01/04/1988 - 00010959' � ' Tf3�MINVPES OF Tf� RDGULAR MEETING OF TE� FRIDLEY CITY ODUNCIL OF JANUARY 4 1988 The Regular N�eting of the Fric�.e3 City Co�mcil was called to order at 7:30 p. m b� Magor Nee. PLIDGE OF ALLDGIANCE: N�yor Nee lea the Coimcil and audience in the Pledge of Fsllegiancz to the Flag. I3�LL CALL • FENBERS I3tESIIVT: Mayor Nee, Co�mcilwanan JorSen:�n, Coimcilr:iar_ Srhneic7er, Comcilmari Fitz�atrick and CoLmcilr.an Gooc�peed t��ENBEFtS ABSIIdT: None � • 9:dl/d • ul �I iY �� J�l yl � I. . NI�T70N by Councilman Schneider to apprcve the minutes as presented. Sea�nded t� Co�mcilwanan Jorgenson. Upon G voice vcte, all voting aye, Nayor Nee declared the motion carried unariimou:;ly. l�yor Nee stated this is the organizational n�eeting of_ the City Council for 1488. He stated there are several sic�ificant it�ms at business, the iix�t being the induction of the senior Cbtmcil rc�emL�er, Ed Fitz�atrick, who was re-elected to the Council, and the inductior. of the new Council member, steve Billings. ADMINISTRATION OF OATH OF OFFICE TO ELECTID OFFICI11L5: ��.. • :o r, •� � r •�� Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, acbninistere� the cath of office tc EUward FitzFatrick, Co�cilman Ward III and presenteu hun with the Certific:ate of Election sicyled b� the City Qerk. STEVE BILLINGS. COUNCILMAId WARD I: Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, ac3ninistered the oatYa af office to Steve Eillings, Councilman Ward I and presented him with the CertificatE of Election sicy�ed l-� Yhe City Qerk. Cbtmcilman Fitzxatrick stated he hoped this was txie term he would see scme action rec�-ardi.ng Locke Lake. Councilman Billings thanked the voters o£ N7ard i for having faith and confidence to elect him to the City Colmcil and hopes he proves worthy af -1- �l.�nr � .vr�. . � , ' i'c v ,X'� R + ;'i Mr,^�,e' r � 0/ �� Jyi �I � � • ' � �' ' their support and does as good a job as other msnber� oi the Co�mcil and the man he is replacing, Brian Goodspeed. y . • �� •�. . N�yor Nee stated Brian G000lspeed has been tkae Council representative for Ward i for fihe p�tst three y�rs and had chosei� not tc run for re-election. He presented NIr. Goocispeed with a glaque in recagnition of hi� dedication and outstanding effort in serving the ootmn�mity. Mayor Nee statea the City has been vE[y grateful for Brian's oontribution to the oommtmity. Mr. Goocspeed thanked the voters, his fellaa Coimcil manY�ers, an� staff for support wer the last three ye�rs. He statec prior to being electeU tc the City Cotmcil, he servEd on a City commission and hoped to influence and shape the City, but dich't feel it comFarea te haa the City sha�ed him. He stated he is stuct�ing political scienoe anc� eoor.omics at the Univeraity of Minnesota and had the opportimity to apply this knowledge at the Council meetings. Mr. Goodspeed stated he hopes to mntinue his involvanent in tre oammimity and with the Democratic �rty in the area. Councilman Schneider stated it was a pleasure to serve with Briaa and because of Y�i.s political scienoe teckgrotaa� and being raisec7 in Fric�.e�, his �ntributions helped for the bettermerit of tl:e cmm��mity. P,DOPTION OF AGEI�II.IA• l'�DTIDN tr3 Cotmcilman Fitz�atrick to acbFt the agend3 as sutrnitted. Semnc3ed tr,� Coimcilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting ayE, Maycr Nee declated the motion carried unanimousLy. OPEN F17RUM. VISITORS: GENERFfL MIIS,S ANNUONCEMENP• Mr. Rpbert5on, Cbmmtmity I�velopnent Director, statec representatives from General Mills Package Eboc� Operation5 Division were present this evening and wished to make an announcement regarding a facility in Fridl.ey. He ititroduced the General Mills representati�es, Mr, h'illiam Bealles, Plant Manager, Mr. Davic Nasby, Director of Community Affairs, and Mr. Mike Walter, nirector of Millinq Operations. Mr. Bealles e�ended his thanks to staff for a11 their assistanc� in General bfills' enc�avors to locate in FricIle�, He statea Genera7. Nlills was pleasea to announce the purchase of a 20 acre industrial site in Fric'il.ey fram Harvest States Caoperative for c�velognent of an oats storage ar.d hanciling facility to support incr�sed oonsuner demattd for the com�ny's oat basec? products such as Cheerios, Honey Nut Cheerios and the new Total Hot Oatmeal 1 in�e. Mr. Sealles stated this site is located at 25 44th Avenue in F'ric�le� an� had been usetl t� Harvest States imtil 1986 to process oil seed. He statec� as part of General Dlills, the facility will offset elevator ca�city the -2- � t��,�;r,,�� � •_� _ � •.• �. � �� • e ; oom�any currently operates on the Mississippi riverfrant near downtcxan Pti.nnea�olis which is scheduled to be clo�d in two to three years. Mr. Bealles stated the industrial :i.te offers General Niills the poterztia7. to ex�nd their oat operation5 to meet expected increases in cons�mier Cemand and expansion would result in the creation of ar additianal ?5 to 40 new jol�s. He stated General Mills is pleasea to add Friclley to the li�t of oomm�mities in which they have food processing operations. He stateu they intend to maintain their wrporate reputation as a c,00d employEr and corp�rate citizen in Fridley just as thep try to do at all their other operating facilities. Mr. Bealles, as a token of their appreciation, distributed a box of F7heaties with a picture of the Minnesota 7lains tc Co�mcil and staff manbers. N�iyor Nee and City Coimcil menbers weloomed General Mills to the community and stated thEy were happ� to have then in EYic�]Ey. � K � �iI ur:.�i� ui �� l�hyor I3ee stated reoently there have heen several accidenYs on I-6S4 which have resulted in fatalities. He stated Representative Wayne Simoneau has discussed this matter with the De�rt�r.ettt cf Transportation in terms of trying to slaa down traffic c7uring the o�nstructiun period. � Representative Simoneau stated the accidents on I-694 are a bit more than can be acoepted and something neecls to be cbne. He stated he has contacted the De�artment of Transportation and Willian Crawford agrees something has to be cbne, esFecially in that narraa strip of kughway r�ar East River Roac�. He stated meetings wi11 be scheduled with the Hignway Patrol in ar, aktempt 2. ' to oome up with a solution, Farticularly in patroling the truck tr�ffic and flva. Represeritative Simoneau stated he woul� keep the City informed on ariy developnents. NEW BUSINESS: C'QN&IDERATION OF SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE OF CORRECTION TO THE PLAT OF SIiOREWO�D PIAZA• Mr. Robertson, Q�irnntmity Developnent Director, stated there was an error in one of the dimension arravs for the Shorsvood Plaza plat and a Certificate of CorrECtion is sutmitted for the Coimcil's mnsideration. He stateC the error in no way affects the developnent. NDTION b� Councilman Schneider to apprcve the Surveyors Certificate ef Correction to the plat of Shorewood Pl�z�. Seconded by Councilman EYtzFatrick. Upon a voice vote, all votir.g aye, N,ayc,r fiee �eclareC the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING THE MINUPES OF TIIE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF DECEMBER 16. 1987 : -3- � � lV�� i1�`xep � � � � � 171 • r• • �i � ' � • � � � C • i' 71 �• ••• � � _I� 5� ' I • D '9 '71� I� _ J�� � I I 11 '� +�V�� �. Mr. Robertson, Community Develognent Director, statea thi:.� speci�tl use permit is for property located on the Carter-Day site which has 6een �old tc Northoo Bevelopnent �rporation and Kwik-File, Inc. He statec Rnox Luznber wishes to lease sFaoe from the owners for a distribution center and the 5peciel use permit is required for outside storage. Mr. Robertson staten the large manufacturing building is about 188,000 s�uare fc�t ano rwik-I'ile is using alrout 104,000 s�uare feet and Iinox will utilize about 25,000 s��x+re feet at this time, with th� possibility of additional ex�nsion. Mr. Robertson stated a n�snber of improv�nents were discussed with the petitioner ana stipulations were reaommended 1� the Planning Commi�sion at their Deoember 16 meeting. He stated the petitioner was directed tc work wit-h staff to resolve a few items left unresolved aad cl�rificaticns ot stipulations 1, 3, 6, and 7 are provided, as well as the addition of stipulations 13 and 14. He statec stipulation 13 provides for a glanted driveway median }X Jtme 1, 198a and stipulation 14 prwides £or a letter af credit or perfonnance bond in the amou�t af �10,000 by �bruar}° 8, 1988. Mr. Robertson stated the petitioner wishes tc emphasize that he simply ackttaaledges there prokxibly would t�e assessnents far improvanents along 73rd Avenue, hut in no way waives his right to oontest the as.sessnent if and when it occurs. Nfayor Nee asked if Knox Lunber weuld Ix at this location for only one year. Mr. F�tran, President of Northoo (brporation, statec� Knox is eriteri_ng into a o� year le�se at this time and would ut�_lize the outside storage area Freviously used lx Carter-Day. Co�mcilman Billings stated the question of the vehicular traffic was raised at the Planning Conmiission meeting and if tYA�s traffic should be encouraged to use Univer>i.ty Avenue. Mr. F7ora, Public Works Director, stated there are about 20,600 vehicles using 73rd to Central Avenue and ahout 19,000 fraa 73rd to University Avenue so the additional vehicles, which was about 20 per day, would be inconsequential as to whether the� used Central ar University Aven�. Councilman Billings questioned Knox's houxs of operatian. Mr. Faust, representing Knox Liant�er, stated the hours cf operatian would tx from 7 u.m. to about 9 p, m. O�tncilman Billings stated he is comfortable with this request for the special use permit and felt it was a good utilization of sgsce. He �'tated � sinoe Rnox will have only a one year lease, the Planning Commission felt they di.c�'t want to impose a harc�hip on the petitioner by requiring items that would�'t make this operation feasible. (b�mcilman Billxngs asked the -4- 1 +���.��� :�•'.�� �;iu_ �► � •• �� i w�a� .. • : ,i �_ :a � :: petitioner if there was a problem with �roviding the Easemer:t for the ba.keway/walkway or a Froblen with possible future asses9nents. Mr. Eclstran statec's if Northoa was asked tc agree ta the assessment at this time, he would have a problen since the aroount of the assessment is not I�own. He stated as long as they can reserve their ric,ht tc contest, he cbesn't have a problan. He stated the� wi11 provide an easement to the City for bikeway/walkway purpo�s and would just as soon have this as �art of the assessment, but it i�i't a ma�or it�n. N�yor Nee stated he would like to maintain some c�ntral wer the 5peci�l �,� permit anci have it issued to Knox and not the property. Mr. Eclstrcro stated he has no problen with the special use permit being issued to Knox for iwo y�r� as he felt there may be an optian to extend the one year lease. He stated Knox was the petitioner for the special use permit, a7,ong with Northm as the aaner of the pro�rty. Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, stated the speci�l use permit could �e issued to Knox Lutiber to be reviaaed in two years aad sulr�ect tc the stipulations as shar�n on E�ge 2L of the agenc�. (b�mcilman Billings stated stipulation 12 should be rqaorded tc the effect that the owners of the property acknowledge there will prob�tbly be an � assessnent for imprwanents to 73rd, rather than agreeir,g to a fair share of the assessnent. He stated stipulation 15 should also te added to re�isa the special use permit in twa y�rs. [�DTION b� Cc�imcilman Billings to grant sgecial use permit, SP #87-21, to Rnox Lunber, k� Northm Cbrporation, to allaw exterior storage of materials anci equignent on Tracts A and B, Registered Land Survey No. 6, with the folloaing stipulations: , 1. 7mplenent City devi�ed landscape plan tx J�e 1, 1988. Plantings on 73rd to 6e mmpleted upon imprwsnertt tc 73rd. Installation of the hedqing on the west of the site will kae waived until June 1, 1989. 2. Prwide autanatic sprinkling for 73rd Avenue I76UIEVaY'G upon mmpletion of 73rd Avenue. 3. Corporate eritry sic�nage shall be monunent style, high quality with brick as a o�mponent. Signage location and ciesign shall be approved b� staff. Installation k� Jtme I, 1988. 4. Provide a 15 foot bik�xaay/walkway easement along 73rd Avenue, 5. Provide an eic�t foot chain link fence arow-id �torage yard w�th tubular vinyl slats as indicated on Dec�mL-er 16, 1987 plan b� City. 6. Provicle Farking lot striping for all of the most westerly �'arking lot, the parking lot south and west of the general office buildi.ng and the �arking lot soiath of the Research and ]�aelopnent building -5- iY"�W4�4+, • �, �_� �� i yi • '�LC:� � L� Jime 1, 1988. 7. Ptwicle aoncrete curbing for 6oth entry drives frcm 73rd Avenue south to respective Farkinq lots L� Jime 1, 1988. B. P11 existing trees on site to be �xeserved, exce�t where bikeway create:,� a need for renaval. 9. No retail cales of goods or materials to Le permitted from site, 1D. No storage of goods or materials outside of screened fenoe is permitted. 11. Any expansion of storage yard wi11 requi re arr ac3ditior�al special use perntit. 12. 'ihe cwners of the �operty aclmaaledge there will prokably Yz an assessnent for imprwenents to 73rd Aven��e including: road widening, bikeway/wulkway installation, boulevard tree gl.antings, and un�form haulEVard liqhting installation, as indicated on I)eeoember 16, 1987 plan � City. 13. Provide a planted drivftaay median as per December 16, 1987 plan L� Jime 1, 1988. ' 14. Provide a letter of credit or perfocmance l�ond in the amoimt of $16,000 l�y Februaxy 8, 1988. 15. 7his special use permit to 6e reviEwed in two years fran the c13te of issuanoe. Semnded tx Cb�mcilman FYtzp�trick. Upon a voic+e vote, O�imcilman Billinc�, (btmcilman FitzKatrick, Cbtmcilwanan Jorgenscn and rfayor Nee voted in favor of the motion. Cotmcilman Schneider arstained from voting on the motion. Nhyor Nee declared the motion warried k� a 4 to 1 vote. I��Y u ya� u �.i a� uiI' uk�X�iii � u� x� • � M ur. 1�CI3� �� � • • • �,« • • �� •a• � �; o �« �y •.� • i� s�. 1 • • ,i • • � « • a� �, ' �� ,.� � .« �y •,� • r � � � • ,I �� •��� •a� •�� �•� �; �M ' M •�� u. . �I ' � r� • • � � SIk�EONS: � Mr. Robertson, �mmtmity L�velopnent Director, statt�d the oode requires all Farking and hardsur£aoe areas to be m closer than 20 feet from any strEet ric�t of-way. He stated the �:ur�vse of this roquirement is to limit visual � , • �1 •� rJ� I 7yl • , •� encroachment into neighboring sight lines and to allow for aesthetically pleasing open areas adjacent to public ricjht-of-wnys. Mr. Rok,ert�on stated the hardship cited was the �rcel is oompletely surrounc�ed k�y public right of-way which requires a 20 foot setback on aIl �ides and a 35 foot setback for the huildinq, He stat�ed 6ecause of �musual circ�urstanaes, it is difficult to lay out an efficient site plan. Mr. Robertson stated the building pro�osed for this site woulcl be tr,to-stories with a third stoxy used for parking and in order to meet the mde re�uirenertt of 94 stalls, the vari�nc�es are r�uired. He stated or� of the stipulations reoommended by the F,pFeals Commission was that the varian�s to allaa for future �arking exp�nsion not expire after cne yEar because they may be requi.red at a futu�e c�te. Mr. C,Yancl311, the petitioner, stated he practices arthoFeoic �urqery in F'ricIlEy anci feels this proposed buildi.ng would work wel] on this Farcel of pcoperty, but variances are needed ir. ocder to meet the parkinq requirenents. Cotmcilman Jcraenson asked if sufficient s�ce would be provided for handicapped parking, Mr, Cran�.11 stated the size crf the hundica�ed stalls would be 12 feet and there wi11 mt be a shortage of s�ace. NDTION b� Councilman Billings to grant variances, VAR #87-37, with the ' follckring stipulations: (1) the building facade be composed of brick and glass; (2) landscaping be installed per City approvec� plans; and (3) looFback drive variances for the future �arking e�ansion to not expire. Semnded tX Caimcilman Schneider. Upon a vaiae vote, all voting �ye, Mayor Nee declated the motion carried unanimously. 3. 4. ' 5. NDTION by Councilman Schneider to recEive the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of December 16, 1987. Secondeci by Councilwoman Jocgenson, Upon a voice vote, all voting ays, N�yor Nee declarecz the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING Tf� MIN[1PES OF Tf� QIARTER COMMISSION MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 7� ]987 M�TION by Councilman Schneider to receive the minutes of tkie Charter Commission meeting of September 28, ]987. Seconded by C�uncilman E9.ta�atrick, Upon a voice vote, all voti ng aye, [+Sayor Nee declarecl the motion carrried unanimously. .• � �I � u �1 � � i • r ��4iu • i � • �� r . .. hDTION by Councilman Schneider to receive the minutes of the Cable Television Commission meeting of November 19, 19&7. Seconrled by Councilwoman Jorgenson. Upon a voice vote, al] voting ay�, Mayor Aee declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING LEPPER OF RESIGNATION FROM STEVE BILLINGS AS CFIAIRPERSON OF THE PLANNING OOMMISSION• -7- �rp {� a i . RJ'�Y'ai 4. , `v � ' � ' �! � �i �• ui� . �. • 4.�1_�;_� _'�ZZ� AAII) CONSIDERATION OF AN APFOINTMEI�P OF A C[iAIRPERSON � TfIE PLANNING OOMMISSION: NDTION � Co�cilman Schneider to receive the letter of resignaton from Steve $illings. Seconded lx Ck»cilwanan Jorgenson. il�n a voice vote, all voting aye, N�yor I3ee declared the motion carried unanimously. NDTION lr� Cotmcilman Schneider to nominate �on Eetzold as ChairFerson for the Planning Commission. Seoonded tr� Go�mclman FYtz�atrick. There being no further r.ominations, May�r CSee declared the nomirations closed. M?TI�N by Councilman Schneider to cast zn unanimous ballat for the appointment of Don Betzold as Chairperscn of the Planning Commission, Semnded b� Cotmcilwanan Jorc�en5on. Upon a voice vote, all veting aye, N�yor Nee declared the motion carried unardmously. Mayor Pdee stated with Lbn Betzold's appointment as ChairFerson of t-he Planning Commission, it opens a vacancy on the Appeals Corcunissian. NDTION by Co�mcilman Billings to appoint Larry Kuechle, 202 Mercury Drive, to the Appeals C�mmission to fill the term vacated 1� Ik7n Betzold. Secnnc3ed by Q�imcilman Fitz�atrick. UFon a voice vcte, all voting aye, Mayor NeE declared the motion carried unanimously. . �� � • • • �� •��_ i � � � « _� • •��i4 • yi r � .. � - � � • • • � 1� • � i� � • � • � u � � • ys� • � ���- MAYOR PRO TEM- NDTION b� Cotaicilman E'itzpatrick to appoint Councilman Schneider as Mayor Pro T�n for 1988. Semnc�d t� Co�cilwoman Jorgen�n. flpon a vaice vote, all voting aye, N�yor Nee declared the motion carned unanimausly. ANOKA COO�iI'Y LAW ENEYIRCEMENi' COLL�IL. NDTION by Councilwoman Jorgensan to appoint Councilman Schneider as Representative. Semnded Y� Coimcilman FitzKatrick, iTpon a aoice vote, all voting aye, N�yor Nee declared the motion carried.unanimously. MJTION by Councilman Fitz�trick to ap�oir:t Councilwoman Jorgenson as Alternate. Seaonded t� Goimcilman Schneicler. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declaxed the motion �rried unanimously. SUBURBF,N RATE AUPHORITY• NDTION ty Co�mcilman Billings to appoint John Flora as Represer.tative an� .L'�� F � ., � �.��-cv V�9'�' � M a ' �1 •�i�\. 4� • 1/.. � Mark Burch as Alternate to the Suburhan Rate Authority. Seconded by Councilwoman Jorgeneon. Upon a voice vote, all votir:g aye, Mayor Nee declated the motion carried unanimously. AS90CIATION OF MEPR�FOLITAN MUNICIPALITIES: NDTION by Councilman Schneider to appoir.t Councilmara F'itzpztrick as Delegate. Secanded by Councilwoman Jorgenson. Gpcn a voice vote, all voting aye, N�yor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Fitz�.atrick to appoint Councilwoman Jorgenson as Alternate. Seo�nded kr� Catmcilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, N�yoz A7ee cleclared the motion cartieri unanimously. SCIi00L DISPRiCf #14 CONg1UNITY SCHOOL ADVI90RI' O�iJNCIL: M�TION by Councilman Fitzp�trick to appoint Councilwoman Jorgensott a� Representative. Seconded lx Coimcilman Sd'in�ider. Upon a voice vote, a1I voting aye, N�iyor Nee declared the motion carried unarumously. SCHOOL DISTRICP #13 REPRESENPATIVE: NDTION by Councilman Fitz�trick to appoint Councilman Billings as Repre5entative. Seaonded Lx Coimcilman Schneider, i)pon a voice vote, al l , voting aye, N�yor Nee c�clared the motion carried unaiv.rtiuusly. M�TION by Councilman Fitz�atrick to appoint Councilwoman Jorgenson a� Alternate. Seconded l� Co�mcilman Schneider. �Jpon a vaice vote, all votir.g aye, Mayor �;ee declareci the motion carried unanimously. SCHOOL DISTRICr #16 REPRESENPATIVE: M�TION by Councilman Billings to appoint Councilman Schneider as Representative. Seounded ]x Coimcilman Fitz�atrick. fJpan a voioe vate, al] voting aye, t�yor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES: NDTIOi3 by Councilman Schneider to appoint Councilman Fitz �atrick as Representative, Semnded ix Coimcilwanan Jor�,enson. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. NDTION b� Councilman Billincys to appoint Cotimcilsarx Sd'ir�ider as Alternate. Semnded 1� Cotmcilman Fitz�trick. Upon a vaice vote, all voti ng aye, l�hyor PSee declared the motion carried unaiumously. 1�DTIf)N b� Co�mcilman FitzFatrick to instruct staff to provide an update on those persons wishing reappointment to the City cnmmissions. 5econded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vcte, a7l voting, aye, Mayar Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. � RESOLUTION N0. 1-1988 DESIGNATING DIRECTOR ANU ALTERNATE D�RECTOR TO SOBURBAN RATE AUPHORITY: m � � � ���.��1,�'; • n �► •• ,, ��ra� . • ��,. •. i�DTION � Cotmcilman Schneider to adopt ResolutiGn No. 1-1986 ap�ointing John E7ora as Director and Mark Burch a� Alternate Director tc� the Suburkxin Rate Authority. Sewnded 1� Cotmcilman Fitz�trick. [Tpon a voioe vote, a11 voting aye, l�yor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 7. CONSIDERATION TO EXTEND THE EXISTING 5 YEAR RENTAL AGREEMENT FOR THE OPERATION AI�ID MAINPENANCE OF Tf� INTERCEPTOR LINE IN THE CzTY OF FRIDLEY BE'iSVEEN MO[J[d75 VIEW AAID IACI� PARK IDENi'IFIED AS RENi'AL AGREEMENT #191 F(7R AN ADDITIOI�+.L YEAR UNPIL DECENIBER 31, 1988: i+�. Flor«, Riblic Wo[ks Director, stated the NWCC has xequested extension of the e�.sting five year rental agreenent for the oFeration and msintenanc�e of the interoeptor Iine in the City of Fridle� tetween Mounns View and Locke Park until Deoeml�r 31, 1988 at an annual rate of $2,972. He stated it appears the r'ietropolitan Council is prcFosing a ch«nqe to its Waste Resouraes Nhnag�nent Rilic.y Plan in regard tc eliminating or re'ucing the existing rental agreanent progr�n. He state� this policy change is to be subnitted to the mmmtmities for public hearing this year. NDTION 1H Councilman Schneicier to authorize the Maycr and City N�nager to enter into Rerital Agreenent No. 191 until December 3I, 198E. Sewnded bp Coeuicilwoman Jorgenson. Opon a voice vote, all voting aye. Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. �� � • • � • •.�,I � i M • •� � • �• • • � � u • • •��, � •.,�� i Q�lmcilman Fitzpatrick stated several months ago the Council adopted a resolution ra�uesting the Anoka Cotmty Iiigfiw�y LeFartment renwe some hcmes along East River Road and asked their response. [+k�. Flora, Public Works Director, state� a formcl response hasn't 6een reaeived fran the County, but as far as he is aware, the County is in the process of removing some of the homes, He 5tatee the property on the rorthwest �rner of Osborne Way had not been proposed to be ��rdia�ed b� the Crnmty and if the City feels strongly the home should be rc3naved, the Cc�imty suggests the Ci.ty take action to mndemn ar:d ranw� it. Coimcilman Fitz�atrick asked if a portion ot this lot was taker_for the right of-way. Mr. F].ora stated a portion was taken and the home na longer meets the mde as far as setL�acks fran the street righ�of-way. Cowlcilwanan Jorgenson asked if this was the lot that would be 15 feet off the roac�aay to which Mr. F`lora ansaered in the affirmaYive. Comcilman Fitzfietrick fF1t before ric�t-of-way is transferred, there should be �me assurances frcm tl�e �tmty on the�_r interations and not to create these variance problens. Mr. F7ora stated when the Envirormental Im�ct Statement was preFaren for this improv�nent, the County identified four homes that neec�ed to be purd�ased in order to allaa the impravanent to proc�eec3. He stated the City -10- �����?,,,. �w° � ° lal: �� � � •_•1��. _ � . �� :, ' suggested that those £our hanes purchased al�o kie rc3nwcr3. He state� since the property in the northwest oorner of Osborr� Way wasn't included in khe averall plan, the Coimty isn't in a positien to raawc it at this� time. He stated the County felt it would 6e better for the City to proceed with renwal in order to prererit a� cielay in the imprwanent �roj ect, Coimcilwanan Jorc,enson stated she dich't 6elieve Yhe City, in the �st, has mndemrec� proFerty. Mr. Qureshi, City N�nager, stated the right-of--waq coulu� be prwided suYr�ect to receiving a response, in writinq, that the Caunty will ren�ove these hanes. Mr. Flora statea it may be in the interest of the City to suggest that any excess property be returned to the City in case the Caty wi�hes to make improvanents in the future such as landscaping. NDTION b� Ca�mcilman Fitz�atrick to table this item until more rietailed information is received, in writing, on the County's plans. Secbnded by Councilwoman Jorgenson. Upon a voice vcte, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 9. CONSIDERATION OF EPIPERING INl1� AN AGREEMEN!' WITH HICKOK AND ASSOCIATES FOR . j1N ENVIRONME[�TCAL PROTEGTION AGENCY PHASE I CLEAN L1�KES GRANT APPLICATION E1�R , THE WEST BASIN OF N�ORE LAKE: Mr. F'lora, Public Works Director, reportec� that Federal funds for this program were withdrawn. NDTION by Councilman Schneider to table indefir.itely. Secondecl by Councilwoman Sorgenson, Opon a voice vote, al] voting aye, Mayor Nee declare@ the motion carried �manimously. Y � u . • • � • uu ; a• � y a� : � ;.� i � Mr. F`iora, Public Works Birector, stated the City received a respon:�e from the NII'C regarding the use of 3rd Street as a bus route. He state� the Cotmcil had approved thi� r�uest with the stipulation that any structural damage reFair oosts to the street will be �icl ]x NLCC as negotiated witY; the City. Mr. Flora stated the NLCC would like the Council to recon�ider its decision anci allaa buses on 3rd Street with�ut putting a price tag cn Favenent ciamage. Mr. Flora stated he felt if the City could mor.itor the street for ar.y c�mages betraeen Nhrch and May, there :3iouldn't L� any �roblens. He felt thE buses woulc�'t put that much additional loa6 on the street. Mr. Flora stated he would suggest, haaever, instead of �LSinq 3rd 5treet, the buses use 61st all the way to Main Street anc7 ther� down 57th Avenue to ' University. He statec these turning mwenents would k�e e�sier for the kx:ses and may provide an alternative if the Council feels 3rd Street may be a problen. Mr. F7ora felt the main question is if the 1�fPC should be held -11- ����� � � _� �� 1�. _ 41 �. • �' i � responsible for aixy street 2emages rec�rdles5 wkrich route is usec�. O��mcilman EitzFatrick felt the MrC should 6e enoauxaged to use N�in Street as 3rd Street isn't very good for their purposes beca�se of the difficult entranoe onto 57th. NDTI�N l� Cotncilman EYtzFatrick to authorize staff to negotiate with the FiPC and allaa them to use 61st ar.d Main Street to 57th and University, without the prwision for c�mayes. Seoonded L� Cou-ncilman Schneider. U�+on a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Ivee �eclare� the motion carriea unanimously. s_� _ _�� • • _ •.r • ,� • �• � �� � ��• u i u � � �� u i � � Mr, Robertson, �mmimity L�eveloixnent Director, statec the Environmental Quality O�mmission and Planning Coimnission recr,mmended approval of the Joint I�bwers Agreenertt and Recycling Wotfcplan tH and betweer< the City and Anoka Cb�mty. He stated the Cnimty has allocate2 $18,651.50 in Landfill Alx�t�nent Surcharge Interim Phase I f�mds to EYiclle� f.or the periad of ,Itily 1, 1987 to June 30, 198$. Mr. Robertson reportea on the rem�ining Ano'�.a County �1located itmds and itmds allocated fran the DPS Gr�nt, both to Y:e expended for Super C�cle's services. He stated the surchaxge received w�ll be exFenc3ed I� the end of NHrch, 198E3, if Super C�cle's rate ranains the same. ' He state� the present allocation will not support the current program until J�me 30, 1988 and the City is applyinq for Irterim Phase II f�mding baseG an costs for Super Cycle, He stated these funds are allocated on a case-by-cas�e tesis. N�. Fobertson reviewed the Rec.ycling Workpl�n and outlined the types and location of aEatement activities which include the curbside recyclir�g progr�n, S.O.RT. drolroff center, yard waste o�mpast aroiroff site, waste oil drop-off tank, offioe Faper pick-up anc7 multi-terant tuilcling recycling. NDTION L� Councilman Fitz�trick to appr�ve the Recycling Workglan and authorize entering into the Joirit Fbwers Agreem�nt. Semnded L� Councilman Schneider. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, N,ayor Nee declare� the motian carried unanimously. 12. OONSIDERATION OF REI�L OF SERVICE WNCI+�ICP WITH SUPER CYCLE: Mr, Robertson, Cortuntnity Developnent Directcr, stateu� tk;e Environmental Quality Cb�r¢nission and Planning Commission reo�mmended to Co�cil that sta££ negotiate the terms of the oomract with Super C�cle for Ehe term of Januaty 1, 1988 throuc� J�ne 30, 1988, with no more than a 5% ir�crease in rate. He stated Super C�cle has been oonducting a a�st analysis of their cperations and has determined their wsts are much higher than $35 per ton and requested a 738 increase in the monthly Yxzse rate frarr. $1,4DQ to $2.432. � Mx. Robert�on skated staff has met with Super �ycle and ad�ised them the curret�t budget did not allaa for unexpected increase in the rates. He stated Super Cycle advised that if the3 muld possibly enter into a longer -12- � � ' ���'��� •�� � y. ..�,,_ � ,� . term mntract, there may be some offset in their rates, Nlr. Robertson stated staff is recommending Council concur with the Cotranissions' remmmenc'�tion and authorize statf to negotiate thE contract with Super Cycle for Janiaty 1, 1988 through Jtane 30, 1988 with no rnore: than a 5� incrcase in rate. He stated in the event staff is tma67.e to negoti�te another mntract within these rates, the item would be submittea to the Coimcil for direction. Ms. Wicklaez, Planninq Assistarit, stated overall it apFears tormac�e has increased. 5he stated Super (,yc1e is attem�tinq to mak� pereon� more aware of the recycling service. N�yor Ddee asked if there are other firms wY!o could supply this recycling service. Ms, Wicklacz stated as far as she is aware, it is � sole source prograni whic� creates somewhat of a monopoly. She staten a meeting is schedulec� with Anoka �imty to determine if there are ether avenues available. N�yor Nee asked if other ci.ties were experiencing sinilar rate increases. Ms, Wicklacz stated she knows Plymouth and St. L�uis Fark will also be reoeiving rate increases, Mr. Robertson stated staff has requesteci an an�llysis from Super Cyele justifying the rate increase and servioe rewrd. Councilman Billings stated he was under the impression the City was subsidizing Super Cycle because their volune was too Iaa. He �atec, if that was the case, the subsicl� should be laaer as tonnage has incr�sea. He felt a hard look nee2�s to be taken on where this prcgram is headec7 in the f�ture, He state� it seems recycling wi11 be r�uired in future years and if that is the case, will the City mntin� to suFsidize the �xogram. Co�mcilwanan Jorgenson stated the City has a droFroff site and felt xossibly some incer�tives �ould be prwided to enoaurage persons to recycle and pass along the benefits of recycling to the oonsuner rather than to Super Cj�cle. Ms. Wicklacz stated some cities have heen providing incentives with redemptions or FayoPfs at the choiroff sites. She state� FYicl]Ey residents are znw being p�id for some recyclables ak the S.O. R T, droiroff site. 1�DTION b� Coimcilman Billings to authorize staff to r�gotiate terms of the oontract with Super Cycle for January 1, 1988 through Jtme ?0, 1988 with no more than a 5� increase in rate. Semnded 1� Coimcilwanan Jorgenson. ilpon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee dec]�rec the motien carried unanimously. I�yor Nee felt this issue should be addressed at a Cbnference Meeting with information on haa other cities are proceec7i.r�g and their rates, •� _ � • • •_ • « ,I : � � u • r•��_ �� • • • � —13— ' � � • u �• « i�. • ��1 :s _ . . _�n �• Mr, Flora, Public Works Director, state� six bids were received for the reFair of Wells No. 2 and 7 and the laa bic� for Well No. 2 was $20,463.65 and $11,445.27 for Well No, 7. He stateu staff is recommending these low bic� fran hhrk Traut wells be acce�.ted. NDTION try Cauncilman Schneider to receive the follaaing bic� for the reFair of Wells No. 2 and No. 7: BergersoirCaswell 5115 IndustriGl H'�ple Plain, NN Layne N�innesota 3147 California Street r5inneapolis, NN E, H, Idenner 15668 Jarvis Elk River, Md Layne Western P. O. Box 457 Long Lake, NN N�rk Traut Wells 151 72nd Avenue St. Qoud, NN Tot�l Well #2 $31,137.00 $24,744.00 $26,339.00 $25,794.00 $20,463.65 Total Well #7 $14,392.00 $12,455.50 $13.BO.1.00 $11,890.00 $11,445.27 Keys W�.I Drilling 413 N. Lexington St. IBUI., I�N $29,315.00 $II,625.00 Semnded b� Cbtaicilman Fitz�atxick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, N�iyor Nee declared the motion �arried unanimously. I�DTION tr� Coimcilman Schneider to award the oontract for re�aix cf We]ls No. 2 and No. 7 to the laa bidder, Nark Traut Wells in the amoimt of $20,463.65 for Well No, 2 and $11,445.27 for F7e1] I�o. 7. Seconded by Councilman FitzFatrick. IJpon a voice vote, all votir.g aye, N'ay�r Nee declarec the mation catried unanimously. Y �• � Is�__ �•� _y � � /' I • . , - ..y_ I ^, _ _ _ [�DTION b� Cotmcilman Fitz�atrick to acbpt Resolution No. 2-1°88. Seconded b� Co�mcilman Schneicler. Upon a voice vote, al] voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. -14- ����,i � � .� .. �,, � • • •• -�:�� 15. RESOLIfPION N0. 3-198$ AUTHORIZING APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE LEASE A�CREEMENP FOR 'P[� 5.9. R. T. RECYCLING CENPER: NDZ'I�N L� Cotmcilman Billings to acbpt Resalution Ne. 3-1988. Seconded by Coimcilman Schneider. [lpon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor I�ee declarec� the motion carried unanimously. 1. • y� � � �I: •• � �• �.:_: •' �• 11 • I� � � • J� • ti� • • • �.� �.� M � I ��' 4al .. Mr, Hill, Public Safety Director, stated this is the labor ar,reement mvering working condttions, wages and hours of Iblice Officers of the City for the year 1988. He statec the basic changes from 19F37 were a 3.5� incra�se in wages, a$10 increase in insuranoe fran $175 to $]R.5 per month, and a$10 increase in CArporal's Fay from $I10 to $]20 per mcnth. I�DTION b� Co�mcilman EYtz�atrick to acbf* Resnlution No. 4-1988. Seconded kr�r Cnimcilwanan Jorgensan, [I�nn a voice vote, all voting aye, �'ayac Nee c�clared the motion mrriec7 unanimously. 17. RESOLUPION NU. 5-1988 AUTHORIZING INCLUSION OF CERTAIN EMPIAYEES OF THE FRIDLEY FOLICE DEPARTMENP IN TI]E FLEXIBLE BENEFIT PIAN FOR CITY EMPLOYEES• ' Mr. Hill, Public works Directer, stated the fbl�ce Onion has reqaesteci they be included in the fle�cible benefit plan for City anplayees. He statec this resolukion authorizes and includes these emplcyees in the flexible benefit - plan effective September 1, 1988. [�DTION b� Coimcilman Billings to adopt Re:�lution No. 5-1988. Sec�nded by Councilman Fitz�trick, Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayor D7ee declared the motion carried unanimously. , 18. RE9DLUTION NO 6-]98$ DESIGNATING OFFICIAL DEPOSITORIES FOR THE CITY OF FRIDLEY• NDTION L� Cbtmcilman Schneider to acbFt Re�olution No. 6-1988, Seconded by Councilwoman Jorgenson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, N3ayor I�ee declared the motion carried unanimously. � �� • • � • i �� - FDTION 1H Cotmcilman Fitzxattick to acbpt kesolution No. 7-1968. Secor.ded L� Cotncilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor nee declared the motion carried unanimously. Co�ncilman Billings stated he hoped Mr. Ikzly wi11 relay to the Circulation De�rtmerit that it is hoped their circulation problen:� are resolved so alI citizens af FridlEy receive a newsFaper. -1.�i- �����,,.1 �l��y �� � ' 1�.� �1 �� 1�. _ �I�i • _�_� � 20. RESOL[TrION N0. 8-1988 DESIGNATING TIME APID N[JMBER OF CQUNCIL MEETINGS: NDTION L� Cotmcilman Schneider to a�bpt Reeoluti.on Ne. 8-1988. Seconded by Coimcilman FitzFatrick. NDTION l� Coimcilman Schneicier tc amend this resolution be deleting the March 21 meeting and adding a meeting on P9arch 28, 1988. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, I�ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. UFON A VOICE VOTE TAi�N CN aIE I�.IN MDTION, all votec� aye, and Mayor Nee declared the motion �rried unanimously. 21. RESOLUPION N0. 9-1988 IN SUPPORT OF INCREASING FUNDING FOR THE NORTHERN MAYORS' ASSOCIATION: ^ Nhyor Nee statec the Northern Nayors' Association has worked out a glan and wsts in order to achieve transportation g�als anc3 pranote economic grccvth in the rnrthern suburbs. He stated he supports the L�sic �noeFt and asked rir. Robertson, Community Developnent Director, who is a member of the Steering Committee, to reviEw their findiugs. Mr. Robert5on stated the goale of the NortY,ern N7ayc�rs' Association are to pranote t.ransportation improvanents and ec�nomzc develognent in the north ' metro area. He stated in order to acwmpli�h these goals, there needs to l�e a aoordinated effort between 20 cities in the northerri suburban area. He stated Lesides this support and coordination, there needs to be a strong proaess in the State Legislature and State oper�ting ao,encies to not only lobl�, but provide k�ckgroimd information, Mr. Roberts�n stated the East Metro�litan cities have organizeci and raisecl $250,000 for marketing and pranotion in the east metro area. He statecc a southwest group of cities have also orc}�nized and raised funds to lobhy for transp�rYation improvenents in their area. Mr. Robertson stated he felt, in his own ]t,_c3gnEnt, Fric3ey was fortLrnate in that it is lo�ated between Minneapolis anci St. Paul end in � c,00d pcsition to benefit since it is on a mair_ aorricbr. th�yor Nee stated some of the realities is the amoiuzt of higYiway funds going into the mecpmall Fro�ect in Bloanington will drain fimds for sevEral pears. He stated with all the mrthern suburbs oornbirung their efforts, t-here would be greater oFportunities for these suburbs tc benefit in the areas of transportation and emnomic develognent. N�yer Nee state� a farmula for dues has been devised 1� the Northern Nhyars' Association ta�ec on assessed value and Fopulation which he felt was mor]erately reasanable. CoLmcilman Schneic�r asked what ftmcls would be used if the Coimcil wishes to �rooeed with this pro�sal. � N'x. �lureshi, City Manager, stated funds would be takee frcm the re�erves. -16- , , � �_�� � ����. 4��� � .'��..� . �:: NDTION b� Cotmcilman Schneider to adopt Resolution No. 9-1988 with projected dues for FricU.e3 fot 1988 at $7,216 and d�signate funds Ge tsker_ fram the appropriate reserves. Sewnded lay Councilman Fitzp�trick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, N4�yor Nee declared the motion c.arried �manimously. 22. APFOINTMENP5: CITY II4PLOYEES: NDTION Yr� Coimcilman FitzFatrick to wncur with the followiar, appointments t� the City Mar�ger: � L�niel L. McKeen 5499 Iancinark Circle Mo�mdsview, hN 55112 Ro6ert A, Olsan 9921 H�nboldt A�e. Bloanington, NN 55431 Larxy G. 3ohnson 3244 Soott Ave. N Golden Vly. , NN 55422 POSITION iblice Officer EUl ice i�pt. (Fertial exempt) Fblioe Officer S. Fbl ice Dept. (partial ewempt) Fbl ice Off icer l�liae Dept. (partial exempt} STP,RTII3G SI'ARTII� SALARY _ ha,TE_--- REPLA�S 510.32 per hour ($1795 Mo. ) $10.32 per hotar ($1795 N�o. ) $10.32 �et haur ($1795 N�o.) .7anuary 25, ThorrQ 1988 Helaesen January 25, S'te�en 1986 Msller 5anuary 25, Ne,a 1988 Fbsition Secanded b� O��cilman Schneider. LTpon a vaice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Nee c� clared the motion carried unanimously. 7.3. CLAIMS: NDTION LH Coimcilwanan Jorgen�on to authorize �yment of Claims PIa 18132 throuc� 18273. Semnded tx Coimcilman Fitz�atrick. TJpon a voic� vote, all voting aye, NHyor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 24. LICEISSES• NDTION b� Co�mcilman Fitzp�trick to apprc�e the lioenses as sutmitted and as on file in the Lioense Qerk's Offioe, Secx>nded by Councilman Schneicler. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 25. ESTIMATES• I�DTION kt� Coimcilman Fitz�atrick to approve the estimates as suYxnittea: Glenchle O�ntracting, Inc. 3030 Harbor Lane P7.ymouthr tMI 55441 Storm SEwer and Watermain Project No. I69 -17- �Cl�i,�i�d-� �, c �. � ��;,Az,�. y: �� �► r •�1� i� � • �. •� ' FINAL FSTII�4ITE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 17.049.55 Minnesota Valley Ianclscape 9700 W. Sush Lake Rd. Minnespolis, NN 55369 Landscaping, Irrigation & Lic�ting Project No. 16 8 Estimate No. 7 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 37 .17 8. 25 TfQ� 2500 American National Bank Bldg. St. Paul, NN 55101-1893 ReXair of Co�ranons Park Filtration Plant Pro�ect No. 164 Estimate No. 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 2,450.00 Hickok & Associates 545 Indian Moimd wayzata, NN 55391 Moore Lake Restoration Project #149 - Phase II � Partial Estimate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 5,823.85 Seoun�d t� Coimcilman Schneider. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. AA70URNFiENP • NDTION by Councilman Schneider to adjourn trie meeting. .Seconded by Co�ncilmen Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the Reqular Meeting of the EYidle� City Council of January 4, 1988 adjourr�d at 9:43 p.m. Respectfully sukznitted, 11 �/�� , �G� c �-� �z��c;�,•�_ ��1J 1���'�'I Carole Hadci�d Willi� J. �ee Secret�ry to the City Coimcil rlayc,r Appra7ed: ' �