04/20/1987 BOE - 000112301
7he City Cotmcil met as the Board of REVie�a and the meeting was called to
orc�r at 7:38 p, m lx Mayor Nee.
Nhyor Nee led the Co�cil and audi.enoe in the Pledge of Allegiance ta the
MEtBII2S HtFSFNT: Mayor Nee, Co�cilman Gooclspeed, Gotmcilman
FitzFatrick, @imcilman Srhneider and
Cotmcilwanan Jorgenson
Nhyor Nee stated the City Goimcil will be meeting as the Board of Review for
the purpose of re�iewing properites where the aaners have questionec7 the
value placed on their properties. He stated the Board of Revicia is a
process to actjust market values in cases of errors or wersic�ts.
Mr, t�hc�en, (7.ty Assessor, iritroduoed Mr. Gordon Starky, representing Anoka
Coimty Assess�r's Offioe. He stated it is necessacy for a representative of
the Ntmty to be �esent at this meeting.
Mr, l�hdsen stated this meeting is provided for in the State statute to
review values of all 1987 taxable �operty for taxes payable in 1988. He
stated the Board of Reviea must oomplete its wark within 20 days.
Mr. I�dsen stated the Assessor's Office physically reviews all taxable
property at least once every four years. He stated this year's review
ouvered properties south of Mississippi and north of 57th Avenue, as we11 as
all rew oonstruction in the City. He stated in arriving at the market
values, wer 300 sles that took plaoe in 1986 were analyzed. Mr. Madsen
stated the ratio of �ile �ioes of Ixoperties dropped from 93$ to 89� from
the beginning to the end of the year. He stated land values were
oonsistently incr�sed lx about 58, e�ept for lots on the river and creeks
which had a greater increase. He stated the overall effect of these
adjustments is about 93� of the value ratio,
Mr. I�dsen stated the Board of Review can take three possible actions to (1)
affirnt the value plaoed on the �operty; (2) decrease the value placed on
the property; or (3) remimnend an increase upon notice to the owner. He
stated if the Froperty avner is still tmsetisfied with the Board's action,
the case may be presented to the Anoka @imty Board.
Mr. N�dsen stated the follaaing persons have requested a review of the
values plaaed on their properties.
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' Mr. Zeddies, Attorney for Ms. CYabtree, stated the value of this property
increased about 10-1/2� over last year. He stated this seems somewhat
inordinate in view of the fact that this hane was mnstructed in 1955. He
stated there was virtually ro frontage in front of this Ixoperty, but river
frontage to the rear. Mr, Zeddies stated the house is a single story
c�elling with one large and two snaller bedroans on the main floor and the
s�uare footage is approximatly 1,345. He stated the laaer L�sement level is
�rtly finished with a recreation room, a room which can be used as a
bedroan, and a 3/4 bath. Mr. Zeddies stated the oonstruction is wood with a
Eartial stone facing. He stated the hane has no built in appliances. the
floors are all plywood, and certain ara3s need reFair. He stated as far as
the land, he dich't believe anyone would ob7ect to a 5� increase, but to
incra�se the value of the hane is a mistake.
Mr. I�dsen asked Mr. Zeddies if he had a square footage of 1,345. Mr.
Zeddies stated this was the wnotmt he had measured. Mr. �c�en stated they
have a difference in this area as the City's records shaa 1,448 s�u3re feet.
He stated this aould 6e r�iewed since there is a discre�ancy.
Mr. Nhdsen stated Mr. Zeddies mentioned the value of land increased 5�,
haaever, the exception was properties on the river or creeks which were
incr�sed more at vatying amoimts. He stated on this �rticular property,
the land value increased 25� and the structure 3�. He stated the cities of
Coon Rapids, Brooklyn Center, Brooklyn Park, and Fridle� cv d a stuc73 on land
values on the river and noted all values were oonsiderably lcwer than actu3l
� sale �ioes. He stated the value placed on this lot is $45,700.
Mr. [�hdsen stated as far as the frontage of this property, it was platted
witYi Marion Terrace and access is provided to the street. Mr. Zeddies
stated he dich't Imaa hav it muld be a 116 foot frontage.
Mr. Qureshi, City I�nager, stated there seems to be s�me di.sagreenent on the
size of the hane and lot and felt this item should be continued to May 4,
Ms. Crabtree stated she felt there were some inec;uities in the value of the
land and with the enarmous increases, residents cannot afford to renain in
their hanes.
NDTION Ps,� Councilman Fitz�trick to continue this item to May 4, 1987.
Semnded lx Cotmcilman Schneider. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor
Nee c�clared the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. l�hdsen, City Assessor, stated Mr. Reynolcls was in last ya-�r and felt his
ooncern is the sdme. He stated the Board of Review reduced the value on
this �operty l� $6,000 last year as it was felt the home was overimproved
for the neic�borhood. He stated the property this year received the same
� incr�se as all other hanes in the City.
Mr. Reynolcl5 was not present at this meeting.
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1 NDTION b� Coimcilman Fitz�atrick to affixm the value glaced on this �operty
lx the Assessor's Offic�. Seoonded l� Goimcilman Gooclspeed. Upon a aoice
vote, all voting aye, Ntayor Nee declared the motion carried unammously.
Mr. N�c�en, C7ty Assessor, stated there were 12 sales in the neighborhood
this Fsst year and five �operties were chosen that were most wmp�rable to
the Shaar's �operty. He stated fran this analysis, it shaas this property
is valued less than for what the other properties sold, even though they
were snaller hanes.
Mr. and Mrs. Shaa were not presem at this meeting.
NDTION b� Co�mcilman Schneider to affinn the value placed on this property
lx the Assessor's Offirn. Se�nded b� Co�mcilman FitzXatrick. Upon a voioe
vote, all voting aye, NHyor Nee ci�clared the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. N�clsen, City Assessor, stated this �operty is located on the corner of
East River Road and Janesv�.11e Street. He stated the home is small,
haaever, last year a fairly large detached c�rage was constructed and felt
it was somciahat of an overimprwenent for the area.
� Mr. Nhdsen stated he would reooim[iend a reduction in the value from $42,400
to $40,700, haaever, he was Luiable to aontact the Iaoperty aaner to acl�ise
her of this remmmendation
Ms. Betts was not present at this meeting.
NDTII�N ty Coimcilman Fitz�atrick to mncur with the recommendation of the
Assessor's Offioe and reduce the value on this property from $42,400 to
$40,700. Seoonded b� Co�mcilwanan Jorgenson. [Tpon a voioe vote, all voting
aye, Nhyor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Dahl stated he purchased this property in October, 1986 for $59,500
whidi included applianoes and sane furnishings. He stated he checked with
the Assessor's Offioe before he purchased the property and in Jime, 1986 the
value was $58,200.
Mr. Nhclsen, (�ty Assessor, re�iewed similar �operties at 6640 Lucia Lane,
215 57th Place and 4700 2nd Street where sales ranged from $61,800 to
$67,000. He stated these hanes were snaller and, in sane ca`es, older. He
stated the property on 2nd Street is close to industrial property on Main
Street and the other two �operties are close to ma�or thoroughfares.
� Mr. Dahl stated the bottan line is the home was on the market for an
e7ctenc�d period of time and he bouc�t it for $59,500 and that prioe included
about $1,OD0 in furnishings. He questioned how the value can increase
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� $3,000 in six moirths.
Mr. Fhclsen stated the increase did not occur over this �rticular time
period. He stated the City is not at 100� of market value and this value is
the average of many kinds of real estate sales. He stated all the
information regarding these ssles is open to the public.
Coimcilman Schneider stated the oomFarables cb not shav a single home that
is selling for less than the value pla�d on Mr. I�hl's hane. He stated the
State lae requires that hanes be fairly eaaluated relative ta market price.
He stated he would be willing to table this it�n in orc�r that Mr. Dahl can
revi�a the reaorcis.
Mayor Nee asked if there was a ra3]. estate agent involved in the sale aP Yris
hane. Ng. L8h1 stated the real estate broker was I�rlin Bond.
Mr. Madsen stated the sale prioe of [+ir. Dahl' s home wasn' t on record and
questiored if the oertificate of real estate value was filed. Mr. IkZhl
stated everything was fil.ed when he purchased the property.
Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated he would recommend Mr. Dahl review the
c�ta available at the Assessor's Offioe.
NDTION L� Councilman Schneider to continue this item to May 4, 1987.
' Seoonded b� Cowicilwanan Jorgenson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye,
N�yor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Madsen, City Assessor, stated a note was received from Ms. Larson
indicating she felt the val� on her property was too high based on the
property next door to her which has been a detriment. He stated Mr.
Brickner is in the process of constructing a home next to the Larson
property and dichi't know if this was the item to which Ms. Larson was
referring. Iie stated staff was imable to mntact her by phone and sent a
letter, but has not had a response.
Ms. Iarson was not present at this meeting.
NDTION b� Coimcilman Schneic�r to afficm the value glaced on this property
lx the Assessor's Offioe. Seo�nded L� Cotmcilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice
vote, all voting aye, NL�yor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously.
•7: •• • �• �
Mr. N�clsen, City Assessor, stated this Fxoperty has had improvements cbne
over the years. He stated the home is a 1-1/2 story finished expansion
which had been cnnverted fran a 1-1/4 taLfinished exp3nsion and a 364 s�uare
foot one story addition has been added.
' Mr. Madsen stated a study has been done regarding overimprovenents in
neiqhborhoods in an attempt to determine the value of these properties,
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� however, he stated a conclusion was never reached that the value is
decreased k�eca use of the werimpravanent in a Farticular neighborhood.
Mr. Nbslx was not present at this meeting.
pDTION Ix O�imcilman FitzFatrick to affinn the value glaoed on this property
l� the Assessor's Offioe. Seoonded L� Coimcilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice
vote, all voting aye, N�yor Nee declared the motion carried unammously.
Ms. Vierkant stated she had this hane t,uilt in 1985 and it was brought to
her attention several months later the home shoul�'t be occupied as it
dich't meet the City o�ck. She stated Jack Menkveld was the builder and the
ra�ltor was Brad Dunhan.
Mr. Nhdsen, (S.ty Assessor, stated Ms. Vierkant stated she had not rec+eived a
certificate of occupancy and he dich't Imaa if it is issued on residential
property. He stated the Lusement floor is belaa street lwel and a walkout
and when there is a heavy rain, water enters the basement through the
walkout cbor. He stated a reduction in value for the walkout portian of
this property is recommended.
�imcilwanan Jorgenson asked Ms. Vierkant if the B�lding Inspector advised
her the walkout wulfh�'t be �nstructed, as she was advised the City's
� inspector told the aontractor a walkout shouldn't have been built on this
site. Ms. Vierkant stated she was not advised, but didn't know if the
oontractor was so advised or not.
Ms. Vierkant stated acoording to 1�rre1 Qark and Mark Burch, she needs an
occu�ncy permit to sell her house and she cbesn't have one.
Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated he understands there is a disagre�nent
between the �operty aarier and the cnntractor. He stated the oontractor has
been ac7�ised what actions are needed to oorrect the situation.
Ms. Vierkant stated the oontractor did some additional work, however, the
�oblen is not solved as there are holes big enough to allaa birc3s inside
her hane.
NDTION by Councilman Goodspeed to continue this item to Niay 4, 1987.
Seoonded k� Co�mcilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, NJayor
Nee declared the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. N�clsen, City Assessor, stated the City does not have any other similar
properties and the Fxoblen is trying to find com�rable sales, He stated
the State-wide acoepted oost manisl was used to wmpute the value on a cost
� basis less depreciation. He stated the sale price of the property was
$167,500 prior to redesicyiing and general refurbishing.
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� Co�mcilwanan Jorgenson stated a letter received Pran the Wright's indicated
thEy needed more time to gather necessary information and requested the
matter be held o�n.
NDTION b� Councilman Fitzg�trick to oontinue this item to M�y 4, 1987.
Seoonded Lx Co�mcilman Goodspeed Upon a voiae vote, all voting aye, Mayor
Nee c�clared the motion carried unatv.mously.
Mr. Nelson, representing Hardees', stated the value placed on this property
was $432,000. He stated Burger King and McLbnald's properties are valued at
$320,000 and $298,000. He stated there is a disagreenent on the s�uare
footage of the Fxoperty and would like this item mntinued for two weeks.
M�TION tt� Councilman Fitzpatrick to oontinue this item to May 4, 1987.
Seoonded tr� Coimcilman Goodspeed LTpon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Nlayor
Nee declared the motion carried unanimously.
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Mr. Nhclsen, Ci.ty Assessor, stated this property owner was unable to attend
the meeting this evening. He stated a letter was received from them
indicating they felt the value was too high.
� Mr. Nhdsen stated the property was purchased in 1980 for $70,000 and it is
naa valued at $72,700 which he felt was not excessive.
NDTION l� Cotmcilman Goodspeed to affinn the value placed on this proFerty
b� the Assessor's Office. Seoonded l� Coimcilman FitzFatrick. Upon a voice
vote, all voting aye, I�&yor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously.
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Mr. Hoskins stated in 1985 the value was $66,500; $71,000 in 1986; and
$75,600 in 1987. He stated he has two additions on his home and one is
used as a beauty shoppe, haaever, with these additions, one bedroom was
eliminated. Mr. Hoskins stated a hane in their neiqhborhood with a three
car garage and �tio was for sale for a year and the awner wulc�'t sell it
for $59,000.
Mr, l�hdsen, (xty Assessor, stated in reviewing comparable sales, it seems
this �operty is not wervalued, Y�ut would like the opportunity to review
NDTION 1� Councilman Fitz�trick to continue this item to May 4, 1987.
Semnded � Coimcilman Schneider. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor
Nee c�clared the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. I+�clsen, GYty Assessor, stated this �operty avner had registered this
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evening to question the value plaeed on his property, t,ut apFarently changed
his mind and left the meeting.
NDTION 1� Cotmcilman FitzFatrick to affinn the value plaoed on this �'operiy
1� the Assessor's Offioe. Semnded k� Co�mcilman Gooclspeed. Upon a voice
vate, all voting aye, P�yor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously.
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Mr. [+&dsen, C7ty Assessor, stated Mr. Harris has reqistered an ob�ection to
the value plaoed on this property and he wi11 appear before the Anoka Coimty
NDTION ls,� CAimcilman Schnei�r to aoritinue this Board of Review N�eting to
Nhy 4, 1987. Seoonded L� Coimcilwanan Jorgenson. Upon a voice vote, all
voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and this
meeting closed at 8:55 p.m.
Respectfully sutmitted,
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Carole Haddad
Secretaty to the City Coimcil
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