11/03/1986 - 5161FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING � � , . � PLEASE SIGN NAME ADDRESS AND ITEM NUMBER INTERESTED IN 0 DATE: November 3, 1986 � NAME ADDRESS � ITEM NUMBER � '��� FRIDLEY CI TY COUNCiL November 3, 1986 - 7: 30 P. M. Following are the "AC'rIONS TAREN" by the Ac�ninistration for your information. ------------------------------------------------------------------ '�� �v� �� Mayor's D-Day In The War On Drugs November 18, 1986 Issued � ' � � • � � �1 Council Meeting, October 20, 1986 Appr ov ed r �� �_ �, � t _ + �: � � � f 1� � f (Consideration of Items not on Agenda - 15 Minutes) Herb Bacon • . :� + Consideration of a Special Use Permit, SP #86-16, To Allow A Church and Private School Generally Located at 1401 Gardena Avenue N. E. , by the Church on the Move . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � 1 - 1 L Tabled to 11/17j86 Meeting COIKMONITY DEVELOPMENT--ACTION T�REN: Preparing recommendation to Planning Commission if zoning should be changed for churches , Council Meeting, November 3, 1986 _ Pa9e 2 • � � •� � .-. Consideration of Landscape Plan for Apache Camping Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 - 2 A Approved with stipulations �OrLMONrTY DEVELOPMENT--ACTION_ TAREN: Informed appl icant of approval with stipulations Consideration of First Reading of an Ordinance Approving a Vacation Request, SAV #86-05, to Vacate Part of a Street and Util ity Easement Lying in Lot 32, Revised Auditor's Subdivision No. 77 (71 1/2 Way cul-de-sac) , by Martin Nisley . . . . . . . . 3 - 3 C Ordinance adopted on first reading �nMMrnarmv flF!VF.i.AAMF.N'�'--ACTION ZAREN: Put item on next agenda for consideration of second reading . Consideration of First Reading of an Ordinance Approving a Rezoning Request, ZOA �86-04, to Rezone From C-3 (General Shopping Center) to C-R1 (General Office) on Parcel 2570, the Same Being 7699 Viron Road N. E. , by Wayne Dahl . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 4 I Ordinance adopted on f irst reading with stipulations C'_AMMIINTTV p�LQPMENT--ACTION TAREN: Get proper zoning change and discuss with the City Manager. Put item on next agenda for consideration of second reading Council Meeting, November 3, 1986 . . , •� �.-. Consideration of First Reading of an Ordinance Approving a Vacation Request, SAV #86-04, to Vacate Part of a 30 Foot Easement for Publ ic Road Purposes (Viron Road) Lying North of the North 213 Feet, As Measured at Right Angles to, the North Line of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter and the North Line of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter Lying East of, and Adjacent to T. fl. 65. Except the North 33 Feet Thereof (Osborne Road) and Subject to Rights and Other Easements of Record, Generally Located South of Osborne Road and East of eighway 65, by the Cityof Fridley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pa ge 3 . . . 5 - 5 C Ordinance approved on first reading � �OMMONT'�"� DEVEVOPMENT--ACTIQH TAREN: Put item on next agenda for consideration of second reading and change 33 to 43 in ordinance. Change the vacation to accommodate the right of way for a sidewalk Consideration of a Variance Request, VAR #86-24, to Reduce the West Front Yard Setback from 35 Feet to 22 Feet, to Reduce the South Front Yard Set- back f rom 35 Feet to 25 Feet, to Allow the Construction of a Clinic; to Reduce the Required Provision for Off-Street Parking from 53 Stalls Required to 38 Stalls; to Reduce the Hardsurface Setback from a Street Right-of-Way on the North- east Corner from 20 Feet to 5 Feet, to Reduce the Hardsurface Setback from 20 Feet to 6 Feet on the North Line, from 20 Feet to 14 Feet on the East and from 20 Feet to 8 Feet on the South- East Corner, Generally Located at 7699 Viron Road N. E. , by Wayne Dahl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 6 G Tabled cnMMrrNTmv D� LOPMENT--ACTION TAREN: Obtained information on parking of other clinics in City and neighboring communities Put item on next agenda for consideration. Council Meeting, Novelnber 3, 1986 • � �_ •� t -. Consideration of a Special Use Permit, SP #66-13, To Allow a Repair Garage on Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 3, City View, the Same Being 57 55 University Avenue N. E. , by Ronald Christensen of R. T. C. Automotive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Approved with stipulations Pa ge , 4 . . . . 7 - 7 A �n�MONTTY EVEL•OPMFNT--ACTI N TAREN; Informed appl•icant of Council approval with stipulations Consideration of Second Reading of an Ordinance Recodifying the Fridley City Code, Chapter 506, Entitled "Vehicle Parking" by Amending Sections 506.02 and 506.10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 - 8 A Ordinance No. 869 adopted . �. �'NTRAL SERVTGE--AC 74N TAREN: Publ ished Ordinance in Fridley Focus �_. � Consideration of First Reading of an Ordinance Recodifying the Fridley City Code, Chapter 6, Entitled "Commissions" by Amending Sections 6.01 and 6.03, by Deleting Section 6.08 and Renumbering the Next Consecutive Number . . . . . . . . . . . . Ordinance adopted on first reading �OMMIIN?TY DEVEL• PMENT---AC I N TAREN: Put Ordinance next agenda for consideration of second reading . . . 9 - 9 B on 0 Council Meeting, November 3, 1986 �_. � Pa ge 5 Consideration of First Reading of an Ordinance Recodifying the Fridley City Code Chapter 506, Entitled "Vehicle Parking" by Amending Section 506.06, Snow Removal - Violation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 - 10 C Tabled to first meeting in April 1987 POBLIC WORR�--ACTIQN TAREN: Item will be placed f irst agenda in April of 1987 � Review of SP �83-10, to Allow a Repair Garage at 7948 University Avenue N. E. , by Fred Lyons ........ 11 - 11 B Rev iewed �QMMi1NTTY DEVELOPME -ACTION TAREN: Notified owner of expiration of Special Use Permit Consideration of the City Assuming Fil ing Fees for a Lot Split and also Fees for Surveying the � Property at 6342 Baker Avenue N. E. , by Frank van Dan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 - 12 D City will waive lot split fee COMMONITY DEVELOPMENT--ACTION TAREN: Proceeding as authorized 0 0 Council Meeting, November 3, 1986' ► . � •� � -. Pa ge 6 Receive the Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting of October 22., 1986 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 - 13 DD Received A. Consideration of a Rezoning Request, ZOA #86-05, to Rezone from M-2, Heavy Industrial, . to R-3, General Multiple Dwelling, to Construct 358 Apartment Onits, Generally Located South of 85th Avenue, West of University Avenue and North of 83rd Avenue, by Oniversity Avenue Associates... planning Commission Recommendation: Approval with Stipulations Council Action Needed: Set Public Hearing f or November 17 , 1986 Hearing set for November 17, 1986 CnMMiJNTTY t�EVELOPMENT--AGTION TAREN: Proceeded with Publ ic Hearing. Put item on next agenda. B. Consideration of a Final Plat, P. S. #86-05, North Park Estates, Generally Located South of 85th Avenue, West of University Avenue and North of 83rd Avenue, by University Avenue Associates... P�ann�ng �ommiss?on Recommendat�on: Approval with Stipulations Council Action Needed: Set Public Hearing for November 17, 1986 Hearing hearing for November 17, 1986 COMMONITY DEVELOPMENT--ACTION TAREN: Proceeded with Publ ic Hearing. Put item on next agenda. 13-13R, & 13R-13S setting 13R-13M, & 13T-13U setting 0 Council iKeeting, Nove�nber., 3, 1986 � . � •� � �! (Planning Commission Minutes Continued) C. Consideration of a Lot Spl it, L. S. #86-08, to Create Three Single Family Lots on Lots 78, 79, 80, 81, 82 and 83, Block A, Riverview Heights, the Same Being 441 Hugo Street N.E., by Division 1 Real Estate, Inc . ..................................... . 13M-130, p7annin� �'omm�ss�on Recommenda�?on: No & 13V-13DD Recommendation with one added stipulation �o�nc?� Act?on Needed: Consideration of Recommendation Approved with stipulations �'OMMONT'�'�► DEVEL•OPMENT--ACTION TAREN: Notif ied appl icant of approval with stipulations Pa ge 7 Receiving the Minutes of the CATV Advisory Commission of October 23, 1986 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 - 14 H Received. Approved giving A. C. C. W. 408 of f ranchise fee plus interest for 1986 on capital funds POBLTG WORt�S--A�TTON TAREN: Notif ied A. C. C. W. of approval of 40$ of f ranchise fee and interest for 1986 capital f un ds Consideration of A Motion to Amend the Agreement with Short Elliott-Hendrickson (S. E. H. ) in Support of the eRA Agreement for Lake Pointe Corporate Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 - 15 C Appr oved POBL•TG WORRS--ACTION TAREN: Proceeded as authorized u Council IKeeting, November 3, 1986 Page 8 , . , •� � -. Consideration of Change Order #1 for Street Improvement Proj ect ST. 1986 - 1& 2, Phase II ...... 16 - 16 C Appr ov ed Pt1BLiC WORRS--ACTION TAREN: Proceeded as authorized Consideration of Approval of Six-Cities Watershed Management Organization Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 - 17 A Tabled to next meeting gOBLIC WORRS--ACTION TAREN: Aave put item on next agenda Consideration of Setting a Public Hearing for Highway #65 Turnback Property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 - 18 B Item deleted POBLIC W4RRS--ACTION TAREN: No action needed Consideration of a Street Lighting Policy ........ 19 Appr ov ed POBLIC WORRS--ACTION TAREN: Proceeded as authorized � Council Aleeting, povember 3, 1986 � . � • � t -. Pa ge 9 Consideration of a Sign Plan for All Temp Storage Distribution Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 - 20 D Appr oved �OMMtJNITY DEVELOPME -ACTION TAREN: Inf ormed appl icant of Council approval Consideration of Approval of Boarman & Associates, Inc, for the Civic Center Remodeling . . . . . . . . . . . 21 - 21 D Appr ov ed COMMIINiTY DEVELOPMENT--ACTION TAREN, Inf ormed appl icant of Council approval Consideration of a Resolution Authorizing and Di recting the Spl itting of Special Assessments on Lot 1, Block 1, Herwall 2nd Addition, and Replatting into Moore Lake Office Park Condominium No. 42 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 - 22 B Appr ov e d CENTRAL SERVICE--ACTION TAREN: Informed applicant of Counci2 approval Consideration of Appointment of Auditor for Fiscal Year 1986 (George M. Hansen Company) ........ 23 - 23 B Approved CENTRAL SERVICE--ACTION TAREN: Informed applicant of Co un ci 1 appr ov al Cr�uncil Meeting, November 3, 1986 s +_. � •t r.-. Consideration of 1987 Council and Holiday Schedule .... 24 Approved with deletion of December 28 City Council Meeting CITY irIANAGER--ACTi�p TAREN: Deleted meeting of 12/28 and established holiday and Council schedules as approved Claims . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Approved. Also approved Bacon Electric claim from last agenda CENTRAL SERVICE--ACTION TAREN: Paid Claims Pa ge 10 Licenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 - 26 B Appr ov e d CENTRAL SERVICE--ACTION TAREN: Issued Licenses Estimates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 - 27 B CENTRAL SERVICES-ACTION TAREN: Paid Estimates ADJOURN: 1: 00 a. m. 0 � COUNCIL MEETING. NOVEMBER 3. 1986 1 : ► • ► � PAGE 2 CONSIDERATION OF LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR APACHE CAMPi NG CENTER . . . . . . . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2 - 2 A CONSIDERATION OF FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A VACATION REQUEST. SAV #86-05. TO VACATE PART OF A STREET AND UTILITY EASEMENT LYING IN �OT 32. REVISED AUO(TOR'S SUBDIVISION ��0. 77 (71 1/2 WAY CUL-DE-SAC), BY MARTIN NISLEY ........ 3- 3 C CONSIDERATION OF FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE A.PPROViNG A REZONiNG RECIUEST. ZOA #86-04. TO REZONE FROM C-3 iGENERAL SHOPPING CENTER) TO C-R1 (GENERAL OFF(CE) ON PARCEL 2570. THE SAME BElNG 7699 V I RON ROAD N . E . . BY Y��AYNE DAHL . . . . . . . . . . • 4 ` � � � � COUNCIL MEETING. �IOVEMBER 3. 1986 � 1 : •► ► � CONSIDERATION OF FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A VACATION REQUE�T. S�V #�-��F, TO VACATE PART OF A 3�1 FOOT EASEMEN� FOR PElBLiC ROAD PURPOSES (VIRON ROAD) LYING NORTH OF THE IVORTH 213 FEET. AS MEASURED AT RIGH► ANGLES T0, TNE NORTH LlNE OF THE NORTHEAST QUAR�ER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER AND THE NORTH LINE OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTMWEST QUARTER LYING EAST OF. AND A.DJACENT TO T.H. 65, EXCEPT THE NORTH 33 FEE7 THEREOF (OSBORNE ROAD) AND SUBJECT TO R(GHTS AND OTHER EASEMENTS OF RECORD. GENERALLY LOCATED SOUTH OF OSBORP�E ROAD AND EAST OF HIGHWAY 65. BY THE CITY OF FRlDLEY . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • • • • CONSIDERATION OF A VARIANCE RE(1UEST, VAR #�6-24, TO REDUCE THE WEST FRONT YARD SETBACK FROM 35 FEE7 TO 22 FEET. TO REDUCE THE SOUTH FRONT YARD SET- BACK FROM 35 FEET TO 25 F�ET, TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A CLINIC: TO REDUCE THE RE�UIRED PROVISION FOR OFF-STREE7 PARKING FROM 53 STALLS RE�UIRED TO 38 STALLS; 70 REDUCE THE HARDSURFACE SETBACK FROM A STREET R I GHT-OF-1�lAY ON THE NORTH- EAST CORNER FROM 20 FEET TO 5 FEET. 70 REDUCE TNE NARDSURFACE SETBACK FROM 20 FEET TO 6 FEET ON TNE NORTH LfNE. FROM 20 FEET TO 14 FEET ON THE EAST AND FROM 20 FEET TO 8 FEET ON THE SOUTH- EAST CORNER,� GENERALLY LOCATED AT 7699 VIRON ROAO N . E . . BY WAYNE DAHL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PAGE 3 ...5-5C .,..6-6G COUNCIL MEETING, NOVEMBER 3. 1986 1 1 : ► •► ► � PAGE 4 CONSIDERATION OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT. SP #86-13, TO ALLOW A REPAIR GARAGE 0�1 LOTS �1, 2 AiVt3 3, Bt+OCK 3. CITY VIEW. THE SAME BEING 5755 UNtVERSITY AVENUE (�l.E.. BY R�NALD CHRISTENS£N OF R.T.C. AUTOMOT I VE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 - 7 H CONSIDERAT(ON OF SECOND READING OF AN ORDINANCE RECODIFYING THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE. CHAPTER 506. ENTITLED "VEHICLE PARKING" BY AME�JDING SECTIONS 5�6.02 AND 506.10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 - 8 A : I�1�►�� CONSIDERATION OF FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE RECODIFYING THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE. CHAPTER 6. ENTITLED "COMMISSIONS" BY AMENDING SECTIONS 6.01 AND 6.03. BY DELETING SECTION 6.08 AND RENUMBERING THE NEXT CONSECUT I VE NUh1BER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 - 9 6 � . COUNCIL MEETING. NOVEMBER 3. 1986 � � : 1 PAGE 5 CONSIDERATION OF FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE RECODIFYING THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE CHAPTER 506. ENTITLED "VEHICLE PARKING" BY AMEND��G SECTION 5�6.06. SNOW REMOVAL - V(OLATtON . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 - 1� C REVIEW oF SP #83-10, TO ALLOW A REPAIR GARAGE AT 7948 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N.E.. BY FRED LYONS ........ 11 - 11 B CONSIDERATION OF THE CITY ASSUMING FILING FEES FOR A LOT SPLIT AND ALSO FEES FOR SURVEYING THE PROPERTY AT 6342 BAKER AVENUE N.E.. BY FRANK VAN DAN...........................12-12D J 0 � COUNCIL MEETING. NOVEMBER 3. 1986 . ' ► •► ► �� • PAGE 6 RECEIVE THE MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEET I NG OF OCTOBER 22. 1986 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 - 13 DD A. CONSIDERATION OF A REZONlN6 REQUEST. ZOA #86-05. TO REZONE FROM M-2, HEAVY INDUSTRIAL. To R-3. GENERAL MULTIPLE DWELLfNG, TO CONSTRUCT 358 APARTMENT UNlTS, GENERALLY LOCATED SOUTH OF 85TH AVENUE. WEST OF UNIVERSITY AVENUE AND NORTH OF 83RD AVENUE, BY UNIVERSITY AVENUE ASSOCIATES... e�,ANN(NC COMMtSSION RECOMMENI?ATION: APPROVAL WITH STIPULATIONS �OUNGIL AGTION NEEDED: SET PUBLIC HEARtNG FOR NOVEMBER 17, 1986 B. CONSIDERATION OF A FINAL PLAT, P.S. #86-05. NORTH PARK ESTATES, GENERALLY LOCATED SOUTH OF 85TN AVENUE. WEST OF UNIVERSITY AVENUE AND NORTH OF 83R0 AVENUE. BY UNIVERSITY AVENUE ASSOCIATES... PIANNI�(C COMMISSION REGOMMENDATION: APPROVAL WITH STIPULATIONS COUNCIL ACTION NEEDEQ; SET PUBLIC HEARING FOR NOVEMBER �7, 1986 13-13K, $ 13R-13S 13K-13M, & 13T-13U NCIL MEETING. NOVEMBER 3, 1986 . : •, ► �] (PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES CONTINUED) . C. CONSIDERATION OF A LOT SPLIT, L.S. #86-08. TO CREATE THREE SINGLE FAMILY LOTS ON LOTS 78. 79, 80. 81, 82 AND 83. BLOCK A. RIVERVtEW HEIGHTS, 7�lE SAME BEING 441 HUGO STREET N.E.. BY Di��SiON 1 REAL ESTATE. INC . ..................................... � ANNINC COMMISSION REGOMMENDATION: NO RECOMMENDATION WITH ONE ADDED STIPULATION COUNGIL AGTION NEEDED: CONSIDERATION OF RECOMMENDATION PAGE 7 13M-130, $ 13V-13DD ' RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE CATV ADVISORY COMMISSION OF OCTOBER 23, 1986 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 - 14 H CONSIDERATION OF A MOTION TO AMEND THE AGREEMENT WITH SHORT ELLIOTT-HENDRICKSON iS.E.H.) IN SUPPORT OF THE HRA AGREEMENT FOR LAKE POINTE CORPORATE CENTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 - 15 C � COUNCIL MEETiNG, NOVEMBER 3. 1986 � : 1 •► ► � PAGE 8 CONSIDERATION OF CHANGE ORDER #1 FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1986 - 1 b 2. PHASE () ....., 16 - 16 C CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF SIX-CtTIES WATERSHED MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION PLAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 - 17 A , CONSiDERATION OF SETTING A PUBL{C HEARING FOR HIGH���AY #65 TURNBACK PROPERTY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 - 18 B CONSIDERATION OF A STREET LIGNTING POLICY ........ 19 ^--- ^ rHUt � ► : 1 •► � CONSIDERATION OF A SIGN PLAN FOR ALL TEMP STORAGE DISTRIBUTION CENTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 - 20 D CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF BOARMAN 8 ASSOCIATES, INC. FOR THE CIVIC CENTER REMOOELING . . . . . . . . . . . 21 - 21 D CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE SPLITTING OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ON LOT 1, BLOCK 1, HERWALL 2ND ADDITION, AND REPLATTING INTO MOORE LAKE OFFICE PaR� CONDOM 1 N I UM NO . 42 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 - 22 g CONSIDERATlON OF APPOINTMENT OF AUOITOR FOR FISCAL YEAR 1986 iGEORGE M. HANSEN COMPANY). ....... 23 - 23 B . 0 COUNCIL MEETING. NOVEMBER 3. 1986 ► • : •► ► �� CONSIDERATION OF 1987 COUNCIL AND NOLIDAY SCHEDULE .... 24 CLAIMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 PAGE 10 L I cENSES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 - 26 B � EST I MATES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 - 27 B :1 C► ,� � ♦ MAYOR'S D-DAX IN THE WAR ON DRUGS POVEMBER 18, 1986 William J. Nee Mayor Fridley. MN 0 WHEREAS. drug abuse has grorvn to auch an extent that it nor� threatene the progreas, the quaZtity of Zife. and the very 8ecurity of this great nation; and WAEREAS, the nationat rvar on druga muet be fought on att Zeveta. on aZZ fronts, and the battZe in our cities rviZZ be a criticaZ one because it is in our cities that the demand for tiZtegat druga must be hatted; and WHEREAS, a auccessfuZ counter-attack on drugs rvitt require the active support of att the citizens of our cities; and WHEREAS, the United States Conference of Mayors has dectared Tuesday. Povember 18, 1986 MAYORS' D-DAY IA THE WAR ON DRUGS and has catted upon att mayors to aoin that day in a nationaZ mobitization that rviZt raise aZZ citixens' arvareness of the threat poaed by iZZegat drugs, AOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED that I, Wittiam J. Pee, Mayor of the City of FridZey hereby proetaim Tueedaz�. Povember 18, 1986 MAYORS' D-DAY I9 THB WAR OA DRUGS in Fridley and caZt upon citiaens of our City to partietipate to our goal of a drug-free City and a drug-free America. IN WITAESS WHEREOF. I have aet my hand and caused the seat of the City of Fridtey to be affixed this Aovember 3. 1986. WILLIAM J. NEE, MAYOR '�' t�NtTrES OF Tf� REGLTLAR MEETING OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCII� 4F_9�4BER �0, 1986 �e Regular Meeting of the Fridley City ao�mcil was called to o�c3er at 7:32 p. m. by Mayor Nee. P�.�rE OF ALLDGIANCE• Mayor Nee led the Cbtmcil and audienoe in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL• MENBERS PRFSFNT: Mayor Nee, O��cilman Barnette, O��mcilman Schneider, O��mcilman Fitz�atrick and Coimcilman Goodspeed r+�r��s P,ssFrrr: None APPROVAL OF MINU'1'ES • c:o��Tr. r��rzr�. OCDQBER 6, 1986 : MOTIOIV by Councilman Schneider to approve the minutes as presented. Seoonc3ed b� Cbimcilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee c3eclared the motion carried unanimously. ADOPTION OF AGEDIDA• The follawing items were added to the agenda: (16) Consideration of Entering into Contracts with Subterranean Engineerinq and Ernst and Associates on Behalf of the HRA; and (17) Discussion and Determination of Fliture Action Relative to Darrel Farr' s Vacation Request. MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to adopt the agenda with the above additions. Seo�nded b� O�imcilman Schneider. Up�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. OPEN FORUM. VISITORS• �ere was no response from the audienoe under this iteqn of business. PUBLIC HEARINGS• 1. OOi1S�ERATION OF A VACATION RDC)UEST SAV #86 Q5 ,� VACATE PART OF A ST�ET A1�7 UTILIT� EASEMENr LYING IN LO'P 32 . REVISID AUDITOR' S SUBDIVISION N0. 77 t71-L2 GdAY' CiJIr-DE S�C) . B MARTIN �IIS��EY• M�TION by (buncilman Fitz�atrick ta w�aive the reac3ing of the public hearing notioe and open the publ ic hearing. Seooncled b� O��cilman Goodspeed. Up�n a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimousZy and the publ i� he��ing opered at 7: 37 p. m. -1- •�i�l�.��. u���� �. � � �I���C �I• 1 • : . Mr. Robertson, (bmm�ity DevelopnerYt Director, statec3 this is a request to vacate Fart of a street and utility easement. He stated it has been verified there will riot be ariy utility eaaements in the vacated portion as Nor�tlwestern Bell's easement will be loc�ted in the new portion and is not affected. '�ere was no response fran ttie audience regarding this proposed vacation request. NDTION Y,� Councilman Fitzpatrick to close the public hearing. Seconded by Cotmcilman Goodspeed. [Tp�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the public he�ring closed at 7:39 p.m. OLD BUSINESS• 2� (Y)NSTTIFRATTnN ()F LAi�m.St`APF p� FOR APACfiE C�ING CIIJPER• Mr. Robertson, Community Development Director, stated there was a landscaping plan for this business when the original special use permit was issued. He sta�ed due to f requent problens and non-compl iance, a new landscaping plan has been devised. He stated staff inet with the awner, Mr. Pawleski and his legal ar�imsel to devise the r�ew plan. Copies of the plan were sent to Nhry Martin. 7he only outstanding question is if the barbed wire should be renaved on the chairr-link fenoe. He stated this barbed wire is out of reach and is iriterpret�ed as being used for security purposes and is, therefore, permitted in the Code. He stated Mary Martin made a request that there should also be a six foot maveable fence. Mr. Robertson stated staff is not reoomanending the fenve and felt the landscaping plan includes elements that are adequate and consistent with the directions of the Gbtmcil. �imcilman Fitz�atrick statec7 in the stipulations of the original special use permit, there was a requirenerit for screening. He stated he felt this is the reason why Ms. Martin suggested the fenoe. Mr. Robertaon stated staff feels the trees and fenoe vines on 77th Avenue will �avide adequabe screening of the rear of the property. �Lmcilman FitzFatrick stated Russian olive trees were originally there, but this dic�'t work because moving the trailers eventually trampled the plarYtings. Ae stated ar�other alternative may be to place the trailers in such a way to screen what is behind then. Ms. Nhry Martin, 133 Stonybrook Way, stated she is not h�g up with the idea of a fenae, but the storage portion of the lot should be screened. She stat�ed one of the reasons why the special �e permit was granted was be�use the back part of the lot was screened at that time. She stated a permanent screening with some kind of greeriery is apFarerYtly mt what Apache Camping Center wants as they aoulch't mave their trailer�. � stated she suggested a creative fenc�e tixat would be moveable to screen the area. Ms. Martin stated ali she wams is aomplianoe with the stiputations of t-he special use permit. She stated when this permit was issued, AFsche Camping Center was -2- k� 1�.�! via�?�� • � �,��: 1 • : . selling iterns that were 10 x 12 or 10 x 14 feet in size. She stated the items they are naw selling are 12 x 38 feet in size. She stated Russian ol ive trees were located on the site when the special use permit was i ssued and the permit was predicated on t�hose trees renaining, and naw -there i s no screening. Ms. I�rtin stated the �imcil directed that the City and/or Mr. Pawleski meet with her. She skated she met with Mr. Pawleski and his attorney and they agreed to hedging and thought they had scxne agreenent. She statecl what is no�w projected is the original glan and nothing is different. She stated it appears the original stipulations on the special use permit are being ic�ored. Mr. �hwleski, owner of ApadZe Camping Center, stated he was presented with the lanclscaping plan b� Mr. Wiersna of the Ci.ty staff. He stated in regard to the fenoe whic� was discussed with Ms. l�rtan, he dicY�'t take any action as he wanted to see if the Ca.ty w�ould allaw it. He stated he didn't know what type of mwaable fenve oould be installed. � Ms. Nhrtin stated her oonoern is screening and dich't care if it is a fence or greenery. 5he statec3 she warited the trailers screened which was supposed to happen when the special use permit was originally issued. Councilman Fitzpatrick stated it was the purpose of the original stipulations to screen everything behind the front of the building and it seens the �xoposed plan does not provide for this screening. M�TION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to refer this item to staff for a reo�iranendation on some type of screening, either fencing or plantings. Sewnded tr� Cotmcilman Goodspeed. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. Q�imcilman Fitzpatrick stated he would reaommend staff contact Ms. Martin before the plan is brought l�ck to the Q�incil. Mr. Fgwleski also requested he be ratified when a meeting would take place so something can be res�lved. Mr. Robertson stated staff has prepared at least four diffferent plans and a meeting aould be held this week. (btmcilman Fitzpatrick requested staff �ritact hi.m when the meeting would be hel d. 3. ORDII�NC,E 1�1. ,��68 C��R SE�TION ,�� 06 OF TAE C (�IARTER DEC�ARING CERT.�?N RFAT. ��`PATE � BE SURPLUS AI�ID AUi��iiZIl� Z4iE SALE THER�?F2 NDTIi�N b� (3�imcilman Schreic�r to waive the �ecx�nd reading of Ordinance No. 868 and acbpt it on the seoond reac3ing and order publication. Seoonded by �tmcilman Barnette. Up�n a voiae vate, all v�ing aye, N�yor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. �� k��l�.�_�_ ui?!�l.M �. •' �_���=�• � �:. a� ' �� -- �� �. �! ;: �� • ' � �Z� . • _- � �' �'�« ' ��:! a�_* �. _4�� �. � P !� • 1 . a����l 4_ a�� �' �i_ ' =Ss� � ` - =_u 4� � � � _ 1 . 1 •� � ��-*_ - ;_�t� 1 • 1 O��cilman Schneider asked if this ordinanoe would prohibit a person from parking a vehicle with a for sale sic� in their aan driveway. Mr. Herrick, Ci,ty Attorney, stated he would check further regarding this question. Nl�TION l�y Councilman Fitzpatrick to waive the reading and approve the ordinanoe upon f irst reading. Seconded by Councilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. �• . •; • • • � �� K�. � �_ ��� ��_�,« :_..'���I : �' • �. . • a��� � � ; : . 1 - �� � �!_ �i�� � �1����;_ _ 7� � . . �. , S►� - . � • ,_i � 4� __�_u� : _ �, � . . � �.� � �! _! � � .1� _ !;-�-�- � .. Mr. lmbertson, Q�mmuzity Developnerit Director, stated Dr. Dahl's office was c�ontacted to inform him his rezoning, vawtion, and variance requests were on the (buncil's agenda for this evening. He stated he was ac7vised that Dr. Dahl was out of tawn and was not expected back until Tuesday morning, October 21. He stated Council may wish to table these items �til Dr. Dahl can be present. NDTD�N b� O�uncilman Sc�neider to table this item, as well as items 6 and 7C, which all pertain to Dr. D�hl's Froperty to the next �uncil meeting. Seo�nded ��imcilman Barnette. ilp�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. � /� �� '� -� � � i�- �--: � ,. � �. � i� �.IQ �y« � � •�!�J� ,. i L� _i _� �, f.�� �_ � _s ; : . 1 • �� t: .� 4 ' �i� • : 1 �� �� _ :. u _ �M � . . �; ; � �_� ' !' {� - / i� � i� :-� - -* �. �.� i�4� � 4e� � � i��e �� :_ V� :-i ��.�� :. � : �� - - - �� _4�! �.� •�4� _ �!_ • 4:! :� �4�i—=-� � r� �� � • y�� � � �.�44 � • 1= '� ' _�!� 4�! •i�4: �� � 4�� ,���4:���� � ��� � 4�1_ ��'�4:l� _1�_ • s_� �' _ _I���. _4. � ��!i ;! � «?l��_ �� : • ?►, « �_ 4�� � � '�4: � 4�t ��• �'�:.� • � ;•� �_� ,.�i� �'-_ l�.�! _�� �. �a� ;_,!� �/4�1 • __;_ �+yi�i�� • i?�• �� �I�I7i�: --- - ��-_ ! - • • � �'-� � � �--�_ � *-�i! —;_�i_ • �� tl.l,_ ' 4:� �! • �� �� --� �his item was tabled, tnc7er it�n 5, uztil the next Q�uncil meeting. � �:« �� �. �:!_ ++r �+_ _ • �+z! - � _ � �- •�,,,�,�� _� • � ui ��t�. � � �� : • : • : . ��iL_ �� �; _ -y �,� • _ .y��� _:_ _ • �' u� �• i : . . � -- - � _ «:1 !' «a ;_�!� � 4L:` jy� � � _ �• �,!�'-_--- 1 - � -= 4a�� _ ' � -_��� �!_ � ���1 � _ 4z Msl��� ��� �I 4!��^ Mr. I�bertson, �ninity Developn�r� Director, stated this is a request for a special use permit for Church on the i�rive to oonduct church services in the c�mr�asiun of this sc.hoal. Ae stated there are approximately 600 members in the oongr�gation and two churc� servioes would be held on S�day, one in -4- �n[�Ptc'TL MEF,'TII� OF OCI�OB�R 20. 19$6_ the morning with about 300 people� attending and one in the evening with ab�ut 150 people attending. Mr. Robertson stated neic�borhood meetings were held tr� Churdz on the Move with neighboring residents to answer some of thei r questions and oonverns. � Mr. Imbertson stated the Planning Coimnission recommended approval of this special use permit with 12 stip�il.ations which are included in the Council' s agenda. He stated the Planning Comanission requested the City Engineer to sukmit a rep�rt on the traffic issue. Mr. F'lora, Public Works Director, stated he has met with the Ac�ninistrator of the sdiool and the discussions oeritered primarily on the dropping-off and picking-up of stuc�rYts. He stated both school s(Church on the Move and Totino-Graoe) start and end their academic day at approximately the same time causing c�ongestion with studerit �ckups and in the hic� school parking lat. Ae stated one solution oould be staggering hours so vehicle usage a�uld be spread over a longer period of time and decrease the oongestion. He stated another alternative would be to relocate the dro�roff point for Churdl on the Nbve to the west end of the building. He stated this would allaa vehicles to enter t-he eadsting driveway and establ ish a que 1 ine to the eritranoe and within the existing lot. He statec3 a third option would be o�nstruction of a road and driveway arouzd the existing building to serve as a que area and pravide for easy acoess to and fran the facility. Mr. Flora stated the pla�nent of a crosswalk between Totino-Graoe and this property was also discussed, but there is a problem as there are no sidewalks and, with the facilities located in the middle of the block, it would tend to give a false sense of security for the pedestrian. Ae felt this di.ch't lend itself well to a safety aspect. Mr. Flora stated as far as the vehicle parking in Totino-Grace's lot for church servioes, this woulch't be a problen as Totiro-Grac�e would not have any activities at their school during this time. He stat�ed the intersection at Gardena and Old Ceritral was also discussed. He stated in order for a stop light to be plaaed at this intersection, it would have to be appraved b� the Q��mty Hic�way Department and satisfy the r�eoessary traffic warrants to justify a signaled intersection. Ae stated, currently, there are inadequate vehicles to satisfy the warrants. He stated the City is proposing to reduoe the volune of traffic on Old Ceritral betwen Rice Creek Road and Hic�way 65 with imp�avene�s at those interaections. C;ouncilman Schneider asked if Church on the Move was the awner of the property. Mr. Anderson, f�e petitioner, stated they have a purchase agreement f or the proper�y, but cl�sing ha� be�n delayed as Fart of the abstracts were lost. Mr. Aerrick, City Attorr�ey, asked Mr. �derson if the agreenerit they have is with Faith Acac3emy or School District No. 14. Mr. Anderson stated they do not have arry agreenerit with the Schooi District, as they are purciiasing the school fran Faith Ac�ac3emy through b�nds to pay e�f'f previous finding. -5- �1� y.�_�_ui�i�lM _,, _ �_' � �1�i: • 1 ' : . Mr. Aerrick felt, technically, the fee vwner should sign this request for the special use permit. He stated if the Council were to approve this special i�se permit, or�e of the o�nclitions was the permit would be granted after Church on the Nbve became the fee vwrer of the property. Mr. Anderson, the petitioner, stated he apFxoached Faith Academy in August about the possible purchase of the school. He stated they have signed a purchase agreenent and a mave-i.n agreenent and took over operation of the school i�anediately. He stated, at that time, he reoeived a phone call from the City advising him a special use permit was needed for them to oonduct churc,h servioes in the c�mnasiun. He statecl they wanted the school tor a double use school and church in order to make it ea�n�nically feasible. He stated it was discussed, if the actual awners should file for this special use permit, and it was suggested they make application as they were the ones holding the church serviaes. Mr. An3erson stated a meeting was held with the reic�b�ring residents where they expressed thei r oonoerns. He statea most of the �noerns involved the care and maintenanoe of the property. Ae stated they have cleaned-up the property and purchased lawn maintenanoe equipnerit. Mr. Anc3erson stated he was asked about long-range plans and stated, at some point in time, they may aonstruct a new builcling. Mr. Anc3erson stated he has oaritacted the Superintenc3erit of Zbtino-Graoe, Dr. Ftay, and a v�ritract for �srking has been drafted. He stated it would be several days before final app�aval is reoeived fran Zbtirp-Graoe as this has to go before their Board. He stated the agreement allaws them to park 100 cars on Totino-Graoe's parking lat and meets the legal oonditions required k� the City. tbtmcilman Schneider stated his voncern is the parking and traffic. He stated ar�other key issue which c�ne up at the ryeic�iborhooc3 meetings was if CY�urr,h on the Nbve was willing to sell the �arael of property which fronts on Hillcrest Drive. Ae stated the �noern of residerits in the area is that this �aroel may be used for access, if a church were to be built in the future, and residents di.ch't warit this property to be used as a feeder onto Hillcrest Drive. Mr. Anderson stated these types of questions are difficult to answer because they have been at this location less than a month. He stated when he met with the resider►ts, he was very honest and stated they would like a new building. Ae stated this resulted in opening a whole "can of worms" when all they really wanted was to meet in the c�mnasiun on Sundays. He stated they cbn't have a plan for this property so the question is difficult to address. Q��mcilman Sdzneider statec7 this question isn't before the Council, but it secros a key issue as far as safety and public welfare being met for this use. He stated he has a con�rn �.f there was sic�if icarit expansion haw this would affect trafffic patterns on Garc'�m and Hillcrest. Mr. Anc7erson stated their immediate �noern is to have a d4uble use of the -6- k�.1�,�! _ y!�!_�iM �i � �1_������ 1 • : • building in orc�er to sustain the school. Ae stated he is not even sure if this property would be the best plaoe for them to expand. Ae stated that question has�'t really been addressed and isn't the long-range �ision. Mr. Roith, 1314 Hillcrest Drive, stated the parking agreement was negotiated with Dr. Ray and there was no approval by the Board. He stated he dic�'t believe Zbtino-Graoe would grant a long-term parking arrangement. He stated Totino-Graoe has reveived oomplaints fran the neighborhood because of the current traffic. He stated he is c�ncerned about the traffic and if the �siun has been inspected by the Fire DeFartment for this type of use. Mr. McLaughlin, 1050 Gardena Avenue, stated his biggest concern is the additional traff ic. He stated f ram a practical standpoint, there is a safety issue as he has witnessed and reaorded quite a few accidents at the intersection of Gardena and Old Central. He felt the special use permit should not be granted, without sic�alization of this iritersection. He also felt �arking should be pravided on the school's awn property and questioned if the �de allaas for �arking off this site. Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, stated there is an ordinance that permits parking, with a special use pemit, on adjaoent properties and believed some of these cases have previously been before the CbLmcil. He felt there were cases where a developer of v�mmercial property has requested a building permit and the proposed Farking is adjacent on residential property. He stated it may not be a perfect analogy to what is presented in this situation, but has a great deal of similarity. O�imcilman Schneider asked what would happen if there is approval of the special use permit and the �arking agreemerit with 7.btino-Graoe and down the road, the �arking agreanent is terminated. Mr. Aerrick asked if the parking agreement is terminated, if there is ac�quate space on Church on the Move's site to construct the n�unber of Farking spaoes required. Mr. Roberts�n stated there is adequate space to meet the �arking requirenerits. Mr. Herrick stated if the Council grants the special use permit, with Farking on Totino-Graoe's site subject to a rewrdable agreenent, that there be an additional Fravision that if the agreenerit is terminated, in order for the special �e permit to ooritinue, an equal nunber af spaoes would have to be a�nstructed on the subject property. Mr. Anderson stated he believed this is already v�vered in stipulation No. 6 reo�mmended b� the Planning Comanission. fbuncilman Sc�neic3er stated when the School District sold the school to Faith Academys there was an agre�►ent regarding a green area to remain open for recreationai �e. Ae asked if a parking lot was oonstructed, if it would affect this recreational area. Mr. �'lora sta�ted staff hasn't looked at the requirenent on what additional sFaoe would be desic�ated for parking so wouldn't know if this wonld be -7- �i �,.��_ Vlyl� � � � ����� �� _ � � � � af f ected. Mr. Anderson stated there was a�aragraph in the c�ntract for deed between Faith A�ciemy and the School District whirh prwicied for this recreational or c�een area. He stated there is a playgro�d area, basketball court, and open area in the upper portion of the property. Ae stated they have agreed to k�eep this recreational easement as a stipulation to the special use permit. He felt expansion of the Farking lot would taioe a p�rtion out of a forgotten ball field. Mr. Herrick felt if this stipulation is to be implenented, there should be a specific description of the area so it is easily ideritifiable. Mr. Bittman, 1120 Gardena Avenue, stated in discussions with Dr. Fay, orie of the questons asked was if Totino-Grace would permit more than a 30 day Farking agreenerit. He stated he was advised the Board would have to make this decision. Mr. Bittman stated they do not need more traffic as his fanily has had two accidents in the ten years the� have lived here. Mr. Mir�ear, 1291 Gardena Avenue, stated residents in the area supported F'aith Acade�ny to �e this building as a school, but felt to have activities on Sua�days tak,es away the only quiet time fram the neighborhood and is a negative impact. Ae felt the issue of the parking also needs to be addressed, if parking on Totino-Grace's property cannot be arranged. He p�inted out there is very little f rontage on this site which aanpl if ies the problen and would plaoe traffic ric�t against residential hanes. Mr. Mi.near stated there is also a sw2anp on the p�operty which takes up approximately one-fourth of the site. He stated it seems inappropriate to extend the �arking lot irito the school's athletic facilities, and he felt the land ooulch't sup�rt these two uses. Mr. i�utson, 5880 Matterhorn, stated it seems if a parking lot needs to be o�nstructed, there a variety of questions which haven't been addressed. He stated in addition to meeting the requirenent on the n�mber of s�aoes, there is the question of drainage. Ae stated, technically, even though these issues are not before the O��mcil, he questior�ed onoe Church on the Nbve had a vested interest in the property, how they could be sure future requirenents would be met. Ae felt adequate planning had to be cbne naw and there are a lot of tmanswered questions. Mr. Rnutson felt further information is needed to see if requirenents of the Fire �de are met and if there are specific minimun parking requirener�ts. Mr. Carlson, 601 12i.oe (xeek Terrave, stated he is a menber of Church on the Nbve and sp�ke in favor of the speci.al use permit. He stated there has been sane allec�tions about glans being changed or misinformation given and want to assure than, as Fart of the dzurch's advisory board, what they have been hearing fran F�stor Anclerson is very straic�tforward. He stated there is no attempt to hold back any information. Mr. Carl son stated he bel ieves the church would be a c.pod neic�ibor and a hT+essing to the �m¢ninity. Ae stated he believed the use is well within the leg�liLy and pezmits of the law. Mr. Lewis, 600i Gardena CYrcle, stated the back of his property abuts the � hl�. �!_ M!��l��. • ��l��?.�' � • :. base}xill field on the school's property. He stated he attended one of the neic�b�rhood meetings anc3 is aoncerned about the possibility of a church with 800 manbers and possibly e�anding to 1,200 me�►bers. Ae stated the school property is about two feet hic�er than his �operty and they do have some problen with the drainage. He felt if a parking lot was constructed, it would add to this �oblen. He stated he is not against the church, but wnoerried about the use of the land. Mr. Hanernick, 1340 Hillcrest Drive, stated he is in favor of the special use permit. He stated he met with menbers of the ci►urch and felt they va�uld be good neic�bors. He stated he was a land use planner for 12 years and felt what is being requested is pruc7ent. He felt the traffic uses are seFarate and should, at some point, be addressed, but the land use at this time is reasonable. Mr. Cblstran, 1338 Hillcrest Drive, stated he was in favor of the special use permit. He stated Faith A�c'i�ny had a dinner for 300 people and they dich't have a problen with �arking. Gbimcilman Schneider asked where these persons parked. Mr. O�lstrom stated at Zbtino-Graoe, in the school's Farking lot, and others on the street. O��mcilman Schneider stated his �noern is the parking. He stated he has reoeived a nunber of calls regarding the parking problen on Gardena and it is a difficult situation. �tmcilman Barnette stated when the school was awred by Sc�iool District 14, there were everits where more than 300 people attended and persons parked on the street. A lady in the audienoe stated that most of the people lived in the area and walked to the everits at the sdzool at that time. Mr. Hanernick stated there is a stipulation rea�mmended to �n9olidate this property into one �aroel and wonc3ered if it was wise because af some of the o�nc�erns of the residents regarding ingress or egress. Mr. Herrick stated it would not be his recommendation that a decision be made this evening on this request. He felt there are some questions raised which r�eed to be answered and some additional fact f inding on part of the staff. He felt other churrhes in the City should be checked to see if this request differs in any respect and, in regard to the traffic, there should be specific traffic a��nts o�mmparinq traffic when this was operated as a school to what is naw being proposed. Mr. McLaughlin stated there should be standards of use in the O�mprehensive Plan regarding parking, building, and screening and would like these questions answered. Cbimcilman Schneider stated he would agree with Mr. Aerrick's staten►ents and felt sane additional information is needed. Ae stated some items which should be addressed are as follaas: (1) letter fram fee awner indicating -� �i!�. . M� ����. � ��1_���L?I� � ' :. they ooncur with -this request for a special use permit; (2) requi.r�nents of the ordinanae regardi.ng parking on property other than that awned by the petitioner and ranifications of the special use permit; {3) size of the swanp area and if it is required for drainage; (4) define the recreational area regardi.ng size, equipnerit proposed, maintenanoe, access requirements, and shared use; (5) in the ever�t of a circular drive, the distanoe f ran the hanes on the east and west; (6) if additional developnent takes glaoe on the property for driv�aays and parking, haw this affects the c7rainage; (7) size of the c�mnasiun and if requirenerits of the Fire (bde and parking are met; (8) problems which may or may not be created if the lot f ronting on Hillcrest Drive was split off and sold to develop as a single faQt�ily �arvel; (9) sic}�ed oop� of the Farking agreenerit with 7.bfiano-Graoe for review by the City Attorney; (10) oomFarison with other cilurches regarding zoning, size of parking lots, size of the church itself, and n�unber of inembers in the o�ngregation; and (11) specific traffic oounts on Gardena and accident history going back to when Gardena was an elenentary school. Gbuncilman Barnette stated most of the churches in Fric�.ey have gc�ne through this same stage. Ae stated Fridley Methoclist used Hayes School parking across the street; Fridley Covenant parks along the street; Redeemer Lutheran uses the street and possibly eome of the park property; Grace �angelical used Madsen park for mariy years for parking; St. Philip's uses sane of the mortuary Farking; and St. William's uses some of the shopping center parking. He stated he dich't believe churches create a major �xoblen and they were cpod neic�bors. He stated he lives near Woodcrest Baptist C�urc� and they have been nothing but good neic�bors. NDTI�N b,� Cbimcilman Scfi�eider to table this item to allaw staff time to sutrnit a report for the r�ext meeting. Sevonded b� (b�cilman Fitzpatrick. Up4n a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. B. rvuTCm��ammrw n� s cvwrTAT. OSE pERMIT, SP #$6-13. '�4 Ai�IANT A REPAIR c3ARAGE ON LO�I�S l. 2 AND 3.�i� 3. CITX ViEW. TH� SAME BEIN� 5755 jmT*«�TTY A��n� N E. Bv �T CI3RISTENSFN OF R. T. C. _ AiT1'C1Ni0►TIVE: N�. Robertson, �runtnity Developnerit Director, stated this is a request for a special use permit to allaw a repair garage, which was p�eviously Shorty's Taai.ng, at 5755 University Avenue N. E. He stated a landscaping plan was pre�ared tr� staff and reaommended to the Planning Commission. He stated there were also a nunber of other sipulations which the O�mmission reviewed with the aaner, Mr. Schuur. He stated Mr. Schuur had reserva�ions about several of the stipulations, however, the Islanning Commission reoommended ap�xaval of this request tr� a 3 to 2 vote. I�yor Nee stated it see�ns an extraordinary iritensive use of a snall parcel. Ae asked if the petitiorer or awryer were present. Since neither the petitioner or awner were present this evening, the follaaing ac,tion was taken: I�pTION b� Councilman Gooc3speed to table this item to the next meeting. -10- �1��. �_ y������, � ����i� �� 1 ' : . Sea�nded lx Q�imcilman Barnette. Upon a voiae vote, atl voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. C. QOiJ�DERATTOi� OF A Ln►r' �.�T'i'. L S #$6-07. 'Ib SPLIT 4F'F TAE WESTER,Y � 4 0 F��'r' OF Lrn' � 7 L�CEPT TEIE SQUrH 55 0 FEET TFi�R�' - AL TTQB' S �'�D��TSTON I`'0. 22, THE ��' BETI� 6291 CF'►�'RAT A 1x' N F. BY s7�FF' GELD��I': Mr. R�bertson, CommLmity Developnent Director, stated this property is located on the oorner of Rioe Creek Road and Old Central. He stated the biggest �roblen with this lot split is the froritage which does not meet the requirements of the Code. He stated it is only 64.54 feet and the requirenerit is 75 feet. Mr. Qureshi, City I�fanager, stated there are large parcels of property in this area and eventually these properties will sglit. He felt there should be some overall plan for future developnent and it would requi re the o�operation of a nunber of Froperty aarers. He felt if this lot split is grarcted, it woulch't �et a good preoederit for the reic�borhood because the lot is so r�rraw. He felt there r�eeds to be o�operation on the part of the aaryers in the area in order to have lots which meet the Code requirements. Ae suggested this item be tabled so the property awners oould work together in an attenpt to pravide a plan for the werall developnent of this area. Mr. Geldert stated he was c�noerned about the width, but �uldz't �derstand why they were allawed to be split in the first plaoe. Mr. Qureshi stated this was p�obably an old plat in existenoe before there were any regulations by the City. NDTION by O�Lmcilman Schneider to table L. S. #86-07 in orcier to �ovide the petitioner an opportimity to work with adjacent property awners and City staff in an attempt to provide standard lots. Seconded by Councilman Barriette. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, l�yor Nee declared the motion carried tmanimously. D. R..F'�'7��TlW Tf� NIII�nn'F'�S OF '�' A�a� QONA'II�TO.*7 MEETIN� OF �P'I'E��t ,�,Q . 1986 • � �• � ��� _y a � • � !._� .;_�.«_ �a• � � !c ' : . �� ;�� « 4,! .�_ � �l��1��_ I*_ 1� 'l�4�: M: �lL�w �!?±�_ �� �!�!� �� ; �+� � 4+! ,�. �4� ����� �[,_�� .��_4-_� «; �I�� v �l-- �� �?��i S� 4---!.. k4� •� i.�4� .�_� �i� � � «_ ,l �� i��i.M 4*I • �� � i?I� ' i�i/ _ �i �� . . � . . . . . • . � � ,l4i�� _- �, K�. ��.�v �►'; - �?! ) _�a�� ,� . �y=-- -- � i�� .M 4a� � :_�� y !� � M �4� � M� �i�.v : .�4i � � ��� � �l: • � 4�► �� ����! _�_�_ •! L�!?+' �L� y 1 ��+� �.� ' �� �� i�!�..« 4z ��4 i�. : �i :_«.� :�i�1F��.: Mi �Li� v � �i�� �� . ��� �i� _4�� , � i�4� �`� u � ��!� �� ;��?�± • � .4 I _;._� ;_�l� ���.4 � ��!�_ �,� : �?!_ �.� 4s!_ ��. ��I�! :_� •! i�!?!' t�?!�tx�= - � r= 4�+� : _ , . . � i�d �� i_� � - ' i�:- �,� � _-*� 4his iten was tabled, Lnder Item 5, �nti3 #�e �ext ��cil meeting. -11- 8. �i 1�.M�_ ti��+�.�1 �. � � �.��1= �• � ' : � ;_aM �►/ �. _4:� ti ��ll4�_ • � «s.�s��J�' ��4iy _ �� M�_ �. • ,�r� • � :. Nl�TION by Councilman Schneider to receive the minutes of the Charter O�mmission meeting of May 19, 1986. Seoonded tr� Cb�cilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ' �� � . �� ��; �.� � �.�- � s� i�!*-- � !Z .7�_ ; : � ;lyY_ • •� M�':_� Mr. Robertson, Community Develognent Director, stated when the Council appraved this lot split on Agril 18, 1983, there was oonfusion in regard to the rec�ording proc�ess and it was never rec�rded at the County. Ae stated the petitioner is working with �xospective buyers and woul d 1 ike to reoord the lot split, therefore, reap�raval is requested b� the Q��mcil. Mr. R�bertson stated in checking with the Anoka Gb�mty Highway Department, it is reo�munenc3ed there be a public, rather than a private, e�semerit. NDTTON b� Cb�mcilman Fitzpatrick to reapprove this lot split, as oovered under Resolution No. 12-1984, and retain the public ease�nent. FLirther, this �operty be p�sted to prohibit the sale of cars f ran this Faroel. Seoonded ty (btmcilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 1 �� �_ �l �1�� � � � _�� i.�i«_ �. 4�� y��� i �� ��� �� � � i_ � �.��� 4 � � UI � M�M � ! � 4_i� �i ��� . y�: M �I i�--:-��- � �,., �� _ �i. T �i� �� i �.7}s� i _ ��!_ .T Il�i.,�e- �� -i� g�� s- - } ' - ' — � �� / , • ' i?1' :. � '� :.� ;_��� ' a�1 � _: _M �.� �� • y�� •� vi4 � � ' � �; .!. _ � _ �: • . _,. Mr. F'lora, Public Works Director, stated a study was p�repared b� Tf�]A on the repair and im�xavenerits to the CAmmon's Park Water Treatment Plant. He reviewed the five alternatives suLmitted and the estimated a�sts. He stated TI�, as well as staff, w�ould reoomanend Alternative No. 4 to a�nvert five of the seven f ilters in the �mnon's �rk Plant for mac�nesiun tr�tment of the four �allvw wells, and the renaining two filters for iron removal for the c3eep wells. He stated this would require some revalving, installation of green sand and polyphosphate and aeration sy stem s pl us a se ttl eq+nent ba si n for the backwash. The estimated cost of repairs and improvements is approximately $800,000 and the �st to desic� and inspect the oonstruction is an additional $52.000. Mr. F7.ora �tea it wouia �.so be apFropriate to upgrade the entire plant durinc� the regair to include automation control and recording intrunezYtation. He stated! t.�is aould result in an additional expense of approxi.�tly $150,000, for a total e�endi.ture estimabed at $1,000,000. He stated staff's reoommenclation is to re�ceive the TRaA report, adopt Alternative No. 4 and retain the servic�es of TRt� sc� repair work could be initiated Mr. Fiora stated this glarit was desigied for iron ranaval of t-he deep wells -12- k�:�1�. u!?!�+�i �. • . ��_�i�::?�• 1 • : . and when the City shi.fted to shallow wells, they have a greater magnesium content and caused deterioration of the f ilters. Ae stated in the impravanents, five fi.lters will service the four shallaw we11s and two filters will serve the deep wells. He stated this calls for a small adclition to the east side of the filtration plant where the polyphosphate chenical insertion will be located. He stated an inderground storage tank wi11 Fxobably be built on the west side and the system calls for backwashing of tanks tmder air pressure. He stated a water softening system cannot be implenerited in the existing plant and would require a o�mglete rebuilding of the systen at a wst of about $6,000,000. Mr. Qureshi, Ci.ty Manager, stated staff is reoommending the alternative suggested b� TF�A. Ae stated he realizes this repair and improvenent is very costly and wanted the Council to feel comfortable with the reoom¢nendations. NlaTION by Councilman Schneider to recieve the TKDA stucly and approve Alternative No. 4 for the (bnanon's Park Water Tre�tment Plant. Seconded by CoLmcilman Barnette. Up�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, I�yor Nee declared the motion �rried unanimously. M�TION b� Coimcilman Gooclspeed to authorize the City Manager an agreenent with TI� for professional services to design specifications for the domanon's Park Water Filtration Plant. (b�mcilman Schneider. iJp�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, 1K�yor the motion carried unanimously. RECESS: N�yor Nee called a revess at 10:14 p.m to enter into the plans and Seoonded by Nee declared RD�OI�]V�TED• N�yor Nee rewnvered the meeting at 10: 25 p. m. All Council members were pr esent. •� �,_ M� �I�i � � i_' �L�J�: � * � _ _ ��i i_ s � V.L, : V �� � � i_, . _ � � ' ._ Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated the City has received the Six-Cities Watershed Management Plan for review. He stated the cities within the Watershed Management Organization have 60 days to review and comment and then the rep�rt has to be processed through the County, Departmerit of Natural Resouroes and Metrop�litan �uncil for c�omment prior to being sukmittea to the Water Resources Board for approval. Ae stated this �xooess should allaw the Plan to be sut�nitted in Deoesnber in ac�rdanoe with the 509 Statute. Mr. Flora stated the major itens of the plan deal with capital improvements ideritified to be vompleted witin the six sub-districts. Ae stated Fridley is involved in five Frojects, four of which call for supplemental joint powers agreenea�t� �iit� tbe ap�ropcit�e cities for wmpletion and one which incluc3es an ad valorsn tax for the Oak Glen sub-clistrict impravenent. -13- r,�.1�. _ v!�i�I� • � �i,�i� ?i' � • : . Mr. F'lora reviewed the various �pital impravenerit Fxojects which involved the City and are as follaws: (1) install a diversion pipe frogn Aighland Lake to Clover Fond in CFH South at an estimated oost of $30,000; (2) install erosion �otection in Oak Glen at an estimated aast of $100,000; (3) install erosion protection in Stor�eybrook at an estimated oost of $124,000; (4) floodproof hanes subject to flooding in CPH South at an estimated cost of $60,000; and (5) divert Stoneybrook high flows to Springbrook Nature (kriter and construct a p�nd and control structure in Stoneybrook at an estimated cost of $200,000. Mr. Flora stated if the si.x cities in the Watershed District aannot agree on the plan, it would g� back to the O�tmty. He felt if the cities wanted any oontrol, they should acbpt the plan. He stated it is hoped, through this plan, the affected City Councils would get together and agree on a oost sharing for the projects affecting their particular cities. Councilman Fitzpatrick asked if the project proposed for Oak Glen Creek would be assessed to abutting property awners. Mr. �'lora stated this is the only clistrict suggested for an ad valorem tax and all properties in that watershed district would pay for the improveanent. He stated one of the benefits of the 509 Legislation is taxes can be levied on an ad valorem basis onoe the glan is appc�aved. Mr. Flora stated the Oak Glen project c3eals with erosion at the Mississippi River. Ae stated all the creeks experience erosion at the Mississippi River' s mouth. He stated Springbrook i sn' t as bad, as it oomes th rough the park before it eriters the river, but there is sic�ificant erosion with the other two creeks, Oak Glen and Stoneybrook. Mr. Qureshi, City N�nager, asked what would happen if the Council did not acbpt this glan. Mr. P'lora stated the joint powers agreenent would fail and it would revert to the Q�imty to take over the storm water management plan for the six cities anc7 they would implenent the plan by an ad valor�n tax or a joint powers agreenerit. Councilman Fitzpatrick stated his ooncern is about the assessment to p�operty awners. Mr. Flora stated before a project is started, there would have to be a public hearing. He stated it oould be ore hearing oovering all the p�ojects or seFarate hearings for each �oject. Mr. Qureshi felt it is imp�rtant to lmaw what peroeritages and kind of wsts would be involved and where fulcis a�uld be raised. Mr. Flora stated the City has the option of levying an ad valoren tax within its sub-district or working with the other cities involved in a particular prtrject on a r�ost :�aring basis. �e statec� �be inoentive is, if the cities don't acbpt this plan, it woula revert to the �imty and they wr�uld mak�e the decisions regarding the imp�avenerits. He stated, by lasa, soane agency has to -14- �i��, V�?���M�. �� ��.����?I� � `'� marsage the surfaae water. �buncilman Fitz�atrick felt while it may be true they need to have a plan, it cbesn't neoessarily mean this Ferticular ore. He felt there is a great amotmt of 3etail involved in each of these impravenents which isn't going to be �mderstood this evening. fle stated he doesn't mean to be critical of staff as this is such a trenencbus p�roblen, but isn't in a position, at this point, to apprave so�nething as specific as this can be a�nstrued. Nhyor Nee asked if the County were to undertake these improvenents, who would be the o�ntrolling agencies. Mr. Flora stated the Coimty hoped the six cities oould work out the plan. He stated he di.ch't lmaw haw the �Lmty would acoomplish the improvesnents as, curreritly, all areas within the do�mty have a joint powers management orc�nization established. Gbuncilman Schneider asked if the plan is appraved, does it c�manit the City to these im�xavements regardless of what actions the other cities may take. Mr. Flora stated if the Water Resouroes Board appraves the glan, appropriate prooedures would have to be acbpted to acaamplish these improvements. Ae stated if the cities involved cannot resolve an issue, the matter is referred to the Board of the Six Cities Management Organization and the Baard can order the im�ravenent. Mr. FZora stated when the Six Cities Watershed Management Organization met several years ago, all six cities were represented and they wished to work together tawards a solution. He stated, hopef ully, this feel ing wil l oontinue and all the cities will acbpt the glan. Ae felt if the City wanted some sort of i.nvolvanent and control, the joint powers agreement is the �xoaedure the city should follaw. Cbimcilman Fitzpatrick stated he wanted involvenent by the Ci.ty, but didn't want to aonunit, at this time, to same of the details. Mr. Qureshi stated he o�uld see a possible problem with the cities in sharing the aosts, hawever, he dic�'t feel all cities would approve the plan. Ae felt the question is if the City is in a better position by agreeing to the plan or giving it to the Q��ty. Mayor Nee stated he is a 1 ittle uneasy with the vagueness of the impravanerits outlined, and haw the fimds would be raised. Mr. F'lora stated he haped the cities would act favorably on this plan and use the ad valoren }xooess to make �� imgarenents. Ae stated the proj ects are not that large s� a Iat af assessneats wcwl.ch't be involved. Councilman Fitzpatrick felt if the improvements are cbne to the level outl ine d, it woul ci1' t solve many �r obl en s. He f el t, when the time c�ne, the Cbtmcil would be accused of app�raving these proj ects this evening. Ae f el t the Gbtmcil may be in a better position to make a decision, after Mr. Flora -15- �i 1�.��_ vi�r?l_�K�. • � �t��a•_�!' � • : . attended the orc�nization's meeting this week. NDT�pN b� Co�cilman FitzFatrick to table this iten for a report at the next Cbuncil meeting. Seoonded by Gb�mcilman Goodspeed. Upon a voive vote, all voting aye, l�yor Nee declared the motion aarried unani.mously. Mr. Qureshi stated wgies of this enti re repart would be suppl ied to the Cbwlcil for their review. •� _ �� �; •, • ��;.i � �� �..�_ � � !�!� _ , � � y� : ' _ � . • . ' �� �:.0 �� • 1� �P ,� • Mr. Bill Hua�t, Assistant to the Ci.ty N�nager, stated a brief estimate of the v�sts for praviding a Senior Citizen Progran Gbordinator have been provided to the Council. He stated these oosts cover base salary, as well as allocations for insarance and retirement. fle stated the differenoe of $20,324 and $20,609 would depend on if the City pays the public employee retirenent. He stated the person filling this position would be an emplayee with a one year vontract and would be supervised by the City. GbLmcilman FitzFatrick stated the City now has an employee that performs sane of the prop�sed c3uties and asked if there would be reoonsideration to assic�ing the person to this job. Mr. Qureshi stated the position is going to be opened and anyone that is qualified can apply and woulch't want to make a pre-judgment at this time. He stated he felt the interview prooess should involve a menber of the Senior C�tizens Advisory Baard. NDTION k�i (btmcilman Fitz�atrick to reoeive the report on the cost for the Senior Citizen Progran Ooordinator. Seaonded by Cbimcilman Gooclspeed. Up�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 13. �� NDTION b� Councilman Barnette to authorize payment of Claims No. 10838 throuc� 11045. Sec�nded b� Couzcilman Goocispeed. Councilman Schneider noted there are some problems with one of the wntractors and maved the follaaing amenc�nerit: NDTION tr� CAUncilman Schneider to delete �yment of the claim to Baoon Electric and direct staff to investigate the amounts in the charges. Seoonded b� (b�mcilman Gooclspeed. Upon a voiae vote, O�uncilman Schneic3er, (b�cilman Gooclspeed, Q»cilman FitzFatrick and Mayor Nee voted in favor of the motion. Councilman Barnette voted against the motion. Mayor Nee declarec7 the motion cBrried b,� a 4 to 1 vote. OI�N A VOI� VO►1� TAi�T t�i �iE P'�,IN M�TION, a11 voted aye, and Mayor Nee declared the motion c�rried tu�animously. -I6- �.1�. . v��!�� � ' � ���:- a�• � • : .'� 14. LICENS�S• NDTION b� Cbimcilman Schneider to approve the lioenses as sukmitted and as on file in the Lioense Clerk's Offiae. Seoonded b� Gbuncilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voiae vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimousl.y. i.• '�K� �; _ • � � ?I��� � s. �1�� y..� •�.���!�� .I 4� � 1-�4 ii� � �, . � _ �� ; �� _ +� % 4_!�� *-- =� .� �! _ • � : �I�,=-- • ��� ��� _ i?�� ���_! aV�?�� �_ l4:,� i Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated these contracts are for contractual servioes in aonnection with the Lakie �binte developnent ap�aved b� the HRA. NDTION b� (bi.mcilman Barnette to authorize the City's entering into these two �ntracts with Subterranean Engineering and Ernst and Associates on behalf of the HRA. Seaonded b� Cbuncilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, N�yor Nee cleclared the motion �rried unanimously. 15. ESl'IMF�TES• NDTION ix Councilman Fitz�atrick to apprave the estimates as su�mitted: Eugerie A. Hickok & Asso. , Inc. 545 Indian Nb�d Wayzata, NN 55391 Moore Lake Restoration Proj ect ffiase II Partial Estimate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 9,305.00 Guiderson Brothers 2325 Shelling Ave. , S. Minneapolis, NN 55404 Misvellaneous (bncrete Uarb & Gutter �rtial Estimate No. 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 7,348.06 Ernst & Associates 122 West 6th St. Chaska, M�T 55318 Lake Fbinte Corporate denter �rtial Estimate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 2,952.96 S�terranean Engir�eering 6875 Hic�way 65 Fric�ey, NN 55432 Lake I�inte �rporate denter F�rtial Estimate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1,650.00 Stmde Engir�ering 9001 East Blc�anington Ftay. Bloanington, MJ 55920 Lake �bixYt�e t�rparat,e Demter I�rtial Estimate . . . . . . Enebak Construction (bmpany P.O. Box 458 . . . . . . . . . . $ 21, 5 31.11 -17- �• 1�. �. v!?�?����. � � �+��t �t• � • : . Northfield, NN 55057 Lake ibinte Q�rporate Qeriter Partial Estimte . . . . . . (Proj ect #163) . . . . . . . . . . $ 141,634.37 Seoonded b� Cotmcilman Schneider. Upon a voive vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee cleclared the motion carried unanimously. � :�L . • ��! � �_ •��1 �_: _ • � � : 4 • � �_ _ _� � � ' � ' S L� _' � • �?� 1 �i Q��mcilman Schneider stated, when the Coimcil discussed the vacation re�uest tr� Mr. F'arr, he was represented by his son, Dan Farr, and agreed to a n�nber of stipulations. He stated he has since received a call from Mr. Ernery, President of t�he �wnhouse Association, and was advised by him that Darrel Farr statecl his son had no authority to make the m�nitrnerits and he woulc�'t issue the bond. �Lmcilman Sdzneider stated he would like this information verified and to make sure a oertificate of occupancy is not issued on the hane being canstructed. Councilman Schneider stated his ooncern is every time the City had an agreenent with Mr. Farr and his organization, this has always been the out�me and his word is useless. Ae felt the City had the opportunity to a�rrect some af the Froblens and should er�force some of the ordinances or forget about the vacation Mr. F'lora, Public Works Director, stated the City v�uld notify the FFiA that there is a problen, as they rormally ooritact the City to see if there are ariy problens. Mr. Qureshi, City I�nager, stated whatever legal actions are necessary to make sure he performs to the agreenerits muld be taken and a report back to the Q�imcil at the r�ext meeting. Cb�mcilman Schneider asked that ro p�nits be issued until they are brought to the Cbimcil. ,.! �1�,�„�?+, Nl�TION by Councilman Barnette to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by (b�mcilman Schneider. Up�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Cbtmcil of October 20, 1986 adj ourned at 11:45 p. m. Respectfully surmitted, C�role Aadc3ad, Secretary to the City Cbtmcil Appraved: -18� William J. Nee, I�yor � � ci�nroF f Rl DLEY PLANNING DIVISION MEMORANDUM MEFD Z0: JOCTC ROBF�tTSGN, Q)r1MJ11�11IITY D£VI�OPMFNT DIRECInR t+fEMJ FROM: J II�I RpBINSON, A�NNING OJORDINAZOR �. N�rD IIa,TE: OCIt�BQt 28, 1986 RDGARDING : QiURC�i ON �IE M7VE Pursuant to Council directive, further analysis of the Church on the Move (C.O. M. ) issues both present and possible future, have been completed. �is re�ort will address the follawing conoerns: Zoning; Parking on Adjacent Land; �btino Parking Agreement; Gymnasiun Size; Gymnasiwn Occupancy; Single Family Lo�s; Possible Future Site Development; Location of Future Driveways; Recreational Eas�nents; and a�art of FYicney CYiurches' Characteristics. Zonirtg. Presently, the oode provides for churches in only R-1, R-2 or R-3 zones with a special use permi� In the past, staff has used the CR-1 section of the code to evaluate d�urch building and garking requiranents. P�rkin9 on Adjaoent Land. Zhe zoning orciinanoe cbes not prohibit the use of adjacent property by a business or enterprise to meet their parking r�uiranents. Section 205.16.5.D.7 of the (R-1 regulations references the need for suff icient off street �arking for all vehicles vonoerned with any use on the lot. Location of the r�eoessary �arking is not mentioned. 7he R-1 section of the oode would call for a special use permit for automobile parking lots for off street �arking s�ces for arry use on adjacent land if the lot in question were not existing. In as much as the Zbtino parking lot is an existing legal use of hti-1 property, I c3� not feel this is required. As for the ramifications of the joint parking set up, the prop�sed stipulations 5, 6 and 10 call for a minim�un of a one year �arking agreenent with a ooternlinous special use permit duration and a review prior tv expiration of the agreement. Should Church on the Move lose their arrange�nent with Zbtino Grace and be unable to provide their own �rking, (new parking would require a new special use permit), their special use germit oould be revoked by douncil. �tino �hrking Agreenen� Dr. Francis Wray, the Superintendent of Zbtino Grace Hic� Scfiool, has recently informed me that the Zbtino School Board discussed the one year Farking �ease agreanent at their October 22, 1986 meeting (see attached agregnent). Zhe Board tahled action on the easement until their November 11, 1986, meeting. Stipulation 5 would prohibit church activities until this agreenent is revorded. Church on the Move Page 2 Owners Sic�nature. Faith Acac3e�ny has purchased the property frcm School District 14 on a contract for deed. ZY�e underlying fee owner is still the School District; they have r�t sic�ed the S. U. P. petition. Dr. Rens. superintendent of District 14, has indicated that a f�rnral. board action would be neoessary for him to execute such a request. A000rding to Mr. Anderson, Church on the Move and Faith Acacl�ny are pre�xired to close on the pc�perty and are merely 2aaaiting the approval of church bonds. Upon closing, fee ti�tle �ould be in their possession and District 14 irYVOlvenent would not be r�eec3ed. Approva}. of the special use permit should be oontingent upon the petitioner aoquiring fee title (see stip. 14). Gyimr�asium Size. �he existing c�m has approximately 3,800 square fee� For use as a gyrrux-�siun, the zoning code would call for 1 stall for earh 100 square feet of assemlaly space, or 38 stalls for the c�rm RYie existing parking area pravides approximately 30 garking spaces. Zhe estalalishment of Faith Acac3esny at Gardena School in 1983 was oansidered a oontinuation af an existing legal use. (see J. Boa rdman meno da ted 1/19/84 ). ?he use of the school and c�m by C. 0. M. ( a pa r t from church use) with the existing parking is also considered a legal r�on-confornning use. G�imr�asiun Oocupancy. Fire Marshall Larson has inspected the c�ym and determined that occupancy of the sp�oe wi�h up to 542 persons (without fixed seating) wnuld be allawed by oode (see R Larson meno dated 10/27/86) .'Ihe Qzurch on the Move is prop�sing morning service occupancy of roughly 300 and evening of about 150. Pursuant to Mr. Larson's aoncern, a stipulation requiring a seating diagram has been added to the attached stipulation sheet (see sti�a. 13}. Single F�ily Lots. Presently the school site includes two single family lots; one facing Oakwood Manor (60` x 149' ) and one facing Hillcrest Drive i80' x 22?'�. Both lots exist as separate tax paroels, would not require subdivision and, are buildak�le in relation to their respective size and area. Note, the Oakwood Manor lot was platted in 1949 and therefore exceeds the minimums for lots glatted prior tA Decesnber 29, 1955, as per code. �ese lots were originally held as access �roels for the school; presently imprwed pathways run through each lo� If a new recreational easenent is to be granted to the City, we may want to keep walkway easement rights across these lots. Zhe Hillcrest lot being 80 feet in width, could support a house and public walkway. However, the Oakwood Manor lot is only 60 feet wide and would be constrained with a publ ic walkway and a house (see stipulation �12). An additional consideration on the Hillcrest lot may include a drainage and util ity eas�cient to handle runof f f rom the pond during overflow conditions; Engineering staff is evaluating this possibility (see stipulation �15). �bssihle rl.iture Site Developmen� Much of the neic�iborhood ooncern has oentered around the imglications of possible future develognent proposals. In order ta determine the capabilities of th site to handle an 800 seat church and accompanying parkinq lot, staff has drafted the attached layout. We have estimated the building pad at 15,000 square feet and a parking supply of 216 stalls; praviding 1 stall for each 3.7 seats (one statl for each 4 seats is a oo�unon standard). Siting criteria included: maintaining easterly play and woods area, maintaini.ng pond area, proximity of parking to existing driveway. Note that the easterly 600 feet of the site remains open for recreational purposes. 1A Church on the Move Page 3 Location of �bssi.lale Pt�ture Driveways. Ariy acklitional driveways either in the f ront of the buil.ding as a droFroff, or as a laop behind the building and out to Garciena on the East of the bui.lding would have to be qranted a new special use permit (see stipulation 8 as clarified). Should new driveways be permitted in the future, a minimun of 15 feet of buffer space is required between R-1 lot lines and any hard surface area. A s3riveway �ast t� t�e building would require a minimun of 38 feet with th� required sretback�� aro�zqbly 30 feet exists between the school and the easterly lotl.i.s�, ita�e:refor� ��a.�.i�aoe would t�e requi red. If future acoess to Hillcrest or Oakwood is prohif�i�ted, th� '�� a�z%�ti�9 driveway west of the building may be the only possible access/egress t� the back property. Recreational Fasemen� �he purchase agreement between Faith Academy and the School District includes a recreational nse easement in favor of the City of Fridley. When Faith Academy pays off the contract for deed, this easement te�ninates. Reverend Anderson has expressed some willingness to renew the recreational use agresnent. 7.he staff layout of future facilities leaves the easterly 600 feet open for glay. �e existing i.mpravenents include a basketball oourt, a wooden jungle c�ym apparatus, and an open play field. Nr>te the tot lot and basketball court are in need of refurbishing. If all parties concur, a recreational use easement o�uld be drafted by the City Attorney and filed as a oondition of final approva]. with the school. Acoess easeqnents should be pravided fram Hillcrest and Gardena, Oakwood Manor access would prevent sinqle family utilization of the existing 60 foot wide lot.. Qlaracteristics of l�idl.e.y Churches. Finally, churches highlights the parking situation for their oongregation and building size. The Zbtino-Grace generally exceeds that prw ided �LR�m9 M-86-276 the attarhed oom�arison of Fridley each of the churches related to parking available for C. O. M. at at other churches. : 1. 2. 3. •: �,..: . �: . SP #86-16 STIFULATIODTS (A� BY P. C. 10/8/86) ALL EXISTING HARI�SURFACE ARE'AS ZO BE IMPE�T'ID WI'!fi SEALQ�ATINGr �7� AND GUTIER AND SZRIPING; IMF'�TF1KE'NT DATE � BE REVIEWID AND SET IN ONE �AR. AN APPROVID DUNlPSTER ENQ.�(�SCTRE Z� BE INS�ILLID BY �lf 3Q/86. RIIK3VE OR REPP,IR I�TgtIORATING PLAYG%XJI�ID DQUIPMENT BY II/3�0/86. 4. QON�INE INDIVIDUAL LOTS IN� ONE TAX pARCEL- AS REQUESTED BY CITY ASSF�SOR PRIOR � FINAL APF'fi�VAL. (BUILII��BLE LO`!5 ABUTI'ING HILLCRFST AND OAIdn]OOD Ng1NOR N�+,Y BE EXEMPrID. ADDED 10/15/�36) . 5. PRiC1V7�E FOR, AND REOORD AT ANOKA OOUNTY, A PARKING USE EASEMENT WIZH �TINO–GRA(E HIGH, FOR USE OF �TINO'S El�RKING IAT (OFF GARDENA AVENUE) ON SUNLIAYS FOR A MININAJM OF ONE YEAR, PRIOR TO COMMENCING CHURCH ACTIVITIES AND WRITI'F3V APPROVAL FOR A SF'EQAL USE PERMIT FROM �iE QTY. 6. SF�ECIAL USE PERMIT �86-16, FOR QiURQi USES, IS � BE ODTERMINOUS IN IXTRATION WIZH PARKING USE AGREEMENT; EXCEPT WHERE INSTALLATION OF NIInT PARICING Cri—SITE WCXJLD SUFFICE. 7. � SPEQAL USE PERMIT �86-16 IS ISSUID FOR �iE T1SE OF �iE EXISTIl�IG GYMLVASNM FOR C�iiIFKH SIIZVI(ES CLV SUNLY�YS FUR CHURQ3 �V `THE Nr7VE C7NC,Y. SFEQAL USE PEFtMIT #86-16 DOES NOT OOVER ANY NEW QONS�2UCTION FOR ANY BUILDING OR �1VIl�G EXPANSION. 9. A$5,000 BOND TO OOVER ITEMS 1-4 TO BE ISSUED TO THE CITY BEFORE Q�NII�NQNG Q�iURCH ACTIVITIES OR FINAL WRITTEN APPROVAL FOR SPECIAL USE PERMIT BY CITY. 10. SPECIAL USE PERMIT #86-16 'ID BE RE,VIE,WID PRIOR ZO EXPZRATION OF PARKING A�REF�T]T OR IN ONE YEAFt, WHIQiEVER OJMES FIRST. 11. H2OGRAI�Il+�IED ACTIVITIFS WILL NOT EXCEED PARKING SUPF'LIED ON SITE AND AT ZDTINo-GRACE HIGH, WHIIV AVAILABLE. 12. A REQtEATION EASEMENT, ALONG WITH APPROPIRATE ACCESS EASEMENTS AS DETERMINID BY �UNCIL, IN FAVOR OF �iE CITY OF FRITLEY ZO BE REQORDED AT ANOKA �JUNTY PRIOR TD QOMMENCING C�iURCH ACTIVITIES OR FINAL WRITTEN APP�(7VAL FOR SPECIAL USE PERMIT BY �IE QTY. 13. PRWIDE A G�VASIUM,/�IURQ� SEATING DIAGRAM FUR FIRE DEPT. APPFtGVAL, PRIOR � O�MMII�IQNG (�iURQ� ACTIVITIF�. 14. APF'F�TAL OF SPECIAL USE PERMIT #86-16 �NTINGENT UPON FEE TI�E BY FAITH A(�1DEMY OR Q-iURQ3 CdV �lE M7VE. 15. F'ROVIDE URAINAGE FASF.MEN75 AS DETE�tMINID BY PUBLIC WORKS DEF€1R�'9ENT PRTOR ZU Q�MN�NQNG �iURC�i ACTNITIES OR FINAL WRIT'�N API'ROVAL E�R SPECIAL USE PERMIT BY QTX 1C „ �.:.-.. � C�N �F FRIDLEY �: FRQM: I�►TE: DIiaECTORATE �� PUBLIC WOAK8 fV1EMOAANDUM John G. Flora, Publ ic Works Director Mark L. Burch, Asst. Public Works Director October 29, 1986 F�n186-316 S�JBJECT: Faith Acaci�ny Drainage and Traffic Consideration � Concerns have been expressed regarding potential drainage and traff ic prot�lens if the Faith Acad�ny Church expands its facil ities and programs. �he property has an existing ponding area on the north sicie of the site which is approxim�ately .86 acres. Zhis area can be utilized for detention and treatment of some storm water fran the site but additional detention and treatment facilities may be necessary if r�ew buildings and parking lots are c3evelo�d. An additional storm water outlet should be provided to the north to Hillcrest Ave. to allow the ponding area to overflow without affecting existing hcmes. '�his wi11 require a 15-foot drainage easement along the property v�nnecting to Hillcrest Ave. �affic volunes along Gardena Ave. were also a o�ncern of the City Cfluncil when oonsi3ering the Church c3evelopnent. Gardena Ave. is a gart of our State Aid system and according to our 1985 traffic counts carries approximately 2,850 vehicles per day. Similar streets in Fridley which are also State Aid routes are listed belaw with their 1985 traffic volvnes: Mississippi S� 3.850 Rioe Creek R�d. 3.900 l�i�r th Innsbr uk Dr. 3, 400 Matterhorn Dr. 2.300 Zhese traffic v�unts shaa that Garaen Ave. is not as heavily travelled as other east/west Stats Aid residential routes in this area. �1 ice recbras of the accidents in this area shaw there have been only two accidents in the area by the Church since 1981. (One property damage accident and one persot�al inj e�y acc.ident) . �ere has been interest shvwn by develoFers in the aLea to the east of the F`aith Acac3e� praperty. Zhis developnent would be a separate cesidential area and should be able to provide for its own storm water c�rainage facil ities. M.B/ts oa � o•' o °o 0 I r � � ' �.�, `p �� • _ _l�� (� �: _-.,,,., .. � , �,o ��, .E ,. . i , ,,,.,. , �O r „ , , . , _ � �r O , s �F86` 6 n � � s, �° �€� �� Chl]x' Ori MOV2 � � ,� . ,, Hl� s� '� . � � �,� . f - r � a° �' ''', . CREST � 4. .:. �: _ ; :: ��v �.z�. , -.1., ORIV� � . . � '. „ �� � � „r t,. � ;� � : z� v %� ���, �'� ��� (�� � �,� � � �) (�'� ;�� � �*� � 9, w � � �:� �E. � 2 /, —_E "_ .� ��•_—il'Y +/� � i � J Y 1k �� a_ �a ) ' V) J' r n s .-. .� ,.. a- "` i r«• � M� ! i ) , ZO ,o��;,' l�� t�1� �T� ��' `�' sa� H �' �ti+� ,� ,i,�+) � 1 , �Q i ��1, ` �4 s �� � �° . ; ., r - � '` pQ � .' �1 � /3 4 C y+ M' � �� `�' !sM � ,� ►� ' 6 A�Iv r �. /� - � iQ��► � /��� (�17 � �, � _ sr ! 1.�i'l1 .. � s `�- . 1 � ; c�� .. - � rM) i�� `:;> c S�v� � � 4 C��V� ' ' ' ' .�; re ' I�) �� - : •t�,s ; v �� '� � � .F , r . .::�;r n ` _ � . '.S�i.... . F `" ' �. /�l �� �� � f� .. �. � ''`%'}; {S11 . I.. � f •� ;.:r:. 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J .i�' , - i� - - �' �� � LOCATIQN MAP ����-��" � r_---� � PARRING LEASE AGREEMENT 1F THIS PARKING LEASE AGREEMENT entered into as of the day of , 1986, between Church on the Move International, Inc.� and Totino-Grace High School. R E C I T A L S 1. Church on the Move, International, Znc. ("Church on the Move") has purchased the former Faith Academy at 1401 Gar3ena Avenue N.E., Fridley, Minnesota. Church on the Move desires to conduct Sunday services at that location, but there are insufEi- ciant parking places available for persons who would be attending those services. . 2. Totino-Grace High School ("Totino-Grace"), 1350 Gardena Avenue N.E., Fridl?y, Minnesota, has a parking lot with over 100 parking places which it is willing to make available to persons attending 5unday services at Church on the Move. 3. The parties desire to set forth the terms of their agreement. A G R E E M E N T In consideration af the mutual promises and covenants stated herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. Totino-Grace shall permit persons attending Church on the Move's Sunday services at 1401 Gardena Avenue N.E. to use the Totino-Grace High School parking lot located on its real pro- � perty situated in the County of Anoka and legally described as follows: Lot 1, B�oc� 1, Grace High School Addition On those occasions when Totino-Grace has special activities sche- duled on a Sunday, it shall notify Church on the Move and Church on the Move will make other arrange�ents for parking that day. 2. The lease payment shall be one dollar per year, the adequacy of which is hereoy acknowledged. In addition, Church on the Move will provide for snow removal from the Totino-Grace parking lot on those Sundays it is required. 3. The Lease Agrzement shall be effective for one year from the date hereof and shall be automatically renewed annually thereafter unless either party give� written notice of non- renewal to the other party 60 days prior to the date of automatic renewal. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Lease Agreement effective the day and year first written above. CHURCH ON THE MOVE INTERNATIONAL, INC. By Its TOTINO-GRACE HIGH SCHOOL By - Its -2- 0 1G 0 STATE OF MIVNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF � The foregoing instrum2nt was acknowledged before me this day of , 1986, by ' the of Church on the Move International, inc., on behalf of the corporation. Notary Public STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF � The foregoing instrument was acknowledqed before me this day of ___ , 1986, by the of Totino-Grace High School, on behalf ot the ' Notary Public This instrument drafted by: ��-{-�i �Z, . BROEKER, MIHALCHICK & BLUMER (SMM) 2850 Metro Drive, Suite 800 - Bloomington, MN 55420 (612) 854-5263 ' -3- 0 l��l � � � � 11 T►+■ c�Tr o� � c� � L Y DlRECTORATE ��� puB�ic wo�Ks �A?E •�anLary 9, 1984 ROM D.P.W. Jerry UBJECT Faith Academy Bordman - P3�nn� ��� � I ao 0 � �=� � �� MEFlQ N0. �4-02 TO John F1o�ra �� M E M O R A N D UM :� ACiION iNFO• X We have reviewed the proposal from District 14 and Faith Academy on the sale of Gardena School along with the purchase agreement which allows for public use of the school grounds when Faith Academy is not using the property. Faith Academy has been occupying the Gardena School building as a lease tenant and so the purchase of the building will not essentially change the use. Under the old zoning code, when Faith Academy originally leased the building from District 14, it was an allowed use and no special use permit was required. The zoning is presently R-1 which allows the operation of a private school with a special use permit. Since the operation was originally an allowed use and the facility would continue as a school, the staff feels that a special use permit would not be required as a pre- requisite for the sale and use of the building as a school. The school would only require a special use permit with the expansion of its facilities or a change to another use which requires a special use permit. . . JLB/de . kr .' �� : � ; FIRE DF�A�R'IME[Jr • MEMORANDUM DATE: October 27, 1986 MEMO T0: Bob Aldrich, Fire Chief � 86-10-3 Jock Robertson, Planning FRCM: Richard H. Lars�on, Deputy Chief RE: Church On The Move Occupant Load The gymnasium floor area was measured on October 27, and the usable space is 3,796 sy.ft. Using U.F.C. Table No. 33A this would allow 542 occupants using 7 sq.ft. per occupant (assernbly areas without fixed seats). The gymnasium has four exits, total exit width 15.33 ft.; this surpasses the minimum required • number of exits and 10.84 ft. of exit width. The school would have to keep the S.w. and S.E. exits out of the school corridor open whenever this building is occupied. I suggest the city require a seating diagram�from the organization showing aisle width, number of seats per aisle and arrangement of chairs. At this time the gym and school meet Fire Code in regard to exits and monitored fire alarm system. RHIf el 1J . rr�. _. . .. _ _-..�,�.�....��•-=.,m:�.;�...� _.. �i _ - -- �r SP # 86-16 � - . � K ` _ Churc.h -o� the . . � ' � � l_`_-----' �� l H 33 , i i � ► lo ► .. . , _ _ � ,,�. . . • f. .� - _ . ' �� - 0 �s' W,�ucw,EY , ur�s.�rY, � �_ . � ' _ � . _ ' _''�;- ,.pFi,4i��� �SEI�Nt , " � � raRK�NU 2�6 ST�u.s ��as ,�. l�AICD ro� G �. •861k p�RK/N:� !-Oi TD B U� co B Y ` `GIVrZGM oN Tt� �QY� ' 1�- iq -B6 R, co-24-86 0 KR � 6t���Dtc� i5coo � - .. _� . _ . � . � � s' � � . , �; � , Ex iSt I NG tR��L � _ � ti.ot . s j ' � OP�N PL�4Y '� �tgA.l-t- � /�R�h �.�. �1cR�s T • _� � - : � - . � •, � IS' W�4LKU�4Y fi�95EMF-�Nf • . . � � YK� REG. • �', ' ' �— - - / r :, '%�,�/ /- .. / � � /: � �GRhG� �' �' ��G \ . . , tl;Gr -�GHUDL _ �� f � ,,�; ��,�i�� ,, ' '�;��: STt �•�S . i' / i % ' � % , r • .-� / i-_ . .''� �� � f � �. • . ' , l, .. � . � � �l � . �'C i . r ' . � . • . . • : .l • . : ` . � � . � " . � �^ ' ; , • � ,i .. 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'a a; Ga�1 � � a� v •a v �y a � w � {�3 � �' �� ,, �'� � .� � 4 ►�+ a °' o a 'a�7 a 3 cn u� �, �+ cn ►� F$ w `3 rn >►+ m oi .I�i v� �"i 4 Q. �•.� �i m ar � � � v �� .,� � ..� � ,� .� a�+ � �, $ �,.`� �, � a c�7 w .t'i fs "r' ..�a �n' �yu � � � � � �o � � � � � �, `3 r� S°w�' � O �D{ rc �p{ �,�G� yU y�� 1 py I �0� I ��y �+o o �o ��o �'n � (V •.� .-i •.=1 0�1 � V \O (0 V 1f1 Rf O � - O Q N n N O N f+1 W l0 y � ~ V�' � 01 � fZi �[1 Ul ��O tp � .i � .� � w v _ w�n � w�o w �o c� � c� � a 1� ��; (.� .. . �r ` c,6 Q 0 � � � � � � � �Q { �v �� s � s Q � � s� o s� �� i U U 7 �_ � PLANNING DiVISION _ M EMO RAN D UM c��roF FRi DLEY MEI�q �: Jock Robertson, Community Developnent Director Jim R�binson, Planning Coordinator t'�ND FRaM: Ric Wiersna, Planning Assistant�G t�MO II�TE: October 29, 1986 RFGARDING: A�che C�mping Center On MQnciay, October 27, 1986, I delivered a oopy of the revised landscape glan to Mary Martin which t�ook into acootuit the ideas generated f rom the October 23, 1986, meeting here with Councilma�ber Fitzpatrick and Ms. Martin. She feels that this is the best that can reasonably be accompl ished. The positioning of one of the f ront yard trailers, in f ront of those on the lot and the Black Hills Spruce for year round screening, should help accompl ish the screening objective. Jim Pawelski supports the iciea if he can position the one trailer differently in the winter for snaw ranoval purposes. �1W/Lnn M-86-279 0 �� ,,� \� �� 9� /Q �� l�' ��/ r/; �� v,• i � � � W � N ♦ 2A . -- �� - e� � - ._ _ . . _ , ��� _ - _ �x�5�� _ , . � .. _ . I � _ Z�d � _� Q� W I Q�Z �'W ; � ��a � a� � e���. _ . . __ W 0] j��0 f H'� d �o� o : � =g � + 73�, Lo ` ��Ls��w � I J � \ � I �+� \ ° � 3 _ S \ � ��� � ^ tf 2� j. � � ��. � w �� � ` _-_--_� ..�z ��i �� � ���� �,.r'� � ,�� � � > �� > . � . � �:� G ., � �� � , � �� � �� . _ N � � �( Y � . K �� � � ..,� < � � f � � ;a� y / � // \ r - � / 1 � - � / � . ,� � , + � � � \ _ - Z , , ; � r r � ,- � < � � � � �. . � �� . � -_ � � �� � `' � i` . � W �� I � H . �.., ' � � Y' �Y � � L �� j j �I� I i : . .. . � eL .. LL (� i' / � q �I�'l � "� up �n �; �Q 3 0 � I �Q�1:��. . � ZIPn''��+ � � W� 1 �PQ �I �� I � � �-� � � � hl � �� J J ,� �` �,. �� �1� m W Z - 4= `1 Y �'IOQ W N /( ��_ �n '� Oi �\ � � O I � � { �IJ � � f x '� Fp � � Z SAV #86-05 3 Martin Nisley 0 �luJU�IC1lY�:� 1�./� AN pRpINANCE UI�ID�ER SECTION 12.07 OF THE CITY CHARTER TO yp�(�� g�Rg,'�5 AND ALL,EYS A13D Zp AN�ND APPENDIX C OF THE GTTY ODDE �e City Council of the City of Fridley does orciain as follaws: SECTION 1. Fbr the vacati.on of a street and utility eas�nent lying withi.n Lot 32, R�vised Auditor's Subdivision No. 77 )71 1,/2 Way cul-de-sac). Said vacated easenent is �rt of the easesnent acquired April 15, 1976 and re�rded at Anoka County as Docunent No. 443624. All lyi.ng in the South Hal.f of Section 10, �-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota. Be and is hereb� vacated. SECTION 2. 7he said vacation has been made i.n conformance with Minnesota Statutues and pursuant to Section 12.07 of the City Charter and Appendix C of the City Code sha11 be sn amended. �SSID AND ADOPTED BY 7HE QTY O�UNCIL OF �iE CITY OF FRITLEY ZfiIS II�Y OF -- , 1986 WILL7AIvI J. NEE - I+Y�YOR AZTFST: SHIRLEY A. HAA�L1� - CITY Q,E�2K Public Hearing: October 20, 1986 First Reading: Seoond Reading: Pulal ica tion : 3A SE l�r. Robinson stated this proposal is to split Lot 7, Block 2, Moore Lake Hills into two separate parcels. He stated the property i� located between k'ood}� Lane and Old Central. He stated staff is reco nding approval of the lot split with four stipulations as follows: ) new structure to meet City Code for front yard setback average, feet plus or minus six feet; (2) fence and shed to be relocat prior to recording; (3) park fee of $75� required with building pe it; and (4) lot split to be recorded at County within six months o Council approval. MOTIO*: BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MS. REK, TO RECOMI�IEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF LOT SPLIT, L.S. �k -06, WITH THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS: 1. New structure to meet City ode for front yard setback average, 61 feet plus or minus si feet, 2. Fence and shed to be elocated prior to recording. 3. Park fee of $75 equired with building permit. 4. Lot split t be recorded at County within six months of Council a pprova 1 . UPON A V CE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECIARED THE MOTION IED U1�IANIMOUSLY. Ch�irperson Billings stated this item would go to the City Council on �tober 6, 1986. 6. COhSIDERATION OF A VAC�TION_,,,SAV �86-05, BY MARTIN NISLEY: Vacate part of a street and utility easement lying in Lot 32, Revised Auditor's Subdivision No. 77 (71 1/2 Way cul-de-sac). Easement was acquired A pril 15, 1976 and recorded at Anoka County as Document No. 443624. 1 I�tr. Robinson stated this is a request to vacate part of a street and utility easement lying in Lot 32, Revised Auditor's Subdivision No. 77 (71 1/2 Way cul-de-sac). He stated notices of this proposed vac- atian were sent to the utility companies. Mr. Robinson stated Northwestern Bell has a buried cable, but believed it was in the street and not the cul-de-sac area, 1� . Billings stated he believed the telephone company's cable was across the street and wouldn`t be affected by this vacation. He stated if it is a problem, the City should retain a utility easement and this should be verified before the City Council meeting. Mr. Robinson stated that the long range plan is to develop this property into three single family lots. The area being vacated has already had the hard surfacing removed and is sodded. PIANNII�G CO*L�!ISSIO� MEETIAG SEPTEMBER 24 1986 PAGE 12 MOTIO:� BY 1�t. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY M5. SHEREK, TO RECODI��ND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF VACATION, SAV ��86-05, BY MARTIN NISLEY. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTIIvG AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECUiRED THE MOTION CARRIED IJtr'AhIMOUSLY. Chairperson Billings stated this item would go to tfie City Council on October 20 for a public hearing. . 7. REE�IEW OF A SPECIAL EDGE WAY r.E.: 8G- AT 157 R Mr. Robinson stated this special use permit was granted in Octo r, 1984 to allow a second accessory building to be used for a worksfio . He stated staff has inspected this structure and Mrs. Farr stat d they have not received any complaints. P�. Robinson stated it is staff�s belief that the spec is being used in the spirit intended. � PfOTIO:v BY rS. SHEREK, SECONDED BY MR. SABA, TO RE REPORT REC�RDIIvG SP ��84-18. / UPOh A VOICE VOTE, ALL VQTING AYE, CHAIRPERS Pi0TI0n Cr�RRIED UNANIMOUSLY. / 8. RE use permit THE STAFF'S BILLINGS DECLARED THE A P10TION BY rIIi. SABA, SECONDED BY M5. ,�EREK, TO RECEIVE THE MINUTES OF THE ENERGY PRO.TECT COMMITTEE OF AUC�ST 13, 1986. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING MOTION CARRIED UAIt1NIM0USLY. 9. RECEIVE HUM�T RESOURCES t�lotion oL Pages 6 and 7) LQ. , CHAIR PERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE AUGUST 14. 1986: (See rtOTIOh BY M5. SHEREK,/S�ECONDED BY MR. SABA, TO RECEIVE THE MINUTES OF THE HUrf�N RESOURCES �GrOMMISSI0I3 OF AUGUST 14, 1986. Ms. Sherek state in reference to the item on Pages 6 and 7, it is to inform the mmission regarding the Anoka County Mediation Project. UPON A VOIC VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE MOTION CA IED LTI3ANIMOUSLY. EVE � BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY Ir5. SHEREK, TO RECEIVE THE MINU'TES HOUSIIvG & REDEVELOPI�NT AUTHORI`€'Y d1F ��iCTUST 14, 1986. 13POh A VOTCE VOTE, ALL VOTIIvG AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECIAItED THE tUTIQN CARRIED 1JKA1vIAYJUSLY. � 0 ��� j , 3 C _ l8q �� , a87� +►0 9 15� SAV #86-05 /� 9 ,� Q z� °� ���.�'r ; r9artin Nisley H � �,/ � S C . �.� �� .• o � � z1 �- � � 4s � v /9 '� 3�� �3�) � �1�?z9 ^ , .+., � zl9 .'``eo� �) �s� L) , / ^ ,•s .. o `=. _1.� `Q .Sc� - t� , %m; ' b . � � ` .�9 • - �: � 1 �' c � � I 3Q'r --= (3s� ; V ��- ,d� y��) + 6 Cyy� �+).. _ C�) ��, �v � iz i (t�) ? �� pe � �,s � : •� ,, . �,�> � ' � / ;� �s, , � �d � s B � , ti� �9 S9 �+ 3g �,�60 `� � 7zss � , �; ,��� �(� I �j1� � ; Y so . --� �` , . 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Appendix D o� the City CAde of Fridley is amenc3ed as hereinaf ter indicated. SECTION 2. �e tract or area within the County of Anoka and the City of Fridl�y and described as: Parcel 2570, the same being 7699 Viron Road N.E. Is heretr� desic�ated to be in the Zoned District known as C-Rl (General Off ice) . SECTION 3. �hat the Zoning Adninistrator is directed to rhange the official zoning map to shaw said tract or area to be rezoned f rom Zoned District C-3 (General Shopping Center) to C-Rl (General Office). A�SSID AND ADOF'rED BY �IE QTY O�UNCIL OF ZHE QTY �3F FRILLEY �IIS IaAY OF , 1986. WILLIAM J. NEE - P'Y-1YOR ATI�T: SHIRLEY A. HAAPP,LA - CITY Q�ERK Public Hearing: August 18, 1986 First Reading: Seoond Reading: Pukal ish : �� Il� M ���+�MA. �. : � ti�tiy � • : . the reason for this �nunercial property is to provic3e a buffer between industrial and resic3eritial properties. She stated they aren't asking for the aarier to spend a lot of nrmey for lanc�caping and pointed out what had been cbne with the property at East River RQad and Mississippi et. She stated she is not a�nvinved the petitioner should have arx�ther anoe as she felt if he had not aoqnglied in nir�e years, what would make .b' �an9e�, M�yor Nee stated the Qty cannot deny him the ric�t to pe tion for another special use peLmi� Mr. Herrick asked if it is physic�al.ly and practical possible to install sufficient screening in front so it is screened fr the residential area. He felt the n�mber of inits would then be imnate al. Mr. �wleski stated he c�.ch' t need f ive unit f or di spl ay as one woul d be sufficient. He stated the reason he had ive in front is due to the availability of spaoe. Mr. Herrick s ted this simply reinforoes the o�nclusion that this busirtiess has outgr n the site. Mr. �hwleski stated they are atteni� to cb something ab�ut it as it would be ber�ef ici.al for then t�o mwe to larger site. Mr. Herrick felt it should be t,ermined t�r the c�ext meeting if a workable arrangement a�uld be mac3e £ the interim. He stat�ed it seems in the long run, the aarer will have t find a larger site that is better suited for the grawth o� his busir�ess. No other persons in e audienoe spoke regarding the possible revocation of this special use it. NpTTpr1 by Gbun man Fitzpatrick to close t�e public hearing. Seoonded by Gb�cilman G peed. [)p�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion rried tusanimously and the publ ic hearing closed at 8: 50 p. m NpTYpN q»cilman Fitzpatrick to direct staff to furnish a oamplete cop� of file for AFadze C�mping Center and request staff to meet with the pe ''oner to attempt to resolve this problem. Seoonded by Councilman tte. U�n a voive vate, all voting aye, I�yvr Nee declased the motion rried Lmanimously. 2. �L�3LTG ii�ARrlt'� ON A REZONING RES?UEST� �^n �u�_nd _ Tn RF7nNE FROM C-3 5�•�,n•DAr ���7�r, � Tp r 7/r�'R�T RtTSTNFSSI , GE RALLY I_I__X_'A'�'ED_ON pp�RC�r �570 , TfI� �►�' B�I 7699 VIRDN RQAD N. �. . BY 4�YNE DiAFII�� I�D'!'ION b� Cb�ailman Barrette to waive the reading of the public hearing notioe and open the publ ic hearing. Se�nc3ed b� Cbi.u�cilman Gooclspeed. Ui�on a voive vote, aIl votinq aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried u�animously and the pub�ic hearing opened at 8:5t1 p.m I�Ir. lmbertson, Qmmi.nity Dievelopnerit Lti.rector, stated this is a request for rezoning of g�operty in the s�utheast a�rner c�f Hir�waY 65 and Osborne RQad Ae stated the primaiy reason far ti�e rezoning is to allow for a reduced -8� . . ��.�.� M ����IY �. �. ; � �'i!��I : : . setback requirenerit for a�nstruction of a r�ew mediaal clinic. Mr. Robertson stated the petitioner, Dr. Dahl, has redesigned his plan and reduoed the building size frcm 6,600 to 6,400 s3uare feet and increased the garking f ran 33 to 39 spaoes f ran what was sutxnitted to the Pl anni ng Comnissian. Ae stated as the building was propased, it w�ould ultimately require a varianve a1 the rorth, south anc3 west Fcoperty lines. •He stated another plan was• delivered this afterroon and staff has rat had a chance to evaluate it �mpletely. fle stated, hawever, in reviewing the dimensions, there is some question as to thei r o�rrectness and this would need to be checked f urther. Mr. Robertson stated the Planning Commission rewmmended approval of the rezoning with the follaaing stipulations: (1) petitioner revise plan to meet CL-2 oode or obtain varianoes for hard5urfaoe and building setbacks; (2) pravide elevations with building facade material details prior to Council meeti ng on Auqnst 18; ( 3) pr av ide a 1 andscape pl an f or staf f appr ov al pr i or to building permit; (4) pravide automati c 1 awn spr i nkl ing pl an f or staf f appraval pcior to building permit; (5) pravide a storm drainage plan for staff apprwal prior to building permit; (6) prwide a site performanve bond to aover site improvenents prior to building permit; (7) rezoning is oontingent �on vacation of Viron R�oad, site glan, and building facade plan appraval; (8) rezoning is for the approved plan only; and (9) petitioner to pravic3e proaf of adequatQ parking for proposed plan. Mr, Robertson stated the petitianer also applied for a varianoe. He stated he and Mr. Flora, Pui�lic Works D�rector, have determined that, under the best of circ�unstances, the variance on the north and south may not be nec�essacy, but osie would be required on the west. Dr. L�hl, the petitioner, stated the rezoning is neoessary in orc3er to reduoe the setbadc requirenent. He stated he has a 200 foot lot and cannot meet the setback requirenent of 80 feet for a C-3 zone. He stated a rezoning is neoessary if anything is to be built on this property. He stated it was �termined, with the vacation of Viron Road on the west, a sewer lire that served this property oould be abandoned and woulcfi't have any affect on any other property and he wuld stub in on the s�uth end. He stated there is a water line west ��e sewer lire and would like to have a 25 foot setback. He stated he needs as much spaoe as possible on the property to Fravide a good traffic flaa. Dr. L�hl stated the property is rather uzique as it is described as having four front yards. He stated this areates many harciships on the design and layout of the building. He stated he originally prop�sed 33 parking stalls and has increased it to 39 to meet the cvde requirenents. He stated there is a question if a varianve would be required on the r�rth �roperty line as there is sane oonfusion regarding dedications versus easements which make the Froperty botmd�ries sanewhat questionable. Dr. Lhhl stated ewrx�mically � of the (Yty due the architect felt it woulc�n't be in his best interests acid to #:he eadstir�g building or in the long term interests to the qual ity of the oonstruction. -9- . ' . �6�1. M. „��+/vl.. •� : ! K!•^! • : . , 4C Dr. L�ah1 stated he gave a 20 foot easement to allvw oonstruction of the loopback of Viron Roaci He statQd sinoe he purchased the property, there was al s� a 10 foot eases�►ent g�c'ant.ed on the mr th f or w ide ni ng Osbo r ne Roa d and a sidewalk. Mayor Nee asked if this was o�nsidered in_the purchase prive of the pcoperty. Dr. L�hl stated it was not and the propetty which started out as square has m�w beaome rectangle. � . Mayor Nee asked Dr. L�h1 haw he felt about sharing in the oost of the loopbadc of Viron Road. Dr. �hl stated he still shares the same feelings as stated before and felt he had vontributed as he has given easements for the impravenents. ' Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated since the Council will be considering the vacation of Viron Road, they should oonsider that the petitiazer si�are in the cvst of this raad. No other persons in the audienve spoke regar�ng this prop�sed rezoning. HpT�pN b�r p��mcilman Fitzpatrick to close the public hearing. SeoonBed by Gb�cilman Gooc�peed. Upon a voive vote, all voting aye, Nhyor Nee declared the motion carried �animously and the public hearing closed at 9:03 p.m rJ� ���X:�.��i�K�:�i14il�v':�M4?}5�1�:����1�)f�ls�����!�s�v��i�,..�����.-.-. � ■_ 4 ♦.� f �. 1� �.f ! ♦ _ «�\%4 .♦ f \�� �f�V�. • V �.• • \ M7I'ION b� Cb�ncilman Barnette to waive the reading of the ic hearing notiae and open the puhlic hearing. SeoonBed by �u'icilman peed. Up�n a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared th motion carried �animously and the publ ic hearing opered at 9: 03 p. m. Mr. Imbertson, Q�mn�nity Developnent D�irector, d this proposal involves reclassifying some � the sizes and specific� ' s of the day care centers and hcme fanily aare rec�arding the location different types of streets and hic�ways and to b�ing the C'ity O�de i nformanoe with the StatQ Cbde. Mr. R�bertson stated the Planning ssion held a public hearing regarding these proposed changes. He sta that staff also talked to persons prwiding home care and the re ts are a proposed ordinanoe for these changes. I�c. R�bertson stated Ms. ncy Jorgenson, former President of the Anoka �uzty �ay Care Rssocia on, reviaaed this proposed ordinanae and felt it was e�aoellent in ng the mde. He stated no negative oomments have been reaeived. No persons in e audienfle spoke regarding these pcoposed changes relating to chy care nters and hame family c7ay care. l�D�I�IpN Qauoncilmari Gooc�peed to cI os� the p�bl ic hea r i ng. Seoo nae d by Coun man Fitzpatrick. �lpon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee de ed the motion carried �manimously and the public hearing closed at 9 p. m -10- � / � L�!AYiVE DAHL ZOA #�86-04 STIPLL,qTIOP�S 1� PROVIDE ELEVATIONS WITH BUILDINC FACADE MATERIAL DETAILS FOR BOTH EXISTIN;= AND PROPOSED BUILDINGS pRIOR TO CITY COUNCIL SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE� �i�ATERIALS TO BE BRICK OR OTHER MATERIAL APPRQVED BY �ITY)� �� FROVIDE A LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR STAFF APPROVAL PRIOR TO SECOND READING OF QRDINANCE� 3, PROVIDE AUTOMATIC LAWN SPRINKLING PLAN FOR STAFF APPROVAL PRIOR TO BUILDING PERMIT� ��:- PP,�VIDE A STORM DRAINAGE PLAN FOR STAFF APPROVAL PRIOR TO BUILDING PERMIT� 5� PROVIDE A SITE PERFORMANCE BO(VD TO COVER SITE IMPROVEMENTS PRIOR TO BUILDING PERMIT� 6, REZONING IS CONTINGENT UPON VACATION OF VIRON ROAD� 7� REZONING IS FOR THE APPROVED PLAN OiVLY� �� PETITIONER TO PAY ALL COSTS ASSOCIATED WI7H ABANDONING SEWER LINE PRESENTLY IN VIRON ROAD� � P c��roF FRI DLEY PLANNING DIVISION MEMORANDUM MErD �: Jock Robertson, Conur►unity Developnent Director r�rfl Fxxor�: Jim Robinson, Planning Coordinator�.�? • r�rD II�TE: october 15, 1986 R�ARDING: ?699 Highway 65 Along with Wayne Dahl's plans to construct a 6.400 square foot cl inic building has oome the need for a rezoning, a street vacation, and several variances. All of these items have been processed through the various c�a�nissions and are reacl�� for Council apprwal. Ztao new issues which have rECently oane up should be addressed. First, the rezoning to C-2 may not be the most suitatale; in as much as the rezoning is for a clini%ffice type building C-Rl �ulct restrict use of the property to that which is proposed. A retail outlet would not be allowed in C-R1. Seoondly, as an additional requirenent we suggest that the petitioner agree to moc�ify the facade of his existing building to match with the proposed structure. Because of the two structures on one lot this architectural unity is important. Elevations for the buildinos, with suff icient detail, have not yet been su�mitted. suggest Co�mci.l proceed with the first reading of the ordinance for rezoning at their Octaber 20, 1986 n-�eeting, but c3elay any seo�nd reading until stipulations �:. and #2 are oampleted. 7�e Appeals Commission reviewed variance requests for the project on Septanber 30, 1986, the attached map shaas the appraved variances. JI.R/lmn M-86-267 ZOA #86-04 � � Wayne Dah1 � � • _ . f ---' �' ; - .o. --- , ... . . �vZ. Ewo ., � �.. ,,� ---.: n . T-; � ,.� � �t', ,`f .r' � � � � � � � . - ��f;. - - - TTY � CTIGIITS � p 20�_ - - - 3 �LA P RTSa , ' • Zoo S/�si�a.si�0 � °�' : � : �So �S �.,o�� .�o� � F F R I D L E Y �_� -� � � '° � � � � �� _ ( . (' o > �' /2 „ _ ,zo, � b� 1L^ � ` C 4 `�,l �i�� \'� N l'� ± � � � �y . °AD /T ON � _�� �> : ,�4 DE ��� : v ` I �:sl� . M ir n.i! ' M%/�i.� 6. Ori.srtlfl � o o c 1 t I , _ "•°.2 - soo - � �S'J �' � (;) , . /�600) I � 1 Le��e�l !v� bii �ompoRy °o • � �Z'� D� 'ry �: � 5�) 'o � ! r � I . � i �j���lG� � a��V La Qo 1 � . � � t � h %G) ,p� .N6 ,IrrtsFe.e/ (� ) %36.zo) � !e! �Il. //D600dl� i�t'f�,=�'omair.v � o,y y�i3Q�6A�im�lfe �uilveit � % ... :q� z�o _ il� � � _e � I ^ ti � .� �; � � h �I � i . �� f � o �� Z o�� Q I —� _' ��a � � G�eii/dE. `� ' � � To61�mvn _ — Y o Z ° N � �r��� Ou- Rea/fj� Go�P. �G � W SAs. L4CATION M P � � � � . .� • ��o� - �s) ' _ �_ (s�tfv> � soo •` y) s C'��!"A�w� . ._ _ �� � � � iili/Ib/� n Ori, 1 1 L�L S� � �� ., i s• •� �?N N-�AP �,y.� � �✓!%�' / 1 � t,��t� � �.,T � c_ n n Wayne Dahl ��� 0 4G � _� Qo � e e —�_, � t'/ � �� � 5 4 � 4 � �• 4 �( � � � / r 31 � f� '�:� ;i� � � ,� w ��, .ty �, ' ;, � y � !�� _�:1r y}:i�.-G+Y1'-'7� .'-_ �v yl 1"� _ ''-. ,� �_T � �',V� a � f . C� `���r1��Y �:+T j �. :y �i��,�,''�� � j . �__ � �1� [ l� • 4 � r����.l��,r � , ,. , � f•�'�� �tA't' 7y`L �+� � x' �X •.�,�'?ti.. t �R. ^�j,+1�"- ,.. . . . y}5{i � f• f'r k''�.�" .i �:� �f"' �:,;� � s � • � y L � i ' 1 r� !r_",�,".. '� } �fi i� �. �� F �M } '*a a! �aM' � ! � S ��` . . ac .� �. ��.e. �.i- ,�,�.'` - s'.�'i .� � . � ,. . i, ft � �� tr ,7c � �r o ^ ��-�i � r` � � i � � � .++ f4�- � ��,� � �' ..�• �s �4r.�. � �i �i �":� � ��; _s � � �,r Zr '`i.e ~ I ' _u�j� "y3�`� �. �... . .� 1r.' Z� � � .y �` ,� . . `a'�C '"7�'f� + , �. ./ - .]� . 2y. . { '�i:��"r` � = t �'�� � ... �� ' 3s,, � * r- �` �r � � Y g � .� `"�% � `�er�i.. ,Q .c.�_5��. . q ..� .. y '�„ da.t�} .. �� ae � ' , �`R�^ '��' — y , Y�C.a� M � r %Y'R' � � � ' �— � z.s:.: .,. . .. , . z �. _ _ - . . . . .... 1 ' � �1 Yb� _ 35 t . s � -- _ -_---�� ,,,� SI ' '�" �"`' � �� ; . � �---- ---- - . � � ��/ I (N _�i O 11 • — -- - -- �� ' �t � � ` � !' � ` � �' � `' . + ! � a1� �, � - .... . ; �. _: � � I — -- � L___ � _'_.� �i �_.:I .. _.... ._ .. � _—�—�— . _ _ ,�. 1 ' 1 _ J �.....,t � __ � � ��. �_� � � 1 � _ , � l _� � � � �%�Jl� � , 1 , _ .�rri� � ' -=—�' 1 �� � _ a ��,� � , 1 _ � � t�i+ � I 1 . , `� _ r ► �'-� � � I 1+ ' � ,�� , . ���� _ � ♦ � ��� ' � � � l , ► �` .� i ��� - , �•�� ` _' 1.�`. I - =1111►��, .'..... � -- ..n�.r , �������� _ - rii�l� _ � : _ , ... �� �� I�� , ___ �I � October 29, 1986 Dr. Wayne Dahl 7699 Hwy. 65 Fridley, I�Yd 55432 RE: Nov�nber 3, 1986 City Council Meeting Items Dear Dr. LY�hl: Xour r�uests for a variance, a vacation, and a rezoning were placed on the October 20th, City Council agenda. Because you were not in attendence, these iter►s were tal�led until the I3ovenber 3rd, City Council meeting. �herefore, it is necessary that you are present at the Novesnber 3rd, City Council meeting. In addition, I have enclosed for your review the stipulations of the rezoning. If you have ariy questions, glease feel free to oontact me at 571-3450. Sincerely, Ja�nes L. lmbinson Planning Coordinator JI�R/lmn C-86-485 SAV #86-04 City of Fridley ••� � • � • AN ORDINAN(� UI�IDER SECTIUN 12.07 OF THE CITY CHARTER Z�D VA,(1�TE gZREE'I5 AND AI,I,EYS AND ��ND APPENDIX C OF THE QTY O�DE �e City Council of the City of Fridley does ordain as follaws: SECTION 1. Fbr the vacation of a 30 foot easement for public road purposes (Viron Road) lying north of the north 213 feet, as measured at right angles to, the north line of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter and the north lirie of the northwest quarter of the northwest guarter lying east of, and adjacent to Trunk Highway No. 65. All lying in Section 12, �30, F�-24. Except the north 33 feet thereof (Osborne Road) and subject to rights and other easements of reoord, generally located South of Osborne Road and East of Fiighway 65. Be and is hereby vacated, exoept the City retain the Westerly 22 feet to be maintained for utility purp�ses. SECTION 2. Zhe said vacation has been made in conformance with Minnesota Statutues and pursuant to Section 12.07 of the City Charter and Appendix C of the City Gade shall be �o amended. P1�SSID AND ADOPrID BY �iE QTY O�UNCIi� OF THE QTY OF FRIIF,EY ZHIS IIt1Y OF , 1986 WILLIAM J. NEE - N�,YOR ATl'�ST: S'HIRLEY A. H� - CITY Q.�E�tK Pulalic Hearing: August 18, 1986 First Reading: Seaond Reading: Publication: � �. t�, y� ���+�yr�. •; : ru�-y •:. 4. g�; T^ iu -���� pL� A VeCA�p� FT1i1FST GAV �86-04 z TO VACATE PART OF A 3Q ��,���, �� �T �a�� �n�� , G�nnr.rv T1Y'ATF.iI S�t?TH OF OSBORNE_ ROAD �;,'^ �'! �'!' ^-�' HIG�iAY I�X?. 65 . BY Tf� CITY OF FRIDLEY:_ . 1�pTIpN b� (btncilman Barrette to waive the reading of thQ public hearing - notiae and open the public hearing. Se�nded t� (bt�a'�cilman Gooc�peed. �P°n a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried uulanimously and the publ ic hearing opered at 9: 06 p. m Mr. Robertson, Community Developnent Director, stated this vacation is generally located on Hic�eway 65 and Osborre Road anc] this section of Viron Road is no longer reeded because of the loopback. Ae stated the portion to be vacated is approximately 33 feet wide and 180 feet long. Mr. Robertson stated Dr. L�hl granted an easement for the ric�t-of-way on the south side• 5. 6. Mr. R�bertson stat�ed the Planning Commission reviewed this vacation and reorn�anended approval with the stipulation that the utility easement be maintained over the entire strip of the vacated road as utilities are locatQd in the area. No persons in the audienoe spoke rec�rding this proposed vacation. NpTION b� (bcazcilman Fitzpatrick to close �e O��cilman Goodspeed. Upon a voioe vote, all the motion �rried tmanimously and the puh]. ic • . : � � � publ ic hea r i ng. voting aye, Ngyor hearing closed at Seaonded by Nee declared 9:10 p.m i�. Robertson, ��mmuiity Development Director, statec3 is is a request for approval of a rezoning f rom C-3 to C-2 in or to reduce the setback requirener�t for this property. He statec3 the 'ng Commission reviewed the request and rea�nmended approval with ipulations. P�pTIpN b� ��cilman FYtz�atrick to w' e the reading and ac3opt Ordinance No. 861 vn the sewnd readi.ng and r publ ication. Seo�nded b� onimcilman Goor�peect Up�n a voioe vote, voting aye, l+gyor Nee declared the motion carried im.ani.mously. • :! ' ���M �, Mr. Qureshi, C� Manager. stated this request is for rezoning of property fran C-3, C- , 1�-I and R-3 to S-2 and irtvolves the lOQ �rin Drive-in property dl is being developed b� Woocbridge Properties. He stated part of the perty w�ai2d be retair�ed as I�1 whici� abuts the residential area. Mr. eshi stated this S-2 zone supports the Rec3eveiopnent District and elopnent i s o4mp1 eted in ano�rd3noe with a Developnent Agree�►er►t betw een -11- 5A . . .. .--�--.-- , . � 10 : L.� P RT'S . . :,� r . � .j �,.� ,�:a � � 'AO /T ON ,. . .. .. . � . �� � � J�f!�'..�t/' : -�'/�J^. 7� oe ,.� . �.. , - , • �.S%D IJ' •fl• �6�ea r • -�^�ni �w.i.�il�' ���.i•' - � : ,�f f � � \ �. �� � ���� d ,�t �'� . �i ,o� Gb �¢ ¢�t� �� ��� �f�` O,� G , f SAV #86-04 5 B City of Fridley . . . , �---,-- `'" . �.��_._ � C TY LIM 1TS �'..' � . '�� � -'�� � - ' F FRIDLEY �250 : ,._� .. ��qq 1to0: . 3 �: z � .,.. � Zlo � ANDEh iM I � 3 . • �V��I . • , 1 • • •OD � � ' � � ��ro� `, _ -� 7 5 �' ""� . I � ; j.�. , � DE VEL OF :_ v � i.nrsr/ � i Iii i- 76 ?.-S ; ., " ir � .� i ��e s , �,� ✓..- .�.r,ti c.-� .: • A J .v � , I✓ireN �i 4i ' � 1 - • W � / //.Il� ' . ' ' _ ��,,, 1 O Z �1 �t��vl : � } ��0 � � Q '" � . 3 ,y , • ,,i � '" 2 �` � o • �: el� C7 � " ' ' . : ei• v• i _ . _ _ -_.. 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N�•:�. r�I • ''�� 'i i. • � f . � �� �I • � ••i � ���I : � �'�+�11'1 • � VI �?ON t�0A0 N � 4 � , � '¢� v°/ `6 , O� 35, � � �1 �� � � ;- - _ _ 3o s __:-_---- 186 � ,� , � �y �o 4 35 Q �C; � � N 2 h, � 0 CY � � �.. 0 �� ' �o. S6 i .. ___._ G 4 � . 52, 8� 5g. {�. �_ . • 'l?ri nis � � M O � � _ 610.96 � CITY OF FRIDLEY APPEALS COI�L�fISSION MEETING, SEPTEMB£R 30, 1985 CALL TO ORDER• Chairperson Betzold called the September 30, 1986;'Appeals Commission meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. � � ROLL CALL: Members Present: Members Absent: Otl�ers Present : E i / Donald Betzold, Alex �arna, Jerry Sherek, None Darrel Clar , Chief Building Official Dr . Wa yne ISah 1 r�. Gary'�Obrycki r� . Totii Obrycki Mr, and rtrs. Homer Melton Diane Savage I� and rlrs. Gordon Sangster, 7169 Riverview Terrace 16 _ 1986,_APPEALS_ CO*QIISSION MIN� P10TIOy BY �ffi. B.�RrA, SECONDED BY MS. SAVAGE, TC :+PPROVE THE SEPTEMBER 16, 1986, APPEr1LS CO*L�QSSION MIA`UTES AS WRITTEN. UPO' A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CtWIRPERSON :::iZOLD DECLARED THE P10TION RIED UI�1hIT10USLY. � 1. CONSIDER�TION OF A VARIATCE REQUEST. �'�R �f86-24, BY WAYNE DAHL, PURSUAI�T TO CH�PTER 205.14.3, C, 1, OF TFiE FRIDLEY CITY CODE, TO REDUCE THE FKO�T YaRD SET &aCK FRO*1 35 FEET TO 22 FEET TO ALLOW THE C0ISTRUCTI01 OF A CLI�IC; AND PURSUArT TO CHaPTER 205.14.5, C, 1, OF THE FR IDLEY CITY CODE, TO REDUCE THE REQUIRED PRO�'ISION FOR OFF-STREET PARKING FROM 53 STALLS REQUIRED TO 36 STALLS PROVIDED, AI�'D PURSUAA"T TO CHAPTER 205.14.5, A, OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE TO REDUCE THE H�.RD SURF�CE SETBACh FROPIA STREET RIG}iT-OF-WaY FRO*f 20 FEET TO 0 FEET Or THE NORTHF�ST CORNER, FRO�� 20 FEET TO 6 FEET 0\ THE NORTH LINE FR0;1 20 FEET TO 14 FEET ON THE E�+ST, AA'D FROT! 20 FEET TO 8 FEET Oh THE SOUTHEAST CORNER, ALL BEIrG LOCs�TED ON P�RCEL 2570 SECTIOA 12, T-30, R-24, THE SAr� BEING 7699 VIRO\ RQ+D K.E.. FRIDLEY. MiNrESOTA� P10TI02� BY rgt. &1RIv�1, SECONDED BY MS. SAVAGE, TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARII�G. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BETZOLD DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARIrG OPEI3 AT 7:32 p.m, Chairperson Betzold read the Administrative Staff Report: ADMITISTRATIVE STAFF REPORT 7699 VIROT ROAD N.E. VAR �86-24 . ' �PPE:�LS CO:�L`fISSION MEETIICG SEPTE*�ER 30 1986 P�GE 2 A, PUBLIC PURPOSE SERVED BY REQE3IREMEhT: Section 205.14.3, C, 1 requir�es a front yard setback of not less than 35 feet. Public purpose served by this requirement is to allow for off-street parking without encroaching on the public right-of-way and also for aesthetic consideration to reduce the building "line of sight" encroachment into the neighbflr's fron[ yard. Section 205.14.5, C, 1 requires at least one (I) aff-stre�[ parking space be provided for each 150 square feet of building floor area in a C-2 district. The public purpose served is to ensure [hat an adequa[e number of parking stalls are provided for off-stree[ parking. Sec[ion 205.14.5, A requires that adequate open space bc provided to satisfy the total number of required parking stalls. A reduction of parking stalls may be allowed when [tie provision of space requirtd for par�cing stalls, due to [he particular nature of tt�e proposed use or other considerations, would be an unnecessary hardship. Public purpose servcd is to ensure that an adequate number of parking scalls are provided for off-street parking. B. ST��TED H.�RDSHIP: "A hardship was created by the rerouting of [he Viron loopback, and bv th� lot sizc." C. AD*fITISTR�TIVE STaFF REVIEW: The pe[itioner is proposing to construc[ a second, clinical use structure of 6,400 square feet. Recent construction of the Viron Road loopback has left the property with abutting right-of-way on four sides, which has resulted in unusually restrictive setback demands. In conjUnction with the project the petitioner has applied for a rezoning from C-3 to C-2 to reduce building setback requirements from 80 feet to 35 feet. In addition, the City is processing a right-of-way vacation for the abandoned portion of Viron Road. The petitioner is requesting a variance to allow him to place the new building eight feet into said rigfit-of-way, Once the vacation is completed this setback necessitates a variance from 35 to 22 feet from the Highway 65 right-of-way. Total building square footage with the addition equals 8,000 square feet. The C-2 code requires one off-street parkingrki�lliSOiaeec�h 150 squaze feet of floor area--ot 53 stalls. If pa g Y out to mee[ code, (i•e. 20 foot setback from all right-of-ways) 36 stalls are possible. This results in a provision of one stall for each 216 square feet of floor area. . : APPE:�LS CO*L'fiSSIOh MEETING SEPfEMBER 30 1986 PAGE 3 The pe[itioner has submitted a plan which includes 39 stalls--[hree of which do not meet setback requisec� n[s. The petitioner is re- questing hard surface setbacks from street right-of-ways from 20 feet to 0 feet o�a �he Northeast corner, from 20 feet to 5 fee[ on the North line, from 20 feet to 14 feet on the East, and from 20 feet to 8 feet on the Southeast corner. Mr. Clark stated the petitioner purchased this property in 1981 and has done extensive remodeling of the building. Ne stated Dr. Dahl is proposing to construct a second struckure and is requesting a number of variances. r�. Clark stated Dr. pahl has filed a rezoning petition to rezone this property from C-3 to C-2 in order to reduce the setback requirement. He stated in discussing this rezoning, staff felt perhaps the property stiould be Zoned to CR-1 so that a retail outlet would not be permitted on this property. Ne s[ated this has no[ been discussed witl� Dr. Dalil nor submi[ted to the Council. 1� . Clark stated the petitioner has also applied for a vacation of [he abandoned portion of Viron Road. P�. Clark stated a variance is requested to reduce the fron[ yard sethsck fro:n 3� to 22 feet fron Hwy. 65 righ[-of-wa�� and from 35 to 25 f�et ofE tfic South property line. r�. Bctzold asked if [he proper[y is rezoned [o CR-1, what would bc the setback requirement. r2r. Clark s[ated it would be the same as for a C-2 zone. Pb-. Ciark stated a variance is also requested on the parking. He stated ttie Code requires one off-stree[ parking stall for each 150 fcet of floor area or 53 scalls. He stated the plat shows 39parking s[alls, however, staff fel[ two stalls should oe eliminated in the Northeast corner for aesthetic purposes and another s[all eliminted on the SouCheasC corner to reduce the parking close [o the curb. r�. Clark stated one of the parking stalls could be moved to ano[her area on the site, therefore there would be 37 remaining stalls. I�. Clark stated staff found Lhere generaliy is a lot of traffic at clinics and the proper catio would probably be in the area of one parking st311 for every 150 to 250 square feet of flooY area, He stated this proposed parking pLan comes close to the 200 ratio. I�. Claric stated a variance is requested to reduce the setback on the 1�'�ortheast corner from 20 to 0 feet. He stated this variance would not be necessary if tWO parking stalls were eliminated. He sta[ed the variance requested on the Sou[heast corner would not be neces'sary if a parking s[all is elic,inated. I�. Barna asked if there would be a visual obstruction on the South- east corner if the parking stall wasn't eliminated. I�r. Clark felt if proper driving lanes are maintained and people do not cut the center line, it probably wouldn't be a problem. L•1� APPE:�LS CO�L`;ISSION MEETII�G SEPTEMBER 30 1986 P�GE 4 Dr. Dahl stated he is proposing to construction a quality structure on this property of brick and glass�. He fel[ the setback from Highway 65 is substantial and didn�t feel i[ would cause any problems. Dr. Dahl stated since he purchased [his property in 1981, there have been many changes with the installation of the sidewalk, widening of Osborne Road and cor.struction of the loopback. He stated some of the hardships here were basically ones crea[ed by his giving the land to improve Viron Road and install sidevatks. He stated wfi �n he gave those easements, one of the requests cr►ade was the City not place undo restrictions on him in regard to his future needs. Dr. Da}�1 stated the area on the north wl�ere two parking staLls are loca[ed is nicel}• bermed and landscaped and used for handicapped parking. He stated there are side�aalks along the back to allow acccss for the handicapped. He stated if these parking stalls remained, this plan would only fall one parking stall short based on a 1 to 200 racio. Dr. Dahl stated there are some clinics on a 1 to 250 ratio so it would be an improvement over existing si[ua[ions. Dtr. Betzold asked nr. Dahl why he needed two separate buildings on [he site. Dr. Dahl stated [he initial plan was to add on to the existing building. Ne sta[ed in talking witli [he archi[ect, when you add space four times the size of [he existing building, the economics don't make much sense. Dr. Dahl sta[ed when [he existing building was remodeled, weight bearing posts were added which also makes it impractical to add on CO '1C . rtr. Betzold asked what would be the �:ae of the two structures. Dr. Dahl stated there is a physician interested in locating in the new f3cilit}. He stated they are also outgrowing their existing facility and would possibly move into the new building and use the present building for offices. He sta[ed there are no definite plans, but a number of possibilities. r�-. Betzold asked if the building could be reduced in size. Dr. Dahl stated when he met with the architect, [hey took all factors into accoi�nt such as the size of tfie parcel, code requirements, and the amount of space that would be needed if this facili[y were to be u[ilized as a multi-purpose building. He stated if they wish to use tfie building for this purpose, the a mount of square foota ge is certainly needed. r�. Betzold stated he recognizes this is a very unique situation, but wondezed if the proposai would result in overbuilding on this lot. Dr. Dahl asked Mr. Betzold if he feit uncomfortable with the amount of parking provided. • � APPE�LS COlL��SSIOr P�ETITG. SEPTEMBER 30, 1986 _ P�GE_ 5 T�. Betzold stated he realizes property has been taken from [his parcel, however, when you add a nes+ structure,along with an exist- ing s[ructure, he felt it may be too much for this property. I�tr. Sherek asked if the azchitect considered any plan that would engulf the existing building or allaw an �nclased pass�►geway to make more efficient use of the space. Dr. Dahl stated the whole philosophy was to move closer to Highway 65 and Osborne Road and raise [he s[ructure to a level equal witii ttie roadway�s. He stated this seemed to be Che most aesthetically pleasing. Ne stated cost was a factor also so they didn't get into a lo[ of exctic plans. rtr. Barna asked Dr. D3h1 stated bes[ they could cular plan. if there were any other plans pro posed by the arcliitect. there were a total of seven and fie felt tfiis was t{�e come up with and rt►any hours were pu[ into ttiis parti- r�. Clark stated [he Code allows for a iot coverage of 40�. H� sta[ed the property is about 18,000 square feet and tiie cov�rage [licy are proposing is about 8,000 square feet. No other persons in the audience spoke regarding these proposed variances. P10TI0\ BY rgt. BaRNA, SECO%DED B1 r1S. SHEREK, TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HE�IRII�G. UPO� a VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING �1E, CH.aIRPERSON BETZOLC DECL�RED THE Pl7GLIC HE�RIrG CLOSED aT 8:15 p.m. rtr, Barna stated he didn't like the idea of eliminating the handicapped parking stall on the North end. He stated he would favor eliminating one stali on tt�e Nor[heas[ torner. He felt with the parking stall on ttie Southeast corner that it w�ould be a long time before it would becor.k a traffic hazard. He stated he would prefer to retain two of tt�ese three Qarking stalls and to only eliminate the one stall on the rortheast corner. He s[ated [his would give a total of 38 parking stalls. Dr. Dahl stated on the Northeast corner, there is a power pole so, from a safety standpoint, the parking stall is well-protected. He stated from an aesthetic standpoint, the aesthetics wouldn't be improved by removing [he parking stall. 2�. Barna stated he didn't object totally to parking on the Northeast corner, but did object to parking almost to the sidewalk. He stated he would like the parking stall away from the sidewalk so one should be removed at this corner. 6E aPPEaLS CO�L�;ISSION r1EETII�G SEPTErBER 30 1985 pa� 6 I�h�. Betzold stated he did appreciate all [he work that has gone in[o tkee plan to develop an attractive building. He stated they have dealt vith other properties in the City where loopbacks have been installed and not much can be done with the properties without variances. He sta[ed he does have some concern about the number of variances and if it might not be possible to make use of [he property wt[hout all [he variances. T10TION BY I�i. B�RNA, SECOh'DED BY rS. S�V�GE, TO RECO"Q�ND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF THE V�R L1NCE TO REDUCE THE WEST FRONT Y�1RD SETB�CK FROM THE REQUIRED 35 FEET TO 22 FEET. UPO\ A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHa IRPERSON BETZOLD DECL�RED THE r10TI0N C�RRIED UIr�rI�10USLY. PtOTIO\ BY r8t. B�Rtia, SECOI�DED BY T�t. SHEREK, TO RECOrQ1EhD TO CITY COU�CIL APPROVaL OF THE V�RIANCE TO REDUCE THE SOVfH FRONT YARD SE:- B.�CK FROr1 TiiE REQUIRED 35 FEET TO 25 FEET. UPOK � VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTII�G aYE, CH�IRPERSON BETZOLD DECLaRED THE PUTION C�RRIED Uh�Ir10USLY. PtOTIO� BY PR. B:�R��, SECONDED BY PtS. S�V�GE, TO RECO�L*fEND TO CITY COU\CIL APPROV�L OF THE V,�RIANCE TO REDUCE THE HARD SURF�CE SETB�CK FR0�1 STREET RIG1�T-OF-WAY ON THE NORTHE�ST CORNER FROM 20 FEET TO 5 FEET, BY ELIrffK�TING TNE FAR NORTHEaST PaRKING STALL. U PO\ A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CH�IRPERSON BETZOLD DECI,ARED THE MOTION CARRIED UI��NIMOUSLY. *tOTIOh Bl rfft. B�RI��, SEC�DED BY rtS. S�+V�GE, TO RECOrL�fEND TO CITY COUrCIL ApPRO�'�L OF THE VaRIe�NCE TO REDUCE Tt� 1-WRD SURFACE SETB�CK FROP1 20 FEET TO 6 FEET ON THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE, FROM 20 FEET TO 14 FEET ON THE EAST PROPERTY LINE, AND FROM 20 FEET TO 8 FEET ON THE SOUTHE�ST PROPERTY LIIv�. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BETZOLD DECLARED THE MOTIO� C�IRRIED UN-aNIr10USLY. P]OTIOr BY MR. B�RNA, SECO�r'DED BY AL. SAVAGE, TO RECO�L*SEND TO CIZY COUI�CIL APPROVAL OF THE VaRIANCE TO REDUCE THE REQUIRED OFF-STREET P�RKING REQUIREMEI�T FRO"1 53 STALLS TO 38 P�RKING ST�LLS. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, QiAIRPERSOh BETZOLD DECIs'�RED THE MOTION Cs�RRZED UI�NIMOUSLY. Dr. Dahl stated he wouldn't have any problem with a CR-1 zone for his property as he didn't have any plans for a retail operation at this location. r�. Betzold stated this item would go to the City Council on October 20, 1986. , ti, . , . � A '� . .rf1. w : LA P RT' � 2 ; i i3'°� � ; � + �M) ii 2 �/� �`aD l T ON /�) [��� p�i/lvn.bi� �o�nPsny ,�� �3�,�0, � /vc,r j'f71�o�si BoiJI4t�� : , ; . _�.►_�c�'__�. ' _ �� -_— �.� � r . -.f•�: �, VAR #'86-2�� . ' - Wayne Dahl � y � ,` � ��-,� • : ,, . ,� - k _. _ , Y . . . �� ` .:_ � .: . � ::I. -s.. r - . .. �,r � � s''�.. . . . • .. * . . �•, 2 � f ...L : �; � 1 +�: — �--� --- TTY+��TIGITS ' � ;;. — __---�oo_ --- �r,o � Sheimanir 0. �' OF F R I D L-E Y �n�, r /fo �S Coio/L N�ran � ��) � � �/20) �' .- �6 a� { _ ` . h 3 2 0 . � �A DER C f '- �,o (i> ,� . �sss� �y%/�i � �' Orii�v/11 e ��io � 1 II � �..---- 'l - - soo � - ' : � ' �. . ." . ! `' �� (3� . � : � b . ' (z4o�:.. �� y '" ; s�� 1 (� r � , i . � _ ���t,,!W �� � VELOPM. � � � � DE ���,�,�_ ,, �....< • . ;,� ,� � ��` ... 4Ta. ' � . • ��•� - . Ow R�al� Ge�o• (G� I�) iv I.a. /z �.nl . . . W►iN RC,�Ey, W� $ . �J '� , . .. , . � � � � � ls� Z ,.1� . • /�y�� � --"'� j _ _ — -- —� , . � �� _ ^ c.�.��E- �n � _ - � T,s,,�� . TI O�P,����. ; � a �� �� ., i . . �> � � �, � � _ i � ,� � ` � � I � � f �r 1 l lf ( �� � i � ! � i � .i � _ �- � ��� r N•G�P �� • � . ��� I� =�t �',, �. � � VAR # 86-24 6 G � . �i �'� � - � ?� -�'O fi'��v5. 53 �.EQ. � YYl �}-C�11p �C�1�J _� aa � � � � � ��� , � :j � �� , . �- � • a ; � 4 � � � r Q � � � �. � � �� � „� -....._.• -�+. ! h• �����._�_' ��." ' . ♦ I � 0 c��nroF FR! DLEY PLANNING DIVISION MEMOR,ANDUM MEM� ZU: Jock Robertson, Camm�ity Developnent Director I�IYD FROM: Jim Rpbinson, Planning Coordinator ��C, • b�rU �,TE: October 15, 1986 R�ARDING: Special Use Permit �86-13 for Ronald Christensen On October 8, 2986 the Planning Corrunission held a public hearing related to a s�cial use permit for a re�air garage at the old Shorty's Towing location. Ftpnald Christensen, the petitioner, and Roger Schuur the owner of the pro�:erty, were both in attendanoe at this meeting. Staff presented a list of 20 stipulations for the Planning Conunission's . review. 7here was a great deal of discussion and de�te regarciing this matter which finally resulted in 3-2 vote in favor of granting the special use pernii� Sane txzckground information may be he2�fu1 to the City Council in their review of this itsn. 1. In March of 1986 imger Schuur moved the Shorty's Zbwing location to the southern end of Fridley, at 37th Avenue and East River Road. At this time the building was vacated. 2. In Apxil of 1986 staff noticed some activities related to the start-up of a r�ew business at the Shorty's site. 3. On Apri1 28, 1986 staff sent the awner, Mr. Schuur � a letter notifying him that a special use permit woulci be needed for any new automotive reFair businesses at the site. Special use pennit application materials wer e encl osed. 4. In mi.d-r�ay the Christensen Wholesale Auto Repair business began operation without a special use permit in violation of City Code. 5. Staff oontinuecl to work with both the owner and operator to obtain a special use permit apglication. 6. On July 15, 1986 staff sent the awner non-compliance letter indicating our intent to pursue legal actions if the special use permit procedures were not follaaed. On July 30, 1986 the owner, R�ger �chuur signed the special use permit form and made foanal apglication. �r ther rev iew arid inspection b,� staf f has shown that actually two businesses are presently operating out of the site. One, the Christensen;�holesale Auto Repair, and seoond, the autocnotive sales and leasing business operated b� r1r. Pa ul Ch ruciimsky. In addi tion, Shorty' s Zbwin9 pl ans ta use the sto r aye ya rd in the winter for t,owed snawbirds. On numerous occasions staff has observed in excess of thirty cars parked on the site, many in the f ront yard. Proposed �xirking in the front of the building will allaw for only seven r.�rs. 7A Jock Robertson October 15, 1986 Page 2 In closing, we feel that i.f the stipulations as proposed are adhered to and the garking s�ipulations are honored, a singular autanotive repais operation frcm this site wuld be an asset to the �ununity. Our fear is that the site will continue to be averloaded with vehicles, creating obsolescence in terms of both traffic and visual clutter. It it suggested by staff that it be made clear to the peti°tioners �hat the City will rio longer tolerate the disorderly manner in which t�is busin�ess has been run so far. Please npte that the majarity c�f the stipulations have to be completed by Novenber 15, 1986. Staff will review the site � a weelcl_y basis to monitor comgl.iance and will inform the Council of progress at �he November 17, 1986 Council meeting. Attached is a list of the stipulations as amended and �ssed by the Planning Conunission on October 8, 1986. JLR/dm M-i36-263 � RONP,LD CHRISTEPISEN R,T,C, AUTOMOTIVE SP #���i-13 STIPULIITIOPIS �AMENDED BY P�C� 2OIgIR6) 1, INSTALL LANDSCAPING AS PER CITY PLAN DATED 9%Z4/g6 INCLUDING SODDING, PLANTING AND EDGIN� AND ROCK MULCH WITH WEED BARRIER FOR EACH SHRUB BED sY J.]./15/3G � 2� PROVIDE AUTOMATIC LAWN SPRINKLING FOR ALL GREEN AREAS BY 11�15�86. 3� PROVIDE 6�� CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER AROUND ALL HARD SURFACE AND DRIVEWAY OPENINGS, AS PER �ITY PLAN DATED 9/24/86 BY 11/15/86� 4� CURB OPENINGS TO BE MODIFIED TO COMPLY WITH CITY PLAN DATED 9/24/86 BY � 1_/15/�� , 5� SEALCOAT AND STRIPE PARKING LOT AS PER CITY PLAN DATED 9/24/86 BY 11/15/�6, 6� PROVIDE HARDSUR�ACE DRIVEWAYS IO� INTO STOR�`GE YARD ON NORTH AND SOUTH AS PER �ITY PLAN DATED 9/24/86 aY 11/15/�6� %� PROVIDE g FOOT HIGH SOLID WOOD FENCE WITH g FOOT CHAIN LINK GATES WITY VINYL SLATS AT NORTH AND SOUTH �MATERIAL AND STYLE TO EE APPROVED BY �ITY) AS PER �ITY PLAN DATED 9/24/86 BY 11/15/86� . S� ALL REFUSE AND WASTE MATERIAL SHALL BE STORED IN DUMPSTERS TO BE LOCATED INSIDE STORAGE AREA IMMEDIATELY, 9� AL_L MATERIALS INCLUDING INOPERABLE VEHICLES SHALL BE STORED INSIDE STORAGE YARD, BELOW TOP OF FENCE IMMEDIATELY� 7C RONALD CHRISTENS�N R,T��. AUTOM07IVE PAGE Z IO� REMOVE OR RELOCATE TO CENTER OF STORAGE YARD THE BLUE GREEN TRAILER IN STORAGE YARD,UNLESS HIDDEN ����OOT FENCE� 11� REMOVE ALL VEHICLES INTENDED FOR SALES OR LEASING IMMEDIATELY� SPECIAL USE PERMIT �36-13 IS FOR AUTO REPAIR ONLY; NO SALES OR LEASING OF VEHICLES IS OR WILL BE PERMI7TED ON THIS SITE� 12� REMOVE TRUCK BODY PARTS FROM ROOF OF BUILDING IMMEDIATELY� 13� REPAINT BUILDING FACADE AND TRIM TO COMPLIMENT BRICK COLOR BY 11/15I86, 1�� SUBh1IT TO AND PAY FOR AN INDEPENDENT SOIL TESTING TO DETERMINE EXTENT OF SOIL CONTAMINATION BY IlI�5�S6, 15� PROVIDE REMEDIAL SOIL WORK AS INDICATED BY TESTING BY 6/1/87� 16, NO ON-STREET PARKING OF VEHICLES SERVICED OR ��AITING TO BE SERVICED IS PERMITTED� 1%� PROVIDE A CITY APPROVED SIGN WHICH DOES NOT INCLUDE MENTION OF VENICLE SALES OR LEASING, �g� PROVIDE A LETTER OF CREDIT IN THE AMOUNT OF $IO,OOO TO COVER ALL 0� THE ABOVE STIPULATIONS, PRIOR 70 WRITTEN APPROVA� BY CITY� 1g� SUFFICIENT STORAGE YARD AREA FOR �O CARS TO BE DESIGNATED FOR CHRISTENSON REPAIR GARAGE IN LEASE AGREEMENT� 20�. i�;0 MORE -THAN �� CARS ALLOVlED I N STORA6E YARD AT ONE T I t�1E EXCEPT DUR I NG AND WITHIN �E� HOURS AFTER A SNOH! EMERGENCY EXPIRES, AND NO MORE THAN % CARS.ALLOWED IN FRQNT LOT� Z1� REVIEW SPECIAL USE PERMIT AT FIRST MEETING IN .JUNE WITH STAFF REVIEW DURING WINTER� �� . W Z Dl, � Yie a° �,A r v, .,� -=- S__ lij � �- T . Z / �l � 2O �,1 . .'9 �'�'1 !\tii /B �*1 : . 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E.'s»,. �.r,• �D 'N� � -�: 'RQ ,� � � � �l 1� � i j I�n � /fy�� '•- -: : . ' � � j � . ( • • : � 1 M 1 • �.�� .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. � M' .. .. � _ � '__ 'J� "J • ' _ . � � ; PLA,CE �£/_4 I_31f�sS,� Z?� ,�� --�-,;ir,�, ',e .. . . _ . „ ��2k� i td$,i� �' '� � (f�j ��g �n,I ��t) �°� �/i) (qs) ���� �0� �� • �� .js� ; 5�': o °� 2 3<= S 6 7 �� // /Z / i�4 i �/ 2 3 4 S I I , �0 ^� ''! _ �_ / � -'-1 �Q" � ?• jr ♦' y. . � •� e .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. » . . - - _ - _ G? _ ?LL -�L�L� ..- rvl`� • • h' O! _ r--, �-1 �.—_1 r I � � LOCATION MAP �� I? � � � � � ,� �`� � � ;li�G�l�'�� � I� _ _ _ � .� R�nald Christenson SP #86-13 �Ha�- i DA Y ST�T�bN _... � . - S� yz � ��i�r U� . ` f���� � ��� . ��1� `' rr's J l� 7E I ��_. . � ,\\\�` �� , . � � �. �,� ��� . Sincj(c �a1w���y ' �'�'o vV� G � � .\ .R'--`O ��_�.-1/ t.1�es — s� TH ����� � ��� �� . �/fnlD � ��- �, � � ��•� ` � — � �- l�� l�t- �6 Xr �xt5�1 F�N�E �7 7'H ��� f1 `��v� ' � .'.,;\ , . �` • . �_,_ : �pR7N sL�1�� /'' =�v' � �u h � t � V' � 0 � � u � � .i r z H � 7 I I 1 ( � W � � Q ' W a � 2 � N 7 � �- v1 � � r I I� 1 � d � �2 � n �W ( 1 i r i W d 0 � 0 � 0 3 � z H L � u �� z� �m" a � W � � S .� W d 2 � � h SP-��86-13 Ronald Christensen ��• pL ` 1 = Z W ' � J � .� � aJ�W� � Z J ? ' � �Q3°`� Z hI s �nz�s�� L W � � � � _ g �J I "� I � � , h— ✓1 � F- � Q S � H- � � Q Z L Z Cl.. o n }-' �� J QW � -1 L1.. � � �� J L � aa.1 � 1-- �T �..J ,.. � 'e � � oc ,.. � z � 7 F ,•• ,.,,�_. b , :� �:�� '• ,r � �♦ i :'l � . -:e�,r, �. F ` . - �� 1 , ����n y 1'" k'�,:ft. _ 1 . _-- ._ _ w'i�'t�q � ._.' ' Y �a y. �ii ,1��� • `' K ' R �C�� Ronala Christenson SP #86-13 .�� � � .T G _� � .-. �---- -. . • • ' I v � � . �.i warl�tl� � • F� ` � �� '♦ � ' 1 � � . �� �r�-�� .�, '� , . y ! .1s � w .�,. : ��;,� , !� i r_.� i �.. • . F�i I�!'��! .,� .� ' -��. a. � �°�'t - • ���• . �Id'�'. _ ' . ��sv, �~ St�{+�'V.'�'••� • ' L , � _ .t :.,: : e: , . - . _�. , � � �;�;'►',� ; w. � ,,,,^`��� ST ... ` i""�'R'�.. ' S '� ; r � --�4i-� .tr .. ��]�� ', i . ,. j : " � , � i! ' � . ' � � t.,siti �F . ► Y r � �' '!)_�: ,.� y . .. ��' '� : � e ` � . ♦ � ♦ 4 ` � . i� ti r ., � !. _ f3 T+l . '+� " T (1.�� l. T "�'"j.? °'/Z%,.. �S,v� . '�,, � ! .��_�1•. � � �,� �� � 7H October 29, 1986 Mr. lmnald Christensen 5755 University Avenue N. E. Fridl�y, N�1 55432 Mr. Rr�ger Schuur 51 - 37th Avenue N. E. Fridley, M�] 55432 RE: Special Use Permit Stipulations for R T. G Autcmotive Dear Sirs: Your request for a special use permit for R T. G Auto�notive was scheduled for r�view at the October 20, 1986 City Council meeting. Because r�either of you were in attendanoe the itan was taYaled. �is item has �w been placed on the November 3, 1986 Council agenda, to be held at 7:30 p.m. in the Fridley Co�cil Chamber at 6431 University Avenue N. E. Please be aware that because you have r�ot received a special use permit, you are operati.ng an u�].awful operation at 5755 University Avenue N. E. Both the awner (Mr. Schuur) and the petitioner (Mr. Christensen) should be in attendance at the Novanber 3, 1986 meeting. Attached are the stipulations which wi11 be reviewed with the iten. If you have any questions, glease feel free to wntact me at 571-3450. Sincerely, Janes L. R�binson Planning Coordinator JLR/lmn C-86-486 - �J �naru�xcE No . ORDINANCE RECODIFYING THE FRIDLEY CITY (]UdDB, CHAPTER 506, ENTITI.ED "VEEiICI.E i':ARKING" BY AMENDING SECTIbNS 506.02 AND 506.10. The City Council of the City of Fridley hereby ordains as follows: 506. VEHICLE PARKING. 506.02. DEFINITIONS. 9. Vehicle. Motor vehicle as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 168.011 Subdivision 4. 506.10. FOR SAI.E OR WASHING. 1. In order to preserve civic beauty, to assure public health, safety, and welfare by preventing congestion and traffic hazards, to prevent unauthorized use and trespass on vacant property, and to prevent damage and erosion problems associated with off-road vehicle travel on unimproved surfaces, it is necessary to regulate the individual sales of vehicles within the city. No person, business, association or corporation shall store, display or park, or allow the storage, display or parking of an individual vehicle for the pupose of displaying on or near it a sign indicating a phone number, address, or other identifying information, or a sign indicating that the vehicle is for sale, consignment, lease, trade or exchange: a. Upon any public property including public right of way and easements; or b. Upon any private property, unless the vehicle is stored, displayed, or parked on an improved hard surface designed and improved for vehicle travel and only if the vehicle is registered to the property owner or occupant of the property upon which it is stored, displayed, or parked, unless the property owners or occupants have a current license to sell vehicles on the property. 2. No person shall park a vehicle upon any roadway for the purpose of: washing, greasing or repairing such vehicle except repairs necessitated by an emergency. Page 2 - Ordinance No. _ PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TiiE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF , 1986 WILLIAM J. NEE - MAYOR ATTEST: SHIRLEY A. HAAPALA - CITY CLERK First Reading: October 20, 1986 Second Reading: Publication: . � �• 1� � ct�nroF FRtDLEY C01ViMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT M EMO RAN D UM : r�c� �: NASIM QURF�HI, c��r r�a� A'�Nl� FROM: JOCK ROBER750N, Q�Mi�UNITY DEVII�OPMENT DIRECTOR c�rD n�7�: oC�aII� 29, 1986 R�ARDING: �NIMJNITY DEVFLOPi�IVT (A1�AlISSION During the past year, there has been a decline of interest on the �art of the manbers in the Community Developnent Commission. �ere are two vacancies currently, and an apparent difficulty in finding willing citizens to'serve. Many functions of the Community Develognent Conunission are now being handled by the Housing and Redeveloprnent Authority and the Planning Commission. 7herefore, it would be appropriate to dissolve the Conununity Developnent Conunission and request that the 3 remaining members continue to serve the public by joining one of the other five Commissions under the Planning Conanission. I suggest the renaining Community Developnent Commission members be given their choice of the Commission they wish tA join. Any extra number of inembers on a commission should be reduced back to the normal five members by attrition. �he City Council mac3e a motion at the October 6, 1986 meeting �o dissolve the Community Develogaent Cor�unission and requested that staff prepare and update (�apter 6 of the Fridley Code to eliminate the Community Development Conanission. �he attached cade change to Section 6 was �uianimously appraved without changes by the Plann.ing Corrnnission at their October 22, 1986 meeting, and it would be appropriate naw for the City Council to r�view the vode change for the f irst reading at the Nwazbez 3, 1986 City Council meetin9• . � M-86-275 . � �.•�� � �• •• • :. AN CdiDII�1N(E RHQ�DIFYIIT R8E FRIILEY QTY mDL, �iP1ER 6� S�ITIZLID "00IrYrII'SSDO�S' BY A1�IDI1� SEQ�IOl+S 6.01 At�ID 6.03, BY DELETING SECTION 6.08 AND RENDI�ERING THE NEXT �TIVE 11JNBER Zhe City Council of the City of Fridley hereby ordains as follaws: 6.01 �SSIO�i TI'i'LPS. //6. Community Develognent Commission.// //7.//6. �nerqy Commission. 6.03. P[�d�NG Q'k�IISSI(7N. 4. Me�nbership of Planning Comanission. A. �e Planning Commission shall consist of the Planning Commission chairperson, //the chairperson of the Com¢nunity Developnent CAmmission,// the cha.irperson of the Parks and Recreation Cocr�mission, the dzairperson of the Appeals Commission, the chairperson of the Environmental Quality Commission, the chairperson of the Human Resources Commission, and the chairperson of the Enerc� Connnission. //6.08. aDM�JI�IITY DEVIIAR�TP ��SION. 1. Purpose. Zhe Community Developnent Commission is estakalished to promote and maintain high quality community standards to ensure a well balanced and orderly developnent, rehabilitation and redeveloianent of the City of Fridley, including, but rbt limited to eooncxnic developnent, industrial and commercial developnent, housing, transportation services, public utilities, community development projects and other related developnent activities. 2. Soope. A. �e Community Developnent Commission shall act as an advisory oommission to the Planning Commission for continuous community planning and develognent of the aomprehensive City goals and golicies. Any change in related oonun�mity planning and oamprehensive City goals and policies must be reviewed by the Planning Commission who will then make reoo�snendations to the City Council. & Zhe Community Develognent Camnission shall advise the City Council, after � policy reviEw by the Planning Commission, in the developnent of programs to give increased effectiveness and direction in implementing estahlished City goals and policies, and recommend actions as needed relevant to the physical developnent of the City.// , //6.09.//6.08. II+�iGY 4�I�4SLSSI(7I�i. Page 2 - Ordinance No. PASSID AI�ID AD�PPED BY �iE QTY QXINGIL OF 7.HE QTY OF FRIII.EY �iIS DAY OF , 1986 WILI,IAM J. AIEE - 14�,YOR ATi�ST: � • �• �� _� _ �_ �_��_s4_ _ First Reac3ing: . Seoond Reading: Publ ication: �- ' ORDINANCE NO. - 1986 AN ORDINANCE RECODIFYII�G �HE FRIDLEY CITY CODE CHAPTER 506 ENTITL£D "VEHICLE PARKING" BY AMENDILVG SECTIC�i' SU6.04. The City Council of the City of Fridley hereby ordains as follows: 506.04. UNATTENDED VEHICLES 2. No person shall stop, park or leave a vehicle unattended upon a street or highway in the City between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. between the first day of November of any year, to and includin� the first day of May of the followin� year. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF , 1986. WILLIAM J. NEE - MAYOR ATTEST: SHIRLEY A. HAAPALA - CITY CLERK First Reading: Second Reading: Publication: 10 10A 0 506.04 UNA7i�3�IDED VFHIQ�ES l. No person shall stop. �rk or leave a veharle t9na�terx3ed upon a street or hic�way in the City for a Feriod in excess of 24 hours. 2. No nerson shall stop, t�ark or leave�a�vehicle unattended upon a street or hiqhway in the City between the hours of 2:00 o'clock a.m. and 6:00 o'clock a.m. between the first dav of November of an� vearr to an includinq the first day oi May of the following vear. 506.05 SNC�� RE�7AL - VIO�ATION AAID �WING l. During the winter months, ooctunencing on the first day of November of any year, to and including the first day of N13y of the following year, it shall be a violation for any person to stop, park or leave standing a vehicle on ar�y street or highway in such a manner as to impede the plowing and/or ranaval of any snaw, ice, or waste on such street or hic�way. 2. Whenever it shall be found neoessary to the proper direction control, regulation of traff ic, glawing and/or the removal of snaw, ice or waste, or maintenanoe or improovgnent of any hic�way or street to remove any vehicle standing on a highway or street in the Ci ty, tlien any pol ice of f icer is authorized to �ravide for the r�noval of such vehicle and have the same renaved to the rearest o�rrvenient garage or other place of safety. Any vehicle stopped, parked or left standing on any highway or street in violation of law and renoved as pravided therein above, may be r�naved up�n order of a police officer and the v�st of ranaval and storage of the same charged to the awner of the vehicle, as well as the person causing such violation. (Ref. 583) � 1� _ CITYOF fWDLEY DA7E FROM Ralph Vol SUBJECT PUBLIC WORKS ANCE Snow Removal Policies and Procedures � IOIfEMORANDUM TO ��/� � /YI/1N/l�:� � � : ACTIONI INFO In reviewing and analyzing the snow removal policies and procedures for the 58+ inches of snow for the 1985-1986 winter season, I feel they worked out fairly well. The first snow that required plowing was on l�ovember llth,. a snowfall of 3 inches. The last snowfall Qf 7.6 inches occurred on rlarch 13th. The largest snow emergency the department encowntered was over the Thanksgiving holiday, an acci.unulation of 21.5 inches; and removal was accomplished with a r�inimal amount of complaints. Before the season began, it was pointed out that there were two areas of con- cern that needed improving, One was a quicker response to cul-de-sac plo�aing and second to remove snow sooner in our industrial areas, located in plowing districts �2 and #4, before vehicles pack the snow and park on tl�e streets. As I stated last year, with the added snow removal responsibilities at the enlarged Civic Center parking lot and the Liquor 1Varehouse parking lot two years ago, cul-de-sac snow removal suffered a slower response time. To help alleviate this problem for the upcoming winter, we have added two more pieces of equipment with operators. This consisted of installing a snow bucket on a Parks Department tractor, and adding one more 3/4 ton, 4x4 pickup truck with a reversible v-plow to the cul-de-sac snow removal equipment. l�opefully, this addition should help increase the response times for plowing the cul- de-sacs and help eliminate many complaints. To provide better snowplowing in our industrial areas, a private contractor was hired who furnished a�rader equipped with a plow and wing. The con- tractor was called out each time the City's equipment was called out to plow snow. I feel that we accomplished this task fairly well, but it does need some improving in the area of their work habits in cleaning snow to ec�ual the quality of our City staff. This work was estimated at a cost of $7,345. They were used on 8 occasions at a cost.of $4,610.50, or $2,734.50 under the estimate. Other than adding equipment and one years experience witli the private con- tractor working with us, I see no major change in our procedure for the x Snow Removal Policies and Procedures Page 2 1986-1987 snowplowing season. In reviewing these procedures, I feel there cou�d be improvement in the area of cars parked on City streets during our snowplowing operation. Over the years, this has been a problem for us as snow removers and the Police as� enforcers of our snowplowing ordinance as it now stands. Our nei�hbor- ing communities have experienceci the same problem too, but over the last few years have passed a seasonal 'T(o Parking" ban of any vehicles on City streets between the hours of 2:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.�a. (See attached study.) ldith an ordinance such as this, we could improve our plowing time between 1/2 to 1 hour on the initial plowing day and 3 to 4 hours cleanup time spent on the following work day. This new parking ban would improve the appear- ance, safety and rideability of our City streets. 1�C 1' - � � PLANNING DIVISIUN �� s MEMORANDUM c��roF f RI DLEY a � N�MD ZO: Jim R�binson, P�anning Coordinator MEM� FROM: Daryl Nbrey`,�Planning Assistant H�MD II�TE: October 29, 1986 RF�GARDING: Special Use Permit #83-10 On October 17, 1983 City Council apprwed a request for a special use permit, SP #83-10, t�o oonstruct a servioe re�ir garage in an industrial zone at 7948 University Avenue N. E. for Vehicle Maintenance Service (VI�LS) •' with the follawing stipulations: 1. I�i� outside storage af garkx-�ge wntainers. 2. No outside repair of cars. 3. No wernight storage of �cars outside the building. 4. Zhis special use permit be granted for a three year period with staff renewal after one year and if there were no problems, it could be extended for another three years by Co�cil action. On October 29, 1986 I inspected the site and fou�d that VN5 was in v�mglianoe with the abov�mentioned stipulations. Hawever, the f ront door was locked and it appeared as if this business was closed and in the process of moving out. Attenpts to o�ntact the petitioner, Mr. Fred Lyons, were tuisuccessful. L�S/c�n Nf-86-281 L nc � �-�o N N: !/� L�OI�P�R �C t � �� -= --- --- -- e� ;; �. r �' (� ., � L__— r-- — — � � .�-_ - -- - - ;,�.— �" � . f 1 t ' • i i . � i� , � �� � � � i� � I f� , i� i , ,.�.,. � �..,�-�' �' � �"",.... � � J ��� � . _ \ � �� �_ _ � _ � _ � t�/�.� � �..,r J �1 � ?8qr s ? �eao , � � ,� ► ' �.�lL_ -�.�i7��r �-- 1 �� r � � 3 � �� � � ! � t � � � ;► 11A SP #83-10 Fred Lyons 5 Block Lot 4, Block 3 University Industrial Park •� .. .�, �. � � • j*'�'� . — � � ' - - - ` `.}� � ti� -Y .. �,,, • .is J 4 � • •K " `, ' `; a . . � ' , ��� . . � ' i �. . � - , . ��- �=�;. � . 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SP #83-10 Fred Lyons �r �� ,. _ a ^+ .� . •� ,. � �� w � - _ _ . -- �� - -- �� -`LL' r _---- -- - - �� ��� �, �_ ____ .. , 1^ � � _.�. . _. . .'� _'\ � _ _�' __'.'____�'_' -��_ "_� '_^�}' - ^ -5' `` --- � �or -- --��r- S`1i� -` b{ 1 �' ' ,<,` ' -1 — - -, _ r� ��J�� j M \�'����. � �` ����. ���_ - � T r � .. �: _ . ._- -- - --.. � __.-- . .,._ , , �_� ._r.�—_.--•- . _._ -•---,-�------ -�---� � _. - - � — . � � ; . } - y . . . � � t � 1 ? � �� �'-.7 C � —. � - — � . � � � � 1 . .. . . _.. . __. . .'_" .. _ 't�". _ _""^_'.—• . ' � ' . � Z; • � ^ ._ "'_ ___ .___ . i t �_ �, .�l 1 . . . i_ �% F� -� � s� i:� �,���y* � � — _ , i j� . ��,,' , , p "�'' ;�T �, � �' _. � . � . 8• Z . . i : � ' , �� 'Y � i : __---___ __ _. . . , ; � • � , -, -- 5: , , tl�a '� = . ._M _- ------ --- � ' '' -els- __. ___- - _ -� -_ , . _ ;� �T , � � IM� -�-=95T�«s � - �� '{ -��M�T= ��- ��' '� —_ — , �:.� �� r - -� _- � �y7.� E�sIl1C�T f-r PARK/Ny S►w4a � histf » / _ (� . — �%I EA-lti[vT 11 � � I { � ' ' _a�_-l�. 1 '. _ ;..I�:f . ;"� , f � � r ; �Y I ( `! !i, i � i-) ;. �1 7eq.� � i ' _ -- � � -- ••-� .7 �- - � g' / �' �\ '� ` `_ r t ' _ 1 i4e . '— . —o- , ^ / � - - f . � V - ~ /��` ,� •' 22,40o c•.=. c, . T n__i �o ,� J �-�_ :._ . _ i' ; ' , , 'P f. a f � 4 r r � u , ! r- : r�� � ! � � -- � � �` \/ l . - f ; � . e. o" , ------ _ __—�- , - :�- %" A*� �. � A '/ J� 1 - t• 3. ^ -----• - -_« -+ - -- - ,. \ . °C a. 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L .1'� )C,� �rid�e�: ���?i�r���ota s � c��roF FRIDLEY PLANNING DIVISION MEMORANDUM MEMJ ZD: Jim Rr�binson, Planning Coordinator M r,�M� FROM: Daryl rbrey;�jPlanning Assistant t�M� II�TE: October 29, 1986 RF��ARDING: Francis van Dan's Lot Split Request Francis van Dan, 6342 Baker Avenue N. E. , is petitioning the City Council to : 1) wave the filing fee for a lot split apglication, and 2) assu�e tYie oost of a new certificate of survey shaaing the proposed subdivision. Mr. van Dan contends that his neighbor to the inmediate 9outh, Mr. Gerald Nlachaaicz, 6314 Baker Avenue N.E., built an attached garage that overhangs onto his progerty. Mr. van D�n further oontends that the City is responsible for allowing this to happen. A check of the address file revealed that on October 30, 1956 the City granteci Mr. Machowicz a building permit for a 14 foot by 25 foot garage and a 9 foot by 25 foot breezeway. 7here is no building permit on file for a dwelling at this address. � . I�86-282 � I SO G � I,V.4��Z5 �AO,' � ��,�� ,� �.tz< , 0 0 � � e �� 4z ..� `4 z�i �'i�o '`rso 0 G 41I �,� ��•al__ " �.z� � Iv4(o .. ' h � 3� 'G�.` ro (�ao� � /So /J�O . L351v; 6396 ! o ,,ox) o � �6r01 x �4�� ��8�_ � �:�oo� �e� � O 639t U� � � � ,s�.?, ��i J , -- � th z , ��� �., �, 9�r Jo �so � ��` �3t1 ✓ i , � hi ior. �ir3q ; ry � _- � ., 631� � JMJ.�� + :4�J.' 0 /fJ ,1L N, 62 B�5 �± o t' . N \ I � ,i;,fi �!• ��a} ` r �� 1 .r �, u1� ' , ,s, W* .. b.: . sb � ,. �: � •. 6�? 8 � � QG � ii �� dl .: �2� ? � �2 x' " - , sc � � • , � � ��. ,,� bzc�� � �_ . �7 � G�'� '� . Z2 �60.' � g.:� o " , ti - �fo - ° ico� �. :cc 0 � od, � P a�+ : ,� �63 -- . bz 20 . o•,, /.5 � ; � 4a � � � • `"� � .33 � �"-'� seti ca is �'lZ� 0 �;: e � WEST �' �o ;lz �s .pl. q 0 0..i r,; q�(� � •'p� w� I � � 3 � z� : , � ��. � 3 A, r � . � : If' 2 `-'� w � C � _.. �1� - � � , 9.,�-� `��� ' � v' � �r f� �� //�� 1 - � !� A� s' ���AO �{ tIO� �.�Z4 ��� _� f � � �� � ,�AVhi �rli� 1'jL^ L L� J�w�l<1��� �• ��� �. ` ��,� '� � , �-• 9�S i '1 . `�ro •°�I�' e,.o . �- �-�-•--' 4 ee �- / ...J f '�� • i : 3t0% jq2+ N i" e! ! O �v \�,�,- �. �0 9 �� �'., . c�� �f �2 I // . (c� , ��r � ,��M�02� �036 �D39 �I oSl � �'v'._ + _ ' 6343 � � °j � ''s /i�1t . i�J .s -r f 3 v , .�. � � 64TH VE. N. E. �� � ' Z ,- �'- � 43��¢ so . ��.,s � ; � o � (�399 B'J.. /040 I05 a � � , � ���P� 101�. '��.�0 !1 ,� ��%�� . L^ . --1�IL � � r G3� �L e ^ . � h j �: . � I � ., L3 Q ^ L ��.� � W j �•— z�.�►c � {�oo; � , • ' i,, ' Q , o � 37fa7 ,r. .�,, � Lvo. . . $ .�,: � � � � �. 35Q .. . � ` N ? f �3 ' l�Ilr o b o ; . w � � , k3z���� � �4i � N Q ' 63PP��� ; � � f o� �� .---�sj� � ' . O 9r N� �A 631 q� +o ''� o ,_>,, � >'� � "S . f /O ; 6315 m c, � �, - ' � D". 7 .7: 1 � �-�� Z'l � 4"'� � �Q � a � �3 � �e:� a..r...�,.+�i . 1 � • �n3 ���- — 23 _vrrr� t.-..s�,ry � �; � J � —� 7� � � - - - ` ' • �/ � . ti '�`' ^ 9 —� -- - �e.� ..- "„ - .`' ' � . 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Q , � � . ., � � i - � � � ;7c iL T � pp. •�OJ� �2 � til �O \ \�� `/700� {.�gpU� �/� , � } ��. ,� � ` �s- ` L' � � -c ♦a ` J �/� � � O p — ' - �. �\ . � � r ��' ` ' i ,. �� �c. , � -� . . h1 `''• '- � � j �%61a/ , � t C•1r � i� •`� i�� ' s�,o : � f.lir • � c �� Ti N MAP � ��' - -11�13 _ ��� - , �-- � � s_,,� , �, . ��- �.QCA O -� �� �� �. - �� - -- - --�~-�� --- To The City Ceuncil of The City of Fridley, r�innesota � 24th nctober 1986 Centlemen: 12B I am petitioning the Council to assume the costs of filina, fee for a lot spiit as well as the costs of surveyinq the property owned in f.ee sim�le as a freeheld in joint tenancy with my spouse. The reason I am askin_q the City to assume these costs is, that throuqh neqliqent non-feasance an the part ot the City our property title now is inchoate, clouded, so-to-speak. nur freehold is located at 6342 �aker Avenue, N.F.., in the Auditor's Third Addition to r'oore Lake Highl�nds, and, when we acquired it in early 1957, it consisted of a framehouse with an att�hed garaRe. Our southerly abutting neivhbor, at 6314 Baker Avenue, N.E., owned by Cerald R. and Helen Nachowicz, at that ti�e co�prised a similar fra�e structure, but without any Qaraqe whatsoever. Cerald Machowicz, sometime between 1957 and 1965 built an attached garaae, which a subsequent survey showed, at one point had its northeasterly eave overhanging our property line in excess of one foot. The City tells us that there is �n file no recor� of a building permit or subsequent ins�ection. It is, and has been incumbent on the City to enforce the issuance and ap�roval of building permits, and, specifically in such a case ensure that such oversi�hts do not happen. But it did happen, an� r'r. Machowicz dir'. not act in bad faith, theref.ore I opine� that the f.airest resolutien would be a lot-split whereby no moneys or exorbitant pricing nor compens- ation were to be involved; but as I was and am the absolute innocent byst- ander in this case, and I am the one who suffered a beclauded property title, having neither gained a qarage, or committed non-feasance or any act of negli�ence, I cannot s�e why I should spend good money to have a survey perfarmed, or pay a filing fee for the lot-split, to which the City other- wise would be perfectly in its rights to be entitled. � ��� rancis Adam van Dan __ � . . � . . "-.� .. � -._�. : � . . �.. -. . . �_.':.. .. .� ,4::C`�,'. . . ' . .. ,e�rd "� _. � 2 . • . .e�:!!�(�i� . , '<<.���-� . . -<. . , ,. . ,. . . ,� , . ... . , > . � ENGINEERING - � GEOTECHNICS � _ ,LAND SURVEYING 7708 LAKElANO AVENUE �P. O. OSSEO, MtfhNE50TA � �� PNONE (6 � 21 425-21 81 . . . , . . � � . ,. . , . � . _. z ,. , :- . . , . . , _� . : : , c : ... , . . . � '.�.. iSt sr . . - . . . .. .: . : �.. . �` . -, .CERTl�1CA�TE OF SURVEY w;��� �' }F �, .; + .. . - . � . . _ ,j .T�. '�I � t . . ... .� . - Si /� y � T � . ," � �,' .. � �O • � {'�► � � • •��O \.� � • � �/ µ �.;�lL�.,._,�� � �. l a �F �,•. � . • for � .'. <� ' . . v . A .� t . . .. .. ' , . � l� * ����r' , Sovitt 30` oF Loz 9 - �� . NoaTH �o' oo Lo� 10 WETi�I�K 6�oc�-� .' �� . MOORE LA1GE KtGNI.ANC�S - P�tGKA CoVnfT�( � M1w��.tE50T1� I I'� = 50� . � ' _ � - Scote _ _ � Denotc Ircn Mcnumc��t � � I- ' . 'y3 . � � I ' _ , �: ` � ' ' � . _ . � 150.0 0 . � : Z �; , � , ' Zz.� a, i �, W � ----- — � � --_ � a . � . p � .1� O � � �. Q �03�� � ? � ± � `� » o� .i N � r �:' � � Q �} � � � � '� , 33.z � � � • . . � � � � � � � � � O ,1/ .g �r .. _� o � � . . . . . . . � . • � 54.5 "- i�`f.71�'e `� ��� •• • .DQ��EwvE �' sp��t- ��nc -�' d3/�. � = . � � ; � � ••:; .�• , � . . , . ` ,. , - ��P�i�'�M 33 . _ A}�',o� ► � . ' . . -.. � . � ., � � . _ - 1 � � � � . - . . . . . . . . - - � . F . � . . . _.. ..- , � . We hereby certify thot this is o true ond cor�ect representotion of o survey of the boundories of the lond described above and of the locotion of oll buildings thereon, ond oil vis�bfe encroachments, if ony, from or on said lond. As surveyed by me' th�s :: �OT K doy of _ _ � u r�e_ • . ' "�� � ;'`r'� ` '-. 19.�L. ,-�- ,� �,�t� " : - ,, ° �, fia t° � CASWE L�ond ASSOCIATES tt.: m � '�` �x �:rt.. .�R � a ia,' t _, a. s�: Y _ . . . � x�� x m,�� �t�. e-* � : :�- � '.. = z . � �:� � " - . . �.. ti-J' , ✓ •+ r. � ,:� "�# .'��•�4�- -°' � - ' -:..+?y '+! f _ a.�7 '.�j. � ,, e�,, ....r�x . - . . `, ...t ' :Y.t . .. . �'i.� � � . �',:, • t,.l. '.. 1..'_ � ,�i _ .. -. � . _ . �'y � � /� '' � ._ . .. . . . . - _ , ` x; '� b1' - - � :4. , Y ;. P ';�, , .,.- .. _.,,, , . _ • . y � �� ':< `r ... ', � .. � y �-r. , � .. . Fite No. � t322 1___. Boc:k �- -41� .. __ Pe e_ 4S �._. �. M�nnesota Reg�strntion No. ._ �� �-�--'--^-- 9 B� �'f J '� f x . �.. S - _ . .. _ � . . :t. Date Owner Addres 12D BUILDING PERMIT Villag� of FridIey, Minn. �� ... .. .. ..(�.��=!� .. .3.� .�`�'S.b . . .. . . . . . ,��!� . �!v' ?S��!�?:~ . .�--�,. . ./ ., � . . . . � . . . s......................................... N° 22�� BuiIder........................................... Address......................................... LO ATION OF BUILDING No. �.� I"1.. ..... Street . .�,.,l.�'�� . .� .. .. .... ... . . .. . Part of Lot . .. ....... .. .... ....... Lot ................ Block ................ Ad3ition or Sub-Division ....................................... Corner Lot . . . . . . . . . . . . Inside Lot . . . . �r Setback . . .3 :�. !. . Sideyard . . . /�..1 . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . DESCRfPTfON OF BUILDING To be Used as: ...�...�.?'rQ:....... Front . t.r`�... Depth ..�.�FIeight ......... e' [� . . .. ... F ont . .. �.. Depth .d�.�7. . ei�ht . .. .. .... C!� � �� �-!l*�� 1!� Type of Construction ..':.��""�'.. Est. Cost ....... .. .. ... Sq. Ft. . .. .. ... Cu. Ft. . .... ... Sq. Ft. ........ Cu. Ft. ........ To be Completed . /�}�-: • • • • • • V In consideration of the issuance to me of a permit to construct the building described above, I agree to do the proposed work in accordance with the description above set forth and in compliance with all provisions of ordinances of the village of Fridley. . �� QY.`:�'.`.� j�:-!Y.Y't:-tl�f=- . .,: .� . . . . . f• ^. In c ns erat' n of the payment of a fee of �. ... ?:u, permit is hereby granted to .,.. :. .���� ..•�• ••.• Y�� ����-� to construct the building or addition as described above. This permit is granted upon the e.�press conditi�oY► that the person to whom it is granted and his agents, employees and workmen, in all work done in, around and upon said building, or any part thereof, shall conform in all respects to the ordinances of F'ridley, D2innesota regarding location, construction, alteration, maintenance, repair and moving of buildings with- in the village limits and this permit may be revoked at any tiine upon violation of any of the provisions of said ordinances. / . • . .. . . .. �; r . . �.I /^ ��'�!!'!'�QI':'�Suilding Inspector NOTICE: This permit does not cover the construction, installation or alteration for wiring, piumbing, gas heating, sewer or water. Be sure to see the Building Inspector for separate permtts fo� these items. � 13 CITY OF FRIDLEY PLANNIN+G CQMA1iSSIQN MEEiING, OCTOBER 22, 1986 CALL TO ORDER• Chairperson Billings called the October 22, 1986, Planning Commission meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Steve Billings, David Kondrick, Dale Thompson (for Rich Svanda), Dean Saba, Donald Betzold and Sue Sherek Members Absent: Rich Svanda and A1 Gabel Others Present: Jim Robinson, Planning Coordinator Jock Robertson, Community Development Director See attached list ApPROVAL OF OCTOBER 8, 1986, PLANNING COMMISSION MiNUTES: MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY MR. SABA, TO AppROVE THE OCTOBER 8, 1986 PLANNING COMMISSION MZNUTES AS WRITTEN. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 1. PUBLIC HEARItdG: CONSIDERATION OF A REZONING RE UEST L ZOA �k86-05, BY UNIVERSITY AVENUE ASSOCIATES: Rezone from M-2, Heavy Industrial, to R-3, General Multiple Dwelling, to construct 358 apartment units, on the South 450 feet, except the East 600 feet thereof, of all that part of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 2, Township 30, Range 24, Anoka County, Minnesota, lying Westerly of State Trun[c Highway No. 47, and the North b00 feet of the South 1050 feet, except the East 600 feet thereof, of all that part of the Northwest 1/4 of the North:�est 1/4 of Section 2, Township 30, Range 24, Anoka County, Minnesot�a, lying Westerly of State Trunk Highway No. 47, and all of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 2, Township 30, Range 24, Anoka County, Minnesota, Lying Westerly of State Trunk Highway No. 47, except the South 1050 feet thereof and except the East 600 feet thereof as measured at right angles to the West right-of-way line of State Trunk Highway No. 47 and except that part lying North of the South line of the North 32.12 acres of said Northwest 1/4 of Section 2, generally located South of 85th Avenue, West of University Avenue, and North of 83rd Avenue. MQTION BY MR. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY MS. SHEREK, TO WAIVE THE READING OF THE PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE AND OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 7:36 p.m. 13A PLANNING CONIlNISSION MEETING OCTOBER 22, 1986 PAGE 2 Mr. Robinson stated this is a request to rezorie property north of 83rd Avenue and west of University Avenue from M-2, heavy industrial to R-3, general multiple t�o �onstruct a 358 unit apartment complex. He stated the site for this project is 21 acres, including the street easement on 83rd. Mr. Robinson stated the proposed nine three-story buildings would be of high quality construction with many amenities. Mr. Robinson stated the zoning of surrounding properties is commercial to the east, heavy industrial on the north, general commercial and heavy industrial to the south and the Springbrook NaCure CenCer is on the west. He stated there previously was a rezoning request for this property for construction of a similar apartment complex, but the project did not proceed due to economic reasons. I�. Robinson stated the average daily traffic on University between 81st and 83rd is about 35,800 vehicles with a projected increase in 1988 to about 42,000. He stated on the west side of University on 83rd Avenue, it is projected daily traffic would increase from 411 to 1,400 by 1988. He stated there has been some modification of the intersection at 83rd which incLudes a trumpet median. He stated there is the possibility of a signal at this intersection at some future date, if the traffic warrants it. Mr. Robinson stated an Environmental Assessment Worksheet is reqiiired because ti5e size of the project is over 225 fii�its and a significant �crease in the sanitary seiaer flowage. He stated it is proposed to have sanitary sewe-r and water lines connected to �xisting utility lines in S��d, and storm drain age would be handled by ponding both on site and in the Nature Center. Mr. Robinson stated the project would require an amendment to the City's Comprehensive Plan as this area is designated as S-2 or a redevelopment district. He stated this district was established for use by the Housing & Redevelopment Authority. Mr. Robinson stated the area was considered as future housing potential because it is adjacent to the Springbrook Nature Center and in good proximity to transportation and commercial businesses. He stated an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan would, therefore, be acceptable and not con- trary to any stated policies. Mr. Robinson stated the building area for the main and accessory buildings meets all the Code requirements and parking requirements are for 712 stalls and 753 are provided. He stated there are 237 garages which is approximately 66% in relation to the toCal number of units. He stated the plan includes nine foot stalls and would require a variance which would be processed Chrough Che Appeals Commission. Mr..Robinson stated some of the amenities include two swimming pools, tennis courts, volleyball and basketball courts, recreational building and jogging trails around the perimeter of the complex. He stated the units are spacious and there is ample landscaping. 13B PLANNING COMMISSION MEETIN G, OCTOBER 22� 1986 PAGE 3 Mr. Robinson stated tE�e deveLoper met with the members of the Springbrook Nature Foundation and this project was generally well received. He stated the primary assues they addressed were berming, plantings, fencing, ponding, board wal[c, access trails and program outreach. Mr. Robinson stated the berming consists of extensive berming along the I3ature Center property ranging in height from 10 to 20 feetin height. He stated this provides good screening with no detrimental effect to the Nature Center. He stated water quality was also an issue and there are two ponding areas on the site and, in addition, approximately six acre feet of ponding on the Nature Center site to store both regional and some of this development's storm water. He stated there are two planned areas of access into the Nature Center for pedestrians only. Nfr. Robinson stated sCaff and the developer warked out an agreement on the refinements for this development and they are presented in the form of stipulations. Mr. Robinson sCated the stipulations relatxng to the archiCectural elements are as follows: (1) provide deck element details - all deck fascia to be pre-finished metal trim; deck post supports to be pre-finished metal; (2) architectural facade behind deck to be brick up to horizontal metal band; (3) color scheme - samples of all architectural facade material to be submitted for City approval; (4) provide brick soldier course for window sills on first two floors for window openings; third floor window sills to be determined, with staff approval; (5) a11 trash enciosures to be brick enclosures; one per building to be provided; (6) elevations which include detailed facade material descriptions to be submitted by November 7, 1986; (7) developer will ensure adequate on-site park- i ng through managemenC or provision of additional parking area; (8) provide a site improvement performance bond; amount to be three percent of construction value; (9) developer to implement amenity package as defined in Cliff's/Fridley contrast - remove ambiguity prior to Council meeting; anri (10) soundproofing needed adjacent to laundry rooms and stairs. Mr. Robinson staCed the requirements for general landscaping are as follows: (1) provide berming to screen parking along 83rd i.venue; (2) provide three additional street trees and shrubbery along 83rd Avenue; (3) provide additional screening along the easterly 28 feet; through the addition of six overstory shade trees; (4) provide a coordinated berming and landscape plan for the entire site; (S) all shrub beds Co be edged and mulched with a weed barrier provided; (6) rock mulch to be installed as indicated on landscape plan dated 10/14/86; (7) all turf areas to be sodded except area west of Nature Center security fence, and LO feet beyond trail to north to be seeded; (8) provide an improved internal hardsurface pathway system which connects the development from east to west and north to south; to be constructed within one year of 70% occupancy; (9) all development landscaping to have underground lawn sprinkling; and (10) building end entry pla�ting beds to be bermed. 13C FLANNII3G CO1vIIKISSION MEETING._ OCTOBER 22 , 1986_ _ PAGE 4 I�. Robinson statea s���f ancl the developer share a concern about the ponds to ensure they don°� become an eyesore and want them to be an asset to the c3evelopment. He stated the stipulations for the ponding are as follows: (1) add:additional decorative lighting around ponds; minimum of three lights for each pond; and (2) final design for pond/drainage elements will provide for retenCion or de- tention areas which will function efficiently and contribute to a visually pleasing and low maintenance drainage system. Mr. Robinson stated the stipulations which affect the NaCure Center property are as follows: (1) provide improvements to Nature Center berm landscaping as agreed on October 22, 1986; (2) show fence on p1an; trail to be on the development side of the fence. Fence generally to be located west of trail and on the development side of the berm, except Location on Large berm to be on Nature Center side of berm; (3) fence to be six foot green vinyl clad with no top rail; (4) fence gates to be turn style design; selection to be approved by Nature Center Director; (S) continue berming and seeding on Nature Center to 85th Avenue and around corner if excess fi11 is available; (6) continue security fence to 50 feet beyond north of development and 50 feet to the west on the southern end of site; (7) pond depth (in Nature Center) to be five feet at normal water level, location and size to be approved by Nature Center Director; (8) developer to install appropriate walkway connections on north and south to existing Nature Center trail; (9) seed mix on Nature Center to include woodland and prairie flower mixures; seed to be mulched; (LO) construction zone to be shown on grading plan and approved trees to be removed to be marked and approved by Nature Center Director; (11) trees to be saved to be protected by snow fence; placement assisted by Nature Center Director; and (12) provide a coordinated berming and landscape plan. I�. Saba asked the depth of the holding ponds. Mr. Robinson stated the decision on the final design hasn't been reached, but they will probably be about five to six feet in depth. Mr. BiLlings asked about the turn style gates and if this would pre- clude bicycles and handicapped access. I�. Robinson stated bicycles are not allowed in the Nature Center and the handicapped trail is not in this area. Mr. Betzold asked if the ponding areas would be screened. Mr. Robinson stated they would be a natural amenity and an actual focal point of the development. He stated the conclusion reached was if the ponds cannot be designed to be attractive, they would simply be a retention area. He stated if they are a detention area, however, other things would.have to be done:_to provide a long range visual amenity. Mr. Saba asked if the ponding has any adverse affects on the regional plan being worked on by staff. Mr. Robinson stated the City Engineer is working with the developer and didn�t believe �there are any aduexse affects. 13D PLANNING CONI�IISSION MEETING, OCTOBER 22, 1986 PAGE 5 Ms. Linda Fisher, Larkin, Hoffma.n, Daly & Lundgren, Lt�d., stated she was representing the d�v�lopers, University Avenue Associates. She stated the principals for this development were Ken Belgarde, Charles Belgarde and Harry Yaffe. Ms. Fisher stated the project architect is James Cooperman and Associates; landscape architect is David Kirsht Associates; fi11 engineer and Land surveyor is Harry S. Johnson; a�d drainage engineer is CCST, Inc. She stated Tom Dillon of the Property Manage►rient Divisian of_ Marfield, Belgarde and Yaffe was present,.as well as representatives of the other companies involved with this project. She stated Barton-Aschman and Subterranean also assisted them in their plans . Ms. Fisher stated staff made an excellent presentation and was very thorough and information they were going to present was included in staff's review. She stated she felt it is clear what they are requesting in terms of the Comprehensive Plan and rezoning to R-3 and consideration of the preliminary plat. She stated the Com- prehensive Plan indicates this site would be suitable for multiple family i:ousing and such uses are needed to meet the City's needs by 1990. N,s. Fisher stated the plans presented this evening represent a cul- mination of lot of hard work by a number of people. She stated she works in many communities representing developers and the City�s staff works as long or harder than any city she has worked with. She stated they have been able to meet with staff after hours and really appreciated their efforts. She staCed they had meetings where there was disagreement, but now felt they had reached a final agree- ment. She also expressed appreciation to the Nature Center Director and the Springbrook Nature Center Foundation. Ms. Fisher stated they have requested the City assist with this project in the form of taxable tax increment bonds and taxabLe housing revenue bonds. She stated the request was reviewed by the HR.A and general concept for assistance has been approved. She stated they are working with staff to negotiate a redevelopment contract. Ms. Fisher stated University Avenue Associates have over 20 years experience in multi-family rental housing. She stated they have developed over 3,000 units including over 400 units in the Cliff's project in MinneConka, which staff toured, and the Four Seasons project in Plymouth, as well as projects in Wisconsin and South Dakota, She stated they were also the developers of the East River Road Business Center in Fridley. Ms. Fisher stated the developers build for long-term ownership and hold on to their projects for 15 to 25 years. She stated the project consists of nine three-story buildings and the Commission has render- ings and drawings before them which indicate the quality and character of this project. 13E PLANNING CO�SSION MEETING, OCTOBER 22, 1986 _ PAGE 6 Ms. Fisher stated the continuing maintena�ce of the complex is insured by an on-site resident manag�� She stated the units are designed for families, as well as younge= persons, with approxi- mately 17%, one ��drvom units; 67%, two bedroom tanits, and i5%, three bedraom units. She stated they tried to create a feeling of individual entry to the apartment by providing an indented entry and are experimenting with special decorative features. She stated there would be skylights in the third floor corridors. Ms. Fisher stated the individual units will have walk-in closets, European style cabinets, dining room fans and the three bedroom units will have 1-3/4 baths and the two bedroom units, 1-1/2 baths. Ms. Fisher stated a recreation building would be Located on the south part of the site with saunas, whirlpools, exercise facilities, a party and community room, She stated some of the exterior ameni- ties include walking and jogging paths, various courtyards and a playground. Ms. Fisher stated one of the key issues was providing a suitable buffer between this site and the Springbrook Nature Center. She stated several meetings were held with staff and the area was surveyed so they had an idea exactly where they wanted screening. She stated their surveyor then went back to the site and identified areas within the Nature Center in which a berm might enroach. She stated a buffer plan was developed and the landscape architect is present to answer any questions. Ms. Fisher stated in summer, the berms will screen the garages; however, during the winter months, a portion of the buildings may be seen from the trail in the Nature Center because there would be less vegetation. Ms. Fisher stated ingress and egress to the Nature Center would be controlled by a fence. She stated lighting for this project would be directed downward so it wouldn't affect the Nature Center or other adjacent property. Ms. Fisher stated there was discussion with regard to the storm water management plan and the basic objective is to meet Watershed District requirements. She stated this states that their post- development r.ate of runoff cannot exceed the pre^development rate of runoff. She stated they assumed a 1�0 year storm as the basis for that evaluation and designed a storm water concept plan that provides for ponding on the site, as well as on the Nature Center site. She stated this concept has been approved by the Nature Centier and further work has to be done on the exact Location and size. Ms, Fisher stated this plan will meet the storm water re- quirements for this project and will improve the storm water quality in the area. She stated, basically, at Chis time, water from their site, as well as property to the east and the culvert along Uni- versity Avenue, is not treated and runs inCO the park site. She stated after their development, most of the storm water would run through their on-site detention pond and baffles or weirs would be provided before the water ran into the park ponding area. She 13F PLANNING COrQ1iSSI0N MEETING, OCTOBER 22, 1986 __ PAGE 7 stated erosion con�rol measures wc�id be implemented during and after construction. Ms. Fisher stated there are a number of details to be resolved in regard to the ponds. She stated their original objective was to have amenity ponds to be used for both skating and retention ponds. She stated she understands this is very difficult i.� accomplish, but they believe it can be done. She stated at a minimum, the ponds will be inundation areas to meet their ponding requirements. She stated if they can provide permanent amenity ponds, they would do so. Ms. Fisher stated she was asked by Mr. Robinson to provide the Commission with a summary of the EAW process. She stated an EAW is required because of the number of units and waste water generated by the project. She stated the Pollution Control Agency does a pre-review of the sanitary sewer and they have addressed this portion of the EAW. She stated the schedule for the EAW is that it will be published in the 13ovember 3 EQB Monitor and then there will be a 30 day public comment period. She stated the City will have those comments back on or about December 3 and have the benefit of this process prior to consideration of the rezoning. Ms. Fisher stated in terms of th� EAW, the document indicates that both the muricipal and regional storm water and sanitary sewer systems have adequate capacity to accommodate this development. 5he stated a traffic analysis was done to show that traffic would comply with State air quality standards. She stated a noise analysis basically looked at traffic generated noise and the EAW shows all receptors will meet State standards. Ms. Fisher stated there are no DNR protected wetlands on the site so a permit from this agency is not required. She stated there are about two acres on the site of other types of wetlands which, in some cases, the U. S. Army Corp. of Engineers does regulate. She stated they were contacted and believed they fall under a nationwide permit and are in the process of confirming this information. Ms. Fisher stated Nh�. Robinson reviewed the projected average daily traffic. She stated the level of service at all affected inter- sections is acceptable. I�Ir. Kondrick asked the time period before the project would be com- � i.eted , I�. Ken Belgarde stated it would be about six months L-�om the time construction began unCil the first building is completed. He stated the construction of the other eight buildings would be six to eight weeks apart. He stated if marketing goes we11, this time table would be accelerated. I�. Kondrick asked what rents were projected for these units. Mr. Belgarde stated the one bedroom units range from $520-$550/month; two bedroom units from $600-$635/month; and three bedroom units $675/month. 13G PIANNING COIrII�fISSION MEETING OCTOBER 22 1986 PA� 8 N'h�. Billings stated he understands s�me soil correcti�an would be necessary. Nh�. Belgarde stated there is major soil correction which would probably take a total of three months to accomplish. He stated they would correct what was needed in order to get the first building started and then continue to make the other necessary corrections. 1�. Betzold stated there would be no way to proaeed north from this project. 1�. Robinson stated if 83rd Avenue is used, vehicles would have to go south on Uni�ersity. 'ie stated another aiternative wou�d be to use Main 9treet to 81st Avenue and then proceed either north or south at the light. 1�. Betzold asked if this would be a problem. Ms. Fisher stated Barton-Aschman concluded that the intersections affected by this type of movement have adequate capacity to accom- modate the vehicles: She stated the inCersection of 83rd and University is at service level A which is the best level of service and would continue after full development of this project. She stated the intersection of 81st and University is at service level C and, after deveLopment by Vantage Company's project, this level of service would decrease slightly to D+, but is well within Che SCate and County determinations as to what is acceptable. She stated the project can function with current access without any adverse effect on the development or roadway system. Mr. Betzold stated the question of the variance for the parking stalls seems to be one of the last items to be addressed and would come before the Appeals Commission. I�. Robinson stated the developer is working on a contingency plan in the event the variance was not approved. Ms. Fisher stated they are working on an alternate or contingency plan. She felt the variance was very critical to the site plan and the hardship could be documented because of the unique features on the site. Mr. Betzold asked if all the stipulations outlined by l�ir. Robinson were acceptable to the developer. Ms. Fisher stated they have reviewed these stipulations and are in agreement , x Ms. S1�►erek asked if the ponding wasn't suitable for amenity ponding, if it would change the configuration of the complex. 13H PLANNING COrII�fISSION MEETING, OCTOBER 22, 1986 PAGE 9 Mr. Belgarde stated if they cannot aiake the ponds a positive amenity, they probably will not exist, but it wouldn't change the layout of the buildings. Mr. Robinson questioned the design and materials if the ponds are detenti:on versus retention. Mr. McMahon, CCST, Inc., staCed there is a fairly serious silt problem and there would have to be a maintenance program to see that Che ponding areas stay clean. He stated if they are used for inundation rather than amenities, different materials would have to be considered, however, he could not answer the question at this time. Mr, Phil Nyvall, representing the YMCt'+, asked the plans for access and service roads and where proposed water and sanitary sewer lines would be installed which could possibly affect the YNICA property. Mr. Robinson stated the only access will be on 83rd Avenue. He stated they are not proceeding with a road to the north at this time, however, a 60 foot easement is being provided across the north end of the project for possible future access. He stated the Y property would not be affected, at this time, in terms of roadway access. He stated all utilities are serviced from 83rd Avenue. Ms. Fisher stated 60 feet has been dedicated along the north property line for possible future street right-of-way, but it is not part of this proposal to have a street there at this time. Ms. Seeger, representing the Springbrook Nature Foundation, stated the developer has worked with them regarding this project. She stated their concern was the ponding because the natural amenities of the Nature Center can't take a severe influx of water. She stated they are generally in favor of this project. No other persons in the audience spoke for or against this rezoning request. MOTION BY MS. SHEREK, SECOI3DED BY MR. BETZOLD, TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLLINGS DECLARED THE HEARING CLOSED AT 8:35 p.m. MOTION BY 1r6. SHEREK, SECONDED BY MR. KONDRICK, TO RECOMI�ND AND SUPPORT A COMPREHENS NE PLAN AMENDMENT TO THE 1990 IAND USE PLAN FROM A S-2, REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT, TO R-3, GENERAL MULTIPLE DWELLING ON THE BASIS THAT THE HOUSING SECTION OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DOES INDICATE THIS HAS A POTENTIAL FOR MEDIUM DENSITY HOUSING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLEIRED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 13t PLANNING CONIMISSION MEETING, OCTOBER 22, 1986 PAGE _10 Mr. Saba stated a pla� tiad been previously submitted for multiple units in this area anc! felt this was a far better one. A'h�. Billings stated he felt the multipie units would be a better buffer for the Nature Center than a heavy industraal use. He felt the plan was well thought out and a high quality complex. He stated he appreciated the develaper putting in the time, energy and finances into such a project for the City. Ms. Sherek stated she felt the housing is needed in the City. Mr. Kondrick stated any concerns he had regarding the project have been well addressed. He felt protection has been provided for the Nature Center. MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY MR. SABA, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF REZONING REQUEST, ZQA ��86-05, BY UNIVERSITY AVENUE ASSOC7ATES WITH THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS: ARCHITECTURAL REFINEMENTS 1. Provide deck element details - all deck fascia to be pre-finished metal trim; deck post supports to be pre-finished metal. 2, Architectural facade behind deck to be brick up to horizontal metal band. 3. Color scheme - samples of all architectural facade material to be submit�ed for City approval. 4. Provide brick soldier course for window sills on first two floors for window openings. Third floor window si11s to be deCermined, with staff approval. S. All trash enclosures to be brick enclosures; one per building to be provided. 6. Elevations which include detailed facade material descriptions to be submitted by November 7, 1986. 7. Developer will ensure adequate on-site parking through management or provision of additional parking area. 8. Provide a site improvement performance bond; amount to be three percent of construction value (see bond form). 9. Developer to implement amenity package as defined in Cliff's/ F�idley contrast. Remove ambiguity prior to Council meeting. 10. Soundproofing needed adjacent to laundry rooms and stairs. 13J PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, OCTOBER 22, 1986 PAGE 11 GENERAL LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS 1. Px'ovide berming to screen parking along 83rd Avenue N.E. 2. Provide three additional street trees and shrubbery along 83rd Avenue N.E. 3. Provide additional screening along the easterly 28 feet; through the �ddition of six overstory shade trees. 4. Provide a coordinated berming and Landscape pLan for the entire site. 5. All shrub beds to be edged and mulched with a weed barrier provided. 6. Rock mulch to be installed as indicated on Landscape plan dated LO/1G/86. 7. All turf areas to be sodded except area west of Nature CenCer security fence, and 10 feet beyond trail to north to be seeded. 8. Provide an improved internal hardsurface pathway system which connects the development from east to west and north to south; to be constructed within one year of 70°!a occupancy. 9. All development landscaping to have underground Lawn sprinkling. L0. Building end entry planting beds to be bermed. POND REFINEMENTS 1. Add additional decorative lighting around ponds; minimum of three lights for each pond. 2. Final design for pond/drainage elements will provide for retention or detention areas which will function efficiently and conCribute to a visually pleasing and low maintenance drainage system. NATUItE CENTER INTERFACE ; REFINEMEI3TS l. Provide improvements to Nature Center berm landscaping as agreed on October 22, 1986. 2. Show fence on p1an; trail to be on the development side of the fence. Fence generally to be located west of trail and on the development side of the berm, except location on large berm to be on Nature Center side of berm. 3. Fence to be six foot green vinyl clad with no top rail. 4. Fe:�ce gates to be turn style design. Selection to be approved by Natut�e Center. ■ 13K PLANAiING COMNIISSION MEETIl3G, OCTOBER 22, 198b PAGE 12 5. Continue berming and seeding on Nature Center to 85th Avenue N.E. and around corner if excess fill is ava$2able. 6. Continue security ience to 50 feet beyond north of development and 50 feet to t9�e west on the southern end of site. 7. Pond depth (in Nature Center) to be five feet at normal water level. Location and size to be approved by Nature Center Director. 8. Developer to install appropriate walkway connections on north and south to existing Nature Center trail. 9. Seed mix on Nature Center to include woodland and prairie flower mixtures. Seed to be mulched. 10. Construction zone to be shown on grading plan and approved. Trees to be re moved to be marked and approved by Nature Center Director. 11. Trees to be saved to be protected by snow fence; placement assisted by Nature Center Director. 12. Provide a coordinated berming and landscape plan. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHA IItPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2. PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDERATION OF A PRELI MCNARY PLAT, P.S. ��86-OS, NORTH PARK ESTATES, BY UNIVERSITY AVENUE ASSOCIATES: Being a replat of the South 450 feet, except the East 600 feet thereof, of a11 that pa.rt of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 2, Township 30, Range 24, Anoka County, Minnesota, lying Westerly of State Trunk Highway No. 47, and the East 600 of the South 400 feet of a11 thaC part of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 2, Township 30, Range 24, Anoka County, Minnesota, lying Westerly of State Trunk Highway No. 47. Subject to an easement for utility and street pur- poses over the South 33 feet thereof, and the North 600 feet of the South 1050 feet, except the East 600 feet thereof, of all that part of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 2, Township 30, Range 24, Anoka County, Minnesota, lying Westerly of State Trunk Highway No. 47, and all of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 2, Township 30, Range 24, Anoka Count}r, Minnesota,'lying Westerly of State Trunk Highway No. 47, except the South 1050 feet thereof and except the East 600 feet thereof as measured at right angles to the West right-of-way line of State 7.`runk Highway No. 47 and exce pt that part lying North of the South line of the North 32.12 acres of said Northwest 1%4 of Section 2, generally located South of $5th Avenue, West of University Avenue, and North of 83rd Avenue. MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY MS. SHEREK, TO WAIVE"THE READING OF THE PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE AND OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARID THE HEARING OPEN AT 7:42 p.m. 13L PLANNING COI�IISSION MEETING, OCTOBER 22� 1986 _ ___ __ _ PAGE 13 Mr. Robinson statec3 t�e lc�c�.�fon of this plat is equal to what is covered in the rezoning request, ZQA �k86-O5, plus the additional portion ' that is adjacent and goes to University Avenue. He stated this extra portion is zoned C-2 and'�aill remain C-2, as it is under separate ownership. He stated the plat includes one block and two Lots; Lot Y being the development parcel and T.ot 2 being the remaining parcel. He stated the reason Lot 2 is included in the plat is because it is one tax parcel. Mr. Robinson stated staff is recommending the following stipul- ations, if the plat is approved. 1. Developer subject to fair share of assessments on a possible future road along the north end of development site. 2. Property owner agrees that proposed Lot 2, Block 1, North Park Estates is subject to street easements to allow for street connectiors between 83rd Avenue and FSth Avenue. 3. Lot 1 and Lot 2 are subject to park fees as follows: Lot 1- 358 units at $500 per unit =$179,000 - all payable with first building permit. Lot 2- 270,072 x.023 =$6,212 - to be paid with building permit or replatting at the prevailing rate 4. Desig�ate existing 33 foot easement on south as dedicated right-of- way on p1at, subject to concurrence of property owner. Mr. Robinson stated staff has not talked to the property owner regard- ing the easement on the south and, therefore, it is subject to his concurrence. Ms. Fisher stated they concur with the stipulations, with the exception of No. 4 as Chey are not the property owner. She stated she under- stands I�fr. Wormsbecker is present representing this properCy owner, Mr. Barbush. Mr. Wormsbecker, representing Mr. Barbush, stated he would have to talk to the owner to see if this stipulation would be a problem, but felt the matter of the easement could be resolved. He staCed the owner is aware that at some time a road has to be constructed. No other persons in the audience spoke regarding this preliminary plat. MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY MR. BETZOLD, TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE PUBLZC HEARIN� CLOSED AT 8:52 p.m. PLANNING COI�IISSION MEETING, OCTOBER 22, 3986 __ __ PAGE_ 14 MOTION BY MR. KONDRICR, SECONDED BY MR. BETZOLD, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY PLAT, P.S. ��86-05, NORTH PARK ESTATES, BY UNNERSITY AVENUE ASSOCIATES, WITH THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS: 1. Developer subject to fair share of assessments on a possible future road along the north end of deveL�spment site. 2. Property owner agrees that proposed Lot 2, Block 1, North Park Estates is subject to street easements to allow for a street connection between 83rd Avenue and 85th Avenue. 3. Lot 1 and Lot 2 are subject to park fees as follows: Lot 1 - Lot 2 - 358 units building 270,072 x 13M at $S00 per unit =$179,000 all payable with first permit. .023 =$6,212 - to be paid with building permit or replatting at the prevailing raCe 4. Designate existing 33 feet easement on south as dedicated right- of-way on plat. (Subject to concurrence of property owner). UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE MOTION CARR IED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairperson Billings stated the rezoning and the preliminary plat would go to the City Council for public hearing on November 17, 1986. 3. CONSIDER�ITION OF LOT SPLIT� L.S. ��86-08, BY DIVISION 1 REAL ESTATE,_INC.: Split will create three single family lots. One lot being Chat part of Lots 80, 81, 82 and 83, Block A, Riverview Heights, lying westerly of the easterly 90 feet of said lots together with all that parC of the vacated un-named street and right-of-way of Minneapolis, Anoka and Cuyuna Range RR Co., lying southerly of the westerly extension of the northerly line of said Lot 83, and lying northerly of the westerly extension of the southerly Line of said Lot 80. All Lying easterly of East�'River Road as it is now laid out and constructed. The second lot being the westerly 70 feet of the easterly 90 feet of Lots 80, 81, 82 and 83, Block A, Riverview Heights. The third lot being L•oC 78 and 79 and the easterly 20 feet of Lots 80, 81, 82 and 83, Block A, Riverview Heights, 441 Hugo Street N.E. Mr. Robinson stated this lot split is for property located on the north- east corner of Hugo and East River Road. He stated the property has two zoning classifications as there are two single family lots and Che majority of the site to the west is zoned R-3. He stated the property to the north is zoned R-2 and the neighborhood is mostly single family homes. 13N PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OCTOBER 22 1986 PAGE 15 Mr. Robinson stated in the past, townhouses ��re proposed for this property, however, development never proceeded because of economic reasons. Mr. Robinson stated the requested lot split would split the existing Lots into three buildable Lots, A, B and C. He stated Lot A would meet the Code requirements as far as square footage and frontage. He stated Lots B and C would only be about 7,165 square feet with 70 foot frontages. He stated the Code requires 9,000 square feet with 75 foot frontages. Mr. Robinson sCate� it would seem that the issue is whether tl�ree single family homes would be more consistent with the neig�borhood. Some 50 foot lots in the area have been utilized for homes. l�h. Robinson sCated if this lot split is approved, staff is re- commending the following stipulations: (1) provide a 17.5 foot street and bikeway/walkway easement along East River Road; (2) provide a 12 foot street easement along Hugo Street; (3) lot area variances are needed with split from 9,000 square feet to plus or minus 7,165 square feet on Parcels B and C; (4) lot width variances are needed with split from 75 feet to 70 feet on Parcels B and C; (5) park fees of $750 required for each of the three lots payable with building permits; (6) record split at Anoka County within six months; and (7) owner agrees to rezone the property to single family. Mr. Kondrick stated he was concerned about Lot A, if East ltiver Road were widened. I�. Robinson stated the City has allowed easements to be.used for setbacks in the past• IIe stated a home could be set back 40 feet from ::ast River Road and still have 50 feet•-of buildable area. Ms. Sherek felt it would be better to have two legal lots which meet Code requirements, rather than three lots. Mr. Chouinard, the owner of Che property, stated the three lots are requested in order to make it financially feasible. Mr. Bill Lee, proposed developer of these lots, stated a home with a tuck-under garage would be consCructed on Lot A so there would be adequate space. He questioned if ie wouldn`t be desirable to have single family homes on these lots. Mr. Kondrick stated it would be desirable, but the question is also whether there should be two rather than three lots. Mr. Betzold stated he has seen proposals for this property several times and even though it is zoned R-3, single family homes would be a better use. He stated his concern involves the possible widening of East River Road and Hugo Street has a 1ot of problems. 13O PLANNING COMrffSSION MEETING. OGTOBER 22, 1986 PAGE 16 I�. Chouinard stated at the time he Qurchased the property, it was tax forfeit and tt�ere was a ten unit complex approved for t�ae site. He stated t�� mther proposal was for a six unit townhouse development which wouLd not work financially. He stated a home could be constructed on the 50 foot lot and four units constructed on Lots A and B. He felt the single family homes were better for the neighborhood. Mr. Billings stated because of the action taken by the City Council at their last meeting in regard to a lot split which resulted in substandard lots, he would have a dif`icult time supporting this request. He asked Mr. Robinson if the majority of the lots on Hugo Street were in excess of 9,000 square feet. Nfr. Robinson stated he felt the majority of the lots were in excess of 9,000 square feet. Mr. Billings felt it may be helpful for staff to provide an analysis of the properties along Hugo Street when this item goes to the City Council. MOTION BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY 1N�S. SHEREK, TO FORWARD THIS LOT SPLIT REQUEST, L.S. ��86-08, BY DIVISION 1 REAL ESTATE, INC. TO THE CITY COUNCIL WITHOUT A RECOM[�NDATION. Mr. Kondrick stated he has no problem with the 70 foot frontage, but felt there could be a problem with Lot A in the future if East River Road is widened. Mr. Robinson asked the owner and developer if they would consider a lot split for two Lots. Both indicated they would not. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE rI0TI0N CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairperson Billings stated this item would go to the City Council on November 3, 1986. 4. REVIEW OF AN ORDINANCE RECODIFYING THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE, CHAPTER 6 ENTITLED "COMMISSIONS" BY AMENDING SECTIONS 6.01 AND 6.03, BY DELETING SECTION 6.08 AND RENUMBERING THE I�iEXT CdI3SECUTNE NUMBER: Mr. Robinson sCated the Commission has discussed this matter several times and this ordinance would phase out the Community Development Commission. He stated this Commission has noC been active over the last several years. Mr. Robertson stated members of the Conununity Development Commission were advised of this change and encouraged to indicate their pre- ference for service on another City commission. 13P PLANNING CO�SSION MEETING OCTOBER 22 1986 PAGE 17 MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK, SE�U1Vf3ED �X NS. SHEREK, fi0 CONCUR WITH THE RECOMMENDED CHANGES TO CHAPTL�t 6 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE BY AF.ENDING SECTIONS 6.01 AND 6.03, BY DELETING �ECTION 6.08 AND RENUMBERING THE NEXT CONSECUTIVE NUMBER. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE 1KITION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5. DISCUSSION ON DUMPSTER ENCLOSURES IN FRIDLEY: I�. Robinson stated the City has a problem with existing policy on dumpster enclosures in Chat it is not specified what type or material is to be used, He stated staff is submitting the folLowing proposal to be considered: (a) enclosures shall be designed out of material that is architecCurally compatible with the principal structure such as brick, architectural block, poured concrete and possibly wood; (b) gates may not be necessary if the opening i�ould noC be visible from the public or residential view. If a gate is needed then it should be opaque and constructed out of sturdy treated wood or a slatted chain link fence; (c) receptacles which do not require screen- ing sha11 be maintained in a clean and orderly fashion and (d) a11 restaurants shall have a masonry enclosure with an opaque gate. Nh�. Kondrick staCed if there is a change in the Code, if those establishments that exist now must comply. Mr. Robinson stated they would be grandfathered, unless there were some changes on the property. Mr. Robinson stated he believed the proposals recommended by staff are consistent with other neighboring communities. Mr. BiLlings stated he was concerned about masonry enclosures for restaurants and wondered if this would pertain to a delicatessen or small eating place in a mall. l�h. Robinson stated a masonry enclosure provides an enclosure to encourage sanitary practices. Ms. Sherek stated wooden enclosures are subject to being destroyed by the garbage trucks. She felt any establishment that has a dumpster should have it enclosed and didn�C know why only restaurants were included for a masonry enclosure. l�h. Robinson stated staff would review this item to answer some o� the questions raised. He stated this is one aspect of the Code that has been difficult to police and enforce. He felt you cannot make a dumpster look nice and some screening is needed. Mr. Billings stated there are some provisions in the State Health Code reLating to dumpsters, but questioned the need for a masonry enclosure around all restaurant dumpsters. 13Q PLANNING COrIIKISSIQN MEETIIQG. OCTOBER 22� 198b PAGE 18 6. DISCUSS ION OF CARS FOR SALE ON I,�1WNS : Mr. Robertson stated the City Council has received many complaints with regard to cars being parked on major thoroughfares, empty lots or parking lots of vacant buildings for pnrposes of sale. He stated the Council is considering an ordinance designed to reduce these situations and eliminate vehicles parked on someone else's property for this purpose. Mr. Saba felt this situation should be eliminated and many people in the community are fed-up. I�'h�. Robertson stated staff now is looking at some Long-range needs and possibly pursuing the option of enforcing the ordinance by using Community Service Officers. RECEIVE THE MINUTES OF THE HUMAN REOUSRCES CUMMISSION MEETING OF OCTOBER 2. 1986• Ms. Sherek stated these minutes have not been approved by the Human Resources Commission and should not be on this agenda. MOTION BY MS. SHEREK, SECONDED BY MR. KONDRICK, TO TABLE THIS ITEM. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECIARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. RECEIVE THE MINUTES OF THE PARKS & RECREATION COMMI.SSION MEETING OF OCTOBER 6, 1986• MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY MR. BETZOLD, TO RECEIVE THE MINUTES OF THE PARKS & RECREATION COI�LZSSION OF OCTOBER 6, 1986. UPOIV�A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRpERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7. OTHER BUSINESS: I�. Robinson submitted copies of inemos dated October L0, 1986 and October 15, 1986 regarding the special use permits for Church on the Move and Ronald Christensen. He stated in regard to Che stipulations for the special use permit for Church on the Move, stipulation No. 5 was changed to indicate the lease agreement should be at least one y ear . ADJOURNMENT • MOTION BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MR. KONDRICK, TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. UPON A V02CE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE OCTOBER 22, 1986, PLEINNING COMMISSION MEETING ADJOURNED AT 10:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, _'t-C(.�C,,___C� /��>"�� Carole Haddad, Recording Secretary ��. �� � r-�•� � = i► FROM M- 2 T� R- 3 � '' '"� ����" ��.�• : . /�/�►.'!//./� t� . � . • /�.� �� ►� �� � � 1� �� IT� ���.� � , � �o � r� =-- I �-� 1' J � � � i� � ; �� . �_ � Q � '� � nill a �: � �,�, � ,�; W .►; - � i, -- � t• � Ii� Y - ° '�� — �/ /. 1'� - « . � � � � 9 ��� �i T ��. 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ROLL CALL: Members Present: Duane Peterson, Burt Weaver, Ed Kaspszak, Ralph Stouffer, Barbara Hughes (arrived at 7:10 p.m.) Members Absent: None Others Present: Clyde Moravetz, Cable Te2evision Coordinator Bill Hunt, Assistant to the City Dfanager Gary Matz, Legal Counsel for the Cable Commission LaVonne Leary, Fridley Library John See, Columbia Heights School District Clem Coverston, Columbia Heights School District Dr. Dennis Rens, Superintendent, School District No. 14 Dave Abrahamson, St. Anthony School District Mark Newman-Scott, ACCW APPROVAL OF SEPTEr1BER 18, 19b6, CATV ADVISORY COr4ff SSION MII�UTES: PfOTION BY MR. STOUFFER, SECONDED BY MR. WEAVER, TO APPROVE THE rffNUTES WITH THE FOLLOWING CORRECTION: PAGE 4, FIRST PAR�GRAPH, T10TIOh WAS MADE BY TiR. STOUFFER. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHA IRPERSON PETERSON DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNaNIMOUSLY. ADOPTION OF AGENDA; Tfr. Pbravetz stated the Commission should receive the following two items of correspondence: (1) Under Item 1, letter of October 23, 1986 from Dave Szurek, Chairman of the CATV Commission of Columbia Heights, in regard to interconnection of schools, and (2) Under Item S, minutes of the Fridley Cable Consortium of September 24, 1986. At this time, 7:10 p.m., Barbara Hughes arrived at the meeting. I�h-. Moravetz stated Ms. LaVonne Leary was present this evening to submit comments regarding the library channel. Ms. Leary stated she took a position with the Library in September and was given the charge to Look at the cable channel to determine if it should expand, remain as it is, or not continue it in the future. She stated a report will be made to the Director of the Library so a decision can be made. �. CATV ADVISORY CO��ffSSION MEETING OCTOBER 23 1986 P�� 2 Ms. Leary stated at this point, the iibrary isn't sure what has been gained by having [he cl3an��I and are not sure of the costs. She stated it seems the costs are virtually nothing and felt her report would be positive for the chan�ael to continue. Ms. Hughes asked about interconnections in terms af Iibrary activities. Mr. Leary stated Hennepin County has a thriving cable channel and is willing to share their resources. She stated Metro-Net is Loo[cing at cable and would broadcast throughout the Twin Cities area, however, right now libraries are not doing too much with cable. Ms. Hughes asked if Hennepin County was the only library system involved actively with cable. Ms. Leary stated she believed either Washington or Dakota County also had a library channel, but was not sure of their program. She stated she has only talked with Hennepin County and they do a lot of production programs. r�. Kaspszak felt there may be a lack of communication and information going to the Library Board and County Commission. He stated he would suggest, before the refranchising process begins, a meeting should be held witli the birector of the Library and Paul McCarron, the County Commissioner responsible for the library, to discuss the potential for [he library channel. He stated in the meantime, staff could check what is being done in other systems. He felt with a 15 year franchise, he couldn't see the library not participating somewhere along the line. Ms. Hughes stated her involvement in cable television came about because she was a library trustee and wanted to preserve the opportunities to use cable television. She felt I�ir. Kaspszak's suggestions were excellent and wanted to be very cautious about giving away something for which there may be a use within the next 15 years. 1. CONTINUE DISCUSSION REGARDING RFP AI3D POSSIBLE INTERCONNECTIONS: (Letter dated September 23, 1986 addressed to adjoining cable commissions and school districts; received by Commission on earlier date): MOTION BY MS. HUGHES, SECONDED BY MR. STOUFFER, TO RECE NE THE LETTER FROM DAVE SZUT2EK, CHAIRMr1N OF THE CATV COMMISSION OF COLUMBIA HEI(�-ITS, DATED OCTOBER 23, 198b. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CH,AIRPERSON PETERSON DECIARED THE MOTION C�'�RRIED UNANIMOUSLY. In reviewing the items covered in this letter, representatives of Columbia Heights School District, did not necessarily share the same opinion as T�. Szurek. In Qarticular, the items in question were No. 2 and No. 3 relating to the number of channels and class- room exchange. . - CATV �DVIS�RY CO?�1ISSION r�ETING OCTOBER 23 1986 P�GE 3 Dr. Rens, Suprrintendent of Fridley Schools, stated the School District is interest�d �� int�reonnection. He stated at the principal level in Frid2ey and Columbia Heights, there have been detailed discussions on courses that might be of€ered through this system. Dr. Rens stated they were told at that time that in order to accomplish this program, they would have to go through [he head ends and a cost. was given which was prohibitive . for both school districts.• He stated, therefore, it wasn't pur- sued any further. Dr. Rens stated Don rieyers from the Fridley School District sCaff was at one of the Cable Commission meetings to express their interest in t{�e interconnection system and he was here to re-affirm their position. He stated he speaks for the Fridley School Board and felt the feeling was the same in Columbia Heights, and some of tt�e neighboring districts. He stated there are a lot of re- sources in the surrounding areas to draw from and felt many courses could be offered to students. r�. Abrahamson, Administrator for St. Anthony Schools, stated their �Y oup W Cable is interconnected with Columbia Heights. He stated they have been in a consortium with the rbundsview and Roseville Sctiool Districts and have been operating for two years. He stated ttiey are starting their third interactivity and courses have bcen provided in Spanish and Music Theory and a pilot Spanish course in ttie elementary schools. He stated next week there would be an interactivity course with three elementary schools in enricf�ed re3ding, rtr. Abrahamson felt their area should be enlarged beyond the three school districts. He stated they are interested in inter- connecting and hoped tt�e problem on how Fridley's system can be interconnected with Group W can be resolved. Dr. Abratiamson stated he has a lot of trust and faith in the technology of the future. He felt problems will be more intense with declining enrollment and would do anything ta help foster this idea and make iC grow. r�. Peterson asked r�. Abrahamson how many channels.they use. Mr. Abrahamson stated they have used up to 10 channels. He stated Group W has been fantastic with organization. He stated a technician in Roseville that is knowledgeable of cable television has been made available to solve their problems in up and down links. Dr. Rens stated it appears it is relatively s:mple to interconnect between the same cabLe company, but it appears Fridley is in the middle of other school districts that have a different cable pro- vider. r�. Stouffer stated the previous owner of the cable company did not want to go to the expense to accomplish this interconnection. He felt the new owners may be willing to enter discussions with other cable companies for such a program. CATV ADVISORY COrAfISSION MEETING OCTOBER 23, 1986 P�GE 4 Irtr. Weaver stated the objective of interconnection is very good. He stated a plan should be submitted showing need and use when they go into the refranchising. He stated the plan wouid have to include types of programs, numb�r of classes, and projected uses. Dr. Rens stated there would not be any probl.em in.projecting types of uses over the next several years. He asked if they had a plan in the next three or four months, if this would be realistic. rh�. Moravetz felt the plan should be submitted to the Commission as early as possible since it should be included in the RFP [o the cable company. He stated, however, the Commission, at this time, has not established a firm date as far as the refranchising is concerned. Th�. Kaspszak felt the Commission should have their own tect�nical evaluation on what is required for interconnection and tt�is could be done at the same time the Sct,00l Disttict is preparing their plan. r�-. Abrahamson felt there should be provision for an institutional network in Fridley's system. Mr. Weaver asked how many high schools were involved in the Group W interconnect system. rtr. Abrahamson stated there were five. He stated every school is totally wired with down converters and felt they had a Cadillac in their franchise. r�. Matz stated in other franchise renewals, the whole issue of institutional networks was raised. He stated it could be explored furtt�er here to determine some costs for upstream and downstream channeL capacity. r�. Weaver stated this may be pre-mature at this time until the School District's plans are known. Ph�. Kaspszak stated he spoke with Representative Gordon Backlund regarding the interconnection issue and there is a strong possibility some of these costs may be reimbursed by special legislation tied into an educational bill which will be introduced in the next session of the Legislature. Dr. Rens stated it seems the only problem is that type of legislation hasn't been successful. He stated he appreciates Mr. Backlund's help, but wasn't sure this would pass through [he Legislature. Mr. Kaspszak felt two Commission members should be appointed to work on a report for the interconnection and submit their findings at the November meeting. He felt input should be received from elected officials and I�. Matz, as well as working with the School District and City staff on plans for the system. P10TION BY MR. KASPSZAK FOR THE COMrffSSION TO APPOINT TWO MEMBERS TO WORK ON A REPORT. MOTION FaILED FOR I.ACK OF A SECOND. 14C C�1TV ADVISORY CO��`fiSSION rtEETING OCTOBER 23 1986 PAGE S ptr. Stouffer felt one person should work on such a report and moved the following: MOTION 4�Y MR. STOUFFER, SECOttDEL� BY l�i�, WEAVER, TO APPOINT t�1R. KASPSZAK TO WORK ON A REPORT REGARDING T�E IN'FERCONNECTION SYSTEM. UPON A VOICE VOTE, MR. STOUFFER, MR. WEAVER, riR. PETERSON AND MS. HUGk3ES VOTED IN FAVOR OF THE Pi0TI0N. rfft. KASPSZ�K VOTED AGAINST THE Pi0TI0N. CNA IRPERSON PETERSON DECLARED THE MOTION C�RRIED BY A 4 TO 1 VOTE. Chairperson Peterson thanked representatives of the School Districts for presenting their views. 2. RECEIVE OPERATIONS UPDATE FROM NORTEL C�BLE: Mr. Moravetz stated Mr. Wggemer will be unable to attend the meeting this evening and requested the Commission table the item to the November meeting. ri0TI0N BY DlR. STOUFFER, SECONDED BY MR. WE�VER, TO TABLE THIS ITEM TO THE NOVErBER CABLE CO��IISSION MEETING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON PETERSON DECIARED TNE MOT ION C�RR IED UI�N IPIOUSLY . rtr. Stouffer stated he would like to see a comparison of these figures with Storer's figures. I�. Peterson stated he would like a count on the number of sub- scribers. 3. RECEIVE THIRD QUARTER 5 PERCENT FRANCHISE FEE: rlOTION BY T1R. WEAVER, SECONDED BY MR. STOUFFER, TO RECEIVE THE THIRD QUARTER S% FR,�.NCHISE FEE IN THE AMOUNT OF $13,068.96. UPON A VQICE VQTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON PETERSON DECIARED THE D10TION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4. CONTINUE DISCUSSION ON PREVIOUSLY RECOMMEI�TDED 60 PERCENT OF FRANCHISE FEE TO �CCW: (Referred ba�k to the Commission by the City Council): Mr. Moravetz stated Mr. Bill Hunt of the City staff was here this evening to present information to the Commission regarding the operation of the City's public access channel. Mr. Hunt stated he wished to review how the City's access channel may be affected by alloratiorr of 60`� of the franchise fee to the ACCW. Re stated all the City's cable operations are supported by this fee and an increase in ACCW's allocation would mean some cuts in the City's operation. � 14E CATV �+DVISORY COTQlISSION ;1EETIrG, OCTOBER 23_, 1986_ PAGE 6 Mr. Hunt stated the City is fortunate to have the ACCW which has been an outstanding organaza�ion, receiving national recognition, and wanted to see it grow. He stated, hawever, the ACCW's request for an increased allocation would impact on tE►e City's cable operations by cutting about $11,000. Tir. Hunt stated the question has been ra�sed regarding the actual financial situation for the cable operations. He stated he has submitted a summary of the budget for the last several years, as well as a list of equipment needs. Nh. Hunt reviewed the franchise fees collected in 1983, 1984 and 1985 showing what was zeceived by the ACCW and the City and the portions returned to the fund. He stated there is now over $L00,000 in the fund to be used for purposes of capi[al expenditures and may also be used to upgrade the quality of the video and audio production for the City Council meetings. He stated he didn't feel this is too much to have in reserve. Ivtr. Hunt stated both the ACCW and City have aspirations and it is not an easy decision to determine what portions of the franchise fee go to either one. He stated in 1983, there was a concensus that 40% of ttie franchise fee to tiie �CCW would be reasonable. He stated he isn�t here this evening to say the Commission shouldn't give 60% of the fee to the ACCW, but the City can use the 60% for the programs that are now in place and for the future. He stated if the decision is made to give 60% to the ACCW, he wanted the Commission to be aware of all the facts. Ptr. Peterson stated until this time, the Commission didn't have any figures on the costs for the municipal channel. He stated this in- formation helps considerably. r�. Kaspszak asked if the City's percentage of the francise fee was reduced, what is the affect on the day-to-day a�tivities. I�. Hunt stated the most vulnerable place would be staff salaries for the cable personnel. He stated the only way they could keep the same level of service is to shift to some other fund or draw on the interest from the cable fund to pay operating expenses. He stated he hesitates to pay operating expenses with the interest. Mr. Kaspszak asked I�fr. Hunt how much time he personally spends on cable related issues. I�. Hunt stated about five to ten hours per week working with and supervising the cable persdnnel. rtr. Kaspszak suggested that possibly there should be a special user tax, distributed separately from the 5% franchise fee, and dedicated specifically to Channel 13. He stated this would probably only amounC to a few cents per month to the subscriber, but would be significant for the City's channel. 14F CATV �DVISORY CO�L�fISSION riEETING OCTOBER 23 1986 PaGE 7 I�. Hunt stated this never occurred to him and he would have to examine it. He stated his initial reaction is that it would dilute the commitment to the S% franchise fee. , Mr. Kaspszak stated the S% franchise fee is paid by the cable company, but the user tax would be paid by the consumer. Ms. Hughes stated she cannot imagine th2t this would be looked on favorably by the Council. rfr. Weaver stated if you have 400 subscribers and wanted to raise about $12,000, it would amount to about 25 cents per month for each subscriber. He felt the legal counsel would have some problems with it and it could result in a rush of subscribers disconnecting from the municipal channel. r�. Newman-Scott stated he was reluctant to get into the discussion, as he didn't want to fight wiCh the City for funds. He stated the equipment the Workshop outlined in their proposal cou:d be used by all access channels. He stated in Mr. Hunt's �ist of equipment needed, ttiere is an editing deck and the ACCW has one available. Mr. Newman-Scott stated the City and �dorkshop do work together on various projects, training and cable casting. He stated he would like to see the cable casting capabilities expanded, and combined at one location which would be more efficient and cheaper for everyone. Mr. tiunt stated one of the biggest problems was getting editing time wtien they have a need for many hours. He stated there are more requests from the City departments for public information types of programming and was partly the reason why the City obtained its own editing system. He sCated most of the items to which I�tr. Newman- Scott is referring are capital outlay expenditures and the operating budget is really the key issue. Mr. Stouffer stated he felt joint use of equipment should be taken into consideration during the refranchising process to eliminate duplication. He stated he didn�t know how much of the City's time is spent in cable casting, but this may be another area for a joint effort. Nh�. Stouffer asked r�. Newman-Scott what percentage Che ACCW needed in order to continue their operations on the same level. l�k. Newman- Scott stated SO% would give them each year $1,500 over their budget to maintain the services. He stated the cable company provides the equipment and space. He stated 90% of the equipment belongs to the company and they have purchased some portable equipment which was need�d. Mr. Stouffer stated what he heard last time was that the ACCW needed 60°!o to maintain services. 14G CATV ADVISORY COIVL`fISSION PIEETING OCTOBER 23 1986 P=a� 8 Ms. Hughes stated she voted for the 60% for the ACCW because it seemed reasonable. She stated she looks at the $100,000 in reserve as being excessive. She stated st►e is not convinced that 60% shouldn't be given, but 50% would seem a good �ompromise. I�'tr. Weaver stated the City has this buffer with the $200,400 and didn't understand why it is not being used. I�. Hunt sCated there are plans, in conjunction with renovation of the City Hall, for upgrading the video and audio for the City Council meetings. rir. Hunt stated he felt the 1983 agreement gave consistency in terms of projecting operations, as both the City and the ACCW knew what percentages they would receive from the franchise fee. He stated if it is the pleasure of the Commission to give extra to the ACCW, for this time only, the City could survive by going into the reserve. Mr. Stouffer stated he was not too inclined to having reserves used for operating expenses. I�. Kaspszak staCed he listened to the Coiincil's discussion on this issue and he has reservations that 60% would be apProved for the ACCW. Ms. Hughes stated she felt 50°/, seems reasonable at this time and would give them $5,000 to $6,000. r�. Stouffer stated if SO% is given, it would only maintain the pre- sent service and do nothing for their long-range plans. r�. Peterson pointed out if the number of subscribers increases, this 50% would also increase. rtr. Weaver stated a$5,000 increase represents the interest on the $L00,000 and didn't think anyone would be adversely affected. MOTION BY MR. STOUFFER, SECONDED BY MS. HUGHES, TO RECOrL�fEND TO CITY COUNCIL TH�T 53% OF THE FRANCHISE FEE BE DEDICATED TO THE ACCW. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON PETERSON DECI.ARED THE MOTION C�IRRIED UIVANIMOUSLY. Mr. Newman-Scott stated he felt something very important has come out of this process as this is really the first time the Commission had a feel on how the City was spending their funds. He stated this raases the question of the relationship of Che government channel. and the Commission. He stated he does think there are ways the ACCW and Che City can work together and this could be facilitated through the Commission. 14H CATV ADVISORY CO:L�QSSION D�ETING OCTOBER 23 1986 PAGE 9 rtr. Kaspszak stated there really is no communication between the Commission and the City's cable staff. He felt it would be beneficial if a staff inember attended the Commission meetings. Mr, Moravetz stated Angela Forrest has advised him at least one merr�ber of the FCC will be present at a11 f��ure Cable Coa�ission meetings. Mr. Hunt stated he didn't see a problem with having a regular attendee at the Commission meetings and possibly Qroviding the Commission with quarterly reports. 5 . OTfiER BUS INESS : A� RECEIVE FCC r1INUTES OF SEPTEPiBER 24 1986: riOTION BY 1`ift. KASPSZ�K, SECONDED BY MR. WF.AVER, TO RECEIVE THE FCC TIINUTES 0�' SEPTEPiBER 24, 1986. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON PETERSON DECT.ARED THE MOTION C�IRRIED UN�NI�fOUSLY. B. LIBR<1RY CNANNEL: ptr. Kaspszak questioned if the library should be approached regarding their access channel. rts. Hughes stated the library is going through a lot of changes at this time, however, she stated she would like to discuss the matter of the access channel with them. 6. CONFIRM D�TE FOR NEXT TIEETING: The next meeting date will be on November 20, 1986. ADJOURN;��NT : PtOTION BY MR. KASPSZAK, SECONDED BY MR. WEAVER, TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. UPON A VOICE VOT�, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON PETERSON DECLARED THE OCTOBER 23, 1986, C�TV �DVISORY COrQSISSION MEETING ADJOURNED AT 9:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, J ��,� Carole Haddad Recording Secretary t�- .:�' . �. , C�N�F F(ZI DLEY �: FROM: DATE: DIF�ECTO RATE OF PUBLIC WORK8 1VtEMORANDUM Nasim Qureshi, Ci.ty Mar�ager Jahn G. .Flora, Puh].ic Works Director October 19, 1986 SUBJECT: Highway 65 - 100 �in �ive-In Intersection ,� - � � '• <�y� ' • � � _ _ ,� � �W86-312 On Septenber 25, 1985 by ibesolution No. 16-1985, the City Council appraved the retention of Short Elliott flendrickson (S. E. H. ) to pregare, plans for the imprwenents to the east and west sides of T. & 65 at the intersection of West Moore Lake Drive/Central Avenue. Az Septenber 11, 1986, the Ftidley i�tA by Resolution No. 16-1986 approved the desic� for the T. H. 65 portioai o� the intersection, and authorized the preliminary plans for Rice Creek Road, detailed plans for T. H. 65 and -- oonstructian inspection af T. iL 65/t�Iest Moore Lake Drive intersectian for a tota7. oontract amount of $192,150.00. _ In order to facilitiate the prooessing of work within the City, it would be apFxopriate for the City Council to also approve the amendment to the S. E. H. oontract for the preliminary ptans of Rioe Creek Road and the final glans and vonstruction for T. H. 65/West Moore Lake intersection at a cost of $192,150.00. Reoorrenend the City G�ouncil pass a motion to amend the existing contract with S. E. H. for the above-noted work. JcF/ts Attachments �' ~ � , C�N OF FR! DLEY _ ZO: FROM: � DIAECTO FlATLg OR PUBLIC WORK� lVIEMORANDUM Jock Robertson, bcec. Director af HRA John G. Flora, Public Works Director L1ATE: Septenber 3, 1986 St7B�TEC.T: S. E. H. Contracts � �� A�166-263 We have reoeived a n�r contract proposal fran S.E.H. which includes all of the work associated with the West Moore Lake Drive/Old Central intersection, Highway 65 and Rice Creek Road improvements identif ied essential for the developnent of the 100 zlain Drive-In site by Woodbridge Properties. Zhe agreanent addressed the work in three phases, Phase I- Preliminary Plans, Phase II - Detailed Plans, and Phase III - Construction and Inspection. •. • � �� • L��- �� • �- i � •• �t ;� Pr el im. Pl ans * * Detailed Plans * $ 55,500.00 Construction �339. �0.00 99.000.00 $39,800.00 $114,500.00 * Authorized in the current agreene.nt $30,750.00 $ 7,100.00 36,500.00 47.500.00 $ 91,100.00 �he additional work at not to exceed costs is identified at $245,400.00 adding the existing oontract, the total anount of desi� construction work accomplished by S.&H. for these impro�vanents would be $276,150.00. Once the detailed plans have been oomgleted for the three projects, we ca n reviea the oonstruction and inspection phase af the work to an hourly rate with a maximm total bid as the specs for the work will then be identified. �is should result in a lvwer oost to the City. Currently, the prop�sal based up�n a$2,000,000.00 constructian project puts th e agreement in the neighborhood af 24.0 percent for desic,� and inspection. R�eornsnend the HRA authorize the City to enter into an agree�ent with S. E. H. to comp�lete the design for the West Moore Lake Drive/Old Central intersection, Hic�hway 65 ar�d prooeed with the Rioe Creelc Road iraprc�veaents. Zliis desic,� work is neoessary to be acoomplished as soon as possib�le if the oonstructi� �fiedule fot 1987 is to be satisfied. JGF/ts oc: Nasim Qureshi Rick Pri ' �' 15B HOUSIt�G � REUEVELOPt�tE�JT AUTHORITY MEETING, SEPTEP�I6ER 11, 19$6 __ PAGC 8 4. CO�JSIDERATIOP� OF A RESOLUTI�N ACC�PTING A CONTRACT 61ITH SUNDE ENGINEERIPJG FOR EtJGIt�EERING 4JORY. A5S�ICIATED i�ITH THE PUQLIC IP1PROVEP1EP�TS TO BE DONE Ot� THE AKE POI��TE CORPORATE CE!aTER PRQJECT; Mr. Robertson stated the specifics of the work are covered by Sunde Engineer- ing. They have reviewed this with John Flora and his staff, and it was Staff's recorunendation that the HRA adopt this resolut�on. 4ie t�ranted to point out that in the resolution the amount had changed slightly from the proposal received by Sunde in April. It was abou� �1,900 higher. That was as a result of the multiple bidding of the first phase �f the contract. MOTION BY 1•1R. MEYER, SECONDED BY MR. RASPIUSSEN, TO APPROVE RESOLUTIOPI NO. HRA �5 1986. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� VICE-CXAIRPERSON SCHP�ABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIlfOUSLY. 5. COt�SIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION AHEt�DIP�G TNE DESIGN AGREEP•tEP�T WITH S.E.H. FOR E 100 TWIfJ DRIVE-IP� IPdTERS C IO(J: P1r. Robertson stated that on the proposed resolution under "tJOW, THEREFORE", second line from the bottom, that even though the overall contract was for West Moore Lake Drive and Highr�ay 65, they will see that it only includes the preliminary plans for the Rice Creek Road improvements from Old Central to Highway 65. Ne stated that in the right hand column under Rice Creek Road, the "Detailed Plans" in the amount of $36,500, and the "Construction" in the an�ount of $47,500 should be omitted fron this resolution at this time and it will be brought back at a future time for the HRA's consideration. MOTION BY MR. RASMi1SSEN� SECONDED BY MR. MEYER� TO APPROVE RESOLUTION NO. HRA 16 1986�"A RESOLUTION AMENDING TNE DESICN AGREEMENT FOR THE I00 TWIN DRIVE-IN INTERSECTION" WITH THE FOLLOWING Oh1ISSION; RICE CREEK ROAD DETAILED PLANS $36�500.00 CONSTRUCTION 47,500.00 UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� VICE-CHAIRPERSON SCHNABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. COP�SIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZItdG Tf1E EXECUTIOP� OF AN A6REEP•1EPJT BETWEEN THE HRA AND ERNST & ASSOCIATES FOR LANUSCAPE AP�D PLAP� SPECIFICATIONS FOR LAKE POINTE CORPORA E CE T R: MOTION BY MR. PRAIRIE, SECCh'TDED BY MR. RASMUSSEN� TO APPROVE RESOLUTION NO. NRA 17 1986. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON SCKNABEL DECLARED THE MOTZON CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 7. STATUS REPORT ON UNIVERSITY AVEt�UE CORRIDOR TECNNICAL ADVISORY COPIMITTEE: � � �Q�UT7DN N0. 1986 A RFS�,UTION AMENDING '1�E DESIGN AGREFr1ENT FOR THE 100 ZWIN IRNFrIN Il�1TF.i2.SE�.'PZON WHERFAS, the i�tA has identified the Moore Lake redevelopnent District; ana, WHE�tFAS, Woodbridge Properties, Inc. proposed to develop the 100 �in Drive-In site to include approximately 750,000 square feet of spaoe; and WHIItEAS, the EAw and Source Permit for this development'requires impravenerits at the intersection of Highsaay 65 anct the Drive-In plus Rioe Creek Raad; anu WHFREAS, the �gineering f irm of Short-Ell iot-Hendrickson (S. E. H. ) was retained by the HRA to initiate design of the intersecting legs of the intersection of the Drive� In property and Highway 65. WHFREAS, the follvwing costs have been sutmitted for the S.E.H. sup�ort: �t � � Pr el irru Pl ans Detailed Plans Construction � a. •� • a :,�� �,; * * 539,800.00 $39,800.00 �! ; • * $ 55�500.00 59.000.00 $114,500.00 ; �_ «.�?!�� � � $ 7,100.00 36,500.00 47.500.00 $ 91,100.00 NOW, ZHIItF�EORE, BE IT RFSCGVID BY �E CITY OF FRI�,EX HRA �AT the existing desic�n agreenent with S.E.H. be amenaed to inclucie the detail plans and construction of the Highway 65 widening and West Moore Lake Drive intersection and preliminary glans for the Ri.oe Creek Raad impravenent frcm O1 d Central to Highway 65; and, PASSID AND ADOPTED BY THE HftA OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS L1AY OF - I986. ATTFS"r: SH IRLEY A. HA' :," j,A — CITY CI,II2R 3/6/2�'7 IARRY QY�B�IERS — CflAIF2MAN 15C �' L. � � i� CITY OF FRIDLEY DIF�ECTORATE O " PUBLIC WOF�KS �VIEMORANDUM T0: John G. Flora, Public Works Direct�r FROM: Mark L. 8urch, Asst. Publis Works Direct�r DATE: October 16, 1986 SUBJECT: Change Order #1 for Street Improvement Project ST. 1986 - 1& 2, Phase II r----� � Pws�-3o3 Due to the recharging high water table on the southern portion of the 100 Twin site, Sunde Engineering has recommended that we add approximately 1,500 lineal feet of perforated pipe to drain the groundwater and protect the roadway. We have prepared a change order for this additional work and it has been approved by the State Aid office. We have also advised Woodbridge Properties of this addition to the projects and of the additional cost. Please forward this Change Order to the City Council for their consideration. MLB/ts 00 p,• O �o D 0 SUNDE ENGINEERING, lNC. GERALD M. SUNDE, Consulting Eng+neer 9001 East Bloomington Frwy. • Bloomington, MN 55420 •(612) 881-3344 Mr. Mark Burch City of Fridley 6431 University Avenue Northeast Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Dear Mr. Burch: October 14, 1986 Re: 258-85 Lakepointe Corporate Center Fridley, Minnesota We have revised the storm sewer drawings for the project to show the installation of perforated pipe drains in a part of the roadway. The drains will be required due to probable high water table conditions in the southeast part of Lakepointe Drive. We recommend that a change order adding the perforated pipe to the storm sewer and street project be approved. Yours very truly, i f .-r� t Z" %�� � --C-�_� L -� Gerald M. Sunde GMS:skw 16A PUBLIC WORKS DE�1R�T � Engineering Division QTY OF FRIILEY Fiidley� Miruiesota October 20, 1986 H& S Asphal t, Inc. 700 Industry Blvd. Anoka, M�] 55303 Subject: CY�ange Or�3er tl, Street Impravanent Project ST. 1986 - 1& 2(Phase II) Gentl gnen: You ar� hereb� oraered, authorized and instructed to modify your contract for Street Lnprovanent Project ST. I986 - 1& 2(Phase II) by adding the follaaing: ITEM 8" PVC Perf. Fipe ADDITIOIIS AP�_QI?AI�TITY 1,5Q0 L. F. UNiT PRI� 11.50 per L.F. AATJU Nr $ 17,250.00 ORIGIl�AL O�N�2AGT PRICE . . . . . . . . $368,054.10 7.O�L ��1NGE ORDER #1 . . . . . . . . . $ 17.250.00 R�U IS ID Q�N�tACT AMX1I� $385,304.10 Sut�mitted and approved b� John G. Flora, PubJ.ic Works Director on the 20th day of October, 1986. Preg3red by r� f''i fL1 �� � Qiec}ced ty , ,r!r_-�r'l �� /' ' ohn G. Flora, P. E Aablic Works Director /! ,r' / / , � i `. Qiar es E. Weichselt�un � District State Aid Engineer . • r H& S Asphal t, Ii1C. Page 2 Change 4rder #1 Street Improvanent Projec� ST. �:��6 - 1& 2(Phase II) Approved and accepted this � 5'�day of �=c?� , 1986 by H& S Asphalt, Inc. H& S ASF�iALT, INC. ��, � � /� 11 i � � � � / i , �J �� // 1 � �k-�-t1 ( �-�.'`S� , �_ William B. Miller, President - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Appraved and accepted this Fridl�y, Minnesota. 3/6/4/13 lil� day of , 1986 by the City Council of WILLIAM J. NEE MAXUR SH IRLEY A. HP,API�ILA - CI TX Q� gtK r �- �: .� cinr oF FRl DLEY _. . _ _ ____.._ ptAECTORATE o °•.o. OF - °c o PUBLIC WORK8 � , IVIEMORANOUM � ! . � ��., . . . .. . � � � . . . . � . � � . ..sjx. . ZO: Nasim 4ureshi, City l�nager FW86-317 `�f : �:µ, �. F1�JM: John G. Flora, Puhlic Works Director ``�' ' IIATE: October 29,1986 StJBJECT: Six Cities Watershed Management Organization Plan _ \ I have been informed that the (�ty of Columbia Heic�ts did review the Six- Cities Watershed Mar�agenent Organization Plan and concurred with it with two voim�ents. 4hey did not support the Hic�il.and Lake Diversion or the 52nd Avenue flooding projects as wst effective solutions. Zheir oa�nents will have to be reviewed by the Board of Managers who will determine what response will be made. (Zfiis does not have a material affect on the City of Frialey wiless we would adamantly desire to proceed with the projects). As previously presented, the projects identified within the plan are to be f�mfied throuc� separate Joint Fbwers Agreeaent with the exception of Oak Glen Creek which is totally within the City of FYidley and is suggested to be acoanplished by a Ad Volar�a Tax within that subwatershed district. Fbr the rena.ining projects, there are four f�ding options availab�le: 1. � Subwatershed district Ad Volaren tax 2. Special assessments 3. GeneraZ f�d 4.� Storm water utility fund ZYie f�c3ing prooedure for each project ooutd be reviewed at the time that the percentage of participation is established in the Joint Powets Agreaaent. - If the Coi.mcil supp�rts the aonoepts identif ied in the plan, reootrcnend they reoeive the Six-�ities Watershed Management Organization Plan as sumitted. JGF/ts Attadunent �..,. •...i _ < � � �. � � � 0 � � F d e � � � � O � ^ .. � �p�U � V � � A � � ��.y� � � tl � V Y � � � �I � � � � � � � � � a � O �` ..i � '� �o � � � � � � .� � g � � V .� � � � E .. � � � �� 0 V � V a � .� � �� ! �� �Q� � : : �$ � $ .� � .� � � �.. a�� a � �E � � � v � Y �� • � '� �� m � �I " ci a r� � � Y �y � .� � � O O �� u ti � � � � � � r+ � � � M �� �� � �5 ZS t5 tS � a 0 o�p g � S� d�p � A W M i� H Of N V "7 � � � � � � .� � .� .� �.�'i •� ., � � ... � � .� � ., � � � � - b .;� � � � � ��i � a � � � ;� � � � �g �� � � � b g .� � � � d'°�� !s :� ��� � � a "� .. �� ��s � � � .� cs ����. � � � b w � � b �E �g «'! � b ° .., � � . � :-� � < � � �� .� � � .� � � � � � : �:� �� 1 � � � � � �� �� �� �b� .. b� � g � : 3 � � � � ' 8 �o- � j b � '�� ° �� � ��� !� V � � ,� � � � .� � .� .� � � �� •� e� � � � �� �� �� �� �� � �y�s �� - - • Y - � � � � � � � � � � a � � � � � .� � .� c:� c � � � � �y �p :y� Q�p G7 W V G� W i� D. � W C.7 W v � v A � � � � � � � Y � V � � H � � 47� � � J � � C r � � a � � � � � �a � �.� � y �pp Q .,. tA� O � � �� V 17A - ' r,. DIA�CTORATE o.°O•,o :, �� O � a -'o � c o .� PUBLIC WOFiKS � 1 CITYOF �VI�MORANDUM �� -- FRIDLEY � ,�ffi 3 tiz T0: Nasim Qureshi, City Mariager PW86-313 � :��� " FROM: John G. Flora, Public Warks Direct�or ]]ATE: October 30, 1986 SUBJEGT: Highway 65 T'u�xiba�c � _ With the W�oodbridge Developnent of the 100 Twin and Johnsori Property, they will be constructing Lake Pointe Drive which will c�nect to our existing W�est rbore Lake Drive and Highway 65. This road right-of-way has reduced the area originally identified far the Woodb�ridge &,iilcling A. Because of this encroacl�¢nent, W�aodUridge has requested the City provicle the Highway 65 turnback prc�perty to tt�m in order to pravide additional spac;e for constructioaz and landscaping. A review of the preliminary plans for the Highway 65 i�roveirents indicates a portion of the original turnback will be required but a oonsiderable airx�unt may be vacated tA the HRA and ultimately Woodbridge for develop�nent of this area. If t,he Coimcil is so inclined, they can �£ind by� a 4/5 wte that �he praposed disposal of turnbacis right-of-way has no relationship to the c�rehensive plan and, I would recamiend a public hearing be set for December 8, 1986 tA vacate this property. JGF/ts ' Attachanent 0 PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of the City Council of the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on Monday, December 8, ]986 � in the Council Chamber at 7:30 p.m, for the purpose of: Consideration of a Vacation Request, by the City of Fridley to vacate a portion of the City-owned Highway 65 turnback property. Any and all persons desiring to be heard shall be given an opportunity at the above stated time and place. Publish: November 24, ]986 December l, 1986 WILLIAM J. NEE MAYOR . � ` - �� <r�—� �° s�j7•�/� .. � ' � . j •' j '•� �' �♦ : �i � ..t �� . � . ���,���--� a . �( ., , — 18 B -� . \\ '•�r�.'� _ 81�-��,q�'ChIP .y� s J I 1 ��i �•/� � Kv y �, �� \ - � e..c i c ,F � � �r ; w• `� � .�.`T- � 12� NCV `_ r - �I �'+ � �� `1. 4 <, a. 27 p` � � �� �''. �� r \ � ' ��� i .� � �'�� e t� , � .o� . . / _�=: _• i �� �''� : �. f �. 0 \ ''-• i� �,,;�.: � a�• � � , � - � ` � ���� �{' -� I� �: ' � %C� i .. \"� � � � { �- . �1 1 Y���' '��:��•��° f ::� ti� � .. �,. � : �, l�, ; ,� �.- : \ _ � . . " T � l�� � � • (� f. � "r"J► �" - _ � - � ` � �1 , . F �'�r � . f \ � t 1 1 . 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"��• ,,: . , ;:<'�:ti`. _ �: � �M CI"tY OF FRlDLEY �: FROM: DATE: DIRECTORATE O ■ PuB��c woAfc� IE/i E 1V10 RA N D U M �� Nasim Qureshi, City Manager John G. Flora, Pulal ic Works Director Octok,er 23, 1986 SUBJECT: Street Lighting lblicy PW86-307 � �e Street Lic�ting Pelicy within the City of Fridley is established as follaas. Street li�ts will be plaoed at: l. Intersections of two streets 2. Dead ends 3. Mi.d-block if wer 1,200 feet between intersections 4. Sharp curves as def ined by by the Fridley Safety Co�nittee Street lic,fits may be installed in other locations upon reoeipt of a signed agrea�ent b� the adjoining property aaners in an area which provides for the Fayment of the monthly es�ergy costs. Zhese oosts wi11 be billed b�r the City and �yn�ents received b� Auqust 1 of each year or will be assessed against the appropriate �operties. An alternate to the agreenent prooess is for one or two propetty owners to oontract with I1SP for the billing of a street light installed upon their request. �is policy is acfopted by the City Council of the City of Fridley on day of Novanber, 1986. JGF/ts � � � . � � � • �, �� w C�� �F f R! DLEY p1�iECTORATE OF PUBLlC WOFiKB IVIEMOAAN�7UM �: John G. Flora, R�ialic Works Director FROM: Qyde V. Moravetz, E7�gineering Adniu�.i.stration Il�1TE : October 29, 1986 SUBJECT: Sic�► Plan - 5400 Main S� , N. E. � Fi�V86-320 • \ = ' `�, �-� � • � • � .. - � E Attached is a sic� glan for the All Temp Storage Distribution center at 5400 Main St. As indicated, there will be three of the signs and in addition they request allawanoes for 4 x 8 sic,g►s over the entrance doors of future tenants. It is anticiFated six to eight additional tenants would require exterior sic�iage. - Recommend the City Council review the sign plan and take appropriate action. GVI�/ts • Attachments 0 ������ � STORAGS•DiSTRIBUTtON October 27, i986 City of Fridley 6431 University Ave. Fridley, MN 55432 Subject: Sign Plan 5400 NE Main St. Dear Clyde: I would like to present the following plan for all Puture signs on our building located at 5400 NE Main St. I plan to have two or three large "Alltemp" signs per the drawing on the pending permit. In addition, I may have additional tenants in the facility. I plan to allow these tenants one four foot x eight Poot sign over their entrance door. This sign would be with black Helvitica letters on a white background. I would not foresee more than six to eight additional tenants who would require exterior signage. JCH/js Sincerely, �' --� -. � �-�'�� �j -.--�-�-�. �� John C. Holman President ALL•TEMP DISTRIBUTION COMPANY 5400 N.E. MAIN STREET, MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55421 (612) 571•0215 �+ � �1 0 x � � w .[. .� � w 0 A c � 0 A � W �Q W c I �,i�� i ' �� �� i ( I i � a � � �J� � I� ' I�g 1 i : . ; v � I'c I� f I T � „ i! 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I J � '.; j. � ! � ! i � � , �. .� �r �. � . _ , ,. . � „ , , . , � . , �� . � . . � . . � _ � � �� __ . - - .-,� f . � , ... . _- .� '\' : - . , - � •--, -- --�-- - ��• � __ �-- � �, � : _ � � � � I � : .. � . , �,, � . . ` . � ' , it � '' . ' � "_ � i _'�4_, �;.., ;. � -�: p ' � '•� �. ` � , . ,_.;�� � .3:,.. � : ` �. : ,_a . , ! .` . . 1. ►- � � � , '- . •-1-; —._ : � _ : ' . _ � � g' � ' : ' _ ��- � T. � � . -' . _ . . � . . ' . .1-j � ; , _ , . _ � . . . , � �'Q , , , , ' , . � � 7 . .! .f �, � . . . . ... ._ : .. . � � � . ,�..F .; , . , ; , � ,�_+a_:_;. ._:; _ : .:. .� :.:�. : ;t ,, ,.. t.._.; _ _�_.._. ,,_, .. E. � �. ,. ...�. . . ., (.'..' �':;. ��._.. ;' , : i :.. , _. �. ', _, ., :. . �� r��t � L� .� : � _�.-! __�_ __. _:_ __ ! . _: . __._-: ' . . � --_ ': _,___: - � _ -�i __i.�.�� . . � - _ . ._ �- - - -- �--- - ______i __� . _ . i.1 _ -- t c ; r� i: � �O ' rn = '1 N � .i r •z U . . ,; �; ; , ■ . � � CfTY Of FRlDLEY COl1/tMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORAN DUM - I�rfl ZD: Nasim Qureshi, City Manager MEND FRUM: Jock Robertson, ao�cQn�uiity Developnent Director �� r�rD L�TE: october 30, 1986 R�FtDING : Civ ic Center Renodel ing I met with Jack Boarman and D�vid Kroos of Boarman and Associates on October 14, 1986 to give than the r�eoessary lxzckgroi.md data for preg�ration of a oontract. I have reviewed the draft contract dated October 21, 1986 with Dav id Newman and recommend that the City Council prooeed with appraval and sic�ing the v�ntract at the Navanber 3, 1986 meeting. �Q I�86-284 � 21A ARTICLE 14 BASIS OE COMPENSATION The Owner shaU compensate the Architect for the Stop�e af Services provided, +n accordance with Article 6, Payments to the Architect, and the other Terms and Conditions of lhis Agreement, as toliows: - 14.1 AN I�ITIAI PAYMEt�T ot ZerO dollars (S � ) shall be made upon execution of this Agreement and credited to the O��•ner's account as fo!lows: n/d 14.2 BASIC CO�ti1PEhSATION 14.2.1 FOR BAS1C SERVICES, as described in Paragraphs 1.1 through 1.5, and any otlier sen•ices included in Article 15 as part of 8asic Sen•ices, Basic Compensaiion shall be computed as follows: rHen insert basit ol comp�nution, indudmg L■ed amoums, muhiplet a pe�tmuRet, and iJentilr Pha+es ro which p�rt�cular methodt ol eompensa- ��on �PD�Y. il nccessary.) Basic compensation shall be on an hourly basis not tq exceed a maximur� fee equal to 9% of the total project cost. The rates for hourly compensation shall be as follows: STAFF Project Principal Project Architect Project Engineer Architect Designer Clerical Computer 7echnician RATE A5J S45 $45 $40 $35 g25 $35 14.2.2 Where compensat�on is based o� a Stipulated Sum or Perce�tage o1 Construction Cost, payments for Basic Services shall be made as provided in Subparagraph 6.1.2, so that Basic Compensation for each Ahase sha!! equal the following perce�tages of the totat Basic Compensation payable: (Include any additional Phases as appropriate.) ' Schematic Design Phase: Design Oevelopment Phase: Construction Documents Phase: Bidding or Negotiation Phase: Canstruction Phase; percent ( 15%) percent ( 35%) percent ( 75%) percent ( g�%) percent (100%) 14.3 FOR PRO)ECi RFPRfSEt�iTATION BEYOND BASIC SERVICES, as described in Paragraph 1.6, Compensatio� shall be computed sepantely in accordance with Subpangraph 1.5.2. A!A DOCUMENT ttfl • OWNER-ARCHITECT AGAEEMENT • THIRTEENTH EDITtON • �ULY tlT7 � AlA� � O 19n BI4�•'1977 9 THE AMERIUN It1STITUTE OF ARQ�ITEL7S, 1T]S NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W. NIASH�NGiOP►. O.G 2000i6 14.4 COMPENSA710N FOR ADOITIONAI SERVICES 14.4.1 - fOR ADDlTIONAL SERVICES OF THE ARCHITECT, as described in Paragraph 1.7, and any othcr scrvices in- cluded in Article 15 as part of Additional Sen-ices, but excluding Additional Sen.ic�es ot consuftants, Compcn- sation shall be computed as tollows: . .�Here insert basis o1 compensotion. including ratet and'or mulGp/rs ot D�iM INSOnAC: E�/1f03t IOf IfinCiP]If J�(i CT�1I0)Ct•a, ,1MI �JrntJ.� Pr�n��palc �ad dassily employees. il +eqvired. Identify speciG[ trraaa�a ro sh.+str par::ccf�� reee�hods ol com, cnw;on applr. i( nccesvey.) All additional services sha�l be approved in advance by the owner. The rates for hourly co�pensation shall be as follows: STAFF Project Principal Project Architect Project Engineer Architect Designer Clerical Computer Technician RATE �5� g45 545 �40 535 525 535 14.4.2 FOR ADDIZIONAL SERVlLES OF COtVSUITANTS, including additional structural, mcchanical and cicctrical engineering services and those provided under Suboaraera�h 1.7.21 �• ��P�}����a �^ Article 15 as part of Addi- tional Services, a multiple of one poi nt zero ! 1. 0 � ��m��; Ihc amounts billed to the Architecf tor such servic�. 1 �i.5 14.6 14.7 f/denGly specific lyper ol cortwlanrs in Article 1S. il ►equhed.l FOR REIMBURSABIE EXPENSES, as described ip Article S, and any other items included in Ar�icle 15 as Reim- bursable Expenses, a multipte of one po� nt ZerO ( 1. 0 ) Iimes thc amountc ex- pended by the Architect, the Arcmtect's employees and consultants in tne interest �f Ihe Pr�ject. For any items over $200.00 other than those stated in Article 5, owner approval will be re�uired. Payments due the Architect a�d unpaid under this Agreement shall bear interest from thc clatc payment is due at the rate entered belo�v, or in the absence thereof, at the legal rate prevailing at tl�e ��rinci��al ��lace of business of the Architect. Y.ere inie�t any rate of inierest �grted upon.) Interest rate equal to 14� due 30 days after date of bill. Usur� 1��+•s aod �cQuircmrnls undtr �Ac ferlc��l iruth in [Md�ng Act. s�mJ�� st�fc �nJ lutal toosumcr tred�l 1�.�': dnd �Hhrv �r�;ul�linnc �I Ih�• O..r.er't snd Architcct't pnncipal plucs d bvsmcst. the ►opfion o! !ht ProjKl ��d C�st++'hcic may ahctl Ihc vdLddy o1 fh�t /wtw�.�nn ��HV�6�� Irga1 �dvfce should be obr��ned M•�th iespect io deleGon. mod�6cation, rn otArr rrqu.rements s�xh as written d�sctosures or w��.•na ) The Owner and the Architect agree in accordance tivith the Terms and Conditions of this Agreement that: 14.7.1 1F THE SCOPF of ihe Project or of the ArchitecYs Services is changed materially, the amounts ot compensation shal! be equitably adjusted. 14.7.2 IF 7HE SERVICES covered by this Agreement have not been completed within Twel ve (la months of the date hereof, through no fault of the Architect, the amounts of compensation, rates and multiples set forth herein shall be equitably adjusted. AlA DOCUMENT tllt • O�VNER•ARCHITECT AGREEMENT • THIRTEENTH EDITION • �ULY 19I7 • AIA� • O 1977 �O E'i4'I-1977 TME AMERIUN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 7735 NEYV YORK AVEtdUE, N.W., WASHINGTON, D.G 20006 21B � 21C ARTICLE 15 OTHER COhD1710NS OR SERVICES 15.1 These services are included in basic services and fee. - 15.2 The Architect shall provide to the city an errors and omissions insurance certificate in the amount of 5500,�J00. The owner agrees . to pay 3.5% of the total fees paid to the Architect as a cost for this insurance coverage supplied to the owner. 15.3 The Architect shall provide to the city independent cost estimates twice during the preparation of the documents. 15.4, The owner agrees to pay for the preparation of add alternates based on the fee percentage or hourly costs, which ever is greater. 15.5 The �rchitect agrees to redraw the project for revisions to maintain the project budget. 15.6 The Architect agrees to assist the o��ner in the analysis of the owner's needs and programming the requirements of the project. 15.7 The A rchitect agrees to provide interior design and space plannina services in connection with the layout, selection, and installation ., . of furniture, furnishinc�s, and related equipment. J The 1:rchitect agrees to provide two alternative layouts for the City Hall and Police Dept. Facilities for the owner's review. The owner will be asked to sign approval of the preferred scheme at the conclusion of the Schematic Design Phase and again at the conclusion of the Design Development Phase. Any deviations or changes other than minor in nature, which at the ov+ner's request make it necessary for the �4rchitect to re-draw the plan� Willbe considered additional services. 15.8 The Rrchitect commits to the project the following Senior Staff: Jack Boarman as Principal and Director of Design David Kroos as Project Manager Cindy Rudko as Interior Oesigner and Space Planner 15.9 Any supplemental studies for building expansion or r.�odification will be based on the staff rates as described in Section 14.4.1. A workscope and fee maximum will be provided for owner approval prior to any work. 15.10 At the completion of the project, the owner retains the � rchitect as a consultant for any future changes to the plan with the staff rates as described in Section 14.4,1 being applicable for one year at which tim� the rates will again be revie�•�ed and negotiated with the owner. 15.11 The_owner has provided the architect with a complete set of drawings of the existing building: �,, Architectural: A-1 thru A-12 7/8/65 Structural: S-1 thru S-5 7/4/65 � AIA DOCUMENT t111 • OWNER-ARQIITECT AGREEAIENT • THIRTEENTH EOITION • �UIY 19T7 • AIA� • m 1977 THE /1MERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCNtTECTS. 17a5 NfW Y01t1C AVENUE, N.W., WASHiNGTON, D.G 20006 B�4�-�9%i 1� 21D . , Mechanical: M-1 thru M-5 7j8/65 ' Electrical: E-1 thru E-4 7J8165 7he owner agrees to prov�de additional drawings or other doEUments deamed necessary by the architect to properly �ompTete the services as contracted. , This Agreement entered into as of the day and year first written above. O�'VNER ARCHITECT City of Fridley _ Boarman & Associates, Inc. 206 North First Street Mpls, Mn 554�J1 BY - - BY -- Mayor • � Jack Boarman, President AIA DOC'UMfNT t111 • OWNER-ARCHIIECT AGREEIdEM • TM��iEENTH EDITION • jUIY 1477 • AIA� • O 1977 12 Ei�T-19T7 i?tE N•tER1UW t►1ST{ME OF ARCHITECTT, lI1S HEW YORX AVENUE, N.W., WASMINGTON, D.G 2000i .�. [TY OF FRIDLEY MEMO T0: NASIM M. QURESHI, CITY MANAGER, AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: RICHARD D. PRIBYL, FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: RESOLUTION SPLITTING AND REPLATTING SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS FOR THE NOVEMBER 3, 1986 AGENDA DATE: October 24, 1986 We are presenting the attached resolution to the Council to comply with the legal requirements regarding the splitting of special assessments on this property. This division and replatting has been recorded at Anoka County. This property has been platted into condominiums, which means that it was recorded at Anoka County and did not require prior approval by the City. RP ps 22 RESOLUTION N0. - 198 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AN� DIRECTI�� TH� SPLI�TI�G aF SPECIRL �SSESSMENTS ON LOT 1, BLOCK 1, HERWAL 2ND ADDITION, A�D REPLATTING INTO MOORE LAKE OFFICE PARK CONDOMINIUM N0. 42 WHEREAS, certain special assessments have been levied with respect to certain land and said land has subsequently been subdivided, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED as follows: That the assessments levied against the following described parcel, to-wit: Lot 1, BTock 1, Herwal 2nd Addition, may and shall be apportioned and divided and repTatted as follows: Original Parcel Fund Original Amount Lot 1, Blk. 1, Herwal 2nd Add'n Reg SA Paid (Pin No. 13 30 24 33 0003) ST. 1975 Paid S No. 91 $ 2,415.51 1985 Serv. Conn. � 2,705.50 5,1 .0 Division and New Plat Approved Unit 101, Moore Lake Office Park Condominium No. 42 (Pin No. 13 30 24 33 0038) tlnit 102, Moore Lake Office Park Cvndominium No. 42 (Pin No. 13 30 24 33 0039) Unit 103, Moore Lake Office Park Condominium No. 42 (Pin No. 13 30 24 33 0040) Unit 104, Moore Lake Office Park Condominium No. 42 (Pin No. 13 30 24 33 0041) Unit 105, Moore Lake Office Park Condom�nium No. 42 (Pin No. 13 30 24 33 0042) Unit 106, Moore Lake Office Park Condominiu� No. 42 (Pin No. 13 30 24 33 0043) Unit 401, Moore Lake Office Park Condominium No. 42 (Pin No. T3 30 24 33 0044) Fund Reg SA ST. T975 S No. 91 i985 Serv. Conn. Reg SA ST. 19Z5 S No. 91 1985 Serv. Conn. Reg SA ST. 1975 S No. 91 1985 Serv. Conn. Reg SA ST. i975 S No. 91 1985 Serv. Conn. Reg SA ST. 1975 S No. 91 1985 Serv. Conn. Reg SA ST. 1975. S No. 91 1985 Serv. Conn. Reg SR ST. 1975 S No. 91 1985 Serv. Conn. Ori inal Rmount Pa i Paid $ 3Q1.94 338.19 Paid Paid $ 301,94 338,19 Paid Paid $ 301.94 338.19 Paid Pa i d $ 301.94 338.19 Paid Paid $ 301.94 338.19 Paid Paid $ 301.94 338.19 Pa i d Paid $ 301.94 338.18 22A Page 2, RESOLUTION N0. Unit 402, Moore Lake �ffice Park Condominium No. 42 (Pin No. 13 30 24 33 0045) - 1986 Reg SA ST. 1975 � No. 91 1985 Serv. Conn. ADOPTEO BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY TNIS CtI� ATTEST: , 1986. Paid Paid $ 301.93 338.18 5,121.01 DAY M YOR W� iam J. Nee CITY CLERK Shirley Haapala 0 z�B 23 GMHCo September 26, 1986 Mr. Nasim Qureshi, City ?ianager City of Fridley 6431 Dniversity Avenue N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 GEORGE M. HANSEN COMPANY, P.A. A Projessiona! Curporariun ojCarrified Publii• Acruuntartis Dear Nasim: Enclosed is our proposal regarding the 1986 audit of the City. Our 1986 fee is an increase of $500 or approximately 3x over the 1985 fee. Included in the proposal is our fee for the work necessary to conply with the "Legal Compliance Audit Guide" from the Office of the State Auditor. The "Guide" is required to be incorporated into all 1985 and subsequent audits of governmental units. The sixty page guide f ocuses on: depositories, investucents, conflicts of intereat, indebtedness, bid laws, claims and disbursements. If our actual time is less than the estimate, we will reduce our fee accordingly. Please call me if you have any questions. Very truly yours, G�ORGE M. HA.NSEN COMPANY, P.A. � % �_�,_� �/ J. Gregory Murphy JGM:iac Enclosure � 1433 UTICA AVENUE SOUTN, SUITE 175 MINNEAPOLIS. MtNNE90TA 55416 61 2/546-2566 GMHCo September 26, 1986 City Council City of Fridley Dear Council Membere: 23A GEORGE M. HANSEN COMPANY, P.A. .1 Prufessional Corpora�ion ujCerrifitd Puhlic A��<<+uniants Thie letter will confirm our underatanding of the arraugements co�►ering our sudiL• work for ttie City of Fridley, Minnesota for the year euding December 31, 1986. Xe will examine the general purpose f inancial etatements as of 8nd for the year ending December 31, 1986. Our examination Will be made in accordance wi.th generally accepted auditing standards and will include such teste of the accounting recorde and such other auditing procedures as we conaider necessary in the circumstances. The objective of our exsmination is to express an unqualified opinion on the finaacial statementa, although it is possible that facta or circumstances encountered may require us to express a less than unquali.fied opinion. Qur procedures �rill include tests of documentary evidence supporti.ng the transactions recorded in the accounts, tests of the physica]. existence of inventories and direct confirmation of receivables and certain other �sssete and liabilitiea by correspondence with selected customera, creditors, legal counsel and banks. At the conclusion of our examination, ve will requeat certain written representations from your staff about the financial statc�nents and matters related thereto. The fair presentation of financial position and reaults of operations in conformity vith generally accepted accounting principlea is management's responeibility. Hanagement is responsible for the development, implementation and maintenance of an adequate sqatem of internal accounting control and for L-he accuracy of the f inancial statements. Although we may advise you about appropriate accounting principles and their application, the selection and met}iod of application are responaibilities so2elq of managemeat. Our engagement is subject to the inherent risk that material errors, irregularities or illegal acts, including fraud or defalcations, if they exist, will not be detected. HoWever, ve Will inf orm you of auy such matters that come to our attention. 1433 UTICA AVENUE SOUTH, SUITE 175 MINNEAPOLIB. MINNESOTA 554/6 61 2/546-2566 City Council City of Fridley Septersber 26, 1986 Page 2 Fees for our services are based on our regular per diem rates, plus out-oi-pocket expenses, all of which wi12 be bil.led as our �+ork progresses. Our fee for thia engagement vill not exceed $15,100. T'his fee includes ehe work necessary for the "Legal Compliaace Audit Guide" and the sudit of Federal progrsms in accordance With applicdble regulations. Should any situation arise that Would increase thia estimate, We will, of course, advise you. W'henever possible, ve will attemgt to use your personnel. This effort could reduce our time requiremente snd help you hold doWn sudit fees. During the course of our work, we may obaerve opportunities for economy in or improved controls over your operations. We will bring such matters to the attentioa of rhe appropriate Zevel of manageaent, either orally or in writing. Please indicate your agreement to these arrangements by signing the attached copy of this letter and returning it to us. We appreciate your confidence in retaining us as your certified pub2i.c accountants and look forward to working with you and your staff. Very truly yours, GEORGE M. RANSEN COMPANY, P.A. � /i / �G� ✓ri'� L / L.' / ✓ J. Gregory Murphy JGM: iac Encl;,sures Approved by: �� � ., //�aLZ�� � /� v / City of Fridley, Minnesota Date .� 1987 CALENDAR . 1987 CITY COUNCIL MEETING AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULES JANUARY FEBRUAHY MAFiCH S M T W T F S S M T W T F S W T F S �'; 2 3 1 3 4 S 6 7 1 4 5 6 7 4 Q 6 7 8 9 10 8 10 11 12 13 f4 11 12 13 14 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 17 18 19 20 15 17 18 19 20 21 18 20 21 22 23 24 22 24 25 26 27 28 22 24 25 26 27 28 25 (� 27 28 29 30 31 29 31 APRIL MAY JUNE S M T W T F S S M T W T F S 8 T W T F S 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 6 5 7 8 9 10 11 3�� 5 6 7 8 9 7 13 12 14 15 16 11 18 10 12 13 14 15 16 14 6 17 18 1 20 19 21 22 23 24 25 17 19 20 21 22 23 21 23 24 25 26 27 26 7 28 29 30 24 26 27 28 29 30 28 30 . 31 JU�Y AUGUST SEPTEMBER S M T W T S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S � 1 2 4 1 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 2� 4 5 6 7 8 6� 8 9 10 11 12 17 14 15 16 17 18 9 11 12 13 14 15 13 15 16 17 18 19 19 21 22 23 24 25 16 18 19 20 2t 22 20 � 22 23 24 25 26 26 28 29 30 31 23 25 26 27 28 29 27 29 30 30 OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S 1 2 3 1 3 4 5 6 7 3 4[� 4 6 7 8 9 10 8 10 � 12 13 14 10 11 12 11 13 14 15 16 17 15 1 17 18 19 2 21 13 15 16 17 18 19 23 24 22 24 25 'j� � 28 20 22 23 24 � 26 25 6 27 28 29 30 31 29 �] 27 � 29 30 31 KEY % = Holidays (11) 0 = Council Meetings (24) �= Conference Mee[ings (4) CONFERENCE SCHEDULE Feb. 28 - March 3 NLC Congressional-City Conference Washington, D.C. June 9 - 12 League of MN Cities Rochester, MN October 25 - 29 ICMA Conference Montreal, Canada December S - 9 NLC Congress of Cities Philadelphia, PA �iOLIDAYS Jan. 1 Jan. 19 Feb. 16 May • 25 July 4 Sept. 7 Oct. 12 Nov. 11 Nov. 26 Dec. 25 10 Nov. 27 11 New Years Day Martin Luther Ring Presidents Day Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Columbus Day Veterans Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day Days Day After Thanksgiving Days Total 24 - Council Meetings will be held the first and third Monday of each month except January and August when they will be the first and fourth Monday; and February, March, September, Nove�►ber and December when they �aill be the second and fourth Monday. • - Conference Meetings will be held the fifth Monday of March, June, August and November. ,� = FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- LICENSES NOVENIDER 3, 1986 EXCAVATING Becklin Bros. RT#1, Box 448A Cambridge, NliJ 55008 GAS SERVICES Heating & Cooling Ztao, Inc. � 14228 - 23rd Avenue North Plymouth, N�i 55441 S & W Heating & Air �nd. RR#1, Box 169 Monticello, NRV 55362 GENERAL CONTRACTOR Christensen Contracting P.O. Box 12615 New Brighton, NII�t 55112 Dalberg Builders Inc. 1121 - 80th Avenue N.E. Spring Lake Park, MN 55432 Patio Village 3918 - 67est 49� Street Minneapolis, MN 55424 Earl Weikle & Sons, Inc. 2514 - 24th Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55406 HEATING Burnomatic Industrial Gas Burner 600 North Washington Avenue Minneapolis, NIIV 55424 Heating & Cooling Two Inc. 14228 - 23rd Avenue North Plymouth, I�II�T 55441 Modern Heating & Air Cond. , Inc. 2318 - lst Street N. E. Minneapolis, MN 55418 S& W Heating & A/C Inc. RR#1, Box 169 Monticello, MN 55362 By: Dale Becklin By: Wayne Sinkie By: Wally Mankowski By: Dan Christensen By: Samuel Dalberg. By : Tom Cummizigs By: Willard Weikle By: Greg Romain By: Wayne 5inkie By: Terry Hutchinson By: Wally Mankowski APPROVED BY LIARREL CLARK Chief Bldg. Ofcl. BILL SANDIN Plbg. -Htg. Insp. Same DARREL CLARK Chief Bldg. Ofcl. S ame Same Same BILL SANDIN Plbg . -Htg . Insp . Same Same Same � FOR CONCURRENCE BY TNE C�TY COUNCIL -- LICENSES ' RESIDENTIAL RENTAL PROPERTY - November 3, 1986 Phyllis Fudali 1709 Innsbruck Pkwy. Fridley, MN 55421 Mark Cramer 6008 - 2nd St. NE Fridley, MN 55432 Har-Will, Inc. 825 - lst St. NW St. Paul, MN 55112 6711-15.Main Street 6008 - 2nd Street 415 - 74th Avenue 2 24.00 4 36.00 11 49.00 R. H. Larson, FPB/ Housing Insp. 2? NOVF�IIt 3, 1986 �nith, Juster, F+eikema, Malm�n & Haskvitz 6401 University Avenue N. E. Fridley, M�l 55432 Fbr Servioes Rendered as City Prosecutor Fbr the Month of June, 1986 . . . . . . . . . . . For the Nbnth of July, 1986 . . . . . . . . . . . For the Nbnth of August, 1986 . . . . . . . . . . For the Nbnth af Septsaber, 1986. . . . . . . . . TO�L $ 6,687.50 $ 8,275.00 $ 7,887.50 � 7,712.50 Si 30.562.50 H& S Asphal t� L1G 1700 Industry Blvd. Anoka, NN 55303 Street Imprwenent Proj ect No. ST. 1986 - 1& 2 FID1Ai., FSTIMATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 625.00 Park Construction Go. 7900 Beech Street, N. E. FYidley, I�YJ 55432 Water & Sanitary Sewer Project No. 162 Estimate No. 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 49,595.89 Subterran�ean Engineering 6875 Highway 65 Fridl�y, NN 55432 Lake Fbinte CArp�rate Center Partial Estimate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 6,923.80 � #76-1 For legal services rendered as Prosecutor for the City of Fridley during June, 1986. Representation of City of Fridley in Court in Anoka on June 3, 10, 11, 16, 17 and 24, 1986 for 100 jury trials and in Columbia Heights on June 12 and 19, 1986 for 30 court trials. 98.75 hours. Preparation of 30 misdemeanor formal complaints and 15 gross mis- demeanor criminal complaints and miscellaneous office and phone con- ferences with police and citizens. TOTAL TIME (130.75 hours) (June 1986 Retainer) Time in Excess of Retainer (100.75 hours) #76-1 $1,650.00 $5,037.50 32.00 hours. $1,650.00 $6,687.50 For legal services rendered as Prosecutor for the City of Fridley during July, 1986. Representation of City of Fridley in Court in Anoka on July 1, 8, 9, 14, 15, 17, 22, and 23, 1986 and in Columbia Heights on July 10 and 24, 1986 for 2 jury trials, 148 pre-jury trial conferences and 25 court trials. 108.00 hours. Preparation of 164 misdemeanor formal complaints and 13 gross mis- demeanor criminal complaints and miscellaneous office and phone con- ferences with police and citizens. TOTAL TIME (162.'50 hours) (July 1986 Retainer) Time in Excess of Retainer (13�.50 hours) $1,650.00 $6,625.00 54.50 hours. $1,650.00 $8,275.00 27A #76-1 � For legal services rendered as Prosecutor for the City of Fridley during August, 1986. Representation of City of Fridley in Court in Anoka on August 5, 12, 13, 17, 18, 26, 1986 and in Columbia Heights on August 14, 21, and 28, 1986 for 71 jury trials and 44 court trials. 128.00 hours. Preparation of 95 misdemeanor formal complaints and 6 gross mis- demeanor criminal complaints and miscellaneous office and phone con- ferences with police and citizens. TOTAL TIME (154.75 hours) (August 1986 Retainer) Time in Excess of Retainer (124.75 hours) #76-1 $1,650.00 $6,237.50 26.75 hours. $1,650.00 $7,887.50 For legal services rendered as Prosecutor for the City of Fridley during September, 1986. Representation of City of Fridley in Court in Anoka on September 2, 9, 10, 16, 23 and 24, 1986 and in Columbia Heights on September 11 and 25, 1986 for 157 pre-jury trial conferences and 27 court trials. 102.50 hours. Preparation of 171 misdem�anor formal complaints and 14 gross mis- demeanor criminal complaints and miscellaneous office and phone con- ferences with police and citizens. TOTAL TIME (151.25 hours) (September 198b Retainer) Time in Excess of Retainer (121.25 hours) $1,650.00 $6,062.50 49.15 hours. $1,650.00 $7,712.50 27B