06/22/1987 - 00011133'
The Special Meeting of the Fridley City Council was called to order at 7:40
p.m. by Mayor Nee.
Mayor Nee led the Couneil and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the
Fl ag.
N�MBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nee, Councilwoman Jorgenson, Couneilman
Schneider and Councilman Goodspeed
Councilman Fitzpatrick
MOTION by Couneilman Schneider to adopt the agenda as submitted. Seconded
by Councilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee
deelared the motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Nee stated this spec3al v�eting was convened mainly to handle an item
relating to the Minnesota Department of Transportation's improvement project
on I-694• He stated other items may be considered, if the Council so
de sires.
Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated the Minnesota Department of
Transportation (MnDOT) has proposed ta upgrade I-69�+ between 35W and Highway
t00including upgrading the bridges at Haghway 65, Highway 47, East River
Road and the Burlington Northern railroad tracks. He stated MnDOT is
requesting the City approve the plans and speeifications for the first phase
of the pro�ect, the improvement oF the westbound Mississippi River bridge at
the East River Road interchange area.
Mr. Flora stated because of the Council's concerns regarding the noise issue
along a portion of I-694, east of Matterhorn Drive, this resolution was
prepared which approves the plans and specifications for the portion of the
project west of East River Road and identifies the coneerns of the Couneil
regarding the noise barrier issue in the Innsbruck Second Addition. He
stated this resolution further requests that MnDOT attempt to resolve the
noise issue with the understanding if the problem is not resolved, no
assuranees will be given by the City for future approvals of this
improvement for the remaining phases of the project.
Councilman Schneider asked if the Council will receive further resolutions
for approval of the remaining phases.
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' Mr. Flora stated the City will have to adopt the final plans for these
portions of the pro�ect east of East River Road.
Councilman Schneider stated there were a number of ineetings with the
residents regarding this noise issue which, basically, covered properties
east of HiBhway 65 in the North Innsbruck and the Skywood Apartment areas.
He stated in Deeember, 1985, MnDOT did a noise study which was repeated this
last weekend and the average noise level was 67 decibels. He stated MnDOT's
predictions for the year 2010 ranged from 66 to 74 decibels. Councilman
Schneider stated the Federal noise standard is 70 decibels and the State
standard is 65 decibels. He stated noise levels done in 1985 and this past
weekend show levels substantially above the 65 decibels of the State
Mr. Flora stated Mr. Dave Kelso of the t•Linnesota Pollution Control Agency
conducted the decibel readings this past weekend.
Mr. Robert Brown, Project Engineer representing the Pftinnesota Department of
Transportation, Distriet 5, thanked the Council for holding this special
meeting regarding this issue. He stated a handout was passed out ta the
Council containing the information presented at the informational meeting
held on March 19, 1987. He stated this document included information
regarding noise levels. He stated two Councilmembers attended this meeting
' and if any members of the Council wished to review the video that was
presented, it is available for viewing.
Mr. Brown stated the portion of the I-694 improvement project that concerns
Fridley and is being considered by the Council this evemng is from the East
River Road bridge westward. He stated as the pro�ect progresses, the
Couneil will have further opportunities to review and approve all final
pl ans.
Mr. Brown stated it is 3nteresting to note that the deeibel readings taken
this past weekend by the Pollution Contral Ageney are, essentially, the same
as the readings the Department of Transportation took several years earlier
even though there has been at least a 5� increase in traffic.
Couneilman Sehneider stated the Federal standards will be exceeded for some
of the homes in the Innsbruck area by the year 2010 and they are now in
excess of the State levels of 65 decibels. He stated while it is true that
most of the area involved signed a waiver that they don't expect noise
barriers, he felt that would apply to the existing road and not the proposed
improvement. He stated the fact remains there are still other single family
residences that are not covered by the waiver of the noise barrier. He felt
as soon as the Council approves the projeet, the City takes on the burden of
resolving the noise issue, if MnDOT doesn't. Ee stated resadents would
question what the City would do about the noise, if they approved a pro�ect
in violation of State and Federal noise standards. He stated he doesn't
� know what solution the Department of Transportation will propose, but thinks
they owe it to the residents and City to resolve this issue. He stated he
is comfortable with approving the portion of the pro�ect west of East River
Road, but wanted a specifie plan on how this noise issue would be resolved
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� before considering approval of the balance of the project.
Councilman Schneider stated at the last public hearing, MnDOT did offer
$100,000, but he didn't know how another $200,000 could be raised in order
to resolve the noise issue. He felt more work is needed to arrive at a
resolution to this problem. Couneilman Schneider stated he cannot see the
projeet getting started and then have 3t at a standstill because the noise
issue wasn't resolved. He stated he would like reasonable assurances that
MnDOT is willing to resolve the issue.
Mr. Duane Brown, Assistant District Engineer representing the hfinnesota
Department of Transportation, District 5, stated he understands the Couneil
xs interested in making sure they don't come to an impasse and delay
construction. Ee stated that is important to the Department of
Transportation also as a delay would have an impact on the entire pro,7ect.
Mr. Brown stated he wasn't aware, until this morning, that the Pollution
Control Agency had taken decibel readings. He stated they will have to look
at these readings and refine and review their assumptions. He stated ha
doesn't lmow what sites the Pollution Control Agency monitored, but they can
certainly monitor each home and possibly some of the areas located further
away from the roadway. He stated they do not want a del ay as even losing
two or three weeks, at this point, would jeopardize the construction season.
' Mr. Brown stated he hears what the Council is saying th at they would
consider adopting this resolution, however, they want the noise issue to be
resol�ed. He stated the Department of Transportation would work with the
City staff to schedule some meetings with the residents. He stated they
would eonduct some additional monitoring and calculations to make sure their
ass�ptions are correct in order to review different ideas on what can be
done. He stated he is sure the Council recognizes their concern on how
monies are expended. He stated there are other areas where funds are badly
needed so they have to be prudent.
Mayor Nee stated he moderately shares Councilman Schneider's view. He
stated he doesn't want the Couneil in a position where they would be giving
approval for MnDOT to break the law, if they don�t meet the decibel
standards. He stated in another instance, MnDOT advised a Fridley resident
that the City Council had given their approval, which was not the case, and
this makes him angry. He stated he didn't want the City involved if the
Department of Transportation was in violation of the law.
Mr. Flora stated the State standards are 65 decibels and the Department of
Transportation�s projection is for noise levels to reach 73 decibels by the
year 2010. He stated in meetings earlier this year, MnDOT advised there was
only a tkiree decibel variance so a noise barrier wasn't warranted, but it
seems they are now looking at an eight decibel differenee.
1 Mr. Robert Brown stated the Federal Highway Administration and the Pollution
Control Ageney both approved this project. He stated what the City approves
is the layout as far as rig�t-of-ways and lanes. He stated there are actual
environmental bodies that rev3ew and approve the project. He stated as far
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� as violation of the standards, he stated they do not use State standards,
hut Federal standards because it is a Federal interstate system. He stated
State law provides that Federal standards apply along the Federal
Mayor Nee requested the Department of Transportation provide this
information in a letter to the City Council.
Mr. Robert Brown stated the "dba" is a decibel average which has been
weighted to be consistent with the ability of a human to hear noise. He
stated doubling of traf£ic wi.11 not double the noise. He stated a three
"dba" increase is at the threshold of notieeability, as outlined in
literature published by the Federal Government. Mr. Brown stated 73
decibels is a minor infractivn of the 70 decibel Federal standard and a
rather high expense is involved for the protection of three or four homes.
Mr. Shelley, 1�114 W. Danuhe Road, stated this project would affeet other
homes in the area. He stated one riome in the area didn't sell because of
the noise and it is now being rented. He stated if readings were taken on
the back deck, they would exceed Federal standards. He stated the decibel
readings were taken at ground level and he felt this doesn't give a true
reading of the noi:z level.
� Mr. Robert Brown stated this would be part of their further review and
Mayor Nee stated, truthfully, he doesn't know the answer to this problem and
it may be MnDOT settling with these home ownera for damages. He felt the
Department of Transportation has some time to come to some kind of
resolution to the noise problem.
Couneilman Schneider asked the representatives of the Department of
Transportation if they would be willing to provide a status report in six
months or a.n a reasonable time. Mr. Brown stated they would provide such a
report. Councilman Schneider requested a meeting be scheduled in about six
months for a report from MnDOT and residents be notified of the meeting.
The representatives of the Department of Transportation stated they had
reviewed the resolution before the Council meeting this evening.
Councilman Schneider reviewed some of the highlights of the resolution which
provides that appropriate noise abatement measures are to be included ira the
areas identified in the MnDOT Environmental Assessment of the pro�ect, and
no plat covenants exist precluding the installation of noise walls adjacent
to Innsbruck North Second Addition. He stated this resolution further
outlines that the improvement of I-694 will be accomplished in several
phases and that plans and special provisions for the first phase within the
westerly corporate limits of Fridley and extending eastward to East Rzver
' Road is approved including the elevations and grades as shown and consent
given to any and all changes in grade oecasioned by this construction.
Councilman Schneider stated the resolution states that the Commissioner of
- Transportation will attempt to resolve the outstanding noise issue concerns
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� with the City and affected Innsbruek North Second Addition neighborhood with
the understanding if a resolution is not achieved, no assurance is made by
the City for future approvals of the improvements for the remaining phases
of the construction project on I-694.
MOTION by Councilman Schneider to adopt Resolution No. 51-1987. Seconded by
Councilwoman Jorgenson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee
declared the motion carried unanimously.
MOTION by Councilman Goodspeed to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by
Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Nee declared
the motion carried unanimously and the Special Meeting of the Fridley City
Council of June 22, 1987 ad�ourned at 8:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
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Carole Haddad, William J. Ne
Secretary to the City Couneil Mayor
� Approved: