08/25/1986 CONF - 5160� � CITY OF FRIDLEY CONFERENCE MEETING AllGUST 25, 1986 7:30 P,M. 1� $ERVICES FOR $ENIOR CITIZENS - tINFORMATION WILL BE PROVIDED ON MONDAY, AUGllST 2�, 1986) � G� 4, EAST RIVER ROAD IMPROVEMENTS REVIEW OF 1987 BuD��T OTHER . .�_� . �. �_ C�N � FR! DLEY �D: Dii�ECTOAATE OF PUBLIC 1NORK8 IVIEMORANDUM t�sia Quceeb�i, Cih► �S +!� � FROl��: Jdw G. Flaa. �lNhiic i�iorks Ddt�ot+oc IR tit:� ���� �►TEi1' L 8i8t �i.Ytt Ao�rd Ta�Ca/�c�k� As you reanll, the � Oauty ei.¢�►a� DePdrtaant !�a irifo�atfon a�eeting in City 8�11 ca St�ursclty� 8�b�r the Rioe t'teek Bridge conotructioa oti 6ast Rivtt itaa Propert�► t�rt�tR ,�. - - . � :•• <y� • � �� �� �—uo ec�eduled a pub].ic 11, 1986 to explain d r ith the ef f ect�cl It ie pcvpaaed t2�t ttre itive a�k �1�t vill be replaced with a bridge ckiring the su�er c! 1l87 in o�njuaction MitL tbe iiapraveaent of the (�borne and �aet River Road inter�ctioa. As a result of these tNo ao�nstructicns, �e traEf ic �rill De debc�uced f ra� RaBt �ttiver l�oad to �tb� oo�+erae I.a� to oeburne a�caa to ot�dv�dty Avenue to Mi.ssis�tp�pi badc to Ea�tt �iv�r lbad. Loaal traf f ic will bt alla+ed aco�ss and the pr�ooers�. l�s coru�tructiian is�ao■y�tebed. �e de�toucs will be e].inir�t�d. in9 As the Oeb�r�e 1aG�retctioa plaas are D�iag iiaalised, tt►e Oo�unty rill 8tt�t tro obtais f�desal ivading tor au 8-foot ride a�phalt aici�+alk tbilaa+aY) . Tf thia ia ared by tb� %c]eral aqency. tbe City �rould not a bave to participatt n a� substantial a�ounts for this type of aos�st,ructica. S�e Bset jtiver Aoard 8iloarar will b� deferred �artil it can be c�nstru�cted along tLe atir� length aE B'ist River Aaui �1ith t3�e bridge aonstruc�iaa, tDe �ty nill be ertending the �edian on F.�+st Ri'� Ao�d frao llic� Cr� May arer tUe b�tidge to Sarteaa Circle. ��is �edian von�tcuctia► xill �lia�s�sdt tfie c=arinq cE Baat itiv�r Road at Riae Glreek M�gr. � li�e vith tlsat, I Dave r�quested the OountY Pr�r� soio� albetrrtive �r�eciian p[opoaltls to i�trluc� eo�li�d psv�mex�� 9r�ea► benin9� land�Fi�g, a�d a�u�� aE tbe abo�ve ia � att�sp�t to �btain a vor�eniaus o� wl�at is dea�i red by tl�t pu411c a�ad �ai�ainb�l� by tbe OQUaty forcea It is uind�rebo�od tbst rb bcick vill . b� t�d ia the ouious a�ea of this aediaa vo�tructian. ° O�nsidering the aieaian aate�.�r it r�ould !�e a�copciate ior the City to ,: =�quest tbs �urt,y t� +e�dt�d i�t �S!►rac3 ar�taa treea�bent all the May to Mi.ssis�dp�i street aaci ba�ad t� c�arq�l.at�e tde �diaa i�aveoeat beta+e� 64th � Circl�. . � ' � of vork on the Mississippi , Cons,ideration will be given to ti� a�e�ling Street aad tlniversity �rec�ae intersedian in 1987 Bo as not to adversely impa+ct the detour ra�te. Sinoe tbe public aeeting nic�t is a schec�led eRA night, it nary be of benefit for ao�e af i3�e Oancil �e■�l�ers to attet� this public �eeting. I _ aGF/ts 0