04/07/1986 - 5076, - E _� � . FRIDLEY CI TY COUNCIL BOARD OF REVIEW - CITY COUNCIL - APRIL 7, 1986 - 7:30 P.M. �.• - Following are the 'ACTIONS NEEDED" to be taken by the noted Departments. Please type your answers on the TI911 by Noon, April 16 �(Disk 03, Directory 1, Category 26, Appropriate date ). Just repl ace 'Acti on Needed" � with 'Acti on Taken", no nee� to pri nt it out. Pl ea se cal l Lynda f or any assi stanc�, needed. __ - � ------------------------------------------------------------------ BOARD OF REVIEW MEETING Boa r d of Rev i ew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 - 1 A Continued to April 21, 1986 CITY COUNCIL MEETING • �• • Y � Council Meeting, March 17, 1986 Approved as submitted CITY MANAGER--ACTION NEEDED: File for future reference �, ADOPTION OF AGENDA: 4PEN FORUM. VISITORS: (Considezation of Item s not on Agenda - 15 Minutes) No response / 0 , Council Meeting, April 7, 1986 Page 2 � OLD BUSINESS Consideration of a Final Plat, P.S. #86-01, Generally Located at 8100 University Avenue, N.E., _= by Vantage Companies, Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 - 2 D Resolution No. 35-1986 approved and adopted with five stipulations pUBLIC WORRS--ACTION NEEDED: Inf orm appl icant of Council approval with stipulations % - - . Consideration of City Appointments to Community Development and Environmental Q uality Commission ...... 3 tabl ed CITY MANAGER--ACTION NEEDED: Put item on next agenda W U I E �,.'�;� Consideration of an Ordinance Recodifying the Fridley City Code, Chapter 220, Entitled "Residential Rental Property and Condominium Common Area Maintenance" by Amending Section 220.10 Energy Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 4- C Tabl ed PUBLIC WORRS--ACTION NEEDED: Ref er to staff f or report on economic and enf or cement impact. Put item on ,next agenda f or consideration 0 Council Meeting, April 7, 1986 �W BUSINESS (Continued) Page 3 Consideration of Setting a Public 8earing f or the May 5 City Council Meeting on the matter of _- Recommendation f or Changes in the City Charter ....... 5- 5 0 Public Hearinq set for May 5, 1986 PUBLIC WORRS--ACTION NEEDED: Put item on May 5 agenda f or Public Hearing _. , Receiving the Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting of March 19, 1986 . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 6 MM Receiv ed A. Consideration of a Special Use Permit, SP #86-01, To Allaw a Daycare Facility in a Residential District Generally Located at 6633 Arthur Street, by Bradley Dunham .................... 6- 6F � Planning Commission Recommendation: Approval with Stipulations Council Action Needed: Applicant withdrew request. No action necessary No action necessary A-l. PUBLIC WORRS--ACTION NEEDED: Bring ordinance regarding daycare centers on arterial streets f or next meeting B. Consideration of a Special�Use Permit, SP �86-02, To Allow a Motor Vehicle Fuel and Oil Dispensing Service and a Motor Vehicle Wash Establishm ent Generally Located at 5300 Central Avenue, N.E., . byQ Petroleum ...................................... 6F - 6J Plannina Commission Recommendation: Approval & 6N - 6R with Stipulations Council Action Needed: Consideration of Recommendati on PUBLIC WORRS--ACTION NEEDED: Complete report on the above issue. � Council Meeting, April 7, 1986 N�W BUSINESS fContinued) (Planning Commission Minutes Continued) Page 4 C. Items from Appeals Commission Meeting of _- March 11, 1986 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : � . 6 S - 6 MM C-1. Variance Request to Reduce the Required Lot Size Front Yard Setback, Rear Yard Setback and the DrivEway/Parking Setback Generally Located at 6S _%6W 5300 Central Avenue, N. E. ,_ by Marlen R. Besler ...... . gppeals Commission Recommendation: Approval b 6GG - 6HH of Variance �ouncil Action Needed: Consideration of Recommendation Tabl ed p[1RT.jC WORRS--ACTION NEEDED: Put item on next agenda for consideration C-2. Variance Request to Reduce the Side Yard Setback and the Width of a Parking Aesle Generally Located at 7398 University Avenue, N.E., by Vergil Florhaug ............................ 6X - 6AA Appeals Commission Recommendation: Approval & 6II - 6JJ of Variance �ouncil Action Needed: Consideration of Recommendation Tabled to April 21 meeting p[1RT.TC WORRS--ACTION NEEDED: Contact property owner to the North to see if he objects. Put item on next agenda Council Meeting, April 7, 1986 HEW BUSINESS (Continued) (Planning Commission Minutes Continued) Page 5 C-3. Variance Request to Increase the Plaximtnu Square Footage and Height of a Free Standing _ Sign Generally Located at 7810 University Avenue, N. E. , by Roland Benj amin .... ................ 6AA - 6EE gppeals Commission Recommendation: Approval & 6RR - 6MM of Variance �our}c,il Action Needed: Consideration of , Recommendation _ � Approved by 3 to 2 vote PUBLIC WORKS--ACTION NEEDED: Inf orm applicant of Council approval. C-3A. PUBLIC WORRS--ACTION NEEDED: Submit proposed draft revision or sign ordinance with our without Appeals Commission recommendation by last meeting in May Consideration of Reapproval of a Lot Split, L.S. #83-03, Generally Located at 6063 Central Avenue, N. E. , by Leslie Wilke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 - 7 F Resolution No. 34-1986 approved along with payment of park f ee and w ater and sew er laterals PUBLIC WORRS--ACTION NEEDED: Inf orm appl icant of Council approval with payment of fees and sewer laterals Consideration of a Request for Working Hours Extension for Wholesale Club/Fridley Located At 81st & University Avenue, N. E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 - 8 C Approved for East of Beech Street only. If any complaints are received they are to stop immediately � �I�TBLIC wORRS--ACTION NEEDED: Issue alternate work permit for Park Construction ' _ ---_-_ -- � .M __ _ _�,,,,...,� Council Meeting, April 7, 1986 �W BUSINESS (Continued): Page 6 Consideration of Deposition of Small Tax Forfeit Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 9 - 9 J App r ov ed �.� I� CENTRAL SERVICE--ACTION NEEDED: Special Assessments �fi'Q61d be abated on all lots except lots 9& 10. WqFk with Publ�c works if necessary u�� PUBLIC WORRS--ACTION NEEDED: Make sure staff requests lot next_'to Broad Ave. _ , . Consideration of a Joint Powers Agreement For a Coalition of Metropolitan Communities ........ 10 - 10 D Appr ov ed CITY MANAGER--ACTION NEEDED: Proceed as authorized. Consideration of a Resolution Requesting MnDOT to Authorize a Public Railroad Crossing and Order Installation of Appropriate Warning Signals ........ 11 - 11 A Resolution No. 32-1986 approved PUBLIC WORRS--ACTION NEEDED: Inform appropriate party of Council approval a � i Council Meeting, April 7, 1986 �lEW BUSINESS (Continued) Consideration of a Resolution Authorizing a Lot Split, L.S. #86-01, Generally Located at 5738 - 7th Street, N. E. , by Thomas Blomberg . . . . . . . . . . ::: . Resolution No. 33-1986 adopted with stipulations PUBLIC WORRS--ACTION NEEDED• Inform applicant of Council approval with stipulations - i _ : Page 7 12-12D Consideration of a Sign Placement, by Michael Sezvetus Unitarian Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 - 13 B approved PUBLIC WORRS--ACTION NEEDED• Work with Society on the sign request Claims . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 appr ov ed CENTRAL SERVICE--ACTION NEEDED: Pay claims Licenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 - 15 L appr ov ed CENTRAL SERVICE--ACTION NEEDED: Issue licenses . Estimates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 - 16 B appr ov ed CENTRAL SERVICE--ACTION PEEDED: Pay estimates ADJOURN; 11:30 p.m. � COUNCIL MEETING. APRIL 7, 1986 1, 1 : ►I PAGE 2 CONSIDERATION OF A FINAL PLAT. P.S. �86-01. GENERALLY LOCATED AT 8100 UNIVERSITY AVENUE. N.E.. . BY VANTAGE COMPANIES, INC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 - 2 D CONSIDERATION OF CITY APPOINTMENTS TO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ANO ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION ...... 3 [►i . : ► CONSIDERATION OF AN ORDINANCE RECODIFYING THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE. CHAPTER 220. ENTITLEO "RESIDENTIAL RENTAL PROPERTY AND CONDOMINIUM COMh10N AREA MAINTENANCE" BY AMENDING SECTiON 220.10 ENERGY STANDARDS . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 4 � COUNClL MEETING. APRIL 7. 1986 1 . : 1i •► ► � Pa�E 3 CONSIDERATION OF SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE . MAY 5 CITY COUNCIL MEETING ON THE MATTER 0� RECOMMENDATION FOR CHANGES IN THE CITY CHARTER ....... 5- 5 O RECE I V I NG THE P�II NUTES OF T'HE PLANN I NG COMMISSION MEETING OF MARCH 19, 1986 . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 6 N%I A. CONSIDERATION OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT. SP �86-01. TO ALLOW A DAYCARE FACILITY IN A RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT GENERALLY LOCATED AT 6633 ARTHUR STREET, BY BRADLEY DUNHAM .................... 6- 6F PLANNING COMMISSION RECONLMENDATION; APPROVAL WITH STIPULATIONS COUNCIL ACTION NEEDED: APPLICANT WITHDREW REQUEST. NO ACTION NECESSARY 8. CONSIDERATION OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT. SP #�86-02. TO ALLOW A MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL AND OIL DISPENSING SERVICE AND A MOTOR VEHICLE WASH ESTABLISHMENT GENERALLY LOCATED AT 5300 CENTRAL AVENUE. N.E.. � BY Q PETRO�EUM ...................................... 6F - 6J PLANNING COMMISSION RECONtMENDATION: APPROVAL 8 6N - 6R . WITH STIPULATIONS �OUNC(L ACTtON NEEDED; CONSIDERATION OF RECOMMENDATION COUNCIL MEETING. APRIL 7, 1986 dE�( BUS I NESS ( CoNT i N��Fn ) (PLA�dhiNG CONIMISSION MINUTES CONTINUED) PasE 4 C. ITEMS FROM APPEALS COPM�IISSION MEETING OF MARCH 11, 1986 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 S - 6 C-1. VARIANCE RE�UEST TO REDUCE THE REQUIRED LOT SIZE FRONT YARD SETBACK. REAR YARD SETBACK AND THE DRIVEWAY/PARKING SETBACK GENERALLY LOCATED AT 5300 CENTRAL AVENUE. N.E.. BY MARLEN R. BESLER ...... 6S - 6W APPEALS CO MIS�inN RECO MENDATION: APPROVAL & 6GG - 6HH OF VARIANCE COUNCIL ACTION NE DED: CONSIDERATION OF RECOMMENDATION C-2, VARIANCE REDUEST TO REDUCE THE SIDE YARO SETBACK AND THE WIDTH OF A PARKING AESLE GENERALLY LOCATED AT 7398 UNIVERSITY AVENUE. N.E.. BY VERGIL FLORHAUG ............................ 6X - 6AA APPEALS COMMISSinN RE nMMFNnATI(lN; ApPROVAL & 611 - 6JJ OF VARIANCE �OUNCIL ACTION N nFO; CONSIDERATION OF RECOMMENOATION COUNCIL MEETING. APRIL 7, 1986 N�W BUSINESS (CONTINL�Fn) (PLANNIN6 COMMISSION MINUTES CONTINUED) PAGE 5 C-3. VARIANCE REDUEST TO INCREASE �H� MAXIMUM S�UARE FOOTAGE AND HEIGHT OF A FREE STANDING SIGN GENERALLY LOCATEO A? 7810 UNIVERSITY AVENUE. N.E.. BY ROLAND BENJAM(N .................... 6AA - 6EE APPEALS COMMISSInN RFCnMMFN�ATInN; APPROVAL 8 6KK - 6NN1 OF VARIANCE COUNCIL ACTION NE DED: CONSIDERATION OF RECOMMENOATION CONSIDERATION OF REAPPROVAL OF A LOT SPLIT. L.S. #83-03. GENERALLY LOCATED AT 6063 CENTRAL AvErJUE. N.E.. BY �ESLIE WILKE . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . 7 - 7 F CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST FOR WORKING HOURS EXTENSION FOR WHOLESALE CLUB/FRIDLEY LOCATED AT 81ST & UN IVERS ITY AVENUE. N.E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 - 8 C COUNCIL MEETING. APRIL 7. 1986 1 � :. ► •► ► � PA�E 6 CONSIDERATION OF DEPOSiTION OF SMALL TAX FORFE I T PROPERT I ES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 - 9. J CONSIDERATION OF A �OINT POWERS AGREEMENT FOR A COALITION OF METROPOLITAN COMMUNITIES ........ 10 - 10 D CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION REQUESTING MNDOT TO AUTHORIZE A PUBLIC RAILROAD CROSSING AND ORDER INSTALLATION OF APPROPRIATE WARNING SIGNALS ......,, 11 - 11 A COUNCIL MEETING. APRIL 7, 1986 . � ► •► ► � PAGE 7 CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A LOT SPLIT. L.S. #86-01, �ENERALLY LOCATED AT 573� 7TH STREET. N. E. . BY THOMAS BLOMBERG . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 - 12 D CONSIDERATION OF A SIGN PLACEMENT. BY MICHAEL SERVETUS UW I TAR I AN SOC I ETY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 - 13 B CLa i r�s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 L I CENSES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 - 15 L � EST 1 MATES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 - 16 C :11 .1 ,: ► i ; Fam No. A.F. 4--No� OFFICE OF COUHTY ASSESSOR � 1 ���� SIANK po �e..t� _ _ .b... TO THE CLERK OF THE _ City pF _ Fridlev Anoka �pU�y� ��,.NESOTA: / NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That theMondav 7th �y of_ April. 1986 8+ 7: 3 Oo'clock P�Vi., has been fixed as the date for the meeting of the Board of Re�•iew-,I�tj�lat)jb,�ftddi�/ csatk� o� oa� in your C i ty for said year. This meeting should be held in your office as provided br law. Pursuant to the pro�-isions of 1liinnesota Statutes Section 274.1� �ou are required to give notice of aaid meeting by publication and posting, not later than ten days prior to the date of said meeting. Giren ur.der m�• hand thi�__ 3rd da}• of_ February 1986 ---- � =t���- Gayle Leone " ty As essor Anoka �unty� Minnesota •ApD11a only tc cities wbae charter provides fa a Bwrd d EqnalinHon irutead o! • Board of Review. . CITY OF FRIILEY OFFIQAL AJBLIC�ITD'JN ASSESSr'�1T NOTICE I�'I'ICE IS HIIt�Y GNEN, that the Baard of Review of the City of Fridley in Anoka County, Minnesota, will meet at the Council Q�anbers of the FricIley Civic Cemer in said City on Monday the 7th day of April, 1986, at 7:30 p.m., for the purpose af reviewirig� and oorrecting the assessments of said City of Fridley for the year 1986. _ All persons considering thenselves aggrieved by said assessment or who wish to aomplain that the property of another is assessed too lvw are hereby rotif ied to apQear at the said meeting and shaa cause for having such assessnent oorrected. No oomplaint that another person is assessed too laa will be acted upon �til the person so assessed, or his agent, shall have been notif ied of such oanglaint. Given �cier my hano this lOth day � March, 1986. Shirley A. HaaFala City Qerk Purlish: N',arch 24 and 31, 1986 3/0/2,/6 � � 1A 1. THE MINtTrES OF THE RDG[JIA12 M�F*rING OF TF� FRIDLEY CITY Q�UNCIL OF MARCH 17. 86: " The Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Cotmcil was called to order at 7:30 p. m. by Mayor Nee. PLIDGE OF AI.LEGIANCE • • Mayor Nee led the Co�mcil and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Fl ag. Pi�Q,AMI�TION: FAIR HOUSING NIQ1�I'H - APRIL, 1986 • Mayor Nee issued a proclanation proclaiming the month of April, 1986 as Fair Housing Month in reoognition of the Anoka Cotmty Board of Realtors and the Anoka Co�.uity Comnwzity Housing Resource Board who are committed in a joint effort to prevent discriminating housing practices in the Gity. APP%JVAL OF MIN�TrES • 40(R�ICIL MEE,TING - MARCH 3. 1986 • MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to approve the Seoonded by Cotu�cilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, Nee declared the motion carried imani,mously. �� ' • � • H�1 I� � minutes as presented. all voting aye, Mayor M�TION by Councilman Barnette to adopt the agenda as sutrnitted. Seo�nded by Co�mcilman Schreider. Up�n a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the mation carried unanimously. QPIIV FORUM, VISITORS• There was no response from the audience tuzder this iten of business. PUBLIC I�ARINGS• PUBLIC HFARING ON THE MATTER OF A FINAL PLAT, P S. #86 Ol, GENERAIsL,Y LpCF,TID AT 8100 UNIVFjRSITY AVENUE N E., BY VANrAGE Q�MPANIFS, INC NDTION by (bi,uicilman Goodspeed to waive the reading of the public hearing notice and open the public hearing. Seoonded by Councilman Schreider. Up�n a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee decl ar ed the mot i on car r i ed iuianimously and the public hearing open�ed at 7:33 p.m. Mr. Flora stated this is a public hearing for the final plat for property located north of 81st and west of University Avenue currently identified with the Fridley Driving Range. He stated the parcel irrvolves approximately 12.6 acres and is being reglatted into two pieces. -1- ��J� i� !�. • �=���i ' ' • Mr. Flora stated, in association with the plat, is rezoning of the parcel f ran Ni-2 and C-2 to C-3 and C-2 to allvw development of thi s prope r ty . He stated the first phase was the construction of approximately a 100,000 square foot Wholesale Club to be follaaed by a seoond phase of oonstruction of 77,000 square feet of additional retail spaoe. Mr. Flora stated an informal Envirornnental Assessment Woiksheet was distributed to various agencies in the metropolitan area and the City receiv ed no adv er 9e o�mnents. Mr. Flora stated the Planning Comission recommended approval of the preliminary plat with a total of five stipulations as fallvws: (1) Plat to be reoorded prior to rezoning being reoorcied; (2) Additional right-of-way to be prwided oonsistent with street improvanents; (3) Driveway onto 81st Avenue to be widened to three lanes; (4) Driveway omo the service road to be t�anporary; permar�ent drivaaay to be located north of curve with Phase II oonstruction; and (5) Park fee wnsisterit with area of lats on final plat to be paid prior to reoording. There was no response fr�n the audience regarding this final plat for Vantage Companies, Inc. MJTION by Councilman Barnette to close the public hearing. Seconded by Councilman Goodspeed. LJpon a voice vate, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the mation carried iu�animously and the public hearing closed at 7:39 p.m. • .� : �L . 2. IDERATION OF AN AGREII`'iENr FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE REZONING OF THE pF�pE17I'y GII�IERALLY lAC1�TID BEi'WEEN 81ST AVII�[JE AI�ID 83RD AVENUE AND BETWEEN (yp,IN STREE,T AI� UNIVERSITY AVENUE. BY VANrAGE OOMPAIVIES. INC. • Mr. Qureshi, C,ity Manager, stated this agreener�t has been worked out between the City and Vantage Properties, Inc. in order to assure the type of developnerit the City desires for this property. Mr. Qureshi stated legal co�sel for Vantage has ir�dicated they have closed on the purchase of this property and staff's recommendation would be to authorize er�tering irito this agreenerit. Mr. Qureshi stated staff is still working with the developer in regard to the aesthetics of the building so it will c�mplenent ather structures in the area. MJTICJN by Councilman Goodspeed to authorize the City to enter into this agreene.nt with Vamage Properties, Inc. Seoonded by Co�►cilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vate, aIl vating aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried tulanimously. 3. OF�IlIANCE NO• 855 FOR RE?ANING RF�JUEST• ZQA #85'04. 'PO REZONE THE PROPERTY c,g�F1i�,Y LOCATED BETWEEN 81ST AVENUE AND 83RD AVENUE AND BETWEEN MAIN �FF*r � UNIVF�i2SITY AVENUE. BY VAIJ►'AGE �I�ANIES. INC.: -2- •�. 1�, t�l 1 � • • M. ':. NDTION by Coimcilman Goodspeed to waive the seoond reading of Ordinance No. 855 and adopt it on the se�ond reading ar�d order publication. Seconded by Councilman Fitzgatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. NF��J BUSINESS• � 4. RDCEIVING T� MI�ES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF FEBRUARY 26. 1986: A. �1SIDERATION OF LOT SPLIT UEST. L S. #86-01. GE[�TERAI,I,y IACATID AT 5738 -7TH Sl'REET N E.. BY TFiOMl�S BIANiBERG• Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this is a request to oombi ne th ree 44 foot lats and sglit then into two 66 foot lots for property located west of 7th Street and north o�f 57th Place. He stated the code calls for a lot area of 9,000 square feet and a lot width � 75 feet so variances would be necessary if the lot split is appraved. He stated the lots would be 8,905 square feet and 66 feet wide, hawever, there were quite a few lots in the reighborhood 65 feet wide. Mr. Flora stated the Planning Commission recommended approval of the lot sglit with four stipulations which he outlined. NDTION by Councilman Goocispeed to apprwe lot split, L. S. #86-01, with the follvwing stipulatons: (1) Existing house to be renaved prior to issuance of a building permit; (2) Park fee of $750 be paid prior to issuance of a building permit; (3) Lot split to be recorded prior to issuance of a building permit; and (4) Variances for lot area from 9,000 square feet to 8,905 square feet and lat width frcm 75 feet to 66 feet are approved with this lat split. Seo�nded by Coimcilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the mation carried �animously. B. apNSIDERP,TION OF UOT SPLIT RDQUEST, L S #86-02, GENERALLY IACATID AT 7136 FASP RIVER ROI�p N E., BY RICHARD MALDCEK• Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this is a request for a lot split of the exception property to the Riverwood School plat. He stated the property is located north of 71st and west of East River Road. Mr. Flora stated the proposal is to split off the westerly 90 feet creating a new lot in excess of 10,000 square feet, with access onto the new Riverwood Drive. Mr. Flora stated the way the property lines were drawn means the f ront of the property is facing on neighboring property lines. He felt if a triangular piece of property could be provided for this lot split, there would be a froni yard on Riverwood Drive. Mr. Mal ecek stated he �ias tal ked ta the devel ope r, Mr . Coo k, and h e ha s a partner invalv�, as we11 as a builder, who would have to approve of his obtaining this triangular piece of prc�petty. He feit it may be difficult for him to acquire the property. -3- ��i��a 4��y% ��� � 5t_i y«• _ : • Mr. Flora skated the Planning Canmission has reoomnended appraval af the lat sglit with six stipulations which he outlir�ed. He stated in stipulation No. 5, 15 feet should be changed to 10 feet. Mr. Qureshi felt a stipulation should also be added to make the triangular piece a part of this lat split and the property aaner should work with the developer to aoquire this property. � MJTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to apprwe lat split, L.S. #86-02, with the follaaing stipulations: (1) City be prwided with a 25 foot bikeway/walkway easement along East River Road; (2) New h�use frorit yard setback to follaw curve of the street; (3) Lot split to be recorded prior to issuance of a building permit; (4) Park fee of $750 be paid prior to issuance of a building permit; (5) Private utility easement to be provided across northerly 10 feet of the r�ew lot; (6) Petitioner agrees to fair share of street and utility assessnerrts for the r�ew lot; and (7) Fetitioner work with the developer to aoquire the triangular piece of property, if possible. Seoonded b� Co�cilman Goodspeed. Upon a voioe vote, all vating aye, Mayor 1Vee declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Barnette to receive the minutes of the Planning Comnission meeting of February 26, 1986. Seoonded b� (7o�cilman Schneider. Up�n a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried tmani.mously. ��., ��•• • • �� • •, • ••. •� � � � •� : • •�,� � • a• _ � ti ►� _ �.. �� : 1���_ �_ • � «, , • ,. �_�i��'���, Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated the City received a request from the North Suburban Ceriter for the Arts (NS(�,) for a$10,000 contribution for restoration of Locke House rn East River Road. Mr. Flora stated in January, 1986, the NSC�, reached an agreegnent with the Co�ty regarding restoration and occupancy of the Banfill Tavern/Locke House, and a stipulation of the agreenerit oaligates then to raise $50,000 by January� 1987 to be tised in the historic restoration of the structure. Mr. Flora stated staff has checked with the Oounty and received a positive response as to the appropriateness of using CDBG funds for this historic restoration project. He stated, if the Co�cil decides to appropriate CDBG ftmds toward this project, it would be necessary� to send an anended request to the Co�u'ity before their April 8 public hearing. Mr. garry Rosenbaun, Q�ainnan of the NSC3�1 FUnd Raising Drive, stated this structure is the first taver� in the State of Minnesota still located on its original site. He stated the building is aver �t30 years old and the County is already starting operations to preserve it. He stated it is their hope to make tiiis a useful arts ceriter. He stated they expect a good deal of local participaton fram busiriesses and the senior citizens. Mr. RosenbaLUn stated they have � ready �sad iriqui ries f ran busirnsses regarding use of the rooms for meetings. -4- �.��L , � , � �.i�t�� � • Cb�cilman Goodspeed asked if there would be prograitnning for yo�g children. Mr. Rosenbaum stated the art center would be open to anyone who has an interest in art. M�TION by Councilman Goodspeed to re-appropriate $8,000 of CDBG funds earmarked for the University/Mississippi lighted sic�age to the, Locke House restoration. Se�nded tr� Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee delcared the mation carried t,�animously. Mr. Flora stated staff would notify the County of this amendment to the City's appropriation of the CDBG f�cls. 6. RF,9pLUrION Nl�. 19-1986 OF A NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR A FULL ENVIRONMENTAL I�'ACT STATF.MII�TI' FOR I�iCE POINrE OORPORATE CII�ER• Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated an Environmental Assessment Worksheet for the Lake Pointe Corporate Center has been prepared and distributed to 14 reviewing agencies, as well as published in the D�B Monitor. He stated the City has received seven responses and none were negative. He stated some of these wnments regarding soils, water run-off, and the sanitary waste issue wi.11 be addressed during actual oonstruction. Mr. Flora stated the matter of air quality does require improvenent of the intersections at Highway 65 and West Moore Lake Drive and Highway 65 and Rice Creek Raad. He stated, as far as wildlife habitat, this development cbesn't impact o�n Moore Lake. Mr. Flora stated it is staff's reoo�ner�ation that, in accordance with the responses received, there is no requirement for an environmental impact statenent to be prepared. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency would be issuing an irrlirect source permit and would take into v�nsideration traffic and air quality. He stated the City is aware the irrtersection ryeeds to be upgraded, however, the total cost of this improvement and the participation of the different agencies has not been established. He stated it is hoped that the Departrnent of Transportation will move on a timetable the City desires. M?TION by Co�cilman Barnette to adopt Resolution No. 19-1986. Seconded by Cotmcilman Schneider. Upon a voice vate, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried �animously. Ms. Lir�da Fisher, 1500 Northwestern Financial Center, stated the City staff has been very thorough in this process on the envirormental issues. Mr. Eric Nesset stated getting the intersection improvenent in 1987 is critical ta theis �ve�opmer�. Ms. Fistjer stated they need the indirect source permit for this project and wi11 be submitting an application in the r�ext faa weeks. She stated there is a 30 day �nerit period and, as shown in the air quality analysis, the -5- •� 1�. � �+�__� 1�� � i_�1�� ��• first building will work with the existing intersection, but further developnerit requires impravene.nt of the ir►tersection. She stated Woodbridge Properties would like to be involved in the City's meetings with the Minnesota Departmerit of Transportation. Mr. Qureshi stated staff would work with Woa3bridge to try and expedite this improvment proj ect through the Departinent af Transportation. 7. RESOLUTION N0. 20-1986 ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND FINAL PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIMATES OF COSTS THEREOF• WATER & SANITARY SEWER PRDJECT #162 • NDTId�1 by Co�cilman Goodspeed to ac3�pt Resolution No. 20-1986. Seconded by O�l.mcilman Schneider. Up�n a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried t�animously. �• � • • : . • •.� a�. . .,• � a�� . . . •,� • • , � �u • • � � �� :� •� �►� �� ► __ �� � � :a ��: •�� s . NDTION by Councilman Barnette to adopt Resolution No. 21-1986. Seconded by Qo�cilman Schneider. Up�n a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried imanimously. 9. RF�LUrION I�. 22 1986 RDCEIVING A PETITION TO 4�IVE THE PUBLIC HEARING ON THE MATTER OF THE O�NSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN IMPF�VEME[�TrS • STREEI' IMPROVEMENT PRU7ECT N0. ST 1986-1 • NDTION by Co�mcilman Fitzpatrick to acbpt Resolution No. 22-1986. Seconded by Co�,mcilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 10. RESOLUTION N0. 23-1986 ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND FINAL PLANS AND aPECIFICATIONS AI�ID ESTIMATES OF �STS '�'H��F• SI'REEP IMPROVEMENT PROJECT �NO. ST 1986-1 • rDTION by Co�cilman Fitzpatrick to acb�t Resolution No. 23-1986. Seconded by Cot.mcilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried �animously. -• • ,�• • : . • •. �. � ,. .,• � �,, . . �� . . . . � . ��. • • . • � �_ � •� a� , � ' � `�C �i - �1• :,�1��4 �+\ '.• �, , � ' : • NDTION by Cotuzcilman Schneider to adopt Resolution No. 24-1986. Seoonded by �imcilman Barnette. Up�n a voice vote, all voting aye, Nhyor Nee declared the motion carried tmanimously. 12. RFSOLUTION N0. 25 1986 ORDERING PR�LZMINARY PLANS. SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIMATES OF COSTS T�iERD()F STRE�,T IMPROVEMENr PROJECT I�A. ST 1986-2 • PDTION by Co�cilman Goodspeed to adopt Resolution No. 25-1986. Seoonded by Coimcilman Barryette. Up�n a voice vote, all vating aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried tmanimously. -6- r����� � 1�� • ��LM ' ' • 13. RESOLUTION NO 26-1986 RECEIVING THE PRELIMINARY REPORT AND RECEIVING PETITIONS TO 4�,IVE THE PUBLIC HF�IRING ON THE MATTER OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF CF�'AIN IMPRUVEMEI�TrS• STREE,T II�RUVEMENr PFiOJECT IV�. ST 1986-2. NDTION by Co�cilman Barnette to adopt Resolution No. 26-1986. , Seconded by Councilman Goodspeed. Up�n a voice vote, all voting aye, Nhyor Nee declared the mation carried �uianimously. 14. RE�OLUTION N0. 27-1986 ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND FINAL PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS A1�ID ESTIMATES OF OOSTS THEi2DOF• STREEr IMPROVEMENT PROJECT N0. ST 1986-2• NDTION by Co�cilman Barnette to adopt Resolution No. 27-1986. Seconded by ��cilman Schneider. Upon a voice vate, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ; __� � �,� •:. ••� ..� � . ..;• • � �_ • �� ••� • � �� a�•� � � ��• : n r•,� �+ � ••,• a �� .. .. NDTION by Cow�cilman Fitzpatrick to acbpt Resolution No. 28-1986. Seconded by Co�cilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. • -• • ,� • •:. •• i •• � • �� •�•� �. �� •� �� '• � � � � ' �i� •� � �� � . NDTION by Cotmcilman Goodspeed to adopt Resolution No. 29-1986. Sevonded by Gbi.mcilman Schneider. Up�n a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried �uianimously. : ,`• �' �� 1 • :. � •�� �I• � • •.� � t�l . . ..,• • • � �_ i� • �� � • � •� �' �I�� �1� C : � `/Y� DJ u • L,• /�u �I►1 ' .,• ?.M .:� `i ' I . 1 NDTION by Councilman Goodspeed to adopt Resolution No. 30-1986. Seoonded b� Cbimcilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried �manimously. ' _� �, • • : . • •o �• i• •,• �+ � . . . ..� • • i. • - � • � •� � i • • : i� _ • �y-� � � �� . . . �+ �I� • � � ID• • r �' ���� 1� P • : � I�DTION by Colmcilman Fitzpatrick to adopt Resolution No. 31-1986. Seconded by Co�mcilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee decl ared the moti on car ri ed unanimously. • ��, �� �• � � • � a� � �, • • �• , �+� • • , • � � • ti �� a�•� � • �• � a�• ��,� Mr. Floza, Public W�ks Director, stated the City has an easement along University Avenue and, at one time, a g�lon sign was installed in the eas�nerit. He stated the City has asked the property aaner to enter into a hold haimless agreenent for this sign. -7- ���� 1 I 1� • �:_��• � � ' M�TION by Co�mcilman Goodspeed to authorize entering into this agreement with Ng2T Properties, Inc. Seoonded b� (btu'�cilman Schneider. Upon a voice vate, all v�ing aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried tu�animously. 20. R�'F'IVING THE MIN[TrES OF TE� CH�tTER �ISSION MEEI'ING OF OCIbBER 21. 1985 • HDTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to receive the minutes of' the Charter �nission meeting of October 21, 1985. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 21. �;SIDERATION OF CITY APPOINTMENTS TO CITY COMMISSIONS (TABLID MARCH 3, 1 8 : NDTION by Co�mcilman Schrieider to r�appoint the follaaing persons to City Conmissions: Dick Yoimg and Daniel Allen to the Parks & Recreation da�mission Bruce Peterson to the F�virormerital Quality Commission Dean Saba and Bruce Borx3aw to the Enerc� �nmission Peter Pieroe to the H�anan Resources Canmissioa� Duane Peterson to the Cable Television Conmission Seoonded b� Co�cilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee c3eclared the motion carried unanimously. OOr'I�iUNITY DEVELOPMEI�Tr OONINIISSION AI�ID ENVIRU�NTAL OUALITY QON9MISSION: NDTION by Cot,uicilman Barnette to table the appointments to the Community Developnent CamQnission and the F�virormental Quality Camnission. Seoonded b� Oouncilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the mation carried unanimously. APPFAI.S Q�I�II�'iI SS ION • ��mcilman Goodspeed naninated Diane Savage, 567 Rice Creek Terrace, for appoir�tment to the Appeals Camnission. Ms. Savage was present at the meeting and stated she is an attorr�ey with the Anoka ooimty Attorney's Office, and would be hap� to serve on the Appeals Comnission. NDTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to cast an unanimous ballot for the appointment of Diane Savage to the Appeals Commission. Seconded by �u¢�cilman Schrieider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried tmanimously. HtJMAN RF�90URCES OONII�'lI SSION • �imcilman Goodspeed nominated Qaudia Da�s3e, 701 Rice Creek Terrace, for appoir�tment to the Hunan Resources Comanission. He stated she had sent a letter indicating her willingness to serve m the C�nmission. -8- ��� 1 I 1 • ��it«• ' ' • Coi.mcilman Barnette stated Ms. Dodge is the Camnunity Education Di rector in the City of Ramsey and felt she would be a valuable addition to the Comnission. Nl�TION by Councilman Barnette to cast an unanimous ballot for the appointment of Qaudia Dodge to the Hunan Resources Carmission., Seconded by Co�mcilman Schneider. Upon a voice vate, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the mation carried unanimously. 22 . APPOINrMIIarS - CITY ENiPIDYEES • NDTIDN by Councilman Barnette to ooncur with �e follvwing appointments by the City Manager: !+� Wende Dee Ferguson 11610 Tulip St. #307 Qoon Rpds., MV 55432 John L. Robertson 2409 F3�sse1 Ave. S. Mpls., NN 55405 Jef f rey J. Rokeh 2085 E. Hwy 36 N. St. F�ul, 55109 •�. w �• Of f ice Assistant Fblice Dept. (non-exeqnpt ) domn�ity Dev. Dir./Executive Di r. HRA (exempt ) P�l ice Of f icer STARTIDIG STARTII�IG SAI�ARY DATE REPLAG�S $1,140.94 March 11, Cynthia Per 1986 Hafr�er Month ($6.56/hr.) $40,000 F�r year $1,667 Per Month March 31, 1986 March 31, 1986 Jerry Boardman Qorby Fel to Seoonded b� Co�mcilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting ay e, May or Nee decl ared the motion carried unanimously. 23. ('LAIMS NDTION by Councilman Schneider to authorize payment of Claims No. 7021 through 7229. Seoonded by Councilman Barnette. Up�n a voice vote, all voting aye, I�yor Nee declared the motion carried tuianimously. 24. LICENSFS• rDTION by Cotmcilman Schr�eider to apprave the licenses as sulxnitted and as on file in the License Qerk's Office. Seoonded by Co�cilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanunously. 25. ESTIMATFS- Nl�TION by Councilman Schneider to approve the follawing estimates as _} ��. �. � r,, • � �« _ ' � � suLmitted: D. H. Blattner & Sons, Inc. P.O. Box 37 , Avon, NN 56310 For BASFU Modif ication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 4,400.00 F�gene A. Hickok and Associates, Inc. 545 Indian I�btmd Wayzata, NN 55391 Professional Services fram 1-29-86 to 2-26-85. ... 700.89 Se�nded tr,� Co�mcilman Barnette. Up�n a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried �u�ani.mously. • � � ������ IrDTION by Councilman Barr�ette to adjourn the meeting. Seoonded b� Oouncilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all vating aye, I�yor Nee declared the motion carried �manimously, and the Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Council of March 17 , 1986 adj ourned at 8: 50 p. m. Respectf ully sutrnitted, Carol e Haddad, Secretary to the City Cotu�cil Appraved: -10- Wil l iaQn J. Nee, Mayor l. �� The Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Coimcil was called to order t 7:30 p. m. by Mayor Nee. PLIDGE OF AL,LDGZANCE • Mayor Nee led the Co�cil and audience in the Pledge of egiance to the Flag. ' ��1«�� • • + FAIR HOUSING M'JNTH - APRIL. 1986• Mayor Nee issued a proclanation proclaiming Housing Month in reaoc�ition of the Anoka Anoka Co�.u�ty Com��ity Housing Resource effort to prevent discriminating housin r _ ...� . �� � ►t /Y 0 N1�T ION by Co unc i 1 ma n Seoonded by Co�cil�ran Nee declared the motion i�� � �, • : e+�.0 • month of April, 1986 as Fai r ty Board of Realtors and the rd who are comunitted in a joint actioes in the City. Fitz rick to approve the minutes as presented. Sch ider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor rried ta�animously. NDTION by Council Barnette to adopt the agenda as sutmitted. Seo�nded by C,o�mcilman Sch der. Upon a voice vate, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion ca ied unanimously. ZY�ere�4as no res�nse fram the audience imder this iten af business. PUBLIC HEARINvS- PUBLIC l�ff'ARING ON THE MATTER OF A FINAL PIAT, P.S. �86-01, GQ�]ERALLY LACI�TID AT 8100 UNIVF.R.SITY AVf�I[JE N.E.. SY VANrAGE QOMPANIFS, INC. • NDTION by Gb�mcilman Goodspeed to waive the reading of the public hearing notice and open the public hearing. Seoonded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried tu�animously and the public bearing opened at 7:33 p.m Mr. Flora stated this is a public hearing for the final plat for property located north of 81st and west a� University Avenue currently identif ied with the Fridley Driving Range. He stated the parcel invalves approximately 12.6 acres and is being replatted into two paeoes. -1- 2 .._1,, �?�! t►. •, � � �«: Mr. Flora stated, in association with the plat, is rezoning of the p�rcel f ram t�2 and C-2 to C-3 and C-2 to alla�r dev eloFment af thi s pr ope r ty . �le stated the f i rst phase was the constr ucti on of approximately a 100, 000 square fo�t Wholesale Qub to be folla+ed by a seoond p�hase a'E vonstruction of 77,000 square feet of additional retail spaoe. Mr. Flora stated an informal Envirormental Assessment Wo,rksheet was distributed to various agencies in the metropolitan area and the.City reoeived no adverse oomnents. Mr. Flora stated the Planning Comission recommended approval of the preliminary plat with a total of five stipulations as falla+►s: (1) Plat to be reoorded prior to rezoning being reoorded; (2) Additional right-of-way to be provided oonsistent with street improvanents; (3) Driveway onto 81st Avenue to be widened to three lanes; (4) Drivcway onto the service road to be ter.p�rary; permanent drivaaay to be located north of curve with Phase II canstruction; and (5) Park fee a�nsistent with area of lots on final plat to be paid pri or to reo�rdi ng. There was no response fran the audience regarding this final plat for Vantage Com�xnies, Inc. NDTIOt� by Councilman Barnette to close the public hearing. Seconded by Co�cilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the public heariny closed at 7:39 p.m. • � ,� - 2. 4�NSIDERATION OF AN AGRED�.'NI' FpR THE DEVEIAPMEPd'I' OF THE REZONING OF THE PF�PF.KI'Y GEI�tERALLY IACATID B�.'TWEF�I 81ST AVENUE AI�ID 83RD AVENUE At� BETWEEN MAIN STRF.F,T AI�D UNIVERSITY AV�TUE. BY VANr1�1GE �NiPANIES. INC Mt. QilleShl � Gl MdTld � // ty ger, stated this agreenern has been worked ou�--between the City and Vantage Properties, Inc. in order to assure the type of develop�ent the City desires fo� this property. /� 3. Mr. Qureshi stated le�c�al oo�msel for Vantage has on the purchase of this property and staff's i authorize entering into this agreenent. / �£ed they have closed endation would be to Mr. Qureshi stated staff is still wor ' with the developer in regard to the aesthetics of the building so ' will canplene.nt other structures in the area. I�D'I'ION by Go�cilman Go speed to authorize the City to enter into this agreenent with Vant Properties, Inc. Seoonded by Co�cilman Fitzpatrick. Up�n a voioe v , all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried -2- 2A VANTAGE COMPANY�S ADDITION P,S, �86-01 STIPULATIONS ' 1� PLAT TO BE RECORDED PRIOR TO REZONING BEING RECORDED� � 2� ADDITIQN L RIG�IT� -�IAY TO BE PROVIDED CONSISTENT Y�ITH STREET I MPROVEI�N� � ✓ 3� �RIVEWAY ONTO 31ST AVENUE TO BE MJIDENED TO THREE LANES� 4� DRIVEWAY ONTO THE SERVICE ROAD TO BE TEMPORARY; PERMANENT DRIVEWAY TO BE LOCATED NORTH OF CURVE WITH PHASE II CONSTRUCTION� S� PARK FEE CONSISTENT WITH AREA OF LOTS ON FINAL PLAT TO BE PAID PRIOR TO RECORDING� !�'] . - + , � I Vantage Ca�ani.es, Inc. } � . i P.S. #86-01 � • � ;• . ' : • t�; . �, � � � `� � � �,i � � � � � � � .. !i . ` . �` � ; �� � � � � � � �- , .: : � �� t, f t . : .. , ; AgA � - G ..s�: :. . : . ;• � , ; � .+ , � i . # . � � • v� t_�� , .� � �- . ,�. , . . , . ..- � � ± , ,- � '�-, � � , ouT� ' ''�r 1 � f a ` 1 , • _•• ��, �'� � ; ' •• _..� � .. , ' ��r•i -• � - — -�- ' 1 �n� -a �'� —i ' , 83 .. - �►-� • •� ��� �_ ' ; ' '� q hI� • � � 8t�° OZtB I� Y � . •. - . Z .� �..� , � � O � � . . � � ��, `�l . � ' ' , AO � � W o�- A1,1 2 _ _ __.�. � - - - - � ; , �E 51 �n � . �� . jf 1R : � . � ► - � � ! _. . . ... .,r , , , � �' . : -. -'J� ; . � .. _., ��' i — 1 � 1 ' � � i , wr.� ; ` W — � '.�' �'' ,. � '� i Q ' Z ' . . � . � � P � OU � , , a �i; ' . , , i� i . ; �. , -, , � ;, ���: ,. � . �� ,..--.- - ' _ 1 �� • 1 . - - 11�! AP �, . LOCATI N g �� � s . O�j � NQ � L � � (11 � � y / ;w f�♦,. c« w. i w x. _, r ���' I ,'�. I � I , .� u �� � u� ;� ' ` ►— W I N W I � h ~ � N 3 � j o Z 0 i 1'� VANTAG E COMPAN IES ��T,� OF FRIDLEY. ADDITION ANOKA COUNTY � 0[ti Y1 10 tY 7aS[ �ftt[IRS: fY� TM irl/1.� u11 Ori�ly trp. I�c.. � Ni�eewu corrontlw, 1w wr�r, �/ Yrty� tr�»rtlr, l�c., � T��u t�mr�tbe. ewtru[ �rrcNwr or tM fellwly N��riM� �rhei[�: T�r lwa� :S].M fwt •t �11 tly� yrt e! tV SoutMs[ pu�rt�r �f tM MurtM..� Vu�r�er N seaUoe :. Twm��l� M. 4s�e 1l. YK� Cw+�y. BlNewt�. lf/q wurl. el Sui. TruN , r�d■.n w. t�. WM uu�N tM �re to M wrw�N uJ ►l�tleJ �� YAIRAGf CVPAMI!! AWITIOM �N b Nr�►r �oNte �,A I.d�c�t� �o e�e o�eu� fer wel�� w� for.wr ur Ardwyr �w/ rUltt� u�wo�.. •�rne. �ww �ed Ir�w �� ��w� en tM �1��. In r1tn.�� M�rr�of Nld Tl�e ItUle) folf kl�l�{ 4np. I�c., � Mlreu[� Hfpt��lon. ►�� cwwd tn.�• yre��nt+ m N�lped y It• �toi.rt olflc.r tAl• Mt �f ___. 19e0. 1� rl�.r.� Mwre..f �./d Y�au�e Ilo�t[Ilq. �1M.. � TfY� �..rpr�tluo. Iw c�u.d ��.e�e ►nw��• to A.� sl�ned ►y !t� �r���►r ..Ifltrr tAl. __ Iaf �l _ . IM�. il�xcn: TM frldlry �+'ll 0`�r/q 4ep, lw.. •• �.•r�•r M. JoM�. 11. Yre�ldent �_-- Yr.1�R. ►tprfl 1��. I�.. IY��Ar. M. Mlcoll. It� 4ecr�lv� t��r —'— n..u..�. vi....r.���. o�.�.�w S�C39' ])'E - t 711 3I Mf� �3 �'..t: •�. �'. �`�� ,• �.. 1 t �'� ,.•.:. , �: �:� i r-'� I ��rM w `�M r� .1 �w �r� �17�� Iw� •�1�'�0�7T � r� �fr�l%� ����. ww ii� �•1� �O � �! •� rl.�q• � � uor � �•f�ll ' . . . �� �. �q �7 ,� � J�.b t� ' i' O�� +t �'� �: � I �� , /�� 1' , �� � +± u. 8^; � � � _, �p, Cr ;� • � Z w S�• i O � t� . � O ..,� Ill . ' {�di.� , �0 1 ti .� � . y8�' �_•'P I � j � � =� I ,;, i i . �� � i i�S`_ >. i . � lOi 1 j ^�' ': �� . Z� lOi I g W� g � N � ' �. Q � I 4� ,' ,• Q 3Y„ .. .. > ; �_ .�' 8.4 i �.� �'•��e ; �; -- .a ,. , �', ., s q,. � '� _: � :.' 8 --- u�s�-- ... --i -- --- --- ---- -- u•n - - - - -- -- ---- � _ � d15T «.,, AVENUE i " NE. .,_ . i:. •:'�,o"i::,.i �;,� .,Nw•sv•»-w-�za �2 :;�1L?•=;.�;. ri�. � • � � /— —�— — — — — ir w r—... svr V� � rr �' � _ _ � ; / r� �N � w Z •70-]• � ,! � \ ,.. � / � — ( � ' 1 � ...•1��vi.�_!T�i ZiL fi•:��st�i9.�r�: G�L'y �i1R�. I i!• .t Y. — a a....� r .......... w. .r� .�w: � G ' _i _ _1_ -- ---- -- - � i i�+a C �. r «M. ww� Myw.w �I�� r1 �/Hrr� �4�� I.� ...�.. �� w� M�•+� My y wr�/ h.y r 4 � L���•••.M • ! � � O L...... .r r.....• �. •.w�.� tif Ml) � � • w • r r fL��� � rKw • Np net • � _ . _ �' ( Wy .7 1 r ' FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- APPOINTMENTS" April 7, 1986 (Tabled March 17, 1986) • �� � � ��.r . f. � - f • • � �• � � t• �`"arnarPt NPndl y _LL�r_a.i.� iday_r:. E' . (H_ �71-2757) �'`� ' ��� ; ��; �.� �• ��... _� � u . Dick Younc �eappointed Daniel Allen Reappointed : :; �� , . � �� Diane Savaae 5E7 Rice Creek Terrace H. F71-3�62 Jerry Sherek 1�3C 73-�/� Avenue (N:T7£�-6�4� } 1'.�.�. }.�V: • � YH •• 1 ` u �- �+�• _;_� � . . � : � i 4-1-89 Clarenoe (Gene) Rezac 1561 Camelot Lane (H. 574-0629) 4-1-89 4-1-89 4-1-89 4-1-89 4-1-88 4-1-89 (vacated by Louis Schmidt 10/85) Dick Young 5695 Quincy St. N. E. (H. 571-8098) Dani el All en 6200 Rice Creek Dr. NE (H. 571-3137) James Pl enel 6864 Channel Iad N. E. (H. 571-0026) (vacated by Patricia Gabel 12/85) Tan G ronl und 7411 Lyric Lane (H. 786-7459) � r�ce Pe rson 4-1-89 BruCe Peterson �ea000inted 7503 Tenpo Terr. NE (H. 786-9898) � MEMO T0: John Flora, Public liorks Director MEMO FROM: llyra Gibson, Energy Coordinator MEMO DATE: !larch 17, 19� RDGARDING: Ordinance No. Energy Standards The Minnesota Department of Energy and Economic Development (D. E. E. D. ) has revised the rental energy standards as of July 1985. The revisions were made to improve the energy requirements for rental property in Minnesota. Therefore� We have prepared a revised ordinance (attached) Lo correspond With the Minnesota Department of Energy and Economic Development's revised energy standards. The Energy Project Committee and the Planning Commission have approved the ordinance, and we recommend the City Council adopt this ordinanee to the Fridley City Code. l�II.G/dm Attach. !4�- 86 - 47 � �, 4A C• ��•. �.i��:•�7�:� AN QRDINANCE RDO�DIFYII� 'IIiE FRIDLEY CITY QODE, QiAPT$R 220, �ID "RFSI�IAL RH�I'AI� Pl�JPEI�!'Y AI�ID �[�DONBI�]IUM �NH�t�Q ARFA MAINirIIJANCE" BY Ai��IDING SE(TDON 220.10 II�Y � _ ?he City O��cil of the (�ty of �ridley does heretr� ordain as follaas: 220.10. II�Y STArIDARL16 1. Effective Januarv 1. 1980, all c�aellings wnstructed prior to January 1, 1976, which are renter occupied during all or a portion of the months of Nnvenber throuc� April, shall be in compliance with the //Minnesota Enerc� Agenc.y// Minr,e�t� De�artment of F�er� and Economic Develo�nent mandatory enerc� efficient standarcls as enunerated in 6 MCAR Section 2.2503 Subdivision B, 1& 2( lA & 1B) whi � are 1 isted belav : A. Install weatherstripping between exterior operable window sash and fra�nes and between exterior doors and frames. Weatherstripping is not required on storm doors or storni winc�ws. B. (�ulk, gasket or otherwise seal accessible exterior joints between fo�datiori and rim joist; arouzd windaw and door frames; between wall and roof; between wall panels; at penetrations for utility servioes through walls, floors and roofs and all other openings in the exterior envelope. 2. Effective July 1, 1983, all dwellings oonstructed prior to January 1, 1976, whic� are renter occupied during all or a portion of the months of J Novenber through April, shall be in compliance with the //Minnesota Enerc�y A4ency// Minnesota DeBartment of �herQy and Economic Develo�p�nt mandatory enerc� efficient standarcis as enunerated in 6 MC�1R Section 2.2503 Subdivision B, 3-8 (21�2F) which are listed belaa: A. Install storm windows or inst�ll do�h7e glazed windows on all single glazed exterior windaw inits enclosing oonditior�ed spave. B. Install storm or insulated doors on all exterior door openings into wnditia�ed sg3oes unless a single door, enclosed porch, vestibule or other appurtenanoe pravic3es a doutxle door effect or pravides an "R" value of 2 or more. C. Install positive shut-offs for all fireplaces or fireplace stoves, �uzless an existing damper provides a positive shut-off. //D. Install insulatio� in acoessi4le attics to ac�ieve a minim�an total "R" value of the insulation of �19. If there is insuff icient space for the installatioci of the reao�ended 'R' value, then the reoamnendation by the City shall be based on installing insulation to fill the available spaoe, praviding for ap�ropriate ventilation.// i� • �; � • • �. • ,p - 1 � - . � _� . • -.=i _. � � . • . � • Page 3 — Ordinanoe No. 1 1� �11 - -�- •� ��� ipi� •1 1• � _��i��V:� �� � : ; : � � : � .1 4: • � 4! �__ � ��J � _ 1�1 � -�- .� ..� - � - •� ii.�- _�- �. - �.. • . -. -. • �. - �� - -�- .► •� ��. •� �. • 1'. �- -�- .� •.•� -� •� n: u •: .; .��. �. � .� -�- .� . •.•�. �. • 1� � �� � � ��� .�� ��i � � 1 � � .�l �j �� �� � �� �—� � �� � . �� / � �� r��s .� ��:� . � � '' � •' �� � 1'� � � � � � � � �. 11 �: �.. c,� •� - c,� -�- •� ��� ql• •1 • .1 1'. �. •� •11 . . • 1,- • - -� �- -�- � • il 1• ' . 1" /' � � � 1� 1 '. q� - - � - •\ ►.� 1 4P• • � 1 • 4z � . � �� ��V : � . ������, : : : :_ _. � � �. ,1 4� � ��_ ; J� //3.// Q� �nplianoe with the ener� efficiency standards shall be mandatory if praven to be eo�nani�lly feasit�le in acoordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 116J.27. PASSID AND ADOFrID BY Zi�iE QTY Q'XJNCLL OF THE QTY OF FRILg,EY �4iIS 1]AY OF , 1986 WII�LIAM J. NEE - NYIYOR I�'I'FS'T: 3i IRLEY A. H�FALA - QTY Q,ERK 4C NEMO T0: THE HO�ORABLE MAYO� AND CITY COUNCIL ' FROM: SUSA.ti JACKSON, CHAIRPERSUI� FRIDLEY HOME RULE CHARTER COMMISSION SUBJECT: RECOIyL�1ENDATION FOR CHANGES IN THE CITY CHARTER � ' DATE: MARCH 18, 1986 At the February 24, 1986, meeting of the Fridley Home Rule Charter Coa�ission the Commission unanimously recommended the following chanRes in the City Charter: 1. Definitions of various types of voters 2. Section 5.�5, "Filing of Petition" 3. Removal of gender specific language These changes are incorporated in the attached copy of the Charter. At the March 17, 1986, meeting of the Charter Commission, the minutes of the February 24, 1986, meetin� were approved. However, there vas a t�otion to rescind the changes reco�ended in section 4.05 and section 12.08 until such time as the Charter co�ission is able to consider the opinion of the Charter Commission's attorney on a n�nber of questions relating to those sections. Accordingly, the Charter Commission is recommendinR the chanRes in the attached document vith the exception of sections 4.05 and section 12.08. We request that the matter be placed on the agenda for the Fridley City Council Meeting of April 7, 1986, for the purpose of setting a public hearing in accordance with Minnesota Statutes Chapter 410.14, Subd. 7. Amendment by ordinance. �a-.-L-t�C `=1-d -� 7 Susan Jackson, C Fridley Home Rul �'rperson ' Charter Commission � ._� ���5 M ' � ' ' � 11 �n: MEMORAPDOIrI 'ms BILL I�JNI'� PER9Q�Il�, OF'�'I(ER i�l: JIIYII PHIId,IPS� Li�'�AL II�TTF.EtN Si�.7FXT: PROCFFQTRE R�UIRII�N7,5 l�t A Q�ATrIER AN� �ATE: APRII. 28, 1983 Aocording to Minnesota Statute 410.12, subdivision 7, the following steps must be taken to amend the FYidley Charter by ordinance: 1. �e �arter Oommission must recarnnend the amenciner►t to the Council; 2. Zl�ere must be two weeks published notiae of a public hearing and the notiae nwst contain the text of the proposed amer►dment; 3. A public hearing must be held; 4. �he amenc�nent must be �nanimously ap�xwed by the Camcil f 5. �e amencinent must be appraved by the Mayorf 6. The amen3nent must be pt�lished in the official City newspaper, as in the case af other ordinances; and 7. �e amenc�nent will become effective 90 days after passage and publication. JP/bd 2/L22/9 � . m •,•�� � • • • AN 03tDZNAr1� AI�II�iDII�G �IONS 2.03, 2.04, 2.05, 2.06, 2:07, 3.01, 4.01, 4.06, 4.07, 5.01, 5.03, 5.04, 5.05, 5.00, 5.07, 5.08, 5.09, 5.10, 5.11, 5.13, 5.14, 5.15, 5.17, 5.18, 6.01, 6.02, 6.04, 7.06, 7.14, 7.15, 7.16, 11.06, 11.07, 12.03, , 12.04, AND 12.05 OF TfiE FRID�LEY CITY (SARTFR, AND ADDING SEGTICI�I 1.04 (DEFINITIOIdS) �IE QTY O�[TNC,IL OF THE QTY OF FRIII,EY DOFS ORiY�IlV AS FL�I�L�Qn1S: That the follawing sections of the Fridley Charter be aQnended as follows: 1.04. D�FINITIONS. 1, Eligible Voter. •: . � • �: • • . �,• • �. . :,. . . - f i - �� • - i � ' • • � • ' � ��� �_� . `i� �f� � � � • • � t 1 �f� � . ��� �� � �� � _�, • � � � � � � - � � � � �����"�%�� � ���� � � • � ' � � 2.03. FI�DCTIVE OFFI�'�R.S. 1. Zhe Cb�cil shall be composed of a Mayor and four .j� //Councilmen// GOLnG� 1rr�nhE?rG W� ��1 �/�9��iec�// �� voters. fihe Mayor shall be elected at large for a tenn of three y� years, (except the first Mayor to be elected in 1957 shall be for a tenn of two � years) . 2. OI72 1� ��CALHIC].IIi1dI�� GOLnCi ltt�mhPr ��1 be elected at large for a term of three y� years except that the first such //Councilmen-at-Large// c'-c��nc?im..Pmt��-a�la�? imder this Criarter shall be the inc�unbent elected in 1956, with two .� years renaining of ternn and shall be considered to serve two .j�.j. years as //Cotmcilmerrab-Large// Councilme�nber-at larae to 1959. 3. Zhree y� //Cotuicilmen// �oLnc�lmemherG shall be elected for terms of three ,�.Z years eadl frcm three y� separate Wards of the (�ty, as designated belaa, exCept that the f itst //COtmC,ilm�[�// C_nunri 1 mPmhc�r for Ward No. 2�der this CY�arter shall be the //Co�cilmar�// cn��n�;?�,�r having one .� year of tenn yet to �erve, and shall be oonsidered //Councilman// Councilmember for Page 2 - Ordinance No. ward 2 for a one � year term to expire in 1958. The //Council men// C'r�t�n�i lrmmhar� fran Wards No. 1 and No. 3 shall be eleeted in 1957, each for tenns of three y� years. 5. 'I�l@ ��CALII1CllItlail�� r��?nri lrt�mhpr ��ed fran a ward must be a resident of such warci and his oeasing to be a resic3ent thereof shall cause a vacancy in the offioe of //Cot�Cilmal'�// Got�nc� 7me?nhPr from such ward; provided that a c�ange in ward boundaries during his term of offioe shall not disqualify //him// the Counciim?,�,t�r fran serving out the terni. 6. Zhe term of Mayor and of EdCtl ��CAlII1C111i131'�/� ('.n»nc�i ln�mhPr ��1 begin on the first official business day in the month of January %/next// follawing //his electior�// the e�ection to office and shall end when a successor has been duly elected and has qual if ied. �e f irst order of t�usiness at the f irst official ��mcil meeting in January shall be the swearing in of the newly elected menbers of the ��cil. �e �u�cil shall be j udge of the election and its menbers. (Ref. S'pecial E].ection 4/12,/60, Ord. 592) 2.04. DI�LTALIFICATIQd F�R APPUIl�IVE OFFI�. No menber of the ��cil shall be appointed acting or permar�ent City Manager, nor shall any menber hold any other paid mtmicipal offioe or enplayment under the (� ty ; and until one � year af ter the expi rati on of // hi s// � te rm as Mayor OI ��COLH1Cl11TIciI'�� GOL►?G?1�l�2"?pr � founer menber shall be appointed to arYy paid offioe or engloyment �c3er the City. 2.05. VAC�NCLES IId �E Q7UIV�L. � A vaaancy in the O�imcil shall be deened to exist in case of the failure of ariy person elected thereto to qualify on or before the date of the second regular meeting of the r�ew �tazcil, or b� reason of the death, resignation, rena�al fran offioe, renwal fran the City, renoval of a ward //Councilman// ('ni�n�ilmPmhPr flCm //hiS/� thdt Ward� continuous absence from the City for more than three ,y� months, or conviction of a felony, of any such person whether before or after his qualification, or by reason of the failure of any ��CAIIl'1C11II1dI�� GOLnCi ltr�ml-�r without good cause to perform any of the duties of inenbership in the ��mcil for a period of three � mQnths. In each such case, the Cb�cil shall by resolution c3eclare suc� vacancy to exist and shall forthwith call a special election to be held not less than for y-five j45,L ciays nor more than .� 1601 days fran the tvne sucii vacancy is declared. In the case of a special election to fill the vacancy, there shall be no primary election. The canciidate receiving the largest ntunber of votes shall be declared the wir�ner. Zt�e winner of said elections shall be qualified and take affioe imnediately upon oertification b� the board of canvass and shall fill the tmexpi red tenn. �,. If at arry time the menbership of the �tmcil is reduoed to less than four (4) members, the renaining m�nbers may, by unanimous action, appoint additional manbers to raise the menbership to four (4) . The order of filling vac�ncies t� appointm�t shall be as fallaas: //1.//� If the ternis vacant are for different lengths, the appointment will be to the seat with the shortest renaining term. 5C Page 3 - Ordinanoe No. 5D //2.//�,. If the te�ns vacant are of the same length, the Council shall choose by lot which vacancy to f ill by appointment. ( Ref . Spe ci al Election 3/25/75, Ord. ?76) � _ 2.06. ZHE I�Y�R The Mayor shall be the presiding officer of the Council, except that a president pro teqn shall be chosen to hold office at the pleast�re of the ��mcil, who shall act as Mayor in case of the Mayor's disability or absence fran the City. �e Mayor shall vote as a menber of the Council. The Mayor shall exercise all pawers and perfoun all duties oonferred and imposed //upon him// by this Ct�arter, the ordinances of the City and the laws of the State. //He// The Mayor shall be reooc�ized as the official head of the City for all oersnonial purposes, b� the oourts for the purpose of serving civil process, and by the Gvvernor for the purposes of martial l�a. //He// The Mavor shall study the operations of the City goverrment and shall report to the Council ariy neglect, dereliction of duty, or waste on the part of any officer or departrnent of the City. In time of public danger or emergency //he// � �yor may, with the �tmcil's oonsent, take oommand of the police, maintain orcier and enforoe the lav. 1 ' 1:� • I� ' �• } `I}. �e Mayor and each //Councilman// Councilmember shall receive each year reasonable ren�meration or salaiy, the amoimt and payment of which shall be prescribed b� ordinanoe duly acbpted on or before Novenber lst of the year preceding payment of the same. Until the first such ordinance is duly acbpted, the Mayor and each menber of the ��mcil shall reoeive such salaries and compensations as were received by the Mayor and //Councilmen// ('�+��n�ilmPml�rS of the Village of Fridley. When authorized b� the Gowzcil, its members shall be renunerated for their reasonable expenses incurred in vonnection with the City's busiriess. The City Manager and all subordinate offioers and emFlayees of the City shall reoeive such reasonahle �npensation as may be f ixed by the ��mci1. 3.01. �ilN(3L 1�ETINGS. On the first official business day in January follawing a regular municipal election, the O�imcil shall meet at the City Hall at the usual time for the holding of Co�cil meetings. At this time, the newly elected members of the ��cil shall assime their duties. Thereafter the Qo�ci1 shall meet at such times as may be prescribed tr� resolution, except that they shall meet at a fixed time not less than onoe each month. 7�e Mayor or ariy three y� members of the �tmcil may call special meetings of the Coi�cil upon at least twelve (12) hours' notice to each member of the Council. Such notice shall be c3elivered personally to each menber or be left at the menber's usual. place of residenoe with a person of suitatale age anci discretion then residing therein, or written notice thereof shati be left in a conspicuous place at the residenoe if no such person be fo�md there. Zhe presenoe of ariy menber of the O�imcil at a specia3 meeting shall wnstitute a waiver of any formal notice iail.ess //hejj €h� member appears for the special purpose of obj ecting to the holding of such meeting. The Council may provide by ordinance a means by which a minority may ooanpel the attendanve of absent menbers. All meefings of the ��mcil shall be put�lic and any person shall have access to the minutes page 4 - Ordinance No. and records thereof at all reasonable times. The Mayor and each //Co�mcilmar�// ����n�;�,�n?r shall have one 11.i.. vote. (Ref• S�ecial Election . 4/12/60) - -- - r: 4.01. GIIJII2AL� II�ECTDON LAWS 't� APPLY. Except as hereinafter pravic3ed, the general laws of the State of Minnesota pertaining to registration of �q'f� voters and the oonduct of p�imary and general elections shall apply for all m�icipal elections of such officers as are specified in this Charter. �e Council shall, through ordinances duly ac3opted in oomplianoe with such state laas and this Charter, adopt suitable and neoessary regulations for the o�nduct of such elections. 4.06. I�AMIIIATIQ[�IS BY P£TITI�1. �he mode of nanination of all elective offioers provic3ed for by this Charter sha11 be by petition. �e n�ne of ariy //elector// �sg?b�e voter of the City shall be printed upon the ballot whenever a petition as hereinafter prescribed shall have been filed in //his,// that person's behalf with the City C1erk. Such petition shall be signed b,� at least ten (10) //electors// r�gistered yoters qualified to vote for the offioe in question. No elector shall sign petitions for more candidates than the niunber of //places// nf� to be filled at the electior�//,// �//and should he do so his signature// .�h4ylS3 �„�h � �a�P occur. the si a� shall be voin as to the petition or petitions last filed. All nanination petitions shall be in the hands of the City Clerk not more than one himdred thirty (130) days nor less than one hundred (100) days before the general election at which time the f il ings shall be closed. Z'he City C1erk shall prepare the ballots with names of the candidates for an office in a manner to be provided by ordinance. Each petition, when presented, must be ac�npanied by a five dollar ($5.00) filing fee. (Ref. S�ecial IIection 4/1?,/60, General Election 11/3/64, Ord. 825) 4.07. I�UMII�IATI�1 F�ETIT�TS. �e sic�atures to the ncmination petition need not all be appended to one �, paper, but to each se�rate �aper there shall be attached an affidavit of the circulator thereof stating the nunber of sic�ers of such paper and that each siglature appended thereto was made in //his// t� �'i rcul ator� G presence and is the genuine sic�ature of the person whose name it purports to be. With each sic�ature shall be stated the glaoe of residence of the signer, giving the street and nunber or other c3escription sufficient to ic3entify the same. �he nanir,ee shall indicate b� an endors�nent upon the petition //that he will accept// accentance of the office if elected thereto. The form of the namination petition shall be substantially as follaws: NOMIIJATmN PETITIDN We, the indersic�ed, //electors// r�g� GtPred voters hereb� ncminate . .. . , whose residence is . . . . . to be voted for at the election to be held on the . 19 ..; and we individuaiiy certify that we are �enlRtP_T2(3 voters and that we have not signed more candidates for this offioe than there are persons to of the City of Fridley, for the offioe of . . . � . . day of . . . . . � //qualified electors// namination petitions of be elected thereto. 5E 5F Page 5 - Ordinanoe No. �e Street and Nunber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . that he . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. being duly sworn, deposes and says � // is// "I am the circulator of the foregoing petition paper containing sic�atures and that the sic�atures appenc3ed thereto were made in //his// �py presence and are the genuine signatures of the persons whose names they �1L�Oit t0 �2. ° � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Subscribed and sworn to before me this . . . . . �y of • • • • � 19 • • �is petition� if fo�md insufficient by the City Clerk, shall be returned to . . . . . . , at N�nber . . . . . . . Street. I hereb,� indicate my willincg�ess to accept the of f ice of ..... if duly elected thereto. 5.01. POWII2S RFSERVID BY �iE PEOPLE. The people of the City of Fridley reserve to themselves the power, in acoorc'�anoe with the pravisions of this Charter, to initiate and adopt any ordinance, except an ordinance appropriating money or authorizing the levy of taxes, to require such an ordinanoe when passed by the Ootmcil to be referred to the //electors// p�ectorate for approval or disapproval, and to recall elected public officials. These powers shall be called the initiative, the referenchmi, and the recall, respectively. 5.03. FUR�iER R�i�'IO�S• � A petition imaer this Charter shall be filed in the office of the City Qerk as one 11,L instrunent, which instruQnent shall contain any instruanent required, a wp� of ariy ordinanoe proposed, covered or affected, any other document (appropriate to the petition) and all the signature papers and affidavits attached in support of the same. A petition may be signed by any //elector// 3�?� stered voter. A petition can be circulated and verif ied only by //an elector// a P�g� Gtered voter who has signed the same. All the signatures on any petition need not be on one .�11 signature paper. The circulator of every paper shall //verify tr� affidavit attached that he (she) was the circulator of the same, that each sic�ature was signed in his (her) presence, and is of the person that the same purports to be and that each siqner affirmed that he (she) was an elector at the residence stated thereon.// be ver� T� e�� � tl� c� rcL� ator of the Salne by atta�'hpr� aff i davit . . - - - . . . - --- -- �_� _.� iL... ....-..,,1 ��nrl c r1rGCPY1CP A1'1C3 afT;rmed � a reai�}�*'� voter at the residence stated thereon. Any paper lacking such affidavit or verified by an affidavit false and untrue is insufficient and void of effect. (Ref. Ord. 625) 5.04. Il�IITIATI�i OF MEAS[JRFS. Any five .L�1 //electors// r�g�,stezed vot�_r.� may form themselves into a �anittee for the initiation of arYy ordinance except as provided in Section 5.01. Before circulating any petition they shall file a verified copy of their proposed ordinance with the City C1erk together with their names and 5G Page 6 - Ordinance No. addresses as menbers of such oommittee. They shall also attach a verified copy of the proposed ordinance to each of the signature papers herein described, t�ogether with their na¢nes and addresses as sp�nsors thereaf. 5.05. FORM OF PE'PITI(�T AI�ID OF SIGI�12[JRE P�PERS. �ie petition for the ad�ption of ariy ordinanoe shall oonsist of the ordinanoe, together with all the sic�ature papers and affidavits thereto attac,Med. Such petitiai shall not be vomglete �uiless signed by //a number of voters equal to// at least ten peroent S14$1 of the total nunber of registered voters as of Januaiy lst of that year. Each sic�ature paper shall be in substantially the follaaing form: INITLATIVE F�'TITION Proposing an ordinance to . . . . . . . . . (stating the purpose of the ordinance) , a cop� of whici� ordinance is hereto attadzed. This ordinance is sponsored b� the follvwing oon�nittee of //electors// �g� GtP*'� vote�: Na¢ne 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . •.. � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �e tmc3ersigned //electors// r�g�GtPred voterG, understanding the terms and the nature of the ordinance hereto attached, petition the Council for its adoption, or, in lieu thereof, for its sub�nission to the //electors// P�ectorate for their approval. Nane 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3............. •.. � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. At the end of the 1 ist of sic�atures shall be appended the af f idav it of the circulator menti�ed above. (Ref. Ord. 625) 5.06. FII.ING OF PL�TITIQNS AI�ID AGTIaN ZI3IItDCN. Within five y�1 d3ys after the filing of the petition, the City Clerk shall ascertain tr� examination the nunber of //electors whose// signatures //are// appended thereto and whether this nimber is at least ten peroent (10$) of the total nunber of //regulaX// �.stered voters, a� of Januarv ls� of that year. If the GYty Clerk finds the petition insufficient or irregular, //he// � C� Clerk shall at onoe notify one ,�2. or more of the oommittee of sponsors of that fact, oertifying the rea�ons far //his f inding// the in��f� c� ency� irr , aritv. The �onmittee shal� fihen be given thirtv L301 c7ays in which to file additional sic�ature gapers and to oorrect the petition in all other particulars. If at the end of that period the petition is found to be still insufficient or irregular, the ��+-; }; on �hai � hP f; i?d in 5H Page 7 - Ordinance No. t� Citv C1erk's off�ce. � City C1erk shall //file it in his offive and shall// notify eac� m�►ber of the oomnittee of that fact. (Ref. Orc3. 625) 5.07. ACTION.OF �E �JIJNCII, CN P�TIT�S• When the petition is fo�d to be sufficient, the City C1erk shall so certify to the O��mcil at �ts ne� meeting, stating the nunber of petitioners and the peroentage of the total nt�nber of reais� tered voters which they �r�st,itute, and the Ooimcil shall at once read the ordinanoe and refer it to an appropriate �unittee, which may be a oo�nittee of the whole. The oommittee or Council shall theretzpon pravi,de for public hearings upon the ordinance, after the holding of which the ordinanoe shall be f ir�a].ly acted upon b,� the douncil not later than si y-five 1651. days after the date upon which it was sub�nitted to the O��cil b� the City C1erk. If the Council fails to pass the proposed ordinance, or passes it in a form different from that set forth in the petition and�unsatisfactory to the petitioner, the proposed ordinanoe shall be su�mitted b� the do�mcil to the //vote of the electors// electorate at the next regular mtmici�l election; but if the nunber of sic�ers of the petition is equal to at least � n �er� .i�5$1 ��e total ntunber of registered voters, the ��mcil shall call a special election upon the measure. Such special election shall be held not less than thirtv 13U1 nor more than for�y-five j451 days f ran the date of f inal action on the ordinance by the O�uncil or af ter the expi ration of six�y-five j651 days f rom the date of submission to the Council when there has been no final action; but if a regular election is to occur within three 1�L months, the Council may submit the ordinance at that election. If the dou�cil �sses the proposed ordinance with amenc3nents and at least four-fifths 14/51. of the vommittee of petitioners cb not express their dissatisfaction with such amencled form by a statenent filed with the City C1.erk within � i�01 days of the passage thereof by the Council, the ordinance need not be sutmitted to the //electors// .��P�orate. 5.08. 1NITIATiVE BAI�IA'I5. �e ballots used when voting upon such proposed ordinance shall state the substance of the ordinance and shall give the //voters// P?P�torate the opp�rtunity to vote either "Yes" or "No" on the question of adoption. If a majority of //the electors// �� voting on any such ordinanoe vote in favor of it, it shall thereupon become an ordinance of the City. Any number of proposed ordinances may be voted upon at the same election but the voter shall be allowed to vote for or against each separately. In the case of inoonsistency between two � or more initiative ordinances approved by the //electors// Y4�.�► the ordinances shall not go into effect until the City Co�mcil has had , ixtv 1601, days to resolve the inconsistencies. (Ref. Ord. 625) 5.09. Il�IITIATIJOIJ OF Q�IIt A�. Nothing in this C�iarter shall be oonstrued as in any way affecting the right of the //electors// �?ig�!�?e voterG under the Constitution and Statutes of Minnesota to propose aanendnents to this Charter. 51 page 8 - Ordinance No. 5.10. �SE RE�FRII�IDOM- If prior to the date when an ordinance takes effect a petition signed by //qualified electors of the City equal in nunber to// at �Past fifteen peroent �5$l, of the registered voters //filed with the City Clerk requesting// as of T�n , ry i G� of t�t year reaLes that any such ordinance be repealed or be sutmitted to a vote of the electors, the ordinanoe shall thereb� be prevented from going into operation. The Council shall thereupon reconsider the ordinance at its next regular meeting, and either repeal it or by aye and no vote r�-aff inn its ac�erenoe to the ordinance as passed. In the latter case the ��cil shall imnediately order a special election to be held thereon, or sutmit the ordinance at the next regular mimicipal election, pending which the ordinance shall renain suspended. If a majority of //the electors voting thereon// those votin4 is opposed to the ordinance, it shall not become effective; but if a majority of //the electors voting thereon// those votina favors the ordinance, it shall go into effect immediately or on the date therein specified. 5.11. RT�FRII�IDOM P�'rI'rI�TS• I: �l:�I; .7���_�1�! �y1!�. (�: Proposing the repeal of an ordinance to (stating the purpose of the ordinanoe), a oog� of which ordinanoe is hereto attac�ed. The proposed repeal is sponsored b� the following c�nittee of //electors// r�,g:�tP*'� voters: Nane 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2............. 3............. 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. ............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �e tu�►c7ersicp�ed //petitio�ners// r�g� G�ered voters, �c3erstanding the nature of the ordinance hereto attached and believing it to be detrimental to the welfare of the City, petition the ��mcil for its su�iission to //a vote of the electors// the eiectorate for their apprwal or disapprwal. Na¢ne 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.13. �E R�Q�i�,• R:.RZ�� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Any five .�1 //electors// �,gi S�Pred voters may form th�nselves into a ooa�nittee for the purpose of bringing abc�ut the rec�ll of ariy elected officer of the C�ty in aooardance with prooedures establishea in Section 5.03. The v�mmittee shall certify to the City C1erk the name of the officer whose renc�val is sought, a statenent of the grotmds for renwal in not more than �4 b�,ndred fiftv �2501 words, and their intention to bring about //his// � Page 9 — Ordinance No. recall. A oop� of this oertificste shall be attached to each sic�ature paper and no signature paper shall be put into circulation previous to such oertifiaaticn. (Ref. Ord. 625) 5.14. RE(1°�is PE'PI'P�IS• RDC�t.L PETITD0�1 Proposing the recall of . . . . . . . . . fran //his// offioe as . �. . . . . which recall is sought for the reasons set forth in the attached oertificate. This moveqnent is sponsored by the follawing committee of //electors// ��Gt-Pr� voterG: Nane 1............. 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . f;r: : ............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The �dersicp►ed //electors// r�g� GtP►'� voters, understanding the nature of the charges against the officer herein sought to be recalled, desire the holding of a recall election for that purpose. I�ia¢ne 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . � .. :� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . At the end of the 1 ist of sicyiatures shall be appended the af f idav it of the circulator. (Ref. Ord. 625) 5.15. FILII� OF PETITI(�i. Within thirtv .L301 days after the €iling of the� original certificate, the oo�nittee shall file the ooanpleted petitioa� in the Offioe of the City Clerk. �e City C1erk shall examine the petition within the next five .�.L days, and if //he// the Citv C1erk finds it irregular in any way, or finds that the nunber of sic�ers is less than twen five j251 peroent of the total nunber of registered voters of the //City// {�Srd or City renresented by the off?ce j�},�, //he// the G?ty Clerk shall so notify one 1].Z or more members of the �nittee. Zhe oo�nittee shall then be given ten (10) days in which to file additia�al sic�ature papers and to oorrect the petition in all other respects, but they may not change the statenent of the groimds upon which the recall is sought. If at the end of that time the City C1erk f inds the petition still insufficient or irreguiar, //he shall notifX// all the members of the �ittee Gh�� be not� f? ec3 to that effect and //shall f il e// the petition //in his// �h?> > be f�? ed � n th?_ G? t� G? erk' s of f ioe. No f urther action shall be taken thereon. 5J 5K Page 10 - Ordinance No. 5.17. PRD(�[TRE AT RDC�i�. ���1. The C1erk shall include with the published notice of the election the statement of the grounds for the recall and also, in not more than five hw�cired (500) worcls, the answer of the offioer o�noerned in j ustif ication of //his// �.course in office. Candidates to succeed the officer to be recalled shall be naminated in the usual way, and the election shall be oonducted as far as possible, in accordance with the usual prc�cedure in m�micipal elections. 5.18. FORM OF RDC�i� BiAi+IAT• Unless the offioer whose renwal is sought resic�s within ten (10) days after the reoeipt b� the �imcil of the �npleted recall petition, the form of the ballot at such election shall be //as near as may be//: "Sha11 ••••••• be recal.led?", the name of the offioer whose recall is sought being inserted in the blank, and //the electors// those votina shall be permitted to vote se�rately "Yes" or "No" upon this question. Tize baTlot shall also contain names of the candidates to be voted upon to f ill the vacancy, in case the recall is sucoessful, �►der the capti�: "Candidates to fill the place of .. .,... ...., if recalled"; but the officer whose recall is sought shall not be a candidate upon such bal.lot. If a majority of those voting on the question of recall vote in favor of recall, the official shall be thereby renwed fran offioe, and the candidate who receives the highest n�unber of votes //for his plaoe// shall be elected thereto for the remainder of the tme�ired term. If the offioer s�ught to be recalled resic�s within ten 110) d�ys after the reoeipt b� the Oo�cil of the completed recall petition, the fonn of ballot at the election shall be the same, as nearly as possible, as the fonn in use at a regular m�micipal election. 6.01. �E (�TY MAN�IIt. �e (�ty Manager shall be the Chief Administrative Offioer of the City//.// �. //He// ,�ni� sha].1 be chosen b� the �tmcil solely on the basis of his training, experience and adninistrative qualifications. �e choioe shall not be limited to inhabitants of the C:ity or State but //he// shall be �?m? ted to a citizen of the United States. Zhe City Manager shall be appoirited for an indef inite period and //he// shall be renavahl.e tr� the Goumcil at ariy regularly scheduled meeting provided at least three � m�nbers of the Council vote for the ranwal. (Ref. Ord. 790) 6.02. POWE�2.S AT�ID DOTIFS OF R9E C�TY MANAGIIZ. (e) To attend all meetings of the O�u�cil, with the right to take part in the discussic�ns but having no vote; but the �u�ci1 may at its discretion exclude //him// the Citv Manaaer frcm meetings at which //his// the Citv ��qer' s retiwal is cansidereii; (f) �o reoa�mend to the O��cil for adoption such measures as //he// may //deem// be deemed necessary for the welfare of the people and the efficient ar�ninistrat.ia'► of the City's affairs; 5L Page 11 - Ordinanoe No. (h) Zb perfoun such other cluties as may be prescribed by this Charter or required //of hi�/ by ordinances or resolutions adopted by the Council. (Ref. 'Ord. 790) 6.04. �017DI1�� OFFI��RS• �ere shall be a(�ty Qerk, City Treasurer, City Attorney and such other offioers subordinate to the City Manager as the Council may provide for by ordinance(s). Zhe City C1erk shall be subject to the direction o� the City Manager and shall have such duties in �nnection with keeping of the public records, the custody and disbursement of the public funds, and the general adninistration of the Gity's affairs as shall be ordained by the Council. //He// T �tv C1erk may be desic�ated to act as Secretary of the Council. �e Council may by ordinance abolish offices which have been created by ordinanoe and it may ooanbine the duties of various offioes as it may see fit. ( Ref. Ord. 625 , 790 ) 7.06. IIV�DRCEt�]T OF �E BUDGET. It shall be the duty of the C�ty Manager to enforoe strictly the pravisions of the budget. //He// T� ��y nagei.r shall not apprv�re arry order upon the City Treasurer for any expenditure tmless an appropriation has been made in the budget, nor for any expenditure covered by the budget unless there is sufficient unenctunbered balance left after deducting the total past expenditures and the s�n of all outstanding orders and encumbrances. No offioer or snplayee of the City shall glaoe ariy orders or make any purchases except for the purp�ses and to the �nounts authorized in the budget. Any obligation incurred b� ariy person in the enploy of the City for any purpose not authorizec3 in the budget or for arty amoimt in excess of the a�noimt therein authorized shall be a personal obligation upon the person incurring the expenditure. 7.14. AO�UNPS ArID REPORIS• Z�e (7ty Manager shall be the Chief Accounting Officer of the City and of every branch thereof, and the Council may prescribe and enforce proper acoo�mting methods, fonns, hlanks, and other c3�vioes oonsistent with the law, this Qlarter and the ordinances in ac�rd with it. //He// �he G� ty Ma,_ naa� shall sutmit to the ��mcil a statenent each month shawing the a�noimt of money in the custody of the Ci.ty Treasurer, the status of all funds, the amount spent or chargeable against each of the annual budget allawances and the balanoes left in eac3� and such other infornnation relative to the f inances of the C�ty as the O�wzcil may require. �e CoLmcil may at any time and shall annually pravide for an audit of the City finances by a certified public ac�intant or b� the de�rtrnent of the State authorized to make examination of the affairs of mtmicipalities. On or before the f irst day of April in each year the City Manager shall prep3re a complete financial statement in form apprwed tr� the O�imcil of the City's financial operations for the preceding calendar year, and quarterr which s�atenent may be published in such manr�er as the Counci3 may direct and a sunmary thereof shall be published in the official riewspaper ori or before the third week in April, July, October and Januazy as appropriate. (Ref. Ord. 625) 5M Page 12 - Ordinanoe No. 7.15. BCt�D D�T AAID DFF�T LIMIT. 2. �he Co�cil tr� a vote of at least fQiil i41 of its menbers may authorize the issuance of the bonds to provide funds for any public purpose not prohihited ty lasa, or may in its discretion, by a majority vote of� all of its menbers sutrnit to the //voters// Q??�^ratP propositions for the issuance of such bonds. When such a proposition is submitted to the //voters// glectorate, no bonds or other term obligations of the City may be issued except pursuant to a favorable vote of a majority of those //voters who vote,// votina on the proposition of their issuance. By the proceedings for the issuanoe of any bonds, b� the terms of the bonds and by agreements with the purchasers of bonds, they may be made special in character and limited in their �yment to earnings or to part earnings and part tax func3s. To the extent that they are thus gayab�l.e out of earnings or other than tax funds, such bonds shall not be paid out of tax�es. The total bonded debt of the City at the time of the issuance of any bonds shall not exceed ten peroent (10$) of the last assessed valuation of the taxable property therein, or the limit authorized by State law for cities of the same class, whichever is the greater, but in o�mputing the total bonded debt, aertif iwtes of indebtechess, b�nds, warrants or other ohtigations issued before or after adoption of this Charter shall not be included or counted if (1) held in a sinking fund maintained by the City; or (2) issued for the acquisition, equipment, purchase, oonstructiori, mairitenance, extension, enlargement or improv�nent of street railways, telegra�h or telephone lirres, water, lighting, heat and power glants, or either, or ariy other publ ic oorrvenienoe f ran whidl a revenue is or may be c3erivec3, aaned and operated by the City, or the aoquisition of property needed in oonnection theraaith, or for the construction of public drainage ditches, storm and sanitary sewers, or for the avquisition of lands for streets, parks, or other public imprwenents or for the improvesnent thereof, to the extent that they are payahle frcm the proceeds of assessments levied upon property especially benef ited tr� such improvenents; or (3) issued for the creatiaz of maintenance of a pern►ar�ent improvenent revolving fimd; or (4) for the purpose of anticiFating the o�llection of general taxes for the year in which issued. , 7.16. �DRM AI�ID REPA�Tr OF BCt�ID6. i�b bonds shall be issued to r� for longer than the reasonahle life expectancy of the property or improv�nent for which the bonds are authorized, as ascertained and set forth in the resolution authorizing such bonds, and in no case shall bonds be issued to run for more than thirty 1,30) years. The purposes for which boncls are authorized shall be eet forth in the resolution authoriz ing then and the proceeds f ran such bonas shall not be diverteci to ariy other purpose. It shall be the duty of the City Manager to include in //his// � budget estimates each year a suQn or stuns amply sufficient to pay the principal of, and the interest on, any bonds which are to fall due in the �ning fiscal year, and another sun sufficient to pay the interest for the same year on the bonds which will be still outstanc3ing. It shall be the duty af the O��mci.l, enforoeatale by mandamus upon the suit of any bondholder or, taxpayer, to incl�ade such sun or suns as may be necessaYY for this purpose in the annual buc]get which it passes. 5N Page 13 - Ordinanoe No. 11.06. Pl�LIC LTI'�ITY� HQ�I 9CI.D. No publ ic util ity vwned tr� the City, whether aaiui red prior to the acbption of this (1�arter or thereafter, shall be sold or otherwise disposed of by the City, unless the full terms of the proposition of said sale or other c�isposition thereof, t�gether with the prioe to be paid therefore, shall be enbodied in an ordinance �xissed b� an affizmative vote of at least four 141 m�ibers of the Co�mcil, and sub�nitted to the //electors// �,�orate at a general or special election and approved by at least sixtv 1601 percent of //the voters// �.� voting thereon. 11.07. MJNICIPAL UTILITY oF�ANIZATI0II.S. � The Council by majority vote may provide for the establishment of a separate department to acfiinister the utility function, including the regulatio�► of privately awned and operated utilities and the operation of mtmicipally aaned utilities. Such cie�rtinent shall keep separate financial and acoo�ting reoorcls for each municipally awned and operated utility and prior to the first day of each fiscal year shall prepare //for the City Manager in acoordanoe with his specifications a oo�nPr�ensive report of each t$111�.�� �IIl�rch�n�ivc rcn-�rt Of �aGh Lti 1 i ty in acc:ors�inr�p �,�i th the Ci tV ���,cr� c �rif7[`AtiO11S. 12.03. QA� OF OFFI�. EVery offioer of the City shall, before entering upon the duties of //his// � office, take and subscribe an oath of office in substantially the follaaing form: "I cb solennlY swear (or affinn) to support the Gonstitution of the United States and of the State of Minnesota and to discharge faithfully the duties devolving upon me as (Mayor, or Councilm�nber, or City Manager, etc. ) of this Gity to the best of my j uc7gement and abil ity. " 12.04. QTY OFFICERS 1�DT ZO A�CEPr FAVORS OR �t�'ii2A(TS. No �manber of the City O��mci1 or enPloYee of the C�.ty sha11 solicit or reoeive arry pay, oonmission, money, thin9 of value, or derive ariy prof it, di rectly or indirectly, from or by reason of, any improv�nent, alteration or repair required b� authority of the (�ty, or any oontract to which the City shall be a party, except //his// lawful compensation, including authorized e�cpenditures, or salary as such member of the City Council or as such enplayee. No menber of the City Go�ci1 or enployee of the City, except as otherwise provided in this Charter, or by law, shall solicit, accept or receive, directly or indirectly, fran arry public utility corporation or the vwryer of any puhlic utility or franchise, arry pass, frank, free ticket, free servive, or ariy other favor, upon tetms more favoratzle than those granted the public generally. A violation of any of the provisions of this Section shall di.squalify the off�der, if foLmd guilty� frcm oontinuing in offioe or in the englayment of the City, and //he// t� offender shall be removed theref rom. Any oontract with the (�ty in which ariy menber of the City Co�ci1 or enploYee of the (Yty is, or beac�►esr clirectlY or indirectly interested personally sha11 be voidahle at the optica af the Cb�ci.l; and arry money which shall have been �id on such oontract by, the City may be recovered f rom any or all of the persons iriterested therein tr� joint or several action. Page 14 - Ordinance No. 12.05. OFFICIAL BCt�IDS. �e offives of City Manager, the City Qerk and City Treasurer and such other offioers or enplcr�ees of the C�ty, as may be prwided for b� ordinance, shall each, before entering upon the duties of their respective offices or engl�ymex�t, give a oorporate surety bond to the City in such form and in such anouzt as may be fi�aed b� the ��cil as security for the faithful perforn►ance of their respective official duties and the safekeeping of the pub�,ic funds. S�ch bonds shall be apprwed b� the City O�Lmcil and approved as to form by the City Attorney. �ey sha11 be filed with the SecretaLy of the (b�mcil. In the event the Secretary of the Council holds more than one ,j11., office by appointment, //his// *??E' �'r?t?!'�''s bond or bonds shall be filed with the Mayor. �he prwisions of the laws of the State relating to official bonds, not inoonsistent with this Charter, shall be oo�nglied with. The preni�uns on the �rporate surety bonds hereinbefore provided for shall be paid by the City. PASSID AND ADOPrID BY �iE QTY O�UNCIL OF THE QTY OF FRIILEY �ILS I�AY OF , 1986 WILLIAM J. I�E - I�YOR � 3iIRLEY A. H�PALA - QTY Q,ERK Public Hearing: First Reading: Seoond Reading: Pural i sh : 50 � CITY OF FRIDLEY PLANNI��G COt1�1ISSI0N t1EETIWG, MARCN 19, 19a6 CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Gabel called the tlarch 19, 1986, Planning Comrnission meeting to order at 7:34 p.m. ROLL CALL: Menbers Present: Pat Gabel, Dave Kondrick, Dean Saba, Wayne 4lellan, Don Betzold Meribers Absent: LeRoy Oquist, Qob Minton Otfiers Present: Jim Robinson, Planning Coordinator Brad Dunham, 6150 Trinity Drive ��.E. Kevin Cole, 326 - 120th Lane N.LJ. Pat Torgrimson, 5651 Regis Drive N.E. John Kosmas, 6112 Excelsior Blvd. Joe Laconic, 6644 Arthur St. N.E. Cindy Braam, 1436 - 66th Ave. N.E. Fred Bischke, 1490 - 66th Ave. N.E. Ken Steinbauer, 6640 Anoka St. tJ.E. David Jedinak, 6632 Arthur St. N.E. (future residence) Rod & Dorothy Brannon, 1622 Innsbruck Parkway W. Marvin Asp, 1486 - 66th Ave. N.E. APPROVAL OF FEBRUARY 26, 19a6, PLANNIt�G COMI4ISSION MI��UTES: MO^_'IOP� BY ldR. KONDRICK � SECONDED BY MR . SABA , TO APPROVE THE FEB . 2 6, 19 86 , PZ,ANNIl7G COMMISSION MINUTES AS WRITTEN. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTZNG AYE,�CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNA�� IMOUSLY. 1. PUBLIC HCARING: COtJSIDERATIOP� OF A SPECIAL USL- PER�•1IT, SP #86-01, BY BRAULEY DU��HA�4: Per Section 205.07.1, C, 2 of tl�e Fridley City Code, to allow a daycare facility in a residential district on Lots 18, 19, 20, and 21, Block 3, Oak Grove Addition, the same being 6633 Arthur Street P�.E. MOTION BY MR. SABA, SECONDED BY MR. BETZOLD, TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC XEARING OPEN AT 7:36 P.M. P1r. Robinson stated tfiis property was located just north of 66th Ave. and east of Arthur St. in a single family neighborhood. The property was zoned R-1. The proposal was for a day care facility for up to 65 children. The petitioner has indicated there would be up to eight staff inembers associated with the project. 6A PLANNIi�G COP'��ISSION MEETItJG MARCH 19 1986 PAGE 2 a; t4r. Robinson stated that to give a little history on this particular struc- ture, in 1970 the City Council approved a recammendation from the then Building Standards-Design Control Cormittee to grant a permit for the con- struction of a day care facility to be run by Anoka County. In 1980 a special use permit was issued for the facility to be used as a home for, battered wor�en and their children called The Alexandra House. That facility remained in operation until 1982 and tf�e house has been vacant ever since. The petitioner, Mr. Bradley Dunham, had an agreement to purchase the property from Anoka .County contingent upon this special use permit. Mr. Robinson stated that associated with this project was the addition of sorne parking spaces. In 9oing through past minutes from the file on The Alexandra House, they found there was a lot of concern about on street parking in the area due to the operation of that facility, so the City would like the petitioner to inStall seven parking stalls on the south side of the building. Mr. Robinson handed out pictures of the facility which showed the quality of the building. I�e stated a new driveway would be installed in front of the building to facilitate the dropping off of children. He stated the building was originally designed as a day care center so the interior was well suited for this type of use. Minimal remodeling was necessary. Mr. Robinson stated Staff was recommending the following stipulations: 1. Petitioner to obtain approval and implement a landscape plan. 2. Petitioner to install a 6 foot high solid wood screening fence around the back yard and south of the parking area. 3. Any signage to be residential in quality not exceeding eight (8) square feet. 4. Hours of operation to be from 6 a.m, to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday only. 5. Petitioner to work with Engineering Department on storm drainage needs. 6. Petitioner to submit a performance bond in the amount of �5,000. t4s. Gabel asked if there was any history on this facility when it was operated as a day care center that would indicate any particular problems at that time. Mr. Robinson stated he did not see anything in the file, other than the original minutes of the City Council approving the permit to build the day care facility. Mr. Dunham stated he would like to preserve the facility pretty much as residential. Ms. Gabel asked what kind of pravisions would be made for deliveries and how frequentl�+ would deliveries be made. . : PLANNING C0�IMISSION t•1EETIPJG, MARCH 19, 1986 PAGE 3 Mr. Dunham stated have been made in on a weekiy basis. there was presently an exterior entrance where deliveries the past. He presumed deliveries would probably be made Mr. Dave Jedinak stated he wil] soon be living at 6632 Arthur St. which was across from�this facility. He asked if any study had been made vn how much traffic would be added to the area. If they are talking about 65 children, that is a potential for 65 cars coming in and out of there. His reason for moving to this area was because of the dead-end street and the lack of traffic. This day care facility really concerned him because it would be adding a considerable amount of traffic. Mr. Dunham stated no studies have been made by him on the traffic that would be generated. He agreed that if they were operating at capacity, that could possibly be 65 vehicles. He stated there would only be congestion at certain times, and that was the reason to have it open between 6 a.m, and 6 p.m, on weekdays only. When people are at home in the evenings and on weekends, it would be quiet. He stated he really did not have an answer to adequately address the traffic question. Mr. Robinson stated most of tf�e traffic would be between 6-8 a.m, and 4-6 p.m. Mr. Jedinak stated he was also concerned about people parking on their residential street. Ne stated that at the time this facility was a day care center before, there was a school across the street and it didn't have the affect on the residential area that it is going to have now. Mr. Dunham stated on-street parking should not be a problem. There was a considerable amount of driveway for drop-off and also there was 160 ft, of frontage for cars to park in front o.f the facility. Mr. Ken Steinbauer, 6640 Anoka St., stated he lived directly behind the property. In talking about the potential of 65 children, there seemed to be a lot of presumptions being made about traffic-and arrival times. He thought there was going to be higher traffic volumes than just 2 or 3 cars at a time. He thought 7-10 cars was probably a more accurate figure. Mr. Steinbauer stated that as Mr. Jedinak had pointed out, when the day care facility was there before, there was a school across the street; therefore, he would expect no past concerns. He felt it was going to be different this time. In talking with the neighbors regarding the Alexandra House, particu- larly the ones who lived next door to it, there were a number of problems with traffic and a number of problems with the type of people who were there. He understood it was a different entity with different purposes, but there were still some problems. He thought the same type of traffic problems and the same kind of problems with the increase� flow of people were going to come about even though this was proposed as a day care facility. sc PLANNIP�G COMMISSION MEETING, MARCH 19, 1986 PAGE 4 Mr. Steinbauer stated this facility was going to reduce his property value. Looking at the marketplace today, homes that are next to or right across from a business were worth about $5-10,000 less than the same type of home in a completely residential area. He stated he moved into this area because it was a residential area. � Mr. Steinbauer stated that in looking at the increased traffic this facility would generate into the area, that would increase the risk to the other children in the neighborhood. In this particular neighborhood, there were a lot of families with cF�ildren between the ages of 3-13. With the increased traffic between 6-8 a.m., that would not present as much of a problem as the hours between 4-6 p.m, when neighborhood children are out playing. From a safety perspective, the risk would be significantly increased with the kind of volume projected by Mr. Dunham for the facility. �4r. Jedinak stated the facility does look like a residential structure, but the parking lot and the U-shaped driveway would change the appearance to look more like a business. Mr. Robinson stated there would be sufficient landscaping to screen the parking lot. As far as the U-shaped driveway, there were a lot of residential homes in Fridley with U-shaped driveways in front. Mr. Marvin Asp, 1486 - 66th Ave., stated he lived around the corner from the facility. He stated the building does have the appearance of a residential structure, but it will definitely not be residential with a day care center in it. Mr. Joseph Laconic, 6644 Arthur St., stated he was very concerned about the increased traffic. This was a quiet street now, and he did not want to see it become a busy street. He stated that because Arthur St. was not a through street, all the traffic has to go in and out from the same direction. Mr. Dunham stated maybe it would be possible to post some signage that would warn motorists of "children at play". Mr. Robinson asked Mr. Dunham to explain something about the class structure. Mr. Dunham stated they were really hoping to structure their needs around the neighborhood and, hopefully, serve some of the neighbors. They are hoping to operate a"latch key" program for school children before and after school, and some of the traffic might be from the neighbors who use the facility. They really won't know their requirements until they actually begin operation. Ms. Cindy Braam, 1436 - 66th Ave., stated she was concerned about traffic. It was all young families with approx. 2-3 children per family. She stated there were no street lights on Arthur St. in this area. She had asked Councilman Schneider about the possibility of street light, but was told there was not enough footage for street lighting. When talking about increased traffic coming and going at 6-8 a.m, and 4-6 p.m., in the winter- time it was very dark at those times. She would be concerned for the safety of the children. �. � PLANNING COPIHISSION f4EETI��G, MARCH 19, 1986 PAGE 5 Mr. Fred Bischke, 1490 - 66th Ave., asked if the City had the ability to control or limit the number of children who could use the facility, or was that only in the County's jurisdiction? Sixty-five children seemed like too many children for this facility. Mr. Robinson stated the Planning Commission could recaimend to the City Council the number of children they felt was appropriate for the facility given its neighborhood setting. Mr. Dunham stated they must have at least 35 sq, ft, per child, and then they have to follow certain programming guidelines where they cannot take into account closet space, bathroom space, etc. There are fire codes, etc. The building can actually facilitate more tf�an 65 cF�ildren, but with the type of programming they want to do and the number of employees they need to make the program run well, they have determined the number at 65. A resident stated that 66th Ave. and Arthur St. form a"V" If people drive very fast around that "V", it could be a dangerous situation. Part of it is visibility and sometimes it is weather conditions. Sor�etimes, after people drop off their children, they are in a hurry to get to work and they might drive too fast. He had some real concern about the type of access this facility had. He stated the Planning Commission shou7d be looking at the whole traffic pattern, not just the number of cars that would be coming in and out of the facility. Ms. Pat Torgrimson, 5651 Regis Drive, stated she would be involved in the operat;on of the day care center. She stated that 65 children was the absolute maximum. �1ost day care centers run at about 70�, and even at that 70�, there would be a lot of part-time children, and children arrive at all different times. The chance of their having 65 children when they open was very �lim. It takes awhile for them to build a reputation. Even then, the changes of them having 65 children every day was extremely minimal. Mr. Dunham stated that as far as numbers of children, they could not operate if they were limited to, for example, 40 children. MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY MR. SABA� TO CLOSE THE PZIBLIC HEARING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON GABEL AECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 8:30 P.M. h1r. Kondrick asked if they could place a stipulation on the special use permit for a maximum or minimum number of children. Ms. Gabel stated they could do that; however, this was something the Staff should check into before the City Council.meeting. She was pretty sure the County and the.State had some �ur�sdiction over the numbers. 6E PLANNIPaG COMMISSION ��IEETING MARCH 19 1986 PAGE 6 Mr. Betzold stated he felt the Planning Commission should still ha��e the � authority to recomnend a smaller program with a smaller amount-of children. even though the State sets the policy and the County licenses the facility. Mr. Saba stated he had a lot of concerns about a day care center for 65 children in a residential area. He had no problem with a day care center in a residential area, but he did have a problem with a maximum of 65 children. He stated that traffic was also a valid concern. Mr. Kondrick agreed. He stated that if Arthur St. was a through street, it would be a lot more accomnodating for traffic. This was a very nice looking building, but they should be careful about how many people they allow in the facility. Mr, Wellan stated he was concerned about traffic because this was a dead-end street. Traffic can only come in and out from one way. Granted, the day care facility was there before, but he was also bothered by the high number of children. Mr. Betzold stated his sister lived in this neighborhood with three small children, so he could understand the concerns expressed by the neighbors. A day care facility was a permitted use for this property and a use they should encourage in residential areas. They should probably put some cap on the number of children so the number could not be increased. He would also recommend an annual review to see how the traffic flow situation was working. Ms. Gabel stated she agreed with the other commissioners. She did not know how they could determine what the "cap" should be. She certainly would not want it over 65, because that would generate a lot of traffic. She did not know if it should be less, because she did not know how the figures worked out based on the County's requirements. Legally, she did not see how the Planning Commission could deny this special use permit request; however, they could put some stipulations on it. MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY MR, BETZOLD, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL THE APpROVAL OF SPECIAL USE PERMIT REQUEST, SP #86-D1, BY BRADLEY DUNHAM, PER SECTION 205.07.1, C, 2 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE TO ALLOW A DAY CARE FACILITY IN A RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT ON LOTS Z8� Z9� 20 AND 21� BIACK 3� OAK GROVE ADDITIDN, THE SAME BEING 6633 ARTHUR STREET N.E.� WITH THE FOLLOWING STIP ULATIONS : 1. PETITIONER TO OBTAIN APPROVAL AND IMPLEMENT A LANASCAPE PLAN. 2. PETITIONER TO INSTALL A SIX FDOT HIGH SOLID WOOD SCREENING FENCE AROUND THE BACK YARD AND SOUTH OF THE PARKING AREA. 3. ANY SIGNAGE TO BE RESIDENTIAL IN QUALITY NOT EXCEEDING EIGHT (S) SQUARE FEET. 4. HOURS OF OPERATION T10 BE FROM 6 A.M. TO 6 P.M. MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY. 5. PETITIONER TO WORK WITH ENGINEERING DEPT, ON STORM DRAINAGE NEEDS. 6. PETITIONER fi0 SIIBMIT A PERFORMANCE BOND IN THE AMOUNT OF $5,000. 7. THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF CHILDREN ALLOWED TO BE 45. 8. AN ANNUAL REVIEW OF TNE SPECIAL USE PERMIT BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION. 6F PLANNING COh91ISSI0N MEETING MARCH 19 1986 PAGE 7 Ms. Gabel stated she was a little uncomfortable with the Planning Commission determining a number for the simple reason that they do not know anything about this day care operation and what it takes to have a successful operation. Mr. Betzold stated that by recommending a number, they are forci�ng the issue of numbers so the petitioner will have more information for the City Council's review. Mr. Saba stated that because of the traffic concern, he could not even agree with 45 as a maximum number. UPON A VOICE VOTE, KONDRICK, GABEL, AND BETZOLD VOTING AYE, SABA AND WELLAN VOTING NAY, CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED BY A VOTE OF 3-2. MOTION BY MR, BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MR. KONDRICK, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL THAT THE CITY COUNCIL CONSIDER BOTH STREET LIGHTING AND SI6NAGE FOR THIS PARTICULAR NEIGNBORHOOD THAT WOULD BE COMPATIBLE WITH THE OPERATION OF THE DAY CARE FACILITY. UPON A VOICE VOTE, BETZOLD, KONDRICK, AND GABEL VOTING AYE, SABA AND WELLAN VOTING A/AY, CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED TIiE MOTION CARRIED BY A VOTE OF 3-2. Ms. Gabe] stated this item would go to City Council on April 7. 2. PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDERATIO�� OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP #86-02, BY n nrT i! t{ r� i rcULGUi�' — Per Section 205.15.1, C, 5 of the Fridley City Code to allow a motor vehicle fuel and oil dispensing service, and per Section 205.15.1, C, 6 of the Fridley City Code to allow a motor vehicle wash establishment on all that part of Lot 12, Auditor's Subdivision No. 155, which lies Easterly of a line parallel with and distant 351 feet Westerly from the East line of Section 23, T-30, R-24, Anoka County, Minnesota, and the South 20 feet of that part of Lot 11, Auditor's Subdivision No. 155, which lies Easterly of a line parallel with and distant 351 feet Westerly from the East line of Section 23, T-30, R-24, Anoka County, Minnesota, except that part thereof taken for Highway, the same being 5300 Central Avenue IJ.E. MOTION BY MR. SABA, SECONDED BY MR. WELLAN, Tp OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING. UPON A VpI'CE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 8:47 P.M. Mr. Robinson stated the zoning was C-3, and the surrounding properties were also zoned C-3. Mr. Robinson stated the reason the petitioner was applying for a special use permit was because of bad soil conditions.The present buiiding was continually settling causing structural problems. The petitioner planned to remove the present structure, but in doing so has to meet today's codes. Four variances were heard by the Appeals Commission on March 11, and the Appeals Comnission made some specific recommendations regarding tF�ose variances. 6G PLAN�ING COPIMISSION MEETING, MARCH 19 1986 PAGE 8 P1r. Robinson stated the layout was quite different from the old layout in . tha� the building and the pumps would be situated at an angle on the property in order to improve traffic flow. Also to improve traffic flow, they have closed the existing easterly driveway onto 53rd Ave. The City has also asked for green space and landscaping with automatic sprinkling in order to bring tF�e property up to code as much as possible. Mr. Robinson stated the Appeals Commission decided the addition of the car wash added to the variances for tF�e site so they recommended some reduction in the rear yard setback and the front yard variances to allow for more green space on 53rd Ave. The petitioner has revised the drawings to meet these requirements with the car wash still included. P•1r. Robinson stated Staff was recorrmending the following stipulations: 1. Petitioner to obtain approval and implement a landscape plan. 2. Petitioner to obtain approval and implement a storm drainage plan. 3. Petitioner to submit a performance bond to cover the site improvements. 4. Protective measures to be implemented to mitigate any erosion or destabilization of surrounding property. 5. An approved utility easement across the northerly portion of the property to be granted to the City. Mr. Betzold stated the first variance regarding the size of the lot had to be granted because if it was not, nothing could be built on the lot. It was possible to construct the building without any other variances, but the petitioner wanted tF�e building constructed at an angle for visibility of the gasoline pumps from the building. The Appeals Comnission expressed some concern about overbuilding on the lot, so they tried to reduce the variances because they thought a smaller building would be more appropriate. They tried to avoid the car wash issue. Mr. John Kosmas, KK Design, stated the car wash would be a full-service, roll-over car wash. It was a convenience-type service connected with the sale of gas� It would not be promoted as a single source business. Ms. Gabel asked about stacking space to get into the car wash. Mr. Robinson stated he did not think Q Petroleum was anticipating a heavy use of the car wash. There seemed to be enough stacking room for four cars within the driveway itself. Ms. Gabel stated she shared the same coneern as the Appeals Comnission in that this seemed like a good deal of overbuilding on that lot. Mr. Kosmas stated one of the objectives his firm had in serving Q Petroleum was to �oosen up the whale site. To him, it appeared more congested now than it would with the new proposal. The new proposal would open the site up for more visibility. 6H PLANNIF�G COMMISSION MEETIP�G, MARCH 19, 1986 PAGE 9 f4r. Robinson stated the v�riances seemed like an extreme request because of the zoning, C-3. Actua'lly, if the property was zoned C-1 or C-2, there would be no need for any variances because setbacks and lot area would not be nearly as severe. Mr. Kosmas stated that in conversations with Q Petroleum, he gav� them some alternatives: (1) maximize back to retail; (2) go with a car wash of a little different size which wo�ald allow them �o increase the retail; (3) go with a car wash in tfi�s combination with a dryer. Q Petroleum preferred the car wash with a dryer and the scale of the retail was reduced to accommodate it. Mr. Rod Brannon stated he owned the car wash immediately to the north. He stated he was not opposed to the variances that allowed the rebuilding of what was there now, but he was opposed to the addition of a car wash to that building which was more than they had before. Mr. Brannon stated that approximately one year ago, four variances were approved by the City to build the Pickwick building. He had expressed concern tfiat tlie City was taking a building twice the size of his building and a lot half the size of his lot and granting a variance to move that building f rom 40 ft, to 5 ft, from his property line. Wow the Pickwick building sits right on his property line and virtually screens his entire business. He was supposed to I�ave ►vorked with the owner and the City on the landscaping, but to this day he has not been contacted by eitf�er party. Eight pyramidal arborvitae wer�e put in ti��iic:i n��: take up another 15 ft. and screen more of his property, and there was an oversized dumpster pad. So, nine months out of the year, his business was not visible from 53r�i Ave. He stated his business was down 25%. He stated this might not be germaine to this discussion, but he has seen what four variances the City approved has done to his business. He stated he would fight this on the basis that city ordinances were for the protection of every- body and to take into consideration the rigF�ts of everybody. The City has to ask itself: Is this proposal in the best interest of all its neighbors? From his standpoint, the answer was "no". Ms. Gabel stated that regarding tlie landscaping, Staff was going to have to get together with F1r. Brannon to work someth�ing out. She remembered the stipulations that were made on those variances, and there should be some follow-up on them. �4s. Dorothy Brannon stated she thought the car wash was going to add to the traffic. She was sure Q Petroleur� wanted the car wash to attract business. If the car wash was successful, she did not think there was adequate stacking room for it. If it was not successful, then why add a car wash? When the original Q Petroleum building was constructed, there were not a lot of rules and regulations on landscaping. Now the City had an opportunity to upgrade the landscaping, and she did not see the City doing that by allowing so many variances which, in turn, then allows the car wash which competes with a business already established in the imnediate area. She agreed that this proposa] would be an improvement over what was there now, and there was a need to upgrad� this carr�er. She was just not sure that this corner could support more traffic, and she felt the lot was already overbuilt. With a car wash, there was going to be a lot more traffic in and out. s� .PLNNNIt�G COMNISSION �•1EETING, PIARCH 19, 1986 PAGE 10 MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY MR. WELLAN� TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 9:30 P.M. i MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY MR. WELLAN, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF SPECIAL USE PERMIT REQUEST „SP �l86-02, BY Q PETROLEUM, PER SECTION 205.15.1, C, 5 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE TO ALLOW A MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL AND OIL DISPENSING SERVICE AND PER SECTION 205.15.1� C, 6 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE TO ALZAY7 A MOTOR VEHICLE WASH ESTABLISHMENT� WITH THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONSr - 1. PETITIDNER TO OBTAIN APPROVAL AND IMPLEMENT A LANASCAPE PLAN. 2. PETITIONER TO OBTAIN APPROVAL AND IMPLEMENT A STORM DRAINAGE PLAN. 3. PETITIONER TO SL'BMIT A PERFORMANCE BOND TO COVER THE SITE IMPROVEMENTS. 4. PROTECTIVE MEASURES TO BE IMPLEMENTED TO MITIGATE ANY EROSION OR DE� TABILIZATION OF SUkROUNDING PROPERTY. 5. AN APPROVED UTILITY EASEMENT ACROSS THE NORTHERLY PORTION OF THE PROPERTY TO BE GRANTED TO THE CITY. 6. PETITIONER TO WORK WITH CITY STAFF ON THE IACATION OF THF. DUMPSTER. P1s. Gabel stated that as far as traffic, there has been a lot of traffic in the past, and there will be a lot of traffic in the future. She was in favor of tearing down the old structure and putting up a new one and cleaning up the area. She did not like the idea of the addition of the car wash because of the potential for additional traffic. Mr. Saba stated he felt the car wash was going to be a big draw to the business, and he was opposed to the car wash because of the extra traffic that would be generated because of it. UPON A VOICE VOTE, KONDRICK AND G7ELLAN VOTING AYE, BETZOLD, SABA, AND GABEL VOTING NAY, CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED THE MOTION FAILED. MOTION BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MR. SABA, TO RECOMtfEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF SPECIAL USE PERMIT REQUEST, SP #86-02, BY Q PETROLEUM� PER SECTION 205.15.1, C� 5 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE TO ALLOW A MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL AND OIL DISPENSING SERVICE ON ALL THAT PART OF LOT 12, AUDITOR'S StIBDIVISION N0. 155, WHICH LIES EASTERLY OF A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND DISTANT 351 FEET WESTERLY FROM THE EAST LINE OF SECTION 23� T-30, R-24, ANOICA COUNTY, MINNESOTA� AND THE SOUTH 20 FEET OF THAT PART OF LOT 11, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 155, WHICH LIES EAS TERLY OF A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND DISTANT 351 FEET WESTERLY FROM THE EAST LINE OF SECTION 23� T-30, R-24, ANOKA COUNTY, MINNESOTA, EXCEPT TNAT PART THEREOF TAKEN FOR HIGHWAY� THE SAME BEING 5 30Q CENTRAL AVEl7UE N. E., W I'_''H THE FOLLOWING STIP ULATIONS : 1. PETITIONER TO OBTAIN APPROVAL AND IMPLEMENT A LANDSCAPE PLAN. 2. PETITIONER TO OBTAIN APPROVAL AND IMPLEMENT A STORM DRAINAGE PLAN. 3. PE2'ITION£R TC� SUBMII' A PERFORINANCE BOND TO COVER SITE IMPROVEMENTS. 4. PROTECTIVE MEASURES TO BE IINPLEMENTED TO MITIGATE ANY EROSION OR DESTABILIZATION OF SURROUNDING PROPERTY. 6J PLANNItJG C0�1��1ISSION MEETI�lG, MARCH 19, 1986 PAGE 11 5. AN APPROVED UTILITY EASEMENT ACROSS THE NORTHERLY PORTION OF TXE PROPERTY TO BE GRANTED TO THE CITY. ' 6. PETITIONER TO WORK WITH CITY STAFF ON THE LOCATION OF THE DU�STER . UPON A VOICE VOTE, BETZOLD, SABA, AND GABEL VOTING AYE, KONDRICK AND WELLAN VOTING NAY, CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED BY A VOTE OF 3-2. MOTION BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MR. SABA� TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL DENIAL OF SPECIAL USE PERMIT REQUEST, SP #86-02� BY Q PETROLEUM� PER SECTION 205.15.1, C, 6 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE TO ALIAW A MOTUR VEXICLE WASH ESTABLISHMENT ON ALL THAT PART OF LOT 12, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 155, WHICH LIES EASTERLY OF A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND DISTANT 351 FEET WES TERLY OF A LINE APRALLEL WITH AND DISTANT 351 FEET WESTERLY FROM TXE EAST LINE OF SECTION 23, T-30, R-24, ANOKA COUNTY, MINNESOTA, AND THE SOUTH 20 FEET OF THAT PART OF LOT 11� AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. I55, WHICH LIES EASTERLY OF A LINE PARALLEL WITH ANL DISTANT 351 FEET WESTERLY FROId THE EAST LINE OF SECTION 23, S'-30, R-24, ANOKA COUNTY, MINNESOTA, EXCEPT THAT PART THEREOF TAKEN FOR HIGHWAY, TXE 5AME BEING 5300 CENTRAL A�IENUE N.E. UPON A VOICE VOTE, BETZOLD, SABA� AND GABEL VOTING AYE, KONDRICK AND WELLAN VOTING NAY, CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED BY A VOTE OF 3-2, Ms. Gabel clarified for the petitioner that the car wash was a permitted use with a special use permit; however, there were comnissioners who felt the car wash was a safety hazard because of traffic concerns. ��Is. Gabel stated this item would go to City Council on April 7. 3. RECEIVE t�ARCH 4, 1986, ENERGY PROJECT COf1MITTEE MIPJUTES: MOTION BY MR. SABA, SECONDED BY MR. KONDRICK, TO RECEIVE THE MARCFi 4, 1986, ENERGY PROJECT COMMITTEE MINUTES. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4. RECEIVE NL4RCH ll, 1986, APPEALS COt9�1ISSI0N MIP�UTES: MOTION BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MR. KONDRICK, TO RECEIVE THE MAR. 11, 1986, APPEALS COMMISSION MINUTES. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6K PLANNIP�G COMMISSIOPJ MEETI��G, PIARCN 19, 1986 PAGE 12 ADJOUR(JMENT • MOTION BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY 1NR. SABA, TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSGON GABEL DECLARED THE 1NARCH 19� 1986, PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ADJOURNED AT 9:55 P.M. Respectfully submi ted, � �1 Ly Saba Recording Secretary � �,�'�l'✓r✓� � . . � � �7�- ��, �y�.� �% �����. � €n� �c�-�..3a�r2 �L�U /r�o�. S%� /��•C . �U � 1� ��-D! 1J�p K KO� �ru�vx/oN �or o �����5't+�r1 no rl ��3z. �r���P_ � ��.. ���.� /f. d Z S�vas�r�• c�r P,�wl/ . c,/. ,, � , �/1'18 r-�; n A sp ��iBG GGt�i �i ve . N. � �...�.u-�ur�-�.-z,,,. C..-G ` . � a.U• r �, � 9�� �� j�.,� ���,`�,�<t�_ �= ��-( �- �'-'!�— ��� l r��c,i�� �^.; �,Il/°��:1;'�-� � � �..C� /C��.�/�� !� � � i ) �. � ., � , �.�a o���' �.-�..�. � �C..� �c.�--1y PAGE 13 , ` � � � (�l:-0 iE;r. �1 � �E -� ra:.� �M � �--�/ � � ; JC%�' t`,,��:� �J( 2 � y /�iv � • (�� � �i'��� ���� ti� ,/-�,.�;1- L�.� ' `, �C�,� iY �� �6 f� l�� �v� 6L � � GTYOF FRlDLEY CIVIC CENTER • 6431 UNIVERSITY AVE N E. FRIDLEY. MINNESOTA 5543? • PHONE 16121 571-3450 April 2, 1986 This is to verify that S.U.P. .#86-01 by Bradley Dunham for a Day Care facility on Arthur St. NE, is being withdrawn, and that fees paid towards the special use permit will not be refunded, � � `� Brad Dunham � � �, � � ,�- _,___ �_ , i;,�. �Witness 0 c 6M � PLANNING DIVISION � ciNOF 11�ORANDUM f Rl DLEY l�MO T0: John Flora, Public Works Director � MEMO FROM: James Robinson, Planning Coordinator � / lg1:0 DATE: April 3, 1986 RDGARDING: Q Petroleum Special Use Permit and Variance On March 11, 1986 the Appeals Commission heard requests associated with rebuilding the Q Petroleum station at 5300 Central Avenue N.E. Variance requests included lot size, front yard setbacks, rear yard setbacks and hard surface setbacks. After much discussioa xhieh centered on the addition of a car wash and it's role in creation the requested variances� the Appeals Commission made a motion to approve the lot area variance as requested but stipulated more stringent setbacks for the front, rear and hard surface requests. The petitioner has reworked his plan meeting the Appeals Commission recommendations. The nex plan, attached, still includes a car wasb. The revised site plan was presented to Lhe Planning Commission on March t9, 1986 along with a special use permit request, SP ;�i-02, for a car wash and fuel dispensing operation. The Plannin,g Commission recommended unanimously Lo allow the fuel dispensing operation but denied the car wash request 3 to 2. The predominant reason cited for deqying the car xash special use permit was increased traffic problems at an already problematic intersection. Tbe car xash, as deseribed by the petitioner, �ould be a sideline to the principle business of gas and groceries. The petitioner has complied with staff requests Lo eliminate the most easterly drivexay on 53rd Street to reduce over loading at the corner. Although this �►ill not solve the congestion problem at this interseciton, it should be an improvement over the existing situation. JLR/dm i�s- 86-66 I" _�! � �•�• . ►� � , � . ���ol►�!: �)►�II►�[t�►��I!1� : . C ..r-c��CL+S •-�. _ � . �_-� �r•' 1S-� � �. � � � � .� 1 �\ � r � :� ^ � `, II , I� `�r'�.�.�, II � • • �i .�^s r�r+ w . t � � � li . ce�ol _ l "� p - - �S � - — -� ,� -- - - - — —� ! ` . h i � �' i _ • ` . �, ; ;'^ . C i ` i ..•. ,.� +: ' . .� b� �' ^ � `[,� r � � � . `s r�.� -i � � 8 ��� ''•.'f � �` ' � _ � � ` . � -- - ��_ ��:} .•. - .�, � ' �'�•�; • r°� ,'° ' t ' I' ��• . ' �.,=` .i l ...i' • ' (! �t.~• � . .. . .'+. ' • ` 'r"� i . ' • • , . . �:r+ :1�F � .. .• ;��� �� •i � ssis� "7i�1'+� • J�7f�/1f� • i� " �� �r ,. N ' � . i��i lq: _� . . . _ � ,>,� ... � ' � I' •` • . _.. + � , . ,� . �` � nr , _ fr� ��tc�W%,rj. 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' ? i :��:k'-'`�'�' \ , ` � 'T .�:,�, � j • / '#�-,^,�~� ,� a. \ � u �3 'i�:�r �� \ / � �� �t�- �� , �� :�;� , +� ;.:a... , �� ��f��, �. .. i �� �� : �` _ � '��.��.•, �. . � :.�� 4 ry �. M� � \ . / .� e �k . a. �� ����■ ■�������■������N���������������e��■���■ .w:w■-� -i�� .�iu���■���a� �ws ■ ■�����r_������-r�-�-�--iv-�vr�-�+s���■■ .. _ �w�+�..+�r_..• �w.....� ■ .�r�� ■����u, s���� :� -� � .� �_�� -t -�-1 E. � j������■ t *wr!���w�r���+w�w•w �� r�s■a� ■������t�s������n�on������■wr�■����■ ■ ��nr��n�����m�� ss APPEALS C0��IISSION MEETING, MARCH 11, 1986 __ PAGE 4 2. CONSIDERATION OF VARIANCE RE UESTS PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 205 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY C D , � ; 0 tJ0 6 F ; C Y S CK _ ET; „ . �... ..�.. .., ..��.,.. ..._ .._.._----• -- ---- ------ - - - REA ON ALL TH T P RT F L , I R. S V S I . , S SELY � S , , , c . � HE S U H 0 EE F H P 1, UDIT R S SU6 IVISI . WHICN LIES EASTERLY OF ItlE I � I I'lll'Ii�iCJVIFI CAI.CI'1 IflF11 fI1Rl IfiLRGVi �nnL�� � Vr� ��iu��nn� � ���� ,,ru.�. va,.�.v 5300 CENTFAL AVEt�UE N.E. equest y ar en , es er, 8 Pi s ury Avenue South, Minneapo is, n. 55420) MOTION BY l�LS. GERDU� SECONDED BY 17R. BARNA� TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BETZOLD DECLAf2ED THE PUBLIC XEARING OPEN AT 7:49 P.M. Chairperson Betzold read the Administrative Staff Report: ADPIINISTRATIVE STAFF REPORT 5300 Central Avenue N.E. �1. PUBLIC PURPOSE SERVED BY REQUIREMENT: Section 205.15.3A requires a minimum lot area of 35.000 square feet under one ownership. , Public purpose served by this requirement is to provide for adequate parking, open landscaped areas, and to limit congestion of commercial areas. � Section 205.15.4C.1 requires permitted buildings and uses, except automobile parking and loading spaces, driveways, essential services, walks and planting spaces not to be closer to any public right-of-rray than eighty (80) feet. Public purpose served by this requirement is to provide for adequate parking and open landscaped areas as well as to avoid congestion and provide adequate site clearances in comnercial areas. Section 205.15.4C.3 requires a rear yard of not less than forty (40) feet. Public purpose served by this requirement is to provide adequate open space around comnercial structures for aesthetic and fire fighting purposes. �•J 1 APPEALS C011MISSIO�� MEETING, MARCH 11 1986 PAGE 5 Section 205.15.5D.5a requires that all parking and hard surface areas "�' shall be no closer than twenty (20) feet fron any street ri.ght-of-way. Public purpose served by this requirement is to limit visual encroach- ment into neighboring sight lines and to allow for aesthetic,ally pleasing open areas adjacent to public right-of-ways. � B. STATED HARDSNIP: "The existing lot size and shape are odd." C. ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REVIEW: The petitioner would like to remove the existing Q Petroleum facility and after removal� reconstruct a new one as per their submitting plat plan. The new facility would have a car wash that the existing facility does not. There is no other vacant land that could be added to this property to bring it into code compliance. The staff has reviewed the proposal and has communicated with the petitioner some of the City's concerns and this plan as it now exists seems reasonable. The staff has no stipulations to suggest if the Board recommends approval of this request. Mr. Clark stated that as the Commissioners probably kner�, Q Petroleum was located on 53rd Ave. and Central Ave. between Target and Central Ave. If granted the variance, they planned to tear down the existing structure which has some structural problems. Improper soil correction was done at the time the existing structure was built so the building is settling. All variances were as a result of the lot not being large enough. They do plan to add a car wash. Even if they did not add on the car wash and just had a retail/service station facility, they could probably reduce the degrees of the variances, but variances would still have to be granted in order to use the lot. �1r. Clark showed the Commissioners an aerial photo of the area. t4r. Jolin Kosrnas, KK Oesign, stated part of the reason for the need for variances was because the property has been reduced in scale over the years. because the widening of Central, the service drive, and 53rd Ave. He stated they are proposing a convenience store/service station with a drive-through car wash to the rear of the proposed building, causing sor�e of the setback requirements. They have tried to keep the building to the back side of the lot to keep the front area more open. They are looking at closing the easterly access onto 53rd Ave. to help relieve congestion. t4s. Gerou asked if the car wash would increase traffic. sv APPEALS COr��ISSIOt� �•1EETItiG, 1�ARCH 11 1986 PAGE 6 Mr. Kosnas stated the car wash was more of a convenience service connected to the sale of gas. Q Petroleum did a reasonably good business now, and he did not see the car wash generating a great deal of traffic on its own. They were trying to eliminate some congestion on the site by positioning the car wash in the back of the structure. � Mr. Betzold asked if there was any concern regarding landscaping. Mr. Kosmas stated they are working with Jim Robinson, Planning Coordinator� on a landscape plan. Mr. Rod Brannon stated he orm ed the car wash irmediately to the north and west of Q Petroleum. He stated that in order to remodel the convenience store/service station, variances were needed, but where was the hardship that involved adding a car wash to that facility? Mr. Betzold stated the request was for variances for a building, not necessarily for a car wash, and the Commission could not determine how the petitioner wanted to use the property as long as it was within the proper zoning of the City. The Corrnission was more interested in what size the building was and where it was going to be located on the lot tl�an they were about what was inside the building. Mr. Betzold asked the petitioner that if there was no car wash on the building, how would that affect their request for variances? Hr. Kosmas stated that if the car wash was not added, their request for variances would probably remain the same. Mr. Brannon stated the Pickwick Store was built with variances. He now has a building that is practically sitting on his property line because of four variances approved by the City. That building has now effectively screened his entire car wash business from 53rd Ave. That building takes up apprmximately 43� of the lot. The building has a dumpster pad that is about twice the size needed, and the owner was supposed to put in low lying shrubs. Instead they put in trees in front. Driving by on 53rd, nine months out of the year, his car wash was not visible. That was what four variances had done to his business. fle stated that here were another four variances to put in a competitive business on the same property line. He felt the City had an obligation and responsibility to bring in new tax dollars, but he also felt as strongly that the City had an obligatian and responsibility to protect the people who are already paying taxes like himself. He stated he has lost 25% of his business since the Pickwick building was built. He stated he felt very strongly against the car wash going in. It was a question of his livelihood, and he would fight it all the way. Mr. Brannon stated there are adequate boundaries and grassy areas all around the United Store just to the north of him. His building was the same. Now he was confronted with a building (Pickwick) that was virtually on his property line. Did the City want a bu�ld�ng that he could na longer maintain because he did not have the cash flow to maintain it? sv APPEALS COt1t1ISSI0N MEETING 14ARCH 11 1986 PAGE 7 Mr. Clark stated there was a public hearinq scheduled to be held before the;.' Planning Cor�mission on March 19 for a s�ecial use permit for the car wash and service station. He suggested that this car wash discussion wonld probably be more ap�ro?riate at that meeting. Mr.6rannon stated he was not opposed to the variances that were r�quested. He was opposed to the car wash. Q Petroleum already has a service station and convenience store and now wants to put in a car wash in direct competition to i�is car wash. They already have two sources of income with potentially three. He has only one source of income, and that is his car wash. He stated if the car wash is a full service exterior wash, there is not so much competition, but if it is a roll-over, as opposed to a self-service car wash, then there is direct cor�ipetition. MOTIOA' BY MS, GEROU� SECONDED BY MR. BARNA, TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC XF.ARING. UPOIJ A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BETZOLD DECLARED THE PUBLIC XEARING CLOSED AT 8:28 P.M. Mr. Plenel stated he felt the petitioner was trying to do too much on a lot of this size. There were four variances being requested, and the largest was the rear yard setback from 40 ft. to 10 ft. He would like to speak in favor of omitting the back building, leaving the present retail bui3ding of 32 ft. x.�i0 ft., allowing a variance of around 20 ft. on the rear lot line. Mr. Clark stated if the building stayed the same size without the car wash, then the building could be moved north, because there would not have to be a driveway behind. The front yard variance off 53rd could go from 80 ft. to approx. 70 ft. In turn, that additional space could increase the green area along the sidevralk on 53rd from 5 ft, to 10-12 ft. Mr. Clark stated he did not think they could come up with exact numbers but some general ideas o€ w�hat could be done if tFe car wash was not added behind the propos�d building. Ms. Gerou stated she would be willing to go along with the revised variances as opposed to the ones being requested. She was in complete disagreement to a rear yard variance from 40 ft. to 10 ft. because of the objection expressed by Mr. Brannon. • Mr. Barna agreed. He stated the first variance to reduce the required lot size would almost have to be grandfathered in because the lot has been reduced in size through no fault of the owner through road acquisition. Mr. Barna stated he would recorrmend the front yard setback from 80 ft, to 62 ft. be reduced to 70 ft. This would move the whole structure nor.th. Mr. Barna statQd that regarding the driveway/parking setback from 40 ft, to 10 ft. a�d 5 ft., that could be ret�srned tQ 10 ft, and 15 ft. by adding the additional space. L'1 �'I APPEALS COII�IISSIO�J MEETI��G, MARCH 11, 1986 PAGE 8 Y Mr. Barna stated the rear yard setback from 40 ft, to 10 ft. overcrowded the` lot, and he would go along with a reduction to 20 ft., but not the 10 ft. The following motions were made on that part of Lot 12, Auditor's Subdivision No. 155, which lies easterly of a line parallel with and distant �51 feet westerly from the Line of Section 23, Township 30, Range 24, Anoka County, Minnesota, and the south 20 feet of that part of Lot 11, Auditor's Subdivision No. 155, which lies easterly of a line parallel with and distant 351 feet westerly from the east line of Section 23, Township 30, Range 24, Anoka County, Minnesota, except that part thereof taken for highway, the same being 5300 Central Avenue N.E.: MOTION BY MR. BARNA, SECONDED BY MS. GEROU, Ta RECOMMEND T1') CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A VARIANCE REQUEST PURSi1AlVT TD CHAPTER 205 OF TNE FRIDLEY CITY CODE TO REDUCE THE REj?UIRED LOT SIZE FROM 35�000 SQ. FT..TO 23,746 SQ. FT. UPON A VDICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CXAIRPERSON BETZOLD DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNA.'VIMDUSLY. MOTION BY MR. BARNA, SECONDED BY MS. GEROU, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF VARIANCE REQUEST PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 205 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE TO REDUCE THE FRONT YARD SETBACKS FROM 80 FT. T10 70 FT. ON BOTH THE ACCESS DRI VE A2�D 5 3RD AVEN UE . UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BETZOLD DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNA�tiIMOUSLY. MOTION BY MR. BARNA, SECONDED BY MS. GEROU, T1D RECOMMEND TD CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A VARIANCE REQUEST PURSUANT TO CNAPTER 205 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE TO REDUCE THE REAR YARD SETBACK FROM 40 FT. TO NOT LESS THAN IS FT. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRPERSON BETZOLD DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MOTION BY MR. BARNA, SECONDED BY MS. GEROU, Z1� RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A V�'.RIANCE RErjUEST PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 205 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODETO REDUCE THE DRII/EF/WAY/PARKING SETBACK FROM 20 FT. TO 10 FT. AND 5 FT. RESPECTIVELY ON THE EASTERLY LOT LINE AND 10 FT. ON .^HE SOUTHERLY LOT LINE. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CXAIRPERSON BETZOLD DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Betzold stated the special use permit request would be before the Planning Comriission on t�arch 19, and the variances and special use pernit would go before the City Council on April 7. APPEALS COt1MISSION MEETING, �4ARCN 11, 1986 PAGE 9 3. COI�SIDERATION OF VARIANCE REQUESTS PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 205 OF THE FRIDLEY ;<,' CITY CODE TO REDUCE THE SIDE YARD SETaACK FR0�1 15 FEET TO 10 FEET. APJD TO REUUCE THE wIDTH F A PARKIWG ES E FROr4 5 FEET O 20 FEET N K � �. . OR � CO��SIUERATION OF A VARIAWCE REQUEST PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 205 OF THE FRIDLEY u��ivtrc5iir Hvtr�ut N.t. (Kequest by Vergil M. Florhaug, 2700 E. 9th Avenue, Nort St, au , n. 5109) MOTION BY MS. GEpAU� SECONDED BY JNR. BARNA, TO OPEN TNE PUBLIC HEARING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CXAIRPERSON BETZOLD DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 8:45 P.M. Chairperson Betzold read the Administrative Staff Report: AD��INISTRATIVE STAFF REPORT 7398 University Avenue N.E. A. PUBLIC PURPOSE SERVED BY REQUIRE�tENT: Section 205.14.3C.2 re uires two (2) sideyards, each with a width of not less than fifteen �15) feet. Public purpose served by this requiremen± is to provide for adequate open areas (green divider areas) around comnercial structures, maintain clear access for fire fighting and reduce conflagration of fire. OR Section 205.14.5C.1 requires at least one (1) off-street parking space shall be provided for each 150 square feet of building floor area. Public purpose served by this requirement is to provide for adequate parking. 6. STATED NARDSI�IP: "�1y leasing agent informs me that I will not be competitive in the lease market for this type of building with less than 6,000 square feet of leasable space. Therefore, the configuration of the building to conform with the restrictions of the lot size have been determined to be 8� �c �0. To acccrnplish this, and to stay withan the requirement to provide 32 parking sta7ls, 1 hereby request a variance to reduce the set- back of the building on the north property line from 15 ft. to 10 ft. � sx C37 APPEALS CON��IISSION ��EETIN6, MARCN ll, 1986 PAGC 10 If variance request no. 1 is not acceptable to the City of Fridley, I hereby request a variance to reduce the required 32 parking stalls to 26 parking stalls in order to eliminate the need for the 10 ft. setback and the 20 ft, drive as requested in variance request no. 1." 2. AUt�IINISTRATIVE STAFF REVIEW: . In order for the petitioner to build the size structure he feels is economically feasible, he would need a side yard variance or reduce the number of parking stalls. The lots on either side are developed with their parking and/or driveways established adjacent to the petitioner's side lot lines. Therefore, the distance between structures is not less than the normal 30 feet. The staff feels that parking may be crucial depending upon what type of office use occupies the structure. The staff has no stipulations to suggest if the Board were to recommend approval of this request. Mr. Clark stated he had passed out information showing the elevation of the building and the latest plat plan showing the landscaping, trash enclosure, etc., and an aerial photo which showed the area adjacent to the building except for the office building to the north which does have a driveway adjacent to this site so the buildings would not be squeezed closer than probably 50 ft. due to any side yard variance to the building, f�r. Vergil Florhaug stated his business, Construction Analysis & �1anagement, Inc., was presently located at 7401 Central Ave. He stated they are leasing this space and have outgrown the space. Ne stated Construction Management was a professional business, and they feel landscaping is very much needed for the building they are proposing. Mr. Florhaug stated tdr. John Martin, consultant in leasing, financing, and real estate, was also at the meeting. He had discussed with t1r. Martin how much square footage they had to have leasable and what size building should be built. Mr. Florhaug stated it was iiis intent to build a professional office building to be utilized by his company with the balance to be leased. Mr. Martin had informed him that he would not be competitive in the leasing market for this type of building with less than 6,000 sq. ft, of leasable space. If they built the building without the side yard setback, they would lose parking spaces and tl�e island that he felt would be necessary for land- scaping, plus he felt employees should have a green area so they can go out- side during noon time and coffee breaks. Mr. Martin stated one of the first tf��ngs they addressed was what it was going to cost and, in light of current rental rates, what might they expect the market to achieve and what Kould make sense from a real estate investment. The city codes were considered, and they came up with a 5�200 sq. ft, building. He felt very strongly that it did not make economic sense to proceed with a building that small; therefore, they were proposing a two-story building of 8,000 sq. ft. total. sz APPEALS COt1�4ISSI0�� t1EETItJ6, MARCH 11, 1986 PAGE 11 Mr. Martin stated that as far as parking spaces, he recanmended a ratio of •`f four parking spaces per 1,000 sq, ft, of rentable space. For a.little over 6,000 sq. ft. of usable space, he was recormending 25-26 parking spaces as the minimum for this proposed building. Mr. �4artin stated that regarding the widths of parking aisles, tbese ordi- nances were created years ago. Things have changed significantly and most cars are smaller today. They were asking for a reduction of the width of the parking aisle from 25 ft. to 20 ft. Mr. Martin stated it was his belief and recomnended to Mr. Florhaug and the City that this proposal made sense. This was a sound economic development that would be a credit to Nr. Florhaug's investment and a credit to the corrmunity, f�e stated that of the two variances. they preferred variance no. 1. Mr. Betzold stated the petitioner was essentially saying that the hardship was that the lot was too small for the building he wanted to build. Didn't that seem to be a self-imposed hardship? Mr. Florhaug stated that, yes, it was a self-imposed hardship. MOTION BY MS. GEROU� SECONDED BY MR. BARNA, TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC XEARING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHASRPERSON BETZOLD DECLARED TXE PUBLIC HEARING CI�OSED AT 9:05 P.M. Mr. Plemel stated this seemed to be a very nice building. He thought it would be an addition to the area and he could go along with variance no. l. Mr. Barna stated he found the hardship not very well defined. There was already one rental building in this area that has been sitting vacant for quite a long tine, fle could not understand the economics that a larger building with a larger rental area would be easier to rent. Whether or not that justified the variance, he did not know. Ms. Gerou stated she agreed this was a self-imposed hardship for the larger building. She felt parking spaces were important to a building, and she would prefer the first variance over the second variance. Mr. Betzold stated he rea7ly did not prefer either variance. f�e thou�ht the building design was very attractive and was the type of development they like to see in Fridley, but he was disturbed by the fact that this hardship was entirely self-imposed, and they are being told they have to approve variances to accommodate the design the petitioner wants for the site. He stated he was definitely opposed to the second variance. They do not know what kind of traffic congestion would be created, and he could not go a7ong with a hardship that was entirely self-created. Mr. Plemel stated that, economics aside, he did not think the driveway reduc- tion from 25 ft. to 20 ft, was a factor. On the north property line, if the building was 10 ft. or 15 ft. from the lot line, no one would ever know the difference. 6AA APPEALS C0141ISSIOt� MEETI_NG� FtARCH 11, 1986 PAGE 12 Mr. Betzold stated he felt part of the problem was that there was not much empty space left in the City for development. They have made a lot of mistakes over the years, so they have to be very careful with the develop- ment on the land that is left. This was a very good plan, but should they be varying the code for this particular development? , � Mr. Barna stated he had no problem with the development or with the first variance, other than the fact that the hardship was self-imposed. MOTION BY MR. BARNA� SECONDED BY MR. PLEMEL, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF YARIANCE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 205 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE TO REDUCE THE SIDE YARD SETBACK FROM IS FEET TO 10 FEET AND TO REDUCE TXE WIDTN OF A PARKING AISLE FROM 25 FEET T10 20 FEET ON LOT 12� BLOCK 2� COMMERCE PARY., THE SAME BEING 7398 UNI.VERSITY AVENUE N.E. UPON A VOICE VOTE, PLEMEL AND GEROU VOTING AYE, BETZOLD AND BARNA VOTING NAY, CHAIRPERSON BETZOLD DECI.ARED TNE MOTION FAILED BY A VOTE OF 2-2. MOTION BY MS. GEROU, SECONDED BY MR. BARNA, T10 RECOMMEND TO CITY CDUNCIL DEIJIAL OF A VARIANCE REQUEST PURSUANT TO CNAPTER 205 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE TO REDUCE THE REQUIRED AMOUNT OF PARKING SPACES FROM 32 SPACES TO 26 SPACES ON LOT 12� BLOCK 2, COMMERCE PARK, THE SA1�tE BEING 7398 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N.E. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CNAIRPER60N BETZOLD DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMDUSLY. 4. CO��SIDERATION OF VARIANCE REQUESTS PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 214 OF TNE FRIDLEY - - V�� LV � J f� I"l��✓ J VLVtrI\ J EAST RANCH ES S tJ , h.E. Request y o an en�amin, 8 niversity venue .., ri ey, n. MOTION BY MS. GEROU, SECONDED BY MR. BAP.NA, T10 OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING. UPON A VDICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CKAIRPERSON BETZOLD DECLARED TXE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 9:23 P.lN. Chairperson Betzold read the Administrative Staff Report: AD�lINISTRATIYE STAFF REPORT 7810 University Avenue N.E. A. PU6LIC PURPOSE SERVED BY REQUIREMENT: Section 2�4.11.2B requires that a7i free standing signs have a maximum size of eight {g0) square feet �n area per deveiopment. . APPEALS COt1MISSION HEETING, MARCH 11 1986 PAGE 13 .y �, Public purpose served by this requirement is to control visual pollution and excessive use of signs in comnercial areas. � Section 214.11.2C requires a maximum height of twenty-five (25) feet above the finished grade. , Public purpose served by this requirement is to control visual pollution and excessive use of signs in commercial areas. 6. STATED HARDSI�IP: "Nissan Motor Corporation has changed the name of the vehicle they manufacture from Datsun to Wissan. In keeping with this change they are replacing dealer signs nationwide. We currently have a fascia mounted brand sign which is 216 square feet and a pole mounted dealership identity sign whicF� is 48 square feet. Under Nissan's change we are required to identify the dealership on the fascia and have the Nissan brand sign pole mounted. Under the manufacturer's guidelines, Northtown Nissan has qualified for a 160 square foot pole mounted sign with a height of 34 feet. Since sign variances are sparingly granted and only for hardship reasons, I would appreciate your considering the following hardship: A pole mounted sign smaller than the one being requested will put ��ortl�town Nissan at a considerable disadvantage with the other Nissan dealers. Our competitors' situation is as follor�s: Pole Hounted Dealership Location Sign City Code P1ax Royal Nissan �iaplewood Terry Feldmann Imports Richfield Burnsville Nissan Burnsville Miller Datsun Minnetonka 160 sq. ft. 200 sq. ft. 160 sq, ft. 360 sq. ft. 160 sq. ft. 200 sq. ft. 80 sq. ft. 60 sq. ft. The size of a dealership's sign does have an impact on the customer's perception of the business's size and stability, A significantly smaller sign would definitely put Northtown ��issan at a competitive disadvantage." C. ADt4INISTRATIVE STAFF REVIEW: Sign variances must be carefully reviewed and always have been in the past, We have included the sizes of other sign in the general vicinity in your agenda. Please note that Nissan da`es make other standard sized signs. Their criteria depends upon the size of the dealership. Staff does not have any stipulations to suggest. scc APPEALS COt1�4ISSI0N �•tEETING, MARCH 11, 1986 PAGE 14 i Mr. Clark stated the Commissioners had received a copy of a sign inven=`` tory sheet. On the sheet the signs that were 100 sq. ft. ar close to that were constructed when the code was 100 sq. ft. The signs that were considerably larger than 100 sq. ft. have and were granted variances at previous city actions. � . Mr. Betzold stated he would like to make the following statenent for the record: He stated he was also President of the Fridley 49'ers Day Committee, and within the last two weeks, he had sent a letter to Northtown Nissan thanking them for their contribution to the Fridley 49'ers Days. He did not think this was a conflict of interest for him, because Northtown Nissan has been a regular contributor in the past and he had never met �1r. Benjamin before this meeting. Mr. Benjamin stated that most of his concerns were expressed in his letter of Feb. 18, 1986. He stated he had a real concern about competing wit{� otber dealers in the market area. Unlike a fast food franchise or other local business, people tend to shop and drive great distances to shop and compare car prices before they purchase, and in doing that, they are going to be approaching businesses and facilities with much larger signs. He felt larger signs had some impact on a person's impression of the business and some impact on the decision making. If they have a sign of 80 sq, ft., it might look like a smaller or less stable business to their prospective clientele, and he was concerned about that. Mr. Benjamin stated �1r. Hinckley, District Sales Manager for Nissan, was also at the meeting. Mr. Benjamin stated he has given some ti�ought and research regarding other dealers in this area. Viking Chevrolet on Highway 65 has a 45 ft. high, 225 sq. ft, sign. The new Dodge dealership in Blaine has a 36 ft. high, 256 sq. ft. sign. Lincoln Mercury in Coon Rapids has been authorized a 30 ft, high, 155 sq. ft. sign. It seemed every other business they have to compete with have signs about double the size he was authorized to have in Fridley and, therefore, put them at a disadvantage. Mr. Benjamin stated the block that Northtown Nissan was located on (University Ave.) had some vacant businesses. Capp Home building was vacant, Periwinkle's was vacant, and the Cub Foods building was vacant. He wondered if a larger sign would have a larger drawing power from the highway and, not only benefit his business, but might generate some interest and �raffic for the other businesses as well. Mr. Benjamin stated i�orthtown Nissan was set back a little bit from the highway, so he thought an 80 sq. ft, sign with a 25 ft. height would give them a definite disadvantage. I�e stated he was more concerned with the size than the height. It was possible the requested 34 ft. could be red�ced. Mr. Hinckley stated they would need to get approval from their head- quarters that sets the rules for height. . . , • � � APPEALS CO�ittISSIO�� MEETING, MARCH 11 1986 PAGE 15 Mr. Clark stated that if the 160 sq, ft, sign was approved, Nissan North would have 20 sq, ft, more in total signage (including wall signage) than they have now. MOTION BY MR. PLEMEL, SECY�NDED BY MR. BARNA, TO CLOSE THE PUBLIG XEARING. f1PON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CXAIRPERSON BETZOLD DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 9:40 P.M. Ms. Gerou stated she would be in favor of the 160 sq, ft, sign �'or Northtown Nissan. She felt the size of sign on that amount of land was not too bad. They have given larger signs to other businesses on the same size property. She was in favor of the variance. Mr, Barna stated that doubling the sign size was not true to the spirit of the sign ordinance; however, they have a situation where there was a business in the middle of a difficult block and entry to the service drive was quite a distance away from the businesses in either direction, so the sign has to be vis�ble farther than the two intersections that join into the service drive so people can easily make the turn onto the service drive to get to the dealership. Because of accessibility, they have granted variances that have been double and triple the sign size for other businesses. Because of the accessibility and the distance the dealership was from the northern and southern entrances to access the service drive, he would approve the variance request. He had no problem with the added height to 34 ft. P1r. Plemel stated that because of the level ground and the visibility, he would like to see some compromise on the height. He felt 34 ft, was a little excessive. Mr. Betzold stated the thing tf�at bothered him about this variance request was that they would be actually increasing the total signage, including the fascia and the 160 sq, ft. sign. He did not think an 80 sq. ft. sign was that offensive. He did not think there was a need for a higher sign, especially if other signs in this area are 25 ft, high. One thing they do not want to do is start a sign war where everyone wants a taller sign. As the staff report stated: "Sign variances must be carefully reviewed and alNays have been in the past." He stated he felt strongly about that, and exceptions should be granted only when extremely necessary. 1NOTION BY MR. BARNA, SECONDED BY MS. GEROU� TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A VARIANCE REQUEST PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 214 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE TO INCREASE THE MAXIMUM SpUARE FOOTAGE OF A FREE STANDING SIGN FROM 80 SQUARE FEET Tt� 160 SQUARE FEET. ON LOTS 2 AND 3� BZ�OCK 3, EAST RANCH ESTATES, SECOND ADDITION, TXE SAME BEING 7810 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N.E. UPON A VOICE WTE� a,qR18,�, pLE�►gL, GERDU YOTING AYE, BETZOLD VOTII�G MAY, CHAIRPERSCYIi BET20LD D�CI,.�RgD T8E AIOTION CARRIED BY A VOTE OF 3-1. APPEALS CO�iMISSIOt� �1EETING, MARCH 11, 1986 PAGE 16 MOTIDN BY MR. BARNA, SECONDED BY MS. GEROU, TO RECOMMEND T�O CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A VARIANCE REQUEST PURSUANT TO CHAPY'ER 214 OF TXE PRIDLEY CITY CODE TO INCREASE THE MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF A FREE STANDING SIGN FROM 25 FEET TO 34 FEET ON LOTS 2 AND 3� BLOCK 3� EAST RANCH ESTATES SECOND ADDITION, THE SAIg BEING 7810 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N.E. � � UPON A VOICE VOTE, BARNA AND PLEMEL VOTING AYE� BETZOLD AND GEROU VOTING NAY, CRAIRPERSON BETZOLD DECLARED TXE lNOTION FAILED BY A VOTE OF 2-2. ADJOURt�MENT: MOT701V BY MR. BARNA, SECONDED BY MS. GEROU, TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ,�LL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BETZOLD DECLARED THE MARCX ZI � I986, APpEALS COilMISSION MEETING ADJOURNED AT 9:50 P.M. Respectfully submitted, [/. .�' ?�' � t ,�L � — Lyn�ve Saba Recording Secretary � 6EE sFF �jc� GY''1 �� t � , � ►�`��' �(� vti 1�c..._ ' %� 0 M� (Z r S S �i . . �,- � -?--� � ��i� � �(;�"% (� �C4 J UG:N � 5� �i� � ' r� � �' . � � E' � � '� (1"� �I'�'� (>( ( `� �C���i �� ��(.? t�. a � � aN �V o / a- �' , ' � .(� G � �iv.vS' � rk <,� J�i�cv� � �-�,- , ' �(, � `_` ` �% /� � �{ rC!!.��, . j�� � �, � � �� � i� ���.�'"' .� � � / ��,� �„` , f /�' �%' : �c - ��.ivF' � `� �� � ���� i� v � � � �� � ?� / �cJ �� 7 ��� ����--�— ( Z � � � � �'7�0 ,L `l�/4��� l�(.sT, Qz�. I � VARIP,NCE . 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" Available in two pole heights. NOTE: The sign specificabons contained in this manual sre apprnximaLe and have been rounded to the nearest inch. PI.ANNING D1V1S10N 11/IEMOR,ANDUM MEMO T0: John Flora, Public Norks Director MEMO FROM: James Robinson, Planning Coordinatorv�,� MEMO DATE: March 31, 1g86 REGARDING: Request for Reapproval of L.S. #83-03, by Leslie wilke Attached is a letter requesting reapproval for a Lot Split� L.S. #83-03 that �+as approved J uly 25 � 1 g 83. The lot split vas never recorded at Anoka County due to Leslie Wilke�s misunderstanding that lot splits must be recorded at Anoka County within 180 days of approval. After 180 days the lot split becomes null and void. 11ao of the three stipulations stated in the City Council Action Taken Notice have not been initiated. Mr. Wilke has not paid the park fee and has not paid the vater and sewer lateral assessment. The amount of the park fee has changed from �500 to �750 per lot. The amount of the water and se�rer lateral assessment has changed from �1,877.84 to �2,005.88. Both of these fees do not have to be paid until a building permit is applied for. We are asking that this request for reapproval of L.S. �83-03 be heard at the April 7� 19� City Council meeting. It aould then be appropriate to address the changes of park f ees and sewer lateral assessments. Please find attached the letter from Mr. Wilke asking for reapproval of L.S. �83-03� a location map, a verifying survey, City Couneil Action Taken Notice and Resolution No. 66-1983 approving the lot split. JLR/dm :. . 0 RESOLUTION N0. 1986 A RESOLUTION RE-APPROVING A SUBDIVISION, LOT SPLIT, L. S. ; #83-03, TO SPLIT OFF THE NORTHERLY 75 FEET OF LOTS 11 AND 12, MOORE LAKE HILLS, THE SAME BEING 6061 AND 6063 CENTRAL AVENUE N. E. idHEREAS, the City Council approved a lot split at the July 25, 1983 meeting; and WHEREAS, such approval �ras to split off the Northerly 75 feet of Lots 11 and 12, Moore Lake Hills, the same being 6061 and 6063 Central Avenue N. E. WHEREAS, the City has received the required Certif icate of Survey f rom the Leslie L. Wilke; and WHEREAS, such approval xill alloW construetion of a new dwelling at 606�4 Central Avenue N. E. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council directs the County of Anoka to record this lot split Within six months of this approval or else such approval shall be null and void. PASSID AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS � DAY OF _ 1986. WILLIAM J. NEE - MAYOR ATTEST: SHIRLEY HAAPALA - CITY CLERB 3/7/3/32 7A �f HBSOI.DTI011 /0. 66 - 1983 • RBSOLO?IOH tPPBOOIHG l SDBDIYISI01, LOT SPLI?, L.S. /83-03, � SPLI? OPF THB 1108T'HERI.Z 75 F� OF LO?S 11 •9D 12, MOORE LA�B SILLS, THB Sl!!B BBI11G 6061 L1D 606� cBHrBei. ev�us �.8. WHEREAS, The City Council approved a lot split at the July 25, 1983. meeting, and wHEREAS, such approval Was to split off the Northerly 75 feet of Lots 11 and 12, Moore Lake Hills, the same beomg 6061 and 6063 Central Avenue N.E. WHEREAS, the City has received the required Certificate of Survey from Leslie L. Wilke, and NHEREAS, such approval will allow construction of a nex dwelling at 6063 Central Avenue N.E. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council directs the County of Anoka to record this lot split within six months of this approval or else such approval shall be null and void. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 25th DAY OF .�"�, 1983• , _ iiILLIAM J. NEE - MAYOR ATTEST: SIDNEY C. INMAN - CITY CLERR REL33/o/9/� : 768-6746 DR. L. W. WILKE cN��or�u►cTO� 126! Wntnl Av�. N. E. Mlnn��polla, Mlnn. M4t1 b:arch 26, 1986 James Robinson City Planner City of Fridley Re: Lot Split. L.S. #83-p3 � , Dear Sir: First I would like to thank you for the opportunity to explain my position on the lot split. Ehclosed is a copy of the letter that the City of Fridley sent me after it O.K•d the lot split� giving only the date of Septer�ber 4. 1984 as the date that I should have removed my old garage. Which I indeed had done a year earlier than that date. ihe Fark fee had no date as to when it should be paid nor did the sewer and water fee. I had asked I,:r. J. Boardman� then city planner. when it should be paid. his words given to me over the counter in City Hall was, I would be crazy to pay it until I or a builder was ready for a building perriit at which time the Park fee should then be paid. The Sewer & water fee I was told by 1��r. Boardman could wait until the closing of the house to be built. At no time thru' the weeks of visitin� City Hall about this lot split, was a tirae linit �iven to me. P:ot in my wildest ima�inations would I have thought that a political process would be reversed if I did not act in a specified period of time. Sincerely. � � .�U�✓- i� � ��� ` ��`�' Z• W. Wilke . � '� .� � - E.-=E'�'�' Ct�= �=t=:E[�E_CY 6�31 UNIVERSITI/ AVENUE N.E., FRIDIEY, MINNESOTA 5513? TEIEPHONE � 612►571.3�50 CITY COUNCIL - � August 4, 1983 Leslie W. Wilke 6061 Central Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 ACTION TAKEN NOTICE On Ju1Y 25, 1983 � the Fridley City Council officially approved your request for a 1 ot s� i t,_ �, S,_ #+g3-03 to spl i off_ with the stipulations listed below: 75 feet of Lots 11 and �2� g�o��k�therly � Moore Lake Hills, to make a new building site at 6063 Central Avenue N.E. • including a rear yard variance (old side yard� to 29 feet. 1. Exis�i�SO arage be removed from new lot no later that September 1, lggq, 2• PaY '�'s@� pa rk fee. 3. Pay water 8 sewer lateral assessment ���� ,�8� 4. All stipulatoons must be complied with before new lot can be recorded. If you have any questions regarding the above action, please call the Comnunity Developr.�ent Office at 571-3450. JLB/de Sincerely, ERROLD . B ARDMAN City Planner Please review the noted stipulations, sign the statement below, and return one copy to the City of Fridley. • _- ; = , ., � �� _ � � v�.�.�" � '�—C �� Concur with action taken. � 7D 0 .. � j .T._ if A � N `� '� - ;�, �'t . # a a '� ,.., � . . � . , .� <-�'�- � � , .1.� ��,�3 0�3 ��sy(�.� �e � t . . : • 15 ,.�_;� ��_� N��k� ,- . .. � lf'Y �7' y i`3 �' a-, � � �\ ` Y c . � - � ��{ d . `' �-:s+ - . . �. � ' . . . ��. �3+v4' �� A'/. \ ; �.'A°' l� 's, L /R.�' . . . . �.4,.. �}y .� ov � 'SL� f Y . ' ,L .M �� ?T �. ,� .t: � �,t. . L:= �4 t�x 3 aY � �Te: M. ' � ♦ _�. ,, �,r . ._ ., . ... , � _ � f`z : , a =_- ,'• . . V -?. r . .. . . � a .. - k � ' � . . .. 5 - .,.i _ ", � - •} y�M: ' , , .. '�� �- '���..L � 'r ♦ ,y . : .. � .n .. r � . ��R 4 ����� {� .��� � a. . � - �, y ��' `� T , � - ^ �.t, ` r #� . . N .�f � Y.. 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OA NK�f �r�f •�f►��IO •♦ M• t�• u�+�'�w r♦ t►����T •uM�• ••n.. •MO �M�7 I • O�/L� �{O��7i�� LI.M� �•JAV*t�/ YM�tA ♦Mf •�M• f+I ♦r� •�A�i 11• �•rr�M�• . � r+.. -E _�_s_ P�3 Z.._�ro ' _ � C A L� 1' _�' MINH�597 PF:-tS�PAT1(`N NO 5i32 0- tA.�^N �IQN;i�•c*�� . ,,,� 1 /R� _ _ 4'` � '�c�,�p �� y � � � °�•' 'kE � ��� �r ��'.�Sr �C�TS �; � v/ / .� �,�� `Y�O. pP ����: �/ � E S � ` � 9,�,os..rT �EM � �kr O� ���`'� °�p i v o. �•- \ � � oa J � �/ , . , � �o �� � � ?� �• o � �� � / • � `? ♦. � � � _ � � O , . • � .� � p d, Q� ' -.. � • _ � �r ~ � „ , . � ti � . � U �' � � C.� � � � ''`'� ' car' ' • • � 5 d • r �P ; •'�, va /y � �'� .: : ► . �q C `S o �1 r � \ •. : \ ! � � 6n_ / T_ � ��. -`�o �s " y . o �, ; :. �" � , �. � �_� � 4� , / �'v i 1 � �► n s ? �/ :'-- � 8 y� ti ���' 1t,aiosn.FT. ��` � . .c 3' O ' �.,'..,- � � ' '= ti ' ��� "�" 1 � ��'� � "' .8 :.. � .� O, �-. � �•'+. , C ��� �� � � i, : � , ` ' `� S �. •� ti ��A •��� Q '�' � �i . O � a,r,. ?\ _. �� �� 4t�y,� � o � c��r� c w . . ��. �` � R��� •�w • . . .. � ..� -i� f R1TMD►1.�.Y T0: FROM: p�AECTCRATE OF Pue��c woRKs MEMOFiANDUM Nasim Qureshi, City Manager John G. Flora ��lic Warks DirectAr SUBJECT: Yantage Alternate Hour iiork Permit DATE: April 2� 1986 � ° �� �� o 0 b;►� .'�° �� - � -- � - .�--- Pi�l 86-6 9 . Vantage Companies� Inc. has retained the services of Park Construction to repair the site for the Wholesale i�arehouse building on 81st Avenue and University. In order to satisfy their construction schedule� the undesirable soils must be removed and replaced by April 30, 1986. Accordingly, Park Construction has initiated a 20-hour, 6-day Work week. We have requested Park Construction Lo obtain an alternate hour work permit for the periods beyond our Construction Ordinance vhich is 7 a.m. to 9 p. m. , Monday through Friday, and 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. on Saturdays. Park Construction has prepared a notice and disseminated it to the residential properties east of the Burlington Northern Railroad tracks betxeen 79th and 83rd as a means of informing the neighborhood of Lhe work schedule, duration of the project and purpose. In addition, they have constructed an earth berm on the east side of the railroad tracks in order to decrease Lhe noise disturbances from the construction. Request Council consider the application from Park Construction for an alternate work hour permit. JGF/ts : c � �r-�� � CONSTRUCTION C0. � �E�fI�. � r� ` , , :! i ti �� I�NcL� ESTABLISMED 1916 7900 BEECH STREET N.E. • MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 5543? • TELEPHONE 7869800 March 31, 1986 City of Fridley 6431 University Avenue N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Attn: John Flora Director of Public Works Re: Request for working hours extension for Wholesale Club/ Fridley located at 81st & University Avenue N.E. Gentlemen: • COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAI. EXCAVA�(� ■ ROAO BUILOING /y ■PILE DRIVING ■SEWER, WATER INSTALLATION • BRiDGES ■ GOLF COURSES ■SUB DIVISION ANO LAND DEVELOPMENT • E�UIPMENT RENTAL ■ ENGINEERING AND DESIGN i Park Construction Company is requesting an extension of working hours allowed by city ordinances. Due to the nature of our project we feel working nights will accomplish the following: 1. Minimize disturbances to area business 2. Minimize traffic inconveniences to the public 3. Shorten job length by 100w We have completed construction of the berms in our disposal areas between the residential areas and truck dump sites. This area is east of the railroad tracks between 79th Avenue and 81st�Avenue. The remaining work areas are in commercial/industrial areas and should not affect area residents. Sincerely, PARK CONSTRUCTION COMPANY ����� Jerry Rachel, Vice President sh — AN E�UAL OPPpRTUNITY EMPLOYER — • oocb � � CONSTRUCTION C0. `�p 6ENf�,�! e ��s b p i Sa • sF �YEi.��l,• ESTABLISHED 1916 7900 BEECH STREET N.E. ■ MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55432 ■ TELEPHONE 786-9800 April 1, 1986. LETTER T0: RESIDENCES ■COMMERCIALAND �B INDUSTRIAL EXCAVATING ■ ROAD BUILOING ■PILE DRIVINC3 ■SEWER, WATER INSTALIATION ■ BFiIDGES ■GOLF COURSES ■SUB DIVISION ANO LAND OEVELOPMENT ■ EQUIPMENT qENTAL �"ENGINEERING ANO DESIGN Park Construction Company has a contract with Vantage Companies to prepare a building site located at 81st & University Avenue N. E., for Wholesale Club. As part of our Contract, we are hauling material to sites along the Burlington Northern Railroad tracks from approximately 80th Street to 83rd Street. In an attempt to minimize noise disturbance to local residents we have constructed a berm or mound along the railroad tracks. Since backup alarms on the vehicles can be noisy, we will attempt to keep back up distances to a minimum. We will also discontinue our operations near the railroad tracks if the temperature becomes unseasonably warm and windows must be left open during night time hours. We expect to be completed with the after normal hours operation by Apri1�23, 1986. . �f you should have any comments or questions please feel free to contact Chuck Rugroden, Project Manager at either 786-9800 (office) - or 561-5396 (home.) Thank you. PARK CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Q!c.�Ft�- Jerry achel, Vice President se - AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER - / ' vantage Alt�ernate Hour 47ork Permit COON RAPID3 . _ --- - ; . , J�"i�'��` , � �7�,� ��� . �,. � � � � � � � . �n C�•,.,< � '� :3 •� � �' = � `� � � �' 7.'�J7n'�'��°�J�e ����7 C � �J(`'.0 �D' ? `�� ^ �'�'�'� ^'."� -� J J 7 � -�.` { � c- . '',J�,,�J J,� J -� ,? c y L � a J:'� �.1 ) L ,� -� 3 � c G C. 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' i/ r-� ; �% �'.� � � Y, � : �� � /���j �/ �- /�.% t� � ,�. , � .� , �a . • ;,�� �a v�, � � r ,; ` � � �,, �� � � � No. � s �, E�} � � � � G. � ., i •• ; � , i`� � a ° ~ (� '�S � D •- : i � ��� , �, � �,� � • Co�Mu r � � .-,• � ; r � . ! � � L..� � c- '�7 � J j � • � j s�a awn _ - - ����* C, '�.? �' i _ _ l. ' /�:• '. � _ � 7,�i � . � 3 •f 7 � DtAECTORATE ry1� OF PUBLIC WORKS fTM��� MEMOi�ANDUM T0: Nasim Qureshi, City Nanager FROM: John G. Flora,`Public iiorks Director SUBJECT: Tax Forfeit Properties DATE: April 2, 1966 PN86-70 ' , �, ° � o �� � a b�� .�° � --- � � The County has submitted a listiag of ten tax forfeit properties that are up for public sale. These properties had been forfeited previously Dut were not purchased due to the special assessments on each of the parcels. Accordingly, the County is requesting the City to r�aive the special assessments so they can attempt to return the parcels to the tax roles. Parcel #1 could be combined xith the vacated portion of Broad Avenue w hich xould become a buildable lot. Therefore, the City may want to obtain this parcel. Parcels #2� 3, 4, and 5 are nonbuildable and could be sold to either tl�e abutting properties or preferrably split with one+half added to each of the abutting properties. Parcel #6 should be made available to Park Construction. Parcel #7 should be sold to the Property Orrner to the �est. Parcel #8 shou ld be sold to the Property Owner on the north and a 10 foot street utility easement on the south be retained. Parcel �9 and 10 have been purchased. Parcel #11 should be sold to Lot 9, Block 3, Marian Hills and a 30 foot dra.inage and utility easement be retained on the south. Pareel #12 should be sold to Lot 7, Block 3, Marian Hills and a 30 foot drainage and utility easement retained on the south. JGF/ts 0 �9 9A !'�F;G T0: John,G. Flora,`Public Works Director h�t:0 FROM: Clyde �Moravetz, Engineering Division / riEf•10 DATE: N,arch 27, 1986 SU3JECT: Tax Forfeit Properties Up For Public Sale (See Attaeh�d Listing - Numbered 1 through 12) The folloxing are comments and possible suggestions f or disposal of the properties. , PROPERTY DESCRIPTION �1 LOT 26, BLOCK C, RIYERVIEN HEIGHTS PIN 03 30 24 22 0075 Property in and by itself is not buildable. The City could vacate Broad Avenue and create a building site. Vacated street aould revert to east sinee its entirety xas platted in Riverviex Heights. �2 LOT 56, BLOCK D� RIVERVIEW HEIGHTS PIN 03 30 24 22 0113 Nonbuildable 25 foot lot could be sold to either abutting property aWner or split betWeen the two. �3 LOT 29, BLOCK A, RIVERYIEW HEIGHTS PIN 03 30 24 24 0088 Nonbuildable 25 foot lot which should be sold to east adjoining property owner. �4 LOT 28� BLOCK 3, SPRING BROOK PARK PIN o3 30 24 42 0008 Nonbuildable 30 foot lot. Should be sold to either adjoining property oWner or split. If it is sold to the east property orrner, aa addition could be made to existing house with no variance needed. �F LOT 18, BLOCK 4, SPRING BROOK PARK PIN 03 30 24 42 0020 Nonbuildable 30 foot lot. Should be sold to either or split betxeen adjoining property orrners. #6 LOT 23, BLOCK 12, SPRING BROOK pARK PIN 03 30 24 42 0112 Nonbuildable �0 foot lot. Could be sold to adjoining propert�r ovner Lo t�ae vest or Park Construction xho has been buying tax farfeit properties in this area. m ;.; W 10 FEET OF E 35 FEET OF LOT 8, BLOCK 2, RICE CREEk TERRACE PLAT 2 PIN 14 30 24 24 0018 10 foot strip could be sold Lo east or xest oMrners. If sold to property oxner to the West, expansion of living area could be made, perhaps Without need for variance. � 8 LOT 8, BLOCK �4, ADAMS STREET ADDITION PIN 23 30 2� 13 0126 The south 10 feet has been retained for street�& utility purposes. This leaves a 30 foot nonbuildable lot. Should be sold to property owner abutting on the north side of lot. �9 &�10 LOTS 8� 9, (EXC. E 800 FEET), AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION N0. 25 (LOT 8) PIN 24 30 24 32 0019 (LOT 9) PIN 24 30 24 32 0020 Potentially buildable site. Properties have been purchased by Mr. David Harris. �11 PART OF OUTLOT D, MARIAN HILLS PIN 25 30 24 21 0108 Land locked and nonbuildable. Should be sold to owner of Lot 9� Block 3, Marian Hills as extension to existing back yard. City should retain south 30 feet for drainage and utility easement to accommodate existing sanitary � storm sewer lines. if12 PART OF OUTLOT D, MARIAN HILLS PIN 25 30 24 21 0108 Land locked and nonbuildable. Should be sold to owner of Lot 7, Block 3, Marian Hills as extension to existing back yard. City should retain south 30 feet for drainage � utility easement to accommodate existing facilities. The Anoka County Auditor's office has inquired if the City r+ould be interested in reducing or eliminating the pending assessments on these properties to make theb more attractive to prospective buyers and consequently getting them back on the tax rolls. CVM/mh ATTACH: CC: 1986 Tax Forfeit File I - - SU�DI VISfON (�- K Tn. or �� 1.M I Hlock ��°�` I Value� d I V�Inen�� 0/ T�i�r PITV Ac o�fv�� � - � R���ER vtEw HE�GHTS � Plat 57593 Porcel OSSS Lot 26 Blk C River View Heights � RIVER VIEW HEIGHTS Plat 57593 Porcel 0835 Lot 56 Blk D River View Heights wbj to eau of rec 3 RIV�R VIEW HEIGHTS Plat 57593 Parcel 0145 Lot 29 Blk A River View Heights �SPRING BROOK PARK Plot 59140 Porcel 0480 Lot 28 Blk 3 Spring Brook Pork 5 SPRING BROOK PARK Plat S°140 Porcel 0595 Lot 18 Blk 4 Spring Brook Pork /� SPRING BROOK PARK ��� Plat 59140 Parcel 2340 Lot 23 Blk 12 $pring Brook Nork RICE CREEK TERRACE PLAT 2 7 Plat 57581 Porcel 0260 E 35 ft of Lot 8 Blk 2 Rice Creek Terroce Plat 2(ex E 25 tt) (sub' to droinoge d, ut11 eose over rear S ft� A7AM5 STREET ADD TO MPLS Plr� 3 0 4 6 Lot 8 Blk 4 Adoms Street Add to Mpls lyg N of S 10 ft fhereof ex that prt desc os fol; Deg ot SE cor of sd Lot 8 Hlk 4, th N clg E line thereof 36 it, th SWIy in o stroight tine fo a pt in ihe 5 line of sd Lot B Blk 4 36 ft W of SE cor thereof, th E olg S line of sd lot to POB subj to ease of rec 9 AUD SUB NO 25 N 0019 �� . .�� ..��5� Porcet (700 � Lof 8 Aud Svb 25 - ex b Ex ih pf thereof lying W of rt of woy line of the outer drive of t}�e r Hwy - s�bj to eose over S 12 ft Q� `�� 26 56 c ��6 � � ' o �?���5 I 29 ; A i � 28 � 3 � � 18 ; 4 23 12 8 2 B 8 �4 � 3�� � I I � � � W I 3 � � I � < <�/ 1 I I I t I c� � C � � ,� !�� I � � � i � I � � ( � )Qi � , t I � � is� � �//�i�0 I' � ' � A� � � i � i i i � �� ,� � � I , d f yG - � I � COUNTY, iiA P,EMOVE�D SUtD1V1S10N i YOFFR �O AUD SUB � . 0020 Plot S`'? orcel IBSO i Avd Sub No 25 ex E 800 ft thereof ex prt token for hwy wbj to ease of rec �' MARIAN HILLS 0108 That prf of Ovflot D Morion Hills lyg between the SEIy extn of the !JEIy d, the SWIy lines of Lot 9 Bik 3 Morion Hills subj fo eax of rec �� MARIAN HILLS 0110 That prt of Outlot D Morion Hills lyg �ly of the SEIy extn of the SWIy line of Lot 7 Blk 3 Morion Hitls wbj to ease ot rec IL°t« Slock �"�e Y �C t� I 9 I !D �I � � I I � �� ! � I � � . CITY OF HAM LAKE UNPLATTED � The E 66 ft of the N 33� ft ot the SE1l of the NV1'1l, ex rd UNPLATTED The E 66 ft of the S 429 ft o1 the N 759 ft of the SE1l of the NW�., ex rd UNPLATTED The E 66 ft of the SE1l of the NWx, ex ihe N 759 ft thereof, ex rd IDLEWOOD 3RD ADDITION Plat 73839 Porcel 1300 Outlot A ldlewood 3rd Addition (subj to eose os shown on plot) IDLEWOOD 3RD ADDITION I Plot 73839 Porcel 1400 Outlot C Idlewood 3rd Addition ID�EWOOD 3RD ADDITION Plot 73839 Porcel IS00 Outlot E Idlewood 3rd Addition I01 � 32 i 23 I � ! � 01 I 32 I 23 I � � 01 32 23 A C E rw� a.:.c..r....�w,. V�1� � Vdne d�T"r�Yer CO NTY HAS RE OVED 1 `i � ' I � I I � I ! � �� � � � ii i I � � � ' f � I i � I I � s J �� � �� k' •ri N3�`tl � u � `: � a ! 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Ci/.�w1i A4�!!� y I� � �;, w. i � � � w h�s- �i � . :+ r ��,L• s:„ ir _ ? � ��,� �.�, � .( sr..t, /ra�. .I �ur �) �� �� y , A'END Z�: THE HCI�TORABLE Ng1Y0R AND QTY QXJNQL FROM : NAS IM M. QiJRFSH I, QTY 1�►NAG FR ' II�,TE : APRII, 4 , 1986 SUBJDCP: JOINT K7WFRS P�REE�TT � FORM A�ALII'ION OF ME'iROI�L aAN Q�1�P�LTN a IFS On January 6, 1986, the Fridley City Council approved a joir,k p�wers agreener�t to form a a�alition of inetropolitan o�mn�ities. Subsequent to that action a number of issues were rai sed about the statts of an "associate menber. " As a result the agreement was changed to clarify associate menbership and to ad a termination clause. A number of ather minor changes were made as well. It seems appropriate to resutmit the joirit powers agre�nent to the Fridl ey City Council for acti on on the amended doc�anent. 1VAQ/mb 15/6 io ., JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT TO FORM A COALITION OF METROPOLITAN COMMUNITIES THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of , 1986, by and between the cities and entities of hereinafter referred to as "Agencies". The Agencies hereto agree to establish an organization to be known as the to promote transportation and economic development projects. Any other public entity may become an agency upon approval by a majority of the then Agencies. Minnesota Statutes Section 471.59 authorizes two or more governmental units to enter into an agreement for the joint and cooperative exercise of any power common to the contracting parties. Whereas, improvements to transpor- tation systems serve the Agencies by promoting the public's health, safety and general welfare and economic development enhances the local tax base thereby enabling Agencies to provide needed municipal services at acceptable tax rates. NOW, THERFORE, pursuant to the authority granted by Minnesota Statutes Section 471.59, the parties hereto do agree as follows: 1) BOARD OF DIRECTORS. The governing body of the coalition shall be its Board of Directors. Each agency shall be entitled to two (2) directors. Each director shall have one (1) vote. Each agency shall. appoint two (2) direc- tors, one (1) of whom shall be the City Manager or Administrator or other designee. A majority of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum of the Board. 2) MEETINGS. The coalition shall meet on call of the president or by the Operating Committee. 3) OPERATING COMMITTEE. The Board of Directors shall appoint an Operating Committee. The Operating Committee shall have authority to manage the affairs and business of the coalition between coalition meetings, but at all times, shall be subject to the control and direction of the Board. 10A v The Operating Committee shall meet as needed at a time and place to be determined by the Operating Committee. 4) FINANCIAL MATTERS. Coalition funds may be expended by the Board. Other l�gal instruments shall be executed with the authority of t�e Board. The Board shall have no authority to expend funds in excess of the coalition funds or incur any debt. The financial contributions of the Agencies in support of �he coalition shall be per capita for full members. Each of the Agencies shall, by February 2nd of each year, pay to the coalition an amount as annually determined by the coalition based on the most recent metropolitan council population estimates. The Board may authoirze changes in the per capita charge for all members upon majority vote. The annual assessment levy shall be determined by October lst of the preceeding year. The Board may receive financial contributions from private asso- ciations, entities or financial institutions. Such associations, entities or instutitions shall then become honorary associate members. Honorary associate members may send representives to board meetings, but shall not be entitled to representation on the Board or have any voting rights. 5) WITHDRAWAL. Any agency may withdraw from this agreement effective on January 1 of any year by giving notice prior to October 15 of the preceeding year. 6) TERMINATION. The coalition shall be dissolved if less than three (3) Agencies remain, or by mutual signed agreement of all of the Agencies. Upon termination, remaining assets of the coalition shall be distributed to the full members still remaining at the time of termination, pro rated according to their respective contributions. 7) NO�ICES. All notices or other co�ununications required herein shall be sufficiently given and shall be deemed given when delivered or mailed by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, addressed to the following parties: President, Board of Directors, and Chairman, of the Operating Committee. 8) AMENOMENTS. This agreement may be amended only by written agreement entered into by a majority of the then full member Agencies to this agreement. 9) MULTIPLE EXECUTION. This Joint Powers Agreement may be executed simultaneously in any number of counterparts, each of which counterpart shall be deemed to be an original and all such counterparts shall constitute but one and the same instrument. Ar� orjginally executed counterpart shall be filed with Charles Darth, City of Brooklyn Park. Each of the participating Agencies shall also file a certified copy of a resolution of its governing body authorizing the execution of this agreement. � : 10C 5800 85th AVENUE NOATH / BAOO�f LYN PAAK, MN 55443 / 612-425-4502 January 24, 1986 Dear City Manager: On January 23, 1986 the Mayors Association/Coalition (name unofficial) met at the Sheraton Inn N.W. to formally organize. Legal counsel from some of the member cities, however, requested that the organization's Joint Powers Agreement be modified. As a result �the "Agreement" was changed to add language clarifying "associate member" and also a termination clause was incor- porated. The enclosed Joint Powers Agreement reflects these changes. You are, therefore, requested to have your city council approve this "Agreement". Once the document has been approved, signed by the Mayor and City Manager or City Clerk, please forward it to me; Charles Darth, 5800 85th Avenue North, Brooklyn Park, Minnesota, 55443. Also, include a check for 2 cents per capita (1985 Metro- politan Council population estimate) -- please make it payable to the City of Brooklyn Park. The strong interest in our organization is encouraging. For example, forty-seven elected officials and city staff attended the January 23 meeting. At least one representative from 17 metro cities was in attendance. In addition, one city not represented did adopt a Joint Powers Agreement. Thank you for your interest and support. Please contact me if you have additional questions. Sincerely, % � ��'�� Charles Darth Intergovernmental Relations Director CD:ja enclosure �coo H �RAP I T0: Bob Thistle FROM: A1 Hofstedt SUBJECT: Joint Powers Agreement to Form a Coalition of Metropolitan Communities DATE: January 23, 1986 I have spoken with Charles LaFevere, the New Brighton City Attorney, and we both agree that the Joint Powers Agreement as proposed leaves something to be desired. Our primary concern is that private entities can be a party to the agreement. There is no authority under Minnesota Statutes Section 471.59, or any other sta- tute that we are aware of, whereby a city can enter into a Joint Powers Agreement with a private concern. Municipalities and private companies function under different sets of rules and regulations. For example, there are statutory limits for the liability of municipalities whereas there are no such limits for private companies. Both Mr. LaFevere and i feel that it would be more aaQrooriate to remove any reference to private entities frorr� the�dai.nL Powe� Agreement. I might be permissible to include t a��c�ng honorar. �asso_- c��'te members. s such, ey cou pay a ee and attend the meetings but wouTdJ not be able to vote on any actions. This would also eliminate any possibility of improper delegation of authority by municipalities to private concerns. As a practical matter, this probably would not be much of a concern in light of the nature of the proposed organization. Para�ph 4 relating to financial matters refers to assoc' er _and that is the only place where that term seems to appear, here should be some defini- ion as o wiio are associate members and w at _their a�thori�y--ru-i�h.�be. If riva e concerns are remove rom e agreement or made associate members, changes will obviously have to be made to paragraph 4. 10D There should also be a provision in the financial portions of th.e aar k+ould rohibit the organization from spending more mone than is allocated to_�_ t ers--lrr�-�tti�r�wordr,-the-organizat-�en d not be able to go into debt as this could come back to the individual communities. The other change that should be considered is a provision in the termination section, para raph 7, whi_�_F�_woul_ d�rovide how anv rem ia�ninq_assets are going to �� ispose of at terminati_on- Some language either spelling out that the assets would be divided equally or proportionately as the organization v�ould prefer should be sufficient. Both Mr. LaFevere and i feel that, since the document was not drafted by either of us and some communities have already adopted it, it would be inappropriate at this time for us to change any of the provisions. The organization may wish to take another look at the agreement and make some amendments. Although, as I stated initially, we feel that the agreement leaves something to be desired, for its intended purpose, with a few of these suggested changes, it would probably be acceptable. A1 ja 1313 COON RAPIDS BOULEVARD, COON RAPIDS, MINNESOTA 55433•5397 (612) 755-2880 RESOLIITION N0. - 19�i A RESOLIITION REQUESTING THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TO AOTHORIZE A PQBLIC RAII.ROAD CROSSING AND ORDER INSTAI.LATION OF APPROPRIATE iIARNING SIGNAI.S. , ., 11 WHEREA.S, the new segment of Ashton Avenue from 52nd Way to Industrial Boulevard is interseeted by the Burlington Northern Railroad tracks, and iiHEREAS, the City of Fridley hereby requests that the railroad crossing be authorized as a public crossing, and WIiEREAS, the Burlington Northern Railroad Compar�y agrees that this crossing ` should be designated as a public erossing. NOW, TIiEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, BY TIiE CITY COONCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THAT: 1. The Minnesota Department of Transportation authorize the Burlington Northern Railroad Compaq}r crossing of Ashton Avenue as a public erossing. 2. The Minnesota Department of Transportation determine the appropriate devices required for this erossing and coor- dinate their installation With the Burlington Northern Railroad Company. PASSED AND ADDOPTED BY TFIE CITY COONCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF , 19�• wILLIAM J. NEE - MAYOR ATTEST: SHIRLEY A. HAAPALA - CITY CLERK 3/6/1/1 � • � . / y' `����`•v • . � .,? ��riv�n � `. , �e� , , ;.,; ,, �;� . ,. 1`__ �----� `-: ,,L 17 �_-:� 7, _ - � . GECNGETC�►� : � . %' ����CO,MtT � � - �,�. , . , , i � ��.i . �.' ,� � �• `��-J ��r�000 �• ���• �rC , i r�ro� ru�� � � M�G MOtl[ '�� � , ��.' � r �`I � � � � /! Y/ � � � -�.. �� � �, .� -i �� �� 6,i O � O Q � 4,. �.•► ? . '�.7 / � "� ! � -� , ���—��- �' � ��� ��. �,. � �,���. � � . --� E R. R ous. CFNT. ��E Sr�y�N�e � 0 ��\�� � E.R.R. 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' � � / .' 1 ' � � 1 � � / I ��Ol�MO to-o►c�•r�vt� i . , A : ��w • i M��� � ��Oi S T00 I ssoo � - S30C Ru�� rrs to ►�ECit�OM a�ccr �cr•, �o � K l �� �YLL[ATO• r[T�Li Cp C[�l[R= Y/� CO A��[AY[ •Y►IL► 0 MO110�♦ � ��� v[MTU�► J NOw�2� i T—•�s.sr a � Rp ���0� v r � � RESOLUTION N0. 1986 � A RESOLUTION APPROVING A SUBDIYISION, LOT SPLIT, L.S. #86-01, TO SPLIT OFF THE SOUTH ONE HALF OF LOT �4, BLOCK 32, HY�E PARK, TOGETHER WITH THE EAST ONE HALF OF THE A.DJACENT YACATED ALLEY AND ADD TO LOT 5, BLOCR 32, HYDE PARK TO CREATE A SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE, AND SPLIT OFF THE NORTH ONE HAL F OF LOT 4, BLOCK 32, HYDE PARR AND ADD TO LOT 3, BLOCK 32, HYDE PARK TO CREATE A SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE, ALL BEING 5738 - 7TH STREET N. E. WHEREAS, the City Council approved a lot split at the March 17, 1985 meeting; and WHEREAS, such approval Was to split off the south one half of Lot 4, Block 32, Hyde Park, together �+ith the east one half of the adjacent vacated alley and add to Lot 5, Block 32, Hyde Park to create a single family residence, and split off the north one half of Lot �1, Block 32, Hyde Park, together with the east one half of the adjacent vacated alley and add to Lot 3, Block 32, Hyde Park to create a single family residence, all being 573 8- 7th Street N. E. ; and WHEREAS, the City has received the required Certif icate of Survey from the owner; and WHEREAS, sueh approval �rill make three neW residential building sites. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLYED, that the City Council directs the County of Anoka to record this lot split Within six months of this approval or else such approval shall be null and void. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS , DAY OF 1 g 86 . WILLIAM J. NEE - MAYOR ATTEST: SHIRLEY HAdPALA - CITY CLERK 3/7/3/31 12 0 �. �� �-1. ; ' �, � � � � k �. � J`ti s w � � �..i +� � �► �! �R � d! � '� # 1! DESCRIPTION: ORIGINAL PARCEL , Lots 3, 4 and 5, Block 32, Hyde Park, Anoka County, �linnesota, and that part of the east half of the vacated alley adjoining said lots lying south of the westerly extension of the north line of said Lot 3 and north of the westerly extension of the south line of said Lot 5. PARCEL A Lot 3 and the north half of Lot 4, Block 32, Hyde Park, Anoka County, riinnesota, and that part of the east half of the vacated alley adjoining said lots lying south of the westerly extension of the north line of said Lot 3 and north of the westerly extension of the south line of the north half of said Lot 4. PARCEL B Lot 5 and the south half of Lot 4, Block 32, Hyde Park, Anoka County, :iinnesota, and that part of the east half of the vacated alley adjoining said lots lying north of the westerly extension of the soutn line of said Lot 5 and south of the westerly extension of the north line of the south hlaf of said Lot 4. ��«� �o�z I hereb�� certify tFrat this suntv p�n plat.prelimin:ir�� pist cx report ��us prepared by me or ut�der my direct supervision :uid chat I;un 1 duh• Registered I.and Surve�or under the la�►�s of the Stzce of tilinnesota. � ! /0 83 z /�4.c 3 �� ! g�L /� y87.z Reg. No. Date Job No. Book No. � � � � � � ��� � � � � �� � � #� � � � � :� r� ..� ��� � ��� ' `a� c i _ .� � t�l ✓ Q v'IM � Q �\ vl �Id . � � �� � .; G� .'�LQ /� = / "'= 30 � �/'O�OSe� O' �D �" S�� �T ,� �' T J�'� ,a ID !'r'! .6 �.° /�9 � �' `� __ ,3�!i3 -- j v � 7�- �- T- -�- -a-- -,r � �- �_ � /.Zg 93 �°�a � � � /�7EQt S. � � � � � v � _� �� °� �,�� � � � I 3 �' � � � PA� � ,, ---� . �. 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No. Date 1ob No. Book No. � 12C THOMAS BLOMBERG L,S, �"36-01 ST I PULAT I0�lS , 1� EXISTING HOUSE TO BE REMOVED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF A BUILDING PERMIT� Z� PARK FEE OF �%SO�OO TO BE PAID PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF A BUILDING PERMIT� 3� LOT SPLIT TO BE RECORDED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF A BUILDING PERMIT� 4� VARIANCES FOR LOT AREA FROM g,OOO SQUARE FEET TO �,4�5 SOUARE FEET AND LOT WIDTH FROr� 75 FEET TO 66 FEET TO BE APPROVED WITH LOT SPLIT� ,�.:, 6o0p : b �; .�,t� ,,.•z 600 ► s �� � :•� 60�► � 6oBop � � „ �- ti . r .. ,r «,�. 3 ,er � ' •ofs ,i., .. �,f...._ _- � �s "'""' G L.��.#86-o1�'b TH AVENUE � j ���1 c��O /f: ' ; .!� V ./tt .�,� � : ,� �7Qo 59'� ��'�� �5deo o �2 0 ' ` ` `' S� � � :sq>> , 59�6 � 0 5973 � 5 27L o o S9 ��5927t ,`-�b'�� � ,lav� f� : i J� �! _Y �i�i ,_j�� .»�� �a �59�2 .. 59l.5 , 59-L� � � 596I - � 59G4 �''� � 3 s �� � 3 ,,�� � . `�. 'S9S7 � 5956 ' S ,�s::-- r �3 0. o57�y � 5�6 S9S7_ 5�56 ' $ �� ic� � _ . •J�Ao � vc � v�.•,�__ 1a. 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Flora, Public Warks Dirnctor St87DCr: Church Signs ��: April 2, 1986 The Micha,el Serv�etus Unitarian Society has requested i�entification signs be plaoed along Brookvi�w Drive as a means of identifying t�o parishi�ers and vi.sit�ors the location of the church due t� its norivisibility frcm Bs+ookview or High�+ray 65. The City has a 66 foot right�f�way for Hrookvietiv Drive and should the �uncil so desire, allvw the church to install signs in the boulevard in on3er to irdentify the church's locatiari because of the hazdship from being located behind tt�e resi.dential buildings. Jc�'/ts � 13 MICHAEL SERVETUS UNITARIAN SOCIETY 980 - 67th St�eet, Fridiey, Minnesota 55432 _ Telephone: 571-5229 April 2� 1986 ' Fridley City Council, I�idley� Minn. 55432 To Member of the City Council� In re s Church Signs for Michael Servetus IInitarian Society 980 67th Lvenue� N. E, �`rialey, Minn. 55432 For some time we have been attempting to g�et ovr church eigns replaced. The State Highway removed the signs because they were on the State right—of—way. The sigus �rere retrieved with the help of Darrel Clark. Since that time we have been unsuccessful in getting signs in— atalled in the church vicinity. In the past month� with the help of Clyde Morowitz, we are xriting to the City Council� about this matter. These eigns are needed so that persons will be able to locate_ our church. Because we are in a secluded place� not visible from Brookview Drive or Hi�w�y #65, it is impossible for our church to be seen from Brookview Arive or Hi�vay �65 . ' Ehclosed is a map of our location. I have maia�ced the original location of the ahurch signs� xhich were adequate. We request and would appreciate a waiver to present rules for return of these signs to their original location. I j,rould be villing to appear before the council in regard to thie matter, if it Would be helpful in reaching a solution . �ank you for giving this your attention. Sincerely� �'G�,t-.� � • �Za��� Mrs. Glenn lil. Thompson Member M.S.U.S Board of Trustees. enc: ma$ 13A 13B MI. ��� S�BYETIIS II�iITAEIAN SOCIEl'Y 980 - 57� ��enue, x. E. Bridlev, 1Kinneaota. " 55432 - 0 �' FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL � April 7, 1986 Type of License: B� Approved By: AUCTIOP�EERS -- LICENSES Fees: Fridley Methodist Church Ron Andrle James P. Hill asking Fees 666 Mississippi St. N.E. Public Safety Director to be waived Fridley, �4n. 55432 , CIGARETTE Bill Johnson Standard Serv. t�.D. Johnson James P. Hill . $12.00 5311 University Ave.N.E. Public Safety Director Fridley, Mn. 55432 Bob's Produce Ranch Inc. Robt.Schroer " " 7620 University Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Burlington No.(Crew Office) Mn. Viking " 80 - 44th Ave.N.E. Food Serv. Fridley, Mn. 55432 , Burlington Pdo.(Diesel Shop) " " " " " �0 - 44th Ave.N.E. Fridley, �4n. 55432 Burlington No.(Main Off.) "" "" "" �0 - 44th Ave.�d.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 City of Fridley La6ore Vending " 6431 University Ave.N.E. Fridley, P1n. 55432 Fina - Am. Pet. Co.of Texas " 7298 Hwy. #65 N.E. Fridley, P1n. 55432 m �� � v � fl�ll � Fireside Rice Bowl Oliver Tam "" 1160 Fireside �Jr. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Fridley Warehouse Annex Advance Carter Co. " 6289 Hwy. 65 N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 George is in Fridley Anthony Nicklow " " 3120 E. River Rd. Fridley, Mn. 55421 Holiday Plus Erickson Bros. " " 250 - 57th Ave.N.E. Fridley, �4n. 55432 ��2.0� $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 " �12.00 �� �� Q m " $12.00 �12.00 �24.00 $12.00 S FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- LICENSES A ril 7, 1986 Pa e 2 Cigarette Cont. Holiday Station Store Holiday Sta.Inc. James P. Hill 5807 University Ave.N.E. Public Safety Director Fridley, Mn. 55432 Honeymead Prod.Co. N.E. Vending " " 24 - 44th Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Jet Kayo Oil Co. " " 7600 University Ave. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Knights of Col. No.Air Home Assoc. " " 6831 Highway 65 N.E. Fridley,P1n. 55432 LaMaur Mn.Viking Food Serv. " " 5601 E. River Rd. Fridley, Mn. 55421 Liquor Warehouse Advance Carter " " 214 Mississippi St.N.E. Fridley, MN. 55432 Longview Fibre Co. NSI/Griswold Corp. " " 5851 E. River Rd. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Midwest Print " " " " " 5101 Industrail Blvd. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Onan Corp. Service Am. Corp. " " 1400 - 73rd Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Pulaski's Or's Corp. ° " 6259 Hwy. 65 N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Q Petroleum Corp. Marlin Besler " " 5300 Central Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55421 Q Petroleum " " " " 6101 University Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Quality Painting & Metal J.R. Vending " " 7880 Main St. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Raffael's Supper Club B& K Music " " 8298 University Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 m m �� . � m m m m � m m m m $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 $60.00 $24.00i �12.00 $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 . _ ` FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL April 7, 1986 Cigarette Cont. Safetran Systems Corp. Mn. Viking Food James P. Hill 4650 Main St.N.E. Service Public Safety Director Fridley, Mn. 55421 Service America Corp. Same " " " 7490 Central Ave.N.E. � Fridley, P1n. 55432 Shorewood Inn Advance Carter James P. Hill 6161 Hwy. #65 N.E. Public Safety Director -- LICENSES Page 3 Fridley, Mn. 55432 Strite Anderson Mfg. Co. Service Am.Corp. " " " 7585 Viron Rd. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Stuart Anderson's Cattle Serv�ice Am.Corp. " " Co. Restaurant 5696 University Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Swings Spruette John Swingdorf " " 6485 E. River Rd. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Totino's Foods Service Am.Corp. " " 7350 Commerce Ln. N.E. Fridley, ��In. 55432 ENTERTAINMENT American Legion Post 303 Same James. P. Hill 7365 Central Ave.a.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 George is in Fridley Anthony Nicklow " " " 3720 E. River Rd. Fridley, Mn. 55421 Knights of Columbus 6831 Hwy. 65 N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Pulaski's 6259 Hwy. 65 N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 FOOD ESTABLISHMEN� American Legion Post 303 7365 Central Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 No.Air Home Assoc. Or's Corp. Same �� �� �� �� � m m $12.00 $12.00 $24.00 $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 " �a12.00 $85.00 � $85.00 $85.00 " �85.00� $45.00 � � = FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL April 7, 1986 Food Establishment Cont. Bob's Produce Ranch Inc. Robt. Schroer 7620 University Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Columbia lce Arena Anoka County 7011 Un�iversity Ave.N.E. Park & Rec.Dept. Fridley, �4n. 55432 Fina Am.Pet. Co.of 7298 Hwy. #65 N.E. Texas Fridley, Mn. 55432 Fireside Rice Bowl Oliver Tam 1160 Fireside Dr.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 FMC Corp. Canteen Corp. 4800 Marshall St.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55421 Fridley Convalescent Home Health Central, Inc. 7590 Lyric Lane Fridley, Mn. 55432 Fridley Jr. High School Pat Rue 6100 W. Moore Lk.Dr. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Fridley Sr. High School Pat Rue 6000 W. Ptoore Lk.Dr. Fridley,Mn. 55432 George is in Fridley Anthony Nicklow 3720 E. River Rd. Fridley, Mn. 55421 Grandma's Cupboard Inc. Same 6513 Cecicia Circle Bloomington, Mn. 55435 Hayes Elem. School Pat Rue 615 M�ississippi St.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Holiday Plus Erickson Brothers 250 - 57th Ave. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Holiday Station Store Same 5807 University Ave. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Jet Kayo Oil Co. 7600 University Ave.N.E. Fridley, P1n. 55432 -- LICENSES Paqe 4 .. $45.00 $45.00 $45.00 $45.00 $45.00 $45.00 Exempt Exempt $45.00 $45.00. Exempt� $45.00� $45.001 $45.00� �i FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL Food Establishment Cont. Knights of Col. 6831 Hwy. 65 N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Onan Corp. 1400 - 73rd Ave.N.E. Fridley,Mn. 55432 Oriental House Rest. 5865 University Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Pizza Hut 255 - 57th Ave.NE. Fridley, �4n. 55432 Pulaski's 6259 Hwy. #65 N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Q Petroleum Corp. 5300 Central Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55421 Q Petroleum 6101 University Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Redeemer Lutheran Church 61 Mississippi St. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Service America Corp. 7490 Central Ave.N.E. Fridley,Mn. 55432 Stevenson Elem. School 6050 E. River Rd. Fridley, P1n. 55432 The Sunshine Place Rest. 5201 Central Ave.N.E. Fridley,Mn. 55421 Swings Spruette 6485 E. River Rd. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Totino Grace High School 1350 Gardena Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 T.R. McCoy's 7850 University Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 � No. Air Home Assoc.Inc. Serv.Am. Corp. Kwei-Tsang Chen Wm.C. Ferril Or's Inc. Marlin Besler Marlin Belser Marcia Etlicher Same Pat Rue Tomy Bakhtiari John Swingdorf J . Franci s I�ray John T. Stacy -- LICENSES PaQe 5 _ $45. 00 � $45.00 $45.00 $45.00 $45.00 ' $45. 00 $45.00 Exempt $45.00 Exempt $45.00 $45.00 $45.00 $45.00 � �i ' FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL � A ril 7 1986 P � Food Establishment Cont. Woodcrest School Dist. #16 Dr.J.Baker 880 Osborne Rd. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 FOOD VEHICLE Blue Bell Ice Cream Same 3218 Snelling Ave. Mpls. Mn. 55406 Service Am.Corp. Same 7490 Central Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 OFF SALE BEER -- LICENSES Page 6 Country Club Mkt. Same James P. Hill 6257 Hwy. 65 N.E. Public Safety Director Fridley, Mn. 55432 Holiday Plus North Erickson Bros. " " 250 - 57th Ave.N.E. Fridley,Mn. 55432 Holiday Station Store Arnold Mickelson " " 5807 University Ave. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Jet Kayo Oil Co. " " 7600 University Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Q Petroleum Marlin Besler " " 6101 University Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Q Petroleum Marlin Besler " " 5300 Central Ave.�d.E. Fridley, P1n. 55421 Swings Spruette John Swingdorf " " 6435 E. River Rd. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Tom Thumb Food Mkt.141 Thom Thumb " " 315 Osborne Rd. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 ON SALE BEER Godfather Pizza Godfather Pizza of Mn.Inc. " 7910 University Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 m � m � � � Exempt �50.00 $145.0( $60.00 $60.00 $60.00 $60.00 $60.00 $60.00 " $60.00 $60.00 " " $325.00� r _ _ FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL April 7, 1986 On Sale Beer Cont. -- LICENSES Page 7 Knight of Columbus No.Air Home Assoc. James P. Hill $325. 6331 Hwy. #65 N.E. Public Safety Director Fridley,Mn.55432 Oriental House Restaurant Kwei - Tsang Chen " 5865 University Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Pizza Hut Wm. Ferril " 255 - 57th Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 CLUB ON SALE American Legion Post 303 Harley Thureen " 7365 Central Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 SUNDAY ON SALE LIQUOR American Legion Post 303 Harley Thureen " 7365 Central Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 PEDDLER The Flower Shoppe ��ary Lou Box " 8432 Westwood Rd. N.E. Spr. Lk. Pk.,Mn. 55432 PRIVATE GAS PUMP Anderson Trucking Serv-:Inc. Same Richard Larson 7600 Central Ave. N.E. Fire Inspector Fridley, Mn. 55432 Determan 4Jelding & Same " " Tank Service 1241 - 72nd Ave.NE. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Land 0 Lakes Inc. Inez Lang ° " Interstate 694 & Main St. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Menard Cashway Lumber Mea�ard, Inc. " " 5351 Centra� Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55421 �� �� , �� �� �� �� � � m �� m $325.0 $325.0 " $150.00 " $200.00 $120.00 $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 �i = FOR CONCURRENCE BY TNE CITY COUNCIL April 7, 1986 REFUSE HAULERS Beckers Sanitation Ronald Beckers 18631 Yakima St. N.W. Anoka, Mn. 55303 Browning Ferris Wayne R. Frana 9813 Flying Cloud Dr. Eden Prairie, Mn. 55343 Frangrance Solid Waste dba Rose P1. Johnson Frangrance Trucking 99 N.6J. 99th Lane Coon Rapids, Mn. 55433 Gallagher Service Inc. Richard Gallagher Jr. 1691 - 91st Ave.N.E. B1 a i ne, P1n. 55434 Larry's Quality Sanitation Lawrnce R. Saba 17210 Dirscoll Anika, Mn. 55303 Pretzel's Sanitation Lawrence Plessel 15323 Ramsey Blvd. N.W. Anoka, Mn. 55303 RETAIL GASOLINE Bill Johnson Stand.Serv. Willis D. Johnson 5311 University Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55421 Fina Am.Pet.Co.of Texas 7298 Hwy. #65 N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Holiday Sta.Store Holiday Sta.Stores Inc. 5807 University Ave.N.E. Fridley,Mn. 55432 Jet Kayo Oil Co. 7600 University Ave. N.E. Fridley,Mn. 55432 Q Petroleum Corp. Marlin Besler 5300 Central Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55421 Q Petrol eu�n Mar] i n Bel ser 6101 University Ave. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Swings Spruette John Swingdorf 6485 E. River Rd. Fridlev. Mn. 55432 '— LICENSES Paqe 8 Richard Larson Fire Inspector �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� $75.00 $120.01 $75.00 $75.00 $60.00 $75.00 $60.00 $60.00 $60.00 $60.00 $60.00 $60.00 $60.00 �' FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- LICENSE; A ril 7, 1986 Pa e 9 TREE REMOVAL Allstate Tree Service Francis A. Osborne Dave Lindquist 7510 Jackson St.N.E. Tree Inspector Fridley, Mn. 55432 VENDING MACHINES . Acme Metal Spinning Mike Mokita 98 - 43rd Ave.N.E. Fridley, M. 55421 Artic Screening CSE Vending 7703 Central Ave.N.E. Fridley,Mn. 55432 Automatic Engineering � ARA Services Kurt Mfg. 7191 Hwy. 65 N.E. � Fridley,Mn. 55432 Bill Johnson Standard Willis D. Johnson 5311 Unversity Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55421 Bob's Produce Ranch Robt. Schroer 7620 University Ave. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Burlington Northern P1n.Viking Food Serv.Inc. (Crew Office) 80 - 44th Ave. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Burlington Northern " " " (Pull out Tower) Burlington Northern " " " (Car Shop) Burlington Northern " " " (Hump Tower) Burlington Northern " " " (Diesel Shop) Burlington Northern " " " (�1ain Office) Champion Internationai ARR �erv�ices 5730 Main St.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55421 �40.00 $15.00 $15.00 $30.00 $15.00 $15.00 $75.00 $75.00 �75.00 $75.00 �165.0 $90.00 $45.00 City of Fridley LaBore Vending $45.00 6431 University Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 �- FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL April 7, 1986 Vending Machines Cont. Commerce Park Bauermeister Vending Inc. 7362 University Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Datsun North Theisen Vending Co. 7810 University Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Determan Welding Same & Tank Service 1241 - 72nd Ave.N.E. Fridley,Mn. 55432 Fridley Convalescent Home LaBore Vending 7590 Lyric Lane Fridley, Mn. 55432 Fridley High School Coca Cola Bottling Co. 6000 W. Moore Lake Dr. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Fridley State Bank J.R.Vending Inc. 6315 University Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Georgetown Courts Mr. Fillister 5750 E. River Rd. Fridley, Mn. 55432 GTE Sylania lnc. N.E. Vending 5300 Industrail Blvd. N.E. Fridley,Mn. 55421 Holiday Plus Erickson Bros. 250 - 57th Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Holiday Station Store Same 5807 University Ave. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Honeymead Products Co. N.E. Vending 24 - 44th Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Industrail Srpay Terry A. Yattow Painting Co. 8251 Ashton Ave. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Kennedy Transmission B& K Sp�cialties of Fridley 7700 University Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 -- LICENSES Paqe 10 $45.00 . $15.00 $15.00 $30.00 $15.00 $30.00 $15.00 $45.00 $15.00 � $15.001 $30.00� $15.00 � $15.00� ,� FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL April 7, 1986 Vend�ing Machines Cont. La Maur Mn.Viking Food Serv. 5601 E. River Rd. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Longview Fibre NSI/Griswold Corp. 5851 E. River Rd. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Micro Control Co. Eleanor Hamilton 7956 Main St.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Midwest Print NSI/Griswold 5101 Industrail Blvd. Fridley, Mn. 55421 Minco Interstate United 7258 Corrrgnnerce C i rcl e E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Northtown Nissan Same 7310 University Ave.N.E. Fridley,Mn. 55432 Onan Corp. Service Am. Corp. 1400 - 73rd Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Pennsylvania Oil Co. Ed Anderson 7000 Hwy. 65 N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Plywood Mn. htajor Vending 5401 E. River Rd. Fridley,Mn. 55432 Quality Painting & P1eta1 J.R.Vending 7380 Main St.N.E. Fridley, �4n. 55432 R.M.S. ARA Services 7645 Baker St.N.E. Fridley,P�1n. 55432 Safetran Systems Corp. Mn.Viking Food Serv. 4650 Main St.N.E. Fridley, Ptn. 55421 Sears Roebuck °� Co. Woodside Vending 6199 Hwy. #65 N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Service America Corp. Same 7490 Central Ave. �l. E . Fridlev, P1n. 55432 -- LICENSES Page 11 .. $195.0 $90.00 $30.00 $120. $300. $15.00 $900. $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $60.00 $75.00 $30.00 $60. QC� . _ = FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL April 7, 1986 Vendiny Muci�inF Cont. Strite Anderson Mfg.Co. Service Am.Corp. 7585 Viron Rd. �J.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Swings Spruette John Swingdorf 6485 E. River Rd. Fridley,Mn. 55432 Totino Grace High School Jean 1350 Gardena Ave.N.E. Fridley, P1n. 55432 Totino's Foods Serv. Am.Corp. 7350 Commerce Lane N.E. Fridley,Mn. 55432 Water Bedroom Twin City Vending Co. 7932 Main St.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Waterbed Room Bedroom Inc. 7932 Main St.N.E. Fridley,Mn. 55432 l�oodcrest School Dist.#16 Dr.J.Baker 880 Osborne Rd. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 '— LICENSES _ Paqe 12 $105. , $30.00 $45.00 $165. $15.00 $45.00 Exempt � � FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CtTY COUNCIL -- LICENSES 1 L APRIL 7, 1986 GAS SERVICES Complete Air Heating & Cooling Inc. 5611 - 152nd Street Hugo, NIDi 55038 By: Vernon Husfeldt GENERAL CONTRACTOR John A. Dalsin & Son, Inc. 2830 South 20th Avenue Minneapolis, NII�I 55407 By: Robert Dalsin Gilbertson Construction 7704 Riverdale Drive Brooklyn Park, 1�II�I 55444 By: Steve Gilbertson Sperry Construction 5355 Northwest Avenue White Bear Lake, I�IIV 55110 By: Steven Sperry HEATING Complete Air Heating & Cooling Inc. 5611 - 152nd Street Hugo, NIIV 55038 By: Vernon Husfeldt Riccar Heating 3095 - 162nd Lane N.W. Andover, NIN 55304 By: Jeff Arent � 0 APPROVED BY William Sandin Plbg. Htg. Insp. Darrel Clark CMief Bldg. Ofcl. s ame Same William Sandin Plbg. Htg. Insp. Same _ � FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL FSTII�ITF� APRIL 7, 1986 Her ri ck � Newmtian, P. A. 6279 University Ave. N. E. Fridl ey, NN 55432 -- ESTIMATES For Services Re�dered as City Attorney , for the date o� 2/03/86 through 3/31/86 ......$3,795:00 u 0 � CITY OF FRIDLEY (CONTINUED> Aesrick & Ne�man, P.A. 6279 ifiiversity Av+arue N.E. �iidley, I�� 55432 0 02/26/86 DPN POLICE CIVIL DEFENSE ANIMAL CONTROL O�/�7/86 DPN POLICE CIVIL DEFENSE ANIMAL CONTROL Oc^/cg/66 DPN FIRE FOR CURRENT SERVICES RENDERED 0:/lc^/86 EXPENSE PAID EiY HERRICK � NEWMAN - ANOKA COUNTY RECORDER - RE: PASCH!'.E TOTAL COSTS C��/�7/8E PAYMENT RECEIVED-tHANK YDU TOTAL PAYMENTS FALANCE DUE 03/17/86 1 6 a 850000-OOM � � , HOURS . .40 . 30 . 50 41. SU c 12�. 00 2U. UU �U. UU - i ESU. 00 -16�u. OG �c, 145. UU A FINANCE CHARGE OF 1% PER MONTH WILL 5E CHARGED TO ALL ACCOUNTS WHICH ARE 30 DAYS PAST DUE. � � HERR I CK & NEWMAN, P. A. � 6279 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N. E. FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55432 16B � PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR ACCOUNT NUMBER WITH YOUR PAYMENT � CITY OF FRIDLEY 03/17/86 6431 UNIVESITY AVENUE NE 850000-OOM FRIDLEY, MN �543� � � PREVIOUS HALANCE 02/G3/86 VCH CITY MANAGEMENT GENERAL MANAGEMENT PERSONNEL VCH PREPARE FOR COUNCIL MEETING VCH COUNCIL MEETING DPN PUbLIC WORKS CODE ENFORCEMENT PLANNING DPN PUBLIC WORKS CODE ENFORCEMENT PLANNING JDH DRAFT JUNKYARD MEMO 02/O4/86 DPN PUBLIC WORKS CODE ENFORCEMENT PLANNING JDH DRAFT JUNKYARD MEMO 02/05/86 DPN PUBLIC WORKS CODE ENFORCEMEN� PLANNING JDH RESEARCH 0�/G6/86 DPN POLICE CIVIL DEFENSE AN I MAt. CONT ROL DPN PUHLIC WORKS CODE ENFORCEMENT � 1, 650. 00 HOURS 1. 00 . SQ 2. 75 . 50 . 30 1. 90 1. 00 3. c0 . 30 .40 . 60 CZTY DF FRIDLEY BR�AtiCE DUE (CONTINUED) Herr'ick & Ne�an, P.A. 6279 ikiiversity Aveswe N.E. �idley, M�I 55432 16C �3/31/eE 85�►t�0u-C�UM , � � �� �ir � -�- �,:�, 79J. G�) A FINANCE CHARGE OF 1X PER MONTH WILL BE CHARGED TO ALL ACCOUNTS WHICH ARE 30 DAYS PAST DUE. - � _ . __�___�.,_._._..__._