12/22/1986 - 00011323OOU�� ' Tf� I�IIN[TPES OF Tf� RDGtA,AR MEEPING OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL OF DECEMBER 22. 1986• The Regular Meeting of the Fridle� City Council was called to order at 7:35 p, m ky Mayor Nee. �LIDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Nee led the Cotmcil and audienoe in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL• MEMBERS PRESII9T: Mayor Nee, O�imciln�an Barnette, Co�mcilman Schneider, Cotmcilman Fitz�trick and Councilm3n Goodspeed MENIBERS ABSENT: None APPRDVAL OF MIN[fPES: COUNCIL MEETING. DECEMBER 8. 1986: � MOTION by Councilman Schneider to approve the minutes as presented. Seoonded L� Coimcilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried tmanimously. ADOPTION OF AGENDA: NDTI�N by Councilman Barnette to acb�t the agenaa as S�,�ttea. se�aaea � Councilman Fitzg�trick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Dlee declared the motion carried unanimously. QgEN FORUM, VISI'IC)RS: Zhere was no response fran the audience tmder this it�n of business. PiIBT,IC I]EARII�S: 1. PUBLIC HEARING ON Tf1E NIODIFIID RIDEVELOPMENP PLAN Ft�R REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO 1 AAID AMENDING THE TAX INCREMENT EINANCING PLANS FOR TAX INCREMENT DIS'PRICPS I�A. 2 THLtUC�H 8• NDTION by Councilman FitzFatrick to wa�.ve the reading of the public hearing notice and open the public hearing. Seoonded ty Coimcilman Goodspeed. IIpon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearing opened at 7:37 p. m ' Mr. Robertson, Commimity Developnent Director, stated this amendment to the Redevelopnent Plan for Redevelognent Project No. 1 and the Tax Increment Financing Plans for Tax Increnent Districts Nos. 2 through 8 is necessitated tr� the oonstruction of a proposed 358 unit apartment complex within Tax -1- OOCy`.-?�'� �k• �. � � . . « �. . � Increnent District No. 3. He stated the proposed oosts involve $850,000 for land acquisition, improvenent, and writecbwn ousts; $290,091 for capitalized intexest; $23,330 for the bond disooimt; and $26,579 for insurance o�sts and continqencies for a total of $1,190,000. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated the City is providing assistance upf ront to get the project started and will recover the costs for the land a aluisition of $850,000, with interest, wer a period of years, No peesons in the audienae spoke regarding this proposed ameno�nent to the Redevelognent Plan and Tax Incranent Financing Plans. MJTION ks� Coimcilman Barnette to close the public hearing. Seconded by Councilman Fitz�trick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Nlayor P�ee declared the motion carried unanimously ancl the public hearing closed at 7:44 p, m. 2. PUBLIC HEARING TO VACATE THE CITY-OWNED PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED AT HIGHWAY 65 TURNBACK (CONPIN[TID F1d�M MEETING OF DECEMBER 8. 19861: NDTION lx Co�mcilman GoodsFeed to waive the reading of the publ ic hearing notioe and open the public hearing. Semnded l� Cbuncilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried � unanimously and the public hearing opened at 7:44 p.m. Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this hearing involves property along Hi�way 65, south of West Moore Lake Drive and north of I-694 which was turned Yx�ck to the City � the Minnesota De�attment of Transportation. He stated with the developnent of the 100 Ztain Drivr in site by Woodbridge Properties, sane land originally desic�atec3 as Area A on the property was taken for ra�d access. He stated Woodbridge Pro�erties have r�uested that some of this turntack property 6e provided to then to allow for additional develognent and landscaping for the building in Area A. Mr. Flora statec3 33,631 square feet is not necessary for the hiqhway and roackaay imprwsnents and could be vacated for use by Woodbridge Properties. He stated the Housing & Redevelognent Authority essentially agrees with this vacation. He stated the City did receive about 10,000 square feet of property from Woodbridge for the roadvay. He also indicated that the Council could, by a �our-fifths vote, identify this land excess as not consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. Coimcilman Barnette stated he felt it would be a good idea ana the area would be maintained b� Woodbridge and citec7 other areas where the Council has returned property to adjacent property aaners, Mr. Herrick, City Attoxney, stated when property is turned back f or which the City has no rieed, it has been returned to the ac]�aoent property owner. ' Mr. & Mrs. Jce Fahey, 5719 West Moore Lake Drive, d�d indicate their wncern on haa this vacation may affect their pro�rty. Mr. Flora stated he didn't believe the vacation would affect the Fahey property and outlined the proposed route of Lake l�inte Drive into the woodbridge develognent. -2- O�C�'�� COUNCIL MEETING OF DEC��'BER 22 1986 ' Councilman Goodspeed stated, hopefully, by turning back property to Woodbridge, it would bring the roadaay farther away frwn the Fahe�'s hane. Coimcilman Schneider stated he would like an upciate as to what is happening with the Woodbridge Properties development and how the pro�ect is proceeding. M�TION t� Colmcilman Schneider to close the public hearing. Seconded by Councilman Fitz�trick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearing closed at 7:55 p,m. 3. CONSIDERATION OF FIRST REAI)ING OF AN ORDINANCE TO VACATE THE CITY-OWNED PRUPEtfi1' GENERALLY L(X'ATID AT HIGHWP,Y 65 TURNB�ICK: 7his iten will be mnsidered under New Business. OLD BUSINESS: 4. ORDINANCE N0. 872 RE(.'ODTFYII� THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE. CHAPTER 3. ENTITLED "PERSONNEL" BY AMEPIDII� SECPIOAT 3.03. ENi'ITLE➢ "HOLIDAYS": NDTION L� Coimcilman Schneider to waive the semnd reading of Ordinance No. � 872 and acb pt it on the seoond reading and order publication. Se�nded by Cotmcilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Nee cl�clared the motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS• 3. CONSIDERATION OF FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE TO VACATE THE CITY-OWNED g13�PE17PY GENERALLY I�OCATED AT HIGHWAY 65 TURNB7�CK: N�TION by Councilman Goodspeed to waive the reading and approve the otdinan� upon first reading, Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 5. CONSIDERATION OF FIRST READINu OF AN OItDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 4 05 AND 12.08 OF Tf� FRIDLEY CITY CHARTER: Mr. Bi11 Himt, Assistant to the City N�r�ger, stated these changes involve two sections of the City Charter. He stated Section 12.08 c3�letes specific reference to a Farticular statute and provides a more general reference to Minnesota statutes. He stated Section 4.05 deletes reference to "Clerks" as the3 are no longer used at elections and also changes the language that judges must be registered voter5. NDTION b� Coimcilman Fitz�atrick to wai.ve the first reacling and approve the ' ordinanoe upon first reading. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee cieclared the motion carried unanimously. -3- � 6. 004's �'^ • y. _ i . . ��s,l: • �NSIDERATION OF REVIEW OF SPAFF REGY7I•47EEI�IDATIONS REIATED TO THE UNIVERSITY AVENUE CORRIDOR SPUDY• Mr. Robertson, Commtmity Develognent Director, stated the Housing & Redevelo�ment Authority approved an outline plan and budget for the University Avenue Corridor. He stated $1,430,000 was approved as a minim�nn for o�nstruction in the areas of glantings, intersection improv �nents, and lighting. Mr. Robertson stated the IiRA directed staff to preFare a more detailed construction and maintenance plan schedule. He stated there are some implications which oould affect annual 6udget estimates such as electrical bills, bulb replaoe�nent, grass cutting, and snow renoval. He stated this item is before the Council for their input, comments and direction to staff for p1an refinanents. Mayox t3ee suggested this item 6e presented at the Council's Conference Nleeting in January. N%�TION by Gouncilman Fitzpatrick to consider this item at the January Cbnference Meeting. Seconded b� Cotmcilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, th�yor Nee declared the motion carr�ed unammously. WNSIDERATION OF A NYYPION RIDESIGNATII�IG TIiE USE OF SOME 1985 mHG FDBIDS: � Mr. Robertson, Commtmity Development Director, stated in 1985, the City allocated $71,500 to provide for undergro�rnd NSP lines on Mississippi Street, west of Uni.versity Avenue. He stated this construction was tied to the intersection imprwenents wkach have now been delayed. He stated these fimds are to be spent l� Deo�nber 31, 1986 so the Cotm cil would have several options, either to desic�ate another use for these fimds or allaa the Coimty to loan the ftmds to the City of Blaine, He stated if the ftmds are loaned, the� would he autanatically deducted fran Blaine's ]987 funds and added to Fric�e�'s for use in July, 1987. Mr. Robertson stated sta£f would reooimnend these Cf�G f�mds be loaned to the City of Blaine and, in the meantime, staff would pre�are a three year CDBG investsnent progr�n before these ftnds are received in July. NDTION L� Cauncilman Fitzxatrick to aoncur with staff's recommendation to lcan $71,500 in CDBG funds to the City of Blaine and instruct staff to pre�re a three ya�r plan for the use of CDBG fimds. Seconded tx Coimcilman Schneider. Upon a voic� vote, all voting aye, N�yor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 8. RECEIVII� THE MINUPES OF THE PLANNING CAMMISSION MEETING OF DECEMBER 1� ]986: A. CONSIDERATION OF A PRELIMINARSi PIAT P S #86-06 VALLEY OAKS BEING A REPLAT OF L�07'22. BLOCK 3. NAORE LAKE HILLS, GENERALLY � L(X'ATID SOUPfi OF HILLCREST DRIVE AAID NORTH OF GARDENA AVENUE. B�' CHARLES QOOR: NDTION 1� Councilman Schneic�r to set the public hearing on this plat for -4- OOC_��'� �� 1,, _ � • . � y�: • • :. ' January 5, 1987. Seoonded l� Coimcilman Fitzg�trick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, I�yor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. B. CONSIDERATION OF A VACATION RD�UESP. SAV #86-06, TO VACATE RA.SRMENPS FOR POBLIC fJPILITIES ON Tf� SO[TPfi 5 FEET OF I�(77P 22. BI�(X.'K 3, I�ORE LARE HIIS,S A1�ID TI� SOUiEI 5 FEET ADID THE FASr 10 FEEP OF 7AT 21, BLOQC 3. MOORE LAKE HILLS. GENERALLY L(X'ATID SOUPH OF HILLCREST DRIVE ADID NORTH OF GARDENA AVENUE, BY CHARLES COOK• NDTIUN b� Cotmcilman Schneider to set the public hearing on this vacation ra�uest for Januacy 5, 1987. Sewnded ls� CoLmcilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, N�yor Nee declared the mation carried unanimously. �� � • � r• y � � �� �� •�� • � � � `�� � I� I `� •11 • I • � 1 • • Y'� I ' • • • i • •+ • n •� • ar « � I 1 � a� � � • •� v • •.� � � i • ����•u • � r ��• � � �• •� • • • :�. � �� � �� v • • : � • i •,� • � • n • •,� •,� � � • i �� � NUTION I�T Councilman Schneider to :et the public hearing on this plat for Janu�ry 5, 1987. Seaonded h� Coimcilm�n Fitzpatrick, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, NL�yor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. D. OONSIDERATION OF A REZONII�K', RDJUEST, ZOA #86-06, 'Iq REZOI� FROM C-3. GENERAL SHOPPII� CENPER. DD C-2. GENERAL BUSINES5. ON THE SOUTfi 3D0 FEET OF Tf� NORTH 750 FEET OF THE NORTHEAST OUARTER OF THE NJRTHWESP OiJAFrPER EXCEPT THE EAST 720 FEET THEREOF. ALL IN SEGTION 12 . T-30 , I�24 , ANC)KA COI]NPY, MINNESOTA. SUBJEC'P � ROA� F115EMENP5 OF RECORD. GENERAId,Y LOCA'PED SOUTH OF OSBORNE R�AD AND F�S'�' OF VIRON RDAD. BY JOHN NEI.SON: NDTION 1� Coimcilman Schneider to set the public hearing on this rezoning request for January 5, 1987. Semnded Ix Coimcilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Nhyor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. E. RESOLUTION N0. 128-1986 APP%7VING A L(7P SPLIT. L.S. #86-09, TO SPLIT Tf� AAI�PH 362 23 FEET OF Tf� SOOTI3 877 87 FEET Ok' ALL THAT PART OF T[lE SOUTHWEST 0[4�1'ER OF TIIE NOR'PHWESP OUARTER OF SECPIQN 2, 'i'-30 . I�?f1 , AI�AKA COUNfY, MINNE94TA. LYIIV� WESTERLY OF STATE TftONK HIGHWAY 47 E2CCEPT7I� THE EASTERI,y 600 FEEi' THEREOF: AI�ID Tf� EASTERLY 600 FEET OF TFIE NURTH 425 23 FEEP OF THE SOUPH 877 87 FEEP OF ALL THAT PART OF Tf� SOUTHWEST OUAftTER OF Tf� NORTIIWEST OUARTER OF $ECPION 2,�-30 . I.�24 . ANOKA COUNI'Y, MINNESOTA LYING WESTERLY OF STATE TR[II�IIC HIGHWAY 47 FRUM ALL TFIAT PAErP OF I�OT 1. BLOCEC 1. VANPAGE COMPADIIES ADDITION. TOGETHER WITH THE NJ1�PH 425.23 FEET � QF THE SOOTH 877. $7 FEEP OF ALL THP,T PART OF THE SO[fPHWEST OUAR'�ER OF TfIE I3JRTFIWEST O@1RTER OF SECTION 2, T-30. I�24. ANJKA COi7D7PY MINNESCIPA LYII� WESTERLY OF SPATE TRUNK HIGHWAY 47. GENERALLY TA('ATID AT 8150 U�7ERSITY A�7ENOE N E BY VANI'AGE COP�ANIES INC -5- �o��� �����-�� , � � �.«�,��: �: �a� �� � Mr. Robertson, Cotmntmity Develognent Director, stated this is a lot split proposefl for Vantage Companies between 81st anci 83rd Avenues at the northwest corner of University Aven�. He stated, presently, these three propertie5 are combined into one tax parcel in con7unctio❑ with the developnent agreenent for mnstruction of the Wholeeale Q ub. Mr. Fnbertson stated the develognent agreement calls for a shopping center ty pe of develognent with the Wholesale Club on the south and then a wntiquous building and retail c�nter of approximately 60,000 s7uare feet to the north. He stated Vantage O�m�ames reguested the pioFerty Le split so that a sale of the Wholesale Club could be accomplished Ix the end of the year. Mr, Rabertson stated there are some technical considerations in regard to the Building Coc� which will have to be worked out, He stated, basically, the way the Wholesale Qub is o�nstructed, there has to be a 60 foot mimm�nn distance to the next tuilding, havever, the Cod� allaas for landscaping and a oovered pedestrian walkway in that 60 foot s�ce. He stated if the walkway is going to have openings on either end, thEy must be properly fire rated and the wall of the new building wotild have to be at least five feet fran the property dtvision line, therefore, the minimun the walkway would be is 65 feet. Mr. RDbertson stated the question the sellers are considering is how to oot-roe� title to the property to include this se�ration. He stated it ooulc� ' be cbne lx a 6D foot setback to the lot line, in which case there would have to be an addi.tional five feet to the north, or it muld be cbne tr� a series of cross easements. He stated staff would recommend the Council consider the lot split this evening, with the 13 stipulations. He stated the detailed lecpl descriptions of where the split would take place would be included in the final language of the amended developnent agreanent. Mr, Nichol, representing Vantage Com�anies, stated thEy have a buyer for the Wholesale Q ub and in order for the :�le to occur, the lot split would have to be apprwed, Co�mclman Goodspeed asked Mr. Nichol if Vantage Companies has any problen with the stipulations. Mr, Nichol stated in reference to Item 8, any buyer would be willing to enter into a manac�nent agreenent, but any oontract would have some form of canoellation clause because of i�bility to �erform. Mr. Qureshi, City Nl�nager, stated when Vantage Companies first approached the City regarding developnent, a r�oning and c�velognent plan was approved on the I�sis it would be a aontiguous c�velopnent, He stated the Housing & Redevelopnent Authority provided some assistance for soil correction. He stated this was to be an attractive, aontiguous, high-quality developnent and imder the o�ntrol of one aanership. He stated even though a lot spl it may be ap}x oved, the aontrols and qu3lity are still preserved as long as it � is a mntiguous developnent. Mr. Qureshi stated staff is recommending a nunber of stipulations in regard to the lot split. He stated what needs to be worked out is the s�aoe between the two develognents. NI�. Qureshi stated there was a o�mmitmertt made between the City and Vantage Compsnies and, as � 00� ��. COC�n� MEETII� OF DEC��ER 22. 1986 ' long as this isn't changed and the City still has a quality cievelopnent, he woulch't have a problen with the lot sglit. Mr. Nichol stated even though the� are attempting a sale of the Wholesale Qub, there isn't any deviation frcm their original commitment to build a quality developner�t. He stated in the mnstruction of the Wholesale Club, more fimds were spent to upgrade the front of the builcling so it would blend better with their plans for Phase II. He stated as it relates to a mntiguous aspect, the� would like to explore this to work it out. Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, stated his office has been workinq with legal ootmsel for Vantage ComFanies to see if they can accommodate a contiguous develognent in the future, He stated the lot split doesn't necessarily preclude that fran happening. Mz�. Fobertson stated it would be a�ntiguous cPVelopnent, the only question is if it would be oontiguous with a walkway ana landscaped area or if the two buildings w�.11 be right next to each other. NDTION l� Cotmci].�n Goodspeed to acbpt Resolution No. 128-1986, with the follaaing stipulations, and the language of the develoianent agreenent be apprwed lx the City Attorney. 4he stipulations are as follaas: (1) Future mnstruction to the north of the Wholesale Club to be located five feet � north of the new property line; (2) Existing and future building to be cnnnected kr� a ouvered pedestrian walkway; the intervening 65 foot s�ce to be utilized for a pedestrian glaza with extensive landscaping; (3) A paved acoess road of 2� foot miniminn width with appropciate radii be provided around the entire perimeter of the buildinq complex (including future buildings) to provide fire access; (4) All subsequent buildings and pec�strian walkways to k�e oontiguous so as to create an integrated shopping center; (5) The facades and canopies of subsequent buildings and �rking ar�s to be of equal or better visual qualiiy ana materials as specified in develognent agreenent; (6) Landscaping around subsequent buildings and �xrking areas to be of equal or better visual quality and materials as specified in the developnent agxeenent; (7) Future develognent submittals wYuch cb not meet the alhove referenced stipulations, as determined L� staff, shall be subject to Planning Commissiott anc] City Council approval; (8) Vantage ComFanies must mvenant to retain management cantrol for both the Wholesale Club and all other future developnent prior to xecordirag lot split, to be reviewed with City Attorney; (9) Vantage Comganies must oovenant to build oovered walkway and plaza (referenoed in #2 above) as Fart of Phase TI construction; (10} Uantage ComFan�.es must receive fran buyer an easement agreenent to construct, oFexate and maintain the covered walkway and plaza (referenced in #2 above) prior to remrdinq lot split; (11) Cross easement for �rking and access between Wholesale Qub parcel and Phase II Faroels to be rewrded with lot sglit; (12) Sti�ulations to be incorporated into a develognent agreement amendment and filed at the County in oonjimetion with lot sglit; and (13) A drainage easement for rimoff fran Lot � C into deter�t.ion pond on Lot A should be executed and recorded with the Co�mty. Seo�nded L� Cotmcilman FitzFatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, N�yor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. -7- oo� ��; COUNCIL MEETING OF DECQ�7BER 22. 1986 � N�TION by Councilman Barnette to receive the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of Decembez 10, 1986. Seo�nded l� Cnuncilman Goodspeed. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unani.mously. ' RECEIVING THE MIN[T1'ES OF Tf� CATV AD�/ISORY C MMISSION MEETING OF NOVEMBER 20. 1986- ADTIOIV b� Co�mcil�n Schneider to receive the minutes of i�he (7aTJ Cottunission meeting of Novenber 20, 1986. Seoonded 6y Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 10. CONSIDERATION OF ENTERING INTO A JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT WITH THE ANOKA COUNPY HIGHWAY DEPAIZPMENT FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF MISSISSIPPI STREET AND UNIVERSITY AVENOE INPERSECTION: Mr. F7.ora, Public Works Director, stated part of the improvement of the Mississippi Street and University Avenue intersection includes the installation of utilities to support f uture developnent in the southwest corner of this intersection. He stated the City has requested the installation of these utilities be included in the County's plans fox upgrading this intersection. Mr. Flora stated this 7oir,t powers agreenent is to oover w sts associated with the City's portion of the iroprov enent at an estimated cost of $147,859.54. He stated the HRA is in agreenent with these figures and the im�xovements to be completed and has requested the �oint powers agreener�t be executed t� the City Council. He statecl there was a proposal to provide an acoess road, opposite the westerly acoess of Holly Shopping Center. He stated, currrently, there is not a plan for develognent in the southwest mrner, since the Lundgren project hasn't materialized. He felt, haaever, the improvenents should be installed so as to allow for £uture develognern. P�yor Neee stated he would like to see a plan, therefore, the following action was taken: NDTION ]x Coimcilman Barnette to table tYiis item to the next regular meeting on January 5, 1987. Se�nc3ed tX Cotmcilman Schneider, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, 1�&por Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. I ���„ � ; �� • ��� ���w u ►� �. ��uw � �� NDTION b� Co�mcilman Goodspeed to nominate Kenneth Vos for appointment to the P,ppeals Commission. Seoonded l� Co�mcilman Schneic�r. Zhere being no further nominations, the follaaing action was taken: MOTION by Councilman Barnette to cast an � appointment of Kenneth Vos to the Appeals Cotmcilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all the motion carried unammously. � unanimous ballot for the Commission. Seconded by voting aye, Nayor Nee declared � ' � oo� �� • 1�. _ 4i�� . � «�i_ ; • : . 12. RESOLUTION NO 129-1986 APPROVING THE AMENDMENT TO THE MODIFIED RIDEVEIAPMENP PLAN FOR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT N0. 1 AND AMENDING THE TAX INCREMEIVP PL�NS FOR TAX INCREMED7P DISTRICTS N0. 2 7'fiROUGH 8: t�DTION b� Cotmcilman FitzFatrick to adopt Resolution No. 129-1986. Se�nded hy Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 13. RESOL[IPION N0. 130-1986 'ln ADVERTISE FOR BIAS FOR THE REPAIR ADID MAINi'ENANCE OF N7ELL5 N0. 3& 4: Mr. F7ora, Public Works Director, stated the City Yr�xs a maintenance program for their wells and have scheduled Wells 3, 4, 12, and 13 for routine mainterance and reFairs. He r�uested the Council consider this item and item 14 in rec�ard to the resolutions to advertise for bic�. 1�DTION L� Cotmcilman Schneider to acbpt Resolution No. 130-1986. Seconded L� Co�mcilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. v � • }�C�j � • � • • � • • i � �i4� Ns' � • • i� NDTION l� Coimcilman Fitz�etrick to adopt Resolution No. 131-1986. Seoonded l� Councilman Schneider, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unammously. 15. APYOINPMEATPS: CITY ENIPIAYEES: I�DTION b3 Cotmcilman Schneider to �ncur wiYh the follaaing appointments by tl�e City Manager : Ni1ME Steven D. Coyle 601 Manor Dr. Sprinq Lake Park 55432 Ii�S1TION NF�intenance I (Union) STARTING SALARY $8.47 per FIour ($1473.78 Mo. ) .�• �v Dec. 29, 19 86 REPLA(ES Jim Bates (Street Fbrenan) Kory Jorgensen N�inter�nce I $8.47 per Dec. 29, Richard 8101 Ruth Circle (Union) Hour 1986 Bloam E'ridlEy, NN 55432 ($1473.78 Mo.) iRetired) Seoonded b� Co�cilman Fitz g�trick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, M3yor Nee �clared the motlon carried uarumously. 16. CLAZMS- NDTION }� Councilman Barnette to authorize �yment of Claims No. 11969 through 12214. Seounded Ix Cotmcilman Schneider, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. � � 1% ' � � ^ �� ��; ��.� 1� .J� _ yl • 1 M�lul: • LICENSES: PDT]DN ty Cotmcilman Schneider to approve the lioenses as sutmitted and as on Pile in the Lioense Clerk's Office. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 18. ESPIMATES• NDTION b� Coim cilman Schneider to approve the estimates as suUnitted: Eugene A. Hickok & Associates 545 Indian Nbimd Wayzata, AN 55391 Moore Lake Restoration Praject - Fhase II Partial Estimate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Short Elliott-Hendrickson 200 Gopher Bmlding 222 East Little Car�c� Road St. Paul, NN 55117 Lake Pointe Gorporate Oenter A�nolition & Grading Pro�ect #163 . . . . . . . . . . . $ 271. $1 $ 10,831.44 Seoonded 1� Coimcilman Fitz�trick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carxied unammously. M7TION by Councilman Schneider to ad�ourn the meeting. Seconded by Cotmcilman Barnette. Upon a voiae vote, all voting aye, N�tyor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Coimcil of Deoember 22, 1986 adjourned at 8:43 p.m. Respectfully sutmitted, % > ��-lu�� _�rsL�-r��� Carole Haddad, Secretary to the City Coimcil Appraved: -10- i��a�� ��'� � �'� , � �' t--. �� William J. �e, Ntayor