05/20/1985 - 00011940���
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The Regular meetiny of the Fridle� C�.ty Cowicil was calied to order at 7:35
p. m. 1� Mayor Nee.
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f�yor Nee led the Council and aud�ence in the Pledae of Al7egiance to tl�e
Fl ag.
MENBIIZS A2ESFNT: Mayor Nee, O�uncilman Gooc7speed, d�unca.ln�n
Fitz�tnck and CoLmcilman Barnette
I�D'BII�S PBSFNT: Cowicilman Schneider
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Nl�yor Nee statec3 he has issued a proclamation proc;l�ming the week of I�",ay 19
through 25 as Nat�.onal Public Works Week. He stated it is the Councii's
des�re to give rew�it�.on to the marr3 ind�.vicluals wl7o worK for the City and
other public �urisdictions to prwide needec7 puYzl.zc servic�s, c;uite often ie
periods of bad w�ther and on s�rne occas�.ons under a�nsiderable �tress.
blayor Nee stated the �uncil wants to make sure the public works personnEl
knaa the Council is appreca.at�ve of the�.r work.
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� P70TION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to approvE the ninutes as presentec7.
Se�nded 1� Co�mca.lman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayar
Nee declared the motion carned unaru.mously
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NDTTON 1� �uncilman Barnette to apprwe the minutes as presente�. Sewnded
b� Coimcilman Fitz�trick. U�on a voice vote, all vating aye, Maycr Nee
declared the motion carned unammously.
NDTION f� (buncxlman F7.tz�trick to adoFt tt=_e agenda as sukmittecl, Secondec;
1� O�uncilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Nr�yor Nee
declared the motion carried unammously.
Ms. Irene Vasculca, 5427 4th Street, stated she felt WCCO television
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presented a very biased filn regarcung the proposed Rule 36 mental health
fa�lzty. She statec, it was very one sic'�d in favor of this facility and in
the area where this facality is proposed to be locateci, they did not shaa
the c�netery. She stat�d other property in the area was shawn and statec7
she di�'t feel mentally �11 �ZO1ale wou].d like looking at a c�etery.
[�is. Vascuka stated shQ felt NHyor Nee shauld contact WCOJ to have th�n cone
out te �e tY:at there is a oemetexy located in this area.
T�',ayor Nee stated he mizic� oontact than, but chch�'t feel they would retract
ariy �f the�.r �esentation.
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NDTTON ]� Cbw�cilmai? Barnette to waive the reading of the public hearing
not�.ce and open the publac hearirg. Seconded by Councilman Fitzp�trick.
Upon a voic� vote, all vot�.ng aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried
unammously and the publ�.r hearing o�ened at 7:47 p.m.
Mr. Irnnan, City C7.erk, statec� Lhis proposed pro�ect would consist of a
75,0�0 s�uaxe foot ac�dita.on to be leaseu� for manuEacturing, machini.ng, and
prooessing at tYie present Strite-Anderson facility at 7585 Viron Road. He
stated tYze pro�ect calls for the issuance of $1,D00,000 in industrial
developnent rc�enue ]x�nds. He stated, with this addition, 50 new �obs would
be created with an annua7. �yroll of $1,000,000 and an ircrease in tl�E tax
Ix1se for the City.
Mr. Trrnan stat� First Bank of Southdale has revi�aed this pro�sal and have
indicated thEy are in favor, He stated staff has re�iewed the glans and it
rneets the crrteria for industrial revenue financing and would, therefore,
remmmend appraval.
NDTION ba Councilmax! Fitzpatrick to receiVe the letter from Gene Cross,
Assistant Vice President of the EYrst Bank of Southdale, in wkv.c� the3 speak
in favor or thas pro�ect. Se�nded 1� Councilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice
vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion rarried unammously.
Mr. I�1 IIlanchard, Cha.eE Fa,ecutzve OPficer for Strite-Ander:�n stated the
com�r.y mo�c-�c7 here in 1966 and since tY�at time their builcl�.ng has graan fran
4C1,�00 ���re feet to 75,Q00 s3uare feet, He stated they are proposing to
e�.pand to aouble the s�ce naa avatlab].e.
M.r. Blanchard stated the oomg�rr� has some 80 custorners which gives them a
broad range oi different oonsuner products. He stated Strite-Anderson has
never had a wetback, �s far as ewn�nics is ooncerned, and felt it was due
to thsir key asset wYaich is tY!eir anplv�ees. He stated the company is the
first to have wcmen running die cast machines and the first w�nan plant
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Mr. Blanc�ard stated thEy are a�mique a�n�ry as they Ix�e ria narketing and
no saies representatsves in tne field, He stated t17ey receive custaners
through thea.r aan reoo�iti.on. He stateix tk;c� have been delivering products
to ]Bb? for two years without arr3 re� ects and ha�e received a Veriaor of the
Year t�aard fran IBM. Mr. Blanchard statea Strite-F,nderson delivers ,uali'r_y
merchanc,�.se in a mimmtvn �nount of ttme.
� Nir. Blanchard stated, with the�.r pro�osed adr77.tiori, th�r plan to l�se s�ce
to satellite vendars wha are specialists xn their field. He statea
Mtnneapolis Engineering would be one of itie vendors and these c�rnpanies
would be cbing the enyineering and Strite-finderson the die castina. Mr,
Blancriard stated he felt Fridle� is a good L�l�ce to work and thrive. He
stated the states of Nebraska, South Ba]€ota, and North Dakota Y3ave al1
visited their plant seeki.ng heavy industry in �xe high tech area for their
states. He stated 5triLe-Anderson likes NLnnesota, haaever, he woiil d like
to see some changes in the workmen's arm�ensat�on lz�rs. FIe statecl tYte� have
no intent to change wi`iere t1�e� are frcm or u�here the� are goii�g.
P4ayor Nee stated he felt bringing in the �tellzte �np�n� es was a n�rvelcus
No other persons in the aud�.ence spoke rec��arciing the pro�osecl issuance of
t;hese industrial develognent rc�enue boncis.
M)`PION 1� Councilman FitzXatrick to close the public he�-�ring. Seconded by
Councilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, I�ayor Nee aeclared
the mot�.on carried unammously and the pul�lic h�rzng clased at 7:5II p,m.
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I�DTION l� �imcilman Gooclspeed to continue this item to the Juze 3, 1985
meeti.ng and notify, lx mat.l, interested �arties. Sewncled by Coiuzc�Imas?
Sarnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee decLared the motion
carried unammously.
I�.s. P'laryaret Otten, 5311 4th Stxeet, stateG she w�ll 1� �able to atterrd the
Jime 3 meeting so wished to make sone conunents regarc'a.ng this �roposecl
rnental health fac�.lity.
Ms. Otten re�uested t'tie Coimcil take inta wnsideration interpretation oP
exemptions from the Human Riyhts Act, Article 12 oi tkie MinnesoL�
Constitution, and Amendnent 9 of the U. S. �nstitutrion, which �ie reacd. She
stated unless the words mean something otYSer tY?an what she nas read, it
appears all �exsons are a�ua]..
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Mx, Qtten statea tlie pzogl.e ln this residential area claim their right not
to have an industrial mectical facility �l.aced in their neighborhood. She
stated thEy ob�ect to arry industry in the�.r residential area. Slie stated
the mentally i7.1 alrearXy have the right to live here or they can go to a
treatrnent faca.lity. She statecl the� do not have the n�t to de�nand their
aan industrial rnecti.cal fac�.lity in a res�.dential area where residents oppose
at. She stated this facil2ty could be located in an industrial or
co< <ercaal area, as iheir raeicy�borhood doesn't want to become an industriaL �
Ms. Otten stated the ques'cion was asked if- property values would go down if
tYiis facil2ty is located ir. the residential area. She cited a case in
Greenaich, �nnecticut where this has occured.
P9s. Otten askecl the local officials �to defend then and their nght to
preserve t�.e�.r resici�ntiaL area.
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�9r. Flora, Public Works Director, stated the Counu�l received these bids at
the last meeti.ng, but the mntract was not awarded pending notification kr3
BurlingtorrPdorthern Railroad whether th� wished to proceed.
b�r. F`lara statecl Burlinr�ton Northerr? has decided to prooeed with the pro�ect
and staff would reo�mmend the {nd be awarded to the laa bidder, Hydro-Con,
r_nc, in the �nourzt oE $123,456.78.
hDTION 1� Cb�sxcilmari F�.tz�atrick to award the contract to the laa bidder,
f?yclro-Corz, Inc. in the �nount af $123,456.78 for Water anc� Sewer Pro�ect
,�150. Seoonded Lr� �imcalman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye,
I�ayor Nee declared the motton carrieol unammously.
MR�'ING QF MAY 6. 19851 :
Mr. Fiora, Public Works Direct.or, stated the O�imca.l received these bicis at
r.he last neeting, but c1�.d not award the contract pending notification 17y
BuriingtorrlVorthen? Railroad whetl�er thc� wzshed to proeeed. He statecl the
rulroad has responaed and th� wish to �roceed with the pro�ect
He stated staff would reoommenc� the aontract be awarded to the lo„� bidder,
H F.S Asphait in the amount of $337�565.25.
Ni�TTON by Councilman Barnette to awarc3 the bid for Street Tnprovenent
Pro�ect ST 1985 - 1� 2 to H& S Asphalt, ina in the a�nount of $337,565.2.5.
Sewnded b3 Councilmar! Pitz�trick. Upon a voice vote, all voLinq aye,
Mayor Nee declar�d the mot�.on carried unanirnously.
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MQTION by Councilmasi Goodspeed to waive the reading and a�prove the
ordinan� upon first read�.ng. Seoonded 1� Councilman Fitz�trick. Upon a
voice vote, al.l voting aye, Mayor Plee declared the rnotion carried
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NDTTON 1� Cowicilman Fi.tz�atrick to set the �uhlic hearu:g on tnis plat fcr
JwZe 3, 1985. Semnded L� Cotmcilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all
vota.ng aye, Nhyor Nee declared the motion carried unamrnously.
NDTTON b� Counctlman Fitz�trick to recElve this proposecl amenc�nenL fox
rc�iew. Semnded lx Coimca.lman Goodspeed. U�on a voice vote, all votinq
aye, NJayor Nee declared the motion carned unammousty.
Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated a sign plan for this site a:>
reqw.red k� the ordinance. He stated a�lan wzs received fer the bu31d� ngs
at 7570 Highway #65 and this does sati.sEy the c�.ty �de.
Mr. Flora stated it is reaommended the s�cy? plan for this site be appraved.
� NDTTON la� C:ouncilman Barnette to apprwe d�e slyr? gLan L-or 7570 Higi�wa�� �65
N.E. Se�nded lx Councilman EYtz�trick. Ugon a voice vote, a11 votinc;
aye, NY�yor Nee declared the motion carried unarli.mous:Ly.
CODE BV , TNG C�IAr'PER 214 ENi'TTT. nST I,7 "; --
PDTION Ix Co�mcilrnan Barnette to receive tr!is �roposed amenc�nent for reviEw.
Sewnded t� cb�mca.lman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all aotinc� aye, M,ayor
Nee declared the motton carried unammou:�y.
NDTIOI� L� Councilman Fitzpatrick to receivc- thls proposed am�nc3nenr ior
reaiew. Seoonded l�� Councilman Goodspeed. Up�n a voice vote, all �io�irig
aye, P1�yor Nee declared the motion carn c-�cl unammously.
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NI�TION by Councilman Goodspeed to receive this proposed amencYnent for
reaiew. Seaonded ty Councilman F7.tz�trick. Upon a voice vote, all votitig �
aye, NL�yor Nee declared the mota.an carric-�d unammously.
6-G. CONSIDERATTON OF TTEM FRONi `�E OO nrrmiTmv DE�7� nprrtFTrr � T ON
MC. F7.ora, Public Works Director, stated that at tkae Community �,evelognent
Corcunission P'Ieet,ting on April 9, representatives from Blue Bell Ice Cream
Cangz�r�y were present to request a change in the City's mise orcl�.nance whtch
wo�!l.d permit then to ring the bell on their vendtng trucks while they are
�ellang ice cream.
Mr. Flora statea the Cbitmi�mity I)evetognent Cw[unission recommended, trirouqh
tkie Planning Commission, that the City consider a change in the noise
ord�.nance wtuch would allaa Blue Bell ta operate using this bel.l and to g�.ve
than an axception to operate tYus suiuner Lmtil such ti.me as the ordtnance is
l�s. Flora stated wnc.ern ha� been vo.tced ix tk�e Public Safety Director in
allaaing thea to operate this hell before the ordinanoe is changed.
Mr. Herrick, (S.ty Attorney, statc�7 several years ago residents c:ame to the
Council askiny for contxol over this type of operation as there was a
mncern about satety.
Mr. Giern Baron, repres�nting Blue Bell Ice Cream Ckmi�ar_y, statec� they would �
like the ordir�ance chanyed so thEy coul.d operate the bell on their trucks.
He stated th� have been successful in other oonuttunittes, in terms af :�afety
and noise, and have had very few problans.
Mayor Nee stated the�r could operate their trucks, haaever, the question is
if tYiey� coulr3 use the bell.
Cbuncilman Barnette asked if thEy had other oompetition in the conmunities
where they are o�:rating. D7r. Baran stated occassionally they have
cotnpetition, but mostly thc� operate on their aan. He stated thEy operated
in Frid] c� last siar¢ner wzthout la-iowledge of the noise ord�.nance.
Councilman Barnette questioned the G.ty's liability if they are allcwaed to
operate before a change in the ordinance and there would be an incident
where �neone was in7 ured.
Mr. Herrick stated he would share the same concern in not enforciny the
ord�.nance as the Rzblic Safety Director. He statec� he would recom�nend the
Co�mca.l schedule a p��lic hearzr�g and, if they so desired, could have a
N 1�M . 4L� l. •. 4: 1
first read�.ng for a change in tl�e orch.nance at the same rneeting. He stated,
in this way, the Council coul.d determine zf there axe any significant
o}�j ections.
NDTION lx Coimcilman Barnette to set trie public hearzng for June 3, 1985 co
oonstder a proposed change in the noise orc�ir�ance w'_vch wovld allaa vendo�s
to ring bells on their vending trucks anc] thaL a drait be sulxnitted ai ti�e
�nenctnent. Se�nded by Cauncilman Fitz�trzck. Upon a voice vote, a7,1
� voting aye, NHyor Nee declared the motion CdYT1E'CZ unamrnously.
Mr, Flora, Public Works Director, stated tne Appeals Conunission had a
ooncern tfiat the ordinance governing the maxin�mr s�.ze oz garac�es in R-1
di�ricts may be too restrictive. He stated tYie Commission fel z f�ily size
is cbwn and peogle are r�w purchasing more recreat�.onal a�w.pnent and larger
garages are becoming more common. The commission asked the Cauncii tc
address the question if thc� want to restrzct tlze �ze or a garac,e to 1,000
s�uare ieet and also restrick it to the size of the house.
l�ir. Qureshi, City Manager, stated the Council adopted this restrictian
several y�rs ago when a situation arose where there was a snall har�e ar_d
someone wished to build a large accessoxy buiic�i.ng. He scated this seeas �o
be worlung well and there is a variance ��rocedure provided so each case
muld be considered on its aan merits.
d�unca.lnian Fitzp�trick stated triis restric�l�n didn't happen by acczdent,
but was inte�ional.
� Cbuncilman Goods�eed stated people are now i�avirfg sn�aller homes, however,
tY�e� needmore storaye space and axe applyzr_g for variances to give them
additional s�oe.
[vlr, Byrne, the peti.tioner for the variance, stateu� he felt each variance
rEquest is different. He stated he does have a problem with his exzsting
garage as it is built lower than street level and water draii�s into the
garage. He stated this woul.d be corrected witl� the construction oi ��he
addtition to the garage. He felt this imprwanent wau7.cl make the house lool�
large and more aesthetically pla3sing.
NDTTON 1� Councilman Goodspeed to apprc7ve the variance rs�uest to allc�w tile
total of the accessory buildings to be 1,000 s�uare feet, with a c�aellir_a, of
900 s�uare feet, an excess of 100 s�uase feet, to allaw construction o� a
gaxage additian and breezetaay at 6020 4th Street N.E. Seconded by
Councilman Fitz�trick. Upon a voice vote, all voting ayE, P�layor N�e
declared the motion carried unammously.
I�yor Nee stated unless someone wished to discuss a proposed change i��rcher,
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the� would leave the ordinance as is, s�.nce there is a variance procedure.
APRTL 23 198 - V11R7I�7 F RIDU UARE F��'�'A('E FOR DOUBL
Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, Stateci this is a request for variances to �
reduce the s�uare footage for a cbub].e bunc�l.aa fran 10.000 to 9,416; reciui;e
the sicle yard setlxZCk on a oarner lot rran 17 1/2 to 5 feet; and to reauce
tYae front yard setback or a portion of the front yard (south side) from 35
to 11 1/2 feet in order to al�ow construction oP a double bunyalow at
5536-5538 7th Street.
Mr. Flora stateci this �rcel of property is difficult to build on because a
�artion was taken for freeway ric�t of-way. He stated the aaner intends to
bwlcl a cbuble bungalaw for his aan use with a zero lot line potent�.aL. Mr.
Flora stated the Planning Conunission remmmended apprwal of the variances.
r�TION by Councilman Goodspeed to approve the variances to reduce the
re�uir� squ�re footage f�r a cbuble iwnc�laa from 10,000 to 9,416 square
feet; to rec�uce rhe s�.de yard setla�ck on a crorner lot fran 17 1/2 to 5 feet;
and to reduce the front yzr� setback or a porcion of the front yard �south
Nic�e) frcm 35 to 11 1/2 feet to a11cNr conscruetion of a double Uungalow at
5536-II8 7th Street. Seoonded b� �imcalman Fitz�trick. Upon a voice vote,
all voting aye, I�7ayor Nee declared the motion carried unammously.
1�TTON by Councilman Barnette to receive the minutes of the Plann3ng
Commission N�eti.ng of [�ay 8, 1985. Seconded by Councilman Fitz�trick.
[l�on a voice vote, a11 vata.ng aye. [�7ayor D3ee declared the motion carried
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Mr. F`lora, PubJ.�c works Director, state� last June the Council approved a
specaal use permit for Woodcrest Baptist ChurcYi for an addition to their
builcv.ng. He stated one of the stipulations of this spera.al use permit was
that the new mnstruction w�s to be set la�ck 60 feet fran the east �roperty
P'�. Eiora stated, because of an existing samtary sewer line which runs
across the aorner of tne lot arid located c�irectly belaa the corner of the
build�.ng, it be�mes a�ralalan har� to construct the oorner of the building.
He stated if tYae buiZc�ing is mwed farther east, the depth of the footings
and relzted �scs are reduced, therefore, the cY�urch has requested they be
allaaed a 40 foot rather than a 60 foot sett�ack fxan the �st property line.
Councilman Goodspeed questioned the zoninq and asked if- churche� are
raorn�ally located tn R-1 and R-3 areas. Mr. Qureshi stated it was qui.te
comrnon for churches to be in res�.dential areas.
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i�ir. Eric Gunloqson, 430 Rtce Creek Blvd., sukxniti.ed a retition w.izch
requested this matter be tabled so res�.dents of the ne�ahborriood und
representata.ves of the church can discuss this �.�ohle�.
MOTI�N by Councilman Barnette to r�ce3We tizis �etition. Seconded by
Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, a1i voting aye. Mayor Nee
declared the motion carriecl unammausl.y.
� Mr. Dave Roda}xlugh, Btailding Chatrman for tiJooc�crest Baptist Churcla, stated
thEy are requesting the bw.lding be wnstrucl-ed 40 =eet from the east line
property line. He stated the reason for this is increased constructioi�
oosi.s if thEy r�ed to oonstruct the builc�ing 60 Feet f-rani the east property
li�. He stated also the soil on top or" the sanit��ry sewer iine woula
rs;uire qw.te a b�.t of work and if the� consl-xuct clase to the sewer iir�e,
aibrai:i.ons frcm the type of eqw.gnent th�y need to use miqht danage tka�
ex�.s�ng line.
Mr. Rodakaugh stated the d7urch's architect and soils engineer were �resent
to ansaer an� questions.
Mr. Quentin, Freeburg, 301 Rice Creek Terrace, stated he is a member of
Woodcrest Baptist Church and has two children attenda.ng the schoal. He
stated he supported the neoessity of movirng the praposed building back and
indicated it would be a great financial ex�ense Lo construc� ti7e buzid�nG
with a 60 foot sethack.
Ni3yor Nee stated he was contacted I� a resxdent in the area wY�o statec! they
had not received notice oE this proposeU cl7ange. Mr, Flora statea a sFecial
mailing was sent out several weeks ago.
Mr. (iiarles Johansan, 424 Ri� Creek Blvd. � asked iL- chey are build� r_g a
enurci� or a�mnasiun and questioned if a clym is allocaed in ar! fi-1 zone. He
� stated his defimtion of dlurc� is different than a gymriasiun.
Mr. Johnson stated he originally sold this land for the church and you new
have a church with noisy little kids in scnool and plans Lo add a gyni
creati.ng even more noise.
EIr. Flora stated there is a simi7.ar s�.tuaYion at P.edeemer Lutheran Church
where the� added a gym onto the churdl.
Mrs. Bev Eberharc�, 436 Rice Creek Blvd., stated Rede�ner Lutkzeran CYiurct� i��
locatea away frQn other hanes and in the c�ncer of a lalock.
Mr. Dean Eberhard, 436 Rtoe Creek Blvd., w�°tatec his property is one oP tne
two nost affected 1� the addition of this bu�lding. He state� l�st yeax
nesr3 people were irn�olved in meet�ngs with the cYiurch and an agreeraent was
readled to wh�.ch eaexyone was reoonciled. He stateca a 60 ioot setback was
agreed upon and appealed to the c�-iurc� and Counail to uphold this agreenenL.
Mr. E�erhard stated the ex�.stence of th,�s sani.tary seaer izne was knaan l�s-t.
July and felt it probably should have been c3�.scussed at that time.
� ,,
� ����
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�uricilmarx Barr�ette stated Dave Rodala�ugh oontacted hun in March regarding
this problen and he urnnedi.ately contacted res�.dents in the area.
Nir. Radakz3ugii stated wtierd th� c�i,soovered this line, thc� worked to see wYlat
wo�il.d be trie shortest clisEanc� they oould mwe their proposed building.
He stated thc-y wuld have approached the residents earlier, but he didr't
have arr� ansvers �zd he kn�a thEy would want answers to their questions.
He stated wer $10,000 was spent in tryang to obL-ain these answers so they �
woulc�4t't have to request the 6u21c3�.ng be set kack further to tYee east. Pe
statea he met with Caun�iman Barnette and asked him to ir�orm the residents
of tt?e�.r problat2s.
Mr. Fsic Gunlogson, 430 R� ce Creek Blvd. , asked if the City reviciaed tlze
f.easibility af mwing the samtary sewer line. Mr. Flora statec] they had
Nir. G�mloason stated when you look at the size of the proposed building,
mwinG the structure an additional 20 feet east is a lot of s�ace. FIe
stated right now thEy have an open view of the creek and if- the bu.tld�ng is
constructed 40 ieet, rather tYian 60 =eet, from the east property line, it
means a,uite a c17.fference in their viaa. He felt it affects the val.ue of his
property and is a real concern. He stated he would like the church to
reconsider their positiora and spend the additional money to r,ieet the
stipulations agreed upon last suiuner.
P7r. Gunlogsan stated he also felt there should have been an opportunity for
residents to cli.scuss this with the rnurch before it went to the Counca.l.
Cpuncilman BarneLte asked aE there has been any futher oomrnunicat�.on with
the Cberhard's and Gunlogson's l� the church re�iresentat�.vee.
Mr. Fadakt�ugh sL-ated he met with the Eberhard' s last week and atte�tipted to
oontact then be£ore tYie letters werE sent out, but was imable to do so. �
Cotmc,Llman Goodspeed asked if thare wouLd be a living unit in the proposed
ac�l�.tton. Mr. l�dala�ugh stated this would be a multi-pu�:Xnse lxuld�.ag to be
used £cr volle��tr�ll, }a�sketball, etc, and there would also be a living unit
to house their c�iangelists when thc� are in this area.
Mr. Rod3Yx�ugh stated that the building is constructed 60 feet fran the east
property line, the estir��ates for thzs excavation and these extra deep
foot�.nys ie. $50,000 and if the builcZi.ng can be moved 20 feet to the east,
the �st would be about $25,000.
rlrs. Eev Eberhard stateci tt�e s�.ze of tile c�m �72 ft. long by 30 ft, high)
looks huge in oom�arison to the size of the land on which zt wi11 be
located. She stated the addit�.on would oome right up to their Yaack yarci.
Mrs. Ei�erhard scated th� would never see the light of day again ii this
buildtng is a�nskructed nor w�].1 the Guril.ogson's because they are already
hlocked ir 1� thE school. She stated size realizes it will oost the cnurch a
lr�t to put in a retaining wall, but they will suifer a loss if this is
•�.i� �_�_ _�. � u._ - � ' �
Pir. I�datz�ugh stated the Eberhaed's lot is about 12 feet higher tllara the
church's existing builr]ing. He also state� if t�iey dig that dee� for
foot�nys, the� cbn't knaa what prohlans tY!� rnay run into with tize weter.
P7r. Bob Eisenberg, soils engi.neer for Wooc�crest Baptist Church, s�tatEC3 soil
� borings were taken on two different occa�.ons. He stateci they encounterec�
a substantial amotmt of f�.].1 werlayed b�r a sanc}� material and acZded to that
was a sanc� clay matenal. He stated the question about the dewatering is
really two �hased. He stated there w�.11 be some dewatering xea,w red, but
the �nourit is tmdetermined until they get into the siLUation. He statec�
,ediment would have to be ranoved before the water goes Yz�ck into luce Cleek
and some secti.mentation pond would prolxzbly Ue r�u.ired.
He stated if the build�.ng was plaoed five feet fran the samtaxy sewer l�ne,
and if this 11ne had to be repaired, it is his opinion that it woi.LLc� be
impractical, oost ineffective and nearly in�x�ossible to do. He statea tne
footings have to go s�.x to eight feet belaa the pipe elevation so you are
talking a}�out a watl 34 feet deep and a base width of 15 to 17 feet, He
stated that oost would be extraord�.nazy arid mwing the �ipe would actually
be a less oostly procedure. He stated another alterr�tive is to construct
the lxulding with a normal footing and if re�irs are narzssary to the sewer
line, the3 could be done by "bracing" ihe sicles, but it also i� rather
Co�mcilman BarrAette asked fran a lega7. stanc�po�.ni, what would be the CzLy's
liability if thEy allaaed then to construct tLis building wii.h normal
footings. r3r. Herrick stated it would be a matter to kae negotiated betweer_
the Gty and the church. He stated it may be the City wo�t7 d permit thi�
kind of mnstruction, if the d�urc� agrees to be resporis�%le for any iuturE
costs or re�irs of the sewer l�.ne. He stated there can be an agreenient
� outlaning who would be responsible to takE care o£ arry rep�irs or pro6ians
with the line shou].d aciytizing happen at a later clate.
N�r. Herrick expla�.ned Y1ze City's obligation on a special use pern�it. He
stated churches and schools are permitted uses in residential zones sub�ect
to obtaining a special use permit. He stated they have the right to have
the special use permit, unless there is s�nerhina umcue about the land or
its location. The City would be able to shcw, Lr� evidence and testimony
that build�.ny the prop�sed facility would create unusual problans that would
not necesarily occur if the pro�osal was at � d�fferent locati.on. He statec?
the burden is on the City to shaa there �s something uniclue about che
c�ombinati.on of the location and proposeci sr_ructure that creates unusual
prob7. ans.
Councilman Barnette stated he felt when the speciai use pern�it was grantec�
thexe was a comlaomise. He thought p�ssihly some agxeement could be made
between the C�.ty and church regarding arr3 re�irs wh�.d� may be needec of the
sewet line in the future, and this point s-tzoulc7 be checked out fiarther.
Mr. Herrick suggested this itai be mntinued to ,7une 3, 1985 a.nd to have the
! I
� nn
i ,
•�� J� _ yl , • u��_ 1 ' i
churcYi representatives and their technical people meet with the City's
engineering staff. to e::plore costs of some alternatives. He felt there
should then be a neic�iborhood meeting to cliscuss arry alternative�,
NIr. Msrk Fbranan, Assistant Pastor of Woodcrest Baptist Church, statec� it
has been over a year sinoe the� have been dealing with this problen. He
statecl it seans tkne moxe thEy wa�t, the less likely anything will be done
for tl�eir people and thetr churc�i. He stated the two neiuhboring property
waners have sorne legitimate rea.ons for not wanting the building, have�er, �
there are sorne 15� familie� that have the need now. He questioned what
could be �olved ks� wai.ting two more weeks and felt the meeting witka the
neigYibors won't acmm�li� a whole lot. He stated the church has sacrified
money, t�.me, s,aeat, and tears �ecause thc� waited so long, and another two
weeks w�l.l devastate th�a.r �eogl.e. He s�cated they have cut the size of the
builci�.ng and naa the probla� of the sewer line arises, He questioned why
the neighbors couldn't wmpranise with another 20 feet.
Ms. Fberhar� stated the� have been in their hane 17 years and take pride in
it. She staten they are people too so don't te11 her about tears, f�ir.
Eberhard stated Mr. kUrenan w�sn't here when the� first myotiated with the
church xeoard�.ng this cpnstructi�n and other things have naa oome into p1ay.
He fel t�erha�s he should bemme a little more sensitive to the neighbors
and a iittle more tmc�rstancling of the problan.
t�7r. G�.7.ogsora stateci he wes in agreanent with Mr. Fberhard's cnrimments.
Couaca.lmar� Barnette stated he felt tiiere was ram for wmpranise and that a
meet�.ng shoula be held.
NDTIOtd L� (bimca.lman Barnette to table this itsn to J�me 3, 1985 and direct
ataf£ t� work with the churcYa's enganeers to ho�efully come up with some
aLternatZVes. Seaonded try d�imra.lman Goodspeed.
Coimcilman Goodspeed stated he would lxke an �valuation of the risks and the �
enviromiental unpact.
UPpN A VOI�' VOi'E TAP,IIV Q�T Zf3E PBQJE NDTTON, a11 voted aye, and Mayor Iv'ee
declared the motion carriec3 unammously.
: � � •� � • • • . , .;
u • �� .��M M• �• • � � �� Y4�
Mr. F`lora, Publac Works Ihrector, stated Park Constructon obtained a speca.al
use pern�it in 1982 to install a rock crusher on a portion of thea.r property
zn order ta recqcLe usecl concrete. He stated an extension was given in 1J83
cn this �rmit uritil 19£34. P�Jr. Flora stated, this past winter, Park
Construction crushed the rnaterial the� had stockpiled.
Mr. E`lora stated a request has been received fram Park Construction to
ea�terzci th2s specaal use permxt iuitil NHrch of 1987 in order to a3lasa th�n
time to acc�unulate s�fic�ent quantities of material and again operate the
rock crusher.
� �
��� 1, . _ U�_ �! '+� , ��2.. ' • �
MOTION by Councilman Fltzpatrick to qrant an extension of special use
pennit, SP #82-12 until March, 1987. Seconded by Councllman Gooclspeed.
Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried
� � � • • • !, �� , :. : • i; � : � � • J,
a� �ui�
� Mr. Ii�anan, City Qerk, stated the Council has discussed the potantzal of
four cita.es goiny together to purchase eqi�i��ent for vocxng and counting
ballots, and thereEore, this joint powers agreanent zs necessaxy.
Y�7r. Irman stated t,hc� are in the process of developing speciftications and
the O�imcil would have to take action to apprwe the �s�ts. He stateU this
program is antici�ated to have a four to five year p�ykxzck. I-Ie also statecl
this systen would have the advantages oi Ueing aale to re�.rort election
results faster and to reduoe the amount of time head �udges are rcquirec� ro
stay in the ootuitiny center.
Y�DTION k� Councilman Goodspeed to authorize the City to enter into Lhis
�oint �xxaers agreanent. Seconded by Co�3ncilnan Barnette. Upan a voice
vote, all vota.ng aye, Mayor Nee c3eclarec7 the mocion carried unammously.
� � •� ,• �• �• u .. ..�• • � •;• �
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f�DTION L� Cbunca.lman Barnette to acbpt Resolution No. 49-1985. Secondecl lay
Councilman Fitz�trick. Upon a voice vote� a11 voting aye, Mayor Nee
decLareci the motion �arried unammously.
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P+DTION b� Cbuncilman FYtz�trick to acbpt Re�lution No. 50-1985, Seconded
L� �uncilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, a1l voting aye, Nayor Pdee
declared the motion carried unammously.
•o-.�_� _�+ • •• ��. 9 i • , •• � ••
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Mr. Iranan, G.ty Qerk, stated a$6,000,000 zr?austrial. develogrnenr rcven�ie
bond was issued earlier with Haxvest States and th� would like to refuncl a
porta,on out of their esn.sting capital, He statecl Janes O' N�eara of 0' Connor
and HaruZan has rc�iaaed the cbciunents with hun and with their attorneys and
apprwal is reoommended.
I s )
� �i ��7
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P7r. Tman stated three items were negotiated which were supposed to be
presented prior to this meeting, however, he has not receivea them. He
sugqesEec7 the resalution be ado�ted, sub�ect to reoeipt of these itgns.
NDTTON }� Cotmcilman Fitz�atrack to ac9o�t Re�lution No. 51-1985, subject to
cjorcurrence of- tYre Finance Officer, N7r. Tnman. Seconded by Councilman
Barnette. Up�n a vaice vote, a11 voting aye, Nr�yor Nee declarecl thE motlon
carned unamnously.
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N�TICIN b3 �imcilman Barnette to ado� Resolution No. 52-1985. Seconded try
Counca.lrcran Goodspeed. Upon a voiae vote, a11 voting aye, I�yor Nee dec7.ared
the motion carriec] unammously.
• • � �: •• � •• � � •u� .��
;�r _ u � • • �, u��� �, •,� _
A'DTION i� O�unra.lman FYtz�track to adoFk. Resolution No. 53-1985. Seconded
}x Councilman Goodspeed. L�pon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee
cieclarec7 the mot�.on carried unammous].y.
�� � �:: � � • �. . � • ; � �: � � ��i : ; � �► Ni�3��i • n ��]s�;��I�T�FkiY�4�
Mr. Flora, Publac VJOrks Director, stated with the near completion oi the
police storage garage and walkway system from the Plaza Center to
Missi�sippi Street, rana�.mng items have been identified to complete the
work. He stated, originally, the specifications did not rnclude the
wa].kway, landsca�u.ng, ligYating, and brick work from tne fire station to
Mississz�i Street because of the mnc:ern regarda.ng the oost. He statec! the
oontr�ct was awarded at a savuiys so tkiis other work can be oompleted within
the 25o totaL crontract limi.t amount wlaich inoorporates the work ini.tiatecl to �
com�lete rhe landscaping over the police garage and include the boulevar«
trees on 53ra and Hic�way 65. Mr. Flora asked the Council to consider
Change Orck�r No. 4 to incxarp�rate these adc�.tl.ons irYto this pro�eet.
NDTION b� Co�mcilman Barnette to approve Change Order No. 4 with Monette
Construction which nodifies the mntract for the FYicll e� Garage and Storage
Faca.l�ty in the amount of $24,359. Seoonded by Councilman Fitz�trick.
UFon a votce vote, all voi-a.ng aye. Mayor Nee declared the motion carried
. � � t. yi ui• �
NDTION Ex Co�atcilman Barnette to �ncur with the followinq appoini�nent by
the G ty Manager :
�� yw,_ ui ��._ • u° � •;
Debra K. Nbotz
6750 N�dison 5t. N. E.
PY 1 C�]. E�7 r
��. r
O�de EnYOrce-
ment Q erk
vtme 3,
1 �85
: �_ � �5-`
Seoonded b� CA�ca.lman Fitz�trick. Upon a voice vo�e, all voting ayc-,
NL�yor Nee decLared the motion carried unammo�ilsy.
1']. T.TrF.N$RSe
1wDTION b� Counca.lman Fitz�trick to apprwe the licenses as sulinitted ai-�d as
on file in the Liaense Qerk's Office. Seconded by Counciimara BarneLte.
Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor ldee declared the motion carried
« �__u_
NDTION 1� Councilman Goodspeed to authorize payment of Qaims No, 2381
tl�rough 2656. Seaonded tx Councilmaxi F�.tz�tricik. U�n a voice vate, all
voting aye, Nayor Nee c3eclared the motion c�rried unarnmoLLS7.y.
NDTION t� Cbuncilman Barnette to apprwe che estimates as sutruitLeil.
B'bnette Cbnstruction
2050 White Bear Avenue
St. Paul, NN 55109
Fblice Garage and Storage Faca.lity
Partia]. Estimate No. 8 . . . . . . . . . . . .
D, H. Blattner & Sans
One South Wa}assha
Navy Tsland
St. Paul, NN 55107
Moore Lake Restorat�.on Pro�ect, Priase II
Pa.rt�.al Estlmate hlo. 2 . . . . . , . . . . .
Concrete Curb Can�any
771 Lac�bird Lane
Burnsville, NN 55337
Nlisc. �ncrete Curb, Gutter and Sidewalk
Partial Estimate No. 1 . . . . . . . . . . ..
$ 8,600.00
$ 31,350.QD
$ 8,540.98
i:r �
��. ui �, • �, � ..
Hickok ar�d A�sociates
545 Ind� an P+Iound
V7ayzata, Nfi 553�1
R'loore Lake Restoration Pro�ect
Phase IT - Tnspection IT
PraFessional Servaces
Ebr �riod Ending April 30, 1985 .....
$ 98.52
Se�nded 1� Counca.lman E'i��trick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye,
Mayor Nee declared the mot�.on carried unanimousl.y.
• . �, • �„ i
MOTION k�y Councilman Barnette to ad�ourn the meeting. Seconded by
Councllman Fitz�trick. Upon a voxce vote, all voting ape, Nlayor iGee
declared the motion carried unanimously anci the Regular Meeting of the
Fridl� City Cnimcil of Nlzy 20, 1985 ad-journed at 10:15 p,m.
Re�pectfully suhnitted,
�z��� ������
Carole Haddad
Secretary to the
Ca ty (bunczl
�William J. N�e
P7ayor �
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