04/21/1986 - 5151o�rc� c� oarrrcrr, �c� O�CJNQL A'�ETING APRIL 21, 1986 FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING PLEASE SIGN VAME ADDRESS AND ITEM NUMBER INTERESTED IN NAME ADDRESS DATE: Anril 21, 1986 ITEM NUMBER � �1 � �` FRIDLEY CI TY COUNCIL April 21, 1986 - 7:30 P.M. Follo� ing are the "ACTIONS TAKEN" by the Administration for your inforr ation. BOARD OF REVIEW Boa rd of Rev iew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 (Cc ntinued f rom the April 7, 1986 Meeting) CITX COUNCIL MEETING PP V'�L OF MINUTES: B�ard of Review Meeing, April 7, 1986 C.ty Council t�teeting, April 7, 1986 Approved as submitted CITY M�NAGER--ACTION TAKEN: Fil ed f or f ut ure ref erence ADOPTI>N OF AGENDA: A�Id: Re-set Public Hearing date for Charter Amendment OPEN F( �RUM. VISITORS: (<onsideration of Items not on Agenda - 15 Minutes) Nc response Council Meeting, April 21, 1986 D Bt $INESS • Pa ge 2 Consid�ration of City Appointments to Community Develc pment, Environmental Quality Commission 'and Human 2esources Corunission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., . 2 - 2 A T �bl ed � CITY M�NAGER--ACTION TAREN: Have put item on next agenda NEW BU 'I E : Consid �ration of Request for Possible Future Fundin � For the Greater Anoka County Humane Soci et� � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 3 0 R�fer to staff for preparation of Resolution for next m �eti ng P LI E DEPT.--ACTION TAKEN: Scheduled for May 19, 1986 meeti n� i Receiv: ng the Minutes of the Planning Commission Meetinc of April 9, 1986 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 4 D Re ceiv ed A. Cor sideration of a Special Use Permit, SP #86-03, To Allcw an Existing Accessory Building to Become a Second Accessory Building Upon the Construction of an AttachEd Garage Generally Located at 5096 Hughes Avenue �1. E. , by Samir Awaijane . ... .. . ........ . .. . . . . 4-4A & 4C-4D Plannirg Commission Recommendation: Approval Council Action Needed: Consideration of Recomm endation AF proved COMM• LEVELOPMENT--ACTION TAREN: Informed applicant of Council approva 1 Council Meeting, April 21, 1986 'EW B �INESS (Continued) Page 3 Recei�ing the Minutes of the Charter Commission Meeti �g of February 24, 1986 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 - 5 E 4inutes received COMM•_DEVELOPMENT--ACTION TAKEN• Filed minutes f or future ref er �nce • Consic erati on of Annual License Renewal for Fridl ey Junky� rds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 6 D Continued to May 19 meeting M. DEVELOPMENT--ACTION TAKEN• Staff talked to Harold Haluptzok regarcing proposed testing procedures and notified Central Auto in writirg. Consideration of LAWCON/LCMR Preliminary Grant Appl ic ition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 - 7 C A ?proved MM. )EVELOPMENT--ACTION TAKEN• LACON/LCMR preliminary grant applic�tion has been completed and will be forwarded May 5, 1986 to D.E.; Consid �ration of a Resolution Requesting the riinnes��ta Department of Transportation to Provide Funds 'or the Construction of the University Avenue h'est S��rvice Drive from 81st Avenue to 83rd Avenue ..... 8- 8 A R��solution No. 36-1986 adopted PUBLIC WORKS--ACTION TAKEN• Notified MnDOT of Council approval for City tc request funds for construction �. D. Counc�l Meeting, April 21, 19896 'Eh Ta Bi SINESS (Continued) Consiceration of a Resolution Ordering Crosswalk and St op Bar Striping of Signalized Intersections Along T.H. 47 and T.H. 65 in Fridley . . . . . . . . . . . . Fesolution No. 37-1986 adopted PUBLIC WORKS--ACTION TAKEN: Proceeded as authorized � Page 4 9 - 9 A C1aim� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 P pproved E T.L SERVICE--ACTION TAKEN: Paid Claims Licens �s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 - 11 P A�proval of licenses for George Is In Fridley & Shorewood c�ntingent upon payment of delinquent taxes before license i s issued T �bl ed. Junk}�ard 1 icenses to May 19 and extend date of r�newal if they expi re bef ore May 19 CENTRA� SERVICE--ACTION TAKEN: Issued Licenses OC MM• )EVELOPMENT--ACTION TAKEN: City Attorney & staff working on alternitive for property at 73rd & Central � Estima :es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 A >pr ov ed �ENTRA� SERVICE--ACTION TAKEN: Paid Estimates ADDED: Consideration of re-setting the Public Hearing date f >r Charter Amendments for May 19 . . . . . . . . . . . 13 R�set date for May 19th �ITY M,�NAGER--ACTION TAKEN Have taken necessary action to change date f�om May 5 to May 19 and published legal notices DJ U t • 9 40 p.m. � �� �► • � � : :1 FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL APRIL 21, 1986 - 7:30 P.M. :1 � ;1 1 ; _� BOARD OF REV I EW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( C� )NT I NUED FROt�1 THE APR 1 L 7. 1986 MEET I NG ) � ► u ► APPRO IAL OF ��1 I fJUTES : ��_� :,,,. 30ARD OF REVIEW MEEING. APRIL 7. 1986 ;I�Y COUNCIL P�IEETIN6. APRIL 7, 1986 =��� �� � = ��= �' ► �: �' .CONSIDERaTION oF ITEMS NOT Or� AGErvDA - 15 MiNUTES) � COUNCIL MEETING. APRIL 21. 1986 � 1 : ► PAGE 2 CONSICERATION OF CITY APPOINTMENTS TO COMMUNITY DEVEL(PMENT. ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION AND HUMAN RESOURCES COMM I SS I ON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 - 2 A : ► CONSI[ERATION OF REQUEST FOR POSSIBLE FUTURE � FuNDIrG FOR THE GREATER ANOKA COUNTY HUMANE SociE-Y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-30 RECE I � I NG THE (�11 NUTES OF THE P�ahr� i ��� CON1t�1 I SS I ON ��1EET I t G oF APR I L 9, 1986 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 4 D A. CcNSIDERATION OF A SPECIAL USE PERrf1T, SP #86-03. TO ALIOW AN EXISTING ACCESSORY BUILDING TO BECOME A SECON( ACCESSORY BUILDING UPON THE CONSTRUCTION OF AfJ ATTACtED GARAGE GENERALLY LOCATED AT 5096 Hu�HEs AVENUE N.E.. BY SAMIR AWAIJANE ...................... 4-4A $ 4C-4D ' '►► ► • •► : • ►�: • " "• ' • ► : �► 1 � � • � �� • • ' • �� • COU��C L P�IEET I NG. APR i L 21, 1986 1 : RECE I' i�lE E T I I CONS I ( �UtJKY, CC�dS I I APPLI PAGE 3 COUNCIL MEETING. APRIL 21, 19896 ► : ► �► ► �� PAGE 4 CONSI[ERATION OF A RESOLUTION RE�UESTtNG THE MINNE`.OTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TO PROVIDE FUNDS FOR TNE CONSTRUCTION OF THE UNIVERSITY AVENUE WEST �ERVICE DRIVE FROt�i 81ST AVENUE TO 83RO AVENUE ..... 8- 8 A CONSI[ERATION OF A RESOLUTION ORDERING CROSSWALK AND S�OP BAR STRIPING OF SIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS ALONG T,H, 47 AND T.H. 65 �N FRIDLEY . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 - 9 A CLAt�1' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 L i cEh Es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 - 11 P EST I M �TES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 :I � 1 Fam No. A. '. 4--Notice to Clerk of Moetmg of Board of Re.iew—• i� t� �,' :': ��, BLANK pa„�..�� 1 � ( � OFFICE OF CQUHTY ASSESSOR � TO THE ('LERK OF THE City pg _ Fridley -7 Anoka GpUNTY� riIA'NESOTA: NOTICE I: HEP.EBY GNEN, That theMonda,y �h_�y of April , 1986 at �' 3�o' :lock P�Vl., has been fixed as the date for the meeting of the Roard of Re�•iea•�'F,i(�r1:3f1ih.�bldn/ (satie uoe one> —in your_ City for said year. This meeting should be held in your office as provided b� law. Pursuunt to the prorisions of riinnesota Statutes Section 274.1, �•ou are required to give notice of said meeting by publication and posting, not later than ten da�s prior to t}�e date of said meeting. Giren ur. fer m� hand this__ __ 3r�' da�• of_ _February 1986 — — i���%��� � { l' =s- � '___ ��7� -- -- — Gayle Leone �nt}• Assessor Anoka �unty, Minnesot�l •ApDlta only o citles �vhose charta pro�ides for a Bovd of Equa!'viHon instead of � Baard of Review. THE P1IP:UTES OF THE BOARD OF REVIEW MEETING OF APRIL 7, 1986 �'f E MIN[TrFS OF Tf� &� OF Rk�'VIF�nT MEE�TING OF APRIL 7. 1986 Zt e City Co�cil met as the Board of Review and Mayor Nee called the meeting t< order at 7: 35 p. m. �I E�GE OF ALLDGIANCE: Me �or Nee led the Co�mcil and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Fl ag. Rf GL CALL : I�NBII2S PRF�II�1T: Mayor Nee, Coimcilman Barr�ette, Cbuncilman Schneider, Cot,uzcilman Fitzpatrick, and Cotulcilman Goodspeed MENBF�2.S ABSQIT: None Ma �or Nee stated the Council is meeting as the Board of Review to hear oc tanents fran citizens regarding the market value placed on their properties t� the City Assessor. fie stated it is their intent to make sure that all pr �perty is fairly ap�raised so that tax�yers pay their lawful share of the ta K 1 oad. Mr , Madsen, City Assessor, introduced the representative f rom the Anoka C�c �ty Assessor's Office, Mr. Ec] Thurston. Mr , Madsen stated notices were sent to property awners earlier this year wr Lch indicated the value placed on their property, and they were asked to cc ntact the City Assessor's Office if they wished to be heard at this me �ting. He stated residents no longer have to appear at this meeting or at the Co mty meeting in order to keep open their option to c� to oourt. He stated so le letters will be presented this evening which address this particular si :uation. Mr , Madsen stated the properties Fhysically appraised this year in the City we :e located south af 69th and north of Mississippi, along East River Road no -th to Rickard Road. He stated this year all residential property values in ;reased 2 to 3$ and was appl ied only to the primary structure on the pr �perty. He stated the townhouses in Innsbruck were reduced in value be ;ause there is a falling market on those properties. Mr. Madsen stated co mercial and irr3ustrial properties were �t increased this year, except wh �re they decided to defer last year and then those values were added this ye ►r. Mr Madsen st.ated the Board can increase, decrease, or affirm the value gl iced on properties b� the Assessor. He stated, in cases where there may be an increase, the property aaner would have to be natified before this ca �ld be cbne. Th � Co�cil heard fran the follaaing Froperty awners regarding the values gl ioed on thei r properties. -1- : � • •.� • 1�1 1 • . . . • : • RAYMC�ID LUNIE.WSKI, 6959 HICKORY CIRCLE. FRIDLEY. MINNE90►rA: Mr. Madsen stated in a letter received from Mr. Luni�aski, he didn't think he would be able to attend this meeting. He did, haaever, wisti to register a protest regarding the value plaoed on his property. Mr. Madsen stated a value af $103,100 has been placed on this property and, after further review and comparison of surrounding properties, he would reoonmend no change in the value. He stated the home is f or sal e and i s currently listed for $124,000. NDTION by Co�cilman Fitzpatrick to affirm the City Assessor's valuation placed on this property at 6959 Hickory Circle. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all vating aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried imanimously. wTr r T� m��vI�r 7601 BRIG�IDOON. FRIDLEY. MII�INE9(nA 55432 • Mr. Turnquist stated when he refinanced his home in October, it was apprai sed tr� two dif f er erit appraaches and one apprai sal was f or $90 , 0 0 0 and one for $91,000. He stated the City's value placed on his property is $96,600, and felt something was wrong with this value. Mr. Madsen stated his office has looked at this property a number of times. He reviewed the gquare footage of the hane and a¢nount of finished basement. He f urther stated the hcme has oeritral ai r, a 3oub1 e ga r age and th e 1 ot i s 90 by 137 feet. Mr. Macisen stated a number of comparable properties in the area sold in the $100,000 range. He felt the value placed on the property was proper. Cotmcilman Schneider asked Mr. Turnquist if the appraiser for the finance compariy had physically inspected the property as the comgarison sheet, suimitted b� Mr. Turnquist, indicated he had not. Mr. Turnquist stated the appraiser was out to the house and took measuranents. Mr. Madsen stated he would like a oop� of the appraisal to review. He felt if the value on Mr. Turnquist's property was to be reduced, it would have a laaer value than wm�arable properties in the neighborhood. He stated in all fairness, these also should then be reduced. Mayor Nee stated he woul.d like to see the cbcumentation for the Assessor's stand. NDTION by Councilman Schrieider to refer this iten to the Assessor's Office for doclunentation or re�mnendation at the April 21 meeting. � Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee decl ar ed th e moti on ca r ri ed Lmanimously . ERRVIN REYNOLDS. 530 ELY SrR.E��. FRIDLEY. MII�IIJE90TA 55432: Mr. Reynolds stated the value placed on his property is $87,100 and felt it -2- •�.� • : �►/ �. _ �i � �►. • • : • : � w� s�:fair. He stated a tri-level house behind him sold for $62,500 and ai other hane on Dover Street sold for $81,000. He stated he was told by se veral realtors if he aould get $80,000, it may be realistic. He stated h� s hane was a pre-fabricated Wausau home and cost him about $48,000 to Yx ild. M� . Madsen stated this is a brand new four level split h�ne with 1,200 sc uare feet. He stated there is no finished basement, but there is a three st all garage with an attached porch. He stated the minimvn average rate for qi ality was used to determine the market value. Mi . Madsen stated the two hosnes to which Mr. Reynolds ref erred sold f or $E 4,000 and $81,250. He reviewed the square footages of 960 and 985 of tY ese homes, the amount of finished basement, size of the garages, and lot s� ze. Mr. Madsen stated these ather properties were much snaller and didn't fE el there should be a reduction in value on this property. Mi. Madsen did state, as split levels get larger, he felt the assessment s� sten they are required to use may tend to wervalue these properties. Cc �mcilman Fitz�trick asked which method they are required to use. Mr. M� �sen stated the City utilizes a oomputerized appraisal system through the Cc �ty that has a set method. He stated several years ago, they attempted tc apply an adjustment factor, haaever, it was rejected. He felt some ather t� pe of inethodoloc� might be applied, but it would be getting out of bounds of the syst�n. He stated if more of these problans occur, the City probably w� 11 have to go that route anyway. Cc �cilman Fitzpatrick stated the bottan line is determining market value so ir3ividual cases such as this should be oonsidered. NC rION b� Councilman Fitzpatrick to refer this iteqn to the City Assessor for a report at the April 21 meeting. Sevonded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a vcice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried ur.�nimously. JC 3 SUPP'L�Y �MPANY. 5320 MAIN STREEr. FRIDLEY, MINNE90TA 554�2: Mr , l+�dsen stated he has talked with representatives of this comgany and tr ey disagree with the value placed on the property. He stated they pr �t�bly wi11 getition the Court for settlenent. Mr . Madsen stated when Land O' Lakes owned the property, they had two aX �raisals done to detennine the asking price for this property. He stated th e appraisals came back at $4,800,004 and $6,000,000. He stated JC�i p�rchased the property for $3,600,000, however, he felt this was ac �antageous to Land 0' Lakes as they could lease back a third of the pr �perty and was probably behind their motivation to sell for this price. Mr, Madsen stated two parcels are invalved and the total value placed on the pr �perty is $4,200,000, with one parcel valued at $4,129,000. -3- BOARD OF REVIE�1 MEETING OF APRIL 7. 1986 NDTION by Co�mcilman Fitzpatrick to affiIIn the City Assessor's value placed on this property at 5320 Nt�in Street. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. GDURGEI'04�N OOURT PARTNERSHIP. 5820-5860 EASI' RIVER ROAD. FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55432: Mr. Madsen stated the County Assessor's Office appraises the structure portion of multigle c7aelling properties in the Cotuity. He stated the City only appraises the value of the land and this value did not change fran last year. Mr. Madsen stated the State Departntent of Revenue did increase multiple dwelling properties in the entire Co�mty by 5$ in addition to the County's f igures. NDTION b� Colmcilman Fitz�trick to receive the letter of protest regarding the property at 5820-5860 East River Road. Seconded by Councilman Schr�eider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried �uianimously. VIKING CfiEVFi(JLET, 7501 HIGHWAY 65 N. E.. FRIDLEY, MINNE90'I'A 55432: Mr. Nl�dsen stated there are three p�rcels on this property and the only increases were deferred values tran the 1985 assessment. He stated Viking Chevrolet wanted it on reoord that t3�ey disagreed with the value glaced on the property. NDTION by C,ouncilman Schneider to receive the letter from Viking Chevrolet ir�to the reoord. Seo�nded b� Co�cilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, I�yor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ,�IIIVAi2D' S CASF�WAY LUNIBER. 5351 CII�RAL AVENUE, FRIDLEY. MINNESOTA 55432: Mr. Madsen stated Menard's wanted it on record that they sent a letter in disagreenent with the value placed on their property. NDTION by Councilman Barnette to receive the letter from Menard's into the re�rd. Seoonded b� Co�cilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting ay e, NSayor Nee decl ar ed th e moti on car ri ed unanimously . �PI SUPPLY. 5110 MAIN STREEr, FRIDLEY. MINNESOrI'A 55432: Mr. Madsen stated he dic�'t believe representatives of API glanned to attend this meeting, haaever, the� wanted their letter received irrto the reaord. Mr. I�dsen stated his office reviewed the value placed on this property with API representatives and a reduction was offered, as the value did not take ircto �nsideration the lack of heat in the warehouse area. He stated they would rewnmend a reduction in value to $1,956,600 frcm $2,086,000. -4- ��� • ;�/ � 1 � • }'i 'I. M TION by Co�mcilman Fitzpatrick to receive the letter from API into the rE �rd. Seoonded b� Cfltmcilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting a� e, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried �manimously. M TION by CAtmcilman Fitzpatrick to make an adjustment in the value glaced oi API Supgly's property at 5110 Main Street by reducing it fran $2,086,000 tc $1,956,600. Se�nded b� C;ouncilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all vc ting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried tu�animously. L( �NGVI�I FIBRE. 5851 FAST RIVER %at1D. FRIDLEY. MII�II�TE90TA 55432: M� . Madsen stated a letter was receiv ed thi s mor ni ng f rom Longv i ew Fi br e rE garding disagreanent with the value placed on their property. He stated tt e� suYmitted an outl irie of an appr ai sal , haw ev er , he f el t th e appr oa ch t� ed cbesn't have a great deal af application. � M� . Madsen stated he would reoonmend no change in the value placed on this pi operty. M TION by Co�cilman Fitzpatrick to receive the letter from Longview Fibre i� to the re�rd and aff irm the City Assessor's valuation placed on this p� operty at 5851 Fast River Road. Seaonded b� Councilman Schreider. Upon a v��ice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried ur animously. Kl VIN McGINNITY. 124 LONGFELLA4d STREET, FRIDLEY. MINNESOTA 55432: M� . MoGinnity stated the property he questions consists of three parcels ac jaoent to each other at 124 Longfellaa Street. He stated the value placed ot these parcels is $5,000, $54,900 and $5,500 for a total of $65,400. Mr. Mc Ginnity stated the property is adjacent to the Burlington-Northern r� ilroad right-of-way with light industry on the north and considerably 1� rger ho�nes on each side. He stated there is no way to further develop the �x rcels for additional residences. Mr. M�Ginnity stated the home is a ix sic, two bedroan split level purchased in 1984 for $50,000. Mi . Nl�dsen stated the hame was built in 1980, a split entry with 960 square f� et and a cbuble attached garage. He stated the� took into consideration it s location to the railroad right-of-way. M� . Madsen stated Mr. MoGinnity purchased this property through an agent tl at was representing a mortgage com�ny foreclosing on the property, t� erefore, dic�'t feel the $50,000 represented a true value of the property. M� . Madsen stated staff did not have a chance to review this property as ti is protest came to their attention this evening. M TION b� Co�.mcilman Fitzpatrick to refer this itan to the City Assessor's Oj fice for a report at the April 21 meeting. Seconded by Councilman S< hneider. Upon a voice vote, all vating agre, Mayor Nee declared the motion c� rried �animously. I�,�. RMAL JAIN. 1345 MFAD04�MOOR. FRIDLEY, MINNE9(7I'A 55432: -5- BOAFtD OF REVIEW I�ETING OF APRIL 7. 1986 Mr. Madsen stated his office was out to this property last suQnmer as the property aaner felt the value was too high at that time. He stated he o�uld see no justification for a reduction and this would still be his v�ntention. NDTION by Councilman Schneider to affirm the City Assessor's valuation placed on this property at 1345 Meadowmoor. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Nhyor Nee declared the motion carried �manimously. RICH�D HARRIS. 7710 & 7765 MAIN STREEr. FRIDLEY, MINNES�A 55432: Mr. Harris stated he did not agree with the value placed on his properties at 7710 and 7765 Main Street. He stated last year the City had a value of $485,500 plaoed on the property at 7710 N�in Street and he took his protest to the Co�ty, and it was laaered to $430,000. He stated this year the Gity assessed it back to $485,500. He stated he would again take it to the County this year. Mr. Harris stated he protested last year to the Co�ty the value placed on his property at 7765 Main Street and a reduction was denied because they oould not verify the claims on the soil conditions on the north end of the property. Mr. Harris requested the Gity make their reoords available an the condition of the storm sewer and soils that run through the north end of this property. He stated, if this can't be cbne, the alternative is to take soil borings which would be expensive. He stated some extensive �oil corrections need to be done in order to develop this property, and the County has to have this verif ied. N�yor Nee asked Mr. Harris to send a letter regarding his request on the soil conditions. NDTION by Councilman Goodspeed to receive the protest from Mr. Harris regarding the value placed on his properties at 7710 and 7765 Main Street and to affi�n the City Assessor's valuation of these properties. Seconded by Co�mcilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried �manimously. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated if the County does reduce the value, he felt they should supgly information to the City regarding their reason for the reduction. FR�1NK'S NCIRSERY. 7620 UDTIVERSITY AVENUE. FRIDLEY. MINNE90TA 55432: Mr. I�hdsen stated he received a letter of protest this evening as it was sent to the Anoka Co�ty Assessor's Office, instead of the City. NDTION b� Co�cilman Goodspeed to receive the letter of protest into the record for the property at 7620 University Avenue N. E. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried tuianimously. � '�� • ;_�� � I�I 1�� �� ' S . �i 1: ►I�1�1 NL rION b� Cotmcilman Barnette to oontinue this Board of Review meeting to A� ril 21, 1986. Seoonded by Co�cilman Schneider. Upon a voiEe vote, all vc ting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously, and this Bc �rd of Reviaa Meeting closed at 8:50 p.m. RE spectf ully sutrnitted, � rol e Haddad, RE �ording Secretary A� araved : -7- Wil l ian J. Nee Mayor TNE �1INUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 7, 1986 �[E MINUPE5 OF THE RDC�JI�►R NIEErING OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL OF APRIL 7, � '.$� �! �e Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Cot,u�cil was called to order at 8:50 p m. t7y Mayor Nee, follaaing the Board of Revi�a Meeting which convened at 7 35 p. m. �] IDGE OF ALLE)GIANCE • M� yor Nee led the Co�mcil and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the F7 ag. � LL L: I�NBERS PRFSIIVT: Mayor Nee, Cb�mcilman Goodspeed, Oowzcilman Fitzpatrick, �uncilman Schneider �d Cotmcilman Barriette N�NBII2S ABSFNT: None AF PROVAL OF MIN[IrFS: COUNCIL MEErING. MARCH 17. 1986: NC CION by Councilman Barrette to apprave the minutes as presented. Seconded by Co�mcilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee de ;lared the mcrtion carried unanimously. : � � � � • . ���� • ND'ION by CA�cilman Schneider to ac3opt the agenda as subrnitted. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee de lared the mation carried unani.mously. Q� �V FORUM, VISI'IC)RS• �h �re was no response fran the audience tmder this item of business. � i BUSINESS • 2. �,QISIDERATION OF A FINAL PLAT. P.S. #86-01. GENERALLY IACATED AT 8100 I� VERSITY AVEN[3E. N.E.. BY VANPAGE OOI�'1PANIES, INC.: �`ID � OLLTrION I�. 35-1986 APPRWING FII�1L PLA�VANrAGE OOMPAI�IIES ADDITI0�1: Mr, Flora, Public Works Director, stated this plat had a public hearing bei ore the Co�mcil on March 17 and includes rezoning of the parcel fro�n M-2 anc C-2 to C-3 and C-2 to allaa developnent of this property. He stated the Pl� nning Cara�nission reoonsnended appraval with five stipulations. He stated st� ff is reoom�nending the two adjoining parcels to the north be combined irrt o one parcel and necessary eas�me.nts for street impravenents be granted. He stated this proposal was discussed �aith Vantage and th�y have requested -1- •ll� �� !� • l..S1- � • � the Farcels be kept se�xirate for tax purposes. Mr. Dr�ve Naaman, representing the City Attorney's Office, stated Vantage will prepare a cbc�ane.nt to be reoorded and, if those properties are to be sold individually, prior to the sale, the properties would have to be replatted and conform to all the requirenents of the Ciiy. He stated there would also be a provision for this property to have access to the property to the north. Mr. Newman stated by combining the properties into one Fnrcel, the tenant for the Wholesale Club would be paying taxes on the eritire p3rcel and, therefore, has asked for a separate tax statement. He stated the City's ooncern is if the parcels are split, it is cbne properly. Mr. Flora stated Vantage also is requesting the Co�►cil �dopt the resolution appraving the plat. NDTION by Councilman Goodspeed to apprave final plat, P.S. #86-01, with the folla�ing stipulations: (1) Plat to be recorded prior to rezoning being reaorded; {2) Ac3ditional right-of-way to be provided consistent with street unprovenents; (3) Driv�aay onto 81st Avenue to be widened to three lanes; (4) Drivaaay onto the servioe raad to be tanporary; permanent drivc�ray to be located north of curve with Phase II construction; and (5) Park fee consistent with area of lots on final plat to be paid prior to recording; and (6) An agreenent for �ntrolling the adjoining properties be approved b� the City and reoorded with the Colmty. Sewnded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. [vDTION by Co�mcilman Goodspeed to adopt Resolution No. 35-198b. Sec�onded b� Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 3. WNSIDERATION OF CITY APF�II�MEI�TrS � QONAIUNITY DEVEIAMII� AI�ID ENVIROIa'III�TrAL QUALITY CX�MMISSION• NDTION by Coimcilmari Schneider to tabl e the Developnent Catunission and the Envirormental by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vo declared the motion carried unanimously. NE�1 BUSINESS: se appointments to the Community Qt�ality Comrnission. Seconded te, all voting aye, Mayor Nee 4. CONSIDERATION OF AN ORDINANCE RECODIFYING THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE. CHAPTER 220, EI�TrITLED "RESIDENTIAL RENTAL PROPERTY AND CONDOMINIUI�! COMMON AREA MAINrENANCE" BY AMErIDING SECTION 220.10 IIQERGY STAI�IARDS: Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated the State of Minnesota Department of Enerc� and Econanic Developnent. revised thei r rental energy standards. He stated in order for the eity t�o canfarm to their standards, this ordinance was gre�ired as an amenchient to Chapter 220. Mr. Flora stated this arnendm�nt was before the Energy Commission and Planning Commission and thEy did reconmend adoption of the ordiriance. -2- �1 � ��a * i.�� ' : • Cc �mcilman Schneider felt it would be costly "for landlords to conform to tr ese standards and questioned the enforanent. He felt the ordinance the Ci ty naw has is reasonable. I� rION by Cot.mcilman Schneider to table and refer to staff to determine the ec manic and enforcene.nt impact. Seoonded b� Co�cilman Goodspeed. Upon a vcice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the mot�on carried ur: inimously. � ���•• •� • . . . ��� �• � i • ' • ; a�i1414 ���� � • \ • ' � • '+ NCrION by Gouncilman Fitzpatrick to set the public hearing on the rE commended changes in the City Charter for May 5, 1986. Seconded by Go mcilman Schryeider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared th � motion carried unanimously. 6. �,E �EIVING THE MIN[JrES OF THE PLAIa1ING QONINIISSION MEETING OF MARCH 19. 1986 ���_ u a�• � • • • � a�� ; :. � • • � • �� , u a�� � a� �+• • � �� . . � •� � • : •� � � ND �ION by Councilman Goodspeed to receive the letter of withdrawl of special us � permit, SP #86-01, by the petitioner. Seoonded tr� Councilman Schr�eider. U� >n a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried un inimously. • ;o ► � �. : �_ e : � �, r. • �• �� : •, '� �. �!!�s__ �� M?'ION by Councilman Schr�eider to direct staff to sut�nit ordinance changes fo � the April 21 meeting regarding day care centers on arterial streets. B. QC)NSIDERP.TION OF A SPECIAI, USE PERMIT, SP #86-02. TO ALIlJW A MO�POR VEHICLE FUEL AI�ID OIL DISPENSING SERVICE ADID A MC7I'OR VF�iIGLE WASH ESTABLISHN�NP GF�TERALLY I�GCATID AT 5300 CIIJ�RAL �,VENUE N.E.. BY 4 PETROLEUM: Mr Flora, Public Works Director, stated this is a request for a special use pe mit to allow a motor vehicle fuel and oil dispensing service and a car wa �h establishment at 5300 Central Avenue N. E. He stated the petitioner g1. �ns to ranwe the existing structure as it is oontinually settling causing st. uctural problens. Mr. Flora stated they propose to reduce the access on� 0 53rd to imprave the traffic flaa. Mr Flora stated the Planning Cornnission reooim►ended appraval � the special us� permit for the mator vdzicle fuel an+d oil dispensing service with six st .pulations, which he outlined. He stated, at the same meeting, the Pl, nning Con¢nission reo��amended denial of the special use permit to allow th� � motor v�icle wash establishment. He stated the Canmission felt the car wa; n would have an impact on the traffic in the rnighborhood. He stated the opE rator of another car wash adjacent to this site indicated the problgn -3- ���:,1 � M�_� ��• � i ��_ ' : • with traffic in the area. Mr. John Kosnas, KK Design, stated they are doing the design work for Q P�troleun. He stated they had a study done t�rough a o�nsulting finn to try and establish the increased volune � traffic� Mr. Kim Anderson stated a nunber of studies w store has a relatively law valune of traffic. higher voltune stations which service 50 t station operates at about 30. He stated virtually no additional traffic itself. He s to the station for gas as their first priorit He stated they are estimating 30 cars per hou peria3s and this would be about half the dail a 20$ increase and that sane would make use o an additional 12 to 15 cars ger hour which is re done and this parti cul ar Q He stated they looked at the � 90 cars per hour, and this he car wash would generate �ted most cars would be o�ming and then using the car wash. f or F our hour s of th e pea k voll.me. He stated, asswning the car wash, there would be 't a high valuiie. Mr. Kosnas stated they would be eliminating �one of the exits on 53rd and diagonally placing the pi�nps to imprave the t;raffic flaa. { ; �tmcilman Fitzpatrick stated his ooncern is ',increasing the n�unber of cars exiting fran the service raad. He stated tt�rning left from this exit is almost impossible. ! Mr. Kosnas stated one af the attenpts to oont'��rol this is the positioning of the p�anps and to try and muve the exit farth�r west on 53rd. Mayor Nee stated the City has, in the past, traded land and vacated right-of-way along Highway 65 to prc�vide a lcpopback. He stated this solves problans for the aommtmity and, in a way, im�raves exposure and access for the business. Mr. Marlen Besler, Presiderit of Q Petroleun, ';stated they wished to consider this option, if the City would approve the �ar wash. He stated they are anxious to work with the City to resolve � this issue and improve thei r ability to o�mpete as a busiress. ', Mayor Nee felt this arrangement would be gpod for Mr. Besler's business whether or not the car wash was appraved. , �imcilman Barnette felt if the City was ¢�oing to consider a loopback, represeritatives of Finbers should be included I in the discussion. Mr. Flora stated it would be several weeks fore they could arrange to have representatives of Q F�troleun and F.�nbers m�t regarding this prop�sal. M?TION by Co�cilman Goodspeed to refer this; matter to staff for a report regarding a possible loogback at this location. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all vatia�g ay�, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ', Mrs. Brannon, 1622 Innsbruck Parkway West` -4- stated , they had comments which « ,� .� ft��. ��� �1 i �f_ � � : • wE re pertinerit to the variance and if the design changes so would thei r a �anent s. Mr . Brar►non asked to be notified of any meetings where a loopback would be di scussed. C. ITFT+IS FRfJM APPFAIS OONII�SISSION MEETING OF MARCH 11. 1986: _ • a• � • �� - �• • �� • •,� • �o � « • � � M i� � � • a r� .. . • M �I� • � • �� 1 1 .��ly: , �I � L �I� . NC CIDN by Councilman Goodspeed to table this iten. Seconded by Councilman Ba rnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion ca �ried unanimously. C-2. VARIANCE RDQUESP TO RIDUCE THE SIDE YAF2D SETBACK AI�ID �HE WIDTH OF A PARKING AISLE GENERALLY I�(X'ATID AT 7398 UNIVERSITY AVIIQ[JE N.E., BY VERGIL FIARHAITG: Mr � Flora, Public Works Director, stated the petitioner has asked two o� :ions be revieaed for his varianoe request. He stated the first option is to reduce the side yard setback f ran 15 to 10 feet and reduce the driving la les fran 25 to 20 feet and the second option is to reduce the parking re;uirenerit fran 32 sp3ces to 26. Mr , Flora stated in order for the petitioner to build the size structure he fe 1s is eoonomically fa�sible, he would need a si.de yard variance or reduce th � nunber of parking stalls. Mr Flora stated the Appeals Comnission failed to reoomnend appraval of the si �e yard setback and the setback to reduce the driving aisle b,� a 2-2 vote. He stated the Appeals Commission recommended denial of the variance to re iuce the parking stalls fran 32 to 26. He stated, therefore, both options fc: the variance request failed to receive approval from the Appeals Co: IInissi on. Mr Vergil Florhaug stated his oompany has been in a leased facility and ha�e outgrown the facility and decided it was time to build their own bu .lding. Mr Florhaug stated some menbers of the Appeals Commission felt he had cr �ated his own hardship and that was the reason for denial. He stated the ha �dship will never go away as the soil oonditions are kx�d and it will cost ab �ut $20,000 to oorrect these �nditions. He stated the building will be a>rofessional building and his oo�npany would be using most of the space. Ma: �or Nee asked Mr. Florhaug if he had any discussions with the property aw ier to the north regarding his plans. H� statec� he has not had any di �ussions with than concerning this issue. -5- �i�,l _ 11��R �,� � i �1 � � i • Co�mcilman Schneider asked Mr. N�aman if he had a problen with the hardship cited for this variance. Mr. Newman stated he is not sure the hardship is there and it is something the Council will have to decide. He stated, hawever, he would feel comfortable either way the Council decides. He stated in o�urt cases, in order for there to be a hardship, there has to be no other practical use of the p�operty. �uncilman Goodspeed stated he heard the hardship was the high water tabl e. He questioned if there may be another solution other than the variances. Co�cilmaii Barr�ette felt this would be a nice addition to the City, haaever, he wartted the property aaryers to the north to be able to �m¢nent and see if they had any objections. He felt then would be the time to take another look at it. NDTION by Councilman Barryette to table this iten to April 21 to detennine if there are any objections fram the property aaner to the r�orth. Seconded by CoLmcilman Goodspeed. Up�n a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried �animously. C-3. VARIANCE RD�UEST TO INCRF�I�E THE MAXIMUM S4UARE FOC)TAGE AI�ID HEIGHT OF A FREE STAI�IDING SIGN GENERALLY IlJC�TID AT 7810 UNIVEF2SITY AVENUE N.E.. BY ROIIIDID BENJAMIN: Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this is a request to increase the maximun square footage for a free standing sign fram 80 to 160 square feet and to increase the height of the sic� frcm 25 to 34 feet. Mr. Flora stated the hardship stated b� the petitioner is the Nissan Motor Cbrporation is changing the nsme of the v�icle they manufacture fran Datsun to Nissan and are replacing dealer signs natiornaide. He stated under Nissan's change, the petitioner is required to identify the dealership on the fascia and have the Nissan brand sic� p�le-mounted. Mr. Flora stated Mr. Benjanin has researched other dealers in this area and they have signs in excess of 160 s�uare feet. Mr. Flora stated the Appeals Ga�nission reco�nended appraval af the variance on a 3 to 1 vote for the increased s�quare footage, but failed to increase the maximun height b� a 2 to 2 vote. Mr. Roland Benjamin, aaner of Nissan (formerly Diatsun North) , stated Nissan has a new si gn packagi ng f or th ei r deal er s na ti onw ide and th ey want t o cantral haa the sign looks. He stated other Nissan dealers they compete with in the �netrog�litan area have been authorized 160 square foot signs, except for Minnetonka. He stated that dealer is looking at relocating. Mr. Benjanin pointed out the size and height of various signs in neighboring ci ti es. Mr. Benjanin stated another factor is that the� are setback to some degree fran IIniversity Avenue which makes a problen for than to be visible to the public. He stated this whole block has a problen with visibility and some businesses were rbt able to succeed. � ��. i�+ �� � � ��_ : . Mi . Benjamin stated they naw have a total siqn package, including the f< scia, of 589 square feet and this new sign package would be only 431 sc uare feet, which is actually a reduction in sic�age. (x tmcilman Fitzpatrick stated every time they oonsider an iten such as this, tt ey hear the City's Sicp�i Ordirr�nce is out of line with other cities. He felt it was probably time to oompare the City's ordir�nce with athers in the mE tropol itan area. - Mi . Flora stated there was a proposal presented to the Appeals Cbmnission to c� ange the Sign Ordinance to oamply with the various Zoning Codes predicated or lot size. He stated they are trying to work that approach irrto the sign pi oposal. M� yor Nee felt there is a real problen in this talock and businesses aren't vE ry visible or people have trouble getting off University to qet to these e: tabl ist�ne,nts. Cc uncilman Barnette stated he has taken the positi� they have to encourage bL sir�esses to stay in Fridley and give then a break, when possible. He st �ted this was cbne with Viking Chevrolet and for the motel in Skywood M� 11. NL rION by Councilman Barnette to approve the variances to increase the m�xim�m square footage of a free standing sign fram 80 to 160 square feet ar � to increase the maximun height of a f ree standing sign f rom 25 to 34 fE et at 7810 University Avenue N.E. Seconded b� Co�cilman Goodspeed. Cc �mcilman Goodspeed stated he is in favor of the variances because this b� �iness is located so far frcm University Aveue. oc �cilman Barnette stated he favored encouraging busiriess in FridlEy. Oc .mcilman Schneider felt the Council would be qetting a lot of variance rE �uests, if this is appraved. He felt the Si� Ordir�nce should definitely 1� looked at, but �.ntil that is cbne, it would seen inappropriate to grant tY: �se variances. He felt the problgn should be resolved on a systematic tx� sis, rather than hit or miss. Nla ror Nee stated he dich�'t feel adding 80 more square feet would have any vi aual impact and that you had to oonsider the relationship of the area. He al � stated th� are reducing the signage on the building for more space on tr � g�lon sicyz. C�.ulcilman Fitzpatrick felt there should be a serious study of the Sign Ox iir�nce to see if the ordinance is out of line and haw it compares with ot 1er cities and then possibly make sane werall changes. iJF xT A RCH�L C�LL VOTE CN �iE PBoVE NDTD'JN, Councilman Barnette, Councilman Gc x3speed and Mayor Nee voted in favor of the motion. Co�cilman Schneider ar � Cotmcilman Fitzpatrick voted against the motion. N�yor Nee declared the mc :ion carried b� a 3 to 2 vote. -7- �a�,� i�.� �� � i.�1 � i • � � � �, � �'� � 1 � ,�L, NDTION b� Councilman Schneider to direct staff to have a proposed draft revision of the Sicg� Ordiriance presented to the Cotmcil by the last meeting in May, with or without a recommendation fram the Appeals Commission. Seoonded b� Co�cilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Barnette to receive the minutes of the Pl anni ng C.ammission meeting of March 19, 1986. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 7. RE�S'OLLTrION N0. 34-1986 RFAPPROVING A SUBDIVISION. I�OT SPLIT. L.S. #83-03. TO SPLIT OFF THE NORTHERLY 75 FEET OF LOTS 11 AND 12, MOORE LAKE HILLS. THE SAME BEING 6061 AI�ID 6063 CEI�TI'RAL AVF,NCJE N. E. : Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this lot split was never recorded at the Coimty and the petitioner was not aware he had to record it within 180 days of apprwal by the Cotmcil which was July 25, 1983. Mr. Flora stated Mr. Wilke has not �aid the park fee or the water and sewer lateral assessnent. He stated these fees have changed since 1983 and the �xirk fee is n�w $750 per lot, instead of $500 per lot, and the assessment has changed f ran $1,877.84 to $2,005.88. It was the ooncensUS of the Co�mcil that since Mr. Wilke was advised not to pay the f ees and assessment, until such time as a building permit was issued, the original fees should apply. NDTION by Councilman Schneider to acbpt Resolution No. 34-1986. In ackiition the park fee should be $500 per lot and the water and sewer lateral assessment should be $1,877.84, and the lot split recorded as soon as p�ssible with the Co�mty. Seoonded b� Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Nkyor Nee declared the motion carried unarumously. 8. CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST FOR WORKING HOURS EXTENSION OF WHOLESALE CZUB/FRIDLEY IACATID AT 81ST AI�ID UNIVERSITY AVENUE N. E. : Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated a request was received f ram Park Construction to ob�tain an alternate hour work permit for periods beyond the City's Construction Ordinance. He stated this was requested in order to prepare the site for the Wholesale Warehouse building on 81st and Univ er si ty . Mr. Greg Felt, 233 IIy Street, presented a petition to the Cotmcil signe� b� 22 fanilies who were opposed to this permit for Park Construction. Mr. Felt stated the work at the site is very loud and didn't feel the neighborhood should have to put up with this noise. He stated he was not against the project, but didn't feel the night work was warranted by the inconvenience to the neighborhood. � � �� 'ir �� �1 i_��- � i • Mr , Jerry Rachel, Vice-President of Park Construction, stated they have at tempted to addr ess thi s i ssue and th e most se r i ous pr obl em of th e ta ilgates kx�nging on the trucks has been controlled. He stated they are al �o attenpting to oontrol the alauns on the equipnerit by using a bell-type al �an which is not so piercing. He stated there is naa a berm between the hc nes and the vonstructiori area which should reduce noise levels. He stated th � are over 50$ comglete with this project and shoulc�'t have to work more th �n 7 or 10 days. Mr. l�chel stated, if the weather warms up, they would nc : work the night shift when residerits would have their windows open. Mr, Felt stated he appreciated the fact that Mr. Rachel has tried to li tigate the so�md, but it has�n't been that effective. Go mcilman Fitzpatrick asked if the oonstruction went on over 2 a.m. Mrs. Fe Lt stated it went on all nic�t. CA mcilman Schneider stated they have the ordinance on the books and this o� �ration shoulc�'t oontinue if people cannot sleep in thein c�mes. Mr, Fachel felt an alternative may be to oease operations at 11 p.m. Mrs. FE lt stated there are young children in the neighborhood and if the or jir�nce only allaas then to work until 9 p.m. , they should abide b� it. Mr , Rachel stated they are working under time restrairits imp�sed on them by th: cam�ny th� are working for who want their building completed by a ce:tain time. He wondered if they oould continue operations if it was for th: easterly portion of the site which is farthest fran the hames. Mr, Felt stated they would be willing to compromise for work to continue e�st of Beech Street only, providing they are not disturbed by this cc zstruction. NC �ION by Co�cilman Goodspeed to allaa an alternate hour work permit for F� �k Construction beyond the hours oontained in the CAnstruction Ordinance fc : preparation of the site on 81st and University for the parcel east of Be �ch Street anly. Haaever, if any disturbances are caused to the hames wE �t of the railroad tracks, �rk Construction would be imnediately notified tc oease oonstruction operations beyond the normal working hours. Seconded b� Co�mcilman Fitz�trick. Up�n a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee de :lared the motion carried unanimously. 9. CC 1SIDERATION OF DEPOSITION OF SNIAI,L TAX FORFEIT PROPERTIFS: ND �ION b� Co�cilman Fitzpatrick to cancur with staff's proposal to waive th � special assessnents for certain tax forfeit properties and to convey th �se parcels to adjoining properties, in an attenpt to return then to the ta c roles. Seoonded b� Coimcilman Goodspeed. Up�n a voice vote, all voting ay �, Nhyor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 10. Q� �SIDERATION OF A JOINI' PCJWERS AGREEMETTr FOR A COALITION OF METROPOLITAN � �A'IUNITIES • � ��J�. ti��l 1�� • �' ' : • Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated originally this agreement was a draf t ordinance by staff and the attorney felt it didn't conform to law. He stated the agreeqnent now clarifies an "associate member" and adds a termir�tion clause, as well as several other minor changes. MOTION by Councilman Fitz�rick to approve the amended Joint Powers Agreenent to Fbrm a Coal ition of Metropol itan Communities. Seconded by Coimcilman Schr�eider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, N�yor Nee declared the mation carried unanimously. 11. RESOLUTION N0. 32-1986 REOUESTING MnDOT TO AUTHORIZE A PUBLIC RAILROAD CROSSING AND ORDER INSTALLATION OF APPROPRIATE WARNING SIGNALS FOR A RAILRUAD C'.ROSSING SIGNAL ON ASFfl'ON AVENUE NORTH OF 521�ID 4�1Y NDTION by Co�cilman Fitzpatrick to adopt Resoltation No. 32-1986. Seconded by Gotmcilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 12. RF,SOLiJrION N0. 33-1986 AUTHORIZING A LOT SPLIT. L.S. #86-01. GENERALLY L�CX'1�TID AT 5738 7TH STREE.T NE.. BY THOMAS BLCkiBERG: MOTION by Councilman Goodspeed to adopt Resolution No. 33-1986. In addition, the follaaing stipulations shall apply: (1) Existing house to be ranoved prior to issuance of a building permit; (2) Park fee of $750 to be paid prior to issuance af a building permit; (3) Lot split to be recorded prior to issuance � a building permit; and (4) Variances for lot area f rom 9,000 square feet to 8,905 feet and lot width from 75 to 66 feet are apprwed with this lot split. Seoonded b� Co�cilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 13. �NSIDERATION OF A SIGN PLACEMII�Tr BY MICHAEL SERVETUS UNITARIAN SOCIEI'Y: NDTION by Coimcilman Schneider to authorize staff to work with the Michael Servetus Unitarian Society to identify two locations for c�urch directional signs to be installed approximately at the locations requested. Signs are to be approved by staff and the request granted because of the unique circumstances on the location of the church. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Nlayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 14. CZAIMS MfJTION by Councilman Barnette to authorize gayment of Claims No. 7230 through 7489. Seoonded b� Coimcilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, I�yor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 15. LICENSES• NDTIDN by Go�cilman Schneider to apprave the licenses as sut�nitted and as on file in the License Qerk's Office. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carriec� -10- r �► ���_ ��. � � ' � ' : . w��nimously. 16. � rIMATES: MCrION by Councilman Barnette to approve the following estimates as sL initted: He :rick & Newman, P.A. 62 �9 University Ave. N. E. Fr ldley, NN 55432 For Servioes Rendered as City Attorney for the date of 2/03/86 through 3/31/86 ......$3,795.00 SE �onded b� Co�mcilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, N� �or Nee declared the motian carried unanimously. �L 70URI�II+�SII� : MC TION by Councilman Barnette to adj ourn the meeting. Seconded by Gc �cilman Schrneider. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared tt� � motion carried unanimously and the Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Cc .mcil of April 7, 1986 adjourned at 11:30 p.m. RE spectf ully sutrnitted, � ral e Haddad, Wil l iam J. Nee, SE cretary to the City Cfl►,uicil Mayor A� Prwed • -11- � �, FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- APPOINTMENTS2 April 21, 1986 (Tabled April 7, 1986) .•• � �i r � - a • • i} •i''Ti��: i�� Paraaret Hendlev � 18 Crai Wa h.E. lH, 571-2757 • 11 ' ��• Y• (� •• 1 f� [ ick Younq Feappointed Caniel Allen Feappointed . . �• � -� �• Ciane Savaqe � 57 Rice CreeE: Terrace ��. 571-3£62) ,:�rrv Sherek 1�;0 73-1/2 Avenue � i. 7E4-644G ) s 1'.• I'} Y• •�• Y �• 1 1• �- �• ;_a. � •� : �• 4-1-89 Q arence (Gene) Rezac 1561 Camelat Lane (H. 574-0629) 4-1-89 4-1-89 4-1-89 4-1-89 4-1-88 4-1-89 (vacated b� Louis Schmidt 10/85) Dick Young 5695 Quincy St. N. E. (H. 571-8098) Da ni el Al l en 620Q Rice Creek Dr. NE (H. 571-3137) James Pl enel 6864 Channel kd N. E. (H. 571-0026) (vacated b� P'atrici� Gabel 12/85� Zbm Gronl�md 7411 Lyric Lane (H. 785-7459) B•uce Peterson 4-1-89 Bruce Peterson R�appointed 7503 Tenpo Terr. NE — tx. �a6-989a� ii' �, z FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL —� APPOINTMENTS' a• �• � � i� Dean Saba Reappointed Bruce Bondow Reappointed • a.-• •.�s. �• � � u �lau�ia DodQe �O1 Rice Creek Terrace _ (�!. 422-5199) _'eter Pierce teapvointed � : ►> i• �• � � i• _ luane Peterson _ ;eappo i nted 4-1-89 C�}7 ��. 4-1-89 � 4-1-89 li :• 1 • 1� ' i� �•' I> � 1 1: �:• Y !ohn E . tlever E6° Alden Wav N.E. H, 571-5�2�i ; • ��,� „� -� ��, �avis Hauge }eavpointed 2: /21 6-9-91 4-1-89 Dean Saba 6325 Van Buren St. NE (H. 571-1953) Bruce Bondaw 6616 Central Ave. NE (H. 571-0163) Robert Minton 1538 N. Oberlin Circle (H. 574-1173) �ter Pierce 572 Rice Creek Terr. (H. 571-7045) Harold Belg�un 191 Harhnan Ci rc1 e (H. 571-1191) Duane Peter s�n 1021 Hathaway Ln. NE (H. 571-3386) El Ii1dL S A. PL 1 E'C�1 t,l S 6031 Benjanin St. NE (H. 571-7230) NSavis Hauge 645 67th Ave. NE (H. 571-1083) t \ / N1 i��,ID(F` ` .1 � ' H-o�,� f .���. POLICE DEPARTMENT City of Fridley M innesota DATE APR: L 8, 1986 � FROM PUBIIC SAFETY DIRECTOR, J.P.H LL SUBJECT REQIEST BY GREATER ANOKA COUNTY HUM� NE SOCIETY MEMORANDUM TO NASIM OURESHI AGTION INFO X Mr. Bernard Fennell, Executive Director of the Greater Anoka County Hum�ne Society has reguested approximately fifteen r�inutes on the April 21, 1986 Council Meeting. Mr. Fennell will update the enclosed background material on the Gre�ter Anoka County Hur�ane Society and seek Council's support toward it's capital camnaiqn. JPH� sa 3A � �. t, � o � ,` _, :� � ���.:�' , ,�� , ; �., � "� o�� tr � POLICE DEPARTMENT City of Fridiey M innesote DATE AUCUST 22, 1985 FROM PUFLIC SAFETY DIRECTOR, J.P.H SUBJECT PO:SIBLE FUTURE FUNDING FOR THi GREATER ANOKA COUNTY HUr ANE SOCIETY MEMORANDUM TO NASIM QURESHI a On Tuesday, August 20, 1985 Mr. Bernard J. Fennell, Executive Diiector of the Greater Anoka County Humane Society, visited my office to provide information on the goals and objectives of his soc iety. It is my understanding that the Anoka County Humane Society has been working closely with the City of Coon Rapids, and has land available to erect a Humane Society facility. The estimated cost of the facility is $400,00�. It is the intent of the society at this time, to not only provide the customary Humane Society services, but also to provide animal cor.trol services throughout Anoka County. This proposal is int�resting and presents an optimistic permanent solution. As �ou are aware, the private animal control services over the years has experienced economic and legal difficulties. The sitsation at this time does not appear to be improving and it might be zecessary for individual city governments to directly perform the animal control function in the near future. The Humane Society will be initiating a solicitation car.ipaign thr�ughout Anoka County for funds to build their facility. It is my inderstanding that if they receive a solid 60$ commitment in fun3s they will commence construction. The Humane Society will be 3sking governmental units as well as private industry for funds to initiate their project. In the 1985 regular session of the Minzesota Legislature, provisions ��ere made for cities to provide up =0 50C per capita for maintenance and support of humane societies whi:h would amount to approximately $15,000 for the City of Fridley. Mr. Fennell stated that even with public fund commitments, the project would not commence unless funds are matched by an equal amoint from private entities. Continued � INFO Augast 22, 1985 MEM� TO: Nasim Qureshi� Pag � # 2 Sho.�ld the City decide to appropriate funds to pledge toward this ope:ation, future animal control services cost may be reduced by 70$ per year to pay back the goverrunental units for their up-front mon :y. , I sxggested to Mr. Fennell that prior to any formal commitment by the City, he should make a formal presentation to City Council. I c�ll this matter to your attention since it could have an impact in �ur current budget process. JPH �sa 3B ch�pt�r bylav� • at� . J1t �d n ar�a as :atutory extent iries; ieaiqnated , uniaas amaller ent of 80 reater � a� directora � a.s�d the �ra ahall •eateit siqnated income nesnbara, of �cted by ineem� 198b REGUI.AR SE3310N , C,'h. . 69 dir�ctors vho nuat meet the income liaitetions ot this paraqraph; •-------------------•------------•-------------••----- and , (�) Hiraa low lncome residents ot the desiqnated tommunity. to fill non-managerial and noa-profeasional poaitions. . Approved �iay 6.1985 � • � . . � . . . . � . . . . - r. ' . . . COUNTY HUbiANE SOCIETIES—INCREASED � , APPROPRIATIONS � � � • , CHAPTER 69 � , . . • H.F. No. 656 . . • • AN ACI' releiing to local government; alloving for an increas,e in the appropriation a county may make foY•a county hu�ane society in any year; authorizing the Otter Tail county board to adopt an ordinance for the control of. � �dogs and cats; amending Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 343.11. BE IT ENI►CTED HY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STJ►TE OF MINNESOTI►: � Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 343.11, is :: anended to read: 343.11 (ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY, APPROPRIJ►TIONS.] : Every county society for the prevention of cruelty to anjmals may acquire, by purchase, qift, grant, or devise, and ho:d, use, or convey, real estate and personal property, and lease, mortgage, sell, or use the same in any manner conducive to its interest, to the same extent as natural persons. The county board of any county, or the council of any city, in vhich s�ch societies exist, may, in its discretion, appropriate for the maintenance and support of such societies in the transaction Unda— n� _°r'^4 and �MiM�wM arr as shown i� �rmoil�d ut . � � � :� i �3 , ,� � � .t J � '� .', '+ F i. . i� '; � ., .� •� �:. Ch. 69 ��u �cts��ru� of the vork for which they are organized, any sums of money not � othervise appropriated, r,o!-exeeeding-54;889-in-en7-ene-renr not to exceed in any one year the sum of 54,800 or the sum of 50 � cents per capita based upon the county's or city's population as oi tAe most recent federal census, vhichever is greater; pravided, that no part of the apprapriation shall be expended for the payment of the salary of any otficec af the society. C. 2. (OTTER TAIL COUNTY; DOG AND CAT CONTROL.j Th Otter Tail count board ma ado t an ordinance to � rovide fo the control of do s and cats vithin the count . it ma contain ovisions relatin to the follovin . (a) The co nty mav declare certain sctivities of a doq or has cat off the roDe of its ovner or the erson ossession to be a n isance. (b) The count ma establish e rocedure to control do s or cats invo ved in bite cases includin a crocedure for the hum$ne de ruction of e do or cat vhich has histor of bitin more tnan on erson. An administrative hearin allovin due rocess to e owner or erson in pcssession ot the dog or cat must cur before the destruction. arantine and (c) The sheriff, department :ail county humane society may i a nuisance and orovide for its h reclaimed after five days' notic nas it in possession. (d) The county_may F rson vho permits a fl lic health, or the Otter und do or cat that creates ne dest uction if it is not o its ovn or the oerson vho rovide misdemeanor enal 'es for a or cat to creete a nuisanc � �nd Nr�iiw�rM ar� aa �hown in �nroll�d act � ..o_��s'�� ��-. _ . � �. (e) The � pcssession o� costs of confi E:.d rabies ir.� occurs under t sec. 3. Section : enact:nent. Sectio� : u:th M.irtnesot� aoverninq bod� Appror•ed 3d: relatinc of Nortt. liquor 1 E� IT ENACTEL Section . Notr vitl�=s Ma�yato may �i cornoration, in:oxicatinq 3E T0: CITY OF FRIDLEY ' ATTE23TION: JI:1 NILL� ASSISTANT CITY :•lAI3AGER DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC SAFETY FRC?i: GREATER ANO1:A COUNTY HUMANE SOCIETY It is proposed by the Greater Anoka County Humane Society, a private. non-profit corporation of the State of Minnesota, to construct and operate a full-service animal shelter facility within the County of Anoka, the programs and services of which will be accessible and available to the residents of the City of Fridley. It is requested by the Greater Anoka County Humane Society that the City of Fridley support the capital development of the pro- posed structure with a one-time grant in the a�ount of .SOC per caFita of the current City of Fridley population, in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Anir�al Welfare Statute 343.11 as amended by HF 656 of the 1985 Legislature. Any funds so all- ocated by the City of Fridley would be matched at a ratio of 2:1 by private sector contributions prior to release, and would be restricted in their use to the capital development budget for the proposed shelter. RAT I ONALE As aniMal populations increase, so do the degree and complexity of anir�al related problems. The Greater Anoka County Humane Soc- iety is concerned for the welfare of animals, but also recognizes a zesponsibility to provide necessary programs and services to the general public. We further recognize that a wandering animal, while not respons- ible for its situation, represents a potential menace to public health and safety, and must be controlled. Last year. in the seven-county metro area, �ore than 80,000 surplus dogs and cats weie destroyed at public expense and, rather than abating, the prcblem of surplus animals shows every indication of becoming wo:se. There is no facility in Anoka County to address the un- wanted animal, and operational shelters in Ramsey and Hennepin CoLnties are no longer able to accept all unwanted animals from ouz county. In light of this situation, more and more animals are simply being abandoned by their owners, becoming a public prcblem, eligible for the attention of an uncertain system of animal control. A�ossible solution to animal rela[ed problems is a strong, active hunane society, capable of ineeting these problems head-on. City support of the Greater Anoka County Humane Society shelter is an investment that will be repaid many times. A shelter will allow the Society to receive and care for unwanted animals, provide stfbility to animal control, promote and administer rabies vacc- 3F Prcposal to the City of Fridley, 8/85 RA'IONAL�(con't) in:tion clinics, as: istance with fo� responsible - PAGE 2 promote and possibly administer pet licensin�� animal abuse investigation, and public education pet ownership. NE] D An:mal related problems do exist in the City of Fridley. The hu:ane society office receives calls each day from residents of th� City who have unwanted animals, are reporting stray aninals, ha�e lost a pet� or are reporting cases of possible abuse to an an: r�al. At the present tir�e� most of these calls are referred to either th� Hennepin County Hunane Society, the Ramsey County Humane Soc- ie y, or the Fridley Police Department. In addition to calls we re er� each of these agencies receive other calls, all combining to nake a sizeable and increasingly difficult problem. Th�re is only one animal control agent now active in Anoka Coun- ty to any great extent. Should this agent� for whatever reason, ce.,se operation� there would be no external mechanism available to the cities for animal control contract management, leaving the va�ious law enforcement agencies to deal directly with stray and ab,ndoned animals. SE'.VICES Ar'D CAPACITIES OF THE PROPOSED FACILITY Th: shelter facility as proposed is a 9.200 square foot structure, co•ibining animal receiving, holding, examination, adoption and eu.hanization areas with attached, but separate, ad�inistration anl public meeting areas. It is designed to care for approximately 13 000 animals per year, �.�ith a maximum daily capacity of 146 mis- ce.laneous anir�als; primarily dogs and cats. The expected adoption ra:io is 25�, meaning that nearly 10,000 animals would be euthan- iz�d annually. The method of euthanization will be injection, un- iv�rsally accepted as the most humane of various methods now in use. Eu:hanized animals will be taken from the site for disposal. Th� hur�ane society will operate an expanded investigations division, ut'_lizing State-licensed investigators who will respond to co�plaints of abuse to animals and work cooperatively with local law enforce- meit agencies in the resolution of complaints. Th: facility will ofer rabies vaccination clinics, administered by co�perating veterinarians who will issue appropriate certificates. Sh�lter personnel will assist in the identification, recover} and observation of animals that have bitten people and where rabies is a �otential hazard. 3G Propos�il to the City of Fridley, 8/85 - PAGE 3 SERJICL•'S AND CAYACITIES(con't) The shelter will provide a centralized, county-wide "lost and fould" service� greatly increasing the odds of lost pets being rec�vered by their owners. A sielter will provide the Society with the capability of ani- mal control contract management, which we otherwise will not have. All aniu�al receiving and adoption services will be available. ' PubLic education prograns, designed to fa�iliarize people of all age: with animal behavior and the proper care of animals will be off:red both on-site and at other locations throughout the county. SL^i 4ARY A f �11-service anir�al shelter facility benefits the entire pop- ula:ion of a community, not only those who own pets. Non-pet- own:rs will be served by an expected reduction in the number of unc>ntrolled animals, a raore effective rabies vaccination and lic:nsing program, and an increased awareness of pet ownership res�onsibility on the part of those who do keep pets. 4:hi.e there will continue to be irresponsible pet owners and, the-efore, animal related problems, the shelter will provide a dir�ct resource to the City of Fridley which can �ore effectively add�ess these situations than those systems now in place. The Greater Anoka County Humane Society has provided programs and ser�ices directed toward anic�al welfare and public education since :iay, 1979. During this tine, the human population increase in the couity has brought an increased animal population and, as both pop- ula:ions continue to grow, so does the complexity of animal-relat- ed �robler.:s. A shelter is not a luxury -- it is a necessity. The she_ters in neighboring counties are no longer able to accept un- wan:ed animals from our area as they have done fn the past� the nu��ers are simply too great. Cap'.tal development support from the City of Fridley will assist in .everaging support of the private sector and will expedite con- striction. We ask support from the City of Fridley because a:e be- lie�e that services in animal care, shelter and control are essen- tia .. We ippreciate your consideration and hope for your support. Res >ectfully rSubmitted, GR� 1TER AIvOKR COUNTY HU*1ANE SOCIETY ' <\ � '. . 1 , •_:,�,_. �.-� � , L.�..�.� �.. L,{.�� BERIARD J. F�NNELL Exe :utive �Director 0 ATTACt�MENTS A— riN ANIMAL WELFARE STATUTE 343.11 W/HF 656 B— END OF FISCAL YEAR '84—'85 FINANCIAL STATEfiENT(UNAUDITED), C — CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT BUDGET D— ANI:dAL SHELTER OPERATING BUDGET(PROPOSED) E— LETTER OF DETERI4INATION. SO1(c)3 GREATER ANOKA COUtJTY HUMANE SOCIETY f0 BOX 551 ANOKA, MN 55303 ADDRESS OF ADt-SINISTRATIVE OFFICE: PHONE: 427-5388 CONTACT: BERNARD J. FENNELL EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 2006 lst AVE. N. ANOKA. MN 55303 3H 31 ATTACH`tEhT A G;EATER ANOKA COUNTY HUPiANE SOCIETY ri.NNESOTA ANItfAL WELFARE STATUTE 343.11 A:QUISITION OF PROPERTY, APPROPRIATIONS E�ery county society for the prevention of cruelty to animals m�y acquire, by purchase, gift, grant or devise, and hold, use, o• convey� real estate and personal property, and lease, mort- gige, sell, or use the same in any manner conducive to its in- t�rest, to tl�e same extent as natural persons. The county biard of any county. or the council of any city, in which such s�cieties exist, nay� in its discretion� appropriate for the miintenance and support of such societies in the transaction o� the work for which they are organized. any sums of money not o:herwise appropriated, noC exceeding $4,800 in any one year; p�ovided that no part of the appropriation ahall be expended f�r the payment of salary of any officer of the society. HISTORY: RL s 3127; 1913 c 366 s I; 1955 c 366 s I; 1�73 c 123 art 5 s 7; 1973 c 187 s I; 1975 c 369 s 8 H? 656 - 1985 LEGISLATURE Allows for a different nethod of allocating monies to county himane societies(changes from a maximum of $4�800 to a maxi- mim of SOC per capita or $4,800, whichever is greater). ASSEIS CURREAIT ASSETS: 1'ETTY C/�SN CaSH N B�INK EANU CERTI�ICA7E ON DEP�SIT A�UNEy AaARKET A/C SNELTi R FUND STOCK;, BONDS E �7HER T.ROwI PRICE N�w ERA FuND T.ROUIi PRIC� GROLVTI� STOCK fIJND GROUlTI iNDUS7RV SHARES INC. POSTAcE �N aEP�SIT INVEN' �Ry T�7AL CLlRR�NT ASSFTS: EnuiP� F�1T TOTAL ASSETS: S ' S0.00 6,900.86 24,500.00 30,318.35 11?,636.55 8,367.03 26,000.00 2,735.63 ?,314.15 10,645.41 49.60 1,036.45 LIABILITIES AND NET GIURTN Cf.lRR�f�1T LTABILITIES: SAL�S T�'JC PAyABLF $ 11.46 PAYROI L T�UC�S PayA81.E, �I�� 150.00 �EDiRAL WITHNOLDING ?36.00 STA7 E (URTNNOLDING 136.00 , TO7AL C(1RRE1� LIABILIt1ES: NFr wv�m RE7AINE� E,IR+VINGS LAND S T�CKS, BDNDS 8 �TNER S NARE fl VCS INVENTU� V NET INCc; �i£ 70TAL NET lUORiH: TOTAL L i AL'1 L ITY AND NET lUORTN: $ ?37,554.03 591.62 $ 533.46 $ 64,965.57 24,500.00 2d,000.00 15,695.19 1, 036. 45 • 103,415.65 $ 231,6�2.86 ATTACH"1E:�T B ( 1 ) � 23�, 145.65 $ 238,146.32 3J 0 s�«s: TIlXA6LE SALE� TEE-SlfIT TS NET SALES� C�ST OF SA!FS: BEGINNIN; INVENT�Ry PURCNAS�; �tJDING I JVENT(?Ry INV:NTURY CHAN6E T�7AL eDST OF SAL�S �Tii�R RFVE lI1E: INT�REST EARNFD DI V?DFND � EARNEfl ti1F��BERSH 'PS �ONaTI4N� atEAfORIAL GIFTS , MISC. ftl 1U RAISERS MISC. IT'MS C�LLECTED NEG1S PAF :R ADS SNELTFR '(IIJD ' SPAy AND NEUTER FUND T�TAL OTf��R REVFNU� GROSS T'RU F' 7S : S 142.34 , 45.00 $ 2,2d5.d4 50.00 1,03b.45 S �,6k�.21 1,005.00 3, 523.00 93,170.81 1�0.00 2,620.76 -�0•- 878.00 715.00 .._p__ 0 S 1�7.34 $ 1,2S$.99- $ �,071.65�- $110,780.7$ $109,709.13 3K •I��.l') �. JlJ1t►�'•L��1 �.V�� / • JUNt 30, 19k5 GERERAL EXPENSfS: RETUF+J CHECKS PAYRi LL G1URKf R'S COMP. a4E�TC 4i INSt1RANCE P�STA ;E CORPi2ATE �XPENS� �IRECrOR SEARCN EXPFNSF �FFIC_ FXPFNSE MISC. EXPENSE ADVER �ISING VFT�RfNARY FXPFNSF TELEFfONF EXPENSE SPAC� REk1TAL E ETC. PRINI� !NG B LI7ERA7l1RE DIIES � SUBSCRIPTIDNS SE7UP ON TEF—SHIRTS INSLIR INCF SP�AK :RS SHFLT :R 8(JIL�ING �XPFNSE � PRO PE ',T y TAX FQ[1IP� IFNT REPAIR 6 I��AINT. , $ —•0�— 2,000.00 431.00 455.5S 551.93 34.00 490.65 54.09 162,28 848.00 -- 0-- k97.86 255.15 615.96 25.00 --0-- 447.00 75.00 --0-- as.00 69.00 TOTAL GENERAL FXPFNSE: NET INCcME OR LOSS: $ 7,502.41 ATTAC}{NENT ii ( 2 ) $ 103,415.65 3L 0 3M ATTACH;t�y'f C GR:ATEB ANOKA COUNTY NUMAN� SOCIETY CA'ITAL DEVELOPMENT SUDGET - ANIMAL SHEL1'ER FACILITY 8/85 GE:fERAL CONSTRUCTION - BUILDING --�itework(grading/excavation)............$ 9,200 _ �;oncrete ................................ 40�360 • - 'recast walls .... .................... . 75.115 - 'tructural steel(incl. roof deck)....... 18�400 - :,00fing b Sheet me[al .............. .... 23,000 - :fisc. metals/labor ...................... 4,500 - I'indows ................................. 7,650 - nterior poors .......................... 13,600 - lxterior poors .......................... 4,620 - lntry Glazing ........................... 4,500 - :teel Erection .......................... 13�500 - llumbing ................................ 14,400 - iVAC .................................... 18,400 - ]lectrical .............................. 25,300 - :nterior finishes: �eiling...... ........................... 3,776 lloor ................................... 10.044 lalls ................................... 11,200 ]aint ................................... 5,400 - lermits .... ............................ 2,352 - ingineering/Architecture ................ 3,200 - tonstruction Management. ... 30,852 Suttotal - General Construction...........$339,369 RO�DWAY 6 PARKING AREA SURFACING..........$ 17,400 LAIDSCAPING...............................S 2�000 IN'ERIOR FURNiSHING/EQUIPPiENT .............S 70,000 UT:LITY HOOKUP CHARGES ....................$ 5,300 UT:LITY ASSESSMENTS .......................$ 46,439 EN1�OWriENT FOR OPERATION...................$ 90�000 T07AL CAPITAL BUDGET ......................5570,508 GIEATER ANOKA COUNTY HUMANE SOCIETY O{ erating budget - sf�e�.ter(p=oposed) 8/85 F1 RS�NNEL Salaries: Benefits: ATTACN`f�NT D Director ......................$ 26�000 Administrative Ass't.......... 17,500 Receptionist(P/T) ............. 4,160 Animal Care Specialist........ 12�840 Animal Care(F/T)............•• 9,360 Animal Care(F/T) .............. 9.360 Animal Care(P/T) .............. 3.900 Animal Care(P/T).. .......... 3,900 Total Salaries ................$ 86,660 (FICA� UC, WC. i�I)............5 14,730 BLDG REPAIR/l4AINTENANCE ! Repairs ... ................................S 1,700 Equipment/Supplies ......................... 3,000 Snow Removal ............................... 600 Lawn Care. . . .. .. .. . 600 Total Bldg Rbti .............................$ TELEPHONE......................................S 5,900 3.600 UT LLIT IES Electricity ................................$ 7,000 Heating .................................... 5,500 Water . ...�...... _ 700 Total Utilities ...................•••••••••S 13,200 COJSUi�1ABLE SUPPLIES ............................$ PU3LICATION/PRINTING/ADVERTISING ...............$ POiTAGE........................................$ TR�VEL E}iPEI�SE(LOCAL) ..........................5 EAJCATION/CONFERENCE EXPENSE ...................$ PR)FESSIONAL F�ES ..............................$ TA{ES/ASSESSriENTS ..............................S 2�000 9,800 4,200 2,600 4,000 4,000 S , S00 3N Fa�e 2- Operating Budget - Shelter(pcoposed) 8/85 � AN J t•!AL CARE Veterinary Supplies ..................$ 5,000 Animal Feed .......................... 5,000 Veterinary Services .................. 3,600 Kennel Supplies.. . . . ... . . 3,000 Total Animal Care ....................$ 16�600 • � AISPOSAL.................................$ 3,800 Ih5URANCE(GENERAL) .......................$ 5,000 m�saaoa�s��tacoca�=aa�oassasee=eaeaea�aaaae�s=coeQa TOTAL OPERATING BUDGET ...................$181,590 30 4 CITY OF FRIDLEY PLAPJ��It�G COt1MISSION HEETING, APRIL 9, 1986 CALI TO ORDER: . Chairperson Gabel called the April 9, 1986, Planninc� Cor�mission meeting to ordEr at 7:30 p.m. ROLL CALL: Meriters Present: Pat Ga6e1, LeRoy Oquist, �ave Kondrick, Dean.�Saba, Sue Sherek Merit �rs Absent: Donald Betzold, t�ayne ldellan Otlie^s Present: Darrel Clark, City of Fridley Samir & Flindy Awaijane, 5096 Nughes Ave. N.E. P1auri ce & Paul i ne I31 anch, 5109 Hughes Av,e. N. C. Jock Robertson, Community Development 09rector APPR IVAL OF �1ARCH 19, 1986, PLAPJP�I�JG COP1MISSIOtJ FiIi�UTES: M.O^I >l� BY IfR. F'ONDP,ICK, SECOIdDF.D BY MP.. SABA, TO APPRQVE TNE 1•71�RCH 19, 1986, PL��"J lI1JG COt1MISSIOIJ 1fINUTE5 AS G7RITTEN. UPO1J A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSOII GABEL DECLARED THE 1�fOTIOIJ C�P,R "ED UlJAPlI1fOUSLY. 1. 'UE3LIC tiEARING: COIJSIDERATIO�•1 OF A SPECIAL USE PERt1IT, SP _#86-03, QY � ; 1I A4IAIJANF : �'er Section 05.07.1, C, 1 of tfie Fridley City Gode to a11oY� an existing ccessory buildinct to become a second accessory huildinq upon the con- truction of an attached garage on Lot 9, Block 7, f.arlson`s Sur�i�it ttanor �outh, the sar�e beina 5096 Nughes Avenue "�.E. ,'OTION BY MR. KONDRICK, SECOI�DF.D BY llR. OQIJIS''', _TO OPElI THE PUBLIC fIF.ARIl1G. i'PON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYF., CHAIRPF,PSON GABEL DECLARF,D THE PUBLIC 1 EARIIJG OPEN AT 7:31 P.M. �r. Clark stated he would give the Commissioners a little background about �his lot. About 2-3 months ago, there was a fire in the house. It was bad fnough so that the petitioner had to r�ove from the house, and the petitioner �s noa� in the process of remodelinc� and adding a second story ex�ansion to rake it a full two-story house. The petitioner is petitionin� the City to <ttach a garage to the rebuilt house, and he would like to keep the existing carage in the rear yard. The petitioner apparently has a collector car and � couple of other vehicles that are not driven everv day that need storac�e, leavinc� his car and his wife's car sitting outside. tr. Clark stated the petitioner is allowed to build the second garage with a s�ecial use perr�it, The petitioner has indicated he will put a door in tront cf the new garage, but he will also put a door in the bacl: of the new qara�e i� order to drive his vehicles through to the existing garage in the rear yard. 4A PLA�'�II�G C(N1t1I5SI0f� PIEETING, APRIL 9, 198F P/1f;E 2 �he existing driveway �c the old garage will be the driveway to the new �arage. There was not novr nor would there be any access from the old �arage onto 11ai n Street. 1r. Awaijane stated he tiad two old classic cars and a boat he had to store �11 winter. That leaves the new cars sitting out in the weather, so the iew attached garage 4�as for the netiv cars and the existing garage would be ised for storage. I�e stated he also thought the attached garage would off- �et the looks of the square house and r�ake it look a little better. 1r, t1aurice alanch stated they were at the meetinR to get a little more nformation about the special use permit request. They had no problem �ith the petitioner's request, :IOTION BI' l�IR. SABA, SEC01lDED BY MR. KONDRICK, ?'O CLOSF. THE PUBLIC HEARING. � 'POl7 A VOICE VO_"'E, ALL VOTING AYF,, CHAIRPERSOPJ GABEL DECLARED THE PiTBLIC .'E��RI1dG CIASED AT 7: 37 P.1'!. Ilr. Kondrick stated that since there Y�as no neighborhood objection, he v�ould Iave no probler� with this special use permit request. : O^_'ION BY 1fR. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY MR. OQUIST, TO RL'COM19EtJD TO CI_''Y COUNCIL � 71F. APPROVAL OF SPF,CIAL USE PERI�IT, SP �86-03, BY SAI�tIR AWAIJAI7F,, pr•,R : L'CTIOIJ 205. 07.1 , C, 1 OF THF, FRIDLEY CITY CODE TO ALLOGI AN EXISTIr1G ACCESSORY 1 UILDIPIG TO BECOI?E A SECONP ACCESSORY BUILDIl1G UPO1J THE COl7STRUCTION OF AN � TTACflED GARAGE ON LOT 9, BLOCK 7, CARLSON'S SUMMIT t�lANOR SOUTH, TNE SA17F, 1 EING 5096 HUGf1ES AVEPIUE N. E. IPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSOFI GABEL DECLARED THF. M02IOlJ [ r712RIED UlJA11lIt10USLY. fs. Gahel stated this item would go to City Council on April 21. 2. F ECEI1�'C t1ARCH 13, 1986, f�OUSI�JG & REDEVELOPt1EPJT Al1T1i0RITY MItJUTES: L• �T�OII BY I�R. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY l•1R. OQUIST, TO P.ECF.IT'E THF•, MAR.13, 1986, F.�CJSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES. C?ON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPEP.SOrI GABF,L DECLARED THE MOTZON C4RRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. R:CEIVE t1ARCH 25, 19�6, ENVIROt�P1FNTAL QUALITY C��1�IISSIOfJ t1U�UTES: 17 �TIOIJ BY MR. KONDRICK, SECOIJDED BY MR. SABA,THAT Ill THE ABSEIJCE OF 2'HF. C i�IP.PERSON, THF, APPROVAL OF ^_'HESF, MINUTES BE COl7TIllUED UNTIL THE NF.XT I�IF.ETIP�G. L�ON A VOICE VO'_^E, ALL VOTIl1G AYE, CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED THE 1dOTIOAI C �RRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4B PLANN :f�G COP1�IISSIOtJ P1IF�UTES, APRIL 9, 1986 PAGF 3 4. 0 'I�ER QUSI��ESS: M�. Clark stated he would like to introduce t1r. Jock Robertson, the new C�r�munity Development �irector , who started with the City officially oi April 1. He will be working mainly in tF�e Planning Division. He is a so head of the Building Inspection and will be worl;ing actively with the H;A and developers. ADJOU ',�J�1E�JT: MO^_'IO;' BY MR. OQUI_ST, SECONDED BY MR. KONDRICK, TO ADJOURN THE MF.ETIPIG. UPON A i�Oli'F. VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED THE APRIL q, 1986, PZI�IVN. NG COMi•1ISSION MEETIi7G ADJDURNED AT 7:47 P,M. Res,pe� tf�illy submi. ted, ✓� 7,' 7 C � t� Lynne Sa a Recor�ing Secretary 4� � .. 'II �:� � A'/1 M'4' �+_ � �r � �i (r,� 'iltpSy �P: \` r� ! 1 � 3j � 1�i � ' �100 `�, � �4 . �.!__ 'f 1 C.y' 3�� . i1ll' ��3 )o d ♦ � � � o� + s, , � ,4 ,, � i� � �. P, r�i � j v Y r � � 'q4 ���a� p f! ff 7f 1! /f ' � �,i� ' 4 .� � � �; �36ti�4� � -.- z/,�::' 1 L 3� s�� - I F � 13 ��}`.`C Z 100 ' U2 ►24 � .. �2 s4 :. •��; ,. � ,, �„ r� l — - �, , ,r » � � x + � � � 101 "�� ' � � ' �' ie:.�G . • i ( � �` '� � t ?,:,I i� !t� ,rz �, a y�. �o � � , ��, ..�,' ' ;�37 �149 '1 � '17� I, f, ; �, „ , , ,.. ,,: � ._ --�'c�F��-�4�-�f� ,�, ; M��a � ^:. ' f � 4` '� ��,( . 4�P�; f �� r++� � , •�" Y� %��;� � ��� ;�`" ��� � 164 1�j` ,�`_ i f, Zf4 ti� _� � ,. %2 49�� • „ ,—, _ r� , t01.. I � �_,,, = v� + ,_ ' �< �i ,'9 ze•`' ,` ' �+ � . d .. . �. . _.. �. i �:�.i. I� I � / ��� � �e �p';�� � :9 . �/ ►� �- ' �, ♦' -- --_� � � _',� �� �f � SZ90 r ��� � lr __ • L� L ` � �� 17 . '�° � � 52 (.I ,.,, '� �. � � - •� _ ' � ,� -- -, ��9 � W � ; � "' _ � s � *. � ` l � � � `� �. „ I i r. 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Z j z, — : ' }!J Ili � dJ. )J �� ' � � 65t,� 49�4 � - �� _ _ __ 8 � w � i' --- -- r. �.p lS3 S2 ~ � % �Q /% ` � t- 01 "fl LR_ �'�� e�/9 � `' —..---- — tl 01 w 3 � 6 � Rs _o � •-•"-'-'-"'------ � .'� '.'::�Jl f�l�I. i1'4RN�.'.'.'.' 1 � . �70: •r�. L r.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. �. j I E - r...� '.� I ��; ��� •'� � �yr ��c :�� I ��. .'r � ���.'�� � � �` � J ) E rr:Ti.�.. I�1C: vE wAr 1 �--, �' � t7'iST...4 �?Gc /I'• iL' 0 ., 1 �` �1 � J � �J %W %!'SEO /�r�rwrrEi+ I fJ 1 rn�e.�a 'tR'. z4' Ern��.+cr 3z' � s4 ' N�..�e 7 5►��� Nf�ww�,y ANN`✓�� E t.J ►..i=. 7Mi �sw�.�r �S. f 7 � %//r'r. �., � �G �e._e 4D 5 CITY OF FRIDLEY CHARTER COMMISSIOPl MEETING, FEBRUARY 24, 1986 CALL TO ORDER: Chai•person Jackson called the Feb. 24, 1986, Charter Commission meeting to orde� at 7:12 p.m. � ROLL CALL: Merib�rs Present: Sue Jackson, Bruce Nelson, Margaret Fiendley, Donald Betzold, Pat Kindor�, Peter Treuenfels, Francis van Dan Mer�b�rs Absent: Ralph Stouffer, Robert Schmidt, Irene �4aertens Otl�e •s Present: Bill Ilunt, Assistant to the City Manager APPR)VAL OF OCT. 21, 1985, AND JANUARY 27, 1986, CHARTER CONMISSION MINUTES: !�:'0"'I ).': BY NR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MR. TREU�NFEIS, TO APPROVE TXE OCT. 21, 1985, A7D �A:r. 27, 1986, MI:IL�ES AS WRI:TE:�. UP01' A VOICE VOTc , ALL VOTII�G AI'E � CHAIA.PERSON JACKSOII DECLA7?ED .TFfE MOTIOA' CnRRIED UN�LV 'MCUSLY. 1. :O��SIDERATIO"� OF THE REMOVAL OF GENDER SPECIFIC LAP�GUAGE FR0�1 7HE CITY . /�R ER Continuing w�t Section �he Conmissioners continued to revieY� the City Charter for removal of gender � :pecific language with suggested changes recommended by the legal intern. :hanges r�ade that were different from thc�se recommended are as follows: >ection 11.07 .ast sentence in paragraph �1: "Such department shall keep separate financial �nd accounting records . . and prior to the first day of each fiscal year ;hall prepare a comprehensive report of each utility in accordance with the :ity Manager's specifications." �ection 12.03 'irst line: delete "his" and insert "the" �ection 12.08 'aragraph 1, last sentence, had indicated that Section 465.09 had been repealed ►y Section 466.05. 1s. Jackson wondered if the Cornmission had to approve that kind of change, or �as that change made automatically? 5A CH/1R� ER C0�IMISSION t�EETI��G, FEBRUARY 24, 1986 PAGE 2 I'�r. Betzold stated he was not sure Section 466.05 was the correct amendment. Ilr. Treuenfels stated maybe they should drop all reference to state statute �ur�bers and just say, "as required by Minnesota State Statute". He would �ot like to have to amend the Charter every time the state law changed. , �iuestions raised by the Commission members regarding paragraph 1 were: 1. Should they leave the reference to Section 465.09 as is. Does Section 466.05, in fact, amend Section 465.09? 2. Should ti�e Commission amend Section 465.09 to Section 466.05? 3. Should the Commission eliminate any reference to a specific state statute and make a generic reference? 4. Was the paragraph correct as it was presently stated? 1r. Hunt stated he would ask the Charter Commission's Attorney for an opinion and answers to these questions. �ection 12.09 - Recovery of Judgement for Damages 1r. Qetzold asked Mr. Hunt to consult the City Attorney on this section. �ecause of some pending legislation, there might be some changes that would iffect ti�is section of the Charter. !.^,TZD:: B�' MR. NELSOPr � SECOICDED BY MS. KINDOI�.'� TO ACCEPT ALL THE CHFiNGES MADE ^O THE CITY CNARTER 41ITH REGARD TO THE RE!''0:'AL OF GEI�DER SPECIFIC L�'�::GUAGE. IPON A VDICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSO': JACY.SOtJ DECI.ARED THF. MOTIOf1 "ARRIED UNAlJIMOUSLY. �s. Jackson stated that the Commission has now approved the following changes vithin the Charter: 1. Definition of various types of voters 2. Section 5.15. FILING OF PETITIO�d 3. Removal of gender specific language �Ir, Hunt stated the Conmission mer�bers had copies of the City Charter ar�ended through Jan. 27, 1986. This document incorporated all the recent changes made �y the Charter Corrr;�ission. This document could no�+ be presented in total to the City Council. NOTIA� BY MR. TREUE:tiFELS� SECO:iDED BY MS. KINDOM� TD RECOMl1END THAT THE CITY .OL'b'CIL APPROVE TNE FOLLC7iti'Il1G RECONMENDED CHANGES TO THE CITY CHARTER: I. DEFINITIONS OF V�F?IOUS TYPES OF VOTERS 2. SECTION 5.15. FILI!+G OF PETITIOli 3. REMOVAL OF GENDER SPECIFIC LANGUAGE JPOti A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERS0IJ JACKSO.J DECLARED THE 1�OTION :AiZr2IED UtiA":IMOUSLY. 5B GH11RT1 R CO�t'�1ISSI0�� FtEETI��G, FEBRUARY 24, 1986 PAGE 3 2. C(�J;IDERATIO�� OF CALENDAR OF MEETINGS FOR 1986: M( :70: BY MR. Tf2EUElJFEIS, SECOI�DED B:' MR. NEISO!�', TO APPROVE TNE 198ti CALr:1DAF Ol MEE:II�GS FOR 1986 AS POLLO�'S: FEB. 29 SEP:. 15 , MAR. 17 OC:^. 20 APRIL 21 NO�'. 17 MAY 19 Ui O:�' A VOICE ��OTE, ALL VOTIl;G AYE, CHAIRPERS07 JACKS01'J DECLARED TNE PfOTION Ci RRIED Utir'u1:IMOUSLY. 3. C( tiSIDERATION OF RECOFIMENDATIO�JS FOR MEAIBERSNIP ON CNARTER COP11�tISSIt)N: Mr. Hunt stated they have written to the judge regarding the three new mer�hers fcr the Charter Cor.unission. If all three people are appointed, the Commission w�ll still be short two members. He stated he has not yet received any rfsponse from the judge. M�. Jackson encouraged each Commission member to make an effort at trying to f�nd someone who would be inturested in serving on the Commission. She also stated a letter should be sent to the Independent Republican and DFL chair- pErsons and League of Wor�en Voters indicating the need for more Comnission mE r�bers . 4. C(��SIDERATIO'd OF CHANGE IN Bv-LAWS: M�. Jackson stated the Commission r�embers had received in their agenda the fcllowing amendment proposed to Article III.D: Number of Commission members 15 or 14 1� or�Tf �� o� r�ewer QuOrum 7 6 � � M::ZO:: BY MR. TREUE.:FEIS, SECOl:DED Bl' MR. NELSON, TO ADOPT THE PROPOSED A' S:: D.�:E'r T CHA"� GE TD F�RTICLE III. D: NU:�:BER OF CO:dt!ISSION MEh�ERS QUOP.U�1 15OP.14 7 13 OR 2 2 6 11 OR 10 5 9 OR FEiaER 4 Ms. Jackson stated that in past discussions, they have found that one of the pr�bleris in getting a quorum was that even with the majority of active rn��bers coming to the meeting, there was still not a quorum because they are dc,�n to so few active memuers. It was hard with 9 people to get a quorum of 7. 5C t,ni+r� �ER C011�4ISSION HEETI��G, FEBRUARY 24, 1936 PAGE 4 �s. Jackson stated that having come to Co►�mission meetings for many months �nd going home many times because of a lack of quorum, she would really like to support this amendment change. She felt it was really unfair to the �eople who are able to come to the meeting to have to go home again. �1r. Treuenfels stated there have been a number of times �vaited for just one more member to make a quorum. He, this proposed change. when members have too. would support �1s. Hendley stated she really did not like to see the number 4 for a quorum. 5he felt that a quorum should be at least half the nembership or more; it �hould not be less than half. Seven was less than half of 15, so she did �ave a problem with the numbers in the proposed change. Hr. Qetzold agreed with Ms. Hendley. If less than half the people show up, they have a quorum and tf�at is too low a number. Hs. Hendley stated that if there are 15 members, she felt the quorum should be 8. She proposed the following schedule: Number of Commi s s i on tler�bers 15 14 c,r 13 12 or 11 10 or fewer Quorum 8 7 6 5 Mr. Treuenfels stated he would consider that schedule too strict in light of the Commission's past experience with getting a quorum. Ms. Kindor� stated she liked Ms. Hendley's suggestion. Mr, van Dan stated he liked the higher number, but he did not like the escalating scale for one reason. The Commission as it is ought to be repre- sentative of the whole municipality. For that reason, he would like to see the highest possible nur�ber, but he was willing to go along with the majority. P1r. 6etzold stated he liked the numbers proposed by Ms. Hendley, and he liked the sliding scale, because right now they have three members who are not at the meeting because they haven't received any response from the judge, and there are still two vacancies. Mr, tJelson stated that getting people involved in things vias becoming more and more difficult. That was why he preferred the sliding scale. He did not necessarily agree with the top end of 8, because �hey currently have a quorum of 7; however, he did agree with 5 instead of 4 on the lor� end. He did favor keeping a quorum at 7 maximum for 15 members and retaining the sliding scale. 5D CHAR� ER COM�IISSION t�IEETING3 FEBRUARY 24, 1986 PAGE 5 I',s. Hendley stated that most of the organizations she belongs to have a �uorum of 2/3 of the mer�bership. If they were going by 2/3 of the membership, �hen with a membership of 15, they sfiould have 10 people for a quorum. She �eally felt 1/2 of the membership for a quorum was very generous. 1 O:'I07 TO AME.�D BY MR. BETZOLD, SECO::DED BY !�!R. NEISON, TO ADQPT TNE FOLIAWING . ME'��D:SE::T CNANGE TO ARTICLE III.D: NUMBER OF COifA.ISSIO.'7 ME1fBERS QUORUM 15 8 14 0R 13 7 130R11 6 10 OR FEWER 5 i PO:: A VOICE VOTE� JACY•SON� NEZSO:: � XEtiDi.Ei'� BETZOLD� KINDO!!� VAAr Dr1ti'� VOTING i�'E , TRrUE:� FEIS VOTIIti v l7AY � CHAIRPERSO4' JACKSON DECLARED THE MOTIO:: TD A!�:: D [ ARRIED BY A VOTE OF 6- 1. .'O:'IO.': TYJ A�."EIrD Tf?E A�W'::D.'•.'='::i BY 1�1: . JACKS01�� SECO:�DED B1' MR. TREUE."rFELS� ;^; ADCi : TFi E FOLLO�ti ING F+!•!Eh DMENT CHAIVGE TO ARTI CLE III . D: NL't�EF OF CObl."'ISS� O': M.EMSEP.S QUORCM 150R140R13 7 12 OP. 11 6 10 OP. FEk'EP. 5 ( POti A VOICE VOTE, JACYSOti, NEISO'�, KII+DOM, TREUEhFEIS,�"�D V,�.'I DAI� VOi:':G 1�'E, BETZOLD 1'iIVD NE."�DLEY VOTI::G A'A�', CHRIP.PERSO.'� JnCf:SON DECLARED THE' ,+ �:'IO:J TO AME:VD TNE AMENDM�:;:' CARr?IED BY A VOTE OF 5- 2, iPO:� A VOICE VOTE, JACF:SO.':, NEZSO.":, KIA'DOM, TREUE.':FELS, A!tiD VA.": DAIti VGTING Q 4'E, BETZOLD AlJU XEI�DLEY VOTIA'G NAY, CXAIRPEA,SG'I JACY.SOI: DECLAA.ED THE C R�vI1'AL M.1.:'IG1v CnRRIED B1' A VOTE OF 5- 2. 5. FECEIVE REPORT OF NOMINATING COMMITTEE: (hairperson Jackson declared receipt of the report of the Nominating Corunittee ior the following slate of officers for election at the annual meeting on �arch 17, 1986: Chairperson - Susan Jackson Vice-Chairperson - Bruce Nelson Secretary - Ftargaret Hendley 6. (THER �USINESS: �. Resignation of Irene Maertens Mr. Hunt stated he had received Ms. Maertens' resignation by telephone. Mr.Nelson asked that Staff write a letter to Ms. tlaertens confirming the receipt of her resignation by telephone. CHAR'ER COMMISSION �•1EETING, FEBRUARY 24, 1986 PAGE 6 ADJO IRt�MENT: MOTI >N BY MR. TREUENFEIS, SECONDED BY KS. HEh'DLEY, A VO 'CE VO1�, AL_', VOTItiG AYE, CFIAIRPERSON JACKSO:T CHAR �R COtf.'•:ISSIOlr MEETI2IG ADJOURNED AT 8:35 P.M. Resp �ctful ly subr�i tted, ! 7: x-�' � ��f�.— ynr� � a a Reco �di ng Secretary TO ADJOL'RN TXE �ETING. UPO:: DECLARED THE FEB. ?4, 1986, 5E l�: t�M) T0: Nasim Qureshi� City Manager Joek Robertson, Community Development DirecLor 2�tEM ) FROM: Riehard Wiersma, Code Enforcement �,u, MEN, ) DAT�: April 16, 1986 REG�RDING: Junkyard Licensure Renewal 1. Bargain Auto and Sam's Auto will have a representative at the April 21,• 1986 meeting. Central Auto has requested that they be exempt from the April 21, 1986 meeting and be heard at the May 19, 19 � meeting. Dave t�ewman has recommended that Central Auto be issued a registered letter stating their license will be extended for thirty days and that it w ill not be considered for renewal unless they have a representaiive present at the May 19, 1986 meeting. 2. After conferring xith engineering f irms and with Jock Robertson and Burch, I recommend that Braun Engineering be hired to conduct samples and soil borings at the four locations along 73 1/2 Avenue Proposals were received from Braun, STS and Subterranean (Twin Testing was invited to bid but declined). A eonsensus developed testing the creek water alone would not be sufficient to determine level of contamination to the soil and groundwater. The emphasis placed on soil borings. 3. STS Proposal Subterranean Proposal Braun Proposal Eight soil samples Two water samples Analysis $4, 305. 80 Eight soil samples Seven wells One surface water sample Serco Lab analysis ($2,005) $6, 825. 00 ---- Sixteen soil samples Two hand auger probes Analysis Report $ �+, 3 80 . 0 0 - rfark soil N. E. City that the was Br�un will check for voc's and eight metals. If wells are desired after soil an�lysis then arrangements can be made for well installation at approximately �9 35 per he1L 4. The Council will need Bargain Auto's permission to do testing because it appears they do not have a special use permit. I informed them that receiving a special use permit may be a minimum requirement for licer.sure. If they agree, testing could begin prior to receiving a special use pernit. RkW/dn Encls. �� 205.17 � LIGHT I�DOSTRIAL DISTRICT RF�IILA?IOAS 1. �S ;S PBRHITTED � �. rinciyal �ses. � Th� f lowing are principal uuses in M-1 Districts: Yh�le�al , warehousing, manufacturing� construction or service uses vh.ch wil not be dangeroua or otherwrise detrimental to persons re:iding or orking in the vicinity, and will not impair the use or va:ue of any operty� but not including ar�y uses excluded hereinafter. B. Accesaor� IIae . The following are a essory uses in M-1 Districts: (1) Off-street pa ing facilities. (2) Off-street loadi facilities. (3) Business signs for aes permitted. (4) Aetail aale� or aer icing of products manufactured or warehouses. (5) Offices associated �ith t principal u�e. (6) A dwelling for a watchper on aub�ect to the following conditions: (a) Any drrelling unit located n an industrial structure shall not occupy the front half of ground floor or basement. (D) Any dwelling unit in an indust al building shall not contain more Lhan one (1) Dedroom. (c) No detached dxelling unit shall b permitted in this district. (d) A dvelling unit ahall be a part of the pr cipal building and be provided with an out�ide entrance. (7) Solar energy devices as an integral part of th rincipal structure. C. Uses Peraitted Yith a Special Use Permit. The folloWing are uses permitted with a Special Use Permit in M-1 Dis :ricts: (1) Offices not associated with a principal use. (2) Wind generators and other tower mounted energy devices. ' (3) Solar energy devices ?�OT an integral part of the principal . structure. (4) Radio transmitters and microrrave torrers. (5) Junkyards (Automobile Recycling Center). All junkyards shall satisfy tt,e followino requirem�nt�: 6A l4-1 District Regulations Uses Permitt 205.'•� .: (a) Drainage Requirements: Property being utilized as a �unkyard ahall aatisf y all drainage requirement� as required by municipal, county, state, federal and xatershed district agencie� or any other governmental or quasi_governmental body. (D) Pollution Control Requirement�: _ ((1)) Usea which Decause of the nature ot their operation create excessive noise� dust� dirt� amoke, noxious gases or odors� vibrations, glare, heat or can contaminate xater run-orr ahall not be permitted. ({2)) Any property that is in violation of (a) aDove� ahall be given one (1) year from the date of written notification by the City or any other regulatory agency to aDate the violation. If the pollution is determined to be hazardous Lo any person� animal or plant life, the time of one (1) year ehall De reduced to a reasonaDle limit. ii3)) If action i� not taken to abate the condition during the specified time� the use ahall not be allowed to continue operation within the City of Fridley. V((4)) In order Lo assure compliance with these performance standards the City may require the oWner or operator of any use Lo conduct such investigations and tests as may De required to sh a+ adherence to pollution control standards. Any investigations and tests shall be carried out Dy an independent testing organization agreed upon by all parties concerned� or if after thirty (30) days notice there is failure to agree, an independent testing organization as may be aelected Dy the City, The costs incurred in having such investigations or tests shall be shared equally by the owner or operator and the City. If the investigations and testing disclose noncompliance �+ith pollution control standards, the entire cost ahall be paid by the owner or operator. �((5)) This procedure shall not preclude Lhe City fron making any investigations and tests it finds appropriate to determine compliance with these pollution controls. (c) Parking Requirements: ((i)) All designated parking areas shall include the follo�ing ratio of parking spaces: ((a)) Parking stall requirements shall be as designated for in Section 205.17.5C. ((b)) Parking requirements may be aub�ect to additional provisions as provided by tbe City. ((c)) At least txo percent (2x) of the above parking requirements shall be designated Dy txelve (12) foot by twenty (20) foot handicap parking stalls. 2o5.hil,� . : v� 205.17.1.C.5f.2 ((2)) All required parking ahall De used for parking of ; customer aad employee vehiclea and not be used for atorage, and ahall remain unobstructed by other � activities or uaes. , ((3)) No on-street atorage of vehiclea shall De permftted. ' ((4)) The parking areas shall be maintaiaed free of vehicle parts� litter, deDris and atorage at all times. (d) Sereening Requirement�: All areas used for the storage of vehicles� garbage or refuse containers� rar+ materials� supplied or equipment shall be enclosed Dy a fence, at least eight (8) feet in height and comply with the following: ((1)) The fence shall be constructed so that no portion of the storage area is visible from any public right-of-way. ((2)) A aolid fence or chain link fence with slats shall be provided. ((3)) Vines and other landscaping may also De required to provide additional screening. ((4)) No storage shall exceed the height of the fence. ((5)) All screening shall be maintained. (e) License Requirements: ((1)) No person shall a+n, operate, maintain or alloW to operate a junkyard within the boundaries of the City without the owner or operator first obtaining an annual license pursuant thereto of the provisions of this Chapter and other appllcaDle chapters and sections of the City Code and any other governmental or quasi-governmental provisions. ((2)) Application shall De made by the ouner of the property or by the operator of a junkyard through the City Clerk's office on forms furnished by that office. The applicant shall provide such information as the City may require. ((3)) The annual licensE�fee and expiration date shall be as provided for in Chapter 11 of the City Code. • (f) Existing Facilities: �((1)) All existing junkyards, in operation at the date • of adoption of this Ctzapter* sl�all canform to tbe above requirements within one (1) year of written notitication by the City. ((2)) Any existing operation not conforming to this Chapter within that period ahall not be granted a renewal of their junkyard license to continue to operate within the City. 205.�:- . - (? �8) Scope: The a�tandards and requirements aet forth aDove �hall be in addition to a11 other applicable ordinances, laws, statutes, resolutions or regulation� of this or any other governmental or quasi-goverrimental bcdy. Repair Garages. ' Automobile Service Stationa. It a pecial Use permit is condit ons must De met in or e�e toed' the folloving minimum safet protect the puDlic health� light d Beneral welfare. Because of traffie hazards� noise, indiscrimi rte adver8sj' outdoor atorage of inerchandise, o�' business hich are � 8nd other characteristics of this type these minimum Poter�tially detrimental to the community, recommendatlon ttheaCitysmayldeterminednecessar�n8 WSth an Y other particuiar proDl s 1n achievin Y Lc eliminate the adjacent land use 8 compatiDility vith �buttir.g and (e) the statio ahall not provide for the outdoor operation of luDrication e pmer,t, hydrau7.ic lifts or service the outdoor displ of cnercha��ise. Pit9 or products Detween The display ot' petroleum merchandise within r p rIDps' °r the temporary d t spl ay of pe�itt�. (�) feet of the station building is (D) The property shall ot Se used as a place of storage or depository of wrecked� a� doned or 3unked motor vehicles or for the sale or display ro sale of used motor vehicles. ��� �nY required Duffer constructed as to oDstruct hea on the station property from be property. (8) Exterior storage of materials. D Additional Restrictions. screeniag area xill be so ight beams of m�tcr vehicles �in8 onto adjacent residential F�r uses other than principal uses, requireme ts s�tDacks, Duilding, parking� landsraping� screenin l�ast comparable to similar uses in other districts, tc additional provisions as provided by the City. 2. 0: ES E2CI,pDED as to lot size� etc. , shal 1 be at but alsc subject . � �• AnY use allowed or excluded in an Uses y other distr et unless Excluded • aprcifically allowed under Uses Permitted of this district a i� N-1 Districts. excluded B. Oses xhich may be dangerous or otherWise detrimental to rsons re: iding or xorking in the vicinity thereof, or to the ger.eral. w fare an� maY lmpair the use, er�joyment, or value o2' any property. 'lOS.M1.4 7 MEMC T0: Jock Robertson, Community Development Director Nasi� Qureshi, City Manager MEMC FROM: Jim Robinson, Planning Coordinator �'' . �,, r, MEMC DATE: April 17, 19 �i SUBJ�CT: LAWCON/LCMR GRANT We a^e currently in the process of preparing materials for the preliminary appl ication of FY 1987 LAWCON/LCMR grant monies. To maximize our proposal we are applying for funds to acquire and relocate all 7 remaining properties in the rlood plain area of RivervieW Heights. The �urchase of the 7 parcels and associated relocation expenses is e stimated to c�st approximately $369,234. On F�bruary 3, 19�i, the City Council approved spending $24, 400 of the 198b CDBG monies in addition to $37,164 of the 1985 CDBG money (a total of $61,564) to a:quire the Donald Findell property. The 1985 and 19 � CDBG monies could be �sed as a portion of the necessary 50� LAWCON/LCMR match required of the City. The ;otal 50� match equals $164,617. Utilizing the $61,564 CDBG monies, the City would still be obligated to fund up to $123�053 of the remaining local matc �. In t�e event that We are not funded by LAWCON/LCMR, we xill proceed sometime in S:pte�ber to purchase the Findell property With the 1965-b986 CDBG monies as p •eviously planned. The ieadline for the preliminary application is May 5, 198b• A signature f rom tr,e ;ity N.anager is needed to conplete Lhe preliminary grant application. Upor, approval of the preliminary application,in late summer, we will be obtainir.� appraisal and relocation cost determinations. Therefore these afor:mentioned f igures are subject to adjustment and change. Upon completion of this phase, We will have purchased all of the properties in the �cquisition area. Developnent of the park With a boat launch and picnic grou �ds will be pursued throu�h future grants follouing completion of all acqu.sitions. Plea;e advise as to your desires in regard to this proposal. Atta;hed is a m2p which shows the tuo properties already acquired and the seve� presently under consideration and a list of acquisition costs f or the prop� rties. JLR/: �g 3�5/ 'u/31 7A o� „o o� „o 00 0 0 0 0 0 0„o „ o0 0 0 o a o o„o [� V 11 M 11 �? f 11 N O� � N �(p� O� i� � (V 11 ? � �.� . ii � O� N N � �p � �� M � t� �p M u N M . 11 {[1 11 O� V 11 � O O � � I[l # 11 O� 11 4 Il1 O� �p O� 11 �p M� 11 N 11 M N N N A M A 11 N W t 'O t C t 7 : F i T : aa . .a . U C F 9 t C 1 A � S 7 U C .�7 . Z O C U C Z ' a : .� _ \ ` 2 : 'O � Q1 � L I +i . 7 : Q � . U a . w >,:, .-� . n a � 0 ,-r - > 6� L a c N .-1 Vl +-1 � d . m v- ,-� ' fa] > .-1 . � �tl • � � [a7 �--1 O OC �y S : .-1 �0 �a-� O a� F O � O o O o O o E 7 a.� O O O j O O O O C � O O O O O O Ql � 1!1 O ' O O O O � L ��[1 lf1 lll u'1 u"+ L a o, N N N N N K 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 � rn � tn ui �n M N I I P N N .p a M 111 � �p O �O f�'1 � � N lll N M ? [— N N N N N N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ui ui ti �tip �ri c� e.i a .- � N N � N O N N N � 4 � � N�9 N N N K �9 N v ,i c .1 Y O .i .-1 N VJ O1 ,-1 .-1 L > ys L L C� �0 C .i N 00 > +i .-1 7 ^� O L � ~ [a. [a. 5 S 67 S a> 'O 9 C .9-1 a.� U C L �-1 rl Q� O L C y W C C Gl N � � y L� c° o° vyi s a° e v�i � N l► ti � � � M N N 1 1 1 1 1 ��� N- O+ O� Il� N N � 1� O ^ lV N � N �O aa . 01 OJ W W o � CJ Ol ,� a� a� .� .� J ..7 . � � +� +� O O O O O O Z CQ I i .� .� ..7 ...1 .] �] .-7 �7 m c � a a a a a c H Y N N a a a a e s U '� Y Y Y Y Y Y Y .% O .-�i , i O O O O O O O O m � i .-� �-/ .1 .a �1 .� �-.1 �i m m CO m f7] iA W 61 � � m � �n �o ti � rn � � , i .� .r .1 .i .r .a .� a� � � a� d � � L L L L L L L 4 a.� a`�. c`�. w n. o`�. a n`�. J _� J�.. � � �� � . l � ,. .'_ , y1yf\ , ` y 1 . ( i�i � � .1) i1 • /• O 1. �� �. ,`` `- ,�; , �F���\ i �, a� ; ` `��, . _ .. ,. .� '� � �/'. •` ,\ � �.� �f � � P �c 'd +' �. � '. �`_ _ � X _ .) .� ., �- ... . P�re�l.. � �.: ,\� \ � � P�rCN e . , ... l �re�1 6 � � .1�rcN.� '� i � \ - � " � � � o. � , , ,, ,,c � � . .•� � .� \ \ �` /' � `, / •. � KEY �' P�evlously Acquirsd -Rsmove P�esent Proposed Acquisttion � o 'J / � Y J 0 � m � Z � � � � i . � ,. � ' ,. 1 • --° �., .r �.. � �i „�j pi ir �K� . �%./ • �_ iw� r�� ;•. . '�.. . '. . r,' � : o, .� A 1 %�.. ,. P„� , .•. o,P -�� ��.� . Cs'% ' ► �- , : (�� ' ' , , , �' � • � s� ...���, • � \� -' ' + � , / � � � \ ` `~' , � \� � � � \ :'�• � \ (�) • 1 ( � �„�- �. - . — . , ;� ;- � ����- � - v-- �-* y�f� , ,. � � � �y�.s� '� � �� O „ �• � \\ `. �; •v�) p � _ ` • s� �. � �J , i y- �.•. .;_ .,. ., , . .- •� :,:.� f• r`�' y� �r . ��► 1 '. �_ _ � _ . i � s s � � 33 .� _ � ` 3 ....., _� �,� � m t j , ._ ., ��, � 6 � \ ., �� � � ,� ,� ,�, � \ ^- � ; � �'•. \ � �, � . ` , ��� � 1•' . c: �, �% 4`'� Cti iQ `� � ' � �``' _'? � �,\�� ���-:� KE Y �' `� � �;:� `�� . � !� Prevtously Acqutred-qemovs � � � � � 7c -� 0 Y J � � m � z � � . ... � ., .r �. . � �, .i� o... ► %) >, ' < .,. . �,,, ,. ,.. _ � . � �;�r'a� �� 1 ;�. .- .� �. o.� �Q' t+ l�` � �_ ' �')i - "' ' "'� � �+ E..�: �^•, �. _� � �� - . .� Prssent Propossd Acquisltton T ��!' .''� `� `"'' (_, ; �'1_ � � /` . City Park Propsrty •,!�"`'s �. C'+. �,, �,E'�� N` �' �"� €�'. sy � r- �" �(";� � _• � , � � � � ` �, C\;`M�� `\ �. �; � �� � � �,�-.., .� � �"' F� (- �:, � ""L .;. .n, 4' - s ^ + �v RESOLUTION N0. - 1986 A RESOLIITION REQUESTING THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TO PR09IDE FIINDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF TIiE UNIVESITY AYENUE WEST SERVICE DRIVE FROM 81ST AVENUE TO 83RD AVENUE. WiEREAS, due to the inereasing number of accidents oceurring at the iitersection of 83rd Avenue N.E. and University Avenue, the Minnesota D�partment of Transportation is planning to eliminate the crossing n�rthbound University Avenue traffic to the west on 83rd Avenue; and W[EREAS, the elimination of this crossover will limit the access to the c�mmercial and industrial property on the west side of University Avenue b� tween 81 st Avenue and 83rd Avenue; and WIEREAS, Resolution No. 15-1985 requested the Minnesota Department of T�ansportation use Hazardous Elimination Funds for the construction of U �iversity West Service Drive from 81 st to 83rd and these are no longer a� ailable. WIEREAS, the University Avenue West Service Drive will have to be c�mpleted to provide reasonable access to these commerci al and industrial a: eas. N� �W, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLYED by the City Council of the City of Fridley, A„oka County, Minnesota as follows: Tiat the City of Fridley is hereby requesting the Minnesota Department of T�ansportation to provide funds to pay for the eonstruction of the U;.iversity Avenue West Service Drive from 81st Avenue to 83rd Avenue. P�SSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY Ol , 19 86 . WILLIAM J. NEE - MAYOR A:TEST: SI IRLEY A. HAAPALA - CITY CLERK 3, 6/1/3 � RES. ,�` ,�:� �" ci 1,���`_ �+�'+°� ����� J�b L V�i �J�hA E^�n �A�3 M F11nds f `�� '��C��v��J�•.sA ^n3��i `� f�',1�,�:.���a*M?� �� +a�J7�.� O�nst. ., ,` 9; � � � `vA����� �� ���� .,��� �J�� � i� �3 � �c � '"' � i`',% `� J�9� ; � � � � J 7 � �� a 'D �?� �.. �`" J '� � �` � E' � ( v �V ` � �� D �-! .j ° ��'� ' �. .\ �i � '� � i' '1 ��1 v `> > a • ".��� � , �''� y J'-,'►. ,>> ,Jva` c ,3 � ^,.r. 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Z7_ /_7_ __� D f00 T � �1 •��I •0 r 'i• r !�������� hNk �ee0 /1�IIt AOM M i. �.7. ►�i.a�• 11w� fYlYf� I/O/0��0 AO�� 11�ilrse/ Tr�et• Citr SwnNry Uw�l� ti�«a•a N.r. WnMwro 5���� Mq Anote Cwmf N�� MaM• N�we•nn0 C��rCA Npf�M01 � CUnIC• MY�{CIPO� oY�ldl/l�/ i�rt• ►O�1 ' Of f IC• Se�eo� A�li: ,^�A00) �►q�rl� RNON SC��Od A'�y•�1 � � • �� �.� ....._:� (........ '"'....�._�..._J� L�J �� ,��� i • M��� � n� / J � '"� .....- >,. .... � � \J / i / / \ � ! , �. �#...T+ '+ � �- -.—.^' �: -7. �"�J �� � � � p ... J �! Q ♦ `oCR[� • ►��. � �� � �� ..... � �� ! ...... - n G l� ♦ B ^.� ^� �� rL.�.� r• r� O(1 �� O ♦ �► G� r N • � � �'� J' �► (i J �` .� � y � � � t= � ('� ir [ 7 ,� � 1�v�y' �,�•�; ~ P w � C ✓ C� � n G'` �• ��`�. � � / ��• • ��ri•1'� ��'/ � O t� C �1 O � �i y` n '' � J �r • � .� • p ° • . G � �� 'J �� � � � �/' i►�.. «� � • . c' e� G � C � ^ � a ^ . c '�. � • _'v1 '� n _ i—%.��'� I�." �1� ♦ � '• ,��•-�'#`��..–�. � RESOLUTION N0. - 1986 RESOLIITION ORDERING CROSSWALK AND STOP BAR STRIPING OF SIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS AI.ONG T.H. 47 AND T. H. 65 IN FRIDLEY WIEREAS, it has been determined that striping crosswalks and stop bars at a.l signalized intersection along trunk highways �7 and 65 would be in the i iterest of the safety and general welfare of motorists, pedestrians, and b.cyclists travelling in the Gity of Fridley; and W lER'EAS, the City of Fridley, Minnesota Department of Transportation and A�oka County have discussed application of crosswalks and related striping a, the above refere'nced intersections and have concurred with the f �asibility of said project. N�W, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that: 1. The City Council of the City of Fridley hereby req uests Minnesota Department of Transportation to stripe crosswalks and stop bars on trunk lines at T.H. 47 and T.H. 65 at the sole expense of the State; and 2. The County is requested to reimburse the City for the costs of striping County roads intersecting T.H.�s 47 and 65; and 3. The Public Works Director is hereby authorized to develop plans and specifications to provide uniform stripings at the above-referenced intersections and to advertise for bids f or °installation. P/SSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COIINCZL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS D� Y OF , 1986. WILLIAM J. NEE - MAYOR A7 TEST : S� IRLEY A. HAAPALA - CITY CLERK 3/ 5/1/� �J -�-� --T-� R- .�• - ' �r ... � tr = - :- : : ;E!.?� - � or ��-r, -� -- � : =�w.4_- .. � _ r. .. r� -- �'}� ' �_ ^� °�S _�'�' am��r, -'��+'1 R:; 'i-: :� �E_ 3�= Y \ - ! � � -'�'� � __ �' a_ i� ' .. _ _�,.�.-- � ..-� . • - j_- i � 1 - r � �wa '. - _ I � -�r li3 � - _ �,=.�,-.. i . � � -# 7 ._: _--_ - ' i- ; �' <��/ J:-- -; �: -== . _ — �� ' : _`.. �..�-� ; i l' '` : ' _ � ; _..._ �( v/r-_. �% �,-- • - 1_ . ',�f _': - `' - i: �_- �- �, _ -� � - - :.�_ �,;���_.; _ �-� 14 �. �„� -. - -� _ �_� - -__��.� ; � " �� ' _ i • --, ,- � ;�.. ,M , �� . .. _ � � :.. % - - � i � - -•__- �.-�-----r /�. � _} _=`•� ; __ _ _ _ + � ! -, � ��' _..-�., _ ���`-.• � � p °;!.% �-♦c-_ � _; , i,�\ i � _ , _-' `, � .�c' 1�i: -� � , ,,=- =- � -�;-_� 13 � ; � ,.:�5-t - w'�' e ' T _ t i �) . - - -- - ' - - ��{- _ h . 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R •''� �' ':�...s�'i.-��{ - • __ - =:T' • c o: �r. _ _' • -- a�:.' � � = c -;�;,� � �'�..:,..: �_. c�-...�.:_ i� f_= i-: e�� c � � , I - ' . c= _ c c _ - � ;"- ' - _ - c. • �.. ° ezs e I :'1;��' � _�!,. _ '= c = r �'i -_ � - c �?'. -v ��"E - ��. ` - __ s_r ' rn _ _- - t-� --- e �-= ' � ' � .r--' s: s:: �s c -'!, a' � �..��.+� -•�^x L - STREET MAP-C1T7 OF r=� =-� ., _-Jf =� FRIDLEY � = �� _ '�`�'=' �- = - � _.... _-� - - =. _ �_ "_ � 9A IIl�rSP_CtlOri Striping Project No. #165 LOCATION NQ1F' ■/ 10 �, FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- CLAIMS April 21, 1986 Ciaims 7490 - 7740 J���N'S ,� :�- �.�. �X p;�-_: � �0 � �� A John's Auto Parts 1 pSpG (�NTRAL AVE. N.E. • MINNEAPOLJS, MN 55434 �yy 786.��p • USED 7841711 MN WATS 1-800-862-4543 0 rlpr:l 7, i986 �i� �r Fridley �i�� c Ce:iter �,�i � L'nivcrsit,y Av�. N.I:. : ri iley, hfinnesota �5 ;32 Dea � r� . Iviersma: 0:� �i.ril �l, 19�6 the Fridley City Council t+ill be reviek�iny tlie lice�ise for Bar � in luto Parts, Inc. , Leasor of property o�+�ned b}� il,�rold V. Iialu,�tzol:. '1'i�e iO11OS�lr'i� ste�s will be taken by us to mcet your licensin:� requirer,�ents: ;. Duriny tt�e surruner of 1986, tize building �:ill bc rep�inted. _. 'lpplication for an a�proved draina�e plan £rom t!ie Rice Crcek lJaters�l�_� Jis*rict has been made and will be hearu �t the April 23rd meetin� (Sce �ttactled application. ,. il�e const:ruction of a baffled weir sh�ll be comt�letec? in Ap:il �°Q�. l�e uncerstand t11at there is to be no street stor�.,c of vehicles. �,. '.<<, .::�ucrsta;:d tilut tllere is to be no stor��e of vciii�ies in customer park- i� , 1ot. , <j � � , �,. ;�.aint�iiiance of feitci►lg �:: east y.ale ti:ill be c�;n;�iuLCU �1��ri� i�c,v• 7. Co►ltaminated soils �tiill be removed by April 9, 198� (ke3ther permittin�). �. �, ��e understand that no cars shall be piled higher than fence. The parkil�� iot ��ill be maintained in P1ay, as it is ucuivall� . ti�ili k� present a� the April Zlst City Council Meetin�. Thank you. zcerely, �«-.t��l�-t��;�w�.-1�--i , . �..�i� � �S�G I rold `r . Haluptzok ��} oti�r�y O'�cner Leasor �4 �.' , 11 i 1 1 A Harc � 26 � 19 86 Barg ,in Auto Parts Inc. Gera d Smith 7300 Central Avenue N.E. Frid ey� NW 55432 RE: License Reneual for Bargain Auto Parts Inc. Dear Mr. Smith: On A�ril 21, 1986 the Fridley City Council will be revierring the licer.se for your business. Based on inspections of 7300 Central Avenue N.E. you shou�� expe t the folloving to be minimal requirements for licensure: � � 1. r--��, 2. `—v taintain building exterior. �btain an approved drainage plan froa the Rice Creek Watershed District. 3. :onstruct a baffled Weir. � 11, lo street storage of vehicles. � 5. lo storage of vehicles in customer parking lot. � 6. laintain fencing on east gate. 7. �eaove any conta.minated soils. 8, lo cars piled higher than fence. � 9, iepair parking lot surface. plea �e have a representative at the April 21, 1986 City Council mee�=:•c• Your cooperation in meeting these requirements will be appreciated. Sinc �rely, Rich �rd Y. Wiersma Code Enforcement Rri W / in cc: Haro�d Hal uptzok C-t� •t0o 0 ,NNS PA��� 7, 1986 John's Auto Parts 10506 CENTRAL AVE. N.E. • MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55434 NEW 786-6630 • USEO 784-1711 MN WATS 1-800-86Q-454,3 � City of Fridley Civic Center 6�131 0niversity Ave. I�.E. F=ri��. ey, ��liiinesota S��i32 ��,;r ��:r. 1�:i�rsli�a: (-;: �`,.= -i: �_, :98G tlic Fridlc}� Cit,y Coufl�il ti.ill bc rcvic�.i;;� t;ic licc�i:sc� :o�� ' :1':t.o I'arts loc�ted �t 1 }p _ �,, `� :;:� :� ?` �'z Ave. N. i�;. , Le�:;�r of �ro• ert i(�rc�' i�.� fj�;�t,"LOi�. �;� iOi101:l7l. SLG' o iv �� � Y' U1::1�C: .;_�. I'CCL11 'L'ITI�'1]tS' -� �`� 111 �(2 t��}{Cil LO fiiCC'L t}:C I1CC'[1='1 �. -• �. �' i�nce alang the east borc;er �L�111 bc repaired 'u�� �;�r�l ��, 198u. J ;��� understanci ti�at tt�er� is tu b� no street p�r}cing of vchicics. �':c ui.��rst�nd that t}lerc is to L�e no storage of vehicles on the lot e�5t o: San;'s Auto P;�rts, 73�0 arzd 7350 Central Avenue N. E. �• �•�c unuerstaiid that there is to l.�e no stora�e of ve}iicles in tho cu�t��r����c .lt:.nlll�� IOt• '• �•:^ t4:icerstand that Y.here are to be no c�rs pi led hig?�er th�n fenc•e. v• :lu ;iication for an �p�ro�•ed drain��;,•e �lan from t.�e Rice Crcel: h'atershed :%i .;.c-ic� ;�a:s Lw�c�n m��c3c �nd t,ill 1x� li��ard ,,t: Ll�c llpril "?3rd m��et,in; ., . ;: �:i ;_ipl�lic,�Li�»>). � �S�'�' . .. . :. .. ... I�" .!..� .__ .:�...._:.�U�.,.,i'.� U1' ���)I�.. iir t��ij!). • �',�: ,•.•.•��.-� '.1 �il': I:J U1SR7,�11i:llll:j� L-C'SfUi-i:t:l.O;i UI' �U?iC� .,. , lflJ l: LU L:1i:C �;��a.. �.�:. •...,_ ,.,-t�l�)ti �.;ti� OL �I1C fC?RCCG aYC?,3. ' � „_ .:-11 y-�. t%YLJE.';lt �lt i.ji� i�:T'1.1 Cl��t �1t;V COUIIi'li �'�C'�tlt?y. �11�1:1�: VUU. �lllC� Ci' _\', � ,� /,���-c: _ ('`�%c_c'.� -f;,_,��_--- 'J fi.:r�i:: �. !i�� ;.�t�o�: S�u�' Giuci -„_ ,�. ' _ :;,� F Jt:r�'� � C;,;_^.- .; - I.?3SOY ��t_��- _ �— -- --- - _ 11B r Marct 26, 1986 �tar.: e�� Giddings 1240 - 73 1/2 Avenue N.E. Frid] ey, t�II1 55432 RE: License Renewal for Sa�►'s Auto Dear Mr. Giddings: On Aj ril 21 � 1986 the Fridley City Council Will be revier+ing the license for your business. Based on inspections of 1240 - 73 1/2 Avenue N.E. you should expect the folloWing to be c�inimal requirements for licensure: r--.1� �. : epair fence along east border. '--�/ I� 2. 1 o street parking of vehieles. I3. ;o storage of vehicles on lot east of San's Auto, ?340 and 7350 Central '� � , venue N. E. I jr--��> 4. :o storage of cars in the customer parking lot. r�y 5. 'o cars pitea nigner Lnan iCUCG. � 6. ��btain an approved drainage plan froa the Rice Creek Watershed District. 7. :onstruct a baffled weir. � g, io dismantling, restoration or building to take place on portion east of he fenced area. Plea ,e have a representative at the April 21. 1986 City Council meeting. Your cooperatioa in meeting these requirements xill be appreciated. Sinc rely, Rich �rd W. iiiersma Code Enforcement R�%I / Im cc: Harold Haluptzok C- � • 107 11C � �,� fOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL ■J April 21, 1986 _ Type �f License: � Approved By: 11D -- IiCENSES Fees: AUCTI)NEER Ander�en Auctioneering M.F. Andersen James P. Hill $20.00 7880 2anchers Rd. Public Safety Director Fridl�y, Mn. 55432 BILLI�RDS Georc� is in Fridley Advance Carter " 3720 _. River Rd. Fridl�y, Mn. 55421 Ronni�'s Pub J.Hennessey " 240 hississippi St.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 B04JLI VG ALLEY n m Maple Lanes Bowling Center Wm. Gottwaldt Richard Larsen 6310 lighway ='65 N.E. Fire Inspector Fridley, Mn. 55432 CIGAFETTE Arnol �' s R. P�1oberg James P. H i l l 5895 Jniversity Ave.N.E. Public Safety Director Fridley, Mn. 55432 Barr� alower Div. ARA Food Serv. " 99 - 77th !•;a; N.E. Fr�idl ey, Mn. 55432 CartEr-Day A & J Enterprizes " 500 - 73rd Ave.N.E. Frid'ey, Mn. 55432 Chaniiclear Pizza R.A.Kempe " 6304 Hwy.65 N.E. Frid'ey, Mn. 55432 Ft�C ( orp. Canteen Co. " 4800 P4arshall St.N.E. Frid'ey, Mn. 55432 Frid�ey Country Boy Country House, Inc. " 1301 Mississippi St.fJ.E. Frid'ey, Mn. 55432 Frid�ey Food Mkt. Andy Yantos " 8154 E. River Rd. Frid�ey, Mn. 55432 Frid�ey Standard Lloyd Ring " 7680 Hwy.65 N.E. Frir1 .��L, Mn �+�ia�� - m m m Q m � � $130.0( �40.00 5360.0( �12.00 S12.00 $12.00 S12.00 $84.00 �12.00 $12.00 :�12.00 ��� FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL April 21, 1987 CIGAI ETTE CONT. Holicay Plus Canteen Co.of Mn. James P. Hill 250 • 57th Ave.N.E. Frid ey, Mn. 55432 Ku rt P•1fg . ARA Serv i ce " 5280 Main St.N.E. Frid�ey, Mn. 55432 Land 0 Lakes A& J Enterprizes " I- E94 At Main St.N.E. Frid'ey, Mn. 55432 Mach� n�ing Inc. Miernik Vending " 7773 Ranchers Rd. Fricl' ey, Mn. 55432 MaplE Lanes Bowling Center Automatic Sales " 6310 Hwy. �65 N.E. Frid�ey, Mn. 55432 P�oon Plaza Restaurant JAJ Enterprises,Inc. " 6215 University Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Nortftown Standard Lloyd Ring " 7609 University Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 PDQ James Shelton " 620 t5borre Rd. N.E. Fridl ey, P1n. 55432 Ronni�'s Pub James Hennessey " 240 h ississippi St.Pd.E. Fridl�y, Mn. 55432 Simer Pump Fiver Star Vending " 5960 �lain St.N.E. Fridl�y, Mn. 55432 Skywc�d Inn Skywood Mall A MN.Part. " 5201 �entral Ave.N.E. Fridl �y, P1n. 55421 Snyde�'s Drug Store=l8 Snyder's Drug Store Inc. " 6582 Jniversity Ave.N.E. Fridl�y, Mn. 55432 Superamerica SuperAmerica Sta.Inc. " 7451 =. River Rd. Fridl�y, Mn. 55432 11E -- LICENSES _ _ Page 2 m � a m � n � m �12.00 �,24.00 $12.00 $12.00 " $24.00 �12.00 $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 " �24.00 n �v12.0� " 512.00 �� FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL ■', � May 21, 1986 C I GAf ETTE CONT . Supe►America SuperAmerica Inc. James P. Hill 7299 Hwy. 65 N.E. Public Safety Director Frid'ey, Mn. 55432 TargEt Stores Agnes Hinz " 755 - 53rd Ave.N.E. Frid'ey, Mn. 55432 Unior 76 Self Serve Union Oil Co.of Calif. " 5695 Hackman Ave.N.E. Frid�ey, Mn. 55432 WickES Furniture A& J Enterprizes " 5353 E. River Rd. Fridley, Mn. 55432 ENTEFTAINMENT Raff�el's Super Club Inc. Ralph Virgillo " 8298 University Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 ShorEwood Inn bJm. Nicklow " 6161 Hwy. 65 N.E. Frid'ey, Mn. 55432 FOOD ESTABLISHt�IENT Arno'�d's Roger Moberg 5895 University Ave.N.E. Frid� ey, P1n. 55432 Central Embers Central Embers Inc. 5400 Central Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Chanticlear Pizza R.A. Kempe 6304 iwy. 65 N.E. Fridley, Mn.55432 Delt� Viet. Restaurant Tran Hat 7928-C University Ave.N.E. Fridley, MN. 55432 Fridley Country Boy Country House, Inc. 1301 hississippi St.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Fridley Food Mkt. Andy Yantos 3154 E. River Rd. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Fridley Standard Lloyd R. Ring 7680 Hwy.65 N.E. Frid� ey, P4n_ _ 55432 -- LICENSES1 1 � _ Paqe 3 � m v m m �12.00 �a12.00 �12.00 �a12.00 �85.00 �85.00 �45.00 �45.00 �45.00 �45.00 $45.00 $45.00 545.00' ��l FOR CONCURRENCE BY TNE CITY COUNCIL -- LICENSES FOOD ESTABLISH��IENT CONT. Lynw�od Health Care Center 5700 E. River Rd. Frid ey, Mn. 55432 McDo �ald's 5831 University AVe.N.E. Frid ey, Mn. 55432 Mapl�� Lanes Bowling Center 6310 Hwy. �65 N.E. Frid ey, Mn. 55432 Medt onic's Inc. 6970 Central Ave. N.E. Frid ey, Mn. 55432 Metz Baking Co. Thrift Store 218 i lississippi St.N.E. Frid ey, D1n. 55432 Moon Plaza Restaurant 6215 University Ave.N.E. Frid ey, Mn. 55432 Nort town Standard 7609 University AVe.N.E. Frid ey, Mn. 55432 Papp;'s Food Co. Inc. 7879 Beech St.N.E. Fr-id ey, Mn. 55433 Park�iew Elem. School 6085 - 7th St.N.E. Frid ey , Mn. 55432 PDQ 620 isborne Rd. N.E. Frid ey, Mn. 55432 The lerlman-Rocque Co. 51 - 52nd �4au N. E. Frid ey,Mn. 55432 Pizz� Flame 317 lsborne Rd. N.E. Frid ey, Mn.55432 Raff�el's Supper Club Inc. 8293 University Ave. N.E. Frid ey, Mn. 55432 Ronn e's Pub 240 �ississippi St.N.E. Frid ey, Ptn. 55432 B.Enterprises-Mn. McDonald's Corp. Fridley Rec.& Serv. Co. Canteen Co. of Mn.Inc. Metz Baking Co. JAJ Enterprises, Inc. Lloyd Ring Keith Warner Vol.of AmnSernior Nut. Program James D. Shelton Same A.R. Gill, Pres. Ralph Virgillo James Hennessey aQe 4 545.00 $45.00 �45.00 $45.00 $45.00 S45.00 545.00 �a45.00 $45.00 $45.00 �45.00 $45.00 545.00 S45.00 �, FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL ■� April 21, 1986 FOOD ESTABLISHMENT CONT. Ron'� Ice Co. R.L. Holum 7953 Main St.N.E. Frid'ey, Mn. 55432 ShorE wood Inn tdm. Nicklow 6161 Hwy. 65 N.E. Frid'ey, Mn. 55432 SnydEr's Durg Storeyl8 Same 6582 University Ave.P�.E. Frid�ey, Mn. 55432 SupeiAmerica SuperAmerica Sta.Inc. 7451 E. River Rd. Frid ey, P�1n. 55432 Supe� America " " 7299 Hwy. 65 N.E. Frid ey, Mn. 55432 Targ�t Stores Agnes Hinz 755 • 53rd Ave.N.E. Frid ey, Mn. 55432 Toti�o's Foods The Pillsbury Co. 7350 Commerce Lane NE. Frid ey, Mn. 55432 Unio� 76 Self Serve R.P. Gillis 5695 Hackman Ave.N.E. Frid ey, Mn. 55432 Unit� Medical Center Same 550 �isborne Rd. N.E. Frid ey, Mn. 55432 FOOD VEHICLE Ron' Ice House R.L. Holum 7953 Main St.N.E. Frid ey, Mn. 55432 TEMP IRARY FOOD PERP4IT Frid ey J.C. Inv.Softball Tourn. Fridley J.C.'s 6493 Riverveiw Terrace N.E. Frid ey,,Mn. 55432 MOTE . 11 -- LICENSES __ Page 5 545.00 �45.00 545.00 $45.00 �45.00 $45.00 �45.00 �45.00 �,45.00 $70.00 asking Fees to be waived Skyw�od Inn Skywood Mall, A Mn.Partnership 5201 Central Ave.N.E. Richard Larson Frid ey, Mn. 55421 Fire Inspector 5625.00 �� � 1 1 I �� FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- LICENSES Qpril 21. 1986 MOTEL CONT. Sunl i ner P1ote1 6881 -Iwy. 65 N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 LIVE�TOCK Georc e O1 son 612 Lafayette St.N.E. Frid,ey, Mn. 55432 JUNKIARDS Barg�in Auto Parts 7300 Central Ave.N.E. Frid� ey, D1n. 55432 Salv� ge Center 737 f . River Rd. Frid�ey, Mn. 55421 Sam'� Auto Parts 1240 - 73'z Ave.N.E. Frid ey, Mn. 55432 OFF ' ALE BEER Frid ey Country Boy 1301 Mississippi St.N.E. Frid ey, Mn. 55432 Frid ey Food Mkt. 8154 E. River Rd. Frid ey, Mn.55432 PDQ '281 620 �sborne Rd. N.E. Frid ey, P1n. 55432 Snyd �r Drug Store.�18 6582 University AVe.N.E. Frid ey, Mn. 55432 Supe •Amer i ca 7299 Hwy. =65 N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Supe °America 7451 E. River Rd. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Unio� 76 Self Serve 5695 Hackmann Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Eugene Kreuzkemper Richard Larson Fire Inspector Same $195 510.00 Sue Fischl James P. Hill $3��. Public Safety Director James A. Dowds " " " S���. Stanley E. Giddings " " " 5350. Country House Inc. James P. Hill S60.00 Public Safety Director Andy Yantos " " " 560.00 James D. Shelton " " " 560.00 Snyder Dr��g Stores, Inc. " SuperAmerica Sta.Icn. �� �� �� Union Oi1�Co.of Calil. m m W � " $60.00 " " S60.00 " " $60.00 " $60.00 �j 11J �� FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- LICENSES April 21. 1986 P�gQ 7 � ON SELE BEER Ronnie's Pub James D. Hennessey James P. Hill �325.Ot 240 Nississippi St.PJ.E. Public Safety Director Fridl�y, Mn. 55432 TEMPC2ARY ON SALE BEER Fridl�y Tiger Hockey Don Puller James P. Hill Asking Fees Boost�r Club Public Safety to be waived 6852 • 7th St.N.E. Director Fridl�y, Mn. 55432 Fridl �y J.C.'s Brad Dunham " 5701 :entral Ave. �J.E. Fridl �y, Mn. 55432 ON SA E LIQUOR & SUNDAY LIQUOR ,� ,� „ Tam's Rice Bowl Oliver Tam James P. Hill $3,500.00 1160 lireside Dr. N.E. (Sunday) �200.0( Fridl� y, �1n. 55432 Fridl�y Recreation & Serv.Co.dba IJm.Gottwaldt " Plaple Lanes Sowl.Center 6310 f wy. �65 N.E. FridlEy, Mn. 55432 GeorgE's Restaurant Geo. Nicklow " 3720 E. Ri ver Rd . FridlEy, Mn. 55432 Grounc Round The Ground Rd.Inc. " 5277 Central Ave.N.E. FridlEy, Mn. 55432 Pulaski's Or's Inc. " 6259 h vy. r65 N.E. Fridlei, Mn. 55432 Raffaele's Supper Club Ralph Virgillo " 8298 U�iversity Ave.N.E. Fridler, Mn. 55432 Sandee s Restaurant Braam Investments " 6490 C�ntral Ave.N.E. Fridle. �, Mn. 55432 Shorew�od Inn Wm.Nicklow " 6161 H� ry. �=65 N.E. Fridle, �, Mn. 55432 Stuart Anderson Cattle Co.Rest. Saga Enterprises Inc. 5696 U�iversity Ave.N.E. Fridle;, Mn. 55432 m m � m � m " �3,000.00 (Sunday) �200.0 " " 54,500.00 (Sunday) $2Q0. $8,000.00 (Sunday) 5200. 54,000.00 (Sunday) $200.0( 54,000.00 (Sunday) �a200.00 $3,000.00 (Sunday) $200.00 $4,000.00 (Sunday) S200.0 58,000.00 (Sunday) 5200. /`j � 1 1 K �� FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- LICENSES April 21, 1986 Page 8 ON SjLE LIQUOR & SUNDAY LIQUOR CONT. T.R. MCCoy's T.R.McCoy's Inc. James P. Hill 7850 University Ave.N.E. Public Safety Frid�ey, Mn. 55432 Director PRIVE TE GAS PUMP Gust�vson Grinding Inc. Floyd Gustavson Richard Larson 7410 Central Ave.N.E. F�ire Inspector Fridley, Mn. 55432 D.W. -larstad D.W. Harstad Inc. " " 7101 iwy. �65 N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 REFUS: HAULER Metro Refuse, Inc. Wm. Butler 8168 J. 125th St. Savag �, Mn. 55378 RETAI. GASOLINE Fridl�y Country Boy Country House Inc. Richard Larson 1301 lississippi St.N.E. Fire Inspector Fridl�y, Mn. 55432 Fridl�y Standard Lloyd Ring Richard Larson 7680 Iwy. =65 N.E. Fire Inspector Fridl�y, Mn. 55432 North own Standard Lloyd Ring " " 7609 Iniversity Ave.N.E. Fridl�y, Mn. 55432 Super�merica SuperAmerica Sta.Inc. " " 7451 f . River Rd. FridlE y, h1n. 55432 SuperE meri ca " " " �� 7299 F wy. �65 PJ. E. Fridlfy, Mn. 55432 Union 76 Self Serve Union Oil Co.of Calif. " 5695 fackman Ave. N.E. Frid1E y, Mn. 55432 SOLICI �OR m 54,000.00 (Sunday) S200.0( �30.00 $30.00 �60.00 $60.00 $60.00 " �60.00 " �60.00 �,60.00 " �" �,60.00 Fridler-Heights Knights of Col. Jim Ardito James P. Hill 2002 Wilnut Ave. N.W. Public Safety Fridle+, Mn. 55432 Director �..___--._._,_ - -- - --_._.._._._._ Asking Fees to be Waived �% ■1 -- 11L FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- LICENSES TAXIC{ 6 Fridlfy Cab Service Frank Gabrelcek 5740 tniversity Ave.N.E. FridlEy, Mn. 55432 TREE f EMOVAL Re1iatel Tree Service Peter Vagovich 6600 E roo kv i ew� Dr . FridlEy, Mn. 55432 USEO h�TOR VEHICLES Frank'� Used Cars Frank Gabrelcik 5740 Uiiversity Ave.N.E. Fridler, Mn. 55432 James P. Hill 550.00 Public Safety Director Ralph Volkman � Northt�wn Nissan Roland D. Benjamin " 7310 Ui�iversity Ave.N.E. Fridle �, P1n. 55432 Rensfe dt's Automotive Inc. Ronald Rensfeldt 7363 N E. Baker St. Fridle�, Mn. 55432 Salvag� Center James A.Qowds 51 - 3 th Ave.N.E. Fridle, �, Mn. 55432 TEFIPOR, RY FOOD PERMIT Tiger fockey Booster Club Betty Schweppe Softba 1 Tournament 260 - �9th Ave.N.E. Frid1e� , P•1n. 55432 VENDINI MACHINE Advent�re �in Video Royal Crown Beverage 5211 CEntral Ave.N.E. Fridle�, Mn. 55432 Americ� n P1old " �� �� 7230 Ccmmerce Cir.Rd. Fridle�, Mn. 55432 API SuFply Co. Thomas Highley � 5110 M� in St.N.E. Fridle�, Mn. 55421 m R �� ,� �� �� �� $40.00 S150.0 " �150. " �150.0 " 5150.0( Asking Fees to be Waived �15.00 515.00 530.00 �� �► 1 1 M �� FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- LICENSES r April 21, 1986 Pa9e ?�' VENDIVG MACHINE CONT. Barry Blower Division ARA Food Service 99 - T7th Way N.E. Fridl�y, Mn. 55432 Bizal Mfg. Royal Crown Beverage 7a80 tanchers Rd. Fridl�y, Mn. 55432 Borin � P�achine " " �� 7922 fancher Rd. Fridl�y, Mn. 55432 Bourk � Bros . " �� �� 8255 . River Rd. Fridl �y, Mn. 55432 Carte -Day A & J Enterprizes 500 - 73rd Ave.N.E. Fridl�y, Mn. 55432 Cedar Brook Engineering Royal Crown Beverage 8290 fain St.N.E. Frid1E y, Mn. 55432 Columlia lce Arena Miernik Vending 7011 l niversity Ave.PJ.E FridlEy, Mn. 55432 Country Club Royal Crown Beverage 6275 1-�vy.65 N.E. FridlEy, Mn. 55432 Dr. t1��springer Sharon Srown 6227 F Hy. 65 N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 First [mpressions Same 7962 l,iiversity Ave. N.E. Fridlei, Mn. 55432 FMC Co�p. Canteen Co.of Mn. 5301 E River Rd. Fridle�, Mn. 55421 FMC Co•p. Canteen Co.of Mn. 4800 M�rshall St. N.E. Fridle.�, Mn. 55421 Fridle� Launderette Dale E. Pearson 8150 E� River Rd. Fridle, �, Mn. 55432 �120. $15.00� $15.00 S15.00 $75.00 $15.00 575.00 $15.00 S15.00 $15.00 S6o.00 51245.00 $15.00 � � 1 1 N' �� FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- LICENSES r.� Aaril 21, 1986 __ Pa e 11 VENDIIG MACHINES CONT. Fridl� �y Launderette 8150 1 . River Rd. Fridl�y,Mn. 55432 Fridl�y Launderette 8150 l . River Rd. Fridl�y, Mn. 55432 FridlE y Terrace 7400 twy. u65 N.E. FridlE y, Mn. 55432 Dale E. Pearson Royal Crown Beverage Royal Crown Beverage Gazda-Bekins P4oving & Storage Co. Canteen Co.of Mn. 7580 (�mmerce Lane Frid1E y,�1n. 55432 Holid�y Plus 250 - 57th Ave.N.E. FridlEy, Mn. 55432 Hydraulic Spec. 1131 - 72nd Ave.N.E. Fridle�, Mn.55432 Johnso� Printing � Pkg.Corp. 40-77t � Ave. N. E. Fridle�, Mn.55432 Johnso� Printing 40-77t i Ave.N.E. Fridle �, �1n. 55432 Kurt M �g. 5280 M.in St.N.E. Fridle, �, Mn.55421 Land 0 Lakes I- 69� At Main St.N.E. Fridle; , Mn. 55432 Lee Wa�� ds 5225 C�ntral Ave. N.E. Fridle�, Mn. 55421 Lynwooc Health Care Center 5700 E. River Rd. Fridle� , P1n. 55432 Machin� ng Inc. 7773 R� nchers Rd. Fridle�, Mn. 55432 Maple lanes Bowling Center 6310 Hv y. �65 N.E. Fridle�, Mn. 55432 Canteen Co.of Mn. Same Miernik Vending Royal Crown Beverage ARA Service A & J Enterprizes Royal Crown Beverage Beverly Enterprises-Mn.Inc. Miernik Vending Automatic Sales $15.00 �a15.00 $15.00 560.00 �•� �� $30.00 S45.00 515.00 $225. i..l 11 �a15. 00 $30.00 $90.00 $105. /� r FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CiTY COUNCiI ■� .� April 21, 1986 VENDIlG MACHINE CONT. Medtr�nics, Inc. Canteen Co. of �1n.Inc. 6970 :entral Ave.N.E. Fridl�y, Mn. 55432 Mpls.,,llied Alum. Royal Crown Beverage 73�1 � ommerce Lane Fridl� �y, Mn. 55432 Park i onstruction " " �� 7900 leech St.N.E. Fridl+ y, P1n. 55432 Perfection Grinding Royal Crown Beverage 7269 t ommerce C�i rcl e FridlEy, �1n. 55432 Plywocd Mn. Royal Crown Beverage 5401 E . f;iver Rd. Frid1E y, P1n. 55421 Quality Painting & P1eta1 Royal Crown Beverage 7880 r ain St.N.E. FridlEy, Mn. 55432 R A 0�1fg. Five Star Vending 200 Mi�sissippi St.N.E. Fridle�, Mn. 55432 Simer 'ump Five Star Vending 5960 Niin St.N.E. Fridler, Mn. 55432 Skywooi Inn Skywood Ma11,A Mn.Partnership 5201 C�ntral Ave.N.E. Fridle �, h1n.55421 Unity 1edical Center A& J Enterprizes 550 Os�orne Rd. N.E. Fridle.�, Mn. 55432 U.S. Siim & Fitness Same 7200 Uiiversity Ave. N.E. Fridle,', Mn. 55432 Viking Eng. & Dev. Inc. Same 7740 B�ech St.N.E. Fridle; , Mn. 55432 Wickes Furniture A& J Enterprizes 5353 E River Rd. Fridle�, Mn. 55421 Window Warehouse Rayal Crown Beverage 8040 Uiiversity Ave.N.E. Fridle�, Mn. 55432 1 1 p -- LiCENSES Page 12 $555. $15.00 � $15.00 � 515.00; $15.00i �15.00 515. 00 575.00 �•� �� �195.0� $45.00 �45.00 $105.0 515.00 � NCURRENCE BY THE C1TY COUNCiL -- LiCENSES 1� P ' FOR CO April 21, 1986 RESIDENTIAL RENTAL PROPERTY � )WNER LOCATION OF BUILOING UNITS FEE APPROVED BY lo Ella P. Finch 7450 Stinson Blvd. 1 $12.00 R. H. Larson, FPB/ 13935 F�rman St. NE Housing Insp. Forest take, MN 55025 John S. Partyka 5401 - 4th Street 4 36.00 4088 - �65th Ave. NW Andover, MN Oak ParM Investment 181 - 79th Way 8 49.00 1550 N.E. Hwy 10 Spri ng L 3ke Park, P1N 55432 12 - FOR CONCURRENCE BY TNE CiTY COUNCIL " ESTIMATES � srir�s �, �l, 19a6 �� �ene A. Hickok and Associates 54! Indian Nb�d Wa�zata, MJ 55391 For Professional Services $ 59 76 Fram February 27. 1986 to March 26. 1986 ......