10/06/1986 - 5082C , i I � �� �� �� �� �UNC�L I�EETING OCID�BIIt 6, 1986 , 'f. +J . , ; : I� �� FRIDLEY CI TY COUNCIL '' � OCT�BER 6. 1986 - 7:3� P.N. � __ - i 4Q 1. i :.� �?Dp!�VAi DF M I N! RES COUNCIL MEETING. SEPTEMBER Z2. 19E� � � :«�r7q � �� � . ,.a. .. . , CONS�DERATION TO PROVIDE A$ENIOR CITI2EN PR06RM1 �OORDIN�TOR POSITION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 6 B CONSIDERATION OF REAPPROVAL OF A VARIANCE. TO REDU[E TME SIDE TARD SETBACK FROM 10 FEET TO 7 . FEET. GENERA�LY LOCATED AT 42P - 67T11 AVENUE N.E.. BT MARTIN BISTRAI+. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i - i F �CONSIDERATIOti OF ITE✓5 NOT 0� AGENDa - 15 MINL'TE51 PI!q! i FARIN'� PUBL�C HEAR�NG 01� INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMEKT REVENUE BOND PROJECT (MIEB6 C0.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � OI � F3t` tC-�S: CONSIDERATION 0� SECONO RE�DING OF AN ORDINANCE ApOPTI.HG THE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEnR 1987 ....... 2 CONSIDER4TION OF SECOND READ�NG OF A� ORDINOhCE R�COO�� n NG tME FRiDLEr CiTr COD� BY REVEA��NG CNAoTER 7P3. ENTIT�ED 'SHOMN081LES" AND ESTAB:ISHItiG NF►� CMA�TER 7P.3. ENTITLED 'SNOwMOBILE REGULA710N5' .... 3- 3 A CONSiDERaT10� OF DISPOSITION OF EXCESS PROPERTY GEHER4�LT LOCATED Oh PART OF Ol.`TLOT 1. B�O:K 1. GE�A R4E ADDITION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 4 I LpN51DERAT10h OF SECOND READIMG OF AN ORO�N4NCf A�PROYING A VACATIOti. SAV IN6-E�3. TO VACATE TME FIVE FpOT (JTILITI' EASEMENT ALONG THF SCIUTHMEST PROPERTT LINE OF LOT 4, BLOCK 1. INNSBRUCK NORTH TOMNHOUSES PLAT 4, t0 A PoI�T TEN FEET YiEST OF TME SOUTHEAST PRpPERTT LINE OF THE SAME LOT, GENER4�Lr LOt�TEO AT 5462 I�IStER RO+W N.E.. Br DI�RREL FARF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S - S C RECEIVING TME MINUTES OF TNE PIAN�ING COMMISSIOk OF SEPTEMBER ?4. 1986 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 - P hk: A. CONSIDER6TION OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP 1P6-12. TO ALLOti' A SECOND ACCESSORY BUILDING. GENERALL'f LOCATED Oh �OT 6D. AUDITOR'S SUBDIVIS10� N0. ?1, TNE SAkE BEING 662P LUCIa LANE N.E.. Br RICKY TMRONDSOF ................................ 8-8� R_�NHtNL• COFl+ISSION RF[OM�t[NDATI�N: APPROVAL d AO-� MITM STIPULATIONS fo�n+^1 AcTtoN Na � �: CONSIDER4TION C� RECOMMENOATION B. CONSIDERATION pF A SPECIAI. USf PERMiT. SP /66-14. TO ALLON OFfICES NOT ASSOCIATED MITH A PRINCIpAL USE. GENERALLI' LOCATED ON LOT 7, BI.00K 1, PACO INDUSTRiAL PARK. TME S4ME BEING ZSN COMMEP.CE CIRC�E SOUTH. B1' OAVID HARRfS ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, gp_p,� P�ANNING Cdd1+ISS10N RFCOMMFND4TION: APGROVAL d PS-�'. NITN STIPULAT10� COUN'li A[TID� PL F[]F�: [pNSIDERATION OF RECOMM!ENDAT10� C. CONSIDERATIOt� OF A SPECIAL USE PER►?IT. $P iBb-�S. TO AL10M A DAYCARE FACILITT; TO ALLOYU AUTO- 'b$�LF �WtK1N5 t.0�5 fOR OFF-S7REET PARKING SPACES: 7C% ALLOM A QtNIC. GENERALL� LOCATED �T 472 0590RNE ROAD N.E.. 4Q0 OSBORNE ROAD ►i.E. AND 4Q1 - i6TM AVENUE N.E.. BY NpRTM $UBURBAN HOSPITAL OISTRICT ......................................... BF-E� RaaH�w, rw�ceior: Rc OM+FNflATIDN: APPROVAL s 8X-�t MITN STIPl1�ATIONS fnLM[IL A[TION t� Eefo: CpnSiDERaT10ti o� RECOM�ENDAT 101+ �k' R'K� C� fCONTINLrc�) (PIANNIMG COM�ISSION MIMUTES COMTINUED) D. COaSIDERATION OF A LOT SPLIT. L.S. :96-06• 70 SP�IT LOT 7• BLaK �. MbORE LAKE HILLS INTO TMO SEpARATE PARCElS. GENERA�L1' LOCATED AT 6�I6 iA�ODT L�NE N.E.. BY DpNNA LIND ......................... gANNIN� CO►�'1«I�N RFC�I�����t�AT1�N: �iPPROVAI MITN STIPULATIONS ���w^�� A'71pN F ❑ED: �pHSIDERATION Of RECOMMENOATIOK E. CONSIDERATION OF A VACATION, S:1V lB6-@5. TO Vl+CATE PART OF A STREET AND UTILITY EASEMENT LYING IN LOT 32. REVISED AUDITOR'S SUBD�VISIOh N0. 77 (71 1/Z hAY CUL-DE-54C). EaSEMENT MAS AC�uIRED APRIL 15. 1976 AND RECOROED /.T ANpKF �OUNTY AS �OCUMENT N0. �43624, 81' MaatinNiS�Er. SR ................................. e�ANN1NC 0►g+l«ION RECOM�FN�ATiDN� APPROVAL MITH STIPULATIONS (O�h'I A'_?IOh 1�'F�E[): SET PUBLIC HEARING fOR OCTOBER ZE. 1986 F. COHSIOERATIOM 0� MODIiICAT10N OF CITIZEh CO►MiSS10h STRUCTURE B1' EIIMIN�TIN6 TNE COw�UNiTY DEVELO�MENT LOw!ISSION ........................... gANNING OM�'1«ION RF[OM!�FN�ATIOH: CONCURREC MITH RECOMr+EH0AT10►. �Qnk'� A�TION NFE�FD: AUTHORIZE STAFF TO PRE- PARE A�D PROCESS RECODIFICATtON TO CHAPTER 6. COM�'ISSIONS. AND TO NOTIFY COMAUNITY DEVELOPME�T COM�!�SSIO� MiMBERS OF TME OPTIO� TO TRANSFER TO ANOTNER COw ISSIOh e�-e� t 8FF-BII �- �� 8 BJJ-�CK ��� t 8LL-8PP L. RECE�VING THf MiNUTES OF THE AFPEALS COMM15510� 0� SEP7EMBER 16. 1986 . . . . • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • G-1. CONSIDERATION OF YARIANCE RE�UESTS. YA� t8b-2E. TO REDUCE THE SETBaCK OF A STRUCTIJRF FRp+ THE RIVER B�,UFF LINE AND TO REDUCE 7HE SETBACK OF A STRUCTURE FROM TMf MISSISSIPPI RIVER NORMA: HIGM N4TER LIME TO ALLOM AM ADD�TION 0� THE S�UTNEAST SIDE OF TME FbuSE. ON LOT 11, B�OCK 5. PEARS��'S CRAI6MAY ESTATES SECOND ADDITIOh. TFrc S�k►!= BEtAfi 7806 A��EN WA7 N.E.. B1' CMARLES HUN?LEY ......... 800-9":'� �opFA� � �i«t�N Rc[OM��HDATI�N: APPROVAL MITN STIPUlAT10N5 fnnr:'it ACTt�K F�F�� �pNSIDERATIOH OF RECOMMEMDATION A u • . � � COnSIDERATION pf APPROVAL Of TME CAiU COM115SIOh MINUTES OF SEOTE1mER 16. 1986 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 - 9 F A. CONSIOERATION OF RE[OMMENDATION TO DEDI UTE 6N PERCENT OF FRANCNISE FEE TO ANOKA CpUNTY COIMUNICATIONS MbRKSMpP, INC. iACU�I) ............. 9B-9C C�N COhM I S 5 1 �K RF COM�F N�AT 1 �N : APPROVAL COL�NCIL ACTION NEFOFO� CQryS1OERATION OF RECO►MENDATION CONSIDERATION OF LEASE AGREEMENT MITN UNIYERS4L CI��. INt. FOR TNE FRIDLEY S.O.R.T. S�7E ......... 1P - 1P E CONSIDERATION 0� RECEIVING RIDS i0R REFUR815HING AND REHABILITATING TNO fIRE OEPARTMEKT PUMPERS ,..... 11 - il C CC'.SILERRTIO� Of � RESOLUTIOIi AUTHORIZING IN[�USION IA A1: E�v�OrEE SEPORRTION BENECIT P�an FOp EMGLOYEES OF THE CITT 0� FaiD�Er FIRE DEPARTME�T , , , , , . , , . , 1� CO'�SIpERtT10K OF A PESOLUT10� AUTHORIjIN; SIGNihG Ah AGREENE�:' FOP CEPTtth EMP�QYEES OF THE CITY e- FG�c�Er FiRE DEPtFTMENT i0R 19PE . . . . . . . . . . . 13 - 1? F ConsiDEac*ior. o� a PESO�uTiOn CEpTiFrir� Tcr LEt'� RE�L"RfM:n�S FOp 19P7 TO THE LOUr�?r CC ANOKG FOp COLLE:TlO� .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 CONSIDERtT10� OF A RESOLUTIO� 0� THE CITT COU�.CI'� OF TMF CIT1' OF FRIDLEY. ANOKL COU�TT. MINhESG'L. AUTNORIZfhG TNE tSSUA�CE ANC SaLE OF C�TY'S �6•3P('•PeP COMMFPC�AL DE':ELOPME�:' REVENUE BC�::� (53R� Y��r {AVE5TG�5 PROJE:T) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 - 1= ' ►. L I uc� R�K�[�fC (COKTIN�iFp) I' CONSDIERATIO� OF A RESOIIJT�ON AUTHORIIING IMClUS10N I th rua EMP�a,rEE SEPARRTION BENEFIT PIAN FOR ENVLOVEES OF TME CITr �R�DLEr FIRE DEPART►�ENT . . . . . . . . . . �2 I � , CANSlOERaTtON OF A RESOI.UT10Hl A� AGREE►+ENT FOR CER7aIN EMP�O I 0� FRIDLET FIRF DEPpRTMENT �OR r RIZING SI6N�f'NG 0� TNE CITS� ;� . . . . . . . . . l3 — 13 P �l � , •' / CphSIDERRT10h Of A RESOLUTION CERTIFYING TAX �� � lEVr REDUtREMENTS FOP 19E7 10 tHE COUhTr R S)s ANOKa FOR COLLECT IOn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 I �i. ..w .. •, � COMSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION LERTIFYIN6 (� RTAIN OELINGUENT M14TER AND SEMER CMAR6E5 TO TME COUNTY AUOITOR FOR COLLECTION MITH TNE 1987 T�xES ........ 19 - 19 F CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION �E516NATING POIIING PLACES AND APPOINTING ElECT10N a�UD6ES FOR THE NOVEMBER 4, 19P6 GENERAL ELECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2P — 2P D CONSIDERRTION QF A RESOLUTION I�MENDING RESOLUTION N0, 9B-1986 CONFIRMING TNE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR TME 19B6—j STREET iMPROVEMFNT PROJECl AND RESOlUTIOti NC. 94-1986 CONFIRMING THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR THE 1986-1 AND 2 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ......... Z1 — 21 P i�A IM5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2� I COHSIDEROT�OK 0� A RESOlU110H OF TNE LiT`f CWN',IL pf THE CIT1' OF fRIDLEI', ANOKR COUNTY, MINHESOT/+. ' �ICENSES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 - 23 P I Ai1TNt?R I I� N6 THE I SSUANCE ANC S4LE OF C I T1' � S 16,3Pl.l�PP CO►ttERCIAL DEVEIOPMENT REVENUE BONDS (53R� 1tn� tNVESTOas Pao�ECT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 - 15 C ESTIMATES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 - 24 ,I : �. ,�, .:�. � CANSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION OF TME CIT1' COUNCIL , OF �ME C1TY OF FRIDLEY. ANOKA COUN�r. MINNESOTA. A;!�MORIZING TNE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF CITY'S xd 'ii.82C COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUF BONDS �?iiauSTRIAL BOULEVARD INVESTORS PROJECT) . . . . . . . . . 16 - 16 C CO�SIDFRATION OF A RESOLTUION PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUAN:E ANC $AlE OF REVENUE BONDS TO BE ISSUED Ih E%CHANGE FOR OUTSTANDING (NDUSTRIAL OfVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS AND APPROVIMG AN.EHDEO ANC RESTATED LOnn A6REEMENT AND AMENDED AND RESTATEO TRUST iNpfN�URE (MIEBB C0. ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 - 17 C CpN51DERATION OF A RESOLUTION CERTIFY�N6 CHARGES TC THE CWI�TY AUpI?OR TO 8E LfYIfD A6a1N5T CfRTA1K PR�ERTIES FOR LOILECTION MITH TME TAXES P�►r�s�E i� 19P? (MEEDS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1E - 18 A � � r � FRlDLEY CI TY COUNCIL October 6, 1986 - 7: 30 P. M. Fbllawing are the "ACTIDNS NEF�ED" to be taken hlr the rtioted Departmerits. please type your answers on the TI911 by Noon, October 15(Disk Q3, Directory 1, C�tegr�ry 26, Ap¢oFriate date). Just replaoe "Action Needed" with "Action Taken", no r�eed to print it o�t. Please call I�nda for any assistanae needed. : �' �.��l; � � �l 14 Q��mcil Meeting, September 22, 1986 Apprwed • .� yy �, � , e± ,��: ••�� i�' J� I y ��� (�nsideration of Items not on Agenda - 15 Minutes) R. Briclmer - will hancIle tmder agenda it�esn #4. :1: .t _ : ���� Publ ic Hearing on Industrial Developne� Revenue Bond Project (Webb Co.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 C�ened 7: 40 p, m Closed 7:43 p. m. CE�TTRAL SERVI(�,t--�C'FION r�ID: See Iten #17 � � h �7 O�uzcil t�feeting, October_6, 1986 � � : y i!- O�nsideration of Seoond Reading of an Ordinanoe Ac�pting the Budget for the Fiscal Year 19S) ....... 2 Ordinanoe No. 865 ad�pted rFnn�nr. ��rrCE—ACI'ION I�IDID: Publ ish +Ordinanoe in FYi c� ey Fbcus with adj ustment in sutQnary mnsideration of Sevond Reading of an Ordinanoe Reaadifying the FYic�ey City Code by Repealing Chapter 703, E�titled "Sno�mnbiles" and Establishing New Qlapter 703, �titled "Sr�o�mbbile Regulations" .... 3- 3 A • .� .- . :,. _... -. � �!��4�:_ ��!�/ «_ : My ��� �i��� �� � . • . _ .- .1 - •« O�nsideration of Disposition of Excess Property Generally Located on F�rt of Outlot 1, Block 1, Gena Rae Addition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 4 I and A, cbnsideration of Request fran Richard Briclmer to Allaa Sea�nd Buil�ng on This Site Be�ore Land 5utvey is Reqistered First reading ap�roved with stipulations (P. 4B) c•rw�Mrn��rv n�rn�:t�-ACI'ION N�ID: Plaae item on rext agenda for consic3eration of seo�nd reading Consideration of Secnnd Reading of an Ordir�anoe Approving a Vacation, SAV #86-03, to Vacate the f�ve Fbot Util ity Ease�►ent Along the Southwest Property Lir�e of Lot 4, Block 1, Innsbruck North Zbwnhouses Plat 4, to a Fbirit Ten F�eet West of the So�theast Property Lirye of the Sane Lot, C�*i?:ally Located at 5462 r�ister RQad N. E. , by Darrel F'arr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 - 5 C Ordinanoe No. 867 ad�pted with stipulations QO[�iCn� D nPi�'I�i�--ACI'IQN I�FF4�: Notify (�ntral Servioes to publish Ordinanoe in Ftic�ey Fbcus after letter af credit is reoeived � , s Cotmcil Meeting, Octobet 6, I986 �l�i = ! .�X� O�nsideration to Pravide a Senior Citizen Progran Coordinator Fbsition . . . . . . ra . . . . . . . . . 6 - 6 B Apprwed ac�eenent on �ge 6B uFY'RFnTTnN & I�►T R���'�'_�ACTION r�IDID: Bring back plan at rext meeting regarding the Funds r�eoessary to hire a Progran Cbordir�tor � Cbnsideration of Reappraval of a Varianoe, to Rechioe the Side Yard Setback f ran 10 Feet to 7 Feet, Generally Located at 420 - 67th Avenue N. E. , byi�artin Bistran . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 - 7 F -. .. . -. �iM�1IL ��IMM � o►�?} ! :���l�l ::�IY �.� �!��� �� . . .. .. • -..• • Reveiving the Minutes of the Planning Comnission of Septenber 24, 1986 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 - 8 W4d Reaeived A. Cbnsideration of a Special Use �rmit, SP �86-12, to Allaa a Se�nd Acoessory Building, Generally Located on Lot 6D, Auditor's Subdivision No. 21, the Sane Being 6620 Lucia Lane N. E. , by Ricky ZY►ronc�son ................................ 8-8A Pj ann; ng �r�n; G�� on Re�endation: Appraval & 80-8R with Stipulations cour,s;i A�t�on Needed: Consideration of Reo�mmenc3ation Appraved with four stipu].ations c�[n�rr�rl► DEVEL�PMENP—ACTION t�ID�: Natify appl. icant of ��cil appcwal with stipulations � 3 . !1-,i�r,ri 1 kk+�ti na. [)c�t�heL 6. 19� ��,� : ` �I_ , •� � 1 =�• (Planning Comnission Minutes Gbntinued) & O�nsideration of a Special Use F�rmit, SP #86-14, to Allow Off ioes not Associated with a PrinciFal Use, Ger�erally Located on Lr�t 7, Block �., F�oo Industrial �rk, the Sane Being 250 C��neroe Circle South, by i�vid Harris ................... 8D-8F plcLnnlilQ r�an�ss�Qn Recosm�endation: Apprwal & 8�8W with Stipulation s,pLn�il ACtion Needed: Consideration of � Rea�r�nend3tion Agprwed with ore stipulation mtMnMtcJriITY D P�Ni�—ACTION I�ED : Notify applicant of O�uncil appraval with stipulation C. Gbnsiaeration of a Special t3se Permit, SP �86-15, to P11aa a Daycare Facil ity; to Allow Auto- � Nbbile F�rking Lots for Off-Street Fhrking Spaaes; to Allow a Qinic, Gerrerally I�ocated at 472 Osborre Road N. E. , 400 Osborne Road N. E. and 401 - 76th Avenue N. E. , b� North Suburban Hospital District ......................................... 8F-8I p13tLnip,q Corrmission R�c� tion: Apprwal &�{-8EE with Stipulations cnt,n�; l Act? on Ne_eded: CAnsideration of Reo��nenchtion Apprc7ved with stipulakions 1-12 and add �14 cY�o�ttart�r DEVEL�Pt+�it—ACTION NEIDf�; Notify appl icant of Co�cil appra�al with stipu�lations F�age 4 Cb�cil Meeting, October 6 �1. : � �! ! 1 � _� t�� (Planning Conmission Minutes Q�ntinued) D. mnsideration of a Lot Sglit, L.S. #86-06, to Spl it Lot 7, Block 2, Moore Lake Hills Into �ao Separate Paraels, Gererally Located at 6076 Woody Lane N. E. , tr� Donna Lind .. ........ ............... 8I-&T Planninq �nrrmiaa;on Reoo�am�ndation: Appcoval & 8FF-8II w ith Sti pul ati ons cn�m�; i Act� on _Needed: �nsideration of , Rem�nendation " • .•. . - . . . . ��.���11�1411 � �fl�. ! :���!�1 : �iy �i� ►i�+a� a� . _ .. • .•• • • • E. Cbnsideration of a Vacation, SAV �86-05, to Vacate Part of a Street and Util ity Fasemer�t. Lying in Lot 32, Re�vised Auditor's Subdivision No. 77 (71 1/2 Way cul-de-sac) . Fas��►ent was aaquired April 15, 1976 and recnrded at Anoka Co�mty as Dnc�nent No. 443624, b� I�rtin Nisley, Sr ................................. 8,�8R pl3nrii,�,a C�rmn� GGion R�ec�dation: Ap�xaval & 8JJ-8F� with Stipulations Council Action�: Set Public Hearing for October 20, 1986 � .. . -. �1��V�V� ��I�y � ?�/�! !1����l�� : �f M �.♦ �i�l�� �� • • •- - . - . • • - • • • •�- 1 •:. 0 Co�ncil Meeting, October 6, 1986 . a. ��_. . • � � ��i� (Planning Connnission Minutes Cbritinued) F. onnsideration of Irbdif ication of Citizen �nission Structure bp Elimir�ting the Qomnenity Developnent Ca�anission ........................... 8Ir8M p nn' S�rrm�i s�ion Rec�n�tion: tbncurred & 8Lir8PP with Rea�t�nendation cn��nc; ] Action Nee�sl: Authorize Staff to Pre- pare and Prooess Rec�dification to Chapter 6, Oxnnissions, and to Notify �mnity Develognent • O�innission M�nbers of the Option to Transfer to Another Gbmmission Apf�rwed - Chairperson of Planning C:acanission should have voting privileges OON�1Ut�'r'v DEVF��PT�Ni�—ACTION I�IDID: Staf f prepare and provess rea�dif ication of Criapt. 16. G. Reaeiving the Minutes of the Appeals �ranission of Septenber 16, 1986 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G-1. O�nsic�eration of Varianoe ReAuests, VAR #86-26, Zb Rec�aoe the Setback of a Structure f rcm fihe River Blu�f Line and to Reclioe the Setback of a Structure fran the Mississippi River Normal High Water Lir�e to Allaw an Addition on the Southeast Side aE the House, on Lot I1, Block 5, F�arson's Craigway Estates Sea�nd Addition, the Sane Being 7806 Alden Way N. E. , b� Charles H�ntl� ..... .... 8Q¢-8V�� �a1� C�rmiss�on R ndation: Apprwal with Stipulations C'nunci 1 ACtion Ne�ded• Q�nsideration of Remr�anend� ti on � .. . -. �� v��11�144 � ?►/�!.! 4�!�!�1 : �IM ��� ���1a� �� • . �. r. • •• i _ ���. • Page 6 e Cb�cil Meeting, October 6, 1986 .�a. : y t_ � r � �•il Page 7 cbnsideration of Appcoval of the Q�,4V �nission Minutes of September 18, 1986 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 - 9 F A. mnsideration of Reoo�nenc3-ition to Dedicate 60 Feroent of Franchise Fee to Anoka Gb�ty �nulications Workshop, Inc. (AC!Q�1) ............. 9�9C CATV Ga�►ission Reco�ndation: Appcwal coLn�i? _ Action �ded: �nsideration of Reoommendation ��T.IC WOi��--ACI'ION NEIDID: Refer re��nen�ation to Cahle T.V. G�nnission ac�ain O�nsideration of Lease Agreenent with Universal (�n, Inc, for the Fiic�e�► S. 0. R T. Site ..... .... 10 - 10 E • .. . - . �:��vl 1�1 M � ?f/?�.! :v���/ :4M �:► ����� �� • • •- - . . Consicieration of Reoeiving Bids for Refurbi:�ing and R�abilitating ZWo Fire Department Pumpers ...... 11 - 11 C Rec�eived and awarc3ed to 3-D Fire Apparatuses, laa bidder FTRF. T1F'PT --ACTION Dff'�DE4: NOt.1� �aF1 bidder O� oo�mcil apprwal a • O��cil Meeting, October 6, 1986 �9e 8 � �!?1. �! ! � � �• Gbnsideration of a Resolution Authorizing Inclusion in an �nplvyee SeFe.ration Beref it Plan for Hnplvyees of the City of Fridley Fire DeFartmer�t . . . . . . . . . . 12 �solution No. 108-1986 acbpted rF�Ar. �.�zvr r-ACi'ZON NF�EDi Prooeed as a�thorized C;onsic3eration of a Resolution AUthorizing Sic�ing an Agreanerit for Clertain Dmplo�ees of the City of �icIl.e� Fire De�artrnerit for 1986 . . . . . . . . . . . 13 - 13 P Resolution No. 109-1986 ad�pted F7R� DEP'T.—ACTIQN T�:IDID: Have agreenertt executed and forward �pies to appropriate Farties Cbnsideration of a Resolution dertifying Tax Levy Requirenents for 1987 to the Q��,nty of Anoka for (bllection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Resolution No. 110-1986 acbpted ��Ar. �.uvTC�-A�TION I�f�: dertify tax levy to Co�ty as appcaved Consideration of a Res�lution of t2�e City Cbu�cil of the City of �icIley, Anoka Coimty. Minnes�ta, Authorizing the Issuanoe and Sale of City's $6,300,000 Comnercial Developnerit Revenue Boncis (5�rd Way Znvestors Project) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 - 15 C Res�lution No. 111-1986 ad�pted r�Rnr. �RVIC�-ACTION I�Y�IDi Pbtify applicarit c�f Cbtmcil appraval � Cb�cil Meeting, Oc�ober 6, 1986 Cbnsideration of a Res�lution of the City O��cil of the City of FricIley, Arioka Goimty, Minnes�ta, Author iz ing the Issuanae and Sal e af City' s $6,300,000 Co�nercial Develognent Revenue Boncis (Industrial Boulevard Investors Proj ect) . . . . . . Resolution No. 112-1986 acbpted ��ar. ��tv7Cp—AC�ION I�IDID: Notify appl icant of Cn�cil apprwal Gbnsic3eration of a Res�ltuion Providing for the Issuanoe and Sale of Revenue Bonds to be Issued in Exchange for Outstanding Industrial Develognerit Revenue Boncis and Appraving Amended and Restated Loan Agreenent and Amenc3ed and Restated Trust Inderiture (Webb Co. ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . --. . . •:. �\�M�: ��il/ «� : �y � � ►IDI�� a� • . • • r. • •• � « . �• • �� 9 . .. 2b-16C . . . .17-17C Q�nsideration of a Resolution dertifying Charges to the ��.a�ty Auditor to be Levied Ac�ainst Oertain Properties for O�llection with the Ta�aes FByable in 1987 (Weecis) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Resolution No. 114-19�6 acbpted r�Ar. �r�rr(�-AC�ION I�ID: oertify w�eed charges as apprwed 9 . . 18 - 18 A • Co�cil Fseeting, October 6, 1986 � �?,.—: s� !� � _=.• Page 10 mnsideration of a Resolution aertifying Certain Del inquerit Water and Sewer Qiarges to the O�inty Auditor for Collection with the 1987 Taxes ........ 19 - 19 F Resolution No. 115-1986 acbpted rFnrrFrAr. ��zv�rCD--ACI'IdN I�IDIIZ dertify charges to Cbtmty as apprwed Consic3eration of a Resol�ion Desic�ating Polling Plaoes and App�iriting Election Judges for the Navenber 4 , 1986 Ger�ral Flection . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 - 20 D Resolution No. 116-1986 c�Ar. �RVr(�—A�!'ION NEID : Proaeed with election as authorized Consideration of a Res�lution Amending Resolutian No. 9&-1986 Conficming the Assessnent Roll for the 1986-3 Street ImFcovsnent Project and Res�lution No. 94-1986 Conf irming the Assessnent Roll for the 1986-1 and 2 Street Lnpravenent Project ......... 21 - 21 B R�solution No. 117-1986 acbpted �FnrrRAr. ��vr�--ACTIOPI r�ID� Proveed with assessnents as appraved 0 � 1 Cou�cil Meeting, October 6, 1986 .la. ►i . � � �• Claims . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Appraved ('EI1IRnT. SF�vrCF}--ACTION I�E4F�:_ I�y Qaims page 11 Lioenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 - 23 B A,pprcyved, also ap�xaved auctioneer' s 1 iaense for Milton Anderson «��14�: '}�!�I �!� : NY • � ���1�� �� - .- - Estimates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 - 24 J Appraved c�Ar. S�uvr(;F}—ACTION_ I��m: F�y Estimates Authorizing Donation of Slirplus Gererator for ACC � P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 5 Ap�xaved PL�TC WORK�rACI'ION I�IDF�: Notify ap�ropriate party of Co�cil ap�xoval ;! �.�:� � � . � COUNCfL h1EETING. OCTOBER 6. 1986 : 1 CONSIDERATION OF SECOND READING OF AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1987 ....... Z PAGE 2 CONSIDERATION OF SECOND READING OF Ah ORDINANCE RECODIFYING THE FRIOLEY CITY CODE BY REPEALIhG CHAPTER 7�3. ENTITLED "SNOWh1061LES" AND ESTABLISHING NE�; CHAPTER 7P3. ENTITLED ��SNOWMOBILE REGULATIONS'� .... 3- 3 A CONSIDERATION OF DISPOSITION OF EXCESS P�OPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON PART OF OUTLOT 1, BLOCK 1, GENA RAE ADD I T I ON . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . • • • � � 4 - 4 � CONSIDERATION OF SECOND READING OF AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A VACATION, SAV #86-03. TO VACATE THE FIVE FOOT UTILITY EASEMENT ALONG THE SOUTHWFST PROPERTY LINE OF LOT 4. BLOCK 1, (NNSBRUCK `�RTH TOWNHOUSES PLAT 4, TO A POINT TEN FEET WE�� �F THE SOUTHEAST PROPERTY LINE OF THE SAME LC GENERALLY LOCATED AT 546� ME 1 STER �2QAD I��. E.. BY DARREL FARR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 - 5 C COUNCIL h'EETING. OCTOBER 6. 1986 : 1 PAGE 3 CONSIDERATION TO PRO\�IDE A SENIOR C(T(ZEN PROGRAM COORDINATOR POSITION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 6 B CONSIDERATION OF REAPPROVAL OF A VARIANCE. TO REDUCE THE SIDE YARO SETBACK FROM 10 FEET TO 7 FEET, GENERALLY LOCATED AT 420 - 677H AVENUE N.E.. BY h1ART ( N B I STRAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 - 7 F RECEIVIhG THE MINUTES OF THE PLAN�ING COMMfSSION OF SEPTEMBER 24. 1986 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • 8 ' 8 �ti1'� A. CONSIDERATION OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT. SP #R6-12. TO ALLOW A SECOND ACCESSORY BUILDING. GENERALLY LOCATED ON LOT 6D. AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISIOtJ N0. 21. THE SAME BEl�G 662P LUCIA LANE N.E.. BY RICKY THP.ONDSON ................................ 8-8A eLANNINC COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL 8 80-8R t�'ITH STIPULATIE3�5 �uNC�� ACTION NEEDED: CONSIDERATION OF RECOMMENDATION ('nt i�ir i i MrCT I AIG _(if'T(1RFR fi . �9�� � \ •► 1 (PLANNING COM1�11SSION MINUTES CONTINUED) B. CONSIDERATION OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT. SP #86-14, TO ALLOW OFF4CES NOT ASSOCIATED WITH A �PRINCIPAL USE, GENERALLY LOCATED ON LOT 7, BLOCK 1. PACO INDUSTRIAL PARK, THE SAME BEING 250 COMMERCE CIRCLE SOUTH. BY DAV10 HARRIS ................... P�ANhINC CO MISSION RECOMMENDAT(QN: APPROVAL WITH STIPULATION �O�INCIL ACTIO� NEEDED: CONSIDERATION OF RECOMNENDATION C. CONSIDERATION OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT�. SP #86-15, TO ALLO�' A DAYCARE �ACI�ITY; TO ALLOW AUTO— h"OBILE PARKI�G LOTS FOR OFF—STREET PARKING SPACES: TO ALL01�' A CL I N I C, CaENERALLY LOCATED AT 472 OSBORNE ROAD N.E.. 4L�(� OSBORNE ROAD N.E. AND 4P1 — 76TH AVENUE N.E.. BY NORTH SUBURBAN HOSPITAL DISTRIC7......................................... APPROVAL W{TH STIPULATIONS �OUNCIL ACTION NEEDED: CONSIDERATION OF RECOMMENDATION 8D- 8F 8 RS-8W 8F- 8 I $ 8X-8EE PAGE 4 COUNCIL MEETING, OCTOBER 6. 1 ► � � •► � (PLAN�{NG COMM{SSION MINUTES CONTINIlED) D. CONSIDERATlON OF A LOT SPLIT, L.S. #�6-06. TO SPLIT LOT 7, BLOCK 2. MOORE LAKE HILLS INTO TWO SEPARATE PARCELS. GENERALL.Y LOCATED AT 6076 WOODY LANEN.E.. BY DONnA LIND .......................•• P ANNING CO MiSSIQN RECOMMENdATIOiV: APPROVAL WITH STIPULATIONS COUNCIL ACTION NEEDED: CONSIDERATiON OF RECOMMENDATION E. CONSIDERATION OF A VACATION, SAV #86-�5. TO VACATE PART OF A STREET AND UTILITY EASEMENT LYING IN LOT 32. REVISED AUDITOR�S SUBD{VISION I�10. 77 (71 1/2 1�'AY CUL-DE-SAC ). EASEMENT WAS ACQUIRED APR1L 15, 1976 AND RECORDED AT ANOKA COUNTY AS �OCUMENT N0. 443624, BY �1ARTIN NISLEY, SR ................................. PLANNING COMMISSIQN RECOMMENDATION: APPP.OVAL WITH STIPULATIONS COUNGit ACT(QIV NEEDED: SET PUBLIC HEARING FOR OCTOBER 20. 1986 81-8J $ 8�F-841 8J-8K � 8JJ-8KK PAGE 5 U : � • ► � n. � rHUt ► CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF THE CATV COMMISSION f�ll NUTES OF SEPTEMBER 18, 1986 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 - 9 F A. CONSIDERATION OF RECOMh1ENDATION TO DEDICATE 60 PERCENT OF FRANCHISE FEE TO ANOKA COUtvTY COMMUNICATIONS WORKSHOP. INC. iACCIti�) ............. 9B-9C CAT� COMMISSION REGOMMENDATION: APPROVAL COUNCIL ACTION NEEDED_ CONSIDERATION OF RECOMMENDATION CONSIDERATION OF LEASE A.GREEMENT WITH UNIVERSAL CAh. INC. FOR THE FRIDLEY S.�.R.T, SITE ........, 1(� - 1� E CONSIDERATION OF RECEIVING E�IDS FOR REFURBISHING AND REHABILITATI�G Th'0 FIRE DEPARTMEhT PUMPERS ...... 11 - 11 C ► ' ► �► ► � CONSDIERATION OF A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING INCLUSION IN AN EMPLOYEE SEPARATION BENEFIT PLAN FOR EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY FIRE DEPARTMENT . . . . . . . • • • 12 CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SIGNING AN AGREEMENT FOR CERTAIN EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY FIRE DEPARTME�lT FOR 19�6 . . . . . . . . . . . 13 - 13 P �10 � paE � �K��4 * �� C,Y � � l`t�i`� CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION CERTIFYING TAX LE��Y REQUIREMENTS FOR 1987 TO THE COUNTY OF ANOKA FOR COLLECT I ON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CONSIDERAT(ON 0� A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE�CITY OF FRIDLEY. ANOKA CQUNTY. MINNESOTA. AUTHOR121NG THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF CITY'S $6,300.000 COMI�1ERCIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS (53RD WAY INVESTORS PROJECT) . . . . . . . . . . . • . • • NCIL MEETING ► ' ► �► ► � CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY. ANOKA COUhTY. MINNESC?TA. AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF CITY'S $6.300,000 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS �INDtJSTRIAL BOULEUARD 1NVESTORS PROJECT) . . . . . � CO�SIDERATION OF A RESOLTUION PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE ANO SALE OF REVENUE BONDS TO BE ISSUED IN EXCHANGE FOR OUTSTANDING INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS AND APPROVI�G AMENDED AND RESTATED LOAN AGREEh'ENT APdD A1�1E�DED AtvD RESTATED TRUST I NDENTURE (WEBB C0. ) . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • . . . .�� . . .�� CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION CEP,TIFYING CNARGES TO THE COUNTY AUDITOR TO BE LEVIED AGAI�ST CERTAIN PROPER7fES FOR COLLECTION WITH THE TAXES PAYABLE � I � 19�7 (WEEDS ) . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . � �� COUNCIL MEETING. OCTOBER 6 ► : ► �► ► � CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION CERTIFYING CERTAIN DELINDUENT WATER AND SEWER CHARGES TO THE COUNTY AUD i TOR FOR COLLECT I ON W I TH THE 1987 TAXES ..�. .� •�, •� CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING POLL1�6 PLACES AND APPOINTING ELECTIOIv .1UDGE5 FOR THE NO��Er�BER �, 19R6 G�NERA� ELECTION. . . . . . . . . : . • ��I� CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION N0, 98-1986 CONFIRMING THE ASSESSMEhT ROLL FOR THE 19F?6-3 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT AND RESOLUTION N0. 94-19�b CONF1RMiNG THE ASSES5MENT ROLL FOR THE 1986-1 AND 2 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT . . . . . . . . � CLAIMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �� L1 CENSES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R �� � ����� ��� EST I MATES . . . . . . . • • . • • � � • � � � � • � • � ` � :1 , .: � � : r�� � � �� ' # 4 ' j. ; ? { � ` � :,. . .. . . � { � '1 � '� THE MI:NUTES OF THE FRIDLEY CI1'Y COUNEIL MEETING OF '� SEPTEMBER 22, 1986 ;� �_ � , � f a - j � y f ,` t.; �: � �_ � � � � .i �, ; i . _^fi: . �� .' � , �; � }d, .: i. 3, {{--" i. � �' { � : 4. : +' . t .' ��: , }_: F " { j : �` i � .. . � � _ } _; 3 ..'. ` { � '; { t ; ,' � �. � � ' � � f { . �f i ". : 1 �. { � � ' } ¢ �. �: 1 �" ." i . �.. #; r i � �� . � . .. r . 3 �: �. ' . � . . .. � �i,:. i w�l v���1��4 • ' 4:1 ;��e'i!� : : u���M��. � ' y�l �� �� � M44 !�.�1� � • � �I: . .. �e Regular Meeting of the FricIley Ci.ty �imcil was called to order at 7:40 p. m b� Mayor Nee. �r, .F't�[_F OF ALLF�G_IANC�: l�yor Nee led the Cb�cil and audienoe in the Pledge of Allegianoe to the �1 ag. I2�LL C1�1LL: NENBIIZS PRESIIJT: Mayor Nee. Q��cilman Barnette, Q�imcilman Sc3�neider, O��mcilman Fitzpatrick and Co�mcilman Goodspeed N�NBff1S ABSIIVT: Norre '�,�� M_ : u�; Y �d 4����; � � _ ' C • � � �i� ! M � _ ' �?���!�►�Y • � �;. �.4�i� =?�C • : . Mayor Nee issued a proclaQnation proclaiming October l, 1986 as Teenage Depression and Suicide Prevention Day. He stated a ntanber of oommunity organizations and the School District are involved in a maj or operation to prevent teenage suicide and read the proclamation in support of these activities. Councilman Barnette stated he is a me�nber of the group working in the sd�ools on the �evention of teenage depression and suicide as it has beo�me evider►t this is a serious Froblen. He stated a meeting will be held on this issue on Wec�esday, October 1 at 7:30 p.m. and invited everyone to attrend. • • u �t �4 � ��J/i � ��, J� M ui_ ?�M �. ��14�+�i: �I• L'��'� N1�TION by Councilman Schneider to approve the minutes as presented. Se�nded b� ��mcilman Goodspeed. Upon a voioe vote, all vating aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion aarried unanimously. ; . • GM •.� • : ����! � I�DTION k� (b�cilman Schneider to acbpt the agenda as submitted. Seconded by Councilmaa� Barnette. Opon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion aarried unanimously. � ��., ��i �N � . ���� 7here was no response f rcm the audienoe �mder this itsn of busir�ess. -1- k�.�)� �!1 �!�!�M��. �,' ti?t�4�„i: �; • : . a l: �! ; � �. �J: :I :� �. • .1; � ._�l� i� : � y '�J _� 'C� _ 4 �• 1 ��,� ,� ��� �ii� V : i_ ���4�� �� : • Mayor Nee reopened this publ ic hearing, which had been oontinued f rom Septenber 8, 1986, at 7:45 p.m Mr. Prib�l, Finanoe Director, stated the main reason this public hearing had been �ritinued was c3ue to Burlington Northern's objection regarding the assessner�t. He stated this issue has been resolved and Burlington Northern has stated thc� have r� obj ection to the assessnent or the proj ect. Mr. Pribyl statea this project involved the oonstruction of water and sanitary sewer laterals and servioes on 73-1,/2 Avenue and Ashton Avenue. He stated a water main and hydrant were also wnstructec3 in front of Holly Shopping Ceriter at the request of the FYre Department. Mr. Pribyl stated the total assessnerit msts on 73-1/2 Avenue were $6,043.75 or $3,021.88 per lot, and the assessmerit on the south side o� the street will not be placed on the Froperty �til such time as the awner chooses to develop the rear p�rtion of the lot as a second building site. Ae stated costs for the Ashton Avenue impravenents are spread only on oertain properties on an area basis per agreenerit with Burlington Northern and the assessment rate is $24.758 per 100 square feet of area. He stated the total oost of this project was $114,499.99. Mr. Prib�l stated the a�st for the water main and hydrant at Aolly Shopping Ceriter will be paid f ram the Util ity Ftind at a total oost of $71,738.48. He stated the assessnerits are to be spread over a 20 y�r period at an interest rafie � 8-7,/2$ . No persons in the audienc�e sp�ke regarding these Froposed assessnerits. t+pTION b� Cotmcilman Fitz�atrick to close the public hearing. Seconded by Qo�mcilman Schneider. Up�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, I�hyor Nee cleclared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearing closed at 7:47 p.m. ✓ { 1� :�_ 4�. � ��� �� Mlyl�l� � _ � ?1�?�_ � �u����_ � �/�,l �_ : � �I� : 1 1 1 1 1 �1 � � � �1/71 � y���\� �. NpTION b� Oouncilman Goodspeed to waive the reading of the public hearing notioe and open the public hearing. Seaonded b� �uaicilman Barnette. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearing opened at 7:47 p.m Mr. Robertson, Q�mamnity Developnent Director, stated the Gbtmcil on Ntay 19, 1986 gave FreliminaLy ap�xaval to an Industrial Developnent Revenue Band sale to winfield Developnent, Inc. He stated suhsequent to this approval, Winfield D�velognent, Inc. formed a Fartnership to be the borrawer of the $2,800,000 Industrial DevelopnerYt R�venue Bond and, therefore, this action ryeoessitates another public hearing anc3 a new re.4aZc�ion, as required b� the 1984 TEFRA tax law, and in no way changes the agreements made between Winf ield Developnent, Inc. and the City. -2- •�;11�M1 �i�±�Ml�. �. '±��4�u�=.�+� ' � � I�DTION b� �imcilman Gooctspeed to close the public hearing. Seoonded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee cleclared the motion aarried unanimously and the publ ic hearing closed at 7:50 p.m. K { fi ��_. i f. ,. �N 4!� _..�Vi • �il�N����. � Ve • ,.«.f �M���. � ��. �� ,� i ,�� �.] .144:� , � �,� �►��1 � :u���� • �! l�� �:� 1rDTIDN b� mimcilman Gooclspeed to waive the reading of the publ ic hearing notive and open the public hearing. Seaonded by Councilman Fitzgatrick. Up�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the publ ic hearing opered at 7: 50 p. m. Mr. RQbertson, Commimity Development Director, stated the Planning Commission was Fresented with the tax increner►t financing plans in August. He stated proposed Tax Increnent District No. 7 is a Rec]evelognent District on which the Winfield Developnent �roject is locatec�. He stated the site has extensive soil problens which necessitates use of tax increment f inancing. Mr. I�bertson stated Tax Increnerit District No. 8 is a Developnent District and is the site of the Shorsaood Inn. He stated extensive remodeling is proposed, as well as property aaquisition to im�rave the Farking. Mr. R�bertson stated the Planning Commission has determined that these districts are in oompliance with the City's Comprehensive Plan and the Housing and Redevelopnerit Authority appraved their establishmerit. ��mcilman Schneider asked when oonstruction would begin in District No. 8. Mr. �bertson stated the parking lot and adjaoent c�iveways are proposed for this ar�nstruction seas�n and the refurbishing is scheduled for next year. No persons in the audienoe spoke regarding the establ ishment of these tax incr enent di. str i ct s. NDTION b� Coimcilman Barnette to close the publ ic hearing. Seoonded k�y �imcilman Goodspeea. Up�n a voioe vote, all vating aye, I�hyor Nee declared the motion c$rried unanimously ancl the public h�ring closed at 7:52 p�.m • � : �y ,i� �� � tl, _ } � � �� � � • � • : /i • s ; � • : . � y� � �� �� 1� � _ - � �� _ � �. 4: � � 41.! ' � • • � _� �! � ... �� � = �.y. .' «; �. � 4. � .�� � ..� ' y� ; �� �d 4�! 1��� .�__1� � 4.1 `.• �4:�-: `J 1�l�.�' � , • '� �, I • ' � ��1 • ! : 4�+� .. ' • u�. �4�!� � � ; � � ' ;� • �is�M �� _ • 4:� : u� !� ��_ _�, !;��?� �<>; i '�� �- -• �• � �- - • • - � - • - • _ •• • - - • - • •- �: - •• i • - • - - - _ •- • • - • • - •• •� • - _ - • - - - - • • • - - - - • - • • • -3- �� J� M v!��+M��. • ' '+�f�4�v�%_?�: ' �� 1. Imp�we asphalt pathway �o,�a Pona r� resurfacing where neoessaiy. 2. F�destrian lighting, required as per agreenent dated April 19, 1976, has been installed only on the east side of Farr Lake Fathway. 3. Replaoe broken Fath lic�t luninaire on the east side o� Farr Lake. 4. Replac�e failing retaining wall on the north side of Brenner Itiss. 5. Ranave p�les of dirt and debris and sod 15 feet back of curb on the west side of East Brenn�er P�ss. Unbuilt lots not to be used for chIInFang as per Farr's letter c�ted Fhbruary 26, 1981. 6. Repair washed out drainage swale at the end of East Brenner Pass - severe erosion and pedestrian hazard. 7. R�nwe debris (street swee�.ngs) and plant grass seed to establish groLmd oover on vacant lot southwest of Black Fbrest O�ncbs, per Farr letter dated F�ebruary 26, 1981. g. Sod b�ulevard, 15 feet back of curb, on the south of North Innsbruck Drive just west o� N�a Bric�ton border. 9. Restore buffer between tawnhouse at 1511 North Innsbruck Drive and rsulvihill residenoe at 5601 Nor� Danube Road, as per attadzed City plan chted Septenber 19, 1986. 10. Install tot lot on o�nunon property on Plat 5 as per agreenent d�ted Agril 19, 1976. Mr. Roberts�n stated the ab�ve ten items are specific plat, safety or oode requirenents. Ae statecl the follaaing items, 11 through 18, are additional impravenerits based on area o�noerns and staff reoonunendations: 11. Sod open area on South Ba�varian F�ss between lots 36 and 37, Block 1, Innsbr uck Nor th Zbwnhouses Pl at 4. 12. ReFair asphalt in the parking area on Bonhoff Jimction. . 13. ReFair asphalt in the c�iveaay at 5677 West Bavarian F�iss. 14. Install sod 15 feet back of curb and oontinue spruoe line on South Ba�varian Aass, east � 1586 South Bavarian F�ss. 15. Sod 15 fe�t �ack of curb c��t so�ti side of Brenr�er l�ss. 16. Replaoe all tenp�rary curbing with permanent o�ncrete curb and gutter on West Brenner Pass, Brenner I�ss and East Ba�varian �ss. 17. Re�air asphalt d��essifln in road adjaoent to 5519 East Bavarian �ss. 18. I�td1 �arking lot on the rrortheast side af Black Fbrest (bncbs. -4- ��.1� �1� u���yl�. � ' ���ys�i: �� � Gb�cilman Schneider stated the developer has .been surcharging a lot and there has been a fair anou�t � r�-off, especially during these last few days of rain. Ae stated he �a�►derstood the cleveloper was to keep both public and Tawnhouse Ass�ciation streets clean and he had some calls that this hasn't occurred. Mr. Danko, 1510 Trapp Gburt, stated there is a lot on West Bavarian Pass that was filled and a silt fence installed. He stated there has been rix►-off fran this lot and the Zbw�ouse Association cleaned the gutters, but not the street. Mr. I�rk Burch, Assistant Public Works Director, stated he has been in contact with the developer and some fencing was installed and the lot seeded. He felt imtil the seed beoomes established, there may be some problens, especially with the a¢noimt of rain the last 9everal days. Mr. Danko stated the area between the silt fence and curb experiences aonstant erosion. �uncilman Schneider asked if the area muld be sodcied. Mr. Burdz stated to install s�d fran the silt fenve to the curb would oertainly hP1F. Mr. Dan F`arr, repcesenting Darrel Farr, stated the surcharging is almost �npleted so building should begin in the rext several weeks. He stated, in the meantime, they �uld install sane s�d. Mr. F'arr stated in recprd to the imixavenerit � the asphalt pathway around the pond, he stated this gathway is either owned by the Townhouse Association or the C�ty. He stated they cannot be responsible for s�mething that was built 10 or 12 years ag�. Mr. Imbertson stated as he �u�►derstands, the City o�wns and maintains the portion on the west arou�d the pond and the Zbwnhouse Association still vwns and is responsi.ble for the renainder. N1r. Farr felt this item would have to be brought up with the Townhouse Association. Mr. Farr stated in recprd to the pedestrian lic�ting, there are four or five lic�ts in the townhouse developnent, but rnthing in the si.ngle fanily area. He stated with a�mpletion of the other tawnhouse units, lighting in the tawr�ouse area would also be �mpleted. A�. RQbertson stated it is staff's iriterpretation that lic�ting should cp on }�oth sides of the street and ncyt only the t�ownhouse sic3e. Mr. Farr stated as far as Itens #3 and #4, these are the resp�nsibil ity of the �wnhouse AssoGiation. Mr. Farr stated in regard to the piles of cli rt, they are not haul ing out this material as their plans are to berm, seed, and sod it. Mr. Robertson stated, as outlined in a letter chted Ftebruary 26, 1981, unbuilt lots were -5- i�11� M� ����M �. � `f��4�y1: �ii ' : . rot to be used for ciun�nng. p�imcilman Schneicler felt there ryeeds to be further work done to determine what the City aans and what the Zbwnhouse Associaton awns and to make sure �e c��nitrnerits made b� the developer have been ac�ered to. He stated he would like to see the Ci.ty staff. menbers of the Zbwnhouse Association and Mr. Farr meet to discuss their responsibilities. Gbimcilman Schneider stated he would be willi.n9 to reornYanend ap�xaval of the vacation, if the developer is willing to post a surety bond in the anotmt of $10,000, or else he would rather table this va�tion request for two weeks. Mr. Farr stated he is willing to talk and felt they cou].a come to some mutual agreenent. Ms. Mulvihill asked if the developer was in agreesnent with Item #9 to restore the buffer between the tawr�ouse at 1511 North Innsbruck Drive and her property. Mr. Farr stated he has no problen with this item and can replaoe the tree, but not with a 40 foot Oak tree. Mr. L�nko stated north o� Innsbruck Drive, the lanciscaping is not oomplete. He stated Mr. F'arr failed to stabilize the bank and sane plantings have not been installed. He also stated in Mr. Farr's filling operation, heavy equignent and loaded trucks �used extensive ciamage to a large area of the p,ssociation' s street and this matter has not been resolved. Mr. F~arr stated his father, Darrel Farr, will review this matter when he returns to the Ztain Cities and oome to some agreenent with the Association. Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, stated this is an area where the Zbwnhouse Association should deal directly with the developer. NpTION b� O�u�cilman Scfineider to ap�x'ave vacation request. SAU #86-�3, with the following stipulations: (1) the developer post a$10,000 surety bond, or a lesser anotazt as cietermined tr� staff, and discussion be held between staff, the developer, and the Zbwnhouse Association to resolve the issues raised b� staff; (2) maintenanoe problens on the vacant lat on West Bavarian Pass be resolved; (3) landscaping at 1511 North Innsbruck Drive be completed; and (4) resolution of the erosion problem on the lot being surc�arged. Seo�ndecl b� Coimcilman Fitzpatrick. Up4n a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried LmanimouslY• ��cilman Schneider stated it was not his intent to have Mr. Farr pay for maintenaf �i�e lot on West Bavarian Fa s�were7the esponsibility of the r�n of cleveloper. Mr. Farr statec3 he has talked to the Zbwnhouse Association regarding Item 7 and they wil�. tak+e care aF tiii�s �oblen. 5. ���T*���'T'�'ON L� Di�JYL�111V1V ^v� IX(�SS ^°^ns'fl'"" n�"'�°nT T V T[X'A'!'F,F�D ON P�' OF nrrrr rrr i BF ..^'R. � GII�1 RA� ATx�?'rTO��. s -6- k�.�J�.M� ���+�+y �. �:' ��14�„i: a+: LI��� Councilman Schneider felt one of the primary issues is whether this triangular p�eoe o� Froperty is needed to retain or detain storm water. Mr. Mark Burrh, Assistant Aiblic Works Director, explained the drainage plan as originally p�oposed for this area. Ae stated this plan was revieaed with several residents in the area and suggestions were made to improve the clrainage tr� making sane minor im�cwenerits. He stated he felt the drainage �uld be imFro�ved without using this triangular gieoe of goperty. Mr. Bob Gaanbrel, 1341 Creek Park Lane, sutmitted a letter and photograFhs to the Council. He stated the letter was written before he received clarification fran l�rk Burch on the CYty's reo�mmendations. Ae felt the rec�manendation b� the City to laaer the p�pe below the level o� his bas�nent is a good ore. He stated, as far as the reoommendation to tie the pipe across the street into another pond, he felt it would reduce the water entering the pond behind his hcme. Ae stated the Council can ignore his first objection as the benn is actually a foot laaer than the elevations shawn on the plan and, as long as the berm doesn't rise above the level of the outtake pi.pe. he would be satisfied. He stated his other �noern is the triangular p�ieoe of Froperty. He stated he reviewed oontour maps and the traditional flaw o� water cpes throuc� �is triangle. He statec3 there is no ponding to the north of the road and all the depressions are to the south. He stated these were the circumstanoes before any 3evelopnent took plaoe in this area. Mr. Ganbrel subnitted a drawing which had been distributed by the builder. He stated the water flaaed across his yard into a p�pe. He stated nothing was shavn in reqard to the ponding behind his property. He stated he bought his �xoperty assuning the water would flaa throuc� and not renain standing. He stated he uiderstood there would be some drainage and ponding on the south side of the road, but not on the north side. Another drawing sutmitted b� Mr. Ganbrel shawed the perimeters of the ponds behind his hane. Gbritours A, B, and C outlined flooding that had occurred on aertain dates anc] Contour D depicted the oonstant state of the water problen on his property. Ae p�inted out haw close this water oomes to Mr. Ptiill ips' property at 1361 Creek Park Lane. Mr. Gambrel felt the a�ntour of the property should be changed. Ae stated there is a c�pression in Mr. Phillips yard to the west and he would propose this be cut d�wn two feet so the water flvws into the triangle and build a depression into the triangle. He felt this would allaw the water to flaw naturally into the p�nd. Mr. Ganbrel felt the drainage plan didl't take into account the triangle's affect on the water and the fact that the City decided not to put in a cul-c7e-sa� Ae felt the Ci.ty should consider the use of this triangular pieoe of gopertt�yy t� salve sane of �e drair�ge problens. Mr. Gambrel stated he cbesn't object to everything proposed to improve the drairnge, but there are problens beginning at Mississippi Street where -7- �����+.�� M������. � `1��4�y1�_�� � •1•, enougd� desoerit isn't allawed to get rid of the water. He felt the CitY's plan aich't a�lve the p�nding. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager► stated the original plan submitted by the developer and approved by the City and Rioe Creek Watershed District pravided there be a retention area, without an outlet, on three lots (1, 2 and 3) . (b�mci.lman Barnette asked if the property aaryers Imew they hac7 a retention area in back of thei r lots when they bought thei r hanes. Mr. G�snbrel stated the origi.nal plan showed two drainage easements, one on the ryorth and one an the south. He stated the plat they finally received shawed a drainage ease�nent only on the south side. He stated one would then assune the idea o� putting a pond on the r�orth side was r�jected. He stated the builder werit into great detail about the pond on the south side. He stated he assuned the water would be cping into a pipe. Mr. Qureshi stated on Lot 2 the elevation is lvwer than what is shaan on the p1,an. O�Lmcilman Sc�neider asked why the hane was built lawer. Mr. Burch stated the developer wanted to build a walkout whidz was permitted with the acidition of the pipe. Mr. Qureshi stated the p�pe is too hic� to do much good for Mr. Gambrel's and Mr. Phillips' properties. He stated what is proposed is to have a di rect Fape f rcm the back Yards to the park retention area and al so prov ide an additional back inlet Fape with small retention area oonnected to the catc� basin on the street, whirh would interoept the c�ainage fran the east whidl forms about 1/3 of total drainage area now draining into the back yarcis. (buncilman Schneider asked if this �xop�sal would assure there would be no standing water. Mr. Qureshi stated the drainage would improve, but he �u1c�� t say there would be no standing water. Mr. Herrick, C�ty Attorrey, stated he didn't think there is ariy question rec$rding the City's ric�t to store water on these properties. He stated this ric�t was aoqui.red when the City appraved the plat and develognent gracling plan. Cbuncilman Sctuieider questioned hvw a prospective property aar�er would know there is a retention area on his �roperty. Mr. Ganbrel stated in the oriqinal. ciraina9e Plan► there was the wncept of an ease�nent on the �roperty. He stated on the plat uz3er whidz they bought their hane, there wasn't an easenent on the north side. Mr. Qureshi stated the plat doesn't have contours on it. Ae stated if �nea� wishecl to revie,a the c3r�#.nage p�.an► theY c�uld receive it f rcxn the City or Rioe CYeek Wa�erslned District. �. C;anbrel felt the bern► c�ould 1�e laaered on the ather side of the park to -8�- �. 1� �� ui?i�Ml�. �i '!�1�4�„i: a�; • : . retain the water on the south rather than on the r�rth. He felt there are a lot of alternatives, but they have to reaolve �e problen of water in thei r back yarcls. Mayor Nee stated the question the �imcil wished to address this evening is whether they shoul d keep or di spo se of the tri angul ar pi eoe of pr ope r ty in the Ger�a Rae Addition. Mr. Richard Briclmer stated he would be interesting in purdzasing this pieoe of �operty should the ��cil decide to sell it. Mr. Ganbrel stated he would like to see a plan to lower the berm and pipe before he gives up the idea that this triangular piece of property is not neec3ed to resolve some of the c�ainage p�otalens. NDTION tr� �tmcilman Schneider to refer the matter of the drainage back to staff to rework with the interested parties and to bring it back at the next meeting alang with various resolutions on the disposition of this triangular pieae of Fark property. Sea�nded b� ��cilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Ngyor Nee declared the motion carried tmanimously. ; y «. A reoess was ca].led b� Mayor Nee at 9: 55 � m , ��� �►/a+���+� Mayor Nee reoonvened the meeting at 10:00 p. m All CAUncil me�►bers were pacesent. . :_ _�. �M ��� � � . . . � � � . . ���� �. ; � 3 �4.. � �+� ; �i� 7 ��1I� �� ' : . 1 «; a��,�� 1� _ ' ; �!�� � = ! ; 4a�� • � • ; � • • � �� ; r �1� ; � � • � • �i� •; �� • �� . ; �i� : �►� ti�� ; 1� M�� : 7 !cn +� "� + +! 1 � � : ' � : ; «;��i NDTION b� (b�cilman Schneider to adopt Resolution No. 99-1986 with the follaai.ng stipulations: (1) park fees of $1,500 each are to be paid with building permits on Lots A and B. Lot C subject to park fees if built on; and (2) registered land survey to be re�rded prior bo issuanoe of building permi� Sea�nded b� �Lmcilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee cieclared the motion csrried unanimously. : '• �� � �� � � • : . •���� :4rl�. �_. .7y���� a� � .�; 4�!� ; ��� ; � ; � �.��� „�• :h��+„���� ' :! /�4 +� 1 p�pTIpN b� �tmcil.man Barnette to acbpt Resolution No. 100-1986. Se�nded b� GbLncilman Schr�eider. Up4n a voiae vote, all vating aye, l�hyor Nee declared the motian mrried unanimously. • .. ti• . u .. • _ ��, � ir a� : • ��� : a.M M �1: ► 4.� 4 M • �.0 1� �f� . ��i� _ r+ �_�»r�r��-i�--�.-_-_�.-_-��- ��-�» � - - - - - - - Mr. Robertson, �snu'iity Develognent Director, stated at the time these -9- �� �1� �lr ���+�M��. �, ti��4�„r. a±; • : . lioenses cs�ne up for renewal last April, there was the question of soil �ntaanination. He stated the Cbtmcil ordered testing of the soil and the results have been reoeived frcm �ain City Testing. Mr. Robertson statec3 the testing results indicated no �ntamination of the soil or surfave water has occurred as the result of the existing use of these properties. Ae stated at ore location at Central Auto Parts a lead oonoeritration was identified above the State's disposal limit, haaever, a eemnchry testing to identify the �roblen indicated it was very localized and far below the hazard�us waste limits set b,� the State. Mr. R�bertson stated, based on these results, it is felt another testing woulclz't be neoessary tu�Iess there is some major change in the operation, however, this cbes not preclude the need for the annual license renewal, based on the visual appearanoe of the property. Ae stated Council had extended these lioenses ultil such time as these test results were lmown. I4DTION b� Cbunciln�n Schneider to renew the April 30, 1986 lioenses for SaQn's Auto Parts, Barc�ain Auto l�rts, and Central Auto l�rts for the current year and period ending April 30, 1987 with the follawing stipulations: (1) S�an's Auto P�rts is to ha�ve no storage of vdlicles on the lot east of Sam's; (2) Bargain Auto Parts is to im�'we the �ndition of the main gate to the storage yard and renwe the wood pile fran the custaner parking lot; and (3) Central Auto Parts is to fix the weir at 1136 73-1/2 Avenue to specifications fran the Assistant Public Works Director, Mark Burch. Se�nded b� �uncilman Barnette. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion �rried unanimously. 4»cilman Barnette felt staff's reoo�nnenchtion to photograph these sites for a visual reoord of the existing conditions and used for future �nFarisons would be a cpod idea. Councilman Schneider asked if staff was proceeding with any actions regarding the property at the northwest oorner of 73rd and Old Central Avenues. Mr. Qureshi, City Marsager► stated the reoomnnenc�tion of the City Attorney' s offioe is to devetop a case and then Frooeed. fle stated a plan of action and a timetable c�uld be given to the Q�imcil. g. c1RnTt�TSTu"F' 1'W' 864 RDCQDIEYINr THE FRII)�� cT� con�. GIiAPTER 20S . AS IT R�r �TES '� LIAY CA�3E (_'Fti'�'DG At�m HOME FA�?LY L1�Y CARE: I�yor Nee statec3 the se�nd reading of this orinance includes some minor c�ang�s fran the first readi.ng in order t�o pravide better clarification. NDTmN b� do�ncilman Barrette to waive the reading and adopt Ordinanoe No. 864 on the sea�nd readi.ng and order publication. Seoonded by Councilman Sc�►neic�er. Upon a voioe vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. �l�. 7� +! -10- •�.��, �� V����% ,. �i y��4�'y1: �I� � •1� � �� ►� �� �� *. M � \ � �! f. l f _. e � +. � : , � �1� +�Q \ « � � � Y�T ,. � _ ��� �i �� 1 * � . � . f . �. � � Mr. Jim Hill, Public Safety Director, stated it is requested the Council a�nsider fimds in the budget to allaw for the purchase of Civil Defense sirens. He felt it may be better if the City prepared thei r own specifications for these sirens as he is aware of only one city that provides for mutual purchasing. Mr. Qureshi stated staff would be reoarnnending some adjustment to provide f or th ese si rens. IN�TION by Councilman Schneider to waive the reading and approve the ordinanoe upon first reading. Seoonded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. �� � . �� _ � i _M �i, � _ i � � � _ : � �. � : \ � ��� �+�: ��M � ?��.� �� ,. 4r� _ i� � � ��'� _ .�• .� • � . �. �� u_ �� i�: M -- = ��: _►_ _:f _ : u��1��� �. �?:�y��:��1�b?*��� i tl��!a�f•�S-rf��r�vs-:+rrtT - _ - Mr. Roberts�n, Cbiran�ity Developner�t. Director, stated this amendment to the oode was su�mitted to the Planning Gomanission and they reoorranendec3 appraval on January 8, 1986. Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, stated as he reads this ordinanoe, it is to preve� people fran Farking cars on their side or frorzt yards for purposes of sale. He felt the ordinanoe ooulch't be justified on the basis of safety or aesthetics. Ae stated he thouc�t the C�ty would have a diff icult time enforcing the ordinanoe if they have to show the vdzicle is parked for the specific purpose of displaying a sign. He stated if the Council felt strongly ab�ut this issue, the or di rlance shoul c�►' t dif f erenti ate be tween cars that are for sale and other cars that are �ark�ed in these areas. �i,mcilman Fitzpatrick stated if there is a better wacy of approaching this prohlen, he would be in favor aF it. He felt the case oould be made that a car for sale would distract more �an orye �at is just Farked there with no sic�. He stated he received a ntanber of oomplaints pertaining to this issue. Gbtmcilman Barnette stated not only are cars parked in owners' yards, but all along East River Road and other streets. Mr. Aerrick felt perhaps his office and the staff should analyze the ordinanoe further before the seo�nd reading. IN�TION by Councilman Fitz�xitrick to waive the reading and approve the ordinanoe upon first reading. Sewnded by Councilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, �1 voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimous�ly F •�,�!► !� a�:� � • � • ��'�+ �_� � t�. • � � � ��� �; � «_ � s�� � �1 �. 4:i �++ � � � �'� � � : � �. �!� ��;� _ �?�' _ � �. «:4 �4 _� � �!�!y 4 �� ��. .Iv..- :.�1 � «�►: �4• � � �!��M44 _�� 'i� � .ru � : � ? J �. � • � -11- �l�i��.y ul�l�y �. �, `1�i�4�'4��.�� �� Mr. Jim Aill, Public Safety Director, stated the current snowmobile ordinance oonsists of somewhat confusing language as well as many dupl ications of the State statute. He statea the purpose of this new cfiapter is to make the ordinanoe more precise and less aanbersome. Mr. Hill stated this ordinanoe has been revisaed b� the City Attorryey's offioe. NDTION by Councilman Schneider to waive the reading and approve the ordinanoe up�n first reading. Seconded by Councilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. � �.M_ �% �. ���4�y�! � . • � � '1 4i�� �Yi ��MI�,� � i,1�i. NDTION b� GbLmcilman Barnette to reveive and apprave �e September 9, 1986 Primary Stateqnent o� C�nvass. Sec�onded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. •� � . I� �' � � � � � �I �'♦ • i ��� � i • �. ' : � �� � e ' � «�� : M�' �. «����� �imcilman Fitzpatrick stated the Attorney for A�adie C�mping Ceriter and the reic�borhood represeritatives have asked that this item be t�bled to the rnxt meeting. NDTION by Councilman Schneider to table this item to the next regular meeting. Seodnded tr� Gb�►cilman Fitzpatrick. T1p�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. �� � . �� _ • � � �:� • ": � M �► G,1�t�� �1 a����1� i ! ; 4�� � y. � ��� ; �4�1 ' �4�_?� �.:�!,!�s+ '::+: PDTION b� Gb�cilman Schneider to aoncur with City staff's reoommendation and authorize the City Manager to enter into a purchase agree�tent with Brancbn Q�nstruction for the p�u�c�ase of the west 80 feet of the south 150 feet of Lot 6, Auditor's Subdivision No. 129 in the amount of $18,500. Seconded b� Cbua'icilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, N�yor Nee declared the motion carried �manimously. . ;_ `• �M �.� ,� 1 • : . �I �. ' �_�! v ��; �+ ; a' ��il: �� �;,� ��4. J�i� �• 4_ �� • �N 1 �1 � � �� _ � yV���� �. Mr. Pribyl, Finance Director, stated, basically, the reason for this resolution is because o�f the name ciiange for Winfield Developnent, Inc. so that there is the proper disclosure � the actual borrvwers. He stated the resolution deals with defining the preliminary proaeclire �der the TEFRA Act itself. A�r. Pribyl stated the bond cx�unsel was present to address any questions frca� the (bimcil. NDTII�N b� O�tmcilman Barnette to acbpt Resolution No. 101-1986. Seaonded tr� Cbtmcilman Goodspeed. Up�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, l�hyor Nee declared the motion oarried unanimously. -12- k�.�J� M ���+?�M��. • " ���4���=_�� • : . ; '_• �M �.� � � � : . ; �4t • : �. 4; _ ; �I� : � • �,� u � � �. � �t� ! :u��l�� � � 44�_ M M �� ' 4.� 71�?��1 � =��i,�� �1 �I �i � � ?�� __ �J�M���� ,. ' �;�� • �:� �. ':�� 4 :�N � :�C �. :_ 1 •� • * �!� . .; �� �� ;�la��� NDTD�N b� Gb�mcilman Gooc�speed to acbpt Resolution No. 102-1986. Seoonded by �imcilman FitzFatrick. TJp�n a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. �-- '� � �� ��� I ':• :' 'U �� :V_ �I�V_ �M �� _it� � � � u= �C. M � f_. . V _ ,r � f � � .1 � - 1 i � . 4 i +f� _ \ _ � e � i � , i � ,.M�_.y��l�� : �,I� ; �1� 1 1 1 1 1 : � : � D _ � u : �I� � � : � = - : � yl' ���/�!y�71�� :�i��� Mr. Prib�l, Finanve Di rector, stated the City has undergone a rating by Moody's and they have suggested amendments to these reimbursement agreenents. He stated the language is lessened as to what f inancial disdster would create a default and the amenc�nents c7owngrade items that would cause a default in dealing with t�ese variable rate b�nd issues. Mayor Nee asked if this would increase the sale priae of the bonds. Mr. Pribyl stated it has no effect whatsoever. HDTION b� Gb�mcilman Barnette to acbpt Resolution No. 103-1986. Se�nded tr� Councilman Fitzpatrick. Up�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. • ._ �• �y • ► �.� � - : . . �4:.� � �. ; �u � � ?��1 �. M,I �+ �. • �_ �..�ti.,� •. �ir �.�I: �:: :�h/ :��� �F �:, �� �.-�--..-„�,-�<��-_�,-�_—_- - --- - -- NpTION b� ��mcilman Schneider to acbpt Resolution No. 104-1986. Seoonded by �tmcilman �tzFatrick. Up�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried �animously. / +- �=� �M • � �� 1 : . � �4:.� � �. ; �tt � ; y�M �. 4,! 4� , • . '� -7v��!�! �i� ' ; �� • �� � M; �►. ��{i • �_C : 4+4 � ; • �1� � u � u � � • .! _,�4_ '�► � p_ ��. 4 : � � • � NDTION ty �imcilman Barrrette to acbpt Resolution No. 105-1986. Seo�nded b� Gb�cilman Schneic3er. Upon a voioe vote, all wting aye, Ngyor Nee declared the motion �rried unanimously. � � '_�a �M ��� �.� � . : . . �4: � � ��. ; �i� � �_?�t�l �. 4��_ 4+ �. • _'! _��1��i,+ �A !� � • 1� � 1' � �. 11 �_�!� . � ��� �t� � . 1 :+�i • ZI 1 1 �� � : l� � : , r : _ , �. ;�JM��� NpTION tr� tbiaac�lman Gooclspeed to adppt Resolution No. 105-1986. Seoonded tr� mimcilman Fit�Fatrick. tTp�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee cieclared the motion oarried �m�animously. -13- R�.��► M� M��!�4��. ��' tia��4�„i:_�; 'I7� • � • � �� �� I ' i • �_ . � �i �� 4�� i •, : T _ � \ � \ : �+� �►��_ ! :u�_ �M ; 1�4� • : M � ; �P • � _ : � • � � ?� • � _ v � � a�� � �I� �►��i � 4y��1,� : � �� _� �4� C_�i i�al f iv��\1 ' �� �a4 \ � yt� � yl�i�l�.yl�\� � 4i�� y. . �,. � �'4�_ �� , e _ ,� � �� � ,l� � �� . � • �� +-- - �. \ �. _: • ;� �a,� �� � _ ,� 4. � :_a�� ��?� � ;ui��M � �� �.� : �!� 4Q ' +• *- = � y � ; � • : _ ' ' • {� _ � � . s :_ v �1� � �_� �,e � � �►� � : . �,N� �+v��l�t �4 �. �. � �4� �! � � : �i� : Nppq*IpN tr� p�imcilman Sdzneider to ad�pt Resolution No. 107-1986. Sevonded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion aarried unanimously. «�, -� HDTIpiv tr� O�cmcilman Barnette to apprave the lioenses as sukmitted and as on file in the Livense Clerk's Offioe. Sea>nc3ed tr� Co�ncilman Schneider. Upon a voioe vote, all votng aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried Lmanimously. 24. S•LBIM�� Np�1 �, GbUnrilman Fitz�atrick to ap�xwe Claims No. 10314 through 10523. Se�nded b,� O�imcilman Goocispeed. tJpon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion csrried unanimously. 25. F�!�__ TE� NDTION b� O��mcilman Goodspeed to appr'we the estimates as sutmitted: H& S Asphal t, Tnc. 1700 IndustrY Blvd. Anoka, NN 55303 Street ImTxavenent Project No. S'I'. 1986 - 3 $ 20,997.83 FIIJALESTII�TE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AND, Stteet Impravenent Proj ect ST. 1986 - 1& 2 $ 10,202.62 Partiat Estimate No. 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eugere A. Aickok & Assocites 545 Indian A'b�d Wayzata, E�i 55391 For Professional Servioes EYcm July 29 to August 27, 1986 . . • . . . . . . .$ 434.90 E�ebak Construction P.O. Box I39 Northf ield, I� 55057 D�nol iti on and Site G rading Proj ect # 163 $ 188, 311. 85 Partial Estimate No. 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -14- k�. J�.M� ,����YR�. ��' y��4���-��: Li�T� S1nde Engi.r�eering, Inc. 9001 East Bloanington IYeeway Bloanington, NN 55420 For Ehgir�eering Servioes i�rformed Lalae Fbinte �rporate denter . . . . . . . . . . .$ 7,745.11 Sea�nded b� Qnmcilman Sdineider. t)p�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion csrried umanimously. :• • ��+�w� �� Nl�TION by Councilman Schneider to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Gbu�cilman Barrette. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried imanimously and the Regular Meeting of the Fridl.ey City Gb�mcil of Septenber 22, 1986 adj ourned at 10: 35 p�. m. Respectfully sutm�tted, (`a rol e Hadc�ad, Wil l iam J. Nee Secretary t�o the C�ty ��cil Mayor Apprwed: -15- � � � � � � ;�� � � � ,� � i: ,� ; � �; # _ �> ; ; 2 , ;; , �� ;; �. � � � � �_` ; �:� ; ;,. +3, {: � �� i : .�:, # a NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BOND PROJECT (l•lE6B C0. ) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Fridley, Minnesota will meet at 7:30 P.M. on Monday, October 6, �986 at the Fridley City Hall for the purpose of conducting a public hearing on the proposed issuance by the City of $9,000,000 Industrial Development Revenue Bonds pursuant to Chapter 474, Minnesota Statutes, in exchange for the City's outstanding �9,00O,OOQ Industrial Development Revenue Bonds (TY�e Webb Company Project), Series 1981 (the "5eries 1981 Bonds"). The purpose is to permit the modification of certain terms applicable to the Series 1981 Bonds. The type and use of the facility originally financed with the Series 1981 Bonds is the building and certain printing equipme�t located at 5101 Industrial Boulevard N.E. in the City of Fridley. The maximum face amount of obligations to be issued ir, exchange for the Series 1981 Bonds is ;9,000,000, so the total maximum face amount of obligations with respect to the facility is $9,000,000. The owner of the facility is The Webb Company. The facility is operated by Webb/Midwest Printing Company, a wholly- owned subsidiary of The Webb Company. All persons with views on the location and nature of the facility and the proposed issue of bonds may express their views, both orally and in writing, at such time and place. ; Dated : September 22 � 1986 /sl Shirley Haapala City Clerk City of Fridley, Minnesota 1. e��: � e � � � �; ��-, �, � ir:. �,t ur. : • �IE CITY �ONQL OF THE QTY OF FRIII�EY HIItPBY ORIi�2�+ffi: 1. Rriat the annual budget of the City c� Fridley for the fiscal year beginnfng Janwry 1, 1987 whidi has been sut�nitted by the C3ty Manager and modified and approved by the City Council is hereby adoptec`l, the total aE asid budget and their majo� division ther� 6eing as falla+ss 2. That the City llsnager be directed to anuse the apF,ropr�iate acoow�ting entries to be �ade'in the books of the City. G�. !�D � �1E 7b�ea and Special Assesemer►ts: Legi�la�tive: $ 165,018 Q�rrent_Ad Valasem 52.781,050 City �tncil Delit�quer�k� Penelties� Planr►ing Commiasions Pbrfeited 69,000 Other Cb�awissiore $pecial l�ssesea�d�ts 6.802 City Mar�sgemem: 354.161 Lioer�es and Petsit.�: G�neral l�anag�t Lioer�s 1�7,ZOt A�r'on'el - Pexaiits 155,N9 L�gdl Iniercpvernoental: Fimnoe: 627,163 Federal 112,78! Ele�tions State - A�000mting H�estead Credit (Qurent Aaaeesing Ad Valaren) 450,000 Civic Center Loaal Gavernrec�k Aid 1,903,288 Fblioe: 2,194,053 All Other 270,555 Raliae (2�rges far Servioes �.3�,892 Civil Defense Fires and Fbrfeits 207,568 Animal Dontral 7nterest on Investments 320,000 Fire: 485.479 llisoellac� Revenues 64,800 A3alic Wackss 1,960,�16 Other Firrnncfng Soure�s: Tect�niaal Engineering lt�niciFal State Aid 1�1aid 128,576 RYaffic Enqinmering Liqu�r PUnd 10,000 Street Li�tirg Debt Service P1a►d 50,000 Public Wacks Mair�tennrioe �slt. � � O�t Caea�nity Dcvele�s 361,300 �►�(� � �i.U1.9T1 Code Enfocc� �nd Balanae: Planning Desig�ated fa�r Regtaflanent Reczeation: 601rN2 a� Fi�ed Assets 150.000 Natucalist General P1ind Stnrplus 141,931 Recxeation �� �pp � � IB�eecVet �r873 T1�D�t. C�. 1RIID 103 !9� �'� 8!!4'Ub �i�t !� 8tate 11id 1Rtnd (�61e TI/ iiad 'D� l�13� l�� lOIR1� 373,015 58,770 $ L31r7SB � Cwa�r. �■u7i�.T � �it�i �.Qre�r�at Pfaa Property Rhx - Wrrent !�d Valorem 83,456 Interest 100,000 '��L. QB�If. �!�! a�l� �� � � � � W Wo �Ni�in1 Fi�Y Pcopecty Tax - (Lrr�t Ad Valoce� 9,457 9D�!!L �6i1Ci lillD ; 9.157 � �SSE� 1�l1D AWPTED BY THE QTY �[1t�ZL OE' 14IE CITY OF PRIII,EY TH7S f�Y�YlB SiII2T,EY 1+. iiA�1PALA - C1TY Q,@tIC Pu41ic Hearing: September 8, 19K First Raading: Septamber 22, 1986 Seoond Readirbg: Publish: 373,015 56�T70 # tl1.7�S ao� 83,456 100�000 � 9,457 6 l.ss7 � WY OF , 198f WIIi.7AM J. 1�EE - I�YOR , 1 i � 3 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE RECODIFYING THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE BY BEPEALING CHAPTER 703. ENTITLED "SNOiJIiOBILES", AND ESTABLISHING NEi�I CHAPTER 703� ENTITI.ED "SNOWMOBILE REGUTATIONS" • The City Council of the City of Fridley does hereby ordain as follows: A. That Chapter 703, entitled "Snowmobiles" be repealed in total B. That new Chapter 703, entitled "Snowmobile Regulations" be established as follows: 703.01. DEFINITIONS The following definitions shall apply in the interpretation and application of this Chapter and the following words and terms, wherever they occur in this Chapter, are defined as follows: (Ref. 472) 1. Snowmobile A self-propelled vehicle designed for travel on snow or ice steered by skis or runners. 2. Person An individual, partnership, corporation, the state and its agencies and subdivisions, and any body of persons, whether incorporated or not. 3. Owner A person, other than a lien holder, having the title to a snowmobile and lawfully entitled to the use or possession thereof. 4. Operate To ride in, or on, and control the operation of a snowmobile. 5. Street or Highway The entire width between boundary lines of any way or place when any part thereof is open to the use of the public, as a matter of right, for the purposes of vehicular traffic. 703.02. OPERATION PROHIBITED It is unlawful for any person to operate a snowmo�hile, ror any owner allok to be operated a snowmobile: 1. On any street, highway or public right-of-way within the city limits of Fridley. Page 2 - Ordinance No. 2. On any public lands, waters and property under the jurisdiction of the City of Fridley unless specifically suthorized by City Council. 3. On land of another person, without lawful suthority or consent of the owner, occupant or lessee. 703.03. EXEMPTIONS The provisions of this Chapter shall not apply to emergency vehicles, non- government vehicles operated under the direction of the Public Safety Director during emergencies, or vehicles operated by other governmental bodies within the course and scope of their official duties. 703.04. PENALTIES Any violation of this Chapter is a misdemeanor and is subject to all penalties provided for such violations under the provisions of Chapter 901 of this Code, except that an owner of a snowmobile bearing his registration number that is operated upon the roadway of any trunk, county state aid, or county highway may be fined not to exceed $300.00. PASSED AtvD ADOPTED BY THE CIT1 COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DA1 OF , 1986 ATTEST: SHIRLEI A. HAAPALA - CITY CLERK First Reading:September 22, 1986 Second Reading Publication: WILLIAM J. NEE - MAYOR 3A � PLANNING DIVISION � MEMORANDUM c��roF FRlDLEY [+EIrD 7D: Jock Robertson, Oommiaiity Development Director I�l�D FROM: Jim R�binson, Planning Coordinator �, IrEIrD II�TE: septenber 16, 1986 R�Ai2DING : Di sposi tion of Gena lme Triangul ar Pieoe In analyzing the methais for p�ssihle disposition of the Gena Rae triangular pieoe of property, two options seem most viable: 1. Make a determination of excess property and opt for public bidding to aetermi.ne buyer. 2. �N�ke a detern►ination of excess property and negotiate a sale with an interested party. In the event Gbuncil decic3es to sell the triangular piece it must do so by ordinance according to City Charter, section 12.06. �rther, the City Gb�mcil must deteIInine by a twa-thirds vote that the property tro be disposed has no relationship to the Comprehensive P1an, M.S.A. Section 462.356, Subdivi.sion d.2. If the Co�ci1 fails to make this additional determination then it wi11 be r�eoessary for the Planning Commission to conduct a publ ic hearing on the question of disp�sal. Abte, above prooedure acoorcling to meno f ran L�vid P. Newman dated March 25, 1986 . Zhe (7o�nprehensive Plan o�nsistency issue is addressed in the Plan tuic3er Aarks and Open Spaoe. Objective one, F�blicy 3B, "The City should release excess property which cbes not aanplenent the Fark systen." In orc3er to allaa Gb�mcil to mave ahead with the sale of the paroel, if they so d�oose, staff �has prepared two ordinanoes which would enable then to do so. Note there is differing language on the two doc�unents regarding the method of sale; whida the ��ci1 should choose f rcm. Should Cotmcil opi not to sell or in the event that Mr. Brickner is not sucoessful in aaquiring the triangle, then it is staff's and legal counsel's opinion that the assessnents imp�sed against Mr. Brickner's property be vacated. If t�is is Council's desire staff wi11 prepare a resolution to affect this amenc�nent to the assessment rolls. �I.R�dm M-86-229 ORDINAN� N0. AN ORDINANCE UNDER SECTION 12.06 OF TIi E CITY CHARTER I�EQ,ARING (ER�,IN FtF�,L, E�;�1TE ZO BE SURPLUS AND AUgIORIZIlVG gIE SALE �iF�2IDF �e Co�cil of the City of Fridley does ordain as follaws: 1. Zhe City of Fridley is the fee aw�r of the tract of land within the City of Friclley, Anoka Go�ty, State of Minnesota, described as follaws: A portion of Outlot 1, Block 1, Gena-Rae Addition, lying 25 feet north of the center 1 ine of Creek Park Lane N. E. , PIN 24-30-13-13-0041 All lying in North Half of Section 13, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, State of Niinr�esota. 2. It is hereby determiried by the Co�mcil that the City no longer has any reason to continue to own said property and that the sale of said property is not inoonsistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. 3. Zhe Cot�cil hereby authorizes the City Manager and the City Clerk to effect the sale of said property by advertising for public bids. 4. �e�Mayor and City C1erk are hereby authorized to sign the necessary oontract and deeds to effect the sale of �e above described real estate. �1SSID AND ADOFI'ID BY �iE QTY miJNQL OF gIE QTY OF FRIDLEY THIS II�Y OF _ � 1986. WILLIAM J. NEE - Ng1YOR ATI�S T: SHIRLEY HAAB�LA - CITY Q,ERK First Reading: Seoond Reading: Pulal ish : 3/?/4/1 . � ORDINANCE N0. AN ORDINANCE UI�IDER SECTION 12.06 OF THE CITY rHAR.TER DEQ,ARING CER�1N RF�I, FS�ZE 'iD BE SURPLUS AND AU7�iORIZING �3E SALE �IERDUF �he Cotuzcil of the City of Fridley does ordain as follaws: 1. 'Ihe City of Fridley is the fee awner of the tract of land within the City of Fridley, Anoka County, �State of Minnesota, described as follaws: A portion of Outlot l, Block 1, Gena-Rae Addition, lying 25 feet north of the center 1 ine of Creek Pa rk Lane N. E. , PIN 24-30-13-13-0041 All lying in North Half of Section 13, �30, R-24, City of Fridley, Co�ty of Anoka, State of Minnesota. 2. It is hereb� determined by the CAU�cil that the City no longer has any reason to continue to own said property and that the sale of said property is not ino�nsistent with the City's Campr�ensive Plan. 3. 7he Cotu�cil hereby authorizes the City Manager and the City C1erk to etfect the sale af said property by negotiating a sale directly with an interested party. 4. Zhe�Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to sign the necessary oontract and deeds to effect the sale of the above d�escribed real estat�e. �SSID AND ADOPI'ID BY �3E QTY OJUNCIL OF �IE QTY OF ERIDLEY THIS II�Y OF , 1986. WILLAM J. I�E - N�,YOR ��� �. � � . . M •_ �+. First Reading: Sea�nd Reading: Publ ish : 3/7/4/6 . � � •�- G - � Disposition of � C�e_ na Rae Prope '� . l�zo, c:fy of F�id/sy ( A...vr a�1 � R� PP . L._ ��,��._ ,. ��� ( �• 0'� �r ' ��' �• t� E o �s� � � �°� � _` .� d+> . (r} � pb1`cor , � I� Wt � � r • � , ` � � '� n� �. nr b . �' si ��` ` ` � � + . . ! 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'"- _� . 1 ,� � . _. � . ` *w, . � �,ds :.�,� �� . -•. \ ` �' .. • . � , , :t ;:�. '�' S. � . !� . • _ �.. ~ � C�N�F FRl DLEY '10: Fii0irl: DA�: DIAECTORATE OP PUBLIC WORK8 IVIEMOAANDUM Nasi.m 4ures�i, City Manager Jdin G. • Flora,f Publ ic Works Directcr Septenber 17, 1986 SUBJDCT: Gena ita►e Stonn Water SYsten Aa86-279 ,�. • �-„'= ��� . L y� . . •� i Since the decision was made to redevelop the Rice Creek School into residential c3e�velopment• there has been o�nsiderable discussion and oonaern about the facility and storm water in the immediate areas of the City. It was a decision a�f the City Gbuzcil b4 aaquire the Gena �e Plat parcel for park p�upoees to pcwic9e similar facilities, f.e., baset�all field, skating► tennis a�urt, botlot and open play for the neic�b�rhooa c�ue to the loss of these faclities with the Rice Creek School. It was also the Council's decision to construct the raad (CreeJc P�rk Lane) to pravide access to the park property for the neic,�t�rhood and the plats, eidden Woods and Creek Ric�ge. Zhe street utilities and park were c�nstructed in 1984. Rhe land north af Mississippi Street bet�ween Old Central and Arthur allaaed surfaae flvw to the east and west of an approximate center line of the p�operty. Zhe larrds to the east vhich oonsisted primarily of the Rice Qreek S�ool sloped to a depressian on its eouthern b�undary. 7he lands to the west sloped to the south to a depression which is in the location of the current Creek Ridge I�rk detention p�nd. (See F5nclosure #1). With the establist�ment of t�e Hick3en Wcods and Creek Ridge Plats and the CYeek Ridge F�rk, the Rioe Creelc Watershed District ap�pcwed a storm water plan which took the majority of the Rioe (xeelc Schoa�l property and drained it to the north into Rioe Creek. �e southerly p�rtion of the Rice Creek School property (south half of Creek Ridge Plat) was impraved by the o�nstructian af Creek I�rk Lane catch basin system which took the f ront yards of the t�ew plat and conveyed the water into the Creek Ridge Park detention p�nd. �is then allowed only the rear yards of the parcels on the south side a� Creek prark Lane to aantinue to dzain into the original depcession., 7�is depsessian was impravea by the installation of a pipe which p�wided a� outlet f ran the depression into the Creek Ridge Park detention p�nd. In additian, the mrti�ern half of the Hidden Woods plat was prograimned to be oollected and piped into the Creek Ridge Park c3etention p�nd. �e tear p�itions of t3�e s�uthern balf o� the Hidden Woods lots were o�ntrolled by a ney detention pond which was outletted to Mississippi Street by a pipe vhic}� �as also vonnected to tbe Creek Ridge F�rlt detentia�n po�nd outlet. �.i� storm water plan reduced the original r�naff area arrd dizected it into tiie ponds foz oontrol and conveyancQ. (See nnclosure i2). 4E i�ge 2 - g+186-279 As a result o� o�nstruction, it has been found that the outlet for the northern p�nd within the Hidden Woods plat whicii is wruyected to the street catch basin may occassionally sur-charge due to minimum slopes. The �uthern detention ponc3 of �e iiidden Woods Plat was not o�nstructed as des,ic,�ed and therefore did not prwide desigi wpacity. A�000rdingly, it is proposed to install a tyew outlet pipe for the northern detention pond in the Hidden Woods Plat whic� will o�rnccrt directly tro the inlet pipe to the CYeek Ridge Park detention pond. R�is wi11 erssure tha�t water will not back up and it will provide an outlet belaw the existing new residential basanent floors. It is also reoommended that the berm line along the southern three paroels of the 8idden Woods Plat be raised with the weir structure in order t» prwide the desig� c+apacity and also prevent water flaw out of the plat fn the s�uth. Rbeee items have been discussed with l9r. Blanbezg, tfie developer, ar�d a fonaal letter is being sent requesting the impravenents be initiated as eoon as possible. In addition. it is also proposed to raise the detention p�nd walls on the west and south sides of the Creek Ridge F�ck detention pond to pcovide additional storage for stona water r�noff fran Hidden Woods and Ctee�c Ridge Plats and wi11 not overflow irno the property to the south. �is work is being initiated at this time. (See F��closure t3) . In the existing conditian, we twve reduaed the quantities of water which originally flawed into the natural depressions in this area. With the suggested impravenents, we will pravide a means whereby we will reduce surfaoe water rua�off t�o the pcoperties to the s�uth fraa the original and existing conditions. R�erefore, pzoperties along Mississippi will experienoe a reduaed quantity of water which continues to flow aver the natural drainage �uree. 7his entire drainage bysten flvws �nder Mississipp� Street to a depression and then by surfaoe flaw to the south into the Harris pond ditch. �e Pificienc.y of this bysten can be materially impraved which will not only benefit the properties north of t+lississippi but also those between Mississippi and the Harris p�nd ditd� by the installation of a pipe f rom Mississippi within the street ric�t-of�y to the 8arris pond ditch. Z�is improvenent while is not the total s�lution for the stoLm water within this area, would satisfy those �ncerns of the neic�borhood that we have heard this past year r�n �e enoo�tered these extra-ordinazy rainfall events. Wit3� the noted in�cwenents for the Hidden Woods arK] Creek Ridge Plats, we �ill in fact impro�ve the stos�n water problems in this area. With the c�nstructio�n o� a pipe outlet, r►e vill n�t only enhance the Hidden woods and CreeJc Ridge Plat byst�s but also tbe neic,�bc�rhood between Arthur and Qld Oentral, ana Mississippi and the Harris Pend Dit�. Tf ti�e Ouuncii desires, they �ould cor�sider an impravesnent project for �is sto� water line constr�uct,icn. �is area bas not had a stona watez systen installed nor a sto� vat�er asses�ent levied. (See EncJ.osure �4) . 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OEE •� �\ °-�, a( 0 T LY PE N Di N G)� �k. �, �••••••••••••• V� f cMtNte ♦ � O � ' � ��[ �• ` � � . u a� ��� � s R��Rp, � � •�� � � �� AQ ' 19 S �� M �� � b' a ffN�A� �r " �ti � � • 6p = r � . w p • t ���= °� � MO�J I T�. � , ��i �, ��jj��i , ;AR . A � � = r �t�10�' � � ��- - -• -�-- ,. . ! � � rl .1 / o�n�cE r�o. AN ORDIN�INCE UI�IDER SECTION 12.07 OF TiiE CITY C�ARTER 7� VA(�„� g�,'T5 p,1�ID ALd,EYS AND � I�N�ND APPENDIX C OF THE QTY �DE �he City CAUncil of the City of Fridley does ordain as follaas: S�CTION 1. Fbr the vacation of a utility easesnent described as follows: The five foot utility eas�nent along the southwest property line of Lot 4, Block 1, Lu�sbruck North Zbwnhouses Plat 4, to a point ten feet west of the southeast property line of the same lot, the same being 5462 Meister Road N. E. All lying in the South half of Section 24, �30, R-24, Anoka County, Minnesota• Be and is hereby vacated. SECTION 2. Z�e said vacation has been made in conformance with Minnesota Statutues and pursuant to Section 12.07 of the City Charter and Appendix C of the City Code shall be so amenc3ed. FP�S.SID AI�ID ADOPl'ED BY �iE QTY �LINCZL OF �iE QTY OF FRIII,EY �iIS . DAY OF , 1986 WILL7AM J. 1�E - NY�YOR �-- ATTFST: SEIIRLEY A. HAP,�ILA - CITY Q,E�tK ~ Puhlic Hearing: Septenber 8, 1986 First Reading: Sept�nber 8, 1986 Seoond Reaaing: Pu}al ication: 5 � � cinroF f RI DLEY PLANNING DIVISION MEMOR.ANDUM MEI�D ZD: Jock Robertson, �n�mity Develogaent Director John Flora, Riblic Works Director 1�rD FROM: Jim R�binson, Planning Coordinato� � N�t�D II�ZE: October 2, 1986 RFI'�ARDING: Farr/Zbwnhame Association t4eeting As part of the review prooess associated with the Farr request of utility easement vacation an extensive review of outstanding commitments and dei iciencies has been oanpleted. �ese itens were included in a staff rep�rt to Cfluncil dated 9/19/86. On 9/22/86 City O�u�►cil unanimously approved the vacation request with the stiTx�lation that Mr. F`arr p�st a$10,000 letter of credit to cuver improvenent itens which are not notmal maintenance concerns of the associations. On 9/30/86 I met with Dan Farr and Rick Plessner of D. Farr Dev�.opnent, �ave Fh�ery, Presicient of Villages of Innsbruck Association and Steve Zbllison, Presiaent of Innsbruck North Zbwnhouse Association (ITNA). Discussion oenterec� aro�d the eic�teen stipulations presented b� staff and the related responsibility of each party. Based upon this meeting four improveqnent categories exist: A. Zhose items which Farr accepts responsibility for, to be covered by $10,000 letter of credi� B. �ose items which the associations desire that Farr remedy, but docuunentation of responsibility is lacking. Council may wish to stipulate that responsibil ity for these itens be resolved prior to Farr's next build.ing permit (anticipated 10/31/86). G �ose itens which the Association has agre�ed to handle. : r�c� : ���+�.� 1. Pedestrian lic�ting, required as per agree�►ent dated 4/19/76 has been installed only on the east s�de af F'arr Lake �athway. - Strategy - ITNA will review �is iten an 10/16/86; may elect to waive. Staff to delete f ram surety af ter wri tten waiver f ram I�IA. 2. Replaoe failing retairung wall on the rbrth side af Brenner Pass N. E. - Stratec,� - 7his it� was cbc��ted an 1/21/82 as poozly installed; has worsened sic�if icantly sinoe. Developer bas ret agzeed to f ix. IZNA and staff request it be covered by surety and repaired by 10/31,/86. 3. Renwe p�les of dirt and debris and sod 15 feet back of curb on the west sic3e af East Brenner F�ss N. E Lh�built lots not to be used for d�nping as per Farr letter dated 2/26/81. - Strategy - Developer �ill complete benning and sod by 5/3�/87. �. � Jock Rpberts�n October 2, 1986 Page 2 4. Repair washed out drainage swale at the end of East Brenner Pass N. E. Severe erosion and pedestrian hazard. - StratecIl� - Developer has agreed to repair by 10/15/86. 5. Remove debris (street sweepings) and plant grass seed to estahlish ground cover on vacant lot area, Block 4 and 5, Innsbruck V illage S econd Addition, southwest of Black Forest Condos. - Strategy - Joint settlenen� Village Association will r�ave debris an�d grade. Farr will sod along the western edge, seed mo�md and plant trees by 10/15/86. 6. Sod boulevard, 15 feet back of curb, on the south of North Innsbruck Drive just west of New Brighton border. - Strategy - Developer will install by 10/15/86. 7. Restore buffer between townhouse at 1511 North IruLSbruck Drive N. E. and Mulvihill resi3ence at 5601 North Danube Rpad N. E. as per City plan chted 9/19/86. - Stratec� - Developer will install by 10/31/86. Also agreed that this developnent site will be fully sodded by san►e date. 8. Install tot lot on common property on Plat 5 as per agreement dated 4/19/76. - Strat�ec� - I'II1A will review this iten on 10/16/86; may elect to waive. Staff ta c3elete f ran surety af ter written waiver f rcm I�]A. 9. Renedy erosion and maintenance probleqns resulting f rom surcharging on Block 21, Innsbruck Villages. - Stratec�� - Developer has agreed to cure the erosion problen on the surcharged lot on West Bavarian Pass by installing additional silt fencing around the northwest vorner of lot and by cleaning all of �Yapp Cvurt and a portion of West Bavarian Pass f roan Trapp Court to south of said lot by 10/15/86. Farr anticipates �onstruction and sodding on this lot to be aompleted by 5/31,/87. CAZ�7GORY B IZg'1S 1. Sod open area on South Bavarian Pass N. E. between Lots 36 and 37, Block 1, Innsbruck North Zbwnhouses Plat 4. - Stratec� - I'IIJA feels Farr should sod to 15 feet back of curb; association will maintain lot 2. ReFair asphalt in the driv�saay at 5677 West Bavarian �ss N. E. - Stratec�� - Village Association feels de�veloper is responsible; water stop under pav�ent, repair to be voordinated with city engineer. 3. Install sod 15 feet back of curb and continue Spruce line on South Bavarian Pass N. E. , east of 1586 Sac�t� Bavarian Pass N. E. - Strategy - I'IIdA wants developer to clear cl�mped raat�erial. Association will sod to 15 feet back of curb. 4. Sod 15 feet back of curb on eouth side of Brenner Pass N. E- Strategy - Developer and I�IA to aoordinate impravenent. 5. R�eplace all t�esnporazy curbing with pernnan�ent ooncrete curb and gutter on West Brenner Fgss N. E. , Brenner Pass N. E. and East Bavarian Pass N. E. - Stratec�� - I'II1A feels tenp�rary curbing was to be replaved with permar�ent curb upon d�veloFments vompletion; no cbcumentation of this available. Staff feels broken and missing curbing on East Bavarian Pass should be replaoed as minimun improvenent; perhaps cost shared between the two parties. 5C Jock Rc>bertson October 2, 1986 Page 3 6. Rep3ir asphalt depression in road adjacent to 5519 East Bavarian Pass N. E. - Stratec� - Village Association feels Farr vonstruction equipment caused pro41� and that Farr should repair. 7. New iten: Truck damage to North Innsbruck Court. -Strategy - Village Association requests Farr to repair damage to North Innsbruck Co urt, caused b� Farr vehicles. CAZ�CaORY C ITF1�iS 1. Imprave asphalt pathway around pond by resurfacing where necessary. - Stratec,� - fblicy of City is that we will maintain path on west of pond through pa.rk, P,ssociation should maintain path on their grounds. 2. Replace broken path ligh lt,uninaire on the east side of Farr Lake. - Stratec,� - IZNA should maintain 1 ighting on their gro�ds. 3. Repair asphalt in the �rking area on Bonhoff J�ction. - Strate� - IZNA has a three year plan for asphlat repair; Bonhoff Junction to be resurfaoed next year. 4. Patch parking lot on the northeast side of Black Forest Condos. - Strategy - Maintenance of Black Forest parking is handled by their individual association. Farr will riotify then of r�eeded repairs. Attached is an ordinanoe for vacation of the utility easement in question. At this time a sewnd reading and order tio publish is neoessary. If Council c�ncurs with staff reoa�nendation a letter of credit oovering all category A itens should be issued prior to staff's sending publication information to the Fridley Fbcus on 10/8/86. Please advise as to future controls on (�tegory B itens. I have informed the various garties that CAUncil will review this matter on October 6, 1986. JLR/c�n cc: Darrel Farr Rick Plessner Lhve Etnery Steve Zbllison M-86-246 � FRI DLEY SEN IOR CITIZEN CENTER (Fridley Community Education Center) 6085 Seventh Street N.E. � Fridley, MN 55432 To: Mayor Nee City of Fridley From: Senior Citizen Center Advisory Board (612) 571-6�1 X222 � We are requesting time on the October 6, 1986 City Council Agenda to share the enclosed proposal for the city of Fridley to establish and fund a full time Senior Center Coordinator position. Ruth Smith President FRI DLEY SEN tOR CITIZEN CENTER (Fridley Community Education Center) ��` — '" CENTER 6085 Seventh Street N.E. * Fridley, MN 55432 ts�2) �71-6418 TO; City Council City of Fridley FROM: Senior Citizen Center Advisory Board The Senior Citizen center Advisory Board request that the City of Fridley establish and fund a full time on- going Senior Center Coordinator position effective Jan- uary l, 1987. l. The advisory Board understands that the coordinator will be based at the Fridley Senior Center to conduct a full senior program from that facility. 2. The Advisory Board understands that it would continue to function in an advisory capacity when planning activities and ser- vices for the Fridley seniors population to be carried out by City staff. 3. The Advisory Board request that the City of Fridley continue its present level of fund- ing already in place for auxiliary services such as newsletter, bussing and programs. 4. The Advisory Board recognizes the agree- ment made by representatives of District 14 and the City of Fridley as per the attached agreement dated September 10. 1986. Ruth Smith President RS:sg � � 2t�: Senior Center Advis�ry Bc:ard RE: CITY-SQi00L COOPF�EtATIVE ACREIIKENr In the event that the Senior Center Advisory Board puts forth a proposal requesting that the City of Fridley establish a£ull-time position in the Recreation Division for a Senior Citizen Program Coordinator, and in the subsequent event that the Fridley City Council takes positive action on this proposal, the following understanding is agreeable to the Community Education staff of District 14 and the R�ecreation and Natural Resource staff of the City of Fridley. Zrie District 14 - City of Fridley Cooperative agreement will be exp�anded to include a section on Senior Citizen Programs, with three (3) areas to be added: 1) City to provide Senior Coordinator position and conduct progra�as. 2) District 14 to provide facilities. 3) Both agencies to work with Senior Center Advisory Board when plannin9 activities/services. ' The Senior Citizens PrograQa Coordinator will be a City �nployee; will be hired, pranoted and fired by the City; will follow City policies and receive werall, final supervision fraa a City staff menber. The Coordinator will be evaluated by the City and that agency will accept on-going evaluation input from Comrounity Fducation personnel, Senior Center Advisory Board me�mbers, and progravn participants. Supervision of programming and personnel will be the responsiblity of the City of Fridley. The day-to-day facility use, as it pertains to District 14 facilities, will be under the direction of a Cam�unity Education staff mant�er and in accordance with District 14's accepted facility use policies, including building supervision during non-regular scheduled hours. All decisions and arrangements regarding facility use will be controlled by the Canmunity Education Staff Member. The Senior Citizens Program Coordinator will forward to, or discuss with, a Car�nity Education staff inember all pzeliminary plans for future progr�nning that involves Di.strict 14 facilities. This may invalve meeting with this Coqomunity Education staff menber for the purpose of identifying patential conflicts with other Comn��nity Education Center uses and to coordinate the use plans with tt�at af other groups ut i 1 iz ing the f ac i 1 ity . Ose of any District I� facilities, other than the regularly scheduled hours of the Drop-In Center, will necessitate the submitting of building use applications to the Ca�anunity Education Department. �. , . ,� j- � r '� � �- �_.� _ ,'% % �:.� `� School District #14 Representative Dated: Septenber 10, 1986 City of Fridley resentative • : 7 September 10, 1986 Fridley City Council 6431 University Avenue id.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Re: Reapproval of Side Yard Variance at 420 - 67th Avenue N.E. Dear Sirs: I received approval of a side yard variance on May 29� 1984, to convert my existing garage to livinv area, which is located 7 feet from the side yard. The Appeals Co�nission approved the request with no stipulations. I did not eonvert my garage to living area. I would now like the City Council to reapprove the variance of 7 feet to allow me to construct a three season porch behind my garage. I have attached a letter from my neighbor, Mr. Jack Kirkham, indicating that he has no objections to this construction. I would appreciate your f avorable response to my request. Thank you, Mr. Martin Bistram 420 - 67th Avenue N.E. Fridley, NII�I 55432 571-3218 7A 0 � September 11, 1986 I, Jack �irkham of 430 - 67th Avenue A.E., do agree that Tlartin Bistram, of 420 - 67th A��enue �.E., use a pre��ious variance dated 1984 to add on to the back of his home to make a three-season porch and deck off the back of his garage and kitchen. � i / � . i i � , \ � � �� ' lL�t-� 1 ! �l � 3 Z � � � ' I 1 . Va�;. `b �p� s � �� •� 4 9 .� l �, 5 �S B - i�'� �� �� '.+s. � n+ t� � . �S'i ; - ;. Z1 � ?� f ' � I ` � ; �U � • c. 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Y� � ) i ' . .._ r�r r� �i� M. wr ...w�► �r �YYV� .+i� ti. ��. �i� ! / � f � : 1 i . � - i ' 1 j . t � � i i f : � � } �/� � � ` . . i l�� r "' -� � i ! , � ` ' -S✓1Tl,.J� � 'r / • ' � � f �' --� � � � � !� S � Y :. ; D�c..r � � j � �r t � r/ � � � i� � � _ , • ..�- � ____ ._.� _.. . - yy � . _ -- . . _ _� ;�- . . � %� � ; �. `� �. ��....M.. . . _ `:�_�. ..... : c � �� ,- � � �'d ; . . _. � � Q� � �?.E-�,. � �7'a � �.� . �s � . �. , ! �' ► � . �, � ;. 1 i ' ti ! } t � 1 : s' i + ; . ; �. i 1 1 J � � � � V � Q''�'"L- � 1:.,� �'"'� -� ....r ^ 7C � 7D APPEALS COMMISSION TNG. MAY 29, 1984 PAGE 3 MOTIOl7 BY MS. GERW � SECONDED BY 1�2. PLEMEL, TO AppRpVE TXE REQUEST FOR VARIANCE PURSUANT TD CHAPTER ?05 OF THE FRID Y CITY CODE, TID REDUCE TNE SIDE YARD SETBACI�C FROM 30 FEET TO � FEET TO TXE (bNSTRUCTION OF A 24 FDOT DETACXED GARAGE TD BE I.00ATE QN IAT 1� BLOCK 2, SPRING LA1� PARK LA7�SIDE ADDITIDN, THE SA7� BEING 82 OSBORNE ROAD N.E., (+►ITN THE STIPULATION THAT TilE OVERHEAD GARAGE BE PI�ICED IN THE NORTN WALL AS SHOh�N IN THE PLANS. Mr. Plemel stated that since there appe d to be no neighborhood objection to this request, he had no problem w' granting the variance. Ms. Gabel stated she could see problem with the granting of the variance. She could understand that if e petitioner cannot use his present garage, it was logical for him to ant to be able to store his vehicles inside. She stated she felt Mr eisen really did have a hardship, and this request seemed reasonable. Mr. Betzold a eed. He stated corner lots are always troublesome in trying to make ev thing fit within the codes, especially when the lot is in the corner q€ the whole city. A VDICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, C1fAIRPERS01� GABEL DECLARED THE MOTIOh ED UNANIMOUSLY. 2. REQUEST FOR VARIANCE PURSUANT TO CNAPTER 205 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE TO DUCE SIDE YARD SETBACK FROM 10 FEET TO 7 FEET N THE LIVING SIDE OF THE HOUSE TO ALLOk' THE CONVERSIO!r' OF G RAGE 0 LIVING REA� LOC TED ON LOT $, �; , - equest y arttn . estram, - venue .., ri ey. n. �2) 1NOTION BY MS. GEROi1, SECONDED BY l�2. BETZOLD, TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING. UPO!� A VDICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CXAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED TXE PUBLIC NEARING OPEN AT 7:65 P.M. Chairperson Gabel read the Administraiive Staff Report: ADMINISTRATIVf STAFF �iEPORT 420 - S7th Avenue N.E. A. PUBLIC PURP05E SE�Y€D BY REQUIREMENT: Section 205.07.3D.2a requires a minimum setback of 10 feet between any livinq area and side property lines. Public purpose served by this requirement is ta maintain a minimum of 20 feet between living areas in adjacent structures and 15 feet between garages and livinq areas in adjacent structures to reduce exposure to conflagration of fire. It is also to a71ow fcr aesthetically pleasing open areas around residential s�ructures. �7E APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING MAY 29 1984 PAr,E 4 � 6. STATED HARDSHIP: "Family size warrants more living area." C. ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REVIEW: The garage to the east is approximately 9 feet from the common lot line which results in a 16 foot distance between the structures. Therefore, �no fire wall will be required if the 8oard approves this request. Mr. Clark stated the petitioner really had a two-fold hardship. One, of course, was the family size, and the other was the fact that he presently has a single car garage and has enough personal property to need a larger garage. The present garage cannot be enlarged because it is already about 7 ft. from the lot line. Mr. Bestram is going to build a 36 ft, x 26 ft. garage in the rear yard and then convert the existing garage into living area. 7he conversion of the existing garage is what caused the variance. Mr. Plemel asked where the driveway would be fror� the street to the proposed garage. . Mr. Clark stated there is l0 ft. between the house and the westerly property line. Mr. Bestram has talked to the neighbor to the west who is willing to give permission to reduce the driveway setback from the side lot iine from 3 ft, to 0 ft. He stated the plan showed the position of the prcposed garage in the rear yard. There wiil be enough room in the back yard to turn the vehicles around to drive out forward to the street. The petitioner, Martin Bestram, stated his neighbor to the west, Wayne Kwatera, 410 - 67th Ave, N.E., had written a letter stating he agreed to extend the driveway to the lot line. MOTIOt� BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY !�lS. GEROU, TD RECEIVE TNE LETTER FROI•! lN:2. KWA:ERA, DATED APRIL 29, 1984, STATING MR. BESTRAM COULD EXTEND HI5 DRIVEWAY TO THE LOT LINE OF TNEIR AA707NING PROPERTIES. UPON A VDICE VOTE, ALL VOTINC AYE, CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED THE 1NOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr, Bestram stated he will remove the driveway and the overhead �arage door to the existiPg garage. He stated he wil�l be putting in a decorative brick driveway to the proposed garage. Mr. Betzold asked Mr. 8estram to explain his hardship. Mr. Bestram stated he still has two college age children living at home. There are four cars in the family. He stated he has a small basement. and there is a real need for more garage space and more 7iving space. 7F APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING, MAY 29, 1984 PAGE 5 MOTICYV BY NR. PLEMEL, SECOd�DED BY KS. GEROU, TO CL0.SE THE PUBLIC HEARING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CBAIRPERSON CABEL DECI.ARED TBE PUBLIC AEARING CLQSED AT 7:55 P.M. Mr. Plemel stated he could understand the reasons for this request and since there was no neighborhood objection� he would be in favor of granting the variance. Ms. Gerou agreed. She stated remodeling was more affordable than moving. Ms. Gabel stated she understood the plight of the single car c�arage. She felt it was a valid hardship. especially when four cars have to be moved around. The neighbors are not objecting, and the one neighbor is willing to go more tlian out of his way to facilitate this and help make it happen. She had no problem with approving the variance. Mr. Betzold stated he, too, had no problem with granting the variance. MOTIA'ti' BY MS. GERDU, SECOA'DED BY MR. PLEI�fEL, TD W'PROVE THE REQUEST FOR VARIA.':CE PURSU.�L'.T Tb CHAPTER 205 OF TXE FRIDLEY CITY CODE TO REDUCE THE SIDE YARD SETBACY. FRO!�! 10 FEET 20 7 FEET ON TNE LIVING SIDE OF THE HOUSE TO ALLOW THE CONVERSION OF A GARAGE TO LIVING AREA,LOCATED ON LOT 8, BLOCK 5, RICE CREEK TERRACE ?LRT 3, TXE SAME BEING 420 - 67TN AVENUE N.E. UPON A VDICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED TXE MOTION CARRIED IINA1� IMDUSLY. ADJOURNMENT: NOTIO:�' BY MR. PLEMEL, SECONDED BY 1�2. BETZOLD, TO ADJOURN TNE MEETING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED THE MAY 29, I984, APPEALS COMb'ZSSIOl1 I�ETING ADJOURNED AT 7:57 P.M. Respectfully sub itted, i , � � �r. C ,. .fti-f�— Lynne Saba Recording Secretary �J CITY OF FRIDLEY PLANNING COMMIISSION MEETING, SEPTEMBER 24, 1986 CALL TO ORDER• Chairperson Billings called the September 24, 1986, Planning Commission meet- ing to order at 7:33 p.m. ROLL CALL• Members Present: Steve Billings, Dean Saba, Sue Sherek, Donald Betzold and Rich Svanda Members Absent: David Kondrick and Al Gabel Others Present: Jim Robinson, Planning Coordinator David Harris (Sse attached list) APPROVAL OF AUGUST 20, 1986, PLANNING COMNQSSION MINUTES: MOTION :�'� MR. SABA, SECONDED BY MR. BETZOLD, TO APPROVE THE AUGUST 20, 1986, PLANNING CONIMISSION M=�_NUTES AS WRITTEN. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DEC�RED THE Pi0TI0N CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 1. PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDERATION OF A SPECIAL USE PEKMIT, SP_��86-12, BY RICKY THRONDSON: Per Section 205.07.1, C,1 of the Fridley City Code, to allow a second accessory building on Lot 6D, Auditor's Subdivision No. 21,,the same being 6620 Lucia Lane N.E. MOTION BY i�i. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MS. SHEREK, TO WAIVE THE READING OF THE PUBLIC HEAFING NOTICE AND OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 7:35 p.m. Mr. Robinson stated this is a request for a second accessory garage located on Lucia Lane with double frontage on Highway 65 and L�rcia Lane, just north of Mississippi Street. He stated the property is zoned R-1 and in a predominately single family neighborhood. He stated the petitioner is proposing to construct a new garage, approxi- mately 526 square feet, in front of the existing detached garage and attach it to the house. 1�. Robinson stated staff was recommending approval with the following stipulations: (1) a hard surface driveway be provided with construction of the garage; (2) tires and debris be removed from the side yard; (3) boat be moved to the side/rear yard or stored inside garage; and (4) garage materials, siding and roofing are to match existing house. . � . PLANNING CONIMISSION MEETING, SEPTE�IIZ 24, 1986 PAGE 2 N�. Throndson stated the new garage was to provide extra storage for vehicles as well as for a boat and trailer. He stated no mech�nical work would be done in the garage. �. Throndson stated the existing garage was in good shape and when the new garage is constructed, everything wouid be re-sided. He stated he had no problem with the stipulations recommended by staff. Mr. Betzold asked if there was a reason why the petitioner was Leaving about an eight foot gap between the existing garage and house. He questioned why this couldn't be filled in and attached to thQ house to make one large garage. I�. Throndson stated this was what he originally proposed, but had some negative feedback. He stated he would have no problem with closing in this gap, if it was allowed by the City Code. He stated the new garage would have footings under it because it would be attached to the house and the existing garage is on a floating slab. He stated the existing garage has been there for 20 years and has not moved and he was told by some construction people it would be feasible to attach it to the new garage. He stated if it is not allowed by Code, it couid then be detached. Mr. Robinson stated this matter could be worked out with the Building Inspector. rtOTION BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MR. SABA, TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECIARED THE rapTION CARRIED UNEINIMOUSLY AND THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 7:42 p.m. MOTION BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MS. SHEREK, TO RECOMI�ND TO THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP ��86^12, WITH THE FOLLO'WING STIPULATIONS; L. A hard surface driveway be provided with construction of the garage; 2. Tires and debris be removed from the side yard; 3. Boat be moved to the side/rear yard or stored inside garage; and 4. Garage materials, siding and roofing are to match existing i�ouse. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairperson Billings stated this item would go Co the City Council on October 6, 1986. 2. PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDERATION OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP_ �k86-13 BY RONALD CHRISTENSEN OF R.T.C. �UTOMOTIVE: . PLANNING CO1�II�IISSION MEETING. SEPTEMBER 24�, 1986 PAGE 3 Per Section 205.1�.1, C,4 of the Fridley City Code, to allow a repair garage on Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 3, City View, the same being 5755 University Avenue N.E. MOTION BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MS. SHEREK, TO FIAIUE THE READING OF THE PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE AND OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANII�USLY AND THE PUBLiC HEARI3+IG OPENED AT 7:44 p.m. I�. Robinson stated this property was lx�+cated on the east side of University, north of 57th Place and south of 58t4�. He stated the property was zoned C-2, local business, but does abut residential on the east. He stated the proposal was to establish a repair garage. Mr. Robinson stated the past business Located on this property wac Shorty's Towing. He stated that according to the property owner Shorty's has vacated the building, but are still using part of the storage yard. He stated the petitioner, :�fr. Christenson, has occupied this bnilding for two months without a special use permit. 1�. Robinson stated staff ia proposing a plan they feel is minimal in terms of improvements on the site and recommending the following stipulations: (1) install landscaping as per City plan dated September 24, 1986 including sodding, planting and edging and rock mulch with weed barrier for each shrub bed by October 31, 1986; (2) provide automatic lawn sprinkling for all green areas by October 31, 1986; (3) provide six inch concrete curb and gutter around a11 hard surface and driveway openings, as per City plan dated September 24, 1986 by October 31, 1386; (4) curb openings to be modified to comply with City plan dated September 24, 1986 by October 31, 1986; (5) sealcoat and stripe park�ng 1ot as per City plan dated September 24, 1986 by October 31, 1986; (6) provide hardsurface driveways LO feet into storage yard on north and south as per City plan dated September 24, 1986 by October 31, 1986; (7) provide eight foot high solid wood fence and gates (material and style to be approved by City) as per City plan dated September 24, 1986 by October 31, 1986; (8) all refuse and waste material shall be stored in dumpsters to be located inside storage area immediately; (9) all materials including inoperable vehicles shall be stored inside storage yard, below top of fence immediately; (LO) remove or relocate to center of storage yard the bLue green trailer in storage yard; (11) remove all vehicles intended for sales or leasing immediately - special use permit 4�86-13 is for auto repair only; no sales or leasing of vehicles is or will be per- mitted on this site; (12) remove truck body parts from roof of building immediately; (13) repaint building facade and trim to compliment brick color by October 31, 1986; (14) submit to and pay for an in- dependent soil testing to determine extent of soil contamination by November 14, 1986; (15) provide remedial soil work as indicated by testing by June 1, 1987; (16) no on-street parking of vehicles ser- viced or waiting to be serviced is permitted; (17) provide a City � PIANNING CONfMISSION MEETING, SEPTEMBER 24, 1986 PAGE_ 4 approved sign which does not include mention of vehicle sales or leasing; and (18) provide a Ietter of credit in the amount of $10,000 to cover all of the above stipulations. Mr. Robinson stated when the City learned that Mr. Schuur, owner of this property, was moving his business, he was sent a letter advising him a special use permit would be needed for any auto- motive business on this property. He stated the City did not receive any response to that letter. I�fr. Robinsan stated when the petitioner mc�ve� onto the premises, the City se�t anQther letter requesting an application be made for a special use permit, He stated this was in early July, and it was now the end of September. Mr. Billings stated one of the stipulations was to stripe the parking lot as per the City's plan. He felt the number of parking stalls provided would not be adequate as the petitioner has had as many as 19 to 26 cars parked in the last several days. 1�. Robinson stated he believed some of those cars were there for leasing and sales which was an unauthorized business. Nfr. Christensen stated his business was previously located at the SincLair Station on 61st and Central. He stated when he first con- tacted the City to see if he needed any permits in order to relocate his business at this location, he was told he did not. He stated he was not aware he needed a special use permit when he worked out an agreement with the property owner. He stated he found out he needed a special use permit for the sign and business after he moved. I�. Christensen stated he has been working with Mr. Wiersma of the City staff to get things cleaned up and make some improvements. He stated the buiLding was quite run down and they have had to do quite a bit of work on the inside. He stated the weather has been too wet to do much as far as improvements to the outside of the building. I�tr. Christensen stated by next week, most of the cars should be gone, either moved to the back or picked up by customers. He stated he felt his business would be good for the neighborhood and he wanted to get the property cleaned up and Looking nice. Mr. Billings asked l�fr. Christensen how many employees he would have working. 1�. Christensen stated he was basically working by himself, but would be hiring one person for the winter season. - Mr. Christensen stated when he started the business, he thought it would be nice to have cars for customers to lease or rent for a period of time so the customer was not inconvenienced when a car had to be left. He stated he ha9 now found this would require another permit. I�. Robinson stated for sales or leasing, 1�. Christensen would need a State license, as well as a City permit. He stated the site was very Limited in terms of parking and did not think a sales or leasing business was appropriate. u � . � PLANNING COI�IISSION MEETING, SEPTEMBER 24, 1986 __ PAGE S Ms. Sherek �sked once the space in back was cleaned up, how much space could be used for parking vehicles. Nbr. Christensen stated he thought they could get 25 to 30 cars in the back. He stated the owner, Mr. Schuur, will be using the storage yard for storing "snow- birds" in the winter. Mr. Robinson stated he had met with both Mr. Christensen and Mr. Schuur and it was his understanding that I�r. Christensen would be leasing the building and [he storage yard would be Mr. Schuur's. He stated if that was tt�e case, I�fr. Christensen could not count on the storage yard for parC�ing cars. Ms. Sherek stated what they really have are two petitioness, She stated the largest portion of the stipulations involved capital improvements which affected the owner, Mr. Schuur. She stated since the property owner was not at the meeting, she questioned how 1�. Christensen could agree to a11 the stipulations. Ntr. Christensen stated 1�. Schuur was out of town and could not be at this meeting. He stated he wanted the public hearing postponed, but apparently the hearing notices had already gone out so it could not be postponed. Mr. Billings felt it would be appropriate to table this item until the next meeting since the owner had wanted the hearing postponed. MOTIOI�L BY M5. SHEREK, SECONDED BY MR. SABA, TO CONTINUE THIS PUBLIC HEARING TO THE NEXT MEETING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECI.ARED THE MOTION CEIRRIED UNANIMOUSLY. I�. Robinson stated perhaps a stipulation could be made that a certain percentage of the storage yard remain open as part af the leas� agree- m ent so the petitioner would know he had a certain amount of storage space for cars. The Commissioners felt this was a good idea and suggested Mr. Christen- sen discuss this possibility with 1�. Schuur. 3. PUBLIC HEARING• CONSIDERATION OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT. SP 4�86-14, BY DAVID HARRIS: � Per Section 205.17.1, C,1 of Che Fridley City Code, to allow offices not associated with a principal use on Lot 7, Block 1, Paco Industrial Park, the same being 250 Commerce Circle South. MOTION BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY I�S. SHEREK, TO WAIVE THE READING OF THE PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE AND OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY AND THE PUBLIC HEARING OPENED AT 8:12 p.m. : PLANNING COI�RVLLSSION MEETING. SEPTEMBER 24, 1986 PAGE 6 Mr. Robinson stated this property was located west of University and south of Commerce Circle South. He stated the request is for a special use permit for offices not associated with the principal use in an industrial zone. He stated the property is zoned M-1, light industrial. Mr. Robinson stated the building with 21,040 square feet was sub- stantially completed in terms of construction. He stated 50 parking stalls were provided in the plan and the building is intendecl as �_ spec, office/warehouse facility. He stated it is estimated that-about half eould be used for office and half for warehouse, and still meet the code for parking. The quality of the building suggests a good number of office tenants. NFr. Robinson stated the only stipulation recommended by staff is for the deveLoper to provide the City with tenant information prior to each occupancy of the building. He stated the information is to include intended use, number of employees and gross square footage of each type of usage e.g. office, warehouse, manufacturing. He stated City approval of any proposed tenant is contingent upon sufficient parking supply. I�. Robinson stated a similar stipulation was required for the Win- field Development and this same strategy was used for the East River Road Business Center. He stated since there has been a parking prob- lem in this area, this stipulation would help alleviate any additional future problems. Mr. Harris stated the Community Park, located to the south, has in- adequate parking and he has offered the City a shared use of some of his parking. Mr. Robinson stated he has discussed this possibility with Public Works and Parks and Recreation and, even though it may be desirable, there could possibly be a potentia]. conflict when there are daytime activities at the park and Mr. Harris would need his parking during this time. Ntr. Grant Johason, representing the properties to the north of 1�. Harris' building, indicated they had a significant problem that now exists with the parking. He was concerned that this situation would become worse and create addiCional needs for on-street parking. I�. Billings stated the Code requires a certain number of stalls for office space and a certain number for warehouse space and the special use permit is to allow a mixed use of the building. He stated staff has recommended a stipulation to the special use permit that I�. Harris provide the City with tenant information as to the occupancy so the City can monitor how many people are using office space and how many are using warehouse space so there isn't a situation where you have need for more parking space than what is available. Mr. Harris stated if sufficient parking space isn't provided for the tenants, they would go elsewhere. He stated it is hoped to have full occupancy of the buiiding by next summer. : PLANNING COMi�SSION MEETING, SEPTEMBER 24, 1986 PAGE 7 iKr. BetzoLd felt the stipulation recommended by staff would provide for monitoring the parking and questioned if there was a need to review the special use permit at some future date. Ms. Sherek felt if someone wasn't complying with the special use permit, staff wouLd bring che matter before the Commission. MOTION BY a'�t. SABA, SECONDED BY M5. SHEREK, TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, �1i,L VOTIi�G AYE, CHAIItPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY AND THE PUBLIC HF.�.RING CLOSED AT 8:30 p.m. MOTION BY MR. SVANDA, SECONDED BY MR. BETZOLD, TO RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP �k86-14, WITH THE FOLLOiWING STIPULATION: 1. Developer to provide the City with tenant information prior to each occupancy of building. This information is to include the intended use, number of employees and gross square footage of each type of usage e.g. office, warehouse, manufacturing. City approval of any proposed tenant is contingent upon sufficient parking supply. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Cnairperson Billings stated this item would go to the City Council on October 6, 1986. 4. PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDERATION OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT. SP ��86-151 BY NORTH SUBURBAN HOSPITAL DISTRICT: Per Section 205.07.1, C,2 of the Fridley City Code, to allow a day care facility; per Section 205.07.1, C,5 of the Fridley City Code, to allow automobile parking Lots for off-street parking spaces; and per Section 205.07.1, C,6 of the Fridley City Code, to allow a clinic on Lots L through 5 and those parts of Lots 8 through 12 lying Northerly of a Line drawn from a point on the West line of said Lot 8 distant 5 feet Southerly of the Northwest corner of said Lot 8 to a point on the East line of said Lot 12 distant 75 feet Southerly of the Northeast corner of said Lot 12, all in Block 1, Osborne Manor 2nd Addition, the same being 472 Osborne Road N.E., together with Lot 6, Block 1, Osborne Manor 2nd Addition, the same being 400 Osborne Road N.E. together with Lot 7, B1ock 1, Osborne Manor 2nd Addition, together with adjoiping vacated 76th Avenue N.E., the same being 401 76th Avenue N.E. MOTION BY MS. SHEREK, SECONDED BY MR. SABA, TO q[AIVE THE READING OF THE PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE AND OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECIARED THE MUTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY AND THE PUBLIC HEARING OPENED AT 8:33 p.m. : PLANNING COMMISSIOI3 MEETING. SEPTE;�ER 24. 1986 PAGE 8 Mr. Robinson stated this special use permit involves the Fridley Assembly of God Church and two single family homes located east of University and south of Osborne Road. He stated the special use per mit is to allaw a daycare facility, and a�linic to be located in the �isting church building and automobile parking on the two adjacent single family lots. . Mr. Robinson stated the square footage for the cla�ic is 25,844 and the area designated for the daycare faFility on the northeast side of the building has 3,456 square feet. He stated the daycare facility could accommodate up to 98 children as per the States Human Service Department requirements. I�fr. Robinson stated they are required to provide 207 parking stalls and will immediately provide 185 with an option to install an additional 81 spaces in the area of the single family homes� if needed. Mr. Robinson stated staff is recommending approval of this special use permit with the following stipulations: (1) a hardsurface set- back of 20 feet be provided from the Osborne right-of-way by June 30, 1988; (2) a landscaping plan be provided to include berming and plant- ings to screen hardsurface areas, existing and proposed, and install approved plan by June 30, 1988; (3) an automatic lawn sprinkling system be provided for all green areas by June 30, 1988; (4) a fenced tot lot area, approximately 20 x 30 feet be provided, with City approved tot 1ot equipment prior to day�are starting; (S) pathway to be installed from daycare to toC 1ot prior to daycare starting; (6) concrete curb and gutter be provided for hard surface areas and driveways, incLuding a five foot setback from building by June 30, 1988; (7) sealcoat and restripe parking lot and provide required handicapped stalls by June 30, 1988; (8) provide one-way directional signage where needed by June 30, 1988; (9) provide an approved dumpster enclosure by June 30, 1988; (10) remove trailers from property east of church by October 31, 1986; (11) provide a drainage plan for approval prior to parking lot work; (12) two single family homes to the west of the church are included in Special Use Permit ��86-15 for future parking only. These houses may be leased as single family residences until such time as the City determines the need for additional parking for clinic/daycare use; (13) resolve taxable status of property with City and County Assessor prior to City Council approval; and (14) provide a performance bond to cover improvements including future parking in the amount of $20,000 prior to closing on church property. 1�. Buratti, representing the North Suburban Hospital District, stated he didn't believe the trailers could be removed by October 31 as they are being used for Sunday school classes. 1�. Billings thought this stipulation should be changed so that the trailers are removed from the property east of the church at suah time that the church vacates the property. : FLANNING COI�IISSION MEETINGj SEPTEMBER 24. 1986 ___ PAGE 9 Mr. Robinson called the Commissior`s attention to a memo from the City Assessor concerning the tax status of this projecC. Mr. Buratti stated they are aware it is likely the property will become taxable. Ms. Sherek stated she understands the property beco�s taxable at the time the use converts. She felt the purpose o� the memo was to make sure the petitioner was aware no pZans were made on the as�umption that the property would be non-taxable. MOTION BY MR. SVANDA, SECONDED BY MS. SHEREK TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEt1RING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE M�TION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY AND THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 8:40 p.m. Mr. Billings questioned what action should be taken in regard to stipulation ��13 pertaining to the taxable status of the property, Ms. Sherek stated she didn't feel this stipulation was needed as long as the petitioner is aware the property mere than likely wouldn't be tax exempt. I� . Buratti stated it isn't possible to resolve this issue at this time. I�. Betzold felt the use of the word "resolve" may be wrong and felt the Assessor wanted the petitioner to understand this issue. He felt the petitioner shovid contact the City Assessor to discuss this matter. 1�. Buratti stated he would contact the City Assessor and give their views on how they perceive this situation. 1�. Betzold felt this stipulation could be eliminated as long as the petitioner understands he is to meet with the City Assessor and, after this meeting, if any questions are rasied, they could be passed along to the City Council for their meeting. MOTION BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MS. SHEREK, TO RECOMMEND TO TE� CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP ��86-15, WITH THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS: ' 1. A hardsurface setback of 20 feet be provided from the Osborne Road right-of-way by June 30, 1988. 2. A landscaping plan be provided to include berming and plantings to screen hardsurface areas, existing and proposed, and install approved plan by June 30, 1988. E-3� PLANNING COMTIISSION MEETING. SEPTEMBER 24, 1986 PAGE 10 3. An automatic lawn sprinkling system be provided for all green areas by June 30, 1988. 4. A fenced tot Lot area, approximately 20 x 30 feet be provided, with City approved tot lot equipment prior to daycare starting. 5. Pathway to be installed from daycare to tot lot prior to day- care starting. 6. Concrete curb and gutter be provided for hards�sr£ace areas and driveways, including a five foot setback from buiiding by June 30, 1988. 7. Sealcoat and restripe parking Lot and provide required handicapped stalls by June 30, 1988. 8. Provide one-way directional signage where needed by June 30, 1988. 9. Provide an approved dumpster enclosure by June 30, 1988. 10. Remove trailers from property east of church a� such time that the church vacates the property. 11. Provide a drainage plan for approval prior to parking lot work. 12. �ao single family homes to the west of the church are included in this special use permit for future parking only. These houses may be Leased as single family residences until such time as the City determines the need for additional parking for clinic/daycare use. 13. Provide a performance bond to cover improvements including future parking in the amount of $20,000 prior to closing on church property. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECIARED THE r10TI0N CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairperson Billings stated this item would go to the City Council on October S, 1986. 5. CONSIDERATION OF A LOT SPLIT. L.S. ��86-06, BY DONNA LIND: Split Lot 7, Block 2, Moore Lake Hills into two separate parcels. One being that part of Lot 7, Block 2, Moore Lake Hills lying Westerly of the following described line. Commencing at Northwest corner of said Lot 7, thence East along the Northerly line oE eaid Lot 7, a distance of 125 feet to the actual point of beginning; thence deflect to the right 90 degrees to its point of intersection with the Southerly line of said Lot 7 and there terminating. The other being that part of Lot 7, Block 2, Moore Lake Hills Lying Easterly of the following des- cribed line. Commencing at Northwest corner of said Lot 7, thence East along the Northerly line of said Lot 7, a distance of 125 feet to the actua; point of beginning; thence deflect to the right 90 degrees to its point of intersection with the Southerly line of said Lot 7 and there terminating. C•Z'J PLANNING COIrII�'IISS I0N MEETING, SEPTEMBER 24, 1986 PAGE 11 Mr. Robinson stated this proposal is to split Lot 7, Block 2, Moore Lake Hills into two separate parcels. He stated the property is located between Woody Lane and Old Central. He stated staff is recommending approval of ti�e lot split with four stipuLations as follows: (1) new structure to meet City Code far front yard setback average, 61 feet plus or minus six feet; {2) fence and shed to be relocated prior to recording; (3) park fee of $750 required with building permit; and (4) lot split to be recorded at County within six months of Council approval. MOTIO^I $Y MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MS. SHEREK, TO RECOI�I3D TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF LOT SPLIT, L.S. #86-06, WITH THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS: 1. New structure to meet City Code for front yard setback average, 61 feet plus or minus six feet. 2. Fence and shed to be relocated prior to recording. 3. Park fee of $750 required with building permit. 4. Lot split to be recorded at County within six months of Council approval. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECIARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairperson Billings stated this item would go to the City Council on October 6, 1986. 6. CONSIDERATION OF A VACATION, SAV 'R86-05, BY MARTIN NISLEY: Vacate part of a street and utility easement lying in Lot 32, Revised Auditor's Subdivision No. 77 (71 1/2 Way cul-de-sac). Easement was acquired April 15, 1976 and recorded at Anoka County as Document No. 443624. Mr. Robinson stated this is a request to vacate part of a street and utility easement lying in Lot 32, Revised Auditor's Subdivision No. 77 (71 1/2 Way cul-de-sac). He stated notices of this proposed vac- ation were sent to the utility companies. Mr. Robinson stated Northwestern Bell has a buried cable, but believed it was in the street and not the cul-de-sac area. Mr. Billings stated he believed the telephone company's cable was across the street and wouldn't be affected by this vacation. He stated if it is a problem, the City should retain a utility easement and this should be verified before the City Council meeting. Mr. Robinson stated that the long range plan is to develop this property into three single family lots. The area being vacated has already had the hard surfacing removed and is sodded. : PIANNING CONI�4ISSION MEETING SEPTEMBER 24. 1986 PAGE 12 MOTION BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY M5. SHEREK, TO RECOMI�ND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF VACATION, SAV ��86-05, BY MARTIN NISLEY�. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairperson Billings stated this item would go to the City Council on October 20 for a pubLic hearing. 7. REVIEW OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP ;k84-18. BY LEWIS FARR,_ r�T_ 157 RIVER EDGE WAY 1�.E.: I�fr. Robinson stated this special use permit was granted in October, 1984 to allow a.second accessory building to be used for a workshop. He stated staff has inspected this structure and l�s. Farr stated they have not received any complaints. Mr. Robinson stated it is staff's belief that the special use permit is being used in the spirit intended. MOTION BY I�6. SHEREK, SECONDED BY MR. SABA, TO RECEIVE TAE STAFF'S REPORT REC�RDING SP 4k84-18. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 8. RECEIVE ENERGY PROJECT COMMITTEE MINUTES OF AUGUST 13, 1_9_86: MOTION BY r1R. SABA, SECONDED BY M5. SHEREK, TO RECEIVE THE MINUTES OF THE ENERGY PROJECT COMMITTEE OF AUGUST 13, 1986. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE ri0TI0N CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 9. RECEIVE�HUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION MINUTES OF AUGUST 14�_1986: (See Motion or. Pages 6 and 7): MOTION BY 1�6. SHEREK, SECONDED BY MR. SABA, TO RECEIVE THE MINUTES OF THE HUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION OF AUGUST 14, 1986. Ms. Sherek stated in reference to the item on Pages 6 and 7, it is to inform the Commission regarding the Anoka County Mediation Project. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. LQ. RECEIVE HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES OF AUGUST 14, 1986: MOTION BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MS. SHEREK, TO RECEIVE THE MINUTES OF THE HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF AUGUST 14, 1986. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE ri0TI0N CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. �� PLANNING COMI�IISSION MEETING. SEPTEMBER 24, 1986 PAGE 13 11. RECEIVE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION MINUTES OF AUGUST 19, 1986: MOTION BY MR. SVANDA, SECONDED BY M5. SHEREK, TO �ECEIVE THE MINUTES OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CQMi�ISSION OF AUGUST 19, 1986. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE MOTION CARItIED ifNANIMOUSLY. 12. flECEIVE APPEALS COMMISSION MINUTES OF AUGtTST 26s 1986: MOTION BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MR. SVANDA, TO RECEIVE THE MINUTES OF THE APPEALS COI�IIyQSSION OF AUGUST 26, 1986. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECIARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 13. RECEIVE HUMAN RESOURCES CONII�IISSION MINUTES OF SEPTEr1BER 4. 1986: MOTION BY MS. SHEREK, SECONDED BY MR. SABA, TO RECE NE THE MINUTES OF THE HUMAN RESOURCES CO1�IIy1ISSI0N OF SEPTEMBER 4, 1986. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CNAIRPERSON BILLLINGS DECLA.RED THE MOTION CARRIED UNEINIMOUSLY. 14. RECEIVE INFORMAL PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION �ffNUTES OF SEPTE MBER 8, 1986: MOTION BY l�flt. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MR. SVANDA, TO RECEIVE THE MINUTES OF THE PARKS & RECREATION CO1�Il�iISSION OF SEPTEMBER 8, 1986. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECL�RED THE TIOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. L5. RECEIVE APpEALS COMNQSSION MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 16, 1986: MOTION BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MR. SABA, TO RECEIVE THE MINUTES OF THE APPEALS CO1�ffSSION OF SEPTEMBER 16, 1986. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANINIDUSLY. 16. OTHER BUSINESS: A, COMMISSION STRUCTURE: l�fr. Robinson stated two proposals have been prepared by staff regarding options ori the City's Commission structure. He stated Plan A involves eliminating the Community Development Commission and having a six member Planning Commission. He stated the Chairperson would be appointed by the Mayor and would vote only to break a tie. I�h. Robinson stated Plan B eliminates the Community Development Com- mission and combines the Environmental Quality Commission and Energy Commission. He stated this plan provides for a five member Planning Commission with the Chairperson appointed by the Mayor. : PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING SEPTEMBER 24 1986 PAGE 14 I�fr. Robinson star_ed these proposals have been�formally approved by � City Council, the Commission may, if they so desire, make a recommendation to Council. Mr. Billings stated he had discussion with several Council members regarding combining the Community Development Commission with the PLanning Commission. He felt this was not their intent, but rather to have these members serve on other City commissions. Mr. Billings felt if the Commission was to recommend Plan A, the question on how many members they would need for a quorum, if the Chairperson isn't able to vote, should be addressed. MOTION BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MEt. SABA, TO RECOMI�ND TO CTTY COUNCIL THE ACCEPTANCE OF PLAN A AS SUBMITTED BY STAFF. t3FON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AyE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECIARED THE MOTION CEIRRIED UNANIMOUSLY. B. CODE CHANGE REGARDING PARKING OF VEHICLES THAT ARE FOR S�LE: Mr. Robinson stated the Council considered an amendment to r_he City Code to prohibit persons from parking cars on side or front yards for the principal purpose of sellinQ them. He stated the City Attorney fel.t there would problem with determining that the principal purnose was for the sale of these vehicles. I�. Robinson stated staff is reviewing this rt►atter with the City Attorney's office. C. HARD SURFACE DRIVEWAYS: The Commission discussed if theze had been problems recently of persons obtaining special use permits and not complying with the stipulation for a hard surface driveway. I�tr. Robinson stated staff would check further to see if this is a current problem. D. VACEITION OF RI(�IT-OF-WAY: I�. Billings stated in cases where the City owns right-of-way and a property owner wishes it vacaCed, many municipalities charge for this property based on the square footage. He also stated many cities will not vacate unless adjoining property owners agree to purchase the vacated property. 1�. Billings stated this is something staff may wish to check further to determine how adjacent communities are handling these situations. Nh�. Robinson stated this could be an agenda item for the Commission's second meeting in October. be a■ : PLANNING CO�IISSION MEETING, SEPTE�IBER 24, 1986 PAGE 15 ADJOURNMENT : MOTION BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MR. S�1BE1, TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE SEPTEMBER 24, 1986, PLANNING COrII�LISSION MEETING ADJOURNED AT 10:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted, - �� � -��t- ;�����.� Carole Haddad � Recording Secretary : • RICKY THRONDSO�J SP #`86-12 ST I PULAT I OPlS 1� PROVIDE A HARD SURFACE DRIVEWAY WITH CONSTRUCTION OF GARAGE� Z, REMOVE TIRES AND DEBRIS FROM SIDE YARD� 3, MOVE BOAT TO SIDE�REAR YARD OR STORE IN GARAGE, , �, GARAGE MATERIALS, SIDING AND ROOFING TO MATCH EXISTING HOUSE� a , � 0 6 (y> y i ��� (l��; 9 ) ._'—(n) - �� � . � . � � sP �s6-i �� /5 /6�/ � .�°°� �� . � ' �'� G�) Ri Th on _. .. . ✓orsP � �� m ' � ,.:. � � �,� � C HA N N EL � ROAD � — '"` ` � IJ.4B 71. 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PROVIDE A DRAINAGE PLAN FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO PARKING LOT WORK� : I��ORTH SUBURBAN HOSPITAL nISTRICT SP #'-86-15 STIPULATIONS 12� TWO SINGLE FAMILY HOMES TQ Tk{E WEST OF i�lE CHURCH ARE INCLUDED IN SPECIAL USE PERMIT #g6-IS FOR Ft�TURE PARKING ONLY� THESE HOUSES MAY BE LEASED AS SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES UNTIL SUCH TIME AS THE CITY DETERMINES THE NEED FOR ADDITIONAL PARKING FOR CLINIC/ DAY CARE USE� 13� PROVIDE A PERFORMANCE BOND TO COVER IMPROVEMENTS INCLUDING FUTURE ?ARKIN� IN THE AMOUNT OF �Z�,��O PRIOR TO CL'OSING ON CHURCH PROPERTY� 14. Tax Parcels to be combined into one lot upon acquisition to one ownership. iAdded 1012/86). � - - --`_— � ,,.� SP #86-15 North Sub � Hospital. District • C/ T Y OF � _ � �4 Z A FRIDLE z � . . s�� � ���� � T. -r . � N // CORNER �* I � � S C. /�_ fi_ * ? , z r ; ; t . t � �..�;� � . ,l�+i /d'� !I! f -� (,N16 ___ • ./ .� � .'� f /�� ,� ) y- � T , � • r /���p/� TE ,f) / � � �� T _L .ar r✓ y�� . :,:1,:;:;f'�{{'';:;{���•x�; . 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(307) 288-3166 3I5 FIHST NATIONAL HAN6 BQILDINO WAYZATA,MINNESOTA 66391 cbi2)a�a-os�a a50 PAEH AVBNUE NEW YORK,NEW Y088 IOOE2 (P1E) 416-9800 DORSEY 8C WHITNEY A P�8]'M69DM1P INCLUD3N0 pi016fllON�L COYPDYATION/ 2200 FIR5T BANK PLACE EAST MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 83402 (612) 340�8600 TELEX 29�060E TELECOPIER (612) 340-26(iB DENNIS SURATTI (61Q) 340-89E0 September 3, 1986 City of Fridley 6431 University Avenue N. E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Attention: Gentlemen: James Robinson City Planner 8CC 201 DAVIpSON SUILDINO 8 THIED STPEHT N09TH 6RHAT FALLS�MONTANA 59401 (A0817E7-�63Q 1200 PIBST IN'PEIISTATS CENTER 401 NOETH 'Jin STHEET P. O. HO% 7188 BSLLIN63� MONT�ffiA 69103 (4081868'3800 30 8DE LA 80ETIE 76008 PAEI9,F8ANCE OL-.33' p) �'69-13 -86 011-3311l46-62-32-60 Re: Special Use Permit Application by North Suburban Hospital District ("District") for 472 Osborne Road, 400 Osborne Road and 401-76th Avenue N. E. Our client, the District, has applied for a special use permit which would allow the subject property to be used for clinic and day care purposes. In connection therewith, the District has submitted a Site Plan dated September 2, 1986 prepared by Donald F. Pertinen Pl.anning & Design, Inc. As I have previously advised you, the District has agreed to acquire House A and House B, as shown on the Site Plan, this year. However, the District will not be acquiring the remainder of the property from the Fridley Assembly of God until October of 19$7. In that most of the property will not be acquired by the District for more than a year, it is not possible for the District at this time to state what portions of the build- ings will be used for clinic and what portions will be used for day care purposes. Therefore, the District understands that the permit may stipulate that there be provided on the property sufficient parking to comply with the City ordinance depending upon the use being made. For example, we understand that one parking space is required for each 150 square feet of floor space devoted to clinic use. If the entire church building (30,676 square feet} were to be used for this purpose, DORSEY BC WHITNEY City of Fridley Page Two September 3, 1986 205 spaces would need to be provided; meaning that 15 spaces would have to be added. Furthermore, if the property is used in part for day care purposes, an amount of square footage per child sufficient to comply with �he City ordinance would be provided. Ver �t�ru�ours, � � �..c. � �....: c De n si Buratti DB: jm BY MESSENGER cc: Betty Wall : � � 8EE CITY OF FRIILEY MEMORANDUM Tp; 3im Robinson. Planning Coordinator FROM: Leon Macisen, City Assessor SUBJECT: Taxable status of proposed SF�86-15 DATE: September 15, 1986 Consiaeration should be given to the taxability of this project. The hospital building and it's i�nediate land site are tax-exempt. The Corrvalesoent Hane is also tax-exempt because it is operateci by Unity Hospital. ZY�e Unity Mecucal Clinic building, and it's immediate lana site is taxab�le because it is merely owned by Unity but is used by doctors for their private practive. It is also in direct competition with Fridley Meciical Clinic, across f rom Unity, which is a totally private and taxable facility. It would appear, fran rough drawings, that this proposed addition to the Unity oomglex should be taxable if the tenants of the facility are not directly related to the Unity iiospital operation. I think this topic should be thoroughly discussed, in the oommission stages, so there is a clear �mcierstanding of ir.tent. ! _ �,> ' `� � � 8FF DONP�A LIPaD L , S , #�86-06 STIPULATIONS l, NEW STRUCTURE TO MEET CITY CODE FOR FRONT YARD SETBACK AVERAGE� E�l FEET PLUS OR MINU� SIX FEET, Z, �ENCE AND SHED TO BE RELOCATED PRIOR TO RECORDING� 3, pARK FEE OF �75�J��� REQUIRED WITH BUILDING PERMIT� 4, LOT SPLIT TO BE RECORDED AT COUNTY WITHIN SIX MONTNS OF COUNCIL APPROVAL� L.S. #86-06 I Donna Lind � � �lTY Or 15 ,�-.�,.,e, ..r .cs.,�_ ,, " �� ' pY 2� `� ��V�O� .. �. bi ,�`t� .» sf ,� r � ° ^ � �� ' N //4 £R' l�� ` ��,� , l�`� . S£ Z � � , �'� li%C. lZ . - - - - /G. 9S/? C�. /723. OiJ - - - - _ _ ? a ` : I•.- , ,� P�c _. _ ' � - -., . � ' , �� � , " •� . -. ts -r,� c.�.�..� .r>,on . c. 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''•�.; UBURBAN �i.��d�:�: ti,�:,: \ � ���" NOINEERIMO -- ' ., �_,L.� --- -: - __ir+C __ SouthOt��.c ; 1101 Ci�li Road ^ ( u�: L 1lu�u� :pa: Enµntnw( � cod Tv�tut/ � Land 5w�rr:n� � Lcni Pimrun� Burnsv�ur. �1,n� �.. � • ^� L�I � � fOr GARV ODRYCK� � Sco1a . :� �nc!-, = 40 f¢¢t ��' �!�) I'• Ared �-o be �lacca�e.c� . � � � L" T 1- ' ` �i I •� ti � • _ P°`�-� �� - 53�'a'� � � ... 3`�q M 9aoo s��a� 65 fQ� t 1� ' �--- '=.—� t 9000 = � � r "; m��oa Ff��S� S���Q fQQ} � i —.. � ' Has4 , � �� T�" � r. < ,' s,.�9�' o`°�°d 1, � t .i' � ! - _ Ho.�st, ^r / Ga�oqa . �iiiJlp s . • . _ ... % ' �b '�.0 r '`� l. 4- 2' � iJ �ee�' ,.. ` - �' P�opos,� , I�(,�.._ . ' � � /2 /O.s � •' �.� . ' "-�"' �lr� �/ 3 , _ _ __ " "AY 37� 65 � t4• . .- ' � _ "'\ J��'^„ (J�'r \ /� -IC' f` �•LJ O Ll I ' � � � , ; Cr d' > Q � \ . � - �cnr��cjs ���own n�c o5sum¢d Lo� 3 2 RQViSQd A�d��o�r-s S�bci�vision•1vo 77 8K��C • , ,rr\ nCo' ;J. � �� :� �� s PLANNING DI\IISION � MEMORANDUM ci�nroF FRl DLEY MEMO TO: Jock Robertson, Cancn�nity Development Director b�10 FROM: Ji.m Robinson, Planning Coordinator � r'�IO DATE : September 30 , 19 86 REGARDING: City Conmission Structure On September 22, 1986 the Fridley Planning Ccnun.ission reviewed two options for restructuring the City's advisory commissions. Plan A involved elimination of the Community Development Canmission (CDC) while Plan B involved both the removal of the CDC and the cambination of the Energy and Environmental Quality Commissions . The Planning Co�nission unanimously approved the adoption of Plan A with the follc�wing inclusions: l. Dissolve C�ununity Development Conmission; remaining �ers to any other subcoirenission with attrition back to five me.mbers each. 2. Six member Planning Comnission; City Council appoints chairperson, who casts tie-breaker vote only. Should Council decide to nx�ve ahead with this reorganization they should pass a motion directing staff to prepare the appropriate changes to Chapter 6, Con4nissions, and to notify the three Cor,munity Development Conmission r�mbers of the opportunity to transfer to a different c�dssion. • .� M-86-245 �-7v � � cinraF fRlDLEY COI�M/tUNITY DEVELOPMENT` DEPARTMENT' MEMORANDUM TO: Nasim Qureshi, City Manager FROM: Jock Robertson, Corrrrnlnity Develflpment Director DATE: 26Sep86 SUBJEC.'T: City Commissions Structure During the past year, there has been a decline of interest on the part of inembers in the Conanunity Development Ca�nission. There are two vacancies currently, and an apparent difficulty in finding citizens willing to serve. Many of the community development functions are naw being handled by the HRA and the Planning Co�nission. Therefore, it would be appropriate to dissolve the Co�rninity Development CorrIIn.ission and request the remaining three menbers to continue serving the city on one of the other five remaining comnissions under the Planning Co�nission. I suggest the remaining CDC members be given their choice, and any extra ntunbers of members on the other ccRUnissions be allawed to sir�ly reduce back to the norn�al five members by attrition. A. x�n� a�r�ass� wri$ � sc�-ao�.sszoKs � � � I I I I i�NIl�IJNITY i � DE,Y. � � � � ) c � I I � i I � I l It�QtF�►TIAI�i I � ( I ~ ( � �n� I i I I oo�srss� I � I I I I I I I � I i ��.s I l I � � c � 8NN I I I I � I I � I I � I I�� I I I I�v�ao[1- I ( RFSC�II�(FS � � ENII�Y � I 4�+ TYI ( ( ( � ( � � i ) � ) �— � � 1. Dissolve CoASnunity Developnent, renaini.ng manbers to other subcatmissions with attrition tx�ck to five each. 2. Six mgnber Planning Can�anission, City Council appoints Chairperson, who casts tie-breaker vote only. : • • B. Pi.ANNIl� Q�N@�IISS7�ON WI'�i FWR SUB�i�lI.SSI�S �— � � �.�t�uan�c I I I � oor�cr.ss�o�t I 1 i i i I j r" I I I I I I � � I I I I I I I I I I �o�t�ru� I i�xRS I I I I�� I I r��Y I I I I � i 1 AP�wS I i I I & I � D�.v. I I�a��i i I IxF.sa�i�'s i I��- I I I I i I ( I I I _.I t ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( � 1. nissolve Conununity Developnent, renaining manbers to other subconanissions with atttition back to five eadl. 2. �ombine Energy and F�nvirormental Quality Conmissions. 3. fiive menber Planning Can�nission, City Co�cil appoints the �airperson. FRIDLEY CO�iMUNITY DEVELOPbfEVT CObth1ISSI0N D1EPiBERS COI�II�tIS S I ONE R TER�1 EXPIRATION DATE Alfred Gabel (Vice-Chairperson) 4-1-87 5947 - 2 1/2 Street N.E. Fridley, hflV 55432 Tel. (H) 571-1288 (B) 561-8800 btargaret Hendley 118 Craig Way �.E. Fridley, PiN 55432 Tel. (H) 571-2527 Dr. Kenneth Vos 990 - 68th Avenue N.E. Fridley, �L�I 55432 Tel. (H) 571-2246 Vacant Vacant Secretary: LaVonn Cooper 3490 - 116th Lane Coon Rapids, DNl 55433 Tel. (H) 427-0926 t�� a2�-2200, ext. ziso City Staff Person: Mark Burch Engineering Dept. Tel. (B) 571-3450, ext. 158 4-1-89 4-1-88 4-1-87 expired • .. : � � APPEALS C0�1�1ISSIO�J �1EETING, SEPTE_MBER 16� 1986 1. THE DRYVEWAY BE HARDSURFACE __�� 2. 2'HE NORTH WALL BE �TED WALL UPON A VQIE�, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSOPJ BETZOLD DECLARED TXE MOTION _,�E�IZRIBD UNANIMOUSLY. 3, CONSIDERATIOt� OF VARIAldCE REQUEST, VAR �86-26, BY CI{ARLES HUNTLEY, Pl1RSUANT TO CHAPTER 205.25.8, C l, OF TEiE FRIDLE� CITY CODE TO REDUCE TfIE SETBACK �F A STRUC_TURE FP.O!! THE RIVER f3LU�F iit�E FP,Ott FORTY 40 FEE 0 EIGH EEPJ {lf3 FEET TO ALLObJ /1"; 1��DITI�3P� FQ TNE � CORVER UF IHE HUUSt; Nr�u, NuK�uHr�i TO CHAPTER 205.25.8 C F N it. Y I . 4 cTDllf'TtIDC GDl1M TuG f,iTCCTCCTPDT RTVFR J N1(; W�TFR I TP1F R D f100) FEET TO EIGHTY (80) FEET TO ALLOrt AN ADDITIOP� u SIJE OF THE HOUSF Ofi tOT 11 ELOCK 5, PEARSOtJ' S CRAIG�JAY E51 Ai t5 StGUivu ADDITIO��, HE SAt1E QEItJG 806 ALDEPJ Y, DLEY, P1I�JP�ES T. N10TIOh' BY MR. BARtiA, SECONDED BY MR, Sf1EREK, TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING. UPOfU A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTIhG AYE, CHRIRPERSON BET20LD DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARI.ti'G OPEN AT 8:03 P,M. AD�tINISTRATIVE STAFF REPORT 7806 Alden Way N.E. VAR �8G-26 A. PUGLIC PURPOSE SERVED BY REQtiIRE�tENT: Section 205.25.8, C, 1, requires all new structures and uses to be placed not less than 40 feet from the top of the bluffline overlooking the ��tississippi River. Section 205.25.8, C, 2, requires that all new structures and uses shall be placed not less than 100 feet fror� the P1ississippi River normal iiigh water line as defined by the Federal Administration's Flood Insurance Study, The Public Purpose served by the standards and guidelines as laid out by the Interim Development Regulations for tfie �•lississippi River Corridor Critical Area are as follaws: a. to preserve and protect a unique and valuable state and regional resource for the benefit of the health, safety, and ��elfare of the citizens for the state, region, and nation; b, to prevent and mitigate irreversible damage to this state, regional, and natural resource; c. to preserve and enhance its natural, aesthetic, cultural, and historic value for the public use; . . . APPEALS CO�VIISSION MEETItJG, SEPTE�•1QEf'. 16, 1986 PAGE 6 d, to protPct and pr�serve the river as an essential element in the national, state, and regional transportation, sewer, and water, and recreational systems; and e, ta �rotect and preserve the biological and ecciogical functions of the corridor, B. STATED HARDSf�IP: "ble request the variance...to add an addition to the �orthr�est and soutiieast corners of the existing house. The additions each enclose a portion of the present deck and are to be designed for passive solar hea�ing." C. ADPIIP�ISTRATIVE STAFF REVIEW: In keeping r�ith Section J3 of the Interim Development Regulations for the ��lississippi River Corridor Critical Area, the local unit of government may grant a variance from the strict compliance of the setback of the interim regulations after an administrative hearing conducted accordinq to the regulations of that local unit of government and may be granted only then, after the following findings are made: 1. The strict enforcement of the setback or height restrictions will result in unnecessary hardship. "Ilardship" as used in the considera- tion of a dimension variance means that the property in question cannot be put to a reasonable use under the dimension provision of these Interim Development Regulations. 2. There are exceptional circumstances unique to the property that were not created by a landowner after April 25, 1975. 3. The dimension variance does not allow any use that is not a conipatible use in the land use district in which the property is located. 4. The dimension variance will not alter the essential character of the locality as established by these Interim Development Regulations. 5. The dimension variance will not be contrary to the Order. P1r. Robinson stated the proposal as outlined included the addition of a screened-in porch area on the river side and an addition on the southerly side of the house. Ne stated the additions were explained as actually enclosing deck areas that were already existing. Mr. Charles Huntley stated the addition on the northwest corner was basically a 12' x 18' addition--a three season type of porch with a study on the second floor. He showed the Commissioners the plans. 8SS APPEALS COFI�IISSIOP� MEETI�JG, SEPTEPI6ER 16, 1986 PAGE 7 Mr. Betzold asked P1r, Huntley to more fully describe the passive solar hea*ing as there was statutory consideration for solar heating as a hardship. h1r. Huntley stated so�ar heating would be a plus in the wintertime and a plus in the summertime as well. He stated that at this point it was not considered as an active solar system, but they refer to it as a passive solar system. They wili be uti�izir�g the exposure to the sunlight,plus they 4�i11 also control the circulation of air �n t�he spaces aiith the use of fans. In both structures they are looking at masonry floors which wi11 in part retai►i the heat and the other details they had not totally addressed, and he had no further information to give to the Commissioners at this tir�e. ��ir. Robinson stated the intent of the code, as he saw it, was to preserve the natural quality of the river corridor or the aesthetics. This property was very well take care of, very manicured, and, in his mind, the additions were not going to create any probler�s with erosion or damage to the natural vegetation. t�e did not see these additions as contrary to the intent of the code. P1r. Betzold stated that within the past year, someone else in this neighborhood came before the Appeals Commission with a variance request. fle stated the Appeals Commission approved the request, but because of the strictness of the Code with anything to do with the river, they had recommended that the recauest also go on to the City Council. Ne felt strongly that anything to do ►•lith the river should also be looked at by the City Council. .�:OiI'Jti BY l•1R. BA1Z�A, SECO:�'DED Bi' D!S. SAVFiGE, TO CLOSE THF. P:'BLIC NEARING. UPO,ti A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CNAIRPERSON BE':ZOLD DECL,riRED THE PUELIC' NEiiRIA'G CLOSED AT 8:25 P,M. P�tr. Barna stated t!�at as far as the bluff line, the established bluff line, through some t�eautiful landscaping, did not follo4� the legal bluff line, and was established prior to April 25, 1975. He stated the loa�er floor level was approx, 829.7 ft., and he was quite sure the flood water level ��as only about 79£3 ft. so the e'evation of the property at the 100 ft, setbacl: was above that,which was the major intent of the 100 ft, setback. On the solar aspect, he di�i not see any definite s��lar �lans other than using the more �odern glass, but he could not see any sense in putting Tn more modern glass lf the property owner did not put in the additional solar amenities that are preser�*_ly available for solar construction. � Ptr. B;.�rna stated he r�as sure the property owner was not going to do a"shoddy" job. The property owner in the past has shown a willingness to invest large sums of money into his home and property and takes great pride in it. Mr. Betzold stated that if this was brand new construction, of course it could not be built, but the home was built before the regulations went into effect on April 25, 1975. Essentially, the property owner would be enclosing an existing deck which would be there whether the variance was granted or not. On the other side, the addition would not bring the house any closer to the river. He stated it was important that the passive solar heating aspect be part of the hardship. He thought the additions were compatible with the 8TT APPEALS C0��IISSIO�� t1EETIr�G, SEPTEPI6ER 16, 1986 _ __ PAGE 8 existing use of the land and did not alter the existing character of the land. He thought the test haa been met, assuming the designs do address the passive solar fieating requirement. Mr, Sherek stated the Commission was doing some speculation without seeing any specific plans, and those plans should be established before going to the City Council. Mr. Betzold stated he would recommend to the City Council that if the solar design information was not available at the City Council meeting that the City Council deny the variance until that information was made available, because that was where the hardship was addressed. He did not think there was a hardship without the solar aspect. M.�"IO:d BY MR. BAR!':A, SECO�:DED BY MR. SHEREK, Tl7 RECO��f��1E�'D TO CITY COUNCIL r1PPROVAL OF VARIANCE REQUEST, VAR #�86-26, BY CNARLES HUNTLEY, PURSUANT TO CFi1�PTER 205.25.8, C, 1, OF THE FRIDLF.Y CITY CQDE TO REDUCE THE SETBACK QF A STRUCTURE FROM TNE RIVER BLUFF LINE FROM FORTY (90) FEET TO EIGHTEEN (18) FEET TO ALLOW A.'V ADDITION TO THE NORTHWEST COR'�ER OF TNE HOUSE; AND, PURSUANT TO CH�'iPTER 205.25,8, C, 2, OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE, TO REAUCE THE SF.TBACK OF A STRUCTURE FR0.�1 THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER NORMAL HIGH WATER LINE FROM ONE— HU`:DRED (100) FEET TO EIGHTY (80) FEET TO ALLOW AN ADDITIDN ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF THE HOUSE, 0:: LOT 11, BLOCK 5, PEARSO:C'S CRAIGWAY ESTATES SECOPJD ADDZTION, THE SA�.'E BEIfJG %806 ALDEN WAY, FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA, WITH THE STIPULATION TNAT A PASSIVE SOLAR DESIGN BE PRESENTED TO TNE CITY COUNCIL. UPOti A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTItiG AYE, CHAIRPERSO;V BETZOLD DECLARED TNE MOTIO:� CARRIED (INANIMOUSLY. ADJOURPJh1ENT: MO:IOA' BY MR. BARNh, SECONDED BY MR. SHEREK, TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTI��'G AYE, CH.�IRPERSOti BETZOLD DECLARED THE SEPTEMBER 16, 1986, APPEALS CObll�lISSIO.d MEETII�G ADJOUR�VED AT 8:35 P.M. Respectfully submitted, , �% / ' �= ; >: r_� �-� �-r Lynne Saba Recording Secretary . VAR #86-26 7806 Alden Way N.E. � � � R y '10� �fD��� — � p. � � f. M11J � �� � � — . 7 A � IA\ ' � �1�` L • \�O.' .�' i\ c.ti\ G�� � 1�1J ` � � ; ,;,,,� � �. ,� � " "{° i ?.,. . B " ., o� p�r . �� _ 10 u� i``,�.` _ � o �l ;;1, „ � ; '--'�. ,v ��� .;`,e.�. , ;, � '�' �.:(,1 . �� d �O 5r `��Li, . nw 7 ,,, �+- �R,� .- i � � . a �- � .5 , - . ` ��► - ���� ¢ ' - . l c�� b •: �� oa =�� � � ��� , °��� '� �'' �� � Q 5 :�`o (,) 6'7 :l� .' I� _,,3 �� i•��;:� . �,��`�Cl�� ti {•s: �• } �� � ,� - � 'b �' o ��' _ , e „ -�Y,q t , � �� y � 'q�.� �,; • ,�� � a = � =Cj., : ,p � C ) . - ,,�, � j 1 (� ' � ,.,. / M�J !, 1�0 � ' 9 k• � ic � �70e�• `' � V \\ . I J? � � oJ j 3/ y� �~~ } r —- • � � . / �'., c 's o ° ,.n � 4 yj .� 2 �'I) � \ \ r. 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APPROVAL OF JUNE 25, 1986, CATV A�VISORY COP1PIISSIOPJ MINUTES:_ MOTION BY MR. KASPSZAK, SECONDED BY MR. WEAVER, TO APPROVE THE JUNE 25, 1986, CA TV ADVISORY COMMISSION MINUTES AS WRITTEN. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON PETERSON DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNAIVIMOr1SLY. ADOPTION OF AGENDA: Mr. Moravetz stated that an "Operations Update" from Nortel Cable should be inserted into the agenda as item #1. Chairperson Peterson declared the agenda adopted as amended. 1. OPERATIOP�S UPDATE - P�ORTEL CABLE Mr. Wegemer stated he would like to introduce to the Commission Keith Cripps, Vice-President of Nortel Cable. He stated Mr. Crip�s had just moved to Bloomington fram Texas. Mr. Cripps would primarily be coordinating the rebuilF� of the systems, first and foremost in ��taomir�gt�r� beginning in the spring, and, ultimately, t�he other two systems. He staied 1�1r. Cripps has been with Nortel for some ti�e and was aiso part owner of Countryside Cab1e. Mr. Wegemer stated that Mr. Moravetz had asked about the response they have received regarding KTh1A, Channel 23, which has recently been reformatted. �J . . CATV ADVISORY CO��IP1ISSION MEETING, SEPTEMBER 18i 1986 PAGE 2 Mr. Wegemer stated Channel 23 used to be the Spectrum scr.ambled channel, then converted and essentially carried the same programning as WCCO 2. Since it was duplicating a service they were already carrying, they saw no reason to carry it. Now, however,as of Sept. 1, the format for Channel 23 has changed again. He stated Nortel has received some calls with requests for Nortel to carry the channe7, but before proposing a change, they have notified their legal counsel of the change and have asked for a legal opinion reyarding Nortel's obligations. Mr. Wegemer stated that until now they have always used the third party answering services after nornal business hours. On Sept. 15, they made a change that instead of forwarding their calls to an answering service, they forward the calls to Rogers Cable System. Rogers has dispatchers on duty 24 hours a day. The real advantage is that they are transferring calls to people who are trained cable employees. Ne stated they feel it will be an improvement for customer service. They will be trying the system for 30 days to see how it works, but they are very optimistic about it. Mr. Kaspszak stated he would like P�1r. Wegemer to tell the Commission what changes they have made in policy concerning local origination. He stated the reason for this question was that in the May 21, 19�6, Fridley Consortium Corimittee minutes, he had read that John McNugh, L.O., Channel 3, had inciicated that L.O. was going to be predicated on whether or not it can sus- tain advertising. Mr. Wegemer stated that the nea� local �rigination policy was probably more pertinent to 6loomington than it was to �ridley per se. In Bloomington, it was specifically written in the franchise that as of Dec. 31, 1986, the only L.O. programming they will have to carry would be advertising supported. Consequently, they are preparing for that. They are trying to keep this in mind for Fridley also. They have been in discussions with Group W who was currently representing Fridley. He had not seen any significant changes on the loca7 origination programr�ing line-up as a result of the change. They are still carrying the City Council meetings, School Board meetings, high. scl�ool sports, and a 7ot of the same progra+r�ning as last year. 2. RECEIVE SECOND QUARTER 5�' FRANCNISE FEE: MOTION BY MR. WEAVER, SECONDED BY MR. STOUFFER, TO RECEIVE THE SECOND QUARTER 5% FIZANCHISE FEE IN THE AMDUNT OF $Z4,333.70. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON PETERSON DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3, RECEIVE FCC P1IfJUTES: MOTION BY MR. STOUFFER, SECONDED BY MR. WEAVER, TO RECEIVE THE FCC MINUTES DATED t1AY 21, JULY 30, AND AUGUST 27, 1986. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON PETERSON DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANZMOUSLY. • - CATV ADVISORY C0�IMISSION t4EETING, SEPTEMQER 18, 1986 PAGE 3 4. RECEIVE ACCW REPORTS: Mr, hlark PJeuman-Scott stated he was at the meeting to answer any questions regarding the ACCW report dated August 13, 1986. He stated he recently met with Mayor Nee and Mr. Kaspszak to discuss this report. It was Mayor PJee's recommendation at that time to forward the report to the other City Council members. He stated he was hoping for Comrnission support of the report also. Mr. Neuman-Scott stated they basically outlined the information the Commission had asked for as far as the list of equipment, the inventory of equipment, and who owns the equipment--the cable company or the ACCW. He stated there was an outline of equipment that they feel Access is going to need durin� the next 15-year franchise, and then there was a business plan. Mr. Neuman-Scott stated the ACCW's projections over the course of the next ten years was based on their previous 11 years of existence. They looked at the 5% franchise fee the conpany will beproviding the City based on the figures received from Staff, and they would like the Commission to support the ACCW's request to the City to increase their portion of the franchise fee from 40% to 50%. That increase of 10% will allow them to maintain the services they presently have; otherwise, �hey will have a deficit this year and will continue to have a deficit. P1ost of their operating expenses go towards salary, and very little goes for equipment. Space was provided by the company. Mr. Kaspszak stated he thought the business plan and the budget as presented by the ACCW was excellent. He felt it put the whole thing into perspective in terms of the direction they are going to have to take in terms of the refranchising process, and it gives the company an idea of the direction they would like to go in terms of access in advance of the refranchising process. P1r. Kaspszak stated he was impressed with the award the ACCW received from the NFLCP. This was a number one award in the country. So, he felt ±he increase from 40% to 50% of the franchise fee was appropriate, and he strongly supported the ACCW's request. P1r, Weaver stated that several years ago, he tried unsuccessfully to find out where the franchise money was going in the City, However, the money is always gone at the end of the year. His question still was: Where has that money been going? Mr. Stouffer stated he would recommend they request an increase to 60%. His reason for suggesting it was that this would enable the ACCW to move to another lev.el of service and start fulfilling some of their long range goals. Going to 50% wou]d only allow the ACCW to remain at their present level of service. Mr. Weaver stated he would support the reeomnendation to 60%. He stated that if the Commission does recommend to ti�e City Council to increase the ACCW's portion of�the franchise fee from 4(�% to 60%, they should contact their City Council members explaining that the ACCW was on the edge of disaster, that a 10% increase would be an absolute r�inimum, but a 20% increase would give the ACCW a chance to grow. 9C CATV ADVISORY COMP1ISSION F1EETING, SEP�E��IBER 18, 1986 PAGE 4 (Pis. Hug�ies arri ved at 8:06 p.m. ) MOTION BY MR. WEAVER, SECONDED BY MR. WEAVER, THAT BASED ON LAST YEAR'S SERVICE BY THE ACCW AND THE NATIONAL RECOGNITION THE ACCW RECEIVED, IN AN EFFORT FOR THE ACCW TO CONTINUE IN THE SAl�lE VEIN, THE CATV ADVISORY COMMISSION RECOMMENDS TO THE CI TY COUNCIL THAT 60� OF TN.E FRANCHISE FEE BE DEDICATED TO THE ACCW. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON PETERSON DECLARED THE D10TION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5. RECEIVE REPORT ON TRANSFER OF OWP�ERStIIP TO NORTEL CABLE ASSOCIATIOPJ: MOTION BY MR. STOUFFER, SECONDED BY MR. WEAVER, TO RECEIVE THE REPORT. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CXAIRPERSON PETPERSON DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. RECEIVE LETTERS REGARDING UPGRADES TO UPCOMING CABLE FRANCNISE RENEWAL: a. Letter from Anna Konstance dated June 4, 1986 MOTION BY MS. HUGHES, SECONDED BY MR. KASPSZAK, TO RECEIVE THE LETTER. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON PETERSON DF,CLARED TfiE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. b. Letters from School Districts (1) Dennis Rens, Supt, of Qistrict 14, dated June 30, 1986 (2) Alan Osterndorf, Supt, of District 13, dated June 27, 1986 (3) Chris Huber, Supt, of District 16, dated July 1, 1986 Mr. Kaspszak stated there was a meeting of the administrators in the seven county area the previous Friday. He stated F1r. Moravetz could not attend and had asked him if he could attend. He stated that the meeting consisted principally of attorneys discussing the ramifications of the new FCC ruiings, etc. There was also considerable discussion on interconnect. He stated there was a strong movement between the superintendents of St. Anthony, Columbia Heights, Spring Lake Park, and Fridley to coordinate their activities. This was evidenced by Chris Huber of Spring Lake Park who appeared at a Rotary Club meeting and spent quite a bit of time describing it. Mr. Kaspszak stated that at the last Con�nission meeting, Don �4eyers, Fridley liigh School Principal, indicated that Frid�ey definitely ��ants to be included in the refranchisi�g process. ?he letters received in the agenda from �he�superintendents were written confirmation that they would like to go this route and that cable television interconnect was one of their needs. . � CATV ADVISORY COP1htISSION MEETING, SEPTEPIBER 18, 1986 PAGE 5 Mr. Kaspszak stated that Gary �1atz, the Comnission's attorney, has suggested that the first step in this procedure would be for the Fridley CATV Advisory Corr�nission to meet with the Columbia Heights, St. Anthony, Spring Lake Park cable commissions to see how receptive they are to interconnect and make sure they include the interconnect provisions as part of their transfer. The time to do this is not after the change of ownership is consummated, but prior to that. Mr. Kaspszak suggested that Staff draft a letter from the Commission that would go to these other cable corrmissions outlining the Commissia�'s feelings about interconnect and asking them to meet jointly with the Fridley Commission before the end of the year for the purpose of dis- cussing preliminary exploratory provisions. The letter might include some wordage to the effect that because of a change in ownership and the fact thai they are now going through the refranchising process, now was a good time to pursue this actively. Mr. Weaver stated he agreed with Mr. Kaspszak, but he thought the change in ownershi� was coming up too fast for that. He stated he felt the letter should be directed to all cable commissions of the school districts contiguo�s to Fridley. MOTION BY MR. KASPSZAK, SECONDED BY MR. WEANER, THAT A LETTER FROM THE FRIDLEY CATV ADVISORY COMMISSION BE SENT TO ALL THE CABLE COMMISSIONSIN THE COMMUNITIES WHICH HAVE SCHOOL DISTRICTS CONTIGUOUS TD TNE CITY OF FRIDLEY FOR THE PURPOSE OF ASKING THAT THE CABLE COMMISSIONS MEET JOINTLY WITH THE FRIDLEY COMMISSION 2t� DISCUSS PRELIMINARY EXPLORATORY PROVISIONS, Mr, f�1oravetz stated he thought copies of this letter should go to Dr. Rens, Dr. Huber, and School District 13, also asking them to set up meeting times with the various commissions. Mr. Kaspszak agreed. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON PETERSON DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, MOTION BY MR. STOUFFER, SECONDED BY MR. WEAVER, TO RECEIVE THE LETTERS FROM SCHOOL DISTRICTS 14, 13, AND 36. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON PETERSON DECLARED THE MOTIDN CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. c. Letter from Dan Bachand dated Ju1y i8, 1986 P9r. Moravetz stated that Mr. Bachand had suggested that serious consider- ation be given to an emergency warning signal on cable TV. He stated an emergQncy override was one of the comnitments already made in the transfer to PJortel. � CATV ADVISORY COMh1ISSI0P� MEETING, SEPTEPI6ER 18, 1986 PAGE 6 MOTION BY MR. STOUFFER, SECONDED BY MR. WEAVER, TO RECEIVE THE LETTER. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON PETERSON DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7. CONTINUE DISCUSSION ON REFRANCHISING: a. Discuss RFP Draft for Franchise Renewal P1r, P1ora�ietz stated this was strictly for discussion purposes. It wa�'t anywhere near the final draft• e s a e par o it was from the agreement that came out of the KKR transfer and part of it from the Nortel trans�er. Mr. Weaver stated the language in I. Requirements and Interests, on page 1 was totally wrong. This read as a spec, not as an RFP. He stated if they were going to put out an RFP, then they should put out one, but they should not put requirements into an RFP. They should couch this in terms of an RFP, not a spec. He also wanted to see a requirement for an I—r�et i n the document. Mr. F1oravetz stated they had not yet established whether an�-net would be required, An i-flet would perhaps require support by subscriber fees. Consequently the monthly service fees could �e increased substantially. Ayain, he reminded the Commission that this was the first draft and was for discussion purposed only. He stated that on the first page of the draft, it stated: "In addition to that information requested in the following pages, the City expressly reserves the right to request additional information or conduct such negotiations as may, in its sole discretion, deem appropr3ate." That means they can discuss the i-net as they deem,necessary in the future, or anything else that might come up during the course of negotiations. P1r. Weaver stated they could not hav2 an RFP that was this fluid. It had to set forth exactly what they are looking for. Mr. Kaspszak stated he saw this strictly as a preliminary document to look at and assimiiate and digest. t�is. Hughes stated it seemed to have a lot of the things they had the last time, and addressed the problems they had before. The one thing that wasn't there, of course, was what the future problems would be. Mr. Moravetz stated one thing that would have to be tightened up in the RFP was the school situation. He stated both the RFP and the cable franchise drafted ordinance would be on future agendas for some time. Mr. Stouffer stated he would encourage Staff to try to obtain a copy of a similar RFP from another conmunity to use as a guide. 9F" CATV ADVISORY C0�IMISSION MEETING, SEPTEMBER 18, 1986 PAGE 7 P1r. Weaver stated this was not the first time these RFP clauses had been used. They have come up again and again, and they were still as wrong today as the first time they were used. b. Discuss Cable Franchise Draft Ordinance Mr. Peterson stated this was also the first draft, f�e would recommend the Commission members read it thoroughly for discussion at future meetings. 9. CONFIRP�1 DATE FOR NEXT PIEETIPJG: The meeting date was changed from Thursday, Oct. 16, to Thursday, Oct. 23, at 7:00 p.m. ADJOUR�JMENT: MOTION BY MR. KASPSZAK, SECONDED BY MR. STOUFFER� TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON PETERSON DECLARED THE SEPT. 18, 1986, CATV ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING ADJOURN£D AT 8:50 P.M. Respectfully submitted, �. 7�t.C� �1=�-sL Lynne Sa a Recording Secretary � PLANNING DIVISION � MEMORANDUM cinroF f RIDLEY I�hf� Z0:- Jim Fmbinson, Planning Coordinator N�t�fl F120hI: Myra Gibson, Planning Assistant r�bD D�TE: Septenber 30, 1986 RFx'�AF2DING: Lease Agreenent Between the City and Universal Can. Inc. Attached is the lease agreenent between the City and Universal C�n, Inc. (U- CAN) for the oontinued operation of the S. 0. R� Dro�rOff Recycling Center. U-CAN has proposed to imprave the oollection of recyclable material at the S.O. R T. site b� purchasing fram the public alu�nin�n an6 bi-metal bevera9e cans, alunin�n and oopper scrap, and plastic pop bottles. U�AN also intends to oollect (but not purchase) newsp3per, glass b�ttles and jars, steel cans, and cardboard. Ll-C�1N has proposed to operate and monitor a leaf and grass clipping compost program, as well as special collections of household hazarcious waste, auto batteries and tires, and old appl iances. To inoo=porate all of these services, U-CI�N has proposed to im�rove the site with a permanent facility and expand the hours of operation to Tuesday throuc� Saturday, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. �e City and U-{?�N have proposed to enter into a 2 year lease with a 3 year option to renew after the se�nd year. During the initial 5 years, U-CAN will lease the land for $1.00 per year. After 5 years, title for any permanent imprwenents prwided to the site by i�N would be passed to the City for $1.00. At the end of the initial 5 years, U-CAN shall have the option to o�ntinue leasing the site and prwiding the agreed services at a cost to then of $300.00 per month. Zhe Gity shall utilize Anoka County ana Met Council funds to expand the fenceci-in area and prwicie gates at the site. 7r,e Gity is F►lanning to apply for additioxyal grants fran the Metropolitan Gouncil to fund the oonstruction of impravenents to the site. If the City acquires these funds, they will then pay for any buildi.ngs, sewer anc� water, and elect.rical hook-up, and will rent the property to U�] for an appropriate a�►o�t. 7his agreenent has been approved by L1ave NEwman, anc3 by 1lnivezsal C�n- It is appropriate at this time to have Co�cil authorize the City Manager and the Nayor to enter into an agreenent with Universal C�n for the oFeration of the S. 0. R T. Recycl. iang Center. M�G/lmn I�-86-234 3/5/26/18 S�1TE OF MINr1E50'�, Q'Xl NTY OF ANOKA LFASE AGRFII�IT �iIS AGREEI�NT, mac�e this ciay of by and between the City of Frialey, a municipal oorporation organized and existing tuider the lasas of the State of Minnesota, hereinaf ter called the "City", and Save Our Recyclak�l.e Trash, Invorporated, managed by Universal Can, Inc. . existing under the laws of Minnesota, hereinafter called "U-CAN/SORT". WITNF�SE�i: Zhat the City does hereby demise and let unto U-CAN/SORT the follawing described prenises: That �brtion of Paroel 6620, generally located west of the City Garage yard south and adjaoent to 71st Avenue N.E. with a prenises dimension of 200' ta the r�rth and south by 205'to the east and west. It is mutually desired b� the City and U-CAN/SORT that the recycling center project be a success for the beriefit of the general public; therefore, the Ci ty and U-CAIy/SORT agree to the follawing condi tions : I. TEAM OF LEASE: U-CAN/SORT is to have and to holcl the above described prenises for the term of two (2) years, beginning ,1986, and ending ,1988. An additiondl. three (3) year extension of the lease may be granted by the City upon U-CAN/SORT providing written notioe to the City, 90 days prior tA the termination of the lease. A. O�NSIDERATION• dollar ($1.00), pranises b� and acknvwledgeci. Consideration for this lease shall be the sum of one other good and valuahle o�nsic3eration, and the mutual between the Farties, s�f icienc,y of which is hereby & IAiF?�t�)VF'1�'iENr PRC7VISI011S • 1. U-�AN/90RT shall construct as lease hold imprc�vements on the property a City approved permanent building approximately 40 feet by 25 feet to house the can separation and weighing equipnent. In addition, this builc3ing shall pravide shelter for clients and esnployees, storage area for sane recyclatale material, and it shall oontain an offioe and lavatory m�ule. �nstruction shall be aompl eted by • 2. If the City ternninates this lease without cause, prior to the end of the original two year period, or during years 3, 4, or 5, after U-CAN/SORT has exercised its option for an extension, then the City shall oompensate U-CAN/SORT for lease hold e�cpenses incurred in the construction of this building at the amount of $83.33 per month for each renaining month in the five year period, at the time of ternnination. In the event that U-CAN/SORT does not exercise the option for a three year extension or at the expiration of the five year period, then any obligation by the City to reim�burse U-CAN/SORT for the lease 1 10A impravenents shall beoane null and void. 3. Upon termination of this lease, U-CAN/SORT shall have the f irst right to renew this lease. �is f irst right shall apply only if U-(�1I�]/SORT i s w ill ing to comply with and meet the terms of a� other prospective tenants, then U-C�N/90RT's first option wi11 only be exercised if the parties can agree upon the terms. II. SERVICFS TO BE PRU�TIDID BY irC�,N/SORT: �e organization does hereby agree to furnish for the term of this agreenent, and as p3rt of the v�nsideration of this agreenent the follawing: A. HOURS OF OPERATION: U-CAN/SORT shall prov ide year-round manned service, 35 hours per week, �esday throuc� Saturday from 9:OOam to 4:OOpm; subject to severe weather or holiday closing. Composting Hours: Composting collection sahll commence by .�e hours of operation will coincide with the regular hours of the site. 7he site will be open for at least 5 weeks in the fall and 5 weeks in the spring, for the dro�roff and pick-up of oo�np�st material. B. OPERATING �ROCF.DURES: U-C�,IQ/90RT shall operate the aforenentioned site by providing the follawing servioes: 1. Purchase f ram the publ ic; altuninuun and bi-metal beverage cans, aluminum household scrap and foil, household copper scrap, and plactic pop bottles. [3-C�N/SORT will also accept, but not purchase, steel cans, glass b�ttles and jars, newspaper and cardboard. Acceptability of all materials will be subject to preparation requirements establ ished and posted by U-CAN/SORT. 2. In cooperation with the City, U-CAN/SORT shall develop a plan for the establishment and ongoing maintenance of a residential yard waste compost program ad j acent to the U-�lq/90RT si te which w il l be moni tor ect during the hours of oollection by U-CAN/SORT. 3. Utilize civic organizations in ma.intaining the site, organizing paper and can drives, and other projects that arise. U-�C1�I�/90RT shall develop compensation/benef it �ckages for fund raising efforts of these groups and help c3evelop specif ics in their oollection efforts. 4. Develop �lans for the recycling of white goods such as appliances and other apprwed materials. A collection schedule shall be established by January 1, 1987. Collection shall oonunence by June 30, 1987. 5. Provide annual collection of househola hazardous waste as approved by and in conjunction with the MPCA collection Ixogram. (Household hazarc�ous waste including: tires, autanobile batteries, pesticides, �aint thinners, solvents, spray paint cans, and any others as listed with 2 � : the NII�C�1) . 10C 6. �y all utility, tele�hone, personnel and operational oosts associated with managenent of the site. 7. U-C�f 90RT shall prov ide an addi tional of f ice f o r receiving customer inquiries and complaints. During off-hours, an answering machine will provide basic information. C. I�,NAGEMII�'r PROCIDURF� : U-{�1N/90RT sh al 1 be r e spo ns i bl e f o r al l managesnent of the site including, but npt limited to; maintenance of �roperty and equignent, customer inquiries, collection, transportation and sales of materials, and enployee relations. Any modif ication to the appraved site plan dated and on file at the City w�ould require City appraval. D. PR�MOTIOI�,L P'ROCIDLTRFS: U�Ia/SORT shall use available media for the pranotion of the recycling center and for the education of the citizenry regarding the value and reuseablilty of our trash. Such media includes: news�per, tel�vision stations, b�il.letin boards, flyer distribution through schools and stores, n�otices in official putalications and personal presentations to local organizations. E. AC00[JNTING PI�OCIDtJRES: U-CAN/90RT shall keep accurate tonnages of every recycleci material hauled f rom the site. U-CAN/SORT shall provide a quarterly reo�rd of weight of all materials recycleci for the City reoorcis. F. MAINrEt�NCE OF G,FifJUI�II.1S: U-CAN/SORT shall be responsible for the clean-up of the gro�.uids so as to keep the said prenises in a neat, presentatale orc�er, free frcm litter, unwntained recyclables and any other material which may o�nstitute a hazard, such as broken or esamagect material. In addition, U-�N/SORT shall be responsible for the renoval of snow within the perimeter of the site. III. SERVICES � BE PROVIDID BY CITY: The City does hereby agree to furnish for the tenn of this agreenent and as part of the consideration of the agreenent the follawing: A. SIGI�GE: �e City shall permit any necessary signage at the U�AN/SORT center location so as to promote identification for easy acoess and traff ic flaw. & PRpMOTIONAL PROCEDURES: Z4ze City shall provide some initial advertising of U-CAN/SORT changeover and pranotion of the dro�roff site and the oanposting site, including printing and distribution of flyers, as �reil as, advertising through any City media. C. PROPERTY IMPROVEMENTS : The Ci ty shal l prov ide th e f ol l ow ing property impravenents: 1. A f enoe and gates to screen and secure the si te f rom 71st Ave. 2. �City shall pravide electricity to the site. 3 3. If appropriate grants are received, sewer and water 10D shall be p�wicied. Until that time, or if a grant is not reoeiveci, portahle facilities will servioe the sanitation needs of the site as prasided tr� U-CAN/90R� D. NF�INTENANCE O�ERATI02ZS: 7he City shall maintain the site in the follawing manner: 1. Assist U-CAN/SORT in the composting program by watering and turning the pile of ooanpos� 2. Prcyvide snaw renaval on 71st Ave. IV. RULES AND REGULATIONS : The Ci ty agrees to enf orce all rul es and regulati.ons in accordance with the City's ordinances. All conduct on prenises will be subject to the rules, regulations and ordinances of the City. U-CAN/SORT shall not a�pt any rules which shall, in the discretion of the City, �reasonably limit the access and use of the premises by any citizen. �e City will supply the ryeeded personnel tA enforoe saict rules, regulations, and orcrinances, as needed. V. INDEt�II�IFICATION: U-CAN/9�RT agrees to indennify and hold harmless the City frcm ariy liability, damages or injuries which may be sustained by either U-CAN/50RT or any third parties in the wurse of this lease. VI. IKSURANCE: U-CAN/90RT shall prwide to the City evidence of b�dily inj ury and general liability insurance in an amount not less than cbllars together with eviaenoe of workers' oanpensation. VII. POLICE AND FIRE PROTECTION: The Ci ty shall prov ide pol ice and f i re �rotection to the site. VIII. TERMINATION OF LEA3E: Z�is lease can be terminated for cause upon either �rty giving the other �rty a 30 ciay notice. In all other instances, the lease agreenent can be terminated by either p�rty upon a 180 day written nc>tioe. Just cause for tern�ination will be based on breech of oontract tr� the other �rty. Termination will deen the lease null and void. Upon termination of this lease, the City shall retain the S. 0. R T. name to depict the City's recycl ing program. Universal Can shall retain the U-�C1�N n�ne to d�epict Universal Can's patented wrp�ration. ]N WITNFSS WHF,RD�F, the p�rties have set their hands and seals the aay and year first above written. CITY OF FI2ILGEY By Will ia¢n J. Nee - Mayor By Nasim M, Qureshi - City Manager 4 S�1TE OF MINNE50'!P,) ) ss Q�iJNI'Y OF ANOKA ) On this day of , 1986, before me, a Nbtary Public within and for said County, personally appeared William 3. Nee and Nasim M. Qureshi, to me personally knawn, who being each by me duly sworn did say that they are respectively the Mayor and the City Manager of the municipal oorporation named in the foregoing instrunent, and that the seal affixed to said instrunent was signed and sealed in behalf of said municipal corporation by authority of its City Council and said William J. Nee and Nasim M. Qureshi, acknaaledgeci said instr�unent to be the f ree act and deec3 of said municipal �rporation. U-CAI�j/90RT, Inc. BY By S7�,TE OF MIl�IFS0�1) ) ss OJUNTY OF ANOKA } On this the day of __, , 1986, before my, a Notary Public within ana for said County, personally appeared anci _ to me personally known, who, being by me duly sworn, did say that they are the � of the corporation named in the foregoing instrunent, and that said instrLm�ent was signed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and said and acknowledged said instr�nent to be the free act and deec3 of said corporation. 5 10E 11 FIRE DEPAF�Ii��1T M E M 0 R A N D U M � TO: Nasim Qureshi, City Manager N�'i0 FROM: Robert Aldrich, Fire Chief �°" `t--• NffMO DATE : October 2, 19 86 REGARDING: Fire Department Spec 86-1 - Refurbish and Rehabilitate Bids were received and opened on October 2, 1986 for the refurbishing and rehabilitation of the two Peter nirsch pu�ers. Only one bid was received that being from 3-D Fire Apparatus of Shawano, Wisconsin. The bid amount is $27,700 each unit. This is close to the esti.mate that I had considered when discussing this with yourself and the City Council. I am recom��ending acceptance of the bid and requesting permission to enter into a contract with 3-D Fire Apparatus. Thank you for you cooperation and assistance. crr5r oF r�� sm r�o�ricc� for Rg'Ik�ISHII� AI�D RF�3T�BII.ITATII� ZWO FIRE DF�AFrII�NT PL�S D�i�IT 'A' 4l�e City Council of the City of Fridley, l:innesota will accept sealed bids for Refurbishing and Rehabilitating Two Fire Department Pumpers on until _ _ on said date at the Fridley Civic Center, 6431 University Avenue 2:.E., Fridley. Minnesota 55432 itelephone: 571-3450). All Bids must meet the minimur► requirements of the specifications. Failure to co�ly With this Section can result in disqualification of the bid. Each bid shall be accm�anied by a Certified Check. Cashier's Check, Cash or Sid Bond and made payable without conditions to the City of Fridle��. t�:innesota, in an � shalif be�forfeitedaiff bidderrneglects�o� r fuseslto enter check, cash or bo into contract, after his bid has been accepted. The City reserves the right to accept the bid Which is deterTr.ined to be ir. the best interests of the City. The City reserves the right to reject any ano all bids and Waive any inform�lities or technicalities in any bid received without explanation. The City Council also reserves the right to consider such f actors as tin�e of deliver�• or performance, experience. responsibility of the bidder, past performance, of similar types of it�s or materials, availability of product� or other sirnilar factors that it may deterr,�,ine to be an the be�t interest of the City. Copies of the specifications and general conditions ma}� be exar.ined in tt,c office of the Fire Chief, or copies nay be ottained frmn this office. All bids nast be submitted in sealed envelopes and plainly marked on ti,e outside Mith REFURBISHItJG A"� R.�r'�SILITATING Z1•:0 FIF.E DEP�:EtZ' Pil�'���= • Publish: �N, F;. Qureshi City N•anager 11A SPDCIFICATION P�86-1 gEFURBISHIi� AT�D RII�BILITA'IZI� '!WO FIRE DEPAR'i�T P[Jl�'�ERS : �� •,�;• �. • TD: City of Fridley PiOPOShc of 3,�� � i r z_ ��` ���_ -� +��r T r r Address _ P U � 1 r 4'=i s`-�r-'^ 1 �� r.A�_ pn ��-i �■ � � .:r . — --- - '- We propose to refurbish and rehabilitate two Peter Pirsch 1250 GPM Pumpers in accordance with the attached specifications. We propose to complete the required work not later than ._3-� days after delivery of the unit to our factory in '- 1_��' ' Base Bid $ �' �J. ��OG.. ��'! Alternate "A" add/�t Alternate "B" add/deduct A certified check or bid bond in the amount of 5$ of the bid price is herewith enclosed. Bidder's Naane BY � � . /; � / , l '.:.C� 1 ` Z/� ��C��. � � � _ - . - �- � < - � _. Title _ _ . . - 11B N L � d E � a � � O 3 F- 4-� 0 >- t0 Q E rn O � � d' Ry � r6 ►i N �► Q •r li O L � O � � � � � � s �+ U 4J U O � � c �a rn c . � � i � 4- � � � � � . n' i , � Q ,- � � 3 E, �� � �� �r�--� � � � � � \ `, �ti m W 1-- Q Z � W � J Q Q W F-- Q Z � W H J Q 0 � m W N Q m 0 z 'I o m � W O � a-� m �� I � � �' � � � �6 a O U t U N L d L N � �7 d 01` � � � � N � i-� b i A a a Q G7 L tL G1 u L N a .�v � � � J` t� G � N G N N � C7 � )v � � N +� U 7 � O i d � � � A N etf N L r � �� �� � � �� '� I �� � � � � CJ b- b N oa N L � d i A U V � � � pV� � l� � "C.� V � i' �.1 �� � D\ �� \ ib I � I `v \ ` � ' Y � � N 7 � VI fd 7 i � b i a A Q aJ Q L � � 4. O � C N t 7 C7 U 11C � RE�CGiTrDON N0. - 1986 RFSCGVPI�O[J AU�iC�tIZII� INdUSmN IN AN II��i,dYEE SEP�IRATION BFNEFTT PLAN 1�R EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF FRI�,EY FIRE L�P�1R�1T WHEREAS, upon separation fran enplayment with the City of Fridley many enployees enoo�mter tmforeseen expenses that can �mplicate the transition to o�ther enplo�merit or to retirenent status; and WI�tF�S, it is in the irYterest of the City of �ticIley to reaoc�ize the servioe of long-term enplayees tr� assuring then of assistanoe through this transition period; _ NCW, �iERE'.Et�RE� BE IT RESQLVID BY Z�iE QTY �fJNCIL OF �iE QTY OF FRII�EY �iAT effective January 1, 1986, any full-time, authorized enployee of the Fridley Fire DeFartment hired before that chte who has been employed ten (10) years or more as a full-time authorized enplayee, upon separation fran enplayment with the City of Fric�ey shall reoeive $200.00 for eadz full y�r of service up to a maximun of $4,000.00 for twerity (20) years or more of servioe. Time englayed in a tenp�rary, Fart-time, or Faid-on-call capacity shall riot be wnsidered in the calculation of this separation benef it. PP,SSID AND AD�FPED BY THE QTY O�iJNQL OF �IE QTY OF FRIIg,EY ZiiIS DAY OF , 1986. WILLIAM J. NEE - NF�YOR ATrEST: SHIRLEY A. HAAPALA - CITY CZg2R 12 RFSCLUTION N0. - 1986 RE.SCd,i,TrION APPROJING AI� ALfI�IORIZING SIC�]ING � AGREII�Tr ESTABLISHING WORKING COAIDITIONS, WAGES AND HOURS OF II�'I,pYEES OF Z�iE CITY QF FRIDLEY FIRE DEPARTMENT FOR THE YFrAR 19 86 W�S, the International Association or Firefighters Local No. 1986, as bargaining representative for the Firefighters of the City of Fridley Fire Department, has presented to the Council of the City of Fridley various requests relating to the worki.ng conditions, wages and hours of employees o£ the Fire Depart�nent of the City of Fridle��; and �;'IiEP.F.�.S, the City of Fridley has presented various requests to the Union and to the es:;ployees relating to working conditions, wages and hours of employee� of tt�e Fire De�artr�ent of the City of Fridley; and �;'�?ERF��S, representatives of the Union and the City have met and negotiated regarding the requests of the Union and the City; and �•7iiLP.F�,S, agre�Knt has na.� been reached between representatives of the tw� parties on the proposed changes to the existing agreement between tt�e City and the Union; NCJ�;, Tf�F�'OFL•', BE IT RESCL,VID by the City o£ Fridley that such agreement is hereb�� ratified and that the t�la}•or and the Cit}� Manager are hereby authorized to execute the attached Agreement (Exhibit "A") relating to worhing conditions, wages and hours of Firefighters of the City of Fridley Fire De� r b�nt . PASSID APJ ADOPTID BY �-3E CITY COUi�IL OF ZI:E CIT� OF FRIDLE� THIS DA�' OF . 1986. �ti'ILLIAFi J . NEE - P',AYOR ATI'E.ST : SHIRLEY A. HAAPALA - CITY Q,ER�: 13 13A I,ABOR AC�tE�TI' BE'IWEEN �iE CITY OF FRIDLEY AAID ZT3E INrEFtI�TI02�L ASSOCIATION OF FIRg'IGF�I'ER.S I�OCAL N�. 1986 r.. ____ FIRFFIGETPIItS IA��' �. 1986 CONrRACP F'OR 1986 Tp,g� O�E' OONI'F�JI'S pAGE ARTICLE ._---- 1 . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • • . . . . I pLTRPOSE OF AGREII� . 1 II RDCOGNITION . . • • • • • • • • • . . . . . . . . . . . • III DEFINITIO�NS . .• • • • • • - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . • • • - . . . 3 N F.r1p(,OYER SDCURITY . . . • • • • • . . . . . 3 V F1�ipi,C)YER ALfI'FiORITY • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . . • � LlNION SDCURITY • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 VII FI�IPLOYEE RIGI-lTS - C�2IEVANCE PROCIDURE . . • • • • . • • ..3 . . . . . . . . . . . . • , . . 6 VIII SAVINGS C�AUSE. . • • • • � • , . 6 SENIORITY • • • • . . . • • • • • . • • . . . . • IX ' 6 . . . • • • ' • ' DISCIPLINE• • • • • • • • • . • • - X• . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 XI WOF�fC SCHEDULFS • • ' . . . _ , . . . . . 7 XII AI�1NtJF1L LEAVE . • • • • • • • • • • • • . . . . . . . . 9 DISABILITY • • • • • ' ' ' ' � � XIII �O�T � . , , , 9 XN PAY FOR CALL BACK AI�ID DRIL,LS . . . . . . . . • ' • .10 �pI,pYEE IDLICATION PROGRANI• . . . . . • • . • . • . . • • � . . , . .11 . . • • • • • • XVI HOLIDAYS . . . . • • • • • • • ' . . . . . . . , . .11 XVII PRGBATIOt�RY PERICDS • • • . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 XVIII FiJI1ERAL PAY . . . . • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 XIX JURY PAY • • • . • .12 . , . . . . - }�}� UNIFORM ALS�I�CE . . . . . • • • • • • ' ' . , . .12 ..... . XXI INSUFUINCE • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .......• , . . .12 RATFS OF PAY. . . • • • . • • • • . XXII .12 XXIII ADDITIONAL INCEPTrIVE PAY • ` ' ' ' • • . . . . . . . . • �N Cpi,LDGE CRIDITS • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 }�{V SEVF�RF�[�10E PAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 ......•••• . .13 �I WAIVER � . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . . . .13 XXVIIDLIRATION • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . ,�� 13C LABOR AGREIIKEI�f� BE'IWEEN CITY OF FRIDLEY A1�ID INPE�tI�TIOI�L ASSOCIATION OF FIRE�'IC��TERS I�OCAL N0. 1986 ARTICLE I PIJRPOSE OF AGREII�III�TI' This AGREII�iENT is entered into as of October 6, 1986 between the CITY OF FRIDLEY, hereinafter called the II�IPLOYER, and the IIJrERI�TIOI�,L ASSOCIATION OF FIRE FIGHTERS I�OC'.AL NO. 1986, hereinafter called the UNiON. It is the intent and purpose of the AGREII�iENr to: 1.1 Establish procedures for the resolution of disputes concerning this AGREII�IENT'S interpretation and/or application; and 1.2 Place in written form the parties' agree��ent upon terms and conditions of employment for the duration of this AGREEMENr. ARTICLE II RDCC)GNITION The EMPLGYER recognizes the UNION as the exclusive representative, under riinnesota Statutes, Section 179.71, Subdivision 3� for all personnel in the following job classifications: 1. Firefighters 2. Fire Captain ARTICLE III DEFIIVITIONS 3.1 Union The International Association of Firefighters Local No. 1986. 3 . 2 Union rlember A member of the International Association of Firefighters Local rio. 1986 . 3.3 �loyee A member of the exclusively recognized bargai.ning unit. 3.4 De�rtment The City of Fridley Fire Departrnent 3.5 F.�loyer The City of Fridley 1 3.6 �f_ y3D The Chief of the Fire Department of the City of Fridley. �� _ � �1 � ' Officer elected or appointed by the International Association of Firefighters Local I�b. 1986. 3.8 Overtime Work performed at the express authorization of the II�9PLOYER in excess of the'nu�nber of hours in a work period specified by the federal Fair Labor Standards Act. ' _ � - • _ �• '�� A consecutive work period including two rest breaks and a lunch break. 3.10 Rest Breaks Two periods during the 9CHIDULID SHIFT during which the employee reqnains on continual duty and is responsible for assigned duties. 3.11 Lunch Break A period during the SCHIDULID SHIFT during which the employee remains on continual duty and is responsible for assigned duties. 3.12 �trike Concerted action in failing to report for duty, the willful absence from one's position, the stoppage of work, slow--down, or abstinence in whole or in part from the full, faithful and proper performance of the duties of employment for the purposes of inducing, inf luencing or coercing a change in the conditions or compensation or the rights, privileges or obligations of eriployment. 3.13 Base Rate �f Pav The E�loyee's hourly rate of pay exclusive of longevity or any other special allawance. ' • �! �_ - • n - Time off during the er�loyee's regularly scheduled work schedule equal in ti.me to 1.5 times overtime worked. 3.15 Severence Pay Payment made to an employee upon honorable separation of employment. 3 .16 �alarv A fixed payment at regular intervals for services as set forth and agreed to in this contract. 2 13E 3.17 Compensation Salary reduced by those amounts as required by law and/or authorized by the em�loyee. ARTICLE IV F1�'IPLOl'ER SDCURITY The UNlON agrees that during the life of this AGREErlENT it will not cause, encourage, participate in or support any strike, slow-down or other interruption of or interference with the norn�al functions of the EMP'LOYER. ARTICLE V FIKPLOYER AUTHORITY 5.1 The Et�L01'ER retains the full and unrestricted right to operate and manage all manpower, facilities, and equipment; to es�ablish functions and programs; to set and amend budgets; to determine the utilization of technology; to establish and modify the organizational structure; to select, direct, and determine the number of personnel; to establish work schedules, and to perform any inherent managerial function not specifically limited by this AC�tEII�'�ENT. 5.2 Any term and condition of e�loyment not specifically established or modified by this AGREII�iENI' shall renain solely within the discretion of the E��iPLOYER to modify, establish, or eliminate. ARTICLE VI UNION SDCURITY 6.1 The II�SPLOYER shall deduct from the wages of employees who authorize such a deduction in writing an amount necessary to cover monthly UNION dues. Such monies shall be renitted as directed by the t1NI0N. 6.2 The LTNION may designate employees from the bargaining unit to act as a steward and an alternate and shall inform the EbiPLOYER in writing of such choice and changes in the position of steward and/or alternate. 6.3 The ENiPLOYER shall make space available on the eqnployee bulletin board for posting LTNION notice(s) and announcement(s). 6.4 The LTNION agrees to indemnify and hold the II�ZPLOYER harmless against any and all claims, suits, orders, or judgments brought or issued against the EriPLOYER as a result of any action taken or not taken by the F,MPLOYER under the provisions of this Article. ARTICLE VII II�IAYEE RIGHTS -(�2IEVANCE PROCIDURE 7.1 , Definition of a Grievance A grievance is defined as a dispute or disagreement as to the interpretation or application of the specif ic terms and con3itions of this AGREII��. 7.2 Union Re�resentatives The F�I�OYER will recognize REPRESII�ATIVES designated by the UNION as the grievance representatives of the bargaining unit having the duties and responsibilities established by this Article. The UNION shall 3 13F notify the EMPLOYER in writing of the names of such UNION REPRESII�ATIVES and of their successors when so designated as prov ided by Section 6.2 of this AGREII�'Nr. � .� - . . - .�.- It is recognized and accepted by the UNION and the EMPLOYER that the processing of grievances as hereinafter provided is limited by the job duties and responsibilities of the EMPLOYEES and shall therefore be accomplished during normal worki.ng hours only when consistent with such F�'fPI,C3YEE duties and responsibilities. The aggrieved EMPLOYEE and a UNION REPRESENTATIVE shall be allowed a reasonable amount of time without loss in pay when a grievance is investigated and presented to the II�iPL�C3YER during norn�al working hours provided that the F.P�LOYEE and the UNlON REPRESEI�TI'ATIVE have notified and received the approval of the designated supervisor who has determined that such absence is reasonable and would not be detrimental to the work programs of the EMP'L�OXER. � � - �. s� Grievances, as defined by Section 7.1, shall be resolved in conf ormance with the following procedure: � An EMPLOYEE claiming a violation concerning the interpretation or application of this AGREF�,Nr shall, within twenty-one (21) calendar days after such alleged violation has occurred, present such grievance to the EPIPLOYEE'S supervisor as designated by the EMPLOYER. The EhiPLOYER-designated representative will discuss and give an answer to such Step 1 grievance within ten (10) calendar days after receipt. A grievance not resolved in Step 1 and appealed to Step 2 shall be placed in writing setting forth the nature of the grievance, the facts on which it is based, the provision or provisions of the AGREEMENT allegedly violated, the ranedy requested, and shall be appealed to Step 2 within ten (10) calendar days after the EMPL,OYER-designated representative's final answer in Step 1. Any grievance not appealed in writing to Step 2 by the UNlON within ten (10) calendar days shall be considered waived. 0 If appealed, the written grievance shall be presented by the UNION and discussed with the ENPLOYER-designated Step 2 representative. The II�PLOYER- designated representative shall give the UNION the Eb1PLOYER'S Step 2 answer in writing within ten (10) calendar days after receipt of such Step 2 grievance. A grievance not resolved in Step 2 may be appealed to Step 3 within ten (10) calendar days following the II��LOYER-designated representative's final Step 2 answer. Any grievance not appealed in writing to Step 3 by the UNION within ten (10) calendar days shall be considered waived. _Q If apgealed, the written grievance shall be presented by the UNION and discussed with the EMPLOYER-designated Step 3 representative. The EMPL(7YEi� designated representative shall give the UNION the EMPLOYER'S 4 13G answer in writing within ten (10) calendar days af ter receipt of such Step 3 grievance. A grievance not resolved in Step 3 may be appealed to Step 4 within ten (10) calendar days following the EMPLOYER-designated representative's final answer in Step 3. Any grievance not appealed in writing to Step 4 by the [Ji�IION within ten (10) calendar days shall be considered waived. -. - A grievance unresolved in Step 3 and appealed to Step 4 by the UNION shall be submitted to arbitration subject to the provisions of the Pubiic F�nployment Labor Relations Act of 1971. The selection of an arbitrator shall be made in accordance with the "Rules Governing the Arbitration of Grievances" as established by the Public F�loyment Labor Relations Board. 7.5 Arbitrator's Authoritv a. The arbitrator shall have no right to amend, modify, nullify, ignore, add to, or subtract from the terms and conditions of this AGREFI�iEI�. The arbitrator shall consider and decide only the specific issue(s) submitted in writing by the EMPLOYER and the UI�ION, and shall have no authority to make a decision on any other issue not so submitted. b. The arbitrator shall be without power to make decisions contrary to, or inconsistent with, or modifying or varying in any way the application of laws, rules, or regulations having the force and effect of law. The arbitrator's decision shall be submitted in writing within thirty (30) days following close of the hearing or the submission of briefs by the parties, whichever be later, unless the parties agree to an extension. The decision shall be binding on both the FMPLOYER and the UNION and shall be based solely on the arbitrator's interpretation or application of the express terms of this ACREII�iEI� and to the facts of the grievance presented. c. The fees and expenses for the arbitrator's services and proceedings shall be borne equally by the Eh�LOYER and the UNION provided that each party shall be responsible for compensating its own representatives and witnesses. If either party desires a verbatim record of the proceedings, it may cause such a record to be made, providing it pays for the record. If both parties desire a verbatim record of the proceedings the cost shall be shared equally. 7.6 Waiver If a grievance is not presented within the time l.i.mits set forth above, it shall be considered "waived". If a grievance is not appealed to the next step within the specified time limit or any agreed extension thereof, it shall be considered settlec3 on the basis of the EMPLOYER'S last answer. If the ET�iPLOYE� doe�s not answer a grievance or an appeal thereof within the specified time limits, the LTNION may elect to treat the grievance as denied at that step and immediately appeal the grievance to the next step. The time limit in each step may be exter�led by mutual written agreement of the EMPL�OYER and the I7NION in each step. 5 13H 7.7 Choice of Remedv If, as a result of the written EMPLOYER response in Step 3, the grievance remains unresolved, and if the grievance involves the suspension, demotion, or discharge of an employee who has completed the required probationary period, the grievance may be appealed either to Step 4 of Article VII or a procedure such as: Civil Service, Veteran's Preference, or Fair F�nployment. If appealed to any procedure other than Step 4 of Article VII, the grievance is not subject to the arbitration procedure as provided in Step 4 of Article VII. The aggrieved employee shall indicate in writing which procedure is to be utilized (Step 4 of Article VII or another appeal procedure) and shall sign a statement to the�effect that the choice of any other hearing precludes the aggrieved employee fram making a subsequent appeal through Step 4 of Article VII. ARTICLE VIII SAVINGS (�,AUSE This AGREII�'IEN�' is subject to the laws of the United States, the State of riinnesota and the City of Fridley. In the event any provision of this AGREEMENT shall be held to be contrary to law by a court of competent jurisdiction from whose f inal judgment or decree no appeal has been taken within the time provided, such provisions shall be voided. All other provisions of this AGREF3�iENI' shall continue in full force and effect. The voided provision may be renegotiated at the written request of either garty. ARTICLE IX SE[JIORITY 9.1 Seniority shall be determined by the employee's length of continuous employment with the Fire Department and posted in an appropriate location. 5eniority rosters may be maintained by the FIRE CHIEF on the basis of time in grade and time within specific classifications. 9.2 During the probationary period, a newly hired or rehired elnployee may be discharged at the sole discretion of the EMPLOYER. During the probationary period a promoted or reassigned employee may be replaced in his previous postion at the sole discretion of the E�iPI�OYER. 9.3 A reduction of work force will be a�complished on the basis of seniority. �nployees shall be recalled from layoff on the basis of seniority. An employee on layoff shall have an opportunity to return to work within two years of the time of his layoff before any new employee is hired. 9.4 Vacation periods to a max.inum of two (2) weeks shall be selected on the basis of seniority until May lst of each calendar year. ARTIC�,E X DISCIPLINE 10.1 The II�LOYER will discipline employees for just cause and disciplinary action �y be in one or more of the following forms: a. oral reprimand; b, written reprimand; c. suspension; d. demotion; or e. discharge. � 131 10.2 Suspensions, demotions and discharges will be in written form. 10.3 Written reprimands, notices of suspension, and notices of discharge which are to become part of an �nployee's personnel f ile shall be read and acknauledged by signature of the eqnployee. E7nployees will receive a copy of such reprimands and/or notices. 10.4 �loyees may examine their awn individual personnel files at reasonable times under the direct supervision of the ENiPLOYER. ARTICLE XI WOI�C SCI�ULFS 11.1 The normal w�ork schedule for the employees of the Fire Department shall consist of a 56.67 hour work week. a. hours worked on assigned shifts; b. holidays; c. authorized leave ti.me. The Departrnent Head is responsible for scheduling and assigning the weekly work schedule. 11.2 The City clair� the authority to schedule employee's duty schedule. A normal w�ork schedule for the employees will be a combination of shifts comprised of twelve (12) hours between 8:00 P.M. Sunday and 8:00 A.M. Friday and ten (10) hours between 7:00 A.M. Monday and 5:00 P.M. Friday. 11.3 It is recognized by the parties that service to the public may require the establishment of regular shifts for some employees on a daily, weekly, seasonal, or annual basis, other than the regularly scheduled hours. The �nployer will give advance notice to the employees affected by the establishment of work days different than the normal employees' work day. 11.4 In the event that work is required because of unusual circumstances such as (but not limited to) fire, flood, snaw, sleet, breakdown of municipal equipment or facilities, no advance notice to the employees need be given. It is not required that an employee working other than the norn�al workday be scheduled to work more than the scheduled hours; however, each employee has an obligation to work overtime if requested, unless unusual circumstances prevent him from doing so. 11.5 It is also recognized by the parties that service to the public may require the establishment of regular work weeks that schedule work on Saturdays and/or Sur�c]ays. F�nployees who are regularly scheduled to be on duty Saturday and/or Sunday will be granted two consecutive days off in lieu of Saturday and/ar Sunday. ARTICLE XII ANNIIAL LFAVE 12.1 Each �nployee shall be entitled to annual leave away from employment with pay. Annual leave pay shall be computed at the regular rate of pay to which such an eqnployee is entitled. 12.2 A beginning employee shall accrue annual leave at the rate of eighteen (18) days per year for the first seven (7) years (84 successive months). 7 13J An e�loyee who has worked seven (7) years (84 sucoessive months) shall accrue annual leave at the rate of twenty-four (24) c3ays per year, beginning with the eighty-fifth (85th) month of successive employment. An �loyee wha has worked fifteen (15) years (180 successive months) shall accrue annual leave at the rate of twenty-six (26) days per year. beginning with the one hundred eighty-first (181st) month of consecutive employment. 12.3 For an employee hired on or after January 1, 1984: The maxi�num total accumulation of annual leave at the end of any given year shall be thirty (30) days. Once a year, at a time designated by the City� an employee who has completed seven (7) years of service with the City will have the opportunity to exchange up to three (3) days of accumulated annual leave for cash. At the same time, an employee who has completed fifteen (15) years of service with the City will have the opportunity to exchange up to 5 days of acctunulated annual leave for cash. 12.4 For an employee hired prior to January 1, 1984: Vacation accrued but unused as of December 31, 1983 shall be converted to annual leave at the rate of one (1) day of annual leave for one (1) day of vacation. Accrued but unused sick leave as of December 31, 1983 shall be converted to annual leave according to the following schedule: a. lst 45 days @ 1 day of annual leave for 1 day of sick leave b. 2nd 45 days C� 1 day of annual leave for 2 days of sick leave c. Remainder @ 1 day of annual leave for 3 days of sick leave The total amount of annual leave credited to the employee's balance as of January 1, 1984 shall be equal to accrued but unused vacation plus accrued but unused sick leave converted according to the formula above. If upon conversion to the annual leave plan an employee's accumulation of annual leave exceeds thirty (30) days, that amount shall be the maximum total accumulation (cap) for that employee at the end of any subsequent year. Once a year, at a time designated by the City, an eqnplayee will have the opportunity to exchange up to five (5) days of acctunulated annual leave for cash. In addition, once a year at a time designated by the City, an employee with an acctunulation of annual Ieave in excess of thirty (3a) days will have the opportunity to exchange up to five (5) days of annual leave for cash. Such an exchange shall reduce the maximum total accumulation (cap) of an employee by an equal amount. 12.5 Upon separation from �npioy�nent with the City, an employee will be paid one (1) dayEs salary for e�h day of accrued annual leave remaining in the es�ploy�'s balance. � 13K ARTICLE XIII SHORT TF�FiM DISABILITY 13.1 Each employee who has successfully completed the �nployee's probationary period shall be eligible for short term disability benef it. Such an employee shall be entitled to full pay commencing on the twenty-first (21st) consecutive working day on which the employee is absent due to a physician-certified illness or injury, whether on or off the job, and continuing until the enployee returns to work able to carry out the full duties and responsibilities of the �nployee's position or through the one hundred and tenth (110th) working day of absence, whichever occurs first; provided, however, that the amount of any compensation shall be reduced by any payment received by the disabled employee f rom workers' compensation insurance, Public Employees Retirement Association disability insurance, or Social Security disability insurance. Payment of short term disability benefit by the City to an employee shall not exceed ninety (90) working days for any single illness or injury, regardless of the number and spacing of episodes. The annual leave balance of an em�loyee receiving short term disability benefits shall not be reduced, nor shall such employee accrue annual leave during that period. 2. Before any short term disability payments are made by the City to an er�loyee, the City may request and is entitled to receive from any employee who has been absent more than twenty (20) working days in succession a certificate signed by a competent physician or other medical attendant certifying to the fact that the entire absence was, in fact, due to the illness or injury and not otherwise. The City also reserves the right to have an examination made at any time of any employee claiming payment under the short term disability benefit. Such examination may be made on behal.f of the City by any competent person designated by the City when the City deems the same to be reasonably necessary to verify the illness or injury claimed. 3. If an emgloyee hired before January 1, 1984 has received payments under the injury-on-duty provisions of previous contracts, the number of days for which payment was received will be deducted fram the number of days of eligibility for coverage under short term disability for that same injury. 4. If any �nployee`s non causally related injury or illness exceeds 110 working days, the e�loyee shall be entitled to draw from his remaining annual leave. 5. If an �nployee's causally related illness or injury exceeds 110 working days, the employee may draw from his r�naining annual leave in addition to those benefits to which the employee receives in accordance with the workman's compensation provisions. 6. W'hen an em�ployee excec�3s the 110 worlcing days disability and commences to draw on annual leave, he shall again accure benef its in accordance with accepted City policy. ARTICLE XIV PAY FOR CALL BACR AI�ID DRIT.T � 14.1 A firefiqhter responding to a fire call before or after regularly scheduled work hours or on a day off shall be compensated in an amount 13L equal to a mininum of thirty (30) minutes at one and one half (1 1/2) times the hourly rate calculated in accordance with the provisions of the federal Fair Labor Standards Act. If the fire call lasts for more than 30 minutes the firefighter shall be coqnpensated at the above rate of pay for each additional fifteen (15) minute period or fraction thereof. Provided that in calendar year 1986 only, firefighters and fire captain shall be campensated for no less than 104 hours of call back time at the overtime rate of pay for their respective classifications and pro--rated if �nployment is less than a full year. 14.2 To calculate the time worked on call back, time shall be considered to have started at the time of the alarm as recorded and shall end when the officer in charge has terminated said alarm. In the event of a simultaneous or subsequent alarm occuring prior to the termination of the alarm for which the firefighter was called back, the f iref ighter's time worked shall be calculated as continuous from the time of the first alarm until the officer in charge has terminated all alarms. 14.3 Employees who participate in drills before or after regularly scheduled work hours or on a day off shall be campensated at the overtime rate of pay for their respective classifications. ���M « r r • �� • • • �e+• . 15.1 The City will pay certain expenses for certain education courses based on the following criteria. a. The training course must have relevance to the Employees' present or anticipated career responsibilities. Attendance shall be at a City approved institution. The course must be approved by the Department Head. b. Financial assistance will be extended only to courses offered by an accredited institution. This includes vocational schools, Minnesota Sch000l of Business, etc. 15.2 F�loyee Education Programs Financial Policy Financial assistance will be extended to cover only the cost of tuition. Charges for books, student union membership, student health coverage and other charges for which the student receives sane it�n or services other than actual instruction will not be paid. The City will pay 50$ of the cost of tuition in advance of the bnployee's actual participation in the course and the D�loyee shall pay 50� of the cost. Upon successful completion of the course an employee will be required to present a certification of satisfactory work to his department head. Satisfactory work is defined as follows: a. In courses issuing a letter grade, a C or above is required. b. In courses issuing a rnm�erical grade, 70$ or above is required. c. In courses not issuing a grade, a certification fram the institution that the student satisfactorily participated in the activities of the courses as required. 10 13M 15.3 If the Employee satisfactorily completes the course, he will be reimbursed for the additional 50$ of the tuition cost for which he obligated hi�elf in the approved application. If the �loyee fails to satisfactorily com�lete the course, he will not be reimbursed. 15.4 The program will not reimburse the e�loyee for the hours he spends in class, only for the tuition. 15.5 Expenses for which the employee is compensated under some other educational or assistance program, such as the GI bill, will not be covered. 15.6 The�City will not pay tuition or other costs for those courses which are used to make the es�ployee eligible for additional salary. ARTICLE XVI HCGIDAYS 16.1 Holidays include New Year's Day, January 1; Martin Luther King Day, the third Monday in January; Washington and Lincoln's Birthday, the third Monday in February; Dlemorial Day, the last Monday in May; Independence Day July 4; Labor Day, the first Monday in September; Christopher Columbus Day, the secoru3 Monday in October; Veteran's Day, November 11; Thanksgiving Day, the fourth Thursday in November; and Christmas Day, December 25; provided, When New Year's Day, January 1; or Independence Day, July 4; or Veteran's Day, November 11; or Christmas Day, December 25; falls on Sunday the following day shall be a holiday, and provided, when New Year's Day, January 1; or Independence Day, July 4; or Veteran's Day, November 11; or Christmas Day, December 25; falls on Saturday, the preceding day shall be a holiday. 16.2 In addition to the holidays listed above, employees covered by this contract shall be entitled to one additional holiday designated by the City Council or the Department Head, for a total of eleven (11) holidays per year. ARTICLE XVII PRCBATIOI�IRY PERICDS 17.1 All newly hired or rehired employees will serve a six (6) month probationary period. ARTICLE XVIII FUI�',RAL PAY 18.1 In case of death occurring in the imraediate family of an employee, such an employee may be excused from wori� for up to three days with additional time off granted by the City Mana.ger if additional time is needed. This time off shall not subject the employee to loss of pay. For this purpose, members of th+e i�iate family of the employee are considered to be the following; spouse, child (natural or adopted), parent, grandparent, brother, sister, mother-in-law or father-in-law. ARTICLE XVIX JURY PAY 19.1 It shall be understood and agreed that the City shall pay all regular full time e�loyees serving on any jury the difference in salary between jury pay and the eqnployee's regular salary or pay while in such service. 11 ARTICLE }IX UI�IIFORM AId�IANCE 13N 20.1 The City shall provide a uniform clothing allowance for Fire Fighters, said allowance to be paid in cash in January of each year. The allawance for 1986 shall be $303. ARTICLE XXI INSURANCE 21.1 The II�'iPL(n'F12 will contri.bute up to a maximum of $165.00 per month per employee for group life and health insurance including dependent coverage for calendar year 1986. 21.2 Effective January 1, 1987 each employee may use up to f ifteen dollars ($15.00) per month of health insurance dollars in 21.1 for group dental insurance offered through the City. 21.3 Individual employees may provide for an increased EF�I�YER contribution for insurances over that amount stipulated in 21.1 and 21.2 by lowering their compensation from the rates stipulated in Articles XXII, XXIII, At�ID XXIV to provide for an increased II�iPLOYER contribution which will fully gay for the employee's health insurance and dental insurance, including dependent coverage, and life insurance. ARTICLE XXII RATES OF PAY 22.1 Firefighters First six months After six months After 1 1/2 years After 2 1/2 years After 3 1/2 years 22.2 Fire Captain •;, $8.0468 per hour $8.4491 per hour $8.8716 per hour $9.3151 per hour $9.7809 per hour $10.4167 per hour ARTICLE XXIII ADDITIOI�L INCE'I�TrIVE PAY 23.1 Incentive pay will be paid over and above the standard base rate or going rate for fmployees hired prior to January 1, 1974 according to the following schedule, provided employees have made demonstratable progress tawards i�roving their proficiency for their particular job title or job assignment. After 5 years of service After 10 years of service After 15 years of service . .� « • •�: � «• a� $24 $48 $72 24.1 For Firef ighters hired after �anuary I, 1974 the City will pay for education credits earned at an accredited institution of higher learning at the rate of $.4� per quarter credit starting with the ninety-first (91st) guarter credit up to a maximum of one hundred eighty (180) credits or a maximim of $36.00 per month. All courses taken must be approved by the D�ployer. No Firef ighter hired after January 1, 1974 will be eligible for payments under ARTIQ.E XxIV. No Firef ighter will 12 draw both additional incentive pay under ARTICLE XXIV, and pay for education credit. E�loyees will not be eligible for education cred its during their six (6) month probationary period. A determination of the number of credits an e�loyee is eligible for will be made on December 1 of the previous year. Credits earned during the year will not be counted until the succeeding year. The City will not pay tuition for courses that the F�loyee will later be paid for as noted above. �M�M .il�`�.�i=.��►i��;i \��3�`� 25.1 For all employees hired prior to January 1, 1978, the severence pay policy shall be as follows: Any Employee with forty-eight (48) or more consecutive months of eqnployment will receive severance pay in cash based on on�and-one-half (1 1/2) days for each twelve (12) consecutive months worked, but not to exceed thirty (30) days of the same. M • r• �• 26.1 Any and all prior agreenents, resolutions, practices, policies, rules and regulations regarding terms and conditions of employment, to the extent inconsistent with the provisions of this AGREEMENT, are hereby superseded. 26.2 The parties mutually acknowledge that during the negotiations which resulted in this AGREII�'�Tr, each had the unlimited right and opportunity to make demands and proposals with respect to any term or condition of �nployment not removed by law from bargaining. All agreements and understandings arrived at by the parties are set forth in writing in this AGREEMENT for the stipulated duration of this AGREEMENT. The II�'IP'LOYER and the iJNION each voluntarily and unqualifiedly waives the right to meet and negotiate regarding any and all terms and conditions of �nployment referred to or covered in this AGREII�IENT or with respect to any term or condition of e�loyment not specifically referred to or covered by this AGREIIKENr, even though such tern�s or conditions may not have been within the knawledge or contenplation of either or both of the parties at the time this contract was negotiated or executed. ARTICLE XXVII DURATION This AGREII�Nr shall be ef fective as of January 1, 19 86 , noted, and shal� renain in full for�e and effect until the December, 1986. In witness whereof, the parties hereto AGREII�iENT on this 6th day of October, 1986. 13 except as herein thirty-first day of have executed this 130 CITY OF FRIDLEY MAYOR - WILLIAM J. I�E CITY MAI�FIGER - I�.SIM M. QURFSHI � FOR ZHE INi'�2I�TIOTF�L ASSOCIATION OF FIRF�'IGHTF�iS I�OCAL N0. 1986 H�AF2D H. SIMOi�LS(7�] GARY E . IAR.SON Dfa1NIS M. CrI'I'Dr1 I hereby recorIInend to the City Council approval of this agreement. WILLIAM C. HUI�lT - ASSISTANT TO ZiiE CITY MAI�GER R. ALDRICH - CHIff , FIRE DF�AR'IMENr 14 13P RESOLUTION N0. - 1986 RESOIIJTION CIItTIFYII3G TAX LEVY REQUIRFI'iENTS FOR 1987 TO TfiE COUNTY OF ANOKA FOR COLLECTION BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Fridley certify to the County Auditor of the County of Anoka, State of Minnesota, the following tax levy to be levied in 1986 for the year 1987. �: 9l i►1�. Levy Subject to Limitation Levy Outside Levy Limits ;�I�IICi�i i�l-1 :tT.� 3,311,826 '� TOTAL GENERAL F[JND 3,311,826 Capital Project - Capital Improvement (Subject to Limitation) Agency Fund - Six Cities Water Management (Outside Le�y Limit) TOTAL OTHER FUNDS TOTAL ALL Ft3NDS 85,542 9,457 94,999 3,406,825 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the amount herein certified with respect to the Public Employee Retirement Association is in the amount required by the law. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF , 1986 WILLIAM J. NEE - MAYOR ATTEST: SHIRLEI' A. HAAPALA - CIT1 CLERK 14 15 City Council of �he City Of Fridley, Minnesota Resolution No. A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of the City's $6,300,000 Commer- cial Development Revenue Bonds (53rd Way Investors Project), Dated as of the date of delivery thereof. WHEREAS, the Minnesota Municipal Industrial Development Act, Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 474 (the "Act"), authorizes the City of Fridley, Minnesota (the "City"), to issue its revenue obligation(s) for the purposes specified therein and for the financing of eligible projects thereunder; WHEREAS, the Borrower, being 53rd Way Investors, a Minnesota general partnership, has proposed to acquire land and construct thereon an approximately 112,000 square foot office-tech facility (the "Project") in the City, to be owned by the Borrower, and the City desires to assist the financing of the Project upon the terms and conditions specified in the Act and the Agreement (as hereinafter de- fined); WHEREAS, the City proposes to assist the financing of the Project by the issuance of revenue obligations of the City und�r the Indenture (as hereinafter defined); WHEREAS, the City proposes to enter into an Indenture of Trust, dated as of October 1, 1986 (the "Indenture"), with Norwest Bank Minneapolis, National Association, in Minne- apolis, Minnesota (the "Trustee"), to provide, among other things, for the issuance by the City of its $6,300,000 Com- mercial Development Revenue Bonds (53rd Way Investors Proj- ect), dated as of the date of delivery thereof (the "Bonds"); 15A WHEREAS, the City and the Borrower propose to enter into a Loan Agreement, dated as of October 1, 3985 (the "Agree- ment"), to provide, among oth�r things, for the loan of the proceeds of the Bonds to the Borrower to be used to finance the Project; WHEREAS, the Bonds are proposed to be sold pursuant to a Bond Purchase Agreement between the Original Purchaser (as defined therein) and the City (the "Bond Purchase Agree- ment"); and WHEREAS, copies of the proposed Agreement, Indenture, and Bond Purchase Agreement have been placed on file in the office of the City Clerk: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Fridley, Minnesota, as follows: Section 1. The City Council hereby finds that the Proj- ect is a"project," as defined �n the Act, that the issuance of the Bonds for the Project would promote the purposes of the Act and that the issuance of the Bonds and the execution and delivery of the Agreement and the Indenture would serve the interests of the City. Section 2. For the purpose of assisting the f ir►ancing of the Project, there is hereby authorized the issuance, sale and delivery of the Bonds. The Bonds shall be issued in fully registered form, shall be in such denominations, shall bear interest, shall be numbered, shall be dated, shall mature, shall be subject to redemption prior to matur- ity, shall be in such form and shall have such other details and provisions as are prescribed by the Indenture. Section 3. The Bonds are authorized to be issued only as special and limited obligations of the City, payable solely from the revenues derived by the City from the Agree- ment and from the Trust Estate provided in the Indenture. Otherwise, the Bonds shall not constitute a debt of the City within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory or Home Rule Charter provisian, shall not constitute or give rise to any pecuniary liability af the City, any charge against the City's full faith and credit or taxing powers or any charge, lien or encumbrance, legal or equitable, upon any funds or other assets of the City. Section 4. The City Council of the City hereby autho- rizes the Mayor and the officers of the City to execute and deliver the Bond Purchase Agreement, the Indenture and the Agreement. All of the provisions of the Bond Purchase Agreement, the Indenture and the Agreement, when executed - 2 - �� � and delivered as authorized herein, shall be deemed to be a part of this resolution as fully and to the same extent as if incorporated verbatim herein and shall be in full force and effect from the date of �execution and delivery thereof. The Bond Purchase Agreement, the Indenture and the Agreement shall be substantially in the form on file in the office of the City Clerk with such necessary and appropriate variations, omissions and insertions as permitted or re- quired by such documents or as the Mayor and officers of the City executing the same, with the advice of bond counsel for the Bonds, O'Connor & Hannan, shall determine, as evidenced by such execution thereof. Section 5. The Bonds are hereby authorized to be exe- cuted by the manual or facsimile signatures of the Mayor and City officials specified in the form of the Bonds contained in the Indenture and to be manually authenticated by the Trustee, all as provided in the Indenture. Section 6. All covenants, stipulations, obligations and agreements of the City contained in this resolution and in the Bond Purchase Agreement, the Indenture and the Agreement shall be deemed to be the covenants, stipulations, obliga- tions and agreements of the City to the full extent author- ized or permitted by law, and all such covenants, stipula- tions, obligations and agreements shall be binding upon the City. Except as otherwise provided in this resolution, all rights, powers and privileges conferted and duties and liabilities imposed upon the City or the City Council by the provisions of this resolution, the Bond Purchase Agreement, the Indenture and the Agreement shall be exercised or per- formed by the City or by such members of the City Council or by such officers, board, body or agency thereof as may be required by law to exercise such powers and to perform such duties. No covenant, stipulation, obligation or agreement herein contained or contained in the Bond Purchase Agreement, the Indenture or the Agreement shall be deemed to be a covenant, stipulation, obligation or agreement of any member of the City Council or any officer, agent or employee of the City in that person's individual capacity, and neither the City Council nor any officer executing the Bonds shall be liable personally on the Bonds or be subject to any personal� lia- bility or accountability by reason of the issuance thereof. Section 7. In case any one or more of the provisions of this resolution, the Bond Purchase Agreement, the Indenture, the Agreement or any of the Bonds issued hereunder shall for any reason be held to be illegal or invalid, such illegality or invalidity shall not affect any other provision of this resolution, the Hond Purchase Agreement, the Indenture, the - 3 - 15C Agreement or the Bonds, but this resolution, the Bond Pur- chase Agreement, the Indenture, the Agreement and the Bonds shall be construed as if such illegal or invalid provision had not been contained therein. Section 8. �he Bonds sha11 contain a recital that the Bonds are issued pursuant to �he Act, and such recital shall be conclusive evidence of the validity of the Bonds an3 the regularity of the issuance thereof and the Bonds shall con- tain a further recital that all acts, conditions and things required by the Home Rule Charter of the City and by the Constitution and the laws of the State of Minnesota in con- nection with the issuance of the Bonds to have happened, to exist and to be performed have happened, do exist and have been performe8 as so required by law. Section 9. The officers of the City, attorneys, engi- neers and other agents or employees of the City are hereby authorized to do all acts and things required of them by or in connection with this resolution, the Bond Purchase Agree- ment, the Indenture and the Agreement for the full, punctual and complete performance of all the terms, covenants and agreements contained in the Bonds, the Bond Purchase Agree- ment, the Indenture, the Agreement and this resolution, including without limitation the execution and delivery of all supglementary certificates and documents necessary or advisable in connection with the issuance of the Bonds. Section 10. The Trustee is hereby designated as the paying, authenticating and transfer agent and registrar for the Bonds, all as provided in the Indenture. Section 11. The City Manager and City Finance Director are hereby designated and authorized to act on behalf of the City as Issuer Representative of the City under khe Agree- ment. Section 12. The City Council hereby authorizes the dis- tribution of the Official Statement prepared for the Bonds by the Original Purchaser in connection with the sale of the Bonds; however, the City has not reviewed the Official Statement and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness thereof, or otherwise. Adopted by the Fridley City Council on October 6, 1986. - 4 - W City Council of the City Of Fridley, Minnesota Resolution No. A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of the City's $6,300,000 Commer- cial Development Revenue Bonds (Industrial Boulevard Investors Project), Dated as of the date of delivery thereof. WHEREAS, the Minnesota Municipal Industrial Development Act, Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 474 (the "Act"), authorizes the City of Fridley, Minnesota (the "City"), to issue its revenue obligation(s) for the purposes specified therein and for the financing of eligible projects thereunder; WHEREAS, the Borrower, being Industrial Boulevard Investors, a Minnesota general partnership, has proposed to acquire land and construct thereon an approximately 112,000 square foot office-tech facility (the "Project") in the City, to be owned by the Borrower, and the City desires to assist the financing of the Project upon the terms and con- ditions specified in the Act and the Agreement (as here- inafter defined); WHEREAS, the City proposes to assist the financir� of the Project by the issuance of revenue obligations of the City under the Indenture (as hereinafter defined); WHEREAS, the City proposes to enter into an Indenture of Trust, dated as of Octuber 1, 1986 (the "Indenture"), with Norwest Bank Minneapolis, National Association, in Minne- apolis, Minnesota (the "Trustee"), to provide, among other things, for the issuance by the City of its $6,300,000 Com- mercial Development Revenue Bonds (Industrial Boulevard Investors Project), dated as of the date of delivery thereof (the "Bonds"); WHEREAS, the City and the Borrower propose to enter into a Loan Agreement, dated as of October 1, 1986 (the "Agree- ment"), to provide, among other things, for the loan of the proceeds of the Bonds to the Borrower to be used to finance the Project; WHEREAS, the Bonds are proposed to be sold pursuant to a Bond Purchase Agreement between the Original Purchaser (as defined therein) and the City (the "Hond Purchase Agree- ment"); and WHEREAS, copies of the proposed Agreement, indenture, and Bond Purchase Agreement have been placed on file in the office of the City Clerk: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Fridley, Minnesota, as follows: Section 1. The City Council hereby finds that the Proj- ect is a"project," as defined in the Act, that the issuance of the Bonds for the Project would promote the purposes of the Act and that the issuance of the Bonds and the execution and delivery of the Agreement and the Indenture would serve the interests of the City. Section 2. For the purpose of assisting the financing of the Project, there is hereby authorized the issuance, sale and delivery of the Bonds. The Bonds shall be issued in fully registered form, shall be in such denominations, shall bear interest, shall be numbered, shall be dated, shall mature, shall be subject to redemption prior to matur- ity, shall be in such form and shall have such other details and provisions as are prescribed by the Indenture. Section 3. The Bonds are authorized to be issued only as special and limited obligations of the City, payable solely from the revenues derived by the City from the Agree- ment and from the Trust Estate provided in the Indenture. Otherwise, the Bonds shall not constitute a debt of the City within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory or Home Rule Charter provision, shall not constitute or give rise to any pecuniary liability of the City, any charqe against the City's full faith and credit or taxing powers or any charge, lien or encumbrance, legal or equitable, upon any funds or other assets of the City. Section 4. The City Council of rizes the Mayor and the officers of deliver the Bond Purchase Agreement, - 2 - the City hereby autho- the City to execute and the Indenture and the 16A • : Agreement. All of the provisions of the Bond Purchase Agreement, the Indenture and the Agreement, when executed and delivered as authorized herein, shall be deemed to be a part of this resolution as fully and to the same extent as if incorporated verbatim herein and shall be in full force and effect from the date of execution and delivery thereof. The Bond Purchase Agreement, the Indenture and the Agreement shall be substantially in the form on file in the office of the City Clerk with such necessary and appropriate variations, omissions and insertions as permitted or required by such documents or as the Mayor and officers of the City executing the same, with the advice of bond counsel for the Bonds, O'Connor & Hannan, shall determine, as evi- denced by such execution thereof. Section 5. The Bonds are hereby authorized to be exe- cuted by the manua2 or facsimile signatures of the Mayor and City officials specified in the form of the Bonds contained in the Indenture and to be manually authenticated by the Trustee, all as provided in the Indenture. Section 6. All covenants, stipulations, obligations and agreements of the City contained in this resolution and in the Bond Purchase Agreement, the Indenture and the Agreement shall be deemed to be the covenants, stipulations, obliga- tions and agreements of the City to the full extent author- ized or permitted by law, and all such covenants, stipula- tions, obligations and agreements shall be binding upon the City. Except as otherwise provided in this resolution, all rights, powers and privileges conferred and duties and liabilities imposed upon the City or the City Council by the provisions of this resolution, the Bond Pvrchase Agreement, the Indenture and the Agreement shall be exercised or per- formed by the City or by such members of the City Council or by such officers, board, body or agency thereof as may be required by law to exercise such powers and to perform such duties. No covenant, stipulation, obligation or agreement herein contained or contained in the Bond Purchase Agreement, the Indenture or the Agreement shall be deemed to be a covenant, stipulation, obligation or agreement of any member of the City Council or any officer, agent or employee of the City in that person's individual capacity, and neither the City Council nar any officer executing the Bonds shall be liable personally ai� the Bonds or be subject to any personal lia- bility or accountability by reason of the issuance thereof. Section 7. In case any one or more of the provisions of this resolution, the Bond Purchase Agreement, the Indenture, the Agreement or any of the Bonds issued hereunder shall for any reason be held to be illegal or invalid, such illegality - 3 - 16C or invalidity shall not affect any other provision of this resolution, the Bond Purchase Agreement, the Indenture, the Agreement or the Bonds, but this resolution, the Bond Pur- chase Agreement, the Indenture, the Agreement and the Bonds shall be construed as if such illegal or invalid provision had not been contained therein. Section 8. The Bonds shall contain a recital that the Bonds are issued pursuant to the Act, and such recital shall be conclusive evidence of the validity of the Bonds and the regularity of the issuance thereof and the Bonds shall con- tain a further recital that all acts, conditions and things required by the Home Rule Charter of the City and by the Constitution and the laws of the State of Minnesota in con- nection with the issuance of the Bonds to have happened, to exist and to be performed have happened, do exist and have been performed as so required by law. Section 9. The officers of the City, attorneys, engi- neers and other agents or employees of the City are hereby authorized to do all acts and things required of them by or in connection with this resolution, the Bond Purchase Agree- ment, the Indenture and the Agreement for the full, punctual and complete performance of all the terms, covenants and agreements contained in the Bonds, the Bond Purchase Agree- ment, the Indenture, the Agreement and this resolution, including without limitation the execution and delivery of all supplementary certificates and documents necessary or advisable in connection with the issuance of the Bonds. Section 10. The Trustee is hereby designated as the paying, authenticating and transfer agent and registrar for the Bonds, all as provided in the Indenture. Section 11. The City Manager and City Finance Director are hereby designated and authorized to act on behalf of the City as Issuer Representative of the City under the Agree- ment. Section 12. The City Council hereby authorizes the dis- tribution of the Official Statement prepared for the Bonds by the Original Purchaser in connection with the sale of the Bonds; however, the City has not reviewed the Official Statement and assumes no res�onsibility for the accuracy or completeness thezeaf, or othezwise. Adopted by the Fridley City Council on October 6, 1986. - 4 - 17 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF REVENUE BONDS TO BE ISSUED IN EXCHANGE FOR OUTSTANDING INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS AND APPROVING AMENDED AND RESTATED LOAN AGREEMENT AND AMENDED AND RESTATED TRUST INDENTURE ��'�EB° C�. ) BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Fridley, Minnesota, as follows: 1. Authority. The City is, by the Constitution and Laws of the State of Minnesota, including Chapter 474, Minnesota Statutes, as amended (the "Act"), authorized to issue and sell its revenue bonds for the purpose of refunding bonds issued thereunder to finance the cost of acquisition and construction of authorized projects and to enter into contracts necessary or convenient in the exercise of the powers granted by the Act. 2. Use of Proceeds and Documents Presented. This Council proposes that the City shall issue its revenue bonds pursuant to the Act in exchange for the City's $9,000,000 Indus- trial Development Revenue Bonds (The Webb Company Project), Series 1981, dated December 1, 1981 (the "Original Bonds"), which Original Bonds were issued to pay the costs of the acquisition, construction and equipping of a printing plant (the "Project"), all pursuant to the Act. The Project is located at 5101 Industrial Blvd. in the City of Fridley. The Project is owned by The Webb Company, a Delaware corporation (the "Company") and operated by Webb/Midwest Printing Company. Forms of the following documents relating to the Project have been submitted to the Council and are now on file in the office of the City Clerk: (a) Amended and Restated Loan Agreement, dated as of October 1, 1986, (the "Loan Agreement") between the City and the Company, whereby the Company agrees, among other things, to pay amounts sufficient to provide tor the full and prompt payment of the principal of and interest on the new Bonds to be issued; (b) Amended and Restated Trust Indenture, dated as of October 1, 1986, (the "Trust Ind�nture" or "Indenture") between the City and First Trust Company, Inc., as Trustee, pledging the revenues to be derived from the Loan Agreement as security for, and setting forth the terms and provisions of, the $9,000,000 Industrial Development Revenue Bonds (The Webb Company Project), Series 1981 (the "Bonds"), to be issued by the City in exchange for the Original Bonds, and setting forth proposed recitals, covenants and agreements relating thereto; �� 17A (c) Remarketing Agreement, between the Company and orrick & Co., Inc. (the "Remarketing Agent"), whereby, ubject to the terms and conditions therein set forth, the emarketing Agent agrees to remark�t Bonds which may be tendered in accordance with the Indenture (not to be executed by the City); (d) Substitute Irrevocable Letter of Credit to be issued by The First National Bank of Saint Paul (the "Bank") securing payment of principal, premium, if any, and interest on the Bonds (the "Letter of Credit") (not to be executed by the City); (e) Amended and Restated Letter of Credit Agreement between the Company and the Bank (the "Letter of Credit Agreement") setting forth certain covenants made by Company for the benefit of the Bank (not to be executed by the City); (f) Amended and Restated Mortgage from the Company to the Trustee (the "Mortgage"), providing security for the Bonds (not to be executed by the City); (g) Amended and Restated Security Agreement from Webb/Midwest Printing Company to the Trustee (the "Security Agreement ) providing additional security for the Bonds (not to be executed by the City); and (h) P1Pdge and Security Agreement between the Company, the Bank and the Trustee (the "Pledge Agreement") relating to the disposition of tendered Bonds not remarketed (not to be executed by the City). 3. Findings. It is hereby found, determined and declared that: (a) The Project, as described in paragraph 2 hereof, constitutes a project authorized by the Act, including Section 474.02, Subd. 1 thereof. (b) The issuance of the Bonds in exchange for the Original Bonds, the execution and delivery of the Loan Agreement, the Indenture and the performance of all cove- nants and agreements of the City contained in the Loan Agreement and the Indenture and of all other acts and things required under the Constitution and laws of the State of Minnesota to make the Loan Agreement and the Indenture and the Bonds valid and binding special obligations of the City in accordance with their terms, are authorized by the Act. - 4 - 17B (c) There is no litigation p�nding or, to the best of its knowledge, threatened against the Ci�y rel�ting to the Project or the Original Bonds or to the Bonds, Laan Agreement or Trust Indenture or guestioning the organization, powers or authority of the City. (d) To the best of its knowledge, the execution, delivery and performance of the City`s obligations under the Bonds, the Trust Indenture and the Loan Agreement have been fully authorized by all requisite action and do not and will not violate any law, any order of any court or other agency of government, or any indenture, agreement or other instru- ment to which the City is a party or by which it or any of its property is bound, or be in conflict with, result in a breach of, or constitute (with due notice or lapse of time or both) a default under any such indenture, agreement or other instrument. (e) The Loan Agreement provides for payments by the Company to the Trustee for the account of the City of such amounts as will be sufficient to pay the principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the Bonds when due. No reserve fund is deemed necessary for this purpose or for maintenance of the Project. The Loan Agreement obligates the Company to pay all expenses of the operation and main- tenance of the Project including, but without limitation, adequate insurance, taxes and special assessments. (f) Under the provisions of the Act, and as provided in the Loan Agreement and Indenture, the Bonds are not to be payable from nor charged upon any funds other than amounts payable by the Company pursuant to the Loan Agreement and moneys in the Funds and Accounts held by the Trustee which are pledged to the payment thereof; the City is not subject to any liability thereon; no holders of the Bonds shall ever have the right to compel the exercise of the taxing power of the City to pay any of the Bonds or the interest thereon, nor to enforce payment thereof against any property of the City; the Bonds shall not constitute a charge, lien or encumbrance, legal or equitable, upon any property of the City; each Bond issued under the Indenture shall recite in substance that the Bond, including interest thereon, sha11 not constitute or give rise to a pecuniary liability of the City or a charge against its general credit.or taxing powers and that the Bond does not constitute an indebtedness of the City within the meaning of any constitutional, statutory or charter limitation. 4. A�proval and Execution of Documents. The forms of Loan Agreement, Trust Ir.denture, Letter of Credit, Remarketing Agree- ment, Letter of Credit Agreement, Mortgage, Security Agreement and Pledge Agreement are approved. The Loan Agreement and Trust - 5 - :nture shall each be executed in the name and on behalf of the � by the Mayor and City Manager, in subsE:antially the form on file, but with all such changes therein, rQ� in�onsistent with the Act or other law, as may be approved �� the �f€ic�rs executing the same. The other documents may contain such changzs therein as may be authorized by the Company. 5. Issuance of Bands. The City shall proceed forthwith to issue the Bonds in the principal amount of $9,000,000, in the form and upon the terms set forth in the Trust Indenture, which terms are for this purpose incorporated in this resolution and made a part hereof. The Mayor, City Manager and City Clerk and other officers of the City are authorized and directed to prepare and execute the Bonds by manual or facsimile signature as prescribed in the Trust Indenture and to deliver the Bonds to the Trustee, together with a certified copy of this Resolution and the other documents required by Section 2.13 of the Trust Indenture, for authentication by the Trustee and delivery to the purchaser. 6. Certificates, etc. The Mayor, City Manager and City Clerk and other officers of the City are authorized and directed to prepare and furnish to the purchasers of the Bonds, when issued, certified copies of all proceedings and records of the City relating to the Bonds, and such other affidavits and certificates as may be required to show the facts appearing from the books and records in the officers' custody and control or as otherwise known to them and all such certified copies, certifi- cates and affidavits, including any heretofore furnished, shall constitute representations of the City as to the truth of all statements contained therein. The City Clerk is authorized and directed to deliver a certified copy of this Bond Resolution to the County Auditor of Anoka County, together with such other information as the County Auditor may require, and obtain the certificate of the County Auditor as to entry of the Bonds on his bond register as required by the Act and Section 475.63, Minnesota Statutes. Passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Fridley this 6th day of October, 1986. Attested: City Clerk Mayor �� 17C : CITY OF ERILGEY MEMORANDUM ZO NASIM M. QIJR�SEiI, QTY MANAGIIt FROM: RI(R PRIB�,, FINAN� DIRDC1t�R SUB�TDCT: CII2TIFICATION OF DII�INQUENP WEID (�iARGES ZO �iE �(JNI'Y E�OR O��L�f.TION IY�TE: OCIOBIIt 2, 1986 Z'he attached resolution is for the purpose of certifying unpaid weed cutting charges to the Co�ty for c�ollection with the taxes due in the year 1986 (one installment). Each property awner was billed and a reminder was sent. The last notioe sent to each property awner stated that if the bill remained unpaid, it would be oertified to the Co�u�►ty and a 15$ penalty would be added. Acfiinistrative charges in the amoimt of 25$, or a maximua of $10.00 was added to each bill. �he charges on this resolution are for work dane in 1985. R�:sh 3/0/29/27 RFSCi,UT7DN N�. - 1986 RF�SCd�UTION C�tTIFYII� QiARGES ��E Q7UNI'Y AUDITOR Zn BE LEVIED AUAINST CEftTAIl�i PROPERTIES �R Q��LECTmN WITH Z8E TA�'�S PAYABLE Il�I 1987 (WEEAS) . w�iF�tEAS, a nuisance condition has been found to exist on the lots listed bel aw : and WHEREAS, the aaner of such property was given notioe to abate such nuisance; and WHEREAS, the aar�er of such property did not abate such nuisance and the city of friciley, �der authority of section 145.23 Minnesota State Statutes of 1953, did therefore abate the nuisance at a total of $1513.28. Pin Ntanber 03 30 24 42 0036 04 3 0 24 14 0005 10 30 24 14 0025 10 3 0 24 14 0029 10 30 24 24 0010 11 30 24 31 0002 13 30 24 13 0053 13 3 0 24 23 0066 13 30 24 31 0043 23 3 0 24 21 0124 23 30 24 21 0125 23 3 0 24 23 0104 23 3 0 24 23 0105 23 30 24 31 0088 24 30 24 32 0010 24 30 24 32 0013 24 30 24 32 0019 24 30 24 32 0068 25 30 24 2200122 Plat 59140 57593 56580 56580 56 808 57729 00087 55186 56877 56303 56303 56308 56308 56159 54155 54155 54155 56372 54168 Parvel 70 30 400 100 150 6345 6360 8895 8900 1100 1700 540 45&46/4 Spring B rook Pk $ 82•22 16&17/0 Riverview Hts 58.64 4/2 Leigh Terrace 46.00 3/1 Leigh Terraoe 46.00 11/1 Melody Manor 105.80 Tract A, Reg Ld Sur.#78 117.58 6j1 Hidden Woocs 46.00 Pt 2/1 Brookview 2nd 58.64 Moore Lk Highlands lst 58.64 18-20,29&30/13 Hyc3e Pk 52.90 21-26/13 Hyde Park 52.90 1/25 Hyde Park 29.32 2/25 Hyde Park 29.32 27/7 Hanilton Add to Nlech 47.14 Aud Sub �25 82•22 Pt 6 Aud,Sub #25 235.46 Pt 8&9, Auci Sub #25 94.00 Pt 2&3, Iwen Terraoe 176.50 Aud Sub.#153 94.00 $1,513.28 AASSED AND ADOFrED BY TfiE QTY OOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIILEY THIS IaAY OF , 1986. . WII,LIAM J. NEE - MAYOR ATTEST : gIIRLEY A. FiF1APALA - CITY CLII2K 3/0/29/26 18A 19 CI'I7 OF FRIII�EY MEMORANDUM ZO: NASIM M. 4U��I, QTY MANAGIIt F�: RICK PRIB�,, FINAN� DIRDCIt�R SiTB3FX.T: CERTIFIQ�TION OF DII,INQUII� WATIIt AND SFWF�t AC�UNIS ZO �iE OJUNI'Y FUR Q�LLDCTION I�ATE: SF•F��IIt 29, 1986 Atta�►ed is a resolution foz the purpose of certifying delinquent water and sewer acoo�mts to the Co�mty for oollection with the taxes in the year 1987. All property awners have been notified of the fact that the utility bills are being certified to the County and have been given an opporttimity to pay the bill. The penalty shaan on this resolution is in addition to the regular penalties that accrue on the utility bills. �is year we have approximately the same n�unber of accounts to be Qertified as last year. It appears that the gravth we have seen in delir�quent water and sewer bi11s has apparently leveled off at this nunber. 3/0/3/8 ; :r:. ��M�r,� ,!- •;�:• � i• •r•� �• � ��+• r•• � �;� �� ��� ►� a� n ti� �� s: • :� ►� ►:�' �� � � � � � � • - �,• •• 1 W • ��: ►: : r•• .��+ WHEREAS, certain water anci sewer charges for the City of Fridley are delir�quer�t in Fayment, ann Wf�tF.1�S, Section 7 of Ordinanoe Nunber 113, Section 1.02 of the City Charter provides for the certifying of delinquent charges to the County Auoitor for Collection with the taxes. rLW, gIEREFORE, BE IT RFSC�VED, that the City C1erk is hereby authorized and directed to oertify the follaaing charges to the County Auaitor for collection with the 1987 taxes due ar:� gayable in the year 1987, to wit: All these noted in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof by ref er enoe. Pi�.SSED AIv'D ADOPrED THIS IY�Y OF , 1986, BY THE CITY CAUIvCIL OF THE CITY OF �'RILLEY, ANOKA �IJNT'Y, MII�TIFSOTA. WIL�L IAFl J. NE E- MAYOR ATTEST: 3-IiRLEY A. 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O O O O O O O O O O O O O o�oaoo�aaoa��oi�oioo�aao .r ..� � � •�i N r+ N N C � sT � M .r � tV P ? .� .r M .r M t�1 •+ •+ N .+ �+ .+ M .+ -+ .+ �+ -+ -� �+ N N N N N N �+ I 1 I I I I t I 1 I t 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 t 1 1 1 ������Q'�t7 V �<V'a�?7QQ?�d� N N N N N CJ N N N N N N N N N N CV N N N N N N 1 l!{ 1 1 t 1 1 1 4 f• { i 1 1{ 1 f i � I f a�a000��oaa��oa000a0000�o M N) M N� M M M N) M N i M P'1 P7 M M M M M M M M M M 1 1 I I I 1 I I I 1- I I 1 I 1( I 1 1 i 1 1 I N Ci O O�+ N N O M N CJ �' �? O M M d-+ -+ -. •+ N-+ .r .. .r .. ..� .r .a .r � ti .w .� .r .r .y .a .� .r ..� .� .r Q ..r N F z � � U U Q � W 3 L:! N 0 a � w F- a 3 F- Z w � O 2 J W C J C H O H 19F 20 QTY OF FRIILEY MEMORANDOM �: NAS IM M. QURFSH I, CTTY MANF�ER F�OM: SHIRI,EY A. i�AAPP�1, CITY CI,E�2R SU&TECT: ELECTZON JUDGES F�R GENIIi�L II��CTIDN nATE: OCi�BER 2, 1986 �he attached resolution ap�oirits election judges for the Noveaber 4, 1986 General Election. 7�e j udges have been chosen f rom the 1 ist that was pravided by the �rties. We have selected judges fran both the DFL and IR lists in acoordance with State Statutes. If you have arry questions regarding his matter, please call me. 3/0/7/8 � � RF�SCg,UTIDN ND. - 1986 RF�,UTION L�ESIGI�TIl� POLLIl� PLAC�'S AND APPOINTIl� II�DCTION JUDGES F�OR �E NOVII�IIt 4, 1986 GE�tIIZAL FI.�CTIDN NOW, �iEREFORE, BE IT RFSCgNED, by the City Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County. Minnesota, at a regular meeting on October 6, 1986. SECT ION 1. SECTION 2. SECT ION 3 . That on the 4th c,ay of l�enber, there shall be an election for the purpose of voting on the fallawinq: Mayor and Councilmenber-at-Large There shall also be a Statewide General Election. ZY�at the Folling plaoes for said election shall be as follaas: Ward 1 Precinct 1 Ward 1 Precinct 2 Ward 1 Precinct 3 Ward 1 Precinct 4 Ward 1 Precinct 5 Ward 2 Precinct 1 Ward 2 Precinct 2 Ward 2 Precinct 3 Ward 2 Precinct 4 Ward 3 Precinct 1 Ward 3 Precinct 2 Wara 3 Precinct 3 Ward 3 Precinct 4 Graoe Ewangelical Free Church i�,ayes Elenentary School City Hall Fridley Covenant Qiurch Fridley Senior High School Woodcrest Elenentary School Knights of Col unbus Hall St. Philip's Lutheran Church Nor th Par k School Springbrook Nature Center Redeemer L utheran Church Stevenson Elenentary School R�oslyn Park Wesl�yan CYiurch SECTION 4. �at the polling plaoes will be oFen fran 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. SECTION 5. That the follaaing people are hereby appointeci to act as Judges for said election except that the City Clerk is hereby authorize� to appoint qualified susbtitutes as set forth in Q�apter 4, Section 4.05 of the City Charter: Ward 1 Precinct 1 *Carolyn Holmen Doris Tallaksen Gay Gronl�d Barta�ra �angren Ward 1 Precinct 2 *Marlys Johnson Shirley Kohlan Corine Prindle Doris Nord Angeline Westman Marjorie Rosin Sandra Ganan Camilla rlueller Mary Sullivan E,trelyn Selenski Carolyn Bethel Lois Hines (�rolyn Doyle 20A Fage 2--- Resolution No. - 1986 Ward 1 Precinct 3 *Charlene S�aanson Irma Kelly Carrie Balken Dee Truehl Ward 1 Precinct 4 *Alice Mol Margaret Fbwell Ruth Whit�me Jane Hosman Ward 1 Precinct 5 �7udy Engelbretson rlarlys Lisawski Marlene Steichen hlarlene Eidem Alioe Peterson Ward 2 Precinct 1 *Alioe Hencaerson Terry Johnson Ruth Norton Ward 2 Precinct 2 *Pat Anderson Karen Bjorgo Doris rloxizess Ward 2 Precinct 3 *Kay Beihof f er Ibris Reiners Lhrlene Rush Ward 2 Precinct 4 *Mary Jechorek Naicia Kruger Jean Gerou Karyn Prois Dorine Newlanc:i Rose�nary Jahnson Barbara Davenport Bernadette Bwy Rosella Amar Dorothy Veres Vi Lind Jean Lee Muriel Littlej ohn Cindy Zbf t Sharon SeRUn Mary Lind Jackie Larson Jc�an Plaison Mary J. Johnson Jayoe Tessner JaAnn Cederholm Jayoe S�aanson Kathleen Hoppe Bonnie Del�ieyers Lorrayr�e Weiss Lee Carlson Jean Wagar Delores Mellun Marcia Larson D�ris Wicks Darlene Overby � : Page 3-- Resolution No. - 1986 Ward 3 Precinct 1 *Betty Bonine Janet Kothman Myrt1e MorFhew Margaret McLeod wara 3 Precinct 2 *Jordis Mittlestactt Connie Samuelson Gtaen Naw rocki Margaret Henc�ey r�arlys Hinsverk Ward 3 Precinct 3 *Irene hlaertens Lhrl ene Vall in Velma Farr Ward 3 Precinct 4 *Betty Nelson Gerry Wolsfeld Jean Johnson Ginnie Velin Marie Brandt Health Care Center Lavonne Avery *HEAD JUDGFS Lillian t4eyer Gloria S�aanson Ec�a S�venson Kathy Tingelstad Betty S�tt Carol Johnson Gladys Lox Beverly Nelson Laurie Harris Diann Bonine Ibna Mae Ouland Barbara Enrooth Laverne Roseth Jean Jackson Linaa Soc3erholm Jean Jackson Rasann Johnson SECTION 6. �at the follvwing judges are appointed to act as chairmen of the Election Board for the precincts desic�ated and shall have the duties set forth in Section 204B.20 of Miruyesota Statutes. Ward 1 Precinct 1 Ward 1 Precinct 2 Ward 1 Precinct 3 Ward 1 Precinct 4 Ward 1 Precinct 5 Ward 2 Precinct 1 Ward 2 Precinct 2 41ard 2 Precinct 3 Ward 2 Precinct 4 Ward 3 Precinct 1 Ward 3 Precinct 2 Ward 3 Precinct 3 Ward 3 Precinct 4 Carolyn Holmen Marlys Johnson Charlene Staanson A1 ive Mol Judy E.7�gelbretson Alioe Hencierson Pat Anderson Kay Beihoffer Mary Jechorek Betty Banine Jordis Mittelstadt Irer�e Maertens Betty Nelson 20C Page 4— Resolution No. - 1986 SECTION 7. Cc�npensation for said Judges will be paid at the rate of $4.00 per hour for Regular Judges and $5.00 for the ChairFersons of the Election Baard. • PASSED AND P�OPI�D BY THE QTY QxTNCIL OF THE C�TY OF FRII�EY THIS DAY OF , 1986 WILLIAM J. NEE, MAYOR ATTEST : 3-iIRLEY A. f�AP11LA� CITY CI�II2K 3/7/2/15 20D 21 CITY OF FRIILEY MEMORANDUM ZO: NASIM M. 4UR�iI� QTY MANAGIIt F�M: RIQC PRIBi�,, FINAN� DIRE)C7.OR SUBJECT: ASSESST'�Fr Q�11I�ES RDQUF�TID BY VANTPGE �MPANI�'S DATE: OQOBIIt 2, 1986 Attached you will find a letter that I received fran Kelly J. Doran, Marketing Representative, Vantage Ccmpanies, requesting the assessments for ST. 1986-2 and ST. 1986-3 be modified so that Lot 1, Block 1, Vantage Caapanies Addition receive a total assessment of $111,500, and Lot 1, Block 2, Vantage Companies Addition receive a total assessment of $12,400. In reviewing the actual assessment that we had previously appraved, it is only about $10,000 off of the assignment of costs when the original assessment was com�uted. Because of the fact that this has no impact on the overall aassessment, I would reoa�mend (since there are only two proj ects and two properties involved) that we go ahead with this modif icaton of the assessment. Rl�:sh 3/0/4/28 21A RESOLUTION N0. - 1986 A RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 98-1986 CONFIRMING THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR THE 1986-3 STREET IMPROVEMEN7 PRQJECT AND RESOLUTION N0. 94-i986 CON- FIRMING THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR THE 1486-1 AND 2 STREET IMPROVE�EN7 PROJECT WHEREAS, the assessment for the improveme�t of the University Avenue West Service Drive was apportioned to the two lots in the Yantage Companies Addi- tion for the 1986-3 Street Improvement Project by Resoi�tion No. 98-1986, and WHEREAS, the assessment for the improvement of 81st Avenue was apportioned to the two lots in the Vantage Companies Addition for the 1986-1 and 2 Street Improvement Project by Resolution No. 94-1986, and WHEREAS, the Vantage Company has requested a change in the assessment ap�or- tioned to each of the two lots in the Vantage Companies Addition under both street projects, leaving the total assessments unchanged, NQW, THEPEFORE, BE I7 RESOLVED as follows: That the assessments under the 1986-3 and the 1986-1 and 2 Street Improve- ment Projects be reapportioned based on the request of the Vantage Company, as foiiows: ST. 1986-3 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (Assessments as Originally Approved) V NT GE OMP N ES DD I N LOT BLOCK ASSESSMENT �1 1 10,100.28 1 2 2,294.47 12,39� ST. 1986-1 AND 2 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (Assessments as Originally Approved) 1 1 $ 90,869.67 � 2 20,642.77 . • ST. 1986-3 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (Amended Assessments) 1 1 $ 11,149.51 i 2 1,245.24 12,39 . 5 ST. 1986-1 and 2 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 1 1 1 2 (Amended Assessments) $100,309.33 11,203.11 $111,5 2.44 PASSED AND ADOPTED BY TNE CITY COU�ICIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF � 1986• ATTEST: CITY CLERK Shirley A. Haapala MAYOR Wi liam J. Nee 11095 vidng DriMS. Suite 260 • Eden Prairis. MN 55314 •(612) 9I4-1000 anta e Corr�anies 9 Minneapolis Division September 17, 1986 Mr. Rick Priby] Finance Director City of Fridley 6431 University Avenue North East Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Dear Rick: Per my telephone conversation with John Flora, I am writing this letter to formally request that the assessments against the Vantage Company's property be changed as follows: 1. The total assessment for 81st Avenue of approximately $111,500.00 be assessed against the property legally described as Lot 1, Block 1, Vantage Companies Addition. 2. The total assessment for the f rontage road of approximately �12,400.00 be assessed against the property legally described as Lot 1, Block 2, Vantage Companies Addition. The total assessed dollars will not change but instead of splitting each assessment against two properties, we desire to have one assessment for the required work against each parcel. We appreciate the City's assistance in this matter and if you have any questions or need any additional information, please don't hesitate to call. Sincerely, VANTAGE PROPERTIES, INC. ' _.� Kelly J. n Marketing Representative MinneapoTis Division KJD:kjg CC: Nasim Qureshi John Flora Matt Nicoll David Molda �rrtrnercial Real Estato ' 'ors and Dev�elopers • 21B �r�M r-�sr�n�, �v�wr���i �. ��r a z cN y�..rD. G�i��i UNTVERSTTY AVLIvUE N. E. SUITE ��>5 Fh�IULE�Y, MINIWESOTA ��4�� l`H I S STf�T "L—"ME'IVT Dt]E�3 hlOT REF'L_ECl" Pi=1YMEIVT�i h1f�U� �a�'TEF� DC1TL OF �T�—t"I�E:MEI�T CITY OF �RIDt_EY 6�M.:� 1 lllu I VEa�" I TY GaVL=NUE NE FRIDL�Y, MN 554�` PR[�V I OUS B�1LAfVCG Ca�/t?�.:!!�6 t�PN f�UF�LIC WORKC CCIDE ENFOFtCEMEN'1" �L..ANN I hIC I)Chl F��3SE=S��01°2' S DE=1�ARTh1ENT I'�6�N CITY MF11u�GE'I�IENT �EtVERAL_ hiF�NF�GEMEN7 PE:RSQIVIVEL �"�':-31 �?.::, / �6 T'i�i�J �U�'L IC WCiF� :'=� GQD� f:l'��F-r]F2GFM��v`I" ���....���� .1. ���:7 i �'�i / �"� �F J h F', L��F�yl�l r?n� _ I CE: [:� I V I L L?E�ENSE A(�IIM�1L C�CII+a7'fl�L_ Z:7F�hl P(..iBl._.IC WC1r1K�: C�C�DE Et�iFC�FtC�EME�r�l7' F7L_AI�IN T I'JCi I;�PC�•I PI.JE�I__IC: WCJCI';S f�C1T)E Ehf�l7RCEMEN�T' F�L_F�NN I NU c��'� / i? �/ p Fa D��l�I �"�U�'s...IC ;�JC�rw, 7 CCIDf:" ENFOF�tCE�MFNT PI_Hhl(V T �IC� c'�g/i�A/f�E DPN L_F�ISL.f�TI:VE: L?EPRRTMENT C 7 T`r COUNC T L � �?9/3c_�/8� 8,°,C�t��i �c'_�--t_�i iM HOURS . �: C� . � ��� , ��� . J� � � ...� . J : . �:; c�y ]. . i � c=� . .=� i:, ��#A �1, E,Jc). f.lf_) CSTY C]�' FRIDL_.EY I�i.._ANhI 7 NG COIYII�I :f S� I C7NS QTHF°R CQIhM ]: S�>:[ C1i�1�i DF�IV L_E�iI�:iLf�T:I:UE� D�N�I�TIYIENT Ci"!"Y �:.C�UIVLIL �-'f.._AhilV :I: NC.� C:Dh11�1.l' S� I OiUS CITHE� F I�DlY1h! .T. S�i I C1N�i ���`=i/itr?lE�E� I�I�!*`r r:;U�'�L7:G �lD�Kr� C�DE E=f�.',F=0F10E_1�lEN'T P L_. Fl IV h! ]' hl Ci t�� �/ 1 1/ t3 C; �L�i�l �'U�L T. C WOP�l;r; CQD�. C-:NF=OF�CEMErJT 1-'�._.F'I��i14 � 1Y47 I?�I�1 Pt.J�LT� WQRN.S CC1DE FNFC�F2CEME_'hIT AL._AIUN I NG �"y�/�.�_/aE L)4�!�I 1=�O1._ I CE CIVIL DEFEh15E ANIMAL can�r�zo�. i �'� / 1 �ti / E36 I)PN CI"fY I�IANACaEIhENT GENEF�AL M��V�GE�ME�I'i F�F.�Rr-iC�NiVE�L tCON7INUED) C�'.? / J. 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J�� . :::�� � 24B C I 7Y O� �'R I DLFY ( CONT I IVUED ) REVENUE EsOND DPN PUBLIC W�RN.S Ct7DE ENFORCEMENT PLANNING Cs�/ 18/8� VCH REVIEW DOCUMENTS REGARDING WEE�E{—IIVDUSTRIAL �EVE�vu� �o�vD DPN CENTRAL �ERVICES ELECTIONS FTNANCE ASSESS I IVG GIVIC CENTER DPN PQLICE CIVIL DEFENSE ANIMAL CONTROL ��9119/86 DPN PUE�LIC WORN.S CQDE ENFORCEMEIVT PL_AI�INI NG Dp�! pQLICE CIVIL DEFENSE AhIIMAL COIVTROL Cy'�/c_�`./86 VCH I'�IEET I NC3 W I TH C I TY MAIVAGER; REV I EW DQCUMENTS DpN L_EGI �LATIVE DEPARTMEiVT CITY COIJNCIL PI.._ANN z Nr (�OMM I SS I ON5 OTHF'R COMhi I S� I ON � Di�i� I�qLICE C' I V I L UEFEhISE AN I MAL CDIVT RQL DPN PI.JbLTC WORI',S CODE ENFORCEMENT PLANNING VCH C:OI.JNCIL MEETING C�9/c:3/BE� DPN PUHL I C WO RN.� ����i�caia� 85C�i_�c_�c_�—i �c_�M HOURS 1. S�a • JU c , C� i_� . 3C� . �Cf . Jt 1 . J� � 1. 5t� . Jt % • �l �..� . 3ii �,. �t� 24C G:[ TY qF F R I DLEY CODE ENFORCEMENT PLANNING DPN POLICE CTVIL DEFENSE ANIMAL C�N7ROL c�7/;�4186 DPN POLICE CIVIL DEFENSE AIVII�IAL CONTROL C�'3/�5/6Ey DPN PUE�LIC WORKS CODE EIVFORCEMENT PLANNING t_�9/`9/86 DPN PUFsLIG WORKS CODE �NFORCEMENT PLANNING (CONTINUE�i FQR CURRENl° 5ERVICES RENDERED C��/ 1 c/8E PAYMENT RECE I VE.D—THAIVI�< YOU TOTAL PAYh1ElVTS E�f�LFa�ICE DUE ��� ��/�?,C�f86 85c:�ta�.7c_�—�:�C>M HqURS • J� � • J� � . J C1 �. i�p . ,_,G �7. �C� 1 E��>. G��� fl FINANGE CHARCE OF lY. PER MCIIVTH W:[LL E�E CHARGED TO ALL ACCOUhJTS WH I CH ARE �� � DAYS PAST DUE. —16SC>. C)S:) —1E5p. Gt� � 1 , ESc"�. C�v . CIiY Cf FkIDLEY E'�G?NEEkiNG DEPAS?N=NT b43! Ur�IVERSITY AVEid�E N.E. FkIt�LE'', MIt:;ESdTt� �5�';2 GA'E: JC?46ER 6, :986 24E ;'i:. �vi�0;"�"ul2 �a}rCf a�i� Clt)' �vu�.11 ���: �Stl�haiF i'iG. _ �Fli;d�? City' �i Fridiey ST. 1986-1�2 tFNASE 1) P�ricd E^��i��,: S�FTE"!E�R 30, 19� 44J: ilfililci:•I:`j �'v'2iiG.2 ('i.�. .�i:���-U�-���! Gr c-n "1 Cr�� b`� � ridle•,, ��nn_�.,ta 554�: .,� H a� F;sHh�:t, I�c. :?l��! I�:��S�T`s �f17�. h(i]�8� 'i:l. �.�;?;','i 5THT�f1EhIT OF d��7fik; - 5T�'E�T IMF:iOt�E�t;:T FrCo��T 5t. :°8w-l�t'� ------------------------------------------ i.u�tTf`H�T ITFM --------°-------------------------------- i :tora �e�er "1�,�;c:� ;;' �.'r.C. f�erforated Fipe ,�3iY2 �yK iid]u.�'�?f;t i�" °.C.". AG�O� % Tra.� �uar� ._" �iCr' J:t1�Ii JL�ti�'T :ons:�u., ;.at.h Y��;n 'r:, ���;:st .-,:;;2 B�;ti -,i�y :.:.�}ing :;:�:��� �,;�a•,�a;ion ...�:;ra�e "c�a:�aticn crz��ula; �.-rea 7v1��i1� v'l:f��r1 1�.�1 h:=2:;V2 'L0;":., c:° LUC'.' Hi1� ,.;i�i8f ...,�_�CtF i.ui � aii� @�ii-t'i v'�1V ::ra��?Gr ?nfi:t�atie^ �er� :l �.,.. � �::;;.re:e i�� i�,ena�,� P3ve,�ent � i.u��;'EiE i'3'11�)' Jiiii°• ��n3tru:t .,:ir Sk:6:��;e� ,�;a*es .".G'c]3�2 F'�5° ii,i d5S Er1 in=.ta.l ��ick Meoian Pavinq Ti,��er R�tainiip 1�a:1 F:}��;�ircus !"a:eria.l Fcr Ta�k Coat S 4 �Oi:u �l;i£ ii�ill}2i .__,-:nq l:�urse �"i;:�u�� C::��2f �QUf.t %'�iE.Ufr G1t:i�ulfGti� �3:Bi:c3� ta'1i �1'r:iUfE' Ba�e CaUrsa Mixture r 4° B-c,ken Lir�e i White i 4° Broken Line ! 'ello�a ) :" As�halt �ri�eaay Pave�ent "essages � ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Esti�ated IJnit �UANTITv Tt;IS TCTAL ;OTNI �uantitv P� ice �NIT ESTI�!�TE �iiAt�TITY aNO��iT -----------°----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 .7iu�,�i :e 2 i.�� � 41 1N�J� 190�y 2UOu J'%U n r;; � *' 4�i :8E5 �61`v ?v5 EO �l1 i !15 �`J%� 370i1 i P�1J'v �}GU .'•583 ?475 ��'� 4600 40 450 S�t7 0 lui�. 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O.i 2 1 �catr�ct Ce�::t±ions �evised �ontr�ct A�aunt � '�al�e C�c•;::e:ed ic �a'te �:.c��t ��: a ��• c:�P: i �.i 0 �E55 eiS:,.^� �3�,'�i �"E:iGU51Y r''�J::tii .,.:� ?�i;� �:TI"�+'E (Accau^t Coda 15:;2-UO-OGO �Ei:'ir':�F-c L� TNt �C!iiFH�?Qi ��� SIJQ�iLO�JJ f23,9Q5.G0 SU.GJ f4o3,625.55 f�49,B40.3� io.�� 34')S,o`7, i4 f4�,1EZ.51 :"ere`, :er,:f, t'a' ihe ��r►� perforeea ind the •�terials supplied ta Oate urder 'the terrs �t thz tort'r�cf fer this ;.r;,;=�„ 8"C o:� 2t.:1y'��::2� C!1d"�2a thf'FtG, f1dVE i� iCt4i1 v�lue under the c�r„fBC� Gf 'the aR:JlitS 5�1CW� 0�. th15 E3.:.".'n:E i8`: :.`+2 �:.^,e: aU���li:@S C� LhE fi�a: ESt1Fdt2 �'2 CO�fB::}� i��, ;!Id� th15 E"st1L7:E IS )U�f d�d corrett �"� nC �ar; cf `! : .;ue Ttis Est:�ate a been reteiveC. . „ L` - ------- -� --��- -!�- --- v- �l-' 'Jats --1_ ---� � ---�� 'cC:=' n�}1�.'1:Eu "'P''fc52^`8�1VP �T:tiF) � i�G:?I�;:;'_ n: Tr� c�:�.t.:Ek . G?.'.,,. �..'�i?Y :":.0 :.....: v"•'�rdred �! exaa:;2� tf15 8:�1�2'2� a^d th�t t"E �C"tla�t3f :5 P.':�2::t: iC ;,a�se'! 'vi '�:i E5`_lE3:c 4.';.�• ?rc CuG:.'d�� �Cf fE�QCE�`:E �CCJ2C�. : i , �: . rr,� :' �''���:i`; � • u�:k, �• �'' - -- �-� --------------a/Y�-���c�'►-�. .`.@:�;Eu �t —i�il��!!���1�.iE�J�s� ----° — Data � 3 ��v � kesae�tf�.:i;y Sabaitted, � 6. f?cra,r.E.� ------- �hli: Mr►�rs L•,rect.r October 6, 1986 , �: Public Works Director City of Fridley �!.... �� ��. �.� ' . �. : _ � � .�'�.!►�!!. ! � �� ;, _I.ri���. ':�.�l���J..�7!4�_ .�1�. �'?�_ 1.� �L._�. .�1`. � ��`y•..',•.' � We, the indersic�ed, have inspected the above mentioned proj ect and f ir�d that the work required by the wntract is substantially complete in conformity with �e glans and specif ications of the �oj ect. All dif icier�ies have been oorrected b� the wntractor. So, therefore, we reoannend to you that the City apprave the attached FINAL ESTIMATE for the �ntractor and the o�e-year maintenarioe b�nd, starting f ran the day of the final inspection, that being October 6, 1986. ' / P1Yl .Jer�Than n, Construction Inspector � � U�� Contractor Repsresentative, (Title) JT/ts 3/6/�/21 ��H � QTY 4F FRIII,EY PUBLIC WQRI�S TEH�R73�ENT E'I�CINEII2I1� DIVISION 6431 University Avenue N. E FYidley, �Miiu�esota 554342 October 6, 1986 iionora4le Mayor and City �uncil (:ity of .Fridley cjo Nas.i,m M. Qureshi, C9.ty Manager 6431 University Avenue N. E. Fiidley, PN 55432 Co�ncil Manbers: _�i��.__, . �',. � ��° ►.I 51,. .��1�• We hereby su�mit the F'inal Estimate for Street Impraveaent Project No. ST. 1986 - 1& 2(Pha�e Ij for H& S Asphalt, 1700 Industry Blvd. , l�noka, I►N, 55303. We have viewed the work under c�ntract for the construction of Street Impcavetnent Project I�b. S"� 1986 - 1& 2(Phas� I) arnd find that the same is substantially complete in accordance with the contract documents. I reoaimend that final payment be made upon acceptance of the work by your Honorab�le Body, and that the ane--y�ear o�ntraetual . maintenance bond coimnence on the date listed. Respectfully su}mitted, J ....-�-�"�'.--�.� c: � John G. Flora, P. E. Pulalic Works Director , JT/ts 3/6/4/22 Prepared Q�ecked J �4t ►� QTY OF FRIILEY SIREBT IIKPAOfTFl�1T AiUTEGT N0. S'� 1986 - 1& 2(Ftia�e I) n+,�_4 ' . v, �' �,. ►:i ���t�!t��;:�+!• . 7}�is is to oertify that items of the work shawn in the statement of work certified herein have been actually furnished and done for the above mentioned projects in a000rdanoe with �e plans arld specifications heretafore ap�xaved. 7,he f inal wntract oost is $449, 8.40. 35 and the f inal gayment of $44,,182.6� for the impravenent project will oover in full, the contractor's claims against the City for all labor, materials and other work done by the contractor �nder this project. I declare uzder the penalties of perjury that this statement is just and c�orrect. H & S ASPHALT, Il�lC. �/ " ,.l r i ( ' • � V �� � � (bntractor Representative (Title) JTf ts 3/6j4/20 a4�