02/04/1985 - 000120314 1 4n�1 �4.. � 4:L C�e1 1: C Vi _�t �. • _Y�_ C n �t �1 �) A._ •
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The Regular meeting of the Fridley City Cr�unci3 was calieo to orcler at 7:�5
p, m. ls� Mayor Nee.
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Mayor Nee led the Council and audien� in tYxe Pledge of Allegiance to tne
MENBERS PRFSFNT: t4ayor Nee, Councilman FYtz p�trick
Councilman Schneider, Coizncilmar?
Barnette, and Councilm�-� Goadspeed
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NLYPION l� Councilman Barnette to apprwe the r�unutes as presented. Seconded
by Cnuncilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, �7.1 voting aye, Mayor Nee
declared the motion carried unaru.mously.
NDTTON b� Councilman Schneider to adopt the agencia as presentecl. Seconded
by 6�uncilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all vating aye, Dlayor Nee
declared the notion carried unanimously,
Mr. Arlen Wittrock, representing FP1C, presented a check to the City for
$25,000 for future development of the Community Fark. This check
represented a�rtial �ayment of a total gl.edge of $75,000.
Mr. Wittrock stated FMC was pleased to be ai�le to rnake this wntribution and
adcl to the excellen� of the Fridley oomnunity.
Nlayor Nee and m�lbers of the Council extended tneir thanks and apprer.iation
to FMC for thzs oontribution.
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Representative Backlund appeared before the �unc11 and pre�nted an update
on i:sues before the Legislature wh�.ch affect Fridley. He stated they are
looking for a resolution in the House to meke sure the liquor stores have
insurability under the dram shop laws.
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Re�resentative Backlund statea another issue conoerns the City's request to
reduae speec7s on Higlrways 65 and 47. He stated he has c�nuntmicated with the
De�ariment of Transportation regarw.ng tY:ese problans.
Representative Sackltuzd stated he would like to schedule a meeting on
Saturday, February 36 at 9 a.m. at the City Hall to receive input i-rom
citizeivs rec�ard�.ng their concerns on these cross�.ngs, in orcier to make sure
the De�rtrnent of Transportation reacts to the needs of the oommunity. He
sugqested an art�a.cle in the Fridley Focus would be helpful to iniorm the
residents of this meeting. �
Representative Backlund stated another issue before the Legislature is
property t�z relief. He stated the Governor has proposed to fund school
districts at 100%, as opposed to a combination of State and local tax
fund�ng. He statea, more than likely, it will be a conbination of the State
funda_ny and a rer�uction in local. tax funcling. He stated local taxpayers in
Fridley wo�lc3 rec:eive an estimated 7 or 8� reduction in their property
taxes. He further sta�.ecl the clifferenae would be provided by the State so
school a�.d would r�naa.n unchanged.
Representative Backl�d stated another issue is the gag rule and tkle DFL
caucus feels that is l�npering then fran exercising their rights. He stated
this has to cla with the manner in which they budget and spend money at the
State level. He stated in �st year�, the Legislature has looked at the
appropriations and then c�term�.ned what rEVenues were needed. He stated at
tliis time, the Legislature is r�ersing the prooedure and first determining
haa much theg wiLl s�aend and then deciding how it will L�e appropriated.
Representative Bacluund statecl he felt this was a sigrv.ficant change. Ni�yor
I3ee thanked Representative Backlund for intorming the Council on these
issues. Ra1�resentative Bacl;l�uzcl stated if he can be of any assistance to
the Coimra.l, tizey should not Y!esitate to call on riun.
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Mr. John Anderson, 831 66th Avenue N.E., appeared before the Council �
reqardi.ng t�kie No. 1 Health Club in Frid].ey. He stated, as the Council is
aware, a large nunber of �noerned cit�.zens f rom Redeemer Lutheran Church
have been picketiny this establisYament. He questioned what support oould be
expected f ran the C�.ty.
t7r. Anc7erson stated they have requested assistance irom the Police
De�?rtment in advising then of the owners of vehicles who patronize this
business, He statec7 thEy ha�e not reoeived this support and must go to the
State N��ox Vehicle Delartment in order to obtain this infornation and it
�rxvolves a fee and oiiiy three names and addresses can be obtained at one
Mr. Hill, Public Saiety Director, statec3 the Police De�artment is prohib�.ted
i7y the State from providing th�s information. He stated if the Police
De�rtrnent pravided this information, they would be su�ject to criminal
penalti.es. Mr. I3ill statee the I-elioe DeFartsnent is conducting an active
investiyation of the No. 1 Health Club, but couldn't reveal any specific
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information. He stated the oomglaint regarclr.ng the ord�.nan� p�ssed by i:Yie
City is pending in the court. Mr. Herrick, G.ty Attorney, stated sa�e
activit�.es oould be discussed and it would be to the �utt�al benefit oi- tYie
mnaerned citizens and the Ca.ty not to c7�.scuss others.
Mr. Herrick stated the orcU.nanoe �ssed lhr �he Council is being challenged
b3 the aaners of ihe No. 1 Heali-h Club and action ls pending in thc Federal
District Court to determirte whether the orcu.nanoe is mnstitutional anci if-
the City can prooeed to enforoe it.
� Mr. Hernck stated there have l�en sorne arrests at this establishment ai�d a
large percentage o£ the arrests have resul'r_ed in corivictions. P�Ir. Herrick
stated the Cii.y, C�unty Attorney, and City Prosecutor are moving on LtPis
matter a: quickly as p�ssiUle.
A lady in the audience asked if there was anychinq that coul� be done to
temporarily close down this establishment. She stated tl�e Ciky knows
illeqal ac'civities are taking plaae.
Mr. Herrick stated if the City prooeeds in an arbitraxy r,,anner to close i.his
estabishment, they oould be sued. He stated he didn't fee3 anyone w.ould
benefit 1� attempting to close then down for some ranor or triviai mac�er.
He felt tYee City would be better off taking the nore r�sonable approacl� of
woxking through the �urts regarding an ir.terpretai.�on of the ords.narACe.
Cnunciltnan Baxnette stated he felt the Cotmcil was prohably as Erustrated as
the re�.dents, Liut they are obligated to proc�eed according to the laws ai�d
s�netiraes this is an awfully slaa prooess.
Mr. Hill stated many aommimities are interested in what happens �,� courL
regardtny this ordinance and fe1t, if it was upheJ.d, you wo�Lld see sinilar
ord�.nances in other �mmunities.
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[�DTION i� Councilman Schneider ta wa�.ve the reading of the pub3ic nearing
notioe and open the public hearing. Seconded by Councilrnan Fstz1�atrick..
Upon a voic� vote, all �oting aye, Mayor Nee declaxed the mation carried
unammously and the pukzl ic hearing opened at 8: 06 p. rn,
rSr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated there are a tora]. of five pro�ecf.s
ooverecl under street improvement pro�ect Sl 1985-i & 2.
He stated these improvement pro�ects involve the iol"iowina, areas: �1}
University Avenue West Service Drive, 81st [�verue to thc- north; (2)
University Avenue East Servioe Drive, Ca.vic Center �o h7�ssissippl Sireet;
(3) 73-1/2 Avenue N.E., cul-de-sac to 11U reei west; (�) East River Road
Sexvioe Drive, 53rd Way north to cul-de-s«c; and (5) 5t1� Street, 61st Aven�e
to 63rd Avenue.
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Mr. Flora statea �the improvenent of the Urv.versity Avenue West servioe drive
was petitioned for last year and was postponed until this year and
construction is scheduled for this spring. He stated the total estimated
cost of the pra�ect is $72,198,76 and it is proposed to split the
asses�nents on either side of the properf�es.
Mr. Jones, 8391 I,aaer 138th Court, Apple Valley, Nli.nnesota, stated he had �
concurred witt� rhe loopback to facilitate traffic in the area. He stated he
had requested tY:e assessnersts be deferred until developnerit. of the proFerty
anp woulc] like tY:is re�uest shaan in the minutes.
Mr. Qureshi, City t9air�ger, statecl it wauld be appropriate at the assessrnent
hearir!g for the Cotuicil to oons�.der this reques�t.
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Mr. F'iora stated the unprovanent of the Umversity Avenue East Servic� driv-e
from the Civic Center to Mississipgi Street is estimated at a cost of
$40,493.75 which will be assessed to Target Narthern Operations Genter.
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Mr. Flora stated the unprov�nent to 73-1/2 Avenue is the result of a lot
sglit on Lot 28. He stated tkae estunated cost for wnstr�ction of this 18
fc�ot wide street with curA and gutter as $10,612.50 wha.ch woul.d be assessed
to Lot 28. Ee s�cated also �roposed as oonstruction of water and saru tary
eewer e�tensions and services to both the north and south side:> of tne
�treet, at an estimted cost of $5,187.50 to be assessed to Lot 28, and
$5,187.50 for the south s�.de wku ch woul.d not be assessed to Lot 29, until
sucYi time as the property aaner chooses to develop the rear portion of tY!is
lot as a sewnd builcling site.
A7rs. Saba's son spoke on her behalf regardtng the assessnent to Lot 29. He �
auestioned why this was beiny done and how it would benefit T,ot 29. Nir.
Quresh�. stated this uaprwenent is being done to provide acces� to Lot 28
whi.ch is being split. He stated there would not be an assesszent to Lot 2R
unless it was split.
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Mr. Flora statec� the estimated wst for this improvenent is $70,253.70 and
irivolves the oonstruction of wncrete curb and gutter on the east side of
the roadway anci a Pinal bitiuninous wearing course on the entire street. Mr.
Qureshi s�tated whe.n the streets were �m�rwed in this area, the cur6ing on
the east s�.de and final mat were left tmtil this area developed. He stated
develognent in this area is now taking place and the street would ne
isnprwed wher oonstruction as completed.
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Mr. Flora stated the ma7onty of this ini�rwement would be funded through
t?unicig�l State Aid fimcls and the pro�rty aaners waulc� pay only a portion
of the aoncrete curbing.
N1r. Qureshi stated the Caty has reoeived six. letters frorn �roperty aaners
who ob�ect to this improvenent.
MpTION by Councilman Goodspeed to receavF the frollowiryg letters of
ob�ection: Ross and Carolyn Martinson, 6221 5th Sf.. N.E.; Henry af�d Liaa,re
� Koester, 6141 5th St. N. E. ; Albert i•1c Clunek, 6271 5th St. Id. E. ; Havaard A,
Nel�n, 6261 5'rh St. N.E.; Mrs. William Kennedy, 6101 5ih St. N.E.; ai�d Mr.
Gail Jerfers, 6241 5th St. N.E.
Seoonded by Cn�ca.lman Fitz�txick. Upon a voice vote, �]1 vc�ting aye,
Mayor Nee declared the motlon carried unamnously.
Mr. Gerard pufresne, 6121 5th Street, questroned wl�y this irnprovemenL was
being done.
Mr. Qureshi stated an informal hearinq was conducted over u raonth ago Lo
oive information to the affected property aanexs. Fe stated, as indicate�
at thac informal meeting, the pre�nt roaclway nas been in existenae for over
24 years and it was felt, in order to protect tYiis investrnent, inprovenenLs
should be made.
P7r. Qureshi stated there are State Aid funds avazlaGie tc pay for the bulK
of the im�rovement and only a small portion would be assessed to ihe
property aaners.
P1r. Dufresne questioned the oost for this improvanent. Mr. Qureshl sr_�ted
the estimated cost is $14.94 a Pront ioot to the property owner. Mr.
Dt�xesne asked if the street would be widened, Mr. �ureshi statect they
gex�rally would �ust add width for the curb�ng on tl-�� east side of the
street, Yaaaeaer, the west s�.de would be widened.
� Mr. Dufresne stated he was ac�inst this unprevernent as Ize didn't like Lhe
increased traffic this widening would briny and does noc wish to �y for tt�e
unprove�nerst, as he felt it wasn't rnec�d.
b1rs. Lonnie Burgess, 6151 5th Street, sratec4 rxer maitt concern was if the
imprwement would result in increased traEflc on cliis street.
Mayor Nee stated there woul.d be a modest �aideiung at the north end on the
west side of the street, However, to airectly answer her quest�on ar�
whether there would be more traffic, no one knows for sure if this would
occur. He felt whatever traffic would use the street would do so wYiether or
not the unprwenent is cbne. He stated staif's posltron is to im�rove the
street so it doesn't deteriorate and to protecL- the oric�inai irivestrnent.
Mr. Ron Nienaber, 6261 5th Street, stated he was op�osed tc this
imprw�nent. He felt wic�ning the street wc�7.d increase trafL-ic. He felt
that is why the street needs to be widened bacause it wo�U.d ha�e rnore use.
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He felt the cos�t was qu� te high for something which he cloes not want or
Mrs. N�rtinsc�n, 6221 5th Street, stated si�e is against widening the street
because of tl:e oast, 5he stated she was also against widening the street
because she has sma11 chilcirer_ and to put more traffic on the street would
be dangerous. N3rs. Iuu��x F�terson, 6191 5th Street, asked if s�.dewalks would
be installed, as tnis would affect her trees. Mr. Qureshi stated the staff
is not proposing sic�walks for this street. �
Mr. Qureshz stated he recognizes that no one wants to pay any more of tYie
cost than is absolutely necessaxy. He stated the C,ity xs trying to protect
the zmre<-tment in this street and there is a chan� to use State A�.d funds
to �y rhe bulk of tYae oost for this imprcvenent. He felt traffic using the
street wili use it whether or not is is imprwed.
Counciim�n Barnette asked the residents where they felt the additional
traffic would be qenerated.
Mr. Nsenaber stated he fe].t, with the new Taroet building and the office
building complex, there would be addita.onal traffic on their street.
�unra.lman Goodspeed felt the alternat�.ves had to be weig�ed. He stated if
reaidents felt traffic would not come down 5th Street, unless it is
in2�rQVed, that is taking a gamble. He felt if the street is not im�roved
and a n�!ber of cars use th� street, residents may find the street neecis
re�x�irs and State Aid funds may not be availa4le. He wonaexed haa mar�y felt
it was worth tak�.ng the chance.
Mr. Nierkzber stated he felt tiie reason for the improvanent is hecause it is
antira�atea there wil.l be addita.onal trafiic coming into the area ancd using
this street. Ae felt he dtdn't benefit at all and, in fact, his property
may be wortYa less, He stated if they didn't have to pay anytlzing tor
znprw�nexrt, perhaps he would be in r'avor. �
Mr. Dufr�sne stated if tr,e street isn't going to be widened on the east sic9e
and there isn't ariy oost to the pro�erty aaners, he would be lnterested in
the unprav�aent.
Mr. QuresY�i stated. ]xzs�calll, there would only be widening to add curbirg
on the east s�.de and tY�,e rema�.nder would be on the west side. He stated
there wauld be no additzonal lanes, but would increase th2 availability of
�rlung on batli sides of the street.
N7r. James Erickson, 6171 5th Street, stated the concrete curbing would
�mprove the street som�aYaat and he would be in favor of the unprwenent. He
statecr he was reluctant to pay Uhe assessment, but felt it would be an
uaprwenent, NIr. Qureshi state�' there is no question an his mind that the
val.ue of these properties would be increased Ix this improvenent.
Mr. Qure�i stated it is pre.ently pro�osed the resic�nts pay about 25% of
rlae oost, with the balanoe ooming tran Siate Aid fimds. fIe statec� anotner
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approach would be to give credit for the existing asphalt curbing and char�
the clifference between this curbing and concrete curbing. He stated Lhis
would result in a laaer front foot �st of ap�roximately $10.00 per f ront
foot instead of $14.94.
NL�yor Nee asked who would be in favor if the mst was rec�uced. Ztao persons
inclieated thc� would be in favar; four persons inclieated they were apposed;
and one was undecic�d.
� PDTION �y Councilman Barnette to close the public hearing. Seconded by
Councilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vate, all votin� aye, Mayor Nee c7eclarec:
the motic+n carried unanimously and the public hearing closed at 9:05 p.m.
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M)'PION by Councilman Fitz�atnck to waive tYxe read�.ng of the publ�c hearir.g
notioe and open the public hearing. Seconded l� Cr�uncilman Schneider. Upon
a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declarec� the motion carried
unanimously and the public hearing opened at 9:05 p.m.
FIr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated the City hirea a consult�nt to see what
caul.d be cbne at the intersection of I3ighway 65, WesL- Moore Lake Drive, ana
Old Central. He stated the reason for this study is because the pro� rty
now occupied by the 100 7tvin Drive-in is zoned cornnercial a.�d ic is
antici�xited that, in the future, it wiil develop �o the trafFic prablems
:hould now be addressed. Mr. Qureshi stated the �nsultant indicated that
onoe the lOD Ztain property c3eve7.opes, it would generate about 4,500 to 5,000
vehicles per day, as oom�red naw to abo��E 2.500 venicles per day an West
Moore Lake Drive. Mr. Qureshi stated to faczlatate the proper mave�aent of
the traffic, adequate stacking roorn shoiilc� be provided witkz traffic
segzrated into clifferent lanes, c�pending on what direction Lhey would be
going. He stated this would 6e neoessaxy to rnave tratfic tnrouc�l� the area
� as quickly and orderly as possible.
Ztao plans were presented which would cause traific to =1ow around and
through the area more efficiently. Nfr. Qureshi statec� the City wantea to
obtain some feedback frrnl the neighborhooc� on wnat plan they would prer"er
for this area.
Mr. Bob Guzy, one of tlze aaners of the drive-in, stated he wo�il.d l�ke to
hear arr3 wmments fran the res�.dents. He statec? he wanted to insure tfiey
have a developnent that woul.d be comFatlb3e wii�i the neighbarhood. Mr.
Flora, Public Works Director, stated the bayqest concern of �ne consultan�
was to preclude cars fran driving into the residential area.
hirs. Sadi.e G�mc3ersan, 5707 West Moore Lake llrave, askecl why a cul-de-sac was
propose�i on orie of the �zl.ans when only two properties are affected. Mr.
�ureshi stated other lots, to the south wr,�.ch are zoned resici�ntial and not,
as yet, develo�ed would alsro be affected. He stated one of the glans cal] s
for a cul-de-sac on West Moore Lake Drive and eluninates di.rect access onto
IiigYnaay 65 for res�.dents in this area. Ee stated the other �zl.an has direct
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access to Highway 65, but would probably encourage more traffic in the
residential area. Mr. Guzy stated it was felt ac�ss is important to ti�e
develo�nent of this pro�erty and the use of a service road woul��i be
He statec� the glan for the servtoe road to run �rallel to Higl�way 65 aria
provicle a cul-de-sac on West Moore Lake Drive would be preferab].e. He fel t
this pl �n protects the residential and canmerca.al aspects of the land.
Tkie a�stion of � peclestrian access was brought up and Mr. Qureshi state� '
tk?ere woul d 1� no prob].en previdtng such an acoess.
A gentlenen in the audience stated it is almost impossible to get onto
Highway 65 fran West Moore Lake Dr�ve now and if traffic is ircreased he
cnuldn't unac� ne how they would ever get out.
Mr. �ureshi stateci there are lunitations about what can be cbner haaever, it
is hoped to provide sufficient stackin9 room, improve the signals, and
crafflc c2�ar�-ielization.
P7r. William Kell, 5675 Jackson Street, stated the pl.an for the cul-de-sac on
West Moore Lake Drive is �robably �he best of the two plans being
Mr. Ke11 skate� he has been in traffic control for many years and felt thE
proposed plan would be nothing more than a"band-aid" ac:tion. He statecl he
11as scne suggestions Yhat wauld be vexy expensive, but woul.d prokz�bly solve
the total problar.. FIe ielt this glan is profxably the k�est salution for the
pres�nt trafL-ic situat�.en, but would prokxlbly work for only a short period
af time. Mayor Nee stated he woula appreciate it if Mr. Kell �ould give the
City the benefit cf his e�eri:is�e and commurv.cate his ideas to the staff.
Mr. Flora statec� the aonsultant's study pr a�ed, at best, the improveanent of
the intersection when there is additional developnent would re�nain as it �
currently e�ctsts. However, without the unprw�nent, wnditions would only
Mr. Qureshi stated, on the east side of Hia}iway 65, there is a problem oi
inadequate staclu ng room. He stated it is proposed to rnove the existiny
Eritrance onto Old Central farther east and north. He stated this would
prwide additional stacking and sorting of traffic so it can move more
freelp, He �ated, �.f this plan is adopted, one house would have to be
N3r. gureshi stated what is proposed is traffic from the apartments artd
commercial c�velopnent wauld be d�rected onto Hillwind to access to this nesa
entranoe and, basically, residential access frcrn fblk, Lynde, and Hathaway
would �oin at tr:is entrar.ce.
Mr. Qureshi explsu.ried hcw �`�-taff is working to minimize the traffic coming
north on Old Ceritral.
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P9r. Gi].stad, 930 Hackmari, stated he wanted to put xn a driveway uz tk�e
future and asked how this proposed relocation of the access road wo�il.d
affect his property. DIr. Qureshi stated his property woulcln't be aiiect�d
and 1� mov�ng this access, he would have a better chance of gettLng onto �lcl
Mr. Gilstad further stated he felt if s�xeds were reduoed on Highway 65, it
would be hel�ul. Mr. Qureshi stated the City is on reeord requesting a
� reduction of the speed lamit on f�oth HigY!waps 65 aricl 47 through the Ca.ty.
Ms. Nancy Jorgensen, 5730 Polk, suggesteo F�olk Street be dead-ended. She
felt this would relieve the oongestion at t.he lblk/I-�ackman inter�ction.
Mr. Qureshi stated Ms. Jorgensen's suqgestion would eliminate one oi the
e�ri.ts, haaeaer, the traffic eventually geL-s to this destinaticn and felt it
was better to provic34 two e�iits rather than one. he stated, at this point,
the traffic you are deal�.ng with is local fran reeic�nts in the area.
A lady in the aucti.en� stated she lived ne�t: door to the house which chey
propose to remove. She stated her only problem is gettirig out cn Oid
Central because of the traffic frcm the north. Mr. �ureshi stated he fe] t
tr�ftic by her home would be reduced because vehicles would be usarxg
Mr. Qureshi asked Mr. Johnson, aaner of the vacant property on West Moore
Lake Drive, if he had any conments regarding these proposed plar.s. Nfr.
Johnson stated kze would like to reserve his w�nents for s�metime next week.
NDTIUN fx Coemcilman Fitz�atrick to close the publ�c hearinc�. Seconded by
Councilman Barnette. UFon a voice vote, e11 votiny aye, Nl�yar Nee deelarec�
the motion carried unanimously and the puk�lic hearing closed at 10:10 p.n.
NDTION by cbuncilman Schrieider to waive the sec�nd reading of Ordinar,ce No.
827 and adopt it on the se�ond reading and order �tblication. Seconded by
Councilman Barnette. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye. N1�ycL Nee c�eclarec�
the motion carried unammously.
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NDTIUN ]� Councilman Schneider to waive te second reac�.n� of Ordin�nce N0.
828 and acbpt it on the seoond read�.ng and arder �ublicaticn. Seconded by
Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Niayar Nee
declared the motion carried unanimously.
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MOTTON by Councilman Fitzpatrick to noninate t�taynard Nielson for
�� 1\_ � I y1 _ �,. • �IC' � ; � . •
reappointment to the Envirornnental Quality Commisszon. Seconded by
Councilmar? Barnette.
There beiny no fw:ther rAoninatlons, the follaaing action was taken: MOTTON
1� Councilm�ri Schneider to cast an unatumous 1�11ot for the reappointrnent of
M7aynard Nielson to the Environmental Quality Commission. Seconded by
Councilman Barnette. Up�n a voice vote, all voting aye, I�zyor Nee declared
the motion carric�cl unantmously,
NDTION tr3 Cnuncilman Schneider to nminate Richard Svanda for reappointment
to the Envirormerital Quality Commission. Seoonded 1� Counca.lman Barnette.
Tliere L�ing no further naninations, the tollowing action was taken: MOTTON
17y Councilmars Fitz�trick to cast an unammous ballot for the reappointment
of Rid�ard Svanda to the Environmental Quality Commission. Seconded by
Councilm� GooGS�eed. Upon a voioe vote, all vota.ng aye, I�yor Nee declared
the motion carned ur�antmously.
NDTION 1� Cbunra.lm�r! F1tz�trick to riominate Harold Belg�m for appolr�nent to
the Hunan Resouroes Commission.
There beit7g no furtner nominations, the follaaing action was taken:
MOTION by Coancilmat? Barnette to cast an unanimous ballot for the
appoiiitrnent of Aarolc� Belrnun to the Hun�n Resour�s Conur�ission, Seconded l�r
Councilman Fitzgxztrick. Upon a voice vote, all vating ape, Mayor Nee
declared tYte motion carried unanimously.
NDTION ]x Couzcilm�n Schneider to table the other appontment to the Himian
Resources Cor�unission. SeoonclEd by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice
vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee c�clared the motion rarried unanimously.
. �� � •� • • ; ��_ . • �� •�� �:�� ,_��� �._ :n
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Mr. Flara, Public Works Director, stated this storm drainage utility fund
establishes a speca.al fund to deal with storm water drainage and allows the
Czty to mllect fees fran those pro�rta.es that contriqute to storm watee
runoff, ix�sed on the type of c�CVelognent. I3e stated this ordinance would
establish a quarterly fee, to he incorporated with the sewer and water
billir?gs, at a rate of $1.75 �er resic�ntzal unit and $5.25 �r acre.
MOTTON by Counciiman Fitz�trick to waive the reading and approve t12e
onc�ariae u�on first reading. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upan a
voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried
; t�, 4� 4� � i � �� • • • , .
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Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this is a requeet for a lot spl�t
to slalit 40 feet fran the property at 580� Prthur Street and adc� it tu the
property at 5805 Arthur Street to eliminate a variance for the side yard
setlx7ck. He stated the lot split does preclude tYie splitting of tkxe lot to
allaa two builc�ng sites. He stated Mr. 4Tiens was aware of this sit�tion.
' hir, F`lora stated the Pla�vv.ng Con�nu.ss.ian Yaas recommended approval of �hi�
lot sglit,
rDTTON by Councilman Schneider to concur with the recommendaL�.on of i:Y�e
Planning Conunission anci grant Lot Split, LS ##85-lil, with the st�pulat�on
that the survey be recorded with the County. Seconded by Councilman
Barnette. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, N�yar Nee declarecl the rnotion
carrieu unammousl.y.
`• • .� _\ Ya_'3�•� • I �1L��. 4 M_._1. "�� ':
Nlr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated Lhe Envirorunental Ouality
Conunission, the Community Develognent Conunission, the Energy Cor�unission, and
the Planning Commission all recomrnenrJ the establishment of a curbside
recycling program in the City.
Mr. Flora stated a resolution is before the Councii to adopt the conr,e��t of
estakalishing such a program, and setting inro moticn the means to contact
the County and Metropolitan Cotancil for iunds to support this �roqra�n.
Pi11ION ty Councilman Schxieider to adapt R�solution No. 11-1985, Secanc�ed kry
��mcil.m�n Goodspeed, Upon a voiae vote, atl voting aye, Mayor Nee decy.ared
the motion carried unammously.
Mr, F`lora, Public Works Director, state� the Him�fi Resources Commissa.on
re.�iewed several organi.zations irn�olved in the Pield of hLUnan services to
receive Cwrununity Developnent Block Grants. He stated iti was reconur�ended
that 15� of the total amount of the grant be used ror human service needs
and for the follaaing orgamzat�.ons to receive finzc�ing: North Subburban
Family Sexvioe Center, $2,960; Central Cencer for Fai1Ly Resources, $5,000;
Filexandra House, Tna $3,200; and Anoka County Comrnuna.Ly Action Program,
$6.129 for a total of $17,289.
Mr. Flora stated the Planning Commission has reoommended funding a pro�ect
for an elevator to be installed on the east sa.de of L-he City Hall a.n order
to make both floors of the building tota3ly acc�ssa.ble to the nanchcapped.
Mrs. Lil.lian Meyer, 7868 Alden Way, a board rnember oi tYae Fantily Life/T�lenral
Health �nter, spoke to the Council regarding i.he Ce,iter's request £or
f�mding under the Conunwuty Develognerit Biock GranL ��royram.
n ,3 �
i� 1\ 1!1 J! _ �. � �I: : : • � • ;
Mrs. Meyer stated wher. the Fam�l.y Life/Merita_L Health Center was established
over six years ago, there was rtot a facility in Anoka Co�ity offering mentai
health prorrams. She stated, before this time, Kersons in Anoka County hac�
to go to Hennepin or P,amsey counties for such servzoes.
Mrs. I�yer stated the Center is located in Anoka and provides services to
people of ail ages in the areas of psychiatric evaluation, psychological
c�sturtr�noes, cbmestic problans, etc. 5he stated the Ceriter grovides Lhese
services to 150-200 patients each month about 30 of which are Fridley
resi�i:ts. 57�e s�tated many free hours of service are provided to persons �
residing in Fndley,
D�rs. Meyer went on to further e�alain the personnel on their stafr'. Sl2e
felt it would he approprzate for $2,000 of CTBG tt�ds to be prwicled to the
6=rit�r .
Mrs. T,uc�T t�i.ckman, psychiatric nurse practita.orter of the Ceriter, stateu� she
would like to address a few issues which were of concern to the Htmian
He:ouroes Cn_mmission. She stated the Center sees about 325 new patients
each month and sin� the first of the year, 28 residents from Fridley have
been served {� the cenLer.
H1rs. Nhckman state� one of the reqiuranents of the CTE3G is that these funds
�rve lw�er in�me peap7.e. She stated 64� of their clients have inwmes
under $7,000. Mrs. M�.ckman stated tkieir Center d�.ffers from the North
Subur�?n Family Servim Center and the Central Center for Family Resources
because they are a�sychiatric model and see more of the chronically ill
�ati ents.
Councilmar? Gooclspeea asked wY?at ne�a sexvioe or increase they were planning.
Nfrs. Mi.cFanan stated thEy have e�nded services by 30� resulting in a 20o
increase in new clier�t.s, and are expanc�ng the staff and lookinq at �ne new
Councilman Gooaspeed stated one of the members ot the Htmman Resources ,
(bmmission questioned whether or not this Cerrter fulfitled the requirements
for CC�3G f�ulding. Mrs. Mickm�n state� she believed the requirments to
obtain CDBG furzds is to either have an extension o£ services, or new
servzc�s, and she felt the� are c�ing this at the�.r c�nter,
O�uncilman Schneider questioned their sou�ce of fundxng. Mrs. Miclanan
stated at is all private so their charyes are reimbursable t,hrough most
insuranc�s. She stated their policy is not to turn anyone away for
financi�l reasons, if they do need hel�.
Cbuncilman Schneider asked if the Center had r�uested funding from Spring
Lake Park. 5he stated she believed they w�ii receive funditzg from Coon
Rap�.c7s and didn' i know, as yet, if th� would re�ive assistanoe fran S�ring
Lake Park. Mrs. Mtckman stated the City of Blaine has been funding Lh�n Yor
two yc�rs and understands they w�.11 renew this func�i.ng. S�ie statec� they are
appl.ying for the first tine to Anoka and gett�.ng a grant frcm then.
�� ��i �_ � . �. � '�i �_ f_1 _ � �1�1�J
O�uncilman Fitz�trick stated it is a knaan fact that Anoka Coimty has less
of this type of service than any �ther county in t�7�.nnesota. Councilman
Goadspeed s�ated he telt the Canunission has qiven their� a fras,�ework so the
oouncil �uld have some flex�.bility. I�yoL Nee statecl he didn't, howeaer,
want to take ftuiding away fran the other argaraizatians recommerided by the
r�r. Qureshi, C�.ty NL�r�ager, stated staff kias been advised there would i� a
cut in the CDBG funds by about ten percent, He stated if there is a
� reduction, the amounts re�nunended to the organizations wou].ci be recluceu
prop�rtionally, Mr. Qureshi stated CL8G funds cannot be used iar on-going
sexvices, it has to be for adcl�.tional servic�s.
Coimcilm�n Schneider questioned if it would be ina�propriate to gossibly
oons�.der funcU.ng fran souroes other than CDSG.
Councilman Barnette stated several years ago he m�de the motion tfaat the
d�iuica.l dis�ntinue giving to any of these agenc�.es out of the City budaet.
He statec� other souroes were looked at and thc oour�cil came up with tYie cSBG
prograrn, He further stated he would like to lunit fundinq of these agenc�es
to the CT8G pragram. He felt the Conuna.ssion should advise thern reoarding
appropraati.on of these fimds and perhaps tnings si7ould be left as they are
ior this year.
Cbuncilman Fitzxatrick stated he would like Lo knaa what araount af func�ing
is avai.iable.
Mr. Flora stated $127,840 would be reoeived, with l�-� ot tY!is ariounL tc� be
used for hunan sexvices.
�uncilman Goodspeed stated the Hwnan Resouroes Commission establ�shed the
rule that there would k�e no presentations at i:heir nGeeting. I3e stated he
understands there were groups making presentations, wr?ile others followed
this rule, and did not attend the meeting.
� Fepresentatives of the Central Center for Family Resources and zLe Anolsa
CoLmty Cr�nunim�.ty Acton Prograrn were �arasent and ind�.cated the3 cl�.d noL m�ke
presentations before the Human Resources Commission, althougri the�r
organi.zations were reaommended for fund�.ng.
N�DTION b3 �tmcilman Goodspeed to concur with the reconrnendat� r�n by the
Hanazi Resources CommLSSion to fund the follaaang orgam.zations tlirouqh the
QBG program: North Suburban Fam�.ly Sexvice C�nter, $2,960� Central Center
of Famii.y Resouroes, $5,000; Alexandra House. Inc., $3,200� and Anoka Coun�y
Conanuiuty Action Program, $6,129, and when ti?is process is revlewed ne�:t
year, it should be cbne in an orderly fashion and either all orcan�zatira or
none nake presentations. Seaonded 1� Councilman Sarr�tte.
�uncilm�n Fitz�trick stated he felt they should continue to cneck the
figures to see if there are any adcl�.t�.nal funds ava�.latile.
UA�N A VOICE VOT� TAKEN ON THE AE30VE MOTIOti. Councilntan Goodspeed,
ii �p
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O�uncilman Barnette, Councilman Schneider, and Councilman Fif.zpatrick all
voted in favor of the motion. Mayar Nee af�tained £ran voting. Mayor Nee
declared i:he notion carried kr� a 4 to 0 vote with one abstention. Seconded
ky Councilman Fitz�trick.
NDTTODi h� Councilman Barnette to concur with the recorunendatian of tt�e
Planrung Ccx�u�ssxon for potential fur.ding of (T�G pro�ects as folla,is:
]. 15o to HLmtan Sexvioes Grants
2. Plaza Center Projects: �
a. Et>ur Carner Lanc�ark - Des�.gn Impl.�nentation
U. Area Llirectional Sicynage - 3,750/unit (7 units)
c. Uta.lity 7mprcwc�nent (underqro�d paaer) fran
Univers�.ty Avenue to Main Street
d. Ma.ssiss�.pgzi. Boulevarcl Lanciscape and Sidet�ralk Imprwenent
3. Develogeent of Rivervzew Heiyhts Park {matching funcis to
possible 1985 I�FWCDN Funds)
4, Curbsir3e Recycl ina Program/Sul�sicFy (Eaonomic Deveiopnent - Jobs
CrPat�.on) - not r_�eeded if County funds pro7ect.
5. Flevator to be placed in �.vic Center to enhance handicapped
a�ssikul ity.
6. Any pro�ect ber�efitting designated lara and moderate inoome
on oznsus trscts (park pro�ect, street unprw�nents,
Further, to sui�nit this request to Anoka County. Seconded by Councilman
Fitz�trick. Upon a voice v�te, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the
rnotion carned unammously.
it was the o�noensus of the Coimc;il that the proposed funding of pro�ects �
for t�BG funas be suY�nitted for than earlier next year.
Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, state� the City kias expanded their preventron
programmit�g except in £dorth Elementary School. Fridley and Coltm.bia
Heights R�lioe share the servi� and felt no zornlal action wouid be needed.
It was the �noensus of the CouncLl that the� ooncurred with this rea,uest b�
the �mmission.
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Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this is a request for u n�.unlaer of
varian�s to the Si� Orchnan� b� avners oi the Sks:wood Mall. He stated
the variances originally re�uested were to increase the total �uare Po�tage
of a�lon si� fran the ma�.m�i of 80 �uare f-eet to 521 sa,uare Feet; to
increase the height of a p�lon si� fr�n the ma�ci.m�m of 25 feet to 50 feet;
and to increase tYie total s��re footage o� an informat�onal sign from the
maFSim�m of 4:cquaxe feet to 38 sqoare feet,
Mr. Flora stated there was oonsiderahle discussion at the Appeals Com�issa.on
� meeting regarding these variances and the origiral request was c�anged. FIe
stated the Canmission rec�iunended apprwal oz the vGrianoes to increase the
total square footage for p�lon si�s fran the maxirnLnz af 80 square feet to
469 square Teet and to increase the heigtat of a p�lon sigr! fron� the makim��a
of 25 feet to 50 feet.
t�+1x. Flora further stated these recommendations would aifect the signw as
follcxas: Sign #1 to be a max�.mu�� of 361 :�uare feet and 50 feet hicJl�; Sigr_
#2 to be a maxim�un of 48 square feet and 8 ieet hiyil (single : aced with no
back Ii�ting) ; Si� #3 to be a max�.rntan of 60 ryuare feet ancl 22-1/2 feet
riigh; and Si� #4 to be a maximun of 16 sc�uare feet and 10 feet ha.gY?.
A7r. F'lora stated these pro�rosed changes in the varianr� rec�uest were agreed
upon 1� the aaners of the shappiny center and the Appeals Comm�ssion and
were, esserxtially, supported by the neighborhood.
Mr. Flora stated tYte Commission recommended approval., with the sr�uare
footages and heights noted above, with the follarting stipulations: (lj an
acceptable wall sign plan be sul�n�tted to the Councii; (2) Siyn �kl to be
moved to the northwest into the green area with a shrub }�d at the base; (3)
Sign #2 should have landscaping at the base; (4) Sign �r3 sheuid be
inoorporated into the green sg�ce and have landscaginq at the ktzse; ard (5)
Siqn #4 shoul.d inoorporate a directional arrc�v and be 10 teet to the east.
� 1�Ir. Mark Haggerty, attorney repxe�nting the Skywooa Mal1 owr�ers, stated ti�e
si�s at the Ground Rouncl and Great American Music are 36 ieet high ar,d 43
feet high. He stated Menard's sign is higher than the one at Lhe Grounc]
Rotmd so he estimated it to be somewhere between 40 to 43 feet high. f3e
stateca thEy are proposing their sicyi to 1� 50 fect, wkv.cli woul� be a l�ttle
hiyher thvi some of the other sicyzs in the area. He stated �hey h�oL�id be
w�.11�.ng to accept the recanuner.cl3t�.ons made by the Appeal..� �rmtission.
Mrs. Jucti.th Enge6retson, 5216 Taylor Street, asked if the 6acdr of Sic�n #2
would k�e ]�l.ackened and have shrubberty glanted behind it. Mr. Flora stated
that was the reoomnendation of the Appeals Conmlzssi�n. Mrs. Engebretson
stateG she appreciated the reduction in the size of Sia� #3, but st�.11 felt
the height of 50 feet for Sic� #1 was excessive. She felt the sign would
not be noticed from I-694 due to the position of the exit ramps. Mrs.
Engebretson stated she didn't believe this develogment was basing its
success on a 50 foot si.cyi that is visible frcm the f-reeway. She relt that
billboards should be used to adverttse the motel,
Mrs. Engehretson stated she d�.ch�'t den� :here sYiouLcl be a vanance ror Sic�n
TJ �
., ,
��.A ui �,. • �: • .: � � • �
#1, but it should be oom�rable to other s�.�s in the area. She stated sign
heights shouldn't be based on the amount spent for development. Mr.
Haggerty stated, as far as using the billboards, they would prefer
adveri:ising on I-6�4. He stated the pro6lem is the sign corapaniea will
allaa thFm to exist for oN.y a short �eriod of t�.me,
�uncilmariGOOdspeed stated he dic�'t go along with the aryument that the
more s.�uuare footage ira a developnent, the more sic�age it rieeds. He stated
he ciidn't support tlae idea of this varianoe. �
Mr. Haggerty stated this is a sztuation where varianc�s have been grantecl to
other operations in the area. He stated they� are the first major hotel in
the Ca.ty and try�.ng to have thei r sicy-i stand out so people can find thern.
He statecl these si �s wi11 clearrup the preserit eyesore.
(btmciln�an Goodspeed felt w.en you have a Sign Ordinance, it should be
enforoed. He stated he felt the sign was "tacky" and was something that
would be expected at truck stops. He stated he would lilce than to meet the
requirements of the Sic�n Ordinance and stay w�thin the SO scjuare feet
NDTIGN k� Councilman Barr?ette to table this item. Seconded by Councilman
('�o2speed. Upon a voi� vote, all voting aye, Nayor Alee declare� the motion
carned unanimously,
MDTTON by Councilman Scl•ineider to xeceive the minutes of trie Planning
Comrnission meeting of ,5anuary 23, 1985. Seconded by Councilman Barnette,
IIpon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declarecl the motion carried
unaru mously.
' « �►� . . u� • : ; k� u u _ _ • � u_ � • � � �ic ; .
MOTION by Councilman Schneider to receive the minutes of the Charter �
CosJnission meetiny of Nwernber 19, 1984. Sewnded ky Councilman Barnette.
Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carned
' « �► _ � ;� • _: _�I _ • � : � y • �� 4� ._ • � � •
•�i.� •.
NY7TION by Conncilman Schneider tc receive the minutes of the Cable
�leaision Comri�ssion meeting of Januaxy 17, 1985. Seconded by Councilm�n
Barraette. U�ora a voiae vate, al.l voting aye, Mayor Nee chclared the motion
carrzed unammously.
1 �� � � � • � � u _ , �!�9_S • 4!�4�� �� � u y ' o._; ; �
•_ _ � �. u�. i�l P � �1 iL_ � • ��, � s� _ _ ' �
N�yor Nee th�ught perhaps the letter should include a sta.tement that the
City i� already takiny ste�s for a curbsic7e re�cling program.
�� l, !I � • �� • �
NDTIC%1 l� Cnuncilman Barnette to authorize sutxn�ssion of a letter to the
Metr�politan Council regarding comments on trie solia waste management
developnent guide/policy plan. Seoonded by Counci?n�at? Schneider. Upon a
voice vote, all voting aye, blayor Nee declared i-.he rnotion carxied
� � z� lL t� i� _�
NDTION tr� Councilm�? Barnette to ooncur with the following appointmen�: by
the City Manac�er:
Sherree' 9nith
Qerk 2ypist
City Mgmnt.
Startinc� Starting
Sal� llate Re�laces
$1,020.38 Peb. 11 Sandy
month 19£35 l�terson
Seaonded ky Councilman Schneider. II�ron a vo1� voi.e, �.l voting aye, Nsayor
Nee declared the mota.on carried unanimously.
NL�TIOPd l� Couttcilman Schneider to authorize payiaent of Clai;os Na. 1134-
001273 and Nos. 36550 through 365Z06. Se�nded 6y Couricilr�iar_ Fitz�irick,.
Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Dlee declarea' the motion carried
MYPION by Cnuncilman Fitz�atrick to approve the licenses as suknu tted and as
on file in the Li�nse Qerk's Offic�. Se�nded by Councilrnan Schnesder.
U�.ron a voi� vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declarea the motion carried
_� UQ4
DS]TIUN L� Councilman Barnette to apprwe che estimates as sutmitt�cl.
D. H. Blattner & Sons, Tnc.
1 5outh Wabasha, Navy Island
St. Paul, NN 55107
Moore Lake Restoration Pro�ect, Pha�e TI
Partial Estimate No. 1
Herrick & New[[�i, P.A.
6279 University Avenue N.E.
Fridley, NN 55432
Serviaes Rendered for December, 19&}
try City Attorney
$ 9,804.00
$ 2,215,20
�� r A
� �� � ��. � .�li � i.f ��+i�ra
Se�nded by Councilman Schrieider. i7p�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor
rIee declared the motion carried unamnously.
�� •�;�I��
Ni�TION by Courtcilman Barnette to ad�ourn the meeting. Seconded by
Councilman Schneider. L7pon a vcioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor I3ee declarec�
the motion carried unanimously and the Regular Meeting of the Friclley City
Council af Febr�ry 4, 1985 actjourned at 11:37 p.m.
Respectfully sukmitted,
.iU'f./'�v�i.L� ��Y-tC�lC�I-z`_
Carole Hacldad
Secy. to the City Councii
(/ `� �
Willlam J.