05/06/1985 - 000119594. u��li4_ • 4._ ;��iJ �_S uL�. 1�. •. '_�..a� S! ���1� �
�e Regular meeting of t'tie FridlEy Ci.ty Coiu�cil wa� called to orcier ac 7:50
p. m. 1� Mayor Nee.
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[�yor Nee led the Coimra.l and auc�i.ence in the Pledge of Allegi�?nce tc the
� F7.ag.
MEHSERS A�FSINZ': Mayor Nee, CbiutralmasA Gooclspeed, Cn�c�.ln�ai,
F'�.tz�txick and Councilr�an Schneidex
i�1ENBERS PBSII+IT: Councilman Barnette
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Mayor Nee issued a procl�nation �ocla�.ming N9ay 17, 15i35 as Veteran's H�,ddy
�bpg� Day and urged the ca.tizens of FncIle� to reoo9nize the rnents of this
cause lx aontributing generously to its supporL tihrough the purcYiase of
Buddy l��ies.
NIenbers of the Fr�dley V.F.W. Fbst 363 were present to receive the
�'4 i[_� 4' '•
NL�yor Nee issued a�xoclamation 1xoclaiming Lne week of May 5 tnraugh li,
19&5 as Small Business Week. He asked that al3 Pmericans �ain in saluting
� srnall business men and women by observing this week witl� ap��ropriate
activiti es.
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�uncilman Schneider rexuested the follaaing �ragra� be �dded on Page 3,
after �ragraph five: "Councilman Schneider questioned the toLal land
s�ix-�re footage of the proposed Conunw�ity Options Facility. Mr. Flora s�atec�
it oonsisted of 11,000 square feet."
bDTION 1� Councilman Fitzpatrick to approve ixze minutes wxcli the above
amenclnent. Seoonded I� Councilman Schneicier. Upon a voice vote, aa.l vating
aye, f�yor Nee declared the motion carried un�rv.mously.
.���_�� • � �i �
O�tmcilman Schneider requested the £ollaaing iten be ac�ed: Rewnsiderarian
of Ll�te for Action on Rule 36 Residential l�ntal HealtYi Fara.lity.
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NL7TION 1� Q��cilman Schneider to adogt the agenda witt� the above addition.
Semnded l� Cotmc�.3mar� Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, NkZyor
Nee derlarecl the motion rarried unammously.
�ere was no response fran the audtence under this itan of business.
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NDTIOI�T 1� Cbunciln�n E'itz�trick to wa�.ve the reacti.ng o� the public hearing
notice and open the public hearing. Se�nded l� O�uncilmarx Schneider. Upon
a voice vote, all voting aye. Mayor Nee declared the motion carried
unaru.mou.l.y ar!d the public heanng opened at 8:02 p.m.
hir. Truaan, City Qerk, .ti-tated this �.s a re�uest by Gerald Paschke for the
issuance ae a$750,000 industrial cievelopnent revenue l�ond to construct a
30,000 ��re Poot office/warehouse facility on the �st �.de of Nt�in Street
between 79th and Slst A�enues.
Mr. Inman statec� it is proposed the annual payroll gener�ted trom
constructlon of �is facility would be $706,000 and would add 30 i�eva �obs in
the c:ity. He stateci tlie facility wo�l.d also increase the taxUble value of
'rhe 1�-u�d. He stated staSf kr�s r�iEwec] the docun2enLS and woulc} recommend
(buncilmari Goodspeed asked haa much industrial revenue bonds the City can
issue chis y�r. N�r. �an s�tat� the Ca.ty can allocate approxtmately $8.1
million. Fte sta�,ed if these bonds were assued, the lz�lance would be about
$2 millzon, Fle furtlaer stated he dicfii't f-eel the Caty would have a�robl�n '
in increasing their allcacation if there was a large pro�ect at the end of
the year.
I�o persons �.n the a�dzence spoke regard�.ng this proposed bond issue.
NZITTON 1� Counciimara Schneider to clo�e the public hearing. Seconded by
(btmcilmarz Good:peed. Upon a volce vote, all voting aye, Ni�yor Nee declared
t1�e motion carriecl unarnmously ar?d the public h�ring closed at 8:05 p.m.
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NDTTON 1� Cauncilman E'itz�trick to wa�.ve the readtng of the public hearing
nota.ce and oper the pub:L�c hearing. Sewnded k� Cbuncilman 5chneider. Upon
a voice vote, a�.l voting aye, l+�ayor Nee declared the motion carried
unarn�nously ancl the public hearing opened at 8:05 p.m.
Nr. Flora, Pubi�c Work.s Director, stated this is a request to vacate a
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dra�.nage and utility easenerit on Washington Street between 7th SL-reet anc7
68th Avenue. He stated the vacation is r�uested in order to construct a
c3arage and install a driveway on the rear oF the lot at 6747 Wasnington
Mr. Flora stated all the utility wng�mes have been o�ntacted and the� have
no prohlens with the vacation of this easeaent,
� Mr. F`lora stated the Planning Coimnission recommended approval with three
stipulations, as follaas: (1) a drainaye plan be coordinated with and
agprwed 1� Ehgineering staff prior to the ��cil meeting; (2) the neighbor
to the north �wide a letter agreeing to the reduced drive�aag setback and
drainage plan; and (3) a new 10 foot drainage and util�ty easement be
prwided on the southerly ten feet of the loL.
The petitioner, Mr. Kuhnly, �esented a dra�.nage glan and a letter from tne
property avner to the north indicating he had no ob�ection to the extension
of the driveway or to the drainage. No �erson sp�ke regarcli.ng this pxop�sed
vacation re�uest.
NDTION lx �unca.lman Goodspeed to close the public hearing. Seconcled by
O�unc:ilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Nl�yor Nee declared
the motion carried unarnmously and the public hearing closed at 8:09 p.m.
NDTION ]x �uncli[�an Goodspeed to approve vacation r�uest, SAU �k85-02, with
the stipiil.ation that a riew 10 foot druna5�e and utility a�senent be prwiaed
on the southerly ten feet of the lot. Sewnded b� Cowicilman Fitz�.�trick.
Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried
I�PItIL 18. 1985:
MOTION by Councilman Schneider to receive the minutes of the Cal�le
Teleais�.on Advisory Commission Meeting of April 18, 1985. Secondec3 by
Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice voce, all voting aye, Mayor Nee
declared the rnotion carried unammously.
Mr. Flora, Riblic Works Ihrector, stated the County has purchased property
on which the s�.� is located and have asked FNiC to reduce the size to 144
square feet, He stated the existing sicy� is approximately 448 s�uare feet.
Mr. Flora stated FMC is a im�.que manufacturing facility, partly avneo ana
operated lx the Navy and Fartly b1r FMC. He stated this directional sign
would clarify FMC aanership and safely direcL southbound trafPic to the
proper entrance. He stated the facility averages 120 vlsitors and 65
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contractors per day using the desi�ated entrance and exiting off a ma�or
road. Mr. Flora stated the County has agreed to keep the sign at the
existing location, but wanted it reduced in size.
Mr. Flora stated the Appeals Cor�unission recommended approval of the
NDTION kr� Councilman FYtz�trick to ooncur with the recommendation of tYie �
Appeals Commission and grant the variance to allaa a free standinq sign to
be increa�ed fran 80 s3uare feet to 144 sxuare feet. Sewnded Y� O�uncilman
Schneicler. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, N�yor Nee declared the motion
carriec7 unanimously.
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Mr. Flora, Rzblic Works Directoz, stated this is a request for a varianoe to
reduce the side yard setCack to allaa construction of a second accessory
building for property on the northwest corner of Oakley Street and 68th
Mr. Flora stated the petitioner ra�uested a variance to reduce the side yard
settz�ck fran the reqwred 25 feet to 17-1/2 feet to construct a 24 by 26
f-oot detachecl garage, with a drivciaay exit on 68th Avenue.
I��r. b`lora stated the point was brought up that, with a setback of only
17-1/2 feet, a large car parked in the drive[aay would extend into the
boulevard area or right-of-w«y. He stated the petitioner wished this
setl�ck ot 17-1/2 feet in order to line up the new c}�rage witYi his existing
hane and also so he woul�'t have to lose another large tree. Mr. Flora
stated the Appeals �mmission re�mmended the variance be apprwed to reduce
tYae setkz�ck to 20 feet, rather tY?an 17-1/2 feet. Councilrnan Goodspeed �
stated there is a 15 foot houl�ard on this street. He stated he felt it
makes sense to locate the garage in line with the existing hane. He stated
this is a residential street and d�cL�'t feel the road would ever be widened
to full nqht of way width.
Mr. Qureshi, Qty Nanager, stated 68th avenue is de:a.cyzated as a State aid
street and, if built to these standards, it would be wider than it is now.
He wanted the Council aaare if th� were to use State aid funds to improve
68th Avenue, the road would have to meet State aid standards. He stated the
present width is 30 feet and if it was irnprwed, it would eitl?er have to be
36 or 44 feet wade, depend�.ng if �rlsinq were allaaed on one side or both
sides of the street.
Mr. Anderson sulxnittec] a petition which he had circulated to ad7oining
neighbors across the street and behind his property. All of than indicated
the� had no ob� ection.
NDTiON 1� Q�uncilnara ScY�neider to receive the petition in favor of this
variance. Seconded by Councilman Fitz�atrick. Upon a voice vote, all
.,•.1� ��_ �r �. • �r� :���
voting aye, M�yor Nee declareci motion carried unammously.
NDTION 1� Counca.lman Goodspeed to grant the variance to reduce i:he s�.de yard
setback fran the re�u�.red 25 feet to 17-1/2 feet to allara oonstruciiora of a
se�nd accessory building to be in line with tYie existiny hcne. Seo�ndec? 1�
O�uncilman Schneider. Upon a voioe vote all voting aye, I�Hyor Nee declared
raotion carried unammously.
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Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this special use permit zs
requestad in order ta construct a 24 x 26 foot garage to the rear ef the
property at 6800 Oakely Street. He stated special use �ermit is required
£or a secand accessory building in a residential zone, Fe stated the
�etitioner has more than one vehicle and has a si.nqle stall c}�r�ge and needs
more s�orage space. He stated the existing attachecl garage would remain to
be used.
Mr. F7.ora stated the Plamm�g Conunission recommended approval with tlie
stapulations that a setbsck for the garage be at least 25 feet or a vananoe
obtained and that a hard surfaoe driveway be prwiclec� and a curb cut by t1�e
MJTIODI tr� Gouncilman Goodspeed to grant the request for speca.al use perniL-,
SP #85-02, to allaa oonstruction of a seoond accessory builc3�.ng, with the
stilxilation that a hard surfa� driveway be provined anU curb cuL- by i��e
C1iy. Seaonded Ix Oxmca.lman Fitz�trick. Upon a voice vo�e, al.l voting
aye, r�yor Nee declared the motion carried unammously.
Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated a conrrehensive si�n �Z7.an is
re�uired for arry lxulding witYi three or more imits. Ae stated a sign plan
has been received for properties at 750� Umvers:�ty Avenue wl�ich calls fcr
three si�s on the east portaon of the builcii.ngs visif�l.e frcm the Umver�ty
A�enue. He state� the glan meets all tYie ra�LUrEnents of ti�e �de.
NDTION l� d�uncilman Goodspeed to apprwe the si.c�n p? arr for proper�y at 7500
Universi.ty Aven� N.E. Se�nded 1� Cowxcilnan 5d�neider. Upon a voice vate,
all voting aye, NL�yor Nee declared the motion carned unammously.
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NDTTON l� Councilman Goodspeed to aci�pt Reso�ution No, 44-1985.
Seoonded Ix �uncilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor
Nee declared the motion caxned uamnously.
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Mr. Flora, Public Works I7irector, stated at the March 18 Council meeti�tg,
the Gounca.l ap�wed the splitting of a large �aroel into three residentlal
lots with frontaye on 67th Avenue. He stated the City has received the
surv�s and in ord2r for tY�en to be rewrded at the �unty, this resolution '
has to be ado�ed i� the Co�cil.
The petitaoner stated two xark fees are required and he would like to p�y
than at the time the builcli.ng permits are issued.
Mr. Qureshi, Cicy Nianager, stated this could be done, however, the
peta.tioner must realize if he doesn't yet the building permits this pear,
the �rk fee may change ne� ya�r. �e petitioner agreed to that chanye.
NDTZON ix Cotmcilman Goodspeed to adopt ReSOlution Pdo. 45-1985,
Seconc�d t� O�incilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye,
��iyor Nee dec7.ared the mation rarried unantmously.
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Mr. Flora, Rzblic Works Director, stated plans and speca.fications ha�e been
pre�red Lor the unprwsaent of PPississippi Street and U�uversity �venue
intersection. He statecl the Co�ty is glaiuv.ng the improvenent be done in
1986 and the Caty would be doing the northwest side of the intersection
im�rwanerst at this time,
Mr. Flora stated the HRA is work�.r_g wit.h the aanets of Holly Shopping Center
and a�].an has heeri acbpted to imprwe this intersection area. He stated
the im�rwenents require act�ert� s�.ng for bids for the neoessaxy landscaping, �
irrigation, and street liyhting along the boulevard areas and to the
entrance of tl�e Ferk�.ng lot.
Mr. Flora stated the assessmersts for these unprwanents would be �id for in
an arnotmt not to exceed $127,OD0 by the a,aners of Holly Shopping Center and
the l�lanae �id t�r the HRA.
Cbuncilman Schneider asked if the tenants in Holly Shopping Center were
aware of this agreenEnt. Ee stated the aaners of the shopping center are
apparently attempting to collect some fees from the tenants for the
imprwenents, �articulaly the sicyis. He stated some of the arglunents he has
heard is the landlord is getttng the imprwenents paid for by the HRA and
yet is trying to charce the tenartits for it, He felt it may make sense to
spell out speca.fically the HRA and the sho�.ng ceriter aaner's involv�nent
�o the tenants will know exactly what is happemny.
Mr. Qureshi, Cety Manager, stated there is an agreanent between the HRA and
the cwners ai the Holly Shopping Center and it is a public document. He
stateG the owners of the oenter have advised the City they have in�orrned
�� 1� W_�_ �. • ue _ .
i:Yieir tenants of the unprwanertts.
Councilman Schneider felt there should be better cnmmunication, as he ielt
these improvenents were a positive thing for the area, and it is taeing
turnecl aro�nzd to be negative.
rDTION � O�uncilman Fitz�trick to acbFt Resolution N0. 46-19II5. Seconded
� d�uncilman Schneic3er. Upon a voice vote, b'�yar Nee declarec� the motion
� carned unanimousl.y.
NDTTON l� O�unc�.lmaxi Fitz�trick to acbpt Resolution No, 47-19$5, Seconded
1� O�imcilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, al1 voting aye, P7ayor Nee
declareci the motton carried unammously.
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NDTIC�I b� Councilman Fitz�atra.ck to adopt Resal��tion No. 48-1985. Seconded
lx Councilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vot�, all voting aye, Mayor DTee
declared the motion carried unammously.
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Pir. F`lora, Public Works Director, stated bicis were o�er.ed on April 29, 1985
for the curbside recycling oontract and two bids were received. FIe statea
12 speca.ficataons had been ma�.led to designaLed haulers. Mr. Flora stated
tne tuds received were fran Beermann Sexvices and 50RT.
He stated Beermann would pick up on three Fridays ana SORT would use iour
� days per month on Tuescl�y artd Thursday for rhe rirst quarter and then �hree
days for the rana�.nder of the year.
Mr. F7.ora stated Beermann Services is an experienced hauler and is involved
with the �1�nneap�lis Recycling Program. He state� Beermann advocate r�nvuray
Lhe program for a one year period and then al:Lcxaing the Cztp to rebicl
another mntract, but would be wiLling to operate thia prograzn for two years
as identified in the specifications.
Mr. F`lora stated the rate subnitted 1� Beermann xs $833.33 per month and the
rate sutmitted iX SORT is $1,500 for the fir� iwo nontlzs and $1,200 f-or �:k�e
ranaining ten months.
I�Ir. F`ioxa stated staff would re�mmend the bid c"rom Beerrnann Services be
P�DTION rt� Councilman Schneider to receive ihe luds for curk.�side recycling.
`u �`�
�0 ��9
�� �� u�_ �t. ��. • U�, _ . • :
• •, n r i : u.
SUBSIDY/P+Y�N�3 $&33.33 0- 35%* $1500 lst 2 rnonths
(No chanc�e when �art�.cx�tion
r�te increases) $1200 renatmng 10
36 - 45� $1000
46°s - 0 -
* ParLi ci�t�.on Rate
2nd, 3 rd & 4th
Fnday s
2 (m�re if needed)
Z`rie�r would have an
c�n�la�ee in Fridl�.y
for misses. Bad
�,reather canoellations
would be picked up on
the follaaing Fnday.
clean rags
and arr� ]x�ttery
2DID & 3RD 7IJES1]i�Y &
P.tcked up same day iE put
out that day. In case oi
)xzd weather, sdledu7.e
would be mwed lx-tck a
Semnded 1� O�imcilm�n Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, P�Iayor
Nee cleelarec� the rnotion carried unammously.
N�TION by Councilman Schnelder to flnd Beermann 5ervices the most
responsi}�l.e b�.dder and award the contract to then for curbside recyclinq at
a oost of $833.33 per month with the option to rebid the oontract after one
year. Seconded t� ��ciiman FYtz�trick. Upon a voice vote, all voting
aye, M,ayor Nee declared the motion carried unammously.
O�unralnar� Schneider stated he has received copies of the proposed changes
in the waste ordinance and a new section identifies recycling containers as
��r bags or boxes. He questioned if a person would be in violation of the
orcttnance if thc� put arr� materiaLs that oould be rec,yeleci in a gari�ge ean.
He statecl �eis concern was if people did not wish to be invo"lved in the
recycling proyr� and put recyclables into the�.r r�r}z3ge cans, if the� woulc!
be violat�.ng the orcltnance.
Mr. Flora stated a res�.deilt's regul.ar gariz�ge service could still pick-up
recyclables piaced in th�r garbage cans if these people did not wish to be
�� 1�. 4i_ � \. � 41' �
irmolved in the rec.yc7.ing progra�n.
--��� �_ ; n ��t._ � ;• • • �.•S� � ;� �. ..�
Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated bids were received for faur 19H5
pro7 ects.
� He staten he has received a call frrn Burlington IJortYiern Railroad, as th�.r
�o�rty was ixraolved in the Water and Sanita� Se�rrez Pro� ect �#] 50 �iid tt�e
Street ]hiprwanent Pro�ect ST 1985, 1& 2, He stated Burlington Northern
has infornied hvn thEy are not sure thEy wish to proceed wiih these pro�ects.
Mr. Flora stated he would reoommend, therefore, the Lzids Lor the Water and
Sanitazy Sewer Pro�ect #150 and the Street Imprwenent Pro�ect ST 1585, 1&
2 be reoeived, but no ountracts be awarded at this tine untrl Burlington
Northexn notifies the City if the3 wi� to proceed.
Mr. Flora stated the oontracts for the Concxete Pave�ten� Jo1nti and Crack
Resealing Project and the mi.soellaneous O�ncrete Curb, Gutter and Szdew�].k:
Pto�ect could be awarded, as the Burlington Nortkiern property is noL
irivolved in these.
NDTION ry Councilnan Fitzpatrick to receive �he bids for the Water and
Samtaxy Seaer Pro�ect #150.
orf el and Sons, inc.
P.p. Sox 16358
St. Paul, NN 55116-0358
Cxossing Inc.
P, o. Bo�; ln
Prior Lake, NN 55372
Pmerican O�ntracting
11661 Eagle St. N.W. Cbrp.
Coon Rapids, I�I 55433
id & M Se�aer and Water Inc.
3508 �elden Drive
i�.nneapolis, NN 55418
F. F. Jedl. ickl
14203 W. 62nd Street
Eden Prai.rie, NN 55344
Sarah Contracting
80 Fast Little Canada Road
St. Paul, NN 55117
O & P Contracting
Box 506
Osseo, M�1 55369
� :• �
U. S. Fi.deliy
(�pi to1 Indenuu ty
C��utol Indenuv.ty
Uni.ted Pacific
Central Nat�onal
Central National
1 L _�
N.1y ul_?� ._ �. • yr, , . .
A� Inc.
797 F�xymond Avenue
St, Paul, riN 55114
Spencer (bnstruction
67Ci1-79th Avenue North
Srooklyn Park, h'N 55445
Great Pmerican
Tnsuranoe Co.
U. S. FYdelity
Burschv�lle Construction, Inc. 50
Rox 167 Capi tol Tndemrv. ty
Loretto, PN 55357
Northdale (bnstructian �. 7nc. 5%
14450 Northdale Blvd. Lunbernian's Mutual
Rogers, NN 55374
�annel O�nstr ucti on
Route 2 ]3ox 53
Isle, Nf7 56342
Hydre*-Con Inc.
Box 129
North Brand-,, PN 55056
Hayes Contractors Inc.
1D10 Currie A�enue
M�.nneapolis, NN 55403
Bomne Excavating, Inc.
12636 Main Street
Inland Tnsuran�
Umtea FYre
and Casuality
Vdausau Insurance
Capitol Inclermuty
Se�nded b� O�uncilman Sc�uZeider. Upon a voice vote, a11 votinc� aye, Mayor
Nee declared the motion carried uaramously.
� , � � i� •��_ � •� • • t�:'� �. •��N�!��M_ •. `�1;_� �•�.��_ut��.
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l�TION b� Cauncilman E'itz�atrick to receive the Luds for Street improvement
Pro�ect ST 1985 - 1& 2.
H & S Asphalt
7Q0 Tndustry Avenue
Anok�, NN 55303
Fardrives Tnc.
7200 Henl.ock Lane
Maple Grwe, NN 55�69
Alber (bnstruction Inc.
4901 Dd. N�cliciee Lake Dr.
Plymouth, NN 55441
c�tpi tal Indeirtnity
Lianberman's Mutual
Fi.delity Depos�.t
Secunded 1� (bunciirnari Schneider. U�on a voice vote, all voting aye, Nfayor
Nee declared tYae motlon carned unarumously.
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NDTION ]x Cbtmcilman F�.tzFatrick to receive i-he ku.ds for the 1985 Concrete
Pavenent Joint and Crack Resealing Pro7ect,
Aro�n Gonstruction Co.
P.O. Box 57
Nbra, NN 55051
Palda and Sons
1462 Dayton Avenue
St. Paul, NN 55112
D.H, Blattner
1 South Wal� sha
Nova Island
St. Paul, NN 55107
Hic�way Services, Inc.
21925 Tndustrial Blvd.
P.O. Eox 65
P.ogers, NN 55374
O�ncrete Curt O�.
771 Ladybird Lane
Burnsville, M�I 55337
Gannon Qonstruction Inc.
Box 44
NI�ngo, IA 50168
Great Lakes Contracting Gorp.
P.O. BoX 96
Suanim, WT 54173
P.N.L, inc.
P.O. Iiox 665
Hastings, NN 55033
Allstate Paving, Inc.
7200 Hanlock Lane N.
Maple Grc�e, NN 55369
Forlx O�ntracting Tnc.
P. O. Sox 211
Route 3/Hinckle�, M�i 55D37
Wausau Tns.
U.S. Eti.delity
F�erless 7ns.
Pm. Hane Ins.
Great Am. Ins.
Capitol Tnd.
Ltxnbermar;' s
Wausau Ins,
Seoonded 1� O�wzca.lman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, M.ayor
Nee declared the motion carned unanimously.
[+�TION by Councilman Schneider to award the bid for the 1985 Concrete
Pavanent Joint and Crack Resealing Project to ttie lcx�est res�nsi.Yi�.e b�.dder,
Arwn Construction, Ina in the amount of $24,450. Seconded by Councilman
Fitz�atrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the
motion carried unammously.
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MpTION by Councilman Fitz�.� trick to receive the bids for the 1985
Nhscellarceous Concrete Curb, Gutter and Sidewalk Pro�ect.
Halvorson Construction Co.
4227 165th A�enue N.F.
Anol� , NN 5530A
G�idereon Bros.
2325 Snellu�g Avenue
Mtnneapoll�. CTi 55404
Wncrete Curb Co,
771 Laaykzi.rd Lane
Burnsv�.11e, NN 55337
Boda Construction
11260 Buchar�an Rd. N. E.
Nunnea�.rolis, NN 55434
5% Umted Fire
& Casualty �,
5% Cap�.tol
Indernnity Q�rp.
5 o Dependakzl e
Insurance Co.
5% Central
Nati onal Ins. O�,
of Cknaha
Seconded b3 �oracilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor
I3ee declared the motion carried uani.mously.
DDTIOid }x Cnuncilman Gooaspeed to awarc7 the b�.d for the 1985 Mi.scellaneous
Concrete Curb, Gutter and Sicle�aalk Pro�ect to the laae�t responsikxle bidder,
Cbncrete Curb Cor��r_Ty ir. the amount of $28,650. Seconded by Councilman
Fitz�'atrick. iJpon a voice vote, al.l voting aye, Mayor Nee declarecz motion
carnec; unammously.
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NDTIOIV 1� Cbuncllman Fitzp3trick to cx�ncur with the follaaing appointmerxt Ix
lhe City Nunager:
Starting Start�.ng
Nane Fbs�.tion Sala� Date I�e�aces
Rim Herrniann DTaintenanoe I $8.14 April 22, Dona3.d Carri��+aii
Pub. Wlcs. Nhint. F�r Hour 1985
Seconded {� d��cilmasa Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye. Mayor
Nee declared the motion carried unani.mously.
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Mr. Flora, Fublic Works Director, stated a pukil.ic heanng will be held May
7, 1985 at 7:30 p.r�. at the Ci.ty Hall reoardi.ng the creosote cl�nup on the
Onan s�.te,
Mr, Flora statec� the plan calls for construction of a slurry wail
c�ontairment systen, placernent on wntairment soils excavated fran the site
within this welled vault, a subsurfac� drair�ae systa�l including an outlet
to tYie samtaxy sewer intercegtor, and site restorati.on.
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Mr. Flora bridly re�iewec] the plan for bringxng mntaminated materials to
the vault dug on the west �.rort�on of the Onan property which wL11 be wverecl
and capped. He stated the idea is there woula k�e no water �enetrating irom
the top or stdes so there would be no wntamination aoiny into the around
water. He stated when the work is completed, ail contariinated materials
would be oontained in a vault type structure. Mr. Flora stated work shoul�
begin this morith.
� Cotmcilman Schneider asked if there were arry risks to the water supply. Mr.
Flora stated he dich�'t believe it would produce a worse situata.on and wells
would be located to monitor aro�d the property.
NDTIOid Ix d�unca.lman Schneider to receive the �ntairrnent cleanup plai� for
the Onan property and approve the construction trailer permits for this
cleanup. Seoonded b� Wimcilman Fitzp�trick. U�.ron a voioe vote, all voting
aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried uarn.mously.
21. LICE�7SE5:
�imcilnan Schneider stated he felt rome of the ��mkyards sta.11 need to make
imprwenents. Mr. Flora stated staff has been warking with tY�ai in order to
bring than into wmpliance with the oode.
��cilman Schneider asked these licenses l� tzeld for several weeks to alloa
staff time to obtai.n im�wanent in the o�rat�.ons.
NDTION 1� Counca.lman Schneider to apprare the license as sukmittec� and as en
file in �e Lioense CLerk's Office, with the exception oi i:he �unk yard
iicenses. Seoonded Ix O�uncilman F'itz�trick. Up�n voice vote, a11 �oting
aye, L�yor Nee declared the motion carried unarnnously.
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NDTION ix �uncilman Fitz�atrick to apprwe the estimates as sulznitted.
� fIerrick & N�aman, P.A.
6279 Umversity A�enue N. E.
Fridlc-�, M�.nnesota 55432
For Sexvi�s Rendered as C.ity ALtorzaey
for the month of I�rch, 1985 $3,852.50
Seaonded !x Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vete, all �oting aye. Mayox
Nee declated the mot�.on carned uamnously.
23. c�r�s:
NDTION }X Councilman Goodspeed to autharize �yment oL- Claims No. 2260
thraugh 2380. Se�nded b� Cotmcilmar7 FYtz�tricl,. Upon a voice vote, all
voting aye, NL�yor Nee declared the motion carzic� uanimously.
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6��cilmari Schneider stated this itan was to be a�ns�.r]ered fx the C,ouncil on
i�iay 20, 1985, haacrer, he has a business commitunent and would be out oE
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tavn for tl�is meeting. He stateci he would propose thc� consider this item
at the June 3 meeting. rather than May 20, as he would like to be present
when action is taken.
�uncilman Schneider stated if this date is changed, he wished stafi to
notiiy the med�.a and Coimty and interested �rties reyarding the chanqe in
'rhe date.
NDTION I� Co�mcalman FitzFatrick to continue the cl�te for action on the Rule �
36 Re�dential h�ntal Health F'aca.lity until June 3, 1985 ana for staf-i to
provic7` notice to interested �rties. Seconded by Counc.tlman Goodspeed.
Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried
�uncilman Schneider asked if thEre would be arry lega]. �okx].en with changing
the date.
Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, stated staff should go through the minutes o£
the hearing and send notices to persan who were at this hearing. He felt,
haa�Er, this iten shoul.d appear on the Coimcil' s Nfay 20 , 1985 ayenda and
then oantinued to June 3, 1985.
�� • �S ui�,
MOTIGN by Councilman Fitz�trick ta ad�ourn the meeting. Seconded by
Cnuncalman Gooc7speed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared
the motiori carried unanirnously and regular meeting of the Fridley City
Co�c,il of May 6, 1985 aazjourned at 9:08 p.m.
P,espectfully sula�utted,
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Carale Haddad
Secrectazy to the Ca.ty Coimcil
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