the Corrriission was not able to establish a hardship in June, and she did not see anything different now. She would not be comfortable granting a variance for a sign larger than the competitors' signs. Mr. Maxwell stated this would be a nice clean sign, uncluttered, that is well set back from the highway. MOTID,ti' BY MR. BARVA, SECOA'DED B}' MR. BETZOLD, TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HF.ARI':G. UPOh' A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CXAIRPERSOh GABPL DECLAP.ED THE PL'BLIC HEARING CLCISED AT 8:37 P.:H. Mr. Betzold statzd he did not think the circumstances had changed too much in the last two months. The petitioner is willing to go f�r a smaller sign, and it ��aas obvious he was going to incur sor�e costs that cannot be passed on ta the tenant. He thought tFe proposed sign was still too big. He was afraid they would have Hart Custom Homes and All Seasons Nomes coming in demanding larger signs if this variance was granted. He would have no problem recommending approval for a sign that was comparable to the signs for Hart Custom Homes and Al1 Seasons Homes, but he could not see one that was going to be almost twice their size. Mr. Barna stated he agreed with Mr. Betzold. He would even be comfortable with a sign that was 10-20r larger than the other two mobile home lot signs because this si�n does s't back from the highway and the surrounding situation was uniquely different from the other two mobile home lots. But, he would not agree to a sign that is twice the code size, Mr. Plemel stated he would b-e in favor of the variance if the st�pulations were met. 6Z APPEALS COMMISSION MEETI��G, AUGUST 21, 1985 PAGE 9 , � Ms. Gabel stated she ��!as sti11 opposed to the size of this sign. It was twice � the size of the other mobile home sales lot signs in the area. She did not think it was correct to say that the proposed sign was consistent with the � siqns in the surrounding area; in fact, it was more accurate to say it was inconsistent with 6usinesses like it in the same area; therefore, she would k vote against the variance. � MOTID:� BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MR. BARNA, TL� RECOMMEND TO CITY COL�ItiCIL DE'�'IAL OF A VARIANCE REQUEST PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 214 OF TNE FRIDLEY CITI' CODE TO I:�%CREASE THE MAXIMUM ALLOk'ABLE SQUARE FODTAGE OF A SIGN FROM 80 SQURRE' FEET TO 160 SQUAA.� FEET TO ALLOW AN EXISTING SIGN TO BE CHANGED AND TO RF,";AIh' Oti TNE SDUTH 300 FEET OF THE NORTN 750 FEET OF THE NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER (hE I/4) OF THE NORTHWEST ONE -QUARTE'R (NW 1/4) EXCEPTING THEREFROM, TNE EAS? 720 FEET THEREOF, SECTIOh '''htELVE (i2) , TOWIVSHIP TNIRTY (30J , RANGE TWENTY-FOL'R (24) , EXCEPT ROA�JS A'�D EASEME,tiTS OF RECORD, TNE SA."!E BEIhG 7625 VIROh' ROAD N,E. UPOA' A VOICE VOTE, GABEL, BETZOLD, BARNA VOTING AYE, PLEMEL VOTING NAY, CHAIRPERSOti GABEL DECLARED THE' MOTION CARRIED BY A VOTE OF 4-1. Ms. Gabe1 stated this item would go to City Council on Sept. 23. 4. OTHER BUSIN� a. Time Limit f� Reapplication �Old Section 45.423j Mr. Clark state that, as he had mentioned earlier, this time limit of six months has ap rently been absent from the code since 1973. It was possible it was accidentally left out. Ms. Gabel stated she lt the Commission should make a motion recor�nending that this s ctian be reinstated into the city code. Mr. Plemel stated that if a,variance was denied, wasn`t it to everyone's benefit to try to get things r�orked out? Mr. C'ark statcd that may �e true, hut he thought the rationale was that it was unfair ior people to have to keep coming back month after month for public hearings on the san� issue. Ms. Gabel stated she felt six months was. a reasonable length of time. Mr. Plemel stated he had no objection to tiaying it reinstated in the code. �a MOTZOK BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MR. BARNA, 1�Q RECOMMEND TO PLAN•"�'I'.G CY�MMISSIOh AND CITY COUNCIL THAT FORMER SECTIO�N ��.423 OF THE CITY CODE REGA.RDING THE SIX MONTH TIME PERIOD FOLLOR'ING DENI OF CASES BROL'GHT BEFORE VARIOUS COMMZSSIONS BE REINSTATED INTb THE C�Y CODE. UPOk A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSO:� GABEL DE�ARED TN.F MOTIOS CARRIED UNANIINDUSLY. \ � � . . •:� 1 �� � ' • � '�.� ■� ! � . � • � � s � + , ■ � � � �� ♦.��\��� \����������.������ ��� \ ♦ �Z \ 1 �i�.�L � 1� ���a�I `� �- --' � � � ����♦ � . • �i �ii ����..�� ♦1 ►������ � i�. (,/ i � i����.� � ������,�� ;� ..�� • � � - a��/� � • �i ��'�i� �`��: ♦ ��� ' ���, I 1 %` ...•� � � �. f' r.y � �:::•���. - • �•♦•♦•♦•�♦�•�•�` �' �� w Y . � • • �/,� � � � � � � � �' � � � ' I[L■ .,.,...,.,.,.,,�' - ,� .� � a /.�/. .. . ... � � , s / ;; = ;;:;:;:� , , - , . ��! • o� -. '��01 �� ��. .�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�i� �i�� �c � :� . :: ,- . . .; � �� �� . .� 0, . 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'. _ ��� �.� :� —� _ : _ . �!� ��,.�.�---� -,— - 4 . } - .r..i�-'.bb� `C'L-r �' . . -, - 't�'^.-� `r ,��.'-� '"Y•� • . _. . -,y.(,3r` S _ , ..�'�- _ ^ ,.�. . . 1'- - � . . - _ ___ 7 I�MO T0: Nasim Quershi, City Manager PW 85-286 l�MO FR02�l: John Flora; Public Works Director l�MO DATE: September 17, 1985 RDGARDING: Locke Park Improvements The Anoka County Parks Department is nora preparing draxings and specifications to i�prove the entrance way and parking facilities in Locke Park. A portion of that project will be the establishment of a new entrance to Locke Park on 71st Avenue just east of the City garage. Zn constructing two one-uay roads xith parking areas connecting the existing large porking area on the east end of Locke Park by Able Street, the final plans Lhen call for the elimination of Able Street as an entrance into Locke Park. The City earlier had re�t:ired Anoka County to construct concrete curbs and gutters within the parks as required by the City Code for driveways and parking areas. As you may reca2l wher they started the construction of the Riverview Front Park, it was agreed by the Council to delete the cor.crete curbir.g at that locatior, because of their desire Lo construct and operate LY,at Park similar to all the remnining Anoka County parks xhich do not hav�: any curbing at all� but We di� stipulate that the Locke P2rk Improve�ent uould hsve cor,crete eurbs. The attached letter from the County Parks and Recreation Department requests a City participation of $10,000 for the concrete curb and gutter to be installed ir. the Locke Park entrance and parking lot improvement project. If Lhe City Council concurs, recommend Lhey authorize the payment of tY�e requested $10�000 and identify from r�l:ich fund this money is to be provi�ed. It would be appropriate tc utilize tre Park funds if the Council so de�ires. JF/sk N-85-9� o♦' c°`� � ,� < ,��c�krr C'nu�ty ;�4. � ��E s° �e,��rt�e�t af �ar��s � l�ecre�t��� David L. Torkildson, Director 550 Bunker Lake Blvd. - Anoka, Minnesota 55303 Te/ephone 612 - 757-3920 September 10, 1985 Mr. John Flora Public Works Director City of Fridley 6431 University Avenue Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Dear John: As per our conversation relating to the Lo�ke Park development of roadways and parking lots to serve both the park users and the trail users, I would like to suggest the following. Since it is not a County policy to place curb and gutters within our parkways and parking lots, and since the City of Fridley has requested us to do so in Locke Park, and since the development of said parkway and parking lots will allow the City of Fridley to close down the existing entrance road to the park from 73rd, and since the closing of said road will allow for the expansion of the industrial property located on the north side of the railroad tracks, and since the cost for curb and gutter will increase the total project costs and place a burden on the County funds that are available for this project, I would ask that the City Council consider providing $10,000 towards the total cost of the curb and gutter being requested by the City for Locke Park. Attached is an estimate from the architect for the total cost of the blacktop, curb and gutter and a copy of a preliminary plan for said project. • Thank you for your consideration in this matter, and I would ask for a resgonse to my request as soon as possible. We will be letting bids for this project by the end of September and hope- fully complete the project before the cold weather. If you have any further questions, please feel free to call me. Sincerely, <����c,✓� �1����+�'� David L. Torkildson Director of Parks and Recreation Anoka County, Minnesota DLT:je cc: Commissioner Paul McCarron Commissioner Nick Cenaiko Commissioner Albert Kordiak Commissioner Robert Burman 7 A PATCH � ERICKSON � � MADSON � WATTEN, INC. architects and planners 2730 Nevada Avenue North Minneapolic, MN 55427 (612) 593-5106 September 6, 1985 Rice Creek Trai1 West Estimate Loch Park Drives and Parking Area Lineal feet of curb 1. Precast curb installed ' 12,000' @ $4.00 la. Poured in place curb and gutter 12,000' @ $6.50 2. Paving Surface 140,000 square feet 3" blacktop 6" blass 5 base $1.00/sq. ft. Grad i ng 3. Lighting Total #1 Total #la. $ 48,000.00 78,000.00 , 140,000.00 50,000.00 $238,OOQ.00 $268,000.00 � � � �� ,3 � � ��: •.�;`�`^ � \��i�� � i 1".r t �' ° \ �� . •r ,�t � � ' 4- � � �' � S - i^ 4 K sr ;s` - . �-,_' _ = � +� `�� ��! � `-` � � L . 2� ' ��. '' ` [� . - a, �'' 3 - r . � � � � `� - �,• ' .s`� �` ���` , � , t � r � � ;�';7�� � e �� _ i � r� � �� ' ^ - . � ��y .. � - . '�'�d: .. r. :,"� �� �" � � r ��� • - . � h yT _ N .. t �', " • ' �i .'i -� '-_' ',t;. ` ,t'� j , - : � :— ��-.. � �, .� � _ �..; ��J-,,Y� ;y�':�� t '' 'J,, _ �_s- - •� Q t�"� R.._,�� ,�'--�` . �_ : '1` . , i' `..-� �F `t=� °.Y'' u ; t����, �t�•t �+ ,�.0 _4 w..s'— � - ..� •� �A�'Yit �. � _ � �•._ � tl' �4-�'. � �T� �: � _ � � � . ��; ��� �� �tt -w � � � .�, � ' ,:-, i .� . �t,� . ..". � ��• ' ' ._` ,� \ j� �[► �+;� - jT _',;. 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'�, / ��" ,�. l 15�� � . � ��Z t� `� tY_ .T ' '�#�. ! . `c� ��,G � • 'R � ' - I�Y .`'� • .� a�_ � �� �� • �� '"' . � J /�� ' �: .� �lR� .�' . .� ;t� ,fr,�L.. . .l�f � � �`` • i. � �� �.e.�'C —r� .. •}'. a ^s' - c�e '� � f ��� .., �� � ,'. �� � , w, f: � "�s'� `i4 ���' � I � � �_ �Tr �- �°^ ` r . � � �t� }� �, f ' s � �' . • � ';E! � � ,�; � - ''__ �":��. ��-`i<<.�%�' � � �' � ' ,� � :; h- .T�t . � ; � :r . - v, i r - � - In I�MO T0: John F,s, Public Works Director t+�HO FROta: Cl�`�i�oraveLz, Engineering Administrator MEMC D6TE: Septe�ber 17, 1985 R�ARDI1vG: Joir.t Powers Agreement xith 6r.oka Cour.ty for Traffic Sigr:al Instollation and Operation at 69th Avenue and Old Central E.s noted in the attached letter from Anoka County dated September 9, 1q65 tt,e County is lettir� and payir.g for the installation and maintenar.ce of ti,e above ment�oned si6r.a1. The City of Fridley t�ill provide ongoing electricaJ. poWer to Lhe signal. All other costs Will be absorbed by the County. These obligations are spelled out in the attacheC Joir.t Powers Agreement. The Count�� requests that the City Council approve, execute and ret�rn all three coFies of the agreemer.t. I suggest placir.g thi:, on the September 23, �965 Council meeting agend�. CM; sk M-85-93 0 � ro�� ���� . � . �''yhE50�' September 9, 1985 COUNTY OF ANOKA Departme�rt of Highx�ars Paut K. Ruud, Highx�qr Engineer COURT HOUSE ANOKA, MINNESOTA 55303 612-421-4760 John Flora, City Engineer Public Works Depart.mc�nt City of Fridlc�ti� G431 Universit�� Avenue NE Fridley, iNN. 55432 Re: Joint Powers Agreement Traffic Signal Installation - 69th & CSAII #35 (Old Central) Dear Jahn: Enclosed find three (3) copies of a Joint Powers Agreemeni bet��een the Countl� of Anoka and the City� af Fridley concerning ihc� installation of a Traffic Signal at the intersection of CSAH �35 and 69th A��enue N.E. (for bike path). The Anoka County Parks Department is letting and paying for the projc�ct. As with all traffic signal installations on Anoka Cou»tti� Highw•a}� System, the 1oca1 City involved provides for power ai�d electricity>. That is the Cit��'s tatal participation. Please process thru your channels for execution by the City and return all three (3) copies to us for• approval and execution. We �n•ill return a fully� approved and executed copy to you. �ours very truly, �� . �`� • �, � William A. Sironen, PE Assistant County Engineer Encls: - Administration Affirmative Action / Equal Opportunity Empioyer 8 A JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT , FOR THE INSTALLATION OF A TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAL AT THE 1NTERSECTION OF C.S.A.H. #35 (CENTRAL AVENUE) AND 69TH AVENOE N.E. � THLS AGREEMENT made and entered into this da�� of , 1985, by and between the Count� of Anoka, State of �linnesota, a political subdivision of the State of '�9innesota, 3?5 East '.Nain Street, Anoka, �linnesota, 55303, hereinafter referred to as "County," and the Cit} of Fridle}, a political subdivision of the Statc of '�linnesota, 6�31 L'niversity .Avenue N.E., Fridle��, 17innesota, 5�43^, hereinafter referred to as "Fridley." WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the parties to this apreement consider it mutuall�• desirable to provid� a tr�ffic control signal at the intersection of C.S.:�.H. #3� (Central :'lvenue) nnd fi9t1� .Avenue N.E. for the safety of the traveling public; and WHEREAS, the pacties agree thet it is in their best interest that the cost of said pro}ect be shared. NOW, THEREFORE, it is mutuall�• sti�uleted and agreed: 1, PL'RPOSE. The parties have joined tooether for the purpose of installino a treffic control si�n��l at the intersection of Count}' State Aid Hiohway #3� and 69th Avenue N.E. ?, \1F.THOD. The Anoka Count�• Pari:s and Recreation Department will arran�e for enginecriiio services necessar�� for the preparation of construction plans and specifications of this project. The Count�• will provide for the construction of the si�n�l. Fridley� will provide for installation of electrical power to the signal, and all ongoing electrical power costs. 3. COST. .411 costs necessar�� for engineerino services and all other contract costs of the work, or if the work is not contracted, the cost of all labor, materials, normal engineering costs, and equipment rental required to complete the work shall constitute the actual corutru�tion costs and shall be borne b�� the County. All electricel costs required for installation and ongoing electrical power as provided for in paragraphs 8 and 9 herein shal] be the responsibilit� of Fridle}•. 4. TER'�]. This agreement shall continue until (1) terminated as provided hereinaftcr, or (2) until the construction provided herein is completed and p8yment provided for herein is made, whichever (1) or (2) shall first occur. Fridle}''s obligation to suppl}� power to the sianal will survive this Agreement. � SC -2- 5. DISBCRSEIIENT OE FUNDS,•'DISTRIBUTIOti' OF PROPERTI. All funds disbursed by Count�� or Fridle�� pursuant to this agreement shall be disbursed b�• each entity pursuant to the method provided b�� law. The property ecquired under this Agreement shall be distributed to the parties proportionate to their contribution to its construction. 6. CONTR.4CTS AND PURCIIASES. All contracts let and purchases made pursuant to this agreement shall be madc b�� the County and Fridley in conformance with the method provided by law, applicable to thc contrectino party. 7. STRiCT ACCO[;NTABIL]Tl'. A strict accountino shall be made of all funds and report of ell receipt� and disbursements shall be made upon request b}� either party. 8. SI�_;tiAL17.AT10'� P0�1'EH. Fridle}� shall install or cause the installation of an adequate electricel power source to the service pad or pole, including an�� necessary� extensions of power lines, and upon completion of said traffic control sipnal installation the ongoino cost of electrical power to the �ional shall be at the cost and expense of Fridley. g, �]�1\TEN:�\C'E. 1laintenance of the complete� si��nal and si6nel equipment will 5e the sole oblioati�n of the County. All other maintenance, including the ongoing cost of electrical powcr to the si�nal, will be the responsibilit�� of Fridle}�. 10. TER�lI\.�'T10�. This aoreement ma�• be terminated b�' either party at any time, with or without cause, upon not less than thirt�• (301 da��s written notice delivered b}• mail or in person to the other party. If notice is delivered b}' mail, it shall be deemed to be received two (2) da�•s after mailino. The Agreement ma�� not be terminated by Fridley after solicitation of bid: :��• the Count�� w�ithout the consent of the County. 11. �OT10E. For purposes of deliveryin; an�• notices hereunder, the notice shall be effective if delivered to the :�noka Count�� Administrator, 325 East '�]ain Street, Anoka, �linnesota, 55303, on behalf of the County; and the City '�Ianager of the City of Fridle��, 6431 Universit}• .�venue N.E., Fridle��, �]innesota, �5432. 12. INDE�I:vIF1C �TIOti. Fridle�� and Count�• mutually agree to indemnify and hold harmless each other frum an�� claims, losses, costs, expenses, or damages resulting from the acts or omissions of the respective officers, agents, or employees relating to activities conducted b5• either part}' under this agreement. -3- 13. ENTIRE AGREE�IENT REQUIREI1ENT OF A�tiRITING. It is understood and agreed that the entire agreement of the per.ties is contained herein and that this agreement supercedes all oral agreements and all negotiations between the parties relatino to the subject matter thereof, as well as an�� p�evious agreement presentl}� in effect between the parties relatinb to the subject matter thereof. Any alterations, variations, modifications or waivers of the provisions of this abreement shall be valid onl}� when they� have been reduced to writino and duly signed b� the parties herein. 1�. EARLY TER�}1!�AT10�I,�INSUFFICIENT FL'NDS. ]f the County� determines that funding will not be sufficient to allow for continuation of the work, this .Agreement may then be terminated immediatel��, at thc o�tion of the Count�•, by written notice of termination delivered in person or b�• mail to th�� Cih• et its addres� first written above. IN WITNESS WNEREOF, the parties to this agreement have hereunto set thcir hands on the dates written belo��. COL"�T1' OF .A\O}i:� :�lhcrt :1. liordi��k, Cheirmen Anoka C'o. F3oard of Commis;inoers ATTF:S"C: John "Ja��" ".]cLinden Anoka Count�• .�dministrator RECOM!►9ENDED APPRO�'AL: David Torkildson, Director Anoka Co. Parks S Recreation Dept. Dated: CITY OF FRIDLEI' /�`'ame: ---- �r Tit1e: ATTES"1': Name: Title: ATTEST: Name: Title: Dated: � 0 h�MO T0: Nasim Quersri, City Manager pWgS-2g� t�MO FROM: John Flora � Public Works Director MEMO DATE: September 17, 1985 RF7GARDING: Heather Hills West Plat We have received a request from the registered land surveycr, N.r. Ronald Meyer, in regards to the Iieather Hills Plat which the Council approved a coup�e of years ago. There are three dimensions which are in error and he is requestir� that these changes be made ar.d recorded on the Plat. These corrections require Council approval. Recor.�end that City Council make a motion to approve the dimensior.s on the Heather hills Plat for Lots 10 and 11 of Block 1 as attached. JF/si: M-�5-95 ,. �� o � . � ��'/ . �r. ��y, /�r,'<//�. !/i�, � -c'/;S-i � �wE' . �N ��� �� ` ,9�s ,T.�•� S� S�• /�'��' � /yl�tl .s'J / U / �� ., ; ; /�e .� Ce�T.r�-ca. �ir o �` ���ec l�'e.� �a �� � ,�%ar' /�'li: /y%r"r ✓c �1 �. 6 E� c�.re a� iJ Q ��,o /�c�. H.r� � %�h?/ �'Y v/rP,�l �/l� C i� �/�"� ,,r/q� no �`v�-E� � �: � / . Q/1 q� L /�1� .fP4/ �1`�'r 2 �ub /� r�ee ��! D �/ . /j l�c' C� C�v� c' �/ . ���a./"�' /'e �/r� J�l�•j do c v�, e., r � �e a��`"�� �S.' r, ,'" .sc� I c o•� �`� � ./ •// � ��; , i f w� l'h %���t C�vvh ��vrd��'.r' �, D�'��. . . i�s�ec-l`j�v �� , y .. ��- `� . . /�-r �•J rricY.( �i.I C���.t e!/ �v• �`f7 �%�.^� .�irCl� . 9 A LAIQD SURYE70r'tS CE�TIFICATE OF C0�2RECTIOI� TO PLAT name of Plat: HE.1TI�.� HILIS WFST Purstunt tv the provisions of Chapter 505.174 Laws of Minnesota, �957. Ronald F. Meyer� the undersigned, � Registered Land Surveyor in an for the State,of l�.innesota, declares as follows: - That I prepared the plat of I�ATHER HILIS WEST dated May 11� 1981 and filed on May 3� 1982 in the Office of County Recorder� Anoka County� Minnesota, as Document No. 120798 in Torrens Book 9 of Plats� page 26. That said plat contains defects in the following particulars� to-wit: 1. The south line of Lot il, Block 1 reads i51.64 feet� bearing N 75°12�3p�� E 2. The southWest line of L^t 11, Block 1 reads 28.00 teet 3. The southwest line of Lot 10, Block 1 reads 35•52 feet That said plat is hereby corrected in the following particulars. to-wit: 1. The south line of I.ot 11. Block 1 ia 151•65 reet, bearing N 75° 35' 10" �. 2. The southWest line of Lot 11� Block 1 is 27.00 feet 3. The southwest line oi Lot 10� Block 1 is 36.52 feet Dated > �� � / `��-5 _ �--- c- � istered Land Surve or o. 9051 State of Minnesota The above CEr�TIFICATE Or CO.�R'r:CTICh to the plat of H�1THEt� IiIi.LS WFST has been approved by the City of Fridley at a regular meeting of the City Council of Fridley, I�•innesota held on the day of . 198_• Seal: City Clerk of rridley This CERTIFICATE OF C0.'3Rr,CTION has been checked and approved this day ., f � 198 • Anoka County Surveyor 9B �� . I ( � l.J,�•Y�.� .�.. ..••. : . . ,.ti/,-�,�'._�" �.�i.� .i �. •.♦ .� ,• V� i• r • I •�1 M` , , I'/ � JirB�iL�pOJ � " :� I ,- - ---lTL'fI2� - •- ' _ `� �•.'; oo'I' Oo'tOi • .. ... p[ 'r'i... ... ,, _ , ,, � . t � , � � �- � � � ' ..� �'; !v � . h d. � � ----� � v� � ,�. r '•. iw �-. � tia � i � � r � o O__..: � q O� ,o° '11r� �� � � N ---• ._ : h q� � �a 4� � �, '� : ^ � � o '"" 'v e Ab • � `° ° ° ` f�,� � � � � •� � Q�v � . � �^ ° 9�-� ' `9 w o� h� o ac ,p r° p} Z6 /s- � , p� � . � 0 w ti.�' �'►�. V�, �� x O,q 1b oc or� y0•3 � � '� ` �h Z "! /� � 2 � o p' I ��°co O� � Rp0 3 5 � w\ � � � � '0�v j`� ./A8 ��ou•A°° Nt :,� oyg' a _ ti^� I �/ ~ ,, �. �; O Q� Q� N��' ��7� �'�LQT�P w�tl p� • �v /.�/�6`',�/,� � — � � q \ �'' 11 i.1 ` i1 �� S j ` Q 'n � �'� � � ��' f'6 ,��.o !.r� � N � oo•or, ..�ti i a l ; R '1a.�`' q� 4 Zi �Zo'BZ� �6 ��0 � '� 3�`tiqq � i�•..i O�oo � ` � o \ e•t 5 �1 / �0 0 ' �, i �1 ti � � h� � •�.. o ��. �� � � j$ o ��ti � � ,� �'�._. '. �, t� � :. 'S r- '`� � e 'r � ~' ° n ^ �.�d 4 a N � ` �!r � `'��..' � � \ _ � � \ - - - 0 � F o V � N �� -^� 1 � � , I � �\ � ' , � � � o , h `. / a N �n ' �.. � /I !Z' . a- ��� � � = � � h � o I e e � Z • � e � �p � 1 _ _ .� � ` ,_ .•./ � �' --- =. I ^ 4 v 4 y h � ---• � � IS i � � Z�' F4'o�s 7 b .Q II � � � � o ( � /� '"' ,� � � •ZO/ I O h o � �'� �� . � - - � � � ;`� % � � � e � a ; �, , - � �•;._ , � ' o 0 , � ^ ` � (� r, � : ',:3 � � Q 0 � J I h �O ti � O I ..� o o�/ � . ' ( , � � ;: � �NWI � /h�� �� , y� q��� �O � ; � ( � ��► �� �° ��... �.�� / � � � h � ��\ b�- i� � � �- •ola o� , a �V .� � ' ° ° ' p �, ` � � ,� I o�?+ � or � �� / � � � � �� � O �.I � �• j 9 p� � 0 N � 1a i � ° oy o �� � � I , �4 � � c � 0 .1`►' aJ %`� ,� � ° c,'a� ' � � � �, , � � � e� �'� � � 6 1 �. I � � � r -t-� . 0 �` o J �r oo•i.r bb iR,�oo . o� � � io, saos � ^L tj •, — � � . Y . � . I , , ' - . � ' � � , RFS�.UTION N0. - 1985 RESOLUTION APPROVING A SUBDIVISION, LOT SPLIT, L. S. #85-06, TO SPLIT THE EAST HALF OF LOT 1, AUDITOR � S SUBDNISION N0. 39 INTO TWO PARTS, ONE PART BEING THE SOUTH 95.0 FEET OF THE EAST HALF OF LOT 1, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION N0. 39, AND THE SECOND PART BEING TflE EAST HALF OF LOT 1, EXCEPT THE SOUTH 95.0 FEET THEREOF, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION N0. 39, ALL TO BE USED FOR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES, THE SAME BEING 4000 MAIN STREET N.E. WHEREAS, the City Council approved a lot split at the August 6, 1985 meeting; and WHEREAS, s�ch approval was to subdivide the East half of Lot 1, Auditor's Subdivision No. 39 into two parts, one part being the South 95.0 feet of the East half of Lot 1, Auditor�s Subdivision No. 39, and the second part being the East half of Lot 1, except the South 95.0 feet thereof, Auditor's Subdivision No. 39, all to be used for single family residences, the same being �#000 Main Street N. E. WHEREAS, the City has received the required Certificate of Survey fron the or�ner; and WHEREAS, such approval will enable the o�wner to sell the East hal f of Lot 1, Auditor�s Subdivision No. 39 as two separate resident�al lots. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council directs the County of Anoka to record this lot split within six months of this approval or such approval shall become null and void. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDI.EY THIS DAY oF , 1985. WILLIAM J. NEE - MAYOR ATTEST: SIDNEY C. INMAN - CITY CLERK 3J7J3J8 �o �y — �W � 0 A t��-� .=e R. :�t�,3 T Ce R�1 c � i u i 1�.-'—i�IL..l fJ Scrr. IQiz � L � s — - --- - -- t�z.c iu., �, -- - - - �- �s�.-�- t - ' - - �'� �'L. � E_l��. s�f 4_ _ �t ! . � . �;• � _ �3'O 1 2� -- �is ��c --�-- � I •y'� i � � � I , �; � Z � t p0 � � i Z�, ^ I i � . �.,,ec�C t '!' 1 � ~ � � � +; I�s�iLSol.� --- �35 � � � � - � � � i �rD O yT �01�1 V� c' . 5 c.w�6 1'. 60 � �k 1'°�'° ^� �° ' o �^ 3 �^� 4 �I � � � u o ; ; . � � °I ° I � � �- � V � I s�. /" � � � • - ----- - �2e ��� 13s- � �1s�33N,�� — 4"to 79 — �47.as' � �7.�9r __ z�s.�1� -- � � r •$• j m �-v.�►ZOe� " O" S o �r�c..+t ..-t� ( � t►�s ewsT �IZ, s� Lor ( � � BD �V I SIAI� �tT ��E �e.aT.r q�A I Fi.CT 'T+-ICROOF. � y� � — � -- 202 i9S -- _ Q l2 '\ � r s_ � � I ! � a. 39 .. .»o . � � , � o � `. � � T�E $�,.zw 1�.0 �- � �ST � O F LO T( F\ � I I A , I ► i -- �7.31C 2!t'.3'l� — ` I / - - - - - - I --- �1� bo' � 12 Y �,.� �. s.., . l2 P 33 T1[EPM�JS� ¢Y: I � � I; � I � r� ,•°, • O H. p fG' - c.,ow�rv.g ►A �� -�-�lC����..�ZS � � �� � f� 2 9 � �- a � � �i�"T: :,:��' � � �; -- -- - - � ~ , - `� --- - :���� �,.�N�-, =� - - - �,,` .. � �ti ! ��. . � - e,`~ � 2 8 ,� 3 � � I ' � �r M►� � , ►— - - �*,s�°-'-- — - - � ; ; s��. �. �� c ° Br..o�•�-73 � ;..� �c� I .� �� ��. �(�.C.�,L,� � T1iG �uTy g�.0 FE"ET pf' ��1ti4G 1c!!S'T ��L O� L.e T (� E!C c..C4T i2a+�-U . �p�tOLS 5►.p�VlS�o.� �O� � �'�t- � � � �i'►+,E E�.�s-f �2 0 � l.o : ( . Exc.evT Z,,i e �oNTM �S.O FE-f�T 'rl.lc¢.GOF. e�C.�y-r �D i}taDcTo�'.� �+�-aEsDiVt�co�., �p 3�j RESOLOTION N0. - 1985 RBSOLUTION APPROVING A SOBDIYISION, LOT SPLIT, L. S. �85-05, � SPT.IT LOT 2, BLOCK 1, BROOKV IEW SECOND ADDITION INTO FOUR LOTS, TWO 75.0�4 FOOT LOTS, ONE 82.04 FOOT LOT AND ONE 81.23 FOOT LOT TO BE USED FOR SINGLE FAMILY RFSIDENCFS� THE SAME BEING 6771-6781-6791-b795 BROOKVIEW DRIVE N. E. WHEREAS, The City Council approved a lot split at the August 5, 1985 meeti ng; and WHEREAS, such approval was to split Lot 2, Block 1, Brookview Second Addition into four lots, two 75.0�1 foot lots, one 82.04 foot lot and one 81.23 foot lot to be used for single family residences, the same being 6771-6781-6791-6795 Brookview Drive N.E.; and WHEREAS, the City has received the required Certificate of Surveys from the awner; and WHEREAS� such approval will enable the owner to sell Lot 2, Block 1, Brookview Second Addition as four separate residential lots. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council directs the County of Anoka to record this lot split within six months of this approval or such approva.l. shall become null and void. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAX oF , 1985. WILLIAM J. NEE - MAYOR ATTEST: SIDNEY C. INMAN - CITY CLERR 3I7/3/7 1 1 � �' � •10 � , �� �M i%O � ��a � p � ? r� � � � � � t � �� Men{�vel d � . I � � �. �i ie � t �.ti v � . � 1 �� � �� � ��s` �0 � � • 1 �i . �► r : � 7 ' � . . � �'« s —'�'� � /e i � � 0 `i� �Y , ' I • e �p ..� � t' � '4 • / 7 �b � � • 'f •+ w ' � � , � ( . �C�' • ` =. 's' il'!�, � t �' � �30 � ` : � 1 �,- 2 . •` �� -.. �;'• � . o � , � ; � o � �` N�a I + � J- �/�� / � � � ( � � _ � ; �✓ ` • `� � �tti' �O I � � � I ND ; � // �r � � � , f _ �� � - w .�. � , e � `,� �" �� N �o � ( �o , � #.� � � /* �• I , + �'� 1 . � � . � z ►� ,� � � �'°� < � 1 �� I i ' . 9s,� x, � � � k �, � , , ,` s. « � _� - -� - - - --i.^r 5� � —�,_ � ,i.. r� � � - �.;. y �w ,�� ....i � • �t��Q ,�__ 6 ' � � `,` ( w �� •� y... `' , � ♦ �� ` � ' � �3� ,� , � . , , t .`;s� � ' i � � � �, . �r - :� � � r ` � '� � ♦ r , , ♦ r � � � �0 � � �1 '��,� � � � ` ��� � ' i r , �� • . � f . l . . _. • , � � . � Y . . ' f � ' , t, � �•�. � t oti S� �p�� � 2� �S � � ~ ' ' lj ` � 4`�� , ...�� � . � � ' �101 �: 1�1 AV. M E. I � � !' F- � � � w �r N � �Q �` i1� �j � , n�n: . � tp ��; �.+' f.,�c� � � .,�• Z �"' � W . �r .�, ��..f� � ' + ♦ � � o � . �' -� �o' ' -�� . - (���ol °w = � i �V�co� p H . � � 2� : � � � �' N � O ` ` � � ' d .� • . ..,... � � , - i � - : � � , � �+._ _ � . � - -- �"��"� - �9r � --�� - _. _ , �s,�, ", �S�S �SS� �S�L A • B , •14� (zaa�i �,s5o � � �'"s: � fsL�_ -- -, - � -- � - ��Q' � cs �• �-. --- �„� — - ' W �' $f _�•bs x�� �� � ., :, bSSI �'`��� •� ��52� � � ' ' � ts�s � . � 8� �,� s� � � � w t� wre/� ,..s�. I �. � ✓.•. V j � � � � , � � 9A .9C�9 � ---- ; 8C 88 i ; 8 � �H 2 � i� : ;i � ---- J • . o t,� , a°"°� : t 42S �3i 1� �S 133 �o�s �o�� ' ; � s . 969 1001 � J A ,�� � � ,.� � �� �. ! �!-` � �ii�".5�.�� �.-�.�. �'� - -- - ' - �' �' /� �`b ER ! EC. � � . ' LOCA ION MAP � 12 M E M 0 R A N D U M T0: NASIM M. QURESHI, CITY MANAGER, AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: SIDNEY C. INMAN, DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL SERVICES/ CITY CLERK SUBJECT: FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR THE 1985 SERVICE CONNECTION ROLL DATE: SEPTEMBER 11, 1985 The attached resolutions would order the preparation of the final assessment roll and the publication of the hearing notice for the 1985 Service Connections. The work under this project has been completed, and covers the areas outlined in the attached Notice of Hear- ing. All connection charges are by prior agreement with the property owners. SCI ps Atts RESOLUTION N0. - 1985 RESOLUTION DIRECTING PREPARATION OF ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR 1985 SERVICE CONNECTIONS BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, as follows: 1. It is hereby determined that the assessable cost of construction with respect to the following named improvement, to-wit: 1985 SERVICE CONNECTION ROLL including all incidental expenses thereto is estimated at $ 1 3.638. 00 2. The City Clerk shall forthwith calculate the proper amounts to be specially assessed for said improvement against every assessable lot, piece, or parcel of land benefited by said improvement according to law. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF ATTEST: ITY CLERK , 19$5. MAYOR William J. Nee 12A RESOLUTION N0. - 1985 RESOLUTION DIRECTING PUBLICATION OF HEARING ON PROPOSEO ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR THE 1985 SERVICE CONNECTIONS WHEREAS, by a resolution passed by the Council on September 23 , 1985, the City Clerk was directed to prepare a proposed assessment o the cost of sewer laterals, water laterals, and service connections, WHEREAS, the Clerk has notified the Council that such proposed assessment roll has been completed and filed in his office for public inspection, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, as follows: 1. The City Council shall meet at the City Hall in the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, on the lth day of October , 1985, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. to pass upon the proposed assessment for � 1985 SERVICE CONNECTION ASSESSMENT ROLL 2. The City Clerk shall publish notices of the time and place of ineeting in the official newspaper of the City at least two (2) weeks prior to such meeting. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF ATTEST: CITY CLERK , 1985. MAYOR William J. Nee 13 1 3 A CITY OF FRIDLEY ANOKA COUNTY, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF HEARING ON ASSESSMENT FOR WATER AND SEWER MAINS, LATERALS, AND SERVICE CONNECTIONS Notice is hereby given that the Council of the City of Fridley will meet at the City Hall in said City on the lth day of October , 1985, at 7:30 o'clock p.m. to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the proposed assessments in respect to the following improvements, to-wit: 1985 WATER ANQ SEWER MAINS, LATERALS, AND SERVICE CONNECTI01V5 NOT HERETOFORE FURNISHED AND AVAILABLE The proposed assessment roll for each of said improvements is now on file and open to public inspection by all persons interested, in the office of the Clerk of said City. At said hearing, the Council will consider written or oral objections to the proposed assessments for each of said improvements. The general nature of the improvements and each of them is the construction and furnishing of sewer mains, laterals, and service connections, and water mains, laterals, and service connections in and to the properties, as follows: Lot 2, Block 1 Brottlund Estates Addition W. 70' of Lot 7, Blk. 2(Ex. S. 100'1 Brookview 2nd Addition Lots 4 and 5, Blk. 8 Hamilton's Addition to Mechanicsville Lot 1, Blk. 1 Herwal 2nd Addition Lot 1, Blk. 1 Target Addition Lot 1, Blk. 1 Western Ridge Estates Addition The area proposed to be assessed for said improvements and each of them is all that land benefited by said improvements or each of them and is the same as those listed above. Said improvements will be assessed against the properties within the above noted areas in whole or in part proportionately to each of the lands therein contained according to the benefits received. A property owner may appeal an assessment to the district court by serving notice of the appeal upon the City Mayor or Clerk within thirty (30) days after adoption of the assessment and filing such notice with the district court within ten (10) days after service upon the City Mayor or Clerk; however, no appeal may be taken as to the amount of any individual assessment unless a written objection signed by the affected property owner is filed with the City Clerk prior to the assessment hearing or presented to the presiding officer at the hearing. 1 3 B Page 2 Notice of Hearing on Assessment for Water and Sewer Mains, Laterals, and Service Connections ' DATEO THIS DAY OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY. AT7ESi: CIiY CLERK Sidney C. Inman , 1985, BY ORDER OF MAYOR William J. Nee Publish: Fridley Sun on September 18 and September 25, 1985 _ �5 _ FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- LI C E N S E S � September 23, 1985 RESIDENTIAL RENTAL PROPERTY �.1�� � �.� • : _� 1�� 4- � • • ���./�� : � .. . • F. Gordon Targexud 6534 Central Avenue 322 Kelsey St., Rt. 3 Delano, [+R�l 55328 Mike Dahnert 5950 East River R�oad 7012 Sally Lane Ddina, NQ] 55435 S& R Investment Co., 1284-96 Norton Avenue c/o Mr. Ali & Khalid A. Sami 1906 26th Ave. N.W. New Brighton, N4�] 55112 Paul M. Johnson 6525 2nd Street 3925 ShaQnrock Drive Mpls, NQt 55421 �Robert F. McDonald 5900 2 1/2 Street 1212 Bluebill Bay Rc3. Burnsville, NIIJ 55337 ' John Bunch 5901 2 1/2 Street 2705 Xanthus Lane Plymouth, NII�t 55447 Robert F. McDonald 5908 2 1/2 Street 1212 Bluebill Bay Rd. Burnsville, NIIV 55337 Same awner as above 5916 2 1/2 Street Yacoub M. El-ziq 5420 5th Street 13129 Parkwood Dr. Burnsville, NII�I 55337 Otto Westenfield 110 61st Avenue P.O. Box 32021 Fridley, i�l 55432 Marvey Mayer 7431-33 Able Street 7431 Able Street I� Fridley, NII�1 55432 Stinrise Const. Corp. 7345-47 E,Vert Court c/o John M. Levander 5032 Garfield South Mpls, t�1 55419 4 36 . 00 12 49.00 7 36.00 7 36.00 7 36.00 4 36 . 00 7 36.00 7 36.00 4 36.00 8 49.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 = FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- LICENSES � 5 B September 23, 1985 RESIDENTIAL REfYTAL PROPERTY ��R I,OC11T��y.�'.�11SI�7� LR�IITS FEE APPROVID BY ' R. H. Larson, FPB/ Housing Insp. � Mary Hanson 7851 Firwood Way I� Fridley, NII� 55432 John L. Arvanitis 7871 Firwood Way I� Fridley, NII�] 55432 Kevin & Robert Kisch 216 - 14 th Ave . N�l New Brighton, NII�I 55112 Jarnes & Debbie Cox 8280 Red Oak Dr. I� Moundsvie�w, N�] 55432 Roy Crowell 110263 Village Roa.d Chaska, [�Ml 55318 Mark L. Clasen 6345 Pierce St.I� Fridley, r'II�1 55432 Gordon & Marie Graham 5334 - 4th St. 1� Fridley, rIIJ 55421 Lindy Lemieux 5812 - 4th St. I� Fridley, I�II�I 55432 Timothy Parker 7316 H��ldt Ave. No Brooklyn Park, NII� 55444 Roger P. Beauregard 2650 - 15th St. 1�W New Brighton, NII�1 55112 7851-55 Firwood Way 1 12.00 7871-75 Firwood Way 1 12.00 1601 N. Innsbruck Drive, 1 12.00 #142 1601 N. Innsbruck Drive, 1 12.00 #k273 1241-43 Norton Avenue 2 24.00 6345 Pierce Street 5330-34 4th Street 5810-12 4th Street 5916-18 4th Street 349-53 57th Place 1 12.00 1 12.00 1 12.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 CI'I'Y OF FRID�.EY F7�gineering Deparbnent 6431 University Avenue, N.E. Fridley. t+linnesota 55432 Date: 9/23/85 ZO: Honorable Mayor and City Co�cil Ci ty of FY i dl ey 6431 University Avenue, N.E. Friciley. Minnesota 55432 ST 1985-10 (Sealcoat) 5 9-00-000 8508-1 16A ��i�4?0 RE: Est. No. - -2 — - fFinal) p�er. Ending S�otem�er 2'�, 19R5 For Al 1 i ed 61 ac ktop' Company '�= 10503 - 89th Avenue N; _' ' _ Maple Grove, MN 55369� y � y� � ..� : : ��. �. . y •. •• ►• • � - . � _ � . • . �,.�. - i .- �� � �. �_ - +• �_ - !1� 1 J I �•� ' •II 'II I •I '• ��� - �� � �� �� �� • - — � � �� � ��� � � - �� �� � . �� � i •1 �N : � R1tR�'1�FtY : Original Contract Amaait Contract Additions - �ange Order Nos. Contract Deductions - �ange Or3er Nos. ------- Revised Contract Aman�t Value Canpleted To Date SUB TO'TAL Amo�t Retained (108y (58) Less Amo�t Paid Previously ANDUt1T D[1E TNIS �STIMATE y�:�Y .: 11 • y.i �• �y: �yl� : S 57,072.00 s--------- s--------- S 57,072.00 S 57,025.60 S 57,025.60 S 0.00 S 44,080.00 s 12,945.60 I hereby certify that the work perf ormed and the materials supplied to date �der terms of the oontract for the reference project, and all authorized changes thereto, have an actual value u�der the contract of the ar�ounts sha�m on this estimate (and the final quantities of the final estimate are correct), and that this estimate is just and correct and no part of the "Amount Due Tt�is Estimate" has been received. g�, C.� c1�, • 1' Date �"�� ���- Co actor' Authorized Representative (Title) �:� .: � • ll.� .� �; I hereby oertify that I have prepared or examined this estimate, and that the aontcactor is entitled to payment of this estimate unaer the oontract for reference project. CITY OF FRIDLEY, INSPb'C'IOR BY ` �ecked By: � ��� _� Date 1 � � �' o-"�' Respectfully S�mitted, City of FYic�ey BY J ora, P.E. i or of Publ i c Wor ks R� September 23, 1985 Street I�iprovement Project ST 1985-10 (Sealcoat) _; � � �� ;� �' This is to certify that items of the work shown in the statement of work certified herein have been actually furnished and done for the above mentioned projects in accordance with the plans and specifications heretofore approved. The final contract cost is $57,025•60 and the final payment of $12r9�►5.60 for the improvement project would eover in full, the contractor's elaims against the City for all labor, materials and other work done by the contractor under this projeet. I declare under the penalties of perjury that this statement is just and correct. Allied Blacktop �ompany � • � . � � r -_ Co ractor Representative (Title) JT: jmo 3/6/9/11 1 6 C September 23, 1985 To: Public Works Director City of Fridley 0 ;_'�i •� �i +. �+ •i ' � � f � s � i � We, the undersigned, have inspected the above mentioned project and find that the work required by the contract is substantially complete in conformity with the plans and specifications of the project. All def iciencies have been corrected by the contractor. Also, th e work f or which the City feels the contractor should receive a reduced price has been agreed upon by the contractor. So, therefore, we recommend to you that the City approve the attached FINAL ESTIMATE for the contractor and the one-year maintenance bond, starti ng f rom the day of the final inspection, that being September 6, 1985. Q�'1 Jon Thompson, Construction Inspector " � U , � tract r Representative, (Title) JT:JMO 3/6/9/12 1 6 D CITY OF FRIDLEY. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DNISION 6�31 University Avenue N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 554342 September 23, 1985 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Fridley c/o Nasim M. Qureshi, 6�31 University Avenue Fridley, i�IIJ 55u32 Council Members: Ci ty Manager N. E. _ I � 1 -i . 1 ��TS� We hereby submit the Final Estimate for 1985-10 Street Sealcoating Project for Allied Blacktop Compar�y, 10503-89th Ave. No., Maple Grove, NIl�I 55369. We have viewed the work under contract for the construction of 1985-10 Street Sealcoat Project and find that the same is substantially complete in accordance with the contract documents. I recommend that final payment be made upon aeceptance of the work by your Honorable Body, and that the one-year contractual maintenance bo nd commence on the date listed. Respectfully submitted, � - � �'��� ohn G. Flora, P. E. Public Works Director JT: jmo 3/6/9/1� Prepared by: � Checked by . �,� 1 6 E