05/04/1987 BOE - 00011206��'i''"�;
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I�yor Nee reopened the Board of Review I+�eeting, which was oontinued from
April 20, at 7:38 p.m
N�yor Nee led the Goimcil and audienoe in the Pledge of Allegiance to the
Fl ag.
1�ENBII2S PRFSII�7T: Mayor Nee, Cbtmcilman Gooclspeed, 6xmcilman
FYtzFatrick, ��cilman Schneider and
Cotmcilwanan Jorgenson
Msyor Nee stated this meeting is a continuation of the Board of Review
meeting of April 20. He stated the purpose of the Board of Review is to
review values plaoed on �operties in the City L� the Assessor's Office. He
stated several persons have requested a review of these values and some
itens were tabled fran the last meeting in order to allaa staff further time
1 to research.
Mr. l�clsen, City Assessor, stated he was unable to gain access to Mrs.
CYabtxee's home so all the xe-examination of the property was from the
outside. He stated two FsimaLy mnoerns raised at the last meeting were the
size of the lot and the square footage of the home. Mr. Madsen stated in
checking the dimensions of the }xoperty, it was fo�md they were all correct
and the lot size is approximately 116 feet wide. He stated it was mentioned
the property aa�r di�h't have access to the street, but as far as he can
determine, this is not the case. Mr. Madsen stated he felt the value of
$119,000 should not be changed.
�imcilman Fitz�atrick stated the question was raised that land values may
have been affected }x some outrageously hic� single �ale. Mr. Maclsen stated
values were not oumFared witl� any specific land sale, however, a study was
made with the cities of Brooklyn Center, Brooklyn Park, and Coon Rapids
rec�rding sales of river properties and, k�sed on this study, it was felt
increases were long overdue. He stated there was one sale of land in 1980,
ahout a block fran this FxoFerty, which sold for $69,000. He stated the
land value on Mrs. Crabtree's �operty is at $47,700. Mr. l�clsen stated not
much credence was given to the $69,000 sale, as it was felt this was a
rather inflated price. He stated the value of the river lots in Fridley
� incra3sed 5�, the �me as other lots in the City, plus $7,500 wkuch anoimted
to a 25� increase.
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� Mc. Zeddies, attorr�ey repxesenting Mrs. CYat*ree, stated this lot is inusual
as it only has a 15 foot ent[y to the street which affects the value. He
stated because of the configuration, which the City wanted for possible
future expansion of the road to the south, the lot has 60 feet which is
useless and the way it is being assessed is �mfair. Mr. Zeddies stated the
property aaner cbesn't object to the value plaoed on the hane, but the value
of the lot. He stated there is not one lot in Brooklyn Center that is
val�d above $35,00� and the� are acoessible to the tiver. He stated this
lot has about a 60 foot tank and there is no way to obtain access to the
river. Mr. Zeddies stated he checked values of lots on this street and
there is only one lot to the north that has an assessed value of
approximately what is beinq proposed for this lot and all the rest are
Coimcilman Fit2g'�trick asked haa the additional $7,500 value on river lots
was determiried.
Mr. l�hcisen stated an average was taken on what lots should be increased
l�sed on the stuc� of FricIlEy and other nei9hboring oommunities which have
lots on the river. He stated there were sales which shaved FYic�e3's values
laaer than the average for these kincls of properties. He stated it was felt
values had to Ue incra�sed and brought in line with other �operties in the
l�yor Nee asked if the other oommunities glan to incxease their values
� acoordingly. Mr. N�dsen stated he hasn't checked their 1987 assessnents and
mainly rc�iewed sales that took plaoe on river property, but there aren't a
lot of sales of this type of �operty.
Coimcilman Schneider asked if tl�e land value was based on square footage.
Mr. Nhclsen stated it is 6ased on the width and applying a deFth factor. He
stated the width increases the value of a lot rather than the depth since
the width, la�sically, determines the size of a structure on a particular
lbimcilman Fitz�atrick asked if tl�e tmusisl frontage of this lot was taken
into mnsideration when the value was determined. Mr. Madsen stated this
was not taken into acootmt as this would be, �sically, the same as lots on
a cul-de-sac, He stated the biggest oonoern is the width which determines
the size of a structure on a lat.
(bimcilman FitzFatrick asked if Mrs. Crabtree intends to take her concerns
to the Cotmty if there is no c3iange remimnen�d in the value. Mr. Zeddies
stated this matter was discussed with Mrs. CYabtree and it was felt she has
to take the next step in the process. He felt there is some area of
mmFsanise. He stated if it is felt there has to be a 58 increase in
properiy value, it would be fair, but to add another $10,000 or $11,000 to
the land value dich't make any sense.
� N�yor Nee stated he felt sane property aaners felt the increase was radical
and stated he would like to see the stuc� that cbewnented the increases. He
stated the sales dich't seem to justify that figure.
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� Mr. Zeddies stated this house was listed with a re31 estate oomFany in 1985
for $150,000. Mrs. CYabtree advised the realtor if an offer over $110,000
was reoeived to sutmit it to her. He stated the house was on the market for
three moriths and prospective buyers felt the price was ridiculous. He
stated they dich't like the acoess and dich't want to raise children there
because of the hic� l�nk down to the river. He stated not one person made
an offer on the house. He stated you have to deal with reality and not with
hypothetics, Mr, Zeddies stated the Board of Review o�uld make a decision
this ever�ing and save evexyone the time and expense of groceeding further,
if there is a only a reasonable increase in the val� of the land.
Cotmcilman Fitzpatrick stated the problen is the same formula has been
applied to a ntunber of properties and if a substantial decrease is
remmmenc3ed, there muld he a problen with other properties.
Mr. N�clsen stated possibly the average value of all river lots wuld be
determir�ed and used as a Ixzsis. He stated this lot is probably one of the
widest lots on the river.
Coimcilman Schneider stated in order to take advantage of the additional
width for this lot, the existing hane would have to be renoved. Mr. Madsen
stated there is always the possibility the property aaner may wish to add on
to the �operty and e�ra land for e�cpansion has a very high value. He
stated he is oonfic�nt the value placed on this property reflects a true
market value.
� Cotmcilman Goodspeed asked if tl�ere were other lots on the river that have
this odd shape. Mr. I�c�en stated two other areas have a si.tuation that is
worse where they share acoess. He stated it is not �musual as long as there
is enouc�i rocm on the lot to Fark vehicles.
NDTIDN L� Coimcilman FitzFatrick to affi�m the value glaoed on this Ixoperty
1� the Assessor's Offioe. Se�nded t� Cotmcilman Gooclspeed.
Mc. Qureshi, City [+L�r�ger, questioned if the value of the 60 feet on the
east of the lot was renoved, how it would affect the total value. Mr.
l�dsen stated it would k�e vexy little, probably about $500. Mr. Qureshi
felt there may be some rationale to give a reduction on this portion because
of the possible extension of the road and the uniqueness of the lot
oonf iguration.
ebimcilman Fitzpatrick stated he cbubted that the owner would ac�pt a$500
reduction and suspected they would take their case to the Coimty.
Mr. Zeddies asked if Mrs. Crabtree would have access to the study done l�
the four oonummities and the method that would be used for a reduction. Mr.
N�clsen stated the stuc}3 is available for review and open to the public.
UI�N A VOICE VOTE TAI�N ON �S3E ABOJE NpTION, Councilman Fitzpatrick,
� Coimcilman Goodspeed, O�imcilman Sdineider and Mayor Nee voted in favor of
the motion. �tmcilwcman Jorgenson voted against the motion. Mayor Nee
declared the motion carried k� a 4 to 1 vote.
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Nh�. Nhdsen, City Assessor, stated Mr. Dahl was mailed a full list of all
residential �xles for 1986 in Fric�ey and ofPered assistanoe, havever, staff
has received no response fran iv.m. He stated in d�ecking with the �imty to
see if this sale had been reoorded, it was found the sale had never been
reoorded with a deed, mntract for deed, or certificate of real estate
value. He stated there was a purchase agreenent filed with an application
for hanestead at tYie Cbwzty Assessor's Office. He stated this homestead
will not be valichted until necessaty widenoes are reoorded, therefore, the
Coimty cbes rrot reooc�ize this sale. Mr, N�cisen stated as far as the �tmty
is �ncerried, the p�roperty a,or�ers are l�rtin and Kathy Burditt.
(bincilwanan Jorgenson stated she widerstands Mr. Ixihl had an appointment to
close on this property and would not close. She stated Martin and Kathy
Burditt are still the avners and have no objection to the value placed on
the �xoperty. �imcilwanan Jorgenson stated she has a problem if Mr. Dahl
isn't the property aaner and hasn't closed on the home and yet is here to
argue the value plaaed on the Fxoperty.
Mr. L�hl, stated the Burditt's didn't furnish the documents to close the
sale. He stated this issue is to be resolved We�esday. Mr. Dahl stated
the first closing was set for last Novanber 1 and he obtained possession
because he gave then a d�wn Xsyment,
� Councilwanan Jorgenson stated she received a di£ferent story from the
Burditt's that N1r. L�hl didn't want to provide the balance of the money
aaed. Mr. Dahl stated he has to go to court regarding this fiqure.
Coimcilwanan Jorgenson stated she �derstands this has been settled 1� the
oourts in favor of the Burditt's, Mr. Dahl stated the issue was to be
resolved, Yut the Burditt's dich't have the cbaunents.
Coimcilman Schneider asked if the $59,500 figure was one of the issues. Mr.
Ihhl. stated this has nothing to do with the case, but the issue is the
l�lanoe aved.
Mr, L13h1 stated the �ale of the house went throuc� and he received the tax
stat�nent fran Anoka Co�ty and filed with then that he is the deed holder.
Coincilman Schneider asked Mr. Ikzhl if he or the seller �id a realtor's
wmmission. Mr. I.l3hl. stated the whole transaction was through a realtor.
Cotmciltnan Schneider stated staff has contacted him and he indicates he
dich't aollect a mmmission and only reviewed the purchase agre�nent as a
oourtesy. He stated he mntacted a real estate agent to purchase this home
and didn't Imaa if there was a real estate oorrnnission paid.
Mr. Dahl stated he was pleased with the information received from the
Assessor's Offi�. He stated at the last meeting, he �id $59,500 for his
hane which included futnishings. He stated in reviewing the informatian
� pravided to him, he mmFared hanes built about the same year and with the
same amoimt of s�uare footage as his hane and the average value was $57,420.
Mr. L�hl stated he checked to determine i£ any of the hanes were in a heavy
.,� , ..� • • a � a �i�a�� • � �
� traffic area and none were in such areas. He stated he considers his home
in a ha3vy traffic area and has semi-trailers on his street as the� use 63rd
_ to access onto the highway. Mr. Dahl stated he would like to see a
reduction in the value of his hane.
Nhyor Nee stated the persons wha aan the hane have indicated they have no
objection to the value placed on the �operty.
[�. N�clsen stated the tax statenent does have Mr. Dahl's name on it, He
questiorred if a contract for deed or warranty deed dich' t have to be f iled
before a person's name would appear as the aaner. He stated when he checked
witl� the Cotmty, tl�ere was no deed filed and yet the tax statenent went out
in Mr. Ik3hl.'s name.
Coimcilman Schneider felt there was a lat of �nfusion as there is a letter
fran the fee aaners which cb not wntest the value and the oontract £or deed
owner is oontesting the value.
Cotmcilwanan Jorgenson state8 Mr. Ik�hl. indicated he had ar�ther appointment
for closing this Wec�esday and then he may Ee the fee owner.
NDTION t� cbtmcilman Schneider to affiLm the val� placed on this ptoperty
IX the Assessor's Office. Se�nded Ix Coimcilwanan Jorgenson. Upon a voice
vote, all voting aye, N�yor Nee declared the motion carried unammously.
� Mr. Starky, representing the Anoka Coimty Assessor's Offioe, stated in order
to appear before the Coimty Board of F13ual�zation, an appointment should be
made with the Coimty Assessor's Offioe, He stated this meeting is scheduled
for July 6, 1987.
N�yor Nee stated ariyone who disagrees with the actions of the Board of
Review this evening should contact the �imty Assessor's Office to schedule
an ap�ointrnent for their appeal,
NDTION ]x Cotmcilman Schneic�r to reoeive the letter fran Marti❑ and Kathy
Burditt indicating they have no objection to the value placed on this
property, Semnded tr� Cotmcilman Goocispeed. Upon a voioe vote. all voting
aye, N�yor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously.
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Mr. Nhdsen, (xty Assessor, stated this property was reviewed on April 23 and
there was a L��sss Fatio cbor in the walkout wall wh�.ch has been renwed and
replaoed with a how-style cbor and windows. He stated the City's Building
Inspector told the oontractor this site is not conducive for a walkout
because of the �oblen with the drainage. He stated the oontractor has
oammen�d work to aortect the Fxoblan, k�ut at this time is not oompleted,
Mr. Nhclsen stated he felt the estimated wst to oomplete this job is $1,000
� and would recommend a reduction in the value Ix this amoimt.
Ms. Vierkarit stated to even tax a house that is still Lmd`r o�nstruction is
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� ridicul.ous, She felt the City should share s�ne of the responsibility foc
her �oblen, as thEy should have mac� sure the foimchtion was oorrect when
the house was being constructed. Ms. Vierkarit stated $1,000 would not cover
the oost to mmglete the reoessaxy work to wrrect her problens. 5he stated
the estimates she reoeived were fran $1,400 to $1,500. Ms. Vierkant stated
the house is still imder w nstruction, as there has not been a final
inspection and she can only live in or�e-half of it.
Mr. Madsen stated he would not argue with the $1,400 to $1,500 figure to
mmplete the neoes�ary oonstruction work on this hanE and would be willing
to reoommend a rec�ction of $1,500.
Ms. Vierkant stated she is �aying ta�s on a house that isn't wmplete and
felt she s�hould only pay ta�s on half of the hcxne.
i+hyor Nee stated all the Soaxd of Review, under the law, is permitted to
mnsid�r is whether or not this is a fair market value and not whether the
aaner has other problens with the �operty. He stated they are concerned
with the other arg�nnents made, but is not a part of this process of the
Soard of Revifta. He advised Ms. Vierkarit if she was not s�tisfied with the
actions of the Board, she oould wntinue her appeal to the Cbimty.
NDTIDN LX Cotmcilman Goodspeed to reduae the value placed on this property
k� the Assessor's Office 1� $1,500 from $7Q,500 to $69,000. Seconded by
� Councilwanan Jorgenson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye. Mayor Nee
c�clared the motion carried unanimously.
H_A1z�EES' RE3►_'AURANr. 289 57TH AVENUE N.E.
Mr. N�dsen, City Assessor, stated an extensive revicia was made of this
proFerty and during the �ocess, an erzor was fotmd in the s�uaxe footage.
He stated the �rrect footage of the huilding is 4,5$8 and not 4,834 square
feet. [�. Nhclsen stated this error was also made on the 1986 aseessnent and
a mrrection should be macl� for that ya3r, as well as the 1987 assessment.
He stated he would, therefore, recoimnend a reduction on the 1987 value, to
include the mrrection for the 1986 value, fran $432,400 to $412,600.
Mr. N�dsen stated a stuc� was made on �al.es of 29 restaurant type rxoperties
in the �in Ci�ies area during 1985 and 1986 and the overall analysis
re�ealed the average kuilding area was 3,323 square feet; average land area
was 47,814 s.�uate feet; average �tle �ioe per s3uare feet of building was
$123; and there were seven with a�ale prioe �mder $100 a s�uare foot. He
stated this stuc'� included the sale of three Hardees' restaurants which
ranged fran $100 to $165 a s3uare foot.
Mr. Nels�n, re�esettting Hardees', stated Mc]bnald's value is $298,000;
Burger King's is $320,000; and Hardees' is valued at almost $100,000 more
than these �operties. He stated Hardees' is being penalized for moving
into a lxe-existing building with larger square footage which raises the
' value. Mr. Ne].son stated the k:uilding the� purchased was 3,600 s3uare feet
and 900 sxuare feet was added to make it wnform to Hardees' specifications
for a total tuilding area of 4,500 s3uare feet. He stated much of this
�.�� •�� . � u�� _ .
� sFaoe is wasted because it is inefficient, as it wasn't built specifically
for a Hardees' restaurant,
Mr. Nelson stated they have seating ca�city for 96 persons and at the
Blaine Hardee's, thcy have seating for 92 persons with only 3,400 square
feet of ixtilding area. He stated if this building was c�signed lx Hardees'
to their specifications, 92 persons wuld be acmmmoc2�ted with less square
footage. Mr. Nelson stated the value on the Blaine Hardees' is $289,000.
He stated the �oper indication for fair market vzlue is what a person would
pay for the property. He questioned if someone woud pay $422,000 for a
Hardees' when the� aould buy a McA�r�ld's or Burger King for less or another
Hardees' for less. He felt the value should be reduoed to $300.000.
Mr, l�c�en stated Hardees' value is $92 a s�uare foot, Burger King, $130 a
sxuare foot, and McDonald's, $1o4 a ss�uare foot for the buildings. He
stated the� value a kuilding on the size, not on the type of txasiness.
Mayor Nee stated he felt the argument wasn't made that this was an
imre3listic value of the }aoperty, but rather the renodeling was wasteful.
Mr. Nelson stated it is a single use building and dich't ]maa who would pay
$92 a sluare foot for it.
Mr. N�dsen stated the :�les �mFared were all restaurant �operties and the
average sale was $123 a s�uare foot. He stated the Fridley Hardees' sold
� for $160 a square foot. Mr. Nelson stated there were financing techniques
used that ra311y do not re�esent the fair macket value.
FDTION ky Cotmcilman Fitz�trick to reduce the value placed on Hardees'
property fran $432,400 to $412,600. Se�ndecl L� Cotmcilman Schneider. Upon
a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried
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Mr. I�dsen, City Assessor, stated a rc�iaa was made of this property. He
stated the aaner felt the beauty shop cra�ted a fimctiorr�l obsolesoenoe, but
he felt this was not the mse, as it ouuld be oonverted to a large master
bedroan and one of the snaller existing bedrooms changed to a study to
proaic� egress to the master bedroan. He stated the value placed on this
pxoperty was wmFared with eales in the area and would teco�rnnend no diange.
Mr. Hoskins stated in oom�aring his hane with the one across the street that
sold for $73,200, his hane cbes not have the �nenities of this one which has
four bedroans, two full l�ths, kitchen and dining roan, �t�.o and grill, and
an outsic� chimney. He stated in order to obtain the rale, the avner had to
disaowit a mntract 20$ so he actually reaeived $66,400. He stated his hane
is an ex�nsion and really isn't useable in the winter. He stated it has no
permanent siding, carpet, or vinyl trim. He stated it is now valued at
' $75,60o and his taxes went up over $200 this year.
Mr, l�c�en stated there was over a 10� increase in the mill rate for School
_�.: :i� • yl�l � 4 .
� District No. 13 so this wuld acwunt for a lot of the tax increase.
Cotmcilman FitzFatrick stated wiYhout any change in the value, the increase
ls� the School District �uld change the ta�s mnsiderably.
Mr. Nhclsen pointed out property is assessed at 188 for the first $65,000 and
over that figure, it is assessed at 28�. He stated this is something the
City k�as nothing to cb with, 6ut is State law.
Mr. Hoskins stated it wasn't so muci� the value that he was acjainst, but the
increase in the taxes.
NDTION IX Cowzcilman FitzFatrick to affinn the value placed on this �xoperty
1x the Assessor's Offioe. Semnded 1� Co�mcllwanan Jorgenson. Lipon a voioe
vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unammously.
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Mr. Nhclsen, (7ty Assessor, stated he has reoeived no further response from
the property owner regarding their objection recorded at the April 20
Ms. Wright stated they are in the process of having their property
evaluated, Yut dich't have the results at this time.
Mr. Madsen stated he asswned Ms. Wright would have a response L� this
meeting, however, si�e muld oontinue her appeal at the Coimty.
Mayor Nee stated it is in the record that the value of this property was
protested which would prwide the fotmc3�tion for appeal to the Coimty.
NDTION b� Cbimcilman Fitz�atrick to affirni the value plaaed on this property
b� the Assessot's Offioe. Se�nBed b,� �lmcilman Gooclspeed. Upon a voice
vote, all voting aye, Nhyor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously.
NDTION by Councilman Schneider to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by
Councilwanan Jorgenson. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee
declared the motion carried unanimously and the meeting of the Boar� of
Review of May 4, 1987 acYjourned at 9:43 p.m
Respectfully subnitted,
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(�role Haddad,
Recording Secretary
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Will iam J Nee