07/14/1986 - 00011542019 � THE MINOTES OF THE SPECIAL MEEPING OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL OF JULY 14, 1986 'The SFecial Meeting of the FridlEy City Council was callc�c3 to order e:t 7:35 p.m. ]x Mayor Nee. r�� �nrrr��a N�mbers Preserit: Mayar Nee, Coimcllmar� Goodspeed, Cotnicilman FYtz�trick, Councilnian Schneider and Councilm.an Barnette M�nbers Absent: Norx� ADOPTION OF AGII�7DA: NDTION b� Councilman Barnette to adopt the ac,encla as sulinitted. Seconded b� Cotmcilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote. al.l voting aye, N`ayor Nee �eelared the motion carried unanimously. WOODBRIDGE/LAKE POINTE DEVIIAPMENT: N�iyor Nee rEquested an explanation on the arnended a�reanent with V�ioocibric;ge Properties as apprwed 1H the Housing & Redevelopnent Authority cn Ju]y 10, 1986. � blr. Qureshi, City Nhnager, stated at a meeting held on Suly 8, 19�6, the Cha� rman of the HRA, Mr. Commers, was present and the gro�sal presented to the HRA on Ju7.y 10, 1986 was the result ot the Tuesday meeting where it was decided an ad7tastment was needed. Mr. Qureshi stated at the July 8 meetinc�, he pointe8 out ha was not �mfortable with giving the developer the interest raruested. He stated in further discussions with the develo�r's legal represerrtative and developer, he mnvinced than, unless they gave up this interest, there would be no develognent. N�yor Nee asked if something had been done where thEy would be vulnerab]e to losing their coritract i.mdEr material frustrat-ian. Mr. 4ureshi stated Mr. NEVrman had advised the� were in maten�l frustratian because the Fbllution Cnntrol Agency permit was not issuec3 on or before i�',�y 1, and thc� had 90 days ta negotiate the frustration. N�iyor Nee asked as a result of the material frustration, if it was possible to get out of the agreenerit. Mr. 4ureshi stated if all goverrmental permits weren't entered into by N�ay 1, there was a 90 day pen od of material frustration to negotiate, which the� had cbne, and came u�> with a modified contract. � N�yor Nee asked if this clause relating to material frustration can come Lip once a year. -1- 02a SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 14. 1986 ' Mr. Qureshi stated this clause was provided in the original contr�ct, ha�rever, the amendnent to t,he wntract eluninates it. Mr. Qureshi stated in the �nnended agreanent, the HF11 received a committec� leael of performance of �nstruction and the HRA's help is prec;icatec� on a certain lc�el of o�nstructi on in terms of �uare footage. i�yor Nee asked in the original agreanent if the HRF.'s help was tased on the value of the mnstruction. Mr. Qureshi stated what was oontained in the ori�inal agreanent was if there was enough increnent to �y for the General C�bligation Bond and Limited REVenue Note, then the developer oould receive the Fayment. He stated if there was not enough increnent, the developer would lose all or xa rt of the revenue note Xaymerit. Mayor Nee stated quality isn't objectively defir.ed. He stated the only way the City was assured of get.ting the hic�est c�ualzty was givir.g devFlaper the risk incentive which has ncaa been eliminated. Mr. Qureshi stated the developer has to lxsilcl to the qualzty as presented in drawings and the site plan inclu�ed in the enc�ir�al agreenent. Nhyor Nee stated he believe:d Mr. Meyer of the HRA asked haa the �,uzlity was ' measured. He stated he feLt comfortable about it before because of the formula which gave the d��veloper an incentive, but felt this is being renoved. He stated the Cit.y has a stake in the contract and entered into certain risks and investmer�t �sitions l�sed on this oontract, which has naa been amended. He stated he wondered if the Czty has any p�sition for defending their investment. Mr. Qureshi stated if arr�r c�nstruction is cbne on the property, the first item that is protected is the General Obligat�on Bands. He stated that position has not changed and, before ar.yc�ne recetves any �ayment, the General Obl.igation Bonds will be retired. N�yor Nee asked haa that is guaranteed. HSr. Qureshi stated it is c�uaraisteed ]x the level of develognent tmder the oontract, He stated it is a grcvisior. of the bonding the City has done for this devela�ment. He stated the General Ohligation Bond has to be �aid firs-t. Nayor Nee asked in what ooritract this is prwided. Ms. Qureshi statec it is in the bond notes. Mayor Nee questioned if it was not controlled by thc aGreement. Mr. Herrick, Ci ty Attorney, stated there is a general principle that tl-ie bond i� issued sub7ect to an agreement that cannot be changed without the mncurrence of ar�one that purchased the Londs. � Mayor Nee stated the agreenerit was �ust amended. Mr. I�errick stated the question �mes down to a change in the priority of �ynient and Ntr. Qureshi stated this has not changedl. -2- oz� SPECIAL ODUNCIL MEEPING OF JULY 14. 1986 � Mr. Weir, of Woodbridge Praperties, stateu' there has heen a mod�ficatian ta the develo�ment agreaner�t and those modifications, to his understanciing, have not modified the bon� indenture for the City's General Obligatian Bonds. He stated the Bank of Australia awns thz bonds and thEy coulun't be changed without their oonsent. He stated the modifications propased to the developnent agreanent do not affect the Lronds or the security of those bonds. Mr. Herrick stated if a third �rty aans tYie bonds, the oblic,�atian cannat be changed without their �nsent. [�yor Nee stated the agreenent has been amended, without the Council's consent, and it leaves him feeling uneasy. He stated the Council was e�cpressly concrete on the length of the �y-off of the bonds. Mayor Nee asked Mr. Weir if he could yiL�e an assessment on hc�w the develognent would benef it il�e City. Mr. Weir stated there was an agre�nent last December whereby every one invalved contenplated cert<�in things would r� cbne en this site. He stated there had been limited disrussion on some of the prablems aGsociated with the soil conclttions on the property. Mr. HTetr stater� he believed, �t that time, they could proceed with a develo�ment program not restrictecl by goverrnient regulations. He stated, through the enviranmental assessment � worksheet and the indirect source �rmit, the State made a declaration that the City had a traffic problan, addressed in the Fas�t and, even thou� there was a general fr�neaork to solve this problan, it wouldn't be auequate for the proposed leael of deveLognent. Mr. We�r stated it was the State's oonte�rtion, if you have certain le�rels of traffic, the air quality w�uld k�e reduced te such a level that it poses an er�irormental threat. He stated the State stated that development of this property couldn't proceed at the speed they expected until all the intersection improv anents are comgleted. [�ir. Weir stated this placed a very definite restriction to re'tard their develognent whzch ��as a ma�or change no one had contanglated. Mr. Weir stated the agreaner�t provided if coll ectivcly they end up being frustrated, then the� had to re-EValtt�te the satuatian. He statet3 it came down to the question if this is really the type of developnent the Crty wartts for this property, and if thc� were willing to support some changes tc implanent it. He stated tlhe question the� hacl tc ask �.f they were willing to imdertake these risks and if their investor was w�lling to oontinue with a Limrted Revenue Note where there is substantial likelihood that the� wai:ld not receive all of the F�yments because oP the restricted and delayed developnent. Mr. Weir stated all these factors were cliscussed wiitch lec3 to the agreeaent � presented to the HRA on Thursday evening. He statea they have incnrrea a variety of additional costs and the HRA has acce�ec� these costs to try and continue to go forward orith the project. Mr. Weir stated it is his imderstanding, the HRA is supportive of mac7ifying the agreenent �ecause, in -3- otiz SPECIAL ()OONCIL MEETING OF JULY 14. 1986 � effect, it was at the point of operation of material frustration and after coimtless hours of discussion, felt it was an �tyypropri�te accommc�aticn. Mr. Weir stated he hoped tYae Coimcil would accept it and w�s excited about the pro7ect. He stated it was his opinion that, sub�ect to this approval, the Co�mcil is in xartnersh�ip with the HRA, e.nd with the Council's blessing the� could reswne. Mr. Weir stated this projec�t, when completed, will be the single largest real estate develognent in the City. He stated it will have the biggest concentration of enplq�ees and a p�yroll of $SO,Q00,000, generating some $250,000,000 of eooncmic benefits throu�out this general area. Mayor Nee asked if the contract was any good as thcy are given the im�xession the develo�r is not going to hon�r it. Mr. Weir stated this certainly wasn't intendeci. He stated there was a section in the contract i:hat provided f�r negotiations under material frustration. He stated $5.6 million has Ceen aa�anced and thEy are pre�red to advance arrother $1 million so the project has their �divided attention. N�yor Nee stated the City isn't receiving the incranent, the develoFer will be receiving it. Mr. Welr stated they receive it only if there are sufficient taxes. He stated if the� develop accorc3�.ng to the schedule, they will get Faid the return akbve the Ge�ral Ol�ligation Bands. ' Mayor Nee stated the risk on whether or not the Revenue Bond is guarar_teecl }x the increnerrt is stated in texms of s3uare f ootage and not in terms of assessed value or quality. Cotmcilman Barnette asked what guarantee the City has that the c3eveloper will oonstruct a quality develognent and perforn to those stan2�ards, Mr. Weir stated under Section 4.2 of the constructior plans, there is reference to quality. He stated the City also has wntrol b3 zomrg and the site plan. Mr. Weir statecl under this sectian, c�uality she11 be determineu to include selection of materials to create a distinct architectural and aesthetically pleasing erro irornnent. He pointed out some of these items include the brick, glass, Faths, imderground parking, landscaping, etc. Mr. Weir stated he felt the most important thing is not stated and that is if the Council is �mfortable with the develognent. He stated it is not his intention to frustrate or clisappoint the Council. Mx. Qureshi stated the Ger�ral OYil igation Bond has the first claim on the incranerit. Cotmcilman Schneider asked whose name is on the bond. Mr. Qureshi stated it is a City bond, but the HRP, has pledgecl the increnent to the City to �ay it. He stated there is a$3.95 million bond amount especially for the Woodbriuge � pro7 ect. Councilman Schneider asked if the Woodbxidge pro�ect didn't proceed, if increnent fran other distsicts could be used to �y off the Lrond. Mr. -4- I J � ' SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 14, 1986 Qureshi statec3 he ooulch�'t answer that question as it depends on h�w the doctmierit is wntten. He thought what woulc� happen is the bor.d would be redeened. Mr. Qureshi stated the $3.95 nullion General Oblic,atian Bond is paid first and the Limited Revenue Note for $5.6 million is like a second mortgac3e. He statecl this can't be changed unless the HRA and the note holder agree to it. Cotimcilman Schneider asked whose n�me is on the Revenue Note. Mr. �ureshi stated it is the HRA. l�yor Nee stated this is the note on which thc City has insured payment. Mr. Qureshi stated nothing has changed vaith this $5.6 million Limited Revenue Note. Nir. Qureshi stated another cbeianent is the c:e�elopnent agreanent between the HRA, not the City, and the developer which has been modif ied. Mr. 4ureshi �tatec3 the ad�ustment made b� the f3RA is if the c�evelo�anent has �id the General Obligation Bond and the Limited Revenue Pdote and developed at a certain lEVe�. and quality and, if tl�ere are funcl:: available, to Fay any of �ayments lost of the reaenue note, then the deceloper receives �ayment. Mayor Nee stated it is his Lmderstanding that Lmcier any circumstances, the developer is �id. Mr. Qureshi stated if the General Ohlic�xtion Bon� and Limited Revenue Note is �id, and the developnent is at the level agreed upnn, then and only t%ren is the developer �sid his last �syment as �rt c�f the revenue note. t�yor Nee stated it a¢nounts to guaranteeing �yment to the developer basec on the s�uare footage af the developnerit. Co�mcilman Schneider stated in the original ar,reanent, there was a p�yment every year generated ty the increnent. He statec it was his understanding if the increnent were not available, it would not be �id. Mr. Qureshi stated that is true, but the Limited Revenue Note hasn't changed, but the developnent agreenent has been modifiECi. He stated if Mr. Weir develops to the level and qualrty agreed upor�, and if- there is increnent leEt, after the General OLZligation Bond and Limited Revenue Note are Faid, he would receive the last Fayment whxch were not Faid p�rt cf the revenue note. Councilman Schneider stated he asked the question at the HP,A meeting, if the developer meets the s.�uare footage requirements and the increnent is not there, does it mean it is guaranteed. He stated the answer he received was it was guaranteed whether the increnent is there or not. Mr. Herrick asked where the HRA would get the fund., for �xiyment. Mayor Nee stated the� could take it fran another incranent district. Mr. Weir stated the3 are not aware of restrictions of the HRA funds� but -5- ��� � � � SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 14, 1986 were led to believe the� would be able to make pyment to the develo�er. Cotmcilman Barr�tte stated he felt there was no question the value, after 25 years, would 6e there. Mr. Weir stated staff did some pro�ections that taxes will be much higher than what was proj ected. He felt, haaEVer, a rea] istic view ha� to he taken of the tax structure as ta�s are a ma7or concern to tenants of builc3ings throughout Minnesota. Co�cilman Schneider stated it is his tmderstan�ng if thEq use the average tax increase over the last five years, at the end of 17 years, about $10,000,OD0 will be generated in increznent. He stated if the pro�ect develo�s acaording to the assunptions, it looks like a fairly safe pro�ect. M�yor Nee asked if the matenal frustration rl�use would be eluninated. P7r. Weir stated that is their proposal once all the canditions are resolved and the� receive title to the land. He stated this is part af the amended agreenerit with the HRA. Mr. Weir statecl thc� have a ma�or investment and there are certain things the� would like to have done differently. He stated there was a fairly large modification regarding the interest deferral, but the� 7ust can't look back and have to move fonaard. He stated Pdasim is the Financial 4dizard and the City has the Dean of Munici�al Finance at their side. I�yor Nee felt the� gave an extra $3,000,000 and this will prove tc be true. Cotimcilman Schneider asked Mr. Weir if he cezs ary problans with the F�nsion Board. Mr. Weir stated there are none he is aware af. Mr. Herrick stated if the Council decides tc award the bids f or this pro�ect, he would suggest it be sub�ect to the three �nd�.tions cutlinecl in HIr. NEwman's letter. He stated these oonchtivns are (1) receipt of Indirect Source P�rmit; (2) the developer sic�ing an amendnent to the reaevelo�anent oontract and (3) g�yment af $1,000,000 by Lake Ftainte to the HRA. He stated he would suggest in addition to those mncl:tions, another be added for the Coimcil to reserve the nc�t to reject all the bids, zncluding the bid of the laaest responsible bidder. He stated this woula prwide smne protection to the City in the event the three conditions outlined by Mr. Dlewmar3 coulch�'t be met. Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, asked what affect these conditions wauld have on the water and sewer pro7ect and street improvanent pro�ect since esctensions have already been given on these bids. Mr. Qureshi felt the� would be sub�ect to the �me ooncZttions and the� would have to request an extension f rom these contractors. He stated if this couldn't t�e done, it would be necessaxy to re-bid for the contracts. Mr. Qureshi stated it may be well for the Council to mnsider the l�ids for the demolition and site grading before t�,e awares for the other � 024 �2� SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 14. 1986 1 imprwanents. RECEIVING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRAGT FOR DEMOLITION AND SITE GRADIN� PRQ7EC,'i' N0. 163 (WOODBRIDGF✓LARE POINTE DEVES�OPME[�TI'} : hDTION k� Coimcilman Fitz�trick to receive the memG from staff regardinc� phone calls made concerm ng Minn-Kota EYCavating, Ir�c, Secondec� by Cotmcilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declarecl the motion �arried unanimously. Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated M�nrrKota Excavating has done work for the City in the Fest and there weren't any probl �ns. He stated there was s�ne question raised about I�rvrKOta anc7 the Umon. Mr. Flora stater3 he made several Fhone calls as to haa this might aff ect their work_ schedule. He stated Minn-Kota is oontinuing work on miinici�l pro�ects in Champlin, Washington County and Brooklyn Park. He statea the� also have worked or, the Minnea�nlis air�rort pro�ect. in St. Croix, znd St. Q oud. Mr. Flora stated in regard to their performance, one iten that was repeated is NI�nrrKota is not very timely in completing their pro�ects and liked change order increases on the pro7ects. I-�e stated in this particular pro�ect, specific time periods have been identified anci �enalties imFasea, if they are not comgleted. He stated it r�u:�res the entire pro�ect to be c�mpleted to plans and specifications on a ltunp sinn bic� which rec7uces th� � change order impe�ct. Mr. Doescher, representing Minn-KOta Excavating, Inc., appeared before the Cotmcil regarding his com�ny's non-Um on status. He statea th� have operated without a�ntract with the 49er's since 19F34. A1r. Doescher stated the� have oompleted over $12,000,000 of construction wath other contractors in several oommimities in the metropolitar� area. I-te stated thc� were struck at the airport pro�ect for a brief period in 1984 and for a brief period in Brooklyn Park in 1985. He stated the3 haven't been lxznnerecl since this time and it has never interrupted their work scksedule. He statec3 because th �y were not Umon, thc� were able to give a tetter bid. Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, stateci the City is obligatec3 to award the bid to the lawest responsible bidder. He stated he didn't know of any author�ty which states whether or not you are Union or non-Union determines if a bidder is responsible. Mr. Weir asked Mr. Doescher if thc� intend to o�rate with Umon workers on this pro7ect. Mr. Ibescher stated they would be operating without Un.ion workers and without the Umon �ntract. Mr. Weir stated he has some �ncern about their abilitp to perform work on the site because of potential labor problems anc3 the delays which might result. Tzking this into consideration, he has some wncerns. ' Mr. Ibescher stated the� are a responsible contractor and whether or not the� are Umon or norrUmon shouldn't make a difL-erence in their ability to perform. -7- 1 SPECIAL COUNCIL N�EPING OF JULY 14. 1986 Cotmcilman EYtzxatrick stated they are di.scussing the responsibility of the bidder in terms of the contract. He statecd he has heard comments about change orders and delays. Mr. Ibescher stated he would t�e hapg� to supply � references the Council ma3 desire. NDTION b� Councilman Schneider to table thas itenl to the ne�et meetang on July 21, 1986. Seconded kr� Cotmcilman Barnette. Upon a voxce vote, �,11 voting aye, Nhyor Nee declared the motion carn ed unar,�mously. RECEIVING BIDS AAID AWARDII� CONPRACT FOR WATER AND SANITARY SEWER PROJECT N0. 162 fV�ODBRIDGF✓I�1KE POINTE DEUIIAPME[��Ti') : AND RECEIVING BIDS AND 11WARDING CONTRACP FOR STREET IMPRWEMENT PROJECT N0. ST 1986 - 1 & 2, PIIASE II (WOODBRIDGF✓LAKE POINTE DEVELI7PMEN'P) : Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, stated he would advi�e that a tzao-week extension be requested on the bi ds Por the water and sewer and the street improv enent pro7ect. He stated, hopefully, the other ita�s left to be negotiated will be done by this time and the Council coulcl then proceed to award the oontracts. NDTION L� Cotmcilman F'itzFatrick to table these itans to the next rneeting on � J�:ly 21, 1986 with instructions to staff ta recjuest a two-week extension fran tt�e bidders on these two projects. Seconded by Councilman Barr:ette. ❑pon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carrie� unanimously. � Mr. Doescher stated he didn't want to put the developer or City in a position where thEy are going to cause a grobl an. Mayor Nee asked if the Umon oould banner than. Mr. Doescher Union oould laafully put up an informational picket, hawever, been done on ariy of their �obs this year, ��.IMINARY DISCUSSION - CAPITAL OUTL�AY 1987: l3.�7:�-��7eia�fe7�tilli��lu� i�i_YYI17etli7�C�Yi1!'.'t�J?T-� stated the this hasn't Dr. Soudreau, Director of Recreation & Natural Resources, presented the capital outla3 budget proposec3 for the Recreation and Natural Resources DeFartrnents. Dr. Boudreau stated for Natural Resources, they are requesting a movie pro�ector, iypEwriter, cart and wheeltx�rraa, vacuum cleaner, and teachine materials for a total of $5,113. He statec the3 would like a$6,500 video pro�ection systen at �ne f��ture date. Dr. Boudreau stated the� have imtiated a means cf producing revenue at the Nature Center which has brought in $5.000 l�st year. He statee� they are charging a fee of $1.OD per person to visit the c�nter. He f elt th e� needed � 026 ��. �� � 027 SPECIAL OOUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 14, 1986 , to generate some rEVenue to help suport th eir prcgrams. Pr. Boudreau stated the r�uest for the Recreation De�rtrnerit is $1,730, if you deduct the $60,000 for the portable ban8 shell. He stated they wish to add an amglifier for the beach. Co�mcilman Schneider asked if thEy would have use for a portable tx�nd she1T. Dr. Boudreau felt it would be used by the City Band and the Northeast Ch�nber and possibly L� the schoals. Councalman Schneider felt maybe this could be glanned for wer a g�riod of several years. Dr. Boudreau stated he plans to leave his �ob begxnr.ing in October and by using his vacation he will formally leave anpioyment in January, 1987 and felt the City is in good hands with the recreation and naturalist progrzms. He stated the individuals in charge are excellent anc7 f�.t the� could carry on with these programs. nr. Boudreau stated marry good things have developed in tY:e coimnum ty such as the Nature Center and Community Park. He stateci the success of the U. S. 3aim and Fitness Qub makes him believe that, if it had been agproved, a City recreation center would have been a success. He state� F`riclley is one of the mcer, snaller ooirnnunities in the metrapolitan area and he didn't knaa har� to e�cpress thanks to all the vol�mteers in ttze community. ' Dr. Boudreau felt the Commimity Park is gaii�ang a lot of notoriety as the State Girl's Softball Tournament and Speciz7. Olymgics Softball Tournament were held there this year. Dr. Boudreau stated he has en�o�ed his tenure with the City and would be sulanitting a formal letter of resicylation frcm City enplv�ment. PUBLIC WORKS DEP�PMII�TP• Mr. Flora, Public Works Dlrector, stateol, in con3unction with Community Develognent, the� are requesting $60,000 for an A�olla Computer N�appin�j S�sten. He explained how this computer would assist them in the de�rtments, what information oould be provided, anc7 is their griority itan. Co�mcilman Schneider stated there would be thousands of hoars of labor tc� enter the data into the cmnputer. Mr. Flora� stated it is pro�ased to use work stu� persannel to perform this task at an estimatea cost af $SQ,000, Mr. Flora stated Hennepin County has this syst�e and several other counties are contenplating such a systen. Cetmcilmart Schneider asked if Hennepin County has developed the seftware. Mr. Flora stated he tmderstands they are working with Apollo on it. Ne stated it is a systen with all sorts of cap�bilities. � It was the general feFling that a good cost assessment should be c3one to determine if it would t�e oost prohibitive. � ' 4 SPECIAL COiINCIL MEEPING OF JULY 14. 1986 � P�Ir. Flora stated another itan, in oonjtmction with Community T�evelognent, is for a microfilm/reader and printer. He stated the City currently has a reader which has no screen and the co�ti es receivec3 are not good. Ne statec3 M�.nolta has the best equignent on the market today and thcy would like to reglace the existing one with a nEw Minolta, Mr. Flora stated in the Pulalic Works Maintenance area, thelr are requesting a motor fuel managanertt systen for controlling the dispensing of fuels. He stated this systan also gives �rts iruentory anc3 mairatenance scheduling. He stated another item requested is a�nthole patcher. He stated they currently have one pothole patcher which h�s been the single piece of s3uignertt that accelerated their street mainterrance program. He stated because of the econary and efficienc.y af tY�is eqtugnent, the� are r�uesting another one. Mr. Flora stated in the Commimity Park, the� wish to ad� anoth�r 100 �rking spaces and lighting at costs of about $95,Q00 and $23,OD0. He stated add�.tional Fsrking is needed at this park and it wauld be beneficial to install another �rking lot. NFr. Flora reviewed some of the on-going pro7ects in the Public Works De�rtment. He stated these involve a storm sewer ditch mainten«nce progr�n; a fiveyear plan for storm water, sewer" and streets; rebuild of the streets prior to sealcoating; focusing on maintenance of four majcr � Farks in the City; and ma�mian production and minimasing energy costs in operation of the wells. Mr. Flora stated the City will be hiring a nc-w Street Forenan. He suggested an examination systen be initiated with a series of tests given in order to determine a person's eligibility for Public Works positions and upwarc� mobility. Mayor Nee asked if it is the intention maar�ly t� pr�note from within the City. Mr. Flora stated the intent is to establish a systen within the City so personnel knaa there are opportlmities for advancement. FIRE DEPARTMQVT: Mr. Bob Alrich, Fire Q�ief, stated they have a ma]cr rehabilitaticn pregram on three pieces of eqwpnerit which will probably add 15 years to the life of this equipnent. He stated thc� keep a fairly ilat capital outlay program somc�ahere in the range of around $2D,000. Mr. Aldrich stated the rEquest for the cellular phone becomes im�brtant in the area of handling hazarcbus materials. He stateG it would allow direct oontact with a resource person and receive inf ormation on a one-to-one basis. He stated this cellular Fhone would be installed in the rescue �ua� and used in �n7unction with the ald rescue �;uad which is being used as a � hazardous waste unit. He stated this unit is a 7oznt effort with Coltunbia Heights and Spring Lake Park and each will share in the cost far rehabilitation estimated at about $4,000 for each community. -10- 029 SPECIAL COUNCII, MEETING OF JULY 14. 1986 � Mr. Aldrich stated thc� are also rEquesting a VIIS Video camera/recorder and a teleaision monitor for use in their training program. Mayor Nee suggested he meet with Jim Hill on the types of seLV ices available as the Fblice De�rtrnent had a request for a cellular phone at a cost ef $1,300. Mr. Aldrich stated, beyond capital outlay, cagital improvenents should probably be dtscussed. He stated he hasn't given up on the fire staticns and to look at the ooncept of three stations. Mr. Aldrich stated the Fire Deg3rtment Managers suggeat e goal of a five minute response time in 90� of the City. He stated a survEy was done and it was found that, in the majority of the City, the� dor.'t get areywhere in five minutes. He sulinitted a map shaaing appro�mate response time for variaus areas of the City. Mr. Aldrich stated if a fire station was located in the eastern portion of the City, there is a 3-1/2 minute reduction in response time as oom�red to the e�ci sting central lccaticn. Co�mcilman Schneider asked the response time far neighboring communities. Mr. Aldrich stated Coltunbia Heights has a response time the same as Fridlc-�'s. He statec] he talked to NECa Brighton arid they stateo they make their responses in four minutes and that is not true. He stated it is not possible to reach some of their locations taking into consideratien the � location of the fire stata.on. Mr. Aldrich stated South St. Faul reaches their site in three minutes or less in 71� of their cases. He stated their station is in the center of the oonumuLtty anc3 is fully manned. Mr. Aldrich stated in looking at sites to possibly locate a satellite station, he felt the area of Rice Creek Road and Old Central should be considered to serve the eastern portion of the City. Mr. Aldrich stated another satellite should lae considered to the north around Osborne Road and the Burlington Northern Railroad tracks. He stated if there were two satellite stations, the oost for headquarters coul� be reduced. He f elt these satellite stations could make a marked imgrcvanent in providing fire services to the wmmimity. Mayor Nee asked why locating a satellite station further south wasn` t considered. Mr. Aldrich stated the arterial access is good to the south as they can use Umversity Auenue and Main Street. l�yor Nee asked if iwo satellite stations were provided, af he�clquarters would renain at the City Hall. Mr. Alchrch stated this would be fane, but it doesn't alle�iate the traffic problan at this location. Mr. Aldrich stated he would suggest further stuc7y on the locations. He f elt they could possibly wait on the north location, but felt so�nething should L�e done regarding the heackluarters and at least one ather satellite station. � Mayor Nee felt whatever the location, it had to inprove the response tzme for those areas to the south and east. -11- SPECIAL COUNCII, MEE�TING OF JULY 14, 1986 �Mr. Aldrich stated the proposal would not require ariy more manpower or _ a3tugnent. He stated in looking at the cost of fire stations, an area report suggestecl $750,000 for a main statian. H� stated he didn't see that figure changing a great deal if you built three, 6ecause satellites can be built for oonsiderahly less per s�uare foot. Mayor Nee stated he �mderstands there is a neeci, havever, it has to stard the test of other budget considerations. He stated he f elt the Council is willing to give this aonsideration. MOTION by Councilmar� Barnette to ad�ourn the meeting. Seconded by Cotmcilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, alI voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the Special Meeting of the Fridley City Co�mcil of July 14, 1986 ad�ourned at 10:55 p.m. Respectf ully sutmitted, ��� w���� Carale Haddad, William J. DI Secretaty to the City Coimcil Nkzpox � Apprwed: � -12- ,(�,-�'n