10/20/1986 - 00011389..�fl'��^��
20. 1986
Zhe Regular Meeting of the Fridle� City Cotmcil was called to order at 7:32
p, m, lx [�lgyor Nee,
N�yor Nee led the CoLmcil and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the
Fl ag.
MEI�SII2S PRFSIIVT: Mayor Nee, Councilman Barnette, 6�imcilman
Schneider, Councilman Fitz�trick and
Co�cilman Goodspeed
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MOTION by Councilman Schneider to approve the minutes as presented.
� Semnded tx Coimcilman Barnette. [TFon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor
Nee c�clared the motion carried unanimously.
The follaaing items were added to the agenda: (16) Consideration of
Entering into Contracts with Subterranean Engineering and Ernst and
Associates on Behalf of the HRA; and (17) Discussion and Determination of
EYiture Action Relative to Darrel Farr's Vacation Request.
MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to adopt the agenda with the above
additions. Seo�nded lX Cntmcilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting
aye, l�yor Nee declared the motion carried unarumously.
7here was no response frwn the audience tmder this item of business.
[�DTION L� Coimcilman FitzFatrick to waive the reading of the public hearing
� notice and open the public hearing. Seoonded b� Councilman Goodspeed. Upon
a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried
unanimously and the public he3ring opened at 7:37 p.m.
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, Mr. Robertson, Commimity Develognent Director, stated this is a request to
vacate �rt of a street and utility easement. He stated it has been
verified there will rot be any utility azsenents in the vacated portion as
Northwestern Bell's easement will be located in the new portion and is not
7here was no response frcm the audience regarding this proposed vacation
r equest.
NDTION b� Councilman Fitzpatnck to close the public hearing. Seconded by
Cowicilman Goodspeed. ITFon a voice vote, all voting aye, N�iyor Nee declared
the motion carried unanimously and the public hearing closed at 7:39 p.m.
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Mr. Robertson, Community Development Director, stated there was a
landscaping plan for this busiress when the original special use permit was
iss�d. He stated due to frequent problems and non-compliance, a new
landscaping plan has been c�vised. He stated staff inet with the aaner, Mr.
Pawleski and his lecpl mimsel to devi� the new plan. Copies of the plan
were serit to Mary Martin. Zhe only outstanding question is if the barbed
wire should be renoved on the chairrlink fen�. He stated this h�rbed wire
1 is out of rs�cl� and is interpreted as being used for security purposes and
is, therefore, permitted in the Code. He stated Mary [�3artin made a request
that there should also be a six foot moveable fence. Mr. Robertson stated
staff is not reoommending the fence and felt the landscaping plan includes
elenents that are adequate and consistent with the directions of the
Coimcilman EYtz�atrick stated in the stipulations of the original special
use permit, there was a requiranent for screening. He stated he felt this
is the reason why Ms. l�rtin suggested the fen�.
Mr. Robertson stated staff feels the trees and fence vines on 77th Avenue
will provide adequate screening of the rear of the property.
Coimcilman Fitzpatrick stated Russian olive trees were originally there, but
this didn't work because moving the tra�lers eventually trampled the
plantings. He stated arother alternative may be to place the trailers in
such a way to screen what is behind then.
Ms. N�ry Martin, 133 Stonybrook Way, stated she is not himg up with the idea
of a fence, but the storage portion of the lot should be screened. She
stated one of the reasons why the special use permit was granted was because
the L�ck Fart of the lot was screened at that time. She stated a permanent
screening with some kind of greenexy is apFarently not what A�che Camping
Center wants as the� ooulch't mwe their trailers. She stated she suggested
� a cra�tive fenoe that would be moveable to screen the area. Ms. Martin
stated all she wants is complianoe with the stipulations of the special use
permit. She stated when this permit was issued, A�ache Camping Center was
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' selling it�ns i.hat were 10 x 12 or 10 x 14 feet in size. She stated the
itens the3 are now selling are 12 x 38 feet in size. She stated Russian
olive trees we�-e located on the site when the special use permit was issued
and the permit was predicated on those trees renaitung, and now th ere is no
Ms. Nhrtin stai:ed the Cotmcil directed that the City and/or Mr. Pawleski
meet with her. She stated she met with Mr. Pawleski and his attorney and
thEy agreed to hedging and thought the� had some agreanent. She stated what
is now projecte�d is the original plan and nothing is different. She stated
it appears the original stipulations on the special use permit are being
Mr. fgwleski, ckrner of Ap�c�e dmp�ng Center, stated he was presented with
the landscapinq plan 1� Mr. Wiersna of the City staff. He stated in regard
to the fence which was discussed with Ms. [�hrtin, he cl�.cli't take any action
as he wanted to see if the City would allaa it. He stated he didn't know
what type of mrv�ble fenoe could be installed.
Ms. N�rtin stat-ed her oonoern is screening and clich't care if it is a f ence
or greenery. 5he stated she wanted the trailers screened which was supposed
to happen when the special use permit was originally issued.
Councilman Fitzpatrick stated it was the purpose of the original
stipulations to screen everything behind the front of the building and it
seans the proposed plan cbes not prwi� for this screening.
NDTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to refer this item to staff for a
remmmendation on some type of screeninq, either fencing or plantings.
Semnded tr� Cotmcilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor
Nee declared tYie motion carried unanimously.
�tmcilman Fits:�atrick stated he would recommend staff contact Ms. Martin
before the plan is brought L�ck to the Coimcil.
Mr. �wleski also requested he be notified when a meeting would take place
so something czin be resolved.
[+�. Robertson stated staff has prepared at least four diffferent plans and a
meeting could k�e held this week.
Coimcilman Fitz,Fatrick requested staff �ntact him when the meeting would be
NDTION b� Coimcilman Schneider to waive the sewnd reading of Orchnance No.
868 and acbpt it on the sewnd reading and ord�r publication. Seconded by
Co�mcilman Barriette. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared
the motion carxied unanimously.
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Q�imcilman Schneider asked if this ordinance would prohibit a person from
�arking a vehicle with a for sale sicyi in their aan driveway. Mr. Herrick,
City Attorney, stated he would check further regarding this question.
[+�TION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to waive the reading and approve the
ordinanoe upon first ra3ding. Seconded by Councilman Goodspeed. Upon a
voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried
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Mr. Robertson, Commtaiity Develognent Director, stated Dr. Ik�hl's office was
oontacted to inform him his rc� oning, vacation, and variance requests were
on the Coimcil's agend� for this evening. He stated he was advised that Dr.
Dahl was out of town and was not expected back until Tuesday morning,
October 21. He stated Coimcil m3y wish to table these items imtil Dr. Dahl
� can be present.
NDTION b� Coimcilman Schneid2r to table this item, as well as items 6 and
7C, which all pertain to Dr. Ik�hl's property to the next Council meeting.
Semnded kx Co�mcilm�n Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor
Nee declared the motion carried unanimously.
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7his item was tabled, imder iten 5, �mtil the r�ext Coimcil meeting.
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Mr. RDbertson, Commtmity Developnent Director, stated this is a request for
' a special use permit for Qiurch on the Move to conduct church services in
the c�mrrzsiim of this school. He stated there are approximately 600 menbers
in the aongrecption and two church services would be held on Simday, one in
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CO m?�'TL ME OF OCTOBER 20 . 86
' the morning with about 300 people attending and one in the evening with
about 150 people attending. Mr. RDbertson stated nei�6orhood meetings were
held 1� Ghurch on the Move with neighboring residents to answer some of
their questions and ooncerns.
Mr. Robertson stated the Planning Commission recommended approval of this
special use permit with 12 stipulations which are incluc�d in the Council's
agenda. He stated the Planning Cormnission requested the City Engineer to
subnit a report on the traffic issue.
Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated he has met with the Ac�ninistrator
of the sd�ool and the discussions oentered primarily on the dropping-off and
picking-up of stuc�nts. He stated both schools (Church on the Move and
Totino-Grace) start and end their academic day at approximately the same
time causing congestion with stuc�nt pickups and in the hic� school �rking
lot. He stated one solution could be staggering hours so vehicle usage
oould be spread over a longer period of time and decrease the congestion.
He stated another alternative would be to relocate the drog-off point for
Church on the Nbve to the west end of the tuilding. He stated this would
allow vehicles to eriter the existing driveway and establish a que line to
the e[�t.ranoe and within the existing lot. He stated a third option would be
oonstruction of a road and driveway aroimd the existing building to serve as
a que area and praride for easy acoess to and fran the facility.
� Mr. Flora stated the placement of a crossaalk between Totino-Graoe and this
property was also discussed, but there is a problem as there are no
sic�walks and, with the facilities located in the middle of the block, it
would tend to give a false sense of secunty for the pedestrian. He felt
this dich't lend itself well to a safety aspect.
Mr. Flora stated as far as the vehicle parking in Totino-Grace's lot for
church serviaes, this woulch't be a�oblen as Totir�-Grace would not have
any activities at their school during this time. He stated the intersection
at Gardena and Old Central was also discussed. He stated in order for a
stop light to be plaoed at this intersection, it would have to be approved
1� the Cotmty Highway DeFartrnent and satisfy the necessary traffic warrants
to justify a signaled intersection. He stated, currently, there are
inadequate vehicles to satisfy the warrants. He stated the City is
proposing to rech�ce the volune of traffic on Old Central betwen Rice Creek
Road and Hi�way 65 with improvenents at thoye intersections.
Councilman Schneider asked if Church on the Move was the aaner of the
Mr. Anderson, the petitioner, stated the� have a purchase agreenent for the
property, Lut closing has kaeen delayed as Fert of the akstracts were lost.
Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, asked Mr. Anderson if the agreanent the� have is
with Faith Academy or School District No. 14. Mr. Anc�rson stated they do
� not have ariy agreanent with the School District, as the� are purdiasing the
school fran Faith Academy throuc� bon� to pay off previous ftmding.
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' Mr. Herrick felt, technically, the fee aaner should sign this request for
the special use permit. He stated if the Council were to approve this
special use permit, one of the oonditions was the permit would be granted
after (hurch on the NY�ve became the fee aaner of the Lxoperty.
Mr. Anc�rson, the petitioner, stated he approached F�ith Academy in August
about the possible purchase of the school. He stated they have siqned a
F:urchase agceanem and a mavrin agreenerrt and took over opexation of the
school vmnediately. He stated, at that time, he reoeived a Fhor�e call from
the City ach�ising him a special use permit was needed for them to conduct
church servioes in the gy�asitun. He stated they wanted the school for a
double use school and church in order to make it emrmmically feasible. He
stated it was discussed, if the actual aanets should file for this special
use permit, and it was suggested the� make application as the3 were t2ie ones
holding the church services.
Mr. Anderson stated a meeting was held with the neigh6oring residents where
they expressed their ooncerns. He stated most of the mncerns involved the
care and maintenance of the property. He stated they have cleaned-up the
property and purchased lawn maintenance equipnent. Mr. Anderson stated he
was asked about long-range plans and stated, at some point in time, the3 may
mnstruct a new building.
Mr. Anderson stated he has oontacted the Superintendent of 7btino-Graoe, Dr.
� Ray, and a oontract for Fmrking has been drafted. He stated it would be
several c1�ys before final ap�wal is re�ived fran 7btino-Grace as this has
to go before their Board. He stated the agreement allows th�n to park 100
cars on Totino-Grace's Farking lot and meets the legal conditions required
1� the City.
�tmcilman Schneider stated his ooncern is the parking and traffic. He
stated another key issue which came up at the neigh6orhood meetings was if
Churcii on the Nbve was willing to sell the �roel of property which fronts
on Hillcrest Drive. He stated the aon�rn of resic�nts in the area is that
this Keroel may be used for access, if a church were to be built in the
future, and residents dich't want this praperty to be used as a feeder onto
Hillcrest Drive.
Mr. Anderson stated these iy�:es of questions are difficult to ans,aer because
the� have been at this location less than a month. He stated when he met
with the residents, he was very honest and stated they would like a new
building. He stated this resulted in opemng a whole "can of worms" when
all the� really wanted was to meet in the �mnasiian on Sundays. He stated
thEy don't have a Filan for this property so the question is difficult to
Cotmcilman Schneider stated this question isn't before the Council, but it
seems a key issue as far as safety and public welfare being met Por tihis
use. He stated he has a wnoern if there was sicyiificar�t. expansion haa fihis
, would affect trafffic p3tterns on Gardena and Hillcrest.
Mr. Anderson stated their immediate ooncern is to have a double use of the
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' building in order to s�tain the school. He stated he is not even sure if
this property would be the best place for then to expand. He stated that
question hasn't razlly been addressed and isn't the long-range vision.
Mr, Roith, 1314 Hillcrest Drive, stated the �rking agreenent was negotiated
with Dr. Ray and there was no apprwal tr� the Board. He stated he didn't
believe 7btino-Graae would grant a long-term �rking arrangement. He stated
Totino-Grace has reoeived complaints fran the neighborhood because of the
currertt traffic, He stated he is concerned about the traffic and if the
�amasitan has been insFected lx the Fire De�rtrnent for this ty�e of use.
Mr. McLaughlin, 1050 Gardena Avenue, stated his biggest concern is the
adc3itional traffic. He stated from a practical standpoint, there is a
safety issue as he has witnessed and remrded quite a few accidents at the
intersection of Gardena and Old Central. He felt the special use permit
should not he granted, without sicyialization of this intersection. He also
felt Farktng should 6e �xwided on the school's aan property and questioned
if the Code allaas for Fatking off this site.
Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, stated there is an ordinance that permits
�rking, with a special use pemit, on ac}�acent pro�erties and believed some
of these cases have previously been t�efore the Council. He felt there were
�ases where a developer of oommercial property has requested a building
permit and the prop�sed �rking is ad�acent on residential property. He
' stated it may not be a perfect analogy to what is presented in this
situation, hut has a gra3t c�al of similarity.
Cotmcilman Schneider asked what would happen if there is approval of the
special use permit and the Farking agreanent with ZbtinmGrace and down the
rca3d, the �arking agreene�. is terminated.
Mr. Herrick asked if the parking agreement is terminated, if there is
adequate space on Church on the Move's site to construct the number of
Farking sFaces r�uired. Mr. Robertson stated there is adequate space to
meet the parking ra�uirenents.
Mr. Herrick stated if the Council grants the special use permit, with
�arking on Totino-Graoe's site subject to a re�rdable agreement, that there
be an additioral �wision that if tl�e agreanent is terminated, in order for
tY�e special use permit to o�ntinue, an equal nwnber of s�ces would have to
be constructed on the subj ect property.
Mr. Anderson stated he 6elieved this is alreac7� aovered in stipulation No. 6
reoot[miended l� the Planning Commission.
Cbuncilman Schneider stated when the School District sold the school to
E`aith Academy, there was an agreanent regarding a green area to rema�.n open
for recreational use. He asked if a g�rking lot was constructed, if it
would affect this recreational area.
, Mr. Flora stated staff hasn't looked at the ra-�uiranent on what additional
spaoe would be desic�ated for parking so wouldn't know if this would be
..1�. 4� . .�,.: �. ,
� affected.
Mr. Anderson stated there was a Faragra�h in the mntract for deed between
Faith Acad�ny and the School District wkv.ch provid�d for this recreational
or gteen area. He stated there is a glaygrotmd area, basketball court, and
open area in the upper portion of the property. He stated the� hav e agreed
to keep this recreational easement as a stipulation to the special use
permit. He felt e�nsion of the Farking lot would take a portion out of a
forgotten lx�ll field.
Mr. Herrick felt if this stipulation is to be implenented, there should be a
specific description of the area so it is easily identifiable.
Mr. Bittman, 1120 Gardem Avenue, stated in discussions with Dr. Ray, one of
the questons asked was if Totino-Grace would permit more than a 30 day
Farking agreanent. He stated he was advised the Board would have to make
this decision. Mr. Bittman stated they do not need more traffic as his
f�nily has had two accider�ts in the ten years the� have lived here.
Nh�. Mi�ar, 1291 Gardena Avenue, stated residents in the area supported
Faith Amd�ny to use this building as a school, but felt to have activities
on Simd3ys takes away the only quiet time from the neighborhood and is a
negative impact. He felt the issue of the parking also needs to be
addressed, if Farking on Totino-Grace's property cannot be arranged. He
' Fninted out there is vexy little frontage on this site which amplifies the
problHn and would place traffic right acpinst resic�ntial hanes. Mr. Minear
stated there is also a sa�np on the property which takes up approximately
one-fourth of the site. He stated it seems inappropxiate to extend the
Ferking lot into the school's athletic facilities, and he felt the land
ooulch't support these two uses,
Mr. Itnuts�n, 5880 N�tterhorn, stated it seems if a Farking lot needs to be
�nstructed, there a variety of questions wh�.ch haven't been addressed. He
stated in addition to meeting the requirenent on the nunber of s�aaes, there
is the question of drainage. He stated, technically, even though these
issues are not bef ore the Cotmcil, he questioned onoe Church on the Nbve had
a vested interest in the property, how they could be sure future
requirenents would be met. He felt ac�quate planning had to be cbne now and
there are a lot of unanswered questions. Mr. Knutson f elt further
inPormation is needed to see if requiranents of the EYre Code are met and if
there are specific mimmun Farking requiranents.
Mr. Carlson, 6D1 Rioe Creek Terrace, stated he is a menber of Church on the
Move and spoke in favor of the special use permit. He stated there has heen
some allegations about glans being changed or misinformation given and want
to assure than, as xart of the church's advisory board, what they have been
hearing f rcm Pastor Anderson is vexy straightf ocward. He stated there is no
attsnpt to hold t� ck any information. Mr. Carlson stated he believes the
d►urci� would be a good neic�bor and a blessing to the mmmlmity, He stated
' he belieaed the use is well within the legality and permits of the law.
Mr. Lewis, 6001 Garder� Circle, stated the back of his property abuts the
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' Ynseball field on the school's �xoperty. He stated he attended one of the
neic�borhood meetings and is ooncerned about the possibility of a church
with 800 menbers and possibly expanding to 1,200 menbers. He stated the
school �o�rty is about two feet higher than his property and they do have
some Fxoblan with the drainage. He felt if a�xrking lot was constructed,
it would add to this problen. He stated he is not ac�xinst the church, but
ooncerned about the use of the land.
Mr. Hanernick, 134Q Hillcrest Drive, stated he is in favor of the special
use permit. He stated he met with menbers of the church and felt the� would
be good neic�bors. He stated he was a land use planner for 12 years and
felt what is being requested is prudent. He felt the traffic uses are
se�rate and should, at sane point, 6e addressed, t�ut the land use at this
time is reasonable.
Mr. O�lstrcm, 1338 Hillcrest Drive, stated he was in favor of Yhe special
use �ermit. He stated Faith Academy had a dinner fot 300 people and they
dich't have a Ixoblen with �arking.
�lmcilman Schneic�r asked where these persons Fsrked. Mr. Nlstrom stated
at 7btino-Graae, in the school's �arking lot, and others on the street.
Cow�cilman Schneider stated his cbnoern is the psrking. He stated he has
received a ntmber of calls regarding the Farking problem on Gardena and it
� is a difficult situation.
Co�mcilman Barnette stated when the school was aaned }x School District 14,
there were evem.s where more than 300 people attended and persons �rked on
the street.
A lady in the audienoe stated that most of the people lived in the area and
walked to the e�ents at the school at that time.
Mr. Haunermck stated there is a stipulation reoommended to oonsolidate this
property into one Faroel and wondered if it was wise because of some of the
oonoerns of the residents regardinq ingress or egress.
Mr, Herrick stated it would not be his recommendation that a decision be
mac� this evening on this request. He felt there are some questions raised
which need to be ansvered and sane additional fact finding on part of the
staff. He felt other churches in the City should be checked to see if this
request differs in any respect and, in regard to the traffic, there should
be specific traffic ooimts �m�aring traffic when this was operated as a
school to what is naw being proposed.
Mr. Mdaughlin stated there should be stand3rds of use in the Comprehensive
Plan regarding parking, building, and screening and would like these
questions an�tered.
� Coimcilman Schneider stated he would agree with Mr. Herrick's stat�nents and
felt sane additional information is needed. He stated some items which
should be addressed are as follaas: (1) letter £rom fee aaner indicating
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� the� concur with this request for a special use permit; (2) requirements of
the ordinance rec�rding parking on property other than that owned by the
- petitioner and rani.fications of the special use permit; (3) size of the
saamp area and if it is required for drainage; (4) define the recreational
area regarding size, equipnent �aoposed, maintenanoe, access requirements,
and shared use; (5) in the event of a circular drive, the distance from the
htmes on the east and west; (6) if additional develognent takes place on the
property for drivc�aays and parking, how this affects the drainage; (7) size
of the c�mnasitm and if requirenents of the Fire Code and parking are met;
(8) problens which may or may not be created if the lot fronting on
Hillcrest Drive was split off and sold to d�velop as a single f�nily Farcel;
(9) sicgied oop� of the �arking agreenent with 7btino-Graoe for review 1� the
City Attorney; (10) comFarison with other churches regarding zomng, size of
g�rking lots, size of the church itself, and n�nnber of inembers in the
oonc�egation; and (11) specific traffic counts on Gardena and accident
history going back to when Gardena was an elenentaxy school.
Coimcilman Barnette stated most of the churches in Fric�Ey have gone throuc�
this same stage. He stated Fridley Methodist used Hayes School �rking
across the stxeet; Fridley Covenant parks along the stceet; Redeemer
Lutheran uses the street and possibly some of the park property; Grace
Ebangelical used Madsen Fark for many years for Farking; St. Philip's uses
some of the mortuary Farking; and St. William's uses some of the shopping
center Farking. He stated he dich't believe churches crPate a major problan
� and thc� were good neic�bors. He stated he lives near Woodcrest Baptist
(Y�urch and the� have heen nothing but cpod neic�t�ors.
NDTION Lx Cotmcilman Sch�ider to table this item to allow staff time to
subnit a report for the r�ext meeting. Seoond�d L� Councilman Fitzpatrick.
Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried
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Mr. Rabertson, d�mmtmity Develognent Director, statea this is a request for
a special use permit to allaa a reFair cprage, whici� was previously Shorty's
Taaing, at 5755 University Avenue N. E. He stated a landscaping plan was
pre�ared L� staff and recommended to the Planning Commission. He stated
there were also a ntmtaer of other sipulations which the 6�mmission revic�ed
with the or�rber, Mr. Schuur. He stated Mr. Schuur had reservations about
several of the stipulations, haaever, the Planning Commission recommended
apprac�al of this request 1� a 3 to 2 vote.
l�yor Nee stated it seens an extraordinaxy inter�sive use of a snall �arcel.
He asked if the petitioner or avner were present.
Since neither the petitioner or avner were present this evening, the
� follv,ving ackion was taken:
N�TION b,� Councilman Goodspeed to table this item to the next meeting.
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Se�nded kx Coimcilman Barnette. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor
Nee declared the motion carried unanimously.
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Mr. Robertson, Community Develognent Director, stated this property is
located on the oorner of Rioe CYeek Road and Old Central. He stated the
biggest problen with this lot split is the frontage which cbes not meet the
requirements of the Code, He stated it is only 64.54 feet and the
requiranerit is 75 feet.
Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated there are large parcels of property in
this area and everitually these properties will split. He felt there should
be some overall plan for future develognent and it would require the
moperation of a nunber of Fcoperty aaners. He felt if this lot split is
granted, it woulch't set a good precedent for the neic�borhood because the
lot is so rr�rraa. He felt there needs to be 000peration on the �rt of the
owners in the area in order to have lots wh�.ch meet the Code requirements.
He suggested this iten be tabled so the property aaners could work together
in an attenpt to prac�ide a plan for the werall develognent of this area.
Mr. Geldert stated he was mncerned about the width, but ooulch't imderstand
wkr� thEy were allowed to be split in t,he first glaoe.
Mr. Qureshi stated this was pxotsbly an old plat in existence before there
were any regulations 1� the City.
NDTION b� Cb�mcilman Schneider to table L.S. #86-07 in order to provide the
petitionet an o�porttmity to work with ad�acent property aaners and City
staff in an attempt to provide standard lots. Seconded by Councilman
Barnette. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, N&yor Nee declared the motion
carried unanimously.
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NDTION by Councilman Schneider to receive the minutes of the Charter
Comnission meetinq of Fhy 19, 1986. Sewnded 1� Cotmcilman Barnette. Upon
a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried
�� � � • � • � • • � i '�b , � A�7T�1;�+►'�
Mr. RAbertson, Community Developnent Director, stated when the Council
apprwed this lot sglit on April 18, 1983, there was �nfusion in regard to
the reaording proozss and it was never reoorded at the County. He stated
the petitioner is working with Ixospective bisyers and would like to record
the lot split, therefore, reapprwal is requested b� tYie Council.
Mr. Robert:on stated in c3�ecking with the Anoka County Highway De�rtment,
it is remmmended there be a public, rather than a private, easement.
hDTION L� Co�mcilman Fitzxatrick to reapprove this lot split, as covered
under Resolution No. 12-1984, and retain the public easement. Further, this
property be posted to �aohibit the sale of cars fran this �roel. Seconded
l� Co�utcilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee
c�clared the motion carried unanimously.
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Mr. F7.ora, Public Works Director, stated a stuc� was pre�ared L� TKL�F, on the
re�ir and impravenents to the Common's Park Water Treatment Plant. He
revieaed the five alternatives sutmitted and the estimated oosts. He stated
THI]A, as well as staff, would reoommend Alternative No. 4 to oorivert five of
the seven filters in the �mmon's �rk P1ant for mac�esi�sn tr�tment of the
four shallaa wells, and the rana�mng two filters Eor iron removal for the
deep wells. He stated this would require some revalving, installation of
green :and and poly�'hosFhate and aeration systems plus a settlement basin
for the backwash. The estimated cost of repairs and improvements is
approximately $800,000 and the wst to desicyi and inspect the construction
is an additianal $52,000.
Mr. Flora stated it would also be appropriate to upgrade the entire plant
during the repair to include automation control and recording
intrunentation. He stated this could result in an additional expense of
approximatly $150,000, for a total e�enditure estimated at $1,000,000. He
stated staff's recommendation is to receive the TKDA report, adopt
Alternative No. 4 and retain the services of TI�A so repair work could be
Mr. Flora stated this plant was desic�ed for iron renwal of the deep wells
. y.•� _ u� � _ .. •_.�.: �
' and when the City shifted to shallaa wells, they have a greater magnesiisn
content and caused deterioration of the filters. He stated in the
_ im�rovanents, five filters will service the four shallow wells and two
filters will serve the deep wells. He stated this calls for a small
addition to the a�st side of the filtration plant where the poly�osphate
chenical insertion will be located. He stated an imderground storage tank
wi11 �otx�bly be built on the west side and the syst�n calls for Ixlclaaashing
of tanks imder ait pressure, He stated a water softeni.ng system cannot be
implenented in the existing plant and would re�uire a mmplete rebuilding of
the systen at a oost of about $6,000,000.
Mr. Qureshi, City l�nager, stated staff is rewmmending the alternative
suggested 1� 4�1A. He stated he realizes this repsir and improv�nent is
very costly and wanted the Council to feel comfortable with the
N1�TION by Councilman Schneider to recieve the TKDA study and approve
Alternative No. 4 for the Common's Fark Water Treatment Plant. Seconded by
Coimcilman Barnette. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared
the motion carried unanimously.
[�DTION b� Cotmcilman Gooclspeed to authorize the City Manager to enter into
an agreenent witl� TIQ]A for �ofessional services to design the plans and
specifications for the Common's F�rk Water Filtration Plant. Sewnded by
Coimcilman Schrieider, iJFon a voice vote, all voting aye, Nayor Nee declared
the motion carried unanimously.
l�hyor Nee called a recess at 10:14 p, m.
Nhyor Nee reoanvered
the meeting at 10:25 p. m. All Council members were
Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated the City has received the
Six�ities Watershed Management Plan for review. He statec3 the cities
within the Watershed Management Organization have 60 days to review and
comment and then the report has to be processed through the County,
L��rtrnent of Natural Resouroes and MetroFolitan Coimcil for comment prior
to being sutmitted to the Water Resources Board for approval. He stated
this process should allow the Plan to be sulanitted in Deeember in acoor d�noe
with the 509 Statute.
Mr. Flora stated the ma7or itens of the plan deal with capital unprov�nents
identlfied to be o�mpleted within the six sub-clistricts. He stated Fridley
is irroolved in five projects, four of which call for supplenental joint
powers agreenents with the approprite cities for completion and one which
includes an ad valoren tax for the Oak Glen sub-district imprwenent.
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� Mr. Flora rEViewed the various capital improvanent pro�ects which involved
the City and are as follaas: (1) install a diversion pipe from Highland
Lake to C7.over Pond in CFH South at an estimated cost of $30,000; (2)
install erosion protection in Oak Glen at an estimated cost of $100,000; (3)
install erosion �xotection in Stoneybrook at an estimated �st of $124,000;
(4) floodproof hanes subject to flooding in CPII South at an estimated cost
of $60,000; and (5) divert Stoneybrook high flaas to Springbrook Nature
Genter and construct a pond and control structure in Stoneybrook at an
estimated wst of $200,000.
Mr. Flora stated if the six cities in the Watershed District cannot agree on
the plan, it would go la�ck to the Coimty. He felt if the cities wanted any
wntrol, thEy shoul.d acbpt the glan. He stated it is hoped, through this
plan, the affected City Councils would get together and agree on a cost
sharing for the Fsojects affecting their g�rticular cities.
Coimcilman Fitzpatrick asked if the project proposed for Oak Glen Creek
would be assessed to abutting property aaners. Mr. Flora stated this is the
only district suggested for an ad valoren tax and all properties in that
watershed district would pay for the improvement. He stated one of the
benefits of the 509 Legislation is taxes can be levied on an ad valoren
1�asis onoe the glan is apFxoved.
Mr. Flora stated the Oak Glen �oject deals with erosion at the Mississippi
� River. He stated all the creeks experience erosion at the Mississippi
River's mouth. He stated Sprinc�rook isn't as t�d, as it oomes through the
Fark before it enters the river, but there is si�ificant erosion with the
other two creeks, Oak Glen and Stoneybrook.
Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, asked what would happen if the Council did not
acbpt this glan.
Mr. E`lora stated the joint powers agreenent would fail and it would revert
to the Coimty to take over the storm water management plan for the six
cities and the� would imglenent the plan by an ad valorem tax or a �oint
powers agreenent.
Councilman Fitzpatrick stated his concern is about the assessment to
property aaners.
Mr. Flora stated before a project is started, there would have to be a
public hearing. He stated it muld be one hearing covering all the pro�ects
or seXarate hearincSs for e�ch �o7ect.
Mr. Qureshi felt it is important to Imow what percentages and kind of costs
would be involved and where f�mcls oould be raised.
Mr. Flora stated the City has the option of lEVying an ad valoren tax within
its sub�listnct or working with the other cities irivolved in a�rticular
' project on a mst sharing la3sis. He stated the inaentive is, if the cities
cbn't acbpt this glan, it would revert to the Coimty and the3 would make the
decisions regardi.ng the improvenents. He stated, l� law, some aqency has to
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marrage the surfaoe water.
Coimcilman FYtzg�trick felt while it may be true the� need to have a plan,
it cbesn't neoessarily mean this particular one. He felt there is a great
amoimt of detail involved in eadi of these improvenents which isn't going to
be �derstood this evening, He stated he doesn't mean to be critical of
staff as this is such a trenendous problen, but isn't in a position, at this
point, to ap�ove something as specific as this can be wnstr�d.
Ngyor Nee asked if the County were to undertake these improv�nents, who
would be the mntrolling agencies.
Mr. Flora stated the County hoped the six cities could work out the plan.
He stated he dich't Imaa haa the Cotmty would accomplish the improvenents
as, currer�t.ly, all areas within the Cotmty have a �oint powers management
organization established.
Coimcilman Schrieider asked if the plan is apprwed, cbes it ooimnit the City
to tttese improvenerits regardLess of what actions the other cities may take.
Mr. E'iora stated if the Water Resouroes Board apprwes the glan, appropriate
proce�res would have to be acbpted to ac�mplish these improv�nents. He
stated if the cities involved cannot resolve an issue, the matter is
referred to the Board of the Six Cities Management Organization and the
Board can order the imprwanerit.
Mr. F7.ora stated when the Six Cities Watershed Management Orgamzation met
several years ago, all six cities were represented and they wished to work
together taaards a solution. He stated, hopefully. this feeling will
oontin� and all the cities wi11 acbpt the plan. He felt if the City wanted
some sort of involvenent and control, the �oint powers agreement is the
prooedure the city should follar�.
Coimcilman FitzFatrick stated he wanted involvenent b� the CYty, but didn't
want to aommit, at this time, to some of the details.
Mr. Qureshi stated he muld see a possible problem with the cities in
sharing the oosts, how�er, he didn't feel all cities would approve the
plan. He felt the question is if the City is in a better position by
agreeing to the glan or giving it to the Coimty.
Mayor Nee stated he is a little uneasy with the vagueness of the
improvenents outlined, and hav the fim� woul.d 6e raised.
Mr. F7.ora stated he hoped the cities would act favorably on this plan and
use the ad valoren Fsocess to make the improvenents. He stated the projects
are �t that large so a lot of assessnents woulc�'t be irn�olved.
Councilman Fitz�trick felt if the improvements are done to the level
outlined, it woulc�'t solve many problens. He felt, when the time came, the
Coimcil would be accused of apFxoving these projects this evening. He felt
the Colmcil may be in a better position to make a cl�cision, after Mr. Flora
• 1�. _ v�� �. •_ ���: _• � •:.
� attended the organization's meeting this week.
FDT7AN b� Cotmcilman FitzFatrick to table this iten for a report at the next
Coimcil meeting. Seoonded lX O�imcilman GoodsFeed. Upon a voioe vote, all
voting aye, Nhyor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Qureshi stated o�pies of this entire report would be supplied to the
Coimcil for their re✓iaa.
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Mr. Bill Htmt, Assistant to the CYty I�nager, stated a brief estimate of the
oosts for �oviding a Senior C3tizen Progr�n d�ordinator have been provided
to the Council. He stated these wsts cover base salary, as well as
allocations for insurance and retirement. He stated the difference of
$20,324 and $20,609 would depend on if the City p�ys the public employee
retirenent. He stated the �erson filling this �sition would be an englv�ee
with a one year oontract and would be supervised ty the City.
Co�mcilman FitzFatrick stated the City now has an employee that performs
satie of the proposed duties and asked if there would k�e teconsideration to
assicyiing the person to this job.
Mr. Qureshi stated the �osition is going to be opened and anyone that is
� qualified can apply and woulch't warit to make a prr7udc�nent at this time.
He stated he felt the interview process should involve a member of the
Senior Citizens AdviSOry Board
NDTION b� Coimcilman FitzFatrick to receive the report on the cost for the
Senior Citizen Progr�n Coordinator. Sewnded }x Coimcilman Gooclspeed. Upon
a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried
NDTION b� Councilman Barnette to authorize payment of Claims No. 10838
through 11045. Seoonded l� Cotmcilman Goodspeed.
Councilman Schneider noted there are some problems with one of the
aontractors and mwed the following amenc3nent:
NDTION b� Councilman Schneider to delete payment of the claim to Bacon
Electric and direct staff to investigate the amounts in the charges.
Semnded ls� Coimcilman Gooc�peed. Upon a voice vote, Cb�mcilman Schneider,
Coimcilman Goodspeed, Coimcilm�n FitzFatnck and Mayor Nee voted in favor of
the motion. Councilman Barnette voted against the motion. Mayor Nee
declared the motion carried t� a 4 to 1 vote.
' UF�N A VOI� VO'IE TAKEN (N �IE NP,IN [rDTION, all voted aye, and Mayor Nee
declared the motion carri�d unanimously.
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NDTION l� Coimcilman Schneider to apprwe the lioenses as sutmitted and as
on file in the Lioense Qerk's Offi�. Sewnded b� Coimcilman Fitzp�trick.
Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried
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Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated these contracts are for contractual
services in oannection with the Lake Fbinte develognent apprwed tX the HRA.
NDTION Y� Coimcilman Barnette to authorize the City' s entering into these
two wntracts with Subterranean Engineering and Ernst and Associates on
behalf of the HRA. Semnded ]s� Coimcil�n Schneider. Upon a voice vote,
all voting aye, Nhyor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously.
NDTION b� Cbtmcilican FitzFatrick to ap�ave the estimates as suhnitted:
Eugene A. Hickok & Asso., Inc.
545 Indian Motmd
� Wayzata, NN 55391 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Moore Lake Restoration Project Phase II
Partial Estimate .
Gtmderson Brothers
2325 Shelling Ave., S.
Minneapolis, NN 55404
Misoellaneous Concrete Cl�rb & Gutter
Partial Estimate No. 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ernst & Associates
122 West 6th St.
Qiaska, NN 55318
Lake Fbinte Corporate �nter
l�rtial Estimate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Subtertanean Engineering
6875 Hic�way 65
Friclley, [�N 55432
Lake Fbinte Carporate Center
Partial Estimate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Simde Engineering
9001 East Bloanington Etvy.
Bloanington, NN 55420
I,ake Fbinte Corporate �nter
' l�rtial Estimate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Enebak Construction Ctxn�any
P.O. Box 458
$ 9,305.00
$ 7,348.06
$ 2,952.96
$ 1,650.00
$ 21,531.11
C�i� �, uia�a� � • •w��• �• � �
Northfield, NN 55057
Lake Fbinte Corporate Center
Partial Estimte . . . . . .
(Project #163)
. . . . . . . . . . $ 141,634.37
Sewnded k� Ca�mcilman Schneic�r. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor
Nee declared the motion carried unanimously.
Co�mcilman Schneider stated, when the Coimcil discussed the vacation request
1� Mr. Farr, he was represented kx his son, Ik�n Farr, and agreed to a nimber
of stipulations. He stated he has since received a call from Mr. Fmery,
President of the �vnhouse Association, and was advised by him that Darrel
Farr stated his s�n had no authority to make the o��nitrnents and he woulch�'t
issue the bond. Cotmcilman Schneider stated he would like this information
verified and to make sure a certificate of occupancy is not issued on the
hane being constructed.
Councilman Schneider stated his concern is every time the City had an
agreanent with Mr. Farr and his organization, this has always been the
outcome and his word is useless. He felt the City had the oppoxtunity to
wrrect some of the problans and should enforce some of the ordinances or
forget about the vacation,
Mr. Flora, Public Works Ilirector, stated the City could notify the FHA that
there is a problsn, as thEy normally aontact the City to see if there are
a� problens.
Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated whatever legal actions are necessary to
make sure he performs to the agreenents oould be taken and a report back to
the Cotmcil at the neut meeting.
lbimcilman Schneider asked that m pemits be issued until they are brought
to the Coimcil.
M7TION by Councilman Barnette to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by
Coimcilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, N�iyor Nee d�clared
the motion carried unanimously and the Regular Meeting of the Fridley City
Coimcil of October 20, 1986 adj ourned at 11:45 p, m
Respectfully sutrnitted,
� �/
"LC��-r-C,� k�:�lt��
l�role Haddad,
Secretaxy to the City Coimcil
' Apprwed:
�G�i�`4�"'� !' �
Willian J, e,