08/04/1986 - 00011499� � L I THE MINUPES OF Tf� REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIDLEY CITY C�UNCIL OF AUGU$T 4, 1986 me Regular hleeting of the E'ricIle� City Coimcil was ralled to order at 7:4Q p. m }x Nl�yor Nee. LIDGE OF ALI,DG ANCE: F1�yor Nee led the Council and auchenoe in thc Pledge oL- Allegiance to tne Fl ag. ROLL CALL: MEP�BIIZS PRFSFNT: Mayor Nee, Cowicilr��ri Gcoclspeecl, Councalr��ra Fitzp�trick, Coimriln�an Scizneir�r and Coimcilman Barnette t�P'6F�2S AB5FNP: None APPRWAL, OF MINCTPES: COUNCIL MEETING - JULY 21, 1986: N1�TION }X Councilman Barnette to approve tYie minutes as presenied. Seconc3ed l� Cpuncilman Schneider. Upon a voice vo4e, all voting aye, 1"ayor ?�dee declared the motion carried unanimously. ADOPTION OF �ENDA: NDTION k� Councilman Fitz�trick to adopt th� agenca as suL�nitted. Sec�onded b� Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vcte, a11 voting aye, P'�yor Nec d�clared the motion carried unanimously. OPEN FORUM. VISITORS: Mr. Nwak, M3nager of T.R P4cCoy's, appeared before �e Council rel-ative to obtaining the necessary permits or licenses tc Ynold a fundraising celebration, in con�unetion with the J�rry Lewiss melethor, for Pluscul�r D�stro�hy, on August 31, 7.986. Ivlr. Pri}xl, Finance Director, stated stafi is in the �rocess of revic-�aing PMr. Novak's ra�uest. He asked Mr. Nwak bf tnere waulu be a band outside the lxzilding. Mr. Nwak stated there would be several bancL each �erformzng at different times. Mr. Pribyl stated this is the only area w'r_ere theie may be a problen. Flayor Nee stated staff would process this re�uest and in the �ent of a problan, the Coimcil would be meeting ag�zn before this evEr.t woul� take plaoe. Mr. Bruce Duncan and Mr. Paul Westby, applacants ror ap�ointment t� Ci�y Commissions, appearea before the Council to express their znterest ln -1- {)�y COUNCIL [�E�TING OF AOGUST 4. 1986 •� ��J4 � �zving on a Commission and presented inL-ormation on their iz�ckgrounds. Mr. Ihmcan stated he grew u� in northeast P�nneapol�s and has ltvec� in Frldley for the �st nine months. He stated hE has h,�en a practiciny attorney for the last four years and is interested in seLVing or. the Pp�eal.s Commission. Mr. Paul Westkr� stated he has lived in th� Fridle3 area Por the last three years and has a chiropractic practice in C�or� Rapids. Ae stated his n�air intexest is in public awareness and edu�t-aon arad is a.nterested in serv°iny on the Hunan Resources Conunission. N�iyor Nee thanked both gentlenen for advi_sing the Cauncil of- their interest in �roing on these Commissions. PUBLIC HEARINGS• l. CONTINOED PUBLIC HEARING ON REZONING RDOUEST. ZOA #86-03. LOCATED ON LOTS 16 EXCEPT THE EASP 199 FEET THEREOF 17 ANL� 18 BLOCK 2 SPRING VAI,LEY ADDITION, GENERALLY L�OCATED NORTH OF RICE CREEK ROAD �1ND EAST OF CENTP,AL AVEN[TE, BY RICIiARD MOCE3INSKI: Mayor Nee reopened this public hearing at 7:50 p.m., which had been continueo fran the July 21 meeting, N�iyor !�dee statea the hearing hacl k�ecr cnntinued in order to give the residents oE the area time ta meet with tn� � petitioner, Nlr. Mochinski, to try and resolv� scine of their aoncerns. Mr. Rpbertson, Comm�mity Develognent Director, stated staff contacted N2r. Mochinski on Friday anci after the July 21 rr�eeting he kiad met witr, tYie residents for about an hour outsa.de the Councll Chanrbers. He stated �he residents had advised Mr, Nbchinski the� would visit his similar c�velognent at Silver Lake on their aan. Ms. LaVonne Kowski, 6391 Central Avenue, stated she went and looked �t townhomes that would be similar to this proposed development anc her feelings have not changed since the last neeting. She presented a�etition to the Cotmcil in opposition to this r�onxng. NDTION I�T Coimcilman 5chneider to reoeive Fttition No. 7-1986 in oppc�sition to this rezoning. Seoonded Y� Coimcilman narnette, tJ�nn a vcic� vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carric-d unanamously. Mr. Jce Nelson, 1357 64th Avenue, stated hc- was unable to attend the last Council meeting. haaever, he was opposed tc the raoning because he belie,�ed it would set a precedent and change the charzcter of the r.eighborhood, NIr. Mark Schwartz, 1372 64th Auenue, asked if t-here are any fertY?er deta�ls rec,arding the water problen anc3 the street. Cr�yor Nee stated, presiunably, the solutions of these problans are xart ei thP develorsnertt. ' Mr. Fnbert�n stated it appears the watershea yuestions l�ave px�iaus�y �c-n answered and the main oonoern was the density of thls �aroxased cievelognent. -2- COUNCrL MEETING OF AUGUST 4 1986 -•� O�f � Mr. Schwartz stated he is not in favor of the rezoning as he fe?t there were too mariy wiits for that �roel of property, Ms. (3leran, 6401 Central Avenue, asked ii tliere would be a street �r all�y through this proposed develognent. N�yor il�e stated it would be a street. Ms. C�leran asked if the developer would be totally responsible tor the assessnents for this street to which M3yor Nee ans�rered in the affrrnia�ve. A1r. Oureshi, City Manager, stated beyon�7 the c7evelor,er's property, t1�� street woulr3 have curb and gutter and p�ic, for V� the develo�er as he 1s t`re only one who benefits. Ms. (aleran questioned the drainage and ii the develo�� woulci be l�yirEg pipe. Mr. Caureshi stated drainage fran tr�is developnent woul i connect to the existing systgn to the ponding area west of Gld Central whir,l� e.�entually flaas into Riae Creek. Coimcilman Shcneider asked Ms. t�lercm if drainage w�s her primary concern or the density, She stated thE density is her f-irst concern ai�d ti�ae drainage the se�nd mnoern. Ms. Chleran stated she ]maas it is City p�lic� to inform people within 350 feet o£ this rezoning, but a lot of resicients �n 64th Avenue we�e u�set as they ]mew nothing of it. Councilman Sc�neic�r stated there has to be s�me area where you dr�a the line on notificat�.on. � Mayor Nee stated the City tries to notify cv�ryone th� feel is reasonably oonoerned, but that is the reason for the slcyz on the property to malie sure everyone is aware of what is happening. Mrs. Sue Rau, 1341 64th Avenue, asked if anqthinq has been done re�arding the tot lot area and visitor xarking. Mr. Robertson stated staff has nct worked with the petitioner on these details as thc fiLSt pric,rity was io reaeive input fran the neighborhood. (bimcilman Schneider stated he hoped the develo}�r would take the initiative to meet with the residents to try and resolve seme of these concerns, but obviously that has not occurred. He felt the key issue is the c�nsity, buz cautioned the residents the zoning is commexcial so any type of busiriess permitted in this zorung coulcl be �nstruckec;. Cbuncilman Schneider stated generally the argiments are reversed and pecple would prefPr residential zoning rather than �nunexcial zoning. Councilman Schneider asked Mr. Mochinski if he woia].d cansider a lower c�nsity. Mr. Moci�inski stated with the �il currection needed, the wst �r tmit would k�e much greater, with a laaer c7ensity, anu he c�i chi't bel aev� the units would sell in a pri� range of $90,OdQ ta 300,000. Cotmcilman Schneider asked Mr. Mochinskz if tl�is rezamng is cenied, zF he � has as�y alternate plan. Mr. Mochinski stateci he hasn't ginen this any consideration at this time. -3- �OOPICIL MEETII� OF AL7GUST 4. 1986 �� � NDTION lx Councilman Schneider to close tlic public he�ring. Seconded ay Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting ay�, Mayar Nee declared the motion carried unanimously an� the public hearing closed at 8:15 p.m Cotmcilman Schneider stated he would not be present at the Auqust 18 meeting so would like to take action on this rezcning req uest, if there wer� no obj ections. NDTION !� Councilman Schneider to ckriy rezona.ng rc�uest, ZOA #II5-03 filed ks� Mr. Richard Mochinski for Lots 16, exceFt +-a-ie east la9 feEt thereof, 17 and 18, Block 2, Spring Va11Ey Addition. Seconced by Councilraan F1tZ1�dtr1C15, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee decl�red thP mction carriec� unammously. Councilman Schneider stated the issue, in his mind, is strictly the density and dic31't feel there would be any ogpositian if the density is reduced. Mayor Nee stated his first reaction was ttiis was a suitable aevelo�ment, but, in viea of the feeling of the neic�Lorhood, he fe] t they have certaira rights, N�iyor Nee stated he can also tmderstand Ms. I�bchinski's reasons for a lesser density due to the wsts for soil corrections. He suggested, haaever, that I�Sr. Moehinski tal,k to the residents to c3etermine what clensity would be favorabl.e to then and possibly a�proach the HRA regarr7ing their �rticiFation. � 2. PIIBLIC HF�RING ON FINAL PLAT P S #86-04 RIVER LOTS ADDITION GEtdEPAL,LY LOCATID AT 6652 EASP RIVER ROAD. BY KEITfi HARSTAD: NDTION b� Councilmaa Fitzxatrick to waive the re�cUng of the public hearing notioe and open the public hearing. Secnncled i� Councilr�ian Goocls��ed. Upor a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearing opened at 8:20 p.m. Nlr. Rpbertson, Commimity Develognent Ihrector, stz�ed this pl�ct is located on East River P.oad, south of the intersection of Rice Creek W�ry. I3e stated it is proposed to plat approximataly a one acr� �rcel into two sir�gle family lots, one about 18,D00 s�uare feet �nd the wcst lot approxin-�ately 27,000 s�uare feet. He stated thE plat inciucles a private driv�aay �sernent to the west lot. Mr. Rabertson stated, at the last meeting, there was sc�r�e discussion aboat possibly a roac�aay being platted into the area frcm the north. He stated, harrEVer, staff was instructed not to �sue th�_s and to submit the plat us originally presented !x the petitioner. Mr. Sim Merritt of Merritt and Associates, engineere for the petitioner, asked the Ca�mcil to mnsider the setbacks on the proposea lots. Iie stated, as the Planning Commission minutes reflect, a 25 foot setback is requlred fran the upper property line and 35 foot setlx�ck from �tYre pro�rty line ' closest to East River Road. Mr. Merrit� aslced for cl�rification as to the rear setback. � COU[�ICIL MEETING OF A[JGUST 4. 1986 , Mr. Fwbertson stated, as he iutderstands, there is some option as typic�llp the narraaer of the tzao lot di.mensions is c;onsiderec� the front or rear ancl the wider dimension is the side yard. Coimcilman EYtzgatrick asked hlr. Merritt i£ he was avrare of thE stipulations recommended 6y the Planning Commission. Mr. Merritt stat�d he h�s nc problan with the stipulations. Councilm�n Fitzpatrick felt the termirology on front anc3 xear setbacks should be worked out 1� staff and, if varzances zire neaessary, thc� aould he considered at tlie next meeting im m�7unct2ot� with this pLat. No other �rsons in the audience spoke regnrding tk�zs proposed plat. r7DTI0N l-H Co�cilman Fitzg�trick to close the public heuring. Seconc]ed by Cotmcilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting ayc, Mayar Nee declared the motion carried unanimously ancl the pub7ac hearing clo:ed at 8:27 p.m. OLD BUSINESS: 3. ORDINi1NCE ND 860 RECODIFYING THE CITY CODE CI3AP'PGR 214 ENTITL�EB "SIGIvS" BY ADDING SEC`PIONS 214.02.23. 214.05.7. AND 214.15.1.E.10, AND RENUMBERIDIG 214.02 fl throuah 39) Mr. Nccaman, Assistant Ci.ty Attorney, stated Items D anci E, under Sect�.or, � 214.05.7 in referen� to libelous or obscene siyns ai�d wi�ere they may be erected are recommendations from the Planning Commission. He stated an regard to Iten D, pertaining to libelous ox ol;soene signs, he c7�.dn't have a �roblen with it, but £elt it was highly un1aY,Ely to occur and doubted the ordinance, at this point, would have any �rn�et. He stat�d zhis is a very difficult area to regulate. He stated, as a practical matter, he woald prok�bly feel more oomfortable if the itan relating tc lihelous or obscene messages was c,eleted fran the ordinance. MOTSON by Councilman Schneider to waiv� th� second reading and ac�opt Ordinance No. 86D on the second reading and order publicatian. �conded by Coimcilman Barnette. NDTION 1� Cpurrcilman Schneid2r tn amend the orclinance by deleting Item 7B, "the sign does not contain any messages wh?ch hace been �udicially determined to be libelous or obscene", under SECtion 214.05.7 and ren�unbezing Iten 7F to 7D, Se�nded Yhr Cnuncil�can Barnette. L'pon a vo� ce vote, all voting aye, M�yor Nee declared the motion carried unammausly. ITi�N A VOI�E V�TE TAKEN ON �TE Ng1IN MOTION, all vote�3 aye. and �n�ycr �,ee declared the motion carried unanimously. 4. CONSIDERATION OF APR7INTMENTS 7C? CQMMONITY DEVELOPI'�NT. APPEALS. ENERGY AND HUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION: ' �� '� �� 1 • -5- n �-^ _ os�_ • i • :. 05�� � Councilman Fitzpatrick nominated Paul Westby, 666 Kimball StreEt, for ap�intrnent to the Hunan Resouroes �mmissi�a. �ere being no further nominations, the follaaing action was taken: i�tOTION by Councilman Barr,ette to cast an unanimcaus ballot for the ap�roint�nent of Paul tVestYr� to the H�nan Resources Commission. Secondec7 by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. APPEALS CONA'IISSION: Cotmci],man Schneic'�r stated Mr. Duncan h�s incucated his intexest in sen�ing on fihe Appeals Commission, haaeaer, there �reszntly are two attorney s or� this Commission and would like to give this f_urcher consideration before taking any action. NDTION 1� Councilman Schne�der ta table tY�e appo�ntments to the Community Developnent, Appeals and Energy Commissions. Seconcled by Councilman EYtz�trick. [Tp�n a voice vote, all voting a��e, N,ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 5. CONSIDERATION OF SECODID READTNG OF AN ORDINANCE PpR A REZONING F.D�UEST. ZOA #85-OS , BY 4�i]ODBRII]GE Pfd�PERTIES: � Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated, to date, the City does not have an agreenent with Woodbridge and would request this item be tzblec to August 18, 1985. MOTION by Councilman Sarnette to table this item to August 1B, 1986, Semnded ]x Councilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting ay e, Mayor Nee ckelared tkte motion carried unanimously. CoLmcilman Schneider asked if any progress was beir�g made in f zna7. iz ing ari agreanent. Mr. Newman, Assistant Ci.ty Attorney, stated progess is being made, Yaaaever, this involves a very complex transfer of pxoperty. He stated they are attenpting to transfer a piece of pro�rty thr�t is includea in the glat, but the HRA hasn't acq uired all the land in the plat until they close. He stated all �rties are in agreanent with what hds to be cb ne, but it is a veiy complicated anc] difficult transaction. N',r. Newman stated he indicated to Mr. Weir's attorneys that August 18 was ahsolutely the last day to finalize this agresaent. He stated it is then hoped contracts could Ue awarded, if there is any hope of beginning constructaon this fall. 6. CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION APPROVINC' A REVIS�➢ FINAL PLAT a S #85-07 LAKE POINTE CORPORATE CENLER BY WOODBRIDGE PROPERPIES• ' Mr. Qureshi, City NLar�ger, stated it is re�uestecl this item also be tabled to August 18, 1986. � .� �.y, _ i � �'i`i{ 1 � MOTION by Concilman Schneider to table tktis item to August 18, 19H6. Seoanded I� Coimcilman Goodspeed, Upon a valcsa vote, all �otino, aye, Maycx Nee declared thE motion carried unanimously. (tiGt^fC1�I.�III r�:�:� 7. RECEIVING THE PRELIMINARI' 1987 BUDGET AN6 SETPING �UBLIC IIF11FtII�TG° Mr, Qureshi, City NHnager, stated the City (�iarter xe�w.res the City N�naqer to sutmit a budget to the Cauncil on the fa.rst meeting tn August. He stated this budget has been �:ublished in the Fridle� Fbcus. Mr. �iureshi stated there no longer is a greai n�nnber of State and Federal aids available and it is not anticipated the City wauld qualify for any revenne sharing £�ds in the future. He stated it is pro�osed the City live within the re�enues received so some adjuszments and reductians will be necessary in oertain areas. PrYPION I� Councilman Schneider to receive the preliminary 19�7 budyet. Seaonded L� Coimcilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, al.] voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. M�TION b� Councilman Barnette to set the public he�ring on the budget for Sept�nber 8, 1986. Seoonded 1x Councilmar3 Goodspeec7. Upon a voice voie, all votinq aye, Ni�yor Nee declared the motzon carried unammously. � Councilman Schneider asked staff to pre�re a s�m�m�ry of what services woulc be cut to accommadate the decrease in the budget, 8. RECEIVING REPORT ON Tf� PROPERTY G�RnT,iy LOCATED EAST OF CENTRAL AVEAIUE AND SOUPH OF 66TH AVENUE. BY RIQ3ARD BRIQ�7ER, THOMAS B7AMSE1� P,I�ID THE CITY OF FRIDI,EY: Mr. Robertson, Commtmity L�velopnent Director, statcd sLaff was rEqueste� tc preg�re an analysis of the cpst for gossible aa7uisition of Parc�ls A, r,, C and D Eor xark purposes. Mr. Robert5on stated the existing park is 2.9 acres with .43 acres of riqht of-way, He stated if Par�ls A and E saere aa�uirecl, it would add .46 acres; if Paroels C and D were a¢�uired, i� would add ,47 acres; ana i¢ the triangular �rortion (TP) were acquired, it would add .16 acres. FIe stated if the triangular paxtion and Parcela C and D were aoded to the �rk, the aereage would be 2.93 and, if the tnanqular p�rti�n anc3 rarc�els A, B, C anc7 D were added, tl�e acreage would be 3.39. Mr. Robertson stated the o�st of acr.�uirinq the lots has k�een estimated using three methods. He stated the first method was assuming lzncllocked status for Paroels C and D, with buildable status for Parcels F. and �s, the cast would be $52,65�. Mr. Robertson stated another method was assuming � build3ble status for all Far�ls, A, B, C, and �, the oost would be �Q9,900. He stated the third method was estimated ao�iusition v�.l.ue of Parcels C& D based on the Gena Rae costs of 76 cents a�juare foot and Parcels A�nd B _�_ n L� � � • 1�, _ i • � :. estimated as buildable lots, the �5t would be 577,312. Mr. Robertson stated an additional cost associated w�th thc possible aa�uisition incluc�s waiving the assessnent on the eaistirig southerly �rce] (praxosed Parcels C& D) which are currently helc3 in abeyar?ce, but are accruing interest. He stated the assESSments for twu future lots, f-or sewer, water and street, total $17,944 plus accrued interest o£ $3,046.62 (throuqh 7j30/86) for a total of $2�,990.62. Mr, Robertson stated in addition to the cost, several issues need to Iae addressed mncermnq the safety r�nificat,iori of having a�ark subdividec� by a street and the usability of the additional acreage, He stateci the creation of an attractive ntaisance is a ma7or cancern, Councilman Schneider stated it i5 his understarading, there has laeen discussa.on in the neighborhood anc7 puttzny_ costs aside, thexe isn't an unanimous feeling whether or not e�x nsion of the �rk is a good ide�. Mr, Fbdvin, 1341 MississippL Streek, stated a petition was circulated ana with the people the� spoke to, 90� signed in fa�>or of ihe p�rk. Nir. Fac3v�n then read the language oontairted in the �titian wh�cYa supported the tbLUlci1 aaluiring these �arcels for �rk purposes. Cotmcilm-�n Schneider askedwhen the petitian was circulated, if there wes discussion about possible cost sharing. Mr. Poc�vin answered in the negative. Co�mcilman Schneider asked then if the ass�unption was the City wrould aczluire the �rcels at no charge to the residents. Mr. Poo'vin stated one person asked if they would be assessed a p3rk fee sirice they hac7 already �;aid one and he had replied he dic�'t think so. He stated the residents appareratly weren't aoncerned a6out how it would be financed, but did inc�icate th�y wanted it. Ni�TION !� Co�mcilman Schneid2r to receive �tition No. 8-1986 submitted by Mr. Podvin in favor of expansion of the exa.sting park. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vate, a11 voting aye, Nk-�yor NEe declared the motion carraed unanimously, Mr. Podvin stated in rec�rd to the estimatec� costs for �c�uisition of tY;e property, the people in Gena Rae would have appreciated this kinci of reimbursement. He stated the City is sayzng the pro�rty is worth tw ice as much as Gena Rae Was worth. In reviciving these figures, Co�mcilmatt ScYineic7er statied if C&➢ are aba��t 21,000 s�uare feet and the oost i5 la�sed or� 76 cents a�uare foot, thE oosG would be about $16,D00, not $29,412. Mr. Robertson stated he was not sure if another factor was invol�red ir_ arriving at the $29,412 figure, haaever, if they ase the 76 cents a square foot alone, the figure would be $15,560 insteac7 of ,^>29,412 and the tctal would be $63.460 rather than $77,312. � ��� • 1.. _ i �,, • : . 0�� � Mr. Bab Gambrel, 1341 Creek Park Lane, stated he was not a�proached to sign the petition presented by Mr. Podvin, and he hasn't met witt-i any of Y,1s neighbors on 66th Avenue. He stated he is very muck? far �rks, but ob�ected to splitting the �rk as he felt it would be unsafe because of the curve anG sic�t lines. He felt if a cul-de-sac was cxjnstrucl-ed anc� then increase the �rk area, it would be a good idea, but not witt, a throu� street. b1s. Maxy L�vther, 1472 66th Avenue, stated several persons who siyned the petition stated they dichx't Imaa all the facts irraolving the safety fac�oxs. She stated she was opposEd to expanding the �rk across the �reet. Mr. Dave Larson, 1410 66th Avenue, stated hc dir�x't see thE patition, but is opp�sed to splitting the �rk. He stated he is wncerneca about the safety and felt the existing park is adequate, but would like to see improvements to tkte Fark, Mx. JeffrEy Johnson, attorney repxesenting Richard Brickrter, stated he wouJ d like to ask a question as to �ocedure. He was not oertain if tYiis was just an open cliscussion reqarding the Fark or if it irtvolved rhe actual plat, Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated the motion the Council made at the last meeting was to k�nng back information regarcang p�ssible land ac�uisition. He stated the Council has the option of adc'a.ny the consideration oi the plat to their agenda, but it isn't officially on the agencls at this tirie. � Mr. Johnson stated if it is the Co�mcil's c�sire that YhEy warrt tkie property for a p�rk, assessnents are deferred that are accrui.ng interest and he would like to proceed as soon as possible. He stated he views 'r.his as a Flanninq issue on what is the best use of the land. Mr. Johnson urged the Council to make a cletexmination so Mr. Briclmer o�uld proceed with Yxis pluns. I�yor Nee stated even without action 1� the Council, Ms. Brickner Yras twc� building sites. He stated the propnsed plat establish� two lancllocked 7aLs and he has a problen with evem m�sidering an_y replat, if this is true. Mr. Johnson stated if riayor Nee is referring to the plut includinq two landlocked lots because the Caty includ�s the triangular Fortion, i� is a cozrect statenent, He stated if the Ca.ty wr,ntec� to retain the fee title, en easement for each lot would have to be granted. Coimcilman Schneider stated there was an ass�unption that the triangular portinn (TP) autanatically belongs to F9rce].s A and B. Mr. Johnson stated he dich�'t believe they maae that assiunption, but onlp �ro�sed a�etter use of the land }� inclur3ing the triangular p�rtion in the plat. Couneilnu�n Schneider statec] he would like to c�me ta scme e�sc3lution an tk�e �ark issue and, beyond this, there is the issue af what to do wxth the � triangular Fortion. Coimcilman E'itz�trick pointed out most peopie ncw have to cross the street � • i�. ui � �. • 1+�1l��ZIj ' �� � to get to the Fark, and he is sensitive to tkzE saEety issue, but it seens if the �ark is e�cpanded to the north, it daesn` t c;hange the situatian whe-re most �ople naa cross the street to ac�ss the �ark, Mr. Gambrel stated people do not cros� at the curve and ii you nave attractions on both sides of the street, there would 1� constant cros:�ng of the street. Mr. Johnson stated the City has a piece of property tha� is under-utilized and the deve].oper has a pieoe of property LYaat is unbuildable anci f�lt to combine the Faroels works for the best inLerest of the Ca ty. Coimcilman Schneider stated pcesinning the Councal doesn't rroceed e�ath e�nsion of the Fxirk, there is more thatY cne person interested in that triangular p�rtion of �xoperiy. Mr. Johnson stated a sale of the property ta an individual who ce�ulc�n't put that �roel to use wouldn't be a good planning pros�ct ior the City. Mr. Fbdvin stated in the event the City decides to sell the �rr„�1, Statutes 161.44 and 171 are the ones to review which return the land to thE original �rson fran whan it was mndemned. N,s. Pat Harff, 1311 Creek Park Lane, stated she is op�xised to expandi.ng the �rk across the street. She stated a lot of g�rents use the tennis court � and their children play in the tot lot and didn't feel these shauld be se�rated. Mr. Menth, 1388 66th Avenue, stateo he is certainly concerned about the safety, but there are two sides to every arc�urnent. He stated he would like to see the xark e�cpanded as the hazard cbe:�n'� c�ange whether kids are yroing back and forth across the street to the �rk or to the bike �th. Mr. P�nth stated when he tnuc�t his home, there was a large park, picnic area and hockey rink on the Rice Creek School ptoperty, and this isn`t the c:ase ariymore. He stated he appreciated the �mments from thcse who don't want the �rk ex�nded because of the safety problens, but felt the existing par� is too snall and the safety issues o�uld be adc�res�d. Mr, Curt Loschy, 1399 66th Avenue, stated, in theory, he would 1 ike ta see the �rk expanded. He stated, in his judc�nent, it isn't a onod iaea to turn over current park land to a developer. He felt Parcels A and B shaulcl develop with residetttial homes and Parcels C and � utilized for park purp�ses. Mr. Loschy stated there is a r�ecl ior a permanent Yiocky r�nk in the area. He felt one way to solve the :afety issues to �ut the hackey �ink on one side and this would keep the older ar?d younger children ��rated. r1r. Gambrel asked Mr, Fbdvin if he had talkea tc the arrners of tr�e proFerty surrounding Parc�els C& D on whether thEy wantea a park on these parcel:. Mr, i�dvin stated he talked to one who was not in favor because sl',e f-elt � the� would have more vandalisn, bu� he muld not o�ntact the �ther pro�rty aaner. Mr. Gambrel stated the person oppQSeci to the �rk is I�aiy Larson. -io- . . � �� �/ . . y r,f ' CAimcilman Schneider stated the p�licy follaaed is to provicle neigh}�othood �rks which are primarily �id for Ix the �xrk fee p�id �,y develcpers, He stated, in this case, it would be expansion of an exisl-.ing �rk and wonc7ered abcrut the residents' feeling on a mst sharting arrznc�snent, if it would cost then about $1,000. Both Mr. Losc:hy and Mr. Menth indicated they woula be wzlling to contribute to the mst of expanding the �ark. Mr. Gaxy Braam, 1436 66th Avenue, stated ior che people who want the park enlarged, thEy may have to �Sy aver 550,000, He wondered if these �eaple would be in favor of improving the �rk, or if they are �ust grinding an ax_ because t+irr. l�ch�in's property was taken. Mr. Ibc7�in stated the corner was taken fcr a park ar�d as lony zs he is alive, it wi11 stay that way. Mr. Braam asked if anyone feels they would lzke to see the park, improved rather than having it expancled. Mr. Gottwald, 1415 MisSissipgi Street, stated the City took their Iand without even txying to reach an agreemenL- witka them. Fie stated a lot of pranises were mad4 which haven't been kept. Coimcilman Sdxneider stated, in his 7udament, he ielt it would create a ' hazard !x e�nding the �ark on both sides oi the street simply because of the crosszngs back and forth. He stated hc u�ould be in f.avor of improving the existing park and safety conditions. He stated, in thc risk of alienating a 1ot of people wha signed the �.etition, he u'ichi't fee1, fran t11e safety point of viEw, e�nsion of the �rk was a c�ood idea. Cr�imcilman Schneider stated his reo�mmendation would !x not to proceed w ith ex�nsion of the gark, but the issue still needs to be resolved on that triangular portion. Mayor Nee asked Mr. 1�rdvin to send him a letter cn wh�t promises had been made and what was not fulfilled. Mr. Ncwman, Assistant City Attorney, stated he is not sure of the status of the assessnents on Parcels C and A He stated he under�tands an assessment has been lcvieci and, if Cotmcil daes not aFprwe the plat, tho� aseessnents should be vacated. S�tr. Qureshi, City Nanager, stated when tYae assessment rol7 was ado�,tecl, Coimcil inskructed staff when these properties were split, the assessments plus interest would be �id. He stated these assess�nents are i�ing helc� until the �operty is split. Councilman Schneider stated from a finarACial vi�apoznt, the City lqas �tentially two people interested in the tr�angular Fortion and it could be � put up for sale to the highest bidd�r. -11- _� 06� •L. �i�n. � y - �•. � Mr. Newman stated in this type of situatian, the City isn't obligated to sell to the highest bidder. He stated a decision has to be made as to what makes good sense fran a planrung standFoint. Ms. Pat R.7.arkaaski, 6560 Arthur Street, aske�l ii the City was so affluent that the property dic3z't need to be sold and develoFed. She stated shc iu bothered L� the fact that the Coimcxl cbesn't �een to care when the property is sold. Nayor Nee stated eventually the property will be liquiclated at a cost �lus interest. Coimcilman Schneider stated the issue to L-e addressed is if the trianqul�tr portion should be given to a developer free or ta try and c�et the best price for it. Ms. ICl.arkowski felt there is an opporttmity now to get tY,e money for this piece of property and it was impartant for tY°se Cauncil to take an �ction. Coimcilman Schneidex stated it is not worth pldying f a�or�.tes in arder ta have four hanes built there. Mr. John Fhillips, 1361 Creek Park Lane, askea what woulcl ha�pen to the triangular portion of property if it wasn't sold and not turncc� into a�rk. Coimcilman Schneider statea the City would have to maintain it and acl�oining � property aaners would probably be given an �portunity to acquire it. Councilman Schneidet stated his suggestian =aould be not to pursue the exp�nsion of the �rk and go to an open bid for khe tria.ngular p�rtion with a mini.mwn price oP 76 cents per s3uare foot. I3e stated funds generated from the sale of this property should be dedicatea to improving the existing park. NDTION IX Coimcilman Schneid°r to place �nsic�ration of Mr. �rickner's plat on the Cotmcil's agenda for September E, 1986. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. [I�n a voice vote, all voting aye, N;ayor Nee c�clareC the motion carried unanimously. M7TSON Ix Councilman Schneider to cli.rect staff to p].�ce �nsid�ratior� of 1he disposition of the triangular portion of pro�erty on thc Council's aJenda for September 8, 1986. Seoonded 1� Coimcilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the notion carried unarumously. Mr. �ureshi, City Manager, stated there wer� several clifferent c,pu ons regarding this plat and questioned which plan the Council wishec3 suk�nitt�ci. Mr. Robertson, Commimity L�velo�.ment Director, stated the original p1�t proposal is shaan on Page BP1 of the Coimcil's agencl�. ' Mayor Nee stated this plat cnntains Fxirt of a�rk. anci asl:ed Mr. Erickner if this was his pro�sal. Mr. Brickner stated he a,�ns �rcels A, B, C and �. Mayor Nee stated the plat, as sulinitted, crontair,s half of a City �ark. -12- � 0 � � • 1�. i� • � :. Mr. Brickner stated the Coimcil is making �h�.s c7omplicated. Cotmclman Schneider asked r9r. $rickner wYy the p�rk is included in hxs p1at. Mr. Brickner stated he dic3z't knaa. NL�yor Nee asked who was the engineer wY�o dx�r up the plat. Mr. Brickner stated it was Ron Meyer who drew the plat. Mayor Dlee advised Mr. Brickner to submit wrat he w�nted a�.d the Council woul.d look at it as a substitute far this plat he submitted with tY!e �rk property included in it. RECEIVING REFORT ON THE PROPEf�i1' GENERALLI I,(X'ATID OP3 THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF PIISSISSIPPI S"PREEi' AND HIGHWAY 65. BY Z. ROBEF.T ERICKSON: Mr. Robertson, Commimity Levelognent Direc�or, stated staLf was dirECte� to look at what wuld be cbne in terms of takinq the val��e of Lets 5, 6 anu 7, Lueia Lane Addition, and spreading the oosts of acquiring these lots ac�inst properties on Lucia Lane. Mr. Robertson stated taking into account th� current asking price of $100,000 and the Assessor`s estimate of nti�±rket value of 563,300, leaves a difference of $36,700 and an asstmed nec�tiated difference of 53p,600. He stated txzsed on these figures and considering 20 hcenes irivolved in a 15 year assESSment at 9g interest the total cost �:r pro�erty aaner wauld be $],634 or an average of $175.60 per year. Mayor Nee stated he felt the benefit received by these pro�rty awners woulcll't be e�ual to the assessnent. Cotmcilman Schneic�r asked Mrs. Timo if she had reviewed this pro�osal. Mrs. Timo, 6517 Lucia Lane, stated she had not seen the propo�l, but sL�ted a lot of property awners were not interested in this possxbility of an assessnent to aa�uire these lots. Coimcilman Schneickr stated he was contacted by a representatzve of the d2veloper and he ind�.cated he wanted this tabled. Mr. �ureshi, City Manager, stated to his Ifaiowledge, no one has contacted staff and the Council could consider this proposal, deny the rezoning or table it. Coimcilman Schneider stated he would oppose the rezoning. He stated he felt it was the best proposal for this property he has seen to date and something a lot more negative to the neighborhood may eventually be constructed on these lots. Coi,mcilman Schneider felt he oouldn't support the rezoning as the neighborhood was not in favor of it. No one was present at the meeting representing the develo�er. NDTION kt� Councilman Schneider to deriy rezamng r�uest. ZOA ;�L6-C1 for khe -13- ��� � ��� • L, i • 1i : . � west half of Lot 4, and all of Lots 5, 6 and 7, Lucia Lane Addition, as filed Ix L. Robert Enckson. Seconded 1� Councilman Fitz�.�atrick. TJpon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee r�eclared the motion carried unanimously. � �� � • • • �� • •.� ..•�� � �� �� :. I •� � � �i �� •_ � :�• ,�•� � � • . �� � � Mr. Rot�ertson, Conuntmity Develognent IIirector, stated this rezoning is for property generally located south of Osborne Ra�d anc7 east of Hiqliway 65 to rnzone fran C-3 to C-2. MOTION by Councilman Fitz�trick to wasve the reading and approve thE ordinan� upon first reading. Seconded by Councilman Goods�eed. Upc�n n voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carriec unanimously. 11. RECEIVING TfiE MIN�JPES OE Tf� PL,ANNING CdP'II�IISSION MEEi'ING OF JULY 23 1986 • Cntmcilman Schneider stated since he would ncc Ir present at the August 1B meeting, he re�uested tapes of the public h��rings be made available to him, A. CONSIDERATION OF A REZONING RDC)UEST. 70A #8b-04. TO REZONE FROM C-3 (GENERAI, SHOPP7� CE�1'�'RRl 'il� C-2 (C'ENE1�L BUSINESSI GENERALS�Y � I,OCATID ON PA�EL 2570 . THE SAP� BEI� 7699 VIId�N 13�AD N. E. , BY WAI??F. � NDTION kr� Councilman Schneider to set the public hearing an this rezor�ing request for Rugust 18, 19&6. Seoonded b� Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Nayor Plee declared the motion carrxed unanimously. B, CONSIDERATION OF SETi'ING A PUBLIC HF'.AF'SNG RECODIFYING THE FRTDLEY CITY CODE. C�iAPTER 205. AS IT RELATES 'I� DAY CARE CEfVTEP,S AND HOME FAMILY DAY CARE: MYPION YJ� Coimcilman Barnette to set the pub] ic hearing on this Ci ty Coc�e amendnent for August 18, 1986. Seconded fx Cauncilr4�an Schneider. Upan a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee ceclared the motion carried unanimously. k� � � • • • • a� :. � • ,• q�• � y • � •;�• •� � • � . �. �� ., •• � i• � • • �• • • i � ..,�• •� •_ i � � • � �._ i •,�-� ��.. NDTION kr� Councilman Schneic�r to set the public hearing on this �acakion � re�uest for Sept�nber 8, 1986. Seoond�d Ix Counca.lman EYtz�trick. Upon a voice vcte, all voting aye, Mayor I3ee c�eclar�d the motion carried unanimously. -14- �i1�. . i � :. � D. CONSIDERATION OF A VACATION RD�UEST SAV #86-04 � VACATF TH� NORTf3 213 FEE,'i' OF VIAON ROAD EXCEPT THE NORTHERLY 33 FEET ( O�RNE R(7AD1 GE�'Ri�i,LY Lrx'ATID �Umr1 OF 04RC)RNE ROAD P.ND F�ST OF HIGHWAY 65. BY THE CITY OF FRI➢LE`I: NDTION ]x Coimcilman Schneider to set the public hearing on this vacation re3uest for August 18, 1986. Seoonded lx tbuncilman Barnette. U�an a voice vote, all voting aye, N�yor Nee declared the motion carried unammously. � 1 E. 00NSIDERATION OF MC7PION FROM THE ENVIP�OI�A7ENPAL OUALITY COPa+fIS5ION MIN[JPES OF JUNE 17 1986 � PAY EARL FRANf� THE �NNAGE MONEY RFx`EIC7� �OM METRO�LTTAN COUNCIL WIIICH U7AS REFL�'TIVE OF THE LID WHSTE RECYCLID AT THE S O R T FACILITY EbR THE PERIOD OF JPNUFIRY 1, 1986 � MARC[� 31. 1986: Mr. Robertson, Comnimity I�velognent Director, statec3 this motion by the Ehvirorunental Quality Commission reflects a�ykx�ck arrangement set ug where the City is oompensated t� the Metropolitan Council for tonnage collecteu. He stated this �yment to Mr. Frank is in keeping with the agreanent, NDTION I�r Councilman Barnette to concur 4�ith the rec�mmendation of ttic- EYlvirorunental Quality Commission and autliorize payment of $117.48 to Ps. Earl Frank. Seo�nded I� Councilman Fitzpatri_�k. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayox Nee declated the motion carried unanimously. F. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE APPEALS COMMISSION PdEETING OF JUL�' 15. 1986: �� � • • •a� �• :. • •�� � ��� �y, •• � • • • � •� • �_ �• ��� �� , • � i ••� : � �. •,�� � � � � � i • • • �� ��� �.�� •s�_ � •� � • • . � �, • � � � i � i � i � • i i • 1� ��I� Mr. Robertson, Conummity ]�velopnent Ihrector, stateci this is a request for varianoes to reduce the side yara setback fxan 3Q to 25 feet and to reduce the hard surface setback fran 20 feet to 0 feet to a11aw construction of a la�ding dock and addi.ta.onal Farking. Mr. Robertson stated the public purpose servecl by thi5 rEquireanent is to limit visual eneroachment into neighboriny sight lines and tc a13.aa Eor aesthetically pleasing open areas adjacenk to public rtqht-oi-ways. He stateci the hardship stated by the petitioner is it is im�ossible to aanstruct otherwise because the Czty requ�stec� a road easemer.t betwcen Commerce Circle South and the CommLmity i�-ark. l+�yor Nee questioned the traffic pattern ta the loading dock. Mr. Sim Robinson, Planning Coordinator, stated the loading area is through the drivesaay and the variance really needed ? s for the zero lot line on the west, He stated Mr. Harris c�cU.cated a road easement for the �rk so it -15- 1. _ o�� -'�-- ' • - �� � leaves him short of s�ce. He further stated the cul-de-sac will eaentually be ranoved and when the road is re-established, a variance wouldn't be _ necessaxy. Mr. Robertson stated a letter has been received frcm Mr. Lh bos, President of Nlidaest M�chine 4bo1 Supply indicating he hac� no ob�ection L-o thE vari�nce for the lc�ding cbck drivaaay. He also st.ated the Appeals Commission hes re��nended appraval of the variances. NDTION 1� Councilman Barnette to reoeive P�r. Dilx7s' letter into the record which indicates he has no ob7ection to the variance. Secxanded l� Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting ayc, Mayor Alee declared the motion carried unanimously. NDTION !� Councilman Goodspeed to concur with the recommendation of the Appeals Commission and grant VAR #86-17 to reduce the side yara setlxick frcm 30 to 25 feet to allaa mnstruction of a loading dodt and to reduce the harcl surface settxzck fran 20 feet to 0 feet to allaa ac�ditional �rking on Lot 7, Block 1, Paco Industrial Park, 250 Commerce Circle South. Secondea by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unammously. F�2, CONSIDERATION OF VARIANCE RDDUESPS, VAR #86-18, 'I1� RIDUCE THE FId�NT YARD SEPBIICK FRO� 35 FEET TQ 28.5 FEET: � RIDUCE TfiE SIDE YARD SE`i'BACK FROM 5 � FEET � 0 FEET TO ALJAW THE �NSTRUCI'ION OF AN ATTACHED ACCESSORY BUILDING. GENERALLY T1X'ATED ON I�OT $, BI�OCK 1. L�1KFi ANn j�IGHTS, Tf3E SAME BEING 1333 HILLWIAID ROAD N.E.. BY GARY PARKER: Mr. Robertson, Commimity L�velognent Director, stated thss is a request for variances to reduoe the front yard setlxZCk iran 35 feet to 2II.5 feet ancl to reduce the side yard setback fran 5 to 0£eet to allow construction of an attached ac�ssory tuilding. Mr. Robertson stated the petitioner's present garage is about 13 feet wide on the insid� and the furnace is in the c�rage. Iie stated the petitioner wishes to widen the existing garage and move the p�rking area forw�rc, so that the furnace muld be housed outside the garaye area. He stated xf the variances are approved, it is recommended the west wall be � one-hour fir�rated wall with no openings and an easement for maintenance purposes be attained fran the adjaoent neighbor. Coimcilman Schneic�r asked Mr. Parker if he h�s agrec�nent wzth the neighbar and if there was arr3 problan with the easement. �tr. Farker stated he has a sicyned agreanent and this was not a problcYn. Mr. Robertson stated the Appeals Commission has rewmmended a�prc� al af the variances with �veral stipulations whtch he outlined. � NDTION I� Councilman Schneider to concur with the recommendation of the Appeals Commission and grant VAR #86-18 to reduce the front yard setback -16- COUNCTL MEEr��N� OF ACrU� 4 1 86 .._ ��� � fran 35 to 28.5 feet and to reduoe the side yaru set}a�ck fran 5 to 9 feet �o allaa mnstruction of an attached ac�ssoxy building at 5333 Hillwir3d Road N.E., b� GaLy Parker, with the follaaing stigulations: (1) a new survey be made to montanent the west property line to ensure proi.er placement af the structure; (2) a recorded maintenance easement be enterea into with acljoining neighbor; (3) a� relocation of atilzty Le the responsibility of the property aaner; and (4) the west wali be a ane-hour, fire-rated wall with no o�enings. Secnnded k� Coimcilman Barnette. [I�n a voice vote, all voting aye, hl3yor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. F�3. CONSIDERATION OF VARTANCE R�UESTS. PAR #86-20, TO RIDUCE THE SETBACK OF A BOi7AIDARY LINE AU7ACEt�`P TO A RESIDEC�FP7AL DISTRICT FRDM 50 FEET 'ia 48 FEET: � REDUCE THE SIDE YARD SEPBACK FROM 15 FEET � 10 FEET ZCl ALL�OVl THE CONSi'RII(.Z'ION OF AN ADDITION ZY7 THE EXISTING BUILDING. * GENERP,LLY L�1C'A'PFp pD7 L�7T 24 BL�'Y 1 N�FGEL' S WOODI,i�aDS THE SAMR BET�'73Q5 BAKER �F�' N.E., BY L.W. SAMUEL.�N CONSPRUCPION• Mr. Rabertson, O�mmwiity Develognent Director, state�s this is a request fcr variances to reduoe the setl�ck of a}�ouncary line aa'�acent to a xesi.der.tial district ftan 50 to 48 feet and to reduoe the side yard setbacic from I5 i:o 10 feet to allaa the mnstruction of an addition to an existing building Zt 7345 Baker Street. � Mr. Samuelson, the petitioner, stated the �xo�osee addition is 6,Q00 s�u��r�� feet and additional s�ee is ne�ssary ta accommodate tY�e machine layout within the building. He felt this wau an op�ortunity for the City to imprwe the tax base, as we7.1 as imprare tl�,e rnnclitions on the site. ' Mr. Jim Robinson, P],anning Coordinator, stated the Appeals Commission has re�mmendecl appra�al and staff is re�mmending nine stipulztions la3sec3 on an on-site inspection of th� property. Coimcilman Sc�neickr asked Mr. S�nuelson if he was seen these stipulations recommended by staff. He stated he has nct anc7 �Nas referred to the xeferenae agenda gacket to reviEtv them. Mr. Samuelsan stated he didn't see arnl problans and nothing that would be imFossible to live with. NI��TION l� Councilman Schneider to concur with the recommendatian of the Appeals Commission and grant VPR #86-20 to reduce the :�tback af a boundan1 line adjacent to a residential district fran 50 to 4E3 feet and reduce th� side yara setback from 15 to 10 feet to allctt�� the construction af an additian to the existing building at 7345 P,�ker Stree�, with the follc�a�ng stipulations: (lj suLznission of an apprwec3 landsc�pe plan wh�ch incluc]es: £our foot berming with trees and shrubs in front yard, side yaru and rear yard, plantings and p�rking lot shoulder landscaping all to be in:,talled with the huilcling addition; (2) provide an irrigation plan for al] green areas; (3) pave the common driveway located on the north side of the prcerty, mmglete with six inch concrete curbing on both sides, with the building addition; (4) install six inch ooncrete cuxbing alonc7 both sides of the �mmon driv�aay on the south side of the property, with the buildinc� -17- * Correct�on made 11-30-87 Descript�on should read Lot 24> Block 1. Previously stated Lot 1, Block 24. �W� • J� � � '��� � addition; (5) install an eic�t foot high solid wood fence along ti�e rear proF;erty line to screen the addttion from the residential neiqhborhood (mobile hane �rk) with the builc]ing addition; (6) ranove all 7unk vehicles fran property �rior to issuance of a building �rmit--no storage o� �un4: vehicles permitted at any time; (7) a1Y 55 c�allort dr�uns and all metal recycling bins to be stored inside th� new bui3dinc� prior to }�wlc�ing permit; (8) re-striFe p3rking lot ancl prc�,ride at least one handicap stalJ with building addition; and (9) petitioner to provide an approved drainaae plan prior to issuance of a building persEit. Seconded by Councilmars Gooclspeed. Ugon a voice vote, all voting aye, I�ayor Ivee declared the motion carned unanimously. 13. CONSIDERATION OF A JOINP POWERS AGREII�IENP BETWEEN ANCJKA COUNTY AAID THE CITY OF FRIDLEY RE7GARDING THE INSTALI�ATION OF THE "OPTICOM" EMERGENCY VEHICLE PRFrEMPTION SYSTEIM AT TAE INTERSECTTQN OF P4ISSISSIPPI S'CREET AND EAST RIVER �.� NDTION lx Cowicilman 5chneider to authorize the Czty to enter inta this joint pawers agreenent with Anoka Coimty. Secs�nded Ly Cauncilman Barnette, Upon a voiae vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor hTee declared the motion carried unanimously. 14. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF SPECIFTCATIONS FOR REFURBISHING AND �[-JAg7LITATr� Zy+Tp FIRE DEPA�'�' POMPERS AND SET DAT� � REC�IVE BIAS• � NDTION 1� Councilman Barnette to apprwe tYae specificatic,ns fot refurbishing and rehabilitating two Fire De�rtment pun�rs �.nd set the date to receive bic� for August 27, 1986. Semnded b� Councilman Goods�eEG. Upon a voace vote, all voting aye, i�hyor Nee declared the motian ca rried unanimously. 15. CONSIDERATION OF RECEIVING BIDS AND AWARDING CONPRA(.T FOR VIDEO PRODUCTION EOUIPMEDFt FOR THE FRiDLEY CIVIC CENTER: [rDTION b� Councilm�n Schneider to receive the fallowinc� bids: EPA Audio Visual., Inc. Dis;ualirieci - Did no� give final bid 8200 Bridge prioe or defimte pric�e on information, Rockfora, NN 55373 A1Fha Video & Audio 2110 West 98t2� St. Minneap�lis, NN 55431 Blunberg Commimications, Inc. 525 N. Washinqton Ave. Minneap�lis, NN 554D1 $21,245.00 Dis3ual.ified - Diu not give final bic� prioe or hid not follaa bidding instruct� ons. Seoonded ty Coimcilman Barnette. Upon a vaice vate, all votinq aye, Mayor Nee d�clared the motion carried unanimously. , M�TION b� CoLmcilman Schneider to find A1Fha V��ec s Audio the laa bic�cier and award the contract to them in the amount of 521,245. Seconded by -18- , r � C�Li��, � ui � �. � v__ LTTi Co�mcilman Gooclspeed, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Nhyor ldee declare� the motion carried unanimously. 16. RESOLUTION N0. 60-1986 DESIGNP,TING POLLING PLACES AND APPOINTING ELECTION JUDGES EC7R TFIE SEPTENIDER 9 1986 COUNCILr9EMBER-AT-LARGE AND A STATEWIDE PRIMARY ELECTION• [�DTION 1� Councilman Barnette to acbpt Resolution No. 60-19II6. Seconded by Cotmcilman 5d�neider. Upon a voioe voter all votireq aye, Naycr Nee ckclared the motion carried unammously. -� • � . •:. •��� • i'. � ��� • � • �� �� � � :�• •��� � • , �� � [�K?TION kr� Co�mcilman Schneider to adopt Resolution No. 61-1986 with the follaaing stipulations: (1) plat approval r.ontirbgenY_ upon approval �f rezoning; (2) provide drainage and utility easements on final plat as re3uested }x sta£f; (3) petitioner agrees ta assessnents f or one half cost of Viron Road imprwenents; and (4) park fees on four lots to be �id with huilding permits (subject to prevailing rates). 5econded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voiae vote, all voting aye, P4ayor Ivee c�claxed the rnotian carried unanimously. 18. CONSIDERATION OE CFIANGE ORDER N0. 1 FOR STREET IA7PROVEl4ENT PROJECT I�70. ST ]986-10 (SF�1i�COATINGI: M]TiON Y� Councilman Sc�neider to authorize Change Order No. 1£or Street Improvenent Project ST 1486-10 with Aiiied Blackto� Co., M�ple Grove, Minnesota in the amount of $2,643.45. Seconded by Councilman BarnettF. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. . ..�_ i r � i•DTION ty Cotmcilman Goodspeed to mncur with the following ap�crr�ntment l�y the City Manager: STARTING SPAR`�.¢�IG NAME POSITION SALARY L1ATE REH,ACES Dawn Weiqel b�S Techmcian $ 17,500 July 23, Michelle 6000 Sixth Street (Eacempt) per 1986 Junkert EYid1e�, NN 55432 year Searnded Ix Coimcilman Barnette. Upon a vaice vote, all voting aye, Nfa�ror D]ee declared the motion carried unanimously. 20. T.ATMS: MOTION by Councilman Barnette to authorize payment o£ Claims No. 9541 throuc� 9773. Seoonded }� Coimcilman EYtz�trick. Upon a voice vote, all -19- ��� ' � 1 .. �, � . y ,�zr.� voting aye, n'kyor Iiee declared the motion carried �.�arumously. 21. LICENSES• MDTION ty Councilman Schneider to apprwe Ehe licenses as sulsnitted and as on file in the Li�nse Qerk's Office. Sea�ndec� F� Counciln�n FYtz�txick, Upon a voioe vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor �1ee declared the motion carrie� unanimously. 22. ESPIMATES• NDTION by Councilman FitzFatrick to apprwe tte following estimates: G�ck�xson Brothers Cement Com�ny, 2325 Shelling Avenue, South Hlinnea�lis, NN 55404 1986 Concrete G1�rb and Gutter Partial Estimate No. 2 . . . . H& S Asphal t, Inc, 700 Industxy Avenue Anoka, Md 55303 Street Imprwenent Project ST. Partial Estimate No, 5 . . , . Inc. . . . . . . . $4,01g.26 1986-1& 2 . . . , . . . $9,445.28 Seoonded lx Coimcilman Schneider. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayar Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTTON by Councilman Schneider to ad�ourn the meeting. Seconded by Cow7cilman Barnette. [Jp�n a voice vote, �ill voting aye, Ph�yor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the Regular N�eting of the Fric�ley City Co�mcil of August 4, 1986 adj ourned at 10: 50 p, m Respectfully suYmitted, .��rt�.-.�- i�t� Carole Haddad SectetaLy ta the City Coimcil �PPrwecl; -20- ��^�vt ! - Udil.lzan . Nee N�yor O'"'�