04/07/1986 BOE - 00011657067 THE MIN[TPFS OF T[IE BOAI� OF REVIA+l MEEPING OF APRIL 7. 1986 � The City Council met as the Ba1rd of R�iew and Piayor Nee called the meetin9 to order at 7:35 p.m. PLIDGE OF ALLDGIANCE: N�yor Nee led the Council and audience in the Pledge of Alleyiance to the Fl ag. ROI,L CALL • MENBII2S A2ESINT: Mayor Nee, CAUncilman Barnette, Councilman Scnneider, Cowlcilman Fitzgatrick, and Councilman Goods�ed MENBII2S PBSIlBT: None hL�yor Nee stated the Council is meeting as the Board of Reviesa to hear co�nents frcm citizens regarding the market value p].aced on their properties 1� the Caty Assessor. He statec it is the�.r intent to make sure that all property is fai.rly appratsed so that taxpayers �y tl�eir lawful share of the tax lmd. Mr. N��en, City Assessor, introduced the representative from the Anoka CoLmty Assessor's OPfice. Mr. Ed Thurston. � Mr. Madsen stated notices were �nt to property owners earlier this year which indicated the value glaced on their property, �nd they were askecl to contact the City Assessor's Office if they wished to be heard at this meeting. He stated residents no longer have to agpear at this meeting or at the O�tmty meeting in order to keep open their option to go to court. He stated some letters will be presersted this evening which address this particular situation. Mr. Madsen stated the properties �ysically a�.pra�s�ec7 this yazr in the City were located south of 69th and north of M�.ssissippi, along East Rzver Roacl north to R�.ckard Road. He stated this year al,l resideritial pro�rty values increased 2 to 38 and was applied only to the primary structure on the property. He stated the townhouses in Innsbruck were reduced in value because there is a falling market on those properties. Mr. Madsen statec� commercial and i�dustnal properties were not increased this year, except where thEy decided to defer last year and then those values were added this year. Mr. N�dsen stated the Board can increase, decrease, ar affixm the velue placed on properties L� the Assessor. He stated, in cases where there may be an increase, the pro�rty aaner would have to be notified before this �uld be cbne. � Zhe Council heard fran the follaving property aaners regarding the values placed on their properties. -1- 1 ' . • •. B()AHI) OF REUIFSV MEETING OF APRIL 7, 1986 � RAYMOAID LUNIEWSKI, 6959 HICKORY CIRCLE. FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA: Mr. NL3dser. stated in a letter received fran Mr. L�iewski, he didn't think he would be ahle to atteMl this meeting. He did, hoae�er, wish to xegister a protest regarding the value glaced on his property. Mr. Madsen stated a value of $103,100 has been glaced on this property and, after further rEVie�v and compsrison of surrounding properties, he weuld reoommend no change in the value. He statec� the home is for sale and is currently listed for $124,000. MITION tr� Councilman Fitz�trick to affirm the City Assessor's valuation placed on this property at 6959 Hickory Circle. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, N�yor Nee declared the motion carried unammously. WILLIAM T[JRN4UIST, 7601 BRIGADOON. FRIDLEY, MINNESdi'A 55432: Mr. Turnquist stated when he refinanced his home in October, it was aFpraised 1� two different appra3ches and one a�praisal was for $90,000 and one for $91,000. He stated the City's value placed on his groperty is $96,600, and felt swnething was wrong with this value. Mr. Madsen stated his office has looked et this property a niunber of times. � He reviftaed the s�uare footage of the hane and amo�mt of firashed basement. He further stated the hane has central air, a cbuble garage and the lot is 90 by 137 feet. Mr. Madsen stated a ntmber of camKarable properties in the area sold ir! the $100,000 range. He felt the value glaced on the pro�rty was proper. CoLmcilman Schneider asked Mr. Turrquist if the appraiser for the finance comFariy had physically inspected the property as the corn�arison sheet, sutmitted l� Mr. Turnqw.st, indicated he had not. Mr. Turnquist stated the apprai.ser was out to the house and took measurenents. Mr. N13dsen stated he would like a oop� of the a�rai�l to review. He felt if the value on Mr. Turnquist's property was to be rec7uced, it would have a laaer value than comFarable properttes in the neiyhborhood. He statec� in all fairr�ss, these also should then be reo�uced. Mayor Nee stated he wou].d like to see the cloc�unentat,ion for the Assessor's stand. NDTIDN by Coimcilman Schneider to refer this iten to the Assessor's Oifice for cbciuneritata.on or reoorrnnendation at the April 21 meeting. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vete, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. � ERRVIN REYNOLDS. 530 EI,Y STREET. FRIDLEY. MINNESOTA 55432: Mr. Re3nolds stated the value glaced on his groperty is $87,100 and felt it -2- 1 ' B(�1RD OF REVIEW MEEPING OF APRIL 7. 1986 � was infair. He stated a tri-level house behind him sold f or $62,500 and another hane on Dover Street snld for $81,000. He stated he was told by several realtors if he oould get $80,000, it may be realistic. He stated his hane was a pr�fabricated Wausau home and cost him about $48,000 to build. Mr. Madsen stated this is a brand new faur level split home with 1,200 square feet. He stated there is no finished has�nent, but there is a three stall gaxage with an attached porch. He stated the miru.muri avexage rate for quality was used to determine the market value. A7r. Madsen �tated the two homes to which Mr. Reynolds referred sold f�r $64,000 and $81,250. He reviciaed the square footages of 960 and 985 of these hcmes, the �nount of fimshed Ixzsement, saze of the yarages, and lot size. Mr. NHdsen stated these other properta.es were much snaller and didn't feel there should be a reduction in value on this property. Mr. Madsen did state, as split levels get larger, he felt the assessment systan they are r�i.ured to use may tend to wervalue these pro�rties. Coimcilman Fitz�atrick asked which method they are required to use. Mr. N�dsen stated the Ca.ty utilizes a mmputerized appraisal systen through the Cotimty that has a set method. He stated several years ago, they attempted to apply an ad�ustment factor, haaever, it was re�ected. He f elt some other � type of inethodolo� might k�e applied, but it woulcl be getting out of bounds of the systen. He stated if more of these problans occur, the City proLubly will have to go that route anyway. CoLmcilman Fitz�atrick stated the hottan lzne is determimng market v�lue ro irx3ividual cases such as this should be cGnsiderea. NDTZON k� Co�cilman Fitz�trick to refer this item to thE City A.ssessor for a report at the April 21 meeting. Seconded t� Co�mcilman sarr�ette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. JCH SUPPLY COMPANY. 5320 MAIN STREET. FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55432: Mr. [�dsen stated he has talked with representatives of this corn�any and they disagree with the value placed on the property. He stated they Frol�bly will �titson the Court for settlanent. Mr. Madsen stated when Land 0' Lakes ownecl the property, they had two apprai�ls done to determine the asking price for this property. He stated the apprazsals came back at $4,800,000 and $6,000,000. He stated J Q3 purchased the property for $3,600,OD0, however, he felt this was advantageous to Land 0' Lakes as they could lease back a third of the property and was prokx�bly behind thei r motivation to �11 for this pnce. � Mr. Ni�dsen stated two �arcels are invalvea and the total value glacecl on the property is $4,200,000, with or� �arcel valued at $4,129,000. -3- o�o BOAI� OF REVIEW MEErING OF APRIL 7, 1986 � NDTION Lr� Cotmcilman Fitzp�trick to affinn the Ca.ty Assessor's val.ue placed on this property at 5320 Main Street. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carriea unanimously. GDORGEPOWN CAURT PAI�PNERSHIP, 5820-5860 F11ST RIVER ROAD. FRIDLEY. MINNESOTA 55432: Mr. Madsen stated the County Assessor's Office appraises the structure Fnrtion of mult�.ple c3aelling properties in the CoLmty. fle stated the City only appraises the value of the land and this value cud not change fran last year. Mr. NL�c�en stated the State De�rtment of Revenue did increase multiple daelling properties in the entire Cotu�ty 1� 5% in addition to the County's f igures. hDTION tr3 Councilman Fitz�atnck to receive the letter of protest regarc3iny the property at 5820-5860 East Riv er Road. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, I�yor Nee declared the metion carried unammously. VIKING CHEVROLET. 7501 HIGHWP,Y 65 N. E.. FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55432: � Mr. I�dsen stated there are three g3rcels on this property and the only increases were deferred values fran the 1985 asses9nent. Y.e statea Viking Chevrolet wanted it on record that they c7isagreec3 with the value placed on the property. NDTION tr� Coimcilman Schrieider to receive the letter from Viking Chevrolet irrto the record. Seoonded l� Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unammously. ME[�1RD'S CASHWAY LUMBER. 5351 CII�TRAL AVENOE. FRIDLh'Y, MINNESOTA 55432: Mr. Maclsen stated Menard's wanted it on reoor� that they sent a letter in disagreanent with the value glaced on their groperty. [�DTION L� Co�mcilman Barnette to receive the letter from Menard's into the reoorc3. Se�nded L� Gouneilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all votiny aye, N�yor Nee declared the motion carried unammously. API SUPPLY, 5110 MAIN STREET. FRIDLEY. MINNESOTA 55432: Mr. Madsen stated he didn't believe representatives of API glarmed to attend this meeting, haaeaer, thc� wanted their letter receivecl irito the record. Mr. Maclsen stated his office re�riewec] the val ue placed on this property with API representatives and a reduction was offerec7, as the value did not take ' irrto wnsiderataon the lack of heat in the warehouse area. Fle stateal they would rew�nend a reduction in value to $1,956,600 frmi $2,086,000. -4- ' ' � :a� •�� • a • NDTIDN Y� Councilman Fitz�atrick to receive the letter from API into the reoord. Semnded tr� Cotmcilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Nhyor Nee declared the motion carriecl unanimous3y. NDTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to make an ad�ustment iri the va].ue placed on API Supply's property at 5110 M�in Street l� reducing it fran $2,086,000 to $1,956,600. Seoonded b� Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unammously. LONGVIEW FIBRE. 5851 EAST RIVER RpAD, FRIDLEY, MINNESO2'A 55432: Mr. P'Bdsen stated a letter was received this morning from Longview Fibre recprding disagreenent with the value glaced on their property. He stated thc� sutmitted an outl ine of an apprai sal , haa ev er , he f el t th e appr oa ch used doesn't have a great deal of a�p.lication. Mr. Madsen stated he would remnunend no change in the value �laced on this proFeriy. NDTION 1� Councilman Fitzpatrick to receive the letter from LongviEw Fibre into the Yeoord and affirm the City Asse.�sor's valuation placed on this property at 5851 East River Rcad. Secanded k� Cow-icilman 5chneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. KEVIN McGSNNITY, 124 IANGFELS+OW SPREEP. FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55432: Mr. MoGiruuty stated the property he questions consists of three p�rcels ad�acent to each other at 124 Lon�ellaa Street. He stated the value glaced on these rarcels is $5,000, $54r9�4 arid �5�50� for a tx�tal of $65,400. Mr. McGinnity stated the property is ad�acent to the Burlsngton-Northern railrct3d right-of-way with light industry on the north and considerably larger hanes on each side. He stated there is no way to further develop the Farcels for additional residences. Mr. McGinnity statec� the home is a basic, two bedroan split level purchased in 1984 far $50.000. Mr. Madsen stated the hane was built in 1980, a split entry with 96C square feet and a double attached c�rage. He stated the3 took into consideration its location to the railra�d nght-of-way. Mr. Msdsen stated Mr. NIcGinruty purchased thi:; property thrauo,h an agent that was rEpresenting a mortgage company foreclosing on the property, therefore, didn't feel the $50,000 represerned a true value of the property. Mr. P�dsen stated staff did not have a chance to review this property as this pratest came to their attention this evemng. NDTION lx Councilman Fitzpatrick to refer this iten to the City Assessor`s Office for a report at the A�ril 21 meeting. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Nl�yor Nee declared the s�otion carried unantmously. NIf2MAL JAIN. 1345 MEADGSVMOpR, FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55432: -5- 07� 072 S(�1RD OF REVIEW MEETIN6 OF APRIL 7. 1986 , Mr. Madsen stated his office was out to this property last sinnmer as the property aaner f elt the value was too hiyh at that time. He stated he could see no 7ustificat�on for a reduction and this wauld still be his contention. NDTION !� Councilman Schneider to affirm the City Assessor's valuation placed on this property at 1345 Meadowmoor. Seconded by Councilman Barrette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carned unammously. RICH�2D HARRIS. 7710 & 7765 MAIN STREET. FRIDLEY. MINNESOTA 55432: Mr. Harns stated he ci�d not agree with the vGlue �laced on his properties at 7710 and 7765 Nl�in Street. He stated last yaar the City haci a value of $485,500 placed on the property at 7710 Main Street and he took his protest to the County, and it was laaered to $430,000. He statea this y�r the City assessed it back to $485,500. He stated he would again take it to the Cotmty this year. Mr. Harris stated he protesteci last year to the Coimty the value placed on his property at 7765 Main Street and a reduction was dem ed because they �uld not verify the claims on the soil condit�.ons on the north end of the property. Mr. Harris r�uested the City make their records ava�.lab].e caz the conciition ' of the storm sewer and soils that run through the north end of this Froperty. He stated, if this can't be done, tl�e alterrative is to take soil borings wlv.ch would be expensive. He stated some extensive soil corrections need to be done in order to develop this property, and the County has to have this verified. N�yor Nee asked Mr. Harris to send a letter regarding his reque�t cn the soil condit�ons. MDTION by Councilman Goodspeed to xeceive the protest txom RSx. Harris regarding the value placed on his properties at 7710 and 7765 Main Street and to affi rni the City Assessor's valuation of- these groperties. Seconded 1� Councilman Fitzfiatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor I�ee 8eclared the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated if the Gounty does reduce the value, he felt they� should supply information to the Ca.ty reyarding their reason for the reduction. FRANK'S NURSERY. 7620 UNIVERSITY AVEDIUE. FRIDLEY, MINNESQTA 55432: Mr. Madsen stated he receiveci a letter of protest this evening as it was �nt to the Anoka Coimty Assessor's Office, insteaa of the City. I•DTION by Councilman Goodspeed to receive the letter of protest into the � record for the property at 7620 University Avenue N. E. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpstrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unantmously. GS BQARD OF REVIF�1 MEEPING OF APRIL 7. 1986 1 AA70IIRt�'7ENP: NDTION l� Cr�uncilman Barrette to oontinue this Board of Review meeting to April 21, 1986. Sewnded kr� Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, N13yor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously, and this Board of Review Meeting closed at 8:50 p,m. Respectf ully sukmitted, �-�-����.�-..� �,�L.�'�,�,� C�role Haddad, Wi]lian J. Nee Remrdiny Secretary Mayor Approved: � ' -7- 073