09/09/1985 - 00011854THE MINUTES OF TI� REG[JI�AR MEEPING OF THE FRIDLEY CITY OOUNCIL OF SEPPENIBER 9, 1985 �e Regular meeting of the Fridley City Cow7cil was calleo Lo or3er at 7:30 p.m. k7y D'�yor Nee. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: t�kyor Nee led the Council and audienoe in the Pledge af Aliegiance ta tlze Flag. � ROLL CALL: MENBERS HtF�INT: Mayor Nee, Councilinan Goorispeec,, Cou�icilmai�i Fitz�trick, Councilrnan Schr�ider anU C�Unci�n��� IIarnette t7ENBERS PBSINT: None P.\��Ci�i�/:\Ili�]�uTl �I�\iYY7F:ii C�OCINCIL MEETING. AIIGOST 19 , 1985: NDTION by Councilman Barnette to approve the minites as presented. Secanc�u Yry Counra.lman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Nlayor Nee declared the motion carried unam.mou:,ly. ADOPrION OF AGEDIDA• NDTIUN by Councilman Schneider to adopt the agenda with the additiura oi aa� itan Consiclerat� on of a Resolution A�propr�.atiny Municixal State I�d Funcis to Anoka County Highway Pro�ect at 44t1-i �?ver.ue. Seconded by Courrcilman I�arnette. Upon a voic:e vote, all voting ���e, N�ayor t.ee declarea the moc� on carried unammously. OPETI FORUM. VISI7I�RS- � �zere was no response f ran the audienoe und�r this iten aE lausir�ss. PUBLIC HE',ARINGS: � � NORTHERN BY JON MONSQN: M�TION by Councilman Fitz�trick to wa�.ve the readin9 oi the �u�ilic hearliig notice and o�n the public hearing. Se�nc�d t� CounciYraan Schn��der. U�ron a voiae, a11 voting aye, Mayor Nee declared L-:�e mot�on carried unam mousll and the public hearing opened at 7:31 p.m. r7r. Burch, Assistant Public Works Directur, sL-ared this plat is locate� south of 694 and west of the railroad tracks and covers 72.4 acres wYzich ls zoned heavy industrial. Mr. Burch stated the Plarvung Commission has reconmended approval oL fhe plat with the stipulation that the g�rk iee be �ia before tree pl�t is w �J "�� COUNCIL [�EPING OF SEPTEI�ER 9. 1985 recarded. Mr. Burch stated another stipulation which should be added is that the billboard shoulcl be xenwed. No persons in the auclience spoke regarcl�ng this proposed plat. NDTION by Cow�icilman FitzFetrick to close the public hearing on plat, P.S. #85-03 for lhe Great Alorthern Industrial Center East. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carriec] unarumously. � In aon�unction v�ith ttris plat, the Councal then wnsidered the request for a special t�se pernut, SP #85-OS. Mr. Burch, Assistant Public Works Director, stated the special use permit is requested te �ernut outsic7e storage of recreation vehicles. He stated a mim-storac�e facility is proposed and it is the petitioner's intention to also have outside storage. Counc�lman Fitzp�tnck asked if it wasn't specifically stated the outside storage woulcl be for recreational vehicles. Mr. Burch stated that was correct. Mr. Monson stated it was not their intention to limit outside storage to recreataonal vehicles only, but there would be other outside storar,,e. Zhe Planning Conanission recprnmendec� approval of this special use permit with the stipulation that a landscape plan be apprwed by the City. No persans in tYie auclience spoke regarcv.ng this request for a special use pennit. NDTION by Councilman FYtz�atrick to close the pc�blic hearing on special use permit SP #�5-08. Upon a voioe vote, al.l voting aye, M3yor Nee declared the motion carnec7 unammously and the public hearing closed at 7:40 p.m. � 2. PUBLIC HEFllZING ON 1986 BUDGET P�TION by Couricilman Schneider to w�.ve the readang of the public hearing notic� and o�n the public hearing. Seoonded 1� Councilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye. Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unamnously anci the publ�.c hearing opened at 7:41 p.m. Mr. Qureshi, City P'7�inager, stated 'che tatal General Fund budget is $6,966,046 and is less than a 2.9% increase over 1985. He stated other funds in the budget include Special Revenues at $702,212 which re�resent less than a 2o increase over last year's budget; Debt Service at $41,151; and Capital Pro�ects at $111,984, which represent less than a 2� �.ncrease rr�er last yeax's budget. Mr. QuresY�ii stated L-he nunber of personnel would ranain the same, with the possibility of adding some community servic:e officers in the Polace Deg�rtinent. -- 2 - � COUNCIL MEh'1'IAX'i OF SEPTEMBER 9, 1985 Mr. Qureshi stated the mill rate, if this �oudget is zcbpced, would re3na�.r� at 14 .6 . Mayor Nee stated the Council has been �nvol4ecl, over the lasr sever�l months, in the developnent and review of the budgeL aricl to �nteract with achiimstrat�.on to bring it to this polnt, No �rsons in the audienoe spoke rerarding this pro�sed budget. � i�DTIDN by Councilman Barnette to close the l�ublic nearing. Seconded L1 Councilman Goodspeed. Colmcilman Schneider asked if there wouid k�e an op}�orL-uiiity to make any changes, after this hearing date. Mr. Qureshi stated the ordinance to aaogt th� budget woulu recquire two read�.ngs so changes muld pe made at that t�rEie. U1�N A VOTCE VOTE T�1I�TI Q�I �IE ABOSIE I�llTION, ALL VOTED AYE, ANt,. MAYOR NE� DECLARID THE I�'DTION C2�RRIED UNANINLIDSLY. OLD BUSINESS: 3. CONSIDERATION OF A U11RI11NCE REQUEST � REDUC� TEIG SEIBACY. OF APd 1NDUSTRI[;L N�yor Nee stated the petitiuner has requesced t-hls itan be witharawn. 4. CONSIDERATION OF APPDINi'MENP TO HUMAN REudURCES COMMISSION (TA$LED 3/19/85): Councilman Goodspeed naninated Peter Pierce rcr appointment ta the xuman � Resouroes Commissian. He stated i�r. Pierce sutanitted a res�sne sever�l months ago and inclicated he would like to be involved with a Commissin,? dealing with people. Nlr. Plerce stated he has lived in Fridiey over twa years and is a�lesnan for Zbmbstone Pizza. Ne sl-zced h� has Free time rn the e�remngs and wants to beoome invalved in the c��nunity. i L._. 7here being no further nominations, Mayor Nee declared the nominatlons closed. t+J�TION by Councilman Schrieider to ca �L- an unanimous ba11o� for tlze appoiiitrnent of E�ter Piere�, 572 RYae Creel: Tersace, to ri�e H�n��an Resources Cannnission. Seconded by Councilrnan Goodspee��. U�on a voice vo�e, all voting aye, Nhyor Nee declared the mot�.on earried w�mnausly. 6. �NSIDERATION OF FIRST RF�IDING OF AN ORD3Nt�i`ICi, RECODIFYIA]G THE FRIDL�Y CZ^1Y CODE BY 11MEI+IDING CHAPTER 6 ENTITLED "CAM[�lISISON' S" SFCTION 6.07: Mr. Burch, Assistant Public Works Director, szzied 'chis change is regarGiny the time lapse of a variance so that work wo��ld have to �mmenc� within one year fran the time the variance is granted. - 3 - • ,, ,,; �, __l�; COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTENIBER 9. 1985 �e Council �elt the way the ordinance was worded this was not wl�at was beiny accomFzlishec]. Mr. Qureshi, City Manac-,er, stated this may be o�vere� in the State statute ana staff would check. NDTION by Councilman Goaispeed to table this itan. Seconded by Councilman Fztzpitrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Nkyor Nee declared the motion carrie� unarv.mously. � 7. REC�IVING THE MINUTES OF THE PIAD]NING CONINLISSION I�ETING OF AUGUST 21, 1985: A, CONSIDERATION OF SETTING PUBLIC HFAFtZNG ON REZONING RF�UEST, ZOA 585-02 TO REZONE FROM R-1 � I2-2 TO ALI�OW CQNSTRUCTION OF DUPT,EX. 5586, 5570, 5560 FILLMORE STREET Pd.E., BY KEN ROESSLER: NDTION by Councilman Schneider to set the �ublic hearing on this rezoning request For Septanher 23, 1985. Sec�onded k� Councilman Barnette. Upon a vaice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unammously. B. RECEIVING RECONIINEDIDATION OF THE PLI�NNING COMMISSION FOR ADOPTION OF THE SATELLITE DISII ANPENNA ORDINANCE. WITH SUGGESTED CHANGES: N�iyor Nee asked that this itan be ref erred to him as he wanted to do some further investic,at� ons. NllTION by Councilmarr Fitz�atrick to refer this to the Mayor for report at sacie fut��re meeting. Seoonded try Councilmari Schneider. Upon a voice vote, a11 vating aye, M�yor Nee declared the motion carn ed unaru.mously. C, ITE6'IS FRONI APPEALS CONA'LISSION MEETING OF AUGUST 13, 1985: C-1. CONSIDERATION OF VEIRIANCE REQUESTS 'In BUILD ON LESS � THAN 1-1/2 ACRES ADID � HAVE A ZERO SIDE YARD SETBACK 7800 Fi.M STREET, BY JACR LINDAHL: Mr. Burch, Assistarit Public Works Director, stated this is a request for varianoes to build on less tkian 1-1/2 acres and to have a zero side yard sEtt�ack on the norch at 78D0 ELm Street. Mr. Eurch stated the Ap�eals Commission recommended approval of the variance, with the sti�xtlation that there be a �oint driv�aay easement ircan the �oint tenants to the building to the south and the north wall be a Pour-hour rated fire wall with no o�mngs. Mr. Tom Taylor, representing Mr. Lindahl, seated P�lr. Lindahl ar�ns the building at 7800 E1m Street which is used for offi� and manufacturing. He stated P4r. Lar�dalzl plans to move some of the offices into this new building. He statecl the� wuld have added to the existiiig building, but decided to keep it �e�arate. Mr. Taylor stated the building at 7800 Elm is cxaned 1� a mrporati.on of two people and this building would t�e aanec� by - 4 - I_� � 1 ' COUNCIL MEEPING OF SEP'►'F'htnFR 9. 1985 aust Mr. Lindahl. �y �'��� Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, asked if any utilities or easements would be shared with the property to the north. Mr. Taylor stated it is all seFarate. Mr. Burch stated the3 have reduoed the size of the buildiny to allaa rocin for this building to have a seFarate drivaaay. Mr. Taylor state� that was aorrect and there woulchi't be a need for a �oint drivEway. Councilman Goodspeed stated he agrees with the �mments by the Chairman of the Appeals Cotrnnission that ultimately sane vanan� would pro�ably have to be issued for this piece � property and felt the developer has coo�erated and reduced the size of his build�ny. I�DTION ty Co�cilman Goodspeed to grant the variance requests to build on less than 1-1/2 acres and to have a zero side yard setback on the north property line, with the stipulation that the north wall be a four-hour rated fire wall with no opemngs. Seaonded by Councilman Fa.tzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye� Mayor Nee declared the motion caxried unammously. C-2. CONSIDERATION OF UARIANCES � INCREASE MAXIMUM SQUARE FOOTAGE OF FREE STADIDING SIGN ADID TO ELIMINATE THE 5 FOOT SE'i'BACK BE'iWEEN BUILDING AND HARD SURFACE AREP. (MINI-S'i1�RAGE W1IREHOUSE SPACE) , WEST OF BURLING�I� NORT[IERN TRACKS AND EF1SP OF GREAT NORTE�RN INDUSTRIAL PLAT. BY JON MONSON: I�yor Nee stated these variances would also relate to the plat and the special use permit which the Council held a Ixablic hearing on earlier this evemng. Mr. Qureshi, Caty M�nager, statec: the Council coulcl consic7er the vananoes, when thEy take action on the plat and special use permit, or consider the variances at this time and a� �ction would be o�ntingent upon approval of the plat. Mr. Ekstrwn, 6401 University Avenue, stated a variance to eliminate and five foot setback between the building and hard surface area was withdrawn, as it is not needed. He stated the only vanance to be �nsidered is the one o�noermng the free stanci� ng siyn. Mr. Burch, Assistant Public Works Director, stated the petitioner is requesting a variance to increase the size af a free standing siyn fxcnn 80 square feet to 200 square feet. Mr. Ekstriun stated the Appeals Commission was uneasy with this variance request, haaeaer, the� re�gnized that a hardship existed, but wasn't in tavor of the 200 s�uare foot sicyi. He stated thEy have nua reduced the s�.gn to 133 square feet and are asking for the variance from 80 square feet to 133 square feet. Mr. Ekstrinn stated in looking at the signage, they considered a wall sign and decided thEy would rather put up a free standing sicg� and if thxs was done, the3 wouldn't need the wall sign visible frorn I� 94 . - 5 - �. . ,,, � � �UNCIL MEETING OF SEPPF�ER 9, 1985 Mr. EkstrUn stated both Mr. N�nson and Mr. Chapnan are present this evening to answer any questions fran the Council. Mr. Monson stated, they wished to place this fxee standing sign in the Northwest oorner of the pro�erty, �ust to the east of Plywood Minnesota's properiy. Councilman Barnette asked what would hap�n to the billboard. Mr. Monson statea Surlington-Northern's sale of property to then excluded the property on which the billboar� is located. Councilman Fitz�trick stated the Council's probl �n is one of setting a preoedent. Se stated even though they have a strong argument that in an isolated plat the� need this amount of visibility, you also have others who wish to increase the�.r sicpis. He asked about the reduction of wall si�s. Mr. Monsorz stated the� would be pexmitted a very large wall sign, if ttiey choee to �ut one up. He stated they would be satisfied, if the variance were granted for the free stancUng sign, to have no wall sign visible frwn 694 and only a snaller wall sicyi on the building at the ma�.n entrance. Couttcilman Fitzpatrick asked what size wall sign they would need. Mr. Monson stated about 6-1/2 x 18 feet or about 120 s�uare feet. He stated it would be at the ma�.n entraric� and the free standing sign would be 1,000 feet to the north, right lx the freeway. NDTION by Counra.lman Fitzg�trick to grant the variance to increase the size of a free sEanding sign frwn 80 square feet to 133 square feet with the stipulation that the allowable wall sign be reduced fran what is now xermitted to 120 square feet and, this varianoe is wntingerit upon approval of the plat. Seoonded 1� Councilman Schneider. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unarvmously. C-3. CONSIDERATION OF UARIANCE TO RIDUCE SIDE YARD SETBACK � ALLOW PLACEME�NT OF TRAILER � BE USID AS OFFICE AREA ON A TEMPORARY BASIS, 7879 BEECH STREET. BY J. KEITf3 WARNER: Mr. Burch, Assistant Public Works Director, stated this is a request to temporarily place a trailer on the property an xeduce the setback r�uiranents. He stated this business, Pappy's Foods, is grovring rapidly and the� neec3 the s�ce nav and r�uest the trailer for a three year �xriod. Ms. Linda Hanagan, representing the petitioner, stated the tra�.ler would be placed on the south side of the buildi.ng. She stated the� clidn't intend for it to beoame a permanent structure, but wou2.d serve as a tan�orary solution. Mr. Qureshi, Caty Manager, stated the Coimczl in the �ast, has all aaed the tangoraxy use of tra�.lers on large �aroels, but felt this was the first time a request was received for a snaller �roel of property. He felt there was less of an im�act on the larger Xarcels, but a greater im�ct to adjoining �'� ' �1 , � � L J COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTENIBER 9, 1985 property aaners on the snall �roels. Councilman Goodspeed stated this is a com�any that has been in Fr�dlep a long time, He asked Ms. Ilai�gan if she FP3 t the3 would have a pLan in abaut two years to solve their r�eed for additiof�al spac�. Ms. Hanagan stated this would have ta k�e nddres�d k�2Pare thac. ta.ne as tney are very craaded nght naa, haaeaer, it was cufiicul� to put a c�me plan on the graath. rDTION by Councilman Goods�ed to apprwe rhe vutlance ta reduce the side yard setback frcm 20 feet to 2 feet to a11cw the �la�ment ot a trailer to be useci as offi� area az a tenporary lx-�sis at 7II79 Seech Street with ttae * follaaing stipulations: (1) a tLme lumt be es�abl�shed of 36 rnonths; (2) the unit have State oerti.iicai:�.on for moe c�om�.iance; �3) the soutl� w�31 be one-hour fzre rated with no o�mngs; and (4) the var3ance be E�r �his petitioner on7.y and not for any subsequent awners of the pro�riy. Sec�r,ded kr� Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice ve�te, a31 voL-inq ayc, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unammously. � 9. M7TION by Councilman Schneider to rece�.ve the minutes o� the Flanriing Coimnission Meet�.ng of August 21, 1985. Seconded by Councilman Barnetce. Upon a voice vote, all aoting aye, Mayor Nee declared the inotion carrled unanimously. CDNSIDERATION OF SIGN PLAN, 765 53RD AVIIV[7E N.�.. PSCKWICK BliILDING: Mr. Burch, Assistant Public Works Director, staL-ed a sic�n plan has been sutmitted and reatEwec9 1� sta�f and chanyes macle so the Xil.an naa meets code reqw.renents. He stated staff would reconunend a��rwal. of t%e sign p3an. NDTION by Cotmcilman Goodspeed to apprwe LYte sic�n plan ior 765 53rd Avenue N.E. Seoonded ly Councilman Fitz�trick. Upon a volce vote, a].i voting aye, N�yor Nee declared the motion carried unammously. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF THE SIX CI^1I�S WATERSHED A4e�NAG�A4LD7T ORGANIZATION 1986 BUDGET: Mr. Burch, Assistant Public Works Directcr, scaLed tl�e �oint powers agreenent for the six c�ties watershed district rec;uires the cities Lo apprwe fihe buclget. I�TION by Councilman Fitz�trick to a�prove the 5sx Cities Waterslzcd Manayement Organization Budget for 19F36 anc� autlzorize the pay�r�en� of Fridle�'s share af this budget. Seoonded by Co�uicilnra�a Schneider, Upatz a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declzreu' the notion carrieei unammously. 1�. CONSIDERT�TION OF APPRQVAL QF SALE QF LQTS 1,2 ItL�iD 3, BLOCK 7. EDGE-WATGIZ G11E2DENS : h3r. Qureshi, City [�nagex, stated the Ca.ty nad ori,irally received b�.cis �or - 7 - * As corrected 6y Council on P?eeting af September 23, 1985. �ud— COUNCTL MEEPING OF SEFPEMBER 9, 1985 sale of il�e� lots, but the� were re�ected as it was felt the� were too lc�. He statecn the bids reaeivea for these lots ranged fran $1D,952 to $15,157, and th�y have nav neyotiated a sale of these lots for $17,500 each. He r�uested the Council oonsider selling the lots for this price. PDTION by Councilman Fitz�trick ta authorize the sale of Lots 1, 2 and 3, Bluck 7, Edgewater Gardens for the price of $17,500 each. Secondecl by Cnuncalman Barnette. Up�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, Nl�yor Nee declared the moti�? carriecl unammously. ' Mr. Aspenson, who intends to purchase these lots, stated he wishecl to start h�uilcting irrnnec3�.ately en Lot 3. He stated he would furmsh the surveys. Mr. Qureshl, City Nanage,:, stated they want to make sure he has clear title before mnstruction is laegun. Mr. Aspenson stated he has offerecl $5,000 down for a�ch lot anc7 one for cash and the t�lara� on terms and asked if financing could be arranged. P7r. QuresYai asked haa long he wished the financing and Mr. Aspenson stated he eaould like about one year. Mr. Qureshi stated he felt smnething could be workec; out. al. CONSIDERATION OF CIIANGE ORDER N0. 1 POP. 1985 MISC. CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER PROJEC7' • Mr. Burcn, Assistant R:b1ic Works Director, stateci this charige orcler is to acic� wic�er, tapered ra�nps at intersections to facilitate better snow removal and make the s�clewalks nore accessible for handicapped citizens. M7TION by Councilman Schneider to authorize d�ange order No. 1 for the 19n5 misceliar?ecus ooncrete curb and gutter �ro�ect in the �unount of $5,845 with the Concrete Curb Cam�rey of Burnsvil.le, Minnesota. Seconded 1� Councilmat7 Gaodspeed. L�pon a vaice vote, all voting aye, NL�yor Nee declared Lhe motion carrieci unammously. 12. CONSIDERATION OF CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 FOR STREET IMPROVENfENT PROJECT ST 1985-10 (SEI��OATING) : � Mr. Burch, Assistant Public Works Director, stated this change order would cover seal�at�ny for additional city streets and also the parkiny lot at Holly Shopping Center. He stated Holly Shopping Center would directly �y the wst for sealwatiny their �rking lot. * Councilnan Schrieider statec� the sealcoating at Holly Shoo�,iny Center was already done and asked wtry this was brouqht to the Council after the caork wa: oompleted. Mr. Qureshi. City Marayer, felt the parl;ing lot shouldn't be included iri this s:alo�ating pro�ect. M7TION ny Cauncilnan Schneider to refer this it�n back to staff to elvninate sealcoatiny of th� I3olly Shopping Center and resubmit the change order to cover the ac;ditional streets to be sealcoatea. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. U�on a voice vote, all voting aye, N�yor Nee declared the motion carned unarumously. - B - * As added by Council on P',eeting of September 23, 1985. � COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 9. 1985 13. CONSIDERATION OF CHANGE ORDER N0. 1 FOR MISSISSIPPI STRE�T LANDSCAPING PRQTECP• Mr. Burch, Assistant Public Works Direc;tor, statect this change oraer is requested in order to add topsoil to acconmodat� the berming alor�g Umversity and Mississippi. � NDTION by Councilman Fitz�trick to authorize change order 1Vo. 1 to �he Nussissippi Street Landscaping Pro�ect in the a�ount of $4,US0 with Lina Lakes Landscaping of Wyaning, M�.nn2sota. Secanded kry Councilman BarneLte. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declaied the mou on carried unanimously. 14. RECEIVING BIDS ADID (JDNSIDERATION OF AWP,RD1�]G CONTRACT ON THE HOUSE DOCTOR PROGR9M• f7r. Burch, Assistant Public Works Director, sTated bids Lor the House Ibccor Proqram were opened on August 28, and three bicls were receivecl. I3e statec� the laaer bidder was Energy Outfitters, Ltd. 1tt the �nount of $28,450 and would recommend ths bid k�e acoepted. P'DTION by Councilman Schneider to receive the bids for the Hause �octor Pr ogr a�n. A.C.C.A.P. �31,156.00 S.R.C. $30,150.00 Ener� Outfitters, Ltd. $28,450.00 Sec�onded I� Counca.lman Goodspeed. Upon a voioe vote, a.l vot�.ng aye, t�layor Nee declared the mot�.on carried unarumously. IdDTION I� Councilman Barnette to award the bid ior the fiouse Doctor FxoGram to the low 6idder Energy Outfitters, Ltd. in the araount of $2B,45d. � Semndecl l� Councilman Schneider. Upon a voic� vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee cleclared the mot�.on carried unammausly. 15. CONSIDERATION OF PAYMENr, AS PER RESOI�U^tION NO. 95 POR STATE AID YP.O�ECTS N0. 02-602-1D FOR IP9PROVEMENT OF INTERSECTiON ZiT 44T-rI AVGNUE i�Nl] SAST RIVER ROAD, IN THE ANIOUNT OF $7,323.97: ALdD RESOLUTIUN NQ. 66-1985 APPROPRIATING MUtv'ICIP�L STA^1B AID FONDS TO IINOKA COUN'1'Y HIGHWAY PFt(7JECT AT 44TH AVENUE: t+Ir. Burc�, Assistant Public Works Direcror, statecl this iren is f or a��raaal. of the Caty's porta.on of the pro�ect done t�y the C:c,e�ity at 44th Auenue. Mr. Qureshi, Ca.ty Ni�nager, stated the City w�l� iequest a resolution Iae Fsssed te use State A�.d funds to �ver this mst. t�DTION ix Cc�uncilman Fitz�trick to authoca.�e �yrneiY� oi $7,323.97 as thc- Ca_ty's share for this pro�ect. Secondeo by Counciiman IIarnecte. U��on a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor I�7e� cleclarecl chc- iaorion c�rried unamrnousl y. '� � �- �;.� �„ -� � _ 0�[7NCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 9, 1985 NDTION t�y Co�n�cilman FitzFatrick tu adopt Resolution No. 66-1985. Seconded by Councilman ]�arnette. iJpon a❑aice voEe, all voting aye, Nlayor Nee declared the motion carried unammously. 16. RESOLUTION N0. 67-1985 FIUTHORIZING CHANGES IN APPROPRIATIOR35 FOR PARKS A'fAINTENANCE, RECREATION, ELECTIONS, POLICE. FIRE AND RESERVE DIVISIOtd BUDGETS FOR TfIE YEAR 19$5: Mr. Irman, G.ty C1erk, rEViEwed the changes �vered in this resolution. NDTIOni by Counc2lman Schneider to adopt Resolution No. 67-1985. Seoonded by Councilman Go�cispeed. U�ron a voice vote, all vot�.ng aye, P�yor Nee declared the motion carried unarumously. 17. RESOLUTION N0. 68-1985 AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF FRIDLEY TO ENTER INTO AN ENIERGENCY MANZ�GEMEATr ASSISTANCE GF�IDTI' AGREEMENT WITH THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: IvUTiON by �imcilman Fitz�trick to adopt Resolution No. 68-1985. Seconded by Gouncilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all vating aye, Mapar Pdee c�eclared the motion carried unammously. 18. APPC3II�TrM1ENT: CITY F�7PLOYEE: PDTION by Councilman Barnette to aoncur with the following appointment by the C�.ty NatrZgere STARTING STI�RTING NAME FOSITION SALARY DATE REPLA�S I7�bbi Ray Heikke Offioe Asst. $1,091.81 August 20, Laurie 4629 R�lk Street �blioe F�r 1985 Roatrh Coltnnbic Heic�ts De�rtrnent Nbnth 55421 Seconcled 17y Councilman Schneider. U�on a voioe vote, all voting aye, I�'fayor tdee declared the document carned unammously. 19. ESTIMATES NDTION by Cc>unczlman Schneider to apprwe the estimates as sukmitted. I3errick & Newman, F.A. f,279 Univcrslty Fvenue N.E. Fridle�. P'N 55432 For Lecjal 5ervices Renderec3 as G.ty Attoxney for the Nionth of r�ugust, 1985 I3ickok and Associates 545 Inch an Mo�md 64ay�ata, NN 55391 - 10 - . . . . . . $ 1,657.80 � � ' ' � COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 9, 1985 Moore Lake Restorati.on Pro�ect II Insp. II - Prof.Serv.I�riod End 7/31/85 . Moore Lake Restorata.on Pro�ect II Rpts. & Eval. - Prof.Serv.I�r.End 7/31/85 H & S Asphalt 700 Industry Avenue Anoka, NN 55303 _ � �,� . . . . $ 291.19 . . . . $ 405.89 Street 7mprwanent Pro�ect ST 1985-1&2 Partial Estimate No. 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 117,478.33 Allied Blacktop Com�ariy 10503 - 89th Aven�re N l�ple Grove, NN 55369 St. i�np. Yx o� . 9T 1985-10 ( Seal Coat) Part,ial Estimate No. 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Albrecht Irngation 1408 W. County Ra�d C Rosevi].le, MV 55113 . .$ 44,080.00 NLississippi Street Irrigation Pro�ect Parta al Estimate No. 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 4,219.42 Lino Lakes Landscapinq 18400 Lexington Avenue Wyaning, NN 55092 M�.ssissippi Street Landscaping Pro�ect Paxtial Estimate No. 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 24,715.83 Seoondecl riy Councilman Fitz�trick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, P'hyor Nee d`clared the motion carried unaru.mously. 20. LICENSES NDTION by Councilman Barriette to apprwe the lioenses as sutmitted and as on file in the License Qerk's Offioe. Se�nded l� Counc:ilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unammously. 21. CLAIMS• NDTION by Councilman Schneider to authorize �yment of Claims No. 4257 through 4550. Seconded by Councilman Goodspeea. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, N�yor Nee declared the motion carried unammously. - 11 - ' � ��� COUNCIL MEEi'ING OF SEPTEMBER 9, 1985 �� • • i MOTION by Councilman Barnette to ad�ourn th e meeting. Seconded by Councilman 5chr�ider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, N�yor Nee declared the mot�on carned unarv.mously and the Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Council of Septenber 9, 1985 ad�ourned at 8:57 p.m. Respectfully sul�nitted, ���z�,�, �� Apprwed: (�role Haddad Secretary to the City Council - 12 - ��-�'-� �.-�- �'� Willian J. Ne Nhyor � '